Principles of Programming Languages: Syntax Analysis

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Principles of Programming Languages

Syntax Analysis

 Grammar
– Context-free grammar
– Derivation and Derivation Tree
 Grammar for Arithmetic Expression
– Operation precedence and associativity
 Syntax Analysis
 Ambiguity in Grammar
 Parser Construction
The Big Picture Again

Scanner Parser Opt1 Opt2 ... Optn

Instruction Register Instruction code
Selection Allocation Scheduling

Syntax and Grammar

 Syntax (programming language sense):

– Define structure of a program
– Not reflect the meaning (semantic) of the program
 Grammar:
– Rule-based formalism to specify a language
Context-Free Grammar (CFG)

 A kind of grammar
 Not as complex as context-sensitive and
phase-structure grammar
 More powerful than regular grammar
Formal Definition of CFG

• G = (VN ,VT,S, P)
• VN: finite set of nonterminal symbols
VT: finite set of tokens (VTVN=)
SVN: start symbol
P: finite set of rules (or productions) of
BNF (Backus – Naur Form) form A
(a)* where A  VN, a(VTVN)
Example 1

 G = ({exp,op,exp},{+,-,*,/,id})
 exp  exp op exp
 exp  id
 op  +|-|*|/

•  = uXv derives  = uv if X->  is a production

Notation:    (directly derive)
 *  (  ...   |  = )
 + 
Derivations: S +  where  consists of tokens only.
Sentential form: S +    is a sentential form
Sentence: S *  is a derivation   is a sentence
Language: set of all sentences possibly derived
Example 1

 exp  exp op exp  exp op id  id op id

 id + id
 exp  exp op exp  id op exp  id + exp
 id + id
 exp  exp op exp  exp op exp op exp 
id op exp op exp  id + exp op exp  id +
exp * exp  id + id * exp  id + id * id
Example 3

 exp  exp op exp  id op exp  id + exp

 id + id
 exp  exp op exp  exp op id  exp + id
 id + id
Derivations as Trees

 Internally, in the parser, derivations are implemented as trees

 A convenient and natural way to represent a sequence of
derivations is a syntactic tree or parse tree
 Example:

Expr Expr

Number Identifier

34 ax
Example 4

 exp

Example 4

 exp  exp op exp


exp op exp
Example 4

exp  exp op exp  id op exp


exp op exp

Example 4

 exp  exp op exp  id op exp  id + exp


exp op exp

id +
Example 4

 exp  exp op exp  id op exp  id + exp

 id + id

exp op exp

id + id
Classic Expression Grammar

exp  exp + term | exp – term | term

term  term * factor | term /factor |factor
factor  ( exp ) | ID | INT

why is this classic expression grammar better

than the previously used one?
Operation Precedence


exp op exp

id + exp op exp

id * id
Operation Precedence


exp op exp

exp op exp * id

id + id
Operation Precedence


exp + term

term term * factor

factor factor id

id id
Operation Precedence

 (id+id) *id exp


term * factor

factor id

( exp )
Operator Associativity


exp op exp

exp op exp + id

id + id
Operator Associativity


exp op exp

id + exp op exp

id + id
Operator Associativity

exp + term

exp + term

term factor

factor id

Precedence and Associativity

 When properly written, a grammar can

enforce operator precedence and
associativity as desired
Hands-on Excersice

 Rewrite the grammar to fulfill the following

– operator “*” takes lower precedence than “+”
– operator “-” is right-associativity
Syntactic Analysis

 Lexical Analysis was about ensuring that we extract

a set of valid words (i.e., tokens/lexemes) from the
source code
 But nothing says that the words make a coherent
sentence (i.e., program)
Syntactic Analysis

 Example:
– “for while i == == == 12 + for ( abcd)”
– Lexer will produce a stream of tokens:
– But clearly we do not have a valid program
– This program is lexically correct, but syntactically
A Grammar for Expressions

Expr  Expr Op Expr

Expr  Number | Identifier
Identifier  Letter | Letter Identifier
Letter  a-z
Op  “+” | “-” | “*” | “/”
Number  Digit Number | Digit
Digit 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
What is Parsing?

 What we just saw is the process of, starting with the start
symbol and, through a sequence of rule derivation obtain a
string of terminal symbols
– We could generate all correct programs (infinite set though)

 Parsing: the other way around

– Give a string of non-terminals, the process of discovering a
sequence of rule derivations that produce this particular
What is parsing

 When we say we can’t parse a string, we mean

that we can’t find any legal way in which the string
can be obtained from the start symbol through
 What we want to build is a parser: a program that
takes in a string of tokens (terminal symbols) and
discovers a derivation sequence, thus validating
that the input is a syntactically correct program

 We call a grammar ambiguous if a string of

terminal symbols can be reached by two
different derivation sequences
 In other terms, a string can have more than
one parse tree
 It turns out that our expression grammar is
 Let’s show that string 3*5+8 has two parse

Expr Expr

Expr Op Expr Expr Op Expr

Expr Op Expr + 8 3 * Expr Op Expr

3 * 5 5 + 8

“left parse-tree” “right parse-tree”

