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Standards For Outdoor Recreational Areas

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Standards for Outdoor Recreational Areas Recreation and recreational standards has long been the subject of much

discussion and controversy, extending so far as to question the value of standards as a measure of our recreational needs. It is not easy to define whether or not an area is "adequate," yet recreation specialists have come up with certain rough rules which are often used; one standard, for example, is that a city should have one acre of city park or playground per 100 population, plus another acre of large city or regional park on the outskirts of the city for more extensive types of recreational use. Even this amount of recreational space is not adequate unless the separate tracts are located according to need, and unless they are well planned, well developed, and well managed. As far back as 1914 Charles Downing Lay, at that time landscape architect for the New York State Department of Parks, estimated the park needs of a city of 100,000 people to be: Recreational Uses Area Reservations 1 large city park 10 neighborhood parks 50 playgrounds Gardens and squares 700 acres 400 acres 250 acres 100 acres 50 acres

Total 1,500 acres He assumed that 12-1/2 per cent of the total area of the city should be devoted to parks. This meant that a city of 12,000 acres should have 1,500 acres of parks. For a city of 100,000 it meant an average population density of 8-1/3 persons per acre of city and an allowance of one acre of park space to 66-2/3 people. In 1940, about one-quarter of all cities having park facilities met the standard of one acre per 100 population; some cities exceeded this standard considerably. Since 1940, the relationship between park and recreation area and total population has been a less happy one. Recreational area within the legal boundaries of the larger cities has expanded as population has grown, but, when the population of the surrounding suburbs has been added to that of the central city, the available park area has lagged seriously. The suburbs of a great many urban areas have failed to add park land to meet their own needs, and have tried to rely on the older parks of the central city. In 1956, the total area of the city and county parks was about three-quarter million acres; an adequate area by the above standards would have been two million acres.2 Recreational standards are affected by the cultural background, age, and socio-economic status of the population, and these factors should be carefully studied to determine whether modification of any set of recommended standards is desirable. Standards should never be blindly adopted without considering modifications since they are predicated on a theoretically typical city that does not exist. The standards in this report should be taken as a point of departure and, as such, they can offer a basis for the intelligent development of local plans. Standards also need to be appraised from time to time, with the idea of adjusting them whenever changing conditions make modifications necessary. The investment in recreation facilities can be, and has been, wasted because local customs and preferences were not given sufficient consideration. There is general agreement among city planners and recreation authorities that 30 to 50 per cent of the total park and recreation land of a community should be set aside for active recreation.3Based on the recommended standard of one acre per 100 population, it has also been stated that from 25 to 50 per cent of the total space should be developed for neighborhood use, with the remaining acreage in community, city-wide, or regional facilities. In comparing recreation standards, it should be kept in mind that those suggested by the National Recreation Association are probably most applicable to smaller cities, rather than to the more densely populated urban

centers. As shown in the samples given in Table 1, published standards for municipal recreation have ranged from four acres per 1,000 population to the 10 acres per 1,000 suggested by the NRA. Table 1 Total Area for City Recreation Comparative Chart Standards in Acres Per 1,000 Population Type of Recreation Area (Active rec.) Playgrounds Playfields (Total active rec.) (Passive rec.) Minor parks Major parks (Total passive rec.) 2.50 5.00 7.50 1.25 2.50 3.75 1.54d 5.74e 7.28 . . .g 2.6 2.7 1.25 1.25 2.50 1.25 1.25 2.50 1.57 1.31 2.88 0.5 1.0 1.5 N.R.A. Seattle, Royal Detroit, Washington Oak, Michiganf Michiganc

