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Electrical Harness Installation

Overview Conventions What's New? Getting Started Entering the Workbench Setting Up the Options Creating a Multi-Branchable Document Creating Construction Points Defining the Segment Parameters Defining the Segment Route Adding a Branch Point User Tasks Entering the Workbench Exiting the Installation Workbench Creating a Geometrical Bundle

Selective Loading in Electrical Products Working with Branches in a Multi-branchable Document About Multi-Branchable Documents Creating a New Multi-Branchable Document and First Branch Adding a New Branch Editing a Multi-Branchable Document or one of its Components Creating More than One Multi-Branchable Document per Geometrical Bundle Creating Multi-profile Branches Computing Bundle Segments using the FLEX algorithm Flex Physical Simulation Overview Branches in V5R12 Onwards Deleting Broken Publications Working with Single Bundle Segments in a Bundle Segment Document Defining the Segment Route Creating Construction Constraints

Routing Segments between Points, Devices and Supports Routing Segments between Points Created On-the-Fly Routing Branches along External Curves Routing Single Bundle Segments on Surfaces Routing Single Bundle Segments along External Curves Routing Options Collapsed Geometry for Bundle Segments and Protective Coverings Sharp Bends in Bundle Segments Routing Segments through Supports Adding a Support Removing a Support Arranging Bundle Segments in Supports Copying the Bundle Segment Arrangement Routing Bundle Segments through Retainers Managing Local Slack

Harness Covering Instantiating Protective Coverings About Protective Coverings Adding Light Protective Coverings Adding Protective Coverings Adjusting Relationships between Harness Covering Components Linking/Unlinking Bundle Segments Linking Bundle Segments Unlinking Bundle Segments Working with Branch Points Creating/Modifying Segments within a Branch Removing a Branch Point Deleting Unused Branch Points Adding Branch Points Removing Branch Points

Connecting Segments at Branch Points Splitting Bundle Segments Splitting Branches Splitting Single Bundle Segments Transferring Branches Split and Transfer Usage Duplicating Harnesses Working with 3D Tolerancing Using the Mechanical Modeler Integration Measuring Geometrical Bundle Inertia Inertia Equivalents V4/V5 Electrical Data Migration Methodology Migrating Step by Step... V4 - V5 Mapping

Reference Information Frequently Asked Questions Electrical Integration from External Data Environment Settings Setting up the Electrical Process Interfacing Selecting Systems from External Data Placing Devices from External Data Creating the Cable Harness Placing Internal Splices Automatic Routing Exporting Data from CATIA Editing Electrical Properties Viewing Related Objects Electrical and Knowledge Electrical User Functions

Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert Using Knowledge Assembly Templates Interoperability ENOVIA V5 Interoperability Using VPM Navigator Working with Electrical Data Optimal CATIA PLM Usability Updating the Bundle Segment-to-Support Link Using ENOVIA Catalogs for Electrical Mapping Loading an iXF Document with VPM Navigator Workbench Description Menu Bar Toolbars Electrical Workbench Specification Tree Customizing Electrical Harness Installation

Part Infrastructure for Electrical Harness Installation Compatibility for Electrical Harness Installation Product Structure for Electrical Harness Installation Methodology Protective Coverings of Given Length - Methodology Creating a Protective Covering of Given Length Instantiating a Protective Covering of Given Length Creating an Adaptative Part Glossary Index

Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications. This page describes:

Graphics Conventions Text Conventions Mouse Usage Navigation compass

Graphic Conventions
The three categories of graphic conventions used are as follows:

Graphic conventions used to structure the tasks Graphic conventions used to indicate the configuration required Graphic conventions used in the table of contents

Graphic Conventions Used to Structure Tasks

Graphic conventions used to structure the tasks are as follows: This icon Identifies estimated time to accomplish a task a target of a task the prerequisites the start of the scenario a tip a warning information basic concepts

methodology reference information information regarding settings, customization, etc. the end of a task functionalities that are new or enhanced with this release allows you to switch back to the full-window viewing mode

Graphic Conventions Used to Indicate Required Configuration

Graphic conventions used to indicate the configuration required are as follows: This icon Indicates functions that are specific to the P1 configuration specific to the P2 configuration specific to the P3 configuration

Graphic Conventions Used in the Table of Contents

Graphic conventions used in the table of contents are as follows: This icon Gives access to Site Map Split View Mode What's New? Overview Getting Started Basic Tasks User Tasks or Advanced Tasks Interoperability Workbench Description Customizing Administration Tasks Reference Methodology Frequently Asked Questions

Glossary Index

Text Conventions
The following text conventions are used:

The titles of CATIA, ENOVIA and DELMIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text. File > New identifies the commands to be used. Enhancements are identified by a blue-colored background on the text.

Mouse Usage
The mouse usage differs depending on the type of action you need to perform. Use this mouse button Whenever you read
Select Click

(menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, etc.)

(icons, dialog box buttons, tabs, location in the document window)

Double-click Shift-click Ctrl-click

Check Drag

(check boxes)

Drag and drop Drag Move Right-click

(icons onto objects, objects onto objects)

(to select contextual menu)

Navigation Compass
The navigation compass Use this button To go Back to the last page visited Forward through links previously visited Up to the parent level Down to the child level is located in the guide banner next to the guide name. It lets you navigate through the information in the guide.

To the previous page at the same level To the next page at the same level

What's New?
Enhanced Functionalities
Adding Light Protective Coverings

After customization, the parameters and relations are displayed in a separate node in the specification tree. Arranging Bundle Segments in Supports Allows you to show or hide the parameters of the of the bundle segment in the geometry area. Migrating Step by Step... The migration mode is automatically switched to As Result when migration causes shape or length modifications in the As Spec mode in case of a flexible curve of the bundle segment.

Getting Started
Before getting into detailed instructions for using Electrical Harness Installation, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario

demonstrating how to use key functionalities. Before starting this scenario, you should be familiar with the basic commands common to all workbenches. These are described in the Infrastructure User's Guide. The main tasks proposed in this section are: Entering the Workbench Setting Up the Options Creating a Multi-Branchable Document Creating Construction Points Defining the Segment Parameters Defining the Segment Route Adding a Branch Point All together, these tasks should take about 15 minutes to complete.

Entering the Workbench

This task explains how to set up the environment to work with Electrical Harness workbenches. CATIA is launched. A CATProduct document is displayed.

1. Select Start > Equipments & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline > Electrical Harness Assembly. The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench is displayed and ready to use.

Setting Up the Options

This task explains how to set up the options before creating the bundle segment. 1. Select Tools > Options. The Options dialog box displays. 2. Choose the Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline category in the left-hand box. 3. Click the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Harness Management tab displays. 4. Select the Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle check box:

For more information, refer to Customizing for Electrical Harness Installation

5. Click OK to validate.

Creating a Multi-Branchable Document

This task explains how to create the document that will contain the bundle segments. The bundle segment belongs to a product document with electrical properties. Open the DemoGS.CATProduct document. Note that this document already contains a geometrical bundle. 1. Click Multi-Branchable Document .

A multi-branchable document is created under the active product.

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench automatically switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench and the Branch Definition dialog box appears. As you will first create a point that will be used to route the bundle segment, close the dialog box.


Creating Construction Points

This task shows how to define a point which will be used when routing the bundle segment. Make sure the following check box is selected to take advantage of the associativity between the construction points and the bundle segment. Select Tools > Options. Choose the Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure item. In the External References frame of the General tab, select the Keep link with selected object check box.

Click OK. .

1. Click Point

The Point Definition dialog box opens:

2. Enter the following coordinates for the purpose of this scenario: 80mm for X -20mm for Y 0mm for Z. 3. Click OK to validate.
o o o

The point is added to the specification tree. It looks like this:


This point will be used to build the Flexible Curve geometrical representation. Any point that has been created in any other workbench can also be used this way.

Defining the Segment Parameters

This task shows you how to define the bundle segment parameters. 1. Click Branch Definition The dialog box opens: .

2. Enter a diameter of 3mm in the Diameter box.

The Section is automatically computed. 3. Enter a bend radius of 7mm in the Bend Radius box. The Bend Radius is the minimum bend radius allowed for the bundle segment. 4. Select Slack as the build mode and add 10% of slack in the Slack(%) box. 5. Keep this dialog box open and see the next task.

Defining the Segment Route

This task shows you how to define the bundle segment route to create the Flexible Curve geometrical representation. The Branch Definition dialog box is still open from the previous task. 1. Click Route Definition. It enables you to select the objects the will be used to route the bundle segments. Points, connectors, back shells and supports can be selected. The Route Definition dialog box opens:

2. Click successively in the geometry area: CATIA finds the closest construction point according to the selection point.

Connector A1:

o o

Note that you can reverse the tangent by clicking the red arrow. The point previously created to define the bundle segment route: Point1 Connector A2: the tangent is automatically created.

The Flexible Curve is edited:

3. Click OK to validate. The Route Definition dialog box closes and the Branch Definition dialog box is displayed afresh.

Note that OK and Apply are now activated. 4. Click OK to validate The result looks like this:








Adding a Branch Point

This task explains how to create a branch point to connect another bundle segment. The document is still open from the previous task. 1. Click Add Branch Point . You are prompted to select a bundle segment. 2. Select the bundle segment. The Create Branch Point dialog box appears with a pre-selected reference point, allowing you to place the branch point on the curve:

3. Optionally, click Other Extremity to change the reference point to the other end of the bundle segment. 4. Click Length to define the distance to the reference object and enter 60mm for example. 5. Click OK to validate. A branch point is created and the branch now contains two bundle segments. The result looks like this:

6. You can now create another bundle segment to be connected to the branch point: To do so:
o o o o

Click Branch Definition . Click Route Definition. Click successively in the geometry the connector A3 and the branch point previously created. Click OK .

The result looks like this:

7. You can add a branch point on a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering.

User Tasks
The User Tasks section explains and illustrates how to create various kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find:

Entering the Workbench Creating a Geometrical Bundle Working with Branches in a Multi-branchable Document Working with Single Bundle Segments in a Bundle Segment Document Defining the Segment Route Routing Segments through Supports Managing Local Slack Harness Covering Linking/Unlinking Bundle Segments Working with Branch Points Splitting Bundle Segments Transferring Branches Duplicating Harnesses Working with 3D Tolerancing Using the Mechanical Modeler Integration Measuring Geometrical Bundle Inertia V4/V5 Electrical Data Migration Electrical Integration from External Data Editing Electrical Properties Viewing Related Objects Electrical and Knowledg

Entering the Workbench

This task explains how to set up the environment to work with the Electrical Harness Installation product. Electrical Harness Installation actually consists of two workbenches:

Electrical Harness Assembly which lets you create and handle the Product documents that will contain the geometrical bundles and/or the bundle segments. Electrical Harness Installation which allows you to define bundle segments in Part documents. Refer to Exiting the Installation workbench to switch back to the Electrical Assembly.

CATIA is launched. A CATProduct document is displayed. 1. Select Electrical Harness Assembly from the Start > Equipments & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline menu. The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench is displayed and ready to use.

You can add the Electrical Harness workbenches to your Favorites, using the Tools > Customize item. For more information, refer to CATIA V5 - Infrastructure User's Guide. 2.

Don't forget to set your options before starting to work (Tools > Options..., Equipment & Systems, > Electrical Harness
Discipline > Electrical Harness Installation).

Exiting the Installation Workbench

This task shows you how to quit the Electrical Harness Installation workbench when the bundle segments definition is completed. 1. Click Exit .

You are back in Electrical Harness Assembly workbench or the lastly used Product workbench.

Creating a Geometrical Bundle

This task shows how to create a geometrical bundle. A geometrical bundle is the representation of an assembly of wires grouped together with a common covering and connected to electrical connectors.

You are advised to create a geometrical bundle representing the harness first before any other action like instantiating harness connectors, creating a multi-branchable document, adding bundle segments or connecting devices, as the geometrical bundle will become flexible when needed. By default, you must create a geometrical bundle before creating bundle segments. To change this setting (in the Tools > Options menu), refer to Electrical Harness Installation Options.

Thanks to the selective loading capabilities, you can work with the cache activated. Refer to Selective Loading in Electrical Products. Open the ElectricalBasic.CATProduct document. It contains devices to be connected together in a geometrical bundle.

1. Click Geometrical Bundle

You are prompted to select the product you want to become the geometrical bundle. 2. Select the product of interest: Product1 The geometrical bundle is created, with electrical properties. In the specification tree, the name and icons have been modified.

Only the following can be selected to become a geometrical bundle: o A product which does not already have electrical properties and behavior

o o

A product which does not result from the New Part command A product which does not result from the New Component command (inline product).

3. You are now ready to start your design. You can create and organize your harness assembly in two different ways. By: Branch in a multi-branchable document. A branch is a set of bundle segments that share the same centerline.

Single bundle segment in a bundle segment document.

Selective Loading in Electrical Products

The main objective is to enhance the scalability of CATIA Electrical tools, making it possible to design a complete harness in context, using a light loading mode for all surrounding parts. The principle is to only load needed data, when necessary without any explicit action from the user. Selective loading is integrated into all Electrical tools (Electrical Library, Electrical Harness Installation, Electrical Wire Routing and Electrical Harness Flattening) and saves up to 60% of memory consumption by keeping the whole mechanical context in Visualization Mode and by switching devices, supports or bundle documents to Design Mode only when they are needed. As an example, here is the memory consumption for a simple test scenario:

To activate this functionality, you need to activate the cache in Tools > Options > Infrastructure:

Choose Product Structure, the Cache Management tab then Cache Activation. Select the Work with the cache system check box:

You are now asked to restart the system. Then, when working with CATIA Electrical tools, the necessary information is loaded automatically. Selected or needed parts are switched to design mode. This means that you can work with all your mechanical environment in visualization mode.

Working with Branches in a Multi-branchable Document

You can create and organize your harness assembly in branches in multi-branchable documents. About multi-branchable documents Create a multi-branchable document and first branch: click Multi-Branchable Document and set parameters in the Branch Definition dialog box. Add a new branch: Click Branch Definition and set parameters in the Branch Definition dialog box. Edit a multi-branchable document or one of its components: explains what to select to edit a branch or a bundle segment. Create more than one multi-branchable document per geometrical bundle: clear dedicated option Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle before creating multi-branchable documents. Create multi-profile branches: use the different profile types to give your bundle segments a more accurate shape and volume. Compute flexible bundle segments: use the FLEX algorithm to give your bundle segments a more realistic behavior that reflects bundle segment stiffness. Branches in V5R12 onwards: explains how documents containing branches created in V5R10/R11 are managed. Deleting Unused Elements: select Tools > Delete Useless Elements...

You need to launch an electrical workbench to display the branches belonging to a multi-branchable document. They are not visible if your are not in an electrical context (for example in Product Structure workbench).

About Multi-Branchable Documents

A multi-branchable document lets you create your harness in a single CATPart. This document contains a set of branches, each containing one or more bundle segments. Using this method, you can reduce the size of documents, the number of contextual links and consequently the update time. In addition, as all the branches are created in a single document, deleting one branch does not mean you have to delete the corresponding document in the file system or in ENOVIA data base. The tree structure of a multi-branchable document is as follows:

At creation, a multi-branchable document contains one part with only one branch (Branchable1) and one bundle segment (Bundle Segment1). All the geometry is created under this part in the different bodies. A branch is a set of bundle segments that share the same centerline. The bundle segment belongs to the part document and has electrical properties.

Note: Editing and modifying a branch created in the previous release versions, converts it into a multi-branchable document.

One Multi-branchable Document per Geometrical Bundle

A dedicated option (Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle) lets the user choose whether the geometrical bundle

contains one or more multi-branchable documents. However to take advantage of ENOVIA configuration management and manage effectivity at the more detailed granularity level of the branch, clear this check box. The following table will help you understand how this option works depending on what you select and how far you have gone in your design. If the option is... (no impact) Selected Cleared And... No multi-branchable document exists One multi-branchable document exists Geometrical bundle is activated Then the command... Creates a new multi-branchable document (Multi-Branchable1) Edits the document. No new document is created Creates a new multi-branchable document (Multi-Branchable n)

(no impact)

At least one multi-branchable document exists with one branch fully defined Creates a new branch (Branchable n) (i.e. geometry associated and route defined) and, nothing is selected in the geometry area

(no impact)

At least one multi-branchable document exists with one branch, but no geometry has been associated and no route defined and, nothing is selected in the geometry area

Edits the branch (Branchable1)

Adding and Removing Branch Points

Dedicated commands have been created to add Bundle Segment Definition dialog box. and remove branch points although it is still possible to access them through the

Creating a New Multi-Branchable Document and First Branch

A Multi-Branchable document is created by default. It includes: o A Part document ( Multi-Branchable1) which becomes active. o A flexible curve ( Flexible Curve.1) created under ElecRouteBody.1 and belonging to the part. At the moment, there is no geometrical representation.

A branch ( Branchable1) containing a bundle segment (Bundle Segment1). At the moment, there is no geometrical representation.

The Branch Definition

command is active and the Branch Definition dialog box opens:

If the branch (Branchable1) has several bundle segments, the diameter box becomes unavailable. Use Bundle Segment Definition to manage the individual diameter. 3. Enter a value in the Diameter field. The Section is automatically computed. As an alternative, you can enter the Section, the Diameter will be computed.

A message warns you that the bend radius must be at least equal to the Diameter value to insure the correct bundle segment route computation. 4. Enter a value for the Bend Radius. The Bend Radius is the minimum bend radius allowed for the whole bundle segment. The Bend Radius value must be at least equal to the Diameter value to ensure the correct bundle segment route computation. As an alternative, you can select the Bend Radius Ratio option and set the ratio: the Bend Radius is automatically computed. 5. Select the Mode: Slack for example and give a percentage of slack. The different options are the following: o Slack(%): The bundle segment length is increased by the percentage indicated in the Slack(%) field. The Length field is unavailable. o Length: The bundle segment length is indicated in the Length field. The Slack(%) field is unavailable. o Bend: The bundle segment length corresponds to the minimum distance between the points defining its route. The Slack(%) and Length fields are unavailable. o Straight Bend: The bundle segment length is computed from a centreline curve with a fixed minimum bend radius. The main purpose of the Straight Bend Algorithm is to compute a global centreline curve with a minimum fixed bend radius from 3D inputs. The centreline curve is made of two possible elements: Arc of a circle, with fixed radius R (minimum bend radius) Line segment or straight line. The connection points between these elements are continuous in tangency (same tangents on both sides), and imposed tangencies are respected at 3D route points. Generally, the result is a non-planar curve.

When this mode is selected, both Slack(%), and Length fields are grayed out. Slack is not managed for segments built in this mode.

At this stage, the bundle segment parameters are defined. Now you need to route the bundle segment to complete the definition and create the geometrical representation of the Flexible Curve. Note that OK and Apply are deactivated. The following steps illustrate a simple scenario. For more detailed information on routing, see Defining the Segment Route. 6. Click Route Definition . The Route Definition dialog box opens:

7. Click successively:

a. b.

The connector on the left - you can reverse the tangent using the red arrow. The connector on the right.

CATIA finds the closest bundle connection point or section on supports, according to the selection point.

Note that when you select the points used to route the bundle segment, annotations display:

The selection of the construction points in the geometry highlights the point/label and select the routed objects in the

Route Definition dialog box:

The selection in the Route Definition dialog box highlights the point and the label in the geometry area:

You can also define more options using More >>, see Routing Options 8. Click OK to validate. The bundle segment appears. 9. Click Apply in the Branch Definition dialog box to compute the bend radius.

The bend radius is computed and displayed.

Status lights show whether or not the computed bend radius satisfies the minimum bend radius entered. The geometry contains: o A new body: Body.2 containing the rib o The External References container

The ElecRouteBody geometry: Circle.1

Bundle Segment Definition is now available. To create other segments, see Creating/Modifying Segments within a Branch. 10. When the dedicated option (Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle) is selected: Canceling the branch definition before routing the segment creates Multi-Branchable1 and Branchable1. Note that no geometry is defined.

Clicking Branch Definition

again lets you edit Branchable1.

If the segment route is defined, clicking Branch Definition again creates a new branch.

Adding a New Branch

This task shows you how to add a new branch. The Multi-Branchable sample is still open. A multi-branchable document has been created and the first branch has been defined. You are in Electrical Harness Installation (Part workbench). Nothing is selected in the geometry. Ensure that the dedicated bundle segment create option (Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle) is selected. 1. Click Branch Definition . The Branch Definition dialog box opens allowing you to define a second branch: Branchable2

Change the value of the parameters if needed and route the bundle segment.


and Apply are now available.

2. Click OK to validate.

is created as well as the geometry (ElecRouteBody.2 and Body.3).

3. Note that if you click Cancel in the Branch Definition dialog box, Branchable2 is deleted from the specification tree as well as the geometry. If you did not define the geometry and route of the first branch when you created the multi-branchable document, the system edits the first branch and does not add a new branch.

Editing a Multi-Branchable Document or one of its Components

This task shows you how to edit a branch or bundle segment. You need to launch an electrical workbench to display the branches belonging to a multi-branchable document. They are not visible if you are not in an electrical context (for example in Product Structure workbench). When you are in Electrical Harness Assembly, to edit a multi-branchable document or one of its components, you can: 1. Select the multi-branchable document in the specification tree, then click Multi-Branchable Document Or, Expand the multi-branchable document in the specification tree, select a branch then click . .

The application switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench and the Branch Definition dialog box appears.

1. Expand the multi-branchable document in the specification tree, then double-click a bundle segment. The application switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench and the Segment Definition dialog box appears.

2. Note that it is possible to delete a branch but it is not possible to delete a bundle segment.

Creating More than One Multi-Branchable Document per Geometrical Bundle

This task shows you how to manage more than one multi-branchable document per geometrical bundle. Working in this way lets you take advantage of ENOVIA configuration management to manage effectivity at the more detailed level of the branch. 1. Clear dedicated check box Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle:
o o o o

Select Tools > Options

Select the Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline category Select the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. In the Harness Management tab, clear the Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle check box under Bundle Segment Creation. o Click OK when done. 2. Double-click to activate the geometrical bundle 3. Click Multi-Branchable Document . The Multi-Branchable1 is created as described above, with by default one branch and one bundle segment. 4. Activate the geometrical bundle again. 5. Click Multi-Branchable Document . Another multi-branchable document (Multi-Branchable2) is created as described above, with by default one branch and one bundle



Creating Multi-profile Branches

The aim of this functionality is to refine bundle segment geometry in order to accurately represent its shape. It also displays an overall volume close to reality. This applies when:

Designing your harness from scratch Updating an existing harness. Profiles can then be rotated and

You can create different profiles, including rectangular and elliptical profiles, within the same branch .

the bundle segment shape can be based on this rotated profile. This only applies to bundle segments within multi-branchable documents.

Ensure that the dedicated bundle segment profile option (Any Profile)

in the Harness Management tab is selected.

Multi-profile branch options are used to know how to update the parameters of the profile when the profile area is directly modified or

updated after wire routing.

Designing Your Harness from Scratch

1. Create a geometrical bundle using Geometrical Bundle 2. Click Multi-Branchable Document . and then close the dialog box that opens.

3. Create few points to route the bundle segments. Refer to Creating Construction Constraints for more information. 4. Click Multi-Branchable Document again and set branch parameters in the dialog box that opens.

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Branch Definition dialog box opens.

5. Click Route Definition:

o o

Select the objects of interest in the geometry area to define the route of the branch Click OK to validate your choice.

Note: A contextual menu allows you to directly access the Profile Management:

The dialog box opens:

It lets you change the parameters described in next step. 6. Click Bundle Segment Definition in the Branch Definition dialog box. The Bundle Segment Definition opens. o Add a branch point to create a second bundle segment. o Select a bundle segment and change the Profile Type to ellipse, for example.

o o o

Change the section parameters: 15mm for Major Axis, for example. Click Apply. become unavailable as soon as you have entered information in the Detailed Profile Management. In this case the section shape can be different along the bundle segment.
Section Parameters Section Area

becomes unavailable if the Set Area Constant check box is cleared.

The result looks like this:

You can now refine the bundle segment profile. 7. Click Detailed Profile Management. The Profile Management dialog box opens:

It lets you manage:

o o o

The profile type at a given location A constant section all along the bundle segment The section area.

Profile Type
It is possible to change the Profile Type at:
o o

Each bundle segment extremity Each bundle segment definition point

Each way in and out of a support.

Select the point and click the profile type of your choice.

Depending on the profile type, the section parameters can be modified:

o o o

Diameter for a circle Major and minor axis for an ellipse Length and width for a rectangle.

You can also remove the selected profile by clicking . This is only possible for intermediate points of a bundle segment, not on the extremities. The elliptical and rectangular profiles can be freely orientated by clicking Rotate. You can change the axis and the angle in the Rotate Sketch dialog box, at the selected point:

or directly in the geometry area:

The elliptical and rectangular profiles can also be orientated by clicking Invert H and V Directions: If the algorithm cannot compute the bundle segment based on the parameters you chose, you can resolve a twisted configuration by changing the H axis to -H and the V axis to -V.


Constant Section
If the Set Area Constant check box is selected, the section parameters are calculated to keep the section constant all along the bundle segment: o If Major Axis or Minor Axis are modified at one point, the section parameters are updated at the other points or/and extremities to propagate this modification.

If Length or Width are modified at one point, the section parameters are updated at the other points or/and extremities to propagate this modification.

This check box is selected by default.

Section Area
Section parameters and area are linked together: if one changes, the others are automatically updated. Section Area is unavailable if the Set Area Constant check box is cleared. For information on how section parameters are modified if the section area is changed, see bundle segment profile options.

