Comparision of Pressure Vessel Codes
Comparision of Pressure Vessel Codes
Comparision of Pressure Vessel Codes
By Ray Delaforce
PD 5500
EN 13445 Part 3
Yield Point
Stre ess
0.2% strain
Consider steel: UTS = 70 000 psi (482 MPa) Yield 38000 psi (262 MPa)
There are three important features we must consider Yield Point 0.2% strain When fracture occurs Must be less than 1.0
= smaller of:
Sm = smaller of:
f = smaller of:
f = smaller of:
Yield Point ASME VIII Division 2, EN 13445 & PD 5500 ASME VIII Division Di i i 1 Stre ess
Let us now look at a typical calculation the cylindrical shell We shall ignore joint efficiency E (z)
By EN 13445
Let us now look at a typical calculation the cylindrical Elliptical Head shell We shall ignore joint efficiency E
That is why the differences are so small the formulae are nearly the same !
By EN 13445
t=0 0.453 453 i in (11 (11.516 516 mm) )
By PD 5500
t=0 0.453 453 in (11 (11.516 516 mm) 8
This formula looks odd, but is actually just about the same as the others
Let us now look at a typical calculation the cylindrical Elliptical Head shell We shall ignore joint efficiency E
That is why the differences are so small the formulae are nearly the same !
By EN 13445
t=0 0.453 453 i in (11 (11.516 516 mm) )
By PD 5500
t=0 0.453 453 in (11 (11.516 516 mm) 9
This formula looks odd, but is actually just about the same as the others
ASME Division 2 complicated calc. 1 There are many steps to do 2 Cannot calculate t directly . . . only P
Even more geometry and other factors factors and more lots of factors
Even more geometry and other factors and more lots of factors
t = 9.8619 mm
e = D x (e/D)
t = 0.3792 in
t = 9.6317 mm
Each code has its own way of computing a head and other parts
ASME Division 1
ASME Division 2
EN 13445-3
PD 5500
EN 13445-3
PD 5500
ASME Division 1
ASME Division 2
EN 13445-3
E h of Each f the th codes d has h modified difi d the th method th d same principle i i l
2 Th 2. The other th codes d we discussed di d use thinner thi metal, t l but b t the allowable stresses are nearer the yield point less safety
3 S 3. Some procedure d in i the th codes d have h been b borrowed b d from other codes
4. ASME VIII Division 2 and EN 13445 are based on the PED (European Pressure Equipment Directive)