Problems with Ambiguity

 The problem is that the syntax impacts meaning (for the later
stages of the compiler)
 For our example string, we’d like to see the left tree because
we most likely want * to have a higher precedence than +
 We don’t like ambiguity because it makes the parsers difficult to
design because we don’t know which parse tree will be
discovered when there are multiple possibilities
 So we often want to disambiguate grammars
Problems with Ambiguity

 It turns out that it is possible to modify grammars to make them

– by adding non-terminals
– by adding/rewriting production rules
 In the case of our expression grammar, we can rewrite the
grammar to remove ambiguity and to ensure that parse trees
match our notion of operator precedence
– We get two benefits for the price of one
– Would work for many operators and many precedence relations
Non-Ambiguous Grammar
Expr  Term | Expr + Term | Expr - Term
Term  Term * Factor
| Term / Factor Expr
| Factor
Factor  Number | Identifier Expr - Term

Example: 4*5+3-8*9 Expr + Term Factor

Term Factor Term * Factor

Term * Factor Number Factor Number

Factor Number
Number 3 9

Number 8

Non-Ambiguous Grammar
Expr  Term | Expr + Term | Expr - Term
Term  Term * Factor
| Term / Factor Expr
| Factor
Factor  Number | Identifier Expr - Term

Example: 4*5+3-8*9 Expr + Term Factor

Term Factor Term * Factor

Term * Factor Number Factor Number

Factor Number
Number 3 9

Number 8

In-class Exercise

 Consider the CFG:

S  (L) | a
L  L,S|S

Draw parse trees for:

(a, a)
(a, ((a, a), (a, a)))
In-class Exercise

 Consider the CFG:
S  (L) |
( L )
L  L,S|S L , S

S a
Draw parse trees for:
(a, a) a
(a, ((a, a), (a, a)))

( L )
In-class Exercise
L , S

 Consider the CFG: S ( L )

S  (L) | a S
L ,
L  L,S|S S ( L )

( L ) L , S
Draw parse trees for: S a
L , S
(a, a)
S a a
(a, ((a, a), (a, a)))
In-class Exercise

 Write a CFG grammar for the language of

well-formed parenthesized expressions
– (), (()), ()(), (()()), etc.: OK
– ()), )(, ((()), (((, etc.: not OK
In-class Exercise

 Write a CFG grammar for the language of

well-formed parenthesized expressions
– (), (()), ()(), (()()), etc.: OK
– ()), )(, ((()), (((, etc.: not OK

P  () | PP | (P)
In-class Exercise

 Is the following grammar ambiguous?

A  A “and” A | “not” A | “0” | “1”

In-class Exercise

 Is the following grammar ambiguous?

A  A A “and” A | not A | 0 | 1 A

not A A and A

A and A not A 1

0 1 0
Another Example Grammar

ForStatement  for “(“ StmtCommaList “;”

ExprCommaList “;” StmtCommaList ”)” “{“
StmtSemicList “}”
StmtCommaList   | Stmt | Stmt “,” StmtCommaList
ExprCommaList   | Expr | Expr “,” ExprCommaList
StmtSemicList   | Stmt | Stmt “;” StmtSemicList
Expr  . . .
Stmt  . . .
Full Language Grammar Sketch

Program  VarDeclList FuncDeclList

VarDeclList   | VarDecl | VarDecl VarDeclList
VarDecl  Type IdentCommaList “;”
IdentCommaList  Ident | Ident “,” IdentCommaList
Type  int | char | float
FuncDeclList   | FuncDecl | FuncDecl FuncDeclList
FuncDecl  Type Ident “(“ ArgList “)” “{“ VarDeclList StmtList
StmtList   | Stmt | Stmt StmtList
Stmt  Ident “=“ Expr “;” | ForStatement | ...
Expr  ...
Ident  ...
Real-world CFGs

 Some sample grammars found on the Web

– LISP: 7 rules
– PROLOG: 19 rules
– Java: 30 rules
– C: 60 rules
– Ada: 280 rules
So What Now?

 We want to write a compiler for a given language

 We come up with a definition of the tokens embodied
in regular expressions
 We build a lexer (see previous lecture)
 We come up with a definition of the syntax embodied
in a context-free grammar
– not ambiguous
– enforces relevant operator precedences and associativity
 Question: How do we build a parser?
How do we build a Parser?

 This question could keep us busy for 1/2 semester in

a full-fledge compiler course
 So we’re just going to see a very high-level view of
– If you go to graduate school you’ll most likely have an in-
depth compiler course with all the details
How do we build a Parser?

 There are two approaches for parsing:

– Top-Down: Start with the start symbol and try to expand it
using derivation rules until you get the input source code
– Bottom-Up: Start with the input source code, consume
symbols, and infer which rules could be used
 Note: this does not work for all CFGs
– CFGs much have some properties to be parsable with our
beloved parsing algorithms
Writing Parsers?

 Nowadays one doesn’t really write parsers from scratch, but

one uses a parser generator (Yacc is a famous one)

token stream parse tree

compile time
compiler design time
specification Parser

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