Everyday Science (COMPULSORY) - Total Marks-100

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Everyday Science(COMPULSORY) - Total Marks-100

1. Introduction Nature of Science; Brief History of Science with special reference to contribution of Muslims in the evolution and development of science: Impact of science on society. 2. The Physical Sciences (a) Constituents and Structure: "Universe, Galaxy. Solar system, Sun, Earth. Minerals; (b) Processes of Nature -Solar and Lunar Eclipses Day and Night and their variation: (c) Energy :- sources and resources of Energy Energy conservation (i) Ceramics, Plastics. Semiconductors (ii) Radio. Television, Telephones. Camera. Laser. Microscope. (iii) Computers, Satellites; (iv) Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fertilizers, Pesticides, 3. Biological Sciences The basis of life - the cell, chromosomes, genes, nucleic acids. The building blocks - Proteins. Hormones and other nutrients Concept of balanced diet. Metabolism. Survey of Plant and Animal Kingdom - a brief survey of plant and animal kingdom to pinpoint similarities and diversities in nature. The Human body - a brief account of human Physiology, Human behavior.

Current Affairs (COMPULSORY) (Marks- -100) Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of History, Geography and Politics as is necessary to interpret current affairs. Pakistan's relations with its neighbors. Pakistan's relations with Middle Eastern. African and Far Eastern Countries. Pakistan relations with big powers. International Economic issues and Pakistan. Pakistan's role in regional and international organizations. Nuclear politics in South Asia. Structure of Pakistan's economy, economic planning and development strategies Central Issues and problems in the Educational Systems. Issues in Pakistan Politics. Superpowers and the Issues of World Order. Major Contemporary Crises. Major Economic, social and political issues of the world as reflected and discussed in periodicals and newspapers.

Pakistan Affairs (Compulsory)

(Marks-100) Evolution and growth of Muslim Society in the Sub-continent. Ideology of Pakistan-Definition and Elucidation. Historical aspects Muslim rule in the sub-continent, its downfall and efforts of Renaissance. Movements for reforms-Sheikh Ahmed Sarhindi, Shah Waliullah, Aligarh, Deoband, Na&wah, Anjarnun Hamiat-e-Islam and other Educational Institutions- Sind Madressah and Islamia College Peshawar. Ideology of Pakistan in the lights of speeches and sayings of Allama Iqhal and Quaid-iAzam Pakistan Movement-Historical developments, important event. role of various individuals, communities and groups. Political Developments in Pakistan since 1947 and efforts for promulgation of Islamic system. Land and People of Pakistan-Geography. Society. Natural resources. Agriculture, Industry, Education with reference to characteristics, trends and problems.

Applied Mathematics Total Marks-- 200

PAPER-I (Marks - 100) Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section A and any three questions from Section B. SECTION A Vector Analysis Vector algebra, scalar and vector product of two or more vectors, Function of a scalar variable, Gradient, divergence and curl, Expansion formulae, curvilinear coordinates, Expansions for gradient, divergence and curl in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, Line, surface and volume integrals, Green's, Stoke's and Gauss's theorms Statics Composition and resolution of forces, Parallel forces, and couples, Equilibrium of a system of coplanar forces, Centre of mass and centre of gravity of a system of particles and rigid bodies, Friction, Principle of virtual work and its applications, equilibrium of forces in three dimensions. SECTION B Dynamics Tangential, normal, radial and transverse components of velocity and acceleration, Rectilinear motion with constant and variable acceleration, Simple harmonic motion, Work, Power and Energy, Conservative forces and principles of energy, Principles of linear and angular momentum, Motion of a projectile, Ranges on horizontal and inclined planes, Parabola of' safety. Motion under central forces, Apse and apsidal distances, Planetary orbits, Kepler's laws, Moments and products of inertia of particles and rigid bodies, Kinetic energy and angular momentum of a rigid body, Motion of rigid bodies, Compound pendulum, Impulsive motion, collision of two spheres and coefficient of restitution.

