Human Resource Management Systems HRMS

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To develop a software application that supports the application specific to the HR automation in an intranet specific to a company there by allowing the integration of all the employees pertaining to that organization. To keep track of all the other departments related to that organization such as marketing, development etc. To allow the HR of an organization to update the employee details when ever there is a change in the employee profile pertaining to that organization. To bring onto a string the employee specific suggestions and make them free to post their requirements to the HR thus bringing the organization more specific regarding the maintenance of the organization.


The HR center is a powerful application designed to allow companies to streamline their human resource tasks and manager their employees more efficiently Employee and Company Information Employee Time, Attendence, and Leave Request HR Documentation Management (i.e. insurance forms, W-2s etc.) The HR Center includes a comprehensive employee information database, work information, beneficiary information, and more for each employee. It comes standard with employee selfservice access allowing employees to update their personal information, request time off or input their daily timesheet entries. It also has role based access level control that is functionally based on whether a user is an employee, a manager, or an HR admistrators. With HR center managers and HR admistrators can manage an track


To develop a software application that supports Specific to the HR Automation in an intranet to a company there by allowing the interaction of all the employees pertaining to that organization. To keep track of all the other departments related to that organization like marketing, research etc., To allow the HR department of an organization to update the employee details when ever there is a change in the employee profile pertaining to that organization. To bring on to a string the employee specification suggestions and make them sure to post their requirements to the HR.


Allow a for the creation of an application specification to the human resource that maintain the intranet automation of the HR software i.e., which contains the data related to the employee.


This project can be used to identify an employee in the organization. The project maintains the details of the entire employee. Each employee is given with different employee Id. In this I can use the language. Back end is ms-access. Duration of this project is 3 months .I was discussed the total modules of HR department. Limits are there. In this project I was taken only HR department from organization.

Human Resource Management: Context, Concept and Doundaries


Human resource management (HRM) is an approach to the management of people, based on four fundamental principles. First, human resources are the most important assets an organisation has and their effective management is the key to its success. Second, this success is most likely to be achieved if the personnel policies and procedures of the enterprise are closely linked with, and make a major contribution to, the achievement of corporate objectives and strategic plans. Third, the corporate culture and the values, organisational climate and managerial behaviour that emanate from that culture will exert a major influence on the achievement of excellence. This culture must, therefore, be managed which means that organisational values may need to be changed or reinforced, and that continuous effort, starting from the top, will be required to get them accepted and acted upon. Finally, HRM is concerned with integration - getting all the members of the organisation involved and working together with a sense of common purpose.

HRM is a strategic approach to the acquisition, motivation, development and management of the organisations human resources. It is a specialised field that attempts to devd .ng an appropriate corporate culture, and introducing programmes which reflect and support the core values of the enterprise and ensure its success. HRM is proactive rather than reactive, i.e., always looking forward to what needs to be done and then doing it, rather than waiting to be told what to do about recruiting, paying or training people, or dealing with employee relations problems as they arise. The techniques for the application of HRM will include many familiar functions of personnel managers, such as manpower planning, selection, performance appraisal,salary administration, training and management development. These will be overlaid

The Concept and Functions of Human Resource Management

By special programs designed to improve communication systems, involvement, commitment, and productivity. Broadly, there are three meanings attached to the concept of HRM. In the first place, persons working in an organization are regarded as a valuable source, implying that there is a need to invest time and effort in their development. Secondly, they are human resources which means that they have their own special characteristics and, therefore, cannot be treated like material resources. The approach focuses on the need to humanise organisational life and introduce human values in the organisation. Andthirdly, human resources do not merely focus on employees as individuals, but also on other social realities, units and processes in the organisation. These include the role or the job a person has in the organisation, the dydadic unit, (consisting of the person and his superior), the various teams in which people work, inter-team processes, and the entity of the total organisation. In its essence, HRM is the qualitative improvement of human beings who are considered the most valuable assets of an organization-the sources, resources, and end-users of all products and services. HRM is, no doubt, an outgrowth of the older process and approach. But it is much more than its parent disciplines, viz., personnel management, and behavioural science. HRM is also more comprehensive and deep- rooted than training and development. Its approach is multi-disciplinary from the beginning to the end. It is a scientific process of continuously enabling the employees to improve their competency and capability to play their present as well as future expected roles so that the goals of the organization are achieved more fully and at the same time the needs of the employees are also met to an adequate extent. HRM is a production model approach to personnel management. The HRM model is characterised as being employee-oriented with an emphasis on the maximisation of individual skills and motivation through consultation with the workforce so as to produce high levels of commitment to company strategic goals. It is a resource to be used to its fullest capacity. It is an asset to be invested in. HRM is concerned with both the structure of work in a firm and with all the related employment practices that are needed to carry out the work. HRM is not simply