All types of municipal 10.00a 6.25b 10.16a 4.1 recreation Source Report on Recreation Standards, 1954; Detroit Metropolitan Area Regional Planning Commission. a. In addition to the 10 acres of recreation per 1,000 of the population of the municipality, there should be, for each 1,000 people in the region, 10 acres of park land in stream valley parks and parkways, large scenic parks and forest preserves under municipal, county, state, federal or other authorities. b. In addition to the recreation acreage within the urban area there should be at least 10 acres of reservation or recreational area left in their natural state for each 1,000 persons. c. This recreation study was completed in April of 1954 by the NRA. Figures based on the ultimate population of Royal Oak as being 85,000. d. Parks of 20 acres or less in size. e. Parks of over 20 acres in size. f. The Detroit City Plan Commission in a master plan report published in 1947 gave the proposed recreation in the city of Detroit based on the population of 1,800,000. g. Did not have figure for minor parks. Not included, however, is 0.1 acres per 1,000 population which includes greenbelt, park department nurseries, and yards, and barns for equipment located in parks. Neighborhood Facilities A neighborhood is normally considered to be an area served by one elementary school. Its population varies from 2,000 to 10,000, averaging 6,000. Just as standards for elementary school location call for the school to be within walking distance of the homes it serves, so should neighborhood parks and playgrounds be within walking distance of the families in the neighborhood. It is desirable to locate parks and playgrounds adjacent to elementary schools, to make possible the joint use of school, park, and playground areas for the pupils and the general community. Playlot Playlots (Table 2) are small areas intended for children of pre-school age. They are essentially a substitute for the individual backyard and are normally provided in high population density areas or as a part of a large-scale housing development. Such facilities are provided by the municipality only occasionally in an underprivileged neighborhood where backyard play opportunities are not available. In most cities the separate playlot is not considered an essential part of the municipal recreation system, and provision for such areas is left to private

agencies or housing authorities. It is quite common, however, to include a playlot area as part of a neighborhood playground. The facilities of a playlot should be simple and safe and include the following: swings (low, regular), slides (low), sand box, mountain climber (low), play sculptures, one or more play houses, open area for free play, a shelter with benches for mothers, space for baby carriages, small wading pool or spray pool, concrete walk and paved area for wheeled toys, and with a low fence around the entire area. Table 2 Playlot Min. Desired Age Population Service Radius Average Area Size For Group Served Space per Necessary Best Served Child Results National 2,400 to Recreation 5,000 sq. Association ft. Local Planning Admin. American Public Health Association 2,000 to 5,000 sq. ft. Min: 1,500 sq. ft. Max: 5,000 sq. ft. 3,750 sq. ft. Preschool 300 to 800 1 block or 1/8 mile 50 to 60 sq. ft.

300 to 700

1 block or less

75 children or less

300 to 400' of every house 50 sq. ft. and cross no streets 40 sq. ft.

Recreation 1/8 acre or & The 2,000 sq. Town Plan ft. Conn. Develop. Comm'n.*

1/8 to 1/4 acre or 5,000 to 10,000 sq. ft.

Preschool, under 6

250 to 700

1/4 miles

Rockland Max: Pre1/8 mile 50 sq. ft. Co. N.Y. 5,000 sq. school Recreation ft. Study *Also recommended is 0.3 acre as minimum per 1,000 population. Playground The neighborhood playground (Table 3) is an area which serves primarily the needs of the fiveto 12-year age group, but may also afford limited facilities to the entire neighborhood. The playground is the chief center of outdoor play for children, with limited opportunities for recreation for youths and adults. As mentioned previously, a section of the playground may be developed as a playlot. Hopefully, it becomes a center where the people of the neighborhood can find recreation and relaxation with family, neighbors and friends. Table 3 Playground Min. Min. Area Age Population Service Location Acreage Area for Group Served Radius Per Best Served 1,000 Results Pop. Local 1.25 Min. 5 acres All 3,000 to High density: Next to an elementary school

Planning Admin.

3 acres; Max. 7 acres

ages 5,000; 1/4 mile and also be central in the but ideal 4,000 Low density: neighbourhood mostly to 5,000 1/2 mile 5-15 years

Rockland Co., N.Y. Medium density High density Athletic Institute American Public Health Association

5.0 5.3

10 5-12 acres years 8 acres 5-12 years 2 or 5 acres 5-10 more years acres

Min. 2,000 3/4 mile Min. 1,500 1/4 mile 1/4 to 1/2 mile In the neighborhood. If connected to a school more area needed

2.75 for 2.75 1,000 to 1,000 acres 5,000 pop; 6.00 for 5,000 pop. A basic goal of the neighborhood playground is flexibility in design to meet varied short-term active and passive activities for children. The playground is the basic unit in a city's recreation system. Desirable features in the neighborhood playground will include (see Fig. 1 for playground layout): playlot for pre-school children; apparatus area for older children; open space for informal games and play activities; paved area for older children; open space for informal games and play activities; paved area for court games; field area for games; shade area for story telling; shelter house and drinking fountains; wading or spray pool; shaded passive area for older people; landscaping, with perhaps a small garden and picnic area. The Rockland County Recreation Study has listed space requirements for a playground which can be found in the Appendix A.

