Executive Summary - Lundquist Wikipedia Research

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Executive Summary

Italian companies on Wikipedia:

a new frontier in public relations
Lundquist’s top five tips for
Companies must engage carefully with Wikipedia to effective engagement with
improve their online profile. Research by Lundquist Wikipedia

reveals little information is available on Italian companies 1. Respect the Wikipedia

community and make sure
and provides a guide as to how they can improve you understand how the
website works
Google the word Fiat, Bulgari or Pirelli and their entry on Wikipedia will 2. Only make edits to your
appear as one of the top results, inviting the browser to consult corporate article when they concern
independently verifiable facts
information from a website that many perceive as independent and and figures such as the
authoritative, created by a community of millions of internet users. number of employees, market
cap, etc.
This is one reason why Wikipedia has now become one of the world’s 3. Make copyright-free
images and media available
most important sources of information online, accounting for 8% of for Wikipedians
global internet traffic and receiving around 60 million unique visitors a
4. Use discussion pages to
month. The website has become a fundamental aspect of a company’s interact with Wikipedia editors
online presence, playing a key role in public perceptions and reputations. and express your opinion
5. Monitor your Wikipedia
This situation poses a challenge for corporate communicators, who need article for updates and
to understand how the website works and represent themselves vandalism.
effectively on it. A variety of scandals involving corporate manipulation
of Wikipedia articles have scared companies off making any attempt to Top 10 most covered Italian
engage with users of the site. However, as Wikipedia has become such a (S&P/Mib 40) companies on
Wikipedia (%age out of 18
well-established source, engagement is increasingly necessary. points for completeness of
information in English)
Research by Lundquist shows this is a challenge few Italian companies 1. Fiat 94%
are meeting. Although all but one of the 40 major listed companies have 2. Pirelli & C. 93%
3= Eni 78%
dedicated articles on Wikipedia, the amount of information available is 3= STM 78%
generally limited. Out of a maximum of 18 points for completeness of 3= UniCredit Group 78%
information, the average company article scored 8.4. The most detailed 3= Finmeccanica 78%
3= Mondadori 78%
articles on Wikipedia analysed were for Fiat and Pirelli & C. 8. Impregilo 75%
9= Parmalat 72%
To confront this challenge companies need to change their conception of 9= Bulgari 72%
public relations to an approach that speaks directly to communities, rather Top 10 most viewed Italian
than to individuals in the traditional media. It demands an understanding company Wikipedia articles
(page views in English in
of their rules, dynamics and culture. In terms of Wikipedia, this means February 2009)
avoiding editing your own articles, except to update easily verifiable
1. Fiat
statistics, and representing your company using appropriate channels, 2. Bulgari
such as article “talk” pages. Companies should also provide Wikipedia 3. STM
editors with copyright-free photos to use. 4. Pirelli & C.
5. Eni
6. Parmalat
Effective public relations with online communities has had proven 7. Luxottica
success. Our survey showed the result of Fiat actively seeking to have a 8. Finmeccanica
9. UniCredit Group
dialogue with the editors of its page and to provide them with assistance: 10. Telecom Italia
it had the most complete and most-viewed article in our survey.

“Companies should not be afraid to speak to the Wikipedia community. If they approach it in the
right way and demonstrate that they intend to help the community, they will be welcomed.” –
George Turner, head of the research
LUNDQUIST SRL – Piazza XXV Aprile, 1 | 20121 Milan | Tel +39 02 4547 7682 | Fax +39 02 999 85 466 | www.lundquist.it 1
The importance to Wikipedia to companies
Wikipedia is important to companies because:
ƒ It contains articles on a great number of companies, including all but one in the benchmark
S&P/Mib 40 Index
ƒ With 60 million unique visitors a month, the site is currently the 8th most popular
ƒ There are 9,142,010 registered user accounts
ƒ Articles often have high search engine rankings, with 61% of Wikipedia page views
originating from Google
ƒ In the 2008 H&H Webranking Questionnaire, 75% of business journalists, analysts and
investors confirmed they use Wikipedia

The risks of Wikipedia to companies

There are many risks to companies associated with the open contributions policy of Wikipedia and
the fact that information on Wikipedia is widely distributed. One risk is that companies, failing to
properly understand the rules of the encyclopaedia, will attempt to directly edit their entries
themselves. These changes will often be reverted and may even be highlighted in the press,
resulting in bad publicity for the company. This happened with Wal-Mart. Someone working at the
company changed the Wal-Mart Wikipedia entry from stating that the company’s wages were on
average 20% less than other major US retailers to being double the federal minimum wage. An
account of this attempt to change the article was published in the New York Times (Seeing
Corporate Fingerprints in Wikipedia Edits, 19 August 2007).

Another risk comes from the fact that someone from a competitor may use the encyclopaedia to try
to damage the company brand. This happened when someone working on a computer at the Ford
Motor Company, on 15 April 2005, changed the article on the Dodge Rampage, a car produced by
rival Chrysler, to say that the vehicle was ugly and unpopular.

The research
Our research was designed to measure the presence of Italian companies on the English language
version of Wikipedia and how well they were covered by the encyclopaedia. We conducted this
research in February 2009 and covered all of the companies of the benchmark S&P/Mib 40 Index.
Our criteria examined both how the articles were presented, the information displayed within them
and their popularity through the number of page views. However, we did not check the accuracy of
the information in the article.

In order to give some context to our research we also evaluated the Wikipedia articles of the global
top 20 companies from the FT 500 index using the same criteria as for the Italian companies. To
assess the relative coverage of Wikipedia in relation to other encyclopaedias, we looked to see what
kind of coverage the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Microsoft’s Encarta gave to Italian companies.