about HR or people practices, it is about the management of work and people in the firm. Managing people includes both individual and collective dimensions. The traditional personnel management is non-strategic, separate from the business, reactive, short-term, and constrained by a limited definition of its role as dealing with mostly unionised and low level employees. The major attention of traditional personnel function is on personnel administration or management while the major attention of HRM is on developing people and their competencies. If personnel management is curative, HRM is preventive. The key distinguishing feature of HRM is its evolving strategic role. HRM essentially emphasises and incorporates those expectations which are not being fulfilled through the traditional personnel management. It integrates in a meaningful way the various subsystems like performance appraisal, potentiality appraisal and development, career planning, training and development, organisation development, research and systems development, rewards, employee welfare and quality of work life, industrial relations, and human resource information. Under the HRM approach, some basic assumptions about human resources are also different from the traditional approach. The important assumptions of HRM are as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) The members of an organisation are reservoirs of untapped resources. There is scope for unlimited development of these resources. It is more in the nature of self-development than development thrust from outside. The organisation also undergoes development with the overall benefits along with the development of its members.

Human Resource Management: Context, Concept and Doundaries

The organisation further develops a culture in which utmost emphasis is placed on harmonious superior-subordinate relations, teamwork, collaboration among different groups of individuals, open communication, and above all, integration of the goals of the organisation with the needs of the employees. Top management takes the initiative for HRM, formulates necessary plans and strategies,

and creates an overall climate and support for its implementation. The management of human resources is more of an art than a science. In practice it is an art full of pitfalls, judgment calls, and learning from past mistakes. Table 1: Some Basic Assumptions Underlying Traditional Personnel Function and Human Resources System Traditional Personnel Function (TPF) 1. TPF is an independent function 2. There are several sub-functions under TPF 3. The main task of TPF is to respond effectively to the demands (coping role) 4. TPF has the main responsibilities for their personnel matters 5. The main responsibilities of TPFrelate to salary and job of administration, people and and their management development 6. The major attention of TPF is on personnel management administration or 6. 3. 2. Human Resource Development (HRD) 1. HRD is a sub-system of a larger system (organisation) HRD is an organic whole: All the parts are interlinked The main task of HRD is to develop enabling capabilities (proactive role) 4. All managers irrespective of functions share the responsibility of human resource functions 5. The responsibilities of HRS relate to HRS, people, systems, and process of the total organisation The major attention of HRS is on developing competencies people and their the

The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability of competent and willing

workforce to an organisation. Apart from this, there are other objectives too. Specifically, HRM objectives are four fold: societal, organisational, functional, and personal.

Societal Objectives
The societal objectives are socially and ethically responsible for the needs and challenges of society. While doing so, they have to minimize the negative impact of such demands upon the organisation. The failure of organisations to use their resources for societys benefit in ethical ways may lead to restrictions. For example, the society may limit human resource decisions to laws that enforce reservation in hiring and laws that address discrimination, safety or other such areas of societal concern. Organisational Objectives The organisational objectives recognise the role of human resource management in bringing about organisational effectiveness. Human resource management is not an end in itself; it is only a means to assist the organisation with its primary objectives. Simply stated the human resource department exists to serve the rest of the organisation. Functional Objectives Functional objectives try to maintain the departments contribution at a level appropriate to the organisations needs. Human resources are to be adjusted to suit the organisations demands. The departments level of service must be tailored to fit the organisation it serves. Personal Objectives Personal objectives assist employees in achieving their personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the individuals contribution to the organisation. Personal objectives of employees must be met if they are to be maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee performance and satisfaction may decline giving rise to employee turnover.

Table 2: HRM Objectives and Functions The Concept and Functions of Human Resource Management HRM Objectives 1. Societal Objectives Supporting Functions 1. Legal compliance 2. Benefits 2. Organisational Objectives 3. Union-management relations 1. Human resource planning 2. Employee relations 3. Selection 4. Training and development 3. Functional Objectives 5. Appraisal 6. Placement Source: William B. Werther, Jr., and Keith Davis, Human Resources and Personnel Management, p. 15.

