Catalogue EEE Books

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Eastern Economy Editions
Sciences and Medicine
PHI Learnings Eastern Economy Editions (3Es) consist of
outstanding works of Indian authors and unabridged reprints
of established titles widely used by universities. These lower
priced editions are published for the benefit of students.
AGRICULTURE....................................................................................................... 3
SCIENCES ........................................................................................................... 11
Anthropology ............................................................................................... 11
Biology/Biotechnology/Bioinformatics ............................................................ 13
Chemistry ..................................................................................................... 34
Environment/Energy Studies ......................................................................... 42
Geography and Geology ................................................................................ 58
Mathematics ................................................................................................. 65
Nanotechnology/Nanoscience ....................................................................... 107
Physics/Astrophysics ................................................................................... 108
Statistics .................................................................................................... 139
MEDICINE ......................................................................................................... 147
AUTHORWISE ALPHABETICAL LISTING ................................................................ 153
WHOLESALERS AND STOCKISTS ........................................................................... 161
The export rights to Eastern Economy Editions are vested solely with the publisher.
Horticulture: Principles and
Practices, 4th ed.
Now in its fourth edition, Horticulture: Principles and
Practices continues to explore horticulture as a
science, an art, and a business meeting the practical
information needs of everyone involved in the
discipline from the small urban gardener/hobbyist
to the large-scale producer. One of the leading and
the best introductory horticulture book available
today, this edition is completely updated to include
the latest developments and newest technologies.
New features include
32 pages of color images directly and effectively
tied to the text and referenced throughout.
Over 150 new photos.
Industry Highlights provided by twelve horticulture
experts containing excellent illustrations and
practical professional information to enhance topics
in selected chapters.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part 1: The Underlying Science
What is Horticulture. Classifying and Naming
Horticultural Plants. Plants Anatomy. Plant Growth
Environment. Plant Physiology. Breeding Horticultural
Plants. Part 2: Protecting Horticultural Plants
Biological Enemies of Horticultural Plants. Principles
and Methods of Disease and Pest Control. Part 3:
Propagating Horticultural PlantsSexual Propagation.
Asexual Propagation. Part 4: Growing Plants
IndoorsGrowing Houseplants. Controlled-
Environment Horticulture. Greenhouse Production.
Growing Succulents. Part 5: Growing Plants Outdoors:
OrnamentalsPrinciples of Landscaping. Nursery
Production. Installation of the Landscape. Turf
Production and Use. Pruning. Part 6: Growing Plants
Outdoors: Vegetables, Fruits, and NutsGrowing
Vegetables Outdoors. Herb Gardening. Organic
Farming. Establishment and Management of an
Orchard. Part 7: Special Techniques and Handling or
Horticultural ProductsCut Flowers and Floral Design.
Terrarium Culture. Bonsai: The Art of Miniature Plant
Culture. Postharvest Handling and Marketing of
Horticultural. Product. AppendicesA: Temperature:
Converting between Celsius and Fahrenheit Scales. B:
Metric Conversion Chart. C: English Units Conversion
Chart. D: Common and Scientific Names of Selected
Plants. E: Selected Botanical Gardens and Arboreta.
Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 784 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3820-3 / ` 695.00
Principles of Crop Production:
Theory, Techniques, and Technology
GEORGE ACQUAAH, Langston University.
This introductory text is a lucid presentation of
principles of crop production as a science, an art, and
a business.
While the initial chapters explore the underlying
concepts, the author adequately stresses on current
trends in agriculture and their impact on crop
production including that of environmental safety.
Presenting the entire field as a managed ecosystem
(or an agroecosystem), sustainable agricultural
practices such as organic farming are emphasized.
Written in a straightforward and to-the-point
manner, the text more responsibly treats resource
and risk management. The conceptual approach and
an improved pedagogy navigate easier understanding
making this book an important instructional tool for
various courses in agrosciences.
Introduction to each chapter followed by expected
outcomes that engage the students in the
learning process.
End-of-the-chapter outcomes assessment contains
multi-structured questions to facilitate learning of
text concepts.
Boxed information offers additional material to
give enhanced emphasis to topics presented in the
Web addresses and links at the end of each chapter
to keep the reader abreast of latest developments.
CONTENTS: Preface. Crop Production and Society.
Plant Structure and Function. Plant Metabolism and
Growth. Crop Improvement. Climate and Weather. Soil
and Land. Plant and Soil Water. Pests in Crop
Production. Agricultural Production Systems. Land
Preparation and Farm Energy. Seed and Seeding.
4 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Harvesting and Storage of Crops. Marketing and
Handling Grain Crops. Appendices. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 480 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-81-203-2161-8 / ` 325.00
Crop Diseases and Their Management
H.S. CHAUBE, Professor, Department of Plant
Pathology, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant University
of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.
V.S. PUNDHIR, Associate Professor, Department of
Plant Pathology, College of Agriculture, G.B. Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar.
This comprehensive and uptodate text is designed to
provide information to the readers on all important
aspects of plant pathology in a single volume. The
information on modern areas like Disease diagnosis,
Disease forecasting, Biological control, Epidemiology
and Biotechnology in disease resistance and safe use
of pesticides have been covered, giving most recent
concepts. The text is illustrated with flow diagrams,
line diagrams, photographs and tables for quick and
easy understanding of the subject.
Comprehensive description of various groups of
plant pathogens
Descriptive and illustrated treatment of aspects/
issues pertaining to principles of plant pathology
and principles of plant disease management
In-depth description of diagnosis of plant diseases
Discussion on etiology and management of
important plant diseases.
Intended primarily as a textbook for undergraduate
and postgraduate students of biology and agriculture,
this book would also be useful for researchers,
practitioners, and agribusiness consultants.
CONTENTS: Preface. Plant Diseases. Landmarks in
Development of Plant Pathology. Diagnosis of Plant
Disease. Disease Development. Mechanism of Host
Defence. Genetics of Host Pathogen Interaction.
Disease Development in Populations. Disease
Measurement and Forecasting. Principles of Plant
Disease Management. Physical Methods. Regulatory
Methods. Cultural Practices. Biological Control.
Management Through Host Genes. Chemical Control.
Integrated Plant Disease Management. Kingdom:
Fungi. Kingdom: Protozoa and Plant Diseases.
Kingdom: Chromista (Oomycota), and Plant Diseases.
Phylum: Chytridiomycota and Plant Diseases. Phylum:
Ascomycota and Plant Diseases. Vascular Wilts.
Phylum: Basidiomycota and Plant Diseases. Bacteria
and Plant Diseases. Viruses and Plant Diseases.
Mollicutes and Plant Diseases. Nematodes and Plant
Diseases. Phanerogamic Plant Parasites. Post-Harvest
Diseases. Plant Diseases of Unsettled Etiology. Non-
Infectious Disorders. Glossary. E-References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 724 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2674-3 / ` 395.00
HARTMANN, et al.
Hartmann and Kesters
Plant Propagation: Principles and
Practices, 7th ed.
(with CD-ROM)
University of California, Davis.
FRED T. DAVIES, Jr., Texas A&M University.
ROBERT L. GENEVE, University of Kentucky.
The seventh edition of this book continues the
gradual reorganization and the updating of biological
concepts that underlie the practical application of
the existing plant propagation technology. This
remarkably thorough book covers all aspects of the
propagation of plantsboth sexual and asexual
with considerable attention given to human efforts to
increase plant numbers. The text explains art of
propagation, science of propagation, and knowledge
of specific kinds of plants and the particular methods
by which those plants must be propagated. In this
book biotechnology is introduced as three separate
branches: (a) cell and tissue culture technology,
(b) gene marker technology, and (c) recombinant
gene technology.
It includes in-depth text boxes to separate more
advanced topics or to highlight specific key
terminology. An added feature to the seventh edition
is a student CD supplement that includes expanded
definitions and images for over 200 terms used in
plant propagation. The CD is packaged free in the
back of each new text and provides an interactive
supplement to the text that allows students to see
additional color images, animations, tutorials, and
video clips related to propagation. A large number of
diagrams, and tables, enhance the value of the text.
This is a very useful textbook for students of
horticulture in agricultural universities/colleges.
CONTENTS: Preface. About the Authors. Part I:
Propagation Evolved in Human Society. Biology of
Plant Propagation. The Propagation Environment. Part
II: SEED PROPAGATIONThe Development of Seeds.
Principles and Practices of Seed Selection. Techniques
of Seed Production and Handling. Principles of
Propagation from Seeds. Techniques of Propagation
Principles of Propagation by Cuttings. Techniques of
Propagation by Cuttings. Principles of Grafting and
Budding. Techniques of Grafting. Techniques of
Budding. Layering and Its Natural Modifications.
Propagation by Specialized Stems and Roots.
Principles and Practices of Clonal Selection. Part IV:
of Tissue Culture and Micropropagation. Techniques
for Micropropagation. Part V: PROPAGATION OF
SELECTED PLANT SPECIESPropagation Methods and
Rootstocks for Fruit and Nut Species. Propagation of
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, and Woody Vines.
Propagation of Selected Annuals and Herbaceous
Perennials Used as Ornamentals. Subject Index. Plant
Index, Scientific Names. Plant Index, Common Names.
Latest Print 2009 / 904 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3145-7 / ` 595.00
HAVLIN, et al.
Soil Fertility and Fertilizers: An
Introduction to Nutrient
Management, 7th ed.
JOHN L. HAVLIN, North Carolina State University.
JAMES D. BEATON, Retd. from Potash and Phosphate
SAMUEL L. TISDALE, Late President, The Sulphur
WERNER L. NELSON, Late Sr. V.P. Potash and
Phosphate Institute.
This classic textbook on soil fertility, fertilizers, and
plant nutrition has taken the test of time for half a
century so far. This Seventh Edition with an emphasis
on environmental impact is the most comprehensive
treatise on soil fertility and nutrient management on
the market today. The text presents the chemical,
biological, and physical basis and interactions
influencing nutrient availability in soils. This book is
eminently suitable for students of agriculture
pursuing courses in Agronomy and Chemistry.
An expanded discussion of nutrient uptake and
absorption mechanism in roots and cells
New information on contemporary tools and tech-
niques to evaluate nutrient availability in the field
Improved and increased focus on the impact of
N and P use on water quality
Many new graphics and photos to aid in reader
New qualitative and quantitative study questions
have been added to the end of each chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Basic SoilPlant
Relationships. Soil Acidity and Alkalinity. Nitrogen.
Phosphorus. Potassium. Sulfur, Calcium, and Magne-
sium. Micronutrients. Soil Fertility Evaluation. Basics
of Nutrient Management. Nutrients, Water Use, and
Other Interactions. Economics of PlantNutrient Use.
Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Quality.
Latest Print 2010 / 528 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3017-7 / ` 395.00
Aquaculture Technology and
UJWALA JADHAV, Reader, Department of Life Sciences,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
Aquaculture, farming of aquatic animals and plants,
is one of the worlds fastest growing food production
systems. This text provides an excellent elucidation
of the concepts of aquaculture along with its impact
on the environment.
Written in a style that makes the subject both
interesting to read and easy to understand, this text
describes the scope and principles of aquaculture, and
the design and management of a typical aquaculture/
fish farming. It explains different types of culture
systems and practices, as well as different criteria for
the selection of species for culture. The text
discusses some common diseases in aquaculture and
measures to prevent them. It further elaborates the
importance of a balanced diet for aquatic species and
focuses on harvesting and post-harvesting
Biotechnolgy has gained immense importance in
recent years and it is now applied to aquaculture for
improvement of aquatic species. This book discusses
in detail the role of biotechnology in aquaculture. In
addition, it deals with different aquaculture practices
in India, such as culture of carp, prawn, pearl and
seaweed. The text concludes with a discussion on the
effects of aquaculture practices on the environment.
Provides a list of major important aquaculture
species cultured worldwide.
Presents the latest data to enhance the utility of
the text.
Gives special emphasis on aquaculture practices in
The book is intended for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of zoology (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
and fisheries (B.F.Sc. and M.F.Sc.). It will also be
useful to aquaculturists and environmentalists.
6 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
CONTENTS: Preface. Basics of Aquaculture. History of
Aquaculture. Aquafarm Engineering. Types of Culture
Systems. Different Culture Practices. Species Selection
in Aquaculture. Diseases in Aquaculture. Feed
Formulation in Aquaculture. Harvesting-post-
harvesting Technology and Processing in Aquaculture.
Biotechnology in Aquaculture. Carp Culture. Prawn
Culture. Pearl Culture. Seaweed Culture. Impact of
Agriculture on Environment. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 352 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3641-4 / ` 295.00
Irrigation Water Management:
Principles and Practice
DILIP KUMAR MAJUMDAR, formerly Professor
of Agronomy and Principal (Dean), Institute of
Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
This book fills the need for an up-to-date
comprehensive text on irrigation water management
for students of agriculture both at the undergraduate
and postgraduate levels. The scope of the book
makes it a useful reference for courses in agricultural
engineering, agronomy, soil science, agricultural
physics and environmental sciences. It can also serve
as a valuable guidebook to persons working with
farming communities.
The coverage in fifteen chapters brings out different
aspects of irrigation including irrigation situation in
the world, rainfall, evaporation, water wealth and
progressive development of irrigation in India,
measurement of soil water and irrigation water,
methods of irrigation, irrigation with saline water,
formulating cropping pattern in irrigated area and
management of high water table.
The book has useful research data and a large
number of diagrams for easy comprehension of the
topics. The end-of-chapter problems and numerous
worked-out examples serve to aid further under-
standing of the subject. The book also has an
extensive glossary, whilst a detailed bibliography
concludes each chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. General. Water Wealth and
Irrigation in India. Soil-Water Relationship. Soil Water
Measurement. Soil Water-Plant Relationship.
Estimating Water Requirement of Crops. Methods of
Irrigation. Measurement of Water. Irrigation
Efficiency. Scheduling Irrigation. Irrigation Practices
in Crops. Quality of Water and Irrigation with Saline
Water. Irrigation and Cropping Pattern. Irrigation and
Fertilizer Use. Water Management in High Water Table
Areas. Appendices. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 500 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1729-1 / ` 325.00
Pulse Crop Production: Principles
and Technologies
DILIP KUMAR MAJUMDAR, formerly Professor
of Agronomy and Principal (Dean), Institute of
Agriculture, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan.
Rich in protein, pulses or grain legumes form a very
important source of food. The problem of mal-
nutrition and inadequate supply of protein poses a
gigantic task to increase pulse production in many
countries. This comprehensive book has been
designed to provide sequential development and
generation of information in science and technology
of growing pulse crops. It aims to equip the students
and researchers with the knowledge of research
results to put those into practice for higher crop
The book presents the varied principles and
technologies available in growing pulse crops in
different states of India. It provides introductory
knowledge of the basics of pulse production, factors
limiting production, trends of research in India and
the importance of pulses in human nutrition. All
together, it covers 15 pulses, each one in a separate
chapter. All the pulses have been elaborately dis-
cussed based on advanced research results beginning
with climate and soil requirements, seedbed
preparation, technologies related to sowing, manuring
and fertilizer use, water management, cropping
systems, weed management and crop protection. In
addition, each chapter ends with a good number of
references followed by a question bank.
Primarily designed for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of agriculture, the book will
also be beneficial to teachers, scientists, scholars and
extension agencies in agriculture.
CONTENTS: Preface. General. Pigionpea. Greengram.
Blackgram. Cowpea. Horsegram. Frenchbean.
Mothbean. Clusterbean. Ricebean. Hyacinth Bean.
Chickpea. Lentil. Peas. Lathyrus. Soybean. Author
Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 572 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4176-0 / ` 495.00
target contaminants. Besides, coverage also includes
the topics on bioinformatics in agriculture,
biodiversity, bioethics, and agricultural pollution.
This text is suitable for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of agriculture and
biotechnology. It will also be useful to researchers
and agronomists.
CONTENTS: Preface. Modern Tissue Culture Tech-
niques. Metabolism in Crops. Agricultural Genomic.
Biofertilizer. Pest Management Biotechnology.
Bioremediation. Biomonitoring. Biodiversity. Bioinfor-
matics in Agriculture. Bioethics. Global Issues.
Agricultural Pollution and Its Abatement. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 276 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3592-9 / ` 225.00
Entomology and Pest Management,
6th ed.
LARRY P. PEDIGO and MARLIN E. RICE, both of Iowa
State University.
The revised edition of this best-selling text combines
basic entomology with applied aspects of the science
with a balanced mix of theory and practice. The text
focuses on advances in the theory and technology of
pest management. From the basic information
presented in the beginning chapters, the student is
progressively introduced, chapter by chapter, to the
individual tactics used in pest management programs.
Insect diagnostics boxes interspersed throughout
contain detailed information on distribution,
importance, appearance and life cycle of a species
or species group.
Thorough Appendixes include 1500 World Wide Web
Insect classification scheme is modified to reflect
current thinking in systematics. It focuses on the
orthopteroid and hemipteroid groups.
A new chapter on Biopesticides for management is
developed by the authors and covers a rapidly
growing list of pesticides registered by the
Environmental Protection Agency.
The chapter on Conventional Insecticides for
Management now includes newly registered
compounds besides providing detailed explanation
of established ones.
Essentials of Plant Breeding
K.V. MOHANAN, Professor of Genetics and Plant
Breeding in the Department of Botany, University of
Calicut, Kerala.
Essentials of Plant Breeding provides comprehensive
coverage of principles and practices used in plant
breeding. Covering basic concepts of genetics and
conventional methods, the book discusses all modern
methods and advance techniques of plant breeding.
It also deals with the pest and disease resistance,
quality improvement, heterosis breeding, ideotype
breeding, etc. The book has a special mention on
variety release, seed certification, Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR) and sustainable agriculture.
The present book is primarily intended for the
undergraduate students of agricultural sciences and
botany. The book is also useful for the postgraduate
students of botany and plant science.
CONTENTS: Preface. Plant BreedingAn Overview.
Biological Foundations of Plant Breeding.
Conventional Methods of Plant Breeding. Modern
Methods of Plant Breeding. Breeding for Special
Purposes. Variety Release and Seed Certification.
Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Breeding.
Sustainable Agriculture. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 168 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3968-2 / ` 125.00
NAG (Ed.)
Textbook of Agricultural
AHINDRA NAG (Ed.), Senior Assistant Professor in the
Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur.
Agricultural biotechnology plays a significant role in
developing agriculturally important crops that provide
high yield with enhanced nutritional value and show
improved resistance to pathogens. This book, a
collaborative endeavour involving contributions from
renowned academics from India and abroad, discusses
the techniques of plant tissue culture, the funda-
mental basis for the development of innovative crop
improvement strategies, and emerging paradigms in
plant genome research.
The book describes the benefits of the production
and use of biofertilizers and biopesticides to
overcome hazardous effects of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. It explains the importance of microbes in
bioremediation and the methods of biomonitoring to
8 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
relation to pest and disease outbreaks, discusses
climate change and provides introduction to
remote sensing.
A special feature of the book is that it contains
many indigenous examples related to the humid
tropics. In addition, the book has many plates and
information on basic and sophisticated meteorological
A variety of chapter-end questions help develop
students understanding of salient concepts and
makes the material presented more meaningful.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Radiation.
Temperature. General Circulation. Atmospheric
Moisture. Clouds. Precipitation. Monsoon. Weather
and Crops. Evapotranspiration. Drought. Agroclimatic
Classification. Weather Forecasting. Crop Simulation
Modelling. Influence of Weather on Pest and Disease
Outbreaks. Climate Change. Remote Sensing. Subject
Index. Geographical IndexIndia. Geographical
IndexOther Countries.
Latest Print 2008 / 384 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3338-3 / ` 325.00
PRASADA RAO, et al. (Eds.)
Climate Change and Agriculture over
The Editors:
G.S.L.H.V. PRASADA RAO, Professor and Head,
Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of
Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU),
Thrissur, Kerala, and Associate Director of Research,
G.G.S.N. RAO, Project Coordinator of the All India
Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology at
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
(CRIDA), Santhosh Nagar, Hyderabad. He is associated
as Principal Investigator with the National Network
Project on Impact of Climate Change, and two other
projects on National Facility of Agromet Data-bank at
CRIDA, and Utilization of Agroclimatic Information for
V.U.M. RAO, Principal Scientist (Agrometeorology) at
CRIDA, Hyderabad.
Global warming has led to climate change which in
turn has led to frequent occurrence of floods,
droughts, and cold and heat waves, affecting the
productivity of food grain in a large measure. This
book studies the effects of regional climate change
on the agriculture sector in different states of India.
The book also discusses the impact of global warming
on the agriculture sector across the world and
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Insect Structures
and Life Processes. Insect Classification. The Insect
Life Cycle. Insect Ecology. Surveillance and Sampling.
Economic Decision Levels for Pest Populations. Pest
Management Theory. Management with Natural
Enemies. Ecological Management of the Crop
Environment. Conventional Insecticides for
Management. Biopesticides for Management.
Managing Insects with Resistant Plants. Management
by Modifying Insect Development and Behavior.
Sterile-Insect Technique and Other Pest Genetic
Tactics. The Practice of Insect Pest Management.
Managing Ecological Backlash. Insect Pest
Management Case Histories. Appendices1: Key to
the Orders of Hexapoda. 2: List of some Insects and
Related Species Alphabetized by Common Name. 3:
World Wide Web Sites of Entomological Resources.
Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 812 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3886-9 / ` 595.00
Agricultural Meteorology
G.S.L.H.V. PRASADA RAO, Associate Director of
Research, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU),
Thrissur, Kerala.
Designed as a textbook for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of agriculture, it fulfills the
need for an uptodate comprehensive information (as
per the syllabus framed by ICAR) on the theoretical
and applied aspects of agricultural meteorology.
Illustrated with graphs, schematic representations,
photographs and pictures, the scope of the book is
divided into three major areas of study:
1. Discusses the basic aspects of agricultural
meteorology; introduces the principal
meteorological variables (with emphasis on
radiation and temperature) that govern the
atmosphere and highlights the causal factors
leading to the global and local weather and
climate variations like atmospheric pressure and
winds, clouds, monsoon and precipitation.
2. Addresses the effects of weather on various crops
and discusses applications of Hopkins bioclimatic
law to mitigate the ill effects of weather on crop
production; explains agroclimatic classification and
discusses droughts and their management strategy
with special reference to crops.
3. Deals with various types of weather forecasting
and their techniques including weather service to
farmers; explains crop growth simulation
modellinga newly emerging area in agricultural
meteorology; focuses on influence of weather in
describes in particular how climate change/variability
is affecting rainfall, temperature and land in various
states of India. It also suggests adaptation
techniques which can be evolved to neutralize the
adverse effects of climate change. Besides, the text
explains the need for weather risk management,
agromet advisory services, weather insurance, and the
principles and practices of integrated watershed
management through a consortium of approaches for
mitigating the adverse impact of climate change in
the semi-arid tropics.
This book, with contributions from experts in the
field and edited by academics who are authority on
the subject, should prove to be extremely useful to
undergraduate and postgraduate students of Agri-
culture, planners, policy makers and administrators.
CONTENTS: Preface. Weather Extremes and Food
Security. Regional Climate Change Impacts in India.
Climate Change and Agriculture over Kerala. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Tamil Nadu. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Karnataka. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Northern Karnataka.
Climate Change and Agriculture over Andhra Pradesh.
Weather Hazards on Crops over Maharashtra. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Maharashtra. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Chhattisgarh. Climate
Change and Agriculture over Orissa. Climate Change
and Agriculture over Gujarat. Climate Change and
Rainfed Agro-ecosystems over Madhya Pradesh.
Climate Change and Agriculture over West Bengal.
Climate Variability and Crop Production over the Arid
Rajasthan. Climate Change and Agriculture over
Eastern Uttar Pradesh. Climate Change and
Agriculture over Assam. Implications of Climatic
Change for Sustainable Agriculture in Haryana.
Climate Change and Agriculture over Uttarakhand.
Climate Change and Agriculture over Punjab. Climate
Change and Temperate Horticulture over Himachal
Pradesh. Climate Change and Agriculture over Jammu
and Kashmir. Weather Risk Management and Weather
Insurance. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 352 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3941-5 / ` 375.00
Agricultural Microbiology, 2nd ed.
G. RANGASWAMI, Formerly, Adviser, Planning
Commission; Director, Central Staff College for
Agriculture, Hyderabad; and Vice-Chancellor, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
D.J. BAGYARAJ, Professor of Microbiology, University
of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
This book is about the study of microbes and
the fundamental aspects of microorganisms
and their relationship to agriculture. Designed
for undergraduate and postgraduate students of
agriculture and biology, this basic and well illustrated
text provides a comprehensive presentation of
The book begins with some basic information on
microorganisms including methods of study and
classification. It then goes on to describe their
morphology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics. A
discussion on soil microorganisms along with
pathogenic forms and their effect on plants is also
given. The text concludes with a fairly detailed
account of microbial biotechnology which covers most
of the recent advances in the area.
This is the second edition of the authors highly
successful earlier edition for which Dr. Selman A.
Waksman, discoverer of Streptomycin, write the
Foreword. The author worked with this Nobel
Laureate at Rutgers State University.
CONTENTS: Foreword by Seiman A. Waksman.
Introduction. Historical. Methods of Studying Micro-
organisms. Classification of Microorganisms. Morpho-
logy and Cytology of Microorganisms. Physiology and
Biochemistry of Microorganisms. Genetics of Micro-
organisms. Microorganisms in Soil. Plant Pathogenic
Microorganisms. Microorganisms in Food and Dairy
Industry. Microorganisms Harmful to Man and Animal.
Microorganisms in Miscellaneous Roles. Microbial
Biotechnology. AppendixSome Common Media for
Culturing Microorganisms. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 440 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0668-4 / ` 250.00
Diseases of Crop Plants in India,
4th ed.
G. RANGASWAMI, Formerly, Adviser, Planning
Commission; Director, Central Staff College for
Agriculture, Hyderabad; and Vice-Chancellor, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
A. MAHADEVAN, Formerly, Director, Centre for
Advanced Studies in Botany, University of Madras.
This fully-revised and enlarged fourth edition
introduces the students to the basic and applied
aspects of plant pathology and to the major diseases
of crops and fruit trees in India. Latest develop-
ments in the molecular biology of diseased plants
and control measures are incorporated in the book.
The book begins with a detailed description on
10 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Provides keys to identify major plant parasitic
Includes techniques of drawing and measuring
nematodes, histochemical, biochemical and
molecular techniques in addition to important
techniques related to Remote Sensing, Electron
Microscopy, Microplots, Photomicrography,
Culturing, Bioagents, Botanicals, Nematicides, etc.
Exclusive chapters on techniques pertaining to
specific nematode genus/species and non-specific
general techniques applicable to plant nematodes
irrespective of the genus/species.
Provides tips for the better results, important
points to remember, and advantages or dis-
advantages of the techniques used.
Besides UG and PG students, this book will serve the
needs of research scholars and scientists engaged in
the field of Plant Nematology, Plant Pathology, Soil
Microbiology and Entomology. It will also be useful
to the officials/field personnel of the agricultural and
horticultural departments and others concerned with
plant protection.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Acquaintance with the Equipments and Materials
Used in Plant Nematology. Methods of Sampling for
Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Techniques of Nematode
Extraction. Techniques of Extraction of Nematodes
from Plant Tissues. Keys to Identify Major Genera of
Plant Parasitic Nematodes. Techniques of Nematode
Culturing. Techniques to Test Pathogenicity.
Techniques of Handling, Killing, Fixing, Staining and
Mounting of Nematodes. Techniques of Preservation
and Staining of Nematodes in Plant Tissues.
Techniques of Drawing and Measuring Nematodes.
Techniques of Histopathology and Histochemistry in
Nematology. Photomicrographic Techniques. Electron
Microscopic Techniques. Biochemical and Molecular
Techniques. Techniques of Biochemical Estimations in
Nematode Infected Plant Tissues. Methods of
Assessing Crop Losses. Techniques of Nematode
Bioassay. Microplot Techniques in Nematological
Research. Techniques of Remote Sensing. Techniques
Related to the Biological Agents of Nematodes.
Techniques Related to Entomo-pathogenic Nematodes
(EPNs). Techniques Related to Specific Nematodes.
General Techniques. Technique of Soil Solarization.
Technique Soil Fumigation. Techniques for Testing
Nematicides. Techniques Related to the Use of
Botanicals in Nematode Management. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2010 / 616 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4096-1 / ` 495.00
microorganisms, their morphology, classification,
physiology and genetics. It then deals with
symptoms and methods of studying plant diseases,
and the principles of infection, spread and control
measures of various diseases.
An unique feature of the text is its indepth coverage
of the major diseases of cereals, pulses, vegetables,
oilseeds, fruit trees, cash crops and plantation crops.
Finally, the book presents a critical review of the
current status and future lines of work in plant
pathology in the global scenario, especially with
reference to the developments in biotechnology.
This comprehensive and profusely illustrated text will
be highly valuable to undergraduate and post-
graduate students of agriculture and plant pathology
and the students of botany at all levels.
CONTENTS: Preface to the First Edition. Preface to
the Second Edition. Preface to the Third Edition.
Preface. Introduction. Microorganisms in General.
Methods of Studying Plant Diseases. Symptoms of
Plant Diseases. Principles of Infection and Spread of
Diseases. Principles of Plant Disease Control. Diseases
of Cereals. Diseases of Pulses. Diseases of Vegetables.
Diseases of Oilseeds Plants. Diseases of Fruit Plants.
Diseases of Cash Crops. Disease of Plantation Crops. A
Critical Review. AppendixSome Common Fixative
Stains, Preservatives and Media Used in Studying
Plant Diseases. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 548 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1247-0 / ` 325.00
Methods and Techniques in Plant
N.G. RAVICHANDRA, Associate Professor in the
Department of Plant Pathology, University of
Agricultural Sciences, Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra,
Covering the syllabus prescribed by the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi,
this book deals with a wide range of practical
methods and techniques used in Plant Nematology. It
has been designed specially to fulfill the needs of
both undergraduate and postgraduate students of
Agricultural and Horticultural Universities. It includes
both basic and applied aspects of Plant Nematology.
Includes nematode sampling and extraction
techniques from both soils as well as plant tissues.
Anthropology of the Family and
Kinship, 2nd ed.
ROBERT DELIGE, Professor of Anthropology, University
of Louvain-la-Neuve. He is a member of the Royal
Academy of Belgium.
From the Greek Kings to the Indian Brahman Priests,
the social behaviour and the continuity of human
clans have always been a subject of erudition for the
researchers; as the societies are evolving and so are
our families!
This book, which is the English translation of original
French version, unearths the origin, behaviour, and
the physical, social, and cultural development of
humans since the evolution of the society. It also
discusses the Morgans theory of evolution and
marriage along with the concepts of polygamy and
matrifocalization. The book elaborates on some of the
bizarre practices, such as Nair marriage practiced in
South of India (Kerala), and suggests ways to
reconsider the customs as per the modern norms.
The book also educates on the anthropological
findings of Malinowski, Murdock, Levi-Strauss and
Evans-Pitchard. Besides, it explains kinship as one of
the most basic principles for organizing individuals
into social groups, roles, categories, and genealogy.
This book is specifically intended for the
undergraduate and postgraduate students of
Anthropology and Social Sciences.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface to the Second Edition.
Introduction: General Concepts. Kinship
Terminologies. The Incest Taboo. Evolutionary Theory.
Hunters, Gatherers and Economics. Polygamy and
Matrifocalization. Polyandry. Preferential Marriage
and Alliance. Sexuality and Paternity in the
Trobriand Islands. The Oedipus Complex and
Psychoanalysis. Culture and Personality. References.
Index of Names. Index of Ethnic Names and Places.
Subject Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 192 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4231-6 / ` 195.00
Anthropology: A Global Perspective,
6th ed.
RAYMOND SCUPIN, Lindenwood University.
CHRISTOPHER R. DeCORSE, Syracuse University.
Now in its sixth edition, this book demonstrates to
the students the diversity of different societies and
cultural patterns the world over. It also shows how
humans everywhere are fundamentally alike. The text
engages readers by focusing both on classic and
recent research in the field of anthropology.
The authors syntheticcomplementary approach
blends scientific methods and the methods of
humanities in the study of anthropology. The text
attempts to relate anthropological studies of various
societies to the response of people towards
Novel features which appear in Boxes and enhance
greater understanding of the students are:
Critical PerspectivesFor discovering the excitement
and challenges of anthropological investigation.
Anthropologists at WorkFeature prominent anthro-
pologists relating to their contributions.
Applying AnthropologyShow the relevance of
anthropology to the problems we confront and the
solutions thereof.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part 1: Basic Concepts in
AnthropologyIntroduction to Anthropology. The
Record of the Past. Evolution. Part 2: Physical
AnthropologyThe Primates. Hominid Evolution.
Human Variation. Part 3: ArchaeologyPaleolithic
Cultures. The Origins of Domestication and Settled
Life. The Rise of the State and Complex Society. Part
4: Basic Concepts of Culture and SocietyCulture.
The Process of Enculturation: Psychological Anthro-
pology. Language. Anthropological Explanations.
Analyzing Sociocultural Systems. Part 5: Studying
Different SocietiesBand Societies. Tribes. Chiefdoms.
Agricultural States. Industrial States. Part 6:
Consequences of GlobalizationGlobalization, Culture,
and Indigenous Societies. Globalization in Latin
America, Africa, and the Caribbean. Globalization in
the Middle East and Asia. Part 7: Anthropology and
the Global FutureRace and Ethnicity. Contemporary
Global Trends. Applied Anthropology.
Latest Print 2009 / 768 pp. / 20.0 25.00 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3891-3 / ` 495.00
12 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Essentials of Cultural Anthropology
A.R.N. SRIVASTAVA, visiting faculty at Centre
of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of
Allahabad (UP).
This well-organized text presents the social-cultural
anthropological concepts and theories which have
influenced the mankind in the past, particularly in
the twentieth centurybetween the years 1965 and
2000. Some concepts which would continue to guide
our thinking in the future are also introduced. The
book provides an anthropological analysis of cultural
institutions relating to society, economy, polity,
folklore, and art. The description of the relation
between language and culture and a separate chapter
on Cultural Change make this text unique. Examples
are taken from across the world to describe socio-
economic, political, and religious institutions and
give a panoramic view of diverse cultures.
This book is intended to serve as a text for
undergraduate honours course in Anthropology as
well as postgraduate courses in Anthropology and
Sociology. In addition, it would be of considerable
benefit for students preparing for various competitive
Provides theoretical orientations in cultural
Contains annotated references at the end of each
Gives an insight into well-known anthropologists
and their contributions.
Illustrates concepts through diagrams and charts,
thus enhancing the value of the text.
CONTENTS: Preface. Anthropology: The Study of Man.
Culture and Society and Related Concepts. Theoretical
Interests in Cultural Anthropology. Anthropological
Field Researches. The Domestic Sphere of Culture.
Social Sphere of Culture: Marriage and Kinship. The
Economic Sphere of Culture. The Political Sphere of
Culture. The Religious Sphere of Culture. Language
and Culture. Anthropological Perspective on Art.
New Subfields of Anthropology. Cultural Change.
AppendicesI. Selected Terms and Concepts in
Anthropology. II. Pioneers of Cultural Anthropology.
III. Selected Social-Cultural Anthropology Textbooks:
19702003. IV. Universities with Anthropology
Department and Research Institutions (India).
V. Major Anthropological Journals in India. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 244 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2845-0 / ` 195.00
Human Body Measurements:
Concepts and Applications
S.P. SINGH, Professor, Department of Human Biology,
Punjabi University, Patiala.
PROMILA MEHTA, Professor, Department of Human
Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala.
A perfect body is desired by every human being. Be
it in terms of height, weight or massthe increased
awakening to stay fit and to be in shape has led to
an urge to be familiar with the human anatomy and
its measurements.
A compendium of numerous conceptual issues on
human body physique, body composition and
nutritional status, this book comprehensively
discusses various protocols for measuring human body
parts. The emphasis is laid on the recommendations
made by International Biological Programme (IBP) on
Human Adaptability.
In addition, the book effectively reveals subtle
differences between those individuals who otherwise
look similar through various somatotyping techniques
(like Heath and Carter). The book also explains how
body measurements determine the growth and
development of a child; and factors like chronic
illnesses, and obesity in an adult.
Solved examples to provide an analytical insight on
the subject
Figures and tables to present a lucid picture of all
the concepts
Review questions to test students aptitude on the
Designed primarily for the postgraduate students of
Human Biology, Human Genetics, Anthropology,
Physical Education and Sports Sciences, this book is
equally beneficial for the physical instructors.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Body
Measurements. Body Proportions. Body Composition.
Human Physique. Heath-carter Method of
Somatotyping. Anthropometry and Nutritional Status.
Growth, Maturation and Physical Performance.
Applications of Anthropometry. Appendix. References.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 264 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3863-0 / ` 250.00
Morphology of The Primates and
Human Evolution
R.P. SRIVASTAVA, Professor and Head, Department of
Anthropology at Pune University and Karnatak
University, Dharwad.
This book presents a detailed account of the
morphological features of the primates and, in the
process, it provides a clear exposition of the story of
human evolution. It discusses the theories of
biological evolution, the origin of the primates, the
morphology of the living primates, the social
behaviour of the nonhuman primates, and the
phylogenetic relationship between the large apes and
man on the basis of immunological and molecular
The text focuses on the Miocene hominoids and their
role in the subsequent developments of the
hominids. It discusses three theoriesthe Single
Lineage Theory, the Double Lineage Theory, and the
Triple Lineage Theorydeveloped through the study
of the anatomical features of the australopithecine
fossils found mainly in South and East Africa. The
text also gives up-to-date information on the recent
discoveries of several hominid species.
The emergence of Homo erectus from one of the
australopithecines, its cultural attainments, and the
gradual transition to modern man are described in
the text. The doubts about the phylogenetic lineage
of the Neanderthals and the emergence of the early
Homo sapiens in the context of human evolution
form the basis of various theories regarding the evo-
lution of modern man. These theories are thoroughly
examined in the text.
Discusses immunological and molecular approaches
to primate phylogeny, and various dating
Includes a number of figures, flow charts and
phylogenetic trees to help readers understand the
concepts clearly.
Provides a Glossary of technical terms and
contributions of some eminent persons to the
This book is designed for undergraduate and post-
graduate students of Anthropology and Archaeology.
Besides, students appearing in competitive
examinations will also find the book beneficial.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Theories of Biological Evolution. The Primates.
Prosimii. Anthropoidea. Types of Locomotion among
Primates. Brain and Eyes. Social Behaviour of Non-
human Primates. Immunological and Molecular
Approaches to Primate Phylogeny. Chronology and
Methods of Dating. Miocene Hominoids. Hominid
Fossils. Appearance of Homo erectus. Fossils of Early
Homs sapiens, Neanderthals and Modern Human.
Theories of Modern Human Origin. The Rise and
Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens. Glossary.
Contributions of Some Historical Figures with Great
Reputation. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 208 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3656-8 / ` 225.00
Biology/ Biotechnology /
Biomedical Instrumentation and
R. ANANDANATARAJAN, Professor and Head,
Department of Electronics and Instrumentation
Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College,
Designed as a text for the undergraduate students of
instrumentation, electrical, electronics and biomedical
engineering, it covers the entire range of instruments
and their measurement methods used in the medical
field. The functions of the biomedical instruments
and measurement methods are presented keeping in
mind those students who have minimum required
knowledge of human physiology.
The purpose of this book is to review the principles
of biomedical instrumentation and measurements
employed in the hospital industry. Primary emphasis
is laid on the method rather than micro level
mechanism. This book serves two purposes: One is to
explain the mechanism and functional details of
human body, and the other is to explain how the
biological signals of human body can be acquired and
used in a successful manner.
More than 180 illustrations throughout the book.
Short questions with answers at the end of each
Chapter-end exercises to reinforce the
understanding of the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Electronics and Medicine.
14 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Bioelectric Potentials and Transducers. Bioelectric
Signal Acquisition. The Nervous System. The
Cardiovascular System. Pulmonary/Respiratory
Systems. Biotelemetry. Electrical Safety of Medical
Equipments and Patients. Medical Imaging Systems.
Therapeutic Units and Analytical Instruments. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 304 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4227-9 / ` 275.00
Textbook of Immunology
SEEMI FARHAT BASIR, Professor and Head of the
Department of Biosciences, Jamia Millia Islamia, New
Primarily intended as a textbook for the under-
graduate and postgraduate students of Biosciences,
Biotechnology and Biochemistry, this compact and
well organized text covers all the aspects of
The strength of this book is its complete coverage of
all the key topics in modern immunology without
excessive detail or theoretical discussion. Each
chapter is enriched with numerous well-labelled
illustrations. Beginning with an introduction to
the immune system including different types of
immunity, immunogens and immunoglobulins, this
text covers the basic concepts of antigenantibody
interaction and various methods of determining
them. It also includes topics on lymphocytes, Major
Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) and its classes,
graft rejection, and complement pathways. The book
concludes with a description on different types
of vaccines, and cytokines which are a group of
regulatory proteins.
Encompasses the most important topics on HIV and
Emphasizes the concept of tumour immunology and
the therapeutic strategies used against tumours.
Discusses autoimmunity, its causes and current
Includes multiple-choice questions at the end of
each chapter.
This textbook will also be useful to the students of
B.Tech (Biotechnology).
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction to the Immune
System. Antigens. Immunoglobulins: Structural and
Functional Basis of Antibody Diversity. Antigen
Antibody Interaction. Generation, Activation and
Differentiation of Lymphocytes. Major Histo-
compatibility Complex. Complement. Tolerance and
Immunosuppression. Hypersensitivity. Transplantation
and Immunosuppression. Tumour Immunology.
Autoimmunity. Immunodeficiency. Vaccines.
Cytokines. Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 248 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3661-2 / ` 225.00
Bioinformatics Computing
BRYAN BERGERON, Harvard Medical School and
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This text is a comprehensive practical guide to
computing in the burgeoning field of bioinformatics.
It is intended for students and professionals pursuing
careers in the fields of bioengineering, molecular
biology, and biotechnology, at all levels of their
training and practice. Its goal is to provide readers
with a roadmap to the diverse field of bioinformatics
computing as well as in-depth information to serve as
a valuable reference for readers already active in the
bioinformatics field.
After an up-to-the-minute overview of the entire
field, the book identifies and describes specific
information technologies in enough detail, offering
practical insight into the full range of bioinformatics
applicationsboth new and emerging. The most
relevant areas coveredthe ones that have direct
bearing on researchinclude:
3D visualization: for exploring the inner workings
of complex biological structures
Very large biological databases: object-oriented
database methods, data mining/warehousing,
knowledge management, and more
Advanced pattern matching techniques, including
microarray research and gene prediction
Statistical methods, and distributed computing
Event-driven, time-driven, and hybrid simulation
In the larger context, bioinformatics being an
empowering technology, this book is designed to
bring molecular biologists and biotechnologists up to
speed in computational techniques that apply directly
to their work.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. The Central
Dogma. Databases. Networks. Search Engines. Data
Visualization. Statistics. Data Mining. Pattern
Matching. Modeling and Simulation. Collaboration.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 462 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2258-5 / ` 250.00
Introduction to Environmental
Biotechnology, 2nd ed.
A.K. CHATTERJI, Formerly Professor of Applied Botany
and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur; and Formerly Emeritus Fellow, School of
Environmental Science, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Intended as a text for the students of M.Sc.
(Environmental Science and Biotechnology); M.Tech
(Environmental Engineering), and as a useful
reference for the students of B.Tech and B.Sc.
(Biotechnology), this thoroughly revised Second
Edition incorporates the latest advances and trends
in Environmental Biotechnology.
The text focuses on the utilization of modern
biological and biochemical tools, such as Genetically
Modified Organisms [GMOs], cell biological methods,
biosensors, bioplastics and bio-fuels. It explains how
to conserve the rapidly dwindling bio-resources and
judiciously exploit the bio-sphere and also projects
the future possibilities of this technology in the 21st
This book can also serve as a useful guide to research
scholars and practising professionals.
This Second Edition comes with some fresh additions
in the following chapters:
Chapters 2, 5 & 6 on environmental management,
bio-monitoring of pollution and pollution control.
Chapters 7 and 10 dealing with bio-degradation
and eco-friendly bio-resources.
Covers all the aspects of environmental
biotechnologyfrom ecosystem to genetic and
molecular levelssupported by authentic data and
Delineates strategies and protocols for the
utilization of microbes in solving problems of
environment, including the use of the well-known
super-bug Pseudomonas putida.
Discusses modern biotechnological tools in
environmental monitoring and analysis.
Uncovers the production processes and advantages
of bio-fuels.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Preface to the First
Edition. Acknowledgments. Environment and
Biotechnology. Ecosystem Approach in Environmental
Management. World of Microbes in Relation to
Environment. Conventional Waste Water Treatment
Strategies Using Biosystems. Biotechnological
Methods of Pollution Detection. Biotechnological
Methods in Pollution Abatement. Biotechnology and
Biodegradation. Biohydrometallurgy and Biomining.
Genetically Engineered Microbes in Bio-treatment of
Wastes and Environmental Safety. Eco-friendly Bio-
products for Environmental Health. Environmental
Biotechnology in the 21st Century. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 216 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3160-0 / ` 195.00
Biotechnology for Waste and
Wastewater Treatment
NICHOLAS P. CHEREMISINOFF, a chemical engineer by
trade, has over 20 years of industry and applied
research experience in the field of environmental
control and industrial waste management.
Biological treatment, or biotechnology, is an
expanding field which has shown success in
remediation of industrial and municipal waste
problems. Industrial waste problems, especially those
involving hazardous waste, are an ongoing concern
since they pose a serious hazard to human health or
living organisms. The range of hazardous wastes is
large and their effects diverse. There are numerous
instances of mishaps all over the world. During the
last few years, there has been a worldwide move to
remedy these problems.
This book chiefly examines the practices employed
for biological treatment of waste/wastewater and
hazardous wastes. The technologies described involve
conventional treatment processes, their variations as
well as recent research. A promising new technique is
in the field of in-situ bioreclamation of contaminated
groundwater for cleaning up aquifers contaminated
with organic pollutants, such as chlorinated solvents,
petroleum products and pesticides. This particular en-
vironmental problem, being one of the most critical
of recent times is dealt with in a separate chapter.
The book is intended for a wide range of audience.
It will be useful to students and academia of civil/
chemical/environmental/public health engineering,
environmental sciences and biotechnology, as well as
to professionals, researchers, environmental specia-
lists, and administrators working in the field of
pollution control. Industrialists wishing to seek an
overview of the field for control of contaminants and
treatment of wastes will also benefit immensely from
this book.
CONTENTS: Preface. About the Author. Biotechnology
for Industrial and Municipal Wastes. Biological
Degradation of Hazardous Wastes. Biological
16 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Treatment of Industrial Wastes: Mutant Bacteria.
Nitrification and Denitrification in the Activated
Sludge Process. In-situ Bioreclamation of Contami-
nated Groundwater. Index.
Latest Print 2003 / 248 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-1883-8 / ` 225.00
Molecular and Cellular Physiology of
GORDON L. FAIN is Professor of Physiological Science,
Ophthalmology, and Neuroscience at the University of
California, Los Angeles.
For understanding the functions of the brain, it is
essential to understand how the individual molecules
and cells within the nervous system function and
how they ultimately shape our behavior. This book
provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of
what we know, what we want to know, and what we
can expect to discover in the near future about the
functioning of brain at the level of molecules and
The text presents the subject from fundamentals
to the most sophisticated concepts and latest
discoveries: from membrane potentials to recent
experiments on voltage-gated ion channels, from
descriptions of receptors, G protein, effector mole-
cules, and secondary messengers to an account of our
current understanding of long-term potentiation.
Each chapter discusses individual experiments and
illustrates the techniques and approaches that have
formed our present view of nerve-cell function.
The book aims at graduate and postgraduate students
of physiology, medical biotechnology and students
of neural and cognitive sciences. It should also be of
interest to anyone interested in the role of molecules
and cells in the central nervous system.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Part One: Electrical
Properties of Cells and HomeostasisPassive Electrical
Properties of Neurons. Ion Permeability and
Membrane Potentials. Ion Pumps and Homeostasis.
Part Two: Active Propagation of Neural Signals
Action Potentials: The Hodgkin-Huxley Experiments.
The Structure and Function of Voltage-Gated
Channels. The Diversity of Voltage-Gated Channels.
Part Three: Synaptic Transmission and Ligand-Gated
ChannelsPresynaptic Mechanisms of Synaptic
Transmission. Excitatory Transmission. Inhibitory
Transmission. Part Four: Metabotropic Transmission
and NeuromodulationReceptors and G Proteins.
Effector Molecules. Calcium and Nitric Oxide. Long-
Term Potentiation. Part Five: Sensory Transduction
Mechanoreceptors. Photoreceptors and Olfactory
Receptors. Appendix: Symbols Used. References.
Latest Print 2005 / 704 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2734-9 / ` 495.00
Engineering Introduction to
Biotechnology, An
There are many ways to define biotechnology.
Sometimes biotechnology is considered to be the use
of engineering principles in biology. In this book,
biotechnology is any technique, technology or appli-
cation that depends on or benefits from information
obtained through the ability to extract, copy, modify
or reintroduce the nucleic acids of an organism.
An Engineering Introduction to Biotechnology is an
insightful text for technical professionals. It is aimed
at creating an opportunity for engineers, physical
scientists, technical managers and marketers to
determine if their technologies and organizations
have relevant application in the life sciences. The
author has more than a decade of experience in this
growing field, primarily as a division leader at
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, where his
staff has conducted investigations in genomics, bio-
engineering, and related engineering research areas.
The book caters to the needs of the non-specialists
wanting to know about biotechnology by introducing
the basic concepts of biology, emphasizing omic or
whole mass approaches, describing large-scale
applications such as DNA sequencing, and demons-
trating technical successes with a few case studies of
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Introduction to Biology
Basic Biology. Nucleic Acids as the Blueprint. Mani-
pulating Nucleic Acids and Proteins. An Integrated
Approach for Biological Discovery. Part II:
Applications and InstrumentationDNA Sequencing.
Detecting Nucleic Acids. Protein Structure.
AppendicesA. Units and Measures. B. Nonscientific
Issues. Recommended Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2004 / 144 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-2500-1 / ` 125.00
Curves. Polymerase Chain Reaction. Sequencing of
Proteins. Nucleic Acid Sequencing. Strategies for
Genome Sequencing and Cloning. Polymorphism.
Library Generation. Mutagenesis. Carbohydrates. Gene
Expression. Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression.
Gene and Gene Knock Out. Recombinant Protein
Expression. Lipids. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 696 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4171-5 / ` 595.00
Fundamentals of Bioanalytical
Techniques and Instrumentation
SABARI GHOSAL, Associate Professor, Amity Institute
of Biotechnology, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
A.K. SRIVASTAVA, Director, Amity Institute of
Bioanalytical techniques are the integrated methods
used in biological sciences and analytical chemistry.
This comprehensive and well-written book is intended
for those who wish to have a strong foundation in
Biotechnology. The book deals with various concepts,
techniques, and instruments used in bioanalysis as
well as their diverse practical applications.
The text provides a good understanding of the
general laboratory techniques, microscopic methods,
various separation and spectroscopic techniques and
many common issues of experimental design and data
analysis. In addition, it discusses, in detail, various
hydrodynamic techniques like sedimentation and
centrifugation, pH, diffraction methods, bioreactors
and, finally, the application of computers in
fermentation technology.
Covers most bioanalytical techniques studied in
Provides a large number of diagrams to illustrate
the concepts and methods.
Contains Review Questions.
This book is primarily intended as a text for
undergraduate students of Biotechnology (B.Sc./
B.Tech.) for their course on Methods of Instru-
mentation and Bioanalytical Techniques. Many
concepts and techniques covered in the text are also
prescribed for postgraduate courses (M.Sc./M.Tech.)
in Biotechnology in most Indian universities. In
addition, the book will be extremely useful as a
reference for researchers, the faculty, and
professionals in the field.
Techniques and Methods in Biology
K.L. GHATAK, former Head, Department of Chemistry,
Durgapur Government College, Durgapur, West Bengal.
This comprehensive and accessible text discusses all
the topics prescribed for the students of Life Sciences
taking the National Eligibility Test (NET). Besides, the
book would also be useful for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Biotechnology, and
postgraduate students of Botany and Zoology.
The book discusses spectroscopy which forms the core
of modern research, be it physical sciences or life
sciences, and microscopy, which is now an
indispensable analytical tool in Biological Science,
with all its different forms. It also illustrates
radioactivity and related phenomena so as to justify
their widespread applications in modern biological,
medical and chemical researches. The book evaluates
the role of statistics in biological as well as
physiological/medical phenomena, and systematically
analyses electrophysiological methods, histochemical
and immuno techniques, and molecular biology.
Questions and their answers are interspersed
throughout the text so as to make the discussion
clear and meaningful.
Use of mathematical calculations and formulas is
kept to a minimum.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Part I:
Biophysical MethodsSpectroscopy. Infrared
Spectroscopy. Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy.
Colorimetry and Visible Spectrophotometry.
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence
Spectrophotometry. Optical Rotatory Dispersion and
Circular Dichroism. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy.
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. X-ray
Crystallography/Diffraction. Mass Spectrometry.
Chromatography. Part II: MicroscopyElectron
Microscopy. Optical/light Microscopy. Fixation and
Staining. Phase Contrast Microscopy. Part III:
RadioactivityRadio isotopes in Analytical
Techniques. Tracer and Tracer Techniques. Biological
Effects of Radiation. Autoradiography. Radiation
Dosimetry. Part IV: Statistical MethodsStatistical
Methods. Part V: Electrophysiological Methods
Electrophysiological Methods. Part VI: Histochemical
and ImmunotechniquesFlowcytometry and
Cytophotometry. Antibody and Immunochemistry.
Part VII: Molecular Biology and Recombinant DNA
MethodsElectrophoresis and Electrofocusing.
Centrifugation. Nucleic Acid Hybridization and Cot
18 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
background to get up to speed on modern biology
and the wealth of challenges it provides.
Russ B. Altman
Professor of Bioengineering, Genetics, and Medicine
Chairman, Department of Bioengineering, and
Director, Biomedical Informatics Training Program
Stanford University
CONTENTS: Preface. In the Beginning. Evolution. A
Little Bit of Chemistry. The Structure and Function of
Bacteria. Biological Macromolecules. Eukaryotes.
Multicellular Organisms and Development. Anatomy,
Physiology, and Systems Biology. Disease and Its
Treatment. Molecular Biotechnology. Molecular
Bioethics. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 320 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4078-7 / ` 350.00
Aquaculture Technology and
UJWALA JADHAV, Reader, Department of Life Sciences,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
Aquaculture, farming of aquatic animals and plants,
is one of the worlds fastest growing food production
systems. This text provides an excellent elucidation
of the concepts of aquaculture along with its impact
on the environment.
Written in a style that makes the subject both
interesting to read and easy to understand, this text
describes the scope and principles of aquaculture, and
the design and management of a typical aquaculture/
fish farming. It explains different types of culture
systems and practices, as well as different criteria for
the selection of species for culture. The text
discusses some common diseases in aquaculture and
measures to prevent them. It further elaborates the
importance of a balanced diet for aquatic species
and focuses on harvesting and post-harvesting
Biotechnolgy has gained immense importance in
recent years and it is now applied to aquaculture for
improvement of aquatic species. This book discusses
in detail the role of biotechnology in aquaculture. In
addition, it deals with different aquaculture practices
in India, such as culture of carp, prawn, pearl and
seaweed. The text concludes with a discussion on the
effects of aquaculture practices on the environment.
Provides a list of major important aquaculture
species cultured worldwide.
CONTENTS: Preface. Abbreviations Used. The Basic
Principles and Common Laboratory Techniques: An
Overview. Direct Observation. General Laboratory
Techniques. Hydrodynamic Methods: Sedimentation
and Centrifugation. Separation Techniques I: Chroma-
tography. Separation Techniques II: Electrophoresis.
Spectroscopic Techniques. Miscellaneous Methods.
Review Questions. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 308 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3855-5 / ` 250.00
Processes of Life, The: An
Introduction to Molecular Biology
LAWRENCE E. HUNTER, a founder of the International
Society for Computational Biology, is Director of the
Computational Bioscience Program and of the Center
for Computational Pharmacology at the University of
Colorado School of Medicine.
Becoming conversant with the intricacies of
molecular biology and its extensive technical
vocabulary can be a challenge, though, as
introductory materials often seems more like a barrier
than an invitation to the study of life. This text
offers a concise and accessible introduction to
molecular biology, requiring no previous background
in science; it covers the basics in all aspects of
molecular biology, from biochemistry and evolution
to molecular medicine and biotechnology.
A reader who has mastered the information in The
Processes of Life is ready to move on to more
complex material in almost any area of contemporary
The Processes of Life is an excellent introduction
to molecular biology. By deconstructing an
exceedingly complicated body of information into a
set of core principles, Hunter provides the reader
with a framework for grasping the strengths and
challenges of modern biology... this books clarity
and frankness make it an invaluable resource for any
person, from any profession, seeking an introduction
to molecular biology.
Andrea L. Surez
PhD and Robert P. Dellavalle, MD, PhD, MSPH
Journal of the American Medical Association
Larry Hunter has once again taken a complicated
field and reduced it to a set of key principles and
associated examples. His writing style mirrors his
personalityenthusiastic, frank, and to the point.
This book is a great way for those with a technical
Each chapter concludes with a list of key words
and a summary of key points.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Ecology and Ecosystems
Ecology as a Science. The Nature of Ecosystems.
Part II: The Abiotic EnvironmentMinimums,
Tolerances, and the Medium. Insolation, Precipitation,
and Climate. Soils, Nutrients, and Other Factors.
Part III: Energy Flow in EcosystemsEnergy Fixation
by Autotrophs. Energy Flow Beyond the Producers.
Part IV: Biogeochemical Cycles and Ecosystems
Gaseous and Sedimentary Nutrient Cycles. Nutrient
Budgets and Ecosystems. Part V: Population Ecology
Population Growth and Structure. Population
Regulation. Part VI: Community EcologyThe
Structure and Function of Communities. Stability and
Change in Communities. Part VII: Major Ecosystems of
The WorldBiomes, the Major Terrestrial Ecosystems.
Aquatic Ecosystems. Part VIII: Human EcologyThe
Nature of Human Ecology. The Human Population.
Anthropogenic Impact on Aquatic Ecosystems.
Anthropogenic Impact on Terrestrial Systems.
Anthropogenic Impact on the Atmosphere. References.
Latest Print 2009 / 576 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1148-0 / ` 325.00
Downstream Process Technology:
A New Horizon in Biotechnology
Department of Biotechnology, P.A. College of
Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka.
Today, biochemical process industry demands fast and
economic processes for the partitioning and
purification of biomolecules that give high yield and
high purity of the product. An integral and cost
intensive part of these processes is associated with
downstream processing for product isolation and
purification. The aim of this comprehensive text is to
provide an insightful overview of the whole aspects
of downstream processing for biochemical product
Intended for undergraduate and postgraduate
students of biotechnology and chemical engineering,
this self-contained text includes the chapters based
on the recent developments in the industry and
academics. It covers the importance of the
downstream processing in terms of its relevancy to
modern days ever-changing consumer needs, process
design criteria relevance to set objectives, and
physicochemical factors that help to formulate the
strategy to develop a configuration among the raw
Presents the latest data to enhance the utility of
the text.
Gives special emphasis on aquaculture practices in
The book is intended for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of zoology (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
and fisheries (B.F.Sc. and M.F.Sc.). It will also be
useful to aquaculturists and environmentalists.
CONTENTS: Preface. Basics of Aquaculture. History of
Aquaculture. Aquafarm Engineering. Types of Culture
Systems. Different Culture Practices. Species Selection
in Aquaculture. Diseases in Aquaculture. Feed
Formulation in Aquaculture. Harvesting-post-
harvesting Technology and Processing in Aquaculture.
Biotechnology in Aquaculture. Carp Culture. Prawn
Culture. Pearl Culture. Seaweed Culture. Impact of
Agriculture on Environment. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 352 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3641-4 / ` 295.00
Concepts of Ecology, 4th ed.
This comprehensive text presents the significant
concepts of modern ecology in an intelligible and
easy-to-understand manner. It continues to focus on
ecosystem ecology emphasizing energy flow, biogeo-
chemical cycling, propulation ecology and community
ecology. Designed for students with some knowledge
of biology and chemistry, its terminology is
minimized, and elementary mathematics is used for
quantitative aspects.
New graphics and photographs.
Expanded coverage of abiotic factors including
water, air, insolation, precipitation, soils, nutrients,
ionizing radiation, and fire.
Updated and expanded coverage of energy flow
(with increased emphasis on decomposition),
biogeochemical cycling and population and
community ecology.
Incorporation of the interaction between ecology
and evolution.
Expanded section on human ecology with separate
chapters on the human population and anthro-
pogenic impacts on terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems and the atmosphere.
An introduction to ecological ethics.
Besides an amalgamated list of references at the
end of the book, appropriate literature citations
are incorporated throughout the text.
20 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
information on potential of enzymes for their
commercial exploitation. The text then goes on to
describe the biotechnical significance of enzymes
with their applications in the fields of food and
pharmaceutical industries. The text is supported by a
large number of solved examples and illustrative
Primarily designed for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of biotechnology and
biochemical engineering, the book will also be useful
to professionals, researchers and entrepreneurs.
Written in an easy-to-understand style.
Provides simple, clear and authoritative guide to
the principles and scope of enzymes in
Includes chapter-end review questions based on
recently appeared university question papers.
CONTENTS: Preface. EnzymesAn Overview. Enzyme
Kinetics. Mechanism of Enzyme Action. Significance
of Enzymes. Significant Features of Enzymes.
Enzymatic Techniques. Immobilized Enzymes.
Biocatalytic Applications. Bibliography. Index.
320 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4239-2 / FORTHCOMIMG
Fundamentals of Cytogenetics and
MAHABAL RAM, Advisor, Directorate of Research,
Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Allahabad.
This comprehensive and well-written text provides
thorough understanding of the principles and
applications of cytogenetics and genetics in an easy-
to-understand style.
The text is divided into Four parts. Part I on
Principles of Cytogenetics deals with evolution and
structure of cell, cell division and change, and
structure of genetic material. Part II on Principles of
Genetics provides detailed discussions on
transmission, distribution and arrangement of genetic
material, and evolution of species. Part III which is
on Molecular Genetics discusses functions of genetic
material including biotechnology and genetic
engineering, and the last Part IV on Quantitative
Genetics deliberates on the course of genetic
material in populations.
A historical approach to the subject has also been
presented to show the continuity and progress.
material, methodology and instruments. This
overview is followed by different downstream
processing steps. The text concludes with the
discussion on stabilization of the product to improve
the shelf life of the product.
Includes detailed biological, mathematical, chemical
and physical aspects of downstream processing.
Distinguishes downstream processing from
analytical bioseparation.
Contains numerous illustrations and solved
CONTENTS: Preface. Part 1: Introduction
Downstream Process Technology: An Overview.
Bioproduct Purification. Downstream Process
Economics. Cost Cutting Strategies in Downstream
Processing Industry. Process Design Criteria for
Bioproducts. Characteristics of Biological Mixtures.
Physicochemical Basis of Bioseparation. Part 2:
Removal of InsolublesCell Disruption Techniques.
Filtration. Centrifugation. Part 3: Product
Identification TechniquesCharacterization of the
Product. Analysis of the Product Purity. Part 4:
Product Separation TechniquesDistillation. Liquid
Liquid Extraction. Adsorption. Evaporation. Part 5:
Product PurificationPrecipitation. Membrane Based
Separation Process. Chromatography. Part 6: Product
ResolutionCrystallization. Freeze Drying.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 384 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4040-4 / ` 350.00
Enzyme Technology: Pacemaker of
Department of Biotechnology, P.A. College of
Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka.
Keeping in view the well-established place of
enzymes in the field of biotechnology and the recent
development in biotech industries, this
comprehensive and well-written textbook presents
the fundamental concepts of enzyme technology,
emphasizing the practical and economic aspects of
enzyme usage.
Beginning with an overview of enzymes giving
insights into the physicochemical properties,
classifications, sources, mechanisms and
characteristics of enzymes, the text discusses the
enzyme kinetics in detail. It furnishes a great deal of
of living organisms. Various animal groups exhibit
different forms of behaviour for their survival and
reproduction. Several factors interplay to manifest
behaviour in an animal.
This textbook is an introduction to the study of
animal behaviour. It explains the various aspects of
behaviour incorporating a wealth of information from
molecular biology, neurobiology, endocrinology and
socio-biology. It describes different kinds of innate
and learned behaviour along with animal
communications and defensive behaviours, such as
camouflage and mimicry. The book incorporates the
introductory concepts of biomimicry in an attractive
manner. Further, it discusses various biorhythms,
migration in fish and birds, in addition to evolution
and physiological basis of migration. The text also
presents the important aspects of socio-biology and
social behaviours, such as feeding, adaptation, prey
defense, territoriality, aggression, altruism, sexuality
and parental care. Finally, it provides discussions on
behavioural ecology and human behaviour. This book
presents the basic principles of animal behaviour with
the aid of carefully selected examples from both the
recent and classic literature, along with numerous
illustrations, without imposing overwhelming details.
Presents a well-balanced view of ethology.
Discusses the current developments in the field.
Includes a glossary of important terms.
Offers questions at the end of each chapter for the
students to check their understanding of the
The book is written for the students of B.Sc./M.Sc.
(Zoology/Life Sciences) for their courses. It would be
useful for the researchers in the field of animal
behaviour, and conservation biologists. It would also
attract readership from Sociology and Anthropology.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Trends in Animal Behaviour Studies. Interaction
between Gene, Neuron, Hormone and Environment.
Innate and Learned Behaviour. Animal
Communication. Defensive Behaviour and Biomimicry.
Chronobiology. Migration and Rythmic Behaviour.
Socio-biology and Social Behaviour. Sexual Behaviour
and Parental Care. Behavioural Ecology and
Conservation Biology. Human Behaviour. Glossary.
References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 308 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4035-0 / ` 350.00
Incorporates latest and up-to-date information on
the subjects covered.
Provides review questions at the end of each
chapter to test the understanding of the concepts
Gives ample references to explore further.
Includes a glossary of important terms.
The book is eminently suitable for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of botany, agriculture, zoology
and biotechnology for courses in genetics/genetics
and cytogenetics. In addition, the book would also
be useful to students appearing in different
competitive examinations.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Part I: Principles of
CytogeneticsEvolution of Cell. Cell Division.
Organization of Chromosome and Theory of Heredity.
Chromosomal Aberrations (Structural). Chromosomal
Variation (Numerical), Polyploidy and Its Evolutionary
Significance. Part II: Principles of GeneticsMendel
and Principles of Heredity. Exceptions to Mendelian
Principles of Inheritance. Linkage and Crossing Over.
Evolution of Species. Multiple Alleles and Blood
Groups. Sex Determination and Sex Linkage.
Inheritance of CytoplasmicGenetic System. Gene
and Environmental Adaptation. Genetics of Fungi,
Bacteria and Viruses. Mutation and Mutagenesis. Part
III: Molecular GeneticsNucleic Acids (DNA and
RNA): Their Structures and Functions. DNA Synthesis.
Discovery of Genetic Code. Fine Structure of Gene.
Gene Regulation and Expression (Transcription and
Translocation). GeneEnzymeProtein Relationship.
Biotechnology and Transgenetic Plants. Plant Genetic
Engineering. Concept of Gene Cloning and Procedure
for Reconstruction of Recombinant DNA. Part IV:
Quantitative GeneticsConcept of Probability.
Multiple Factor Hypothesis and Polygenic Inheritance.
Genetic Components of Variances. Role of Genotype
and Environment in Quantitative Traits. Population
Genetics. Measurement of Quantitative Characters.
Appendix. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 672 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4033-6 / ` 495.00
Textbook of Animal Behaviour
FATIK BARAN MANDAL, Associate Professor in Zoology,
Bankura Christian College, Bankura, West Bengal.
Evolution is the key factor for understanding life.
The driving force for evolution comes from survival
instincts. Behaviour is simply the survival strategies
22 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
target contaminants. Besides, coverage also includes
the topics on bioinformatics in agriculture,
biodiversity, bioethics, and agricultural pollution.
This text is suitable for the undergraduate and post-
graduate students of agriculture and biotechnology.
It will also be useful to researchers and agronomists.
CONTENTS: Preface. Modern Tissue Culture Tech-
niques. Metabolism in Crops. Agricultural Genomic.
Biofertilizer. Pest Management Biotechnology.
Bioremediation. Biomonitoring. Biodiversity. Bioinfor-
matics in Agriculture. Bioethics. Global Issues.
Agricultural Pollution and Its Abatement. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 276 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3592-9 / ` 225.00
Introduction to Endocrinology
CHANDRA SINGH NEGI, Department of Zoology,
Government Postgraduate College, Pithoragarh,
Appropriate for the undergraduate and postgraduate
students of Zoology, this state-of-the-art text
provides comprehensive coverage of endocrinology. It
discusses holistic information about mammalian
endocrinology, and more particularly, about human
The text reviews the basic concepts and the scientific
understanding of each of the major endocrine glands.
Each chapter has been written with a view that a
beginner may easily comprehend the subject matter.
Endocrine methodologies, wherever appropriate, have
been incorporated in chapters, and similarly medical
aspects of endocrine or harmonal disorders resulting
out of mutational changes in hormone receptors are
included, to make the text more interesting.
Coverage of topics includes
Cell signalling and the mechanism of action of
Chemical structure and classes of hormones
Reproductive endocrinology
Behavioural endocrinology
Environmental endocrinology
Key Features
An extensive list of abbreviations
A detailed glossary at the end of the book
Separate boxes highlighting the aspects of medical
An important list of selected readings
Essentials of Plant Breeding
K.V. MOHANAN, Professor of Genetics and Plant
Breeding in the Department of Botany, University of
Calicut, Kerala.
Essentials of Plant Breeding provides comprehensive
coverage of principles and practices used in plant
breeding. Covering basic concepts of genetics and
conventional methods, the book discusses all modern
methods and advance techniques of plant breeding.
It also deals with the pest and disease resistance,
quality improvement, heterosis breeding, ideotype
breeding, etc. The book has a special mention on
variety release, seed certification, Intellectual
Property Rights (IPR) and sustainable agriculture.
The present book is primarily intended for the
undergraduate students of agricultural sciences and
botany. The book is also useful for the postgraduate
students of botany and plant science.
CONTENTS: Preface. Plant BreedingAn Overview.
Biological Foundations of Plant Breeding.
Conventional Methods of Plant Breeding. Modern
Methods of Plant Breeding. Breeding for Special
Purposes. Variety Release and Seed Certification.
Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Breeding.
Sustainable Agriculture. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 168 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3968-2 / ` 125.00
NAG (Ed.)
Textbook of Agricultural
AHINDRA NAG (Ed.), Senior Assistant Professor in the
Department of Chemistry, IIT Kharagpur.
Agricultural biotechnology plays a significant role in
developing agriculturally important crops that provide
high yield with enhanced nutritional value and show
improved resistance to pathogens. This book, a
collaborative endeavour involving contributions from
renowned academics from India and abroad, discusses
the techniques of plant tissue culture, the funda-
mental basis for the development of innovative crop
improvement strategies, and emerging paradigms in
plant genome research.