Figure 1

Proposed design for typical neighborhood playground. Source: Long Range Recreation Plan, City of Baltimore, Maryland. Prepared by The National Recreation Association, 1943. Junior Playground In some neighborhoods, because of unusual conditions, it will be practically impossible, short of a drastic redevelopment project, to provide a standard children's playground of the size suggested. If the maximum space which can be made available is less than two-thirds of the desired minimum standard areas suggested in Table 3, it has been suggested that a "junior" playground be provided.4 A junior playground will include many, but not all, of the same types of areas as the normal playground. Because of the size of these areas, a smaller number of people of various ages will be served. Under such conditions the available space may best be planned for children up to 11 years of age who require much less space than older children. Figure 2

Study for development of junior playground. Source: Long Range Recreation Plan, Town of Kearny, New Jersey. Prepared by The National Recreation Association, June 1942. A wading pool would normally be omitted from this type of playground, but a spray pool or shower device is desirable. The landscaped area for adults may be omitted. If it is decided that the playground should be restricted to children under 11, definite plans must be made to care for the play needs of the older children within a reasonable walking distance. The NRA has stated that a playground of one acre restricted to children under the age of 11 may serve the needs of a neighborhood containing 300 children between the ages of five and 11.5 The Athletic Institute proposed a minimum site of one acre for a junior playground,6 but suggested that two or more acres be acquired where possible to provide a park-like setting. The Institute also states that a utility or shelter house is needed on the junior playground. Most park maintenance authorities believe, however, that a two-acre playground is the very minimum that can be economically maintained. Neighborhood Park The purpose of the neighborhood park is to provide an attractive neighborhood setting and a place for passive recreation for people of all ages. The area should have trees to give protection from the sun during the summer. The type of neighborhood influences to a great extent the particular need for neighborhood park space in relation to playground acreage (Table 4). Population density is a significant factor in determining needed neighborhood park space. Several studies recommend that more space should be provided in multifamily, high population density neighborhoods and in areas with a large percentage of elderly adults than will be needed in single-family neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Park Desirable features for the neighborhood park include: open lawn area; trees and shrubbery; tables and benches for quiet games; walks and shade areas; ornamental pool, fountain, or sundial; play apparatus for children (optional); shelter building with game room, storage, and toilet facilities; multi-purpose, all weather court area; spray basin or wading pool. Community Facilities Between the neighborhood facility and the major park which serves the entire city, there should be a large recreation area (20 to 25 acres) to serve several neighborhoods. This facility should be centrally located for the area it serves and, when possible, adjacent to a school. The two most common types of community facilities are the playfield and the community park, which in some cities have been combined to form a playfield-park. Playfield The playfield provides varied forms of recreational activity for young people and adults, although a section may be developed as a children's playground (Table 5). The playfield provides for popular forms of recreation that require more space than would be available in the playground, The playfield is a multi-purpose area to provide activities and facilities for all age groups and to serve as a recreation center for several neighborhoods. A portion of a playfield will be developed as an athletic field for highly organized team sports. Table 5 Playfield Min. Desired Age Population Location Service Radius Parking Acreage Size for Group Served Per Best Served 1,000 Results Pop. National 1.25 Recreation acres Association 20 to 25 acres Young people and adults 15 years and over Not more than 20,000 Central 3 to 5 neighborhoods preferred adjoining a school Central adjoining a school convenient to local transportation 1 mile or less from Parking area every home (varies required with pop. Density in some cases) 1/2 to 1 mile travel distance or 20 minutes by car or trans. 1 to 2 acres

Local Planning Admin.

1.25 acres

18 to 32 acres

15,000 to 25,000

Recreation 1.3 acres 12 to 20 & the acres Town Plan (Conn.) Rockland Co. (N.Y.)