More About the Contextual Menu

A contextual menu is available from the Profile Management dialog box: o On a bundle segment extremity, it allows you to:

Import Profile at Junction: copy

the profile of the connected bundle

segment at the selected point, for example:

at Point.2 of Bundle Segment 2 (rectangular profile), you can import the profile of Bundle

Segment 1

(circular profile):

o o

As a result, you get a circular profile for Bundle Segment 1 instead of the original rectangular profile. Import and Link Profile at Junction: copy the profile of the connected bundle segment at the selected point, and link it to the profile itself, for example: If the profile of Bundle Segment 1 at Point.2 (circular profile) is modified to ellipse, the profile of Bundle Segment 2 will automatically change to ellipse. Copy Profile across the Bundle Segment: copy the profile type of the selected point to the other definition points of the bundle segment. On any point which is not a bundle segment extremity, it allows you to:

o o

Copy Profile across the Bundle Segment: copy

the profile type of the

selected point to the other definition points of the bundle segment. When profiles have been linked by a previous import and link, it allows you to:

this command does not change the profile at the selected point but unlinks the previously linked profiles. For extremity junctions where exactly two branchables meet, it allows you to:

Remove Links between Profiles: using

copy the profile of the connected bundle segment at the selected point. The profile will be successfully copied. For example, at Point.2 of Bundle Segment 2 (rectangular profile), you can import the profile of Bundle Segment 1 (circular profile): As a result, you get a circular profile for Bundle Segment 1 instead of the original rectangular profile.

Import Profile at Junction:

copy the profile of the connected bundle segment at the selected point, but the linking operation will not occur. For example: If the profile of Bundle Segment 1 at Point.2 (circular profile) is modified to ellipse, the profile of Bundle Segment 2 will automatically change to ellipse. However, segment 1 and segment 2 will remain as separate bundle segments. For extremity junctions where more than two branchables meet:

Import and Link Profile at Junction:

Import Profile at Junction/Import and Link Profile at Junction: Displays


error message, as there are more than one profiles to be imported. For extremity junctions when a new branchable is created:
Import Profile at Junction/Import and Link Profile at Junction: Applicable

only at the time of editing the branchable. 8. Click OK to validate your changes in the successive dialog boxes.

Adding/Removing Branch Points

When adding a branch point, the profiles at the new branch point are defined the following way:

The profile at the second extremity of the first bundle segment is the same as the profile of the nearest previous profile. The profile at the first extremity of the second bundle segment is the same as the profile of the nearest next profile.

And vice versa, when removing a branch point, the profiles at the location of the branch point are removed:

Updating an Existing Harness

This task shows you how to re-compute harness bundle segments designed using the default circular profile option. Open Mprofile sample. 1. Set the bundle segment profile to Any Profile and select the option of interest. .

2. Select the bundle segment you want to modify and click Branch Definition 3. Click Bundle Segment Definition in the Branch Definition dialog box. Refer to the scenario above to change the profile. 4. Click OK to validate your changes in the successive dialog boxes.

Protective Coverings and Adaptative Supports

Protective coverings do not handle multiple profiles. They can be applied to circular profiles only. The radius of the profile for tape is computed this way:
Radius = sqrt(Max(Area)/PI)

where PI = 3.14159... and sqrt = square root. Adaptive support formula behaves this way:

where Area_ave is an average area along the bundle segment

Here, Area_ave = (Area 2 + Area 3) / 2

Computing Bundle Segments Using the FLEX Algorithm

You can give your bundle segments a more realistic behavior that reflects bundle segment stiffness when designing your harness from scratch as well as when updating an existing design. This is done using the FLEX algorithm. Based on bundle segment properties (length, diameter, etc.), CATIA computes the effective Young modulus and other input needed by the algorithm (cross section shape, flexibility). The algorithm takes into account protective coverings, internal splices as well as wires and wire groups:

If no wires nor wire groups are routed, bundle segment stiffness is based on individual bundle segment flexibility If wires and wire groups are routed, bundle segment stiffness is based on the properties of the wires and wire groups. In this case,

individual bundle segment flexibility is ignored. If no FLEX solution can be found, a message informs the user and the standard algorithm is used. The electrical designer can take advantage of all the benefits of the FLEX algorithm while working in exactly the same way as with the standard algorithm.

Legend: standard algorithm: yellow

FLEX algorithm: blue

Protective coverings add stiffness. This is taken into account by the FLEX algorithm. Standard algorithm: FLEX algorithm:

Internal splices add stiffness. The FLEX algorithm takes into account the values for the length and equivalent thickness attributes entered when defining splices in Electrical Library. Notes:

There is no visual change to the representation of the internal splice.

You will need to recompute all bundle segments to take into account modifications to length and equivalent thickness of reference internal splices, and if you replace an internal splice by another. These functionalities require a FLEX Physical Simulation license. For more information on this product, see Flex Physical Simulation Overview. These functionalities are accessed by setting the bundle segment computation mode to FLEX algorithm and adjusting the balance slider.

Designing from Scratch

1. Set the bundle segment computation mode to FLEX algorithm and adjust the balance slider. 2. Select the Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle option under Tools > Options > Equipments &

Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline > Electrical Harness Installation > Harness Management


3. Create a geometrical bundle. 4. Click Multi-Branchable Document and set branch parameters in the dialog box that opens.

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Branch Definition dialog box opens.

For information on standard options in the dialog box, see Creating a New Multi-Branchable Document and First Branch. Note that the final slack, length and bend values may not exactly correspond to the user input due to the fact that the FLEX algorithm is a finite-element algorithm. If this is the case, it can be seen when you change the build mode.

Computing the length of bundle segments in Bend or Slack modes: In order to obtain the closest possible correspondence in length when using either standard or FLEX algorithms, the computed length in Bend and Slack modes takes into consideration the bend radius in order to obtain an even more realistic bundle segment shape. o Since the estimated shortest length (corresponding to a slack value of 0) is not directly computed using the FLEX algorithm, the user can enter a smaller input length when in Length mode. A negative slack value will be displayed in the Slack(%) box. 5. Click Route Definition and route a bundle segment.

6. Click Apply in the Branch Definition dialog box to compute the bend radius.

Computed Bend Radius

In FLEX mode, since the algorithm takes the physical properties of the bundle segment (such as diameter, etc.) as input, rather than purely mathematical parameters, CATIA computes the effective minimum bend radius. The bend radius, which is therefore no longer an input, is an attribute of the bundle segment used for checks and can be accessed in knowledge tools. Status lights show whether or not the computed bend radius satisfies the minimum bend radius entered.

Another build mode becomes available after you have routed a bundle segment: Constrained length

Build Mode - Constrained Length

The constrained length mode helps you minimize the impact on manufacturing. For example, in this mode, modifying the position of a support in the 3D view will not modify the flattened view or the harness drawing. This mode lets you keep the same bundle segment length between points, branch points, supports and devices during harness design and modification, when moving, replacing or deleting a support, device or point. For example, move this support...

and the length of the bundle segment does not change:

In this mode, you can set the percent tolerance permitted between the initial and final bundle segment length. For example, if you set this value to 1 and the bundle segment is 100 mm long, then a final length of 101 mm will be tolerated. Note: In Constrained Length mode, the default accuracy is set to a very high value so that same bundle segment length can be maintained. The value set for the balance slider is not taken into account. A message informs you if the modification in bundle segment length exceeds the tolerance and identifies for which branch this is the case. This build mode is recommended once you are well advanced in your design because, in this mode, you cannot: o add slack, supports, devices or branch points o split bundle segments

o o

modify the length of a branch move a branch point

since these actions impact the length of the bundle segment and CATIA cannot figure out how the user intends to modify this length. 7. Click Bundle Segment Definition and set bundle segment parameters in the dialog box that opens. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box opens. A Flexibility slider has been added in the right-hand pane of the dialog box:

This slider lets you set a value between 1 and 5 to define individual bundle segment stiffness. The lower the value, the stiffer the bundle segment. Important: This value is not taken into account if wires and/or wire groups have been routed. In this case, bundle segment stiffness is based on the properties of wires and/wire groups. 8.

Managing Slack Locally

You can add slack locally at a specific location using the Local Slack command . However, the Ignore Slack option is not supported by the FLEX algorithm and is not available in the Local Slack Management dialog box.

Updating an Existing Harness

This task shows you how to re-compute, using the FLEX algorithm, harness bundle segments designed using the standard algorithm. 1. Set the bundle segment computation mode to FLEX algorithm and adjust the balance slider.

2. Select Tools > Recompute All Bundle Segments. All bundle segments are highlighted in red in the geometry area. They need to be updated. 3. Select Update to rebuild bundle segments using the FLEX algorithm. Notes: If no FLEX solution can be found, a message informs the user and the standard algorithm is used. You can undo the recompute operation before or after the update.

If you update branches with internal splices that were designed in earlier releases, the branch shape may be slightly different from that obtained previously because the FLEX algorithm takes internal splices into account.

Flex Physical Simulation Overview

This section aims at giving you an overview of the Flex Physical Simulation product. This overview provides the following information:

Flex Physical Simulation in a Nutshell Flex Definition FLEX Added Value (illustrations)

Flex Physical Simulation in a Nutshell

Simulating the behavior of cables (FLEX) using integrated CAD-CAE tools during the product design process is an important requirement in the automotive and aerospace industries. Real components such as flexible tubes, hoses, wires and electrical wires are so flexible that their shape depends totally on the context in which they are used. This behavior has to be correctly taken into account in design and simulation processes. Flex Physical Simulation is a product dedicated to simulate flexible slender bodies taking into account their physical properties. This product provides other applications, such as Electrical Harness Installation, the functionalities needed to model flexible slender bodies (flex) from the flex definition to its complete flexible behavior in simulation.

Flex Definition
A flex is represented by a:

3D curve/line called the neutral fiber variable cross-section

A typical example of a variable cross-section is as shown:

Only orthotropic cross-sections are supported
An orthotropic cross-section has two symmetry planes meaning the shear section has to fit with the centroid of the section. The images below illustrate the various orthotropic cross-section types:

circular cross-section

annular cross-section

rectangular cross-section

arbitrary orthotropic cross-section (elliptic)

Material properties
Flex Physical Simulation product exhibits particular local deformation modes (behavior) of the flex:

traction-compression (in axial direction) torsion (around axial direction) bending-shearing (in orthogonal planes containing axial direction)

These are examples of more or less flexible flex subjected to gravity with ends imposed to displacements.

FLEX Added Values

The illustrations below aim at showing you the added value of FLEX in terms of realistic shapes.

Standard algorithm vs FLEX algorithm

Legend: yellow:

standard algorithm

blue: FLEX algorithm



The covering adds a rigidity that is taken into account by Flex

Example of the gap that can appear on the curvature.

Branches in V5R12 Onwards

This task explains how documents containing branches created in V5R10/R11 are managed: These branches are edited as in the previous versions.

You will be able to add other branches to such documents as if they were originally multi-branchable documents.

Editing a Branch
Open a document containing branches created in V5R10 or V5R11. 1. Select a branch. 2. Click Multi-Branchable Document .

The Branch Definition dialog box opens allowing you to edit the branch selected.

3. Click OK to validate.

Adding a Branch
Open a document containing branches created with V5R10 or V5R11. Nothing is selected in the geometry. 1. Click Multi-Branchable Document .

A branch is created and the dialog box opens allowing you to define the parameters:

The Branchable document becomes a multi-branchable one (although its name is not changed by the application) and the new branch is created under this one.

2. Define the route then validate. Note that if you click Cancel in the bundle segment definition dialog box, Branchable2 is deleted from the specification tree as well as the geometry. The single bundle segments (those created since V5R7) do not behave the same way: It is only possible to edit or modify their route, but not to add either branch points or branches.

Deleting Broken Publications

This task shows you how to clean your multi-branchable document of broken publications. Prefer this method when deleting unused and broken publications. Deleting publications manually using Tools > Publication may lead to unpredictable results. 1. In Electrical Harness Installation, select Tools > List Broken Publications. The system searches for broken publications. Broken publications have no associated geometry and are not used by the electrical application (for example, extraneous bundle segment ends, logical terminations). These publications are identified in the specification tree by the broken mask (exclamation mark on yellow background). A dialog box displays the list of broken publications found. By default, all elements in the list are set to Remove.

2. Browse the list and double-click elements you want to keep. 3. Click OK to delete publications with Remove status in the Action list. To delete all unused geometrical elements, run the Tools > Delete Useless Elements... command first.

Working with Single Bundle Segments in a Bundle Segment Document

This task explains how to create a document containing a bundle segment and define bundle segment parameters. The bundle segment belongs to a part document with electrical properties. The document now contains a geometrical bundle. 1. Double-click to activate the desired product: Geometrical Bundle1 2. Click Bundle Segment .

The bundle segment document is created under the active product. A bundle segment can only belong to the following types of products:
o o o

A product which has no electrical properties/behavior except for a geometrical bundle A product which doesn't result from the New Part command

A product which doesn't result from the New Component command (inline product). BundleSegment1 includes: o The Bundle Segment1 part that becomes active o The Flexible Curve.1 belonging to the part, which at this time, does not have any geometrical representation

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench and the Bundle Segment Definition dialog box opens letting you define segment parameters. The Bundle Segment Definition command is active.

3. Enter a value in the Diameter field. The Section is automatically computed. As an alternative, you can enter the Section, the Diameter will be computed. A message warns you that the bend radius must be at least equal to the Diameter value to ensure the correct bundle segment route computation. 4. Enter a value for the Bend Radius. The Bend Radius is the minimum bend radius allowed for the bundle segment.

As an alternative, you can select the Bend Radius Ratio option and set the ratio: the Bend Radius is automatically computed. 5. Select the Mode: for example Slack and give a percentage of slack. The different options are: o Slack: The bundle segment length is increased by the percentage indicated in the Slack(%) field. The Length box is unavailable. o Length: The bundle segment length is indicated in the Length field. The Slack(%) box is unavailable.
o Bend:

The bundle segment length corresponds to the minimum distance between the points defining its route. The Slack(%) and Length boxes are unavailable. 6. At this stage, bundle segment parameters are defined. You now need to route the bundle segment to be able to complete the definition. This operation creates the geometrical representation of the Flexible Curve. Note that OK and Apply are deactivated. See Defining the Segment Route which explains how to route bundle segments. When you create a bundle segment on surfaces (keeping associativity between the bundle segment and the underlying part): o The Bundle Segment on Surface option is activated and lets you change the side on which the bundle segment will be created. To do so, click Reverse. o The bend radius and the build mode parameters (Mode, Slack(%) and Length) are not taken into account. These parameters are unavailable.

Local slack management is not taken into account. Hence, this command

is unavailable.

When you create a bundle segment between points created on-the-fly, slack management is not taken into account either.

Defining the Segment Route

This section explains the different ways you can route branches and/or bundle segments.

Routing segments between points, devices and supports (branches and single bundle segments) Routing segments between points created on-the-fly (branches and single bundle segments) Routing branches along external curves Routing single bundle segments on surfaces (this method keeps the associativity with the underlying part)

Routing single bundle segments along external curves Also refer to:

Creating Construction Constraints to know how to create points used when routing segments Routing Options Collapsed Geometry for Bundle Segments and Protective Coverings Sharp Bends in Bundle Segments

To take advantage of the associativity between the construction points or part and the bundle segment, make sure the following option is selected: Open the Tools > Options menu. Select the Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure item. In the External References frame of the General tab, check the Keep link with selected object option.

shows that the pointed geometry element (i.e a surface, a device) is in visualization mode. Click once the geometry element, to switch to edition mode.

Bundle Segment Shape Computation

Each time you click Apply or OK during the definition phase, or if you update the bundle segment after any parameter modification, the following algorithm is launched to compute the best possible shape. An Allow system to use a smaller bend radius value option lets you optimize the bend radius in order to retain the flexible curve. Keeping a flexible curve (a specific electrical curve) lets you manage slack. Note: A standard spline does not permit slack management. Depending on the result, the specification tree is updated according to the following chart:

Note: Working in Cache mode, the bundle segment does not display the icon.


Managing Local Slack at Junctions

During the design process, it is recommended that you create separate points (superimposed) for all network branches rather than just one common point. This will let you adjust slack on individual branches without impacting other branches in the same network. Note: All points created must have the same reference point, and Link More particularly, when you add slack to branches (using Add Local Slack

is used to connect branches. ):

If the branches are created from the center to the outside of the network

Slack is added to both branches:

To add slack to one branch only: 1. Create a new point of type Coordinates, at 0,0,0 and whose reference point is the common point. 2. Place the new point in No Show. 3. Edit the route of the branch to which you do NOT want to add the slack and replace the common point with the new point you just created. 4. Use Link to reconnect this branch to a branch with the common point.

Then, when you add slack to one branch (in red below):

You obtain something like this:

Electrical Harness Flattening Integration

It is recommended not to change the branch/bundle segment orientation if you work in the context of Electrical Harness Flattening:

If you first create the branch/bundle segment this way:

Do not modify it like this:

It would not be supported when synchronizing the data.

Creating Construction Constraints

This task shows how to define the construction points which will be used when routing the bundle segment to build the Flexible Curve geometrical representation. They can be: Construction points Points on part surfaces. The construction points or parts can also be located in another part of the assembly. Make sure the following check box is selected to take advantage of the associativity between the construction points or part and the bundle segment.

1. Select Tools > Options. 2. Select Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure, then the General tab. 3. Under External References, select the Keep link with selected object check box.


Defining Construction Points

1. Click Point .

The Point Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select Coordinates as Point Type: The different types of points are: o Coordinates o On curve o On plane o On surface o Circle center o Tangent on curve o Between. To know more about these options, refer to Creating Points. See also Creating Planes, Creating Lines. 3. Enter the respective coordinates for x, y, z. 4. Click OK to validate. The point is added to the specification tree in the container named as Geometrical Set.

Defining Construction Points on a Part Surface

Open the FollowOnPart1.CATProduct document. You cannot route branches on part surfaces using this method. Refer to Routing Segments between Points Created On-the-Fly. 1. Double-click the part to activate Electrical Harness Installation. 2. Click Point .

3. Select On surface in the Point Type list. 4. Select the surface where the point is to be created. 5. Optionally, select a reference point. You can select an element to take its orientation as reference direction or a plane to take its normal as reference direction. You can also use the contextual menu to specify the X, Y, Z components of the reference direction. 6. Enter a distance along the reference direction to display a point. 7. Click OK to create the point. The point (identified as Point.x) is added to the specification tree. 8. Repeat these steps for the other two points. For more information refer to Creating Points. See also Creating Planes, Creating Lines. At the end the document looks like this:

The construction constraints can be any structure elements (i.e. a plane structure).

Routing Segments between Points, Devices and Supports

This task shows you how to define the segment route between points, devices and supports. Defining the segment route creates the Flexible Curve representation.

You can route branches and single bundle segments using this method. This task focuses on the branch. Also in this page:

Selecting devices in the specification tree Changing a connector

Open the NewRouting.CATProduct document.

1. Double-click to activate the geometrical bundle. 2. Create the first branch and define the parameters. 3. Click Route Definition. The Route Definition dialog box opens:

Options are available using More >>. 4. Click successively: CATIA finds the closest bundle connection point or section on supports, according to the selection point. a. A connector on the left equipment b. c. d. The multi-support The adaptative clamp A connector on the right equipment

The bundle segment is displayed:

Click here to know more about adaptative part.

5. Click OK to validate. The Route Definition dialog box closes and the Branch Definition is displayed afresh.

Note that OK and Apply are now activated. 6. Click OK to validate the branch definition.

You can take advantage of the Related Objects viewer to focus on an object and see how it is constructed via its related objects. The related objects command identifies the parent, any children or connected objects and the relationship between objects. When routing between construction points, only bundle segment extremities are published. Intermediate route points along bundle segments are not published. If these are required, the user should publish them manually in the Part Design workbench (Tools > Publications). You cannot route a new branch between intermediate route points of an existing branch. You can only select segment ends of an existing branch.

Selecting Devices in the Specification Tree

It is also possible to select the devices in the specification tree, if the selection is not ambiguous. Ambiguous means that there are several possibilities for the bundle segment to be routed, for example:

Connectors with two or more bundle connection points, Supports with two or more entry points. and the selection is not possible in the specification tree.

In this case, the cursor shows like this

The selection is only possible in the geometry: the closest connection point to the selection point is taken into account for the bundle segment route.

Otherwise, the cursor shows like this

and the selection is possible both in the specification tree and the geometry.

The system automatically selects the bundle connection point (for connectors and back shells) or the entry point (for supports) as if they were selected in the geometry.

Changing a Connector
When changing a connector in the Route Definition dialog box, it's possible that you modify the branch/bundle segment orientation without noticing it:

Click to remove the purple connector:

Point.1 is the Routed Object selected. Add after is selected by default. Click to select Add before, then click the new connector (the blue one).
o o

Note that the selected option comes back to the default value: Add after. Otherwise, the blue connector would be added to the network after Point.1 and the branch/bundle segment orientation would be changed, as shown below:

Routing Segments between Points Created On-the-Fly

This task shows you how to route branches between points created on-the-fly. You can also route single bundle segments on surfaces using this method. Note that it is possible to route branches/bundle segments on different surfaces preserving the bend radius definition.

Since you are routing the branch/bundle segment on a surface, the associativity is not maintained. The Bundle segment on surface option is not available with this function. But you can change the side on which the bundle segment will be created on the surface using the Shift key. It is possible to add or remove construction points or tangents instantly using the corresponding options. See Routing Options.

This command also works in Visualization Mode so you do not need to load the context in design mode. Open a new product document. Select the Insert > Existing Component... item, and choose the FreeEdges1.CATPart document. The path to this sample is: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/FreeEdges1.CATPart.

1. Change the Product1 document into a geometrical bundle using Geometrical Bundle 2. Click Multi-Branchable Document .

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Branch Definition dialog box opens. Enter the value of your choice for the different parameters. 3. Click Route Definition. The Route Definition dialog box opens:

4. Press the Ctrl key and move the pointer along the geometry to display a manipulator and the tangent direction as shown:

This manipulator follows the surface when you move its position. It shows a point pre-positioned perpendicularly to the surface, with a distance to this surface equal to: o the radius in Automatic mode, o the specified value in Manual mode,

the radius increased with the safety margin value in Automatic with safety margin.

These modes are visible on clicking the More >> in the Route Definition dialog box. a. Click successively where you want to define the flexible curve.

Releasing the Ctrl key ends the flexible curve definition. 2. You can modify the route by adding, replacing or removing points as well as modifying the tangent direction.

3. Click OK to validate. The Route Definition dialog box closes.

The Branch/Bundle Segment Definition dialog box is displayed afresh. 4. Click OK to validate the entries made. The result looks like this:

5. Optional - Click More >> to access to specific options: Under the Offset Management at Creation frame: The default value is set to Automatic offset: The flexible curve follows the surface with an offset equal to the bundle segment radius value.
Automatic with safety margin: Manual:

The radius of the flexible curve is increased with a safety margin value.

If you want to define the route at a selected point with a different offset.

For example:


You have started to draw the curve with the automatic offset, using the Ctrl key.

You want to change the route. So release the Ctrl key and get access to the Route Definition dialog box. b. Select Manual and change the value if necessary.


Press the Ctrl key again to follow the route definition.

Note: You can change the mode for only one point or more.

d. e. OK to

Release the Ctrl key to end the route definition. Click OK to validate the route definition. validate the branch/bundle segment definition.

6. Click

The result looks like this:


In Automatic mode, a branch/bundle segment with a circular profile will keep in contact with the surface when the branch/bundle segment is modified. For other profile types, the branch/bundle segment offset will be equal to an equivalent radius computed as follows:

Equivalent radius = sqrt (Area_ave/pi) Where: sqrt = square root Area_ave = average area along the bundle segment pi = 3.14159

In Automatic with safety margin mode, if a protective covering exists, the offset equals the radius (or equivalent radius in the case of non circular profiles) of the current bundle segment plus the thickness of the protective covering plus the safety margin entered by the user. The branch/bundle segment will not keep in contact with the surface if the surface is modified.

Routing Branches along External Curves

This task shows you how to route branches along external curves. Routing branches along external curves allows you to use more elaborated geometry than the electrical flexible curve. The external curve can be created inside or outside the CATPart document. You cannot route single bundle segments along external curve using this scenario. Refer to Routing single bundle segments along external curves. Valid external curves are curves of the following types: spline, line, helix, spiral, split, join, projection, intersection, corner and connected.

Bundle segment geometry is created with the selected curve as center curve. You can add branch points anywhere along the curve. Some parameters are unavailable:
o o Bend radius Build mode (slack,

length, bend)

Since the branch center curve is a predefined curve, these parameters are no longer pertinent.

Only Diameter and Section are available. To modify the bundle segment shape, you must edit/modify the selected curve. Since the branch is built on an external curve, you cannot add definition points, vectors, or devices to the spine definition. A branch is created for each external curve: It is not possible to select more than one external curve at a time for each branch, but it is possible to use joins and other types of curves combining several curves.

Electrical connections are automatically created if the ends of the external curve correspond to bundle segment extremities. Electrical connections are created only in the branch definition command. If the ends of the external curve are modified, no electrical connection update is done. The branch length is the external curve length.

Open the sample document. 1. Double-click to activate the root product: GeometricalBundle1 2. Click Multi-Branchable Document .

The Electrical Harness Assembly workbench switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Branch Definition dialog box opens:

3. Click the External Curve box and select the curve in the geometry (Part.1): Reminder: if you are working in Visualization mode, double-click Part.1 to display the curve.

When selecting the external curve in the geometry: o OK and Apply become available o The shape is automatically generated o Route Definition is unavailable: no modification to the external curve route can be made o Bend Radius and Build Mode are unavailable o The length of the branch is displayed in the Length box: this is the length of the external curve.

5. Optional, to modify the external curve:


Reset the External Curve field with the contextual menu

Select another external curve in the geometry Or, directly edit the external curve. 6. Click OK when done.
o o

7. Add other branches to join the branch you just defined to connectors. Click Branch Definition . The dialog box opens. Fill up the parameters of interest.
a. b.

Click Route Definition and select the objects of interest to define the route of the branch.

c. d.

Click OK to validate. Repeat these steps for the other extremity.

The final result looks like this:


Routing Single Bundle Segments on Surfaces

This tasks shows you how to route single bundle segments on part surfaces, keeping the associativity with the underlying part. The FollowOnPart.CATProduct document is open. The construction constraints have been defined previously. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box is still open. You cannot route branches on part surfaces using this scenario. Refer to Routing Segments between Points Created On-the-Fly. The bundle segment route is associated to the part. As a consequence, if the part is modified, the bundle segment is updated. It is possible to add, remove or modify construction points or tangents instantly using the corresponding options. When you create a bundle segment on a part, o the Bundle Segment on Surface option is activated and lets you change the side on which the bundle segment will be created. To do so, click Reverse . o Bend radius and Build mode parameters (Mode, Slack % and Length) are not taken into account.

