University of Michigan Class Schedule Fall 2013

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






Architecture & Urban Planning

College of Architecture & Urban Planning
Architecture (ARCH)
201 Basic Drawing 10010 P W LAB 001 MW 9-12PM 202 Graphic Commun 10011 P W LAB 001 TTH 9-12PM 209 Special Topics Arch 29761 P LEC 001 MW 230-4PM Experiencing Architecture 33474 P R LEC 002 M 430-530PM ARCH Freshman Seminar 211 Digital Drawing 10041 A W LEC 001 T 130-230PM 29981 P W LAB 002 T 230-430PM 212 Understand Arch 23396 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM 23422 P REC 002 TH 9-10AM 23423 P REC 003 F 10-11AM 23424 P REC 004 F 11-12PM 23425 P REC 005 TH 10-11AM 218 Visual Studies 27196 P W LAB 001 MW 9-12PM 24231 P LAB 002 TTH 1-4PM 312 Arch Design I 10012 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-5PM 313 History Arch I 10018 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM 18636 P R DIS 002 F 10-11AM 10019 P DIS 003 F 10-11AM 10020 P DIS 004 F 10-11AM 10021 P R DIS 005 F 11-12PM 10022 P DIS 006 F 11-12PM 10023 P R DIS 007 F 11-12PM 314 Structures I 10024 A LEC 001 MF 9-10AM 10025 P R REC 002 W 9-10AM 316 Design Fund I 10030 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 10031 P R LAB 002 TH 10-11AM Students will be placed in a section at the beginning of the term. 317 Construction I 10032 A LEC 001 T 10-12PM 10033 P R LAB 002 T 1-4PM 400 Tutorl Stds in Arch IR IND + ARR 412 Arch Design I 16978 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-5PM 27198 P R LAB 002 MWF 1-5PM 27199 P R LAB 003 MWF 1-5PM 27717 P R LAB 004 MWF 1-5PM 32672 P R LAB 005 MWF 1-5PM 413 History 18197 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 417 Construction 29328 A LEC 001 T 1-330PM 29338 P LAB 002 T 330-6PM 29340 P LAB 003 T 330-6PM 29341 P LAB 004 T 330-6PM 423 Int U P&Env 10042 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 10043 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 10044 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 10045 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 425 Sustainable Sys II 10046 P R LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 432 Arch Des III 10047 P R LAB 001 MWF 443 Hist Urb Form 22565 P W LEC 001 MW 466 Dimensions 22770 PI LEC 001 TH 503 Spec Topc Arch Hist 29354 P W SEM 001 TH Possible Worlds U of M Schedule of Classes 1-5PM 9-1030AM 4-6PM 1-4PM 1227 A&AB B100 MLB 49 UMMA 2222 A&AB 2222 A&AB 2222 A&AB LEC RM 2 MLB 3038 DANA K1310 BUS R2320 BUS G437 MH B100 MLB B100 MLB 3100 A&AB 2104 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2213 A&AB 2222 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2213 A&AB 2222 A&AB 2104 A&AB ARR 2104 A&AB ARR 2104 A&AB 3100 A&AB ARR 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 2108 A&AB 1227 A&AB 1227 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2213 A&AB 1040 DANA 1006 DANA 3038 DANA 3556 DANA 2104 A&AB 3100 A&AB 2108 A&AB 2227 A&AB 2227 A&AB 6.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Wilcox Trandafirescu Ng Wigger 3.00 ADVISORY McMorrough, Kiely 3.00 ADVISORY Maigret Wigger 3.00 D'Anieri Andrews Andrews Knapp 3.00 ADVISORY Junghans, Kim, Stough, Kang, Tjepkema 6.00 ADVISORY McCullough 3.00 Fishman 1.00 Unverzagt 3.00 ADVISORY McMorrough 20.00 100.00 3.00 Harris, Scherer 3.00 Gilpin, Min 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Soo Ponce de Leon 3.00 McCullough McCullough 3.00 Trandafirescu

3.00 Daley Ng 6.00 ADVISORY Harris 3.00 ADVISORY Soo Abrahamson Binboga Kickert Abrahamson, Soo Binboga Kickert 3.00 ADVISORY von Buelow Gaidica 3.00 ADVISORY Robinson Mitnick 3.00 Schmidt Patterson 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY



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505 Spec Topics Env Tech 25273 P W LEC 001 TH 9-12PM ARR Liquid Planning 27208 P LEC 002 M 1-4PM 2222 A&AB Zero Net Emission Bldg 506 Spec Topics Des Fund 21031 P W SEM 001 MW 1030-12PM 2108 A&AB Sustainable Urbanism&Architect 22873 P W SEM 002 M 1-4PM 2204 A&AB Chinese Urbanism 22874 P W SEM 003 W 9-12PM 2227 A&AB Fresh Graphics(for Arch Today) 22900 P W SEM 006 W 630-930PM 2227 A&AB Theorizing Place 507 Spec Topics Constr 27209 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM 2204 A&AB Advanced Construction Methods 33505 P W LEC 002 T 9-12PM 2227 A&AB 509 Experimental Course 26563 P SEM 001 F 9-12PM ARR 19981 P W SEM 002 F 9-12PM ARR Glass Houses 24145 P SEM 003 TH 3-6PM 2222 A&AB Design Activism+Social Space 24147 P W SEM 005 T 9-12PM ARR At Work 24148 P W SEM 006 M 1-4PM 2227 A&AB 24149 P W SEM 007 F 9-12PM 1221 A&AB Artifacts of Architectural Production: Diamonds, Diagrams, Drawls, and Drodels 24150 P W SEM 009 TH 7-10PM G463 MH Spiritspace 514 Frame Structures 23725 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 2210 A&AB 516 Arch Representation 18160 A LEC 001 W 5-6PM 2104 A&AB 18161 P R LAB 002 W 230-5PM 2213 A&AB 23084 P LAB 007 W 230-5PM ARR 534 Reinfor Concr Struc 10052 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1221 A&AB 543 20th Century Arch 26646 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2213 A&AB 552 Arch Design V 10053 P R LAB 001 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 23074 P LAB 008 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 24143 P LAB 009 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 27814 P LAB 010 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 31288 P LAB 011 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 31289 P LAB 012 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 31290 P LAB 013 TF 1-6PM 3100 A&AB 555 Bld Sy&Ener Consvtn 31842 P W LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 2204 A&AB 564 Adv Material Struct 17601 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2210 A&AB 571 Digital Fabrication 18273 P W LAB 001 MW 1-230PM 2108 A&AB 575 Building Ecology 10059 P W LEC 001 M 230-530PM 2213 A&AB 583 Professnl Pract 25509 P W LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1227 A&AB 589 Site Planning 22540 P R LEC 001 TH 2-4PM 2104 A&AB 22541 A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM ARR A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM 591 Design Computing 22875 P W SEM 001 M 9-12PM 593 Tutrl Std Arch Hist I IND + ARR 597 Detailing 22876 P W LEC 001 TH 3-6PM 600 Tutor Studies Arch IR IND + ARR 603 Sem Arch History 30553 P W SEM 001 T 9-12PM Nongovernmentality: Designs, Cultures, Politics U of M Schedule of Classes Page 2 of 382 ARR 2104 A&AB 1227 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2204 A&AB

3.00 ADVISORY Arquero De Alarcon Junghans 3.00 Kelbaugh Ray McMorrough Groat 3.00 Graebner ADVISORY ADVISORY

Mankouche 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Stayner Borum Wilkins Lee, Macgillivray Lotfi-Jam Smith Chaffers 3.00 ADVISORY von Buelow 3.00 ADVISORY Kulper McMorrough Kulper 3.00 ADVISORY Giles 3.00 ADVISORY Herscher 6.00 ADVISORY Velikov Mankouche Robinson Holder Dennis Hansen Beebe 3.00 ADVISORY Navvab 3.00 ADVISORY Giles 3.00 Mcgee 3.00 ADVISORY Kim 3.00 ADVISORY Hill 3.00 ADVISORY Thun Friedlander, Hilmes, Teh, Nichols, Meyer, Ng, Thun



3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1221 A&AB ARR 2222 A&AB 3.00 Herscher 3.00 Kennedy 1.00-3.00


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33219 P W SEM 002 M CTRL + C 25547 P W SEM 003 M British Modernism 605 Env Des Simulation 31841 P W LEC 001 T 609 Disability Studies 25891 PI W SEM 001 T 660 Thesis Res&Dev Sem 10062 P R SEM 001 TH 24902 P SEM 005 TH 25491 P SEM 006 TH 25492 P SEM 007 TH 25493 P SEM 008 TH 26631 P SEM 009 TH 672 Arch Design VII 10063 P R LAB 001 TF 23075 P LAB 006 TF 23076 P LAB 007 TF 24144 P LAB 008 TF 27207 P LAB 009 TF 33098 P LAB 010 TF 690 Arc Curr Pract Exper I IND + 701 Theories in Dig Tech 31908 P R SEM 001 TH 702 Material Engagemt DT 27094 P R SEM 001 F 703 Virtual Engagemt DT 27091 P SEM 001 F 706 Theories Matrl Systm 27093 P R SEM 001 W 707 Physical Pursuits MS 27096 P R SEM 001 W 708 Technolog Process MS 27095 P R SEM 001 F 710 Tutorial Studies IR IND + 714 MS Proseminar 25533 P RW SEM 001 T 716 Theories Conservatn 27102 P R SEM 001 TH 717 Documentation in Con 25532 P R SEM 001 F 719 MS Supervised Resear IR IND + 724 Adv Top in Des Stds 23836 P RW SEM 001 W Theorizing Place 727 Hlth Ind Infrastruct 31906 P R SEM 001 F 728 Hlth Civ Infrastruct 31907 P R SEM 001 TH 810 Tutorial Studies I IND + 812 Theory Arch Res 32896 P SEM 001 F 813 Res&Meth Arch 27669 P SEM 001 T 819 Supervised Research IR IND + 839 Research Practicum I IND + 990 Diss-Precand IND + 993 Teach Meth Gsi 10073 P SEM 001 995 Diss-Cand R IND +

9-12PM 1-4PM 9-12PM 2-4PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 1-6PM 1-6PM 1-6PM 1-6PM 1-6PM 1-6AM ARR 230-530PM 1-4PM 9-12PM 1-4PM 9-12PM 1-4PM ARR 1-4PM 9-12PM 1-4PM ARR 630-930PM 1-4PM 1-4PM ARR 1-4PM 1-4PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR

2227 A&AB 210 TAP 2204 A&AB G463 MH ARR 1221 A&AB 2204 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2222 A&AB 2227 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB ARR 2213 A&AB 2222 A&AB 2227 A&AB 2227 A&AB 2204 A&AB 2108 A&AB ARR 2108 A&AB 2227 A&AB 2210 A&AB ARR 2227 A&AB 1221 A&AB 1227 A&AB ARR 2204 A&AB 2227 A&AB ARR

Kulper Zimmerman 3.00 Navvab 1.00-3.00 Kuppers 3.00 Zimmerman Holder Moran Unverzagt Abrons Stayner 6.00 Strickland Lee Ahlquist Macgillivray Lotfi-Jam 1.00 3.00 Kulper 3.00 3.00 Daubmann 3.00 Velikov 3.00 Wilcox 3.00 Ahlquist 1.00-3.00 3.00 Curry 3.00 Sirota 3.00 Saldana 1.00-3.00 3.00 Groat 3.00 Adams 3.00 Vance 1.00-6.00 3.00 Wineman 3.00 Groat 1.00-6.00 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 100.00





ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR ARR ARR 3.00 ADVISORY Fishman 1.50 McCullough 3.00 Jazairy 6.00 1.00 ADVISORY McMorrough, Norton 8.00 ENFORCED

Urban Design (UD)

713 22566 716 32903 718 33217 722 20309

Hist of Urban Form PR LEC 001 MW Intg Proj Dev Sem I PR SEM 001 M Theor&Methods in UD PR SEM 001 W Urban Des Studio II PR LAB 001 TF

9-1030AM 230-4PM 1-4PM 1-6PM Page 3 of 382

2108 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2222 A&AB 3100 A&AB


U of M Schedule of Classes

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Urban Planning (UP) 423 Int U P&Env 10079 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 10080 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 10081 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 10082 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 443 Hist Urb Form 22570 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 480 Directed Study IND + ARR 502 Env Pln:Iss&Concept 16525 P W LEC 001 F 1-4PM 503 Intro to Statistics 10083 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 506 Intro to GIS 29355 A LEC 001 MW 12-1PM 29360 P R LAB 002 F 830-11AM 29362 P R LAB 003 F 1-330PM 29364 P R LAB 004 TH 4-630PM 507 Intmed Geo Info Sys 27636 P RW LAB 001 TH 1-4PM 510 Public Economics 10084 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 513 Legl Aspec Pln Proc 10085 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 513 Legl Aspec Pln Proc P RW LEC 001 F 1030-12PM Optional Discussion Section-Fridays 10:30 - 12:00. 515 Liquid Planning 25272 P W SEM 001 TH 9-12PM 517 Real Est Ess 10086 P RW LEC 001 M 7-10PM 518 Phys Plan Workshop 23437 P RW LAB 001 TTH 230-4PM 29532 P RW LAB 002 MW 5-630PM 522 State&Local Land Mgt 24888 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 523 Regional Planning 29538 P LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 525 Food Systems Plng 27715 P W SEM 001 MW 1030-12PM 533 Sust Urban & Arch 25554 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 537 Hsg Policy&Econ 29565 P W LEC 001 MW 6-730PM 539 Ec Dev Planning 24889 P LEC 001 MW 430-6PM 540 Planning Theory 10087 P R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 540 Planning Theory PR LEC 001 ARR 540 Planning Theory 26574 P R LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 540 Planning Theory PR LEC 002 ARR 560 Behavior&Environmt 19176 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 19177 P DIS 002 F 10-11AM 25610 P DIS 003 F 12-1PM 574 Comp Urban Policy 22902 P W LEC 001 TH 6-9PM 590 Expanded Horizons 10088 P R LAB 001 ARR 595 Prog Eval Urban Plan 29535 P LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 598 Thinking About Crime 29648 P W SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 610 Fiscal Planning&Mgt 29533 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 634 Integrat Field Exp 18266 PI LAB 001 TTH 1-4PM 654 Conc&Tech Comm 21684 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM 655 Neighborhood Plan 29540 P LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 660 Epist&Rsn Pln Res 29574 P SEM 001 F 1-4PM 671 Pub Pol&Transport U of M Schedule of Classes Page 4 of 382

1040 DANA 1006 DANA 3038 DANA 3556 DANA 2108 A&AB ARR 2213 A&AB 1227 A&AB 2108 A&AB ARR ARR ARR ARR 2108 A&AB 1227 A&AB 2108 A&AB ARR R0230 BUS 3100 A&AB 3100 A&AB 2227 A&AB 2213 A&AB 2210 A&AB 2108 A&AB 2108 A&AB 2108 A&AB 1227 A&AB ARR 2108 A&AB ARR 1040 DANA 3556 DANA 3556 DANA 2213 A&AB ARR 2210 A&AB 1210 WEILL 1227 A&AB 2204 A&AB B760 SSWB 2213 A&AB 2227 A&AB

3.00 D'Anieri Andrews Andrews Knapp 3.00 Fishman 1.00-4.00 3.00 Pimentel Walker 3.00 Seymour, Wen 3.00 ADVISORY Goodspeed Royals Royals Royals 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Grengs 3.00 Bieri, Huntley 3.00 Norton, Steiff, Reed 3.00 3.00 Arquero De Alarcon 3.00 Allen 3.00 ENFORCED Arquero De Alarcon Arquero De Alarcon 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Levine 3.00 Campbell 3.00 Hoey 3.00 Kelbaugh 3.00 Deng 3.00 Bieri 3.00 Campbell, Stankovich 3.00 3.00 Thomas, Ryan 3.00 3.00 De Young Hamilton Hamilton 3.00 Murray 1.00 ADVISORY Bieri 3.00 Hoey 3.00 ADVISORY Thacher 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY Deng, Cooper-McCann 6.00 ADVISORY Larsen, Dueweke 3.00 ADVISORY Brady 3.00 Etienne 3.00 ADVISORY Thacher 3.00



10.00 20.00



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17529 680

P W SEM 001 MW 9-1030AM 2213 A&AB Grengs Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 685 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 696 Grad Exper Cse 3.00 ADVISORY 29543 P SEM 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2210 A&AB Kirkpatrick The Politics of Public Space 32878 P SEM 002 MW 4-530PM 2210 A&AB Etienne Race, Difference &Soc Justice Race, Difference and Social Justice in the American City 33663 PDR SEM 003 TTH 1-230PM 3100 A&AB Strickland Re-Visioning Istanbul, Turkey This course is limited to Master of Urban Planning students who have taken UP516 or have comparable design representation skills. Please contact Taubman College Registrar, for permission to enroll. 733 Thesis 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 734 Prof Project 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 PhD Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 993 Teach Meth Gsi 1.00 ADVISORY 10090 P SEM 001 ARR ARR McMorrough, Norton 995 PhD Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Dental Hygiene
Dental Hygiene-Dentistry
Dental Hygiene (DENTHYG)
210 10199 210 220 10200 242 16950 242 252 10201 272 10202 291 10203 310 10204 312 10205 344 10206 382 10207 410 10208 414 10209 422 18941 425 10210 429 18940 434 10211 444 10212 445 10213 446 10214 450 10215 466 10216 466 470 19599 475 20131 23389 480 10217 481 21788 482 21792 486 22537 488 22538 Clinical Dent Hyg P LEC 001 M Clinical Dent Hyg P LEC 001 TH P LEC 001 F Survey Dental Hyg P LEC 001 T Oral Anatomy P LEC 001 M Oral Anatomy P LEC 001 T Behavioral Sci I P LEC 001 W Dental Pract Emerg P LEC 001 T Oral Histol & Embry P LEC 001 TW Radiograph Interpr P LEC 001 T Clinical Dent Hyg P LEC 001 T Community Dentistry P LEC 001 TTH Nutrition P LEC 001 MWTH Interpret Radiol II P LEC 001 M Clinical Dent Hyg P LEC 001 T Pain Control P LEC 001 MW Periodontics III P LEC 001 T Dental Pharmacology P LEC 001 T Dent Hyg Field Exp P LEC 001 Comm Prac:Hd Start P LEC 001 Research II P LEC 001 Scientific Writing P LEC 001 M Practicum P LEC 001 Select Teach Exper P LEC 001 T Select Teach Exper P LEC 001 T Implants for Dnt Hyg P LEC 001 M Mentored Prof Exp P LEC 001 P LEC 002 Independent Study P REC 001 Leadrship&Prof Dev P LEC 001 Oral Diseases: P&M P LEC 001 Community II P LEC 001 Dent Hyg Education P LEC 001 1-5PM 8-12PM 12-5PM 2-3PM 8-10AM 10-12PM 8-10AM 8-10AM 1-2PM 1-2PM 10-11AM 8-9AM 1-2PM 3-4PM 8-9AM 8-9AM 1-2PM 2-4PM ARR ARR ARR 1-3PM ARR 12-1PM 10-12PM 8-9AM ARR ARR ARR G550 DENT G550 DENT G322 DENT G550 DENT G550 DENT G340 DENT ARR G550 DENT G550 DENT ARR G550 DENT G580 DENT G580 DENT G580 DENT G311 DENT G580 DENT G580 DENT G580 DENT ARR ARR ARR G311 DENT ARR 1397 DENT ARR G311 DENT ARR ARR ARR 1.00 ADVISORY Yamashita 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY Kerschbaum Gwozdek 1.00-4.00 Kerschbaum 3.00 Gwozdek 3.00 Ghaname 3.00 Yee 3.00 Mattana 2.00 Inglehart 2.00 Marti 2.00 Chiego Jr 1.00 Benavides 3.00 Korte 2.00 Jones 3.00 Moeller 1.00 ADVISORY Al-Rawi 3.00 Furgeson 2.00 McComas 1.00 Rios 2.00 Korte 2.00 Kerschbaum 1.00 Kerschbaum 2.00-4.00 Taichman 2.00 Taichman 2.00 Jones 1.00-3.00 Beattie 1.00-3.00 1.00 Kinney 2.00 Beattie 2.00 4.00 Dennings 4.00

Dental Hygiene Degree Completion E-Learning (HYGDCE)


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School Of Dentistry
Biomaterials (BIOMATLS)
572 577 33498 579 990 995 Sp Lab Proj-Biomatr IND + Mech of Ortho Matrl P SEM 001 Investigatn-Thesis IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR 0.00-1.00 ENFORCED Bayne, Fitzgerald 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED Holland 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Vivas 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED Fitzgerald, Piskorowski 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED Kaigler, Taichman, Eber 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED Fontana, Gonzalez 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY 1.00 Haerian 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY

Dentistry (DENT)
502 24141 515 24137 521B 25542 522 24229 522 524 24140 524 532 24139 532

533 24138 533 539 27630 539 551 20121 609B 25518 609B

616 25515 616

617 25525 617 623A 25517 625A 25513 625B 25544 625C 25545 631 14837 632 21175 632

Evidenced Based Dent PR LEC 001 ARR Grand Rounds PR SEM 001 TH 8-10AM Dental Anatomy & Occlusion PR LAB 001 F 2-5PM Comp Care Clinic PR LAB 001 T 8-9AM Comp Care Clinic PR LAB 001 T 9-12PM PR LAB 001 TH 2-5PM Pathways Program PR DIS 001 M 2-4PM Pathways Program PR DIS 001 M 1-4PM Cariology I PR LEC 001 F 8-11AM Cariology I PR LEC 001 F 8-10AM PR LEC 001 T 9-12PM PR LEC 001 T 10-12PM Infection & Immun PR LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM Infection & Immun PR LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM PR LEC 001 F 11-12PM Development, Regeneration & Genetics PR LEC 001 TH 8-10AM Development, Regeneration & Genetics PR LEC 001 M 1-2PM DSR II:Research Pres P LEC 001 ARR Periodontology II PR LEC 001 TH 1-2PM Periodontology II PR LEC 001 W 8-9AM PR LEC 001 TH 1-2PM PR LEC 001 TH 1-2PM Grand Rounds - D2 PR SEM 001 TH 8-10AM Grand Rounds - D2 PR SEM 001 TH 8-10AM PR SEM 001 TH 8-10AM PR SEM 001 TH 9-10AM Principles of Endodontics I PR LEC 001 W 1-2PM Principles of Endodontics I PR LEC 001 W 1-2PM Diag Sciences II PR LEC 001 T 1-2PM Pathways - HC Delivery PR SEM 001 T 8-12PM Pathways - Research PR SEM 001 T 8-12PM Pathways - Leadership P SEM 001 T 8-12PM Clinical Foundations II PR LAB 001 MW 9-12PM Clinical Found II/Rem Prostho PR LAB 001 F 9-12PM Clinical Found II/Rem Prostho Page 7 of 382


0.00-5.00 ENFORCED Krukonis, Sweier 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED Hu, Kaartinen 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED 4.00

ARR G322 DENT G322 DENT G340 DENT G322 DENT ARR ARR ARR ARR G322 DENT ARR G005 DENT G322 DENT ARR ARR G360 DENT G322 DENT 1.00 ENFORCED Al-Rawi 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED Eber, Hamerink 0.00-5.00 ENFORCED Kaigler 0.00-3.00 Taichman, Duff 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED Al-Salihi, Krishnan, O'Kray 2.00 ENFORCED Duff 2.00 ENFORCED 1.00 Botero 1.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED Murdoch-Kinch, Holland 0.00-3.00 ENFORCED 1.00 ENFORCED Richards, Fenno 1.00 ENFORCED

236.00 66.00 66.00

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633 25519 636 25520 636 640 25514 640

PR LAB 001 F Clinical Applications PR LEC 001 M

9-12PM 8-9AM

G360 DENT G322 DENT G322 DENT G322 DENT G005 DENT G005 DENT G005 DENT G322 DENT G360 DENT G322 DENT ARR ARR G005 DENT G005 DENT G005 DENT G005 DENT ARR ARR ARR G390 DENT G322 DENT ARR G390 DENT G390 DENT G390 DENT G390 DENT G390 DENT G390 DENT ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR G390 DENT ARR ARR 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED Eber, Hamerink 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED Kaigler 0.00-2.00 ENFORCED Taichman, Duff 1.00 Davis 1.00 Fasbinder 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Inglehart 0.00 ENFORCED Fitzgerald 3.00-4.00 ENFORCED Piskorowski, Hamerink 1.00 Woolfolk 1.00 Holland 1.50 Brzezinski Brzezinski 1.00-3.00 1.00 Richards 1.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED 1.00 Danciu 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Eber, Hamerink 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Kaigler 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Taichman, Duff 1.00 ENFORCED Botero 1.00 ENFORCED Fasbinder 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED Inglehart 2.00 ENFORCED Fitzgerald, Piskorowski 2.00 ENFORCED 3.00 ENFORCED Stribley, Tindle 3.00 ENFORCED 1.00-2.00 Berkman 1.00-2.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED 81.00 81.00 1.00-10.00 Cevidanes 1.00-10.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED 3.00 ENFORCED Brzezinski, Sweier 3.00 ENFORCED 0.50 ENFORCED Fitzgerald, Fasbinder, Piskorowski 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED Temple 0.00-10.00 ENFORCED

641 32963 641 643 25430 643 644 25516 644 711 21969 725A 27790 725B 27791 725C 27792 727 25526 732 27479 753 24515 755A 27478 755A 801 33679 801

825A 33755 825B 33756 825C 33757 840 24234 841 21439 853 24516 855 27704 857 24233 998 21380 610 10198 613 33234 33235 683

Periodontal Therapy I PR LEC 001 TH 1-2PM Periodontal Therapy I PR LEC 001 W 8-9AM GI System PR LEC 001 M 3-5PM GI System PR LEC 001 F 1-3PM PR LEC 001 TH 8-10AM PR LEC 001 TH 8-10AM Orthodontic Diagnosis PR LAB 001 TH 10-12PM Orthodontic Diagnosis PR LAB 001 TH 10-11AM Phys Biomech Tooth PR LAB 001 TH 10-12PM Phys Biomech Tooth PR LAB 001 TH 10-11AM GU System PR LEC 001 TH 8-10AM GU System PR LEC 001 F 1-3PM PR LEC 001 M 3-5PM Diagnostic Sciences IV P LEC 001 W 1-2PM Pathways-HCD PR SEM 001 ARR Pathways-Reseaarch PR SEM 001 ARR Pathways-Leadership PR SEM 001 ARR Principles of Endodontics II PR LEC 001 TH 8-9AM Adv. Operative Dent PR LEC 001 M 1-2PM Dental Student Teaching I PR LEC 001 SA 9-1230PM Profession & Practice PR LEC 001 W 8-9AM Profession & Practice PR LEC 001 M 8-9AM Emerging Educators in Academic Dentistry (elective PR SEM 001 W 2-5PM Emerging Educators in Academic Dentistry (elective PR SEM 001 W 2-5PM PR SEM 001 W 2-5PM PR SEM 001 W 2-5PM Pathways-HCD PR SEM 001 ARR Pathways-Research PR SEM 001 ARR Pathways-Leadership PR SEM 001 ARR Oral Surgery P LAB 001 ARR The CEREC 3D System P SEM 001 ARR Dental Student Teaching I PR LEC 001 ARR Professionalism & Practice PR SEM 001 MW 1-2PM Community Based Dent Ed PR LAB 001 ARR Curr Practical Prjct P SEM 001 ARR Scntfc Rpts&Theses P LEC 001 T Head & Neck Anatomy S LEC 001 MTWTHF P LAB 002 MTWTHF Direct Teach PreClin

Dental Education (DENTED)

10-12PM 8-330PM 8-330PM G580 DENT ARR ARR



Dental Hygiene (DHYGRACK)

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10196 685 31788 688 10197 690

P SEM 001 Fndt Oral Hlth Serv PR LEC 101 Investigatn-Thesis P SEM 001 Clinical Research I IND + Preclin Grad Endo P LAB 001 Clin Endodontics P LAB 001 Sem-Endodontics P SEM 001 TH Biol Basis for Endo P SEM 001 Endo Research IND + Case Pres & Treat P SEM 001 F Case Pres & Treat P SEM 001 F Pharmacology&Medicn P SEM 001 WTH Biol Oral Tissues P LEC 001 Orientat Research P LEC 001 Clin Dental Pharm P SEM 001 Stat Meth Oral Biol P LEC 001 Directed Research P SEM 001 Oral Sensations P LEC 001 Prin Immun Gr Dent P SEM 001 Prenat Fac Gro P SEM 001 TH Design&Analysis P SEM 001 Conscious Sedation P LEC 001 Conscious Sedation P LEC 001 Clin Consc Sedation P LAB 001 Topc Oral Histology P W LEC 001 Seminar in Oral Bio P SEM 001 Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND + Thesis Investigatn I IND + Radiology P SEM 001 W



Dennings 1.00-3.00 Wyche 1.00-3.00 Ridley 1.00-3.00



Endodontics (ENDODONT)
651 10218 652 10219 653 10220 654 24252 655 660 10223 660 661 10224 670 10225 672 10226 676 10227 678 10228 773 10229 774 10230 779 10231 852 10232 853 10233 855 10234 855 856 10235 857 10236 859 10237 990 995 ARR ARR 1-4PM ARR ARR 1-3PM 3-5PM 8-9AM ARR ARR G536 DENT ARR

1.00 McDonald 1.00-2.00 McDonald 1.00-2.00 McDonald 1.00-2.00 1.00

ARR G536 DENT G536 DENT 1397 DENT 1.00 McDonald 2.00 1.00 McDonald 1.00

Oral Biology (ORALBIOL)


1.00-2.00 1.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00-2.00 1018 DENT 2.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR 1.00-2.00 ARR 10-12PM ARR G536 DENT 2.00 Benavides 1.00-2.00 Kapila 1.00-2.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Oral Diagnosis (ORALDIAG)

660 662 10241 811 10242 811

Oral Health Sciences (ORALHEAL)

Sci Sem Series P SEM 001 TH Sci Sem Series P SEM 001 T P SEM 001 T P SEM 001 T P SEM 001 T P SEM 001 T P SEM 001 T Sci Lab Rotations IND + Special Topics Sem 12-130PM 1130-130PM 12-130PM 1130-130PM 12-130PM 1130-130PM 1130-130PM ARR G550 DENT 7220 DENT 7220 DENT 7220 DENT G311 DENT 7220 DENT 7220 DENT

812 851

3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 Page 9 of 382 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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990 995

I IND + Dissertatn-Precand IND + Dissertation-Cand R IND + Oral Path Lit Review P SEM 001 Clinical Oral Path P LAB 001 General Pathology P SEM 001 Microscopic OralPath P LAB 001 Surgical Oral Path P SEM 001 Clinical Oral Path P LAB 001 Oral Path&Diag Lect P LEC 001 Thesis Investigatn I IND + Adv Oral Path Sem P SEM 001 Journal Club P SEM 001 Oral Path Lit Review P SEM 002 Clinical Oral Path P LAB 002 General Pathology P LAB 002 Microscopic OralPath P LAB 002 Cone Beam CT Interp P LAB 001 P LAB 002 Indep Study IND +


ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR 1.00 Edwards 1.00-2.00 Edwards 2.00-4.00 Edwards 2.00-4.00 Edwards 1.00-8.00 1.00-4.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY

Oral Pathology (ORALPATH)

601 27877 611 27871 621 27872 631 27873 692 10246 693 10247 694 10248 696 698 10250 699 10251 701 33751 711 33752 721 33748 731 33750 741 33758 33759 761 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR


ARR 2.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00 Hatch 1.00-2.00 Conley 1.00-4.00 Palmer 1.00-2.00 McNamara Jr 1.00-2.00 1.00 Arruda 1.00 1.00 Cevidanes 1.00-3.00 Palmer, Arruda 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY Johnston Jr 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY 1.00 Kelly 1.00 Roberts 1.00-2.00 1.00-2.00 1.00 Danciu 1.00-2.00 Danciu 2.00-4.00 Danciu 1.00-4.00 Danciu 1.00 Al-Rawi 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

Orthodontics (ORTHO)
759 22256 760 10252 763 10253 764 10254 766 768 10255 770 10256 772 10257 775 10258 777 10259 777 778 10260 779 21179 798 799 Tooth Movement P LEC 001 Clinical Orthodon P LAB 001 Ortho Pediat Dent P LAB 001 Trtmnt Comp Patnt P SEM 001 Research-Thesis IND + Intro Ortho Tech P LAB 001 Occlusal Developmnt P SEM 001 Intro Cephalometric P SEM 001 TH Clin Ped Ortho P SEM 001 Meth&Prob Clin Res P SEM 001 Meth&Prob Clin Res P SEM 001 W Mg Chl Craniofac P SEM 001 F Ortho Pract Mgment P SEM 001 Special Projects IND + Directed Readings IND + Clinical Ped Dent P LAB 001 Sem Pediatric Dent P SEM 001 T Investigatn-Thesis ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 10-12PM ARR ARR 10-12PM 11-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1528 DENT ARR ARR 1397 DENT 1528 DENT ARR ARR ARR

Pediatric Dentistry (PEDDENT)

591 10263 592 10264 594 ARR 1-5PM ARR 1033 DENT

1.00-5.00 3.00 Boynton 1.00-3.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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598 22074 599 10265 780 10266 782 10267 785 10268 786 10269 786 788 10270 789 10271 790 793 10272 794 10273 583 15306 634 10274 638 10275 643 10276 645 646 10277 650 18271 739 10278 876 10279 879

IND + Stan Care of Ped Den P SEM 001 T Pd Anes Rotatn P SEM 001 Periodontic Clinic P LAB 001 Sem in Periodontics P SEM 001 M Research Methods P SEM 001 F Periodontal Therapy P LAB 001 MW Periodontal Therapy P LAB 001 W P LAB 001 MW Patient Mgt Perio P SEM 001 M Patient&Prac Mgt P SEM 001 W Thesis Investigatn IND + Current Lit-Perio P SEM 001 W Implants P SEM 001 W Independent Study P REC 001 W Prin Compl Dent Pro P SEM 001 F Partial Dent Theory P SEM 001 T Clin Prosthodontics P LAB 001 Thesis Investigatn IND + Maxillofac Prac Sem P SEM 001 F Adv Tx Planning P LEC 001 M Clin Crown&Bridge P SEM 001 TH Adv Clin Crown&Brid P SEM 001 TH Thesis Investigatn I IND + Clin Restor Dent P LAB 001 Thesis Investigatn IND + Prin Operative Dent P SEM 001 T Clinical Evaluation P SEM 001 W Investigatn Thesis I IND + Restora Materials P SEM 001


ARR 1033 DENT ARR 1.00-6.00 Bashutski 1.00 Eber 1.00 Giannobile 1.00-2.00 Eber 1.00-2.00 1.00 Bashutski 1.00 Bashutski 1.00-3.00 1.00 Bashutski 1.00 Bashutski 1.00 Razzoog 1.00 May 1.00 Oh 1.00-3.00 Razzoog 1.00-3.00 1.00 Marunick 1.00 Bloem 1.00 Beard 1.00 Beard 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY 1.00-2.00 Boynton 2.00 ADVISORY

Periodontics (PERIODON)
ARR 9-12PM 1-2PM 1-2PM 11-5PM 1-2PM 8-9AM 6-8PM ARR 10-11AM 11-12PM ARR B312A DENT G524 DENT B312A DENT G340 DENT B312A DENT 1033 DENT G580 DENT ARR B312A DENT B312A DENT

Prosthodontics (PROSTHOD)
10-12PM 8-9AM 8-9AM ARR ARR 1-5PM 6-730PM 8-10AM 10-12PM ARR 2397 DENT G536 DENT B312B DENT ARR ARR B312B DENT B312A DENT B312B DENT G580 DENT ARR



Restorative (RESTORA)
742 10281 743 746 10282 747 27811 880 883 10284 ARR ARR 8-10AM 8-10AM ARR ARR ARR ARR G524 DENT G524 DENT ARR ARR

1.00-8.00 Yaman 1.00-3.00 2.00 Dennison 2.00 Neiva 1.00-3.00 1.00-2.00 Yaman ADVISORY

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School Of Education
Education C Behavioral Sciences In Education (EDBEHAVR)
800 Sem Ed Psych 23599 P SEM 001 T Crosslisted with Psych 861-001. 421 31564 431 19909 455 29445 575 10324 1-4PM 2218 SEB 3.00 ADVISORY Eccles, Cortina

Education D Curriculum and Instruction (EDCURINS)

Teach Latin P W REC 001 Teach Meth P W REC 001 F Teaching Spanish P RW LEC 001 MW Inf Lit for Teaching P W LEC 001 T ARR 10-1PM 4-530PM 530-830PM ARR 4217 MLB G232 AH 2245 NQ

3.00 ADVISORY Ross 3.00 ADVISORY Rastalsky 3.00 ENFORCED Garcia-Amaya 3.00 ADVISORY Fontichiaro

Education (EDUC)

118 Intr Ed:Sch Mcul Soc 3.00 20053 P RW REC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1315 SEB Goldin 210 Spec Topics in Ed 1.00-3.00 25812 P SEM 004 ARR ARR Ball, Shaughnessy Investigating teaching & learn Topic: Investigating and Teaching Learning Mathematics in the Elementary Schools. 27989 P SEM 005 ARR ARR Ball Letters to Success 212 Hist College Athlet 3.00 32117 A W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1202 SEB Bacon Students should be certain to show up to first class day or won't be allowed to register/stay in class. Do not register if you have taken AMCULT 204 with John Bacon previously. 33000 P DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2224 SEB Bacon 33004 P DIS 003 W 4-5PM 2224 SEB Bacon 33003 P DIS 004 F 12-1PM 2225 SEB Bacon 33002 P DIS 005 F 1-2PM 2224 SEB Bacon 33001 P DIS 006 TH 11-12PM 2328 SEB Bacon 33005 P DIS 007 TH 4-5PM 2320 SEB 302 Directed Teach Sec 10.00 ADVISORY 10285 P R LAB 001 MTWTHF 7-4PM ARR Fall 2013 Secondary ENGLISH teaching interns only. CONCUR REG IN EDUC 304-001 and EDUC 490-004 and EDUC 490-005. 304 Prob-Prin Sec Ed 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 10286 P R SEM 001 T 4-6PM ARR Fall 2013 Secondary ENGLISH teaching interns only. Concur reg in EDUC 302-001 and EDUC 490-004 and 490-005. Student must attend Professional Learning Seminar on September 6, 2013. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 19195 P R LAB 001 TTH 8-12PM ARR Warner 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 001 F 10-12PM 1315 SEB First year Cohort 1 elem students only. Field/Practicum T/Th 8:00 am-12:00 PM. Friday seminar and workshops 10:00 am-12:00 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10287 P R LAB 002 TTH 8-12PM ARR Phillippi 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 002 F 10-12PM 2334 SEB First year Cohort 2 elem students only. Field/Practicum experience T/Th 8:00 am-11:30 PM. Friday seminar and workshops 10:00 am-12:00 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 21846 P R LAB 003 W 8-12PM ARR Robertson 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 003 W 530-730PM 1315 SEB PR LAB 003 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd year cohort 1 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10288 P R LAB 004 W 8-12PM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 004 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 004 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd yr cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W U of M Schedule of Classes Page 12 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 29155 P R LAB 006 W 8-12PM ARR Geherin 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 006 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 006 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd yr cohort 1 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10290 P R LAB 007 MW 7-12PM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 007 TH 4-530PM 2225 SEB Sec Winter MATH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-004 and EDUC 413-001. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 19203 P R LAB 008 TTH 7-12PM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 008 TH 4-6PM 2340 SEB Sec Winter SCIENCE cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-009 and EDUC 422-001. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10291 P R LAB 009 TW 7-12PM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 009 TH 9-11AM 2225 SEB Sec Winter SOCIAL STUDIES cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-003 and EDUC 432-001. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10292 P R LAB 010 TTH 7-11AM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 010 T 4-6PM 2225 SEB Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-005 and EDUC 440-001. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 10293 P R LAB 011 TTH 7-12PM ARR 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 011 TH 1230-230PM 2224 SEB Sec Winter WORLD LANG cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 391-006 and EDUC 420-001. With prior arrangement with instructor, it may be possible to schedule your field placement at an alternative time. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27745 P R LAB 012 TTH 8-12PM ARR Martinez 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 012 F 10-12PM ARR 1st year Cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Thursday 8:00 AM-3:30 PM. Professional Workshop W 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27746 P R LAB 013 TTH 8-12PM ARR Kamuyu 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 013 F 10-12PM ARR 1st year Cohort 1 elem students only. Field W 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Thursday 8:00 AM-3:30 PM. Professional Workshop W 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27748 P R LAB 015 W 8-12PM ARR Khasnabis 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 015 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 015 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd year cohort 1 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27749 P R LAB 016 W 8-12PM ARR Blunk 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 016 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 016 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd year cohort 1 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27750 P R LAB 017 W 8-12PM ARR Stull 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 017 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 017 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd year cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27751 P R LAB 018 W 8-12PM ARR Griffiths 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 018 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 018 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd year cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W 5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 27752 P R LAB 019 W 8-12PM ARR Newman 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 019 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 019 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd yr cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 am-12:00 pm. Thursday 8:00 am-3:30 pm. Professional Workshop W U of M Schedule of Classes Page 13 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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5:30-7:30 pm. 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 33677 P R LAB 020 W 8-12PM ARR Berge 307 Practicum 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 020 W 530-730PM ARR PR LAB 020 TH 8-4PM ARR 2nd yr cohort 2 elem students only. Field W 8:00 AM-12:00 PM. Thursday 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM. Professional Workshop W 5:30 PM-7:30 PM. 310 Independent Study 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR Schools Community&Power Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to 317 Observ-Particip Ed 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY SI IND + T 1-1AM ARR Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to Tina Sanford at 320 Honors Ind Study 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from the instructor via email and then forward to Robert Scroggins at 360 Partners in Learning 3.00 21835 P W SEM 001 W 7-9PM 2328 SEB Smith 362 Mich Stdnt Caucus 4.00 18391 P W LAB 001 ARR ARR Kupperman, Fahy, Lossing, McDowell A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Wed. Sept. 11, 2013 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium. 19414 P W LAB 002 ARR ARR Lossing, Kupperman, McDowell, Fahy A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Wed. Sept. 11, 2013 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium. 20055 P W LAB 003 ARR ARR McDowell, Kupperman, Fahy, Lossing A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Wed. Sept. 11, 2013 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium. 24421 P W LAB 004 ARR ARR Fahy, Lossing, McDowell, Kupperman A mandatory orientation meeting will occur on Wed, Sept. 11, 2013 from 7:00-8:30 PM in Schorling Auditorium. 363 Earth Odysseys 3.00 23700 P SEM 001 W 2-5PM 2310 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Morocco Meets with MENAS 591-003. 365 Intl Poetry Guild 3.00 23701 P SEM 001 T 4-6PM 2224 SEB Zemper 390 Comm Serv & Lang 3.00 18743 PI W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1096 EH Bogart, Bailey Community Service and Language, Education and Culture 391 Ed Psych-Human Dev 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 19205 P R REC 001 W 9-12PM 2346 SEB Kuusinen 1st yr cohort 1 elem students only. 10297 P R REC 002 W 9-12PM 2334 SEB Macon 1st yr cohort 2 elem students only. 21841 P R REC 003 TTH 230-4PM 2225 SEB Neidlinger Sec Winter SOCIAL STUDIES students only. 10298 P R REC 004 TTH 230-4PM 2346 SEB Wang Sec Winter MATH and SCIENCE cohort students only 10299 P R REC 005 TTH 230-4PM 2224 SEB Moore Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only. 10300 P R REC 006 TTH 430-6PM 2328 SEB Suarez Sec Winter WORLD LANGUAGE and MUSIC ED students only. Music students request permission of instructor. 392 Educ Multicult Soc 1.00-3.00 29018 P R LEC 001 M 9-12PM 2320 SEB Khasnabis 1st year cohort 1 elem students only. 10301 P R LEC 002 T 1-4PM 2228 SEB Khasnabis 1st year cohort 2 elem students only. 25156 P R LEC 003 M 9-12PM 2224 SEB Khasnabis 2nd year cohort 1 elem students only. 25155 P R LEC 004 T 9-12PM 2218 SEB Khasnabis 2nd year cohort 2 elem students only. 26765 P R LEC 005 TH 6-9PM 4212 SEB Mc Mahon Undergraduate Secondary Certification students only. 401 Devel Rdg Wrtg Elem 3.00 19222 P R LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 2340 SEB Duke 1st yr cohort 1 elem students only. 10302 P R LEC 002 TH 1-4PM 2334 SEB Phillippi 1st yr cohort 2 elem students only. 402 Rdg Wrtg Content 3.00 29160 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2218 SEB Birdyshaw Secondary MAC ENGLISH and WORLD LANGUAGE students only. 10303 P R LEC 002 W 830-1130AM 2224 SEB Rosario-Ramos Secondary MAC SOCIAL SCIENCE students only. 23537 P R LEC 003 T 6-9PM 2224 SEB Kim Secondary MUSIC, PHYS ED and SCHOOL MEDIA students only. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 14 of 382




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30628 P R LEC 004 W 4-7PM 2225 SEB Nguyen Secondary MATH MAC interns and WWTF Fellows only. 32771 P R LEC 005 W 9-12PM 2241 SEB Birdyshaw Secondary SCIENCE MAC interns and WWTF Fellows only. 403 Ind Rdg Instr Elem 3.00 22919 P R REC 001 F 9-12PM 2346 SEB Reischl For Elmac 16 students only. 406 Teach Elem School 1.00 ADVISORY 19223 P R REC 001 M 830-12PM 2218 SEB Curren-Preis Managing to Teach 1st yr cohort 1 elem students only. Will meet off-site, 2218 is backup. 10304 P R REC 002 W 830-12PM 2229 SEB Curren-Preis Managing to Teach 1st yr cohort 2 elem students only. Will meet offsite. 2229 is backup. 25297 P R REC 003 T 1-4PM 1315 SEB Palincsar Children as Sensemakers 1st yr elem students only. 25298 P R REC 004 T 1-4PM 2310 SEB Cervetti Children as Sensemakers 1st yr cohort 1 elem students only. 25299 P R REC 005 M 9-12PM 2218 SEB Robertson Teachng w/Curriculum Materials 1st yr cohort 2 elem students only. 25300 P R REC 006 T 830-12PM 2228 SEB Iwashyna Beginning the School Year Second year undergrad elem teacher cert students only. Cohort 1. Class meets 9/3-10/1/13 26353 P R REC 008 M 830-12PM 2320 SEB Reischl Beginning the School Year Second year undergrad elem teacher cert students only. Cohort 2. Class meets 9/9-9/30/13 and also on 9/3/13. 411 Teach Elem Sch Math 3.00 19925 P R REC 001 M 9-12PM 2328 SEB Ball 2nd yr elem cohort 1 students only. Class meets 10/7 thru end of semester. 10305 P R REC 002 T 9-12PM 2334 SEB Shaughnessy 2nd yr elem cohort 2 students only. Class meets 10/8 thru end of semester. 413 Teach Sec Sch Math 3.00 ADVISORY 10306 P R REC 001 T 4-7PM 2228 SEB Mesa Sec Winter MATH cohort students, Sec MAC Math students and Woodrow Wilson Math Teaching Fellows only. 419 Meth Wrld Lang Minor 1.00 25511 PI SEM 001 F 3-5PM 2225 SEB Coolican Required for all sec TE students w/Wrld Lang minor/sec major not enrolled in EDUC 420. Will be 4 mandatory mtgs in SEB on Fri 9/20, 10/25, 11/15 and 12/6. Cannot reschedule or make up these mtgs. Course is self-directed focusing on wkshps in Lang Resource Center. 420 Tchg Wld Lang Sec Sc 3.00 19623 P R REC 001 M 1-4PM 2224 SEB Coolican Sec Winter WORLD LANG cohort and MAC WORLD LANG students only. Sec Winter cohort students only concur reg in EDUC 307-011 and EDUC 391-006. If fieldwork days (T/Th) cause schedule restrictions, please contact Maria Coolican at 421 Tch Science Elemsch 3.00 19926 P R REC 001 T 830-1130AM 2241 SEB Kademian 2nd yr elem cohort 1 students only. 10307 P R REC 002 M 830-1130AM 2241 SEB Arias 2nd yr elem cohort 2 students only. 422 Tch Science Sec Sch 3.00 ADVISORY 10308 P R REC 001 T 4-7PM 2241 SEB Bricker Sec Winter SCIENCE cohort students only, Secondary MAC SCIENCE students and Woodrow Wilson Science Teaching Fellows only. Sec Winter cohort UG students only concur reg in EDUC 307-008 and EDUC 391-004. 425 Intro A2LP I 3.00 32725 PI SEM 001 T 530-830PM 2346 SEB A2LP students only. 32726 PI SEM 002 W 530-830PM 2334 SEB For A2LP students only. 427 Elemen School Art 3.00 19224 P RW LEC 001 T 4-7PM 2218 SEB Robertson School of Education Elementary Students only. 429 A2LP Leadership Dev 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 32727 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Coolican For 2nd year A2LP students. Pre-req EDUC 425 and 426/428. 431 Tchg Soc St Ele Sch 3.00 22920 P R REC 001 M 9-12PM 2340 SEB Monte-Sano Elmac 16 students only. 432 Tch Sec Soc Studies 3.00 ADVISORY 10309 P R REC 001 M 9-12PM 2310 SEB Sec Winter SOCIAL STUDIES cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 307-009 and EDUC 391-003. 19225 P R REC 002 M 4-7PM 2346 SEB Shreiner Secondary MAC students only. 440 Teaching of English 3.00 ADVISORY 10310 P R LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2346 SEB Parsons Sec Winter ENGLISH cohort students only. Concur reg in EDUC 307-010 and EDUC 391-005. 18716 P R LEC 002 M 4-7PM 2334 SEB Hearn U of M Schedule of Classes Page 15 of 382


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Seconday MAC students only. 443 Exceptionalities K-8 1.00 33467 P R LEC 001 M 9-12PM 2334 SEB Fortini For Elmac 16 students. 444 Tchg with Tech K-8 1.00 32698 P R LEC 001 W 830-1130AM 2225 SEB Keren-Kolb 1st year elem cohort 1 students only. Class meets 9/9/13-9/30/13. 32699 P R LEC 002 M 830-1130AM 2228 SEB Keren-Kolb 1st year elem cohort 2 students only. Class meets 9/11/13 -10/2/13. 445 Exceptionalities6-12 1.00 32782 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR 446 Tchg with Tech 6-12 1.00 32700 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Keren-Kolb Concur reg in EDUC 302, EDUC 304 and EDUC 445-001. 462 Place Out of Time 3.00 ADVISORY 15670 P LAB 001 M 9-12PM 2346 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Meets with MENAS 591-002. 463 Arab-Israeli Conflic 3.00 25512 P LAB 001 W 10-1PM 2310 SEB Stanzler Meets with MENAS 591-001. 471 Topics in HE&PSE 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 21834 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Strickland Dvlpmt Advancement Higher Ed Departmental Consent Required 490 Topics Professnl Ed 1.00-2.00 21927 PIR SEM 003 T 4-530PM 2334 SEB Bordonaro Methods History/Social Science Topic: Methods for History/Social Science Teaching Minors. For permission, contact 500 Foundatns Literacy 3.00 ADVISORY 15671 P REC 001 TH 4-7PM ARR Palincsar . 504 Teach with Tech 1.00 25487 P R SEM 001 TH 5-8PM 2229 SEB Stanzler, Hughes 504 Teach with Tech 1.00 PR SEM 001 TH 5-8PM 2228 SEB Secondary MAC Cohort 1 (Maize) students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only. 504 Teach with Tech 1.00 32773 P R SEM 002 ARR ARR Stanzler, Hughes Secondary MAC Cohort 2 (Blue) students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only. 511 Records Practice I 2.00 23637 P R REC 001 F 830-10AM 2334 SEB Birdyshaw Secondary MAC ENGLISH, SOCIAL STUDIES and WORLD LANG interns only. Class meets every other week. 23641 P R REC 002 F 830-10AM 2224 SEB Dershimer Secondary MAC SCIENCE and MATH students and Woodrow Wilson Teaching Fellows only. Class meets every other week. 518 Workshop Teach Math 3.00 10311 P R SEM 001 ARR ARR Sherman Elmac 16 students only. 552 Instruc Ldrshp Schl 3.00 ADVISORY 27729 P R LEC 002 M 5-8PM ARR U-M Detroit Center. For Teach of America Fellowships. 553 Admin Ldrsh in Schl 3.00 ADVISORY 32297 P SEM 001 TH 5-8PM 2334 SEB 561 Intro Higher Educ 3.00 10312 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM 2229 SEB Lattuca Prereq: Graduate Standing in Higher Education 580 Disability Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 25892 PI W SEM 001 T 2-4PM G463 MH Kuppers 593 Educational Ling 3.00 ADVISORY 19881 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM 4212 SEB Moore Elmac 16 students only. 601 Trfrm Lrng Tchg Tech 3.00 10313 P R SEM 001 M 9-12PM 4212 SEB Fishman Crosslisted with SI 549. 603 Res Assess Lrng Env 3.00 ADVISORY 29298 P SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2310 SEB Quintana 604 Curr Dev & Eval 3.00 10314 P W REC 001 W 4-7PM 2320 SEB Cervetti 605 Intern Learn Tech 3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 611 Classroom Assess 3.00 32685 P SEM 001 M 1-4PM ARR Songer 621 Tch Writ Elesec Sch 3.00 24802 PI LEC 001 TH 2-5PM 2310 SEB Gere What Makes Writing Good Meets with English 540. 628 Dem & Educ 3.00 29308 P W LEC 001 W 1-4PM 4212 SEB Cohen U of M Schedule of Classes Page 16 of 382

25.00 25.00

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Intrn&Dir Field Exp 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 640 Ind Study Ed Stdy 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 641 Hist of Amer Ed 3.00 21636 PI W REC 001 T 4-7PM 4212 SEB Mirel, Kang Meets with History 698-007. 643 Sociology of Educ 3.00 23372 P REC 001 TH 9-12PM 2218 SEB Robinson 649 Found Persp Ed Rfrm 3.00 30416 PI REC 004 M 5-8PM 4212 SEB Peurach For students in the Leadership and Policy strand of the MA in Educational Studies For permission, contact 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 10316 P R LAB 001 TTH 8-12PM ARR Madden 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 001 W 8-4PM ARR Elmac 16 students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 26350 P R LAB 002 TTH 8-12PM ARR Wall 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 002 W 8-4PM ARR Elmac 16 students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 26351 P R LAB 003 TTH 8-12PM ARR Sherman 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 003 W 8-4PM ARR Elmac 16 students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 27000 P R LAB 006 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 006 F 10-1130AM 2320 SEB Secondary MAC HISTORY/SOCIAL SCIENCE students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 27001 P R LAB 007 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 007 F 10-1130AM 2310 SEB Secondary MAC WORLD LANGUAGE students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 27002 P R LAB 008 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 008 F 10-1130AM 2241 SEB Secondary MAC SCIENCE interns and Woodrow Wilson SCIENCE Teaching Fellows only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 27003 P R LAB 009 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 009 F 10-1130AM 4212 SEB Secondary MAC MATH interns and Woodrow Wilson MATH Teaching Fellows only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 30469 P R LAB 010 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 010 F 10-1130AM 2218 SEB Secondary MAC English students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 30468 P R LAB 011 TTH 7-3PM ARR 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY PR LAB 011 F 10-1130AM 2228 SEB Secondary MAC English students only. 650 Refl Teach Fld Exp 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 27853 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Secondary Field Experience 655 Dir Resear Ed Study 1.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 657 Practicum Ed Study 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Graduate World Language students concurrently enrolled in EDUC 420-001. Permission for this course is obtained by contacting Ari Bartolacci at 665 Foundatn Stu Aff Edu 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10318 P RW LEC 001 T 1-4PM 2328 SEB Taylor Graduate Standing; EDUC 662 or equivalent 690 Ac Aff&Stu Dev PSE 3.00 ADVISORY 17747 P RW LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2228 SEB Lawrence Prereq: Graduate Standing U of M Schedule of Classes Page 17 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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695 Res Educ Practice 3.00 30417 PI LEC 002 W 5-8PM 4212 SEB Spain For students in the Leadership and Policy strand of the MA in Educational Studies. For permission, contact 18198 P R LEC 003 T 4-7PM 2229 SEB Matney Higher Ed students only. 33477 P R LEC 004 W 530-830PM ARR Craig For Teach For America fellows only. 703 Hst Persp Ltrcy Res 3.00 29176 P SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2340 SEB Palincsar 708 Cogn&Instr Classrm 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28749 P R REC 001 W 9-12PM 2328 SEB Miller Meets with Psych 958-003. 709 Motiv in the Clssrm 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 32079 P R SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2228 SEB Ryan Meets with Psych 958-???. 720 Soc/Per Psy in Educ 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28760 P R SEM 001 T 2-5PM 2340 SEB Rivas-Drake 728 Prac Learn Tech 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 737 Topics Educ Studies 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 29485 P SEM 002 W 1-4PM 2346 SEB O'Connor, Moje Literacy & Cultural Studies 29486 P SEM 003 T 1-4PM 2334 SEB Schleppegrell Intro Systemic Functional Ling Introduction to Systemic Functional Linguistics. 30418 P SEM 005 TH 1-4PM 1315 SEB Weiland Experimental Methods Ed Resear Topic: Experimental Methods in Education Research. 751 Soc Context of Schl 3.00 ADVISORY 26105 P LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 2328 SEB Spain 761 P S E Complex Org 3.00 ADVISORY 24801 P W SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 2218 SEB Bastedo Prereq: PhD standing or 2nd year Higher Ed MA standing 767 Res Pract in HE 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 769 Philanthropy & HE 3.00 22632 P SEM 001 M 4-7PM 2320 SEB Burkhardt Graduate standing 770 Ind St High&Cont Ed 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 771 Topics High&Cont Ed 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 28988 P SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2346 SEB Minority Serving Institutions Prereq: graduate standing 28989 P SEM 002 W 1-4PM 2340 SEB 25668 P SEM 003 TH 4-6PM 2224 SEB Overton-Adkins Social Justice Educ & Research Prereq: graduate standing 28990 P SEM 004 W 9-12PM 2340 SEB 30433 P SEM 005 ARR ARR St John Actionable Res Social Justice Only graduate students who attended the May 13-17 workshop with Dr. St. John may enroll. 30516 P SEM 006 TH 1-4PM 2320 SEB 777 Admin Practicum MA 1.50-3.00 ADVISORY 20043 P SEM 001 F 9-12PM 2229 SEB Madden Prereq: Higher Ed MA student. 780 Resarch on Teaching 3.00 29180 PI SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 2228 SEB Monte-Sano For permission, please contact 782 Stdy Math Thnk&Lrn 3.00 31546 P SEM 001 M 12-3PM 2340 SEB Herbst 789 Rsrch Apprenticeship 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 790 Found of Schlng 3.00 19932 PI LEC 001 T 1-4PM 4212 SEB Cohen 793 Intr Quant Meth Res 3.00 ADVISORY 19933 A LEC 001 W 1-4PM 2229 SEB Bahr Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 001 when they elect Lab 002 or Lab 003. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students. 19934 P LAB 002 TH 9-11AM G444B MH Samuels U of M Schedule of Classes Page 18 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Concur reg in EDUC 793-001 lecture. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students. 20075 P LAB 003 TH 1-3PM G444B MH Kim Concur reg in EDUC 793-001 lecture. 1st year Ph.D. students have priority. Open to ES and CSHPE students. 794 Quant Mth Caus Anls 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24640 P R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1110 WEILL Jacob 794 Quant Mth Caus Anls 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED PR LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1230 WEILL PR LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1110 WEILL Meets with PUBPOL 639. For Education PhD students only. Prerequisite EDUC 793 or equivalent. 798 Tchg Apprenticeship 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 799 Cat&Ltd Depndt Var 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 22633 A R SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2224 SEB Posselt Students are auto-enrolled in Sem 001 when they elect Lab 002 24797 P R LAB 002 TH 9-11AM ARR Howard Concurrent reg in EDUC 799-001 Seminar 817 Sem Soc Sci Meth 1.00 ADVISORY 16957 P SEM 001 W 4-6PM 6050 ISR Almirall, Xie 820 Causal Infer Ed Pol 3.00 30274 P SEM 001 W 830-10AM ARR Dynarski This is a year-long, 3-credit workshop in which students select a research question, choose an appropriate dataset, undertake analyses, write (and rewrite!) a paper, and present results in a workshop. Students enrolled in this class are required to attend (and present in) the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS), which meets every other week during this time slot in fall and winter. We will arrange additional meetings according to students' schedules, with the net result that we will meet once (and occasionally twice) per week throughout the academic year.Prereq: B- or above in EDUC 794, EDUC 795 or PubPol 639 (or equivalent, with permission) 830 Hst&Phl Science Ed 3.00 29181 P SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2346 SEB Bricker 835 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 841 Adv Std Hist&Soc Ed 3.00 ADVISORY 31928 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Mirel For permission, contact 870 Intl&Comp Contin Ed 3.00 ADVISORY 31302 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 2225 SEB Lawrence Preq: graduate standing 890 Multi-level Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 10321 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Lee Permission of instructor. Reg for this course reserved for School of Education students who have taken "Multilevel Analysis of Survey Data" thru Survey Research Summer Institute in June 2013. 898 Professionl Dev Sem 1.00 10322 P SEM 001 F 10-12PM 2224 SEB Songer For first year Ed Studies Ph.D students only. 10323 P SEM 002 F 10-12PM 2328 SEB Cervetti For second year Ed Studies Ph.D. students only. 28754 P SEM 004 W 4-7PM 2346 SEB Eccles For CPEP students. 899 Qualfy Exam Phd&Edd 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 14712 P REC 001 ARR ARR Bahr PREREQ: 36 CSHPE CREDITS. Please register for 3 credits for this section. 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY S IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at 991 Prelims Part A 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR For ES PhD students who began program Summer 2008 or Fall 2008. Register in EDUC 655 if you started program prior to Summer 2008. 992 Prelims Part B 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR For ES PhD students who began program Summer 2008 or Fall 2008. Register in EDUC 990 if you started program prior to Summer 2008. 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED SR IND + ARR ARR Students should obtain permission from instructor and then complete online form located at

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Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering (AEROSP)
201 23257 205 30160 30161 30162 30163 215 10326 225 10325 285 21736 24007 290 305 10327 10328 10329 10330 10331 10332 10333 315 10340 325 10341 335 10342 347 24946 348 26245 384 17515 390 405 10334 10335 20491 10336 10337 10338 10339 481 10345 27018 490 513 17360 516 29694 520 10347 522 10348 523 10349 526 20466 533 19800 536 Intro Aero P RW LEC 001 MW Intr Aero Eng Sys A RW LEC 001 T P RW LAB 002 W P RW LAB 002 W P RW LAB 003 TH P RW LAB 003 TH P RW LAB 004 F P RW LAB 004 F Solid Mech&AE Struct P W LEC 001 MWF Intro Gas Dynamics P RW LEC 001 MWF Aero Eng Sem A RW SEM 001 F P RW REC 002 T Directed Study IND + Aero Eng Lab I A W LEC 001 TTH P W LAB 002 T P W LAB 003 T P W LAB 004 W P W LAB 005 W P W LAB 006 TH P W LAB 007 TH Aerospace Structure P W LEC 001 MWF Aerodynamics P W LEC 001 MWF Aerospace Propulsn P W LEC 001 MWF Space Mechanics P RW LEC 001 TTH Aircraft Dyn Control P RW LEC 001 TTH Intro CAD P W LEC 001 MW Directed Study IND + Aero Eng Lab II A W LEC 001 TTH P W LAB 002 T P W LAB 004 W P W LAB 005 W P W LAB 006 W P W LAB 007 TH P W LAB 008 TH Aircraft Design P RW LEC 001 MW A RW DIS 002 F Directed Study IND + Solid&Struct Mech I P LEC 001 MW Mech Composites P LEC 001 MW Compressible Flow I P LEC 001 MWF Viscous Flow P LEC 001 MWF Comp Fluid Dyn I P W LEC 001 TTH Hypersonics P LEC 001 MWF Combustion Processes P LEC 001 TTH Electic Propulsion 130-3PM 3-430PM 130-330PM 330-430PM 130-330PM 330-430PM 130-330PM 330-430PM 10-1130AM 830-10AM 130-3PM 1230-130PM ARR 830-10AM 12-3PM 330-630PM 12-3PM 330-630PM 12-3PM 330-630PM 10-1130AM 830-10AM 130-3PM 130-3PM 1030-12PM 1130-1PM ARR 830-10AM 1130-130PM 1030-1230PM 1-3PM 4-6PM 1130-130PM 2-4PM 3-5PM 3-5PM ARR 1-230PM 1030-12PM 230-330PM 9-10AM 9-1030AM 1130-1230PM 830-10AM 1109 FXB 1008 FXB 2243 FXB 1032 FXB 2243 FXB 1032 FXB 2243 FXB 1032 FXB 1008 FXB 1012 FXB 1109 FXB 1109 FXB ARR 1012 FXB 2221 FXB 2221 FXB 2221 FXB 2221 FXB 2221 FXB 2221 FXB 1109 FXB 1109 FXB 133 CHRYS 1109 FXB 1012 FXB 1008 FXB ARR 1008 FXB 1016 AE TUNNEL 1016 AE TUNNEL 1016 AE TUNNEL 1016 AE TUNNEL 1016 AE TUNNEL 1016 AE TUNNEL 1008 FXB 1008 FXB ARR 1024 FXB 1032 FXB 1012 FXB 1024 FXB 2211 GGBL 104 EWRE 107 GFL 3.00 ADVISORY Sundararaghavan 3.00 ADVISORY Waas 3.00 ADVISORY Gamba 3.00 ADVISORY Bernal 3.00 ADVISORY Johnsen 3.00 ADVISORY Roe 3.00 ADVISORY Driscoll 3.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 4.00 Geister ADVISORY 4.00 Smith ADVISORY 3.00 ENFORCED Kabamba 3.00 ENFORCED Washabaugh Washabaugh Washabaugh Washabaugh 4.00 ADVISORY Goulbourne 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Boyd 1.00 ENFORCED Washabaugh Zahn 1.00-3.00

4.00 ADVISORY Shaw 4.00 ADVISORY Fidkowski 4.00 ADVISORY Smith 3.00 ENFORCED Kolmanovsky 3.00 ENFORCED Bencatel 3.00 ADVISORY Geister 1.00-3.00

4.00 Martins Martins 1.00-3.00


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29074 540 18029 544 29693 548 24960 550 10350 10351 574 10344 581 10352 582 10353 585 17552 590 990 995

P LEC 001 TTH Intermed Dynamics P W LEC 001 TTH Aeroelasticity P LEC 001 TTH Astrodynamics P LEC 001 TTH Lin Sys Thr A W LEC 001 MWF P W DIS 002 W Space Physics PR LEC 001 TTH Space Pol&Manage P LEC 001 MWF Spacecraft Tech P LEC 001 MWF Aerospace Sem P SEM 001 TH Directed Study IND + Diss-Precand IND + Diss-Cand R IND +

130-3PM 1130-1PM 1030-12PM 10-1130AM 130-230PM 430-630PM 130-330PM 1230-130PM 230-430PM 4-530PM ARR ARR ARR

1008 FXB G906 COOL 1008 FXB 2233 GGBL 1670 BEYSTER 1013 DOW 2246 SRB 2246 SRB 2246 SRB 1109 FXB ARR

Longmier 3.00 Orosz 3.00 Cesnik 3.00 Cutler 4.00 Grizzle 4.00 Gombosi 3.00 Fisk 4.00 Renno 1.00 Inman 1.00-6.00 1.00-8.00


ARR 8.00 ARR

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Atm, Oceanic And Space Science

Atmospheric, Oceanic And Space Sciences (AOSS)
101 21489 102 18647 22741 105 10357 171 10358 10360 10361 10362 10363 19155 10364 280 19107 19112 320 18648 370 22611 380 20482 381 19461 401 10365 407 33469 410 18600 411 19846 440 19847 451 29373 479 10367 498 22236 499 511 29377 530 25372 551 20050 565 29376 567 23370 574 10366 578 29374 581 10369 582 10370 586 25373 588 29384 589 32147 590 19433 28134 591 25374 25631 Rocket Science P LEC 001 MWF Extreme Weather P LEC 001 MWF P LEC 002 MWF Changing Atmos P W LEC 001 TTH Int Global Change I AR LEC 001 MWF P RW LAB 003 P RW LAB 004 M P RW LAB 005 T P RW LAB 006 T P RW LAB 007 M P RW LAB 008 W Ugrad Res Experience P LAB 001 PI LAB 002 Earth Sys Evolution P LEC 001 TTH Solar Terrestrial P LEC 001 MWF Intro Atm Radiation PR LEC 001 MWF Ugrad Res Exper II PR LAB 001 Geophys Fluid Dyn P LEC 001 TTH Math Method Geophys P LEC 01 MW Earth System Model P LEC 001 TTH Cloud&Precip Process P LEC 001 MWF Meteor Analysis Lab P LEC 001 MWF Atmos Dynamics I P LEC 001 TTH Atmos Chemistry P LEC 001 MWF Practicum in Aoss P LEC 001 Directed Study I IND + Aeros Physic & Chem P LEC 001 MWF Eng Climate Change P SEM 001 T Fluid Dynamics P LEC 001 MWF Planet Sci P LEC 001 MT Chemical Dynamics PD LEC 001 MWF Space Physics P LEC 001 TTH Air Pol Chem P LEC 001 TTH Space Pol&Manage P LEC 001 MWF Spacecraft Tech P LEC 001 MWF Climate Data Analys P LEC 001 TTH Region Scale Climate P LEC 001 MWF Art of Climate Model P LEC 01 MWF Space Systems Proj P LEC 001 P LEC 002 Climate Practicum I P LEC 001 S LAB 002 Page 22 2-3PM 10-11AM 10-11AM 10-1130AM 12-1PM ARR 3-5PM 9-11AM 11-1PM 1-3PM 1-3PM ARR ARR 1-3PM 1030-12PM 130-3PM ARR 1130-130PM 430-630PM 930-1130AM 930-1030AM 130-330PM 130-330PM 1230-130PM ARR ARR 230-330PM 330-630PM 1030-1230PM 830-1030AM 11-12PM 130-330PM 930-11AM 1230-130PM 230-430PM 1-1AM 1030-12PM 330-5PM ARR ARR ARR ARR of 382 1400 CHEM AUD C AH ARR 1210 CHEM 1200 CHEM ARR 3556 DANA 3038 DANA 3038 DANA 3556 DANA 3556 DANA ARR ARR 260 DENN 2424 SRB 2424 SRB ARR 2246 SRB 2236 SRB 2238 SRB 2246 SRB 2236 SRB 2424 SRB 2238 SRB ARR ARR 2238 SRB 2422 SRB 2246 SRB 2424 SRB A859 CHEM 2246 SRB 2236 SRB 2246 SRB 2246 SRB ARR 2238 SRB 2238 SRB ARR ARR ARR ARR 4.00 ADVISORY Steiner 4.00 Jablonowski 4.00 ADVISORY McKague Gilchrist 4.00 ADVISORY Andronova Andronova FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 4.00 Gombosi 3.00 Barker 3.00 Fisk 4.00 Renno 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Penner 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Andronova 4.00 ADVISORY Drake, Kuranz 4.00 ADVISORY Atreya 3.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Liemohn 3.00 Samson Samson 3.00 De Roo 4.00 Kling, Badgley, van der Pluijm, Poulsen Jeffery Rosier Taylor Shi Rosier 1.00-4.00 Slavin, Gilchrist Gregerman 4.00 ADVISORY Andronova, Ruff 4.00 ADVISORY Moldwin 4.00 ENFORCED Flanner 1.00-4.00 ENFORCED Slavin, Gilchrist 4.00 ADVISORY Rood 4.00 ADVISORY Drake 4.00 ADVISORY Bassis 3.00 ADVISORY Posselt 4.00 ADVISORY Marsik 4.00 ADVISORY Boyd 3.00 ADVISORY Carroll 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Samson 1.00-16.00

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592 Climate Practicum II 27302 P LEC 001 27304 S LAB 002 605 Current Topics 19520 PD LEC 001 23517 P LEC 002 Computational Chem Kin Methods 28105 PD LEC 003 28137 P LEC 004 33104 P W LEC 005 T Planetary Magnetospheres Sem. 701 Special Problems I IND + 747 Student Seminar 18040 P LEC 001 W 749 A and S Seminar 10372 P LEC 001 TH 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand R IND +



4.00 ADVISORY Andronova Andronova 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY Barker Gilchrist Slavin 1.00-16.00 1.00 Lepri 1.00 Rood, Zou 1.00-8.00 8.00



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Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering (BIOMEDE)
211 19842 221 19844 Circuits and Systems P RW LEC 001 TTH Biophy Chemistry P RW LEC 001 MW 130-330PM 1130-130PM 133 CHRYS 133 CHRYS 4.00 ADVISORY Cain, Liu, Guha 4.00 ADVISORY Mayer, Kruger, Pendy, Heiselman, Joice 4.00 ADVISORY Chestek, Sept, Shikanov, Labuz Chestek 4.00 ADVISORY Bull, Pitre Jr 3.00 ENFORCED Love, Zhou 4.00 ADVISORY Takayama 4.00 ADVISORY Grotberg, Li, Moench, Westfall, Kozloff, Alford, Chestek, Herzog, Seda 3.00 ADVISORY Grosh 2.00 ADVISORY Schmedlen, Sheffield, Lee Schmedlen, Sheffield 3.00 ADVISORY Hollister 4.00 ADVISORY Fan, Claflin Claflin, Fan, Aref Fan, Claflin, Chen Claflin, Fan, Elahi Fan, Claflin, Syverud 3.00 ADVISORY Coleman, Shikanov 4.00 ADVISORY Kearfott 4.00 ADVISORY 1.00-4.00 3.00-4.00 Jonides, Noll 1.00 Bruns 3.00 ADVISORY Xu 4.00 ADVISORY Grotberg, Li, Moench, Westfall, Kozloff, Alford, Chestek, Herzog, Seda 1.00 Huang-Saad 3.00 ADVISORY Mycek 3.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ARR ARR ARR 3-430PM ARR 1-3PM ARR 1.00-16.00 ARR 1.00-16.00 ARR 1123 LBME ARR 1121 LBME 3.00 ElSayed 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Students may be dropped from the course for non-attendance on the first class day. 241 BiomedE Ug Lab 21815 A LEC 001 MW 130-230PM 2315 GGBL 23560 P LAB 002 F 830-1230PM ARR 23561 PD LAB 003 ARR ARR 331 Intro Biofluid Mech 19843 P RW LEC 001 TTH 930-1130AM G906 COOL 410 Biomaterials 15521 PDR LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 133 CHRYS For permission to register, contact Maria Steele at 418 Quant Cell Biology 23735 P LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1005 EECS 419 Quant Physiology 17346 P LEC 001 MW 130-330PM 1504 GGBL 424 Engin Acoustics 28911 P LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 185 EWRE 451 BME Design, Pt 1 26846 PD LEC 001 TTH 1230-230PM 1123 LBME 26847 A LAB 002 TTH 230-530PM 1220 LBME 456 Tissue Mechanics 19305 PD LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1121 LBME 458 Biomed Instrum Des 10375 AD LEC 001 M 4-6PM 1013 DOW Students may be dropped from the course for non-attendance on the first class day 10376 PD LAB 002 TTH 230-530PM 1105 LBME 10377 PD LAB 003 TTH 630-930PM 1105 LBME 17968 PD LAB 004 TTH 930-1230PM 1105 LBME 21866 PD LAB 005 MW 630-930PM 1105 LBME 474 Intro to Tissue Engr 26845 P LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1121 LBME 484 RHE Fundamentals 10378 P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM G906 COOL 484 RHE Fundamentals P LEC 001 F 9-11AM G906 COOL 490 Directed Research D IND + ARR ARR 499 Special Topics 16942 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR 18812 PIR LEC 098 ARR ARR Intro to Functional MRI Please note this is a 3 credit hour course.Cross listed with Psych 808.005. 500 Biomed Engr Sem 10380 P SEM 001 TH 12-130PM 1005 DOW 516 Med Imag Sys 10381 P W LEC 001 TTH 330-5PM 1311 EECS 519 Quantitative Physiol 10382 P LEC 001 MW 130-330PM 1504 GGBL 550 10383 552 20824 556 15522 561 20903 590 Ethics&Enterprise P W LEC 001 F Biomedical Optics P LEC 001 MW Mole&Cell Biomech PD LEC 001 Bio Micro-&Nanotech PD W LEC 001 Directed Research D IND + 591 M S Thesis D IND + 594 Rec Adv Poly Therap 26848 P LEC 001 TTH 599 Special Topics 20379 PD LEC 001 20032 P RW LEC 002 TTH BME Grad Innov Design Team I x U of M Schedule of Classes Page 24


130-230PM 11-1230PM ARR

1500 EECS 1018 DOW ARR

Stegemann, Ingram



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19460 P LEC 003 TTH 10-1130AM 1032 FXB Putnam Mechanobiology This course is restricted to graduate students who have taken BIOMEDE 474 and/or BIOMEDE 584. E-mail for a permission for this course. 22142 PD LEC 004 ARR ARR 21440 PD LEC 006 ARR ARR 22230 PD LEC 007 ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED DR IND + ARR ARR

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Chemical Engineering Department

Chemical Engineering (CHE)
--MANY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING COURSES REQUIRE STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OR ENGINEERING (INCLUDING CCS MAJORS) TO PAY A $115-207 COMPUTER USER FEE. THIS IS A SPECIAL FEE, TO BE PAID ONLY ONCE EACH TERM, AND IS IN ADDITION TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCESS FEE PAID BY FULL TIME STUDENTS AS PART OF THEIR REGULAR FEE ASSESSMENT. YOU WILL BE INFORMED ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS WHETHER OR NOT YOUR CLASS IS SUBJECT TO THIS FEE. 230 Mat&Energy Balances 4.00 ENFORCED 10388 A R LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM AUD CHRYS Thurber Students are auto-enrolled in lecture when they elect a discussion. Due to high course enrollment numbers only undeclared and ChE students will be allowed into this class. 18573 P R DIS 002 TH 230-330PM 1005 DOW 10389 P R DIS 003 TH 1030-1130AM 1303 EECS 10390 P R DIS 004 TH 1030-1130AM 1006 DOW 19337 P R DIS 005 TH 130-230PM 104 EWRE 19445 P R DIS 006 TH 930-1030AM 2166 DOW 23564 P R DIS 007 TH 130-230PM 2233 GGBL 27960 P R DIS 008 TH 1030-1130AM 1005 EECS 290 Res&Spec Problems 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 342 Mass&Heat Transfer 4.00 ENFORCED 17339 A R LEC 001 MWF 1230-130PM AUD CHRYS Wen Students are auto-enrolled in Lecture when they elect a discussion. 10391 P R DIS 002 T 930-1030AM 1006 DOW 10392 P R DIS 003 T 1030-1130AM 1014 DOW 10393 P R DIS 004 T 230-330PM 1006 DOW 20830 P R DIS 005 T 1130-1230PM 1006 DOW 26905 P R DIS 006 T 1130-1230PM 1018 DOW 343 Separ Processes 4.00 ENFORCED 10394 A R LEC 001 MWF 130-230PM AUD CHRYS Tadd, Rehlan, Jordahl, Ta Students are auto-enrolled in Lecture when they elect a discussion. 22625 P R DIS 002 TH 930-1030AM 1006 DOW Jordahl 22626 P R DIS 003 TH 1030-1130AM 107 GFL Jordahl 22627 P R DIS 004 TH 230-330PM 1006 DOW Ta 22628 P R DIS 005 TH 1130-1230PM 2315 GGBL Rehlan 24254 P R DIS 006 TH 1030-1130AM 1371 GGBL Rehlan 360 Chem Engr Lab I 4.00 ENFORCED 10395 A R LEC 001 MW 1230-130PM 1014 DOW Scott Students are auto-enrolled in lecture when they elect a lab. 17387 P RW LAB 002 M 130-530PM 3458 GGBL Wei 10396 P RW LAB 003 T 1230-430PM 3458 GGBL Du 10397 P RW LAB 004 W 130-530PM 3458 GGBL Lu 20832 P RW LAB 005 TH 130-530PM 3458 GGBL Lu 21863 P RW LAB 006 F 130-530PM 3458 GGBL Du 405 Prob Solv&Trbleshoot 3.00 ADVISORY 25172 P RW LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1690 BEYSTER Fogler 412 Polymeric Materials 3.00 ENFORCED 10398 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3150 DOW Mehta 460 Chem Eng Lab II 4.00 ENFORCED 10399 A R LEC 001 MW 1130-1230PM 1017 DOW Kotov Students are auto-enrolled in lecture when they elect a lab. 10400 P RW LAB 002 M 130-530PM 3000 GGBL Trakimas 10401 P RW LAB 003 T 1230-430PM 3000 GGBL Kim 19980 P RW LAB 004 W 130-530PM 3000 GGBL Trakimas 19984 P RW LAB 005 TH 130-530PM 3000 GGBL Esperon 22700 P RW LAB 006 F 130-530PM 3000 GGBL Esperon 466 Proc Dyn & Control 3.00 ENFORCED 10402 P R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1013 DOW Lin 485 ChE Process Econ 1.00 ENFORCED 26862 P R LEC 001 MW 830-930AM 2166 DOW Montgomery 487 Proc Sim & Design 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10403 P R LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 1017 DOW Tadd 10404 A R DIS 002 F 1130-130PM 1017 DOW 488 Chem Prod Design I 2.00 30249 P LEC 001 MW 130-230PM 2150 DOW Gulari 490 Adv Res&Spec Problem 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR Student should go see professor before signing up for 490. 505 Math for ChE 3.00 ADVISORY 27308 P LEC 001 MWF 230-4PM 1024 FXB Nagrath 517 Biochemical Eng 3.00 ADVISORY 30252 P LEC 001 MW 430-6PM 1003 EECS Wang 527 Fluid Flow 3.00 ADVISORY 25501 P LEC 001 TTH 830-1030AM 151 CHRYS Larson 538 Stat&Irrev Thermo 3.00 ADVISORY 27309 P LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1024 FXB Ziff 548 Electrochem Engr 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 26 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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30611 580 19885 595 10406 597 17392 601 24083 695

P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 151 CHRYS Monroe Teaching Engin 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1024 FXB Montgomery Chem E Res Surv 1.00 P LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3150 DOW Savage Regulatory Issues 2.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 TH 430-630PM 1567 CCL Ascione, Wang Chem Engr Sem 1.00 ENFORCED PR SEM 001 TTH 130-3PM 1017 DOW Scott Research Problems 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 696 Selected Topics 3.00 27543 P LEC 001 F 10-1PM 165 CHRYS Linic, Monroe, Thompson Energy Systems 30276 P LEC 002 MW 930-11AM 1018 DOW Younger, Solomon Microbial soft matter The aim of the course is to provide students with the skills to understand, analyze, and interpret research and technologies associated with bacterial biofilms that they are likely to encounter in research or industry. Research and engineering in this area cuts across the disciplines of physical sciences and engineering and microbiology because biofilms are both a living ecosystem as well as a soft, elastic material. Designed to be valuable to both engineers and biologists, this course will emphasize issues that relate to biofilm formation and persistence in flowing natural, health-related, and industrial systems; the microbiology associated with these problems, and the design and use of experimental equipment to study these issues. The course will begin with about six weeks covering the fundamentals of relevant microbiology, fluid dynamics, kinetics, adhesion, and materials science with attention to bringing class participants from multiple disciplines into a common understanding of the material. 698 Directed Study 1.00-16.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Civil & Environmental Engr

Civil And Environmental Engineering (CEE)
211 10410 230 18512 265 17350 270 19974 312 10414 24306 10415 325 10411 10412 20042 345 10425 10426 10427 17358 351 19418 19419 19985 365 22617 26767 413 10417 10418 421 10419 10420 10421 428 10422 10423 431 10424 20948 Statics & Dynamics 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MTWTH 830-930AM 1504 GGBL Maxwell Energy & Environment 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MWF 930-1030AM 1013 DOW Clack, Klein Sus Engr Prin 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1504 GGBL Skerlos, Lastoskie, Dai Statistical Methods 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 1504 GGBL Kerkez Structural Engr 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 MWF 930-1030AM 2211 GGBL Jeffers, Guo P W LAB 002 M 230-530PM ARR Jeffers, Guo P W LAB 003 T 230-530PM ARR Jeffers, Guo Fluid Mechanics 4.00 ENFORCED AR LEC 001 MWF 130-230PM 2305 GGBL Cotel, Gates P RW LAB 002 M 230-530PM 136 EWRE Cotel, Gates P RW LAB 004 W 230-530PM 136 EWRE Cotel, Gates Geotech Engr 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 MWF 830-930AM 2305 GGBL Zekkos, Carlson, Zhang P W LAB 002 T 230-530PM 1351 GGBL Zekkos, Zhang, Carlson P W LAB 003 W 230-530PM 1351 GGBL Zekkos, Carlson, Zhang P W LAB 004 TH 230-530PM 1351 GGBL Zekkos, Carlson, Zhang Civil Engr Material 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2305 GGBL Hansen, Liu P W LAB 002 T 230-530PM 1363 GGBL Hansen, Liu P W LAB 003 W 230-530PM 1363 GGBL Hansen, Liu Env Engr Principles 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1500 EECS Wigginton, Ayral A DIS 002 F 1130-1230PM 1500 EECS Wigginton, Ayral Design Metal Struct 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MW 130-230PM 2233 GGBL McCormick, Fan A LAB 002 TH 230-530PM 2315 GGBL McCormick, Fan Hydro-Hydraulics 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1500 EECS Ivanov, Sedlar P W LAB 002 M 230-430PM 104 EWRE Ivanov, Sedlar P W LAB 003 W 230-430PM 104 EWRE Ivanov, Sedlar Groundwater Hydrol 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 136 EWRE Demond A LAB 002 M 2-4PM ARR Demond Constr Contracting 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2305 GGBL Stino, Ahn A LAB 002 F 1030-1130AM 2233 GGBL Stino, Ahn A LAB 002 F 1030-1130AM 1340 GGBL 460 Des Env Engr Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 10428 P W LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 2315 GGBL Olson 482 Env Microbiology 3.00 ADVISORY 26768 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2315 GGBL Semrau, Kalidass CEE 482 lecture should be taken by undergraduate students with no intention of counting this class towards a graduate program. No graduate credit will be granted for CEE 482. CEE 582 - both lecture and lab - should be taken by students intending to use the class for graduate credit, including SGUS students. 490 Independent Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 Special Topics CEE 3.00 31630 P W LEC 051 TTH 1-230PM 136 EWRE Scruggs Matrix Structural Analysis Development of stiffness matrix methods from first principles for linear elastic structures. Superposition of loads and elements, and stiffness matrix assembly methods. Development of computer codes for linear analysis of two and three dimensional structures comprising one-dimensional truss and beam elements. Introduction to structural dynamics. 510 Fem Sol&Str 3.00 ADVISORY 26916 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1311 EECS El-Tawil 511 Structural Dynamics 3.00 ADVISORY 26917 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2305 GGBL Lynch 515 Adv Des Reinf Concr 3.00 ADVISORY 30399 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1363 GGBL Wight 522 Sediment Transport 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 30398 P RW LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 136 EWRE Wright 530 Constr Practice Sem 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 10430 P W SEM 001 T 430-6PM 2315 GGBL Everett 531 Constr Cost Engring 3.00 ADVISORY 33089 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1012 FXB Kamat 536 Crit Path Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 10431 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2315 GGBL Ioannou 537 Building Construct 3.00 ADVISORY 10432 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2305 GGBL Everett, Golabchi 540 Advanced Soil Mech 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 28 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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26896 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2305 GGBL Michalowski 541 Soil Samp and Test 3.00 ADVISORY 30415 P W LEC 001 TH 1130-1PM 1371 GGBL Woods, Fei 30425 A LAB 002 F 2-5PM 1351 GGBL Woods, Fei 545 Foundation Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 10433 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2305 GGBL Hryciw 547 Soil Eng & Pavement 3.00 ADVISORY 10434 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1371 GGBL Hansen 548 Geotech Eqk Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 24973 P W LEC 001 MWF 1130-1230PM 1363 GGBL Athanasopoulos-Zekkos 565 Sem Energy Tech Pol 3.00 ADVISORY 22701 P W SEM 001 W 6-9PM 151 CHRYS Linic 22702 PD SEM 881 W 6-9PM ARR Linic 582 Env Microbiology 3.00 ADVISORY 10435 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2315 GGBL Semrau, Kalidass CEE 582 - both lecture and lab - should be taken by students intending to use the class for graduate credit, including SGUS students. CEE 482 lecture should be taken by undergraduate students with no intention of counting this class towards a graduate program. No graduate credit will be granted for CEE 482. 26792 P W LAB 002 W 130-330PM 113 GFL Semrau, Kalidass P W LAB 002 W 130-330PM 115 GFL 591 Env Fluid Mechanics 3.00 ADVISORY 22703 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2305 GGBL Katopodes 592 Bio Proc Envir Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 30572 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2305 GGBL Raskin 616 Pass Ctrl Struc Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 31629 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1371 GGBL McCormick 621 Free Surface Flow 3.00 ADVISORY 32251 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 136 EWRE Katopodes 622 Sp Prob Hydr-Hydrol 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 624 Restoration Concepts 3.00 26942 P W LEC 001 M 4-530PM 1371 GGBL Cotel 624 Restoration Concepts 3.00 P W LEC 001 W 330-5PM 1371 GGBL 630 Dir Study Const Eng 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 650 Adv FRC Sus Inf 3.00 30556 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1371 GGBL Li 651 Directed Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 682 Prob in Envir Engr 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 812 Struct Engr Grad Sem 1.00 ENFORCED 26886 P RW SEM 001 TH 430-530PM 2305 GGBL Jeffers 830 Constr Engr Mgt Sem 1.00 I IND + ARR ARR 840 Geotech Engr Sem 1.00 ENFORCED 22705 P RW SEM 001 W 430-6PM 2315 GGBL Hryciw 881 EWRE Grad Sem 1.00 ADVISORY 25092 P W SEM 001 T 4-530PM 2305 GGBL Raskin 910 Struct Engr Res 1.00-16.00 I IND + ARR ARR 921 Hydra&Hydro Eng Res 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 930 Constr Engr Res 1.00-16.00 27153 P W LEC 020 F 12-4PM 1018 DOW Lee 930 Constr Engr Res 1.00-16.00 P W LEC 020 F 12-4PM 1340 GGBL CII Best Practices Current issues in the construction industry, including CII Best Practices developed at the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and critical issues facing the construction industry. Guest lecturers may include CII directors and visiting industry leaders. 930 Constr Engr Res 1.00-16.00 27685 P W LEC 028 TTH 230-4PM 1371 GGBL Ioannou Engr Proc Mod & Risk Analysis Engineering complex systems, models and simulation. Probabilistic aspects of simulations. Data collection and selection of input distributions. Design of experiments, input and output analysis and interpretation. Random number generators, variate and process generation. Monte Carlo simulation models. Activity cycle diagrams. Cyclone-EZStrobe-Stroboscope networks. In-depth examination of discrete-event simulation systems. Variance reduction techniques, antithetic sampling, common random numbers. Simulation and optimization. Parametric analysis. Single system output analysis and multiple system comparison. Hands-on model development using Stroboscope, EZStrobe, ProbSched, Risk-Solver-Platform, Simtools, and YASAI. Animations using Proof-Animation, Vita2D and Vitascope++. Applications from on-site construction, off-site manufacturing, tunneling, earthmoving, mining, land, air, and marine transportation systems. 946 Soil Mech Res 1.00-16.00 I IND + ARR ARR 950 Struct Mat Res 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 980 Res in Envir Engr 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 29 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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990 995

I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +



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Design Science Program

Design Science (DESCI)
501 Analytical Prod Des 3.00 ADVISORY 20152 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-330PM 151 CHRYS Brei 599 Special Problems 3.00 24419 P SEM 001 ARR ARR 24420 P SEM 014 ARR ARR Seifert 790 Des Sci Colloquium 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 20153 P SEM 001 M 130-3PM ARR Gonzalez, Brei Class will meet in SI-North, 3d-floor conference room. First-yr students: 1 credit; Second-yr students: 2 credits; Third-yr+: 1 or 2 credits.For location of seminar, please contact Design Science Program at 763-0480 or email 990 Diss Pre-Cand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR

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Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Environmental Sciences and Engineering (ENSCEN)
105 16864 171 18150 18152 18153 18154 18155 19158 18156 211 16862 16863 26800 428 20411 20412 451 29450 479 16925 484 16928 484 533 19813 Changing Atmos P W LEC 001 TTH Int Global Change I AR LEC 001 MWF P RW LAB 003 P RW LAB 004 M P RW LAB 005 T P RW LAB 006 T P RW LAB 007 M P RW LAB 008 W Intro to Nucl Eng S LEC 001 MW P DIS 201 F P DIS 202 F Groundwater Hydrol P W LEC 001 TTH A LAB 002 M Atmos Dynamics I P LEC 001 TTH Atmos Chemistry P LEC 001 MWF RHE Fundamentals P LEC 001 MW RHE Fundamentals P LEC 001 F Combustion Processes P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 12-1PM ARR 3-5PM 9-11AM 11-1PM 1-3PM 1-3PM 1030-12PM 9-10AM 9-10AM 10-1130AM 2-4PM 130-330PM 1230-130PM 9-1030AM 9-11AM 830-10AM 1210 CHEM 1200 CHEM ARR 3556 DANA 3038 DANA 3038 DANA 3556 DANA 3556 DANA 1200 EECS 1303 EECS 1311 EECS 136 EWRE ARR 2424 SRB 2238 SRB G906 COOL G906 COOL 107 GFL 3.00 Driscoll ADVISORY 3.00 De Roo 4.00 Kling, Badgley, van der Pluijm, Poulsen Jeffery Rosier Taylor Shi Rosier 4.00 Atzmon, Cramer, Bielajew Bielajew, Atzmon Cramer, Atzmon 3.00 ADVISORY Demond Demond 4.00 ADVISORY Boyd 3.00 ADVISORY Carroll 4.00 ADVISORY Kearfott 4.00 ADVISORY

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Electrical Engr & Computer Sci

Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (EECS)
IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY A STUDENT'S PLACE IN A CLASS IF THEY DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST WEEK OF LECTURES AND LABS/DISCUSSIONS (AS APPROPRIATE) FOR ANY EECS COURSES. AT THE SAME TIME, THE EECS DEPARTMENT IS NOT OBLIGATED TO WITHDRAW STUDENTS OFFICIALLY FROM THE COURSE, EVEN THOUGH THE STUDENT HAS BEEN INFORMED THAT HIS/HER PLACE IN A COURSE HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY. STUDENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF THEIR SCHEDULES AND MUST BE SURE THAT ALL DROPS ARE PROCESSED THROUGH THE REGISTRATION SYSTEM DURING THE NORMAL DROP/ADD PERIOD. 101 Thrvng Dgtl Wrld 4.00 27016 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM 1200 CHEM Ringenberg 27017 P W LAB 011 M 2-4PM 1570 CCL 27019 P W LAB 012 W 1-3PM 1570 CCL 183 Elem Prog Concepts 4.00 STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10449 S LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2260 USB Dorf STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10452 S LEC 002 MW 1-230PM 2260 USB Dorf 25047 S LEC 003 MW 230-4PM 1202 SEB 30402 S LEC 004 MW 4-530PM 1202 SEB 10450 P W DIS 011 T 9-10AM 4153 USB 10451 P W DIS 012 T 12-1PM 1650 CHEM 18650 P W DIS 013 F 2-3PM 1068 EH 10453 P W DIS 014 TH 12-1PM 373 LORCH 10454 P W DIS 015 F 1-2PM 4153 USB 18651 P W DIS 016 M 4-5PM 1372 EH 25151 P W DIS 017 W 4-5PM 1230 USB 25152 P W DIS 018 TH 1-2PM R2310 BUS 25153 P W DIS 019 T 3-4PM G550 DENT 25154 P W DIS 020 T 4-5PM G550 DENT 25698 P W DIS 021 T 11-12PM G311 DENT 30403 P W DIS 022 T 2-3PM 1024 DANA 32028 P W DIS 023 TH 2-3PM 553 DENN 32029 P W DIS 024 TH 3-4PM 445 DENN 203 Discrete Math 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 17865 S R LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1013 DOW Miller STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 17866 S R LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 1670 BEYSTER Baveja 25522 S R LEC 003 TTH 4-530PM 182 DENN Kuipers 17867 P RW DIS 011 M 130-230PM 1006 DOW 17868 P RW DIS 012 F 330-430PM 2150 DOW 20975 P RW DIS 013 F 130-230PM 1010 DOW 17869 P RW DIS 014 M 330-430PM 1010 DOW 17870 P RW DIS 015 M 1230-130PM 1010 DOW 17871 P RW DIS 016 F 230-330PM 1010 DOW 24257 P RW DIS 017 F 1230-130PM 2150 DOW 25369 P RW DIS 018 M 230-330PM 1010 DOW 27415 P RW DIS 019 F 1030-1130AM 1200 EECS 27488 P RW DIS 020 TH 530-630PM 130 DENN 215 Intro to Elect Circ 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 16526 S R LEC 001 MTWTH 1030-1130AM 1500 EECS Terry Jr, Hofmann STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 17296 S R LEC 002 MTWTH 130-230PM 1500 EECS Hofmann, Terry Jr 16527 P RW LAB 011 M 12-3PM 1016 EECS 16528 P RW LAB 012 T 3-6PM 1016 EECS 16529 P RW LAB 013 T 6-9PM 1016 EECS 16530 P RW LAB 014 W 3-6PM 1016 EECS 16531 P RW LAB 015 W 6-9PM 1016 EECS 16534 P RW LAB 016 F 12-3PM 1016 EECS 16532 P RW LAB 017 F 3-6PM 1016 EECS 16533 P RW LAB 018 T 12-3PM 1016 EECS 19998 P RW LAB 019 M 9-12PM 1016 EECS 216 Intro Signals&Syst 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB, DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 20432 S R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1200 EECS Yagle STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB, DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 20800 S R LEC 002 TTH 130-3PM 1303 EECS Yagle 20433 S R DIS 011 TH 330-430PM 1303 EECS 20434 S R DIS 012 F 1230-130PM 1690 BEYSTER 20435 S R DIS 013 F 130-230PM 1003 EECS 20436 P RW LAB 021 M 3-6PM 1016 EECS 20437 P RW LAB 022 M 6-9PM 1016 EECS 20438 P RW LAB 023 W 12-3PM 1016 EECS 20439 P RW LAB 024 TH 3-6PM 1016 EECS U of M Schedule of Classes Page 33 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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20440 P RW LAB 025 TH 6-9PM 1016 EECS 25228 P RW LAB 026 F 9-12PM 1016 EECS 230 Electromagnetics I 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10455 S R LEC 001 MTWTH 1030-1130AM 1010 DOW Grbic STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 22601 S R LEC 002 MTWTH 130-230PM 1010 DOW Grbic 10456 P RW LAB 011 W 12-3PM 4334 EECS 10457 P RW LAB 012 TH 12-3PM 4334 EECS 10458 P RW LAB 013 T 3-6PM 4334 EECS 10459 P RW LAB 014 TH 3-6PM 4334 EECS 18278 P RW LAB 015 W 6-9PM 4334 EECS 19641 P RW LAB 016 F 12-3PM 4334 EECS 270 Intro Logic Design 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 18092 S R LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1303 EECS Sakallah, Dutta 20606 S R LEC 002 MW 1030-12PM 1303 EECS Dutta, Sakallah 10460 P RW LAB 011 TH 3-6PM 2431 EECS 10461 P RW LAB 012 TH 6-9PM 2431 EECS 10462 P RW LAB 013 T 930-1230PM 2431 EECS 10463 P RW LAB 014 T 130-430PM 2431 EECS 10464 P RW LAB 015 T 430-730PM 2431 EECS 17629 P RW LAB 016 W 130-430PM 2431 EECS 18274 P RW LAB 017 W 430-730PM 2431 EECS 22842 P RW LAB 018 F 930-1230PM 2431 EECS 22840 P RW LAB 019 F 130-430PM 2431 EECS 280 Prog&Data Struct 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10465 S W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM AUD 4 MLB DeOrio 17297 S W LEC 002 MW 12-130PM 1013 DOW Fu 25058 S W LEC 003 MW 4-530PM AUD 4 MLB DeOrio 10468 P W DIS 011 TH 2-3PM G550 DENT 14803 P W DIS 012 W 10-11AM 2024 DANA 14804 P W DIS 013 F 1-2PM 1028 DANA 10466 P W DIS 014 TH 11-12PM 104 EWRE 10467 P W DIS 015 T 330-430PM 1006 DOW 10469 P W DIS 016 F 1030-1130AM 2305 GGBL 14805 P W DIS 017 W 10-11AM 185 EWRE 15345 P W DIS 018 TH 330-430PM 1006 DOW 22843 P W DIS 019 T 2-3PM 1014 DOW 24375 P W DIS 020 M 4-5PM 2024 DANA 25370 P W DIS 021 T 1-2PM 1014 DOW 27410 P W DIS 022 F 1130-1230PM 2150 DOW 27489 P W DIS 023 W 530-630PM 1518 CCL 32026 P W DIS 024 TH 1-2PM E1405 BUS 32027 P W DIS 025 TH 4-5PM 1046 DANA 281 Data Struct&Algor 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10497 S RW LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM AUD CHRYS Winsor, Paoletti 22432 S RW LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM AUD CHRYS Paoletti, Winsor 10498 P RW DIS 011 F 130-230PM 3150 DOW 10499 P RW DIS 012 TH 5-6PM 1010 DOW 10500 P RW DIS 013 W 330-430PM 1010 DOW 21867 P RW DIS 014 F 330-430PM 2166 DOW 25581 P RW DIS 015 F 230-330PM 1005 DOW 25585 P RW DIS 016 W 430-530PM 1005 DOW 30442 P RW DIS 017 F 1030-1130AM 1010 DOW 30443 P RW DIS 018 TH 4-5PM 2150 DOW 30444 P RW DIS 019 W 230-330PM 2150 DOW 32296 P R DIS 020 F 1130-1230PM ARR 285 Prog Lng or Sys 2.00 ADVISORY 10470 P W LEC 001 M 3-5PM 1109 FXB Morgan JAVA. 301 Probabil Mthd in Eng 4.00 ADVISORY 30428 A LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2233 GGBL Meerkov 30429 P W DIS 011 F 1030-1130AM 1005 DOW 311 Electronic Circuits 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10471 A R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1303 EECS Lahiji 10472 P RW LAB 011 M 3-6PM 2336 EECS 10473 P RW LAB 012 T 6-9PM 2336 EECS 312 Digit Integrat Circ 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 17970 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1010 DOW Dick 17971 P RW DIS 011 F 1230-130PM 1303 EECS 314 Elec Ckts, Sys&Appl 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB & A DISCUSSION. 10474 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM AUD CHRYS Ganago 10475 S R DIS 011 T 230-330PM 2315 GGBL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 34 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10476 S R DIS 012 T 330-430PM 2150 DOW 18738 S R DIS 013 T 430-530PM 1017 DOW 18739 S R DIS 014 T 530-630PM 1017 DOW 19392 P RW LAB 021 W 1030-1230PM 2336 EECS 19393 P RW LAB 022 W 1230-230PM 2336 EECS 19394 P RW LAB 023 W 5-7PM 2336 EECS 19395 P RW LAB 024 W 7-9PM 2336 EECS 19396 P RW LAB 025 TH 1030-1230PM 2336 EECS 19397 P RW LAB 026 TH 1230-230PM 2336 EECS 19398 P RW LAB 027 TH 230-430PM 2336 EECS 19399 P RW LAB 028 TH 5-7PM 2336 EECS 19400 P RW LAB 029 TH 7-9PM 2336 EECS 19401 P RW LAB 030 F 1030-1230PM 2336 EECS 19402 P RW LAB 031 F 1230-230PM 2336 EECS 19403 P RW LAB 032 F 230-430PM 2336 EECS 320 Intr Semicon Devices 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 21946 S R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1005 EECS Lu STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10477 S R LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 2150 DOW Peterson 17636 P RW DIS 011 F 930-1030AM 1200 EECS 10478 P RW DIS 012 F 130-230PM 1005 EECS 330 Electromagnetics II 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE & DISCUSSION WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. ALL LABS ARE SCHEDULED IN EECS 4334. Discussion and Lab are schedule alternate week. 10479 A R LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1690 BEYSTER Jarrahi 10480 A R DIS 011 F 230-330PM 3427 EECS 10483 P RW LAB 021 T 430-730PM 4344 EECS 10482 P RW LAB 022 W 3-6PM 4344 EECS 334 Prin of Optics 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 21728 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 151 CHRYS Rand 21729 P RW DIS 011 F 1130-1230PM 151 CHRYS 370 Intro Computer Org 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10484 S R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 133 CHRYS Bertacco, Dick, Narayanasamy 27876 S R LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 1013 DOW Dick, Bertacco, Narayanasamy STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10485 S R LEC 003 TTH 12-130PM 1610 IOE Narayanasamy, Dick, Bertacco 10486 P RW DIS 011 M 330-430PM 2233 GGBL 10487 P RW DIS 012 F 330-430PM 1006 DOW 10490 P RW DIS 013 F 130-230PM 2315 GGBL 10489 P RW DIS 014 M 1230-130PM 1005 DOW 10488 P RW DIS 015 F 230-330PM 1006 DOW 10491 P RW DIS 016 F 1230-130PM 1006 DOW 23577 P RW DIS 017 M 230-330PM 2233 GGBL 27882 P RW DIS 018 F 1130-1230PM 3150 DOW 373 Des Microproc Syst 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10492 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1690 BEYSTER Brehob 10494 P RW LAB 011 T 3-6PM 2334 EECS 10495 P RW LAB 012 W 3-6PM 2334 EECS 10496 P RW LAB 013 TH 6-9PM 2334 EECS 376 Foundatns Comp Sci 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10523 S R LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1504 GGBL Shi 30297 S R LEC 002 MW 3-430PM 1670 BEYSTER Shi 10524 P RW DIS 011 TH 230-330PM 2150 DOW 10525 P RW DIS 012 TH 1130-1230PM 1024 FXB 25348 P RW DIS 013 TH 4-5PM 1012 FXB 27178 P RW DIS 014 TH 130-230PM 107 GFL 30454 P RW DIS 015 TH 1230-130PM 1018 DOW 381 Obj-Orient Adv Prog 4.00 ENFORCED "Only declared Computer Science students, both CoE and LSA, and declared Computer Engineering students are eligible to enroll in this course." 27174 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-5PM 1014 DOW Kieras 388 Intro Comp Security 4.00 ENFORCED 30302 A R LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1670 BEYSTER Halderman 30303 P RW DIS 011 F 230-330PM 1017 DOW 30304 P RW DIS 012 M 130-230PM 2166 DOW 30456 P RW DIS 013 F 330-430PM 3150 DOW 399 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 406 High-Tech Entrep 4.00 29293 P W LEC 001 MW 430-630PM 3427 EECS Islam 411 M-Wave Circ I 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. Prerequisites for 411: EECS 230 and (311 or 330) or graduate standing or Permission of instructor 10502 A R LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 2166 DOW Mortazawi U of M Schedule of Classes Page 35 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10505 P RW LAB 011 M 530-830PM 3341 EECS 10503 P RW LAB 012 TH 9-12PM 3341 EECS 19430 P RW LAB 013 TH 530-830PM 3341 EECS 10504 P RW LAB 014 M 9-12PM 3341 EECS 25720 P RW LAB 015 T 530-830PM 3341 EECS 413 Monolith Ampl Circ 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 18091 A R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1311 EECS Flynn 18191 P RW LAB 011 M 6-9PM ARR 18192 P RW LAB 012 T 3-6PM ARR 25679 P RW LAB 013 W 6-9PM ARR 414 Intro to MEMS 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 17449 A R LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 165 CHRYS Yoon 17450 P RW DIS 011 W 130-230PM 165 CHRYS 418 Power Electronics 4.00 ENFORCED 25043 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 2315 GGBL Rivas Davila 25044 P RW LAB 011 TH 3-6PM 3437 EECS 25045 P RW LAB 012 F 3-6PM 3437 EECS 421 Prop of Transistors 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10506 A R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1012 EECS Singh 19955 P RW DIS 011 M 9-10AM 1012 EECS 423 Sol State Dev Lab 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 20806 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 3433 EECS Kanicki 20807 P RW LAB 011 T 1230-330PM EECS LNF Ricker 20810 P RW LAB 012 W 9-12PM EECS LNF Ricker 20811 P RW LAB 013 TH 1230-330PM EECS LNF Ricker 20812 P RW LAB 014 F 9-12PM EECS LNF Ricker 427 VLSI Design I 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB." To take 427 one must enroll in Lab 011 and Lecture 001. Due to enrollment limitations in Fall, Lab 011 does not permit a waitlist. So if you are unable to register for Lab 011 at this time, please wait list for Lab 012 and the instructor will review individual situations when the term starts." 10507 A R LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 1014 DOW Blaauw 10508 P RW LAB 011 T 530-630PM 1014 DOW 25343 P RW LAB 012 T 530-630PM ARR 434 Princ of Photonics 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10509 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 3427 EECS Islam 10510 P RW DIS 011 T 4-5PM 1005 EECS 441 Mbl App Dev Entrprnr 3.00 ADVISORY Prerequisites : Senior standing or above (CSE Major). 25549 P RW LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1303 EECS Soloway 442 Computer Vision 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 21960 A R LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM G906 COOL Savarese 21961 P RW DIS 011 W 330-430PM 1013 DOW 443 Senior ThesisL 3.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR To enroll in EECS 443, a student must have had their CS-LSA Honors Thesis application approved by a Faculty Mentor and the CS-LSA CPA. Paperwork can be obtained from the CSE Undergraduate Advising Office, 2808 Beyster Bldg. Once approved, a course permission will be issued to a student under their faculty mentor's section number. 445 Intro Machine Learn 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 32244 A R LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 1303 EECS Lee STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 32245 P RW DIS 011 F 11-12PM 1012 FXB 451 Dig Sig Proc&Analys 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10511 A R LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1610 IOE Balzano 10512 P RW DIS 011 W 1230-130PM 1005 DOW 30459 P RW DIS 012 W 2-3PM 1005 DOW 452 DSP Design Lab 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10513 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2150 DOW Liu 10514 P RW LAB 011 W 330-630PM 4341 EECS 18700 P RW LAB 012 T 330-630PM 4341 EECS 455 Digital Comm Signal 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10516 A RW LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1200 EECS Winick 21721 P RW DIS 011 F 930-1030AM 1010 DOW 458 Biomed Instrum Des 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10517 ADR LEC 001 M 4-6PM 1013 DOW Fan, Claflin 10518 PDR LAB 002 TTH 230-530PM 1105 LBME Claflin, Fan, Aref 10519 PDR LAB 003 TTH 630-930PM 1105 LBME Fan, Claflin, Chen 17974 PDR LAB 004 TTH 930-1230PM 1105 LBME Claflin, Fan, Elahi 21871 PDR LAB 005 MW 630-930PM 1105 LBME Fan, Claflin, Syverud 460 Con Sys Anlys&Des 4.00 ENFORCED U of M Schedule of Classes Page 36 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10520 A R LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 1200 EECS Meerkov 19233 P RW DIS 011 T 5-6PM 1311 EECS 461 Embedded Control 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 17483 A R LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1303 EECS Cook 17484 P RW LAB 011 M 11-2PM 4342 EECS 18609 P RW LAB 012 M 3-6PM 4342 EECS 18610 P RW LAB 013 T 3-6PM 4342 EECS 18652 P RW LAB 014 W 11-2PM 4342 EECS 19594 P RW LAB 015 TH 3-6PM 4342 EECS 27970 P RW LAB 016 W 3-6PM 4342 EECS 470 Comp Architec 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10521 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1500 EECS Brehob 10522 P RW LAB 011 F 330-530PM 1620 BEYSTER 18116 P RW LAB 012 F 130-330PM 1620 BEYSTER 477 Intro to Algorithms 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 30280 A R LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1311 EECS Compton 30281 P RW DIS 011 F 930-1030AM 1014 DOW 481 Software Engin 4.00 ENFORCED 30282 A R LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1303 EECS Chesney STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 30283 P RW DIS 011 F 11-12PM 1690 BEYSTER 30461 P RW DIS 012 F 1-2PM 1014 DOW 482 Intro Oper System 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 17439 S R LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1013 DOW Chen 32200 S R LEC 002 TTH 430-6PM 1013 DOW Honeyman 10528 P RW DIS 011 F 930-1030AM 1005 DOW 10529 P RW DIS 012 F 1130-1230PM 1005 DOW 10530 P RW DIS 013 F 130-230PM 1200 EECS 25584 P RW DIS 014 F 1230-130PM 3150 DOW 32221 P RW DIS 015 F 230-330PM 1003 EECS 484 Database Mgt Syst 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10531 S R LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM AUD CHRYS Jagadish 32210 S RW LEC 002 MW 1030-12PM 1005 DOW Jagadish 10532 P RW DIS 011 F 1030-1130AM 3150 DOW 24230 P RW DIS 012 F 1230-130PM 1005 DOW 25568 P RW DIS 013 F 1130-1230PM 1006 DOW 27430 P RW DIS 014 F 230-330PM 1014 DOW 33633 P RW DIS 015 F 130-230PM 1005 DOW 485 Web Dbase Info Sys 4.00 ENFORCED 30284 A R LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1013 DOW Cafarella STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 30285 P R DIS 011 F 1030-1130AM 1500 EECS 30462 P R DIS 012 F 1230-130PM 1010 DOW 30463 P R DIS 013 F 230-330PM 3150 DOW 30465 P R DIS 014 TH 430-530PM 1006 DOW 492 Intr Art Intell 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10533 A R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM AUD CHRYS Provost 10534 P RW DIS 011 TH 1230-130PM 1014 DOW 15310 P RW DIS 012 W 1230-130PM 1010 DOW 24404 P RW DIS 013 F 11-12PM 2166 DOW 25659 P RW DIS 014 F 130-230PM 1006 DOW 494 Comp Game Design 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10535 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1017 DOW Gibson 10536 P RW DIS 011 F 330-430PM 1017 DOW 496 Major Design/Prof 2.00 ENFORCED 16649 P RW LEC 001 M 5-7PM AUD CHRYS Soloway 498 Special Topics 4.00 ADVISORY 23668 P W LAB 001 MW 330-530PM ARR Revzen Hands on Robotics "4 Credit Hours for LEC 001", Prerequisites for Lec 001: Math 216 or Permission of Instructor Open to engineering and science seniors and grad students. Non EECS students require consent of instructor. Course will meet in Design Lab 1, Duderstadt Center. 499 Adv Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR 500 Tutorl Sys Sci 1.00 ADVISORY Prerequisites for 500: EE:S precandidate or Permission of instructor. Permission of instructor will be granted on first day of class. 26835 P RW SEM 001 F 1230-130PM 1311 EECS Nadakuditi 501 Prb&Rand Proc 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10537 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1670 BEYSTER Pradhan U of M Schedule of Classes Page 37 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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18277 P RW DIS 011 T 330-5PM 1303 EECS 18395 P RW DIS 012 M 430-6PM 2233 GGBL 510 RF MEMS 4.00 ADVISORY 30244 P W LEC 001 TTH 3-5PM 1003 EECS Raieszadeh 516 Med Imag Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 10540 P W LEC 001 TTH 330-5PM 1311 EECS Xu 517 Proc Plasma 3.00 ADVISORY 21932 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1012 EECS Kushner 520 Solid State Physics 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 21950 A R LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1012 EECS Zhong 21951 P RW DIS 011 T 430-530PM 1012 EECS 523 Digital Integ Tech 4.00 ADVISORY 21694 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 1200 EECS Lahiji 530 Elecmag Thr I 3.00 ADVISORY 10541 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1003 EECS Sarabandi 537 Class Optics 3.00 ADVISORY 10542 P W LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 2315 GGBL Norris 538 Opt Wave Crystals 3.00 ADVISORY 17299 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1005 DOW Winful 540 App Qnt Mech I 3.00 ADVISORY 10543 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1003 EECS Steel 543 Knowledge-Based Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 23522 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1690 BEYSTER Durfee 545 Machine Learn 3.00 ADVISORY 29957 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1005 DOW Scott 550 Information Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 18093 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 3433 EECS Neuhoff 551 Math Meth Sig Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 18579 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1200 EECS Nadakuditi 554 Dig Comm & Codes 3.00 ADVISORY 10544 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1003 EECS Anastasopoulos 558 Stochastic Control 3.00 ADVISORY 29958 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 3427 EECS Teneketzis 560 Lin Sys Thr 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10545 A W LEC 001 MWF 130-230PM 1670 BEYSTER Grizzle 10546 P W DIS 011 W 430-630PM 1013 DOW 567 Intro to Robotics 3.00 ADVISORY 28835 P W LEC 001 MWF 230-330PM 1005 EECS Gillespie 571 Prin R T Comp 4.00 ADVISORY 23523 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1006 DOW Shin 571 Prin R T Comp 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 F 1030-1130AM 1006 DOW 573 Microarch 3.00 ADVISORY 23524 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2166 DOW Austin 574 Computat Complexity 4.00 ADVISORY 29960 A LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1005 DOW Schoenebeck 29961 P W DIS 011 F 330-430PM 1005 DOW 579 Digital System Test 4.00 ADVISORY 29962 A LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2315 GGBL Hayes 29963 P W DIS 011 T 2-3PM 2150 DOW 583 Advanced Compilers 4.00 ADVISORY 22378 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-1230PM 3150 DOW Mahlke 584 Adv Dbase Sys 4.00 ADVISORY 29964 P W LEC 001 MW 1-3PM 1008 EECS Mozafari 587 Parallel Computing 4.00 ADVISORY 10547 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1017 DOW Stout 587 Parallel Computing 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 F 12-1PM G906 COOL 589 Adv Comp Net 4.00 ADVISORY 19833 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1123 LBME Jamin 589 Adv Comp Net 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 F 930-1030AM 1123 LBME 591 Distribute Sys 4.00 ADVISORY 26948 P W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2150 DOW Mao 591 Distribute Sys 4.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 F 2-3PM 2150 DOW 598 Special Topics 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY 23572 P W LEC 001 WF 1030-12PM 1003 EECS Hiskens Electricity Networks&Markets "3 Credit Hours for Sec 001", Prerequisites for Lec 001: EECS463 or Permission of Instructor 21740 P W LEC 002 MW 130-3PM 1003 EECS Zhang VLSI Dig Sig Proc Syst "3 -4 Credit Hours for Sec 002" Prerequisites for Lec 002: EECS 427 or Permission of Instructor 24241 P W LEC 003 WF 130-3PM 1690 BEYSTER Mazumder Ultra Low Power CMOS Circuits "3 Credit Hours for Sec 003", Prerequisites for Lec 003: EECS 312 or EECS 427 or Permission of Instructor 21742 P W LEC 004 MW 10-12PM ARR Olson U of M Schedule of Classes Page 38 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Autonomous Automobiles "4 Credit Hours for Sec 004", Prerequisites for Lec 004: Permission of Instructor 27787 P W LEC 005 MW 330-5PM 1005 EECS Ozay Hybrid Systems Control "3 Credit Hours for Sec 005", Prerequisites for Lec 005: EECS 562 or (EECS 560 and Permission of Instructor) 33503 P W LEC 006 MW 130-3PM 3433 EECS Abernethy Prediction Learning and Games 599 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 650 Chanel Coding Thry 3.00 ADVISORY 29959 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1012 EECS Anastasopoulos 698 Master's Thesis 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 699 Research Work EECS 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 755 Topics Signal Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 30067 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 3433 EECS Fessler Image Reconstruction Methods "3 Credit Hours", Prerequisites: At least one of EECS 516, 556, or 564, or instructor permission 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Engineering Undergraduate Educ

Engineering (ENGR)
100 Intro Engineering 4.00 ADVISORY 10551 AD LEC 100 TTH 230-4PM 1504 GGBL Wynarsky, Hildinger Mechanics & Materials for the STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (101-104) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 100. 10552 PDR DIS 101 TTH 1230-130PM 1006 DOW Wynarsky Mechanics & Materials for the 10553 PDR DIS 102 TTH 130-230PM 1006 DOW Wynarsky Mechanics & Materials for the 10554 PDR DIS 103 TTH 1230-130PM 1012 FXB Hildinger Mechanics & Materials for the 10555 PDR DIS 104 TTH 130-230PM 1012 FXB Hildinger Mechanics & Materials for the 32301 AD LEC 150 MW 330-5PM 1012 FXB Edmondson, Bowden 32302 AD LAB 151 F 1030-1230PM ARR 32303 PDR DIS 152 F 930-1030AM 1032 FXB Bowden 32304 AD LAB 153 F 130-330PM ARR 32305 PDR DIS 154 F 1230-130PM 1032 FXB Bowden 30434 AD LEC 200 TTH 9-1030AM 2246 SRB Alfano, Hildinger Design in the Real World STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (201-203) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 200. 30435 PDR DIS 201 TTH 1030-1130AM 2246 SRB Alfano Design in the Real World 30436 PDR DIS 202 TTH 1230-130PM 1024 FXB Hildinger Design in the Real World 30437 PDR DIS 203 TTH 1230-130PM 1032 FXB Kominsky Design in the Real World 10561 AD LEC 300 TTH 1030-12PM 1017 DOW Wakefield, Hildinger Music Signal Processing STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (302-306) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 300 AND THE CORRESPONDING LAB. 10562 AD LAB 301 M 230-430PM ARR Music Signal Processing Lab will meet in 1620 BEYST A. 10563 PDR DIS 302 M 130-230PM 1363 GGBL Hildinger, Wakefield Music Signal Processing 22299 AD LAB 303 TH 130-330PM ARR Music Signal Processing Lab will meet in 1620 BEYST A. 22300 PDR DIS 304 TH 330-430PM 216 GFL Kominsky, Wakefield Music Signal Processing 22301 AD LAB 305 F 130-330PM ARR Music Signal Processing Lab will meet in 1620 BEYST A. 22302 PDR DIS 306 F 1230-130PM 1363 GGBL Kominsky, Wakefield Music Signal Processing 29027 AD LEC 350 TTH 3-430PM 1017 DOW Love, Hogg Jr Engineering Solutions for Glob STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (352-356) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 350. 29028 AD LAB 351 F 930-1130AM 113 GFL 29030 PDR DIS 352 F 1130-1230PM 1371 GGBL 29031 AD LAB 353 F 1130-130PM 113 GFL 29032 PDR DIS 354 F 1030-1130AM 1371 GGBL Hogg Jr 29996 AD LAB 355 F 130-330PM 113 GFL 29997 PDR DIS 356 F 1230-130PM 1371 GGBL Hogg Jr 10568 AD LEC 500 MW 1-230PM 1311 EECS Schmedlen, Sulewski Biotechnology and Human Values STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (501-504) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 500. 10569 PDR DIS 501 TTH 1130-1230PM 1032 FXB Sulewski, Schmedlen Biotechnology and Human Values 10570 PDR DIS 502 TTH 1030-1130AM 1363 GGBL Sulewski, Schmedlen Biotechnology and Human Values 10571 PDR DIS 503 TTH 1130-1230PM 1008 EECS Casper, Schmedlen Biotechnology and Human Values 10572 PDR DIS 504 TTH 1030-1130AM 1008 EECS Casper, Schmedlen Biotechnology and Human Values 26995 AD LEC 550 MW 1130-1PM 1012 FXB Krauss, Rohan Mechanical System Design STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (552-556) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 550 AND THE CORRESPONDING LAB. 26996 AD LAB 551 M 130-330PM 108 GFL Krauss Mechanical System Design 27113 PDR DIS 552 F 1130-1230PM 1012 EECS Rohan, Krauss Mechanical System Design 27114 AD LAB 553 M 330-530PM 108 GFL Krauss Mechanical System Design 27115 PDR DIS 554 F 1230-130PM 1012 EECS Rohan, Krauss Mechanical System Design U of M Schedule of Classes Page 40 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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29858 AD LAB 555 T 130-330PM 108 GFL Krauss Mechanical System Design 29859 PDR DIS 556 F 1130-1230PM 1008 FXB Krauss Mechanical System Design 19848 AD LEC 600 MW 830-10AM 1311 EECS Alford, Fowler Remotely Operated Vehicle Desi STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (602 - 606) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 600 AND THE CORRESPONDING LAB. 19849 AD LAB 601 W 130-330PM 108 GFL Underwater Vehicle Design 19850 PDR DIS 602 W 1230-130PM 216 GFL Fowler, Alford Underwater Vehicle Design 19851 AD LAB 603 TH 1030-1230PM 108 GFL Underwater Vehicle Design 22704 PDR DIS 604 TH 930-1030AM 216 GFL Sheffield, Alford Underwater Vehicle Design 23390 AD LAB 605 TH 130-330PM 108 GFL Underwater Vehicle Design 23391 PDR DIS 606 TH 1230-130PM 216 GFL Fowler, Alford Underwater Vehicle Design 18891 AD LEC 700 TTH 9-1030AM 1109 FXB Washabaugh, Olsen Intro to Aerospace Engineering STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (731-781) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 700 AND THE CORRESPONDING LAB. 23785 AD LAB 730 W 1130-130PM 2251 FXB Intro to Aerospace Engineering 23786 PDR DIS 731 W 130-230PM 1032 FXB Olsen, Washabaugh Intro to Aerospace Engineering 23787 AD LAB 740 W 230-430PM 2251 FXB Intro to Aerospace Engineering 23788 PDR DIS 741 W 430-530PM 1032 FXB Olsen, Washabaugh Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25196 AD LAB 750 TH 1130-130PM 2251 FXB Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25197 PDR DIS 751 TH 130-230PM 1032 FXB Olsen, Washabaugh Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25205 AD LAB 760 TH 230-430PM 2251 FXB Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25207 PDR DIS 761 TH 430-530PM 1032 FXB Casper, Washabaugh Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25208 AD LAB 770 F 1130-130PM 2251 FXB Intro to Aerospace Engineering 25209 PDR DIS 771 F 130-230PM 1032 FXB Casper, Washabaugh Intro to Aerospace Engineering 26039 AD LAB 780 F 230-430PM ARR 26040 PDR DIS 781 F 430-530PM ARR Washabaugh 19852 AD LEC 800 TTH 1130-1PM 1504 GGBL Meadows, Khan Engineers Making A Difference STUDENTS ELECTING DIS (802-806) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 800 AND THE CORRESPONDING LAB. 19853 AD LAB 801 F 1030-1230PM 1680 IOE Engineers Making a Difference 19854 PDR DIS 802 T 130-230PM 1008 EECS Khan, Meadows Engineers Making a Difference 24956 AD LAB 803 F 830-1030AM 1680 IOE Engineers Making a Difference 24957 PDR DIS 804 T 230-330PM 1008 EECS Northrop, Meadows Engineers Making a Difference 24958 AD LAB 805 F 1230-230PM 1680 IOE Engineers Making a Difference 24959 PDR DIS 806 TH 130-230PM 1012 EECS Northrop, Meadows Engineers Making a Difference 101 Intro Comp & Prog 4.00 ADVISORY 10573 AD LEC 100 MW 9-1030AM STAMPS Niciejewski Intro Computers & Programming STUDENTS ELECTING LAB (101-109) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 100. 10574 PDR LAB 101 M 1030-1230PM B505 PIER 10575 PDR LAB 102 M 1230-230PM B505 PIER 10576 PDR LAB 103 M 230-430PM B505 PIER 10577 PDR LAB 104 M 430-630PM B505 PIER 10578 PDR LAB 105 T 830-1030AM B505 PIER 10579 PDR LAB 106 T 1030-1230PM B505 PIER 21804 PDR LAB 107 T 1230-230PM B505 PIER 21805 PDR LAB 108 T 230-430PM B505 PIER 21806 PDR LAB 109 T 430-630PM B505 PIER 10580 AD LEC 200 MW 130-3PM STAMPS Ringenberg STUDENTS ELECTING LAB (201-209) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 200. 10581 PDR LAB 201 TH 830-1030AM B507 PIER 10582 PDR LAB 202 TH 1030-1230PM B507 PIER 10583 PDR LAB 203 TH 1230-230PM B507 PIER 10584 PDR LAB 204 TH 230-430PM B507 PIER 10590 PDR LAB 205 TH 430-630PM B507 PIER U of M Schedule of Classes Page 41 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10586 PDR LAB 206 F 1030-1230PM B507 PIER 10587 PDR LAB 207 F 1230-230PM B507 PIER 22556 PDR LAB 208 F 230-430PM B507 PIER 22557 PDR LAB 209 F 430-630PM B507 PIER 10589 AD LEC 300 TTH 12-130PM AUD CHRYS STUDENTS ELECTING LAB (301-309) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 300. 10585 PDR LAB 301 W 630-830PM B507 PIER 10588 PDR LAB 302 W 1030-1230PM B505 PIER 10591 PDR LAB 303 W 430-630PM B507 PIER 10592 PDR LAB 304 W 1230-230PM B505 PIER 10593 PDR LAB 305 W 830-1030AM B507 PIER 10594 PDR LAB 306 W 230-430PM B505 PIER 10595 PDR LAB 307 W 230-430PM B507 PIER 21802 PDR LAB 308 W 430-630PM B505 PIER 21803 PDR LAB 309 W 630-830PM B505 PIER 110 The Engr Profession 18733 P R LEC 001 TTH 330-430PM STAMPS The Engineering Profession This course will not be offered during the WN2014 term. 151 Accel Intro Prog 22710 SD LEC 100 MW 9-1030AM 1500 EECS Accel Intro Comp & Prog STUDENTS ELECTING LAB (101-103) WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 100. 22711 PDR LAB 101 TH 1230-230PM B505 PIER 22712 PDR LAB 102 TH 230-430PM B505 PIER 22713 PDR LAB 103 TH 430-630PM B505 PIER 190 Selected Topics Eng 23766 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR 196 Outreach Internship 23148 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR 255 Intro Multidisc Des 31982 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR 28130 PI LAB 004 ARR ARR S3FL 28116 PI LAB 021 ARR ARR MHybrid - Intro DBT 260 Eng Across Cultures 27124 P LEC 001 W 330-5PM 133 CHRYS Engr Across Cultures 290 Special Topics 27502 PD LEC 001 T 430-630PM 1006 DOW Prof. Skills for Engineers 27875 P LEC 002 ARR ARR 31849 P LEC 003 ARR ARR 354 Engr Design Practice 22844 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Engr Design Practice 355 Multidisc Engr Des I 27997 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR Global Health - China Project 22882 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR BLUElab 22883 PI LAB 004 ARR ARR 22894 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR 27998 PI LAB 006 ARR ARR Baja Team 22896 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR 23137 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR 23985 PI LAB 009 ARR ARR 23986 PI LAB 010 ARR ARR 23987 PI LAB 011 ARR ARR 23530 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR 24336 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR 23982 PI LAB 014 ARR ARR 24423 PI LAB 015 ARR ARR 28096 PI LAB 016 ARR ARR Human Powered Submarine 28146 PI LAB 017 ARR ARR M Rocket Engineering Team MREA 25692 PI LAB 021 ARR ARR 23988 PI LAB 033 ARR ARR 28019 PI LAB 037 ARR ARR Pantanal Project 25829 PI LAB 094 ARR ARR 25751 PI LAB 124 ARR ARR 28136 PI LAB 127 ARR ARR SuperMileage Team 28027 PI LAB 128 ARR ARR Woven Wind U of M Schedule of Classes Page 42 of 382


2.00 Marsik, Green 4.00 Wellman Wellman Wellman Wellman 1.00-6.00 1.00 Noble 1.00-3.00 Bell IV Gilchrist Hofmann 1.00 Holloway, Conger 1.00 Marsik, Hildinger Alford Meadows 1.00 1.00-4.00 Sienko Skerlos Gilchrist Renno Bell IV Hansen Cutler Ridley McCormick Wooldridge Eustice Saitou Lin Moldwin Beck Longmier Hofmann Wentzloff Wright Huang-Saad McKague Bell IV Bell IV ADVISORY

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371 Num Meth Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 10597 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 2166 DOW Strauss 19153 P W LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 3427 EECS Strauss 390 Spec Topics in Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 30039 P LEC 002 T 7-10PM 1200 EECS Singh Imagine, Innovate, Act In this course student teams made up of technology students, students with interest in multimedia creation (art, design, culture etc.) and students with interest in wellness practices will create new mobile technologies that will help Remind, Teach, Improve Practices for the user. The technology students will develop "apps" (no coding experience needed but a desire to learn app coding is important). The "wellness" will create best practices for issues related to (examples) mental wellness, physical wellness, education issues for students in deprived environments, old age wellness, etc. The students in art, design, music, culture will create a multimedia campaign that the apps will use.Please contact Prof. Jasprit Singh ( or Dr. John Hickley ( if you have questions. 400 Co-Op Educ Engr 0.00 ADVISORY 10598 PD DIS 001 ARR ARR Noble 405 Prob Solv&Trbleshoot 3.00 ADVISORY 25174 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1690 BEYSTER Fogler 406 High-Tech Entrep 4.00 29462 P W LEC 001 MW 430-630PM 3427 EECS Islam 450 Multidisc Design 4.00 ADVISORY 23567 P R LEC 002 ARR ARR Sienko 23568 A LAB 003 ARR ARR Sienko 455 Multidisc Eng Des II 1.00-5.00 22709 PD LAB 002 ARR ARR Sienko Global Health Design 22884 PD LAB 003 ARR ARR Skerlos 22885 PD LAB 004 ARR ARR Gilchrist 22886 PD LAB 005 ARR ARR Renno 27252 PD LAB 006 ARR ARR Chesney 22895 PD LAB 007 ARR ARR Lu 23136 PD LAB 008 ARR ARR Cutler 23989 PD LAB 009 ARR ARR Ridley 23990 PD LAB 010 ARR ARR Smith 23761 PD LAB 011 ARR ARR Bell IV 23991 PD LAB 012 ARR ARR Wooldridge 24337 PD LAB 013 ARR ARR Bell IV 23529 PD LAB 014 ARR ARR Eustice 23739 PD LAB 015 ARR ARR Love 23980 PD LAB 016 ARR ARR Lin 24424 PD LAB 017 ARR ARR Moldwin 24432 PD LAB 018 ARR ARR Van Nieuwstadt 24473 PD LAB 019 ARR ARR Wentzloff 25575 PD LAB 020 ARR ARR Gordon 25379 PD LAB 021 F 1-3PM 1008 EECS Bell IV 25693 PD LAB 022 ARR ARR Hofmann 27254 PD LAB 023 ARR ARR Epelman Harris Communications Project 27255 PD LAB 024 W 830-1030AM ARR Wentzloff Smart Boots Project 27256 PD LAB 025 T 1130-2PM 2236 SRB Hammett P LAB 025 F 1230-3PM 136 EWRE Detroit Mfg Systems Proj Team 28154 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Jamin 31517 PI LAB 027 ARR ARR Orosz 28020 PI LAB 037 ARR ARR Wright Pantanal Project 31520 PI LAB 114 ARR ARR Giachino 31575 PI LAB 118 ARR ARR Ringenberg 27257 PD LAB 125 T 1130-1230PM ARR Cohn, Bell IV P LAB 125 TH 230-430PM ARR Hospital Sound Analysis 28115 PI LAB 127 ARR ARR Bell IV Solar Car 27258 PD LAB 128 ARR ARR Bell IV Woven Wind 27259 PD LAB 129 ARR ARR Bell IV SuperMileage 27863 PI LAB 130 ARR ARR Ringenberg 30626 PI LAB 131 ARR ARR Ku 31518 PI LAB 132 ARR ARR Bell IV 31519 PI LAB 133 ARR ARR Kearfott 31804 PI LAB 134 ARR ARR Meadows 456 Mentr-Ldr Mltdis Des 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 480 Global Syn Project 4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 521 Clean Tech Entrepren 3.00 ADVISORY 21966 P LEC 001 TTH 430-6PM 1121 LBME Adriaens U of M Schedule of Classes Page 43 of 382


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580 19922 590

Teaching Engin 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1024 FXB Montgomery International Eng 2.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 599 Spec Topics Engr 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 31521 P LEC 229 T 7-10PM ARR Singh Imagine, Innovate, Act In this course student teams made up of technology students, students with interest in multimedia creation (art, design, culture etc.) and students with interest in wellness practices will create new mobile technologies that will help Remind, Teach, Improve Practices for the user. The technology students will develop "apps" (no coding experience needed but a desire to learn app coding is important). The "wellness" will create best practices for issues related to (examples) mental wellness, physical wellness, education issues for students in deprived environments, old age wellness, etc. The students in art, design, music, culture will create a multimedia campaign that the apps will use.Please contact Prof. Jasprit Singh ( or Dr. John Hickley ( if you have questions. 600 Eng Practicum Proj 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 996 Respons Res Pract 1.00-2.00 IND + ARR ARR

Entrepreneurship (ENTR)

390 Spec Topics Entr 1.00-3.00 27121 P RW LEC 002 M 1130-1PM 1123 LBME Tobier Innovation Thru Social Entr This class is a gateway to the emerging field of social entrepreneurship. Social entrepreneurs find innovative and sustainable solutions to transform human lives. This course provides a broad conceptual framework to social entrepreneurship and draws heavily from design thinking, teaching key skills of community engagement, visualization, ideation and prototype creation. 29827 P RW LEC 003 MW 1230-2PM K1310 BUS Sinclair, Hall Bus Entr in Thought & Action ENTR 390/003 and BA 201/001 meet in K-BUS K1310 on Central Campus. This class equates to entrepreneurship basics for engineering students. No BBA students. 407 Entrepreneurship Hr 1.00 22591 P RW SEM 001 F 2-3PM STAMPS Thompson 408 Patent Law 1.00 22586 P W SEM 001 T 6-8PM 1024 FXB Buchanan This class will meet Tuesdays 9/10/13-10/29/13. 411 Entr Practicum 3.00 ADVISORY 25135 PD LEC 001 F 10-12PM 1303 EECS McNaughton Entrepreneurship Practicum Enrollment is by application only! To be considered for the class students MUST complete and submit the application: 31645 PD LEC 002 T 7-9PM ARR Lee, Tarver Entrepreneurship Practicum Enrollment is by application only! To be considered for the class students MUST complete and submit the application: ENTR 411/002 meets in Design Lab 3, Duderstadt Center, 3rd floor. 417 Entr Hr Dis Session 1.00 ADVISORY 23612 P W DIS 001 F 1-2PM 2166 DOW Hayden This class is the one hour discussion session for ENTR 407 Entrepreneurship Hour. In the same term, students must enroll in both ENTR 417 and ENTR 407. 599 Spec Topics Entr 1.50 27123 P RW LEC 002 M 5-8PM 2150 DOW Dapena-Baron Entrepreneurial Market Strateg This class presents a pragmatic methodology to develop a marketing orientation in new ventures. The course will progress in a disciplined manner through the major marketing questions any new venture must consider and will present methods to answer them. Students will be expected to apply the concepts presented in class to a new venture or project. 27109 P RW LEC 004 TH 410-610PM ARR Loeks Legal Basics for Entrepreneurs This 1 credit class meets with LAW 411 in Room S106 which is located in the Law Library. In this course, engineering and law students will form teams to examine case studies that highlight critical legal issues related to entrepreneurship. These issues include choice of business entitity, enterprise funding, structuring profit and capital interests, inttellectual property, exits and transitions, along with communication between entrepreneurs and lawyers. 27284 P RW LEC 007 TTH 11-1230PM ARR Shtein, Halloran Tech Bus Models--Disrupt Innov This class meets in Design Lab 3, Duderstadt Center, 3rd floor. 27283 P RW LEC 008 TTH 410-540PM 138 HUTCH Pilz IP Strategy This 1.5 credit class meets with LAW 489 in Room 138 which is located in Hutchins Hall. 27297 P RW LEC 011 F 9-12PM ARR Huang-Saad MsE Practicum A: Discovery This class meets in Design Lab 3, Duderstadt Center, 3rd floor. 29916 P RW LEC 012 TH 1030-130PM ARR Daly Creativity & Design This class meets in Design Lab 3, Duderstadt Center, 3rd floor. In this class, students will learn how to become active participants in and leaders of the scalable innovation process. This course emphasizes systems thinking and focuses on global, scalable modes of innovation, business creation and engineering design. Readings, lectures, and U of M Schedule of Classes Page 44 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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exercises will cover systems analysis, divergent and convergent thinking, thinking in exponential scales, and using these approaches for more effective problem identification, evaluation, and solving. 29917 P RW LEC 013 TTH 9-1030AM ARR Shtein Innovation This class meets in Design Lab 3, Duderstadt Center, 3rd floor. In this class, students will learn how to become active participants in and leaders of the scalable innovation process. This course emphasizes systems thinking and focuses on global, scalable modes of innovation, business creation and engineering design. Readings, lectures, and exercises will cover systems analysis, divergent and convergent thinking, thinking in exponential scales, and using these approaches for more effective problem identification, evaluation, and solving. 30560 P RW LEC 014 F 1020-1220PM ARR Loeks Legal Basics for Entrepreneurs This 1 credit class meets with LAW 411 in Room S106 which is located in the Law Library. In this course, engineering and law students will form teams to examine case studies that highlight critical legal issues related to entrepreneurship. These issues include choice of business entitity, enterprise funding, structuring profit and capital interests, inttellectual property, exits and transitions, along with communication between entrepreneurs and lawyers.

