LTE Sim Tutorial

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LTE-Sim is an open source framework to simulate LTE networks.

It encompasses several aspects of LTE networks, including both the Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRAN) and the Evolved Packet System (EPS). It supports single and multi-cell environments, QoS management, multi users environment, user mobility, handover procedures, and frequency reuse techniques. Three kinds of network nodes are modeled: user equipment (UE), evolved Node B (eNB) and Mobility Management Entity/Gateway (MME/GW). Four dierent trac generators at the application layer have been implemented and the management of data radio bearer is supported. Finally, well-known scheduling strategies (such as Proportional Fair, Modied Largest Weighted Delay First, and Exponential Proportional Fair), AMC scheme, Channel Quality Indicator feedback, frequency reuse techniques, and models for physical layer have been developed. The purpose of this tutorial is to make it easier for new users to use LTE-Sim, to create their own simulation scenarios and to eventually add new functionality to LTE-Sim.

Getting LTE-Sim

LTE-sim is available via Subversion To obtain LTE-Sim, enter into the your preferred folder and write the following syntax: $ svn co h t t p : / / t e l e m a t i c s . p o l i b a . i t / svn /LTESim To synchronize the project repository with the local copy, you can run update sub-command. The syntax is as follows: $ svn update

Compiling LTE-Sim

On Linux systems, you can buil LTE-Sim with the following command: $ make To clear the project, you can use the following command: $ make c l e a n For both Linux and Windows systems, you can import the LTE-Sim into the your preferred development platform (i.e., eclipse). To this aim, you can create a C++ project and copy/paste all les of LTE-Sim/src into the src folder of your project.

Running LTE-Sim

In this release several LTE scenarios have been developed as an example. To run a simple simulation, you can use the following command: $ . /LTESim Simple Using $ . /LTESim h you can take a look to LTE scenarios we have developed as an example.

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Software Design Build a simple scenario

With LTE-Sim, a LTE scenario can be created as a static function in a C++ header le, that should be stored into the Simulation/Scenarios folder. A reference of this function should be added into 2

Figure 1: LTE-Sim3- the class diagram

the main program. In this way, the user is able to simulate a proper LTE scenario, selecting it directly from the main program. A basic scenario can be created using the following guidelines: create an instance for Simulator, NetworkManager, FlowsManager, and FrameManager components. Create Cell, ENodeB, and UE objects using methods of the NetworkManager class. For each of these objects, several parameters can be assigned directly with the constructor of the class. Create applications, dening for each of them the data radio bearer type (GBR or non-GBR), IP classier parameters, the start time, the stop time, and QoS parameters. Dene the duration of the simulation and, nally, call the Simulator::Run() function. In order to build a simple scenario, the rst step is to dene a new static function into the src/Simulation/SCENARIOS folder. For this tutorial, we call this function SimpleScenario, and we dene it into the SimpleScenario.h header le. #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e #i n c l u d e . . / c h a n n e l / LteChannel . h . . / c o r e / spectrum / bandwidth manager . h . . / networkTopology / C e l l . h . . / c o r e / e v e n t S c h e d u l e r / s i m u l a t o r . h . . / f l o w s / a p p l i c a t i o n / I n f i n i t e B u f f e r . h . . / f l o w s /QoS/ QoSParameters . h . . / componentManagers /FrameManager . h . . / componentManagers / FlowsManager . h

s t a t i c void SimpleScenario ( ) { } From this point, all instructions must be inserted into the of the previous declarated static function. Create four basic LTE-Sim components (the NetworkManager, the FramekManager, the FlowManager, and the Simulator ). Simulator simulator = Simulator : : I n i t ( ) ; FrameManager frameManager = FrameManager : : I n i t ( ) ; NetworkManager networkManager = NetworkManager : : I n i t ( ) ; FlowsManager flowsManager = FlowsManager : : I n i t ( ) ; Create Channels and Spectrum LteChannel dlCh = new LteChannel ( ) ; LteChannel ulCh = new LteChannel ( ) ; BandwidthManager spectrum = new BandwidthManager ( 5 , 5 , 0 , 0 ) ; 4

Create an LTE cell. // CREATE CELL int idCell = 0; i n t r a d i u s = 1 ; //km i n t minDistance = 0 . 0 0 3 5 ; //km i n t posX = 0 ; i n t posY = 0 ; C e l l c e l l = networkManager > C r e a t e C e l l ( i d C e l l , r a d i u s , minDistance , posX , posY ) ; Create network elements (eNB, GW, and UE). // C r e a t e ENodeB i n t idEnb = 1 ; ENodeB enb = networkManager >CreateEnodeb ( idEnb , c e l l , posX , posY , dlCh , ulCh , spectrum ) ; enb>SetDLScheduler ( ENodeB : : DLScheduler TYPE PROPORTIONAL FAIR ) ; // C r e a t e G W Gateway gw = networkManager >CreateGateway ( ) ; // C r e a t e UE i n t idUe = 2 ; i n t posX ue = 4 0 ; //m i n t posY ue = 0 ; //m i n t speed = 3 ; //km/h double s p e e D i r e c t i o n = 0 ; UserEquipment ue = networkManager >CreateUserEquipment ( idUe , posX ue , posY ue , speed , s p e e D i r e c t i o n , c e l l , enb ) ; Create an Innete Buer Application // C r e a t e an A p p l i c a t i o n QoSParameters qos = new QoSParameters ( ) ; int applicationID = 0; int srcPort = 0; int dstPort = 100; i n t s t r a t T i m e = 1 0 ; // s i n t stopTime = 3 0 ; // s A p p l i c a t i o n be = flowsManager > C r e a t e A p p l i c a t i o n ( applicationID , gw , ue , s r c P o r t , ds t Po r t , T r a n s p o r t P r o t o c o l : : TRANSPORT PROTOCOL TYPE UDP , A p p l i c a t i o n : : APPLICATION TYPE INFINITE BUFFER , qos , stratTime , stopTime ) ;

Dene the duration of the simulation. s i m u l a t o r >S e t S t o p ( 6 0 ) ; Call the Simulator::Run() function to strat the simulation. s i m u l a t o r >Run ( ) ; Finally, a reference of SimpleScenario() should be added into the main program. To this aim, insert into the LTE-Sim.cpp main program the folowing code: #i n c l u d e S i m u l a t i o n s /SCENARIOS/ S i m p l e S c e n a r i o . h int main ( i n t argc , c h a r argv [ ] ) { ... i f ( strcmp ( argv [ 1 ] , S i m p l e S c e n a r i o )==0) { SimpleScenario ( ) ; } }

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