Local slack management is not taken into account either (Local Slack

is not available).

1. Click Route Definition. The Route Definition dialog box opens. 2. Check the Geometry on support box, and select the face on which the points have been defined (Surface.1).

3. Click successively the three points in the geometry to define the flexible curve.

4. Click OK to validate. The Route Definition dialog box closes. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box is displayed afresh. Note: At that time, you can use Reverse to create the bundle segment on the other side of the surface. 5. Click OK to validate the bundle segment definition.

Note: Two extra points have been created: they are the bundle segment extremities (Point.5 and Point.6).

Routing Single Bundle Segments along External Curves

This task shows you how to route single bundle segments along external curves. This functionality also works on line, curve, spline, and spiral. You cannot route branches along an existing helix, line, curve, spline and spiral. Refer to Routing Branches along External Curves. Open the HelixBundleSegment.CATProduct. 1. Select the helix in the geometry or the specification tree.

2. Click Bundle Segment

The bundle segment is added to the specification tree: the Curve is created.

CATIA switches to the Electrical Harness Installation workbench (Part). The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box opens: You can change the name, diameter or section, and the bend radius.

3. Click OK to validate the bundle segment definition. The result looks like this:

4. The bundle segment route is associated to the part. As a consequence, if the part is modified, the bundle segment is updated.

Routing Options

You are routing a branch/bundle segment. The Route Definition dialog box is displayed.

Note: A component can be a point, a device or a support. It is also referred to as object. You can:

Add a point, a device or a support before or after the object selected in the list, using the corresponding option, o Select an object in the list. o Select Add before.

Select another object in the geometry.

The object (here a point) is added to the flexible curve before the object selected in the list (here the multi-support).

Replace a component selected in the list with another one, for example the other connector of the equipment:

Select the other connector in the geometry.

The result looks like this:

Remove an object selected in the list. o Select an object in the list. Click Remove. The object (here the multi-support) is removed from the flexible curve.

Geometry on support: to route a bundle segment on a part surface o Select Geometry on support. o Click the surface. o Select the points/supports/devices. The result looks as follows:

More >>


Select a device: By default the flexible curve is built with tangency condition. Click the red arrow to reverse the tangent direction.

Tangent management: Explicit o Select Explicit as Constraint type. o Click a face as Tangent direction.

The tangent is added.

Tangent management: From curve o Select From curve as Constraint type. o Click an edge as Element. The tangent is added.

You can remove or reverse the tangent using the corresponding command buttons.

Select a support: Orientation management: Click Reverse to change the tangent direction.
Positioning management:

1. Click Position to change the way through the support. 2. Change H and V values. 3. Click OK. The result looks as follows:

Select a point: Tangent management: Explicit 1. Select Explicit as Constraint type. 2. Click a face as Tangent direction. The tangent is added.

Tangent management: From curve 1. Select From curve as Constraint type. 2. Click an edge as Element. The tangent is added.

You can remove or reverse the tangent using the corresponding command buttons.

Slack management:

Click Ignore slack if you don't want the slack parameter to be taken into account. The slack is never used when routing a bundle segment on a part.
Offset management at creation:

This option is available when routing bundle segments (branchable or normal ones) on a surface using a manipulator. the flexible curve follows the surface with an offset equal to the bundle segment radius. This is the default value.

For non-circular segment profiles, the offset equals an equivalent radius computed as follows: Equivalent radius = sqrt (Area_ave/pi) Where: sqrt = square root Area_ave = average area along the bundle segment pi = 3.14159 allows you to create an offset equal to the bundle segment radius (or equivalent radius in the case of non circular profiles) increased by the selected value.
Automatic with safety margin

You can change to Manual if you want to define the route at a selected point with a different offset.

Collapsed Geometry for Bundle Segments and Protective Coverings

Before V5R15, it was not possible to design a self-intersecting bundle segment. The bundle segment geometry using a spline with a minimum bend radius smaller than the diameter of the circle was not supported. CATIA raised a twisted configuration error during update.

These errors can become very troublesome during harness design for these reasons:

After wire routing, bundle segment parameters (Minimum Bend Radius, Diameter) are updated according to the wire list and the designer is not able to control the geometry creation. When an error occurs during update, the system stops updating until the designer repairs the problem found. On a big harness it can really take long time to fix every single problem. In some specific design cases, collapsed geometry can represent physical situation.

Hence this capability improves the productivity (no more update errors to solve), eases V4 to V5 migration (V4 bundle segments were more permissive as not integrated in V4 drawing generation) and also enables some real design cases not supported by previous CATIA releases. 1. The creation of self-intersecting geometry for bundle segments and protective coverings is possible.

2. As it is now supported, when the Minimum Bend Radius is smaller than Diameter in the branch definition dialog box, a warning pops up:

A check box lets you ignore this warning. 3.

Protective Coverings in Light Mode

Only protective coverings displayed in Light mode are collapsible. The slot feature created to represent the hole does not handle the collapsed geometry, even deactivated.

Downward Data Compatibility

The bundle segments and protective coverings created before R15 does not support self-intersected geometry. Even if you edit the bundle segments, the rib feature will not be automatically regenerated.

An error appears: EHI_4. Upgrade your data using the CATDUA. Refer to Using the Data Upward Assistant (CATDUA V5).

Working Method
R14 Protective Covering Instantiated in R15
You first need to properly upgrade the reference part in the catalog. Otherwise the instantiated protective covering will not support the collapsed geometry.

Sharp Bends in Bundle Segments

You are routing a bundle segment and the construction constraints lead to a sharp bending bundle segment.

If the bundle segment creation is impossible because of a violation of the minimum bend radius rule, a message warns you that a computation error occurred, and shows the construction constraints causing the error.

Nevertheless if you validate the bundle segment creation using these construction constraints, the Flexible Curve icon is modified in the specification tree to show that it is invalid:

You can then modify the bundle segment parameters or the construction constraints.

Routing Segments through Supports

These functionalities are only available in the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench. They apply to both branches and single bundle segments.

Add a support: Click Add Support and select the bundle segment you want to route into a support. Remove a support: Click Remove Support and select the bundle segment to remove from the support. Arrange bundle segments in supports: Click Arrange Bundle Segments, select a support then reposition bundle segments. Copy the bundle segment arrangement: Click Copy Bundle Segment Position, select a support then click anywhere in the geometry area. Route bundle segments through retainers: Click Route Definition in the Branch Definition dialog box and select a retainer

Adding a Support
This task shows how to route bundle segments through supports. This command also works on multi-supports and retainers.

This example uses a support, but it works exactly the same with a retainer.

Open the InSupport2.CATProduct document.

1. Click Add Support

You are prompted to select the bundle segment you want to drive into the support. CATIA finds the closest bundle segment construction point according to the selection point. 2. Select the bundle segment close to the location of interest. The extremity or construction point is highlighted:


You are prompted to select the support. 3. Select the support. The support is highlighted indicating that the selection is allowed. Annotations are displayed showing the entry points of the support. You can either:

select the support

select a label

The Add Support dialog box opens:

If the selected point is not an extremity, the bundle segment will go through the support between this point and the next one. The options are therefore unavailable as in this example. You can change the bundle segment direction through the support by reversing the arrow. If an extremity is selected, you can choose where you want to place the support along the bundle segment route: o beyond the selected extremity,

on this side of the selected extremity.

Note: In case of a multi-support, if you select the support instead of a label, the section selected is the closest to the selection point on the support:

4. Change the option if needed. 5. Click to invert the arrow in the geometry or in the dialog box, if needed. 6. Click OK validate your choice. The bundle segment route is recomputed. The result looks like this if you select the label of Section1:


The bundle segment slack is ignored on the route though a support. You can add a support to a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering.

Removing a Support
This task shows how to remove the bundle segment from the support, therefore modifying its route. The InSupport.CATProduct document is still open.

1. Click Remove Support

You are prompted to select the bundle segment you want to remove from the support. 2. Select Bundle Segment1. The way through the support is highlighted:

A message is displayed asking you to confirm this action.

3. Click OK to validate your choice. The bundle segment route is recomputed and comes back to its original definition. You can remove a support connected to a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering.

Arranging Bundle Segments in Supports

This task shows you how to arrange bundle segments in supports and propagate the arrangement to one or more other supports in the same route. This functionality applies to multi-branchable documents only.

This command cannot be used for retainers and adaptive supports since bundle segments are automatically positioned in these supports and cannot be re-arranged.

1. Click Arrange Bundle Segments

Note: Rotating a support along the support axis does not affect the bundle arrangement. This means, however, that some bundle segments may be positioned outside the rotated support. If this occurs, you can re-arrange segments manually or, propagate the arrangement of an un-rotated support. A message appears to this effect when you select this command. Click OK to continue. You are prompted to select a support. 2. Select a support. The Arrange Bundle Segments dialog box appears. Bundle segments routed through the selected support are listed.

The selected bundle segment is highlighted in the geometry area.

When the Reframe button is clicked, the view point is modified so that the user can rearrange the segments more easily by having a face view of the support.
When you select the support and click on the Arrange Bundle Segments icon, the view point is modified automatically and at the end of the command, the initial view point is retrieved. Selecting the Show advanced parameters check box in the Arrange Bundle Segments dialog box displays the parameters of the bundle segment in the geometry area.This option is selected by default. o With Show advanced parameters check box selected.

With Show advanced parameters check box cleared.

o o

If you select a support that has been created previous to V5R17, a warning message is displayed. If you want to convert a support created previous to V5R17: Open the support in the Electrical Part Design workbench. Click Define Support Part in the Electrical Support Definition toolbar.

The following information is displayed informing you of the conversion:

The support does not contain any orientation line. Do you want them to be created automatically now? Click Yes to convert the support. Else click No.

Select the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench, and click Arrange Bundle Segments

If the selected support has a Published Ref Line (displayed in the specification tree), but the bundle segment point on this support is still a Point on Plane, we identify it as a converted support. Selecting the converted support should automatically migrate the original arrangement to the new model.

3. Click Reframe to center the 3D view on the selected support and set the support parallel to the screen. 4. Select the Activate/Deactivate clipping plane check box to better visualize the selected support. U and V axes are displayed in the geometry area. The origin of the 2D U,V axis system is positioned on the center of the support. The outer and optimum diameters are also displayed.

When the clipping plane is activated, a circle is displayed to highlight the cross-sections of each passing segments. These crosssections will get the color of their irrespective segment.

When the clipped view is rotated, you can observe that the centre curves of the bundle segments temporarily disappear.

o o o

The circles representing each segment sections, will have a diameter equal to the diameter of the larger covering protection at the support location. The manipulators move freely in all directions, but the U and V parameters value are still displayed in the 3D as well as in the dialog box. The segment geometries are updated only after clicking the Apply button. This improves the overall performances.

Outer and Optimum Diameters

The outer and optimum diameters are displayed to help you.

The Outer diameter of all bundle segments routed through the support. It is computed as follows: Outer diameter = 2*Max (distance (O, Oi) + Ri) where: O is the center of the support Oi is the center of bundle segment i Ri is the radius of bundle segment i

The outer diameter represents the smallest circle whose center is O that contains all bundle segments routed through the selected support.

This value is updated each time the U,V parameters are changed. The Optimal diameter is computed as follows:

Optimal diameter = 1.15*sqrt (sum of ((segment_radius'*2)**2))

This value takes into account the deformation of bundle segments when tied together in a support. Note that protective coverings are not taken into account for computed diameters. 5. In the geometry area, move the bundle segment to the desired location inside the support. Use the green tool to assist you move the bundle segment to the desired location along U and V axes. This tool is positioned on the center of the bundle segment. U, V parameters give the distance of the bundle segment from the center of the support.

U,V parameters in the dialog box are updated accordingly. You can also arrange the bundle segment inside the support by modifying the U,V parameters directly in the dialog box. 6. Select another bundle segment in the list and adjust to desired location inside the support. The entire bundle segment is highlighted in the geometry area. 7. Repeat as necessary to arrange all bundle segments routed through the selected support. 8. Click More>> to expand the dialog box.

The bundle segment arrangement can only be propagated to other supports in the route provided they contain the same bundle segments and are of the same type (i.e. same part number). Supports meeting these conditions are listed in the dialog box. They are also identified by a Propagate ON label in the

geometry area. You can choose to individually propagate the arrangement to some of these supports.
o Propagate ON (green 3D label) identifies supports that can be re-arranged. Double-clicking the text toggles the label to Propagate OFF; the support will retain the previous arrangement.

Propagate OFF

(red 3D label) identifies supports that cannot be re-arranged.

A contextual menu in the Propagate Arrangement list also lets you toggle the status from ON to OFF and vice-versa. 9. Optionally, select Propagate to keep the same bundle segment arrangement in all selected supports in the route. 10. Click OK when done.

Copying the Bundle Segment Arrangement

This task shows how to copy the bundle segment arrangement from one support to other supports in the route. Note: This functionality applies to multi-branchable documents only. 1. Click Copy Bundle Segment Position .

You are prompted to select a support. This support is the reference support; the bundle segment arrangement in this support will be copied to all other selected supports in the route, provided they contain the same bundle segments and are of the same type (i.e. same part number). 3D text is displayed in the geometry area to assist you:
o o

Propagate OFF

Green text Propagate ON identifies supports that can be re-arranged. Double-clicking the text changes the label to ; the support will retain the previous arrangement. Red text Propagate OFF identifies supports that cannot be re-arranged.

This command does not support retainers and adaptive supports since bundle segments are automatically positioned in these supports and cannot be re-arranged. 2. Optionally, double-click Propagate ON labels to toggle them to Propagate OFF to retain the original arrangement. 3. Click anywhere in the geometry area to propagate the bundle segment arrangement of the reference support to all other selected supports, and exit the command.

Routing Bundle Segments through Retainers

This task shows how to define a multi-base retainer, then to route bundle segments using it. Open the multibaseretainer part document.

1. Switch to Electrical Part Design


2. Define the support as a retainer on both side of the part. To do so:

o o

Click Define Support and select the part. Set the parameters in the Support Definition dialog box for the first side:

For more information, refer to Electrical Library User's Guide (User Tasks - Creating Supports - Creating Retainers). Repeat these steps for the second side.

Note: The Second Plane Definition is already set and cannot be changed.

The specification tree shows that the publications are created with the specific retainer parameters: EHISUPPORT-RefBasePlane.1 and EHISUPPORT-RefBasePlane.2.

3. Save the part.

4. Switch to Electrical Harness Assembly 5. Click Geometrical Bundle


and select Product1.

6. Insert your part to this product, using the contextual menu: Components >

Existing Component...

The File Selection dialog box opens. Select the part you saved in step 3. 7. Create a multi-branchable document using Multi-Branchable Document CATIA switch to Electrical Harness Installation workbench. 8. Create few points to route the bundle segments, using Point : .

9. Click Multi-Branchable Document The dialog box opens:


Change the parameters according to your needs. 10. Click Route Definition.

The dialog box opens:


Click successively the points, as shown below:

Click OK to validate. When you select the retainer, CATIA finds the closest entry point for the branch, according to the selection point.

11. Repeat these steps for the second side. 12. Click OK to validate the entries made in the dialog boxes. The result looks like this:

13. When you route a bundle segment over a retainer:

The bundle segment curve is built as follows:

o o o o o o

The entry point is published as RefPoint1. It is projected to the base plane (RefBasePlane) as A. A line is created between A and the entry point (RefPoint1). A point (B) is created on this line, knowing that the distance between A and B is equal to the bundle segment radius. The point B is projected to RefPlane2 as C. The points B and C are added to the bundle segment center curve definition. The slack between these points is ignored.

All the construction objects are sent in No Show space.

The formula is automatically generated under the root product of the document, if the EHISUPPORT-RefBasePlane publication is


length = bundle segment diameter * 0.5

When the diameter changes, the bundle segment is re-computed according to this formula, to keep in contact with the retainer base plane. Using retainer and protective covering: If the bundle segment is protected by a protective covering, the formula that computes the distance between A and B takes into account the thickness of the covering.
AB = bundle segment radius + protective covering thickness

It is the case when:

o o o

A retainer is added to a protected bundle segment A protective covering is added to a bundle segment already linked to a retainer The limit points of the protective covering are modified so that it is added to or removed from the retainer.

Note that:

Only one section of bundle segment can be taken into account to be kept in contact with the retainer base plane, whatever the diameter is. This means that a branch point created in the middle of the retainer only allows one side of the bundle segment to be updated with the correct diameter.

It is not possible to hold concurrently the properties of a retainer and a standard support: either the base plane is taken into account to route the bundle segment or it is the entry point and planes only. The part below cannot be used as a retainer and a standard support.

The retainer component is fully integrated in the Electrical Harness Flattening workbench.

Managing Local Slack

This task explains how to modify the slack at a specific location. This command is available for both branches and single bundle segments. This command is unavailable when routing single bundle segments on part surfaces (keeping the associativity with the underlying part). Open the LocalSlack.CATProduct document. 1. Click Local Slack .

2. Click the bundle segment where you want to modify the slack: Two construction points are highlighted: they delimit the portion of the bundle segment selected.

The Local Slack Management dialog box opens:

Two options are available:

Ignore slack: the slack is not taken into account between the highlighted points. This option is not available if you computed bundle segments using the FLEX algorithm. o Add slack: an extra length is added to the bundle segment portion. 3. Select Ignore slack and click OK. o

The bundle segment looks like this:

4. Click Local Slack


5. Select the other segment portion (on the right). 6. Select Add slack, enter 10mm in the Slack definition field and click OK.

The bundle segment is updated. 7. Moreover, if you edit the bundle segment route (by double-clicking the bundle segment, then Route Definition), you can see that:
o o

o o

The construction points display labels The construction point selected in the Bundle Segment Route Definition dialog box highlights (here Point.3) in the geometry, and vice versa: the point selected in the geometry selects the routed object in the Bundle Segment Route Definition dialog box. Refer to Bundle Segment Route Definition. The slack added to a bundle segment portion displays a label located in its middle The slack ignored between two points displays a label located in its middle.

8. Slack is always added between the point selected and the following one according to the construction order. To adjust slack on individual branches without impacting other branches in the same network, see Managing Slack at Junctions. You can modify a slack at a specific location on a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering.

Harness Covering
Dedicated commands let you to add protective coverings over bundle segments as well as change the default relationships between protective coverings, adaptative supports, retainers and bundle segments. Instantiating Protective Coverings Adjust relationships between harness covering components

Instantiating Protective Coverings

Adding Light Protective Coverings: This command exists in the Electrical Harness Installation It is a feature present in a multi-branchable document. It covers bundle segments in one branch only. There are four types of light protective coverings. Advantages: o Improved performance o Reduced data size o


Improved ergonomics of 3D manipulation tools (positioning ends of protective covering).

Adding Protective Coverings:

This command exists in the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench. It is created in a part under a geometrical bundle in the specification tree. It can cover bundle segments located in different branches, as well as bundle segments in different multi-branchable documents. There are two types of protective coverings. If you want to privilege performance and ease-of-manipulation, use Light Protective Covering. If you want to add protective coverings to several branches, or across different multi-branchable documents, use Protective Covering.

About Protective Coverings

This section introduces you to protective coverings.

If you want to privilege performance and ease-of-manipulation, use Light Protective Covering. If you want to add protective coverings to several branches, or across different multi-branchable documents, use Protective Covering. There are four types of light protection coverings: o Fixed Diameter o Adaptive Diameter o Corrugated tube o Tape There are two types of regular protection coverings:

o o

Corrugated tube Tape

Tape Parameters:
Parameters specific to the tape type of protective covering:

the layer number the taping angle the tape overlapping.


The taping angle and the overlapping parameters are mutually exclusive: either you enter a value for the taping angle and the overlapping will be automatically computed, or you enter a value for the overlapping and the taping angle will be automatically computed. The overlapping value can be negative.

You also get information about the protective covering length: The Covered length is displayed for both tape and tube type. The Total tape length is calculated, using the following parameters: It lets you choose the protective covering reference you want to apply, using the catalog browser.

Angle is the taping angle value. Height is the bundle segment length NbLayers is the number of layers.

covered by the tape.

The overlapping formula is the following: Overlapping = Width - 2 * (Radius + Thickness/2) * sin Angle where:
Width is the tape width. Radius is the bundle segment radius. Thickness is the tape thickness. Angle is the taping angle value.

About Supports, Bend Radius, and Integration With Other Electrical Products:

Supports can be added to bundle segments covered with a protective covering. If the support is adaptative, its parameters will be linked to the protective covering outer diameter. The protective covering bend radius is not taken into account when computing the bundle segment using the standard algorithm. It is only used with the FLEX algorithm. However, this parameter lets you create knowledge rules. This functionality is integrated with the wire routing (EWR): when routing wires into bundle segments covered with a protective covering, the bundle segment diameter updates as well as the protective covering's. This functionality is also integrated with the drawing extraction (EHF): the protective coverings are displayed in the drawing sheet.

Adding Light Protective Coverings

This task shows you how to add light protective coverings defined using either the Define Protection Product or the Define Protection Part commands in the Electrical Library workbenches and stored in a catalog. The Browse window is integrated to the Light Protective Covering command through the Light Protective Covering dialog box. It lets you select catalogs stored in database when working in ENOVIA context.

Open any document containing at least a geometrical bundle.

1. In the Electrical Harness Installation workbench, click Light Protective Covering For information on Tape Parameters, see About Protective Coverings. The Light Protective Covering dialog box appears:

in the Internal Protection toolbar.

2. Select the catalog then the Protective covering you want to instantiate. You can instantiate protective coverings created using both the Define Protection Product and the Define Protection Part commands in the Electrical Library workbenches. However, if you use Define Protection Part, the customization of the reference part is not kept when instantiated. a. Open the catalog browser: To do so: 1. , and navigate to the catalog, for example: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalSession/catalog. 2. Double-click the protective covering. Click

The catalog browser closes and the selected protective covering displays in the upper right corner of the primary window. If the Enable Sourcing access option is selected in the Tools > Options > Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline > Electrical Assembly Design > General tab, the Collaborative Enterprise Sourcing (CES) environment is enabled, and the Sourcing Search dialog box is displayed instead of the Catalog Browser dialog box.

For a given part number defined in iXFElec file, there must be one and only one part found after the query on Internal Item Number criteria, else there would be an ambiguity. b. An alternative is to use the Catalog Browser it onto the bundle segment: from the toolbar, select the protective covering then drag and drop

Supports can be added to bundle segments covered with a protective covering. If the support is adaptative, its parameters will be linked to the protective covering outer diameter. c. 3. In the specification tree, select one or more bundle segments to be covered with the protective covering. o In case of multi-selection, the bundle segments must belong to the same branch.

You can select normal bundle segments, as long as they are contiguous. Light Protective Covering is a feature of a multi-branchable document, and it covers bundle segments in one branch only.

The Protective Covering Information is updated in the dialog box, and the protective covering start and end points are displayed in the geometry.


Drag the Start Extremity or End Extremity label to modify the location of the internal protection.

o o o o 1.

The End Extremity here is modified. The protective covering turns to red informing you that it needs to be updated. The protection extremity is editable all along the branch. You can also double-click any one extremity to re-limit the protective covering. The Define Extremity dialog box appears:

It lets you define the new position for the extremity from the reference point. 2. 3. Enter 30 mm in the Distance field. Click Invert to invert the position of the protection extremity to the other side of the reference point while maintaining the same distance from the reference point.

2. The light protective covering is added as a separate feature to the specification tree under the multi-branchable feature:

Light Protective Coverings integrate the collapsed geometry behavior (as applicable for external protections).
When you instantiate a customized internal protection (consisting of user defined parameters, relations, or rules), these parameters, relations or rules are added to the specification tree (under internal protection node). A view of the specification tree shows these parameters and relations added under the Product1.1 node:

Adding Protective Coverings

This task shows how to add protective coverings created using the Define Protection Part command in the Electrical Library workbenches and stored in a catalog. Make sure you use Electrical Harness Assembly workbench when modifying the protective covering. The bundle segments must belong to a geometrical bundle for this command to work properly. The Browse window is integrated to the Protective Covering command through the Protective Covering dialog box. It lets you select catalogs stored in database when working in ENOVIA context. Open any document containing at least a geometrical bundle.

1. In the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench, click Protective Covering The dialog box opens:

It lets you:
o o o

choose the protective covering reference you want to apply, using the catalog browser, select the bundle segments on which the protective covering will be applied, remove bundle segments from the selection

define tape parameters. 2. Select the catalog then the protective covering you want to instantiate.

You can only instantiate protective coverings created using the Define Protection Part command in the Electrical Library workbenches. a. Open the catalog browser: To do so:


and navigate to the catalog, for example:


Double-click the protective covering.

The catalog browser closes and the selected protective covering displays in the upper right corner of the primary window.

An alternative is to use the catalog browser onto the bundle segment:


from the toolbar, select the protective covering then drag and drop it


2. Select one or more bundle segments to be covered with the protective covering:

Notes: In case of multi-selection, the bundle segments must belong to the same geometrical bundle. You can select both normal bundle segments and branches , as long as they are contiguous. The dialog box updates and the protective covering start and end points display in the geometry.

3. Double-click one extremity to re-limit the protective covering. The Create Point on Curve dialog box opens:

It lets you define the new position for the extremity: You can change either the ratio or the length (the other parameter is modified accordingly) or select the middle point of the bundle segment. An alternative is to select a point on the curve in the geometry:

o o

the Start Extremity here is modified,

the protective covering turns to red informing you that it needs to be updated. 3. Click OK to validate the re-limitation of the protective covering. The geometry is updated.