15 to 24 years and family groups

Central 4 to 5 1/2 to 1 mile travel neighborhoods distance adjacent to Jr. or Sr. high schools In connection with a school site when possible 1 1/2 miles from playfield Parking should be provided

20 acres Adults 9,000 min. super and playground children over 12 years 2 1/2 acres playfield parks 20 acres adequate shape for major Older children & adults


Central and 1 to 1 1/2 miles in a Parking when possible low density area should be near or provided adjoining a

activities school site The playfield should provide most of the following features: area for game courts, including tennis, volleyball, handball, basketball, horse shoes, shuffleboard, and other games; separate sports fields for men and women for such games as softball, baseball, football, and soccer; open turfed lawn including picnic areas, landscaped park, and children's play areas. There may also be a fieldhouse, running tract, and space for field events; children's playground; outdoor swimming pool; and center for day camping. The area should be lighted for night use. There must be adequate off-street parking areas. Minimum and maximum space requirements for a typical playfield can be found in Appendix B. Community Park While there is some variation in the standards recommended for the facilities described thus far, there is also a great deal of agreement. A community park, however, seems not to be a very clear concept. It apparently caters somewhat less to active sports than does the playfield. It seems that perhaps the term "community park" is actually no more than an answer to the question: "What would you call a parcel of municipally-owned land 20 to 25 acres in size?" The community park (Table 6) is a park facility that is large enough to serve several neighborhoods. It is planned primarily to serve young people and adults. Because it does serve several neighborhoods, it should be accessible by public transportation, and it must have ample off-street parking facilities. Table 6 Community Park Min. Desired Age Population Service Radius Parking Acreage Size for Group Served Per 1,000 Best Served Pop. Results National Few Recreation require Association such 25 to 50 acres min. 25 acres 20.06 acres Young people and adults 20,000 to 40,000 1/2 to 2 miles 1 mile most frequent

Adjoining School 1 acre or more Guide for Planning Recreation Parks in California 5,000 to 25,000 depending upon the region 5,000 to 25,000 depending upon the region 1 to 1 1/2 miles usually served by transportation 1 acres

Separate 1 acre or more 32.75 acres Young people and adults 1 to 1 1/2 miles usually served by transportation 1 1/2 acres

National Council on School House Construction

Add 1 acre per 100 pupils of predicted ultimate enrollment

Jr. high 20 acres Sr. high 30 acres 25 acres All ages 10,000 to 20,000

Jr. high 1 mile

Sr. high 3 miles


1 mile

The California Committee on Planning has recommended facilities for the community park, which are given in Appendix C. City-Wide Recreational Areas In addition to facilities that serve the neighborhood and community, there are those that serve a still larger section of the city, or the whole city. Included are the large parks, golf courses, athletic fields, parkways, and camp sites. Standards are difficult to establish for these facilities. See Appendix D for a sample of suggested space standards covering all city-wide recreation facilities to service a population of 100,000. Major Parks Major parks (Table 7) are designed and developed for diversified use by large numbers of people. Because of their area, they will contain facilities that cannot be accommodated in the neighborhood or community park. They give the city dweller contact with nature and a pleasant environment in which he can engage in a variety of recreational activities. Table 7 Major Parks Min. Desired Age Population Service Radius Location Acreage Size for Group Served Per 1,000 Best Served Pop. Results National Recreation Association 2.5 acres 100 acres 100 acres All 50,000 30 minute maximum 30 to 60 minutes travel distance accessible to public transit Readily accessible to the whole city One in every major section of the city

Local 2.5 to 4 Planning acres Administration Detroit


Minimum 200 to 3 acres 300 acres 100 All acres or more 50,000 Not more than 2 miles from any neighborhood Central or fringe location

Athletic Institute Recreation and 3 acres the Town Plan Conn. Development Commission

