Murdo Coyote, August 29, 2013

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Notice of Summons
Junior high sports 6
Includes tax
Number 35
Volume 107
August 29, 2013
Harold Thune Auditorium floor resurfaced
The Harold Thune Auditorium received an updated floor during the sum-
mer and was finished in time for school to start. In the picture above, the
floor was sanded down to remove the existing paint.
After the sealing coat dried, stencils were applied to the floor so the floor
could be painted.
The new paint job was finished in time for volleyball to start. The next home
volleyball game is a junior high match on Thursday, September 5 against
Lyman at 5:30. Support your local athletics and view the new floor!
After the floor was completely sanded, a sealing coat was applied to the floor in preparation for new paint. The
floor will feature the courts new name: Jerald Applebee Court. The court was renamed in a dedication ceremo-
ny during the 2012 Jones County Invitational Tournament. At that time, the auditorium was named the Harold
Thune Auditorium.
Photos by Karlee Moore
Jett (left) and Jace Nix show off the Step Forward to Prevent Suicide feet
logo tattoos to let people know that they are tough enough to walk for
Team Brian at the event on September 7.
SD Highway
Labor Day weekend is here
and the weather is great. To cele-
brate, you may be boating with
your family or you might even be
grilling out with your friends. Im
Inspector Darid Cooper with the
South Dakota Highway Patrol
Motor Carrier Services, and I
want you to have a safe summer
no matter what youre doing. If
you drink make sure you have a
safe and sober ride home.
Remember, buzzed driving is
drunk driving.
Step Forward to Prevent Suicide
event to be held September 7
by Karlee Moore
Over 100 people in South
Dakota take their lives each year,
leaving their family and friends
behind to deal with the loss. On
Saturday, September 7, St.
Marys Foundation, in partner-
ship with the Helpline Center in
Sioux Falls, will give the people
affected by suicide (survivors of
suicide) a chance to come togeth-
er and remember their loved
The 2013 Step Forward to Pre-
vent Suicide Walk/Run gives any-
one who has lost someone to sui-
cide a chance to be with others, to
be uplifted and to receive hope. It
is an opportunity for survivors of
suicide to be with others who
understand and realize they are
not alone. By stepping forward
and walking as a community we
are bringing awareness to sui-
South Dakota is ranked second
in the nation for suicide comple-
tion rates among teens and young
adults. Reports from the South
Dakota Department of Health
show that 125 South Dakotans
completed suicide in 2011.
Julie Moore, chair of the walk,
says that the walk is a reminder
that suicide continues to be a
problem in South Dakota and we
need to do all we can to educate
and prevent suicide so that it is
not an option for our loved ones.
Prior to the walk, Val Marso,
co-chair, will share her story
about losing her brother
Jonathan Fanger three years ago
to suicide. It is important to Val to
share her story with others so
they know that there is hope and
I want people to know that
they are not alone says Marso.
It is so important for people who
have experienced the effects of a
suicide to visually see all of the
support they have by the number
of people attending the walk, and
also gather with people who have
dealt with similar issues and heal
After the walk Jeff Adel from
the Onida, Agar, and Gettysburg
Methodist church will give a mes-
sage of healing, followed by a bal-
loon release.
Moore said she encourages
members of the community to
attend and show their support
even if they havent lost anyone to
suicide. We want to show that as
a community, we are united, care
and really want to reach out to
others who are suffering. When
you lose a loved one to suicide you
never get over it, you learn to live
with the loss and adapt, but never
get over that pain. I think suicide
is an issue for us and as commu-
nities in central South Dakota we
all need to join hands and do all
we can to prevent it from happen-
The walk will start at the Cap-
ital Lake Visitor Center with reg-
istration beginning at 8:30 a.m.
The 1.5 mile walk will take par-
ticipants through the gulch. The
5k route will take participants
through the gulch and around our
beautiful state capitol. Those par-
ticipating are encouraged to wear
team T-shirts or carry signs hon-
oring their loved ones. The event
is free and open to anyone.
Immediately following the walk
there will be a picnic in Griffin
Park. Hot dogs and hamburgers
will be provided, bring a side dish
to share. For more information
about the walk, to register,
donate, or form a team, go to or call
Julie Moore at 224.3451.
Step Forward to Prevent Suicide
event t-shirts can be purchased at
the event for $15.
We salute every hard-working man and
woman in this country!
In honor of Labor Day,
our offices will be closed.
Ravellette Publications, Inc.
Thursday, August 29 12:00 NOON
Pioneer Review: 859-2516
Pennington Co. Courant: 279-2565
Kadoka Press: 837-2259
Murdo Coyote: 669-2271
Bison Courier: 244-7199
Faith Independent: 967-2161
New Underwood Post: 754-6466
Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Murdo Coyote
office will have a early deadline of Friday at
2 p.m. Please submit all advertisements,
classifieds and any news information to by then!