4. Click OK to validate the entries made. You can select a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering.

Adjusting Relationships between Harness Covering Components

By default, adaptative supports and retainers are always placed on top, and protective tape is always placed over a bundle segment. The diameter or shape of these components automatically adapts itself to the diameter of the components they cover. However, there may be times when you want to change the relationships between components or even, correct a component that is not properly positioned, in order to better represent the various layers of protective coverings and supports on top of bundle segments. The Adjust command lets you change the relationship between protective tape, adaptative supports and retainers, and the components they cover: bundle segments and protective coverings. For example, you can re-position protective tape placed on top of a bundle segment and have it placed over another protective covering added to the same bundle segment at a later date. Note that the graphical representation of the protective tape, adaptative support or retainer reflects the relationships defined between components. This gives you a better representation of components as well as accurate information letting you plan for manufacturing. Knowing which component is on top of which other component means you can deduce the placement order of protective coverings and supports during the

process planning stage. Note: Standard supports and corrugated tube come in fixed diameters and are positioned with respect to the bundle segment routed inside them. By default, they are the outermost components. However, you can place protective tape over these components using the Adjust command. This task shows how to change relationships between components covering the harness. Open the Geometrical_Bundle1.CATProduct document.

1. Click the Adjust icon . 2. Select the component you want to adjust. You can select: o Adaptative support o Retainer o Protective tape covering. In our example, select the yellow protective tape covering the bundle segment.

3. Select the component you want to place it over: You can select: o Bundle segment o Protective covering o Support, if your first selection was not an adaptative support or retainer. In our example, select the the corrugated tube.

The protective tape is adjusted to cover the corrugated tube. 4. Extend the protective tape so that it covers most of the corrugated tube.

Notice that the adaptative support is still placed over the corrugated tube, and under the protective tape.

5. Adjust the adaptative support so that it is placed on top of the protective tape you have just extended.

6. Important

You cannot place a single protective covering over several bundle segments. You cannot place supports over other supports. By default, standard supports and corrugated tubes are the outermost components. However, protective tape can be placed over these components using the Adjust command. You can only place light protective coverings over light protective coverings in the same multi-branchable document. You can also only place regular protective coverings over regular protective coverings. Protective coverings have a uniform circular shape over the entire length of the covering. This means that: o The shape of protective coverings does not change to match the shape of other protective coverings or supports that are placed over it:

Protective tape may clash with supports:

The inner diameter of corrugated tube does not change to match the different diameters of a bundle segment. The diameter remains constant.

Protective Coverings and Multi-profile Bundle Segments

Protective coverings do not handle multiple profiles: they keep circular profiles only.

The radius of the profile for protective tape is computed as follows:

Radius = sqrt(Max(Area)/PI)

where PI = 3.14159... and sqrt = square root.

Linking/Unlinking Bundle Segments

These functionalities are only available in the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench. This applies to branches and single bundle segments. Link bundle segments: Click Link and select the bundle segment you want to link to another bundle segment or a device.

Unlink bundle segments: Click Unlink and select a bundle segment extremity to unlink all the elements.

Linking Bundle Segments

This task shows how to create a connection between a bundle segment and a device or between two bundle segments.

This applies to multi-branchable and single bundle segments. You can also link a single bundle segment to a branch. Open the Link.CATProduct document.

Make sure the options are set according to your needs. If the Geometrical link option is not activated, only the electrical link is created. in the Management toolbar.

1. Click Link

You are prompted to select the bundle segment you want to connect.

o o

CATIA finds the closest bundle segment extremity according to the selection point. If you click Link , and move the mouse over a bundle segment that is already linked: All the bundle segment extremities connected to the selected bundle segment are highlighted. A yellow circle with a Connected Extremity label is displayed at the extremities.

2. Select Bundle Segment1 close to the extremity to be connected.

>> The extremity is highlighted:

You are prompted to select another bundle segment extremity or a device. 3. Select ConnectorLink.2.

>> connector includes a bundle connection point.

The connector is highlighted indicating that the selection is allowed: the

CATIA finds the closest bundle connection point according to the selection point. A message is displayed asking you to confirm the selection. 4. When you are satisfied, click OK validate your choice. The bundle segment is computed. The result looks like this:

Note that you can add or reverse tangent. 5. To make the connection possible, a bundle connection point must be defined on the device.

Linking Bundle Segments Following a Part

This applies to single bundle segments only. 1. Click Link .

You are prompted to select the bundle segment you want to connect. You must choose first the bundle segment which is not following the part. Otherwise the construction is not possible. 2. Select Bundle Segment1 close to the extremity to be connected.

>> The extremity is highlighted:

You are prompted to select another bundle segment extremity or a device. 3. Select Bundle Segment2 close to the extremity to be connected.


CATIA generates the point for the connection A message is displayed asking you to confirm the selection. 4. Click OK validate your choice. The bundle segment is computed. The result looks like this:

As you see, there is no tangency applied to the bundle segments. You can modify the route and define a tangent. 5. Double-click to edit the bundle segment newly routed. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box opens. a. b. Click Route Definition. The Bundle Segment Route Definition window opens. Click More>>. It shows like this:

Note that the bundle segment extremity (Point.6) is selected.

c. below:

Click the Tangent direction field and select the bundle segment flexible curve as shown

The dialog box is updated:

and also the geometry:

d. 6.

Displaying the electrical connection

1. Click Related Objects in the Related Objects toolbar.

2. Select the bundle segment: Bundle Segment1 You see that the connector is linked to the bundle segment. o in the Tree view:

o o

in the 3D view:

3. For more information, refer to Viewing Related Objects. You can create a connection between a bundle segment and a device, or between two bundle segments even if the bundle segments are covered with a protection.

Unlinking Bundle Segments

This task shows how to delete a connection between bundle segments or between a connector and a bundle segment. This applies to multi-branchable and single bundle segments. However, you cannot unlink bundle segments within a branch. Open the Link.CATProduct document.

1. Click Unlink

in the Management toolbar.

You are prompted to select the bundle segment extremity you want to disconnect.

o o

CATIA finds the closest bundle segment extremity according to the selection point. Move the mouse over the bundle segment that is already linked: All the bundle segment extremities connected to the selected bundle segment are highlighted. A yellow circle with a Connected Extremity label is displayed at the extremities.

2. Select Bundle Segment1.

>> The extremity is highlighted:

A message is displayed asking you to confirm the selection. 3. When you are satisfied, click OK to validate your choice. The bundle segment is disconnected from the connector. You cannot unlink bundle segments within a branch.

Displaying the electrical connection

1. Click Related Objects .

2. Select the bundle segment you have just disconnected: Bundle Segment1 You can see that the connector is no longer connected.

in Tree view:

in 3D view:

3. For more information, refer to Viewing Related Objects. You can delete a connection between bundle segments or between a connector and a bundle segment even if the bundle segments are covered with a protection.

Working with Branch Points

You can add or remove branch points from branches via commands in the Bundle Segment Definition dialog box and in the Electrical Harness Assembly Management toolbar. You can also delete unused branch points via the contextual menu.

From the Bundle Segment Definition Dialog Box

Create/modify segments within a branch: Cut a bundle segment into more segments within a branch and manage diameter and color for each section. Remove branch points: Click Remove Branch Point to remove a branch point and merge the bundle segments.

From the Contextual Menu

Delete unused branch points: This contextual command proposes a special behavior when deleting branches if branch points, splices or wires are contained in the branch.

Dedicated Commands in the Management Toolbar

Add branch points: Click Add Branch Point and select the branch to which you want to add a branch point. Remove branch points: Click Remove Branch Point and select the branch point you want to remove. Delete unused branch points: Click Delete Special and select the branch containing branch points you want to delete.

Connecting Segments
Connect segments at branch points: Click Multi-Branchable Document or Bundle Segment, define segment parameters then when routing the segment, select a branch point.

Creating/Modifying Segments within a Branch

This task explains how to create/modify other segments at branch points. Dedicated commands have been created to add Bundle Segment Definition dialog box. and remove branch points although it is still possible to access them through the

See also Modifying the bundle segment or protective covering geometry and formulas. Branch points can be added to or removed from the original branch. The tangent continuity is maintained between the segments. You can also connect other segments at branch points and manage the bundle segment diameter and color for each section. You've already created a multi-branchable document. The Branch Definition dialog box is still open. 1. Click Bundle Segment. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box opens:

It lets you manage the bundle segments and their properties. 2. Optionally, change the parameters according to your needs:
o o o Name Diameter Color.

3. Click Add Branch Point : You are prompted to select the bundle segment. 4. Select the bundle segment. The Create Branch Point dialog box opens:

5. Click a point on the curve where you want to create a branch point.

The distance to the reference object is updated in the dialog box. An alternative is to enter a value in the Length or Ratio field. 6. Click OK to validate. The Bundle Segment Definition dialog box is updated:

The bundle segment, here Bundle Segment.2, has been created as well as the branch point, here Point.4.

Note: Since you cannot place a single protective covering over several bundle segments, any protective covering would be trimmed to cover the original bundle segment (Bundle Segment.1) only. The Extremity Management becomes available where you can modify the coordinates. The Visualization Management allows you to reframe the geometry on the selection. 7. As a branch point has been added, the branch consists of two sub-branches that can have different parameters. Those sub-branches share the same centerline and are stored into the same CATPart document. The branch point is not fixed as a bundle segment definition point but placed directly on the centerline. Thus, when modifying the

centerline, the branch point follows the curve.

Modifying the bundle segment or protective covering geometry and formulas

Make sure you use Electrical Harness workbench when modifying the bundle segment or protective covering.
Using non electrical commands to modify electrical data may lead to inconsistencies when compared to the behavior implemented by electrical commands. Directly editing, modifying and replacing either geometrical features created automatically (splits, curves, etc.) or formulas must be done with caution. Note that restructuring or reordering these features may also lead to unpredictable results.

Let's see an example:

If you double-click the the selected branch point as shown above, you will activate the Point Definition command of the Generative Shape Design workbench.

This allows you to modify the point position, but out of the electrical context. In this case, the adaptative support will not be updated to the new bundle segment parameters.

Using the dedicated command, the extremity management lets you modify the branch point position:

When you validate the entries made, the result looks like this:

Removing a Branch Point

This task explains how to remove a branch point from a branch. Several branch points have been added to the branch.

The geometry looks like this:

1. Click Remove Branch Point in the Bundle Segment Definition dialog box. You are prompted to select the bundle segment extremity. 2. Click the bundle segment close to the branch point you want to remove. CATIA finds the closest bundle segment extremity according to the selection point.

The branch point is highlighted.

A message displays:

3. Click OK to validate. The branch point is removed and the two bundle segments on both sides of the branch point are merged.

4. Click OK when you are done. You can remove a branch point on a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protective covering. Note that when you select a bundle segment to remove a branch point, the closest one is highlighted and proposed for deletion. When you validate, the merged bundle segments keep the properties of the bundle segment originally selected.

Deleting Unused Branch Points

When a branch is unlinked or deleted, if branch points are no longer used, the system can keep them or prompt the user to delete them, according to a dedicated option. When the branch contains wires or splices, the user must be warned that this action may impact other electrical objects: a dialog box proposes to keep them or have them removed, (whatever the option setting is). This is because it would leave broken links to wires or splices. A Delete Special command , enabling direct selection in the geometry area, is available in both Electrical Harness Assembly and Electrical Harness Installation workbenches. This command is also available through the Branchable.x object > Delete Special... contextual menu in Electrical Harness Assembly.

Set up the option to be prompted for deletion of unused branch points.

Open a document containing at least two branches connected through a branch point, optionally wires and/or splices.

1. Select the branch you want to delete in the specification tree: here Branch 2. 2. Click Delete Special or use the contextual menu.

Since there are objects in the branch you want to delete, this first dialog box opens: Otherwise this step is ignored.

It shows the list of objects belonging to the branch. It can be wires or internal splices. Note that it is not possible to individually delete entities inside the branch: either all are deleted: Delete All or none of them: Keep All. 3. Click Delete All or Keep All according to your need.
o o

The following dialog box opens:

It lets you choose:


to keep the unused branch point, even if no branch is connected. If you select this option, the bundle segment and the branch point highlight.

Click OK to validate. The result looks like this:

to remove the unused branch point and indicate which selection you want to keep: If you select Current side, the bundle segment and the branch point highlight.

Click OK to validate. The result looks like this:

If you select Other side, the bundle segment and the branch point highlight.

Click OK to validate. The result looks like this:

The resulting bundle segment keeps the properties of the selected section. 4. If the branch point is used in a specific case of configuration, the Keep unused branch point option may be useful in order to avoid unexpected deletion. For example, if the same branch point is used for different configurations and if you work on a resolved configuration, which does not

include it. This functionality only works for multi-branchable documents and branches, not for single bundle segments. You can select a branch to delete even if the branch is covered with a protective covering.

Adding Branch Points

This task shows you how to create branch points using the dedicated command. It is also possible to access this function through the Bundle Segment Definition dialog box. Open a document containing at least a branch.

1. Click Add Branch Point . You are prompted to select a branch. 2. Select the branch. The dialog box displays as well as tools allowing you to place the branch point on the curve:

3. Select the reference point either in the specification tree or in the geometry. Click Other Extremity to change the reference point to the branch other extremity. 4. Define the distance to the reference object either in the dialog box or in the geometry. In the dialog box you can define the distance:

o o

by entering the length from the reference point or by entering a bundle segment ratio.

5. Click OK to validate.

Removing Branch Points

This task shows you how to remove branch points using the dedicated command. It is also possible to access this function through the Bundle Segment Definition dialog box. Open a document containing a branch with several branch points. 1. Click Remove Branch Point . You are prompted to select a bundle segment. 2. Click the bundle segment close to the branch point you want to remove. CATIA finds the closest bundle segment extremity according to the selection point. The branch point is highlighted.

A message displays:

3. Click OK to validate. The branch point is removed and the two sub-segments on both sides of the removed branch point are merged. Note that when you select a bundle segment to remove a branch point, the closest one is highlighted and proposed for deletion. When you validate the merged bundle segments keep the properties of the bundle segment originally selected.

Connecting Segments at Branch Points

This task explains how to branch any type of bundle segments and how the bundle segment update is performed in case of route modification. You can connect either branches or single bundle segments.

1. Add several branch points to the branch. The branch is divided into as many bundle segments.

The geometry looks like this:

Splitting Bundle Segments

This functionality is only available in the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench. It works differently depending on whether you select a branch or a single bundle segment. Split branches: Click Split and select the branch you want to split. Split single bundle segments: Click Split and select the single bundle segment you want to split.

Splitting Branches
This task shows how to split a branch into two. A new branch is created. This operation may prove useful in the context of the configuration management in ENOVIA: It allows you to prepare the transfer of a branch to another multi-branchable document. Refer to Split and Transfer Usage. This scenario is available for branches in multi-branchable documents only. Create the necessary branches using the DemoGS.CATProduct document. It looks like this for example:

1. Click Split

You are prompted to select the bundle segment in order to define the branch point on which you want to split. 2. Select the bundle segment as shown below: The branch point is highlighted and the Split dialog box opens:

At this step, you can choose to split the branch at the highlighted branch point or to create a new one.

o o

CATIA finds the closest branch point according to the selection point. In case there is no branch point available, CATIA proposes to create a new one.

3. Keep the first option and click OK to validate. A new branch is created (Branchable1.1)

4. Alternatively select On a new branch point and click OK to validate.

You are prompted to select the bundle segment on which you want to create the branch point. 5. Select the bundle segment as shown below:

The dialog box opens:

6. Enter 0.25 for example for the ratio and click OK to validate.

The result looks like this:

A new bundle segment (Bundle Segment 5) has been created in Branchable1.1. 7. After the split, the tangent continuity between the bundle segments is maintained.

How is it done?

Before the split, the branch 1 (Branchable 1) is composed of three segments between Connector-A3 and Connector-A1: Specification tree corresponding to the following route definition

During the split, the branch point is isolated from the flexible curve (and becomes a point with coordinates: Point.10). Branchable 1 is split into two branches: o Branchable 1, re-limited to Point.10 with two segments (Bundle segment 1 and Bundle segment 2) o Branchable 1.1 created between Point.10 and Connector-A1 with two segments (Bundle segment 4 coming from Branchable 1 and a new Bundle segment 5).
Branchable 1

is tangent to Branchable 1.1 through its flexible curve. corresponding to the following route definition for Branchable 1:

Specification tree

for Branchable 1.1:

The two branches now have their own curves and parameters such as bend radius, diameter, etc. They can be edited separately for each branch. You can split a branch even if it is covered with a protective covering.

Splitting Single Bundle Segments

This task shows how to split a bundle segment with more than two route points. A new bundle segment is created at the cutting point. This scenario is available for single bundle segments only. To split branches, see Splitting Branches. Open the InSupport.CATProduct document.

1. Click Split

You are prompted to select the bundle segment in order to define the cutting point. o The bundle segment will split using a construction point. o CATIA finds the closest bundle segment construction point according to the selection point. o In case the closest bundle segment construction point is an extremity, CATIA uses the second closest one.

As a confirmation message displays, the cutting point highlights.

2. Click OK to validate your choice. The bundle segment is split into two: a new bundle segment (Bundle Segment2) has been created.

After the split, the tangent continuity between the bundle segments is maintained. 3.

Transferring Branches

This task shows how to transfer a branch (containing one or more bundle segments) to either a new or an existing multi-branchable document. This operation may prove useful in the context of the configuration management in ENOVIA: if you want to manage the effectivity at a more detailed granularity level. Refer to Split and Transfer Usage. This scenario is available for branches only. Use the data generated in the Split scenario. It looks like this:

1. Click Transfer Branches

The Transfer Branches dialog box opens:

It lets you choose: o the selection mode Single: you manually select the first branch to transfer. once the first branch is selected, the other branches that can be selected must belong to the same multi-branchable document as the first one. Automatic: select the branch to transfer. It automatically selects all the branches connected to the closest extremity of the first selected branch. Network: select the branch to transfer. It automatically selects all the branches connected to the first selected branch. o the branches to transfer: Select the branches in the geometry or in the specification tree. All the branches selected are listed, according to the selection mode. To remove a branch from the list, select it and use Remove Selection.

the transfer destination.

Copy to geometrical bundle: Same: the branch is transferred in the same geometrical bundle. Another: select the geometrical bundle in which you want to transfer

the branch.

It must be created before the transfer. For a branch covered with a protection: A new protection document is created having the same attributes of the protection covering the source branches. An instance of this new protection is created under the destination geometrical bundle covering the newly transferred branch. The old protection is deleted. Under multi-branchable document: New: the multi-branchable document is created on-the-fly. Existing: select the multi-branchable document.

Note that OK remains unavailable as long as no multi-branchable document has been selected. 2. Choose the Selection mode, Automatic for example. 3. Select one or more branches you want to transfer: Branchable.1.1 for example

CATIA finds the branch(es) connected to the closest branch point according to the selection point. 4. For the transfer destination: copy to the same geometrical bundle: keep Same under a new multi-branchable document: select New. 5. Click OK to validate.
o o

is transferred under a new multi-branchable document. The result looks like this:

6. Transferring all the branches of a multi-branchable document is not possible. At least one branch must be left in the original multibranchable document. You can select a branch to transfer even if it is covered with a protective covering. You cannot transfer a branch to another multi-branchable document if it is covered by an internal protective covering.

Split and Transfer Usage

In the industrial process, the designer first creates the 150% harness (also named maximum harness). This allows him:

to create the harness containing all configurations, to design without any knowledge on how it will be configured later, but the design does not represent a realistic harness since it can have several conflicting configurations. For example, a diesel and a petrol configuration.

According to the configuration to be managed, it is then necessary to split the harness and transfer branches from one document to another. These commands make these operations possible.

The main mechanism is to set effectivity on documents or set of documents:

some documents are valid for all configurations: the blue document. some documents are valid for certain configurations: o for petrol: the blue and green documents

for diesel: the blue and orange documents.

Duplicating Harnesses
This task shows you how to duplicate harnesses stored as workpackages (Document kept - Publications Exposed) in ENOVIA. This command will prove useful for versioning and configuration purposes as well as when re-using existing harnesses. This command is only available if the document you are editing comes from ENOVIA. Open a document stored in ENOVIA. 1. Click Duplicate Harness .

2. Select the geometrical bundle or the electrical bundle you want to duplicate. You can select: o A geometrical bundle previously stored as a workpackage. o An electrical bundle, only if the common parent of the electrical bundle and its associated geometrical bundle was stored as a workpackage. If your selection does not meet the appropriate requirement, then an error message is displayed. 3. In the dialog box that appears, enter the suffix to add to new reference harness components. The suffix is added to geometrical bundles, electrical bundles, multi-branchable documents and protective coverings, but not to devices and supports. A new window appears showing duplicated data. The window with the original data is closed. 4. If you duplicated a geometrical bundle, a new geometrical bundle having the same content is generated.

If you duplicated an electrical bundle, a new document containing an electrical bundle and the associated geometrical bundle is generated. Notes:

All instances of devices, supports, and wires from catalogs are re-instantiated in the new document. All instances of multi-branchable documents, adaptive supports, and protective coverings generate new references that are instantiated in the new document. All relations (constraints, contextual design and electrical connections) are kept. New geometrical bundle and electrical bundle references are generated.

Working with 3D Tolerancing

This task makes use of the Electrical Harness workbench integration together with the 3D Tolerancing and Annotation product. It lets you easily define and manage 3D tolerance specifications directly on the 3D or flattened harnesses. This allows the user to add dimension information directly to the 3D mock-up so that they are available for downstream process. For example, the contents of the 3D session can be sent to a harness supplier for manufacturing purpose and the dimensions to be respected will be part of the data provided.
Curvilinear Dimensions

makes it possible to measure the distance between:

Two connectors of a geometrical bundle through multiple bundle segments Two supports A connector and a protective covering

A branch point and a connector, etc. A Product Functional Tolerancing & Annotation license must be available to perform this scenario. Refer to the 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation User's Guide for more information on the product. You can use the following sample: ...\online\/cfysm_C2\/samples/\ElectricalAssembly/\ElectricalAssembly.CATProduct 1. Select Start > Mechanical Design > Product Functional Tolerancing & Annotation workbench. 2. Select Front View/Annotation Plane . Select a plane or an axis system to define the annotation plane. Here the horizontal plane for example. The Front View is added to the specification tree.

Note: To better visualize curvilinear dimensions, set the viewpoint perpendicular to the annotation plane. To Normal View

do so, click

and select the annotation plane of interest.

3. Select Curvilinear Dimensions in the Dimensions toolbar. You are prompted to select the first element for the dimension creation. In the context of the Electrical Harness product, you can select a plane, a point or a spline. Whatever the number of elements, at least one spline must be selected. They must be ordered from one end to the other. They must be in an electrical part (connector, equipment, bundle segment, support, back shell, protective covering, etc.) o The electrical continuity between the different elements selected is mandatory. For more information about this command, refer to 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation User's Guide - Basic Tasks - Creating Annotations - Creating Curvilinear Dimensions. 4. Select for example: a connector face, two splines and a support face to delimit the second spline.
o o o o o

The connector face:

The first spline:

Note that at that time:

The new feature appears in the specification tree (xxx.Part for Construction Geometries)

The dimension is previewed. By default, the dimension line is linear. You can switch to other visualization modes: Right-click the dimension line to display the contextual menu. Select Parallel.

Refer to 3D Functional Tolerancing & Annotation User's Guide - Basic Tasks - Creating Annotations - Creating Curvilinear Dimensions to see the different view option.

Optionally, you can drag the dimension line and/or the dimension value to position them as wanted. The second spline:

The dimension line is updated. The support face to delimit the second spline:

5. Click in the free space to validate and end the dimension creation. The dimension appears in white.

The semi-arc symbol displayed over the dimension value symbolizes a curvilinear length dimension. You can now handle the dimension just like any other dimension.


User Interface Behavior

Selection of a 3D curve:
If the user selects a 3D curve of a branchable bundle segment, then the curvilinear length dimension will be displayed in the geometry area, and the user will have to click in the free space to validate the dimension creation and to exit the command (no other geometric selection

will be proposed).

Selection of the first 3D curve after the selection of a starting point or planar face:
If the user selects a point or a planar face, he will then be prompted to select a harness routing spline.

Selection of other 3D curves:

Then the user will be prompted to complete the selection of harness routing curves or to select the ending point or planar face of the curvilinear length: If the user selects another curve, the software will check the consistency between the curves. If the last selected and the new selected curves are not connected, an error message will be displayed and the last selection will be removed. The user will again be prompted to complete the selection of harness routing curves or to select the ending point or planar face of the curvilinear length.

Selection of an ending point or planar face:

If the user selects a point or a planar face, the curvilinear length dimension will be displayed in the 3D and the user will have to click in the free space to validate the dimension creation and to exit the command (no other geometric selection will be proposed).

If an object taking part in the curvilinear dimension is moved in the 3D geometry area, the annotation is updated.

Electrical continuity
It is not possible to create a curvilinear dimension for bundle segments belonging to different geometrical bundles. If you select points or planes, CATIA will find the best solution to compute the length the user intends to annotate:

Selection of a point: o On the bundle segment centerline: this point will be used as an extremity of the annotated length. o On a support: the projection of the point on the bundle centerline will be used as an extremity of the annotated length. o On a connector: a straight line will be added to this point from the bundle centerline extremity.

Selection of a plane: o On a support: the intersection point between the plane and the centerline will be used as an extremity of the annotated length. If the selected plane does not intersect with the centerline, the plane is ignored. o On a connector: a perpendicular line between the bundle centerline extremity and the plane will be added.

Creating Text or a Flag Note with Leader

When creating text or flag notes with leaders, create a point on the bundle segment curve to locate the leader. This ensures the associativity between the annotation and the bundle segment whatever changes are subsequently made to bundle segment shape.

Using the Mechanical Modeler Integration

This task makes use of the Electrical Harness workbench integration together with the mechanical modeler. It demonstrates the associativity between the bundle segment and the part. The document contains a bundle segment routed on a part. 1. Modify the sketch of the pad.

The bundle segment is no longer leaning on the face of the pad. 2. Close the Sketcher.

The geometry looks like this:

3. Double-click the bundle segment in the specification tree. The document is updated:


Measuring Geometrical Bundle Inertia

This task explains how to generate the equivalent parameters which will make it possible to calculate the geometrical bundle components' inertia. Please refer to the Measure Inertia command to know more about those parameters. It also relies on the mass of the wires routed in the bundle segments and on the mass of the protective coverings. These parameters are calculated using a specific command described below. This command is available for both bundle segments and branches. This command is available when creating a bundle segment on a part (keeping the associativity). Activate the Parameters option in Tools > Options... > Infrastructure > Product Structure > Tree Customization to display the Parameters node in the specification tree.

