Bhakti Ratnakara Excerpts-1

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Bhakti Ratnkara :

The Ocean Of Devotion

1. Santana Gosvm and the girls' braids ...................................................................... 1 2. Ganthul Grma and Gull Kua.............................................................................. 2 3. Kokilavana..................................................................................................................... 3 4. Ajanaka ....................................................................................................................... 4 5. Umro ........................................................................................................................... 4 6. Nar Semar................................................................................................................... 6 7. Pvana Sarovara............................................................................................................ 7 8. Caraa Phi............................................................................................................... 9 9. Vndvana's Cra Gha ............................................................................................... 9 10.rla Rpa Gosvm's vision in Vndvana............................................................... 10 11.rla Narottama Dsa Thkura's Mental service at Rdhkua. .......................... 11 12.rla Santana Gosvm's love for the people of Vraja. ........................................... 12 13.rla Raghuntha Dsa Gosvm and the tigers. ..................................................... 12 14.Gopvara Mahdeva in Vndvana.......................................................................... 13 15.Bhravana. ........................................................................................................... 13 16.Hroyla..................................................................................................................... 14 17.uka-rik Pralpa................................................................................................... 15 18.rla Raghuntha dsa Gosvm reads Lalita Mdhava........................................... 16 19.M Jhnav's stay at Rdhkua............................................................................ 16

1. SANTANA GOSVM AND THE GIRLS' BRAIDS (Fifth Wave, verses 754 - 764)
ahe rnivsa ei vkera talya; hoilo ye raga th kohiye tomya eka dina santana govardhana hoite; eth il rpa raghunthera dekhite "O rnivsa!", Rghava Paita told rnivscrya, "I will tell you what pastime took place at the base of this tree! One day Santana Gosvm came here (to

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

Rdhkua) from Govardhana to see r Rpa and r Raghuntha Dsa Gosvm!" (754-5) r rpa gosvm padya koroye racan; vera upam dilo vylgan phan santana gosvm dekhiy kichu koy; dil e upam - ih hoy v n hoy "r Rpa Gosvm had written a verse in which he compared rmat Rdhrn's braid with the hoods of a female snake. Seeing this verse, Santana Gosvm said: "I don't know if this is a good comparison or not!" (756-7) eto kohi' siy nmil kuajale; dekhaye - blikgaa khele vkatale blik mastake ve phete loya; santana dekhe - sarpa-bhrama hoilo ty blikgaa prati kohe ati vyaghra hoiy; mthya cahaye sarpa phadea diy abodha blikgana ho svadhna!; eto kohi nivrite koril payna "Saying this, he went down to the lake and saw (reflected) in the water that some girls were playing under a tree. When Santana Gosvm saw the braids of these girls, that hung down their backs, he mistook them for snakes. Very anxiously he told the girls: "O stupid girls! Be careful! Snakes are crawling up your backs!", and ran up to them to stop these snakes. Seeing that Santana Gosvm was very upset, the girls giggled and disappeared!" (758-62) santana atiaya vykula dekhiy; antardhna hoil sobe at hsiy santana vihvala hoil ekhne; sthira hoiy gel rpa gosvmra sthne rpe kohe - ye likhil sei satya hoy; r rpa jnile santanera hdoy "Here (on the eastern bank of Rdhkua) Santana Gosvm became overwhelmed. After calming down he went to r Rpa Gosvm and said: "What you wrote (about the snake) was true!" r Rpa understood what was on Santana's mind (and that he had understood the purport of the verses)." (763-764)


The village of Gnthuli lies 3 km. west of the town of Govardhana. Here r Caitanya Mahprabhu saw the Gopla-deity (see Caitanya Caritmta Madhya-ll chapter 18) aiche parikram kori govardhana diy; gelena gnthuli grme ullasita hoiy rghava paita rnivsa prati koy; kohiye gthuli grma nma yaiche hoy eth holi kheli dohe boise sihsane; sakh duhun vastre gnthi dil sagopane sihsana hoite dohe uhil yokhon; dekhaye bosoye gnthi hse sakh-gaa hoilo kautuka ati dohe lajj pil; phguya loiy keho gnthi khuli dil e hetu gthuli - e gull kua jale; ebe phgu dekhe loka vasantera kle 2

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

They blissfully proceeded on the parikram of Govardhana Hill until they reached the village of Gnthul. Here Rghava Paita explained to rnivsa why the village was named Gnthul. He said: "During the Holi pastimes, Rdh and Ka sat down on Their throne here and the sakhs secretly went up to Them from behind to tie up Their clothes. Then they sat down and laughed when the Divine Couple wanted to get up and dance, but were unable to separate because of the knot. Rdh and Ka became very shy then and one of the sakhs loosened the knot and threw some coloured powder at Them. That is why this village is named Gnthul (the word is derived from the Sanskrit word grantha, which means knot). Even now every spring season people can see that the lake near this village, named Gull kua (gull is a colored substance used for celebrating Holi) is filled with colour!"

Kokilavana lies on the left side of the road, halfway between Nandagrma and Kosi, and can only be reached on foot. ka mah kautuki paramnandamoy; kokila saubhgya hetu se abde miloy yvatera pacime e vana manohara; laka laka kokila kuhare nirantara eka dina ka ei vanete siy; kokila sada abda kore hara hoiy sakala kokila hoite abda sumadhura; ye une breka tra dhairya yya dra "In great bliss and to the great fortune of the cuckoos Ka sang here just like a cuckoo! This beautiful forest lies west of Yvata (where Rdhr lives with Her inlaws) and hundreds and thousands of cuckoos always sing there very beautifully. One day Ka came to this forest and sang there as beautiful as a cuckoo. The patience of anyone who heard His sweet song even once would go far away." (1160-1163) jatil kohoye vikhre priya-v; kokilera abda aiche kabhu nhi uni vikh kohoye - ei mo sabhra mane; yadi koho e kokile dekhi giy vane "With a pleasant voice Jail, r Rdhik's mother-in-law, told Vikh: "I've never heard such sweet singing of the cuckoos!" Vikh said: "That's also what we think! If you will allow us, we will go into the forest to see this cuckoo!" (1164-1165) vddh kohe yo uni ullsa aea; ri - sakh saha vane koril pravea hoilo mah kautuka sukhera sm ni; sakalei siy milil eka hi kokilera abde ka mile rdhikre; ei hetu kokilavana kohoye ihre

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"Old Jatil said: "Allright, go!" Hearing this, Ri and Her sakhs entered that forest in boundless bliss. In this way Ka managed to meet r Rdhik by singing like a cuckoo and that is why this forest is named Kokila-vana." (1166-1168)

This village lies two miles south of Khadirvana and is sometimes mentioned as being the birthplace of Indulekh-sakh. ahe rnivsa dekho ajanaka grma; eth rdh-kera vilsa anupama r rdhik nija vea koroye nirjane; hoil bhita nn ratndi bhae vea bandhandi kori ajana porite, akasmt va-dhvani pravee karete sei kae r rdhik sakh-gaa sage; eth si ka mililen mah rage "Ohe rnivsa! Behold this village of Ajanaka! Here Rdh and Ka had a great pastime! Once r Rdhik privately dressed and ornamented Herself here with different jewels. When She applied Her own eyeliner the sound of Ka's flute suddenly entered Her ear, so She ran to this place with Her girlfriends and very blissfully met Ka there." (1169-1172) gusari ni ka vihvala hoil; vnd viracita pupsane bosil dekhe aga sobh - netre n dekhe ajana; jijsite vttnta kohila sakhgaa rasera vee ka ajana loiy; dilen rdhik netre mah hara hoiy ajanera chale nn parihsa koilo; e hetu e sthna nma ajanaka hoilo "Ka ecstatically seated Rdhik on a seat of flowers arranged by Vnd, but when He beheld Her bodily beauty He saw that She had no mascara on Her eyes. He asked the sakhs what was the matter and then took some mascara and applied it to Rdhik's eyes in loving ecstasy. Because there was so much fun here about eyeliner (ajana) this place is named Ajanaka." (1173-1176)

Umro lies closest to Cht, a bigger town in the center of Vraja Maala. chatravane ka rj kori sakhgaa; rj j bole kore sarvatra sana madhumagaldi sabe pragalbha vacane; kera dohi diy phire vane vane mahrja chatrapati nandera kumra; tra e rjyete ni anya adhikra yadi keho pupa cayanete eth ise; tabe daa dibo tare loiy rj pe

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"In Chatravana Ka declared Himself king of Vraja, and His friends went out on His order to control the kingdom. Headed by Madhumagala, they went from forest to forest, boldly declaring Ka the King of Vraja. They said: "Ka, the son of Nanda Mahrja, is the king, and no-one else but He is in power here! If anyone comes here to pick flowers, we will take that person before the king to be punished!" (1220-1223) lalitdi sakh krodhe kohe bra br; rdhikra rjye ke koroye adhikra aiche koto kohi lalitdi sakhgaa; rdhikra umro koil seikaa umro yogya sihsane bosi ri; sakhgaa prati kohe caturdike ci more rjye adhikra kore yi jana; parbhava kori tre no eikaa "But Lalit and her friends were angry and asked again and again: "Who wants to have any power in Rdhik's kingdom?" Thus they established Rdhik's kingdom, by seating Her on a suitable throne and faithfully surrounding Her. r Rdhik ordered: "Defeat anyone who wants to control My kingdom and bring Him here!" (1224-1227) uni sajj hoiy cole yuddha koribre; vnd vinirmita pupa-yai loiya kare sahasra sahasra sakh cole cri bhite; subaldi sakh th dekhe dra hoite r madhumagala n kohiya plilo; kon sakh giy madhumagala dharilo pupaml diy hasta bandhana koril; umro pe ghra loiy il "Hearing this, the sakhs dressed themselves and set out for battle, carrying a flower-scepter made by Vnd with them. Thousands and thousands of sakhs scattered in all four directions and Subala and other cowboys saw them coming from a distance. r Madhumagala fled without saying anything, but one sakh caught him, bound his hands with a flowergarland and quickly brought him before empress Rdh." dekhi' madhumagala kohoye bra br; kro rjye koro khra adhikra tom sab saha daa dibo se rjre; yeno yaiche karma ro kabhu nhi kore uni' madhu kohoye koriya mua heta; aiche daa koro yte bhare mora pea umro kohe - e perthi brhmae; chi deho yuk rjra sannidhne "Seeing Madhumangala, empress Rdhik said: "Which king's order carrier are you? I will punish you and all of your companions so that you will never be so bold again!" Hearing this, Madhumagala lowered his head and said: "Punish me in such a way that my belly will become full!" The empress said: "Let this brhmaa, who is only interested in his belly, go back to his Lord!" (1232-1235) sakhgaa dil madhumagale chiy; bandhana sahita madhu colilo dhiy mah darpe rj bosi' rja sihsane; madhumagalere kohe - aiche da kene 5

