Asg2 PDF
Asg2 PDF
Asg2 PDF
2013. Introduction The goal of this assignment is to help you practice programming and review material from CS112 Resources/examples of C++ programming is given in Moodle and further help will be given in the labs. You can use either C++, Java, C Sharp or Python for this assignment. Workload: 15 Hours. You can work on this assignment on your own or as a team of 2 members. You can also work on your own. You are required to change your group partner after working together for every two consecutive assignment submissions. Deliverables: you are required to upload your code in the assignment dropbox set in Moodle. The following regulations will apply for this and the rest of the assignments. 1. Students can use either Windows or Linux Operating system for their assignments. Eclipse IDE is encouraged. Assignments can be done in groups up to 2 members per group. 2. During the Assignment Demo, student groups will show their code to the tutor and spend about 5 minutes in the second hour of the lab with the tutor who will examine the code and ask the students to explain their solutions. 3. Note that you can receive negative marks if you use code from the Internet. You are free to discuss and review code on the Internet, however, you should write your own code. You are not allowed to use code from other group members as this will be considered plagiarism.
Due date: 17th August 11pm (No extension will be given). Those who submit after the due date will have 10 percent deducted per day. Assignment Demo date will be given later.
You are to write a program that simulates a vending machine, i.e. the sale of items, coin counting and change giving. A customer will deposit an initial amount of money and buy item from the vending machine by making a sequence of selections. Your program must check that the customer makes a valid selection. The price of each item will be deducted from the initial deposit. Once the customer has finished his/her selections, your vending machine calculates the denominations of coins that are to be returned to the customer as change. Assume that only $1, 50 cents, 20 cents, 10 cents and 5 cents coins are available for making change. You may assume that the customer has deposited sufficient cash for the sum of all his selections. There are 10 of each item at the beginning of each day. If a customer selects an item that is no longer available, then the vending machine will display an error message. Your vending machine starts when it is switched on and only stops when power is shut off.
The following selections are on offer; 1. Water $0.75 2. Coke $1.20 3. Diet Coke $1.20 4. Iced Tea $1.00 5. Swiss Chocolate $1.50 6. Candy $0.95 7. Chips $1.10 8. Bubble Gum $0.50 9. Turkish Delight $1.20 10. End of Transaction
Programming Requirements
1. Create
implement methods ShowMenu(), and DisplayErrorMessage() with the appropriate parameters. Appropriate Data Encapsulation techniques should be used.
2. Your program should be written in such a way that it can easily be changed to accommodate new items for sale and different coin denominations, i.e. changes to your program should be limited to the declaration parts. 3. If the current balance is not sufficient to cover a customers selection, then the vending machine will prompt the user to deposit more money before delivering the selected item. The customer has to keep topping up the amount until the balance is sufficient to cover the price of the selected item. 4. As part of routine maintenance when selection 99 is entered, the vending machine will expect a secret pin code in order for maintenance to proceed; do not display this selection to the customer all items in the vending machine are restocked. Also, the number of sales for each item, the total balance given and the net income for that day are displayed.
5. Assume that the vending machine starts every morning with a fixed number of coins of each denomination. If the vending machine has run out of a particular coin, then alternate means for giving change must be found. If no accurate change can be returned to the customer, then his/her current selection will be ignored. 6. Your machine should monitor if you have enough items. If you do not have enough items, your machine should print a message that can be either emailed (if you using Java), else placed to a file. 7. Assume that you have a number of vending machines around the country. Each vending machine has a unique ID with details about it address, and who is responsible to manage. This information can be implemented as another Class that is a friend of Class Vending machine. A Class called ListVendingMachines will contain a list of all the vending machines that can be search via ID or location and their information of transaction can be displayed. You should use appropriate OOP features such as Friendship and Inheritance to design the necessary classes that makes a nation wide Vending Machine System.
Programming Your are required to use object oriented programming techniques in your program. Extra Credit: Graphics Implement a Graphics User Interface (GUI) that creatively highlights the features of your vending machine. (20 Points) Make your Vending Machine Transactions become updated in a Web Server that runs SQL or MySQL. Therefore, each time a vending machine transaction happens, information about the particular vending machine should be updated to the database, with location and ID. (20 Points)
Grading Your program will be graded as follows: Grading Point OOP Design, Menu and Make selection Return change Display error message and Cash top-up Vending machine maintenance Alternate change Nation wide Vending Machine Class and Design Enough Items in Machine Code quality (e.g., variable names, formulation of selection statements and loops, etc) OOP features Resources: Marks 20 10 10 10 10 15 10 15 3. C++ Graphics.h examples: 4. C++ OpenGL: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Java Tutorial: Java Examples: C Sharp Tutorial: Python Tutorial: Python Examples:
Professional GUI in C++ 10. GTK: 11. QT: 12. Cairo: