Extracting Human-Readable Knowledge Rules in Complex Time-Evolving Environments

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Extracting Human-readable Knowledge Rules in Complex Time-evolving Environments

Pu Yang, and David L. Roberts Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Abstract A production rule system is a reasoning system that uses rules for knowledge representation. Manual rule acquisition requires a great amount of effort and time from humans. In this paper, we present a data-driven technique for autonomously extracting human-readable rules from complex, time-evolving environments that makes rule acquisition for production rule systems efcient. Complex, time-evolving environments are often highly dynamic and hard to predict. We represent these environments using sets of attributes, and transform those attributes to the frequency domain which enables analysis to extract important features. We extract human-readable knowledge rules from these features using rule-based classication techniques and translating the decision rules back to the time domain. We present an evaluation of our methodology on three environments: hurricane data, a real-time strategy game, and a currency exchange. Experiments show extracted rules are humanreadable and achieve good prediction accuracy. Keywords: Knowledge Acquisition, Production Rule, Humanreadable, Time Series Prediction

1. Introduction
A production rule system is one type of knowledge representation and reasoning system. It provides AI by a set of knowledge rules. These rules are a representation found useful in expert systems and automated planning. There are two ways to acquire the rules: manually and autonomously. Manual rule acquisition needs expertise and is tedious and inefcient, especially in a complex environment. This is called the knowledge acquisition bottleneck [1]. Directly extracting time domain rules can be problematic. Morchen [2] pointed out A big problem when mining in time series data is the high dimensionality. Because looking at each point in time in isolation ignores valuable temporal information, sliding windows are used. However, by enlarging the window to capture more interesting patterns very high dimensional vectors result, introducing the curse of dimensionality [3] which is a major challenge for all rule-based classiers. It seems feature selection can solve the problem. Unfortunately selecting features in the time domain introduces inaccuracies. Deng et al. [4] discussed how feature ltering and wrapper methods lead to low-quality feature subsets. Therefore, we avoid the aforementioned problem by selecting features in the frequency domain.

We present a method for autonomously extracting humanreadable knowledge rules from time-evolving environments that leverages techniques from signal processing and machine learning. To make the time series easier to learn from, we transform the attribute values from the time domain to the frequency domain using wavelet transformations. The time domain is the traditional method of analysis in the AI or ML eld for time series data. The time domain describes how a signal changes over time. On the other hand, the frequency domain describes how much of a signal lies within a given frequency range. The intuition behind transforming to the frequency domain is that transforming time series to the frequency domain keeps only the clean signals. Fugal [5] stated that the frequency transformation separates noise from the time series and keeps only the clean signals with more information. Our insight is that using the frequency domain representation of these informative features, we can build rule-based classiers to extract frequency domain knowledge rules more easily and accurately, and that those rules can be converted into easily human-interpretable knowledge rules. To make these rules easily interpretable, we convert the frequency domain knowledge rules back to time domain knowledge rules which have a natural interpretation in terms of the original attributes. The intuition behind translating rules back to the time domain is that frequency coefcients, which keep a signicant amount of the information in the original time series, can be translated back to the time domain in a manner that preserves the important information, but affords a more easily-understandable interpretation in terms of the original features.

To characterize the practicality and accuracy of our method, we tested it on three real-world time-series domains: the North Atlantic hurricane database; a corpus of action real-time strategy game replays; and nancial exchange prices. These data sets were used both to train our model and to characterize its accuracy. A standard ML-style evaluation of the results veried that the extracted human-readable rules contained useful knowledge. Accordingly, our contributions are: (1) leveraging frequency domain features to create human-readable knowledge rules by translating the rules back to the time domain; (2) producing knowledge rules automatically, thereby dramatically reducing the effort required to extract human-readable knowledge from data.



Time Series of Attributes


Frequency Domain Attributes

ltered & built Rule-based Classier

Human-readable Knowledge Rules

translated back to time domain

Fig. 1: Workow: The environment is modeled as attribute time series that are transformed to the frequency domain. Rule-based classiers that use features extracted from the frequency domain produce knowledge rules describing the important features of the time series. Finally, the knowledge rules are made human-readable by translating the output of the rule-based classier back to the time domain.