HUMAN RESOURCE FUNCTIONS The role of human resource management is to plan, develop, and administer policies and programmes designed to make expeditious use of an organisations human resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. Its objectives are: (1) the effective utilisation of human resources; (2) desirable working relationships among all members of the organisation; and (3) maximum individual development. The major functional areas in human resource management are: (1) planning, (2) staffing, (3) employee development, and (4) employee maintenance. These four areas and their related functions share the common objective of an adequate number of competent employees with the skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience needed for further organisational goals. Although each human resource function can be assigned to one of the four areas of personnel responsibility, some functions serve a variety of purposes. For example, performance appraisal measures serve to stimulate and guide employee development as well as salary administration purposes. The compensation function facilitates retention of employees and also serves to attract potential employees to the organisation. A brief description of usual human resource functions is given below: Human Resource Planning: In the human resource planning function, the number and type of employees needed to accomplish organisational goals are determined. Research is an important part of this function because planning requires the collection and analysis of information in order to forecast human resources supplies and to predict future human resources needs. The basic human resource planning strategy is staffing and employee development. Job Analysis: Job analysis is the process of describing the nature of a job and specifying the human requirements, such as skills, and experience needed to perform it. The end product of the job analysis process is the job description. A job description spells out work duties and activities of employees. Job descriptions are a vital source of information to employees, managers, and personnel people because job content has a great

influence on personnel programmes and practices. Staffing: Staffing emphasises the recruitment and selection of the human resources for an organisation. Human resources planning and recruiting precede the actual selection of people for positions in an organisation. Recruiting is the personnel function that attracts qualified applicants to fill job vacancies. In the selection function, the most qualified applicants are selected for hiring from among those attracted to the organisation by the recruiting function. On selection, human resource functionaries are involved in developing and administering methods that enable managers to decide which applicants to select and which to reject for the given jobs. Orientation: Orientation is the first step toward helping a new employee adjust himself to the new job and the employer. It is a method to acquaint new employees with particular aspects of their new job, including pay and benefit programmes, working hours, and company rules and expectations. Training and Development: The training and development function gives employees the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. In addition to providing training for new or inexperienced employees, organisations often provide training programmes for experienced employees whose jobs are undergoing change. Large organisations often have development programmes which prepare employees for higher level responsibilities within the organisation. Training and development programmes provide useful means of assuring that employees are capable of performing their jobs at acceptable levels. Performance Appraisal: This function monitors employee performance to ensure that it is at acceptable levels. Human resource professionals are usually responsible for developing and administering performance appraisal systems, although the actual appraisal of employee performance is the responsibility of supervisors and managers. Besides providing a basis for pay, promotion, and disciplinary action, performance appraisal information is essential for employee development since knowledge ofresults (feedback) is necessary to motivate and guide performance improvements. Career Planning: Career planning has developed partly as a result of the desire of many employees to grow in their jobs and to advance in their career. Career planning activities include assessing an individual employees potential for growth and advancement in the

organisation. Compensation: Human resource personnel provide a rational method for determining how much employees should be paid for performing certain jobs. Pay is obviously related to the maintenance of human resources. Since compensation is a major cost to many organisations, it is a major consideration in human resource planning. Compensation affects staffing in that people are generally attracted to organisations offering a higher level of pay in exchange for the work performed. It is related to employee development in that it provides an important incentive in motivating employees to higher levels of job performance and to higher paying jobs in the organisation. Benefits: Benefits are another form of compensation to employees other than direct pay for work performed. As such, the human resource function of administering employee benefits shares many characteristics of the compensation function. Benefits include both the legally required items and those offered at employers discretion. The cost of benefits has risen to such a point that they have become a major consideration in human resources planning. However, benefits are primarily related to the maintenance area, since they provide for many basic employee needs. Labour Relations: The term labour relations refers to interaction with employees who are represented by a trade union. Unions are organisation of employees who join together to obtain more voice in decisions affecting wages, benefits, working conditions, and other aspects of employment. With regard to labour relations, the personnel responsibility primarily involves negotiating with the unions regarding wages, service conditions, and resolving disputes and grievances. Record-keeping: The oldest and most basic personnel function is employee recordkeeping. This function involves recording, maintaining, and retrieving employee- related information for a variety of purposes. Records which must be maintained include application forms, health and medical records, employment history (jobs held, promotions, transfers, lay-offs), seniority lists, earnings and hours of work, absences, turnover, tardiness, and other employee data. Complete and up-to-date employee records are essential for most personnel functions. More than ever employees today have a great interest in their personnel records. They want to know what is in them, why certain statements have been made, and why records may or may not have been updated.

