Hearsay Evidence
Hearsay Evidence
Hearsay Evidence
A Project On
Hearsay evidence
Made By: Nidhi Navneet 2nd year (4th sem) ROLL No.570 B.A.LL.B. (Hons)
Hearsay Evidence
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am feeling highly elated to work on the case law Hearsay Evidence under the guidance of my faculty of Law of Evidence, Mr. P.K. Pandey. I am very grateful to him for his exemplary guidance. I would like to enlighten my readers regarding this topic and I hope I have tried my best to pave the way for bringing more luminosity to this topic.
I also want to thank all of my friends, without whose cooperation this project was not possible. Apart from all these, I want to give special thanks to the librarian of my university who made every relevant materials regarding to my topic available to me at the time of my busy research work and gave me assistance. And at last I am very much obliged to the God who provided me the potential for the rigorous research work.
At finally yet importantly I would like to thank my parents for the financial support.
Hearsay Evidence
Research Methodology ........................................................................................................3 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4 Hearsay Evidence : Conceptual Analysis ............................................................................5 1. 2. 3. Meaning and Definition ............................................................................................5 General Rule Against Hearsay ..................................................................................6 History of Rule of Hearsay .......................................................................................7
Reasons for exclusion of hearsay evidence .........................................................................9 1. The Irresponsibility of the Original Declarant: ............................................................9 2. The depreciation of truth in the process of repetition: ...............................................10 3. The opportunities for fraud its admission would open: .............................................10 4. 5. The tendency of such evidence to protract legal enquiries: ....................................10 Encourage the substitution of weaker evidence in place of stronger proof: ...........10
Exceptions to the General Rule against hearsay ................................................................12 Res-Gestae and Hearsay Evidence .................................................................................13 Dying Declartion and Hearsay Evidence .......................................................................15 Conclusion .........................................................................................................................17 Bibliography ......................................................................................................................18
Hearsay Evidence
Research Methodology
The project is basically based on the doctrinal method of research as no field work is done on this topic.
Sources of Data
The whole project is made with the use of secondary source. The following secondary sources of data have been used in the project1. Books 2. Websites
Mode of Citation
The researcher has followed a uniform mode of citation throughout the course of this research paper.
Type of Study
For this topic, the researcher has opted for Descriptive and Explanatory type of study as in this topic, the researcher is providing the descriptions of the existing facts.
Hearsay Evidence
Evidence includes everything that is used to determine or demonstrate the truth of an assertion. Giving or procuring evidence is the process of using those things that are either (a) presumed to be true, or (b) which were proved by evidence, to demonstrate an assertions truth. Admissible evidence is that which a court receives and considers for the purposes of deciding a particular case. In any judicial proceeding, to make any fact admissible before the court of law, either in the favour of any pre established fact or to establish any fact or in against of any pre established fact, or to establish any contrary fact, the fact which are to be admissible must be relevant to become admissible before the court of law. Thus, it is necessary to know which facts can be taken as relevant facts and which are not. Relevancy of any fact can be ascertained by bringing it within the purview of Sections 5 to 55 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872. Any statement which is an hearsay statement, to be admissible as an evidence, its relevancy is to be considered. The general principle of common law underlies that an hearsay statement should not be used in the court of law as this kind of statement are not relevant and can not be solely relied upon. This principle of common rule is also inherited by the Indian Law in the Section 60 of Indian Evidence Act, which insists that all oral testimony that is to be admitted by the court must be direct. Hearsay evidence can be defined as an assertion other than one made by a person while giving oral evidence in the proceedings which becomes inadmissible as evidence of any fact asserted. The admissibility of this kind of Indirect evidence are excluded by the virtue of Sec 60 of the Indian Evidence Act, but as the history of Hearsay evidence lies to the era of Common law, its exclusion being one of its major principles, so exception to these principle are also provided by the common law. Under Indian Evidence Act too, there are many notable rules which act as an exception to the general principle of exclusion of Hearsay Evidences. For ex, the law of Res Gestae, law of Dying Declaration, etc., incorporated in Sec 6 and Sec 32 of the Act perform as hearsay evidence and are taken to be relevant and thus are admissible before the court.
Hearsay Evidence
Heydon, J.D. & Cross, R, 2004, Cross on Evidence, 7 th edition, LexisNexis Butterworths Sydney, ch 16. Definition given by Murphy in American Federal Rule on Evidence 801. 3 Stephens Digest of Law of Evidence. 4 Taylors Evidence, P. 570.
Hearsay Evidence
says that he did not see the occurrence himself but somebody told him the credit of seeing the occurrence does not go to witness but it goes to somebody else.
