Rack and Pinion Catalog

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The use of specially adapted thread grinding machines gives our rack a highly accurate helicoidal tooth profile which provides two distinct advantages - very good pitch accuracy and sufficient tolerance of meshing conditions (within 0.25). This tooth form exhibits a high tolerance to misalignment when meshing with a straight-cut pinion and is ideal for harsh environments. The way this tolerance is derived will be appreciated from the diagram below. Slight misalignment of the straight tooth pinion, in terms of deviation from a true right-angle between the axis and the rack in either plane, results merely in a change of position of the contact points across the face.

Mesh Geometry // Points of contact Standard pressure angel is 20 25 pressure angle available on request

Features such as high reliability and repeatability ensure that rack and pinion systems are the first choice for linear and angular measurement applications. By butting lengths of rack together, extremely long axes can be measured to the highest accuracy. For further information, please call us at 708/449-5700. RACK ACCURACY GRADES Grade Max. pitch error between any two points per 300 mm of rack Max end to end pitch error up to 300 mm of rack* Adjacent tooth error Pitch Height Variation 5 4 4b 3 2 1

0.005 0.008 0.008 0.015 0.025 0.050

0.004 0.004 0.008 0.008 0.013 0.025 0.0025 0.0025 0.0025 0.005 0.010 0.013 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -0.013 -0.013 -0.013 -0.013 -0.018 -0.025 All dimensions in mm

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

*Applies pro rata to lengths > 300 mm Approximately equivalent to A.G.M.A. grades 9 to 14

System Assemblies

1. Protected Rack Channel & Pinion Shaft Encoder

Typical System Accuracy 0.010 mm

2. Angular Measuring Rack

Typical System Accuracy 4 seconds of arc for 1200 mm diameter

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

3. Actuation Rack
Typical System Accuracy 0.015 mm per 300 mm

Protected Rack Channel

 Usable accuracy - laboratory precision for the shop floor  Calibrated to 0.006mm/2m  Easy installation - individual sections up to 2m (80) - minimum of mounting holes - simple pitch line setting  Sealed against contaminated environments  Unlimited lengths - designed for continuous butting Tests have shown that the bolted fixing of any measuring scale onto a mounting surface introduces distortion. This results in significant measuring errors, particularly for high resolution systems. Rack Channel has been designed such that the neutral axes in bending intersect at the pitch line of the rack. Even if the channel is bent when installed, the calibrated accuracy will be unaffected. This results in significant savings for machinery builders, because mounting surfaces need not be perfectly flat (only 0.003 mm change in accuracy occurs when a 2 m channel is bent by 1 mm). The Neutral Axis Concept

Thermal Matching -- Protected Rack Channel has a coefficient of thermal expansion equal to that of cast iron. Reference Domes at the channel ends are within 0.012 mm of the nominal distance from the pitch line. When placed against a suitable abutment face, butted joint setting is greatly simplified. Repeatability: 0.0015mm bidirectional and 0.0005mm unidirectional repeatability can be expected.

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

Protected Rack Channel

All dimensions in mm unless otherwise noted

Part Number Composition Style Lengths available millimeters 0400. 0600. 0800. 1000. PRC MC 1200. 1400. (metric) 1600. 1800. or 2000 inches URC 0016. 0024. 0032. 0048. IC 0064. (imperial) 0056. 0072. 0080. Type

Dimension T 20.0 20.0 20.0

R Pitch Pressure angle Grade 10M (1mm) G5 26.83 or 20M 20 degree (2mm) standard G4 26.51 25M or 26.28 (2.5mm) G3 G5 10l (1/10) or 20 degree G4 1.053 20l standard or (1/20) G3 1.037

1.00 1.00

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

G5 G4 G3 G1 QUALITY Total Error Band 0.010 0.015 0.030 0.070 for L up to 1000 Total Error Band for L 0.0125 0.020 0.055 0.090 from 1001 to 2000 Max End to End pitch 0.0075 0.012 0.030 0.050 error PITCH Dimension R Dimension W 1mm 26.83 20.0 2mm 26.51 20.0 2.5mm 26.28 20.0 1/20 1.0528 1.0 1/10 1.0370 1.0

All dimensions in inches unless otherwise stated

Pinion Shaft Encoders

BEI MODEL H25E Environmental Characteristics Temp. Range Humidity

(Manufacturers Specifications) Operating Storage

Vibration Shock LIFE Bearing life at recommended meshing force Light source (Ga Al As diodes)

0 to 70 C -25C to 90C up to 98% RH w/o condensation 5-2000 HZ @ 20G 50G for 11 ms 10g revolution 100,000 hrs. min.

