UA SAC Undergraduate Funding Sources Guide
UA SAC Undergraduate Funding Sources Guide
UA SAC Undergraduate Funding Sources Guide
The purpose of this document is to serve as a compilation of the most common funding sources
for undergraduate students and student groups on campus. In the past few years, an increasing
number of student groups have had unmet needs for funds that could be used to bring a positive
contribution to Penn’s campus and / or improve the undergraduate experience of students.
According to Fran Walker in the Office of Student Life, Penn Trustees first allocated money to
the Undergraduate Assembly to distribute among student government and student groups in the
1960s. The Trustees at that time determined a fixed amount to give to the UA each year.
Several years later, the Trustees elected to increase that fixed amount each year by the same
percentage as the increase in the General Fee that students paid, and this system continues to be
used now. The UA received $1.72 million from the Trustees for 2008-09.
As described above, the UA annually receives and distributes ~$1.7 million to Penn’s six
branches of student government (i.e. Undergraduate Assembly, Student Activities Council,
Student Planning and Events Committee, Nominations and Elections Committee, Student
Committee on Undergraduate Education and the four Class Boards).
The primary funding organization on Penn’s campus for undergraduate student groups is SAC.
Student groups that are currently SAC recognized apply for an annual budget, but in the case of
unforeseen costs, they may submit a Contingency Request for additional funding.
For student groups that are not SAC recognized and wish to seek SAC recognition, more
information can be found at:
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)§ionid=17&id=61&Item
Student groups should be organized and putting on events for at least a year, and if SAC
recognition is granted, newly recognized groups cannot apply for SAC funding for at least three
months after recognition.
If your group needs only a few hundred dollars, we recommend simple fundraising as an
extremely simple, yet effective method. This is an excellent way to raise money for charity
events, as most on-campus organizations cannot fund non-profit organizations or events that
directly contribute to them. Fundraising can include things as simple as bake sales, raffles,
auctions, etc. Members can also participate in the Psychology Department’s experiments
(h t t p : / / w w w . p s y c h . u p e n n . e d u / e x p e r i m e n t s ) or the Wharton Behavioral Labs
Additionally, alumni of your organization are often willing to donate money, so we recommend
contacting them as well. However, before contacting alumni directly, you should contact the
University’s Development and Alumni Relations office (, as some
fundraising on campus may require a Vending Permit.
VPUL is the division that oversees a majority of departments and administrative organizations
that affect students. These include health and academic support services such as Weingarten
Learning Resource Center, CAPS, and Student Health; intercultural programs such as PAACH
and the Greenfield Intercultural Center; resource centers such as Career Services and Penn
Women’s Center; student activities resources such as the Office of Student Life and Civic
House; and College Housing. In the past, VPUL has contributed additional funds towards Hey
Déjà Vu, the senior event during Hey Day and various pre-orientation programs. Additionally,
individual departments / centers under VPUL may be contacted individually.
For example:
• Civic House Associates Coalition (CHAC): CHAC serves as the community service hub
on Penn’s campus. CHAC generally funds start-up and supplemental funding for service
events and projects. Grants are usually under $500. For more information, please visit:
• College Houses and Academic Services (CHAS): CHAS has limited funding that can go
towards events that directly relate to the College House system at Penn. For example,
CHAS is a co-sponsor of the Collegiate Readership Program, which brings the New York
Times to each College House. To contact CHAS, please visit:
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
o Makuu / UMOJA:
The purpose of Makuu is to serve as a cultural resource center for Penn students
interested in Black culture. Additionally, Makuu provides support and guidance
to individual students and student groups, while aiming to identify student-
evidenced challenges and enhance collaborative efforts among students. Students
may apply for funding if an event promotes Makuu’s mission. For more details,
please visit:
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
Penn’s six minority coalition groups – Asian Pacific Student Coalition (APSC), Lambda
Alliance, Latino Coalition, Penn Consortium of Undergraduate Women (PCUW), UMOJA and
the United Minorities Council (UMC) – are administering an Intercultural Fund and plan to
distribute $17,500 per semester ($35,000 total) to undergraduate programming and events on
The mission of the Intercultural Fund is to enhance student life at Penn by supporting events that
break boundaries, celebrate our diversity, and provide forums for underrepresented communities
to express themselves. Funding has been provided to these six Managing Coalitions by VPUL,
with the ICF Board given authority to allocate the funds as it sees fit. The six-member ICF
Board consists of either the Finance Chair, Treasurer or another non-Chair or non-Vice Chair of
each of the six Managing Coalitions.
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
For more detailed information regarding the funding procedure and to obtain a copy of the
application, please e-mail at least three weeks prior to your
group’s event.
If your event is one that brings together at least two groups who normally do not collaborate with
each other and is not a speaker event, you may apply to Tangible Change for funding. T-
Change’s mission is to provide a forum for student leaders to plan and fund events which seek to
bring together large and disparate audiences. Events must be non-alcoholic and non-fundraising
that cater primarily to undergraduates.