The calculation is performed as follows: For the bundle segments, the branches and the protective coverings, the mass calculation depends on equivalent parameters generated using the specific Measure Geometrical Bundle Inertia command.

The other parameters calculation (center of gravity, inertia matrix, etc.) only depends on the geometry. They are generated by Measure

in the Measure toolbar.

the mass of the bundle segment is the sum of the mass of the wires routed through this bundle segment as well as the sum of the mass of the internal splices connected to them.

the mass of the wire extra length used in the back shell is added to the mass of the bundle segment to which it is connected. In case several bundle segments are connected to the same back shell, the mass of the wire extra length is added to the mass of the bundle segment for each of them. the mass of the branches is the sum of the mass of the bundle segments it aggregates. the mass of the protective coverings (corrugated tube or tape) is calculated from the length and the linear mass, if this one is known. Otherwise, no inertia equivalent is calculated and the default calculation (Measure Inertia command) is applied.

Open a document containing at least a geometrical bundle with wires and possibly protective coverings. 1. Click Measure Geometrical Bundle Inertia . This command computes the parameters needed to get the Mass and Inertia of the selected component. 2. Click the geometrical bundle or electrical bundle for which you want to calculate the inertia parameters. 3. Click Measure Inertia The dialog box opens: .

The cursor changes to

to indicate that you will be able to measure objects.

Refer to the Measure Inertia command. 4. Click Customize... A second dialog box opens:

Refer to Inertia Equivalents. 5. Click to select Equivalent and validate: the inertia equivalents previously computed will be taken into account.

6. Select the electrical component of interest. it can be:

o o

a geometrical bundle, an electrical bundle: selecting an electrical bundle calculates the equivalent parameters for all the geometrical bundles linked to it.

The Measure Inertia dialog box expands to display the results for the selected item:

Note that the Equivalent field shows that three elements are taken into account for the inertia calculation.

7. Click OK when done. The equivalent parameters are not updated after the modification of electrical objects - wire routing, bundle segment geometrical modification, etc. - as the process is asynchronous. You will need to launch the command again to get the modification taken into account.

Inertia Equivalents
This section deals with the following procedures:

Understanding Inertia Equivalents Displaying Inertia Equivalents in the Measure Inertia dialog box Importing Inertia Equivalents

Understanding Inertia Equivalents

Equivalents are user parameters set using the Knowledgeware formula command or Excel (*xls) files. under parts or products and imported from text (*txt)

If your document contains inertia equivalents set using Knowledgeware capabilities, then the Inertia command will not calculate the inertia properties of the selected geometry but return the equivalent values. The Equivalent box of the Measure Inertia dialog box indicates whether or not equivalents have been used:

0: the measure is made on the selection, geometry or assembly 1 or more: One or more inertia equivalents are taken into account.

Displaying Inertia Equivalents in the Measure Inertia dialog box

1. Click Customize... in the Measure Inertia dialog box. The Measure Inertia Customization dialog box appears. 2. Select Equivalent checkbox in the Measure Inertia Customization dialog box. 3. Click Apply. Sets of equivalent parameters must be valid to be taken into account. To be valid, all the properties shown in the example below must be listed. An example of a text file follows. In text files, the name of the property and the value are separated by a tab stop.
Equivalent_IsSurface false Equivalent_IsVolume true Equivalent_Area 6m2 Equivalent_Volume 1m3 Equivalent_Mass 1000kg Equivalent_COGx 75mm Equivalent_COGy -10mm

Equivalent_COGz -25mm

Equivalent_MatGxx 50000gxmm2 Equivalent_MatGyy 50000gxmm2 Equivalent_MatGzz 50000gxmm2 Equivalent_MatGxy 0gxmm2 Equivalent_MatGxz 0gxmm2 Equivalent_MatGyz 0gxmm2

In Excel files, simply list property names and values in two separate columns.

Importing Inertia Equivalents

1. Select the product to which you want to associate inertia equivalents. 2. Click formula .

3. Click Import... in the Formulas dialog box. 4. Select the text or Excel file containing the inertia equivalents in the file selection dialog box, then click Open. Parameters to be imported are listed

5. Click OK to import all the parameters listed into the document. Imported parameters are now displayed in the Formulas dialog box

6. Click OK in the Formulas dialog box. You are now ready to run your inertia calculation. o Having imported inertia equivalents, you no longer need the representations of the product or sub-products and you can de-activate them (Edit > Representations). De-activated representations are unloaded. This frees the geometry area and improves system response time.

To display parameters in the specification tree, select the Parameters checkbox Display in Specification Tree in the Display tab of the Options dialog box (Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure).


V4/V5 Electrical Data Migration

This section explains how an existing CATIA V4 Electrical model is converted into V5 documents. The conversion of the V4 data is performed using the migration batch. It is divided into the following chapters:

Methodology Migrating Step by Step... V4 - V5 Mapping Reference Information Frequently Asked Questions


To perform the migration of the electrical data (geometry and technology), you first need to set up options for the:

Migration batch Bundle segment migration mode Isolated mock-up solids migration.

These options can also be defined using:

Tools > Options... > General > Compatibility > Migration Batch Tools > Options... > General > Compatibility > Electrical tab and Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > V4/V5 Space.


Refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide (Customizing Settings - General - Compatibility category). Using Copy/Paste only copies the geometry and does not migrate the technology. To do so, you need to access to the Batch Monitor: 1. Select Tools > Utility... The Batch Monitor window opens. 2. Double-click the PLMV4ToV5Migration utility:

The PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box opens.


Setting up the Electrical Migration Batch

a. Click on the Browse button in the Document Selection section. The File Selection dialog box opens. b. Click on the Member button.

Insure that all objects are set to 'AsSpec'as the migration as the migration is not supported by V4 electrical elements.

c. Select the file to be migrated from the File Selection dialog box and click Open.

d. Click on the Change Target Directory button to specify the location of the Default target directory. e. Select the Target directory location and click Default button.

f. Click OK in the File Selection dialog box. g. Change the Migration mode of SET and SOLID Element types as As Spec by clicking on the As Spec button in the


dialog box.

h. Ensure that the Migrate radio button is checked. i. Browse and specify the location of the Target Directory in the Output section and click Next button. j. Check the Set and Ditto check boxes in the Structuring Element section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box. k. Select the conversion mode as SPACE only from the Conversion mode list. l. Select the Interface location as Electrical in the Migration Interface section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.

m. Click Next

Setting up the Geometrical Bundle Migration Mode

a. Still in the Interactive Options dialog box, select the Electrical tab. This tab lets you define whether or not you want:

Each GBN migrated as a product in a separate CATProduct: in this case, select Product. By default, Product is selected.

Each GBN migrated as a component under the root product: in this case, select Component. Choosing the right migration mode option is important since it determines how geometrical bundles will be stored in ENOVIA LCA: o Migrating them as products lets you store them in ENOVIA LCA using Workpackage mode o Migrating them as components lets you store them in ENOVIA LCA using Explode mode.

c. Select the option of interest.

Setting up the Bundle Segment Migration Mode

a. Still in the Electrical tab.

This tab lets you define whether or not you want:


Each V4 BNS of the GBN migrated to a separate CATPart: in this case, select Bundle segments.

All the V4 BNSs of the GBN migrated to a single CATPart: in this case, select Multi-branchable document.

Multi-branchable document

is the default value.

It is recommended to use this option as it reduces the number of CATPart documents generated during the migration.

c. Select the option of interest.

Setting up Isolated Mock-Up Solids migration

This option is only necessary if you have isolated mock-up solids to migrate. a. Still in the Interactive Options dialog box, select the V4/V5 SPACE tab. This tab lets you define an option for the Isolated Mock-up Solids migration:

Isolated Mock-Up Solids (SolidM) means that they have no history nor specifications stored. For the migration two options are available:
o as CGR: the SolidM conversion as CGR is the default value.

as CGR means that you will only get the meshing view (visualization mode).

as PartBody:

the SolidM conversion as PartBody means that you will be able to see the geometry of the solid to edit

it. Refer to V4/V5 SPACE tab in Infrastructure User's Guide. (Customizing Settings - General - Compatibility category). b. Select as PartBody in the context of the electrical migration to be able to add technology.

c. 3. Once you have selected your options, click OK to validate. You are back in the MigrateV4ToV5 dialog box. 4. Select a target directory (where the V5 documents will be created). 5. Select the V4 documents to be converted. You are ready to migrate your V4 electrical data.

Select the files to migrate and the path for the result as explained in the utility documentation and run the batch. For more information, refer to the V4 Integration documentation - User Tasks - Converting CATIA Version 4 Models into CATIA Version 5 in Batch Mode.

Migrating Step by Step...

This task explains how to migrate a V4 files in to V5 files using PLM Batch.

In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Migration Batch tab, specify CATIE3DMigration in Migration Interface Name. For more information about this option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing > Migration Batch. In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > V4/V5 SPACE tab, select Isolated Solids Mock-up migration option as as PartBody . For more information about this option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing > V4/V5 SPACE. In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Electrical tab, select the Shell Migration Mode to No, migrate geometry only. For more information about this option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing > Electrical Migration. In Tools > Options > General > Compatibility > Electrical tab, Select Multi-branchable document option. For more information about this option refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide > Customizing > Electrical Migration.

Once the options are set up, you can launch the migration batch.

For more information on the Migration Batch, also refer to the V4 Integration User's Guide - User Tasks - Migration in Batch Mode. 1. Select Tools > Utility... The Batch Monitor window opens. 2. Double-click the PLMV4TOV5Migration utility:

The PLMV4TOV5Migration dialog box opens. Set the migration batch environment and select the document to migrate.

3. Click on the Browse button in the Document Selection section. The File Selection dialog box opens. 4. Click on the Member button.

5. Select the file to be migrated from the File Selection dialog box and click Open.

6. Click on the Change Target Directory button to specify the location of the Default target directory. 7. Select the Target directory location and click Default button.

8. Click OK in the File Selection dialog box. 9. Change the Migration mode of SET and SOLID Element types as As Spec by clicking on the As Spec button in the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.

10. Ensure that the Migrate radio button is checked. 11. Browse and specify the location of the Target Directory in the Output section and click Next button. 12. Check the Set and Ditto check boxes in the Structuring Element section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box. 13. Select the conversion mode as SPACE only from the Conversion mode list. 14. Select the Interface location as Electrical in the Migration Interface section of the PLMV4ToV5Migration dialog box.

After the migration of electrical parts from V4 to V5, the part number is stored in the file name of the respective CATPart file. A screen-shot of the Properties dialog box, after the migration, showing the part number is as shown below:

During the V4 to V5 migration, the migration mode in case of a flexible curve of the bundle segment is automatically switched to As Result when the migration in the As Spec mode causes modifications in shape or length. This change in migration results in a datum curve creation in V5 which is not editable. To to edit it you need to reroute the branch. All the unnecessary files created during the migration process are deleted after the migration from V4 to V5. If the V4 electrical data to be migrated to V5 contains protections, these are converted to internal protections, and are visible as Internal Protection under the Multibranchable node in the specification tree. The Multi-branchable document option under the Tools > Options > Compatibility > Electrical tab should be


V4-V5 Mapping
The V4 architecture philosophy is quite different from the V5 Product Structure one. As a consequence, the V4 objects are quite different from the V5 ones. A mapping between V4 and V5 objects can be established.

V4 element V5 element
Object definition GBN No attributes Object definition BNS circular only ElecBundleSegment ElecGeoBundle


a CATPart for each V4 BNS (Bundle segments) or a CATPart for all the V4 BNSs under a V4 GBN (Multi-branchable document)

Attributes of BNS MODE BENDRAD DISLACK TLENGTH SEGREG Elec_Creation_Mode Elec_Bend_Radius Elec_Di_Slack Elec_Length Elec_Segreg if MODE is set to SLACK if MODE is set to LENGTH Separation code

Associated objects BPP ElecBundleSegmentExtremity Point used to create the curve Point Connection ElecSingleConnector for extremity BPP for other BPP for standalone BPP No geometry associated Standard migration for geometry A cavity connection point must be added in the context of an electrical assembly.

BSJ Object definition SIC


Electrical Termination External Splice Internal Splice

Terminal Block

Standard migration for geometry A cavity connection point must be added in the context of an electrical assembly. No geometry Standard migration for geometry A cavity connection point must be added in the context of an electrical assembly.



ElecBundleConnectionPoint Connector Connection Point Need to be enhanced manually. See Migrating Step by Step...

Product Structure Part Number Valuated on the parent Cavity Electrical Terminal number
Extra Length If valuated, set the extra length of the corresponding ETN in all other dittos of the same device in the V4 model to the same value.

Object definition



Standard migration for geometry A cavity must be added in the context of an electrical assembly.

Attributes of CSL PARTNUM Product Structure Part Number


Valuated on the parent Cavity

Associated object BPP Object definition EQT Attribute PARTNUM Object definition SPT SPS Attribute PARTNUM Object definition BSF Attribute PARTNUM Product Structure Part Number Product Structure Part Number ElecProtection (Tape type) Product Structure Part Number Mechanical Part linked to bundle segments a point and two planes Standard migration for geometry ElecBundleConnectionPoint ElecEquipment Standard migration for geometry A cavity must be added in the context of an electrical assembly.

The electrical behavior is added to the geometry of the converted equipments, connector shells and single insert connectors. The BSJs become connections between bundles segments.

The supports (SPT) are converted into mechanical parts to which the bundle segments are linked through publications. The bundle surface (BSF) becomes a protective covering of tape type. The terminal strip (TS) is not migrated. Only the geometry appears with no electrical behavior. The external splice (ES) is migrated as a connector of external splice type. The internal splice (IS) is migrated as a connector of internal splice type. The geometry of the bundle junction (BSJ) is migrated as is.

Reference Information
This section gives general information about the V4 to V5 electrical migration. To know more about V5 devices, refer to Electrical Library User's Guide.

V4 to V5 Document Structure
The V4 MASTER workspace becomes the main V5 CATProduct document while:

Each geometrical SET becomes a CATPart, Each DETAIL workspace becomes a CATPart, Each GBN becomes a product or a component depending on the migration mode option selected, Depending on the selected option: o Each BNS becomes a CATPart, if Bundle segments is chosen o All the BNSs of a GBN are stored in the same CATPart, if Multi-branchable document is chosen.

The root document is a CATProduct named: <V4 Model Name>.CATProduct. The V5 documents created by migration of V4 electrical models are named as follows:

<Name of the model>_<CATIA V4 Detail Identifier> for example: TEST_MODEL1_ECP1.CATPart

The CATPart documents resulting of DETAIL workspaces are instantiated as many times as there are DITTOS in the main document. In this V4 model, the SIC comes from a V4 library: each SIC instance (DITTO) has the same reference (DETAIL). In V5, the same structure is created: each connector is an instance of the CATPart. If a device has been created in V4, using more than one ditto to define its geometry, a CATPart will be created for each original detail.

Library Migration
Even though the electrical applications use catalogs, the migration batch migrates only the components in the models, not in the libraries. However it is possible to store the devices migrated from V4 model to a V5 catalog. Refer to How to migrate a V4 library. Note that it is recommended to limit the number of V4 devices to one hundred per model.

Simultaneous Device Migration

When migrating several models at a time, if they contain the same device, a CATPart will be generated for each V5 document (i.e. two models using the same SIC will be migrated as two V5 documents with two CATPart documents).

Known Restrictions
About Bundle Segment Migration

The rectangular section BNS is migrated as a circular section bundle segment. The V4 BNS created in BEND mode ends in a slightly different shape:

The V4 BNS is shown in yellow, the corresponding V5 bundle segment is shown in red. The bundle segment shape in general might be different because of the algorithm differences. The number of points on which the curve is built also is different: the supports in CATIA V4 use three points while only two are used in CATIA V5. If the V4 BNS bend radius is smaller than the V4 BNS diameter, the bend radius value taken into account will be equal to the diameter. However, under certain circumstances, you may have a message informing you that the migration of such bundle segments leads to a "twisted configuration". The resulting V5 bundle segments have an unusable geometry. Bypass: In this case, modify the radius or the bend radius to be able to create the rib.

About Device Migration

Once the migration is performed, the following modifications have to be done manually to get the correct device behavior:

Single Insert Connector


On V5 single insert connectors, the Representation of the connector connection point and the Contact constraint correspond to the migrated point of the CPP of the V4 SIC. and Orientation constraints must be added, using Electrical Library.


To connect a single insert connector to an equipment or a connector shell, a cavity connection point must be added to the single insert connector, using Electrical Library.


To connect a connector or connector shell to an equipment, a cavity must be added to the equipment for each connector or connector shell, using Electrical Library.

To connect an equipment to a mounting equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to the mounting equipment, using Electrical Library.

Connector Shell

To connect a connector to a connector shell, a cavity must be added to the connector shell for each connector, using Electrical Library.

To connect a connector shell to a mounting equipment or an equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to the mounting equipment or the equipment for each connector shell, using Electrical Library.

Terminal Block

To connect a terminal block a mounting equipment or an item of equipment, a cavity connection point must be added to the terminal block using Electrical Library.

About Support Migration

Multi-section supports are supported. However supports with multi-directional sections do not exist in CATIA V5. As a consequence, only the first created section will be linked to a bundle segment as well as all other sections that have the same direction. The bundle segments using other support section direction in the original V4 model are not linked to the support in the V5 document.

About Session Migration

For the time being, the V4 sessions (.session) are not migrated. This evolution is under development.

Interoperability with ENOVIA V5

In the context of ENOVIA V5, you must first clear the Use root context in assembly check box, which is located in the Part Infrastructure > General > External References frame. If not, the links will be created to the root of the assembly and it will not be possible to save the geometrical bundle in ENOVIA. By default, this option is selected.

For more information, refer to the V4 Integration Documentation - User Tasks - Converting CATIA Version 4 Models into CATIA Version 5 in Batch Mode.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section gives you information about questions you may have when migrating Electrical V4 data. Copy/Paste The electrical technology is not migrated The bundle segment migration mode is deactivated The geometry is partially migrated How to migrate a V4 library How to limit the number of CATPart documents CPP information is missing How multi-directional support are migrated Unusable geometry for V5 bundle segment: "twisted configuration" What happens when migrating at the same time several models containing the same device I cannot migrate the .session V4 document I cannot migrate the V4 document as Result

Copy/Paste only copies the geometry and does not migrate the technology. Use the Migration Batch to take advantage of the electrical technology.

The electrical technology is not migrated

Check if you have entered the correct name (CATIE3DMigration) for the migration interface name. Note: If the spelling is incorrect, the Bundle Segment Migration Mode options will be grayed out in the Electrical tab. Refer to Methodology.

The bundle segment migration mode is deactivated

Check if you have entered the correct name (CATIE3DMigration) for the migration interface name. Refer to Methodology.

The geometry is partially migrated

Check you have set up the correct option for the isolated mock-up solids. Refer to Methodology.

How to migrate a V4 Library

Place the V4 devices and/or supports in the model. Migrate the model: the CATProduct with the CATParts are created. the CATProduct is named: <V4 Model Name>.CATProduct each CATPart is named: <V4 Model Name>_<V4 Detail Name>.CATPart. Save the CATParts in V5 catalogs using Electrical Library.

Note: It is recommended to limit the number of V4 devices to one hundred per model.

How to limit the number of CATPart documents

If you use the Bundle segments mode, a CATPart is created for each BNS in the model. Choose the Multi-branchable document mode to reduce the number of documents and have all the bundle segment of the geometrical bundle in the same CATPart. Refer to Methodology.

CPP information is missing

The CPP is migrated as a point. Information is missing in V5 to ensure the connection.

Refer to Migrating Step by Step...

Multi-directional support
Multi-section supports are supported. However supports with multi-directional sections do not exist in CATIA V5. As a consequence, only the first created section will be linked to the bundle segment as well as all other sections that have the same direction. The bundle segments using other support section direction in the original V4 model are not linked to the support in the V5 document.

Unusable geometry for V5 bundle segment

After the migration, a message informes you that the migration of such bundle segment leads to a twisted configuration. In this case, modify the radius or the bend radius to be able to create the rib for the bundle segment. Refer to Reference Information.

What happens when migrating at the same time several models containing the same device
They are migrated as two/as many V5 reference documents. Refer to Reference Information.

I cannot migrate the .session V4 document

The V4 sessions (.session) are not migrated. Refer to Reference Information.

I cannot migrate the V4 document as Result

The V4 documents containing E3D elements cannot be migrated 'As Result'. The migration batch will fail in analyze step in this case. Please make sure you have selected 'As Spec' for all elements.

Electrical Integration from External Data

To complete the electrical process from end to end, CATIA Electrical products can import electrical specifications from external authoring tools (schematics, database, etc.) thanks to CAA APIs or XML exchange files. This document explains the external data exchange capabilities available in the electrical workbenches. Environment Settings Setting up the Electrical Process Interfacing Selecting Systems from External Data Placing Devices from External Data Creating the Cable Harness Placing Internal Splices Automatic Routing Exporting Data from CATIA

Environment Settings
Make sure the options are set up as follows: 1. Select the Tools > Options... command then in the Infrastructure category, click Part Infrastructure. 2. In the General tab:
Keep link with selected object

option must be checked:

This makes possible the contextual links between the bundle segments and the geometry when creating the harness. 3. Then in the Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline category, click the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. Click the Harness Management tab: The bundle segment naming rule is set to Parent-Bundle Segment(#PN#) to help you recognize to which geometrical bundle a bundle segment belongs.

4. Click OK to validate the entries made.

Setting up the Electrical Process Interfacing

This task shows how to set up the options to take advantage of external data from partners through XML files as well as identify the working catalog. See also the Customizing - Electrical Process Interfacing and Electrical Mapping documentation. It is also possible to use CAA V5 APIs to get information from legacy databases. 1. Select the Tools > Options... command then in the Equipment & Systems category, click the Electrical Process Interfacing tab.

This tab lets you define the: o Access to external data

o o

Electrical iXF repository path Electrical working catalog path.

2. Make sure Enable External Systems Interfacing is checked. However, you are required to identify the path of the: o Folder in which the XML files available are stored o Working catalog containing the V5 parts which Part Number are referred to in the XML files. 3. Use to locate the iXF systems repository. For this example, the path is: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalIntegration 4. Select the Electrical Mapping tab to select the working catalog: Click the Browse button to locate the catalog containing the V5 parts, which Part Number attributes are referred to in the XML files. For this example, the path is: .../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalIntegration/
o ElecIntegration.catalog

5. Click OK to validate the entries made.

Selecting Systems from External Data

Since you have set up the option to enable the external systems interfacing, an additional command is available in the Electrical Library, Electrical Wire Routing, and the Electrical Harness Flattening workbenches. This command allows you to select the systems to be imported. This task explains how to select the system prior to placing electrical components or routing. Once a system is selected, the list of devices is loaded and ready to use. 1. Switch to the Electrical Assembly Design workbench 2. Click External Systems . or Electrical Wire Routing workbench .

The System Selection dialog box displays with the XML files available:

3. Select one or more systems and click the right arrow for example: Electrical Bundle2.1

4. Click OK to validate. The component list is filled up with these data and available for assisted placement or routing. If a system has already been selected, the data is reloaded.

Placing Devices from External Data

Since you have set up the option to enable the external systems interfacing, Electrical Library commands Place Physical Device and Add Link are replaced with this one: Manage Links . This task explains how to place electrical components from the external device list. 1. Click Manage Links The device list displays: .

The components you can place are: o Equipment

o o o o o o

Connectors Internal splices

Shells. You can filter the list:

Show all devices:

the list displays all the devices referenced in the external data file, even if they are not placed

in the geometry.
Show only devices not present in session: the list displays only the devices placed in the geometry. Show only changed devices: the list displays only the devices which part numbers have been changed in the

external data file. 2. Select a component, for example the battery: Battery 6volts.1 If the component is not linked to a 3D element, the Place and Link buttons become available. 3. Click Place. The catalog browser opens.

Since a mapping has been defined, the catalog browser has been filtered to display only the object with the same part number as the object selected in the device list. If the part number is defined neither in the device list nor in the catalog, you can navigate in the catalog browser to select the component of your choice. 4. Select this equipment: Battery 6volts and click OK. The equipment is placed and automatically linked, together with the connector that belongs to it. They are added to the specification tree under the active product and appear in the geometry at the origin. You can change their locations using the compass.

The component list is updated: the equipment, connector and pins are shown as linked in the device list.

If all the sub-element part numbers are filled up in the device list and found in the catalog, they are automatically placed and linked. For a connector to be correctly placed in the right cavity of an item of equipment:
o o o

The equipment and connector PartNumbers in the XML file must correspond to items in the V5 catalog. The equipment must have a cavity with a defined name in the V5 catalog. The connector name in the XML file must correspond to a cavity name of the V5 equipment.

For more information, refer to Managing Links from External Data (under Working with External Systems) in the Electrical Library User's Guide.

5. Repeat these steps for the second equipment: Battery 6Volts.2. 6. Click Close when you are done. Make sure you have defined the electrical objects mapping regarding the working catalog. To do so: Use the Tools > Options... menu Then in the Equipment & Systems category, select the Electrical Mapping tab. Refer to the Customizing - Equipment & Systems - Electrical mapping documentation.

Creating the Cable Harness

This task explains how to define the cable harness and place the connectors at each extremity. 1. Switch to Electrical Harness Assembly workbench .

2. Insert a new product under the root product. Either use the contextual menu - Components > New Product - or select the Insert > New Product menu item. 3. Click Geometrical Bundle .

4. Switch to Electrical Assembly Design workbench


5. Double-click to activate the geometrical bundle to place the extremities. 6. Click Manage Links .

The component list displays:

You will place the mating connectors: Connector_M.11 and Connector_M.2. 7. Select a connector, for example Connector_M.11 8. Click Place. Since a mapping has been defined, the catalog browser opens with the predefined connector:

9. Select this connector: Connector_M and click OK. The connector is placed and automatically linked, together with the pins that belong to it. They are added to the specification tree under the active product and appear in the geometry at the origin (0, 0). You change the location using the compass. The component list is updated: the connector and pins are shown as Linked in the device list. 10. Repeat these steps for the other mating connector if you perform the whole scenario. The result looks like this:

You will now connect the male connectors to the batteries. The parent product, common to both devices to be connected, must be active. 12. Click Connect Electrical Devices .