“The most important thing for companies is to realise that Wikipedia can boost their international
profile.” – Joakim Lundquist, founding partner of Lundquist Srl.

LUNDQUIST SRL – Piazza XXV Aprile, 1 | 20121 Milan | Tel +39 02 4547 7682 | Fax +39 02 999 85 466 | www.lundquist.it 2
The results
ƒ All companies had an article on Wikipedia, except Snam Rete Gas, which redirected to the
article on Eni
ƒ In comparison only four companies had entries on the Encyclopaedia Britannica and only
two on Microsoft Encarta
ƒ The average score for Italian companies using our scale was 8.4 points, out of a maximum
of 18, compared with 16.1 on average for the top 20 world companies
ƒ Italian company Wikipedia pages most frequently lacked photographs of the company, the
market capitalisation, management profiles and links to external websites

The companies that received the best coverage on Wikipedia were internationally recognised
industrial brands such as Eni, Pirelli, Fiat and Finmeccanica. Non-industrial companies with large
international operations such as ST Microelectronics and UniCredit also did well. Surprisingly,
high-profile consumer names such as Bugari, Luxottica and Geox were not as well covered as
their industrial counterparts and banks such as Intesa SanPaolo and Mediobanca also finished in
the bottom half of the list.

The coverage of Italian companies on Wikipedia

Position Company Points (%)
1 Fiat 17 (94%)
2 Pirelli & C. 15 (83%)
3= Eni 14 (78%)
3= ST Microelectronics 14 (78%)
3= UniCredit Group 14 (78%)
3= Finmeccanica 14 (78%)
3= Mondadori 14 (78%)
8 Impregilo 13.5 (75%)
9= Parmalat 13 (72%)
9= Bulgari 13 (72%)
11 Enel 12.5 (69%)
12= Luxottica 12 (67%)
12= Autogrill 12 (67%)
14= B.P. Milano 11 (61%)
14= Mediaset 11 (61%)
14= Banca Monte Paschi di Siena 11 (61%)
17= Italcementi 10.5 (58%)
17= Saipem 10.5 (58%)
17= Assicurazioni Generali 10.5 (58%)
20= Telecom Italia 10 (56%)
20= A2A 10 (56%)
20= Prysmian 10 (56%)
23 Intesa SanPaolo 9.5 (53%)
24= Fastweb 9 (50%)
24= Geox 9 (50%)
24= Gruppo Editoriale L'Espresso 9 (50%)
27= UBI Banca 7 (39%)
27= Banco Popolare 7 (39%)
27= Tenaris 7 (39%)
30 Mediolanum 6 (33%)
31= Buzzi Unicem 5 (28%)
31= Unipol 5 (28%)
31= Fondiaria - Sai 5 (28%)
34 Lottomatica 4.5 (25%)
35= Mediobanca 4 (22%)
35= Alleanza Assicurazioni 4 (22%)
37 Terna 3.5 (19%)
38= Atlantia 3 (17%)
38= Seat Pagine Gialle 3 (17%)
40 Snam Rete Gas 0 (0%)

LUNDQUIST SRL – Piazza XXV Aprile, 1 | 20121 Milan | Tel +39 02 4547 7682 | Fax +39 02 999 85 466 | www.lundquist.it 3
Among the world’s biggest corporations, Chevron was the only company to score full points.
Geographical location made a difference to the score, with UK and US companies placed higher
than their counterparts from other areas such as China. Although some companies such as Nestlé
and Gazprom had good articles, these brands have a high profile in the English-speaking world.

The coverage of the top 20 companies from the FT 150 on Wikipedia

Position Company Points (%)
1 Chevron (US) 18 (100%)
2= Royal Dutch Shell (UK/NL) 17 (94%)
2= Nestlé (Switzerland) 17 (94%)
2= BP (UK) 17 (94%)
2= General Electric (US) 17 (94%)
2= Gazprom (Russia) 17 (94%)
2= Wal-Mart Stores (US) 17 (94%)
2= HSBC (UK) 17 (94%)
2= Johnson & Johnson (US) 17 (94%)
2= Microsoft (US) 17 (94%)
2= AT&T (US) 17 (94%)
2= Total (France) 17 (94%)
13= Berkshire Hathaway (US) 16 (89%)
13= Exxon Mobil (US) 16 (89%)
13= Petrobras (Brazil) 16 (89%)
16 Procter & Gamble (US) 15 (83%)
17= China Mobile (Hong Kong) 14 (78%)
17= PetroChina (China) 14 (78%)
17= Indl & Coml Bank of China (China) 14 (78%)
20 China Construction Bank (China) 12 (67%)

Advice for companies

Successful engagement with Wikipedia and other social media sites involves embracing a new
concept of public relations based on communicating with entire communities rather than individual
representatives. In Wikipedia, messages are left on public notice boards for any member of the
community to take action. There is no editorial board or central contact point. This demands that
communications experts understand the community and respect its rules. They must seek to
understand the culture of the community they are speaking to in order to be accepted and to be

The goal of a company in its relations with Wikipedia should be to help Wikipedia editors to write
better articles with more content. There are several positive steps a company can do to fulfil this
goal. Firstly the company can provide copyright-free images and logos for the editors to use. The
company can also provide links to further information and even suggest new sections and supply
sample texts, as long as this is done on the article discussion page, where editors can discuss
potential edits before they are published.

About Lundquist.
Lundquist Srl is an international strategic communications consultancy, based in Milan, Italy. The
company specialises in online corporate communications. This report forms part of the Lundquist
research series that examines how companies can best take advantage of new trends in web

LUNDQUIST SRL – Piazza XXV Aprile, 1 | 20121 Milan | Tel +39 02 4547 7682 | Fax +39 02 999 85 466 | www.lundquist.it 4

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