2. Related Work
Manual knowledge acquisition is the process of transferring knowledge from a domain expert to an agent by encoding the acquired expertise in the agents knowledge base. Sviokla et al. [6] and Turban et al. [7] indicated yearly productivity of a manual knowledge engineer is limited to hundreds of rules. To improve productivity, Wagner [8], [9] described a few end-user expert systems that do not rely on knowledge engineers, but (rightfully) acknowledged the difculties in maintaining these systems. Wagner [1] also pioneered methods for breaking the knowledge acquisition bottleneck through the application of the principles of Bazaar-style, open-source development where knowledge is acquired in an open, bottom-up manner with broad testing before nal adoption of the knowledge rules. Autonomous knowledge acquisition is when agents build a knowledge base by learning from data, generally with little or no human involvement. Autonomous techniques have focused on a number of areas including developments in how knowledge rules are represented [10]. Kim et al. [11] used codied expressions for knowledge acquisition. Other techniques have focused on knowledge maintenance systems like the Knowledge Base Management Systems (KBMS) which is a development environment for knowledge-based systems [12]. In KBMS the expert does not need a knowledge engineer to encode rules because the KBMS automates much of the process of application building. Finally, there are techniques in autonomous knowledge acquisition which are process focused. For example, Dhar [13] extracted certain types of patterns from data or information stored at data repositories. The extracted knowledge led to interesting distributions of outcomes which are not directly observable in the data. This type of work is most similar to our approach. Our algorithm autonomously identies knowledge rules which are easily interpretable by humans.

2) Samples of the time series are made uniform in length by either up- or down-sampling and the values are normalized. Using signal processing techniques, the values are converted from the time domain to the frequency domain, which reduces the time series into a smaller, more manageable set of frequency domain attributes that capture important trends in the data. 3) A rule-based classier is applied to the frequency domain attributes to output frequency domain rules. 4) The frequency domain rules are translated back into the time domainthe original variables and values which retain the information in the frequency domain rules, but afford easier interpretation by humans.

3.1 Time Series Environments

Time series contain values of attributes that change over time, possibly at non-uniform intervals. Patterns in the ways these attributes evolve over time form the basis upon which we can draw conclusions. The challenge is to identify ways in which we can extract information about those patterns that enable humans to better understand what is happening in the environments. This is exactly what our technique addresses. To enable these conclusions to be drawn, we rst must identify and represent the important attributes of the environment. For example, a natural attribute representation for hurricanes may include wind speed, longitude, latitude, and air pressure samples taken at regular intervals during the hurricanes lifecycle. In a real-time strategy game, a representation may include the agility, damage, intelligence and strength of game charactersall attributes that relate to the abilities of the characters and the outcome of the game. Lastly, a natural choice for modeling a currency exchange environment is as multiple time series of prices.

3.2 Standardizing Time Series

We are not guaranteed that the environments we are modeling will result in time series that are all the same length. It depends on the phenomenon being modeled. Due to sampling variance, the amplitude of the observations may vary as well. For example, a time series representing the wind speed of hurricane KATRINA in Aug. 2005 has a range between 30 and 175 mph and length of 30 observations. A time series representing the wind speed of hurricane MARIA in Sep. 2005 has a range between 35 and 115 mph and length of 51 observations. To make the time series comparable between observational instances, we re-sample to make them uniform length and normalize the values. To put all of time series into uniform length we compute the average length of all the time series we have access to for the environment were working in. Then we down- or upsample each of the time series to be that length. We assume that the important information in the time series is contained in the local maxima and minima values. When we down- or up-sample the time series, we always keep the local extremal

3. Methodology
Our basic process (shown in Figure 1) is: 1) The environment is represented using representative attributes, the values of which evolve over time. The values may, or may not, evolve at regular intervals.

values and interpolate or smooth the values in between. When up-sampling the time series, we interpolate additional values between the extremal values. When down-sampling the time series, we uniformly eliminate values between local extremal values to decrease its length to the average. Once the time series are of uniform length, we have to normalize their values to account for uncertainty. We normalize the values to be between 0 and 1 by the formula: n(x, S ) = x minS maxS minS (1) Fig. 2: A discrete wavelet transformation decomposition of a time series. The original time series is the top-most series. The low frequency part of the series is a6 (second-fromtop). The high frequency parts are d6 , d5 , d4 , d3 , d2 , and d1 (third-from-top to bottom respectively).

where x is the original value of time series S , maxS is the global maximal value of the time series, and minS is the global minimal value of the time series. n(x, S ) is then the normalized value of x. An example of a normalized time series is presented in Figure 2 in the top-most series.