75 All 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours Close to urban area for acres, travel distance all day outings city 150 acres, regional With the increase in the purchase and reservation of lands for "regional" parks outside the city limits, a greater proportion of the large in-city parks are being turned into active recreation areas. Desirable features for the large city parks include: natural landscape and landscaping; large picnic areas; athletic fields; playground; numerous play areas; archery range; nature trails; bandstand; comfort stations; winter sports center; day camps; off-street parking. Additional specialized features include: golf course, bridle paths, boating and swimming facilities, zoo, botanical garden, museum, and outdoor theater. Reservations Reservations (Table 8) and regional parks serve as greenbelts within urban areas. "Reservation" is a term sometimes applied to large outlying areas. It is not easily distinguished from a regional park except perhaps that the reservation is less fully developed. The reservation should provide facilities only for those activities that are primarily incidental to the maximum enjoyment of nature and the natural scenery. Such activities would

include: overnight and long-term camping facilities; picnic areas; swimming facilities; fishing; boating; winter sports. Table 8 Reservations Desired Age Location Service Population Size Per Group Radius Served 1,000 Pop. National Recreation Association Local Planning Admin. 1,000 to 5,000 acres All Mostly located outside the city 60 minutes away

500 to All Preferred outside Flexible Entire urban several urban area area thousand acres Play equipment and sports fields are not appropriate here except for minimum facilities near camping and picnic centers. Large sections of the reservation should be reserved for hiking and bridle trails. The location of buildings and refreshment facilities should be selective and only at widely spaced major activity centers. The reservation is often owned by a county, state, or special district, but it may be owned by the city even though it is outside the corporate limits. The concept of large parks and open space to counteract urban pressure and to preserve scenic areas does not lend itself easily to standards. If there is any single standard for a regional park, it is that it must be large. Any tract smaller than one square mile could hardly qualify for the term "regional" five to 10 square miles or more is not too large. The National Recreation Association recommends a site anywhere from several hundred to 1,000 and up to 5,000 acres as a desirable size. These areas are normally located outside the city boundaries and should not be more than 60 driving minutes from the city. Parkways The parkway is essentially an elongated park with a road extending its entire length. It is often located on a ridge, in the valley of a stream, on a palisade overlooking a stream, or along a lake or ocean frontage. A parkway may serve to connect large units in a park system or to provide a pleasant means of travel through the city and the outlying region. This type of facility is found principally in large metropolitan areas. The parkway is basically a recreation facility, not a transportation facility. Although at times it may carry a fairly heavy traffic load, as on the first pleasant Sunday in spring, the parkway should be consciously designed to avoid its being a convenient and direct route between centers of urban activity. A parkway should not be allowed to become an expressway. Its principal attribute should be beauty, not efficiency. Specialized Recreational Areas Certain areas and facilities are highly specialized. They may be developed separately and on special tracts of land, or they may be integrated into parks and other recreational areas. More and more, these facilities are providing for many of the major recreational activities, and provision for such activities cannot be neglected. In the past few years, there has been a tendency to acquire special sites for these facilities, rather than trying to combine them with the standard recreational area facilities. Standards have been developed for some of the specialized facilities, but for others no particular site size can be specified. Athletic field or Stadium This specialized type of facility (Table 9) is intended primarily for highly organized games and sports which attract less than 10,000 spectators. Table 9 Athletic field or Stadium*

Min. Area Location Required for an Athletic Field National Recreation Association Streator, Ill. Baltimore, Md. 10 acres At a high school site or as a portion of a playfield Usually located at a high school

