Bhimasena7 PDF
Bhimasena7 PDF
Bhimasena7 PDF
Duryodanas words on BheemaBeemashcha balabhadrashcha madraraajashcha vIryavaan | Chaturtha: kIchakastEShaaM paMchamaM naanushushruma: |
When Duryodana heard about Keechaka death, Duryodana was thinking as to who would have killed Keechaka. Keechaka will be the fourth amongst the strong people after Bheema, Balarana, Shalya. Bheema saves Virataraja in Dakshina Gograhana Duryodana thought Bheema must have killed Keechaka and he decided to go to Virata nagara wherein Pandavas would be there. He sent Susharma to kidnap one lakh cows in the south of Virata Nagar, which he did and he also arrested Virataraja. Then Bheema stopped him Susharma and helped Virata to get released. Then Bheema forced Susharma to tell that he is the servant of Virata. Uttara gograhana Kauravas attacked Virata raja from the north side by kidnapping 60000 + cows in the north. They attacked the sainya of Virata. As all the children of Virata had gone for Dakshina Gograhana, only Uttara was left, and Arjuna came in sarathy for him. There was a fierce battle between Arjuna and the Kauravaas. Arjuna left sammohanastra and all the solders of Kaurava king were unconscious, except Bheeshma. Entire kauravaas were defeated by Bruhannale, (Arjuna). Jatasura samhara Jatasura, was cheating Pandavas from a long time in the disguise of a Brahmin. Once Jatasura kidnapped Nakula, Sahadeva, Dharmaraja, and Draupadi and was running out. Bheema chased him and killed him. Bheema says Kurukula must not be destroyed When Krishna about to leave for meeting Drutarashtra for Krishna sandhana, Bheema said, Let Kurukula not be destroyed. We will stay under Duryodana By Narahari Sumadhwa Page 1
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itself. Just if you look at the words, it means that Bheema accepts Duryodanas solidarity, but Acharya Madhwa has defined the words of Bheema as follows In the war, we will kill Duryodana and save Kurukula. After the demise of him, we will stay in the bhooloka. Krishna says Bheema has more strength than what he has explained Bheemasena explained his strength saying I am not feared, I dont have any sorrow, Even if bhoomi and the sky come together, I can win over them. Then Krishna told, it is not the end of your strength, it is more than 1000 times of what you have said
yat kinchaatmani kalyaaNaM sambhaavayasi paanDava | sahasraguNapyEtat tvayi saMbhaavayaamyaham | (udyOga parva 76.3) Kauravaas were attacking Pandava sainya from the day one itself. Even after repeated arrows on Bheema, he did not shot a single reversal arrow, he was silent. Then they attacked Abhimanyu, Bheema made a big roar, entire Kauravaas and their elephants were shocked. On the third day, Krishna found Arjuna was a bit leanint on Bhishma, so he took his Chakrayudha. Krishna had taken an oath that he will never take any weapon. By Narahari Sumadhwa Page 2
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This made Bhishma happy and Bhishma did sastanga namaskara and Krishna withdrew. On the fourth day, Bheemasena killed 25 Dhrutarashtra putras. When Duryodana attacked Drustadyuma on the fifth day, Bheemasena made him to be without chariot and without weapon and hit him on his neck and was severely bleeding. Bheema destroyed the chariot of Bhishma on the seventh day. On the eighth day, Ghatotkacha attacked Kaurava sainya severely. With the large number of arrows thrown by Ghatotkacha from over the sky, Drona was unconscious. Duryodana was worried about Ghatotkacha. On the ninth day, Bhishma fought fiercely and killed 14000 soldiers. Pandavas approached Bheeshma for permission to place kill him. He told them that placing Sikhandi before him, they can kill him. On the 10th day, Sikhandi stood in front of Bhishma and Arjuna staying behind him, threw arrows at Bhishma, who was silent as Sikhandi was staying in his front. Arjuna hit at the bow of Bhishma and all Pandavas threw arrows at him. He fell on the ground. They took him to the camp. When Bhishma asked for water, Arjuna using his Varunastra dig water from the ground and fresh water came. Then he hit 3 arrows for his pillow and he also prepared the bed of arrows (sharapanjara). On the 11th day, in the absence of Bheeshma, Drona took over the charge of the Kaurava sainya. On the 12th day, Bhagadatta, the son of Jarasandha employed Vaishnavastra and Krishna took it as his ornament and it became vaijayantimala. Bahleeka Vadha Bahleeka Majaraja threw ShataGni arrow on Bheemasena. At this Bheema hit Bahleeka with his Gadha and he was dead. Bahleeka had earlier before the war asked Bheema that Bheema only must kill him. As Bahleeka is a Vishnu Bhakta, even though Bheema was not interested in killing any Vishnu Bhakta, as he himself approached and demanded, he had killed him that too with a very mild blow. Drona vadha Dharmaraja never had told any lie. This Krishna told Dharmaraja to tell that Ashwattama has died. Actually Bheema had killed an elephant named By Narahari Sumadhwa Page 3
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Ashwattama. When repeatedly forced by Bheema Krishna Dharmaraja told that Ashwattama (loudly) elephant (whisperingly) has dead. Drona heard that Ashwattama has died, so he stopped yudda and at that time Drustadyumna came near him and removed his head.
Narayanastra On hearing that his father has died, Ashwattama got angry, he threw Narayanastra. Krishna instructed all to do namaskara to the astra and escape. Except Bheema, all others bowed to the astra. The astra fell on the head of Bheema, a fire erupted around. Arjuna thinking that it may hamper Bheema, covered Bheema with Varunastra. The fire of Narayanastra did not burn Bheema. He did not bend before the astra as it has been applied by an enemy, just for life saving, we must never do namaskara. secondly he himself (Vayu) is the abhimani devata of the Narayana Astra and hence fire did not hurt him. It also proved that Bheema is avadhya.
By Narahari Sumadhwa
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Bheema has killed / defeated many daithyaas with Shivas ajeyatva boon Bheemasena devaru has killed so many daithyaas who had Shivas boon to prove that Vayu is superior to Shiva. Some of the Shiva bhaktaas who were defeated or killed by Bheema are : 1. Ashwattama (Shivas avesha) (defeated) 2. Bakasura (killed) 3. Banasura (killed) 4. Dantavaktra (defeated) 5. HiDimba (killed) 6. Jarasandha (killed) 7. Jatasura (parvati boon) 8. Jeemoota (killed) 9. Jayadratha (defeated) 10. Keechaka and his 105 brothers (killed) 11. Kirmeera (killed) 12. Kotikashya (killed) 13. Krodavashas (killed) 14. Manimantaadi daithyaas (killed) 15. Poundrika Vasudeva (defeated) 16. Purochana & his sisters (killed) 17. Rukmi (defeated) 18. Shishupala (defeated) 19. Suvajra (killed) 20. Many other daithyaas Thus Bheemasena has proved that he is more superior than Shiva. But it does not mean that Shivas boons are meaningless. It does have value, but when the daithyas who have that boon tries to apply on higher gods, it will not be applicable.
By Narahari Sumadhwa
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