The book describes the benefits of the production
and use of biofertilizers and biopesticides to
overcome hazardous effects of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. It explains the importance of microbes in
bioremediation and the methods of biomonitoring to
Structure and Physiological Effects. Plant Growth
Substances: Biosynthesis, Analysis, Transport, and
Mechanism of Action. The Physiology of Seeds.
Vegetative Plant Growth. Reproductive Growth.
Appendix: International System of Units. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 640 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0455-0 / ` 395.00
Computational Molecular Biology:
An Algorithmic Approach
PAVEL A. PEVZNER, Professor, Departments of
Mathematics, Computer Science, and Biological
Sciences, University of Southern California.
Computational Molecular Biology is an emerging
discipline which is increasingly engaging the
attention of computer scientists, mathematicians, and
This text covers a broad range of algorithmic and
combinatorial topics and shows how they are
connected to molecular biology and biotechnology.
The book has substantial computational biology
without formulas component that gives biological
motivation and computational ideas in a simple way.
This simplified presentation of biology and computing
aims to make the book accessible to computer
scientists entering this new area and to biologists
who do not have sufficient background for more
involved computational techniques. Every chapter
has an introductory section that describes both
computational and biological ideas without any
The book concentrates on computational ideas rather
than details of the algorithms and makes special
efforts to present these ideas in an easy-to-
understand manner.
The text covers new ideas for example,
Computational Proteomics, Genome Rearrange-
ments, Sequence Comparison and DNA Arrays as
well as old ideas, for instance, Restriction Mapping,
to show that a synthesis of both is necessary for a
holistic understanding of the subject.
The last section in each chapter briefly describes
the important recent developments that are
outside the body of the chapter.
Large number of diagrams are provided to illustrate
the concepts.
One chapter is exclusively devoted to Problems.
The exhaustive Bibliography would fuel further
research into the subject.
A judicious selection of topics from the text can
make this book immensely valuable for the medical
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. List of
Abbreviations. Introduction. Cell Signalling and
Mechanism of Action of Hormones. The Endocrine
Hypothalamus. The Pituitary Gland or the
Hypophysis. The Adenohypophysial Hormones. The
Neurohypophysial Hormones. The Regulation of
Pigmentation: Pars Intermedia. The Thyroid Gland.
The Adrenal Steroid Hormones. The Adrenal Medulla
and Catecholamines. The Endocrine Pancreas. The
Calcium and Phosphate Homeostasis. The Steroid
Hormones. Sex Determination and Hormones. The
Hormones and Reproduction. The Pregnancy,
Parturition and Lactation. The Gastrointestinal
Hormones. The Pineal, the Kidney and the Heart. The
Semiochemicals. The Lesser-known Regulatory
Substances. Metamorphosis. Migration. The Hormones
and Behaviour. Environmental Endocrinology.
Glossary. Appendix. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 472 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3850-0 / ` 375.00
Introductory Plant Physiology,
2nd ed.
G. RAY NOGGLE, Emeritus, North Carolina State
GEORGE J. FRITZ, University of Florida.
This comprehensive treatment of the physiology of
the higher green plants discusses whole-plant
physiology and stresses on applications in forestry,
agronomy and horticulture. It features background
chapters on plant organization, chemical composition
and photophysiology. It also describes recent
developments in cell and tissue culture, protoplast
manipulation, and genetic engineering as related to
biological nitrogen fixation, stress mechanisms and
plant productivity. The book includes transmission
and scanning electron micrographs of cellular and
subcellular organization and contains references.
It requires a background in plant science and
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. The Organization of
Plants. Cellular Constituents and Their Biosynthesis.
Respiration. Photophysiology. Photosynthesis.
Photorespiration. Mineral Nutrition. Assimilation of
Inorganic Nutrients. Transport Phenomena in Plants.
General Considerations. Transport Processes in Plant,
Cells and Tissues. Water as a Plant Constituent. The
Plant in Relation to Water. Plant Growth Substances:
24 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
This up-to-date and well-researched study would
prove to be extremely useful to students of molecular
biology, bioinformatics, computer science, and
mathematics. Besides, professionals in the field
should value it for the new insights it provides into
the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Computational Gene Hunting.
Restriction Mapping. Map Assembly. Sequencing. DNA
Arrays. Sequence Comparison. Multiple Alignment.
Finding Signals in DNA. Gene Prediction. Genome
Rearrangements. Computational Proteomics. Problems.
All You Need to Know about Molecular Biology.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 332 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2550-0 / ` 350.00
Essentials of Ecology and
Environmental Science, 4th ed.
S.V.S. RANA, Professor in the Department of Zoology
and also the Coordinator of the Department of
Environmental Science as well as the UGC-Innovative
Assistance Programme in Toxicology at Chaudhary
Charan Singh University, Meerut.
This book, now in its fourth edition, is a lucid
presentation of the fundamental concepts and
principles of ecology and environmental science.
Extensively illustrated, the book provides in-depth
coverage of major areas such as atmospheric and soil
science, hydrobiology, biodiversity, and pollution
ecology. It seeks to impart comprehensive
understanding of the major ecological issues, policies
and laws, crucial for solving environmental problems.
New sections on vital topics such as acid rain and
deposition, metapopulations, environmental disasters
and the Bali Summit on Climate Change 2007
contribute strongly to this endeavour.
The book is primarily intended for undergraduate
(B.Sc.) students of environmental science and other
relevant biological sciences. It will also be very useful
for postgraduate (M.Sc.) students of these subjects as
well as field professionals and researchers.
Use of indigenous examples for explaining subject
Coverage of extreme environments such as
Antarctica, the Arctic region, open oceans, and
deserts, along with up-to-date information on
major ecosystems.
Chapters devoted to biodiversity as well as natural
and genetic resources of India.
Detailed descriptions of ecocompartments such as
atmosphere and lithosphere.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Acknowledgements. Definition, Scope and History of
Ecology. Ecology and Evolution. Environmental
Adaptations. Climate and Atmosphere. Earth and
Lithosphere. Hydrosphere. Biosphere. Bio-Geochemical
and Nutrient Cycles. Environmental Factors and
Species Interactions. Biodiversity. Genetic Resources.
Natural Resources (Minerals, Energy, Water, Forests).
Ecology of Populations. Concept of Community. Eco-
system (Structure and Function). Fragile Ecosystems.
Air Pollution. Water Pollution. Noise Pollution.
Radioactive Pollution. Solid Waste Pollution. Land
Pollution. Global Environmental Problems. Environ-
mental Disasters. Environmental Institutions,
International Cooperation and Law. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 584 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3894-4 / ` 295.00
Agricultural Microbiology, 2nd ed.
G. RANGASWAMI, Formerly, Adviser, Planning
Commission; Director, Central Staff College for
Agriculture, Hyderabad; and Vice-Chancellor, Tamil
Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore.
D.J. BAGYARAJ, Professor of Microbiology, University
of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
This book is about the study of microbes and the
fundamental aspects of microorganisms and their
relationship to agriculture. Designed for under-
graduate and postgraduate students of agriculture
and biology, this basic and well illustrated text
provides a comprehensive presentation of micro-
The book begins with some basic information on
microorganisms including methods of study and
classification. It then goes on to describe their
morphology, physiology, biochemistry and genetics. A
discussion on soil microorganisms along with
pathogenic forms and their effect on plants is also
given. The text concludes with a fairly detailed
account of microbial biotechnology which covers most
of the recent advances in the area.
This is the second edition of the authors highly
successful earlier edition for which Dr. Selman A.
Waksman, discoverer of Streptomycin, write the
Foreword. The author worked with this Nobel
Laureate at Rutgers State University.
CONTENTS: Foreword by Seiman A. Waksman.
Introduction. Historical. Methods of Studying
Microorganisms. Classification of Microorganisms.
Morphology and Cytology of Microorganisms.
Physiology and Biochemistry of Microorganisms.
Genetics of Microorganisms. Microorganisms in Soil.
Plant Pathogenic Microorganisms. Microorganisms in
Food and Dairy Industry. Microorganisms Harmful to
Man and Animal. Microorganisms in Miscellaneous
Roles. Microbial Biotechnology. Appendix: Some
Common Media for Culturing Microorganisms. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 440 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0668-4 / ` 250.00
Introduction to Microbiology
A.S. RAO, Former Professor, Nagarjuna University,
The book brings together information on the widest
range of topics in microbiology in a single source.
Written in a concise manner and ideally suited for
students and teachers at colleges, this book discusses
microbiology in sufficient depth. Elaborate
illustrations are provided for easy understanding of
the subject. The text includes immunology, biology
and infectious disease principles.
Covers fundamental principles and main
applications of microorganisms in an organised
Presents an intelligible survey of microorganisms
and detailed structure of bacteria as well as a brief
consideration of their classification.
Discusses features, classification and importance of
Provides basic information on bacterial metabolism,
genetics and immunology. Also covers environ-
mental aspects and infectious diseases.
Illustrates details of chemical structures and
metabolic pathways.
Explains basic principles of microbial genetics
and immunology in simple terms with suitable
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. The Structure of
Microbial Cells. A Survey of Microorganisms and
Viruses. Morphology and Classification of Bacteria.
Viruses. Nutrition and Growth of Bacteria. Metabolism
of Bacteria. Microbial Genetics. Immunology.
Microorganisms in the Environment. Microorganisms
in Industry and Food. Microorganisms in Human
Diseases. Basic Methods in Microbiology. List of Books
for Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 216 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1217-3 / ` 150.00
Bioinformatics: Methods and
Applications: Genomics, Proteomics
and Drug Discovery, 3rd ed.
S.C. RASTOGI, formerly Professor and Head, Biological
Sciences Group at Birla Institute of Technology and
Science (BITS), Pilani.
NAMITA MENDIRATTA, Vice-President, IL&FS Techno-
logies, New Delhi.
PARAG RASTOGI, has worked in industry in various
capacities in IT and consulting.
Designed as a text for students and professionals
pursuing careers in the fields of molecular biology,
pharmacy and bioinformatics, this third edition
continues to offer a fascinating and authoritative
treatment of the entire spectrum of bioinformatics,
covering a wide range of high-throughput
technologies. In this edition, three new chapters are
included along with the coverage of recent advances
in microarray technologies and their applications.
As a student-friendly text, it embodies several
pedagogic features such as detailed examples,
chapter-end problems, numerous tables, a large
number of diagrams, flow charts, a comprehensive
glossary and an up-to-date bibliography. This book
should prove an invaluable asset to students
and researchers in the fields of bioinformatics,
biotechnology, computer-aided drug design,
information technology, medical diagnostics,
molecular biology and pharmaceutical industry.
A separate chapter on Structural Biology and
Virtual Screening focuses on computational
methods for predicting functional regions of target
proteins for drug development to boost success
A new chapter on Biomarkers introduces the
students to various biomarker strategies and
practices for the development of new drugs.
The chapter on Ion Channels and Aquaporins
discusses their fundamental roles in drug
State-of-the-art technologies for gene identi-
fication, molecular modeling and monitoring of
cellular processes
Data mining, analysis, classification, interpretation
and efficient structure determination of genomes
and proteomes
Importance of cell cycle for discovering new drug
targets and their ligands
26 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
way. In this interesting book, the authors explain
the basis of life by drawing a parallel between Life
and the second law of thermodynamics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction:
Trouble at the EPA. Part I: THE ENERGETIC
The Schrdinger Paradox. Simplicity. Eyes of Fire:
Classical Energy Science. The Cosmic Casino:
Statistical Mechanics. Nature Abhors a Gradient. The
River Must Flow: Open Systems. Too Much, Not
Enough: Cycles. Part II: THE COMPLEXSwirl World.
Physics Own Organisms. Whirlpools and Weather.
Part III: THE LIVINGThermodynamics and Life.
Brimstone Beginnings. Blue Planet Blues. Regress
under Stress. The Secret of Trees. Into the Cool.
Trends in Evolution. Part IV: THE HUMANHealth,
Vigor, and Longevity. Economics. Purpose in Life.
Appendix: Principles of Open Thermodynamic
Systems. References. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 384 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-2942-2 / ` 325.00
Laboratory Handbook on
S. SHANMUGAM, Assistant Professor in the Department
of Biotechnology, Kumaraguru College of Technology,
T. SATHISH KUMAR, Senior Lecturer in the Department
of Biotechnology, Kumaraguru College of Technology,
K. PANNEERSELVAM, Associate Professor in the
Department of Microbiology, Dr. G.R. Damodaran
College of Science, Coimbatore.
This systematically designed laboratory handbook
elucidates a number of techniques which help the
students carry out various experiments in the field of
biochemistry. The experimental protocols described in
the handbook have been standardized and performed
in the authors own laboratory.
This handbook is intended for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of life sciences (biochemistry,
microbiology, biotechnology, plant biotechno-logy,
animal biotechnology, etc.) and engineering
(biotechnology, biomedical, etc.) for their laboratory
courses. Researchers have to refer to many journals
and books to find the right procedure for their
experiments. This handbook is an attempt to provide
students with the often used methods in a handy
format, including explanations of principles,
procedures and interpretations of results of the
Computer-aided drug design and ADME-Tox
property prediction
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Bioinformatics: An Introduction. Information Search
and Data Retrieval. Genome Analysis and Gene
Mapping. Alignment of Pairs of Sequences. Alignment
of Multiple Sequences and Phylogenetic Analysis.
Tools for Similarity Search and Sequence Alignment.
Profiles and Hidden Markov Models. Gene
Identification and Prediction. Gene Expression and
Microarrays. Protein Classification and Structure
Visualization. Protein Structure Prediction.
Proteomics. Computational Methods for Pathways and
Systems Biology. Introduction to Drug Discovery.
Drug Discovery: Technology and Strategies. Cell Cycle:
Key to Drug Discovery. Structural Biology and Virtual
Screening for Drug Discovery. Emerging Role of
Biomarkers in Drug Development. G-Protein Coupled
Receptors as Drug Targets. Ion Channels and
Aquaporins as Potential Drug Targets. Computer-aided
Drug Design. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 540 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3595-0 / ` 325.00
Into The Cool: Energy Flow,
Thermodynamics, and Life
ERIC D. SCHNEIDERof National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration; National Marine Water
Quality Laboratory.
DORION SAGANcoauthor of Microcosmos and What
Is Life? Science writer to New York Times, Natural
History, and Wired.
Into the Cool is a dazzling exposition of an idea:
that life is fundamentally not a noun, or a thing, but
a verb. Building upon the beautiful subtleties of the
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Eric Schneider and
Dorion Sagan take us on a tour de force through
biology, touching upon the origin of life, sex,
evolution, ecology, and even economics. Along the
way, they dethrone the idea that the gene is the
central actor in the drama of life and put the focus
properly back on the plotthe organized flows of
matter and energy that make life what it is. This
book is destined to be a classic.
Physiologist, author of The Extended Organism
The what, why and how of life always intrigued
human race. Scientists, philosophers and theologians
all have tried to answer these questions in their own
Includes more than 40 laboratory experiments.
Provides general procedures of the experiments in
an easy-to-understand tabulated format before
explaining them.
Presents as an added feature the physiological
importance of biocomponents like amino acids, uric
acid, carbohydrates, proteins, etc. in human body.
Gives useful information about preparation of
laboratory reagents in separate appendices.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Section One: Amino Acids, Proteins, Enzymes and
other Nitrogenous CompoundsQualitative Analysis
of Amino AcidsGeneral Procedure. Estimation of
Glycine by Ninhydrin Method. Estimation of Proline
by Ninhydrin Method. Qualitative Analysis of
Proteins. Estimation of Total Proteins by Folin
Lowrys Method. Estimation of Total Proteins by
Biuret Method. Estimation of Proteins by Bradford
Method. Estimation of Proteins by Copper (II)
Neocuproine Method. Estimation of Proteins by
WarburgChristian Assay (Spectrophotometric Assay
at 280 nm). Estimation of Albumin by Bromocresol
Green (BCG) Method. Estimation of Creatinine by
Alkaline Picrate (Jaffes) Method. Effect of pH on the
Rate of Acid Phosphatase Catalyzed Reaction. Effect
of Temperature on the Rate of Acid Phosphatase
Catalyzed Reaction. Estimation of Urea by Diacetyl
MonoximeThiosemicarbazide (DAMTSC) Method.
Estimation of Uric Acid by Henry Caraway Method.
Section Two: CarbohydratesQualitative Analysis of
CarbohydratesGeneral Procedure. Estimation of Free
Reducing Sugars by 3, 5Dinitrosalicylic Acid Method.
Estimation of Glucose by O-toluidine Method.
Estimation of Xylose by Orcinol Method. Estimation of
Fructose by Resorcinol Method. Hydrolysis of Starch
and Estimation of Glucose by Glucose Oxidase and
Peroxidase (GODPOD) Method. Section Three:
LipidsQualitative Analysis of Lipids. Estimation of
Cholesterol by Zaks Method. Estimation of Sterols by
LiebermannBurchard Method. Section Four: Nucleic
AcidEstimation of DNA by Diphenylamine Method.
Estimation of DNA by UV Spectrophotometry.
Estimation of RNA by Orcinol Method. Section Five:
Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Phenolic Compounds, Vitamins,
TanninsEstimation of Alkaloids by Singh and
Archana Sahu Method. Estimation of Flavonoids by
Aluminium Chloride Method (Zhishen Mengcheng, and
Jianming). Estimation of Total Phenolics by Modified
FolinCiocalteau Method (Eberhardt et al.). Estimation
of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) by 2, 4DNPH Method.
Estimation of Vitamin E by Baker and Frank Method.
Estimation of Tannins by Modified Prussian Blue
Method. Section Six: Invitro Antioxidant Assay
Ferric Ion Reducing/Antioxidant Power (FRAP) Assay
(Oyaizu Method). Modified Ferric Ion Reducing/
Antioxidant Power Assay (Modified FRAP Assay).
Modified CUPRAC (Cupric Ion Reducing Antioxidant
Capacity) Assay (Resat Apak et al.). Ferrous Ion
Chelating Ability Assay (Decker and Welch Method).
Determination of Total Antioxidant Capacity by
Phosphomolybdenum Method (Prieto et al.). Modified
Hydroxyl Radical Scavenging Assay (Resat Apak et
al.). ABTS Radical Scavenging Assay (Re et al.). DPPH
Radical Scavenging Assay (Shimada et al.).
Phytochemical Screening. Appendices I: Preparation
of Laboratory Reagents: CarbohydratesQualitative. II:
Preparation of Laboratory Reagents: Amino Acids &
ProteinsQualitative. III: Definitions. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 152 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4103-6 / ` 150.00
Bioprocess Engineering: Basic
Concepts, 2nd ed.
MICHAEL L. SHULER, Cornell University.
FIKRET KARGI, Dokuz Eylul University.
This comprehensive, fully updated text introduces the
essential concepts of biochemical and bioprocess
engineering to students in chemical engineering and
those pursuing courses in related disciplines. The
authors first review the relevant fundamentals of
biochemistry, microbiology, and molecular biology,
introducing key principles that enable bioprocess
engineers to achieve consistent control over
biological activity. The text then reflects the
advances that are transforming the field, ranging
from genetic sequencing to new techniques for
producing proteins from recombinant DNA. It
introduces techniques with broad applications
to the production of pharmaceuticals, biologics, and
commodities. It also covers medical applications such
as tissue engineering and gene therapy and those
used for solving critical environmental problems.
Bioprocess Engineer? Part 2: THE BASICS OF BIOLOGY:
Biological Basics. Enzymes. How Cells Work. Major
Metabolic Pathways. How Cells Grow. Stoichiometry
of Microbial Growth and Product Formation. How
Cellular Information is Altered. Part 3: ENGINEERING
derations for Bioreactors for Suspension and
Immobilized Cultures. Selection, Scale-Up, Operation,
and Control of Bioreactors. Recovery and Purification
28 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Lasers in Healthcare. Prostheses and Artificial Organs.
Telemedicine and Medical Informatics. Suggested
Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 240 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4163-0 / ` 195.00
Human Body Measurements:
Concepts and Applications
S.P. SINGH, Professor, Department of Human Biology,
Punjabi University, Patiala.
PROMILA MEHTA, Professor, Department of Human
Biology, Punjabi University, Patiala.
A perfect body is desired by every human being. Be
it in terms of height, weight or massthe increased
awakening to stay fit and to be in shape has led to
an urge to be familiar with the human anatomy and
its measurements.
A compendium of numerous conceptual issues on
human body physique, body composition and
nutritional status, this book comprehensively
discusses various protocols for measuring human body
parts. The emphasis is laid on the recommendations
made by International Biological Programme (IBP) on
Human Adaptability.
In addition, the book effectively reveals subtle
differences between those individuals who otherwise
look similar through various somatotyping techniques
(like Heath and Carter). The book also explains how
body measurements determine the growth and
development of a child; and factors like chronic
illnesses, and obesity in an adult.
Solved examples to provide an analytical insight on
the subject
Figures and tables to present a lucid picture of all
the concepts
Review questions to test students aptitude on the
Designed primarily for the postgraduate students of
Human Biology, Human Genetics, Anthropology,
Physical Education and Sports Sciences, this book is
equally beneficial for the physical instructors.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Body
Measurements. Body Proportions. Body Composition.
Human Physique. Heath-carter Method of
Somatotyping. Anthropometry and Nutritional Status.
Growth, Maturation and Physical Performance.
of Products. Part 4: APPLICATIONS TO NON-
Considerations in using Animal Cell Cultures.
Bioprocess Considerations in using Plant Cell Cultures.
Utilizing Genetically Engineered Organisms. Medical
Applications of Bioprocess Engineering. Mixed
Cultures. Epilogue. Appendix: Traditional Industrial
Latest Print 2010 / 576 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2110-6 / ` 325.00
Introduction to Biomedical
MANDEEP SINGH, Faculty Advisor and Former Head,
Department of Electrical and Instrumentation
Engineering, Thapar University, Patiala.
This book presents a detailed introduction to the
fundamental principles and applications of biomedical
instrumentation. It is intended as a textbook for the
undergraduate students of Instrumentation,
Electronics, and Electrical Engineering for a course in
biomedical instrumentation as part of their
The book familiarizes the students of engineering
with the basics of medical science by explaining the
relevant medical terminology in simple language.
Without presuming prior knowledge of human
physiology, it helps the students to develop a
substantial understanding of the complex processes
of functioning of the human body. The mechanisms
of all major biomedical instrumentation systems
ECG, EEG, CT scanner, MRI machine, pacemaker,
dialysis machine, ultrasound imaging machine, laser
lithotripsy machine, defibrillator, and
plethysmographare explained comprehensively. A
large number of illustrations are provided throughout
the book to aid in the development of practical
understanding of the subject matter. Chapter-end
review questions help in testing the students grasp
of the underlying concepts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction to Biomedical
Instrumentation. Bio-potential Electrodes, Amplifiers
and Measurement Systems. Cardiovascular
Measurements. Respiratory System Measurements.
Neuromuscular and Nervous Measurements. Sensory
and Behavioural Measurements. Clinical Laboratory
Instruments. Biomedical Imaging Techniques.
Therapeutic Equipment. Patient Monitoring System.
Patient Safety and Biomedical Equipment. Role of
graphy. Electrokinetic Methods of Separation.
Finishing Operations and Formulation. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2010 / 280 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2649-1 / ` 250.00
Basic Physiology
S. SREEKUMAR, has been the Principal of C.K.G.M.
Government College, Perambra, Kozhikode. He has also
been the Head of Zoology Department at the University
College, Trivandrum.
Dealing with comparative physiology with major focus
on human physiology, this book stresses fundamental
concepts to give a firm grounding in physiology.
Beginning with foundations of physiology, the book
discusses physiologically important biomolecules,
action of enzymes and role of vitamins and minerals.
It then presents in a comprehensive manner the
organ system physiology comprising digestive,
respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous, muscular,
endocrine and reproductive systems. The book also
includes a chapter on homeostasis and environmental
Illustrates topics with suitable diagrams for a clear-
cut grasp of the topics.
Provides model question papers to help students
reflect upon their understanding of the subject
The book is designed for undergraduate students of
Zoology and Life Sciences. It would also be useful to
postgraduate students of Zoology and Life Sciences as
well as to those preparing for competitive
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Biomolecules.
Enzymes. Vitamins and Minerals. Nutrition. Digestion.
Respiration. Energy Production. Biosynthesis and
Interconvertibility of Fuel Molecules. Circulation.
Immune Mechanisms. Excretion. Nervous
Coordination. Sense Organs. Muscles. Hormones.
Reproduction. Homeostasis and Environmental
Adaptations. Bibliography. Model Question Papers.
Latest Print 2010 / 352 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4107-4 / ` 295.00
Applications of Anthropometry. Appendix. References.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 264 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3863-0 / ` 250.00
Bioseparations: Principles and
B. SIVASANKAR, is Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Anna University, Chennai.
This systematically organized and well-balanced book
compresses within the covers of a single volume the
theoretical principles and techniques involved in
bioseparations, also called downstream processing.
These techniques are derived from a range of
subjects, for example, physical chemistry, analytical
chemistry, biochemistry, biological science and
chemical engineering.
Organized in its 15 chapters, the text covers in
the first few chapters topics related to chemical
engineering unit operations such as filtration,
centrifugation, adsorption, extraction and membrane
separation as applied to bioseparations. The use of
chromatography as practiced at laboratory as well as
industrial scale operation and related techniques
such as gel filtration, affinity and pseudoaffinity
chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography,
electrophoresis and related methods have been
discussed. The important applications of these
techniques have also been highlighted.
Basic principles involved in the various techniques
are dealt with illustrative diagrams and description.
Worked examples are given at the end of relevant
An overview of entire course/subject of bio-
separations is presented in Chapter 1.
The book is intended primarily as a textbook for
undergraduate and postgraduate students of
biotechnologyboth in science and engineering.
Some of the topics covered would also greatly benefit
students who wish to specialize on certain areas
as well as those in the industry engaged in
biotechnology research.
CONTENTS: Preface. An Overview of Bioseparations.
Cell Disruption. Filtration. Centrifugation. Adsorption.
Extraction. Membrane Separation Processes. Precipi-
tation. Chromatography: Principles and Practice. Gel
Filtration. Ion Exchange Chromatography and Chro-
matofocusing. Reversed Phase and Hydrophobic
Interaction Chromatography. Affinity Chromato-
30 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Alignment, Phylogenetic Analysis and Gene
PredictionPairwise Sequence Alignment and
Dynamic Programming. Phylogeny. Gene Prediction.
Part V: Protein Databases, Protein Domain Searching,
and Structure PredictionProtein Data Bank (PDB).
Domain Assignment and Searching. Native Structure
Prediction and Protein Folding Prediction. Part VI:
Sequencing and Genome MappingGenome
Sequencing. Maps. Part VII: Microarrays and Systems
BiologyWhy the Buzz About Microarrays? Microarray
Design, Data Acquisition and Analysis. Proteomics.
Systems BiologyThe Holy Grail of Integration.
Public Domain Databases and Analysis Tools: A
Compendium. Model Questions. Appendix: Funda-
mentals of Probability. Epilogue. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 280 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2858-7 / ` 195.00
Ecology: Theories and Applications,
4th ed.
PETER D. STILING, University of South Florida
at Tampa.
This substantially revised fourth edition brings to
fore the fascinating aspects of ecology. As, an
understanding of ecological principles is so essential
for students as well as environmental scientists, this
book provides a conceptual framework of ecology on
which environmental science is based. A knowledge
of such concepts enables one to take conservation
measures and make attempts to restore the planet
after the ravages of pollution.
This edition has undergone major changes. The
introduction has been completely rewritten to
introduce the students to the discipline of
evolutionary and behavioural ecology, population
ecology, community ecology, and ecosystems
ecologythe four pillars on which this book is built.
The population ecology section continues its focus on
factors affecting population growth; however, more
attention has been devoted to mutualism and
commensalism and to parasitism.
While the format of the fourth edition remains
similar to the third edition, with each chapter
starting on an explanation of a concept followed by
examples well illustrated with data, figures and
tables, the pedagogical emphasis has been refocussed.
For example, each chapter begins with a one-
sentence outline on what each section in the chapter
is about. Not only have a large number of diagrams
but also some of colour photographs been added to
Bioinformatics: A Modern Approach
VITTAL R. SRINIVAS, was a Project Officer in the
Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of
Technology, Madras. Currently he is pursuing research
towards his doctoral degree at Rice University,
Houston, Texas.
Being an interdisciplinary subject, Bioinformatics is
today covering a range of interest both among
the students and teaching communities. Taking
this increasing interest into account, this book gives
a comprehensive introduction to the subject. The text
not only deals with the basic concepts but it also
emphasizes the technical and practical aspects of the
The book covers the computational tools in
bioinformatics, algorithmic aspects as well as
technological aspects. Besides it gives a clear
exposition of Viterbi algorithm, Hidden Markov
models, UPGMA, FM algorithm, heuristic, developing
and using substitution matrices, HMMs and derivation
of a number of standard formulae in information
theory and statistics. Finally the text focusses on the
technological aspects of bioinformatics such as
sequencing through shot gun methods, microarrays,
with a variety of unsupervised methods in data
analysis with examples, as well as interdisciplinary
research in systems biology.
The book is primarily intended as a text for the
students of Computer Science, Information Techno-
logy, undergraduate students of Bioinformatics,
PGDCA and biological sciences and biotechnology. The
book should also be of considerable interest for
research scientist in Chemistry and Pharmacy.
Provides an algorithmic approach to bioinformatics
coupled with latest technologies.
Many complex ideas have been simplified.
Includes topics in sequence searching, sequence
comparison and tree construction.
Contains ample model questions and sample
projects at the end of the book.
CONTENTS: List of Figures. List of Tables. Preface.
Acknowledgements. Prologue. Introduction. Part I:
Introduction to BioinformaticsGetting Started with
Linux. Part II: Programming, Database Management
and Information TheoryWorld Wide Web. Perl and
Java. Information Theory. Part III: Sequence
Databases and Sequence AnalysisNational Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Blast and Fasta: A
Search for Similarity. Part IV: Multiple Sequence
Testing. Dominance Relations and Multiple Alleles in
Diploid Organisms. Environmental Effects and Gene
Expression. Gene Interaction and Lethality. Sex
Determination and Sex Linkage in Diploids. Maternal
Effects and Cytoplasmic Heredity. Quantitative
Inheritance. Analysis of Quantitative Characters.
Linkage and Recombination. Gene Mapping in
Diploids. Recombination in Fungi. Recombination in
Bacteria. Recombination in Viruses. Part IVCHANGE
Variation in Number. Changes in Chromosome
Structure. Gene Mutation. Induced Genetic Changes
and DNA Repair Mechanisms. Genetic Fine Structure.
Control of Proteins. Information Transfer and Protein
Synthesis. Nature of Genetic Code. Gene Regulation.
Gene Manipulation. Differentiation and Pattern.
POPULATIONS: Gene Frequencies and Equilibrium.
Changes in Gene Frequencies. Inbreeding and
Heterosis. Genetic Structure of Populations.
Speciation and Evolution. Prospects for the Control of
Human Evolution. Author Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 864 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0949-4 / ` 525.00
Introduction to Biostatistics and
Research Methods, 4th ed.
P.S.S. SUNDAR RAO is presently the Research
Coordinator at the Leprosy Mission Trust India, New
J. RICHARD is presently Consultant in Biostatistics and
Research Methods. Earlier he served as Professor and
Head, Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical
College, Vellore.
The fourth edition of this well-accepted textbook
introduces the basic principles and concepts of
biostatistics in simple, straightforward terms with
minimal use of statistical jargon. With the help of
real-life examples, it explains the various statistical
techniques that are applied to medical and health-
related sciences. Using an accessible style, the book
gives excellent coverage of research methodology and
helps in determining the best study designs and
sample sizes as well as appropriate statistical tests of
significance, including non-parametric tests.
In its new look, the text carries the necessary
revisions of several chapters, including the fully
revised chapters on research methods and data
processing. The latest information on health statistics
illustrate the point of discussion. Finally, a summary
at the end of each chapter recollect the major points
and should prove to be an invaluable study aid.
Students pursuing courses in environmental science
which is increasingly being taught in universities
across the country, and environmental scientists will
find this in-depth study highly useful.
How to Study Ecology. Section Two: EVOLUTION AND
BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGYGenetics and Ecology.
Extinction. Group Selection and Individual Selection.
Life History Strategies. Section Three: POPULATION
ECOLOGYPopulation Growth. Physical Environment.
Competition and Coexistence. Mutualism. Predation.
Herbivory. Parasitism. Evaluating the Controls on
Population Size. Section Four: COMMUNITY ECOLOGY.
The Main Types of Communities. Global Patterns in
Species Richness. Species Diversity. Stability,
Equilibrium, and Nonequilibrium. Succession. Island
Biogeography. Section Five: ECOSYSTEMS ECOLOGY
Trophic Structure. Energy Flow. Nutrients. Glossary.
Literature. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 416 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2131-1 / ` 325.00
Genetics, 3rd ed.
MONROE W. STRICKBERGER, University of Missouri,
St. Louis.
Genetics occupies a unique central position among
the various biological sciences because of its diverse
specializations. This acclaimed book provides the
basic theoretical information on genetics, the study
of heredity and details some of the experiments and
reasoning which yield this information.
The book is organized into six parts and deals with
the identification, transmission and distribution,
arrangement, structure, and function of genetic
material. The last part of the book deliberates on the
course of genetic material in populations. The
comprehensive material is supported by a multitude
of illustrations and references and problems in every
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements Part I
Problem. Cellular Division and Chromosomes.
Reproductive Cycles. Nucleic Acids. Replication and
Synthesis of Nucleic Acids. Part IITRANSMISSION
Principles: I. Segregation Mendelian Principles: II.
Independent Assortment. Probability and Statistical
32 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
fields with membranes and receptors, endorphins and
encephalins and prostaglandins at one end of the
spectrum to such topics as biochemistry of common
intestinal parasities, protein-calorie malnutrition and
principles of chemotherapy at the other end.
The book is intended to be a basic text for the
medical student not only during preclinical years
when the subject is taught, but also during para
and clinical years. Being a handbook of basic
information, it will also be useful to students of
human biology and biochemistry.
CONTENTS: Foreword to the First Edition. Preface.
Preface to the Second Edition. Preface to the First
Edition. Introduction. Section I: Chemical
Architecture of the Living Systems. Section II:
Specialised Tissues and Organs. Section III: Cellular
Reactions. Section IV: Foods and Nutrition. Section V:
Vitamins and Minerals. Section VI: Gastrointestinal
Tract. Section VII: Human Genetics, Biochemical Basis
of Inheritance, Expression of Genetic Information,
Genetic Engineering, Viruses. Section VIII: Hormones.
Section IX: Homeostasis. Section X: Environmental
Biochemistry. Section XI: Chemistry and Biology of
Reproduction. Section XII: Elements of Immunology.
Section XIII: Radioisotopes and Their Application in
Medicine. Section XIV: Principles of Chemotherapy.
Section XV: Clinical Chemistry. Section XVI: Special
Topics. Section XVII: Biostatistics. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 1328 pp. (Hard Cover)
17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1965-3 / ` 795.00
Laboratory Manual for Genetic
S. JOHN VENNISON, Lecturer in the Department of
Biotechnology, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli.
This systematically designed laboratory manual
elucidates a number of techniques which help the
students carry out various experiments in the field of
genetic engineering.
The book explains the methods for the isolation of
DNA and RNA as well as electrophoresis techniques
for DNA, RNA and proteins. It discusses DNA
manipulation by restriction digestion and
construction of recombinant DNA by ligation. Besides,
the book focuses on various methodologies for DNA
transformation and molecular hybridization. While
discussing all these techniques, the book puts
emphasis on important techniques such as DNA
isolation from Gram positive bacteria including
Bacillus sp., the slot-lysis electrophoresis technique
and demography of India is included. A new section
on the recently introduced measure for the
determination of the number needed to treat (NNT)
in a clinical trial is provided.
Intended for undergraduate and postgraduate medical
students as well as for nursing and paramedical
students, the book will also be immensely useful to
medical/health faculty and researchers in the field of
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Scope of Statistical
Methods in Medicine. Role of Statistics in Clinical
Medicine. Role of Statistics in Preventive Medicine.
Observations in Medicine. Frequency Distribution.
Measures of Central Tendency and Location. Measures
of Dispersion. Probability. Probability Distributions.
Sampling. Basis of Statistical Inference. Tests of
Significance and Estimation. Linear Regression and
Correlation. The Chi-Square Test. Analysis of Variance.
Non-parametric or Distribution-free Statistical Tests.
Further Statistical Methods. Vital Statistics. Health
Statistics. Standardised Death Rates and Life Tables.
Demography. Introduction to Research Methods.
Experimental Studies. Observational Studies. Data
Processing. Presentation of Data. Appendices.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 276 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2876-1 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Biochemistry and
Human Biology, 3rd ed.
Edited by
G.P. TALWAR, Director, Talwar Research Foundation,
New Delhi. Formerly: Director, National Institute of
Immunology, New Delhi; Professor and Head,
Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
L.M. SRIVASTAVA, Senior Consultant and Head,
Department of Biochemistry, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi. Formerly, Professor and Head, Department
of Biochemistry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi.
This book pools together the knowledge and
experience of those engaged in teaching and research
in the field of biochemistry and disciplines of medical
sciences. Now substantially revised and updated, it
provides a comprehensive coverage of biochemistry in
the overall context of body function (and dysfunction).
Arranged in 17 sections, it begins appropriately with
a section on Chemical Architecture of the Living
Systems and then goes on to consider a diversity of
which is useful in DNA profile analysis of both Gram
negative and positive bacteria, plasmid transduction
in Bacillus sp., and the conjugal transfer of plasmid
DNA in cyanobacteria, Bacillus and Agrobacterium
This book is intended for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of biotechnology for their
laboratory courses in genetic engineering. Besides, it
will be useful for the students specializing in genetic
engineering, molecular biology and molecular
Includes about 60 different experiments.
Contains several figures to reinforce the
understanding of the techniques discussed.
Gives useful information about preparation of stock
solutions, DNA/protein conversions, restriction
enzymes and their recognition sequences, and so
on in Appendices.
CONTENTS: Preface. Isolation of Genomic DNA from
Gram Negative, Gram Positive Bacteria, Blood and
Mammalian Tissue. Isolation of Plasmid DNA from
Gram Negative and Gram Positive Bacteria. Isolation
of RNA from Bacteria and Cultured Mammalian Cells.
Estimation of Nucleic Acids. Restriction Digestion and
Ligation of DNA. Polymerase Chain Reaction and
Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA. Electrophoresis
of Nucleic Acids. Slot Lysis Agarose Gel Electro-
phoresis. Purification of DNA from Agarose and
Polyacrylamide Gels. Transformation of Gram Negative
and Gram Positive Bacteria with Plasmid DNA.
Estimation of Proteins. Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis for Proteins.
b-Galactosidase Assay. Transduction of Plasmid DNA
Using CP51 and CP54 Bacteriophages. Bacterial
Conjugation. Blotting Techniques.
P Labelled Probe
Preparation and Measurement of Radioactivity in
Radiolabelled Nucleic Acid. Hybridization Techniques.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 140 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3814-2 / ` 125.00
Introduction to Taxonomy of
B.K. VERMA, former Professor and Head Department of
Botany, University of Allahabad.
Taxonomy is one of the oldest biological disciplines.
This book presents an account of general principles
and aims of taxonomy in a comprehensive manner. It
has been written mainly to cater the needs of
undergraduate students pursuing courses in Botany/
Life Sciences/Plant Sciences, but it will be useful for
postgraduate students of these disciplines as well.
The book gives a critical account of the important
systems of classification and salient features of the
APG II (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2003) system
of plant taxonomy. It mentions the important rules
of plant nomenclature, and various codes of
nomenclature including the latest Vienna Code of
2006. Further, it discusses the usefulness of anatomy,
embryology, palynology, chemistry, cytology and
ecology under current trends in plant taxonomy. A
thorough coverage of profusely illustrated 50
important dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous
angiospermic families is the hallmark of this book.
Each family is described covering the following
points: Distribution, vegetative features, floral
description, morphological nature of organs, further
classification, affinities with other families, economic
importance and description of common plant(s).
Finally, the book covers the different aspects and
theories related to the origin of angiosperms, and
elucidates the methods and techniques of herbarium
development and maintenance.
Presents a key to families described in the book.
Provides a pro forma for the description of
Includes a glossary of important technical terms.
Lists the important Herbaria of India and the
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. History of Plant
Classification. Important Systems of Classification.
Plant Nomenclature. Current Trends in Plant
Taxonomy. Selected Families of Angiosperms:
Dicotyledons. Selected Families of Angiosperms:
Monocotyledons. Origin of Angiosperms. Field and
Herbarium Techniques. AppendicesI: Key to
Families Described in the Book. II: Pro forma for the
Description of a Flowering Plant. III: Synopsis of
Families and Suprafamilial Taxa of Magnoliophyta.
Glossary. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 480 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4114-2 / ` 350.00
34 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Molecular Structure and
Spectroscopy, 2nd ed.
G. ARULDHAS, Formerly Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and Dean Faculty of Science, University of
Designed to serve as a textbook for postgraduate
students of physics and chemistry, this second
edition improves the clarity of treatment, extends
the range of topics, and includes more worked
examples with a view to providing all the material
needed for a course in molecular spectroscopyfrom
first principles to the very useful spectral data that
comprise figures, charts and tables.
To improve the conceptual appreciation and to help
students develop more positive and realistic
impressions of spectroscopy, there are two new
chaptersone on the spectra of atoms and the other
on laser spectroscopy. The chapter on the spectra of
atoms is a detailed account of the basic principles
involved in molecular spectroscopy. The chapter on
laser spectroscopy covers some new experimental
techniques for the investigation of the structure of
atoms and molecules. Additional sections on
interstellar molecules, inversion vibration of ammonia
molecule, fibre-coupled Raman spectrometer, Raman
microscope, supersonic beams and jet-cooling have
also been included.
Besides worked-out examples, an abundance of review
questions, and end-of-chapter problems with answers
are included to aid students in testing their
knowledge of the material contained in each chapter.
Solutions manual containing the complete worked-
out solutions to chapter-end problems is available for
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Introduction. Elements of Quantum Mechanics.
Spectra of Atoms. Quantum Theory of Valence.
Molecular Symmetry. Rotation of Molecules. Infrared
Spectroscopy. Raman Scattering. Electronic Spectra of
Diatomic Molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Electron Spin Resonance. Nuclear Quadrupole
Resonance. Mssbauer Spectroscopy. Surface
Enhanced Raman Scattering. Laser Spectroscopy.
Answers to Selected Problems. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 444 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3215-7 / ` 325.00
Environmental Chemistry, 2nd ed.
SAMIR K. BANERJEE, Formerly Professor of Chemistry,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani,
This text on aspects relating to environmental
chemistry is designed for courses taught in
departments of science and environment,
biotechnology, and chemical and civil engineering. It
provides a good exposure to the biological diversity
of the environment and deals with its various life
supporting systems, their ecological aspects and
effects on the sustenance of life. With the growing
realisation that the environment is seriously
endangered, the area of environmental chemistry
assumes great importance where one deals with the
natural chemical constituents of the environment,
the interactions between them, and the manner in
which changes occur in them because of human
interference, particularly pollution. This book
attempts to cover the important aspects of air and
water pollution, and several other effects of
industrial and agricultural activities on pollution.
This revised and new edition also discusses chemical
toxicology and waste management which are areas of
great concern today.
Discusses catastrophic depletion of oxygen and
molecular mechanisms on mutagenesis, and their
overall impact on the environment.
Analyzes the quantification of pollutants through
microbiological and biochemical techniques; eutro-
phication level and its impact on Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand
Explains the role and implication of some less
common pollutants such as metals, mines, and
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface to the Second Edition.
Preface to the First Edition. Ecology and Ecosystems.
Air and Water Pollution. Sewage and Fertilizers.
Synthetic Polymers. Metal Pollution. Mining Activities.
Chemical Toxicology. Waste Management. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 188 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1576-1 / ` 125.00
Analytical Chemistry
DHRUBA CHARAN DASH, Professor, School of
Chemistry, Sambalpur University, Orissa.
This book provides a clear and concise understanding
of the principles, applications and limitations of the
various techniques involved in analytical chemistry.
It covers all major areas such as qualitative analysis,
quantitative analysis, data analysis, analysis of
organic compounds, separation and purification
techniques, electroanalytical techniques and
spectroanalytical techniques. The book will motivate
the students to face the academic and research
challenges in the field of analytical chemistry in
performing analytical analysis and interpreting the
results obtained.
Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate
students and postgraduate students (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
of chemistry, the book would also be of great benefit
to the students who are appearing in NET and GATE
1. Provides clear introductions to key analytical
2. Uses a large number of illustrations to make the
topics self-explanatory.
3. Includes a large number of worked out problems
for easy understanding of the concepts.
4. Contains numerous objective type questions, short
answer type questions and graded problems to test
the readers understanding of the theory.
CONTENTS: Preface. UNIT I: Qualitative Analysis.
UNIT II: Quantitative Analysis: Volumetric
(Titrimetric) Analysis. Quantitative Analysis:
Precipitation Gravimetry. UNIT III: Statistical
Methods of Analysis. Estimation of Organic
Compounds. UNIT IV: Separation Techniques.
Purification Techniques. UNIT V: Electroanalytical
Techniques: Electrogravimetry. Electroanalytical
Techniques: Coulometry. Electroanalytical Techniques:
Polarography. Spectroanalytical Techniques:
Ultraviolet and Visible Spectral Method. Infrared (IR)
Spectral Method. Spectroanalytical Techniques:
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Method.
Spectroanalytical Techniques: Electron Spin
Resonance Spectral Method. Mass Spectral Method.
Latest Print 2011 / 592 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4077-0 / ` 395.00
Quantitative Analysis, 6th ed.
R.A. DAY Jr., Emeritus, and A.L. UNDERWOOD, both of
Emory University.
This well-established text is primarily meant for
postgraduate courses in analytical chemistry. It is
also a useful reference text for undergraduate and
honours courses in chemistry. The book provides on
indepth coverage of traditional topics of titrimetric
and gravimetric analysis. It also provides an
introductory coverage of instrumentation topics such
as potentiometry, electrochemistry, spectrophoto-
metry, emission spectroscopy and chromatography.
The explanation of each concept discussed in the
text is followed by an actual mathematical
formulation, in order to establish a physical picture
before the reader. The book also provides directions
for numerous other laboratory experiments.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Errors and the
Treatment of Analytical Data. Titrimetric Methods of
Analysis. Gravimetric Methods of Analysis. Review of
Chemical Equilibrium. Acid-Base Titrations. Acid-Base
Equilibria in Complex Systems. Complex Formation
Titrations. Solubility Equilibria and Precipitation
Titrations. Oxidation-Reduction Equilibria. Applica-
tions of Oxidation-Reduction Titrations. Potentio-
metric Methods of Analysis. Other Electro-analytical
Methods. Spectrophotometry. Emission and
Luminescence Spectroscopy. Solvent Extraction. Gas-
Liquid Chromatography. Liquid Chromatography.
Perspectives: General Laboratory Directions. The
Analytical Balance. Laboratory Procedures.
Appendices. Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems.
Latest Print 2009 / 704 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0793-3 / ` 325.00
Applications of Absorption
Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds
JOHN R. DYER, Georgia Institute of Technology.
This book deals with the practical aspects of the
interpretations of the three most common types of
spectral data that the organic chemist comes across:
ultraviolet, infrared, and nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) spectroscopy. The text discusses only the
relevant theoretical aspects of the spectral methods
to make the interpretation of the spectra meaning-
ful. It contains approximately seventy reproductions
of actual spectra, not retouched, so that the reader
may know what each spectrum looks like. Problems
appear at the end of each chapter which emphasize
the utility of these spectral methods in the
identification of an organic compound.
CONTENTS: Introduction. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.
Infrared Spectroscopy. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy. Supplemental Problems. Appendix:
36 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Quantum Chemistry, 6th ed.
The Sixth Edition of this widely used textbook
presents quantum chemistry for advanced graduate
and beginning postgraduate students. The subject is
carefully explained step-by-step, allowing students to
easily follow the presentation. Necessary mathematics
is reviewed in detail. Worked examples aid learning.
A solutions manual for the problems is available.
Extensive discussions of modern abinitio, density
functional, semiempirical, and molecular mechanics
methods are included.
CONTENTS: Preface. The Schrdinger Equation. The
Particle in a Box. Operators. The Harmonic Oscillator.
Angular Momentum. The Hydrogen Atom. Theorems
of Quantum Mechanics. The Variation Method.
Perturbation Theory. Electron Spin and the Spin-
statistics Theorem. Many-electron Atoms. Molecular
Symmetry. Electronic Structure of Diatomic Molecules.
Theorems of Molecular Quantum Mechanics. Molecular
Electronic Structure. Electron-correlation Methods.
Semiempirical and Molecular-mechanics Treatments
of Molecules. Comparisons of Methods. Appendix.
Bibliography. Answers to Selected Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 564 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3898-2 / ` 350.00
Organic Chemistry
BHUPINDER MEHTA, Reader, Department of Chemistry,
Swami Sharddhanand College, University of Delhi.
MANJU MEHTA, Reader, Department of Chemistry,
Maitreyi College, University of Delhi.
Rigorous and comprehensive in approach, this text
presents a thorough explanation of organic chemistry
to enable undergraduate students to learn the subject
in a clear, direct, and understandable way. Presented
in a new and exciting way, the goal of this book
is to make the study of organic chemistry as
stimulating, interesting, and relevant as possible.
Beginning with the structures and properties of
molecules, IUPAC nomenclature, stereochemistry, and
mechanisms of organic reactions, proceeding next to
detailed treatment of chemistry of hydrocarbons and
functional groups, then to organometallic compounds
and oxidation-reduction reactions, and ending with
a study of selected topics (such as heterocyclic com-
pounds, carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides and
proteins, drugs and pesticides, dyes, and synthetic
WavelengthWave Number Conversion Table.
Compound Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 160 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0252-5 / ` 125.00
Engineering Chemistry, 2nd ed.
N. KRISHNAMURTHY, Head, Department of Chemistry,
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
P. VALLINAYAGAM, Associate Professor at the
Department of Chemistry, Mepco Schlenk Engineering
College, Sivakasi.
D. MADHAVAN, Senior Lecturer at the Department of
Chemistry, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi.
This book, now in its second edition, is written
specifically to address the course curriculum in
Engineering Chemistry for the first-year students of
all branches of engineering. Though most of the
topics covered are customarily taught in several
universities and institutes, the book follows the
sequence of topics as prescribed in the two-semester
course syllabus of engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu.
The book exposes students to fundamental
knowledge in
Treatment of water, polymers and composites
Applications of surface chemistry and the concept
of nuclear energy and energy storage devices
Engineering materials and nanomaterials
Electrochemistry and principles involved in corro-
sion and its inhibition, and protective coatings
Analysis of fuels and combustion, phase rule, and
important analytical techniques
Several worked examples to help students reinforce
their comprehension of theory
Numerous short and descriptive questions at the
end of each chapter to test and foster students
conceptual understanding of the subject.
Chapter-end problems to help students become
proficient at problem-solving.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Unit I: Water
Technology. Unit II: Polymers and Composites. Unit
III: Surface Chemistry. Unit IV: Nuclear Energy.
Batteries. Unit V: Refractories. Abrasives. Lubricants.
Nanomaterials. Unit VI: Electrochemistry. Unit VII:
Corrosion and Corrosion Control. Protective Coatings.
Unit VIII: Fuels and Combustion. Unit IX: Phase Rule.
Alloys. Unit X: Analytical Techniques. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 300 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3666-7 / ` 195.00
polymers), this book narrates a cohesive story about
organic chemistry. Transitions between topics are
smooth, explanations are lucid, and tie-ins to earlier
material are frequent to maintain continuity.
The book contains over 400 (including parts) solved
problems from simple to really challenging
ones with suitable explanations. In addition, over
275 examples and solved problems on IUPAC
nomenclature, with varying degree of difficulty, are
About some key features of the book
EXPLORE MORE: Three sets of solved problems
provide in-depth knowledge and enhanced under-
standing of some important aspects of organic
MINI ESSAYS: Three small essays present
interesting write-ups to provide students with
introductory knowledge of chemistry of natural
products such as lipids, terpenes, alkaloids, steroids
along with nucleic acids and enzymes.
NOTABILIA: Twenty-two notabilia boxes inter-
spersed throughout the text highlight the key
aspects of related topics, varying from concepts of
chemistry to the chemistry related to day-to-day
GLOSSARY: Includes Name reactions, Reagents,
and some important terms for easy revision by
Clearly written and logically organized, the authors
have endeavoured to make this complex and
important branch of science as easy as possible for
students to learn from and for teachers to teach
CONTENTS: Preface. Organic Molecules: Structure,
Bonding and Properties. IUPAC Nomenclature of
Organic Compounds. Stereochemistry. Fundamentals
of Organic Reactions. Alkanes and Cycloalkanes.
Alkenes. Alkadienes. Alkynes. Concepts of
Aromaticity, and Benzene and Its Derivatives.
Aromatic Electrophilic Substitution Reactions
Mechanism, Orientation and Reactivity. Explore More
(Set-I). Haloalkanes. Haloarenes. Monohydric Alcohols
(Alkanols). Ethers, Expoxides, Thiols and Thioethers.
Polyhydric Alcohols (Diols and Triols). Phenols.
Explore More (Set-II). Aliphatic Carbonyl Compounds
(Alkanals and Alkanones). Aromatic Aldehydes and
Ketones. Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids and Their
Derivatives. Bifunctional Carboxylic Acids and Their
Derivatives. Aromatic Carboxylic and Sulfonic Acids.
Mini Essay I (Lipids, Soaps and Detergents).
Aliphatic Nitrogen Containing Compounds [Amines,
Nitro, Nitriles, Isonitriles, Isocyanates and Thio-
cyanates]. Aromatic Nitrogen Containing Compounds
(Nitro, Amines and Diazonium Salts). Polynuclear
Hydrocarbons. Explore More (Set-III). ReviewPart
I: Organometallic Compounds, Part II: Oxidation
Reduction Reactions. Heterocyclic Compounds.
Carbohydrates. Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins.
Mini Essay II (Enzymes & Nucleic acids). Drugs and
Pesticides. Mini Essay III (Terpenes, Alkaloids,
Steroids). Dyes. Synthetic Polymers. Spectroscopy and
Structure. Appendix. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 1164 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2441-1 / ` 425.00
Textbook of Physical Chemistry
H.K. MOUDGIL, Lecturer, Department of Chemistry,
Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana).
This comprehensive textbook covers the principal
areas of physical chemistry, such as thermodynamics,
quantum chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, chemical
kinetics, electrochemistry and nanotechnology.
In a methodical and accessible style, the book
discusses classical, irreversible and statistical
thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, and
describes macroscopic chemical systems, steady states
and thermodynamics at a molecular level. It
elaborates the underlying principles of quantum
mechanics, molecular spectroscopy, X-ray
crystallography and solid state chemistry along with
their applications. The book explains various
instrumentation techniques such as potentiometry,
polarography, voltametry, conductometry and
coulometry. It also describes kinetics, rate laws and
chemical processes at the electrodes. In addition, the
text deals with chemistry of corrosion and
This book is primarily designed for the undergraduate
and postgraduate students of chemistry (B.Sc. and
M.Sc.) for courses in physical chemistry.
Gives a thorough treatment to ensure a solid grasp
of the material.
Presents a large number of figures and diagrams
that help amplify key concepts.
Contains several worked-out examples for better
understanding of the subject matter.
Provides numerous chapter-end exercises to foster
conceptual understanding.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Nomenclature. Part I: ThermodynamicsClassical
38 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Thermodynamics. Irreversible Thermodynamics or
Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. Statistical
Thermodynamics. Statistical Mechanics. Part II:
SpectroscopyQuantum Mechanics. Introduction to
Molecular Spectroscopy. X-ray Crystallography. Solid
State Chemistry. Part III: Instrumental Techniques
Reference Electrodes and Potentiometric Methods.
Polarography and Voltametry. Conductometric
Methods. Coulometric Analysis. Part IV:
ElectrochemistryElectrified Interface. Electrodics.
Contact Adsorption on the Electrode. Structure of
SemiconductorElectrode Interface. Multistep
Reactions. Energy Conversion. Corrosion. Part V:
Reaction DynamicsChemical Kinetics. Part VI:
Advanced ChemistryChemistry of Nano-materials.
Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 676 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4088-6 / ` 425.00
Fundamentals of Reaction
Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry
R.P. NARAIN, formerly Associate Professor, Department
of Chemistry, University of Gorakhpur.
Written for the undergraduate and postgraduate
students of chemistry, this textbook presents
comprehensive coverage of different types of
reactions and their mechanisms. The need for such a
book has been felt for a very long time both by
students and teachers.
The book discusses chemical kinetics, structure and
reactivity and reactive intermediates such as
carbenes, nitrenes and benzynes. It also describes the
mechanism of tautomerism and the concepts of
aromaticity. In addition, the book elaborates the
various reactions such as substitution, free radical,
addition, elimination and alkylation reactions.
Finally, the text presents a detailed discussion on
molecular rearrangements, oximes and diazo
compounds, as well as the concepts of
Presents a number of examples to explain the
mechanistic concepts.
Offers graphs and tables at various places to
illustrate the key points.
Includes latest information on the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. What is a Reaction Mechanism?
Its Importance and Methods of Determining a
Reaction Mechanism. Structure and Reactivity.
Reactive Intermediates (Carbenes, Nitrenes and
Benzynes). Tautomerism. Concepts of Aromaticity.
Aliphatic Nucleophilic Substitution. Aromatic
Nucleophilic Substitution. Aromatic Electrophilic
Substitution. Free Radical Reactions. Addition
Reaction to CarbonCarbon Multiple Bonds.
Elimination Reactions. Alkylation Reactions. Molecular
Rearrangements. Chemistry of Oximes and Diazo
Compounds. Photochemistry. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 288 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4179-1 / ` 275.00
Engineering Chemistry
KUSHAL QANUNGO, Assistant Professor, Department
of Applied Sciences and Humanities, Mody Institute of
Technology and Sciences, Sikar, Rajasthan.
This book is specifically written to address the course
curriculum in engineering chemistry for the first-year
students of all branches of engineering. Most of the
topics covered are customarily taught in various
universities and institutes.
The book exposes students to fundamental knowledge
Treatment of water and types of corrosion and its
preventive measures
Principles of chromatography and electrochemistry
Various laws of photochemistry along with
mechanism of photosynthesis
Techniques for analysis of infrared, ultraviolet and
visible spectroscopy, and principles of magnetic
resonance spectroscopy
Analysis of phase equilibria in single and multi-
component systems
Incorporates a number of solved problems to
reinforce the understanding of the subject.
Includes a large number of diagrams to clarify the
concepts discussed.
Contains chapter-end exercises to test students
comprehension of theory.
CONTENTS: Preface. Water and its Treatment.
Electrochemistry. Corrosion and its Prevention.
Chromatography. Photochemistry. Molecular Spectro-
scopy. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Phase
Equilibrium. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 208 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3818-0 / ` 150.00
Group Theory and Its Applications
in Chemistry
A. SALAHUDDIN KUNJU has been Principal, University
College, Thiruvananthapuram. He has also been Head,
Department of Chemistry, University College.
G. KRISHNAN has been Principal, Government College,
Chavara, Kerala. He has also been Head, Department
of Chemistry, University College, Thiruvananthapuram.
This book presents the basic principles of group
theory and their applications in chemical theories.
First, it discusses the symmetry elements, point
groups and construction of character tables for
different point groups. The book then describes the
concept of hybridization to explain the shapes of
molecules and analyzes the character tables to
predict infrared and Raman active vibrational modes
of molecules. The book also presents in detail
molecular orbital theory and methods for
construction of molecular orbitals of molecules with
different geometries. In addition, it elaborates
techniques of group theory to interpret bonding in
transition metal complexes and their electronic
spectra. Finally, the book describes the crystalline
point groups, Bravais lattices and space groups, as
well as the WoodwardHoffmann rules to determine
the pathways of electrocyclic and cycloaddition
The book is designed for the senior undergraduate
students and postgraduate students of chemistry. The
researchers in the field of group theory will also find
this book useful.
Provides mathematical foundations to understand
group theory.
Includes several examples to illustrate applications
of group theory.
Presents chapter-end exercises to help the students
check their understanding of the subject matter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Basic Principles of Group
TheoryMolecular Symmetry. Group Representation
and Character Table. Part II: Applications of Group
TheoryHybridization of Atomic Orbitals.
Spectroscopy. Molecular Orbital Theory. Transition
Metal Complexes. Crystal Symmetry. Woodward
Hoffman Rules. AppendicesA: Character Tables for
Chemically Important Symmetry Groups. B:
Correlation Table for Group O
. C: Tanable and Sugano
Diagram for O
Fields. D: Stereographic Projections for
the 32 Crystallographic Point Groups. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 220 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4032-9 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Practical Chemistry for
ICSE Students, A
Fr. R. SEQUEIRA, S.J., Distinguished Educationist and
Chemistry Teacher.
This practical manual is specifically designed for the
students appearing for the Board Examination
conducted by the Indian Council of Secondary
Education (ICSE). The text intends to make chemistry
practicals simpler, meaningful and interesting by
incorporating sufficient theoretical details and
relevant examples.
The methodology of Experiment, Observation and
Inference greatly helps students in systematic
analysis of unknown radicals in Group Analysis. Each
important experiment is accompanied by the relevant
chemical reaction, thus strengthening the basic
concepts. Model test papers with answers given
at the end make the practical manual complete in
CONTENTS: The Action of Heat on CompoundsO
, Pb(NO
, [Cu(NO
], PbO
, Pb
, PbCO
, CuCO
, CaCO
, NH
Cl, CuSO
O, (NH
, Na

O, I
, HgO. The
Analysis of Acid RadicalsGroup I: NO

, CO
, S
; Group II: NO

, Cl

; Group III: SO
. The
Identification and Analysis of Basic RadicalsPart A:
Flame Tests. Part B: Basic Radicals (Group A) Pb
, Zn
, Ca
, Fe
, Fe
; Basic Radicals (Group B);
, K
, Na
. AppendicesModel Practical Test
Papers I and II. Model Papers I to VIII.
Latest Print 2006 / 120 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-0812-3 / ` 79.00
Chemistry in Daily Life, 2nd ed.
KIRPAL SINGH, Professor Emeritus at the Asia Pacific
Graduate School of Management (APGSM), Port
Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
This book highlights the importance of chemistry in
human well-being by introducing the readers to the
basic usefulness of chemistry in everyday life.
Chemistry has helped in creating valuable products
that have transformed the lifestyle of people. Since
we spend lots of money in buying our daily
requirements, there is a need for us to understand
the benefits and hazards of using consumer products
which contain chemicals. In this context, this book
will help readers to make reasoned choices and
intelligent decisions in buying consumer products
which contain chemicals.
40 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
This text is divided into chapters devoted to the
basic necessities of life like food, shelter, clothing,
healthcare, and energy and consumer products.
Topics on chemistry in environment, crime, warfare,
arts, conservation, communications and trans-
portation are also highlighted in individual chapters.
All these topics are discussed with regard to the
needs of modern society.
In this second edition, the various chapters have
been updated with current information keeping the
language simple and friendly. Critical thinking
exercises and questions have been included. The style
of questions included in the book is to meet the
requirement of various competitive examinations such
as Indian Civil Services and entrance examinations in
medicine and engineering.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Importance
of Chemistry in Society. Chemistry in Agriculture and
Plant Protection. Chemicals of Life. Chemical
Processing and Preservation of Foods. Chemistry in
Housing and Household. Chemistry of Textiles and
Clothing. Chemistry in Medicine and Healthcare.
Chemistry in Arts, Communications and Transport.
Chemistry in Crime and Law Enforcement. Chemistry
and Modern Warfare. Chemistry of Cosmetics.
Chemistry and Consumer Products. Chemistry and Our
Environment. Plastics and Ceramics. Energy and
Chemistry. Enzymes: The Vital Biocatalysts. Chemis-
try, Economics and Politics. Appendices. Further
Readings. Model Questions from the Text. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 176 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3529-5 / ` 150.00
Food Processing and Preservation
B. SIVASANKAR, Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Anna University, Chennai.
The book provides a comprehensive coverage of the
processing and preservation aspects of food science
that include chemical, microbiological and technolo-
gical processes on the one hand, and assessment of
food quality and safety, new and modified foods by
fermentation, food-borne diseases and food spoilage
on the other. The preservation operations involving
the use of high and low temperatures and radiation
have also been discussed in detail.
Intended as a textbook for undergraduate students of
science and engineering, this study would also be of
great help to postgraduate students offering courses
in food science, and to professionals as well as
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Water. Carbo-
hydrates. Lipids. Proteins and Enzymes. Vitamins and
Minerals. Food Colours and Flavours. Food Additives.
Microorganisms Associated with Food. Fermented
Foods and Food Chemicals. Food Borne Diseases. Food
Spoilage. Food Engineering Operations. Food
Conversion Operations. Food Preservation and Use of
High Temperatures. Food Preservation by Evaporation
and Drying. Low-Temperature Food Processing and
Preservation. Food Preservation by Irradiation and
Allied Operations in Food Industry. Milk and Dairy
Products. Vegetables and Fruits. Cereals, Legumes
and Nuts. Meat and Meat Products. Fats and Oil.
Beverages. Sugar, Sweeteners, Honey and Confec-
tionery. Salt and Spices. Food Quality. References.
Latest Print 2010 / 364 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2086-4 / ` 250.00
Chemistry of the Environment,
2nd ed.
THOMAS G. SPIRO, Professor of Chemistry, Princeton
WILLIAM M. STIGLIANI, Professor of Chemistry, Center
for Energy and Environmental Education, University of
Northern Iowa.
With rapid advances taking place in environmental
science in the last few years, and the atmospheric
concentration of CO
increasing in metropolitan cities
and industrial towns, an uptodate book dealing with
the chemistry of the environment has become both
timely and essential. Quality of environment is being
rightly emphasized with strict norms being applied to
auto emission. This extensively revised and updated
edition therefore provides an indepth analysis of
environmental chemistry, exploring in the process
the frontiers of environmental science.
The text fully delineates the linkages between
environmental issues in the areas of energy,
atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere/lithosphere
(which form the four parts of the book), and the
basic chemistry behind them.
This edition is more accessible and chemistry oriented
than the previous edition with reorganization and
expansion of basic chemistry. More cutting edge
environmental topics and numerous worked-out
examples reinforce understanding of the basic
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of environ-
mental science as well as environmental scientists
will find this study invaluable.
Incorporates current and basic environmental
Boxed enrichment materialsfive to ten in each
chapterhelp students gain better understanding
of concepts.
Shows link between the basic chemical principles
and practical environmental issues.
Each chapter has worked-out problems that
improve comprehension of the topics discussed.
Provides 20 problems in each Problem Set at the
end of chapters, which drill the students in self-
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Part I: ENERGY
Energy Flows and Supplies. Fossil Fuels. Nuclear
Energy. Renewable Energy. Energy Utilization.
Part II: ATMOSPHEREClimate. Oxygen Chemistry.
Stratospheric Ozone. Air Pollution. Part III:
Clouds to Runoff: Water as Solvent. Water and the
Lithosphere. Oxygen and Life. Water Pollution and
Water Treatment. Part IV: BIOSPHERENitrogen and
Food Production. Pest Control. Toxic Chemicals.
Appendix: Organic Structures. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 508 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2146-5 / ` 350.00
Thermodynamics: A Core Course,
3rd ed.
R.C. SRIVASTAVA, former Professor of Chemistry at the
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, BITS,
Pilani and Banaras Hindu University.
SUBIT K. SAHA, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at
BITS, Pilani.
ABHAY K. JAIN, Professor in the Department of
Chemistry, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur
Though thermodynamics is a tool used in all sciences
and technologies, this book is especially designed to
acquaint science students with the whole breadth of
the subject covering both equilibrium and non-
equilibrium regions. Equilibrium thermodynamics
covered in the first-seven chapters caters to the
needs of students up to the B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.) level.
The next three chapters devoted to non-equilibrium
thermodynamics and network thermodynamics fulfill
the needs of the syllabi on these topics introduced in
most universities at the postgraduate level. Chapters
on The Question of Ideality and The Non-linear
Region were the new additions to the second
edition. In the third edition a new chapter on
Causality Principle in Non-equilibrium Thermo-
dynamics has been added. The readers may find the
new chapter intellectually stimulating.
The book is an accessible, straightforward discussion
of basic topics, beginning with the laws of thermo-
dynamics and focusing on derivations of basic
relations. The text is suitably illustrated throughout
with examples of various applications of interest to
science students. It explains concepts systematically,
teaches problem-solving meaningfully, and includes
concept-elucidating questions that are intended
to reinforce the students understanding of the
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. The
Nature and Scope of Thermodynamics. Important
Terminologies in Thermodynamics. The First Law of
Thermodynamics. Defining Thermodynamic State: The
State Postulate. The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The Question of Ideality. Statistical Thermodynamics.
Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. The Non-linear
Region. Network Thermodynamics. Causality Principle
in Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. Bibliography.
Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 332 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3296-6 / ` 225.00
Physical Chemistry
G.K. VEMULAPALLI, University of Arizona.
An in-depth exploration of the fundamentals of
physical chemistry especially designed for a first
course in the subject. This book presents the
basic thermodynamic and quantum concepts (e.g.
reversibility, chemical potential, probability density,
bases, superposition) in a more methodical accessible
style than other texts.
Presents a unique approach to statistical thermo-
dynamics, begins with a discussion that requires
only basic mathematics and provides accessible
insight into macroscopic thermodynamics; covers
material on thermodynamics independently of
statistical thermodynamics.
Contains about 300 worked examples and 1200
exercises/problemscarefully coordinated with the
Provides details of the most important derivations
(e.g. Maxwells Relation and applications in
thermodynamics, the origins of the Schrdinger
Provides chapters on advanced topicswritten so
as to be accessible at any point in the course
42 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Inspires students with advanced and interesting
information on the subject
Includes neat and self-explanatory illustrations
Gives in-text examples with solutions to assist with
Provides University Question Papers at the end of
the chapters
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Chemical
Energy Sources. Electrochemical Energy Systems.
Battery Technology. Corrosion. Metal Finishing. Liquid
Crystals. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. High
Polymers. Water. University Question Papers. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 284 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3619-3 / ` 175.00
Environment/Energy Studies
Renewable Energy Sources: Their
Impact on Global Warming and
TASNEEM ABBASI, Assistant Professor at the Centre for
Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering,
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.
S.A. ABBASI, Senior Professor and Head at the Centre
for Pollution Control and Environmental Engineering,
Pondicherry University, Pondicherry.
Today, the tide has turned so strongly in favour of
renewables that for the first time since the dawn of
the fossil fuel era over two hundred years ago
renewable energy technologies have started attracting
more investment globally than that in the fossil fuel-
based technologies.
This text provides a comprehensive and wide ranging
introduction to various renewable energy
technologies and their applications, such as solar,
wind, biomass, biogas, wave, geothermal, tidal and
small hydel. It provides a thorough understanding of
the basic energy conversion processes taking place in
various renewable energy-based equipment like heat
engines, photovoltaics, wind turbines, windmills,
wave machines, and so on. The text also deals with
the impact of renewable energy sources on global
warming and pollution.
The book is intended for courses in Environmental
Sciences, Environmental/Electrical/Mechanical
Engineering and Energy Studies at the undergraduate
during the discussion of the basic ideas (e.g. dipole
moments, intermolecular forces, magnetic
properties of materials).
