Paul Goodman - Reflections On The Anarchist Principle
Paul Goodman - Reflections On The Anarchist Principle
Paul Goodman - Reflections On The Anarchist Principle
Paul Goodman
anarchist And so forth, down to details like free access in public libraries.
Of course, to later historians, these things do not seem to be anarchist, but
in their own time they were all regarded as such and often literally called
such, with the usual dire threats of chaos. But this relativity of the anarchist
principle to the actual situation is of the essence of anarchism. There cannot
be a history of anarchism in the sense of establishing a permanent state
of things called “anarchist.” It is always a continual coping with the next
situation, and a vigilance to make sure that past freedoms are not lost and
do not turn into the opposite, as free enterprise turned into wage-slavery and
monopoly capitalism, or the independent judiciary turned into a monopoly
of courts, cops, and lawyers, or free education turned into School Systems.