Hearsay Evidence
In the case, J. D. Jain v. Management v. State Bank of India5, the accused was a cashier in the state bank of India. One Kaushal withdrew Rs. 500 from his saving bank account. When he came to take back his passbook he noticed that Rs. 1500 have been debited from his account. He orally complained in presence of many person that he submitted a withdrawal form of Rs. 500 only to the accused and not of Rs. 1500. In Inquiry the accused confessed that he had made Rs. 1500 for Rs. 500, the entries were found to be altered. The fact that person had made on oral complaint that Rs. 1000 were wrongly debited to his account was proved by other evidence as Kaushal was not examined. It was held that the evidence was not hit by the rule of hearsay. In Kashi Nath v. Emperor6, the accused was tried for the rape committed on a child of three and half years. The evidence of the Father, mother and sister to whom the child complained was sought to be proved against the accused, since the child was not produced as a witness, she being not competent. The evidence of the statements and conduct by the child given by the father, mother and sister was held to be inadmissible on the ground of Hearsay. If the object of the evidence is to prove the truth of the hearsay statements, it is inadmissible, but if it is intended to prove the fact that such a statement was made, it is admissible. In another case, where the statement of prosecution witness No. 5 was that the wife of the deceased has disclosed that her husband has been assaulted by the accused caanot be relied upon, since the wife of the deceased died before she was examined, and as such statement amounts to hearsay evidence.7 Thus, from these case laws, it is clear that hearsay evidences are excluded from being admitted in a case as a general rule of common law which is followed in India. The reasons for its exclusion are dealt further in this project work. It is pertinent to mention here that this general rule of exclusion of Hearsay evidence is nowhere mentioned and is entirely based on the historical view related to this.
AIR 1982 SC 673. AIR 1942 Cal. 214. 7 Nanuram v. State, 2005 Cr. LJ 4586 (MP).
Hearsay Evidence
based which evidently permitted and condoned the practice of acquirement of information by the jury from informed persons not called into court, and first recognised the practice of producing witnesses in court in a positive light. Early 17th century saw a shift to a mode of trial by witnesses which no longer relied on knowledge of the person testifying, which may be borne out of his personal opinion or belief or from information gathered from third persons, as in the case of jurors, but on actual perception of a fact without any reliance placed on their own opinions or what they might have heard from others. Thus, the rule of hearsay was eventually recognised and applied more and more strictly towards the 18th century in trials by court and testimonies at second hand or, testimonies by individuals not based on their own observation or perception of the fact sought to be proved, came to be considered increasingly inadmissible in a court of law. The same principles of common law thus came to be introduced by the British and got inculcated into the Indian legal system and can be seen in Section 60 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.8 The origins of the hearsay rule can be traced back to the 13th Century where the need to exclude hearsay was first recognised in the trial of Sir. Walter Raleigh 9. He was found guilty of high treason on the basis of a testimony that someone had overheard someone else say they heard Raleigh would slit the Kings throat.10 The disgrace of this trial and its wrongful conviction led to a fast and hard rule against hearsay in England. As the hearsay rule developed, problems arising as a result of its strict nature revealed themselves which spurred widespread criticism. Sir Rupert Cross is said to have once remarked that he was working for a day when the rules of Evidence would be abolished. Since the time he made this remark, there has been a considerable relaxation of the evidential constraints over the admissibility, use and evaluation of a number of types of evidence across the common law world.11
Available at: Admissibility of Evidence Recorded | Law Teacher http://www.lawteacher.net/commonlaw/essays/admissibility-of-evidence-recorded-law-essays.php#ixzz2QkHd3qbG. 9 Law Reform Commission Consultation Paper Hearsay in Civil and Criminal proceedings 60 -2010 p11
10 11
www.DrTomOConnor.com. Jackson John D. Hearsay: the sacred cow that wont be slaughtered? 2 International Journal of Evidence & Proof 1998 p166.
Hearsay Evidence
in which something more that the testimony of one witness is necessary, in order to result in conviction.
Hearsay Evidence
The Rule of Best Evidence is a cardinal rule in the law of evidence which says that the best available evidence should be brought before the court. The provisions of sections 60, 64 and 91 are based on this rule. As per section 60, oral evidences must be direct, that is to say if the fact to be proved is a fact which can be seen or which can be heard, it must be proved by the evidence of a witness who says that he saw it, or he himself heard it, etc. Section 64 lays down that documents must be proved by the primary evidence except where secondary evidence is allowed by the Act. Section 9 lays down that when the terms of a contract, grant or any other disposition of property have been reduced to the form of writing, no proof of them can be given except the document itself, except the secondary evidence when it was permissible by law. The Apex Court in Kalyan Kumar Gogoi V Ashutosh Agnihotri, had provided reasons why hearsay evidence is not received as relevant evidence are: (1) The person giving such evidence does not feel any responsibility. The law requires all evidence to be given under personal responsibility. i.e., every witness must give his testimony, under such circumstances, as expose him to all the penalties of false hood. (2) Truth is diluted and diminished with each repetition, and (3) If permitted, gives ample scope for playing fraud by saying so meone told me that... It would be attaching importance to false rumour flying from one foul lip to another. Thus statement of witnesses based on information received from others is inadmissible.