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Industrial-Operations Engr Dep

Industrial And Operations Engineering (IOE)
FIRST 7 WEEK CLASSES BEGIN TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 AND END FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2013. SECOND 7 WEEK CLASSES BEGIN MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 AND END WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2013. 201 Econ Dec Making 2.00 ENFORCED 10601 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-1030AM 1610 IOE IOE 201 MEETS FIRST HALF OF TERM. 202 Operations Modeling 2.00 ENFORCED 10602 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-1030AM 1610 IOE IOE 202 MEETS SECOND HALF OF TERM. 265 Prob&Stat Engr 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10603 A R LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1610 IOE Shi 10604 P RW LAB 003 W 330-430PM G610 IOE 10605 P RW LAB 004 W 1030-1130AM G610 IOE 10606 P RW LAB 005 W 1130-1230PM G610 IOE 10607 P R LAB 006 W 1230-130PM G610 IOE 10608 P R LAB 007 W 130-230PM G610 IOE 10609 P R LAB 008 W 230-330PM G610 IOE 310 Intro to Optim Meth 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10610 A R LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1610 IOE Cohn 10611 P R LAB 002 TH 930-1030AM G610 IOE 10612 P R LAB 003 TH 1030-1130AM G610 IOE 10613 P R LAB 004 TH 1130-1230PM G610 IOE 10614 P R LAB 005 TH 1230-130PM G610 IOE 10615 P R LAB 006 TH 130-230PM G610 IOE 10616 P R LAB 007 TH 230-330PM G610 IOE 316 Intro Markov Proc 2.00 ENFORCED 10617 P RW LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1610 IOE Lavieri 316 Intro Markov Proc 2.00 ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 F 1230-130PM 1610 IOE IOE 316 MEETS SECOND HALF OF THE TERM. 333 Ergonomics 3.00 ADVISORY 10618 P R LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1610 IOE Liu Pre- or co-requisitie of IOE 265 enforced 334 Ergonomics Lab 1.00 ADVISORY 10619 P R LAB 001 M 130-4PM G699 IOE Woolley 10620 P R LAB 002 M 4-630PM G699 IOE 10621 P R LAB 003 T 2-430PM G699 IOE 10624 P R LAB 004 T 430-7PM G699 IOE 10622 P R LAB 005 T 7-930PM G699 IOE 10623 P R LAB 006 W 130-4PM G699 IOE 24991 P R LAB 007 W 4-630PM G699 IOE 366 Linear Stat Models 2.00 ENFORCED IOE 366 MEETS FIRST HALF OF TERM. STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT THE LAB. 10625 A R LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1610 IOE Byon 10626 P RW LAB 002 M 930-1030AM G610 IOE 10627 P RW LAB 003 M 1030-1130AM G610 IOE 10628 P RW LAB 004 M 830-930AM G610 IOE 10629 P RW LAB 005 M 1230-130PM G610 IOE 10630 P RW LAB 006 M 130-230PM G610 IOE 10631 P RW LAB 007 M 230-330PM G610 IOE 373 Data Processing 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10632 A R LEC 001 TTH 430-6PM 1610 IOE Garcia-Guzman 10633 P R LAB 002 F 930-1030AM G610 IOE 10634 P R LAB 003 F 1030-1130AM G610 IOE 10635 P R LAB 004 F 1130-1230PM G610 IOE 10636 P R LAB 005 F 1230-130PM G610 IOE 10637 P R LAB 006 F 130-230PM G610 IOE 10638 P R LAB 007 F 230-330PM G610 IOE 413 Optim Mod Hlth Care 3.00 ADVISORY 24816 P RW LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 3427 EECS Hughes 421 Work Organizations 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10639 P R LEC 001 WF 2-330PM 1610 IOE Santer 422 Entrepreneurship 3.00 ADVISORY 20661 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 3150 DOW 424 Practicum Prod&Srv 4.00 ENFORCED 10640 P RW LEC 001 M 7-9PM 1610 IOE Reaume TC 380 is a pre- or co-requisite to IOE 424 425 Lean Mfg&Services 2.00 ENFORCED 10641 P RW LEC 001 MW 5-7PM 1670 BEYSTER SECTION 001 - MEETS FIRST HALF OF THE TERM. 10642 P RW LEC 002 MW 330-530PM 1610 IOE SECTION 002 - MEETS SECOND HALF OF THE TERM. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 46 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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430 Global Cult Sys Engr 3.00 29983 P RW LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 1680 IOE Liu 432 IE Istrument Meth 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 18642 A R LEC 001 T 12-2PM G699 IOE Woolley 18643 P R LAB 002 TH 12-2PM G699 IOE Woolley 18644 P R LAB 003 TH 230-430PM G699 IOE Woolley 22763 P R LAB 004 TH 5-7PM G699 IOE Woolley 437 Automotive Human Fac 3.00 ADVISORY 20963 P W LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1680 IOE Green 440 Operations Anlys&Mgt 3.00 ENFORCED 20828 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1500 EECS Lavieri 447 Facility Planning 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24831 P RW LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 1121 LBME Bozer 452 Corporate Finance 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18089 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1610 IOE Kaufman 460 Decision Analysis 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17437 P RW LEC 001 TTH 5-7PM G906 COOL MEETS FIRST HALF OF THE TERM. 461 Quality Engin Prin 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18064 P RW LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 165 CHRYS Hammett 463 Measure&Des of Work 3.00 ADVISORY 10643 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1680 IOE Armstrong 466 Stat Quality Control 3.00 ENFORCED 10644 P RW LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1311 EECS Jin 474 Simulation 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. 10645 A R LEC 001 MW 530-7PM 1610 IOE Garcia-Guzman 10646 P R LAB 002 T 1230-130PM G610 IOE 10647 P RW LAB 003 T 10-11AM G610 IOE 10648 P RW LAB 004 T 11-12PM G610 IOE 10649 P R LAB 005 T 130-230PM G610 IOE 21126 P RW LAB 006 T 230-330PM G610 IOE 31786 P R LAB 007 T 9-10AM G610 IOE 481 Practicum Hosp Sys 4.00 ENFORCED 10650 P RW LEC 001 T 7-9PM 1610 IOE Van Oyen TC 380 is a pre- or co-requisite to IOE 481 490 UG Directed Study 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 491 Spec Top Ind Engr 3.00 21798 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR 506 Analysis for Finance 3.00 ADVISORY 20958 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2336 MH Jonsson 20959 P RW LEC 002 TTH 830-10AM 2336 MH Jonsson 510 Linear Pro I 3.00 ADVISORY 10653 P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1010 DOW 512 Dynamic Programming 3.00 ADVISORY 20446 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1680 IOE Denton 515 Stochastic Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 10654 P W LEC 001 TTH 430-6PM 1680 IOE Chao 536 Cognitive Ergonomic 3.00 ADVISORY 18719 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1121 LBME Sarter 539 Safety Engin Methods 3.00 ADVISORY 10656 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1680 IOE Keyserling 541 Inv Anly&Cntrl 3.00 ADVISORY 18212 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1680 IOE Kaufman 548 Integrated Prod Dev 3.00 ADVISORY 23571 PD LEC 001 W 6-9PM ARR Permission to register (override) requests must be submitted to the Tauber Institute ( 553 Financial Engin II 3.00 ENFORCED 18062 P R LEC 001 MW 5-630PM 1500 EECS Saigal 562 Reliability 3.00 ADVISORY 29220 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1690 BEYSTER Nair 565 Time Ser Anlys 3.00 ADVISORY 10657 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1010 DOW Byon 590 Masters Direct Study 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 593 Ergonomics Project 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 610 Linear Prog II 3.00 ADVISORY 25269 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 3427 EECS Epelman 612 Network Flows 3.00 ADVISORY 29696 P W LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1680 IOE Shen 623 Computationl Finance 3.00 ADVISORY 18135 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 110 DENN 21465 P W LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 445 DENN 800 First Year Doc Sem 1.00 ADVISORY 10660 P SEM 001 M 3-430PM 1680 IOE Keyserling 801 First Yr Doc Dir Res 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 47 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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813 32145 836 10662 899 10663 990 995

I IND + Health Eng Seminars PR SEM 001 M Sem Hum Perform PR SEM 001 T Ioe Seminar PR SEM 001 W Diss Pre-Candidate IND + Dissertation Cand DR IND +

ARR 430-630PM 9-10AM 4-530PM ARR ARR

ARR 1123 LBME G699 IOE 1680 IOE ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED 2.00 Cohn 1.00 Armstrong 1.00 Shi 2.00-8.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Interdisciplinary Prof Program

Automotive Engineering Program (AUTO)
501 19312 503 Integ Veh Syst Dsgn 3.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 1-4PM 165 CHRYS Bell IV, Wen Auto Eng Project 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 533 Adv Energy Solutions 3.00 ADVISORY 26348 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 165 CHRYS Wooldridge Graduate students should enroll in AUTO 533-001 this fall, per the professor. Undergraduates should enroll in ME433-002. Any override requests should be sent to 27656 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 133 CHRYS Boehman Graduate students should enroll in AUTO 533-001 this fall, per the professor. Undergraduates should enroll in ME433-002. Any override requests should be sent to 26349 P LEC 881 ARR ARR Wooldridge

Energy Systems Engineering Program (ESENG)

501 21862 22186 503 505 30479 30480 599 28018 25406 Sem Energy Tech Pol P W SEM 001 W PD SEM 881 W Energy Systems Proj D IND + Energy Gen & Storage P LEC 001 F P LEC 881 Energy Sys Spec Topc P LEC 001 P LEC 881 TTH 6-9PM 6-9PM ARR 10-1PM ARR ARR 230-4PM 151 CHRYS ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1040 DANA

3.00 Linic Linic 3.00 3.00 Linic 3.00


Keoleian, Ramachandran, McManamon

Financial Engineering Program (FINENG)

508 Stat Methods in Fin 3.00 22772 PDR LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1449 MH Thelen RESTRICTED TO FINANCIAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS ONLY 518 Quant Risk Managemnt 3.00 ADVISORY 23726 PD LEC 001 SA 5-8PM R0240 BUS Ganapathy Class will be held at R0240 (Ross School); Office hours preceding class (3-5pm) in R0238 (Ross School). 591 Special Topics 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 24121 P LEC 007 F 12-3PM E0550 BUS Morrow Classw will meet in E0550 Ross School. Class to meet in September and October (Fall A cycle); no class on Sept 27 or Oct 25.. Enrollment limited to Financial Engineering students ONLY.

Integrative Systems and Design (ISD)

520 Intr to Systems Engr 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 32778 P R LEC 001 T 2-5PM 1005 DOW Winter This course was offered in previous terms as ENGR 500.059. All registrations for Fall 2013 for that course will automatically be transferred to ISD 520. 32779 P R LEC 881 ARR ARR Winter

Robotics and Autonomous Vehicle Engineering (RAV)

503 RAV Capstone Project IND + ARR ARR


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Program In Manufacturing
Manufacturing (MFG)
410 Marine Str II 19910 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 426 Lean Mfg&Services 20896 P RW LEC 001 MW 5-7PM SECTION 001 - MEETS FIRST HALF OF THE TERM. 20897 P RW LEC 002 MW 330-530PM SECTION 002 - MEETS SECOND HALF OF THE TERM. 440 Operations Anlys&Mgt 20864 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 447 Facility Planning 24851 P RW LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 452 Design for Mfg 20674 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 453 Prop Adv Mat 24933 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 455 Corporate Finance 18090 P RW LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 461 Quality Engin Prin 18065 P RW LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 18462 PDR LEC 881 ARR 463 Measure&Des of Work 10666 P RW LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM MEETS FIRST 7 WEEKS OF THE TERM. 466 Stat Quality Control 10667 P RW LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 470 Fnd Ship Design 10668 A LEC 001 MTW 9-10AM 19963 P LAB 002 TH 9-10AM 488 Welding 26347 P W LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 489 Matls Proc Design 17967 P R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 492 Mach Proc 23468 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 501 Topics Global Opns 21786 PD SEM 001 T 7-10PM 503 Mfg Project D IND + ARR 504 Tauber Inst Project D IND + ARR 517 Biochemical Eng 30265 P LEC 001 MW 430-6PM 536 Crit Path Meth 10671 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 539 Safety Engin Methods 10672 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 541 Inv Anly&Cntrl 18214 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 552 Mechatronic Sys Des 20662 A W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 26731 P W LAB 002 F 930-1130AM 553 Microele Sys 24938 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 558 Disc Des Opt 28841 P LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 561 Time Ser Anlys 10673 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 562 Model Dyn Sy 29975 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 563 Marine Sys Productn 10674 P R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 563 Marine Sys Productn PR LEC 001 F 1130-1230PM 567 Intro to Robotics 28836 P W LEC 001 MWF 230-330PM 571 Ship Des Proj I IND + ARR 575 Marine CAD Project IND + ARR 579 Reliab Safe Mar Sys 25107 P LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 580 Rheology & Fracture 29733 P LEC 001 MW 330-5PM 587 Global Mfg 20681 P W LEC 001 MW 330-5PM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 50 of 382 ARR 1670 BEYSTER 1610 IOE 1500 EECS 1121 LBME 151 CHRYS 1005 EECS 1610 IOE 165 CHRYS ARR 1680 IOE 1311 EECS 138 NAME 138 NAME 165 CHRYS 3150 DOW 1311 EECS ARR ARR 3.00 ARR 1003 EECS 2315 GGBL 1680 IOE 1680 IOE ARR 1113 GGBL 185 EWRE 1123 LBME 1010 DOW 2315 GGBL 107 GFL 107 GFL 1005 EECS ARR 2.00-6.00 ARR 138 NAME 2166 DOW 151 CHRYS 3.00 Perakis 3.00 Pan 3.00 Barton ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Gillespie 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Wang 3.00 Ioannou 3.00 Keyserling 3.00 Kaufman 4.00 Awtar Awtar 3.00 Chronis 3.00 Saitou 3.00 Byon 3.00 Stein 4.00 Singer 4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 Lavieri 3.00 Bozer 3.00 Malen 3.00 Pan 3.00 Kaufman 3.00 Hammett 3.00 Armstrong ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED 4.00 Karr 2.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Jin 4.00 ADVISORY Vlahopoulos, Kumpf Vlahopoulos 3.00 ADVISORY Kannatey-Asibu Jr 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Shtein, Tuteja 3.00 ADVISORY Shih 3.00 ADVISORY Kapuscinski 3.00 ADVISORY

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31682 590

P LEC 881 Directed Stdy&Res IND + 591 Laser Mat Process 17489 P LEC 001 MW formerly set as ME599-03 599 Spec Topics in Mfg 20735 PD LEC 001 32689 PI LEC 003 990 Dissertat Pre-Cand D IND + 995 Dissertation-Cand R IND +


ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1005 EECS ARR ARR ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED 3.00 ADVISORY Kannatey-Asibu Jr 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY Malen Bozer, Duenyas 2.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Materials Science & Engineering

Materials Science Engineering (MATSCIE)
220 Intro Mat & Man 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10722 A R LEC 100 MWF 1130-1230PM AUD CHRYS Robertson 10723 P RW DIS 101 TH 1030-1130AM 1014 DOW 10724 P RW DIS 102 TH 1130-1230PM 1014 DOW 10725 P RW DIS 103 TH 130-230PM 1014 DOW 10726 P RW DIS 104 TH 1030-1130AM 1003 EECS 10727 P RW DIS 105 TH 1130-1230PM 1003 EECS 10728 P RW DIS 106 TH 130-230PM 1018 DOW 29019 P R DIS 107 TH 130-230PM 1005 DOW 24950 P RW LEC 200 TTH 330-530PM 133 CHRYS Yalisove This section of MSE 220 will be taught without lectures or exams (almost) via active learning sessions twice a week. Peer teaching, textbook annotation, Learning Catalytics software, reflections, and projects will replace the traditional lecture and recitation. You will be rewarded for hard work and honesty without the burden of exams to rediscover the enjoyment of learning. 250 Prin Engr Matl 4.00 ENFORCED 10729 A R LEC 100 MWF 930-1030AM 1504 GGBL Wynarsky Structure, properties, and processing relationships in engineering materials with applications to biomaterials. 10730 P RW DIS 101 TH 1130-1230PM 1006 DOW 22509 P RW DIS 102 TH 130-230PM 2150 DOW 22732 P R DIS 103 TH 130-230PM 1008 EECS 22508 P RW DIS 104 TH 1130-1230PM 1018 DOW 280 MSE Ugrad Res Opp 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 330 Thermo of Matrls 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10737 P R LEC 001 MW 12-130PM 1200 EECS Marquis 330 Thermo of Matrls 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED PR LEC 001 F 1230-130PM 1200 EECS 350 Structures of Matls 4.00 ENFORCED 10731 P R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1014 DOW Poudeu-Poudeu 350 Structures of Matls 4.00 ENFORCED PR LEC 001 F 1030-1130AM 1014 DOW 360 Materials Lab I 3.00 ADVISORY 10732 S R LEC 001 M 230-330PM 2211 GGBL Halloran, Wynarsky Labs for MSE 360 are held in the Van Vlack Undergraduate Lab, second floor of the H.H. Dow building 10733 P RW LAB 002 T 130-530PM ARR 10 seats in Section 003 are reserved for members of the marching band, requires permission to enroll. 10734 P RW LAB 003 TH 12-4PM ARR 15296 P RW LAB 004 W 130-530PM ARR 400 EMO Mod Dev Tech 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10735 P R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3150 DOW Goldman 410 Biomaterials 3.00 ENFORCED 15584 PDR LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 133 CHRYS Love, Zhou For permission to register, contact Maria Steele at 412 Polymeric Materials 3.00 ENFORCED 10736 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3150 DOW Mehta 420 Mech Behavior Matrls 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 15784 P R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1012 FXB Allison 489 Matls Proc Design 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17964 P R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 3150 DOW Shtein, Tuteja 490 Research Problems 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED DR IND + ARR ARR 493 Special Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 18802 P LEC 001 ARR ARR 24964 P W LEC 002 MW 430-6PM 3150 DOW Thornton Computational Approaches in MSE - of interest to both students planning to enter industry and continuing in academia 510 Materials Chem 3.00 ADVISORY 16977 P W LEC 100 F 12-3PM G550 DENT Matzger 517 Adv Function Poly 3.00 ENFORCED 23498 P R LEC 001 TTH 430-6PM 2166 DOW Kim 532 Adv Therm Matrls 3.00 ADVISORY 17359 P LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 2150 DOW Kieffer 550 Fund Mat Sci & Eng 3.00 ADVISORY 29487 P LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 2166 DOW Laine 560 Structure Matrls 3.00 ADVISORY 19902 P LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1014 DOW Millunchick 690 Research Problems 1.00-16.00 D IND + ARR ARR 890 Colloq in Mat Sci 1.00 21608 P R SEM 001 F 330-5PM 1670 BEYSTER Kim 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED DR IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 52 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Mech Eng & Applied Mech Dept

Mechanical Engineering (MECHENG)
211 Intro to Solid Mech 4.00 ADVISORY 17416 S LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 1670 BEYSTER Arruda MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17421 S LEC 002 MWF 930-1030AM 1670 BEYSTER Thouless MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17424 S LEC 003 MWF 130-230PM 2211 GGBL Barber MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17423 P DIS 004 W 130-230PM 1006 DOW MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17420 P DIS 005 W 230-330PM 1010 DOW MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 19206 P DIS 006 W 330-430PM 2233 GGBL MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17422 P DIS 007 W 1030-1130AM 1012 FXB MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17417 P DIS 008 W 1130-1230PM 2150 DOW MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17419 P DIS 009 W 1230-130PM 2305 GGBL MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 17418 P DIS 011 W 230-330PM 2233 GGBL MUST ENROLL IN ONE LECTURE *AND* ONE DISCUSSION OF ME211. 235 Thermodynamics I 3.00 ADVISORY 30008 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM G906 COOL Violi 29992 P LEC 002 TTH 3-430PM AUD CHRYS Violi 240 Dynamics&Vibrations 4.00 ADVISORY 10679 P LEC 001 MWF 330-5PM 1504 GGBL Perkins 10680 P W LEC 002 MWF 1130-1PM 2233 GGBL Okwudire 250 Des & Mfg I 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN THE LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. 10681 A LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM STAMPS Papalambros, Umbriac 10682 P LAB 002 MW 930-1030AM 1185 GGBL Umbriac 10683 P W LAB 003 MW 1030-1130AM 1185 GGBL Papalambros 10684 P LAB 004 MW 1130-1230PM 1185 GGBL 10685 P LAB 005 MW 1230-130PM 1185 GGBL Umbriac 10686 P W LAB 006 MW 130-230PM 1185 GGBL Umbriac, Papalambros 10687 P W LAB 007 MW 230-330PM 1185 GGBL Umbriac 25708 P W LAB 008 MW 330-430PM 1185 GGBL Umbriac 305 Intro Finite Elemnt 3.00 ADVISORY 10688 P LEC 001 MWF 1130-1230PM 1014 DOW Hulbert 311 Strength-Materials 3.00 ADVISORY 10689 P W LEC 001 MWF 1030-1130AM 2211 GGBL Lu 320 Fluid Mech I 3.00 ADVISORY 18566 P LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1500 EECS Akhavan 18567 P LEC 002 TTH 330-5PM 1670 BEYSTER Liang 335 Heat Transfer 3.00 ADVISORY 18565 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1005 DOW Fu 18574 P W LEC 002 TTH 330-5PM 2211 GGBL Kaviany 336 Thermodyn II 3.00 ADVISORY 26295 P W LEC 001 WF 12-130PM 1003 EECS Borgnakke 350 Des & Mfg II 4.00 ENFORCED 10690 A R LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1013 DOW Stein, Umbriac STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. 27367 P RW LAB 002 M 1230-230PM 1018 DOW Umbriac 10691 P RW LAB 003 F 1130-130PM 2315 GGBL Umbriac 10692 P RW LAB 004 F 130-330PM 2233 GGBL Umbriac 10693 P RW LAB 005 F 330-530PM 2233 GGBL Umbriac 25036 P RW LAB 006 TH 330-530PM 1200 EECS Umbriac 360 Mod&Cntrl Dyn Sys 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10694 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2211 GGBL Stein 10695 P R LEC 002 TTH 1230-230PM 2211 GGBL Tilbury 382 Mech Behav Matls 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10696 P RW LEC 001 MWF 10-1130AM 1311 EECS Garikipati 10697 P RW LEC 002 MWF 1130-1PM 1670 BEYSTER Daly 395 Lab I 4.00 ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. 10698 A RW LEC 001 M 130-3PM 1610 IOE Sick, Oldham 395 Lab I 4.00 ENFORCED A RW LEC 001 F 130-3PM 1504 GGBL 395 Lab I 4.00 ENFORCED 10699 P RW LAB 002 T 830-1130AM 2052 AL 26666 P RW LAB 003 TH 830-1130AM 2052 AL Oldham, Sick 26675 P RW LAB 004 W 1130-230PM 2052 AL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 53 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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26676 P RW LAB 005 T 230-530PM 2052 AL 19937 P RW LAB 006 TH 230-530PM 2052 AL 10700 P RW LAB 007 TH 1130-230PM 2052 AL 10701 P RW LAB 008 T 1130-230PM 2052 AL 400 Mech Engr Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 24883 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1010 DOW Schultz 412 Adv Strength Matls 3.00 ADVISORY 28951 P W LEC 001 WF 10-1130AM 3427 EECS Barber 424 Engin Acoustics 3.00 ADVISORY 28905 P LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 185 EWRE Grosh 433 Adv Energy Solutions 3.00 ADVISORY 26313 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 165 CHRYS Wooldridge Undergraduate students should enroll in ME433. Graduate students should enroll in AUTO 533 this fall, per the professor. Any override requests should be sent to 27643 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 133 CHRYS Boehman Undergraduate students should enroll in ME433. Graduate students should enroll in AUTO 533 this fall, per the professor. Any override requests should be sent to 26314 P LEC 881 ARR ARR Wooldridge 438 Intrnl Comb Eng I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24892 P R LEC 001 MW 330-530PM 165 CHRYS Martz 25602 P R LEC 881 ARR ARR Martz 440 Dynamics&Vibrations 4.00 ADVISORY 19240 P W LEC 001 MW 330-530PM 2211 GGBL Wang 450 Des & Mfg III 4.00 ENFORCED 10702 A RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1504 GGBL Krauss ENROLLMENT IN A DISCUSSION SECTION WILL AUTO-ENROLL YOU IN THE LECTURE AND RECITATION. PROJECTS VARY FOR DISCUSSION SECTIONS. ONCE CLASSES BEGIN, STUDENTS WILL DROP/ADD TO THE APPROPRIATE PROJECT-RELATED SECTION. MUST BE DONE BY 3RD WEEK OF TERM. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. 10703 A RW REC 002 TTH 4-530PM 1504 GGBL Krauss 10704 P RW DIS 003 TTH 230-4PM 1018 DOW Chronis 10705 P RW DIS 004 TTH 230-4PM 2233 GGBL Sienko 26690 P RW DIS 005 TTH 230-4PM 104 EWRE Kota 25556 P RW DIS 006 TTH 230-4PM 1012 EECS Krauss 21654 A RW LEC 010 TTH 1-230PM 185 EWRE Kuo ENROLLMENT IN A DISCUSSION SECTION WILL AUTO-ENROLL YOU IN THE LECTURE AND RECITATION. PROJECTS VARY FOR DISCUSSION SECTIONS. ONCE CLASSES BEGIN, STUDENTS WILL DROP/ADD TO THE APPROPRIATE PROJECT-RELATED SECTION. MUST BE DONE BY 3RD WEEK OF TERM. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. 30006 A RW REC 011 TTH 4-530PM 185 EWRE Kuo 30007 P RW DIS 012 TTH 230-330PM 185 EWRE Kuo 451 Prop Adv Mat 3.00 ADVISORY 24906 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1005 EECS Pan 452 Design for Mfg 3.00 ADVISORY 20669 P W LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 151 CHRYS Malen 455 Analyt Product Des 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY 23433 P W LEC 001 TTH 130-330PM 151 CHRYS Brei 456 Tissue Mechanics 3.00 ADVISORY 70.00 19307 PD LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1121 LBME Hollister For permission, contact Maria Steele, 461 Automatic Control 3.00 ADVISORY 10706 P W LEC 001 MWF 930-1030AM 1017 DOW Gillespie 482 Mach Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 23434 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1311 EECS Shih 487 Welding 3.00 ADVISORY 26345 P W LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 165 CHRYS Kannatey-Asibu Jr 490 Expmentl Res in M E 3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR STUDENTS MUST ALSO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AND REPORT ONLINE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: 491 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR STUDENTS MUST ALSO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AND REPORT ONLINE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: 495 Lab I I 4.00 ENFORCED 10707 A R LEC 001 MF 130-3PM 1013 DOW Sangi Reddy, Nagourney, Meyhofer STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO TAKE THIS COURSE PASS/FAIL. PREREQUISITES ARE ENFORCED AND MUST BE MET TO ENROLL IN THIS CLASS. 26692 P R LAB 002 T 830-1130AM 1070 AL Sangi Reddy, Meyhofer 18763 P R LAB 004 TH 830-1130AM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 10708 P RW LAB 005 T 1130-230PM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 10709 P RW LAB 006 W 1130-230PM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 10710 P RW LAB 007 TH 1130-230PM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 10711 P RW LAB 008 T 230-530PM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 10712 P RW LAB 009 W 230-530PM 1070 AL Meyhofer, Sangi Reddy 499 Spec Topics in M E 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 31819 P LEC 034 ARR ARR Perkins 28399 P W LEC 089 MW 330-5PM 1311 EECS Skerlos SUSTAINABLE ENGINEER & DESIGN 501 Math Methods in ME 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 54 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28826 P LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 2211 GGBL Gavini 511 Solid Continua 3.00 ADVISORY 10713 P LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1014 DOW Wineman 520 Adv Fluid Mech I 3.00 ADVISORY 10714 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2166 DOW Dowling 523 Comp Fluid Dyn I 3.00 ADVISORY 10715 P W LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 2211 GGBL Johnsen 530 Adv Heat Transfer 3.00 ADVISORY 28827 P W LEC 001 WF 10-1130AM 104 EWRE Kurabayashi 540 Intermed Dynamics 3.00 ADVISORY 18031 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G906 COOL Orosz 543 Analyticl&Comp Dyn I 3.00 ADVISORY 27673 P W LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 1690 BEYSTER Remy 552 Mechatronic Sys Des 4.00 ADVISORY 20659 A W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM ARR Awtar This class will meet in the Windows Training Room 1 (3358 A/C) and Windows Training Room 2 (3358 B/D) in the Duderstadt 26698 P W LAB 002 F 930-1130AM 1113 GGBL Awtar 553 Microele Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 24909 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 185 EWRE Chronis 558 Disc Des Opt 3.00 ADVISORY 28830 P LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 1123 LBME Saitou 560 Model Dyn Sy 3.00 ADVISORY 29967 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2315 GGBL Stein 563 Time Ser Anlys 3.00 ADVISORY 10716 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1010 DOW Byon 564 Lin Sys Thr 4.00 ADVISORY 10717 A W LEC 001 MWF 130-230PM 1670 BEYSTER Grizzle 10718 P W DIS 002 W 430-630PM 1013 DOW 567 Intro to Robotics 3.00 ADVISORY 28825 P W LEC 001 MWF 230-330PM 1005 EECS Gillespie 568 Vehicle Control Syst 3.00 ADVISORY 32660 P W LEC 001 TTH 330-5PM 151 CHRYS Gordon 32661 P LEC 881 ARR ARR Gordon 571 Energy Gen & Storage 3.00 ADVISORY 30471 P LEC 001 F 10-1PM ARR Linic 30472 P LEC 881 ARR ARR 572 Rheology & Fracture 3.00 ADVISORY 29701 P LEC 001 MW 330-5PM 2166 DOW Pan 586 Laser Mat Process 3.00 ADVISORY 17488 P LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1005 EECS Kannatey-Asibu Jr . 587 Global Mfg 3.00 ADVISORY 20679 P W LEC 001 MW 330-5PM 151 CHRYS Barton 31672 P LEC 881 ARR ARR 589 Sustainable Design 3.00 ADVISORY 23443 P LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 165 CHRYS Skerlos 23782 P LEC 881 TTH 3-430PM ARR Skerlos 590 Res Sel M E Topics 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR STUDENTS MUST ALSO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL AND REPORT ONLINE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING LINK: 599 Spec Topics in M E 3.00 ADVISORY 19296 P LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 185 EWRE Siegel Atomistic Compt Modlg of Mtrls MEETS WITH ME499-001. 25105 P LEC 002 MW 9-1030AM 1006 DOW Liu CELLULAR ENGINEERING 22921 P LEC 003 MWF 230-330PM 1311 EECS Mazumder MATH METHOD MATERIALS PROCESS 28824 P LEC 004 MWF 1030-1130AM 1005 EECS Meyhofer MOLECULAR & CELLULAR BIOSYSTEM 32265 P LEC 005 ARR ARR Boehman Adv Internal Combustion Engine 617 Mech of Polymers II 3.00 ADVISORY 28828 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1363 GGBL Wineman 631 Stat Thermodyn 3.00 ADVISORY 28829 P LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 1003 EECS Pipe 695 Master Thesis Res 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Naval Arch & Marine Engr Dept

Naval Architecture And Marine Engineering (NAVARCH)
--MANY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING COURSES REQUIRE STUDENTS NOT ENROLLED IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION OR ENGINEERING (INCLUDING CCS MAJORS) TO PAY A $115-207 COMPUTER USER FEE. THIS IS A SPECIAL FEE, TO BE PAID ONLY ONCE EACH TERM, AND IS IN ADDITION TO THE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCESS FEE PAID BY FULL TIME STUDENTS AS PART OF THEIR REGULAR FEE ASSESSMENT. YOU WILL BE INFORMED ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS WHETHER OR NOT YOUR CLASS IS SUBJECT TO THIS FEE. 102 Int Ship Sys 3.00 19905 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 262 NH 19906 P LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 262 NH 19907 A LAB 003 TH 330-530PM G390 DENT 270 Marine Design 4.00 ADVISORY 10742 P LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 107 GFL Beck 270 Marine Design 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 130-230PM 107 GFL 310 Marine Structure I 4.00 ADVISORY 10743 P LEC 001 MTWTH 1130-1230PM 138 NAME Vlahopoulos, McCaffery 320 Marine Hydro I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10744 P R LEC 001 MW 930-11AM 107 GFL Maki 320 Marine Hydro I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED PR LEC 001 F 930-1030AM 107 GFL 331 Marine Engr I 3.00 ADVISORY 18481 P LEC 001 MWF 1230-130PM 138 NAME Cook 401 Small Craft Design 4.00 ADVISORY 30042 P LEC 001 MW 1-3PM 1123 LBME Maki 410 Marine Str II 4.00 ADVISORY 19887 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM ARR Karr Class will meet in 236 NAME Building 470 Fnd Ship Design 4.00 ADVISORY 10745 A LEC 001 MTW 9-10AM 138 NAME Vlahopoulos, Kumpf 19962 P LAB 002 TH 9-10AM 138 NAME Vlahopoulos 483 Marine Control Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 27227 P LEC 001 MW 3-430PM 138 NAME Sun 490 Dir Std,Res&Sp Prob 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 491 Marine Engin Lab I 3.00 ADVISORY 18629 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 138 NAME Perlin, Kumpf 18630 P LAB 002 F 830-1030AM ARR Perlin 18631 P LAB 003 F 1030-1230PM ARR Perlin 20115 P LAB 004 F 1-3PM ARR Perlin 511 Sp Topic Ship Struc 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 512 Fem Sol&Str 3.00 ADVISORY 26927 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1311 EECS El-Tawil 520 Int Mar Hydro 4.00 ADVISORY 23160 P LEC 001 TTH 230-430PM 138 NAME Young 521 Dir Study Mar Hydro 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 540 Marine Dyn III 4.00 ADVISORY 10749 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 138 NAME Troesch 540 Marine Dyn III 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 10-11AM 138 NAME 562 Marine Sys Productn 4.00 ENFORCED 10750 P R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 107 GFL Singer 562 Marine Sys Productn 4.00 ENFORCED PR LEC 001 F 1130-1230PM 107 GFL 571 Ship Des Proj 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 575 Marine CAD Project 2.00-6.00 IND + ARR ARR 579 Conc Des Team Proj 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 582 Reliab Safe Mar Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 25106 P LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 138 NAME Perakis 590 Seminar 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 592 Masters Thesis 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 599 Special Topics NAME 1.00-6.00 ENFORCED 26058 P R LEC 028 TTH 10-1130AM 138 NAME Perakis Maritime Economics & Mgt Register for 3 credit hours 792 Prof Degree Thesis 1.00-8.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED U of M Schedule of Classes Page 56 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Nuclear Engr & Radiological Sci

Nuclear Engineering And Radiological Sciences (NERS)
211 15674 15675 26776 299 Intro to Nucl Eng 4.00 S LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 1200 EECS Atzmon, Cramer, Bielajew P DIS 201 F 9-10AM 1303 EECS Bielajew, Atzmon P DIS 202 F 9-10AM 1311 EECS Cramer, Atzmon Directed Study NERS 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 311 N E & Rad Sci I 3.00 ADVISORY 10758 P LEC 001 MW 130-230PM G906 COOL Wehe 311 N E & Rad Sci I 3.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 130-330PM G906 COOL 320 Problems in NERS 3.00 ADVISORY 31923 P LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1005 EECS Larsen, McCulloch 320 Problems in NERS 3.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 1130-1230PM 1311 EECS 421 Nucl Engr Materials 3.00 ADVISORY 18718 P LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 1940 COOL 441 Nucl React Theo I 4.00 ADVISORY 10759 P LEC 001 MW 11-1230PM G906 COOL Martin, Harvey 441 Nucl React Theo I 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 11-12PM G906 COOL 462 React Safety Analys 3.00 ADVISORY 10760 P LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1940 COOL Lee, Abdul Rahman 471 Intr Plasmas-Fusion 3.00 ADVISORY 10761 P LEC 001 TTH 130-3PM 1940 COOL Foster 484 RHE Fundamentals 4.00 ADVISORY 10762 P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM G906 COOL Kearfott 484 RHE Fundamentals 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 9-11AM G906 COOL 490 Special Topics 2.00-4.00 25134 P R LEC 001 MW 230-430PM G906 COOL Manera, Wysocki Thermal Hydraulics in Nucl Sys 31925 P LEC 002 TTH 5-6PM 1940 COOL Fleming 20th C entur- Develop Nucl Sci 499 Res Nur Eng/Rad Sci 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR 515 Nuclear Measure Lab 4.00 ADVISORY 10764 S LEC 001 TTH 1230-230PM 2918 COOL He, Kitchen There there will be additional lectures for the first 3 weeks of classes. These lectures will be scheduled for Thursdays from 12:30-2:30 pm. Location will be announced in 1st regular class. 10765 P LAB 002 ARR ARR He, Kitchen STUDENTS MUST ELECT LAB AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 521 Rad Mat Sci I 3.00 ADVISORY 19422 P LEC 001 TTH 9-1030AM 1940 COOL Was 535 Det Nucl Non-prolif 4.00 ADVISORY 27739 S LEC 001 MW 330-530PM 1940 COOL Bourne 27742 P LAB 002 ARR ARR Pozzi 543 Nucl React Theo II 3.00 ADVISORY 19421 P LEC 001 MW 2-330PM 1940 COOL Larsen 571 Inter Plas-Phys I 3.00 ADVISORY 10766 P LEC 001 TTH 330-5PM 1940 COOL Lau 577 Plasma Spectroscopy 3.00 ADVISORY 30024 P LEC 001 TTH 11-1230PM 2918 COOL Thomas 578 Proc Plasma 3.00 ADVISORY 21934 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 1012 EECS Kushner 588 Rad Safe&Md Phy Prac 1.00-12.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 590 Special Topics II 3.00 ADVISORY 30023 P LEC 001 W 11-12PM 1940 COOL Pozzi Nuclear Safeguards 21933 P LEC 002 MW 12-130PM 1940 COOL Downar Sol Meth/Linear-Nonlinear Equ TENTATIVE travel dates to ORNL Safeguards Lab for training is scheduled for November 6-12, 2011 599 Masters Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 674 Laser-Plasm Int 3.00 ADVISORY 30025 P LEC 001 MW 130-3PM 2918 COOL 799 Special Project 1.00-6.00 IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Technical Communication
Technical Communication (TCHNCLCM)
IN ORDER FOR STUDENTS TO MAINTAIN THEIR PLACE IN CLASS, THEY MUST EITHER ATTEND ONE OF THE FIRST TWO CLASS MEETINGS OR NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT OF THEIR INTENDED ABSENCE PRIOR TO THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS. 300 Tech Comm for EE&CE 1.00 21640 P W LEC 008 M 1230-130PM 104 EWRE Zahn 21641 P W LEC 009 M 1030-1130AM 104 EWRE McCaffery 21642 P W LEC 010 T 1030-1130AM 107 GFL Nagourney 21643 P W LEC 011 T 330-430PM 107 GFL Kumpf 21644 P W LEC 012 TH 330-430PM 107 GFL Fishstrom 21645 P W LEC 013 T 330-430PM 2315 GGBL Fishstrom 21646 P W LEC 014 F 1030-1130AM 107 GFL McCaffery 30527 P W LEC 016 M 130-230PM 104 EWRE Pavlov 31978 P W LEC 017 M 130-230PM 2246 SRB Himsel-Burcon 31981 P W LEC 018 F 1030-1130AM 1024 FXB Pavlov 380 Tech Comm in IOE 2.00 ADVISORY 18645 P RW LEC 002 TTH 930-1030AM 1680 IOE Wisniewski 19228 P RW LEC 003 TTH 830-930AM 1680 IOE Lind 19956 P RW LEC 004 TTH 1230-130PM 1680 IOE Lind 496 Adv TchCom for EE/CE 2.00 ENFORCED 16964 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1230PM 1024 FXB Kumpf 17336 P RW LEC 003 TTH 1130-1230PM 2233 GGBL Nagourney 30529 P RW LEC 004 MW 130-230PM 3427 EECS Sheffield, McCaffery 30528 P RW LEC 005 TTH 230-330PM 107 GFL Kumpf 18169 P RW LEC 006 TTH 130-230PM 1024 FXB Khan, Fowler 497 Adv Tch Com for CS 2.00 ENFORCED 30543 P RW LEC 001 MW 930-1030AM 2305 GGBL Northrop 21647 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1230-130PM 1670 BEYSTER Johnson 575 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 590 Intern in Tech Comm 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 610 Dissertatn Writing 3.00 ADVISORY 10773 P R SEM 001 MW 3-430PM 216 GFL Hildinger, Fishstrom 10774 P R SEM 002 ARR ARR Hildinger, Hogg Jr, Pavlov, Zahn, Kominsky, Kumpf, Himsel-Burcon 675 Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR

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School of Information
Information (SI)
110 17394 17395 17396 21913 21914 24122 24446 28997 28998 33227 339 27854 422 28927 429 28928 491 Intr to Info Studies 4.00 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1210 CHEM Lampe P W DIS 002 M 4-5PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 003 TH 5-6PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 005 W 10-11AM 2245 NQ P W DIS 006 T 5-6PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 007 T 4-5PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2185 NQ P W DIS 009 W 1-2PM 2185 NQ P W DIS 010 T 9-10AM 2185 NQ Des of Comp Websites 3.00 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM LEC RM 2 MLB Van Lent Usab Eval&Needs 3.00 P RW LEC 001 TTH 5-630PM 2255 NQ Hogan eCommunities 3.00 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1255 NQ Ellison Independent Study 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 501 Contextual Inq 3.00 20736 A LEC 001 T 4-6PM AUD B AH Fontichiaro, Cook 20737 P RW DIS 002 T 5-7PM G437 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20738 P RW DIS 003 T 5-7PM G449 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20739 P RW DIS 004 T 5-7PM G463 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20740 P RW DIS 005 T 5-7PM B101 MLB The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20741 P RW DIS 006 T 5-7PM B109 MLB The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20743 A LEC 008 TH 4-6PM AUD C AH Fontichiaro, Cook 20744 P RW DIS 009 TH 5-7PM G026 TISCH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20745 P RW DIS 010 TH 5-7PM G144 AH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20746 P RW DIS 011 TH 5-7PM G232 AH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 20747 P RW DIS 012 TH 5-7PM 2330 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 27723 P RW DIS 013 TH 5-7PM 2336 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 29170 P RW DIS 014 TH 5-7PM 2347 MH The SI 501 group sessions overlap intentionally with the lecture. The length of the lectures and the group sessions varies week to week. Select time conflict OK when registering for this course. 502 Net Computing 3.00 20748 A LEC 001 W 830-1130AM E1540 BUS Severance 20749 P RW DIS 002 TH 10-1130AM 2185 NQ Severance 20751 P RW DIS 004 TH 830-10AM 2185 NQ Severance 23187 P RW DIS 005 TH 1-230PM 1265 NQ Severance 20752 P RW DIS 006 TH 230-4PM 1265 NQ Severance 20753 P RW DIS 007 F 1-230PM 1265 NQ Severance 25558 A LEC 009 F 1-4PM 1255 NQ Severance 25559 P RW DIS 010 W 10-1130AM 1265 NQ Severance 25565 P RW DIS 011 M 4-5PM 1265 NQ Severance 26147 P RW DIS 012 M 10-1130AM 2185 NQ Severance 29206 P RW DIS 013 T 10-1130AM 2185 NQ Severance 29208 P RW DIS 014 M 1-230PM 1265 NQ Severance 29207 P RW DIS 015 M 230-4PM 1265 NQ Severance 507 Foundations of Info 3.00 20829 P RW SEM 001 T 830-1130AM 2245 NQ Rosenberg 512 Design for Engagmnt 1.00 30426 P RW SEM 001 T 4-5PM 2245 NQ Lampe U of M Schedule of Classes Page 60 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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519 Intel Prop&Info Law 26072 P RW SEM 001 W 5-8PM 520 Graphic Design 21718 P RW LEC 001 TH 4-7PM Graphic Design 28925 P RW LEC 002 M 5-8PM 523 Info & Control 21741 P RW LEC 001 TH 6-9PM Information and Control 528 Records Management 21794 P RW LEC 001 F 1-4PM 531 Human Inter Info Ret 21719 P RW LEC 001 T 1-4PM 534 Theories Soc Influen 22872 P RW LEC 001 M 1-4PM 539 Des of Comp Websites 17435 P RW LEC 001 F 830-1130AM 541 Know & Info Infrastr 30300 P RW LEC 001 W 5-8PM 542 Health Informatics 26495 P RW LEC 001 TW 3-430PM 543 Programming I 20831 A W LEC 001 W 2-4PM 21166 P RW DIS 002 TH 4-5PM 29475 P RW DIS 003 TH 5-6PM 544 Intr Stat&Data Analy 23174 A LEC 001 M 930-1130AM 29865 P RW DIS 002 TH 1-3PM 30115 P RW DIS 003 W 930-1130AM 549 Trfrm Lrng Tchg Tech 17647 P R SEM 001 M 9-12PM Required for ED Tech Master's Doctoral students. 552 Tech & Accessibility 30455 P RW LEC 001 F 9-12PM 562 Microecon Inf Prof 20719 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 563 Game Theory 20720 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 573 HI Leadership Sem 27803 P R SEM 001 W 1-230PM 580 Records & Archives 10777 P RW LEC 001 T 1-4PM 581 Preservation Admin 20801 P RW LEC 001 W 830-1130AM 582 Intro Interac Design 27021 P RW LEC 001 M 830-1130AM Students who took SI 682 are not eligible to enroll in SI 582. 27022 P RW LEC 002 W 6-9PM Students who took SI 682 are not eligible to enroll in SI 582. 588 Fundamntls Hum Beh 22569 P RW LEC 001 T 830-1130AM 26882 P RW LEC 002 TH 1-4PM 601 Data Manipulation 28954 P RW LEC 001 M 5-8PM 618 Expl Data Analysis 28955 P RW LEC 001 M 5-8PM 624 Media Chld&Yng Adlts 10778 P RW LEC 001 M 4-7PM 626 Manage Nonprofit Lib 23169 P RW LEC 001 W 5-8PM 629 Access Sys Archives 10779 P RW LEC 001 M 830-1130AM 634 Appl Pltfrm Config 22610 P RW LEC 001 M 4-530PM 635 Appl Pltfrm Custom 22568 P RW LEC 001 M 530-7PM 637 Res Sem on Arch&Inst 17397 P RW LEC 001 W 2-5PM 641 Inf Lit for Teaching 10780 P RW LEC 001 T 530-830PM 642 Adv Topics Hlth Info 31890 P LEC 001 TH 3-6PM 647 Info Resources&Serv 10781 P RW LEC 001 M 1-4PM 649 Info Visualization 23170 P RW LEC 001 M 1-4PM 657 Info Tech and Inter 25137 P RW LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 658 Info Architecture U of M Schedule of Classes Page 61 of 382

2255 NQ 1570 CCL 1570 CCL 1255 NQ 2245 NQ 2245 NQ 2245 NQ 2255 NQ 2185 NQ 1655 SPH1A 2255 NQ 2245 NQ 2245 NQ 1255 NQ 2255 NQ 1255 NQ 4212 SEB 1255 NQ 2185 NQ 2185 NQ 1255 NQ 1255 NQ 2255 NQ 2245 NQ 2245 NQ 2255 NQ 1255 NQ 1255 NQ

3.00 Levine 3.00 Godin, Besprozvany Godin, Besprozvany 3.00 King 3.00 Wallace 3.00 Rieh 3.00 Krupka 3.00 Van Lent 3.00 Edwards 3.00 ADVISORY Friedman, Flynn 3.00 Van Lent Van Lent Van Lent 3.00 Ware 3.00 Fishman 3.00 Pal 1.50 Chen 1.50 Chen 1.00 Friedman 3.00 Hedstrom 3.00 Zachary 3.00 Klasnja Cook 3.00 Buis Robert 1.50 1.50


1255 NQ 2245 NQ 1255 NQ 2255 NQ 2255 NQ 2255 NQ 2185 NQ 2245 NQ 2690 SPH1A 2255 NQ 1255 NQ 2245 NQ 3.00 Fontichiaro 3.00 Veinot 3.00 Yakel 1.50 Hess 1.50 Hess 3.00 Wallace 3.00 Fontichiaro 3.00 Zheng 3.00 Rieh 3.00 Adar 3.00 Pal 3.00


ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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25167 P RW LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2255 NQ 661 Mgmt in Health Info 31231 P RW SEM 001 W 3-6PM 2245 NQ 663 Entrepre Info Indus 21011 P RW LEC 001 M 1-4PM 2185 NQ 664 Database App Design 21722 P RW LEC 001 TH 830-1130AM 2255 NQ 665 Online Search&Dbase 20813 P RW LEC 001 TH 830-1130AM 2245 NQ 666 Org of Inf Resources 15527 P RW LEC 001 F 830-1130AM 2245 NQ 681 Intern/Field Seminar 18646 PIR SEM 001 ARR ARR Students must have completed an approved 6 credit internship to enroll. 689 Social Interact Exp 23171 P RW LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1255 NQ 690 Intern/Field Exper I IND + ARR ARR 694 Adv Proj&Soc Cmp Des 26907 P RW LEC 001 W 2-5PM 1265 NQ 701 Doctoral Fnd Sem 25216 P RW SEM 001 T 830-1130AM 1265 NQ 702 Sem Orgnztl St 10783 P RW SEM 001 F 130-3PM K1310 BUS 721 Data Mining 27371 P RW SEM 001 T 1-4PM 1265 NQ 729 Access Sys Archives 20792 P RW LEC 001 M 830-1130AM ARR Class Location: 2255 NQ 737 Res Sem on Arch&Inst 17398 P RW LEC 001 W 2-5PM ARR Class Location: 2185 NQ 741 Know & Info Infrastr 30301 P RW LEC 001 W 5-8PM ARR Location: 2185 NQ 754 Data Curation 22904 P RW LEC 001 TH 830-1130AM 1265 NQ Data Curation This course is for IGERT fellows, SI doctorals, and MSI ARM and PI students. 755 Unorthodox Res Meth 32075 P RW SEM 001 TH 9-12PM 2155 NQ Location: NQ2155 757 Info Tech and Inter 25576 P RW LEC 001 TH 1-4PM ARR Room Location: 2185 NQ 791 Independent Study I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand R IND + ARR ARR

Klyn 3.00 ADVISORY Adler-Milstein 3.00 Rosenberg 3.00 ADVISORY Severance 3.00 ADVISORY Markey 3.00 ADVISORY Markey 6.00 ADVISORY Kowatch 3.00 Ackerman 1.00-6.50 3.00 Newman 3.00 Resnick 1.00-3.00 Ashford 3.00 Mei 3.00 Yakel 3.00 Wallace 3.00 Edwards 3.00 Lagoze 3.00 Sandvig 3.00 Pal 1.00-3.00 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY



U of M Schedule of Classes

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School Of Kinesiology
Athletic Training (AT)
200 Clin Exp Ath Train A 3.00 ADVISORY AT Major; Sophomore Standing 17490 PIRW LEC 001 M 7-9PM 4151 USB Czajka 210 Clin Eval-UE AT Inj 3.00 ADVISORY 19246 PIRW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3040 CCRB Czajka Concurrent enrollment in AT 212 is required. 212 Clin Eval-UE AT Inj 1.00 ADVISORY Concurrent enrollment in AT 210 is required. 19247 PIRW LAB 001 F 8-10AM 3040 CCRB McCormick 218 Emergency Response 3.00 23162 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3275 CCRB Harris 27712 P RW LEC 002 MW 230-4PM 3040 CCRB Winkelseth 29736 P W LEC 003 MW 1130-1PM 3275 CCRB Winkelseth 32950 P W LEC 004 F 10-1PM 3275 CCRB Harris 300 Clin Exp Ath Train C 3.00 ADVISORY 17491 PIRW LEC 001 M 7-9PM ARR Czajka 326 Fund of Strngth&Cond 3.00 ADVISORY 23161 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3733 CCRB Pickerman 350 Therap Modalities 3.00 ADVISORY 18637 P RW LEC 001 F 830-10AM 2100 OBL Czajka 350 Therap Modalities 3.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 W 830-10AM 3100 OBL Concurrent enrollment in AT 352 is required.This class is held in two different locations, as follows:Wednesday classes will be held in OBL 3100 and Friday classes will be held in OBL 2100. 352 Therapeutic Mod Lab 1.00 ADVISORY Concurrent enrollment in AT 350 is required. 19248 P RW LAB 001 M 8-10AM ARR Shinavier Jr 360 Rehab Ath Injuries 3.00 ADVISORY 14325 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3050 CCRB Czajka Concurrent enrollment in AT 362 is required. 362 Rehab Athlet Inj Lab 1.00 ADVISORY Concurrent enrollment in AT 360 is required. 19251 P RW LAB 001 F 10-12PM 3040 CCRB McCormick 400 Clin Exp Ath Train E 3.00 ADVISORY 17492 PIRW LEC 001 M 7-9PM ARR Czajka 402 Teach Exp 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR 403 Internship in AT 0.50-4.00 ADVISORY 17386 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 410 AT Admin 3.00 ADVISORY 18640 P RW LEC 001 M 7-10AM 1100 OBL Broglio 488 Ind Study AT 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR


Kinesiology (KINESLGY)

302 Kines Study Abroad 1.00-18.00 22725 PI W LEC 601 ARR ARR Afonso Australia University of Queensland in Australia 22726 PI W LEC 602 ARR ARR Afonso England Loughborough University in England 22727 PI W LEC 603 ARR ARR Afonso Limerick, Ireland University of Limerick in Ireland 22728 PI W LEC 604 ARR ARR Afonso Dublin, Ireland University College Dublin in Ireland 402 Teach Exper 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 413 Special Topics MVS 3.00 28647 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3040 CCRB Hasson Advisory prerequisite: MOVESCI 340 32019 PI W LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 2695 SPH1A Mergos Prerequisite: Intro to Surgical Neuromonitoring (MVS 313.001 and MOVESCI 320.) Students meeting this prerequisite should contact to request an override. 414 Dir Teach Sem 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14366 P RW LEC 001 W 4-6PM 2100 OBL VanVolkinburg CONCURRENT ELECTION OF KINESLGY 415 REQUIRED. 415 Dir Teach P E 6.00-12.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14367 P RW LAB 001 ARR ARR VanVolkinburg CONCURRENT ELECTION OF KINESLGY 414 REQUIRED. 421 Disord Vol Move 3.00 ENFORCED U of M Schedule of Classes Page 63 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28639 P RW LEC 001 TH 423 Sensorimot Dev 23275 P RW LEC 001 MW 425 PA & Ped Disability 14368 P RW LEC 001 TTH 429 Lab Mtr Cnt Dev 14369 PI LAB 001 14370 PI LAB 002 19104 PI LAB 003 18137 PI LAB 004 19095 PI LAB 005 21021 PI LAB 006 25669 PI LAB 007 437 MotnCap Anim Biomech 24858 P RW LEC 001 MW 439 Lab Biomechanic 20005 PI LAB 001 15536 PI LAB 002 21022 PI LAB 003 21425 PI LAB 004 21543 PI LAB 005 32250 PI LAB 006 441 Environ Exer Phys 28778 P RW LEC 001 TTH 449 Lab Exer Phys 14371 PI LAB 001 14372 PI LAB 002 14373 PI LAB 003 15523 PI LAB 004 18886 PI LAB 005 25774 PI LAB 006 471 Phys Activity Epid 25042 P RW LEC 001 TTH 475 IV/AIDS/STIs/Sex Ed 14374 P RW LEC 001 TTH 505 Disability Studies 25894 PI W SEM 001 T 509 Fin Mgmt Spt Indus 23552 P RW LEC 001 W 513 Experimental Course 24339 P RW LEC 001 M Sports, EcoDev, Urban Plan 514 Strat Mngmt in Sport 28896 P RW LEC 001 TH 519 Spt Mgmt in Depth I IND + 540 Adv Exerc Phys 22322 P RW LEC 001 M 550 Mkt Mngmtin Sport 17406 P RW SEM 001 T 619 Thesis Research IR IND + 680 Practicum Kines I IND + 682 Ind Read in Kin I IND + 684 Ind Res in Kin I IND + 685 Res Rotation in Kin 19832 PI LAB 001 20123 PI LAB 002 20389 PI LAB 003 21033 PI LAB 004 21832 PI LAB 005 21994 PI LAB 006 22008 PI LAB 007 22113 PI LAB 008 22909 PI LAB 009 22910 PI LAB 010 23066 PI LAB 011 23078 PI LAB 012 23097 PI LAB 013 23984 PI LAB 014 27526 PI LAB 015 27930 PI LAB 016 31087 PI LAB 017 686 Intern in Kines I IND + 990 Diss-Precand U of M Schedule of Classes Page 64



Brown 3.00 Ulrich 3.00 Pitchford 1.00-3.00


Ulrich Ulrich Seidler Brown McLean Meehan 3.00 ENFORCED Gross 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Ferris Gross Palmieri-Smith McLean Palmer Gates 3.00 ENFORCED Borer 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Borer Horowitz Katch Cartee Bodary Gordon 3.00 ENFORCED Borer 3.00 Winkelseth 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Kuppers 3.00 ADVISORY Fort 3.00 ADVISORY Rosentraub 3.00 Babiak 2.00-3.00 3.00 Horowitz 3.00 Moore 1.00-6.00 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY Ulrich Cartee Babiak McLean Ulrich Ferris Bodary Horowitz Palmer Fort Rosentraub Winfree Gross Palmieri-Smith Heinze Meehan Armstrong 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY



CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC







I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +



Movement Science (MOVESCI)

NOTE - ENROLLMENT NOT GUARANTEED FOR STUDENTS OTHER THAN KINESIOLOGY MAJORS. ATTENDANCE AT FIRST CLASS IS MANDATORY TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN CLASS. ACTIVITY CLASSES FOR NON-MAJORS ARE LISTED IN THE UMOVE PROGRAM. 110 Bio&Beh Bases Hu Mvt 3.00 14303 P R LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 3735 CCRB Kern, Hadlock, Seidler There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14304 P R LEC 002 MWF 10-11AM 1100 OBL Hadlock, Kern, Seidler There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14305 P R LEC 003 MWF 10-11AM 2100 OBL Seidler, Hadlock, Kern There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 219 Scientific Writing 3.00 24833 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3100 OBL Clark 24834 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 2100 OBL Clark 24835 P RW LEC 003 TTH 230-4PM 1100 OBL Clark 24836 P RW LEC 004 TTH 4-530PM 1100 OBL Clark 28482 P RW LEC 005 TTH 5-630PM 3733 CCRB Ferris 230 Hum Musculo Anat 3.00 18025 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1400 CHEM Gross Kinesiology students are required to concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 231. 231 Hum Musculo Anat Lab 1.00 27009 P RW LAB 001 W 230-430PM 3100 OBL Martini Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 27006 P RW LAB 002 W 430-630PM 3100 OBL Martini Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 27008 P RW LAB 003 TH 230-430PM 3100 OBL Guerin Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 27007 P RW LAB 004 TH 430-630PM 3100 OBL Guerin Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 27010 P RW LAB 005 F 9-11AM 3100 OBL Carter Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 27011 P RW LAB 006 F 11-1PM 3100 OBL Carter Kinesiology students must concurrently enroll in MOVESCI 230. 240 Intro to Fit&Health 3.00 19232 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2062 PALM Katch 241 Ex Nutr Wt Cn 3.00 14307 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1400 CHEM Katch 250 Statistics 3.00 24832 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1755 SPH1 Meehan 280 Kin UG Research Opp 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 14308 PI DIS 001 ARR ARR Knox, Gregerman CONTACT UROP OFFICE 647-2768. 290 Field Exp MOVESCI 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 313 Special Topics 2.00-3.00 27289 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1170 SPH2 Mergos Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring Highly recommended prerequisite courses include PHYSIOLOGY 201 and PHYSICS 135. Students must concurrently enroll in sections 001, 002 and a lab section (003, 004 or 005.) For registration questions, please email Caroline Lucas ( 29067 S LEC 002 T 3-4PM 3100 OBL Mergos Surgical Neuromonitoring Lab Highly recommended prerequisite courses include PHYSIOLOGY 201 and PHYSICS 135. Students must concurrently enroll in sections 001, 002 and a lab section (003, 004 or 005.) For registration questions, please email Caroline Lucas ( 29070 P RW LAB 003 TH 3-5PM ARR Mergos Surgical Neuromonitoring Lab Class location: 1170 OBL.Highly recommended prerequisite courses include PHYSIOLOGY 201 and PHYSICS 135. Students must concurrently enroll in sections 001, 002 and a lab section (003, 004 or 005.) For registration questions, please email Caroline Lucas ( 29071 P RW LAB 004 TH 5-7PM ARR Mergos Surgical Neuromonitoring Lab Class location: 1170 OBL.Highly recommended prerequisite courses include PHYSIOLOGY 201 and PHYSICS 135. Students must concurrently enroll in sections 001, 002 and a lab section (003, 004 or 005.) For registration questions, please email Caroline Lucas ( 29072 P RW LAB 005 T 4-6PM 3100 OBL Mergos U of M Schedule of Classes Page 65 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Surgical Neuromonitoring Lab Highly recommended prerequisite courses include PHYSIOLOGY 201 and PHYSICS 135. Students must concurrently enroll in sections 001, 002 and a lab section (003, 004 or 005.) For registration questions, please email Caroline Lucas ( 320 Motor Control 4.00 ENFORCED 14309 A RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1690 SPH1A Brown "Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring" can be substituted for PHYSIOL 201 as a prerequisite for MOVESCI 320 (only.) Students will need to request an override. 19303 P RW LAB 002 T 5-7PM 3050 CCRB Kern "Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring" can be substituted for PHYSIOL 201 as a prerequisite for MOVESCI 320 (only.) Students will need to request an override. 19304 P RW LAB 003 W 5-7PM 3050 CCRB Kern "Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring" can be substituted for PHYSIOL 201 as a prerequisite for MOVESCI 320 (only.) Students will need to request an override. 20936 P RW LAB 004 TH 1030-1230PM 3050 CCRB Suzuki "Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring" can be substituted for PHYSIOL 201 as a prerequisite for MOVESCI 320 (only.) Students will need to request an override. 21532 P RW LAB 005 TH 1230-230PM 3050 CCRB Suzuki "Intro Surgical Neuromonitoring" can be substituted for PHYSIOL 201 as a prerequisite for MOVESCI 320 (only.) Students will need to request an override. 330 Biomech of Hum Mvmt 4.00 ENFORCED 19839 A RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1690 SPH1A Gates 19840 P RW LAB 002 M 8-10AM 3050 CCRB Cowley 19841 P RW LAB 003 T 10-12PM 3050 CCRB Kang 20029 P RW LAB 004 T 12-2PM 3050 CCRB Kang 20922 P RW LAB 005 TH 5-7PM 3050 CCRB Gardinier 26694 P RW LAB 006 F 8-10AM 3050 CCRB Cowley 340 Exercise Physiol 4.00 ENFORCED 14310 A RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1040 DANA Bodary 14311 P RW LAB 002 M 11-1PM 3050 CCRB Van Pelt 14312 P RW LAB 003 M 1-3PM 3050 CCRB Ma 19855 P RW LAB 004 T 2-4PM 3050 CCRB Ma 20923 P RW LAB 005 W 11-1PM 3050 CCRB Van Pelt 22731 P RW LAB 006 TH 3-5PM 3050 CCRB Gardinier 26696 P RW LAB 007 F 1-3PM 3050 CCRB Bodary 27359 P RW LAB 008 W 230-430PM 3050 CCRB Bodary 380 Prob in Move Sci 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 381 Comm Serv Learn 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 382 Honors Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 384 Honors Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 390 Field Exp MVS 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 402 Teach Exp Mvs 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 403 Internship 0.50-4.00 ADVISORY 14316 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Bodary 25376 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR Bodary 25377 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Bodary 25378 PI LAB 004 ARR ARR Bodary 32195 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Bodary 413 Special Topics MVS 3.00 28619 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3040 CCRB Hasson Social Factors Phys Activity Advisory prerequisites: MOVESCI 340 and MOVESCI 219 31989 PIRW LEC 002 TTH 1030-12PM 2695 SPH1A Mergos Neuroanesth Adv IONM Prerequisite: Intro to Surgical Neuromonitoring (MVS 313.001 and MOVESCI 320.) Students meeting this prerequisite should contact to request an override. 421 Disord Vol Move 3.00 ENFORCED 28621 P RW LEC 001 TH 3-6PM 3040 CCRB Brown 423 Sensorimot Dev 3.00 ENFORCED 23272 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3040 CCRB Ulrich 425 PA & Ped Disability 3.00 ENFORCED 14318 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3735 CCRB Pitchford 429 Lab Mtr Cnt Dev 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 14319 PIR LAB 001 ARR ARR 14320 PIR LAB 002 ARR ARR Ulrich 19091 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Ulrich 18147 PIR LAB 004 ARR ARR Seidler 19092 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Brown 21019 PI LAB 006 ARR ARR McLean 25663 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Meehan 437 MotnCap Anim Biomech 3.00 ENFORCED 24839 P RW LEC 001 MW 3-5PM 1401 DC Gross Students may email Dr. Gross ( to request an override for this course, if they are concurrently U of M Schedule of Classes Page 66 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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enrolled in MOVESCI 330, MOVESCI 437's prerequisite. 439 Lab Biomechanic 20002 PI LAB 001 ARR 15537 PI LAB 002 ARR 21020 PI LAB 003 ARR 21424 PI LAB 004 ARR 21540 PI LAB 005 ARR 32243 PI LAB 006 ARR 441 Environ Exer Phys 28668 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 449 Lab Exer Phys 14321 PIR LAB 001 ARR 14322 PIR LAB 002 ARR 14538 PIR LAB 003 ARR 15524 PIR LAB 004 ARR 18885 PI LAB 005 ARR 25771 PI LAB 006 ARR 471 Phys Activity Epid 25032 P RW LEC 001 TTH 5-630PM 488 Independent Study I IND + ARR 489 Senior Thesis I IND + ARR 490 Sr Honors Thesis-A I IND + ARR


1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Ferris Gross Palmieri-Smith McLean Palmer Gates 3.00 ENFORCED Borer 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Borer Horowitz Katch Cartee Bodary Gordon 3.00 ENFORCED Borer 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 2.00-5.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-5.00 ARR

Physical Education (PHYSED)

NOTE - ENROLLMENT NOT GUARANTEED FOR STUDENTS OTHER THAN KINESIOLOGY MAJORS. ATTENDANCE AT FIRST CLASS IS MANDATORY TO RESERVE YOUR PLACE IN CLASS NOTE - COURSES 140, 141, 142, 145, AND 349: CONTACT THE U-MOVE OFFICE (764-1342 OR U-MOVE@UMICH.EDU) FOR CLASS TIMES AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION. 140 Beginning Swim 1.00 14326 PD W LAB 001 MW 6-7PM BELL POOL Moncrieff Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). Little or no swim experience? This course is for you. You'll start with entering the pool and getting comfortable. You'll progress to front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly. And you'll learn jumping in, treading, and water safety. Goal: one length of the pool. Goggles recommended. Attendance in at least one of the first two classes is mandatory for evaluation or you may lose your spot in class to those on a waitlist. No enrollments are accepted after the class meets a third time. 29717 PD W LAB 002 TTH 7-8PM BELL POOL Zakin Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). Little or no swim experience? This course is for you. You'll start with entering the pool and getting comfortable. You'll progress to front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, and butterfly. And you'll learn jumping in, treading, and water safety. Goal: one length of the pool. Goggles recommended. Attendance in at least one of the first two classes is mandatory for evaluation or you may lose your spot in class to those on a waitlist. No enrollments are accepted after the class meets a third time. 141 Begin Swim II 1.00 ADVISORY 14328 PD W LAB 001 MW 7-8PM BELL POOL Moncrieff Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). Beginning Swim II is for students who are already comfortable in the water and who can swim across the pool (the short way). The course works on building endurance and improving technique in freestyle, backstroke, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, butterfly, diving and treading water as well as water safety. Flip turns and other activities will be offered as skills advance. Goggles recommended. Attendance in at least one of the first two classes is mandatory for evaluation or you may lose your spot in class to those on a waitlist. No enrollments are accepted after the class meets a third time. 29719 PD W LAB 002 TTH 8-9PM BELL POOL Zakin Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). 142 Intermediate Swim 1.00 14327 PD W LAB 001 MW 8-9PM BELL POOL Gwiazdowski Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). Pre-req: Must have ability to swim one length (long way) each of crawl, backstroke and breaststroke. Intermediate swim focuses on refining strokes while building endurance. Each of the strokes will be taken apart and put back together better than before! Other topics covered include laps, treading water, diving and water safety. Goggles recommended. Attendance in at least one of the first two classes is mandatory for evaluation or you may lose your spot in class to those on a waitlist. No enrollments are accepted after the class meets a third time. 145 Tae Kwondo I 1.00 30547 PD W LAB 001 TTH 4-5PM 2275 CCRB Chong Students must register and drop (if necessary) at the U-Move Fitness office (3064 CCRB). 218 Emergency Response 3.00 25.00 21603 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3275 CCRB Harris 27711 P RW LEC 002 MW 230-4PM 3040 CCRB Winkelseth 29706 P RW LEC 003 MW 1130-1PM 3275 CCRB Winkelseth 32947 P W LEC 004 F 10-1PM 3275 CCRB Harris 265 Intro to Fit&Health 3.00 16623 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2062 PALM Katch 280 Research Opport 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 14330 PI DIS 001 ARR ARR Knox CONTACT UROP OFFICE 647-2768. 305 Prac Elem Teach Meth 1.00 ADVISORY 19866 P W LEC 001 F 9-10AM 1100 OBL Chen U of M Schedule of Classes Page 67 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Concurrent enrollment in PE 354 is required 313 Special Topics 28769 P W LEC 001 MW 5-630PM Violence Prevntn CollegeBeyond 326 Fund of Strngth&Cond 14333 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 331 Biomech Of Sports 29730 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 336 K-12 Rhythm&Dance 14334 P RW LAB 001 MW 1-230PM 350 Tact Appr-Invasn Gms 14335 P RW LAB 001 TTH 10-12PM 353 Net/Wall Games&Fitn 14336 P RW LAB 001 MW 10-12PM 354 Meth of Teach K-5 PE 19159 P RW LAB 001 TTH 830-10AM Concurrent enrollment in PE 305 is required 370 Honors Reading I IND + ARR 373 Issues Hlth Wellness 19249 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 380 Honors Research I IND + ARR 390 Field Experience I IND + ARR 402 Teach Exp PE I IND + ARR 414 Dir Teach Sem 14341 P RW LEC 001 W 4-6PM CONCURRENT ELECTION OF PE 415 REQUIRED. 415 Dir Teach P E 14342 P RW LAB 001 ARR CONCURRENT ELECTION OF PE 414 REQUIRED. 425 PA & Ped Disability 14343 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 470 Independent Study I IND + ARR 475 IV/AIDS/STIs/Sex Ed 14345 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 490 Sr Honors Thesis I IND + ARR

3040 CCRB 3733 CCRB 3733 CCRB 3275 CCRB 3000 CCRB 3000 CCRB 3040 CCRB ARR 3040 CCRB ARR

3.00 Mattingly 3.00 Pickerman 3.00 Kern 3.00 Winkelseth 3.00 Chen 3.00 Chen 3.00 Chen 1.00-3.00 3.00 Harris 1.00-3.00 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED



ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 2100 OBL ARR 3735 CCRB ARR 3733 CCRB ARR 3.00 Winkelseth 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED VanVolkinburg 6.00-12.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED VanVolkinburg 3.00 Pitchford 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY

Sport Management (SM)

101 Pub&Small Grp Comm 3.00 14347 P R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3040 CCRB Hultgren There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14348 P R LEC 002 MWF 9-10AM 3733 CCRB LaRoche There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14351 P R LEC 003 MWF 11-12PM 2100 OBL LaRoche There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14352 P R LEC 004 MWF 12-1PM 2100 OBL LaRoche There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 19241 P R LEC 005 TTH 230-4PM 3733 CCRB Hultgren There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 29720 P R LEC 006 TTH 830-10AM 3733 CCRB Hultgren There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 111 His-Soc Hum Move 3.00 ADVISORY 14353 P R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1100 OBL Basten There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students U of M Schedule of Classes Page 68 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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after all open seats are reserved. 14354 P R LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 2100 OBL Donahue There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 14355 P R LEC 003 TTH 1130-1PM 1100 OBL Basten There are no waitlists for this course. Freshman orientations have concluded and any remaining seats have been offered for enrollment on a first-come basis, to fill each course section to capacity. Closed sections will not reopen to further enrollment. Note: in some sections, a few seats will remain reserved for Kinesiology students after all open seats are reserved. 203 Intro Sport Mgmt 3.00 14356 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3735 CCRB George 217 Business Comm 3.00 22316 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is held for Kinesiology students only. Non-Kinesiology students should wait list under section 011.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 22317 P RW LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is held for Kinesiology students only. Non-Kinesiology students should wait list under section 012.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 23277 P RW LEC 003 TTH 1130-1PM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is held for Kinesiology students only. Non-Kinesiology students should wait list under section 013.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 23278 P W LEC 011 MW 10-1130AM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is intended as a waitlist for non-Kinesiology students who wish to enroll in section 001.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 23279 P W LEC 012 MW 1130-1PM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is intended as a waitlist for non-Kinesiology students who wish to enroll in section 002.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 23280 P W LEC 013 TTH 1130-1PM 3100 OBL Donahue This section is intended as a waitlist for non-Kinesiology students who wish to enroll in section 003.Because Kinesiology holds SM 217 seats for Kinesiology orientation students, overrides for non-Kinesiology students are not issued until post-orientation. Students will receive an email when and if they are issued an override. If students do not receive an override before the first day of class, they are welcome to attend the first day of class and see if the instructor has seats available. As long as students stay on the waitlist, they do not need to call or email to check their status. 249 Research Methods 4.00 ADVISORY 28852 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM E1405 BUS Watkins Advisory Prerequisite: STATS 250 28853 P RW LAB 002 M 9-10AM 3100 OBL Wilkinson Advisory Prerequisite: STATS 250 28854 P RW LAB 003 M 1-2PM 3100 OBL Wilkinson Advisory Prerequisite: STATS 250 28855 P RW LAB 004 F 1-2PM 3100 OBL Lee Advisory Prerequisite: STATS 250 28858 P RW LAB 005 F 2-3PM 3100 OBL Lee Advisory Prerequisite: STATS 250 270 Honors Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 280 Research Opport 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 14357 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Knox CONTACT UROP OFFICE 647-2768. 290 Field Exp SM 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 313 Special Topics 2.00-3.00 23347 P RW LEC 001 WTH 830-10AM 2100 OBL Szymanski Comparative Sport Organization Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 331 Econ of Sport 3.00 ADVISORY 19214 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 3735 CCRB Fort U of M Schedule of Classes Page 69 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 332 Org Behave-Sport Org 3.00 Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 19215 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 3735 CCRB Heinze 333 Legal Aspects Sp Adm 3.00 ADVISORY Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 17407 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3735 CCRB Pollick 28862 P RW LEC 002 MW 5-630PM 3735 CCRB Pollick Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 341 Sport Finance 3.00 22585 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 3735 CCRB Fort Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 342 Strategy Sport Org 3.00 ADVISORY 20611 P RW LEC 001 F 11-2PM 1100 OBL Babiak Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 346 Prin of Marketing 3.00 ADVISORY 27249 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1755 SPH1 Kwak Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 370 Honors Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 380 Honors Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 390 Field Experience 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 402 Teach Expernce SM 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 403 Internship in SM 0.50-3.00 ADVISORY 14362 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR George 25279 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR George 25280 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR George 25281 PI LAB 004 ARR ARR George 27687 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR George 431 Sports & the Media 3.00 ADVISORY 30056 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3735 CCRB Gerstner Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 432 Hum Res Mang in Spt 3.00 ADVISORY 29729 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1100 OBL LaRoche Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 434 Sport Ethics 3.00 ADVISORY Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 19229 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1100 OBL Basten 435 Sport&the Consumer 3.00 ADVISORY 14363 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2100 OBL Basten Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 436 Race Rel,Cul Images 3.00 ADVISORY 26918 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 3040 CCRB Armstrong Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 437 Psych Sport&Exer 3.00 ADVISORY 25130 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3735 CCRB George Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 439 Spnsrshp Lnkd Mrktng 3.00 ADVISORY 23309 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2100 OBL Kwak Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 440 Sports & Eco Dev 3.00 26701 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2100 OBL Rosentraub Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 444 Sales Mng in Spt Ind 3.00 ENFORCED Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 19250 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1100 OBL Moore 446 Brand Strat&Ad Camp 3.00 ENFORCED 28863 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1100 OBL Moore Students enrolled in more than five upper division SM courses will be disenrolled from one of the excess courses. 470 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 490 Sr Honors Thesis 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR

U of M Schedule of Classes

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LSA Residential College

College of L S & A Residential College
Fine Arts (RCARTS)
285 32312 32313 286 21623 288 23456 289 14287 26299 29969 100 14252 100 Photography PR LAB 001 MW PR LAB 002 MW Sculpture P RW LAB 001 TTH Beginning Drawing P RW LAB 001 MW Ceramics P RW LAB 001 TTH P RW LAB 002 TTH A LEC 003 TTH 9-12PM 2-5PM 2-5PM 2-5PM 9-11AM 2-4PM 12-1PM B601 EQ B601 EQ B612 EQ B513 EQ B620 EQ B620 EQ B830 EQ 4.00 Burns Burns 4.00 Wright 4.00 Cressman 4.00 Crowell Crowell Crowell 4.00 Bright 4.00 4.00 Cohen Cohen Evans Goertz Munoz Greenspan Hernandez Murphy Peters Rosegrant Thomas Walton 3.00 Berwanger 4.00 ADVISORY Berwanger 4.00 ADVISORY Berwanger 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY 1.00-4.00 ARR ARR 11-12PM ARR ARR ARR 4-5PM 4-9PM ARR of 382 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-2.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 1507 EQ 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 150.00 75.00 50.00 100.00

Core Courses (RCCORE)

First Year Seminar PDR SEM 001 W First Year Seminar PR SEM 001 F The Meanings of the Global 100 First Year Seminar 14253 PDR SEM 002 TTH Philosophy 28410 PDR SEM 003 MW PR SEM 003 M The Western 28418 PDR SEM 005 WF Topics: The Sci of Creativity 16507 PDR SEM 007 MWF The Art of Walking 16508 PDR SEM 008 MW Landscapes of Home 28419 PDR SEM 009 TTH PR SEM 009 M Listening-Holocaust Survivors 20461 PDR SEM 010 TTH Trials of Harry Potter 18757 PDR SEM 011 TTH Adaptation: Lit, Scrnply, Film 17961 PDR SEM 012 TTH Nietzsche:Phil&Psychologist 23500 PDR SEM 013 MW Art/Craft Narrative Journalism 23501 PDR SEM 014 TTH Saving the World with a Story 24048 PDR SEM 015 MW Men, Women and Power 102 Intro Deaf Culture 11925 PI LEC 001 TTH 103 Elem Amer Sign Lang 11926 PI LEC 001 TTH 203 Intermediate ASL 11938 PI LEC 001 MW 205 Independent Study I IND + 206 Independent Study I IND + 209 Study Off-Campus I IND + 305 Independent Study I IND + MTTHF French Accelerated Review 306 Independent Study I IND + 307 College Teaching I IND + 308 Dir Peer Tutoring I IND + 309 Study Off-Campus I IND + TH 309 Study Off-Campus IND + T French Service Learning 309 Study Off-Campus I IND + U of M Schedule of Classes 1130-230PM 1-5PM 3-5PM 3-5PM 7-10PM 3-5PM 11-12PM 3-5PM 230-4PM 7-9PM 230-4PM 230-4PM 4-530PM 4-530PM 1130-1PM 3-5PM 830-10AM 11-1PM 9-11AM ARR 1505 EQ ARR 1506 EQ B830 EQ B834 EQ 1507 EQ B810 EQ 1505 EQ 1511 EQ 1511 EQ B856 EQ 1512 EQ 1511 EQ 1511 EQ B804 EQ B810 EQ 173 LORCH 409 WH 373 LORCH ARR

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334 Special Topics 14281 P SEM 001 TTH Philosophy and the NY Times 406 Independent Study I IND + 409 Study Off-Campus I IND + 490 Honors Thesis I IND +


1507 EQ ARR

3.00 Cohen 1.00-4.00 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 4.00 Hecht 4.00 ADVISORY Mikolowski 4.00 Solomon Solomon Nakayama Alilunas Hassan Hassan Nakayama Durham Strassfeld Strassfeld Durham Alilunas 4.00 Ervamaa 1.00 Ervamaa 1.00 50.00

Humanities (RCHUMS)

220 Narration 14288 P R SEM 001 W 3-5PM 221 Writing of Poetry 14289 P R SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM Class is open to all RC students without instructor consent. 236 Art of Film 15614 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 15590 A LAB 002 T 4-7PM 15615 P W DIS 003 W 10-11AM 15616 P W DIS 004 W 3-4PM 15617 P W DIS 005 W 10-11AM 15618 P W DIS 006 W 11-12PM 15619 P W DIS 007 W 11-12PM 15620 P W DIS 008 W 12-1PM 15621 P W DIS 009 W 11-12PM 19814 P W DIS 010 W 12-1PM 26111 P W DIS 011 W 1-2PM 26112 P W DIS 012 W 1-2PM 249 Foundations of Music 24774 P REC 001 MW 10-12PM 250 Chamber Music 14290 P RW LAB 001 M 5-9PM 250 Chamber Music P RW LAB 001 W 6-9PM P RW LAB 001 F 10-4PM P RW LAB 001 W 6-9PM 250 Chamber Music 15495 PIR LAB 002 ARR 251 Topics in Music 14291 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM Debussy to DBR:20th C String Q 252 Topics Music Express 17937 P R LAB 001 T 6-9PM Chinese Instrumental Music Ens 253 Choral Ensemble 14292 P W LAB 001 TTH 530-7PM Residential College Singers. 259 Music Improvisation 29310 P REC 001 MW 3-5PM 260 Art of Dance 20467 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 275 West Mind-Revolutn 29764 P R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 280 Intro Drama 19912 P RW REC 001 TTH 3-430PM 282 Drama&Interpret I 26018 P W SEM 001 MW 1-3PM 282 Drama&Interpret I P W SEM 001 MW 1-3PM Image of the American Family 291 Exp Arts&Ideas 19 C 29391 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 312 Cnt Eur Cinema 24775 A LEC 001 TTH 2-3PM 24776 A LAB 002 W 7-9PM 24777 P W DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 24778 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 24779 P W DIS 005 F 2-3PM 28477 P W DIS 006 F 1-2PM 318 Critical Appr Lit 26026 P LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM Freud and Lacan 325 Creat Writ Tutorial 14293 PI SEM 001 ARR 14294 PI SEM 002 ARR 20686 PI SEM 004 ARR 19995 PI SEM 005 ARR 326 Tutor-Creat Writ B U of M Schedule of Classes Page 72 of 382

1512 EQ 1505 EQ AUD A AH 140 LORCH 1105 NQ B137 MLB B137 MLB 3230 USB 1105 NQ B134 MLB B137 MLB B137 MLB B134 MLB B137 MLB B424 EQ B424 EQ B424 EQ B424 EQ KEENE AUD EQ ARR B424 EQ B424 EQ 1405 EQ B424 EQ B834 EQ B834 EQ 2439 WDC KEENE AUD EQ B423 EQ B830 EQ G322 DENT AUD NS G322 DENT ARR ARR ARR B834 EQ ARR ARR ARR ARR

1.00 Ervamaa 3.00 Weinberg 2.00-4.00 Lam 1.00 Gusukuma 4.00 Kirschenmann 3.00 Genne 4.00 Peters 3.00 Woods 4.00 Mendeloff 4.00 4.00 Genne 3.00 Eagle Eagle Eagle



4.00 Sowers 4.00 ADVISORY Hecht Mikolowski Thomas Hernandez 4.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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14295 14296 20687 20688 334 21648

PI SEM 001 PI SEM 002 PI SEM 004 PI SEM 005 Topics in Humanities P RW SEM 001 W

ARR ARR ARR ARR 3-6PM 1-230PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM 230-4PM 230-4PM 4-530PM 10-1130AM 1-230PM 11-12PM 10-11AM 1-3PM 11-1PM 11-1PM 1-3PM 1-3PM 11-1PM 11-1PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 5-7PM 3-5PM


Hecht Mikolowski Thomas Hernandez 3.00-4.00 Gordon-Gurfinkel, Tolman, Mendeloff Willette Wilcox Lucas Sowers Soo Goodenough Lucas 4.00 Khagi Ford Ford 4.00 Gould 4.00 Mendeloff 4.00 4.00 Walsh 4.00 4.00 Walsh 4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Community Empowerment - Arts 24821 P RW SEM 002 MW Art&Phil in the Ren Tradition 26634 P W SEM 003 MW Perf Cult in Contemp China 29186 PI SEM 004 TTH Theater and Social Change 29402 P SEM 005 MW Political Modernism 29403 P SEM 006 MW Experiencing Architecture 29412 P W SEM 007 TTH Children Under Fire 30059 P SEM 008 MW Documentary Theater 347 Survey Russ Lit 14301 A LEC 001 MW 26184 P W DIS 002 F 26185 P W DIS 003 F 352 Found Instruments 29311 P LAB 001 MW 383 Ibsen & Strindberg 30128 P SEM 001 MWF 383 Ibsen & Strindberg P SEM 001 MWF Ibsen and Chekhov 387 Renaissance Drama 29315 P LEC 001 TTH 387 Renaissance Drama P LEC 001 TTH StageComedy:Machiavelli -Wilde 390 Period&Place Drama 29321 P SEM 001 TTH 390 Period&Place Drama P SEM 001 TTH Iraq Afghan War Terror Plays 425 Creative Writing 14297 PI SEM 001 14298 PI SEM 002 20689 PI SEM 004 19996 PI SEM 005 426 Creative Writing 14299 PI SEM 001 14300 PI SEM 002 20690 PI SEM 004 19997 PI SEM 005 485 Drama Topics 27226 PI SEM 001 W The Corsica Project 27705 P SEM 002 M Introduction to Stanislavsky


4.00 ADVISORY Hecht Mikolowski Thomas Hernandez 4.00 Hecht Mikolowski Thomas Hernandez 2.00 ADVISORY Walsh Mendeloff

Languages (RCLANG)

190 Intensive French 14254 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 14255 PIR DIS 002 MTTHF 11-12PM 14256 PIR DIS 003 MTTHF 11-12PM 191 Intensive German 14257 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 14258 P R DIS 002 MTTHF 1-2PM Must keep 2 times/week open on MTThF, 12-1pm. 193 Intensive Russian I 27165 P R LEC 001 MTTHF 11-12PM 27166 S REC 002 MTTHF 12-1PM 194 Intensive Spanish 14259 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 14260 PIR DIS 002 MTTHF 12-1PM 20490 PIR DIS 003 MTTHF 1-2PM 33056 PIR DIS 004 MTTHF 2-3PM 195 Intensive Latin I 16759 P R SEM 001 MTTHF 11-1PM 204 SLIP I U of M Schedule of Classes Page 73 of 382

B856 EQ 1506 EQ 1505 EQ 1511 EQ 1511 EQ 1512 EQ 1512 EQ 1405 EQ 1507 EQ 1507 EQ 1508 EQ 3315 MH

8.00 Butler-Borruat O'Connor 8.00 Hegman Shier Goertz 8.00 Makin Makin, Besprozvany 8.00 Lopez-Cotin Gutierrez Tashian Gutierrez Tashian 8.00 Soter 1.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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I IND + ARR 290 Intensive French 14264 A LEC 001 MTTHF 11-12PM 14265 PIR DIS 002 MTTHF 1-2PM 28461 PIR DIS 003 MTTHF 2-3PM 291 Intensive German 14266 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 14267 P R DIS 002 MTTHF 1-2PM Must keep 2 times/week open on MTThF, 12-1pm. 294 Intensive Spanish 14268 S LEC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 14269 S LEC 002 MTTHF 10-11AM 14270 PIR DIS 003 MTTHF 10-11AM 14271 PIR DIS 004 MTTHF 12-1PM 14272 PIR DIS 005 MTTHF 12-1PM 304 Spanish in Community IND + ARR 306 SLIP II 23791 PI LEC 001 TH 4-530PM 314 Accel Review-Span 14276 PIR SEM 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 320 Sem En Francais 14277 PI SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM Lang Cult Identy; France, Que 22529 PI SEM 002 TTH 1-230PM Satire and Society 321 Readings in German 25952 PI SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM Intro to German Lit and Drama 323 Russian Readings 14278 P SEM 001 MF 1-230PM Folktales in Russian Culture 324 Readings in Spanish 14279 PIR SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM City, Memory, Identity - Spain 14280 PIR SEM 002 TTH 1-230PM Indigenous Activism Globalizat 22507 PI SEM 003 TTH 10-1130AM Music & Politics in Latin Am 325 Reading Latin Drama 22470 P W REC 001 MW 2-3PM 325 Reading Latin Drama P W REC 001 F 2-4PM 333 RUSLAN Service Lrng 22677 P SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM

ARR B856 EQ 1505 EQ 1506 EQ 1512 EQ 1512 EQ B852 EQ B852 EQ 1505 EQ 1505 EQ 1506 EQ ARR B804 EQ 1508 EQ B810 EQ B810 EQ 1512 EQ B856 EQ 1508 EQ B814 EQ B810 EQ 412 WH 3463 MH 1507 EQ 3.00 Makin ADVISORY 3.00 Sanchez-Snell 4.00 Espinoza-Pino 4.00 ADVISORY Burde Burde 4.00 ADVISORY Hegman Shier 4.00 Makin ADVISORY 8.00 ADVISORY Butler-Borruat O'Connor O'Connor 8.00 ADVISORY Goertz Hegman Shier 8.00 Rodriguez Rodriguez ADVISORY



4.00 ADVISORY Lopez-Cotin Espinoza-Pino Marquardt 4.00 Soter 4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

Natural Sciences (RCNSCI)

419 14302 Sus Energy Sys PI LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1040 DANA

3.00 ADVISORY Keoleian, Ramachandran, McManamon 3.00 Dillard, Burkam 1.00 Dillard, Burkam 4.00 ADVISORY Robinson 4.00 ADVISORY Bright 4.00 ADVISORY Roberts

Social Sciences (RCSSCI)

260 Theorizing Knowledge 24898 P R SEM 001 MW 290 S Sci Basic Seminar 24481 P SEM 001 301 Soc Sci Theory I 17361 P RW SEM 001 MW 310 Globalization Hist 29488 P RW LEC 001 MW 327 Medicine & Healing 26805 A LEC 001 MW 26807 P W DIS 002 T 26809 P W DIS 003 W 26811 P W DIS 004 F 27484 P W DIS 005 T 330 Urban&Commun Stdys 29492 P RW LEC 001 TTH 360 Social Sci Jr Sem 23521 P RW SEM 001 MW Documentary Photography 26789 P SEM 002 T Hooked: Addiction in Amer Cult 365 Politics of Educ 29489 P SEM 001 TTH 390 Comm Serv & Lang 23103 PI W SEM 001 MW 428 Sex Panics: US & UK 25904 P RW SEM 001 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes 230-4PM ARR 11-1PM 4-6PM 1-230PM 9-10AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 9-10AM 11-1PM 10-12PM 7-10PM 1-3PM 1-230PM 4-530PM Page 74 of 382 B852 EQ ARR B852 EQ 1405 EQ 260 DENN 524 DENN 2333 MH 238A WH 271 DENN B852 EQ B830 EQ 3347 MH B852 EQ 1096 EH 2114 MLB

4.00 Ward 3.00-4.00 Turnley McClellan


4.00 Burkam 3.00 Bogart, Bailey 3.00 ADVISORY Rubin FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






460 Social Sci Sr Sem 22485 P SEM 001 MW Soc Sci Research and Practice 461 Senior Seminar 31522 P R SEM SEM MW Gend, Sex & Intl Hum Rights

1-230PM 230-4PM

B804 EQ 1028 DANA

4.00 Caulfield 3.00 Caulfield


U of M Schedule of Classes

Page 75



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Law School
Law (LAW)
401 Tort Theory 30353 PDRW SEM 001 TH 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 39 402 Ethics Colloquium 30363 PDRW LAB 001 TH 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 20, 55, 142, 143 30364 PDR LAB 002 TH 3, 7, 12, 20, 54, 142, 143 404 SexualOrien/GenderID & the Law 30352 PDRW SEM 001 M 4, 7, 12, 39 405 Envir Admin Law Practicum 30361 P RW LAB 001 T 7, 12 406 Real Estate Transactions 30374 PDRW LAB 001 MT 4, 7, 12, 119 407 CERCLA Litigation and Practice 30328 P RW SEM 001 TH 5, 7, 12, 44, 118 409 Gun Control 30336 PDRW SEM 001 T 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 39 410 Energy Law and Climate Change 30331 PDRW SEM 001 F 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 39, 126, 155 411 Entrepreneurial Bus Practicum 30014 PDRW LAB 001 TH 3, 7, 12, 21, 129 30441 PDRW LAB 002 F 3, 7, 12, 21, 129 420 Litig&Advoc: K-12 Educ 30558 PDRW LAB 001 M 420 Litig&Advoc: K-12 Educ P RW LAB 001 T 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 108 428 Evidence Practicum 30362 PDRW LAB 001 TH 7, 12, 130 429 Federal Prosecution & Defense 30365 PDRW LAB 001 M 4, 7, 12, 81, 148 430 Fund of Appellate Practice 30366 PDRW LAB 001 T 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 82, 146 432 Tax Plan for Real Estate Trans 30375 PDRW LAB 001 F 7, 12 433 Transactional Drafting 30376 PDRW LAB 001 W 4, 7, 12 435 Law Firm Careers/Evolv Prof 30341 PDRW SEM 001 MT 4, 7, 12, 42, 84 448 Business Planning 30356 PDRW LAB 001 F 7, 12 454 Financial Reform 30333 PDRW SEM 001 M 4, 7, 12, 39, 147 457 Nuts /Bolts of Estate Planning 30372 PDRW LAB 001 M 7, 12 459 Law&Hist:Econ Instit of Capit 30344 PDRW SEM 001 W 4, 7, 12, 39 462 Comparative Asylum Law 30330 PDRW SEM 001 TH 4, 7, 12, 44, 135, 136 467 Fund of Real Estate Trans 30334 PDRW SEM 001 T 5, 7, 12, 44 469 Reproductive Justice U of M Schedule of Classes Page 76 410-610PM 410-510PM 410-510PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 1-225PM 235-535PM 1020-1220PM 1020-120PM 410-610PM 1020-1220PM 1230-230PM 1230-230PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 410-710PM 235-435PM 430-630PM 845-1010AM 1020-1220PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 430-630PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 1050 LSSH 120 HUTCH ARR S106 LLIB S106 LLIB 118 HUTCH 0220 LSSH 1050 LSSH 1070 LSSH 1070 LSSH S106 LLIB 424 HUTCH 1060 LSSH 232 HUTCH 138 HUTCH 236 HUTCH 1070 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1060 LSSH 1025 LSSH 118 HUTCH 1070 LSSH 1070 LSSH 236 HUTCH 1050 LSSH 2.00 Hurley ENFORCED 2.00 Hershovitz 1.00-2.00 Niehoff Niehoff 2.00 ENFORCED Brogan-Kator 2.00 McClure 3.00 Gould ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

2.00 ENFORCED Ballesteros 2.00 Reimann 2.00 Learner 2.00 Loeks Loeks 3.00 ENFORCED Rosenbaum 3.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Feller, Tukel 3.00 Kethledge 2.00 Tucker 2.00 Becker 3.00 Hirshon 2.00 Tucker 2.00 Barr ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

2.00 ENFORCED Wasserman 2.00 Santarosa 2.00 Hathaway 2.00 Krier 2.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339



CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






30351 PDRW SEM 001 TH 1020-1220PM 4, 7, 12, 39 474 Problems in Media Law 30350 PDRW SEM 001 T 410-540PM 474 Problems in Media Law P RW SEM 001 W 430-6PM 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 42, 92 476 Impact Investment Lawyering 30367 PDRW LAB 001 T 1020-1220PM 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 21 477 Investor Protection 30339 PDRW SEM 001 T 1020-1220PM 4, 7, 12, 39, 137, 138 478 Policing and Public Safety 30349 PDRW SEM 001 M 620-820PM 4, 7, 12, 39, 43 479 Collective Bargain&Arbitration 30358 PDRW LAB 001 F 1-3PM 7, 12 488 Venture Finance Law&Business 30378 PDRW LAB 001 W 430-630PM 7, 8, 9, 12 489 IP Strategy 30011 PDRW LAB 001 TTH 410-540PM 7, 12, 21, 139 492 Prac of Renewable Energy Law 30373 PDRW LAB 001 M 410-610PM 7, 12 494 In-House Counsel 30368 PDRW LAB 001 TH 410-610PM 7, 12 495 Negot Entrepreneurial Issues 30370 PDRW LAB 001 TH 620-820PM 7, 12, 43 499 Private Equity 30593 PDRW LAB 001 T 620-820PM 7, 12, 43 500 Computer Crimes 30131 P R LEC 001 TF 1020-1145AM 510 Civil Procedure 29649 PDR LEC 001 TTH 235-350PM 510 Civil Procedure PR LEC 001 W 255-410PM IJKL, 2 510 Civil Procedure 29650 PDR LEC 002 MTWTH 845-940AM OP, 2 29651 PDR LEC 003 MTWTH 950-1045AM MN, 2 520 Contracts 29652 PDR LEC 001 TTH 1-215PM 520 Contracts PR LEC 001 W 120-235PM ABCD, 2 520 Contracts 29653 PDR LEC 002 WTHF 855-1010AM IJKL, 2 530 Criminal Law 29654 PDR LEC 001 WTHF 845-10AM EFGH, 2 29655 PDR LEC 002 W 120-235PM PR LEC 002 THF 1-215PM MNOP, 2 535 Finance for Lawyers 30153 P R LEC 001 TTH 430-555PM 544 Narrative Skills and the Law 30321 P R LEC 001 TTH 410-610PM 121 548 Business Economics for Lawyers 30129 P R LEC 001 TTH 235-4PM 124 549 Management & Orgs for Lawyers 30181 P R LEC 001 TTH 235-4PM 128 560 Property 29656 PDR LEC 001 MT 245-4PM 560 Property PR LEC 001 W 3-420PM ABCD, 2 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 77 of 382

1070 LSSH 424 HUTCH 424 HUTCH 1025 LSSH 424 HUTCH 1060 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1050 LSSH 138 HUTCH 1060 LSSH 0225 LSSH S106 LLIB 1060 LSSH 138 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 0220 LSSH 0220 LSSH 220 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 0225 LSSH 100 HUTCH 120 HUTCH 120 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 1025 LSSH 138 HUTCH 138 HUTCH 250 HUTCH 250 HUTCH

Goldman 3.00 Niehoff 3.00 2.00 Burand 2.00 Davis ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

2.00 ENFORCED Levy, Green 2.00 Mack 2.00 Gordon 2.00 Pilz 2.00 Astolfi 2.00 Cernak 2.00 Martina 2.00 Wyatt 3.00 Hurley 4.00 Hurley 4.00 4.00 Cooper Cooper 4.00 Soper 4.00 4.00 Crane 4.00 Mendlow Uhlmann 3.00 Miranda 3.00 Goldberg 1.50 Masten 1.50 Sutcliffe 4.00 Krier 4.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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560 29657 560 EFGH, 2 560 29658 560 MNOP, 2 567 30170 43, 107 569 29659 ABCD, 2 580 29660 580 EF, 2 580 29661 580 GH, 2 580 29662 IJ, 2 29663 KL, 2 586 30132 586

Property PDR LEC 002 Property PR LEC 002 Property PDR LEC 003 Property PR LEC 003


1-215PM 120-235PM 235-350PM 255-410PM 640-850PM 1030-1145AM 235-350PM 255-410PM 235-350PM 255-410PM 1020-1135AM 1020-1135AM

0225 LSSH 0225 LSSH 0225 LSSH 0225 LSSH 0220 LSSH 0225 LSSH 1020 LSSH 1020 LSSH 0220 LSSH 0220 LSSH 116 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 1020 LSSH 1020 LSSH 116 HUTCH 1225 LSSH ARR 132 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 250 HUTCH 1225 LSSH 1225 LSSH 1020 LSSH 1225 LSSH 1025 LSSH 120 HUTCH 236 HUTCH 1020 LSSH 236 HUTCH 218 HUTCH S106 LLIB 236 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 1025 LSSH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH

4.00 Krier 4.00 4.00 Schneider 4.00 2.00 Kim 4.00 Larsen 4.00 Whitman 4.00 4.00 Schlanger 4.00 4.00 Herzog Clark 3.00 Ankers 3.00 3.00 Mishina 2.00 Haron Haron 2.00 Becker Pinto Wilensky Wilensky Cernak Frost Vettorello Vettorello Falon Falon Bromberg Bromberg 2.00


Investment Banking PR LEC 001 MTWTH Legislation and Regulation PDR LEC 001 TTHF Torts PDR LEC 001 Torts PR LEC 001 Torts PDR LEC 002 Torts PR LEC 002 Torts PDR LEC 003 PDR LEC 004 MT W MT W MWTH MWTH

587 30171 12, 21 588 Health Care Fraud & Abuse 30158 P R LEC 001 W 5, 18, 19, 20 30159 PDR LEC 002 W 4, 19, 20 590 Legal Practice I 29664 PDR LEC 001 TF E, 1 29665 PDR LEC 002 T PR LEC 002 F F, 1 29666 PDR LEC 003 T PR LEC 003 F G, 1 29667 PDR LEC 004 T PR LEC 004 F H, 1 29668 PDR LEC 005 T PR LEC 005 F I, 1 29669 PDR LEC 006 T PR LEC 006 TH J, 1 29670 PDR LEC 007 T PR LEC 007 F K, 1 29671 PDR LEC 008 T PR LEC 008 F L, 1 29672 PDR LEC 009 T PR LEC 009 TH M, 1 29673 PDR LEC 010 T PR LEC 010 TH N, 1 29674 PDR LEC 011 MW O, 1 29675 PDR LEC 012 M PR LEC 012 W P, 1 591 Legal Practice II U of M Schedule of Classes

Conflict of Laws PR LEC 001 T 1025-1150AM Conflict of Laws PR LEC 001 F 1020-1145AM Jud Reforms:Post Sov Countries PR LEC 001 TF 1020-1145AM 430-630PM 430-630PM 1050-1145AM 1020-1115AM 1020-1115AM 1030-1125AM 1050-1145AM 925-1020AM 130-225PM 9-955AM 1050-1145AM 130-225PM 130-225PM 9-10AM 1050-1145AM 1020-1115AM 130-225PM 410-5PM 515-610PM 515-610PM 410-5PM 1020-1115AM 410-5PM 430-525PM



ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






29688 A, 1 29689 B, 1 29690 C, 1 29691


LEC 001 LEC 002 LEC 003 LEC 003 LEC 004 LEC 004


9-10AM 1050-1145AM 1030-1125AM 915-1010AM 430-525PM 1-155PM


Hannon Hannon Osbeck Osbeck 1.00 Becker Pinto Wilensky Wilensky Cernak Frost Vettorello Vettorello Falon Falon Bromberg Bromberg 3.00 Bloom 1.00 Reimann ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

D, 1 592 Legal Practice Skills 29676 PDR LEC 001 ARR E, 1 29677 PDR LEC 002 ARR F, 1 29678 PDR LEC 003 ARR G, 1 29679 PDR LEC 004 ARR H, 1 29680 PDR LEC 005 ARR I, 1 29681 PDR LEC 006 ARR J, 1 29682 PDR LEC 007 ARR K, 1 29683 PDR LEC 008 ARR L, 1 29684 PDR LEC 009 ARR M, 1 29685 PDR LEC 010 ARR N, 1 29686 PDR LEC 011 ARR O, 1 29687 PDR LEC 012 ARR P, 1 595 Transactional Contracts 30261 P R LEC 001 WTH 845-1010AM 600 Transnational Law Colloquium 30464 PDR LEC 001 F 915-1010AM 122 601 Administrative Law 30125 P R LEC 001 WTHF 855-1010AM 88 603 European Union Colloquium 30982 P R LEC 001 W 120-245PM 149, 150, 151 606 Transnational Law 30262 P R LEC 001 WTH 845-1010AM 52, 68 30264 P R LEC 002 MT 845-1010AM 41, 52, 68 612 Alternative Dispute Resolution 30355 PDRW LAB 001 M 235-4PM 612 Alternative Dispute Resolution P RW LAB 001 W 255-420PM 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 41, 145 616 Bloodfeuds 30127 P R LEC 001 MWTH 1050-1145AM 41 620 Disability Rights 32068 P R LEC 001 W 120-245PM 620 Disability Rights PR LEC 001 TH 1-225PM 628 Environmental ADR 30360 PDRW LAB 001 M 440-6PM 628 Environmental ADR P RW LAB 001 W 5-625PM 3, 4, 7, 12, 41 631 Intro. to Const'l Law and American Legal Process 30168 PDR LEC 001 TF 1020-1145AM 2, 63 634 Water Wars/Great Lakes 30268 P R LEC 001 M 630-930PM 12, 43, 153 637 Bankruptcy 30126 P R LEC 001 MT 410-535PM 105 641 Crim Just: Invest&Police Prac 30135 P R LEC 001 MWTH 1020-1135AM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 79 of 382

4.00 ENFORCED Mendelson 1.00 ENFORCED Halberstam 3.00 Reimann Hakimi 3.00 Kantor 3.00 3.00 Miller 3.00 Bagenstos 3.00 3.00 Kantor 3.00 3.00 Regan ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Buchsbaum 3.00 Rhodes 4.00 Primus ENFORCED ENFORCED

FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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67 644 30169 123 645 30137 67, 114 651 30139 12 652 30257 652 653 30140 653 657 30141 658 30142 43 662 30359 662

Intro to Inc Tax of Business PR LEC 001 MT Criminal Procedure Survey PR LEC 001 MWTH Economic Analysis of Law PR LEC 001 T Secured Transactions PR LEC 001 TTH Secured Transactions PR LEC 001 W Employment Discrimination PR LEC 001 MT Employment Discrimination PR LEC 001 W Enterprise Organization PR LEC 001 WTHF Entertainment Law PR LEC 001 W

845-1010AM 1020-1135AM 410-610PM 235-350PM 255-410PM 235-350PM 255-410PM 855-1010AM 730-930PM 430-730PM 9-12PM 1-225PM 1-225PM 1020-1135AM 1-215PM 120-235PM 410-535PM 430-555PM 855-1010AM 120-245PM 1-225PM 410-715PM 1020-1220PM 845-1010AM 235-330PM 255-350PM 235-330PM 255-350PM 1-225PM 130-330PM 855-1010AM 1-215PM 120-235PM

0225 LSSH 250 HUTCH 1020 LSSH 1225 LSSH 1225 LSSH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 1020 LSSH 236 HUTCH 236 HUTCH S106 LLIB ARR 236 HUTCH 250 HUTCH 250 HUTCH 0220 LSSH 0220 LSSH 250 HUTCH 0220 LSSH 0220 LSSH 250 HUTCH 250 HUTCH 236 HUTCH 120 HUTCH 120 HUTCH ARR ARR 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 138 HUTCH 1020 LSSH 1020 LSSH

3.00 Adams 4.00 Gross 2.00 Santarosa 4.00 Pottow 4.00 4.00 Katz 4.00 4.00 Howson 2.00 Hertz


Elements of Advocacy PDRW LAB 001 MTTH Elements of Advocacy P RW LAB 001 F 7, 8, 9, 12, 120 664 European Union Law 30143 P R LEC 001 MT 5, 18, 19, 20 30144 PDR LEC 002 MT 4, 19, 20 669 Evidence 30148 P R LEC 001 MWTH 41 30149 P R LEC 002 TTH PR LEC 002 W 673 Family Law 30150 P R LEC 001 M 673 Family Law PR LEC 001 W 95 677 Federal Courts 30152 P R LEC 001 WTHF 681 First Amendment 30155 P R LEC 001 W 681 First Amendment PR LEC 001 TH 106 683 Fourteenth Amendment 30157 P R LEC 001 M 683 Fourteenth Amendment PR LEC 001 T 108 686 Federal Indian Law 30320 P R LEC 001 WTH 693 Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law 30173 P R LEC 001 MT 693 Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law PR LEC 001 W 41, 89, 152 693 Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law 31628 PDR LEC 002 MT 693 Jurisdiction and Choice Of Law PR LEC 002 W 41, 89, 152 695 International Trade Law 30508 P R LEC 001 TTH 696 Rsrch and Analysis in Amer Law 30256 PDR LEC 001 F 1, 64 699 Labor Law 30179 P R LEC 001 WTHF 709 Financial Regulation 30154 P R LEC 001 MT 709 Financial Regulation PR LEC 001 W 712 Negotiation U of M Schedule of Classes Page 80

1.00 ENFORCED Rosenbaum 1.00 ENFORCED 3.00 ENFORCED Halberstam Halberstam 4.00 Friedman Niehoff 3.00 Aviv 3.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

4.00 ENFORCED Seinfeld 3.00 ENFORCED Messenger 3.00 ENFORCED 3.00 ENFORCED Rosenbaum 3.00 ENFORCED 3.00 Fletcher 2.00-3.00 Friedman 2.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 Friedman 2.00-3.00 3.00 Qin 1.00 Frost 4.00 Andrias 4.00 Barr 4.00 3.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339



CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






30371 PDRW LAB 001 T 630-930PM 3, 7, 12, 43, 133 723 Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics 30133 P R LEC 001 MT 1-215PM 723 Corporate Lawyer: Law & Ethics PR LEC 001 W 120-235PM 2, 3, 54, 116, 117, 144 724 International Refugee Law 30166 P R LEC 001 WTHF 810-1010AM 110, 111 727 Patent Law I 30182 P R LEC 001 MWTH 1020-1115AM 728 Bankruptcy Practicum 30357 P RW LAB 001 MT 630-830PM 728 Bankruptcy Practicum P RW LAB 001 W 640-840PM 2, 7, 12, 43, 140, 141 730 Adv Appellate Advocacy 30354 PDRW LAB 001 MT 810-1010AM 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 108 731 Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility 30180 P R LEC 001 M 410-610PM 3, 53, 54, 70 743 Securities Regulation 30487 P R LEC 001 MWTH 1030-1145AM 2, 115 747 Taxation of Individual Income 30322 P R LEC 001 TTH 235-350PM 747 Taxation of Individual Income PR LEC 001 W 255-410PM 94 749 Corporate Taxation 30134 P R LEC 001 MWTH 1020-1135AM 104 750 Chapter 11 Reorganization 30130 P R LEC 001 M 410-610PM 102 751 Accounting for Lawyers 30124 P R LEC 001 M 410-535PM 751 Accounting for Lawyers PR LEC 001 W 430-555PM 101 753 Trial Practice 30377 PDRW LAB 001 W 435-735PM 7, 12, 131, 132 755 Trusts and Estates I 30620 P R LEC 001 M 1-225PM 755 Trusts and Estates I PR LEC 001 W 120-245PM 760 Trademarks and Unfair Competition 30260 P R LEC 001 MT 845-1010AM 770 Regulation of Research 30255 P R LEC 001 MT 915-1010AM 2, 4, 41 776 Real Estate Finance Law 30183 P R LEC 001 MT 235-4PM 113 780 Human Rights: Themes and Var 30165 P R LEC 001 W 430-630PM 780 Human Rights: Themes and Var PR LEC 001 TH 410-610PM 90, 103, 112 781 FDA Law 30319 P R LEC 001 T 235-4PM 781 FDA Law PR LEC 001 W 255-420PM 4 782 Jurisprudence 30175 P R LEC 001 MTTH 1-155PM 782 Jurisprudence PR LEC 001 W 120-215PM 5, 18, 19, 20, 41 782 Jurisprudence 30176 PDR LEC 002 MTTH 1-155PM 782 Jurisprudence PR LEC 002 W 120-215PM 4, 19, 20, 41 785 Int'l Criminal Law 30167 P R LEC 001 T 235-350PM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 81 of 382

1025 LSSH 1225 LSSH 1225 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1020 LSSH 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 1050 LSSH 0225 LSSH 220 HUTCH 100 HUTCH 100 HUTCH S106 LLIB 116 HUTCH 220 HUTCH 220 HUTCH ARR 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 138 HUTCH 118 HUTCH 118 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 116 HUTCH 132 HUTCH 132 HUTCH ARR ARR 1050 LSSH

Linna Jr, Prescott 4.00 Pritchard 4.00 3.00 Hathaway 3.00 Eisenberg 1.00 O'Neill 1.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Rosenbaum 2.00 Hirshon 4.00 Pritchard 4.00 Barry 4.00 4.00 Kahn ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED

1.00 ENFORCED Bienenstock 3.00 ENFORCED Desimpelare 3.00 ENFORCED 3.00 Connors ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Wasserman 3.00 ENFORCED 3.00 Litman 2.00 Schneider 3.00 Gould 3.00 Milanovic 3.00 3.00 Eisenberg 3.00 4.00 Hershovitz 4.00 4.00 Hershovitz 4.00 4.00 Starr ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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785 154 790 30138 791 30258 791

Int'l Criminal Law PR LEC 001 PR LEC 001

4.00 W TH 255-410PM 235-350PM 845-1010AM 235-4PM 255-420PM 235-4PM 255-420PM 1020-1135AM ARR ARR ARR ARR 410-610PM 225-525PM 430-630PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 410-610PM 430-630PM 430-630PM 430-630PM ARR 410-610PM 1050 LSSH 1020 LSSH 1070 LSSH 236 HUTCH 236 HUTCH ARR ARR 138 HUTCH ARR ARR ARR ARR 116 HUTCH 1225 LSSH 138 HUTCH 1070 LSSH 424 HUTCH 1050 LSSH 0220 LSSH 1020 LSSH 424 HUTCH S106 LLIB 242 HUTCH 1060 LSSH ARR 1060 LSSH Goldman 2.00 Moscow 3.00 Adelman 2.00 Niehuss Niehuss 2.00 Miller 3.00 Herzog 2.00 Novak 4.00 Katz 2.00 Frost 2.00 Frost 1.00 3.00 Gosman 3.00 3.00 Novak 3.00 Gosman 3.00


Early Amer Legal History PR LEC 001 MT Toxic Substances/Toxic Torts PR LEC 001 T Toxic Substances/Toxic Torts PR LEC 001 W 5, 18, 19, 20 791 Toxic Substances/Toxic Torts 30259 PDR LEC 002 T 791 Toxic Substances/Toxic Torts PR LEC 002 W 4, 19, 20 793 Voting Rights / Election Law 30266 P R LEC 001 MWTH 794 Senior Judge Seminar II 10002 PDR SMA 001 25, 34 799 Senior Judge Seminar 10001 PDR SMA 001 1, 24, 34 800 Seminar Supplement 30491 PIR SEM 001 40 32318 PIR SEM 343 40 804 Advanced Corporate Law 30269 PDRW SEM 001 T 4, 7, 12, 44, 125 809 Anatomy of a Deal 30327 PDRW SEM 001 M 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 42, 134 811 International Project Finance 30337 PDRW SEM 001 W 4, 7, 12, 39, 41 30338 PDRW SEM 002 T 4, 7, 12, 39, 41 818 Faking It 30332 PDRW SEM 001 TH 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 39, 41, 69, 127 850 Liberalism and its Critics 30348 PDRW SEM 001 M 4, 7, 12, 42 851 Legal History Workshop 30346 PDRW SEM 001 T 4, 7, 12, 21, 39 861 Law and Economics Workshop 30340 PDRW SEM 001 TH 2, 4, 7, 12, 44 869 Legal Chall for an Aging Popul 30345 PDRW SEM 001 M 4, 7, 12, 39, 79 877 Law in Slavery and Freedom 30343 PDRW SEM 001 W 4, 7, 12, 39, 43 894 Good Life/Government 30335 PDRW SEM 001 W 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 39, 41 897 The Law in Cyberspace 30342 PDRW SEM 001 W 4, 7, 12, 42 900 Research IR IND + 22, 29 906 Int'l Transactions Clinic 29933 PDRW CLN 001 TTH 1, 7, 8, 9, 36, 47, 48, 100 910 Child Advocacy Clinic 29773 PDR CLN 001 TH 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 911 Child Advocacy Clinic Seminar 29774 PDR CLN 001 M 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 920 Clinical Law I U of M Schedule of Classes Page 82




2.00 ENFORCED Prescott, Starr 2.00 Hirschel 2.00 Scott 2.00 Regan 3.00 Litman 1.00-12.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

4.00 ENFORCED Burand, Dickinson, Valenstein, Koch, Brusewitz, Shaub, Guenther 4.00 ENFORCED Kay, Sankaran 3.00 ENFORCED Kay, Sankaran 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

150-350PM 150-350PM

1060 LSSH 1060 LSSH



CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






29854 920


CLN 001

150-350PM 150-350PM 150-350PM 150-350PM


Clinical Law I PR CLN 001 M PR CLN 001 M 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 921 Clinical Legal Advocacy Sem 29855 PDR CLN 001 TH 921

Reingold, Santacroce, Thomas, Rine 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED

Clinical Legal Advocacy Sem PR CLN 001 TH 150-350PM PR CLN 001 TH 150-350PM 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 927 Crim Appellate Practice 29925 PDRW CLN 001 M 410-710PM 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 36, 48 928 Criminal Appel Pract Field 29926 PDRW CLN 001 ARR 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 36, 48 929 Child Welfare Appellate Clinic 30012 PDR CLN 001 W 150-350PM 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 36, 48 930 Environmental Law Clinic 29929 PDRW CLN 001 TH 410-5PM 7, 8, 9, 36, 48 933 Tax Clinic 29965 PDRW CLN 001 TH 1020-1220PM 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 48 934 Tax Clinic Field 29970 PDRW CLN 001 ARR 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 11, 48 940 External Studies 10004 PDR LAB 001 ARR 1, 27 941 Externship Paper DR IND + ARR 2, 4, 27 942 Law Practicum Research DR IND + ARR 30, 31 945 Semester Study Abroad 10006 PDR LAB 001 ARR 1, 28 27858 PDR LAB 002 ARR 27859 PDR LAB 003 ARR 27860 PDR LAB 004 ARR 946 Semester Study Abroad Paper DR IND + ARR 2, 4, 28 951 Human Trafficking Clinic 29931 PDR CLN 001 M 150-350PM 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 952 Juvenile Justice Clinic 29934 PDR CLN 001 T 150-350PM 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 953 Juvenile Justice Clinic Sem 29935 PDR CLN 001 TH 150-350PM 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 954 Human Trafficking Clinic Sem 29932 PDR CLN 001 W 150-350PM 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 955 Comm & Econ Develop Clinic 29923 PDRW CLN 001 TH 130-330PM 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 41, 48 956 Comm & Econ Develop Clinic Sem 29924 PDRW CLN 001 T 130-225PM 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 41, 48 958 Pediatric Advoc Clinic 29950 PDRW CLN 001 M 150-350PM 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 959 Pediatric Advoc Clinic Sem 29954 PDRW CLN 001 TH 150-350PM 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 48 964 Civil Mediation Clinic 29920 PDRW CLN 001 ARR 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 48, 76 965 Civil Mediation Clinic Seminar 29922 PDRW CLN 001 F 1020-1220PM 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 48, 76 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 83 of 382

3.00 ENFORCED Reingold, Santacroce, Thomas, Rine 3.00 ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Newman, Van Hoek 1.00 ENFORCED Newman, Van Hoek 4.00 Pinto 3.00 Kagan ENFORCED ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Appleberry 1.00 ENFORCED Appleberry 9.00 Sankaran 3.00 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

ARR 9.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR 3.00 ARR 1025 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1025 LSSH 1070 LSSH 1070 LSSH 1050 LSSH 1050 LSSH ARR 1050 LSSH 4.00 ENFORCED Campbell, Scarnecchia 4.00 ENFORCED Vandervort 3.00 ENFORCED Vandervort 3.00 ENFORCED Campbell, Scarnecchia 4.00 Alvarez 3.00 Alvarez 4.00 Chopp 3.00 Chopp ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

3.00 ENFORCED Appleberry 2.00 ENFORCED Appleberry

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966 Transactional Lab 29980 PDRW CLN 001 T 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 36, 48, 83 971 Legislation Clinic 30013 PDRW CLN 001 T 3, 7, 8, 9, 48 972 Federal Appel Litigation Clnc 29930 PDRW CLN 001 M 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 36, 43, 48, 109 976 Michigan Innocence Clinic 29936 PDRW CLN 001 T 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 47, 48 977 Michigan Innocence Clinic Sem 29941 PDRW CLN 001 F 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 36, 47, 48 980 Advanced Clinical Law DR IND + 2, 22, 32, 36 990 Part-time Externship 30029 PDR LAB 001 1, 12, 49, 50 991 Part-time Externship Seminar 30030 PDR LAB 001 W 1, 12, 49, 50, 62 993 Entrepreneurship Clinic 29927 PDRW CLN 001 M 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 48 994 Entrepreneurship Clinic Seminar 29928 PDRW CLN 001 W 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 48

1020-1220PM 1255-225PM 7-9PM 1020-1220PM 1020-1220PM ARR ARR 120-245PM 150-350PM 150-350PM

1070 LSSH 242 HUTCH 424 HUTCH 1060 LSSH 1060 LSSH ARR ARR 236 HUTCH 1070 LSSH 1070 LSSH

4.00 Bloom 3.00 Duquette


1.00-4.00 ENFORCED Salinas, Terez 4.00 ENFORCED Moran, Plummer, Syed 3.00 ENFORCED Moran, Plummer, Syed 1.00-6.00 2.00 Sankaran 1.00 Sankaran ADVISORY, ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED

4.00 ENFORCED Pilz, Thompson 3.00 ENFORCED Pilz, Thompson

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Literature, Science & the Arts


Department of Afro-American and African Studies

Afroamerican & African Studies (AAS)
104 Humanities Seminar 26086 P RW SEM 004 MW Nonviolence Montgomery - World 26965 P RW SEM 007 MW The Culture of Jazz 33648 P RW SEM 008 MW 111 Intro Afr&Diaspora 10785 A LEC 001 TTH 10786 P W DIS 002 F 10787 P W DIS 003 F 10788 P W DIS 004 F 10789 P W DIS 005 F 25409 P W DIS 006 F 25410 P W DIS 007 F 115 Elementary Swahili 21861 P W REC 001 TWTHF 22898 P W REC 002 TWTHF 202 Int Afro-Carib Stds 26987 P W LEC 002 MW 203 Issues Af-Am Develp 29401 P W LEC 002 MW 208 Intro African Art 24596 S LEC 001 TTH 24597 P W DIS 002 F 24598 P W DIS 003 F 24599 P W DIS 004 F 25991 P W DIS 005 M 25992 P W DIS 006 M 27365 P W DIS 007 M 28775 P W DIS 008 M 28776 P W DIS 009 M 28777 P W DIS 010 M 211 Dynamics Bl Diaspora 28753 P W LEC 001 TTH 215 Intermed Swahili I 22901 P W REC 001 MW 246 Africa to 1850 10792 A LEC 001 TTH 17309 P W DIS 002 TH 17310 P W DIS 003 TH 248 Crime, Race & Law 29400 P W LEC 001 MW 260 African Development 30431 P W LEC 001 TTH 263 Race Housing Employt 30430 P W LEC 001 MW 271 Intr Afr-Am Lit 23188 P W LEC 001 TTH 20th/21st C AfAm Writers 273 Southern Novel 26090 P W LEC 001 TTH 290 Select Blk World Std 32267 P W SEM 001 MW Anansi Stories: Carib Folk Res 32268 P W SEM 002 MW Anansi Stories: Carib Folk Res 328 Women & Safe Sex 22678 P RW SEM 001 TTH 330 Urban&Commun Stdys 29605 P RW LEC 001 TTH 331 Wrl Blk Chld 28833 P W LEC 001 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes 830-10AM 4-530PM 230-4PM 1-230PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 9-10AM 8-9AM 10-1130AM 10-1130AM 1130-1PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 1130-1PM 3-5PM 1130-1PM 1-2PM 3-4PM 4-530PM 230-4PM 230-4PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 230-4PM 230-4PM 4-530PM 11-1PM 1130-1PM of 382 1423 EQ G026 TISCH 130 TAP AUD C AH 2271 AH 5521 HH 5521 HH 5521 HH 5521 HH 5521 HH 5521 HH 5521 HH 1512 CCL 5521 HH AUD A AH G026 TISCH G026 TISCH G026 TISCH 49 UMMA 49 UMMA 49 UMMA G026 TISCH G026 TISCH G026 TISCH 5521 HH 5521 HH G115 AH 2752 SSWB 2009RUTHVEN 3437 MH 269 DENN 3330 MH 3463 MH 3437 MH 260 DENN 260 DENN 3356 MH B852 EQ 1518 CCL 3.00 Ellsworth Anderson Hunt 4.00 Askew, Arenas Arenas Manigault III Manigault III 4.00 Mpesha Mpesha 3.00 Goodison 3.00 Scott III 4.00 Doris ADVISORY


3.00 Partridge 4.00 ADVISORY Mpesha 4.00 Ware Njung Njung 3.00 Hinton 3.00 Stein 3.00 Lacy 3.00 ADVISORY Santamarina 3.00 Ellsworth 2.00 Khan Khan 3.00 Haniff 4.00 Ward 3.00 McLoyd ADVISORY


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334 Pop Cul Bl Am 29413 P W REC 001 WF 10-1130AM 2347 MH 341 Intr Blk Tht 32981 P W LEC 001 TTH 11-1230PM 2439 WDC 355 Hlth African Worlds 24600 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1449 MH 24602 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2436 MH 24604 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 5521 HH 24606 P W DIS 004 T 2-3PM 1339 MH 358 Black World Studies 26700 P W SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 1040 DANA Politics and Development 359 African Politics 26104 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1518 CCL 360 Afroamerican Art 10790 P W LEC 001 M 9-11AM 506 BMT 360 Afroamerican Art P W LEC 001 W 9-10AM 506 BMT 366 Music of Africa 28128 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G168 AH 384 Caribbean Lit 28837 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2437 MH 390 Homophobia Blk World 25908 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1401 MH 408 African Ec Soc&Pol 29394 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM G168 AH 410 Supervised Research I IND + ARR ARR 417 Studying Afr-Amer 26106 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3411 MH 421 Afdiaspora Religions 26986 P W LEC 001 F 11-2PM 2271 AH 436 Witchcraft in Africa 29415 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1437 MH 440 African Cinema 29416 P W LEC 001 T 3-6PM 3463 MH Media in Africa 443 Race, Gender&Health 22329 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2353 MH 444 Carib Cul I 22465 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2306 MH 450 Law,Race&Hst Proc I 10793 P W LEC 001 M 6-9PM AUD C AH OPEN BUT NOT LIMITED TO C E W EVENING PROGRAM STUDENTS. 458 Black World Issues 24844 P W SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1437 MH Afro-Latin America 29594 P W SEM 002 W 4-7PM 3411 MH Challenges Trans Urban 21st 31935 P SEM 003 M 1-4PM 2401 MH Global Capitalism Racial Soc 459 Afr-Am Rel 28840 P W LEC 001 WF 1-230PM 120 DENN 471 Higher Ed-Soc Dev 29425 P W SEM 001 F 1-4PM 1460 MH 474 Archaeology Nubia 27325 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3333 MH 480 Visual Culture Afr 28800 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 180 TAP 495 Senior Seminar 26093 P W SEM 001 F 10-1PM 2401 MH Black Radical Detroit 26103 P W SEM 003 MW 10-1130AM 1460 MH Adv Res in AfrAm & Afr Studies 26697 P W SEM 004 T 2-5PM 2401 MH AIDS in Africa 510 Supervised Research I IND + ARR ARR 525 Elem Afr Lang I 28148 P REC 005 MTWTH 1-2PM 5521 HH Swahili 535 Interm Afr Lang I 25665 P REC 004 MW 11-1230PM ARR 558 Black World Seminar 32228 P W SEM 004 W 1-4PM 2112 MLB Citizenship and Non-Citizens 601 Prosem Afr-Am Stds 24845 P W SEM 001 F 12-3PM 3000 STB Imagining African Amer Studies U of M Schedule of Classes Page 86 of 382

3.00 Brooks 3.00


4.00 Hunt Dosumu Diener Dosumu Diener Dosumu Diener 3.00 Pitcher 4.00 Pitcher 3.00 Lockard 3.00 3.00 Ampene 3.00 Goodison 3.00 Haniff 2.00-4.00 Stein 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY


3.00 ADVISORY Means Coleman 3.00 Johnson 3.00 ADVISORY Ashforth 3.00 ADVISORY Askew 3.00 Haniff 3.00 Owusu 3.00 Woods 3.00 Gillam Murray Kurashige 3.00 Williams 3.00 Rowley 3.00 Emberling 3.00 Silverman 4.00 Ward Sweeney Ashforth 1.00-6.00 4.00 Mpesha 4.00 Mpesha 3.00 Partridge 3.00 Gunning ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 20.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY


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629 Stdy Afr Hist 29644 P REC 001 M Body, Tech & Nature in Africa