CHANNEL OUTPUTS TTL COMPATIBLE Other options available including sinewaves and line drives OPTIONAL COMPLEMENTS

Part Number H25E - SPE H25E - SPM

Pitch 0.050 1 mm

No. of Teeth 20 20

No. of* Cycles 2500 2500

Linear Resolution 0.0001 0.002mm

Max.** Speed 40 in/s 1 m/s

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com


Angular Measuring Rack

All dimensions in mm A unique feature of helicoidal rack is that it provides correct gear action even when mounted on a curved rather than straight surface. Face gears can be constructed by clamping a number of racks around a cylindrical seating. These have a narrow face width and conform elastically to diameters of 570 mm or more. Angular measuring rack occupies a minimum of axial space allowing rotary tables to be designed for greatest stability. All components are serviceable without dismantling the table. ACCURACY The rack circle is made up of either 12 or 24 racks which on assembly are positioned with their midpoints at exact angular locations (30 or 15). Either a high resolution encoder or an optical polygon and autocollimator are suitable references. The major sources of error are the size tolerances of the seating diameter and its eccentricity: a) The angular measuring error due to seating diameter tolerance is:
D D where =Subtended angle (radians), D=Diametral error and D=Seating diameter. As each rack is individually positioned at its midpoint, this error can never accumulate over more than one rack. Hence the maximum point to point error is at : d = = 2 N 2D ND

where N=Number of racks

d =


D arc seconds ND b) The angular measuring error due to seat eccentricity is: d = 1296000 .
P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

e =

2e sin radians D

e = eccentrict y

(TIR 2)

Example: Seating diameter is 1000 mm 0.02 mm. Number of racks is 12. The peak to peak error over one rack is 2.2 arc seconds (1.1 arc seconds, about the midpoint).

Angular Measuring Rack

All dimensions in mm However, because the rack midpoints are correctly positioned, the error does not accumulate from rack to rack: The maximum error occurs on the two racks at 0 and 180. The magnitude of this error is: 4e sin radians peak to peak D N or 825000. e sin arc seconds D N Example: For 12 racks on diameter of 1000 mm and a TIR of 0.02 mm peak to peak error is 2.1 arc seconds (1/05 arc seconds, about mid point). c) Total Accuracy The nature of the above errors is such that there is always one rack for which the errors are additive. Hence the total peak to peak error in the example is 4.3 arc seconds and is confined to one rack. Total accuracy also includes secondary errors due to installation and pinion tolerances. Recommended tolerances for a total accuracy specification of 10 arc seconds are presented in the table below--preferred sizes, all 1 mm pitch:
Rack Clamps Pinion Rack face No. of length width Rack per tooth F grade rack No. L racks 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 24 24 24 24 24 150 180 210 240 270 315 375 420 480 525 330 390 450 525 600 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 20 24 28 32 36 21 25 28 32 35 22 26 30 35 40 Pinion carrier part No. HPC1MX21-20AQ12 HPC1MX21-24AQ12 HPC1MX21-28AQ12 HPC1MX21-32AQ12 HPC1MX21-36AQ12 HPC1MX21-21AQ12 HPC1MX21-25AQ12 HPC1MX21-28AQ12 HPC1MX21-32AQ12 HPC1MX21-35AQ12 HPC1MX21-22AQ12 HPC1MX21-26AQ12 HPC1MX21-30AQ12 HPC1MX21-35AQ12 HPC1MX21-40AQ12 Angle per pinion revolution 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

Seating Diameter diameter tolerance 570.958 685.549 800.141 914.232 1028.824 1200.711 1429.894 1601.782 1830.965 2002.852 2518.514 2976.881 3435.247 4008.204 4581.162 0.050 0.065 0.075 0.090 0.100 0.110 0.130 0.150 0.170 0.180 0.400 0.500 0.600 0.700 0.800

TIR 0.025 0.030 0.040 0.040 0.050 0.060 0.070 0.080 0.090 0.090 0.220 0.280 0.320 0.360 0.400

A wide range of other diameters can be accommodated.

Notes: 1. The minimum seating diameter should not be less than 570.958 mm. 2. The maximum length of rack not to exceed 600 mm in length. 3. Hardened pinion carriers are recommended. Anti-backlash pinions cannot be used with angular measuring rack. Pinion carriers mounted onto flex-plates have found to be the best arrangement. 4. As a general rule, rack lengths below 255 mm should use 3 clamps per rack, 255 mm to 375 mm should use 4 clamps per rack, and rack lengths above 375 mm should use 5 or 6 clamps per rack. 5. Alternative pitches are available on request. Please contact our Technical Sales for further details.