Select successively the connector connection point of both connectors to link them.


Placing Internal Splices

This task explains how to place internal splices anywhere inside the bundle segment, under the covering.

1. Switch to Electrical Harness Assembly workbench 2. Double-click to activate the geometrical bundle. 3. Create the bundle segment harness. To do so: a. b. c. d. Click Bundle Segment . Define the bundle segment parameters.

Define a construction point to link the harness between the batteries. Define the bundle segment routes.

These steps are detailed in the Basic Tasks section of the Electrical Harness Installation User's guide - Creating the Bundle Segment Document. The result looks like this:

You will now place the internal splices inside the bundle segments.

4. Switch to Electrical Assembly Design workbench 5. Click Manage Links The device list displays. 6. Select an internal splice: .

7. Click Place.

Since a mapping has been defined, the catalog browser opens with the predefined internal splice:

8. Select this internal splice: IS-2Term and click OK. You are prompted to select the bundle segment on which you want to place the internal splice. 9. Click to select the bundle segment. The Internal Splice Placement dialog box opens:

You can select a bundle segment even if it is covered with a protection. Depending on where you make your selection, the splice is linked to one or other extremity. The choice of the extremity affects the diameter update of the bundle segment when wires are routed. Let's see an example: A wire is routed between Connector1 and the splice. In this case, the splice is linked to Extremity2. The wire is only routed in the BundleSegment1. An extra length is added to the wire between Extremity2 and the splice: BundleSegment2 diameter is not recalculated.

In this one, the splice is linked to Extremity1. The wire is routed in both BundleSegment1 and BundleSegment2: BundleSegment2 diameter is recalculated and updated.

10. Move then click to place the internal splice. You can also modify the offset in the dialog box.

11. Click OK. Repeat these steps for the other splice. The internal splice is placed and automatically linked. They are added to the specification tree under the active product. They do not have a geometrical representation.

The component list is updated: the splices and pins are shown as linked in the device list.

12. Click Close when you are done.

Automatic Routing
Since you have set up the option to enable the external systems interfacing, the Automatic Routing Routing workbench is modified. This task explains how to route wires from an external wire list into an electrical bundle. To know more details, refer to Considering External Data Routing in Greater Depth. The document must contain at least: A geometrical bundle with bundle segments and components at their extremities

command in the Electrical Wire

A system. .

1. Switch to Electrical Wire Routing workbench 2. Double-click to activate the root product.

3. Create the electrical bundle connected to the geometrical bundle. To do so: a. b. Click New Bundle . Select the geometrical bundle to be connected to.

These steps are detailed in the Basic Tasks - Defining the Routing Context - Creating the Bundle. The electrical bundle is added to the specification tree under the root product. 4. Click Automatic Routing .

The wire list opens with connectivity and attribute information:

For the wires available in the list, you get the following information: o The wire name o The wire reference designator o The wire external diameter o The wire bend radius o Whether or not the wire is routed o Whether or not wire extremities have been found, or changed. Filters can help you make your selection: o o o Hide already routed wires Hide not routed wires Hide wires whose extremities are not found.

The routing options allow you to use or not the knowledge rule. 2. Select one or more wires and click the right arrow. The selected wires shift to the right column: they will be routed.

Click Route. The Automatic Wire Routing Report is displayed


Close the report window. The wires are added to the specification tree:

The bundle segments diameter are updated according to the wiring information. To know more, refer to Customizing - Equipment & Systems - Electrical Wire Routing documentation.

Exporting Data from CATIA

Since you have set up the option to enable the external systems interfacing, the Export Wires... command in Electrical Wire Routing is modified. Refer to the Electrical Wire Routing - Basic Tasks - Exporting Wires to know more about the Wire Export first method. This task explains how to export data from CATIA, for back annotation purpose through CAA V5 APIs or using an XML file. Using this method, you can export data from a complete harness or a sub-assembly. It allows you to generate the full harness schematic with the wire groups, wires, connectors at their extremities, equipment, etc. 1. Switch to Electrical Wire Routing workbench . 2. Click the Tools > Export Wires... menu item and select the Export Wires in IXF Format.

You are prompted to select a node in the specification tree and every electrical bundle belonging to it will be exported. 3. Click a node in the specification tree. The File dialog box opens:

4. Navigate to select the folder where you want to store your file and enter the name of the file. 5. Click Save. An .xml file is created. Note that wire groups and wires are exported by harness (electrical bundle). The data exported is: Wire group properties, particularly the wire group length computed from the 3D geometry. The wire group length is the length of the longest wire in the wire group (taking into account the extra pin length). The wire group length takes a wire length coefficient into account (allowing for twisted wires) when the group is routed between two connectors.

Wire properties, particularly the wire length computed from the 3D geometry. Electrical objects connected to the wires (termination, cavity, etc.).

Editing Electrical Properties

Here is an example of a document demonstrating how electrical properties on component are managed within CATIA Electrical products. And moreover, new properties have been added to a number of electrical components: Functional equipments and connectors defined in EFD Electrical bundle Bundle segment defined in EWR defined in EHI

A CATProduct document may contain references or instances of the components. Let's see the differences on the following documents:

The Equipment.CATProduct contains an equipment. It is the reference of the component. The RootProduct.CATProduct contains an occurrence of the equipment (Insert > Existing Component...). The Equipment(Equipment.1) is an instance of the component.

Depending on the component you have activated (by double-clicking: blue object) and on the object you have selected, the properties you will edit may be the ones of the reference or of the instance. 1. In the Equipment.CATProduct, if you edit the properties of the Equipment, you will display the properties of the reference. Type and External Reference are attributes of the reference.

If you modify them, all the occurrences will be modified. 2. In the RootProduct.CATProduct, if the RootProduct is active (in blue in the specification tree) and if you select the Equipment.1 to edit the properties, you will display the properties of the instance:

The instance also has instance attributes: Reference Designator and SubType.

If you modify the attributes of instance, only this instance will be modified. On the other hand, if you modify the attributes of reference, they will be modified in all the occurrences and in the reference document. 3.

The Reference Designator attribute can be modified in both electrical and mechanical application workbenches. The value is synchronized by using a knowledgeware rule when it is changed in either one of the two applications. Create a knowledge rule to keep both the attributes synchronized. The rule should ensure that when one of the duplicate attributes is modified, the related attribute is updated. You can write the rule such that a message is displayed whenever the attribute is changed. The rule should be triggered from Edit > Properties against the object being edited.

Triggering the rule is managed by using the Project Resource Management (PRM) command. For more information on Project Resource Management, see Tubing Design User's Guide: Customizing: Project Resource Management. 3. In the RootProduct.CATProduct, if the Equipment.1 is active (double-click Equipment.1) and you select the Equipment.1 to edit the properties, you will display the properties of the reference:

If you modify the attributes, the reference will be modified: o Equipment.CATProduct will be modified

And all the occurrences of the component.



This behavior is specific to the electrical properties. When a product is activated (by double-clicking), editing the electrical properties operates in the same way as if the electrical properties were edited in the document in which the root product is the reference of the active product. (i.e. Equipment.1 in the RootProduct document against Equipment in the Equipment document.) This definition is recursive within all the levels of instance.

Functional equipments and connectors properties

When you edit the properties of a functional equipment or connector, the Preselected Physical Device frame indicates if a physical component corresponding to the functional one has been chosen to be placed in the geometry. Two fields give this information: Catalog Path indicates the location of the catalog containing the physical component
Part Number

indicates the part number of the physical component.

Electrical bundle properties

When you edit the properties of an electrical bundle, the Associated Geometrical Bundle frame indicates in a list the name of the geometrical bundles being part of the electrical bundle.

Bundle segment properties

When you edit the properties of a group of bundle segments, the Length field indicates the total length of the bundle segments selected.

Viewing Related Objects

This task shows how to use the Related Objects viewer to navigate through the objects connected to the selected object. The Related Objects command displays all the bundle segments of a branch, even those which are not connected. The reason is that the command displays the contents of the document. All the bundle segments inside a multi-branchable document belong to the same CATPart document. You can focus on an object and see how it was constructed via its related objects. This command also identifies the parent, any children or connected objects and the relationship between objects. It is available when none of the icons of the workbench are selected, that is to say when Select Accessing Related Objects can be done in two ways: By clicking the Related Objects icon in the toolbar

is active.

From the contextual menu, by right-clicking and selecting Related Objects.

The different options available are: Reframe On Selection: reframes the main 3D window on the Related objects selection. Reframe On Selection: the main window selection corresponds to the Related objects selection. The main window display is not reframed. Freeze: freezes the contents of the Related objects window. You can still navigate in the main window: the Related objects view will not be updated. Freeze: the Related objects selection corresponds to the main window selection. View Related Objects: displays the parent, any children or connected objects. View Related Objects: only displays the selected objects. Functional: displays the functional system. If the bundle segment contains wires, the corresponding signals are displayed

in the bundle segment.

N.B.: the

signal name is displayed followed by the separation code, if any:


hides the functional children elements.


displays the wires contained in the bundle segment.


hides the wires contained in the bundle segment, shows the bundle segments and signals.


displays the relationship to the harness: connectors, equipments, shells, etc.


hides the children bundle segments, only shows the signals and wires.


displays the electrical contents.


hides the electrical contents.

On a complex electrical system, the 3D view allows you to limit display to a specific area thus enlightening the information regarding this area. Open the RelatedObjectsSession.CATProduct document. 1. Select an object: Geometrical Bundle1.1 for example. 2. Click Related Objects .

The Current Selection dialog box appears. The geometry area and the specification tree are reframed on the object selected.

3. Select the Bundle Segment4.1 in this window. The dialog box focuses on the object selected: Bundle Segment4.1 (center of the window) and shows the parent and the connected objects: o On the left is the parent object (Assembly meaning). It represents the container object.

On the right are the children objects (Assembly meaning), connected to the Bundle Segment4.1. They represent the contents.

This window shows the following: o The bundle segments assembly within the geometrical bundle o The Bundle Segment4.1 is connected to three bundle segments o The Bundle Segment4.1 contains two wires and their associated signal. 4. Select the Sig2:SEP-TITI. The geometry area is reframed on the signal and it shows: o The signal extremities with the functional connectors o The wire that realizes the signal o The harness objects: the physical connectors that correspond to the signal extremities as well as the bundle segments, and the wire they contain.

5. Click the 3D tab to display the geometry.

6. Close the dialog box to exit the Related Objects viewer.

Electrical and Knowledge

Electrical User Functions Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert Using Knowledge Assembly Templates

Electrical User Functions

About the Electrical User Functions...

Elec_DistanceCommon DistanceWireProduct ListAllOuterLayerObjects ListDirectlyCoveredObjects ListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects ListUsedSupports ListUsedSupportWithAbscissa

VisualMode To be able to use these functions, you need to activate the ElectricalMeasure package. To do so: 1. Select Tools > Options... > General > Parameters and Measure and go to the Knowledge Environment tab. 2. Select ElectricalMeasure from the list of available packages and click the Down arrow to load this package:

3. Click OK to validate. You will be prompted to restart the application.

Elec_DistanceCommon(Wire1: Wire, Wire2: Wire):Length Returns the common length of the two wires given as input arguments.

The type of Wire1 and Wire2 is ElecWire.

Example 1
The Elec_DistanceCommon user function can be used in Knowledge Expert to find all the couples of wires in the session that have a common length greater than a given value.

Example 2
In Knowledge Advisor, it can be used to define a rule giving the common length of two specific wires sharing properties.

Applying the rule displays the following message if the condition is met:

Example 3
Still in Knowledge Advisor, to verify that two wires selected in the specification tree have a common length, the following action can be defined:

then select two wires in the specification tree and click OK to validate.

The following message displays:

DistanceWireProduct(Wire1: Wire, Object: Product):Length Returns the minimum length between a wire and a product in session. The product must contain at least one part.

Example 1
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be used with the f(x) command to display the distance between a wire and a component in the session.

This formula returns the following value:

Example 2
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be used in Knowledge Expert to find all the wires in the session that have a minimum distance to

defined components smaller than a critical value chosen by the user. The components can be defined as heat-resistant. Properties have been added to the product:

and to the wires:

A check is defined as follows:

Updating the session displays green/red light on the check: A report is generated showing the check result: some wires verify the condition, while others do not.

Example 3
The DistanceWireProduct user function can be used in Knowledge Advisor to define a rule that displays a warning message if a minimum distance between a wire and an object is smaller than a critical value chosen by the user.

Running this rule displays the following message:

Example 4
Still in Knowledge Advisor, an action can be defined using the DistanceWireProduct user function, to know the distance between a wire and an object selected in the specification tree:

Run the action using the Action.1 contextual menu: select a wire and a product in the specification tree then validate.

This message displays:

ListAllOuterLayerObjects (ElecBundleSegmentExtremity:Feature,Offset:Real,ListOfAllCoveringProducts(Protections/Supports):out List):Boolean Returns an ordered list of protective coverings and supports that cover the bundle segment at the point of interest. The point of interest is defined by specifying from which end of the bundle segment and entering an offset in mm.

A check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the protective coverings and supports at 150 mm from end 1 (Extremity 1) of the bundle segment is written as follows:


ListDirectlyCoveredObjects((Protection/Support):Feature, ListOfCoveredProducts(BundleSegments/Protections/Supports): out List):Boolean Returns the list of bundle segments, protective coverings and/or supports directly under the component (protective covering or support) you want to analyze. If the component you want to analyze is not a protective covering or a support, the list returned will be empty.


Tape A is placed directly over the bundle segment Corrugated tubes B and C are linked to the bundle segment, and corrugated tube B covers tube C Standard support D is linked to the bundle segment.

A check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the list of bundle segments, protective coverings and supports under corrugated tube C is written as follows:


ListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects ((BundleSegment/Protection/Support):Feature, ListOfCoveringProducts(Protections/Supports): out List):Boolean Returns the list of outer layers of protective coverings and/or supports directly over the component (bundle segment, protective covering or support) you want to analyze. If the component you want to analyze is not a bundle segment, protective covering or a support, the list returned will be empty.


Tape A is placed directly over the bundle segment Corrugated tubes B and C are linked to the bundle segment, and corrugated tube B covers tube C Standard support D is linked to the bundle segment

A check (in KWE advanced language) to determine the list of outer layers that directly cover the bundle segment in the example is written as follows:

ListUsedSupports ((BundleSegment/BranchableBundleSegment): Feature, ListOfSupports(Supports): out List): Boolean Returns the list of supports through which a bundle segment or multi-branchable document is routed.

The example shows a multi-branchable document containing two bundle segments, each routed through seven supports.

A rule (in KWE advanced language) to determine the number and names of the supports through which each bundle segment is routed is written as follows:

Solving this rule returns:

The name of the bundle segment analyzed. The number of supports through which the bundle segment is routed.

Followed by the names of these supports.


ListUsedSupportWithAbscissa (iBundleSegment:Bundle Segment, oSupportList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of supports in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the bundle segment from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each support.

ListUsedSupportWithAbscissa (iBranchableBundle:Branchable Bundle Segment, oSupportList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of supports in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the branch from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each support.

An expert rule (created using Knowledge Expert) to determine the list of all the supports located along all segments in the document that also outputs support entry and exit point coordinates:


VisualMode (BundleSegment: Feature, Visualization Mode (LIGHT/FULL): String): Boolean

This function is useful to minimize the size of the harness in LIGHT mode. It simplifies the visualization, the curve and the diameter only are represented, the rib being deleted. This function is only available for bundle segments belonging to multi-branchable documents.

Create a rule in Knowledge Expert:

Running this rule displays the harness in LIGHT mode:

The rule is reversible: you can load a harness in LIGHT mode and reload the geometry by applying the rule with the FULL parameter:

The harness is displayed in FULL mode: the rib is recreated:

Working in LIGHT mode allows you to modify the route and route wires but the split, transfer and add branch point commands are not supported. To know more about these commands, refer to Electrical Harness Installation - Working with Branches, Splitting Branches and Transferring Branches.


ListIntSpliceWithAbscissa (iBundleSegment:Bundle Segment, oIntSpliceList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of internal splices in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the bundle segment from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each internal splice.

ListIntSpliceWithAbscissa (iBranchableBundle:Branchable Bundle Segment, oIntSpliceList: List, oEntryPointAbscissa: List, oExitPointAbscissa: List): Boolean Returns the list of internal splices in the order in which they are located along the center curve of the branch from the first extremity of the said segment. Two other lists are output: entry point coordinates and exit point coordinates of each internal splice.


InstantiateInternalProtection (iBundleSegmentExtremity:BundleSegmentExtremity, ProtectionType:String, Length:Length, out oProtection:InternalProtection): Boolean Instantiates a light protective covering from a segment extremity with a given length. The Protection type can be InternalTape (light tape protective covering), InternalAdaptive (light adaptive protective covering), InternalCorrugate (light corrugated tube) or InternalFixed (light fixed diameter protective covering). The protective covering is instantiated in the document containing the segment extremity.

Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert

An Electrical package is supported by Knowledge Expert. To be able to use it, you need to activate the Electrical package. To do so: 1. Select Tools > Options... > General > Parameters and Measure and go to the Knowledge Environment tab. 2. Select Electrical from the list of available packages and click the Down arrow to load this package:

CommandSignal ConnectorShell Contact ContactPoint CorrugatedTube Equipment InternalCorrrugatedProtection InternalProtection GeometricalBundle

InternalSplice OffSheet PowerSignal Protection ShieldingSignal SingleConnector InternalFixedProtection Branchable Mounting Equipment

TerminalStrip Termination Termination_GeoConstraint VideoSignal Wire InternalAdaptiveProtection InternalTapeProtection MultiInsertConnector

Describes an electrical feature of Back Shell type that you create when you select Define Back Shell For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library workbench.

The back shell is a physical component used to guide the bundle segment extremity to the single insert connector, and to protect the crimping area. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Defines the cable extra-length to be added to take into account the wire length inside the back shell.


Type: String

Defines the back shell reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the back shell in the project.

Type: String

Defines the back shell subtype (User defined subtype).


Type: Boolean

Defines the back shell attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the back shell external reference attribute. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Type: Boolean

Is True if the back shell is connected to a single insert connector and a bundle segment.
Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Describes an electrical feature of a branch when you click Branch Definition For more information, refer to the Electrical Harness Installation User's Guide. .

The Branchable type defines the electrical properties of a branch. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature


Type: String

Defines the construction mode.


Type: Real

Defines the slack mode of the branch.


Type: Length

Defines the electrical branch length.

Describes an electrical feature of Bundle Segment Position Point type. For more information, refer to the Electrical Harness Installation User's Guide. The Bundle Segment Position Point type defines the point along a bundle segment at which the local slack is applied. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature


Type: Double

Defines the slack length at the bundle segment position point.

Describes an electrical feature of Bundle type that you create when you click New Bundle For more information, refer to the Electrical Wire Routing User's Guide. The ElecBundle type is an object that contains wires. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Wire Routing workbench.


Type: String

Defines the bundle reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the bundle in the project.

Type: String

Defines the bundle subtype (User defined subtype).

Describes an electrical feature of Bundle Segment type that you create when you select either Bundle Segment in the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Harness Installation User's Guide.

or Multi-Branchable

The BundleSegment type is a segment of a geometrical bundle. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Input data defining the bend radius value that corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the bundle segment curve.

Type: Boolean

Is True if the bundle segment real bend radius is greater than the Elec_Bend_Radius attribute.

Type: Double

Output data defining the actual minimum bend radius value computed on the bundle segment curve.

Type: Void

Returns the ends of the bundle segment.


Type: String

Defines the electrical bundle segment creation mode. Three modes exist: Slack: Elec_Length is not valuated. Bend: Elec_Slack and Elec_Length are not valuated.

Elec_Slack is not valuated. Type: Double


Input data defining the percentage of distributed slack along the bundle segment. This attribute induces the value of the Elec_Length attribute.

Type: Double

Defines the bundle segment diameter.


Type: Boolean

Defines the bundle segment attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: Boolean

Is True if both bundle segment extremities are connected.


Type: Double

Gives the bundle segment length.


Type: String

Defines the bundle reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the bundle in the project.

Type: String

Defines the bundle segment separation code used by the routing algorithm.

Type: String Type: Double

Defines the bundle segment subtype.


Attribute used in the fake length context of the extracted data in Electrical Harness Flattening. This attribute keeps the bundle segment real length, coming from the 3D data. In this context, the Elec_Length returns the fake length.

Type: CATIList

Returns a list of wires routed inside the bundle segment.


Type: Length Type: Length

Defines the user input bend radius.


Defines the computed bend radius.


Type: Boolean Type: Boolean Type: Boolean Type: Boolean Type: Real

Checks if the electrical curve is computed using the electrical algorithm.


Checks if segment is collapsed.


Checks if the input bend radius is greater than the computed bend radius.

Checks if the segment is not collapsed AND that is has a good bend radius AND that the curve is computed using the electrical algorithm.

Checks whether the assigned diameter of the bundle segment is valid or not.

Describes the end of an electrical feature of Bundle Segment type. When a bundle segment is created, it automatically has two ends. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Integer

Defines the number of bundle segments connected to the selected end of a bundle segment.


Type: Integer

Defines the number of devices connected to a bundle segment. Returns 0 if no devices are connected, 1 if a device is connected at one end and 2 if devices are connected at both ends.

Type: Boolean

Checks whether or not the electrical connection and geometrical connection at the bundle segment extremity coincide. This is useful where networks are not properly created.

Type: String

Defines the local slack added to the branch segment extremity.

Describes an electrical feature of Cavity type that you create when you click Define Cavity For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. The cavity defines a reservation for a connector. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library workbench.


Type: Double

Defines the wire length to be added to the wire routing length.


Type: String

Defines a unique identifier for the cavity used to map a functional component and the corresponding physical part.

Type: String

Defines the cavity reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the cavity in the project.

Type: String

Defines the cavity subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Command Signal type that you create when you select command signal Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System Functional

The command signal is a logical connection between two or more components. It will be realized by a wire in physical world. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal



Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the command signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the command signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: Double

Defines the command signal section.


Type: String

Defines the command signal subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Connector Shell type that you create when you click Define Connector in the Electrical Library

workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. A connector shell or shell is a non-electrical part which groups one or more electrical connector parts. It may be part of an equipment. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the connector shell reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the connector shell in the project.

Type: String

Defines the connector shell subtype.


Type: Boolean

Defines the connector shell attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the connector shell external reference attribute. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device.

String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device.

Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Describes an electrical feature of Contact type that you create when you click Define Contact For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library workbench.

A contact is an electrical component used within a termination and a cavity or between bundle segments. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Defines the hole diameter which lets the wire through.


Type: String

Defines the contact reference from an external library.


Type: Boolean

Is True if all the contacts are connected.


Type: String

Defines the contact reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the contact in the project.

Type: String

Defines the contact subtype.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device

Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device.

Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.


Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Describes an electrical feature of Corrugated Tube type that you create when you click Define Protective Covering Library workbench. The corrugated tube is then instantiated using the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical Harness Installation User's Guides. A corrugated tube is an electrical component applied onto bundle segments as a protection. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical


Type: Double

Defines the bend radius value, which corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the corrugated tube curve.


Type: Boolean

Is True if the Elec_Bend_Radius attribute is smaller than the real value of bend radius of the largest bundle segment linked to the corrugated tube.

Type: Boolean

Defines the single connector attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube inner diameter.


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube length.


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube line type.


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube linear mass, used for the flattened representation.

Type: String

Defines the corrugated tube reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the corrugated tube in the project.

Type: String

Defines the corrugated tube reference part number.


Type: String

Defines the protection subtype.


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube thickness.

Describes an electrical feature of Equipment type that you create when you click Define Equipment For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library workbench.

An equipment is an electrical device with one or more associated components: connectors, shells, contacts, filler plugs, placed in cavities. An equipment can also comprise terminations and bundle connection points. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the equipment reference from an external library.

It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.


Type: Boolean

Defines the equipment attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the equipment reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the equipment in the project.

Type: String

Defines the equipment subtype.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.


Describes an electrical feature of External Splice type that you create when you click Define Connector workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. An external splice is an electrical connector receiving bundle segments from different geometrical bundles. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

in the Electrical Library


Type: String

Defines the external splice reference from an external library. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Type: Boolean

Defines the external splice attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the external splice reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the external splice in the project.

Type: String

Defines the external splice subtype.


Type: Boolean

Is True if all the bundle connection points and terminations of the external splice are connected.
Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device.

Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Describes an electrical feature of Filler Plug type that you create when you click Define Filler Plug For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. A filler plug is an electrical component used to block up an unused cavity. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library workbench.


Type: String

Defines the filler plug reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the filler plug in the project.

Type: String

Defines the filler plug subtype.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Describes an electrical feature of Contact Point type that you create when you select Contact Points Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System Functional

This contact point is a functional electrical component that defines the point of contact or attachment for an electrical signal. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the contact point Id number.


Type: Integer

Defines a unique identifier for the contact point used to map a functional component and the corresponding physical part.

Type: String

Defines the contact point reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the contact point in the project.

Type: String

Defines if the signal is input or output.


Type: Boolean

Defines the unicity of the signal: True if the signal is unique.


Type: String

Defines the contact point subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Functional Connector type that you create when you select Functional Connectors System Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical

This connector is a functional electrical component with one or more associated contact points, for example, a power or signal transmission connector. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product



Type: String

Defines the functional connector reference to an external library.


Type: String

Defines a unique identifier for the functional connector used to map a functional component and the corresponding physical part.

Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the physical connector that realizes the functional connector.

Type: String

Defines the functional connector reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the connector in the project.

Type: String

Defines the functional connector subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Functional Equipment type that you create when you select Functional Equipment System Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical

This equipment is a functional electrical component with one or more associated connectors, for example a lamp or a battery.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the functional equipment reference to an external library.


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the physical equipment that realizes the functional equipment.

Type: String

Defines the functional equipment reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the equipment in the project.

Type: String

Defines the functional equipment subtype.