3347 MH

3.00 Hecht

U of M Schedule of Classes

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American Culture Program

American Culture (AMCULT)
100 What is an American? 4.00 23193 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1449 MH Pedraza 23194 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 3460 MH Molldrem 23195 P W DIS 003 F 12-1PM 3302 MH Molldrem 23196 P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 3302 MH Molldrem 103 1st Yr Sem Am Stdy 3.00 ADVISORY 23265 P RW SEM 002 MW 1-230PM G449 MH Cheney Cultural Studies 25444 P RW SEM 003 TTH 10-1130AM 2401 MH Stillman American Musical Criticism 26784 P RW SEM 004 WF 1-230PM 7603 HH Brooks Race, Gender & American Humor 26964 P RW SEM 005 MW 230-4PM 3460 MH Santamarina Black Women Migrants/Workers 32709 P RW SEM 006 TTH 830-10AM 3347 MH Carr Cont Native Amer Cult Ident 32982 P RW SEM 007 MW 4-530PM G026 TISCH Anderson The Culture of Jazz 201 American Values 4.00 26043 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1400 CHEM Hass The Problem of the "We" 26045 P W DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2325 MH Miller The Problem of the "We" 26046 P W DIS 003 TH 8-9AM 2271 AH Miller The Problem of the "We" 26047 P W DIS 005 TH 12-1PM 2407 MH Miller The Problem of the "We" 26048 P W DIS 007 TH 2-3PM 3356 MH Macgillivray The Problem of the "We" 26049 P W DIS 008 F 12-1PM 3314 MH Macgillivray The Problem of the "We" 26050 P W DIS 009 F 1-2PM 3427 MH Macgillivray The Problem of the "We" 205 Amer Cultures 3.00-4.00 24008 A LEC 001 T 9-11AM LEC RM 1 MLB Zaborowska Space, Story, & American Self 28199 P W DIS 002 T 1-2PM 3448 MH Sato Space, Story, & American Self 29528 P W DIS 003 TH 10-11AM 373 LORCH Sato Space, Story, & American Self 29531 P W DIS 004 TH 11-12PM B113 MLB Sato Space, Story, & American Self 23202 P RW REC 009 TTH 1-230PM 2185 NQ Hassouneh Muslims in America 206 Themes Amer Culture 3.00 20594 PDR REC 001 MW 4-530PM G127 AH Meisler AIDS and America 209 Hist Am Pop Music 3.00 20654 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM AUD C AH Conforth 211 Intr Ethnic Studies 3.00 28181 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2347 MH Freedman Jews and Other Others 213 Intro Latina/o Study 4.00 24859 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM G127 AH Mora 28196 P W DIS 002 W 4-5PM 3330 MH Chaar-Lopez 28198 P W DIS 004 TH 2-3PM B103 MLB Chaar-Lopez 214 Asian/Pacif Amer St 3.00 20595 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM 3463 MH Lawsin 215 Intro Arab-Amer Std 4.00 22303 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1449 MH Stiffler 23267 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 2437 MH Avivi 23268 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM G144 AH Avivi 24862 P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 2436 MH Avivi 217 Intr Nat Amer Stds 3.00 20596 A LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 2306 MH Daubenmier Students will be auto-enrolled in lecture 001 when they elect a discussion section (sections 002-004). 20597 P W DIS 002 W 2-3PM 3347 MH Aune 20598 P W DIS 003 TH 11-12PM 2212 MLB Aune 20599 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 1359 MH Aune 219 Survey Am Folklore 3.00 20600 P RW REC 001 MW 1130-1PM LEC RM 1 MLB Conforth 224 Span Herit Lang 4.00 ADVISORY 26196 P W REC 002 MF 10-11AM 1505 CCL Coll Ramirez 224 Span Herit Lang 4.00 ADVISORY P W REC 002 W 9-11AM B109 MLB U of M Schedule of Classes Page 88 of 382 40.00






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237 Self-Taught Artists 3.00 29830 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2347 MH Wright 240 Intro Women Stdy 4.00 10810 A LEC 001 MW 2-3PM AUD B AH Cole 10811 P W DIS 002 W 4-6PM B109 MLB Hubbard 10812 P W DIS 003 W 5-7PM B122 MLB Garment Rothman 10813 P W DIS 004 TH 2-4PM 2212 MLB Abramson 10814 P W DIS 005 TH 6-8PM 2202 MLB Rabelo 22787 P W DIS 006 TH 10-12PM 1096 EH Rabelo 10815 P W DIS 007 TH 4-6PM B101 MLB Garment Rothman 10816 P W DIS 008 TH 8-10AM 2114 MLB Abramson 10817 P W DIS 009 W 6-8PM B101 MLB Hubbard 10818 P W DIS 010 F 12-2PM 2114 MLB Seabrook 22788 P W DIS 011 F 10-12PM 2114 MLB Seabrook 270 Amer Religion 4.00 29250 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM UMMA AUD Ramirez 29251 P W DIS 002 T 1-2PM 1339 MH Parker 29252 P W DIS 003 T 3-4PM 501 DENN Parker 29253 P W DIS 004 W 10-11AM G311 DENT Parker 273 Southern Novel 3.00 26119 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3437 MH Ellsworth 295 Sexuality West Cult 3.00 28228 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 110 DENN Newton 301 Topics Amer Culture 1.00-4.00 28184 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1460 MH Cheney Politics and Code 28207 P W LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 3460 MH Carroll Codeswitch 28208 P W LEC 003 TH 4-5PM 142 LORCH Ormsby Exploring Res in Latina/o Stds 29177 PI W REC 007 TTH 3-5PM G127 AH Alexander The Cody High School Project Admission to the class is by permission of instructor. Check 3275 Angell Hall for specially posted hours for interviews for this course. 306 Community Research 4.00 ADVISORY 20444 P W LAB 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1405 EQ Carter 310 Top Ethnic Studies 3.00 26423 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3463 MH Carr American Indian Law 311 Top Ethnic Studies 3.00 26261 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3463 MH Najita Green Indigeneity 28632 P W REC 003 MW 230-4PM 1469 MH Ramirez Latino/a Religions & Cultures 28861 P W REC 004 TTH 10-1130AM 142 LORCH Carroll Representing Mexico-US Border 313 Cuba&its Diaspora 3.00 10819 P W LEC 001 T 1-4PM 1096 EH Behar Issues in Race & Ethnicity A weekly two hour film screening is required, Monday 4-6pm or 6-8pm, location TBA. 314 Asian Amer Hist 3.00 26061 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 2436 MH Kurashige 322 Intermed Ojibwe I 3.00 ENFORCED 10820 P R REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2436 MH Kimewon 331 Health in America 4.00 29831 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2260 USB Stern 29833 P RW DIS 002 M 4-5PM 3330 MH Lee 29835 P RW DIS 004 T 12-1PM 1567 CCL Lee 29838 P RW DIS 007 W 10-11AM B134 MLB Lee 335 Arts&Culture 3.00 28182 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM LEC RM 1 MLB Gunckel 28204 P W DIS 002 W 1-2PM 2407 MH Morales 28205 P W DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 2325 MH Morales 28206 P W DIS 004 TH 4-5PM 1436 MH Morales 336 Pop Cul Bl Am 3.00 ADVISORY 29455 P W REC 001 WF 10-1130AM 2347 MH Brooks 341 Feminist Thought 3.00 ADVISORY 17292 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM G449 MH Mendoza 24644 P W SEM 002 MW 230-4PM 1033 DENT Wingrove 345 Amer Polit&Soc 3.00 20616 PDR LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2325 MH Meisler If you are an American Culture Concentrator and would like admission into this course, please contact the Undergraduate Program Coordinator at 350 Approach Amer Cult 3.00 ENFORCED 20601 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1518 CCL Gunning 355 Topics Am Creat Expr 3.00 26063 P W REC 001 TTH 530-7PM 1401 MH Stillman The Hula 366 Sexuality/US Pop Cul 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 89 of 382






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28831 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM G168 AH Mora 28832 A LAB 002 W 4-6PM G168 AH Mora 373 U.S. West 3.00 24614 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1250 USB Witgen Western Expansion of U.S. 374 Pol&Cult 1960's 4.00 19803 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 140 LORCH Countryman Students will be auto-enrolled in lecture 001 when they elect a discussion section (sections 002-013). 19804 P W DIS 002 W 5-6PM 3347 MH Felber 23276 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 1339 MH Cruz 19805 P W DIS 004 W 3-4PM 3448 MH Vest 19806 P W DIS 005 W 4-5PM 3347 MH Felber 19807 P W DIS 006 TH 9-10AM 1460 MH Cruz 19808 P W DIS 007 TH 1-2PM 3356 MH Cruz 19809 P W DIS 008 TH 4-5PM 3347 MH Felber 22312 P W DIS 009 F 11-12PM 3347 MH Vest 22313 P W DIS 010 F 12-1PM 3347 MH Vest 381 Latinas/os and Media 3.00 ADVISORY 21444 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2436 MH Gunckel 21453 A LAB 002 TH 4-6PM 1448 MH Gunckel 383 Hon Read & Thesis 3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 388 Field Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 389 Reading Amer Cult 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 390 Arab Amer Internship 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 399 Race,Racism&Eth 3.00-4.00 26073 PDRW REC 001 MW 1-230PM 173 LORCH Anderson 405 Topics Amer Culture 3.00 22314 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1084 EH Gone Culture&Mental Health in Psych 22315 PI W SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM 3156 LSA Conforth American Blues Music 26511 P W SEM 003 MW 4-530PM 2347 MH Krutikov Yiddish in New York 27087 P W SEM 004 T 1-4PM B770 SSWB Goldman Jews at UM:Relig&Eth Higher Ed 29585 PI W SEM 005 MW 230-4PM B312A DENT La Fountain-Stokes Queer Cul of Hisp Caribb&Diasp 30396 P W SEM 006 TTH 1130-1PM 2353 MH Miller Narratives of Immigration 406 Caribbean Lit 3.00 ADVISORY 28838 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2437 MH Goodison 420 Lat Amer Film 3.00 ENFORCED 26113 P RW REC 001 MW 4-530PM 2336 MH Couret Latin American Popular Cinemas 26114 P RW REC 002 MW 230-4PM 2336 MH Couret Latin American Popular Cinemas 425 Fem Pract Oral Hist 3.00 ADVISORY 25918 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM G144 AH Lawsin 461 Lang, Cult in N Amer 3.00 29734 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1185 NQ Meek 493 Honors Read&Thesis 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 496 Soc Sci Appr Am Cul 3.00 30936 P W SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2401 MH Kurashige Glob Capitalism&Rac Soc Mvmts 498 Hum Appr Amer Cult 3.00 24868 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM G634 HH Najita Literature of Hawaii 22319 P RW SEM 004 M 3-6PM G634 HH Cotera Latina Oral History 601 Topics Amer Stds 3.00 ADVISORY 24869 PDRW SEM 001 W 5-8PM 4128 LSA Mendoza Asian American Lit & Culture 26760 P RW SEM 002 M 1-4PM 2401 MH Kurashige Glob Capitalism&Racial Soc Mv 27197 P RW REC 003 F 9-12PM 210 TAP Von Eschen Political Culture of US Empire 616 Native Amer History 3.00 ADVISORY 28200 P W LEC 001 M 6-9PM 2427 MH Dowd 619 Lesbian Worlds 3.00 28190 P SEM 001 T 3-6PM 4155 LSA Newton 697 Approaches Am Cult 3.00 ADVISORY 20602 P RW SEM 001 W 3-6PM 3314 MH Cotera 899 Special Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 90 of 382


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Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Teaching Methods 20614 PI W SEM 001 For AMCULT GSIs only. 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

1.00-8.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00 ARR 8.00 ARR


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Anthropology Department
Anthropological Archaeology (ANTHRARC)
282 Prehist Archaeol 4.00 18261 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 1250 USB Young 18262 P W DIS 002 T 12-1PM 641 DENN 18263 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM 553 DENN 18264 P W DIS 004 TH 3-4PM 238A WH 296 Archaeology Topics 3.00 31884 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM B760 SSWB Human Ecology and Prehistory Topic: Human Ecology and Prehistory. Taught by Raven Garvey (new anthropology faculty member). 384 Ancient Mesopotamia 4.00 ADVISORY 29646 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM G232 AH Beckman 29647 A DIS 002 T 3-4PM 2104 MLB Beckman 386 Early Civilization 4.00 ADVISORY 28483 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2009RUTHVEN Sinopoli 28484 P W DIS 002 W 11-12PM 3038 DANA 28485 P W DIS 003 W 3-4PM 455 DENN 394 Ug Sem Archaeology 3.00 ADVISORY 18608 PI W SEM 001 W 4-7PM 238A WH Young (Meets with Anthrarc 398.001) 398 Honors Archaeology 3.00 ENFORCED 17362 PIRW SEM 001 W 4-7PM 238A WH Young (Meets with Anthrarc 394.001) 482 Archaeology Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 28486 P W LEC 001 T 1-4PM 2009RUTHVEN O'Shea Funerary Practices (Meets with Anthrarc 683) 499 Ug Reading&Research 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 581 Archaeology I 3.00 ADVISORY 26427 P W LEC 001 F 1-4PM 4027RUTHVEN Marcus, Flannery 593 Archaeol Systematic 3.00 ADVISORY 28488 P RW SEM 001 W 1-4PM ARR O'Shea (Meets in 4015 Museum) 683 Topics Archaeology 3.00 ADVISORY 28487 P RW SEM 001 T 1-4PM 2009RUTHVEN O'Shea Funerary Practices (Meets with Anthrarc 482) 958 Anthro Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 959 Literature Survey 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

Anthropology,Biological (ANTHRBIO)

161 Intro Biol Anthro 4.00 DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN MEETING AFTER THE FIRST LECTURE. STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DIS SECTION WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN THE LEC. 10827 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM AUD 4 MLB MacLatchy 10828 P W DIS 002 W 10-11AM 238A WH 10829 P W DIS 003 W 11-12PM 238A WH 10830 P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 238A WH 10831 P W DIS 005 W 2-3PM 238A WH 10832 P W DIS 006 TH 10-11AM 238A WH 10833 P RW DIS 007 F 9-10AM 238A WH 21630 P W DIS 008 TH 5-6PM 238A WH 21631 P W DIS 009 TH 2-3PM 238A WH 21632 P W DIS 010 TH 4-5PM 238A WH 166 Human Origins 3.00 30515 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 4152 USB Kingston 365 Human Evolution 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17933 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1360 EH Wolpoff 17934 P RW DIS 002 M 10-11AM 418 WH 17935 P RW DIS 003 W 10-11AM 418 WH 22436 P RW DIS 004 TH 3-4PM 418 WH 368 Soc Beh Primates I 4.00 DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN MEETING AFTER THE FIRST LECTURE. STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DIS SECTION WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN THE LEC. 10834 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD A AH Mitani 10835 P W DIS 002 M 1-2PM 238A WH 10836 P W DIS 003 M 2-3PM 238A WH 10837 P W DIS 004 T 9-10AM 238A WH 10838 P W DIS 005 T 3-4PM 238A WH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 92 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10839 10840 10841 10842 371 18190 398

P W DIS 006 T 4-5PM P W DIS 007 W 3-4PM P W DIS 008 TH 9-10AM P W DIS 009 F 10-11AM Techn in Bio Anthro PI LAB 001 ARR Hnrs Bio-Evol Anthro IR IND + ARR 465 Primate Anatomy 28677 P W LEC 001 M 12-3PM 467 Human Behav Ecology 28737 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM Lab section time will be chosen after classes begin. 28738 A LAB 002 ARR Lab section time will be chosen after classes begin. 469 Topics Biol Anthro 27242 P W LEC 001 T 10-1PM Lab Methods in Paleodiet 471 U G Reading & Res I IND + ARR 478 Primate Behav Ecol 24885 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 560 Hum Reproduct Ecol 28692 P W SEM 001 W 4-7PM 664 Prob Nutrition 28695 P W LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 665 Topic Human Evolutn 10844 PIRW SEM 001 TH 11-1PM Creationism and Evolution 668 Primatology 24886 P RW SEM 001 F 12-3PM How to get your project funded 961 Research Practicum I IND + ARR 962 Anthropological Res I IND + ARR 963 Survey Lit-Topics I IND + ARR 990 Diss-Precand IND + ARR 995 Diss-Cand R IND + ARR

238A WH 238A WH 238A WH 238A WH ARR ARR 418 WH 3463 MH ARR 418 WH ARR 142 LORCH 4155 LSA 2112 MLB 231 WH 418 WH ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Beehner 3.00 Strassmann 3.00 Devlin 2.00 Wolpoff 3.00 Beehner 2.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Kingston 1.00-3.00 3.00 ADVISORY MacLatchy 4.00 ADVISORY Strassmann 1.00-3.00 Wolpoff 3.00 ENFORCED

Anthropology,Cultural (ANTHRCUL)

101 Intro to Anthro 4.00 DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN MEETING AFTER THE FIRST WEEK. STUDENTS ENROLLED IN SECTIONS 003-020 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 001. 10850 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD 3 MLB Shryock DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN MEETING AFTER THE FIRST WEEK. STUDENTS ENROLLED IN SECTIONS 027-044 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 002. 10851 A LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM AUD 3 MLB Peters-Golden 10852 P DIS 003 M 1-2PM 524 DENN 10853 P DIS 004 M 2-3PM 3254 LSA 10854 P DIS 005 M 3-4PM 238A WH 10855 P DIS 006 M 4-5PM 238A WH 10856 P DIS 007 T 8-9AM 210 WH 10857 P R DIS 008 T 9-10AM 210 WH Honors section 10858 P DIS 009 T 11-12PM 1096 EH 10859 P DIS 010 T 1-2PM 238A WH 10860 P DIS 011 T 2-3PM 238A WH 10861 P DIS 012 T 3-4PM 513 DENN 10862 P DIS 013 T 4-5PM 455 DENN 10863 P DIS 014 T 5-6PM 413 DENN 10864 P DIS 015 W 1-2PM 412 WH 10865 P DIS 016 W 2-3PM 539 DENN 10866 P DIS 017 W 3-4PM 2520 CCL 10867 P DIS 018 TH 9-10AM 430 DENN 10868 P DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 238A WH 10869 P DIS 020 F 10-11AM 807 DENN 10870 P W DIS 027 M 10-11AM 238A WH Peters-Golden 10871 P W DIS 028 M 11-12PM 238A WH Peters-Golden 10872 P W DIS 029 M 1-2PM 1185 NQ Peters-Golden 10873 P W DIS 030 M 2-3PM 142 LORCH Peters-Golden 10874 P W DIS 031 M 3-4PM 553 DENN Peters-Golden 10875 P W DIS 032 M 4-5PM 271 DENN Peters-Golden 10876 P W DIS 033 T 1-2PM 130 DENN Peters-Golden 10877 P W DIS 034 T 2-3PM 2330 MH Peters-Golden 10878 P W DIS 035 T 3-4PM 427 DENN Peters-Golden U of M Schedule of Classes Page 93 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10879 P W DIS 036 W 9-10AM 238A WH Peters-Golden 10880 P RW DIS 037 W 11-12PM 2320 SEB Peters-Golden Honors section 10881 P W DIS 038 W 1-2PM 409 WH Peters-Golden 10882 P W DIS 039 W 2-3PM 430 DENN Peters-Golden 10883 P W DIS 040 W 12-1PM 238A WH Peters-Golden 10884 P W DIS 041 F 10-11AM 427 DENN Peters-Golden 24183 P W DIS 042 M 10-11AM 269 DENN Peters-Golden 24184 P W DIS 043 TH 1-2PM 238A WH Peters-Golden 24185 P W DIS 044 F 11-12PM 1512 CCL Peters-Golden 158 1st Yr Sem Anthro 3.00 ADVISORY 26538 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1460 MH Brezine Khipu, Cloth, and Chronicles 202 Eth Diversity Japan 4.00 29937 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2260 USB Robertson 29938 P DIS 002 M 1-2PM 2455 MH 29939 P DIS 003 M 3-4PM 513 DENN 29940 P DIS 004 M 4-5PM 626 DENN 212 Global AIDS Epidemic 4.00 29737 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1800 CHEM Mitchell 29739 P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 2402 MLB Leslie Santana 29741 P RW DIS 003 F 9-10AM 3401 MH Hoppe 29743 P RW DIS 004 TH 530-630PM 2412 MLB Leslie Santana 29745 P RW DIS 005 TH 530-630PM 2402 MLB Hoppe 29747 P RW DIS 006 W 4-5PM 2114 MLB Lowen 29749 P RW DIS 007 W 5-6PM B103 MLB Leslie Santana 29751 P RW DIS 008 F 9-10AM 2202 MLB Lowen 29753 P RW DIS 009 W 5-6PM B135 MLB Hoppe 29755 P RW DIS 010 TH 530-630PM B109 MLB Lowen 222 Comp Study-Cultures 4.00 22443 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1449 MH Frye 22444 P W DIS 002 W 11-12PM B134 MLB 22445 P W DIS 003 W 3-4PM 2502 CCL 22446 P W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 268 DENN 234 Anthro & Development 3.00 28706 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 210 WH Renne 314 Cuba&its Diaspora 3.00 10885 P W LEC 001 T 1-4PM 1096 EH Behar Issues in Race & Ethnicity 319 Int Lat-Am Soc&Cult 4.00 17298 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 269 DENN Frye Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17495 P DIS 002 TH 11-12PM 2225 SEB 17496 P DIS 003 W 4-5PM 414 DENN 17497 P DIS 004 F 11-12PM 455 DENN 325 Childbirth&Culture 4.00 ADVISORY 28710 A LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM AUD A AH Renne 28711 P W DIS 002 M 3-4PM 412 WH 28722 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 238A WH 28723 P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 335 WH 28724 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 2009RUTHVEN 28725 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 413 DENN 28726 P W DIS 007 M 4-5PM 409 WH 28727 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 409 WH 28728 P W DIS 009 W 11-12PM 1650 CHEM 327 Medicine & Healing 4.00 ADVISORY 26785 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 260 DENN Roberts 26786 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 524 DENN 26787 P W DIS 003 W 11-12PM 2333 MH 26788 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 238A WH 27482 P W DIS 005 T 9-10AM 271 DENN 330 Cul&Thought&Meaning 4.00 19266 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1202 SEB Hull 19267 P W DIS 002 M 10-11AM 412 WH 19268 P W DIS 003 M 11-12PM 409 WH 19269 P W DIS 004 W 9-10AM 539 DENN 19270 P W DIS 005 W 4-5PM 455 DENN 333 Non-West Law I 3.00 ADVISORY 22447 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 514 DENN Owusu 346 Colonial Latin Amer 4.00 19242 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1200 CHEM Scott Issues in Race & Ethnicity 19243 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 539 DENN Cantisano 19244 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 553 DENN Cantisano 19245 P W DIS 004 TH 1130-1PM 513 DENN Silva Spanish Language Section Section 004: Spanish Section. Registration for one additional University Course (UC 390) credit available after classes begin. 349 Indigenous Pol Mvmts 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 94 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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30278 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2347 MH Kirsch 352 Anthro of the Body 3.00 24924 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 210 WH Fehervary 355 Hlth African Worlds 4.00 24601 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1449 MH Hunt 24603 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2436 MH Dosumu Diener 24605 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 5521 HH Dosumu Diener 24607 P W DIS 004 T 2-3PM 1339 MH Dosumu Diener 356 Topics-Sociocul Anth 3.00 ADVISORY 22620 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1624 CHEM Brezine Anthropology of Dress 374 Language&Culture 4.00 ADVISORY 15574 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1544 CCL Lempert 15575 P R DIS 002 W 3-4PM 414 DENN 15576 P R DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 210 WH 15577 P R DIS 004 F 11-12PM 238A WH 375 Talking and Telling 3.00 ADVISORY 27220 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1372 EH Keller-Cohen 398 Honors Soc/Ling Anth 3.00 ENFORCED 10886 PIR SEM 001 T 4-7PM 242 WH Mueggler 414 Carib Cul I 3.00 ADVISORY 22450 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2306 MH Owusu 428 Sex Panics: US & UK 3.00 ADVISORY 25905 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 2114 MLB Rubin 447 Cul,Rac&Hum Nature 3.00 17300 P W SEM 001 WF 10-1130AM 412 WH Williams (Meets with CAAS 458.006) 451 Afr-Am Rel 3.00 ADVISORY 28797 P W LEC 001 WF 1-230PM 120 DENN Williams 458 Anthropology Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 23369 P W SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3302 MH Ballinger Hist of Anthropological Theory (Meets with History 445.002) 27819 P W SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM 242 WH Besky Food, Politics and Environment 33528 P W SEM 003 T 4-7PM 210 WH Lempert Imitation (Meets with Anthrcul 675) (Fulfills the linguistic anthropology course requirement for Anthro majors) 461 Lang, Cult in N Amer 3.00 29732 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1185 NQ Meek 499 Ug Reading & Res 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 501 China Social Science 3.00 ADVISORY 21903 PD SEM 001 M 2-5PM 1632 CHEM Ang 526 Traditn Ethnology I 4.00 ADVISORY 10888 P RW SEM 001 W 9-1PM 210 WH Hull, Roberts 538 Materiality 3.00 28798 P RW SEM 001 F 1-4PM 210 WH Fehervary 546 Int Ethnomus 3.00 ADVISORY 22608 P SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 706 BMT Lam 558 Issues-Sociocul Anth 3.00 ADVISORY 28806 P W SEM 003 F 10-1PM 210 WH Mueggler Body, Text, and Landscape 28807 P W SEM 004 W 1-4PM 2112 MLB Partridge Citizenship and Non-Citizens 30275 P W SEM 005 T 4-7PM 3156 LSA Kirsch Engaged Anthropology 30517 P RW SEM 006 TTH 10-1130AM 2260 USB Robertson Ethnic Diversity in Japan Meets with Anthrcul 202.001 in 2260 USB. 572 Int Sociol 3.00 ADVISORY 25917 P LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 471 LORCH Queen 576 Intro to Ling Anthro 3.00 ADVISORY 10889 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 210 WH Mannheim 578 Monograph Ling Anth 3.00 ADVISORY 28809 P W SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 242 WH Meek 629 Method-Sociocul Anth 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 24927 P W LEC 001 M 12-3PM 242 WH Mannheim 647 Sexological Theory 3.00 28810 P RW SEM 001 W 1-4PM 210 WH Rubin 652 Ethnographic Writing 3.00 ADVISORY 21658 P W SEM 001 M 12-3PM 210 WH Behar 675 Topics Anthro Ling 3.00 ADVISORY 24904 P RW SEM 001 T 4-7PM 210 WH Lempert Imitation (Meets with Anthrcul 458.003) 759 Sociocul Workshop 1.00 ENFORCED 31853 P RW SEM 001 TH 4-530PM 210 WH Fehervary 777 Ling Anth Lab 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 95 of 382


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10890 P RW LAB 001 F 5-7PM 797 Ethnography Lab 22745 P RW LAB 001 M 12-3PM (This course meets every other week beginning Sept. 9, 2013) 830 Anthro/Hist Workshop 19468 PD SEM 001 F 2-4PM 957 Research Practicum I IND + ARR 958 Anthropological Res I IND + ARR 959 Survey Literature I IND + ARR 990 Diss-Precand IND + ARR 993 G S I Training 19120 P R LEC 001 ARR 995 Diss-Cand R IND + ARR

210 WH 1303 MH 1014 TISCH ARR

Meek 1.00-3.00 Partridge 1.00 Johnson 2.00-8.00 1.00-3.00


ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR ARR ARR 1.00 ADVISORY Peters-Golden 8.00 ENFORCED

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Applied Physics Program

Applied Physics (APPPHYS)
514 Appl Phys Seminar 10896 PDRW SEM 001 W 21982 P SEM 099 M Nanobiology 517 Nanobio Cert Sem 25488 P SEM 001 M 530 Elecmag Thr I 10897 P W LEC 001 TTH 537 Class Optics 10898 P W LEC 001 MWF 550 Opt Wave Crystals 17301 P W LEC 001 MW 576 Stat Mechanics 23328 P W LEC 100 MWF 619 Solid State 21895 P LEC 001 TTH 620 Adv Condensed Matter 23034 P LEC 001 TTH 644 Adv Atomic Phys 22716 P LEC 001 TTH 674 Laser-Plasm Int 30028 P LEC 001 MW 715 Ind Research IR IND + 990 Diss-Precand R IND + 995 Diss-Cand R IND + 1130-1PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 1-230PM 1030-1130AM 9-1030AM 9-10AM 10-1130AM 1-230PM 10-1130AM 130-3PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 4404 RAND 1003 EECS 2315 GGBL 1005 DOW 1650 CHEM ARR 335 WH 4404 RAND 2918 COOL 1.00-5.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Sun 3.00 Berman 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Sarabandi 3.00 Norris 3.00 Winful 3.00 Zimmerman 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00-2.00 Kurdak Orr 2.00 ADVISORY

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Asian Languages And Cultures

Asian Studies (ASIAN)
206 Indian Civilization 10903 A LEC 001 MW 10904 P W DIS 002 W 10905 P W DIS 003 W 219 Intro to Sikhism 29869 P W SEM 001 MW 222 Great Books of Japan 29610 A LEC 001 MW 29611 P W DIS 002 F 29612 P W DIS 003 F 230 Intro to Buddhism 15510 A LEC 001 TTH 15511 P W DIS 002 F 15512 P W DIS 003 F 15513 P W DIS 004 F 15514 P W DIS 005 F 15515 P W DIS 006 F 23539 P W DIS 007 F 26131 P W DIS 008 F 26132 P W DIS 009 F 27332 P W DIS 010 F 27345 P W DIS 011 F 27346 P W DIS 012 F 27768 P W DIS 013 F 243 Intro to S Asian Art 29096 P W LEC 001 MW Home and the World 251 Ug Sem China Cult 29245 P RW SEM 001 MW Chn in 10 Words:Fnd Ideas-Cult This course is reserved for First-Year students 260 Intro to Chinese Civ 20447 A LEC 001 TTH 20448 P W DIS 002 F 20449 P W DIS 003 F 20450 P W DIS 004 F 25362 P W DIS 005 F 27333 P W DIS 006 F 27908 P W DIS 007 F 280 Topics Asian Studies 26830 P W SEM 001 MW Perf Cult in Contemp China 304 The Art of Yoga 29867 A LEC 001 MW 29872 P W DIS 004 F 305 Religion & Violence 28675 P W SEM 001 MW 307 Devotion in S Asia 28712 P W SEM 001 MW 326 Intro Japan Buddhism 26508 P W SEM 001 MW 329 Buddh Viol & Nonviol 29868 P W SEM 001 TTH 354 War & Revol in China 29458 A LEC 001 MW 29459 P W DIS 002 T 29460 P W DIS 003 T 29623 P W DIS 004 T 362 The Monkey King 28661 P W LEC 001 TTH 363 China Drama&Theater 26163 P W LEC 001 MW 365 Doctrs Ancient World 28662 P W SEM 001 TTH 368 How Different is Chn 26164 P W LEC 001 TTH 369 Chinese Film 28664 P W LEC 001 MW Hong Kong Cinema 28665 A LAB 002 T Hong Kong Cinema 375 Modern Korean Lit 26165 P W LEC 001 MW 380 Topic Asia Studies 23181 P W LEC 001 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 98 10-1130AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 4-530PM 1-230PM 10-11AM 12-1PM 10-1130AM 9-10AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 2-3PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 1-230PM 830-10AM 2306 MH 2333 MH 1427 MH B113 MLB 3463 MH 1359 MH 3356 MH AUD 4 MLB 1359 MH G311 DENT 2009RUTHVEN G580 DENT 4152 USB 506 BMT 4153 USB G311 DENT 3230 USB 2022 STB 1105 NQ B101 MLB 180 TAP 2402 MLB 4.00 Glover 3.00 Mandair 4.00 Zwicker Sohn Sohn 4.00 Lopez Jr Dingman Dingman Dingman Bloom Pisarski Pisarski Johnson Johnson Johnson Pisarski Bloom Bloom 3.00 Chanchani 3.00 Wilcox 4.00 Brown Dimmery Dimmery Dimmery Villagran Villagran Villagran 3.00 Wilcox 4.00 Chanchani Chanchani 3.00 Mandair 3.00 ADVISORY Bhatia 3.00 ADVISORY Auerback 3.00 Auerback 4.00 Cassel Whittington Whittington Whittington 3.00 Rolston 3.00 Rolston 3.00 Brown 3.00 Baxter 3.00 Lee Lee 3.00 Ryu 3.00 Deshpande FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339



230-4PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 12-1PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 2-3PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM 12-1PM 1-230PM 1130-1PM 1130-1PM 230-4PM 4-530PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 12-1PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 4-530PM 1-230PM 1130-1PM 6-9PM 1-230PM 4-530PM of 382

1400 CHEM 130 TAP 1033 DENT 1185 NQ 1033 DENT B113 MLB 1175 NQ B116 MLB G322 DENT 506 BMT 2114 MLB G232 AH 3347 MH 1448 MH 269 DENN 2427 MH 1096 EH 5179 AH B116 MLB 2114 MLB 1175 NQ 1175 NQ 2114 MLB B134 MLB 2330 MH 1105 NQ

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






Phil Thought in India 30010 P W LEC 003 TTH 12-130PM 2108 MLB N Korea (DPRK):Hist, Lit, Film This is a Korean e-school course from the University of Minnesota that will be offered at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. 381 Jr-Sr Colloquium 3.00 17963 P RW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 2347 MH Bhatia Research: Senior Proj Asian St 395 Honors Thesis 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 415 Law & Soc in China 3.00 29461 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 2401 MH Cassel 450 Japan to 1700 3.00 26710 P W LEC 001 M 6-9PM G160 AH Tonomura 469 Chns Visual Culture 3.00 29866 P W SEM 001 M 4-7PM 3156 LSA Tang 480 Topics Asian Studies 3.00 23166 P RW SEM 001 T 4-7PM 4152 USB Ryu Multi Ethnic Korea 28630 P RW SEM 002 TTH 4-530PM ARR Lee New Media and Asian Societies 490 Contemporary China 3.00 28245 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1469 MH Xie 499 Ind Stdy-Dir Rdg 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 501 China Social Science 3.00 20658 PD SEM 001 M 2-5PM 1632 CHEM Ang 550 Comp Study of Asia 3.00 19382 P W SEM 001 TH 4-7PM 6000 STB Florida Narr,Transl&Discip in Asian St 580 Sem S Asian Studies 3.00 27815 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1105 NQ Deshpande Phil Though in India 692 Buddhas&Bodies 3.00 29449 P W SEM 001 W 10-1PM 210 TAP Carr 699 Directed Readings 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 798 MA Essay S.S.E.A. 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 DR IND + ARR ARR






Asian Languages (ASIANLAN)

NOTE-IF YOU HAVE TAKEN A SECOND LANGUAGE AT ANY INSTITUTION (OTHER THAN U OF M) AND WOULD LIKE TO ENROLL IN A LANGUAGE COURSE BEYOND THE FIRST YEAR, YOU MUST TAKE THE APPROPRIATE PLACEMENT EXAM. PLEASE CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OFFICE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF THOSE PLACEMENT EXAMS. 101 1st Yr Chinese I 5.00 10.00 15407 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 3254 LSA Li-Stevenson 15408 P W REC 002 MWF 9-10AM G449 MH Zhong Students in REC # 002-004 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #001 15409 P W REC 003 MWF 10-11AM 3230 USB Li-Stevenson Students in REC # 002-004 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #001 15410 P W REC 004 MWF 12-1PM G437 MH Zhong Students in REC # 002-004 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #001 15411 A LEC 010 TTH 10-11AM 3254 LSA Li-Stevenson 15412 P W REC 011 MWF 9-10AM G437 MH Li-Stevenson Students in REC # 011-013 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #010 15413 P W REC 012 MWF 11-12PM G634 HH Li-Stevenson, Zhu Students in REC # 011-013 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #010 24780 P W REC 013 MWF 12-1PM 1518 CCL Zhu Students in REC # 011-013 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #010 24781 A LEC 020 TTH 9-10AM 1255 NQ Grande 24782 P W REC 021 MWF 9-10AM 2114 MLB Grande Students in REC # 021-023 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #020 24783 P W REC 022 MWF 12-1PM B122 MLB Grande Students in REC # 021-023 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #020 24784 P W REC 023 MWF 2-3PM B113 MLB Grande Students in REC # 021-023 will be automatically enrolled in LEC #020 104 1st Yr Chn Mandarin 4.00 21795 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM B118 MLB Gu 26518 P W REC 002 MTWTH 10-11AM B118 MLB Zhong 15508 P W REC 003 MTWTH 12-1PM 4128 LSA Gu 111 1st Yr Filipino I 4.00 15443 P W REC 001 MTWTH 10-11AM 7603 HH Fulgencio 115 1st Yr Hindi I 4.00 15440 P W REC 001 TWTHF 9-10AM ARR Rana U of M Schedule of Classes Page 99 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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15441 P W REC 002 MTWTH 11-12PM 7603 HH 15442 P W REC 003 MTWTH 2-3PM 2449 MH 119 Int CentAsian Lang I 30053 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2106 MLB Elementary Uzbek I 30052 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2110 MLB Introductory Pashto I 121 1st Yr Indonesian I 15439 P W REC 001 MTWTH 10-11AM 4128 LSA 124 Acc Elem Japanese 23499 PIRW REC 001 MWF 12-1PM G228 AH 125 1st Yr Japanese I STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15419 S W LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 3330 MH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15420 S W LEC 002 TTH 10-11AM 3330 MH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15421 S W LEC 003 TTH 11-12PM 3330 MH 15422 P W REC 004 MWF 9-10AM B113 MLB 15423 P W REC 005 MWF 10-11AM 1060 EH 15424 P W REC 006 MWF 11-12PM 1339 MH 15425 P W REC 007 MWF 12-1PM 409 WH 15426 P W REC 008 MWF 1-2PM B113 MLB 15427 P W REC 009 MWF 2-3PM B111 MLB 15428 P W REC 010 MWF 3-4PM B103 MLB 15429 P W REC 011 MWF 4-5PM B103 MLB 135 1st Yr Korean I 15437 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 9-10AM 2412 MLB 21870 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 10-11AM G228 AH 25548 P W REC 003 MTWTHF 9-10AM B101 MLB 138 Rdg Wrtng Korean I 19972 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 2-3PM 2202 MLB 145 1st Yr Punjabi I 29085 P W REC 001 MTWTH 11-12PM 1175 NQ 161 1st Yr Thai I 15438 P W REC 001 TWTHF 10-11AM 6000 STB 165 1st Yr Tibetan I 15436 P W REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM 5000 STB 171 1st Yr Urdu I 15509 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM G026 TISCH 175 1st Yr Vietnamese I 15444 P W REC 001 MW 9-11AM G444A MH 201 2nd Yr Chinese I 15414 S R LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 2009RUTHVEN STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15416 S R LEC 002 TTH 10-11AM 1401 MH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15417 P RW REC 003 MWF 9-10AM G634 HH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 22374 P RW REC 004 MWF 10-11AM G634 HH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15415 P RW REC 005 MWF 12-1PM G634 HH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 22375 P RW REC 006 MWF 1-2PM G634 HH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15418 P RW REC 007 MWF 2-3PM G634 HH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 33225 P RW REC 008 MWF 3-4PM 3333 MH STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 204 2nd Yr Chn Mandarin 21796 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 2-3PM 3242 LSA 211 2nd Yr Filipino I 15449 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM 2112 MLB 215 2nd Yr Hindi I 15447 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM 3265 USB 15448 P RW REC 002 MTWTH 12-1PM 2018 TISCH 221 2nd Yr Indonesian I 15446 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 11-12PM B118 MLB 225 2nd Yr Japanese I STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15430 S R LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM LEC RM 2 MLB STUDENTS MUST ELECT RECITATION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 15431 S R LEC 002 TTH 10-11AM 1427 MH 15432 P RW REC 003 MWF 9-10AM B111 MLB 15433 P RW REC 004 MWF 10-11AM 409 WH 15434 P RW REC 005 MWF 11-12PM G228 AH 15435 P RW REC 006 MWF 12-1PM 1624 CHEM 26567 P RW REC 007 MWF 2-3PM 2412 MLB 235 2nd Yr Korean I U of M Schedule of Classes Page 100 of 382

Nagra Nagra 4.00 Hagen Hagen 4.00 3.00 Mochizuki 5.00 Yasuda Yasuda Yasuda Sakakibara Sakakibara Sakakibara, Strand Endo, Strand Endo Endo, Strand Mochizuki, Strand Mochizuki, Strand 5.00 Park Jung 5.00 Jung 4.00 Gill 4.00 Krishnamra 4.00 Tsering 4.00 Ali 4.00 Nguyen 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Yin Yin Liang Yin Liang Yin Liu Liu 4.00 Zhao 4.00 Fulgencio 4.00 Gill Gill 4.00 5.00 Endo Endo Kondo, Sogabe Sogabe, Ota Ota Kondo Kondo 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10.00 ENFORCED 7.00

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






18149 251 30270 261 15445 265 25219 265

P RW REC 001 MTWTHF 11-12PM 2202 MLB Park 2nd Yr Sanskrit I 4.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 MWF 10-1130AM 4306 MLB Deshpande 2nd Yr Thai I 4.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM B118 MLB Krishnamra 2nd Yr Tibetan I 4.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM 5000 STB Tsering 2nd Yr Tibetan I 4.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 M 2-3PM 3000 STB 271 2nd Yr Urdu I 4.00 ENFORCED 15518 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM 4128 LSA Ali 275 2nd Yr Vietnamese I 4.00 ENFORCED 15450 P RW REC 001 MW 11-1PM G444A MH Nguyen 301 3rd Yr Chinese I 5.00 ENFORCED 11266 P RW REC 001 MTWTHF 9-10AM 4128 LSA Liu 19308 P RW REC 002 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2333 MH 26523 P RW REC 003 MTWTHF 12-1PM 7603 HH 304 3rd Yr Chn Mandarin 4.00 ENFORCED 22379 P RW REC 002 MTWTH 10-11AM 3242 LSA Liu 305 Adv Spoken Chn I 2.00 ENFORCED 17432 P RW REC 001 TTH 2-3PM 4000 STB 325 3rd Yr Japanese I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11895 P RW REC 001 MWF 10-1130AM 2402 MLB Oka, Sogabe 11896 P RW REC 002 MWF 1130-1PM 3401 MH Yasuda 20027 P RW REC 003 MWF 1-230PM 1359 MH Oka, Sogabe 29222 P RW REC 004 MWF 230-4PM 2402 MLB Sogabe 335 3rd Yr Korean I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11901 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-3PM 2412 MLB Han 401 4th Year Chinese I 4.00 ENFORCED 17452 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM B118 MLB Gu 405 Chinese-Professns I 3.00 ADVISORY 18813 P W REC 001 MW 4-530PM 2135 NQ Zhao 25103 P W REC 002 TTH 4-530PM B111 MLB Zhao 407 Adv Rdng Mod Chinese 3.00 ADVISORY 23350 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3000 STB Liu 411 Advanced Filipino I 3.00 ENFORCED 20670 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2202 MLB Fulgencio 417 Advanced Hindi I 3.00 ENFORCED 12475 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2106 MLB Nagra 419 Adv Indonesian I 3.00 ENFORCED 12474 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3217 MLB 425 Media Japanese I 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11897 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM G168 AH Sakakibara 429 Business Japanese I 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18024 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3333 MH Kondo 439 Academic Japanese I 2.00 ADVISORY 20793 P W REC 001 F 10-12PM 2412 MLB Oka 441 Japanese Translation 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26570 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3000 STB Mochizuki 461 Advanced Thai I 3.00 ENFORCED 12473 P RW REC 001 TWTH 4-5PM 2110 MLB Krishnamra This course can be scheduled according to the availability of the students enrolled. Please contact the instructor with any questions. 469 Adv Class Tibetan I 3.00 ENFORCED 20904 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 5000 STB Tsering 471 Advanced Urdu I 3.00 ENFORCED 17324 P RW REC 001 MW 4-530PM 2108 MLB Ali 475 Adv Vietnamese I 3.00 ENFORCED 12476 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM 2022 STB Nguyen 499 Independent Lang 1.00-5.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 519 Intro CentAsian Lang 4.00 30054 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2106 MLB Hagen Elementary Uzbek I 30055 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2110 MLB Hagen Introductory Pashto I


Buddhist Studies (BUDDHST)

701 799 Readings-MA Exam I IND + Sem Buddhist Study I IND + Directed Readings IND + ARR ARR ARR ARR

1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00


South and Southeast Asia (SSEA)




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Astronomy Department
Astronomy (ASTRO)
101 Intro Solar System 4.00 ADVISORY 10936 A LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 182 DENN Miller, Ruszkowski STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10937 P W DIS 002 T 10-11AM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10938 P W DIS 003 T 11-12PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10939 P W DIS 004 TH 1-2PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10940 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 20474 P W DIS 006 W 10-11AM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-006 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10941 A LEC 007 MWF 2-3PM 182 DENN Ruszkowski, Miller STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 21766 P W DIS 008 W 11-12PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 10942 P W DIS 009 TH 11-12PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 20472 P W DIS 010 T 1-2PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 20473 P W DIS 011 T 2-3PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 21767 P W DIS 012 W 1-2PM 5180B AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 008-012 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 007. 102 Intr Stars&Universe 4.00 ADVISORY 10943 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 182 DENN Aller, Gallo STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-005 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10944 P W DIS 002 W 1-2PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-005 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10945 P W DIS 003 W 11-12PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-005 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 21769 P W DIS 004 T 3-4PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-005 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 23398 P W DIS 005 TH 3-4PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 002-005 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 001. 10946 A LEC 006 TTH 230-4PM 182 DENN Gallo, Aller STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 007-010 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 006. 10947 P W DIS 007 W 10-11AM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 007-010 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 006. 20480 P W DIS 008 T 1-2PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 007-010 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 006. 21768 P W DIS 009 TH 1-2PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 007-010 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 006. 23397 P W DIS 010 T 11-12PM 5179 AH STUDENTS ENROLLED IN DISCUSSION 007-010 WILL BE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE 006. 105 Cosmos Constellatns 3.00 29367 A LEC 001 MW 12-1PM AUD C AH Oey 29369 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3118 AH 29370 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3118 AH 29372 P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 3118 AH 29375 P W DIS 005 F 2-3PM 3118 AH 106 Aliens 1.00 25302 P W LEC 001 F 10-11AM 182 DENN Bell 24914 P W LEC 002 F 11-12PM 182 DENN Bell 115 Intro Astrobiology 3.00 ADVISORY 25304 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM AUD D AH Bergin 127 Naked Eye Astronomy 1.00 PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets September 4 - October 23, 2013 10948 P W LEC 001 MW 2-3PM 3118 AH Davis PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets September 4 - October 23, 2013 10949 P W LEC 002 MW 3-4PM 3118 AH Davis PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets September 4 - October 23, 2013 10950 P W LEC 003 MW 4-5PM 3118 AH Davis PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets October 28 - December 11, 2013 10951 P W LEC 004 MW 2-3PM 3118 AH Davis PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets October 28 - December 11, 2013 20464 P W LEC 005 MW 3-4PM 3118 AH Davis PLEASE NOTE: This is a HALF-TERM MINI COURSE that meets October 28 - December 11, 2013 20465 P W LEC 006 MW 4-5PM 3118 AH Davis 142 Big Bang 3.00 21697 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 296 DENN Bregman 183 Rocket Science 3.00 21518 P LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM 1400 CHEM Liemohn 201 Intro Astrophysics 4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 102 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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10952 A LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 807 DENN Mateo 10953 P W LAB 002 M 7-9PM 5180B AH 10954 P W LAB 003 T 7-9PM 5180B AH 220 Astro Discoveries 3.00 ENFORCED 24822 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 807 DENN Valluri 255 Earth Space Science 3.00 ADVISORY 28297 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2520 CCL van Keken, Valluri, Arbic This course is intended primarily for undergraduate students from the School of Education who are specializing in Elementary Education, and for IDA concentrators in the Department of Astronomy. 301 Disc Universe 3.00 25953 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2306 MH Lindner 305 Astro in Community 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 24823 P W SEM 001 ARR ARR Davis Contact instructor for questions and/or details regarding this experiential course. Upon enrollment, make sure to get in touch with instructor to discuss meeting times, possible projects, and expectations for each. 389 Indi Studies Astro 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 399 Intro-Research 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 402 Stellar Astrophy 3.00 ADVISORY 10956 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 807 DENN Calvet 420 Adv Ast Discoveries 3.00 ENFORCED 27323 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 807 DENN Valluri 429 Senior Seminar 2.00 ADVISORY 10957 P RW SEM 001 T 3-4PM 807 DENN Mateo, Calvet, Oey 501 Mod Astr Techniques 3.00 ADVISORY 29511 P W LEC 001 MW 330-5PM 807 DENN Monnier 530 Stellar Astrophys I 3.00 29512 P W LEC 001 MW 2-330PM 807 DENN Hartmann 901 Res-Theoret Astro 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 902 Res-Observ Astro 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Biology Department
Biology (BIOLOGY)
--A STUDENT WHO DOES NOT ATTEND THE FIRST MEETING OF A BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, OR PHYSICS LAB MAY BE DROPPED FROM THAT COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE ACTION THROUGH THE REGISTRATION PROCESS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR OFFICIAL COURSE SCHEDULES MATCH THE COURSES THEY ARE ATTENDING. 100 Biol for Nonsci 4.00 ADVISORY ALL DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. 10959 A LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2260 USB Kurdziel 10960 P W DIS 002 T 12-2PM 2234 USB 10961 P DIS 003 T 12-2PM ARR 10962 P W DIS 004 T 2-4PM 2234 USB 10963 P DIS 005 T 2-4PM ARR 10964 P W DIS 006 W 12-2PM 2234 USB 10965 P DIS 007 W 2-4PM ARR 101 Energy, Food, Envir 4.00 ALL DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN ON MONDAY, SEPT. 9. 19178 A LEC 001 MWF 3-4PM 1324 EH Vandermeer 19179 P RW DIS 002 M 1130-1PM 3265 USB 19180 P RW DIS 003 M 1-230PM 5180B AH 19181 P RW DIS 004 T 10-1130AM 3265 USB 19182 P RW DIS 005 T 230-4PM 641 DENN 19183 P RW DIS 006 W 10-1130AM 3156 LSA 19184 P RW DIS 007 W 1-230PM A863 CHEM 19185 P RW DIS 008 TH 1130-1PM 3540 CCL 19186 P RW DIS 009 F 10-1130AM 3265 USB 19187 P DIS 010 M 1130-1PM ARR 19188 P DIS 011 T 230-4PM ARR 19189 P DIS 012 TH 1130-1PM ARR 108 Animal Diversity 4.00 28679 S LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 1230 USB Eidietis 28740 P W DIS 010 T 9-10AM 2502 CCL 28741 P W DIS 011 T 3-4PM 130 DENN 28742 P DIS 012 TH 9-10AM 1512 CCL 110 Int Global Change I 4.00 10966 A R LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1200 CHEM Kling, Badgley, van der Pluijm, Poulsen 10968 P RW LAB 003 ARR ARR 10969 P RW LAB 004 M 3-5PM 3556 DANA Jeffery 10970 P RW LAB 005 T 9-11AM 3038 DANA Rosier 10971 P RW LAB 006 T 11-1PM 3038 DANA Taylor 19156 P RW LAB 007 M 1-3PM 3556 DANA Shi 10972 P RW LAB 008 W 1-3PM 3556 DANA Rosier 120 First Year Sem Biol 3.00 ADVISORY 10973 P RW SEM 001 T 2-5PM G437 MH Oakley Elements of Evolution 10974 P RW SEM 002 TH 2-5PM G437 MH Oakley Elements of Evolution 28698 P RW SEM 003 MWF 3-4PM 3265 USB Dick Amazon Rain Forests 28702 P RW SEM 004 MW 10-1130AM ARR Nussbaum Introduction to Evolution 125 Biotech & Society 3.00 ADVISORY 28851 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM LEC RM 1 MLB Walter 130 Animal Behavior 4.00 28680 S LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1210 CHEM Tibbetts 28681 P W DIS 002 T 130-230PM ARR 28682 P W DIS 003 T 4-5PM G311 DENT 28683 P W DIS 004 F 11-12PM 1650 CHEM 28684 P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM 2234 USB 28685 P W DIS 006 W 10-11AM 2062 PALM 28686 P W DIS 007 W 11-12PM 1632 CHEM 28688 P DIS 008 W 1-2PM ARR 28687 P DIS 009 T 3-4PM ARR 28689 P DIS 010 F 1-2PM ARR 171 Intro Biology: EEB 4.00 THE FIRST LECTURE WILL BE HELD WED., SEPT. 4. DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN WEDS., SEPT.25, OCT. 23, AND NOV. 13. 20546 S LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD 3 MLB OConnor 20547 S LEC 002 MWF 12-1PM AUD 3 MLB OConnor HONORS STUDENTS ENROLL IN DISCUSSION SECTION 200 OR 201 AND LECTURE SECTION 002 OR 004. 20548 S LEC 003 MWF 3-4PM AUD 3 MLB OConnor 20549 S LEC 004 MWF 3-4PM AUD 3 MLB OConnor HONORS STUDENTS ENROLL IN DISCUSSION SECTION 200 OR 201 AND LECTURE SECTION 002 OR 004. 20550 A LEC 005 MWF 12-1PM B844 EH Giffen CSP STUDENTS ENROLL IN DISCUSSION SECTION 100 OR 101 AND LECTURE SECTION 005. 20551 P W DIS 006 M 830-10AM 2234 USB U of M Schedule of Classes Page 104 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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20552 P W DIS 007 M 10-1130AM 2234 USB 20553 P W DIS 008 M 10-1130AM 4404 RAND 20554 P W DIS 009 M 10-1130AM 5179 AH 20556 P W DIS 011 M 1-230PM 120 DENN 20557 P W DIS 012 ARR ARR 20558 P W DIS 013 M 4-530PM 2234 USB 20559 P W DIS 014 M 4-530PM 1505 CCL 20560 P W DIS 015 M 4-530PM 3230 USB 20561 P W DIS 016 M 6-730PM 2234 USB 20562 P W DIS 017 M 6-730PM 1507 CCL 20563 P DIS 018 T 830-10AM ARR 20564 P W DIS 019 T 830-10AM 2234 USB 20565 P W DIS 020 T 10-1130AM 4152 USB 20566 P W DIS 021 T 10-1130AM 2520 CCL 21144 P W DIS 024 T 1130-1PM 2520 CCL 21145 P W DIS 025 T 1130-1PM 2502 CCL 21146 P W DIS 026 T 1-230PM 4152 USB 21147 P W DIS 027 T 1-230PM 514 DENN 21148 P W DIS 028 T 1-230PM 1469 MH 21553 P W DIS 030 T 230-4PM 4152 USB 21554 P W DIS 031 T 230-4PM 271 DENN 21555 P W DIS 032 T 4-530PM 2234 USB 21556 P W DIS 033 T 4-530PM 1632 CHEM 21557 P W DIS 034 T 4-530PM 3230 USB 21558 P W DIS 035 T 6-730PM 2234 USB 21559 P W DIS 036 T 6-730PM 1507 CCL 21560 P W DIS 037 W 10-1130AM 2234 USB 21561 P W DIS 038 W 10-1130AM 2185 NQ 21562 P W DIS 039 W 10-1130AM B135 MLB 21563 P W DIS 040 W 1-230PM 4152 USB 21564 P DIS 041 W 1-230PM 2333 MH 21565 P DIS 042 W 1-230PM 2325 MH 20567 PDRW DIS 100 TTH 10-12PM 2244 USB Giffen SECTIONS 100 AND 101 ARE RESERVED FOR CSP STUDENTS. PERMISSION OF A CSP COUNSELOR IS REQUIRED. 21552 PDRW DIS 101 TTH 2-4PM 2244 USB Giffen SECTIONS 100 AND 101 ARE RESERVED FOR CSP STUDENTS. PERMISSION OF A CSP COUNSELOR IS REQUIRED. 20555 P RW DIS 200 M 1-230PM 4152 USB Eidietis SECTIONS 200 AND 201 ARE RESERVED FOR HONORS STUDENTS. 21143 P RW DIS 201 T 1130-1PM 4152 USB Eidietis SECTIONS 200 AND 201 ARE RESERVED FOR HONORS STUDENTS. 172 Intro Biol - MCDB 4.00 ADVISORY THE FIRST LECTURE WILL BE HELD WED., SEPT. 4. DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN WEDNESDAY, OCT. 2, AND MONDAYS, OCT. 28 AND NOV. 18, 6-8 P.M. 20572 S LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM AUD NS Chapman, Csankovszki, Spillane 20573 S LEC 002 MWF 9-10AM AUD NS Chapman, Csankovszki, Spillane HONORS STUDENTS ENROLL IN SECTION 200 OR 201 AND LECTURE SECTION 002 OR 004. 20574 S LEC 003 MWF 10-11AM AUD NS Chapman, Csankovszki, Spillane 20575 S LEC 004 MWF 10-11AM AUD NS Chapman, Csankovszki, Spillane HONORS STUDENTS ENROLL IN SECTION 200 OR 201 AND LECTURE SECTION 002 OR 004. 31493 A LEC 005 MWF 2-3PM 1250 USB Wood CSP STUDENTS ENROLL IN DISCUSSION SECTIONS 100 OR 101 AND LECTURE SECTION 005. 20577 P W DIS 006 W 4-530PM 2325 MH 20578 P W DIS 007 W 4-530PM 1250 USB 20579 P W DIS 008 W 4-530PM 271 DENN 20580 P DIS 009 W 4-530PM ARR 20581 P DIS 010 W 4-530PM ARR 21589 P RW DIS 011 F 1-230PM 2234 USB 20584 P W DIS 012 TH 830-10AM 4153 USB 20585 P RW DIS 013 TH 830-10AM 3230 USB 20586 P DIS 014 TH 830-10AM ARR 21139 P DIS 015 TH 830-10AM ARR 21140 P W DIS 016 TH 10-1130AM 514 DENN 21141 P W DIS 017 TH 10-1130AM 4152 USB 21142 P DIS 018 TH 10-1130AM ARR 21566 P DIS 019 TH 10-1130AM ARR 21567 P W DIS 020 TH 1130-1PM 1512 CCL 21568 P W DIS 021 TH 1130-1PM 514 DENN 21569 P W DIS 022 TH 1130-1PM 413 DENN 20576 P W DIS 023 W 4-530PM 2234 USB 21570 P W DIS 024 TH 1130-1PM 4152 USB 21571 P W DIS 025 TH 1-230PM 1448 MH . 21574 P DIS 027 TH 1-230PM 1469 MH 21575 P DIS 028 TH 1-230PM ARR 21576 P W DIS 029 TH 1-230PM 4152 USB Spillane 21578 P W DIS 031 TH 230-4PM 2234 USB 21579 P W DIS 032 TH 230-4PM 4152 USB 21580 P DIS 033 TH 230-4PM ARR 21581 P DIS 034 TH 230-4PM ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 105 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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21582 P DIS 035 TH 230-4PM ARR 21583 P W DIS 036 TH 4-530PM 2234 USB 21584 P W DIS 037 TH 4-530PM 4152 USB 21585 P W DIS 038 TH 4-530PM 3230 USB 21586 P DIS 039 TH 4-530PM ARR 21587 P DIS 040 TH 4-530PM ARR 21588 P DIS 041 F 1-230PM ARR 21590 P W DIS 043 F 1-230PM 4152 USB 21591 P DIS 044 F 1-230PM ARR 21592 P DIS 045 F 1-230PM ARR 20582 PIRW DIS 100 TTH 10-12PM 3230 USB Wood SECTIONS 100 AND 101 ARE RESERVED FOR CSP STUDENTS. PERMISSION OF A CSP COUNSELOR IS REQUIRED. 21577 PIRW DIS 101 TTH 2-4PM 3230 USB Wood SECTIONS 100 AND 101 ARE RESERVED FOR CSP STUDENTS. PERMISSION OF A CSP COUNSELOR IS REQUIRED. 21573 P RW DIS 200 TH 1-230PM 2234 USB Spillane SECTIONS 200 AND 201 ARE RESERVED FOR HONORS STUDENTS. 20583 P RW DIS 201 TH 830-10AM 2234 USB Spillane SECTIONS 200 AND 201 ARE RESERVED FOR HONORS STUDENTS. 173 Intro Biol Lab 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED THE FIRST LECTURE WILL BE HELD FRI., SEPT. 6 LAB SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. 20503 S R LEC 001 F 2-3PM AUD NS Ammerlaan 20504 S R LEC 002 F 3-4PM AUD NS Ammerlaan 20505 P RW LAB 011 M 2-5PM 2114 USB 20506 P RW LAB 012 M 2-5PM 2122 USB 21490 P RW LAB 013 M 2-5PM 2115 USB 21491 P RW LAB 014 M 2-5PM 2123 USB 20507 P RW LAB 021 T 9-12PM 2114 USB 20508 P RW LAB 022 T 9-12PM 2122 USB 21495 P RW LAB 023 T 9-12PM 2115 USB 21496 P RW LAB 024 T 9-12PM 2123 USB 20509 P RW LAB 031 T 2-5PM 2114 USB 20510 P RW LAB 032 T 2-5PM 2122 USB 21497 P RW LAB 033 T 2-5PM 2115 USB 21498 P RW LAB 034 T 2-5PM 2123 USB 20511 P RW LAB 041 T 7-10PM 2114 USB 20515 P RW LAB 042 T 7-10PM 2122 USB 21499 P RW LAB 043 T 7-10PM 2115 USB 21500 P RW LAB 044 T 7-10PM 2123 USB 20516 P RW LAB 051 W 9-12PM 2114 USB 20517 P RW LAB 052 W 9-12PM 2122 USB 21501 P RW LAB 053 W 9-12PM 2115 USB 21502 P RW LAB 054 W 9-12PM 2123 USB 20518 P RW LAB 061 W 2-5PM 2114 USB 20519 P RW LAB 062 W 2-5PM 2122 USB 21503 P RW LAB 063 W 2-5PM 2115 USB 21504 P RW LAB 064 W 2-5PM 2123 USB 20520 P R LAB 071 W 7-10PM 2114 USB 20521 P R LAB 072 W 7-10PM 2122 USB 21505 P R LAB 073 W 7-10PM 2115 USB 21506 P R LAB 074 W 7-10PM 2123 USB 20522 P RW LAB 081 TH 9-12PM 2114 USB 20523 P RW LAB 082 TH 9-12PM 2122 USB 21507 P RW LAB 083 TH 9-12PM 2115 USB 21508 P RW LAB 084 TH 9-12PM 2123 USB 20524 P RW LAB 091 TH 2-5PM 2114 USB 20525 P RW LAB 092 TH 2-5PM 2122 USB 21509 P RW LAB 093 TH 2-5PM 2115 USB 21515 P RW LAB 094 TH 2-5PM 2123 USB 20526 P RW LAB 101 TH 7-10PM 2114 USB 20527 P RW LAB 102 TH 7-10PM 2122 USB 21513 P RW LAB 103 TH 7-10PM 2115 USB 21514 P RW LAB 104 TH 7-10PM 2123 USB 200 Undergrad Tutorial 2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 205 Developmental Biol 3.00 ENFORCED 25075 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM AUD C AH Cadigan, Buttitta 207 Intro Micro 4.00 ENFORCED LAB SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9. 10976 A R LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD NS Dunlap, Ammerlaan 10977 P R LAB 002 M 1-4PM 3130 USB 10978 P R LAB 003 M 1-4PM 3142 USB 10979 P RW LAB 004 T 9-12PM 3130 USB 10980 P R LAB 005 T 9-12PM 3142 USB 10981 P RW LAB 006 T 1-4PM 3130 USB Ammerlaan 10982 P RW LAB 007 T 1-4PM 3142 USB 10983 P R LAB 008 T 6-9PM 3130 USB 10984 P R LAB 009 T 6-9PM 3142 USB 10985 P R LAB 010 W 9-12PM 3130 USB 10986 P RW LAB 011 W 9-12PM 3142 USB U of M Schedule of Classes Page 106 of 382



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10987 P RW LAB 012 W 1-4PM 3130 USB 10988 P RW LAB 013 W 1-4PM 3142 USB 10989 P RW LAB 014 TH 9-12PM 3130 USB Ammerlaan 10990 P R LAB 015 TH 9-12PM 3142 USB 19524 P RW LAB 016 TH 1-4PM 3130 USB 19525 P R LAB 017 TH 1-4PM 3142 USB 225 Animal Physiol and Neurobiol 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10991 P RW LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM AUD 3 MLB Xu, Duan 226 Animal Physiol Lab 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 70.00 STUDENTS MUST CLAIM PLACES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST LAB MEETING. ALL LABS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 9. 10992 P RW LAB 001 M 1-5PM 3114 USB Sant 10993 P RW LAB 002 M 1-5PM 3122 USB Qi 10994 P RW LAB 003 M 1-5PM 3115 USB Dolan 10995 P RW LAB 004 T 8-12PM 3114 USB Jilek 10996 P RW LAB 005 T 8-12PM 3122 USB Cheng 10997 P RW LAB 006 T 8-12PM 3115 USB Dolan 19860 P RW LAB 007 T 1-5PM 3114 USB Sant 19861 P RW LAB 008 T 1-5PM 3122 USB Brichta 19862 P RW LAB 009 T 1-5PM 3115 USB Petersen 19863 P RW LAB 010 W 1-5PM 3114 USB Shalabi 19864 P RW LAB 011 W 1-5PM 3122 USB Qi 19865 P RW LAB 012 W 1-5PM 3115 USB McHenry 20964 P RW LAB 013 TH 8-12PM 3114 USB Jilek 20965 P RW LAB 014 TH 8-12PM 3122 USB Cheng 20966 P RW LAB 015 TH 8-12PM 3115 USB McHenry 20967 P RW LAB 016 TH 1-5PM 3114 USB Shalabi 20968 P RW LAB 017 TH 1-5PM 3122 USB Brichta 20969 P RW LAB 018 TH 1-5PM 3115 USB Petersen 230 Plant Biology 4.00 ADVISORY 65.00 18067 A LEC 001 MW 10-11AM 1250 USB Li, Berry 18068 P W DIS 021 M 1-2PM 2131 USB 18069 A LAB 022 M 2-5PM 2131 USB 18070 P W DIS 031 T 1-2PM 2131 USB 18071 A LAB 032 T 2-5PM 2131 USB 21659 P W DIS 041 W 1-2PM 2131 USB 21660 A LAB 042 W 2-5PM 2131 USB 21661 P W DIS 051 TH 1-2PM 2131 USB 21662 A LAB 052 TH 2-5PM 2131 USB 252 Vertebrate Evol &Div 4.00 ADVISORY 60.00 10998 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1250 USB Rabosky 10999 P W LAB 002 M 2-5PM 3140 NS 11000 P W LAB 003 W 2-5PM 3140 NS 11001 P LAB 004 F 2-5PM 3140 NS 281 General Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. NO CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE IS GRANTED TO THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED EEB 381. 11003 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM AUD D AH King 11004 P W DIS 002 M 1-3PM A863 CHEM 11005 P W DIS 003 M 1-3PM 1624 CHEM 11006 P W DIS 004 M 3-5PM A863 CHEM 11007 P W DIS 005 M 3-5PM 1624 CHEM 11008 P W DIS 006 W 1-3PM A859 CHEM 11009 P W DIS 007 W 1-3PM 1624 CHEM 305 Genetics 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED ALL DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. EXAMS WILL BE GIVEN ON MONDAYS, SEPT. 23, OCT. 21, NOV. 11, AND DEC. 9, 6-8 P.M. 11020 A R LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM AUD NS James, Kumar 11024 P RW DIS 002 T 3-4PM 1567 CCL 11025 P RW DIS 003 T 3-4PM 455 DENN 11021 P RW DIS 004 T 4-5PM 1567 CCL 11022 P RW DIS 005 T 4-5PM B312B DENT 11023 P RW DIS 006 T 5-6PM 1636 CHEM 11026 P RW DIS 007 W 2-3PM 514 DENN 11029 P RW DIS 008 W 2-3PM 1650 CHEM 11030 P RW DIS 009 W 4-5PM 1567 CCL 11031 P RW DIS 010 TH 2-3PM 1427 MH 11032 P RW DIS 011 TH 6-7PM 1507 CCL 11033 P R DIS 012 TH 6-7PM 2234 USB 11034 P RW DIS 013 F 10-11AM 1567 CCL 20095 P RW DIS 014 F 10-11AM 2062 PALM 20096 P R DIS 015 TH 2-3PM G144 AH 11027 P RW DIS 016 F 1-2PM 1632 CHEM 11028 P RW DIS 017 F 1-2PM 1628 CHEM 21814 P R DIS 018 F 2-3PM 1650 CHEM

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Biophysics Research Division

Biophysics (BIOPHYS)
120 20481 280 370 21625 399 415 440 26961 450 20978 463 22694 22695 495 23518 498 499 501 19509 517 25489 520 18046 550 24064 595 23536 801 11063 802 22655 890 990 995 DNA Double Helix P W SEM 001 TTH Biophysics UG Res D IND + PhysChem Princip P RW LEC 001 TTH Research Biophysics I IND + Directed Study D IND + Biophys of Diseases P W LEC 001 TTH Lab Tech in BIOPHYS P RW LAB 001 MW Math Model Biol P W LEC 001 MWF P W LEC 002 MWF Sr Sem Biophysics P RW LEC 001 F Senior Thesis I IND + Honors Thesis I IND + Chemical Biology I PD SEM 001 TTH Nanobio Cert Sem P SEM 001 M Biophys Chem I P W LEC 001 TTH Biophys Lab P LAB 001 MW Prof Dev in Biophys P SEM 001 F Seminar P SEM 001 M Biophys Sem P SEM 001 M Intro to Research I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND + 3.00 4-530PM ARR 1130-1PM ARR ARR 230-4PM 1-3PM 9-10AM 1-2PM 2-4PM ARR ARR 9-11AM 12-1PM 1-230PM 1-3PM 2-4PM 3-430PM 3-430PM ARR ARR ARR 1230 USB 1.00-4.00 ARR 1300 CHEM ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 2062 PALM 3020 CHEM 4088 EH 3088 EH 1624 CHEM ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 3014 RACK 4404 RAND 1518 CCL 3020 CHEM 1624 CHEM ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Gafni 3.00 ADVISORY Veatch 3.00 Ramamoorthy 1.00 ADVISORY Trievel 1.00 ADVISORY Trievel 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 2.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Al-Hashimi 3.00 ENFORCED Veatch 3.00 ADVISORY Forger Jackson 2.00 ENFORCED Ramamoorthy 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 125.00 3.00 Mirkin 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 90.00

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Center for Russian, E. European & Eurasian Studies

Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies (REEES)
214 28481 301 Rock Poetry P W LEC 001 TTH Dir Reading SI IND + 395 Sur Russ&Sov 12433 A LEC 001 TTH Survey of Russia 12435 P W DIS 003 M 12436 P W DIS 004 F 16963 P W DIS 005 F 402 Jr Honors Wrkshp I IND + 403 Sr Honors Colloq SI IND + 405 Topics in REEES 26855 P R SEM 001 TF Jud Reforms:Post Sov Countries This class will be taught in 116 Hutchin Hall 490 Women&Islam 28247 P W SEM 001 TTH 600 REEES Grad Intro 25084 PD SEM 001 601 REEES Core Colloq 25083 PD SEM 001 W 799 Master's Thesis SD IND + 801 Directed Reading SI IND + 4-530PM ARR 230-4PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 10-11AM ARR ARR 1020-1145AM 3437 MH ARR 1202 SEB 373 LORCH 1509 CCL 1509 CCL 2.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 116 HUTCH 3.00 Mishina 3.00 Gocek 1.00-2.00 Maiorova 1.00 Maiorova 1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00 ARR ARR ADVISORY ADVISORY 4.00 Maiorova 10.00 3.00 Westwalewicz 1.00-3.00

1-230PM ARR 12-2PM ARR




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Chemistry Department
Chemistry (CHEM)
--A GRADE OF C- OR BETTER MUST BE OBTAINED IN ALL CHEMISTRY COURSES PREREQUISITE TO SUBSEQUENT CHEMISTRY COURSES. --ROOM A706 CHEM IS A WHEELCHAIR EQUIPPED LAB. --NO CONTACT LENSES IN THE CHEM LABS. --A STUDENT WHO DOES NOT ATTEND THE FIRST MEETING OF A BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, OR PHYSICS LAB MAY BE DROPPED FROM THAT COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE ACTION THROUGH THE REGISTRATION PROCESS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR OFFICIAL COURSE SCHEDULES MATCH THE COURSES THEY ARE ATTENDING. 105 Changing Atmos 3.00 11065 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1210 CHEM De Roo 120 First Year Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 23515 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1624 CHEM Glick The Business of Chem and Bio Many important fundamental discoveries in basic academic research have laid the foundation for companies and products that have changed society. From drugs to plastics from crops to pesticides, university research has an improved our quality of life and led to growth in our economy. In this class, we will discuss how research in universities is conducted and funded and how those discoveries can be commercialized. Students will gain practical experience in teamwork and presentation skills and will be evaluated based on attendance, participation in class discussion, and oral presentations. 125 Gen Chem Lab I 1.00 ADVISORY 80.00 --YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 126, SECTION 100 --STUDENTS MUST CLAIM THEIR SPACE AT THE FIRST MEETING OF LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11066 A LEC 100 TH 10-11AM 1800 CHEM Kerner 11067 P DIS 110 M 11-12PM A706 CHEM 11068 A LAB 111 M 12-2PM A706 CHEM 11069 P DIS 112 M 11-12PM A712 CHEM 11070 A LAB 113 M 12-2PM A712 CHEM 19526 P DIS 114 M 11-12PM A718 CHEM 19527 A LAB 115 M 12-2PM A718 CHEM 19528 P DIS 116 M 11-12PM A724 CHEM 19529 A LAB 117 M 12-2PM A724 CHEM 20085 P DIS 118 M 11-12PM A730 CHEM 20086 A LAB 119 M 12-2PM A730 CHEM 11071 P DIS 120 M 11-12PM A736 CHEM 11072 A LAB 121 M 12-2PM A736 CHEM 11073 P DIS 122 M 11-12PM A742 CHEM 11074 A LAB 123 M 12-2PM A742 CHEM 11075 P DIS 124 T 11-12PM A706 CHEM 11076 A LAB 125 T 12-2PM A706 CHEM 11077 P DIS 126 T 11-12PM A712 CHEM 11078 A LAB 127 T 12-2PM A712 CHEM 16502 P DIS 128 T 11-12PM A718 CHEM 16503 A LAB 129 T 12-2PM A718 CHEM 11079 P DIS 130 T 11-12PM A724 CHEM -11080 A LAB 131 T 12-2PM A724 CHEM -11081 P DIS 132 T 11-12PM A730 CHEM -11082 A LAB 133 T 12-2PM A730 CHEM -11083 P DIS 134 T 11-12PM A736 CHEM -11084 A LAB 135 T 12-2PM A736 CHEM -11085 P DIS 136 T 11-12PM A742 CHEM -11086 A LAB 137 T 12-2PM A742 CHEM -11087 P DIS 138 T 2-3PM A706 CHEM -11088 A LAB 139 T 3-5PM A706 CHEM -11089 P DIS 140 T 2-3PM A712 CHEM -11090 A LAB 141 T 3-5PM A712 CHEM 18908 P DIS 142 T 2-3PM A718 CHEM 18909 A LAB 143 T 3-5PM A718 CHEM 18910 P DIS 144 T 2-3PM A724 CHEM 18911 A LAB 145 T 3-5PM A724 CHEM 18912 P DIS 146 T 2-3PM A730 CHEM 18913 A LAB 147 T 3-5PM A730 CHEM 18914 P DIS 148 T 2-3PM A736 CHEM 18915 A LAB 149 T 3-5PM A736 CHEM 20093 P DIS 150 T 2-3PM A742 CHEM 20094 A LAB 151 T 3-5PM A742 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 110 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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--YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 126 SECTION 200 --STUDENTS MUST CLAIM THEIR SPACE AT THE FIRST MEETING OF LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11091 A LEC 200 T 1-2PM 1800 CHEM Kerner 20833 P DIS 210 W 11-12PM A706 CHEM 20834 A LAB 211 W 12-2PM A706 CHEM 20835 P DIS 212 W 11-12PM A712 CHEM 20836 A LAB 213 W 12-2PM A712 CHEM 20837 P DIS 214 W 11-12PM A718 CHEM 20838 A LAB 215 W 12-2PM A718 CHEM 20839 P DIS 216 W 11-12PM A724 CHEM 20840 A LAB 217 W 12-2PM A724 CHEM 20841 P DIS 218 W 11-12PM A730 CHEM 20842 A LAB 219 W 12-2PM A730 CHEM 20843 P DIS 220 W 11-12PM A736 CHEM 20844 A LAB 221 W 12-2PM A736 CHEM 20845 P DIS 222 W 11-12PM A742 CHEM 20846 A LAB 223 W 12-2PM A742 CHEM 20847 P DIS 224 W 2-3PM A706 CHEM 20848 A LAB 225 W 3-5PM A706 CHEM 20849 P DIS 226 W 2-3PM A712 CHEM 20850 A LAB 227 W 3-5PM A712 CHEM 20851 P DIS 228 W 2-3PM A718 CHEM 20852 A LAB 229 W 3-5PM A718 CHEM 20853 P DIS 230 W 2-3PM A724 CHEM 20854 A LAB 231 W 3-5PM A724 CHEM 20856 P DIS 232 W 2-3PM A730 CHEM 20857 A LAB 233 W 3-5PM A730 CHEM 18932 P DIS 238 TH 8-9AM A706 CHEM 18933 A LAB 239 TH 9-11AM A706 CHEM 17614 P DIS 240 TH 8-9AM A712 CHEM 17615 A LAB 241 TH 9-11AM A712 CHEM 18900 P DIS 242 TH 8-9AM A718 CHEM 18901 A LAB 243 TH 9-11AM A718 CHEM 18902 P DIS 244 TH 8-9AM A724 CHEM 18903 A LAB 245 TH 9-11AM A724 CHEM 18904 P DIS 246 TH 8-9AM A730 CHEM 18905 A LAB 247 TH 9-11AM A730 CHEM 18906 P DIS 248 TH 8-9AM A736 CHEM 18907 A LAB 249 TH 9-11AM A736 CHEM 20862 P DIS 250 TH 8-9AM A742 CHEM 20863 A LAB 251 TH 9-11AM A742 CHEM 19530 A LEC 300 T 10-11AM 1800 CHEM Kerner --YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 126 SECTION 300 --STUDENTS MUST CLAIM THEIR SPACE AT THE FIRST MEETING OF LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 20861 P DIS 310 TH 2-3PM A706 CHEM 20866 A LAB 311 TH 3-5PM A706 CHEM 20867 P DIS 312 TH 2-3PM A712 CHEM 20868 A LAB 313 TH 3-5PM A712 CHEM 20869 P DIS 314 TH 2-3PM A718 CHEM 20870 A LAB 315 TH 3-5PM A718 CHEM 20871 P DIS 316 TH 2-3PM A724 CHEM 20872 A LAB 317 TH 3-5PM A724 CHEM 20873 P DIS 318 TH 2-3PM A730 CHEM 20874 A LAB 319 TH 3-5PM A730 CHEM 20875 P DIS 320 TH 2-3PM A736 CHEM 20876 A LAB 321 TH 3-5PM A736 CHEM 20877 P DIS 322 TH 2-3PM A742 CHEM 20878 A LAB 323 TH 3-5PM A742 CHEM 20879 P DIS 324 F 8-9AM A706 CHEM 20880 A LAB 325 F 9-11AM A706 CHEM 20881 P DIS 326 F 8-9AM A712 CHEM 20882 A LAB 327 F 9-11AM A712 CHEM 20883 P DIS 328 F 8-9AM A718 CHEM 20884 A LAB 329 F 9-11AM A718 CHEM 20886 P DIS 332 F 8-9AM A730 CHEM 20887 A LAB 333 F 9-11AM A730 CHEM 20893 P DIS 334 F 8-9AM A724 CHEM 20888 A LAB 335 F 9-11AM A724 CHEM 20889 P DIS 338 F 11-12PM A706 CHEM 20890 A LAB 339 F 12-2PM A706 CHEM 19531 P DIS 340 F 11-12PM A712 CHEM 19532 A LAB 341 F 12-2PM A712 CHEM 19533 P DIS 342 F 11-12PM A718 CHEM 19534 A LAB 343 F 12-2PM A718 CHEM 20087 P DIS 344 F 11-12PM A730 CHEM 20088 A LAB 345 F 12-2PM A730 CHEM 20089 P DIS 346 F 11-12PM A724 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 111 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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20090 A LAB 347 F 12-2PM A724 CHEM 20894 P DIS 348 F 11-12PM A736 CHEM 20895 A LAB 349 F 12-2PM A736 CHEM 126 Gen Chem Lab II 1.00 ADVISORY 18128 P LEC 100 ARR ARR Kerner --YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 125 SECTION 100. CHEM 126 meets the same day/time/location as CHEM 125 and must be taken in conjunction with CHEM 125. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 18129 P LEC 200 ARR ARR Kerner --YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 125 SECTION 200. CHEM 126 meets the same day/time/location as CHEM 125 and must be taken in conjunction with CHEM 125. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 19535 P LEC 300 ARR ARR Kerner --YOU MUST ALSO REGISTER FOR CHEM 125 SECTION 300. CHEM 126 meets the same day/time/location as CHEM 125 and must be taken in conjunction with CHEM 125. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 130 G Chem Invst&R Prin 3.00 ADVISORY SECTION 100 STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION SECTION 101-121. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11092 A LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1800 CHEM Bartlett 11093 P DIS 101 F 9-10AM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 11094 P DIS 102 TH 11-12PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11095 P DIS 103 M 9-10AM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 11096 P DIS 104 M 12-1PM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 11097 P DIS 105 T 3-4PM 4153 USB Sipowska 11099 P DIS 107 TH 3-4PM 1650 CHEM Sipowska 11100 P DIS 109 TH 4-5PM 1469 MH Sipowska 11101 P DIS 110 W 4-5PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11102 P DIS 111 W 12-1PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11103 P DIS 112 TH 3-4PM A863 CHEM Sipowska 11104 P DIS 113 W 9-10AM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 11105 P DIS 114 T 9-10AM A859 CHEM Sipowska 11106 P DIS 116 T 4-5PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11107 P DIS 118 W 12-1PM 4153 USB Sipowska 11108 P DIS 120 M 3-4PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11109 P DIS 121 F 9-10AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska --SECTION 200 - STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION SECTION 201-223. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11110 A LEC 200 MWF 1-2PM 1800 CHEM Sipowska 11111 P DIS 201 M 4-5PM 1650 CHEM Sipowska 11112 P DIS 203 F 10-11AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11113 P DIS 204 TH 9-10AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11114 P DIS 205 T 10-11AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11115 P DIS 206 TH 2-3PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11116 P DIS 207 F 10-11AM 1624 CHEM Sipowska 11117 P DIS 208 W 9-10AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11118 P DIS 209 F 11-12PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11119 P DIS 210 M 10-11AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11120 P DIS 211 T 3-4PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11121 P DIS 215 M 2-3PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11122 P DIS 216 T 3-4PM 4151 USB Sipowska 11123 P DIS 219 TH 3-4PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11124 P DIS 220 W 2-3PM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 11125 P DIS 221 W 3-4PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11126 P DIS 223 TH 1-2PM 430 DENN Sipowska --SECTION 300 - STUDENTS MUST ELECT SECTION 301-320. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11127 A LEC 300 MWF 2-3PM 1800 CHEM Bartlett 11128 P DIS 301 TH 10-11AM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11129 P DIS 302 M 4-5PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11130 P DIS 303 W 10-11AM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11131 P DIS 304 W 4-5PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 24058 P DIS 305 T 2-3PM A859 CHEM Sipowska 11132 P DIS 306 T 12-1PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11133 P DIS 307 F 9-10AM A859 CHEM Sipowska 11134 P DIS 309 M 12-1PM 1650 CHEM Sipowska 24060 P DIS 310 F 3-4PM A859 CHEM Sipowska 11135 P DIS 314 TH 3-4PM A867 CHEM Sipowska 11136 P DIS 315 W 1-2PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11137 P DIS 318 T 9-10AM 1632 CHEM Sipowska 18956 P DIS 321 M 3-4PM 1650 CHEM Sipowska --SECTION 400 - STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION 402-406. <P>The intensive lecture section (Section 400) is intended for those students who would benefit from a smaller lecture section (maximum 100 students) and more lectures so that the pace is slower and there is more feedback. <B>Permission of the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) office is needed for enrollment in this section.</P></B> 11138 A LEC 400 MWF 10-11AM 1200 CHEM Sipowska A LEC 400 TH 10-11AM 1640 CHEM 11139 P R DIS 402 TH 1-2PM 1628 CHEM Sipowska This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 112 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11140 P R DIS 403 TH 2-3PM A867 CHEM Sipowska This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. 11141 P R DIS 404 TH 9-10AM 1632 CHEM Sipowska This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. 11142 P R DIS 405 TH 8-9AM A859 CHEM Sipowska This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. 11143 P R DIS 406 TH 4-5PM A859 CHEM Sipowska This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. --SECTION 500 - STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION 501-508. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11144 A LEC 500 MWF 9-10AM 1210 CHEM Biteen 11145 P DIS 501 M 10-11AM 2062 PALM Sipowska 11146 P DIS 502 M 4-5PM 1636 CHEM Sipowska 11147 P DIS 503 T 10-11AM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11148 P DIS 504 T 2-3PM 414 DENN Sipowska 11149 P DIS 505 W 8-9AM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11150 P DIS 506 W 4-5PM 1650 CHEM Sipowska 11151 P DIS 507 TH 9-10AM 1628 CHEM Sipowska 11152 P DIS 508 TH 10-11AM A859 CHEM Sipowska 18957 P DIS 512 TH 8-9AM A867 CHEM Sipowska 210 Struct & React I 4.00 ADVISORY --SECTION 100- MUST ELECT ONE DISCUSSION 110-199. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11153 A LEC 100 MWF 8-9AM 1800 CHEM Coppola 11154 P R DIS 110 W 11-12PM 1636 CHEM This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11155 P R DIS 111 W 4-5PM 1632 CHEM This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11156 P DIS 112 W 3-4PM 1628 CHEM 11157 P DIS 113 T 2-3PM 1636 CHEM 11158 P DIS 121 TH 4-5PM 1628 CHEM 11159 P DIS 122 M 10-11AM 1628 CHEM 11160 P DIS 123 F 12-1PM 1636 CHEM 20112 P DIS 124 TH 3-4PM 4153 USB 11161 P DIS 150 W 2-3PM 1628 CHEM 11162 P DIS 160 M 11-12PM 1628 CHEM 11163 P DIS 161 M 2-3PM 1628 CHEM 21164 P DIS 162 M 5-6PM 1628 CHEM 11164 P R DIS 194 W 3-4PM 1632 CHEM This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11165 P R DIS 199 F 1-2PM 1300 CHEM This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. --SECTION 200 - MUST ELECT ONE DISCUSSION 210-299. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11166 A LEC 200 MWF 11-12PM 1800 CHEM 11167 P DIS 210 W 1-2PM 455 DENN 11168 P DIS 211 F 2-3PM 1636 CHEM 11169 P R DIS 212 TH 12-1PM 1636 CHEM This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11170 P DIS 213 T 11-12PM 1636 CHEM 11171 P DIS 214 TH 2-3PM 1628 CHEM 11172 P DIS 220 T 3-4PM 1650 CHEM 11173 P DIS 221 TH 8-9AM 1628 CHEM 11174 P DIS 250 T 12-1PM 1636 CHEM 11175 P DIS 251 M 3-4PM 3230 USB 11176 P DIS 252 T 11-12PM A859 CHEM 11177 P DIS 253 T 11-12PM 1628 CHEM 11178 P DIS 260 M 1-2PM A859 CHEM 21165 P DIS 263 TH 5-6PM A867 CHEM 11179 P R DIS 299 F 1-2PM 1300 CHEM This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students. Contact the CSP office for permission. --SECTION 300 - MUST ELECT ONE DISCUSSION 310-391. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11180 A LEC 300 MWF 12-1PM 1800 CHEM Nagorny 11181 P DIS 310 W 10-11AM 1636 CHEM 11182 P R DIS 311 TH 12-1PM A859 CHEM This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11183 P DIS 312 TH 12-1PM 1628 CHEM 19578 P DIS 313 F 2-3PM 1628 CHEM 22796 P R DIS 314 TH 12-1PM 3230 USB This section reserved for Honors Program students. 11184 P DIS 320 T 3-4PM 1636 CHEM 11185 P DIS 323 W 11-12PM 1628 CHEM 11186 P DIS 350 T 9-10AM 1628 CHEM 11187 P DIS 351 T 1-2PM 1636 CHEM 11188 P DIS 352 TH 4-5PM 1632 CHEM 11189 P DIS 353 M 3-4PM A859 CHEM 19579 P DIS 354 TH 1-2PM A867 CHEM 11190 P DIS 360 M 9-10AM 1636 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 113 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11191 P DIS 363 M 3-4PM 1628 CHEM 20795 A LEC 400 MWF 3-4PM 1800 CHEM Coppola Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 20912 P DIS 410 W 12-1PM 1632 CHEM 20913 P DIS 411 TH 11-12PM 1105 NQ 20914 P DIS 412 T 12-1PM 3230 USB 20915 P DIS 413 T 2-3PM 1628 CHEM 20916 P DIS 414 M 12-1PM 1636 CHEM 20917 P DIS 417 M 2-3PM 1650 CHEM 20918 P DIS 418 W 10-11AM A867 CHEM 20919 P DIS 419 M 1-2PM 1636 CHEM 20920 P DIS 420 M 1-2PM 1632 CHEM 20921 P DIS 421 T 10-11AM 373 LORCH 211 Invest Chem 1.00 ADVISORY 87.50 STUDENTS MUST SHOW VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION FOR CHEM 211 AT LAB CHECK IN AND CLAIM THEIR SPACES AT THE FIRST MTG OF THE LAB. STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11192 A LEC 100 F 4-5PM 1800 CHEM 11193 P W LAB 110 M 11-2PM A606 CHEM 11194 P W LAB 111 M 11-2PM A612 CHEM 11195 P W LAB 112 M 11-2PM A618 CHEM 11196 P W LAB 113 M 11-2PM A624 CHEM 19481 P W LAB 114 M 11-2PM A630 CHEM 20755 P W LAB 115 M 11-2PM A636 CHEM 20756 P W LAB 116 M 11-2PM A642 CHEM 20757 P W LAB 120 M 2-5PM A606 CHEM 11197 P W LAB 121 M 2-5PM A612 CHEM 19479 P W LAB 122 M 2-5PM A618 CHEM 11198 P W LAB 123 M 2-5PM A624 CHEM 20758 P W LAB 124 M 2-5PM A630 CHEM 20759 P W LAB 125 M 2-5PM A636 CHEM 20760 P W LAB 126 M 2-5PM A642 CHEM 20761 P W LAB 130 M 2-5PM A706 CHEM 20762 P W LAB 131 M 2-5PM A712 CHEM 20763 P W LAB 132 M 2-5PM A718 CHEM 20764 P W LAB 133 M 2-5PM A724 CHEM 20765 P R LAB 134 M 2-5PM A730 CHEM This section reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students only. Contact the CSP office for permission. 20766 P W LAB 135 M 2-5PM A736 CHEM 20767 P W LAB 136 M 2-5PM A742 CHEM 11199 A LEC 200 M 4-5PM 1800 CHEM STUDENTS MUST SHOW VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION FOR CHEM 211 AT LAB CHECK IN AND CLAIM THEIR SPACES AT THE FIRST MTG OF THE LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11200 P W LAB 210 T 8-11AM A606 CHEM 11201 P W LAB 211 T 8-11AM A612 CHEM 11202 P W LAB 212 T 8-11AM A618 CHEM 11203 P W LAB 213 T 8-11AM A624 CHEM 11204 P W LAB 214 T 8-11AM A630 CHEM 20768 P W LAB 215 T 8-11AM A636 CHEM 20769 P W LAB 216 T 8-11AM A642 CHEM 11205 P W LAB 220 T 8-11AM A706 CHEM 11206 P W LAB 221 T 8-11AM A712 CHEM 20770 P W LAB 222 T 8-11AM A718 CHEM 20771 P W LAB 223 T 8-11AM A724 CHEM 20772 P R LAB 224 T 8-11AM A730 CHEM This section is reserved for Comprehensive Studies Program students only. Contact the CSP office for permission. 20773 P W LAB 225 T 8-11AM A736 CHEM 20774 P W LAB 226 T 8-11AM A742 CHEM 20775 P W LAB 230 TH 8-11AM A606 CHEM 20776 P W LAB 231 TH 8-11AM A612 CHEM 20777 P W LAB 232 TH 8-11AM A618 CHEM 20778 P W LAB 240 F 11-2PM A606 CHEM 20779 P W LAB 241 F 11-2PM A612 CHEM 20780 P W LAB 242 F 11-2PM A618 CHEM 20781 P W LAB 243 F 2-5PM A706 CHEM 20782 P W LAB 244 F 2-5PM A712 CHEM 20783 P W LAB 245 F 2-5PM A718 CHEM 20784 P W LAB 246 F 2-5PM A724 CHEM 11207 A LEC 300 T 12-1PM 1800 CHEM STUDENTS MUST SHOW VERIFICATION OF REGISTRATION FOR CHEM 211 AT LAB CHECK IN AND CLAIM THEIR SPACES AT THE FIRST MTG OF THE LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11208 P W LAB 310 TH 8-11AM A624 CHEM 11209 P W LAB 311 TH 8-11AM A630 CHEM 11210 P W LAB 312 TH 8-11AM A636 CHEM 19482 P W LAB 313 TH 8-11AM A642 CHEM 11211 P W LAB 320 F 11-2PM A624 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 114 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11212 P W LAB 321 F 11-2PM A630 CHEM 11213 P W LAB 322 F 11-2PM A636 CHEM 11214 P W LAB 323 F 11-2PM A642 CHEM 24244 P W LAB 324 F 11-2PM A742 CHEM 20785 P W LAB 340 F 2-5PM A606 CHEM 20786 P W LAB 341 F 2-5PM A612 CHEM 19483 P W LAB 342 F 2-5PM A618 CHEM 19484 P W LAB 343 F 2-5PM A624 CHEM 19485 P W LAB 344 F 2-5PM A630 CHEM 20787 P LAB 345 F 2-5PM A636 CHEM 20788 P LAB 346 F 2-5PM A642 CHEM 20789 P W LAB 347 F 2-5PM A730 CHEM 20790 P W LAB 348 F 2-5PM A736 CHEM 20791 P W LAB 349 F 2-5PM A742 CHEM 26950 A LEC 400 W 1-2PM 1640 CHEM Sanford This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 24167 P R LAB 401 M 2-5PM 2411 CHEM This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 24168 P R LAB 402 M 2-5PM 2500 CHEM This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. <p><p>Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at</p> 24169 P R LAB 411 F 2-5PM 2411 CHEM This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. <p><p>Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at</p> 24170 P R LAB 412 F 2-5PM 2500 CHEM This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. <p><p>Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at</p> 24172 P R LAB 421 T 9-12PM 2411 CHEM CHEM 211H (Section 421) is a science and project-oriented section of CHEM 211 that is meant for students who wish to take CHEM 211 at a slightly higher level. <p><p>Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at</p> 19480 P R LAB 431 W 2-5PM 2500 CHEM This section is reserved for Honors Program students only. <p><p>Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at</p> 215 Struct&React II 3.00 ADVISORY 11215 P W LEC 100 MWF 9-10AM 1800 CHEM Montgomery Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 216 Synth Org 2.00 ADVISORY --TO BE ELECTED WITH CHEM 215. --STUDENTS MUST CLAIM A SPACE AT THE FIRST MEETING OF LAB. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11216 A LEC 100 TH 12-1PM 1800 CHEM 17988 P W LAB 130 T 1-5PM A636 CHEM 17989 P W LAB 131 T 1-5PM A618 CHEM 20025 P W LAB 132 T 1-5PM A606 CHEM 20038 P W LAB 133 T 1-5PM A642 CHEM 20939 P W LAB 134 T 1-5PM A624 CHEM 20940 P W LAB 135 T 1-5PM A630 CHEM 20941 P W LAB 136 T 1-5PM A612 CHEM 17990 P W LAB 150 W 1-5PM A606 CHEM 17991 P W LAB 151 W 1-5PM A612 CHEM 17992 P W LAB 152 W 1-5PM A618 CHEM 18148 P W LAB 153 W 1-5PM A624 CHEM 20942 P W LAB 154 W 1-5PM A630 CHEM 20943 P W LAB 155 W 1-5PM A636 CHEM 21283 P W LAB 156 W 1-5PM A642 CHEM 17993 P W LAB 170 TH 1-5PM A606 CHEM 17994 P W LAB 171 TH 1-5PM A612 CHEM 17995 P W LAB 172 TH 1-5PM A618 CHEM 20039 P W LAB 173 TH 1-5PM A642 CHEM 20945 P W LAB 174 TH 1-5PM A636 CHEM 20946 P W LAB 175 TH 1-5PM A624 CHEM 20944 P W LAB 176 TH 1-5PM A630 CHEM 218 Ind Study Biochem 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 219 Ind Study Chem 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 230 P Chem Princ&Appl 3.00 ADVISORY 11219 A LEC 100 MWF 11-12PM 1210 CHEM Gottfried Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11220 P W DIS 101 F 12-1PM 1632 CHEM 11221 P W DIS 102 F 10-11AM 1628 CHEM 11222 P W DIS 103 TH 12-1PM 1632 CHEM 11223 P W DIS 104 TH 2-3PM A859 CHEM 18132 P W DIS 105 F 3-4PM 1628 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 115 of 382


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11224 P W DIS 106 TH 4-5PM 1636 CHEM 11225 P W DIS 107 TH 11-12PM 1650 CHEM 11226 P W DIS 108 TH 9-10AM A863 CHEM 11227 P W DIS 109 TH 3-4PM 4151 USB 20019 A LEC 200 MWF 1-2PM 1400 CHEM Gottfried Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 20020 P W DIS 201 TH 1-2PM 1650 CHEM 20021 P W DIS 202 M 8-9AM 1632 CHEM 20022 P W DIS 203 F 3-4PM 1632 CHEM 20971 P W DIS 204 M 9-10AM 1628 CHEM 20972 P W DIS 205 F 8-9AM 1628 CHEM 20973 P W DIS 206 F 2-3PM 1632 CHEM 20974 P W DIS 207 F 4-5PM 1628 CHEM 241 Intro to Chem Analy 2.00 ADVISORY 11228 P W LEC 100 TTH 12-1PM 1400 CHEM Maldonado 242 Intr Chem Analy Lab 2.00 ADVISORY 11229 P LAB 100 M 1-5PM 2550 CHEM 22693 A REC 101 M 12-1PM 1201 CHEM Hakansson 11230 P W LAB 200 TH 1-5PM 2550 CHEM 27167 A REC 201 T 1-2PM 1201 CHEM Hakansson 245 Biomed Chem 2.00 ADVISORY 25070 P W LEC 100 WF 9-10AM 1200 CHEM Kennedy CHEM 245 can only be taken in conjunction with CHEM 246 and CHEM 247; this is not a stand-alone course. 246 Biomed Chem-Lab I 1.00 ADVISORY 25071 A LEC 100 M 9-10AM 1200 CHEM Morris CHEM 246 can only be taken in conjunction with CHEM 245 and CHEM 247; this is not a stand-alone course. 25072 P W LAB 101 T 8-12PM 2550 CHEM 25073 P W LAB 102 W 1-5PM 2310 CHEM 31823 P W LAB 103 T 1-5PM 2550 CHEM 31824 P LAB 104 TH 8-12PM 2310 CHEM 247 Biomed Chem Lab II 1.00 ADVISORY 25074 P W LEC 100 ARR ARR Morris CHEM 247 meets the same day/time/location as CHEM 246 and can only be taken in conjunction with CHEM 245 and CHEM 246; this is not a stand-alone course. 260 Chemical Principles 3.00 ADVISORY 11231 A LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1230 USB Geva Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 19488 P W DIS 101 T 9-10AM 1624 CHEM 19489 P W DIS 102 F 3-4PM 1636 CHEM 19490 P W DIS 103 F 11-12PM 1628 CHEM 19491 P W DIS 104 F 9-10AM 1628 CHEM 19492 P W DIS 105 W 9-10AM 1628 CHEM 11232 A LEC 200 MWF 2-3PM 1230 USB 19493 P W DIS 201 W 1-2PM 1628 CHEM 19494 P W DIS 202 F 11-12PM A863 CHEM 19495 P W DIS 203 F 1-2PM A859 CHEM 19496 P W DIS 204 TH 3-4PM 1628 CHEM 261 Intro Quantum Chem 1.00 ADVISORY CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. Any questions regarding enrolling for this course should be directed to the Chemistry Student Services Office at 11233 A LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1230 USB Geva 19497 P RW DIS 101 T 9-10AM 1624 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19498 P RW DIS 102 F 3-4PM 1636 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19499 P RW DIS 103 F 11-12PM 1628 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19500 P RW DIS 104 F 9-10AM 1628 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19501 P RW DIS 105 W 9-10AM 1628 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 11234 A LEC 200 MWF 2-3PM 1230 USB CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19502 P RW DIS 201 W 1-2PM 1628 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19503 P RW DIS 202 F 11-12PM A863 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19504 P RW DIS 203 F 1-2PM A859 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 19505 P RW DIS 204 TH 3-4PM 1628 CHEM CHEM 261 is for Chemical Engineering students only. 303 Intro Bioinorg Chem 3.00 ADVISORY 23810 A LEC 100 MWF 12-1PM 1210 CHEM Lehnert 23811 P W DIS 101 W 1-2PM 1632 CHEM 23813 P W DIS 103 T 9-10AM 1636 CHEM 23814 P W DIS 104 TH 11-12PM 1636 CHEM 351 Biochem Fundamentals 4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 116 of 382


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22458 22459 22461 22462 22749 31914 31913 352 21941 21947 26671 26672 26673 31815 31816 31973 33094 370 21633 398

A LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1210 CHEM Nolta P W DIS 101 M 9-10AM A863 CHEM P W DIS 103 M 4-5PM A859 CHEM P W DIS 104 W 4-5PM A859 CHEM P W DIS 106 W 9-10AM A867 CHEM P W DIS 107 W 3-4PM A867 CHEM P W DIS 108 M 3-4PM A867 CHEM Intro Biochem Lab 2.00 ADVISORY A REC 100 F 2-3PM 1200 CHEM Nolta P W LAB 101 M 1-5PM 1050 CHEM P W LAB 102 T 8-12PM 1060 CHEM P W LAB 103 T 1-5PM 1050 CHEM P W LAB 104 M 1-5PM 1060 CHEM P W LAB 105 T 8-12PM 1050 CHEM P W LAB 106 T 1-5PM 1060 CHEM P W LAB 107 W 1-5PM 1050 CHEM P LAB 108 W 1-5PM 1060 CHEM PhysChem Princip 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1300 CHEM Mirkin Ugrad Res Biochem 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 399 Ugrad Res Chem 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 402 Intermed Inorganic 3.00 ADVISORY 11239 P W LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1650 CHEM Banaszak Holl 415 Res Con in Chem Res 1.00 28658 P R SEM 100 ARR ARR Fierke 417 Dyn Proc Biophys 3.00 ENFORCED 18596 P R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 420 Int Org Chem 3.00 ADVISORY 27423 P W LEC 100 MWF 9-10AM 1640 CHEM Wolfe 440 Biophys of Diseases 3.00 ADVISORY 26971 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2062 PALM Al-Hashimi 447 Phys Meth-Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 11240 P W LEC 100 MWF 10-11AM 1632 CHEM Ruotolo 451 Adv Biochem I 4.00 ADVISORY 22463 A LEC 200 MWF 10-11AM 1300 CHEM Marsh 11241 P W DIS 201 TH 4-5PM A867 CHEM 11242 P W DIS 202 T 4-5PM A867 CHEM 22464 P W DIS 203 TH 3-4PM A859 CHEM 23764 P W DIS 204 T 11-12PM A867 CHEM 23979 P W DIS 205 T 9-10AM A867 CHEM 24330 P W DIS 206 T 3-4PM A867 CHEM 453 Biophys Chem I 3.00 ADVISORY 18036 A LEC 100 MWF 11-12PM 1300 CHEM Brooks III Please DO NOT email the instructor for an override into this class! You may contact Thanks! 18037 P DIS 101 M 1-2PM 1628 CHEM 18038 P DIS 102 T 12-1PM 1632 CHEM 24235 P DIS 103 M 1-2PM A867 CHEM 24236 P DIS 104 T 12-1PM A867 CHEM 455 Spec Top Biochem 3.00 ADVISORY 31797 P LEC 100 TTH 230-4PM 1632 CHEM Walter 461 Physical Chem I 3.00 ADVISORY 11243 A LEC 200 MWF 11-12PM 1640 CHEM Goodson III 11244 P W DIS 201 M 4-5PM 3163 USB 11245 P W DIS 202 TH 8-9AM 1632 CHEM 462 Comp Chem Lab 1.00 ADVISORY 11246 P W LEC 100 T 1-2PM 1650 CHEM Kopelman 11247 A LAB 101 T 2-5PM 1720 CHEM 11250 P W LEC 300 W 5-6PM 1650 CHEM Kopelman 18687 A LAB 301 W 6-9PM 1720 CHEM 482 Synthesis 3.00 ADVISORY 11235 A LEC 100 TH 1-2PM 1300 CHEM Szymczak 11236 P W LAB 101 T 1-5PM 2411 CHEM P W LAB 101 TH 2-5PM 2411 CHEM 22457 P W LAB 102 T 1-5PM 2500 CHEM P W LAB 102 TH 2-5PM 2500 CHEM 498 Ugrad Thesis Biochm 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 499 Ugrad Thesis Chem 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 Chemical Biology I 3.00 19507 PD SEM 001 TTH 9-11AM 3014 RACK Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 505 Nucleic Acid Biochem 3.00 ENFORCED 22766 P R LEC 100 TTH 230-4PM 1632 CHEM Walter 507 Inorganic Chem 3.00 ADVISORY 11253 P W LEC 100 MWF 12-1PM 1628 CHEM Pecoraro 511 Materials Chem 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 117 of 382




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16974 520 18055 540 11254 543 11255 570 11256 571 11257 576 22692 597 20148 598 647 22477 800 11259 801 11260 802 24250 803 11261 804 24251 805 11262 895 990 995

P W LEC 100 F Biophys Chem I P W LEC 001 TTH Organic Principles P W LEC 100 MWF Organic Mechanisms P RW LEC 100 MWF Molecular Phys Chem PD LEC 200 MWF Quantum Chemistry P W LEC 100 TTH Stat Mechanics P W LEC 100 MWF Intro to Grad Res P LAB 002 IGERT Res Rotation IND + Mass Spectrometry P W LEC 100 MWF Sem in Chemical Biol P LEC 100 Analytical Seminar P SEM 100 Inorganic Seminar P SEM 001 Organic Seminar P SEM 100 Physical Seminar P SEM 001 Materials Seminar P SEM 100 Research in Chem IND + Diss-Precand IND + Diss-Cand R IND +

12-3PM 1-230PM 10-11AM 9-10AM 11-12PM 10-1130AM 9-10AM ARR ARR 12-1PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR


Matzger 3.00 ADVISORY Gafni 3.00 ADVISORY McNeil 3.00 ADVISORY Schindler 3.00 Goodson III 3.00 ADVISORY Zgid 3.00 ADVISORY Zimmerman 3.00 ADVISORY Montgomery 3.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Pratt 2.00 Fierke 2.00 Zellers 2.00 Lehnert 2.00 Nagorny 2.00 Fierke 2.00 Maldonado 1.00-8.00 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED

ARR 8.00 ARR

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Classical Studies Department

Classical Archaeology (CLARCH)
221 Intro Gk Arch 11267 A LEC 001 TTH 11268 P W DIS 002 T 11269 P W DIS 003 W 21461 P W DIS 004 TH 223 Greeks & Barbarians 28379 S LEC 001 28380 P W DIS 002 T 28381 P W DIS 003 TH 28382 P W DIS 004 T 350 Topics in CLARCH 26887 P W LEC 001 MWF Money in Antiquity 382 Food Ancient World 24694 P W LEC 001 MW 420 Greece before Histor 28864 P W LEC 001 TTH 424 Arch-Roman Prov 30892 P W LEC 001 TTH 425 Hellenst Rep Rom Arc 28383 P W LEC 001 TTH 481 Art Ancient Iran 29093 P W LEC 001 T 495 Sr Honors Research I IND + 496 Prac Museum Studies SI IND + 497 Prac Field Arch SI IND + 499 Supervised Reading I IND + 536 Hellen-Rom Sculp 29447 P W LEC 001 MW Ancient Sculptural Environment 599 Supervised Study I IND + 600 Proseminar CL Arch 11272 P W REC 001 F 828 Ceramic Anl&Chronol 28773 P SEM 001 W 855 Prob Roman Arch 30891 P W SEM 001 M 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Sem for Instructors 11274 P W LEC 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + 10-1130AM 4-5PM 12-1PM 1-2PM ARR 12-1PM 10-11AM 4-5PM 9-10AM 230-4PM 1-230PM 230-4PM 1130-1PM 9-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR 10-1130AM ARR 12-2PM 3-6PM 3-6PM ARR ARR ARR AUD C AH 2271 AH 49 UMMA 1636 CHEM ARR ARR ARR ARR 3463 MH G127 AH 270 TAP 180 TAP ARR KELSEY ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 180 TAP ARR 210 TAP B101 MLB 4128 LSA ARR ARR ARR 1.00 Ratte 8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED 1.00 Nevett 3.00 Herbert 3.00 Ratte 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Gazda 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Colburn 3.00 Motta 3.00 Nevett 3.00 Terrenato 3.00 Terrenato 3.00 Root 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 4.00 Nevett



Classical Civilization (CLCIV)

101 Ancient Greek World 4.00 ADVISORY 11276 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM AUD A AH Schironi 11277 P W DIS 002 WF 9-10AM 2353 MH 11278 P W DIS 003 WF 4-5PM 7603 HH 11279 P W DIS 004 WF 9-10AM 1437 MH 11280 P W DIS 005 WF 11-12PM A867 CHEM 11281 P W DIS 006 WF 12-1PM A859 CHEM 11282 P W DIS 007 WF 12-1PM 3866 EH 21488 P RW DIS 008 WF 11-12PM 2018 TISCH HONORS Section 11283 P W DIS 009 TTH 4-5PM 1624 CHEM 24176 P W DIS 010 TTH 11-12PM 2468 MH 19636 P W DIS 011 TTH 12-1PM G634 HH 21137 P RW DIS 012 TTH 2-3PM 2448 MH HONORS Section 21149 P W DIS 013 TTH 4-5PM 3866 EH 21240 P RW DIS 014 TTH 7-8PM 2469 MH 21463 P W DIS 015 TTH 4-5PM 3540 CCL 120 C C Sem Hu 3.00 ADVISORY 11284 P RW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 7603 HH Verhoogt Litigation in Ancient Athens Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. All others need permission of instructor. 28417 P RW SEM 002 TTH 4-530PM 2115A AH Garbrah Clubs in Antiquity U of M Schedule of Classes Page 119 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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121 24905 Odysseys 223 28388 28389 28390 28391 328 28420 339 28790 382 24687 385 26205 26218 26219 26220 26221 26222 26223 26224 26225 26226 26227 26228 26229 32098 32099 32100 388 11285 24534 26028 476 28421 495 499

C C Sem Comp P RW REC 001


9-10AM ARR 12-1PM 10-11AM 4-5PM 1-230PM 4-530PM 230-4PM 2-3PM 4-5PM 4-5PM 11-12PM 10-11AM 12-1PM 11-12PM 1-2PM 11-12PM 2-3PM 1-2PM 3-4PM 1-2PM 10-11AM 2-3PM 3-4PM 10-1130AM 4-5PM 1-2PM 10-11AM ARR ARR

7603 HH ARR ARR ARR ARR 218 HUTCH 1175 NQ G127 AH AUD 3 MLB 1469 MH 49 UMMA 49 UMMA 180 TAP 2202 MLB 2325 MH 2402 MLB 2212 MLB E1405 BUS B312B DENT 2114 MLB 5179 AH 2866 EH R2310 BUS 3347 MH 2306 MH B770 SSWB 1096 EH 1068 EH ARR

4.00 Leontis 4.00


Greeks & Barbarians S LEC 001 P W DIS 002 T P W DIS 003 TH P W DIS 004 T Anc Lang and Scripts P W LEC 001 TTH Doctrs Ancient World P W SEM 001 TTH Food Ancient World P W LEC 001 MW Greek Mythology A LEC 001 MWF P W DIS 002 M P W DIS 003 T P W DIS 004 F P W DIS 005 F P W DIS 006 W P W DIS 007 W P W DIS 008 W P W DIS 009 T P W DIS 010 TH P W DIS 011 TH P W DIS 012 W P W DIS 013 M P W DIS 014 F P W DIS 015 TH P W DIS 016 W Hist-Ancient AR LEC 001 TTH P RW DIS 003 T P RW DIS 004 TH Pagans&Christn P W LEC 001 MWF Sr Honors Research I IND + Supervised Reading I IND + Directed Reading I IND + Comp Gram-Gk&Latin P W LEC 001 MWF Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +

3.00 Fortson 3.00 Brown 3.00 Motta 4.00 Asso

4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Evans Drucker Drucker 3.00 Ahbel-Rappe 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR G421B MH ARR 8.00 ENFORCED ARR 2.00-3.00 Fortson 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Classical Linguistics (CLLING)

599 ARR 9-10AM ARR ARR 635 28467 990 995

Greek (GREEK)

101 Elem Greek I 4.00 11786 P W REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 2024 TISCH Schultz 11787 P W REC 002 MTTHF 11-12PM 2024 TISCH Berlin 301 2nd Year Greek I 4.00 ENFORCED 11788 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 4-5PM 4199 AH Schironi 307 Synoptic Gospl 4.00 ADVISORY 11789 P W LEC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 1303 MH Ahbel-Rappe This is a Greek language course, GREEK 102 or equivalent class is required as a prerequisite. 401 Greek Prose 3.00 ADVISORY 11790 P W REC 001 MWF 1-2PM G421B MH Verhoogt Lysias 410 Elem Greek Comp 3.00 ADVISORY 28434 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2115A AH Garbrah 462 Plato: Republic 3.00 ADVISORY 28450 P W REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2448 MH Ahbel-Rappe 495 Sr Honors Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 499 Supervised Reading 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 502 Elementary Greek 3.00 ADVISORY 11792 P R REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 2024 TISCH Schultz 11793 P REC 002 MTTHF 11-12PM 2024 TISCH Berlin 507 Second Yr Greek I 3.00 ADVISORY 11794 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 4-5PM 4199 AH Schironi meets with GK 301 556 Grk Phil Lit I 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 120 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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31510 P W LEC 001 W Stoics' Phil of Mind & Lang 599 Directed Reading I IND + 600 Meth Class Scholarsp 22471 P W SEM 001 F 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Sem for Instructors 11797 P LEC 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +


1164 AH ARR 2115A AH ARR

Caston 1.00-4.00 1.00 Scodel 1.00-8.00 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED


Great Books (GTBOOKS)

191 Fresh Honors 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 11766 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM AUD 3 MLB Sells 11767 P RW DIS 002 WF 9-10AM 3451 MH 11768 P RW DIS 003 TTH 4-5PM 413 DENN 11769 P RW DIS 004 WF 9-10AM 3356 MH 11770 P RW DIS 005 TTH 4-5PM 414 DENN 11771 P RW DIS 006 TTH 7-8PM 2401 MH 11772 P RW DIS 007 WF 2-3PM 1185 NQ 11773 P RW DIS 008 TTH 4-5PM 501 DENN 11774 P RW DIS 009 WF 2-3PM 409 WH 11775 P RW DIS 010 TTH 1-2PM 539 DENN Sells 11776 P RW DIS 011 WF 2-3PM 2502 CCL 11777 P RW DIS 012 WF 1-2PM 3347 MH 11778 P RW DIS 013 WF 10-11AM 706 BMT 11779 P RW DIS 014 TTH 2-3PM 7603 HH 11780 P RW DIS 015 WF 10-11AM 49 UMMA 11781 P RW DIS 016 WF 12-1PM 626 DENN 11782 P RW DIS 017 TTH 2-3PM 1650 CHEM 11783 P RW DIS 018 WTH 4-5PM 1460 MH 11784 P RW DIS 019 TTH 4-5PM 2520 CCL 20084 P RW DIS 020 TTH 10-11AM 2468 MH 16986 P RW DIS 021 WF 11-12PM 2520 CCL 11785 P RW DIS 022 WF 12-1PM 1060 EH 17001 P RW DIS 023 TTH 10-11AM 3556 DANA 27813 P RW DIS 024 TW 4-5PM 5180B AH 222 Great Books of Japan 4.00 29505 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3463 MH Zwicker 29506 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 1359 MH Sohn 29508 P W DIS 003 F 12-1PM 3356 MH Sohn 993 Sem for Instr 1.00 25355 P SEM 001 ARR ARR



Latin (LATIN)
NOTE - A PRE-REGISTRATION PLACEMENT TEST FOR STUDENTS WITH HIGH SCHOOL LATIN FOR THE FALL TERM WILL BE REQUIRED. GO TO THE DEPARTMENTAL OFFICE, 2160 A H, FOR INFORMATION OR CALL 764-0360. 101 Elementary Latin I 4.00 11902 P W REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 2163 AH 11903 P W REC 002 MTTHF 10-11AM 2163 AH 18934 P W REC 003 MTTHF 12-1PM 2163 AH 11904 P W REC 004 MTTHF 1-2PM 2163 AH 102 Elementary Latin II 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21492 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 2448 MH 11905 P RW REC 002 MTTHF 12-1PM 2347 MH 103 Review Latin 4.00 ADVISORY 11906 P W REC 001 MTTHF 11-12PM 2163 AH Ross 195 Intensive Latin I 8.00 27059 P W REC 001 MTTHF 11-1PM 3315 MH Soter 231 Roman Kings&Emp 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11907 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM G463 MH 11908 P RW REC 002 MTTHF 2-3PM 2163 AH 11909 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 1-2PM 3265 USB 11910 P RW REC 004 MTTHF 1-2PM G437 MH Markus 232 Vergil-Aeneid 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11911 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 4-5PM 2163 AH 11912 P RW REC 002 MTTHF 11-12PM 2333 MH 27329 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 12-1PM G449 MH Markus 301 Intermediate Latin 3.00 ADVISORY 11913 P W REC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2475 MH Markus 325 Reading Latin Drama 4.00 ADVISORY 22454 P W REC 001 MW 2-3PM 412 WH Soter 325 Reading Latin Drama 4.00 ADVISORY P W REC 001 F 2-4PM 3463 MH 409 Augustan Poetry 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 121 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11915 P W REC 001 MWF Horace's Odes 421 Teach Latin 31563 P W REC 001 426 Practicum 11916 PI W REC 001 464 Cicero: Letters 29000 P W REC 001 MWF 490 Martial & Rom Epigr 28823 P W LEC 001 MWF 499 Supervised Reading I IND + 500 Spec Reading-Lat 28469 P W REC 001 TTH 503 Intens Elem Lat II 25131 P REC 001 MTTHF 505 Intermediate Latin 16948 P R REC 001 TTH Meets with Latin 301 511 Cicero's Letters 28999 P REC 001 MWF 591 Hist Roman Lit I 28468 P W LEC 001 MWF 599 Supv Read Lat Lit I IND + 600 Meth Class Scholarsp 22455 P W SEM 001 F 801 Roman Epic 28770 P SEM 001 M 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Sem for Instructors 11919 P LEC 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

12-1PM ARR ARR 9-10AM 2-3PM ARR 10-1130AM 1-2PM 230-4PM 9-10AM 10-11AM ARR 12-2PM 3-6PM ARR ARR ARR

2448 MH ARR ARR 5179 AH 3314 MH ARR 3359 MH G437 MH 2475 MH 5179 AH 3353 MH ARR 2115A AH 2115A AH ARR ARR ARR

Caston 3.00 Ross 1.00-3.00 Ross 3.00 Potter 3.00 Dufallo 1.00-4.00 3.00 Schultz 3.00 Markus 3.00 Markus 3.00 Potter 3.00 Caston 1.00-4.00 1.00 Scodel 3.00 Asso 1.00-8.00 1.00 Ross 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY



Modern Greek (MODGREEK)

101 Elem Modern Greek 12170 P W REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM 201 2nd Yr Mod Greek I 12171 P W REC 001 MTWTH 11-12PM 301 Inter Mod Greek I 12172 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 340 Travels To Greece 19797 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 350 Topics in MODGREEK 26773 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM Greek Myth in Film 399 Directed Study I IND + ARR 495 Sr Honors Research I IND + ARR 499 Supervised Reading I IND + ARR 501 Elem Modern Greek 12174 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM 503 2nd Yr Mod Grk I 12175 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 11-12PM 505 Inter Mod Greek I 15307 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM undergraduates should elect this course as MG 301 599 Directed Reading R IND + ARR

1436 MH 1436 MH 3460 MH 1436 MH 3302 MH ARR

4.00 Margomenou, Leontis 4.00 ADVISORY Margomenou, Leontis 3.00 ADVISORY Margomenou, Leontis 3.00 Leontis 3.00 Lambropoulos 1.00-4.00 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1436 MH 1436 MH 3460 MH ARR 3.00 ADVISORY Margomenou, Leontis 3.00 ADVISORY Margomenou, Leontis 3.00 ADVISORY Margomenou, Leontis 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY

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Communication Studies
Communication Studies (COMM)
NOTE - ENROLLED STUDENTS MAY BE DROPPED FROM COMMUNICATION STUDIES CLASSES FOR FAILURE TO ATTEND THE FIRST TWO MEETINGS. 101 The Mass Media 4.00 ENFORCED 11292 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM AUD NS Iftkhar . 11293 P RW DIS 002 F 8-9AM 1175 NQ 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 11294 P RW DIS 003 F 9-10AM 2407 MH 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 11295 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM R0230 BUS Reserve 3 seats for LSA Honors. 11296 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM LEC RM 1 MLB 11297 P RW DIS 006 F 12-1PM LEC RM 1 MLB Reserve 2 seats for LSA Honors. 11298 P RW DIS 007 F 1-2PM LEC RM 1 MLB 11299 P RW DIS 008 F 2-3PM 2271 AH 11300 P RW DIS 009 F 3-4PM 1175 NQ 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 11301 P RW DIS 010 F 4-5PM 1175 NQ 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 20805 P RW DIS 011 F 8-9AM 2114 MLB . 20808 P RW DIS 012 F 9-10AM LEC RM 1 MLB 20809 P RW DIS 013 F 10-11AM LEC RM 1 MLB . 102 Process & Effects 4.00 ENFORCED 11302 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM AUD 4 MLB Kwak 11303 P RW DIS 002 F 8-9AM 1185 NQ 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 11304 P RW DIS 003 F 9-10AM LEC RM 2 MLB 15 seats reserved for freshmen. 11305 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM LEC RM 2 MLB . 11306 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM LEC RM 2 MLB Reserve 3 seats for LSA Honors.. 11307 P RW DIS 006 F 12-1PM LEC RM 2 MLB . 11308 P RW DIS 007 F 1-2PM LEC RM 2 MLB Reserve 2 seats for LSA Honors. 11309 P RW DIS 008 F 2-3PM 1339 MH . 11310 P RW DIS 009 F 3-4PM 2114 MLB 11311 P RW DIS 010 F 4-5PM 2114 MLB Reserve 15 seats for freshmen. 20814 P RW DIS 011 F 2-3PM LEC RM 2 MLB 20815 P RW DIS 012 F 3-4PM 1185 NQ 20816 P RW DIS 013 F 4-5PM 1185 NQ Reserve 15 seats for freshmen 121 Evaluating Media I 4.00 ENFORCED 29109 A R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1400 CHEM Pasek, Lotz 29110 P RW LAB 002 TH 8-10AM 1245 NQ 29111 P RW LAB 003 TH 6-8PM 1245 NQ 29112 P RW LAB 004 F 9-11AM 1245 NQ 29113 P RW LAB 005 F 11-1PM 1245 NQ 29114 P RW LAB 006 F 1-3PM 1245 NQ 29115 P RW LAB 007 F 3-5PM 1245 NQ 29116 P RW LAB 008 F 9-11AM 1110 NQ 29117 P RW LAB 009 F 11-1PM 1110 NQ 31855 P RW LAB 010 TH 12-2PM 1245 NQ 31856 P RW LAB 011 TH 2-4PM 1245 NQ 251 Media Industries 4.00 ENFORCED 11327 A R LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1300 CHEM Lotz 11328 P RW DIS 002 TH 8-9AM 1175 NQ 11329 P RW DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 2427 MH . 11330 P RW DIS 004 TH 1-2PM 3401 MH . 261 Views on the News 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11331 A R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 296 DENN Campbell 11332 P RW DIS 002 T 4-5PM 2402 MLB Section reserved for Communication Studies concentrators until 4/11/12. 11333 P RW DIS 003 T 5-6PM 2402 MLB 11334 P RW DIS 004 T 6-7PM 2402 MLB . U of M Schedule of Classes Page 123 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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271 Comm Revolutions 4.00 ENFORCED 29128 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2260 USB Vaillant 29129 P RW DIS 002 M 4-5PM 2437 MH 29130 P RW DIS 003 M 5-6PM B137 MLB 29131 P RW DIS 004 M 6-7PM 1185 NQ 31976 P RW DIS 005 M 10-11AM 2330 MH 31977 P RW DIS 006 M 11-12PM 2330 MH 281 Media Psychology 4.00 ENFORCED 11339 A R LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2548 CCL Dal Cin 11340 P RW DIS 002 W 8-9AM 1185 NQ 11341 P RW DIS 003 W 9-10AM B137 MLB 11342 P RW DIS 004 W 10-11AM 2449 MH Section reserved for Communication Studies concentrators until 4/11/12. 31979 P RW DIS 005 W 12-1PM 1401 MH 31980 P RW DIS 006 W 1-2PM 2353 MH 317 Dsgn Persuasive Comm 3.00 ADVISORY 21551 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM E0550 BUS Sasser Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. Meets with MKT 407.001. May not be taken for credit if previously completed under Comm 462. 318 Media&Violence 4.00 ADVISORY 23242 A LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM AUD B AH Huesmann Cross-listed with Psych 318.001. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 23243 P W DIS 002 W 8-9AM B137 MLB Cross-listed with Psych 318.002. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 23244 P RW DIS 003 W 9-10AM B134 MLB Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. Cross-listed with Psych 318.003. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 23245 P RW DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2449 MH Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. Cross-listed with Psych 318.004. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 24785 P RW DIS 005 W 2-3PM B137 MLB Cross-listed with Psych 318.005. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 24786 P RW DIS 006 W 4-5PM B137 MLB Section reserved for Psychology majors. Cross-listed with Psych 318.006. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 23246 P RW DIS 007 W 5-6PM B137 MLB Section reserved for Psychology majors. Cross-listed with Psych 318.007. No credit granted to students who have completed COMM/PSYCH 481, Media & Violence (Crse ID #019987). 321 Internship 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 327 Media Economics 3.00 ADVISORY 29132 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2009RUTHVEN Neuman Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors until 4/18/13. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 454. 329 Media&Polit Behav 4.00 22402 A LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1300 CHEM Valentino 22403 P RW DIS 002 TH 4-5PM 2407 MH Wells 22405 P RW DIS 003 TH 5-6PM 1185 NQ Wells 22406 P W DIS 004 TH 6-7PM 1185 NQ Wells 347 NewMedia Advertising 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29133 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 2009RUTHVEN Neuman Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors until 4/18/13. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 468, Advertising and New Media Environment. 355 Media& Globalization 4.00 ENFORCED 29134 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2260 USB Punathambekar May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Media and Globalization. 29135 P RW DIS 002 M 9-10AM 1185 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Media and Globalization. 29136 P RW DIS 003 M 10-11AM 2325 MH May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Media and Globalization. 29137 P RW DIS 004 M 4-5PM 3314 MH May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Media and Globalization. 29138 P RW DIS 005 M 5-6PM 1185 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Media and Globalization. 365 Visual Cult&Literacy 4.00 ENFORCED 29139 A R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1360 EH Ankerson May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visual Culture and Visual Literacy. 29140 P RW DIS 002 T 6-7PM 1110 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visual Culture and Visual Literacy. 29141 P RW DIS 003 T 9-10AM 1110 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visual Culture and Visual Literacy. 29142 P RW DIS 004 T 4-5PM 1110 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visual Culture and Visual Literacy. 29143 P RW DIS 005 T 5-6PM 1110 NQ May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visual Culture and Visual Literacy. 404 Media & Comm Topics 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 124 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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18022 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3333 MH Media Events in Global World Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 30540 P RW LEC 002 MW 4-530PM G115 AH Brock Race, Gender & New Media Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 405 Sem Media & Comm 3.00 ADVISORY 19465 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 4151 USB Iftkhar Women & Islam Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. Meets with CICS 401.003. 29947 P RW SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM 3411 MH Sonnevend Global Visual Cultures Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 408 Media Effects Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 23247 P RW REC 001 MW 4-530PM 3302 MH Sandvig Technology and Play Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 409 Sem Media Effects 3.00 ADVISORY 29198 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1110 NQ Hart Environmental Communication Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. Meets with ENVIRON 304.002. 33242 P RW SEM 002 TTH 4-530PM ARR Lee New Media & Asian Soc 419 Sem Research Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 33237 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3411 MH Means Coleman Intro to Qualitative Research 421 Media Law&Policy 3.00 ADVISORY 23231 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1110 NQ Sparr Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 452. 422 Social Media & Polit 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29334 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM 1105 NQ Pasek Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 488, Social Media and Politics. 423 Comp Mediated Comm 3.00 ADVISORY 29193 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2347 MH Campbell Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 463. 425 Internet, Soc&Law 3.00 ADVISORY 24744 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1110 NQ Sparr Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 466. 428 Gender and Law 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29196 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM 1110 NQ Sparr Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 459, Gender and Law. 431 Supreme Court News 3.00 ADVISORY 21536 P RW SEM 001 MW 1130-1PM 1110 NQ Collings Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 432 ForeignNews Coverage 3.00 ADVISORY 21537 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1110 NQ Collings Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 435 Ethics in Journalism 3.00 ADVISORY 21547 P RW REC 001 MW 4-530PM 1110 NQ Collings Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 451. 439 Sem Journlism Perf 3.00 ADVISORY 11344 P RW REC 001 MW 530-7PM 1110 NQ O'Shea Public Service Journalism Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors until 8/16/13. 17393 P RW REC 002 MW 230-4PM 1110 NQ O'Shea First Draft of History Section reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. 441 Independent Reading 3.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 442 Indep Research 3.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR Research 445 Music & Media Ident 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29199 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1110 NQ Vaillant Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 479, Music, Media and Identity. 448 Media and the Body 3.00 ENFORCED 29201 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2353 MH Harrison Reserved for declared Communication Studies majors. May not be taken for credit if previously taken under Comm 488, Media and the Body. 461 Visuality New Media 3.00 ENFORCED 29205 P RW SEM 001 MW 1130-1PM 1448 MH Ankerson Reserved for declared Communication Studies senior majors. This course is a CAPSTONE seminar. May not be taken U of M Schedule of Classes Page 125 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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for credit if previously taken under Comm 478, Visuality and New Media. 482 Children & Media 3.00 ENFORCED 29210 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3427 MH Harrison Reserved for declared Communication Studies senior majors. This course is a CAPSTONE seminar. 491 Senior Honors Sem I 3.00 ADVISORY 11348 PI SEM 001 T 4-6PM G026 TISCH Huesmann Research Section reserved for Communication Studies honors program seniors. 698 Plng First Yr Proj 1.00 18948 PIRW SEM 001 TH 1130-1PM 2265 NQ Punathambekar 699 1st Yr Res Project 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 775 Media Theory-Humanit 3.00 22536 P RW SEM 001 T 3-6PM ARR Douglas 781 Research Methods I 4.00 ADVISORY 11349 P RW SEM 001 MW 3-5PM 2155 NQ Means Coleman 799 Directed Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 820 Topics in Hum Trad 3.00 24881 P RW SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2155 NQ Punathambekar Media & Audiences 840 Topics Soc Sci Trad 3.00 24882 P RW SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 3302 MH Sandvig Technology and Play Reserved for Comm Ph.D. students 29491 P RW SEM 002 TH 9-12PM 2155 NQ Sandvig Unorthodox Research 900 Prelim Exam Prep 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 993 Sem for Instructors 1.00 ADVISORY 11353 P RW SEM 001 M 1130-1PM 2265 NQ Means Coleman Reserved for graduate students 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Comparative Literature Program

Comparative Literature (COMPLIT)
122 Writing World Lits 17932 P W REC 001 MWF 9-10AM When You're a Stranger 26296 P W REC 002 MWF 10-11AM The Sexual is Political 19264 P W REC 003 MW 230-4PM Narratives of Mobility 20499 P W REC 004 TTH 830-10AM The Child is Gone 21853 P W REC 005 TTH 1-230PM Harry Potter & Neurotypicals 140 1st Yr Literary Sem 22440 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM Modernism in World Literature 32225 P R SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM Free to Read 240 Lit Across Borders 11355 A LEC 001 M 11-12PM Satire Across Borders 11356 P RW DIS 002 WF 11-12PM Discussion sections will meet starting week of 9/10. 11357 P RW DIS 003 TTH 11-12PM Discussion sections will meet starting week of 9/10. 11358 P RW DIS 004 TTH 3-4PM Discussion sections will meet starting week of 9/10. 260 Europe&Its Others 29087 P W SEM 001 MW 4-530PM Crossing Borders 322 Translate World Lit 22589 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM Translation Workshop 340 Travels To Greece 19798 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 382 Lit&Other Arts 20529 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM Greek Myth in Film 430 Studies in Fiction 21610 P W SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM Arab-Israeli Cnflct Md Est Lit Meets with AAPTIS 383 490 Cultural Studies 29088 P W SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM Freud, Culture, Theory 495 Senior Seminar 11359 P W SEM 001 W 4-7PM Writing from Memory's Chamber 496 Honors Thesis I IND + ARR 498 Directed Reading I IND + ARR 600 Topics in Theory 11361 PD W SEM 001 W 5-8PM Debates-Topics in Literary Std 698 Directed Reading I IND + ARR 750 Topics in Comp Lit 22449 PD W SEM 001 M 2-5PM Medieval French Romance 770 Interdisc Approach 29590 P W SEM 001 T 3-6PM Lacan Zizek & Cult Critique 29826 PD SEM 002 W 1-4PM Sexological Theory 790 Sem Literary Theory 32659 PD SEM 001 M 6-9PM Revolution as Tragedy & Farce 990 Diss-Precand D IND + ARR 995 Diss-Cand DR IND + ARR 2018 TISCH 2018 TISCH 2018 TISCH 2018 TISCH 2018 TISCH 3156 LSA G160 AH 1230 USB 1060 EH 2018 TISCH 2024 TISCH 3460 MH 2175 NQ 1436 MH 3302 MH 3356 MH 4.00 Admon Mesli Gelinas Eitan Goedde 3.00 Konuk Tsoffar 3.00 Dufallo Dufallo Kashdan Kashdan 3.00 Ekotto 3.00 Shammas 3.00 Leontis 3.00 Lambropoulos 3.00 ADVISORY Bardenstein 3.00 Masuzawa 3.00 Herwitz 3.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 2024 TISCH ARR 2265 NQ 2018 TISCH 210 WH 2018 TISCH ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED 3.00 ADVISORY McCracken 2.00-3.00 Clej Rubin 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY Lambropoulos 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Tang 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

2347 MH 2018 TISCH

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Program Study of Complex Systems

Complex Systems (CMPLXSYS)
250 SocialSystems&Energy 3.00 25306 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1110 WEILL Salmeen 260 Social Dynamics 3.00 24624 P RW LAB 001 TTH 10-1130AM 171 LORCH Atwell 24625 A SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Bruch 270 Agent-Based Modeling 3.00 29704 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 807 DENN Grim 391 Modeling Pol Proc 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 25876 S LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1528 CCL Grim 25877 P RW DIS 002 TH 5-6PM 1460 MH Berger 25878 P RW DIS 003 TH 4-5PM 3463 MH Berger 25879 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 5179 AH Kalinin 25880 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM 2455 MH Grim 25882 P RW DIS 007 M 4-5PM 2407 MH Berger 399 Ind Stdy Dir Reading 2.00 I IND + ARR ARR 501 Intro Complex Syst 3.00 11290 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 317A WH Riolo 510 Int Adpt Sys 3.00 22561 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 110 DENN Simon 511 Theory of CMPLXSYS 3.00 26325 P LEC 001 M 1-4PM 409 WH Marvel 531 Prg Agt-Based Models 1.00 15601 P W LEC 001 F 12-130PM 120 WH Riolo 535 Network Theory 3.00 22634 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 455 DENN Newman 541 Int Nonlin 3.00 18597 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 335 WH Doering 599 Ind Study Cmplx Sys 1.00-3.00 IND + ARR ARR