3.3 Transforming to the Frequency Domain

Attribute time series are often noisy, reecting small variances due to inaccuracies in measurements or the inuence of spurious events that can safely be ignored when modeling important trends. This noise can also lead to spurious results in rule-based classiers. Therefore, if we can eliminate noise and extract features that represent the important patterns contained in the data, we can likely get a more accurate description of any knowledge contained in the time series data. It can be challenging to lter noise in the time domain because noise and valuable pattern information are often conated. Fortunately, the process of transforming time series to the frequency domain can effectively separate noise and important trends or patterns [2]. This process leverages the fact that noise is reected in time series as high-frequency oscillations. In the frequency domain, these oscillations are reected in the high frequency bands. In contrast, patterns or important trends produce low-frequency movements in values, and are therefore reected in the lowfrequency bands of the frequency domain. Due to these differences, noise and patterns can be separated clearly when converting from the time domain to the frequency domain. Time-to-frequency analyses are a common tool used in the signal processing eld. There are many existing techniques, including the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) [14], fast Fourier transform (FFT) [15], and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) [5]. Among them, DWT has an advantage because it can capture both frequency information and location (or temporal) information about trends. Because of this, we use the DWT to transform time series to the frequency domain, thereby eliminating (or greatly reducing) noise in our data and enabling us to extract informative knowledge rules. DWT provides a compact time-frequency representation of the data while maintaining the information content present in the time series. To do so, the DWT separates a time series into high-frequency noise and a low-frequency approximation, both represented by a set of coefcients of

a mother wavelet function. There are lots of mother wavelet functions. Among them, Haar wavelets are good for capturing big jumps, or trends [5]. For example, in Figure 2, the top-most time series represents an original time series. Starting from the original time series, in level 1, the DWT process proceeds by computing two sets of coefcients: approximation coefcients and detail coefcients. Approximation coefcients represent the low-frequency part of the time series, which captures the global trends. Detail coefcients represent the high-frequency part of the time series, which capture the local oscillations (noise). To further lter the noise, the DWT can be recursively applied to the low-frequency approximation. Each recursive application of the DWT eliminates half of the coefcients to create successively more coarse approximations. In Figure 2, from the bottom of the gure going up are the six successive high-frequency detail series, and second-from-the-top is the approximation series. As can be seen in the gure, this approximation captures the global trends of the time series.

3.4 Extracting Frequency Domain Rules

After transforming time series to the frequency domain, we construct a rule-based classier using the DWT coefcients as inputs. There are many rule-based classication algorithms including RIPPER [16], CN2 [17], RISE [18], and decision trees [19]. For the purposes of this work, we have chosen to use decision trees to extract these frequency domain rules, because, in a decision tree model, tracing a path from the root to the leaves enables us to extract rules much more easily than a more opaque method, like a support vector machine or articial neural network. Usually the decision tree algorithm outputs a tree with many nodes, and therefore has a lot of rules; however, some of the branches do not represent enough observational instances to be generalizable. So we have two criteria for rules: condence and support. Condence is the percentage of observational instances represented by the node in the decision tree that are associated with a target label. Support is the number of observational instances represented by

the node in the tree. The higher the condence, the more accurate the rule is. The higher the support, the more general the rule is. The combination of these two parameters allows knowledge engineers to make a tradeoff between the predictive power of the extracted rules and the number of rules extracted. Too few rules and important knowledge may be omitted. Too many, and spurious relationships may be reported in the rules. Further, the complexity of the rules can be controlled by the DWT level parameter. The more applications of the DWT, the shallower the rules will be.

