SAP Plant Maintenance - Notes

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The key takeaways from the document are the different types of maintenance including corrective, scheduled, preventive and predictive maintenance. It also discusses the objectives and principles of maintenance.

The different types of maintenance discussed are corrective or breakdown maintenance, scheduled maintenance, preventive maintenance and predictive (condition-based) maintenance.

The advantages of preventive maintenance discussed are that it reduces breakdown and downtime, less odd-time repair, greater safety for workers, lower maintenance costs, less need for stand-by equipment and spare parts, better product quality and fewer reworks.

SAP Plant Maintenance

Plant Maintenance All actions necessary for retaining an item, or restoring to it, a serviceable condition, include servicing, repair, modification, overhaul, inspection and condition verification Increase availability of a system Keep systems equipment in working order Purpose of Maintenance Attempt to maximize performance of production equipment efficiently and regularly Prevent breakdown or failures Minimize production loss from failures Increase reliability of the operating systems Principle Objectives in Maintenance To achieve product quality and customer satisfaction through adjusted and serviced equipment Maximize useful life of equipment Keep equipment safe and prevent safety hazards Minimize frequency and severity of interruptions Maximize production capacity through high utilization of facility Maintenance Objectives Must be consistent with the goals of production (cost, quality, delivery, safety) Must be comprehensive and include specific responsibilities Maintenance Costs Cost to replace or repair Losses of output Delayed shipment Scrap and rework Types of Maintenance

Maintenance may be classified into four categories: (some authors prefer three categories- scheduled and preventive maintenances are merged) Corrective or Breakdown maintenance Scheduled maintenance Preventive maintenance Predictive (Condition-based) maintenance

Corrective or Breakdown Maintenance Corrective or Breakdown maintenance implies that repairs are made after the equipment is failed and can not perform its normal function anymore Quite justified in small factories where: Down times are non-critical and repair costs are less than other type of maintenance Financial justification for scheduling are not felt

Disadvantages of Corrective Maintenance Breakdown generally occurs inappropriate times leading to poor and hurried maintenance Excessive delay in production & reduces output Faster plant deterioration Increases chances of accidents and less safety for both workers and machines More spoilt materials Direct loss of profit Can not be employed for equipments regulated by statutory provisions e.g. cranes, lift and hoists etc Scheduled Maintenance Scheduled maintenance is a stitch-in-time inspection lubrication procedure and incorporates

repair and overhaul of equipments

If neglected can result in breakdown Generally followed for: overhauling of machines changing of heavy equipment oils cleaning of water and other tanks etc.

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Principle Prevention is better than cure Procedure - Stitch-in-time It locates weak spots of machinery and equipments provides them periodic/scheduled inspections and minor repairs to reduce the danger of unanticipated breakdowns

Advantages of PM Advantages: Reduces break down and thereby down time Lass odd-time repair and reduces over time of crews Greater safety of workers Lower maintenance and repair costs Less stand-by equipments and spare parts Better product quality and fewer reworks and scraps Increases plant life Increases chances to get production incentive bonus

Predictive (Condition-based) Maintenance In predictive maintenance, machinery conditions are periodically monitored and this enables the maintenance crews to take timely actions, such as machine adjustment, repair or overhaul

It makes use of human sense and other sensitive instruments, such as audio gauge, vibration analyzer, amplitude meter, pressure, temperature and resistance strain gauges etc.

Unusual sounds coming out of a rotating equipment predicts a trouble An excessively hot electric cable predicts a trouble Simple hand touch can point out many unusual equipment conditions and thus predicts a trouble

Maintenance data in IDB

Tables contains Maintenance data in IDB S.No 1 2 3 Table Name IBIPMPLA IBIPMPOS IBIPOLST Description Plan Item Object List Contains Plans for each Primary Equipments Contains item for respective Primary equipments Contains equipments if an item includes more than one unique equipments Contains task list operations for each task. Task to be carried out at different intervals 1M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y, 4Y,.. 1W,2W.. Contains tasks for each item Contains standard text / PM routines for each task list operation

4 5 6


Task List Operation Task List Standard Text

Related tables used for reference S.No Table Name 1 IBIP_PMEQM 2 SAP Reference Tables Description Functional Locations + Equipments SAP Reference Tables

Relationship between Tables

Notes Analyze equipments list in PMEQM and identify maintainable group and maintainable item for PM / SD Plans Generally, maintenance plan is created based on Vendor recommendation given in vendor manual (Instruction & operating manual or Instruction & Maintenance manual). Refer Troubleshooting All plans are prepared based on equipment criticality. If equipment is low critical then Plan is not required for such equipment. Use existing strategies to assign task for maintainable item. If there is no task for an particular equipment then Plan, item and task not required as per the existing strategies Check availability of Existing Plan, Item & Task When checking existing Task, check number of equipments given as G2, G3, G4, G6 in task description. - Use task header (planner group) and group counter if item contains the same number of equipments otherwise create new group counter for such item. - Usually new group counter is next sequence number of existing - If we use existing task and group counter, Work center should be matched otherwise create new group counter - Duration (Man hour), Work details are available in existing task list operation. - Group counter to be checked against Item suppression. - Work = Duration x Man power (No. of required capacity) Analyze Task list for the maintainable items is General or Equipment Task list General task list is used in PM plan & Items

Equipment task list is used in SD Plan & Items Maintenance for most of the static equipments are shutdown (SD) Some of the equipments have both PM and SD. The equipments like SDV, Control Valves, ESDV, MOV, XV etc., Check CM and INSP maintenance is applicable All the the items in the particular plan should be have same strategy either Monthly or Weekly CM If existing Plan & item used commonly for maintenance Planning plant like Fire zone then in item table, populate maintenance planning plant(KMDS,NGL2..) in functional location and object list table BAUTL should be maintenance planning plant(KMDS,NGL2..)

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