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Anti Obama

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First, this-a.m.

, as Guzzardi was taking-off for New Orleans for the RedState Gathering [which we attended with my son, two years ago, when Rick Perry announced for POTUS], he claimed I may be excessively data-driven; after he landed, I received a half-dozen hyperlinks to articles relevant to our conversation. Furthermore, during a late-nite chat, a close family member [my severest political critic] advised that insufficient documentation had been accrued regarding the need for the GOP to embrace libertarianism; examples were provided [that appear to amplify what had independently been noted] and have been integrated herein. Finally, this-p.m., a leftie-Jew with whom Ive been friendly for 1/3century queried [harkening back to an e-mail remitted prior to his trip to Sweden]:
Dont you think arguing whether or not Israels fate would become highly problematic (in giant ugly red letters) is pretty silly? Seems like the most unlikely scenario that the world stage would allow. But if you think it will, then you should maybe do something about it instead of just talking. And, its highly doubtful Iran would drop the bomb on Israel and kill millions of its own with the fallout. I note you did not respond to my more central question regarding Israels exis tence as a nation so what if it doesnt?

Working backwards, in answer to this challenge that this avid-Zionist do something, he was sent a monograph written a half-decade ago (for an academic course @ Gratz College) entitled Israel is Kosher! [for which, yesterday, a rabbinic co-author (gratefully) emerged]. In answer to this challenge that this TEA [taxed enough already] Party Movement adherent probe GOP-philosophy, the current tug-of-war among potential POTUS-16 candidates is conceptualized. In answer to this challenge that this blogger walk the talk on as many fronts as emerge, preparation of these blasts [which are now disseminated to 100s of people, accrued only during the past three weeks] will remain prioritized, particularly when seemingly-vital pursuits are IDed that remain apparently unsatisfied by others.

Anti-Semitism & Anti-Zionism Anti-Semitism. Perhaps in recognition of the need to ensure this ongoing source of worriment hasnt been lost amidst focus on BHOs antics, it should be recognized that the JAPANESE FINANCE MINISTER IS UNDER FIRE FOR NAZI COMMENT. Already blasted but [per Guzzardis advice] worth re-citing is DIRTY HOLLYWOOD'S DARK NAZI PAST, in light of emergence of documentation of corporate-americas affection for the fuhrer and provision of catch-22-type information that the us-is-in-limbo-due-toinability-to-deport-a-nazi. Comment. That this phenomenon is alive/well may explain why, despite the fact that 'Iran has not stopped its uranium laser enrichment activities' and economic sanctions have failed miserably [as the house passes another meaningless sanctions bill], BHO continues to ignore the fact that theres-no-more-time-to-waste-on-iran. After extensive review of information flowing from Eretz Yisrael, it seems clearsadlythat BHO did not provide Bibi any reassurance that this existential challenge will be tackled, and this appears to validate prior documentation that BHO bullied Bibiperhaps via the UN-gambit cited in yesterdays blastand thereby threatened his ongoing leadership position, as Clinton had done ~15 years ago [secondary-gain,

one might say]. Thats why these Five Flaws of Kerry's Peace Process [reminiscent of the Gaza debacle] ring true, notwithstanding the claim that Israelis must make painful-concessions [according to americanjews] despite reality. For reasons personally-documented during the past decade, a key-culprit regarding the failure of Camp David II is the author of another one of those think-pieces from thinktanks [peace-talks-resume], Leftie Dennis Ross [whom I met @ Rodeph Shalom and confronted publicly @ Cheltenham High School]; these people [particularly noting his being Jewish] are dangerous appeasers, in search of the elusive Nobel Prize, who forget that Progressive Ideals are no Substitute for Jewish Values. [Rumor has it that BHOs worldwide warmongeringvia drones, etc.has prompted the Nobel Peace Prize Committee to ponder whether their pre-emptive award of 2009 to the Bush-43 successor should be rescinded.] Anti-Zionism. Recognized as a facilitator is Jimmy Carter, who transmutes anti-Semitism into antiZionism, despite awareness that BHO/Kerry are advocating for the Wolf in Sheep's Clothing [Mahmoud Abbas] and that hamas-cant-be-wished-away-in-gaza; they all repeatedly manifest muslim-anger-andoutrage-over-jewish-history. This is why the stated-intent to create a Judenrein Palestinian State [silently stomached by BHO/Kerry]as noted in multiple prior blastsidentifies this posture as the real obstacle to peace between Palestinians and Israelis. {Reflecting the level of vigilance Israel must maintain regarding all religious-zealots, a member-of-anti-zionist-hasidic-sect-was-accused-of-spyingfor-iran.}

BHOs Scandal-Sheet Overview. Even as the noose tightens around multiple concerns [vide infra], presser-Carney claimed BHO considers Benghazi and IRS to exemplify phony scandals. It was sorta disclosed that feds-sayits-classified-info-to-say-who-were-war-with, as if BHO would have to kill anyone he might have told whom he had IDed as the enemy thereby prompting conspiracy-freaks [and others] to wonder what has been redacted. Without appearing promote birther-ism, it was recommended that it would perhaps be desirable [in addition to noting that BHO had apparently been accused of sexual harassment at Harvard Law School] to be reminded of this model of past intrigue that cannot be ignored a halfcentury hence: Intrigue. Operation Northwoods was a series of false flag proposals that originated within the United States government in 1962, but were rejected by the Kennedy administration.[2] The proposals called for the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA), or other operatives, to commit perceived acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.[3] Benghazi. As Congressman wolf-continued to issue benghazi-questions-of-the-day, it was established [particularly after mega-escapes of hard-core Islamists from Iraq/Afghanistan/Libya] that, 11 MOS. LATER, BENGHAZI ATTACK GROUP IS EXPANDING IN LIBYA. This may be explained by the claim that the govt-knows-where-benghazi-suspects-are-but-isnt-doing-a-damn-thing-about-it and, in turn, would explain how CNN SCOOPED THE FBI WITH BENGHAZI SUSPECT 'GET.' Meanwhile, BHO still wont reveal-

where-he-was-during-benghazi-attack, and it appears that the first September hearing will focus on what the FBI will or will not have learned by that time. NSA. As Snowden was granted amnesty in Russia, it was revealed that the NSA's 'XKeyscore' sweeps up e-mails, social media, and browsing history and how-this-program-works was disclosed [as was noted in yesterdays blast], as the SPY AGENCY CHIEF WAS HECKLED AT A BLACK HAT HACKER CONVENTION as he pled for support, claiming 'You're the greatest tech talent in world; help us.' Corporate collaborators also emerged, such as NETFLIX [which ROLLED-OUT NEW TOOL TO PROFILE VIEWERS] and TWITTER [which revealed that Gov't info requests were on rise]. Perhaps reflecting anxiety, OBAMA MET WITH LAWMAKERS ON NSA SURVEILLANCE, as Greenwald-properly claimed-James-Clapper-should-beprosecuted-instead-of-remaining-in-his-job. IRS. Issa-threatened irs-boss-werfel-with-5-years-prison due to obstructionism, and the irs-was-told-toexplain-ongoing-harassment. The overall concernthat Americans cant-trust-the-irs-to-enforceObamaCareis increasingly being invoked during defunding-debates [vide infra]. {Regarding ObamaCare, as BHO spins health insurance rebates and promises-subsidies-to-congress, georgia-soughtdelay-of-exchanges-citing-198%-increase-in-rates.} In any case, with the IRS aloft, liberals-learned-fromcitizens-united-campaign-finance reform that speech-freedom must be honored.

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