Service Radius

Min. Area Required for A Small Stadium

Neighborhood or community level convenient to transportation

20 acres

1020 acres 5 acres or more

1020 acres

High school site or at 5 acres or more neighborhood playfield *The small stadium, with a seating capacity of 3,000 to 10,000, is not for city-wide use except in small cities where the facility may serve the entire population. However, the following basic considerations should guide plans for smaller structures: All the principals of functional planning suggested for larger stadia are applicable to smaller structures; the specifics apply in number, to the degree and in a proportion dictated by the capacity, location, uses and future possibilities of the plant. Planning for a small stadium should be exposed to the same reasoning and measurement of values as that to which the planning of a colossal structure is subjected. The permanent seating stands can be much more than tiers of seats. Underneath is very valuable space. It should be utilized for storage, activities and accessory needs. The smallness of a so-called stadium does not excuse planning which ignores efficient and economical maintenance and operation, wastes space, slights spectator convenience and enjoyment, defeats maximum participant performance, abuses public relations and disregards future growth and demands. Small stadia are the seeds of larger ones. In planning and construction, due consideration should be given to the use of the stadium for various events of wide interest, such as athletic contests, patriotic observances, graduation ceremonies, parades, drills, band concerts, and special exhibitions. Features that should be included in a stadium are: jumping and vaulting pit; track (one-quarter mile); football field; baseball field; soccer field; tennis courts; pressbox; toilet facilities; storage facilities (under grandstand); drinking fountains; locker and shower facilities; and flood lights. The entire area should be enclosed by a wall or fence. A very large stadium for professional sports does not really come within the scope of this report. Many problems relating to the design and construction of such a stadium in a given locality are highly technical and require expert advice. Water-Oriented Facilities Swimming pools. The proper size for a swimming pool (Table 10) will be determined by the number of people using the pool, the approximate distribution of divers, swimmers, and waders within that number, and, finally, the amount of money available for construction. Table 10 Swimming Pools % of Sq. Ft. of Total Area Deck Parking Service Radius Pop. Water Per Area Required At Swimmer Any One

Time Public Outdoor Recreation Plan (Cal.)



Neighborhood pool 6%

1,000 sq. ft. of water surface 4,500 sq. ft. of water surface 10 ft. on side of pool; 20 ft. on end of pool

20 cars

Walking distance 2 miles


75 cars

Community pool Athletic Institute* National Recreation Association 3% 15 (in the water or not)

1 acre for a neighborhood pool several acres for large pool

3 to 7 acres depending on location


Streator, Illinois

Ratio of 2 sq. ft. of deck area for each sq. ft. of water area *Further recommendations by the Athletic Institute includes: minimum length, 75 feet; minimum width, 35 feet; minimum depth, 3 feet; and maximum depth, 10 to 12 feet. Experience has shown that several moderate size pools, properly constructed, with adequate water treatment and strategically located, will serve the community better than a single, very large swimming pool. The trend is definitely toward smaller pools which meet official regulations and specifications. Public pools are generally designed to accommodate the maximum attendance at one time on an average day. As in many other municipal facilities, it is not economical to design for the days of maximum attendance, since the cost of maintaining a pool adequate for peak loads would be prohibitive. Overcrowding on peak days is preferable to excessive space and high operating costs throughout the swimming season. A swimming pool should be located near the people it is to serve. The general location for pools should be determined by the walking distances between the pool and the areas to be served, the adequacy of public transportation, the absence of soot, dirt, and smoke from heavy industry, and the availability of adequate areas for off-street parking. The swimming pool is one facility for which the most expert and all-inclusive planning and design advice is needed. It is imperative that all work be continuously inspected as construction progresses to make certain that the pool is constructed according to specifications. Swimming Beaches. Swimming, playing in or near water, sunbathing, surf-boarding, and scuba diving are all becoming increasingly popular. It is impossible to set up standards for swimming beaches since there are so many variables involved. However, the California Public Outdoor Recreation Plan12 suggested some standards. (See Appendix E.) The ramp or launching area itself may be developed in many ways. A minimum width of 14 feet should be allowed for the ramp with the length depending on the depth and fluctuation of the water. A ramp 20 to 25 feet

