Uf Tech Manual

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Ultrafiltration Technical Manual

Copyright by: inge AG Flurstrae 17 86926 Greifenberg (Germany) Tel.: +49 (0) 8192 / 997 700 Fax: +49 (0) 8192 / 997 999 E-Mail: info@inge.ag Internet: www.inge.ag

Contents 1. Basics of Ultrafiltration .................................................................. 3 1.1. Process..........................................................................................3 1.1.1. Dead-End operation mode .................................................4 1.1.2. Cross-Flow operation mode ................................................5 1.1.3. Cleaning in Backwash - mode .............................................5 1.1.4. Cleaning in Forward Flush mode ........................................6 1.2. Chemical Cleaning ........................................................................7 1.3. Rejection capabilities....................................................................7 Integrating membrane systems................................................. 10 2.1. Combining different membrane technologies ...........................10 2.1.1. Flocculation and ultrafiltration .........................................10 2.1.2. Active carbon and ultrafiltration ......................................10 2.1.3. Ultrafiltration and nanofiltration......................................11 2.1.4. Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis ...................................11 2.2. Comparison with conventional treatment .................................12 inge standard: best UF technology ............................................ 13 3.1. Membrane concepts...................................................................13 3.1.1. Module Schematics ...........................................................13 3.2. Rejection Capabilities of dizzer ..................................................15 3.2.1. Reduction of MS2 Phages .................................................15 3.2.2. Reduction of Cryptosporidia .............................................16 3.2.3. Reduction of Turbidity ......................................................16 3.2.4. Reduction of SDI ...............................................................17 3.2.5. Reduction of TOC..............................................................17 Disclaimer....................................................................................... 18 At site Assistance and Service .................................................... 18



4. 5.

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1. 1.1.

Basics of Ultrafiltration Process

Ultrafiltration, being a part of membrane filtration processes, is a pressure driven filtration technology. A basic process diagram is shown in Graph 1.


Concentrate Feed Membrane Pump


Graph 1: Basic membrane process diagram

The feedwater is hereby pressed into the module by a pump, and permeates through the membrane due to the transmembrane pressure (TMP) difference. Depending on the membranes pore size, water contaminants are being rejected by the membrane and remain in the feed water. In order to avoid a too high concentration of rejected contaminants, which can consist of colloids as well as molecules, atoms or ions, a part of the feed is taken out of the system as concentrate. Too high concentration of contaminants in a membrane system can lead to mineral scaling on the membrane or fouling of colloids, building up a cake layer on the membrane, changing filtration properties and necessary filtration pressures.

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Dead-End operation mode

Micro- or ultrafiltration membranes normally can be operated in both ways: Either with a continuous concentrate flow, which is the so called Crossflow-mode or in Dead End mode, in which all feed water is pressed through the membrane and concentrate is taken out of the system only during backwash sequences. In both cases, the ratio of feed and filtrate is called Recovery and is calculated as:


Flow Filtrate Flow Feed

Ultrafiltration membranes, applied in regular drinking water treatment processes are usually operated in Dead - End Mode due to increased profitability (cf. shown in Graph 2 below)

Feed Membrane Pump


Graph 2: Dead-End process schematics Process Details: When operating in the Dead-End-mode, no circulation of the water takes place. The total quantity of the feed water is pressed through the membrane. This mode is mainly used with raw water of high quality and less turbidity (e.g. ultrafiltration for drinking water pre-treatment). In times of higher turbidity, the Dead-End-mode can be switched to Cross-Flow-mode depending of the types of filtration modules used. Nevertheless, Dead-End-mode is preferred due to improved profitability of the system. It provides lower operation costs (less pump energy required) and higher recovery rates.

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Cross-Flow operation mode

In the Cross-Flow - mode, concentrate is circulated at a higher flush speed in order to create turbulences over the membrane. Thus, the building of a layer can be avoided. Especially in the ultrafiltration process, also the total concentrate can be re-circulated if the membrane is backwashed regularly. (cf. graph 4). In addition, a certain percentage of concentrate is removed from the system continuously (purge).