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Comprehensive Studies Program

Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP)
100 CSP Reading Sem 3.00 Permission from the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) required for Section 001-003. 11291 PDR SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 3333 MH Finseth 23557 PDR SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM 2462 MH Finseth 105 Read&Writ Sem 4.00 Permission from the Comprehensive Studies Program (CSP) required for CSP 105.11 Seats are for incoming Summer Bridge Students 30172 PD LEC 001 MW 2-4PM 1122 AH Naylor 45.00

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Center For Chinese Studies

Chinese Studies (CCS)
501 China Social Science 20653 PD SEM 001 M 2-5PM Please contact the instructor for permission to enroll. 650 Ind St Chinese St I IND + ARR 700 China MA Thesis I IND + ARR 1632 CHEM ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR ADVISORY 3.00 Ang 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Center For Japanese Studies

Japanese Studies (CJS)
451 Topics Japan 29246 P W SEM 001 T Queering Japanese Literature 591 Japan Indep Study D IND + 592 Ind Std Adv Jpn Lang I IND + 799 MA Essay Japan Std D IND + 3-6PM ARR ARR ARR 3315 MH ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Vincent 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

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English Language Institute

English Language Institute (ELI)
NOTE - A series of English for Academic Purposes courses for university enrolled graduate and undergraduate non-native speakers (NNS). Most ELI courses begin the second week of the semester. For more information contact the ELI Main Office 764-2413. 312 Spoken&Wrt Gram 1.00 25359 P RW LEC 001 W 4-530PM 1060 EH Bailey 320 Acad Writing I 1.00 11639 P RW LEC 001 F 1-230PM 3433 EECS Dyer 17696 P RW LEC 002 TH 4-530PM 4128 LSA Bailey 11640 P RW LEC 003 M 4-530PM 1060 EH Reilly 11641 P RW LEC 004 W 9-1030AM 3433 EECS Dyer 330 Language&Commun I 1.00 This is a 10-week course. 11642 P W LEC 001 MW 9-10AM 3021 EH Pingel 11643 P W LEC 002 MW 10-11AM 3315 MH Pingel ELI 330 is a 10-week course. 15342 P W LEC 003 MW 11-12PM 3353 MH Bailey ELI 330 is a 10-week course. 29157 P LEC 004 MW 12-1PM 3302 MH Matice 29159 P LEC 005 TTH 4-5PM 655 DENN Reilly 332 Lec Comprehension 1.00 ELI 332 is a 10 week course. 11644 P W LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 471 LORCH Dyer 334 Acad Presentations 3.00 ELI 334 is a 10 week course. 11645 P W LEC 001 TTH 3-5PM 1372 EH Matice 32680 P LEC 002 TTH 3-5PM G144 AH 336 Pronunciation I 1.00 11646 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 621 DENN Bogart 11647 P W LEC 002 TTH 11-12PM 621 DENN Bogart 20315 P W LEC 003 TTH 12-1PM 621 DENN Imber 338 Pron in Context 1.00 11648 PI SEM 001 TTH 5-6PM 1500 NQ-LRC Imber Section 001 for GSI track only. 11649 P W SEM 002 TTH 10-11AM 210 WH Reilly 11650 P W SEM 003 TTH 11-12PM 471 LORCH Dyer 17789 P W SEM 004 TTH 12-1PM 1096 EH Dyer 380 Intro to GSI Work 3.00 ADVISORY ELI 380 is a 10 week course. 11651 P RW LEC 001 MW 3-5PM 242 WH Des Jardins 381 GSI Commun Skills 1.00 ADVISORY 18042 PIRW LEC 001 MW 5-6PM 409 WH Bogart ELI 381 is a 10 week course 390 Comm Serv & Lang 3.00 18741 PIRW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1096 EH Bogart, Bailey Community Service and Language, Education and Culture 399 Indiv Res Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 420 Res Paper Writing 2.00 26154 P RW LEC 001 F 2-4PM 1096 EH Pingel 29171 P R LEC 002 M 2-4PM 445 DENN Feak 434 Dis&Oral Argumentn 1.00 ADVISORY 26155 P RW LEC 001 T 230-4PM 1068 EH Feak 29172 P R LEC 002 W 230-4PM G115 AH Matice 530 Acad Spkg Wrtg Arch 2.00 ADVISORY 18944 P RW LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2222 A&AB Rohlck ELI 530 is for Architecture, Urban Planning, Urban Design students only 584 GSI Sem&Pract 1.00 ADVISORY 11652 PIR SEM 001 F 3-430PM 3021 EH Des Jardins 20754 PIR SEM 002 F 4-530PM 1096 EH Imber 593 Educational Ling 3.00 ADVISORY 17619 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM 4212 SEB Moore Open to Elmac 13b students. 599 Indiv Research 1.00-3.00 IR IND + ARR ARR 620 Dis Writ&Wrt Publ I 2.00 ADVISORY 15528 PIR LEC 001 W 2-4PM 427 DENN Feak 26150 PIR LEC 002 F 10-12PM 621 DENN Des Jardins

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English Language & Literature Dept

English Language And Literature (ENGLISH)
--A STUDENT WHO MISSES EITHER OF THE FIRST TWO CLASS MEETINGS OF AN ENGLISH COURSE MAY BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE ACTION THROUGH THE REGISTRATION PROCESS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR OFFICIAL SCHEDULE MATCHES THE COURSES THEY ARE ATTENDING. 124 Academic Writing&Lit 4.00 11481 P W REC 001 MWF 8-9AM 4207 AH Thornburg Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11482 P W REC 002 MWF 11-12PM 2454 MH Thornburg Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17278 P W REC 003 MW 230-4PM 2468 MH Porter Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11483 P REC 004 TTH 830-10AM 2475 MH Christman Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11484 P W REC 005 TTH 230-4PM 4199 AH Pomerantz Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11485 P W REC 006 TTH 530-7PM 2401 MH Christman Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11486 P W REC 007 TTH 1-230PM 4199 AH Gottlieb Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11487 P W REC 008 MWF 9-10AM 4199 AH Horton Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11488 P REC 009 MWF 1-2PM 2462 MH Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11489 P W REC 010 MWF 10-11AM 2475 MH Thornburg Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11490 P REC 011 MW 1130-1PM 2469 MH Fraser Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11491 P W REC 012 TTH 230-4PM 2462 MH Spiess Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11492 P W REC 013 MW 4-530PM 2454 MH Horton Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11493 P W REC 014 MW 10-1130AM 2468 MH Fasteland Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11494 P W REC 015 TTH 4-530PM 4175 AH Spiess Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11495 P W REC 016 TTH 10-1130AM 4199 AH McConnell Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11496 P W REC 017 TTH 1-230PM 2475 MH Scherer Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11497 P W REC 018 MW 1-230PM G128 AH Richie Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11498 P W REC 019 MW 230-4PM 2448 MH Hampstead Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11499 P W REC 020 MW 830-10AM 2462 MH Bevilacqua Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11500 P W REC 021 MW 10-1130AM 2469 MH Sneed Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11502 P REC 023 TTH 1130-1PM 2401 MH Christman Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 27851 P W REC 025 MWF 11-12PM 2448 MH Berkley 125 Writing&Academic Inq 4.00 11503 P W REC 001 TTH 830-10AM 4211 AH Bellamy Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped U of M Schedule of Classes Page 133 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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immediately for non-attendance. 11504 P W REC 002 MWF 8-9AM 4199 AH Harris Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11505 P W REC 003 MWF 8-9AM 4175 AH Ward Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11506 P W REC 004 MWF 9-10AM 2475 MH Scheer Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17279 P W REC 005 MWF 1-2PM 2454 MH Tucker Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11507 P W REC 006 MWF 9-10AM 4207 AH Wynne Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11508 P W REC 007 MWF 12-1PM 1507 CCL Witkowski Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11509 P W REC 008 MWF 2-3PM 2454 MH Witkowski Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11510 P RW REC 009 MW 830-10AM 3401 MH Mangrum Representations of Slavery Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11511 P W REC 010 MWF 3-4PM 4199 AH Hammond Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11512 P W REC 011 TTH 830-10AM G437 MH Ula Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11513 P W REC 012 TTH 4-530PM ARR Khleif Writing and Music Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11514 P W REC 013 MWF 10-11AM 4175 AH Burke Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11515 P W REC 014 MW 4-530PM 2468 MH Miller Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11516 P RW REC 015 TTH 230-4PM 2469 MH Zurawski The Divine Feminine Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11517 P W REC 016 TTH 830-10AM 4207 AH Wolpert Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11518 P RW REC 017 TTH 1130-1PM 1624 CHEM Shipper Etiquette of College Writing Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11519 P W REC 018 MW 1130-1PM 113 MOJO VanKooten Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11520 P RW REC 019 TTH 1130-1PM 2462 MH Snir Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11521 P RW REC 020 TTH 230-4PM 1006 DANA Goldey Sci&Media: Writ Sci Public Aud Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17280 P REC 021 TTH 4-530PM 2333 MH Samuele Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11522 P REC 022 MW 830-10AM 2469 MH Hadero Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11523 P W REC 023 MW 7-830PM 2469 MH McConnell Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11524 P REC 024 MWF 11-12PM 2475 MH Witkowski Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11525 P W REC 025 TTH 830-10AM 2455 MH Scherm Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11526 P W REC 026 TTH 830-10AM 2468 MH Tsay Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped U of M Schedule of Classes Page 134 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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immediately for non-attendance. 11527 P W REC 027 MW 230-4PM 1507 CCL Hinken 11528 P W REC 028 TTH 830-10AM 4199 AH Schutz Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11529 P REC 029 MW 4-530PM 2475 MH Clark Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11530 P W REC 030 MWF 11-12PM G128 AH Ward Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11531 P W REC 031 MWF 12-1PM 2462 MH Wynne Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11532 P R REC 032 MW 10-1130AM 1413 COUZENS Waples HSSP Section. Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11533 P RW REC 033 MW 10-1130AM 1024 DANA Getman Writing About Popular Music Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11534 P W REC 034 MW 830-10AM 2455 MH Dekker Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11535 P W REC 035 MW 10-1130AM 1567 CCL Young Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11536 P RW REC 036 MW 1-230PM 1028 DANA Pierre The Objects of Writing Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11537 P W REC 037 MW 1130-1PM 471 LORCH Young Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17282 P W REC 038 MW 10-1130AM 3556 DANA Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11538 P W REC 039 MW 4-530PM 1437 MH McCormick Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11539 P W REC 040 MW 830-10AM 2454 MH Scherm Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11540 P W REC 041 MW 1-230PM 2469 MH Delp Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11541 P W REC 042 MW 1-230PM 2468 MH Austin Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11542 P R REC 043 TTH 10-1130AM BURSLEY Beal Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17283 P REC 044 MW 7-830PM G128 AH Pinto Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11543 P REC 045 TTH 1-230PM 4211 AH Brakefield Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17284 P W REC 046 MW 1130-1PM 4199 AH Linwick Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11545 P W REC 048 MW 4-530PM 1448 MH Coranez Bolton Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17281 P R REC 049 MW 230-4PM 1423 EQ Babcock MCSP Section. Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11546 P W REC 050 TTH 1130-1PM 2475 MH Brakefield Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18016 P REC 051 MWF 10-11AM 3304 MLB Ward Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11547 P W REC 052 TTH 230-4PM 2454 MH Kruse Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11548 PD REC 053 MWF 10-11AM 2462 MH Tessier Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 11549 PD REC 054 MWF 12-1PM 2454 MH Tessier Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 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11550 PD REC 055 TTH 10-1130AM 3347 MH Allen Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 11551 PD REC 056 TTH 1-230PM 171 LORCH Allen Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 11552 PD REC 057 MW 1130-1PM 2455 MH Olsen Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 11553 PD REC 058 MW 1-230PM 3304 MLB Olsen Sections 053-058 are restricted to CSP students. Permission from CSP is required for registration. 11554 P W REC 059 MWF 10-11AM G128 AH Korey Women Writers & Writing Women Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11555 P W REC 060 MW 1130-1PM 171 LORCH Alvarez Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11556 P W REC 061 MW 830-10AM 1509 CCL Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11557 P W REC 062 MW 1130-1PM 621 DENN Jacaruso Dystopia as Critique Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11558 P W REC 063 MW 10-1130AM 4207 AH Allen Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11559 P RW REC 064 MW 230-4PM 2334 SEB Kinsey Language, Logic & Information Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11560 P W REC 065 MW 10-1130AM 3021 EH Bruno 11561 P W REC 066 MW 1-230PM 4207 AH Montero-Roman Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11562 P W REC 067 TTH 4-530PM 2475 MH Tolentino Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11563 P R REC 068 TTH 10-1130AM 1423 EQ Modey MCSP course. 11564 P R REC 069 TTH 1-230PM 1417 COUZENS Scheer HSSP section. Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance.Permission from HSSP required. 11565 P W REC 070 TTH 7-830PM G232 AH Knutson Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11566 P W REC 071 MWF 11-12PM 1507 CCL Wynne Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18073 P W REC 073 TTH 4-530PM 2454 MH West Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18074 P W REC 074 MW 230-4PM 4207 AH Wall Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18126 P W REC 075 MW 830-10AM 2401 MH Samuele Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18139 P W REC 076 MW 10-1130AM 4199 AH Greene Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18140 P W REC 077 MW 1130-1PM 3312 MLB Mathie Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18141 P REC 078 TTH 1130-1PM 2469 MH Hixon Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18142 P W REC 079 MW 1-230PM G232 AH Carter Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18143 P W REC 080 MW 4-530PM 2462 MH Scherm Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18144 P W REC 081 MW 230-4PM 2462 MH Dragicevic Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18145 P W REC 082 TTH 230-4PM 2455 MH Reid Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18146 P W REC 083 TTH 830-10AM G128 AH Samuele This section will fulfill a requirement for the minor in Medical Anthropology Students (enrolled and waitlisted) U of M Schedule of Classes Page 136 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 19369 P W REC 084 MWF 10-11AM 2454 MH Zukowski Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 19371 P REC 086 TTH 830-10AM 4175 AH Brakefield Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 19372 P W REC 087 TTH 4-530PM 2468 MH Ruth 19373 P W REC 088 MW 230-4PM 2469 MH Willis Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 19374 P W REC 089 MW 4-530PM 2455 MH Delp Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 19376 P W REC 091 MW 1130-1PM 3304 MLB Singleton 19377 P W REC 092 MW 230-4PM 2475 MH Pinto 19378 P RW REC 093 TTH 10-1130AM 2412 MLB Celis Hipster Accessories 19379 P W REC 094 TTH 1130-1PM 4199 AH Grady 19380 P W REC 095 TTH 1130-1PM G128 AH Adair 23222 P W REC 096 MW 530-7PM 2454 MH Gramm 24066 P RW REC 097 MW 1130-1PM G463 MH Applebeet 24067 P W REC 098 TTH 10-1130AM 4175 AH Buckley 24068 P W REC 099 MW 4-530PM 2448 MH Pinto 24069 P W REC 100 TTH 230-4PM 4211 AH Neiderhiser 24070 P REC 101 TTH 530-7PM 2325 MH Khleif Writing and Music 24071 P REC 102 MW 1-230PM 4199 AH Schutz 24163 P W REC 103 MW 830-10AM G128 AH Young 27852 P W REC 104 MW 10-1130AM 471 LORCH Go 140 1st Yr Sem Lang&Lit 3.00 ADVISORY 21034 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM G160 AH Makman Fantasies of Childhood 23401 P RW SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM 1460 MH Nichols Race in the Age of Obama 23402 P RW SEM 003 MW 230-4PM 1436 MH Taylor Arthurian Literature 30174 P RW SEM 004 MW 830-10AM 1469 MH Coyle Environmental Writing 142 1st-Yr Engl Sem ID 3.00 28409 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3314 MH Pinch, Dominguez Jane Austen and Economics 223 Creative Writing 3.00 11568 P W REC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2469 MH Obioma Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11569 P W REC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 2469 MH Harp Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11570 P W REC 003 TTH 1130-1PM 2454 MH Hernandez Castillo Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11571 P W REC 004 MW 10-1130AM 171 LORCH Bennett Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11572 P W REC 005 MW 1130-1PM 2468 MH Robison Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11573 P W REC 006 T 6-9PM 2475 MH Austin Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11574 P W REC 007 MW 1-230PM 171 LORCH Hornsby Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11575 P W REC 008 TTH 230-4PM 1509 CCL Swanson Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11576 P W REC 009 TTH 1-230PM 2454 MH Misener Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11577 P W REC 010 TTH 10-1130AM 1509 CCL Swanson Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11578 P W REC 011 MW 4-530PM 1507 CCL Marshall Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11579 P W REC 012 MW 530-7PM 2455 MH Delp Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11580 P W REC 013 TTH 1-230PM 2462 MH Hornibrook U of M Schedule of Classes Page 137 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11581 P W REC 014 TTH 4-530PM 1507 CCL Small Staid Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17290 P W REC 015 MW 230-4PM 1509 CCL Bakopoulos Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 18026 P W REC 016 MW 1-230PM 2448 MH Bakopoulos Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 225 Acad Argumentation 4.00 ADVISORY 11582 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM A863 CHEM Mazel Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11583 P W REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 2455 MH Keane Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11584 P W REC 003 TTH 1130-1PM 1509 CCL Barnes Arguing about Detroit Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11585 P W REC 004 TTH 1-230PM 1507 CCL Pollak Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11587 P W REC 006 MW 1-230PM 2018 TISCH Parsons Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11588 P W REC 007 TTH 4-530PM 1509 CCL Schutz Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11589 P W REC 008 TTH 530-7PM 1509 CCL Manery Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11590 P W REC 009 MW 1130-1PM 2353 MH Schiavone Understnd MakingArgumentFood Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11591 P W REC 010 MW 10-1130AM A863 CHEM Gibson Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11592 P W REC 011 MW 1-230PM 1507 CCL Spooner Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11593 P W REC 012 MW 230-4PM 5180B AH Oches Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11594 P W REC 013 TTH 1-230PM 1509 CCL Barry Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11595 P W REC 014 MW 1130-1PM 1509 CCL Wilson Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 11596 PD REC 018 TTH 10-1130AM 1507 CCL Taylor III SECTIONS 018-020 ARE RESTRICTED TO CSP STUDENTS. CSP Departmental permission required. 11597 PD REC 019 TTH 1130-1PM 1507 CCL Taylor III SECTIONS 018-020 ARE RESTRICTED TO CSP STUDENTS. CSP departmental permission required 11598 PD REC 020 TTH 1-230PM 1122 AH Story SECTIONS 018-020 ARE RESTRICTED TO CSP STUDENTS. CSP departmental permission required 226 Directed Writing 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 227 Intro Playwriting 3.00 21727 P RW REC 001 W 3-6PM B207 WDC Gordon 229 Professional Writing 4.00 ADVISORY 11600 P W REC 001 TTH 830-10AM G444A MH Engel Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 15579 P W REC 002 MW 1-230PM G444A MH Green Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 17316 P W REC 003 TTH 4-530PM G444A MH Scheer Students (enrolled and waitlisted) must attend BOTH the first AND second days of class or they will be dropped immediately for non-attendance. 245 Intro Drama 3.00 19911 P RW REC 001 TTH 3-430PM 2439 WDC Woods 250 Intro-Lang Std 3.00 28750 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1449 MH Curzan How Conversations Work 260 Intro British Lit 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 138 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28747 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3437 MH Hartley Reading the Mind 270 Intro to Amer Lit 3.00 26413 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3427 MH Berkley 274 Intr Afr-Am Lit 3.00 ADVISORY 23191 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3463 MH Santamarina 20th/21st C AfAm Writers 290 Themes Lang & Lit 3.00 28752 P RW LEC 002 MW 10-1130AM 3437 MH Brandolino MnstrsGhsts&Dvls:StrysScareUs 28755 P RW LEC 003 W 5-8PM 3401 MH Brater 10 Plays Everyone Should Know 30222 P W LEC 004 MW 1-230PM 3451 MH Knysh The Qur'an&Its Interpretations 32737 P RW LEC 005 TH 3-6PM 2449 MH Levad Zell Visiting Writers Series 298 Intro to Lit Studies 3.00 18580 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3302 MH Khan 11601 P W REC 002 MW 830-10AM 3333 MH Spiess 11602 P W REC 003 MW 1-230PM G160 AH Walker The Butterfly and the Crab 22407 P W REC 005 MW 1130-1PM 3333 MH Marshall 24788 P RW REC 006 TTH 10-1130AM 1060 EH Zemgulys Ghosting Great Works 18581 P W REC 007 MW 10-1130AM 430 DENN Mattawa 17445 P W REC 008 MW 1-230PM 3333 MH Pollack Elements of the Short Story 18744 P RW REC 009 MW 230-4PM 271 DENN Whittier-Ferguson 23403 P W REC 010 TTH 1130-1PM 1448 MH Larson 299 Directed Study 1.00-3.00 SD IND + ARR ARR 305 Exploring Language 4.00 ADVISORY 20802 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 296 DENN Gold 20803 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM G115 AH Gold 20804 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1567 CCL Pelletier, Gold 21521 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1567 CCL 21522 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM G228 AH Gold 310 Discourse&Society 3.00 11605 PI W REC 001 TTH 3-5PM G127 AH Alexander The Cody High School Project Admission to the class is by permission of instructor. Check 3275 Angell Hall for specially posted hours for interviews for this course. 313 Literary Studies 4.00 23404 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1300 CHEM Smith Gender,Autobgrphy,&MedicalBody 23405 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3330 MH LaRose, Smith Gender,Autobgrphy,&MedicalBody 23406 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3556 DANA LaRose, Smith Gender,Autobgrphy,&MedicalBody 28802 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 49 UMMA Eriks, Smith Gender,Autobgrphy,&MedicalBody 28803 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 2455 MH Eriks, Smith Gender,Autobgrphy,&MedicalBody 29047 A LEC 010 TTH 230-4PM AUD D AH Freedman Hitchcock and Modernity 29057 P W DIS 011 F 10-11AM 3463 MH Ho Hitchcock and Modernity 29058 P W DIS 012 F 11-12PM 1401 MH Witte Hitchcock and Modernity 29059 P W DIS 013 F 12-1PM 2455 MH Witte Hitchcock and Modernity 29060 P W DIS 014 F 1-2PM 2437 MH Ho Hitchcock and Modernity 29065 A LEC 020 MW 1130-1PM 1360 EH Williams Memoir and Social Crisis 30019 P RW DIS 021 F 10-11AM B312A DENT Torti Memoir and Social Crisis 30020 P RW DIS 022 F 11-12PM 3254 LSA Torti Memoir and Social Crisis 30021 P RW DIS 023 F 12-1PM G160 AH Cobblah Memoir and Social Crisis 30022 P RW DIS 024 F 1-2PM 3411 MH Cobblah Memoir and Social Crisis 314 Gender/Sexuality Std 3.00 22804 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3330 MH Halperin The Culture of AIDS 28804 A LAB 002 TH 6-9PM 1300 CHEM Halperin The Culture of AIDS 315 Women&Literature 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 139 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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22408 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3437 MH Tinkle Hrtics,Saints,Mdwvs,Wchs,&Wrtr 316 Disability Studies 3.00 25993 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3401 MH Kuppers Disability Culture 317 Literature&Culture 3.00 28808 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3451 MH Markel The Literature of Medicine 22592 P W LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 142 LORCH Carroll Representing Mexico-US Border 24907 P W LEC 004 MW 1130-1PM AUD D AH Delbanco, Burnstein Fiction Into Film 25141 A LAB 005 T 6-9PM AUD NS Delbanco, Burnstein Fiction Into Film 26504 P W LEC 006 TTH 10-1130AM 3463 MH Najita Green Indigeneities 318 Genre Studies 3.00 28811 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3437 MH Makman Children's Lit & Mod Childhood 28812 P W LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM G160 AH Walker 20th Cent Amer Comic Fiction 319 Lit&Social Change 3.00 24794 PI W LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM G127 AH Alexander Literature of Climate Change Admission to the class is by permission of instructor. Check 3275 Angell Hall for specially posted hours for interviews for this course. 29766 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM B830 EQ Lucas Interested students should register for this class under the RCHUMS 334.004 course number. 320 Lit & Environment 3.00 30177 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM G127 AH Coyle Ecocriticism 321 Internship 1.00 ADVISORY SD IND + ARR ARR 323 Creat Writ Fict 3.00 ADVISORY 11606 PI W SEM 001 M 4-7PM 4211 AH O'Dowd 11607 PI W SEM 002 T 4-7PM 4211 AH O'Dowd 17931 PI W SEM 003 W 6-9PM 4207 AH Davies 324 Creat Writ Poet 3.00 ADVISORY 21524 PI W SEM 001 T 6-9PM 4207 AH Taylor 325 Art of the Essay 3.00 ADVISORY 11608 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 1359 MH Chamberlin 11609 P W SEM 002 MW 1130-1PM 4207 AH Rubadeau 11610 P W SEM 003 TTH 1-230PM 2469 MH Swanson 15538 P W SEM 004 TTH 230-4PM 3540 CCL Hinken 18054 P W SEM 005 TTH 1130-1PM 4211 AH Knuth 18125 P W SEM 006 MW 4-530PM 2353 MH Harp 18805 P W SEM 007 MW 830-10AM G232 AH Bakopoulos 18806 P W SEM 008 MW 530-7PM G463 MH Pollack 18807 P W SEM 009 MW 1-230PM 1509 CCL Harp 18808 P W SEM 010 TTH 530-7PM 2469 MH Hinken 18809 P W SEM 011 MWF 10-11AM 2448 MH Horton 23223 P W SEM 012 TTH 830-10AM 2454 MH Pomerantz 33220 P W SEM 013 TTH 10-1130AM 2454 MH Pomerantz 327 Intermed Playwriting 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 22609 P W SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2443 WDC Gordon 328 Writing&Environment 3.00 23410 P W SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1230 WEILL Knuth 340 Studies in Poetry 3.00 22409 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3356 MH Goldstein Form&Social Functns of Poetry 24798 P W SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM 2213 A&AB Moss Movement Systems 24799 P W SEM 003 MW 230-4PM 3356 MH Jordan The Historical Hinge 26515 P W SEM 004 TTH 230-4PM 1359 MH Ellison Public Poetry 341 Fantasy 3.00 21525 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1401 MH Matzke 349 Am Thtr-Drama 3.00 15573 P W REC 001 MW 1130-1PM 2439 WDC Westlake 25091 P W REC 002 TTH 4-530PM 4207 AH Brater 100 Years of American Drama 350 Lit in Engl-1660 4.00 11611 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM UMMA AUD Trevor 11612 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 1460 MH Farrar-Wellman 11613 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM G232 AH Farrar-Wellman 11614 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1448 MH Jacobson 11615 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 5179 AH Jacobson 360 Rise of the Novel 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 140 of 382



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26522 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2330 MH Hawes 361 Victorian Novel 3.00 28817 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1469 MH McAdams Global and Local 363 The Modern Novel 4.00 28814 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 3437 MH Whittier-Ferguson Repetition&Novelty-Mod Fiction 28815 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 1427 MH Ariail Repetition&Novelty-Mod Fiction 28816 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 2306 MH Ariail Repetition&Novelty-Mod Fiction 367 Shakespeare I 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 11616 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1300 CHEM Mullaney 21526 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 1448 MH Huffman 11617 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM G168 AH Sirota 11618 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM G168 AH Huffman 16074 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 3448 MH Sirota 373 Lit of the Americas 3.00 29792 P W REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3460 MH Carroll Codeswitch 384 Caribbean Lit 3.00 ADVISORY 28821 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2437 MH Goodison 390 Topics Lit Crit&Thry 3.00 22410 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3356 MH Hartley The Theory Mess 397 Honors Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 19954 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2336 MH Blair Visual Cultures-Modern Novel 398 Jr Sem Eng Std 4.00 21531 P W SEM 002 TTH 230-4PM 3347 MH Halperin Queer Love 24803 P W SEM 003 MW 10-1130AM 3347 MH Porter Thinking about Poetry 405 Theories of Writing 3.00 28745 P W REC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2230 USB Yergeau Process, Pedagogy & Production 407 Topics Lang & Lit 3.00 23439 P W SEM 002 MW 230-4PM 3302 MH Marshall Intertextuality or The Whale 26540 P W SEM 005 TTH 1-230PM G634 HH Najita Lit of Hawaii 29793 P W SEM 006 MW 4-530PM 2347 MH Krutikov Yiddish in New York 29068 P W SEM 007 MW 230-4PM G463 MH Williams The Literature of Friendship 33490 P W SEM 008 MW 3-430PM ARR Westlake 408 Varieties English 3.00 28822 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G144 AH Toon 409 Old English 3.00 22365 P W REC 001 TTH 830-10AM G160 AH Toon 415 Studies Women&Lit 3.00 28859 P W REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3333 MH Gold Parlors and Platforms 416 Disability Cultures 3.00 28746 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2230 USB Yergeau Autism, Culture&Representation 420 Tech & Humanities 3.00 26542 P W SEM 001 MW 1130-1PM G160 AH Silver Literature and Games 423 Adv Writing Fiction 3.00 ADVISORY 11619 PI W SEM 001 W 4-7PM 4211 AH O'Dowd Students wishing to elect this course must add themselves to the waitlist, and then bring a 10-15 page portfolio to the first class meeting. 25314 PI W SEM 002 T 4-7PM 2155 NQ Ganeshananthan Students who want to enroll in the workshop should get on the waitlist and e-mail a double-spaced 10- to 15-page manuscript of fiction to the instructor at a week prior to the first meeting. Short stories are preferred to excerpts of longer projects. A list of those admitted will be confirmed shortly thereafter. 424 Adv Poetry Writing 3.00 11621 PI W SEM 001 M 5-8PM 2449 MH Mattawa Students wishing to elect this course must add themselves to the waitlist, and then bring a 10-15 page portfolio to the first class meeting. 425 Adv Essay Writing 3.00 ADVISORY 11620 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 4207 AH Rubadeau 17352 P RW SEM 002 TTH 230-4PM 4175 AH Rubadeau 28799 P RW SEM 003 W 4-7PM G160 AH Ganeshananthan 32322 P W SEM 004 MW 10-1130AM 1448 MH Chamberlin ImmersionWrtg: Truth,Fact,&Art 426 Directed Writing 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 141 of 382


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SI IND + ARR 440 Modern Poetry 28856 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM New Ways Thinking about World 441 Contemporary Poetry 28857 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM Post WWII Innovators 30044 P W LEC 002 TTH 830-10AM Romantic Strangers 443 Theatr Hst I 11622 P LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 11623 P LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 450 Med&Ren Lit 15838 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM Elizabthn Cult&Faerie Queene 22411 P RW REC 002 TTH 4-530PM Lit&Time in Medieval England 451 Lit 1600-1830 21720 P W REC 001 TTH 1-230PM Poets, Lovers, Madmen 24887 P W REC 002 MW 830-10AM 18-Century Lit and the Museum 460 Std in the Novel 28860 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM Law and the American Novel 467 Topics Shakespeare 32093 PI SEM 001 T 4-7PM Hst, Thr, Pract of Skspr Stage 469 Milton 22412 P W REC 001 MW 1-230PM 470 Colonial Revol AmLit 29062 P W REC 001 TTH 230-4PM Col & Revol North Amer Lit 472 20th C American Lit 26549 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM Narratives of Immigration 495 Drafting the Thesis 11624 PD SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 27405 PD SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM 498 Directed Teaching SD IND + ARR 501 Old English 22335 PD W SEM 001 TTH 830-10AM 520 Intro Grad Studies 11627 PD SEM 001 M 6-9PM Intro to Ltrcy&Cultural Theory 528 Disability Studies 25893 PI W SEM 001 T 2-4PM 540 Topics Lang & Lit 28867 PD SEM 002 T 4-7PM Hstry, Thry,Prctc of Skspr Stg 28868 PD SEM 003 W 1-4PM Postcolonial Theory 29127 PD SEM 004 TH 2-5PM What Makes Writing Good 552 19th C American Lit 29966 PD SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 19thC American Lit 571 Wkshp Write Fiction 11628 PD SEM 001 M 6-9PM 11629 PD SEM 002 T 430-730PM This class will meet in the Hopwood Room, 1176 Angell Hall. 574 Wkshop Write Poetry 11630 PD SEM 001 M 1-4PM 11631 PD SEM 002 M 6-9PM 577 Indi Stdy-Creat Wrt SD IND + ARR 578 Creative Writing 28870 PD SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM Craft Fctn: Short Htry Shrt 590 Indi Study MA Stu SD IND + ARR 627 Critical Theories 28887 PD SEM 001 MW 1-230PM Disability Aesthetics 630 Special Topics 22774 PD SEM 001 W 5-8PM Asian American Lit & Culture 641 Topc Medievl Period U of M Schedule of Classes Page 142 of 382

ARR G144 AH 3302 MH 7603 HH 2439 WDC 2439 WDC 1437 MH 3460 MH 373 LORCH 1359 MH 2455 MH G232 AH 1460 MH 1436 MH 2353 MH 3333 MH 2448 MH ARR G160 AH G026 TISCH G463 MH G232 AH 4175 AH 2310 SEB 4207 AH 4199 AH ARR 4211 AH 3315 MH ARR 4175 AH ARR G463 MH 4128 LSA 3.00 Siebers 3.00 Mendoza 3.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ADVISORY 3.00 Davies 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Toon 3.00 Hack 1.00-3.00 Kuppers 3.00 Mullaney Wenzel Gere 3.00 Larson 6.00 Byers Delbanco 6.00 Gregerson Jordan 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Goldstein 3.00 White Levinson 3.00 Woods Nkanga 3.00 Gregerson Sanok 3.00 Porter Silver 3.00 Crane 3.00 Mullaney 3.00 Trevor 3.00 Parrish 3.00 Miller 3.00 Wenzel White 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY


CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






28886 PD SEM 001 MW Chaucer: Major Works 648 Topic Modern Period 28871 PD SEM 001 TTH Money and Modernism 695 Pedagogy:Thry-Pract 11633 PD SEM 001 M Theory Practice 841 Sem:An Hist Period 26633 PD SEM 001 TTH Romantic Strangers 851 Sem:American Lit 28888 PD SEM 001 T Up South 861 Seminar; Authors 28885 PD SEM 001 W Jane Austen & Thry Novel 990 Diss-Precand SD IND + 992 Directed Study SD IND + 993 G S I Training 11634 PDR REC 001 11635 PDR REC 002 995 Diss-Cand SDR IND +

1130-1PM 1-230PM 6-9PM 1130-1PM 6-9PM 9-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR

4175 AH 4207 AH 4175 AH 4175 AH 4175 AH 4211 AH ARR

Taylor 3.00 Zemgulys 3.00 Levinson 3.00 Levinson 3.00 Parrish 3.00 Pinch 1.00-8.00 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 90.00

ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00 ADVISORY Chamberlin Chamberlin 8.00 ENFORCED

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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Earth and Environmental Sciences (EARTH)
103 Dinosaurs&Othr Fail 1.00 28264 P W LEC 002 TTH 3-4PM AUD 3 MLB Wilson Meets Oct 22 thru Dec 10. Final Exam on Dec 10 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Nov 11. 104 Ice Ages-Past&Futur 1.00 25868 P W LEC 001 TTH 11-12PM AUD NS Arnaboldi Meets Sept 3 thru Oct 17. Final Exam on Oct 17 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Sept 16. 105 Tectonic Earth 1.00 21516 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-5PM AUD NS Ruff Meets Sept 3 thru Oct 17. Final Exam on Oct 17 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Sept 16. 28262 P W LEC 002 TTH 2-3PM 1800 CHEM Ritsema Meets Oct 22 thru Dec 10. Final Exam on Dec 10 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Nov 11. 107 Volcano&Earthquakes 1.00 25869 P W LEC 002 TTH 4-5PM AUD NS Zhang Meets Oct 22 thru Dec 10. Final Exam on Dec 10 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Nov 11. 108 When Earth Attacks 1.00 22645 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-1PM AUD NS Hetland Meets Sept 3 thru Oct 17. Final Exam on Oct 17 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Sept 16. 109 Water and Society 1.00 25870 P W LEC 001 TTH 2-3PM 1800 CHEM Cruz Da Silva Castro Meets Sept 3 thru Oct 17. Final Exam on Oct 17 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Sept 16. 112 Life Extreme Environ 1.00 28265 P W LEC 002 TTH 12-1PM AUD NS Dick Meets Oct 22 thru Dec 10. Final Exam on Dec 10 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Nov 11. 113 Planets and Moons 1.00 24662 P W LEC 002 TTH 11-12PM AUD NS Gleason Meets Oct 22 thru Dec 10. Final Exam on Dec 10 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Nov 11. 114 Global Warming 1.00 ADVISORY 23353 P W LEC 001 TTH 3-4PM AUD 3 MLB Poulsen Meets Sept 3 thru Oct 17. Final Exam on Oct 17 unless otherwise arranged. Drop/add deadline is Sept 16. 118 Intro Geology Lab 1.00 ADVISORY 11704 P W LAB 001 M 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 11705 P W LAB 002 T 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 11706 P W LAB 003 W 2-4PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 11707 P W LAB 004 TH 2-4PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 11708 P W LAB 005 W 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 11709 P W LAB 006 F 9-11AM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH 119. 119 Intro Geology 4.00 ADVISORY To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11710 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD C AH Lohmann 11711 P W DIS 010 W 12-1PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11712 P W DIS 011 TH 12-1PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11713 P W DIS 012 M 3-4PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11714 P W DIS 013 T 3-4PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11715 P W DIS 014 W 1-2PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11716 P W DIS 015 TH 1-2PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 11717 P W DIS 016 T 4-5PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 25391 P W DIS 017 M 4-5PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 119 and 118. 122 Extreme Weather 3.00 18769 P LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM AUD C AH Samson 22742 P LEC 002 MWF 10-11AM ARR Samson 146 Plate Tectonics 3.00 ADVISORY 20617 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3540 CCL Ritsema U of M Schedule of Classes Page 144 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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First Year Seminar. Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. 147 Natural Hazards 3.00 ADVISORY 25859 P RW SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 3540 CCL Ruff First Year Seminar. Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. 151 Ice Ages:Past&Pres 3.00 ADVISORY 24678 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 3540 CCL Arnaboldi First Year Seminar. Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. 154 Ocean Resources 3.00 ADVISORY 21517 P RW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 3540 CCL Alt First Year Seminar. Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. 156 Coral Reef Dynamics 3.00 28267 P RW SEM 001 TTH 830-10AM 3540 CCL Arnaboldi First Year Seminar. Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only first-year students, including those with sophomore standing, may register. 171 Int Global Change I 4.00 11718 A R LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1200 CHEM Kling, Badgley, van der Pluijm, Poulsen 11720 P RW LAB 003 ARR ARR 11721 P RW LAB 004 M 3-5PM 3556 DANA Jeffery 11722 P RW LAB 005 T 9-11AM 3038 DANA Rosier 11723 P RW LAB 006 T 11-1PM 3038 DANA Taylor 19157 P RW LAB 007 M 1-3PM 3556 DANA Shi 11724 P RW LAB 008 W 1-3PM 3556 DANA Rosier 201 Intro Envir Sci&Geog 4.00 11725 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1528 CCL Blum 17399 P W LAB 002 M 2-4PM 2516 CCL 18601 P W LAB 003 W 12-2PM 2516 CCL 11726 P W LAB 004 W 4-6PM 2516 CCL 25842 P W LAB 005 TH 2-4PM 2516 CCL 28392 P W LAB 006 TH 4-6PM 2516 CCL 28393 P W LAB 007 F 1-3PM 2516 CCL 206 Water Cycle&Envir 2.00 25852 P W LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 1200 CHEM Becker 222 Intro Oceanog 3.00 11727 P W LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM AUD C AH Hendy To enroll in the Intro Oceanography Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH 223 Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH 222 and 223. 223 Intro Ocean Lab 1.00 11728 P W LAB 001 T 4-6PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH 223 must also be enrolled in EARTH 222. 17400 P W LAB 002 W 2-4PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH 223 must also be enrolled in EARTH 222. 11729 P W LAB 003 F 11-1PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH 223 must also be enrolled in EARTH 222. 11730 P W LAB 004 T 2-4PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH 223 must also be enrolled in EARTH 222. 255 Earth Space Science 3.00 ADVISORY 28286 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 2520 CCL van Keken, Valluri, Arbic This course is intended primarily for undergraduate students from the School of Education who are specializing in Elementary Education, and for IDA concentrators in the Department of Astronomy. Preferred Admit students in Elementary Education should email for an override. 299 Ind Study GeoSci 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 305 Sediments 4.00 ADVISORY 25856 A R LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 1512 CCL Lohmann 25857 P RW LAB 002 M 2-4PM 3530 CCL 25858 P RW LAB 003 T 4-6PM 3530 CCL 31877 P RW LAB 004 M 4-6PM 3530 CCL 313 Geobiology 4.00 ADVISORY 25853 A R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 130 DENN Dick, Wilson 25854 P RW LAB 002 TH 1-3PM 3530 CCL 25855 P RW LAB 003 W 4-6PM 3530 CCL 27921 P RW LAB 004 TH 3-5PM 3530 CCL 315 Earth Materials 4.00 ENFORCED 11731 A R LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 2520 CCL Li 11732 P RW LAB 002 W 2-5PM 3526 CCL 28272 A R REC 003 F 3-4PM 2520 CCL 31851 P RW LAB 004 T 1-4PM 3526 CCL 320 Earth Sys Evolution 4.00 ADVISORY 18649 P LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 260 DENN Andronova, Ruff 370 Solar Terrestrial 4.00 ADVISORY 23719 P LEC 001 MWF 1030-12PM 2424 SRB Moldwin 380 Min Res, Econ&Envir 4.00 ADVISORY 28268 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 260 DENN Simon 28269 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 2502 CCL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 145 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28270 28271 29039 29041 32085 381 23717 401 23715 409 19117 411 23716 422 25866 429 28259 28260 431 24682 436 21881 Research 446 28261 454 23718 457 29451 477 24679 24681 489

P W DIS 003 F P W DIS 004 M P W DIS 005 W P W DIS 006 TH P W DIS 007 T Intro Atm Radiation PR LEC 001 MWF Geophys Fluid Dyn P LEC 001 TTH Earth System Model P LEC 001 TTH Cloud&Precip Process P LEC 001 MWF Prin of Geochem P RW LEC 001 MWF Comput Mineralogy AR LEC 001 F PR LAB 002 Terrestrial Biomes P RW LEC 001 MWF Fld Std-Strat&Paleo PI LEC 015

10-11AM 1-2PM 5-6PM 5-6PM 1-2PM 130-3PM 1130-130PM 930-1130AM 930-1030AM 1-2PM 8-11AM ARR 10-11AM ARR

2502 CCL 2502 CCL 2502 CCL 2502 CCL 2502 CCL 2424 SRB 2246 SRB 2238 SRB 2246 SRB 2520 CCL 3540 CCL 5501 CCL 2520 CCL ARR 4.00 Flanner 4.00 Rood 4.00 Bassis 3.00 Posselt 3.00 Zhang 4.00 Becker Becker 3.00 Smith 1.00-4.00 Lohmann ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY


Paleoclimatology 3.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 3540 CCL Sheldon Meteor Analysis Lab 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 MWF 130-330PM 2236 SRB Marsik Atmos Dynamics I 4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 TTH 130-330PM 2424 SRB Boyd Hydrogeology 4.00 ADVISORY AR LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3540 CCL Cruz Da Silva Castro P RW LAB 002 M 3-6PM 3536 CCL Geol Sci Honors 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 490 Geol Honors 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 494 Experiential Learn 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 498 Research&Spec Work 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 499 Research&Spec Work 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 515 Tect Oc&Conts 4.00 ADVISORY 28168 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3540 CCL Van Der Voo 531 Sem Geologic Problm 1.00 ADVISORY 11737 PDR SEM 001 F 3-4PM 3540 CCL Poulsen First Year Grad Student Research Seminar. Required for all first year graduate students in Geological Sciences. 532 Sem Climate-Tect-Top 1.00 ADVISORY 21977 PIR SEM 050 ARR ARR Sheldon 534 Sem Geophy-Tec-Stru 1.00 ADVISORY 21331 PIR SEM 001 F 11-12PM 3540 CCL Hetland 536 Sem Stratig-Paleo 1.00 ADVISORY 19005 P RW SEM 001 F 12-1PM 1532RUTHVEN Wilson 580 Isotope Earth Env Sc 4.00 ADVISORY 28251 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2520 CCL Aciego, Sheldon, Blum, Lohmann 599 Independent Study 1.00-9.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 709 Thesis Res Am-Ms 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 8.00 ADVISORY SD IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED SDR IND + ARR ARR

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Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB)
300 Undergrad Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 302 Teach Exper Undergr 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 313 Geobiology 4.00 ADVISORY 25887 A R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 130 DENN Dick, Wilson 25888 P RW LAB 002 TH 1-3PM 3530 CCL 25889 P RW LAB 003 W 4-6PM 3530 CCL 27923 P RW LAB 004 TH 3-5PM 3530 CCL 335 Biodiversity Res Sem 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19836 P RW SEM 001 T 12-1PM ARR Zhang 335 Biodiversity Res Sem 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW SEM 001 TH 4-5PM ARR 335 Biodiversity Res Sem 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19837 A R DIS 002 M 11-12PM 1636 CHEM Zhang 372 Ecology Laboratory 3.00 ADVISORY 70.00 11010 P W LAB 011 T 8-12PM BOT GARD LAB/DIS SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. BUS TO BOT. GARDEN LEAVES FROM FRONT OF RACKHAM BLDG. AT 8 AM AND 1 PM AND RETURNS AT NOON AND 5 PM. 11011 A DIS 012 TH 10-12PM G444A MH 11012 P W LAB 021 T 1-5PM BOT GARD 11013 A DIS 022 TH 1-3PM G444D MH 11014 P W LAB 031 TH 8-12PM BOT GARD Carpenter 11015 A DIS 032 T 10-12PM G444A MH 11016 P W LAB 041 TH 1-5PM BOT GARD Carpenter 11017 A DIS 042 T 1-3PM 3325 DANA 24359 P LAB 051 W 1-5PM BOT GARD 24361 A DIS 052 F 1-3PM G444D MH 380 Oceanography 3.00 ADVISORY 19838 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1640 CHEM Lehman 390 Evolution 3.00 ADVISORY DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 9. 11040 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 1400 CHEM Smith 11041 P W DIS 002 M 10-12PM 2347 MH 11042 P W DIS 003 T 2-4PM 3356 MH 11043 P W DIS 004 W 10-12PM B124 MLB 11044 P W DIS 005 W 2-4PM 4153 USB 11045 P W DIS 006 TH 8-10AM 2502 CCL 11046 P W DIS 007 TH 5-7PM 3347 MH 397 Writing in Biology 3.00 ADVISORY 29464 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 427 DENN Olsen 400 Advanced Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 401 Advanced Topics 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 26067 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1024 DANA Pringle Macroecology 26068 PIRW LEC 002 ARR ARR Duda Jr Molec Approaches Evol & Ecol INTENDED FOR SENIOR CONCENTRATORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS. COURSE MEETS 10/21/13 to 12/10/13. 26836 P RW LEC 003 W 9-10AM ARR Kling P RW LEC 003 M 2-4PM ARR Professional Development RESERVED FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS. 410 EEB Capstone Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 20603 P RW SEM 001 WF 1130-1PM 3265 USB Tucker, Werner 420 Plant Evolution 3.00 ADVISORY 28659 P W LEC 001 WF 1-230PM 269 DENN Qiu 424 Beh Ecol&Consrv Biol 4.00 ADVISORY 20425 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1028 DANA Low 20427 P W DIS 002 W 5-6PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low 20429 P W DIS 003 TH 4-5PM 1006 DANA Davis, Low 20431 P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low 433 Ornithology 4.00 ADVISORY 35.00 28889 S W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2548 CCL 30113 P W LAB 002 T 230-530PM 3031RUTHVEN 30114 P W LAB 003 TH 230-530PM 3031RUTHVEN 436 Woody Plants 4.00 ADVISORY 75.00 21664 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 1040 DANA Ibanez 21666 P RW LAB 003 T 1-6PM 2520 DANA Antuma, Grzesiak 21668 P W LAB 004 W 1-6PM 2520 DANA Hartleben, Antuma 22802 P LAB 005 TH 1-6PM 2520 DANA Antuma, Hartleben 440 Biol of Fishes 3.00 ADVISORY 11054 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1028 DANA Sallan 442 Biology of Insects 4.00-5.00 ADVISORY 35.00 28690 S W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3123 USB Kurdziel U of M Schedule of Classes Page 147 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28691 P LAB 002 T 230-530PM 3123 USB 446 Microbial Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 30397 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3733 CCRB Denef FOR THE MICROBIOLOGY CONCENTRATION, THIS COURSE COUNTS AS A GROUP I SPECIFIED ELECTIVE. 466 Mathematical Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 28849 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1518 CCL King 468 Biology of Fungi 4.00 ADVISORY 75.00 28693 S LEC 001 WF 11-12PM 2130 USB James 28694 P W LAB 002 WF 12-2PM 2130 USB 472 Plant-Anim Interact 3.00 ADVISORY 28696 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1084 EH Hunter 477 Field Ecology Lab 5.00 ADVISORY 30.00 19966 PI LEC 001 T 5-7PM 1006 DANA Perfecto, Vandermeer 477 Field Ecology Lab 5.00 ADVISORY 30.00 P LEC 001 SASU 7-7PM ARR ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING ON WED., SEPT. 4, 7 P.M. IN 2111 KRAUS NATURAL SCIENCE BLDG. COURSE RUNS FROM FRI., SEPT. 14 - SUN., OCT. 20. CLASS MEETINGS BEGIN FRIDAYS AT 7 P.M. AND CONCLUDE SUNDAYS AT 7 P.M., WITH A MIDWEEK MEETING EVERY TUEDAY FROM 5-7 P.M. 485 Popul & Comm Ecology 4.00 21698 A LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1230 USB Goldberg 21699 P W LAB 002 W 1-3PM 2230 USB 21700 P W LAB 003 W 3-5PM 2230 USB 489 Soil Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 70.00 22417 A LEC 001 MW 10-11AM 1028 DANA Zak 22419 P W LAB 002 M 1-5PM 2556 DANA Peschel, Zak 22421 P W LAB 003 T 1-5PM 2556 DANA Peschel, Zak 512 Molec & Genom Evol 3.00 ADVISORY 28703 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2009RUTHVEN Zhang 544 Pop&Stats Genetics 3.00 ADVISORY 21896 P W LEC 001 MW 2-330PM ARR Douglas, Kidd, Li 601 Investigate Biology 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 700 Advanced Studies 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 730 Advanced Studies 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 755 Special Studies 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 790 Masters Thesis 1.00-8.00 I IND + ARR ARR 800 Biology Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 11058 PI SEM 001 T 12-1PM ARR PHYLOGENETICS 11059 PI SEM 002 T 1-230PM 271 DENN Burnham Lianas&Other Tropical Subjects MACROEVOLUTIONARY DYNAMICS 18897 PI SEM 003 ARR ARR Tibbetts Theoretical Ecology 20162 PI SEM 004 ARR ARR King Behavioral Evolution EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS 20796 PI SEM 005 ARR ARR Vandermeer New World Agriculture 25606 PI SEM 006 ARR ARR 22073 PI SEM 007 ARR ARR 801 Supervised Teaching 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Economics Department
Economics (ECON)
101 Principles Econ I 4.00 ADVISORY Students will be auto-enrolled in LEC 100 when they elect DIS 101-111. Midterm exams are Wed Oct 9, 8-10PM; Wed Nov 6, 8-10PM; and Wed Dec 11, 8-10PM. 11371 A LEC 100 MW 10-1130AM 140 LORCH Gerson 11372 P RW DIS 101 T 830-10AM 1505 CCL 11373 P RW DIS 102 T 10-1130AM 173 LORCH 11374 P R DIS 103 T 1130-1PM 4404 RAND 11375 P R DIS 104 T 1-230PM 1505 CCL 11376 P RW DIS 106 T 230-4PM 1469 MH 11377 P R DIS 108 M 230-4PM G115 AH 19537 P R DIS 109 T 4-530PM 427 DENN 11378 P R DIS 110 M 230-4PM B844 EH 11379 P RW DIS 111 M 4-530PM 539 DENN 24072 P DIS 112 T 4-530PM 524 DENN 24153 P DIS 113 M 4-530PM 373 LORCH Students will be auto-enrolled in LEC 200 when they elect DIS 201-211; Midterm exams are Wed Oct 9, 8-10PM; Wed Nov 6, 8-10PM; and Wed Dec 11, 8-10PM. 11380 A LEC 200 MW 1130-1PM 140 LORCH Proulx 11381 P RW DIS 201 M 230-4PM 1518 CCL 11382 P R DIS 203 T 1130-1PM 173 LORCH 11383 P R DIS 204 T 830-10AM 430 DENN 11384 P R DIS 205 T 1-230PM 173 LORCH 11385 P R DIS 206 T 230-4PM 445 DENN 19538 P R DIS 207 M 4-530PM 524 DENN 11386 P R DIS 208 M 4-530PM 412 WH 11387 P R DIS 209 M 230-4PM 524 DENN 19539 P RW DIS 211 T 4-530PM 539 DENN 24073 P W DIS 212 M 4-530PM 142 LORCH 24154 P DIS 213 T 830-10AM 142 LORCH Students will be auto-enrolled in LEC 300 when they elect DIS 301-311; Midterm exams dates: 11388 A LEC 300 MW 230-4PM 140 LORCH Caldwell Jr 11389 P RW DIS 301 F 1130-1PM 4404 RAND 11390 P RW DIS 302 F 230-4PM 373 LORCH 20468 P RW DIS 303 TH 10-1130AM 1512 CCL 11391 P RW DIS 304 TH 830-10AM 412 WH 11392 P RW DIS 305 F 1-230PM 4404 RAND 11393 P RW DIS 308 TH 1130-1PM 430 DENN 11394 P RW DIS 309 TH 4-530PM 445 DENN 11395 P RW DIS 310 F 1-230PM 1505 CCL 11396 P RW DIS 311 TH 1-230PM 514 DENN 24226 P W DIS 315 F 830-10AM 142 LORCH 24227 P W DIS 316 F 10-1130AM 3401 MH 30109 A LEC 400 TTH 1130-1PM AUD D AH Caldwell Jr 30110 P W DIS 401 TH 230-4PM 1068 EH 30111 P W DIS 402 F 1130-1PM R1230 BUS 33282 P DIS 403 TH 230-4PM 3302 MH Caldwell Jr 33285 P DIS 404 F 1-230PM 1436 MH 33286 P DIS 405 TH 6-730PM 373 LORCH Caldwell Jr 33287 P DIS 406 TH 4-530PM 613 DENN Caldwell Jr 30536 A LEC 500 TTH 1-230PM 1084 EH Malone Section 500 is for Comprehensive Studies students only. Students should contact CSP to receive an override for this section. Midterm exams are Wed Oct 9, 8-10PM; Wed Nov 6, 8-10PM; and Wed Dec 11, 8-10PM. 30537 P DIS 501 F 1130-1PM 1230 WEILL Malone 102 Principles Econ II 4.00 ADVISORY 11397 A LEC 100 TTH 1130-1PM 140 LORCH Dudley Students will be auto-enrolled in section 100 when they elect sections 101-111. Midterm exams dates: 22168 P RW DIS 102 TH 1-230PM 413 DENN 11399 P RW DIS 103 TH 1-230PM 4404 RAND 11400 P RW DIS 104 F 1-230PM 142 LORCH 11401 P RW DIS 106 F 10-1130AM 514 DENN 11402 P RW DIS 107 TH 4-530PM 514 DENN 11403 P RW DIS 108 TH 4-530PM 3401 MH 11404 P RW DIS 109 TH 4-530PM 427 DENN 16849 P RW DIS 110 TH 230-4PM 412 WH 16850 P RW DIS 111 F 1-230PM 373 LORCH 11405 A LEC 200 TTH 10-1130AM 140 LORCH Stevenson Students will be auto-enrolled in section 200 when they elect sections 201-211. 11406 P RW DIS 201 TH 1130-1PM 4404 RAND 11407 P RW DIS 202 TH 1-230PM 173 LORCH 11408 P RW DIS 204 F 1130-1PM 373 LORCH 11409 P RW DIS 205 F 230-4PM 173 LORCH 11410 P RW DIS 206 F 10-1130AM 513 DENN 11411 P RW DIS 207 TH 4-530PM 412 WH 11412 P RW DIS 208 TH 4-530PM 1505 CCL 11413 P RW DIS 209 F 1-230PM 173 LORCH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 149 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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15591 P RW DIS 211 F 10-1130AM 430 DENN 108 Intro Micro Wkshp 1.00 ADVISORY 11414 P RW LEC 001 F 10-11AM 142 LORCH Gerson Microecon Theory in the News 19446 P RW LEC 002 F 11-12PM 142 LORCH Gerson Econ Analysis Svc Learning 23253 P W SEM 003 F 10-11AM 173 LORCH Proulx Personal Finance 28496 P RW SEM 004 F 1-230PM 140 LORCH Gerson Economics at Work 140 First-Yr Sem in Econ 3.00 28498 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3314 MH Pinch, Dominguez Jane Austen and Economics 299 Undergrd Internship 1.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR Internship application available on ECON website. Students must complete application and meet with an ECON advisor to get approval. 310 Money & Banking 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11416 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1202 SEB Hogan 323 Econ and Gender 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24642 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1120 WEILL Rotella 330 American Industries 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect sections 002-005. 19168 A R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1528 CCL Adams 19169 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM K1310 BUS 19170 P RW DIS 003 F 12-1PM 4212 SEB 19171 P RW DIS 004 F 1-2PM 3451 MH 19172 P RW DIS 005 F 2-3PM 427 DENN 360 Developing Economic 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28595 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM G378 DENT Cai 370 Environ&Res Econ 3.00 ENFORCED 30116 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1202 SEB Dudley 395 Topics in Microecon 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 20471 P RW LEC 002 TTH 830-10AM 110 DENN Hogan Risk and Uncertainty 401 Intermed Micro Thry 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect sections 002-012;Midterms dates: 11418 A R LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 140 LORCH Lauermann 11419 P RW DIS 002 MW 3-4PM 1060 EH 11420 P RW DIS 003 TTH 10-11AM 1650 CHEM 11421 P RW DIS 004 TTH 12-1PM 445 DENN 11422 P RW DIS 005 TTH 11-12PM 1359 MH 11423 P RW DIS 006 TTH 9-10AM 4404 RAND 11424 P RW DIS 007 TTH 530-630PM 173 LORCH 11425 P RW DIS 008 TTH 2-3PM 524 DENN 11426 P RW DIS 009 TTH 3-4PM 553 DENN 19440 P RW DIS 010 TTH 4-5PM 513 DENN 11427 P RW DIS 011 TTH 3-4PM 524 DENN 20982 P RW DIS 013 TTH 1-2PM 524 DENN 20983 P RW DIS 014 TTH 2-3PM 430 DENN 402 Intermed Macro Thry 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect sections 002-010. 11428 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 140 LORCH Bachmann 11429 P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 335 WH 11430 P RW DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 260 DENN 11431 P RW DIS 004 F 1-2PM 1068 EH 11432 P RW DIS 005 F 2-3PM 412 WH 11433 P RW DIS 006 F 3-4PM 1068 EH 11434 P RW DIS 007 F 10-11AM R2230 BUS 23320 P RW DIS 008 TH 9-10AM 171 LORCH Bachmann 11435 P RW DIS 009 F 11-12PM G550 DENT 11436 P RW DIS 010 TH 4-5PM 1068 EH 21877 P RW DIS 011 TH 5-6PM 373 LORCH 404 Stat for Economists 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 100 when they elect sections 101-102. 11437 A R LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 260 DENN Sedo 11438 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM R2220 BUS 11439 P RW DIS 003 F 12-1PM 412 WH 32131 A R LEC 010 TTH 1130-1PM 1230 USB 32132 P RW DIS 011 F 12-1PM E1550 BUS 32133 P RW DIS 012 F 1-2PM E1550 BUS 405 Intro to Stat 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION SECTION. DISCUSSIONS BEGIN MEETING AFTER THE FIRST LECTURE. 11440 A R LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 296 DENN Stephens Jr 11441 P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 1505 CCL 11442 P RW DIS 003 F 10-11AM 1544 CCL 406 Intro Econometrics 4.00 ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect sections 002-003. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 150 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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19280 A R LEC 001 MW 830-10AM LEC RM 1 MLB Smith 19281 P RW DIS 002 F 12-1PM 1570 CCL 19282 P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1230 USB 408 Philosophy & Econ 3.00 ENFORCED 19761 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3451 MH Thompson 409 Game Theory 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23362 A R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 260 DENN Selman 23363 P RW DIS 002 F 12-1PM 1084 EH Selman 23364 P RW DIS 003 F 1-2PM 1518 CCL 412 Topics in Macroecon 3.00 ENFORCED 26962 P RW LEC 002 MW 1-230PM 1512 CCL Arbex Monetary Theory and Policy 422 Struct Labor Market 3.00 ENFORCED 23359 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1449 MH Brown 431 Ind Organ & Perform 3.00 ENFORCED 20477 P RW LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2260 USB Fan 432 Gov Reg of Industry 3.00 ENFORCED 28813 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1512 CCL Kuhn, Fan 441 Inter Trade Theory 3.00 ENFORCED 21735 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1200 CHEM Zimring 453 European Economy 4.00 ENFORCED Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect sections 002-005. 20478 A R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1360 EH Adams 20665 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM R2230 BUS 20666 P RW DIS 003 F 12-1PM 513 DENN 20667 P RW DIS 004 F 1-2PM 412 WH 20668 P RW DIS 005 F 2-3PM 430 DENN 455 Econ Peop Rep China 3.00 ENFORCED 27088 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1512 CCL Cai 461 Econ Development I 4.00 ENFORCED 28916 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM B844 EH Arunachalam 28919 P RW DIS 002 W 3-4PM 373 LORCH 28917 P RW DIS 003 W 4-5PM 1505 CCL 466 Econ of Population 3.00 ENFORCED 30294 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1449 MH Rotella 490 MicroEcon Topics 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23574 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1110 WEILL Kuhn Regulatn of Intellectual Prop 491 Hist Amer Econ 3.00 ENFORCED 24688 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 173 LORCH Rhode 494 Ec Hist Topic 3.00 ENFORCED 23336 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 373 LORCH Whatley Topics Hist Atlantic Economy 495 Seminar in Econ 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Enrollment is by application. Applications available on Econ website. 11443 PDR SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 5240 WEILL Salant Applied Microecon Modeling Enrollment is by application. Applications available on Econ website. 20479 PIR SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM 1245 NQ Stafford Econ Analys Relatnl Panel Data 498 Honors Ind Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 499 Individual Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 500 Quantitative Methods 3.00 ADVISORY 11447 P R LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2260 USB Hogan 501 Microecon Thry 3.00 ADVISORY 11446 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM B844 EH Lazzati 503 Statistics MAE I 3.00 ADVISORY 24010 P R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM UMMA AUD Sedo 541 Intl Trade Policy 3.00 ADVISORY 18562 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1230 WEILL Deardorff 599 Special Tutorial 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 600 Math-Economists 2.00 ADVISORY ECON 600 will have additional meetings on: Monday, August 19, 11am-1pm and 4-6pm August 20-August 23 10am-12pm and 4-6pm August 26-August 29 10am-12pm and 4-6pm 11449 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM E1530 BUS Borgers Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect section 002. 11450 P R DIS 002 F 10-1130AM 1518 CCL 601 Microecon Theory I 1.50 ADVISORY Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect section 002. 11451 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM E0540 BUS Lazzati 11452 P R DIS 002 TH 6-730PM 1068 EH 603 Microecon Theory III 1.50 ADVISORY 24871 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM E0540 BUS Borgers 24873 P DIS 002 TH 6-730PM 1068 EH 605 Macroecon Theory I 3.00 ADVISORY 20605 A LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 142 LORCH Laitner U of M Schedule of Classes Page 151 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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21174 P DIS 002 T 4-530PM 430 DENN 611 Stabilization Pol 11453 P R LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 171 LORCH 617 Game Theory 22654 P LEC 001 MW 830-1130AM 301 LORCH 621 Labor Economics I 11454 P R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 142 LORCH 631 Industr Org&Pub Pol 11455 P R LEC 001 W 4-7PM 2427 MH 641 Inter Trade Theory 22311 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 269 DENN 661 Adv N R Econ 22337 P LEC 001 T 4-7PM 409 WH 663 Topc Wrld Ec Hist I 22879 P LEC 001 W 4-7PM 171 LORCH The Hist of Atlantic Economies 665 Ec Dev&Transition I 11456 P R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 171 LORCH 671 Econometric Anlys I Students will be auto-enrolled in section 001 when they elect section 002. 11457 A LEC 001 M 4-7PM 1068 EH 11458 P R DIS 002 T 530-7PM 1068 EH 675 Appl Microeconometr 18614 P R LEC 001 MW 1-230PM B844 EH 678 Adv Econometrics I 26440 P R LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 171 LORCH 683 Gov Expenditures 17959 P R LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 173 LORCH 695 Intro Research I 11459 P R SEM 001 F 9-12PM 301 LORCH 700 Research I IND + ARR ARR 811 Sem In Monetary Thry 11461 P R SEM 001 W 4-6PM 301 LORCH 821 Sem In Labor Econ 11462 P R SEM 001 F 2-4PM 201 LORCH 831 Applied Micro 11463 P R SEM 001 F 10-1130AM 201 LORCH 841 Sem-Internatl Econ 11466 P R SEM 001 TH 1130-1PM 201 LORCH 851 Adv Econ Theory 11467 P R SEM 001 F 330-5PM 301 LORCH 859 Sem Comp Econ Dev 11464 P R SEM 001 TH 4-530PM 201 LORCH 863 Sem in Econ History 21800 P SEM 001 T 4-530PM 201 LORCH 875 Quantitative Econ 11468 P R SEM 001 TH 230-4PM 301 LORCH 881 Public Finance 11465 P R SEM 001 M 4-530PM 301 LORCH 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR ARR

3.00 ADVISORY House 3.00 ADVISORY Eliaz 3.00 ADVISORY Bound, Stephens Jr 3.00 ADVISORY Fan, Lazzati 3.00 ADVISORY Levchenko 3.00 ADVISORY Kuhn, Kellogg 3.00 ADVISORY Whatley 3.00 Yang 3.00 Kilian 3.00 Smith 3.00 Cattaneo 3.00 Hines Jr 3.00 Tesar 1.00-6.00 2.00 House 2.00 Smith 2.00 Kuhn 3.00 Levchenko 3.00 Masatlioglu 2.00 Thornton 3.00 Bailey 3.00 Kilian 2.00 Silverman 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Program in the Environment

Environment (ENVIRON)
101 Energy, Food, Envir --ALL DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 24975 A LEC 001 MWF 3-4PM 1324 EH 24976 P RW DIS 002 M 1130-1PM 3265 USB 24977 P RW DIS 003 M 1-230PM 5180B AH 24978 P RW DIS 004 T 10-1130AM 3265 USB 24979 P RW DIS 005 T 230-4PM 641 DENN 24980 P RW DIS 006 W 10-1130AM 3156 LSA 24981 P RW DIS 007 W 1-230PM A863 CHEM 24982 P RW DIS 008 TH 1130-1PM 3540 CCL 24983 P RW DIS 009 F 10-1130AM 3265 USB 24984 P DIS 010 M 1130-1PM ARR 24985 P DIS 011 T 230-4PM ARR 24986 P DIS 012 TH 1130-1PM ARR 102 Extreme Weather 20414 P LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM AUD C AH 22743 P LEC 002 MWF 10-11AM ARR 105 Changing Atmos 20383 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1210 CHEM 110 Int Global Change I 17873 A R LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1200 CHEM 4.00 Vandermeer

3.00 Samson Samson 3.00 De Roo 4.00 Kling, Badgley, van der Pluijm, Poulsen

17875 P RW LAB 003 ARR ARR 17876 P RW LAB 004 M 3-5PM 3556 DANA Jeffery 17877 P RW LAB 005 T 9-11AM 3038 DANA Rosier 17878 P RW LAB 006 T 11-1PM 3038 DANA Taylor 19154 P RW LAB 007 M 1-3PM 3556 DANA Shi 17879 P RW LAB 008 W 1-3PM 3556 DANA Rosier 118 Intro Geology Lab 1.00 ADVISORY 19875 P W LAB 001 M 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 19876 P W LAB 002 T 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 19877 P W LAB 003 W 2-4PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 19878 P W LAB 004 TH 2-4PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 19879 P W LAB 005 W 4-6PM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 19880 P W LAB 006 F 9-11AM 2512 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 118 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 119. 119 Intro Geology 4.00 ADVISORY To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19867 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD C AH Lohmann 19868 P W DIS 010 W 12-1PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19869 P W DIS 011 TH 12-1PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19870 P W DIS 012 M 3-4PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19871 P W DIS 013 T 3-4PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19872 P W DIS 014 W 1-2PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19873 P W DIS 015 TH 1-2PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 19874 P W DIS 016 T 4-5PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 25392 P W DIS 017 M 4-5PM 2502 CCL To enroll in the Intro Geology Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 118. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 119 and 118. 139 FYS Environment 3.00 ADVISORY 23230 P RW SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 3265 USB Low Footprints Across Time 21604 P RW SEM 003 TTH 1130-1PM 1423 EQ Murphy Environmental Literature 28987 P RW SEM 004 TTH 230-4PM 1423 EQ Shriberg U of M Schedule of Classes Page 153 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Living on a Changed Planet 17446 P RW SEM 020 TTH 1-230PM 1423 EQ Crowfoot Env, Religions, Spirit&Sustain Seats in First Year Seminars are opened gradually during Summer Orientation. Only 1st-yr students, including those with soph std, may register. 201 Ecological Issues 4.00 17499 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM AUD B AH Courteau 17500 P RW DIS 002 M 9-10AM 3556 DANA Fainter, Courteau 17501 P RW DIS 004 M 4-5PM 1046 DANA Fainter, Courteau 17502 P RW DIS 005 T 4-5PM 1046 DANA Green, Courteau 17503 P RW DIS 006 W 4-5PM 3556 DANA Green, Courteau 17504 P RW DIS 007 T 4-5PM 1028 DANA Johnson, Courteau 17969 P RW DIS 008 M 2-3PM 1046 DANA Fainter, Courteau 21527 P RW DIS 010 F 12-1PM 3038 DANA Johnson, Courteau 21528 P RW DIS 011 M 12-1PM 3556 DANA Johnson, Courteau 21529 P RW DIS 013 TH 4-5PM 1028 DANA Green, Courteau 206 Water Cycle&Envir 2.00 25884 P W LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 1200 CHEM Becker 209 Intro Envir Sci&Geog 4.00 23595 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1528 CCL Blum 23596 P W LAB 002 M 2-4PM 2516 CCL 23597 P W LAB 003 W 12-2PM 2516 CCL 23598 P W LAB 004 W 4-6PM 2516 CCL 25875 P W LAB 005 TH 2-4PM 2516 CCL 28413 P W LAB 006 TH 4-6PM 2516 CCL 28415 P W LAB 007 F 1-3PM 2516 CCL 211 Soc Sci&Env Probs 4.00 29226 A W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1528 CCL Zint 29228 P RW DIS 002 T 4-5PM 1024 DANA Meerow 29229 P RW DIS 003 W 4-5PM 655 DENN Meerow 29230 P RW DIS 004 F 9-10AM 1028 DANA Meerow 222 Intro to Env Justice 3.00 17539 A LEC 001 TTH 1-2PM 1040 DANA Taylor 17540 P RW DIS 002 T 2-3PM 2024 DANA Mabson 19193 P RW DIS 003 W 3-4PM 3556 DANA Mabson 24647 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1250 USB Mabson 232 Intro Oceanog 3.00 19756 P W LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM AUD C AH Hendy To enroll in the Intro Oceanography Lab, enroll in any section of EARTH/ENVIRON 233. Students are strongly encouraged to enroll in both EARTH/ENVIRON 232 and 233. 233 Intro Ocean Lab 1.00 19757 P W LAB 001 T 4-6PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 233 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 232. 19758 P W LAB 002 W 2-4PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 233 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 232. 19759 P W LAB 003 F 11-1PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 233 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 232. 19760 P W LAB 004 T 2-4PM 2516 CCL Students who register for EARTH/ENVIRON 233 must also be enrolled in EARTH/ENVIRON 232. 270 Our Common Future 4.00 29224 A W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 1040 DANA Perfecto 29231 P W DIS 002 F 1-230PM 3556 DANA Fournier 29232 P W DIS 003 F 230-4PM 3556 DANA Fournier 281 General Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY --DISCUSSION SECTIONS BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPT. 12. NO CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE IS GRANTED TO THOSE WHO HAVE COMPLETED BIOL 381. 19339 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM AUD D AH King 19340 P W DIS 002 M 1-3PM A863 CHEM 19341 P W DIS 003 M 1-3PM 1624 CHEM 19342 P W DIS 004 M 3-5PM A863 CHEM 19343 P W DIS 005 M 3-5PM 1624 CHEM 19344 P W DIS 006 W 1-3PM A859 CHEM 19345 P W DIS 007 W 1-3PM 1624 CHEM 290 Food 3.00 24648 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1024 DANA Princen, Munn 300 Spec Prob&Res-Ugrad 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 302 Envir Soc Sci Topics 3.00 21725 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1110 WEILL Salmeen This course will not count towards social science requirement 28995 P RW LEC 003 MW 4-530PM 3038 DANA Soderstrom Soc Sci Research Meth:Org&Env 29239 P W LEC 005 TTH 230-4PM 1060 EH Finn Food Studies Research 30420 P W LEC 006 TTH 10-1130AM 1068 EH Coyle Pub Lands,NatResLaw, Lit&Pract 304 Culture&Envir Topics 3.00 29023 P W LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM 1110 NQ Hart Environmental Communication U of M Schedule of Classes Page 154 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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31773 P W LEC 003 MW 1130-1PM G127 AH Coyle Ecocriticism 306 Global Water 3.00 23234 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1046 DANA Gaden 308 Sustain & Health 3.00 30530 P W SEM 001 WF 1130-1PM 2024 DANA Duvall 309 GIS Explorations 3.00 ADVISORY 29233 P W LEC 001 TTH 2-4PM 1570 CCL Breck 312 Env Politics&Policy 3.00 ADVISORY 22393 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1110 WEILL Rabe 317 Consrv Bio Diversity 3.00 19810 A LEC 001 TTH 12-1PM 1024 DANA Foufopoulos 19811 P W DIS 002 T 4-6PM 3556 DANA Brock 19812 P W DIS 003 TH 4-6PM 3038 DANA Brock 320 Environ Journalism 3.00 ADVISORY 19802 P RW SEM 001 F 9-12PM 2234 USB Askari, Halpert 345 Env Pub Op Analysis 3.00 21533 A LEC 001 TTH 1-2PM 1024 DANA Mohai 22639 P W DIS 002 T 230-4PM 1028 DANA Buss 22638 P W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM 1028 DANA Buss, Mohai 360 Behavior&Environment 3.00 17441 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1040 DANA De Young 19384 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3556 DANA Borgman 19385 P W DIS 004 M 4-5PM 1250 USB Guckian 19386 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 1024 DANA Borgman 19439 P W DIS 006 T 9-10AM 3556 DANA Guckian 22400 P W DIS 008 M 5-6PM 1046 DANA Guckian 22401 P W DIS 010 W 4-5PM 2502 CCL Borgman 370 Int U P&Env 3.00 20.00 17630 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM 1040 DANA D'Anieri 17631 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 1006 DANA Andrews 17632 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3038 DANA Andrews 17633 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 3556 DANA Knapp 372 Ecology Laboratory 3.00 ADVISORY 70.00 --FIRST LAB/DIS SECTIONS WILL BE HELD THE WEEK OF SEPT. 8. BUS TO BOT. GARD. LEAVES FROM FRONT OF RACKHAM BLDG AT 8 AM AND 1 PM AND RETURNS AT NOON AND 5 PM. 21670 P W LAB 011 T 8-12PM BOT GARD 21671 A DIS 012 TH 10-12PM G444A MH 21672 P W LAB 021 T 1-5PM BOT GARD 21673 A DIS 022 TH 1-3PM G444D MH 21674 P W LAB 031 TH 8-12PM BOT GARD Carpenter 21675 A DIS 032 T 10-12PM G444A MH 21676 P W LAB 041 TH 1-5PM BOT GARD Carpenter 21677 A DIS 042 T 1-3PM 3325 DANA 24381 P LAB 051 W 1-5PM BOT GARD 24382 A DIS 052 F 1-3PM G444D MH 375 Environ&Res Econ 3.00 ENFORCED 30117 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1202 SEB Dudley 380 Min Res, Econ&Envir 4.00 ADVISORY 28273 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 260 DENN Simon 28274 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 2502 CCL 28275 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM 2502 CCL 28276 P W DIS 004 M 1-2PM 2502 CCL 29090 P W DIS 005 W 5-6PM 2502 CCL 29091 P W DIS 006 TH 5-6PM 2502 CCL 32086 P W DIS 007 T 1-2PM 2502 CCL 397 Internship Prep 1.00 26662 P LEC 001 W 4-5PM 637 DENN Duvall 398 Env Internship Prog 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 405 Urban Sprawl 3.00 ADVISORY 24649 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1046 DANA D'Anieri 408 Land Use Policy&Law 3.00 ADVISORY 26828 A LEC 001 TTH 1-2PM 2024 DANA Norton 26840 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 3556 DANA Bergquist, Norton 26841 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM 1028 DANA Bergquist, Norton 412 Environ in Pub Pol 3.00 23238 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1028 DANA Bouma, Brey 415 Beh Ecol&Consrv Biol 4.00 ADVISORY 20420 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1028 DANA Low 20421 P W DIS 002 W 5-6PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low 20422 P W DIS 003 TH 4-5PM 1006 DANA Davis, Low 20423 P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low 421 Restoration Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 24650 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1046 DANA Courteau 422 Biol of Fishes 3.00 ADVISORY 17447 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1028 DANA Sallan 430 Soil Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 70.00 22395 A LEC 001 MW 10-11AM 1028 DANA Zak U of M Schedule of Classes Page 155 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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22397 22398 431 24686 433 28910 30119 30121 436 17442 17443 17444 22798 479 24683 24685 499

P W LAB 002 M P W LAB 003 T Terrestrial Biomes P RW LEC 001 MWF Ornithology S W LEC 001 TTH P W LAB 002 T P W LAB 003 TH Woody Plants A LEC 001 TTH P RW LAB 003 T P W LAB 004 W P LAB 005 TH Hydrogeology AR LEC 001 TTH P RW LAB 002 M Senior Honors Thesis I IND +

1-5PM 1-5PM 10-11AM 1-230PM 230-530PM 230-530PM 9-10AM 1-6PM 1-6PM 1-6PM 10-1130AM 3-6PM ARR

2556 DANA 2556 DANA 2520 CCL 2548 CCL 3031RUTHVEN 3031RUTHVEN 1040 DANA 2520 DANA 2520 DANA 2520 DANA 3540 CCL 3536 CCL ARR

Peschel, Zak Peschel, Zak 3.00 ENFORCED Smith 4.00 ADVISORY


4.00 ADVISORY Ibanez Antuma, Grzesiak Hartleben, Antuma Antuma, Hartleben 4.00 ADVISORY Cruz Da Silva Castro 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY


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Exhibit Museum
Museum Methods (MUSMETH)
499 Independent Research D IND + ARR ARR 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY

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Germanic Languages & Lit Dept

Dutch (DUTCH)
111 1st Spec Speak&Read 11365 P W REC 001 MTWTH meets with Dutch 511 160 First Year Seminar 32078 P RW SEM 001 TTH Amsterdam:Tolerance in 3X City 231 Second Year Dutch 11366 P W REC 001 MTWTH meets with Dutch 531 339 Independent Study I IND + 511 1st Spec Speak&Read 11368 P W REC 001 MTWTH meets with Dutch 111 531 Second Year Dutch 11369 P W REC 001 MTWTH MEETS WITH DUTCH 231. 901 Independ Grad Study I IND + 11-12PM 230-4PM 10-11AM ARR 11-12PM 10-11AM ARR 2112 MLB 3304 MLB 2112 MLB ARR 2112 MLB 2112 MLB ARR 8.00 Hegman Shier Goertz 4.00 ADVISORY Rastalsky Rastalsky Rastalsky Rastalsky Rastalsky Rastalsky 4.00 Holihan Vaughan 5.00 Marquardt Dischler 4.00 Dabak 3.00 McIsaac Whitney 5.00 ADVISORY Gruber Gruber 8.00 ADVISORY Goertz Hegman Shier 4.00 ADVISORY Rottmann Dabak Fong Hawkins Uritescu-Lombard 4.00 ADVISORY Marquardt Heidepriem Raz Swennes Gell 4.00 Gell Swennes 3.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 4.00 Toebosch 4.00 Toebosch 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 4.00 Toebosch 3.00 Toebosch 4.00 Toebosch 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

German (GERMAN)

100 Intensive Elem Ger 26649 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 26650 P W REC 002 MTTHF 1-2PM 101 Elementary 11741 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM 22292 P W REC 002 MTWTH 10-11AM . 11742 P W REC 003 MTWTH 12-1PM 11743 P W REC 004 MTWTH 1-2PM 19964 P W REC 005 MTWTH 4-5PM North Campus 11744 P W REC 006 TTH 7-9PM Open but not limited to CEW Evening Program Participants. 102 Elementary 14408 P W REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM 14409 P W REC 002 MTWTH 1-2PM 103 Review of Elem Germ 11745 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 18931 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 12-1PM 111 1st Spec Read 19927 P W REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 180 First Year Seminar 29304 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM Berlin in the 20th Century 32105 P RW SEM 002 MW 10-1130AM Med Matter:Print to Screen Cul 221 Accel Third Sem Ger 17654 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 12-1PM 11746 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 1-2PM 230 Intens 2nd Yr Ger 26653 A LEC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 26654 P W REC 002 MTTHF 1-2PM 231 Second-Year 21940 P W REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 11747 P W REC 002 MTTHF 10-11AM 11748 P W REC 003 MTTHF 12-1PM 11749 P W REC 004 MTTHF 1-2PM 22287 P W REC 005 TTH 7-9PM 232 Second-Year 18594 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM Intro to German Film 11750 P W REC 002 MTTHF 10-11AM Classics of German Lit 17315 P W REC 003 MTTHF 1-2PM Contemporary German Society 17973 P W REC 004 MTWTH 4-5PM Scientific German 20045 P W REC 005 TTH 7-9PM Jacob&Wilhelm Grimm:Fairy Tale 300 Ger Grammar&Comp 11751 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 12-1PM 17695 P W REC 002 MW 2-3PM P W REC 002 TTH 2-3PM 303 Ger Cult & Arts U of M Schedule of Classes Page 158 of 382

1511 EQ 1511 EQ 2011 MLB B116 MLB 3427 MH B116 MLB 1008 EECS B122 MLB 3314 MH 3242 LSA 2202 MLB 1460 MH 2212 MLB 2155 NQ 1509 CCL 2011 MLB 2202 MLB 1512 EQ 1512 EQ 2022 STB 2212 MLB 2212 MLB 2212 MLB B101 MLB 2202 MLB 2022 STB 2175 NQ 2212 MLB B103 MLB 2202 MLB 1155 NQ 4128 LSA

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






29305 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM G421B MH Amrine Imagination 304 Studies Germ Culture 1.00 29306 P W SEM 001 T 7-9PM 1512 CCL Federhofer Terrorism in Ger-Art in Action This class will be offered on Tuesdays from 9/3 until 10/22. 306 Conversation 1.00 ADVISORY 27164 P W REC 001 F 2-3PM 1155 NQ Gell 310 Studies in Ger Cult 1.00 ADVISORY 11752 P W REC 001 M 4-6PM 1460 MH Dischler For Max Kade House students only. This course will be offered on Mondays only from 10/28 until 12/9. 325 Interm German 3.00 ADVISORY 11753 P W REC 001 MWF 9-10AM 2155 NQ Rodena-Krasan Other Victims of the Holocaust 11754 P W REC 002 TTH 1-230PM 3411 MH Wunderwald-Jensen Germany and the European Union 11755 P RW REC 003 MWF 12-1PM 2022 STB Federhofer Cultural Immersion into Germ 18593 P W REC 004 MWF 2-3PM 2175 NQ Rastalsky German for Engineers I 19970 P W REC 005 MW 10-1130AM 621 DENN Agnew Contemporary German Cult&Soc 18138 P RW REC 006 MW 7-830PM 2114 MLB Federhofer Soccer 329 Independent Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 350 Business German 3.00 ADVISORY 11757 P W REC 001 MWF 11-12PM 2106 MLB Dabak 351 Prac Business Ger 3.00 ADVISORY 11758 P W REC 001 ARR ARR Dischler 357 Tutoring HS and K-8 3.00 ENFORCED 23435 PIRW LEC 001 T 530-630PM 2135 NQ Mills 375 Celtic&Nordic Myth 3.00 18577 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1230 USB Gull 380 Intro to German Lit 3.00 ADVISORY 21739 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2011 MLB Gailus 386 Fairy Tales 3.00 29316 A LEC 001 TTH 11-12PM 1400 CHEM Amrine 29317 P RW DIS 002 TH 12-1PM G437 MH Amrine 29318 P RW DIS 003 TH 12-1PM 2271 AH Hampton 29507 P RW DIS 004 TH 12-1PM B111 MLB Nofziger 29510 P RW DIS 005 TH 6-7PM B101 MLB Nofziger 29319 P RW DIS 006 F 9-10AM 2185 NQ Hampton 29320 P RW DIS 007 F 11-12PM 1155 NQ Nofziger 29856 P RW DIS 008 F 2-3PM 2185 NQ Hampton 425 Adv German 3.00 ADVISORY 11759 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2412 MLB Wunderwald-Jensen 17325 P W REC 002 MW 7-830PM 2155 NQ Mills 29284 P W REC 003 MW 1-230PM E1550 BUS Whitney 431 Germ Mgt&Marketing 3.00 ADVISORY 15525 P W REC 001 MWF 1-2PM 1155 NQ Swennes 449 Spec Topc Eng Trans 3.00 19888 P W REC 001 TTH 4-530PM G160 AH Markovits The German and European Left . 29705 P W REC 002 TTH 230-4PM G115 AH Markovits German Polit in Eur Since 1945 457 20th C Ger Fiction 3.00 ADVISORY 29313 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR McIsaac Tech & Modernity in Lit & Film 470 Workshop in Translation 3.00 ADVISORY 29864 P W SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 2412 MLB Mills 491 Honors Proseminar 3.00 ADVISORY 11760 PIRW SEM 001 F 1-3PM ARR Agnew Research 499 Sem German Studies 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 24849 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2135 NQ Weineck Love and Death 501 Old English 3.00 22353 PD SEM 001 TTH 830-10AM G160 AH Toon 531 Teach Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 19890 P W REC 001 F 10-1PM 4217 MLB Rastalsky 540 Intro Germ Studies 3.00 ADVISORY 11761 P W SEM 001 W 2-5PM 4217 MLB Konuk 701 Textual and Visual 3.00 24850 P W SEM 001 TH 2-5PM 4306 MLB Gailus Modernism & Aesthetics of Life 731 Cultural/Historical 3.00 25388 P W SEM 001 M 5-8PM 2401 MH Canning, Puff U of M Schedule of Classes Page 159 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Gend, Bodies, Sexualities-Hist 901 Directed Reading I IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 G S I Train Prog 11764 P SEM 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

1.00-8.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR ARR ARR 4.00 Gull 4.00 Eriksson 4.00 Eriksson 3.00 Eriksson 2.00-4.00 3.00 ARR 1-230PM ARR 1230 USB 3.00 Gull 1.00 Rastalsky 8.00


Scandinavian (SCAND)
103 12438 233 12439 325 21606 331 12440 349 351 375 18584

Elementary Swedish P W REC 001 MTWTH 2nd Year Swedish P W REC 001 MTWTH Third Year Swedish P RW REC 001 TTH Intro Scand Civiliz P W LEC 001 MW Independent Study I IND + Business Swedish IND + Celtic&Nordic Myth P W LEC 001 TTH

10-11AM 11-12PM 9-11AM 1-230PM ARR

2024 TISCH 4128 LSA 3000 STB 2135 NQ ARR



Yiddish (YIDDISH)

101 Elem Yiddish I 4.00 15502 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM 3000 STB Hoffman 201 Intermd Yiddish I 4.00 23217 P W REC 001 MW 6-8PM 2112 MLB Hoffman 301 Adv Yiddish I 3.00 26590 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM G160 AH Hoffman This course will only be offered in Fall 2012 if there is student interest. If you would like to take this course please contact Judaic Studies at 734-763-9047 431 Beg Yiddish 1-Grad 4.00 21785 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM 3000 STB Hoffman Judaic 101/Yiddish 101 meets with Judaic 431/Yiddish 431 531 Int Yiddish 1-Grad 4.00 23221 P W REC 001 MW 6-8PM 2112 MLB Hoffman 631 Adv Yiddish 1-Grad 4.00 27800 PD REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM G160 AH Hoffman



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History Department
History (HISTORY)
--IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. ALTHOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE OFFICIALLY REGISTERED FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY DISENROLL ANY STUDENT NOT ATTENDING THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. --DISCUSSION SECTIONS DO NOT MEET UNTIL AFTER FIRST LECTURE. --STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO USE THE WAITLIST FOR ANY CLOSED COURSE. STUDENTS SHOULD REGISTER ON THE WAITLIST ACCORDING TO PREFERRED SECTION AND ATTEND THE FIRST CLASS. UP TO THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS, OVERRIDES WILL BE GIVEN BY THE DEPARTMENT AS SPACE BECOMES AVAILABLE. STUDENTS ARE NOTIFIED AND GIVEN TWO DAYS TO USE THE OVERRIDE, AFTER WHICH THE SPOT MAY GO TO AN ALTERNATE STUDENT ON THE WAITLIST. ONCE CLASSES HAVE STARTED, STUDENTS (WAITLISTED OR NOT) MUST CONTACT THE INSTRUCTOR FOR AN OVERRIDE. 101 What is History? 4.00 26816 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1202 SEB Mir, Alberto 26817 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM 3333 MH 26818 P RW DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 2009RUTHVEN 26819 P RW DIS 004 TH 1-2PM 455 DENN 26820 P RW DIS 005 TH 3-4PM 2022 STB 26821 P RW DIS 006 M 11-12PM 2866 EH 26834 P RW DIS 007 TH 2-3PM G463 MH Mir Section 007: LSA Honors. Non-Honors students interested in this section should contact Professor Mir at 132 Peoples-Mid E 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO ENROLLED IN LEC WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 11826 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD A AH Bonner, Michalowski Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11827 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2114 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11828 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B124 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11829 P W DIS 004 TH 9-10AM 1436 MH Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17366 P W DIS 005 F 9-10AM 3230 USB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17532 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM E0530 BUS Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17535 P W DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2062 PALM Issues in Race & Ethnicity 195 Writing of History 4.00 ALL SECTIONS OF HISTORY 195 ARE RESTRICTED TO FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS. 11838 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2320 SEB Stahl Religion & Constitution in US 11839 P RW REC 002 MW 830-10AM 1339 MH Kilgore The Mafia in Italy & the U.S. 21875 P RW REC 003 WF 10-1130AM ARR McLaughlin Barbarians & the Roman Empire 197 First Yr HU Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 24573 P RW SEM 002 TTH 4-530PM 1060 EH Hughes The Med Body: Secular & Sacred 23192 P RW SEM 004 MW 230-4PM 130 TAP Hunt History in Stories: S Africa 24837 P RW SEM 005 TTH 1130-1PM G463 MH Masuzawa Race: History of the Concept 29769 P RW SEM 007 MW 4-530PM G449 MH Moore Jewish Photographers 201 Rome 4.00 29048 A LEC 001 MW 12-1PM 182 DENN Potter 29049 P W DIS 002 MW 1-2PM 1339 MH 29050 P W DIS 003 MW 1-2PM G115 AH 29051 P W DIS 004 MW 2-3PM 2520 CCL 29052 P W DIS 005 MW 3-4PM 5179 AH 29053 P W DIS 006 TTH 9-10AM G144 AH 29054 P W DIS 007 TTH 10-11AM 5179 AH 29055 P W DIS 008 TTH 3-4PM 2520 CCL 29056 P W DIS 009 TTH 4-5PM 2347 MH 202 Doing History 3.00 29043 PD SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 2011 MLB Garskof 29044 PD SEM 002 MW 230-4PM 4152 USB Porter-Szucs 29045 PD SEM 003 TTH 4-530PM 3302 MH Lassiter 29570 PD SEM 004 TTH 1130-1PM 3347 MH Hawes 32083 PD SEM 005 TTH 230-4PM 1437 MH McClellan 206 Indian Civilization 4.00 11830 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2306 MH Glover 11831 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2333 MH 11832 P W DIS 003 W 1-2PM 1427 MH 210 Early Med Europe 4.00 11846 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM G127 AH Squatriti Issues in Race & Ethnicity U of M Schedule of Classes Page 161 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11847 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 553 DENN Blan 11848 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 2816 SSWB Curtis 19448 P W DIS 004 TH 3-4PM 506 BMT Curtis 19449 P W DIS 005 T 3-4PM 3448 MH Blan, Squatriti 224 Nuclear Proliferatn 4.00 29099 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G390 DENT Hecht 29100 P RW DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2325 MH 29101 P RW DIS 003 W 12-1PM 2449 MH 29102 P RW DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2163 AH 29103 P RW DIS 005 W 2-3PM B109 MLB 239 World Before 1492 4.00 29105 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM B844 EH Moyer 29106 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 271 DENN Maccourt 29107 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 427 DENN Maccourt 29108 P W DIS 004 TH 2-3PM 271 DENN Maccourt 244 The Arab-Jewish Conf 4.00 22478 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM AUD 3 MLB Lieberman 22479 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3333 MH 22480 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1448 MH 22481 P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2455 MH 22482 P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM G232 AH 22483 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 3333 MH 22484 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 2024 TISCH 22751 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2163 AH 22752 P W DIS 009 W 10-11AM B113 MLB 24086 P W DIS 010 W 11-12PM 2449 MH 24087 P W DIS 011 W 11-12PM 3460 MH 24088 P W DIS 012 W 2-3PM B134 MLB 24089 P W DIS 013 W 3-4PM 2333 MH 24213 P W DIS 014 W 4-5PM 2866 EH 24214 P W DIS 015 W 4-5PM 1401 MH 24965 P W DIS 016 TH 3-4PM B103 MLB 25535 P W DIS 017 TH 10-11AM G026 TISCH 26021 P W DIS 018 TH 11-12PM 5179 AH 29189 P W DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 2520 CCL 246 Africa to 1850 4.00 11866 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G115 AH Ware 17305 P W DIS 002 TH 1-2PM 2752 SSWB Njung 17306 P W DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 2009RUTHVEN Njung 250 China to Opium War 3.00 21476 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1436 MH Chang 252 Intro to Chinese Civ 4.00 20451 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1400 CHEM Brown 20452 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 130 TAP Dimmery 20453 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM 1033 DENT Dimmery 20454 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1185 NQ Dimmery 25367 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 1033 DENT Villagran 27338 P W DIS 007 F 12-1PM B113 MLB Villagran 27922 P W DIS 009 F 2-3PM 1175 NQ Villagran 257 Law in PreMod World 3.00 23197 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1528 CCL Neis 260 U S to 1865 4.00 Freshmen are encouraged to take this intro survey. 11833 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM AUD B AH Juster 29191 P RW DIS 002 MW 1-2PM 2713 HH Juster Section 002: LSA Honors Only 11834 P W DIS 003 MW 12-1PM 1372 EH 11835 P W DIS 004 MW 12-1PM 807 DENN 11836 P W DIS 005 MW 1-2PM 2062 PALM 21626 P W DIS 006 MW 2-3PM 414 DENN 266 20th C Amer Wars 4.00 11849 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM AUD C AH Marwil 11851 P RW DIS 003 T 1-2PM B101 MLB 11852 P RW DIS 004 T 3-4PM 49 UMMA 11853 P RW DIS 005 W 9-10AM 3460 MH 11854 P RW DIS 006 W 10-11AM B312B DENT 270 Amer Religion 4.00 29200 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM UMMA AUD Ramirez 29202 P W DIS 002 T 1-2PM 1339 MH Parker 29203 P W DIS 003 T 3-4PM 501 DENN Parker 29204 P W DIS 004 W 10-11AM G311 DENT Parker 284 Sickness & Health 4.00 ADVISORY 17987 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM AUD D AH Pernick Freshmen are welcome in this course, but are asked to contact the instructor ( before registering. 19857 P W DIS 002 W 3-4PM B134 MLB 19858 P W DIS 003 W 4-5PM 2402 MLB 19859 P W DIS 004 TH 4-5PM 506 BMT 23976 P W DIS 005 W 3-4PM B113 MLB U of M Schedule of Classes Page 162 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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287 Armen Hist-Pres 3.00 27300 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G463 MH Saparov 301 Disc Universe 3.00 25949 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2306 MH Lindner 303 Topics in History 3.00 23198 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 4151 USB Cipa The Turkish Republic 26507 P W LEC 004 MW 1130-1PM ARR Cipa Ten Sultans & One Empire 308 Devotion in S Asia 3.00 ADVISORY 28793 P W SEM 001 MW 1130-1PM G232 AH Bhatia 309 After Alexander 3.00 ADVISORY 29215 P W SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 3314 MH Moyer 310 Globalization Hist 4.00 ADVISORY 29618 P W LEC 001 MW 4-6PM 1405 EQ Bright 312 European Integration 4.00 29380 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM UMMA AUD Gaggio 29381 P W DIS 002 TH 9-10AM 1448 MH 29382 P W DIS 003 TH 10-11AM 2437 MH 29383 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 5179 AH 31878 P W DIS 005 TH 9-10AM G228 AH 31879 P W DIS 006 TH 12-1PM 412 WH 313 Rev France 1789-1900 3.00 29216 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G127 AH Cole 318 Europe: Era of War 4.00 11855 A LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1210 CHEM Porter-Szucs 11856 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3437 MH 11857 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1427 MH 18082 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 641 DENN 11858 P W DIS 005 TH 9-10AM 3356 MH 11859 P W DIS 006 TH 10-11AM B760 SSWB 24745 P W DIS 007 TH 10-11AM 414 DENN 29146 P W DIS 008 TH 11-12PM 1567 CCL 29147 P W DIS 009 TH 12-1PM 414 DENN 320 Britain 1901-1939 4.00 20492 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G115 AH Israel No prerequisites--open to all Freshmen. 26321 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2212 MLB Larios 27277 P W DIS 003 W 1-2PM 2212 MLB Larios 323 French Enlightenment 3.00 29218 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1372 EH Goodman 328 HU History Topics 3.00 23365 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3401 MH Poteet Medieval Egypt 30043 P W LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM 3330 MH Scott III Coltrane, the Sixties & Jazz 329 SS History Topics 3.00 25138 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM B844 EH Hughes Pollution & Disease in EM Eur 30136 P W LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM B118 MLB Kazanjian STDs from Syphilis to AIDS 332 Sur Russ&Sov 4.00 11860 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1202 SEB Maiorova Survey of Russia 11862 P W DIS 003 M 12-1PM 373 LORCH 11863 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1509 CCL 16967 P W DIS 005 F 10-11AM 1509 CCL 339 Doctrs Ancient World 3.00 28789 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 1175 NQ Brown 343 Rise of Corporation 3.00 29225 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 269 DENN Hancock 347 Colonial Latin Amer 4.00 19234 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1200 CHEM Scott Issues in Race & Ethnicity Interested grad students should register under History 478.010 19235 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 539 DENN Cantisano 19236 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 553 DENN Cantisano 19237 P W DIS 004 TH 1130-1PM 513 DENN Silva Spanish Language Section Section 004: Spanish Section. Registration for one additional University Course (UC 390) credit available after classes begin. 353 Sexuality/US Pop Cul 3.00 28845 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM G168 AH Mora 28846 A LAB 002 W 4-6PM G168 AH Mora 354 War & Revol in China 4.00 29414 A LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 269 DENN Cassel 29417 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2427 MH Whittington 29418 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 1096 EH Whittington 29586 P W DIS 004 T 12-1PM 5179 AH Whittington U of M Schedule of Classes Page 163 of 382


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355 Hlth African Worlds 4.00 24589 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1449 MH Hunt 24590 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2436 MH Dosumu Diener 24591 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 5521 HH Dosumu Diener 24592 P W DIS 004 T 2-3PM 1339 MH Dosumu Diener 356 Health in America 4.00 29844 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2260 USB Stern 29845 P W DIS 002 M 4-5PM 3330 MH Lee 29847 P W DIS 004 T 12-1PM 1567 CCL Lee 29850 P W DIS 007 W 10-11AM B134 MLB Lee 360 September 11 3.00 21778 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3451 MH Marwil Freshmen interested in taking this course should contact the instructor for permission at 365 New York Modern 4.00 29985 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1200 CHEM Cook Jr 29986 P RW DIS 002 W 4-5PM 130 TAP 29987 P RW DIS 003 W 4-5PM 49 UMMA 29988 P RW DIS 004 TH 9-10AM 3437 MH Lennard 29989 P RW DIS 005 TH 10-11AM G463 MH Lennard 29990 P RW DIS 006 TH 2-3PM 2229 SEB 31342 P RW DIS 007 T 10-11AM G463 MH Cook Jr Section 007: LSA Honors Only 373 U.S. West 3.00 24608 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1250 USB Witgen Western Expansion of U.S. 374 Pol&Cult 1960's 4.00 19815 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 140 LORCH Countryman 19816 P W DIS 002 W 5-6PM 3347 MH Felber 23329 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 1339 MH Cruz 19817 P W DIS 004 W 3-4PM 3448 MH Vest 19818 P W DIS 005 W 4-5PM 3347 MH Felber 19819 P W DIS 006 TH 9-10AM 1460 MH Cruz 19820 P W DIS 007 TH 1-2PM 3356 MH Cruz 19821 P W DIS 008 TH 4-5PM 3347 MH Felber 22320 P W DIS 009 F 11-12PM 3347 MH Vest 22321 P W DIS 010 F 12-1PM 3347 MH Vest 378 Asian Amer Hist 3.00 26069 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 2436 MH Kurashige 384 Jewish Hst 1880-1948 3.00 30629 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 3401 MH Veidlinger 391 Euro Hist Topics 3.00 29365 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM G168 AH Ballinger Italian Fascism 392 Asian Hist Topics 3.00 30018 P W LEC 001 TTH 7-830PM 2106 MLB Modern Korean History This is a CIC distance-learning course shared between Indiana U and U of Minnesota, and will be conducted via video conference. Students interested in taking this course and need additional information should contact Suyun Lee ( The instructor of record is Michael Robinson and may also be contacted at 32080 P W LEC 002 W 2-5PM 2024 TISCH Pincus Japan: Green/Toxic Archipelago 395 Reading Course 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 405 Pagans&Christn 3.00 28478 P W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 1068 EH Ahbel-Rappe 408 Byzantine 284-867 3.00 24612 P W LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1359 MH Fine Jr 415 Law & Soc in China 3.00 ADVISORY 29393 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 2401 MH Cassel 421 Afdiaspora Religions 3.00 26991 P W LEC 001 F 11-2PM 2271 AH Johnson 431 Balkans Since 1878 3.00 25957 P W LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 1359 MH Fine Jr 443 Mod Mid East History 4.00 29405 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G127 AH Tanielian Young Turk Revol-Twitter Devol 29406 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2347 MH Null 29407 P W DIS 003 W 1-2PM B135 MLB Null 29408 P W DIS 004 W 3-4PM 1427 MH Null 445 Topics In History 3.00 23538 P W LEC 001 T 4-7PM 1460 MH Gaggio Debating Capitalism 25048 P W LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 3302 MH Ballinger Hist of Anthropological Theory 31814 P W LEC 003 T 10-1PM 3353 MH Neis, Ginsburg Jewish Texts & Jewish Bodies This course is cross-listed through several units. Students put on the waitlist should contact Professor Neis ( 449 Mid East Hist Top 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 164 of 382


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27303 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM G449 MH Saparov Caucasus Between Empires 450 Japan to 1700 3.00 26658 P W LEC 001 M 6-9PM G160 AH Tonomura 463 Anteb Soc & Cvl War 3.00 24613 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 3463 MH Vinovskis 469 Precolonial SE Asia 3.00 26333 P W LEC 001 TH 1-4PM 3353 MH Lieberman 476 Amer Bus History 3.00 ADVISORY 17434 P RW REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM K1310 BUS Hinesly HISTORY 476 meets with LHC 412. 477 Law, Hist&Social Chg 3.00 29600 P RW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 1028 DANA Caulfield Gend, Sex & Intl Hum Rights 478 Top Lat Amer Hist 3.00 21480 P RW LEC 010 TTH 10-1130AM 1200 CHEM Scott Latin America, Colonial Period HISTORY 478 is restricted to History GRAD students. Undergraduates should register for this course under HISTORY 347, and non-History GRAD students should contact the instructor at for permission. 481 Europe Hist Topics 3.00 29702 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3315 MH Van Dam Roman Imperial & Frontier Soc 30979 P W LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM 2175 NQ Veidlinger Jewish MemoriesMemoirs History 494 Ec Hist Topic 3.00 ENFORCED 23341 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 373 LORCH Whatley Topics Hist Atlantic Economy 495 World Mongols Made 3.00 30427 P LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 3333 MH Lindner 496 Hist Colloquium 4.00 ADVISORY Students missing the first class meeting may be dropped for non-attendance. Interested non-History Jr and Sr concentrators must contact Sheila ( for seat availability. 11864 PDR SEM 001 TH 10-1PM 2713 HH Chin Germany in the Age of Cold War 23330 PDR SEM 002 M 1-4PM 2608 HH Chang Ideal & Empires Chinese Hist 24961 PDR SEM 003 W 3-6PM 2104 MLB Randolph The Black Power Movement 26265 PDR SEM 004 W 4-7PM 2713 HH Poteet The Nomadic Factor in History 497 Hist Colloquium 4.00 ADVISORY 21602 PDR SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 3451 MH Vinovskis K-12 Educ, Hist & Policymaking 29287 PD SEM 003 TH 3-6PM G128 AH Garskof What do Historians Do? 23600 PDR SEM 004 W 5-8PM 1460 MH Lassiter War on Crime/War on Drugs 29548 PD SEM 006 TH 2-5PM 2401 MH Cole Understanding the Arab Spring 499 Sr Honors Colloquium 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 11865 PD SEM 001 M 530-730PM ARR Porter-Szucs 549 China Social Science 3.00 ADVISORY 20655 PD SEM 001 M 2-5PM 1632 CHEM Ang 590 Topics Mini-Course 1.00-2.00 32023 P R LEC 002 TH 2-5PM 2713 HH Hartog Do We Still Believe in History 592 Asian Topics 3.00 27805 P W LEC 001 W 2-5PM 2024 TISCH Pincus Japan: Green/Toxic Archipelago 594 Topics in History 3.00 26503 P W SEM 002 T 4-7PM 1460 MH Gaggio Debating Capitalism 28123 P RW SEM 003 MW 230-4PM G449 MH Saparov Caucasus Between Empires 600 Records & Archives 3.00 11867 P W LEC 001 T 1-4PM 1255 NQ Hedstrom 612 Native Amer History 3.00 ADVISORY 28210 P W LEC 001 M 6-9PM 2427 MH Dowd 615 Intr Comparatv Stdy 3.00 ADVISORY 11868 PD REC 001 W 3-6PM 2401 MH Glover, Muehlberger 32017 PD REC 002 W 1-4PM 3440 MH Israel, Ware 621 Stdy Women's Hst 3.00 ADVISORY 29602 P W REC 001 M 5-8PM 2401 MH Canning, Puff Gender Bodies & Sex in Hist 622 Topc Wrld Ec Hist I 3.00 ADVISORY 22880 P LEC 001 W 4-7PM 171 LORCH Whatley The Hist of Atlantic Economies 629 Stdy Afr Hist 3.00 29641 P REC 001 M 1-4PM 3347 MH Hecht U of M Schedule of Classes Page 165 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Body, Tech & Nature in Africa 630 Intro Greek&Roman St 3.00 ADVISORY 29703 P REC 001 M 3-6PM 2713 HH Van Dam Comparative Studies 637 Res Sem on Arch&Inst 3.00 ADVISORY 17402 P W LEC 001 W 2-5PM 2185 NQ Wallace 661 Know & Info Infrastr 3.00 31272 P W LEC 001 W 5-8PM 2185 NQ Edwards 679 Legal Hist Workshop 2.00 33278 P RW SEM 001 T 410-610PM 0220 LSSH Novak 680 Colonial America 3.00 21493 P REC 001 T 6-9PM 2713 HH Hancock 698 Topics in History 3.00 ADVISORY 17438 PI W REC 001 F 10-12PM ARR Becker, Reed, McClellan Research on Addictions-Pt 1 21839 P REC 003 T 2-5PM 1303 MH Cole Mod Mid E: Roots of Crisis 22399 P REC 004 TH 1-4PM 3353 MH Lieberman Pre-Colonial South East Asia 23360 P REC 005 T 10-1PM 3353 MH Neis, Ginsburg Jewish Texts & Jewish Bodies 31957 P REC 006 F 9-12PM 210 TAP Von Eschen Political Culture of US Empire 22836 PI REC 007 T 4-7PM 4212 SEB Mirel, Kang History of American Education 700 Independent Res Sem 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 737 Res Sem on Arch&Inst 3.00 ADVISORY 20049 P W LEC 001 W 2-5PM ARR Wallace 793 Stdy Near E 3.00 ADVISORY 29974 P SEM 002 T 2-5PM 1303 MH Cole Mod Mid E: Roots of Crisis 801 Reading Course 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 803 Read for Gen Exam 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 809 History Pedagogy II 1.00 27398 PD REC 001 TTH 9-10AM 2713 HH Squatriti 811 Teaching Practicum 1.00 D IND + ARR ARR 812 Sem Hist Pedagogy 3.00 ADVISORY 22404 P SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 3315 MH Pernick 826 Pre-Mod Jap Hist 3.00 ADVISORY 29642 P SEM 001 F 2-5PM 1303 MH Tonomura Hist Sources in Japanese 830 Anthro/Hist Workshop 1.00 19466 PD SEM 001 F 2-4PM 1014 TISCH Johnson 891 Diss Res/Writing Sem 3.00 23332 P SEM 001 F 10-12PM 2713 HH Pincus 898 Dissertation Colloq 1.00 ADVISORY 11872 P SEM 001 ARR ARR Countryman Job Skills Colloquium This meeting time is provisional. The first meeting of this class will be used to confirm that this time works for all participants, or to find a new meeting time. 900 Prep for Prelims 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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History Of Art Department

History of Art (HISTART)
NOTE - HISTORY OF ART DISCUSSION SECTIONS DO NOT MEET THE FIRST WEEK OF CLASSES. 194 First Year Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 24615 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM G026 TISCH Robertson Art, Science and Technology 208 Intro African Art 4.00 24582 S LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM AUD A AH Doris 24583 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM G026 TISCH 24584 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM G026 TISCH 24585 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM G026 TISCH 25978 P W DIS 005 M 10-11AM 49 UMMA 25979 P W DIS 006 M 11-12PM 49 UMMA 27364 P W DIS 007 M 12-1PM 49 UMMA 28699 P W DIS 008 M 1-2PM G026 TISCH 28700 P W DIS 009 M 2-3PM G026 TISCH 28701 P W DIS 010 M 3-4PM G026 TISCH 210 Hist of Photography 4.00 28715 S LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM AUD D AH Fay 28716 P RW DIS 002 TH 1-2PM 130 TAP 28717 P RW DIS 003 TH 2-3PM 130 TAP 28718 P RW DIS 004 TH 3-4PM 130 TAP 28719 P RW DIS 005 F 10-11AM 130 TAP 28721 P RW DIS 007 F 12-1PM 130 TAP 212 Understand Arch 3.00 23400 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM LEC RM 2 MLB Trandafirescu 23459 P REC 002 TH 9-10AM 3038 DANA 23460 P REC 003 F 10-11AM K1310 BUS 23461 P REC 004 F 11-12PM R2320 BUS 23462 P REC 005 TH 10-11AM G437 MH 221 Intro Gk Arch 4.00 11875 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM AUD C AH Nevett 11876 P W DIS 002 T 4-5PM 2271 AH 11877 P W DIS 003 W 12-1PM 49 UMMA 21464 P W DIS 004 TH 1-2PM 1636 CHEM 237 Self-Taught Artists 3.00 29842 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2347 MH Wright 243 Intro to S Asian Art 3.00 29038 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 180 TAP Chanchani Home and the World 244 20th C American Art 3.00 29024 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 180 TAP Zurier 250 Ital Renaissance Art 4.00 25923 S LEC 001 MW 230-4PM UMMA AUD Holmes 25980 P W DIS 002 TH 10-11AM 49 UMMA 25981 P W DIS 003 TH 11-12PM 49 UMMA 25982 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 49 UMMA 25983 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM 180 TAP 25984 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 180 TAP 28739 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 180 TAP 255 Visual Mythology 4.00 22388 S LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1401 MH Simons 22389 P RW DIS 002 W 1-2PM G026 TISCH 22390 P RW DIS 003 W 2-3PM G026 TISCH 271 Modernism 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 11878 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM AUD B AH Lay 17318 P W DIS 002 M 10-11AM G026 TISCH 17319 P W DIS 003 M 11-12PM G026 TISCH 17320 P W DIS 004 M 12-1PM G026 TISCH 29007 P W DIS 005 T 9-10AM 49 UMMA 17321 P W DIS 006 T 10-11AM 49 UMMA 17322 P W DIS 007 T 11-12PM 49 UMMA 285 Visual Culture Islam 4.00 24586 S LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM UMMA AUD Gruber 24587 P W DIS 002 TH 10-11AM 130 TAP 24588 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 130 TAP 299 Experiential Study 1.00-3.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 334 Women Visual Images 3.00 ADVISORY 28188 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 180 TAP Siegfried 352 Art and Philosophy 3.00 24610 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 49 UMMA Willette 386 Pting&Poetry-China 3.00 29342 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 180 TAP Powers 394 Special Topics 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 167 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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20469 P W SEM 001 W 1-4PM Text and Image 29339 P RW SEM 002 T 10-1PM Landscape Trad in Japanese Art 26635 P W LEC 003 TTH 10-1130AM Art and Politics After 1945 26636 P W SEM 004 F 10-1PM Caravaggio Death of Painting 26647 P W SEM 005 TTH 230-4PM The Self in the Portrait 29337 P W SEM 008 MW 1130-1PM Moving Image in Middle Ages 29040 P W LEC 009 MW 230-4PM Art of Byzantium West Europe 29581 P W LEC 010 TTH 1-230PM Imagining Jerusalem Art/Arch 399 Independent Study SI IND + ARR 408 Visual Culture Afr 28844 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 424 Arch-Roman Prov 30980 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 430 Greece before Histor 28915 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 474 Topics in Arch 30061 PI W SEM 001 M 1-4PM The Ends of British Modernism 480 Disney's Lands 29991 PI W SEM 001 TH 230-530PM 481 Art Ancient Iran 29021 P W LEC 001 T 9-12PM 489 Topics Art&Culture 24616 P W SEM 001 M 10-1PM Intro Contemporary Art SE Asia 29042 P W SEM 004 T 10-1PM European Print Culture 29299 P W SEM 006 W 1-4PM Meaning in the Making 29302 P W SEM 007 T 10-1PM Film in Dialogue with Painting 29307 P W SEM 008 M 4-7PM Modern Chinese Visual Culture 490 Islamic Objects 30040 P W SEM 001 TH 1-4PM 498 Honor Colloquium 18119 PI W SEM 001 M 4-7PM 536 Hellen-Rom Sculp 29277 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM Ancient Sculptural Environment 600 Independent Study SI IND + ARR 615 First Year Grad Sem 11879 P RW SEM 001 T 10-1PM Methods Undergrads may register with permission of instructor. 689 Spcl Tpcs Hist Art 23375 P W SEM 001 M 10-1PM Intro Contemporary Art SE Asia 26849 PI W SEM 002 M 1-4PM The Ends of British Modernism 692 Buddhas&Bodies 29329 P W SEM 001 W 10-1PM 700 Independent Res SI IND + ARR 771 19c Art Problems 29324 P W SEM 001 M 1-4PM Materialism 19c Vis Imaginary 772 Problems in Mod Art 29327 P W SEM 001 T 4-7PM Realism,Naturalism,Abstraction 855 Prob Roman Arch 30981 P W SEM 001 M 3-6PM 990 Diss-Precand S IND + ARR 993 Gsi Training 11881 P SEM 001 ARR 995 Diss-Cand SR IND + ARR

270 TAP 270 TAP 180 TAP 270 TAP 270 TAP 270 TAP 180 TAP G232 AH ARR 180 TAP 180 TAP 270 TAP 210 TAP 49 UMMA KELSEY 210 TAP G026 TISCH 210 TAP 130 TAP 3156 LSA KELSEY 180 TAP 180 TAP ARR 210 TAP

Powers Carr Kee Willette Willette Chatterjee Chatterjee Perlove 1.00-3.00 3.00 ADVISORY Silverman 3.00 ADVISORY Terrenato 3.00 Nevett 3.00 ADVISORY Zimmerman 3.00 Doris 3.00 Root 3.00 Kee Holmes Simons Herwitz Tang 3.00 Gruber 3.00 Lay 3.00 Gazda 1.00-3.00 3.00 Biro 3.00 Kee Zimmerman 3.00 Carr 1.00-3.00 2.00-3.00 Siegfried 3.00 Potts 3.00 Ratte 1.00-8.00 1.00 Sullivan 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY



210 TAP 210 TAP 210 TAP ARR 270 TAP 210 TAP 4128 LSA ARR ARR ARR

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Museums (MUSEUMS) 301 Museums & Society 22519 A R LEC 001 MW 22520 P RW DIS 002 F 22521 P RW DIS 003 F 22746 P RW DIS 004 F 409 Museum Std Pract SDR IND + 498 Spec Museums Topics 24951 P LEC 001 TTH Critical Practice 499 Ind Study Museums SI IND +

4-5PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 1-2PM ARR 1-230PM ARR

1528 CCL 125 UMMA 125 UMMA 125 UMMA ARR 49 UMMA ARR

3.00 Taylor


3.00 3.00 Silverman 1.00-4.00


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Honors Program
College Honors (HONORS)
135 Ideas in Honors 1.00 ADVISORY 17555 P R SEM 001 M 4-530PM ARR Chutcharavan The Geochron Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 19469 P R SEM 002 TH 4-530PM 210 TAP Wang Musicophilia Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 17556 P R SEM 003 T 4-530PM 270 TAP Olson What's Up with the Columns? Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 17557 P R SEM 004 W 1-230PM G437 MH Blake Regulatory Genetics Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 18193 P R SEM 005 T 230-4PM 210 TAP Dunn Beyond Sustainability Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 32649 P R SEM 006 M 4-530PM 270 TAP Bohn Anarchism Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 18895 P R SEM 007 M 4-530PM 3315 MH Goudiss Country Music Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 19470 P R SEM 008 TH 4-5PM 270 TAP Tulchinsky Curing an Incurable Disease Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 22837 P R SEM 009 T 4-5PM G421B MH Bernath Evolution of Intelligence Be sure to check the exact date your section starts. 199 Colloquium 4.00 32690 A LEC 001 MTH 2-3PM G390 DENT McKay Deep Time: Science of Origins Students are auto-enrolled in lecture when they elect a discussion. 32711 P R DIS 002 WF 9-10AM 3156 LSA Deep Time: Science of Origins 32712 P R DIS 003 WF 9-10AM 1507 CCL Deep Time: Science of Origins This section is closed. Please elect section 002. 32713 P R DIS 004 WF 12-1PM 1650 CHEM Deep Time: Science of Origins 32714 P R DIS 005 WF 12-1PM 3540 CCL Deep Time: Science of Origins This section is closed. Please elect section 004. 32715 P R DIS 006 WF 1-2PM 1448 MH Deep Time: Science of Origins 32716 P R DIS 007 WF 1-2PM B111 MLB Deep Time: Science of Origins This section is closed. Please elect section 006. 250 Hon Sem Soc Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 29873 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 706 BMT Pedraza Immigrants Then and Now meetswith Sociology 105, section 004 251 Hon Seminar Hums 3.00 ADVISORY 28299 P RW SEM 002 TTH 230-4PM G421B MH Amrine Imagination meets with German 303.001 for F13. 30164 P W SEM 003 MW 4-530PM 3460 MH Ekotto Crossing Borders meets with Comparative Literature 260.001 for Fall 2013. 252 Hon Sem Nat Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 29517 PD W SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 1084 EH Speth Why Are We Getting So Fat? seats being held for in-coming freshmen. Contact Jeri, Karen, Vicki, or Jacquelyn in the Honors office, 1330 Mason Hall, during your orientation for permission into class. 22600 P RW SEM 002 W 7-9PM 4152 USB Ragsdale Creativity in Sciences & Arts open to Freshman and Sophomores who will be Sophomores and Juniors in the Fall. Others by permission from instructor ( 290 Hnrs Intro Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR Research 291 Hnrs Intro Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR Research 292 Intro Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 170 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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352 Hon Intr Nat Sci Res 3.00 23525 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 4153 USB Evrard Cyberscience if you are not an Honors student and wish to take this course, email the Professor, August Evrard ( for an override. 390 Jr Honors Research 1.00-4.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 490 Sr Honors Research 1.00-4.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 493 Deroy Honors Sem 1.00 32910 PDR SEM 001 MW 6-730PM 1359 MH Political Economy of Europe LSA Honors students who have taken Econ 101 and 102 must email to request a adding the course.


