Multimission Future Frigate": AIN Haracteristics

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Length Beam Draught Speed 140.0 m 30.0 m 5.0 m +30.0 kn CODLAG Propulsion Plant 2 x EM + 1 x TG Propulsion Units 2 x WJ steering + 1 x WJ booster Propulsors 150 people Total accommodation capacity

The F2M2 frigate is based on one of the alternative concepts that Navantia contemplates as preliminary designs for the Spanish Navy regarding the new frigate for the future. Taking advantage of the F-100 and F-310 class frigates, as well as extensive research in internal and European R+D initiatives, Navantia has conceived this innovative design and proposes a multimission vessel with a substantial growth capability.



-Trimaran hull form that provides an excellent seakeeping capability and offers a higher exibility for accommodating the payload. -Incorporates a new integrated generation propulsion plant to achieve high speed, and excellent maneuverability. -Modern integrated superstructure that provides signature reduction and protection to the enclosed equipment. -Command & Control and Communications capabilities to operate as an active participant of a networked task force. -Large dry mission bay designed to operate with robotic vehicles with minimal crew intervention. It also provides a basis for Special Forces operation and humanitarian relief missions. -Enlarged ight deck to operate conventional, attack and transport helicopters, ASW, logistics etc., in conjunction with UAV and UCAS. -Enchanced adaptability and exibility. Most of the future operational capabilities rely on a combination of unmanned and robotic vehicles that will be common to other units.



Integrated Superstructure (low signature; radar, infrared, ...): - Plane Apertures: Sensors and antennas. - Frequency Selective Radomes (FSS, inside superstructure). - Intelligent use of composite materials. Higher integration level and commonality of all Systems onboard: - Combat System (Command and Control). - Communications. - Navigation. - Integrated Platform Management System. Superior Connectivity for Joint Operations (Interoperability): - Enhanced Command, Control and Communications to operate with civilian organizations. - Interoperability between military coalition forces and cooperation with civilian organizations. Common and optimized Human Operator to Systems Interface, providing: - Reduced manning requirements. - Simplied operation and training. Control, handling and recovering of robotic and unmanned vehicles.
Integrated Superstructures Hangar for two Secondary gun helicopters Elevator to mission bay

Vertical Launching System Main gun

Flight deck with two helo spots

SSM in enclosed arrangement

Door to mission bay

Side door to mission bay Torpedo tubes recess door

C/ Velazquez, 132, 28006 Madrid, Spain Tel: +34 91 3358400 - Fax: +34 91 3358626/31

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