Purge Membrane


Graph 4: Recirculation with purge - process schematics


Cleaning in Backwash - mode

To avoid the formation of a thick fouling layer, the system needs to be backwashed in defined intervals. In backwash mode, filtrate is pressed from the filtrate to the concentrate side, hereby removing the fouling substances attached to the concentrate side of the membrane. Therefore, filtrate is either stored in tanks, or is supplied by other filtrations units.

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Cleaning chemicals (if needed)

Filtrate tank
Graph 5: Backwash - process diagram Depending on the type of membrane system, concentrate is taken out of the system continuously or during backwash procedures in defined intervals. Graph 5 shows the basic diagram of a backwash process. Membranes applied in desalination processes are usually not backwashable due to their construction. In such systems, concentrate is taken out of the system continuously with the aim to avoid a scaling of low soluble salts. Ultrafiltration membranes with capillaries have such a backwash possibility. When backwashing, filtrate is flushed from the permeates side to the concentrates side, thus removing the layer very effectively. Depending on the membrane system applied, the backwash water may include chemicals like chlorate or hydrogen peroxide. The frequency of a backwash conforms to the quality of the feed water. For disinfection purposes, chemicals like Chlorine or Hydrogenperoxide can be added.

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Cleaning in Forward Flush mode

It is already proved that a short forward flush right before starting the backwash sequence significantly enhances the performance of the backwash. Graph 6 shows the schematics of a forward flush. As this process is not carried out with filtrate but regular feed water, it does hardly influence the overall recovery of the system.


Concentrate Membrane Pump

Graph 6: Forward Flush process schematics


Chemical Cleaning

Depending on the type of fouling, a backwash does not remove the fouling layer completely. Therefore, filtration performance decreases over time. To recover the systems original filtration performance, chemical cleanings are performed in intervals of 3-18 months. Taking into consideration the type of foulant, the appropriate chemical substance is chosen, e.g. Acid, Caustic (Sodiumhydroxide) or varied disinfection and cleaning solutions.

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Rejection capabilities rejection vary among the different membrane

Mechanisms of technologies.

For example Reverse Osmosis membranes that are obtained to be porefree membranes, are even able to reject single solved ions. Transport through these membranes is described by using Solution / Diffusion models. Graph 7 shows the Cutoff of different membrane technologies.

Mikrofiltration p=0,1-5 bar

Ultrafiltration p=0,1-5 bar

Nanofiltration p= 3 - 10 bar

Reverse osmosis p=10-100 bar

high-molecular substances mid size organic substances low-molecular substances multiple charged ions single charged ions

Bacteria, Parasites, particles


Graph 7: Rejection of different membrane types Micro- and ultrafiltration membranes are, in opposite to reverse osmosis membranes, porous membranes. Due to this fact, mainly steric effects are responsible for separation in these processes. Compared with microfiltration, ultrafiltration with its smaller pores is even able to reject not only bacteria and inorganic particles, but also smaller contaminants, such as viruses and macromolecular substances. Graph 8 is comparing both, pore sizes of ultrafiltration versus microfiltration. In addition, the general size of microorganisms is shown which are relevant in the process of drinking water treatment.

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Giardia ca. 8-15 m Cryptosporidium ca. 4-6 m

Escherichia Coli 0.5 - 1.5 m

B. Subtilis ca. 0,3 m MS2-Virus (Coliphage)

Poresize MF ca. 0.2 m

Poresize UF ca. 0.01 m

Graph 8: Comparing pore size of UF and MF

Due to its properties, nanofiltration can be located in between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. Average pore sizes of nanofiltration membranes are around 1 nm (nanometer). Therefore, the rejection of neutral charged contaminants can be considered to be caused by steric effects mainly. It has proven, that bivalent negative charged ions are rejected much better than monovalent ones, due to the negative charge of nanofiltration membranes. For this reason, nanofiltration is often applied to remove hardness and sulfate. Additionally, there are many applications where nanofiltration is applied to reject humic substances and pesticides.

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2. 2.1.

Integrating membrane systems Combining different membrane technologies

As shown in Graph 9, ultrafiltration as a single treatment step or in combination with other membrane processes, provides a powerful tool to remove all kinds of contaminants from the raw water.