Nonideal Gases. Molecular Statistics. EQUILIBRIUM
THERMODYNAMICSThe First Law of Thermo-
dynamics. Thermochemistry. The Second Law of
Thermodynamics. Theory of Equilibrium and
Application to Pure Substances. Phase Equilibria in
Pure Substances. General Theory for Systems of
Variable Composition. Solutions. Chemical Equilibrium.
Electrochemical Equilibria. Surface Thermodynamics.
QUANTUM CHEMISTRYWaves and Particles. The Wave
Function and the Postulates of Quantum Theory.
Rotational Spectroscopy. Vibrational Spectroscopy.
The Hydrogen Atom. Synthesizing Wave Functions.
Atoms: Electronic Structure and Spectra. Diatomic
Molecules: Bonding and Electronic Spectra. Polya-
tomic Molecules. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.
CHEMICAL KINETICSThe Kinetic Theory of Gases.
Chemical Kinetics in the Gas Phase. Elementary
Processes in Gas Phase Kinetics. Kinetics in Solutions.
Energy Transfer and Photochemistry. Heterogeneous
and Electrochemical Reactions. SPECIAL TOPICS
Statistical Thermodynamics. Optical and Electro-
magnetic Properties of Molecules. The Solid State.
Intermolecular Forces.
Latest Print 2009 / 1008 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1142-8 / ` 395.00
Engineering Chemistry
PUTTI R. VIJAYASARATHY, Professor and Head,
Department of Chemistry, Dayananda Sagar College of
Engineering, Bangalore.
Chemistry and chemical products play an important
role in every branch of engineering. Therefore,
chemistry is considered as one of the core subjects in
engineering and technology.
Primarily intended for the first year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering, this
comprehensive text presents the fundamental
principles of chemistry and its role in engineering
and technology. It provides extensive discussions
on electrochemistry, polymers, corrosion, fuel
combustion and water treatmentwith emphasis on
topics of interest in engineering. Though most of the
topics covered are taught in several engineering
institutes and technical universities, the book follows
the sequence of topics that are prescribed in
the course syllabus of Visveswarya Technological
University (VTU), Karnataka.
This comprehensive book on wind energy is intended
as a text for the undergraduate and postgraduate
students of Mechanical/Electrical Engineering and
students pursuing Energy Studies. The book should
prove equally useful for professionals and practising
CONTENTS: Preface. List of Symbols. List of
Abbreviations. Introduction. Wind Resource
Assessment. Aerodynamics. Wind Turbine. Wind
Turbine Design. Siting, Wind Farm Design. Wind
Energy Economics. Environmental Impacts. Electrical
and Control Systems. Appendices. Glossary.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 304 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4066-4 / ` 325.00
Environmental Chemistry, 2nd ed.
SAMIR K. BANERJEE, formerly Professor of Chemistry,
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani,
This text on aspects relating to environmental
chemistry is designed for courses taught in
departments of science and environment, biotechno-
logy, and chemical and civil engineering. It provides
a good exposure to the biological diversity of the
environment and deals with its various life
supporting systems, their ecological aspects and
effects on the sustenance of life. With the growing
realisation that the environment is seriously
endangered, the area of environmental chemistry
assumes great importance where one deals with the
natural chemical constituents of the environment,
the interactions between them, and the manner in
which changes occur in them because of human
interference, particularly pollution. This book
attempts to cover the important aspects of air and
water pollution, and several other effects of
industrial and agricultural activities on pollution.
This revised and new edition also discusses chemical
toxicology and waste management which are areas of
great concern today.
Discusses catastrophic depletion of oxygen and
molecular mechanisms on mutagenesis, and their
overall impact on the environment.
Analyzes the quantification of pollutants through
microbiological and biochemical techniques; eutro-
phication level and its impact on Biological Oxygen
Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
Explains the role and implication of some less com-
mon pollutants such as metals, mines, and polymers.
and postgraduate levels. It will also serve as a useful
reference for scientists, technocrats and environ-
India is generously endowed with renewable energy
sources. I hope the present book by Prof. Tasneem
Abbasi and Prof. S.A. Abbasi will help students,
renewable energy professionals and even the general
masses to understand various aspects of renewable
energy technologies and their applications.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. From Renewables to
Renewables: The Human Quest for Energy Comes Full
Circle. Pollution and Global Warming Due to the Use
of Fossil Fuels: The Extent of the Problem. Direct
Solar. Biomass Energy. Biogas Energy. Wind Energy.
Wave Energy. Tidal Energy. Geothermal Energy. Small
Hydro. Hydrogen as a Renewable Energy Source.
Storage of Intermittently-generated Renewable
Energy. Decarbonization of Fossil Fuel Use by CO
Capture. Is the Use of Renewable Energy Sources an
Answer to the Problems of Global Warming and
Pollution? References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 332 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3994-1 / ` 325.00
Wind Energy: Theory and Practice
SIRAJ AHMED, Associate Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Maulana Azad National
Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal.
Today, wind energy is one of the most viable options
to meet the energy challenges of the world. It is
clear, fuel-free, and available in virtually every
country in the world. This book covers all the
essential engineering principles and best practices of
wind energy with clear emphasis on the
fundamentals and basic concepts. It explains the
state-of-the-art technology of wind energy and
describes the latest procedures, theories and
Discusses recent trends and future prospects.
Discusses characteristics, measurements,
quantification and resource assessment of wind.
Analyzes the aerodynamic principles, and design of
horizontal and vertical axes wind turbines.
Describes the methodology of siting turbines for
modern wind farms, and wind farm designing.
Shows how to assess economic viability of wind
energy generation.
Analyzes the impact of wind energy on
44 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface to the Second Edition.
Preface to the First Edition. Ecology and Ecosystems.
Air and Water Pollution. Sewage and Fertilizers.
Synthetic Polymers. Metal Pollution. Mining Activi-
ties. Chemical Toxicology. Waste Management. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 188 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1576-1 / ` 125.00
Introduction to Environmental
Biotechnology, 2nd ed.
A.K. CHATTERJI, Formerly Professor of Applied Botany
and Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur; and Formerly Emeritus Fellow, School of
Environmental Science, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Intended as a text for the students of M.Sc.
(Environmental Science and Biotechnology); M.Tech
(Environmental Engineering), and as a useful
reference for the students of B.Tech and B.Sc.
(Biotechnology), this thoroughly revised Second
Edition incorporates the latest advances and trends
in Environmental Biotechnology.
The text focuses on the utilization of modern
biological and biochemical tools, such as Genetically
Modified Organisms [GMOs], cell biological methods,
biosensors, bioplastics and bio-fuels. It explains how
to conserve the rapidly dwindling bio-resources and
judiciously exploit the bio-sphere and also projects
the future possibilities of this technology in the 21st
This book can also serve as a useful guide to research
scholars and practising professionals.
This Second Edition comes with some fresh additions
in the following chapters:
Chapters 2, 5 and 6 on environmental manage-
ment, bio-monitoring of pollution and pollution
Chapters 7 and 10 dealing with bio-degradation
and eco-friendly bio-resources.
Covers all the aspects of environmental
biotechnologyfrom ecosystem to genetic and
molecular levelssupported by authentic data and
Delineates strategies and protocols for the
utilization of microbes in solving problems of
environment, including the use of the well-known
super-bug Pseudomonas putida.
Discusses modern biotechnological tools in
environmental monitoring and analysis.
Uncovers the production processes and advantages
of bio-fuels.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Preface to the First
Edition. Acknowledgments. Environment and
Biotechnology. Ecosystem Approach in Environmental
Management. World of Microbes in Relation to
Environment. Conventional Waste Water Treatment
Strategies Using Biosystems. Biotechnological
Methods of Pollution Detection. Biotechnological
Methods in Pollution Abatement. Biotechnology and
Biodegradation. Biohydrometallurgy and Biomining.
Genetically Engineered Microbes in Bio-treatment of
Wastes and Environmental Safety. Eco-friendly Bio-
products for Environmental Health. Environmental
Biotechnology in the 21st Century. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 216 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3160-0 / ` 195.00
Biotechnology for Waste and
Wastewater Treatment
NICHOLAS P. CHEREMISINOFF, a chemical engineer by
trade, has over 20 years of industry and applied
research experience in the field of environmental
control and industrial waste management.
Biological treatment, or biotechnology, is an
expanding field which has shown success in
remediation of industrial and municipal waste
problems. Industrial waste problems, especially those
involving hazardous waste, are an ongoing concern
since they pose a serious hazard to human health or
living organisms. The range of hazardous wastes is
large and their effects diverse. There are numerous
instances of mishaps all over the world. During the
last few years, there has been a worldwide move to
remedy these problems.
This book chiefly examines the practices employed
for biological treatment of waste/wastewater and
hazardous wastes. The technologies described involve
conventional treatment processes, their variations as
well as recent research. A promising new technique is
in the field of in-situ bioreclamation of contaminated
groundwater for cleaning up aquifers contaminated
with organic pollutants, such as chlorinated solvents,
petroleum products and pesticides. This particular
environmental problem, being one of the most critical
of recent times is dealt with in a separate chapter.
The book is intended for a wide range of audience. It
will be useful to students and academia of civil/
chemical/environmental/public health engineering,
environmental sciences and biotechnology, as
well as to professionals, researchers, environmental
specialists, and administrators working in the field of
pollution control. Industrialists wishing to seek an
overview of the field for control of contaminants and
treatment of wastes will also benefit immensely from
this book.
CONTENTS: Preface. About the Author. Biotechnology
for Industrial and Municipal Wastes. Biological
Degradation of Hazardous Wastes. Biological
Treatment of Industrial Wastes: Mutant Bacteria.
Nitrification and Denitrification in the Activated
Sludge Process. In-situ Bioreclamation of Contami-
nated Groundwater. Index.
Latest Print 2003 / 248 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-1883-8 / ` 225.00
Environmental Risks and Hazards
SUSAN L. CUTTER (Ed.), Rutgers University.
The planet earth is not a simple recurring cyclical
phenomenon of natural events. It is subject to
violent happenings that adversely affect the earth
and its inhabitants. To this, man-made technologies
and social complexities have been added.
This book is a compilation of some of the most
important articles on the subject of environmental
risk and hazards.
Examines the historical antecedents of social
research into risks and hazards.
Explores the myriad perspectives social scientists
use to understand human responses to disasters.
Describes how people perceive threats and respond
to hazards.
Considers risk assessment methodology and its role
in managing risks.
Illustrates non-traditional hazards that are of
increasing importancechemical contamination,
global environmental change, warfare.
Provides a thematic introduction to each major
section of the text, framing central issues for
the student, and also providing a thorough
CONTENTS: Preface. Isnt Any Place Safe Anymore?
Beginnings. Theoretical. Innovations. Responding to
Threats. Improving Management. Emerging and
Recurring Issues. Epilogue. Index.
Latest Print 1998 / 432 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-1504-9 / ` 195.00
Environmental Science: Principles
and Practice
R.C. DAS, Consulting Professor, Xavier Institute of
Management, Bhubaneswar (Formerly, Vice Chancellor,
Berhampur University, Orissa; Chairman, Orissa State
Pollution Control Board, Bhubaneswar).
D.K. BEHERA, Senior Environmental Scientist, State
Pollution Control Board, Orissa.
This book fulfills the need for a practical, clearly
written introductory textbook on fundamental
concepts and basic applications of principles of
environmental science. It is designed to cover the
curriculum of B.Sc. and M.Sc. courses in Environ-
mental Science.
Besides students, the basic knowledge of environ-
mental management is highly essential today for
regulators, industrial managers, and environmental
activists. The book provides comprehensive infor-
mation on all relevant components relating to
environmental issues in industries, the purpose being
to sensitize the management staff to various
environmental laws and regulations.
The book not only gives a thorough treatment of all
individual environmental components but also
suggests strategies for improvement of environment
quality. It discusses various pollution control
methodologies along with waste minimization and
resource conservation. An attempt is also made to
blend the legal guidelines and statutory compliance
with technical and scientific approach.
Various environmental management tools have been
discussed. Management of hazardous chemicals has
been dealt with in a separate chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Abbreviations. Basic Concepts of
Ecology and Environment. Water Pollution (Basic
Principles). Water Pollution Control Methods. Air
Pollution (Basic Principles). Air Pollution Control
Methods. Noise Pollution. Vehicular Pollution.
Environmental Laws and Constitutional Provisions.
Pollution Control Norms and Standards. Waste
Minimization and Resource Conservation. Management
of Solid Wastes Including Hazardous Wastes. Manage-
ment of Hazardous Chemicals and Chemical Accidents.
Environment Impact Assessment. Environmental
Audit. Environmental Management System. Index.
Latest Print 2007 / 376 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3330-7 / ` 250.00
46 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
with Wound Rotor Synchronous Generator. Type-D
WPP with Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator.
Wind Power Quality and Electrical Generators. Grid
Integration of Wind Power Plants. Wind Resource
Assessment. Siting of Wind Power Plants. Economics
of Wind Power Plants. Choice of Wind Turbines. Wind
Power Project Development. Wind Power Policy.
Wind Power and Environment. Wind Power Planning.
Public Perception and Acceptance. Operation and
Maintenance Issues of Wind Power Plants.
Maintenance of Wind Power Plant Components.
AppendicesI: IEC Standards for Wind Turbines. II:
Major Wind Turbine Certification Agencies. III: Wind
Power Plant Manufacturers in India and Overseas. IV:
Wind Power Plant Component Manufacturers/
Suppliers. V: Units and Conversions. VI: List of Few
Indias Large Wind Farms (10 MW and Greater). VII:
State Government Policy for Wind Power Project
Investment. Glossary. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 496 pp. (Hard Cover)
21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3986-6 / ` 995.00
Water and Wastewater Technology,
6th ed.
A proven text in the field of water and wastewater
engineering and technology, this primer provides
thorough coverage of the fundamental principles
and current practices in water processing, water
distribution, wastewater collection, wastewater
treatment, sludge processing, and water reuse. All
major systems and operations are covered concisely
yet comprehensively and are reinforced with
numerous examples and sample calculations.
The introductory chapters give a review of pertinent
aspects of chemistry, biology, hydraulics and
hydrology, and prepare the students for the
subsequent material on water supply, wastewater
disposal, and water quality.
The sixth edition updates the subject matter,
illustrations, and problems to incorporate new
concepts and issues related to the water
environment. In this edition, the revision of text and
addition of new problems are in the chapters on:
Water distribution systems
Water processing
Wastewater processing
Advanced wastewater treatment
Water reuse
Wind Power Plants and Project
JOSHUA EARNEST, Professor and Head, Department of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National
Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research
(NITTTR), Bhopal.
TORE WIZELIUS is Wind Power Consultant, Vindform
AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
To abate the global climate change, wind power is
developing very fast around the world, and India is
one of the leading countries in this field. In just a
few decades, wind power has developed from an
alternative energy source to a new fast growing
industrial branch.
This book gives a wide and deep introduction to most
aspects of this renewable energy source. Different
types of wind turbines and their components are
described in detail. The electrical system of wind
turbines as well as its adaptation to the grid are
The wind climate, the wind resources, the power in
the wind and how to find and utilise sites with the
best wind conditions, is another area that is
discussed in detail. The configuration and selection
of wind power plants that suit local wind conditions
and the measures to make these plants operate
effectively and efficiently, are the other aspects that
have been dealt with comprehensively.
To keep India ahead always in wind power
development, energy policy and promotional
strategies are also described in this book.
This book should be a compulsory reading for all who
are engaged in the wind power business as well as
for the university students pursuing energy studies,
policy makers, grid operators, and all those who want
to be in the ongoing energy revolution to generate
inexpensive and clean power from renewables.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. List of
Symbols. Acronyms and Abbreviations. Wind Power
Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Wind Power in India.
Wind Characteristics. Power in the Wind. Conversion
of Wind to Electric Energy. Types of Wind Power
Plants. Components of Wind Power Plants. Working of
Wind Power Plants. Aerodynamic Power Regulation of
Wind Power Plants. Specifications of Wind Power
Plants. Electric Power Control Strategies. Power
Electronics in Wind Power Plants. Type-A WPP with
Squirrel Cage Induction Generator. Type-B WPP with
Wound Rotor Induction Generator. Type-C WPP with
Doubly-fed Induction Generator. Type-D WPP
The book is appropriate for undergraduate level civil
engineering courses in Environmental Engineering/
Technology, Water Supply and Sanitation, and Water
Quality Control. It is also suitable for two-year
college/university courses in Environmental Studies.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction.
Chemistry. Biology. Hydraulics and Hydrology. Water
Quality. Water Distribution Systems. Water Processing.
Operation of Waterworks. Wastewater Flows and
Characteristics. Wastewater Collection Systems.
Wastewater Processing. Wastewater Systems Capacity,
Management, Operation, and Maintenance. Advanced
Wastewater Treatment. Water Reuse. Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 564 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3499-1 / ` 395.00
Environmental Science and
Engineering, 2nd ed.
J. GLYNN HENRY, Professor Emeritus of Civil
Engineering, University of Toronto and President,
J.G. Henry Associates Ltd., Consulting Environmental
GARY W. HEINKE, Professor of Civil Engineering,
University of Toronto.
Designed as an introductory-level core textbook on
environmental science and engineering for students
of engineering as well as for non-engineering
undergraduates offering courses in environmental
science, this book provides an in-depth analysis of
the subject. This updated second edition is a result
of the wide acceptance of the first edition and is
based on the feedback and constructive comments
received from the students and faculty on the
previous edition. It has contributions from experts in
the fielddrawn both from the academic field and
from the industry.
The book is divided into three parts: Part I: Causes of
Environmental Problems gives updated data on
increasing population, urbanization, energy use and
the consequences of natural and human environ-
mental disturbances, sustainable development
and preventive technology. Part II: The Scientific
Background includes a review of physics and
chemistry, with additional information on
atmospheric sciences, climatology, meteorology and
epidemiology. Part III: Technology and Control
provides current information on water use, drinking
water standards, and alternative wastewater
treatment. It also includes discussion on biosolids
management, water resources, water supply, and
water pollution and air pollution sources. New case
studies and site remediation techniques are
integrated with chapters on solid and hazardous
The book is enriched with over 300 problems and
examples making it an ideal text for students.
Besides, it would prove useful to the practising
engineers and the teaching community.
CONTENTS: Preface. About the Authors and
Contributors. Part 1: Causes of Environmental
ProblemsThe Nature and Scope of Environmental
Problems. Population and Economic Growth. Energy
Growth. Natural Environmental Hazards. Human
Environmental Disturbances. Part 2: Scientific
BackgroundPhysics and Chemistry. Atmospheric
Sciences. Microbiology and Epidemiology. Ecology.
Part 3: Technology and ControlWater Resources.
Water Supply. Water Pollution. Air Pollution. Solid
Wastes. Hazardous Wastes. Environmental
Management. AppendicesA. Symbols, Dimensions,
and Units. B. Physical Properties and Constants.
C. Abbreviations and Symbols. D. Special Environ-
mental Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 800 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2605-7 / ` 395.00
World System and the Earth System,
The: Global Socioenvironmental
Change and Sustainability Since
the Neolithic
At its core, this book aims to bridge the gaps that
undoubtedly exist between social and natural systems
and to show how it is possible to adopt a holistic
viewpoint by adopting a systems perspective to both
the natural and social sciencesThis is in many ways
a fascinating and thought provoking text that will be a
source of stimulation to many environmental
MARTIN KENT, Journal of Archaeological
The World System and the Earth System offers a
critical perspective on large-scale environmental change
in an era when we are awakening to the phenomenon
of global warming. This work is notable for bringing
together long-term environmental systems research with
its social scientific equivalent, world-systems analysis,
a novel and powerful synthesis.
JOSIAH HEYMAN, University of Texas at El Paso
In this benchmark volume top scholars come together
to present state-of-the-art research and pursue a
more rigorous framework for understanding and
48 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
studying the linkages between social and ecological
systems. Contributors from a wide spectrum of
disciplines present and assess the evolution of our
thinking and current, state-of-the-art theory and
research. Covering ancient through modern periods,
they discuss the complex ways in which human
culture, economy, and demographics interact with
ecology and climate change. The World System and
the Earth System is critical reading for all scholars
and students working at the interface of nature and
CONTENTS: Preface. Contributors. Introduction:
Conceptualizing Socioecological Systems. Part 1:
Modeling Socioecological Systems: General
PerspectivesHistorical Ecology: Integrated Thinking
at Multiple Temporal and Spatial Scales. Toward
Developing Synergistic Linkages between the
Biophysical and the Cultural: A Paleoenvironmental
Perspective. Integration of World and Earth Systems:
Heritage and Foresight. World-Systems as Complex
Human Ecosystems. Lessons from Population Ecology
for World-Systems Analyses of Long-Distance
Synchrony. Sustainable Unsustainability: Toward a
Comparative Study of Hegemonic Decline in Global
Systems. Part II: Case Studies of Socioenvironmental
Change in PrehistoryAgrarian Landscape
Development in Northwestern Europe since the
Neolithic: Cultural and Climatic Factors behind a
Regional/Continental Pattern. Climate Change in
Southern and Eastern Africa during the Past
Millennium and Its Implications for Societal
Development. World-Systems in the Biogeosphere:
Urbanization, State Formation, and Climate Change
Since the Iron Age. Eurasian Transformations:
Mobility, Ecological Change, and the Transmission of
Social institutions in the Third Millennium and the
Early Second Millennium B.C.E. Climate, Water, and
Political-Economic Crises in Ancient Mesopotamia and
Egypt. Ages of Reorganization. Sustainable Intensive
Exploitation of Amazonia: Cultural, Environmental,
and Geopolitical Perspectives. Regional Integration
and Ecology in Prehistoric Amazonia: Toward a
System Perspective. Part III: Is the World System
Sustainable? Attempts toward an Integrated
Socioecological PerspectiveThe Human-Environment
Nexus: Progress in the Past Decade in the Integrated
Analysis of Human and Biophysical Factors. In Search
of Sustainability: What Can We Learn from the Past?
Political Ecology and Sustainability Science:
Opportunity and Challenge. No Island is an Island:
Some Perspectives on Human Ecology and
Development in Oceania. Infectious Diseases as
Ecological and Historical Phenomena, with Special
Reference to the Influenza Pandemic of 19181919.
Evidence from Societal Metabolism Studies for
Ecological Unequal Trade. Entropy Generation and
Displacement: The Nineteenth-Century Multilateral
Network of World Trade. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 408 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3774-9 / ` 395.00
Environmental Studies
S. KANAGASABAI is an Associate Professor of
Economics, Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
The natural environment of the earth, which includes
grasslands, deserts, forests, oceans, rivers, beaches,
and the atmosphere, has fallen prey to human
intervention. This textbook meticulously throws light
on how the elements of nature are being depleted
and exhausted by the influence of technology, and
how can we contribute towards conserving The
The book comprises seven chapters, and each chapter
addresses an issue related to the environment. The
issues like conservation of natural resources,
maintaining a balance between the various
ecosystems, and the biosphere are all dealt with
efficiently. A chapter on Biodiversity explains how
the diverse climatic conditions (arid deserts, rocky
mountains, snowy glaciers) benefit the natural
ecosystems processes and life-cycles.
The issues like pollution (land, water, air) and other
social concerns like population are discussed along
with the measures to control them. All the chapters
are well-supported with illustrative tables and figures.
The review questions are added to check students
comprehension of the subject.
This textbook is designed as per the UGC model
curriculum, and is intended for the undergraduate
students of all disciplines.
CONTENTS: Preface. Nature of Environmental Studies.
Natural Resources. Ecosystem. Biodiversity.
Environmental Pollution. Social Issues and the
Environment. Human Population and the
Environment. Field Work. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 176 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4164-7 / ` 125.00
Renewable Energy Sources and
Emerging Technologies
D.P. KOTHARI, Vice-Chancellor of VIT University,
Vellore. Earlier, he was Professor of Centre for Energy
Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi.
K.C. SINGAL, retired Chief Engineer Operation, Haryana
State Electricity Board (HSEB).
RAKESH RANJAN, Principal, Institute of Technology
and Management, Gurgaon.
This book is a comprehensive, introductory text on
renewable energy sources, technologies and their
applicationsa subject which is becoming
increasingly important worldwide. The reader is
introduced to the basic principles, systems of
conversion and transfer of energy, current status,
economic viability and environmental impacts of each
of the renewable energy sources and technologies
discussed in the book.
A number of example problems are included to
correlate theory with typical practical values
encountered in industry. Neatly-drawn figures help
students to understand the intricacies of the
equipment. Chapter-end review questions are
designed to enable students to revise important basic
Written in an accessible style, this text is designed
to serve the needs of undergraduate students in
electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines. It
will also be useful for all higher-level courses
in Energy Programmes and multi-disciplinary
postgraduate courses in Science and Engineering.
Provides balanced introduction to all aspects of
solar energy conversion including PV technology.
Gives comprehensive coverage of all facets of wind
power development.
Explains small hydropower projects with illustrative
Emphasizes the importance of availability of biofuel
from Jatropa plant.
Special attention in given to gas hydrates and
hydrogen energy sources.
Fuel cells are explained as per the latest
technology available.
Harnessing of ocean energy is dealt with in detail.
Utilization of biomass and solid waste for energy
recovery is emphasized.
CONTENTS: Preface. Energy Resources and Their
Utilization. Environmental Aspects of Electric Energy
Generation. Solar Radiation and Its Measurement.
Solar Thermal Energy Collectors. Solar Thermal Energy
Conversion Systems. Solar Photovoltaic System. Wind
Energy. Wind Energy Farms. Small Hydropower.
Geothermal Energy. Electric Power Generation by
Ocean Energy. Biomass Energy. Fuel Cells. Hydrogen
Engery System. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 360 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3357-4 / ` 250.00
Environmental Management:
Text and Cases, 2nd ed.
BALA KRISHNAMOORTHY, Professor and Head,
Department of Business Policy, Environmental
Management, and Corporate Social Responsibility,
NMIMS University, Mumbai.
The Second Edition of this concise and compact text
continues to highlight the need for effective
environmental management, taking into account the
serious damage done to the environment through
environmental pollution and degradation.
The book focuses its attention on the multi-
dimensional aspects of environmental management
such as sustainable development, the RIO Conference
(popularly known as the Earth Summit), environment
impact assessment, environmental ethics, environ-
mental risk communication, and waste management.
Dr. Bala Krishnamoorthy, with her rich experience in
teaching and research, provides the reader a succinct,
well-researched and engaging study of this
fascinating subject. Besides giving an exposition on
the principles, the author also presents Case Studies
and short cases to highlight and illustrate the issues
Gives four new Case Studies while retaining two
case studies from the earlier editionthe new case
studies include the one on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy
(Bhopal Revisited) and the other on the Mumbai
Deluge of July 2005. These would be of great
interest and benefit to the readers.
Primarily intended as a text for students of
management, the book should also be of interest to
all those who have an abiding concern about
Environment in all its facets.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Introduction.
Environment Management Concepts. Environmental
Law. Environmental Impact Assessment. Emergence of
Industrial Response for Environmental Issues in India.
Environmental Ethics. Environmental Risk Communi-
cation. WTO and Environmental Issues. Solid Waste
50 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Elements of Environmental Science
and Engineering
P. MEENAKSHI, Department of Civil Engineering,
Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil
Designed as a text for all undergraduate students of
engineering for their core course in Environmental
Science and Engineering and for elective courses in
environmental health engineering and pollution and
control engineering for students of civil engineering,
this comprehensive text provides an in-depth analysis
of the fundamental concepts. It also introduces the
reader to different niche areas of environmental
science and engineering.
The book covers a wide array of topics, such as
natural resources, disaster management, biodiversity,
and various forms of pollution, viz. water pollution,
air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution, thermal
pollution, and marine pollution, as well as environ-
mental impact assessment and environmental
Gives in-depth yet lucid analysis of topics, making
the book user-friendly.
Covers important topics, which are adequately
supported by illustrative diagrams.
Provides case studies to explore real-life problems.
Supplies review questions at the end of each
chapter to drill the students in self-study.
CONTENTS: Preface. Environmental Education
Present Scenario. Science of the Environment. Natural
Resources. Disaster Management. Engineering Inter-
ventions. Ecosystems. Biodiversity. Water Pollution.
Air Pollution. Soil Pollution. Noise Pollution. Thermal
Pollution. Marine Pollution. Solid Wastes. Hazardous
Wastes. Energy. Environmental Threats. Environ-
mental Impact Assessment. Social Issues and the
Environment. Environmental Protection. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 324 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2774-0 / ` 195.00
Essentials of Ecology and
Environmental Science, 4th ed.
S.V.S. RANA, Professor in the Department of Zoology
and also the Coordinator of the Department of
Environmental Science as well as the UGC-Innovative
Assistance Programme in Toxicology at Chaudhary
Charan Singh University, Meerut.
This book, now in its fourth edition, is a lucid
Management. Hospital Waste Management and
Biomedical Waste Management Rules. Case Studies.
AppendicesA: Industrial Pollution Prevention
Project. B: Declaration of United Nations Conference
of the Human Environment. C: Model Question Paper.
Latest Print 2010 / 284 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3329-1 / ` 195.00
Introduction to Environmental
Engineering and Science, 3rd ed.
The third edition of this book has been completely
updated, modestly expanded and significantly
strengthenedespecially in the area of water quality
engineering. The revisions have been made with the
aim of providing students with the necessary tools
and understanding of topics in chemistry, water
treatment, air pollution and solid waste components.
The text maintains its accessibility to non-
engineering and hard science students as well. This
blend of technical rigour and broad accessibility has
been a goal of the previous editions and it continues
to be an explicit objective of this edition too.
Designed for use in undergraduate courses on
environmental engineering and science.
1. More Applied ApplicationsGreenhouse Gases,
Hurricane Katrina, Global Warming
2. Inclusion of Plug Flow Discussion
3. Added Discussions on TopicsDeforestation, Soil
Erosion, Species Extinction
CONTENTS: Preface. Mass and Energy Transfer.
Environmental Chemistry. Mathematics of Growth.
Risk Assessment. Water Pollution. Water Quality
Control. Air Pollution. Global Atmospheric Change.
Solid Waste Management and Resource Recovery.
AppendicesA: Useful Conversion Factors. B: Atomic
Numbers and Atomic Weights. C: Density and
Viscosity of Water and Air. D: Useful Constants.
Latest Print 2010 / 720 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3691-9 / ` 350.00
SAHNI, et al. (Eds.)
Disaster Mitigation: Experiences and
PARDEEP SAHNI, Professor of Public Administration,
Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New
ALKA DHAMEJA and UMA MEDURY, both are Readers
in the Faculty of Public Administration, IGNOU.
Human vulnerability to natural disasters is an age-old
phenomenon. Besides natures wrath, human
interventions, too, have led to many calamities in
the recent past. Most of the worlds people live in
developing economies, as do most of the worlds
poor. They also face the most debilitating
consequences in the form of economic and social
disruption caused by disasters. Disaster mitigation
entails measures to reduce the physical, economic
and social vulnerability of a community to disasters.
It is still an untouched domain, suffering for want of
systematic and committed research and development
inputs. This collection of articles from several
contributors illuminates the pertinence of those
mitigation efforts that would prepare everyone
related with disaster management to comprehend and
approach the problem more holistically.
CONTENTS: Acknowledgements. About the Editors.
List of Contributors. Introduction. Disaster Mitigation.
Managing Disasters in the New Millennium. Disasters
and Development. Managing Disasters in Urban
Areas. Landslide Problems in the Uttarakhand
Region. Floods, Embankments and Dams. Disaster
Preparedness and Mitigation in Flood Management.
Disaster Mitigation Measures for Cyclone-Prone Areas
of Andhra Pradesh. Droughts and Floods: A Case for
Dying Wisdom. Disaster Management: Analyzing
Vulnerability. Urban Household Livelihood Security.
Community Capacity Building on Disaster
Preparedness. Disaster Mitigation: Challenges to Raise
the Capacity of At-Risk Populations. Role of Media in
Disaster Preparedness. Role of Police in Disaster
Management: Case of Uphaar Theatre Fire Tragedy.
Vulnerability Matters in South Asia. Coping with
Disasters: A Community-Based Approach. Tropical
Cyclones and Their Forecasting and Warning Systems
in India. From Emergency Assistance to Risk
Management: Policy Implications for the Future.
Vulnerability Reduction at Community Level: The New
Global Paradigm. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 232 pp. (Hard Cover)
16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1914-1 / ` 250.00
presentation of the fundamental concepts and
principles of ecology and environmental science.
Extensively illustrated, the book provides in-depth
coverage of major areas such as atmospheric and soil
science, hydrobiology, biodiversity, and pollution
ecology. It seeks to impart comprehensive under-
standing of the major ecological issues, policies and
laws, crucial for solving environmental problems. New
sections on vital topics such as acid rain and
deposition, metapopulations, environmental disasters
and the Bali Summit on Climate Change 2007
contribute strongly to this endeavour.
The book is primarily intended for undergraduate
(B.Sc.) students of environmental science and other
relevant biological sciences. It will also be very useful
for postgraduate (M.Sc.) students of these subjects as
well as field professionals and researchers.
Use of indigenous examples for explaining subject
Coverage of extreme environments such as
Antarctica, the Arctic region, open oceans, and
deserts, along with up-to-date information on
major ecosystems
Chapters devoted to biodiversity as well as natural
and genetic resources of India
Detailed descriptions of ecocompartments such as
atmosphere and lithosphere
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Acknowledgements. Definition, Scope and History of
Ecology. Ecology and Evolution. Environmental
Adaptations. Climate and Atmosphere. Earth and
Lithosphere. Hydrosphere. Biosphere. Bio-Geochemical
and Nutrient Cycles. Environmental Factors and
Species Interactions. Biodiversity. Genetic Resources.
Natural Resources (Minerals, Energy, Water, Forests).
Ecology of Populations. Concept of Community. Eco-
system (Structure and Function). Fragile Ecosystems.
Air Pollution. Water Pollution. Noise Pollution.
Radioactive Pollution. Solid Waste Pollution. Land
Pollution. Global Environmental Problems.
Environmental Disasters. Environmental Institutions,
International Cooperation and Law. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 584 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3894-4 / ` 295.00
52 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Disaster Risk Reduction in
South Asia
PARDEEP SAHNI, Professor of Public Administration at
the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU),
New Delhi.
Programme Manager, Disaster Mitigation, at the
Intermediate Technology Development Group (ITDG),
South Asia.
South Asia represents a region highly prone to
natural disasters. Disasters not only disrupt
the normal life of the affected communities and the
countries but also impede developmental efforts. By
and large, the approach of the major stakeholders
has been reactive rather than proactive. There
is indeed, a dire need for concerted and well-planned
efforts to achieve risk reduction through risk identifi-
cation, and sharing and transfer of information.
This edited volume explores how the risk of disasters
can be reduced by structural and non-structural mea-
sures with detailed, comprehensive and participatory
strategies. Twenty-seven contributors, both academi-
cians and practitioners, investigate the challenges
that the region faces and how changes can be effec-
ted at the community, society, government and non-
government levels to foster a culture of preparedness.
The overall focus is on risk reduction through
prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response,
recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Some case
studies from different settings dealing with various
disasters have also been included. Since disaster risk
reduction is an area of great concern and there is
absolute dearth of literature addressing this issue
with regard to South Asia, this volume will be of
immense utility and interest to government
departments, NGOs, insurance companies, univer-
sities, training institutions, professional associates,
media, general public, and students pursuing courses
in disaster management.
CONTENTS: Acknowledgements. About the Editors.
Contributors. Introduction. Bringing together Disaster
and DevelopmentConcepts and Practice, Some
Experience from South Asia. The Principle of Risk
Partnership and the Role of Insurance in Risk
Mitigation. Risk Reduction through Managing
Disasters and Crises. Disaster Risk Reduction through
Livelihood Concerns and Disaster Policy in South
Asia. Applications of Information Technology in
Disaster Risk Reduction. Trigger MechanismThe
Concept for Emergency Response Plan for Disaster
Risk Reduction. Role of Remote Sensing in Disaster
Risk Reduction. Disaster Risk Reduction by Education,
Information and Public Awareness. Partnership in
Health and Disaster Management for Risk Reduction
in South Asia. Implications of Macro Level
Development Planning on Disaster Risk Reduction.
Disaster Risk Reduction: A Preparedness Approach.
Community Capacity Building for Risk Reduction in
South Asia. Disaster Risk Reduction through Capacity
Building of the Community and Panchayati Raj
Institutions. Assessing Abilities for Disaster Risk
Reduction: Discovering Possibilities and Exploring
Options. Disaster Risk Reduction through Disaster-
Resistant Construction Techniques. Community
Participation in Disaster Mitigation and Risk
Reduction (with Special Reference to Cyclone). Armed
Forces in Disaster Risk Reduction. Pilot Demonstration
Project for Drought Risk Reduction. Timely
Intervention for Disaster Risk Reduction. Disaster Risk
Reduction: Livelihood Options in Drought Situations
(A Case Study of Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan).
Livelihood Strategies in Disaster Risk Reduction in
Bangladesh. Impact of Flood on Gender: A Case
Study. Towards Risk ReductionA Perspective of
Disaster Management in Nepal: Challenges and
Opportunities. Drought Profile, Management and Risk
Reduction in India. Disaster Risk Reduction through
Development Orientation in Disaster Management: The
Significance of Peoples Participation in India. Stake-
holders Response in Disaster Risk Reduction. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 388 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2200-4 / ` 450.00
Environmental Engineering:
A Design Approach
(with CD-ROM)
ARCADIO P. SINCERO, Morgan State University.
GREGORIA A. SINCERO, Maryland Department of the
This comprehensive textbook in environmental
engineering provides a thorough treatment of the
subject in all its aspectswater and wastewater,
environmental hydrology, hydraulics and pneumatics,
air, solid waste, noise and environmental quality
modeling. The text makes use of practical hands-on
examples and current applications.
Complete coverage of the applications of chemical
reactions is included.
Example problems illustrate the techniques of
design using the concept presented in the text.
Treats surface water, subsurface water and air
quality modeling as part of the concept of
conservation of mass.
Provides a unified approach to the concept of
settling and cake filtration, treating and settling
of air and water together.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. About the
Authors. Introduction. Environmental Chemistry
and Biology. Environmental Engineering Hydrology.
Environmental Engineering Hydraulics and
Pneumatics. Introduction to Environmental Quality
Modeling. Conventional Water Treatment. Conven-
tional Wastewater Treatment, Sludge Treatment and
Disposal. Advanced Wastewater and Water Treatment
and Land Treatment Systems. Pollution from
Combustion and Atmospheric Pollution. Solid Waste
Management. Air Pollution Control. Hazardous Waste
Management and Risk Assessment. Noise Pollution
and Control. Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 816 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1474-0 / ` 395.00
Renewable Energy Technologies:
A Practical Guide for Beginners
CHETAN SINGH SOLANKI, Assistant Professor in Energy
Systems Engineering at the Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay.
This book presents a highly accessible introduction to
the multi-disciplinary field of renewable energy
sourcesan area which is becoming increasingly
important. It is intended to serve as a textbook for
undergraduate electrical and mechanical engineering
students and will also be useful for courses in
environmental science.
The book helps beginners to understand the basic
energy conversion processes involved in various
renewable energy based equipment such as solar
photovoltaics, solar water heaters, wind turbines, and
biomass plants. Under each technology, several possi-
ble system configurations and their usages are
considered. Step-by-step procedures are given to
design and cost estimate several renewable energy
based systems, designed for the given requirements.
Numerous chapter-end problems are given to
reinforce concepts, and for getting used to system
design and system costing procedures.
Besides students, this book will be immensely useful
for individuals interested in learning and practising
renewable energy technologies.
CONTENTS: Preface. List of Abbreviations. Basics
of Energy. Solar Radiation. Solar Photovoltaic
Technologies. Solar Thermal Technologies. Wind
Energy. Biomass Energy. AppendicesA: Monthly
Averaged Daily Solar Radiation. B: Global Annual
Solar Radiation Map of India. C: Wind Energy
Distribution Map of India. D: Typical Power Ratings of
Energy Appliances. E: Physical Constants and
Conversion Factors. F: Subsidies and Manufacturers.
Latest Print 2009 / 168 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3434-2 / ` 225.00
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fo fo fo fo forr; lw ph ; lw ph ; lw ph ; lw ph ; lw ph -|-| ~||| =l-|l--| -| + nn
-- =| ll+| =| |||-|:+ ||l+i =| -|i
54 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
||l+i - -| :- -| llz| + <l-+
=| ll+| +| n|l=+ ~|=- llz| | |nni =|
ll+| :||- +| n|-l-|| llz| - -|
l-| :||- +| n|-l-|| llz| | -| -+|| +|
~l+- z|l+- l-|| llz| ||l-+ l||+ ~|
l- + +|+ llz| - =l=i ( l-n| -|
Latest Print 2009 / 176 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3808-1 / ` 150.00
Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals,
Technologies and Applications
CHETAN SINGH SOLANKI, Assistant Professor in Energy
Systems Engineering at the Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay.
This up-to-date text discusses all the aspects of Solar
Photovoltaic (PV) technologies from physics of solar
cells to manufacturing technologies, solar PV system
design and their applications.
Organised in three parts, Part I introduces
fundamental principles of solar cell operation and
design, Part II explains various technologies to
fabricate solar cells and PV modules and Part III
focuses on the use of solar photovoltaics as part of
the system for providing electrical energy. In
addition to this, numerous chapter-end exercises are
given to reinforce the understanding of the subject.
This text is intended for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of engineering for their
courses on solar photovoltaic technologies and
renewable energy technologies. Besides this, the book
will be immensely useful for teachers, researchers and
professionals working in the photovoltaic field. In a
nutshell, this book is an absolute must-read for all
those who want to understand and apply the basics
behind photovoltaic devices and systems.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
List of Abbreviations. List of Symbols. Part I: Solar
Cell FundamentalsPlace of PV in World Energy
Scenario. Fundamentals of Semiconductors. Charge
Carriers and Their Motion in Semiconductor. PN
Junction Diode: An Introduction to Solar Cells. Design
of Solar Cells. Part II: Solar Cell Technologies
Production of Si. Si Wafer-based Solar Cell
Technology. Thin Film Solar Cell Technologies.
Concentrator PV Cells and Systems. Emerging Solar
Cell Technologies and Concepts. Part III: Solar
Photovoltaic ApplicationsSolar Radiation. Solar
Photovoltaic Modules. Balance of Solar PV Systems.
Photovoltaic System Design and Applications.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 504 pp. (Hard Cover)
17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3760-2 / ` 475.00
Chemistry of the Environment,
2nd ed.
THOMAS G. SPIRO, Professor of Chemistry, Princeton
WILLIAM M. STIGLIANI, Professor of Chemistry, Center
for Energy and Environmental Education, University of
Northern Iowa.
With rapid advances taking place in environmental
science in the last few years, and the atmospheric
concentration of CO
increasing in metropolitan cities
and industrial towns, an uptodate book dealing with
the chemistry of the environment has become both
timely and essential. Quality of environment is being
rightly emphasized with strict norms being applied to
auto emission. This extensively revised and updated
edition therefore provides an indepth analysis of
environmental chemistry, exploring in the process
the frontiers of environmental science.
The text fully delineates the linkages between
environmental issues in the areas of energy,
atmosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere/lithosphere
(which form the four parts of the book), and the
basic chemistry behind them.
This edition is more accessible and chemistry oriented
than the previous edition with reorganization and
expansion of basic chemistry. More cutting edge
environmental topics and numerous worked-out
examples reinforce understanding of the basic
Undergraduate and postgraduate students of environ-
mental science as well as environmental scientists
will find this study invaluable.
Incorporates current and basic environmental
Boxed enrichment materialsfive to ten in each
chapterhelp students gain better understanding
of concepts.
Shows link between the basic chemical principles
and practical environmental issues.
Each chapter has worked-out problems that
improve comprehension of the topics discussed.
Provides 20 problems in each Problem Set at the
end of chapters, which drill the students in self-
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Part I: ENERGY
Energy Flows and Supplies. Fossil Fuels. Nuclear
Energy. Renewable Energy. Energy Utilization.
Part II: ATMOSPHEREClimate. Oxygen Chemistry.
Stratospheric Ozone. Air Pollution. Part III:
Clouds to Runoff: Water as Solvent. Water and the
Lithosphere. Oxygen and Life. Water Pollution and
Water Treatment. Part IV: BIOSPHERENitrogen and
Food Production. Pest Control. Toxic Chemicals.
Appendix: Organic Structures. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 508 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2146-5 / ` 350.00
Environmental Engineering
D. SRINIVASAN, has been a Professor with Department
of Chemical Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.
During the last two decades, the environmental
pollution regulations have undergone a vast change.
Attempts have been made to refine the conventional
technologies and to develop new technologies to
meet increasingly more stringent environmental
quality criteria. The challenge that one faces today is
to meet these stringent requirements in an environ-
mentally acceptable and cost effective manner.
The present book addresses the application of the
state-of-the-art technology to the solutions to
todays problems in industrial effluent pollution
control and environmental protection. The highlight
of this book is the inclusion of the salient features
of process modifications and other important
methods and techniques for the minimization of
wastes. The chapter on process modification for waste
minimization provides new technical features
and tools, latest technologies and techniques, and
other industrial operations. Besides, the text covers
the role of an environmental engineer in the
methodology for making pollution control decisions.
Includes numerous self-explanatory tabular and
diagrammatic representations.
Presents pollution problems of few chemical and
processing industries.
Provides case studies on environmental pollution
problems and their prevention.
Analyzes thoroughly the planning and strategies of
environmental protection.
Designed as a textbook for the undergraduate
students of civil and chemical engineering, this book
will also be useful to the postgraduate students of
environmental science and engineering.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Biogeochemical Cycles. The Chemistry of Waste
Waters. Water Quality. Waste Water Treatment and
Disposal. Air Quality. Treatment Systems for Air
Pollution Control. Industrial Pollution and Waste
Treatment in a Few Chemical and Processing
Industries. Solid Wastes. Waste Minimization and
Pollution Prevention. Planning Process for Prevention
of Pollution. Strategies for Pollution Prevention.
Hazardous Waste Management. Case Studies.
Appendices. References. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 440 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3600-1 / ` 325.00
Ecology: Theories and Applications,
4th ed.
PETER D. STILING, University of South Florida at
This substantially revised fourth edition brings to
fore the fascinating aspects of ecology. As, an
understanding of ecological principles is so essential
for students as well as environmental scientists, this
book provides a conceptual framework of ecology on
which environmental science is based. A knowledge
of such concepts enables one to take conservation
measures and make attempts to restore the planet
after the ravages of pollution.
This edition has undergone major changes. The
introduction has been completely rewritten to
introduce the students to the discipline of
evolutionary and behavioural ecology, population
ecology, community ecology, and ecosystems
ecologythe four pillars on which this book is built.
The population ecology section continues its focus on
factors affecting population growth; however, more
attention has been devoted to mutualism and
commensalism and to parasitism.
While the format of the fourth edition remains
similar to the third edition, with each chapter
starting on an explanation of a concept followed
by examples well illustrated with data, figures and
tables, the pedagogical emphasis has been refocussed.
For example, each chapter begins with a one-
sentence outline on what each section in the chapter
is about. Not only have a large number of diagrams
but also some of colour photographs been added to
56 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
illustrate the point of discussion. Finally, a summary
at the end of each chapter recollect the major points
and should prove to be an invaluable study aid.
Students pursuing courses in environmental science
which is increasingly being taught in universities
across the country, and environmental scientists will
find this in-depth study highly useful.
How to Study Ecology. Section Two: EVOLUTION AND
BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGYGenetics and Ecology.
Extinction. Group Selection and Individual Selection.
Life History Strategies. Section Three: POPULATION
ECOLOGYPopulation Growth. Physical Environment.
Competition and Coexistence. Mutualism. Predation.
Herbivory. Parasitism. Evaluating the Controls on
Population Size. Section Four: COMMUNITY ECOLOGY.
The Main Types of Communities. Global Patterns
in Species Richness. Species Diversity. Stability,
Equilibrium, and Nonequilibrium. Succession. Island
Biogeography. Section Five: ECOSYSTEMS ECOLOGY
Trophic Structure. Energy Flow. Nutrients. Glossary.
Literature. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 416 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2131-1 / ` 325.00
TESTER, et al.
Sustainable Energy: Choosing
Among Options
This book states that a better future might depend
on how individuals and institutions choose amongst
diverse and potentially contradictory technical,
sociological, geopolitical, and environmental options,
and how we set priorities for changing our present
courses. It clearly presents the trade-offs and
uncertainties inherent in evaluating and choosing
different energy options and provides a framework
for assessing policy solutions.
The text reviews the main energy sources of today
and tomorrow, including fossil fuels, nuclear power,
biomass, geothermal energy, hydropower, wind
energy, and solar energy, examining their techno-
logies, environmental impacts, and economics. It also
discusses about energy storage, transmission, and
distribution; about the electric power sector; trans-
portation, industrial energy usage, commercial and
residential buildings, and synergistic complex
It considers sustainable energy as a complex system
that, in the broader context, is subservient to the
super system of sustainable development then it
provides the prospects for sustainable energy having
practical global impacts.
The book is a valuable resource for all postgraduate
courses concerned with energy and its many
ramificationsas in engineering, public policy, and
environmental science.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. Sustainable
EnergyThe Engine of Sustainable Development.
Estimation and Evaluation of Energy Resources.
Technical Performance: Allowability, Efficiency,
Production Rates. Local, Regional, and Global
Environmental Effects of Energy. Project Economic
Evaluation. Energy Systems and Sustainability
Metrics. Fossil Fuels and Fossil Energy. Nuclear Power.
Renewable Energy in Context. Biomass Energy.
Geothermal Energy. Hydropower. Solar Energy. Ocean
Waves, Tide, and Thermal Energy Conversion. Wind
Energy. Storage, Transportation, and Distribution of
Energy. Electric Power Sector. Transportation Services.
Industrial Energy Usage. Commercial and Residential
Buildings. Synergistic Complex Systems. Choosing
Among Options. Conversion Factors. List of Acronyms.
Latest Print 2009 / 872 pp. (Hard Cover)
17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2903-4 / ` 550.00
Principles of Environmental Science
and Engineering
P. VENUGOPALA RAO, Director, Sridevi Womens
Engineering College, Hyderabad.
Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate
students of engineering for their core course in
environmental studies, this book gives a clear
introduction to the fundamental principles of ecology
and environmental science and aptly summarizes the
relationship between ecology and environmental
Divided into three parts, the book begins by dis-
cussing the biosphere, natural resources, ecosystems,
biodiversity, and community health. Then it goes on
to give detailed description on topics such as
pollution and control, environmental management,
and sustainable development. Finally, it focuses on
environmental chemistry, environmental micro-
biology, and monitoring and analysis of pollutants.
Key words and summary at the end of each chapter
provide the students an easy way of recapitulation.
and administrators working in the field of pollution
CONTENTS: Preface. Ecology. Environmental
Sanitation. Drinking Water. Domestic Sewage. Waste
Water from Industries. Air Pollution. Monitoring and
Analysis. Environmental Management. Appendices
A: Toxic Wastes. B: Geographical Information System.
C: Disaster Management. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 280 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1930-1 / ` 195.00
Environmental Science: Toward a
Sustainable Future, 11th ed.
RICHARD T. WRIGHT, Professor Emeritus of Biology,
Gordon College, Massachusetts.
DOROTHY F. BOORSE, Associate Professor of Biology,
Gordon College, Wenham Massachusetts.
By emphasizing the memorable themes of science,
sustainability and stewardship, the Eleventh Edition
of this popular textbook helps students understand
the science behind environmental issues and what
they can do to build a more sustainable future. It
presents a full spectrum of views and information for
students to evaluate issues and make informed
It is suitable for students pursuing courses in
Environmental Science/ Engineering and
Revisiting the themesrecap and discuss each
theme and help students connect it to the chapter
Case studies and illustrative storiesintroduce
each chapter to draw readers interest and lead
into the chapter material.
CONTENTS: PART ONE: Framework for a Sustainable
FutureScience and the Environment. Economics,
Politics, and Public Policy. PART TWO: Ecology: The
Science of Organisms and Their EnvironmentBasic
Needs of Living Things. Populations and Communities.
Ecosystems: Energy, Patterns, and Disturbance. Wild
Species and Biodiversity. The Use and Restoration of
Ecosystems. PART THREE: The Human Population and
Essential ResourcesThe Human Population.
Population and Development. Water: Hydrologic Cycle
and Human Use. Soil: The Foundation for Land
Ecosystems. The Production and Distribution of Food.
Pests and Pest Control. PART FOUR: Harnessing
Energy for Human SocietiesEnergy from Fossil
A large number of figures illustrate the topics
Projects of environmental concern suggested at the
end of the book enable the students to work in
field projects.
Besides engineering students, undergraduate students
in other streams, practicing engineers and
professionals would find the text immensely useful.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part One: Ecosystems and
Population WelfareBiosphere. Natural Resources.
Ecosystems. Biodiversity and Its Conservation.
Community Health. Part Two: Pollution Control
and Environmental ManagementPollution and
Control. Environmental Concerns. Environmental
Management. Sustainable Development. Part Three:
Environmental ScienceEnvironmental Chemistry.
Environmental Microbiology. Monitoring and Analysis
of Pollutants. Appendix. Glossary. General Questions
for Study and Assignment. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 288 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2893-8 / ` 225.00
Textbook of Environmental
P. VENUGOPALA RAO, Director, Sridevi Womens
Engineering College, Hyderabad.
Designed for a first-course in environmental
engineering for undergraduate engineering and
postgraduate science students, the book deals with
environmental pollution and its control metho-
dologies. It explains the basic environmental
technology environmental sanitation, water supply,
waste management, air pollution control and other
related issues and presents a logical and
systematic treatment of topics.
The book, an outgrowth of authors long experience
in teaching the postgraduate science and engineering
students, is presented in a student-oriented
approach. It is interspersed with solved examples and
illustrations to reinforce many of the concepts
discussed and apprise the readers of the current
practices in areas of water processing, water
distribution, collection and treatment of domestic
sewage and industrial waste water, and control of air
pollution. It emphasizes fundamental concepts and
basic applications of environmental technology for
management of environmental problems.
Besides students, the book will be useful to the
academia of environmental sciences, civil/environ-
mental engineering as well as to environmentalists
58 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Geomorphology: A Systematic
Analysis of Late Cenozoic
Landforms, 3rd ed.
ARTHUR L. BLOOM, Department of Geological Sciences,
Cornell University.
This substantially revised, reorganized and updated
third edition is a comprehensive and systematic
analysis of landforms of the late Cenozoic era and
the forces that have shaped the evolution of our
present landscape. Detailed coverage of the history of
geomorphology and the methods of geomorphic
analysis is followed by explanation of the
constructional processes of tectonism and volcanism
and the erosional processes of weathering, fluvial
erosion, glaciers, winds, and waves. Each set of
processes and the resulting landforms, illustrated by
a wide range of examples, is covered separately for a
comprehensive overview.
Besides addressing the needs of undergraduate and
graduate students of geology and physical geography,
the text will also be useful to students of civil and
environmental engineering, atmospheric sciences,
archeology and town planning.
Addition of new examples to illustrate the complex
nature of climatic changes.
Chapter on Cenozoic Tectonism has been
extensively revised as the background to chapter
on Cenozoic Climate Change.
More discussion of soils, soil formation, and soils
chronosequences included in chapter on Rock
New section on bedrock river channels and updated
description of the behaviour of alluvial channels in
chapter on The Fluvial Geomorphic System.
A new chapter, Late Quaternary Climatic Geomor-
phology has been added.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Fundamentals of
GeomorphologyThe Scope of Geomorphology.
Energy Flow in Geomorphic Systems. Part II: Cenozoic
Tectonism and Climates: The Modern Landscape
EvolvesCenozoic Tectonism. Cenozoic Climate
Change. Part III: Constructional Processes and
Constructional LandformsTectonic Landforms.
Volcanoes. Part IV: Subaerial Destructional (Erosional)
Processes and Erosional LandformsRock Weathering.
Karst and Speleology. Mass Wasting and Hillslopes.
The Fluvial Geomorphic System. Evolution of the
Fluvial System. Structural Control of Fluvial Erosion.
Arid and Savanna Landscapes; Eolian Processes and
Fuels. Nuclear Power. Renewable Energy. PART FIVE:
Pollution and PreventionEnvironmental Hazards
and Human Health. Global Climate Change.
Atmospheric Pollution. Water Pollution and Its
Prevention. Municipal Solid Waste: Disposal and
Recovery. Hazardous Chemicals: Pollution and
Prevention. PART SIX: Toward a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Communities and Lifestyles. Appendices
A: Environmental Organizations. B: Units of Measures.
C: Some Basic Chemical Concepts. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 696 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4129-6 / ` 650.00
Geography and Geology
Structural Geology, 3rd ed.
MARLAND P. BILLINGS, Harvard University.
The primary objective of this book is to present the
basic concepts of structural geology to undergraduate
students. A comprehensive coverage of important
topics such as folding, joints, faults, diaperism,
unconformities, impact structures, igneous rocks and
geophysical methods essential for both the geologist
and geophysicist is incorporated. Emphasis is laid on
mathematical methods especially while dealing with
mechanical principles, mechanics of folding, jointing,
plastic deformations, and geophysical methods.
Laboratory exercises encourage students to analyze
geological problems in a wider perspective. References
at the end of each chapter render the book useful to
advanced readers as well.
CONTENTS: Structural Geology. Mechanical Principles.
Description of Folds. Field Study of Folds. Office
Techniques Used in Studying Folds. Mechanics
and Causes of Folding. Joints. Description and
Classification of Faults. Criteria for Faulting. Reserve
Faults, Thrust Faults, and Overthrusts. Normal Faults.
Strike-Slip Faults. Dating of Structural Events. Diapirs
and Related Structural Features. Extrusive Igneous
Rocks. Intrusive Igneous Rocks. Emplacement of
Large Plutons. Cleavage and Schistosity. Secondary
Lineation. Plastic Deformation. Impact Structures.
Geophysical Methods in Structural Geology:
Gravitational and Magnetic. Geophysical Methods in
Structural Geology: Seismic and Thermal. Laboratory
Exercises. Equal-Area Net. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 624 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0059-0 / ` 295.00
geography, on the fundamentals concepts, philosophy
and methodology of geographyas a discipline. It is
designed to convey this essence of modern geography
in a jargon-free and easy-to-read style.
The book is appropriate for senior/graduate level
courses in geographical thought. Each chapter is
authored by a distinguished professional. The student
is spared the effort of going through a large number
of journals, textbooks and research works. The
positive aspect of the book lies in the selection of
appropriate articles authored by eminent geographers.
Continuity is maintained throughout by the very
selection of articles. To help easy assimilation, each
chapter is prefaced by an editorial note summarizing
the essence of the chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Part I
SPIRIT AND PURPOSE: A Field of Study called
Geography. Geography as a Professional Field. The
Geographical Versus Sociological Imagination: Towards
a Philosophy of Social Space. Task of Geography as a
Conceptual Structure of Geography: With particular
reference to Geographical Facts, Spatial Distribution
and Areal Association. Geography and the Learning
Process: Location, Regionalization and Interaction.
The Historical Mind and the Practice of Geography.
A Pattern-Process Model for Geographical Inquiry. A
Behavioural Model for Geographical Inquiry.
Organization and Ecosystem as Geographical Models.
Geography and the Teaching of the Environment.
Geography and the Scientific Method. Approaches to
Regional Analysis: A Synthesis. Holistic and
Reductionist Approaches to Geography. Part V
OF GEOGRAPHY: Changes in the Philosophy of
Geography: Focus on Regional Geography. The
Essence of Geography. Index.
Latest Print 2006 / 204 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-0876-X / ` 125.00
Geographical Thought:
A Contextual History of Ideas
R.D. DIKSHIT, Professor of Geography, M.D. University,
This book charts out the history of geographical
thought from the early times to the present in a
single compact volume. With the focus on the
modern period beginning with Humboldt and Ritter,
Landforms. Periglacial Geomorphology. Landscape
Glaciers as Landforms: Glaciology. Glacial Geomor-
phology. Late Quaternary Climatic Geomorphology.
Processes and Land-forms. Explanatory Description of
Coasts. Author Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 496 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2057-4 / ` 350.00
General Climatology, 4th ed.
HOWARD J. CRITCHFIELD, Western Washington
General Climatology is a non-technical, well-balanced
introductory text emphasizing the natural and
cultural processes in the climatic system. It is
updated to reflect emerging themes in climatological
research and applications and examines the
applications of climatology to economics, social and
political problems. Designed to meet the needs of
students, this widely-adopted volume introduces the
fundamentals of climatology in a thorough and well
illustrated manner. The text is appropriate for one
term/junior level courses in climatology or weather.
CONTENTS: Part I: The Physical Elements of Weather
and ClimateClimate and the Atmosphere. Energy
and Temperature. Atmospheric Moisture. Motion in
the Climate System. Weather Disturbances. Part II:
Patterns of World ClimateClimatic Classification.
Climates Dominated by Equatorial and Tropical Air
Masses. Climates Dominated by Tropical and Polar Air
Masses. Climates Dominated by Polar and Arctic Air
Masses: Highland and Ocean Climates. Climatic
Change. Part III: Applied ClimatologyClimate and
Water Resources. Climate and the Biosphere. Climate,
Agriculture, and Food. Climate, Energy, and Industrial
Technology. Human Bio-climatology. Climate and
Housing. Modification of Weather and Climate.
Appendices. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 464 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0476-5 / ` 195.00
Art and Science of Geography, The:
Integrated Readings
R.D. DIKSHIT, Professor of Geography, M.D. University,
With contribution from world renowned geographers,
this edited book is on the spirit and purpose of
60 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
=l-| --| := -+ +i llz| t-|- t t -+ ~|-=
( -|-+|-| - l|l|| -|| -<i ( n|+ =| ~|||
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~|l<+|n ~a|ti =<i -+ +i -|l+ ||| t-|-
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= +--| ~| |< lz|+ | | n | | n n ( l-t|l=+ ||
l+|=|n+ i la|- +| |||ln+ l--- || |ll|l-+
-| +i =+--| +| |||ln+ nt ||n ~| |-|||<i
l--- (+ =ni-|| ||-, -|| ~| l-| =n+|ni- n|-
||n n -< l-< ln |< +| ||n ~|l-+ -|n
--| ~|l-+ ||n |||ln+ l--- n ln -|= || +i
l- (+ =ni-|| Bibliography
Latest Print 2010 / 352 ra / 16.0 24.1 =.nt.
ISBN-978-81-203-1726-0 / ` 175.00
trtfa +rnr. =n=rnf ftzfr
(Political Geography: A Contemporary Approach)
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l|n| n ||n l|| =||+ ~-| ( |=, -||
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|- =a- -||i -| |-, | ~| |i |- z||=-
||ln| ~| |<z l-n|| +| ||n |-il-+ l+- ~|
specific emphasis is given on presenting develop-
ments over the past half century. The different
conceptual/methodological changes in the post-
1945 period (including quantitative, behavioural,
humanistic and social relevance revolutions), and the
current changeover to post-modern perspectives are
dealt with thoroughly. The text, therefore, fulfils the
requirement of courses in geographical thought at
both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. The First
Foundations: Developments upto the Eighteenth
Century. Geography in the Nineteenth Century: The
Age of Humboldt, 17901859. Geography after
Humboldt and Ritter: Developments in Germany.
Geography after Humboldt and Ritter: Developments
Outside Germany. Developments in Geography Since
World War II: From Areal to Spatial Analysis.
Behavioural Persuasion in Geography and the Rise of
Humanistic Geography. The Call for Social Relevance
in Research: Reorientation to Political Economy. The
Regional Concept and Regional Geography. The
Historical Explanation in Geography. Impact of
Evolutionary Biology on Geographical Thought:
Organization and Ecosystem as Geographical Models.
Geography and Environmentalism. Place, Space and
Locality: The Current Focus in Human Geography. The
Geography of Gender. Modern versus Post-Modern
Geographies. Progress Since World War II: Continuity,
Change, Rapproachement, and Convergence. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 312 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1182-4 / ` 195.00
+rrnrf fa r fr=. q qfarrf= =nt+rr
(Geographical ThoughtA Contextual History of Ideas)
r. tnrr z-r ztf+ra, : = : -+ -||i lzl|n,
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geography but also provide new vistas in geographic
CONTENTS: Foreword by T.N. Chaturvedi, Former
Governor, Karnataka (India). About the Contributors.
Section A: IntroductionLR Singh's Contribution and
Review of Geographic Work in India. Lekhraj Singh:
Life of a Legendary ScholarAshok K. Dutt, H.N.
Misra & Meera Chatterjee. Applied Geography and
Land Use in IndiaM. Shafi. The Visibility of
Geography in IndiaP. Dayal. Geography in 21st
Century: Managing Data InfrastructurePrithvish Nag.
Literary and Humanistic Geography in India: Review
and TrendsRamesh Dhussa. Section B:
Environmental Hazards, Change and Management
Environmental Scenario in IndiaR.C. Tiwari. Water
Quality Management in the Indian DesertAnil K.
Tiwari. Urban Air Pollution and Human Health in
VadodaraJayasree De & Dharmendra Patel. Forest
Policy Induced Displacement (Case Studies of Gujjar
Village Relocation from Rajaji Park, Dehradun and
Sariska Tiger Reserve, Sariska)M.H. Qureshi & A.R.
Moosvi. Environmental and Engineering Policies
Influencing Construction of Open Case Tidal Surge
Barriers in USA, Europe and AsiaRoger Menzies.
Katrina Devastation: A Comparative Analysis with
Future PlansAshok K. Dutt & Meera Chatterjee.
Section C: Challenges of the Development
Geographies of Exchange Entitlement: Reflections on
Amartya Sen, Development and Geography in India
David Dickason. Beyond PURA and Towards the Next
Phase of Rural RenaissanceK.V. Sundaram. Politico-
Territorial Changes in Independent India: Impact on
the Process of DevelopmentR.P. Srivastava. Regional
Disparities of Levels of Development in Uttar
PradeshD.N. Verma & Ali Alamtar. Development as
Regional Culture: Media Discourses from Karnataka
and KeralaP. Thirumal & Smriti. Creation of Small
States in IndiaV. Nath. Section D: Urbanization and
Its ProblemsGrowing and Changing Cities and the
Spread of Urbanization in South AsiaAshok K. Dutt
& Allen G. Noble. Distressed Migration and Urban
Decay in Some Asian Metropolises: Phenomena,
Processes, and PlanningShekhar Mukherji. Spatial
Perspectives on Urban Poverty: Observations from
Winnipeg, CanadaRamesh C. Tiwari. Urban Rural
Relations in India (A Study of Evolutionary Process
and Regional Patterns)Surya Kant & Ravinder Kaur.
Fertility in the Industrial City of Bhilai Nagar,
IndiaH.S. Gupta & A. Baghel. Urban Impact on
Socio-Demographic Composition of a Rurban Center of
Jharkhand State, IndiaNageshwar Prasad &
Abhimanyu Mahto. Section E: Planning and Cultural
GeographyWriting Techniques for New York
Metropolitan: Initiatives and OrdinancesDennis Paul
Tobin. The Geography of Folk Art in IndiaE.M.
l-|-- +| ||n lz =|nl+ l<l| ~| ~--|i
=--| +| ||n ~=n|- l+|= ~| i |nni+| +|
|-il-+ ||n ||- |-il-+ ||n nt|
-| ||- +i =|i z||=- ||ni, l<z| -il- ( -n|- =-||
lz| Bibliography
Latest Print 2009 / 288 ra / 15.3 22.9 =.nt.
ISBN-978-81-203-1700-0 / ` 195.00
Explorations in Applied Geography
ASHOK K. DUTT, Professor Emeritus, Department
of Geography, Planning and Urban Studies, Akron
University, USA.
H.N. MISRA, Professor and Chairman, Department of
Geography, University of Allahabad. He is the Chief
Editor of Annuals of the Association of Geographers
MEERA CHATTERJEE, Senior Lecturer in the Department
of Geography and Planning, College of Arts and
Sciences, Akron University, USA.
Applied geography, a new frontier in geographic
discipline, distinguishes itself from other branches of
geography through the application of geographical
knowledge and its techniques in solving practical
problems of the land and the environment.
Explorations in Applied Geography is a felicitation
volume in honour of Professor L.R. Singh, Department
of Geography, University of Allahabad, who has
established his international credentials as a
leading exponent of Applied Geography. He considers
public policy to be one of the applications of applied
geographic principles, since many problems facing
society today have a geographical dimension. To
Professor L.R. Singh, Applied Geography is the
strategy of the trinity of men, space and resources
which need to be harmonized in advancing human
This volume, contributed by geographers of eminence
within the country and from other parts of the
globe, focuses on the following thrust areas:
Natural and environmental hazards
Environmental change and management
Challenges of the human environment
Application of techniques of spatial analysis
In a nutshell, the book emphasizes the important
proactive role that the Applied Geography must play
in the formulation of public policies and programmes
for sustainable human development.
This comprehensive and classic compendium will
not only be useful to post-graduate students in
62 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Cotton & P.P. Karan. Diet and Diseases: Some Cultural
Aspects of Food Use in IndiaA.K. Chakravarti. Two
Phases of China's National PlanningAshok K. Dutt &
Frank J. Costa. From Black Death to Surat Plague
of 1994: A Quantum Leap in Medical Science
DevelopmentAshok K. Dutt, Hiran Dutt, Rais Akhtar
& Malinda McVay. Caste and Land Quality in Bihar: A
Case Study of Six VillagesB. Thakur & R.R. Sinha.
Eco-planning of Hill Cities: The Case of Shimla
H.N. Misra.
Latest Print 2007 / 540 pp. (Hard Cover)
16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3384-0 / ` 495.00
Economic Geography, 3rd ed.
TRUMAN A. HARTSHORN, Georgia State University.
JOHN W. ALEXANDER, Consultant.
Broad and empirical in coverage, this best-selling
volume explores the theory of the location of
economic activity, and the application of that theory
to geographic aspects of major economic activities.
Using an international perspective (to emphasize
global interdependence), it provides complete
treatment of all major economic activitiesfrom
primitive/subsistence activity, through fishing/
forestry, mineral resources, commercial and planta-
tion agriculture, manufacturing, services, trade, high
technology, and urban economic activity (including
the operation of multinational corporations). It
avoids a purely descriptive/inventory approach, but
provides a rich empirical foundation throughout.
CONTENTS: Preface. Economic Geography Today.
Historical Evolution of the World System. Primitive
Economic Activity. Intensive Subsistence Agriculture.
Commercial Agriculture: Dairying and Mixed Farming.
Grain Farming and Livestock Grazing. Specialty Crops
and Poultry. Commercial Agriculture in the Tropics.
Fishing and Forestry. Coal, Electricity, Water, and
Nuclear Energy Resources. Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Ferrous and Nonferrous Mineral Extraction and
Processing. Manufacturing Theories and Trends.
Changing Order in Textile and Apparel Production.
Capital Intensive Steel and Motor Vehicle Production.
Knowledge-Intensive High Technology Activity. Cities
as Service Centers. Commercial Activity in the
City. Comparative Urban Structure. Geography of
International Business. Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 400 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0519-9 / ` 325.00
Concepts and Techniques of
Geographic Information Systems,
2nd ed.
C.P. LO, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
ALBERT K.W. YEUNG, Ontario Police College, Aylmer,
Ontario, Canada.