Jones County News Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 2
Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Phone: (605) 669-2271
FAX: (605) 669-2744
USPS No.: 368300
Don Ravellette, Publisher
Karlee Moore,
Lonna Jackson
Local $34.00 + Tax
Local subscriptions include the towns and rural
routes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, White
River, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland
In-State $39.00 + tax
Out-of-State $39.00
Periodicals Postage Paid at
Murdo, SD 57559
Send address changes to:
Murdo Coyote
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Deadlines for articles and letters is
Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Items received after that time will be
held over until the next weeks issue.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Eddie Bashor left for his home
in Rea, Mo., last Wednesday
morning after spending a week
with Bill and Ellen Valburg. That
afternoon, Flying Farmer friends
Arlyn and Eleanor Kraft of
Mapleton, N.D., and Arnie and
Virginia Widmer of Oakes, N.D.,
spent the afternoon visiting Bill
and Ellen.
As I was out of town on Mon-
day, August 19, some of the news
is a little old, but better late than
never, right?
On Wednesday, August 14,
Gen Liffengren visited Joyce
Ernst and Alex and Jean Freier
in Pierre. On Sunday, August 18,
Gen and daughter Jodee met
Rita Smithburg of Sturgis and
daughter Joni and Bob Lathum
and family of Sundance, Wyo., in
Rapid City for dinner to celebrate
Ritas ? birthday. It was a good
birthday as Rita had grandkids
and great grandkids there to help
her celebrate. Happy birthday,
Recent visitors of Sonny and
Evelyn Tornow in Rapid City
were Evelyns sister Veny and
Lloyd Thompson of Pierre, who
were overnight guests. On Sun-
day Larry and Susan Tornow
took the group out for dinner and
a time of visiting. Kim Calkins
visited the Tornows recently also.
On Monday, August 19, visitors
were Father Gary, Nelva and
Janet Louder.
On Saturday, August 17, for-
mer Draperite Clayton
McLaughlin of Mitchell accompa-
nied nephew Willy and Della
McLaughlin of Pierre to Rapid
City and attended the funeral of
Eddie Griffeth, husband of
Willys late sister Beverly. Burial
took place at a later date in the
Black Hills National Cemetery.
On the way home the group
stopped in Kadoka and called on
Dwight Louder at the rest home.
Dorothy and Brad Louder were
also there, so got in visits with
Eldon and Esther Magnuson
visited Nelva and Janet Louder
on Friday evening, August 16.
Nelva and Janet Louder left
for Rapid City Sunday morning,
August 18. They met grand-
daughter Calli at the legion
building. She had their work cut
out for them as she had lots of
items to decorate the room for
the surprise 25th anniversary
party for her parents, Don and
Cara Pearson. It looked very
nice. Janet made a miniature
cake like the one from their wed-
ding. There was even napkins
with their names on them from
then, plus the wedding dress and
maid of honor dress were dis-
played along with lots of pic-
tures. They surprised Cara, but
not so sure about Don. He had
been with his dad and brothers
and may have sensed something.
It was fun and a good party. Sup-
per was served followed with
anniversary cake and punch.
Enjoying the day were: the Pear-
son kids, Drew and family, Daw-
son, Calli and fiance Nick and
their daughter Aria; Caras
brothers, Brian and Karen, Jay
and son Tyler; our soon to be
granddaughter-in-law Monica
Reder (Casey Miller was back in
Draper on a combine); Dons par-
ents, Chuck and Carol; his sis,
Karla Mannhalter and Jim
Mitchell went to a King family
reunion in Crawford, Neb., at
Fort Robinson from August 16-
18. There were about 70 people
in attendance. While there
Karlas brother, Kent, and Jane
McKenny were united in mar-
riage at a beautiful outside wed-
ding in the park. Both their
daughters and their husbands
were their attendants. Word had
been received on Wednesday
before the reunion that their sis-
ter, Trudy Henle, of Gillette,
Wyo., had passed away due to
complications from surgery in
Casper, Wyo. With lots of tears,
hugs, kisses and love, the family
was able to enjoy the next two
days. Memorial services were
held for Truday on Monday,
August 19 in Gillette. Karla and
Jim, along with her brothers and
sisters, attended the memorial
services for Trudy on Monday
and all returned to their respec-
tive homes that evening.
Linda and family; brothers, Brad
and Tami, Travis and family; for-
mer Draperites Bev and Bob
Drabek; Bobbi (Volmer) and
hubby Chris (he cooked and fixed
the pulled pork for Janet and did
a very good job), plus several
friends and coworkers. All in all
it was a very good day.
Jerry and Mickie Esmay of
Stevensville, Mont., stopped in
Draper the other day. They had
been to Minnesota to help their
sister-in-law, Mrs. Don (Sal)
Esmay, celebrate her 93rd birth-
day along with several more fam-
ily members. On their way back
they parked their camper in
Spearfish for the night and met
Roger and Melva Vik at a cafe for
supper and a time of visiting.