Geometrical Bundle
Describes an electrical feature of a geometrical bundle when you click Geometrical Bundle For more information, refer to the Electrical Harness Installation User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench.

Describes an electrical feature of Ground Signal type that you create when you select Ground Signal Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System Functional

The ground signal is a logical connection between two or more components. It will be realized by a wire in physical world. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal


Type: Boolean

Defines the unicity of the ground signal: True if the signal is unique.

Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the ground signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the ground signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: Double

Defines the ground signal section.


Type: String

Defines the ground signal subtype.

Internal Protection
Describes the internal protective covering when you click Define Protective Product For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Assemble Design workbench.


Type: Double

Defines the protection length.


Type: String

Defines the protection reference part number.


Type: string

Defines the protection subtype.


Type List

Returns the list of bundle segments covered by the protection.


Type: Double

Defines the protection line type.


Type: Double

Defines the protection linear mass, used for flattened representation. Type: Double Defines the adaptive protection inner diameter. Attribute in read only for adaptive protection and tape.

Internal Fixed Protection

Describes the fixed protection thickness when you click Define Protective Product For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Assemble Design workbench.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Defines the fixed diameter protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the fixed diameter protection bend radius.

Internal Adaptive Protection

Describes the adative protection thickness when you click Define Protective Product workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Assemble Design


Type: Double

Describes the adative protection thickness.

Internal Corrugated Protection

Describes the adative protection thickness when you click Define Protective Product workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Assemble Design


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube protection. thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the corrugated tube protection bend radius.

Internal Tape Protection

Describes the adative protection thickness when you click Define Protective Product workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Assemble Design


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape protection thickness.


Describes an electrical feature of Group Signal type that you create when you select Grouped electrical signal Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. Grouped signals will be routed together, for example shielded or twisted signals. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal in the Electrical System


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the group signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the group signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: Double

Defines the group signal section.


Type: Boolean

Defines the internal splice attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the group signal subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Internal Splice type that you create when you click Define Connector For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. An internal splice is a type of connector used to connect two or more wires belonging to the same bundle. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library workbench.


Type: String

Defines the internal splice reference to an external library.

It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.


Type: Double

Defines the internal splice mass.


Type: Double

Defines the distance to the bundle segment extremity selected to place the internal splice.

Type: String

Defines the internal splice reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the internal splice in the project.

Type: String

Defines the internal splice subtype.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Mounting Equipment
Describes an electrical feature of Mounting Equipment type that you create when you click Define Mounting in the Electrical Library workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

A Mounting Equipment Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device.

Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Multi Insert Connector

Describes an electrical feature of Multi Insert Connector type that you create when you click Define Connector workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library


Type: String

Defines the multi insert connector reference to an external library.


Type: String

Defines the multi insert connector subtype. Type: String Defines the multi insert connector reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the multi insert connector in the project.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found. SpecifiedConnectedId Type: String Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). SpecifiedConnectedPartNumber Type: String Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). SpecificationPartNumber Type: String Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Describes an electrical feature of Off Sheet Connector type that you create when you select Offsheet Connector Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System

An off sheet connector is a marker in the functional definition that is used to establish connections between different systems. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product



Type: String

Defines the off sheet connector name.


Type: Integer

Defines the off sheet connector number.


Type: String

Defines if the signal is input or output.


Type: String

Defines the off sheet connector subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Stud type that you create when you click Define Connector For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library workbench.

A stud is an electrical connector receiving bundle segments with one or more wires connected through a termination. It is used to ground bundle segments or pieces of equipment. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product



Type: String

Defines the stud reference to an external library. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Type: String

Defines the stud reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the stud in the project.

Type: String

Defines the stud subtype.


Type: Boolean

Is True only if all the stud bundle connection points are connected.
Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Describes an electrical feature of Power Signal type that you create when you select Power Signal Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System Functional

The power signal is a logical connection between two or more components. It will be realized by a wire in physical world. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the power signal.

Type: Double

Defines the power signal nominal voltage.


Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the power signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: String

Defines the power signal subtype.


Type: Double

Defines the power signal section.

Describes an electrical feature of protection type from which both the corrugated tube and the tape derives. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical Harness Installation User's Guides. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: CATIList

Returns the list of bundle segments covered by the protection.


Type: Boolean

Defines the bundle segment attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: Double

Defines the protection length.


Type: Double

Defines the protection line type.


Type: Double

Defines the protection linear mass, used for the flattened representation.

Type: String

Defines the protection reference designator attribute.


Type: String

Defines the protection reference part number.


Type: String

Defines the protection subtype.


Describes an electrical feature of Shielding Signal type that you create when you select Shielding Signal Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. in the Electrical System Functional

The shielding signal is a logical connection between two or more components. It will be realized by a wire in physical world. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the shielding signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the shielding signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: String

Defines the shielding signal subtype.


Type: Double

Defines the shielding signal section.


Type: Double

Defines the shielding signal nominal voltage.

Describes an electrical feature of Single Insert Connector type that you create when you click Define Connector workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library

A single insert connector is an electrical connector male or female. It's the physical representation for both the plugs and the sockets. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the single insert connector reference to an external library.

It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.


Type: String

Defines the single insert connector reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the single insert connector in the project.

Type: String

Defines the single insert connector subtype.


Type: Boolean

Defines the single connector attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: Boolean

Is True in only two cases: if the single insert connector is integrated into an equipment and connected to another single insert connector,

if the single insert connector is connected to a bundle segment or a back shell and connected to another single insert connector.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA


Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Describes an electrical feature of Signal type that you create when you select Signal in the Electrical System Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. A signal is a logical connection between two or more components. May be of the following types: ground, shielding, video, power, command or grouped. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the physical wire that realizes the signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: Double

Defines the signal section.


Type: CATIList

Contains the list of ElecWire objects that realize the signal.

Describes an electrical feature of Signal Route type that you create when you click Automatic Wire Routing workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Wire Routing User's Guide. The signal route is computed to find out the optimized way between two or more extremities of a signal. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature in the Electrical Wire Routing


Type: Double

Defines the signal route length.


Type: String

Defines the nominal part number of the wire that realizes the signal.

Type: Double

Defines the signal route section.


Type: String

Defines the signal route subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of System type that you create when you select System in the Electrical System Functional Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide. A system consists of equipments, connectors and signals. It is an electrical unit, which accomplishes a specific function. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the system reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the system in the project.

Type: String

Defines the system subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Tape type that you create when you click Define Protective Covering workbench. The tape is then instantiated using the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical Harness Installation User's Guides. A tape is an electrical component applied onto bundle segments as a protection. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library


Type: Double

Defines the bend radius value, which corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the tape curve.

This value takes into account the bundle segment and tape bend radius rule and ends up to an increased rigidity due to the tape.

Type: Boolean

Is True if the Elec_Bend_Radius attribute is smaller than the real value of bend radius of the largest bundle segment linked to the tape protection.

Type: Double

Defines the tape overlapping used when instantiating the protection.


Type: Boolean

Defines the bundle segment attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: Double

Defines the tape length.


Type: Double

Defines the tape line type, used for the flattened representation.

Type: Double

Defines the tape linear mass.


Type: Double

Defines the tape number of layers applied onto the bundle segment.


Type: String

Defines the tape reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the tape in the project.

Type: String

Defines the tape reference part number.


Type: String

Defines the protection subtype.


Type: Double

Defines the tape thickness.


Type: Double

Defines the tape width.


Type: Double

Defines the taping angle.


Type: Double

Defines the tape length considering the overlapping due to the taping angle, and also the number of layers.

Type: Double

Defines the tape thickness considering the overlapping due to the taping angle, and also the number of layers.

Describes an electrical feature of Terminal Block type that you create when you select Define Connector workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library

A terminal block is an electrical connector receiving bundle segments, each bundle segment being connected to a termination. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: String

Defines the terminal block reference to an external library. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Type: Boolean

Defines the terminal block attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the terminal block reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the terminal block in the project.

Type: String

Defines the terminal block subtype.


Type: Boolean

Is True if all the terminal block terminations are connected.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.


Describes an electrical feature of Termination type that you create when you click Define Termination workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

in the Electrical Library

A termination is a sub-element ensuring the electrical signal conduction between any type of electrical component except the filler plug. It is indissociable from the electrical component and corresponds to a contact crimped into a cavity. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Defines the length to be added to the wire routing length.


Type: String

Defines a unique identifier for the termination used to map a functional component to the corresponding physical part.

Type: String

Defines the termination reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the termination in the project.

Type: String

Defines the termination subtype.


Describes an electrical feature of Termination type that you create when you click Define Termination workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. in the Electrical Library

This type of termination only exists for terminal strip and the stud connectors. It has an associated geometry (a line), which allows the connection to be constrained between the bundle segment and the connector. The bundle segment can only be connected via this associated geometry (the line). Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Type: Double

Defines the length to be added to the wire routing length.


Type: String

Defines a unique identifier for the termination used to map a functional component and the corresponding physical part.

Type: String

Defines the termination reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the termination in the project.

Type: String

Defines the termination subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Terminal Strip type that you create when you click Define Connector For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. A terminal strip is an electrical connector comprising a strip of terminations. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature in the Electrical Library workbench.


Type: String

Defines the terminal strip reference to an external library. It is used in Electrical Harness Flattening for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Type: Boolean

Defines the terminal strip attribute, which makes it possible to know if the component has been modified during the Electrical Harness Flattening Synchronization command. Is True if modified.

Type: String

Defines the terminal strip reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the terminal strip in the project.


Type: String

Defines the terminal strip subtype.


Type: Boolean

Is True if all the terminal strip terminations are connected.

Connect (String ConnectionPointName, Product ToConnectObject, String ToConnectionPointName)

Connects the current device to another device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the current device Product ToConnectObject is the instance to connect to String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the destination device. Returns TRUE if the connection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
Disconnect (String ConnectionPointName)

Disconnects a device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point where disconnection will be done. Returns TRUE if disconnection succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListConnectedObject (String ConnectionPointName, out Product ToConnectObject, String out ToConnectionPointName)

Retrieves the device connected to the current device. String ConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point queried Product ToConnectObject is the instance name of the device connected String ToConnectionPointName is the name of the connection point used on the connected destination device. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

ListConnectionPoint (out List ListOfNames, out List ListOfTypes

Retrieves all connection points of a device. Output parameters are two lists of names, the names and the types of the connection points. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
ListWires (out List ListOfWires, out List ListOfNames)

Retrieves all wires connected to a device from a device. Output parameters are a list of wire instances and a list of connection point names where wires are connected. Returns TRUE if information retrieval succeeds, FALSE otherwise.

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.

Type: String Type: String

Checks and retrieves the ID of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Checks and retrieves the part number of the device connected to the current device in the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs).

Type: String

Checks and retrieves the part number of the current device from the loaded specification file (using iXFElec file or CAA APIs). Returns 'NoSpecificationLink' if not found.


Describes an electrical feature of Video Signal type that you create when you select video signal Definition workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical System Functional Definition User's Guide.

in the Electrical System Functional

The video signal is a logical connection between two or more components. It will be realized by a wire in physical world. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product > Electrical - ElecSignal


Type: String

Defines the part number of the wire that realizes the video signal.

Type: String

Defines the attribute of the wire recommended to realize the signal.


Type: Double

Defines the priority for the signal routing.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the video signal used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: Double

Defines the video signal section.


Type: String

Defines the video signal subtype.

Describes an electrical feature of Wire type that you create when you click Define Wire For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide. Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product in the Electrical Library workbench.


Type: Double

Defines the bend radius.


Type: String

Defines the catalog from which the wire is selected.


Type: String

Defines the color of the wire.


Type: Double

Defines the wire diameter.


Type: String

Returns the reference designator value of the connection point to which the from-end of the wire is connected.

Type: String

Returns the part number of the contact in the device cavity to which the from-end of the wire is connected.

Type: String

Returns the reference designator value of the device to which the from-end of the wire is connected.

Type: Boolean

Is True if both wire extremities are connected.


Type: Boolean

Is True if a route exists between whatever nodes only using the network connected branches.

Type: Boolean

Is True if the wire is routed.


Type: Double

Defines the wire length.


Type: Double

Defines the wire linear mass.


Type: String

Defines the wire reference designator.


Type: String

Defines the separation code of the wire used by the algorithm to find out the wire route.

Type: String

Returns a product of type ElecSignal that realizes the wire.


Type: ElecSignal

Returns a product of type ElecSignal that realizes the wire.


Type: String

Defines the identifier of the signal used during the wire routing.

Type: String

Defines the wire subtype.


Type: String

Returns the reference designator value of the connection point to which the to-end of the wire is connected.

Type: String

Returns the part number of the contact in the device cavity to which the to-end of the wire is connected.

Type: String

Returns the reference designator value of the device to which the to-end of the wire is connected.

Type: Boolean

Is True when the wire route follows at least one bundle segment containing only this wire.

Type: String

Returns the name/part number of the From connection point.


Type: String

Returns the name/part number of the To connection point.

Using Knowledge Assembly Templates

This task shows you how to create a catalog assembly that you can use repeatedly in your design. Main steps are:

Creating an assembly using Electrical Harness Assembly commands Creating an assembly template Storing the template in a catalog Instantiating the assembly.

Catalog assemblies are document templates.

A PKT license is required. 1. Create your harness assembly as normal using Electrical Harness Assembly commands.

2. Create an assembly template. a. Select Insert > Document Template Creation...

The Document Template Definition dialog box appears. b. In the Documents tab, set devices to Same document Action status (Switch between New Document and Same Document). In our example, the plug. This means you will use the existing catalog reference for these devices.

In this section, you will find information about interoperability via VPM Navigator between CATIA Electrical Applications and other applications listed below: ENOVIA V5 Interoperability Using VPM Navigator Using ENOVIA Catalogs for Electrical Mapping Loading an iXF Document with VPM Navigator

ENOVIA V5 Interoperability Using VPM Navigator

This task explains how to work with electrical data stored in ENOVIA V5, using VPM Navigator:

Working with electrical data Optimal CATIA PLM usability

Updating the bundle segment-to-support link. We recommend that you read the VPM Navigator User's Guide to know more about this product. This documentation can be found on the ENOVIA LifeCycle Applications Documentation CDROM. 1. Log on to VPM Navigator.

Once the connection has completed successfully, the icons in the ENOVIA V5 VPM Navigator toolbar are no longer grayed out. 2. Using the New VPM Navigator command, view product root class (PRC's). For more information, see Viewing Product Root Classes (PRC's) in the Basic Tasks, VPM Navigator, in the Navigator User's guide. 4. Double-click the PRC you want to open. 5.

Working with Electrical Data

This task shows you how to open electrical objects for editing purposes.

Electrical data can be saved in product document (in workpackage) or in component (in explode mode): Geometrical bundles can be saved with both these modes, when CATPart documents (bundle segments, devices, etc.) and electrical bundles are automatically saved as workpackage. The preferred storage mode for electrical design data is workpackage. Depending on the size of your data, using explode mode can lead to poor performance during save / load actions. To avoid this, it is recommended that you store geometrical bundles as workpackages, and if you route wires, that you store geometrical bundles and electrical bundles under the same workpackage. This will optimize storage (and performance) in a PLM environment. 1. In the Product tree, right-click the object you want to open and select Open... Note that the multi-selection is possible using the Ctrl-key.

The following dialog box appears:

2. Click OK to open the documents in context.

3. Now switch to Electrical Library to connect the plug of the geometrical bundle to the female socket of the other. To do so:

a. b. c.

Click Connect Electrical Devices Select the female socket.

Select the plug. For more information about electrical device connections, refer to Electrical Library User's Guide - User Tasks Connecting Electrical Devices.

The bundle segment of the second geometrical bundle is updated. d. 4. Click Save in ENOVIA V5 to store your data in ENOVIA V5. Also refer to Working with ENOVIA V5: Optimal CATIA PLM Usability.

Optimal CATIA PLM Usability

This section explains in greater detail how electrical data designed in CATIA can be stored in ENOVIA V5 using VPM Navigator. When working with ENOVIA V5, the safe save mode ensures that you only create data in CATIA that can be correctly saved in ENOVIA V5. ENOVIA V5 offers two different storage modes: Workpackage (Document kept - Publications Exposed) and Explode (Document not kept). Electrical products have been configured to work in both Workpackage mode and the Explode mode, depending on the objects considered. This safe save mode means that certain commands are unavailable. We recommend that you read the VPM Navigator User's Guide to know more about this product. This documentation can be found on the ENOVIA LifeCycle Applications Documentation CDRom.

Working with Geometrical Bundle as Workpackage

A workpackage is one or more documents that are displayed in ENOVIA V5 as a single entity. This means that a node in the CATIA specification tree is chosen as an entity to be shown in ENOVIA V5. The children are not visible as documents in the ENOVIA V5 tree. The geometrical bundle is a candidate to be stored this way, as it represents a complete and coherent package for the electrical design. If you are using Electrical Harness Flattening, it is the only mode supported to save geometrical bundle extracted data. Within CATIA connected to ENOVIA V5 through VPM Navigator, if the user selects a new product as a geometrical bundle, the system automatically knows that this geometrical bundle has to be stored as a workpackage.

Checks are performed when using the Electrical tools to ensure that all entities created or modified will be correctly stored, using the following rules:

No links to geometry (that is to say external references) can be done from a part inside a workpackage to a part outside the workpackage. Let's see an example: With a geometrical bundle stored as a workpackage (publication exposed mode), the bundle segments belonging to this geometrical bundle cannot use, as routing objects, supports, devices or any geometry external to the geometrical bundle while keeping the contextuality. The external references won't be synchronized and the bundle segment shape won't any longer be contextual to any object outside the geometrical bundle. Contextual links are kept inside the geometrical bundle.

The context for the external links must be set to a product node inside the workpackage. Refer to Infrastructure User's Guide - Customizing Part Infrastructure. Mechanical constraints and electrical connections between parts inside the workpackage and outside the workpackage must rely on published objects.

Bundle Segment-to-Support Link

As of Version 5 Release 16, you can manage links between bundle segments and supports when they are not in the same geometrical bundles. In particular, you can update bundle segments if supports, in a different geometrical bundle, have been moved.

For more information, see Updating Bundle Segment-to-Support Link. Important:

This functionality is applicable to electrical data created as of Version 5 Release 16 only. It does not support adaptive supports. The instance name of supports must be unique. The bundle segment-to-support link will not be updated if two or more instances have the same name in your session. Modifying the instance name will make the link invalid. Do not rename geometry created when routing bundle segments through supports.

Updating bundle segment-to-support links is based on a naming convention for support identifiers. Whenever a support is added, support geometry (published point and two published planes) is copied and renamed as follows:
Name of the geometry= [Instance name of selected support]![Name of the publication]

CATIA Settings
To make this possible, the following settings must be applied when working with CATIA connected to ENOVIA V5, to store the geometrical bundles as workpackage in ENOVIA V5: a. Select the Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure > General tab. In the External References frame, clear the Use root context in assembly check box.

b. Select the Tools > Options > Equipment and Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline > Electrical Harness Installation > Harness Management tab. Under Contextual Links, in the Keep link with selected object box, select In geometrical bundle.

Anyway, the system checks that the rules are not violated and if those options are not set properly, an error message is displayed:

Moreover, during the electrical connection between devices and/or bundle segments that are not inside the same workpackage, publications are automatically created on the geometrical bundle stored as workpackage, to ensure that constraints and connections are correctly stored.

Working with Geometrical Bundle in Explode Mode

Using the Explode mode, all the nodes of the product structure are stored in ENOVIA V5. This means that each component and its children are as many documents visible in ENOVIA V5. The geometrical bundles saved in explode mode cannot be used in Electrical Harness Flattening. It will not be possible to save the geometrical bundle extracted data. Use the workpackage mode in this context. Within CATIA connected to ENOVIA V5 through to VPM Navigator, if the user selects a new component as a geometrical bundle, the system automatically knows that this geometrical bundle has to be stored in explode mode.

A single check is performed when using the Electrical tools to ensure that all the entities created or modified will be correctly stored: The context for the external links must be set to the root product node of the session. Refer to Infrastructure User's Guide - Customizing Part Infrastructure. To make this possible, the following settings must be applied when working with CATIA connected to ENOVIA V5, to store the geometrical bundles in explode mode in ENOVIA V5: a. Select the Tools > Options > Infrastructure > Part Infrastructure > General tab. Under External References, select the Use root context in assembly check box.


Commands Not Supported in ENOVIA V5

For the time being, the following commands are not available if CATIA is connected to ENOVIA V5 Database:

In Electrical Library - Electrical Assembly workbench

Place Physical Device Add Link Remove Functional Link Define Mounting Equipment Define Equipment Define Shell Define Contact Define Filler Plug Define Back Shell

Define Cavity Define Termination Define Connector Connection Point Define Bundle Connection Point Define Cavity Connection Point Define Back Shell Connection Point

In Electrical Wire Routing

New Wire Connection Move Connection Delete Connection Merge Connections Split Connection New Wire Select Signal

To be consistent and useable, some electrical data needs to be at a higher load mode than Visualization mode. In ENOVIA V5 context, loading this needed information implies to transit of the impacted CATParts through the network. So if we only load necessary data, this transit will be redone for the switch to Design mode. So to optimize the data flow through the network, we just make a transit once for the catpart and load it into design mode.

Updating the Bundle Segment-to-Support Link

This task shows you how to update bundle segments to take into account changes to supports created in a different geometrical bundle. When creating supports, certain rules must be respected. Ensure options when working in workpackage mode are correctly set. 1. Make sure you are connected to ENOVIA V5 through VPM Navigator.

2. Search ENOVIA data for the geometrical bundle of interest. 3. Load documents containing supports linked to the geometrical bundle.

4. Click Update Bundle from Support

All bundle segments under the active product are checked.

The Update Bundle from Moved Support dialog box appears.

This dialog box identifies bundle segments that can be updated as well as any that cannot, indicating why. Reasons why include:
o o o

Two instance names of the same support in the session Support not found Error occurring during bundle segment update, for example because the publication of a support was renamed.

Click Close to get a status only with no update. 5. Click Apply to apply all pending updates listed in the dialog box, and in our example, re-route the bundle segment through the support.

6. Click Close when done.

Exporting Reports
To export a report in text format (.txt): 1. Click Export... in the Update Bundle from Moved Support dialog box. 2. In the Export Report dialog box that opens: a. b. c. Identify the folder in which you want to save your text file. Enter a file name. Click Open to export the report in text format.

The report contains the same information as displayed in the dialog box.

Manually Updating a Link

You can manually update the bundle segment-to-support link by editing the bundle segment route:

Edit the appropriate branch. The Route Definition dialog box appears. The support is identified as the routed object in the Route Definition dialog box. Select the support in the dialog box. This runs a query for the support which, if found and unique, is highlighted in the geometry area. Click Replace and select the support again.

The bundle segment is re-routed through the support. If the support is not found, or if it is not unique, the 3D label identifying the original position of the support is displayed in red.

Using ENOVIA Catalogs for Electrical Mapping

This methodology explains how to set up the Electrical Mapping option to use catalogs coming from ENOVIA. First of all, the document environment needs to be set up to allow the catalog stored in ENOVIA V5 to be browsed/accessed. Then the catalog of interest is selected in the Electrical Mapping tab. If the catalog is saved in Explode mode (structure exposed), in ENOVIA you need to load this catalog in CATIA (using the command: Send to CATIA V5 Catalog Editor) to be able de define the mapping. 1. Select the Tools > Options command. The Options dialog box displays. 2. Choose the General category in the left-hand box and click the Document tab.

This tab lets you define the document environment. 3. Select ENOVIA and click Allowed on the right.

The Current button is activated. 4. If you want ENOVIA to be launched by default, click Current. The dialog box becomes:

5. Make sure you are connected to VPM Navigator. 6. Switch then to the Equipment & Systems category, to the Electrical Mapping tab:

This tab lets you define the Catalog/Electrical objects mapping. 7. Click Browse and search ENOVIA data for catalog of interest. for

For more information, see Using the Search workbench in Basic Tasks, VPM Navigator, in the Navigator User's guide. 8. In the Result window, select the desired catalog and click Open. The Electrical Mapping tab is updated.

9. Define the mapping as explained in the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide - Customizing - Customizing Settings - Equipment and

Systems - Electrical Mapping. The catalogs stored in ENOVIA appears in the editor as ENOVIA5\Catalog name.catalog.

Loading an iXF Document with VPM Navigator

This methodology explains how to load iXF documents when using VPM Navigator. First of all, the document environment needs to be set up to allow the documents stored in ENOVIA V5 to be browsed/accessed. To do so: It is mandatory to rename the specification file to use the .iXFElec extension instead of the .xml extension (for example: rename MySpecificationFile.xml to MySpecificationFile.iXFElec). This extension is mandatory to be able to perform the following scenario. When sending a file with extension .iXFElec, the Load External System command in ENOVIA uses this extension to recognize the file as usable as external system. If you keep the .xml extension (which is very generic), you cannot apply this behavior. 1. Make sure you are connected to ENOVIA V5 through VPM Navigator. 2. Using the Search workbench, run an advanced search query ENOVIA data for the iXF document of interest. For more information, see Using the Search workbench in Basic Tasks, VPM Navigator, in the Navigator User's guide. For example: Select Document Revision in the Objects list Select File Extension in the Attributes list Select Like in the Operator list Select the value to iXFElec 4. In the Result window, right-click the desired document and select Open.
o o o o

The document is stored in the current session, and ready to use. 5. Switch to Electrical Assembly Design. 6. Click Select External Systems .

The System Selection dialog box opens containing the previously selected iXF files:

7. Select the iXF file of interest and validate. The iXF document is loaded. For more information about external systems, refer to the CATIA - Electrical Library User's Guide - User Tasks - Electrical Integration Scenarios - Electrical Integration from External Data

Workbench Description
CATIA - Electrical Harness Assembly application window looks like this: Click the hotspots to display the related documentation.

CATIA - Electrical Harness Installation application window looks like this:

Menu Bar Toolbars Electrical Workbench Specification Tree

Menu Bar
This section presents menu bar tools and commands dedicated to Electrical Harness. Other items available are the standard ones. These commands and tools are described in Infrastructure Version 5. For more information, refer to the standard Menu Bar section. Start File Edit View Insert Tools Analyze Window Help

Electrical Harness Assembly
For... See...