Surface water
Particle (Turbidity) Parasites Viruses Microorganisms Dissolved Organic Substances Pesticides Hardness, Sulfates Ions
Ultrafiltration Flocculation Ultrafiltration combined with Activated Carbon Ultrafiltration Ultrafiltration



Reverse Osmosis

Drinking water
Graph 9: Combining treatment systems


Flocculation and ultrafiltration

The removal efficiency of organic carbons that are very difficult to remove from the raw water in general, can be increased significantly by dosing of flocculant in front of the ultrafiltration system. Compared to conventional filtration, it is no more necessary to optimize the flocculation with regards to following separation by the filter due to the fact that ultrafiltration is able to reject even very small flocks. Therefore, flocculation can be optimized towards removal of organic carbons.

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Active carbon and ultrafiltration

Adding active carbon in front of the ultrafiltration, substantially improves the removal efficiency of the system for humic substances and pesticides. In case that large quantities of active carbon are required, the application of a nanofiltration instead of an ultrafiltration system should be considered.


Ultrafiltration and nanofiltration

Polar pesticides can be reliably removed by applying a process combination of ultrafiltration and nanofiltration. As a positive side effect, the water will also be softened and sulfate will be removed.


Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis

To desalinate water, a reverse osmosis treatment step can be applied after the ultrafiltration process. With ultrafiltration as pretreatment, the reverse osmosis system can be operated more reliably and with higher flux rates. Ultrafiltration as a pre-treatment for reverse osmosis is a reliable barrier for microorganisms and particles. Furthemore, it almost completely removes fouling causing substances.

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Comparison with conventional treatment

Compared to conventional treatment processes, ultrafiltration offers various advantages: Ultrafiltration provides a full barrier against microorganisms and particles The quality of the filtrate is not depending on the feed water quality Ultrafiltration is able to eliminate chlorine - resistant pathogens. Concentrate originated by the ultrafiltration process is only consisting of the water contaminants. The amount of created and to be disposed sludge is significantly lower than with conventional treatments. Compact construction of systems provides lower investment for buildings and space than with conventional treatment. Ultrafiltration can be automated easily. Downstream treatment steps will have higher productivity due to the fact that nearly all foulants will have been already removed by ultrafiltration. Investment and operation costs for downstream nanofiltration or reverse osmosis systems are will decrease substantially, since the systems can be operated at higher flux rates and with less cleaning efforts.

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3. 3.1.

inge standard: best UF technology Membrane concepts

Multibore Capillaries provide high safety regarding breakage and therewith avoid any breakage or leckage of the capillaries.

Picture 1: Multibore Capillaries Different membrane configurations allow outside-in, as well as insideout operation. This enables inge AG to operate in a superior way in drinking- water treatment processes with the Multibore membrane. In wastewater, a convincing treatment can be carried out with the Multichannel membrane

Picture 2: Varied Multibore Configurations

3.1.1. A.

Module Schematics dizzer

Kapillarmembranen Druckgehuse




Epoxydharz Kapillare

Picture 3: External dizzer module, schematic construction dizzer is a hollow fiber ultrafiltration module with an average molecular weight cut-off of 150,000 Daltons. An 225 mm diameter dizzer module contains 1.800 Multibore capillaries, each Multibore containing seven 0.8 mm inside diameter fibers. The fibre composition is polyethersulfone with special additives (PESM), a hydrophilic material that resists organic fouling.

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The flow pattern is inside-out, i.e. that the feed water flows through the inside of the fibers and filtrate passes radially outward through the membrane tube walls. Ultrafiltration membranes that are used in the dizzermodules are designed for particulate removal. Water is pressurized through the membrane and particles are left at the membrane surface. Due to the small pore size of the membrane, all suspended solids including microorganisms are removed effectively with this technology. Because these particles build up a fouling layer on the membranes surface, the water flow direction is periodically reversed to remove particulate matter (also called backwash). inge AG is offering various sizes of dizzer modules to match your specific requirements. To ensure a good flow distribution through the capillaries on the filtrate side, special flow distributing mechanisms have been developed and are integrated in every dizzer module (grid construction). The bacteria/virus rejection capabilities of dizzer-technology makes the module the ideal choice for treating surface and well water for potable purposes. Furthermore, the dizzer system is also most effective at reducing colloidal matter and therefore represents an excellent pre-treatment for reverse osmosis systems.