3 5%


wide is ideal and affords space for maneuvering the trailer down the ramp without disconnecting the trailer from the car. Golf Courses The best golf courses will be on land specially selected for the purpose. Uneven, but not rugged, topography, some woodland, a good soil such as sandy loam, and good drainage are desirable characteristics of a site. Courses are made interesting through variations in the length of the holes and the width of the fairways, introduction of hazards, and the utilization of topography and natural tree growth. As noted in Table 11, a nine-hole golf course requires 50 acres or more; an 18-hole course should have a minimum of 100 acres but usually is 120 acres or more. Authorities agree 17 that the "ideal" nine-hole course should measure over 3,000 yards, preferably around 3,200 yards, with a par of 35 to 37. Table 11 Golf In Planning and Building the Golf Course, the National Golf Foundation gives the following tips on course layout and planning: The distance between the green of one hole and the tee of the next should never be more than 75 yards, and a distance of 20 to 30 yards is recommended. Trees should not be closer than 20 yards to a green because of the danger of being hit by an approaching golf ball. The first tee in the ninth green of the course should be located immediately adjacent to the clubhouse. If it is practical without sacrificing other factors, bring the green of the sixth hole also near to the clubhouse. This is a feature appreciated by the golfer with only an hour to devote to his game, as six holes can be comfortably played in that time. As far as is practical, no holes should be laid out in an east to west direction. The reason for this is that a maximum volume of play on any golf course is in the afternoon, and a player finds it disagreeable to follow the ball's flight into the setting sun. The first hole of the course should be a relatively easy par-4 hole of approximately 380 to 400 yards in length. It should be comparatively free of hazards or heavy rough where a ball might be lost and should have no features that will delay the player. This gets the golfers started off on their game as expediently as possible. Generally speaking, the holes should grow increasingly difficult to play as the round proceeds. It takes a golfer about three holes to get warmed up, and asking him to execute difficult shots while he is still "cold" is not a demand that he will appreciate. Fairway width generally is about 60 yards, but will vary depending on the type of players expected to play the course, and the strategy of the play of the hole. A yardstick of fairway width is as follows: 75120 yards from the tee the fairway will be 40 yards wide; 120180 yards from the tee the width will be 50 yards; 180220 yards from the tee the width will be 6070 yards. The green sizes will vary from 5,000 to 8,000 square feet, depending on the length of the hole and the length of the shot called for. Figure 3

Nine-hole, par-3 course designed for maximum land use at minimum cost. Grassy bunkers and hollows can be substituted for sand traps indicated on plan to further cut cost of construction and maintenance as well as to speed up play for greater traffic capacity. Designed for 15 acre area.

Source: Golf Operators Handbook. Edited by Ben Chlevin. National Golf Foundation, Inc., 1956, p. 86. Nine-Hole, Par-3 Yardage Plans Source: Golf Operators Handbook. Edited by Ben Chlevin. National Golf Foundation, Inc., 1956, p. 78. Camp Sites Standards for four types of camping activities have been suggested in California's Recreation Plan, Part II: Some site development standards for camping were suggested at the American Society of Planning Officials Annual Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota.21 Camping and picnicking units should be at least 100 feet apart to preserve the forest cover and to provide privacy. A camping unit should consist of a platform or area for pitching a tent; tables and benches; and nearby water supply, cooking, and sanitary facilities. Areas should be easily accessible to roads or trails. The terrain in site areas preferably should have a 10 per cent slope, but should not exceed 20 per cent. Recommended also is the adoption of four persons per unit as the average capacity for all types of facilities. Minimum, maximum, and optimum density standards can be applied to camp and picnic units. At a capacity of four persons per unit, these units should be spaced no closer than 100 feet apart of five per acre in staggered arrangements in the forest areas, and in more intensive areas no closer than 50 feet apart, or 10 units per acre. Figure 4 Maximum and Minimum Recreation Unit Standards (Clusters) by Type of Recreation Facility at Ultimate Development, Year 2050. *Summer home clusters should be large enough to justify the provision of services, and number and size of areas permitted should be based on the ability of the land to support them and maintain the "outdoor" character. Figure 4

Source: Recreation Planning in Natural Resource Areas. By Samuel E. Wood. Presented at the Conference of the American Society of Planning Officials, Minneapolis, May 1014, 1959. Picnic Sites Picnicking facilities should be developed so that there is a proper balance among the three major types of facilities: those within communities, those outside the communities (beyond the metropolitan fringe), and those along highways. The family picnic unit should consist of a table and benches with nearby water supply, cooking, and sanitary facilities. Auto parking space and proper access are additional requirements. Within the city, people will travel an average distance of five miles from home to a picnic area. Picnic areas located within the community should have no more than 16 picnic units per acre, with each unit accommodating not more than eight persons. For large groups, the same type of facilities are needed, but less space is allotted to each picnicker. For an organized group picnic area within the city, 200 persons per acre is desirable. It is also recommended that an additional one-third acre for each group area be provided to accommodate 50 cars. In picnic areas located on the fringe of the city somewhat different standards have been suggested. Here, eight units per acre is the recommended standard with one parking space provided for each unit.

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