This book provides a rigorous and balanced treatment
of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) concepts
and techniques in a single volume. It is suitable for
Geographic Information Systems courses held in
departments of Geography or Anthropology.
Fully updated to reflect advances in GIS concepts and
techniques, this text approaches the subject from the
broader context of information technology. Complete,
up-to-date coverage is given to the concepts and
techniques pertaining to every stage of the systems
development life cycle of GIS, as well as its
applications to various areas of spatial problem
solving and decision making.
The text
Emphasizes GIS and mainstream IT integration;
explores new spatial analysis techniques/landscape
metrics; expands discussion of geovisualization;
examines new terrain data acquisition by LiDAR
and covers emerging technology in mobile
computing and location-based services.
Covers topics that are often not adequately covered
in other GIS textsIncludes the principles and
practice of information resource management,
information system development methodology,
spatial database modeling and design, and more.
Emphasizes on spatial modeling and modeling with
examples of applicationShows students how to
correctly use GIS to solve problems.
Includes full discussion on data quality and data
standard and detailed and up-to-date references.
Has two useful appendicesIncludes Internet
Resources and a GIS glossary.
Gives a summary, and review questions are added
to each chapter.
Contains numerous figures and diagrams.
CONTENTS: Introduction to Geographic Information
Systems (GIS). Maps and Geospatial Data. Digital
Representation and Organization of Geospatial Data.
Geospatial Data Quality and Standards. Raster
Geoprocessing. Vector Geoprocessing. Geovisualization
and Geospatial Information Products. Remote Sensing
and GIS Integration. Digital Terrain Modeling. Spatial
Data Analysis, Modeling, and Mining. GIS
Implementation and Project Management. GIS Issues
and Prospects. Appendix A: Internet Resources for
GIS. Appendix B: Glossary of GIS Terms. Photo and
Figure Credits. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 544 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3914-9 / ` 450.00
Elements of Geology
SHANKER M. MATHUR, formerly Director, Geological
Survey of India.
Aimed at B.Sc. students of geology, this introductory
text develops a basic understanding of the Earth as a
complex, evolving system of geological processes.
This book will also be of immense use to those
postgraduate students of geology who opt for this
stream after graduating in disciplines other than
Geology as a science has recently gained increasing
importance because of the current developments in
oil and mineral exploration and also because of
recent occurrences of earthquakes and tsunamis.
This book covers the entire spectrum of the geologic
concepts and relates them to the main processes of
geomorphology, earthquakes and volcanoes.
Important types of the three categories of rocks
igneous, sedimentary and metamorphicthat form
the crust of the Earth are described with their
characteristic mineralogy. Major structures that
are born of tectonic activities are discussed.
Palaeontological descriptions cover not only the plant
and animal groups but also other evidences of life in
the geological record and evolution. An important
feature of the text is that modern stratigraphic
methods of classification are outlined clearly, and the
latest geologic time scale with numerical ages as
approved in 2004 by the International Commission on
Stratigrahy of the International Union of Geological
Sciences is incorporated.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Basic Concepts
in Geology. Physical Geology. Earthquakes and
Volcanoes. Igneous Rocks. Sedimentary Rocks. Meta-
morphic Rocks. Structural Geology. Palaeontology.
Stratigraphy. Appendix AThe Earth File. Appendix
BGeological Time Scale. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 164 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3515-8 / ` 150.00
Guide to Field Geology
(Revised Edition)
SHANKER M. MATHUR, formerly Director, Geological
Survey of India.
Fieldwork in geology is an essential requirement of
undergraduate and postgraduate courses in geology.
Like any other course, Field Geology also requires
good course materials. Students of geology have been
deprived of the very basic knowledge and specialized
procedures of identification of geologic structures in
the absence of a suitable text on field training.
This book is an attempt to fill this lacuna. Written by
an eminent geologist with rich field experience, this
book in an easily readable style covers fieldwork
right from the preparation for the trip to mapping
and observation of various geological features, and
collection of materials for further study in the
laboratory. The text with its straightforward
presentation should prove to be a boon to students
of geology. It is primarily written to assist students
in field training.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Equipment and
Supplies. The Compass and Clinometer. Topographic
Maps. Field Documentation. Basic Field Procedures.
Geological Mapping. Specimens and Samples. Fossils
and Biogenic Structures. Sedimentary Rocks. Igneous
Rocks. Metamorphic Rocks. Structures. Mineral
Investigation and Identification. Stratigraphy.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 216 pp. / 13.9 21.6 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1915-8 / ` 175.00
Dynamic Earth System, The, 2nd ed.
A.M. PATWARDHAN, formerly Professor of Geology and
Head, Department of Environmental Science, University
of Pune.
Addressed to students and teachers of Earth Science
as well as professional enthusiasts exploring the
spectrum of the subject through applied disciples,
this second edition of the well-received text presents
an insight into the Earths unique internal structure
and composition. It facilitates easy comprehension of
the complex dynamic mechanism of Plate Tectonics
and processes, involving mantlecrust interaction,
surface modification and biogeochemical cycles. The
book also interconnects the magmatic, metamorphic
and sedimentary processes within the framework of
Plate Tectonics. The final chapter is devoted to the
64 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
causes of natural disasters and environmental threats
and their management.
The second edition spreads the subject matter into 14
chapters, putting more focus on the dynamic
processes operating inside and on the surface of the
Earth. It is replete with examples from the Indian
geological record, making the book useful and
stimulating for students, researchers, teachers and
professionals alike.
CONTENTS: Preface. The Earth and the Solar System.
Meteorites. The EarthMoon System. Planetary
Evolution of Earth. Measuring Geological Time.
Division of the Geological Time. Fossil Record as
Earths History. Rock Record as Earths History.
Rifting as Crust Forming Process. Subduction-Related
Plutonic Rocks. Plate Tectonics and Ore Deposits.
Sediment Hosted Ore Deposits. The Unique Hydro-
sphere. Geo-Environmental Hazards. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 432 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4052-7 / ` 350.00
Mineralogy, 2nd ed.
This second edition of Mineralogy is a result of the
enthusiastic reception to the first edition. The well-
organized and profusely illustrated text is primarily
intended for undergraduate students of mineralogy
and petrology. It is so designed as to stimulate
interest and motivate the students to comprehend
the subject with ease.
The book is divided into three parts:
Part I: Mineral Properties and Occurrences
Part II: Symmetry, Crystallography, and Atomic
Part III: Mineral Descriptions
Amply illustrated with a large number of diagrams as
well as photographsincluding scores of colour
photographsthe book is comprehensive in its
coverage of topics and systematic in its approach
to the subject. The text is supplemented with
a glossary of over 1000 words, six appendices, a
mineral index and a list of mineral properties. All
these features should make the book useful,
refreshing and interesting for the reader.
Lays more emphasis on petrology, chemistry
and other sciences for a better understanding of
Boxed items relate mineralogy to things that
matter in our daily lives.
Gives a glossary of over 1000 mineralogical terms.
OCCURRENCESElements and Minerals. Crystallization
and Classification of Minerals. Mineral Properties:
Hand Specimen Mineralogy. Optical Mineralogy.
Igneous Rocks and Silicate Minerals. Sedimentary
Minerals and Sedimentary Rocks. Metamorphic
Minerals and Metamorphic Rocks. Ore Deposits and
Economic Minerals. Part II: SYMMETRY,
Morphology and Symmetry. Crystallography. Unit
Cells, Points, Lines, and Planes. X-ray Diffraction.
Descriptions of Minerals. APPENDICESGlossary.
Mineral Index and List of Mineral Properties. Subject
Latest Print 2009 / 498 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2114-4 / ` 395.00
Fossils in Earth Sciences
ANIS KUMAR RAY, has been a faculty of the
Department of Geology, Presidency College, Kolkata.
This compact and reader-friendly book introduces
students to materials and studies that are gaining
importance in the study of fossils. It covers all the
important branches of palaeontology and provides
up-to-date and detailed analysis of the principles of
palaeontology, systematics, palaeocolgy, evolution,
invertebrate and vertebrate palaeontology, palaeo-
botany, and micropalaeontology. The text takes
a holistic approach to the subject with concrete
Primarily intended for undergraduate and post-
graduate students of Geology or Earth Sciences, the
book will also prove useful for Zoology and Botany
undergraduates. Geologists, particularly those
assigned with jobs on palaeontology, micro-
palaeontology, palaeobotany will benefit from the
text. Finally, students and research scientists
intending to work with Indian problems concerning
palaeontology should find the book beneficial.
Provides up-to-date data, concepts and Indian
examples of fossils
Furnishes important data for laboratory work and
Indian stratigraphy
Gives pertinent information on Fossil Lagersttten
in a tabulated form
CONTENTS: Preface. Part One: Principles
Introduction. Taphonomy. Palaeoecology. Systematics
and Biostratigraphy. Evolution of Organisms. Major
Events of History of Life. Part Two: Major
Invertebrate GroupsPhylum Cnidaria. Coiled Shells:
An Introduction. Brachiopoda. Bivalvia (Mollusca).
Gastropoda (Mollusca). Cephalopoda (Mollusca).
Echinoidea (Echinodermata). Trilobita (Arthropoda).
Part Three: MiscellaneousMicrofossils. Microfossils:
Foraminifera. Miscellaneous Fossil Groups. Vertebrata
of Chordata. Planta. Part Four: Some Synthesis
Fossils and Climate, Geography, Biogeography, and
Ecology of the Past. Part Five: APPENDICES1. Fossil
Lagersttten. 2. Lab Exercises. 3. Indian Stratigraphy
for Palaeontologists. Epilogue. References. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 444 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3432-8 / ` 395.00
Textbook of Differential Calculus,
2nd ed.
AHSAN AKHTAR, formerly Professor and Head of the
PG Department of Mathematics, Mirza Ghalib College,
Gaya, Magadh University.
SABIHA AHSAN, Lecturer in the Department of
Mathematics, Government Womens College, Gulzarbagh,
Calculus is a powerful mathematical tool with
applications in almost every branch of science and
engineering. This subject is therefore considered to
occupy the central position in mathematics.
The second edition of Textbook of Differential Calculus
is updated and designed as per the latest syllabi of
various Indian universities for undergraduate courses
in mathematics. Calculus is best understood via
geometry. A major section of the text is devoted to
topics on geometrical applications of calculus that
includes treatment of topics such as tangents and
normals to curves, curvature, asymptotes, maxima
and minima of functions.
Contents match with the latest syllabus of Indian
A large number of solved examples, section-end
questions and theorems help build an intuitive
understanding of mathematics.
Questions have been selected from previous years
examination papers.
Multiple-choice questions, with answers, at the end
of the book, help students prepare for competitive
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Important
Formulae. Differential Coefficients. Successive
Differentiation. Expansions. Indeterminate Forms.
Partial Differentiation. Tangents and Normals.
Curvature. Asymptotes. Maxima and Minima.
Envelopes. Curve Tracing. Multiple-choice Questions.
Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 472 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3853-1 / ` 350.00
Mathematical Techniques for
Engineers and Scientists
This textbook on engineering mathematics is
designed as a self-study text for students of
all engineering branches for the second level core
course in mathematics. Besides the students, it is an
useful reference for scientists and practicing
The demands of current technology calls for solving
difficult mathematical problems, some of which
require an understanding of advanced mathematical
concepts. So this book is designed in a manner that
serves both as a textual, as well as a job oriented
book, to fulfill the modern requirements. The text
takes the reader from ordinary differential equations
to more sophisticated mathematicsfourier analysis,
vector and tensor analysis, complex variables, partial
differential equations, and random processes. The
emphasis is on the use of mathematical tools and
Stimulating historical comments appear in boxes
which also identify major contributions to the
The most important equations in each section are
specially highlighted in a box to help derive key
Important lists of identities and many special
results are highlighted separately in the chapters.
Numerous fully worked out examples are provided
in each chapter.
A large number of exercise problems are included
in each chapter along with answers to most of the
66 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
CONTENTS: Preface. Symbols and Notation. Ordinary
Differential Equations. Special Functions. Matrix
Methods and Linear Vector Spaces. Vector Analysis.
Tensor Analysis. Complex Variables. Complex
Integration, Laurent Series, and Residues. Fourier
Series, Eigenvalue Problems, and Greens Function.
Fourier and Related Transforms. Laplace, Hankel, and
Mellin Transforms. Calculus of Variations. Partial
Differential Equations. Probability and Random
Variables. Random Processes. Applications.
References. Index.
Latest Print 2006 / 816 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-2826-4 / ` 425.00
Integral Transforms for Engineers
University of Central Florida.
This book familiarizes the reader with Integral
Transforms as applied to solving problems in
engineering. Concise and easy to follow, the book
not just explains the integral transforms but
illustrates their use for solving problems in such
areas of concern in engineering and applied physics
as statistics, heat, mechanics and electricity. The
Fourier and Laplace transforms which represent the
basic and the most widely used transforms are
explained at length and as applied to a variety
of situations. Other transforms such as Mellin
transform, Hankel transform and finite and discrete
transforms have also been presented in enough
Numerous examples, exercise sets and illustrations
from situations typical of engineering sciences set
this book apart as one of immense utility to
engineers and applied mathematicians as well as to
graduate-level course students of optics, engineering
sciences, physics and mathematics.
CONTENTS: Preface to the 1999 Printing. Preface.
Introduction. Special Functions. Fourier Integrals and
Fourier Transforms. Applications Involving Fourier
Transforms. The Laplace Transform. Applications
Involving Laplace Transforms. The Mellin Transform.
The Hankel Transform. Finite Transforms. Discrete
Transforms. Bibliography. AppendicesA: Review
of Complex Variables. B: Table of Fourier Transforms.
C: Table of Laplace Transforms. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 364 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2404-6 / ` 295.00
Ordinary Differential Equations
This work of translation of the classic Russian
textbook emphasizes a fresh modern approach to the
geometric qualitative theory of ordinary differential
equations. The subject matter of this book is domi-
nated by two central ideas and their ramifications:
the theorem on rectifiability of a vector field and
the theory of one-parameter groups of linear
transformations. While the author has taken the
liberty to omit some of the more specialized topics
usually included in books on ordinary differential
equations, the applications of these equations to
mechanics, on the contrary, have been considered in
more detail than the customary approach.
Emphasizes the geometrical and intuitive aspects
while familiarizing the students with the concepts
of flows on manifolds and tangent bundles.
Presents a wealth of topics accompanied by many
thought-provoking examples, problems and figures.
Assumes the reader to possess a knowledge not
beyond the scope of the standard elementary
courses on analysis and linear algebra.
CONTENTS: Preface. Frequently Used Notation. Basic
Concepts. Basic Theorems. Linear Systems. Proofs
of the Basic Theorems. Differential Equations on
Manifolds. Sample Examination Problems. Biblio-
graphy. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 290 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1352-1 / ` 175.00
MICHAEL ARTIN, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This text emphasizes concrete mathematics and has a
strong linear algebraic approach. Besides giving
a concise account of diverse topics such as vector
spaces, matrices, modules, groups, rings, linear
transformations etc., the text also includes topics
like symmetry, linear groups, group representations
and quadratic number fields. The author presents
numerous examples before giving abstract definitions
and illustrates their applications. Chapter-end
exercises are designed to reinforce the under-
standing of the concepts developed. Much of the
book is devoted to working out interesting special
cases or applications of theory.
CONTENTS: Preface. A Note for the Teacher. Matrix
Operations. Groups. Vector Spaces. Linear Transfor-
mations. Symmetry. More Group Theory. Bilinear
Forms. Linear Groups. Group Representations. Rings.
Factorization. Modules. Fields. Galois Theory.
Appendix: Background Material. Notation. Suggestions
for Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 636 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0871-8 / ` 325.00
Classical Mechanics
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
This book offers an in-depth presentation of the
mechanics of particles and systems. The material is
thoroughly class-tested and hence eminently suitable
as a textbook for a one-semester course in Classical
Mechanics for postgraduate students of physics and
mathematics. Besides, the book can serve as a useful
reference for engineering students at the
postgraduate level.
The book provides not only a complete treatment of
classical theoretical physics, but also an enormous
number of worked examples and problems to show
students clearly how to apply abstract principles and
mathematical techniques to realistic problems. While
abstraction of theory is minimized, detailed
mathematical analysis is provided wherever necessary.
Besides an all-embracing coverage of different aspects
of classical mechanics, the rapidly growing areas of
nonlinear dynamics and chaos are also included. The
chapter on Central Force Motion includes topics like
satellite parameters, orbital transfers and scattering
problem. An extensive treatment of the essentials of
small oscillations, which is crucial for the study of
molecular vibrations, is included. Rigid body motion
and special theory of relativity are also covered in
two separate chapters.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction to Newtonian
Mechanics. System of Particles. Lagrangian
Formulation. Variational Principle. Central Force
Motion. Hamiltonian Mechanics. Hamilton-Jacobi
Theory. The Motion of Rigid Bodies. Theory of Small
Oscillations. Special Theory of Relativity. Introduction
to Nonlinear Dynamics. Classical Chaos. Appendix A:
Elliptic Integrals. Appendix B: Perturbation Theory.
Bibliography. Answers to Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 384 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3331-4 / ` 275.00
Special Theory of Relativity, The
(An Invaluable Text for Postgraduate Students in
Physics and Mathematics)
SRIRANJAN BANERJI is presently working in Relativity
and Cosmology Research Centre, Department of Physics,
Jadavpur University.
ASIT BANERJEE, Professor, Department of Physics,
Jadavpur University.
The special theory of relativity, a monumental
achievement of scientific creativity, appeared in 1905
as a culmination of deep and careful analysis of
contradictions in old notions. The subject is now
taught in almost all universities and colleges in the
departments of physics and mathematics.
This text is designed to give students a solid
foundation in experimental background of the
theory, relativistic kinematics, relativistic dynamics,
and relativistic electrodynamics. What distinguishes
the text are some special features, not found in
other similar texts, that give a more intuitive
understanding of the subject. An important feature
of the text is its clarity and correctness with which
the principles, their relations, and their applications
are set forth.
The book will also be useful to B.Sc. (Hons.) students
in physics for a study of this topic as part of the
course in Modern Physics.
Discusses relativistic mechanics and electro-
dynamics of continuous media.
Presents the covariant four-dimensional formula-
tion of relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics.
Explains the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulations in mechanics and electrodynamics.
Describes the Terrell effect (visual appearance of
moving objects) and the Thomas precession.
Includes a large number of solved problems.
Provides solutions to end-of-chapter exercises.
CONTENTS: Historical Background. Postulates of the
Special Theory of Relativity and Their Consequences.
Four-Dimensional Formulation and Relativistic
Mechanics. Relativistic Electrodynamics
Latest Print 2010 / 220 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1963-9 / ` 195.00
68 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Measure Theory and Probability
A.K. BASU, Department of Statistics, Calcutta
University; formerly, with Universities of Illinois,
Chicago, Brasilia, and Laurentian University (Canada);
Visiting Professor: IPN (Mexico), University of Regina,
MacMaster University, and University of Ottawa (all
Canada), and Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta.
Intended primarily for the graduate-level students
offering courses in statistics and mathematics (pure
and applied), this book skillfully combines measure
theory and probability. For, in contrast to many
books where probability theory is usually developed
after a thorough exposure to the theory and
techniques of measure and integration, this text
develops the Labesgue theory of measure and
integration, using probability theory as the
motivating force. What distinguishes the text is
the illustration of almost all theorems by examples
and applications. The only prerequisites for under-
standing the text are a sound knowledge of advanced
calculus and an elementary knowledge of probability
Measure theory and probability are well integrated
for enhanced understanding of both these fields.
Exercises are given at the end of each chapter,
with solutions provided separately.
A section is devoted to large sample theory of
statistics, and another to large deviation theory (in
the Appendix).
CONTENTS: List of Symbols and Abbreviations.
Preface. Introduction: Sets, Indicator Functions, and
Classes of Sets. Measure Space and Probability Space.
Distribution Functions and Characteristic Functions.
Measurable Functions. Integration Theory and
Expectation. Types of Convergence and Limit
Theorems. Independence. Law of Large Numbers and
Associated Limit Theorems. Central Limit Theorem
(CLT). Measure Extension and Labesgue-Stieltjes
Measure. Product Space and Decomposition Theorems.
Appendices: IMeasure on Infinite Product-Space
and Kolmogorovs Consistency. IIHahn-Jordan
Decomposition. IIILarge Sample Theory. References.
Author Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 236 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1498-6 / ` 175.00
Finite Element Procedures
KLAUS-JRGEN BATHE, Professor of Mechanical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This practical textbook is the revised edition of the
authors classic and includes the state-of-the-art
methods in finite element procedures. The revision is
thorough and comprehensive to make the book more
broad based.
The text explores the full range of finite element
methods, but concentrates on certain finite element
procedures such as techniques that are essential and
often used in engineering practice. Written by a
highly respected author on the subject, the text
presents in sufficient depth, both the elementary
concepts and advanced techniques while presenting
statics, dynamics, solids, fluids, linear and non-linear
Sufficient attention is given to both the physical and
mathematical characteristics of the procedures.
Throughout the text a representative selection of
worked-out examples and complete programmes
listings are provided, besides numerous exercises at
the end of each chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. An Introduction to the Use of
Finite Element Procedures. Vectors, Matrices, and
Tensors. Some Basic Concepts of Engineering Analysis
and an Introduction to the Finite Element Method.
Formulation of the Finite Element MethodLinear
Analysis in Solid and Structural Mechanics.
Formulation and Calculation of Isoparametric Finite
Element Matrices. Finite Element Nonlinear Analysis
in Solid and Structural Mechanics. Finite Element
Analysis of Heat Transfer, Field Problems, and
Incompressible Fluid Flows. Solution of Equilibrium
Equations in Static Analysis. Solution of Equilibrium
Equations in Dynamic Analysis. Preliminaries to the
Solution of Eigenproblems. Solution Methods for
Eigenproblems. Implementation of the Finite Element
Method. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 1064 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1075-9 / ` 550.00
Mathematical Foundations of
Computer Science
SHAHNAZ BATHUL, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University
Hyderabad, Kukatpally.
This book provides the basic concepts and appli-
differentiability by giving a thorough grounding on
analytic functions and their relations with harmonic
functions. In addition, the book introduces the
exponential function of a complex variable and, with
the help of this function, defines the trigonometric
and hyperbolic functions and explains their
While discussing different mathematical concepts, the
book analyzes a number of theorems such as Cauchys
integral theorem for the integration of a complex
variable, Taylors theorem for the analysis of complex
power series, the residue theorem for evaluation of
residues, besides the argument principle and Rouches
theorem for the determination of the number of
zeros of complex polynomials. Finally, the book gives
a thorough exposition of conformal mappings and
develops the theory of bilinear transformation.
Intended as a text for engineering students, this
book will also be useful for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Mathematics and students
appearing in competitive examinations.
Chapters have been reorganized keeping in mind
changes in the syllabi.
A new chapter is exclusively devoted to Graph
CONTENTS: Preface. Special FunctionsI. Special
FunctionsII. Complex Differentiation and Elementary
Functions. Complex Integration. Complex Power
Series. Contour Integration. The Conformal Mappings.
Elementary Graph Theory. Argument Principle and
Rouches Theorem. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 536 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4193-7 / ` 295.00
Partial Differential Equations:
An Introductory Treatment with
K.S. BHAMRA, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Manipur University.
This book presents comprehensive coverage of the
fundamental concepts and applications of partial
differential equations (PDEs). It is designed for the
undergraduate [BA/BSc (Hons.)] and postgraduate
(MA/MSc) students of mathematics, and conforms to
the course curriculum prescribed by UGC.
The text is broadly organized into two parts. The first
part (Lessons 1 to 15) mostly covers the first-order
cations of discrete mathematics and graph theory.
The book is aimed at undergraduate students of
Computer Science and Engineering, and Information
Technology. It is also suitable for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Computer Science, Mathe-
matics and Computer Applications.
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in:
Mathematical logic, tautology and normal forms
Predicate logic, rules of inference and validity of
Elementary set theory, Venn diagrams, functions
and their relations
Algebraic structure, binary operation, group theory
and homomorphism
Theory of permutations and combinations, binomial
and multinomial theorems
Recurrence relations and methods of solving them
Graph theory, spanning tree, Eulerian and
Hamiltonian circuits and isomorphism
Includes a large number of worked-out problems
for sound understanding of the concepts.
Offers chapter-end exercises to test students
comprehension of theory.
Gives a quiz section at the end of each chapter to
help students prepare for the competitive
CONTENTS: Preface. Mathematical Logic. Calculus
of Predicates. Elementary Set Theory. Algebraic
Structure. Combinatorics. Recurrence Relations. Graph
Theory. Subgraphs. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 372 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4157-9 / ` 325.00
Special Functions and Complex
Variables (Engineering
Mathematics III), 2nd ed.
SHAHNAZ BATHUL, Professor and Head, Department of
Mathematics, JNTUH College of Engineering,
Kukatpally, Hyderabad.
This well-received book, which is a new edition of
Textbook of Engineering Mathematics: Special Functions
and Complex Variables by the same author, continues
to discuss two important topicsspecial functions
and complex variables. It analyzes special functions
such as gamma and beta functions, Legendres
equation and function, and Bessels function. Besides,
the text explains the notions of limit, continuity and
70 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
equations in two variables. In these lessons, the
mathematical importance of PDEs of first order in
physics and applied sciences has also been
highlighted. The other part (Lessons 16 to 50) deals
with the various properties of second-order and first-
order PDEs.
The book emphasizes the applications of PDEs and
covers various important topics such as the
HamiltonJacobi equation, Conservation laws,
Similarity solution, Asymptotics and Power series
solution and many more. The graded problems, the
techniques for solving them, and a large number of
exercises with hints and answers help students gain
the necessary skill and confidence in handling the
1. Presents self-contained topics in a cohesive style.
2. Includes about 300 worked-out examples to enable
students to understand the theory and inherent
aspects of PDEs.
3. Provides around 450 unsolved problems with hints
and answers to help students assess their
comprehension of the subject.
CONTENTS: Preliminaries. Formulation of Partial
Differential Equation. Lagrange Equations. Cauchy
Initial Value Problem for Linear First Order Equations.
Total Differential Equations (Pfaffian Equations).
Generating Integral Surfaces of Lagrange Equation.
Orthogonal Surface to a Given System of Surfaces.
Compatible System of First Order Equations.
Classification of the Solution of First Order Equation.
Nonlinear First Order Equations. Integrals of Certain
Nonlinear Equations (Standard Forms). Cauchy Initial
Value Problem for Nonlinear First Order Equations.
System of First Order Equations and Legendre
Transformation. Linear Equations with Constant
Coefficients. Discontinuous Solutions of Conservation
Laws. Transport Problems and Hamiltonian Dynamics.
Second Order Equations. Special Types of Second
Order Equations. Classification of Second Order Linear
Equations. Canonical Forms of Second Order Linear
Equations. Cauchy Initial Value Problem for Second
Order Equations. Linear Hyperbolic Equations
(Riemanns Method). Nonlinear Second Order
Equations (Monges Method). Separation of Variables
Method. Method of Integral Transforms. Method of
Greens Function. Potential Equations. Equipotential
Surfaces. Elliptic Boundary Value Problems. Potential
Problems in Polar Coordinates. Potential Problems by
Hankel Transform. Potential Problems by Green
Function. Potential Problems in Polar Coordinates by
Green Function. Potential Problems in Two-
dimensional Case by Green Function. Potential
Problems in Polar Coordinates (Continued). Diffusion
Equations. Diffusion Problems by Separation of
Variables Method. Diffusion Problems by Integral
Transforms. Diffusion Problems by Duhamel Principle
and Burgers Equation. Diffusion Problems by Green
Function. Diffusion Problems for Finite Boundary by
Green Function. Diffusion Problems in One-dimension
by Green Function. Diffusion Problems for Semi
Infinite Domain by Green Function. Wave Equations.
Wave Problems by Separation of Variables Method.
Wave Problems by Integral Transforms. Wave Problems
by Duhamel Principle. Wave Problems by Green
Function. Wave Problems by Green Function
(Continued). Nonlinear Effects in Wave Propagation.
Perturbation Methods. Typical IBVPs in Rectangular
Regions. Some Well-known Mathematicians.
References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 580 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3917-0 / ` 350.00
Discrete Mathematics and Graph
Theory, 2nd ed.
PURNA CHANDRA BISWAL, Assistant Professor in
Mathematics, Parala Maharaja Engineering Colleage,
This textbook, now in its second edition, continues
to provide an accessible introduction to discrete
mathematics and graph theory and is aimed at
undergraduate students of Computer Science and
Engineering as well as students of Mathematics and
those pursuing courses in the areas of Computer
Applications and Information Technology. The
introductory material on logic and set theory is
followed by extensive coverage of combinatorics,
binary relations, graphs, trees, algebra, and counting
A number of selected results and methods of discrete
mathematics are discussed in a logically coherent
fashion from the areas of theory of logic, set theory,
combinatorics, binary relation and function, lattice,
Boolean lattice and group theory.
There is an abundance of examples, illustrations and
exercises spread throughout the book. A good
number of problems in the exercise sets include hints
to help students understand the solutions to difficult
New to the Second Edition
Chapter 12 on Systems with Two Binary Operations
Chapter 13 on Coding Theory
Section 5.4 on Distributive Lattice
Section 10.2 on Polyas Counting Principle
Most of the problems given in Exercises have been
redistributed section-wise.
More elaborate hints are provided for solving
exercise problems.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. List
of Symbols. Logic and Set Theory. Combinatorics.
Binary Relation and Function. Graph Theory. Binary
Operation and Algebra. System with One Binary
Operation. Finitely Generated Group. Homomorphism.
Counting Principle. Permutation Group. Sylows
Theorems. Systems with Two Binary Operations.
Coding Theory. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 508 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3880-7 / ` 295.00
Numerical Analysis
PURNA CHANDRA BISWAL, Assistant Professor in
Mathematics, Parala Maharaja Engineering Colleage,
Offering a clear, precise and accessible presentation,
this book gives students the solid support they need
to master basic numerical analysis techniques. It is
suitable for a course in Numerical Methods for under-
graduate students of all branches of engineering,
students of Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
and Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA), and
students pursuing diploma courses in engineering
disciplines. The book can also serve as a useful
reference for students of mathematics and statistics.
The book focuses on core areas of numerical analysis
such as errors in numerical computation, root find-
ing, solution of algebraic equations, interpolation,
numerical calculus, initial value problems, boundary
value problems and eigenvalues. The underlying
mathematical concepts are highlighted through
numerous worked-out examples. The section-end
exercises contain plenty of problems with appropriate
hints in order to motivate the students to work out
problems for a deeper insight into subject concepts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Number Systems and Errors. Root
Finding. Numerical Solution of Linear System.
Interpolation. Spline. Numerical Differentiation.
Integration. Initial Value Problem. Eigenvalue.
Method of Weighted Residuals. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 368 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3444-1 / ` 250.00
Ordinary Differential Equations
PURNA CHANDRA BISWAL, Assistant Professor in
Mathematics, Parala Maharaja Engineering Colleage,
This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the
principal topics of ordinary differential equations,
special functions, and Laplace transform, and
demonstrates the utility of the subject through a
variety of applications to engineering problems. It is
intended to serve as a textbook for undergraduate
students of mathematics as well as all branches of
The book provides detailed logical explanations of
the subjects theoretical foundations, while at the
same time helping students develop strong problem-
solving skills. The book focuses on intuitive under-
standing of the concepts, clarity of the text, as well
as sound and accurate exposition of theory, and
provides plentiful exercises that give students the
opportunity to enhance their grasp of the text
material. In addition, a large number of solved
examples interspersed throughout the text help in
providing the students with an in-depth insight into
underlying concepts and their applicability to
solutions of problems in engineering and physical
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. First Order
Equations. First Order Equation Applications. Solution
Existence and Uniqueness. Second Order Linear
Equations. Second Order Equation Applications. Series
Solutions. Special Functions. Laplace Transform.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 344 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3638-4 / ` 250.00
Discrete Mathematics
N. CHANDRASEKARAN, formerly Professor of
Mathematics at St. Josephs College, Tiruchirapalli.
M. UMAPARVATHI, formerly Professor of Mathematics
at Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College, Tiruchirapalli.
Written with a strong pedagogical focus, this book is
an exhaustive presentation of the fundamental
concepts of discrete mathematical structures and
their applications in computer science and
mathematics. It aims to develop the ability of the
students to apply mathematical thought in order to
solve computation-related problems. The book is
intended not only for the undergraduate and
72 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
postgraduate students of mathematics but also, most
importantly, for the students of Computer Science &
Engineering and Computer Applications.
The introductory chapter presents an overview of the
foundations of the subject, consisting of topics such
as logic, set theory, relations, functions, algebraic
structures, and graphs. The subsequent chapters
provide detailed coverage of each of these topics as
well as major areas of discrete mathematics such as
combinatorics, lattices and Boolean algebras. Major
applications such as computer models and
computation, coding theory, cryptography and
databases are dealt with in the final chapters of the
The book is replete with features which enable the
building of a firm foundation of the underlying
principles of the subject and also provide adequate
scope for testing the comprehension acquired by the
students. Each chapter contains numerous worked-out
examples within the main discussion as well as
several chapter-end Supplementary Examples for
revision. The Self-Test and Exercises at the end of
each chapter provide large numbers of objective type
questions and problems respectively. Answers to
objective type questions and hints to exercises are
also provided. All these pedagogic features, together
with thorough coverage of the subject matter, make
this book a very readable text for beginners as well
as advanced learners of the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Foundations. Predicate Calculus.
Combinatorics. More on Sets. Relations and Functions.
Recurrence Relations. Algebraic Structures. Lattices.
Boolean Algebras. Graph Theory. Trees. Models of
Computers and Computation. Additional Topics.
Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 832 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3938-5 / ` 425.00
Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed.
DIPAK CHATTERJEE, is Distinguished Professor of
Mathematics at St. Xaviers College, Kolkata and also
Visiting Professor at many universities, engineering
colleges and management institutions.
Appropriate for undergraduate courses, this second
edition has a new chapter on lattice theory, many
revisions, new solved problems and additional
exercises in the chapters on group theory, boolean
algebra and matrix theory.
The text offers a systematic, well-planned, and
elegant treatment of the main themes in abstract
algebra. It begins with the fundamentals of set
theory, basic algebraic structures such as groups and
rings, and special classes of rings and domains,
and then progresses to extension theory, vector
space theory and finally the matrix theory. The
boolean algebra by virtue of its relation to abstract
algebra also finds a proper place in the development
of the text.
The students develop an understanding of all the
essential results such as the Cayleys theorem,
the Lagranges theorem, and the Isomorphism
theorem, in a rigorous and precise manner.
Sufficient numbers of examples have been worked out
in each chapter so that the students can grasp the
concepts, the ideas, and the results of structure of
algebraic objects in a comprehensive way. The
chapter-end exercises are designed to enhance the
students ability to further explore and inter-connect
various essential notions.
CONTENTS: Preface. Set Theory. Group Theory. Ring
Theory. Extension Theory. Lattice Theory. Boolean
Algebra. Vector Space Theory. Matrix Theory.
Bibliography. Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 372 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2870-9 / ` 250.00
Analytic Solid Geometry
DIPAK CHATTERJEE, is Distinguished Professor of
Mathematics at St. Xaviers College, Kolkata and also
Visiting Professor at many universities, engineering
colleges and management institutions.
This text, primarily intended for undergraduate
courses in mathematics, provides an excellent
exposition of the fundamentals of solid geometry.
The treatment is rigorous, systematic and exhaus-
tive, covering all facets of the subject. Beginning
with vector algebra as a prerequisite topic, the
material presented includes the properties of
the plane, the straight line, the sphere, and the
conicoids. Conicoids, including cone and cylinder,
have been dealt with together in a single chapter to
drive home the underlying harmony existing bet-
ween them. The simplicity of presentation differen-
tiates this book from several others on the market.
The vector approach used appeals to intuition easily
and makes the treatment elegant and precise,
helping students to gain a thorough knowledge of
the mathematical principles of solid geometry.
A very attractive feature of the book is the numerous
examples which demonstrate the powerful analytical
techniques of this discipline. An exhaustive collection
topics in Real Analysis through an elaborate
exposition of all fundamental concepts and results.
The treatment is rigorous and exhaustiveboth
classical and modern topics are presented in a lucid
manner, in order to make this text appealing to
students. Clear explanations, many detailed worked
examples and several challenging ones included in
the exercises, enable students to develop problem-
solving skills and foster critical thinking. The
coverage of the book is incredibly comprehensive,
with due emphasis on Lebesgue theory, metric
spaces, uniform convergence, RiemannStieltjes
integral, and parametric integration.
The book is primarily designed for use by under-
graduate and postgraduate students of mathematics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Real Number System. Sequences
and Series. Real Function, Limit and Continuity.
Differentiability and Derivability. Mean Value
Theorems. Riemann Integration. Uniform Conver-
gence. Power Series. Semicontinuous Functions.
Parametric Integration. Fourier Series. Improper
Integral. Multivariable Theory. Multiple Integral.
Double Sequence and Series. Functions of Bounded
Variation. RiemannStieltjes Integral. Metric Spaces.
Lebesgue Theory. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 796 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2678-4 / ` 350.00
Vector Analysis, 2nd ed.
DIPAK CHATTERJEE, is Distinguished Professor of
Mathematics at St. Xaviers College, Kolkata and also
Visiting Professor at many universities, engineering
colleges and management institutions.
This updated and thoroughly revised second edition
besides containing some modifications and additions
has a new chapter on generalized coordinate systems.
The answers to all problems have also been provided
in this edition.
The book is primarily intended for use by
undergraduate students of mathematics and science
for a course in vector analysis. It will also be useful
to engineering students as part of a course in
engineering mathematics where they are introduced
to vector algebra, so essential for assimilating a
better understanding of the physical aspects of the
Beginning with the basic concepts of vector methods,
the text covers the theory of vector calculus step by
step with due emphasis on the various operations
of vector-valued functions such as continuity,
of exercises of graded levels of difficulty, designed to
enhance understanding and develop a feel for the
subject, enriches each chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Vector Algebra. Metric Properties
in Space. The Plane. The Straight Line. The Sphere.
Conicoids. Metric Classification of Conicoids. Biblio-
graphy. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 336 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1918-9 / ` 225.00
Linear Programming and Game
DIPAK CHATTERJEE, is Distinguished Professor of
Mathematics at St. Xaviers College, Kolkata and also
Visiting Professor at many universities, engineering
colleges and management institutions.
This compact book is an excellent elucidation of the
basics of optimization theory in the areas of linear
programming and game theory. The theory has been
developed in a systematic manner with a recapitu-
lation of the necessary mathematical preliminaries
including in good measure the elements of convexity
theory. All the essential topics such as simplex
algorithm, duality, revised simplex method, two-
phase method and dual simplex method have been
discussed lucidly. The age-old transportation and
assignment problems have been treated thoroughly to
manifest all the dimensions of the problems. Finally,
the game theory comes with grandeur of reality of
This user-friendly text is designed for the under-
graduate students in mathematics. Besides, it will be
useful to students pursuing courses in engineering,
management and economics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Mathematical Programming.
Mathematical Preliminaries. Simplex Method. Duality.
Dual Simplex Method. Revised Simplex Method.
Integer Programming. Sensitivity Analysis.
Transportation Problems. Assignment Problems.
Theory of Games. Appendix. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 320 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2677-4 / ` 250.00
Real Analysis
DIPAK CHATTERJEE, is Distinguished Professor of
Mathematics at St. Xaviers College, Kolkata and also
Visiting Professor at many universities, engineering
colleges and management institutions.
This book provides an excellent introduction to
74 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Includes step-by-step procedure to solve typical
problems using ANSYS

Gives numerical problems in SI units.
Elaborates shaper functions for higher-order
Furnishes a large number of worked-out examples
and solved problems.
This profusely illustrated, student-friendly text is
intended primarily for undergraduate students of
Mechanical/Production/Civil and Aeronautical
Engineering. By a judicious selection of topics, it can
also be profitably used by postgraduate students of
these disciplines. In addition, practising engineers
and scientists should find it very useful besides
students preparing for competitive exams.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Finite Element Modelling. One Dimensional Bar
Elements. Plane Truss Elements. Plane Beam
Elements. Plane Frame Elements. Plane Stress and
Plane Strain Problems. Linear Triangular Elements.
Isoparametrization Two Dimensional Elements.
Numerical Integration. Axisymmetric Elements. Three
Dimensional Stress Analysis. Free Vibration Analysis.
Review Questions. Torsion Analysis. Heat Transfer
Analysis. Fluid Flow Analysis. Error Analysis. Solution
of FE Equations. Postprocessing. Appendix: Matrix
Algebra. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 408 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3584-4 / ` 325.00
Fundamentals of Discrete
Mathematical Structures
K.R. CHOWDHARY, Associate Professor in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
M.B.M. Engineering College, Jodhpur.
This book is primarily aimed at undergraduate
engineering students of Computer Science and
Engineering, and Information Technology. It is also
suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students
of Computer Applications. The text provides the basic
concepts of discrete mathematics and its applications
at an appropriate level of rigour. It teaches
mathematical logic, discusses how to work with
discrete structures, analyzes combinatorial approach
to problem solving, and develops an ability to create
and understand mathematical models and algorithms
essential for writing computer programs. Every
concept introduced in the text is first explained from
differentiability, and integrability. The three
fundamental differential operatorsgradient,
divergence, and curlwhich are of paramount
importance in understanding the differential spatial
variations of scalars and vectors in all three-
dimensional physical problems, are fully explored.
The text then provides the essentials of differential
geometry with particular reference to curvature and
torsion, and SerretFrenet equations. Finally, the
explanations and derivations of mechanical pheno-
mena demonstration the strength of vectors in
tackling physical problems.
This book, reflecting many years of teaching
experience of the author, is an excellent exposition
of the mathematical theory of vectors. The develop-
ment of the subject matter is systematic, precise, and
elegant. It includes as many examples plausible to
clarify the ideas and to familiarize the students with
various techniques of solving problems.
CONTENTS: Preface. Geometric Vectors. Product of
Vectors. Vector Equations. Function, Limit and
Continuity. Differentiation of Vectors. Gradient,
Divergence, and Curl. Vector Integration. Differential
Geometry. Mechanics. Generalized Coordinate System.
Latest Print 2009 / 272 pp. / 13.9 21.6 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2732-0 / ` 175.00
Finite Element Methods:
Basic Concepts and Applications
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jawaharlal
Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad.
Finite Element Methods form an indispensable part of
engineering analysis and design. The strength of FEM
is the ease and elegance with which it handles the
boundary conditions. This compact and well-
organized text presents a comprehensive analysis of
Finite Element Methods (FEM).
The book gives a clear picture of structural, torsion,
free-vibration, heat transfer and fluid flow problems.
It also provides detailed description of equations of
equilibrium, stress-strain relations, interpolation
functions and element design, symmetry and
applications of FEM. The text is a synthesis of both
the physical and the mathematical characteristics of
finite element methods. A question bank at the end
of each chapter comprises descriptive and objective
type questions to drill the students in self-study.
the point of view of mathematics, followed by its
relation to computer science.
In a clear and well-paced style, this text presents
foundational material on set theory, mathematical
reasoning, combinatorics and counting principles. In
addition, it offers excellent coverage of graph theory,
relations and their computer representation, theory
of languages and grammars, algebraic systems, and
crypto systems.
An extensive set of examples helps students grasp
the concepts of the subject. Well-graded end-of-
chapter exercises provide students with opportunities
to measure their comprehension of the concepts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Discrete Structures and Set
Theory. Mathematical Induction. Counting. Probability
Theory. Mathematical Logic. Logical Inferencing.
Predicate Logic. Graph Theory. Relations. Transitive
Closure and Warshalls Algorithm. Equivalence and
Partial Ordering Relations. Trees. Algebraic Systems.
Languages, Automata and Grammars. Prime Numbers
and Cryptosystems. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 288 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3332-1 / ` 250.00
Introduction to Ordinary Differential
Equations, An
EARL A. CODDINGTON, Department of Mathematics,
University of California, Los Angeles.
This book is designed as a text for a first course in
ordinary differential equations. The author has given
an elementary, thorough, systematic introduction to
the subject. The emphasis throughout is on general
properties of equations and their solutions. There are
many exercises which help the students to develop
the techniques of solving equations. The problems in
the text are intended to help sharpen the students
understanding of the subject. The author has used
exercises to introduce the students to various new
topics such as stability equations with periodic
coefficients and boundary value problems. The only
prerequisite to understand this text is the knowledge
of calculus.
CONTENTS: PRELIMINARIES: Introduction. Complex
Numbers. Functions. Polynomials. Complex Series and
the Exponential Function. Determinants. Remarks on
Methods of Discovery and Proof. INTRODUCTION
Introduction. Differential Equations. Problems
Associated with Differential Equations. Linear
Equations of the First Order. The Equation y + ay =
0. The Equation y + ay = b(x). The General Linear
Equation of the First Order. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH
CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS: Introduction. The Second
Order Homogeneous Equation. Initial Value Problems
for Second Order Equations. Linear Dependence and
Independence. A Formula for the Wronskian.
The Non-Homogeneous Equation of Order Two. The
Homogeneous Equation of Order n. Initial Value
Problems for n-th Order Equations. Equations with
Real Constants. The Non-Homogeneous Equation of
Order n. A Special Method for Solving the Non-
Homogeneous Equation. Algebra of Constant
Coefficient Operators. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH
VARIABLE COEFFICIENTS: Introduction. Initial Value
Problems for the Homogeneous Equation. Solutions of
the Homogeneous Equation. The Wronskian and
Linear Independence. Reduction of the Order of a
Homogeneous Equation. The Non-Homogeneous
Equation. Homogeneous Equations with Analytic
Coefficients. The Legendre Equation. *Justification of
the Power Series Method. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH
REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS: Introduction. The Euler
Equation. Second Order Equations with Regular
Singular Pointsan Example. Second Order Equations
with Regular Singular Pointsthe General Case.
*A Convergence Proof. The Exceptional Cases. The
Bessel Equation. Regular Singular Points at Infinity.
ORDER EQUATIONS: Introduction. Equations with
Variables Separated. Exact Equations. The Method of
Successive Approximations. The Lipschitz Condition.
Convergence of the Successive Approximations. Non-
local Existence of Solutions. Approximations to, and
Uniqueness of, Solutions. Equations with Complex-
Introduction. An ExampleCentral Forces and
Planetary Motion. Some Special Equations. Complex
n-dimensional Space. Systems as Vector Equations.
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Systems.
Existence and Uniqueness for Linear Systems.
Equations of Order n. References. Answers to
Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 304 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0361-4 / ` 150.00
Matrix and Linear Algebra: Aided
with MATLAB, 2nd ed.
KANTI B. DATTA, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
The present book, renamed Matrix and Linear Algebra:
Aided with MATLAB, is a completely re-organized,
76 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
thoroughly revised and fully updated version of the
authors earlier book Matrix and Linear Algebra.
This second edition of the well-received textbook,
propelled by the motivation of introducing MATLAB
for the study of the numerical aspect of matrix
theory, has been developed after taking into account
the recent changes in university syllabi, additional
pedagogic features needed, as well as the latest
developments in the subject areas of Matrix Algebra
and Linear Algebra. The use of MATLAB macros
throughout the book is the most interesting feature
of this edition. Besides, the second edition
significantly improves the coverage of all major
topics in the two allied subject areas, such as the
topics on matrices, determinants, vector spaces,
bilinear transformations, and numerical techniques,
that were presented in the first edition.
Sections on
MATLAB operations (at the end of most
Square root, sine, cosine, and logarithm of a
Solution of vector-matrix differential equations
Extensively revised presentation of a section on
decomposition of root subspaces
Enhanced discussion of many existing topics
Increased numbers of chapter-end problems and
worked-out examples
Many redrawn figures for greater clarity
An exhaustive Solutions Manual for instructors
teaching this subject.
The book is highly suitable for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Mathematics, Statistics, and
all engineering disciplines. It will also be a useful
reference for researchers and professionals in these
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Matrix Algebra. Determinants. Inverse of a Matrix.
Rank and Equivalence. Vector Space. Linear
Transformation and Matrices. Eigenvalues,
Eigenvectors and the Characteristic Equation. Bilinear,
Quadratic and Hermitian Forms. Vector Norms and
Matrix Norms. Normal Forms. Linear Transformations
and Normal Forms. Function of a Matrix. Numerical
Linear Algebra. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 636 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3618-6 / ` 350.00
SUNIL DATTA, Former Professor and Head, Department
of Mathematics and Astronomy, Lucknow University.
Intended as a text for the undergraduate students of
Mathematics, this book provides an in-depth analysis
on the theoretical and practical applications of
Mechanics. The concepts and the theories expressed
are treated mathematically with a simple yet logical
approach. The book is written to augment the
understanding of the students of this discipline.
The book comprises the topics like Newtons Laws of
motion; concepts of work, energy and impulse; and
relative motion. It effectively elucidates the
principles of forces in three dimensions, equilibrium
of strings, and rectilinear motion like simple
harmonic motion. The book explains the motion of
the earth, the moon, the stars and other heavenly
bodies with the help of principles of mechanics. The
topics like motion of a rocket and motion of an
artificial satellite are also covered in detail so that
the students are introduced to the contemporary
subjects like space dynamics.
All the chapters are well-supported with figures and
illustrative examples. The chapter-end exercises help
to judge students comprehension on the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. MechanicsAn Overview. Forces
in Three Dimensions. Method of Virtual Work.
Stability of Equilibrium. Equilibrium of Strings.
Rectilinear Motion. Kinematics in two Dimensions.
Constrained Motion. Orbital Motion. Motion of a
Particle in Three Dimensions. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 216 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4025-1 / ` 175.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. III
A.P. DWIVEDI, Professor of Mathematics and Director-
MCA at Bharat Institute of Technology, Meerut.
Engineering Mathematics (Volume III) is designed to
serve as a basic text for undergraduate students of
all branches of engineering for various Indian
Divided into five Units, this book covers analytic
functions, complex integration, expansion of function
in power series and zeros and singularities in Unit I.
Various statistical techniques such as moments,
skewness and kurtosis along with sampling theory
and statistical quality control (SQC) are covered in an
easy-to-comprehend manner in Units II and III. As
the book advances, it deals with numerous numerical
techniques such as interpolation, numerical
differentiation and integration as well as ordinary
differential equations which are well-presented in
Units IV and V.
All the topics are discussed systematically and the
emphasis has been laid on making the concept
Gives a large number of illustrative examples to
clarify the concepts.
Includes chapter-end exercises (short-answers type
and long-answers type) for practice.
Provides numerous general illustrations and their
solutions to help students learn the skill of
problem solving.
Offers extensive opportunities for students to
practice through numerous objective-type
Almost all the UPTU problems are solved.
CONTENTS: Preface. Unit I: Functions of Complex
VariablesFunctions of Complex Variables and
Analysis. Complex Integration. Expansion of Function
in Power Series. Zeros and Singularities. Unit II:
Statistical Techniques IMoments, Skewness and
Kurtosis. Curve Fitting. Correlation and Regression
Analysis. Elementary Probability Theory. Unit III:
Statistical Techniques IITheoretical Probability
Distribution. Sampling Theory. Time Series and
Forecasting. Statistical Quality Control (SCQ). Unit IV:
Numerical Techniques ISolution of Algebraic
Equations. Finite Differences. Interpolation. Unit V:
Numerical Techniques IISystem of Linear Algebraic
Equations. Numerical Differentiation and Integration.
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations.
Objective-type Questions. Index.
580 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4235-4 / FORTHCOMING
Linear Algebra, 4th ed.
LAWRENCE E. SPENCE, Illinois State University.
Designed as a text for undergraduate and post-
graduate students of Mathematics, this well-
established and highly successful book provides a
comprehensive and systematic treatment of the
subject. It gives an indepth analysis of the principal
topics in Linear Algebra, and shows the importance
of the subject through a variety of applications.
The topics dealt with include vector spaces, linear
transformations and matrices, systems of linear
equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner
product spaces, and canonical forms.
Throughout, the applications of linear algebra to such
areas as differential equations, economics, geometry
and physics are fully analyzed.
The provision of proofs and large number of
examples improves the clarity of the text and
enhances comprehension.
Gives simplified treatment of rigorous topics.
Numerous accessible exercises (answers to selected
exercises being provided at the end of the book)
allow students to work on their skills at a
reasonable level of difficulty.
CONTENTS: Preface. Vector Spaces. Linear Transfor-
mations and Matrices. Elementary Matrix Operations
and Systems of Linear Equations. Determinants.
Diagonalization. Inner Product Spaces. Canonical
Forms. AppendicesA: Sets. B: Functions. C: Fields.
D: Complex Numbers. E: Polynomials. Answers to
Selected Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 620 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2606-4 / ` 250.00
Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and
Fuzzy Logic
M. GANESH, Professor, Mathematics Department, Birla
Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani.
Reflecting the tremendous advances that have taken
place in the study of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy
logic, this book not only details the theoretical
advances in these areas, but also considers a broad
variety of applications of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic.
This comprehensive and up-to-date text is organized
in three parts. The concepts pertaining to the crisp
situation such as Set Theory, Logic, Switching
Function Theory and Boolean Algebra are covered in
Part I of the text. Part II is devoted to Fuzzy Set
Theory, Fuzzy Relations and Fuzzy Logic. The
applications of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic to
Control Theory and Decision Making are designated
Part III of the text.
Designed as a textbook for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Science and Engineering,
the book will also be immensely useful to practicing
engineers and computer scientists.
78 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Every concept has been illustrated with worked out
Fuzzy concepts have been introduced as
generalizations and extensions of crisp concepts.
Each chapter concludes with Problem Set and
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. How to
Use This Book. Part I: Classical TheoriesCrisp
Set Theory. Propositional Logic. Predicate Logic.
Switching Functions and Switching Circuits. Boolean
Algebra. Part II: Fuzzy TheoriesFuzzy Set Theory.
Fuzzy Relations. Fuzzy Logic. Part III: Applications
Fuzzy Methods in Control Theory. Fuzzy Methods in
Decision Making. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 256 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2861-7 / ` 195.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I,
2nd ed.
A. GANGADHARAN, Dean in the Department of
Mathematics, Easwari Engineering College, Ramapuram,
This book, now in its second edition, is designed for
the first-year undergraduate students of all branches
of engineering of the various Indian universities.
The book presents the concepts of matrices and
differential calculus. It elaborates differential
equations and multiple integrals along with complex
integration and vectors. The text explains Greens
theorem, Stokes theorem and Gausss divergence
theorem with their applications. It also deals with
the solution of differential and integral equations
using the Laplace transform, and explains concepts in
three-dimensional geometry (sphere, cone and
cylinder) as well as functions of several variables.
New to the Second Edition
Includes three new chapters on Sphere (Chapter 9),
Cone and Cylinder (Chapter 10) and Function of
Several Variables (Chapter 11).
Incorporates numerous worked-out examples.
Provides Model Papers including two-mark
CONTENTS: Preface. Unit I: Matrices. Differential
Calculus. Unit II: Differential Equations. Unit III:
Multiple Integrals. Vectors. Unit IV: Analytic
Functions. Complex Integration. Unit V: Laplace
Transforms. Sphere. Cone and Cylinder. Functions of
Several Variables. Two-Mark Questions (Semester I).
Two-Mark Questions (Semester II). Model Papers
(Semester I). Model Papers (Semester II).
Latest Print 2010 / 676 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4195-1 / ` 325.00
Volume II
This comprehensive text is designed in such a
manner that even an average student can compre-
hend the subject with ease.
The text begins with the Fourier series expansions
and harmonic analysis. The formation and solution of
partial differential equations and its applications in
elastic string, one- and two-dimensional heat flow
are explained in detail. Also it deals with Fourier
transforms, including sine and cosine transforms
and their properties. The text concludes with
Z transforms and its application in solving difference
This textbook is intended to cater to the needs
of the undergraduate engineering students of all
Concise and clear presentation of basic concepts
Step by step derivation of results
Variety of problems arranged in a graded manner
Practice exercises at the end of sections
Answers to unsolved problems
CONTENTS: Vol. II: Preface. Fourier Series. Partial
Differential Equations. Applications of Partial
Differential Equations. Fourier Transforms. z-Transforms.
Latest Print 2009 / 288 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2899-0 / ` 195.00
Numerical Methods with Computer
Programs in C++
(with CD-ROM)
PALLAB GHOSH, Assistant Professor in the Department
of Chemical Engineering, IIT Guwahati.
Today, C++ is gaining prominence as a programming
language and is emerging as a preferred choice of
programmers because of its many attractive features
and its user-friendly nature. And this text, intended
for undergraduate students of engineering as well as
for students of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry,
shows how numerical methods can be applied in
solving engineering problems using C++. The text,
while emphasizing the application aspects, also
provides deep insight into the development of
numerical algorithms.
Gives detailed step-by-step description of numerical
algorithms and demonstrates their implementation.
Each method is illustrated with solved examples.
Provides C++ programs on many numerical
algorithms. Elementary problems from various
branches of science and engineering are solved.
Contains 79 programs written in C++.
Provides about 200 solved examples which
illustrate the concepts.
The Exercise problems, with various categories like
Quiz, Analytical and Numerical Problems and
Software Development Projects, drill the students
in self-study.
The accompanying CD-ROM contains all the
programs given in the book.
Students as well as programmers should find this text
immensely useful for its numerous student-friendly
features coupled with the elegant exposition of
concepts and the clear emphasis on applications.
CONTENTS: Preface. C++ and Object-Oriented
Programming. Accuracy and Stability in Numerical
Computing. Solution of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic
Equations. Solution of Nonlinear Equations.
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Matrices. Statistical
Analysis of Data. Curve Fitting. Sorting of Data.
Approximation of Functions. Interpolation. Numerical
Integration. Numerical Differentiation. Solution of
Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial Value
Problems. Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations:
Boundary Value Problems. Numerical Solution of
Partial Differential Equations. Appendix. Suggested
Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 648 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2987-4 / ` 395.00
Discrete Mathematics with Graph
Theory, 3rd ed.
both of Memorial University of Newfoundland.
This is an extremely user friendly book than the
vast majority of similar ones. The text is written
with the beginning reader in mind and has a
conversational and stimulating style to make learning
as much interesting as possible. The examples and
exercises are integrated throughout each chapter. It
also emphasizes Active Reading, a skill vital to
success in learning how to think mathematically and
to write clean, error-free programs. An indispensable
book for computer science and even maths courses.
More than 300 worked examples and 3500
exercises. The problem sets are carefully graded by
level of difficulty.
More than 150 Pauses (short questions)inserted
at strategic points. Full solutions to Pauses are
included at the end of each section.
A free Student Solutions Manual is built into the
back of the text.
A strong emphasis on graph theory, incorporating
its coverage throughout six chapters.
A glossary of definitions and a list of symbols and
The chapter on Proofs is now spread to two
chapters, the first mainly expository on proofs, the
second focused on logic (truth tables,
Two sections on probability (2.4 and 2.5).
Section 11.3 on RNA chains has been rewritten to
include a new (and easier) algorithm for the
recovery of an RNA chain from its complete
enzyme digest.
True/false questions (with all answers in the back
of the book) have been added to every section.
An additional 900 exercises; complete solutions to
an additional 200 exercises in the back of the
Many new exercises on mathematical induction,
which is now one of the strongest, basic
presentations available.
An appendix on matrices.
A number of new computer science applications.
CONTENTS: Preface. To the Student. Suggested
Lecture Schedule. Yes, There Are Proofs! Logic. Sets
and Relations. Functions. The Integers. Induction and
Recursion. Principles of Counting. Permutations
and Combinations. Algorithms. Graphs. Paths and
Circuits. Applications of Paths and Circuits. Trees.
Planar Graphs and Colorings. The Max FlowMin Cut
Theorem. Appendix. Solutions to True/False Questions
and Selected Exercises. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 588 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3298-0 / ` 425.00
80 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
research frontiers. The problems of theoretical
physics, elasticity, heat transfer, hydrodynamics and
hydromagnetics have been lucidly treated. The text is
updated to include new topics such as variational
principles of any non-linear problem, stochastic
calculus of variations, variational inequalities and
problems of optimum control.
The text is suitable as a first course in calculus of
variations and also as a reference book for research
workers in applied mechanics and theoretical physics.
Presents topics in a lucid and coherent manner
that is easily comprehensible to students.
Contains a large number of problems to acquaint
the reader with various techniques for solving
variational problems.
Also, investigates several problems in hydro-
dynamics and hydromagnetics which have impor-
tant engineering and technological applications.
CONTENTS: Preface. General Introduction. Variational
Problems with Fixed Boundaries. Variational Problems
with Moving Boundaries. Sufficient Conditions for an
Extremum. Variational Problems with Subsidiary
Conditions. Eigenvalue Problems. Direct Methods in
Variational Problems. Variational Formulation for
Linear and Nonlinear Problems. Variational Problems
in Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 256 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1120-6 / ` 195.00
Introduction to Mathematical
CHARLIE HARPER, California State University,
The book provides the reader with most of the
mathematical prerequisites required for the study of
classical and quantum mechanics, electromagnetism,
statistical thermodynamics, and special and general
relativity, as well as other vital areas of physics,
chemistry, applied mathematics, and engineering. The
reader is assumed to have a working knowledge of
differential and integral calculus. Solved mathe-
matical and physical illustrative examples are incor-
porated for clarification of the material presented.
The problems at the end of each chapter, graded by
level of difficulty, further clarify the text of the
chapters and are occasionally used to convey new
CONTENTS: Preface. Vector Analysis. Operator and
Applied Numerical Methods
A. GOURDIN, Scientist in E.N.S.E.A.
M. BOUMAHRAT, Director at I.N.G.M., Boumerds, both
are Faculties in the Engineering School of El-Harrach,
For better understanding and utilization of the
modern computational techniques, it is necessary to
be conversant with the formulations of mathematical
analysis, especially the numerical and statistical
This book presents various numerical methods in a
simple and useful form to the students and
researchers who are interested in solving complex
scientific and engineering problems. The text
discusses in detail the basic numerical methods such
as Wegstein, Newton, Jordan, Gauss-Seidel, House-
holder, Golub and Robbins-Monro, Conjugate
Gradient, Preconditioning by Incomplete Decomposi-
tion, Least Squares, and Levenberg-Marquardt.
To fully comprehend the theory, many real-life
problems from the areas of electricity, hydraulics,
management, strength of materials, electronics etc.
are considered at the end of each chapter and are
completely worked-out by using these methods.
This profusely illustrated text is designed as a
textbook for advanced undergraduate and post-
graduate students in mathematics, computer science
and engineering. Also, it enables researchers to apply
these numerical techniques to scientific and
engineering problems.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Solution of
Nonlinear Equations. Optimization of a Function in
Single Variable. Linear Algebra. A Review. Solution of
Systems of Linear Equations: Direct Methods, Iterative
Methods. Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations.
Least Squares Approximation. Appendix. References.
Latest Print 2003 / 392 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-1006-3 / ` 150.00
Calculus of Variations with
A.S. GUPTA, Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of
Technology Kharagpur.
The aim of this book is to give a thorough and
systematic account of calculus of variations which
deals with the problems of finding extremum or
stationary values of a functional. It begins with the
fundamentals and develops the subject to the level of
mathematical concepts most frequently used in
analyzing economic problems. Besides acquiring
mathematical skills, the student is equipped to gain
some knowledge of the main economic models and
their properties.
Divided into five parts, the text begins with a review
of the fundamentals concerned primarily with sets,
numbers and functions, and logically develops the
ideas of limit and continuity. Then it moves on to
the calculus of functions of one variable, linear
algebra, multivariable calculus and, finally, dynamics.
Further, the text focuses on simple game theory,
LHopitals rule, Leibnizs rule, and the development
of the Hamiltonian function. To develop the students
problem-solving skills, the text gives a large number
of worked-out examples and economic applications.
Senior undergraduate and postgraduate students of
economics will find this text extremely useful and
Provides clear understanding of the mathematical
concepts themselves to develop the ability and
confidence of the student.
Gives a large number of worked-out economic
examples and exercises for self-study.
Chapter-end review of key concepts, review
questions, clear-cut diagrams, enhance
comprehension of the topics discussed.
AND FUNDAMENTALSIntroduction. Review of
Fundamentals. Sequences, Series, and Limits.
ZATIONContinuity of Functions. The Derivative
and Differential for Functions of One Variable.
Optimization of Functions of One Variable. Part Three:
LINEAR ALGEBRASystems of Linear Equations.
Matrices. Determinants and the Inverse Matrix. Some
Advanced Topics in Linear Algebra. Part Four:
MULTIVARIATE CALCULUSCalculus for Functions of
n-Variables. Optimization of Functions of n-Variables.
Constrained Optimization. Comparative Statics.
Concave Programming and the Kuhn-Tucker
METHODSIntegration. An Introduction to Mathe-
matics for Economic Dynamics. Linear, First-Order
Difference Equations. Nonlinear, First-Order Difference
Equations. Linear, Second-Order Difference Equations.
Linear, First-Order Differential Equations. Nonlinear,
First-Order Differential Equations. Linear, Second-
Order Differential Equations. Simultaneous Systems of
Differential and Difference Equations. Optimal Control
Theory. Appendix: Complex Numbers and Circular
Functions. Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 1144 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2463-3 / ` 450.00
Matrix Analysis. Functions of a Complex Variable.
Calculus of Residues. Differential Equations. Special
Functions of Mathematical Physics. Fourier Series.
Fourier Transforms. Tensor Analysis. General
Bibliography. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 320 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0262-4 / ` 175.00
Linear Algebra, 2nd ed.
KENNETH HOFFMAN, Professor of Mathematics, MIT.
RAY KUNZE, Professor of Mathematics, University of
California, Irvine (UCI).
This text is a comprehensive revised treatment of the
subject. The first part of the book contains sufficient
number of examples concerning linear equations and
computations with matrices. In addition, there are
numerous problems of an elementary nature designed
to clarify the basic computational aspects of the
subject. The material on characteristic values,
characteristic vectors, and diagonalization of matrices
is reorganized so that the elementary and geo-
metrically intuitive concepts are presented first.
The advanced level students will benefit from the
initial treatment of modules and the theory of the
Smith canonical form, exposed in the later sections
of Chapters 5, 6 and 7. In addition, a thorough
treatment of alternating forms of modules over com-
mutative rings is presented. The material on inner
products has been revised and expanded. This will
provide the most exhaustive treatment of the subject
(from the finite dimensional point of view) in print.
CONTENTS: Linear Equations. Vector Spaces. Linear
Transformations. Polynomials. Determinants. Elemen-
tary Canonical Forms. The Rational and Jordan Forms.
Inner Product Spaces. Operators on Inner Product
Spaces. Bilinear Forms. Appendices. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2010 / 416 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0270-9 / ` 150.00
HOY, et al.
Mathematics for Economics, 2nd ed.
REES, and THANASIS STENGOS are with the
Department of Economics, University of Guelph,
Ontario, Canada.
RAY REES is faculty, the Ludwig-Maximilians
University, Munich.
This uptodate, comprehensive and student-friendly
book provides a thorough treatment of the
82 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Complex Variables: Theory and
Applications, 2nd ed.
H.S. KASANA is Professor and Head, Department of
Mathematics and Computer Applications, Thapar
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala.
The second edition of this comprehensive and
accessible text continues to offer students a
challenging and enjoyable study of complex variables
that is infused with perfect balanced coverage of
mathematical theory and applied topics.
The author explains fundamental concepts and
techniques with precision and introduces the
students to complex variable theory through
conceptual development of analysis that enables
them to develop a thorough understanding of
the topics discussed. Geometric interpretation of the
results, wherever necessary, has been inducted for
making the analysis more accessible. The level of the
text assumes that the reader is acquainted with
elementary real analysis.
Beginning with the revision of the algebra of
complex variables, the book moves on to deal with
analytic functions, elementary functions, complex
integration, sequences, series and infinite products,
series expansions, singularities and residues. The
application-oriented chapters on sums and integrals,
conformal mappings, Laplace transform, and some
special topics, provide a practical-use perspective.
Enriched with many numerical examples and exer-
cises designed to test the students comprehension of
the topics covered, this book is written for a one-
semester course in complex variables for students in
the science and engineering disciplines.
CONTENTS: Preface. List of Symbols. Algebra of
Complex Numbers. Analytic Functions. Elementary
Functions. Complex Integration. Sequences, Series
and Products. Series Expansions. Singularities and
Residues. Sums and Definite Integrals. Conformal
Mappings. Laplace Transform. Special Topics.
Objective-type Questions. Bibliography. Answers.
Latest Print 2008 / 504 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2641-5 / ` 350.00
CBSE Mathematics for Class XI
Thoroughly revised as per new CBSE syllabus
DINESH KHATTAR, Department of Mathematics, Kirori
Mal College, University of Delhi.
ANITA KHATTAR, mathematics teacher, Sarvodaya
Vidyalaya, I.P. Extension, Delhi.
Strictly as per the new CBSE course structure and
NCERT guidelines, this thoroughly revised and
updated textbook is designed for class XI of senior
secondary schools (under the 10 + 2 pattern of
education). The text is presented in a logical manner.
It identifies your problem areas and helps you to
solve them. Every effort has been made to make the
contents as simple as possible so that the beginners
will grasp the fundamental concepts easily.
Large number of solved examples to understand
the subject.
Categorization of problems under:
Level of Difficulty A (Cover the needs of the
students preparing for CBSE exams)
Level of Difficulty B (Guide the students for
engineering entrance examinations).
Learning Objectives at the beginning of each
chapter to enable the students to focus their
Problem Solving Trick(s) to enhance the problem
solving skills.
Besides this, each chapter is followed by a Chapter
Test to test problem solving skills. Working hints to
a large number of problems are given at the end of
each and every exercise. In a nut shell, this book will
help the students score high marks in CBSE, and at
the same time build a strong foundation for success
in any competitive examination.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Sets. Relations and
Functions. Trigonometric Functions. Principle of
Mathematical Induction. Complex Numbers and
Quadratic Equations. Linear Inequations. Permutations
and Combinations. Binomial Theorem. Sequences and
Series. Straight Line. Conic Sections. Introduction to
Three-Dimensional Geometry. Limits and Derivatives.
Mathematical Reasoning. Statistics: Measures of
Dispersion. Probability.
Latest Print 2008 / 1056 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3507-3 / ` 295.00
CBSE Mathematics for Class XII,
Part 1
Thoroughly revised as per new CBSE syllabus
DINESH KHATTAR, Department of Mathematics, Kirori
Mal College, University of Delhi.
ANITA KHATTAR, mathematics teacher, Sarvodaya
Vidyalaya, I.P. Extension, Delhi.
Strictly as per the new CBSE course structure and
NCERT guidelines, this thoroughly revised and
updated textbook is meant for class XII of senior
secondary schools (under the 10 + 2 pattern of
education). The subject matter of this book is
presented in a very systematic and logical manner.
Every effort has been made to make the contents as
lucid as possible so that the beginners will grasp the
fundamental concepts in an unambiguous manner.
Large number of solved examples to understand
the subject.
Categorization of problems under:
Level of Difficulty A (Cover the needs of the
students preparing for CBSE exams)
Level of Difficulty B (Guide the students for
engineering entrance examinations).
A Smart Table at the beginning of each chapter to
decide the relative importance of topics in the
CBSE exam.
Problem Solving Trick(s) to enhance the problem
solving skills.
A list of Important Formulae at the beginning of
the book.