Applied Mathematics Total Marks-- 200

PAPER - II (Marks - 100) Candidates will be asked to attempt any two questions from Section A. one question from Section B and two questions from Section C. SECTION - A Differential Equations Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, the power series method. Formation of partial differential equations. Types of integrals of partial differential equations. Partial differential equations of first order Partial differential equations with constant coefficients. Monge's method. Classification of partial differential equations of second order, Laplace's equation and its boundary value problems. Standard solutions of wave equation and equation of heat induction. SECTION - B Tensor Definition of tensors as invariant quantities. Coordinate transformations. Contravariant and covariant laws of transformation of the components of tensors. Addition and multiplication of tensors, Contraction and inner product of tensors The Kronecker delta and Levi-Civita symbol. The metric tensor in Cartesian, polar and other coordinates, covariant derivatives and the Christoffel symbols. The gradient. divergence and curl operators in tensor notation. SECTION C Elements of Numerical Analysis Solution of non-linear equations, Use of x = g (x) form, Newton Raphson method, Solution of system of linear equations, Jacobi and Gauss Seidel Method, Numerical Integration, Trapezoidal and Simpson's rule. Regula falsi and interactive method for solving non-linear equation with convergence. Linear and Lagrange interpolation. Graphical solution of linear programming problems.

(Total Marks 200)

PAPER - I (Marks-100)
Mechanics Vectors - Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications. Newtonian laws of motion; conservation law of energy; conservation of linear and angular momentum; Dynamics of rigid body; spin and pie-cession; gyroscope; Gravitation; planetary motion including satellite. Special theory of relativity. Mischelson - Morely experiment and Einstein's postulates; Lorentz transformation; time dilation and length con traction; equivalence of mass and energy. Fluid Mechanics Surface tension; Viscosity; Elasticity; fluid motion and Bernoullie's theorem. Waves and Oscillation Free oscillation with one and two degrees of freedom; forced and damped oscillations and phenomenon of resonance. Travelling waves and transmission of energy; Phase and Group velocity; standing waves. Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction and Polarization of waves; interfero-meter and Newton's rings; Diffraction Gratings and their resolving power; spectro-meters. Electromagnetic wave equation: normal and anamolous dispersion; coherence, laser and its application. Heat and Thermodynamics Perfect gas and Van der Waals equation; Three Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermal properties of Simple system production and measurement of low temperatures; kinetic theory of gases; Maxwellian distribution of molecular velocities; Brownian motion: Transport phenomena. Classical Maxwell Boltzmann Statistics and its application: Quantum Bose - Einstein and Fermi-Dirac Statistics.

(Total Marks 200) PAPER - II (Marks-100) Electricity and Magnetism Electric field due to point charges, Gauss' law Electric potential and poisson and Laplace's equation Dielectric medium and Polarization: Capacitance; Moving charges and magnetic field Ampere's law; Vector potential; Magnetic properties of matter; Transient current: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction; Alternating current and LRO circuit. Maxwell's equations; Poynting theorem and Poynting Vector. Electronics Thermionic emission; Space charge: Diode. Triode Tetrode; Pentode and their static and dynamic characteristics; Amplitude modulation and demodulation or detection. Various basic circuits for rectification, amplification modulation and detection connected with radio receivers and transmission; n and p type semiconductors; Biased function; Transistors; Common base and common emitter configurations. Atomic Physics Bohr theory and quantum numbers including electron spin; Pauli's exclusion principle; Spectra of simple systems with one or two valence electrons. Photo electric effect Compton scattering; pair production; Lande's g factor and Zeeman effect. Rainan effect; Waves and particles and De Broglie's Hypothesis; Shrodinger wave equation and its application to one dimensional harmic oscillator. Heisen berg's uncertainly principle. Nuclear Physics Structure of Nuclei; Radioactivity infinity, beta and decay. Methods of detection, Mass Sepectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission; reactor and nuclear power, nuclear fusion and its application. Elementary particles and their properties.

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