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Humanities Institute
Institute For The Humanities (INSTHUM)
511 Intrdiscip Stds 32077 P RW SEM 001 Do We Still Believe in History TH 2-5PM 2713 HH 1.00 Hartog ADVISORY

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International Institute
International and Comparative Studies (CICS)
101 Int to Intnl Studies 3.00 23474 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM AUD B AH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23475 P W DIS 002 TH 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23476 P W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM 2330 MH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23477 P W DIS 004 TH 230-4PM 1469 MH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23478 P W DIS 005 F 230-4PM 142 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23479 P W DIS 006 TH 1-230PM 2437 MH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23480 P W DIS 007 F 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23545 P W DIS 008 TH 230-4PM 3401 MH Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24540 P RW DIS 009 TH 230-4PM 1096 EH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24541 P W DIS 010 F 1130-1PM 173 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24542 P W DIS 011 F 10-1130AM 373 LORCH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 25426 P W DIS 012 TH 10-1130AM 2228 SEB Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 205 What is History? 4.00 27267 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1202 SEB Mir, Alberto 27268 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM 3333 MH 27269 P RW DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 2009RUTHVEN 27270 P RW DIS 004 TH 1-2PM 455 DENN 27271 P RW DIS 005 TH 3-4PM 2022 STB 27272 P RW DIS 006 M 11-12PM 2866 EH 27273 P RW DIS 007 TH 2-3PM G463 MH Mir Section 007: LSA Honors only 301 Topics Int'l Studies 3.00 ADVISORY 23505 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1040 DANA Pitcher Politics and Development 401 IS Advanced Seminar 3.00 ENFORCED 20908 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 142 LORCH Uehling U of M Schedule of Classes Page 173 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Hidden Histories 21787 P RW SEM 002 W 20th Century Genocide & Murder 23680 P RW SEM 003 TTH Women and Islam 24482 P RW SEM 004 M Develop&Quality of Governance 25098 P RW SEM 005 W Transnational Urban Develop 25136 P RW SEM 006 MW Hidden Histories 30038 P RW SEM 007 TH The Politics of Debt 498 Senior Honors 25527 PD SEM 001 M

3-6PM 1130-1PM 10-1PM 4-7PM 1-230PM 1-3PM 4-7PM

2437 MH 4151 USB 2024 DANA 3411 MH 1033 DENT 1804 SSWB 2333 MH

Tanielian Iftkhar Ang Murray Uehling Kerner 3.00 Kollman ADVISORY

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Judaic Studies Program

Judaic Studies (JUDAIC)
101 Elem Yiddish I 11898 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM Cross-listed with YIDDISH 101 and Judaic & Yiddish 431. 150 Seminar in JS 21624 P RW SEM 001 MW 4-530PM Jewish Photo Pic Modern World 201 Intermd Yiddish I 23209 P W REC 001 MW 6-8PM 205 Intro Jewish Civ 23206 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 23207 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 23208 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 218 HU Topics in Judaism 23727 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM Jews and Other Others 27232 S LEC 010 MWF 3-4PM Jesus and the Gospels 27233 P W DIS 011 T 9-10AM Jesus and the Gospels 27234 P W DIS 012 T 12-1PM Jesus and the Gospels 27235 P W DIS 013 W 9-10AM Jesus and the Gospels 27236 P W DIS 014 F 2-3PM Jesus and the Gospels 27237 P W DIS 015 F 10-11AM Jesus and the Gospels 27238 P W DIS 016 F 12-1PM Jesus and the Gospels 244 The Arab-Jewish Conf 22685 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 22686 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 22687 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 22688 P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 22689 P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM 22690 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 22691 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 22758 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 22762 P W DIS 009 W 10-11AM 24093 P W DIS 010 W 11-12PM 24097 P W DIS 011 W 11-12PM 24101 P W DIS 012 W 2-3PM 24105 P W DIS 013 W 3-4PM 24218 P W DIS 014 W 4-5PM 24222 P W DIS 015 W 4-5PM 24970 P W DIS 016 TH 3-4PM 25539 P W DIS 017 TH 10-11AM 26035 P W DIS 018 TH 11-12PM 29259 P W DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 250 Jewish Film 28280 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 28281 A LAB 002 T 4-7PM 28282 P RW DIS 003 T 12-1PM 28283 PD W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 28284 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM 257 Law in PreMod World 28193 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 270 Rabbinic Lit 24939 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 301 Adv Yiddish I 26514 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 317 Topic Judaic Studies 26149 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM Imagining Jerusalem Art/Arch 29550 P W REC 003 MW 830-10AM Israeli Politics 29697 P W REC 004 TTH 830-10AM Religious Ethnic Minorities 30821 P W REC 006 TTH 1-230PM Intermediate Classic Hebrew I 31299 P W REC 007 W 4-7PM Life/Thought Ab Josh Heschel 32673 P W REC 009 TTH 1130-1PM The Arab-Israeli Conflict 318 HU Topics in Judaism U of M Schedule of Classes Page 175 of 382 3000 STB G449 MH 2112 MLB 2009RUTHVEN 706 BMT 445 DENN 2347 MH AUD C AH 3242 LSA 1250 USB B135 MLB 2114 MLB R2320 BUS 2412 MLB AUD 3 MLB 3333 MH 1448 MH 2455 MH G232 AH 3333 MH 2024 TISCH 2163 AH B113 MLB 2449 MH 3460 MH B134 MLB 2333 MH 2866 EH 1401 MH B103 MLB G026 TISCH 5179 AH 2520 CCL LEC RM 2 MLB AUD C AH 1175 NQ 1460 MH 1460 MH 1528 CCL 2437 MH G160 AH G232 AH 2407 MH 2353 MH 5000 STB 2333 MH 3356 MH Schmidt Ginsburg Bardenstein 3.00-4.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 4.00 Lieberman 4.00 Hoffman 3.00 Moore 4.00 Hoffman 4.00 Levinson 3.00-4.00 Freedman Waddell ADVISORY ADVISORY

4.00 Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai 3.00 Neis 3.00 Eliav 3.00 Hoffman 3.00 Perlove Gitelman


CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






26814 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM Medical Humanities/Jewish Std 376 Women&The Bible 29094 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM Feminist Readings 384 Jewish Hst 1880-1948 30686 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 417 Topcs Judaic Studies 24966 P W SEM 001 MW 230-4PM Ethncty in Israeli Lit&Culture 25356 P W SEM 002 T 10-1PM Jewish Texts and Jewish Bodies 27535 P W SEM 003 T 1-4PM Jews at UM 28279 P W SEM 004 MW 4-530PM Yiddish in New York 29700 P W SEM 006 MW 4-530PM Arab - Israeli Relations 30588 P W SEM 007 TTH 1130-1PM Crossings: Narr of Immigration 30630 P W SEM 008 MW 1130-1PM Jewish Memories, Memoirs, Hst 431 Beg Yiddish 1-Grad 21780 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1-2PM Judaic 101/Yiddish 101 meets with Judaic 431/Yiddish 431 451 Mod East Eur Jewry 29014 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 468 Jwsh Mystism 24934 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 470 Reading the Rabbis 29620 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 29622 A DIS 002 TH 530-7PM 495 Independent Studies I IND + ARR 497 Senior Thesis I IND + ARR 500 Ind Study Judaic IR IND + ARR Independent study for Graduate Students 505 Intro Jewish Civ 24198 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 24199 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 24200 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 517 Topics in Judaic St 27826 P W SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM Medical Humanities/Jewish Std 27986 PD W REC 004 T 10-1PM Jewish Texts and Jewish Bodies 31298 P W REC 005 W 4-7PM Life/Thought Ab Josh Heschel 31922 PD W REC 006 TTH 1-230PM Imagining Jerusalem Art/Archit 32025 PD W REC 007 MW 4-530PM Yiddish in New York 531 Int Yiddish 1-Grad 23211 P W REC 001 MW 6-8PM 570 Reading the Rabbis 27843 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 27845 A DIS 002 TH 530-7PM 600 Judaic Grad Ind Std IND + ARR 631 Adv Yiddish 1-Grad 27798 PD W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 890 Judaic Capstone D IND + ARR

706 BMT 2402 MLB 3401 MH 4000 STB 3353 MH B770 SSWB 2347 MH 1230 WEILL 2353 MH 2175 NQ 3000 STB 1437 MH 4151 USB 2437 MH 3000 STB ARR

Siegel 3.00 Tsoffar 3.00 Veidlinger 3.00 Barzilai Neis, Ginsburg Goldman Krutikov

Miller Veidlinger 4.00 Hoffman 3.00 Gitelman 3.00 Ginsburg 4.00 Eliav Eliav 1.00-3.00 3.00 ADVISORY


ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 2009RUTHVEN 706 BMT 445 DENN 706 BMT 3353 MH 2333 MH G232 AH 2347 MH 2112 MLB 2437 MH 3000 STB ARR G160 AH ARR 4.00 Hoffman 3.00 ADVISORY 4.00 Levinson 3.00 Siegel Neis, Ginsburg Ginsburg Perlove Krutikov 4.00 Hoffman 4.00 Eliav Eliav 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

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College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Geography (GEOG)
145 Int to Intnl Studies 3.00 23482 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM AUD B AH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23484 P W DIS 002 TH 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23486 P W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM 2330 MH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23488 P W DIS 004 TH 230-4PM 1469 MH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23490 P W DIS 005 F 230-4PM 142 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23492 P W DIS 006 TH 1-230PM 2437 MH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23494 P W DIS 007 F 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23547 P W DIS 008 TH 230-4PM 3401 MH Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24544 P RW DIS 009 TH 230-4PM 1096 EH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24546 P W DIS 010 F 1130-1PM 173 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24548 P W DIS 011 F 10-1130AM 373 LORCH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 25428 P RW DIS 012 TH 10-1130AM 2228 SEB Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 201 Intro Envir Sci&Geog 4.00 11698 A LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1528 CCL Blum 17401 P W LAB 002 M 2-4PM 2516 CCL 18602 P W LAB 003 W 12-2PM 2516 CCL 11699 P W LAB 004 W 4-6PM 2516 CCL 25874 P W LAB 005 TH 2-4PM 2516 CCL 28412 P W LAB 006 TH 4-6PM 2516 CCL 28414 P W LAB 007 F 1-3PM 2516 CCL

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LS&A First Year Seminars

University Courses (UC)
102 Student in the Univ 1.00 ADVISORY Limited to partipants in MICHIGAN COMMUNITY SCHOLARS PROGRAM. CLASS MEETS SEPT 6 - NOV 15. 12552 A LEC 001 T 6-8PM 1360 EH Woods 12553 P RW DIS 002 T 4-5PM B810 EQ 12554 P RW DIS 003 T 4-5PM 1505 EQ 12555 P RW DIS 004 T 8-9PM B804 EQ 17388 P RW DIS 005 T 8-9PM B810 EQ 12556 P RW DIS 006 TH 3-4PM B814 EQ 22792 P W DIS 007 W 3-4PM 1511 EQ Woods 22793 P W DIS 008 W 4-5PM B814 EQ Woods 22794 P W DIS 009 TH 4-5PM B810 EQ Woods 17385 P RW DIS 010 TH 8-9PM B810 EQ 12557 P RW DIS 011 F 11-12PM 1423 EQ 104 Intro to Research 1.00 ADVISORY Choose one section. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 9th. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. 12558 P RW REC 001 M 230-4PM 113 MOJO Bass 21888 P RW REC 002 T 1-230PM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 9th. . In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. 22524 P RW REC 003 W 10-1130AM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 9th. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. 23999 P RW REC 004 TH 1-230PM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 9th. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. 105 Health & Health Care 2.00 ADVISORY Restricted to students in Health Sciences Scholars Program. All discussion sections will meet in Couzens Hall. 16933 A LEC 001 TH 3-5PM G378 DENT Morgan 18568 P RW DIS 002 TH 530-630PM 1413 COUZENS Smiley This class will meet in Couzens 1413. 18569 P RW DIS 003 TH 530-630PM 1417 COUZENS Russell This class will meet in Couzens 1417 18570 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1413 COUZENS Smiley This class will meet in Couzens 1413. 18571 P RW DIS 005 F 10-11AM 1417 COUZENS Russell This class will meet in Couzens 1417. 18572 P RW DIS 006 F 11-12PM 1413 COUZENS Smiley This class will meet in Couzens 1413. 18585 P RW DIS 007 F 11-12PM 1417 COUZENS Russell This class will meet in Couzens 1417. 107 WISE RP Seminar 1.00 This class for participants in the WISE RP only. Choose one section only. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 3rd. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm 21887 P RW LEC 001 T 230-4PM 113 MOJO Bass 21889 P RW LEC 002 W 230-4PM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section only. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 3rd. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. 22439 P RW LEC 003 TH 1030-12PM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section only. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 3rd. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm 24000 P RW LEC 004 F 1030-12PM 113 MOJO Bass Choose one section only. This class meets every other week starting Sept. 3rd. In addition to the regular class times, there will be two required sessions on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm 110 Intr to Info Studies 4.00 17403 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1210 CHEM Lampe 17404 P W DIS 002 M 4-5PM 2185 NQ 17405 P W DIS 003 TH 5-6PM 2185 NQ 21915 P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 2185 NQ 21916 P W DIS 005 W 10-11AM 2245 NQ 24123 P W DIS 006 T 5-6PM 2185 NQ 24452 P W DIS 007 T 4-5PM 2185 NQ 29015 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2185 NQ 29016 P W DIS 009 W 1-2PM 2185 NQ 33228 P W DIS 010 T 9-10AM 2185 NQ 122 Intrgrp Dialogue 2.00 Interested students must fill out an online request at Due to high demand, students who do not attend the mass meeting on the first day of class will be dropped from the course. If you have questions, please contact Nitesh Singh (phone: 936-1875; e-mail: 20530 PI SEM 001 W 3-5PM AUD B AH Corvidae 20531 PI SEM 002 W 3-5PM 413 DENN 145 Int to Intnl Studies 3.00 23481 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM AUD B AH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on U of M Schedule of Classes Page 178 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23483 P W DIS 002 TH 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23485 P W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM 2330 MH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23487 P W DIS 004 TH 230-4PM 1469 MH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23489 P W DIS 005 F 230-4PM 142 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23491 P W DIS 006 TH 1-230PM 2437 MH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23493 P W DIS 007 F 4-530PM 173 LORCH Acevedo Guerrero The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 23546 P W DIS 008 TH 230-4PM 3401 MH Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24543 P RW DIS 009 TH 230-4PM 1096 EH Uehling The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24545 P W DIS 010 F 1130-1PM 173 LORCH Goddard The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 24547 P W DIS 011 F 10-1130AM 373 LORCH Patel The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 25427 P RW DIS 012 TH 10-1130AM 2228 SEB Allhoff The discussion sections for this class will meet only 7 times during Fall 2013, instead of the Thursday Lecture, on the following dates: September 12, or 13 September 26, or 27 October 3, or 4 October 24, or 25 November 7, or 8 November 21, or 22 December 5, or 6 Questions regarding this class should be directed to Greta Uehling 151 1st Yr Soc Sci Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 22847 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1423 EQ Schoem Soc Just, Id, Diversity&Commun 12559 P RW SEM 002 TTH 1-230PM 3347 MH Mayes Human Sexuality, Gender Issues 16859 P RW SEM 005 TTH 10-1130AM B312B DENT Taichman The Art & Science of Dentistry 152 1st Yr Nat Sci Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 23527 P RW SEM 001 TTH 830-10AM 409 WH Flint Biology of Human Disease 154 1st Yr Interdisc Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 17929 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1417 COUZENS Burdi Life and Living This class will be meeting in 1413 COUZENS HALL. 163 Biotech Human Values 4.00 ADVISORY 17383 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1311 EECS Schmedlen, Sulewski Biotechnology/Values 17412 P RW DIS 002 TTH 1130-1230PM 1032 FXB Sulewski, Schmedlen 17413 P RW DIS 003 TTH 1030-1130AM 1363 GGBL Sulewski, Schmedlen 17414 P RW DIS 004 TTH 1130-1230PM 1008 EECS Casper, Schmedlen 17415 P RW DIS 005 TTH 1030-1130AM 1008 EECS Casper, Schmedlen 170 UC Special Topics 1.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 179 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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27754 P RW LEC 001 W 6-8PM 1230 USB Hildesheim Internship Success 27820 P RW LEC 002 T 4-530PM ARR Bhaumik The Financially Savvy Student 30323 PI LEC 004 M 4-6PM 3347 MH Deloria Acoustic Song Writing-Begining This class will meet for 7 Mondays from 4-6 on the following dates: Sept 9 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 30 Oct 7 Oct 28 Nov 4 Please contact Phil Deloria for permission (pdeloria). 174 Digital Research 1.00 23533 P RW LAB 001 MW 3-4PM 1245 NQ Peters 23534 P RW LAB 002 W 3-5PM 1570 CCL Morse This section is taught in-person for 4 weeks and online for 3 weeks. 23535 P RW LAB 003 TH 3-5PM G444B MH Strickland This section is taught in-person for 4 weeks and online for 3 weeks. 25068 P RW LAB 004 W 3-5PM G444A MH Oehrli 178 Global Understanding 3.00 25534 P RW SEM 002 MW 1130-1PM 1245 NQ Corvidae This course fulfills the academic requirement for the Global Scholars Program in residence. Permission of instructor required. Email to request an override. 201 US Aviat Hist-Dev I 1.00 ADVISORY 12562 S LEC 001 W 12-1PM 163 NH Wood 12560 S LEC 002 TH 130-230PM 163 NH Wood 12561 P LAB 004 W 2-4PM 163 NH Wood 203 Military Leadership 1.00 19748 S LEC 001 W 1-3PM 229 NH Dankworth 19749 S LEC 002 TH 12-2PM 229 NH Dankworth 19750 P LAB 003 TH 330-530PM ARR Dankworth 205 Leadership and Mgmt 3.00 ADVISORY 20723 P LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 221 NH Howell 20724 P LEC 002 MW 1-230PM 221 NH Howell 20725 S LAB 003 TH 330-530PM ARR Howell 218 Foundations IGR 3.00 23184 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1100 OBL Dessel 225 Undergrad Internship 1.00 SD IND + ARR ARR To enroll, students should see their LSA Academic Advisors. They will be working with students to complete the requirements of this course. The UC Division will issue electronic permissions as requested by advisors. 227 Practicum 1.00 27463 PI SEM 001 F 10-12PM B830 EQ Shriberg Planet Blue Training UC 227 will meet every other Friday from 10 am to 12 pm beginning on September 6 in 2450 North Quad. 252 Sophomore Seminar NS 3.00 ADVISORY 25352 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1123 SPH2 Flint Diagnosis of Human Diseases 32209 P RW LEC 002 MW 230-4PM 1123 SPH2 Flint 254 Sophomore Seminar ID 3.00 ADVISORY 25127 P RW SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 4152 USB Finn Much Depends on Dinner 27385 P RW SEM 002 TTH 830-10AM 2401 MH Gibelyou Predicting the Future 256 Twenty Two Ways 3.00 24971 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3463 MH Cornish, Sanok 22 Ways of Going Medieval 270 UC Special Topics 1.00-2.00 25046 PI W LEC 001 T 3-5PM 1413 COUZENS Walton Health-Career Observations For permission into this class please contact Kristin Schroeder at: zkristin. 27041 P RW LEC 003 T 6-8PM G127 AH Pollack College Affordability 30122 P RW LEC 004 TH 4-5PM 142 LORCH Ormsby Exploring Res in Latina/o Stds 30123 P RW LEC 005 M 4-5PM 2402 MLB Gillam Afroamerican & African Resrch 27195 P RW LEC 006 M 6-7PM 3242 LSA Finn User's Guide to Liberal Arts 27293 P RW LEC 007 T 1-3PM 2255 NQ Tobier Critical Issues in Education This class is scheduled for the second 7 week session of the term. It will start on October 29th. 275 UC GIEU 1.00 18085 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Corvidae 280 Undergrad Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY Meets ALTERNATE WEDNESDAYS beginning SEPT 7. 12564 PI REC 001 TH 4-530PM 1250 USB Gregerman 12565 PI REC 002 TH 4-530PM G115 AH Gregerman 285 Intercultural Study 1.00 25163 PI LEC 001 TH 5-7PM 1436 MH Corvidae 287 Integrative Intercul 1.00 ADVISORY 25164 PI LEC 001 TH 5-7PM 1436 MH Corvidae 299 Directed Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 180 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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S IND + ARR ARR Lead Small Org I 2.00 ADVISORY P DIS 001 TH 1-3PM 131 NH Doyle P DIS 002 W 1-3PM 131 NH Doyle S LAB 003 TH 330-530PM ARR Doyle Museums & Society 3.00 ENFORCED AR LEC 001 MW 4-5PM 1528 CCL Taylor P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 125 UMMA P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 125 UMMA P RW DIS 004 F 1-2PM 125 UMMA Concepts Leadership 3.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 200 NH Greenawalt P SEM 002 TH 11-1230PM 200 NH Greenawalt P SEM 002 TH 1-230PM ARR 20101 A LAB 004 TH 4-6PM 163 NH Greenawalt 20102 P SEM 005 TH 7-10PM 200 NH Greenawalt 320 IGR Facilitation 3.00 ADVISORY 20568 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 427 DENN Chesler, Dessel Admission by application. PSYCH 122/SOC 122/UC 122 strongly encouraged. 20569 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 430 DENN Dessel, Chesler Admission by application. PSYCH 122/SOC 122/UC 122 strongly encouraged. 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY An additional 15 hours of seminar TBA. Questions regarding this course should be directed to the Intergroup Relations Program, 936-1875, 3000 Michigan Union. 20570 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 514 DENN Corvidae 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 W 3-5PM ARR 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY 20571 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 413 DENN 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 002 W 3-5PM ARR 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 21908 PI LAB 002 M 2-5PM ARR Corvidae 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY P LAB 002 W 3-5PM ARR Contact Nitesh Singh at for room assignment. 325 IGR Directed Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 327 Advanced Practicum 1.00 27464 PI SEM 001 TH 4-530PM 4151 USB Callewaert, Holland Sustainability Scholars 370 UC Special Topics 3.00 29213 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1060 EH Finn Food Studies Research 390 Discipl Lang Study 1.00 ADVISORY 22680 PI REC 002 ARR ARR Spanish Language Section Must be concurently enrolled in either AMCULT 315-002 or HISTORY 377-002. 25784 PI REC 003 ARR ARR Silva Spanish Language Section Must be concurrently enrolled in HISTORY 347.004 / ANTHRCUL 346.004 399 Directed Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 401 Ldrshp & Mgt 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 20721 P R DIS 001 TH 1-3PM 212A NH Bryant This class has changed titles - it is now Leadership & Managment 29011 P R DIS 002 F 11-1PM 212A NH Bryant 20722 A R LAB 003 TH 330-530PM ARR Bryant 409 Museum Std Pract 3.00 ENFORCED SDR IND + ARR ARR 410 Amphib War 3.00 28416 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 221 NH Kerg 25140 S LAB 002 TH 330-530PM ARR Kerg 415 Research Methods NS 1.00 25015 PI LEC 001 M 530-7PM 1096 EH Huntington, Burns Jr, Smith, Forger, Blass Scholarly Integrity MATH 25288 P LEC 002 M 6-8PM 335 WH Savit Scholarly Integrity PHYSICS 25292 P W LEC 007 F 1-3PM 3333 MH Shafer Scholarly Integrity BIOLOGY 32666 P W LEC 009 T 4-6PM 3448 MH Maddock Scholarly Integrity BIOLOGY 427 Capstone Practicum 1.00 27465 PI SEM 001 M 430-6PM 1024 DANA Shriberg, Horning Sustainability Leadership 455 ICP Senior Seminar 3.00 24974 PI SEM 001 T 6-9PM 1469 MH Stewart 470 UC Special Topics 3.00 301 21131 19732 19733 304 22526 22527 22528 22750 309 20099 20100 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 181 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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22739 PI LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G168 AH Maxwell Soc Justice in the Real World This course is intended for advanced intergroup relations students. Previous IGR, Project Community or other social justice courses are recommended. 499 Directed Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY S IND + ARR ARR 500 Biomed Engr Sem 1.00 19751 P SEM 001 TH 12-130PM 1005 DOW Bruns

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Latin Amer & Carribean Studies

Latin American And Caribbean Studies (LACS)
399 Senior Thesis 11921 PI W SEM 001 421 Afdiaspora Religions 26992 P W LEC 001 F 446 Comparative Ling 25919 P LEC 001 MW 471 Elem Quechua I 11922 P W REC 001 MW 473 Interm Quechua I 11923 P W REC 001 MW 475 Adv Quechua I 11924 P W REC 001 TTH 490 LACS Mini-Course 30622 P LEC 001 MW Raza y nacion en Argentina 499 Independent Study SI IND + 601 Supervise Gr Std 21450 P SEM 001 655 Topics in Lat Am St 21860 PI SEM 001 W Gender, Sex, Health 25097 P SEM 002 TH Andean Indigenista ARR 11-2PM 10-1130AM 12-2PM 2-4PM 3-5PM 4-7PM ARR ARR 3-6PM 1-4PM ARR 2271 AH 3254 LSA 3301 MLB 3217 MLB 3319 MLB 2106 MLB 1.00-3.00 ARR 3.00 ARR ARR 4217 MLB 2.00-3.00 Padilla Sanjines ADVISORY 3.00 Ure?a 3.00 Johnson 3.00 ADVISORY Baptista 4.00 ADVISORY Castillo Collado 4.00 ADVISORY Castillo Collado 4.00 ADVISORY Castillo Collado 1.00 ADVISORY

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Department of Linguistics
Linguistics (LING)
102 First Year Sem Hum 19265 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM Language and Humor 32013 P RW SEM 002 MW 230-4PM Language and Gesture 103 First Yr Sem SS 29178 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM The Mathematics of Language 25912 P RW SEM 002 MW 4-530PM Decipherment 111 Intro to Language 11931 A LEC 001 MW 12-1PM 11932 P DIS 002 F 9-10AM 11934 P DIS 004 F 10-11AM 28285 P DIS 005 F 10-11AM 11935 P DIS 006 F 12-1PM 11936 P DIS 007 F 12-1PM 11937 P DIS 009 F 1-2PM 22433 P DIS 010 TH 1-2PM 22434 P DIS 011 TH 4-5PM 22435 P DIS 013 TH 5-6PM 31623 P DIS 014 W 3-4PM 31624 P DIS 015 W 4-5PM 209 Lang and Human Mind 21593 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 21594 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 21595 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM 21596 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 21597 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM 21598 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 21599 P W DIS 007 F 12-1PM 210 Intro Ling Analys 11927 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 11928 P R DIS 002 F 10-11AM 11929 P R DIS 003 F 11-12PM 11930 P R DIS 004 F 12-1PM 313 Sound Patterns 11939 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 315 Intro To Syntax 11940 P W LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 316 Aspects of Meaning 17509 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 340 Intro To Socioling 20820 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 362 Talking and Telling 27217 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 368 How Different is Chn 26200 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 374 Language&Culture 15580 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 15581 P R DIS 002 W 3-4PM 15582 P R DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 15583 P R DIS 004 F 11-12PM 375 Language and Media 28473 P W SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 385 Experiential Pract 22438 PD SEM 001 F 9-11AM 386 Comm Serv & Lang 18742 PI W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM Community Service and Language, Education and Culture 395 Individual Research I IND + ARR 408 Varieties English 28839 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 421 Morphology 29187 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 440 Lang Learnability 19886 PI W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 441 Computation Ling I 23322 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 446 Comparative Ling 25916 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 461 Lang, Cult in N Amer 29735 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 493 Undergrad Reading U of M Schedule of Classes Page 184 of 382 130 TAP 471 LORCH 1096 EH 1509 CCL AUD B AH 373 LORCH 130 DENN 1372 EH 269 DENN 1512 CCL 1096 EH 2225 SEB 373 LORCH 142 LORCH 2228 SEB 2228 SEB 1202 SEB 173 LORCH R0420 BUS 2024 DANA 2225 SEB 1509 CCL 130 DENN 269 DENN 2225 SEB 471 LORCH 471 LORCH G115 AH 3437 MH 1512 CCL 173 LORCH 1372 EH 1175 NQ 1544 CCL 414 DENN 210 WH 238A WH 1068 EH 471 LORCH 1096 EH ARR G144 AH 403 LORCH 471 LORCH 409 WH 3254 LSA 1185 NQ 3.00 Toon 3.00 Heath 3.00 McNulty 3.00 Abney 3.00 Baptista 3.00 Meek 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Heath Krivokapic 3.00 Abney Baxter 3.00 Keshet ADVISORY ADVISORY

Hettiarachchi Gamage Hettiarachchi Gamage 4.00 Epstein Nediger Nediger Nediger 4.00 Brennan

3.00 ADVISORY Duanmu 3.00 ADVISORY Epstein 3.00 ADVISORY Keshet 3.00 ADVISORY O'Shannessy 3.00 ADVISORY Keller-Cohen 3.00 Baxter 4.00 ADVISORY Lempert

3.00 ADVISORY Queen 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY McNulty 3.00 Bogart, Bailey 1.00-4.00

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I IND + Undergrad Reading I W IND + 495 Senior Honors Read I IND + 496 Senior Honors Read I IND + 497 Capstone Seminar 25915 P RW SEM 001 TTH Pidgin&Creole Languages 512 Phonetics 11945 PI W LEC 001 TTH 11946 A LAB 002 TH 515 Generative Syntax 11947 P W LEC 001 TTH 521 Morphology 31626 P W LEC 001 TTH 542 Int Sociol 25913 P LEC 001 TTH 740 Research in Ling 21911 PD SEM 001 MW 750 Res Writing Ling 24187 PD SEM 001 MW 780 Interdis Sem Ling 31070 P SEM 001 MW Cog&Int Approach Bilingualism 792 Linguistics Topics 27952 P SEM 001 TTH Pidgin and Creole Languages 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Sem G S I Training 25650 P SEM 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + 997 Spec Res I & II I W IND + 494

ARR ARR ARR ARR 230-4PM 10-1130AM 9-10AM 4-530PM 10-1130AM 4-530PM 830-10AM 830-10AM 4-530PM 230-4PM ARR ARR ARR ARR

ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 471 LORCH 473 LORCH 473 LORCH 403 LORCH 403 LORCH 471 LORCH 403 LORCH 403 LORCH 403 LORCH 471 LORCH ARR ARR ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00 Duanmu 8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED 3.00 Baptista ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

4.00 ADVISORY Beddor Beddor 3.00 ADVISORY Pires 3.00 ADVISORY Heath 3.00 ADVISORY Queen 3.00 Duanmu 3.00 ADVISORY Duanmu 3.00 O'Shannessy, Pires 3.00 Baptista 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Lloyd Hall Scholars Program

Lloyd Hall Scholars Program (LHSP)
125 College Writing 12282 P RW REC 001 TTH Writers Writing On Writing 12283 P RW REC 002 TTH Writing Detroit 12284 P RW REC 003 MW Best Imitation of Myself 12285 P RW REC 004 TTH Inventing the Wild 12286 P RW REC 005 TTH Writing Spaces 20949 P RW REC 006 MW What You See Is What You Get 21678 P RW REC 007 TTH Writing and Film 140 Arts & Humanities 12287 P RW REC 001 TTH From Kansas to Munchkin Land 228 What Is Writing? 32775 P R LEC 001 TH Zell Visiting Writers Series 230 Writing & Arts II 30032 P RW REC 001 M Publishing and Editing 299 Independent Study SI IND + 1130-1PM 930-11AM 4-530PM 330-5PM 1-230PM 230-4PM 1-230PM 6-8PM 3-6PM 6-9PM ARR ALH ALH ALH ALH ALH ALH ALH ARR 2449 MH ALH ARR 4.00 Cicciarelli Jones Hedges Karczynski Barron Hetzel Tell 3.00 Tucker 3.00 Levad 3.00 Weinstein 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY, ENFORCED 150.00

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Macromolecular Sci & Engr Ctr

Macromolecular Science (MACROMOL)
410 Biomaterials 19735 PDR LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 133 CHRYS For permission to register, contact Maria Steele at 412 Polymeric Materials 11950 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3150 DOW 530 Adv Function Poly 24520 P LEC 001 TTH 430-6PM 2166 DOW 690 IGERT Research Rotat SI IND + ARR ARR 790 Fac Actv Res Surv 18924 P SEM 004 ARR ARR 800 Macromolecular Sem 18925 P SEM 004 ARR ARR 890 Intro Res Technique SI IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand SI IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand SR IND + ARR ARR 3.00 ENFORCED Love, Zhou 3.00 Mehta 3.00 Kim 3.00 1.00 Laine 2.00 Laine 1.00-8.00 1.00-8.00 8.00 ENFORCED


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Mathematics Department
Mathematics (MATH)

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11956 PD LEC 172 MWF 10-12PM B860G EH Lee SECTION 172 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11957 PD LEC 173 MWF 10-12PM 3866 EH Khumbah SECTION 173 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11958 PD LEC 174 MWF 12-2PM 514 DENN Khumbah SECTION 174 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11959 PD LEC 175 MWF 1-3PM B860 EH Lee SECTION 175 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 21971 PD LEC 176 MWF 11-1PM 445 DENN Lee SECTION 176 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 24211 PD LEC 177 MWF 9-11AM 413 DENN Lee SECTION 177 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 27821 PD LEC 178 MWF 11-1PM 427 DENN McGee SECTION 178 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 27822 PD LEC 179 MWF 1-3PM 513 DENN McGee SECTION 179 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Please contact CSP directly for override requests.Evening exams for Math 105: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 8 and Mon, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 115 Calculus I 4.00 ADVISORY 11961 P LEC 001 MWF 830-10AM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11962 P LEC 002 MWF 830-10AM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11963 P LEC 003 M 830-10AM 641 DENN P LEC 003 TTH 830-10AM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11964 P LEC 004 TTH 830-10AM 618 DENN P LEC 004 M 830-10AM 655 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11965 P LEC 005 M 830-10AM 626 DENN P LEC 005 WTH 830-10AM 655 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11966 P LEC 006 M 830-10AM 613 DENN P LEC 006 WTH 830-10AM 641 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11967 P LEC 007 TF 830-10AM 655 DENN P LEC 007 TH 830-10AM 626 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11969 P LEC 009 TWF 830-10AM 613 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11970 P LEC 010 TWF 830-10AM 626 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11971 P R LEC 011 MWF 10-1130AM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11972 P LEC 012 MWF 10-1130AM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11973 P LEC 013 TTH 10-1130AM 637 DENN P LEC 013 M 10-1130AM 641 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11974 P LEC 014 M 10-1130AM 655 DENN P LEC 014 TTH 10-1130AM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11975 P LEC 015 M 10-1130AM 626 DENN P LEC 015 WTH 10-1130AM 655 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 11976 P LEC 016 M 10-1130AM 613 DENN P LEC 016 WTH 10-1130AM 641 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 189 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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P LEC 017 P LEC 017 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11978 P LEC 018 P LEC 018 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11979 P LEC 019 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11981 P LEC 021 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11982 P LEC 022 P LEC 022 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11983 P LEC 023 P LEC 023 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11984 P LEC 024 P LEC 024 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11985 P LEC 025 P LEC 025 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11986 P LEC 026 P LEC 026 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11987 P LEC 027 P LEC 027 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11988 P LEC 028 P LEC 028 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11989 P LEC 029 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11990 P LEC 030 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11991 P LEC 031 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11992 P LEC 032 P LEC 032 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11993 P LEC 033 P LEC 033 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11994 P LEC 034 P LEC 034 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11995 P LEC 035 P LEC 035 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11996 P LEC 036 P LEC 036 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11997 P LEC 037 P LEC 037 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. 11998 P LEC 038 P LEC 038 Evening exams for Math 115: with these exams. U of M Schedule of Classes


TF 10-1130AM 655 DENN TH 10-1130AM 626 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TF 10-1130AM 641 DENN TH 10-1130AM 613 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TWF 10-1130AM 613 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts MWF 1130-1PM 637 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts MW 1130-1PM 618 DENN F 1130-1PM 618 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1130-1PM 641 DENN TTH 1130-1PM 637 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1130-1PM 655 DENN TTH 1130-1PM 618 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1130-1PM 626 DENN WTH 1130-1PM 655 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1130-1PM 613 DENN WTH 1130-1PM 641 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TF 1130-1PM 655 DENN TH 1130-1PM 626 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TF 1130-1PM ARR TH 1130-1PM ARR 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TWF 1130-1PM 613 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TWF 1130-1PM ARR 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts MWF 1-230PM 637 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts MW 1-230PM 271 DENN F 1-230PM 618 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1-230PM 641 DENN TTH 1-230PM 637 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1-230PM 655 DENN TTH 1-230PM 618 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1-230PM 626 DENN WTH 1-230PM 655 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts M 1-230PM 613 DENN WTH 1-230PM 641 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TF 1-230PM 655 DENN TH 1-230PM 626 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts TF 1-230PM 641 DENN TH 1-230PM 613 DENN 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts

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11999 P LEC 039 TWF 1-230PM 613 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12000 P LEC 040 TWF 1-230PM 626 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12001 P LEC 041 MWF 230-4PM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12002 P LEC 042 MWF 230-4PM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12003 P LEC 043 M 230-4PM 641 DENN P LEC 043 TTH 230-4PM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12004 P LEC 044 M 230-4PM 655 DENN P LEC 044 TTH 230-4PM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12005 P LEC 045 M 230-4PM 626 DENN P LEC 045 WTH 230-4PM 655 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12006 P LEC 046 M 230-4PM 613 DENN P LEC 046 WTH 230-4PM 641 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12007 P LEC 047 TF 230-4PM 655 DENN P LEC 047 TH 230-4PM 626 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12008 P LEC 049 TWF 230-4PM ARR Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12009 P LEC 053 M 4-530PM 641 DENN P LEC 053 TTH 4-530PM 637 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12010 P LEC 054 M 4-530PM 655 DENN P LEC 054 TTH 4-530PM 618 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12011 P LEC 055 MW 4-530PM 618 DENN P LEC 055 TH 4-530PM ARR Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12012 P LEC 056 M 4-530PM 613 DENN P LEC 056 WTH 4-530PM 641 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12013 P LEC 062 MTH 6-8PM 613 DENN Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 19517 P LEC 065 TWF 1-230PM ARR Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 19518 P LEC 066 M 4-530PM ARR P LEC 066 TTH 4-530PM ARR Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12014 PD LEC 170 MWF 9-11AM 1096 EH SECTION 170 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY.Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12015 PD LEC 171 MWF 11-1PM 1096 EH Halpern SECTION 171 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 33732 PD LEC 172 MWF 11-1PM ARR SECTION 172 BY PERMISSION OF CSP ONLY. Evening exams for Math 115: 6-8pm on Tues, Oct 8, and Tues, Nov 12. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 116 Calculus II 4.00 ADVISORY 12016 P LEC 001 MWF 830-10AM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12017 P LEC 002 M 830-10AM 2436 MH P LEC 002 TTH 830-10AM 2437 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12018 P LEC 003 M 830-10AM 2437 MH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 191 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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P LEC 003 WTH 830-10AM 2436 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12019 P LEC 004 TTHF 8-930AM 1018 DOW North Campus Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12020 P LEC 005 TWF 830-10AM ARR Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12021 P LEC 006 MWF 10-1130AM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12022 P LEC 007 M 10-1130AM 2437 MH P LEC 007 TTH 10-1130AM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12023 P LEC 009 TTHF 930-11AM 1018 DOW North Campus Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12024 P LEC 010 TWF 10-1130AM 2437 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12025 P LEC 011 MWF 1130-1PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12026 P LEC 012 M 1130-1PM 2436 MH P LEC 012 TTH 1130-1PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12027 P LEC 013 M 1130-1PM 2437 MH P LEC 013 WTH 1130-1PM 2436 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12028 P LEC 014 TF 1130-1PM 2436 MH P LEC 014 TH 1130-1PM ARR Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12030 P LEC 016 MWF 1-230PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12031 P LEC 017 M 1-230PM 2436 MH P LEC 017 TTH 1-230PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12032 P LEC 018 TWF 830-10AM 3448 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12034 P LEC 021 MWF 230-4PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12035 P LEC 022 M 230-4PM 2436 MH P LEC 022 TTH 230-4PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12036 P LEC 023 M 230-4PM 2437 MH P LEC 023 WTH 230-4PM 2436 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12037 P LEC 024 TF 230-4PM 2436 MH P LEC 024 TH 230-4PM 2437 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12038 P LEC 027 M 4-530PM 2427 MH P LEC 027 TTH 4-530PM 2427 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12039 P LEC 028 M 4-530PM 2436 MH P LEC 028 WTH 4-530PM 2436 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12040 P LEC 031 MTH 6-8PM 2437 MH Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 17312 P LEC 036 MWF 1-230PM ARR Evening exams for Math 116: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 145 Houghton Calc Wkp I 2.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 192 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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19978 PD W LAB 001 MW 3-5PM 2011 MLB Conger 19979 PD W LAB 002 TTH 1-3PM 2011 MLB Conger 147 Interest Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 12043 P W LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 2229 SEB Permission off of the waitlist will be given in order of addition. 156 App Honors Calc II 4.00 ADVISORY Evening exams for Math 156: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12044 P LEC 001 MTWF 10-11AM 553 DENN Krasny 12045 P LEC 003 MTWF 11-12PM 553 DENN Krasny Evening exams for Math 156: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12046 P LEC 005 MTWF 1-2PM 553 DENN Dabkowski Evening exams for Math 156: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 18586 P LEC 006 MTWF 2-3PM 553 DENN Dabkowski Evening exams for Math 156: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 18888 P LEC 007 MTWF 12-1PM 553 DENN Evening exams for Math 156: 6-8pm on Wed, Oct 9 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 175 Intro to Cryptology 4.00 ADVISORY 18598 PDRW LEC 001 MTWTH 10-11AM 4096 EH 175 Intro to Cryptology 4.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 TH 10-11AM B745 EH This course is a First-Year Honors Seminar.Students not in LSA Honors may contact the Department for information about enrolling in this class-- 175 Intro to Cryptology 4.00 ADVISORY 21128 PDRW LEC 002 MTWTH 11-12PM 271 DENN Linowitz This course is a First-Year Honors Seminar.Students not in LSA Honors may contact the Department for information about enrolling in this class-- 185 Honors Calc I 4.00 ADVISORY 12047 PD W LEC 001 MTWF 1-2PM 414 DENN Registration in Math 185 is by Math department or Honors permission only. 29595 PD LEC 002 MTWF 1-2PM 427 DENN 214 Linear Alg&Diff Eq 4.00 ADVISORY 17313 P R LEC 001 MTWF 12-1PM E1405 BUS Miao Math 214 is reserved for IOE and CSE students only. If you would like an override into this course, please contact IOE or CSE directly. 17314 P R LEC 002 MTWF 2-3PM 130 DENN Miao Math 214 is reserved for IOE and CSE students only. If you would like an override into this course, please contact IOE or CSE directly. 26578 P R LEC 003 MTWF 2-3PM 455 DENN Aroskar Math 214 is reserved for IOE and CSE students only. If you would like an override into this course, please contact IOE or CSE directly. 30047 P R LEC 004 MTWF 1-2PM E1405 BUS Aroskar Math 214 is reserved for IOE and CSE students only. If you would like an override into this course, please contact IOE or CSE directly. 215 Calculus III 4.00 ADVISORY 12048 A LEC 010 MWF 8-9AM 296 DENN 12049 P LAB 011 T 8-9AM B743 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12050 P LAB 012 T 9-10AM B743 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12051 P LAB 013 T 1-2PM B743 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12052 P LAB 014 T 2-3PM B743 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 24053 A LEC 020 MWF 8-9AM 1528 CCL Brown 24054 P W LAB 021 T 8-9AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 24055 P W LAB 022 T 9-10AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 24056 P W LAB 023 T 12-1PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 24057 P W LAB 024 T 1-2PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12053 A LEC 030 MWF 9-10AM 1528 CCL Oh 12054 P W LAB 031 T 8-9AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 193 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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12055 P W LAB 032 T 9-10AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12056 P W LAB 033 T 1-2PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12057 P W LAB 034 T 2-3PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12058 A LEC 040 MWF 10-11AM 1528 CCL Oh 12059 P W LAB 041 TH 8-9AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12060 P W LAB 042 TH 9-10AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12061 P W LAB 043 TH 1-2PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12062 P W LAB 044 TH 2-3PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12063 A LEC 050 MWF 11-12PM 1528 CCL Ruan 12064 P W LAB 051 TH 10-11AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12065 P W LAB 052 TH 11-12PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12066 P W LAB 053 TH 3-4PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12067 P W LAB 054 TH 4-5PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12068 A LEC 060 MWF 12-1PM 1528 CCL Ruan 12069 P W LAB 061 T 10-11AM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12070 P W LAB 062 T 11-12PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12071 P W LAB 063 T 3-4PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12072 P W LAB 064 T 4-5PM B737 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12073 A LEC 070 MWF 1-2PM 1528 CCL Liechty 12074 P W LAB 071 TH 8-9AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12075 P W LAB 072 TH 9-10AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12076 P W LAB 073 TH 1-2PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12077 P W LAB 074 TH 2-3PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12078 A LEC 080 MWF 2-3PM 1640 CHEM Liechty 12079 P W LAB 081 TH 10-11AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12080 P W LAB 082 TH 11-12PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12081 P W LAB 083 TH 3-4PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12082 P W LAB 084 TH 4-5PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12083 A LEC 090 MWF 3-4PM 1640 CHEM Liu 12084 P W LAB 091 T 10-11AM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12085 P W LAB 092 T 11-12PM B735 EH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 194 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12086 P W LAB 093 T 3-4PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 12087 P W LAB 094 T 4-5PM B735 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR MATH 215: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 10 and Wed, Nov 13. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these exams. 216 Intro Diff Equat 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12088 A R LEC 010 MWF 9-10AM 296 DENN Stembridge 12089 P RW LAB 011 TH 8-9AM 524 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12090 P RW LAB 012 TH 9-10AM 3088 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12091 P RW LAB 013 TH 1-2PM 271 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12092 P RW LAB 014 TH 2-3PM E0530 BUS EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12093 A R LEC 020 MWF 10-11AM 296 DENN Stembridge 12094 P RW LAB 021 TH 10-11AM 501 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12095 P RW LAB 022 TH 11-12PM 2407 MH EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12096 P RW LAB 023 TH 3-4PM 455 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12097 P RW LAB 024 TH 4-5PM 455 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12098 A R LEC 030 MWF 11-12PM 296 DENN Al Hajj Shehadeh 12099 P RW LAB 031 T 8-9AM 271 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12100 P RW LAB 032 T 9-10AM 553 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12101 P RW LAB 033 T 1-2PM 455 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12102 P RW LAB 034 T 2-3PM 513 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B737 East Hall 12103 A R LEC 040 MWF 12-1PM 296 DENN Al Hajj Shehadeh 12104 P RW LAB 041 T 2-3PM 1372 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B735 East Hall 12105 P RW LAB 042 T 3-4PM 4088 EH EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12106 P RW LAB 043 T 6-7PM 430 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12107 P RW LAB 044 T 7-8PM 271 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12108 A R LEC 050 MWF 1-2PM 296 DENN Bloch, Stembridge 12109 P RW LAB 051 TH 2-3PM E1540 BUS EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12110 P RW LAB 052 TH 3-4PM 501 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12111 P RW LAB 053 TH 9-10AM 539 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12112 P RW LAB 054 TH 8-9AM 430 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B745 East Hall 12113 A R LEC 060 MWF 2-3PM 296 DENN 12114 P RW LAB 061 T 10-11AM 3427 MH EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12115 P RW LAB 062 T 11-12PM 1650 CHEM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 195 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12116 P RW LAB 063 T 3-4PM 613 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 12117 P RW LAB 064 T 4-5PM 613 DENN EVENING EXAMS FOR ALL SECTIONS OF MATH 216: 6-8pm on Mon, Oct 7 and Mon, Nov 11. Avoid scheduling any class that conflicts with these evening exams. Computer lab room: B743 East Hall 217 Linear Algebra 4.00 ADVISORY 12118 P W LEC 001 MTWF 9-10AM 501 DENN Blass Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 12119 P W LEC 002 MTWF 10-11AM 501 DENN Shipman Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 12120 P W LEC 003 MTWF 11-12PM 501 DENN Uribe-Ahumada Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 17548 P W LEC 004 MTWF 12-1PM 501 DENN Reich Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 18889 P W LEC 005 MTWF 1-2PM 501 DENN Duncan Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 25399 P W LEC 006 MTWF 2-3PM 501 DENN Duncan Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 27473 P W LEC 007 MTWF 8-9AM 501 DENN Evening exams for Math 217: 6-8pm on Thurs, Oct 17 and Thurs, Nov 14. 256 App Honors Calc IV 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 27126 P RW LEC 001 MTWF 12-1PM 539 DENN Nguyen For permission, please add your name to the wait-list. Preference is given to students who have taken Math 255. 27127 P R LEC 002 MWF 12-1PM ARR PR LEC 002 T 12-1PM ARR For permission, please add your name to the wait-list. Preference is given to students who have taken Math 255. 285 Honors Calc III 4.00 ADVISORY 18599 P W LEC 001 MTWF 1-2PM 430 DENN Clark Please add your name to the waitlist if you're interested in this section. Enrollment priority is given to students who have taken Math 186 or Math 176. 12121 P W LEC 002 MTWF 11-12PM 539 DENN Clark Please add your name to the waitlist if you're interested in this section. Enrollment priority is given to students who have taken Math 186 or Math 176. 12122 P W LEC 003 MTWF 12-1PM 430 DENN Sher Please add your name to the waitlist if you're interested in this section. Enrollment priority is given to students who have taken Math 186 or Math 176. 295 Honors Math I 4.00 ADVISORY 12123 PD LEC 001 MTWF 1-2PM 1372 EH Uribe-Ahumada Registration in Math 295 is by Math department or Honors permission only. 312 Appl Mod Algebra 3.00 ADVISORY 19923 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2502 CCL Megginson Please add your name to the wait list. 316 Differential Equatn 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12124 P RW LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 4088 EH Grundmeier 24126 P RW LEC 002 MWF 2-3PM 4088 EH Grundmeier 333 Directed Tutoring 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 12125 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR 351 Princ of Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 21468 PD W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 4088 EH Hagen Please add your name to the wait list AND contact the instructor for permission. Math 351 primarily consists of sophomore and junior students of mathematics from LSA and SOE. 371 Num Meth Engr 3.00 ADVISORY 12126 P W LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 2166 DOW Strauss 17494 P W LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 3427 EECS Strauss 385 Elem Sch Teach 3.00 ADVISORY 12127 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1068 EH Visscher 12128 P RW LEC 002 MW 230-4PM 1068 EH White 395 Honors Analysis I 4.00 ADVISORY 12129 PD W LEC 001 MTWF 1-2PM 3866 EH Barrett Students with the prereq (296) should add to the waitlist in order to receive an override. Other students please visit the office-- 2084 East Hall. 399 Independent Reading 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 404 Interm Diff Eqns 3.00 ADVISORY 12131 P W LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 335 WH Doering IF YOU ARE A MATH CONCENTRATOR YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR MATH 404 NOT PHYS 413 or CMPLXSYS 541 TO RECEIVE CREDIT 412 Intro Mod Algebra 3.00 ADVISORY 12132 P W LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 3088 EH Winter 12133 P W LEC 002 MWF 11-12PM 4088 EH Winter 417 Matrix Algebra I 3.00 ADVISORY 12134 P W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 1084 EH Kriz 12135 P W LEC 002 MWF 9-10AM 414 DENN Griess Jr 12136 P W LEC 003 MWF 12-1PM 524 DENN Scott 12137 P W LEC 004 MWF 1-2PM 539 DENN Speyer 419 Lin Sp Matrx Thy 3.00 ADVISORY 12138 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1024 FXB Karni U of M Schedule of Classes Page 196 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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12139 P W LEC 002 TTH 12-130PM 133 CHRYS Karni 420 Adv Linear Algebra 3.00 ADVISORY 29387 P LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 445 DENN Griess Jr 423 Math of Finance 3.00 ADVISORY 21454 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 120 DENN Natarajan Permission to register will be given through the waitlist. Preference will be given to Actuarial and Financial Math majors. 21455 P W LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 4088 EH Hinesman Permission to register will be given through the waitlist. Preference will be given to Actuarial and Financial Math majors. 21905 P W LEC 003 TTH 1130-1PM 1084 EH Hinesman Permission to register will be given through the waitlist. Preference will be given to Actuarial and Financial Math majors. 424 Cmp Int&Life Ins 3.00 ADVISORY 19510 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1046 DANA Young Actuarial majors who are waitlisted will be given preference to register. 17519 P W LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 120 DENN Natarajan Actuarial majors who are waitlisted will be given preference to register. 425 Intro Probabil 3.00 ADVISORY 12140 P LEC 001 MWF 8-9AM 1360 EH Burns Jr 12141 P LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM ARR 12142 P W LEC 003 MWF 9-10AM 430 DENN Plan 12143 P W LEC 004 MW 4-530PM 120 DENN Hosman 12144 P W LEC 005 MWF 1-2PM 130 DENN Satriano 12145 P W LEC 006 MWF 11-12PM 1068 EH Satriano 17287 P W LEC 007 TTH 10-1130AM 513 DENN Tewari 18209 P W LEC 008 TTH 230-4PM 296 DENN Tewari 20113 P W LEC 009 MWF 12-1PM 1068 EH Larose Section 009 will only run with an enrollment of 25 or higher. 427 Retre Plans 3.00 ADVISORY 26524 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3088 EH Hinesman 429 Internship 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR Course restricted to Math concentrators. 431 Geom-Teachers 3.00 ADVISORY 12146 P RW LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 2866 EH 17288 P R LEC 002 MWF 2-3PM E1405 BUS 437 Intro Diff Manifold 3.00 ADVISORY 29386 P LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 1505 CCL Ji 450 Adv Math Engrs I 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12147 P R LEC 001 TTH 830-1030AM 1017 DOW Smereka 451 Adv Calculus I 3.00 ADVISORY 12149 P LEC 002 MWF 11-12PM 3088 EH Fiorilli Please add your name to the wait list. 17634 P LEC 003 MWF 10-11AM 3088 EH Barrett Please add your name to the wait list. 23495 P LEC 004 MWF 1-2PM 413 DENN Fiorilli Please add your name to the wait list. 454 Bndry Val Prob-Pde 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12150 P R LEC 001 TTH 12-130PM 107 GFL Megginson 17289 P R LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 524 DENN Veerapaneni 463 Math Model Biol 3.00 ADVISORY 15533 P W LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 4088 EH Forger 19467 P W LEC 002 MWF 1-2PM 3088 EH Jackson 465 Intro Combinatorics 3.00 ADVISORY 24805 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM B844 EH Fomin Wait list preference given to Math and Computer Science Majors. 466 Mathematical Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY 28914 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1518 CCL King 471 Intr Num Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 15534 P W LEC 001 TTH 8-930AM 1123 LBME Bosler 15535 P W LEC 002 MWF 8-9AM 4088 EH Machida 472 Num Meth Fin Appl 3.00 ADVISORY 20069 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1060 EH Permission will be given through the waitlist and preference will be given to Financial Math majors. 24806 P W LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 1060 EH Permission will be given through the waitlist and preference will be given to Financial Math majors. 475 Number Theory I 3.00 ADVISORY 19191 P W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 539 DENN Derksen Anyone interested in taking Math 476 concurrently with Math 475 should e-mail for an override into Math 476. 476 Comp Lab No Thy 1.00 ADVISORY 25710 PD LEC 001 W 5-6PM B743 EH Derksen Registration is available to students enrolled in Math 475 this term. 481 Intro Math Logic 3.00 ADVISORY 12151 P W LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 2866 EH Schneider 490 Intro to Topology 3.00 ADVISORY 23258 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 4096 EH Canary Please add your name to the wait list AND contact the instructor for permission. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 197 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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493 Honors Algebra I 3.00 ADVISORY 23496 P W LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM 2866 EH Prasanna Students with the prereq (395) should add to the wait list in order to receive an override. Other students please visit the office-- 2084 East Hall. 497 Topics Elem Math 3.00 ADVISORY 12152 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 4151 USB Schneider 498 Topics Mod Math 3.00 ADVISORY 26525 P LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 3096 EH Bass 499 Independent Reading 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 501 AIM Student Sem 1.00 ADVISORY 12154 P SEM 001 F 12-1PM 4088 EH Vershynin 506 Analysis for Finance 3.00 ADVISORY 20818 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2336 MH Jonsson This course is for Financial Engineering students only. 20819 P RW LEC 002 TTH 830-10AM 2336 MH Jonsson This course is for Financial Engineering students only. 520 Life Contin I 3.00 ENFORCED 12155 PDRW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 4151 USB Marker Enrollment by waitlist only. limited to declared Actuarial/Financial Math majors who have completed prerequisites (Math 424 and 425). If you are taking 424 and/or 425 in Spring/Summer, please add your name to the wait list once you've completed the course. We will review the wait list again at the end of the summer. 19511 PDRW LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 4151 USB Marker Enrollment by waitlist only. limited to declared Actuarial/Financial Math majors who have completed prerequisites (Math 424 and 425). If you are taking 424 and/or 425 in Spring/Summer, please add your name to the wait list once you've completed the course. We will review the wait list again at the end of the summer. 523 Risk Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 23260 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1028 DANA Young ENROLLMENT WILL ONLY BE GRANTED FROM THE WAITLIST AND LIMITED TO DECLARED ACTUARIAL MATH MAJORS. 23261 P LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM ARR ENROLLMENT WILL ONLY BE GRANTED FROM THE WAITLIST AND LIMITED TO DECLARED ACTUARIAL MATH MAJORS. 525 Probability 3.00 ADVISORY 12156 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2866 EH Barvinok Waitlist preference will be given to Financial Math and AIM students. The wait list will be reviewed after the end of the Winter term. 21456 P W LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 4088 EH Barvinok Waitlist preference will be given to Financial Math and AIM students. The wait list will be reviewed after the end of the Winter term. 24128 P W LEC 003 TTH 830-10AM 4088 EH Yu Waitlist preference will be given to Financial Math and AIM students. The wait list will be reviewed after the end of the Winter term. 526 Disc Stoc Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 20608 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1084 EH Nadtochiy Wait list priority given to actuarial/financial, then math concentrators 27386 P LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM ARR Wait list priority given to actuarial/financial, then math concentrators 543 Financial Engin II 3.00 ENFORCED 18118 P R LEC 001 MW 5-630PM 1500 EECS Saigal 550 Int Adpt Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 22564 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 110 DENN Simon 555 Complex Variables 3.00 ADVISORY 12157 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1068 EH Rauch 556 Appl Fn Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 12158 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3088 EH Gilbert 558 Ord Diff Eqns 3.00 ADVISORY 19192 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3088 EH Rauch 559 Topics Applied Math 3.00 ADVISORY 26997 P LEC 002 ARR ARR 561 Linear Pro I 3.00 ADVISORY 12159 P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1010 DOW 565 Comb & Graph Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 12160 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3088 EH Speyer 571 Num Lin Algebra 3.00 ADVISORY 12161 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 4096 EH Veerapaneni 575 Theory of Nos I 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 24809 P W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 414 DENN Lagarias 591 Gen&Diff Topology 3.00 ADVISORY 12162 P RW LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 4088 EH Scott 593 Algebra I 3.00 ADVISORY 12163 P R LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2866 EH Derksen 596 Analysis I 3.00 ADVISORY 12164 P RW LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 4096 EH Burns Jr 602 Real Analysis II 3.00 ADVISORY 17286 P LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2225 SEB Wu 612 Algebra II 3.00 ADVISORY 29326 P LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 4096 EH Prasad 614 Commuta Algebra 3.00 ADVISORY 26527 P W LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM 1372 EH Hochster 623 Computationl Finance 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 198 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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17962 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 110 DENN Preference given to Financial Engineering students for permissions off of waitlist. 21460 P W LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 445 DENN Preference given to Financial Engineering students for permissions off of waitlist. 625 Pro&Ran Pro I 20610 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3163 USB Permissions given off of waitlist in order of addition. 627 Appl Stoc Proc 26476 P LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 4318 SPH2 631 Algebraic Geom I 12165 P LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 4096 EH 636 Topics Diff Geom 24810 P LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 3096 EH Lie Groups 651 Topics Appl Math I 29300 P LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 412 WH 656 Int Part Diff Equat 19924 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3866 EH 665 Combinator Thry I I 21462 P LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 3096 EH 671 Numerical Meth I 26539 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3088 EH Scientific Computing 675 Analytic Theo Nos 29292 P LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM 3088 EH 679 Elliptic Curves 29290 P LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2866 EH 697 Topics in Topology 18575 P LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 1084 EH Floer Theories 700 Dir Read-Research SI IND + ARR ARR 711 Adv Algebra 24811 P LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 4096 EH Local Langlands Correspondence 731 Topics Alg Geom I 12167 P LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2866 EH Degeneracy Loci 821 Actuarial Math 24812 P SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2866 EH 26669 P SEM 002 W 4-7PM 3096 EH 990 Diss-Precand SD IND + ARR ARR 993 G S I Training 12169 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand SDR IND + ARR ARR

3.00 Bayraktar 3.00 Wen 3.00 Smith 3.00 Spatzier 3.00 3.00 Smoller 3.00 Lam 3.00 Viswanath 3.00 3.00 3.00 Kriz 1.00-3.00 3.00 DeBacker 3.00 Mustata 1.00 1.00-8.00 1.00 Rhea 8.00



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Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Medieval and Early Modern Studies (MEMS)
210 Early Med Europe 4.00 15585 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM G127 AH Squatriti 15586 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 553 DENN Blan 29448 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM 2816 SSWB Curtis 19451 P W DIS 005 TH 3-4PM 506 BMT Curtis 19452 P W DIS 006 T 3-4PM 3448 MH Blan, Squatriti 250 Ital Renaissance Art 4.00 25944 S LEC 001 MW 230-4PM UMMA AUD Holmes 25986 P W DIS 002 TH 10-11AM 49 UMMA 25987 P W DIS 003 TH 11-12PM 49 UMMA 25988 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 49 UMMA 25989 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM 180 TAP 25990 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 180 TAP 28774 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 180 TAP 261 ID Middle Ages Topic 3.00 29977 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3463 MH Cornish, Sanok 22 Ways of Going Medieval 350 Lit in Engl-1660 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 15503 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM UMMA AUD Trevor 15504 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 1460 MH Farrar-Wellman 15505 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM G232 AH Farrar-Wellman 15506 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1448 MH Jacobson 15507 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 5179 AH Jacobson 360 Med&Early Mod Topics 3.00 25360 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM ARR Hawes Writing Engl Revl:Rhetor&Reg 32283 P W REC 005 MW 230-4PM G144 AH Mallette The Renaissance 367 Shakespeare I 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 15496 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1300 CHEM Mullaney 21542 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 1448 MH Huffman 15497 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM G168 AH Sirota 15498 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM G168 AH Huffman 16258 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 3448 MH Sirota 375 Celtic&Nordic Myth 3.00 18583 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1230 USB Gull 490 Directed Readings 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 890 Dir Research Study 2.00-3.00 D IND + ARR ARR 891 Dir Research Study 2.00-3.00 D IND + ARR ARR


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Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies

Middle Eastern And North African Studies (MENAS)
244 22488 22491 22494 22497 22500 22503 22506 22757 22761 24092 24096 24100 24104 24217 24221 24969 25538 26034 29258 398 The Arab-Jewish Conf 4.00 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM AUD 3 MLB Lieberman P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3333 MH P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1448 MH P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2455 MH P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM G232 AH P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 3333 MH P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 2024 TISCH P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2163 AH P W DIS 009 W 10-11AM B113 MLB P W DIS 010 W 11-12PM 2449 MH P W DIS 011 W 11-12PM 3460 MH P W DIS 012 W 2-3PM B134 MLB P W DIS 013 W 3-4PM 2333 MH P W DIS 014 W 4-5PM 2866 EH P W DIS 015 W 4-5PM 1401 MH P W DIS 016 TH 3-4PM B103 MLB P W DIS 017 TH 10-11AM G026 TISCH P W DIS 018 TH 11-12PM 5179 AH P W DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 2520 CCL MENAS Internship 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 493 ME Comp Perspectives 1.00 30476 P W LEC 001 M 12-2PM ARR Gocek Contested Spaces in ME and NA This class will meet on the following dates: Sept 9 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 30 Oct 7 Oct 14 Oct 21 Instructor will contact registered students with location of class. 495 Sr Honors Thesis 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 496 Sr Honors Thesis 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 520 Mideast Bibliog Res 1.00 12179 P LEC 001 M 12-1PM ARR Rodgers 591 Interdis M E Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 17215 PD SEM 001 W 10-1PM 2310 SEB Stanzler Arab-Israel Conflict This class is held in the Prechter Lab at the School of Education. Email for permission to register. 18268 PD SEM 002 M 9-12PM 2346 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Place Out of Time This class is held in the Prechter Lab at the School of Education. Email for permission to register. 23770 PI SEM 003 W 2-5PM 2310 SEB Stanzler, Fahy Turkish Odyssey 595 Directed Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY SI IND + ARR ARR 695 Stdy Near E 3.00 ADVISORY 29949 P SEM 002 T 2-5PM 1303 MH Cole Mod Mid E: Roots of Crisis 698 MENAS Masters Thesis 3.00 ADVISORY S IND + ARR ARR

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Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology (MCDB)
300 Undergrad Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 302 Teach Exper Undergr 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 306 Genetics Laboratory 3.00 ADVISORY 80.00 LECTURE AND LABS BEGIN ON MONDAY, SEPT. 9. PLACES MUST BE CLAIMED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST LAB MEETING. THREE EXTRA HOURS PER WEEK WILL BE REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE SCHEDULED LABS. 11035 A LEC 001 M 1-2PM 1640 CHEM Jeyabalan 11036 P W LAB 002 M 2-5PM 3131 USB Westerhuis 11037 P W LAB 003 M 2-5PM 3143 USB Dasgupta 11038 P LAB 004 M 2-5PM 3123 USB 11039 P W LAB 005 T 1-4PM 3131 USB Song 20976 P W LAB 006 T 1-4PM 3143 USB Vincent 20977 P LAB 007 T 1-4PM ARR 310 Intro Biochemistry 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21663 A R LEC 001 MW 4-530PM AUD NS Balazovich, Jakob 21705 P RW DIS 002 TH 4-530PM 2009RUTHVEN 21706 P RW DIS 003 TH 4-530PM 1650 CHEM 21707 P RW DIS 004 TH 4-530PM 4153 USB 21708 P R DIS 005 TH 4-530PM ARR 21709 P R DIS 006 TH 4-530PM ARR Balazovich 21710 P R DIS 007 TH 4-530PM ARR 21711 P RW DIS 008 F 10-1130AM 2009RUTHVEN 21712 P RW DIS 009 F 10-1130AM 4153 USB 21713 P RW DIS 010 F 10-1130AM 4151 USB 21714 P R DIS 011 F 10-1130AM ARR 21715 P R DIS 012 F 10-1130AM ARR 21716 P R DIS 013 F 10-1130AM ARR 21807 P RW DIS 014 F 1-230PM 4151 USB 21808 P RW DIS 015 F 1-230PM 1509 CCL 21809 P RW DIS 016 F 1-230PM 1507 CCL 21810 P R DIS 017 F 1-230PM ARR 21811 P R DIS 018 F 1-230PM ARR 21812 P R DIS 019 F 1-230PM ARR 351 Synapses 4.00 ENFORCED 26552 S R LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM AUD B AH Hume, Akaaboune 26795 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3254 LSA 26796 P RW DIS 003 F 12-1PM 4151 USB 26797 P RW DIS 004 F 2-3PM 3230 USB 26798 P RW DIS 005 F 10-11AM G127 AH 28847 P RW DIS 006 F 12-1PM 2502 CCL 28848 P RW DIS 007 F 2-3PM 2520 CCL 397 Writing in Biology 3.00 ADVISORY 28820 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 427 DENN Olsen 400 Advanced Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR 401 Advanced Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 28933 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1250 USB Aton Brain States & Behav 412 Teaching Biology 3.00 24435 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Chapman, Csankovszki 24436 PI REC 002 ARR ARR Ammerlaan 32110 PI REC 003 ARR ARR Ammerlaan 418 Endocrinology 3.00 ADVISORY 22361 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM AUD 4 MLB Denver 419 Endocrinology Lab 3.00 ADVISORY 150.00 LABS BEGIN ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 10. 17333 P W LAB 001 T 10-2PM 3151 USB Pavgi 419 Endocrinology Lab 3.00 ADVISORY 150.00 P W LAB 001 W 10-12PM 3151 USB 423 Neurobiology Lab 3.00 ADVISORY 150.00 11048 P W LAB 001 MW 12-4PM 4118 USB Punthambaker 19423 P W LAB 002 TTH 12-4PM 4118 USB Punthambaker 427 Molecular Biology 4.00 ENFORCED 11049 A R LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1210 CHEM Schiefelbein, Pichersky 11050 P RW DIS 002 W 230-4PM 626 DENN 17347 P RW DIS 003 W 230-4PM 1518 CCL 23626 P R DIS 004 W 230-4PM ARR 11051 P RW DIS 005 W 4-530PM 2009RUTHVEN 11052 P R DIS 006 W 4-530PM ARR 11053 P RW DIS 007 TH 230-4PM 3463 MH 17348 P RW DIS 008 TH 230-4PM 613 DENN 20937 P RW DIS 009 TH 4-530PM 1512 CCL 20938 P R DIS 010 TH 4-530PM ARR 430 Molec Bio of Plants 3.00 ENFORCED U of M Schedule of Classes Page 202 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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25061 435 28709 436 22360 462 28713 471 27206 489 28714 610 17293 610

P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1033 DENT Nielsen, Clark Intracell Traffic 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1250 USB Chang Intro Immunology 3.00 ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1210 CHEM Balazovich Epigenetics 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2336 MH Wierzbicki Methods in Biochem 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 WF 1130-1PM 1265 NQ Walter Genes & Genomes 3.00 ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1024 DANA Simmons Principles Neuro I 4.00 ADVISORY PD SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM 2234 USB Seidler Principles Neuro I 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 F 10-12PM 4152 USB 611 Excitable Membranes 1.00 ADVISORY MEETS SEPT 3 - 26. 17294 PI SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM ARR Sutton, Stuenkel, Becker 611 Excitable Membranes 1.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 F 10-12PM ARR 613 Cen Nerv Sys Dev 1.00 ADVISORY MEETS NOV 11 - DEC 10. 17295 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR 614 Model Organisms 3.00 ADVISORY 20132 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3265 USB Raymond 623 Molecular Neuro Lab 3.00 ADVISORY 21833 PI LAB 001 MTWTHF 7-8AM ARR Murphy Preterm Course. Meets Aug 13 - 24. 632 Exp Genetics Systems 1.00 ADVISORY 17599 P LEC 001 M 1-2PM 4917 BUHL Antonellis This lecture is for Genetics Training Program current and past trainees. Class meets every other Monday. 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 24005 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 683 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27260 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio 700 Advanced Studies 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 800 Biology Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 17342 P W SEM 001 F 12-130PM ARR Kumar DEPARTMENTAL SEMINAR 30379 P W SEM 002 ARR ARR Wang Topics in Cell&Molec Biol 801 Supervised Teaching 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Near Eastern Studies Department

Arabic,Armenian,Persian,Turkish & Islamic Studies (AAPTIS)
100 Peoples-Mid E 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. DIS SECTIONS WILL NOT MEET BEFORE THE FIRST LEC. 10913 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD A AH Bonner, Michalowski Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10914 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2114 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10915 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B124 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10916 P W DIS 004 TH 9-10AM 1436 MH Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17364 P W DIS 005 F 9-10AM 3230 USB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17530 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM E0530 BUS Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17533 P W DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2062 PALM Issues in Race & Ethnicity 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 10917 P W REC 001 TTH 8-10AM 2135 NQ Linthicum 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 001 F 10-11AM 3347 MH 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 10919 P W REC 003 TTH 10-12PM B312A DENT Hassouneh 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 003 F 10-11AM 2175 NQ 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 10920 P W REC 004 TTH 11-1PM 3242 LSA Alsayegh 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 004 F 11-12PM 4128 LSA 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 18921 P W REC 005 TTH 11-1PM B116 MLB Reading 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 005 F 11-12PM 2175 NQ 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 21262 P W REC 006 TTH 3-5PM 2412 MLB 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 006 F 3-4PM 1155 NQ 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 23022 P W REC 008 TTH 4-6PM B113 MLB Belnap 101 Ele Mod Stn Arab I 5.00 P W REC 008 F 4-5PM 1155 NQ 119 Int CentAsian Lang I 4.00 30048 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2106 MLB Hagen Elementary Uzbek I 30049 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2110 MLB Hagen Introductory Pashto I 141 Elem Persian I 4.00 10921 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM 2104 MLB Aghaei 151 Elem Turkish I 4.00 10922 P W REC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM 4000 STB Sevinc 171 West Armen I 4.00 29645 P W REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3312 MLB Bardakjian 200 World Rel:Near East 4.00 STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. 10923 A LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM AUD C AH Muehlberger 10924 P RW DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2449 MH 26728 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3451 MH 10925 P W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1401 MH 33105 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM G127 AH 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10926 P RW REC 001 MW 8-10AM 1460 MH Huntley 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW REC 001 F 8-9AM 1155 NQ 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19443 P RW REC 002 MW 9-11AM 2336 MH Beebani 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW REC 002 F 9-10AM 1185 NQ 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19455 P RW REC 003 MW 10-12PM 2407 MH 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW REC 003 F 10-11AM 2271 AH 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19746 P RW REC 004 MW 2-4PM 1448 MH Beebani 201 Int Mod Stan Arabic 5.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW REC 004 F 2-3PM 2135 NQ U of M Schedule of Classes Page 204 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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210 Intro Arab-Amer Std 4.00 23663 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1449 MH Stiffler 23664 P W DIS 002 TH 12-1PM 2437 MH Avivi 23665 P W DIS 003 TH 1-2PM G144 AH Avivi 24943 P W DIS 004 F 1-2PM 2436 MH Avivi 241 Intermed Persian I 4.00 10927 P W REC 001 MTWTH 10-11AM 2104 MLB Aghaei 244 The Arab-Jewish Conf 4.00 22486 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM AUD 3 MLB Lieberman 22489 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3333 MH 22492 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1448 MH 22495 P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2455 MH 22498 P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM G232 AH 22501 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 3333 MH 22504 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 2024 TISCH 22755 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2163 AH 22759 P W DIS 009 W 10-11AM B113 MLB 24090 P W DIS 010 W 11-12PM 2449 MH 24094 P W DIS 011 W 11-12PM 3460 MH 24098 P W DIS 012 W 2-3PM B134 MLB 24102 P W DIS 013 W 3-4PM 2333 MH 24215 P W DIS 014 W 4-5PM 2866 EH 24219 P W DIS 015 W 4-5PM 1401 MH 24967 P W DIS 016 TH 3-4PM B103 MLB 25536 P W DIS 017 TH 10-11AM G026 TISCH 26032 P W DIS 018 TH 11-12PM 5179 AH 29256 P W DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 2520 CCL 251 Intermed Turkish I 4.00 10928 P W REC 001 MTWTH 10-11AM 4000 STB Sevinc 274 Arm Cult&Ethn 3.00 23512 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1300 CHEM Bardakjian 285 Visual Culture Islam 4.00 24593 S LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM UMMA AUD Gruber 24594 P W DIS 002 TH 10-11AM 130 TAP 24595 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 130 TAP 291 Topics AAPTIS 3.00 24926 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 4151 USB Cipa History of the Turkish Repub 26510 P W LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM ARR Cipa The Ottoman 'Classical Age' 363 Qur'an&Its Interpret 3.00 27191 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3451 MH Knysh 365 Proph Muhammad Islam 3.00 29480 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3437 MH Hagen 381 Arab Lit in Trans 3.00 10929 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 553 DENN Legassick 383 Arab-Israeli Confl 3.00 21510 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 3356 MH Bardenstein 395 Dir Ug Readings 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 403 Adv Mod Stn Arab I 4.00 10930 P RW REC 001 TTH 9-11AM G311 DENT Bardenstein 20985 P RW REC 002 TTH 1-3PM 2104 MLB Saidi 434 Arab Hist Dialect 3.00 29476 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1437 MH Alhawary 459 Ottoman Turk Culture 3.00 29481 P W LEC 001 F 9-12PM 2011 MLB Hagen 486 Topics Arabic Lit 3.00 25161 P W LEC 001 T 6-9PM 3000 STB Shammas The Arab Nahdah 487 Mod Mid East History 4.00 29441 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G127 AH Tanielian Young Turk Revol-Twitter Devol 29442 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2347 MH Null 29443 P W DIS 003 W 1-2PM B135 MLB Null 29444 P W DIS 004 W 3-4PM 1427 MH Null 491 Topics AAPTIS 3.00 18734 P W SEM 001 M 11-2PM 2108 MLB Alsayegh Modern Arabic Poetry in Arabic 31175 P W SEM 002 MW 230-4PM ARR Saparov Caucasus between Empires 493 ME Comp Perspectives 1.00 30478 P W LEC 001 M 12-2PM ARR Gocek Contested Spaces in ME and NA This class will meet on the following dates: Sept 9 Sept 16 Sept 23 Sept 30 Oct 7 Oct 14 Oct 21 Instructor will contact registered students with location of class. 498 Sr Honors Thesis 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 504 Adv Arabic Media I 4.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 205 of 382





ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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29483 P W REC 001 MW 519 Intro CentAsian Lang 30050 P W REC 001 MTWTHF Elementary Uzbek I 30051 P W REC 002 MTWTHF Introductory Pashto I 534 Arabic Ling&Dialect 29477 P RW LEC 001 TTH 545 Mod Persian Non-Fic 21244 P W LEC 001 MW 553 Mod Turkish Readings 18388 P W SEM 001 563 Mod Arabic Non-Fict 10932 P W REC 001 567 Class Islamic Texts 21512 P W LEC 001 MWF Islamic Theol, Phil&Mysticism 591 Topics AAPTIS 21779 P W LEC 001 TH Seminar in Historical Methods 29478 P W LEC 002 T Society&Cult in Early Mod Iran 592 Seminar in AAPTIS 29604 P W LEC 001 T Arabic Second Lang Acquis Res 793 Stdy Near E 29973 P SEM 002 T 798 Dir Grad Readings I IND + 837 Arab Teaching Method 29484 P W SEM 001 W 990 Diss Pre-Cand I IND + 993 Grad G S I Workshop 10935 PI REC 001 995 Dissertation Res R IND +

2-4PM 10-11AM 10-11AM 1-230PM 230-4PM ARR ARR 10-1130AM 10-1PM 10-1PM 3-6PM 2-5PM ARR 11-2PM ARR ARR ARR

B118 MLB 2106 MLB 2110 MLB 1437 MH 4309 MLB ARR ARR 3000 STB 210 TAP G421B MH B103 MLB 1303 MH ARR 6000 STB ARR ARR ARR

Rammuny 4.00 Hagen Hagen 3.00 Alhawary 3.00 Aghaei 3.00 Sevinc 3.00 Legassick 3.00 Knysh 3.00 Babayan Babayan 3.00 Alhawary 3.00 Cole 1.00-3.00 4.00 Rammuny 1.00-8.00 1.00 Rammuny 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Ancient Civilizations And Biblical Studies (ACABS)

100 Peoples-Mid E 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. DIS SECTIONS WILL NOT MEET BEFORE THE FIRST LEC. 10795 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD A AH Bonner, Michalowski Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10796 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2114 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10797 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B124 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 10798 P W DIS 004 TH 9-10AM 1436 MH Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17356 P W DIS 005 F 9-10AM 3230 USB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17527 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM E0530 BUS Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17528 P W DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2062 PALM Issues in Race & Ethnicity 101 Elem Class Hebrew I 3.00 18578 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 4000 STB Schmidt 200 World Rel:Near East 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 10799 A LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM AUD C AH Muehlberger 10800 P W DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2449 MH 26604 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3451 MH 10801 P W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1401 MH 33103 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM G127 AH 201 Intmd Class Hebrew I 3.00 ADVISORY 10802 P W REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 5000 STB Schmidt MEETS W/ACABS 601-001. 221 Jesus&Gospel 4.00 19742 A LEC 001 MWF 3-4PM AUD C AH Waddell 19743 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 3242 LSA 19744 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 1250 USB 19745 P W DIS 004 W 9-10AM B135 MLB 20033 P W DIS 005 F 2-3PM 2114 MLB 20034 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM R2320 BUS 20104 P W DIS 007 F 12-1PM 2412 MLB 270 Rabbinic Lit 3.00 24940 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2437 MH Eliav 281 Anc Egypt&World 4.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 206 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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26825 A LEC 001 TTH 26899 P W DIS 002 T 26900 P W DIS 003 TH 26901 P W DIS 004 TH 26902 P DIS 005 F 26903 P DIS 006 F 26904 P DIS 007 F 307 Synoptic Gospl 10803 P W LEC 001 MTTHF Course is taught in Greek 324 Ancient Mesopotamia 29626 P W LEC 001 TTH 29631 A DIS 002 T 395 ACABS Ug Dir Read I IND + 411 Intro to Akkadian 26603 P REC 001 MWF 470 Reading the Rabbis 29619 P W LEC 001 TTH 29621 A DIS 002 TH 474 Archaeology Nubia 27321 P W LEC 001 TTH 498 Sr Honors Thesis I IND + 511 Intro Sumerian 25230 P REC 001 T 570 Reading the Rabbis 27844 P W SEM 001 TTH 27846 A DIS 002 TH 591 Topics ACABS 27676 P SEM 001 TH Seminar in Historical Methods 592 Sem in ACABS 24865 PI W SEM 001 W Early Israel: Gods & Goddesses 601 Adv Read Class Hebr 10805 P W REC 001 TTH MEETS W/ACABS 201-001. 611 Akkadian Documents 24864 P REC 001 613 Sumerian Lit Texts 26952 P REC 001 T 798 Dir Grad Readings I IND + 990 Diss Pre-Cand I IND + 993 Grad GSI Workshop 10808 PI REC 001 995 Dissertation Res IR IND + 171 West Armen I 29643 P W REC 001 274 Arm Cult&Ethn 23509 P W LEC 001 Issues in Race & Ethnicity 287 Armen Hist-Pres 27305 P W LEC 001

1-230PM 3-4PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 1-2PM 9-10AM 830-10AM 3-4PM ARR 9-10AM 4-530PM 530-7PM 830-10AM ARR 9-12PM 4-530PM 530-7PM 10-1PM 4-7PM 1-230PM ARR 1-4PM ARR ARR ARR ARR

AUD NS 2212 MLB 2202 MLB 2185 NQ 2185 NQ 2185 NQ G144 AH 1303 MH G232 AH 2104 MLB ARR 4306 MLB 2437 MH 3000 STB 3333 MH ARR ARR 2437 MH 3000 STB 210 TAP 2265 NQ 5000 STB ARR 4217 MLB ARR


4.00 ADVISORY Ahbel-Rappe 4.00 Beckman Beckman 1.00-3.00 3.00 Beckman 4.00 Eliav Eliav 3.00 Emberling 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY


3.00 Michalowski 4.00 ADVISORY Eliav Eliav 3.00 Babayan 3.00 Schmidt 3.00 Schmidt ADVISORY

3.00 ADVISORY Beckman 3.00 ADVISORY Michalowski 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED

ARR ARR ARR 4.00 Bardakjian 3.00 Bardakjian 3.00 Saparov 1.00 Rammuny 8.00

Armenian Studies (ARMENIAN)

TTH TTH MW 1-230PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 3312 MLB 1300 CHEM G463 MH

Hebrew And Jewish Cultural Studies (HJCS)

100 Peoples-Mid E 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. DIS SECTIONS WILL NOT MEET BEFORE THE FIRST LEC. 11799 A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM AUD A AH Bonner, Michalowski Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11800 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 2114 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11801 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B124 MLB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 11802 P W DIS 004 TH 9-10AM 1436 MH Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17365 P W DIS 005 F 9-10AM 3230 USB Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17531 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM E0530 BUS Issues in Race & Ethnicity 17534 P W DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2062 PALM Issues in Race & Ethnicity 101 Elem Mod Hebrew I 5.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 207 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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11803 P W REC 001 MWF 9-11AM 2135 NQ Weizman 11804 P W REC 002 MWF 11-1PM 2135 NQ Weizman 11805 P W REC 003 MWF 11-1PM 2155 NQ Aronson 11806 P W REC 004 MWF 1-3PM 2155 NQ Aronson 200 World Rel:Near East 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 11807 A LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM AUD C AH Muehlberger 11808 P RW DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2449 MH 26729 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3451 MH 11809 P W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1401 MH 33106 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM G127 AH 201 IM Modern Hebrew I 5.00 ADVISORY 20984 P W REC 001 MWF 9-11AM B103 MLB Eliav 11810 P W REC 002 MWF 11-1PM B103 MLB Eliav 11811 P W REC 003 MWF 1-3PM 2106 MLB Lamm 11812 P W REC 004 MWF 1-3PM B101 MLB 244 The Arab-Jewish Conf 4.00 22487 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM AUD 3 MLB Lieberman 22490 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3333 MH 22493 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1448 MH 22496 P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2455 MH 22499 P W DIS 005 F 12-1PM G232 AH 22502 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 3333 MH 22505 P W DIS 007 F 1-2PM 2024 TISCH 22756 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 2163 AH 22760 P W DIS 009 W 10-11AM B113 MLB 24091 P W DIS 010 W 11-12PM 2449 MH 24095 P W DIS 011 W 11-12PM 3460 MH 24099 P W DIS 012 W 2-3PM B134 MLB 24103 P W DIS 013 W 3-4PM 2333 MH 24216 P W DIS 014 W 4-5PM 2866 EH 24220 P W DIS 015 W 4-5PM 1401 MH 24968 P W DIS 016 TH 3-4PM B103 MLB 25537 P W DIS 017 TH 10-11AM G026 TISCH 26033 P W DIS 018 TH 11-12PM 5179 AH 29257 P W DIS 019 TH 12-1PM 2520 CCL 250 Jewish Film 4.00 28287 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM LEC RM 2 MLB Barzilai 28289 A LAB 002 T 4-7PM AUD C AH Barzilai 28291 P RW DIS 003 T 12-1PM 1175 NQ Barzilai 28293 PD W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1460 MH Barzilai 28295 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM 1460 MH Barzilai 270 Rabbinic Lit 3.00 24867 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2437 MH Eliav 276 Intro Jewish Civ 4.00 23218 S LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2009RUTHVEN Levinson 23219 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 706 BMT 23220 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 445 DENN 301 Advanced Hebrew I 3.00 ADVISORY 20301 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2175 NQ Rosenberg 20987 P W REC 002 MW 830-10AM B116 MLB Rosenberg 24130 P W REC 003 MW 1130-1PM 2412 MLB Rosenberg 395 Dir Ug Readings 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 470 Reading the Rabbis 4.00 ADVISORY 29557 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2437 MH Eliav 29558 A DIS 002 TH 530-7PM 3000 STB Eliav 472 Int Mod Hebr Lit II 3.00 ADVISORY 22359 P W REC 001 MW 230-4PM 4000 STB Barzilai Ethnicity in Israeli Lit & Cul 478 Jwsh Mystism 3.00 24866 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 4151 USB Ginsburg 491 Topics HJCS 3.00 26616 P W LEC 001 T 10-1PM 3353 MH Neis, Ginsburg Jewish Texts and Jewish Bodies 31737 P W LEC 002 W 4-7PM 2333 MH Ginsburg Life/Thought AbrJoshua Heschel 495 Dir Undergr Readings 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 498 Sr Honor Thesis 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 570 Reading the Rabbis 4.00 ADVISORY 27836 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 2437 MH Eliav 27840 A DIS 002 TH 530-7PM 3000 STB Eliav 576 Intro Jewish Civ 4.00 ADVISORY 24201 S LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2009RUTHVEN Levinson 24202 P W DIS 002 M 2-3PM 706 BMT 24203 P W DIS 003 T 10-11AM 445 DENN 591 Topics HJCS 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 208 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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24911 P W LEC 001 TH Seminar in Historical Methods 798 Dir Grad Readings I IND + 990 Diss Pre-Cand I IND + 993 Grad G S I Workshop 11817 PI REC 001 995 Dissertation Res IR IND +




ARR ARR ARR 1.00 Rammuny 8.00

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Organizational Studies
Organizational Studies (ORGSTUDY)
201 26054 26055 26256 26257 26702 26703 26704 27369 27370 29862 32084 299 Leadership A LEC 001 MW P W DIS 002 T P RW DIS 003 T P W DIS 004 T P RW DIS 005 TH P RW DIS 006 TH P W DIS 007 TH P W DIS 008 F P W DIS 009 F P W DIS 010 F P W DIS 011 F Undergrad Internship D IND + 310 Formal Org&Environ 17930 P RW LEC 001 TTH Open to concentrators only. 405 Negotiation 28937 P RW SEM 001 T 410 Adv Lab Org Studies 17323 P RW LEC 001 MW Open to senior concentrators only. 23603 A R DIS 002 TH 415 Networking 28947 P RW SEM 001 MW 420 Nonprofit Orgs 28956 P RW SEM 001 TH 490 Adv Research Team 28952 PI LAB 001 MW Res on Soc Movements&Pol Parti 495 Special Topics 29026 P RW SEM 002 F Cutting-Edge Org Studies 497 Sr Honors Res I SD IND + 499 Independent Study I IND + 230-4PM 5-6PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 11-12PM 2-3PM ARR 10-1130AM 4-7PM 10-1130AM 9-10AM 4-530PM 230-530PM 1130-1PM 12-3PM ARR ARR 1210 CHEM 414 DENN 430 DENN 807 DENN 539 DENN 1024 DANA 2502 CCL 271 DENN 271 DENN 2340 SEB 1518 CCL ARR G115 AH 1448 MH K1310 BUS 413 DENN 210 WH 753 DENN 753 DENN 621 DENN ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR ADVISORY 3.00 Mizruchi ADVISORY 28.00 4.00 Owen-Smith Faier Faier Faier Teicher Teicher Gross Gross Hulting-Cohen Gross Hulting-Cohen 1.00 ADVISORY

3.00 ADVISORY Garcia 4.00 ADVISORY Soderstrom Soderstrom 3.00 ADVISORY Heaney 3.00 ADVISORY Johnson 3.00 ADVISORY Heaney 3.00 Johnson 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Philosophy Department
Philosophy (PHIL)
154 SciFi & Phil 26019 P RW LEC 001 MW 155 Nature of Science 28218 P RW LEC 001 TTH 160 Moral Prin & Prob 24118 A LEC 001 MW 24131 P RW DIS 002 MW 24119 P RW DIS 003 MW 24789 P RW DIS 004 MW 24790 P RW DIS 005 MW 180 Introductory Logic 19774 A LEC 001 TTH 24529 P W DIS 003 T 24657 P W DIS 004 T 24527 P W DIS 005 T 23399 P W DIS 007 TH 24659 P W DIS 008 TH 24791 P W DIS 010 TH 196 First Year Seminar 22325 P RW SEM 001 TTH Property and Pwnership 29919 P RW SEM 002 MW Paradoxes 202 Introduction-Phil 24530 P W REC 001 MWF 24531 P W REC 002 MWF 230 Intro to Buddhism 15602 A LEC 001 TTH 15604 P W DIS 002 F 15606 P W DIS 003 F 15608 P W DIS 004 F 15610 P W DIS 005 F 15612 P W DIS 006 F 23542 P W DIS 007 F 26136 P W DIS 008 F 26138 P W DIS 009 F 27335 P W DIS 010 F 27347 P W DIS 011 F 27349 P W DIS 012 F 27769 P W DIS 013 F 232 Philosophical Probs 12181 A LEC 001 TTH 18526 P RW DIS 002 T 22331 P W DIS 003 TTH 22332 P W DIS 004 TTH 12182 P W DIS 005 TTH 12183 P W DIS 006 TTH 12184 P W DIS 007 TTH 12185 P W DIS 008 TTH 262 Intro to Religion 28156 A LEC 001 MW 28157 P W DIS 002 MW 28211 P W DIS 003 MW 286 PHIL 2nd Yr Sem 30514 P RW SEM 001 TTH Phil Issues in Psychiatry 296 Honors-Logic 28216 P RW LEC 001 MW 303 Intro Symbol Logic 25998 A LEC 001 TTH 25999 P W DIS 002 T 26000 P W DIS 003 TH 29345 P W DIS 004 M 29346 P W DIS 005 W 345 Language & Mind 26003 A R LEC 001 TTH 26004 P RW DIS 002 W 356 Issues in Bioethics 23227 A LEC 001 MW 23228 P W DIS 002 TH 23229 P W DIS 003 MW 24120 P W DIS 004 MW 27089 P W DIS 005 TTH 27090 P W DIS 006 TTH 359 Law&Philosophy U of M Schedule of Classes 4-530PM 10-1130AM 3-4PM 10-11AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 4-5PM 3-4PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 4-5PM 10-11AM 12-1PM 4-5PM 10-1130AM 1130-1PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 10-1130AM 9-10AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 2-3PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 9-10AM 1-3PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 4-5PM 3-4PM 11-12PM 1-2PM 3-4PM 230-4PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM 3-4PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 3-4PM 230-4PM 3-4PM 10-11AM 10-12PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 2271 AH 2271 AH AUD A AH 271 DENN 4096 EH 1060 EH 3451 MH 1800 CHEM 3330 MH G144 AH 271 DENN 1628 CHEM 1339 MH G232 AH 2448 MH 1437 MH 3451 MH 3451 MH AUD 4 MLB 1359 MH G311 DENT 2009RUTHVEN G580 DENT 4152 USB 506 BMT 4153 USB G311 DENT 3230 USB 2022 STB 1105 NQ B101 MLB AUD A AH 2468 MH 409 WH G228 AH G228 AH 2271 AH 4404 RAND 1105 NQ G550 DENT 2271 AH 2866 EH 1460 MH 2271 AH 260 DENN 3401 MH 3330 MH 2502 CCL B111 MLB 2306 MH B122 MLB AUD B AH 539 DENN G228 AH G228 AH G228 AH G228 AH 3.00 Sebens 3.00 ADVISORY Joyce 4.00 Railton Windgaetter Zheng Windgaetter Zheng 3.00 Manley Justice Justice Justice Saint Croix Saint Croix Saint Croix 3.00 ADVISORY Lormand Tappenden 3.00 Herold Herold 4.00 Lopez Jr Dingman Dingman Dingman Bloom Pisarski Pisarski Johnson Johnson Johnson Pisarski Bloom Bloom 4.00 Loeb Loeb Keough Keough Monahan Monahan Bollard Bollard 4.00 Baker Shaikh Shaikh 3.00 Fileva 3.00 Ruetsche 4.00 Belot Armstrong Armstrong Stear Stear 4.00 Lormand Lormand 4.00 Buss Buss Chuang Chuang Lent Lent 4.00 ADVISORY


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12186 12187 12188 22336 24667 24668 361 12189 12190 383 28158 28159 28160 388 12191 24532 26008 399

A LEC 001 MW P W DIS 002 TH P W DIS 003 MW P W DIS 004 MW P W DIS 005 TTH P W DIS 006 TTH Ethics AR LEC 001 MW P RW DIS 002 MW Knowledge & Reality AR LEC 001 TTH P RW DIS 002 T P RW DIS 003 T Hist-Ancient AR LEC 001 TTH P RW DIS 003 T P RW DIS 004 TH Independent Studies I IND + 401 Ug Honors Seminar 21572 P RW SEM 001 W 402 Ug Seminar in Phil 19776 P R SEM 001 TH 408 Philosophy & Econ 20455 P RW LEC 001 TTH 409 Phil of Language 26009 P W LEC 001 MW 420 Phil of Science 28213 P W LEC 001 MW 429 Ethical Analysis 28162 P RW LEC 001 TTH 442 Topics-Political 27225 P RW LEC 001 MW Fnd of Contemp Pol&Soc Phil 443 Rational Choice 28214 P W LEC 001 TTH 463 Topics in History 24533 P RW LEC 001 MW The Philosophy of Rene Descart 498 Senior Honors IR IND + 499 Senior Honors I IND + 590 Grad Intensive Study 31985 PI DIS 001 F 596 Reading Course I IND + 597 Proseminar 12194 PIR SEM 001 TH 598 Ind Lit Survey I IND + 599 Doss Reading I IND + 600 Advanced Studies I IND + 607 Metaphysics I 28165 P RW SEM 001 TTH 610 Sem Hist of Phil 28166 P RW SEM 001 W Stoics' Phil of Mind & Lang 616 Philosophy-Math 28489 P RW SEM 001 M 640 Ethics 28490 P RW SEM 001 T 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 G S I Training 12199 PI SEM 001 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + 400 28219 Political Economy PR SEM 001 TTH

1-2PM 10-12PM 10-11AM 12-1PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 1-230PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 10-1130AM 4-5PM 1-2PM ARR 3-5PM 4-6PM 1130-1PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM 230-4PM 1130-1PM 230-4PM 1130-1PM ARR ARR 1-2PM ARR 4-630PM ARR ARR ARR 10-1130AM 4-630PM 4-630PM 4-7PM ARR ARR ARR

AUD A AH 412 WH 427 DENN 271 DENN 1339 MH 1339 MH 1339 MH 1339 MH B844 EH R2310 BUS R2310 BUS 2306 MH B770 SSWB 1096 EH ARR 3315 MH 2271 AH 3451 MH 3437 MH 2271 AH 2271 AH 5521 HH 5521 HH 2271 AH ARR

Maitra Maitra Aronowitz Aronowitz Lindsay Lindsay 4.00 Gibbard Gibbard 4.00 Weatherson Shaheen Shaheen 4.00 Evans Drucker Drucker 1.00-4.00 3.00 Buss 3.00 3.00 Thompson 3.00 Maitra 3.00 Sklar 3.00 Gibbard 3.00 Railton 3.00 Joyce 3.00 Loeb 3.00 3.00




ARR 1164 AH ARR 1164 AH ARR 3.00 ARR 3.00 ARR 1164 AH 1164 AH 1164 AH 2108 MLB ARR ARR ARR 3.00 Fileva ADVISORY, ENFORCED 1.00 Evans 8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED 3.00 Manley 3.00 Caston ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Weatherson 3.00 ADVISORY 1.00 Joyce 3.00 ADVISORY

3.00 ADVISORY Tappenden 3.00 ADVISORY Jacobson, D'arms 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY

Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)

10-1130AM 430 DENN

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Physics Department
Physics (PHYSICS)
--A STUDENT WHO DOES NOT ATTEND THE FIRST MEETING OF A BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, OR PHYSICS LAB MAY BE DROPPED FROM THAT COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. ALL STUDENTS MUST TAKE ACTION THROUGH THE REGISTRATION PROCESS TO MAKE SURE THAT THEIR OFFICIAL COURSE SCHEDULES MATCH THE COURSES THEY ARE ATTENDING. --WAITLIST THROUGH WEB REGISTRATION AND THEN CHECK WITH THE PHYSICS STUDENT SERVICES OFFICE FOR PROCEDURES. PHYSICS LABS 127, 128, 141,& 241 DON'T START UNTIL THE FIRST FULL WEEK OF CLASSES. 106 Everyday Physics 3.00 25.00 12200 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 268 DENN Chupp 12201 P W LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM 268 DENN Chupp 12202 P W LEC 003 WF 1-230PM 268 DENN Chupp 107 20th Cent Concepts 3.00 ADVISORY 12204 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM ARR Kane Physics 107 will meet in 3481 Randall on a regular basis 112 Cosmology 3.00 ADVISORY 30830 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1632 CHEM Tarle 114 Physics NS Seminar 3.00 27312 P RW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 335 WH Pierce Physics for our Future 120 Foundations of Phys 3.00 27313 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1632 CHEM Krisch 121 Phys for Architects 5.00 ADVISORY 29125 P W LEC 001 MTWTH 9-10AM 268 DENN Eckhause 121 Phys for Architects 5.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TH 4-6PM 268 DENN To register for this course, please add yourself on the waitlist for Physics 121. If you have questions, please contact 135 Phys Life Science I 4.00 ADVISORY 23382 P W LEC 100 MTTHF 2-3PM 170 DENN Lau Students should elect Physics 136 as the corresponding lab. THREE THURSDAY EVENING MIDTERM EXAMS: OCT 3, OCT 31, & NOV 21, 6-8 PM; FINAL: FRIDAY, DEC 13 7:30-9:30PM 23383 P W LEC 200 MTTHF 3-4PM 170 DENN Lau Students should elect Physics 136 as the corresponding lab. THREE THURSDAY EVENING MIDTERM EXAMS: OCT 3, OCT 31, & NOV 21, 6-8 PM; FINAL: FRIDAY, DEC 13 7:30-9:30PM 26269 PD LEC 300 MTTHF 1-2PM 3230 USB Melnichuk P LEC 300 W 1-2PM 170 DENN Section 300 is reserved for students in the Comprehensive Studies Program. To receive permission to enroll in this class, you must meet with a CSP Advisor by calling 734.764.9128 to schedule an appointment or come into our offices at 1139 Angell Hall during walk in advising (every afternoon from 1 - 4 PM). Note: Waitlist is maintained by the department.Students should elect Physics 136 as the corresponding lab. THREE THURSDAY EVENING MIDTERM EXAMS: OCT 3, OCT 31, & NOV 21, 6-8 PM; FINAL: FRIDAY, DEC 13 7:30-9:30PM 136 Life Sciences Lab I 1.00 ADVISORY 25.00 23289 P LAB 011 M 8-10AM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23290 P LAB 012 M 10-12PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23291 P LAB 013 M 1-3PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23292 P LAB 014 M 3-5PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23293 P LAB 015 M 5-7PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23294 P LAB 016 M 7-9PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23295 P LAB 021 T 8-10AM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23296 P LAB 022 T 10-12PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE.. 23297 P LAB 023 T 1-3PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23308 P LAB 024 T 3-5PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23298 P LAB 025 T 5-7PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23299 P LAB 026 T 7-9PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23300 P LAB 031 W 8-10AM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23301 P LAB 032 W 10-12PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23302 P LAB 033 W 1-3PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 23303 P LAB 035 W 5-7PM 1261 RAND LABS BEGIN MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9TH. STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST LAB WILL BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE. 27476 P LAB 036 W 7-9PM 1261 RAND 23304 P LAB 041 TH 8-10AM 1261 RAND U of M Schedule of Classes Page 213 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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341 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 12262 P RW LAB 003 W 1-4PM 4265 RAND Sih 341 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 19227 P RW LAB 004 TH 1-4PM 4265 RAND Sih 341 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 31783 P RW LAB 005 M 5-8PM 4265 RAND Clarke 341 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 351 Meth Theoretical I 3.00 ENFORCED 12270 P RW LEC 001 MW 2-3PM LEC RM 1 MLB Aidala 351 Meth Theoretical I 3.00 ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 F 2-3PM LEC RM 1 MLB 360 Honors Physics III 3.00 ENFORCED 27467 P RW LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 269 DENN Elvang Students should elect Physics 341 as the corresponding lab. There will be an additional discussion class on Mondays from 5-7PM in 4404 Randall. If the class is full, please add yourself on to the waitlist. If you have questions, please e-mail 370 PhysChem Princip 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21634 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1300 CHEM Mirkin 390 Intro Modern Phys 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12263 P RW LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 269 DENN McMahon 401 Intermed Mechanics 3.00 ENFORCED 12264 P RW LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM 1230 USB Zhu 402 Optics 3.00 ENFORCED 12265 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 4404 RAND Leanhardt 405 Intermed Elec-Mag 3.00 ENFORCED 12266 P RW LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 335 WH Zhou 406 Stat&Thermal Phys 3.00 ENFORCED 12267 P RW LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM 4404 RAND Deegan 413 Int Nonlin 3.00 ENFORCED 18591 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 335 WH Doering 415 Ug Special Problems 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 435 Gravitational Phys 3.00 ENFORCED 12268 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 335 WH Pando Zayas 441 Advanced Lab I 3.00 ENFORCED 12269 P RW LAB 002 M 1-5PM 4288 RAND Akerlof 441 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 21937 P RW LAB 003 T 1-5PM 4288 RAND Schwarz 441 Labs will begin the week of September 9th 450 Lab Tech in BIOPHYS 3.00 ENFORCED 20979 PIRW LAB 001 MW 1-3PM 3020 CHEM Veatch 453 Quantum Mechanics 3.00 ENFORCED 12271 P RW LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM 335 WH Wells 465 Physics Seminar 2.00 ENFORCED 25590 P R SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM ARR Qian Experimental Collider Physics This course will run in conjunction of Ph628 (experimental collider physics) fall 2013. It is intended for junior and senior students who have some basic knowledge of particle physics. The course will review major discoveries in particle physics and milestones in the development of the standard model. 496 Senior Thesis I 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 497 Senior Thesis II 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 498 Intr Res-Honors Stu 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 499 Intr Res-Honors Stu 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 First Yr Mini-Colloq 1.00 ADVISORY 17551 P R LEC 001 F 1-2PM 335 WH Savit 505 Elec&Magnetism I 3.00 ADVISORY 12275 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 335 WH Schotland 508 Network Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 22637 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 455 DENN Newman 510 Statistical 3.00 ADVISORY 12276 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 335 WH Sander 511 Quan Thry&Atomic I 3.00 ADVISORY 12277 P RW LEC 001 WF 10-1130AM 4404 RAND Raithel 513 Adv Quantum Mech I 3.00 ADVISORY 12278 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 4404 RAND Akhoury 514 Comp Phys 3.00 ADVISORY 27658 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2502 CCL Gull 515 Supervised Research 4.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 516 Supervised Research 4.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 526 Cosmology II 3.00 ADVISORY 30592 P LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM ARR Freese 535 General Relativity 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26973 P R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 335 WH Pando Zayas U of M Schedule of Classes Page 217 of 382



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541 21548 620 22679 621 23802 644 22715 650 17302 715 990 993 12281 995

Elem Particl Phy II P W LEC 001 MW Adv Condensed Matter PR LEC 001 TTH Quantum Thry-Fields P LEC 001 TTH Adv Atomic Phys P LEC 001 TTH Opt Wave Crystals P W LEC 001 MW Special Prob-Grad I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + G S I Training P LEC 001 Diss-Cand IR IND +

230-4PM 1-230PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 9-1030AM ARR ARR ARR ARR

4404 RAND 335 WH 335 WH 4404 RAND 1005 DOW ARR

3.00 Zurek 3.00 Sun 3.00 Larsen 3.00 Berman 3.00 Winful 1.00-6.00 1.00-8.00


ARR 1.00 ARR 8.00 ARR

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Political Science Department

Political Science (POLSCI)
101 Intro Pol Theory 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 12293 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1324 EH LaVaque-Manty 12294 P R DIS 002 TH 2-3PM B312B DENT Williams 12295 P W DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 1046 DANA Washick 12296 P W DIS 004 TH 4-5PM 409 WH Washick 22607 P W DIS 005 F 9-10AM G232 AH Sayre Jr 12297 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM 2336 MH Sayre Jr 12298 P W DIS 007 F 11-12PM G115 AH Washick 12299 P W DIS 008 TH 12-1PM 501 DENN Williams 12300 P W DIS 009 TH 1-2PM 506 BMT Williams 16984 P W DIS 010 TH 3-4PM 414 DENN Peterson 16985 P W DIS 011 TH 4-5PM 1427 MH Peterson 24665 P W DIS 012 TH 12-1PM 1650 CHEM Sayre Jr 24666 P W DIS 013 TH 1-2PM 1060 EH Levesque 25412 P W DIS 014 F 9-10AM 2401 MH Levesque 25413 P W DIS 015 F 10-11AM 2469 MH Levesque 25414 P W DIS 016 F 11-12PM 2469 MH Peterson 111 Intro Amer Politics 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 12301 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM AUD A AH Hutchings, Lupia 12302 P R DIS 002 TTH 1-2PM 2520 CCL 12303 P W DIS 003 MW 4-5PM 2330 MH 12304 P W DIS 004 MW 1-2PM 1046 DANA 12305 P W DIS 005 TTH 2-3PM 2520 CCL 12306 P W DIS 006 MW 2-3PM 1339 MH 12307 P W DIS 007 TTH 3-4PM 2407 MH 12308 P W DIS 008 TTH 3-4PM 2353 MH 12309 P W DIS 009 MW 4-5PM 3401 MH 140 Intr Compar Politic 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 12310 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM AUD 4 MLB Inglehart 12311 P RW DIS 002 MW 2-3PM 5521 HH 12312 P W DIS 003 MW 3-4PM 2163 AH 12313 P W DIS 004 MW 12-1PM 2024 TISCH 12314 P W DIS 005 MW 1-2PM 2024 TISCH 12315 P W DIS 006 TTH 2-3PM 2502 CCL 12316 P W DIS 007 TTH 1-2PM G115 AH 12317 P W DIS 008 TTH 1-2PM 2330 MH 12318 P W DIS 009 TTH 2-3PM 5179 AH 160 Intro World Politic 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 12319 A LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM AUD NS Morrow 12320 P R DIS 002 TTH 2-3PM 427 DENN Worthington 12321 P DIS 003 WF 11-12PM 409 WH Ravishankar 12322 P DIS 004 TTH 3-4PM 3242 LSA Kim 12323 P DIS 005 WF 10-11AM 3038 DANA Shehaj 12324 P DIS 006 WF 9-10AM 2347 MH Beatty 12325 P DIS 007 WF 10-11AM 269 DENN Ravishankar 12326 P DIS 008 WF 11-12PM 2866 EH Beatty 12327 P DIS 009 TTH 12-1PM 2024 TISCH Jenkins 12328 P DIS 010 TTH 4-5PM 5179 AH Jenkins 12329 P DIS 012 WF 9-10AM 1448 MH Shehaj 22341 P DIS 013 TTH 3-4PM 413 DENN Worthington 299 POLSCI Internship 1.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR Students need to contact the Polsci Department for permission. 300 Contemp Issues 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 18616 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM AUD NS Markus 18619 P DIS 002 TTH 1-2PM 2024 TISCH 18620 P DIS 003 TTH 9-10AM 5179 AH 18621 P DIS 004 TTH 3-4PM 2163 AH 18623 P DIS 006 WF 10-11AM 3411 MH 18624 P DIS 007 MW 4-5PM 5179 AH 18625 P DIS 008 TTH 4-5PM 2024 TISCH 18626 P DIS 009 TTH 2-3PM 2024 TISCH 18627 P DIS 010 TTH 11-12PM 1339 MH 301 Pol Thot to Mod 3.00 28678 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1401 MH Saxonhouse 307 Topics in Am Pol Tht 3.00 ADVISORY 24674 P LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2306 MH Manuel Amer Pol Thought: 1630-1865 . 311 Am Political Process 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 219 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28704 P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1230 USB Hutchings 319 Pol Civil Liberties 4.00 ADVISORY 21466 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM AUD D AH Brandwein STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 21467 P DIS 002 M 2-3PM G580 DENT Jakle 21469 P DIS 003 TH 3-4PM 3356 MH Jakle 21470 P DIS 004 M 3-4PM 2353 MH Jakle 320 Amer Chief Exec 4.00 ENFORCED 20445 A R LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 260 DENN Adside III STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 28906 P R DIS 002 F 10-11AM 1449 MH Zeng 28907 P R DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1449 MH Zeng 28908 P R DIS 004 TH 4-5PM 2330 MH Zeng 327 Politics Metropolis 3.00 ENFORCED 20443 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM 1401 MH Markus 329 Media&Polit Behav 4.00 22413 A LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1300 CHEM Valentino . 22414 P RW DIS 002 TH 4-5PM 2407 MH Wells . 22415 P RW DIS 003 TH 5-6PM 1185 NQ Wells . 22416 P W DIS 004 TH 6-7PM 1185 NQ Wells . 330 Psych Perspec on Pol 3.00 ENFORCED 29001 A R LEC 001 MW 1-2PM AUD B AH Winter Meets with PSYCH 393 29002 P RW DIS 002 T 1-2PM 3401 MH Kamin 29003 P RW DIS 003 T 2-3PM 3401 MH Kamin 29004 P RW DIS 004 T 4-5PM 4088 EH Kamin 337 Compar Const Design 3.00 ADVISORY 26122 P W REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 170 DENN McElwain 340 Govt&Pol-West Eur 4.00 ADVISORY 28944 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1512 CCL Tsebelis 29494 P W DIS 002 T 1-2PM 3356 MH Martin 29495 P W DIS 003 T 2-3PM 2175 NQ Martin 341 Comp Pol Democracies 3.00 ENFORCED 23315 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 3330 MH Franzese Jr 342 E Eur-Revol&Reform 3.00 ADVISORY 28945 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM LEC RM 2 MLB Grzymala-Busse 350 Mod East Eur Jewry 3.00 ADVISORY 28946 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1437 MH Gitelman 351 Israeli Society&Pol 3.00 ADVISORY 26123 P W REC 001 MW 830-10AM 2407 MH Gitelman Meets with Judaic 317.003 353 Arab-Israeli Conflt 4.00 28899 A LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM UMMA AUD Aronoff STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 28900 P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2330 MH Ali 28903 P W DIS 003 W 1-2PM B124 MLB Ali 28904 P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 1068 EH Ali 354 Govts&Pol S E Asia 3.00 ADVISORY 19261 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1640 CHEM Gomez 359 African Politics 4.00 ADVISORY 26110 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1518 CCL Pitcher 362 European Integration 4.00 29466 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM UMMA AUD Gaggio 29467 P W DIS 002 TH 9-10AM 1448 MH 29468 P W DIS 003 TH 10-11AM 2437 MH 29469 P W DIS 004 TH 12-1PM 5179 AH 31880 P W DIS 005 TH 9-10AM G228 AH 31881 P W DIS 006 TH 12-1PM 412 WH 364 Publ Internatl Law 3.00 ADVISORY 28977 P W REC 001 MW 1-230PM 1401 MH Koremenos 369 Intl Economic Rel 4.00 ENFORCED 28979 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM AUD C AH Osgood 28980 P RW DIS 002 W 9-10AM 3314 MH Kraus 28981 P RW DIS 003 W 10-11AM 3460 MH Kraus 28982 P RW DIS 004 W 12-1PM 1469 MH Kraus 380 Env Politics&Policy 3.00 ADVISORY 22425 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1110 WEILL Rabe 381 Pol Science Research 3.00 ENFORCED 23319 P RW REC 001 MW 1130-1PM G115 AH Luong This class is for students who are Sophomores or Juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher. 387 Comp Anlys Gov Inst 4.00 ADVISORY 28983 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1427 MH Tsebelis 28984 P W DIS 002 T 1-2PM 2437 MH Yang 389 Topics 3.00 ADVISORY 18114 P W REC 001 MW 1-230PM 3330 MH Lupia U of M Schedule of Classes Page 220 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Political Strategy and Debate 24691 P W REC 002 TTH 230-4PM G115 AH Markovits German Pol in Eur Since 1945 Meets with German 449.002. 21001 P W REC 003 TTH 1-230PM 3330 MH Corcoran Socioeconom Disparities&PubPol Meets with Womenstd-343.001 22554 P W REC 004 TTH 1-230PM 1200 CHEM Rivers Congress and the Presidency 29343 P W REC 007 TTH 830-10AM 3401 MH Zeisberg Constitutions Outside Courts 29994 P W REC 008 TTH 830-10AM 2353 MH Religious Ethnic Minorities Meets with Judaic 317.004 391 Modeling Pol Proc 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 19262 S LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1528 CCL Grim 19992 P RW DIS 002 TH 5-6PM 1460 MH Berger 19993 P RW DIS 003 TH 4-5PM 3463 MH Berger 19994 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 5179 AH Kalinin 25345 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM 2455 MH Grim 25347 P RW DIS 007 M 4-5PM 2407 MH Berger 395 Sur Russ&Sov 4.00 12331 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1202 SEB Maiorova Survey of Russia 12333 P W DIS 003 M 12-1PM 373 LORCH 12334 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1509 CCL 16968 P W DIS 005 F 10-11AM 1509 CCL 399 Adv Internship 3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 406 Democrat Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 24692 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1200 CHEM Skeaff 486 Pub Opin&Press Grps 3.00 ENFORCED 26344 P RW REC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1300 CHEM Kinder 489 Adv Tpcs in Pol Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 18698 P RW SEM 001 T 9-11AM 412 WH Davenport Perspective In/On Conflict . 28968 P W SEM 002 MW 4-530PM 210 WH Heaney Networking Meets wtih OS 415.001 28969 PI SEM 003 MW 1130-1PM 753 DENN Heaney ResearchSoc Move&PolitParties Meets with OS 490.001 29344 P W SEM 004 W 4-6PM 2449 MH Zeisberg Theories of Judicial Review 491 Ug-Directed Studies 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 492 Directed Studies 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 493 Ug-Senior Honors 4.00 ADVISORY 12336 PD SEM 001 W 4-6PM G437 MH LaVaque-Manty 495 Ug-Pol Theory 3.00 ENFORCED 29009 P RW SEM 001 T 4-6PM 445 DENN Manuel Work, Virtue, Citizenship 29266 P RW SEM 002 M 3-5PM 4175 AH Saxonhouse The Federalist Papers 496 Ug-Sem Amer Gov&Pol 3.00 ADVISORY 12337 P W SEM 001 W 12-2PM 2401 MH Brandwein Law and Gender 17303 P W SEM 002 F 10-12PM 7603 HH Hall Political Advocacy 21475 P W SEM 003 W 2-4PM 1046 DANA Mickey The American Political Economy 497 Ug-Sem Comp Govern 3.00 ADVISORY 19286 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM G160 AH Markovits The German and European Left Meets with German 449.001 29863 P W SEM 002 M 10-1PM 2024 DANA Ang Develop&Quality of Governance Meets with CICS 401 29993 P W SEM 003 MW 4-530PM 1230 WEILL Arab-Israeli Relation Meets with Judaic 417.006 31359 P W SEM 004 W 2-4PM 2407 MH Gallagher State-SocRelat in Reform China 498 Ug-Sem Interntl Pol 3.00 ADVISORY 24693 P W SEM 001 W 3-5PM 1359 MH Kerner Globaliz&PoliticsIntern Finan U of M Schedule of Classes Page 221 of 382


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27368 P W SEM 002 M 3-5PM Politics of InternationalTrade 29010 P W SEM 003 T 11-1PM IsUSExceptWhenComesToInternLaw 501 China Social Science 20656 PD SEM 001 M 2-5PM 514 Computer Usage 12338 P RW LEC 001 F 10-11AM Class meets in the CAP lab, 6670 HH. PoliSci grad students only. 598 Math for Scientists 20457 P R SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 598 Math for Scientists PR SEM 001 TH 1-2PM 599 Stat Method Pol Res 12340 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM PS Grad only 17349 S LAB 002 TH 12-1PM 609 Psem-20c Pol Thot 32087 P RW SEM 001 M 2-4PM 611 Amer Natl Govt 12341 P W SEM 001 W 10-12PM 651 Political Economy 23333 P W SEM 001 W 1-3PM 658 Comp Inst Analysis 29240 P W SEM 001 TH 10-12PM 660 Psem World Politics 20458 P W SEM 001 M 2-5PM 662 Classical Theor Wrld 29760 P W SEM 001 W 2-4PM 680 Behav Res Methods 29241 P W SEM 001 T 10-12PM 682 Democr Global Persp 29242 P W SEM 001 T 3-5PM 686 Prosem Publ Opinion 29243 P W SEM 001 W 4-6PM 688 Selected Topics 19263 P W SEM 001 T 2-4PM Disaggregated ConflictAnalysis . 691 Directed Reading I IND + ARR 701 Concepts Pol Theory 30254 P W SEM 001 M 3-5PM The Federalist Papers 736 Poverty&Inequality 23469 P W SEM 001 F 9-11AM 787 Multivariate Analys 18613 P W SEM 001 M 4-6PM 891 Directed Research I IND + ARR 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR 993 G S I Training 12345 P RW SEM 001 F 3-5PM 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR

2449 MH 2407 MH 1632 CHEM 2436 MH 2135 NQ 7603 HH 3314 MH G421B MH 3156 LSA 1303 MH 5664 HH 5664 HH G437 MH 3353 MH 5664 HH 7603 HH 5664 HH 5664 HH

Osgood Koremenos 3.00 Ang 1.00 Lorenz 3.00 Clark 3.00 4.00 Mebane Jr ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Davis 3.00 ADVISORY LaVaque-Manty 3.00 ADVISORY Mickey 3.00 ADVISORY Franzese Jr 3.00 ADVISORY Tsebelis 3.00 ADVISORY Morrow 3.00 ADVISORY Stam 3.00 ADVISORY Valentino 3.00 ADVISORY Inglehart 3.00 ADVISORY Kinder 3.00 ADVISORY Davenport 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY

ARR 4175 AH 1230 WEILL 5664 HH ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 5670 HH ARR 1.00 Disch 8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Saxonhouse 3.00 Corcoran 3.00 Mebane Jr 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Psychology Department
Psychology (PSYCH)
---IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS ARE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY REQUEST THAT THEY BE DISENROLLED IF THEY DO NOT ATTEND INITIAL CLASSES. 111 Intro to Psych 4.00 12348 A LEC 030 TTH 11-12PM 1800 CHEM Grayson Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 030 when they elect a Dis 031-046. 19160 P RW DIS 031 TH 8-10AM 1068 EH Nguyen All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19161 P RW DIS 032 W 11-1PM 455 DENN Kawaii-Bogue All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19162 P RW DIS 033 T 2-4PM 539 DENN Kiang All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19163 P RW DIS 034 T 4-6PM 2436 MH Giasson All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19164 P RW DIS 035 W 8-10AM 807 DENN Kiang All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19165 P RW DIS 036 F 1-3PM 1512 CCL Dinh All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19166 P RW DIS 037 W 5-7PM 1372 EH Kawaii-Bogue All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19167 P RW DIS 038 TH 3-5PM 130 DENN Hu, Circele All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23417 P RW DIS 039 F 10-12PM 110 DENN Giaccardi All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23418 P RW DIS 040 F 12-2PM R0420 BUS Giaccardi All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24012 P RW DIS 041 F 9-11AM R2220 BUS Dinh All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24013 P RW DIS 042 F 12-2PM 455 DENN Hu All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24014 P RW DIS 043 F 2-4PM 539 DENN Giasson All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24015 P RW DIS 044 W 9-11AM 1436 MH Kazerooni All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24016 P RW DIS 045 T 5-7PM 1372 EH Kazerooni All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24017 P RW DIS 046 TH 4-6PM 1084 EH Nguyen All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. Psych 111-060 - Register for lecture only; there are no discussion sections for this lecture. Do not contact the instructor. Direct all questions to 14802 P RW LEC 060 TTH 1-3PM AUD 3 MLB Schreier 25066 P R LEC 061 TTH 1-3PM AUD 3 MLB Schreier Psych 111-061 LEC meets with Psych 111-060 LEC. Psych 111-061 is ONLY for students CURRENTLY ENROLLED IN THE SCHOOL OF NURSING. All other students should register or waitlist for Psych 111-060, or another Psych 111/112 Lecture 19474 A LEC 070 MW 4-530PM AUD 3 MLB Perlmutter Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 070 when they elect a Dis 071-088. Direct all questions to 23586 P RW DIS 071 F 9-10AM 130 DENN Mueller All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23587 P RW DIS 072 F 10-11AM K1320 BUS Mueller All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23588 P RW DIS 073 F 11-12PM E1405 BUS Mueller All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23589 P RW DIS 074 F 12-1PM 2340 SEB Block All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23590 P RW DIS 075 F 1-2PM 3356 MH Block All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23591 P RW DIS 076 F 2-3PM 271 DENN Block All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23592 P RW DIS 077 TH 4-5PM 110 DENN Williams All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23593 P RW DIS 078 TH 5-6PM 271 DENN Williams All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 23594 P RW DIS 079 TH 6-7PM 271 DENN Williams All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24712 P RW DIS 080 F 12-1PM 2306 MH McGinnis All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24713 P RW DIS 081 TH 8-9AM B844 EH McGinnis All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24714 P RW DIS 082 TH 9-10AM 142 LORCH McGinnis All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24715 P RW DIS 083 F 11-12PM B247 EH Perera All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24716 P RW DIS 084 TH 11-12PM 2437 MH Horwitz All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 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24717 P RW DIS 085 TH 6-7PM 1060 EH Perera All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 25928 P RW DIS 086 F 10-11AM 2306 MH Horwitz All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 25929 P RW DIS 087 F 9-10AM 2336 MH Horwitz All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 25930 P RW DIS 088 TH 5-6PM 1372 EH Perera All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 112 Psy as Natl Science 4.00 24695 A LEC 001 MW 10-11AM AUD 3 MLB Malley Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 01 when they elect a Dis 002-013. 24696 P RW DIS 002 F 11-1PM 1372 EH O'Hara All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24697 P RW DIS 003 M 5-7PM 1084 EH Rogers All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24698 P RW DIS 004 M 4-6PM 1121 LBME Foster North Campus All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24699 P RW DIS 005 T 8-10AM 3088 EH O'Donnell All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24700 P RW DIS 006 T 11-1PM 373 LORCH O'Donnell All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24701 P RW DIS 007 T 2-4PM 1005 EECS Zuo North Campus All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24702 P RW DIS 008 T 4-6PM 1084 EH Cannon All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24703 P RW DIS 009 F 9-11AM R1220 BUS Zuo All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24704 P RW DIS 010 W 4-6PM 373 LORCH Foster All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24705 P RW DIS 011 F 1-3PM 1084 EH O'Hara All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24706 P RW DIS 012 W 2-4PM 2353 MH Rogers All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24707 P RW DIS 013 TH 12-2PM 1505 CCL Cannon All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 120 Sem in Psy-Soc Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 12349 P RW SEM 001 TH 5-8PM 3447 EH Ybarra Intellig&Self-Control:Coll&Bey 23327 P RW SEM 003 MW 1-230PM 3447 EH Lustig Cognition& the College Student 32329 P RW SEM 005 MW 4-530PM 3447 EH Fretz Psychology In (your) Education Psych 120-005 Topic: Psychology In (your) Education 121 Sem in Psy-Nat Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 23354 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3447 EH van Anders Gender,Sex&Sexuality in Sci&Me 28596 P RW SEM 002 TTH 1130-1PM 3447 EH Gehring Cognitive Sci of Acad Success 28597 P RW SEM 004 TTH 1-230PM 3447 EH Meyer Evolution of Cognition 122 Intrgrp Dialogue 2.00 Interested students must fill out an online request at Due to high demand, students who do not attend the mass meeting on the first day of class will be dropped from the course. If you have questions, please contact Nitesh Singh ( 20620 PI SEM 001 W 3-5PM AUD B AH Corvidae 20622 PI SEM 002 W 3-5PM 413 DENN 200 Ind Psych Issues 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR Do not contact the instructor. Direct all questions to 211 Project Outreach 3.00 ADVISORY 12350 P W SEM 001 T 4-6PM 296 DENN Andrews Working w/Preschool Children Students are required to obtain a Dept. of Human Services (DHS) Central Registry background check. Bring the report to the first day of class. Go to the link provided to obtain the form: Students are also required to obtain a TB Test and bring the results to the first day of class. If the student had a TB Test that is still valid through the term in which they are enrolling, they do NOT need to have an additional test. Bring a copy of the letter to the first day of class. To arrange a TB Test go to the link provided to obtain information about locations: 12351 P W SEM 002 T 4-6PM 260 DENN Hanley Youth & Education Students enrolled in this section are asked to undergo a criminal background check. If you have any concerns about this, please contact 12352 P W SEM 003 TH 4-6PM 296 DENN Hajski Juvenile and Criminal Justice Students are required to obtain a DHS (Dept. of Human Services) Central Registry background check. Bring the report to the first day of class. Go to the link provided to obtain the form: U of M Schedule of Classes Page 224 of 382


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LAB FEE 12353 P W SEM 004 TH 4-6PM 260 DENN Lewis Health,Illness and Society Students enrolled in this section are asked to undergo a criminal background check. If you have any concerns about this, please contact Students are also required to obtain a TB Test and bring the results to the first day of class. If the student had a TB Test that is still valid through the term in which they are enrolling, they do NOT need to have an additional test. Bring a copy of the letter to the first day of class. To arrange a TB Test go to the link provided to obtain information about locations: 12354 P W SEM 005 W 4-6PM 296 DENN Goldschmied Careers: Build your Toolbox Send questions to Visit Website: 218 Soph Sem Psych/SS 3.00 ADVISORY 23736 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1100 OBL Dessel Foundations of Intergrp Relatn 230 Intro Biopsychology 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12361 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1324 EH Sarter All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 12362 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM R0220 BUS Itoga 12363 P RW DIS 003 M 7-8PM 1060 EH Cummiford 12364 P RW DIS 004 M 6-7PM 1060 EH Cummiford 22281 P RW DIS 005 T 8-9AM 1068 EH Cogan 12365 P RW DIS 006 F 1-2PM R0220 BUS Itoga 22282 P RW DIS 007 W 9-10AM 1068 EH Cogan 12366 P RW DIS 008 W 3-4PM 3088 EH Cummiford 12367 P RW DIS 009 T 5-6PM 412 WH Cogan 12368 P RW DIS 010 TH 9-10AM 1507 CCL Vantsevich 12369 P RW DIS 011 F 9-10AM B247 EH Vantsevich 17357 P RW DIS 012 F 10-11AM B247 EH Vantsevich 22453 P RW DIS 013 F 12-1PM R0220 BUS Itoga 28598 A R LEC 020 TTH 1-230PM 1324 EH Aragona All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 28599 P RW DIS 021 T 5-6PM 501 DENN Kolderman, Aragona 28600 P RW DIS 022 T 6-7PM 1084 EH Jones 28601 P RW DIS 023 W 6-7PM 1060 EH Harkey 28602 P RW DIS 024 W 7-8PM 1060 EH Harkey 28603 P RW DIS 025 W 8-9AM 1060 EH Jones 28604 P RW DIS 026 W 9-10AM 1060 EH Harkey 28605 P RW DIS 027 TH 8-9AM 271 DENN Kolderman 28607 P RW DIS 028 TH 9-10AM 524 DENN Kolderman 28608 P RW DIS 029 F 9-10AM 807 DENN Nevarez 28609 P RW DIS 030 F 10-11AM E0540 BUS Nevarez 28610 P RW DIS 031 F 11-12PM R0230 BUS Nevarez 28606 P RW DIS 032 F 1-2PM 1636 CHEM Jones 240 Intro to Cog Psych 4.00 ENFORCED 12370 A R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1324 EH Polk All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 25932 P RW DIS 002 T 1-2PM 513 DENN 25933 P RW DIS 003 T 5-6PM 271 DENN 25934 P RW DIS 004 T 6-7PM 271 DENN 25935 P RW DIS 005 W 5-6PM 539 DENN 25936 P RW DIS 006 TH 8-9AM 1024 DANA 25937 P RW DIS 007 TH 9-10AM 1024 DANA 25938 P RW DIS 008 F 12-1PM 3427 MH 25939 P RW DIS 009 T 7-8PM 1084 EH 25940 P RW DIS 010 F 9-10AM 120 DENN 25941 P RW DIS 011 F 10-11AM R0220 BUS 25942 P RW DIS 012 F 11-12PM R1220 BUS 25943 P RW DIS 013 F 1-2PM G232 AH 26358 A R LEC 020 TTH 230-4PM AUD A AH Hoeffner All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 26359 P RW DIS 021 M 11-12PM 413 DENN De Los Santos 26360 P RW DIS 022 M 12-1PM 1449 MH De Los Santos 26361 P RW DIS 023 T 9-10AM 539 DENN Grove 26362 P RW DIS 024 W 8-9AM 1084 EH Kang 26363 P RW DIS 025 W 9-10AM 1084 EH Kang 26364 P RW DIS 026 TH 8-9AM 3088 EH Grove 26365 P RW DIS 027 W 11-12PM 413 DENN Kang 26366 P RW DIS 028 F 11-12PM B844 EH Rau 26367 P RW DIS 029 T 10-11AM 539 DENN De Los Santos 26368 P RW DIS 030 F 9-10AM 1084 EH Grove 26369 P RW DIS 031 F 12-1PM G127 AH Rau 26370 P RW DIS 032 F 1-2PM 1060 EH Rau 242 Lang and Human Mind 4.00 21616 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1202 SEB Epstein 21617 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 173 LORCH Nediger 21618 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM R0420 BUS Nediger 21619 P RW DIS 004 F 10-11AM 2024 DANA 21620 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM 2225 SEB Nediger 21621 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 1509 CCL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 225 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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21622 P W DIS 007 F 12-1PM 130 DENN 250 Intro Dev Psych 12372 A R LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1324 EH All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 12373 P RW DIS 002 W 3-4PM 4088 EH 12374 P RW DIS 003 W 4-5PM 268 DENN 12375 P RW DIS 004 W 8-9AM 271 DENN 12376 P RW DIS 005 W 6-7PM 120 DENN 12377 P RW DIS 006 F 1-2PM G168 AH 12378 P RW DIS 007 W 9-10AM B247 EH 12379 P RW DIS 008 TH 9-10AM B247 EH 12380 P RW DIS 009 W 5-6PM 1068 EH 12381 P RW DIS 010 TH 2-3PM 455 DENN 12382 P RW DIS 011 F 9-10AM 1068 EH 12383 P RW DIS 012 F 11-12PM E0540 BUS 12384 P RW DIS 013 F 12-1PM 1449 MH 28872 A R LEC 020 MW 1-230PM AUD NS All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 28873 P RW DIS 021 W 3-4PM 130 DENN 28874 P RW DIS 022 W 5-6PM 553 DENN 28875 P RW DIS 023 W 6-7PM 1084 EH 28876 P RW DIS 024 TH 8-9AM 1096 EH 28877 P RW DIS 025 TH 9-10AM 1096 EH 28878 P RW DIS 026 TH 1-2PM 513 DENN 28879 P RW DIS 027 TH 4-5PM 2866 EH 28880 P RW DIS 028 F 9-10AM 268 DENN 28881 P RW DIS 029 F 10-11AM 4096 EH 28882 P RW DIS 030 F 11-12PM 130 DENN 28883 P RW DIS 031 F 12-1PM 4096 EH 28884 P RW DIS 032 TH 3-4PM 2502 CCL 260 Intro Org Psych 24718 A R LEC 001 MW 1-2PM 1324 EH All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24719 P RW DIS 002 F 9-11AM B844 EH 24720 P RW DIS 003 F 12-2PM 110 DENN 24721 P RW DIS 004 F 11-1PM 807 DENN 24722 P RW DIS 005 TH 9-11AM LEC RM 1 MLB 24723 P RW DIS 006 TH 10-12PM 553 DENN 24724 P RW DIS 007 TH 3-5PM 430 DENN 24725 P RW DIS 008 TH 4-6PM 539 DENN 24726 P RW DIS 009 W 5-7PM B134 MLB 24807 P RW DIS 010 W 4-6PM 524 DENN 24808 P RW DIS 011 TH 1-3PM 1372 EH 270 Intro to Psychopath 18603 P RW LEC 001 TTH 9-11AM 1324 EH 280 Intro Social Psych 12389 A R LEC 001 TH 11-1PM 1324 EH All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 12390 P RW DIS 002 M 12-2PM 455 DENN 12391 P RW DIS 003 M 3-5PM 1359 MH 12392 P RW DIS 004 M 5-7PM 1372 EH 12393 P RW DIS 005 T 8-10AM 130 DENN 23313 P RW DIS 006 T 11-1PM 412 WH 12394 P RW DIS 007 T 3-5PM 626 DENN 23314 P RW DIS 008 T 5-7PM 513 DENN 12395 P RW DIS 009 W 9-11AM 1505 CCL 18010 P RW DIS 010 W 3-5PM 613 DENN 12396 P RW DIS 011 M 1-3PM 1505 CCL 291 Psych Women&Gender 28611 A R LEC 001 T 11-1PM 1324 EH All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 28612 P RW DIS 002 T 4-6PM 514 DENN 28613 P RW DIS 003 W 10-12PM 3448 MH 28614 P RW DIS 004 W 4-6PM 4153 USB 28615 P RW DIS 005 TH 9-11AM 271 DENN 28616 P RW DIS 006 TH 10-12PM 2520 CCL 28617 P RW DIS 007 TH 1-3PM E1530 BUS 303 Res Methods in Psych 17510 A R LEC 001 M 4-530PM 1324 EH All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 18049 P RW LAB 003 TH 830-10AM 130 DENN 18050 P RW LAB 004 F 1-230PM G160 AH 18051 P RW LAB 005 W 1-230PM 524 DENN 18053 P RW LAB 006 W 530-7PM 1096 EH 18052 P RW LAB 007 W 4-530PM 110 DENN 18632 P RW LAB 008 TH 230-4PM 4088 EH 18633 P RW LAB 009 F 830-10AM 110 DENN 18634 P RW LAB 010 F 10-1130AM 120 DENN 18635 P RW LAB 011 F 1130-1PM 120 DENN U of M Schedule of Classes Page 226 of 382

4.00 Kovelman


Salah-Ud-Din Camacho Doughty Camacho Camacho Wu Wu Wu Salah-Ud-Din Doughty Salah-Ud-Din Doughty Jodl Gale Woods Woods Woods Gale Cho Cho Epstein Gale Epstein Epstein Cho 4.00 Lee


Espy Espy McCluney McCluney Wardecker Li Wardecker Hanek Li Hanek 4.00 ENFORCED Chang 4.00 ENFORCED Earl Cho Chen Valentine Chen Sowden Cho Sowden Smith Smith Valentine 4.00 Cortina


Goodman Holland Holland Bell Goodman Bell 3.00 ENFORCED Rabinowitz Aguilar Grim Stern Schmidt Schmidt Richardson Kolb Kolb Grim FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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26372 P RW LAB 013 TH 4-530PM 120 DENN Stern 27317 P RW LAB 014 TH 1130-1PM 613 DENN Richardson 27318 P RW LAB 015 T 530-7PM 120 DENN Aguilar 304 Teaching&Leading 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY 25354 PI LAB 471 ARR ARR Quart 305 Psych Practicum 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY 22559 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Deldin Depression Center Practicum -Psych 270 is a prerequisite for this class. -To apply for placement at the U-M Depression Center, send a cover letter (stating specific reasons for wanting to take this class) and a resume that includes overall GPA and GPA in the Psychology concentration, to Gail Campanella, Chief of Staff, at with a copy to Jessica Stanichuk at . 12355 PI LAB 002 T 630-8PM 1060 EH Quart Michigan Mentorship Program 306 Group Leading 3.00 ADVISORY 12357 PI LAB 001 T 6-730PM 524 DENN Andrews 26373 PI LAB 002 T 6-730PM 621 DENN Hanley 26374 PI LAB 003 TH 6-730PM 430 DENN Hajski 26375 PI LAB 004 TH 6-730PM 621 DENN Lewis 26376 PI LAB 005 W 6-730PM 524 DENN Goldschmied 307 Directed Experience 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY 12358 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Boster Practicum in Child Dev & Care Recommended background: Prior or concurrent enrollment in PSYCH 250, or other course work that covered child development. For registration information call 734-647-7144 or email 308 Peer Advising Pract 3.00 ADVISORY 12359 PI LAB 001 W 4-8PM B247 EH Wierba Application located at . Application DUE date: March 27, 2013 by Noon. Peer Training Date (required) : First day of class 4-8pm. 310 IGR Facilitation 3.00 ADVISORY Psych/Soc 122 recommended. Requires application/permission of instructor. Contact instructor or website for application information. 20588 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 427 DENN Chesler, Dessel 20590 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 430 DENN Dessel, Chesler 311 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY An additional 15 hours of seminar TBA. Questions regarding this course should be directed to the Intergroup Relations Program, 936-1875, 3000 Michigan Union. 12360 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 514 DENN Corvidae 311 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 W 3-5PM ARR 311 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY 20592 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 413 DENN 311 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 002 W 3-5PM ARR 316 Wrl Blk Chld 3.00 ADVISORY 28834 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1518 CCL McLoyd 317 Community Research 4.00 ADVISORY 20442 P RW LAB 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1405 EQ Carter Direct all questions to Do not contact the instructor. Detroit Initiative Website: 318 Media&Violence 4.00 ADVISORY 23342 A LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM AUD B AH Huesmann Cross-listed with Comm 318.001. 23343 P W DIS 002 W 8-9AM B137 MLB Cross-listed with Comm 318.002. 23344 P RW DIS 003 W 9-10AM B134 MLB Section reserved for declared Communication Studies concentrators. Cross-listed with Comm 318.003. 23345 P RW DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2449 MH Section reserved for declared Communication Studies concentrators. Cross-listed with Comm 318.004. 24936 P RW DIS 005 W 2-3PM B137 MLB Cross-listed with Comm 318.005. 24937 P RW DIS 006 W 4-5PM B137 MLB Section reserved for Psychology concentrators. Cross-listed with Comm 318.006. 23346 P RW DIS 007 W 5-6PM B137 MLB Section reserved for Psychology concentrators. Cross-listed with Comm 318.007. 322 Fld Prac Res Nat Sci 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 21909 PI LAB 002 M 2-5PM ARR Corvidae 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY P LAB 002 W 3-5PM ARR 326 Dir Res Psych/NS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 328 Res Lab Psy Nat Sci 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 335 Int Animal Behav 4.00 ENFORCED 19896 A R LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1120 WEILL Bergman All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 19897 P RW DIS 002 T 1-2PM 413 DENN Cole U of M Schedule of Classes Page 227 of 382



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19898 P RW DIS 003 W 9-10AM 524 DENN Gustison 19899 P RW DIS 004 W 3-4PM 4096 EH Cole 19900 P RW DIS 005 F 11-12PM E1540 BUS Gustison 23316 P RW DIS 006 TH 3-4PM 513 DENN Cole 19901 P RW DIS 007 F 10-11AM E1405 BUS Gustison 338 Soc Beh Primates I 4.00 STUDENTS MUST ELECT DISCUSSION AND LECTURE SECTIONS. DISCUSSION SECTIONS WILL NOT MEET UNTIL AFTER THE FIRST LECTURE 12399 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD A AH Mitani 12400 P W DIS 002 M 1-2PM 238A WH 12401 P W DIS 003 M 2-3PM 238A WH 12402 P W DIS 004 T 9-10AM 238A WH 12403 P W DIS 005 T 3-4PM 238A WH 12404 P W DIS 006 T 4-5PM 238A WH 12405 P W DIS 007 W 3-4PM 238A WH 12406 P W DIS 008 TH 9-10AM 238A WH 12407 P W DIS 009 F 10-11AM 238A WH 341 Adv Lab Cog Psych 4.00 ENFORCED 12371 P RW LAB 001 WF 1-3PM B254 EH Hoeffner 345 Human Neuropsych 4.00 ENFORCED 26392 A R LEC 001 MW 2-3PM 1324 EH Reuter-Lorenz 26393 P RW DIS 002 W 4-6PM 427 DENN Lin 26394 P RW DIS 003 W 4-6PM 1084 EH 26395 P RW DIS 004 TH 1-3PM 414 DENN Sikora 26396 P RW DIS 005 TH 1-3PM 501 DENN Pruitt 26397 P RW DIS 006 TH 3-5PM 271 DENN Sikora 26398 P RW DIS 007 TH 4-6PM 524 DENN 26399 P RW DIS 008 F 10-12PM R0240 BUS Lin 26400 P RW DIS 009 F 10-12PM 271 DENN Pruitt 351 Developmental Lab 3.00 ENFORCED 12385 A R LEC 001 T 10-1130AM 1512 CCL Evans All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 12386 P RW LAB 002 TH 10-1130AM 3038 DANA Arredondo 12387 P RW LAB 003 TH 10-1130AM 445 DENN Kittel 19338 P RW LAB 004 TH 10-1130AM 5521 HH Samudra 353 Social Development 3.00 ADVISORY 21452 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM AUD 4 MLB Ceballo 355 Cognitive Develop 3.00 ADVISORY 23457 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 120 DENN Snodgrass 356 Educational Psych 4.00 ADVISORY 29118 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM G005 DENT Cortina All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 29119 P W DIS 002 M 10-11AM 2229 SEB Keeles 29120 P W DIS 003 M 3-4PM 4088 EH Park 29121 P W DIS 004 M 4-5PM 1084 EH Aldana 29122 P W DIS 005 M 5-6PM 3314 MH Aldana 29123 P W DIS 006 T 9-10AM 1068 EH Keeles 29124 P W DIS 007 T 11-12PM 3427 MH Park 371 Adv Lab Psychopath 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29156 P RW LAB 001 W 2-5PM 142 LORCH Graham-Bermann 381 A L Soc Psych 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26605 A R LEC 001 M 1130-1PM 2306 MH Konrath All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 28624 P RW LAB 002 W 1130-1PM 2163 AH Hallman, Konrath 28625 P RW LAB 003 W 1130-1PM 2306 MH Dougherty, Konrath 28626 P RW LAB 004 W 10-1130AM 2330 MH Dougherty, Konrath 28627 P RW LAB 005 W 10-1130AM 2163 AH Hallman 384 Behavior&Environment 3.00 18748 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1040 DANA De Young 19388 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3556 DANA Borgman 19389 P W DIS 004 M 4-5PM 1250 USB Guckian 19390 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 1024 DANA Borgman 19442 P W DIS 006 T 9-10AM 3556 DANA Guckian 22423 P W DIS 008 M 5-6PM 1046 DANA Guckian 22424 P W DIS 010 W 4-5PM 2502 CCL Borgman 391 A L Personality 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 29167 P RW LAB 001 MW 10-1130AM B250 EH Silverschanz 393 Political Psych 3.00 ADVISORY 28730 A LEC 001 MW 1-2PM AUD B AH Winter All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 28731 P W DIS 002 TH 9-10AM 2340 SEB Osborn 28732 P W DIS 003 TH 10-11AM 2340 SEB Osborn 28733 P W DIS 004 TH 11-12PM 2340 SEB Osborn 28734 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 513 DENN Rubin 28735 P W DIS 006 TH 3-4PM 427 DENN Rubin 28736 P W DIS 007 TH 4-5PM 626 DENN Rubin 400 Special Problems 2.00 ENFORCED 26982 PIRW SEM 001 M 12-2PM 412 WH Berke Neurophys of Decision-Making U of M Schedule of Classes Page 228 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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401 Special Problems 3.00 ENFORCED 27239 P RW SEM 001 TH 10-1PM 173 LORCH Wellman Theory of Mind 29956 P RW SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM 3333 MH Stewart Psychology of Social Change 401-002 mets with Womenstd 345-001. PLEASE NOTE: This course will have exactly the same content, assignments and requirements for students enrolled under the Psychology and Women's Studies course numbers. This course will count toward majors in Psychology (but not BCN) and Women's Studies, regardless of which course number in which you enroll. However, if you have questions about whether you can count the course toward a different major, please contact an advisor in your major department and explain that these two numbers and titles apply to the same course. 30381 P RW SEM 003 MW 830-10AM 513 DENN Mann Psychology & Consciousness 404 Field Practicum 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 405 Pract Univ Setting 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 413 History Modern Psych 3.00 ENFORCED 23458 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-12PM 1505 CCL Pachella 418 Psy&Spir Dev 3.00 ADVISORY 12398 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 414 DENN Mann Permision of Instructor is NOT needed to enroll in this course. 420 Adv Reading NS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 421 Adv Reading Soc Sci 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 422 Adv Research NS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 423 Adv Res Soc Sci 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 424 Sr Hon Res I Nat Sci 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY 17983 AI SEM 001 F 12-130PM B247 EH Mahalingam 426 Sr Hon Res II Nat Sc 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY 17351 AI SEM 001 F 12-130PM ARR Mahalingam Psych 426 meets in EH B247. 428 Sr Thesis Psych NS 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 434 Biopsyc Learn&Memory 3.00 ENFORCED 28648 P RW LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 170 DENN Tronson 435 Biopsyc Rhythm&Behvr 3.00 ENFORCED 26833 P RW LEC 001 MW 6-730PM G127 AH Hagenauer 436 Drugs of Abuse 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28649 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1505 CCL Berke 437 Curr Topics Biopsych 3.00 ENFORCED 24727 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1372 EH Nesse Evolution and Mental Disorders 28650 P RW SEM 002 MW 1-230PM B247 EH Peckham Observational Methods 30583 P RW SEM 004 MW 230-4PM 269 DENN Peckham Endocrine Disruptors 438 Hormones&Behavior 3.00 ENFORCED 24009 P RW LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM B844 EH Becker 442 Perc, Sci&Reality 3.00 ADVISORY 12408 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-12PM B844 EH Pachella 447 Current Topics CCN 3.00 ENFORCED 26414 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 110 DENN Ellis Language, Learning & Cognition Language Usage, Learning, and Cognition 28865 P RW SEM 002 MW 1130-1PM 130 DENN Malley Religious Thought 30000 P RW SEM 003 TTH 10-1130AM B247 EH Glass Cognitive Neuroscience of Pain 449 Decision Processes 3.00 ADVISORY 24728 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1427 MH Yates All sections meet from the 1st day of class, even if they occur before the 1st lecture. 24729 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 260 DENN Carpenter 24730 P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 260 DENN Carpenter 457 Curr Topic Dev Psych 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26420 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM B247 EH Morrison Improving LIt in Amer 458 Psych of Adolescence 3.00 ADVISORY 26421 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 120 DENN Keating 467 Curr Topic Org Psych 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28801 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1084 EH Wierba Psych Dimensions of Leadership 477 Curr Topc Clin Psych 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28652 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1084 EH Gone Culture&Mental Health in Psych 28653 P RW SEM 002 MW 830-10AM 1372 EH Schreier Dev&Psychopth thru Childrn Lit U of M Schedule of Classes Page 229 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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478 Clinical Psych 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 25049 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 110 DENN Nagata 487 Curr Topc Social Psy 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 30513 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM B247 EH Grayson Emotions Psych 487-001 Topic: Emotions 28654 P RW SEM 002 T 7-10PM AUD C AH Garcia Negotiation in Practice 28656 P RW SEM 004 TH 12-3PM 130 DENN Ybarra Intel,Foolish&Stratgc SelfCont 28935 A R LEC 010 TTH 12-1PM LEC RM 1 MLB Ellsworth AR LEC 010 TH 1-230PM 2114 MLB Advanced Social Psychology To enroll in Psych 487-010 Lecture, you must first enroll in a discussion section 011-013. Students must have taken Psych 280 to enroll in this course. This is an advanced course and prior knowledge of Social Psychology is needed. NOTE: The meeting THURSDAYS 1-2PM IS FOR GRAD STUDENTS ONLY (PSYCH 487 STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING). 28936 P RW DIS 011 W 11-12PM 373 LORCH Bonem Advanced Social Psychology To enroll in Psych 487-010 Lecture, you must first enroll in a discussion section 011-013. Students must have taken Psych 280 to enroll in this course. This is an advanced course and prior knowledge of Social Psychology is needed. 28938 P RW DIS 012 W 2-3PM 1636 CHEM Bonem Advanced Social Psychology To enroll in Psych 487-010 Lecture, you must first enroll in a discussion section 011-013. Students must have taken Psych 280 to enroll in this course. This is an advanced course and prior knowledge of Social Psychology is needed. 28939 P RW DIS 013 TH 3-4PM 539 DENN Bonem Advanced Social Psychology To enroll in Psych 487-010 Lecture, you must first enroll in a discussion section 011-013. Students must have taken Psych 280 to enroll in this course. This is an advanced course and prior knowledge of Social Psychology is needed. . 488 Sociology--Deviance 4.00 ADVISORY 23175 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1300 CHEM McGann 26711 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3242 LSA 26713 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3242 LSA 26715 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 3242 LSA 26717 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 3242 LSA 494 Adolescent Sexuality 3.00 28195 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM G144 AH McClelland 509 Interm Stats Psych 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24948 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 173 LORCH Rabinowitz Students must enroll in Psych 509-002 Lab to be auto-enrolled in the lecture 001. Not available for students who have completed STATS 401 or PSYCH 613. 24949 P RW LAB 002 W 4-530PM B250 EH Hauser Students must enroll in Psych 509-002 Lab to be auto-enrolled in the lecture 001. Not available for students who have completed STATS 401 or PSYCH 613. 519 Supervised Research 3.00 27508 A SEM 001 TH 5-7PM B247 EH Mahalingam 31613 PI LAB 069 ARR ARR Konrath 27516 PI LAB 157 ARR ARR Kovelman 32683 PI LAB 353 ARR ARR Davis-Kean 27518 PI LAB 417 ARR ARR Reuter-Lorenz 31614 PI LAB 431 ARR ARR Schwarz 27511 PI LAB 457 ARR ARR Gutierrez 27517 PI LAB 458 ARR ARR Gehring 31615 PI LAB 459 ARR ARR Beehner 27520 PI LAB 481 ARR ARR Ward 31616 PI LAB 488 ARR ARR Gonzalez 31617 PI LAB 491 ARR ARR Sellers 27515 PI LAB 510 ARR ARR Chang 31618 PI LAB 529 ARR ARR Liberzon 27510 PI LAB 578 ARR ARR Lewis 27519 PI LAB 585 ARR ARR Preston 27509 PI LAB 665 ARR ARR Aragona 27512 PI LAB 667 ARR ARR Conley 530 Adv Evol Comparative 3.00 ADVISORY 24829 P W SEM 001 W 1-4PM 1505 CCL Bergman Comparative Animal Cognition 613 Adv Stat Methods 4.00 ADVISORY 12410 P R LEC 001 TTH 9-11AM 1360 EH Gonzalez Meets with Psych 988-002 619 Supervised Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 630 Primatology 3.00 ADVISORY 24928 P W SEM 001 F 12-3PM 418 WH Beehner How to get your project funded 653 P&SC Orientation 2.00 ADVISORY 28930 P R SEM 001 W 130-430PM ARR Conley U of M Schedule of Classes Page 230 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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653 meets in 3021EH 681 Surv of Social Psyc 29211 P R SEM 001 W 130-4PM 3021 EH 681 meets in 3021EH 682 Adv Soc Psy 25053 P R SEM 001 TTH 12-1PM LEC RM 1 MLB 682 Adv Soc Psy PR SEM 001 TH 1-230PM 2114 MLB 685 Soc Psych Theories 33096 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR 706 Tutorial Reading IR IND + ARR ARR 719 Supervised Research IR IND + ARR ARR 731 Physiological Psych 25063 P R LEC 001 W 3-5PM ARR Biopsychology Introduction Sem Meets in Pillsbury Room, East Hall. 28657 P R LEC 002 T 130-230PM 2058 EH PR LEC 002 TH 1-3PM 2058 EH NeuRep of Mvemt&Reward Bas Gan Meets in Pillsbury Room in East Hall. 748 CCN Prelim Prep 25312 P R SEM 001 M 4-6PM ARR Complex Cognitive Processes Psych 748 meets in the Pillsbury Room, East Hall. 751 Cognitive Developmt 21448 P RW SEM 001 TTH 330-5PM 2058 EH 758 Dev Neurosci Hum Beh 29188 P R LEC 001 F 10-1PM 3021 EH Non-Psych should contact for permission to register. 759 Developmental Psych 12413 P R SEM 001 W 2-4PM 2058 EH 771 Top Clin Sci & Pract 25437 P R SEM 001 TH 12-1PM 3021 EH 776 Clin Sci Hist&Cult 28663 P R SEM 001 W 1-4PM 2238 EH 808 Special Seminar 18027 P R SEM 001 M 12-2PM 412 WH Neurophys of Decision-Making 28666 P R SEM 002 T 1-4PM 3021 EH Writing for Soc/Pers Psych 32275 P R SEM 003 F 10-12PM ARR Seminar in Psycholinguistics Psych 808-003 meets in the Pillsbury Room in EH. 32776 PI SEM 004 F 10-12PM ARR Research on Addictions-Pt 1 25783 PIR SEM 007 W 1-4PM 1505 CCL Comparative Animal Cognition Meet together With Psych 530-001. 33369 P SEM 010 ARR ARR LIFE arranged 817 Sem Soc Sci Meth 16958 P SEM 001 W 4-6PM 6050 ISR 819 Supervised Research IR IND + ARR ARR 840 Intro Functional MRI 25210 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR 841 Des&anly fMRI exper 29185 P R SEM 001 MW 230-4PM B250 EH 858 Current Iss Dev Psy 24917 P R LEC 001 M 1-3PM 2058 EH 861 Sem Ed Psych 23601 P SEM 001 T 1-4PM 2218 SEB Crosslisted with Psych 861. 876 Pract Clinical Psych 25310 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR 877 Psychopth Lifesp I 28670 P R SEM 001 W 9-12PM 2058 EH 879 Internship Clin Psy 25311 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR 958 Special Sem Developm 23514 P R SEM 001 T 9-12PM 2058 EH Children and the Media 25060 P W SEM 002 M 1-4PM 2228 SEB Motivation in the Classroom meets with Educ 709 29440 P R SEM 003 W 9-12PM 2328 SEB U of M Schedule of Classes Page 231 of 382