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

vimara hoiy madhu kohe bra br; tomra korinu rj ei phala tra teho umro - tra pratpa apra; tumi ki koribe tra rjye adhikra "So the sakhs let Madhumagala go. He ran away with his hands still bound. When king Ka, who very proudly sat on His throne, saw Madhumagala, He asked him: "How did you end up in this condition?" Madhumagala morosely replied: "You see, this is the result of my trying to maintain Your kingdom! The power of that empress is unlimited! How can You ever usurp Her empire?" (1236-1239) ye kandarpa jagatera dhairya-dhana hare; se kandarpa kampe tra netra-bhag dvre thte mnaho tumi mra vacana; nijga samarpi leho thra araa ka kohe - madhu ye kohil sarvopari; tomre bandhilo duka sahite na pri madhu kohe - tomra magala mtra ci; apamna hoile-o kono duka ni "That Cupid, who destroys the patience of everyone in this world, himself shivers when She even blinks with Her eyes, so heed my words and take shelter of Her, offering Your own body to Her!" Ka said: "Madhu, what you say is the best advice! I cannot tolerate to see you suffer in this bondage!" Madhumangala said: "I only desire Your welfare! Although I was dishonoured I don't feel any misery!" (1240-1243) eto kohi ka hasta kori karaa; rdhikra nikae ise sei kaa prantha gamana dekhiy sukhe ri; hoilen adhairya - lajj sm ni umro vea ri ghucite cy; sakh kohe - ei vee rahibe ethy rdhikra aiche vea ka' dekhi dre; hoilo asthira dhairya dharite na pre "Saying this, Madhumagala took Ka by the hand and brought Him at once to r Rdhik. Seeing the Lord of Her Heart coming, r Rdhik was very happy and She became impatient. There was no limit to Her bashfulness and She wanted to give up Her royal dress, but Her sakhs told Her: "This dress will stay here (You will have to wear it still!)!" Seeing Rdhik's dress from a distance, Ka could not remain calm." (1244-1247) ka ce dekhi madhu ullsa hiyya; rdhik sampe ke nilo tvarya rdhik daksina pe ke bosilo; ka vme ri ki adbhuta obh hoilo rdhikra prati madhu kohe bra br; ebe ka loho rjye koro adhikra ka ye diben eka ligana ratna; se tomra bheta - t loibe kori yatne "Madhumagala was very happy at heart when He saw Ka's condition and He quickly brought Him before Rdhik, seating Him on Her right side. How beautiful Rdhik looked, sitting on Ka's left! Again and again Madhumagala told Rdhik: 6

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"Now take Ka (as Your husband) and rule Your empire! The prize You will get for that is His jewel-like embrace! Accept that prize carefully!" (1248-1251) uni madhu vacana lalit hsi sukhe; dilena modaka madhumagalera mukhe madhu kohe koil doa bndhil mya; aiche laka lau bhujile doa yya eto kohi bhagi kori' modaka bhujaye; sakh suveita duhe obh nirkaye modaka bhujiy ati sumadhura bhse; bahu krya che - boli coloye ullse "Hearing Madhumagala's words, Lalit blissfully laughed and put a sweetmeat in his mouth. Madhumagala said: "You have offended me, but you will be forgiven if you give me a hundred thousand laus like that!" Saying that, he made many gestures and ate the sweets, while gazing at the beauty of Rdh and Ka being surrounded by Their sakhs. While enjoying the sweets, he sweetly said: "I have a lot of things to do!" and blissfully went off. umro, rj - donhe nikuja bhavane; koril pravea ati ullasita mane surata samare dohe rama yukta hoil; vividha kautuke sakh rama dra koil ahe rnivsa raga kohite ki ra; umro grma nma e hetu ihra "Then the emperor and the empress joyfully entered into a grove cottage. When They became tired of Their lovesports there, the sakhs soothed Them in different expert ways. Ahe rnivsa! What more can I say about all the fun that went on there? For this reason this village was named Umro!" (1256-1258)

paita kohoye - nar semar - e grme; ymar kinnar - e grmera prva nma rdhikra mna bhaga upy n dekhi; eikhne r ka hoil ym sakh v yantra bjiya il ethy; r rdhik kohe - e kinnar sarvathy uni v vdya ri vihvala hoil; nija ratna-ml tra gale poril kinnar kohe - mna ratna more deho; anugraha koriy pana kori leho e vkya uniy ri manda manda hse; dre gelo mna - magna hoil ullse Rghava Paita said: "This village Nar Semar was previously called ymar Kinnar. One time r Ka found no means to soothe r Rdhik's proud huff, so He dressed Himself like a gop named ym-sakh here, playing a V. r Rdhik, hearing the sound of this V, was overwhelmed with joy and said: "This must be a Kinnar (demigoddess)!" She took Her own jewel necklace and hung it around ym-sakh's neck. That Kinnar then said: "Give Me the jewel of Your pride (give up Your anger towards Me)!" Hearing these words, Rdhik smiled slightly. Her anger was gone and She was once again immersed in bliss." (1270-1275) 7

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

rla Rghava Paita describes a pastime of Santana Gosvm by this celebrated lake near Nandagrma. vndvana hoite si' e nirjana vane; premete vihvala sad ka rdhane sagopane rahe bhakaera ce ni; keho n jnaye - ke chaye ei hi "rla Santana Gosvm came from Vndvana to this lonely forest and constantly worshiped Ka here in ecstatic love. He stayed here without even endeavouring to collect any food. No one knew that he was there." (1301-1302) ka gopa blakera chale dugdha loiy; dil gosvm sammukhe hara hoiy go rakaka vea mthe ua obhya; dugdha bhaa hte dhari' gosvmre koy chaho nirjane tom keho nhi jne; dekhilm tomre siy gocrae ei dugdha pn koro mra kothy; loiy yibo bha rkhilo ethy "Ka then came to him dressed as a cowherdboy, blissfully standing before Him with some milk. He had a beautiful turban on His head and a milkpot in His hand as He told Santana Gosvm: "Nobody knows that you're here all alone! I saw You here when I came here to herd My cows. Please drink this milk! I will pick up the pot later, just keep it here!" (1303-1306) kure rohile mo sabhra sukha hobe; aiche raho ithe vrajavs duka pbe eto kohi' goplera hoilo gamana; mugdha hoiy pn koilo santana dugdha pn mtre preme adhairya hoilo; netrajale sikta hoiy bahu kheda koil alakite prabhu santana prabodhil; vrajavs dvre eka kure koril aiche santanera hoilo vsloy; madhye madhye eth r rpera sthiti hoy "We will all be happy if you would stay in a hut (instead of outside)! If you stay here like this, the people of Vraja will be very sad!" Saying this, Gopla went away and Santana drank the milk in an enchanted state. After he drank, he became overwhelmed with ecstatic love and he sprinkled himself with tears. The Lord secretly addressed Santana Gosvm and had the people of Vraja make a hut for him. In this way Santana Gosvm got his own dwellingplace there. Sometimes r Rpa Gosvm also stayed there." (1307-1311) eka dina r rpa gosvmi santane; bhunjite dugdhnndi korilen mane aiche mane kori puna sakocita hoil; r rpera manovtti rdhik jnil ghta dugdha taula arkardi loiy; gopa blikra chale il hara hoiy