Janet heard from Larry and
Dort Koth. They had spent some
time in New Jersey recently
helping Larry and Betty Lou
Jones get their house cleaned up
following Hurricane Sandy. The
Jones were high school teachers
here back when. Dort had a
birthday Saturday and their
anniversary was Sunday. Happy
birthday and happy anniversary.
Father Gary visited Dwight
Louder in Kadoka last week. Fri-
day morning he called on
Dorothy Louder.
Our deepest sympathy goes
out to the family of Melford
The Bryan house is getting a
new facelift. Heath and LeRonda
are putting new siding on. It
looks very nice.
Janet talked to Virginia Loud-
er on Saturday. She is doing well.
Shes currently at her apartment
in Kaycee, Wyo. She reports that
it is dry in that area, not the
green we have here.
Rosa Lee Styles traveled to the
country home of Donita Denka at
Longvalley on Saturday where
she attended a Master Gardeners
meeting, luncheon, and yard and
garden tour.
Ray and Shirley Vik visited
Margaret Rankin this past week.
They also traveled to Rapid City
and took in the arts building at
the Central States Fair to check
out the artwork of a friend of
Newlyweds Karissa and Ben
Zimmer of Sioux Falls spent the
weekend with parents Ken and
Carmen Miller and other family
Jim and Jo Mitchell have
friends here visiting for the week
from Bismarck. From here they
are going to the hills to Hart
Ranch for awhile. Jim and Jo will
meet them there soon. They are
working their way to Lake Hava-
su, Ariz., for the winter. Jim and
Jo will meet them there in Janu-
Helen Louders son, Robby,
and wife Penny spend time at the
Sturgis rally and then back here
to spend time with mom, leaving
for their Albuquerque home on
Friday, August 16.
On August 18 the Prairie
Antique Car Club held their
annual fishing day/fish fry at the
country home of Fred and Mary
Mathews. Club members came
from Pierre and Harrold. Gerald
and Wanda mathews and grand-
son Conner joined the group for
the fish fry.
Brad Louder underwent colon
surgery last Friday at a Sioux
Falls hospital. Sister Susan and
Charlie Hamer were with him.
He hopes to be home by the end
of the week. His niece, Kerri
Gronewald, and boys of Renner
have spent time with him.
Speedy recovery, Brad.
Betty Mann visited with Helen
DeRyk in Pierre recently.
Doug and Ray Christian from
Freeman spent the weekend of
August 10 putting some new win-
dows in for mom Lila Mae. They
got them in but not the finishing
work. Cheryl and Dan Burke
from Wichita, Kan., spent the
next weekend with Lila Mae.
They got in on helping clean up
the window mess, but also did
some sightseeing as Dan had
never spent any time sightseeing
in S.D. They took in the Pioneer
Auto Museum, 1880 Town and
the Oahe Dam. He enjoyed all of
them and also the beautiful coun-
tryside this year. Pat Shinabarg-
er came from Rapid City on Fri-
day and spent the weekend. She
got some good news on Sunday
morning. Her son, Chris, had
entered the little 52 red Ford
pickup he got from Grandpa Har-
vey in the car show and took first
place. Grandpa refinished it sev-
eral years back but had never
entered it in any shows know
he was as happy looking down
from heaven as Christopher was
accepting the honors.
The Draper UMC was the set-
ting Saturday evening, August
17 of the wedding of Sarah Dowl-
ing and JP Carwin. The brides
chosen colors were blue and yel-
low, the flowers were sunflowers
and all with a western theme.
Pastor Rick Hazen officiated. The
bride wore heels but by the time
she got to the auditorium for the
reception, she had her boots on!
The auditorium also took on the
western thems with burlap run-
ners on the tables, pint jars
trimmed with a ribbon and par-
tially filled with sunflower seeds
and battery operated candles
decorating the tables. A supper of
brisket, roast pork and salads
was served. The bride and groom
cut the tiered cake, after which
many enjoyed cupcakes. Then
the music began the bouquet
was thrown as was the brides
garter. Sarah is the daughter of
Trace and Karen Dowling. Fami-
ly there included: Brent and
Donna and family; Jared and
Bonnie and family; David and
Lindsay; Luke and Sawyer and
baby; Ray and Jacquie Erikson
and family; Cindy and LeRoy
Louder; Stan and Cindy Erikson;
Kay and Terry Moore; Terry and
Penny Dowling and family; Amy
Nelson and family; Troy and Sta-
cie and family; Trent and Kristen
and family; Alice Horsley; Rod
Dowling and family; Wade and
Patti Dowling; Sharon Peters;
Jeri Hodder and Rick Mills, plus
so many more friends and a lot of
Carwin family and friends from
Colorado. A rehearsal supper was
held the evening before at the
auditorium, and a breakfast and
gift opening were held Sunday
morning there. The groom had
just gotten a job as a first year
history teacher in Yuma, Colo.,
and school started Monday,
August 19 so they rushed off to
their new life together in Yuma.