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Rejection Capabilities of dizzer

Reduction of viruses and bacteria usually is given in log (e.g. 5 log reduction). Use following formula to convert log into percent:

1 R = 1 log 10

100 [%]

Reduction of MS2 Phages

The rejection of virus and MS2-phages is difficult to determine. Furthermore, high concentrations of phages have to be dosed over a long enough period of time due to the high rejection performance of the membrane. This process is difficult to realise from the technical point of view: Concentrations of 100,000 phages per liter is the limit that can technically be achieved; but this result is not high enough to overcome the membranes rejection. Therefore, the reduction of MS2 Phages is described to be larger than 99,999% (5 log).

1000000 Concentration in pfu/ml 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 0,5

<1 <1 <1

Rejection > 99,999%

Feed 7,5 Filtrate

Minutes after Backwash


Graph 3: Rejection of MS2 phages by cap Graph 3 shows the rejection of MS2 phages by the dizzer module, at the time short-time after and just before a backwash process (small cake layer before, no cake layer after backwash). The third measurement has been recorded in the middle of two backwash sequences.

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Reduction of Cryptosporidia

In extensive tests, Cryptosporidia (Size 4 6 m) have been reduced by dizzer as shown below.:

10000000 1000000 100000 10000 1000 100 10 1 Feed Filtrate

Rejection > 99,9999%

Graph 4: Reduction of Cryptosporidia by dizzer


Reduction of Turbidity

The quality of the filtrate is not depending on changes in the quality of the feed. Especially when peaks in the turbidity of the feed water occur, dizzer guarantees a consistent, superior filtrate quality. Therefore, this process can be fully automated easily. In practical tests at a municipal wastewater site, the dizzer module has proven the following turbidity reduction:


2.5 Feed 2.0 NTU



0.5 Filtrate

0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000

Operating Time (h)

Graph 5: Turbidity reduction of dizzer at a tertiary effluent

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Reduction of SDI

The reduction of the fouling index (SDI) as an indicator for the filterability of a water, is primarily depending on the consistency of the feed water to the UF: Besides particular substances, colloidal contaminants as well as dissolved organics influence the SDI. Particular and colloidal substances can be removed completely by applying ultrafiltration, while the rejection of dissolved organic matter is depending on the size of such molecules. By adding flocculants, the removal performance and therewith the SDI can be significantly improved. Depending on the raw water quality, the filtrate SDI ranges from 1 to 4 even without adding flocculants.


Reduction of TOC

Per definition, the TOC is consisting of particular, colloidal substances and also contains shares of dissolved organic matter. Since ultrafiltration is rejecting each of these components depending on its molecular weight, the overall rejection performance is a sum of this single figures. Adding flocculants in front of the ultrafiltration system, helps to increase the removal performance for low - molecular organic matters. Operation parameters of flocculation can be optimised by focusing on the concentration of the flocculant and pH of the feed water to achieve best possible rejection of the DOC. Compared to conventional treatment, it is not needed to pay attention to sedimentation nor filterability of the flocks, since ultrafiltration performance is not dependent of flock geometry and specific weight. TOC removal of ultrafiltration can reach up to 60%. Constituent TOC Reduction w/o coagulant TOC Reduction Removal 0 - 25% 25% - 60%

Table 1: TOC Reduction of dizzert

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dizzer modules are registered trademarks of inge AG, Germany. inge and the inge - logo are registered trademarks of inge AG, Germany. Multibore is a registered trademark of inge AG, Germany. All information in this document is subject to national and international copyright laws. Please be aware that information provided in this document is believed to be true and accurate. Information contained herein is subject to change without prior notice. In case of any questions please do not hesitate to contact inge technical department under info@inge.ag 2002 by inge AG, Germany


At site Assistance and Service

Our experienced and qualified staff assists you in supervision of construction, commissioning and plant startup. If cleaning - assistance or troubleshooting is required, contact our technical department at any time. You will find the appropriate number at the end of this manual or on our website under www.inge.ag

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