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"One day r Rpa Gosvm thought of feeding Santana Gosvm (his guru) some kra (sweet rice). He became hesitant, but r Radhika had seen what was on his mind, so She blissfully came before Him as a cowherd girl, bringing gh (clarified butter), milk, rice and sugar with Her." (1312-1314) rpa prati kohe svm ei sab leho; ghra pk kori ke samarpi bhunjho mt mora ei koth kohilo kohite; kono-i sakoca yeno nhi kabhu cite eto kohi r rdhik kautuke colil; r rpa gosvm sukhe sghra pk koil "She told r Rpa: "O Svmj! Take all these ingredients, quickly cook for Ka and offer it to Him! My mother told Me to do this, so don't feel shy at all!" After saying this, r Rdhik joyfully left and r Rpa Gosvm blissfully began to cook." (1315-1317) ke samarpiy gosvmi santana; kori pariveana paramnanda mane santana gosvm smagr sugandhite; n jne kautuka sukha upajya cite dui eka grsa mukhe diy santana; hoil adhairya - aru nahe nivrana santana smagr vttnta jijsilo; r rpa kramete sab vttnta kohilo "After offering the food to Ka, Rpa Gosvm served it to Santana Gosvm. I cannot describe Santana Gosvm's ecstasy when he smelled the nice fragrance of these dishes! After he had eaten one or two mouthfuls, Santana became agitated with ecstasy and could not withold his tears of love. When Santana Gosvm inquired about the origin of the ingredients, r Rpa Gosvm gradually told him everything." (1318-1321) uniy gosvmi niedhaye bra br; aiche bhakya dravya ce n koriho r eto kohi' mah prasda sev koil; r rpa gosvm ati kheda yukta hoil svapna cchale r rdhik diy daraane; prabodhil r rpe jnil santane "Hearing the story, Santana Gosvm repeatedly forbade r Rpa Gosvm to prepare food for which r Rdhik personally had to come to provide the ingredients. After that he honoured the prasda, leaving r Rpa repenting his act. r Rdhik then appeared to r Rpa in a dream and consoled him. Santana Gosvm was aware of that (so he did not blame Rpa Gosvm anymore)." (1322-1324) ahe rnivsa yaiche rpera dhairya; vaiava samje vyakta hoilo carya eka dina rdh-ka viccheda kathte; kndaye vaiava murcchgata pthivte agni-ikh prya jvale rpera hdoy; tathpi bhire kichu praka n hoy kru dehe r rpera nivsa sparilo; agni dagdha pry tra dehe braa hoilo

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"Ahe rnivsa! The Vaiava-world was astonished at the gravity of Rpa Gosvm! One day he felt so much separation from Rdh and Ka that he cried and fainted, falling on the ground before the Vaiavas. His heart was as if burning in the high flames of a fire, but still none of this was externally visible. But if r Rpa's outgoing breath touched anyone's body, that body was burned and caught a blister!" (1325-1328)

At this place, which is just outside of Nandagrma, on the right side of the road to Kmyavana, Ka's footprints are visible. caraa phi ei parvatera nma; eth ka-candrera kautuka anupama sakh suveita ka criy parbate; gogaa carave dre - dekhe cri bhite bhuvana mohana vee va kore loiy; dil vkatale tribhaga hoiy "This hill is named Carana Phi. Here Kacandra had lots of fun. Surrounded by His friends He climbed upon the hill and saw His cows grazing everywhere from afar. He took His flute in His hand and stood under a tree in His beautiful threefold bending form and His world- enchanting dress." (1391-1393) vam vdyrambha mtre jagata mtilo; ye yath chilen saba dhiy silo va gna ravane sthagita sabe hoil; tulan ki gna - ei parvata dravil va dhvani suniy ye ilo ethya; tn sabra pada cihna dekhaho silya r kera pda padma cihna e rahilo; ei hetu carana phri nma hoilo "As soon as He began to play His flute, He maddened the whole world, and everyone came running to Him from wherever he was. Everyone was stunned by His flutesong; what can it be compared with? It made even this mountain melt! Just look at all these footprints on this rock! These are the footprints of all those who came to see Ka after hearing His flute song! Because r Ka's lotusfoot prints are here, this place is named Carana Phi (the hill with footprints)." (1394-1397)


ahe rnivsa ei cra gha hoy; keho v cayana gha ihre kohoy eka dina rdh-ka sakhgaa sage; rsdi vilsa ante eth il sthne vastrdika rakhi ei npa vka tale; skma kharva vastra pare nmilena jale hoiychilen rnta vividha vilse; rama rnti hoilo snigdha yamun parae