Congratulations, Sarah and JP!
Shelli Terwilliger of Rapid
City; Tara and Zac Myer and Lin-
coln of Minneapolis; Skyler Dowl-
ing and Brittney Starks spent
Saturday and Sunday, August
17-18 with Rosa Lee, David and
Robert Styles and Margie Boyle,
spending the nights in Murdo.
All either attended the wedding
or reception or both of Sarah and
Lillian Seamans along with
Susan Hamer, Bernice Klein and
Teresa Hamer hosted a bridal
shower for their niece, Lindsay
Hamer, in Kennebec on Saturday
Jason Seamans of Rapid City
arrived at mom Lills Friday and
spent the weekend.
Kathie Mason was a recipient
of a new knee August 7 in Sioux
Falls. Her sisters, Shelley
Boehmer and Ginger Waltner,
were with her. At home mom
Esther Magnuson has been with
her and has also taken her to
therapy sessions in Pierre. Shel-
ley and Esther took her to Sioux
Falls on August 21 for her check
up; all is going well and the
report was good.
Ray and Janice Pike made a
business trip to Chamberlain on
Friday. While there they had din-
ner at the Busted Nut.
Happy anniversary on August
30 to Dean and Terri Volmer. We
were there and watched them tie
the knot 27 years ago.
Following church Sunday Pas-
tor Rick and Jane Hazen, Rosa
Lee Styles, Lila Mae Christian,
Ray and Janice Pike, and Bill
and Ellen Valburg had dinner at
the drive inn at Murdo.
Donald Volmer, Kim and Tony
Schmidt, Amanda and Kraig
Henrichs and family spent a few
days camping in Aberdeen
recently. There they joined Kayla
and Jeremy Hoag and girls,
Jaime Schmidt and friend
Shawn. While there they helped
little Sydney Hoag celebrate her
third birthday with cake and a
party with more family and
friends at parents Kayla and
Jeremys home.
Faye Bartlett of Bellingham,
Wash., and Ellen Nix of Buffalo,
Minn., were in the area recently
visiting relatives. They stayed in
Presho with their brother, Dallas
and Judy Brost. They spent time
with Dave and Linda Brost and
Bob Brost, plus many other rela-
tives and friends. Bob went with
Faye and Ellen to see Dee Smith
and family at Buffalo. They visit-
ed their sister, Lynn and John
Miles, at Gillette and on their
way back they stopped in Hot
Springs at cousin James and
Cheryl Brosts. Brian and Kate
Brost of Lusk joined them there.
It was a fun time.
Maurice Haugland was an
overnight guest Monday of last
week at Dave and Linda Brosts.
The fellas spent Monday getting
in lots of fishing and visiting.
Maurice returned to his summer
home in the hills on Tuesday. The
winters find him and his wife in
Happy 80th birthday, Orville
On Thursday Tyler, Chelsee
and Joey Rankin hosted a fifth
birthday party for daughter/sis-
ter Addison. Those helping her
celebrate with supper, cake and
ice cream included: Bob Rankin;
Margaret Rankin; Ray and Jan-
ice Pike; Drew, Kati, Mallory and
Tenley Venard; and Andy, Jill,
Riley and Peyton Rankin, all of
Draper. Randy and Holly Nemec;
Ernie and Laurel Nemec; and
Tyler, Angel, Tukker and Emry
Nemec, all of Midland were also
there; along with Ashley and
Paxton Geigle. Addisons great
aunt, Barb Larson, of Sioux Falls
also stopped by for a quick visit.
Addison Rankin continued her
birthday celebration with a
camping trip to Hill City over the
weekend. What a lucky girl!
Happy birthday, Addison.
The Save Five for Schools program was discontinued by Land O
Lakes in June. However, you may still turn in any stickered milk caps
until October. Please get these turned in as soon as possible in order
to help out our school!
Open AA meetings
Thursdays 8:00 p.m. at the East Commons. Call 530-0371 or 280-
For AlAnon meetings call 669-2596 for time and place.
Murdo City Council
The Murdo City Council will meet Wednesday, September 4 at 7:30
p.m. at the city office. The public is welcome to attend. Notice the
change of date due to the Labor Day holiday.
Draper Town Board
The Draper Town Board will meet Tuesday, September 3 at 7:00
p.m. at the Draper hall. The public is welcome to attend. p.m. at the
city office. The public is welcome to attend. Notice the change of
date due to the Labor Day holiday.
County Commissioners
The Jones County Commissioners will hold their monthly meeting
at the courthouse on Tuesday, September 3 at 9 a.m. The public is wel-
come to attend.
J.C. School Board
The Jones County School District #37-3 will hold their monthly
meeting Monday, September 9 at 8 p.m. at the high school library. The
public is encouraged to attend.
Caring and Sharing
The Caring and Sharing cancer support group will meet on Monday,
September 9 at 7 p.m. at the Messiah Lutheran Church. Anyone
whose life has been touched by cancer is welcome to participate.