Clamp: A830-279 Material: stainless steel

Angular Measuring Rack

All dimensions in mm MOUNTING SURFACES A cylindrical mounting seat is required to the diameter and tolerances stated. Where very high accuracy is required, we can compensate for small positive diametral errors by grinding the racks thinner by an appropriate amount. Holes must not be drilled in the racks as this would prevent them from exactly conforming to the seat diameter. The clamp fixing holes should be positioned such that when the table is at its datum (zero) position, the pinion will mesh at the midpoint of one of the racks. ADJUSTMENT Access must be provided for a wedge or drift to be used in the gap between racks to nudge them into position. Procedure: i) Fully tighten clamps on datum rack only. All other racks should be held in position with only moderate pressure. ii) Set reference zero at datum position of table and zero the display. iii) Move to 30 or 15 on the display. iv) Read error from reference. v) Nudge rack until display reading agrees with reference. Tighten clamps. Repeat for all racks. Dimension Part Number Grade
P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com


Rack Pitch 1mm 1mm

R71X R81X

Grades 3 and 4

Stainless Steel 416S21 9.629 2.00 Hardened to 35-40 9.629 2.50 Rc

NOTE: Installation can be made easier by inverting the table.

Where N=Number of clamps (from table).

Pinion Carriers
All dimensions in mm

Standard Quality AQ12. Higher qualities available on request. Hardened pinion carriers are available. Maximum radial loading on pinion is 100N.

Part Number Anti-backlash

Part Number Plain Circular Pitch Min

Number of Teeth Max Preferred Size

A/B APC1MX20APC2MX20APC25MX20APC31X20APC62X20PC1MX21PC2MX21PC25MX21PC31X21PC62X211mm 2mm 2.5mm 1/10 1/20 46 25 20 20 37

Plain 20 10 10 10 20 85 40 32 32 65

Plain 20 10. 25 10. 20 10. 20 20

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A.


Pinion and Bearings Housing

-Stainless Steel -Aluminum

Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

Flex-plate Assemblies
All dimensions in mm DIMn. FP21 A B C D E F G H K FP10

For transducers up to 67 mm diameter, use FP21 For transducers larger than 67 mm diameter or pinion carriers user FP10

76.2 111.1 38.10 69.85 19.0 20.6 82.4 101.6 71.35 79.38 38.1 50.8 5.54 11.11 17.5 24.6 5.5 7.1

Adaptor Plates
These adaptor plates mount transducers onto a Flex-plate where a Pinion Carrier is not used.

Eg. - a pinion shaft encoder

Screws & Clamps supplied Material: Aluminum Alloy

Transducer type
P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com

Adaptor Plate Part Number B830-312-1

BEI Encoder H25E BEI Encoder H25G

Blank for customer to finish

A B 31.763 31.820 63.5

C 4.75

Units mm

69.85 69.85 34.92

7 8 3 4


2.5005 2.5020 2.687 .375 17.50 ---



69.85 69.85



All dimensions in mm

By sprig loading the pinion into mesh on both flanks of the teeth, complete backlash elimination is achieved. The flex-plate is shown in the diagram above. The pivot plate is free of play and rigid in the measuring direction, ensuring maximum repeatability. The spring force adjuster is set on installation to overcome the weight of the transducer and the effect of electrical cable stiffness. Net meshing force is between 300 and 600 grams. As with an anti-backlash pinion, there can be a temporary lag due to high accelerations. However, the adjustable stop screw limits pinion liftout so that position is not lost. For example: with a 300 gram mesh force, a 20 mm per revolution pinion and typical 60 mm diameter encoder, pinion lift-out does not occur at less than 1 g acceleration. Compared with anti-backlash pinions the flex-plate has several advantages: It utilizes the full face of the rack. It does not introduce errors due to the rise and the fall of the pitch line. It has a greater range of movement.

Plain pinions on fixed mountings give acceptable levels of backlash for many low accuracy, low resolution (0.1 mm or greater) systems. LIFE Unless very hard pinions are used, the wear is predominantly on the pinion and rack life is indefinite. With lubricated meshes (on a machine tool stray cutting oil or lubricant is sufficient) no measurable wear occurs in a correctly installed system.

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com


Inch Ground Rack-- R8, R10

General Purpose

All dimensions in inches

Part Number R8A R8B Grades 1 to 4

Pitch 1/10

P 0.4480

No. of Holes 6


12 1/20 0.4639

Stainless Steel 416S21 Hardened to 35-40 Rc

R10A R10B

Grades 1 to 4

1/10 24 1/20

0.4480 12 0.4639

P.O. Box 858 5143 Electric Ave. Hillside, IL 60162-858 U.S.A. Phone: 708/449-5700 800/992-2777 Fax: 708/449-5703 http: //www.schlenkent.com e-mail: schlenkent@aol.com


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