4. Experiments
We tested our approach on data from three real-world domains: a corpus of data describing hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, a corpus of replay log les from professional gamers playing an action real-time strategy game, and historical data about currency exchange rates. Moreover, we did a ML-style evaluation of the rules to validate that the conversion process that yields human-readable rules also yields rules that capture useful information. The validation of the extracted rules with subject matter experts is left for future work; however, the ML-style evaluation indicates the extracted knowledge has predictive power. Further, the reader should be able to determine whether or not the extracted rules are human-readable. For benchmarking, we also directly extracted rules from the time domain by using a sliding window to generate time series vectors, selecting relevant features and building a decision tree to create rules. We tried 3 different sliding windows (length 3, 4, and 5) and 5 different feature selection approaches (information gain, chi-square, hill climbing, correlation feature selection (CFS), and random forest with recursive feature elimination (RF-RFE)).

3.5 Translating to the Time Domain

The rules generated from a rule-based classier are in terms of the DWT coefcients in the frequency domain. In this form these rules arent easily human-readable, and most likely arent even in terms of the original environment attributes. To obtain human-readable rules, we need to translate frequency domain rules back to the time domain. The rules read from the decision tree contain thresholds that an approximation coefcient for an attribute should be above or below. For example, a frequency domain rule ai (attri)[E ] > means the DWT approximation coefcient of attribute attri in the E -th segment of the time series at the i-th DWT level is greater than a value . The E -th segment of the time series is determined by dividing the time series into N equal length segments where N is the number of DWT coefcients at the i-th level. Note that because each successive application of the DWT results in half the number of coefcients, each coefcient represents the value trends of increasingly larger segments of the original time series as i increases. To convert any frequency domain rule to the time domain, we identify two sets of time series. Let R= be the set of time series with ai (attri)[E ] = and R<> be the set with ai (attri)[E ] > or < (depending on the rule). If R= is , in the spirit of support vectors for support vector machines we nd the set with coefcient values closest to . We then take the average time series value for attri during segment E for both R= and R<> . The duration of each segment is determined by dividing the length of the original time series by the number of DWT approximation coefcients. Let G= be the set of instances g which satisfy R= . We dene v= (attri)[E ] =
N j =1

4.1 Hurricane Environment

The hurricane environment is a relatively smaller domain than the others we present results from in this paper. Further, the interpretation of the rules doesnt require advanced training in climatology, so this domain provides a reasonable rst step for demonstrating the power of translating frequency domain rules back to the time domain. We obtained data from the North Atlantic hurricane database (HURDAT) which is maintained by the National Hurricane Center. HURDAT contains records of all hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea from 1851 to 2010. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), HURDAT contains the 6-hourly (0000, 0600, 1200, 1800 UTC) center locations and intensity (maximum 1-minute surface wind speeds in knots) for all Tropical Storms and Hurricanes from 1851 through 2010. The data for each hurricane is represented as ve attribute time series that correspond to the ve attributes of the storms: latitude, longitude, wind speed in knots, direction of movement in degrees, and speed. The average hurricane length was 12, 6-hour units, which is equivalent to three days. We up- or down-sampled all time series to be 12 samples long. We then recursively applied the DWT twice to obtain three approximation coefcients representing 1st one-third, 2nd one-third, and 3rd one-third of a hurricane lifetime. To use the data for a predication task, we labeled each of the time series with the binary label landfall or NOT-landfall which indicates whether or not the hurricane center reached the east coast of the United States. We used ve attributes represented by three approximation coefcients each for a total of 15 approximation coefcients.

AV G(gj (attri)[E ]) |G= |


to be the time series value of attribute attri in segment E for observational instances in G= . Here, AV G(gj (attri)[E ]) is the average of original values of attribute attri in segment E of the original time series for observational instance gj in G= . We can compute v<> (attri)[E ] similarly. If v= (attri)[E ] < v<> (attri)[E ] then the corresponding time domain rule is v (attri)[E ] > v= (attri)[E ]. Otherwise, it will be v (attri)[E ] < v= (attri)[E ].

specicity is 0.89; the AUC is 0.87. The average length of rules is 2 conditions. With the same condence and support threshold, the best of the 15 benchmarks is the use of a sliding window of length 4 and random forest with recursive feature elimination, which has accuracy 0.74, sensitivity 0.77, specicity 0.78, and AUC 0.88. The average length of rules is 10 conditions. It should be easier for humans to understand rules with fewer conditions. Fig. 3: Map illustration of Rule2 and Rule4 in Table 1. The horizontal line is latitude, vertical is longitude.