2.00 Kitayama 3.00 Ellsworth 3.00 2.00 Gonzalez 1.00-4.00 1.00-5.00


3.00 ADVISORY Nesse, Becker Aldridge

3.00 Meyer 3.00 Wellman 3.00 Monk 2.00 Antonucci 1.00 Gone 3.00 Gone 1.00-3.00 Berke Edelstein Boland





Becker, Reed, McClellan Bergman Antonucci 1.00 ADVISORY Almirall, Xie 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Jonides, Noll 3.00 ENFORCED Weissman 2.00 ADVISORY Morrison 3.00 ADVISORY Eccles, Cortina 2.00 Nagata 3.00 Olson 2.00 Nagata 3.00 Ward Ryan Miller FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339


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Cognit & Instructn in Classrm 988 Sem Soc Psy 18030 P R SEM 001 Social Psychology Lab 16949 P R SEM 002 TTH Adv Statistical Methods Meets with Psych 613. 28669 P R SEM 003 TH Self-contrl&Emotion Regulation 25059 P R SEM 004 W Outplacement 24379 PI SEM 431 Curr Res in Social Cognitn 990 Diss-Precand IR IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +


ARR 1360 EH 3021 EH 2234 EH ARR ARR

1.00-4.00 Nisbett Gonzalez Kross Ellsworth Schwarz 1.00-8.00 8.00




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College of L S & A Residential College

Humanities (RCHUMS)
237 29843 Self-Taught Artists P W REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2347 MH 3.00 Wright

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Studies In Religion
Religion (RELIGION)
201 World Rel:Near East 4.00 STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 12415 A LEC 001 MWF 2-3PM AUD C AH Muehlberger 12416 P RW DIS 002 W 3-4PM 2449 MH 26730 P W DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 3451 MH 12417 P W DIS 004 F 10-11AM 1401 MH 33107 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM G127 AH 230 Intro to Buddhism 4.00 15603 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM AUD 4 MLB Lopez Jr 15605 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 1359 MH Dingman 15607 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM G311 DENT Dingman 15609 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 2009RUTHVEN Dingman 15611 P W DIS 005 F 11-12PM G580 DENT Bloom 15613 P W DIS 006 F 12-1PM 4152 USB Pisarski 23543 P W DIS 007 F 2-3PM 506 BMT Pisarski 26137 P W DIS 008 F 9-10AM 4153 USB Johnson 26139 P W DIS 009 F 10-11AM G311 DENT Johnson 27336 P W DIS 010 F 12-1PM 3230 USB Johnson 27348 P W DIS 011 F 1-2PM 2022 STB Pisarski 27350 P W DIS 012 F 2-3PM 1105 NQ Bloom 27770 P W DIS 013 F 3-4PM B101 MLB Bloom 262 Intro to Religion 4.00 28191 A LEC 001 MW 11-12PM G550 DENT Baker 28192 P W DIS 002 MW 1-2PM 2271 AH Shaikh 28220 P W DIS 003 MW 3-4PM 2866 EH Shaikh 270 Rabbinic Lit 3.00 24941 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 2437 MH Eliav 280 Jesus&Gospel 4.00 19752 A LEC 001 MWF 3-4PM AUD C AH Waddell 19753 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 3242 LSA 19754 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 1250 USB 19755 P W DIS 004 W 9-10AM B135 MLB 20035 P W DIS 005 F 2-3PM 2114 MLB 20036 P W DIS 006 F 10-11AM R2320 BUS 20105 P W DIS 007 F 12-1PM 2412 MLB 305 Religion & Violence 3.00 28791 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2114 MLB Mandair 307 Devotion in S Asia 3.00 ADVISORY 28794 P W SEM 001 MW 1130-1PM G232 AH Bhatia 363 Qur'an&Its Interpret 3.00 ADVISORY 27194 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 3451 MH Knysh 387 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 421 Afdiaspora Religions 3.00 26993 P W LEC 001 F 11-2PM 2271 AH Johnson 448 Psy&Spir Dev 3.00 ADVISORY 12419 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 414 DENN Mann 455 Religion & Society 3.00 ADVISORY 21550 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 1449 MH McGinn 469 Jwsh Mystism 3.00 24935 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 4151 USB Ginsburg 476 Pagans&Christn 3.00 28479 P W LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM 1068 EH Ahbel-Rappe 487 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 IR IND + ARR ARR 497 Sr Honors Thesis 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR

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Romance Languages Department

French (FRENCH)
--A student who misses either of the first two meetings of any course offered by the Department of Romance Languages may be dropped from the course for non-attendance. --Students with any previous study of French must take the French placement test before enrolling. Placement test dates are online at: --All students must take action through the registration system to make sure that their official schedule of courses matches the courses they are attending. 101 Elementary 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11685 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 8-9AM B120 MLB 25100 P RW REC 003 MTWTH 9-10AM B120 MLB 18515 P RW REC 005 MTWTH 10-11AM 1339 MH 11686 P RW REC 007 MTWTH 12-1PM B120 MLB 26383 P RW REC 009 MTWTH 1-2PM B120 MLB 24827 P RW REC 011 MTWTH 2-3PM B120 MLB 22376 P RW REC 013 MTWTH 3-4PM B120 MLB 103 Elementary Review 4.00 ENFORCED 27162 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 8-9AM B117 MLB 25195 P RW REC 003 MTWTH 9-10AM B117 MLB 18516 P RW REC 005 MTWTH 9-10AM 2271 AH 26385 P RW REC 007 MTWTH 10-11AM B117 MLB 22377 P RW REC 009 MTWTH 12-1PM B117 MLB 11687 P RW REC 011 MTWTH 1-2PM B117 MLB 25101 P RW REC 013 MTWTH 1-2PM 4153 USB 18517 P RW REC 015 MTWTH 2-3PM B117 MLB 18518 P RW REC 017 MTWTH 3-4PM B117 MLB 113 Accel Rdg French 4.00 28918 P W REC 003 TTH 9-11AM B122 MLB Mc Mann 231 Second Year 4.00 ENFORCED 11688 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 8-9AM B115B MLB 25102 P RW REC 003 MTWTH 9-10AM B115B MLB 29353 P RW REC 004 MTWTH 9-10AM 130 TAP 23287 P RW REC 005 MTWTH 10-11AM B115B MLB 11689 P RW REC 007 MTWTH 10-11AM 1359 MH 11690 P RW REC 009 MTWTH 11-12PM B115B MLB 18519 P RW REC 013 MTWTH 12-1PM B115B MLB 18520 P RW REC 015 MTWTH 12-1PM B113 MLB 18521 P RW REC 017 MTWTH 1-2PM B115B MLB 18522 P RW REC 021 MTWTH 2-3PM B115B MLB 18523 P RW REC 023 MTWTH 3-4PM B115B MLB 19279 P RW REC 025 MTWTH 4-5PM B122 MLB 232 Second Year 4.00 ENFORCED 23269 P RW REC 002 MTWTH 9-10AM B115A MLB 11691 P RW REC 005 MTWTH 10-11AM B115A MLB 11692 P RW REC 007 MTWTH 11-12PM B115A MLB 11693 P RW REC 011 MTWTH 12-1PM 1105 NQ Gabaron French Comics 30835 P RW REC 012 MTWTH 12-1PM B115A MLB 11694 P RW REC 015 MTWTH 1-2PM B115A MLB 18524 P RW REC 019 MTWTH 2-3PM B115A MLB 18525 P RW REC 021 MTWTH 3-4PM B115A MLB 26386 P RW REC 023 MTWTH 4-5PM B135 MLB 235 Advanced French 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 28986 P RW REC 001 MWF 9-10AM B122 MLB Rogg 21182 P RW REC 002 MWF 10-11AM B122 MLB Rogg 18276 P RW REC 003 MWF 11-12PM B122 MLB Viers 20475 P RW REC 007 MWF 1-2PM B122 MLB Viers 20476 P RW REC 009 MWF 2-3PM B122 MLB Viers 270 Fr Lit&Culture 3.00 ENFORCED 22807 P RW REC 001 TTH 830-10AM B111 MLB Maranda Les autres mondes du moyen age 26173 P RW REC 002 MWF 9-10AM G168 AH Canal Lieux de memoire dans recits 28926 P RW REC 004 MWF 3-4PM 2202 MLB Dupas Voulez-vous coucher avec moi 272 Fr Film&Culture 3.00 ENFORCED 30595 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM G228 AH Stoll Black Immigration: Rev of Hist 31365 P RW REC 003 TTH 10-1130AM 2011 MLB Uritescu-Lombard Nouvelle Vague Nouveau Roman 274 Societies&Culture 3.00 ENFORCED 21685 P RW REC 002 TTH 1-230PM 1436 MH Gabaron French/Professions - Medical 335 Comp&Stylistics 3.00 ENFORCED 28931 P RW REC 001 MWF 11-12PM B113 MLB Hoffmann Creative Writing in French U of M Schedule of Classes Page 235 of 382


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343 French Enlightenment 29249 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1372 EH 344 Rev France 1789-1900 29255 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM G127 AH 350 Topics Fr Studies 26174 P RW REC 002 TTH 10-1130AM 3356 MH Paris Blues-Fr Cult Betwn Wars 29291 P RW REC 005 TTH 230-4PM B111 MLB Waiting 365 Stds Sub-Saharan 30596 P RW REC 001 MW 4-530PM 3254 LSA Writing In Between:Nomadic Ids 369 Modern Lit&Cult 31366 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2455 MH Cult Langue Fran Apres-Guerre 380 Intermed Bus French 29325 P RW REC 001 MWF 10-11AM 1507 CCL 381 French Internship 29763 PIR LEC 001 ARR ARR 399 Independent Study DR IND + ARR ARR 450 Special Studies 32012 PIR REC 001 MW 230-4PM G160 AH Cabaret Voltaire Lat Am&Back 466 Lit 20th C 28994 P RW REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM B101 MLB Gay Male Theories&Lit 491 Senior Honors I IND + ARR ARR See for more information. 501 Resrch in Old French 31932 PI SEM 001 TH 3-4PM 4317 MLB 656 20th C Lit 28996 P W SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM B101 MLB 855 Spec Topics Sem 30305 P W SEM 001 M 2-5PM 2265 NQ Medieval French Romance 899 Independent Study I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR ARR

3.00 Goodman 3.00 Cole 3.00 Clej Caron 3.00 Stoll



3.00 ENFORCED Uritescu-Lombard 3.00 Criso 3.00 1.00-3.00 3.00 Williams 3.00 Caron 3.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY 35.00

1.00 McCracken 3.00 ADVISORY Caron 3.00 ADVISORY McCracken 1.00-3.00 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED

Italian (ITALIAN)
--A student who misses either of the first two meetings of any course offered by the Department of Romance Languages may be dropped from the course for non-attendance. --Students with any previous study of Italian must take the Italian placement test before enrolling. Placement test dates are online at: --All students must take action through the registration system to make sure that their official schedule of courses matches the courses they are attending. 101 Elementary 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21948 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 3460 MH 23273 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 10-11AM 3448 MH 25557 P RW REC 005 MTTHF 11-12PM 3460 MH 11889 P RW REC 009 MTTHF 12-1PM 4153 USB 20924 P RW REC 012 MTTHF 1-2PM 2333 MH 18527 P RW REC 015 MTTHF 2-3PM 2333 MH 18528 P RW REC 017 MTTHF 3-4PM B122 MLB 102 Elementary 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 11890 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM 1436 MH 16926 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 12-1PM 2325 MH 231 Second Year 4.00 ENFORCED 11891 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 9-10AM 3314 MH 16927 P RW REC 005 MTTHF 12-1PM 2449 MH 18529 P RW REC 007 MTTHF 1-2PM 2325 MH 18530 P RW REC 009 MTTHF 3-4PM 2333 MH 232 Second Year Cont 4.00 ENFORCED 11892 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 10-11AM B113 MLB 31934 P RW REC 002 MF 10-11AM B111 MLB P RW REC 002 TTH 10-11AM B101 MLB 270 Italian Lit & Cult 3.00 ADVISORY 26259 P W REC 002 TTH 10-1130AM B111 MLB Cornish Italian Through Opera 271 Language in Action 3.00 ADVISORY 28934 P W REC 001 MWF 10-11AM B101 MLB Minonne Italy Today:Emigrat to Immigr 317 The Renaissance 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 236 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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28943 P W REC 001 MW 230-4PM G144 AH 320 Modern Ital Lit 28942 P W REC 001 TTH 230-4PM B113 MLB Realism in Italian Culture 410 Ital-Span Speakers 26262 P W REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 2114 MLB 422 Politics&Lit 31993 PI W REC 001 MW 230-4PM G160 AH Cabaret Voltaire Lat Am &Back 464 Modern Ital Poetry 28940 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM G168 AH 491 Sr Honors Thesis D IND + ARR ARR Research See for more information. 635 Independent Study I IND + ARR ARR 735 Independent Study I IND + ARR ARR 895 Independent Study I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR ARR

Mallette 3.00 Erbaggio


3.00 ADVISORY Capek-Habekovic 3.00 ADVISORY Williams 3.00 Mallette 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED

Portuguese (PORTUG)
101 12347 231 22428 415 21979 472 28962

Elementary P W REC 001 MTWTH Second-Year P RW REC 001 MTWTH Port Rom Lang Spkrs P RW REC 001 TTH Cinema in Port World P W REC 001 TTH

10-11AM 11-12PM 1-230PM 6-730PM

B120 MLB B120 MLB G228 AH 2104 MLB

4.00 Fedrigo 4.00 Fedrigo 3.00 Fedrigo 3.00 Arenas


Romance Languages and Literatures (ROMLANG)

400 Topics in Rom Lang 1.00-4.00 30406 P W REC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1185 NQ Green-Mercado Mediter. Encounters(1453-1700) 30619 P W REC 002 MW 4-7PM 2106 MLB Raza y nacion en Argentina This is a one-credit mini-course. Class dates are November 6, 11, 13, 18, and 20. This class does not count toward the Spanish major or minor requirements. 498 Senior Seminar RLL 3.00 ENFORCED 23723 PIRW SEM 001 MW 230-4PM G160 AH Williams Cabaret Voltaire Lat Am & Back 528 Teach Rom Lang 3.00 ADVISORY 23662 P W SEM 002 M 2-5PM 2104 MLB Gallego 681 Intro Grad Study 3.00 ADVISORY 18531 P RW SEM 001 F 12-3PM 4309 MLB Hoffmann 993 GSI Train Wksp 1.00 ADVISORY 21970 PI REC 001 ARR ARR

Romance Linguistics (ROMLING)

298 19277 19278 410 27210 413 29336 995 Intro Spanish Ling P RW LEC 001 MW P RW LEC 002 MW Sp Phonetics P RW REC 001 MW Teaching Spanish P RW LEC 001 MW Diss-Cand IR IND + 1130-1PM 230-4PM 1130-1PM 4-530PM ARR G144 AH G232 AH 130 TAP G232 AH ARR

3.00 ENFORCED Garcia-Amaya Garcia-Amaya 3.00 ENFORCED Henriksen 3.00 ENFORCED Garcia-Amaya 8.00 ENFORCED

Spanish (SPANISH)
--A student who misses either of the first two meetings of any course offered by the Department of Romance Languages may be dropped from the course for non-attendance. --Students with any previous study of Spanish must take the Spanish placement test before enrolling. Placement test dates are online at: --All students must take action through the registration system to make sure that their official schedule of courses matches the courses they are attending. 100 Intensive Elem Span 8.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26041 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 11-1PM 2104 MLB 101 Elementary 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12478 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 8-9AM B122 MLB 18532 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 9-10AM 2325 MH 12479 P RW REC 009 MTTHF 12-1PM 2336 MH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 237 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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18534 P RW REC 015 MTTHF 1-2PM 1427 MH 20040 P RW REC 018 MTTHF 2-3PM 2353 MH 27204 P RW REC 020 MTTHF 4-5PM B124 MLB 18535 PDRW REC 021 MTTHF 1130-1PM 2402 MLB Piper Section 021 is reserved for CSP students. CSP department consent is needed to register. Inquire in 1139 Angell Hall. 103 Review-Elementary 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12480 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 8-9AM B109 MLB 12481 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 9-10AM B109 MLB 25873 P RW REC 007 MTTHF 10-11AM B109 MLB 12482 P RW REC 009 MTTHF 11-12PM B109 MLB 17337 P RW REC 013 MTTHF 12-1PM B109 MLB 12483 P RW REC 015 MTTHF 12-1PM 3460 MH 18536 P RW REC 019 MTTHF 1-2PM B109 MLB 18537 P RW REC 021 MTTHF 1-2PM 2353 MH 18538 P RW REC 023 MTTHF 2-3PM B109 MLB 18539 P RW REC 027 MTTHF 3-4PM B109 MLB 22368 P RW REC 029 MTTHF 4-5PM B109 MLB 25200 PDRW REC 031 MTTHF 1-230PM 2402 MLB Piper Section 031 is for CSP students. Need CSP Dept. consent to register . Inquire in 1139 Angell Hall for further information. 230 Intensive 2nd Year 8.00 ENFORCED 30440 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 8-10AM 2106 MLB 231 Second Year Span 4.00 ENFORCED 12484 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 8-9AM B134 MLB 20041 P RW REC 002 MTTHF 8-9AM B124 MLB 22369 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 8-9AM B101 MLB 24796 P RW REC 004 MTTHF 9-10AM B134 MLB 12485 P RW REC 005 MTTHF 9-10AM B124 MLB 25158 P RW REC 006 MTTHF 9-10AM 3302 MH 18540 P RW REC 007 MTTHF 9-10AM 2333 MH 12486 P RW REC 009 MTTHF 10-11AM B134 MLB 21134 P RW REC 010 MTTHF 10-11AM B124 MLB 26356 P RW REC 012 MTTHF 11-12PM B134 MLB 12487 P RW REC 013 MTTHF 11-12PM B124 MLB 23239 P RW REC 014 MTTHF 11-12PM 2022 STB 12488 P RW REC 015 MTTHF 11-12PM 2325 MH 12489 P RW REC 019 MTTHF 12-1PM B134 MLB 12490 P RW REC 023 MTTHF 12-1PM B124 MLB 18541 P RW REC 025 MTTHF 12-1PM B135 MLB 22867 P RW REC 027 MTTHF 12-1PM 3448 MH 12491 P RW REC 029 MTTHF 1-2PM B134 MLB 18542 P RW REC 031 MTTHF 1-2PM B124 MLB 18543 P RW REC 033 MTTHF 1-2PM 3254 LSA 22370 P RW REC 034 MTTHF 1-2PM 3314 MH 18544 P RW REC 035 MTTHF 2-3PM B134 MLB 23240 P RW REC 036 MTTHF 2-3PM B124 MLB 18545 P RW REC 037 MTTHF 2-3PM 2407 MH 25380 P RW REC 038 MTTHF 2-3PM 2325 MH 18546 P RW REC 041 MTTHF 3-4PM B134 MLB 18547 P RW REC 043 MTTHF 3-4PM B124 MLB 21890 P RW REC 047 MTTHF 4-5PM B134 MLB 232 Second Year Span 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18548 P RW REC 001 MTTHF 8-9AM B137 MLB 30439 P RW REC 002 MTTHF 8-9AM B135 MLB 27725 P RW REC 003 MTTHF 9-10AM B137 MLB 21338 P RW REC 004 MTTHF 9-10AM 2449 MH 26380 P RW REC 010 MTTHF 10-11AM B137 MLB 26381 P RW REC 011 MTTHF 10-11AM 2449 MH 12492 P RW REC 015 MTTHF 11-12PM B137 MLB 20014 P RW REC 016 MTTHF 11-12PM 2449 MH 32656 P RW REC 017 MTTHF 11-12PM B135 MLB 12493 P RW REC 019 MTTHF 12-1PM B137 MLB 20015 P RW REC 020 MTTHF 12-1PM 2330 MH 12494 P RW REC 021 MTTHF 12-1PM 1469 MH 23569 P RW REC 024 MTTHF 1-2PM 2407 MH 16924 P RW REC 025 MTTHF 1-2PM B137 MLB 26382 P RW REC 028 MTTHF 2-3PM 4153 USB 17341 P RW REC 029 MTTHF 2-3PM B137 MLB 18549 P RW REC 033 MTTHF 3-4PM B137 MLB 21655 P RW REC 036 MF 4-5PM 1401 MH P RW REC 036 TTH 4-5PM 1518 CCL 32648 P RW REC 041 MTTHF 8-9AM 2202 MLB Iglesias Garrido Espana en Contraste 18550 P RW REC 043 MTTHF 9-10AM B135 MLB Iglesias Garrido Espana en Contraste 23281 P RW REC 045 MTTHF 10-11AM B135 MLB Iglesias Garrido Espana en Contraste 18551 P RW REC 047 MTTHF 10-11AM 3460 MH De Los Santos Plata U of M Schedule of Classes Page 238 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Contemp Hist Sp-Music Cinema 26577 P RW REC 052 MTTHF Cultures in Contact 18554 P RW REC 053 MTTHF Contemp Hist Sp-Music Cinema 24652 P RW REC 054 MTTHF Explor S Amer Readings 23282 P RW REC 056 MTTHF Explor S Amer Readings 30477 P RW REC 057 MTTHF Explor S Amer Readings 277 Rdg, Grammar, & Comp 25111 P RW REC 001 MWF 25571 P RW REC 002 MWF 25112 P RW REC 003 MWF 25113 P RW REC 004 MWF 25114 P RW REC 007 MWF 25115 P RW REC 008 MWF 25117 P RW REC 011 MWF 25118 P RW REC 012 MWF 25119 P RW REC 015 MWF 25120 P RW REC 016 MWF 25121 P RW REC 019 MWF 25123 P RW REC 023 MWF 25125 P RW REC 027 MWF 25126 P RW REC 029 MWF 278 Span Herit Lang 26144 P W REC 002 MF 278 Span Herit Lang P W REC 002 W 280 Conv Sp/LAm Film 24669 P RW REC 002 MWF 25431 P RW REC 003 MWF 24670 P RW REC 004 TTH 25485 P RW REC 005 MWF 27136 P RW REC 006 MWF 30470 P RW REC 009 MW 283 Sp-Professions 19190 P RW REC 001 TTH Medical 23288 P RW REC 005 TTH Business 287 Adv Compos & Style 23348 P RW REC 002 MWF 23349 P RW REC 004 MWF 289 Intro to Translation 25498 P RW REC 001 MW 28620 P RW REC 003 MW 295 Intro Hispanic Lits 28660 P RW REC 001 MWF 30034 P RW REC 007 MWF 20604 P RW REC 009 MWF 27507 P RW REC 011 MWF 296 Spec Topics Lit&Cul 30033 P RW REC 001 MWF Speaking (to) Power 24671 P RW REC 002 TTH Eva Peron: mito nacional/cult 29915 P RW REC 005 MWF Catast 20th C Spain/2013-1931 298 Intro Spanish Ling 19199 P RW LEC 001 MW 19200 P RW LEC 002 MW 299 Intro Internship DR IND + 308 Academic Writing 18556 P RW LEC 001 TTH 28923 P RW LEC 002 TTH 339 Early/Mod Span Cult 30405 P RW REC 001 TTH Moriscos& Conversos:Mod Iberia 340 Contemp Spain Cult 31791 P RW REC 002 MWF 28623 P RW REC 003 TTH 341 Colonial/Mod LatAmer 28671 P RW REC 002 TTH Resistance Fighting New World 355 New World Spanish 28891 P RW REC 002 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes

1-2PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 8-9AM 8-9AM 9-10AM 9-10AM 10-11AM 10-11AM 11-12PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 10-11AM 9-11AM 9-10AM 10-11AM 1130-1PM 12-1PM 2-3PM 230-4PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 9-10AM 12-1PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 11-12PM 1-230PM 10-11AM 1130-1PM 230-4PM ARR 4-5PM 5-6PM 1130-1PM 12-1PM 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 1-230PM of 382

B135 MLB 2449 MH B135 MLB B135 MLB B137 MLB 2155 NQ 2135 NQ 3242 LSA 3347 MH 3302 MH 2155 NQ 3314 MH 3302 MH 1505 CCL 2407 MH 1650 CHEM 4128 LSA 2175 NQ 2175 NQ 1505 CCL B109 MLB G228 AH 3314 MH B103 MLB 1339 MH B103 MLB 1437 MH 2402 MLB 2402 MLB B111 MLB B111 MLB G160 AH G160 AH G144 AH 1250 USB 2412 MLB 2212 MLB 2212 MLB G168 AH 3451 MH G144 AH G232 AH ARR 2104 MLB 2104 MLB 3401 MH B101 MLB B122 MLB G232 AH B111 MLB

Rama De Los Santos Plata Gonzalez Gonzalez Gonzalez 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED

4.00 ADVISORY Coll Ramirez 4.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ENFORCED Mc Alister II Mc Alister II Robles Gila Gallego Noverr Calixto 3.00 ENFORCED Dorantes Dorantes 3.00 Gallego Noverr 3.00 Pollard Pollard 3.00 Vitaliti Vega Horowitz Almenara 3.00 Tenhaaf Beverinotti Aguilera-Mellado 3.00 ENFORCED Garcia-Amaya Garcia-Amaya 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED 1.00 ENFORCED Herbert Herbert 3.00 ENFORCED Green-Mercado 3.00 ENFORCED Mc Alister II Freire Hermida 3.00 ENFORCED Nemser 3.00 Satterfield ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED


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Spanish in the US 372 Survey Span Lit II 30488 P RW REC 001 MW Desire & Discontents Mod Spain 373 Topic Hisp Lit&Cult 27660 P RW REC 001 TTH Muslims Medieval & Early-Mod 26088 P RW REC 005 MWF Borges y sus mundos 26089 P RW REC 007 TTH Novelas ejemplares Cervantes 382 Surv Lat-Am Lit II 22631 P RW REC 001 MW 28902 P RW REC 002 TTH 410 Sp Phonetics 27213 P RW REC 001 MW 411 Advanced Syntax 28890 P RW REC 002 TTH 413 Teaching Spanish 29446 P RW LEC 001 MW 420 Lat Amer Film 26102 P RW REC 001 MW Latin American Popular Cinemas 26101 P RW REC 002 MW Latin American Popular Cinemas 428 Internship DR IND + 430 Adv Stds Hisp Cult 28901 P RW LEC 001 MW Queer Cul of Hispan Carib&Disp 31812 P RW LEC 002 MW Intro Catalan Language/Culture 29998 P RW LEC 003 MW Cin Post-Dictator. Spain/Argen 29999 P RW LEC 005 TTH Argentina in History & Fiction 432 Gender Writing&Cult 28897 P RW REC 001 TTH 31793 P RW REC 002 TTH 30445 P RW REC 003 MW 435 Independent Study DR IND + 438 Econ&Pol of Lit 28894 P RW LEC 002 TTH 459 Don Quijote 28892 P RW LEC 002 TTH 470 Lat-Am Lit 16-19 C 27428 P RW REC 003 TTH Sp Colonial Invention of Race 475 Lat-Am Narrative 20609 P RW REC 003 TTH Banditry&the Constr of Nation 485 Case Studies 30002 PIRW REC 001 MW Cabaret Voltaire Lat Am &Back 487 Studies Hisp Ling 22806 P RW REC 001 MW Spanish Sociolinguistics 635 Independent Study I IND + 822 Religion and Culture 28949 P W SEM 001 W 855 Spec Topics Sem 28948 P W SEM 001 TH Translation and Anxiety 29081 P W SEM 003 T Ideol Aesthetics:Thry Lit LatA 895 Independent Study I IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

4-530PM 10-1130AM 1-2PM 1-230PM 1130-1PM 230-4PM 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 4-530PM 4-530PM 230-4PM ARR 230-4PM 1130-1PM 1-230PM 230-4PM 1-230PM 830-10AM 10-1130AM ARR 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 1-230PM 230-4PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM ARR 1-4PM 1-4PM 2-5PM ARR ARR ARR

B111 MLB B103 MLB 1250 USB 3451 MH 3356 MH 2114 MLB 130 TAP 3401 MH G232 AH 2336 MH 2336 MH ARR B312A DENT 4151 USB 3460 MH 1175 NQ B122 MLB B113 MLB 2412 MLB ARR G232 AH G168 AH B113 MLB B116 MLB G160 AH 130 TAP ARR 2265 NQ B101 MLB 2265 NQ ARR

3.00 Boalick 3.00 Szpiech Jenckes


Garcia Santo-Tomas 3.00 ENFORCED Williams Rodriguez-Matos 3.00 ENFORCED Henriksen 3.00 ENFORCED Satterfield 3.00 ENFORCED Garcia-Amaya 3.00 ENFORCED Couret Couret 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED


3.00 ENFORCED La Fountain-Stokes Coll Ramirez Boalick Alberto 3.00 ENFORCED Freire Hermida Freire Hermida Moreiras-Menor 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED 3.00 ENFORCED Sanjines 3.00 ENFORCED Garcia Santo-Tomas 3.00 ENFORCED Nemser 3.00 Sanjines 3.00 Williams 3.00 Henriksen 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY

3.00 ADVISORY Rodriguez-Matos 3.00 ADVISORY Szpiech Jenckes 3.00 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED

ARR 8.00 ARR

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South Asian Studies

South Asian Studies (SAS)
798 South Asia MA Essay SI IND + ARR ARR 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY

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Sweetland Center for Writing

Gayle Morris Sweetland Center for Writing (WRITING)
100 Transit Coll Writing 20418 P W REC 001 MW 10-11AM 2230 USB 11472 P W REC 002 MW 11-12PM 1155 NQ 11473 P W REC 003 MW 4-5PM 1155 NQ 11475 P W REC 005 TTH 11-12PM 1155 NQ 11476 P W REC 006 TTH 3-4PM 1155 NQ 20417 P W REC 008 TTH 1-2PM 1155 NQ 11477 P W REC 009 MW 3-4PM 1155 NQ 22275 P W REC 010 TTH 4-5PM 1155 NQ 22472 P W REC 011 MW 9-10AM 1155 NQ 22473 P W REC 012 MW 3-4PM 3242 LSA 22474 P W REC 013 TTH 12-1PM 2275 NQ 22475 P W REC 014 TTH 2-3PM 1155 NQ 22476 P W REC 015 TTH 9-10AM 1155 NQ 120 Wrtg Multiling Stu 30825 P W SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2230 USB 30826 P W SEM 002 MW 3-430PM 1804 SSWB 30827 P W SEM 003 TTH 1-230PM G444A MH 30828 P W SEM 004 TTH 4-530PM 2230 USB 200 New Media Writing 22276 P W SEM 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1185 NQ The Art of the Photo Essay 24655 P W SEM 002 W 3-5PM 2275 NQ Powerful Electronic Portfolios This mini course meets September 4 - October 16. 29978 P W SEM 003 F 12-2PM ARR The Rhetoric of Social Bloggin This mini-course meets Sept. 6 - Oct. 18, 2013. 22279 P W SEM 004 F 10-12PM 1185 NQ Audio Essay This mini course meets September 6 - October 18. 22278 P W SEM 005 W 3-5PM 2275 NQ The Art of the Online Review This mini course meets October 23 - December 11. There is no class on Nov. 27. 29979 P W SEM 006 F 12-2PM ARR The Rhetoric of Memes This mini course meets Oct. 25 - Dec. 6th, 2013. 220 Writing Minor Intro 26561 PD SEM 001 WF 10-1130AM 4155 LSA 26562 PD SEM 002 TTH 1-230PM 2230 USB 300 Sem Peer Tutoring 11478 PD SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1185 NQ 301 Directed Peer Tutor 11479 PDR SEM 001 W 5-6PM 1359 MH 350 Upper-Lvl Wrtg 27301 P W SEM 001 W 9-10AM 1185 NQ 400 Adv Rhet & Research 29005 PD SEM 002 WF 830-10AM 2230 USB Minor in Writing Capstone This section is for admitted Minor in Writing students in the final semester of program. 993 Teaching Writing 11480 PD SEM 001 T 4-6PM 1185 NQ This course meets September 24 - November 12, 2013, with no class on October 15. 20110 PD SEM 002 W 9-11AM G580 DENT This course meets September 25 - November 13, 2013 with no class on October 16. 3.00 Hetzel Barron Brandolino Sessolo Gramm Beal Nichols Metsker Hedges Cicciarelli Naydan Manis McDaniel 3.00 Xia Randall Xia Randall 3.00 Karczynski Manis Sessolo Tell Manis Sessolo 3.00 Babcock Silver 3.00 Modey 1.00-3.00 Naydan 1.00 Cicciarelli 3.00 McDaniel 1.00 Nichols Nichols


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South East Asian Studies

Southeast Asian Studies (SEAS)
354 Govts&Pol S E Asia 3.00 25883 P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1640 CHEM Gomez 501 Intro SEA Studies 3.00 18920 P SEM 001 W 6-9PM 173 LORCH Ness Interested upperclassmen (Jr, Sr) can contact the instructor for permission to register for this class. 698 Indep Study: SE Asia 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR 798 SE Asian MA Essay 1.00-6.00 SI IND + ARR ARR ADVISORY


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SRC-PSM Graduate Program

Survey Methodology (SURVMETH)
600 Fund Surv Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 18605 PD SEM 001 W 230-530PM ARR Keusch Department permission required. Email for permission. Undergraduates interested in survey methodology are encouraged to take this course. 613 An Cmplx Sam Srv Dat 3.00 ADVISORY 18006 PD W SEM 001 TH 1230-3PM G300 PERRY West Department permission and prerequisites required. Contact: 617 Sampling Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 18063 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM ARR Lepkowski 623 Data Collection Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 18043 PD W LEC 001 M 1-4PM ARR Students outside of the Program in Survey Methodology must have taken SurvMeth 600 (Fundamentals) prior to enrolling in SurvMeth 623. Contact Jill Esau ( with questions. 632 Cog,Comm,Survey Meas 3.00 ADVISORY 18604 PD SEM 001 W 10-1230PM G300 PERRY Department permission and prerequisites required. Contact: 670 Design Seminar I 3.00 ADVISORY 18007 PD SEM 001 M 630-830PM G300 PERRY Yan Class registration closed 8/30/2009. 673 Data Analysis Pract 2.00 ADVISORY 18009 PD SEM 001 T 10-12PM G300 PERRY Yan, Keusch 685 Stat Methods I 3.00 ADVISORY 20463 PD W LEC 001 TH 1-330PM ARR Lee This course is for students enrolled in the Program in Survey Methodology. Students must have department permission to enroll in this course. Contact Jill Esau at 697 Special Courses 3.00 ADVISORY 20074 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR 699 Directed Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 720 Total Surv Error I 2.00 ADVISORY 19381 PD SEM 001 T 5-640PM G300 PERRY Department permission and prerequisites required. Contact: 790 Multi-level Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 18561 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR Lee 890 Doctoral Seminar I 3.00 ADVISORY 18008 PD SEM 001 TH 9-1130AM ARR Elliott, Kreuter 895 Special Seminars 3.00 ADVISORY 31831 PD SEM 001 W 3-6PM G300 PERRY Traugott Gallup Redesign Pre-elect poll 31177 PD SEM 002 T 2-430PM G300 PERRY Li Random/Non Random Please contact department for permission to register, 21931 PD SEM 003 TH 330-610PM ARR Valliant Pract Tools Desgn/Wght Samples 899 Directed Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Screen Arts and Cultures

Screen Arts and Cultures (SAC)
236 Art of Film 11657 A LEC 001 TTH 15519 A LAB 002 T 11658 P W DIS 003 W 11659 P W DIS 004 W 11660 P W DIS 005 W 11661 P W DIS 006 W 11662 P W DIS 007 W 11663 P W DIS 008 W 11664 P W DIS 009 W 19801 P W DIS 010 W 26095 P W DIS 011 W 26096 P W DIS 012 W 250 Jewish Film 28288 A LEC 001 TTH 28290 A LAB 002 T 28292 P RW DIS 003 T 28294 PD W DIS 004 F 28296 P RW DIS 005 F 272 Classical Film Thry 19216 P W LEC 001 MW 19217 A LAB 002 M 19822 P W LEC 003 TTH 21520 A LAB 004 W 290 Intro to Media Prod 11654 P RW LEC 001 TTH 11655 P RW LEC 003 TTH 11656 P RW LEC 004 MW 19221 P RW LEC 005 TTH 300 Dramatic Narrative I 11665 P RW LEC 001 MW 11666 P RW LEC 002 MW 301 Documentary I 26125 P RW LEC 001 MW 302 Television I 11667 PIRW LEC 001 MW 304 Experim Screen I 27245 P RW LEC 001 MW 306 New Media Prac I 11676 P W LEC 001 T 308 Screenwriting 29303 P W LEC 001 T 309 Screenplay Lit 19252 P W LEC 001 MW 19253 A LAB 002 M 310 Scrn Wrtg I: Feature 11668 P RW LEC 001 W 11669 P RW LEC 002 M 311 Writing TV I: Spec 11670 P RW LEC 001 TH 352 Film:French New Wave 29356 A LEC 001 MW 29357 A LAB 002 M 29358 P W DIS 003 T 29359 P W DIS 004 T 29361 P W DIS 005 T 29363 P W DIS 006 T 355 Television History 11671 A LEC 001 TTH 15526 A LAB 002 TH 11672 P W DIS 003 W 11673 P W DIS 004 W 11674 P W DIS 005 W 25404 P W DIS 006 W 366 Film,TV&Pop Cult 25004 P W LEC 003 MW Fiction into Film 25142 A LAB 004 T Fiction into Film 27665 P W LEC 005 TTH Documentary Cinema 27667 A LAB 006 W Documentary Cinema 367 Intro Dig Media Stds 29518 P W LEC 001 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes 1-230PM 4-7PM 10-11AM 3-4PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 1-2PM 230-4PM 4-7PM 12-1PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 1130-1PM 4-630PM 4-530PM 7-930PM 9-11AM 1-3PM 2-4PM 9-11AM 9-11AM 12-2PM 3-5PM 1030-1230PM 11-1PM 4-7PM 6-9PM 4-530PM 630-930PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 1-4PM 4-5PM 7-10PM 2-3PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 5-7PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 1-2PM 1130-1PM 6-9PM 1-230PM 4-6PM 10-1130AM Page 245 of 382 AUD A AH 140 LORCH 1105 NQ B137 MLB B137 MLB 3230 USB 1105 NQ B134 MLB B137 MLB B137 MLB B134 MLB B137 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB AUD C AH 1175 NQ 1460 MH 1460 MH LEC RM 2 MLB AUD A AH LEC RM 1 MLB LEC RM 1 MLB 1105 NQ 1105 NQ 1175 NQ 1175 NQ 1175 NQ 1175 NQ 1105 NQ 1470 NQ 2275 NQ 2275 NQ 1105 NQ 1175 NQ LEC RM 2 MLB 1105 NQ 1105 NQ 2135 NQ 140 LORCH AUD A AH G144 AH 2437 MH 2437 MH 3302 MH AUD A AH AUD A AH 3448 MH 3230 USB 3314 MH 3230 USB AUD D AH AUD NS LEC RM 2 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB 4.00 Solomon Solomon Nakayama Alilunas Hassan Hassan Nakayama Durham Strassfeld Strassfeld Durham Alilunas 4.00 Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai Barzilai 3.00 Mokdad Mokdad Young Young 3.00 ENFORCED Fanucchi Hollison McNamara Hollison 3.00 ENFORCED Rayher Rayher 3.00 ENFORCED Hollison 3.00 ENFORCED Sarris 1.00-3.00 ENFORCED McNamara 3.00 ADVISORY McNamara 3.00 Benedek 3.00 ADVISORY Fanucchi Fanucchi 3.00 ENFORCED Lawson Shere 3.00 ENFORCED Thornton 3.00 ADVISORY Kligerman Kligerman Pavlounis Ralko Pavlounis Ralko 3.00 ADVISORY Moore Moore Morrison Koob Morrison Koob 3.00 Delbanco, Burnstein Delbanco, Burnstein Mokdad Mokdad 3.00 Murphy 35.00 50.00



200.00 151.00 35.00

50.00 25.00 35.00 35.00 50.00 35.00



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29523 A LAB 002 T 372 Contemp Film Theory 19255 P W LEC 001 TTH 19256 A LAB 002 T 19826 P W LEC 003 MW 381 Latinas/os and Media 21445 P W LEC 001 TTH 21459 A LAB 002 TH 400 Dramatic Narr II 11675 P RW LEC 001 TTH 410 Scrnwr II: Rewrite 11677 PI W LEC 001 M 411 Wtg for TVII: Pilots 25357 PIRW LEC 001 TH 423 Pract Screenwriter 29547 PI W SEM 001 F Television Sketch Comedy 427 Screenwriting III 11678 PI W LEC 001 W 440 African Cinema 29454 P W LEC 001 T Media in Africa 455 Topics in Film 21843 P W LEC 001 TTH Religion in Film 22838 A LAB 002 T Religion in Film 26405 P W LEC 003 MW Contemporary Film Industry 26640 A LAB 004 M Contemporary Film Industry 29552 P W LEC 005 TTH Contemporary World Cinema 29555 A LAB 006 W Contemporary World Cinema 461 Feminist Flm Thr 29567 P W LEC 001 TTH 29572 A LAB 002 T 480 Internship I IND + 485 The Global Screen 29573 P RW LEC 001 F Global Blockbusters 489 Screenwrtg Tutorial IR IND + 490 Sr Hon Res I IND + 495 Sr Honors Seminar 32278 PI SEM 001 T 499 Independent Study I IND + 500 Directed Study I IND + 600 Research&Materials 11683 P RW SEM 001 M 17978 A LAB 002 F 601 Thr Film/Elec/Digit 19828 P RW SEM 001 TH 19829 A LAB 002 W 620 Elec/Digit Media&Cul 29579 P RW SEM 001 F Theories & Cult. Online Visual 29580 A LAB 002 TH Theories & Cult. Online Visual 700 Directed Research I IND + 990 Diss/Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

4-630PM 230-4PM 630-9PM 1-230PM 10-1130AM 4-6PM 1030-1230PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 11-2PM 7-10PM 3-6PM 1-230PM 7-10PM 230-4PM 4-630PM 10-1130AM 6-830PM 10-1130AM 6-8PM ARR 9-1PM ARR ARR 1-3PM ARR ARR 9-12PM 3-6PM 3-6PM 6-9PM 10-1PM 4-7PM ARR ARR ARR

LEC RM 2 MLB LEC RM 1 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB 2436 MH 1448 MH 1470 NQ 1175 NQ 2265 NQ 1470 NQ 1155 NQ 3463 MH LEC RM 1 MLB 140 LORCH LEC RM 2 MLB LEC RM 2 MLB 2114 MLB 1175 NQ 1185 NQ LEC RM 1 MLB ARR 1105 NQ ARR

Murphy 3.00 Kligerman Kligerman Kligerman 3.00 Gunckel Gunckel 3.00 Rayher 3.00 Prasad 3.00 Thornton 3.00 Sarris 3.00 Burnstein 3.00 Askew 3.00 Cohen Cohen Herbert Herbert Mokdad Mokdad 3.00 Moore Moore 2.00 3.00 Lee 3.00 1.00-4.00







35.00 35.00

ARR 1470 NQ ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1105 NQ LEC RM 2 MLB 2265 NQ LEC RM 2 MLB 1175 NQ LEC RM 2 MLB ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 Herbert Herbert 3.00 Solomon Solomon 3.00 Murphy Murphy 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 35.00 35.00 35.00 1.00-6.00 McNamara 1.00-4.00 150.00

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Slavic Languages & Lit Dept

Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (BCS)
231 28422 439 533 28423 Second Year BCS I PR REC 001 MTWTH Dir Read of BCS I IND + Second-Year BCS I PR REC 001 MTWTH 12-1PM ARR 12-1PM 3205 MLB ARR 3205 MLB 4.00 Rosic ENFORCED 4.00 Rosic 1.00-4.00 ENFORCED

Czech (CZECH)

241 Second Year Czech 4.00 24752 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2108 MLB Pasek Classes begin September 9 and end December 11. No classes are scheduled November 25-27. 480 Superv Czech Read 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 543 Second-Year Czech I 4.00 24764 P RW REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2108 MLB Pasek



Polish (POLISH)
121 12289 214 28424 221 12290 321 12291 421 17554 450 561 24760 563 24761 565 24762 567 24763 621

First Yr Polish P W REC 001 MTWTH Rock Poetry P W LEC 001 TTH 2nd Yr Polish P W REC 001 MTWTH Third Year Polish P W REC 001 MW 4th-Year Polish I P W REC 001 Directed Reading I IND + First-Year Polish I P W REC 001 MTWTH Second-Year Polish I P RW REC 001 MTWTH Third-Year Polish I P RW REC 001 MW Fourth-Year Polish I P RW REC 001 Direct Read Pol Lit IR IND +

4.00 11-12PM 4-530PM 1-2PM 230-4PM ARR ARR 11-12PM 1-2PM 230-4PM ARR ARR B117 MLB 3437 MH 4000 STB 2135 NQ ARR ARR 4.00 B117 MLB 4000 STB 2135 NQ ARR ARR 4.00 ENFORCED Pasek 3.00 ENFORCED Pasek 3.00 ENFORCED Westwalewicz 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Westwalewicz 4.00 ADVISORY Pasek 3.00 ADVISORY Pasek 3.00 ADVISORY Westwalewicz 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY

Russian (RUSSIAN)
NOTE - ALL NON-LANGUAGE COURSES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH, EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. 101 First Year 5.00 12422 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2455 MH Sutter 12423 P W REC 002 MTWTHF 12-1PM 142 LORCH McCauley 103 Int First Yr 8.00 12424 P W LEC 001 MTTHF 11-12PM 1512 EQ Makin STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN RECITATION WHEN THEY ELECT THE LECTURE. 17454 A REC 002 MTTHF 12-1PM 1512 EQ Makin, Besprozvany 201 Second Year 5.00 ENFORCED 12425 P RW REC 001 MTWTHF 9-10AM 2112 MLB 23335 P RW REC 002 MTWTHF 12-1PM 2106 MLB 225 Russian Heritage I 3.00 ADVISORY 19856 P W REC 001 TWTH 9-10AM 2330 MH Shkolnik 301 Third Year Russian 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 12426 P RW REC 001 TWTHF 10-11AM 2325 MH Shkolnik 347 Survey Russ Lit 4.00 ADVISORY 12428 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1469 MH Khagi 26170 P W DIS 002 F 11-12PM B101 MLB Ford 26171 P W DIS 003 F 10-11AM 2340 SEB Ford 361 Russian Modernism 3.00 28463 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 2455 MH Makin 401 Fourth Year Russian 4.00 ADVISORY 12427 P W REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 2175 NQ Shkolnik 401 Fourth Year Russian 4.00 ADVISORY P W REC 001 F 9-10AM 2330 MH 430 Supervised Reading 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 464 Tolstoy 3.00 28457 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2175 NQ Maiorova 491 Senior Honors 3.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 511 First-Year Russian I 5.00 24754 P W REC 001 MTWTHF 10-11AM 2455 MH Sutter U of M Schedule of Classes Page 247 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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24755 513 24756 24757 515 24758 517 24759 517

P W REC 002 MTWTHF Second-Yr Russian I P RW REC 001 MTWTHF P RW REC 002 MTWTHF Third-Year Russian I P RW REC 001 TWTHF Fourth-Yr Russian I P RW REC 001 TTH Fourth-Yr Russian I P RW REC 001 F 519 Fifth-Year Russian 18181 P RW REC 001 TTH Russian for Research 524 Russian Heritage I 28471 P REC 001 TWTH 552 Literature-18th C 28459 P LEC 001 MW 651 Superv Read Lit I IND + 857 Tolstoy 28458 P SEM 001 TTH 990 Diss-Precand IR IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

12-1PM 9-10AM 12-1PM 10-11AM 1130-1PM 9-10AM 4-6PM 9-10AM 4-530PM ARR 10-1130AM ARR ARR

142 LORCH 2112 MLB 2106 MLB 2325 MH 2175 NQ 2330 MH 3304 MLB 2330 MH 3000 STB ARR 2175 NQ ARR

McCauley 5.00 4.00 Shkolnik 4.00 Shkolnik 4.00 4.00 Rogovyk 3.00 Shkolnik 3.00 Khagi 1.00-4.00 3.00 Maiorova 1.00-8.00 8.00




Slavic (SLAVIC)

151 First Year Seminar 24767 P RW SEM 001 MW Prague: The Magic City 20676 P RW SEM 003 TTH Rebellion: A Polish Tradition 225 Art&Cul Cent Eur 12443 P W LEC 001 MWF 240 Intro Slav Folklore 28465 P W LEC 001 MW 260 Directed Reading I IND + 312 Cnt Eur Cinema 24768 A LEC 001 TTH 24769 A LAB 002 W 24770 P W DIS 003 TH 24771 P W DIS 004 F 24772 P W DIS 005 F Race, Ethnicity &Gender Issues 28470 P W DIS 006 F 315 Field Work I IND + 316 RUSLAN Service Lrng 22673 P W SEM 001 TTH 395 Sur Russ&Sov 12444 A LEC 001 TTH Survey of Russia 12446 P W DIS 003 M 12447 P W DIS 004 F 16969 P W DIS 005 F 450 Directed Readings IND + 470 Culture of E Europe 29861 P LEC 001 TTH Cultures of Ukraine 471 Sem in Cult Studies 30380 P W SEM 001 T Nongovernmentality:Cul,Pol,Des 549 Research Methods 21793 P W SEM 001 TH 616 RUSLAN 24773 P W SEM 001 TTH 661 Directed Reading I IND +

4-530PM 10-1130AM 2-3PM 10-1130AM ARR 2-3PM 7-9PM 3-4PM 12-1PM 2-3PM 1-2PM ARR 230-4PM 230-4PM 12-1PM 12-1PM 10-11AM ARR 230-4PM 9-12PM 7-9PM 230-4PM ARR

4151 USB 2475 MH 1427 MH 4153 USB ARR G322 DENT AUD NS G322 DENT ARR ARR ARR

Westwalewicz 3.00 Toman, Carpenter, Eagle 3.00 Makin 1.00-4.00 3.00 Eagle Eagle Eagle ADVISORY 50.00

1.00-3.00 ARR 1507 EQ 1202 SEB 373 LORCH 1509 CCL 1509 CCL 1.00-4.00 ARR 2108 MLB 2222 A&AB 2108 MLB 1507 EQ ARR 4.00 Rogovyk 1.00-4.00 3.00 Makin 4.00 Maiorova


3.00 Krutikov, Rogovyk 3.00 Herscher 1.00 Khagi 3.00 Makin 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY


Ukrainian (UKR)
151 24765 421 470 29860 551

1st Year Ukrainian P W REC 001 MTWTH Dir Reading UKR Lit I IND + Cultures of Ukraine P LEC 001 TTH First-Year UKR I

12-1PM ARR 230-4PM

3217 MLB ARR 2108 MLB


3.00 Krutikov, Rogovyk 4.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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REC 001



3217 MLB


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Sociology Department
Sociology (SOC)
--IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. --TO ASSIST THE STUDENT IN SELECTING COURSES, PAST COURSE SYLLABI ARE AVAILABLE AT: --STUDENTS WITH SENIOR STANDING ARE NOT GRANTED CREDIT FOR 100-LEVEL COURSES WITH THE EXCEPTION OF SOC 122: INTERGROUP DIALOGUES. SENIORS WITH AN ACADEMIC NEED TO ENROLL IN A 100-LEVEL INTRODUCTORY SOC COURSE SHOULD CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT. 100 Intro to Sociology 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 001 WHEN THEY ELECT A DIS (002-011). 12449 A R LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 182 DENN Levitsky 12450 P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 3333 MH 12451 P RW DIS 003 F 10-11AM 2330 MH 12452 P RW DIS 004 F 11-12PM 3330 MH 12453 P RW DIS 005 F 12-1PM 1401 MH 12454 P RW DIS 006 F 10-11AM 1469 MH 23212 P RW DIS 007 F 11-12PM 3463 MH 23214 P RW DIS 008 F 1-2PM 3460 MH 23213 P RW DIS 009 F 12-1PM 1427 MH 24632 P RW DIS 010 F 11-12PM 3437 MH 25381 A R LEC 020 TTH 10-1130AM AUD B AH Jansen 25382 P RW DIS 021 T 3-4PM 3038 DANA 25383 P RW DIS 022 T 4-5PM 506 BMT 25384 P RW DIS 023 T 5-6PM 1339 MH 25385 P RW DIS 024 W 3-4PM B109 MLB 25386 P RW DIS 025 W 4-5PM 2407 MH 25387 P RW DIS 026 W 5-6PM 3451 MH 26304 P RW DIS 027 F 9-10AM 2455 MH 26305 P RW DIS 028 F 10-11AM 1339 MH 26306 P RW DIS 029 F 11-12PM 2330 MH 102 Intro Soc: Topics 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 001 WHEN THEY ELECT A DIS (002-010) 17938 A R LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM UMMA AUD Zubrzycki Nations: Ident, Move& Conflict 17939 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 2407 MH 17940 P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1469 MH 18322 P RW DIS 004 F 12-1PM G115 AH 18323 P RW DIS 005 F 9-10AM 2436 MH 18324 P RW DIS 006 F 10-11AM 2353 MH 23215 P RW DIS 007 F 11-12PM 2407 MH STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LEC 020 WHEN THEY ELECT A DIS (021-026) 19823 A R LEC 020 MW 4-530PM 1400 CHEM McGinn Money, Sex, and Religion 26312 P R DIS 021 TH 4-5PM 3451 MH 19824 P R DIS 022 TH 5-6PM 3451 MH 26311 P R DIS 023 W 6-7PM 3347 MH 22396 P R DIS 024 F 10-11AM 1437 MH 19825 P R DIS 025 F 11-12PM 2353 MH 23216 P R DIS 026 F 12-1PM 3463 MH 27726 A R LEC 030 MW 830-10AM 1202 SEB Ybarra Sports and Society 27727 P R DIS 031 F 12-1PM 3437 MH 27728 P R DIS 032 W 3-4PM 3254 LSA 28401 P R DIS 033 F 9-10AM G160 AH 28402 P R DIS 034 F 10-11AM 3356 MH 28403 P R DIS 035 F 11-12PM 1437 MH 28404 P R DIS 036 F 12-1PM 2353 MH 105 First Year Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 12455 P RW SEM 002 MW 10-1130AM G232 AH Thornton Glob, Culture&Social Change 28407 P RW SEM 003 TTH 230-4PM 409 WH Paige Class, Race, Gender,&Modernity 28408 P RW SEM 004 TTH 10-1130AM 706 BMT Pedraza Trnsformng America:Immigrnt 122 Intrgrp Dialogue 2.00 Interested students must fill out an online request at Due to high demand, students who do not attend the mass meeting on the first day of class will be dropped from the course. If you have questions, please contact Nitesh Singh ( 20621 PI SEM 001 W 3-5PM AUD B AH Corvidae 20623 PI SEM 002 W 3-5PM 413 DENN 195 Honors Intro Soc 4.00 ADVISORY 22334 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM 4155 LSA Gocek 206 Animals and Society 3.00 28231 P RW LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2336 MH Sfeir-Younis 210 Elem Statistics 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A LAB.Sociology majors should elect this course during U of M Schedule of Classes Page 250 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 12456 A LEC 001 MW 4-5PM AUD D AH Barber 26324 P W LAB 002 TH 9-11AM G444D MH Sociology majors should elect this course during their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 12457 P W LAB 003 F 11-1PM G444D MH Sociology majors should elect this course during their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 15803 P W LAB 004 F 10-12PM G444A MH Sociology majors should elect this course during their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 17272 P W LAB 005 F 12-2PM G444A MH Sociology majors should elect this course during their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 26323 P W LAB 006 TH 11-1PM G444D MH Sociology majors should elect this course during their sophomore year. Honors majors should enroll in SOC 210, STATS 250 (350) or its equivalent prior to beginning the Honors course sequence in the winter term of the junior year. 218 Foundations IGR 3.00 23186 P RW SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1100 OBL Dessel 260 Social Dynamics 3.00 24637 P RW LAB 001 TTH 10-1130AM 171 LORCH Atwell 24638 A SEM 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Bruch 270 Gender & the Law 4.00 26583 A LEC 001 TTH 4-5PM AUD D AH Peterson 26584 P W DIS 002 M 3-5PM 2114 MLB 26585 P W DIS 003 M 4-6PM G144 AH 26586 P W DIS 004 F 10-12PM G160 AH 26587 P W DIS 005 F 11-1PM G144 AH 295 Topics in Sociology 3.00 31619 P LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1401 MH Steinmetz Critical Sociology: Marxism 300 Principles&Problems 3.00 21609 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1449 MH McGinn 305 Intro Soc Theory 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 15540 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2548 CCL Krippner 26326 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM G168 AH 15632 P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 1436 MH 19226 P RW DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1437 MH 310 Socio Res Methods 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26327 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1640 CHEM Ybarra 26328 P RW DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3156 LSA 26329 P RW DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3156 LSA 26330 P RW DIS 004 F 12-1PM 3156 LSA 26331 P RW DIS 005 F 1-2PM 3156 LSA 26332 P RW DIS 006 F 10-11AM 4128 LSA 313 Soc Sci Theory I 4.00 ADVISORY 30401 P W SEM 001 MW 11-1PM B852 EQ Robinson 315 Economic Sociology 4.00 ADVISORY 28232 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1528 CCL Krippner 28766 P DIS 002 F 11-12PM 3356 MH 28767 P DIS 003 F 12-1PM 1436 MH 28768 P DIS 004 TH 2-3PM 1033 DENT 320 IGR Facilitation 3.00 ADVISORY Psych/Soc 122 recommended. Requires application/permission of instructor. Contact instructor or website for application information. 20589 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 427 DENN Chesler, Dessel 20591 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 430 DENN Dessel, Chesler 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY An additional 15 hours of seminar TBA. Questions regarding this course should be directed to the Intergroup Relations Program, 936-1875, 3000 Michigan Union. 15622 PI SEM 001 M 2-5PM 514 DENN Corvidae 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 W 3-5PM ARR 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY 20593 PI SEM 002 M 2-5PM 413 DENN 321 Dialog Prac 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 002 W 3-5PM ARR 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 21910 PI LAB 002 M 2-5PM ARR Corvidae 324 Advanced IGR Prac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY P LAB 002 W 3-5PM ARR 325 Svc Lrng Leadership 4.00 21813 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Robinson U of M Schedule of Classes Page 251 of 382


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344 Marriage&Family 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 16521 A LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1202 SEB Sfeir-Younis 16522 P DIS 002 T 4-5PM 4128 LSA 16524 P DIS 004 T 3-4PM 4128 LSA 17956 P DIS 005 W 6-7PM 3242 LSA 23189 P DIS 007 W 5-6PM 3242 LSA 345 Soc of Sexuality 4.00 ADVISORY 18587 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1400 CHEM Sfeir-Younis STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 18588 P W DIS 002 W 9-10AM 2024 TISCH 18590 P W DIS 004 W 11-12PM 2024 TISCH 21359 P W DIS 005 F 10-11AM 2024 TISCH 21360 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 5179 AH 380 Env Pub Op Analysis 3.00 22623 A LEC 001 TTH 1-2PM 1024 DANA Mohai 22669 P W DIS 002 T 230-4PM 1028 DANA Buss 22670 P W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM 1028 DANA Buss, Mohai 389 Practicum in Sociol 2.00-3.00 12458 P SEM 100 TH 4-530PM 2469 MH Robinson Ed: Thurston Elementary SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 12459 P SEM 101 TH 4-530PM 3440 MH Robinson Ed: Pittsfield Elementary SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 12460 PD REC 102 TH 4-530PM 3353 MH Robinson Ed: America Reads This section is for America Reads tutors only. 12462 P SEM 107 TH 4-530PM 3315 MH Robinson Ed: Burns Park Elementary SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 22356 P SEM 111 TH 4-530PM 2462 MH Robinson Ed: Carpenter School SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 23323 P SEM 115 TH 4-530PM 4155 LSA Robinson Ed: Urban Debate SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 12463 PD SEM 200 W 4-530PM 3301 MLB Robinson PH: UM Hospital SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 12465 P SEM 203 W 4-530PM 3205 MLB Robinson PH: HIV/AIDS Resource Center SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 30727 PI SEM 300 M 4-530PM 2112 MLB Robinson G&S: Femtors 30728 PI SEM 301 M 4-530PM 2110 MLB Robinson MBODY 20682 PI SEM 304 M 4-530PM 3359 MH Robinson G&S: Planned Parenthood SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 23326 PI SEM 402 T 4-530PM 3353 MH Robinson CJ:Prison(M&W)-CreativeWriting SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 19952 PI SEM 404 T 4-530PM 3205 MLB Robinson CJ: Jail(M&W)-Creative Writing SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 20683 PI SEM 406 T 4-530PM 2469 MH Robinson CJ: Jail(M&W)-IntergrpDialogue SOC 389, Project Community, is a service-learning course. Prior to registering, all students must view the web for site time requirements at: 392 Sur Russ&Sov 4.00 16988 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1202 SEB Maiorova 16990 P DIS 003 M 12-1PM 373 LORCH 16991 P DIS 004 F 12-1PM 1509 CCL 16970 P W DIS 005 F 10-11AM 1509 CCL 394 Undergrad Research 1.00-4.00 D IND + ARR ARR 395 Independent Study 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 252 of 382



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UG Internship D IND + 428 Contemporary China 28233 P W LEC 001 MW 430 World Pop Dynamics 26337 P W LEC 001 MW 447 Soc of Gender 24572 P RW LEC 001 T 455 Religion & Society 21546 P W SEM 001 TTH 465 Sociology--Deviance 23172 A LEC 001 TTH 26686 P W DIS 002 F 26687 P W DIS 003 F 26688 P W DIS 004 F 26689 P W DIS 005 F 472 A L Soc Psych 26719 A R LEC 001 M 28633 P RW LAB 002 W 28634 P RW LAB 003 W 28635 P RW LAB 004 W 28636 P RW LAB 005 W 475 Intro Medical Soc 28234 P W LEC 001 TTH 490 Women&Islam 28235 P W SEM 001 TTH 495 Topics in Sociology 23394 P RW LEC 001 MW Diagnosis, Sex, and Society 25157 P RW LEC 003 MW Hookups, Relation&Other Sites 498 Data Collection 12467 P R SEM 001 T 500 Orientation Seminar 15541 P R SEM 001 W 503 Race, Ethn, & Imm 28236 P W SEM 001 T 505 Theory & Practice 12468 P RW SEM 001 TTH 507 Research Logic 22571 P RW LEC 001 TTH 510 Statistics 12469 A LEC 001 TTH 12470 P RW LAB 002 F 12471 P RW LAB 003 F 523 Qual Research Meth 20607 P RW SEM 001 TH 527 China Social Science 20657 PD SEM 001 M 530 Social Demography 26339 P W LEC 001 MW 557 Soc of Nationalism 28238 P W SEM 001 W 580 Disability Studies 25898 PI W SEM 001 T 595 Topics in Sociology 26521 P RW SEM 002 W Families and Inequality 28239 P W SEM 003 M Marx and Modernity 31514 P SEM 005 MW Contemporary China 619 Cat Data Analysis 28240 A SEM 001 M 28475 P LAB 002 TH 653 Soc of Law 28241 P W SEM 001 M 682 Adv Soc Psy 25056 P R SEM 001 TTH 682 Adv Soc Psy PR SEM 001 TH 695 Directed Research I IND + 696 Directed Reading I IND + 717 Sampling Theory 18044 P W LEC 001 MW 800 Research Workshop 24134 P R SEM 002 W U of M Schedule of Classes

1.00 ARR 10-1130AM 230-4PM 530-830PM 4-530PM 230-4PM 10-11AM 11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 1130-1PM 1130-1PM 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 10-1130AM 11-1PM 1-230PM 4-530PM 1130-1PM 3-5PM 9-11AM 3-6PM 1130-1PM 830-10AM 9-11AM 10-12PM 12-2PM 2-5PM 2-5PM 230-4PM 2-5PM 2-4PM 4-7PM 3-6PM 10-1130AM 4-7PM 4-6PM 9-12PM 12-1PM 1-230PM ARR ARR 1-230PM 230-4PM Page 253 of 382 ARR 1469 MH 1449 MH G115 AH 1449 MH 1300 CHEM 3242 LSA 3242 LSA 3242 LSA 3242 LSA 2306 MH 2163 AH 2306 MH 2330 MH 2163 AH 1427 MH 1359 MH 3356 MH 3242 LSA 3440 MH 2265 NQ 2449 MH 3254 LSA 3156 LSA 2407 MH G444B MH G444B MH 3156 LSA 1632 CHEM 1449 MH 2752 SSWB G463 MH 3156 LSA 2325 MH 1469 MH 130 TAP 2353 MH 3359 MH LEC RM 1 MLB 2114 MLB 1.00-6.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR ARR ARR 3.00 Lepkowski 1.00-3.00 Steinmetz 3.00 Xie 3.00 Anderson 3.00 McGann 3.00 McGinn 4.00 McGann



3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Konrath Hallman, Konrath Dougherty, Konrath Dougherty, Konrath Hallman 3.00 ADVISORY Anspach 3.00 Gocek 3.00 ADVISORY McGann Armstrong 3.00 Martin 1.00 Burgard 3.00 Lacy 4.00 Steinmetz 3.00 Burgard 4.00 Barber 3.00 Anspach 3.00 Ang 3.00 Anderson 3.00 Zubrzycki 1.00-3.00 Kuppers 3.00 Smock Paige Xie 3.00 Xie 3.00 Levitsky 3.00 Ellsworth 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY



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Advanced Ethnographic Methods 24135 P R SEM 061 W Soc Movemnts&Polit Protest 810 Sem Soc Sci Meth 16959 P SEM 001 W 815 Wkshp in Econ&Orgs 32271 P SEM 001 T 823 Wkshp in Inequality 29331 P R SEM 001 W Inequality/Family 830 Wkshp in Demography 24133 P R SEM 001 W 842 Quantitative Workshp 29333 P R SEM 001 W 847 Wkshp Gender&Sex 32976 P SEM 001 W 855 Wkshp Cult Hist Pol 29335 P R SEM 001 W 988 Sem Soc Psy 18032 P R SEM 001 Social Psychology Lab 29453 P R SEM 003 TH Self-contrl&Emotion Regulation 25067 P R SEM 004 W Outplacement 24380 PIR SEM 431 Curr Res in Social Cognitn 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 993 Gr Stu Instr Train 12472 PI REC 001 M 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

230-4PM 4-6PM 12-130PM 2-330PM 11-12PM 430-6PM 1-230PM 12-2PM ARR 2-5PM 3-5PM ARR ARR 9-11AM ARR


Levitsky 1.00 ADVISORY Almirall, Xie 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Krippner 1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00 Anderson 1.00-3.00 Xie 1.00-3.00 Armstrong 1.00-3.00 Zubrzycki 1.00-4.00 Nisbett Kross Ellsworth Schwarz 1.00-8.00 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED


3156 LSA 8.00 ARR

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Statistics Department
Statistics (STATS)
--IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. 125 Games and Gambling 3.00 ADVISORY 22797 P RW SEM 001 MW 830-10AM 412 WH Keener 250 Intr Stat&Data Anlys 4.00 15453 S LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM AUD 3 MLB Gunderson Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 20817 S LEC 002 MWF 10-11AM AUD 4 MLB Venable Jr Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15454 S LEC 003 MWF 12-1PM AUD 4 MLB Hosman Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15455 S LEC 004 MWF 1-2PM AUD 3 MLB Gunderson Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15456 S LEC 005 TTH 230-4PM AUD 4 MLB Venable Jr Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 29063 S LEC 006 TTH 830-10AM 1800 CHEM Miller Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15457 P W LAB 007 M 830-10AM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15458 P W LAB 008 M 830-10AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15459 P W LAB 009 M 10-1130AM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15460 P W LAB 010 M 10-1130AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15461 P W LAB 011 M 1130-1PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15462 P W LAB 012 M 1130-1PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact U of M Schedule of Classes Page 255 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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LAB FEE ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15463 P W LAB 013 M 1-230PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15464 P W LAB 014 M 1-230PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15465 P W LAB 015 M 230-4PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15466 P W LAB 016 M 230-4PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15467 P W LAB 017 M 4-530PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15468 P W LAB 018 M 4-530PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15469 P W LAB 019 M 530-7PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15489 P W LAB 020 M 530-7PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15471 P RW LAB 021 T 830-10AM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15491 P W LAB 022 T 830-10AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15472 P W LAB 023 T 10-1130AM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15473 P W LAB 024 T 10-1130AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15474 P W LAB 025 T 1130-1PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF U of M Schedule of Classes Page 256 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15475 P W LAB 026 T 1130-1PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15476 P W LAB 027 T 1-230PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15477 P W LAB 028 T 1-230PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15478 P W LAB 029 T 230-4PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15479 P W LAB 030 T 230-4PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15480 P W LAB 031 T 4-530PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15481 P W LAB 032 T 4-530PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15482 P RW LAB 033 T 530-7PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15490 P LAB 034 T 530-7PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15484 P W LAB 035 W 830-10AM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15483 P W LAB 036 W 830-10AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15485 P W LAB 037 W 10-1130AM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15494 P W LAB 038 W 10-1130AM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 257 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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15486 P W LAB 039 W 1130-1PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15493 P LAB 040 W 1130-1PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15487 P W LAB 041 W 1-230PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15488 P W LAB 042 W 1-230PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15492 P W LAB 043 W 230-4PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 15470 P W LAB 044 W 230-4PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 17648 P W LAB 045 W 4-530PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 17649 P W LAB 046 W 4-530PM G444D MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 17650 P W LAB 047 W 530-7PM G444B MH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 17651 P RW LAB 048 M 830-10AM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 18283 P RW LAB 049 M 10-1130AM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 18364 P RW LAB 050 W 530-7PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 19597 P W LAB 051 T 10-1130AM B254 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 19598 PDRW LAB 052 W 830-10AM B760 EH U of M Schedule of Classes Page 258 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 19631 P RW LAB 053 M 1130-1PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 19632 P RW LAB 054 T 230-4PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 20072 PDRW LAB 055 W 10-1130AM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 20073 P RW LAB 056 T 1-230PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 21952 P W LAB 057 M 10-1130AM 1570 CCL Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 21953 P W LAB 058 W 1130-1PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 21954 P W LAB 059 T 1130-1PM B254 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 21955 P W LAB 060 W 10-1130AM 1570 CCL Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 22865 P RW LAB 061 M 530-7PM B760 EH Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm If you have any questions, please contact ? IT IS CRITICAL THAT STUDENTS ATTEND CLASSES FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE TERM. EVEN THOUGH STUDENTS MAY BE REGISTERED OFFICIALLY FOR A COURSE, THE DEPARTMENT MAY GIVE AWAY PLACES IN A COURSE IF STUDENTS DO NOT ATTEND THE FIRST TWO COURSE MEETINGS. Labs taught in 444B or 444D MH, B254 EH, or 1570 CCLittle are PC classrooms. Labs taught in B760 EH are Mac classrooms. 27977 P W LAB 062 M 830-10AM 1570 CCL Exam 1 Thursday 10/17 6-7:30 pm Exam 2 Thursday 11/14 6-7:30 pm 29149 P W LAB 063 M 10-1130AM 1245 NQ 29150 P W LAB 064 T 830-10AM 1570 CCL 29151 P W LAB 065 W 830-10AM 1570 CCL 29152 P W LAB 066 W 10-1130AM 1245 NQ 29153 P W LAB 067 M 1130-1PM 1570 CCL 29154 P W LAB 068 W 1-230PM 1245 NQ 401 Appl Stat Meth II 4.00 ADVISORY 17354 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1360 EH 17355 P W LAB 002 F 1130-1PM B760 EH 29165 P W LAB 003 F 1-230PM B760 EH 32218 P W LAB 004 F 10-1130AM B760 EH 404 Effect Comm in Stat 2.00 ADVISORY 23388 P W LEC 001 T 3-5PM 412 WH Ritter 408 Stat Prin Prob Solving 4.00 ADVISORY 26234 S LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 2260 USB 26235 PD W DIS 002 TH 1-230PM B760 EH 26236 PD W DIS 003 TH 230-4PM B760 EH 412 Intro Prob Stat 3.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 259 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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12501 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 130 DENN 21611 P W LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM 110 DENN 425 Intro Probabil 3.00 ADVISORY 12502 P LEC 001 MWF 8-9AM 1360 EH Burns Jr 12503 P LEC 002 MW 1130-1PM ARR 12504 P W LEC 003 MWF 9-10AM 430 DENN Plan 12505 P W LEC 004 MW 4-530PM 120 DENN Hosman 12506 P W LEC 005 MWF 1-2PM 130 DENN Satriano 12507 P W LEC 006 MWF 11-12PM 1068 EH Satriano 17291 P W LEC 007 TTH 10-1130AM 513 DENN Tewari 18211 P W LEC 008 TTH 230-4PM 296 DENN Tewari 20114 P W LEC 009 MWF 12-1PM 1068 EH Larose This class will only run with an enrollment of 25 or higher. 426 Intro to Theo Stat 3.00 ADVISORY 12508 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 120 DENN 18189 P RW LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM 120 DENN 26120 P RW LEC 003 MW 1-230PM 110 DENN 470 Intro Design of Exp 4.00 ENFORCED 18617 A RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1360 EH 18618 P RW LAB 002 TH 4-530PM B760 EH 29237 P RW LAB 003 TH 530-7PM B760 EH 485 Capstone Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 29174 PD LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 513 DENN He 489 Ind Study in Stat 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 499 Honors Seminar 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 500 Applied Stat I 3.00 ADVISORY 21612 P RW LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM B760 EH 26121 P RW LEC 003 MW 230-4PM B760 EH 504 Stat Consulting 3.00 ADVISORY 12510 P RW LEC 001 MWF 9-10AM RACKHAM Rothman 505 Econometric Anlys I 3.00 ADVISORY 12511 A LEC 001 M 4-7PM 1068 EH Kilian 12512 P DIS 002 T 530-7PM 1068 EH 508 Stat Analys Fin Data 3.00 ADVISORY 29192 P LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 130 DENN Thelen 510 Math Stat I 3.00 ADVISORY 26974 P R LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 120 DENN Hsing 525 Probability 3.00 ADVISORY 12514 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2866 EH Barvinok 21458 P W LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 4088 EH Barvinok 24129 P W LEC 003 TTH 830-10AM 4088 EH Yu 526 Disc Stoc Proc 3.00 ADVISORY 20618 P W LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1084 EH Nadtochiy 27390 P LEC 002 TTH 1130-1PM ARR Wait list priority given to actuarial/financial, then math concentrators 535 Reliability 3.00 ADVISORY 29254 P W LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1690 BEYSTER Nair 575 Adv Econometrics I 3.00 ADVISORY 26474 P LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 171 LORCH Cattaneo 580 Sampling Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 18045 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM ARR Lepkowski 600 Linear Models 3.00 ADVISORY 19960 P R LEC 001 MW 4-530PM B760 EH Shedden 607 Prop Num Meth Stats 1.50 ADVISORY 29194 PD LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1245 NQ Kallitsis 608 Optim Meth Stats 1.50 ADVISORY 29195 PD LEC 001 MW 4-530PM 1096 EH Michailidis 610 Stat Inference 3.00 ADVISORY 12513 P RW LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 110 DENN Banerjee 612 Adv Top Theo Stat 3.00 ADVISORY 29398 P LEC 001 TTH 530-7PM 1096 EH Murphy 620 App Prob Stoch Model 3.00 ADVISORY 12515 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 427 DENN Ionides 625 Pro&Ran Pro I 3.00 ADVISORY 20619 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3163 USB Bayraktar 750 Directed Reading 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 808 Sem-Applied Stat 1.00 ADVISORY 12516 P R SEM 001 F 1130-1PM ARR Keener 810 Lit Proseminar 2.00 ADVISORY 12517 P RW LEC 001 TH 10-11AM 3265 USB Ionides 817 Sem Soc Sci Meth 1.00 ADVISORY 16956 P SEM 001 W 4-6PM 6050 ISR Almirall, Xie FIRST CLASS MEETING WILL BE ON SEPTEMBER 6 - ROOM 6050 ISR, 4:00 PM. SCHEDULE WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THIS MEETING. 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 993 G S I Training 1.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 260 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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12519 995

PD REC 001 Diss-Cand IR IND +



Gunderson 8.00 ENFORCED

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Office of International Programs

Study Abroad (STDABRD)
255 Semester Lang CN 30447 P LEC 001 ARR 303 Environ Studies CR 19983 P LEC 001 ARR 305 Rabat, Morocco MA 33486 P LEC 001 ARR 307 Amer Uni Cairo EG 21449 P LEC 001 ARR 308 EcoQuest NZ 30448 P LEC 001 ARR 320 Contemp Issues China 30449 P LEC 001 ARR 332 UPCES Charles Uni CZ 17506 P LEC 001 ARR 340 College Yr Athens GR 21858 P LEC 001 ARR 346 Middlebury in Russia 12521 P LEC 001 ARR 348 Kyoto Consortium JP 12522 P LEC 001 ARR 349 Japan Ctr Mich JP 12523 P LEC 001 ARR 350 Aix-en-Prov FR 12524 P LEC 001 ARR 351 Uni Freiburg DE 12525 P LEC 001 ARR 352 National Uni SG 20798 P LEC 001 ARR 353 Classical Studies IT 12526 P LEC 001 ARR 355 Middlebury in France 30450 P LEC 001 ARR 360 Lang & Culture TW 12527 P LEC 001 ARR 362 Russian Lang RU 12528 P LEC 001 ARR 363 Liberal Arts CL 12529 P LEC 001 ARR 364 Uni Sussex UK 12530 P LEC 001 ARR SECTION 001 - FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS ONLY. 365 Dev&Globalization TH 25313 P LEC 001 ARR 369 Uni Wst Austr AU 12531 P LEC 001 ARR SECTION 001 - FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS ONLY. 373 Uni Ewha KR 12532 P LEC 001 ARR 374 Uni Yonsei KR 12533 P LEC 001 ARR 381 Uni Bologna IT 30451 P LEC 001 ARR 382 Lang&Culture IT 30452 P LEC 001 ARR 383 Uni Arcadia IT 27523 P LEC 001 ARR 402 Uni Leiden NL 12534 P LEC 001 ARR 410 Uni Geneva CH 23779 P LEC 001 ARR 451 Hertford Oxford UK 27389 P LEC 001 ARR 455 Uni Essex UK 12535 P LEC 001 ARR 456 Lond Schl Econ UK 12536 P LEC 001 ARR 458 Uni St Andrews UK 12537 P LEC 001 ARR 459 Uni Seville SP 12538 P LEC 001 ARR 461 Uni Uppsala SE 12539 P LEC 001 ARR 462 Uni Stockholm SE 21859 P LEC 001 ARR 463 Cent Euro Studies PL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 262 of 382 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






12540 P LEC 001 ARR 464 Uni Turku FI 12541 P LEC 001 ARR 465 Uni Lausanne Ch 12542 P LEC 001 ARR 466 Uni Kyushu JP 12543 P LEC 001 ARR 467 Uni Tokyo JP 12544 P LEC 001 ARR 468 Uni New S Wales AU 12545 P LEC 001 ARR SECTION 001 - FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS ONLY. 472 Uni Bogazici TR 20799 P LEC 001 ARR 481 Queen Mary UK 12546 P LEC 001 ARR 483 UniCollege London UK 12547 P LEC 001 ARR 486 Inst Etud Pol FR 12548 P LEC 001 ARR 487 Uni Cape Town ZA 12549 P LEC 001 ARR 489 Uni Melbourne AU 12550 P LEC 001 ARR 491 Uni Fed da Bahia BR 15630 P LEC 001 ARR 492 Liberal Arts BR 20947 P LEC 001 ARR 494 Society&Culture AR 27765 P LEC 001 ARR 496 Adv Spanish AR 27766 P LEC 001 ARR 601 Supervise Gr Std 21451 P SEM 001 ARR

ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 12.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 1.00-15.00 ARR 3.00 ARR ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Women's Studies Program

Womens Studies (WOMENSTD)
A STUDENT WHO MISSES EITHER OF THE FIRST TWO MEETINGS OF ANY COURSE OFFERED BY THE WOMEN'S STUDIES DEPARTMENT MAY BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE. 150 Sem Women&Gender 3.00 ADVISORY 28226 P RW SEM 002 W 2-5PM B124 MLB Goodman Women's Studies in Archives 212 Global AIDS Epidemic 4.00 29707 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1800 CHEM Mitchell 29708 P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 2402 MLB Leslie Santana 29709 P RW DIS 003 F 9-10AM 3401 MH Hoppe 29710 P RW DIS 004 TH 530-630PM 2412 MLB Leslie Santana 29711 P RW DIS 005 TH 530-630PM 2402 MLB Hoppe 29712 P RW DIS 006 W 4-5PM 2114 MLB Lowen 29713 P RW DIS 007 W 5-6PM B103 MLB Leslie Santana 29714 P RW DIS 008 F 9-10AM 2202 MLB Lowen 29715 P RW DIS 009 W 5-6PM B135 MLB Hoppe 29716 P RW DIS 010 TH 530-630PM B109 MLB Lowen 220 Women's Hlth 3.00 12596 A LEC 001 W 530-730PM AUD 3 MLB Low Perspectives in Women's Health 12597 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM G144 AH Matsick 12598 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3427 MH Wilson 12599 P W DIS 004 TH 2-3PM 1339 MH Czerwienski 12600 P W DIS 005 TH 1-2PM 1339 MH Czerwienski 12601 P W DIS 006 TH 4-5PM 1185 NQ Diponio 12602 P W DIS 007 TH 4-5PM 2022 STB Reinhardt 12603 P W DIS 008 F 10-11AM 3427 MH Wilson 12604 P W DIS 009 F 11-12PM G232 AH Matsick 12605 P W DIS 010 W 730-830PM B103 MLB Diponio 12606 P W DIS 011 TH 5-6PM B122 MLB Diponio 12607 P W DIS 012 W 730-830PM 2202 MLB Reinhardt 12608 P W DIS 013 TH 5-6PM B103 MLB Reinhardt 24109 P W DIS 014 F 9-10AM 1175 NQ Wilson 24110 P W DIS 015 TH 9-10AM 3242 LSA Czerwienski 24111 P W DIS 016 TH 12-1PM 1175 NQ Matsick 240 Intro Women Stdy 4.00 12609 A LEC 001 MW 2-3PM AUD B AH Cole 12610 P W DIS 002 W 4-6PM B109 MLB Hubbard 12611 P W DIS 003 W 5-7PM B122 MLB Garment Rothman 12612 P W DIS 004 TH 2-4PM 2212 MLB Abramson 12613 P W DIS 005 TH 6-8PM 2202 MLB Rabelo 22784 P W DIS 006 TH 10-12PM 1096 EH Rabelo 12614 P W DIS 007 TH 4-6PM B101 MLB Garment Rothman 12615 P W DIS 008 TH 8-10AM 2114 MLB Abramson 12616 P W DIS 009 W 6-8PM B101 MLB Hubbard 12617 P W DIS 010 F 12-2PM 2114 MLB Seabrook 22785 P W DIS 011 F 10-12PM 2114 MLB Seabrook 253 Special Topics 3.00 29757 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3447 EH van Anders Gender/Sex/Sexuality Sci & Med Meets with Psych 121-001 First Year Seminar reserved for first-year students 270 Gender & the Law 4.00 24876 A LEC 001 TTH 4-5PM AUD D AH Peterson 24877 P RW DIS 002 M 3-5PM 2114 MLB 24878 P RW DIS 003 M 4-6PM G144 AH 24879 P RW DIS 004 F 10-12PM G160 AH 24880 P RW DIS 005 F 11-1PM G144 AH 291 Psych Women&Gender 4.00 ENFORCED 28640 A R LEC 001 T 11-1PM 1324 EH Cortina 28641 P RW DIS 002 T 4-6PM 514 DENN Goodman 28642 P RW DIS 003 W 10-12PM 3448 MH Holland 28643 P RW DIS 004 W 4-6PM 4153 USB Holland 28644 P RW DIS 005 TH 9-11AM 271 DENN Bell 28645 P RW DIS 006 TH 10-12PM 2520 CCL Goodman 28646 P RW DIS 007 TH 1-3PM E1530 BUS Bell 295 Sexuality West Cult 3.00 28227 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 110 DENN Newton 300 Men's Health 3.00 18558 A LEC 001 W 2-4PM 170 DENN Boyd 18563 P W DIS 002 TH 4-5PM 3254 LSA Nelson 18564 P W DIS 003 W 4-5PM B134 MLB Odukoya 19834 P W DIS 004 W 5-6PM B124 MLB Nelson 19835 P W DIS 005 TH 9-10AM 1437 MH Odukoya 21481 P W DIS 006 TH 5-6PM B124 MLB Nelson 21494 P W DIS 007 F 10-11AM 506 BMT Odukoya U of M Schedule of Classes Page 264 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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307 Medicine & Healing 4.00 ADVISORY 26806 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 260 DENN Roberts 26808 P W DIS 002 T 9-10AM 524 DENN 26810 P W DIS 003 W 11-12PM 2333 MH 26812 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 238A WH 27485 P W DIS 005 T 9-10AM 271 DENN 313 Top Gender Hums 4.00 29560 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1300 CHEM Smith Gender Autobgrphy Medical Body Meets with English 313-001 29561 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3330 MH LaRose, Smith Gender Autobgrphy Medical Body Meets with English 313-002 29562 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3556 DANA LaRose, Smith Gender Autobgrphy Medical Body Meets with English 313-003 29563 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 49 UMMA Eriks, Smith Gender Autobgrphy Medical Body Meets with English 313-004 29564 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 2455 MH Eriks, Smith Gender Autobgrphy Medical Body Meets with English 313-005 314 Gender/Sexuality Std 3.00 25886 P W LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 3330 MH Halperin The Culture of AIDS 28842 A LAB 002 TH 6-9PM 1300 CHEM Halperin The Culture of AIDS 315 Women&Literature 3.00 22466 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 3437 MH Tinkle Hrtics,Saints,Mdwvs,Wchs,&Wrtr 324 Childbirth&Culture 4.00 ADVISORY 28779 A LEC 001 MWF 10-11AM AUD A AH Renne 28780 P W DIS 002 M 3-4PM 412 WH 28781 P W DIS 003 T 12-1PM 238A WH 28782 P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 335 WH 28783 P W DIS 005 TH 2-3PM 2009RUTHVEN 28784 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 413 DENN 28785 P W DIS 007 M 4-5PM 409 WH 28786 P W DIS 008 W 9-10AM 409 WH 28787 P W DIS 009 W 11-12PM 1650 CHEM 328 Women & Safe Sex 3.00 ADVISORY 22672 P W SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 3356 MH Haniff 330 Feminist Thought 3.00 ADVISORY 12619 P W SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM G449 MH Mendoza 24639 P W SEM 002 MW 230-4PM 1033 DENT Wingrove 334 Women Visual Images 3.00 ADVISORY 28170 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 180 TAP Siegfried 342 Topics Gender&Health 3.00 ADVISORY 29276 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 3401 MH Kuppers Disability Culture Meets-With English 316-001 343 Gndr Race Ethnic US 3.00 ADVISORY 22555 P W REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 3330 MH Corcoran Socioecon Disparities Pub Pol Meets with POLSCI 389-003 344 Topic Gender&Culture 3.00 ADVISORY 26695 P W LEC 001 MW 230-4PM G168 AH Mora Sex Sexuality U.S. Pop Culture Meets with Amcult 366-001/History 353-001 29795 A LAB 002 W 4-6PM G168 AH Mora Sex Sexuality U.S. Pop Culture Meets with Amcult 366-002/History 353-002 345 Topic Gender Global 3.00 ADVISORY 26891 P W SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 3333 MH Stewart Psychology of Social Change Meets with Psych 401-002 PLEASE NOTE: This course will have exactly the same content, assignments and requirements for students enrolled under the Psychology and Women's Studies course numbers. This course will count toward majors in Psychology (but not BCN) and Women's Studies, regardless of which course number in which you enroll. However, if you have questions about whether you can count the course toward a different major, please contact an advisor in your major department and explain that these two numbers and titles apply to the same course. 348 Soc of Sexuality 4.00 ADVISORY 20928 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1400 CHEM Sfeir-Younis STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 20929 P W DIS 002 W 9-10AM 2024 TISCH 20931 P W DIS 004 W 11-12PM 2024 TISCH 21364 P W DIS 005 F 10-11AM 2024 TISCH 21365 P W DIS 006 F 11-12PM 5179 AH 350 Women & Community 4.00 ADVISORY 12618 P W SEM 001 T 6-9PM 2114 MLB Welch U of M Schedule of Classes Page 265 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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376 Women&The Bible 29017 P W LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM Feminist Readings 384 Independent Research D IND + ARR 385 Directed Reading I IND + ARR 390 Homophobia Blk World 25907 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 410 Reproductive Justice 30062 P W SEM 001 MW 4-530PM 414 Studies Women&Lit 28913 P W REC 001 TTH 4-530PM Parlors and Platforms 425 Fem Pract Oral Hist 25911 P W SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 428 Sex Panics: US & UK 25899 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 431 Advanced Top LGBTQ 22362 PI W SEM 001 MW 230-4PM Queer Cult Hisp Carib&Diaspora Meets with Spanish 430-001 and Amcult 405-005 432 Adv Gender&Health 24246 P W SEM 001 T 6-8PM Intr Glob Hlt:Iss&Challenges Meets with Nursing 420-001 441 Snr Honors Seminar I 21872 PD SEM 001 T 9-10AM 443 Race, Gender&Health 22324 P W SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 447 Soc of Gender 24574 P W LEC 001 T 530-830PM 461 Feminist Flm Thr 29613 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 29614 A LAB 002 T 6-8PM 465 Sociology--Deviance 25232 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 26712 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM 26714 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 26716 P W DIS 004 F 12-1PM 26718 P W DIS 005 F 1-2PM 490 Honors Thesis I IND + ARR 491 Honors Thesis I IND + ARR 492 Women&Islam 28248 P W SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 494 Adolescent Sexuality 28171 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 501 Intro Grad Studies 17958 PI SEM 001 M 2-330PM First Year Phd students 530 Theory Feminism 12621 P RW SEM 001 T 10-1PM 531 LGBTQ Studies 28497 P SEM 001 M 2-5PM 580 Independent Study I IND + ARR 590 Disability Studies 25897 PI W SEM 001 T 2-4PM 601 Feminist Schol Hum 24656 P SEM 001 T 3-6PM Meets with WS 602 602 Appro Fem Sch Soc S 23817 P SEM 001 T 3-6PM Meets with WS 601 604 Approach Fem Pract 28172 P SEM 001 M 4-7PM 619 Lesbian Worlds 28179 P SEM 001 T 3-6PM 621 Stdy Women's Hst 29607 P W REC 001 M 5-8PM 647 Sexological Theory 28843 P W SEM 001 W 1-4PM 690 Directed Readings I IND + ARR 698 Special Seminar 24992 PI W SEM 001 F 10-12PM Research on Addictions -Pt 1 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 266 of 382

2402 MLB ARR

3.00 Tsoffar 1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

ARR 1401 MH 1427 MH 3333 MH G144 AH 2114 MLB B312A DENT 3.00 Haniff 3.00 Goldman 3.00 Gold

3.00 ADVISORY Lawsin 3.00 ADVISORY Rubin 3.00 ADVISORY La Fountain-Stokes 3.00 Eagle, Lori 1.00 Hubbs 3.00 Haniff 3.00 McGann 3.00 Moore Moore 4.00 McGann ADVISORY

1191 SNB

2265 NQ 2353 MH G115 AH 1185 NQ LEC RM 1 MLB 1300 CHEM 3242 LSA 3242 LSA 3242 LSA 3242 LSA ARR


3.00 3.00 ARR 1359 MH G144 AH ARR 2265 NQ 1185 NQ ARR G463 MH 2112 MLB 2112 MLB B101 MLB 4155 LSA 2401 MH 210 WH ARR ARR


3.00 Gocek 3.00 McClelland 1.00 ADVISORY Fernandes 3.00 Wingrove 3.00 Hubbs 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY


1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Kuppers 3.00 ADVISORY Hubbs, McClelland 3.00 ADVISORY Hubbs, McClelland 3.00 ADVISORY Seng 3.00 Newton 3.00 ADVISORY Canning, Puff 3.00 Rubin 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Becker, Reed, McClellan

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Meets with Psych 808-004, History 698-001, SW 713-005 890 Advanced Research I IND + ARR 891 Jt Ph.D Adv Res I IND + ARR 892 Advanced Research IND + ARR 990 Diss Pre-Cand I IND + ARR 995 Diss Cand IR IND + ARR

1.00-3.00 ARR 3.00 ARR 3.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR


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Division of Anatomical Science
Anatomy (ANATOMY)
403 Hum Anat:Struc&Funct 5.00 STUDENTS MAY BE DROPPED FROM THE COURSE FOR NON-ATTENDANCE ON THE FIRST CLASS DAY. 12625 P R LEC 001 MWF 10-12PM NLH MSC2 Stribley, Sullivan, Fox, Alsup 499 UG Anat Research II 1.00-16.00 I IND + ARR ARR 570 Hum Neuroanat I 3.00 ADVISORY 28249 P LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 4151 USB Altschuler 571 Hum Neuroanat II 2.00 ADVISORY 28250 P LAB 001 M 9-12PM 2733 FSSC Sullivan 852 Prenat Fac Gro 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 12628 P SEM 001 TH 8-9AM 1018 DENT

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Anesthesiology Department
Anesthesia (ANESTH)
499 599 12630 Ug Research I IND + Pd Anes Rotatn P SEM 001 ARR ARR ARR 2.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY

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Bioinformatics (BIOINF)
463 22272 22273 523 20822 2130 USB 527 21012 Math Model Biol P W LEC 001 MWF P W LEC 002 MWF Bioinf Basic Bio Lab PI LAB 001 Intr Bioinf&Comp Bio AI LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 1-2PM ARR 1-230PM 1-230PM 1-230PM 1-230PM 9-12PM 3-6PM ARR 12-1PM 3-430PM ARR ARR 4088 EH 3088 EH ARR 2062 PALM 2036 PALM 2036 PALM 2036 PALM 2036 PALM 2690 SPH1A ARR ARR 1655 SPH1A ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED 1.00 ADVISORY Kidd, Burns Jr 3.00 ADVISORY Friedman, Flynn 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Forger Jackson 2.00 Burmeister, de Wet 4.00 ADVISORY Athey, de Wet, Kim, Sartor, Mills, Ramdas, Mellacheruvu Athey, de Wet, Mellacheruvu, Ramdas Athey, de Wet, Mellacheruvu, Ramdas Athey, de Wet, Mellacheruvu, Ramdas 3.00 Zhang 3.00 ENFORCED Zheng 3.00-6.00

One lab may be closed if enrollment is low. 21135 PI LAB 002 W 2036PC 21136 2036PC 33014 528 31285 555 31857 598 602 18188 668 26496 990 995 PI P LAB 003 LAB 004 F M

Adv Appl of Biol PI LEC 001 F Adv Topics Hlth Info PR LEC 001 TH Independent Reading IND + Journal Club PR SEM 001 M Health Informatics P RW LEC 001 TW Intr to Res Rotation I IND + Diss-Cand Res DR IND +

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Biological Chemistry Departmen

Biological Chemistry (BIOLCHEM)
212 20996 212 none 298 398 415 12631 a 23506 416 21854 451 12632 12633 22468 22469 23765 499 Descriptive Biochem P LEC 001 MW Descriptive Biochem P LEC 001 T 2-4PM 11-12PM ARR ARR 9-10AM 12-1PM 1-3PM 4-5PM 4-5PM 10-11AM 3-4PM 11-12PM ARR 9-11AM 230-4PM 9-10AM 12-1PM 1-3PM 3-430PM 8-9AM 8-9AM WLH MSC2 NLH MSC2 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1324 EH SLH MSC2 3020 CHEM A867 CHEM A867 CHEM 1300 CHEM A859 CHEM A867 CHEM ARR 3014 RACK 1632 CHEM 1324 EH SLH MSC2 3020 CHEM 3163 USB 1230 USB ARR 3.00 Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 3.00 ENFORCED Walter 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Ballou Ballou 3.00 Veatch 3.00 Zuiderweg ADVISORY ADVISORY 50.00 3.00 Ballou Ballou 3.00 Veatch 4.00 Marsh 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 4.00 Stuckey 4.00

UG Research Biochem I IND + UG Research BIOLCHEM I IND + Intro Biochem P W LEC 001 MWF P W LEC 002 MWF Intro Biochem Lab P W LAB 001 MW Adv Biochem I P W DIS 104 TH P W DIS 105 T A LEC 200 MWF P W DIS 203 TH P W DIS 204 T Biochem Res for Ug IR IND + Chemical Biology I PD SEM 001 TTH Nucleic Acid Biochem PR LEC 100 TTH Intro Biochem P RW LEC 001 MWF



501 19508 505 22871 515 12635 a 23508 P RW LEC 002 MWF 516 Intro Biochem Lab 21855 P W LAB 001 MW 530 Solution-structure 23510 P W LEC 001 TTH Class meets 3340 MSRB III 550 Macromol Struc&Func 12636 P LEC 001 MWF 552 Biochem MD Scientist 22892 PD DIS 001 MWF Class meets in 2955 Taubman (GAP Conf Rm) 591 Signal Transduction 14412 P W LEC 001 T 600 Intro Bio Research IR IND + 650 Mec Euk Gene Express 27675 P LEC 001 711 Graduate Sem 12638 PD SEM 001 TH 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

3.00 ADVISORY Xu 3.00 Bardwell, Jakob, Zhang, Skiniotis 2.00 Rui 1.00-8.00 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED


7745 MSC2 ARR ARR 6311 MSC1 ARR

1.00 Andrews 1.00-8.00 8.00


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Program in Biomedical Sciences

Biomedical Sciences (PIBS)
503 Res Respon&Ethics 1.00 ADVISORY 12641 P LEC 001 F 1-1AM ARR Barald MEETS OCT 7 - NOV 11. 600 Biomed Sci Ind Std 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR PIBS 600 is for first year PIBS students only. Do not register for this section. Refer to your student orientation handbook for the correct section number. 800 PIBS Seminar 1.00 27103 P SEM 001 T 4-5PM ARR Isom You must be a first year PIBS graduate student to be enrolled in this course.

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Cancer Biology Graduate Program

Cancer Biology (CANCBIO)
553 12668 599 Cancer Biol PR LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 2901 LRC Grad Independ Res D IND + ARR ARR 800 Cancer Biol Sem 25597 P SEM 001 W 4-5PM ARR This course meets on the first & third Wednesdays of the month. Location: BSRB 2515 990 Pre-Cand Diss Res D IND + ARR ARR 995 Cand Diss Res D IND + ARR ARR 3.00 Duckett 1.00-8.00 1.00 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

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Cell and Developmental Biology

Cell and Developmental Biology (CDB)
503 Res Respon&Ethics 23768 P LEC 001 F MEETS OCT 7 - NOV 11. 516 Histol Allied Scien 18951 S LAB 002 530 Cell Biology 12646 P W LEC 001 MW 1-1AM ARR 1-3PM ARR ARR ARR 1.00 Barald ADVISORY

4.00 ADVISORY Kim 3.00 ADVISORY Tsai, Verhey, Lee, Lowenstein, Pasca Di Magliano, Guan, Castro, Fan, Wong, Weisman, Hu, One, Two, Swanson, Joglekar, Sivaramakrishnan, Lin, Pinskey, Delaney, Carpenter, Chiang, Chin, Kaneko, Pineault

0 598

Directed Readings 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 599 Directed Research 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 23995 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Course Description 2013 CDB680 will highlight multiple aspects of organogenesis, including: major cell signaling pathways; stem cell biology; mathematical modeling of cell and tissue behavior; morphological and molecular events underlying organ formation; parallel pathways for organ formation in various model organisms; adult organ structure and pathology; organ regeneration and repair; cell and tissue engineering; links between organogenesis and carcinogenesis. Three modules make up the course: a) stem cells and cell signaling; b) organogenesis of the musculoskeletal system (for Fall 2013; the organ system changes each year). c) a grant writing exercise. Course objectives are: a) to provide students with a current, in- depth, multidisciplinary view of the processes of organogenesis: b) to highlight target areas of future research; c) to read and discuss significant papers in the field; and d) to practice the design and preparation of a research grant by writing a "miniproposal". 682 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27246 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio Course Description 2012 CDB 682 will highlight multiple aspects of organogenesis, including: morphological and molecular events underlying organ formation; parallel pathways for organ formation in various model organisms; adult organ structure and pathology; organ regeneration and repair; cell and tissue engineering; links between organogenesis and carcinogenesis. For Fall, 2012, the course will examine organogenesis of the musculoskeletal system. The major grading elements include participation in class discussions and an exercise in writing a scientific proposal. The course will begin on October 9, 2012 and run for the rest of the Fall semester. Course objectives are: a) to provide students with a current, in- depth, multidisciplinary view of the processes of organogenesis: b) to highlight target areas of future research; c) to read and discuss significant papers in the field; and d) to practice the design and preparation of a research grant by writing a "miniproposal". 800 Special Topics 3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 801 Graduate Seminar 1.00 12650 P R SEM 001 T 12-1PM 2710 FSSC Barolo 990 Diss Pre-Cand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Cellular and Molecular Biology

Cellular And Molecular Biology (CMBIOL)
599 Non-Diss Research 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 630 Genetics 1.00 ADVISORY 14405 PD LEC 001 TTH 3-4PM ARR Fuller, Meisler MUST BE A PIBS, CMB, OR GENETICS TRAINING GRANT STUDENT TO REGISTER!! "Wiring the Nervous System in Health and Disease" Sep 25 - 3pm (M3330 MS I) Sep 27 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (SLH) Nov 13 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) Nov 20 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) Nov 27 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 24001 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 682 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27261 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio 850 Seminar 1.00-2.00 12643 P SEM 021 M 12-1PM ARR Schwartz Student Seminar Series Course only for graduate students in the Cellular and Molecular Biology Program can register for this course. 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Dermatology Department
Dermatology (DERM)
499 544 599 U G Derm Research I IND + Biochemical Res I IND + Clinical Research I IND + ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-16.00 ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Human Genetics Department

Human Genetics (HUMGEN)
500 541 12658 Ug Res-Human Gen I IND + Gene Structur&Regul P LEC 001 MWF ARR 9-10AM ARR NLH MSC2 3.00 ADVISORY Robins, Burke, Chan, Moran, Wilson, Kidd, Kalantry, Maclary, Wallen 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY

Recitation on Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00. Optional for students 544 Pop&Stats Genetics 3.00 ADVISORY 21851 P W LEC 001 MW 2-330PM ARR Douglas, Kidd, Li 630 Genetics 1.00 ADVISORY 12659 PD LEC 001 TTH 3-4PM ARR Fuller, Meisler MUST BE A PIBS, CMB, OR GENETICS TRAINING GRANT STUDENT TO REGISTER!! "Wiring the Nervous System in Health and Disease" Sep 25 - 3pm (M3330 MS I) Sep 27 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (SLH) Nov 13 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) Nov 20 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) Nov 27 - 3pm (M3330 MS I); 4pm (NLH) 632 Exp Genetics Systems 1.00 ADVISORY 17598 P R LEC 001 M 1-2PM 4917 BUHL Antonellis This series of lectures is for Genetics Training Program current and past trainees. In general, class meets every other Monday. Fall 2010 schedule: Sep 27, Oct 4, 18, Nov 1, 15, 29, Dec 13. 640 GC Sem I:Clin Skills 3.00 ADVISORY 12660 P SEM 001 T 830-1030AM 5920 BUHL Yashar, Uhlmann, Keegan, Marvin, Schuette 641 Reproductive Gen 2.00 ADVISORY 18185 P LEC 001 F 1-3PM 4917 BUHL Dugan, Norby, Couyoumjian, Berman, Nugent, Roulston, Ehrenberg Buchner, Chames, Vandeven, Treadwell, Bona, Guttman, Yashar 642 Research-GC Skills I 1.00 ADVISORY 18260 P SEM 001 T 3-4PM 5920 BUHL Yashar, Rosenzweig, Raymond 647 Embry Genet Counsel 2.00 ADVISORY 22809 P SEM 001 MW 2-3PM ARR Yashar 649 GC Sem III:Adv Coun 3.00 ADVISORY 18202 P SEM 001 T 4-6PM ARR Evans, Yashar 650 Medical Genetics I 1.00 ADVISORY 12657 P SEM 001 F 130-3PM 5920 BUHL Uhlmann, Innis, Gelehrter, Campbell, Lesperance, Martin, Day, Branham, Ahmad, Tayeh, Thoene, Yashar 659 Gene Couns Cln Intrn 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 18916 P LEC 001 ARR ARR Yashar 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 24002 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 682 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27262 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio 800 Research-Non Phd 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 803 Current Methods 2.00 ADVISORY 12661 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR 821 Student Sem 1.00 ADVISORY 12662 P SEM 001 W 12-1PM 5915 BUHL Kohrman, Burke, Willer, Martin, Antonellis 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY S IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Int Med-General Medicine

Health and Health Care Research (HHCR)
700 19633 710 19634 720 19635 730 19637 740 19638 750 998 Res Hlth&Soc I PD SEM 001 TH Res Des&Analysis I PD SEM 001 W Lab Res Meth&Analy I PD LAB 001 W Lead&Career Dev I PD LEC 001 TH Hl Cre Del Fin Pol I PD LEC 001 F Research Practica I D IND + Independent Study I IND + 130-430PM 830-1130AM 2-5PM 11-1230PM 9-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 3.00-12.00 ARR ADVISORY 3.00 Davis 4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Howell, Heisler 3.00 ADVISORY Hayward 2.00 ADVISORY Hayward 1.00 ADVISORY

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Internal Medicine Department

Internal Medicine (INTMED)
460 19426 499 Eukaryotic Microbio P LEC 001 TTH Ug Int Med Res I IND + 599 Clinical Research I IND + 602 Drug Dev&Clin Trial 15371 P SEM 001 M 603 Hlt Series Research 15372 P SEM 001 T 604 Appl New Tech Res 21523 P SEM 001 T 605 Mentored Clin Res 18474 P LAB 001 20415 P LAB 002 OJOC Students 25423 P LAB 003 Clin Res MS Research Clin Res MS Students 606 Clinical Res Sem 15373 P SEM 001 607 Clin Res Symposia 15374 P SEM 001 608 Clinical Res Sem 19961 P SEM 001 M 611 Intro Clin Res Meth 18204 P LEC 001 1-230PM ARR ARR 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM ARR ARR ARR 5623 MSC2 ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR 2062 PALM ARR 2062 PALM ARR ARR ARR 1.50-4.00 ADVISORY Schteingart Schteingart Clauw 2.00 ADVISORY Schteingart 1.50 ADVISORY Schteingart 1.00 ADVISORY 2.00 ADVISORY Schteingart 2.00 ADVISORY Schteingart 2.00 ADVISORY Schteingart 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Moore 1.00-16.00 ADVISORY



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Medical School
Family Medicine (FAMMED)
499 Ug Fam Med Res I IND + ARR ARR 1.00-16.00

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Medical School Administration

Immunology (IMMUNO)
599 815 16423 851 20078 990 995 Grad Ind Research IND + Immun Journal Club P SEM 001 W Special Topics P DIS 001 F Pre-Cand Diss D IND + Diss-Cand DR IND + Hum Gr Anat-Ald Sci A LEC 001 PI LAB 002 ARR 12-1PM 10-1130AM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ARR ADVISORY ENFORCED 1.00 Moore 2.00 Zhang 1.00-8.00 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY

Medical School Administration (MEDADM)

515 12626 12627 ARR ARR

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Microbiology And Immunology

Microbiology (MICRBIOL)
295 25276 299 Intr Res Micrbi Wrld 3.00 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR Intro to Research 1.00-8.00 I IND + ARR ARR 360 Practical Micrbiol 3.00 ADVISORY 31836 P DIS 001 TTH 230-4PM ARR Koropatkin 399 Ug Research 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 405 Med Microbio & ID 3.00 ENFORCED 20011 P R LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 5623 MSC2 Hanna, Eaton Prerequisites for this course are: BIOLOGY 207, and one of: BIOLOGY 311, BIOLCHEM 451, CHEM 451, MCDB 427. 460 Eukaryotic Microbio 3.00 ADVISORY 19425 P LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 5623 MSC2 Moore 532 Dental Microbiol 3.00 ADVISORY 31864 P LEC 001 ARR ARR 599 Grad Independ Res 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 612 Microb Informatics 3.00 ADVISORY 27807 P LEC 001 TTH 10-11AM ARR 27808 A LAB 002 F 130-330PM 5623 MSC2 Schloss 619 Special Topics M&I 1.00 ADVISORY 20092 P R LEC 001 TTH 2-330PM ARR King, Chang, Cascalho, Grigorova Undergrads need permission of instructor to enroll. There will be two seminars to attend as well. 632 Exp Genetics Systems 1.00 ADVISORY 17600 P LEC 001 M 1-2PM 4917 BUHL Antonellis This lecture is for Genetics Training Program current and past trainees. Class meets every other Monday. 640 Mole&Cell Immun 3.00 ADVISORY 22799 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 5623 MSC2 Grigorova, Chang 641 Advanced Immunology 1.00 ADVISORY 31813 P LEC 001 TTH 330-5PM 5623 MSC2 King 812 Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 12670 P R SEM 001 F 12-1PM 5623 MSC2 Carruthers Micro Grad Students Only 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Neurology Department
Neurology (NEUROL)
499 599 731 17668 781 782 Ug Neurol Res I IND + Clinical Research I IND + Cln Neurosci PD LEC 001 Research IND + Research IND + ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR 2.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Center For Neuroscience

Neuroscience (NEUROSCI)
510 31903 570 28277 571 28278 601 12677 601 Intr Excitable Membr 2.00 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR Hum Neuroanat I 3.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 4151 USB Altschuler Hum Neuroanat II 2.00 ADVISORY P LAB 001 M 9-12PM 2733 FSSC Sullivan Principles Neuro I 4.00 ADVISORY PD SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM 2234 USB Seidler Principles Neuro I 4.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 F 10-12PM 4152 USB 610 Excitable Membranes 2.00 ADVISORY 31902 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR 611 Excitable Membranes 1.00 ADVISORY 12678 PI SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM ARR Sutton, Stuenkel, Becker 611 Excitable Membranes 1.00 ADVISORY P SEM 001 F 10-12PM ARR Class will meet September 6 - October 11th Seminar meets T TH 10-12 Discussion meets F 10-12 Room TBD 612 Neurochem/Neuropharm 1.00 ADVISORY 19000 PI SEM 001 F 10-12PM ARR Class will meet October 13th - November 4th Seminar meets T TH 10-12 Discussion meets F 10-12 Room TBD 613 Cen Nerv Sys Dev 1.00 ADVISORY 12679 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Class will meet Nov 8-Dec 9, Seminar meets T TH 10-12Discussion meets F 10-12Room TBD 623 Molecular Neuro Lab 3.00 ADVISORY 16971 PI LAB 001 MTWTHF 7-8AM ARR Murphy Preterm Course. Meets Aug 15 to Aug 26 in 4118 USB, Monday-Friday 9:00AM - 9:00PM 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 24006 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 682 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27265 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio 700 Neurosci Sem 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY 12680 PD SEM 001 M 4-5PM ARR Stuenkel 22786 PD SEM 054 M 3-6PM 1230 USB Stuenkel 25553 P SEM 083 ARR ARR Parent 701 Special Topics 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 702 Readings:Sensory 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 12682 P SEM 001 ARR ARR 703 Readings:Devlpmntal 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 12683 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR 704 Readings:Integrative 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 12684 PIR SEM 001 ARR ARR 31901 PD SEM 002 M 12-2PM ARR Berke Neurophysiology of Decision-Ma Neurophysiology of Decision-Making People and animals alike are constantly faced with decisions, ranging from simple perceptual classifications to complex social games. This seminar will address how the brain manipulates signals in the service of choices, with a strong emphasis on the contributions of individual neurons and neuronal circuit properties. The specific papers covered will depend in part on the interests of participants, but will include studies on the information encoded by cortical, basal ganglia and dopamine neurons, and how such signals reflect processes of evaluation, expectancy and action selection.Course Structure and Grading: This seminar will consist of detailed Powerpoint presentations by students of 1-2 published papers each, with group discussion. The success of this course depends upon a high quality of student presentations, so presentations account for 2/3 of the overall grade. The remaining 1/3 is for class participation and attendance - do not register unless you can reliably attend. There will be no written assignment. Presentations are expected to be clear and cogent, demonstrating a solid understanding of the presented papers (including any supplementary material) and also background readings. The papers are challenging and will require careful consideration. If you do not clearly understand any aspect of the presented material, come and talk to me about it the week *before* your presentation. It is not acceptable to simply state during your presentation that you didn?t understand something! 731 Cln Neurosci 2.00 ADVISORY 17667 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR 800 Neurosci Res Method 1.00-9.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 801 Neurosci Res Method 1.00-9.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Obstetrics And Gynecology Dept

Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBSTGYN)
499 599 U G Ob-Gyn Research I IND + Clinical Research I IND + ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Ophthalmology Department
Ophthalmology (OPHTH)
499 599 725 12693 733 27427 800 801 802 803 807 855 U G Ophthy Research I IND + Clinical Research I IND + Embryology PI LEC 001 Visual Science P LEC 001 Refract-Musc Balanc I IND + Instruments I IND + Medical I IND + Surgery I IND + Ocular Pharmacology I IND + Spec Path Eye IND + ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR ARR ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00-4.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00 ARR ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00 Thompson, Abcouwer 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Otorhinolaryngology Department
Otorhinolaryngology (OTO)
499 599 U G Oto Research I IND + Clinical Research I IND + ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Pathology Department
Pathology (PATH)
499 582 12703 585 24228 599 680 24003 682 27263 699 850 12706 855 858 862 33090 920 990 995 Clinical Research I IND + Curr Topics Mol Path P DIS 001 MW Prep Biomed Manu PI LEC 001 Non-Diss Research R IND + Org Complex Tiss P LEC 001 TTH Org Complex Tiss P LEC 002 TTH Ind Ug Research I IND + Res Colloq Exp Path PR DIS 001 TH Spec Path Eye IND + Neuropathology D IND + T Transl Path PD LEC 001 T Research in Path I IND + Pre-Cand Diss Res IR IND + Cand Diss Research R IND + 2.00-6.00 ARR 3-415PM ARR ARR 10-1130AM 10-1130AM ARR 4-5PM ARR 615-815PM 8-9AM ARR ARR ARR ARR 4234 MSC1 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 3.00 ARR ARR ARR 4234 MSC1 ARR 1.00 ARR 4234 MSC1 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY 1.00 ADVISORY Wilson, Nikolovska-Coleska 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00 Dou 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 2.00 Gumucio 1.00-9.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 2.00 Dressler 1.00 ADVISORY

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Pediatrics & Comm Diseases Dep

Pediatrics (PEDIAT)
499 599 U G Peds Research I IND + Clinical Research I IND + 1.00-16.00 ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY

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Pg Medicine & Hlth Prof Edu De

Medical Education (MEDEDUC)
613 33231 33232 650 Head & Neck Anatomy S LEC 001 MTWTHF P LAB 002 MTWTHF MHPE Ed Prof Act. 1 R IND + 8-330PM 8-330PM ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.50 Brzezinski Brzezinski 6.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED 180.00

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Pharmacology Department
Pharmacology (PHRMACOL)
280 Tutorial Cardio Phar 1.00 29824 PD LEC 001 ARR ARR Lauver Section 001 meets Fridays, 3-5, in rm A340 MSRB 3. This section requires concurrent enrollment in the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP). 29857 PD LEC 002 F 4-5PM ARR Lucchesi Email Dr. Lucchesi ( for permission to take this course. The class meets in room 2340 MSRB III, 4-6 on Fridays through Fall Term 2013. 330 Neuro Pharm UG Res 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR 411 Pathophys Pharm II 4.00 ENFORCED 29698 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Maybaum Online course This is an online course and a continuation of Pharmacology 410. The class will be divided into two sections that will meet virtually online on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 7:30-9 pm. 430 Neuro Pharm UG Res 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR 501 Chemical Biology I 3.00 21219 PD SEM 001 TTH 9-11AM 3014 RACK Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 504 Eth&Res 0.50 ADVISORY 15304 PD SEM 001 T 4-6PM ARR Woodard, Hollenberg Meets: Sept 25, 1552 and then 1567 CCL; Oct 23, 2955 TML; Nov 27 1567 CCL; Dec 11, A340 MSRB III; Jan 22, 1567 CCL; Feb 26, 2955 TML; Mar 26, 1567 CCL; and Apr 23, 2955 TML. Registration is for PSTP Trainees in Fall Term only. 591 Signal Transduction 2.00 ADVISORY 15297 P W LEC 001 T 2-4PM 7745 MSC2 Rui 600 Independent Study 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 605 MS Degree Research 1.00-8.00 D IND + ARR ARR For Pharmacology Masters Students Only 612 Sem-Antimicr&Cancer 2.00 ADVISORY 18559 P SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM 2736 MSC2 Shewach, Maybaum Meets in room 2736 FSSC (in MS II) 10/3/13 through 10/31/2013. 615 Mol Neurophar 2.00 ADVISORY 12715 P SEM 001 TTH 10-12PM 2736 MSC2 Fisher, Gnegy Meets in 2736 FSSC (in MS II) 9/3/13 through 10/01/2013. 616 Sem-Cardiovas Pharm 2.00 ADVISORY 12716 P SEM 001 TTH 8-10AM ARR Lucchesi, Martens Meets in A340 MSRB3, 09/05/13 through 12/10/13. 617 Sem Endocrine Pharm 2.00 ADVISORY 25082 P SEM 001 MW 10-12PM 2736 MSC2 Iniguez-Lluhi, Simpson Meets in 2736 FSSC (in MS II) 11/11/2013 through 12/11/2013. 646 Special Topics 0.50-1.00 ADVISORY 12717 P SEM 001 F 12-1PM 2736 MSC2 Traynor, Fisher Only for Pharmacology Graduate Students. 22363 P SEM 002 F 12-1PM ARR Traynor, Fisher Only for first-year PIBS students interested in Pharmacology. 659 Pharmacology 3.00 ADVISORY 21972 P LEC 001 M 830-10PM ARR Smith Pharm 659 Online Course This online course is for Nursing students ONLY. 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Physical Medicine & Rehab Dept

Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PMR)
499 510 12721 539 580 25895 Undergrad Research I IND + Disab&Rehab Methods PI LEC 001 MF Eng&Tec Cln Interns I IND + Disability Studies PI W SEM 001 T ARR 9-1030AM ARR 2-4PM ARR MOTT ARR G463 MH 1.00-3.00 Kuppers ADVISORY 2.00-4.00 Hurvitz 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00-6.00

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Physiology Department
Physiology (PHYSIOL)
201 Human Physiol 4.00 ADVISORY STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. EXAMINATIONS WILL BE HELD IN THE EVENINGS. 12723 A R LEC 001 MWF 1230-2PM ARR Rust 12724 P RW DIS 002 F 11-12PM ARR Rust 12725 P RW DIS 003 TH 9-10AM ARR Rust 12726 P RW DIS 004 TH 9-10AM ARR Rust 12727 P RW DIS 005 TH 4-5PM ARR Rust 12728 P RW DIS 006 F 11-12PM ARR Rust 15451 P RW DIS 007 TH 4-5PM ARR Rust 18170 P R DIS 008 F 11-12PM ARR Rust 18815 P R DIS 009 TH 4-5PM ARR Rust 301 Hum Physiol I 4.00 ENFORCED 30518 S RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Rust 30519 P RW LAB 002 M 830-10AM ARR Rust 30520 P RW LAB 003 M 1030-12PM ARR Rust 30521 P RW LAB 004 M 1230-2PM ARR Rust 30522 P R LAB 005 M 230-4PM ARR Rust 306 Problems 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 404 Hum Physiol Lab 2.00 ENFORCED 35.00 25283 PIR LAB 001 T 10-1PM ARR Houchin 25284 PIR LAB 002 T 130-430PM ARR Houchin This section reserved for MS Physiology students. 27738 PIRW LAB 003 TH 9-12PM ARR Houchin This section reserved for MS Physiology students. 25285 PIR LAB 004 TH 1-4PM ARR Houchin This section reserved for MS Physiology students. 27767 PIR LAB 005 ARR ARR Houchin 405 Research Problems 1.00-4.00 I W IND + ARR ARR 406 Extreme Physiology 3.00 ENFORCED 30523 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3163 USB Ferrari 502 Human Physiology 4.00 ADVISORY 23385 P RW LEC 001 MWF 830-10AM 1544 CCL Rust, Shore, Larkin, Michele, Sutton, Burant, Monteiro Da Rocha, Dempsey For Fall Term: No Undergraduate Students will be admitted. Graduate Students with permission of instructor if space is available in September.For Winter Term: Advisory prerequisites: one college-level course in Biology with Biochemistry. Advanced undergraduate (Juniors and Seniors) and Graduate Students with permission of instructor. 505 Physiol Lab 2.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 30541 P R LAB 001 W 3-6PM ARR Houchin 506 Extreme Physiology 3.00 ENFORCED 30608 PIR LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 3163 USB Ferrari 510 Systems&Integrative 4.00 ADVISORY 12731 PIRW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 7745 MSC2 Herzog, Britton, Borjigin, Brosius III, D'Alecy, Moenter, Low, Rust, Samuelson, Schwartz, Hershenson 510 Systems&Integrative 4.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 TH 1-230PM 7745 MSC2 519 Quantitative Physiol 4.00 ADVISORY 12732 P LEC 001 MW 130-330PM 1504 GGBL Grotberg, Li, Moench, Westfall, Kozloff, Alford, Chestek, Herzog, Seda 591 Signal Transduction 2.00 ADVISORY 15298 P W LEC 001 T 2-4PM 7745 MSC2 Rui 602 Meth Res Physiology 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 603 Meth Res Physiology 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 605 MS Seminar Physiol 1.00 25577 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Ferrari, Rust 606 Current Topics 1.00 ADVISORY 12735 P SEM 001 M 330-430PM ARR MacDougald 615 Tech Phys Instructn 2.00 ADVISORY 12736 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Rust 616 Tech Phys Instructn 2.00 ADVISORY 12737 P REC 001 ARR ARR Rust 680 Org Complex Tiss 3.00 ADVISORY 24004 P LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR 682 Org Complex Tiss 2.00 ADVISORY 27264 P LEC 002 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Gumucio 699 Direct Reading-Phys 1.00-4.00 I IND + ARR ARR 702 Physio MS Res Proj 3.00-8.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 293 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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990 995

I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +



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Psychiatry Department
Psychiatry (PSYCHIAT)
499 599 U G Psychiat Res I IND + Clinical Research I IND + ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY 1.00-16.00

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Radiation Oncology
Radiation Oncology (RADONCO)
499 Clinical Research I IND + ARR ARR 4.00-6.00 ADVISORY

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Surgery Department
Surgery (SURGERY)
499 599 Ug Surgery Research I IND + Clinical Research I IND + 1.00-16.00 ARR ARR ARR 2.00-8.00 ARR ADVISORY

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Music, Theatre & Dance

--Performance Instruction in the School of Music (Individual Studio Assignment in Music Performance): All students requesting performance instruction must apply online at, click on the "students" tab and then click on the "online individual studio assignment in music performance" form. Do not register until you have received an email verifying placement in a studio.