T-Change is funded by VPUL and received approximately $40,000 to distribute for the 2007-08
year. One unique aspect about T-Change is that it is one of the few organizations that does fund
food expenses. In the past, T-Change has funded events such as a Microfinance Conference and
a rap battle between students from the Vietnamese Student Association and Muslim Students
Fox Leadership:
Provost’s Office:
In the past, the Office of the Provost has opted to fund initiatives that can benefit the
undergraduate community. Examples include pre-orientation programs, the UA Collegiate
Readership Program, and even events, such as QPENN week.
PASS seeks to foster bonds across generations of Quakers and promote school spirit. PASS-
sponsored activities include a networking conference with Trustees' Council of Penn Women
(TCPW), Post-Penn Perspectives Panel with young alumni nationwide on city life after Penn,
Move to New York broker event with the Penn Club of New York, Homecoming receptions and
mentoring events, Penn-Princeton basketball pre-game reception with Philadelphia Club and the
Red & Blue Crew, introducing high school students to Penn through collaboration with the
Alumni Council on Admissions and Linking Legacies, Clash of the Classes with Class Boards,
and co-partnerships with various student umbrella groups and cultural resource centers.
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
Any undergraduate student group planning an event or program that aims to foster meaningful
alumni-student interactions and is open to all members of the Penn community is eligible to
apply for additional funding from PASS. Such sponsorship requests will be considered on an on-
going case-by-case basis, with the expectation that the requesting group have at least two active
General Body members, with membership defined as per PASS's By-Laws. The amount of
funding available to eligible groups is open to discussion.
Academic Departments:
Most, if not all, academic departments have some funds that they can contribute towards events
that directly relate to that department. Each department may have different procedures and
guidelines on funding events and so should be contacted individually. For example, the
Environmental Studies Department contributed $250 towards the pilot program for PennGreen,
an environmentally themed pre-orientation program.
A travel grant fund has been established to help undergraduate students in the College
defray the cost of travel and / or conference registration fees to participate in an academic
conference. Grants may be awarded to students who are presenting a paper or a poster at
a scholarly meeting. The fund will provide grants of up to $500 per student per year.
Please visit the link for more information as well as how to apply.
Wharton Council:
Wharton Council has about $11,000 to distribute to Wharton Council member groups. Groups
must go through an application process, similar to that of applying to SAC, with unique
requirements to be eligible for funding. Wharton Council member groups may receive funding
based on the size of the event being held. Items such as food, marketing expenses, banners,
transportation (SEPTA), and other miscellaneous equipment can be funded while speaker fees /
accommodations, car rentals and taxi fares, events serving alcohol, and events that are not open
to the Penn community will not be funded. Applications for funding must be turned in ten
business days before the event.
ESAC receives about $24,000 annually from the School of Engineering to allocate to member
groups. Similar to applying for SAC recognition, engineering-focused groups must go through a
recognition process before any funding is obtained. Once a member of ESAC, each group
receives at least $200 per semester for operating expenses. If additional funding is needed for
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
specific events, a group may submit an event proposal form to receive reimbursement for an
If you wish to bring a speaker with an honorarium in excess of $100, your funding source is
SPEC Connaissance:
SPEC Connaissance distributes funds in the forms of annual and non-annual co-sponsorships for
• The organizations / events that currently get annual co-sponsorships are the Muslim
Students Association, APAHW, Unity Week, FLASH, Civic House, Black History
Month, Haitian Solidarity Week, QSA / QPENN, Festival Latino, Philomathean Society,
Hillel, Holocaust Memorial Day, South Asian Society, Lubavitch, Penn Consortium of
Undergraduate Women, and GUIDE.
• Any student group can apply to SPEC Connaissance for a non-annual co-sponsorship if
they are planning on bringing a speaker to Penn’s campus. For the 2008-09 year, SPEC
Connaissance has $23,000 available to distribute in non-annual co-sponsorships.
Applications must be turned in at least four weeks prior to the event. Additionally, other
sources of funding must be consulted before applying for a co-sponsorship. For more
detailed information, please visit:
• Expenses for honoraria, travel and lodging are commonly funded by Connaissance. If the
honorarium is less than $100, your request should go directly to SAC. Here is a general
overview of SPEC funding:
If your event is entertainment, social or social / cultural, is not a charity event and you have a
solid plan of what you want to do but lack funding, your best source of funds is SPEC Fully
Any organization that has an event that is “fully planned” and needs some sort of funding can
apply to the SPEC Fully Planned fund, which has $24,000 for the 2008-09 year. The sponsoring
organization develops the program and the budget and SPEC provides the funding. Example:
Mask & Wig's ComFest.
Fully Planned generally entails that all costs are known, the facilities are set, the other sources of
funding are finalized, etc. Fully Planned does not fund meals, gifts, receptions, or donations.