Coyote News Briefs
Jones County Weather
8-21 95.3 69.9 0
8-22 82.6 60.4 .04
8-23 83.2 64.2 0
8-24 88.5 66.9 0
8-25 98.7 73.9 0
8-26 99.4 72.6 0
8-27 100.2 66.9 0
Date High Low Prec.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please submit
them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to
We will run your event notice the two issues prior to your
event at no charge. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, if you charge for
an event, we must charge you for an ad!
East Side News
by Janet Louder 669-2696
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!
Thank you to everyone who contributed time, items,
or support for the Terry Schofield Benefit. Your
generosity left all of us without words to express how
thankful we are to live in such a wonderful
community. We are so grateful to all of you for
helping us out in some way or another. Also, thank
you to Modern Woodman of America for the matching
Thanks again to all who made this possible.
Terry & Linda Schofield and family
Vince & Katie Bruce ~ Dustin Vollmer
Lura Kirkpatrick ~ Mindy Kirkpatrick

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Local News
by Jody Lebeda 669-2526
Church and Community
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 3
Catholic Church of St. Martin
502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
Draper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Draper United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Murdo United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!
Okaton Evangelical Free Church
Okaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)
Messiah Lutheran Church
308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
St. Pauls Lutheran Church
Draper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.
Community Bible Church
410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Best Western
First National
6692414 Member F.D.I.C.
PHONE: 6692271 FAX: 6692744
Super 8
Dakota Prairie
Draper and Presho
6692401 Member F.D.I.C.
A True Veteran
by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
Before you have placed your trust in Christ as your Lord and Savior, there is nothing whatever you can do to please God or to gain acceptance with
Him. John 3:35 declares that the Father loves the Son and cares what you think about Him and do with Him. This is why Verse 36 goes on to say:
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.
But once you have received Christ as your Savior and Lord there is much you can do to please God. You can witness to His saving grace, you can please
Him by living a godly life, you can work for Him, you can sacrifice of your means to further His cause, and yes, you can fight for Him. Fight for Him
you say? Yes indeed, for this world system, our Adamic natures and Satan and his hosts, are all antagonistic toward the Christ who died for our sins. Satans
forces, especially, work behind the scenes to blind the minds of them that believe not (II Cor. 4:4). These fallen angels, we read, are the rulers of the
darkness of this world (iEph. 6:12).
This is why God urges His children to be strong in the Lord, putting on the whole armor of God, so as to meet and defeat these evil forces (Vers.
10,11). This is why He puts a sword (the Word of God) into our hands and bids us stand stand stand! (Vers. 11-14).
Ah, but a great veteran, who waged many battles in making Christ known to the lost, gives us an inkling of the thrill that goes with being a good sol-
dier of Jesus Christ. In his last words, just before his execution, the Apostle Paul declared triumphantly: I have fought a good fight! (II Tim. 4:7). It
was indeed a good fight in which he had been engaged, a fight to bring light and salvation and blessing to benighted souls. And the reward:
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown (Ver. 8).
Two minutes with the bible
Brothers, we do not want you
to be ignorant about those who
fall asleep, or to grieve like the
rest of men, who have no hope.
We believe that Jesus died and
rose again and so we believe that
God will bring with Jesus those
who have fallen asleep in
Him....Therefore encourage each
other with these words. 1 Thess.
4:13-14, 18
We are to encourage one anoth-
er, that is what the LORD wants
us to do. Encourage. Lift one
another, help, be with them dur-
ing trying times and also being
there during the good times.
Things do get pretty tough when
someone gets sick or goes to the
hospital, along with all the other
things that happen to us in life.
There are extra trips to make,
taking time off from work, trying
to find the time to do extra
things for others. And it is a joy
to do this! It is, when we have
the right frame of mind to
encourage one another. Then as
you encourage them you may
even find yourself being encour-
aged. I have.
I do not know how many hospi-
tal calls I have made to people
who were dying, were very, very
sick. They did more for me than
I thought I did for them as I
shared the Word of God with
them. It is always a joy to see the
faith of a believer and how they
know that the LORD is with them
through all that is going on in
their life.
Yes, they do still worry a little,
but they know that if things do
not work out here they will have
eternal life in heaven where
everything will be perfect..
So we are to encourage and the
Church is to encourage. The thing
is, if we are not in church, how
will we know who to encourage.
We are to encourage everyone.
Really, believers and non believ-
ers. As we encourage one another
we will find that the LORD'S
Church will grow. It will. I see it
happening right now in the 3 con-
gregations that I am serving.
When the congregation gets con-
cerned about others people notice.
We have new faces in church now,
and that is nice to see. They feel
welcome and are glad to be hear-
ing God's Word and being fed the
Bread of Life.
The same can be said of our
town. We need to encourage one
another. We do.
Every business that I go into
that always welcomes me when I
walk through the door. It's nice
when they know your name.
That's a small town and that is
one way businesses encourage
those who come in.