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"Ohe rnivsa! This Cra Gha (on the bank of the Yamun) is also called Cayana Gha by some! One day, at the end of the Rsa-ll, Rdh and Ka came here with Their sakhs . They kept Their clothes here under this Kadamba-tree, put on thin short dresses and went into the water. They felt great relief from Their fatigue (of dancing the Rsa) by touching the Yamun-water." (2359-2362) vri viharane mahraga upajilo; sakalei giy padma vane praveilo ka kono chalete siy vkatale; kori vastra gopana pravee puna jale kotokae jala keli kori uhe tre; vastra n dekhiy sabe cintita antare ka se samaye adbhuta obh heri; dilena sabre vastra parihsa kori "They had a lot of fun playing in the water and they all entered into a cluster of lotus flowers there. Then Ka, through some trick, came back to the Kadamba-tree, hid the gops' clothes and went back into the water. The gops continued their water sports for some time more and then climbed back on the shore again. They became worried when they could not find their clothes back, but Ka returned their clothes after He had admired their amazing beauty. Such are His joking sports!" (2363-2366)


eka dina r rpa gosvm vndvane; bhvaye mnase mah ullasita hoiy rdhikra vea viracaye sakhgana; pha dee rahi ka kore nirkaa ka ye dekhen th rdhik n jne; jnite sakhra kautuka bdhe mane vicitra bandhane kesa koriy bandhana; rdhikra ge sakh dharil darpana "One day r Rpa Gosvm blissfully meditated in Vndvana that the sakhs were dressing r Rdhik while Ka secretly stood behind them, watching them. r Rdhik did not notice it, and Ka increased His own pleasure by making His presence known to the sakhs only. After the sakhs had braided Rdhik's hair with a beautiful string, they held a mirror before Her." (3805-3808) r rdhik nija mukha obh nirakhite; ka mukhacandra dekhe sei darpaete vyasta hoilen ri lajj atiaya; loiy vasana ghra sarvga jhpaya sakhgana hse mah kautuka hoilo; r rpa gosvm sei sangei hasilo "When r Rdhik beheld the beauty of Her own face in the mirror, She saw Ka's moonlike face behind Her. She became very shy and quickly took a garment to cover Herself with. When the sakhs saw this fun, they began to laugh and r Rpa Gosvm (in his spiritual identity as r Rpa Majar) laughed with them." (3809-3811)


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

heno kle il vaiava eka jana; r rpe dekhite ati utkahita mana r rpa hsen dekhi' kichu n kohil; vimara hoiy santana ge gel "Just then one Vaiava came who was eager to see r Rpa Gosvm. r Rpa just laughed without saying anything to that Vaiava-devotee, so the devotee became displeased and went to Santana Gosvm." (3812-3813) vaiava kohoye genu r rpa dekhite; mre dekhiy teho lgil hsite mano duk hoiy re kichu n kohinu; na bujhi kraa kichu jijsite inu ye nimitta hse t kohil santana; uni vaiavera hoilo kheda yukta mana vaiava kohen e samaya keno genu; tra mna n bujhiy apardha koinu "That Vaiava said: "I went to see r Rpa Gosvm, but he only laughed at me! I became sad and I did not say anything, although I came to him to ask him something. I cannot understand why he behaved like that!" So Santana Gosvm explained that Vaiava why Rpa Gosvm was laughing. When the Vaiava heard this, he felt very sorry for misunderstanding Rpa Gosvm in this way and he said: "Why did I go to see him just now? I committed a great offense to him, not understanding his mind!" (3814-3817)


(Sixth Wave, Verses 168-174) eka dina rdh ka sakhgaa sage; vilasaye nikuje parama prema rage r rdhik kautuke kohoye sakh prati; eth bhakya dravya ghra koro susagati "One day Rdh and Ka were playing in the nikuja with Their sakhs with great love and r Rdhik eagerly told Her friends: "Quickly arrange for something to eat here!" lalitdi sakh mah ullasita hoiy; bhakaa smagr sabe kore yatna piy narottama ds rpe ati yatna mate; dugdha vartana kore sakhra igite Lalit and her sakhs then very blissfully collected the ingredients for the picknick and Narottama Dsa, in his spiritual body as Rdhik's maidservant, very carefully stirred the milk on the sakhs' indication." (170-171) uhali paraye dugdha dekhi vyasta hoil; culli hoite dugdha ptra haste nmil hasta dagdha hoilo - th kichu smti ni; dugdha vartana kori' dil sakh hi 12

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

manera nande rdh-ke bhunjilo; avaea labhya mtre bhya jna hoilo "He became very upset when he saw that the milk boiled over and he quickly lifted the milkpot from the fire with his hand. In this way he burned his hand, but he was not aware of it and gave the milk to another sakh to stir it. In great joy he mentally offered the milk to Rdh and Ka and only when They left him Their remnants He returned to external conciousness. (In other words, he burned his material hand, although he was rendering devotional service in a mentally conceived spiritual body)." (172-174)


santana gosvm parama snehvee; sabe sarva prakrei magala jijse kro koto kany putra vivha kothy; ki nma khra kaiche pravna nirbhya gbh vdika koto kkarma karo; kro ghe asya koto kaiche vyavahro arra ayogya ko kaiche manovtti; aiche jijsite sabe hon hara ati gosvmte krame sabe sab nivedaya; kru duka unitei mah duk hoya ei sab prasage rtri prabhta koroya (Although Santana Gosvm was most renounced, his love for the people of Vraja transcended all his rules of renunciation and out of great love for them he would speak about worldly subjects with them all night). "Most affectionately Santana Gosvm inquired from the Vrajavss about their welfare: How many sons and daughters do you have and where are they married? What are their names and how do they live? How much harvest you collected in your house and how much ploughing have you done? Are you physically unwell? How do you feel mentally?" The Vrajavss were all very happy when he asked these things from them and they gradually informed him of everything. If anybody was suffering that would make Santana Gosvm very unhappy. In this way they passed the whole night, speaking until sunrise."


eka dina santana vndvana hoite; eth il r gopla bhaera vste mnasa pvana ghe colilen snne dekhe; eka vyaghra jala piye seikhne raghuntha dhynvee chen bosiy; vyghra vane gela tra nikaa hoiy "One day Santana Gosvm came here (to Rdhkua) from Vndvana to stay with r Gopla Bhatta. When he came to the bathingplace (on the northern bank of ymakua) named Mnasa Pvana Gha (where r Rdhik daily takes Her bath 13