4.3 Action Real-Time Strategy Games

For an action real-time strategy game environment, we collected a total of 2,863 replays from games played between 06/21/2010 and 02/14/2012 from GosuGamers. GosuGamers is an online community for Defense of the Ancients (a popular action real-time strategy game) players covering some of the largest international professional and amateur gaming events. It contains an online database with replays from professional tournaments. The replays contain the information needed to create time series. The game has two teams; each has ve representative attributes: Agility, Damage, Gold, Intelligence, and Strength. Because the game is played with two teams, we had two time series for each attribute for each game. To represent each game in terms of one time series for each attribute, we computed the difference between the individual team attributes at each sample point. Therefore, each game was represented as ve time series comprised of the difference in the base attributes. Table 2: Entries indicate the percentage of rules containing each attribute or game stage. The second through fth columns refer to the 1st one-fourth, 2nd one-fourth, 3rd one-fourth, and 4th one-fourth of the game. The last ve columns refer to agility (agi), damage (dam), gold (gol), intelligence (int), and strength (str). Conf is the condence.
Conf 70% 80% 90% 1st 75 85.7 100 2nd 100 100 100 3rd 37.5 42.9 60 4th 0 0 0 agi 12.5 14.3 20 dam 100 100 100 gol 0 0 0 int 12.5 14.3 20 str 37.5 42.9 60

4.2 Hurricane Results

Table 1: Time domain rules for whether or not hurricanes in the North Atlantic Ocean make landfall on the east coast of the US. Hseg (x) means attribute x of the hurricane during the seg one-third of the hurricanes lifetime. For instance, H2nd (lon) means the longitude of the hurricane during the 2nd one-third of the hurricane s lifetime. Conf means condence of the rule. LF means landfall.
ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conf 0.703 0.862 0.919 0.944 0.867 0.950 Time Domain Hurricane Landfall Rules H2nd (lon) > 75.2W , LF H2nd (lon) > 76.3W ,H3rd (lat) > 26.5N , LF H3rd (lon) > 77.0W ,H3rd (lat) > 26.4N , LF H2nd (lon) > 76.3W ,H3rd (lat) < 26.5N , NOT LF H2nd (lon) < 75.2W , NOT LF H3rd (lon) < 68.4W , NOT LF

To extract the rules, we set condence above 70% and support above 100. There were 1,176 instances in the dataset. The most signicant extracted rules are presented in Table 1. Interestingly, of the ve attributes (latitude, longitude, wind speed in knots, direction of movement in degrees, and speed), only latitude and longitude are represented in our knowledge rules as predictive of hurricanes hitting the east coast of the US or not. From the perspective of time the 2nd one-third and 3rd one-third of hurricane lifetime are critical to whether or not the hurricane makes landfall. Due to space constraints, we are unable to discuss all of rules in Table 1. The map illustrations of Rule2 and Rule4 are shown in Figure 3. In Rule2 and Rule4, latitude 26.5N is the critical value to distinguish landfall or not. When the longitude of a hurricane in the 2nd one-third of the hurricanes lifetime is to the west of 76.3W, the hurricane may curve north or south. When curving north above 26.5N during its 3rd one-third of the hurricanes lifetime, it is likely to hit the east coast of the US with probability 0.862. When curving to the south below 26.5N during the 3rd one-third of the hurricanes lifetime, it is not likely to make landfall with probability 0.944. We performed 10-fold cross-validation to validate our rules for this binary classication problem. If landfall is a true positive (TP). If not-landfall is a true negative (TN). The overall accuracy is 0.87; the sensitivity is 0.85; the

The average game length was 256 events. We up- or down-sampled the difference-team-capability time series to be 256 samples long using the procedure described above. We recursively applied the DWT six times to obtain four approximation coefcients representing 1st one-fourth, 2nd one-fourth, 3rd one-fourth, and 4th one-fourth of a games lifetime. The four stages represented approximately 12 minutes of gameplay each. Then we used 20 approximation coefcients (ve attribute time series represented as four approximation coefcients each) labeled with the winning team as input to the decision tree.