Hearsay Evidence
been assaulted by the accused person was held to be hearsay evidence and therefore cannot be read as evidence.13 6. Proviso I, Section 60 this proviso to the general rule contained in the main section is analogous to the exceptions made in section 32 of the Act must be read with Section 45 of the Act. Proviso I declares that the opinions of experts expressed in any treatise commonly offered for sale and the grounds on which such opinion are held can be proved by the production of such treatise without calling that expert, provided the author is not available as witness for the reasons analogous to section 32. 7. Proviso II to Section 60 according to the second proviso, the court may require the production of any material thing for its inspection, if the oral evidence refers to the existence of that material thing. Under section 165 of the Evidence Act a judge may in order to discover or obtain proper proof of relevant facts, direct for the production of any document or thing. All these are exceptions to the general rule of exclusion of hearsay evidence to be used as a valid evidence. Different legal systems have different sets of exceptions to the common law rule against hearsay evidence. But every legal system essentially recognises some of the basic exceptions like Res Gestae, Dying Declaration, etc. some of these exceptions are elaborated here:
13 14
Girish Yadav v. State of M.P., 1996 CrLJ 2159 (SC). Adrian Keane, Modern Law of Evidence 8thed. Oxford at 350 .
Hearsay Evidence
In reference to case law, R v. Andrews , was an important English decision on the res gestae principle. It showed a more liberal approach by the courts to the admissibility of hearsay Evidence.15. In Andrews case two men entered Ms flat and attacked him with knives and property was stolen. Two police officers arrived shortly after and M informed them that O and the defendant were responsible. M. died two months later as a result of his injuries. The defendant and O were charged with aggravated burglary and the murder of M. The deceaseds statement was admitted as coming within the res gestae exception. In coming to his decision, Lord Ackner established and applied a five stage objective test for the admission of such evidence. The five stage test is as follows; (1) Can the possibility of concoction or distortion be disregarded. (2) If the event was so unusual or dramatic that it dominated the thoughts of the victim causing aninstinctive reaction without the possibility of fabrication, in conditions of approximate but notexact contemporaneity. (3) To be sufficiently spontaneous that statement must be closely connected with the event causingit. (4) There must be no special features making concoction or distortion likely. (5) There must be no special features likely to result in error. eg. Intoxication.16 Section 6 of the Evidence Act is an exception to the aforesaid hearsay rule and admits of certain carefully safeguarded and limited exceptions and makes the statement admissible when such statements are proved to form a part of the res gestae, to form a particular statement as a part of the same transaction or with the incident or soon thereafter, so as to make it reasonably certain that the speaker is still under stress of excitement in respect of the transaction in question.17 The Supreme Court in Gentela Vijavavardhan Rao v. State of Andhra Pradesh , considering the law embodied in section 6 of the Evidence Act held thus: "The principle of law embodied in section 6 of the Evidence Act is usually known as the rule of res gestaerecognised in English law. The essence of the doctrine is that a fact, which, though not in issue, is so connected with the fact in issue "as to form part of the same transaction" becomes relevant by itself. This rule is roughly speaking an
15 16
R.A Clark: Changing face of the rule against heasay in English law, Akron law review 1987-1988 at 71 R v. Andrews [1987] A.C. 281. 17 Vasa Chandrasekhar Raov. Ponna Satyanarayana, AIR 2000 SC 2138:(2000) 6 SCC 286: 2000 Cr LJ 3175. 18 ,(1996) 6 SCC 241.
Hearsay Evidence
exception to the general rule that Hearsay Evidence is not admissible. The rationale in making certain statement or fact admissible under section 6 of the Evidence Act is on account of the spontaneity and immediacy of such statement or fact in relation to the fact in issue. But it is necessary that such fact or statement must be a part of the same transaction. In other words, such statement must have been made contemporaneous with the acts, which constitute the offence, or at least immediately thereafter. But if there was an interval, however slight it may be, which was sufficient enough for fabrication then the statement is not part of res gestae."
Hearsay Evidence
dying declaration is question of fact and has to be determined on the facts of each case. In the instant case there is circumstantial evidence which corroborates the dying declaration viz. The statement of the witnesses that they found the victim in her room where the smell of kerosene was present, the statement of the doctor who conducted the post mortem after four days of the accident that he noticed the smell of kerosene from the scalp of the deceased, the statement of witnesses stating that the appellant delayed the opening of lock on one pretext or the other and the statement of the appellant that she died of an accident while igniting, the oven and that he had put water on her was belied from the evidence on record as no sign of water was found in the kitchen and that the ash in the oven was found intact. These facts the court observed lend assurance to the truth of the declaration of the deceased.20
Ram Bihari Yadav v. State of Bihar, AIR 1998 SC 1850: (1998) 4 SCC 517.
Referred Books Ratanlal & Dhirajlal, The Law of Evidence, 23rd enlarged edition, Reprint 2011, Lexis Nexis Butterworths Wadhwa, Nagpur. Sarkar, Sudipto, Law of Evidence, 16th Edition, Vol. 1, 2007, Wadhwa Nagpur. Lal, Batuk, Law of Evidence, 19th Edition, 2013, Central Law Agency, Allahabad. Sarathi, Vepa P., Evidence Law, 2002, Eastern Book Company. Monir, M., The law of Evidence, 201, Universals publishing Co. Krishnamachari, Law of Evidence, 2012, S. Gogia and Company.