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

before worshiping the Sungod) he saw one tiger drinking water there. Raghuntha Dsa sat there, absorbed in meditation, while the tiger passed him, going into the forest." kotokae raghuntha che cri pne; dekhena r santana isen snne bhmite poiy santane praamiy; santana snehvae ligana koil "After a while Raghuntha Dsa looked in all four directions and saw that r Santana had come there for his bath. He fell to the ground to offer his obeisances to Santana Gosvm, who affectionately embraced him" raghuntha prati snehe kohe dhre dhre; vkatala hoite ebe rohibe kure jniya viea gosvm gel snne; kurera rambha hoilo sei dine anya hita hetu raghuntha sei hoite; rahilena kure gosira j mate "Gently and affectionately Santana Gosvm told Raghuntha Dsa: 'Leave the base of this tree now and stay in a hut from now on!' After making this very clear, Santana Gosvm went for his bath. From that day on the kura-system began (Vaiavas at Rdhkua now live in small cottages instead of in the open air). From then on, for the benefit of others, Raghuntha Dsa stayed in a hut, on the order of Santana Gosvm."


ki aprva obh ei vanera bhitora; gutta linga rpa nma gopvara ei sadiva vnd-vipina playa; ihke pjile sarva krya siddhi hoy gopgaa sad ka sagera lgiy; nirantara pje yatna nn dravya diy kohite ki pri ye mahim gurutara; gopik pjita teho nma gopvara indrdi devat stuti koroye sadya; vndvane prti vddhi ihra kpya "How wonderful is the beauty of this forest! Here is the transcendental ligavigraha named Gopvara! This Sadiva (the transcendental source of all ivas) protects Vndvana; anyone who worships Him will be successful in all his duties! The gops always desired Ka's association, and therefore they always carefully worshiped Gopvara with different ingredients. How can I describe His great glories? Because the gopks worship Him, He is called Gopvara (master of the gops). The demigods like Indra always praise Him, and by His grace one's love for Vndvana increases" vndvanvani pate jaya soma somamaule sanandana santana nradehya gopevara vraja vilsi yugghri padme prema prayaccha nirupdhi namo namas te 14

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

(Vivantha Cakravart's Sakalpa Kalpadruma - 103) "Glory to You, O Lord of Vndvana with the moon-crest! O Gopvara, who is worshipable by Sanandana and the four Kumras, Santana Gosvm and Nrada Muni! We offer our obeisances unto You! Give us causeless love for the lotusfeet of the two enjoyers of Vraja, r-r Rdh-Ka!"


This forest lies on the eastern bank of the Yamun, about 20 km. north of Vndvana. Here was the famous huge Bhra-banyantree which is mentioned in the Puras as being a playground for Ka and His cowherd boys. eka dina ka eka bhra talya; va vdya koilo yate jagata mtya va-dhvani uni rdh adhairya hoil; sakh saha si ghra kere milil hoilo paramnanda dohra antare; sakhgaa sage nn ragete vihre "One day Ka maddened the world by playing His flute at the base of this Bhra-tree. Hearing the sound of the flute, Rdh became impatient and quickly came here with Her girlfriends to meet Ka. Both Rdh and Ka became most happy at heart and began to play here in different ways with Their girlfriends." r rdhik ka prati kohe mdu bhe; sakh saha kaiche kr koro e pradee? r ka kohena - eth mallavea dhari; sakhgaa saha sukhe malla-yudha kori mora sama malla-yuddha keho n jnoy; anyse kori anya malle parjoy "r Rdhik softly asked Ka: "What kind of games do You play here with Your friends?" r Ka said: 'I dress like a wrestle and blissfully wrestle with My friends here! No one knows how to wrestle like Me! I easily defeat everyone in wrestling!"" hsiy lalit ke kohe bra bra; mallavee yuddha ji dekhibo tomra eto kohi sakalei koila malla-vea; ka mallavee darpa koroye aea ka pne chi ri manda manda hse; mallayuddha hetu yuddha sthalete pravee mah malla-yuddhe nhi jaya parjaya; hoilo nanda kandarpera atiaya "Lalit laughed and told Ka time and again: 'Let me see You fight in that wrestlers dress today! When Lalit said that, everyone dressed like wrestlers and Ka acted with unlimited pride in His wrestlingdress! Ri (Rdhik) slightly smiled while She blinked at Ka and entered the wrestling arena to combat Ka. A great wrestling match then began, in which no one won and no one was defeated, and which greatly delighted Cupid!" 15

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

(Fifth Wave, 1398 - 1403) The village of Hroyla is now named Hroyna and is situated about 11 km. west of the town of Ko. dekho kakua ei hroyla grma; eth vilasaye rage ri-ghanayma p-khelite ri ka hril; khelya hriy ka mah-lajj pil lalit kohoye - ri paka krte; anyse tumi hril pranthe hoilo tomra jita aneka prakra; dekhibo - kandarpa-yuddhe keb jita hoy eto kohi nikuja mandire dohe thuiy; sakhgaa dekhe raga alakita hoiy hoilo paramnanda - kohite ki ra; ei hroyla hoy adbhuta vihra "Behold this Ka-kua in this village named Hroyla; here Ri and Ghanayma enjoyed Their pastimes. Here Ri defeated Ka in a game of dice, greatly embarrassing Ka. Lalit said: "Ri! You easily defeated Your Prantha in this dice-game! You were victorious in so many ways, let us see who will win the battle of Cupid now!" Saying this, she brought Them into a nikuja-mandira and the sakhs all viewed (Rdh and Ka's lovegame) from hidden places. What words can I use to describe that topmost bliss? All these amazing pastimes took place in the village named Hroyla!"