Now how can we who live in a
small town encourage our home-
town businesses? Walk through
their doors. Respond also with a
kind welcome. Encourage them.
Thanks for being open today!
For the products that you do
sell. Sure beats driving for one,
two or even three hours to find it
someplace else. Then we have
the loss of time and money when
we also consider the cost of fuel.
I try to do most of my shopping
in town. Yes, sometimes you can-
not find what you are looking for
and need to go elsewhere. But I
gladly shop locally, for if we do
not have any businesses, we
probably wont have any people
and then we probably wont
have any churches. Then I
would not be here, and I love
being here. So it all goes togeth-
er. Encourage one another...with
Good Words, and thank God all
for all that He is doing through
We pray: Dear LORD Heavenly
Father, we thank You for how you
have encouraged us through
Your Word. As we continue to live
in this world, help us to encour-
age others that they in turn can
also encourage others and so
build up, not only our town, but
also Your Church. In Jesus'
name we pray. Amen.
Encourage one another
Pastor Ray Greenseth, Messiah/St. Paul Lutheran Churches


Wc wll bc CIOSFD on
Monday, Sclcmbcr 2, n
obscrvancc ol Iabor Day.
Wc wsh a hay and
salc holday lo
cvcryonc n our
communly, csccally
our hardworkng,
valucd cmloyccs!
T:rsr 1ar:cua 1auk
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1akcra 1ra:r:c 1auk
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Donna Crow
Donna (Wyly) Crow, 69, of
Pierre died Monday, August 19,
2013 at Avera St. Marys Hospital
in Pierre.
Donna was born on April 15,
1944 to Wilson and Iva Wyly in
Hereford, Texas. The family
moved to Pierre in 1952 where
she attended school at Washing-
ton Elementary. The family
moved to Fort Pierre where they
ranched and farmed. She gradu-
ated from TF Riggs in 1962 and
enrolled at USD before moving to
California where she lived for
seven years.
In 1972, she moved to Denver
and worked for the Arapahoe
County District Attorneys office.
She was promoted to the State of
Colorado Department of Social
Services, where she worked until
her retirement in 2004. In 2005,
she returned to Pierre to care for
her mother, Iva.
Community activities were
very important to Donna and she
enjoyed her time spent with her
Book Club, Meals on Wheels,
Domino Club, and was a lifelong
member of the Church of Christ.
She enjoyed volunteering at the
Senior Center preparing taxes
during tax season. Donna was an
excellent cook and enjoyed
potlucks and helping at the Com-
munity Banquet.
Donna is survived by her two
daughters: Maria (Roman)
Palomino, of Aurora, Colo., and
Shelley (Paul) Witteman, of
Mohall, N.D.; granddaughter,
Jordan Rumsey, of Minot, N.D.;
mother, Iva Wyly Russell; two
brothers: Mack (Karen) Wyly and
Bill Wyly; five nieces: Kayleen
Wyly Fulton, Tomi Kay Wyly
Weinheimer, Traci Wyly Henrich,
Ann Wyly and Jenny Wyly; and
three nephews: Kyle Wyly,
Cameron Wyly and Chad Wyly.
She was preceded in death by her
father, Wilson Wyly; brother,
James Wyly and lifelong best
friend, Kay (Cruse) Graff.
Visitation and a prayer service
were held Thursday, August 22
at Isburg Funeral Chapel. Servic-
es were held Friday, August 23 at
Madison Avenue Church of Christ
with Mark Newton officiating
with burial following at Scotty
Philip Cemetery.
Trudy Mae Henle
A memorial service for Trudy
Mae Henle was held on Monday
August 19, 2013, at Walker
Funeral Home in Gillette,
Wyoming, with Reverend Burry
Bessee of First United Methodist
Church officiating.
Trudy Henle died from compli-
cations of surgery on August 14,
2013, at Mountain View Regional
Hospital in Casper, Wyoming.
Trudy was born to Thomas and
Alice A (Theissen) King, in
Murdo, S.D., on August 3, 1942.
Trudy loved her big family of
which she was number 9 of 12
children. Trudy was a small girl
when her family moved to Stuart,
Neb., where she was raised and
attended school. She graduated
from Stuart High School in May
After graduating from high
school, Trudy moved back to
Murdo and that is where she met,
the love of her life, Dennis Gene
Henle. They were married on
November 10, 1960, in Draper,
S.D. In 1962 Dennis went to work
doing road construction jobs,
which involved moving around
the country, mostly Wyoming and
Colorado, for the next 12 years.
They moved to Gillette, in 1974,
and decided to make this their
permanent home. During most of
the 52 years that they were mar-
ried, Trudy took great pride in
being a homemaker. She sewed
many of the clothes for her chil-
dren as they were growing up.
She was very good at cooking and
baking. She could make a birth-
day cake into almost anything
you wanted.
