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Command NSN

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Command line (telnet truc tiep vao BSC/RNC) Vao chuong trinh Tang142.

exe click phai,chon terminal2 Chon RNC/BSC muon login,sau do nhan nut connect (hinh 2 may tinh ke ben) C.Command 1/tro ve dau nhac truoc:ctrl+I 2/Xem alarm < ZEOL; # view all Active BTS alarms. < ZEOL::CLS=AL3; # view all Active BTS alarms with alarm type Critical. < ZEOL:25::; # view all Active BTS alarms of site having BCF ID=25 < ZEOL::NR=7401; # view all Active BTS alarms with Alarm Number=7401 < ZEOH:2011-12-13,::; # view BTS Alarm History from 2011-12-13 to time of Comman d execution < ZEOH:2011-11-14,:BCF=12,; # view BTS Alarm History from 2011-12-14 to time of Command execution for BCF ID = 12; < ZAHO; # view all Active BSC alarms.Lenh nay khong xem duoc alarm cua cac BTS < ZAHP:::2011-12-11,12-00-00; # view BSC Alarm History from date 2011-12-11, tim e 12-00-00 until time of Command execution. < ZAHP:OMU::2011-12-14; # view BSC Alarm History related to unit OMU from date 2011-12-14 until time of Command execution. 3/Xem board card va in/out device < ZUSI:COMP; # show current status of all Computer units < ZUSI:ET; # show current status of all ET units < ZISI:WDU; # show current status of Hard Disks (WDU Winchester Disk Unit) < ZISI:ALL; # show current status of all I/O devices 7/Kiem tra trang thai bao hieu <ZNET/ZNEL: check BSC signaling links status (SS7, A-interface links connecting BSC to MSC) Status AV-EX means Available-Executing, that is links are working properly Otherwise, if we see status UA-INS or the similar, then it means links are down 8/Xem luong PCM tram 2G <ZEEI:NAME="tem tram"+"dip" (dip=1,2,3,4: tram 900;dip=5,6,7,8:;tram 1800;dip=9: inbuilding) ->BCF ID cua tram dong thoi xem duoc trang thai hoat dong cua cac TR X trong cell <ZEEI:BCF="BCF ID" ->xem so thu tu cac luong ET-PCM cua tram <ZYEF:ET,"so thu tu luong ET":; ->xem trang thai luong PCM 9/kiem tra tram 3G: ping 10/kiem tra tu 1800: ZEEI:BCF="BCF tu 900+1000" lay BCF bang lenh ZEEI:Name="ten cell" 11/Xem time slot cac TRX( GPRS,Speech,....) ZEEL; 12/changed LAC Locked tram: ZEQS (KE CA 1800) TAT GPRS: ZEQV:SEGNAME=HGV0763:GENA=N,; CHANGE LAC: ZEQE:SEGNAME=HGV0763:LAC=LAC_MOI,; MO LAI GPRS: ZEQV:SEGNAME=HGV0761:GENA=Y,; MO LAI TRAM KHAI NB: ZEAC

13/modify user ZIAA:PHONGN:ALL=251:VTIME=FOREVER,ACCESS=COM,UNIQUE=NO,:TLIMIT=:FTP=W:; 14/ switch BCSU: ZUSI:BCSU; --> coi BCSU dang sp co o trang thai PRSP khong

neu co --> dung lenh ZUST de xoa PRSP ZUSC de chuyen trang thai cua BCSU loi xuong sp Luu y la BCS-0 chi dung dc cho cac tram binh thuong ( khong co packet over IP, p hai kiem tra lai bang lenh ZOIV:IUA), sau khi xong phai kiem tra lai GPRS. 15/ Kiem tra NSEI: ZFXI; ZFXR --> reset

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