The male and female parrots sing Rdh and Ka's glories in the Saaga Medin Rga (Fifth Wave, Verses 2903-2911) uka prha - aaga medin gte yath : jaya janarajana kaja-nayana ghana ajana nibha nava ngara ai ai gokula kulajkula dhti mocana candra vadana gua sgara ai ai nanda tanuja vraja bhaa rasamaya majula bhuja muda vardhana ai ai r vabhnutanay hdi sampada madanrbuda mada mardana ai ai "All glories to You, O delighter of the people, O lotus-eyed One, O young lover with the lustre of a monsoon cloud or eyeliner! You agitate the daughters of the cowherders of Gokula and release them from their patience, Your face shines like the moon and You are an ocean of virtues! O son of Nanda! O Ornament of Vraja! O


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

Relisher wiht the beautiful arms! O increaser of bliss! O treasure of the heart of Vabhnu's daughter! O destroyer of the pride of billions of Cupids!" gta nipuna nidhuvana nayanandita nirupama tava-paita ai ai bhnu tanay pulingana parisara rama nikara maimaita ai ai vadhara dharadhara kta bandhura adharrua sundara ai ai kunda radana kamanya kodara vndvipina purandara ai ai ka keli kalahaika dhurandhara dh dh dhi dhi t ga dhenn ai ai sa sari gari narahari-ntha ei t iti ai ai a tenn ai ai "O expert singer, who enjoys erotic pastimes in Nidhuvana! O peerless dancer! O You who is ornamented (surrounded) by many jewellike girls on the broad bank of the Yamun, O holder of the flute, holder of the Govardhana Hill with Your beautiful red lips! O You with the beautiful teeth, that resemble Kunda-flowers! O slender hero of Vndvana! O Ka! O Leader in all playful quarrels! O Lord of Narahari! (dh dh dhi dhi t ga dhenn sa sari gari ei t iti ai ai a tenn ai ai)" * rik prha - medin gte yath vidita npa-nandin, rdhik candra vadan, duka mocan yma manorajin, dhairya bhara bhajin, kaja khajana mna gaji mga locan "All glories to She who is praised by the whole world, the famous princess Rdhik with the moon-like face, the destroyer of misery! She enchants yma's mind, destroys His patience and Her eyes defeat the beauty of lotusflowers, wagtailbirds, fishes and does!" knti jita dmin, parama abhirmin, bhmin sindhu-kanydi mada mardhin maju mdu hsin, lalita kala bhi, bhuvanamohin, lalitdi muda vardin "Her lustre defeats the lightning and is most pleasing, She is so powerful that She can destroy the pride of the goddess of fortune and others, She smiles lovely and sweetly, speaks lovely and inarticulate words, She enchants the world and increases the joy of Her friends like Lalit." subhaga gri, nava nava vihrin, vnd vipina vinodin, gaja gmin. rsa rasa ragi, madhura taragi, sakala rama mai, narahari svmin jhnt jh jhnt ttth vitakato thunn dmiki trigao takat t thaiy, 17 jaya jagata vandin,

Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

sari rigama pamaga mana gari ss sti ai tenn tenn tenn ti ti ai "She is beautifully decorated, She plays always fresh pastimes, She rejoices in Vndvana, She walks as elegantly as an elephant, She enjoys the flavours of the Rsadance, She is a river of sweetness, She is the jewel of all women and She is the mistress of Narahari Cakravarti" (jhnt jh jhnt ttth vitakato thunn dmiki trigao takat t thaiy. sari rigama pamaga mana gari ss sti ai tenn tenn tenn ti ti ai ).


lalita mdhava - vipralambha sm yte; prve diychil raghunthe svdite grantha phe raghuntha div nii knde; hoilo unmda duke - dhairya nhi bnde kabhu dre rahe giy grantha parihari; kabhu bhme pai rahe vake kori khene khene nn da hoy upasthita; sabe cintyukta yabe hoyena mrcchita r rpa gosvm mone auadha vicri; dna keli kaumud varil ghra kori raghunthe kohe ih koro svdana; prva grantha deho more koribo odhana "(rla Rpa Gosvm) had previously given Raghuntha dsa his 'Lalit Mdhava', in which the limit of love-in-separation is experienced, to relish. When Raghuntha read this book he wept day and night and he became almost mad of misery, unable to remain calm. Sometimes he kept the book far away from himself, and sometimes he fell to the ground, holding it to his chest. While weeping he manifest different conditions of ecstatic love and when he fainted everyone present became very worried. r Rpa Gosvm then thought of a medicine that could save Raghuntha's life and he quickly wrote a book named Dna Keli Kaumud (dealing with the meeting of Rdh and Ka)1 , telling Raghuntha: "Why don't you relish this? Give me the book I gave you before back, I have to proofread it still!"


Eleventh Wave, verses 150-189 r rdhik kua-vs r dsa gosi; uni hara hoilcolibre sdhya ni (150) r rpa vicchede sad adhairya hdaya; anndi vihane deha ka atiaya (151) niyama nirvha yaiche ye cea antare; se sab dekhite kr hiy n vidare (152)

11 That

this book was especially written for Raghuntha dsa Gosvm is proven by a verse that appears in the end of the book, starting with the words rdhkua-ta kura vasati.


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

"When, rla Raghuntha ds Gosvm, who resided at Rdhik-kua, heard that Mother Jhnav had arrived in Vraja, he became very happy but unfortunately he was unable to go and see her. His heart was always agitated by feelings of separation from rla Rpa Gosvm and he had given up all solid food. Consequently his body had become greatly emaciated. Whose heart will not break by seeing how he followed all his regulative duties?"
ka dsa kavirja di bahu jan; praami yite koilo tma nivedane (153) gopla, rghava paitdi ek sthe; cole nandvara govardhandi hoite (154) sabe vndvane kori var darana; jnil dsa gosvmra nivedana (155)

"Many great devotees like Ka dsa Kavirja Gosvm went (to Mother Jhnav) to offer obeisances to her and surrender themselves to her. Gopla, Rghava Paita and others came together from Nandvara and Govardhana to Vndvana to see Jhnav var. They all told her of Dsa Gosvm's plea."
r jhnav varra ye hoilo antare; th vivariy ke kohite akti dhare? (156) r gopla bhaa di gosvm sakale; jnilr kua yibo prta kle (157) sabe kohe r kudi koriy darana; ghra kori eth koriben gamana (158) rama upaama hoibek bhlo mate; tabe jiben ban-bhramaa korite (159)