Personnel records provide the following: i) A store of up-to-date and accurate information about the companys employees. ii) A

guide to the action to be taken regarding an employee, particularly by comparing him with other employees. iii) A guide when recruiting a new employee, e.g. by showing the rates of pay received by comparable employees. iv) A historical record of previous action taken regarding employees. v) The raw material for statistics which check and guide personnel policies. vi) The

means to comply with certain statutory requirements. Personnel Research: All personnel people engage in some form of research activities. In a good research approach, the object is to get facts and information about personnel specifics in order to develop and maintain a programme that works. It is impossible to run a personnel programme without some pre-planning and post-reviewing. For that matter, any survey is, in a sense, research. There is a wide scope for research in the areas of recruitment, employee turnover, terminations, training, and so on. Through a well-designed attitude survey, employee opinions can be gathered on wages, promotions, welfare services, working conditions, job security, leadership, industrial relations, and the like. Inspite of its importance, however, in most companies, research is the most neglected area because personnel people are too busy putting out fires. Research is not done to put out fires but to prevent them. Research is not the sole responsibility of any one particular group or department in an organisation. The initial responsibility is that of the human resource department, which however should be assisted by line supervisors and executives at all levels of management. The assistance that can be rendered by trade unions and other organisations should not be ignored, but should be properly made use of. Apart from the above, the HR function involves managing change, technology, innovation, and diversity. It is no longer confined to the culture or ethos of any single organisation; its keynote is a cross-fertilisation of ideas from different organisations. Periodic social audits

of HR functions are considered essential. HR professionals have an all-encompassing role. They are required to have a thorough knowledge of the organisation and its intricacies and complexities. The ultimate goal of every HR person should be to develop a linkage between the employee and the organisation because the employees commitment to the organisation is crucial. The first and foremost role of HR functionary is to impart continuous education to employees about the changes and challenges facing the country in general, and their organisation in particular. The employees should know about their balance sheet, sales progress, diversification plans, restructuring plans, sharp price movements, turnover and all such details. The HR professionals should impart education to all employees through small booklets, video films, and lectures. The primary responsibilities of a human resource manager are: l l l l l To develop a thorough knowledge of corporate culture, plans and policies. To act as an internal change agent and consultant. To initiate change and act as an expert and facilitator. To actively involve himself in companys strategy formulation. To keep communication lines open between the HRD function and individuals and groups both within and outside the organisation. l To identify and evolve HRD strategies in consonance with overall business strategy. l To facilitate the development of various organisational teams and their working relationship with other teams and individuals. l To try and relate people and work so that the organisation objectives are achieved effectively and efficiently. l To diagnose problems and to determine appropriate solution particularly in the human resources areas.

To provide co-ordination and support services for the delivery of HRD programmes and services.

To evaluate the impact of an HRD intervention or to conduct research so as to identify, develop or test how HRD in general has improved individual or organisational performance. The following are the nine new roles of HR practitioner as suggested by Pat McLegan: 1) To bring the issues and trends concerning an organisations external and internal people to the attention of strategic decision-makers, and to recommend long-term strategies to support organisational excellence and endurance. 2) To design and prepare HR systems and actions for implementation so that they can produce maximum impact on organisational performance and development. 3) To facilitate the development and implementation of strategies for transforming ones own organisation by pursuing values and visions. 4) To create the smoothest flow of products and services to customers; to ensure the best and most flexible use of resources and competencies; and to create commitment among the people who help us to meet customers needs whether those people work directly for the organisation or not. 5) To identify learning needs and then design and develop structured learning programmes and materials to help accelerate learning for individuals and groups. 6) To help individuals and groups work in new situations and to expand and change their views so that people in power move from authoritarian to participative models of leadership. 7) To help people assess their competencies, values, and goals so that they can identify, plan, and implement development actions. 8) To assist individuals to add value in the workplace and to focus on the interventions and interpersonal skills for helping people change and sustain change.