Besides this, each chapter is followed by a Chapter
Test and an exercise in which the questions from the
CBSE papers of previous years are provided. Working
hints to a large number of problems are given at the
end of each and every exercise. In a nutshell, this
book will help the students score high marks in
CBSE, and at the same time build a strong foundation
for success in any competitive examination.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Some Important
Formuale. Matrices. Determinants. Inverse
Trigonometric Functions. Relations and Functions.
Continuity and Differentiability. Applications of
Latest Print 2008 / 712 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3464-9 / ` 295.00
CBSE Mathematics for Class XII,
Part 2
Thoroughly revised as per new CBSE syllabus
DINESH KHATTAR, Department of Mathematics, Kirori
Mal College, University of Delhi.
ANITA KHATTAR, mathematics teacher, Sarvodaya
Vidyalaya, I.P. Extension, Delhi.
In continuation to CBSE Mathematics For Class XII
(Part 1), Part 2 is also thoroughly revised and
updated as per the new CBSE course structure and
NCERT guidelines. The subject matter of this book is
presented in a very systematic and logical manner.
Every effort has been made to make the contents as
lucid as possible so that the beginners will grasp the
fundamental concepts in an unambiguous manner.
Large number of solved examples to understand
the subject.
Categorization of problems under:
Level of Difficulty A (Cover the needs of the
students preparing for CBSE exams)
Level of Difficulty B (Guide the students for
engineering entrance examinations).
A Smart Table at the beginning of each chapter to
decide the relative importance of topics in the
CBSE exam.
Problem Solving Trick(s) to enhance the problem
solving skills.
A list of Important Formulae at the beginning of
the book.
Besides this, each chapter is followed by a Chapter
Test and an exercise in which the questions from the
CBSE papers of previous years are provided. Working
hints to a large number of problems are given at the
end of each and every exercise. In a nutshell, this
book will help the students score high marks in
CBSE, and at the same time build a strong foundation
for success in any competitive examination.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Some Important
Formuale. Indefinite Integrals. Definite Integrals.
Differential Equations. Vector Algebra. Three-Dimen-
sional Geometry. Linear Programming. Probability.
Latest Print 2008 / 860 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3506-6 / ` 295.00
Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and
GEORGE J. KLIR and TINA A. FOLGER, both of the
State University of New York, Binghamton.
The concept of uncertainty and its relationship to
the increasingly important concept of information
and complexity need to be brought under a new
mathematical formulation. This book is intended
to make an understanding of this mathematical
formalism accessible to students and professionals in
a broad range of disciplines and covers the various
issues of uncertainty, information and complexity
from a broad perspective based on formalism of fuzzy
set theory. No prior knowledge of fuzzy set theory or
84 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
information theory is required; the reader is however
assumed to be familiar with basic notions of set
theory, logic and probability theory, though the
fundamentals of these subject areas are briefly
overviewed in the book.
The book is suitable as a text at the advanced
undergraduate/postgraduate level that covers
uncertainty, information and complexity from a broad
perspectivein mathematics courses in artificial
intelligence, engineering and computer science.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Crist Sets
and Fuzzy Sets. Operations on Fuzzy Sets. Fuzzy
Relations. Fuzzy Measures. Uncertainty and
Information. Applications. Appendix A: Uniqueness
of Uncertainty Measures. Appendix B: Glossary of
Symbols. References. Name Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 368 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0695-0 / ` 250.00
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic:
Theory and Applications
This is the expanded version of the earlier highly
successful book, Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty and
Information, reflecting the tremendous advances that
have taken place subsequently. The primary purpose
of this book is to provide the student with a
comprehensive coverage of theoretical foundations of
fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, as well as a broad
overview of the increasingly important applications
of these novel areas of mathematics. No previous
knowledge of fuzzy sets or fuzzy logic is required.
Basic ideas such as neural networks, general
algorithms and rough sets are also explained.
Throughout the book, examples are used to illustrate
concepts, methods, and generic applications as they
are introduced. Extensive and carefully selected
bibliography, together with bibliographical notes at
the end of each chapter and a bibliographical index,
is an invaluable resource for further study of fuzzy
theory and applications. Each chapter is followed by
a set of exercises, which are intended to enhance an
understanding of the material presented in the
It should be on the desk of everyone who is
interested in acquiring a solid understanding of
the foundations of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic and
the competence that is needed to apply them to the
solution of real-world problem.
Lotfi A. Zadeh in his Foreword to the book.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. PART I: THEORYFrom
Classical (Crisp) Sets to Fuzzy Sets: A Grand Paradigm
Shift. Fuzzy Sets Versus Crisp Sets. Operations on
Fuzzy Sets. Fuzzy Arithmetic. Fuzzy Relations. Fuzzy
Relation Equations. Possibility Theory. Fuzzy Logic.
Uncertainty-Based Information. PART II:
APPLICATIONSConstructing Fuzzy Sets and
Operations of Fuzzy Sets. Approximate Reasoning.
Fuzzy Systems. Pattern Recognition. Fuzzy Databases
and Information Retrieval Systems. Fuzzy Decision
Making. Engineering Applications. Miscellaneous
Applications. Appendices. Bibliography. Biblio-
graphical Index. Name Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 592 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1136-7 / ` 350.00
Discrete Mathematical Structures,
6th ed.
BERNARD KOLMAN, Drexel University.
ROBERT C. BUSBY, Drexel University.
SHARON CUTLER ROSS, Georgia Perimeter College.
Discrete Mathematical Structures, Sixth Edition, offers
a clear and concise presentation of the fundamental
concepts of discrete mathematics. The text contains
more genuine computer science applications than any
other text in the field. Therefore, it is ideal for a
introductory course on the subject for computer
science students.
Additional emphasis on how to develop a
conjecture and how to prove or disprove it.
New sections on Logic, Mathematical Statements,
and Logic and Problem Solving help students
understand proofs and proof techniques. Additional
exercises help students develop conjectures and
how to prove or disprove them.
More applications, exercises, and figures have been
added to help students learn and retain the
New material on fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
introduces students to a topic that is extremely
important for modern issues of automated feedback
and control of processes.
Popular puzzles like Sudoku and their underlying
mathematical connections form a continuous
thread in the text, connecting set theory, Boolean
matrices, algorithms and coding, logic, the general
construction of proofs, coloring problems and
polynomials, and other topics in a way that
students will find both interesting and instructive.
CONTENTS: Preface. Notation. Normed Linear Spaces.
Banach Spaces. Duality. Bounded Linear Maps. Hilbert
Spaces. Operators on Hilbert Spaces. Spectral Theory
in Hilbert Spaces. References. Index.
Latest Print 2000 / 404 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-1627-4 / ` 195.00
Linear Algebra: A Geometric
S. KUMARESAN, Professor of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
This clear, concise and highly readable text
is designed for a first course in linear algebra and is
intended for undergraduate courses in mathematics.
It focusses throughout on geometric explanations to
make the student perceive that linear algebra is
nothing but analytic geometry of n dimensions. From
the very start, linear algebra is presented as an
extension of the theory of simultaneous linear
equations and their geometric interpretation is shown
to be a recurring theme of the subject. The
integration of abstract algebraic concepts with the
underlying geometric notions is one of the most
distinguishing features of this bookdesigned to
help students in the pursuit of multi-variable calculus
and differential geometry in subsequent courses.
Explanations and concepts are logically presented
in a conversational tone and well-constructed
writing style so that students at a variety of levels
can understand the material and acquire a solid
foundation in the basic skills of linear algebra.
Entices students to geometric way of thinking
about linear algebra.
Includes about 100 solved examples for consoli-
dation of the important concepts introduced.
Gives about 400 exercises of various levels of
difficulty to prepare students for original thinking.
CONTENTS: Preface. Note to the Students. Notation.
Systems of Linear Equations. Vector Spaces. Lines
and Quotient Spaces. Linear Transformations. Inner
Product Spaces. Determinants. Diagonalization.
Classification of Quadrics. Review Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 232 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1628-7 / ` 150.00
CONTENTS: Preface. A Word to Students.
Fundamentals. Logic. Counting. Relations and
Digraphs. Functions. Order Relations and Structures.
Trees. Topics in Graph Theory. Semigroups and
Groups. Languages and Finite-State Machines. Groups
and Coding. AppendicesA: Algorithms and
Pseudocode. B: Additional Experiments in Discrete
Mathematics. Appendix C: Coding Exercises. Answers
to Odd-Numbered Exercises. Answers to Chapter Self-
Tests. Glossary. Index. Photo Credits.
Latest Print 2010 / 556 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3689-6 / ` 375.00
Textbook of Functional Analysis:
A Problem-Oriented Approach
V.K. KRISHNAN, Former Professor of Mathematics,
St. Thomas College, Thrissur (Kerala).
This unique, comprehensive, and student-friendly
book provides problems in functional analysis along
with their solutions. Such a practical approach will
greatly facilitate students to have a thorough grasp
of the subject. This stands in stark contrast to the
method followed in most books where a great
amount of theory is given, with a smattering of
problems to elucidate the topics discussed.
The book begins with a discussion on normed linear
spaces, then it goes on to give a detailed discussion
on such topics as Banach spaces, duality, and
bounded linear maps. The text also provides a clear-
cut analysis of Hilbert spaces, including operators on
and spectral theory in Hilbert spaces.
Intended as a text for postgraduate courses in
mathematics, this book with its systematic and
precise presentation, and provision of a large number
of exercises, should prove to be a trend-setter in its
approach to the subjectthis novelty of approach
appealing particularly to students.
Contains a very large number of solved problems.
This will build up confidence among the students
in solving problems.
The book is not just a compendium of problems;
enough theory is given, presenting the major
concepts in functional analysis.
Gives exercises at the end of each section, which
help sharpen the intelligence of students.
Presentation of topics is straightforward and easy
to understand.
86 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Classical Mechanics, Rev. ed.
C.R. MONDAL, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
Intended for postgraduate students of mathematics,
the revised edition of this compact textbook helps
readers acquire a thorough understanding of the
basic concepts of classical mechanics.
The text is organized into five chapters. After a
comprehensive introduction to the terminologies of
dynamical systems and generalized coordinates,
Lagranges equations of motion for holonomic
systems, and conservative and non-holonomic
systems are developed. The text then gives a detailed
coverage of the EulerLagrange equation, equations
of motion of rigid bodies, and Hamiltons equations
of motion, suitably reinforced with examples to
enhance learning. Finally, canonical transformations
and Hamiltons equations of motion in Poissons
bracket are discussed along with the HamiltonJacobi
theory and the HamiltonJacobi equation for
Hamiltons principal function.
Numerous worked-out examples included throughout
the text and end-of-chapter exercises will be of
considerable help to the students in comprehending
the application of the principles to physical
CONTENTS: Preface. DAlemberts Principle and
Lagranges Equations. Variational Principle and
Lagranges Equations. Equations of Motion of Rigid
Bodies. Hamiltons Equations of Motion. Canonical
Transformations. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 168 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3516-5 / ` 150.00
Textbook of Ordinary Differential
Equations, Rev. ed.
C.R. MONDAL, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
Written in a clear, precise and readable manner, this
textbook (now revised and corrected) is designed to
provide postgraduate mathematics students with a
sound and inspiring introduction to the main themes
of ordinary differential equations. It is presented
from the viewpoint of applied mathematics to treat
differential equations both from the theoretical
background and practical applications to scientific
and engineering problems.
Beginning with a comprehensive treatment of linear
differential equations with variable coefficients, the
Numerical Methods Using MATLAB,
4th ed.
JOHN H. MATHEWS, California State University,
KURTIS D. FINK, Northwest Missouri State University.
The book presents various methods of numerical
analysis in a clear style. It provides an amalga-
mation of both theory and practice using a wide
variety of examples and problems to help the
students sharpen their skills.
Computer calculations are presented in the form of
tables and graphs whenever possible so that the
resulting numerical approximations are easier to
visualize and interpret.
In an easy to understand and friendly style, the
authors explain how numerical methods work and
their limitations.
Throughout, it maintains a balance between theory,
error analysis, and readability. This book is suitable
for undergraduate students in mathematics, computer
science, physical sciences and engineering.
Extensive use of the software MATLAB.
Uses MATLAB programs for presenting numerical
algorithms. Provides computer assignments using
MATLAB for students to practice their skills at
scientific programming.
Lucid presentation of error analysis of various
New topics for minimization of z = f (x, y) are
Rewritten chapter on numerical optimization.
Each numerical method is presented in a self-
contained format.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preliminaries. Solution of
Nonlinear Equations f(x) = 0. Solution of Linear
Systems AX = B. Interpolation and Polynomial Appro-
ximation. Curve Fitting. Numerical Differentiation.
Numerical Integration. Numerical Optimization.
Solution of Differential Equations. Solution of Partial
Differential Equations. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Appendix: Introduction to MATLAB. Answers to
Selected Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 692 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2765-8 / ` 350.00
text gives a detailed discussion on some well-known
special functions which provide solutions of second-
order linear ordinary differential equations having
several regular singular points. Many of the standard
concepts and methods which are useful in the study
of special functions are discussed. The properties of
special functions are derived from their differential
equations and boundary conditions. Finally, existence
and uniqueness of solutions of differential equations
are established.
Worked-out examples are introduced throughout
the text. End-of-chapter exercises further help
understand the mathematical and physical structure
of the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Linear Differential
Equations with Variable Coefficients. Hypergeometric
Equations. Legendre Equation. Bessel Equation.
Modified Bessel Functions and Asymptotic
Expansions. Existence and Uniqueness for Solutions
of Ordinary Differential Equations. References.
Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 192 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3467-0 / ` 175.00
Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Scientists and Mathematicians,
2nd ed.
BAKER, all of the Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, The Florida State University.
This is a lucidly written fine-tuned introduction to
discrete mathematics. It is eminently suited for
students pursuing BCA, MCA and B.E./B.Tech courses.
Considering the importance of the subject, quite a
number of universities have sought to introduce
discrete mathematics as a core subject in the
engineering curriculum.
Presents comprehensive discussions on graph
theory, mathematical induction, Boolean algebras,
logic and other proof techniques and recurrence
Gives good insights into graphs as a modeling tool.
Gives better understanding of computer solutions
of differential equations.
Many worked out examples and solutions follow
each section.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. A Note to
the Reader. Foundations. Elementary Combinatorics.
Recurrence Relations. Relations and Digraphs. Graphs.
Boolean Algebras. Network Flows. Representation and
Manipulation of Imprecision. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 768 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1502-0 / ` 350.00
TOPOLOGY, 2nd ed.
JAMES R. MUNKRES, Massachusetts Institute of
This text suitable for postgraduate students in
mathematics offers a clear, comprehensive presen-
tation of the fundamentals of topology. It can also
be effectively used at the senior undergraduate
level for a basic introduction to the core topics of
topology. The books broad coverage of topics and
flexible organization allows instructors to follow
their own preferences in the matter of course
The second edition is divided into two partsgeneral
topology and algebraic topology.
Includes foundational material on set theory and
Presents the irreducible core of the subject in the
first four chapters of Part I that should be included
in any introductory topology course.
Remaining four chapters of Part I explore
additional topics, to be taken in any order.
Substantially expanded and rewritten topic of
algebraic topology now constitutes Part II of the
booknearly a semesters worth of teaching.
Supplementary exercises at the ends of several
chapters provide an opportunity for exploration of
topics that diverge somewhat from the main thrust
of the book.
CONTENTS: Preface. A Note to the Reader. Part I:
GENERAL TOPOLOGYSet Theory and Logic.
Topological Spaces and Continuous Functions.
Connectedness and Compactness. Countability and
Separation Axioms. The Tychonoff Theorem.
Metrization Theorems and Paracompactness. Complete
Metric Spaces and Function Spaces. Baire Spaces and
Dimension Theory. Part II: ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY
The Fundamental Group. Separation Theorems in the
Plane. The Seifert-van Kampen Theorem. Classifi-
cation of Surfaces. Classification of Covering Spaces.
Applications to Group Theory. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 556 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2046-8 / ` 295.00
88 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
engineering mathematics. It is primarily intended to
serve as a textbook for the first-year BE/BTech
students of all disciplines, through particularly
written as per the prescribed syllabus (M201) of the
West Bengal University of Technology (WBUT).
The initial chapters of the book cover topics in
algebra such as matrices and determinants, systems
of linear equations, vector spaces and linear
transformations. The discussion then moves on to the
basic concepts of differential equations, as well as
differential equations of various kinds, including
Legendres equation and Bessels equation. Laplace
transforms, inverse Laplace transforms and the
solution of ordinary differential equations using
Laplace transforms are covered in the ensuing
chapters. The final chapters cover numerical analysis
areas such as errors in numerical computation,
difference operators, interpolation, and numerical
differentiation and integration.
Each chapter contains numerous worked-out examples
to help students gain a strong understanding of the
underlying principles in the form of multiple choice
type questions, long answer type questions
examination papers or ponded at the end of the book
to test the comprehension of the topics acquired by
the students.
CONTENTS: Preface. Matrices (I). Determinants.
Matrices (II). System of Linear Equations. Vector
Spaces. Linear Transformation and Inner Product
Space. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Basic Concepts
of Differential Equations. Differential Equations of
First Order. Differential Equation of First Order and
Higher Degree. Linear Differential Equations of
Second and Higher Order. Simultaneous Linear
Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients.
Legendres and Bessels Equations. Laplace Transforms.
Inverse Laplace Transforms. Solution of ODEs Using
Laplace Transform. Errors in Numerical Computations.
Difference Operators. Interpolation. Numerical
Differentiation and Integration. WBUT Question
Papers (with Answers). Bibliography. Index.
544 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3967-5 / FORTHCOMING
Probability and Queueing Theory
S. PALANIAMMAL, Professor and Head, Department of
Science and Humanities, V.L.B. Janakiammal College
of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
Designed as a textbook for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Computer Science and
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I
MADHUMANGAL PAL, Reader, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore.
ANITA PAL, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West
This well-organized and readable text is intended for
the first-year engineering students of all disciplines
for a first-semester course in engineering
mathematics. The book provides a thorough exposure
to three broad areas of engineering mathematics
differential and integral calculus, analytical geometry
and vector analysis. It is designed to help students
acquire a solid foundation in the basic skills of these
areas of mathematics and also to enable them to
develop problem-solving skills. Written in an easy-to-
understand style, the book is self-contained for
independent study as well.
Provides clear and focused coverage of topics.
Theory and concepts are explained step-by-step to
substantiate the results and to aid the learning
Provides a large number of fully-worked examples
and exercises in each chapter.
Gives short answer and long answer questions at
the end of each chapter.
CONTENTS: Preface. Infinite Series. Limit, Continuity
and Differentiability. Successive Differentiation. Mean
Value Theorem. Reduction Formula. Rectification.
Functions of Several Variables: Limit, Continuity and
Partial Derivatives. Maxima and Minima. Jacobians.
Multiple Integrals. Area, Volume and Surface of
Revolution. Moment of Inertia and Centre of Gravity.
Vector Algebra. Gradient, Divergence and Curl.
Vector Integration. Three-Dimensional Geometry.
Bibliography. Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 616 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3873-9 / ` 325.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II
MADHUMANGAL PAL, Reader, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapur.
ANITA PAL, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
National Institute of Technology Durgapur, West
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the
fundamental concepts of some major areas of
explanations along with simple mathematical
Gives concise and clear presentation of the
Provides a large number of illustrative examples
with step-by-step solutions to help students
comprehend the concepts with ease.
Includes questions asked in university
examinations for the last several years to help
students in preparing for examinations.
Provides hints and answers to unsolved problems.
Incorporates chapter-end exercises to drill the
students in self-study.
CONTENTS: Preface. Probability Theory. Random
Variables. Standard Distributions. Functions of a
Random Variable. Two-dimensional Random Variables.
Random Processes. Correlation and Spectral Densities.
Linear Systems with Random Inputs. Index.
784 pp. (approx.) / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4245-3 / FORTHCOMING
Introduction to Differential
University, Tripura.
This book provides students with solid knowledge of
the basic principles of differential equations and a
clear understanding of the various ways of obtaining
their solutions by applying suitable methods. It is
primarily intended to serve as a textbook for
undergraduate students of mathematics. It will also
be useful for undergraduate engineering students of
all disciplines as part of their course in engineering
No book on differential equations is complete without
a treatment of special functions and special
equations. A chapter in this book has been devoted
to the detailed study of special functions such as the
gamma function, beta function, hypergeometric
function, and Bessel function, as well as special
equations such as the Legendre equation, Chebyshev
equation, Hermite equation, and Laguerre equation.
The general properties of various orthogonal
polynomials such as Legendre, Chebyshev, Hermite,
and Laguerre have also been covered.
A large number of solved examples as well as
exercises at the end of many chapter sections help to
comprehend as well as to strengthen the grasp of the
Engineering and Information Technology, this book
provides the fundamental concepts and applications
of probability and queueing theory.
Beginning with a discussion on probability theory,
the text analyzes in detail the random variables,
standard distributions, Markovian and non-Markovian
queueing models with finite and infinite capacity,
and queue networks. The topics are dealt with in a
well-organized sequence with proper explanations
along with simple mathematical formulations.
Gives concise and clear presentation of the
Provides a large number of illustrative examples, in
particular for queueing models and queueing
networks, with step-by-step by solutions to help
students comprehend the concepts with ease.
Includes questions asked in university
examinations with their solutions for the last
several years to help students in preparing for
Provides hints and answers to unsolved problems.
Incorporates chapter-end exercise to drill the
students in self-study.
CONTENTS: Preface. Probability Theory. Random
Variables. Standard Distributions. Two-dimensional
Random Variables. Random Processes. Queueing
Theory. Non-Markovian Queues and Queue Networks.
860 pp. (approx.) / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4244-6 / FORTHCOMING
Probability and Random Processes
S. PALANIAMMAL, Professor and Head, Department of
Science and Humanities, V.L.B. Janakiammal College of
Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
Designed as a textbook for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Computer Science,
Computer Science and Engineering and Information
Technology, this book provides the fundamental
concepts and applications of probability and random
Beginnering with a discussion on probability theory,
the text analyzes various types of random processes.
Besides, the text discusses in detail the random
variables, standard distributions, correlation and
spectral densities, and linear systems. The topics are
dealt with in a well organized sequence with proper
90 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
it is also useful for undergraduate and postgraduate
students of mathematics.
This book is divided into nine chapters; the initial
chapters provide revision of fundamental concepts of
functions, limits and continuity to help students
grasp the idea of the derivations treated in the
subsequent chapters. Rules for finding derivatives,
Taylors and Maclaurins theorems and different types
of indeterminate forms are thoroughly explained.
Further the book covers the convergence and
divergence of the series, tangents and normals,
curvatures to the curves, maxima and minima of
functions of more than one variables and directional
derivatives. The text also deals with volume integrals,
and concludes with a detailed discussion on the line
integrals and surface integrals using divergence and
Stokes theorems.
Provides more than 250 problems with answers at
the end of each chapter.
Gives adequate number of illustrations each
conveying some specific concept of the subject.
Includes a large number of fully worked-out
examples in every chapter for the proper
understanding of the concepts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Review of Calculus. Sequences
and Series. Polar Curves. Curves in Space. Functions
of Several Variables and Partial Derivatives. Double
Integrals. Triple Integrals. Line Integrals. Surface
Integrals, Stokes and Divergence Theorems. Subject
Latest Print 2009 / 304 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3785-5 / ` 195.00
Computer Oriented Numerical
Methods, 3rd ed.
V. RAJARAMAN, Honorary Professor, Supercomputer
Education and Research Centre, Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore.
This book is a concise presentation of the basic
concepts used in evolving numerical methods with
special emphasis on developing computational algo-
rithms for solving problems in algebra and calculus.
A conceptual understanding of numerical methods
built on students geometrical intuition.
Numerical methods evolved with particular
relevance to implementation on digital computers.
underlying concepts and principles of the subject.
The answers to all the exercises are provided at the
end of the book.
CONTENTS: Preface. Nature of Differential Equations.
First Order Differential Equations. Linear Differential
Equations of Higher Order. Properties of Solutions.
Special Functions and Equations. Systems of First
Order Linear Equations. Total Differential Equations.
The Laplace Transform. SturmLiouville Boundary
Value Problems and Fourier Series. Partial Differential
Equations. Suggested Readings. Answers to Exercises.
Latest Print 2009 / 292 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3603-2 / ` 225.00
Mathematical Methods, 2nd ed.
MERLE C. POTTER, Michigan State University.
JACK GOLDBERG, University of Michigan.
This book gives a lucid and effective presentation
of the mathematics essential to engineering and
physical sciences. It covers a host of physical science
and engineering applications and examples.
It is a fully revised introductory text that provides
students with a firm grounding in mathematical
concepts, tools, and techniques essential to the
solution of applied mathematics problems
encountered most frequently.
The text is designed for first and second semester
courses in applied mathematics as given in
mathematics, engineering, and physics departments.
A course in differential equations is a prerequisite.
CONTENTS: Preface. Ordinary Differential Equations.
Series Method. Laplace Transforms. The Theory of
Matrices. Matrix Applications. Vector Analysis. Fourier
Series. Partial Differential Equations. Numerical
Methods. Complex Variables. Bibliography.
Appendices. Answers to Selected Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 656 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0550-2 / ` 250.00
Advanced Calculus
DEVI PRASAD, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
IMS Engineering College, U.P. Technical University.
This concise and systematically organized textbook is
meant for the undergraduate students of engineering
for their courses in Engineering Mathematics. Besides,
All important numerical methods illustrated with
computer algorithms written in an English-based
algorithmic language similar to PASCAL.
Elementary presentation of numerical methods
from first principles for students who do not have
any mathematics background.
CONTENTS: Preface to the Third Edition.
Computational Algorithms. Computer Arithmetic.
Iterative Methods. Solution of Simultaneous Algebraic
Equations. Interpolation. Least Squares Approxi-
mation of Functions. Approximation of Functions.
Differentiation and Integration. Numerical Solution of
Differential Equations. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 208 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0786-5 / ` 95.00
Real Analysis, 3rd ed.
H.L. ROYDEN, Stanford University.
Real Analysis, third edition, covers classical theory on
the functions of a real variable, measure and
integration theory and elementary topics in general
topology. The third edition offers significant revisions
to the theory of locally compact spaces and the
study of measures on topological spaces, as well as a
new chapter on invariant measures.
Substantial changes and improvements in basic
chapters on measure and integration.
Treatment of Minkowski and Holder inequalities
under the section on classical Banach spaces is
presented with proofs.
A section on Integral Operators and on Hausdoff
Measure has been added.
Full treatment is given to Baire and Borel measures
in the new edition.
A complete chapter is devoted to invariant
measures under measure and integration.
System. Lebesgue Measure. The Lebesgue Integral.
Differentiation and Integration. The Classical Banach
Spaces. Part TwoABSTRACT SPACES: Metric Spaces.
Topological Spaces. Compact and Locally Compact
Spaces. Banach Spaces. Part ThreeGENERAL
Integration. Measure and Outer Measure. Measure and
Topology. Invariant Measures. Mappings of Measure
Spaces. The Daniell Integral. Bibliography. Index of
Symbols. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 464 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0973-9 / ` 175.00
Classical Mechanics
K. SANKARA RAO, former Professor of Mathematics,
Anna University, Chennai had earlier been Senior
Scientist/Engineer, Applied Mathematics Division of
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Trivandrum.
The knowledge of classical mechanics is vital for
understanding advanced technologies in several areas
such as automation, industrial process and control,
and aerospace.
This comprehensive and well-organized text gives a
brilliant exposition of the principles of mechanics in
as simple a language as possible.
The text starts with Newton's laws of motion, units
and dimension and dynamics of a system of particles,
and rotating frame of reference. Then kinematics of a
rigid body motion and Eulerian angles are discussed,
together with the dynamics of a rigid body in space
and orbital motion. The text then goes on to describe
Lagrange and Hamilton methods and the special
theory of relativity. New topics such as rocket
dynamics along with vehicle optimization and three-
body and n-body problems are also presented.
Typical solved examples and exercises are included in
each chapter. Multiple-choice questions given at the
end of the text are taken from examination papers
of various Indian universities, GATE and other
competitive examinations.
The book is intended for postgraduate students of
mathematics, physics, and engineering, particularly
in aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering.
CONTENTS: Preface. Kinematics and Dynamics of
a Particle. Dynamics of System of Particles and
Rotating Coordinate Systems. Kinematics of a Rigid
Body Motion. Dynamics of a Rigid Body Motion.
Orbital Motion. Lagrange and Hamilton Equations.
Hamiltonian Methods. Special Theory of Relativity.
Rocket Dynamics. The Three- and n-Body Problems.
Multiple-choice Questions. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 416 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2676-7 / ` 250.00
92 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Numerical Methods for Scientists
and Engineers, 3rd ed.
K. SANKARA RAO, former Professor of Mathematics,
Anna University, Chennai had earlier been Senior
Scientist/Engineer, Applied Mathematics Division of
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Trivandrum.
Primarily written as a textbook, this third edition
provides a complete course on numerical methods for
undergraduate students in all branches of
engineering, postgraduate students in mathematics
and physics, and students pursuing courses in Master
of Computer Applications (MCA). Besides students,
those appearing for competitive examinations,
research scholars and professionals engaged in
numerical computations, will treasure this edition for
its in-depth analysis, systematic treatment and
clarity of approach.
The third edition has been updated with new
material comprising new methods and concepts and
additional chapters on Boundary Value Problems and
Approximation of Functions. It introduces the basics
in computing, stresses on errors in computation,
discusses various direct and iterative methods for
solving algebraic and transcendental equations and a
method for solving a system of nonlinear equations,
linear system of equations, matrix inversion and
computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a
The book provides a detailed discussion on curve
fitting, interpolation and cubic spline interpolation,
numerical differentiation and integration. It also
presents, various single step and predictorcorrector
methods for solving ordinary differential equations,
finite difference methods for solving partial
differential equations with the concepts of truncation
error and stability. Finally, it concludes with a
treatment of numerical methods for solving boundary
value problems, least squares, Chebyshev, Pade
polynomial approximations and Fourier series
approximation to a real continuous function.
Provides altogether about 300 examples, of which
about 125 are worked-out examples.
Gives detailed hints and solutions to examples
under Exercises.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the Second Edition.
Basics in Computing. Solution of Algebraic and
Transcendental Equations. Solution of Linear System
of Equations and Matrix Inversion. Eigenvalue
Problems. Curve Fitting. Interpolation. Numerical
Differentiation and Integration. Ordinary Differential
Introduction to Partial Differential
Equations, 3rd ed.
K. SANKARA RAO, formerly Professor of Mathematics,
Anna University, Chennai. He has also served as
Scientist/Engineer at Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research, Bombay and Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,
This comprehensive and well-organized book, now in
its Third Edition, continues to provide the students
with the fundamental concepts, the underlying
principles, various well-known mathematical
techniques and methods such as Laplace and Fourier
transform techniques, the variable separable method,
and Greens function method to solve partial
differential equations.
The text is supported by a number of worked-out
examples and miscellaneous examples to enable the
students to assimilate the fundamental concepts and
the techniques for solving partial differential
equations with various initial and boundary
conditions. Besides, chapter-end exercises are also
provided with hints to reinforce the students skill.
It is designed primarily to serve as a textbook for
senior undergraduate and postgraduate students
pursuing courses in applied mathematics, physics and
engineering. Students appearing in various
competitive examinations like NET, GATE, and the
professionals working in scientific R&D organizations
would also find this book both stimulating and
highly useful.
What is new to this edition?
Adds new sections on linear partial differential
equations with constant coefficients and non-linear
model equations.
Offers additional worked-out examples and
exercises to illustrate the concepts discussed.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the Second Edition.
Partial Differential Equations of First Order.
Fundamental Concepts. Elliptic Differential Equations.
Parabolic Differential Equations. Hyperbolic
Differential Equations. Greens Function. Laplace
Transform Methods. Fourier Transform Methods.
Answers and Keys to Exercises. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 508 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4222-4 / ` 295.00
Exercises are provided at the end of each section
to test the students comprehension.
A large number of illustrative examples are given
to help students understand the concepts better.
CONTENTS: Preface. Fourier Series. Partial Differential
Equations. Fourier, Mellin and z-Transforms. Discrete
Mathematics. Special Functions. Calculus of
Variations. Tensor Analysis. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 500 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3609-4 / ` 325.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1,
4th ed.
S.S. SASTRY, was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
The Fourth Edition of this well-received book
continues to serve as a basic text for beginning
students of engineering of all branches. The new
edition is largely revised and rewritten keeping in
mind the recent changes in the Engineering
Mathematics curriculum.
What distinguishes the new edition is the addition of
many new examples and exercises drawn from the
AMIE and IIT-JEE papers.
The book begins with a detailed discussion on higher
algebra, geometry, vectors and complex numbers. The
text then goes on to give an indepth analysis of
geometry, vectors and complex numbers; applications
of differential calculus; integration; and ordinary
differential equations of the first order. The book
concludes with a thorough treatment of numerical
methodsa significant area of engineering
A new Chapter (Chapter 5) on Ordinary differential
equations of the First Order.
Two sections on Diagonalization by Orthogonal
Transformation, and Quadratic Forms (Chapter 1).
Sections on Analytical Geometry of Three
Dimensions (Chapter 2).
Section on Numerical Methods for First Order
Differential Equations (Chapter 5).
Provides Answers to more exercises, which are now
given at the end of each chapter.
With these additions and revisions, the book should
appeal not only to students of engineering but also
to practicing engineers and scientists.
Equations. Parabolic Partial Differential Equations.
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. Hyperbolic
Partial Differential Equations. Boundary Value
Problems. Approximation of Functions. Appendix.
Bibliography. Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 368 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3217-1 / ` 250.00
Advanced Engineering Mathematics
S.S. SASTRY was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the Applied
Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,
Trivandrum, Kerala.
This is a sequel to the authors earlier books
Engineering Mathematics: Vols. I and IIboth well
received by the students and the academics. As this
book deals with advanced topics in engineering
mathematics, which undergraduate students in engi-
neering and postgraduate students in mathematics
and allied disciplines have to study as part of their
course requirements, the title of Advanced Engineer-
ing Mathematics has been considered more suitable.
This well-organized and accessible text discusses in
detail the advanced mathematical tools and
techniques required for engineering problems. The
book begins with Fourier series and goes on to give
an indepth analysis of Fourier transform, Mellin
transforms and Z-transforms. It then examines the
partial differential equations with an emphasis on the
method of separation of variables applied to the
solution of initial boundary value problems involving
the heat, wave and Laplace equations.
Discrete mathematics and its applications are covered
in a separate chapter as the subject has wide
applications in computer science. In addition, the
book presents some of the classical problems of the
calculus of variations, including the brachistochrone
problem. The text concludes with a discussion on
tensor analysis which has important applications in
the study of continuum mechanics, theory of
relativity, and elasticity.
Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate
students of engineering, postgraduate students of
mathematics (M.Sc.), and master of computer
applications (MCA), the book would be of great
benefit also to practising engineers.
The topics given are application-oriented, and are
selected keeping in view their use in various
engineering disciplines.
94 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Differential Equations of the Second Order. Laplace
Transforms. Functions of Several Variables. Multiple
Integrals. Vector Analysis. Functions of a Complex
Variable. Advanced Numerical Methods. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2009 / 624 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3617-9 / ` 295.00
Engineering Mathematics
[According to Biju Patnaik University of
Technology (BPUT) Orissa Syllabus]
S.S. SASTRY, formerly Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum.
Primarily intended for the first year undergraduate
students of all the branches of engineering, this
textbook covers the complete syllabus prescribed in
Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT),
Organized in two parts, Part I (For first semester)
begins with the mathematical formulation of practical
problems that leads to differential equations of the
first order and their application to electrical circuits.
It also includes different techniques for the solution
of differential equations of second order, Legendres
equation, and Bessels equations and its applications.
It concludes with a brief account of matrices, includ-
ing some special matrices, and their applications to
the solution of linear algebraic equations.
Part II (For second semester) covers Laplace
transformations and their use in getting solution to
differential equations, Fourier series expansion of
arbitrary functions, differential operators such as
gradients, divergence and curl, and applications of
line integrals and surface integrals in physical
Illustrative examples (more than 300) emphasize
clearly the principles involved in the topics
Large number of exercises to reinforce the
understanding of the subject
Two recent BPUT Question papers at the end
270 short answer questions to grasp the
fundamental concepts involved.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Part I: FIRST
SEMESTEROrdinary Differential Equations of the
First Order. Differential Equations of the Second
Order. Asymptotes, Curvature and Solution in Series
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Higher Algebra. Geometry, Vectors and Complex
Numbers. Applications of Differential Calculus.
Integration. Ordinary Differential Equations of
the First Order. Numerical Methods. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2010 / 688 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3616-2 / ` 295.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 2,
4th ed.
S.S. SASTRY, was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
The Fourth Edition of this accessible and student-
friendly book continues to serve as a basic text for
engineering students as part of their course in
engineering mathematics. The new edition has
substantial revisions and modifications, in light of
the recent changes in the mathematics syllabi of
various universities/engineering institutes.
Volume 2 focuses on differential equations of the
second order, Laplace transforms, and inverse Laplace
transforms and their applications to differential
equations. It provides an in-depth analysis of
functions of several variables and presents, in an
easy-to-understand style, double, triple and improper
integrals. The book also covers in detail vector
analysis and the functions of a complex variable
besides having a fairly detailed discussion on
advanced numerical methods.
Two new chapters (Chapters 3 and 4) on
Functions of Several Variables and Multiple
Three new sections on Elastic Curves, Electric
Circuits, and Matrix Methods for Systems of Linear
Differential Equations (Chapter 1)
New sections on Jacobians (Chapter 3) and Greens
Theorem in a Plane (Chapter 5)
Answers to more exercises, given at the end of
each chapter
Several new illustrative examples and exercises.
With these additions, including the many pedagogic
features both existing and new ones the text
should prove to be highly useful to students of
engineering and should also benefit practising
engineers and scientists.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Orthogonality. Eigenvalues and Quadratic Forms.
Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 436 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3704-6 / ` 225.00
Engineering Mathematics
(According to U.P. Technical University Syllabus)
S.S. SASTRY, formerly Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum.
This book is designed to serve as a text for the first-
year undergraduate students of all branches of
engineering for a course in engineering mathematics.
It covers the topics prescribed in Semester I and
Semester II of U.P. Technical University. The topics
included are:
Differential calculus and matrices
Multiple integrals and vector calculus
Differential equations
Solution in series and Special functions
Laplace transforms, Fourier series and partial
differential equations
All the topics are discussed in a systematic and
simple manner. Emphasis has been laid on making
the concepts clearer.
Gives a large number of illustrative examples to
clarify the concepts.
Includes a number of exercises for practice.
Provides a sample question paper at the end of the
CONTENTS: Preface. Semester IUnit I: Differential
Calculus IDifferentiation (Review). Successive
Differentiation. Partial Differentiation. Total
Differentiation. Expansion of Functions of Several
Variables. Curve Tracing. Unit II: Differential Calculus
IIJacobians. Approximation of Errors. Extrema of
Functions of Several Variables. Unit III: Matrices
Algebra of Matrices. Unit IV: Multiple Integrals
Double Integration. Triple Integration. Beta and
Gamma Functions. Unit V: Vector CalculusVector
Differential Calculus. Vector Integration. Semester
IIUnit I: Differential EquationsDifferential
Equations (Revision). Linear Differential Equations.
Applications of Differential Equations. Unit II: Series
Solutions and Special FunctionsSolution in Series of
Differential Equations. Bessel Functions. Legendre
Polynomials. Unit III: Laplace TransformsLaplace
Transforms. Unit IV: Fourier SeriesFourier Series.
of Differential Equations. Linear Algebra. Part II:
SECOND SEMESTERLaplace Transforms. Fourier
Series. Fourier Transform and Fourier Integral.
Gamma, Beta and Error Functions. Vector Differential
Calculus. Vector Integration. BPUTQuestion Papers.
Latest Print 2009 / 480 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3706-0 / ` 250.00
Engineering Mathematics
S.S. SASTRY, was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
(According to Gujarat Technological
University Syllabus)
This volume is primarily intended to serve as a basic
text for students following introductory courses in all
the branches of engineering. It will also be useful, as
a reference text in applied mathematics, to engineers
and scientists.
This well-organized and comprehensive text covers
the complete syllabus of Gujarat Technological
University (GTU), Ahmedabad. The subject matter of
the book is organized in two parts:
Part I (For B.E., First semester students)
Part II (For B.E., Second semester students)
Part I deals with the applications of differential
calculus and partial differentiation, vector calculus
and infinite series.
Part II provides discussion on the concepts of vector
spaces, homogeneous system of equations, Cramers
rule, orthogonality and orthonormal bases, and
eigenvalues of a linear operator.
Numerous illustrative examples covering important
Unsolved problems for practice at the end of each
Answers to all exercises.
Question bank at the end of chapters.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Part I: FOR SEMESTER
1Differential Calculus and Its Applications.
Integration and Its Applications. Infinite Series.
Partial Differentiation and Its Applications. Multiple
Integrals. Vector Calculus. Part II: FOR SEMESTER 2
Vector Spaces. Matrices and Linear Systems. Linear
Transformations. Inner Product Spaces and
96 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Laplace Transforms. Numerical Methods. Appendix.
Latest Print 2009 / 668 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3705-3 / ` 325.00
Introductory Methods of Numerical
Analysis, 4th ed.
S.S. SASTRY, was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandram, Kerala.
This completely revised fourth edition of the book,
appropriate for all engineering undergraduate
students, continues to provide a rigorous intro-
duction to the fundamentals of numerical methods
required in scientific and technological applications.
The book focuses clearly on teaching students
numerical methods and in helping them to develop
problem-solving skills.
A distinguishing feature of the present edition is
that it provides references to MATLAB, IMSL and
Numerical Recipes program libraries for implementing
the numerical methods described in the book. Several
exercises are included to illustrate the use of these
Additional worked examples and exercises have been
added for better appreciation and understanding of
the material. Answers to some selected exercises have
been provided.
Expanded section on cubic splines with the
inclusion of linear and quadratic splines.
A new section on surface fitting by cubic splines.
A new section on Fourier transforms including a
discussion on fast Fourier transforms.
Enlarged range of about 500 worked examples and
CONTENTS: Preface. Errors in Numerical Calculations.
Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations.
Interpolation. Least Squares, B-splines and Fourier
Transforms. Numerical Differentiation and Integration.
Matrices and Linear Systems of Equations. Numerical
Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations. Numerical
Solution of Partial Differential Equations. Numerical
Solution of Integral Equations. The Finite Element
Method. Bibliography. Answers to Selected Exercises.
Latest Print 2010 / 352 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2761-0 / ` 195.00
Partial Differential Equations. Partial Differential
Equations of the Second Order. Unit V: Applications
of Partial Differential EquationsInitial Boundary-
Value Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 672 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4100-5 / ` 350.00
Engineering Mathematics
S.S. SASTRY, was a Scientist/Engineer SF in the
Applied Mathematics Division of Vikram Sarabhai Space
Centre, Trivandrum, Kerala.
(According to West Bengal University of
Technology Syllabus)
Primarily intended to serve as a basic text for
students following introductory courses in all the
branches of engineering, this volume will also be
useful, as a reference text in applied mathematics, to
engineers and scientists.
This well-organized and comprehensive text covers
the complete syllabus of West Bengal University of
Technology (WBUT), West Bengal. The subject
matter of the book is organized in two parts:
Part I (For B.E., First semester students)
Part II (For B.E., Second semester students)
Part I includes comparison test, ratio test, Cauchys
root test and their related problems. It also provides
a chapter on Three-Dimensional Geometry which
covers elementary ideas of surfaces like sphere, right
circular line and right circular cylinders, and
equations in standard forms.
Part II introduces the idea of a matrix and algebraic
operations of matrices. Then it moves on to Gauss
elimination process for solving a system of linear
equations in three unknowns. It concludes with
numerical differentiation and numerical integration.
Numerous illustrative examples covering important
Unsolved problems for practice at the end of each
Answers to all exercises.
Question bank at the end of chapters.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Part 1: FIRST YEAR:
FIRST SEMESTERInfinite Series. Calculus of
Functions of One Variable. Three-dimensional
Geometry. Calculus of Functions of Several Variables.
Spaces. Vector Spaces. Ordinary Differential Equations.
Numerical Methods with C++
NITA H. SHAH, Reader in the Department of
Mathematics, Gujarat University.
The rapid development of high speed digital
computers and the increasing desire for numerical
answers to applied problems have led to increased
demands in the courses dealing with the methods
and techniques of numerical analysis. Numerical
methods have always been useful but their role in
the present-day scientific research has become
prominent. For example, they enable one to find the
roots of transcendental equations and in solving
nonlinear differential equations. Indeed, they give
the solution when ordinary analytical methods fail.
This well-organized and comprehensive text aims at
enhancing and strengthening numerical methods
concepts among students using C++ programming, a
fast emerging preferred programming language among
software developers. The book provides an synthesis
of both theory and practice. It focuses on the core
areas of numerical analysis including algebraic
equations, interpolation, boundary value problem,
and matrix eigenvalue problems. The mathematical
concepts are supported by a number of solved
examples. Extensive self-review exercises and answers
are provided at the end of each chapter to help
students review and reinforce the key concepts.
C++ programs are provided for all numerical
methods discussed.
More than 400 unsolved problems and 200 solved
problems are included to help students test their
grasp of the subject.
The book is intended for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Mathematics, Engineering
and Statistics. Besides, students pursuing BCA and
MCA and having Numerical Methods with C++
Programming as a subject in their course will benefit
from this book.
CONTENTS: Preface. Theory of Equations. Roots of
Algebraic and Transcendental Equations. Solution
of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations. Curve
Fitting. Interpolation. Numerical Differentiation
and Integration. Numerical Solution of Ordinary
Differential Equations. Numerical Solution of Partial
Differential Equations. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 324 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3596-7 / ` 275.00
Discrete Mathematics and Graph
Mathematics, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna
Nagar, Andhra Pradesh.
KUNCHAM SYAM PRASAD, Associate Professor of
Mathematics, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal,
This comprehensive and self-contained text provides
a thorough understanding of the concepts and
applications of discrete mathematics and graph
theory. It is written in such a manner that beginners
can develop an interest in the subject. Besides
providing the essentials, it also provides problem-
solving techniques and develops the skill of how to
think logically.
Organized into two parts. The first part on discrete
mathematics covers a wide range of topics such as
predicate logic, recurrences, generating function,
combinatorics, partially-ordered sets, lattices, Boolean
algebra, finite state machines, finite fields,
elementary number theory and discrete probability.
The second part on graph theory covers planarity,
colouring and partitioning, directed and algebraic
Provides algorithms and flow charts to explain
several concepts.
Gives a large number of examples to illustrate the
concepts discussed.
Includes many worked-out problems to enhance
the students grasp of the subject.
Provides exercises with answers to strengthen the
students problem-solving ability.
The book is intended to serve as a textbook for
undergraduate and postgraduate students of
computer science, information technology and
mathematics. It would also be quite useful for those
who are pursuing courses in computer applications.
Preliminary Notations. Fundamentals of Logic.
Recurrences and Integer Functions. Counting
Techniques. Algebraic Systems. Partially-Ordered
Sets. Lattices. Boolean Algebra. Finite Machines.
Finite Fields. Elementary Number Theory. Discrete
Probability. Part II: GRAPH THEORYPreliminary
Concepts. Planarity, Colouring and Partitioning. Some
Algebraic Aspects of Graphs. Directed Graphs.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 480 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3842-5 / ` 295.00
98 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Transform and its Applications. Applications of Partial
Differential Equations of Order Two. Fourier
Transforms and its Applications to Partial Differential
Equations. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 440 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4102-9 / ` 395.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I
J.P. SHARMA, former Director, Atmiya Institute of
Technology and Science, Rajkot.
MAHESH A. YEOLEKAR, Assistant Professor of
Mathematics and Head of the Department at Hasmukh
Goswami College of Engineering, Vahelal, Ahmedabad.
This book presents the fundamental concepts of
vector calculus which forms part of Engineering
Mathematicsa core paper for all first-year
engineering undergraduate students. The book is
specifically designed according to the Gujarat
Technological University (GTU) B.Tech. (I Semester)
syllabus on Engineering Mathematics.
The book covers such topics as limit, mean value
theorem, Riemann sum and Riemann integral, double
and triple integrals and many others. It gives
geometrical as well as physical interpretations besides
employing the algorithmic approach to make the
students comprehend the concepts and problems with
ease. Each chapter is self-contained and the concepts
are illustrated with problems.
Explains most concepts with supporting
Gives 312 worked-out examples and 427
Provides end-of-section exercises to drill the
students in self-study.
Includes two Model Question Papers.
Besides being a text for GTU students, the book will
be useful for the engineering students of MS
University, Baroda; SVNIT, Surat, as well as for other
engineering colleges and institutes in India.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Univariate Calculus
Review of Limit, Continuity and Differentiability.
Mean Value Theorems, Maxima and Minima. Riemann
Integral. Sequence and Series. Part II: Multivariate
CalculusPartial Derivative. Double and Triple
Integrals. Vector Calculus. Appendix I: Some
Important Formulae. Appendix II: Model Paper. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 420 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3931-6 / ` 225.00
Ordinary and Partial Differential
Equations: Theory and Applications
NITA H. SHAH, Associate Professor in the Department
of Mathematics, Gujarat University.
This book presents the theoretical concepts of
methods of solutions of ordinary and partial
differential equations as well as equips the students
with the various tools and techniques to model
different physical problems using such equations.
The book discusses the basic concepts of differential
equations, different methods of solving ordinary
differential equations and the solution procedure for
ordinary differential equations of first order and
higher degree. It gives the solution methodology for
linear differential equations with constant and
variable coefficients and linear differential equations
of second order. The book elaborates simultaneous
linear differential equations, total differential
equations, and partial differential equations along
with the series solution of second order linear
differential equations. It also covers Bessels and
Legendres equations and functions, and the Laplace
transform. Finally, the book revisits partial
differential equations to solve the Laplace equation,
wave equation and diffusion equation, and discusses
the methods to solve partial differential equations
using the Fourier transform.
A large number of solved examples as well as
exercises at the end of chapters help the students
comprehend and strengthen the underlying concepts.
The book is intended for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Mathematics (B.A./B.Sc.,
M.A./M.Sc.), and undergraduate students of all
branches of engineering (B.E./B.Tech.), as part of
their course in Engineering Mathematics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction of Ordinary
Differential Equation. Differential Equations of the
First Order and First Degree. Differential Equations of
First Order and of Higher Degree. Linear Differential
Equations with Constant Coefficients. Homogeneous
Linear Differential Equations with Variable
Coefficients. Exact Differential Equations and
Differential Equations of Higher Order. Linear
Differential Equations of Second Order. Simultaneous
Linear Differential Equations. Total Differential
Equations. Partial Differential Equations (PDE) of First
Order. Linear Partial Differential Equations with
Constant Coefficients. Partial Differential Equations of
Order Two with Variable Coefficients. Power Series
Method. Bessels Equation and Bessels Function.
Legendres Equation and its Polynomials. Laplace
treatment of the fundamental concepts of the
subject, taking care to introduce each notion with
sufficient number of solved examples that would help
readers understand and master the theories
presented. A fine collection of exercises enriches
each chapter, challenging the readers to check their
progress in understanding the results and methods of
the discipline, as well as motivating them for more
The books writing style is intended to foster
studentsinstructor discussion. A unique learning
feature of the text is that each concept in abstract
algebra is treated in a separate chapter, taking care
of the continuity of the subject matter for easy
comprehension by the students. Besides presenting
the fundamental concepts and basic properties of
groups, rings, modules and fields, including the
interplay between them, the second edition has been
enriched by the inclusion of a new chapter on
matrices and their properties and some special
subsets of matrices. In addition, proofs of some of
the theorems have been revised and some exercises
have been changed into solved examples.
The book provides a pedagogical introduction to the
topics of abstract algebra and is especially suited for
an undergraduate course, though it will be of equal
value to the postgraduate students of the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to First Edition. Note to
the Student. Notations. Part I: PreliminariesSet
Theory. Relations. Mappings. Matrices. Binary
Operations. Integers. Part II: Group TheoryGroups.
SubGroups. Permutations. Normal Subgroups. Isomor-
phism of Groups. Cyclic Groups. Homomorphism:
1. Part III: Ring TheoryRings. Integral Domains.
Ideals: 1. Homomorphism: 2. Fields. Polynomials.
Ideals: 2. Finite Fields. Unique Factorization Domain
and Euclidean Ring. AppendicesA: De Moivres
Theorem. B: Three Famous Problems. Supplementary
Problems. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 388 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3932-3 / ` 250.00
Graph Theory
G. SURESH SINGH, Reader, Department of Mathematics,
University of Kerala, Trivandrum.
Graphical representations have given a new
dimension to the problem solving exercise in diverse
subjects like mathematics, bio-sciences, chemical
sciences, computer science and information
technology, social sciences and linguistics. This book
is devoted to the models of graph theory, and the
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II
J.P. SHARMA, former Director, Atmiya Institute of
Technology and Science, Rajkot.
MAHESH A. YEOLEKAR, Assistant Professor of
Mathematics and Head of the Department at Hasmukh
Goswami College of Engineering, Vahelal, Ahmedabad.
This volume on engineering mathematics is sequel to
the authors Engineering Mathematics Volume I.
Designed for the second semester undergraduate
students of engineering, this textbook is an outcome
of authors vast teaching experience.
This book covers the topics such as matrix algebra,
determinant, system of linear equations, vector
spaces, linear transformations, inner product spaces
and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. All these topics
are developed step-by-step and in an easy-to-
comprehend manner. Each chapter is self-contained
and the concepts are illustrated with problems.
It is student friendly as well as comprehensive in the
sense that it contains graded solved problems in each
chapter. It is useful to students of mathematics
where the study of application of matrix and linear
algebra is necessary.
Presents brief and relevant discussion of theory.
Gives simple and lucid explanation of concepts.
Incorporates more than 289 worked-out examples
and 245 problems.
Provides summary at the end of each chapter.
Includes solved question papers of GTU.
Besides being a text for undergraduate students of
engineering for various Indian universities, this book
will also be useful for the engineering students of
GTU, MS University, Baroda and SVNIIT, Surat.
CONTENTS: Preface. Matrix and Linear Equations.
Vector Spaces. Linear Transformations. Inner Product
Spaces. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. GTU Solved
Question Papers. Answers.
408 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4248-4 / FORTHCOMING
Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed.
I.H. SHETH, formerly from the Department of
Mathematics, University School of Sciences, Gujarat
The second edition of this textbook on Abstract
Algebra continues to provide a fully self-contained
100 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
dynamics. It conforms to the course curriculum
prescribed by UGC. The book will also be useful to
the undergraduate engineering students for a course
in engineering mechanics.
The book presents the principle of kinematics
describing the geometrical aspects of the motion of
particles. It discusses the rectilinear motion with
uniform and variable accelerations, the motion of a
projectile in a vertical plane neglecting the air
resistance, and the motion of a particle in resisting
medium. The concepts of work, energy, power and
impulse, impact of bodies, circular and cycloidal
motions of a particle, motion of a particle under
central forces, moments and products of inertia of
different bodies, and motion of bodies with varying
mass have been discussed in detail. In addition, the
book describes the motion of a particle in three
Presents each concept systematically.
Provides a good number of well-graded solved
examples and a set of unsolved exercises selected
from the examination papers of different
Follows an easy-to-understand methodology in
solving problems.
Gives answers to problems to help the students
verify their solutions.
CONTENTS: Preface. Kinematics. Rectilinear Motion.
Uniplanar Motion of a Projectile. Motion in a
Resisting Medium. Work, Energy and Impulse. Impact.
Circular and Harmonic Motions. Central Forces.
Moment of Inertia. Motion When Mass Varies. Motion
in Three Dimensions. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 416 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4190-6 / ` 325.00
Discrete Mathematical Structures
R.M. SOMASUNDARAM, Professor of Mathematics in the
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai
University, Tamil Nadu.
This is a comprehensive text book covering various
aspects of Discrete Mathematics. It suits the needs of
the students of B.E./B.Tech., M.E., M.Sc. (Computer
Science) and MCA.
Computer representation of several mathematical
structures are given.
solutions provided by these models to the problems
encountered in these diverse fields of study.
The text offers a comprehensive and coherent
introduction to the fundamentals of graph theory,
besides giving an application based approach to the
subject. Divided into 13 chapters, the book begins
with explicating the basics of graph theory, moving
onto the techniques involved while drawing the
The subsequent chapters dwell onto the problems
solved by the Ramsey table and Perfect graphs. The
algebraic graphs and their concepts are also
explained with great precision. The concluding
chapters discuss research oriented methodologies
carried out in the field of graph theory. The research
works include the work done by the author himself
such as on Union Graphs and Triangular Graceful
Graphs, and their ramifications.
Primarily intended as a textbook for the under-
graduate and postgraduate students of mathematics
and computer science, this book will be equally
useful for the undergraduate students of engineering.
Apart from that, the book can be used as a reference
by the researchers and mathematicians.
Incorporates numerous graphical representations in
the form of well-labelled diagrams
Presents a balanced approach with the help of
worked-out examples, algorithms, definitions and
Comprises chapter-end exercises to judge students
comprehension of the subject
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Graph Theory: An Overview. Tree Graphs.
Connectivity. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Graphs.
Matchings and Factorizations. Graph Colourings and
Enumeration. Planar Graphs. Network Flows. Ramsey
Problem and Perfect Graphs. Algebraic Specifications
of Graphs. Intervals and Median Graphs. Graph
Labellings. Domination in Grpahs. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 288 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4105-0 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Dynamics
KAUSHAL KUMAR SINGH, Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics, North-Eastern Hill
University (NEHU), Shillong.
This textbook is designed for the undergraduate
students (B.A./B.Sc.) of mathematics for a course in
Detailed discussion of logic, recursion,
combinatorics, recurrence relations, algebraic
structures, graphs and trees and introduction to
automata theory have been dealt with.
Each section contains many worked out examples
followed by exercises.
The presentation is simple and lucid.
CONTENTS: Preface. Fundamentals and Logic. Rela-
tions and Functions. Combinatories and Recurrence
Relations. Algebraic Structures. Order Relations and
Structures. Graph and Trees. Grammars, Languages
and Automation. Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 284 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2201-1 / ` 175.00
Numerical Methods with C++
Programming (with CD-ROM)
R.M. SOMASUNDARAM, Professor of Mathematics in the
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai
University, Tamil Nadu.
R.M. CHANDRASEKARAN, Reader in Computer Science
and Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering and
Technology, Annamalai University.
Primarily intended for the B.E./B.Tech., MCA courses
as also for undergraduate courses in Physics and
Mathematics, this comprehensive and well-written
text covers all the important topics in numerical
methods. In the process, it enhances the skill of
students in applying numerical methods for solving
various problems in Engineering and Science.
In this easy-to-read and student-friendly text, the
authors present the material in such a way that
students can understand and assimilate the basic
concepts quickly. Each method is well explained with
worked-out examples and self-learning Exercises at
the end of each section.
While the emphasis of the text is mainly on the
working rules, at the same time, it explains the
mathematical concepts and applications, wherever
necessary. The programs are written in C++ to help
the students understand the procedures in an
effective manner and to solve more difficult
problems. Self-documented programs are given for
most of the methods discussed.
Presents detailed discussion of all fundamental
numerical methods.
Includes 26 complete C++ programs covering 32
Incorporates numerous solved examples and
CD-ROM Included: The companion CD contains
programs and highlights of numerical methods.
CONTENTS: Preface. Algebraic and Transcendental
Equations. System of Linear Algebraic Equations.
Interpolation. Least Square Approximation. Difference
Equations. Numerical Differentiation. Numerical
Integration. Numerical Solution of Ordinary
Differential Equations. Numerical Solution of Partial
Differential Equations. Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 236 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2713-9 / ` 195.00
General Relativity and Cosmology
SUSHIL KUMAR SRIVASTAVA, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
The general theory of relativity and its applications
to cosmology requires very deep understanding of
mathematics and physics. Keeping this in mind, this
self-contained textbook is written which addresses to
general relativity and cosmology. In this book, the
attempts have been made to explain mathematicians
notions in the language of a physicist.
Primarily intended for the postgraduate students of
mathematics and physics, it gives equal importance
to mathematical and physical aspects, and thus shar-
pens understanding of the theory. The text covers
many modern concepts and current developments in
gravity and cosmology including Brans-Dicke theory,
higher-derivative gravity, Kaluza-Klein theory with
extension to higher-dimensions. Besides PG students
this book would also be useful for research scholars.
Highlights special features of general relativity and
Discusses structure formation in the universe,
inflationary models and dark energy models with
special focus on basic concepts.
Provides problems at the end of each chapter to
stimulate thinking.
Reveals interconnections between required mathe-
matical concepts.
Explains how to apply mathematical concepts to
physical problems.
102 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Discusses lagrangian formulation of the field theory
and action principle as it provides a powerful tool
to derive field equations and energy-momentum
tensor components.
CONTENTS: Preface. List of Symbols. Differentiable
Manifold and Tensor Analysis. Riemannian Manifold.
Riemannian Curvature. Symmetry of Riemannian
Spaces, Differential Forms and Lie Derivatives. General
Relativity and Energy-Momentum Tensor for
Hydrostatic Fluid. Lagrangian Formulation. Einsteins
Field Equations, Schwarzschild Solutions and Gravity
Waves. Classical Tests of General Relativity. Glimpses
of Certain Other Theories of Gravity. Developments in
Cosmology and De-Sitter Space-Time. Friedmann
Robertson-Walker Model of the Universe. Cosmological
Parameters and Other Models of Cosmology. Thermal
History of the Universe. Linear Theory of Structure
Formation in the Universe. Inflation in the Early
Universe. Acceleration in Late Universe and Dark
Energy. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 268 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3437-3 / ` 250.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I
A.C. SRIVASTAVA, Professor and Head in the
Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University and
held the position of Vice-Chancellor (In-Charge) on
several occasions at the same university.
P.K. SRIVASTAVA, Lecturer in the Department of
Applied Science and Humanities, Bundelkhand Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Jhansi.
This well-organized and accessible text begins with
the concepts of functions, differentiation, series
expansion, maxima, minima and curve tracing, and
then moves on to the topics like integration and
matrices. The text concludes with the chapter on
vector calculus which discusses theorems of Stokes,
Gauss and Green and their applications in detail.
Concise and clear presentation of concepts for easy
understanding of the subject matter.
A large number of topic-end solved problems from
previous years UPTU examination papers.
Chapter-end practice exercises including objective
type questions.
Hints and answers to unsolved problems.
Interpretation of theorems and their applications
in a novel way.
The book is intended to cater to the needs of
undergraduate students of engineering of various
Indian universities.
CONTENTS: Preface. Successive and Partial
Differentiation. Series Expansion, Maxima, Minima
and Curve Tracing. Integration. Determinants,
Matrices and Linear Algebraic Equations. Vector
Calculus. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 640 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3966-8 / ` 350.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II
A.C. SRIVASTAVA, Professor and Head in the
Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University and
held the position of Vice-Chancellor (In-Charge) on
several occasions at the same university.
P.K. SRIVASTAVA, Lecturer in the Department of
Applied Science and Humanities, Bundelkhand Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Jhansi.
Engineering Mathematics (Volume II) is designed to
serve as a core text for the first-year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering of various
Indian universities.
The book presents ordinary differential equations of
first order and higher orders along with their
applications in solving various types of engineering
problems. It elaborates solutions to differential
equations in terms of series and applications of
Bessels and Legendres functions. As the book
advances, it deals with the Laplace transform and
Fourier series in an easy-to-comprehend manner. The
text also explains partial differential equations along
with their applications such as wave applications,
heat equations and transmission line equations. In
addition, it explains the method of separation of
variables for solving partial differential equations.
Interprets the theorems and their applications with
extensive explanations.
Provides a large number of solved examples to
illustrate concepts.
Offers extensive opportunities for students to
practice through numerous problems.
CONTENTS: Preface. Differential Equations. Series
Solutions and Special Functions. Laplace Transform.
Fourier Series. Partial Differential Equations.
Applications of Partial Differential Equations. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 760 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4109-8 / ` 375.00
Probability, Statistics and Queueing
V. SUNDARAPANDIAN, Professor, Department of Mathe-
matics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu.
Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory is
considered to be a tough subject by most engineer-
ing and science students all over the world. What
Professor Sundarapandian with his indepth knowledge
and rich and long experience strives to do is to make
the concepts very clear and comprehensible to the
students by his lucid presentation and illustrative
The book analyses various types of random processes,
spectral density functions and their applications to
linear systems. Besides, it deals with the basics of
queueing theory with a clear exposition of the five
important queueing models. The text gives a detailed
description of such topics as random variables,
standard probability distribution, central limit
theorem, random processes and spectral theory.
The text is profusely illustrated with examples and
diagrams so as to make this rigorous subject more
understandable to the students.
The text is comprehensive and the presentation
Over 625 worked-out Examples, and over 440
Problem Sets.
Answers to all section-end problems.
Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate
students of Engineering for their courses on
Probability, Statistics, Random Processes and
Queueing Theory, the book will also be extremely
useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students
of Science and postgraduate students of Engineering
pursuing these courses.
CONTENTS: Preface. Probability. Random Variable.
Standard Probability Distributions. Two-Dimensional
Random Variables. Random Processes. Spectral
Analysis of Random Processes. Queueing Theory.
Answers to Problems. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 820 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3844-9 / ` 425.00
Numerical Linear Algebra
V. SUNDARAPANDIAN, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi,
Tamil Nadu.
This well-organized text provides a clear analysis of
the fundamental concepts of numerical linear algebra.
It presents various numerical methods for the basic
topics of linear algebra with a detailed discussion on
theory, algorithms, and MATLAB implementation.
The book provides a review of matrix algebra and its
important results in the opening chapter and
examines these results in the subsequent chapters.
With clear explanations, the book analyzes different
kinds of numerical algorithms for solving linear
algebra such as the elimination and iterative methods
for linear systems, the condition number of a matrix,
singular value decomposition (SVD) of a matrix, and
linear least-squares problem. In addition, it describes
the Householder and Givens matrices and their appli-
cations, and the basic numerical methods for solving
the matrix eigenvalue problem. Finally, the text
reviews the numerical methods for systems and
Includes numerous worked-out examples to help
students grasp the concepts easily.
Provides chapter-end exercises to enable students
to check their comprehension of the topics
Gives answers to exercises with hints at the end of
the book.
Uses MATLAB software for problem-solving.
Primarily designed as a textbook for postgraduate
students of Mathematics, this book would also serve
as a handbook on matrix computations for scientists
and engineers.
CONTENTS: Preface. Review of Matrix Algebra.
Computer Arithmetic. Vector and Matrix Norms.
Numerical Stability and Problem Conditioning.
Elimination Methods for Linear Systems. Iterative
Methods for Linear Systems. Condition Number of a
Matrix. Singular Value Decomposition of a Matrix.
Linear Least-Squares Problem. Householder Matrices
and Their Applications. Givens Matrices and Their
Applications. Numerical Methods for Matrix
Eigenvalue Problem. Numerical Methods for Systems
and Control. Appendix. Bibliography. Answers with
Hints to Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 616 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3436-6 / ` 450.00
104 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Computer-Oriented Numerical
P. THANGARAJ, Professor and Head, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Bannari Amman
Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
Numerical methods are powerful problem-solving
tools. Techniques of these methods are capable of
handling large systems of equations, nonlinearities
and complicated geometries in engineering practice
which are impossible to be solved analytically.
Numerical methods can solve the real world problem
using the C program given in this book.
This well-written text explores the basic concepts of
numerical methods and gives computational
algorithms, flow charts and programs for solving
nonlinear algebraic equations, linear equations, curve
fitting, integration, differentiation and differential
The book is intended for students of B.E. and B.Tech
as well as for students of B.Sc. (Mathematics and
Gives clear and precise exposition of modern
numerical methods.
Provides mathematical derivation for each method
to build the students understanding of numerical
Presents C programs for each method to help
students to implement the method in a
programming language.
Includes several solved examples to illustrate the
Contains exercises with answers for practice.
CONTENTS: List of Algorithms. List of Flow Charts.
List of Programs. Preface. Numerical Solution of
Algebraic and Transcendental Equations. Simultaneous
Linear Non-Homogeneous Algebraic Equations. Itera-
tive Method for Eigenvalues. Interpolation. Numerical
Differentiation and Numerical Integration. Difference
Equations. Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential
Equations. Boundary Value Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 608 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3539-4 / ` 325.00
Functional Analysis: A First Course
M. THAMBAN NAIR, Post Doctoral Fellow, University
of Grenoble (France), is Associate Professor of
Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Intended as an introductory-level text on Functional
Analysis for the postgraduate students in
Mathematics, this compact and well-organized text
covers all the topics considered essential to the
subject. In so doing, it provides a very good
understanding of the subject to the reader.
The book begins with a review of linear algebra, and
then it goes on to give the basic notion of a norm
on linear space (proving thereby most of the basic
results), progresses gradually, dealing with operators,
and proves some of the basic theorems of Functional
Analysis. Besides, the book analyzes more advanced
topics like dual space considerations, compact
operators, and spectral theory of Banach and Hilbert
space operators.
The text is so organized that it strives, particularly in
the last chapter, to apply and relate the basic
theorems to problems which arise while solving
operator equations.
Plenty of examples have been worked out in detail,
which not only illustrate a particular result, but
also point towards its limitations so that
subsequent stronger results follow.
Exercises, which are meant to aid understanding
and to promote mastery of the subject, are
interspersed throughout the text.
This student-friendly text, with its clear exposition of
concepts, should prove to be a boon to the beginner
aspiring to have an insight into Functional Analysis.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Note to the
Reader. Review of Linear Algebra. Normed Linear
Spaces. Operators on Normed Linear Spaces. More
about Hilbert Spaces. Hahn-Banach Theorem and Its
Consequences. Uniform Boundedness Principle. Closed
Graph Theorem and Its Consequences. Dual Space
Considerations. Compact Operators. Spectral Results
for Banach Space Operators. Operators on Hilbert
Spaces. Spectral Results for Hilbert Space Operators.
Spectral Representations. Solution of Operator
Equations. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 448 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1735-2 / ` 250.00
Algebra and Trigonometry
USHRI DATTA, Former Vice Principal and Head,
Department of Mathematics, Hislop College, Nagpur
A.S. MUKTIBODH, Head, Department of Mathematics,
Mohota Science College, Nagpur University.
S.D. MOHGAONKAR, Assistant Professor and Head,
Department of Mathematics, Shri Ramdeobaba Kamala
Nehru Engineering College, Nagpur University.
This concise, easy-to-read text deals with the
elementary concepts of abstract algebra, matrices and
trigonometry. It discusses in detail topics such as
eigenvalues, diagonalisation of matrices, complex
numbers, and theory of equations. The text includes
many worked-out problems to enhance the students
grasp of the mathematical concepts discussed and to
develop their logical ability in understanding higher
Gives a large number of examples to illustrate the
concepts discussed.
Provides chapter-end exercises to test the students
grasp of the subject.
This student-friendly book is intended as a basic
text for undergraduate students of Mathematics. It
would also be immensely useful to those pursuing
diploma and degree courses in engineering, and
to students preparing for All India Engineering/
Architecture Entrance Examination (AIEEE), and
entrance examinations such as IIT-JEE.
This book is very well-written, lucid and gives
ample information One can learn the methods
very easily without tears and tensions.