Groups are also expected to seek other appropriate sources of funding before application to Fully
Planned. For more information, please visit:
If your event is entertainment, social or social / cultural, is not a charity event and is in the
idea stages only, your best source of funds is The SPEC Co-Sponsorship Fund:
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
The sponsoring organization and the appropriate SPEC committee jointly plan the event,
bringing together the expertise from both parties. Example: undergraduate art exhibit co
sponsored by the SPEC Art Gallery and Fine Arts students. Again, here is a general overview of
SPEC funding:
SPEC-TRUM co-sponsors many large-scale events throughout the year that provide quality
entertainment that addresses the diversity interest within the University community. These
include Asian Pacific American Heritage Week (APAHW), QPENN, Festival Latino, Unity
Week, Kwanzaa Celebration, and Carifest. If your group has an event during one of SPEC-
TRUM’s co-sponsored events, you may apply directly to the week-long event or celebration for
some funding.
SPEC is organized into many different committees. Other committees that may assist groups
either monetarily or with event planning include Art Gallery, Concerts, Film, Jazz and Grooves,
SPEC-TRUM, Sound, and Special Events. For more information about each of these
committees, you can visit the SPEC homepage and click on the committee of interest.
GAPSA provides funding for operational expenses of inter-school graduate student groups. Up
to $250 can be requested by each graduate student group per academic year for operational costs
associated with maintaining an active organization on campus. For a student group to be
recognized as a “graduate student group,” at least half of the executive board members should
be graduate or professional students and the group should be registered with the Office of
Student Life ( There is no fixed deadline for
applying for group funding. Undergraduate SAC-funded and single-event specific groups
are not eligible. GAPSA also requires that student groups be inter-school or interdisciplinary.
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
Please indicate whether your group intends to use GISAC funding in addition to your event
funding budget.
GAPSA event funding is intended to provide supplemental funding for graduate student
organizations registered through the Office of Student Life
( Organizations should seek financial support
from sources in addition to GAPSA funding. All student groups are encouraged to apply for
funding for the Fall 2008 semester. Groups may receive up to $1500 for the 2008-09 year and
should plan their fall budget accordingly. The amount of each group receives will be determined
by the strength of the request and the number of groups that apply. Groups must submit budget
request forms to the Vice Chair of Finance mailbox in the Graduate Student Center by October 1,
2008 and electronically to
• In order to qualify for funding, a group should have a membership consisting of at least
50% graduate students.
• Groups that receive funding are required to announce their events on GAPSA’s event
announcements webpage and recognize GAPSA as a funding source on any email
announcements and publications.
• Groups are required to submit an electronic attendance record of all graduate students
who participated in an event which will be used when considering funding for future
• Groups must also submit an itemized spreadsheet listing all expenditures and the names
of individuals seeking reimbursement. Groups are responsible for full disclosure of all
financial actions and must report all changes in expenses to the GAPSA finance
committee. No organization is permitted to enter into any contract without the consent of
the OSL. When submitting forms for payment please list GAPSA-Cosponsorship under
the budget category. Financial policies and forms can be found on the Office of Student
Life website (
• Requests for non-Perelman quad facilities will be entertained only in rare cases. Student
groups registered through OSL receive room rental, chairs and up to six 6’ rectangular
tables from Perelman Quad free of charge. Student groups are required to submit
accurate facilities costs as assessed by Perelman quad after completion of the event. This
can be obtained from your event coordinator.
Authors: 2008-09 UA Budget Committee (2008-09 UA Treasurer Ben Coulter, Ryan Houston, Sakina Zaidi)
2008-09 SAC Executive Board
2007-08 UA Budget Committee (2007-08 UA Treasurer Sunny Patel, Alex Flamm, Liz Lee)
Preference will be given to groups open to the entire graduate student community and whose
board is composed of students from more than one school. GAPSA will make a small amount of
funding available for groups on a per event basis since this is the first year for the budget
proposal system.
In the past, the Contingency Fund has been used to fund UA projects and initiatives such as pre-
orientation programs and the UA Collegiate Readership Program (The New York Times), as well
as student organizations such as Penn Leads the Vote.
The following excerpt from the UA Budget Committee’s Funding Guidelines provides an
explicit list of funding sources that must precede submission of a UA Contingency Request:
a. SAC (for SAC groups)
b. Tangible Change
c. Fundraising Efforts
d. Alumni Donations
e. Resource Centers
f. SPEC (for speakers)
While we recognize that this is not an exhaustive list of every single funding source on campus,
we believe that this is a good starting point for any group looking to obtaining funding. Other
potential sources of funding include: Office of Health Education; Office of Alcohol Policy
Initiatives; Kelly Writer’s House; Annenberg School of Communication; each individual school
within the university; each of the four Class Boards; and, Hillel, among many others.