Trudy also crocheted afghans,
slippers, scarfs and beautiful
doilies. She looked forward to
planting and tending to her gar-
den every summer, as she loved to
preserve and can much of the pro-
duce from the garden. Trudy real-
ly enjoyed going camping, fishing
and hunting. Going on many
hunts throughout the years for
elk, deer and antelope was some-
thing she looked forward to. She
took great pride in processing the
meat that they hunted. She was
always ready to have a fun time
and play some cards with family
and friends.
Trudy loved to read and was
always trying to find someone to
trade books with. She looked for-
ward to the holidays, so she could
spend time with her children,
family and friends.
Trudy is survived by her hus-
band, Dennis G Henle of Gillette;
her daughter, Camela (Cammy)
M Henle (Gregory S Welch) of
Gillette; her sons: Wayne G
(Camilla) Henle of Gillette, and
Daren L Henle of Gillette; her
brothers: Kent (Jane) King of
Gillette, Gary (Lisa) King of Lin-
coln, Neb.; her sisters: Lotus M
Herrington of Casper, Wyo.,
Karla Mannhalter (Jim Miller) of
Murdo, S.D., Judy Martin of
Olive Branch, Miss., Sherry
(Butch) Wheeler of Martin, S.D.,
Sabrina Allee of Gillette, Wyo.,
Carol Stull of Douglas, Wyo., and
numerous nephews and nieces.
She is preceded in death by her
parents: Thomas and Alice King,
Murdo, S.D.; her brothers:
Lenerd King of Stuart, Neb.,
Keith King of Gillette, Wyo., Rex
King, Pocotello, Idaho; her sis-
ters: Kay Khole of Stuart, Neb.,
Bunny Meyer of Lennox, S.D.
Memorials and condolences
may be sent in Trudy's name in
care of Walker Funeral Home,
410 Medical Arts Court, Gillette,
Wyoming 82716 Condolences may
also be sent via the website
ht t p: / / www. wal ker f uner al -
John Hildebrand
John Joseph Hildebrand, 51,
left our world in his home in
Murdo, S.D., on August 15, 2013.
John was born in Lawrence,
Kan., on January 16, 1962. He
grew up in Colorado Springs,
Colo. John had three living sis-
ters and three living brothers,
and is survived by his three chil-
dren: Joseph, Amber, Brandon
and four grandchildren.
John, also known as Joe,
always loved to have a good time
and lived his life to the fullest.
John will be truly missed, and
always in our hearts!
Arrangements have been
placed in care of Isburg Funeral
Chapel. Online condolences may
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 4
tracks. A crew of five met us at
the city emergency room and
went right to work. They were
efficient and soon had Chance
out of the scary category
although still not out of the
From there we went to the
intensive care unit (ICU) where
things gradually improved over
the next few days. Antibiotics
were being used to kill off the
Klebsiella bacteria that had
somehow gotten into Chances
bloodstream causing what is
called sepsis. It can be very
serious. By Sunday, the doctor
thought we could maybe go home
in a day or two depending on how
things went. He then said to
remove the central line in
Chances neck and resume using
the port for the injection of
antibiotics. The central line, inci-
dentally, was installed originally
in the emergency room and is a
line to a major blood vessel in the
chest and capable of delivering
large amount of fluid and medi-
cine as needed. On Sunday, only
antibiotics were needed, and not
other things to help blood pres-
sure and such, so the port could
easily handle that.
Alas, within a half hour of
accessing the port, Chance again
got the shakes. I was confused
and went for a short walk to try
to make sense of it. Then it
dawned on me. The port had
gone bad and was collecting bac-
teria. If you accessed it, the bac-
teria flooded Chances system
and set him back into shock and
other places we didnt want to go.
I rushed back to Chances room
and said, The port has gone bad!
Dont take out the central line!
The nurse looked at me like Id
gone mad, but I stayed right
there to make sure they did what
I said. They did, and further tests
proved I was right. The port will
have to be removed which is
okay. We havent needed it a lot,
but it has been handy from time
to time. Chances condition
improved fairly soon this morn-
ing so, although we may be here
a day or two more than we
thought earlier today, we might
be on the right track. There
might also be some bacteria prob-
lems with Chances stomach tube
and trach, but at least the port
wont be pumping poison into his
So, the shadows have cleared
some at present for which we are
quite happy. The rest of that part
of the 23rd Psalm, by the way,
goes, Yea, though I walk
through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil for
thou art with me. As you can
see, our Lord has certainly been
with us this past week, and for
that we are extremely glad. Hes
been going ahead of us, providing
good doctors and nurses, and
chasing the shadows away.
Sometimes you have to walk
through the valley of the shadow
of death. Well, weve had a few
shadows lurking around this last
week, but were all still here. It,
however, was touch and go a few
As it happened, son Chance
had an immunoglobulin (IVIG)
treatment a week ago Wednes-
day. This medicine, given
through his port, is designed to
counter the muscle weakness
and other effects of his myasthe-
nia gravis. It is often given for
three days every two or three
months. (A port, in case you
arent familiar with those, is a
device planted just under the
skin of the chest that leads to a
major blood vessel by the heart.