Recompute All Bundle Segments Updating an Existing Harness

Electrical Harness Installation

For... List Broken Publications See... Deleting Broken Publications

Delete Useless Elements... Deleting Broken Publications

Electrical Harness Toolbars

This section describes the various toolbar commands available in the Electrical Harness workbenches. The toolbars are located on the right in the default set-up except for the Catalog Browser, the Measure and the Update commands which are located in the horizontal bottom toolbar.

Electrical Harness Assembly Workbench Toolbars

Creation Toolbar Bundle Segments Sub-toolbar Management Toolbar Delete Toolbar Related Objects Toolbar Catalogue Toolbar Measure Toolbar

Creation Toolbar

Geometrical Bundle

See Creating a Geometrical Bundle See Bundle segments sub-toolbar below

Local Slack

See Managing Local Slack

Protective Covering

See Adding Protective Coverings

Bundle Segments Sub-toolbar

Bundle Segment

See Working with Single Bundle Segments in a Bundle Segment Document

Multi-branchable Document

See Creating a New Multi-Branchable Document and First Branch

Management Toolbar


See Linking Bundle Segments


See Unlinking Bundle Segments

Add Support

See Adding a Support

Remove Support

See Removing a Support


See Splitting Bundle Segments

Add Branch Point

See Adding Branch Points

Remove Branch Point

See Removing Branch Points

Transfer Branches

See Transferring Branches

Duplicate Harness

See Duplicating Harnesses


See Adjusting Relationships between Harness Covering Components

Arrange Bundle Segments

See Arranging Bundle Segments in Supports

Copy Bundle Segment Position

See Copying the Bundle Segment Arrangement

Update Bundle from Support

See Updating the Bundle Segment-to-Support Link

Delete Toolbar

Delete Special

See Deleting Unused Branch Points

Related Objects Toolbar

Related Objects

See Viewing Related Objects

Catalogue Toolbar

Catalog Browser

See Using the Catalog Browser

Measure Toolbar

Measure Geometrical Bundle Inertia

See Measuring Geometrical Bundle Inertia

Electrical Harness Installation Toolbars

Select Toolbar General Toolbar Geometrical Element Toolbar Delete Toolbar Internal Protection Toolbar

Select Toolbar


See Exiting the Installation Workbench (Part workbench)

General Toolbar

Bundle Segment Definition

See Working with Single Bundle Segments in a Bundle Segment Document

Branch Definition

See Creating a New Multi-Branchable Document and First Branch

Add Branch Point

See Adding Branch Points

Remove Branch Point

See Removing Branch Points

Geometrical Element Toolbar


See Creating Construction Constraints, Creating Points


See Creating Lines


See Creating Planes

Delete Toolbar

Delete Special

See Deleting Unused Branch Points

Internal Protection Toolbar

Light Protective Covering

See Adding Light Protective Coverings

Electrical Workbench Specification Tree

In this document, you will find the different icons generated in the electrical workbenches.

Mounting Equipment Equipment Shell Single Insert Connector, External Splice, Internal Splice, Stud, Terminal Strip, Terminal Block, Filler Plug Contact Back Shell Electrical container Cavity Termination Connector Connection Point Bundle Connection Point Cavity Connection Point Back Shell Connection Point Geometrical Bundle Multi-Branchable Document Branch Bundle Segment Electrical Bundle Wire Wire associated to a reference (from a catalog) Wire group Wire group associated to a reference (from a catalog) Wire Connection Container Wire Connection Internal Splice

Functional System Functional Equipment Not linked to physical Functional Connector Not linked to physical Functional Connection Point Not linked to physical Signal, Power Signal Not routed Shielding Signal Group Signal Ground Signal Video Signal

Linked to physical Linked to physical Linked to physical (Not yet implemented)

Partially linked to physical Partially linked to physical Partially linked to physical Partially routed

Routed Signal in System Space Reservation (SSR)


Before you start your first working session, you can customize the way you work to suit your habits. This type of customization is stored in permanent setting files: these settings will not be lost if you end your session. 1. Select the Tools > Options command. The Options dialog box opens. 2. Select the Equipment & Systems > Electrical Harness Discipline category in the left-hand box. 3. Click the Electrical Harness Installation workbench. The Harness Management tab appears.

This tab lets you define: the bundle segment creation options the bundle segment naming rule the bundle segment connection options the bundle segment disconnection options the management of contextual links the bundle segment profile the bundle segment computation mode the feedback for branch mode the visual feedback on segment centrecurve mode. 4. Two other tabs, located in the Infrastructure category, in the Part Infrastructure workbench, also influence the behavior of Electrical Harness Installation:
o o o o o o o o o

General Display 5. For migration purpose, you may need to customize the Migration Batch, Electrical and V4/V5 SPACE tabs located in the General > Compatibility category.
o o

V4/V5 SPACE Migration Batch Electrical 6. For inertia calculation, you will need to customize the Tree customization tab located in the Infrastructure > Product Structure category.
o o o

Parameters 7. Set options in these tabs according to your needs.


8. Click OK when done.

Electrical Harness Installation

This page deals with the Harness Management options:

the bundle segment creation the bundle segment naming rule the bundle segment connection the bundle segment disconnection the management of contextual links the management of branch/support links the bundle segment profile the bundle segment computation mode the feedback for branch mode the visual feedback on segment centrecurve mode.

Bundle Segment Creation

Geometrical bundle is mandatory

If this option is selected, it means that you need to create a geometrical bundle prior to defining a bundle segment. By default, this option is selected.

Work with one multi-branchable per geometrical bundle

If this option is selected, only one multi-branchable document can be created within a geometrical bundle: a single part contains the full harness, reducing the size of the document, the number of contextual links and consequently the update time. However to take advantage of the ENOVIA configuration management, this option needs to be cleared if you want to manage the effectivity at a more detailed granularity level: the branch. Select this option if the configuration management does not need to be done at the level of each branch, but at the level of a set of branches created in a single document. By default, this option is not selected.

Use customized display for geometrical bundle naming rule.

When this option is not selected, the name is geometrical bundle. If this option is selected the naming rule uses the default name corresponding to the option set up in Infrastructure -> Product Structure -> Nodes Customization tab, for the Product instance, reference loaded item. This means that during the geometrical bundle creation, its name is not overwritten. Refer to the Infrastructure User's Guide Customizing section. By default, this option is not selected.

Bundle segment color

Use the chooser to define the bundle segment color at creation.

Bundle Segment Naming Rule

Bundle segment (#PN#)

If this option is selected, the bundle segment name shows like this in the specification tree:

It is the default value.

Parent-bundle segment (#PN#)

If this option is selected, the bundle segment name shows like this in the specification tree:

Bundle Segment Connection

Geometrical link
If this option is selected, when the selection is completed, the bundle segment is extended to the second point selected (which is either a bundle segment extremity or a bundle connection point). By default, this option is selected.

Automatic link to new bundle segment

If this option is selected, the electrical connection is created at the same time as the bundle segment. By default, this option is selected.

Bundle Segment Disconnection

Remove geometrical link at unlink

If this option is selected, when a bundle segment is disconnected from a connector, the geometrical link is also removed and the bundle segment geometry is modified to its last but one definition point.

By default, this option is selected.

Keep unused branch points/Prompt user for deletion

When a branch is unlinked or deleted, if a branch point is no longer used, the system may keep it or prompt the user for deletion. This happens when:

the branch point is removed from the route definition of the branch the branch is unlinked from the branch point with the Unlink command the last connected branch is deleted using the Delete Special contextual menu.

By default, this option is set to Keep unused branch points.

Contextual Links

For the first option to be taken into account, you must first change options located in the Part Infrastructure > General > External References frame: select the Keep link with selected object option, otherwise no external references will be created. By default, this option is not selected.

clear the Use root context in assembly option. If not, the links will be created to the root of the assembly. By default, this option is selected.

Keep link with selected object

The object created from the selection will or not keep the link according to this option. This option can take three values:

always creates the external reference links. It is the default value. In geometrical bundle: creates external reference links only if the selected object is part of the geometrical bundle of the bundle segment.
Always: Never:

always creates a local copy of the selected object with no associativity.

Forbid selection outside current geometrical bundle

If this option chosen, the selection of points, supports or devices which do not belong to the current geometrical bundle for bundle segment routing is forbidden. By default, this option is not selected.

Branch/Support Link

Only use publications to recognize adaptative supports

In visualization mode, when the part document is not loaded, an adaptative support is recognized as such if the ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS parameter is published. To take advantage of this option, you need to publish it manually. Refer to Part Design User's Guide - Advanced Tasks - Using Tools - Publishing Elements. If this option is not selected, or if the parameter is not published, the support is not seen as adaptative. By default, this option is selected.

Bundle Segment Profile

Circular profile/Any profile

If Circular profile is selected, the user interface is the same as before (up to R14), for bundle segment creation.

If Any profile is selected, the ability to manage profiles is activated: when the user creates a bundle segment, the rib is replaced by a loft representation. More or different options are available in the dialog boxes for Branch Definition, Bundle Segment Definition and Profile Management. This option only works for bundle segments within multi-branchable documents. By default, Circular profile is selected.

Keep the greatest value constant

These four options are used to know how to update the parameters of the profile when the profile area is directly modified or updated after wire routing. If this option is selected, the greatest value:

between height and width value for rectangular profile between major and minor axis value for an ellipse

remains unchanged: only the other value is updated accordingly. By default, this option is selected.

Keep the smallest value constant

If this option is selected, the smallest value:

between height and width value for rectangular profile between major and minor axis value for an ellipse

remains unchanged: only the other value is updated accordingly.

Keep the ratio constant

If this option is selected:

the height/width ratio for rectangular profile the major axis/minor axis ratio for an ellipse

remains unchanged: both values are updated at the same time and keep their ratio constant.

Do not recompute values

If this option is selected:

neither the height value/width value for rectangular profile nor the major axis value/minor axis value for an ellipse

are updated. Important: If the Set Area Constant check box is selected in the Profile Management dialog box, then the Do not recompute values option is ignored, and section parameters are updated as per Keep the ratio constant option.

Bundle Segment Computation

Allow system to use a smaller bend radius value

In Standard algorithm mode, if the algorithm does not converge, the flexible curve is switched to a standard spline.

If Allow system to use a small bend radius value is selected, and the standard algorithm does not converge, the bend radius is optimized to keep the flexible curve and ensure a curve of better quality. Keeping a flexible curve (a specific electrical curve) lets you manage

slack, work in Length mode and ensures good integration with Electrical Harness Flattening. By default, this option is not selected.

Standard algorithm
If Standard algorithm is selected, the standard algorithm is used for bundle segment creation. By default, this option is selected.

FLEX algorithm
If this option is selected, the FLEX computation algorithm is used, giving a more realistic shape to the bundle segments. This option is only available if a FLEX Physical Simulation license is present.

Balance between performance (P) and accuracy (A)

The slider allows you to choose the balance between the calculation time (P) and the accuracy (A). This option only works for bundle segments within multi-branchable documents.

The default position of the slider is shown above.

Tolerance (%) in Constrained Length mode

This option is used for Constrained Length mode only. The spinner lets you set a tolerance value: it represents the percent tolerance permitted between the initial and final bundle segment length. The default value is 1 (Real type). Note: In Constrained Length mode, the default accuracy is set to a very high value in order to respect bundle segment length better. The value set for the balance slider is not taken into account.

Feedback for Branch

Warn user when Branch is collapsed

If this check box is selected, you are warned about collapsed branches. A warning message informs you that the bundle segment has collapsed.

Visual feedback on segment centrecurve

If curve is not electrical

If this check box is selected, the centre curve of the erroneous bundle segment is highlighted with the color selected in the Display Color dropdown list. A warning message informs you that the standard algorithm has failed, and the electrical curve will be switched to regular spline.

The Warn user when Branch is collapsed check box should be selected in order to display this message box.

If bend computed radius does not respect input bend radius

If this check box is selected: the centre curve of the erroneous bundle segment is highlighted with the color selected in the Display Color drop-down list

the erroneous branch is flagged in the specification tree

If bundle segment is collapsed

If this check box is selected: the centre curve of the erroneous bundle segment is highlighted with the color selected in the Display Color drop-down list

the erroneous branch is flagged in the specification tree

Change also segment color

If this check box is selected, the erroneous bundle segment along with the centre curve, is highlighted with the color selected in the Display Color drop-down list. The erroneous branch is flagged in the specification tree.

Part Infrastructure for Electrical Harness Installation

This page deals with the options concerning:

the external references: keep link with selected object the specification tree display.

Part Infrastructure General option

Click here to know more about the Part Infrastructure General options.

Keep link with selected object

You need to select this option to take advantage of the associativity between the construction points or part body and the bundle segment. By default, this option is not selected.

Part Infrastructure Display option

Click here to know more about the Part Infrastructure Display options.

External References
If this option is selected, the External References will display in the specification tree. By default, this option is selected.

Compatibility for Electrical Harness Installation

This page deals with the options concerning:

the isolated mock-up solids migration in the V4/V5 SPACE tab the interface name in the Migration Batch tab the bundle segment migration mode in the Electrical tab.


Click here to know more about the Compatibility > V4/V5 SPACE options.

Isolated Mock-up Solids migration

Isolated Mock-Up Solids (SolidM) means that neither history nor specifications are stored. For the migration two options are available:

as CGR: the SolidM conversion as CGR means that you will only get the meshing view (visualization mode) as PartBody: the SolidM conversion as PartBody means that you will be able to see the geometry of the solid

to edit it.

as CGR is the default value. In the context of the electrical migration, select as PartBody to be able to add technology.

Migration Batch

Click here to know more about the Compatibility > Migration Batch options.

Interface Name
You need to enter CATIE3DMigration in this field if you want to migrate V4 electrical data to V5. By default, this option is empty.


Click here to know all the details about the Compatibility > Electrical options.

Bundle segments
If this option is selected, each V4 BNS is migrated to a V5 bundle segment (CATPart document).

Multi-branchable document
If this option is selected, all the BNSs of a V4 GBN are migrated to one multi-branchable document in a V5 geometrical bundle. All the V5 bundle segments are stored in a single CATPart, the multi-branchable document. By default, this option is selected.

Product Structure for Electrical Harness Installation

This page deals with the options concerning the specification tree.

Specification Tree Order

In the Specification Tree Order, there is a list of CATIA attributes corresponding to the nodes of the specification tree. You can order the nodes in the specification tree and activate or deactivate their visualization. In the context of the Measure Geometrical Bundle Inertia command By default, Parameters is not activated. Refer to Tree Customization. , you need to activate the Parameters node.

This section explains how to create other kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find: Protective Coverings of Given Length - Methodology Creating an Adaptative Part

Protective Coverings of Given Length - Methodology

This section explains how to create protective coverings of given length as it is widely used in the industry. Creating a Protective Covering of Given Length Instantiating a Protective Covering of Given Length

Creating a Protection Part of Given Length

As a reference protection part can be customized, it is quite easy to define one's own bundle protection part with a minimum of effort. To illustrate the flexibility of the protection part, this scenario explains how to create a protection part of a given fixed length. This methodology is widely used in the industry.

Be sure to clear the Hide Internal harness geometry check box in the Tools > Options > Equipments & Systems > Electrical Harness Installation > Harness Management tab. 1. Start the Electrical Part Design workbench. 2. Click Define Protection Part You are prompted to select a part. 3. Select Part1 in the specification tree. The Define Protection Part dialog box opens. Select Tape from the Type drop-down list and enter the following values for example, then validate: o Width: 16mm o Thickness: 2mm o Bend radius: 7mm .

The geometry is created.

4. Switch to Wireframe and Surface Design workbench. 5. Insert a body. To do so: Select Insert > Body. Body.2 is added to the specification tree as shown below:

6. Create a point on the joint which will be used for the instantiation: To do so: Click Point . The dialog box opens to create Point.6. b. Enter the following values:

Point type: On curve Curve: Join.1 Distance on curve

Length: 250mm Reference point: Point.3

The offset from Point.3, entered in the Length value (250mm) is the parameter which will drive the length of the protective covering. c. Click OK to validate.

is added to the geometry.


2. Create a new split on the joint between Point.3 and the newly created Point.6 to define a new centerline between Point.3 and Point.6. To do so: Click Split . The dialog box opens to create Split.2. b. Enter the following values:

Element to cut: Join.1 Cutting elements: Point.3 (click OK in the Update Error warning box that is displayed), and then click the Other side button. Point.6.


Click OK to validate.

The geometry is updated.


3. Now replace Split.1 in the ElecRouteBody with Split.2, using the contextual menu, to define the rib between Point.3 and Point.6.

The Replace dialog box opens. a. Select Split.2 (in With field).


Click OK to validate.

4. Save your protective covering for a further instantiation. With such a methodology you can also create grommets, green lines or boots. When creating grommets in this way, you will need to create two catalog references. The one you create first will be placed next to the Start Extremity. To place a grommet next to the End Extremity, create a second catalog reference, as explained above, selecting Point4 as reference point and clicking Reverse Direction in step 5.b.

Green line Grommet


Instantiating a Protective Covering of Given Length

This scenario explains how to instantiate a protective covering of given length (250mm here) as it is widely used in the industry.

1. Start the Electrical Harness Assembly workbench. 2. Click Protective Covering .

The Instantiate Protective Covering dialog box opens:

3. Select the catalog then the protective covering you want to instantiate. To do so:
o o

Click this button

and navigate to the catalog, for example:

.../online/cfysm_C2/samples/ElectricalSession/catalog/catalog1.catalog. Double-click the protective covering: Part2

The catalog browser closes and the selected protective covering displays in the upper right corner of the primary window.

4. Select one or more bundle segments you want to cover: The dialog box updates and the protective covering start and end points display in the geometry.

5. Click OK to validate. Note: Using this methodology, the covered length indicated in the Protective Covering Information is not correct: it indicates the distance between the Start extremity and the End extremity of the selected bundle segment when the protective covering is applied between the Start extremity and for a length of 250mm (Point.4).

Creating an Adaptative Part

This task explains how to define an adaptative part such as a support, using a formula. Make sure you use Electrical Harness workbench when modifying the bundle segment routed through an adaptative support. Using non electrical commands to modify electrical data may lead to inconsistencies in relation to the behavior implemented using electrical commands: Editing branch points or bundle segment centerlines by double-clicking them is not the recommended method. Use the bundle segment edition command. As well as editing, modifying, replacing directly geometrical features created automatically (splits, curves, etc.) or formulas, those modifications have to be done cautiously. Moreover, restructuring or reordering those features may lead to unpredictable results. Refer to Electrical Harness Installation User's Guide - User Tasks - Working with Branches - Creating/Modifying Segments within a Branch. In visualization mode, when the part document is not loaded, an adaptative support is recognized as such if the ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS parameter is published. To take advantage of this option, you need to publish it manually. If this option is not selected, or if the parameter is not published, the support is not seen as adaptative. Refer to Part Design User's Guide - Advanced Tasks - Using Tools - Publishing Elements. Open the AdaptativeClamp.CATPart document.

This document also contains three formulas that have been defined to re-compute the support geometry after routing: 1 - The support remaining length value is set to:

2 - The inner diameter value is set to:


3 - The outer diameter value is set to:

Radius + 2mm

1. Click Formula

2. Select the Length as Filter Type and click New Parameter of type. 3. Enter the name for it: ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS and a value: 18mm for example Note: the name must strictly be ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS.

4. Select the support radius (PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.50\Radius) and click Add Formula: 5. Enter the formula:
PartBody\Sketch.1\Radius.50\Radius = 'ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS'

(the radius is equal to the new parameter ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS)

6. Click OK to validate the entries made in both dialog boxes. Now, if you route a bundle segment through this support:

A formula will automatically be generated under the root product of the document, if and only if the ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS parameter has been detected:
Support radius = Bundle segment diameter * 0.5

The support will exactly fit the bundle segment diameter. The formulas given above are used to re-compute the support geometry.


bend radius branch bundle bundle segment

The bend radius is the minimum bend radius allowed for the bundle segment. A set of bundle segments that share the same centerline. For electrical bundle: A document containing wires routed through geometrical bundles. A geometrical subdivision of a geometrical bundle. It is the wire graphical representation in the digital mock-up. The bundle segment is created according to several rules: The bend radius must be superior to half the diameter In slack mode, an extra-length is added to the bundle segment calculated from a bend length percentage (Slack%). The bend mode calculates the minimum length through all the constraint points, with regard to the minimum bend radius. The length mode uses the length value: this value must be at least equal to the distance between the points. Where the term single bundle segment occurs in this guide, it refers to a CATPart document created under the active product that contains just one bundle segment.

connector An electrical component providing an electrical interface between two bundles, an item of equipment and a bundle or between wires. Comprises one or more electrical terminations. They are of two types: physical connector (from Electrical Library, Catalog or V4) and functional connector (from EFD application).

diameter device Corresponds to the wire diameter together with the insulation. Generic term for connector, equipment, shell, etc.

effectivity electrical bundle electrical system A data fork of values in which an option is effective. A document containing the wires routed through geometrical bundles. An electrical unit which accomplishes a specific function. Consists of equipment, connectors and signals. Described in a

electrical termination equipment

CATProduct document. Electrical connection (often called pin) on a connector Electrical device comprising one or more associated connectors.

geometrical bundle A document containing an assembly of connectors, supports and insulation, as well as the geometric representation of a harness.

harness An assembly of wires, connectors, supports and insulation manufactured together. Represented in CATIA by both geometrical and electrical bundles.

instance Designation of reference placed in a context, i.e. in design mode. An instance can have additional characteristics that do not belong to the reference. For example, the instance of a wire has a length attribute in an assembly context when its reference doesn't out of this context. As opposed, see reference.

multi-branchable document A set of branches, themselves containing bundle segments, connected or not, composing the harness. It corresponds to a CATPart document. See also single bundle segment document.

pin An electrical termination

properties Attributes of a component that define its electrical, mechanical, etc. characteristics. protective covering Covering element wrapping the conductor and possibly the insulating coating bringing out a mechanical protection. It can be a sleeve, a corrugated tube, a taping, etc.

reference Describes a real object. A reference can be stored in a catalog. In the electrical context a reference corresponds either to: A CATPart document which has electrical properties and exhibits electrical behavior or, A CATProduct document whose root product has electrical properties and exhibits electrical behavior. See also instance. An operation that computes the optimized wire route between two or more extremities of a signal.


section segment single bundle segment document sleeve Corresponds to the section of the wire together with the insulation. Refers to bundle segments, whether grouped in branches in a multi-branchable document or created as single bundle segments in bundle segment documents. Corresponds to a CATPart document containing just one bundle segment. See also multi-branchable document. Can be of two types: Conduit type: the wires are collected in a tube, flexible or not.

Jacket or sheath type: the wires are cased in the sleeve.

wire wire connection Electrical wire: physical object corresponding to a signal An electrical object linking two or more wires that share a common extremity


3D harness tolerancing

adaptative part ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS adaptative supports adding branch points branches supports annotation

bend bend radius branch branch points adding automatically deleting connecting segments distance to reference object removing splitting branches branches adding branch points bundle segment bundle segment definition

creating first modifying slack removing branch points routing transferring bundle segment documents creating bundle segments collapsed geometry computation mode cutting point defining parameters definition in branch link to supports

linking modifying slack multi-profile profile routing routing through retainers splitting stiffness unlinking

collapsed geometry commands Add Branch Point

Add Support Adjust Automatic Wire Routing Branch Definition Bundle Segment Bundle Segment Definition Catalog Browser Curvilinear Dimensions Delete Special... Delete Useless Elements... Duplicate Harness Exit Formula Editor Front View/Annotation Plane

Geometrical Bundle Link List Broken Publications Local Slack Manage Links Measure Geometrical Bundle Inertia Multi-Branchable Document Place Bundle Segments Inside Support Point Protective Covering Recompute All Bundle Segments Related Objects Remove Branch Point Remove Support

Route Definition Segment Definition Split Transfer Branches Unlink Update Update Bundle from Support computation mode FLEX algorithm construction constraints copying bundle segment arrangement creating bundle segment documents construction constraints

geometrical bundle multi-branchable documents curvilinear dimensions cutting point

defining bundle segment parameters construction constraints deleting unused branch points automatically diameter dimension visualization mode DistanceWireProduct

effectivity ELEC-SUPPORT-RADIUS adaptative part ElecDistanceCommon electrical application interoperability electrical bundle electrical data migration migrating step by step setting options V4-V5 mapping electrical mapping electrical package electrical user function

DistanceWireProduct ElecDistanceCommon ListAllOuterLayerObjects ListDirectlyCoveredObjects ListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects VisualMode external curve external data management external references

FLEX algorithm flexible curve

front view

geometrical bundle

harness covering duplicating mass calculation

instantiating protective covering adding light protective covering

instantiating protective coverings interoperability safe save in Electrical iXF document loading

knowledge assembly template

length linking bundle segments ListAllOuterLayerObjects ListDirectlyCoveredObjects ListDirectlyOuterLayerObjects

local slack

mapping ENOVIA catalogs measuring geometrical bundle inertia migrating V4 data to V5 migrating step by step setting options V4-V5 mapping modifying slack multi-branchable documents about adding branches

bundle segment stiffness creating editing multi-profile bundle segment one per geometrical bundle multi-profile adaptative support branches protective covering

placing internal splices physical devices

positioning management routing options profile protective covering protective coverings adjusting relationships between collapsed geometry instantiating length

ratio related objects removing

branch points supports retainers routing bundle segments through routing between points on-the-fly between points, devices and supports branches construction constraints on external curves on surfaces options single bundle segments through supports

routing options positioning management tangent management

section selective loading single bundle segments modifying slack routing slack build mode option build mode option0 managing at junctions

managing local splitting branches bundle segments stiffness of bundle segments supports adding arranging bundle segment in copying bundle segment arrangement removing removing a bundle segment from routing through

tangent management routing options Tools Options - Compatibility Electrical Migration Batch V4/V5 SPACE Tools Options - Electrical Harness Installation Harness Management Tools Options - Part Infrastructure External References Tools Options - Product Structure Tree Customization transferring branches

unlinking bundle segments

V4-V5 migration migrating step by step setting options V4-V5 mapping viewing related objects VisualMode

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