To assess HRD practices and programmes and their impact and to communicate results so that the organisation and its people accelerate their change and development.

There are four roles which HR play, according to Dave Ulrich. The first, strategic partner role-turning strategy into results by building organisations that create value; the second, a change agent role-making change happen and, in particular, help it happen fast; the third, an employee champion role-managing the talent or the intellectual capital within a firm; and the fourth, an administrative role-trying to get things to happen better, faster and cheaper. Human resource management has received tremendous attention in recent years. Its role in organisations has also undergone a substantial change and many organisations have gradually oriented themselves from the traditional personnel management to a human resource management approach, although many see it as the old wine in a new bottle. The basic approach of HRM is to perceive the organisation in its totality. Its emphasis is not only on production and productivity but also on the quality of life. It seeks to achieve the fullest development of human resources and the fullest possible socioeconomic development. Activity A With business going global and competition becoming intense today HR has travelled a long way from its conventional role as a support function to being a strategic business partner in the present technology leveraged era. Discuss this statement by citing suitable examples from your own organisation.

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The HR Administration falls short of controlling the employees activities in analyzing his/her strengths and weakness. The decision for appraisal of assigning next project to the employee or to train him/her to enhance the skills where lies with proper projection. He is not provided with the detailed project information done or to be assigned based on Application / Verticals. DRAWBACKS IN EXISTING SYSTEM: Need of extra manual effort. It used to take much time to find any employee Not very much accurate. Danger of losing the files in some cases.

Decision in assigning proper skillful hands for the project is an important issue in HR Module. The HR Administrator should report with the personal holding the necessary skills required for the project assignment. The decision in making analysis about the employees skills is a prime important before booting in. The proposed system of HR Module is the right software to be incorporated into the Automation of HR Software for helping the organization needs with respect to skilful Human Resource. The proposed system provides detail general information about the employee along with Educational, Certification, Skill and Project details. It enhances the HR Management in adding, viewing and updating employees details and generates various reports regarding employees skill and experience. Suggestions and Grievances posted by the employees are upheld for taking care of the necessary steps in forwarding companys obligation. .ADVANTAGES OF PROPOSED SYSTEM: Very fast and accurate. No need of any extra manual effort. No fever of data loss. Just need a little knowledge to operate the system. Doesnt require any extra hardware device. At last very easy to find the employees.

Once the problem is clearly understood, the next step is to conduct feasibility study, which is high-level capsule version of the entered systems and design process. The objective is to determine whether or not the proposed system is feasible. The three tests of feasibility have been carried out. Technical Feasibility

Economical Feasibility Operational Feasibility

In Technical Feasibility study, one has to test Whether the proposed system can be developed using existing technology or not. It is planned to implement the proposed system using java technology. It is evident that the necessary hardware and software are available for development and implementation of the proposed system. Hence, the solution is technically feasible.

As part of this, the costs and benefits associated With the proposed system compared and the project is economically feasible only if tangible or intangible benefits outweigh costs. The system development costs will be significant. So the proposed system is economically feasible.

It is a standard that ensures interoperability Without stifling competition and innovation among users, to the benefit of the public both in terms of cost and service quality. The proposed system is acceptable to users. So the proposed system is operationally feasible.

The list of modules incorporated with Human Resource Management System is Employee Info Module Administration Module Project Management Module Training Management Module

HR Reports This module deals with the management of the employee information such as the

personal details-his name,qualification,skill,experience,login id,password,etc., Importance of modules in any software development side is we can easily understand what the system we are developing and what its main uses are. At the time of project we may create many modules and finally we combine them to form a system.

Employee Info Module

This module deals with the management of the employee information such as the

personal details name, qualification, skill, experience, login id, password, etc., Importance of modules in any software development side is we can easily understand what the system we are developing and what its main uses are. At the time of project we may create many modules and finally we combine them to form a system person, so that it can be easily added to the database with any duplication of the data.

This module deals with the management of the employee information such as the hiring of the eligible candidate, payments criteria, his personal information maintenance etc.


This module deals with the management of the projects related with the employee like-projects that were past dealt, current projects in his account etc.


This module deals with the training of the employee based on his experience and attendance monitoring. Also the information of the projects that need to be trained for the employees based on their experience and skills and the like.

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