4.4 Real-Time Strategy Game Results

There were a total of 2,863 instances in the dataset. To obtain the rules from the decision tree, we used three

condence thresholds: 70%, 80%, and 90%. For each, we used 200 for the amount of support needed. At the 70% condence level we identied eight rules, at the 80% level seven rules, and ve rules at the 90% condence level. Due to space constraints, we choose the two rules with highest condence values. dattr[seg] means the difference of capability attr between Team1 and Team2 in seg one-fourth of the game lifetime. agi, dam, str means agility, damage, and strength. Rule1 (condence 96%): IF ddam[2nd] > 59.7 THEN Team2 Lose and Rule2 (condence 97%): IF ddam[2nd] > 59.7, dagi[3rd] < 18.1, and dstr[3rd] < 27.7 THEN Team2 Win. In Rule1, if the Team2 has a damage capability decit greater than 59.7 during the 2nd one-fourth of the game lifetime, then the Team2 will lose with 96% chance. However, if the Team2 can achieve agility advantage greater than 18.1 and strength advantage greater than 27.7 during the 3rd one-fourth of the game lifetime, then the Team2 can win with 97% chance according to Rule2. Comparing Rule1 and Rule2, we can conclude advantage of agility and strength in 3rd one-fourth of the game lifetime can compensate for disadvantage of damage in 2nd one-fourth of the game lifetime. Table 2 contains a high-level overview of the rules at each of the condence levels. The entries indicate the percentage of the rules each attribute or game stage appeared in. Of particular interest is the importance of the damage attribute and the 2nd one-fourth of the game lifetime. At all condence levels, every rule identied a test for the value of the damage attribute during the 2nd one-fourth of the game lifetime, indicating this value has the largest inuence on the outcome of the game. Also, of particular interest is the lack of rules pertaining to the gold attribute. This indicates that while gold is useful for increasing capabilities, it must be used wisely or it wont help a team win. Similarly, while all rules contained statements about the 2nd one-fourth of the game lifetime and the majority contained statements about the 1st one-fourth of the game lifetime, fewer contained statements about the 3rd one-fourth of the game lifetime and none contained anything during the 4th one-fourth of the game lifetime. This indicates that advantages are gained before the end of the game. Table 3: Evaluation metrics for game data. Classication accuracy (CA), Sensitivity (Sens), Specicity (Spec), and Area under the ROC curve (AUC).
Metrics CA Sens Spec AUC 70% 0.7860 0.8227 0.7485 0.7856 80% 0.8213 0.7981 0.8449 0.8303 90% 0.8817 0.8902 0.873 0.8853

team wins it is a true negative (TN). We used four metrics. Table 3 shows all values are above 0.74 for all condence thresholds and partitions. The average accuracy is 0.83. The average length of rules is 3 conditions. The best of the 15 benchmarks is the use of a sliding window of length 5 and correlation feature selection, which has accuracy 0.712. The average length of rules is 15 conditions.

4.5 Currency Exchange Environment

We nally tested our method in a notoriously difcult to model and predict domain. The nancial environment is a challenge test for our method. Additionally, we compared our method to the classication accuracy of various MA (moving average) techniques which are commonly applied to nancial time series analysis. We used currency and metal prices from the OANDA Corporation. Oanda reports price data using a 7-day daily average. We chose six currency or metal pairs: US Dollar to Euro (USDEUR), US Dollar to Canadian Dollar (USDCAD), US Dollar to Chinese Yuan (USDCNY), US Dollar to British Pound (USDGBP), US Dollar to Silver (USDXAG), and US Dollar to Gold (USDXAU). We collected these data from 01/01/1999 to 09/30/2012, a total 165 months. For each currency or metal pairs, there are 165 price time series labeled with increase, equal, or decrease that indicate whether the price on the rst day of next month is greater than, the same, or less than the nal day of the last month. The average month is 30 days in length, so we up- or down-sampled time series to be 30 samples long. Since it is not obvious how many phases a monthly currency pair price has, we recursively applied the DWT once, twice, and three times to obtain 15-coefcient, 7-coefcient, and 3-coefcient approximations. Then we used 15 approximation coefcients labeled with increase, equal, or decrease as input features to a decision tree model. We repeated the process with 7 and 3 approximation coefcients. So, for each currency or metal pair, we have three sets of frequency domain rules according to 15, 7, and 3 approximation coefcients.