"Who is able to describe the feelings within r Jhnav var's heart? She told r Gopla Bhaa and all the other Gosvms "Tomorrow morning I will go to r Rdhkua." They all replied: "Yes, quickly go to see r Rdhkua and other places. After properly resting you can then go on a forest tour of Vraja."
ih uni r var ullasita mone; colilen r kue veita vija gae (160) r kuete gelen bahulvana diy; kua obh dekhi' preme umaaye hiy (161) raghuntha dsa gosvmra sthiti yath; mone eitre giy dekhiben tath (162) r dsa gosvm se nirjana kua tre; korena r nma grahadi dhre dhre (163) ka ds kavirja agrete siy; dsa gosvmra ge chil diy (164) avasara piy koroye nivedana; 'r jhnav varra hoilo gamana' (165)

"Hearing this, r var (Jhnav) was very happy at heart and she went to Rdhkua, surrounded by her wise and learned devotees. She went to r Rdhkua through Bahulvana. Seeing the beauty of the kua her heart was startled with ecstatic love, and she thought: 'Let me go there where r Raghuntha dsa Gosvm is staying." r Dsa Gosvm was softly chanting nma on a solitary bank of the kua when Kads Kavirja came before him and told him on the opportune moment: 'r Jhnav var has come."
uni ki adbhuta prema vypilo hdaye; gusari cole aru yukta netra dvaye (166)


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

r var dekhe dsa gosvm gamana; atiaya ka tanu, teja srya-sama (167) r var antara bujhite keb pre?; jhare dui netre vrinivrite nre (168)

"When r Dsa Gosvm heard this, such a wonderful prema pervaded his heart, and he came forward with tear-filled eyes. r var saw how Dsa Gosvm walked, how greatly emaciated his body was and how he shone like the sun. Who can understand the heart of r var? She could not stop the tears streaming from her eyes."
r dsa gosvm praamite dhairya dhari; koilo ye ucit premamay r var (169) r var ge dsa gosi ye koy; th uni kra v n vidare hdaya (170) mdhava crya di sabra sahite; milane adbhuta prema uthalaye cite (171) ki adbhuta aru-dhr sabra nayane; sakalei sthira hoilen koto kae (172) ri grmera vrajavs lokagaa; sabe hara varra koriy darana (173)

"r Dsa Gosvm calmed down and offered his obeisances unto Mother Jhnav. Loving r var then did what was proper. Whose heart will not break after hearing what r var told Dsa Gosvm? Dsa Gosvm's heart also overflowed with astonishing prema as he met with all the other devotees, like Mdhava crya. What wonderful streams of tears flowed from everyone's eyes! After a while everyone calmed down. The Vrajavss from rt village (the present Rdhkua village) were all very happy to see Jhnav var."
dina tina cri rahi r rdhkuete; korilen pka kriy parama yatnete (174) ke bhoga samarpiy ullsa antare; bujil vrajavs vaiava sabre (175) prasda sevane ye nanda premoday; keb n dekhite sdha kore se samaya (176) r jhnav varra alaukika rti; ki bujhibo? mo chrera nhi buddhi gati (177)

"She stayed at r Rdhkua for three or four days, and very attentively cooked there. With a blissful heart she offered her preparations to Ka and then fed the prasda to all the Vrajavss and Vaiavas. Who was not fulfilled at that time by seeing the ecstatic love that arose from the service (eating) of this prasda? Who am I to understand the extraordinary activities of r Jhnav var? The brain of a fool like me cannot conceive of them."
eka dina madhyhna samaye kua tre; uni' se vara dhvani sthira hoite nre (178) kautuka dekhilo se anya agocara; vije vistribo e prasaga manohara (179) tathpi kohiye kichu var ullse; va-dhvani uniy chaye cri pe (180)

"One day at noontime Mother Jhnav heard the sound of a flute on the bank of Rdhkua and she could not remain calm anymore. She could perceive this curiosity, but others couldn't. Still, for the realised devotees I will recount some of this


Excerpt from 'Bhakti Ratnkara'

captivating narration. Hearing the flute-sound, Mother Jhnav blissfully looked all around."
kadambera tale dekhe yma cikaniy; tribhaga bhagim koi kandarpa jiniy (181) manda manda hsi' se madhura va rya; ke dhare dhairaya jte jagat mty (182) r rdhik lalitdi sakhgaa-sage; behiyche yamala sundare mah rage (183) se adbhuta obh dekhi' jhnav var; hoil mrcchita yaiche kohite n pri (184)

"At the base of a Kadamba-tree she saw glossy ymasundara, standing in a threefold bending form, His beauty defeating that of millions of Cupids. Who in the world would not be maddened at the sight of this slightly smiling, sweet flute-player? Very blissfully r Rdhik, Lalit and the other sakhs stood surrounding this very playful ymasundara. When Jhnav var saw this astonishing beauty she fainted in a manner that I cannot describe."
koto kae cetan piy sthira hoil; nirjane e ragaanye praka n koil (185) jiben r govardhandi daranete; th jnil dsa gosvm agrete (186) r dsa gosvm bhme poi praamiy; dil anumati dainye nimagna hoiy (187) unite se dainya kra hiy n vidare?; ki kohibo varra ye hoilo antare (188) paricrikdi madhye jhnav var; kua hoite govardhane gel dhri dhri (189)

"After a short while she regained her composure and kept this curiosity to herself, without revealing it to others. Then she went to rla Raghuntha dsa Gosvm and told him that she was going to have darana of Govardhana and other places. r Dsa Gosvm fell to the ground and offered prostrated obeisances unto her before granting her permission to leave, immersed in an ocean of humility as he was. Whose heart will not break after hearing of this humility? And what can I say to describe var's heart? Thus Jhnav var slowly left Rdhkua to go to Govardhana, surrounded by her servants."
Thus ends a selection from rla Narahari Cakravarti's 'Bhakti Ratnkara'. Translated by Advaitads 1986-1996


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