DR. V.N. DIXIT, former faculty member, Department
of Mathematics, University of Delhi
CONTENTS: Preface. Basic Prerequisites. Matrices I.
Matrices II. Polynomials Over a Field. Groups. Normal
Subgroup. Homomorphism. Ring Theory. Trigono-
metry. Bibliography. Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2006 / 352 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-2974-0 / ` 195.00
Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I
K. VAIRAMANICKAM, Professor and Head
all of Mathematics Section, Faculty of Engineering,
Annamalai University.
This volume of Engineering Mathematics deals with
Classical Mechanics: Analytical
R.N. TIWARI, former Professor of Mathematics at
Government College of Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla
University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh).
B.S. THAKUR, Lecturer, School of Studies in Mathe-
matics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur.
Intended as a text for postgraduate students of
mathematics, this compact and well-organized book
offers insights into the principles of classical
mechanics and, in particular, deals with the problems
of dynamical systems.
Divided into seven chapters, the text begins with a
discussion on some elementary results of statics and
dynamics. It then goes on to analyze at length
the Hamiltonian formulation along with the Poisson
bracket, the variational principle (taking Eulers
equation of calculus of variation as the base),
and different forms of the variational principle.
Finally, the text explains the integral invariants,
canonical transformations, and the HamiltonJacobi
A fairly large number of worked-out examples are
interspersed throughout the text to illustrate
the application of the concepts to the problems
Miscellaneous Exercises are given at the end of the
book to drill the students in self-study.
The text entirely covers UGC model curriculum for
M.Sc. (Mathematics).
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Review of Elementary Principles and Lagranges
Equations of Motion. Hamiltons Canonical Equations
and Poisson Bracket. Calculus of Variation. Hamiltons
Variational Principle. Integral Invariants. Canonical
Transformations. HamiltonJacobi Theory and
Lagrange Bracket. Miscellaneous Exercises. Answers to
Miscellaneous Exercises. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 188 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3126-6 / ` 150.00
106 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
New material on nowhere-zero flows proposes a
dual concept to colouring
Extremality treatment of short proofs and proofs of
conditional statements using induction provide
continuity to the text
A special appendix of supplemental hints in
addition to those accompanying exercises
Elementary reference material on sets, logical
statements, induction, pigeonhole principle, and
many more treated separately in an appendix
CONTENTS: Preface. Fundamental Concepts. Trees and
Distance. Matchings and Factors. Connectivity and
Paths. Coloring of Graphs. Planar Graphs. Edges
and Cycles. Additional Topics (optional). Appendices:
AMathematical Background. BOptimization
and Complexity. CHints for Selected Exercises.
DGlossary of Terms. ESupplemental Reading.
FReferences. Author Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 608 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2142-7 / ` 350.00
Advanced Calculus, 2nd ed.
DAVID V. WIDDER, Harvard University.
Advanced Calculus is designed for students who have
had a course in elementary calculus. This second
adition while maintaining the main features of the
text includes many simpler exercises as well as the
answers to a few selected exercises. More illustrative
figures are provided and many widely applicable
theorems are employed. Besides, the standard vector
notation is used now.
Each chapter begins with a comparatively simple
and familiar manipulative problem, then gradually
shifts emphasis to purely theoretical aspects. All
the results are stated in theorem form so that
the student is appraised simultaneously of both the
hypothesis and conclusion and thus can concentrate
on structure of the proof.
CONTENTS: Partial Differentiation. Vectors.
Differential Geometry. Applications of Partial
Differentiation. Stieltjes Integral. Multiple Integrals.
Line and Surface Integrals. Limits and Indeterminate
Forms. Infinite Series. Convergence of Improper
Integrals. The Gamma Function. Evaluation of
Definite Integrals. Fourier Series. The Laplace
Transform. Applications of the Laplace Transform.
Selected Answers. Index of Symbols. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 536 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0086-6 / ` 225.00
the topics covered in first year of undergraduate
engineering courses.
Volume I introduces the students to mathematical
concepts such as matrices, three-dimensional
geometry, differential calculus, functions of several
variables, and differential equations.
The simple and systematic presentation enables the
students grasp the concepts easily.
A large number of worked-out examples are
interwoven throughout the text to reinforce the
Plenty of exerciseswhich include short-answer
and long-answer questionsare provided at the
end of each section. Furthermore, these problems
are arranged in a graded manner for easy
The above features along with the clear exposition of
the mathematical concepts would make the text
highly useful for the students.
CONTENTS: Volume IPreface. Matrices. Analytical
Geometry of Three Dimensions. Geometrical
Applications of Differential Calculus. Functions of
Several Variables. Differential Equations. Bibliography.
Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 484 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2868-X / ` 295.00
Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd ed.
DOUGLAS B. WEST, University of Illinois, Urbana.
This text offers a comprehensive and coherent
introduction to the fundamentals of graph theory.
Written in a reader-friendly style and with features
that enhance students comprehension, the book
focuses on the structure of graphs and techniques
used to analyze problems.
Greatly expanded and reorganized, this edition is
integrated with key pedagogical aids like numerous
illustrations, cross-references, and warm-up exercises
that provide for in-depth understanding of the topics
covered in the text. Other important features of the
book include multiple approaches towards problem
solving and definitions following the use of concepts
for meaningful distinction and clarity.
More than 1200 exercises, over 400 illustrations,
and numerous examples
Thorough discussion of relationships among
planarity, edge-colouring, and Hamiltonian cycles
Introduction to Nanoscience and
K.K. CHATTOPADHYAY, Reader, Department of Physics,
Jadavpur University.
A.N. BANERJEE, Research Faculty, Department of
Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado
at Boulder, USA.
This compact introductory textbook in the emerging
discipline of nanoscience and nanotechnology,
presents the fundamental principles and techniques
to students of science and engineering. The book
presents the information in a pedagogically sound
manner, and is especially designed for students of
M.Sc. (Physics) and M.Tech. courses in nano-
With the increasing applications of nonoscience and
nanotechnology in the areas of biotechnology,
electronics, integrated circuits, chemistry, physics,
materials science, etc. the study of nanostructured
materials is also becoming a core part of
undergraduate and postgraduate courses of many
science and engineering disciplines. The book
emphasizes the underlying concepts of nanomaterials
with neatly drawn diagrams and illustrations. Modern
applications are included to highlight the relevance
and importance of nanoscience and nanotechnology
in everyday life. The book should therefore be of
interest to students of several disciplines of science
and engineering as well as research scholars.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Crystal Bonding,
Structure, Growth and Symmetries. Band Structure
and Density of States at Nanoscale. Electrical
Transport in Nanostructure. Introductory Quantum
Mechanics for Nanoscience. Growth Techniques of
Nanomaterials. Characterization Tools of Nano-
materials. Some Special Topics in Nanotechnology.
Latest Print 2010 / 276 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3608-7 / ` 350.00
Handbook of Nanotechnology, The:
Nanometer Structures: Theory,
Modeling, and Simulation
This book which is a joint effort of the International
Differential Equations and Their
Applications, 2nd ed.
ZAFAR AHSAN, Reader, Department of Mathematics,
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh).
Primarily intended for the undergraduate students in
Mathematics, Physics and Engineering, this text gives
in-depth coverage of differential equations and the
methods of solving them.
The book begins with the basic definitions, the
physical and geometric origins of differential
equations, and the methods for solving first-order
differential equations. Then it goes on to give the
applications of these equations to such areas as
biology, medical sciences, electrical engineering and
economics. The text also discusses, systematically
and logically, higher-order differential equations
and their applications to telecommunications, civil
engineering, cardiology and detection of diabetes, as
also the methods of solving simultaneous differential
equations and their applications. Besides, the book
provides a detailed discussion on Laplace transform
and their applications, partial differential equations
and their applications to vibration of a stretched
string, heat flow, transmission lines, etc., and
calculus of variations and its applications.
This book, which is a happy fusion of theory and
application, would also be useful to postgraduate
A section (Section 5.11): Series Solution of a
Differential Equation-Frobenius Method.
A chapter (Chapter 10): Calculus of Variations and
Its Applications.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. Basic
Concepts. Differential Equations of First Order and
First Degree. Equations of the First Order
but not of the First Degree. Applications of First-
order Differential Equations. Higher-order Linear
Differential Equations. Applications of Higher-order
Differential Equations. Systems of Linear Differential
Equations and Their Applications. Laplace Transforms
and Their Applications to Differential Equations.
Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications.
Calculus of Variations and Its Applications.
Bibliography. Answers to Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 528 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2523-4 / ` 295.00
108 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
The Digital Micromrirror Devicea Micro-optical
Electro-mechanical Device for Display Applications
Optical Waveguides and Silicon-Based Micro-
machined Architectures
Silicon Micromachines in Optical Communications
Networks: Tiny Machines for Large Systems
Assembly and Test for MEMS and optical MEMS
MEMS, Microsystems and Micromachines: Commer-
cializing an Emergent Disruptive Technology
CONTENTS: Preface. MEMS/MOEMS Technology
Capabilities and TrendsPatrick J. French. Operation
and Design of MEMS/MOEMS DevicesDoughlas
Sparks, Thomas Bifano and Dhiraj Malkani. Optical
Microsystem Modeling and SimulationJan G.
Korvink, Arokia Nathan and Henry Baltes. The Digital
Micromirror DevicesA Micro-Optical Electro-
mechanical Device for Display ApplicationMichael A.
Mignardi, Richard O. Gale, David J. Dawson and Jack
C. Smith. Optical Waveguides and Silicon-Based
Micromachined ArchitecturesChristopher Gorecki.
Silicon Micromachines in Optical Communications
Networks: Tiny Machines for Large Systems. Assembly
and Test for MEMS and Optical MEMSChristopher
Bang, Victor Bright, Michael A. Mignardi, Thomas
Kocian and David J. Monk. MEMS, Microsystems,
Micromachines: Commercializing an Emergent
Disruptive TechnologySteven Walsh, Jonathan
Linton, Roger Grace, Sid Marshall and Jim Knutti.
Latest Print 2009 / 536 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3752-7 / ` 525.00
Quantum Mechanics
B.K. AGARWAL, Formerly Professor and Head,
Department of Physics, and Dean, Faculty of Science,
University of Allahabad.
HARI PRAKASH, Professor of Physics, University of
This well-organized and comprehensive text gives
an in-depth study of the fundamental principles
of Quantum Mechanics in one single volume.
Appropriate for the postgraduate courses, the book
deals with both relativistic and non-relativistic
quantum mechanics.
The distinguishing features of the text are its logical
and systematic coverage of the fundamental
principles and the applications of the theory, besides
Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) and the
American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME),
addresses those topics in nanotechnology that have
acquired a reasonable degree of theoretical maturity,
though according to the author-editor, nano-
technology is still in embryonic stage.
Mathematical modeling and simulation are two
valuable techniques which have myriads of uses in
almost all branches of sciences and engineering. They
are particularly indispensable in understanding
nanotechnology. This text focuses on modeling and
simulation at the nanoscale presenting significant
theory based on sound physical laws.
The leading researchers worldwide have contributed
eight substantive chapters to this volume covering
nanostructured thin films, photonic bandgap
structures, quantum dots, carbon nanotubes,
atomistic techniques, nanomechanics, nanofluidics,
and quantum information processing.
While the intent is to serve as a reference source for
expert researchers, there is sufficient content
for beginner researchers and students as well. The
level of presentation in each chapter assumes
a fundamental background at the level of an
engineering or a science graduate.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Editorial. Sculptured
Thin Films. Photonic Band Gap Structures. Quantum
Dots: Phenomenology, Photonic and Electronic
Properties, Modeling and Technology. Nanoelectro-
magnetics of Low-Dimensional Structures. Atomistic
Simulation Methods. Nanomechanics. Nanoscale Fluid
Mechanics. Introduction to Quantum Information
Theory. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 488 pp. (Hard Cover)
17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3094-8 / ` 525.00
MEMS and MOEMS Technology and
This book, written by experts in the field, combines
useful details in design and process, and can be
utilized as a reference book or a textbook on the
subject. It covers all aspects of MEMS and MOEMS
MEMS/MOEMS technology capabilities and trends
Operation and design of MEMS/MOEMS devices
Optical Microsystem Modeling and Simulation
satellite parameters, orbital transfers and scattering
problem. An extensive treatment on the essentials
of small oscillations which is crucial for the study of
molecular vibrations is included. Rigid body motion
and special theory of relativity are also covered in
two separate chapters.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction to Newtonian
Mechanics. System of Particles. Lagrangian
Formulation. Variational Principle. Central Force
Motion. Hamiltonian Mechanics. Hamilton-Jacobi
Theory. The Motion of Rigid Bodies. Theory of Small
Oscillations. Special Theory of Relativity. Introduction
to Nonlinear Dynamics. Classical Chaos. Appendix A:
Elliptic Integrals. Appendix B: Perturbation Theory.
Bibliography. Answers to Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 384 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3331-4 / ` 275.00
Engineering Physics
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
Primarily intended for the undergraduate students of
all branches of engineering, this textbook provides a
sound understanding of the fundamental concepts
and principles of physics in a simple and easy-to-
understand language.
Organized in 18 chapters, the book exposes students
to the fundamentals of oscillations and waves,
interference of light, diffraction, polarization, optical
instruments, laser, fibre optics, mechanics and special
theory of relativity. Apart from giving a detailed
theoretical analysis of these topics, it also provides a
deep insight on various advanced topics such as
acoustics, ultrasonics and nanotechnology, along with
their applications. The pedagogical aids such as
solved numerical problems and review questions are
also included at the end of each chapter.
Numerous solved examples to stress on the
conceptual understanding
Chapter-end model questions to probe a students
grasp of the subject matter
Chapter-end objective type questions (with
answers) for self-evaluation by the students
CONTENTS: Preface. Oscillations and Waves. Electro
Magnetic Theory. Interference. Diffraction.
Polarization. Crystallography. Superconductivity.
Special Theory of Relativity. Quantum Mechanics.
Statistical Mechanics. Lasers. Holography and Fibre
presentation of examples from the areas of atomic
and molecular physics, solid state physics and nuclear
The mathematical treatment is rigorous and thorough
and the text is supplemented with numerous
problems, with hints provided for the difficult ones.
These features make the text handy for self-study as
well as for teaching.
CONTENTS: Preface. Quantum Theory. Postulates of
Quantum Mechanics. Principles of Quantum
Mechanics. One-dimensional Barriers. Bound States in
One Dimension. Motion in Three Dimensions: Angular
Momentum. Central Potential Problems. WKB
Approximation. Electron in the Electromagnetic Field.
Matrix Representations. Spin and Magnetic Moment.
Addition of Angular Momenta. Stationary
Perturbation Theory. A Realistic Picture of Hydrogen
Atom. Helium Atom. Many Electron Atom. Molecules.
Time-Dependent Perturbation. Spectra of Diatomic
Molecules. Scattering: Methods of Partial Waves.
Scattering: Method of Perturbation. Relativistic
Single-Particle Theory: Zero Spin. Relativistic Single-
Particle Theory: Half Spin. Method of Second
Quantization (Non-Relativistic). Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 568 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1007-0 / ` 295.00
Classical Mechanics
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
This book offers an in-depth presentation of the
mechanics of particles and systems. The material is
thoroughly class-tested and hence eminently suitable
as a textbook for a one-semester course in Classical
Mechanics for postgraduate students of physics and
mathematics. Besides, the book can serve as a useful
reference for engineering students at the post-
graduate level.
The book provides not only a complete treatment of
classical theoretical physics but also an enormous
number of worked examples and problems to show
students clearly how to apply abstract principles
and mathematical techniques to realistic problems.
While abstraction of theory is minimized, detailed
mathematical analysis is provided wherever necessary.
Besides an all-embracing coverage of different aspects
of classical mechanics, the rapidly growing areas of
nonlinear dynamics and chaos are also included. The
chapter on Central Force Motion includes topics like
110 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Resonance. Mssbauer Spectroscopy. Surface
Enhanced Raman Scattering. Laser Spectroscopy.
Answers to Selected Problems. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 444 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3215-7 / ` 325.00
Quantum Mechanics: 500 Problems
with Solutions
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and Dean, Faculty of Science, University
of Kerala.
Quantum mechanics is an important area of physics
and students of ten find it tough from the under-
standing point of view. By providing 500 problems
with their solutions, Professor Aruldhas, with his
expertise in and long experience of teaching the sub-
ject, makes the students comprehend the funda-
mental concepts of Quantum Mechanics with ease.
This problem book provides a thorough understanding
of the subject and its applications to various physical
and chemical problems. The text includes typical
problems that illustrate the concepts. It is self-
explanatory, comprehensive, and user-friendly.
Gives, in the beginning of each chapter, an outline
of the theory required for solving problems.
Includes problems from the simple plug-ins to
increasing order of difficulty to strengthen the
students understanding of the subject.
Provides many mathematical steps to make the
book user-friendly.
Gives solutions of problems with different types of
potentials including the Dirac delta function
Both undergraduate and postgraduate students of
physics and chemistry as well as those preparing for
the Joint CSIR-UGC test for JRF and other
competitive examinations should find this book
extremely practical and valuable.
CONTENTS: Preface. Quantum Theory. Wave
Mechanical Concepts. General Formalism of Quantum
Mechanics. One-Dimensional Systems. Three-
Dimensional Energy Eigenvalue Problems. Matrix
Formulation and Symmetry. Angular Momentum and
Spin. Time-Independent Perturbation. Variation and
WKB Methods. Time-Dependent Perturbation. Identical
Particles. Scattering. Relativistic Equations. Chemical
Bonding. Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 384 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4069-5 / ` 295.00
Optics. Dielectric Properties of Materials. Magnetic
Properties of Materials. Thermal Properties.
Nanotechnology. Ultrasonics. Acoustics of Buildings.
AppendicesI: Abbreviation for Units and Physical
Constants. II: Metallic Glasses. III: Shape Memory
Alloys. IV: Biomaterials. Answers to Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 408 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3916-3 / ` 250.00
Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy,
2nd ed.
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
Designed to serve as a textbook for postgraduate
students of physics and chemistry, this second
edition improves the clarity of treatment, extends
the range of topics, and includes more worked
examples with a view to providing all the material
needed for a course in molecular spectroscopyfrom
first principles to the very useful spectral data that
comprise figures, charts and tables.
To improve the conceptual appreciation and to
help students develop more positive and realistic
impressions of spectroscopy, there are two new
chaptersone on the spectra of atoms and the other
on laser spectroscopy. The chapter on the spectra of
atoms is a detailed account of the basic principles
involved in molecular spectroscopy. The chapter on
laser spectroscopy covers some new experimental
techniques for the investigation of the structure of
atoms and molecules. Additional sections on
interstellar molecules, inversion vibration of ammonia
molecule, fibre-coupled Raman spectrometer, Raman
microscope, supersonic beams and jet-cooling have
also been included.
Besides worked-out examples, an abundance of review
questions, and end-of-chapter problems with answers
are included to aid students in testing their
knowledge of the material contained in each chapter.
Solutions manual containing the complete worked-
out solutions to chapter-end problems is available for
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Introduction. Elements of Quantum Mechanics.
Spectra of Atoms. Quantum Theory of Valence.
Molecular Symmetry. Rotation of Molecules. Infrared
Spectroscopy. Raman Scattering. Electronic Spectra of
Diatomic Molecules. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Electron Spin Resonance. Nuclear Quadrupole
Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed.
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
The Second Edition of this concise and compact text
offers students a thorough understanding of the basic
principles of quantum mechanics and their appli-
cations to various physical and chemical problems.
This thoroughly class-texted material aims to bridge
the gap between the books which give highly
theoretical treatments and the ones which present
only the descriptive accounts of quantum mechanics.
Every effort has been made to make the book
explanatory, exhaustive and student friendly. The
text focuses its attention on problem-solving to
accelerate the students grasp of the basic concepts
and their applications.
Whats new to this edition?
Includes new chapters on Field Quantization and
Chemical Bonding.
Provides new sections on Rayleigh Scattering and
Raman Scattering.
Offers additional worked examples and problems
illustrating the various concepts involved.
This textbook is designed as a textbook for
postgraduate and advanced undergraduate courses in
physics and chemistry.
Solutions Manual containing the solutions to
chapter-end exercises is available for instructors.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Origin of the Quantum Theory. Wave Mechanical
Concepts. General Formalism of Quantum Mechanics.
One-Dimensional Energy Eigenvalue Problems. Three-
Dimensional Energy Eigenvalue Problems. Heisenberg
Method. Symmetry and Conservation Laws. Angular
Momentum. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory.
The Variation Method. WKB Approximation. Time-
Dependent Perturbation Theory. Many Electron
Atoms. Scattering. Relativistic Wave Equations.
Elements of Field Quantization. Chemical Bonding.
Appendices. Bibliography. Answers to Problems.
Latest Print 2009 / 520 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3635-3 / ` 295.00
Modern Physics
G. ARULDHAS, former Professor and Head of Physics
Department, and former Dean of Faculty of Science,
University of Kerala.
P. RAJAGOPAL, Lecturer, Department of Physics, CMS
College, Kottayam.
This book, in its simple and straightforward
treatment of the subject, discusses the essentials of
Modern Physics. It is designed as a text for the
course on Modern Physics for undergraduate students
in Physics and other disciplines in science. The text
begins with introductory topics such as Atom Models,
Wave Mechanical Concepts, Quantum Mechanic and
moves on to rather advanced and contemporary
topics such as LASERS, Fiber Optics, Holography, and
Nuclear and Particle Physics.
Concepts are supplemented by many worked-
out examples, review questions, and problems. Simple
mathematical techniques have been used to elucidate
the underlying principles to make the book
explanatory, exhaustive, and user-friendly.
CONTENTS: Preface. Special Theory of Relativity.
Particle Nature of Radiation. Atom Models. Wave
Mechanical Concepts. General Principles of Quantum
Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics of Simple Systems.
Atomic Physics. Statistical Physics. Molecular Spectra.
Crystal Structure and Binding. Lattice Dynamics. Band
Theory of Solids. Magnetic Properties of
Solids. Super Conductivity. Lasers. Fiber Optics and
Holography. Nuclear Properties. Radioactive Decay.
Nuclear Reactions. Nuclear Radiation Detectors
and Particle Accelerators. Elementary Particles.
AppendixesA: Abbreviation for Units and Physical
Constants. B: Some Useful Integrals. C: Molecular
Orbitals. D: Cosmic Rays. E: Feynman Diagrams.
Bibliography. Answers to Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 448 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2597-5 / ` 295.00
Introduction to Solid State Physics
ARUN KUMAR, Reader in the University Department of
Physics, Ranchi University, Ranchi.
This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction
to the physical properties of crystalline solids. It
explains the structure of crystals, theory of crystal
diffraction and the reciprocal lattice. As the book
advances, it describes different kinds of imperfections
in crystals, bonding in solids, and vibration in one-
112 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
dimensional monoatomic and diatomic linear lattice.
Different theories of specific heat, thermal
conductivity of solids and lattice thermal
conductivity are thoroughly dealt with. Coverage also
includes the free electron theory, band theory and
semiconductors. In addition, the book also describes
in detail the magnetic properties of solids and
superconductivity. Finally, the book includes
discussions on lasers, nanotechnology and the basic
principles of fibre optics and holography.
Puts a conceptual emphasis on the subject.
Includes numerous diagrams and figures to clarify
the concepts.
Gives step-by-step explanations of theories.
Provides chapter-end exercises to test the
knowledge acquired.
The book is designed to meet the requirements of
undergraduate and postgraduate students of physics
and also for the engineering students for their
courses in solid state physics, condensed matter
physics and material science.
CONTENTS: Preface. Crystal Structure. Crystal
diffraction and the Reciprocal Lattice. Imperfections
in Crystals. Bonding in Solids. Lattice Vibration.
Thermal Properties of Solids. Free Electron Theory of
Metals. Band Theory of Solids. Semiconductors.
Magnetism. Superconductivity. Dielectrics. Lasers.
Phase Equilibria and Phase Diagrams. Nanotechnology.
Fibre Optics and Holography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 512 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4070-1 / ` 325.00
Introduction to Astrophysics, An,
2nd ed.
BAIDYANATH BASU has been Professor and Head,
Department of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta
TANUKA CHATTOPADHYAY, faculty member in the
Department of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta
University. She is a Visiting Associate of Inter
University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics
(IUCAA), Pune since 2002.
SUDHINDRA NATH BISWAS has assisted Dr. Baidyanath
Basu in writing the book entitled An Introduction to
Astrophysics under the UGC fellowship scheme.
This invaluable book, now in its second edition,
covers a wide range of topics appropriate for both
undergraduate and postgraduate courses in
astrophysics. The book conveys a deep and coherent
understanding of the stellar phenomena, and basic
astrophysics of stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies
and other heavenly bodies of interest.
Since the first appearance of the book in 1997,
significant progress has been made in different
branches of Astronomy and Astrophysics. The second
edition takes into account the developments of the
subject which have taken place in the last decade. It
discusses the latest introduction of L and T dwarfs in
the Hertzsprung-Russel diagram (or H-R diagram).
Other developments discussed pertain to standard
solar model, solar neutrino puzzle, cosmic microwave
background radiation, Drake equation, dwarf galaxies,
ultra compact dwarf galaxies, compact groups and
cluster of galaxies.
Problems at the end of each chapter motivate the
students to go deeper into the topics. Suggested
readings at the end of each chapter have been
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Preface to the First
Edition. Astronomical Instruments. Basic Physics.
Magnitudes, Motions and Distances of Stars. Spectral
Classification of Stars. The Sun. Atmosphere of Stars.
Binary and Multiple Stars. Variable Stars. Erupting
and Exploding Stars. More Stars of Interest. Clusters
and Associations of Stars. Galactic Nebulae.
Interstellar Matter. Structure and Evolution of Stars.
Neutron Stars and Black Holes. Our Galaxy. External
Galaxies. Clusters of Galaxies. Radio Galaxies. Quasars.
Cosmology. Bioastronomy. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 608 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4071-8 / ` 350.00
Basics of Spectroscopy, The
This tutorial
is an easy-to-read book.
provides excellent general understanding of
covers the history, principles and application.
focuses on its applications as a scientific tool.
topics covered include the interaction of light with
matter, spectrometer fundamentals, quantum mech-
anics, selection rules, and experimental factors.
provides most current information available on the
topics covered.
CONTENTS: Preface. Nomenclature. A Short History.
Light and Its Interactions. Spectrometers. The
Spectrum. The Shapes of Spectral Signals. Quantum
Basics of Atmospheric Science
A. CHANDRASEKAR, Senior Professor and Head,
Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Indian
Institute of Space Science and Technology
Intended primarily as an introductory textbook for
the postgraduate students of atmospheric sciences,
geophysics, and meteorology, this book would also be
extremely useful to all those engaged in
meteorological research. The book, comprising fifteen
chapters, provides a detailed treatment of various
aspects of atmospheric phenomena and their
underlying physical principles. It offers a study of
both physical and dynamical aspects of the
atmosphere. After discussing the fundamental
processes such as origin of the atmosphere,
atmospheric thermodynamics, atmospheric radiation
and cloud and precipitation formation, the book
focuses on equipping students with a thorough
understanding of weather and climate. The book also
deals with large-scale systems such as waves and
synoptic disturbances in lower and mid-altitudes.
Global energy balance, general circulation, numerical
modelling and chaos in the atmosphere are all well
covered in great detail.
The book also provides eighty-four worked-out
problems and four FORTRAN programs to solve the
non-divergent vorticity equation, the shallow water
equation as well as the numerical solution of the
forced damped pendulum and that of the Lorenz
system. Execution of these computer programs will
enable the students to understand concepts such as
convergence, stability and issues of choosing the
necessary step size in space and time, respectively.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Introductory Survey of
the Atmosphere. Atmospheric Observations.
Atmospheric Thermodynamics. Radiation. Clouds and
Precipitation. Governing Laws of Atmospheric Motion.
Atmospheric Motion. Atmospheric Boundary Layer.
Waves in the Atmosphere. Large-scale Meteorological
Systems in Mid-latitudes. Meteorological Systems in
Low Latitudes. Global Energy Balance. General
Circulation. Numerical Modelling of the Atmosphere.
Chaos in the Atmosphere. Appendices1: Useful
Universal Physical Constants. 2: Vector Identities. 3:
Atmospheric Ozone. 4: Equation of Motion in
Spherical Coordinates. 5: Relaxation Methods. 6: Von
Neumann Stability Analysis. 7: Fortran Computer
Program for Numerical Solution of the Barotropic
Equation. 8: Fortran Computer Program for Numerical
Solution of the Shallow Water Equation. 9: Fortran
Computer Program for Numerical Solution of the
Mechanics and Spectroscopy. Selection Rules.
Resolution and Noise. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 140 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3771-8 / ` 150.00
Special Theory of Relativity, The
(An Invaluable Text for Postgraduate Students in
Physics and Mathematics)
SRIRANJAN BANERJI is presently working in Relativity
and Cosmology Research Centre, Department of Physics,
Jadavpur University.
ASIT BANERJEE, Professor, Department of Physics,
Jadavpur University.
The special theory of relativity, a monumental
achievement of scientific creativity, appeared in 1905
as a culmination of deep and careful analysis of
contradictions in old notions. The subject is now
taught in almost all universities and colleges in the
departments of physics and mathematics.
This text is designed to give students a solid
foundation in experimental background of the
theory, relativistic kinematics, relativistic dynamics,
and relativistic electrodynamics. What distinguishes
the text are some special features, not found in
other similar texts, that give a more intuitive
understanding of the subject. An important feature
of the text is its clarity and correctness with which
the principles, their relations, and their applications
are set forth.
The book will also be useful to B.Sc. (Hons.) students
in physics for a study of this topic as part of the
course in Modern Physics.
Discusses relativistic mechanics and electro-
dynamics of continuous media.
Presents the covariant four-dimensional formula-
tion of relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics.
Explains the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulations in mechanics and electrodynamics.
Describes the Terrell effect (visual appearance of
moving objects) and the Thomas precession.
Includes a large number of solved problems.
Provides solutions to end-of-chapter exercises.
CONTENTS: Historical Background. Postulates of the
Special Theory of Relativity and Their Consequences.
Four-Dimensional Formulation and Relativistic
Mechanics. Relativistic Electrodynamics.
Latest Print 2010 / 220 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1963-9 / ` 195.00
114 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Applications. Epilogue. Appendix. Suggested Further
Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 232 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4194-4 / ` 195.00
Fundamentals of Electromagnetic
SAROJ K. DASH, Professor and Head, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Gandhi Institute for
Technological Advancement, Bhubaneswar.
This book is written to fulfil the requirements of the
course curriculum in Electromagnetic Theory for the
undergraduate students of electrical and electronics
engineering, electronics and telecommunication
engineering and electronics and communication
The textbook is organized in eight chapters covering
the modules of the syllabus corresponding to vectors
and fields, Maxwells equations in integral form and
differential form, wave propagation in free space and
material media, transmission line analysis and
waveguide principles. The text explains the physical
and mathematical aspects of the highly complicated
electromagnetic theory in a very simple manner. An
effort has been made to ensure that all the topics
taught in a single semester are presented within a
single volume.
Large number of solved examples and chapter-end
problems chosen from GATE and IES question
Three-dimensional figures to illustrate theories
Solved BPUT Examination papers till January 2009
Appendix on Application of MATLAB to
electromagnetic theory.
The book is written in accordance with the syllabus
prescribed by the Biju Patnaik University of
Technology (BPUT), but the topics covered in this
book are also followed in other universities and
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Funda-
mentals of Vector Algebra. Concept of Vector
Calculus. Electrostatics. Magnetostatics. Electro-
dynamics. Plane Wave Propagation. Waveguides.
Antenna. Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 784 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3944-6 / ` 450.00
Forced Damped Equation. 10: Fortran Computer
Program for Numerical Solution of the Lorenz System.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 464 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4022-0 / ` 375.00
X-ray Diffraction: Its Theory and
Applications, 2nd ed.
S.K. CHATTERJEE, Professor of Physics, National
Institute of Technology, Durgapur.
Designed for the undergraduate and postgraduate
students of physics, materials science and metallur-
gical engineering, this text explains the theory of
X-ray diffraction starting from diffraction by an
electron to that by an atom, a crystal, and finally
ending with a diffraction by a conglomerate of atoms
either in the single crystal or in the polycrystal
This Second Edition of the book includes a new
chapter on Electron Diffraction as electron diffraction
along with X-ray diffraction are complementary to
each other and are also included in the curriculum.
The book amply blends the theory with major
applications of X-ray diffraction, including those of
direct analysis of lattice defects by X-ray topography,
orientation texture analysis, chemical analysis by
diffraction as well as by fluorescence.
Set of numerical problems along with solutions
Details of some different experimental techniques
Unsolved problems and Review Questions to grasp
the concepts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. Part
I: TheoryBasic Crystallography. Diffraction by X-ray.
Scattering by an Aggregate of Atoms. Scattering by
an Aggregate of Crystals. Diffraction Pattern from
Imperfect Polycrystalline Sample. Effect of Tempera-
ture on Diffraction Pattern of a Crystal: Temperature
Diffuse Scattering. Part II: ApplicationsChemical
Analysis by X-ray Diffraction and X-ray Fluorescence.
Residual Stress and Its Determination by X-ray
Diffraction. Determination of Phase Diagram by X-ray
Diffraction. Surface Imperfection Study by X-ray
Microscopy. Determination of Orientation Texture in
Polycrystalline Material by X-ray Diffraction. Small
Angle Scattering and Its Applications. Dynamical
Theory of Perfect Crystals. Experimental Arrange-
ments for Various Analyses. Electron Diffraction and
C.K. GHOSH, Head, Student Services Centre, IGNOU,
New Delhi. He is also the Nodal Officer of the
Integrated M.ScPh.D Programme in Physics and
Astrophysics under IGNOUIndian Institute of
Astrophysics Collaboration and the Chairman, Content
Advisory Group of Physics, SAKSHAT Education portal
of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD),
Government of India.
SANJAY GUPTA, Senior Lecturer in Physics at School
of Sciences, IGNOU.
Primarily intended for the undergraduate students of
physics, this book presents a systematic exposition
of the fundamentals of physics of oscillations and
waves. The treatment of the subject is rigorous,
interactive and student-friendly. The involved
mathematical steps have been worked out and
alternative approaches have been discussed, wherever
possible, to equip students with extra skills.
Organized in two partsPart I (Oscillations) and Part
II (Waves)the book is structured in such a way
that the students participate actively as they proceed
and get ample opportunities to develop problem
solving skills. More than one hundred problems
numerical and reason based questionswith graded
difficulty levels have been included as Practice
Exercises and Review Exercises in each chapter.
Moreover, Solved Examples have been interspersed in
the text to facilitate clear understanding of the
concepts involved in each section.
Mathematical Preliminaries. Simple Harmonic Motion.
Superposition of Harmonic Oscillations. Damped
Oscillations. Forced Oscillations. Coupled Oscillations.
Part II: WAVESWave Motion. Reflection and
Refraction of Waves. Vibrations of Strings. Vibrations
of Bars. Vibrations of Air Columns. Large Amplitude
Oscillations. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 332 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3921-7 / ` 195.00
Introduction to Electrodynamics,
3rd ed.
This book is an elegant introductory text to serve the
needs of undergraduate courses in physics. A highly
successful textbook is now fine-tuned to provide
further clarity and precision in its third edition. It
provides a clear, precise and accessible coverage of
fundamentals of electromagnetic theory through lucid
exposition, logical organization, and sound
Introduction to Acoustics
ROBERT D. FINCH, Professor Emeritus, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston.
Focusing both on the systems theory (modern
information theory, the theory of stochastic
processes, modern control theory, exploitation of
nonlinearity, ....) and the engineering aspects
of acoustics, this post-graduate/senior undergraduate
book is appropriate for the introductory course in
acoustics, besides being useful for courses in
vibration transducers, acoustic radiation, noise
control etc. The author emphasizes real-world
applications while combining principles from both
electrical and mechanical engineering, alongwith
instrumentation and basic measurement techniques.
From vibrations and linear systems to noise control
and acoustic systems, the text encompasses both
simple and complex real-world applications.
Systems Theoryorganized from simple to
complex, enabling students to apply concepts and
explore issues more intensively.
Mathematical Treatmentoffers detailed
illustrations and explanations, thus reinforcing the
importance of having a solid mathematical grasp of
each topic.
Flexible Presentationalthough the book is
aimed towards senior to graduate level engineering
students, it is also a handy reference for practicing
CONTENTS: Preface. Vibration. Linear Systems. Waves
in Fluids. Pipes and Horns. Audio Frequency
Generators. Sensors: Microphones and Accelerometers.
Piezoelectric Transducers. Instrumentation and Signal
Processing. Basic Acoustic Measurements. Plane Waves
in Large Enclosures. Series Solutions and Scattering.
Vibration of Structural Elements. Propagation in
Solids. Damping, Attenuation, and Absorption.
Nonlinear Acoustics. Noise Control. Acoustic Systems.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2007 / 672 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3376-5 / ` 495.00
Oscillations and Waves
SURESH GARG, Professor of Physics at School of
Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University
(IGNOU), New Delhi. Currently he is Commonwealth
Expert and Founder Director of the recently created
Centre for Learning and Teaching, National University
of Lesotho, Roma, Southern Africa.
116 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
level of difficulty and are selected from the basic
principles of general physics to further clarify the
material presented.
CONTENTS: Preface. Vector Analysis. Operator and
Matrix Analysis. Functions of a Complex Variable.
Calculus of Residues. Differential Equations. Special
Functions of Mathematical Physics. Fourier Series.
Fourier Transforms. Tensor Analysis. General Biblio-
graphy. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 320 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0262-4 / ` 175.00
Quantum Mechanics: A Textbook for
MAHESH C. JAIN, Reader, Department of Physics,
Hindu College, University of Delhi.
The book is written specifically as a textbook for the
undergraduates in physics. Students of engineering
and chemistry will also find this book very useful to
get a basic understanding of quantum mechanics.
It is an attempt to fill the gap between the available
Quantum Mechanics books which are written mainly
for the postgraduate students, and the ones on
modern physics, which give a rather incomplete
treatment of quantum mechanics leaving out many
mathematical and conceptual details.
The book is written in an easy-to-understand style so
that the student gets a good grasp of the funda-
mental principles as well as of basic mathematical
It starts with Plancks quantum hypothesis and takes
the student along gently through the new concepts
and ideas, at a pace at which they feel comfortable
and can enjoy this wonderful subject.
A large number of solved problems, exercises and
review questions are given at the end of each
chapter, making the book self-sufficient in preparing
for the examination.
CONTENTS: Preface. Historical Introduction. Particle
Nature of Radiation: The Origin of Quantum Theory.
Atoms and the Bohr Model. Wave Nature of Matter
and the Need for a Wave Function. Wave Packets and
the Uncertainty Principle. The Schrdinger Equation.
Particle in a Potential Well. Scattering of Particles by
Barriers and Wells. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator.
The Formal Structure of Quantum Mechanics. Orbital
Angular Momentum is Quantum Mechanics. Spheri-
cally Symmetric Potentials and Hydrogenic Atoms.
Atomic Structure I: One-Electron Atoms. Atomic
pedagogical order. Standard topics are dealt with
exclusively in the domain of classical mechanics, save
for the last chapter, although electrodynamics
extends with unique simplicity to the other three
realms of mechanics. A large collection of fully-
worked examples and numerous problems promote
comprehension and retention of the material studied.
Friendly and informal style.
Clear focus on basic electromagnetic theory.
Expanded sections on energy, momentum, and
angular momentum.
New and revised examples and problems.
Short and highly focussed problems at pertinent
points within each chapter designed to be worked
immediately after reading the section.
Longer problems of general nature at the end of
each chapter.
Enhanced coverage of Radiation Theory.
Updated references to accessible current literature
for those wishing to explore recent developments
in the field.
CONTENTS: Preface. Advertisement. Vector Analysis.
Electrostatics. Special Techniques. Electric Fields in
Matter. Magnetostatics. Magnetic Fields in Matter.
Electrodynamics. Conservation Laws. Electromagnetic
Waves. Potentials and Fields. Radiation.
Electrodynamics and Relativity. Appendices
A: Vector Calculus in Curvilinear Coordinates. B: The
Helmholtz Theorem. C: Units. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 600 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1601-0 / ` 250.00
Introduction to Mathematical
CHARLIE HARPER, California State University,
The book provides the reader, who has a working
knowledge of differential and integral calculus, with
most of the mathematical prerequisites required for
the study of classical and quantum mechanics,
electromagnetism, statistical thermodynamics, and
special and general relativity, as well as other vital
areas of physics, chemistry, applied mathematics, and
engineering. This book intended for undergraduate
students, includes illustrative examples from general
physics. The problems at the end of each chapter are
an integral part of the chapters and occasionally are
used to convey new material. They are graded by
Light. Polarization of Light. Optical Instruments.
Laser. Optical Fibres. Mechanical Waves. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 360 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3862-3 / ` 225.00
Textbook of Engineering Physics
(Part II)
MAHESH C. JAIN, Associate Professor, Department of
Physics, Hindu College, University of Delhi.
Primarily intended for the first-year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering, this textbook
provides a sound understanding of the fundamental
concepts and principles of physics in a simple and
easy-to-understand style.
This textbook is organized in nine chapters covering
the modules of the syllabus corresponding to
electromagnetic theory, quantum mechanics and
statistical physics, solid state physics,
superconductivity, X-rays and ultrasonics. Apart from
giving a detailed theoretical analysis of the topics,
various pedagogical aids such as solved numerical
problems and Review Questions are also included at
the end of each chapter. An effort has been made to
ensure that all the topics taught in a single semester
are presented within a single volume.
Though the book is written in accordance with the
syllabi prescribed by the Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, but the topics covered in
this book are also prescribed in the syllabi of almost
all the universities and institutes.
Numerous solved problems and numerical exercises
in each chapter for the thorough understanding of
the concepts and laws discussed in the chapter
Key Points at the end of each chapter for quick
Review Questions, Numerical Problems and
Objective Questions based on the pattern of
Previous years Examination papers
CONTENTS: Preface. The Electric Field. The Magnetic
Field. Maxwells Equations and Electromagnetic Waves.
Quantum Mechanics. Statistical Physics. Solid State
Physics. Superconductivity. X-rays. Ultrasonics. GGSIP
University Question Papers. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 288 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4060-2 / ` 195.00
Structure II: Many-Electron Atoms. AppendicesA:
The Fourier Transform. B: The Dirac Delta Function.
Suggested Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2007 / 320 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3198-3 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Engineering Physics
(Part I)
MAHESH C. JAIN, Associate Professor, Department of
Physics, Hindu College, University of Delhi.
Primarily intended for the first-year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering, this textbook
provides a sound understanding of the fundamental
concepts and principles of physics in a simple and
easy-to-understand style.
This textbook is organized in ten chapters covering
the modules of the syllabus corresponding to
interference of light, diffraction, polarization, optical
instruments, laser, fibre optics, mechanics and special
theory of relativity. Apart from giving a detailed
theoretical analysis of the topics, various pedagogical
aids such as solved numerical problems and Review
Questions are also included at the end of each
chapter. An effort has been made to ensure that all
the topics taught in a single semester are presented
within a single volume.
The book is written in accordance with the syllabi
prescribed by the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha
University and University of Delhi, but the topics
covered in this book are also prescribed in the syllabi
of almost all the universities and institutes.
Therefore, the text will be useful for all the first-year
engineering students studying in Indian Universities
as well as Foreign Universities.
Numerous unsolved problems in each chapter for
the thorough understanding of the concepts and
laws developed in the chapter
Key Concepts at the end of each chapter for quick
Review Questions, Numerical Problems and
Objective Questions based on the pattern of
Previous years Examination papers
Detailed discussion on modern applications such as
laser techniques, holograms and fibre optics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Forces in Nature. Simple
Harmonic Motion. Special Theory of Relativity. Light
as Wave and Interference of Light. Diffraction of
118 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
phenomenology an aspect that needs exposure
among students of high energy physics.
In this text, the author, with his wealth of
experience and expertise, gives a masterly analysis
of such topics as symmetries, quark model, current
concepts of gauge theories, the standard model, and
flavour physics. He also highlights the role that
currents have played in electromagnetic and weak
interactions, and of nonleptonic weak decays in weak
interactions. Finally, the text provides an adequate
coverage of heavy quark physics, which is so timely
for prospective high energy physicists, and deals with
the recent developments.
Designed as a one-semester/one-year course on
Particle Physics at the postgraduate level and as a
first reading for research students, the book should
prove both useful and stimulating.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Relativistic
Quantum Mechanics. Symmetries. Unitary Symmetry.
Quark Model of Hadrons SU(6). Hadron Currents.
Nonleptonic Weak Interaction. Gauge Invariance. The
Standard Model. Charm and Heavier Flavours.
Recent Developments. AppendicesA: Elements of
Group Theory. B: Irreducible Spherical Tensors.
C: Noethers Theorem. D: Relativistic Kinematics.
E: Decay Rates and Cross-Sections. F: Gell-Mann
Matrices. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 308 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1268-5 / ` 250.00
Fundamentals of Special and
General Relativity
K.D. KRORI, Director, Theoretical Physics Forum,
Relativity, apart from quantum mechanics, is the
greatest wonder in science, unfolded single-handedly
in the 20th century by Albert Einstein. The scientist
developed special relativity as a logical sequel to
general relativity. This comprehensive book presents
explication of the conceptual evolution and
mathematical derivations of the theories of special
and general relativity. The book follows an
Einsteinian approach while explaining the concepts
and the theories of relativity.
Divided into 14 chapters, the book covers elementary
concepts of Special relativity, as well as the advanced
studies on General relativity. The recent theories like
Kerr geometry, Sagnac effect, Vaidya geometry,
Raychaudhuri equation and Gravitation physics vis--
Physics and Engineering of Solid
State Lasers, The
This book
explains the mutual influences between the
physical and dynamic processes in solids and their
lasing properties.
gives overview of historical developments and the
basics of solid state laser materials and design.
provides insight into the physics and engineering
of solid state lasers by integrating information
from several disciplines, including solid state
physics, materials science, photophysics, and
dynamic processes in solids.
describes optical dynamics and energy transfer in
solids and analyzes the properties of rare-earth and
transition-metal-ion-doped crystals, glasses and
discusses approaches to developing new laser
includes data tables of basic parameters that can
be applied to laser design.
covers novel materials and techniques used in
recent developments.
CONTENTS: List of Abbreviations. Preface.
Introduction. Solid State Laser Materials. Structure
and Bonding of Solids. Garnet Crystals and Laser
Hosts. Fluoride Laser Crystals: YLiF
Photophysics of Solid State Laser Materials. Energy
Transfer. Lasing Efficiency and Sensitization. Two-
Micron Lasers: Holmium- and Thulium-Doped Crystals.
Yb: YAG Laser. More on Other Crystals: Fluorides and
Vanadates. Appendix: Diode-Pumped Solid Lasers.
Latest Print 2009 / 224 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3772-5 / ` 195.00
Introduction to Particle Physics
M.P. KHANNA, Professor, Department of Physics,
Panjab University, Chandigarh.
This comprehensive and well-organized book focusses
on the phenomenological aspects of particle physics.
It strikes a fine balance between those texts
that require sophisticated mathematical physics and
those that are too elementary. For, unlike in many
books on the subject, which give prominence to
gauge theories, the attempt here is to lay stress on
Magnitudes of physical quantities under discussion
are emphasized through worked-out examples.
Questions and exercises are interspersed with the
text to help students consolidate the learning.
Techniques developed in this course are applied to
actual modern situations.
Many topics are introduced through the problems
to help inculcate self-study.
CONTENTS: Preface. Description of a System. Thermal
and Adiabatic Interactions. Classical Gas. Thermo-
dynamics. Systems with Variable Number of Particles.
M-B, F-D and B-E Distributions. Transport Phenomena.
Appendix. References. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 296 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0585-4 / ` 175.00
Engineering Physics
A. MARIKANI, Professor, Department of Physics,
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamil
This book is written to address the requirements of
the course curriculum in Engineering Physics for the
first-year students of all branches of engineering. The
book exposes students to fundamental knowledge in
Ultrasonics and their industrial and medical
Properties of lasers and their industrial and medical
Types of optical fibres, their geometries and use in
communication systems
Black body radiation, Compton effect, matter waves
and Schrdinger wave equation
Types of optical instruments and their usage
Principles of crystallography, structure of solids
and nature of crystal defects
Properties of conducting, semiconducting,
magnetic, dielectric and superconducting materials,
and their applications
Nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, shape memory
alloys and metallic glasses, and their applications
Includes numerous solved problems to enable
students to acquire a sound understanding of the
Gives chapter-end short and descriptive type
questions to test students comprehension of the
major concepts in each chapter.
Provides problems at the end of each chapter to
help students assess their progress and familiarize
the students with the types of questions set in the
vis Quantum physics are presented in easy-to-
understand language and simple style. In addition to
it, the book gives an in-depth analysis on the
applications of advanced theories like Vaidya-Krori-
Barua solution from authors own research works.
Apart from that, the book also discusses some of the
isotopic and anisotropic cosmological models, in
Step-by-step derivation of equations
Easy demagogic approach
Review questions to widen the analytical
understanding of the students
This book is intended for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Physics and Mathematics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Part I: Classical Relativity
Introduction. Classical Relativity. Part II: Special
RelativityElectromagnetism and Special Relativity.
Relativistic Kinematics. Relativistic Mechanics. Special
Relativity and Electromagnetism. Minkowskis
Geometrisation of Physics. Part III: General Relativity
and GravitationNon-uniform Relative Motion.
Riemannian Geometry: Jensor Calculus. Einsteins Law
of Gravitation. Static Solutions. Stationary Solutions.
Non-static Solutions. Relativistic Cosmology-I.
Relativistic Cosmology-II. Appendix I. Appendix II.
Latest Print 2010 / 332 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3867-8 / ` 295.00
Statistical and Thermal Physics:
An Introduction
S. LOKANATHAN, Emeritus Fellow, University of
R.S. GAMBHIR, Professor of Physics at the University
of Jodhpur.
A standard text combining statistical physics with
thermal phenomena, this book presents a unified
approach to provide a deeper insight into the subject
and to bring out the subtle unity of statistical
mechanics and thermodynamics.
Suitable as a text for undergraduate courses in
Presents a new pedagogical approach introducing
macroscopic (classical) thermodynamics through
the statistical mechanics. This new approach is
increasingly sought to be introduced worldwide.
120 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Formalism. The Biqubit. The Controlled NOT Gate. Yes,
It Can Be Done with Cogwheels. A: Quaternions and
Pauli Matrices. B: Biqubit Probability Matrices.
C: Tensor Products of Pauli Matrices. References.
Latest Print 2010 / 444 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3995-8 / ` 425.00
Applied Physics for Engineers
NEERAJ MEHTA, Assistant Professor at Benares Hindu
University, Varanasi.
Intended as a textbook for the undergraduate
students of all the engineering branches where
applied physics is studied as a compulsory subject in
all the universities. This text, written in a student-
friendly manner, covers both pure as well as applied
physics. Dealing with a wide range of topics, this all-
in-one volume is meticulously tailored to cover the
syllabi needs of almost all the Indian universities and
institutes in a single book. With its exhaustive
treatment of different topics, it relieves the students
of the arduous task of referring several books, and
saves both the effort and the time of the students.
Besides engineering students, this book is also
equally useful to teachers and faculty as a reference
book. The B.Sc. students of different universities will
also find this book very helpful.
Designed in a student-friendly manner, this book
exhaustively covers all the important topics of
engineering physics.
Covers the syllabi needs of almost all the Indian
Technical Universities and institutions.
Numerous solved problems, unsolved problems with
answers, and questions have been provided at the
end of each chapter to help the students while
preparing for the examinations.
A large number of objective type questions have
been provided at the end of each chapter.
Simple and clear diagrams have been provided
throughout the book to help the readers
understand the concepts and draw them in the
examinations where applicable.
CONTENTS: Preface. Relativistic Mechanics. Quantum
Mechanics. Statistical Mechanics. Geometrical Optics.
Physical Optics. X-Rays. Lasers and Holography.
Ultrasonics and Accoustics. Fibre Optics.
Electrostatics. Electromagnetic Theory. Magnetic
Properties of Materials. Dielectric Properties of
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Ultrasonics.
Laser. Fibre Optics. Quantum Physics. Optical
Instruments. Crystallography. Crystal Imperfectious.
Conducting Materials. Semiconducting Materials.
Magnetic Materials. Dielectric Materials.
Superconducting Materials. Nanomaterials. Carbon
Nanotubes. Modern Engineering Materials. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 420 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3939-2 / ` 225.00
Quantum Computing without Magic
ZDZISLAW MEGLICKI is Senior Technical Advisor to the
Office of Vice President for Information Technology at
Indiana University.
This text offers an introduction to quantum
computing, with special emphasis on basic quantum
physics, experiments, and quantum devices. It
explains the requisite quantum physics in some
depth, and then explains the devices themselves.
Quantum Computing without Magic covers the
essential probability calculus; the qubit, its physics,
manipulation and measurement, and how it can
be implemented using superconducting electronics;
quaternions and density operator formalism; unitary
formalism and its application to Berry phase
manipulation; the biqubit, the mysteries of entangle-
ment, nonlocality, separability, biqubit classification,
and the Schroedingers Cat paradox; the controlled-
NOT gate, its applications and implementations; and
classical analogs of a quantum devices and quantum
Quantum Computing without Magic can be used as a
complementary text for physics and electronic
engineering students studying quantum computing
and basic quantum mechanics, or as an introduction
and guide for electronic engineers, mathematicians,
computer scientists, or scholars in these fields who
are interested in quantum computing.
Quantum Computing without Magic gives a
refreshing and down-to-earth approach to quantum
information as well as quantum devices, which will
have a fundamental impact on the technology of the
twenty-first century.
Canada Research Chair in Quantum Information
and Director Institute for Quantum Computing
University of Waterloo
CONTENTS: Series Foreword. Preface. Bits and
Registers. The Qubit. Quaternions. The Unitary
Textbook of Engineering Physics,
Part II
NEERAJ MEHTA, Assistant Professor at Benares Hindu
University, Varanasi.
As per the syllabus of Uttar Pradesh Technical
This book is a sequel to the authors Engineering
Physics Part I and is written to address the course
curriculum in Engineering Physics-II (Course Code
EAS-102) of the B.Tech syllabus of the Uttar Pradesh
Technical University. The book is designed to meet
the needs of the first-year undergraduate students of
all branches of engineering. It provides a sound
understanding of the important phenomena in
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in areas of:
Wave nature of matter, quantum theory of
radiation, de Broglie matter waves, the Heisenberg
uncertainty relations, Schrdinger wave equations,
Types of X-rays, diffraction of X-rays, X-ray
spectrometer, Compton effect
Dielectric properties of materials, Langevins
theory, ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity,
principle of microwave oven
Ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, antiferromagnetic,
diamagnetic and paramagnetic materials,
phenomenon of hysteresis and its applications
Generation, detection and application of ultrasonic
Electromagnetic waves, Maxwells equations of
electromagnetism, notion of displacement current,
propagation characteristics of EM waves, energy in
EM waves, etc.
Superconductors, temperature dependence of their
resistivity, effect of magnetic fields on super-
conductivity, BCS theory, and application of
Nanomaterials, structures, properties and uses of
carbon nanotubes, and several potential appli-
cations of nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Numerous solved examples in each chapter on the
pattern of previous years question papers to stress
conceptual understanding
Chapter-end model questions to probe a students
grasp of the subject matter
Chapter-end numerical problems (with answers) to
enhance the students problem solving skills
Materials. Solid State Electronics. Digital Electronics.
Crystal Physics. Nuclear Physics. Nanotechnology.
Superconductivity. Acoustics. Index.
980 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4242-2 / FORTHCOMING
Textbook of Engineering Physics,
Part I
NEERAJ MEHTA, Assistant Professor at Benares Hindu
University, Varanasi.
As per the syllabus of Uttar Pradesh Technical
This book is written specifically to address the course
curriculum in Engineering Physics-I (EAS-101) of the
B.Tech syllabus of the Uttar Pradesh Technical
University. The book is designed to meet the needs
of the first-year undergraduate students of all
branches of engineering. It provides a sound under-
standing of the important phenomena in physics.
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in:
Special theory of relativity
Wave nature of light such as interference,
diffraction, and polarization
Properties and applications of lasers
Types of optical fibres, their geometries, and use in
communication systems
Basic principles and applications of holography
Numerous solved examples in each chapter on the
pattern of previous years question papers to stress
conceptual understanding
Chapter-end model questions to probe a students
grasp of the subject matter
Chapter-end numerical problems with answers to
enhance the students problem solving skills
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Relativistic
Mechanics. Interference of Light. Diffraction of Light.
Polarization of Light. Lasers. Fibre Optics and
Holography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 236 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3361-1 / ` 175.00
122 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
CONTENTS: Preface. The Nucleus. Nuclear Models.
Radioactivity. Nuclear Reactions. Interaction of
Radiations with Matter. Particle Accelerators.
Radiation Detectors. Particle Physics. Cosmic Rays.
Review Questions. Short Answer Type. Long Answer
Type. Appendix A: Useful Constants. Appendix B: The
Periodic Table. Appendix C: Table of Elements. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 384 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3610-0 / ` 350.00
Classical Mechanics, Rev. ed.
C.R. MONDAL, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics,
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
Intended for postgraduate students of mathematics,
the revised edition of this compact textbook helps
readers acquire a thorough understanding of the
basic concepts of classical mechanics.
The text is organized into five chapters. After a
comprehensive introduction to the terminologies of
dynamical systems and generalized coordinates,
Lagranges equations of motion for holonomic
systems, and conservative and non-holonomic
systems are developed. The text then gives a detailed
coverage of the EulerLagrange equation, equations
of motion of rigid bodies, and Hamiltons equations
of motion, suitably reinforced with examples to
enhance learning. Finally, canonical transformations
and Hamiltons equations of motion in Poissons
bracket are discussed along with the HamiltonJacobi
theory and the HamiltonJacobi equation for
Hamiltons principal function.
Numerous worked-out examples included throughout
the text and end-of-chapter exercises will be of
considerable help to the students in comprehending
the application of the principles to physical
CONTENTS: Preface. DAlemberts Principle and
Lagranges Equations. Variational Principle and
Lagranges Equations. Equations of Motion of Rigid
Bodies. Hamiltons Equations of Motion. Canonical
Transformations. References. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 168 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3516-5 / ` 150.00
Chapter-end objective type questions (with
answers) for self-evaluation by the students
CONTENTS: Preface. Wave Mechanics. X-rays.
Dielectric Properties of Materials. Magnetic Properties
of Materials. Ultrasonic Waves. Electromagnetics.
Superconductivity. Nanotechnology. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 308 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3701-5 / ` 195.00
Introduction to Nuclear and Particle
V.K. MITTAL, Professor of Physics at Punjabi
University, Patiala.
R.C. VERMA, Professor of Physics at Punjabi University,
S.C. GUPTA, former Professor and Head, Department of
Physics, Punjabi University Patiala.
This well-written text provides a comprehensive
introduction to this increasingly important area of
nuclear and particle physics. It combines coverage of
basic concepts, principles and applications, along
with the latest developments.
The text begins with the historical developments of
the subject, properties and constituents of the
nucleus, quantitative facts about nucleus, etc. Then
it moves on to give insights into nuclear models,
phenomenon of radioactivity and its applications in
various fields, nuclear reactions including reactions in
sun and stars, photoelectric and compton effects, pair
production, particle accelerators and types of
radiation detectors. The text also presents an
extensive discussion on elementary particles and
their fundamental reactions, fundamental forces,
conservation laws and the quark model. Finally, the
text concludes with an up-to-date account of cosmic
Contains actual experimental data.
Gives several tables and diagrams to make the
theory easy to understand.
Includes a large number of solved problems to help
students comprehend the learned concepts with
Provides answers to unsolved problems.
Gives review questions to test students
comprehension of the subject.
This textbook is designed for students of B.Sc.
(Physics), though it can also serve as introductory
review material for M.Sc. (Physics) students.
students of several disciplines, presents the subject
matter in a pedagogically sound manner with focus
on teaching problem-solving. The specific needs of
these students have influenced the selection of
topics for inclusion in the book. The book provides
students with a solid understanding of the
fundamental concepts with due emphasis on
developing skills to solve exercise problems aimed at
both testing and extending the knowledge of the
The book comprises topics on four major areas-
mechanics, optics, electricity and electronics, and
modern physics including quantum mechanics
and lasers. In this fourth edition a new chapter on
Optical Fibre has been incorporated to enhance the
usefulness of this text.
CONTENTS: Preface. Why to Study Physics. Motion.
Work, Energy and Power. Potential Energy. Rotational
Motion Of Rigid Objects. Properties Of Matter. Real
Gas and Transport Processes in Gas. Thin Lens,
Coaxial Systems and Aberrations. Spectra. Inter-
ference. Diffraction. Polarization. Direct Current
Circuits. Alternating Current Circuits. Semiconductor
Devices. Motion Of a Charged Particle. Electrons,
Isotopes and Nucleus. Quantum Theory. Atomic
Structure. Quantum Mechanics. Laser. Optical Fibre.
Appendix. Bibliography. Suggested Reading. Answers.
Latest Print 2010 / 364 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4159-3 / ` 275.00
Applied Electromagnetic Theory:
Analyses, Problems and Applications
B. SOMANATHAN NAIR, Visiting Professor, Department
of Optoelectronics and Optical Communication,
University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
S.R. DEEPA, Director and Associate Professor,
B.S. Nairs Institute of Electronics Engineering,
Designed as a textbook for the students of
electronics and communication engineering, and
electrical and electronics engineering, it covers the
subject of electromagnetism with a clear exposition
of the theory in association with the practical
applications. The text explains the physical and
mathematical aspects of the highly complicated
electromagnetic theory in a very simple manner.
The book begins with a introductory chapter on
vector theory and then moves on to explain the
effectiveness of Amperes circuital law and Biot-
Guided Electromagnetic Waves:
Properties and Analysis
MICHAL MROZOWSKI, Technical University of Gdansk,
This book gives in-depth coverage of the full
spectrum of propagating, evanescent and complex
(semi-evanescent) modes. It elucidates the guided
wave propagation phenomena and introduces useful
analytical techniques that the students can easily
apply in solving practical problems. Providing
the necessary mathematical and electromagnetic
background, the book discusses the various topics
that concern the many classes of permittivity and
permeability (isotropic, anisotropic, gyrotropic) and
geometric symmetries of the waveguides themselves.
An important topic treated in this book is complex
waves. It discusses the circumstances under which
complex modes appear and explains how they relate
to their accompanying propagating and evanescent
The text is supplemented by four Appendices which
offer the reader additional background regarding
vector identities and properties of operators.
This book is suitable for students of electrical
engineering and physics at postgraduate level as well
as for researchers.
CONTENTS: Series Editors Foreword. Preface. Symbol
Conventions. Introduction. Preliminary Consider-
ations. Standard and Generalized Eigenvalue
Problems. Methods for Solving Operator Equations.
Preliminary Electromagnetic Background. Waves in a
Parallel Plate Guide. Waves in General Waveguides.
Bidirectional Guides and Complementary Modes.
Strictly Bidirectional Waveguides. Mode Ortho-
gonality. Waves in Lossless Guides. Complex Modes.
A. Vector and Integral Identities. B. Review of Linear
Spaces. C. Sturm-Liouville Problem. D. Generalized
Eigenfunctions and Polynomial Operator Pencils.
Latest Print 2008 / 392 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3483-0 / ` 395.00
Principles of Physics, 4th ed.
P.V. NAIK is with the Department of Physics, V.J.T.I.,
This book, intended for the undergraduate students
of physics as well as for the first-year engineering
124 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Savarts law in dealing with magnetostatic problems,
derivation of Maxwells field equations from the
fundamental laws of Faraday and Ampere, free-space
solutions of wave equations, and the theory of skin
effect. Finally, it concludes with the applications of
Smith chart in solving transmission line problems and
the theory of rectangular and circular waveguides.
Large number of solved examples and chapter-end
Appendices to give the solutions of wave equations
in waveguides
Three-dimensional figures to illustrate theories
Generalized solution of Maxwells equations
Besides undergraduate students of engineering, it
would be useful for the postgraduate students of
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction to Vector Theory.
MODULE ICoulombs Law and Its Applications.
Poissons and Laplaces Equations. Magnetostatics.
Maxwells Equations. Poyntings Theorem. MODULE
IIElectromagnetic Waves. Reflection and Refraction
of Plane Waves. Uniform Transmission Lines. MODULE
IIIImpedance Matching Using Stub Lines.
Rectangular and Circular Waveguides. Appendices
A: Transverse Electric (TE) Waves in Rectangular
Waveguides. B: Circular Cylindrical Waveguides.
C: Properties of Materials. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 384 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3339-0 / ` 325.00
2008+ Solved Problems in
This extremely valuable learning resource, originally
published in 1992 in the Schaums Problem-Solving
Series for students of electromagnetics and those who
wish to refresh and solidify their understanding of
its challenging applications. Problem-solving drills
help develop confidence, but few textbooks offer
the answersnever mind the complete solutionsto
their chapter exercises. Here, noted author Professor
Syed Nasar has divided the books problems into topic
areas similar to a textbook and presented a wide
array of problems, followed immediately by their
Learn the best strategies for solving tough
problems in step-by-step detail
Prepare effectively for exams
Use the Index to quickly locate the type of
problems you need to review
Save and use again for refresher
Instructors: this is a great source for extra
homework, quizzes, and exams!
CONTENTS: Vector Analysis. Electrostatics.
Magnetostatics. Maxwells Equations. Plane Waves.
Transmission Lines. Waveguides. Cavity Resonators.
Antennas. Review Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 444 pp. / 21.6 27.8 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3485-4 / ` 350.00
Electricity and Magnetism
NAVINA WADHWANI, Reader, Department of Physics,
University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
Designed primarily as a textbook for the
undergraduate students of Physics, this well-
organized text covers all the major topics on
Electricity and Magnetism and tries to provide a clear
understanding of the fundamentals of the subject.
The book begins with a discussion on vector calculus
and explains the concepts of divergence and curl as
they are applied to electricity and magnetism. Then
it goes on to describe Coulombs law of electrostatic
forces, Gauss theorem for electrostatics, and methods
of images. The text also explains the electrical
properties of matter, magnetic field, Maxwells
equations and their relevance to the electromagnetic
character of light, and magnetic properties of matter.
Finally, it shows the role of relativity in electricity
and magnetism so that students can appreciate the
relevance of relativity in understanding electro-
magnetic phenomena.
Calculations have been worked out to the last step.
Provides many solved and a large number of
unsolved problems to demonstrate how theory is
applied in practice.
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements.
Chronology of Electromagnetism. Introduction. Vector
Calculus. Electrostatics I. Electrostatics II. Dielectrics.
Magnetic Field. Electromagnetic Induction. Maxwells
Equations, Electromagnetic Waves, and Light.
Magnetic Properties of Matter. Relativity and
Electromagnetism. AppendicesA: Vector Identities.
B: Note on Solid Angle. C: Legendre Polynomials. D:
Theory and Working of a Moving Coil Ballistic
Galvanometer. E: Induction of Currents in Continuous
Media: Skin Effect. F: The Betatron. Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 200 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3965-1 / ` 150.00
Understanding Quantum Mechanics
ROLAND OMNS, Professor of Physics, University of
Paris XI.
The growth of quantum mechanics has been like a
giant jigsaw puzzle, to which numerous imaginative
minds have made diverse and individual
contributations. Its kaleidoscopic nature presents
different and startling facets depending on how one
twists and turns the formalism. The main difficulty of
quantum mechanics is in interpreting it. In this
compact and readable book, being much less
technical and more explanatory, the author
endeavours to explain the interpretation of quantum
mechanics, simply and completely as far as possible.
The book presents a more streamlined version of
the Copenhagen interpretation, showing its logic
consistency and completeness. The theory of
quantum measurements represents another important
contribution to interpretation, and the author
surveys its history from Planck to Heisenberg before
describing the recent advances that led to a revision
of the old interpretation. The author particularly
highlights three of them:
The decoherence effect related to the modern
resolution of the famous Schrdingers cat problem.
An exact formulation of the correspondence
between quantum and particle physics implying a
derivation of classical determinism from quantum
The constitution of a universal and sound language
of interpretation using the so-called consistent
The book is addressed to students of physics both at
undergraduate and postgraduate levels who have
acquired some elementary knowledge of the quantum
theory. It will also be useful to physicists and
mathematicians who wish to refresh their memory
and see what the present state of interpretation is.
QUANTUM MECHANICSThe Discovery of Plancks
Constant. The Bohr Atom. Matrix Mechanics. Wave
Mechanics. Part Two: A SHORT HISTORY OF
INTERPRETATIONThe Copenhagen Interpretation.
Interpretation after Copenhagen. The Present State of
Interpretation. Part Three: RECONSTRUCTING
INTERPRETATIONPrinciples. Quantum Properties.
Classical Properties. Classical Dynamics. Histories.
The State of a System. Consistent Histories.
Complementarity. Recovering Common Sense.
The Decoherence Effect. Theory of Decoherence.
Decoherence and Measurements. Fundamental
Questions. Measurements. Experiments. Notes and
Comments. References. Index.
Latest Print 2004 / 324 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-1886-2 / ` 225.00
Electromagnetism: Problems with
Solutions, 2nd ed.
A. PRAMANIK, D.J. Gandhi Distinguished Visiting
Professor at IIT Bombay. Formerly, Dy. Gen. Manager,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Hyderabad.
The second edition of this book contains 40 new
problems over and above the original 440 problems.
The additional problems cover the whole range of
new topics as introduced in the second edition of the
authors main text entitled Electromagnetism: Theory
and Applications.
What Is NEW in This Edition
A number of new problems demonstrate the use of
Bessel and Legendre functions required for practical
solutions to guidance and transmission problems
of electromagnetic waves in waveguides and
Bessel and Legendre functions have also been
introduced in the initial topics on electrostatics
and magnetostatics so that the readers would
develop familiarity with these important
mathematical functions at an earlier stage to be
able to solve problems dealing with cylindrical and
spherical geometries.
Some problems in antennae have been solved by
using the Hertz vector to show how the use of
Hertz vector makes the solving of these problems
Some problems on transmission lines requiring the
use of Bicylindrical coordinate system have also
been included.
A new appendix on Bicylindrical coordinate system
has been added.
There has been no change in the philosophy of this
book. It has been designed to serve as a companion
volume to the main text to help students gain a
thorough quantitative understanding of EM concepts
that are somewhat difficult to learn. The problems
included, as a result of the authors long industrial
and academic experience, illuminate the concepts
developed in the main text.
Besides meeting the needs of undergraduate students
of electrical engineering and postgraduate students
and researchers in physics, the book will also be
126 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
immensely useful to engineers and applied physicists
in industry.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Vector Analysis. Electrostatics I. Electrostatics II
Dielectrics, Conductors and Capacitance. Electrostatic
Field Problems. Electric Currents (Steady).
Magnetostatics I. Electromagnetic Induction and
Quasi-static Magnetic Fields. Forces and Energy in
Static and Quasi-static Magnetic Systems (with
inductance calculations). Maxwells Equations. Vector
Potentials and Applications. Poynting Vector and
Energy Transfer. Magnetic Diffusion (Eddy Currents)
and Charge Relaxation. Electromagnetic Waves
Propagation, Guidance and Radiation. Electro-
magnetism and Relativity. Appendices1: Roths
Method. 2: Solid Angles. 3: Poynting Vector: A Proof.