4.6 Currency Exchange Results

There were 165 instances in the dataset. We used 70% for the condence level and 10 for the support level. Due to space constraints, we choose the two USDXAG rules with highest condence values. P[start,end] means the average price of start-th to end-th of the current month. Rule1 (condence 95%): IF P[1,5] > 0.0879 and P[17,20] > 0.09 THEN decrease and Rule2 (condence 95%): IF P[1,5] <= 0.0879 and P[24,30] <= 0.073 THEN increase. In Rule1, if the average price of rst ve days of the month is greater than 0.0879, the average price of 17th to 20th of the month is greater than 0.09, then the rst day price of the next month will be lower than the price of last day in the current month with condence 95%. In Rule2, if the average price of rst ve days of the month is not greater

We performed three-fold cross validation to validate the accuracy of our model. The results are presented in Table 3. Because Defense of the Ancients is an adversarial game, this is a binary classication problem: one team wins or loses. If the team wins it is a true positive (TP). If the other

than 0.0879, the average price of 24th to 30th of the month is not greater than 0.073, then the rst day price of the next month will be higher than the price of last day in the current month with condence 95%. Table 4: Accuracy summary of 10-fold cross-validation for each currency pairs. H-x is the Haar mother wavelet at the x DWT level. MAs (moving average series) include autoregressive integrated moving average, simple moving average, exponential moving average, weighted moving average, double-exponential moving average, and zero lag exponential moving average. The value in the MAs column is the highest prediction accuracy obtained using all of the MA techniques. Guess is random guess. BestBM is the best of the 15 benchmarks. The entries in bold face indicate the highest prediction accuracy.
USD to EUR CAD CNY GBP XAG XAU Average H-1 58% 58% 52% 53% 55% 66% 57% H-2 58% 57% 59% 53% 91% 49% 61% H-3 58% 57% 62% 53% 68% 49% 58% MAs 44% 47% 41% 49% 40% 44% 44% Guess 47% 45% 33% 34% 36% 40% 39% BestBM 50% 57% 53% 48% 58% 48% 52%

or ontology to lter high-quality rules. Second, to cooperate with domain experts to further investigate the semantics of the rules. Third, our method has three free parameters: DWT level, condence, and support threshold. In the future, we hope to develop a better understanding of how to set those free parameters. One approach is to use an optimization algorithm, such as a genetic algorithm [20] or randomized hill climbing [21], to determine the best values for these parameters. This way, we can ensure that there is a solid reasoning behind picking a specic threshold value or number of DWT coefcients.

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Table 4 shows 10-fold cross-validation accuracy for each currency pair using the three sets of rules our method identied (using the three DWT levels). For the baseline comparison, we have included various MA techniques and a random guess. This is a ternary classication problem: increase, equal, and decrease. The average accuracy of our method over the six currency pairs and three DWT levels is 58.7%. The average accuracy of traditional methods (various MAs) over the six currency pairs is 40.1%. The average accuracy of random guess over the six currency pairs is 39%. The average accuracy of the best of the 15 benchmarks over the six currency pairs is 52%. The entries in the table that correspond to the highest prediction accuracy on each data set are indicated in bold face. In all cases, those entires were for one of our knowledge rule sets. Perhaps more importantly, even our worst-performing sets of knowledge rules, in each case, resulted in a classication accuracy higher than the best performing MA method.

5. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we have introduced a data-driven method for autonomously extracting human-readable knowledge rules from complex, time-evolving environments that makes rule acquisition much more efcient than manual knowledge acquisition. The only knowledge engineering in our method involves identifying and formatting the attributes for representation as a time series. This process doesnt require any value judgements or expert opinions. The extracted rules are both readable by humans and contain useful knowledge. There are a number of exciting avenues for future research. First, to further improve the rules by help of a domain knowledge-driven approach such as a domain model

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