Department Of Dance
Dance (DANCE)
100 Intro to Dance 23613 P LAB 001 MW 9-10AM Modern 24549 P LAB 002 MW 10-11AM Introduction to Modern Taught by dance students enrolled in DANCE 571. 23614 P LAB 003 MW 10-11AM Introduction to Modern Taught by dance students enrolled in DANCE 481. 23615 P R LAB 004 MW 10-11AM Modern 23616 P R LAB 005 TTH 10-11AM Modern 23617 P LAB 006 TTH 9-10AM Modern 23618 P R LAB 007 MW 9-10AM Ballet 23619 P R LAB 008 TTH 9-10AM Ballet 23620 P R LAB 009 TTH 10-11AM Ballet 23621 P R LAB 010 TTH 9-10AM Ballet 25307 P LAB 011 MW 9-10AM Jazz 25308 P LAB 012 MW 11-12PM Jazz 25309 P LAB 013 TTH 10-11AM Jazz 101 Modern Dance I 23658 PI LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM 103 Modern Dance I 23622 PI LAB 001 MW 12-2PM 111 Ballet I 23624 PI LAB 001 TTH 1-3PM 113 Ballet I 23623 PI LAB 001 MW 2-4PM 121 Freshman Repertory 23631 PI LAB 001 MW 4-6PM 23632 PD LAB 002 MW 4-6PM 23633 PI LAB 003 MW 4-6PM 127 Dance Laboratory 22980 PI LAB 001 F 12-2PM Modern 22981 PI LAB 002 F 12-2PM Ballet 22982 PI LAB 003 F 2-4PM Yoga 23604 PI LAB 004 F 2-4PM Improv 129 Freshman Dancers 24401 PD LAB 001 ARR 131 Dance Comp 1 23657 PI LAB 001 TTH 3-5PM 141 Music for Dance 1 23649 PI LAB 001 MW 10-12PM 201 Modern Dance II 13720 PI LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM 203 Modern Dance II 23625 PI LAB 001 MW 12-2PM 211 Ballet II 23757 PD LAB 001 TTH 1-3PM 213 Ballet II 23656 PI LAB 001 MW 2-4PM 221 Sophomore Repertory 23634 PD LAB 001 MW 4-6PM 23635 PD LAB 002 MW 4-6PM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 298 of 382 DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO D 1.00 ARR DANCE STUDIO D 2027 SM DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO B DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO D DANCE STUDIO A DANCE STUDIO B 2.00 ADVISORY Fogel 2.00 ADVISORY Matijas Mecca 1.00 ADVISORY Deyoung 1.00 ADVISORY Chavasse 1.00 ADVISORY Rice 1.00 ADVISORY West 1.00 Deyoung Jr Sparling FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 ADVISORY West Jamison 1.00 Rosenthal Fogel Beck Passion McClellan Jr Whitmoyer Solorzano McClellan Jr Whitmoyer Guilmette Hopper Passion Guilmette 1.00 Deyoung 1.00 Deyoung Jr 1.00 Rice 1.00 Rice 1.00 Deyoung Jr Sparling Beck 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






23636 23646 227 22983 Modern 22984 Ballet 22985 Yoga 23605 Improv 229 24394 231 23651 241 20470 251 23628 261 23650 23655 301 13721 303 23629 311 23659 313 23758 321 23638 23639 23640 23647 327 22986 Modern 22987 Ballet 22988 Yoga 23606 Improv 329 24402 335 23648 401 13722 403 23630 406 24550 411 23756 413 23759 421 23642 23643 23644 23645 424 24551 427 22989 Modern 22990 Ballet 22991 Yoga 23607 Improv 429 24178 24189 24190 24191

PD LAB 003 MW PD LAB 004 Dance Laboratory PI LAB 001 F PI PI PI LAB 002 LAB 003 LAB 004 F F F

4-6PM ARR 12-2PM 12-2PM 2-4PM 2-4PM ARR 3-5PM 10-1130AM 830-10AM 5-630PM 6-9PM 1-3PM 2-4PM 11-1PM 12-2PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM ARR 12-2PM 12-2PM 2-4PM 2-4PM ARR


Beck 1.00 West Jamison

Sophomore Dancers PD LAB 001 Dance Comp 3 PD LAB 001 TTH Art of Dance P RW SEM 001 MW Anat & Kines PI LAB 001 TTH Congolese 1 P W LAB 001 TTH P W LAB 002 F Modern Dance III PIR LAB 001 TTH Modern Dance III PI LAB 001 MW Ballet III PI LAB 001 TTH Ballet III PI LAB 001 MW Junior Repertory PD LAB 001 MW PD LAB 002 MW PD LAB 003 MW PD LAB 004 Dance Laboratory PI LAB 001 F PI PI PI LAB 002 LAB 003 LAB 004 F F F





Junior Dancers PD LAB 001 DRA PI LAB 001 Modern Dance IV PI LAB 001 Modern Dance IV PD LAB 001 PTSI/UM Tech PD LAB 001 Ballet IV PI LAB 001 Ballet IV PD LAB 001 Senior Repertory PD LAB 001 PD LAB 002 PD LAB 003 PD LAB 004 Taylor Repertory PD LAB 001 Dance Laboratory PD LAB 001 PD PD PD LAB 002 LAB 003 LAB 004


6-8PM 1-3PM 2-4PM ARR


11-1PM 12-2PM 4-6PM 4-6PM 4-6PM ARR ARR


12-2PM 12-2PM 2-4PM 2-4PM ARR ARR ARR ARR Page 299 of 382


Senior Dancers PD LAB 001 PD LAB 002 PD LAB 003 PD LAB 004

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481 Teaching Methods 23627 PD LEC 001 MW 10-12PM Meets with DANCE 100.003 and 571, Studio A, Dance Bldg 491 Senior Seminar 23652 PD SEM 001 TH 9-11AM 493 Senior Concert 23660 PD LAB 001 T 9-10AM Meets in Room 3502, Dance Bldg 23661 PD LAB 002 T 10-11AM Meets in Room 3502, Dance Bldg 496 Special Topics 30724 PI LEC 001 TTH 630-8PM Fantasies & Anxieties of Race 31341 PI LEC 002 F 9-12PM Dancing Cities: Cult Capitals 497 Independent Study D IND + ARR 498 Field Experience 23653 PD LAB 001 ARR 24192 PD LAB 002 ARR 24193 PD LAB 003 ARR 24194 PD LAB 004 ARR 24195 PD LAB 005 ARR 24196 PD LAB 006 ARR 24197 PD LAB 007 ARR 501 RIA 1 22970 PD LEC 001 F 2-5PM Meets in Seminar Room at SMTD grad library, Moore Bldg 511 Ballet 22644 PD LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM 24179 PD LAB 002 MW 12-2PM 25339 PD LAB 003 F 12-2PM Ballet 513 Modern Dance 13724 PIR LAB 001 MW 2-4PM 24181 PD LAB 002 TTH 1-3PM 25338 PD LAB 003 F 12-2PM Modern 521 UDC 22971 PD LAB 001 MW 4-6PM Grad repertory for Power 22992 PD LAB 002 MW 4-6PM Grad repertory for Power 22993 PD LAB 003 MW 4-6PM Grad repertory for Power 524 Solo Performance 25364 PI LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM 529 IS: Perform/Rep D IND + ARR 532 CPP & D 27322 PI LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM 534 Perf Improv 1 22646 PI LAB 001 ARR 538 FE: Choreography 24136 PD LAB 001 ARR 539 IS: Choreography D IND + ARR 543 Screen Portfolio I IND + ARR 547 ST: Screendance 30968 PD SEM 001 ARR 548 FE: Screendance 30969 PD LAB 001 ARR 549 IS: Screendance D IND + ARR 571 Pedagogy: Technique 21844 PD SEM 001 MW 10-12PM Meets with DANCE 100.003 and 481, Studio A, Dance Bldg 575 Pedagogy: History 27707 PD LEC 001 ARR 583 DRA 13723 PD LAB 001 M 6-8PM 591 Thesis Performance I IND + ARR 601 RIA 4 24079 PDR LEC 001 F 2-5PM Meets in Seminar Room in SMTD grad library, Moore Bldg 611 Ballet 24076 PD LAB 001 TTH 11-1PM U of M Schedule of Classes Page 300 of 382


3.00 Beck




1.00-3.00 ADVISORY Sparling Chavasse Cole Deyoung Jr Fogel Matijas Mecca Wilson 3.00 ADVISORY Matijas Mecca 1.00 Beck West West 1.00 Chavasse ADVISORY


1.00 ADVISORY Deyoung Jr Sparling Beck 3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00


3.00 Genne 2.00 DANCE STUDIO A Deyoung Jr, Cole, Rush 6.00 ADVISORY ARR 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED ARR Croft DANCE STUDIO D 1.00 Beck FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






24180 25340 Ballet 613 24077 24182 25341 Modern 621 24080 24081 25342 624 25365 629 633 32150 634 24082 637 25754 638 31990 639 643 30971 647 30972 648 30973 649 679 689 695


LAB 002 LAB 003




West West 1.00 Chavasse

Modern Dance PD LAB 001 PD LAB 002 PD LAB 003

UDC PD LAB 001 MW PD LAB 002 MW PD LAB 003 MW Solo Performance PD LAB 001 TTH IS: Perform/Rep D IND + Choreo Portfolio PD LAB 001 Perf Improv 2 PD LAB 001 ST: Choreography PD LAB 001 FE: Choreography PD LAB 001 IS: Choreography D IND + Screen Portfolio PD LAB 001 ST: Screendance PD SEM 001 FE: Screendance PD LAB 001 IS: Screendance D IND + IS: Dance Education D IND + IS: Interdisc Arts D IND + Thesis 2: Proposal D IND +

1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Deyoung Jr Sparling Beck 3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 2.00-4.00 Sparling 3.00 1.00-3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 2.00-4.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 Sparling 1.00-3.00 1.00-3.00

ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 2.00 ARR

U of M Schedule of Classes

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School of Music, Theatre and Dance

Arts Administration (ARTSADMN)
491 591 Special Projects I IND + Internship I IND + ARR ARR ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 1.00 Elliott 1.00 1.00 Aaron 1.00 1.00 Elliott 1.00 1.00 Aaron 1.00 1.00-2.00

Cello (CELLO)
450 22768 450 450 12843 450 550 27376 550 550 27377 550

Performance Lab PI LAB 159 Performance Lab P LAB 159 Performance Lab PI LAB 178 Performance Lab P LAB 178 P LAB 178 Performance Lab PI LAB 159 Performance Lab P LAB 159 Performance Lab PI LAB 178 Performance Lab P LAB 178 P LAB 178


230-430PM 330-530PM 230-430PM 330-530PM 930-1230PM 230-430PM 330-530PM 230-430PM 330-530PM 930-1230PM

2058 SM 1340 SM 2043 SM 1340 SM 2058 SM 2058 SM 1340 SM 2043 SM 1340 SM 2058 SM

Church Music (CHURCHMU)

483 13673 583 13674 585 19447 588 32197 221 13676 221 Ch Mus Studies I PR LEC 001 T Hymn Improvisation PR LEC 001 T Blend Worshp Styles P LEC 001 T Church Mus Admin P SEM 001 6-8PM 6-8PM 430-6PM ARR 2110 SM 2110 SM 2110 SM ARR

2.00 Johns 2.00 Johns 2.00 Johns 2.00 Johns


Composition (COMP)

Intro Elem Comp P W LEC 001 WTH Intro Elem Comp P W LEC 001 F Beginning course for non-music majors. 415 Intro Electron Mus 24523 A W LEC 001 TH 31348 P W LAB 002 M 31349 P W LAB 003 W 31350 P W LAB 004 M 31351 P W LAB 005 W 416 Sem Electron Mus 24525 P SEM 001 T Class meets in Duderstadt center EMS B 421 Creative Comp 13680 P RW LEC 001 T 450 Undergrad Seminar 13687 P R SEM 001 F 515 Intro Electron Mus 24524 A W LEC 001 TH 31352 P W LAB 002 M 31353 P W LAB 003 W 31354 P W LAB 004 M 31355 P W LAB 005 W 516 Sem Electron Mus 24526 P SEM 001 T Class meets in Duderstadt center EMS B 526 Adv Stdy Elec Mus 20129 P SEM 001 T Class meets in Duderstadt center EMS B 550 Seminar in Comp 13694 P SEM 001 F 850 Adv Sem in Comp 13696 P SEM 001 F 900 Preliminary Exam I IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand U of M Schedule of Classes

1-2PM 1-2PM 430-6PM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 530-630PM 530-630PM 4-530PM 130-330PM 330-530PM 430-6PM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 530-630PM 530-630PM 4-530PM 4-530PM 330-530PM 330-530PM ARR ARR

706 BMT 806 BMT STAMPS 3213 SM 3213 SM 3213 SM 3213 SM ARR 2033 SM 2033 SM STAMPS ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 2058 SM 2058 SM ARR

3.00 ADVISORY Schoenfeld 3.00 ADVISORY 2.00 Santos Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman 2.00 ADVISORY Chambers 3.00 ADVISORY Sheng 1.00 ADVISORY Daugherty 2.00 Santos Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman Santos, Bohman 2.00 ADVISORY Chambers 2.00-4.00 Chambers 2.00 Kuster 2.00 Kuster 1.00 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

ADVISORY ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

ARR 8.00

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






IR 315 31900 315




Conducting (CONDUCT)

Elem Conducting 2.00 P REC 001 MWF 830-930AM 1320 SM Norman Elem Conducting 2.00 P REC 001 MWF 830-930AM 2058 SM Instrumental 315 Elem Conducting 2.00 13703 PI REC 002 MWF 930-1030AM 1320 SM Norman 315 Elem Conducting 2.00 P REC 002 MWF 930-1030AM 2058 SM Instrumental 315 Elem Conducting 2.00 13704 P REC 003 TTH 230-4PM 201 STRNS Gusukuma Choral 442 Chor Cond Tec&Rp 3.00 ADVISORY 13705 PI SEM 001 MW 230-4PM 2032 SM Rogers Jr 501 Sem-Orch Conducting 2.00-4.00 13706 PI SEM 001 TTH 1230-230PM 1340 SM Kiesler 502 Dir Perf-Orch Cond 2.00 13707 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Kiesler 19736 PI SEM 002 TTH 1030-1230PM 2032 SM Haithcock 503 Band&Wind Ens Cond 2.00-4.00 13708 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Haithcock 504 Dir Perf Band&Wind 2.00 13709 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Haithcock 505 Sem Choral Conduct 2.00-4.00 13710 PI SEM 001 TTH 1230-230PM ARR Blackstone 505 Sem Choral Conduct 2.00-4.00 P SEM 001 M 230-430PM 2044 SM P SEM 001 W 230-5PM ARR Wednesday class will be held in Studio 3054.T/Th 12:30-2:30 will meet with Orpheus Singers in Stamps Auditorium 506 Dir Perf Chorl Cond 2.00 13711 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Blackstone 595 Pract in Teaching 1.00 25683 PI LEC 001 ARR ARR 601 Orch-Opera Repertoi 2.00 ADVISORY 13713 PI SEM 001 TTH 1230-230PM 1340 SM Kiesler 18513 PI SEM 002 ARR ARR Haithcock 602 Wind Ens-Band Reper 2.00 ADVISORY 13714 P SEM 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2032 SM Haithcock Class to meet with 502 in 2032 603 Choral Repertoire 2.00 ADVISORY 13715 PI SEM 001 T 1030-1230PM 2027 SM Blackstone 801 Adv Std&Dir Perform 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 900 Preliminary Exam 1.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Double Bass (DBLBASS)

450 12915 450 550 27375 550 Performance Lab PI LAB 173 Performance Lab P LAB 173 Performance Lab PI LAB 173 Performance Lab P LAB 173 T TH T TH 330-530PM 430-530PM 330-530PM 430-530PM 1340 SM 2033 SM 1340 SM 2033 SM

1.00 Gannett 1.00 1.00 Gannett 1.00

Ensemble (ENS)

181 St Read Skills-Pno 13725 P REC 001 F School of Music students, by audition only. 325 Orch Rep-Strings 13726 P LAB 001 M Double Bass 13727 P LAB 003 T Viola 27462 P LAB 004 M Violin 27847 P LAB 005 T Viola 326 Orc Repertoire-Harp 24413 P LAB 001 U of M Schedule of Classes

230-430PM 330-530PM 230-330PM 130-230PM 230-330PM ARR of 382

2020 SM 2058 SM 2039 SM 2026 SM ARR ARR

2.00 Collier 1.00-2.00 Molina Coade Halen Schotten 2.00 Holland


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335 13728 335

String Quartet PR LAB 001 MWF 430-630PM String Quartet PR LAB 001 MF 430-630PM 344 Univ Campus Orch 13729 P LAB 001 W 7-930PM Campus Symphony Orchestra 13730 P LAB 002 W 7-930PM Campus Philharmonia Orchestra 345 Univ Orchestras 13731 P R LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM 345 Univ Orchestras PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM University Symphony Orchestra 345 Univ Orchestras 13732 P LAB 002 MWF 1030-1230PM University Philharmonia Orch. 346 Campus Band 13733 P LAB 001 W 730-930PM 347 Univ Band 13734 P R LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM 347 Univ Band PR LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 W 230-430PM PR LAB 001 WF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MF 230-330PM PR LAB 001 F 230-430PM PR LAB 001 W 230-430PM PR LAB 001 M 230-430PM Symphony Band 347 Univ Band 13735 P R LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM 347 Univ Band PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM Concert Band 348 Marching Band 13736 P LAB 001 MTWTHF 445-615PM 24186 PI LAB 002 MTWTHF 445-615PM 349 Univ Choir 13737 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 350 Univ Chamber Choir 13738 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 350 Univ Chamber Choir PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 351 Arts Chorale 13739 P R LAB 001 T 4-6PM 351 Arts Chorale PR LAB 001 TH 4-6PM 352 Opera Chorus 13740 P LAB 001 ARR 353 Mens Glee Club 13741 P LAB 001 TH 7-930PM 353 Mens Glee Club P LAB 001 SU 6-8PM 354 Univ Choral Union 13742 P LAB 001 M 6-1030PM 354 Univ Choral Union P LAB 001 M 6-1030PM Students should call 763-8996 for audition appointment. 356 Womens Glee Club 13743 P LAB 001 TH 630-10PM 356 Womens Glee Club P LAB 001 SU 630-10PM 360 Campus Jazz Ensemble 27413 P LAB 001 T 730-930PM 400 Early Mus Ensemble 13744 P LAB 001 TTH 930-1030AM Early Music Ensemble U of M Schedule of Classes Page 304 of 382

2039 SM 2038 SM 1320 SM 1360 SM 1320 SM 2019 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM 2039 SM 2033 SM 1360 SM ARR 1320 SM 2038 SM 2043 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM 2019 SM 2058 SM 2032 SM 2033 SM 2039 SM 1320 SM 2019 SM 2043 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM ARR ARR 1360 SM 1340 SM 2027 SM 2039 SM 2038 SM

1.00-2.00 Berofsky 1.00-2.00 1.00 Segal Chan 1.00-2.00 Kiesler 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

1.00-2.00 Lees 1.00 Pasquale 1.00-2.00 Haithcock 1.00-2.00


1.00-2.00 Norman 1.00-2.00


1.00-2.00 Pasquale Pasquale 1.00-2.00 Rogers Jr 1.00-2.00 Blackstone 1.00-2.00



1.00 AUD 4 MLB 1.00 AUD 4 MLB ARR AUD 4 MLB AUD 4 MLB AUD 4 MLB LEC RM 1 MLB LEC RM 1 MLB AUD 3 MLB 202 STRNS 2026 SM 1.00 Skadsem 1.00



1.00 Wilson, Rowe 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Parmentier

FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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23159 P LAB 002 ARR ARR Baroque Chamber Ensemble 13746 P LAB 003 T 1030-12PM 2026 SM Baroque Chamber Orchestra 13745 P LAB 004 W 330-530PM 1058 SM Basso Continuo Accompaniment 405 Beg Javan Gamelan 18158 P LAB 001 W 530-7PM 361 SM 407 Javan Gamelan Ens 18159 P LAB 001 TTH 6-730PM 361 SM 460 Jazz Ensemble 13747 P LAB 001 TTH 230-430PM 1320 SM Jazz Ensemble 13748 P LAB 002 MW 230-430PM 1340 SM P LAB 002 F 230-430PM ARR Jazz Lab Ensemble 461 Small Woodwind Ens 13749 P LAB 001 TTH 130-230PM ARR Woodwind Quintets 13750 P LAB 002 TTH 130-230PM ARR Saxophone Ensembles 462 Small Jazz 13751 P LAB 001 M 530-8PM 1320 SM 462 Small Jazz P LAB 001 TW 430-6PM ARR P LAB 001 M 8-930PM ARR P LAB 001 F 4-530PM ARR Each ensemble assigned one meeting per week at 7:30 PM. 463 Small Brass Ens 13752 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Small Brass Ensembles 13753 P LAB 002 TTH 1230-130PM 2026 SM Jazz Horn Seminar 13754 P LAB 003 TH 1030-1130AM STAMPS Trombone Ensemble 13755 P LAB 004 T 430-630PM STAMPS Tuba & Euphonium Ensemble 31821 P LAB 005 ARR ARR Horn Ensemble 464 Wind Chamber Music 22243 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 465 Small Percuss Ens 19295 PI LAB 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 1320 SM 465 Small Percuss Ens P LAB 001 M 830-11PM 202 STRNS Monday evening is for Vencedores Samba Band rehearsals. 465 Small Percuss Ens 23767 PI LAB 002 WF 530-630PM 1320 SM World Percussion Ens 466 Piano Chamber Mus 13756 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 466 Piano Chamber Mus P LAB 001 M 430-630PM 2033 SM P LAB 001 MWF 430-630PM 2027 SM P LAB 001 F 430-630PM 2044 SM 467 Creative Arts Orch 13757 P LAB 001 TH 530-730PM 1320 SM 469 Orch Rep Winds&Perc 21371 P LAB 001 T 230-330PM STAMPS Brass Repertoire 20312 P LAB 002 SU 230-530PM ARR Percussion Repertoire 470 Orpheus Singers 17367 P LAB 001 TTH 1230-230PM STAMPS 475 Contemp Direct Ens 13759 PI REC 001 TTH 1230-230PM 1320 SM Rackham students elect MUSPERF 882. 480 Mixed Chamber Music 19118 PI LEC 001 MWF 430-630PM ARR 481 Piano Accompanying 13760 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR Jr. & Sr. Piano Majors Only. 1/2 Hr. private instruction and 1 1/2 hrs. studio work. 525 Orch Rep-Strings 13761 P LAB 001 M 330-530PM 2058 SM Double Bass 13762 P LAB 003 T 230-330PM 2039 SM Viola 27839 P LAB 004 M 130-230PM 2026 SM Violin U of M Schedule of Classes Page 305 of 382

Parmentier Parmentier, Berofsky Parmentier 1.00 Walton 1.00-2.00 Walton 1.00-2.00 Rowe Wilson 1.00 King III Sinta 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Hurst, Rowe 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY


1.00 Kaenzig Unsworth Jackson Kaenzig Unsworth 1.00 ADVISORY King III 1.00 Gramley, Ovalle 1.00 1.00 Piccolo, Ovalle, Gramley 1.00-2.00 Harding 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Kirschenmann 1.00 ADVISORY Campbell, Jackson, Kaenzig Ding 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Blackstone 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Lees 1.00-2.00 King III 2.00 Collier 1.00-2.00 Molina Coade Halen ADVISORY

FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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27848 Viola 535 13763 535

LAB 005


ARR 2039 SM 2038 SM ARR ARR 1320 SM 2019 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM 2039 SM 2033 SM 1360 SM 1320 SM 2038 SM 2043 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM 2019 SM 2058 SM 2032 SM 2033 SM 2039 SM 1320 SM 2019 SM 2043 SM 2058 SM 2044 SM 1360 SM 1340 SM 2027 SM 2039 SM 2038 SM AUD 4 MLB LEC RM 1 MLB ARR 2033 SM 2027 SM 2044 SM STAMPS ARR ARR 2043 SM ARR ARR

Schotten 1.00-2.00 Berofsky 1.00-2.00 4.00 katz 4.00-6.00 katz 1.00-2.00 Kiesler 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

String Quartet PR LAB 001 MWF 430-630PM String Quartet PR LAB 001 MF 430-630PM 539 Piano Acc&Chamb Mus 13764 P R LAB 001 ARR Accompanying majors only 540 Pno Accom&Chamb Mus 13765 P R LAB 001 ARR Accompanying majors only 545 Univ Orchestras 13766 P R LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM 545 Univ Orchestras PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1030-1230PM University Symphony Orchestra 545 Univ Orchestras 13767 P R LAB 002 MWF 1030-1230PM University Philharmonia Orch. 547 University Band 13768 P R LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM 547 University Band PR LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 W 230-430PM PR LAB 001 WF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MWF 230-430PM PR LAB 001 MF 230-330PM PR LAB 001 F 230-430PM PR LAB 001 W 230-430PM PR LAB 001 M 230-430PM Symphony Band 547 University Band 13769 P R LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM 547 University Band PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM PR LAB 002 MWF 1230-230PM Concert Band 549 University Choir 13770 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 550 Univ Chamber Choir 13771 P R LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 550 Univ Chamber Choir PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM PR LAB 001 MWF 1-230PM 554 Univ Choral Union 18639 P LAB 001 M 6-1030PM 554 Univ Choral Union P LAB 001 M 6-1030PM 566 Piano Chamber Mus 13772 PI LEC 001 ARR 566 Piano Chamber Mus P LEC 001 M 430-630PM P LEC 001 MWF 430-630PM P LEC 001 F 430-630PM 569 Orc Rep Winds&Perc 21372 PI LAB 001 T 230-330PM Brass Repertoire 20313 PI LAB 002 SU 230-530PM Percussion Repertoire 580 Mixed Chamber Music 13774 PIR LAB 001 MWF 430-630PM 581 Piano Acc&Duo Rep 13775 P R LEC 001 F 430-630PM 1/2 Hr. private instruction and 1 1/2 hrs. studio work. 639 Piano Acc&Chamb Mus 13776 PIR LAB 001 ARR 640 Piano Acc&Chamb Mus 13777 PIR LAB 001 ARR

1.00-2.00 Lees 1.00-2.00 Haithcock 1.00-2.00


1.00-2.00 Norman 1.00-2.00


2.00 ADVISORY Rogers Jr 2.00 ADVISORY Blackstone 2.00 ADVISORY

1.00 Blackstone 1.00 1.00-2.00 Harding 1.00-2.00

1.00 ADVISORY Campbell, Jackson, Kaenzig Ding 1.00-2.00 King III 2.00-4.00 Collier 4.00 katz 4.00-6.00 katz ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Euphonium-Baritone (EUPHBARI)
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Flute (FLUTE)

Fortepiano (FPIANO) Harp (HARP)

450 13094 550 27374

Performance Lab PI LAB 161 TH Performance Lab PI LAB 161 TH

430-630PM 430-630PM

2032 SM 2032 SM

1.00 Holland 1.00 Holland

Harpsichord (HARPSCH) Jazz & Improvisational Studies (JAZZ)

113 Jazz Piano 18661 PIR LAB 001 F 930-1030AM Class will meet in Studio: SM 2220. Jazz Majors Only. 20024 PIR LAB 002 W 930-1030AM Class will meet in Studio: SM 2220. Jazz Majors Only. 220 Basic Musicianship I 17617 PIR LEC 001 TTH 830-1030AM 450 Contmplatv Prac Sem 17791 PI SEM 001 T 330-530PM 23575 PI SEM 002 T 6-8PM 25050 PI SEM 003 W 6-8PM 454 Special Topics 19090 PI LEC 001 ARR 29161 PI LEC 002 W 4-6PM 460 Intro to Jazz Improv 27311 P LEC 001 TTH 1230-130PM 466 Jazz Improvistn I 13789 PIR LAB 001 TTH 1230-130PM 468 Jazz Composition I 13790 PI LEC 001 F 1030-1230PM 469 Jazz Arranging I 17209 P LEC 001 MW 1230-2PM Class to meet in the Duderstadt 471 Jazz Improvistn III 13792 PI LAB 001 TTH 130-230PM 554 Jazz Special Topics 27885 PI SEM 001 M 1230-230PM Music School of the Future 566 Contemp Imp 13795 PIR LAB 001 T 1030-1230PM

ARR ARR 2044 SM 202 STRNS 201 STRNS 202 STRNS ARR 202 STRNS 2027 SM 2058 SM 2027 SM ARR 2058 SM 201 STRNS 2044 SM

1.00 Rowe Rowe 3.00 ADVISORY Sarath, Kirschenmann 2.00 ADVISORY Travers Travers Travers 2.00 Sarath Travers 3.00 Wilson 3.00 ADVISORY Rowe 2.00 Bishop 2.00 ADVISORY Wilson 3.00 Bishop 2.00 Sarath ADVISORY

4.00 ADVISORY Sarath, Allen

Music Education (MUSED)

111 22675 121 26598 201 13796 203 26599 203

Art of Mus Teach 2.00 P LEC 001 T 130-330PM 2038 SM Fitzpatrick Tech for Music Ed 1.00 ENFORCED PR LAB 001 W 5-7PM 2057 SM Thompson Tch Str Instr I 1.00 P LEC 001 TTH 8-930AM 201 STRNS Hopkins Tch Woodwind Instr 1.00 P REC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2058 SM Conway Tch Woodwind Instr 1.00 P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM 2019 SM P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM ARR P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM ARR 205 Tch Brass Instr 1.00 13797 P REC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2058 SM Conway 205 Tch Brass Instr 1.00 P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM 2019 SM P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM ARR P REC 001 T 1030-1230PM ARR 207 Tch Percuss Instr 1.00 13798 P REC 001 MWF 730-830AM 201 STRNS Smith 341 Teach Gen Mus Elem 3.00 ADVISORY 13799 P REC 001 TTH 930-1230PM 201 STRNS McCarthy 341 Teach Gen Mus Elem 3.00 ADVISORY P REC 001 T 1-1AM 104C STRNS ADMISSION TO PROFESSIONAL SEQUENCE IN MUSIC EDUCATION, (WITH CONCURRENT ELECTION OF 349). 345 Student Teaching 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13800 P SEM 001 W 5-630PM 201 STRNS Rodriguez 346 Student Teaching 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13801 P SEM 001 W 5-630PM ARR Rodriguez 347 Student Teaching 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13802 P SEM 001 W 5-630PM ARR Rodriguez 348 Student Teaching 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13803 P SEM 001 W 5-630PM ARR Rodriguez U of M Schedule of Classes Page 307 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






349 13804 349 349 17022 349 349 19464 349 370 13805 370 371 13806 371 375 13807 376 13808 377 13809 378 13810 408 13811 442 13812 490 500 18076 502 13813 504 24270 24385 25562 29182 29183 29184 507 18919 19391 19967 19968 22653 24159 509 516 595 13814 800 31622 804 24046 807 18947 881 900 990 995

Pract Mus Ed P LAB 001 TTH Pract Mus Ed P LAB 001 T Pract Mus Ed P LAB 002 TH Pract Mus Ed P LAB 002 TH Pract Mus Ed P LAB 003 W Pract Mus Ed P LAB 003 T Funda Tch Str Instr P W LEC 001 T Funda Tch Str Instr P W LEC 001 W Elem Band Methods P LEC 001 TH Elem Band Methods P LEC 001 TH Student Teaching P SEM 001 W Student Teaching P SEM 001 W Student Teaching P SEM 001 W Student Teaching P SEM 001 W Tch Elem Music P W REC 001 TH Chor Cond Tec&Rp PI SEM 001 MW Spec Proj&Readings I IND + Res Design in Mus Ed P SEM 001 T Hist&Philos of MusEd PI SEM 001 M Special Course PI LEC 001 PI LEC 002 PI LEC 003 PI LEC 004 PI LEC 005 PI LEC 006 Field Studies Mus Ed PI LEC 001 PI LEC 002 PI LEC 004 PI LEC 005 PI LEC 007 PI LEC 008 Spec Proj&Readings I IND + Mus Ed Final Pres I IND + Teach Mus Higher Ed P SEM 001 W Res Des in Mus Ed I P SEM 001 W Spec Topics Mus Ed PI SEM 001 Research Sem Mus Ed P SEM 001 W Special Readings I IND + Preliminary Exam I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +

930-1230PM 1-1AM 830-930AM 1230-230PM 830-930AM 1230-230PM 1230-230PM 830-930AM 830-930AM 1230-230PM 5-630PM 5-630PM 5-630PM 5-630PM 4-7PM 230-4PM ARR 530-830PM 930-1230PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 430-630PM 430-630PM ARR 1230-130PM ARR ARR ARR ARR


1.00-4.00 McCarthy 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 Conway 1.00-4.00 1.00-4.00 Hopkins 1.00-4.00 2.00 Hopkins 2.00 2.00 Conway 2.00 2.00-3.00 Rodriguez 2.00-3.00 Rodriguez 2.00-3.00 Rodriguez 2.00-3.00 Rodriguez 3.00 McCarthy 3.00 Rogers Jr 1.00-4.00 3.00 McCarthy 3.00 Rodriguez 1.00-3.00 Conway McCarthy Rodriguez Fitzpatrick Hopkins Skadsem 1.00-3.00 Conway McCarthy Hopkins Fitzpatrick Skadsem Rodriguez 1.00-4.00 2.00-3.00




ARR 3219 SM ARR ARR 201 STRNS ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY 2.00 Fitzpatrick 3.00 Conway 1.00-3.00 Conway 1.00-4.00 McCarthy 1.00-6.00


Musicology (MUSICOL)
NOTE - GRADUATE STUDENTS MUST ELECT 500-LEVEL AND HIGHER COURSES. 123 Intro Popular Music 22573 A LEC 001 MWF 11-12PM AUD 4 MLB 22574 P R DIS 002 T 11-12PM 806 BMT U of M Schedule of Classes Page 308 of 382 4.00 Garrett Frost FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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22575 P R DIS 003 M 22576 P R DIS 004 M 22577 P R DIS 005 M 22578 P R DIS 006 T 22579 P R DIS 007 T 22580 P R DIS 008 T 22581 P R DIS 009 T 22582 P R DIS 010 T 139 Intro to Mus 13819 A W LEC 001 MW 13820 P R DIS 002 F 13821 P R DIS 003 F 13822 P R DIS 004 TH 13823 P R DIS 005 TH 13824 P R DIS 006 F 13825 P R DIS 007 F 13826 P R DIS 008 TH 13827 P R DIS 009 F 13828 P R DIS 010 F 239 History of Music 13829 A LEC 001 MW 13830 P R DIS 002 F 13831 P R DIS 003 F 13832 P R DIS 004 TH 13833 P R DIS 005 TH 13834 P R DIS 006 F 13835 P R DIS 007 F 13836 P R DIS 008 F 13837 P R DIS 009 F 13838 P R DIS 010 TH 343 Music & Islam 24746 P LEC 001 TTH 345 History of Music 13839 P RW LEC 001 MWF 405 Special Course 26591 P LEC 001 TTH Music of Beethoven 406 Special Course 22583 P LEC 001 MW American Film Music 30512 P LEC 002 MWF Handel and his Contemporaries 407 Special Course 29073 P LEC 001 MW Opera and Reason 411 Hist of Symphony 29076 P LEC 001 TTH 413 Topics Early Opera 23446 P LEC 001 MWF History of Opera to 1800 422 19th C Music 23448 P LEC 001 TTH 423 20th C Music 20898 P W LEC 001 TTH 424 The Art Song 29079 P LEC 001 MW 450 Music in U S 29082 P LEC 001 MWF 467 Music of Asia II 22604 P LEC 001 TTH 481 Special Projects I IND + 501 Intro Grad Study 14407 PI W SEM 001 TTH 505 Special Course 26592 P LEC 001 TTH Music of Beethoven 507 Special Course 29075 P LEC 001 MW Opera and Reason 509 Teach an Intro Music 13841 PIR SEM 001 MW 511 Hist of Symphony 29077 P LEC 001 TTH 513 Early Hist of Opera 23447 P LEC 001 MWF History of Opera to 1800 522 19th C Music 23449 P LEC 001 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes

3-4PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 2-3PM 10-11AM 1-2PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 930-1030AM 130-230PM 130-230PM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 830-930AM 1030-1130AM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 830-930AM 830-930AM 1130-1230PM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 830-930AM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 830-930AM 1030-1130AM 1030-12PM 11-12PM 130-3PM 3-430PM 930-1030AM 1030-12PM 10-1130AM 230-330PM 230-4PM 10-1130AM 9-1030AM 1-2PM 2-330PM ARR 1-230PM 130-3PM 1030-12PM 1230-2PM 10-1130AM 230-330PM 230-4PM Page 309 of 382

806 BMT 706 BMT 706 BMT 806 BMT 806 BMT 806 BMT 806 BMT 806 BMT 1340 SM 2033 SM 3213 SM 2019 SM 2026 SM 2033 SM 2026 SM 2033 SM 2033 SM 2027 SM 1340 SM 2039 SM 2026 SM 3213 SM 2027 SM 2027 SM 2026 SM 3213 SM 2026 SM 2019 SM 506 BMT 506 BMT 2044 SM 506 BMT 2039 SM 2026 SM 2038 SM 2026 SM 2026 SM 3219 SM 2026 SM 506 BMT 706 BMT ARR 3219 SM 2044 SM 2026 SM 3219 SM 2038 SM 2026 SM 2026 SM

Grimmer Frost Grimmer Allred Frost Allred Grimmer Allred 2.00 Castro


2.00 Borders Stewart Juergens Stewart Stewart Juergens Heminger Heminger Heminger Juergens 3.00 Ho 3.00 Mengozzi 3.00 Whiting 3.00 Fulop DeSimone 3.00 Cruz 3.00 Geary 3.00 DeSimone 3.00 Geary 3.00 Fulcher 3.00 Cruz 3.00 Fulop 3.00 Ho 1.00-4.00 3.00 Fulcher 3.00 Whiting 3.00 Cruz 3.00 Borders 3.00 Geary 3.00 DeSimone 3.00 Geary






FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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523 20899 524 29080 547 22606 550 29083 567 22605 581

20th C Music P W LEC 001 TTH The Art Song P LEC 001 MW Int Ethnomus P SEM 001 TTH Music in U S P LEC 001 MWF Music of Asia II P LEC 001 TTH Special Projects I IND + 591 Musicol Thesis I IND + 642 Late Renaiss Music 29086 P SEM 001 MW Motet & Counter-Reformation 650 Music of U S 23454 P SEM 001 WF Race & Ethnicity 881 Special Readings IR IND + 900 Preliminary Exam I IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + 101 Outreach Perf Arts 13851 P LEC 001 T 21362 PI LEC 002 International CPT Credit 300 Video Game Music 30634 P LEC 001 TTH 401 Outreach Perf Arts 13852 P LEC 001 T 19990 PI LEC 002 21430 PI LEC 003 21431 PI LEC 004 22107 PI LEC 005 23082 PI LEC 006 23111 PI LEC 007 25540 PI LEC 008 25617 PI LEC 009 25832 PI LEC 010 27387 PI LEC 011 31795 PI LEC 012 412 Yoga for Performers 21912 P RW REC 001 TTH 24173 P W REC 002 MW 550 Performance Seminar 25791 P SEM 158 25793 P SEM 159 25798 P SEM 160 25795 P SEM 161 25797 P SEM 162 25796 P SEM 164 25792 P SEM 172 25794 P SEM 173 25561 P SEM 178 28117 P SEM 232 M 592 Pno Chamber Mus&Acc 24362 PI SEM 002 781 Prof&Acad Developmt 13856 P SEM 001 F Strings 13857 P SEM 002 Piano Accompanying 13858 P SEM 003 W Piano Class will meet in studio, Room 3038 25684 P SEM 005 Harpsichord 18817 P SEM 008 Percussion 882 Contemp Direct Ens 17821 PI REC 002 TTH U of M Schedule of Classes

10-1130AM 9-1030AM 4-530PM 1-2PM 2-330PM ARR ARR 3-430PM 2-330PM ARR ARR ARR ARR

3219 SM 2026 SM 706 BMT 506 BMT 706 BMT ARR

3.00 Fulcher 3.00 Cruz 3.00 Lam 3.00 Fulop 3.00 Ho 1.00-4.00 2.00-6.00



ARR 3219 SM 706 BMT ARR 1.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR 1.00 Nagel Shipps 2.00 Thompson 1.00 Nagel Shipps Berick Berofsky Lusmann Skelton Aaron Ellis Kibbie katz Uffner-Elliott Masson 1.00 ADVISORY Swedberg Swedberg 1.00 ADVISORY Berick Elliott Shipps Holland Schotten Jennings Berofsky Gannett Aaron Halen 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY Berofsky 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY Shipps katz Nagel Parmentier Gramley 1.00-2.00 Lees ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 Mengozzi 3.00 Garrett 2.00-6.00

Music Performance (MUSPERF)


FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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891 990

Directed Perform I IND + Diss-Precand IND +

2.00-6.00 ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR


Musical Theatre (MUSTHTRE)

123 13879 133 13880 151 13881 207 Ballet Mus Thea I PI LAB 001 MWF Intro Mus Thtre I P RW LEC 001 TTH Tap Dance I PI LAB 001 TTH Ind Study I IND + 235 Performance I 13883 PI LAB 001 MW 13884 PI LAB 002 MW 253 Dance Styles I 13885 PI LAB 001 TTH 280 Prod Performance 13886 PI W LAB 001 17231 PI LAB 002 24125 PI LAB 003 WF 24457 PI LAB 004 323 Ballet Mus Thea III 18967 PIRW LAB 001 MW 335 Performance III 25239 PI LAB 001 TTH 351 Tap Dance III 13887 PI LAB 001 TTH 353 Dance Styles III 13888 PI LAB 001 MW 360 MT Song Rep 28898 PIR LAB 001 M 407 Independent Study I IND + 423 Ballet MT V 27248 PI LAB 001 F 435 Performance V 13890 PI LAB 001 TTH 441 Hist Musical Theatr 19973 PIR LEC 001 TTH 443 Choreography 21369 PI LAB 001 F Class meets with Musthtre 450 in Towsley 450 Dance Workshop 13891 P R LEC 001 F 453 Dance Styles V 27247 PI LAB 001 TTH 480 Prod Performance 13892 PIR LAB 001 17232 PI LAB 002 24458 PI LAB 003 930-11AM 430-545PM 11-1230PM ARR 1230-230PM 230-430PM 930-11AM ARR ARR 130-230PM ARR 11-1230PM 1-3PM 930-11AM 1230-2PM 130-330PM ARR 1-1AM 1-3PM 3-430PM 1-4PM 1-5PM 11-1230PM ARR ARR ARR

2.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL Goodrich RM 2.00 ADVISORY 2044 SM Wagner 1.00 ADVISORY 1455 WDC Randazzo 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ARR 3.00 ADVISORY 1455 WDC Madama 1455 WDC Madama 1.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL DeJesus RM 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ARR Madama ARR Goodrich 2026 SM Adams ARR Wagner 1.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL Mayer RM 3.00 1455 WDC Goodrich, Westphal 1.00 ADVISORY 1455 WDC Randazzo 1.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL Mayer RM 2.00 ENFORCED 2033 SM Westphal 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ARR 1.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL DeJesus RM 3.00 ADVISORY POWER REHEARSAL Madama, RM Adams 3.00 ADVISORY 2044 SM Wagner 2.00 ADVISORY ARR Goodrich 1.00 Goodrich 1.00 POWER REHEARSAL DeJesus RM 1.00-3.00 ARR Madama ARR Goodrich ARR Wagner 1455 WDC ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Oboe (OBOE) Opera (OPERA)

340 20927 13893 450 13894 455 13895 540 13896 550 13897 550 550 21693 555 13898

Opera Wkshp I PI LAB 001 MW PIR LAB 002 TF Opera Wkshp II PIR LAB 001 TF Repertory & Prod PR LAB 001 MTWTHF Opera Wkshp I PIR LAB 001 TTH Opera Wkshp II PIR LAB 001 F Opera Wkshp II PR LAB 001 T PR LAB 001 F Opera Wkshp II PI LAB 002 TTH Repertory&Productn PR LAB 001 MTWTHF

230-430PM 230-430PM 230-430PM 430-630PM 1030-1230PM 230-430PM 230-430PM 230-430PM 1230-230PM 430-630PM

1360 SM 1360 SM 1360 SM 1360 SM 1360 SM 202 STRNS ARR 201 STRNS 1360 SM 1360 SM

2.00 ADVISORY Castaldo, Swedberg Swedberg 2.00 ADVISORY Swedberg 2.00-4.00 Swedberg 2.00 ADVISORY Swedberg 2.00 ADVISORY Castaldo, Swedberg 2.00 ADVISORY 2.00 ADVISORY Castaldo, Swedberg 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY Swedberg

Organ (ORGAN) Organ Literature (ORGANLIT)

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481 28242 486 17132 581 28243 587 17133

Organ Lit&Des-1750 P LEC 001 M Teach Organ P LEC 001 T Organ Lit to 1750 P LEC 001 M Organ Pedagogy P LEC 001 T

230-430PM 430-6PM 230-430PM 430-6PM


2.00 Kibbie 2.00 Johns 2.00 Kibbie 2.00 Johns


Performing Arts & Technology (PAT)

100 Res&Scholarship I 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 26930 P W LEC 002 W 5-6PM ARR Essl 23609 P W LEC 004 ARR ARR Kirshner 25630 P W LEC 005 ARR ARR Gurevich 29029 P W LEC 006 ARR ARR O'Modhrain 101 Frsh Sem Media Arts 3.00 22616 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2043 SM Gurevich PAT Majors only 201 Intro to Comp Mus 3.00 ADVISORY 13900 P W LAB 001 MW 9-1030AM 2057 SM Dooley 13901 P W LAB 002 MW 2-330PM 2057 SM Dooley 13902 P W LAB 003 MW 330-5PM 2057 SM Edwards 18662 P W LAB 004 TTH 230-4PM 2057 SM Edwards 202 Computer Music 3.00 ADVISORY 13903 P W LEC 001 MW 1230-2PM 2057 SM Santos 280 Sound Reinforcement 1.00 ADVISORY 18434 P W LAB 001 M 130-3PM 3213 SM Corey, Arnett Sound Engineering Majors Only 300 Res&Scholarship II 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 26932 P W LEC 002 W 5-6PM ARR Essl 23611 P W LEC 004 ARR ARR Kirshner 29033 P W LEC 005 ARR ARR Gurevich 29034 P W LEC 006 ARR ARR O'Modhrain 331 Sound Record Prod I 3.00 ENFORCED 13904 A R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 2027 SM Corey 13905 P RW LAB 002 T 430-630PM DC Corey Pre-req: MTH 115 & PAT 221 13906 P RW LAB 003 T 630-830PM DC Corey Pre-req: MTH 115 & PAT 221 13907 P RW LAB 004 TH 430-630PM DC Corey Pre-req: MTH 115 & PAT 221 13908 P RW LAB 005 TH 630-830PM DC Corey Pre-req: MTH 115 & PAT 221 380 Sound for Thtre 2.00 ADVISORY 18720 P W LAB 001 ARR ARR Reynolds III Sound Engineering Majors Only 412 Digital Mus Ensemble 1.00-2.00 13909 P W LAB 001 MW 1030-1230PM 2057 SM Rush 431 Studio Production I 3.00 ENFORCED 18265 P RW LEC 001 M 2-5PM DC Corey Sound Engineering Majors Only Class to meet in the Duderstadt Audio Studio 451 Int Media Des I 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19293 P RW LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM DC Gurevich 471 Cntmp Pr Res Schlshp 3.00 29035 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM 2057 SM O'Modhrain 490 Sr Thesis Seminar 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 23774 P W LEC 002 ARR ARR Essl 23775 P W LEC 003 ARR ARR Rush 23776 P W LEC 004 TH 2-3PM ARR Kirshner Class meets in Moore 1068 23777 P W LEC 005 ARR ARR Santos 498 Special Topics PAT 2.00-3.00 32785 P W LEC 002 F 1230-230PM 3219 SM Siegel Singer-Songwriting Workshop Applications (hard copy)Pick up - Envelope on door of Jason Corey's Office - 2231A MooreDrop-off - Jason Corey's faculty mailbox (next to Information Office - Moore Building)Online applications available at 510 Media Arts 3.00 29036 P W SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 3213 SM Kirshner 511 Engin App Media Tech 3.00 29037 P W SEM 001 TTH 9-1030AM 2057 SM O'Modhrain 512 Interdiscip Collab I 3.00 20905 P W SEM 001 MW 1030-1230PM 2057 SM Rush 531 Studio Production I 3.00 ADVISORY 19462 P W LEC 001 M 2-5PM DC Corey Class to meet in DC-Audio Studio 551 Int Media Des I 3.00 ADVISORY 19472 P W LEC 001 TTH 1030-12PM ARR Gurevich 581 Independ Std 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 312 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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I IND + Thesis I IND + Percuss Ped I P LEC 001


ARR 1.00-9.00 ARR 3.00 Ovalle 2.00-4.00 2.00 Schumann Kim Tan 2.00 Anderson Keith Keith Kaku Claiborne Claiborne Li Kaku 2.00 Hwang Lim 2.00 Wright Zick 2.00 Choi 2.00 1.00 Nagel 2.00 Grijalva 2.00 1.00-2.00 Nagel 2.00 Grijalva 2.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

Percussion (PERCUSS)
519 22636 100 TTH 1-230PM 3213 SM

Piano (PIANO)

Performance IR IND + ARR ARR 110 Performance 13268 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 830-930AM 2020 SM FOR UG NON MUSIC STUDENTS. 13269 P RW REC 002 MTWTH 1230-130PM 2014 SM FOR MUSICAL THEATRE STUDENTS AND OTHER MUSIC MAJORS. 33012 P W REC 003 MTWTH 830-930AM 2015 SM FOR MUSIC MAJORS. 111 Performance 13270 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1030-1130AM 2020 SM 13271 P RW REC 002 MWTHF 1130-1230PM 2020 SM 13272 P RW REC 003 MTWTH 1230-130PM 2020 SM SECTION 003 - MUSICAL THEATRE STUDENTS ONLY. 13273 P RW REC 004 MTWTH 1230-130PM 2015 SM 13274 P RW REC 005 MTWTH 130-230PM 2020 SM 13275 P RW REC 006 MTWTH 230-330PM 2020 SM 13276 P RW REC 007 MTWTH 230-330PM 2015 SM 18362 P RW REC 008 MWTHF 1130-1230PM 2015 SM 112 Performance 13277 P RW REC 001 MTWTH 1030-1130AM 2014 SM 13278 P RW REC 002 MTWTH 130-230PM 2015 SM 113 Performance 13279 P RW REC 001 MW 930-1030AM 2015 SM 13280 P RW REC 002 MW 230-330PM 2014 SM 205 Performance 13286 P RW REC 001 TH 130-230PM 2014 SM 205 Performance P RW REC 001 W 330-430PM 2014 SM 460 Piano Forum 23041 P R LAB 001 T 1130-1230PM 1340 SM


Piano Literature and Pedagogy (PIANOLP)

401 33462 465 Piano Technology P LEC 001 TTH Ind Std Piano Tech I IND + 487 Lit Piano Adv Stu 28244 P SEM 001 TTH Class will meet in SM3038 501 Piano Technology 33463 P LEC 001 TTH 565 Ind Std Pno Tech I IND + 580 Intro to Fortepiano 13914 PI SEM 001 581 Piano Pedag-Intermd 13915 PI SEM 001 MW 583 Supervised Teaching 13916 PIR SEM 001 585 Coll&Adult Grp Tch 13917 PIR SEM 001 TH 588 Sur Piano Cham Mus 25315 P LAB 001 W 595 Pract in Teaching 13918 PI SEM 001 Harpsichord 25695 P SEM 002 330-430PM ARR 230-330PM 330-430PM ARR ARR 130-3PM ARR 4-7PM 230-430PM ARR ARR 1245 SM ARR


ARR 1245 SM ARR ARR 2010 SM ARR 2010 SM 2039 SM ARR ARR


2.00 ADVISORY Crawford 3.00 Ellis 3.00 ADVISORY Benson 3.00 Ellis 3.00 Cheng, Harding 1.00 Parmentier Ellis

Saxophone (SAX) Theory (THEORY)

135 Intr Mus Thry 3.00 ADVISORY 18721 A W LEC 001 MW 330-430PM 2026 SM Knoedler 18722 P RW LAB 002 TTH 130-230PM 2039 SM 18723 P RW LAB 003 TTH 330-430PM 2019 SM 137 Intro Mus Theory 3.00 ADVISORY Students are auto-enrolled in Lec 001 when they elect Lab 002-004. NOTE: THEORY 137 does not fulfill any requirements listed by School of Music degrees 14015 A LEC 001 TTH 11-12PM LEC RM 1 MLB Fournier U of M Schedule of Classes Page 313 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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14016 P RW LAB 002 F 14017 P RW LAB 003 F 14018 P RW LAB 004 F 139 Bmus Aural Sk I 14019 P W LAB 001 TTH 14020 P W LAB 002 TTH 14021 P W LAB 003 TTH 14022 P W LAB 004 TTH 14023 P W LAB 005 TTH 25688 P LAB 006 TTH 14024 P W LAB 007 TTH 17776 P W LAB 010 TTH 149 Bmus Wrtg Sk I 14025 P RW LEC 001 MWF 14026 P RW LEC 002 MWF 14027 P RW LEC 003 MWF 21907 P RW LEC 004 MWF 25699 P RW LEC 005 MWF 211 Basic Th at Keybd 21724 P W REC 001 TTH 14028 P REC 002 TTH 239 Bmus Aural Sk I I I 14029 P RW LAB 002 TTH Graduate Students Only 14030 P W LAB 003 TTH 14031 P W LAB 004 TTH 14032 P W LAB 005 TTH 14033 P W LAB 006 TTH 19352 P W LAB 007 TTH 25689 PI LAB 008 TTH Graduate Students Only 240 Bmus Aural Sk I V 21018 P LAB 001 TTH 23565 PI LAB 004 TTH Accelerated Course 249 Bmus Wrtg Sk I I I 24535 P LEC 001 MWF 14034 P LEC 002 MWF 22214 P LEC 003 MWF 250 Bmus Wrtg Sk I V 23566 PI LEC 004 MWF Accelerated Course 334 Soph Thry-Writn Skl 14035 P RW REC 001 MW 407 Directed Indiv Stdy I IND + 408 Senior Project IR IND + 430 Adv Anl Tonal Music 28744 P R LEC 001 MW 433 Analys 20C Mod Music 24537 P R REC 001 MW 442 18th C Counterpoint 14038 P RW REC 001 MWF 14039 P RW REC 002 MWF 454 Orchestration I 27328 P RW LEC 001 TTH 460 Special Courses 24633 PIR LEC 001 TTH 531 Schenk Thry&Anal I 14041 PIR SEM 001 MW 533 Analysis of Mod Mus 24538 P R REC 002 MW 537 Prosem Anal Music 24539 P R SEM 001 MW 542 18th C Counterpoint 14042 P RW REC 001 MWF 14043 P RW REC 002 MWF 560 Special Studies 24634 P R LEC 001 TTH 570 Directed Indiv Study I IND + 590 Teaching Tonal Thry 28743 PI REC 001 MW 805 Seminar in Theory 15672 P SEM 001 TTH 807 Research Project I IND + 900 Preliminary Exam U of M Schedule of Classes

11-12PM 12-1PM 1-2PM 930-1030AM 830-930AM 930-1030AM 830-930AM 1030-1130AM 1030-1130AM 1130-1230PM 1130-1230PM 830-930AM 1030-1130AM 830-930AM 1130-1230PM 830-930AM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 930-1030AM 830-930AM 1230-130PM 830-930AM 1130-1230PM 1030-1130AM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 1130-1230PM 930-1030AM 930-1030AM 1230-130PM ARR ARR 1030-12PM 12-130PM 1030-1130AM 130-230PM 1230-130PM 2-330PM 12-130PM 12-130PM 1030-12PM 1030-1130AM 130-230PM 2-330PM ARR 3-430PM 230-4PM ARR

706 BMT 706 BMT 706 BMT 1.00 2043 SM 2039 SM 2039 SM 2032 SM 2039 SM 2043 SM 2039 SM 2033 SM 2044 SM 2038 SM 2038 SM 2038 SM 2032 SM 2015 SM 2015 SM 2058 SM 2027 SM 2039 SM 2033 SM 2038 SM 2033 SM 2027 SM 1.00 3213 SM 2032 SM 2038 SM 2032 SM 2044 SM 2032 SM 2032 SM ARR 2.00 ARR 3213 SM 2026 SM 2032 SM 2032 SM 2038 SM 2032 SM 3213 SM 2026 SM 3219 SM 2032 SM 2032 SM 2032 SM ARR 3213 SM 3219 SM ARR 1.00 3.00 Petty 3.00 Guck 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Guck 3.00 Vojcic 3.00 Satyendra Satyendra 3.00 Schoenfeld 3.00 Fournier 3.00 Petty 3.00 Vojcic 3.00 Gosman 3.00 Satyendra Satyendra 3.00 Fournier 1.00-4.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY, ENFORCED ADVISORY, ENFORCED ENFORCED ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY 2.00 Vojcic Mukherji Mukherji 2.00 Gosman 2.00 Hall 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 2.00 Everett Everett Hall Heneghan Heneghan 2.00 Schachter Schachter 1.00 Petty ADVISORY



Page 314



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990 995

I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +



Trombone (TROMBONE) Trumpet-Cornet (TRUM) Tuba (TUBA) Viola (VIOLA)

450 13551 450 450 25395 450 550 27378 550 550 27379 550 Performance Lab PI LAB 162 Performance Lab P LAB 162 P LAB 162 Performance Lab PI LAB 163 Performance Lab P LAB 163 Performance Lab PI LAB 162 Performance Lab P LAB 162 P LAB 162 Performance Lab PI LAB 163 Performance Lab P LAB 163 Performance Lab PI LAB 160 Performance Lab P LAB 160 Performance Lab PI LAB 164 Performance Lab P LAB 164 P LAB 164 Performance Lab PI LAB 166 PI LAB 172 P LAB 172 PI LAB 232 P LAB 232 Performance Lab PI LAB 160 Performance Lab P LAB 160 Performance Lab PI LAB 164 Performance Lab P LAB 164 P LAB 164 Performance Lab PI LAB 166 PI LAB 172 P LAB 172 PI LAB 232 P LAB 232 T TH T T M T TH T T M 330-530PM 230-430PM 330-430PM 330-530PM 730-930PM 330-530PM 230-430PM 330-430PM 330-530PM 730-930PM 1340 SM 2038 SM 2038 SM 1340 SM 2038 SM 1340 SM 2038 SM 2038 SM 1340 SM 2038 SM

1.00 Schotten 1.00 1.00 Coade 1.00 1.00 Schotten 1.00 1.00 Coade 1.00

Violin (VIOLIN)
450 13592 450 450 13593 450 450 17835 24263 27610 550 27381 550 550 27382 550 550 27383 27384 27951


430-630PM 330-530PM 7-9PM 330-530PM 430-630PM 330-530PM 330-530PM 230-430PM 530-730PM 330-530PM 430-630PM 330-530PM 7-9PM 330-530PM 430-630PM 330-530PM 330-530PM 230-430PM 530-730PM 330-530PM

2026 SM 1340 SM 202 STRNS 1340 SM 2032 SM 1340 SM 1340 SM 1340 SM 2058 SM ARR 2026 SM 1340 SM 202 STRNS 1340 SM 2032 SM 1340 SM 1340 SM 1340 SM 2058 SM ARR

1.00 Shipps 1.00 1.00 Jennings 1.00 1.00 Berofsky Berofsky Halen 1.00 Shipps 1.00 1.00 Jennings 1.00 1.00 Berofsky Berofsky Halen

Voice (VOICE)

111 Performance 13604 PI W REC 001 Theatre majors only 13605 PI REC 002 Theatre majors only 200 22274 201 14048 203 14049 469


9-10AM 10-11AM

1415 WDC 1415 WDC

1.00-2.00 Cerin Cantu

Voice Literature (VOICELIT)

Basic Lyric Diction P W LEC 001 TTH Basic Ital Diction P W LEC 001 MWF Basic Fren Diction P W LEC 001 MWF Interp Opera Arias 130-230PM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 2026 SM 2043 SM 2043 SM

1.00 Thompson 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Cheek 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY Schuering, Cheek 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






24663 PI LEC 001 MW 491 Interpr of Songs 14050 PIR LEC 001 TTH 505 Italian Lyric Dictn 14051 P RW LEC 001 MWF 507 Fren Diction Singer 14052 P W LEC 001 MWF 519 Teaching Voice I 29984 P REC 001 TTH 567 Oratorios 22708 P REC 001 MW Seniors and MM Voice students only 569 Interp Opera Arias 24664 PI LEC 001 MW 592 Interpretatn-Songs 14054 PIR LEC 001 TTH

3-430PM 230-4PM 930-1030AM 1030-1130AM 130-230PM 1130-1230PM 3-430PM 230-4PM

STAMPS 2043 SM 2043 SM 2043 SM 2027 SM 2043 SM STAMPS 2043 SM

katz 3.00 ADVISORY katz 2.00 ADVISORY Cheek 2.00 ADVISORY Schuering, Cheek 2.00 Herseth 2.00 Olsen, Pelton 1.00-3.00 katz 3.00 katz ADVISORY ADVISORY

U of M Schedule of Classes

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Theatre And Drama

Theatre & Drama (THTREMUS)
101 Intro to Acting I 3.00 ADVISORY In order to be approved for enrollment, students must register on the waitlist and attend the first three classes. 13919 PI W REC 001 TTH 1-3PM 1415 WDC Eaton 13920 PI W REC 002 TTH 3-5PM 1415 WDC Eaton In order to be approved for enrollment, students must register on the waitlist and attend the first three classes. 31784 PI W REC 003 MW 10-12PM 1415 WDC Woods In order to be approved for enrollment, students must register on the waitlist and attend the first three classes. 102 Intro to Acting II 3.00 ADVISORY 13921 PI W REC 001 TTH 10-12PM 1435 WDC Najarian Acting 101 is a pre-requisite for 102. In order to be approved for enrollment, students must register on the waitlist and attend the first three classes. 110 Intro Acting Camera 3.00 ADVISORY 22603 PI W REC 001 MW 130-330PM 2415 WDC Maylie Enrollment in 110 is by permission of instructor only. E-mail Janet Maylie,, for information. 162 Intro Stage Make-Up 1.00 ADVISORY 31484 PI W REC 001 T 1-3PM B100 WDC Myers 181 Acting I 3.00 ADVISORY 13922 PI W REC 001 MWF 1030-12PM 1435 WDC 192 Voice I 3.00 ADVISORY 13923 PI W REC 001 MWF 1-230PM B222 WDC Masson 211 Intro Drama 3.00 19908 P RW REC 001 TTH 3-430PM 2439 WDC Woods 222 Intr Blk Tht 3.00 ADVISORY 32978 P W LEC 001 TTH 11-1230PM 2439 WDC 227 Intro Playwriting 3.00 21726 P RW REC 001 W 3-6PM B207 WDC Gordon 240 Intro to Design 3.00 ADVISORY 15299 P W LEC 001 TTH 1230-230PM 2239 WDC Murphy 241 Directing I 3.00 ADVISORY 13924 PI W REC 001 TTH 230-430PM B222 WDC Section 001 is for BFA Directing and D&P majors 23724 PI W REC 002 TTH 1-3PM 2415 WDC Cantor Section 002 is for D&P, Interarts and BTA majors 245 Intro Stage Managmt 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13925 PI W LEC 001 MW 11-12PM 2443 WDC Uffner-Elliott 245 Intro Stage Managmt 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 ARR ARR 250 Intro Tech Tht Prac 3.00 13926 PD W LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 2439 WDC Decker Section 001 for Theatre Performance majors only. Students must elect a lecture section AND a lab section. 13927 P W LEC 002 TTH 9-1030AM 2439 WDC Decker Section 002 for D&P majors & others. Students must elect a lecture section AND a lab section. 13928 S W LAB 003 MW 1-3PM ARR Decker 13929 S W LAB 004 MW 3-5PM ARR Decker 13930 S W LAB 005 TTH 1-3PM ARR Decker 13931 S W LAB 006 TTH 3-5PM ARR Decker 13932 S W LAB 007 F 1-5PM ARR Decker 251 Practicum I 1.00 13933 P LAB 001 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott Mass meeting for work assignments on 2nd Friday of fall term at 5 pm. 252 Prod Practicum II 1.00 ADVISORY 13934 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Decker 13935 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13936 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17655 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 17996 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 13937 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19891 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13938 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 13939 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 13940 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 13941 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27886 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 13942 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 25371 PI LAB 037 ARR ARR Wagner 256 Lighting Design I 3.00 ADVISORY 15301 P W LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 2413 WDC Murphy 260 Scene Design I 3.00 ADVISORY 13943 PI W REC 001 TTH 11-1230PM 2239 WDC Mountain 261 Practicum III 1.00 ADVISORY 13944 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Decker 13945 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13946 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17656 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 17997 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti U of M Schedule of Classes Page 317 of 382


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13947 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19892 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13948 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 13949 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 13950 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 13951 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27887 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 13952 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 262 Practicum IV 1.00 ADVISORY 13953 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Decker 13954 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13955 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17657 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 17998 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 13956 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19893 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13957 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 13958 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 13959 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 13960 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27888 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 13961 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 263 Design Rendering 3.00 ADVISORY 19475 PI W REC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2419 WDC Myers Rendering meets in Design Studio: Room 2419 WDC. 271 Movement II 2.00 ADVISORY 13962 PI W REC 001 MWF 1-230PM 1435 WDC 274 Stage Combat I 2.00 ADVISORY 13963 PI W REC 001 MW 3-5PM 1415 WDC Najarian Students must leave Fridays 3:00-5:00 open for occasional class meetings. 277 History of Dress 3.00 ADVISORY 29542 P W REC 001 MW 10-1130AM 2239 WDC Hahn 281 Acting III 3.00 ADVISORY 13964 PI W REC 001 TTH 1030-1230PM 2415 WDC FOR THEATRE MAJORS 17317 PI REC 002 MW 1030-1230PM 2415 WDC FOR MUSICAL THEATRE MAJORS 291 Voice II 3.00 ADVISORY 13965 PI W REC 001 MWF 1030-12PM B222 WDC 321 Theatr Hst I 3.00 13966 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2439 WDC Woods 13967 P RW LEC 002 TTH 1-230PM 2439 WDC Nkanga 323 Am Thtr-Drama 3.00 15572 P W REC 001 MW 1130-1PM 2439 WDC Westlake 25090 P W REC 002 TTH 4-530PM 4207 AH Brater 100 Years of American Drama This course will examine the rise of an authentically American drama from the socially progressive and realistic theater of the 1920s and 1930s to the present. Beginning with playwrights like Elmer Rice and Clifford Odets, and continuing through the accomplishment of ?the big four? (Eugene O?Neill, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams and Edward Albee), class meetings will consider the many ways in which more contemporary writers for the stage engage in a sometimes uneasy dialogue with their famous predecessors. Playwrights to be considered in our ongoing discussions include Sam Shepard, David Mamet, Suzan-Lori Parks, Paula Vogel, Tony Kushner, David Henry Hwang, and August Wilson, as well as figures drawn from the theatrical here and now (Amy Herzog, for example, and John Robin Baitz). Students enrolled in this course will be asked to prepare and present bi-weekly reports to the class as a whole; there will be an in-class midterm exam as well as a final term project. Class meetings will be supplemented by video recordings; these will be held on reserve at Asquith in the Shapiro Library for required outside-of-class viewing. No previous experience with theater and drama is a prerequisite for this course. 324 Contemp Black Thtre 3.00 ADVISORY 25301 P W REC 001 TH 4-7PM 2443 WDC Gordon 325 Contemp Am Th&Drama 3.00 32984 P W REC 001 TTH 130-3PM 2443 WDC Gonzalez 327 Intermed Playwriting 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 22602 P W SEM 001 T 4-7PM 2443 WDC Gordon 328 Theater of Politics 3.00 27180 PD REC 001 TH 7-10PM ARR 341 Directing III 3.00 ADVISORY 16072 PI W REC 001 TTH 1230-230PM 1435 WDC Meets with 399/002 345 Stage Mgmt Plays 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY 13968 PI W LAB 001 F 130-330PM 2443 WDC Uffner-Elliott 351 Practicum V 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13969 PI W LAB 001 ARR ARR Decker 13970 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13971 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17658 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 17999 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 13972 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19894 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13973 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy U of M Schedule of Classes Page 318 of 382


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13974 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 13975 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 13976 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27889 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 13977 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 352 Practicum VI 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13978 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Decker 13979 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13980 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17659 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 18000 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 13981 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19895 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13982 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 13983 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 13984 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 13985 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27890 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 13986 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 356 Lighting Design II 3.00 ADVISORY 27216 PI W REC 001 MW 1-230PM 2239 WDC Murphy 370 Costume Design II 3.00 ADVISORY 15300 PI W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 2233 WDC Hahn 371 Physical Theatre 1.00 ADVISORY 13987 PI W REC 001 TTH 230-430PM 1435 WDC 374 Stage Combat II 2.00 ADVISORY 13988 PI W REC 001 MW 12-2PM 1415 WDC Najarian Friday sessions 12:00-3:00 are for occasional lab sessions. 381 Acting V 3.00 ADVISORY 13989 PI W REC 001 TTH 11-1PM 1415 WDC 385 Perform Arts Mgmt 2.00 ADVISORY 13990 PI W LEC 001 TTH 1-2PM B207 WDC Tupac Course prerequisite: students must have taken Thtremus 250 387 Studio I 2.00 ADVISORY 13991 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 30545 PI LAB 002 ARR ARR Tulip 388 Studio II 2.00 ADVISORY 13992 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 395 Stage Dialects 3.00 ADVISORY 19283 PI W REC 001 MWF 9-1030AM B222 WDC 399 Topics in Drama 1.00-4.00 29546 P W REC 001 MW 3-430PM 2439 WDC Westlake InterrogativeStage:DevisingPer Dorothy Heathcote puts the Artist as the final "Frame Distance" in the interpretation of an event. According to Katherine Denning, it is within Heathcote's artist frame that "a deep understanding of the issues, moral dilemmas, complexities is sought." This is where events are transformed in society into ideas that can be applied to the broader problems in our society.The University of Michigan is one of the most innovative and dynamic research campuses in the world. Cutting-edge technology interfaces with multidisciplinary approaches in the pursuit of solutions to the world's most pressing problems. In the Interrogative Stage, students will use interviews, images, scenarios, video, and movement in order to explore ways to transform these scientific journeys into performance. We hope to create an artistic transformation to help further the dialogue between scientists and the people most affected by the work they do. 31303 PI W REC 003 TTH 10-1130AM B830 EQ Lucas Theatre and Social Change meet together with RC 334.004Artistic practice in prisons has occurred since the inception of prisons themselves, though popular thought tends not to connect the idea of the arts with that of criminal justice systems. This course surveys the history of performance in prisons through the examination of plays written by and about prisoners as well as narratives, which chronicle the process of creating theatre in prisons. More importantly, the course also requires all enrolled students to enter an adult prison once a week throughout the semester to lead a theatre workshop with prisoners. Students will be placed in pairs to facilitate workshops, and each workshop will hold a performance at the end of the semester. Students and prisoners together create social change through their performances, both by bringing two disparate communities (i.e. undergrads and prisoners) into meaningful interaction and also by using theatre to explore significant social issues. 20150 PI W REC 004 F 12-2PM B206 WDC Lindsay Voice Over Preference given to seniors. Voice work in narration, announcing, animation and character-based commercials, promos, and non-industrial categories - both single-voice and dialogues. Microphone technique, ins and outs of the commercial voice over business, audition techniques, and training with actual scripts are some of the subjects covered.The expectation is that by the end of the semester each student will be in possession of a rough cut of his/her best work over the semester. 21009 PI W REC 005 MW 1-3PM ARR Mendeloff Image of the American Family Meets with RCHUMS 334.001In this four-credit drama course students will explore major American plays of the 20th century through the process of text analysis through performance. We will work on plays by major writers such as Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Lorraine Hansberry, Sam Shepard and Tony Kushner. For each play we will discuss dramaturgical background, script and character analysis and put scenes on their feet for constructive critique. Written assignments will center on a journal, which will include a series of actor's explorations of motivations and actions. Students will also be responsible for writing critiques of two productions. The course culminates in a public performance of a cutting of a major play, most likely Tony Kushner's "Angels in America." U of M Schedule of Classes Page 319 of 382


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21333 PI W REC 006 W 5-8PM ARR Brater Drama from Ibsen to Beckett Meets with English 447: Modern DramaWhy do theater practitioners around the world continue to produce the great works of western European drama written by playwrights like Ibsen, Chekhov, Brecht, Pirandello and Beckett? This course will attempt to examine this question by a serious consideration of several of the major revolutionary plays that still haunt the dramatic imagination. While the perspective of this class is on dramatic form and on the potential for each play?s dynamics in performance, the course will also examine the social, political and economic contexts vital to the longevity of these works.Plays to be considered include A Doll?s House, The Cherry Orchard, Miss Julie, Mrs. Warren?s Profession, Mother Courage, Six Characters in Search of an Author and Waiting for Godot. 31304 PI W REC 007 MW 10-1130AM B207 WDC Lucas Documentary Theatre This seminar explores the political and social ramifications of documentary theatre in the U.S. from the 1990s to the present. We will spend the first half of the semester studying interview techniques and reading examples of documentary theatre by playwrights such as Anna Deavere Smith, Heather Raffo, and Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theatre Project. In the second half of the semester, the students will investigate a local community of their choosing and create an interview-based performance as a final project. The class will perform this play for an invited audience at the end of the semester. 22740 P W REC 008 MWF 11-1PM ARR Mendeloff Isben & Checkhov Meets with RCHUMS 383.001 in KEENE AUD EQPLEASE NOTE: Students should have taken either RCHUMS 281, 282, or RCCORE 100 or equivalent courses in the Theater department or have had previous acting experienceCourse Description: In this course students will study key works of modern theater by Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg and Anton Chekhov, They will have the opportunity to explore these texts not only through reading and discussion, but most importantly, through the hands-on rehearsal process. Throughout the term we will be looking at the impact of Victorian attitudes towards issues of class and gender and how the larger society impacts character relationships in these plays. 22747 P W REC 009 TTH 11-1PM ARR Walsh Modern Irish Drama and Film Meets with RCHUMS 387.001PLEASE NOTE: Students should have taken either RCHUMS 281, 282, or RCCORE 100 or equivalent courses in the Theater department or have had previous acting experience.Course Description: A survey of the masterpieces of stage comedy from the Renaissance to the late 19th Century, focusing on the great rogues, tricksters, fools, and lovers of the Western tradition (exclusive of Shakespeare). Students will choose between a practical theater-work track (three fully prepared scenes + one short paper on an outside reading) and a more literary track (three short papers on outside readings + one prepared scene). 31485 PI W REC 010 TH 230-4PM 2233 WDC Myers Introduction to Puppetry This course will explore the fundamentals of puppetry, a performance mode that spans the globe and the centuries. There will be hands-on workshops developing and creating several different styles of puppets including marionettes, muppet-style hand puppets and shadow puppets. Students will also research puppetry in world performance. Interarts students: this can count for intro or advanced studio credit. There will be a $75 course fee payable at the beginning of the term. 31587 PI W REC 011 TH 4-6PM 2415 WDC Sparling Chekov/Cherry Orchard This course will concentrate on Acts Two and Three of Anton Chekhov?s THE CHERRY ORCHARD, and will be taught by Sir Michael Boyd, former Artistic Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford, England. Students (by permission of Chair of T&D only) will study and perform scenes from Acts Two and Three, in the style of rehearsals at the RSC. Dancers are invited to take the class as well. Professor Peter Sparling from the Dance department will co-teach this class.PLEASE NOTE: This class will meet OCTOBER 14 until NOVEMBER 11 32980 P RW REC 012 W 230-430PM 1435 WDC Cantor Principles of Comedy This course will explore the principles of performing comedy, as experienced throughout the dramatic canon, investigating the work of Commedia, Moliere, Noel Coward, and David Lindsay-Abaire. The course will also explore improvisation, status work, and stand-up. We will ask ourselves, are there special considerations when playing comedy as opposed to straight drama? Is there such a thing as comic technique? If so, what is it? What are the technical demands of comic timing, rhythm, builds, and the ability to give and take focus? And are there ways in which we play comedy no differently than any other form of acting? We will also ask ourselves what makes a funny thing funny? Are there common threads through history? Are there universal comic elements that can be defined? We will pursue the course objectives through exercises, games, improvisations, discussions, readings, and group, solo and scene work. 25408 PI W REC 016 F 12-3PM 1415 WDC Tulip Creating Original Theatre This class explores in a very practical, hands-on way in which we might become our own creators of theatre. Writing without words, improvising, using objects, sounds, lights, projections etc....who knows?In the first half of the semester explores approaches to creation. In the second half small companies develop 15-minute performances, which are presented at the end of the semester to the class and anyone else who wishes to attend. 400 Directed Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 401 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 402 Ideas of Theatre 3.00 ADVISORY 29544 P W SEM 001 TTH 5-630PM 2439 WDC Nkanga Theatre,Performance & Culture 403 D & P Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 23771 P W REC 001 F 12-130PM 2439 WDC Decker 404 D & P Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 25079 P W REC 001 F 12-130PM ARR Decker Meets in room 2439 Walgreen Drama Center 417 Theatre Internship 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 320 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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426 Fund Arts 2.00 27176 P W LEC 001 MW 430-530PM 2443 WDC Poggi 435 Producing Amer Thtre 3.00 ADVISORY 20825 PI W REC 001 MW 130-3PM 2443 WDC Poggi This is a junior/senior-level course 440 Topics AfricnAm Thtr 3.00 ADVISORY 29545 P W REC 001 ARR ARR Nkanga Comparing Black Theatre 442 Directing Project 3.00 ADVISORY 18003 PI W LAB 001 ARR ARR 443 Directing Colloq I 1.00 ADVISORY 17481 PI W REC 001 ARR ARR 445 Stage Mgt: Mus/Opera 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY 13994 PI LAB 001 F 130-330PM ARR Uffner-Elliott 451 Practicum VII 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 13995 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 13996 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17660 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 18001 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 13997 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19903 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 13998 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 13999 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 14000 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 14001 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27891 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 14002 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 460 Scene Design III 3.00 ADVISORY 25078 PI W REC 001 TTH 930-11AM 2239 WDC Mountain Meet with THTREMUS 360 Tuesdays and Thursday 9:30am-11:00am in Room 2439 Walgreen Drama Center 461 Practicum VIII 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY 14003 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Mountain 14004 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Hahn 17661 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 18002 PI LAB 008 ARR ARR Auletti 14005 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 19904 PI LAB 013 ARR ARR Ridley Jr 14006 PI LAB 018 ARR ARR Murphy 14007 PI LAB 025 ARR ARR Lindsay 14008 PI LAB 026 ARR ARR Bacon 14009 PI LAB 028 ARR ARR Reynolds III 27892 PI LAB 030 ARR ARR Brinker 14010 PI LAB 031 ARR ARR Berg 462 Drafting 3.00 ADVISORY 25080 PI REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2419 WDC Mountain 481 Acting VII 3.00 ADVISORY 14011 PI W REC 001 TTH 10-12PM B222 WDC 487 Studio III 2.00 ADVISORY 14012 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR 488 Studio IV 2.00 ADVISORY 14013 PI LAB 001 ARR ARR Neville-Andrews 495 Uber-Practicum 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 20275 PI LAB 003 ARR ARR Hahn 20274 PI LAB 005 ARR ARR Murphy 24317 PI LAB 007 ARR ARR Myers 22717 PI LAB 012 ARR ARR Uffner-Elliott 502 Performance 3.00 ADVISORY 27987 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Masson 28021 PI REC 002 ARR ARR Eaton 505 Sp Wk Th Prod&Perf 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 521 History&Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 14014 PIR SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 2439 WDC Woods 15666 PIR SEM 002 TTH 1-230PM 2439 WDC Nkanga 571 Mens Patttern Draft 3.00 ADVISORY 29539 PI REC 001 TTH 9-11AM 2233 WDC Bacon 600 Individual Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 601 Directed Reading 1.00-2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR


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Natural Resources&Environment
Sch Of Nat Resources & Environ
Natural Resources And Environment (NRE)
415 20424 20426 20428 20430 422 14055 430 22418 22420 22422 433 28909 30118 30120 436 21665 21667 21669 22803 499 Beh Ecol&Consrv Biol 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 MWF 12-1PM 1028 DANA Low P W DIS 002 W 5-6PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low P W DIS 003 TH 4-5PM 1006 DANA Davis, Low P W DIS 004 W 4-5PM 1046 DANA Davis, Low Biol of Fishes 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1028 DANA Sallan Soil Ecology 3.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 MW 10-11AM 1028 DANA Zak P W LAB 002 M 1-5PM 2556 DANA Peschel, Zak P W LAB 003 T 1-5PM 2556 DANA Peschel, Zak Ornithology 4.00 ADVISORY S W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 2548 CCL P W LAB 002 T 230-530PM 3031RUTHVEN P W LAB 003 TH 230-530PM 3031RUTHVEN Woody Plants 4.00 ADVISORY A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 1040 DANA Ibanez P RW LAB 003 T 1-6PM 2520 DANA Antuma, Grzesiak P W LAB 004 W 1-6PM 2520 DANA Hartleben, Antuma P LAB 005 TH 1-6PM 2520 DANA Antuma, Hartleben Senior Honors Thesis 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 Grad Experimental 3.00 25872 P RW LEC 009 TTH 10-1130AM 242 WH Besky Food, Politics, and Environ Food, Politics, and Environment 3CR 26624 P R LEC 039 MW 1-230PM 2024 DANA Brown Land Use & Global Change Land Use and Global Change 3CR 27135 P RW LEC 049 TTH 1-230PM 1028 DANA Cardinale, Moore Ecosystem Services Ecosystem Services 3CR Students need to have taken NRE 509 & 510 or have equivalent background before enrolling in this course. 26772 P R LEC 052 MW 230-4PM 1024 DANA Pringle Macroecology Macroecology 3CR 23183 P R SEM 055 TTH 1130-1PM 2024 DANA Taylor Poverty, Environ,&Inequality Poverty, Environment, and Inequality 3CR Additional seats will open on June 1st. 27661 P LEC 060 TTH 4-530PM 2024 DANA Anthoff, Vayo II Climate Change Economics Climate Change Economics 1.5CR Prereq: NRE 510 and NRE 570 or permission of instructor. 24646 P RW SEM 089 MW 10-1130AM 1006 DANA Hardin Just Issues in Consrv & Sus Justice Issues in Conservation and Sustainabilty 3CR Additional seats will open on June 1st. 25104 P R LEC 123 M 5-8PM 3556 DANA Butt Pol Ecol, Env Secrty & Conflic Political Ecology, Environmental Security, and Conflict 3CR Additional seats will open on June 1st. 27928 PD LEC 888 MW 9-10AM ARR Butt Env Dec Making: Env & Society This class meets in 1040 Dana. 27929 PD LEC 999 MW 9-10AM ARR Moore Env Dec Making: Econ & Env 507 Ecol: Cntxt&Intr Lab 1.00 27128 PD LAB 002 W 6-8PM 3325 DANA 27129 PD LAB 003 W 8-10PM 3325 DANA 27130 PD LAB 004 F 12-2PM 3325 DANA 27131 PD LAB 005 TH 12-2PM 3325 DANA 27132 PD LAB 006 TH 2-4PM 3325 DANA 27133 PD LAB 007 TH 4-6PM 3325 DANA 27134 PD LAB 008 F 1-1AM ARR 509 Ecol:Sc Cntxt&Intact 4.00 19987 A LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 1040 DANA Currie, Foufopoulos THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21023 P R LAB 002 W 6-8PM 3325 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21024 P R LAB 003 W 8-10PM 3325 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21025 P R LAB 004 F 12-2PM 3325 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21026 P R LAB 005 TH 12-2PM 3325 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21342 P R LAB 006 TH 2-4PM 3325 DANA U of M Schedule of Classes Page 322 of 382




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THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 21967 P R LAB 007 TH 4-6PM 3325 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1st YEAR NRE MS STUDENTS 510 Env Dec Making&Gover 3.00 19988 A LEC 001 MW 9-10AM 1040 DANA Butt, Moore THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21027 P R DIS 002 F 9-11AM 1046 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21028 P R DIS 003 F 11-1PM 1046 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21029 P R DIS 004 W 4-6PM 1024 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21030 P R DIS 005 W 6-8PM 3038 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21968 P R DIS 006 TH 4-6PM 3556 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 21973 P R DIS 007 TH 6-8PM 3556 DANA THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO 1ST YEAR SNRE MS STUDENTS 512 Ethics Corp Mngmt 2.25 ENFORCED 22367 P RW REC 001 TTH 210-430PM R1220 BUS Bishara 513 Strat for Sust Devel 3.00 ADVISORY 14057 P RW LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM ARR Hoffman, Cooper This course meets with STRATEGY 564 & 565 and will be held in K1320 for the first 7 weeks and E1530 for the second 7 weeks. Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 520 Fluvial Ecosystems 3.00 ADVISORY 29389 P LEC 001 MW 6-730PM 1028 DANA Wiley Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 521 Fld Meth Fluv Ecosys 1.00 ADVISORY 85.00 29390 P LAB 001 F 1-5PM G556 DANA Wiley 526 Erb Inst Seminar 1.50 NRE 526 meets with BA 525 from Oct. 30 - Dec. 21. This class is reserved for Erb students. Students should contact the Erb Institute ( for registration. 19730 PI REC 001 W 430-730PM R2310 BUS Gladwin 527 Energy Mkts&Politics 3.00 22285 P RW DIS 001 MW 4-530PM 1028 DANA Lyon Please note that this course follows the Ross Academic calendar. This means that there will be no classes held during the week of Oct. 22-26. There will be a class session on Oct. 15th. Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 531 Principles of GIS 4.00 ADVISORY 30035 A LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 173 LORCH Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 30036 P R LAB 002 TH 8-10PM ARR Steger Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 30037 P R LAB 003 F 2-4PM ARR Steger Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 533 Negotiation Skills 3.00 25961 P R LEC 001 TTH 3-6PM 2024 DANA Yaffee, Wondolleck, Ferris-Smith Non-SNRE students need permission from the instructor in order to enroll. 536 Environ Mediation 1.00 ADVISORY 26858 P R DIS 001 F 1-5PM 2024 DANA Wondolleck, Yaffee, Ferris-Smith 536 Environ Mediation 1.00 ADVISORY PR DIS 001 SASU 9-5PM 2024 DANA 540 GIS&NR Applications 2.00 ADVISORY 56.00 15543 P R LEC 001 MW 3-530PM 3325 DANA Brines Please contact Jennifer Taylor ( if you would like to be added to the waitlist. 543 Env Spatial Analys 3.00 ADVISORY 28176 S LEC 001 T 10-12PM 1006 DANA Obenour 28177 P RW LAB 002 TH 10-12PM ARR Obenour 547 Forest Ecology 4.00 45.00 28985 A LEC 001 TTH 11-12PM 3556 DANA Ibanez, Roberts 28992 P R LAB 002 TH 12-3PM 3038 DANA 556 Field Ecology 5.00 ADVISORY 100.00 19965 PI LAB 001 T 5-7PM 1006 DANA Perfecto, Vandermeer 556 Field Ecology 5.00 ADVISORY 100.00 P LAB 001 SASU 7-7PM ARR COURSE RUNS FROM SEPT. 13- OCT. 20, FRIDAYS BEGINNING AT 7 PM AND CONCLUDING SUNDAYS AT 7 PM, WITH A MIDWEEK MEETING FROM 5-7 EVERY TUES. 560 Behavior&Environmt 3.00 19173 A R LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1040 DANA De Young Please note that additional seats will open up on June 1st. 19175 P R DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3556 DANA Hamilton 25605 P R DIS 003 F 12-1PM 3556 DANA Hamilton 562 Env Policy&Politics 3.00 ADVISORY 19174 P R LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 2024 DANA Yaffee, Sturges, Jameson This course is restricted to only SNRE students. 565 Princples of Transit 1.50 28796 P W LEC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1046 DANA Princen U of M Schedule of Classes Page 323 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Princen 3.00 ADVISORY TTH 230-4PM 1040 DANA Keoleian, Ramachandran, McManamon Please note that additional seats will open up on June 1st. This is a graduate course. Seniors need permission of instructor to enroll. 585 Seminar on CAD 1.00 21958 PDR SEM 001 M 6-8PM 3325 DANA Nelson 586 Visualizing Environ 2.00 ADVISORY 14059 P R LEC 001 MW 4-6PM 3028 DANA Szot 587 Landscape Env Media 4.00 ADVISORY 14060 AD LEC 001 W 1-3PM 3038 DANA Grese, Jones, Palm Prof. Grese will the lead the first hlaf of this course and Prof. Jones will lead the last half. 14061 P LAB 002 MF 1-4PM 3038 DANA Palm 591 Materials&Methods 3.00 ADVISORY 14062 A LEC 001 TTH 9-10AM 3552 DANA Jones, Murdick 15532 P LAB 002 TTH 10-12PM 3552 DANA Jones, Murdick 592 Env Pln:Iss&Concept 3.00 18870 P W LEC 001 F 1-4PM 2213 A&AB Pimentel Walker 593 Environ Justice 3.00 ADVISORY 28229 P LEC 001 WF 1-230PM 1024 DANA Mohai Additional seats will open up on June 1st. 597 Environ Sys Analysis 3.00 33021 P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 173 LORCH Miller, Novacheck 598 N R Internship-Gr 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 600 Dir Res&Sp Prob-Gr 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IR IND + T 330-630PM ARR 639 Adv Sem in Res Ecol 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 32739 P SEM 025 ARR ARR Low Life Hist, Behv &Conservation Life History, Behavior, and Conservation Vulnerability 2CR 22318 P SEM 049 W 1-230PM 1006 DANA Cardinale Conservation Ecology Seminar Conservation Ecology Seminar 661 Conservatn Beh Sem 3.00 30228 P R LEC 001 T 6-8PM 2560 DANA De Young 662 Adv Sem in Res Pol 2.00 26160 P R SEM 001 W 530-730PM 3556 DANA De Young, Princen Localization Seminar 5 Additional seats in this course will be made available after June 1st. 668 Adv N R Econ 3.00 ADVISORY 22354 P LEC 001 T 4-7PM 409 WH Kuhn, Kellogg 677 RPB Research Sem 1.50 ADVISORY 26966 P SEM 041 T 530-730PM 2024 DANA Bierbaum Climate Adaptation Seminar 30058 PIR SEM 123 F 12-1PM 1006 DANA Butt Adv Sem in Politcal Ecology Advanced Seminar in Political Ecology 1CR Prereq: NRE 501.123 or instructor approval 687 Landscape Planning 4.00 ADVISORY 22283 A LEC 001 W 9-12PM ARR Kiley, Bu The Wednesday section will meet in 3038 Dana from 9-10am and then in 3325 Dana from 10-12pm. 22284 P LAB 002 M 10-12PM 3325 DANA Kiley P LAB 002 F 9-12PM 3325 DANA Both Monday and Friday sections will meet in 3325 Dana. 691 Plnts Use Des Lndsc 3.00 ADVISORY 20663 A LEC 001 T 1-4PM 3556 DANA Hunter, Nelson, Bartlett 20664 P LAB 002 TH 1-4PM 3556 DANA Hunter 700 Masters Thes Pract 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 701 Masters Project 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 25294 PD LEC 001 MTWTH 6-10PM 1024 DANA 701 Masters Project 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1024 DANA 701 Masters Project 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 21850 PI LAB 029 T 5-10PM ARR Localization 2 32795 PD LAB 240 ARR ARR Agrawal REDD+ in Tanzania 32796 PD LAB 241 ARR ARR Wondolleck, Yaffee US Marine Protctd Area Plan&Mg 32821 PD LAB 242 ARR ARR Nassauer Benefit of Des on Urban Retail 32822 PD LAB 243 ARR ARR Keoleian GreenHouse Gas Inv for Mun Gov 32823 PD LAB 244 ARR ARR De Young, Grese Educ&Comnty for UM Campus Farm 32824 PD LAB 245 ARR ARR Allan, Burton Environ Flows for Huron River U of M Schedule of Classes Page 324 of 382

P LEC 002 Sus Energy Sys PR LEC 001



1046 DANA

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32825 PD LAB 246 ARR EJ Orgs, Liabilities&Trade 32826 PD LAB 247 ARR Env Trade-Offs in Comm Product 32827 PD LAB 248 ARR Strat with Collab Forest Lands 32828 PD LAB 249 ARR Food Sec in Undersrvd Populat 32829 PD LAB 250 ARR Cons Plan for Roaring Forks 32830 PD LAB 251 ARR Polcy Rec for Evolv Elec Power 32831 PD LAB 252 ARR Kalamazoo River Watershed Plan 32832 PD LAB 253 ARR Dev&Consumer Uptake for Detroi 32833 PD LAB 254 ARR Redc Fossil Fuel Use on Hawaii 32834 PD LAB 255 ARR REI 32835 PD LAB 256 ARR Sleeping Bear Dunes Backpack 32836 PD LAB 257 ARR Solar For All 32837 PD LAB 258 ARR Sustainability Business Case 32838 PD LAB 259 ARR Sus Initive for Beaumont Hosp 32839 PD LAB 260 ARR Sus Ag in Tropical Forest Land 741 Research Paradigms 22280 P SEM 001 TH 5-8PM This class is reserved for 1st year Ph.D. students in SNRE. 841 PhD Res Forum 23205 P SEM 001 F 12-1PM 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + ARR


Hardin, Mohai Xu Yaffee Taylor Allan, Wondolleck Bierbaum, Lyon Allan Adriaens DeCicco, Johnson Lyon Grese Gladwin Gladwin Goldsmith, Jones Agrawal 1.00 Lemos 1.00 Auerbach 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED


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School Of Nursing
Nursing (NURS)
122 Societal&Intrp Prof 3.00 14066 P R SEM 001 W 9-12PM ARR Boyd, Eagle 220 Women's Hlth 3.00 14067 A LEC 001 W 530-730PM AUD 3 MLB Low OPEN TO C E W STUDENTS. 14068 P W DIS 002 F 10-11AM G144 AH Matsick 14069 P W DIS 003 F 11-12PM 3427 MH Wilson 14070 P W DIS 004 TH 2-3PM 1339 MH Czerwienski 14071 P W DIS 005 TH 1-2PM 1339 MH Czerwienski 14072 P W DIS 006 TH 4-5PM 1185 NQ Diponio 14073 P W DIS 007 TH 4-5PM 2022 STB Reinhardt 14074 P W DIS 008 F 10-11AM 3427 MH Wilson 14075 P W DIS 009 F 11-12PM G232 AH Matsick 14076 P W DIS 010 W 730-830PM B103 MLB Diponio 14077 P W DIS 011 TH 5-6PM B122 MLB Diponio 14078 P W DIS 012 W 730-830PM 2202 MLB Reinhardt 14079 P W DIS 013 TH 5-6PM B103 MLB Reinhardt 24112 P W DIS 014 F 9-10AM 1175 NQ Wilson 24113 P W DIS 015 TH 9-10AM 3242 LSA Czerwienski 24114 P W DIS 016 TH 12-1PM 1175 NQ Matsick 225 Global AIDS Epidemic 4.00 29738 A LEC 001 TTH 4-530PM 1800 CHEM Mitchell 29740 P W DIS 002 F 9-10AM 2402 MLB Leslie Santana 29742 P W DIS 003 F 9-10AM 3401 MH Hoppe 29744 P W DIS 004 TH 530-630PM 2412 MLB Leslie Santana 29746 P W DIS 005 TH 530-630PM 2402 MLB Hoppe 29748 P W DIS 006 W 4-5PM 2114 MLB Lowen 29750 P W DIS 007 W 5-6PM B103 MLB Leslie Santana 29752 P W DIS 008 F 9-10AM 2202 MLB Lowen 29754 P W DIS 009 W 5-6PM B135 MLB Hoppe 29756 P W DIS 010 TH 530-630PM B109 MLB Lowen 240 Pharm 4.00 ADVISORY 30001 P R LEC 001 MW 4-6PM 1040 DANA Casida This course is set up for School of Nursing students only. 245 Pathophysiology 6.00 ADVISORY 21717 P R LEC 001 MW 830-1030AM SN AUD Bruggeman, Smith 245 Pathophysiology 6.00 ADVISORY PR LEC 001 MW 11-12PM SN AUD This course is set up for School of Nursing students. Students outside the School of Nursing should complete the online survey at for permission to enroll. Please email if you have any questions. Prerequisites: Organic Biochemistry (Biolchem 212 or equivalent) and Anatomy & Physiology (Nurs 210 or equivalent) 254 Hlth Maintenance I 5.00 ENFORCED 16651 A R LEC 001 T 9-11AM ARR Wagner Register for a clinical section and you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001 and a corresponding lab section. Lecture will meet in room TBA. Clinicals and labs are the same day. Please check the notes for your specific lab day and time information. Labs will be weeks 2 thru 5. Clinicals will start October 10th for the Thursdays clinicals and October 11th for the Friday clinicals. 16652 P R CLN 002 TH 630-330PM 4A UM HOSP Shakoor Sec 002 clinical location is UM Hosp-4A- Neurology. The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 16653 P R CLN 003 TH 630-330PM 5A UM HOSP Mowry Sec 003 clinical location is UM Hosp-5A- Trauma/Ortho. The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 16654 P R CLN 004 TH 630-330PM 5B UM HOSP Gosselin Sec 004 clinical location is UM Hosp-5B-Internal Med. The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 16655 P R CLN 005 TH 630-330PM 5C UM HOSP The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 16656 P R CLN 006 TH 630-330PM 6B UM HOSP Freeland The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 23576 P R CLN 007 TH 630-330PM 8C UM HOSP The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 16657 P R CLN 008 TH 630-330PM 6A UM HOSP Mehta The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 17440 P R CLN 009 TH 630-330PM 6C UM HOSP Wagner The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 17455 P R CLN 010 TH 630-330PM UM HOSP Goldberg Sec 010 Clinical location UM Hosp 7A. The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 23688 P R CLN 011 F 630-330PM 4A UM HOSP Shakoor Sec 011 clinical locationis UM Hosp-4A Neurology. The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23687 P R CLN 012 F 630-330PM 5A UM HOSP Mowry Sec 012 clinical location is UM Hosp-5A- Trauma/Ortho. The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23686 P R CLN 013 F 630-330PM 5B UM HOSP Gosselin Sec 013 clinical location is UM Hosp-5B-Internal Med. The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23685 P R CLN 014 F 630-330PM 5C UM HOSP Leech U of M Schedule of Classes Page 326 of 382 200.00


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The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23684 P R CLN 015 F 630-330PM 6B UM HOSP Freeland The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23683 P R CLN 016 F 630-330PM 8C UM HOSP The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23682 P R CLN 017 F 630-330PM 6A UM HOSP Mehta The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 23681 P R CLN 018 F 630-330PM 6C UM HOSP Wagner The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 25218 P R CLN 019 F 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 019 Clinical location UM Hosp 7A. The first day of clinicals is October 11th. 25318 P R CLN 020 TH 730-430PM ARR Suh Sec 020 Clinical location is Veterans Hosp - 5 W Cardiac Telemetry unit. The first day of clinicals is October 10th. 25319 A R LAB 021 TH 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Thursdays from 8-11 am weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/10/13. 25322 A R LAB 022 TH 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Thursdays from 11-2 pm weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/10/13. 25323 A R LAB 023 TH 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Thursdays from 2 -5 pm weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/10/13. 25324 A R LAB 024 F 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Fridays from 8-11 am weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/11/13. 25325 A R LAB 025 F 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Fridays from 11-2 pm weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/11/13. 25326 A R LAB 026 F 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Fridays from 2-5 pm weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/11/13. 25327 A R LAB 027 TH 1-1AM 1184 SNB Lab will meet on Thursdays from 5-8 pm weeks 2 thru 5. Clinical start day is 10/10/13. 352 Reproductive Health 7.00 ADVISORY 17457 A R LEC 001 W 1-4PM SN AUD Wismont Register for a lab section and automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001. 17458 P R CLN 002 MT 7-3PM WOMEN'S HOSP Anderson Sec 002 clinical starts October 28th and ends December 3rd. 22618 P R CLN 003 MT 7-3PM WOMEN'S HOSP Anderson Sec 003 clinical starts September 9th and ends October 21st. 17463 P R CLN 004 MT 130-930PM WOMEN'S HOSP Bradshaw Sec 004 clinical starts October 28th and ends December 3rd. 17464 P R CLN 005 MT 130-930PM WOMEN'S HOSP Bradshaw Sec 005 clinical starts September 9th and ends October 21st. 17465 P R CLN 006 THF 7-3PM WOMEN'S HOSP Wismont Sec 006 Clinical starts October 24th and ends December 6th. 17466 P R CLN 007 THF 7-3PM WOMEN'S HOSP Wismont Sec 007 clinical starts September 12th and ends October 18th. 18047 P R CLN 008 THF 130-930PM WOMEN'S HOSP Tucker Sec 008 clinical starts October 24th and ends December 6th. 18061 P R CLN 009 MT 7-3PM STJOSEPH HOSP Arnsdorf Sec 009 clinical starts October 28th and ends December 3rd. 25198 P R CLN 010 MT 7-3PM STJOSEPH HOSP Arnsdorf Sec 010 clinical starts September 9th and ends October 21st. 354 Child Health&Illness 9.00 22671 A R LEC 001 M 10-12PM 1230 SNB Duffy 354 Child Health&Illness 9.00 AR LEC 001 M 1230-330PM 1230 SNB Register for a lab section and automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001. Lecture will meet in room 1230 /1240 SNB. 354 Child Health&Illness 9.00 17460 P R CLN 002 TW 630-330PM ARR Russell Sec 002 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 11W. Start date is 10/29. 17459 P R CLN 003 TW 630-330PM ARR Russell Sec 003 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 11W. Start date is 9/10. 17467 P R CLN 004 TW 630-330PM ARR Sec 004 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12E. Start date is 10/29. 17468 P R CLN 005 TW 630-330PM ARR Sec 005 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12E. Start date is 9/10. 17469 P R CLN 006 TW 230-1030PM ARR Sec 006 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12W. Start date is 10/29. 18033 P R CLN 007 TW 230-1030PM ARR Sec 007 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12W. Start date is 9/10. 18034 P R CLN 008 TW 630-330PM ARR Ursuy Sec 008 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12W. Start date is 10/29. 18035 P R CLN 009 TW 630-330PM ARR Ursuy Sec 009 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12W. Start date is 9/10. 26638 P R CLN 010 TW 230-1030PM ARR Sec 010 clinical location UM Mott Hosp 12E. Start date is 10/29. 356 Adult Hlth&Illness 9.00 ADVISORY 17461 A R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 1230 SNB Fenske 356 Adult Hlth&Illness 9.00 ADVISORY AR LEC 001 TH 1-3PM 1230 SNB Register for a lab section and you will automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 327 of 382


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356 Adult Hlth&Illness 9.00 ADVISORY 17462 P R CLN 002 TW 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 002 clinical location UM Hosp 4B. Start date is 9/10. 17470 P R CLN 003 TW 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 003 clinical Location UM Hosp 4B. Start date is 10/29. 17471 P R CLN 004 TW 630-330PM 4C UM HOSP Sec 004 clinical start date is 9/10. 17472 P R CLN 005 TW 630-330PM 4C UM HOSP Sec 005 clinical start date is 10/29. 17473 P R CLN 006 TW 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 006 clinical location UM Hosp CVC5. Start date is 9/10. 18077 P R CLN 007 TW 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 007 clinical location UM Hosp CVC5. Start date is 10/29. 18078 P R CLN 008 TW 630-330PM 8B UM HOSP Sec 008 clinical start date is 9/10. 18079 P R CLN 009 TW 630-330PM 8B UM HOSP Sec 009 clinical start date is 10/29. 23550 P R CLN 010 TW 630-330PM UM HOSP Sec 010 clinical location UM Hosp 7B.Clinical start date is 9/10. 358 Mental Hlth&Illness 7.00 ADVISORY 17474 A R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 1230 SNB Strobbe Register for a lab section and automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001. Lecture will meet in room 1230 /1240 SNB. 17475 P R CLN 002 MT 7-1PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 9/9/13. 17476 P R CLN 003 MT 7-1PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 10/28/13. 17477 P R CLN 004 MT 3-9PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 9/9/13. 17478 P R CLN 005 MT 3-9PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 10/28/13. 17626 P R CLN 006 THF 7-1PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 9/12/13. 17627 P R CLN 007 THF 7-1PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 10/24/13. 18080 P R CLN 008 THF 3-9PM 9C UM HOSP Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 9/12/13. 18081 P R CLN 009 MT 8-2PM W.REUTHER PH Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 9/12/13. 25199 P R CLN 010 MT 8-2PM W.REUTHER PH Additional 40 community hrs to be arranged. Clinical start date is 10/24/13. 420 Intro to Global Hlth 2.00-3.00 23541 P LEC 001 T 6-8PM 1191 SNB Eagle, Lori 454 Leadership&Mngmt 5.00 ADVISORY 18094 A R LEC 001 M 9-11AM G378 DENT Tschannen This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 18095 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR PR CLN 002 ARR ARR This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 18096 P R CLN 003 ARR ARR PR CLN 003 ARR ARR This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 18097 P R CLN 004 ARR ARR PR CLN 004 ARR ARR This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 18098 P R CLN 005 ARR ARR PR CLN 005 ARR ARR This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 21635 P R CLN 006 ARR ARR This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 456 Community Hlth Nsg 8.00 ADVISORY 18099 A R LEC 001 T 9-11AM 1230 SNB Ziemba Register for a lab section and automatically be enrolled in lecture section 001. Lecture will meet in room 1230 /1240 SNB. 18100 P R CLN 002 T 12-4PM 2110 MLB Sarkar PR CLN 002 TH 8-5PM WASHCTY HD 18101 P R CLN 003 T 12-5PM ARR Derkin PR CLN 003 TH 8-5PM LIVINGSTON HD 18102 P R CLN 004 T 12-5PM ARR Dallwig PR CLN 004 TH 8-5PM JACKSON CTY 18103 P R CLN 005 M 12-5PM ARR Sarkar PR CLN 005 W 8-5PM WASHTENAW AREA Clinical location is Washtenaw Aging Services. 18104 P R CLN 006 M 12-5PM ARR Dallwig PR CLN 006 W 8-5PM MONROECTY HD 18105 P R CLN 007 M 12-5PM ARR Gallagher PR CLN 007 W 8-5PM ARR Clinical location is Michigan Visiting Nurses. 18106 P R CLN 008 T 12-5PM ARR Clemen-Stone U of M Schedule of Classes Page 328 of 382



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PR CLN 008 TH 8-5PM ARR Clinical location is Ann Arbor Hospice. 23551 P R CLN 009 T 12-5PM ARR PR CLN 009 TH 8-5PM ANN ARBOR-YPSILANTI 25234 P R CLN 010 M 12-5PM ARR PR CLN 010 W 8-5PM WAYNE CTY 457 Care- Complex Needs 6.00 ENFORCED 24993 A R LEC 001 TH 2-4PM SN AUD Price This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. Please be aware that you will need to adjust your schedule accordingly. N457 will be taught in the first half of the fall term. 24994 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR Sec 002 clinical unit is at UMHS- 4D-NICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 24995 P R CLN 003 ARR ARR Sec 003 clinical unit is at UMHS- 5D-SICU.vThis is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 24996 P R CLN 004 ARR ARR Sec 004 clinical unit is at UMHS- 7C. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 24997 P R CLN 005 ARR ARR Sec 005 clinical unit is at UMHS-7D-CICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 24998 P R CLN 006 ARR ARR Sec 006 clinical unit is at UMHS-PCTU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 24999 P R CLN 007 ARR ARR Bay Sec 007 clinical unit is at UMHS-7W-BMT. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25000 P R CLN 008 ARR ARR Price Sec 008 clinical unit is at UMHS-8D. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25001 P R CLN 009 ARR ARR Bay Sec 009 clinical unit is at UMHS-TBICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25664 P R CLN 010 ARR ARR Bay Sec 010 clinical unit is at UMHS- Med-Obs. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27771 P R CLN 011 ARR ARR Duffy Sec 011 clinical unit is at UMHS-7E. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27772 P R CLN 012 ARR ARR Caylor Sec 012 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27773 P R CLN 013 ARR ARR Caylor Sec 013 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVC-5. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27774 P R CLN 014 ARR ARR Price Sec 014 clinical unit is at UMHS-6D-CCMU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27775 P R CLN 015 ARR ARR Brough Sec 015 clinical unit is at UH-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27776 P R CLN 016 ARR ARR Ursuy Sec 016 clinical unit is at UMHS-PICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27777 P R CLN 017 ARR ARR Russell Sec 017 clinical unit is at UMHS-Brandon-NICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27778 P R CLN 018 ARR ARR Ursuy Sec 018 clinical unit is at UMHS-Mott-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 28025 P R CLN 019 ARR ARR Brough Sec 019 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVC-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 29500 P R CLN 020 ARR ARR Maycock Sec 020 clinical unit is UMHS-Adult ED. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 29501 P R CLN 021 ARR ARR Bay Sec 021 clinical unit is UMHS-8A. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 30820 P R CLN 022 ARR ARR 459 Care-Complex Needs 2 7.00 ENFORCED 25003 A R LEC 001 TH 2-4PM SN AUD Price This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. Please be aware that you will need to adjust your schedule accordingly. N459 will be taught in the 2nd half of the fall term. 25005 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR Sec 002 clinical unit is at UMHS 4D-NICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25006 P R CLN 003 ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 329 of 382



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Sec 003 clinical unit is at UMHS-5D SICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25007 P R CLN 004 ARR ARR Sec 004 clinical unit is at UMHS- 7C. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25008 P R CLN 005 ARR ARR Sec 005 clinical unit is at UMHS-7D-CICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25009 P R CLN 006 ARR ARR Sec 006 clinical unit is at UMHS-PCTU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25010 P R CLN 007 ARR ARR Bay Sec 007 clinical unit is at UMHS- 7W-BMT. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25011 P R CLN 008 ARR ARR Price Sec 008 clinical unit is at UMHS- 8D. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25012 P R CLN 009 ARR ARR Bay Sec 009 clinical unit is at UMHS-TBICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 25666 P R CLN 010 ARR ARR Bay Sec 010 clinical unit is at UMHS-Med-Obs. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27779 P R CLN 011 ARR ARR Duffy Sec 011 clinical unit is at UMHS-7E. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27780 P R CLN 012 ARR ARR Caylor Sec 012 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27781 P R CLN 013 ARR ARR Caylor Sec 013 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVC-5. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27782 P R CLN 014 ARR ARR Price Sec 014 clinical unit is at UMHS-6D-CCMU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27783 P R CLN 015 ARR ARR Brough Sec 015 clinical unit is UH-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27784 P R CLN 016 ARR ARR Ursuy Sec 016 clinical unit is at UMHS-PICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27786 P R CLN 017 ARR ARR Russell Sec 017 clinical unit is at UMHS-Brandon-NICU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 27785 P R CLN 018 ARR ARR Ursuy Sec 018 clinical unit is at Mott-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 28026 P R CLN 019 ARR ARR Brough Sec 019 clinical unit is at UMHS-CVC-PACU. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 29502 PDR CLN 020 ARR ARR Maycock Sec 020 clinical unit is UMHS-Adult ED. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 29503 PDR CLN 021 ARR ARR Bay Sec 021 clinical unit is UMHS-8A. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 29504 PDR CLN 022 ARR ARR Sec 022 clinical unit is UMHS-CES. This is a precepted clinical course. Students will follow the preceptor's work schedule. 464 Population Health 4.00 31343 A LEC 001 M 9-11AM ARR Ziemba Room Location is Med Sci I, M3330 31344 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Dallwig 31424 P CLN 003 ARR ARR Ziemba 31425 P CLN 004 ARR ARR 31426 P CLN 005 ARR ARR 465 Clinical Intensive 8.00 31431 A LEC 001 M 1-3PM 1020 SPH2 Freeland, Brough 31432 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Sec 002 clinical unit is UMHS-Trauma Burn Center. 31433 P CLN 003 ARR ARR 31434 P CLN 004 ARR ARR 31435 P CLN 005 ARR ARR 31436 P CLN 006 ARR ARR 31437 P CLN 007 ARR ARR 31438 P CLN 008 ARR ARR 33532 P CLN 009 ARR ARR 33533 P CLN 010 ARR ARR 33535 P CLN 011 ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 330 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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33536 33537 33538 33539 33540 33541 33542 33543 33544 33545 33546 33547 33548 33549 33550 33551 33552 33553 33554 33555 33556 33557 33558 33559 33560 33561 33562 33563 33564 33565 33566 33567 33568 33569 33570 33571 33572 469 31439 31440 31443 31444 31445 31446 31447 31448 33575 33576 33577 33578 33579 33580 33581 33582 33583 33584 33585 33586 33587 33588 33589 33590 33591 33592 33593 33594 33595 33596 33597 33598 33599 33600 33601 33602 33603 33604 33605 33606 33607

P CLN 012 P CLN 013 P CLN 014 P CLN 015 P CLN 016 P CLN 017 P CLN 018 P CLN 019 P CLN 020 P CLN 021 P CLN 022 P CLN 023 P CLN 024 P CLN 025 P CLN 026 P CLN 027 P CLN 028 P CLN 029 P CLN 030 P CLN 031 P CLN 032 P CLN 033 P CLN 034 P CLN 035 P CLN 036 P CLN 037 P CLN 038 P CLN 039 P CLN 040 P CLN 041 P CLN 042 P CLN 043 P CLN 044 P CLN 045 P CLN 046 P CLN 047 P CLN 048 Leadership&Managemt A LEC 001 M P CLN 002 P CLN 003 P CLN 004 P CLN 005 P CLN 006 P CLN 007 P CLN 008 P CLN 009 P CLN 010 P CLN 011 P CLN 012 P CLN 013 P CLN 014 P CLN 015 P CLN 016 P CLN 017 P CLN 018 P CLN 019 P CLN 020 P CLN 021 P CLN 022 P CLN 023 P CLN 024 P CLN 025 P CLN 026 P CLN 027 P CLN 028 P CLN 029 P CLN 030 P CLN 031 P CLN 032 P CLN 033 P CLN 034 P CLN 035 P CLN 036 P CLN 037 P CLN 038 P CLN 039 P CLN 040 P CLN 041



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33608 33609 33610 33611 33612 33613 33614 33615 33616 495

P CLN 042 ARR ARR P CLN 043 ARR ARR P CLN 044 ARR ARR P CLN 045 ARR ARR P CLN 046 ARR ARR P CLN 047 ARR ARR P CLN 048 ARR ARR P CLN 049 ARR ARR P CLN 050 ARR ARR Honors Project 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 499 Independent Study 1.00-5.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 Care Adults w/Cancer 3.00 ADVISORY 30057 P SEM 001 F 9-12PM ARR Friese Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Friday: : 9/6, 10/4, 11/8, 12/6 from 9-12 pm in room 1191 SNB. 502 Adv Phys&Pathophys 4.00 22860 P LEC 001 W 1-5PM 1240 SNB Holden, Bruggeman 532 Theo Bse Adv N Prac 3.00 ADVISORY 14082 P R LEC 001 F 1-4PM ARR Saint Arnault Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Friday: 9/6, 10/4, 11/8 and 12/6 from 1-4 pm in room 1230/1240 SNB. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. 16976 P R LEC 002 F 1-4PM ARR Arslanian-Engoren Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Friday: 9/6, 10/4, 11/8 and 12/6 from 1-4 pm in the School of Nursing Auditorium, room NI 2C25. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. 29972 P R LEC 003 F 1-4PM ARR Katapodi Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Fridays 1-4 pm: 9/6 in room Buhl 5915; 10/4, 11/8 and 12/6 in room FSSSC 2710. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. Second Career Program section. 534 APRN and Hlth Syst 3.00 29509 PI LEC 001 W 9-12PM 514 DENN Casida 535 Strat Nrs&Hlth Care 3.00 ADVISORY 14083 P R LEC 001 TH 5-8PM ARR Anderson Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5 from 5-8 pm in room 1240 SNB. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. 537 Hl Pro/Rsk Red Lfspn 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 14084 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM ARR Kao, Sanon Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Friday: 9/6, 10/4, 11/8 and 12/6 from 9-12 pm in room 1230/1240 SNB. Email OSAMS advisors at to request an override to register for this course. 545 Pharmacothera Mgmt 3.00 ADVISORY 23838 P LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 4318 SPH2 Walker 549 Inf Child&Adol Hlth 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 14085 A SEM 001 TTH 1-5PM ARR Boucher, Darling-Fisher Sec 001 meets twice a week on Tues from 1-5 pm in room 1230 SNB & Thur 1-5 pm room TBA for the month of Sept only. Starting in October class meets Tuesdays only. 14086 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Darling-Fisher, Marvicsin, Boucher 14087 P CLN 003 ARR ARR Boucher, Darling-Fisher, Kuzma, Pardee 29971 P CLN 004 ARR ARR Pardee 30234 P CLN 005 ARR ARR Marvicsin 30235 P CLN 006 ARR ARR Kuzma 30236 P CLN 007 ARR ARR Boucher 556 Human Resources 3.00 ADVISORY 14088 P R LEC 001 F 9-12PM ARR Sales Web-blended course. On campus meeting days are Friday: : 9/6, 10/4, 11/8, 12/6 from 9-12 pm in room 3151 SNB. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. Email OSAMS advisors at to request an override to register for this course. 566 Adv Primary Care I 5.00 ADVISORY 14089 A LEC 001 TH 830-1130AM R2310 BUS Bigelow, Pardee 14090 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Bigelow 14091 P CLN 003 TH 830-1130AM ARR Kuzma 14092 P CLN 004 ARR ARR Pardee 30245 P CLN 005 ARR ARR Dahlem 30246 P CLN 006 ARR ARR Kuzma, Carter 30247 P CLN 007 ARR ARR Carter 30248 P CLN 008 ARR ARR O'Grady 30819 P CLN 009 ARR ARR Moriarty 573 AGACNPCNS Nrs Thry I 4.00 ADVISORY 22861 P LEC 001 TH 12-4PM ARR Struble, Blush Course meet Thu 12:00 -4:00pm in room TBA. There will be 4 required additional lab requirements for this course on the following Thursdays from 4pm -7 pm: Sept 19th, Oct 10th, Nov 14th, Dec 5th in room TBA. 577 AGAPN Clin Pract I 3.00 ADVISORY 23553 A SEM 001 TH 3-5PM ARR Blush Class meets with N579 in room 3156 SNB. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 332 of 382


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25212 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Blush 578 Psych Clin Prac I 3.00 25268 P CLN 002 ARR ARR 579 AGAPN Clin Prac II 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23554 A R SEM 001 W 1-3PM 2184 SNB Blush Class meets together with N577 in room 3156 SNB. 25213 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR Blush 580 Psych Clin Prac II 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 25204 A R SEM 001 T 12-2PM 1219 SNB Dansel 27879 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR Dansel 611 AGAPN Clin Prac III 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23556 P R CLN 001 ARR ARR Blush Students will work with Instructor reg clinical sites. 29576 P R CLN 002 ARR ARR 31268 P R CLN 003 ARR ARR 31269 P R CLN 004 ARR ARR 634 Adv Nrsg Mgmt 3.00 18083 P R LEC 001 TH 1230-330PM ARR Smith Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5 from 12:30 - 3:30 pm in room 2184 SNB. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. 18084 A DIS 002 ARR ARR Kalisch 649 Children-Chron Cond 3.00 ADVISORY 25418 A LEC 001 T 10-12PM 3156 SNB Marvicsin 25419 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Marvicsin, Boucher 30253 P CLN 003 ARR ARR Boucher 653 Nurs Syst Internship 3.00 ADVISORY 14414 P R LEC 001 F 9-11AM ARR Abbott Internship info meeting is Friday 9/6; 9-11am, room 1180 SNB. STUDENTS SHOULD CONTACT THE COURSE INSTRUCTOR TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE COURSE BEGINS. 654 Nursing Informatics 3.00 ADVISORY 31955 P LEC 001 TH 9-12PM ARR Abbott Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7,12/5 from 9-12 pm room TBA. Course meet with Nurs 811. 655 Mgt Acc&Fin 4.00 26975 P R LEC 001 TH 8-12PM ARR Harris Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5 from 8-12 pm in room 3151 SNB. 657 Innovation&Change 3.00 17558 P R LEC 001 TH 4-7PM ARR Friese Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7, 12/5 from 4-7 pm in room 2184 SNB. Some classes will have additional meeting times for discussions, chats, and Centra sessions, consult the instructor or the class syllabus for those times and dates. 17559 A DIS 002 ARR ARR Friese 661 FPMHAP ClinPract III 4.00 ADVISORY 29513 PI CLN 001 W 1-5PM 1184 SNB Strobbe 667 Behav Prim Care 3.00-4.00 ADVISORY 20703 A SEM 001 T 8-12PM R2310 BUS Darling-Fisher 20704 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Darling-Fisher, Bigelow, Dahlem, Carter 20909 P CLN 003 ARR ARR Darling-Fisher, Bigelow, Carter, Dahlem 30816 P CLN 004 ARR ARR Carter, Bigelow, Darling-Fisher, Dahlem 30817 P CLN 005 ARR ARR Dahlem, Darling-Fisher, Carter, Bigelow 676 Intrapar,Postpart 2.00-7.00 ADVISORY 14093 A SEM 001 F 9-5PM 3152 SNB Low 14094 P CLN 002 ARR ARR Low 30818 P CLN 003 ARR ARR Moriarty 686 Int Aggreg&Commun 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 29515 S LEC 001 SA 9-12PM ARR McCullagh Web-blended course. Meeting days 9/7; 10/5; 11/9; 12/7 in room 3152 SNB. 29516 P CLN 002 SA 1-1AM ARR McCullagh 687 Mng Commun Base Sys 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 30063 S LEC 001 FSA 12-5PM 3156 SNB Clemen-Stone 30064 P CLN 002 FSA 1-1AM ARR Clemen-Stone 695 Selected Topics 0.50-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 697 Independent Studies 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 699 Nrs Scholarly Proj 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 795 Spec Topics Nursing 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 797 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 801 Dir St&Dev Nrs Sci 3.00 ADVISORY 14097 P SEM 001 M 1-4PM 2184 SNB Brush 802 Intro Epi 3.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 333 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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27732 P SEM 001 F 1-4PM ARR Mitchell Web blended course. On-campus meeting days are Friday: 9/6, 10/4, 11/8, 12/6 from 1-4 pm in room 2184 SNB. 810 Scientific Foundatn 3.00 ADVISORY 25206 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM ARR Saint Arnault Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Friday: 9/6, 10/4, 11/8,12/6 from 9-12 pm in room 2184 SNB. 811 Health Informatics 3.00 ADVISORY 26906 P LEC 001 TH 9-12PM ARR Abbott Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7,12/5 from 9-12 pm room TBA. 815 Quality and Safety 3.00 ADVISORY 25421 P SEM 001 TH 1-4PM ARR Aebersold Web-blended course. On-campus meeting days are Thursday: 9/5, 10/3, 11/7,12/5 from 1-4 pm in room 3151 SNB. 830 Des,Meth&Analysis I 3.00 ADVISORY 14098 P SEM 001 W 4-7PM 3152 SNB Seng 842 Decision making 3.00 ADVISORY 29597 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 1219 SNB Katapodi 862 Hlth Beh Theor&Meth 3.00 ADVISORY 14099 P SEM 001 TH 9-12PM 2184 SNB Mitchell 869 Hum Resp&Alt Biol 3.00 ADVISORY 29598 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 2184 SNB Arslanian-Engoren 875 Outcomes Research 3.00 ADVISORY 29599 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 3152 SNB Manojlovich 883 Topics Bio-Behavior 3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 884 Topic Hlt Promotion 3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 950 DNP Residency 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 26939 PD LAB 001 ARR ARR Redman 28140 PI LAB 004 ARR ARR Struble 32732 PI LAB 021 ARR ARR 28139 PI LAB 029 ARR ARR Aebersold 33673 PI LAB 041 ARR ARR Ziemba 28141 PI LAB 098 ARR ARR Pardee 28103 PD LAB 143 ARR ARR Redman 955 Scholarly Project 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY D IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED R IND + ARR ARR

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Officer Education Programs

Air Force Officer Education Pg
Air Force Officer Education Program (AERO)
101 14380 14382 14383 14381 201 14386 14384 14385 310 14387 14388 14389 19434 410 14390 14391 14392 Air Force Today I S LEC 001 T S LEC 003 W S LEC 004 TH P LAB 005 TH US Aviat Hist-Dev I S LEC 001 W S LEC 002 TH P LAB 004 W Concepts Leadership P SEM 001 TTH P SEM 002 TH P SEM 002 TH A LAB 004 TH P SEM 005 TH American Society I P W SEM 001 TTH P W SEM 002 TW P W SEM 002 TH A W LAB 004 TH 230-330PM 2-330PM 230-330PM 4-6PM 12-1PM 130-230PM 2-4PM 1-230PM 11-1230PM 1-230PM 4-6PM 7-10PM 930-11AM 7-10PM 230-4PM 6-9PM 163 NH 200 NH 200 NH 200 NH 163 NH 163 NH 163 NH 200 NH 200 NH ARR 163 NH 200 NH 163 NH 163 NH 163 NH 163 NH 1.00 Wood Wood Wood Wood 1.00 ADVISORY Wood Wood Wood 3.00 ADVISORY Greenawalt Greenawalt Greenawalt Greenawalt 3.00 ADVISORY Bement Bement Bement

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Army Officer Education Program

Military Science (MILSCI)
101 14393 14394 21129 201 14395 14396 14397 301 21130 14398 14399 401 14400 28953 14401 499 Intro Officership S LEC 002 TH P LAB 003 TH S LEC 004 W Military Leadership S LEC 001 W S LEC 002 TH P LAB 003 TH Lead Small Org I P DIS 001 TH P DIS 002 W S LAB 003 TH Ldrshp & Mgt PR DIS 001 TH PR DIS 002 F AR LAB 003 TH Ind Stdy-Dir Rdg I IND + 2-3PM 330-530PM 12-1PM 1-3PM 12-2PM 330-530PM 1-3PM 1-3PM 330-530PM 1-3PM 11-1PM 330-530PM ARR 229 NH ARR 229 NH 229 NH 229 NH ARR 131 NH 131 NH ARR 212A NH 212A NH ARR ARR 1.00 Stevenson Stevenson Stevenson 1.00 Dankworth Dankworth Dankworth 2.00 Doyle Doyle Doyle 2.00 Bryant Bryant Bryant 1.00-4.00



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Navy Officer Education Program

Naval Science (NAVSCI)
101 14402 14403 14404 201 19913 19914 19915 203 19196 19197 19198 302 19207 19208 19209 410 28400 25133 Intro to Nav Sci P LEC 001 MW P LEC 002 MW A LAB 003 TH Int Ship Sys P LEC 001 TTH P LEC 002 TTH A LAB 003 TH Leadership and Mgmt P LEC 001 MW P LEC 002 MW S LAB 003 TH Naval Operations P LEC 001 TTH P LEC 002 TTH S LAB 003 TH Amphib War P LEC 001 TTH S LAB 002 TH 9-10AM 1-2PM 330-530PM 830-10AM 1-230PM 330-530PM 830-10AM 1-230PM 330-530PM 830-10AM 1-230PM 330-530PM 830-10AM 330-530PM 262 NH 262 NH ARR 262 NH 262 NH G390 DENT 221 NH 221 NH ARR 112 NH 112 NH ARR 221 NH ARR 3.00 Howell Howell Howell 3.00 Love Love Love 3.00 Kerg Kerg ADVISORY 2.00 Throckmorton Throckmorton Throckmorton 3.00


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College Of Pharmacy
Medicinal Chemistry (MEDCHEM)
417 Princ of Drug Act II 5.00 ADVISORY 24736 P R LEC 001 MWF 8-10AM 2548 CCL Soellner 501 Chemical Biology I 3.00 19506 PD SEM 001 TTH 9-11AM 3014 RACK Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 517 Drug Assay 3.00 ADVISORY 26079 A LEC 001 M 10-12PM 2548 CCL Mosberg 26082 P R LAB 002 T 1-5PM 1552 CCL Beleh 26232 P R LAB 003 TH 1-5PM 1552 CCL 532 Bioorg Prin Med Chm 3.00 ADVISORY 15529 P LEC 001 MWF 1-2PM ARR Larsen 550 Eth&Res 0.50 ADVISORY 15305 PD SEM 001 T 4-6PM ARR Woodard, Hollenberg September 24-Meets in 4571 CC Little October 22-Meets in A340 MSRB III November 26-Meets in 4571 CC Little December 10-Meets in A340 MSRB III 565 PharmD Investigation 1.00 D IND + ARR ARR 569 PharmD Investigation 1.50 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 570 Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 573 Investig Med Chem 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 585 Phrm Inv Rsrch Rprt 1.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 660 RCRS 0.50 *Please note: this class meets the first Wednesday of the month during both Fall and Winter terms. Students must enroll in the course each term. Meetings will be held in 1567 CCL from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Please consult c-tools site for complete course schedule and assignments. 25608 PD REC 001 ARR ARR Woodard 740 Colloquium-Med Chem 0.50 ADVISORY 14103 PD SEM 001 TH 4-530PM 2548 CCL Schwendeman 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY S IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED SR IND + ARR ARR

Pharmacy (PHARMACY)
431 14113 25229 500 23224 500

Therap Prob Solv I 3.00 ADVISORY P LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM ARR Bleske A LAB 002 F 1-4PM 1552 CCL Intro to Pharmacy 2.00 P REC 001 W 10-12PM 2548 CCL Farris Intro to Pharmacy 2.00 P REC 001 F 10-12PM 1552 CCL 503 Service - Hlth Prof 1.00 24631 PD REC 001 T 9-11AM 1640 CHEM Mason Note that permission is required to register for this course. Please send a request, along with your school of enrollment and student ID# to Anica Madeo at 504 Community Pharmacy 2.00 ADVISORY 23225 A REC 001 T 1230-230PM 1544 CCL Diez 23251 P LAB 002 T 8-11AM 1567 CCL 23252 P LAB 003 TH 8-11AM 1567 CCL 506 Patient Comm 2.00 ADVISORY 23226 A REC 001 TH 1230-230PM 1544 CCL Bostwick 23249 P LAB 002 M 1-4PM 1567 CCL 23250 P LAB 003 TH 8-11AM 1544 CCL 515 EBM 2.00 24559 P R LEC 001 M 230-430AM 1544 CCL Sweet 515 EBM 2.00 PR LEC 001 W 230-430PM 1552 CCL 522 Hlth Care Outcomes 2.00 26080 P R LEC 001 F 11-1PM 1544 CCL Balkrishnan 531 Therap Prob Solv III 3.00 ADVISORY 14114 P R LEC 001 MW 830-10AM ARR Carver 26084 S LAB 002 F 8-11AM ARR 535 EBM/Ethics-Clin Appl 1.00 ADVISORY 26077 P R REC 001 W 10-12PM 1544 CCL Blackmer 547 Pediat Pharmacother 2.00 ADVISORY 26288 P LEC 001 F 130-430PM 2260 USB Klein 548 The Aging Patient 2.00 ADVISORY 14115 P LEC 001 F 130-330PM 2548 CCL Shimp 551 Direct Care IPPE 2.00 ADVISORY 19306 A DIS 001 M 3-5PM ARR Alaniz, Harrison U of M Schedule of Classes Page 338 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






22542 22594 22593 22595 22596 22598 22597 552 22294 557 26289 561 19297 19298 562 20076 22295 565 569 570 585 597 16995 602 19738 620 14116 680 14117 689 14118 690 14119 691 19720 692 27152 789 33511 990 995

A DIS 002 W P LAB 003 M P LAB 004 T P LAB 005 T P LAB 006 W P LAB 007 TH P LAB 008 TH Disease Management P REC 001 M Drug Abuse in Sports P REC 001 F Health Sys/Hosp IPPE P LAB 001 T P LAB 002 TH Community IPPE P LAB 001 T P LAB 002 TH PharmD Investigation D IND + PharmD Investigation I IND + Research SI IND + Phrm Inv Rsrch Rprt D IND + Regulatory Issues P LEC 001 TH Drug Dev&Clin Trial P SEM 001 M Pharmacotherapeu I P LEC 001 TH Pharm D Sem P SEM 001 F Adv Pharm Prac Exp 3 P LAB 001 Adv Pharm Prac Exp 4 P LAB 001 Adv Pharm Prac Exp 5 P LAB 001 Adv Pharm Prac Exp 6 P LAB 001 Curr Practical Prjct PD SEM 001 Diss-Precand IND + Diss-Cand R IND + Pharmacokin Concepts PR LEC 001 MW A LAB 002 F Drug Deliv and Soln PR LEC 001 M Drug Deliv and Soln PR LEC 001 TTH Research Proposal D IND + Investigations I IND + PharmD Investigation IND + Research I IND + PDDT-PC P LEC 001 F PDDT-BM P LEC 001 Sem in Pharmsci P SEM 001 W Diss-Precand S IND + Diss-Cand SR IND + Research I IND + Invest Pharm Admin

3-5PM 1-5PM 8-12PM 1-5PM 1-5PM 8-12PM 1-5PM 3-5PM 130-330PM 8-5PM 8-5PM 8-5PM 8-5PM ARR ARR ARR ARR 430-630PM 4-6PM 1230-430PM 1-5PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR


Stumpf, Kunapuli Walker Walker Walker Walker Walker 1.00 ADVISORY Rockafellow, Marcelino 2.00 ADVISORY Chaffee 2.00 ADVISORY Walker Walker 2.00 ADVISORY Walker Walker 1.00 ADVISORY 1.50 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 1.00 ARR 1567 CCL 2062 PALM 1567 CCL 1544 CCL ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 8.00 ARR 4.00 Smith 3.00 Amidon 3.00 1.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED 4.00 Walker 4.00 Walker 4.00 Walker 1.00 Mueller 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 2.00 ADVISORY Ascione, Wang 2.00 ADVISORY Schteingart 2.00 ADVISORY Walker 1.00 ADVISORY Park 4.00 ADVISORY


Pharmaceutical Sciences (PHARMSCI)

464 18595 27005 508 18066 508 565 568 569 570 701 30250 702 30251 838 14111 990 995 1-2PM 10-12PM 10-12PM 11-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR 230-530PM ARR 4-5PM ARR ARR 2548 CCL 2548 CCL 1544 CCL 1544 CCL ARR

1.00-6.00 ARR 1.50 ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 1505 CCL ARR 2548 CCL ARR 8.00 ARR 1.00-6.00 1.00-6.00 Page 339 of 382


3.00 ADVISORY Rodriguez-Hornedo 3.00 ADVISORY Lee 1.00 ADVISORY Cheng 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ENFORCED

Social and Administrative Sciences (SOCADMIN)

570 574 ARR ARR

ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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725 27324 726 31887 780 31888 839 14120 990 995

SI IND + QI-Med Use System P DIS 001 Phrmceu Hlth Svs Res P LEC 001 Adv Top Soc Adm Sci P SEM 001 Seminar-Pharmacy P SEM 001 F Diss-Precand S IND + Diss-Cand SR IND +


ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED 2.00 Farris 2.00 Balkrishnan 1.00-3.00 Erickson 1.00 Farris 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY


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Public Health
Biostatistics Department
Biostatistics (BIOSTAT)
503 Intro Biostatistics 4.00 ADVISORY 14123 A LEC 001 MW 8-10AM 1020 SPH2 Boehnke 14124 P RW LAB 002 W 11-12PM SPH2 G442A Course will meet in Classroom A. 17425 P RW LAB 003 W 12-1PM SPH2 G442A Course will meet in Classroom A. 17426 P RW LAB 004 TH 9-10AM SPH2 G442A Course will meet in Classroom A. 27713 P RW LAB 005 F 11-12PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom C. (SPH2G442C) 27714 P RW LAB 006 TH 5-6PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 17428 P RW LAB 007 F 9-10AM SPH2 G442A Course will meet in Classroom A. 17427 P RW LAB 008 F 12-1PM SPH2 G442A Course will meet in Classroom A. 24347 P RW LAB 009 W 11-12PM ARR 24348 P RW LAB 010 W 12-1PM ARR 517 Surv Sampl Clin Res 2.00 ADVISORY 21730 PD LEC 333 ARR ARR Lepkowski 553 Appl Biostatistics 4.00 ADVISORY 14125 A LEC 001 TTH 8-10AM 1020 SPH2 Tsodikov 17429 P RW LAB 002 TH 3-4PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 17430 P RW LAB 003 TH 4-5PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 17431 P RW LAB 004 F 10-11AM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 24242 P RW LAB 007 F 1-2PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 24349 P RW LAB 008 TH 3-4PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom C. (SPH2G442C) 25433 P RW LAB 009 TH 12-1PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 25434 P RW LAB 010 F 8-9AM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 27902 P RW LAB 011 TH 12-1PM ARR 27985 P RW LAB 012 TH 4-5PM ARR 560 Statistical Methods 4.00 ENFORCED 14126 A R LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 1690 SPH1A Murray 25766 P R LAB 002 M 5-6PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 25767 P R LAB 003 T 5-6PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 25768 P R LAB 004 W 5-6PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 25769 P R LAB 005 F 5-6PM ARR Course will meet in Classroom A. (SPH2G442A) 578 Practical Training 1.00-4.00 IND + ARR ARR 600 Intro to Biostat 1.00 ADVISORY 14127 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Sanchez, Welch M - 8/2710:00 - 12:301655Schaubel Th - 8/304:00 - 6:00Lab A;C SPH IIWelch F - 8/319:00 11:301655Schaubel (C. Scheller) F - 8/3112:30 - 2:30Lab A;C SPH IIWelch T - 9/43:00 - 5:001690Schaubel Th - 9/63:00 - 5:001690Schaubel F - 9/73:00 - 5:00Lab A;C SPH IIWelch 601 Prob&Distrib Theory 4.00 ADVISORY 14128 P R LEC 001 TTH 1-3PM 1112 SPH2 Wang 20265 PD LEC 002 TTH 10-12PM 1152 SPH2 Li This section is for non-Biostat and non-Stat students only. Contact Nicole Fenech at for permission to enroll. 605 Intro SAS Stat Prgrm 1.00 ADVISORY 17203 P R LEC 001 ARR ARR Raghunathan Seven weeks beginning 9/12/12. 610 Readings in Biostat 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 615 Statistical Comput 3.00 ADVISORY 24912 P LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1112 SPH2 Jiang 617 Sampling Theory 3.00 ADVISORY 18039 P W LEC 001 MW 1-230PM ARR Lepkowski Class will be held in G300, ISR. 619 Clinical Trials 2.00 ADVISORY 19827 P LEC 001 F 10-12PM 1112 SPH2 Braun 650 Appl Stat I:Lin Reg 4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 341 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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14129 P R LEC 001 MW 652 Design of Expermnt 31933 P LEC 001 MW 664 Special Topics 24915 P SEM 001 F Regression Models for HD Data 666 Num Meth Hum Gen 24188 P LEC 001 MW 675 Survival Time Analy 14130 P R LEC 001 TTH 680 Appl Stoc Proc 26467 P LEC 001 MW 682 Appl Bayesn Inferen 24916 P W LEC 001 TTH 690 Hlth Appl Mult Anal 29089 P LEC 001 TTH 695 Anal Categorical 14131 P R LEC 001 MW 803 Biost in Cancer Sem 27230 P SEM 001 F 820 Readings in Biostat IR IND + 830 Adv Topics Biostat 14133 P SEM 001 MW Statistical Modeling of HTS Da 870 Anal Rep Measuremts 26468 P LEC 001 TTH 990 Diss-Precand IR IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

1-3PM 10-1130AM 12-3PM 830-10AM 1-230PM 830-10AM 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 10-1130AM 9-10AM ARR 830-10AM 2-330PM ARR ARR

1152 SPH2 4332 SPH2 4318 SPH2 1112 SPH2 1152 SPH2 4318 SPH2 1122 SPH2 1170 SPH2 1152 SPH2 1112 SPH2 ARR 1123 SPH2 4332 SPH2 ARR

Sanchez 3.00 ADVISORY Raghunathan 3.00 ADVISORY Song 3.00 Kang 3.00 Schaubel 3.00 Wen 3.00 Berrocal 3.00 Nan 3.00 Johnson 1.00 Taylor 1.00-4.00 3.00 Abecasis 3.00 Zhang 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ENFORCED


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Environmental Health Sciences