4: Magnetic and Electric Fields in Poynting Vector:
A Proof. 5: Bicylindrical Coordinate System and
Associated Conformal. Transformations. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2009 / 816 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3466-3 / ` 425.00
Electromagnetism: Theory and
Applications, 2nd ed.
A. PRAMANIK, D.J. Gandhi Distinguished Visiting
Professor at IIT Bombay. Formerly, Dy. Gen. Manager,
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Hyderabad.
The second edition of Electromagnetism: Theory and
Applications has been updated to cover some
additional aspects of theory and nearly all modern
applications. The semi-historical approach is
unchanged, but further historical comments have
been introduced at various places in the book to give
a better insight into the development of the subject
as well as to make the study more interesting and
palatable to the students.
What is NEW to This Edition
Vector transformations in different coordinate
systems have been included in the chapter on
Vector Analysis. The treatment forms the basis of
vector potentials for three-dimensional problems.
Chapter 13 on Vector Potentials has been
significantly expanded for a clear understanding of
the properties of vector potentials, in order to also
solve three-dimensional EM problems numerically.
A section dealing with the derivation and
interpretation of Hertz Vector has been included in
Chapter 13.
A practical problem on induction heating of flat
metal plates has been added to the chapter on
Magnetic Diffusion.
The topics of wave guidance and radiation have
been expanded with emphasis on practical aspects.
Sections on analysis of cylindrical dielectric
waveguide (e.g. of optical fibres) have been added
to Chapters 18 and 22.
New sections on basis and explanations of modal
transmissions have been added.
Characteristics and practical details of basic
antenna structures and arrays have been treated in
greater detail.
Provides comprehensive treatment of FEM (Finite
Element Method), covering both its variational
basis and procedural details, to enable the readers
to use this method without going into the heavy
mathematics underlying the method.
Describes FDM (Finite Difference Method) in more
detail with its convergence requirement.
Introduces modern numerical methods like FDTD
(Finite Difference Time Domain) and method of
moments (MOM).
A new chapter on Modern Topics and Applications
covers both high frequency and low frequency
Appendices contain in-depth analysis of self-
inductance and non-conservative fields (Appendix
6), proof regarding the boundary conditions
(Appendix 8), theory of bicylindrical coordinate
system to provide the physical basis of the circuit
approach to the cylindrical transmission line
systems (Appendix 10), and properties of useful
functions like Bessel and Legendre functions
(Appendix 9).
The book is designed to serve as a core text for
students of electrical engineering. Besides, it will be
useful to postgraduate physics students as well as
research engineers and design and development
engineers in industries.
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition.
Vector Analysis. The Electrostatic Field in Free Space
(in Absence of Dielectrics). Conductors and Insulators
in Electrostatic Field. Energy and Mechanical
Forces in Electrostatic Fields. Methods of Solving
Electrostatic Field Problems. Approximate Methods of
Solving Electrostatic Field Problems. Steady Electric
Current and Electric Field. Magnetic Field of Steady
Currents in Free Space. Magnetic Field of Steady
Currents in Presence of Magnetic Materials. Methods
of Solving Magnetostatic Field Problems. Time-Varying
Fields and Electromagnetic Induction. Forces and
Energy in the Static and Quasi-Static Magnetic Fields.
Maxwells Equations. Vector Potentials. Energy
Transfer in Electromagnetic Fields and Poynting
Vector. Time-Varying Fields in Conductors (Magnetic
Diffusion). Charge Relaxation. Electromagnetic
Waves. Waveguides. Radiation and Reception of
Electromagnetic Waves. Electromagnetism and Special
Relativity. Numerical Methods for and Computer
Solutions of Electromagnetic Field Problems. Modern
Topics and Applications. Appendices1. The Principle
of Duality. 2. The Inverse Points of a Circle.
3. Greens Reciprocation Theorem in Electrostatics.
4. Vectors in Different Coordinate Systems. 5. Some
Important Physical Constants. 6. A Circuit for
Experimental Verification of One of the Maxwells
Equations (Faradays Law of Induction). 7. Graphical
Method of Analyzing Waveguide Problems (Smith
Chart). 8. A Proof of the Fact that There are only
Two Independent Boundary Conditions for
Electromagnetic Field Problems. 9. Bessel Functions
and Legendre Functions. 10. Bicylindrical Coordinate
System. 11. Method of Moments. Plates1. A view of
the reactor subjected to high current short-circuit
test. 2. Another view of a section of the reactor
shown in Plate. 3. Effect of radial magnetization on
an alnico ring. 4. A view of the model experiment to
demonstrate the double-valued P.D. in the circulating
current circuit. 5. Wave shapes of V
and V
from the
demonstration experiment (Plate 4) as observed on
the CRO screen. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 1020 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3465-6 / ` 495.00
Engineering Physics, 2nd ed.
G.S. RAGHUVANSHI, Director, Modi Institute of
Technology, Kota, Rajasthan.
This book, now in its second edition, is suitable for
the first-year students of all branches of engineering
for a course in Engineering Physics. The book exposes
students to fundamental knowledge in the following
topics of physics:
Interference, polarization, and diffraction of light
Lasers and optical fibre
Quantum mechanics and band theory of solids
Special theory of relativity
Nuclear radiation detectors
Dielectric materials and electromagnetism
Gives preliminaries at the beginning of the
chapters to prepare the students for the concepts
discussed in the particular chapter.
Provides a large number of solved numerical
Gives numerical problems and other questions
asked in the university examinations for the last
several years.
Appendices at ends of chapters supplement the
textual material.
CONTENTS: Preface. Interference of Light.
Polarization of Light. Diffraction of Light and
Holography. Coherence Lasers and optical Fibre.
Quantum Mechanics. Special Theory of Relativity.
Nuclear Radiation Detectors. Dielectric Materials.
Electromagnetism. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 480 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4128-9 / ` 325.00
Engineering Physics
K. RAJAGOPAL, Assistant Professor, Department of
Physics, Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli.
This book is written specifically to address the course
curriculum in Engineering Physics for the first-year
students of all branches of engineering. Though most
of the topics covered are customarily taught in
several universities and institutes, the book follows
the sequence of topics as prescribed in the course
syllabus of engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu.
The book exposes students to fundamental know-
ledge in
Characteristics of sound and science of
architectural acoustics
Ultrasonics and their applications
Science of crystallography for understanding the
structure of solids
Band theory of solids
Wave nature of light such as interference,
polarization, and the optical phenomenon called
photoelastic effect
Properties and applications of lasers
Types of optical fibres, their geometries, and use in
communication systems
Properties of conducting, semiconducting, super-
conducting and dielectric materials
Characteristics of black body radiation and wave
nature of matter (Quantum Physics)
New engineering materials such as nanomaterials,
metallic glasses, shape memory alloys and
Non-destructive testing of materials
Solved examples to stress conceptual under-
128 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Chapter-end summary for quick revision of the
important results
Chapter-end short and long answer questions to
probe a students grasp of the subject matter
Chapter-end numerical problems to enhance
problem-solving ability
CONTENTS: Preface. Acoustics of Buildings.
Ultrasonics. Crystal Physics. Wave Optics. Lasers.
Optical Fibre Communication. Conducting Materials.
Quantum Physics. Energy Bands in Solids. Semi-
conductors. Superconductivity. Dielectrics. New
Engineering Materials. Non-destructive Testing.
Appendix. Model Question Papers. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 352 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3286-7 / ` 195.00
Textbook of Engineering Physics,
Part I
As per the syllabus of Anna University
K. RAJAGOPAL, Assistant Professor in the Department
of Physics, Government College of Engineering,
This book is written specifically to address the course
curriculum in Engineering Physics-I of the B.Tech
syllabus of the Anna University. The book is designed
to serve the needs of the first-year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering. It provides a
sound understanding of the important phenomena in
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in areas of:
Ultrasonics and their applications in industry and
Properties and applications of lasers in industry
and medicine.
Types of optical fibres, their geometries, and use in
communication systems; types of optical sources,
detectors, and sensors including endoscopes.
Characteristics of black body radiation and
quantum concepts of radiation.
Science of crystallography for understanding the
structure of solids including the nature of crystal
Numerous worked-out examples in text to give
students a sound understanding of the subject.
Chapter-end summary for quick revision of the
important results.
Chapter-end short and long answer questions to
stimulate discussion on the major themes in the
Chapter-end numerical problems with answers to
help students assess their progress and familiarize
them with many of the types of questions set in
CONTENTS: Preface. Ultrasonics. Lasers. Optical Fibre
Communication. Quantum Physics. Crystal Physics.
Appendix. Model Question Papers. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 228 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3665-0 / ` 195.00
Textbook of Engineering Physics,
Part II
K. RAJAGOPAL, Assistant Professor in the Department
of Physics, Government College of Engineering,
As per the syllabus of Anna University
This book is a sequel to the authors Engineering
Physics, Part I and is written to address the course
curriculum in Engineering Physics-II of the B.Tech
syllabus of the Anna University. The book is designed
to serve the needs of the first-year undergraduate
students of all branches of engineering. It provides a
sound understanding of the important phenomena in
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in areas of:
Properties of metals; DrudeLorentz theory of
metals; WiedemannFrenz law; Lorentz number;
Quantum free electron theory; Band theory of
Properties of semiconducting materials; compound
semiconductors; Hall effect in semiconductors.
Magnetic behaviour of materials and their
classification into diamagnetic, paramagnetic,
ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic
materials; explanation of hysteresis; hard and soft
magnetic materials.
Phenomenon of superconductivity, properties and
types of superconductors; BCS theory of super-
conductivity; normal and superconducting tunnell-
ing; applications of superconductors.
Properties of dielectric materials; types of
polarization, dielectric losses; dielectric breakdown;
applications of dielectric materials; ferroelectric
The book is intended for postgraduate students of
mathematics, physics, and engineering, particularly
in aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering.
CONTENTS: Preface. Kinematics and Dynamics of a
Particle. Dynamics of System of Particles and
Rotating Coordinate Systems. Kinematics of a Rigid
Body Motion. Dynamics of a Rigid Body Motion.
Orbital Motion. Lagrange and Hamilton Equations.
Hamiltonian Methods. Special Theory of Relativity.
Rocket Dynamics. The Three- and n-Body Problems.
Multiple-choice Questions. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 416 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2676-7 / ` 250.00
Measurement, Instrumentation and
Experiment Design in Physics and
MICHAEL SAYER, Professor of Physics, Queens
University of Kingston, Ontario, Canada.
ABHAI MANSINGH, Professor of Physics and Director,
South Campus, University of Delhi.
This book is designed to be used at the advanced
undergraduate and beginning graduate level in
physics, applied physics and engineering physics. The
text explains, in a systematic and logical manner, the
principles of experimental physics and physics related
engineering to show how measurement, experiment
design, signal processing and modern instrumentation
can be used most effectively. Emphasis is laid on how
to review techniques in important areas of
application so that the reader develops his own
insights and knowledge to work with any instrument
and its manual. Questions are provided throughout to
assist the reader towards this end. Laboratory
practices in temperature measurement, optical
techniques, electrical measurements and nuclear
instrumentation have been covered in detail.
A major section is devoted to experiment design,
signal to noise enhancement, and to the use of
electronic instrumentation for acquisition and
processing of data.
Design examples and problems are presented in
each chapter; many of these are taken from real-
life situations.
Ample opportunities are provided to use spread-
sheet methods in experiment design and practice.
CONTENTS: Preface. Physical Measurement. Instru-
mentation and System Design. Transducer Properties.
Signal to Noise Considerations. Instrumentation
Electronics. Vacuum Techniques. Optical Instruments.
Properties of metallic glasses; introduction to
nanomaterials and their applications; properties of
carbon nanotubes and their applications; shape
memory alloys; properties of biomaterials.
Numerous worked-out examples in text to give
students a sound understanding of the subject.
Chapter-end summary for quick revision of the
important results.
Chapter-end short and long answer questions to
stimulate discussion on the major themes in the
Chapter-end numerical problems with answers to
help students assess their progress and familiarize
them with many of the types of questions set in
CONTENTS: Preface. Conducting Materials. Semi-
conducting Materials. Magnetic Materials and
Superconducting Materials. Dielectric Materials.
Modern Engineering Materials. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 208 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3757-2 / ` 175.00
Classical Mechanics
K. SANKARA RAO, former Professor of Mathematics,
Anna University, Chennai had earlier been Senior
Scientist/Engineer, Applied Mathematics Division of
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Trivandrum.
The knowledge of classical mechanics is vital for
understanding advanced technologies in several areas
such as automation, industrial process and control,
and aerospace.
This comprehensive and well-organized text gives a
brilliant exposition of the principles of mechanics in
as simple a language as possible.
The text starts with Newton's laws of motion, units
and dimension and dynamics of a system of particles,
and rotating frame of reference. Then kinematics of a
rigid body motion and Eulerian angles are discussed,
together with the dynamics of a rigid body in space
and orbital motion. The text then goes on to describe
Lagrange and Hamilton methods and the special
theory of relativity. New topics such as rocket
dynamics along with vehicle optimization and three-
body and n-body problems are also presented.
Typical solved examples and exercises are included in
each chapter. Multiple-choice questions given at the
end of the text are taken from examination papers of
various Indian universities, GATE and other
competitive examinations.
130 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Engineering Physics, Part I
S. SELLADURAI, Professor, Department of Physics,
Anna University, Chennai.
This book is specifically written to address the
requirements of the course curriculum in Engineering
Physics for the first-year students of all branches of
engineering. It presents the basic principles of
physics and their applications in the field of
The book exposes the students to fundamental
knowledge in
Ultrasonics, their properties and applications in
engineering and medical fields
Main components of lasers, types of lasers and
their applications
Types of fibre optics, structure and basic operation
of fibre optic systems, their applications in
communications and endoscopy
Black body radiations, Plancks quantum theory,
Compton effect and Schrdinger wave equation
Crystal system, Bravais space lattice, Miller indices,
structure of crystals and their defects
The book also includes thirteen laboratory
experiments with step-by-step procedures for
performing them.
Provides several solved problems at the end of each
chapter for sound understanding of the subject.
Includes chapter-end short and long answer type
questions to examine students comprehension of
the concepts.
Offers numerical problems at the end of each
chapter to help students build their problem-
solving skills.
CONTENTS: Preface. Ultrasonics. Laser. Fibre Optics
and Applications. Quantum Physics. Crystal Physics.
ExperimentsDetermination of Wavelength of Laser
Using Grating and Particle Size Determination. The
Air Wedge. Spectrometer Grating. Thermal
Conductivity by Lees Disc. Torsional Pendulum.
Youngs Modulus by Non-Uniform Bending.
ViscosityPoiseuilles Method. Youngs Modulus by
Uniform Bending. Band Gap of a Semiconductor
Material. Velocity of Sound and Compressibility of
LiquidUltrasonic Interferometer. Specific Resistance
of Given WireCareyFoster Bridge. Spectrometer
Dispersive Power of the Prism. BH Curve. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 208 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4041-1 / ` 175.00
X-ray Measurements. Radioactivity and Matter.
Radiation Detection and Measurement. Analytical
Instrumentation. Occupational Health and Safety.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 380 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1269-2 / ` 250.00
Into The Cool: Energy Flow,
Thermodynamics, and Life
ERIC D. SCHNEIDERof National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration; National Marine Water
Quality Laboratory.
DORION SAGANcoauthor of Microcosmos and What
Is Life? Science writer to New York Times, Natural
History, and Wired.
Into the Cool is a dazzling exposition of an idea:
that life is fundamentally not a noun, or a thing, but
a verb. Building upon the beautiful subtleties of the
Second Law of Thermodynamics, Eric Schneider and
Dorion Sagan take us on a tour de force through
biology, touching upon the origin of life, sex,
evolution, ecology, and even economics. Along the
way, they dethrone the idea that the gene is the
central actor in the drama of life and put the focus
properly back on the plotthe organized flows of
matter and energy that make life what it is. This
book is destined to be a classic.
Physiologist, author of The Extended Organism
The what, why and how of life always intrigued
human race. Scientists, philosophers and theologians
all have tried to answer these questions in their own
way. In this interesting book, the authors explain
the basis of life by drawing a parallel between Life
and the second law of thermodynamics.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgments. Introduction:
Trouble at the EPA. Part I: THE ENERGETIC
The Schrdinger Paradox. Simplicity. Eyes of Fire:
Classical Energy Science. The Cosmic Casino:
Statistical Mechanics. Nature Abhors a Gradient. The
River Must Flow: Open Systems. Too Much, Not
Enough: Cycles. Part II: THE COMPLEXSwirl World.
Physics Own Organisms. Whirlpools and Weather.
Part III: THE LIVINGThermodynamics and Life.
Brimstone Beginnings. Blue Planet Blues. Regress
under Stress. The Secret of Trees. Into the Cool.
Trends in Evolution. Part IV: THE HUMANHealth,
Vigor, and Longevity. Economics. Purpose in Life.
Appendix: Principles of Open Thermodynamic
Systems. References. Index.
Latest Print 2005 / 384 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-2942-2 / ` 325.00
have wide applications in a number of subjects
ranging from solid state physics, solid/fluid
mechanics to relativity and electromagnetics.
This well-written book gives, in an easy-to-read style,
a step-by-step and comprehensive understanding
about the various concepts, theories and applications
of vector spaces, matrices and tensors. The book
equips the reader with the fundamental knowledge in
such subjects as matrix theory, linear algebraic
equations, applications of eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, diagonalisation process, quadratic
forms, Cartesian tensorsand more.
Concepts illustrated with detailed examples,
theorems and proofs to make the students
comprehend the topics better.
Over 270 worked-out Examples and over 249
section-end Problems.
A large number of Exercises, with answers to most
of them.
The book is primarily intended as a textbook for
undergraduate students of Physics, Applied Physics
(B.Sc.) and Electronics (B.Tech.). It would also be
extremely useful for the postgraduate students of
Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics and Applied
Mathematics (M.Sc.). In addition, the book can be
profitably used by researchers working in various
research laboratories.
CONTENTS: Preface. Systems of Linear Equations
and Matrices. Determinants. Vector Spaces. Linear
Transformations. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors. Matrix
Analysis of Differential Equations. Coordinate
Transformations. Transformations and Second Rank
Tensors. Tensors of Rank Three. Applications of
Tensors. Solutions. Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 480 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3866-1 / ` 395.00
Introduction to Fiber Optics, An
R. ALLEN SHOTWELL, Ivy Tech State College.
This introduction to optical fiber concepts,
applications, and techniques presented with a
minimum of mathematics, is useful both for the
technician and the technologist. Basic theory in
optics, an explanation of waveguide propagation, and
information about fiber types and designs allow
students new to the field to form a good working
knowledge of how optical fiber is used in
Optical Systems and Processes
JOSEPH SHAMIR, TechnionIsrael Institute of
This comprehensive text provides a broad
understanding of the fundamental physical processes
related to optics and optical systems. Suitable
for students of electrical engineering for a course
in electro-optical systems, the text provides
insights into the engineering applications of the
The initial chapters examine electromagnetic wave
theory and linear systems theory with a focus on
Fourier analysis. The students are then introduced to
operator algebra approach in which first-order
diffraction theory of optical systems is derived from
linear systems theory. Subsequent chapters address
coherence theory, interference and interferometers,
holography, polarization and applications for signal
The text is practical in approach and uses
sophisticated mathematical tools to simplify optical
system analysis and synthesis.
Problems and solutions provided at the end of the
book help students learn and apply the principles
discussed in the text. Besides, the comprehensive
Bibliography would enable them to delve deeper into
the subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Review of electro-
magnetic wave propagation. Linear systems theory.
Wave-front transformations. Basic optical systems.
Non-ideal optical systems. Statistical aspects of
light. Interference and interferometers. Polarization.
Spatial light modulation. Holography. Advanced
operator algebra. Optical information processing.
A. Summary of operator relations. B. Bibliography.
C. Problems and solutions. D. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 436 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2333-9 / ` 395.00
Matrix Methods and Vector Spaces
in Physics
VINOD K. SHARMA, Department of Physics and
Electronics, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, University of Delhi.
Vector spaces constitute an algebraic system
satisfying certain specific properties that are vital in
the development of physical theories and these are
central to modern mathematics and physics. They
132 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Written for senior and graduate level courses in
semiconductor devices, this book is also ideal for
engineers and researchers working in this growing
CONTENTS: List of Symbols. Preface. Basic
Semiconductor Physics. p-n Junctions, Schottky
Barrier Junctions, Heterojunctions and OHMIC
Contacts. Bipolar Junction Transistors. Field Effect
Transistors. Photonic Devices. Transferred-Electron
Devices and Avalanche Diodes. Transistor Structures.
Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 704 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0948-7 / ` 395.00
Basic Physics
of Physics, Sri Venkateswara College, University of
As per the CBSE course structure, this well written
textbook is meant for Class XII of Senior Secondary
Schools (under the 10 + 2 pattern of education). It
will also fulfil the requirement of various exami-
nations faced by the students at 10 + 2 level.
The primary objective of this book is to help students
develop a clear and logical understanding of the
concepts of physics. The pedagogy followed in the
book would help the students to have a firm grip on
the fundamentals of physics. The subject matter has
been presented in simple language with a wide
coverage from introductory to advanced level.
KEY FEATURES: The book contains
450 solved numerical problems
300 unsolved numerical problems for practice
550 very short questions with answers
750 multiple choice questions with answers
Questions from last seven years CBSE examination
Besides this, each chapter contains a Summary that
reviews the important concepts and equations.
Questions asked in various examinationsCBSE,
Medical and Engineeringhave been carefully
embedded into various chapters as their parts.
CONTENTS: Preface. Syllabus. Physical Constants.
Electric Charges and Fields. Electric Potential and
Capacitance. Current Electricity. Moving Charges
and the Magnetic Field. Magnetism in Matter.
Electromagnetic Induction. Alternating Current.
Electromagnetic Waves. Geometrical Optics. Wave
Covers all major areas of fiber optics.
Uses an algebra-based approach and leaves out
much of the high-level mathematics. Nonetheless,
presents a sufficient amount of theory and
mathematics to explain the topics and prepare
students for further exploration.
Provides an abundance of practical examples.
Contains a chapter on measurements and testing
Offers flexibility in coverage, allowing some
sections to be omitted by advanced students.
CONTENTS: An Introduction to Optical Fiber. The
Physics of Light. Light Propagation. Types of Optical
Fiber and Their Properties. Light Sources for Optical
Fibers. Optical Detectors. Splices, Connectors, Cables
and Other Components. Fundamentals of Communi-
cations. Communications Applications for Optical
Fiber. Optical Fiber Measurement and Testing.
Appendices. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 184 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1477-1 / ` 150.00
Physics of Semiconductor Devices
Physics of Semiconductor Devices effectively covers the
rapidly changing field of semiconductor device
physics. New ideas, theories, models, and practical
applications of semiconductor electronics are presen-
ted, and new developments such as amorphous
silicon, compound semiconductor technologies and
novel heterostructure transistors are thoroughly
explored. The theories and models are implemented
in microcomputer programs created as a toolbox for
modeling and simulating semiconductor devices.
Lucid introductory discussions on semiconductor
physics as well as more advanced topics, viz.
Boltzmann transport equation, Monte Carlo
simulation and high electric field transport.
Comprehensive coverage of bipolar junction
transistors, field effect transistors, compound
semiconductor devices such as gallium arsenide
field effect transistors, photonic devices, microwave
diodes and so on.
Section on device concepts based on ballistic or
collisionless transport in short semiconductor
structures, energy band engineering, hot electron
transistors, resonant tunneling devices and so on.
Elements of Space Physics
R.P. SINGHAL, Professor, Department of Applied
Physics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu
University (BHU).
Primarily intended for the students of M.Sc. (Physics)
and five-year integrated M.Tech (Engineering Physics)
for their courses on space physics, this concise and
systematically organized text covers all the essential
aspects of physical and chemical processes in
the planetary-spheres. This book is an attempt to
collect various topics in solar system and planetary
physics at one place in a comprehensive manner. It
describes the phenomena of planetary atmospheres,
ionospheres and magnetospheres.
Beginning with the physics of the Sun, i.e., some
aspects of astrophysics which serves as prerequisite
for other chapters, this book covers the basic
characteristics of the planetary system, their
interaction with solar wind and plasma waves, aurora
and airglow, and planetary atmospheres with special
reference to their composition and temperature.
Finally it discusses cosmic rays and cometary physics.
The text includes mathematical derivations followed
by observations on each planet which is supported by
numerous figures and tables.
Gives mathematical formulations in general, which
can be applied to any planet.
Provides adequate number of illustrations.
Offers easy mathematical derivations with the help
of simple aids at appropriate places.
Includes large number of literature references.
Besides postgraduate students, this text will also be
useful for the researchers as a reference book.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Sun and its
Emissions. The Planetary System. Solar Wind
Interaction with Planets. Magnetospheric Plasma
Waves. Energy Deposition by Charged Particles.
Energy Deposition by EUV. Aurora and Airglow.
Planetary Ionospheres. Planetary Atmospheres. Cosmic
Rays. Comets. Appendices. References. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 320 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3710-7 / ` 295.00
Mechanics and Relativity
VIDWAN SINGH SONI, former Principal, Government
Mohindra College, Patiala.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to
Optics. Dual Nature of Matter and Radiations. Atomic
Nucleus. Electronic Devices. Principles of Communi-
cation. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 808 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3708-4 / ` 395.00
Fundamentals of Optics
DEVRAJ SINGH, Lecturer in the Department of Applied
Physics at Amity School of Engineering and Technology,
New Delhi.
Intended as a textbook for undergraduate students of
physics, this book provides a sound understanding of
the fundamental concepts of optics.
The book covers a wide range of interesting topics
such as Fermats principle, geometrical and fibre
optics, dispersion, interference, diffraction and
polarization of light waves, optical instruments, lens
aberrations and holography. It also discusses
principles, types and components of lasers,
electromagnetic waves, photoconductivity and
photovoltaics. The topics are dealt with in a well-
organized sequence with proper explanations along
with simple mathematical formulations.
Explains the concepts through extensive use of line
Gives derivations of essential relations in full.
Provides several solved illustrative examples to
help students comprehend the concepts with ease.
Includes multiple choice questions and theoretical
questions to help students check their
understanding of the subject matter.
Contains numerical problems with answers to build
problem-solving skills.
CONTENTS: Preface. Fermats Principle. Geometrical
Optics. Dispersion of Light. Lens Aberrations. Optical
Instruments. Interference of Light Waves. Diffraction
of Light Waves. Polarization of Light Waves. Lasers.
Fibre Optics. Holography. Electromagnetic Waves.
Photoconductivity and Photovoltaics. Appendix.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 448 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4189-0 / ` 350.00
134 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Intended primarily as a text for courses in solid state
physics for B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. students of
physics, the book would also be extremely useful
to students of electrical/electronics and allied
engineering disciplines.
Introductory description of Quasicrystals
Discusses the classical theory of AC conductivity
and magnoconductivity.
Provides methods of calculation of Hall coefficient
and Magnetoresistance in two-band model.
Describes the properties and application of
nanomaterials and the principles of working
of STM and AFM.
CONTENTS: Preface. The Crystalline State. Atomic
Cohesion and Crystal Binding. Reciprocal Lattice and
Determination of Crystal Structure. Lattice Vibrations.
Thermal Properties of Solids. Free Electron Theory of
Metals. Electron Energy Bands. Mobile Electrons and
Fermi Surfaces. Semiconductors. Theory of Dielectrics:
Applications to Plasmons, Polaritons and Polarons.
Ferroelectric Crystals. Imperfections in Crystals.
Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism. Ferromagnetism,
Antiferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism. Super-
conductivity. Nanomaterials. AppendicesA: van
der Waals Interaction. B: Photoconductivity.
C: Luminescence. D: Mssbauer Effect. E: Magneto-
conductivity. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 604 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2847-1 / ` 350.00
General Relativity and Cosmology
SUSHIL KUMAR SRIVASTAVA, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, North Eastern Hill University, Shillong.
The general theory of relativity and its applications
to cosmology requires very deep understanding of
mathematics and physics. Keeping this in mind, this
self-contained textbook is written which addresses to
general relativity and cosmology. In this book, the
attempts have been made to explain mathematicians
notions in the language of a physicist.
Primarily intended for the postgraduate students of
mathematics and physics, it gives equal importance
to mathematical and physical aspects, and thus
sharpens understanding of the theory. The text
covers many modern concepts and current
developments in gravity and cosmology including
Brans-Dicke theory, higher-derivative gravity, Kaluza-
Klein theory with extension to higher-dimensions.
Besides PG students this book would also be useful
for research scholars.
the fundamental principles and concepts of Classical,
Newtonian, and Relativistic Mechanics. It seeks to
explain the basic concepts of these areas of physics
in a concise manner. The book is primarily meant to
serve the requirements of the first year
undergraduate (B.Sc.) students of physics.
The initial chapters of the book cover topics such as
vector calculus, coordinate systems, conservation laws
and frames of reference. The discussion then moves
on to inverse square law of forces, particle collisions,
and dynamics of rigid bodies. Universal frame of
reference and Special Theory of Relativity are the
major topics covered in the later chapters.
The book contains numerous illustrations and
plentiful numbers of solved examples that help the
student in understanding the relevant concepts
clearly. A large number of chapter-end questions of
descriptive, short-answer, and numerical varieties
help to test the students grasp of the topics covered.
CONTENTS: Preface. Vectors and Vector Calculus.
Co-ordinate Systems. Relationships of Conservation
Laws and Symmetries of Space and Time. Frames of
Reference. Inverse Square Law of Forces. Collisions of
Particles. Dynamics of Rigid Bodies. Universal Frame
of Reference and MichelsonMorley Experiment.
Special Theory of Relativity. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 392 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3713-8 / ` 350.00
Elements of Solid State Physics,
2nd ed.
J.P. SRIVASTAVA, Professor of Physics at Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh.
This largely revised and updated second edition of
the text builds on the strength of the previous
edition. It gives a systematic and clear exposition of
the fundamental principles of solid state physics. The
text covers topics such as crystal structure and
chemical bonds, semiconductors, dielectrics, magnetic
materials, and superconductors.
The most notable feature of the second edition
is the inclusion of a separate chapter on
Nanomaterials. A brief account of the properties
and applications of nanomaterials with a short
description of the methods used for their synthesis is
given. What distinguishes the text is the clarity and
precision with which the author discusses the
principles of physics, their relations, and their
Highlights special features of general relativity and
Discusses structure formation in the universe,
inflationary models and dark energy models with
special focus on basic concepts.
Provides problems at the end of each chapter to
stimulate thinking.
Reveals interconnections between required
mathematical concepts.
Explains how to apply mathematical concepts to
physical problems.
Discusses lagrangian formulation of the field theory
and action principle as it provides a powerful tool
to derive field equations and energy-momentum
tensor components.
CONTENTS: Preface. List of Symbols. Differentiable
Manifold and Tensor Analysis. Riemannian Manifold.
Riemannian Curvature. Symmetry of Riemannian
Spaces, Differential Forms and Lie Derivatives. General
Relativity and Energy-Momentum Tensor for
Hydrostatic Fluid. Lagrangian Formulation. Einsteins
Field Equations, Schwarzschild Solutions and Gravity
Waves. Classical Tests of General Relativity. Glimpses
of Certain Other Theories of Gravity. Developments in
Cosmology and De-Sitter Space-Time. Friedmann
Robertson-Walker Model of the Universe. Cosmological
Parameters and Other Models of Cosmology. Thermal
History of the Universe. Linear Theory of Structure
Formation in the Universe. Inflation in the Early
Universe. Acceleration in Late Universe and Dark
Energy. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 268 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3437-3 / ` 250.00
Quantum Mechanics
R.K. SRIVASTAVA, formerly Professor of Ranchi
Quantum Mechanics has wide applications in
experimental physics and theoretical physics, and
this book aims at presenting the fundamentals of
quantum mechanics in a clear and concise manner.
Primarily intended as a textbook for the postgraduate
students of physics, it provides a discussion of the
physical concepts to introduce the readers to
quantum mechanics. The text begins with the
formulation of Schrdinger wave mechanics. Then it
moves on to give insights into Heisenberg matrix
formulation, Dirac notations, Pauli theory of spin and
semi-classical theory of radiation. It concludes with
the relativistic theory of a single particle and
elements of second quantisation including the
interaction of radiation with matter.
Comprehensive and lucid discussion on the
fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
Chapter-end exercises enable to test the conceptual
understanding and analytical skills of the students.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Foundation
of Quantum Mechanics. Mathematical Formalism of
Quantum Mechanics. Simple Potential Barrier
Problems. Linear Harmonic Oscillator. Angular
Momentum. Spherically Symmetric Potentials.
Representations and Time Development of Quantum
Systems. Approximate Methods in Time-Independent
Problems. Approximate Methods in Time-dependent
Problems. Theory of Scattering. Pauli Electron Spin
and Total Angular Momentum. System of Identical
Particles and Many Electron Atoms. Relativistic Wave
Mechanics of One Particle. Second Quantisation.
References. Index.
Latest Print 2007 / 380 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3273-7 / ` 295.00
Statistical Mechanics
R.K. SRIVASTAVA, former Professor, Ranchi University.
J. ASHOK, Head of the Department of Physics, Ranchi
College, Ranchi University.
Statistical Mechanics is an integral part of theoretical
physics, and this book aims at presenting the
fundamentals of statistical mechanics in a clear and
concise manner.
The book begins with a clear exposition of classical
as well as quantal equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Then it moves on to give insights into the Gibbs
canonical distribution, the grand canonical
distribution, ideal Bose gas, ideal fermi gas, and
imperfect gases. The text also delves into certain
topics of special interest, such as phase-transitions,
Ising model, and liquid Helium. The book concludes
with a discussion of some selected topics of non-
equilibrium statistical mechanics.
Primarily intended as a text for postgraduate
students of physics, it would also prove useful for
students at the undergraduate level.
Comprehensive and lucid discussion on the
fundamentals of statistical mechanics.
136 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
to reinforce the students understanding of the
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. The
Nature and Scope of Thermodynamics. Important
Terminologies in Thermodynamics. The First Law of
Thermodynamics. Defining Thermodynamic State: The
State Postulate. The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The Question of Ideality. Statistical Thermodynamics.
Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. The Non-linear
Region. Network Thermodynamics. Causality Principle
in Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics. Bibliography.
Answers. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 332 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3296-6 / ` 225.00
Solid State Electronic Devices,
6th ed.
BEN G. STREETMAN, University of Texas at Austin.
SANJAY KUMAR BANERJEE, University of Texas at
This classic introductory textbook in its sixth edition
retains the two basic goals: (1) develop the basic
semiconductor physics concepts to understand
current and future devices and (2) provides a sound
understanding of current semiconductor devices and
technology so that their applications to electronic
and optoelectronic circuits and systems can be
The book is useful for advanced undergraduate and
postgraduate students of electrical and electronics
engineering and should also prove useful for
practicing engineers and scientists, interested in
updating their understanding of modern electronics.
The basics of semiconductor materials and
conduction processes in solids. Incorporated to
help students understand p-n junctions, bipolar
and metal oxide semiconductor transistors, opto-
electronic and other devices.
Extensive discussion of circuit and other appli-
cation examples to provide students with feedback
about the practical relevance of the theory.
Key equations for semiconductor devices are
listed on the inside covers of the book, arranged
thematically to help students digest concepts.
Provides a summary of key concepts at end of each
chapter, and chapter objectives at the beginning.
Approximately 200 problems along with current
references that extend concepts in the text.
Chapter-end exercises enable to test the conceptual
understanding and analytical skills of the students.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Notations
Used in the Book. Fundamentals of Classical
Statistical Mechanics. Fundamentals of Quantum
Statistical Mechanics. Gibbs Canonical Distribution.
Grand Canonical Distribution. Fluctuations. Ideal
Fermi Gas. Ideal Bose Gas. Imperfect Gases. Phase
Transition and Critical Phenomena. The Ising Model.
Liquid Helium. Non-Equilibrium States. Appendix
Important Physical Constants. Important Conversion
Factors. References. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 224 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2782-5 / ` 195.00
Thermodynamics: A Core Course,
3rd ed.
R.C. SRIVASTAVA, former Professor of Chemistry at the
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, BITS,
Pilani and Banaras Hindu University.
SUBIT K. SAHA, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at
BITS, Pilani.
ABHAY K. JAIN, Professor in the Department of
Chemistry, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur
Though thermodynamics is a tool used in all sciences
and technologies, this book is especially designed to
acquaint science students with the whole breadth of
the subject covering both equilibrium and non-
equilibrium regions. Equilibrium thermodynamics
covered in the first-seven chapters caters to the
needs of students up to the B.Sc./B.Sc. (Hons.) level.
The next three chapters devoted to non-equilibrium
thermodynamics and network thermodynamics fulfill
the needs of the syllabi on these topics introduced in
most universities at the postgraduate level. Chapters
on The Question of Ideality and The Non-linear
Region were the new additions to the second
edition. In the third edition a new chapter on
Causality Principle in Non-equilibrium Thermo-
dynamics has been added. The readers may find the
new chapter intellectually stimulating.
The book is an accessible, straightforward discussion
of basic topics, beginning with the laws of thermo-
dynamics and focusing on derivations of basic
relations. The text is suitably illustrated throughout
with examples of various applications of interest to
science students. It explains concepts systematically,
teaches problem-solving meaningfully, and includes
concept-elucidating questions that are intended
bistatic and low-probability of intercept (LPI) radar,
and such applications as weather radar and ground-
penetrating radar (GPR). Throughout the book, each
topic follows logically from previous ones. At the end
is a fifty-page Glossary that defines all the key radar
terms introduced in the book and cross-references
the sections in which they first appear.
The material in this book is intended for
undergraduate and postgraduate courses in radar
for electrical engineering students. It will also be
extremely helpful to designers, systems managers,
practicing engineers in self-study, researchers and
scientists, and those involved in training. The reader
of this book will be much better prepared for
dynamic topics in the radar literature.
CONTENTS: Foreword by John N. Entzminger. Preface.
Acknowledgements. Part I: Radar Fundamentals
Introduction to Radar. Radar Systems. Interaction of
Radar Systems with the External Environment.
Elementary Radar Signal Processing. Angle
Measurement. Part II: Imaging RadarIntroduction to
Imaging Radar. Synthetic Aperture Radar. SAR/ISAR
Digital Imagery. Target Recognition in SAR/ISAR
Imagery. Part III: Pulse-Doppler and MTI Radar
Pulse-Doppler Radar. Observation of Moving Targets
by an Airborne Radar. Part IV: Special Radar Topics
Space-Time Adaptive Processing. Bistatic Radar and
Low-Probability-of-Intercept Radar. Weather Radar
and Ground-Penetrating Radar. Glossary. References.
About the Author. Index.
Latest Print 2004 / 504 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-81-203-2589-3 / ` 295.00
Modern Physics for Scientists and
Engineers, 2nd ed.
A. DUBSON, all of the Physics Department, University
of Colorado, Boulder.
Modern Physics which essentially grew out of two
revolutions that transformed physics within the first
half of the 20th centuryRelativity and Quantum
Mechanicsis presented comprehensively in this
introductory book on the subject. Exceptionally
readable, the text has flexibility of choice for
teaching as well as learning, both in breadth and
depth of coverage.
Of the four parts in the book, the theories related to
relativity and quantum mechanics are introduced
with interesting examples in parts I and II
respectively. In parts III and IV (which have mostly
Discussion of advanced MOS and bipolar processes
and structures such as high-k gate dielectrics,
polyemitter BJTs and graded SiGe base HBTs.
Consolidated treatment of optoelectronic devices,
discusses sources such as white LEDs for illumi-
nation, detectors such as SACM and waveguide
photodiodes, and advances in solar cells.
Updated discussion of device fabrication processes
and CMOS integrated circuit technology provides a
useful understanding of how semiconductor devices
are made.
Summary of key concepts at end of each chapter.
Answers to Selected Problems in the back of the
CONTENTS: Preface. About the Authors. Crystal
Properties and Growth of Semiconductors. Atoms and
Electrons. Energy Bands and Charge Carriers in
Semiconductors. Excess Carriers in Semiconductors.
Junctions. Field-Effect Transistors. Bipolar Junction
Transistors. Optoelectronic Devices. Integrated
Circuits. High-Frequency and High-Power Devices.
AppendicesI. Definitions of Commonly Used
Symbols. II. Physical Constants and Conversion
Factors. III. Properties of Semiconductor Materials. IV.
Derivation of the Density of States in the Conduction
Band. V. Derivation of FermiDirac Statistics. VI. Dry
and Wet Thermal Oxide Thickness Grown on Si (100)
as a Function of Time and Temperature. VII. Solid
Solubilities of Impurities in Si. VIII. Diffusivities of
Dopants in Si and SiO
. IX. Projected Range and
Straggle as Function of Implant Energy in Si. Answers
to Selected Self Quiz Questions. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 608 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3020-7 / ` 295.00
Radar Foundations for Imaging and
Advanced Concepts
ROGER J. SULLIVAN, Institute for Defence Analyses,
Alexandria, Virginia.
This comprehensive text includes a wide range
of topics from the basic through current research
trends and covers an extremely broad areas of the
world of microwave radar. The coverage of many
important radar topics separates this book from all
The book begins with radar fundamentals, goes on to
discuss imaging radar, including synthetic aperture
radar (SAR) in some detail, and also addresses
important topics such as STAP, air-to-air radar,
138 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
absorption spectroscopy, spontaneous and stimulated
emissions, saturation spectroscopy, and many topics.
Coverage is quite extensive to cater to students of
most Indian universitieswith detailed discussions
on atoms, spectroscopy and lasers.
Gives special emphasis on modern aspects of
spectroscopy such as laser cooling of atoms.
Contains more than 140 diagrams to illustrate the
concepts better.
Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Physics in various Indian
universities, this uptodate book would be immensely
useful also for both undergraduate and postgraduate
students in Chemistry, Astrophysics, Metallurgy and
Material Science, and Geology and Mining. In
addition, the book could be used as a ready reference
by analytical chemists, researchers and forensic
CONTENTS: Preface. Quantization of Electromagnetic
Radiation. Line Spectra of Atoms and the Old
Quantum Theory. Quantum Mechanics and Central
Field Approximation. Radiation from Atoms and
Selection Rules. Periodic Classification of Atoms and
the Pauli Exclusion Principle. Spectra of Alkali Atoms.
Spectra of Atoms with Two Valence Electrons and the
Vector Model of Atom. Effect of Static Fields on
Spectral Lines. The Effect of Nucleus in Atomic
Spectra. Spectral Line Broadening and High
Resolution Spectroscopy. Physics of Lasers and Laser
Systems. Modern Trends in Atomic Spectroscopy.
Laser Cooling of Atoms and Atom Laser.
Appendices1. Perturbation Theory. 2. Spin-Orbit
Interaction. 3. Angular Momentum. 4. Fine Structure
and Lamb Shift in Hydrogen. 5. Racahs Notations and
Green HeNe Laser. 6. Physical Constants. Suggested
Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 376 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3956-9 / ` 350.00
Classical Mechanics: Analytical
R.N. TIWARI, former Professor of Mathematics at
Government College of Science, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla
University, Raipur (Chhattisgarh).
B.S. THAKUR, Lecturer, School of Studies in Mathe-
matics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur.
Intended as a text for postgraduate students of
mathematics, this compact and well-organized book
mutually independent chapters) applications of the
theories are discussed, (i) for systems larger than
single atom, (molecules, solids and some of those
treated by statistical mechanics) and (ii) for
subatomic systems namely, atomic nuclei and sub
nuclear particles.
CONTENTS: Preface. To the Student. Part 1:
RELATIVITYThe Space and Time of Relativity.
Relativistic Mechanics. Part 2: QUANTUM
MECHANICSAtoms. Quantization of Light.
Quantization of Atomic Energy Levels. Matter Waves.
The Schrdinger Equation in One Dimension. The
Three-Dimensional Schrdinger Equation. Electron
Spin. Multielectron Atoms; the Pauli Principle and
Periodic Table. Atomic Transitions and Radiation.
Molecules. SolidsTheory. SolidsApplications.
Statistical Mechanics. Part 4: SUBATOMIC PHYSICS
The Structure of Atomic Nuclei. Radioactivity and
Nuclear Reactions. Elementary Particles. Appendices
A. Physical Constants. B. Useful Mathematical
Relations. C. Alphabetical Lists of the Elements.
D. Atomic and Nuclear Data. Suggestions for Further
Reading. Picture Credits and References. Answers to
Odd-Numbered Problems. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 744 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2822-8 / ` 395.00
Atom, Laser and Spectroscopy
S.N. THAKUR, Honorary Professor, Department of
Physics, Banaras Hindu University (BHU).
D.K. RAI, Honorary Professor, Department of Physics,
Experimental spectroscopic techniques, especially
those involving lasers, have wide-ranging applications
in the fields of physics, medicine, electronics, and
chemistry. This compact and student-friendly book
deals with both the conventional and modern
experimental techniques related to atoms,
spectroscopy and lasers. It discusses the recent
innovations, types and operating principles of lasers
and laser systems.
The text uses semi-quantum mechanics to present the
vector model of atom to explain topics such as
splitting of spectral lines and the static electric and
magnetic fields. It provides a good understanding of
many commonly used lasers as well as the most
recent developments on Bose condensate and atom
lasers. The text also focuses on such areas as
selection rules, laser-induced atomic and two-photon
between the elementary building blocks of nuclei
are emphasized. Discussions on the conventional
aspects of nuclear physics in terms of nucleons
are correlated with the subnucleonic degrees of
CONTENTS: Introduction. Nucleon Structure. Nuclear
Force and Two-Nucleon Systems. Bulk Properties
of Nuclei. Nuclear Excitation and Decay. Models
of Nuclear Structure. Nuclear Reactions.
Latest Print 2009 / 496 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0990-6 / ` 195.00
Statistics for Social Sciences
(with SPSS Applications)
HARI SHANKAR ASTHANA, Reader, Department of
Psychology at Kumaun University, Nainital (Almora
Campus), Uttarakhand.
BRAJ BHUSHAN, Assistant Professor, Department of
Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute
of Technology Kanpur.
Designed as a text for the undergraduate and
postgraduate students of psychology, education,
sociology, demography and economics, this
comprehensive book explains the theoretical and
computational aspects of statistics. Since the
students of social sciences often find it difficult to
comprehend easily the statistical techniques due
to complex mathematical steps involved, this book
explains the concepts as well as steps in a simple
and clear manner.
The text provides solutions to basic concepts and
problems using a number of illustrations. In addition,
it demonstrates the simplest way of using SPSS
software for statistical analysis.
SPSS screen images are used to make the ideas
clearer for the readers. This is preceded by theoretical
details and solved examples so that even readers
having minimal knowledge of computer can use SPSS
easily and comprehend the complex intermediate
steps involved in statistical analysis.
Besides the undergraduate and postgraduate
students of social sciences, researchers in the field of
social sciences should find this book immensely
offers insights into the principles of classical
mechanics and, in particular, deals with the problems
of dynamical systems.
Divided into seven chapters, the text begins with a
discussion on some elementary results of statics and
dynamics. It then goes on to analyze at length the
Hamiltonian formulation along with the Poisson
bracket, the variational principle (taking Eulers
equation of calculus of variation as the base), and
different forms of the variational principle. Finally,
the text explains the integral invariants, canonical
transformations, and the HamiltonJacobi theory.
A fairly large number of worked-out examples are
interspersed throughout the text to illustrate the
application of the concepts to the problems
Miscellaneous Exercises are given at the end of the
book to drill the students in self-study.
The text entirely covers UGC model curriculum for
M.Sc. (Mathematics).
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Review of Elementary Principles and Lagranges
Equations of Motion. Hamiltons Canonical Equations
and Poisson Bracket. Calculus of Variation. Hamiltons
Variational Principle. Integral Invariants. Canonical
Transformations. HamiltonJacobi Theory and
Lagrange Bracket. Miscellaneous Exercises. Answers to
Miscellaneous Exercises. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 188 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3126-6 / ` 150.00
Introductory Nuclear Physics
SAMUEL S.M. WONG, University of Toronto.
This book examines the results of atomic
nucleus studies conducted during the past three-
quarters of a century. It explores the major changes
in nuclear physics which have taken place in the
past few years. It is one of the first to reflect new
trends in the study of the atomic nucleus.
Presents an up-to-date view of nuclear physics in a
compact form. Uses the study of nuclei as a
laboratory for discovering and understanding new
principles of physics.
The text places the study of nuclei in its proper
relation with the subject of subatomic particles.
Relationships with the underlying quark substructure
of nucleons and the fundamental interactions
140 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Demonstrates the simplest way of using SPSS for
statistical analysis.
Provides solved examples throughout the text in
ascending order of complexity.
Gives chapter-end exercises and key terms for
better grasp of the topics covered.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Sampling. Normal
Probability Curve. Classification and Graphing
Techniques. Measures of Central Tendency. Measures
of Dispersion. Chi Square Test. Hypothesis Testing.
Correlation. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Regression
Analysis. Non-Parametric Statistics. References.
Latest Print 2007 / 224 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3199-0 / ` 195.00
Probability and Statistics
PURNA CHANDRA BISWAL, Assistant Professor in
Mathematics, Parala Maharaja Engineering Colleage,
Designed as an introductory-level text, this accessible
book gives a clear explanation of the fundamental
principles of probability and statistics. In doing so, it
uses only the minimum amount of mathematics that
is necessary for understanding the concepts, so that
even an average student can understand the concepts
with ease.
The text gives a coherent and comprehensive
coverage of the fundamental principles of probability
and statistics. The methods of computation of
probability are presented in a concise and clear
manner with the help of the concepts of probability
distribution and integral calculus. The text provides a
large number of solved examples to illustrate the
principles. Graphical illustrations are provided in
many of these solved examples to elucidate the
principles discussed. These are augmented with
exercises at the end of each section to gauge the
understanding of the subject.
The book is intended to serve as a text for
undergraduate students of engineering, mathematics
and statistics, as well as postgraduate students of
computer applications.
It can also be immensely useful for students from
any other discipline who wish to acquire a basic
understanding of probability and statistics.
CONTENTS: List of Symbols. Preface. Probability.
Discrete Random Variable. Continuous Random
Variable. Sampling Distribution. Parameter Estimation.
Confidence Interval. Statistical Hypothesis Testing.
Regression and Correlation. Queueing Theory.
AppendixStandard Distribution Tables. Bibliography.
Latest Print 2009 / 388 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3140-2 / ` 275.00
Essentials of Survey Sampling
ARIJIT CHAUDHURI, Honorary Visiting Professor,
Applied Statistics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute
(ISI), Kolkata.
Primarily intended for undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Statistics, this concise
textbook on sample surveys provides answers to
questions such as:
How the samples are allocated to strata or to
Which is the best sampling method?
How large a sample size should be?
Will the sample provide the precision that we
How the best results can be obtained at the lower
How to design and analyze different forms of
sample surveys?
The author focusses on using sampling techniques
and ideas to solve real problems. This text includes
different sampling methods and different sample
allocation plans to create the powerful, cost effective
survey sample design for your study. It covers a wide
range of sampling methodssimple random sampling,
stratified sampling and cluster sampling. The book
also describes the mathematics involved behind the
confidence limits, ratio estimation, sample size and
survey precision. Small area estimation, randomized
response, network, adaptive sampling, control
sampling and permanent random numbers are also
discussed in addition to most of the classical topics.
Topics are introduced in short, easy to understand
It allows you to create a sampling plan tailored to
your research needs.
Case Studies using data from complicated surveys
have been cited.
Besides students, this book on survey sampling would
be equally useful for the practitioners as a reference.
Summary tables of testing procedures provide a
convenient reference for students.
A section on graphic presentation of 22 and 23
designs includes coverage of blocking. This serves
as a stand-alone introduction to the design of
experiments for those instructors who can only
devote two or three lectures to the subject.
Solid treatment of confidence interval
techniques and hypothesis testing procedures,
which clearly and consistently delineates the steps
for hypothesis testing in each application.
Clear, current coverage of two-level factorial
design. To explore interactions, engineers have to
know about experiments where more than one
variable has been changed at the same time in
A full chapter on modern ideas of quality
improvement provides up-to-date coverage of this
popular significant trend in the field.
Accessible discussion on joint distributions and the
properties of expectationthis is a difficult topic
not always covered in the course, but if so desired,
here is a nice, quick treatment of it.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Organization and
Description of Data. Probability. Probability
Distributions. Probability Densities. Sampling
Distributions. Inferences Concerning a Mean.
Comparing Two Treatments. Inferences Concerning
Variances. Inferences Concerning Proportions.
Regression Analysis. Analysis of Variance. Factorial
Experimentation. Nonparametric Tests. The Statistical
Content of Quality-Improvement Programs.
Application to Reliability and Life Testing.
AppendicesA: Bibliography. B: Statistical Tables. C:
Using the R Software Program. D: Answers to Odd-
Numbered Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 560 pp. / 20.0 25.0 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4213-2 / ` 395.00
Applied Multivariate Statistical
Analysis, 5th ed. (with CD-ROM)
RICHARD A. JOHNSON, University of Wisconsin
DEAN W. WICHERN, Texas A&M University.
This text provides a classic applied approach to
multivariate analysis for those involved in the social,
biological, and physical sciences. It offers clear,
concise explanations of the results needed to
understand output from the standard multivariate
analysis computer packages and to make proper
CONTENTS: Preface. Survey Sampling: An Overview.
Basic Aspects of Survey Sampling. Methods of Sample
Selection and Estimation with Their Properties. Super-
population Modelling. Double Sampling and Non-
sampling Errors. Adaptive, Network and Controlled
Sampling. Indirect Survey Techniques. Rotational
Sampling for Business Surveys. Developing Small
Domain Statistics. Case Studies. Exercises. Suggested
Further Readings. References.
Latest Print 2010 / 256 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3970-5 / ` 225.00
Miller and Freunds Probability and
Statistics for Engineers, 8th ed.
RICHARD A. JOHNSON, University of Wisconsin
This book is designed for an introductory course in
probability and statistics for students of engineering
and physical sciences. It is rich in exercises and
examples. Each chapter begins with an introductory
statement and checklist of key terms and concludes
with a set of statistical guidelines for correctly
applying statistical procedures.
Clear, concise presentation helps students quickly
gain an understanding of the concepts.
Rich problem sets give students the practice they
need to learn the material.
Dos and Donts at the end of each chapter help
students to apply statistics correctly to avoid
Computer exercises for MINITAB

help students
learn and become familiar with this software.
Many data sets are drawn from author Richard
Johnsons own consulting activities as well as
discussions with scientists and engineers about
their statistical problems. This helps illustrate the
statistical methods and reasoning required in order
to draw generalizations from data collected in
actual experiments.
Case studies in the first two chapters illustrate
the power of even simple statistical methods to
suggest changes that make major improvements in
production processes.
Graphs of the sampling distribution show the
critical region and P value, and accompany the
examples of testing hypotheses. These graphs help
reinforce student understanding of the critical
region, significance level, and P value.
142 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
problems which can be solved using the Excel
spreadsheet application developed by the authors to
facilitate students processing of data. The authors
Excel template titled POLYSTAT allows the users to
enter numbers in the appropriate sheet and analyze
the data.
The book also contains the value added CD with the
POLYSTAT template and 94 sample data sets.
A fairly of large number of tables, exhibits and
diagrams have been provided to illustrate the
concepts discussed and to facilitate a better
comprehension of the subject.
Introduction: What Is Statistics All About? Using
POLYSTAT to Do Statistical Analysis. Presentation of
Data. Summarizing Data and Using Descriptive
Theory and Applications. Sampling and the Normal
Distribution. The Central Limit Theorem. Unit III:
HYPOTHESIS TESTINGIntroduction to Inferential
Statistics. Estimating Means, Proportions, and Sample
Size with Confidence. Validating a Hypothesis About
a Population Mean Using a Sample. Validating
Hypotheses Between Two Population Means.
Validating Hypotheses About a Single Population
Proportion. Validating Hypotheses About Two
Population Proportions. Unit IV: MEASURES OF
ASSOCIATIONComparing More Than Two Population
Means with ANOVA. Comparing More Than Two
Proportions Using the Chi-Square Test. Determining
Relationships for Two Variables Using Correlation.
Measuring Relationships with Simple Regression
Analysis. Measuring Multivariate Relationships with
Regression Analysis. Planning Statistical Research.
Appendix. Table 1: Area Under the Normal Curve.
Table 2: Critical Values of t-Distribution. Table 3:
Critical Values of F-Statistic. Table 4: Critical Values
of Chi-Square Statistic. Key Formulas. Index. About
the Authors.
Latest Print 2005 / 552 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2904-X / ` 395.00
Theory and Methods of Survey
Sampling, 2nd ed.
PARIMAL MUKHOPADHYAY, former Professor at the
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata (ISI).
This is a comprehensive exposition of survey
sampling useful both to the students of statistics for
the course on sample survey and to the survey
statisticians and practitioners involved in consultancy
interpretations, select appropriate techniques, and
evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.
Provides an in-depth discussion on the
dimensionality of multivariate data, growth curves
and classification and regression trees (CART).
Includes a new section on data mining in Chapter
Considers the latest graphical procedures and
computer-aided analysis of structural equations,
and utilizes real data throughout.
Provides a chapter-length introduction to matrix
algebra for those with no previous background in
the area.
Includes abundant exercises, extensive collections
of real data sets, and a wealth of illustrations.
CONTENTS: Preface. Aspects of Multivariate Analysis.
Matrix Algebra and Random Vectors. Sample Geometry
and Random Sampling. The Multivariate Normal
Distribution. Inferences about a Mean Vector.
Comparisons of Several Multivariate Means.
Multivariate Linear Regression Models. Principal
Components. Factor Analysis and Inference for
Structures Covariance Matrices. Canonical Correlation
Analysis. Discrimination and Classification. Clustering,
Distance Methods, and Ordination. Appendix. Data
Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 788 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3992-7 / ` 495.00
Applied Statistics for Public Policy
(with CD-ROM)
BRIAN P. MACFIE, Lecturer in Economics and Statistics,
Arizona State University.
PHILIP M. NUFRIO, Associate Professor of Public
Administration, School of Public Affairs and
Administration, Metropolitan College of New York.
This comprehensive book in Applied Statistics pro-
vides the postgraduate students of public adminis-
tration and political science with the statistical tools
essential to analyze data and show how it can help
in making intelligent policy decisions.
The authors adopt a practical, hands-on approach to
help students both learn the meaning of statistical
measure and explain how to focus on interpreting
results, instead of spending time on memorizing and
applying dozens of statistical formulas.
The book contains more than 500 end-of-chapter
E. NARAYANAN NADAR, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Economics, V.H.N. Senthikumara Nadar
College, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu.
Statistics is vital to decision making in business and
our everyday lives. This book on statistics covers
both the theoretical and the practical aspects of
statistics which facilitate easy understanding of the
The text begins with an introduction of statistics and
describes statistical survey and sampling methods. It
discusses collection, classification, tabulation, as well
as diagrammatic and graphical presentation of data
very lucidly. The book then goes on to explain
measures of central tendency or averages, measures
of dispersion, measures of skewness, kurtosis and
moments, and correlation and regression. Finally,
index numbers, time series analysis, probability and
theoretical distributions, along with vital and
population statistics, are discussed in a clear way.
This book is primarily designed for undergraduate
and postgraduate students of economics, commerce
and management. In addition, it will be of great
benefit to the students of mathematics, physics,
biology and demography.
Includes numerous illustrative examples with
solutions throughout the text to illustrate the
application of the concepts.
Incorporates a large number of tables, diagrams
and graphs to help students understand the
concepts clearly.
Provides chapter-end exercises to enable students
to test their comprehension of the topics
CONTENTS: Preface. An Introduction to Statistics.
Statistical Survey. Sampling and Sampling Methods.
Collection of Data. Classification of Data. Tabulation
of Data. Diagrammatic Presentation of Data. Graphical
Presentation of Data. Statistical Series and Frequency
Distribution. Measures of Central Tendency or
Averages. Measures of Dispersion. Measures of
Skewness, Kurtosis and Moments. Correlation
Analysis. Regression Analysis. Association of
Attributes. Index Numbers. Time Series Analysis.
Probability Analysis. Theoretical Distributions.
Interpolation and Extrapolation. Vital Statistics.
Population Statistics. Bibliography. Formulae. Index.
Latest Print 2011 / 452 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4230-9 / ` 295.00
services, marketing, opinion polls, and so on. The
text offers updated review of difficult classical
techniques of survey sampling, besides covering
prediction-theoretic approach of survey sampling and
nonsampling errors.
Two new chaptersNonparametric Methods of
Variance Estimation (Chapter 19) and Analysis
of Complex Surveys (Chapter 20)have been added.
These would greatly benefit the readers.
Covers concepts of unequal probability sampling.
Provides problems of making inference from finite
population using tools of classical inference.
Describes nonsampling errors including Randomised
Response Techniques.
Gives over 70 worked-out examples and more than
120 problems and solutions.
Supplies live data from India and Swedenin
examples and exercises.
What the Reviewer says:
This is a very comprehensive modern text on survey
sampling with a strong slant towards theoretical
results. The book is an excellent reference book and
would be a good graduate level sampling text for a
course with an emphasis on sampling theory.
JESSE C. ARNOLD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. The
Basic Concepts. Simple Random Sampling. Stratified
Random Sampling. Ratio Estimator. Difference
Estimator and Regression Estimator. Systematic
Sampling. Cluster Sampling. Probability Proportional
to Size with Replacement Sampling. Varying
Probability without Replacement Sampling I. Varying
Probability without Replacement Sampling II.
Multistage Sampling. Multiphase Sampling. Sampling
on Successive Occasions. Some Problems of Inference
under a Fixed Population Set-up. Inference from a
Finite Population Using the Prediction-Theoretic
Approach. Errors in Surveys. Randomised Response
Techniques. Small Area Estimation. Nonparametric
Methods of Variance Estimation. Analysis of Complex
Surveys. Appendix: Random Numbers and
Permutations. Answers to Selected Exercises. Author
Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2008 / 580 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3676-6 / ` 475.00
144 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
CONTENTS: List of Figures. List of Tables. Preface.
Preface to the First Edition. Acronyms. Notation.
Basic Concepts of Statistical Studies. Organizing a
Raw Dataset. Pictorial Representation of a Dataset.
Summarizing a Raw Dataset. Summarizing an
Organized Dataset. Concepts of Probability. Random
Variables. Binomial Experiments. Normal Curve and
Normal Distribution. Applications of the Normal
Distribution. Estimation of Population Parameters.
Hypothesis Testing for a Single Population.
Hypothesis Testing to Compare Two Populations.
Bivariate Quantitative Data: Correlation and
Regression. Bivariate Categorical Data: Contingency
Tables. Multinomial Experiments: Goodness of Fit
Test. Hypothesis Testing to Compare Multiple
Populations. Quality Management Using Statistics.
AppendicesA: Statistical Tables. B: Question Bank.
C: Multiple-Choice Questions (with Answers). D:
Answers to Chapter Exercises. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 472 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3445-8 / ` 325.00
Introduction to Statistical Decision
This book is a classic.... The strengths of this text
are twofold. First, it gives a general and well-
motivated introduction to the principles of Bayesian
decision theory that should be accessible to anyone
with a good mathematical statistics background.
Second, it provides a good introduction to Bayesian
inference in general with particular emphasis on the
use of subjective information to choose prior
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory integrates
statistical inference with decision making and
discusses real-world actions involving economic
payoffs and risks. Besides developing the rationale
and demonstrating the power and relevance of the
subjective, decision approach, the text also examines
and critiques the limitations of the objective,
classical approach.
Thus, in a self-contained comprehensive way, the
book shows that the Bayesian approach in statistics
integration of statistics with decision making in areas
such as management, engineering, public policy and
clinical medicine, is operational and relevant for
real-world decision making under uncertainty.
Statistics: Concepts and
Applications, 2nd ed.
(with CD-ROM)
NABENDU PAL, Professor of Statistics in the
Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at
SAHADEB SARKAR, Professor of Statistics in the
Operations Management Group at the Indian Institute
of Management Calcutta.
This well-received book, now in its second edition, is
designed for an introductory course in statistics for
students of statistics, mathematics and management.
In addition, postgraduate students of a variety of
disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthro-
pology, biology, nursing and criminal justice, as well
as professionals, surveyors and administrators will
also find this book extremely helpful.
The book provides students with a strong foundation
in the principles of statistics. It develops a thorough
understanding of the fundamental concepts through
extensive use of illustrative and motivating examples
and shows how these concepts can be applied to real-
life situations.
The text explains each statistical technique and
formula in a step-by-step manner with the help of
small datasets. While discussing a wide range of
topics, mathematical complexity has been kept at a
bare minimum, and intuitive ideas have been given
for each mathematical expression. Key concepts have
been highlighted in boxes throughout the text.
Chapter-end summaries in the form of flowchart
capture all the important points. Chapter-end
exercises with answers and the Question Bank
containing about 150 questions offer the students
the opportunity to test their ability to comprehend
the concepts. Besides, this text illustrates the use of
SPSS and Excel in carrying out statistical analysis.
Provides a new section on Testing Normality of a
given a dataset.
Expands Use of Technology sections with coverage
of the use of Excel to perform statistical analysis.
Offers a new appendix containing Multiple-Choice
Questions as brain-teasers.
Includes Excel example datasets, SPSS datasets,
and the solutions to Question Bank on the
companion CD.
Solutions Manual containing the complete worked-
out solutions to chapter-end exercises and Question
Bank is available for instructors.
titled Data Handling and Statistics through
Chapter 10 on FoxPro Programming for Quick
Statistics has been replaced by a new chapter titled
Data Analysis using Crystal Reports.
Statistical analysis with SPSS has been thoroughly
Several new examples and exercises have been
CONTENTS: Preface. Preface to the First Edition. The
Role of Statistics in Research. Basics of a Computer.
Windows and MS-Office for Research Studies. Data
Handling and Statistics through MS-Access. Data
Handling in Excel. Graphs and Charts in Excel.
Descriptive Statistics Using Excel. Inferential
Statistics Using Excel. Correlation and Regression
Analysis. Data Analysis Using Crystal Reports. Trend
Analysis and Related Tools in Excel. Statistical
Analysis with SPSS. Appendices. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 304 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4017-6 / ` 250.00
Statistical Inference: Testing of
of Statistics, Institute of Social Sciences, Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar University, Agra.
NAMITA SRIVASTAVA, Reader, Department of Statistics,
St. Johns College, Agra.
Intended as a textbook for a core paper on Statistical
Inference: Testing of Hypotheses at the undergraduate
level, and one semester course at the masters level,
it emphasizes on J. Neyman and Egon Pearsons
mathematical foundations of hypothesis testing,
which is one of the finest methodologies of reaching
conclusions on population parameter.
Following Wald and Fergusons approach, the book
presents Neyman-Pearson theory under broader
premises of decision theory resulting into
simplification and generalization of results. On
account of smooth mathematical development of this
theory, the book outlines the main result on
Lebesgue theory in abstract spaces prior to rigorous
theoretical developments on most powerful (MP),
uniformly most powerful (UMP) and UMP unbiased
tests for different types of testing problems.
Likelihood ratio tests their large sample properties to
variety of testing situations and connection between
confidence estimation and testing of hypothesis have
been discussed in separate chapters.
The book illustrates simplification of testing problems
and reduction in dimensionality of class of tests
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. An Informal
Treatment of Foundations. A Formal Treatment of
Foundations. Assessment of Utilities for
Consequences. Quantification of Judgments. Analysis
of Decision Trees. Random Variables. Continuous
Lotteries and Expectations. Special Univariate
Distributions. Conditional Probability and Bayes
Theorem. Bernoulli Process. Terminal Analysis:
Opportunity Loss and the Value of Perfect
Information. Paired Random Variables. Preposterior
Analysis: The Value of Sample Information. Poisson
Process. Normal Process with Known Variance. Normal
Process with Known Variance. Normal Process with
Unknown Variance. Large Sample Theory. Statistical
Analysis in Normal Form. Classical Methods.
Multivariate Random Variables. The Multivariate
Normal Distribution. Choosing the Best of Several
Processes. Allowance for Uncertain Bias.
Stratification. The Portfolio Problem. Normal Linear
Regression with Known Variance. Appendices1: The
Terminology of Sets. 2: Elements of Matrix Theory. 3:
Properties of Utility Functions for Monetary
Consequences. 4: Tables. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 896 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3796-1 / ` 525.00
Statistics Made Simple: Do It
Yourself on PC, 2nd ed.
K.V.S. SARMA, Professor, Department of Statistics, Sri
Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
This textbook, now in its second edition, is designed
for the students opting for courses in research
methodology. It is also intended for the postgraduate
students of population studies, sociology, economics,
psychology and anthropology.
Written in a reader-friendly style, this thoroughly
revised text teaches the students how to handle data
and get the desired output through commonly
available software like Microsoft Office 2007 and
Excel using a step-by-step approach. Real-life data
have been analyzed and illustrated through graphs,
tables and screenshots. An entire chapter is devoted
to Crystal Reports (CRP) software, which is currently
used for rendering custom-designed reports from
This book will also benefit all those professionals who
are not aware of the use of computer for data
handling and statistical analysis.
The earlier chapter on Data Handling and Statistics
through FoxPro has been replaced by a new chapter
146 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
The text is profusely illustrated with examples and
diagrams so as to make this rigorous subject more
understandable to the students.
The text is comprehensive and the presentation
Over 625 worked-out Examples, and over 440
Problem Sets.
Answers to all section-end problems.
Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate
students of Engineering for their courses on
Probability, Statistics, Random Processes and
Queueing Theory, the book will also be extremely
useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students
of Science and postgraduate students of Engineering
pursuing these courses.
CONTENTS: Preface. Probability. Random Variable.
Standard Probability Distributions. Two-Dimensional
Random Variables. Random Processes. Spectral
Analysis of Random Processes. Queueing Theory.
Answers to Problems. Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 820 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3844-9 / ` 425.00
Probability and Statistics with
Reliability, Queuing and Computer
Science Applications
Durham, U.S.A.
This treatment of probability, stochastic processes
and statistics prepares the student for solving
practical stochastic modelling problems and for
the more advanced courses in queuing or reliability
theory. The book emphasises applications, illustrating
each theoretical concept by solved examples relating
to algorithm analysis, reliability analysis, computer
performance analysis or communication related
problems. A basic introduction to probability theory
is presented, providing the core for an introductory
course in applied probability.
CONTENTS: Introduction. Discrete Random Variables.
Continuous Random Variables. Expectation.
Conditional Distribution and Conditional Expectation.
Stochastic Processes. Discrete Parameter Markov
Chains. Networks of Queues. Statistical Inference.
Regression, Correlation, and Analysis of Variance.
Appendices. Author Index. Subject Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 640 pp. / 15.3 22.9 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-0508-3 / ` 250.00
resulting into existence of an optimal test through
the principle of sufficiency and invariance. It
concludes with rigorous theoretical developments on
non-parametric tests including their optimality,
asymptotic relative efficiency, consistency, and
asymptotic null distribution.
Provides clarifications for a number of steps in the
proofs of related theory stated therein.
Provides numerous solved examples to add
analytical insight on the subject.
A separate chapter on an advanced topic a-similar
and similar tests with Neyman structure for multi-
parameter testing.
The book also serves as a ready reference for the
researchers in the areas of agricultural statistics,
biostatistics and econometrics.
