, u
| = 1 for
each A.
Theorem A.1.3. Let u
is dense in H.
[x, u
= |x|
x H.
x, u
)y, u
) = x, y) x, y H.
Denition A.1.4. A set of vectors u
x for all x.
Theorem A.2.6. Open mapping theorem Let U and V be open unit balls of the
Banachs space X and Y, respectively. Let T be a bounded linear transformation of X
into Y. Then there exists a > 0 such that y : y U T(U).
Theorem A.2.7. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Let T be a bounded linear trans-
formation of X onto Y, which also one-to-one. Then there exists a > 0 such that
|Tx| |x| x X. In other words, T
is a bounded linear transformation of Y
onto X.
Theorem A.2.8. Closed graph theorem. Let X and Y be Banach spaces. Let T
be a linear mapping of X into Y with the following properties. If x
converges to
x in X and Tx
converges y in Y, then y = Tx. If such property holds, then T is
Theorem A.2.9. Hahn-Banach theorem. If M is a subspace of a normed linear
space X and if f is a bounded linear functional on N, then f can be extended to a
bounded linear functional F on X such that |F| = |f|.
Let X be a normed linear space. Let X
can be denoted as x
and x
(x) can be
denoted by x, x
| = sup[x, x
)[ : x B
for every x
. Then X
for every x X,
|x| = sup[x, x
)[ : x
Consequently, x
x, x
, of norm |x|.
Theorem A.2.11. Let X and Y be normed linear spaces, let T be a bounded linear
transformation of X into Y. Then
|T| = sup[Tx, y
) : |x| 1, |y
| 1.
Theorem A.2.12. Suppose X and Y are normed linear spaces. To each bounded
linear transformation T of X into Y, there exists unique T
into X
) = x, T
for all x X y
. Further, T
satises |T
| = |T|.
Denition A.2.13. Let M be a subspace of a Banach space X. The annihilator of
M is dened to be the set of all x X such that x, x
) = 0 for every x M.
A.3 Banach algebras
Denition A.3.1. Let A be a vector space over C. A is called an algebra if A is a
ring and (xy) = (x)y = x(y) for every x, y A and C. If, in addition, A is a
Banach space with respect to a norm that satises |xy| |x||y| x, y A then
A is called a Banach algebra. If A has multiplicative identity e with |e| = 1, A is
called a Banach algebra with identity. If the multiplication operation is commutative,
A is called a commutative Banach algebra.
Example A.3.2. (i) C[0, 1], the space of all complex valued continuous functions on
[0, 1] with supremum norm is a commutative Banach algebra with identity.
(ii) Let H be a Hilbert space. Let B(H) denote the collection of all bounded linear
operators on H. Then B(H) is a non commutative Banach algebra with identity under
the operator norm.
A.4 Topological vector spaces
Denition A.4.1. Let X be a vector space. If is a topology on X such that
every singleton set in X is closed and the vector space operations are continuous with
respect to , then X is called a topological vector space. In other words, the map
: X X X (x, y) x +y and : F X X (, x) x are continuous.
The topological space X is said to be locally convex if there is a local base B
whose members are convex.
Denition A.4.2. Let p be a real valued functions on X then p is called a semi norm
on X if it satises the following:
(i) p(x +y) p(x) +p(y)
(ii) p(x) = [[p(x) for every x, y X, C. A family T of semi norms on X is
said to be separating if to each x ,= 0 corresponds at least one p T with p(x) ,= 0.
Theorem A.4.3. Suppose T is a separating family of semi norms on a vector space
X. Associate to each p T and to each positive integer n the set
V (p, n) =
x : p(x) <
Let B be the collection of all nite intersection of the sets V (p, n). Then B is a local
base for a topology on X, which turns X into a locally convex space.
Theorem A.4.4. Suppose T is separating family of semi norms on X. Let calQ be
the smallest family of semi norms on X that contains P and satises the following:
If p
, p
Q, p = max(p
, p
), then p Q. Let be a linear functional on X. Then
is continuous if and only if there exists p Q such that [x[ Mp(x) for all
x X and some constant M < .