Environmental Health Sciences (EHS)
500 14136 506 14137 547 32115 550 14138 570 17436 574 14139 578 Principles of EHS PR LEC 001 TTH Principles Toxicol P LEC 001 TTH Food Science P LEC 001 W Intro Occ Env Hlth PR LEC 001 M Water Quality Mgt P LEC 001 MW Environmental Chem PR LEC 001 MW Practical Training SD IND + 583 Radiation Biology 14140 P R LEC 001 TTH Meets at the hospital, ask instructor. 600 Prof Perspectives 19106 P LEC 001 F 601 Foundations in EHS 25445 P LEC 001 TTH 616 Intro Tox Pathology 23451 P LEC 001 T 622 Mec of Dev Toxicolgy 19416 P LEC 001 TH 623 Mech Reproductv Tox 23450 P LEC 001 T 630 Prin Nutritionl Sci 14141 P R LEC 001 MW 636 Clinical Nutrition I 14142 P R LEC 001 MW 639 Pathophys of Obesity 24908 P R LEC 001 TTH 640 Nutrition Assessment 14143 P R LEC 001 TTH 642 Community Nutrition 14144 P R LEC 001 MW 652 Eval of Chem Hazard 24910 P LEC 001 TTH 658 Physical Hazards 19935 P LEC 001 T 662 Methods Nutr EPID 24344 P R LEC 001 F 665 Sci Comms Soc Med 27689 PI SEM 001 F 672 Life Cycl Assessment 29145 P LEC 001 TH 673 DOHaD Epidemiology 25349 P R LEC 001 W 687 Computational Tox 27614 P LEC 001 W 688 Topics Health Sci 19417 P LEC 001 W 698 Research IR IND + 699 Masters Thesis IR IND + 717 Tox Path Lab 23452 P LAB 001 TH 757 Occ Hlt Asp Indust 23455 P R LAB 001 F 796 Special Topics EHS 24398 PD SEM 001 M Phytochemical Tox & Nutrition 801 Res Comm Skills 22864 P DIS 001 M 869 Doctoral Sem 14148 P R SEM 001 F 899 Adv Research IR IND + 990 Diss-Precand IR IND + 995 Diss-Cand SR IND + 1130-1PM 10-1130AM 10-12PM 10-12PM 10-1130AM 1-230PM ARR 4-530PM 930-12PM 1-230PM 1-3PM 3-5PM 3-5PM 130-3PM 1-230PM 10-1130AM 830-10AM 10-1130AM 10-1130AM 330-530PM 10-1PM 2-3PM 3-6PM 1-4PM 10-12PM 1130-1PM ARR ARR 1-3PM 12-5PM 10-12PM 1130-130PM 12-130PM ARR ARR ARR 1755 SPH1 1112 SPH2 2690 SPH1A 1123 SPH2 1112 SPH2 4318 SPH2 ARR ARR 3755 SPH1 1755 SPH1 2750 SPH1 1123 SPH2 2750 SPH1 1122 SPH2 1170 SPH2 4332 SPH2 1123 SPH2 1170 SPH2 1122 SPH2 1138 SPH2 2615 SPH1A 2750 SPH1 ARR 1138 SPH2 ARR 1690 SPH1A ARR 1.00 ARR 1750 SPH1 1138 SPH2 2750 SPH1 1138 SPH2 3755 SPH1 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY 1.00-2.00 Harris 2.00 ADVISORY Dolinoy 1.00 ADVISORY Richardson 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 1.00 Bergin 2.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Ljungman 2.00 ADVISORY Maynard 4.00 Dolinoy 2.00 ADVISORY Bergin 2.00 ADVISORY Harris 2.00 ADVISORY Loch-Caruso 3.00 ADVISORY Mancuso 3.00 ADVISORY Han-Markey 3.00 ENFORCED Mancuso 3.00 ADVISORY Cole 3.00 Cole 3.00 ADVISORY Zellers 1.00 ADVISORY Neitzel 3.00 ENFORCED Villamor 2.00 Maynard 3.00 Jolliet 3.00 ENFORCED Villamor 2.00 Richardson 1.00 ADVISORY Mancuso 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Neitzel 3.00 Richardson 2.00 Aaronson 2.00 Meeker 3.00 Xi 3.00 Ault 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 50.00

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Environmental and Industrial Health (EIHLTH) 671 Air Pol Chem 29452 P LEC 001 TTH 930-11AM

2236 SRB

3.00 Barker


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Epidemiology Department
Epidemiology (EPID)
299 Independent Research 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 399 Independent Research 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED SR IND + ARR ARR 504 Polymicro Comm Lab 3.00 25368 PI LAB 001 W 1-530PM 6048 SPH2 Rickard, Luo 505 Polymicrob Community 3.00 ADVISORY 24813 P LAB 001 MW 10-1130AM 1138 SPH2 Rickard 506 Intro Intrnl Hlth 3.00 ADVISORY 14151 P R LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 1112 SPH2 Monto, Harlow 511 Intr Pub Hl Genetics 3.00 ADVISORY 18184 P R LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 4332 SPH2 Marrs, Richards Undergraduate students need permission of instructor 512 Biologic Basis 2.00 32907 P LEC 001 F 1-3PM 1690 SPH1A Wells 514 Social Epid 3.00 ADVISORY 19982 P SEM 001 F 10-1PM 1755 SPH1 Aiello 515 Genetics in Pub Hlth 3.00 21783 P LEC 001 MW 1130-1PM 3755 SPH1 Smith 546 Adv Virology 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 560 Mech Bacteria Patho 3.00 ADVISORY 14153 P LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1170 SPH2 Marrs 562 Adv Bacteriol Lab 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 565 Res Hosp&Molecular 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY IND + F 12-1PM 1112 SPH2 578 Practical Training 1.00 I IND + ARR ARR 600 Intro to Epid 3.00 ADVISORY 20091 A R LEC 001 TH 10-1130AM ARR Diez Roux, Villamor 20103 P R DIS 002 T 10-12PM ARR 20107 P R DIS 003 T 230-430PM ARR 601 Prin & Methods Epid 4.00 ADVISORY 21784 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-12PM 3755 SPH1 Morgenstern 22995 PD LEC 333 ARR ARR Sarma 604 Cardio Dis Epid 3.00 ADVISORY 20981 P W LEC 001 T 8-930AM 2695 SPH1A Kim 604 Cardio Dis Epid 3.00 ADVISORY P W LEC 001 TH 8-9AM 2695 SPH1A 605 Infectious Disease 3.00 ADVISORY 29829 P LEC 001 MW 1-3PM 1655 SPH1A Foxman 618 Chronic/Soc Modeling 3.00 ADVISORY 33464 P LEC 001 MW 1-230PM ARR Eisenberg, Meza 624 Readings in Epid 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 630 ID Env Determinants 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 32909 P R SEM 001 M 10-1PM 2690 SPH1A Eisenberg 650 Principles and Prac 1.00-2.00 24815 P W SEM 001 W 4-6PM 2695 SPH1A Wells All MPH students must enroll for 2 credits. If you are a Preventive Medicine Resident you must enroll for 1 credit. 656 Epid Data Analysis 3.00 ADVISORY 21005 A LEC 001 T 12-1PM 1655 SPH1A Baylin 21036 P DIS 002 TH 10-12PM ARR Will be held in Classroom A 21037 P DIS 003 T 3-5PM ARR Will be held in Classroom A. 21891 P DIS 004 F 11-1PM ARR Will be held in Classroom C. 657 Field Intship Epid I 1.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 658 EPID Field Internshp 1.00 I IND + ARR ARR 659 Applicatns of Epid 2.00-4.00 ADVISORY IR IND + ARR ARR 662 Methods Nutr EPID 3.00 ENFORCED 24354 P R LEC 001 F 10-1PM 2615 SPH1A Villamor 673 DOHaD Epidemiology 3.00 ENFORCED 25350 P R LEC 001 W 1-4PM 1138 SPH2 Villamor 681 Hospital Epid II 3.00 ENFORCED 26464 P R LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1122 SPH2 Chenoweth 816 Tuberculosis:Pathog 2.00 ADVISORY 27480 P LEC 001 F 1-3PM 1122 SPH2 Yang 890 Doct Sem in Epid 2.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 345 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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891 970 990 995

Adv Readings Epid IR IND + Research Epid R IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +

2.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR


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Health Management And Policy

Health Management And Policy (HMP)
200 22647 23689 23690 23691 23692 23693 23694 23695 23696 23697 23698 23730 23732 24560 24562 24564 24566 24568 24570 30500 30502 30504 517 20906 540 21254 565 27655 27799 600 14167 24160 603 33064 607 14168 33063 608 18978 610 21876 33065 615 14169 27506 618 26988 620 27664 623 33248 633 26447 643 18833 644 15167 652 19444 654 14170 660 14171 14172 21035 14173 27419 661 31273 668 26446 669 29432 690 Hlt&Society:Intro PH AR LEC 001 TTH P W DIS 002 T P W DIS 003 W P W DIS 004 W P W DIS 005 W P W DIS 006 W P W DIS 007 W P W DIS 008 W P W DIS 009 W P W DIS 010 W P W DIS 011 TH P W DIS 012 T P W DIS 013 TH P W DIS 014 TH P W DIS 015 TH P W DIS 016 F P W DIS 017 F P W DIS 018 TH P W DIS 019 F P W DIS 020 T P W DIS 021 TH P W DIS 022 TH Iss P H Genetics PI LEC 001 TTH Legal/Ethical Res PR LEC 002 F Sprdsht Modeling PD LEC 001 PD LEC 777 Hlth Serv Syst I PR LEC 001 TTH PD LEC 777 Managing Health Care PD LEC 777 Corp Fin H C Admin PR LEC 001 TTH PD LEC 777 Hlth Care Fin Acct PR LEC 001 W Cost-Effectiveness P W LEC 001 MW PD LEC 777 Intro Pub Hlth Pol PR LEC 001 MW PR LEC 002 MW Tobacco Soc Policy P LEC 001 W Professional Develop P DIS 001 M Principles & Pract P LEC 001 W American Health Ins P RW SEM 001 W Managing People PR LEC 001 MW Strategic Planning P RW LEC 001 MW Health Law PR LEC 001 TTH Oper&Control Syst P RW LEC 001 MW Micro Econ Theory I A LEC 001 TTH PR DIS 002 TH PR DIS 003 F PR DIS 004 TH PR DIS 005 F Mgmt in Health Info P RW SEM 001 W Health Informatics P RW LEC 001 TW Dbse Sys&Int App HC P LEC 001 T Readings 230-4PM 4-5PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 11-12PM 1-2PM 2-3PM 3-4PM 4-5PM 4-5PM 9-10AM 5-6PM 130-230PM 1-2PM 4-5PM 9-10AM 10-11AM 1-2PM 11-12PM 4-5PM 1-2PM 4-5PM 3-430PM 10-12PM ARR ARR 1-230PM ARR ARR 10-1130AM ARR 1-3PM 10-1130AM ARR 10-1130AM 10-1130AM 3-6PM 1130-1PM 4-6PM 3-6PM 1130-1PM 130-3PM 1-230PM 830-10AM 1130-1PM 4-5PM 10-11AM 5-6PM 9-10AM 3-6PM 3-430PM 5-8PM 1020 SPH2 2695 SPH1A B312B DENT 2695 SPH1A 2695 SPH1A G311 DENT G311 DENT G311 DENT G580 DENT G311 DENT 2695 SPH1A 2695 SPH1A 2610 SPH1A 1033 DENT 2695 SPH1A G580 DENT G580 DENT 1122 SPH2 B312B DENT 1122 SPH2 4318 SPH2 4318 SPH2 2610 SPH1A 2690 SPH1A ARR ARR 1020 SPH2 ARR ARR 1690 SPH1A ARR 1020 SPH2 1122 SPH2 ARR 1690 SPH1A 1655 SPH1A 2610 SPH1A 1755 SPH1 2695 SPH1A 1152 SPH2 1112 SPH2 1112 SPH2 3755 SPH1 3755 SPH1 1690 SPH1A 1122 SPH2 1123 SPH2 1122 SPH2 1123 SPH2 2245 NQ 1655 SPH1A 1122 SPH2 4.00 Warner Tam Harvey Pool Kubik Harvey Johns Johns Pool Noppert Kubik Tam Youatt Tam Noppert Youatt Youatt Harvey Pool Johns Noppert Kubik 3.00 ADVISORY Citrin, Modell 2.00-3.00 ADVISORY Goldman 1.00 ADVISORY Hutton Mendez 3.00 ADVISORY Lichtenstein, Alford Lichtenstein 3.00 ADVISORY Banaszak-Holl 3.00 ADVISORY Smith Smith 1.00-2.00 Comstock, Haycock 3.00 ADVISORY Hutton Hutton 3.00 Jacobson, Platt Bowman, Platt 3.00 Douglas 1.00 Lemak 2.00 Wells 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Udow-Phillips 3.00 ENFORCED Lee 3.00 ADVISORY Banaszak-Holl 3.00 ADVISORY Jacobson 3.00 ADVISORY Mendez, Guiney 3.00 ADVISORY Hirth Segel Segel Segel Segel 3.00 ADVISORY Adler-Milstein 3.00 ADVISORY Friedman, Flynn 3.00 ADVISORY Zheng 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






691 22237 696 31889 697 803 25677 804 25432 815 827 21857 833 835 990 995

I IND + Seminar Series PD LEC 777 Adv Topics Hlth Info PR LEC 001 TH Thesis Development SD IND + Seminar in HSSR I PD SEM 001 W Seminar in HSSR II PD LEC 001 W Readings I IND + Adv Sem Hlth Econ PD SEM 001 TH Research Topics I IND + Research Practicum I IND + Diss-Precand IR IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +


ARR 1.00 ARR 2690 SPH1A ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 3.00-6.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 Norton 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 1.00 Lee 1.00 Greer 1.00-4.00 3.00 Zheng 3.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY


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Health Behavior & Health Education Department

Health Behavior And Health Education (HBEHED)
540 18899 578 Fund Reprod Hlth P RW LEC 001 MW Practical Projects IND + 600 Psy Fact Hlth Behav 14159 P R LEC 001 TTH 610 Pub Hlth Ethics 20672 P RW LEC 001 MW 620 Behav Res Method Ph 15790 P RW LEC 001 TTH 622 Prog Eval Hlth Ed 19294 P RW LEC 001 TTH 624 Need Assessment Meth 21732 PI LEC 001 MW 625 Research Hlth Behav IR IND + 629 Families&Health 21733 P LEC 001 F 630 Aging&Health Behav 29420 P RW SEM 001 TH 640 Com Orgztn Hlth Ed 24918 PI LEC 001 W 644 Readings H Beh-Educ IR IND + 660 Thr Res&Pr Adol Hlt 26452 P LEC 001 T 662 Risk Communication 23395 P SEM 001 TTH 665 Sci Comms Soc Med 27690 PI SEM 001 F 668 Health Communication 25495 PI LEC 001 M 690 Environmental Health 22512 PI SEM 001 F 698 HBHE Capstone Yr1 32948 P SEM 001 M 32949 P SEM 002 T 699 HBHE Capstone Yr2 14162 P LEC 001 M 25612 P LEC 002 T 700 Quant Methods HBHE 32103 P R LEC 001 TH 702 Reducing Racial/Eth 27341 PD SEM 001 W 710 Spec Top HBHE Educ 29419 P SEM 002 W Sexual Health Promotion 800 Seminar 17456 P R SEM 001 T Held in SPH I 3750 823 Structure and Health 24318 PI SEM 001 F Meets in 3750 SPH I 849 Research Health Ed IR IND + 900 Research IR IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND + 1130-1PM ARR 1130-1PM 1-230PM 130-3PM 1130-1PM 1-230PM ARR 9-12PM 1-4PM 230-530PM ARR 1-4PM 10-1130AM 2-3PM 10-1PM 9-12PM 3-430PM 430-6PM 430-6PM 6-730PM 10-1PM 330-5PM 10-1PM 9-12PM 9-12PM ARR ARR ARR ARR 1655 SPH1A ARR 1020 SPH2 2695 SPH1A 2695 SPH1A 1112 SPH2 3755 SPH1 ARR 1170 SPH2 1138 SPH2 3755 SPH1 ARR 4318 SPH2 1755 SPH1 2750 SPH1 2695 SPH1A 2750 SPH1 1690 SPH1A 1690 SPH1A 1690 SPH1A 1690 SPH1A 2615 SPH1A 2690 SPH1A 4318 SPH2 ARR 2758 SPH1 ARR 2.00-6.00 ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR ENFORCED ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Caldwell 3.00 Zikmund-Fisher 2.00 Maynard 3.00 ADVISORY Resnicow 3.00 Schulz 1.50 Willard Willard 1.50 ADVISORY Willard Willard 3.00 ENFORCED Bauermeister 1.50 ADVISORY Neighbors 1.00-6.00 Harper 3.00 ADVISORY Zimmerman 3.00 Geronimus 2.00-6.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Chatters 3.00 Connell 3.00 Israel 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Patel, Ostergren, Harmon 3.00 ADVISORY Roberts 3.00 ADVISORY Morrel-Samuels 3.00 ADVISORY Heinze 3.00 Neighbors 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Anderson, Harmell 1.00-3.00

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School Of Public Health

Public Health (PUBHLTH)
200 Hlt&Society:Intro PH 23666 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1020 SPH2 For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23669 P W DIS 002 T 4-5PM 2695 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23670 P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B312B DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23671 P W DIS 004 W 10-11AM 2695 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23672 P W DIS 005 W 11-12PM 2695 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23673 P W DIS 006 W 1-2PM G311 DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23674 P W DIS 007 W 2-3PM G311 DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23675 P W DIS 008 W 3-4PM G311 DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23676 P W DIS 009 W 4-5PM G580 DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23677 P W DIS 010 W 4-5PM G311 DENT For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23678 P W DIS 011 TH 9-10AM 2695 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23728 P W DIS 012 T 5-6PM 2695 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 23729 P W DIS 013 TH 130-230PM 2610 SPH1A For registration questions, contact Alexis Thompson: 24553 P W DIS 014 TH 1-2PM 1033 DENT 24554 P W DIS 015 TH 4-5PM 2695 SPH1A 24555 P W DIS 016 F 9-10AM G580 DENT 24556 P W DIS 017 F 10-11AM G580 DENT 24557 P W DIS 018 TH 1-2PM 1122 SPH2 24558 P W DIS 019 F 11-12PM B312B DENT 30481 P W DIS 020 T 4-5PM 1122 SPH2 30482 P W DIS 021 TH 1-2PM 4318 SPH2 30483 P W DIS 022 TH 4-5PM 4318 SPH2 350 Global Public Health 30466 S LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1020 SPH2 31467 P DIS 002 TH 8-9AM 1122 SPH2 31468 P DIS 003 TH 9-10AM 1170 SPH2 31469 P DIS 004 TH 3-4PM 4318 SPH2 31470 P DIS 005 TH 4-5PM 1170 SPH2 31471 P DIS 006 TH 4-5PM ARR 31472 P DIS 007 F 10-11AM 4318 SPH2 31473 P DIS 008 F 3-4PM 1123 SPH2 31474 P DIS 009 F 11-12PM 1123 SPH2 31475 P DIS 010 F 12-1PM 1123 SPH2 31476 P DIS 011 F 1-2PM 1170 SPH2 510 Intergroup Dialogues 33032 PI DIS 001 T 4-6PM 1123 SPH2 33033 PI DIS 002 T 4-6PM 1152 SPH2 33034 PI DIS 003 T 4-6PM 1170 SPH2 554 Globalization & Hlth 32692 P R LEC 001 M 3-5PM 1020 SPH2 573 HI Leadership Sem 27801 P R SEM 001 W 1-230PM 1255 NQ 4.00 Warner Tam Harvey Pool Kubik Harvey Johns Johns Pool Noppert Kubik Tam Youatt Tam Noppert Youatt Youatt Harvey Pool Johns Noppert Kubik 4.00 Boulton

2.00 King King King 1.00 Robins 1.00 Friedman

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Public Policy
School Of Public Policy
Public Policy (PUBPOL)
201 19989 20006 20007 20008 20009 210 23702 23703 23704 23705 23706 23707 23708 23709 23710 23711 23712 23731 23733 24561 24563 24565 24567 24569 24571 30501 30503 30505 224 29260 29261 29262 29263 29264 250 25305 290 Systematic Thinking 4.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED AR LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1120 WEILL Courant P RW DIS 002 F 9-10AM 1110 WEILL P RW DIS 003 F 12-1PM 1210 WEILL P RW DIS 004 F 3-4PM 1210 WEILL P RW DIS 005 F 4-5PM 1210 WEILL Hlt&Society:Intro PH 4.00 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1020 SPH2 Warner P W DIS 002 T 4-5PM 2695 SPH1A Tam P W DIS 003 W 9-10AM B312B DENT Harvey P W DIS 004 W 10-11AM 2695 SPH1A Pool P W DIS 005 W 11-12PM 2695 SPH1A Kubik P W DIS 006 W 1-2PM G311 DENT Harvey P W DIS 007 W 2-3PM G311 DENT Johns P W DIS 008 W 3-4PM G311 DENT Johns P W DIS 009 W 4-5PM G580 DENT Pool P W DIS 010 W 4-5PM G311 DENT Noppert P W DIS 011 TH 9-10AM 2695 SPH1A Kubik P W DIS 012 T 5-6PM 2695 SPH1A Tam P W DIS 013 TH 130-230PM 2610 SPH1A Youatt P W DIS 014 TH 1-2PM 1033 DENT Tam P W DIS 015 TH 4-5PM 2695 SPH1A Noppert P W DIS 016 F 9-10AM G580 DENT Youatt P W DIS 017 F 10-11AM G580 DENT Youatt P W DIS 018 TH 1-2PM 1122 SPH2 Harvey P W DIS 019 F 11-12PM B312B DENT Pool P W DIS 020 T 4-5PM 1122 SPH2 Johns P W DIS 021 TH 1-2PM 4318 SPH2 Noppert P W DIS 022 TH 4-5PM 4318 SPH2 Kubik Nuclear Proliferatn 4.00 A LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM G390 DENT Hecht P W DIS 002 W 12-1PM 2325 MH P W DIS 003 W 12-1PM 2449 MH P W DIS 004 W 1-2PM 2163 AH P W DIS 005 W 2-3PM B109 MLB SocialSystems&Energy 3.00 P W LEC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1110 WEILL Salmeen Independent Study 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 320 Politics & Pub Pol 4.00 20496 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1110 WEILL Ciorciari 20497 P RW DIS 002 TH 9-10AM 1210 WEILL 20498 P RW DIS 003 TH 12-1PM 1220 WEILL 330 Microeconomics 4.00 ADVISORY 20512 A LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1110 WEILL Maccini 20513 P RW DIS 002 M 9-10AM 1210 WEILL 20514 P RW DIS 003 M 12-1PM 1230 WEILL 412 Environ in Pub Pol 3.00 30295 P W SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1028 DANA Bouma, Brey 413 Professional Devel 1.00 29553 P RW SEM 001 F 830-230PM 1220 WEILL Scheerer PubPol 413, Professional Development, will meet two days only: Friday 10/18 and Friday 10/25 only. 422 Cong&State Legis 4.00 21789 A W LEC 001 TTH 1130-1PM 1110 WEILL Schwarz 21790 P RW DIS 002 M 9-10AM 1220 WEILL 21791 P RW DIS 003 M 12-1PM 1220 WEILL 428 Contemporary China 3.00 ADVISORY 28246 P W LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1469 MH Xie 466 Hist&Future Detroit 1.00 29554 P RW REC 001 MW 830-10AM 1110 WEILL Farley In Fall 2013, this class will meet 10/21-10/30 only. City tour on Saturday 10/19. 475 Topics in Pub Pol 3.00 23780 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1210 WEILL Hausman Great Depr to Great Recession New Topic: Great Depression to Great Recession 25159 P RW SEM 002 TTH 4-530PM 1220 WEILL Levitsky Drugs, Crime, & Terrorism 27156 P RW SEM 003 TTH 1-230PM 1210 WEILL Trejos Zuniga Trade Policy for Econ Devel In Fall 2012, this class will meet 10/1 - 10/10 only, and will include a city tour on Saturday, 10/6. 490 Independent Study 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 491 MIW Res Sem 4.00 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 351 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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25400 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Goldenberg 495 Policy Seminar 4.00 20891 PDR SEM 001 TTH 1-230PM 1220 WEILL Henry Apology, Reconciliation, Repar PubPol 495 is open to students in the Public Policy BA program, by permission only. 21600 PDR SEM 002 MW 10-1130AM 1220 WEILL Lin Immigration Reform PubPol 495 is open to students in the Public Policy BA program, by permission only. 21601 PDR SEM 003 TTH 10-1130AM 1220 WEILL Rohde History and Public Policy PubPol 495 is open to students in the Public Policy BA program, by permission only. 510 Politics of Pub Pol 3.00 29556 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM 1120 WEILL Hall U.S. Politics 25235 P RW REC 002 TTH 1-230PM 1110 WEILL Parthasarathy Comparative Politics 25236 P RW REC 003 TTH 1-230PM 1230 WEILL Waltz International Politics 513 Calculus 3.00 ADVISORY 11884 P RW LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1120 WEILL Simon 513 Calculus 3.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 F 1-230PM 1110 WEILL P RW LEC 001 F 1-230PM 1120 WEILL 515 Non-Mkt Strat 1.50 26070 P W REC 001 T 630-930PM R0230 BUS Lyon BE 555.001 is cross-listed with PUBPOL 515.001 and meets with BE 555.451/PUBPOL 515.451, from Oct. 29 - Dec. 11, 2012. Class will NOT meet 10/23/12 or 11/20/12. 26071 P W REC 451 T 630-930PM R0230 BUS Lyon BE 555.451 is cross-listed with PUBPOL 515.451 and meets with BE 555.001/PUBPOL 515.001, from Oct. 29 - Dec. 11, 2012. Class will NOT meet 10/23/12 or 11/20/12. 519 Sus Energy Sys 3.00 ADVISORY 11885 P R LEC 001 TTH 230-4PM 1040 DANA Keoleian, Ramachandran, McManamon 521 Intro Policy Writing 0.50 27493 P RW SEM 001 MWF 230-4PM 2215 WEILL Ralph Sections .001, .002, and .012 are reserved for international students whose primary language is not English. These sections will meet five times between August 19 and September 6, exact scheduling TBD. 27494 P RW SEM 002 MWF 1-230PM 2215 WEILL Morse Sections .001, .002, and .012 are reserved for international students whose primary language is not English. These sections will meet five times between August 19 and September 6, exact scheduling TBD. 27495 P RW SEM 003 F 230-4PM 2215 WEILL Ralph 27496 P RW SEM 004 M 1130-1PM 2215 WEILL Morse 27497 P RW SEM 005 T 230-4PM 2120 WEILL Ralph 27498 P RW SEM 006 M 1130-1PM 2215 WEILL Chimera 27499 P RW SEM 007 W 10-1130AM 2120 WEILL Chimera 27500 P RW SEM 008 W 230-4PM 2215 WEILL Morse 32728 P W SEM 009 TH 1130-1230PM 2120 WEILL Ralph 32729 P W SEM 010 T 4-530PM 2215 WEILL Morse 32730 P W SEM 011 W 10-1130AM 2120 WEILL Chimera 529 Statistics 3.00 ADVISORY 11886 P RW LEC 001 MW 10-1130AM 1110 WEILL Thomas 529 Statistics 3.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1120 WEILL 541 Intl Trade Policy 3.00 ADVISORY 18560 P RW LEC 001 TTH 830-10AM 1230 WEILL Deardorff 555 Microeconomics A 3.00 ADVISORY 11887 P RW LEC 001 MW 830-10AM 1120 WEILL Selman 555 Microeconomics A 3.00 ADVISORY P RW LEC 001 F 10-1130AM 1120 WEILL 578 Applied Policy Sem 3.00 ADVISORY 22448 P RW SEM 001 MW 1-230PM 1230 WEILL Gerber . 580 Values & Ethics 3.00 ADVISORY 11888 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1230 WEILL Ciorciari 600 Directed Reading 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 626 Hist & Futr Detroit 1.00 26660 P RW REC 001 MW 830-10AM 1110 WEILL Farley In Fall 2013, this class will meet 9/16-9/25 only. City tour on Saturday 9/21. 628 Dem & Educ 3.00 29457 P W LEC 001 W 1-4PM 4212 SEB Cohen 638 Integ Polcy Exercise 1.00 ADVISORY 20528 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Gerber Students should register for the IPE in winter semester. See Student Services with any questions. 639 Quant Prgm Eval 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 22621 P RW LEC 001 MW 230-4PM 1110 WEILL Jacob 639 Quant Prgm Eval 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1230 WEILL P RW LEC 001 F 230-4PM 1110 WEILL U of M Schedule of Classes Page 352 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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642 Socioecon & Hlth Pol 29629 P RW LEC 001 TH 4-7PM 1230 WEILL 647 Data Analys Excel I 21924 P RW LAB 001 M 4-7PM 3117 WEILL Meets in Weill Hall computer lab (3rd floor). 33499 PDR LAB 002 F 11-2PM 3117 WEILL Meets in Weill Hall computer lab (3rd floor). 648 Data Analys Excel II 21925 P RW LAB 001 M 4-7PM 3117 WEILL Meets in Weill Hall computer lab (3rd floor). 33500 PDR LAB 002 F 11-2PM 3117 WEILL Meets in Weill Hall computer lab (3rd floor). 675 Hu Rts&Intl Pub Pol 22452 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1210 WEILL 682 Ldrship&Comm State 26663 P RW LEC 001 TH 530-830PM 1110 WEILL 683 Elect&Camp 22622 P RW LEC 001 W 530-830PM 1230 WEILL 688 Intel Prop&Info Law 26116 P RW SEM 001 W 5-8PM 2255 NQ 692 Thinking About Crime 29630 P RW SEM 001 TTH 230-4PM 1210 WEILL 700 Directed Research I IND + ARR ARR 713 Causal Inf Educ Pol 29551 P RW SEM 001 MW 10-1130AM 1230 WEILL 715 Pub Budget&Fin Plan 24106 P RW LEC 001 M 530-830PM 1230 WEILL 717 Social Activism 21607 P RW SEM 001 TTH 4-530PM 1210 WEILL 735 Prof Development 20821 P RW SEM 001 F 830-230PM 1220 WEILL Meets two Fridays only. In Fall 2013, those dates will be: 11/15 and 11/22. 736 Poverty&Inequality 23444 P RW SEM 001 F 9-11AM 1230 WEILL 750 Special Topics 23445 P R LEC 001 M 530-730PM 1220 WEILL 29634 P RW LEC 002 TTH 230-4PM 1120 WEILL Future Am Publ Res Univ 30506 P RW LEC 005 MW 4-530PM 1220 WEILL Civil Rights Policy in US 29638 P RW LEC 006 TTH 230-4PM 1220 WEILL Leadership & Grand Strategy 29639 PI LEC 010 TTH 10-1130AM 1120 WEILL 29640 PI LEC 011 TTH 1130-1PM 1120 WEILL 30031 PI LEC 012 TTH 1-230PM ARR 751 Topics China Pol 18359 P RW LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1210 WEILL Chinese Foreign Policy 18360 P RW LEC 002 F 9-12PM 1210 WEILL China's Economic Reforms 778 Proj Skills Wkshp 23713 P RW SEM 001 F 1-230PM 1230 WEILL 780 Topics-Policymaking 26665 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM 1230 WEILL Trade Agreements & Negotiation 810 Policy Research Sem 18117 P RW SEM 001 F 1-230PM 1210 WEILL 821 Adv Prog Eval 30507 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM 1220 WEILL 830 Immersion Research 25718 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR This course is for third-year Ford School PhD students only. Registration by permission. 990 Diss-Precand I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand DR IND + ARR ARR

3.00 House 1.50 Thomas Thomas 1.50 Thomas Thomas 3.00 Waltz 3.00 Ruff 3.00 Hills II 3.00 Levine 3.00 Thacher 1.00-6.00 3.00 Dynarski 3.00 Miranda 3.00 Henry 1.00 Scheerer ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY



3.00 ADVISORY Corcoran 1.00-1.50 ADVISORY Guenzel Duderstadt Lin Stam

1.50 Xu


1.00 Gerber 1.50 Trejos Zuniga 1.00 Deardorff 3.00 DiNardo 1.00 Deardorff 1.00-8.00 8.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY


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Graduate School
Chemical Biology (CHEMBIO)
501 Chemical Biology I 19366 PD SEM 001 TTH 9-11AM 3014 RACK Contact for registration inquiries. 530 Solution-structure 23513 P W LEC 001 TTH 3-430PM 3163 USB 599 Research Rotation 19424 P R LAB 001 ARR ARR Register for section 001 for a full semester rotation. 21177 PDR LAB 002 ARR ARR Register for section 002 for a September- October half semester rotation. 21178 PDR LAB 003 ARR ARR Register for section 003 for a November- December half semester rotation. 601 Critical Analysis I 19367 P R SEM 001 M 11-12PM 3014 RACK This course is available to Chemical Biology Ph.D. students only. 990 Diss-Precand SD IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand SR IND + ARR ARR 3.00 Marsh, O'Brien, Xu 3.00 Zuiderweg 1.00-6.00 Mapp Mapp Mapp 1.00 Mapp 1.00-8.00 8.00 ENFORCED ADVISORY

Museum Studies (MSP)

601 18638 609 611 Museum Proseminar I PI SEM 001 TTH Museum Practicum D IND + MSP Reading/Research D IND + 6-730PM ARR ARR 49 UMMA ARR

3.00 Sinopoli 1.00-6.00 1.00-3.00


ARR 2.00-3.00 Dickerson, Westlake 1.00 Stern 1.00-3.00 Kuppers ADVISORY ADVISORY

Rackham Graduate School (RACKHAM)

570 Interdisciplin Sem 18286 PI SEM 005 T World Performance Series 571 Interdisc Sem 20933 P SEM 001 M 580 Disability Studies 25890 PI W SEM 001 T 6-9PM 4-530PM 2-4PM ARR ARR G463 MH

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Ross School of Business


School of Business Administration

Accounting (ACC)
300 Financial Acctg 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10106 P R REC 001 TTH 830-10AM R0210 BUS Bird 10107 P R REC 002 TTH 10-1130AM R0210 BUS Bird 10108 P R REC 003 TTH 1130-1PM R0210 BUS Christensen 21477 P R REC 004 TTH 1-230PM R0210 BUS Bird 10109 P R REC 005 TTH 230-4PM R0210 BUS Christensen 10110 P R REC 006 TTH 4-530PM R0210 BUS Christensen 301 Managerial Acctg 3.00 ADVISORY 10111 P RW REC 001 MW 830-10AM R0240 BUS Oswald 10112 P RW REC 002 MW 10-1130AM R0240 BUS Oswald 312 Inter Financ Acctg 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10113 P RW REC 001 TTH 830-10AM K1310 BUS Kama 10114 P RW REC 002 TTH 10-1130AM K1310 BUS Kama 10115 P RW REC 003 TTH 1-230PM K1310 BUS Kama 315 Cost Accounting 3.00 ADVISORY 10116 P RW REC 001 MW 1-230PM K1320 BUS Klemstine 317 Tax&Managerial Dec 3.00 ADVISORY 18653 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM K1310 BUS Desimpelare 335 Maize and Blue Fund 1.50 ADVISORY 24142 PI SEM 001 T 630-930PM E1410 BUS Dittmar ACC 335 is cross-listed with FIN 335 and meets with ACC/FIN 725. Meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Nov 26. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 471 Accounting Principle 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10118 P RW REC 001 MW 830-10AM K1310 BUS Williams ACC 471 is open only to non-business students with Jr., Sr. or Grad. standing. 10119 P RW REC 002 MW 230-4PM K1320 BUS Williams ACC 471 is open only to non-business students with Jr., Sr. or Grad. standing. 22327 P RW REC 003 T 7-10PM K1310 BUS Schoenfeld P RW REC 003 T 630-930PM ARR ACC 471 is open only to non-business students with Jr., Sr. or Grad. standing. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). 501 Prin Financial Acct 3.00 ENFORCED 10120 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R2220 BUS Indjejikian 501 Prin Financial Acct 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R2220 BUS ACC 501.451 will NOT meet Oct. 16, Oct. 23, or Nov. 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov. 25. 502 Prin Fin Acc 2.25 ENFORCED 18654 P R REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R0220 BUS White ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18655 P R REC 002 MW 1020-1240PM R0230 BUS Miller ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18656 P R REC 003 MW 8-1020AM R0220 BUS White ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18657 P R REC 004 MW 210-430PM R0220 BUS White ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18658 P R REC 005 MW 210-430PM R0230 BUS Miller ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18659 P R REC 006 MW 8-1020AM R0230 BUS Miller ACC 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 560 Tax&Managerial Dec 3.00 ADVISORY 19194 P RW REC 001 T 7-10PM E1540 BUS Desimpelare 560 Tax&Managerial Dec 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 T 630-930PM ARR ACC 560.001 meets with ACC 560.451 and does not meet Oct. 15, Oct. 22 or Nov. 26, 2013. 560 Tax&Managerial Dec 3.00 ADVISORY 19204 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM E1540 BUS Desimpelare 560 Tax&Managerial Dec 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM ARR ACC 560.451 meets with ACC 560.001 and does not meet Oct. 15, Oct. 22 or Nov. 26, 2013. 561 Federal Taxation I 3.00 ADVISORY 10121 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R0230 BUS Williams ACC 561 does not meet on Oct. 16, Oct. 21, Oct. 23, or Nov. 27, 2013. 564 Corp Fin Reporting 2.25 ADVISORY 18672 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R2210 BUS Shakespeare ACC 564.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. MAcc section. 10122 P RW REC 002 TTH 210-430PM R1230 BUS Ball ACC 564.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 10123 P RW REC 003 TTH 7-920PM R0230 BUS Ball U of M Schedule of Classes Page 355 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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ACC 564.003 meets with ACC 564.451 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 10124 P RW REC 004 MW 8-1020AM R2210 BUS Kama ACC 564.004 meets Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 10125 P RW REC 005 MW 1020-1240PM E0540 BUS Ball ACC 564.005 meets Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 18660 P RW REC 006 MW 210-430PM R0240 BUS Ball ACC 564.006 meets Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 10126 P RW REC 451 TTH 7-920PM R0230 BUS Ball ACC 564.451 meets with ACC 564.003 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 565 Financial Instrument 2.25 ADVISORY 22430 P RW REC 001 TTH 8-1020AM R1220 BUS Shakespeare ACC 565.001 meets with ACC 565.010 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. MAccs must register for section .010. 22431 P RW REC 002 TTH 1020-1240PM R1220 BUS Shakespeare ACC 565.002 meets with ACC 565.002 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. MAccs must register for section 020. 26684 P RW REC 010 TTH 8-1020AM R1220 BUS Shakespeare ACC 565.010 meets with ACC 565.001 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013 and is reserved for MAcc students only. 26685 P RW REC 020 TTH 1020-1240PM R1220 BUS Shakespeare ACC 565.020 meets with ACC 565.002 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. and is reserved for MAcc students only. 586 Entrepreneurial Acct 1.50 27672 P REC 001 MW 10-1130AM E1550 BUS Klemstine ACC 586 is reserved for students enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship program. 601 Acc Info Sys Design 1.50 20459 P RW REC 001 MW 830-10AM R1240 BUS Walls ACC 601 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. This class is reserved for MAcc students. 618 Fin Comm&Invst Relat 2.25 ADVISORY 29378 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R2210 BUS Miller 630 Auditing&Assurance 1.50 ADVISORY 19284 P RW REC 001 T 630-930PM R2230 BUS Klemstine ACC 630.001 meets Fall B 2013 - Winter A 2014 with ACC 630.451. Students registering for this course in Fall B 2013 will be required to complete the Winter A 2014 section to receive full course credit. Class will NOT meet Thursday, Nov 28, 2013. An additional class will be held Tuesday, Nov 26. 19778 P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R2230 BUS Klemstine ACC 630.451 meets Fall B 2013 - Winter A 2014 with ACC 630.001. Students registering for this course in Fall B 2013 will be required to complete the Winter A 2014 section to receive full course credit. Class will NOT meet Thursday, Nov 28, 2013. An additional class will be held Tuesday, Nov 26. 711 Fin Stmt Analysis I 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 22510 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R0230 BUS Williams ACC 711.001 meets Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 22800 P RW REC 002 MW 630-850PM R0210 BUS Williams ACC 711.002 meets with ACC 711.451 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 22511 P RW REC 451 MW 630-850PM R0210 BUS Williams ACC 711.451 meets with ACC 711.002 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 725 Maize and Blue Fund 1.50 ADVISORY 24212 PI SEM 001 T 1-1AM E1410 BUS Dittmar ACC 725 is cross-listed with FIN 725 and meets with ACC/FIN 335. Meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in E1410. Class will not meet Nov. 26, 2013. 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 900 Special Research 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Business Administration (BA)

101 Development Seminar 1.00 ADVISORY 33111 P SEM 001 F 1-230PM ARR 201 Bus Thought & Action 3.00 30407 P RW LEC 001 MW 1230-2PM K1310 BUS Sinclair, Hall ENTR 390/003 and BA 201/001 meet in K-BUS K1310 on Central Campus. This class equates to entrepreneurship basics for engineering students. No BBA students. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 554 Evening MAP 6.00 ADVISORY 21926 PI REC 451 F 6-9PM R2220 BUS Clyde 554 Evening MAP 6.00 ADVISORY P REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2220 BUS P REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2220 BUS P REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2220 BUS P REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2220 BUS P REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2220 BUS BA 554 will meet on Friday, September 6, 2013 from 6pm - 9pm. It will also meet from 9am - 5pm on the following Saturdays: September 7, September 21, October 5, November 2, December 7. 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 19513 P RW REC 001 TTH 1240-210PM R2230 BUS London 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 P RW REC 001 F 9-12PM R1210 BUS P RW REC 001 F 9-12PM R1210 BUS U of M Schedule of Classes Page 356 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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BA 612.001 will also meet from 9am - noon on the following Fridays: Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Dec. 6, 2013. 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 21628 P RW REC 002 T 630-930PM R0240 BUS London 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 P RW REC 002 TH 630-930PM R0240 BUS P RW REC 002 TH 630-930PM R0240 BUS BA 612.002 meets with BA 612.451 and will also meet from 6:30 - 9:30 pm on the following Thursdays: Nov. 14, Nov. 21, Dec. 5, 2013. 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 21629 P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R0240 BUS London 612 Bus Strat Base Pyrmd 2.25 P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM R0240 BUS P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM R0240 BUS BA 612.451 meets with BA 612.002 and will also meet from 6:30 - 9:30 pm on the following Thursdays: Nov. 14, Nov. 21, Dec. 5. 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 831 Teaching Practicum 1.00 ADVISORY 18882 PI SEM 001 MTWTHF 9-12PM ARR Bird BA 831 meets from Aug 19 - 23, 2013 from 9am-12pm and then periodically throughout the Fall term.

Business Economics And Public Policy (BE)

301 Adv Appl Micro 3.00 ENFORCED 26968 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM E0530 BUS Handley Students must complete ECON 401 with a grade of B+ or better in order to enroll in this course. This course satisfies the BE core requirement for BBA students and cannot be taken concurrently with BE 300 or after credit has been earned for BE 300. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 501 Appl Microeconomics 3.00 ENFORCED 10134 P RW REC 451 M 7-10PM R1210 BUS Masten 501 Appl Microeconomics 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM ARR BE 501 will not meet Oct 21, or Nov 25, 2013. 502 Appl Microecon 2.25 ENFORCED 18663 P R REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R0230 BUS Clyde BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18664 P R REC 002 TTH 210-430PM R2220 BUS Clyde BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18665 P R REC 003 TTH 1020-1240PM R0220 BUS Sivadasan BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18666 P R REC 004 TTH 210-430PM R0220 BUS Sivadasan BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18667 P R REC 005 TTH 1020-1240PM R2220 BUS Handley BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18668 P R REC 006 TTH 8-1020AM R2220 BUS Handley BE 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 527 Energy Mkts&Politics 3.00 22286 P RW DIS 001 MW 4-530PM 1028 DANA Lyon 555 Non-Mkt Strat 1.50 ENFORCED 24623 P RW REC 001 T 630-930PM R0230 BUS Lyon BE 555.001 is cross-listed with PUBPOL 515.001 and meets with BE 555.451/PUBPOL 515.451, from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in R0230. Class will NOT meet Nov. 26, 2013. 24753 P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R0230 BUS Lyon BE 555.451 is cross-listed with PUBPOL 515.451 and meets with BE 555.001/PUBPOL 515.001, from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in R0230. Class will NOT meet Nov. 26, 2013. 562 Growth Stbl Macro Ec 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21687 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM E1540 BUS Zimmerman BE 562 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 608 Health Care Markets 1.50 ADVISORY 25924 P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM R1240 BUS Buchmueller BE 608.001 meets with BE 608.451. Class will NOT meet on Oct. 21 or Nov. 25, 2013. 25925 P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM R1240 BUS Buchmueller BE 608.451 meets with BE 608.001. Class will NOT meet on Oct. 21 or Nov. 25, 2013. 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 886 IB-BE Seminar 1.50 ADVISORY 20460 P RW SEM 001 ARR ARR Lafontaine BE 886 meets Sept 3 - Dec. 11, 2013. 887 Topics in IB-BE I 1.50 ADVISORY 19779 P RW SEM 001 TH 8-11AM ARR Suslow BE 887 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in R6320 and in R5020 on Tuesday, 11/26/13 only. 900 Special Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

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Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) 601 Eval Fin Perfmc 2.00 ADVISORY 27756 P REC 001 FSA 9-10PM ARR Wright EMBA 601.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program.. 27757 P REC 812 ARR ARR Wright EMBA 601.812 meets in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 602 Cap Allocat&Valuatio 2.50 ADVISORY 27758 P REC 001 ARR ARR Narayanan EMBA 602.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program.. 27759 P REC 812 ARR ARR Narayanan EMBA 602.812 meets in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 603 Bus Analy & Stats 2.00 ADVISORY 27760 P REC 001 ARR ARR Ahn EMBA 603.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 27761 P REC 812 ARR ARR Sinha EMBA 603.812 in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 604 Econ of Business 2.00 ADVISORY 27762 P REC 001 ARR ARR Buchmueller EMBA 604.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 26897 P REC 812 ARR ARR Buchmueller EMBA 604.812 meets in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 621 Competing on Value 2.00 ADVISORY 27763 P REC 001 ARR ARR Manchanda EMBA 621.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 26898 P REC 812 ARR ARR Manchanda EMBA 621.812 meets in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 640 ExecMap-MI Actn Proj 6.00 ADVISORY 29727 P REC 001 ARR ARR Lawlor, Middleton EMBA 640.001 is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program. 29728 P REC 812 ARR ARR Lawlor, Middleton EMBA 640.812 meets in Los Angeles, CA, and is reserved for students in the Executive MBA program.

Entrepreneurial Studies (ES)

329 20685 329

Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM ARR ES 329 is cross-listed with FIN 329 and meets with FIN/ES 629 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16 or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). 395 Entrepreneurial Mgt 3.00 ADVISORY 10164 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM R1240 BUS Middleton 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY IND + ARR ARR 444 Intr to Microfinance 3.00 25217 P RW REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM E0540 BUS Gordon 444 Intr to Microfinance 3.00 P RW REC 001 M 7-9PM ARR ES 444 meets Oct 29 - Dec 10, 2013 and also meets with ES 644 on Mondays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm in R1230. 445 Base of Pyramid 3.00 ADVISORY 19938 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM E0540 BUS Gordon 445 Base of Pyramid 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 F 9-12PM R0320 BUS ES 445 is cross-listed with STRATEGY 445 and also meets from 9:00 to 12:00 pm on Friday Sept. 20, 2013 in room R0320. 504 Legal Asp Entrepshp 2.25 ADVISORY 24942 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R2210 BUS Schipani ES 504 is cross-listed with LHC 504 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 516 Entrpshp Via Acqsts 1.50 17898 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0220 BUS Hiemstra ES 516.001 meets with ES 516.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17899 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0220 BUS Hiemstra ES 516.451 meets with ES 516.001 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 520 CleanTech Vent Oppor 1.50 22146 P RW REC 001 TTH 430-6PM R1220 BUS Adriaens ES 520 meets with ENGR 521 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013 586 MsE Practicum 1.50 27824 P REC 001 F 9-5PM R2310 BUS MsE Practicum A: Discovery ES 586 is reserved for students enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship program. 615 New Venture Creation 3.00 ENFORCED 18680 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1150AM E1530 BUS Price ES 615.001 does NOT meet Oct 16, 21 or 23, 2013. ES 615.001 will also meet with ES 615.002 on 12/6/13 and on 12/13/13 from 8:00am - 12:00pm. 18681 P RW REC 002 MW 1240-210PM E1530 BUS Price ES 615.002 does NOT meet Oct 16, 21 or 23, 2013. ES 615.002 will also meet with ES 615.001 on 12/6/13 and on 12/13/13 from 8:00am - 12:00pm. 623 Venture Capital Fin 2.25 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 358 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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17900 P RW REC 001 TTH 7-920PM R1240 BUS Brophy ES 623.001 is cross-listed with FIN 623 and meets with ES/FIN 623.451 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in R1240. 17911 P RW REC 451 TTH 7-920PM R1240 BUS Brophy ES 623.451 is cross-listed with FIN 623 and meets with ES/FIN 623.001 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in R1240. 624 Private Equity Fin 2.25 ADVISORY 17917 P RW REC 001 TTH 630-850PM R1240 BUS Brophy ES 624.001 is cross-listed with FIN 624.001 and meets with ES 624.451/FIN 624.451 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013 6:30 pm to 8:50 pm in R1240 23549 P RW REC 451 TTH 630-850PM R1240 BUS Brophy ES 624.451 is cross-listed with FIN 624.451 and meets with ES 624.001/FIN 624.001 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013 6:30 pm to 8:50 pm in R1240 627 Family Business 1.50 18883 P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM R2310 BUS Middleton ES 627.001 meets with ES 627.451 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class will not meet Monday, Nov. 25. 18884 P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM R2310 BUS Middleton ES 627.451 meets with ES 627.001 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class will not meet Monday, Nov. 25. 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY 18929 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM ARR ES 629 is cross-listed with FIN 629 and meets with FIN/ES 329 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16, Oct 23 or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY 19453 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM ARR ES 629.451 is cross-listed with FIN 629 and meets with FIN/ES 329 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16, Oct 23, or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 644 Intr to Microfinance 2.25 22268 P RW REC 001 M 630-1030PM R1230 BUS Gordon 644 Intr to Microfinance 2.25 P RW REC 001 F 10-1130AM R1230 BUS ES 644 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Will also meet on Nov. 1 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. 646 Solv Soc Prob Entrpr 2.25 ENFORCED 19940 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM E0540 BUS Gordon ES 646 is cross-listed with STRATEGY 646 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 735 Entprnl Turnrd Mgmt 1.50 ADVISORY 25968 P R REC 001 M 7-10PM R0220 BUS Hall 25969 P R REC 451 M 7-10PM R0220 BUS Hall 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR

Finance (FIN)

300 Financial Mgt 3.00 ADVISORY 10144 P REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM R1210 BUS Kozak FIN 300 is reserved for BBA juniors only. 10145 P REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM R1210 BUS Piccioni FIN 300 is reserved for BBA juniors only. 10146 P REC 003 TTH 4-530PM R1210 BUS Piccioni FIN 300 is reserved for BBA juniors only. 10147 P REC 004 TTH 230-4PM R1210 BUS Piccioni FIN 300 is reserved for BBA juniors only. 10148 P REC 005 TTH 1-230PM R1210 BUS Schmalz FIN 300 is reserved for BBA juniors only. 29388 P REC 006 TTH 830-10AM R1210 BUS Kozak 302 Making Fin Decisions 3.00 ENFORCED 27184 A RW LEC 001 MW 12-1PM R1100 BUS Dittmar STUDENTS ARE AUTO-ENROLLED IN LECTURE WHEN THEY ELECT A DISCUSSION. 27185 P RW REC 002 F 9-10AM E1550 BUS Venkatachari, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27186 P RW REC 003 F 11-12PM E0530 BUS He, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27187 P RW REC 004 F 10-11AM E1550 BUS Swart, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27188 P RW REC 005 F 10-11AM E0550 BUS Sousa, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27189 P RW REC 006 F 11-12PM E1550 BUS Verbeek, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27190 P RW REC 007 F 11-12PM E0550 BUS Tao, Dittmar FIN 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 314 Corp Investment Dec 3.00 ADVISORY 10149 P RW REC 001 M 830-1130AM K1320 BUS Pierce 15520 P RW REC 002 M 1-4PM R2210 BUS Pierce 317 Corp Financing Dec 3.00 ADVISORY 10150 P RW REC 001 MW 1130-1PM E0530 BUS Huck 329 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 18930 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy 329 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 359 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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FIN 329 is cross-listed with ES 329 and meets with FIN/ES 629 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16, Oct 23 or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). 334 Quant/Value Portfoli 3.00 ADVISORY 24895 P RW REC 001 M 7-10PM E1410 BUS Petainen 334 Quant/Value Portfoli 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM E1410 BUS Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 9 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 Dec. 9, 2013). 334 Quant/Value Portfoli 3.00 ADVISORY 27215 P RW REC 010 M 7-10PM E1410 BUS Petainen 334 Quant/Value Portfoli 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 010 M 630-930PM E1410 BUS Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 9 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 Dec. 9, 2013). 335 Maize and Blue Fund 1.50 ADVISORY 24151 PI SEM 001 T 630-930PM E1410 BUS Dittmar FIN 335 is cross-listed with ACC 335, meets with ACC/FIN 725, and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet on Nov. 26. 380 Options and Futures 1.50 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 22518 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM E0540 BUS Carmel FIN 380 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 412 Intl Fin Mngmnt I 1.50 ADVISORY 25170 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R0240 BUS Pasquariello FIN 412 meets with FIN 612.002 and meets from Sept 4 - Oct 14, 2013 in R0240. 414 Intl Fin Mngmnt II 1.50 ADVISORY 25171 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R0240 BUS Pasquariello FIN 414 meets with FIN 614.002 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in R0240. 503 Fin Mgmt 2.25 ENFORCED 18727 P R REC 001 TTH 8-1020AM R0220 BUS Sosyura FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18728 P R REC 002 TTH 210-430PM R0220 BUS Sosyura FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18729 P R REC 003 TTH 210-430PM R0230 BUS Seyhun FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18730 P R REC 004 TTH 1020-1240PM R0220 BUS Sosyura FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18731 P R REC 005 TTH 1020-1240PM R0230 BUS Seyhun FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18732 P R REC 006 TTH 8-1020AM R0230 BUS Seyhun FIN 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 517 Real Est Ess 3.00 10131 P W LEC 001 M 7-10PM R0230 BUS Allen 551 Finan Mgt & Pol 3.00 ENFORCED 10152 P RW REC 451 W 6-9PM R0230 BUS Schmalz FIN 551.451 will NOT meet Oct 16, Oct 23, or Nov. 27, 2013. An additional class will be held on Monday, Nov 25, 2013. ***Permissions for non-Ross students will be issued in late August, if room permits and based on qualification. Students must show accounting experience (ACC 501) to be considered qualified. 575 Financial Modeling 1.50 ADVISORY 30467 P RW REC 001 TTH 1240-210PM R0220 BUS Rajan FIN core is required prerequisite or concurrent enrollment in FIN 603. 580 Opt&Fut Corp Dec Mak 2.25 ADVISORY 18684 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R0240 BUS Lei FIN 580.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 17882 P RW REC 002 TTH 210-430PM K1320 BUS Lei FIN 580.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 17883 P RW REC 003 TTH 7-920PM R0240 BUS Lei FIN 580.003 meets with FIN 580.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 17884 P RW REC 004 MW 1020-1240PM R1220 BUS Lei FIN 580.004 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 24893 P RW REC 451 TTH 7-920PM R0240 BUS Lei FIN 580.451 meets with FIN 580.003 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 586 Entrepreneurial Fin 1.50 27764 P REC 001 MW 10-1130AM E1550 BUS Brophy FIN 586 is reserved for students enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship program. 603 Adv Fin Analys & Val 3.00 ENFORCED 30065 PIRW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R2220 BUS Narayanan 603 Adv Fin Analys & Val 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 F 10-1130AM R1230 BUS FIN 603.001 will not meet Sept 16 or Sept 18. Class will meet FRIDAY September 6 and September 13, 2013 from 10:00 am - 11:30 am. 604 App Inv Mgmt 1.50 ADVISORY 32959 P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM E1410 BUS Lei This course continues through Fall B to Winter A. 608 Captl Mkt&Inv Strat 2.25 ENFORCED 17885 P RW REC 001 MW 630-850PM R0240 BUS Shumway FIN 608.001 meets with FIN 608.451 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 360 of 382


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25682 P RW REC 002 MW 210-430PM K1310 BUS Shumway FIN 608.002 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 24944 P RW REC 451 MW 630-850PM R0240 BUS Shumway FIN 608.451 meets with FIN 608.001 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 609 Fix Inc Secur&Mkts 2.25 ENFORCED 23254 P RW REC 001 MW 8-1020AM R1220 BUS Dittmar FIN 609.001 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 612 Intl Fin Mngmnt I 1.50 ADVISORY 17886 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1150AM R2210 BUS Pasquariello FIN 612.001 meets Sept 4 - Oct 14, 2013. 19230 P RW REC 002 MW 1240-210PM R0240 BUS Pasquariello FIN 612.002 meets with FIN 412 and meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 19786 P RW REC 003 W 7-10PM R0210 BUS Pasquariello FIN 612.003 meets with FIN 612.451 and meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 19787 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0210 BUS Pasquariello FIN 612.451 meets with FIN 612.003 and meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 614 Intl Fin Mngmnt II 1.50 17913 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1150AM E0550 BUS Pasquariello FIN 614.001 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 25069 P RW REC 002 MW 1240-210PM R0240 BUS Pasquariello FIN 614.002 meets with FIN 414 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013 in R0240. 19788 P RW REC 003 W 630-930PM R1220 BUS Pasquariello FIN 614.003 meets with FIN 614.451 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Nov 27. An additional class will be held Nov 25. 19231 P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R1220 BUS Pasquariello FIN 614.451 with FIN 614.003 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Nov 27. An additional class will be held Nov 25. 615 Valuation 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17887 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R1220 BUS Hall FIN 615.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 17888 P RW REC 002 TTH 210-430PM R1220 BUS Schneider FIN 615.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 17914 P RW REC 003 TTH 8-1020AM R0230 BUS Schneider FIN 615.003 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 20901 P RW REC 004 TTH 7-920PM R0220 BUS Schneider FIN 615.004 meets with FIN 615.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 18685 P RW REC 005 TTH 1020-1240PM E1540 BUS Pierce FIN 615.005 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17889 P RW REC 006 TTH 8-1020AM E1540 BUS Pierce FIN 615.006 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 20902 P RW REC 451 TTH 7-920PM R0220 BUS Schneider FIN 615.451 meets with FIN 615.004 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 621 Corp Finan Policy 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17890 P RW REC 001 MW 210-430PM K1310 BUS Kim FIN 621.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 24894 P RW REC 002 TTH 210-430PM E0550 BUS Kim FIN 621.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 623 Venture Capital Fin 2.25 17891 P RW REC 001 TTH 7-920PM R1240 BUS Brophy FIN 623.001 is cross-listed with ES 623 and meets with ES/FIN 623.451 from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013 in R1240. 17909 P RW REC 451 TTH 7-920PM R1240 BUS Brophy FIN 623.451 is cross-listed with ES 623 and meets with ES/FIN 623.001 from Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013 in R1240. 624 Private Equity Fin 2.25 ADVISORY 17915 P RW REC 001 TTH 630-850PM R1240 BUS Brophy FIN 624.001 is cross-listed with ES 624.001 and meets with FIN 624.451/ES 624.451 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 6:30 pm to 8:50 pm in R1240 23548 P RW REC 451 TTH 630-850PM R1240 BUS Brophy FIN 624.451 is cross-listed with ES 624.451 and meets with FIN 624.001/ES 624.001 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 6:30 pm to 8:50 pm in R1240 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY 18928 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM ARR FIN 629.001 is cross-listed with ES 629 and meets with FIN/ES 329 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16, Oct 23, or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY 19450 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM ARR Brophy 629 Finan Resrch Comcial 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM ARR FIN 629 is cross-listed with ES 629 and meets with FIN/ES 329 in the Colloquium. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Oct 16, Oct 23, or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 645 Real Opt Valuations 2.25 ENFORCED 18686 P RW REC 001 TTH 210-430PM K1320 BUS Carmel FIN 645.001 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 725 Maize and Blue Fund 1.50 ADVISORY 24237 PI SEM 001 T 1-1AM E1410 BUS Dittmar FIN 725 is cross-listed with ACC 725, meets with ACC/FIN 335, and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013 in E1410. Class will not meet Nov. 26, 2013. 742 Special Topics 1.50 U of M Schedule of Classes Page 361 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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33635 P RW LEC 001 M Equity Security Analysis I 33660 P RW LEC 451 M Equity Security Analysis I 743 Special Topics 33642 P RW REC 001 M Equity Security Analysis II 33661 P RW REC 451 M Equity Security Analysis II 750 Indep Study Project I IND + 855 Inv Dec Symmetr Inf 22326 P RW SEM 001 865 Asymmetric Info 27080 P R SEM 001 871 Corporate Finance 21478 P RW SEM 001 FIN 871 meets Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013. 900 Special Research I IND + 990 Diss-Precand I IND + 995 Diss-Cand IR IND +

7-10PM 7-10PM 630-930PM 630-930PM ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR

R0240 BUS R0240 BUS 1.50 E1540 BUS E1540 BUS 1.00-3.00 ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 1.00-8.00 ARR 8.00 ARR 3.00 ADVISORY Bishara Bishara Cameron III 1.50 ADVISORY Bishara 1.50 Siedel ADVISORY ENFORCED ADVISORY 3.00 ADVISORY Shumway, Rajan 3.00 ADVISORY Rajan 1.50 ADVISORY Purnanandam 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY

Law, History and Communication (LHC)

305 Legal Envir of Bus 10165 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM 10166 P RW REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM 29426 P RW REC 003 TTH 1-230PM 309 Bus Ethic & Account 22338 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM LHC 309 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 310 Neg & Dispute Res 22340 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-530PM LHC 310 meets November 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21 in Fall 2013. 329 Social Media 29721 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM 350 Prof Communctn Strat 15593 P R REC 001 M 830-10AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15594 P R REC 002 M 10-1130AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15595 P R REC 003 M 1130-1PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15596 P R REC 004 M 1-230PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15597 P R REC 005 M 230-4PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15598 P R REC 006 W 10-1130AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15599 P R REC 007 W 1130-1PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 15600 P R REC 008 W 10-1130AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 19791 P R REC 009 W 1-230PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 19792 P R REC 010 W 230-4PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 19793 P R REC 011 M 1130-1PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 19794 P R REC 012 W 830-10AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 25139 P R REC 013 M 230-4PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 25926 P R REC 014 W 230-4PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 29430 P R REC 015 M 10-1130AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 29431 P R REC 016 W 1130-1PM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 29433 P R REC 017 W 830-10AM LHC 350 is reserved for BBA students only. 399 Indep Study Project I IND + ARR 412 Amer Bus History 17433 P RW REC 001 TTH 1130-1PM LHC 412 is cross-listed with HISTORY 476. 489 Bus&Pub Pol Thesis U of M Schedule of Classes Page 362 of R1240 BUS R1240 BUS R1240 BUS R1240 BUS R1230 BUS R0320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2310 BUS R2320 BUS R2320 BUS R2310 BUS R2310 BUS R2310 BUS R2310 BUS R2310 BUS R2310 BUS R2320 BUS ARR K1310 BUS

3.00 Young, Hinesly 1.50 ADVISORY, ENFORCED Zimmerman Pawlik Pawlik Hinesly Hinesly Galifianakis Galifianakis Kotzian Hinesly Young Young Crawford Young Morrow Crawford Young Zimmerman 1.00-3.00 3.00 Hinesly 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY ADVISORY FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339


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27388 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Hess 504 Legal Asp Entrepshp 2.25 ADVISORY 24818 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R2210 BUS Schipani LHC 504 is cross-listed with ES 504 and meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. No JD students. 510 Negot&Disp Resolutn 2.25 23255 P RW REC 001 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS Siedel 510 Negot&Disp Resolutn 2.25 P RW REC 001 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS P RW REC 001 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS LHC 510.001 meets with LHC 510.451, In Fall 2013, class meets Nov. 22, Dec. 6 and Dec. 13. 510 Negot&Disp Resolutn 2.25 23520 P RW REC 451 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS Siedel 510 Negot&Disp Resolutn 2.25 P RW REC 451 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS P RW REC 451 F 8-5PM R1240 BUS LHC 510.001 meets with LHC 510.451. In Fall 2013, class meets Nov. 22, Dec. 6 and Dec. 13. 512 Intro to Bus Law 1.50 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17901 P RW REC 001 TTH 850-1020AM R0220 BUS Cameron III LHC 512.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. No JD students. 513 Law of Marketing 1.50 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23256 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0240 BUS Kornfield LHC 513.001 meets with LHC 513.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. No JD students. 22342 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0240 BUS Kornfield LHC 513.451 meets with LHC 513.001 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. No JD students. 517 Law of Bus Org 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24820 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R1230 BUS Schipani LHC 517.001 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. No JD students. 24972 P RW REC 002 TTH 210-430PM R0240 BUS Schipani LHC 517.002 meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. No JD students. 521 Entrep Wrt Fundmntl 1.50 19789 P RW REC 001 TTH 1240-210PM R0420 BUS Kotzian LHC 521 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 522 Mngrl Writ Fundmntl 1.50 ENFORCED 17902 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1150AM R2320 BUS Galifianakis LHC 522.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17903 P RW REC 002 MW 1240-210PM E0550 BUS Crawford LHC 522.002 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 22801 P RW REC 003 TTH 850-1020AM R0420 BUS Galifianakis LHC 522.003 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 29438 P RW REC 004 TTH 1020-1150AM R2320 BUS Pawlik LHC 522.004 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 29439 P RW REC 005 TTH 1020-1150AM R0420 BUS Galifianakis LHC 522.005 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 524 Persuasive Mgt Comm 1.50 21627 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1150AM E0550 BUS Zimmerman LHC 524.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 30027 P RW REC 002 T 7-10PM R2230 BUS Zimmerman 24749 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM R2230 BUS Zimmerman LHC 524.451 meets with LHC 524.003 and meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 529 Social Media 3.00 29722 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM R0320 BUS Hinesly, Young LHC 529.001 does not meet Oct. 15, 17, 22, 24, 2013. 536 Ethics Corp Mngmt 2.25 ENFORCED 22364 P RW REC 001 TTH 210-430PM R1220 BUS Bishara LHC 536 is cross-listed with NRE 512 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 561 Mgmt Presentations 1.50 17904 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R0420 BUS Kotzian LHC 561.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17905 P RW REC 002 TTH 1240-210PM R0420 BUS Pawlik LHC 561.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17927 P RW REC 003 MW 1240-210PM R0420 BUS Crawford LHC 561.003 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 21479 P RW REC 004 TTH 210-340PM R0420 BUS Kotzian LHC 561.004 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 688 Washington Campus 3.00 30016 PI SEM 001 ARR ARR Schipani Business and the Public Policy LHC 688.001 is an off-site course taught in Washington, D.C. The course requires participation in Washington D.C. August 26--30, followed by a group project and a public policy paper, due in early Fall. Only selected students receive permission to register. For more information, contact 30017 PI SEM 451 ARR ARR Schipani Business and the Public Policy LHC 688.451 is an off-site course taught in Washington, D.C. The course requires participation in Washington D.C. August 26--30, followed by a group project and a public policy paper, due in early Fall. Only selected students receive permission to register. For more information, contact 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR

Marketing (MKT)
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300 Marketing Mgmt I 3.00 10169 P REC 001 MW 830-10AM R1210 BUS Wooten MKT 300 is reserved for junior BBA students only. 10170 P REC 002 MW 10-1130AM R1210 BUS Schwartz MKT 300 is reserved for junior BBA students only. 10172 P REC 003 MW 1130-1PM R1210 BUS Wooten MKT 300 is reserved for junior BBA students only. 10171 P REC 004 MW 1-230PM R1210 BUS Rick MKT 300 is reserved for junior BBA students only. 10173 P REC 005 MW 230-4PM R1210 BUS Rick MKT 300 is reserved for junior BBA students only. 26861 P REC 006 MW 4-530PM R1210 BUS Wooten MKT 300.006 is reserved for non-Business School students with junior standing or above with some seats reserved for Business Minor students. 27668 P RW REC 007 MW 830-10AM E0540 BUS Schwartz MKT 300.007 is reserved for non-Business School students with junior standing or above with some seats reserved for Business Minor students. 29435 P RW REC 008 MW 1-230PM E1540 BUS Schwartz 308 Pricing 3.00 29436 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM E1550 BUS Krishna 310 Fundmntls Sales Mgt 3.00 19790 P RW REC 001 T 7-10PM K1320 BUS Carter 310 Fundmntls Sales Mgt 3.00 P RW REC 001 T 630-930PM ARR Instructor monitors waitlist, add yourself to the waitlist to be considered. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). 310 Fundmntls Sales Mgt 3.00 22345 P RW REC 002 W 10-1PM K1320 BUS Carter Instructor monitors waitlist, add yourself to the waitlist to be considered. 318 Mkt Res Des&Anlys 3.00 ADVISORY 29437 P RW REC 001 TTH 230-4PM E1550 BUS Aribarg 322 Digital Marketing 1.50 ADVISORY 22513 P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM R0220 BUS O'Day MKT 322 meets Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25 and Dec. 2, 9 in Fall 2013. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 407 Des Persuasive Comm 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19986 P RW SEM 001 TTH 10-1130AM E0550 BUS Sasser MKT 407 meets with COMM 462. Students cannot receive credit for both MKT 407 and MKT 311, COMM 468 or 462. 503 Marketing Mngmt 2.25 ENFORCED 17918 P R REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R2220 BUS Orhun MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17919 P R REC 002 MW 8-1020AM R2220 BUS Orhun MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17920 P R REC 003 MW 210-430PM R2220 BUS Orhun MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17921 P R REC 004 MW 1020-1240PM R2230 BUS Misra MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17922 P R REC 005 MW 8-1020AM R2230 BUS Misra MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 17923 P R REC 006 MW 210-430PM R2230 BUS Misra MKT 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 586 Entrepreneurial Mkt 1.50 27797 P REC 001 MW 1130-1PM R0320 BUS Sriram MKT 586 is reserved for students enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship program. 601 Strategic Mktg Plan 3.00 ADVISORY 23262 P RW REC 001 MW 8-930AM R2240 BUS Kinnear MKT 601.001 does NOT meet Oct 16, Oct 21, Oct 23, or Nov 27, 2013. 29422 P RW REC 002 T 7-10PM R2240 BUS Kinnear P RW REC 002 T 630-930PM ARR MKT 601.002 does NOT meet Oct 15, Oct 22, or Nov 26, 2013. 29423 P RW REC 003 W 7-10PM R2240 BUS Manchanda P RW REC 003 W 630-930PM ARR MKT 601.003 meets with MKT 601.451 and does NOT meet Oct 16, Oct 23 or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will meet Monday, Nov 25. 29424 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R2240 BUS Manchanda P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM ARR MKT 601.451 meets with MKT 601.003 and does NOT meet Oct 16, Oct 23 or Nov 27, 2013. An additional class will meet Monday, Nov. 25. 603 Strategic Brand Mgt 2.25 ADVISORY 18695 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R0220 BUS Batra MKT 603.001 meets with MKT 603.010 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Please note that some seats in MKT 603 are reserved for incoming MBA1s. 18696 P RW REC 002 MW 210-430PM R0220 BUS Batra MKT 603.002 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Please note that some seats in MKT 603.002 are reserved for incoming MBA1s. 18697 P RW REC 003 T 630-930PM R0220 BUS Batra P RW REC 003 TTH 630-930PM R0220 BUS P RW REC 003 T 630-930PM R0220 BUS U of M Schedule of Classes Page 364 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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P RW REC 003 TH 630-930PM R0220 BUS MKT 603.003 meets with MKT 603.451 from 6:30-9:30pm on the following dates: Oct 29; Nov 5, 7, 12, 19, 26; Dec 3, 5, 10, 2013. 27161 P REC 010 MW 1020-1240PM R0220 BUS Batra MKT 603.010 meets with MKT 603.001 from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Please note that some seats in MKT 603 are reserved for incoming MBA1s. 18717 P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R0220 BUS Batra P RW REC 451 TTH 630-930PM R0220 BUS P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R0220 BUS P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM R0220 BUS MKT 603.003 meets with MKT 603.451 from 6:30-9:30pm on the following dates: Oct 29; Nov 5, 7, 12, 19, 26; Dec 3, 5, 10, 2013. 608 Pricing Strat&Tactic 3.00 29427 P RW REC 001 TTH 850-1020AM E1550 BUS Krishna MKT 608.001 does not meet Oct. 15, 17, 22, 24, 2013. 29428 P RW REC 002 TTH 1020-1150AM E1550 BUS Krishna MKT 608.002 does not meet Oct. 15, 17, 22, 24, 2013. 613 Consumer Behavior 1.50 ADVISORY 29429 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R1220 BUS Branch 618 Mkt Res Des&Anlys 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21482 P RW REC 001 TTH 1240-210PM R0230 BUS Aribarg MKT 618.001 does not meet Oct. 15, 17, 22, 24, 2013. 30423 P RW REC 002 TH 7-10PM E1540 BUS Aribarg P RW REC 002 TH 630-930PM E1540 BUS MKT 618.002 meets with MKT 618.451. Class will NOT meet 10/17, 10/24, 11/28. An additional meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11/26/2013. Class will meet starting at 6:30 pm in Fall B. 30424 P RW REC 451 TH 7-10PM E1540 BUS Aribarg P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM E1540 BUS MKT 618.451 meets with MKT 618.002. Class will NOT meet 10/17, 10/24, 11/28. An additional meeting will be held on Tuesday, 11/26/2013. Class will meet starting at 6:30 pm in Fall B. 627 Leverag Ind Des Mkt 1.50 20693 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM E1550 BUS Duncan MKT 627.001 meets with MKT 627.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 20694 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM E1550 BUS Duncan MKT 627.451 meets with MKT 627.001 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 640 Global Sup Chain Mgt 3.00 ADVISORY 21127 P RW REC 001 T 1-4PM E1540 BUS Anupindi MKT 640 is cross-listed with TO 620. Class will NOT meet on Oct 15, Oct 22, or Nov 26, 2013. 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 896 Behav Res Mkt 1.50 ADVISORY 23419 P RW SEM 001 ARR ARR Wooten MKT 896 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 897 Quant Res Mkt 1.50 ADVISORY 23420 P RW SEM 001 ARR ARR Manchanda MKT 897 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 900 Special Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Management and Organizations (MO)

300 Behavior Theory Mgt 24731 P R REC 001 MW 1130-1PM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 24732 P R REC 002 MW 230-4PM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 24733 P R REC 003 MW 1-230PM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 24734 P R REC 004 MW 4-530PM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 24735 P R REC 005 MW 830-10AM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 25970 P R REC 006 MW 10-1130AM R0210 BUS MO 300 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 302 Pos Lead People&Org 27182 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM R0320 BUS MO 302.001 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 27183 P RW REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM R0320 BUS MO 302.002 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. 314 Managing Change 22346 P RW REC 001 MW 10-1130AM R0320 BUS 399 Indep Study Project I IND + ARR ARR 501 Human Behav&Orgzn 18699 P RW REC 451 M 7-10PM R1220 BUS 501 Human Behav&Orgzn U of M Schedule of Classes Page 365 of 382

3.00 Ong Kim Sandelands Morgan Sandelands Sandelands 3.00 Spreitzer Spreitzer 3.00 Spreitzer 1.00-3.00 3.00 Baker 3.00



ADVISORY ENFORCED ENFORCED FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM R1220 BUS MO 501 will NOT meet on 10/21/13 or 11/25/13. 503 Leading People & Org 2.25 ENFORCED 18701 P R REC 001 TTH 210-430PM R2220 BUS DeRue MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18702 P R REC 002 TTH 1020-1240PM R2220 BUS DeRue MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18703 P R REC 003 TTH 8-1020AM R2220 BUS DeRue MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18704 P R REC 004 TTH 8-1020AM R2230 BUS Sytch MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18705 P R REC 005 TTH 210-430PM R2230 BUS Sytch MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 18706 P R REC 006 TTH 1020-1240PM R2230 BUS Sytch MO 503 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. 512 Bargain&Infl Skills 2.25 17910 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R0420 BUS Kopelman MO 512.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 17926 P RW REC 002 MW 210-430PM R0420 BUS Kopelman MO 512.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 19238 P RW REC 003 TTH 1020-1240PM R0420 BUS Kopelman MO 512.003 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 19285 P RW REC 004 MW 8-1020AM R0420 BUS Kopelman MO 512.004 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 23263 P RW REC 005 MW 210-430PM R0420 BUS Rees MO 512.005 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 19239 P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM E0550 BUS Morgan P RW REC 451 SA 9-6PM E0550 BUS MO 512.451 meets Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. There will also be a class on Saturday, Dec 7, 2013 from 9 am - 6 pm. Given the experiential nature of pedagogy, enrollment in each section will be limited and attendance is mandatory. Registered students must be present from the beginning of the first class session to retain their registration in the class. This course is complementary to LHC 510 and both can be taken in either order. 561 Inter Dyn in Mgt 3.00 ENFORCED 20970 P RW REC 001 FSA 830-6PM R0320 BUS Caproni 561 Inter Dyn in Mgt 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 FSA 830-6PM R0320 BUS P RW REC 001 SA 830-1PM R0320 BUS MO 561.001 meets with MO 561.451 and meets from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm on Sept. 27-28 and Oct 11-12, 2013; and from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm on Nov. 16, 2013. 561 Inter Dyn in Mgt 3.00 ENFORCED 18707 P RW REC 451 FSA 830-6PM R0320 BUS Caproni 561 Inter Dyn in Mgt 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 FSA 830-6PM R0320 BUS P RW REC 451 SA 830-1PM R0320 BUS MO 561.001 meets with MO 561.451 and meets from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm on Sept. 27-28 and Oct 11-12, 2013; and from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm on Nov. 16, 2013. 563 Lead Creatv & Innov 1.50 ADVISORY 21605 P RW LEC 001 M 9-12PM ARR Degraff, Tschirhart MO 563.001 is cross listed with Strategy 563, meets with MO 563.451, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 25592 P RW LEC 002 M 7-10PM ARR Tschirhart MO 563.002 is cross listed with Strategy 563 and meets with MO 563.452, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 21637 P RW LEC 451 M 9-12PM ARR Tschirhart MO 563.451 is cross listed with Strategy 563, meets with MO 563.001, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 25593 P RW LEC 452 M 7-10PM ARR Tschirhart MO 563.452 is cross listed with Strategy 563 and meets with MO 563.002, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 603 Navigating Change 1.50 ADVISORY 17906 P RW REC 001 T 7-10PM R0320 BUS Cameron MO 603.001 meets with MO 603.451 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 21538 P RW REC 002 T 630-930PM R0320 BUS Cameron MO 603.002 meets with MO 603.452 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class does not meet Nov. 26. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 366 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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18708 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM R0320 BUS Cameron MO 603.451 meets with MO 603.001 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 21539 P RW REC 452 T 630-930PM R0320 BUS Cameron MO 603.452 meets with MO 603.002 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec 11, 2013. Class does not meet Nov. 26. 611 Bus Ldshp Chg Times 1.50 ADVISORY 17907 P RW REC 001 W 210-510PM R1220 BUS Meyers MO 611.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17924 P RW REC 002 W 210-510PM R1220 BUS Meyers P RW REC 002 F 210-510PM R2220 BUS MO 611.002 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Nov 27. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 617 Creat&Dev Perf Team 1.50 22373 P RW REC 001 F 830-6PM R0320 BUS Caproni 617 Creat&Dev Perf Team 1.50 P RW REC 001 F 830-430PM R0320 BUS P RW REC 001 F 830-1PM R0320 BUS MO 617.001 meets with MO 617.451 and meets from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm on Nov. 8, 2013; from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on Nov. 22; from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm on Dec. 6, 2013. 617 Creat&Dev Perf Team 1.50 22635 P RW REC 451 F 830-6PM R0320 BUS Caproni 617 Creat&Dev Perf Team 1.50 P RW REC 451 F 830-430PM R0320 BUS P RW REC 451 F 830-1PM R0320 BUS MO 617.451 meets with MO 617.001 and meets from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm on Nov. 8, 2013; from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm on Nov. 22; from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm on Dec. 6, 2013. 672 Lead Non-Profit Orgs 1.50 ADVISORY 23431 P RW REC 001 F 1230-430PM R2320 BUS Tichy 672 Lead Non-Profit Orgs 1.50 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 SA 830-1130AM R2320 BUS MO 672.001 meets with MO 672.451 and meets from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm on Fridays 9/6, 9/13, 9/20/2013; and meets from 8:30 am - 11:30 am on Saturdays 9/7, 9/14, 9/21/2013. 672 Lead Non-Profit Orgs 1.50 ADVISORY 23432 P RW REC 451 F 1230-430PM R2320 BUS Tichy 672 Lead Non-Profit Orgs 1.50 ADVISORY P RW REC 451 SA 830-1130AM R2320 BUS MO 672.001 meets with MO 672.451 and meets from 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm on Fridays 9/6, 9/13, 9/20/2013; and meets from 8:30 am - 11:30 am on Saturdays 9/7, 9/14, 9/21/2013. 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 840 Sem Orgnztl St 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 10132 P RW SEM 001 F 130-3PM K1310 BUS Ashford Class will NOT meet on Nov. 29, 2013. 899 Doctoral Seminar 3.00 ADVISORY 18014 P RW SEM 001 W 2-5PM R5020 BUS Baker MO 899 will NOT meet Wednesdays Oct 16, Oct 23, or Nov 25, 2013. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. 900 Special Research 1.00-6.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Strategy (STRATEGY)

310 The World Economy 3.00 ADVISORY 21484 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM E1540 BUS Zhou 390 Corporate Strategy 3.00 ADVISORY 19201 P REC 001 TTH 1-230PM R2240 BUS Ostler STRATEGY 390 is reserved for BBA seniors only. 19202 P REC 002 TTH 830-10AM R2240 BUS Nagarajan STRATEGY 390 is reserved for BBA seniors only. 19210 P REC 003 TTH 230-4PM R2240 BUS Ryoo STRATEGY 390 is reserved for BBA seniors only. 19211 P REC 004 TTH 1130-1PM R2240 BUS Ostler STRATEGY 390 is reserved for BBA seniors only. 19212 P REC 005 TTH 10-1130AM R2240 BUS Nagarajan STRATEGY 390 is reserved for BBA seniors only. 399 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 411 Corp in Society 3.00 29399 P RW REC 001 MW 1130-1PM E1550 BUS Walsh 425 ABIS 1.00 18461 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Tsai 445 Base of Pyramid 3.00 ADVISORY 19939 P RW REC 001 TTH 1-230PM E0540 BUS Gordon 445 Base of Pyramid 3.00 ADVISORY P RW REC 001 F 9-12PM R0320 BUS STRATEGY 445 is cross-listed with ES 445 and also meets from 9:00 to 12:00 pm on Friday Sept. 20, 2013 in room R0320. 502 Corporate Strategy 2.25 ENFORCED U of M Schedule of Classes Page 367 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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17892 P R REC 001 MW 8-1020AM R2220 BUS Carnahan STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17893 P R REC 002 MW 210-430PM R2230 BUS Csaszar STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17894 P R REC 003 MW 1020-1240PM R2230 BUS Csaszar STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17895 P R REC 004 MW 8-1020AM R2230 BUS Csaszar STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17896 P R REC 005 MW 1020-1240PM R2220 BUS Carnahan STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17897 P R REC 006 MW 210-430PM R2220 BUS Carnahan STRATEGY 502 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 503 The World Economy 1.50 17916 P RW REC 001 MW 850-1020AM R1230 BUS Lim STRATEGY 503.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013, and is reserved for MBA2s. 21541 P RW REC 002 MW 1020-1150AM R1230 BUS Lim STRATEGY 503.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013, and is reserved for MBA2s. 19219 P RW REC 003 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS Lim P RW REC 003 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS P RW REC 003 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS STRATEGY 503.003 meets with STRATEGY 503.451. This section is reserved for MBA2s. This section meets on Saturdays: Sept. 14, Sept. 28 and Oct. 12, 2013 from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. 22349 P RW REC 004 MW 1020-1150AM R1230 BUS Zhou STRATEGY 503.004 meets with STRATEGY 503.040 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 19218 P RW REC 005 MW 850-1020AM R1230 BUS Zhou STRATEGY 503.005 meets with STRATEGY 503.050 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 32134 P RW REC 006 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS Zhou P RW REC 006 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS STRATEGY 503.006 meets with STRATEGY 503.060/.452 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 25237 P RW REC 040 MW 1020-1150AM R1230 BUS Zhou STRATEGY 503.040 meets with STRATEGY 503.004 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. This section is reserved for MBA1s. 25265 P RW REC 050 MW 850-1020AM R1230 BUS Zhou STRATEGY 503.005 meets with STRATEGY 503.050 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. This section is reserved for MBA1s. 32138 P RW REC 060 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS Zhou P RW REC 060 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS STRATEGY 503.060 meets with STRATEGY 503.006/.452 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 18669 P RW REC 451 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS Lim P RW REC 451 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS P RW REC 451 SA 10-5PM R1240 BUS STRATEGY 503.451 meets with STRATEGY 503.003. This section is reserved for evening MBA students. This section meets on Saturdays: Sept. 14, Sept. 28 and Oct. 12, 2013 from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. 32137 P RW REC 452 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS Zhou P RW REC 452 W 630-930PM R2210 BUS STRATEGY 503.452 meets with STRATEGY 503.006/060 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 525 Erb Inst Seminar 1.50 19145 PI REC 001 W 430-730PM R2310 BUS Gladwin BA 525 is cross-listed with NRE 526 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Wednesday, Nov 27. An additional class will be held Monday, Nov 25. This class is reserved for Erb students. Students should contact the Erb Institute ( for registration. 563 Lead Creatv & Innov 1.50 ADVISORY 25076 P RW LEC 001 M 9-12PM ARR Degraff, Tschirhart STRATEGY 563.001 is cross listed with MO 563, meets with STRATEGY 563.451, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 25594 P RW LEC 002 M 7-10PM ARR Tschirhart STRATEGY 563.002 is cross listed with MO 563, meets with STRATEGY 563.452, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 25077 P RW LEC 451 M 9-12PM ARR Tschirhart STRATEGY 563.451 is cross listed with MO 563, meets with STRATEGY 563.001, and meets from Sept Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 25595 P RW LEC 452 M 7-10PM ARR Tschirhart STRATEGY 563.452 is cross listed with MO 563, meets with STRATEGY 563.002, and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013 in the Innovatrium at 601 East University (Top floor of bank building on Corner of East and South University). 564 Sus Dev I: Env Strt 1.50 ADVISORY 21544 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM K1320 BUS Hoffman STRATEGY 564 meets with NRE 513 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 565 Sus Dev II: Soc Iss 1.50 ADVISORY 21545 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM E1530 BUS Hoffman STRATEGY 565 meets with NRE 513 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 584 Business in Asia 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10158 P RW REC 001 MW 1240-210PM R1230 BUS Lim STRATEGY 584 will NOT meet Oct 16, Oct. 21, or Oct. 23, 2013. Students who are enrolled in STRATEGY 503 in Fall A are eligible to enroll concurrently in 584. Please contact for permission to enroll. 24626 P RW REC 002 T 7-10PM R2310 BUS Lim P RW REC 002 T 630-930PM ARR STRATEGY 584.002 meets with STRATEGY 584.451. STRATEGY 584 will NOT meet Oct 15, Oct. 22 or Nov. 26, 2013. Students who are enrolled in STRATEGY 503 in Fall A are eligible to enroll concurrently in 584. Please contact for permission to enroll. 25143 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM R2310 BUS Lim P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 368 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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STRATEGY 584.451 meets with STRATEGY 584.002. STRATEGY 584 will NOT meet Oct 15, Oct. 22 or Nov. 26, 2013. Students who are enrolled in STRATEGY 503 in Fall A are eligible to enroll concurrently in 584. Please contact for permission to enroll. 586 Entrepreneurl Strat 1.50 27804 P REC 001 MW 1130-1PM R0320 BUS Nagarajan STRATEGY 586 is reserved for students enrolled in the Masters of Entrepreneurship program. 601 Corporate Strategy 3.00 ENFORCED 10159 P RW REC 451 TH 7-10PM R2320 BUS Nagarajan 601 Corporate Strategy 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM ARR STRATEGY 601 will NOT meet Oct 17, Oct. 24 or Nov. 28, 2013. An additional meeting will be held Tuesday, Nov. 26, 2013. 630 New Age of Innovtn 2.25 29463 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM E0540 BUS Krishnan STRATEGY 630.001 meets with TO 630.001 in Fall A. 646 Solv Soc Prob Entrpr 2.25 ENFORCED 19953 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM E0540 BUS Gordon STRATEGY 646 is cross-listed with ES 646 and meets from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 669 Adv Competitive Anl 3.00 ENFORCED 22350 P RW REC 001 T 130-430PM R2210 BUS Ahuja STRATEGY 669.001 will not meet Oct 15, 22; Nov 26, 2013. 22351 P RW REC 002 W 130-430PM R2210 BUS Ahuja STRATEGY 669.002 will not meet Oct 16, 23; Nov 27, 2013. 22352 P RW REC 003 TH 130-430PM R2210 BUS Ahuja P RW REC 003 SA 10-1PM R2210 BUS STRATEGY 669.003 will not meet Oct 17, 24; Nov 28. An additional class will be held on Saturday, Dec 7, 2013 from 10 am - 1 pm. 672 Strategies-Growth 2.25 ENFORCED 24627 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM R1220 BUS Karnani Strategy 672 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 24628 P RW REC 002 MW 8-1020AM R1220 BUS Karnani Strategy 672 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 24629 P RW REC 003 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS Karnani P RW REC 003 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS P RW REC 003 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS P RW REC 003 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS STRATEGY 672.003 meets with STRATEGY 672.451 and meets 9/7, 9/21, 10/5, 10/12/13. 24630 P RW REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS Karnani P RW REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS P RW REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS P RW REC 451 SA 9-5PM R2240 BUS STRATEGY 672.451 meets with STRATEGY 672.003 and meets 9/7, 9/21, 10/5, 10/12/13. 675 New Game Bus Models 2.25 ADVISORY 19781 P RW REC 001 TTH 1020-1240PM R0240 BUS Afuah STRATEGY 675 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 29392 P RW REC 002 TTH 8-1020AM R0240 BUS Afuah 750 Indep Study Project 1.00-3.00 I IND + ARR ARR 897 Doc Sem Corp Strat 1.50 ADVISORY 22117 P RW SEM 001 ARR ARR Ahuja STRATEGY 897 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 898 Doc Sem Corp Strat 1.50 ADVISORY 17928 P RW SEM 001 W 230-530PM ARR Westphal 900 Doctoral Research 1.00-6.00 I IND + ARR ARR 990 Diss-Precand 1.00-8.00 I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Cand 8.00 ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Technology and Operations (TO)

200 Prodctivty Info Tech 19348 P R REC 001 M 1-230PM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 19349 P R REC 002 M 10-1130AM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 19350 P R REC 003 W 230-4PM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 19346 P R REC 004 W 10-1130AM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 19347 P R REC 005 W 1-230PM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 24117 P R REC 006 M 230-4PM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 25967 P R REC 007 W 4-530PM R2240 BUS TO 200 is reserved for incoming BBA students only. 302 Managing Bus Ops 27181 P RW REC 001 MW 230-4PM E0530 BUS TO 302 is reserved for non Business students of sophomore standing and above. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 369 of 382

1.50 Peterson Walls Peterson Walls Peterson Peterson Peterson 3.00 Wu



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311 20462 21486 482 24896 482

Support With Excel 3.00 P RW REC 001 TTH 10-1130AM E0530 BUS Walls P RW REC 002 TTH 1130-1PM E0530 BUS Walls Action Learning Proj 7.50 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 M 7-10PM R2230 BUS Kapuscinski, Duenyas Action Learning Proj 7.50 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM ARR TO 482 meets with TO 582. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). Class will NOT meet Oct 21 or Nov. 25 501 Appl Bus Stat 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 10190 P RW REC 451 TH 7-10PM R0210 BUS Lenk 501 Appl Bus Stat 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED P RW REC 451 TH 630-930PM ARR TO 501.451 will NOT meet Oct. 17, Oct. 24, or Nov. 28, 2013. An additional class will meet on Tuesday, Nov. 26. 502 Appl Bus Stat 2.25 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18709 P R REC 001 TTH 210-430PM R2230 BUS Ahn TO 502.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18710 P R REC 002 TTH 8-1020AM R2230 BUS Ahn TO 502.002 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18711 P R REC 003 TTH 210-430PM R0230 BUS Sinha TO 502.003 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18712 P R REC 004 TTH 1020-1240PM R1230 BUS Sinha TO 502.004 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18713 P R REC 005 TTH 8-1020AM R1230 BUS Sinha TO 502.005 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 18714 P R REC 006 TTH 1020-1240PM R2230 BUS Ahn TO 502.006 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 512 Decsn Supprt Sprdsh 1.50 ENFORCED 17880 P RW REC 001 TTH 1240-210PM R2230 BUS Schriber TO 512.001 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17881 P RW REC 002 T 7-10PM R0210 BUS Schriber TO 512.002 meets with TO 512.451 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 17908 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM R0210 BUS Schriber TO 512.451 meets with TO 512.002 from Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 513 Applic Devt Sprdsht 1.50 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17912 P RW REC 001 T 630-930PM R0210 BUS Schriber TO 513.001 meets with TO 513.451 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Nov 26. 17925 P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM R0210 BUS Schriber TO 513.451 meets with TO 513.001 and meets from Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet Nov 26. 518 Linear Pro I 3.00 ADVISORY 10191 P LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 1010 DOW 548 Integ Product Dev 3.00 ADVISORY 23264 PI REC 001 W 6-9PM 2150 DOW Lovejoy TO 548 meets with IOE 548 on North Campus. Ross students should register for BOTH TO 548 and IOE 548 for a total of 6 credit hours. Students interested in this course should email Class will NOT meet on Nov. 27, 2013. An additional class will be held on Nov. 25. 551 Intro to Operations 3.00 ENFORCED 10180 P RW REC 451 T 7-10PM R2220 BUS Svaan 551 Intro to Operations 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 T 630-930PM ARR TO 551 will NOT meet Oct. 15, Oct. 22, or Nov 26, 2013. 572 Appl Bus Forecst I 1.50 ADVISORY 21483 P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM R2230 BUS Lenk TO 572.001 meets with TO 572.451 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 26790 P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R2230 BUS Lenk TO 572.451 meets with TO 572.001 from Oct. 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 582 Action Learning Proj 7.50 ENFORCED 24899 P RW REC 001 M 7-10PM R2230 BUS Kapuscinski, Duenyas 582 Action Learning Proj 7.50 ENFORCED P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM ARR TO 582 meets with TO 482. Class will start at 7:00pm during Fall A (Sept 3 - Oct 14, 2013) and will start at 6:30pm during Fall B (Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013). Class will NOT meet Oct 21 or Nov. 25. 601 Information Systems 3.00 ENFORCED 10140 P RW REC 451 M 7-10PM R2220 BUS Melville 601 Information Systems 3.00 ENFORCED P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM ARR TO 551 will NOT meet Oct. 21 or Nov. 25, 2013. 620 Global Sup Chain Mgt 3.00 ADVISORY 18715 P RW REC 001 T 1-4PM E1540 BUS Anupindi TO 620 is cross-listed with MKT 640 and meets in room E1530. Class will NOT meet on Oct 24 or Nov 28. An additional class will be held on Tuesday, November 26, 2013. 623 Information Technolo 1.50 22516 P RW REC 001 MW 210-340PM R1240 BUS Melville TO 623 meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. 624 Strategic Sourcing 2.25 22347 P RW REC 001 MW 8-1020AM R2210 BUS Beil TO 624 meets Sept 3 - Oct. 14, 2013. 630 New Age of Innovtn 2.25 29410 P RW REC 001 MW 1020-1240PM E0540 BUS Krishnan U of M Schedule of Classes Page 370 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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TO 630.001 meets with STRATEGY 630.001 during Fall A. 678 Service Innov Mngmt 1.50 24399 P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM R2320 BUS Melville TO 678.001 meets with TO 678.451 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet on Nov. 27. An additional class will be held on Nov. 25. 27953 P RW REC 002 ARR ARR Melville TO 678.002 is an online course. 25168 P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R2320 BUS Melville TO 678.451 meets with TO 678.001 and meets Oct 28 - Dec. 11, 2013. Class will NOT meet on Nov. 27. An additional class will be held on Nov. 25. 701 Topc Glob Operations 3.00 21639 P RW SEM 001 T 630-930PM E0540 BUS Kapuscinski TO 701 meets with MFG 501. Class will NOT meet Oct. 15 or Oct. 22, 2013. 703 Tauber Inst Team Prj 1.50 ADVISORY 18740 PI REC 001 ARR ARR Kapuscinski TO 703 meets Winter B 2013 - Fall A 2013. Students who registered for this course in Winter B 2013 will be required to complete this Fall A 2013 section to receive full course credit. 735 Spec Topc SCM 1.50 22348 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS Svaan 735 Spec Topc SCM 1.50 P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 001 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 001 M 630-930PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 001 W 630-930PM R0420 BUS TO 735.001 meets with TO 735.451 and meets on the following dates: Sep 4, Sep 18; Oct 2, Oct 16, Oct 30; Monday, Nov 25; Dec 11, 2013 735 Spec Topc SCM 1.50 24962 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS Svaan 735 Spec Topc SCM 1.50 P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 451 W 7-10PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 451 M 630-930PM R0420 BUS P RW REC 451 W 630-930PM R0420 BUS TO 735.451 meets with TO 735.001 and meets on the following dates: Sep 4, Sep 18; Oct 2, Oct 16, Oct 30; Monday, Nov 25; Dec 11, 2013 899 Doctoral Seminar- TO 3.00 29968 P SEM 001 F 8-11AM R4020 BUS Beil 990 Diss-PreCandidacy 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 995 Diss-Candidacy 8.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED IR IND + ARR ARR

Weekend Master of Business Administration (WMBA)

505 23283 505 Corporate Strategy P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS Corporate Strategy P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM ARR P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0220 BUS WMBA 505.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 505 Corporate Strategy 29723 P REC 002 FSA 1-1AM ARR WMBA 505.002 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 506 Fin Mgmt 23286 P REC 001 FSA 1-1AM ARR WMBA 506.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 29724 P REC 002 FSA 1-1AM ARR WMBA 506.002 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 507 Managerial Acct 23284 P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS 507 Managerial Acct P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS U of M Schedule of Classes Page 371 of 382

2.25 Afuah 2.25

2.25 Afuah 2.25 Seyhun Seyhun 2.25 Indjejikian 2.25

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P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 F 4-5PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0230 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-10AM R0230 BUS WMBA 507.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 507 Managerial Acct 30221 P REC 002 FSA 1-1AM ARR WMBA 507.002 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 508 Operations Mgmt 23285 P REC 001 SA 9-510PM ARR 508 Operations Mgmt P REC 001 F 4-910PM ARR WMBA 508.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 508 Operations Mgmt 29725 P REC 002 FSA 1-1AM ARR WMBA 508.002 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 611 Global Sup Chain Mgt 25051 P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS 611 Global Sup Chain Mgt P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 F 4-910PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS P REC 001 SA 9-510PM R0210 BUS WMBA 611.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 612 Barbain&Infl Skills 24900 P REC 001 ARR ARR WMBA 612.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 613 Adv Mgmt Accounting 24945 P R REC 001 ARR ARR WMBA 613.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program. 614 Compet Tactic&Policy 24963 P REC 001 ARR ARR WMBA 614.001 is reserved for students in the Weekend MBA program.

2.25 Indjejikian 2.25 Leider 2.25 2.25 Leider 3.00 Anupindi 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY

2.25 Kopelman, Burks 2.25 Klemstine 2.25 Lyon ENFORCED ADVISORY

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Social Work
School Of Social Work
Social Work (SW)
305 Comm Action Soc Chg 25089 PDR LEC 001 TTH 1230-2PM This section meets with section 002. 30306 PDR LEC 002 TTH 1230-2PM This section meets with section 001. 400 Soc Prob&S W Today 23179 P R LEC 001 MW 9-1030AM 9/7/11: This class has moved from 1840 SSWB to 1804 SSWB. 401 CASC Capstone Exp 25521 PD LEC 001 T 5-7PM 9/9/11: This class has moved from 1840 SSWB to B760/770 SSWB. 500 Human Diff Soc 14201 P R LEC 001 M 9-12PM 14202 P R LEC 002 M 9-12PM 14203 P R LEC 003 T 8-11AM 15308 P R LEC 004 T 2-5PM 21013 P R LEC 005 T 2-5PM 25222 P R LEC 006 W 5-8PM 502 Org Comm Soc Struct 14204 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM 18012 P R LEC 002 M 1-4PM 14205 P R LEC 003 T 8-11AM 23177 P R LEC 004 T 8-11AM 18607 P R LEC 005 T 6-9PM 23178 P R LEC 006 TH 6-9PM 513 Topics in Social Wrk 26910 P LEC 001 T 1-4PM Jews U of M: Relig Eth High Ed 27163 P LEC 002 W 3-6PM B780 SSWB ARR B780 SSWB B770 SSWB 2816 SSWB B684 SSWB 2752 SSWB 2816 SSWB 2752 SSWB 2752 SSWB 2752 SSWB 2816 SSWB 2816 SSWB B760 SSWB 2752 SSWB B760 SSWB B770 SSWB B856 EQ 3.00 ADVISORY Alvarez, Richards-Schuster Richards-Schuster, Alvarez 3.00 Galura 1.00 Galura 3.00 Nicklett Crane Park Burlaka Crane Robinson-Lynk 3.00 ENFORCED Garrow Miller Brady Weissman Reed Balestrery 3.00 Goldman Gordon-Gurfinkel, Tolman, Mendeloff ENFORCED

Community Empowerment - Arts 30041 PD LEC 003 F 9-12PM B780 SSWB Haas Interpersonal Pract Skills Lab This section gives priority to incoming Fall 2013 Clinical and Integrated Health Scholars and will require enrollment in SW 521-011. For non-Scholars and space permitting a practice area of Mental Health will be required. This section will meet with 004. 30591 PD LEC 004 F 9-12PM ARR Himle Interpersonal Pract Skills Lab This section gives priority to incoming Fall 2013 Clinical and Integrated Health Scholars and will require enrollment in SW 521-012. For non-Scholars and space permitting a practice area of Mental Health will be required. This section meets with 003. 515 Fndtn Fld Instructn 1.00-2.00 I IND + ARR ARR Enrollment is not permitted in this section. Select another section. 517 Spec Studies Aging 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 518 Spec Studies Aging 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 519 Spec Stds Hum Behav 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 520 Spec Stdy Hum Behav 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 521 IP Indiv Fam Groups 3.00 ENFORCED 15624 P R LEC 002 M 9-12PM 3816 SSWB Tropman 15625 P R LEC 003 M 9-12PM 3752 SSWB Stauffer 15626 P R LEC 004 M 9-12PM B760 SSWB Hollingsworth 15627 P R LEC 005 M 9-12PM 2752 SSWB Powell 15628 P R LEC 006 M 5-8PM 2752 SSWB Brydon 15629 P R LEC 007 T 8-11AM 1804 SSWB Alvarez 17328 P R LEC 008 T 8-11AM 3816 SSWB Sanders 21738 P R LEC 009 T 8-11AM B684 SSWB Powell 25223 P R LEC 010 T 6-9PM 2816 SSWB Momper 25496 PDR LEC 011 F 2-5PM B780 SSWB Tolman This section priority is given to incoming Fall 2013 Clinical and Integrated Health Scholars and will require enrollment in SW 513-003. For non-Scholars and space permitting a practice area of Mental Health will be required. This section meets with 012. 30590 PDR LEC 012 F 2-5PM ARR Tolman This section priority is given to incoming Fall 2013 Clinical and Integrated Health Scholars and will require enrollment in SW 513-004. For non-Scholars and space permitting a practice area of Mental Health will be required. This section meets with 011. 522 Basic Soc Work 3.00 ENFORCED 17327 P R LEC 001 M 9-12PM 1804 SSWB Sinkewicz 9/7/11: This class has moved from 1804 SSWB to 1794 SSWB. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 373 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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22514 P R LEC 002 T 2-5PM B684 SSWB Nicklett 9/7/11: This class has moved from 2302 SEB to 1794 SSWB. 30587 P R LEC 003 M 1-4PM B760 SSWB Sinkewicz 523 Spec Stds Inperprac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 524 Spec Stds Inperprac 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 525 Spec Stds Chld&Yth 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 526 Spec Stds Chld&Yth 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 530 Soc Welf Pol Serv 3.00 ENFORCED 14238 P R LEC 001 T 8-11AM B770 SSWB Seefeldt 14239 P R LEC 002 T 8-11AM 3752 SSWB Root 22853 P R LEC 003 T 8-11AM B780 SSWB Robinson-Lynk 14240 P R LEC 004 T 2-5PM 3752 SSWB Glenn 17334 P R LEC 005 T 2-5PM 3816 SSWB Lee 14241 P R LEC 006 T 2-5PM B760 SSWB Seefeldt 21679 P R LEC 007 W 9-12PM B760 SSWB Lee 25085 P R LEC 008 W 5-8PM B760 SSWB Glenn 531 Fndatn Field Sem 1.00 ENFORCED 33364 PDR SEM 001 T 1130-130PM 1804 SSWB Clark 33368 PDR SEM 002 T 1130-130PM ARR Clark 33372 PDR SEM 003 T 1130-130PM B684 SSWB Kuester 33373 PDR SEM 004 T 1130-130PM ARR Kuester 33374 PDR SEM 005 T 1130-130PM 2752 SSWB Peterson 33375 PDR SEM 006 T 1130-130PM ARR Peterson 33376 PDR SEM 007 T 1130-130PM 2816 SSWB Vanderwill 33377 PDR SEM 008 T 1130-130PM ARR Vanderwill 33378 PDR SEM 009 T 1130-130PM 3752 SSWB Robertson 33379 PDR SEM 010 T 1130-130PM ARR Robertson 33380 PDR SEM 011 T 1130-130PM 3816 SSWB Crabb 33382 PDR SEM 012 T 1130-130PM ARR Crabb 26920 P R SEM 888 T 1130-130PM ARR 532 Spec Stds Health 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 533 Spec Stds Health 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 546 Spec Stds SWPS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 547 Spec Stds SWPS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 553 Spec Stds Comm Org 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 554 Spec Stds Comm Org 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 555 Spec Stds Comm & SS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 556 Spec Stds Comm & SS 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 560 CO Mgt Pol Eval Prac 3.00 ENFORCED 15785 P R LEC 001 M 1-4PM B684 SSWB Brady 15786 P R LEC 002 M 1-4PM 3752 SSWB Vinokur 15787 P R LEC 003 M 1-4PM 3816 SSWB Crider 23180 P R LEC 004 M 1-4PM B770 SSWB Perez-Teran 19889 P R LEC 005 T 2-5PM B780 SSWB Gutierrez This section of SW 560 will only be open to Social Work students with a macro concentration. 15788 P R LEC 006 T 2-5PM B798 SSWB Shanks 15789 P R LEC 007 W 9-12PM B770 SSWB Ray 21680 P R LEC 008 W 9-12PM 2816 SSWB Shanks 24303 P R LEC 009 W 5-8PM 3752 SSWB Rothschild 566 Spec Stds Mgt Hum S 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 567 Spec Stds Mgt Hum S 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 572 Disability Studies 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 25896 PI W SEM 001 T 2-4PM G463 MH Kuppers 576 Spec Stds Pol&Eval 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 577 Spec Stds Pol&Eval 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 581 Spec Stds Mntl Hlth 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 582 Spec Stds Mntl Hlth 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 583 Spec Stdy Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 584 Spec Stdy Research 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR U of M Schedule of Classes Page 374 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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Spec Studies Eval 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 587 Spec Studies Eval 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 598 Spec Stdy Soc Work 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 599 Spec Stdy Soc Work 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 612 Mentl Hlt&Disor Chl 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14208 P R REC 001 W 5-8PM 3816 SSWB Sherman 14209 P R REC 002 F 2-5PM 2752 SSWB Fischer 25566 P R REC 003 F 2-5PM 2228 SEB Sherman 614 Uses Psych Testing 3.00 ENFORCED 14210 P R REC 001 T 6-9PM 3752 SSWB Foley 17518 P R REC 002 F 9-12PM 3816 SSWB Segal 617 Death,Loss&Grief 3.00 ENFORCED 14211 P R REC 001 W 9-12PM B684 SSWB Foley 14212 P R LEC 002 TH 6-9PM 2752 SSWB Mattison 25240 P R REC 003 F 9-12PM 3752 SSWB Mattison, Wade 618 Sub Abu Rac Eth Adol 3.00 30489 P LEC 001 F 2-5PM B684 SSWB Cordova Jr Open to other Social Work students but Clinical Scholars are expected to enroll in this course. 620 Contemp Cult U.S. 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 30145 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM 3752 SSWB Taylor 622 Orien Sem Com Schol 1.00 30498 PDR SEM 001 W 1-4PM B760 SSWB Gant This is the appropriate course for incoming Community Scholars. 623 Pract with Families 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14215 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM B798 SSWB Pelz-Davis 9/8/11: This class has moved from 1301 S. University to B798 SSWB. 14216 P R LEC 002 TH 6-9PM 3816 SSWB Chute 17059 P R LEC 003 F 9-12PM B798 SSWB Chute 9/9/11: This class has moved from 2816 SSWB to B798 SSWB. 22775 P R LEC 004 F 2-5PM B798 SSWB Saunders 9/9/11: This class has moved from 1301 S. University to B798 SSWB. 624 Inperprac-Groups 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14217 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 2816 SSWB Alvarez 14218 P R LEC 002 TH 2-5PM 2816 SSWB Ortega 14219 P R LEC 003 F 2-5PM 3752 SSWB Adlaf 625 Child & Youth 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14220 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 3752 SSWB Grinnell-Davis 19976 P R LEC 002 F 9-12PM 2752 SSWB Sanders 628 IP - Adult Indiv 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14221 P R LEC 001 M 5-8PM 3752 SSWB Adlaf 21681 P R LEC 002 W 5-8PM 2816 SSWB Saunders 630 Adv Cl SW Pr Int Hlt 3.00 ADVISORY 30497 PD LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 4700 SSWB Schmall, Zebrack Integrated Health Scholars only enroll in this course. 642 S W Educ Settings 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14244 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 3816 SSWB Sherman 643 Drug Policies 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18615 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2609 SSWB Cushman 644 Policies&Serv Elder 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 22442 P R LEC 001 F 2-5PM 3816 SSWB McGuire 652 Org Soc&Pol Action 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 18611 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM B770 SSWB Gant 654 Conc&Tech Comm 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21682 P R LEC 001 F 9-12PM B760 SSWB Brady 655 Neighborhood Plan 3.00 29606 P LEC 001 MW 1030-12PM 2213 A&AB Etienne 658 Women&Community Org 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 30298 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM B770 SSWB Reed 660 Mng Proj&Org Chng 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 21683 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 3752 SSWB Hiltz 663 Grant,Contr&Fundr 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14225 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM B760 SSWB Vinokur 17517 P R LEC 002 F 2-5PM B760 SSWB Garrow 665 Exec Ldrshp&Org Gov 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26308 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 2752 SSWB Tropman 671 Soc Pol Dev&Enactmt 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 26309 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM B780 SSWB Tropman 673 Stat Pol Analy&Eval 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14233 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 3816 SSWB Grogan-Kaylor 17694 P R LEC 002 F 9-12PM 1804 SSWB Kossoudji 674 Com-Based Pol Advoc 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 24661 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM B798 SSWB Checkoway 9/9/11: This class has moved from 1301 S. University to B798 SSWB. 683 Eval In Social Work 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14228 P R LEC 001 W 9-12PM 1804 SSWB Joe U of M Schedule of Classes Page 375 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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14229 P R LEC 002 W 5-8PM B684 SSWB Ray 14230 P R LEC 003 TH 9-12PM 2752 SSWB Joe 18814 P R LEC 004 TH 2-5PM B780 SSWB Savas This section will meet with section 005 at same time. 20718 P R LEC 005 TH 2-5PM ARR Savas This section will meet with section 004 at same time. 25086 P R LEC 006 F 9-12PM B770 SSWB Chadiha 25087 P R LEC 007 F 2-5PM B770 SSWB Okasinski 30146 P R LEC 008 M 5-8PM B770 SSWB Chadiha 691 Adv Field Instructn 1.00-12.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR Enrollment is not permitted in this section. Select another section. 692 Sem Jewsh Com Ldrshp 2.00 24206 PD SEM 001 W 5-8PM 4700 SSWB Goldman This is the appropriate JCLP seminar course for incoming first year students. 693 Geriatric Integ Sem 3.00 ENFORCED 15530 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM 1804 SSWB Spencer 694 S W with Elderly 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17307 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM B684 SSWB Spencer 695 Adv Jew Com Ldrshp 2.00 ADVISORY 25661 PD SEM 001 W 5-8PM ARR Goldman This is the appropriate JCLP seminar course for continuing second year students. This class meets with SW 692 in room 4700 SSWB. 696 Practice Child&Yth 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17308 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM B798 SSWB Patton 9/16/11: This class has moved to B798 SSWB. 18725 P R LEC 002 F 9-12PM 2816 SSWB Patton 9/9/11: This class has moved from 1301 S.University to 2816 SSWB. 698 Pract Mental Health 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17326 P R LEC 001 TH 9-12PM B684 SSWB Glenn 17618 P R LEC 002 TH 2-5PM 2752 SSWB Glenn 30147 P R LEC 003 T 6-9PM B760 SSWB 699 SW Prac Health Promo 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 20671 P R LEC 001 TH 2-5PM 3816 SSWB Schmall 700 Trtmt Strat Sex Dysf 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 23540 P R LEC 001 TH 6-9PM 2816 SSWB Foley, Piper 701 Pract Intnl S W 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 19311 P R LEC 001 TH 6-9PM B684 SSWB Song 703 Dev Prac Role-Play 3.00 25162 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM B684 SSWB Weissman 705 Ethical Dil Hlth SW 3.00 25088 P LEC 001 T 6-9PM 3816 SSWB Kieffer 707 L G B T Clients 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 17329 P R LEC 001 F 2-5PM 2816 SSWB Sanders 710 Behavior&Environmt 3.00 21002 A LEC 001 MW 1-230PM 1040 DANA De Young 21003 P DIS 002 F 10-11AM 3556 DANA Hamilton 25611 P DIS 003 F 12-1PM 3556 DANA Hamilton 713 Adv Topics in Soc Wk 1.00-3.00 26989 P LEC 001 M 5-8PM 2816 SSWB Taylor Relig,Spiritual,Mntl Hlth & SW 26990 P LEC 002 M 5-8PM 3816 SSWB Hollingsworth Africentric App IP Afr Am Fam 32816 P R LEC 004 SA 9-5PM B780 SSWB Checkoway PR LEC 004 SA 9-5PM B780 SSWB Integrative Learning Com Organ This course is available to CO concentrators entering the MSW program Fall term 2013. It will meet in B780 SSWB. 33247 PI LEC 005 F 10-12PM ARR Becker, Reed, McClellan Research on Addictions-Pt 1 722 Integ Sem Com Schol 1.00 ADVISORY 30499 PDR SEM 001 W 1-4PM B770 SSWB Gant This is the appropriate capstone course for Community Scholars. 727 Families&Health 3.00 ADVISORY 21734 P LEC 001 F 9-12PM 1170 SPH2 Chatters 730 Child Maltreatment 3.00 14222 PDR LEC 001 M 1-4PM B780 SSWB Faller This class will meet with section 002 in B760/B770 SSWB. 25564 PDR LEC 002 M 1-4PM ARR Ortega This class will meet with section 001 in B760/B770 SSWB. This section is restricted to for the Fall 2013 incoming child welfare certificate and/or scholar students. 731 Capstone Integr Sem 1.00 ADVISORY 30617 P R SEM 001 TH 12-2PM 3752 SSWB Spencer Meeting dates: Sept 12, 26, Oct 10, 24, Nov 7, 21, Dec 5 732 Clin Schl Int Sem II 1.00 ADVISORY 30490 PD SEM 001 ARR ARR Voshel, Ruffolo Clinical Scholars only enroll in this course. Consult with course instructor on meeting times and location. 739 Integ Sem Chl Maltr 3.00 ADVISORY, ENFORCED 14245 P R SEM 001 TH 6-9PM B780 SSWB Faller This will meet as a combined section with 002. U of M Schedule of Classes Page 376 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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27211 P R SEM 002 TH 6-9PM ARR Ortega This will meet as a combined section wil 001. 748 Global SW Re-Entry 2.00 ADVISORY 30492 PD SEM 001 TH 12-2PM 1794 SSWB Root, Lopez This course is limited to students who: have completed a global field placement or a global special studies; those returning from their assignment in the Peace Corps Masters International program; or those completing the Certificate in Global Social Work. 773 Disability Issues 3.00 ENFORCED 23800 P R LEC 001 W 5-8PM B770 SSWB Grawi 9/8/11: This class has moved from 2228 SEB to B770 SSWB. 790 Adv Topics in IP 1.00 22543 P R SEM 001 M 4-8PM B760 SSWB Fischer Cog Behav Therapy Chld/Adoles Meeting location is tentative. 22558 P R SEM 002 TH 5-8PM 3752 SSWB Nitzberg Working w/Couples in Therapy Meeting location is tentative. 22547 P R SEM 005 F 5-8PM 2752 SSWB Svensson Fam Psycoed-Support Networks Meeting location is tentative. 22548 P R SEM 006 SA 2-5PM 3816 SSWB Wiland Motivatnl Intervwng Soc Wrkrs Meeting location is tentative. 22549 P R SEM 007 W 5-8PM B798 SSWB Alvarez PR SEM 007 SA 9-3PM B798 SSWB Adven/Experientl-Based Therapy Meeting location is tentative. 22551 P R SEM 008 W 5-8PM B798 SSWB Powell Wk w Self-help, Sup, & Adv Gr Meeting location is tentative. 27461 P R SEM 010 SA 9-5PM 2816 SSWB Himle CBT Maj Depress Related Mood 30586 P R SEM 011 WTH 5-8PM 1804 SSWB Joe Racial Eth Minorty Yth Suicide Open to any Social Work student but Clinical Scholars expected to enroll in this class. 799 Adv Topics Macro SW 1.00-2.00 22544 P R SEM 001 M 5-8PM B684 SSWB Gant GIS for Social Workers 10/3/12: First class session will meet in classroom C of Angell Hall per course instructor. He has notified the enrolled students. 22550 P R SEM 002 SA 9-5PM 3752 SSWB Gant HIV/AIDS: Evi Bas Prg Pol&Serv Meeting location is tentative. 29832 P R SEM 003 SASU 9-5PM 3752 SSWB Cabin Social Entrepreneurship 22590 P R SEM 004 SA 9-5PM 3752 SSWB Tropman Managerial Superv in Hum Serv .Meeting location is tentative. 23116 P R SEM 007 MTW 6-9PM B780 SSWB Kossoudji, Sanders PR SEM 007 SA 9-4PM B780 SSWB Immi Enfor Hum Rights&Soc Just Meeting location is tentative. 24174 P R SEM 008 SA 9-5PM 2752 SSWB Thompkins, Ormsby Undstdg Divers Soc Just Dialog 800 Posem in SW&Soc Sci 2.00 ADVISORY 18735 P SEM 001 W 530-730PM 1794 SSWB Danziger 801 Research Internship 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 802 Research Internship 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 803 Research Internship 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 816 Rac,Ethnic&Gend Iss 3.00 ADVISORY 29163 P SEM 001 TH 9-12PM 1794 SSWB Watkins 825 Hist/Contem SW&SWELF 3.00 ADVISORY 22517 P SEM 001 M 9-12PM 2609 SSWB Staller 9/7/11: This class has moved from 1794 SSWB to 1804 SSWB. 849 Special Seminar SCPP 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY 30324 P SEM 001 T 9-12PM 1794 SSWB Kossoudji American Immigration 858 Poverty&Inequality 3.00 ADVISORY 23470 P W SEM 001 F 9-11AM 1230 WEILL Corcoran 900 Prep Candidacy Eval 1.00-8.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 971 Directed Reading 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 972 Directed Reading 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY I IND + ARR ARR 973 Directed Reading 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY U of M Schedule of Classes Page 377 of 382 FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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974 975 976 977 978 990 995

I IND + Directed Reading I IND + Directed Research I IND + Directed Research I IND + Directed Research I IND + Directed Research I IND + Diss-Precand I IND + Diss-Cand IR IND +



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Stamps School of Art & Design

School Of Art And Design
Art and Design (ARTDES)
100 Studio: Drawing I 23578 P R LAB 001 TTH 23579 P R LAB 002 TTH 23580 P R LAB 003 TTH 23581 P R LAB 004 TTH 23582 P R LAB 005 TTH 23583 P R LAB 006 TTH 23584 P R LAB 007 TTH 30460 P R LAB 009 TTH 110 Digital Studio I 17542 P R LAB 001 TTH 115 Studio: 2D 30382 P R LAB 001 WF 30387 P R LAB 002 WF 30388 P R LAB 003 WF 30389 P R LAB 004 WF 30390 P R LAB 005 WF 30391 P R LAB 006 WF 30392 P R LAB 007 WF 30393 P R LAB 008 WF 30394 P R LAB 009 WF 30395 P R LAB 010 TTH 120 Studio: 3D 17543 P R LAB 001 WF Construction 17544 P R LAB 002 WF Construction 17545 P R LAB 003 WF Construction 17546 P R LAB 004 WF Construction 20700 P R LAB 005 WF Construction 20701 P R LAB 006 WF Construction 20702 P R LAB 007 WF Construction 21017 P R LAB 008 WF Construction 25448 P R LAB 009 WF 25524 P R LAB 010 WF 150 Art&Des in Context 17547 A LEC 001 MW 19317 P RW DIS 002 W 19318 P RW DIS 003 W 19319 P RW DIS 004 W 19320 P RW DIS 005 W 19321 P RW DIS 006 W 19322 P RW DIS 007 W 19323 P RW DIS 008 W 19324 P RW DIS 009 W 19325 P RW DIS 010 W 19326 P RW DIS 011 W 25438 P RW DIS 012 W 25439 P RW DIS 013 W 160 Lecture Series I 17550 P R LEC 001 TH Penny Stamps Visiting Artist Series 170 Drawing 17541 P R LAB 001 MW Imagination 30493 P R LAB 002 MW Architecture & Landscape 19299 P R LAB 003 TTH Design Drawing 30494 P R LAB 004 TTH Life Drawing 20695 P R LAB 005 TTH Fashion 171 Printmaking 21819 P R LAB 001 TTH 172 Painting 21820 P R LAB 001 MW U of M Schedule of Classes 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 130-430PM 7-10PM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 5-6PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 5-630PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 7-10PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 2-5PM 6-9PM Page 379 of 382 2057 A&AB 2063 A&AB 2058 A&AB 2006 A&AB 2058 A&AB 2057 A&AB 2063 A&AB ARR 1006B A&AB 2058 A&AB 2057 A&AB 2126 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2044 A&AB 2044 A&AB 2058 A&AB 2057 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2044 A&AB 1269 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2023 A&AB 1108 A&AB 1258 A&AB 1108 A&AB 2062 A&AB 1269 A&AB 2023 A&AB 1258 A&AB STAMPS 1006B A&AB 1006B A&AB 2147 A&AB 2147 A&AB 2126 A&AB 2126 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2023 A&AB 2023 A&AB MICH THTR 2057 A&AB 2058 A&AB 2057 A&AB 2044 A&AB 2058 A&AB 2143 A&AB 2094 A&AB 1.00 Burgard 3.00 Luchs Burgard White Thayer Esslinger-Payet 3.00 Rubin 3.00 Brienza 275.00 60.00 50.00 3.00 Cogswell Jr Chung Luchs Burgard Deva Thayer Ahmadi Ahmadi 3.00 Yang 3.00 Poskovic Modrak Nunoo-Quarcoo Smotrich Hay Deva Gloeckner Hay Stephenson Stephenson 3.00 Porter MacDonald Rubin Rodemer Marinaro Andersen Rubin Inuzuka Rodemer Khan 3.00 60.00

50.00 250.00



FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






For Non-Majors 30495 P R LAB 002 TTH 173 Digital Photo 21821 P RW LAB 001 MW For Non-Majors 27640 P RW LAB 002 TTH For Non-Majors 32192 P RW LAB 003 TTH For Non-Majors 174 Watercolor 21822 P R LAB 001 MW For Non-Majors 176 Graphic Design 21824 P RW LAB 001 MW For Non-Majors 27641 P RW LAB 002 TTH For Non-Majors 181 Clay 30496 P R LAB 001 TTH For Non-Majors 205 Intro to Painting 30383 P RW LAB 001 MW Organizing Visual Space 210 Intro Graphic Design 30531 P RW LAB 001 TTH Type 215 Intro to Indust Des 30532 P RW LAB 001 TTH 220 TMP III: Time 18011 A LEC 001 W 18013 P RW LAB 002 MW 21688 P RW LAB 003 MW 21689 P RW LAB 004 MW 21690 P RW LAB 005 MW 21691 P RW LAB 006 TTH 21692 P RW LAB 007 TTH 25201 P RW LAB 008 TTH 27343 P RW LAB 009 MW 225 Intro to Fiber 30384 P RW LAB 001 TTH Entanglement 230 CFC II: Culture 18056 P RW LAB 001 TTH 18057 P RW LAB 002 MW 18058 P RW LAB 003 MW 18059 P RW LAB 004 TTH 18060 P RW LAB 005 TTH 20995 P RW LAB 006 TTH 21695 P RW LAB 007 TTH 26854 P RW LAB 008 MW 235 Intro to Printmaking 30385 P RW LAB 001 TTH 240 Intro to 3-D Digital 30533 P RW LAB 001 MW Form & Fabrication 30534 P RW LAB 002 MW Modeling and Motion 250 ADP III: Tech/Envrmt 18015 A LEC 001 MW 19327 P R DIS 002 T 19328 P R DIS 003 T 19329 P R DIS 004 T 19330 P R DIS 005 T 19331 P R DIS 006 T 19332 P R DIS 007 T 19333 P R DIS 008 T 19334 P R DIS 009 T 25440 P R DIS 010 T 25441 P R DIS 011 T 255 Intro to Photo 30386 P RW LAB 001 TTH 260 Intro to Sculpture 30446 P RW LAB 001 MW Representational Sculpture 300 Adv Studio Topic 26868 P RW LAB 001 TTH Scientific Illustration 26869 P RW LAB 002 TTH Jewelry/Metals: Meaning Found U of M Schedule of Classes

9-12PM 6-9PM 2-5PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 6-9PM 2-5PM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 1230-130PM 9-1130AM 9-1130AM 2-430PM 2-430PM 2-430PM 7-930PM 9-1130AM 630-9PM 130-430PM 7-10PM 130-430PM 6-9PM 830-1130AM 7-10PM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 6-9PM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 130-430PM 1130-1230PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 1130-1230PM 1230-130PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 830-1130AM

2094 A&AB ARR 2126 A&AB 2126 A&AB 2063 A&AB 2044 A&AB DC 1269 A&AB 2094 A&AB 1108 A&AB 1258 A&AB STAMPS 2114 A&AB 2216 A&AB 2216 A&AB 2147 A&AB 2114 A&AB 2114 A&AB 2114 A&AB 2147 A&AB 1068 A&AB 2023 A&AB 2063 A&AB 2023 A&AB 2023 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2143 A&AB 1006B A&AB ARR STAMPS 1006B A&AB 1006B A&AB 2023 A&AB 2023 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2062 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2147 A&AB 2147 A&AB 2006 A&AB 1262 A&AB 2043 A&AB 1069 A&AB

Venturelli-Ballario 3.00 Steichmann Steichmann Steichmann 3.00 Barry 3.00 Greene Guastella 3.00 Tremel 3.00 Deva 3.00 Greene 3.00 Andersen 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY


100.00 75.00

150.00 100.00 240.00 125.00 105.00

Frelinghuysen Rowden Pachikara Kumao Chung Kirshner White 3.00 Smith 3.00 Khan Kenyon Frelinghuysen Rowden Jacobsen Ellis Jacobsen Thompson 3.00 Luchs 3.00 Meier

125.00 100.00

275.00 175.00

3.00 Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey Trumpey 3.00 West 3.00 Marinaro 3.00 Mondro

150.00 200.00

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CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






25176 P RW LAB 004 TTH Creating Visual Phenomena Text 19336 P RW LAB 005 WF Graphic Narrative 26871 P RW LAB 007 TTH Interface Design 26873 P RW LAB 009 TTH The Concerned Photographer: 26874 P RW LAB 010 TTH Packaging Design 26875 P RW LAB 011 TTH Advanced Typography 26876 P RW LAB 012 M P RW LAB 012 F Sustainable Food System Des 26877 P RW LAB 013 MW Drawing the Figure in Context 30421 P RW LAB 015 TTH Advanced Industrial Design 27221 P RW LAB 016 TTH Information Design 30623 P R LAB 017 TTH Design Drawing 310 Outreach Studio Topc 18737 P RW LAB 001 M 310 Outreach Studio Topc P RW LAB 001 W Art at Mott Hospital 311 Detroit Connections 25181 P RW LAB 001 F 311 Detroit Connections P RW LAB 001 F In the classroom 314 Change by Design 25183 P RW LAB 001 MW 335 Explore Printmaking 25215 P RW LAB 001 MW 347 Video Installation 25185 P RW LAB 001 MW 347 Video Installation P RW LAB 001 MW 350 Independent Study D IND + 351 Internship D IND + 367 Color 25221 P RW LAB 001 MW 30422 P RW LAB 002 MW 372 Video Games 30238 P RW LAB 001 MW 399 Writing in A&D 25220 P R REC 001 MW 408 Directions in Fibers 25190 P RW LAB 001 TTH 414 Paintings Come From? 25191 P RW LAB 001 TTH 416 IPD 25192 PIRW LAB 001 495 Outreach Internship D IND + 498 Int Project I 10092 P R LAB 001 MW 498 Int Project I PR LAB 001 T PR LAB 001 MW 498 Int Project I 19363 P R LAB 002 MW 498 Int Project I PR LAB 002 T PR LAB 002 MW 498 Int Project I 19364 P R LAB 003 TTH 498 Int Project I PR LAB 003 T PR LAB 003 TTH 498 Int Project I 19936 P R LAB 004 TTH 498 Int Project I PR LAB 004 T U of M Schedule of Classes

130-430PM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 830-1130AM 130-430PM 7-10PM 7-10PM 1-4PM 1-4PM 9-12PM 1-4PM 130-430PM 130-430PM 7-10PM 7-10PM ARR ARR 830-1130AM 6-9PM 6-9PM 530-7PM 830-1130AM 130-430PM ARR ARR 9-1130AM 1230-130PM 130-430PM 2-430PM 1230-130PM 830-1130AM 9-1130AM 1230-130PM 130-430PM 2-430PM 1230-130PM Page 381 of 382

1006B A&AB 2147 A&AB 2147 A&AB 2126 A&AB 2044 A&AB 2043 A&AB 2043 A&AB ARR 2063 A&AB 1069 A&AB 1108 A&AB ARR 2023 A&AB ARR 1006B A&AB 1006B A&AB 1069 A&AB 2143 A&AB 2114 A&AB 2006 A&AB

Moss Gloeckner Ellis Turnley Nunoo-Quarcoo Smotrich Trumpey Venturelli-Ballario Montazeri Hay White 3.00 Manos 3.00 3.00 Manos 3.00 3.00 Tobier 3.00 Poskovic 3.00 Pachikara 3.00 1.00-3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 70.00 250.00 150.00 125.00 125.00 150.00 150.00 125.00 275.00 200.00 200.00

ARR 1.00-3.00 ARR 1068 A&AB 2043 A&AB 1006B A&AB ARR 1068 A&AB 2094 A&AB ARR ARR ARR 2104 A&AB ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339 6.00 Inuzuka, Mondro 6.00 250.00 250.00 6.00 Rodemer, Modrak 6.00 250.00 250.00 6.00 West, Platt 6.00 250.00 250.00 6.00 Marshall, Graf 6.00 250.00 250.00 3.00 VanVoorhis VanVoorhis 3.00 Kenyon 3.00 Metsker 3.00 Smith 3.00 Cogswell Jr 3.00 Marshall 1.00-3.00

200.00 50.00

CAT# Course Title Class # CODE CMP SEC






500 600 10093 609 610 18338 611 22773 23060 650 700 18736 710 10094 18752 18753 18754 30548 18755 27117 27118 27119 27120 750 800 20827 810 19353 22587 19354 19355 19356 19357 30549 30550 30551 850 898 19358 22588 19359 19360 19361 19362 30606 30607 30609 150 22619 160 22674 101 25193 25194 150 32279 150

PR LAB 004 TTH Independent Studio D IND + Entrance Seminar PD W SEM 001 T Intern Teaching I IND + Dir Studio Practice PDR LAB 001 Dir Studio Practice PD LAB 001 PD LAB 002 Graduate Studio D IND + Process Seminar PD SEM 001 T Dir Studio Practice PDR LAB 001 PDR LAB 002 PDR LAB 003 PDR LAB 004 PD LAB 005 PDR LAB 006 PD LAB 007 PD LAB 008 PD LAB 009 PD LAB 010 Graduate Studio D IND + Exit Seminar PDR SEM 001 W Dir Studio Practice PD LAB 001 P LAB 002 PD LAB 003 PD LAB 004 PD LAB 005 PD LAB 006 PD LAB 007 PD LAB 008 PD LAB 009 Graduate Studio D IND + Thesis/Distrib/Prese PD LAB 001 PD LAB 002 PD LAB 003 PD LAB 004 PD LAB 005 PD LAB 006 PD LAB 007 PD LAB 008 PD LAB 009 Live Art Survey PIRW SEM 001 INTPERF Forum PR SEM 001


ARR 1.00-6.00 ARR 1006 A&AB ARR ARR ARR ARR 3.00 ARR 2147 A&AB ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 2125 A&AB ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR 3.00 ADVISORY Modrak, Kenyon Smotrich, Tobier Jacobsen, Robertson Nunoo-Quarcoo, Pachikara Porter, Poskovic Rowden, Modrak Turnley, Kenyon Ellis, Inuzuka Cogswell Jr, Platt 3.00 Hughes 1.00 Hughes, Tulip 1.00 175.00 175.00 3.00 ADVISORY Kumao 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY Modrak, Kenyon Smotrich, Tobier Jacobsen, Robertson Nunoo-Quarcoo, Pachikara Porter, Poskovic Rowden, Modrak Turnley, Kenyon Ellis, Inuzuka Cogswell Jr, Platt 3.00 ADVISORY 50.00 3.00 Platt 3.00-6.00 Cressman Tobier Trumpey Kenyon Moss Mondro Poskovic Chung Marshall Khan 3.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 50.00 ADVISORY 3.00-6.00 Ellis 3.00-6.00 ADVISORY 3.00 Kenyon 1.00-4.00 ADVISORY ADVISORY 50.00


Interarts Performance (INTPERF)

MW F 5-630PM 11-12PM 2147 A&AB ARR

University Arts (UARTS)

Create&Collaborate PR LAB 002 T PR LAB 003 M Int Creative Process P LAB 001 M Int Creative Process P LAB 001 W 4-530PM 3-430PM 3-430PM 3-4PM 1320 BURS ARR 1200 EECS 1200 EECS

50.00 50.00 50.00

3.00 White 3.00

U of M Schedule of Classes

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FA 2013 1960 08-17-2013 00:08 13266339

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