CONTENTS: Preface. The Probability Background. Most
Powerful Tests. One-sided Uniformly Most Powerful
Tests. Two-sided Uniformly Most Powerful Tests and
UMP Unbiased Tests. UMP Tests for Multiparameter
Case. Principles of Invariance in Testing of
Hypothesis. Likelihood Ratio Test. Confidence
Estimation and Testing of Hypothesis. Non-parametric
Tests. Univariate Single-sample Problem of Location.
Univariate Two-sample Problem of Location and Scale.
Measures of Association for Bivariate Samples.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2009 / 416 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3728-2 / ` 375.00
Probability, Statistics and Queueing
V. SUNDARAPANDIAN, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, Alagappa University, Karaikudi,
Tamil Nadu.
Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory is
considered to be a tough subject by most
engineering and science students all over the world.
What Professor Sundarapandian with his indepth
knowledge and rich and long experience strives to do
is to make the concepts very clear and compre-
hensible to the students by his lucid presentation
and illustrative approach.
The book analyses various types of random processes,
spectral density functions and their applications to
linear systems. Besides, it deals with the basics of
queueing theory with a clear exposition of the five
important queueing models. The text gives a detailed
description of such topics as random variables,
standard probability distribution, central limit
theorem, random processes and spectral theory.
Textbook of Ophthalmology, A,
2nd ed.
Dr. E. AHMED, M.S. (Ophthalmology), formerly Head,
Department of Ophthalmology, Calcutta National
Medical College.
This second editon of the authoritative textbook on
ophthalmology covers all aspect of ophthalmology
basic, investigative, clinical and management. The
science of ophthalmology has enormously expanded
during the past few years. Automated perimetry,
fluorescein fundus angiography, modern imaging
methods, computer-assisted procedures, specialized
lenses and ophthalmoscopes, digital imaging, etc.,
are being increasingly employed for diagnostic
purposes. Newer drugs are available with promising
therapeutic results. Intraocular lens implantation,
phacoemulsification, keratorefractive surgery, vitre-
oretinal procedures, variety of lasers are also being
practised. This completely revised and fully updated
edition discusses all these state-of-the-art develop-
ments in a comprehensive and thorough manner.
Most of the chapters have been revised with
incorporation of new text matters, figures, coloured
illustrations, and many tables.
Despite modern advances, conventional procedures
have been retained in the book as a vast number of
people are still being treated by ophthalmologists, by
these methods.
Written in a lucid and easy-to-understand style, this
book is intended to be a text for the undergraduate
and postgraduate students of ophthalmology. It will
also be useful to practising ophthalmologists as a
reference on this subject.
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction.
Abbreviation. Part OneAnatomy and Embryology.
Part TwoOcular Physiology. Part Three
Microbiology. Part FourOcular Therapeutics, Optical
Defects and Ocular Examinations. Part FiveOcular
Diseases and Ocular Affections in Systemic Diseases.
Part SixSurgical Procedures. Part Seven
Miscellaneous Aspects. Appendix I: Formulary of
Topical Ophthalmic Preparations. Appendix II:
Ophthalmic Instruments. Glossary. Index.
Latest Print 2001 / 640 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-1916-8 / ` 450.00
Chemotherapy of Tropical Parasitic
Infections, 2nd ed.
T.K. CHATTERJEE, Research Scientist, Department of
Pharmaceutical Technology, Jadavpur University,
Parasitic infections (helminthic or protozoal) are
major worldwide health problems especially in the
tropics and subtropics. There is at present little
information for clinical doctors on chemotherapy of
tropical infections. This well-researched and handy
second edition of the book provides updated
information on pharmacology, mode of actions,
pharmacokinetic data, side effects, toxicity, and
recommended doses of antiparasitic drugs.
This book will be of interest to medical practitioners,
pharmacists, pharmacologists, clinical workers and
toxicologists. Medical students and those studying
pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmacology would also
find this book very useful.
Contains updated information on 53 nos.
antiparasitic drugs.
Gives structures of 41 nos. antiparasitic drugs.
Incorporate important biochemical data.
Provides an exhaustive list of references for further
CONTENTS: Preface to the First Edition. Preface to
the Second Edition. Introduction. SECTION A
23 Nos. of Anthelmintics. Table A1: Drugs for
Chemotherapy of Helminth Infections. Table A2:
Pharmacokinetic Data on Some Anthelmintics. Table
A3: Clinical Data on Some Anthelmintics. SECTION
B30 Nos. of Antiprotozoals. CHART 1: Antimalarials
of Clinical Importance. Table B1: Drugs for
Chemotherapy of Protozoan Infections. Table B2:
Pharmacokinetic Data on Some Antiprotozoals. Table
B3: Clinical Data on Some Antiprotozoals. APPENDIX:
Table A1: Hematological Values. Table A2: Liver
Function Tests. Further Reading. Index.
Latest Print 1999 / 196 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-1611-8 / ` 150.00
148 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Introduction to Biomedical
MICHAEL M. DOMACH, Carnegie Mellon University.
This is an introductory textbook that provides a
broader understanding of this frontline subject with
certain depth. The book aims to:
Explain the range of bioengineering activity in
order to orient starting engineering students.
Provide a sense of how engineering differs from
Present some achievable depth on some salient
science and engineering facets that drive a cross
section of bioengineering practice.
Emphasis is placed on biomedical engineering, while
also providing some material that is relevant to
bioresource engineering and biochemical engineering.
The level of the discussion and homework problems
are geared to freshmen college students who possess
backgrounds in basic chemistry and physics. Chapters
are provided that cover some highlights of modern
biology and physiology to even out the life science
backgrounds of the students. A chapter that explains
how quantitative analysis is performed is often
preceded by a chapter that provides a pictorial
description of important phenomena. The mathe-
matical level is primarily algebraic, but repeated use
of some calculus techniques (e.g. optimization,
separation of variables) in different problem contexts
is done to challenge students with advanced
placement and to motivate others on the relevance of
their concurrent coursework in mathematics.
The first half of the book covers molecular and
cell-level phenomena, and applications featuring
Enzyme-based diagnostic technology
Metabolic engineering
Tissue Engineering
The second half of the text covers human-scale
bioengineering featuring biomechanical, biomaterial,
and electrical sensing applications such as
Human locomotion analysis and pace optimization
Branching in the circulatory system and pressure
Magnetic resonance and signal processing basics
Bioengineering? Cellular Elemental, and Molecular
Building Blocks of Living Systems. Part II: SYSTEM
Cycling, and Kinetics. Requirements and Features of a
Functional and Coordianted Systems. Bioenergetics.
Molecular Basis of Catalysis and Regulation. Analysis
of Molecular Binding Phenomena. Applications and
Design in Biomolecular Technology. Metabolic and
Tissue Engineering and Bioinformatics. Part IV:
MEDICAL ENGINEERINGPrimer on Tissues and
Organs. New and Improved Biomechanics. Biofluid
Mechanics. Biomaterials. Pharmacokinetics.
Noninvasive Sensing and Signal Processing. Index.
Latest Print 2007 / 256 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-3410-6 / ` 295.00
Molecular and Cellular Physiology of
GORDON L. FAIN is Professor of Physiological Science,
Ophthalmology, and Neuroscience at the University of
California, Los Angeles.
For understanding the functions of the brain, it is
essential to understand how the individual molecules
and cells within the nervous system function and
how they ultimately shape our behavior. This book
provides a comprehensive and up-to-date account of
what we know, what we want to know, and what we
can expect to discover in the near future about the
functioning of brain at the level of molecules and
The text presents the subject from fundamentals
to the most sophisticated concepts and latest
discoveries: from membrane potentials to recent
experiments on voltage-gated ion channels, from
descriptions of receptors, G protein, effector mole-
cules, and secondary messengers to an account of our
current understanding of long-term potentiation.
Each chapter discusses individual experiments and
illustrates the techniques and approaches that have
formed our present view of nerve-cell function.
The book aims at graduate and postgraduate students
of physiology, medical biotechnology and students of
neural and cognitive sciences. It should also be of
interest to anyone interested in the role of molecules
and cells in the central nervous system.
CONTENTS: Preface. Introduction. Part One: Electrical
Properties of Cells and HomeostasisPassive Electrical
Properties of Neurons. Ion Permeability and
Membrane Potentials. Ion Pumps and Homeostasis.
Part Two: Active Propagation of Neural Signals
Action Potentials: The Hodgkin-Huxley Experiments.
The Structure and Function of Voltage-Gated
Channels. The Diversity of Voltage-Gated Channels.
Part Three: Synaptic Transmission and Ligand-Gated
ChannelsPresynaptic Mechanisms of Synaptic
Transmission. Excitatory Transmission. Inhibitory
Transmission. Part Four: Metabotropic Transmission
and NeuromodulationReceptors and G Proteins.
Effector Molecules. Calcium and Nitric Oxide. Long-
Term Potentiation. Part Five: Sensory Transduction
Mechanoreceptors. Photoreceptors and Olfactory
Receptors. Appendix: Symbols Used. References.
Latest Print 2005 / 704 pp. / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-81-203-2734-9 / ` 495.00
Biostatistics for Medical, Nursing
and Pharmacy Students
A. INDRAYAN, Head of the Department of Biostatistics
and Medical Informatics, University College of Medical
Sciences (UCMS), Delhi.
L. SATYANARAYANA, Deputy Director, Division of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Institute of Cytology
and Preventive Oncology (Indian Council of Medical
Research), Noida (UP).
Designed specially for undergraduate students in
medicine, pharmacy and nursing, this compact text,
oriented completely to the medical aspects, skillfully
analyzes the fundamentals of Biostatistics.
The book begins with discussions on Biostatistics in
health and diseases, types of data, and methods of
data collection. Then it goes on to give a detailed
description of fertility and demography indicators,
indicators of social and mental health, sampling,
standard error and confidence interval, as well as the
principles of statistical tests. The study concludes
with a discussion on parametric and non-parametric
tests, chi-square tests, regression and correlation, and
sample size in medical studies.
Gives key terms and concepts at the beginning of
each chapter.
Provides relevant medical examples to illustrate the
methods discussed.
Has large number of exercisesnumerical, MCQs
and true/falseat the end of each chapter.
Gives solutions to exercises.
Aspirants of PG entrance and USMLE examinations
should also find the book extremely useful.
CONTENTS: Preface. Biostatistics in Health and
Disease. Types of Data and Methods of Data
Collection. Quality of Data and Medical Tests. Sources
of Existing Medical Data. Assessment of Morbidity.
Indicators of Mortality. Fertility and Demography
Indicators. Indicators of Social and Mental Health.
Numerical Summarization of Medical Data. Graphs in
Health and Disease. Probability and Reference Range
of Medical Parameters. Descriptive Studies: Sampling.
Prospective, Retrospective and Cross-sectional Studies.
Experiments and Clinical Trials. Standard Error and
Confidence Interval. General Principles of Statistical
Tests. Statistical Significance: Parametric and Non-
Parametric Tests. Strength of Association and Chi-
Square Tests. Regression and Correlation. Sample Size
in Medical Studies. Appendix. Index.
Latest Print 2006 / 304 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-3054-4 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Neurology
NAVNEET KUMAR, Director, Professor and Head,
Department of Medicine, as well as Head of Neurology
Division, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Neurology, a subject considered to be complex,
studies the nervous system, and the disorders and
diseases associated with it. Most medical students
find it a tough subject. Though quite a few books
are available in the market on the subject, somehow
they fail to explain the topics in an accessible style
to the students. What this comprehensive and reader-
friendly book strives to do is to demystify the subject
and make it comprehensible even to the average
The book encompasses, within the covers of a single
volume, all aspects of neurology with great skill and
dexterity. It gives an in-depth treatment of such
topics as disorders of consciousness, language and
speech disorders, sleep disorders, movement
disorders, vertigo and ataxia. Dr. Navneet Kumar,
with his expertise and long years of experience, gives
a masterly analysis of many other topics such as
headaches including migraine, backaches, meningitis
and strokesin both the young and the elderly. He
devotes four chapters exclusively to Epilepsy, a
disease dreaded by many. Whats more, he discusses
in detail about a host of other topics in neurology,
for example, the early diagnosis of dementia,
Alzheimers disease, nervous system tumours, and
psychiatric disorders.
Describes modern investigative techniques in the
diagnosis of nervous system disorders, these
include EEG, CAT scan, MRI, PET scan, and EMG.
150 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Provides photographs, and a large number of
diagrams and tables to illustrate the concepts
Acquaints the readers with the latest methods of
neurological therapy, such as gene therapy and
stem cell therapy.
Intended primarily as a textbook for the students of
MBBS, MD (Medicine), and Psychiatry, the book will
also be of considerable assistance to the students of
DM (Neurology) and M.Ch. (Neurosurgery). Finally,
practising physicians and neurologists should find
reading the book quite a useful and rewarding
CONTENTS: Preface. Acknowledgements. Section 1:
Introduction to NeurologyClinical Methods of
Neurological Diagnosis. Cranial Nerves. Speech
Disorders. Focal Cerebral Disorders. Section 2:
Disorders of Consciousness and SleepApproach to
Acute Confusional States. Approach to a Case of
Coma. Sleep Disorders. Section 3: EpilepsyApproach
to a Case of Epilepsy. Symptomatic Epilepsies with
Special Reference to Neurocysticercosis (NCC)
Present Scenario. Generalised Epilepsies with Special
Reference to Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. Recent
Advances in the Management of Epilepsy. Section 4:
CNS InfectionsAcute Bacterial Meningitis.
Management of TB Meningitis in Different Situations.
Acute Viral Infections of Brain. Other Tropical
Infections. Section 5: Pain DisordersHeadache
Disorder. MigrainAn Overview. Neck Pain and
BackacheManagement Issues. Section 6: Movement
DisordersApproach to a Case of Movement Disorder
with Special Reference to Tremors. Parkinson Disease
(PD) and Management. Section 7: Motor System
DisordersApproach to a Case of Quadriplegia and
Paraplegia. Craniovertebral Anomalies. Cauda Equina
and Conus Medullaris Syndrome. Motor Neuron
Disease. Section 8: Demyelinating Disorders
Demyelinating Diseases. Section 9: Disorders of
BalancingApproach to a Patient with Vertigo.
Approach to a Patient with Ataxia. Section 10:
Cerebrovascular DisordersApproach to Stroke and
Stroke Syndromes. Stroke in Young. Stroke in Elderly.
Section 11: Dementia and Related DisordersEarly
Diagnosis of Dementia in Clinical Practice. Alzheimers
DiseaseA Review. Section 12: Neuropathies
Approach to Peripheral Neuropathy. Acute
Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy
(AIDP) (GuillainBarre Syndrome). Section 13: Muscle
DisordersApproach to a Patient with Muscle
Disease. Myasthenia Gravis (MG). Section 14: Critical
CareNeurological Emergencies. Role of Mechanical
Ventilation in Critical Care. Section 15: Autonomic
SystemClinical Aspects of Autonomic Nervous
System. Approach to Bladder Dysfunction. Section 16:
Other Categories of Neurological Disorders
Neurological Manifestations of Systemic Diseases.
Metabolic Disorders in Neurology. Nutritional
Disorders. Cerebral Oedema. Brain Tumors.
Neurological Aspects in Psychiatric Disorders. Section
17: NeuroinvestigationsElectroencephalography
(EEG). An Introduction to Cranial CT. Principles of
MRI and Uses in Neurology. Introduction to Nerve
Conduction Studies (NCS). Introduction to
Electromyography (EMG). Evoked Potentials in
Neurology. Section 18: Advances in NeurologyGene
therapy in Neurology. Stem cells -Current status in
Neurosciences. Glossary. Index.
816 pp. (approx.) / 17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-4243-9 / FORTHCOMING
Introduction to Biostatistics and
Research Methods, 4th ed.
P.S.S. SUNDAR RAO is presently the Research
Coordinator at the Leprosy Mission Trust India, New
J. RICHARD is presently Consultant in Biostatistics and
Research Methods. Earlier he served as Professor and
Head, Department of Biostatistics, Christian Medical
College, Vellore.
The fourth edition of this well-accepted textbook
introduces the basic principles and concepts of
biostatistics in simple, straightforward terms with
minimal use of statistical jargon. With the help of
real-life examples, it explains the various statistical
techniques that are applied to medical and health-
related sciences. Using an accessible style, the book
gives excellent coverage of research methodology and
helps in determining the best study designs and
sample sizes as well as appropriate statistical tests of
significance, including non-parametric tests.
In its new look, the text carries the necessary
revisions of several chapters, including the fully
revised chapters on research methods and data
processing. The latest information on health statistics
and demography of India is included. A new section
on the recently introduced measure for the
determination of the number needed to treat (NNT)
in a clinical trial is provided.
Intended for undergraduate and postgraduate medical
students as well as for nursing and paramedical
students, the book will also be immensely useful to
medical/health faculty and researchers in the field of
it will also be useful to students of human biology
and biochemistry.
CONTENTS: Foreword to the First Edition. Preface.
Preface to the Second Edition. Preface to the
First Edition. Introduction. Section I: Chemical
Architecture of the Living Systems. Section II:
Specialised Tissues and Organs. Section III: Cellular
Reactions. Section IV: Foods and Nutrition. Section V:
Vitamins and Minerals. Section VI: Gastrointestinal
Tract. Section VII: Human Genetics, Biochemical Basis
of Inheritance, Expression of Genetic Information,
Genetic Engineering, Viruses. Section VIII: Hormones.
Section IX: Homeostasis. Section X: Environmental
Biochemistry. Section XI: Chemistry and Biology
of Reproduction. Section XII: Elements of Immu-
nology. Section XIII: Radioisotopes and Their
Application in Medicine. Section XIV: Principles
of Chemotherapy. Section XV: Clinical Chemistry.
Section XVI: Special Topics. Section XVII:
Biostatistics. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 1328 pp. (Hard Cover)
17.8 23.5 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-1965-3 / ` 795.00
Hypertension Control
Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for
various heart ailments, such as congestive heart
failure, coronary heart disease, stroke, and renal
dysfunction, and accounts for 2025% of all
deaths due to cardiovascular damage. Owing to a
greater awareness of the public health, the need
for primary prevention, an early detection and
adequate treatment of the disease are being strongly
This report of the WHO Expert Committee contributes
to the understanding of hypertension by enumerating
its risk factors and predictors, and the best measures
for its prevention and control with emphasis on the
general usefulness of systolic blood pressure
measurements. The distinctive Key Features of
hypertension in children and adolescents,
women, elderly and diabetic people are extremely
informative. The evaluation of the potential impact
of lifestyle changes and the various pharmacological
treatment options guide the policy makers in public
health to select the most appropriate and cost-
effective means of controlling the disease in different
socio-economic settings.
Worlds eminent experts have contributed to this
CONTENTS: Foreword. Preface. Scope of Statistical
Methods in Medicine. Role of Statistics in Clinical
Medicine. Role of Statistics in Preventive Medicine.
Observations in Medicine. Frequency Distribution.
Measures of Central Tendency and Location. Measures
of Dispersion. Probability. Probability Distributions.
Sampling. Basis of Statistical Inference. Tests of
Significance and Estimation. Linear Regression and
Correlation. The Chi-Square Test. Analysis of Variance.
Non-parametric or Distribution-free Statistical Tests.
Further Statistical Methods. Vital Statistics. Health
Statistics. Standardised Death Rates and Life Tables.
Demography. Introduction to Research Methods.
Experimental Studies. Observational Studies. Data
Processing. Presentation of Data. Appendices.
Bibliography. Index.
Latest Print 2010 / 276 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-978-81-203-2876-1 / ` 250.00
Textbook of Biochemistry and
Human Biology, 3rd ed.
Edited by
G.P. TALWAR, Director, Talwar Research Foundation,
New Delhi. Formerly: Director, National Institute of
Immunology, New Delhi; Professor and Head,
Department of Biochemistry, All India Institute of
Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
L.M. SRIVASTAVA, Senior Consultant and Head,
Department of Biochemistry, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi; formerly, Professor and Head, Department
of Biochemistry, A.I.I.M.S., New Delhi.
This book pools together the knowledge and
experience of those engaged in teaching and research
in the field of biochemistry and disciplines of medical
sciences. Now substantially revised and updated,
it provides a comprehensive coverage of biochemistry
in the overall context of body function (and
Arranged in 17 sections, it begins appropriately with
a section on Chemical Architecture of the Living
Systems and then goes on to consider a diversity of
fields with membranes and receptors, endorphins and
encephalins and prostaglandins at one end of the
spectrum to such topics as biochemistry of common
intestinal parasities, protein-calorie malnutrition and
principles of chemotherapy at the other end.
The book is intended to be a basic text for the
medical student not only during preclinical years
when the subject is taught, but also during para and
clinical years. Being a handbook of basic information,
152 O PHI Learning CATALOGUE 2011
Presents complexities of hypertension, options
available for its control, and selection of appro-
priate mix of interventions.
Both individual and population-based approaches
are presented.
Compares cost-effectiveness of different manage-
ment strategies.
CONTENTS: Introduction. Definition and Classification
of Hypertension. Epidemiology of High Blood
Pressure. Pathophysiology of Essential Hypertension.
Hypertension with Identifiable Cause. Organ Damage
Associated with Hypertension. Clinical Assessment of
the Hypertensive Patient. Prevention and Control
of Hypertension in Populations. Management
of Hypertension Cost-effectiveness. Evaluation of
Hypertension Control in Populations. Conclusions
and Recommendations. Acknowledgements.
Latest Print 1998 / 92 pp. / 16.0 24.1 cm
ISBN-81-203-1431-X / ` 55.00
ABBASI & ABBASI: Renewable Energy Sources: Their Impact on Global Warming and Pollution, 42 325.00
ACQUAAH: HorticulturePrinciples and Practices, 4th ed., 3 695.00
ACQUAAH: Principles of Crop Production: Theory, Techniques, and Technology, 3 325.00
AGARWAL & HARI PRAKASH: Quantum Mechanics, 108 295.00
AHMED: Textbook of Ophthalmology, A, 2nd ed., 147 450.00
AHMED: Wind Energy: Theory and Practice, 43 325.00
AKHTAR & AHSAN: Textbook of Differential Calculus, 2nd ed., 65 350.00
ANANDANATARAJAN: Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurements, 13 275.00
ANDREWS & PHILLIPS: Mathematical Techniques for Engineers and Scientists, 65 425.00
ANDREWS & SHIVAMOGGI: Integral Transforms for Engineers, 66 295.00
ARNOLD: Ordinary Differential Equations, 66 175.00
ARTIN: Algebra, 66 325.00
ARULDHAS & RAJAGOPAL: Modern Physics, 111 295.00
ARULDHAS: Classical Mechanics, 67, 109 275.00
ARULDHAS: Engineering Physics, 109 250.00
ARULDHAS: Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, 2nd ed., 34, 110 325.00
ARULDHAS: Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., 111 295.00
ARULDHAS: Quantum Mechanics: 500 Problems with Solutions, 110 295.00
ARUN KUMAR: Introduction to Solid State Physics, 111 325.00
ASTHANA & BRAJ BHUSHAN: Statistics for Social Sciences (with SPSS Applications), 139 195.00
BAIDYANATH BASU, et al.: Introduction to Astrophysics, An, 2nd ed., 112 350.00
BALL: Basics of Spectroscopy, The, 112 150.00
BANERJEE: Environmental Chemistry, 2nd ed., 34, 43 125.00
BANERJI & BANERJEE: Special Theory of Relativity, The, 67, 113 195.00
BASIR: Textbook of Immunology, 14 225.00
BASU: Measure Theory and Probability, 68 175.00
BATHE: Finite Element Procedures, 68 550.00
BATHUL: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science, 68 325.00
BATHUL: Special Functions and Complex Variables (Engineering Mathematics III), 69 295.00
BERGERON: Bioinformatics Computing, 14 250.00
BHAMRA: Partial Differential Equations: An Introductory Treatment with Applications, 69 350.00
BILLINGS: Structural Geology, 3rd ed., 58 295.00
BISWAL: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory, 70 295.00
BISWAL: Numerical Analysis, 71 250.00
154 O Authorwise Alphabetical Listing
BISWAL: Ordinary Differential Equations, 71 250.00
BISWAL: Probability and Statistics, 140 275.00
BLOOM: GeomorphologyA Systematic Analysis of Late Cenozoic Landforms, 3rd ed., 58 350.00
CHANDRASEKAR: Basics of Atmospheric Science, 113 375.00
CHANDRASEKARAN & UMAPARVATHI: Discrete Mathematics, 71 425.00
CHATTERJEE: Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed., 72 250.00
CHATTERJEE: Analytic Solid Geometry, 72 225.00
CHATTERJEE: Chemotherapy of Tropical Parasitic Infections, 2nd ed., 147 150.00
CHATTERJEE: Linear Programming and Game Theory, 73 250.00
CHATTERJEE: Real Analysis, 73 350.00
CHATTERJEE: Vector Analysis, 2nd ed., 73 175.00
CHATTERJEE: X-ray Diffraction: Its Theory and Applications, 2nd ed., 114 195.00
CHATTERJI: Introduction to Environmental Biotechnology, 2nd ed., 15, 44 195.00
CHATTOPADHYAY & BANERJEE: Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 107 350.00
CHAUBE & PUNDHIR: Crop Diseases and Their Management, 4 395.00
CHAUDHURI: Essentials of Survey Sampling, 140 225.00
CHENNAKESAVA R. ALAVALA: Finite Element Methods: Basic Concepts and Applications, 74 325.00
CHEREMISINOFF: Biotechnology for Waste and Wastewater Treatment, 15, 44 225.00
CHOWDHARY: Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematical Structures, 74 250.00
CODDINGTON: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, An, 75 150.00
CRITCHFIELD: General Climatology, 4th ed., 59 195.00
CUTTER (Ed.): Environmental Risks and Hazards, 45 195.00
DAS & BEHERA: Environmental Science: Principles and Practice, 45 250.00
DASH & KHUNTIA: Fundamentals of Electromagnetic Theory, 114 450.00
DASH: Analytical Chemistry, 34 395.00
DATTA: Matrix and Linear Algebra: Aided with MATLAB, 2nd ed., 75 350.00
DATTA: Mechanics, 76 175.00
DAY & UNDERWOOD: Quantitative Analysis, 6th ed., 35 325.00
DELIGE: Anthropology of the Family and Kinship, 2nd ed., 11 195.00
U Uc (Political Geography: A Contemporary Approach), 60 195.00
DIKSHIT: Art and Science of Geography, TheIntegrated Readings, 59 125.00
U (Geographical ThoughtA Contextual History of Ideas), 60 175.00
DIKSHIT: Geographical ThoughtA Contextual History of Ideas, 59 195.00
DOMACH: Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, 148 295.00
DUTT, MISRA & CHATTERJEE (Eds.): Explorations in Applied Geography, 61 495.00
DWIVEDI: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 3 (Forthcoming), 76
DYER: Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds, 35 125.00
Authorwise Alphabetical Listing O 155
EARNEST & WIZELIUS: Wind Power Plants and Project Development, 46 995.00
FAIN: Molecular and Cellular Physiology of Neurons, 16, 148 495.00
FINCH: Introduction to Acoustics, 115 495.00
FITCH: Engineering Introduction to Biotechnology, An, 16 125.00
FRIEDBERG, INSEL & SPENCE: Linear Algebra, 4th ed., 77 250.00
GANESH: Introduction to Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic, 77 195.00
GANGADHARAN: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I, 2nd ed., 78 325.00
GANGADHARAN: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. II, 78 195.00
GARG, et al.: Oscillations and Waves, 115 195.00
GHATAK: Techniques and Methods in Biology, 17 595.00
GHOSAL & SRIVASTAVA: Fundamentals of Bioanalytical Techniques and Instrumentation, 17 250.00
GHOSH: Numerical Methods with Computer Programs in C++ (with CD-ROM), 78 395.00
GOODAIRE & PARMENTER: Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory, 3rd ed., 79 425.00
GOURDIN & BOUMAHRAT: Applied Numerical Methods, 80 150.00
GRIFFITHS: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed., 115 250.00
GUPTA: Calculus of Variations with Applications, 80 195.00
HAMMER & HAMMER, Jr.: Water and Wastewater Technology, 6th ed., 46 395.00
HARPER: Introduction to Mathematical Physics, 80, 116 175.00
HARTMANN, et al.: Hartmann and Kesters Plant PropagationPrinciples and Practices, 7th ed. (with CD-ROM), 4 595.00
HARTSHORN & ALEXANDER: Economic Geography, 3rd ed., 62 325.00
HAVLIN, et al.: Soil Fertility and Fertilizers: An Introduction to Nutrient Management, 7th ed., 5 395.00
HENRY & HEINKE: Environmental Science and Engineering, 2nd ed., 47 395.00
HOFFMAN & KUNZE: Linear Algebra, 2nd ed., 81 150.00
HORNBORG & CRUMLEY (Eds.): World System and the Earth System, The: Global Socioenvironmental Change
and Sustainability since Neolithic, 47 395.00
HOY, et al.: Mathematics for Economics, 2nd ed., 81 450.00
HUNTER: Processes of Life, The: An Introduction to Molecular Biology, 18 350.00
INDRAYAN & SATYANARAYANA: Biostatistics for Medical, Nursing and Pharmacy Students, 149 250.00
JADHAV: Aquaculture Technology and Environment, 5, 18 295.00
JAIN: Quantum Mechanics: A Textbook for Undergraduates, 116 250.00
JAIN: Textbook of Engineering Physics, Part 1, 117 225.00
JAIN: Textbook of Engineering Physics, Part 2, 117 195.00
JOHNSON: Miller & Freunds Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 8th ed., 141 395.00
JOHNSON & WICHERN: Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 5th ed. (with CD-ROM), 141 495.00
KALISKY: Physics and Engineering of Solid State Lasers, The, 118 195.00
KANAGASABAI: Environmental Studies, 48 125.00
KASANA: Complex Variables: Theory and Applications, 2nd ed., 82 350.00
156 O Authorwise Alphabetical Listing
KHANNA: Introduction to Particle Physics, 118 250.00
KHATTAR & KHATTAR: CBSE Mathematics for Class XI, 82 295.00
KHATTAR & KHATTAR: CBSE Mathematics for Class XII, Part 1, 82 295.00
KHATTAR & KHATTAR: CBSE Mathematics for Class XII, Part 2, 83 295.00
KLIR & FOLGER: Fuzzy Sets, Uncertainty, and Information, 83 250.00
KLIR & YUAN: Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy LogicTheory and Applications, 84 350.00
KOLMAN, BUSBY & ROSS: Discrete Mathematical Structures, 6th ed., 84 375.00
KORMONDY: Concepts of Ecology, 4th ed., 19 325.00
KOTHARI, et al.: Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies, 49 250.00
KRISHNA PRASAD: Downstream Process Technology: A New Horizon in Biotechnology, 19 350.00
KRISHNA PRASAD: Enzyme Technology: Pacemaker of Biotechnology (Forthcoming), 20
KRISHNAMOORTHY: Environmental Management: Text and Cases, 2nd ed., 49 195.00
KRISHNAMURTHY, et al.: Engineering Chemistry, 2nd ed., 36 195.00
KRISHNAN: Textbook of Functional Analysis: A Problem-Oriented Approach, 85 195.00
KRORI: Fundamentals of Special and General Relativity, 118 295.00
KUMARESAN: Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, 85 150.00
LAKHTAKIA (Ed.): Handbook of Nanotechnology, TheNanometer Structures: Theory, Modeling, and Simulation, 107 525.00
LEVINE: Quantum Chemistry, 6th ed., 36 350.00
LO & YEUNG: Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems, 2nd ed., 62 450.00
LOKANATHAN & GAMBHIR: Statistical and Thermal PhysicsAn Introduction, 119 175.00
MACFIE & NUFRIO: Applied Statistics for Public Policy (with CD-ROM), 142 395.00
MAHABAL RAM: Fundamentals of Cytogenetics and Genetics, 20 495.00
MAJUMDAR: Irrigation Water Management: Principles and Practice, 6 325.00
MAJUMDAR: Pulse Crop Production: Principles and Technologies, 6 495.00
MANDAL: Textbook of Animal Behaviour, 21 350.00
MARIKANI: Engineering Physics, 119 225.00
MASTERS & ELA: Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science, 3rd ed., 50 350.00
MATHEWS & FINK: Numerical Methods Using MATLAB, 4th ed., 86 350.00
MATHUR: Elements of Geology, 63 150.00
MATHUR: Guide to Field Geology, 60 175.00
MEENAKSHI: Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering, 50 195.00
MEGLICKI: Quantum Computing Without Magic Devices, 120 425.00
MEHTA: Applied Physics for Engineers (Forthcoming), 120
MEHTA: Textbook of Engineering Physics (Part I), 121 175.00
MEHTA: Textbook of Engineering Physics (Part II), 121 195.00
MEHTA & MEHTA: Organic Chemistry, 36 425.00
MITTAL, et al.: Introduction to Nuclear and Particle Physics, 122 350.00
Authorwise Alphabetical Listing O 157
MOHANAN: Essentials of Plant Breeding, 7, 22 125.00
MONDAL: Classical Mechanics, Rev. ed., 86, 122 150.00
MONDAL: Textbook of Ordinary Differential Equations, Rev. ed., 86 175.00
MOTT, KANDEL & BAKER: Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians, 2nd ed., 87 350.00
MOUDGIL: Textbook of Physical Chemistry, 37 425.00
MROZOWSKI: Guided Electromagnetic Waves: Properties and Analysis, 123 395.00
MUKHOPADHYAY: Theory and Methods of Survey Sampling, 2nd ed., 142 475.00
MUNKRES: Topology, 2nd ed., 87 295.00
NADAR: Statistics, 143 295.00
NAG (Ed.): Textbook of Agricultural Biotechnology, 7, 22 225.00
NAIK: Principles of Physics, 4th ed., 123 275.00
NAIR & DEEPA: Applied Electromagnetic Theory: Analyses, Problems and Applications, 123 325.00
NARAIN: Fundamentals of Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, 38 275.00
NASAR: 2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics, 124 350.00
NAVINA WADHWANI: Electricity and Magnetism, 124 150.00
NAVNEET KUMAR: Textbook of Neurology (Forthcoming), 149
NEGI: Introduction to Endocrinology, 22 375.00
NOGGLE & FRITZ: Introductory Plant Physiology, 2nd ed., 23 395.00
OMNS: Understanding Quantum Mechanics, 125 225.00
PAL & PAL: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1, 88 325.00
PAL & PAL: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 2 (Forthcoming), 88
PAL & SARKAR: Statistics: Concepts and Applications, 2nd ed. (with CD-ROM), 144 325.00
PALANIAMMAL: Probability and Queueing Theory (Forthcoming), 88
PALANIAMMAL: Probability and Random Processes (Forthcoming), 89
PATNAIK: Introduction to Differential Equations, 89 225.00
PATWARDHAN: Dynamic Earth System, The, 2nd ed., 63 350.00
PEDIGO & RICE: Entomology and Pest Management, 6th ed., 7 595.00
PERKINS: Mineralogy, 2nd ed., 64 395.00
PEVZNER: Computational Molecular Biology: An Algorithmic Approach, 23 350.00
POTTER & GOLDBERG: Mathematical Methods, 2nd ed., 90 250.00
PRAMANIK: Electromagnetism: Problems with Solutions, 2nd ed., 125 425.00
PRAMANIK: Electromagnetism: Theory and Applications, 2nd ed., 126 495.00
PRASAD: Advanced Calculus, 90 195.00
PRASADA RAO: Agricultural Meteorology, 8 325.00
PRASADA RAO, et al. (Eds.): Climate Change and Agriculture Over India, 8 375.00
PRATT, RAIFFA & SCHLAIFER: Introduction to Statistical Decision Theory, 144 525.00
QANUNGO: Engineering Chemistry, 38 150.00
158 O Authorwise Alphabetical Listing
RAGHUVANSHI: Engineering Physics, 2nd ed., 127 325.00
RAI-CHOUDHURY (Ed.): MEMS and MOEMS Technology and Applications, 108 525.00
RAJAGOPAL: Engineering Physics, 127 195.00
RAJAGOPAL: Textbook of Engineering Physics (Part I), 128 195.00
RAJAGOPAL: Textbook of Engineering Physics (Part II), 128 175.00
RAJARAMAN: Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, 3rd ed., 90 95.00
RANA: Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Science, 4th ed., 24, 50 295.00
RANGASWAMI & BAGYARAJ: Agricultural Microbiology, 2nd ed., 9, 24 250.00
RANGASWAMI & MAHADEVAN: Diseases of Crop Plants in India, 4th ed., 9 325.00
RAO: Introduction to Microbiology, 25 150.00
RASTOGI, MENDIRATTA & RASTOGI: Bioinformatics: Methods and ApplicationsGenomics, Proteomics
and Drug Discovery, 3rd ed., 25 325.00
RAVICHANDRA: Methods and Techniques in Plant Nematology, 10 495.00
RAY: Fossils in Earth Sciences, 64 395.00
ROYDEN: Real Analysis, 3rd ed., 91 175.00
SAHNI & ARIYABANDU (Eds.): Disaster Risk Reduction in South Asia, 52 450.00
SAHNI, et al. (Eds.): Disaster Mitigation: Experiences and Reflections, 51 250.00
SALAHUDDIN KUNJU & KRISHNAN: Group Theory and Its Applications in Chemistry, 39 250.00
SANKARA RAO: Classical Mechanics, 91, 129 250.00
SANKARA RAO: Introduction to Partial Differential Equations, 3rd ed., 92 295.00
SANKARA RAO: Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers, 3rd ed., 92 250.00
SARMA: Statistics Made Simple: Do It Yourself on PC, 2nd ed., 145 250.00
SASTRY: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 93 325.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics (for UPTU), 95 350.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics for BPUT, 94 250.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics for GTU, 95 225.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics for WBUT, 97 325.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1, 4th ed., 93 295.00
SASTRY: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 2, 4th ed., 94 295.00
SASTRY: Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, 4th ed., 96 195.00
SATYANARAYANA & PRASAD: Discrete Mathematics and Graph Theory, 97 295.00
SAYER & MANSINGH: Measurement, Instrumentation and Experiment Design in Physics and Engineering, 129 250.00
SCHNEIDER & SAGAN: Into the CoolEnergy Flow, Thermodynamics, and Life, 26, 130 325.00
SCUPIN & DeCORSE: Anthropology: A Global Perspective, 6th ed., 11 495.00
SELLADURAI: Engineering Physics, Part I, 130 175.00
SEQUEIRA, S.J.: Textbook of Practical Chemistry for ICSE Students, A, 39 79.00
SHAH: Numerical Methods with C++ Programming, 97 275.00
SHAH: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, 98 395.00
SHAMIR: Optical Systems and Processes, 131 395.00
SHANMUGAM, et al.: Laboratory Handbook on Biochemistry, 26 150.00
SHARMA: Matrix Methods and Vector Spaces in Physics, 131 395.00
SHARMA & YEOLEKAR: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1, 98 225.00
SHARMA & YEOLEKAR: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 2 (Forthcoming), 99
SHETH: Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed., 99 250.00
SHOTWELL: Introduction to Fiber Optics, An, 131 150.00
SHULER & KARGI: Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts, 2nd ed., 27 325.00
SHUR: Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 132 395.00
SINCERO & SINCERO: Environmental EngineeringA Design Approach (with CD-ROM), 52 395.00
SINGH: Basic Physics, 132 395.00
SINGH: Chemistry in Daily Life, 2nd ed., 39 150.00
SINGH: Fundamentals of Optics, 133 350.00
SINGH: Graph Theory, 99 250.00
SINGH: Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation, 28 195.00
SINGH: Textbook of Dynamics, 100 325.00
SINGH & MEHTA: Human Body Measurements: Concepts and Applications, 12, 28 250.00
SINGHAL: Elements of Space Physics, 133 295.00
SIVASANKAR: Bioseparations: Principles and Techniques, 29 250.00
SIVASANKAR: Food Processing and Preservation, 40 250.00
SOLANKI: Renewable Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginneers, 53 225.00
l UU (Renewable Energy Technologies: A Practical Guide for Beginners), 53 150.00
SOLANKI: Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, 54 475.00
SOMASUNDARAM: Discrete Mathematical Structures, 100 175.00
SOMASUNDARAM & CHANDRASEKARAN: Numerical Methods with C++ Programming (with CD-ROM), 101 195.00
SONI: Mechanics and Relativity, 133 350.00
SPIRO & STIGLIANI: Chemistry of the Environment, 2nd ed., 40, 54 350.00
SREEKUMAR: Basic Physiology, 29 295.00
SRINIVAS: Bioinformatics: A Modern Approach, 30 195.00
SRINIVASAN: Environmental Engineering, 55 325.00
SRIVASTAVA: Elements of Solid State Physics, 2nd ed., 134 350.00
SRIVASTAVA: Essentials of Cultural Anthropology, 12 195.00
SRIVASTAVA: General Relativity and Cosmology, 101, 134 250.00
SRIVASTAVA: Morphology of the Primates and Human Evolution, 13 225.00
SRIVASTAVA: Quantum Mechanics, 135 295.00
SRIVASTAVA & ASHOK: Statistical Mechanics, 135 195.00
Authorwise Alphabetical Listing O 159
SRIVASTAVA, SAHA & JAIN: Thermodynamics: A Core Course, 3rd ed., 41, 136 225.00
SRIVASTAVA & SRIVASTAVA: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 1, 102 350.00
SRIVASTAVA & SRIVASTAVA: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 2, 102 375.00
SRIVASTAVA & SRIVASTAVA: Statistical Inference: Testing of Hypotheses, 145 375.00
STILING: Ecology: Theories and Applications, 4th ed., 30, 55 325.00
STREETMAN & BANERJEE: Solid State Electronic Devices, 6th ed., 136 295.00
STRICKBERGER: Genetics, 3rd ed., 31 525.00
SULLIVAN: Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts, 137 295.00
SUNDAR RAO & RICHARD: Introduction to Biostatistics and Research Methods, 4th ed., 31, 150 250.00
SUNDARAPANDIAN: Numerical Linear Algebra, 103 450.00
SUNDARAPANDIAN: Probability, Statistics and Queueing Theory, 103, 146 425.00
TALWAR & SRIVASTAVA (Eds.): Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology, 3rd ed., 32, 151 795.00
TAYLOR, ZAFIRATOS & DUBSON: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed., 137 395.00
TESTER, et al.: Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options, 56 550.00
THAKUR & RAI: Atom, Laser and Spectroscopy, 138 350.00
THAMBAN NAIR: Functional Analysis: A First Course, 104 250.00
THANGARAJ: Computer-Oriented Numerical Methods, 104 325.00
TIWARI & THAKUR: Classical Mechanics: Analytical Dynamics, 105, 138 150.00
TRIVEDI: Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications, 146 250.00
USHRI DATTA, MUKTIBODH & MOHGAONKAR: Algebra and Trigonometry, 105 195.00
VAIRAMANICKAM, et al.: Engineering Mathematics, Vol. I, 105 295.00
VEMULAPALLI: Physical Chemistry, 41 395.00
VENNISON: Laboratory Manual for Genetic Engineering, 32 125.00
VENUGOPALA RAO: Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering, 56 225.00
VENUGOPALA RAO: Textbook of Environmental Engineering, 57 195.00
VERMA: Introduction to Taxonomy and Angiosperms, 33 350.00
VIJAYASARATHY: Engineering Chemistry, 42 175.00
WEST: Introduction to Graph Theory, 2nd ed., 106 350.00
WIDDER: Advanced Calculus, 2nd ed., 106 225.00
WONG: Introductory Nuclear Physics, 139 195.00
WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: Hypertension Control, 151 55.00
WRIGHT & BOORSE: Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future, 11th ed., 57 650.00
ZAFAR AHSAN: Differential Equations and Their Applications, 2nd ed., 107 295.00
160 O Authorwise Alphabetical Listing
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33, Bakshi Gali, Rajwada, Indore-452001, M.P.
Phone: 2538787 Mobile: 9425318787
Lower Mall, Patiala-147001
Phones: 0175-2214118, 2218118
DDA Shopping Complex, Ber Sarai,
Opp JNU, New Delhi
Phones: 26528601, 26564337
Hall Bazaar, Amritsar Phone: 2558919
Chaura Bazaar, Ludhiana
Phone: 2745756 Fax: 2745872
Sultania Road, Motia Park, Bhopal-462001
Phones: 0755-2543624, 2545952
22, Daryaganj, Delhi Medical Association Road
New Delhi-110002
Phones: 23258579, 23259263, 23265931
Fax: 23258934 E-mail:
627, Subhash Chowk, Khajuri Bazar,
Indore-452002 MP Phone: 0731-4054829
Kaladhungi Chowk Chauraha,
Haldwani, U.A. Phone: 05946-284845
Maina Wali Gali, Old High Court Road,
Lakshkar, Gwalior-474001 MP
Phones: 0751-2376562, 4048350
4224/1, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
New Delhi-110002
Phones: 65355428, 41562574, 41562575
Bafna Manglam Road, Nahar Complex,
Shop No. 1, Vidhyut Nagar, Durg-491001 (C.G.)
Phone: 0788-3204600
Pacca Danga, Jammu-180001
Phones: 2546691, 2578357
Chaura Rasta, Jaipur Phone: 2578098
31, M.G. Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad
44, Jaora Compound, Barjatiya Chamber
Basement, Opp MY Hospital, Indore-452001, M.P.
Phone: 2701041 E-mail:
SCO-61, Sector 17-D,
504, M.G. Road, Opposite Kothari Market,
Indore-7 Phone: 2432479
Fax: 0731-2548144
81, Khajuri Bazar, Indore-452002 MP
Phone: 0731-2451009
In front of Private Bus Stand, Krishnaganj,
Sagar-470002 MP
Phone: 07582-228077
C-9, Supermarket, Agrasen Chowk
Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
Phone: 07752-418242
G-24, Sector-18, Noida, U.P.
Phones: 24513131, 24592263
FF-102107, Adarsh Complex,
Near Allahabad Bank, Engineering College
Crossing, Janki Puram, Lucknow-226022
4378/4-B, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
New Delhi-110002
Phone: 43239300
25-C, Indrapuri, Raisen Road, Bhopal-21 MP
Phone: 0755-4235485
Sadar Bazar, Jhansi-284001
Phones: 2470075, 2471341
NPA-Arcade, Shop/Flat-212, 2nd Floor
23, M.G. Marg, Civil Lines, Allahabad-1
Mobile: 09415235892
4078, First Floor, Nai Sarak, Delhi-110006
Phones: 23918642, 23934494
Sanatan Dharm Mandir Road, Lashkar,
Gwalior-474001, MP Phone: 4076419
82,, Hazrat Ganj, Post Box No. 20
Phones: 0522-2625894, 3919708
718, Marha Tal, Near City Coffee House,
Jabalpur-482001, MP Phone: 2480591
SCO-68, Sector 17-D, Chandigarh-160017
Phones: 2702558, 2702312
C-369, Opp. Sekher Hospital, Indira Nagar
Phone: 0522-2310433
SCO-68, Sector 17-D, Chandigarh-160017
Phone: 2702241
Satyabhama, Roxy Lane, Badambadi,
Cuttack-753009, Orissa
Phones: 2322244/55/66/77
Fax: 2322288 E-mail:
17, Chittaranjan Avenue, Kolkata-700072
Phones: 22129703, 22129618
Fax: 22361158, 22129703
Tulsi Apartments, 1st Floor, Govind Mitra Lane,
Patna-800004 Phones: 2300819, 2300557
5, Satya Nagar, Janpath
Bhubaneswar-751007, Orissa
Phone: 2503050 E-mail:
10, Raja Subodh Mullick Square,
1st Floor, Kolkata-700013
Phones: 033-22258836, 22250651
Fax: 033-22345366 E-mail:
Thakur Bari Road, Kadam Kuan,
Patna-800003 Phones: 2671356, 2689717
Fax: 2670010 E-mail:
1, Esplanade East, Kolkata-700001
302, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Road,
Kolkata-700009 Phones: 23600542, 23600543
Plot No. 4009, Ansari Road, Janpath Tower Lane,
Phone: 0674-2530807 Fax: 0674-2534010
59/10, Prince Bakhtiar Shah Road
Phones: 033-32009632, 32957955
Fax: 033-24227924
1st Floor, Plot No. 145, Cuttuck Road,
Bhubaneswar-751006 Phone: 0674-2314448
8/1-B, Chowringhee Lane, Kolkata-700016
Phones: 22522910, 23283447 Fax: 22450027
Ground Floor, Western Side, Annapurna Complex,
202 Nayatola, Patna-800004
Phone: 2672856 Fax: 2673973
Monjera House, 1st Floor, Motilal Nehru Road
Pan Bazar, Guwahati-781001
Phones: 0361-2733723, 2607107
FE/6, IIT Market, 1st Floor, Kharagpur-721302
Phones: 033-22279254, 219520
76, Bepin Behari Ganguly Street, Kolkata-700012
Phones: 033-22120278, 22121690
Fax: 033-22120278
88, M.G. Road, Kolkata- 700009
Mobiles: 9831447121, 9903547423
G-17, Rajashri Apartments, 46/1, College Road
(Near B.E. College Gate), Howrah-711103
Mobile: 9836267727
F-1, C.I.T. Market, P.O. Jadavpur,
Kolkata-700032 Phone: 033-24128575
31/A, Janpath, Unit-II, Bhubaneswar-751001
Mobile: 9437026922
W-6, I.I.T Market, Kharagpur-721302
Phone: 03222-279956
Near Bahadur Pur Gumati Petrol Pump
Opp. P.W.D. Godown, Behind Usha Medico
Rajkishori Complex Lane,
Kankarbagh Main Road, Patna-800020
Mobile: 9835614531 Phone: 0612-2357731
17-A, Jadumitra Lane, Kolkata-700004
Phone: 033-25433588
Uditnagar, Rourkela-769012
Phones: 0661-2500076, 2514294
Pustak Path, Upper Bazar, Ranchi-834001
Jharkhand Phone: 0651-2202858
Fax: 0651-2200819
90/6A, M.G Road, Ist Floor,
College St. YMCA Building, Kolkata-700007
Phones: 22196116, 22571650
Prarthna Flats, 2nd Floor, Navrangpura
Phones: 26465916, 26630079 Fax: 26465916
15, J.N. Heredia Road, Ballard Estate,
Mumbai-400001 Phones: 22617926, 22717926
Fax: 22617928 E-mail:
60, Bajaj Nagar, Shiv Sunder Apartments,
Ground Floor, Central Bazar Road,
Nagpur-440010 Phone: 0712-2234210
3 & 4 Shilpin Centre, 40 G.D. Ambekar Marg
Wadala, Mumbai-400031
Phones: 022-24157611/12
Shop No. 05, 58, Ground Flour, Shan Brahma
Complex, Near Ratan Theatre, Pune-4111002
Phones: 020-2449708, 32543544
5-Mill Officers Colony, Besides Old RBI Bank,
La Gajjar Chambers, Ashram Road,
Lansdowne House, 1, Lansdowne Road,
Mumbai-400039 Phones: 22022396, 22021766
Fax: 22046778 E-mail:
Indian Mercantile Mansion (Extn.)
Madame Cama Road, Colaba, Mumbai-400039
Phone: 022-22021634
1485, Shukrawar Peth, Shanipar Chowk
Pune-401002 Phone: 020-24430790
2, Yashogandhi, East High Court Road,
Ramdas Peth, Next to NIT Multiplex Building
Nagpur-10 Phone: 0712-25667
A-1, Jash Chambers, Off. P.M. Road
Opp. RBIs Amar Bhavan, Mumbai-400001
Phone: 022-40306767
Fax: 022-22674099 / 22656412
ELGI House, 2 Mill Officers Colony
Opp. Times of India, Ashram Road
Phone: 26575262 Fax: 26579865
C-103, M.I.D.C., Pawane, T.T.C. Industrial Area
Navi Mumbai-400701
Phone: 022-41584158 Fax: 022-41584141
102, Konark Shram, Behind Everest Building
Opp. Tardeo Road, Mumbai-400034
Phones: 022-24903334, 24903335
Fax: 022-24904212
680, Budhwarpeth, Near Appa Balwant Chowk
Pune-411002 Phone: 020-24433976
2nd Floor, Appejay Chambers, 5, Wallace Street,
Mumbai-400001 Phones: 56376922/23
1426, Sadashiv Peth, Mirsadan Apt.
Pune-30 Phone: 24495503
Saubhagya Chamber, Near Bitco Cinema
Nashik Road, Nasik Phone: 0253-2561603
Under Fernandis Bridge, Gandhi Road
Ahmedabad-380001 Mobile: 9723144381
29, Kailash Niwas No. I, R.B. Mehta Marg
Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai-400077
Phone: 25013118
79, Shanthi Dooth,
Opp. Muktangan English School,
Parvathi Darshan, Pune-411009
Phone: 24222943 Fax: 24221043
P.K. House, Behind M.J. Library
Ellis Bridge, Ahmedabad-380006
Phone: 26575542 Fax: 26577349
15, Yogesh, Hingwala Lane
Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai-400077
Phone: 25010206
The IIT Campus, Gulmohar Building, Powai,
Mumbai-400 076
Phones: 022-25725331, 25725339
Fax: 022-25725339 E-mail:
12, Santok Apartments beside Athwa Arcade
Athwa Gate, Surat-395001
Phone: 2464607 Mobile: 09825146263
821, Shukrawar Peth, Raskasr Building,
Gadikhana, Pune-411002
Kitab Mahal Building, Ground Floor,
190, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001
Phones: 66317922 / 44
Opposite Lamington Police Station
Grant Road, Mumbai-400026 Phone: 23855172
Naroshankar Building,
Opp. Rajebahadur Hospital, Nashik-422001
Phone: 0253-2594498
139, Bazaar Gate Street, Kamlesh House
1st Floor, Shop No. 7, Fort, Mumbai-400001
Phones: 022-22611760, 65718637
Mobile: 09869000651
Shop No. 01, Malviya Complex, Rathi Nagar,
Amravati Phone: 0721-2550589
126, Budhwar Peth, Pune-411002
Phones: 24451959, 24492959
Raghuwanshi Building, Jawahar Nagar,
Navsari, Amravati-444601
Phone: 0721-2531734
C.P. Estate,1st Floor, above Handloom House,
Opp. H.K. Arts College, Ashram Road,
Phone: 30075040 E-mail:
7, Moledina Road, Clover Centre
Pune-411001 Phone: 020-26134867
Shop No. 2, City Centre, C.G. Road,
Near Swastik Char Rasta,
Phone: 079-26421611
35, Mahendra Chambers, 150154, D.N. Road,
Next to McDonalds, Opp. C.S.T. Station,
Phone: 022-22002731
IIT Campus, Powai, Mumbai
Phone: 25720055
2100, Mujawar Lane, Behind Dargah,
Miraj-416410 (MS)
Phone: 0233-2221535
631/632, 1st Floor, Shan Brahma Complex
Near Ratan Theatre, Budhwar Peth
Phones: 24458333, 24493891
5, Shiv Apartment, Near Phoram Gas
Sardar Statue, Vallabh Vidyanagar-388120
Gujarat Phone: 0269-2645567
Aurangpura, Near Police Station
Aurangabad-431001 Phone: 2335535
181, Dr. D.N. Road, Fort,
Phones: 22612521, 22659599
844, Dastur Meher Road
Next to Dorabjee Hotel
Sarbatwala Chowk, Pune-411001
Phones: 26133468, 26130281
688, Narayan Peth, Appa Balwant Chowk
Pune-411003 Phone: 24456915
649, Narayan Peth
Appa Balwant Chowk, Pune-411030
Phones: 4450595, 4456525
Opp. Rajaram Dixit Library, Ramnagar Road
Gokulpeth, Nagpur-440010
Phone: 0712-2520781
3-2-844/6 & 7, Kachiguda Station Road
Hyderabad-500027 Phones: 4619079/081
4-4-1, Dilshad Plaza, Sultan Bazar
Phone: 040-66465252 Fax: 040-66465262
4-3-378, Opp. Central Bank of India,
Bank Street, Hyderabad-500095
Phones: 040-23445633, 23445677
K.D. House, H. No. 3-5-121/E/1/2,
Near Shalimar Theatre, Opp. Saboo Enterprises,
Phones: 040-23446841, 23446843
Fax: 040-24752054
3-4-704, Narayanguda, Beside Naryanguda Flyover
Hyderabad-500029 Phone: 040-27550046
3-4-512/75 (35/4RT)
Opp. Lane to Raghvendra Swamy Mutt,
Barkatpura, Hyderabad-500027
Phones: 040-27555699, 27551992
D. No. 3-2-3/2, Ground Floor, Rahmath Bagh,
Kachiguda, Hyderabad-500027
Phone: 040-32998608 Fax: 040-24740606
3-5-121/A-8, First Floor, Sainatha Complex,
Shalimar Theater Road, Ramkote,
Hyderabad-500001 Phones: 24758606, 32948160
4-3-378, Opp. Central Bank of India,
Bank Street, Hyderabad-500095
Phones: 040-23445633, 23445677
Alkeya Jagadish Chambers, III & IV Floor,
House No. 4-1-1058, Boggulakunata,
Tilak Road, Hyderabad-1
Phones: 24754473, 24754474, 24754472
29-2-35, Vemuri Vari Veedhi,
Near Kotha Vanthena Anjaneya Swami Temple,
Suryaraopet, Vijayawada-520002
Gudlavalli Vari Street,
Beside Buckingham Post Office,
Governerpeta, Vijayawada-520002
Balaji Softech, G-2, Sree Girisai Towers,
Rukhmini Rice Mill Road, Opp. Andhra Jyoti
Labbipet, Vijayawada-520010
Phone: 0866-5511165
Prakasham Road, Tirupati Mobile: 9441027963
D. No. 30-5-1, Krishna Garden Street,
Dabagardens, Visakhapatnam-20
Phone: 91-0891-6553063
Fax: 91-0891-6615309
Tin No.: 28542372279
Pages Junction,
Andhra Pradesh
Phones: 0891-6450555, 6450556
Jayadeva Hostel Building, 5th Main Road,
Gandhi Nagar, Bangalore-560009
Phones: 22262081, 22253234
Fax: 22250292
103, Swiss Complex, No. 33,
Race Course Road, Bangalore-560001
Phones: 22200438, 22256583 Fax: 22256583
147, Infantry Road, Bangalore-560001
Phones: 22204652, 22205696
No. 74, M.G. Road, Bangalore-560001
Phones: 25325422, 25091696
14/1, 1st Main Road, 6th Cross,
Gandhi Nagar, Bangalore-560009
Phones: 22257083, 22267016
10/30, Kumara Krupa Road
Sindhi School Lane (Near Sivananda Circle)
Bangalore-560001 Phone: 080-22342976
Crescent Door No.148, 2nd Floor
(Next to Gopalan Mall/above DHL Express Cargo)
Mysore Road, Bangalore-560028
Phone: 080-26756377
# 75, 8th Main, NIIT Campus, 4th Block,
Jayanagar, Bangalore-560011
Phone: 26637466
72, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Bangalore-560001
Phones: 080-25581617, 25581618, 25586189
Fax: 080-25587540
Door No. 240, 13th Main, Banashankari 1st Stage
Bangalore-560050 Phone: 080-26611963
The Forum, No. 21, Hosur Road, Kormangala
Phones: 080-22067777 / 78 / 79
Post Box No. 5617, Door No. 66, 57th A Cross
6th Main, 4th Block, Rajajinagar
Bangalore-560010 Phone: 080-26742950
E-mail: /
3rd Main Road (Opp. to Hotel Vijay Residency)
Bangalore-560009 Phone: 080-40114455
Fax: 080-22269648 E-mail:
(Campus Book Shop)
Indian Institute of ManagementBangalore (IIMB)
Bannergahatta Road, Bangalore-560076
Park View # 40, Haines Road, First Floor
(Opp. Coles Park), Frazer Town,
Phones: 080-25553802 / 25553620 / 41121728
TATA BOOK HOUSE (Campus Book Shop)
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560012
Phones: 23604300, 23602715
Door No. 3327, Belvi Building, Gondali Galli
Belgaum-590002 Mobile: 09448790619
Saraswati Godam, Gulbarga-585101
Phone: 08472-226303 Mobile: 09448124431
Koppikar Road, Hubli-580020
Phones: 0836-2367902 / 2353209
The Trade Centre, No. 9, 1st Basement,
Bunts Hostel Road, Mangalore-575003
Phones: 0824-2445484, 2438219
Mobile: 09845145858
Door No. 4-33/3(1), (Opp. Govinda Dass College)
Main Road, NH-17, Surathkal-575014
(Dakshin Kannada)
Phone: 0824-2477080 Mobile: 09343560101
Door No. 1683, Hanumantha Rao Street,
2nd Main Road, Mysore-570001
Phone: 0821-2424394
Narayan Shastry Road (Near Fab City)
Devaraja Mohalla, Mysore-570001
Phone: 0821-4004499
37/116, Lisie Hospital Road, Ernakulam-North,
Cochin-682018 Phone: 0484-6562125
41/1212, Krishnaswamy Road, Pullepady,
Ernakulam, Cochin-682035
Acel Estate, Iyyattil Junction, Chittoor Road,
Ernakulam-682011 Phone: 0484-2368834
No. 40/8199-A, 1st Floor, Public Library Building,
Convent Road, Ernakulam-682035
Phones: 91-0484-2353901, 2373901, 2363905,
4064706 Fax: 91-0484-2365511
25/2339 42, M.G. Road,
Phone: 0471-2331622
P.O. No. 213, Saive Prakasa Sabha Buildings
(First Floor), Mahatma Gandhi Marg,
Phone: 0471-2475443
T.C. 25/2710, # 6, Kohinoor Flats, Lukes Lane
Ambujavilasom Road, Trivandrum-695001
Phones: 0471-4068333, 4068777
751, Mount Road, Chennai-600002
Phones: 28523938, 28523958, 28523984
Fax: 28520649 E-mail:
Palani Murugan Building, Old No. 9/3,
New No. 21, West Cott Road, Rayappettah,
Chennai-14 Phones: 28486927, 28486928
150, Agurchand Mansions (Ist Floor)
1, Mount Road Chennai-600002
Phones: 28461287, 28461289 Fax: 28460361
116, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002
Phone: 28511951 Fax: 28528101
140/1 & 140/2, Marshall Road, Egmore,
Chennai-600008 Phones: 28592582, 28592743
No. 48, Arya Gowder Road
West Mambalam, Chennai-600033
Phones: 24803091, 24803092, 24803093
Archana Arcade, No. 27, Natesan Street,
T. Nagar, Chennai-600017
Phones: 044-24345902, 24339591
Fax: 044-24339590
Laxmi Narayan Niwas, 3, Nallathambi Street,
Wallajah Road, Chennai-600002
Phones: 28524547, 28553168, 52157192
No. 60, Nelson Manickam Road,
Near Lalas Masala Aminjikarai, Chennai-600029
Phones: 044-23746222, 23746351, 23746352
192, Big Bazar Street, Coimbatore-641001
Phone: 2390431 E-mail:
No. 88, N.G. Narayanaswamy Street
New Siddhapudur, Coimbatore-641044
Phones: 2520491, 2520496
2nd & 3rd Floor, Sri Guru Towers,
No. 17 Sathy Road, Cross III, Gandhipuram,
Phones: 0422-2499914 (Direct), 2499916, 2499917
21, Goodshed Street, Madurai-625001
Phone: 2340528
25/9A, Karpaga Complex, Good Shed Street
Madurai-625001 Phone: 0452-4371552
34, Ambour Salai, Pondicherry-605001
Phone: 0413-2333836
Magnem Surakshaa Apartment, 59-A,
Trivandrum Road (Opp. Palayamkottai Bus Stand)
Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli-627002
Phone: 0462-2574801, 2575016
25, Nandhikoil Street, Trichy-620002
Phone: 0431-2704418
25, Pycrofts Road, Triplicane
Chennai-600005 Phone: 044-28442322
1, Natesan Street, T Nagar, Chennai-17
Phone: 044-24315857
639/11, Poonamallee High Road, Aminjikarai
45, South Usman Road, T Nagar, Chennai-17
3, Apex Plaza, Nungambakkam High Road
Chennai-600034 Phones: 28221000, 42144444
Mobile: 92822-44515
Spencer Plaza, 769, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002
Phones: 28495767, 28490455
12, Natesan Street, Chennai-17
Phones: 044-42867546, 24311380, 24349062
Mobile: 98403-33468
813, Anna Salai (Opp to LIC), Nizara Bonanza
6, Bharathi Salai, Triplicane, Chennai-600005
Phone: 28443100
6, First Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar
Chennai-600020 Mobile: 98404-84937
Distributors & Library Suppliers
13, Kalki Nagar Main Road, Arumbakkam
Chennai-600106 Phone: 23633454
5/331, M.M.D.A. Colony, Maduravoil,
Phone: 044-23783105 Mobile: 9444182045
Publishers & Distributors
1, Sannathi Street, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026
Phone: 044-43507171 Mobile: 93810-28872
7-A, Sunkurama Street (Opp. Madras High Court)
Parrys Corner, Chennai-600001
Phones: 044-22537156, 04144-225422
Vimal Buildings 1241, Big Bazar Street
Coimbatore-641 001
238, Big Bazar Street, Coimbatore-641001
Phone: 0422-2396623
Aravind Towers, 506, Ist Floor, DB Road,
RS Puram, Coimbatore-641002
Phone: 0422-5365494
Next to UCO Bank, Near Suguna
Kalyanamantapam Avinashi Road,
Peelamedu, Coimbatore-641004
Mobile: 9443339453
Phones: 0422-2564239, 2568177
211-212, Big Bazar Street, Near Clock Tower
Coimbatore-641001 Phone: 0422-2303029
Convent Street, Cuddalore-607001
Phone: 0442-2231780
79, Natarajapuram Road, Annamalai Nagar
Chidambaram-608002 Phone: 04144-239325
107/1, SP Koil Street, Chidambaram-608 001
Opp. to RC Church 15-C, Pennagaram Main Road
Dharmapuri-636702 Phone: 04342-2264068
21, Mohamadali Club Road
Opp. Town Bus Stand (West)
Dharmapuri-636701 Phone: 04342-264575
13, 14, Dudley School, Dindigul-624001
Phone: 0451-2426561
8/120, Raja Complex, Prakasam Street
Near P.S. Park, Erode-638001
Phone: 0424-2226164
11-C, Gandhi Road, Near Central Theatre
Erode-638001 Phone: 0424-257027
33/33-A, 2nd Floor
Kalaimagal Kalvi Nilayam Road
Erode-638001 Mobile: 94433-04929
25-B, Gandhi Road, Kanchipuram-631501
153, W.C.C. Road, Nagercoil,
Kanyakumari-629001 Phone: 04652-232114
12, AP Road, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari-629001
Phone: 04652-227018
74, East of Tower, Nagercoil
Kanyakumari-629001 Phone: 04652-2228445
5, Muthulakshmi Ammal Lane,
M.G. Road, Hosur, Krishnagiri-635107
148/575, Gandhi Road, Krishnagiri-635001
2, DDC Building, Old Sub Jail Road
No. 57, Teacher Colony, Mela Anna Thoppu
Madurai-625016 Phone: 0452-2360595
11, West Veli Street, Opp. Madurai Junction
Madurai-625001 Phone: 0452-2341739
19, First Floor, Good Shed Street
Madurai-625001 Phone: 0452-2341304
32/1, West Veli Street, Madurai-625001
Phones: 0452-2341746, 6548483
89, 1st Floor, Nethaji Road, Nr Arya Bhavan Signal
Madurai-625001 Phone: 0452-5380169
1, New Cinema Bazar, Near Kishkinta Garments
Nethaji Road, Madurai-625001
Phone: 0452-2341383
Ist Floor, Sri Venkatesh Towers,
75, Town Hall Road, Madurai-625001
Phones: 0452-2347398, 4370937
79-B/2, Indira Street, Pasumpon Nagar
Palanganatham, Madurai-625003
4, MKP Complex, West Car Street, Tiruchengode,
Namakkal-637211 Phone: 98427-67666
36-B, Sankardoss Street,
Phone: 0413-2341762
53/10, 4th Cross, Vivekanandha Nagar
Nellithoppu Post, Pondicherry-605005
Phone: 0413-2200417
45, MG Road Opp to Perumal Koil Station
Pondicherry-605001 Phone: 0413-232336
127, Cherry Roa, Salem-636007
Phone: 0427-2417755
Five Roads, Salem-636004 Phone: 0427-
137-A, Cherry Road, Salem-636001
Phone: 0427-2452579
Muthuganesh Tower, Alagappa Engineering
College Post, Near Sriram Nagar, Railway Gate
Karaikudi-626004 Phone: 04565-230262
4, LRM Subbiah Ambalam Street
Kamban Manimandapam Salai, Aruna Nagar,
Karaikudi-630001 Phone: 04565-235915
1621, South Main Road, Thanjavur-613009
Phone: 04362-237348
210-E/1785, South Main Street, Thanjavur-613009
85-K, Thirumanjana Gopuram Street
Tiruvannamalai-606601 Phone: 04175-224022
3/1-5, By Pass Main Road, Gandhi Nagar
Thiruvannamalai-606601 Phone: 98435-39539
44, T.M. Building, Tirunelveli Junction
Tirunelveli-627002 Phone: 0462-233889
39, T.M. Buildings, Tirunelveli-627001
Phone: 0462-2332708
56, T.M. Buildings, Tirunelveli-627001
Phone: 0462-2337650
Sugantham Complex, 104-A,Trivandrum Road
Opp. VOC Ground, Tirunelveli-627002
No. 5, 1st Floor, Vignesh Aparna, Vayalur Road,
Puthur, Trichy-620017
Phone: 0431-4030298 Mobile: 98424-76419
No. 5, Ist Floor, Vignesh Aparna, Vayalur Road,
Near Bishop Heber College Puthur, Trichy-620017
Phone: 0431-2771298 Mobile: 94432-65298
23, Nadhi Koil Street, Teppakulam,
Phones: 0431-2703743/2711599
21, Veeramamuni Complex
Opp. Chatram Bus Stand, Trichy-620002
Phone: 0431-2702824 Mobile 94433-70597
PNR Building, Malaivasal, Trichy-2
Phones: 0431-4011902, 2709924
87-A, Devar Colony, Ist Floor, Thillai Nagar
West Extention, Trichy-620018
Phones: 0431-27666815 / 2764198
Nandhi Koil Street, Teppakulam,
280/575, Main Road, Kovilpatti,
Phone: 04632-230739
28, Sarathy Mansion, Ist Floor, Vellore-632004
Phone: 0416-2221675
Vit Campus Deemed University, Vellore-632014
Phone: 0416-2249354
38/39, Jawans Market, Burma Bazar
Vellore-632001 Phone: 0416-22233670
34, Sarthi Mansion, Vellore-632004
Phone: 0416-2225034
171/E/15 Rks Complex, Nehruji Road
Villupuram-605602 Phone: 04146-220266
139-G, Thiruthangal Road, Near Pabanas
Computers, Sivakasi, Virudunagar-626001
Mobile: 9443183967
439, Main Bazar, Virudunagar-626001
Phone: 04562-245417
For more information visit us at:
PHI Learning
Regd. Office: M-97, CONNAUGHT CIRCUS, NEW DELHI-110001
Phone: 011-23411779 Fax: 011-23417179
Patparganj Office: Rimjhim House, 111, Patparganj Industrial Estate, Delhi-110092
Phones: 011-43031100, 22143344 Fax: 011-43031144
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