It is easier than having to always
insert an intravenous (IV) needle
into the arm.) That first IVIG
treatment went okay except
Chances temperature rose later
that evening to over a hundred
degrees for no apparent reason.
We were supposed to have anoth-
er of the three-hour treatments
the next day, but we decided to
wait a bit in case the tempera-
ture rise and the IVIG were
On Tuesday, though, almost a
week later, we gave it another go.
That was apparently a bad idea
since Chance developed a severe
case of the shakes within a half
hour of the start. This did not set
well with me, and I had them dis-
continue the whole thing at once.
I wasnt sure what was going on,
but I didnt like it. Chance was
shaking like you would if you
came in from getting thoroughly
chilled in zero-degree weather.
We unplugged the needle and
went home.
Just a bit later, though,
Chances temperature started to
rise. At 102, we called the hospi-
tal and said we were coming
back. The temperature rose to
over 104 before we got there, not
to mention that his heart rate
and respiration went way up and
his blood pressure and oxygen
saturation went way down. (We
have equipment to measure
those things since theyve been
needed from past experience.)
These are all signs of shock and
can be fatal if not dealt with
straight away, and sometimes
even then. At the local hospital,
they did some tests and strongly
recommended we head to a larg-
er hospital west by ambulance,
which we decided to do. It was
the wee hours of Wednesday
morning when we arrived. We
had originally thought of just
taking Chance in the car by our-
selves but then finally decided on
the ambulance for various rea-
sons. The ambulance was a good
idea since our boys blood pres-
sure dropped alarmingly, and
they needed to throw on the siren
and flashing light and make
Lookin Around
Syd Iwan
The gentleman brought his 54-
year old wife to the clinic because
she just seems to be run down
and tired all of the time. He
described her as the most fun
party girl a man could ever wish
for. But now she seemed to be
tired all the time and just couldnt
go. She would fall asleep if not
spoken to. On further question-
ing, it appeared that she was
alcoholic. A series of blood tests
were done and demonstrated that
she had advanced liver failure
secondary to cirrhosis of the liver
associated with her alcohol habit.
It appeared that she was drink-
ing the equivalent of a pint of
vodka per day and at the same
time was malnourished weighing
only 110 pounds.
I indicated to him that she was
going to have a fatal outcome sec-
ondary to liver failure if the habit
didnt stop and some dramatic
changes in lifestyle werent insti-
tuted. A personal friend had
already told him the same thing
but he did not really understand
what this meant. He wanted to
know what liver failure was.
What did that mean? Should he
go to a specialist?
He and I sat down and had a
long talk. I explained to him that
there are two basic functions for
the liver. One is called excretory
function and the other is called
synthetic function. By excretory
function, we mean all of the waste
products that the liver removes
and secretes into the stool. The
two that are easily measured are
ammonia and something called
bilirubin which is a waste product
of blood breakdown. Bilirubin is
the chemical that increases in the
blood when a person becomes
jaundiced. His wifes bilirubin
level was five mg percent, a nor-
mal being less than one mg per-
cent. She had a slightly yellow
skin color consistent with jaun-
dice. Her liver excretory capacity
had been diminished so much
that she could not keep up with
getting rid of the daily production
of waste products. In fact, this is
usually the second function to go
bad indicating a far advanced
The other major function of the
liver to go bad is called synthetic.
This has to do with the synthesis
of all of the essential proteins in
the blood and other parts of the
body. Examples include all of the
blood clotting factors. His wife
was covered with bruises because
even the slightest bump would
result in a bruised area. These
bruises had to be cleaned up by
the body and the waste products
removed. That is the livers job.
Her liver was so badly damaged
that she could not adequately
process the bodys waste prod-
ucts. I indicated to him that her
condition was advanced and fatal
unless there was some interven-
tion carried out.
So what did we do? This was
three years ago and I told him
that to return her to any sem-
blance of her former self, she
would need a liver transplant.
But while she waited for the
transplant, there were several
other important steps that need-
ed to be taken. First of all and
most important was to stop the
alcohol excess. When a person
has had as much alcohol as she
has as long as she had, sudden
withdrawals can be precipitate a
crisis. Step one was to cut the
alcohol intake down over an arbi-
trary chosen two week period.
During this time, she was to have
increased nutrition with ade-
quate amounts of protein and
vitamins, etc. Fortunately, this
got done at home as they refused
hospitalization. Second step
needed was to help remove the
waste products that the liver was
not excreting. There is a syrupy
liquid called lactulose that will
bind waste products that the liver
should put out but doesnt. Lactu-
lose remains in the bowel, binds
those waste products and puts
them out in stool. The side effect
is loose stools and diarrhea but a
small price to pay in order to
remain alert and able to function.
The third step was to insure that
adequate protein was taken in
but not too much. Protein waste
products are very toxic and lead
to so called hepatic coma.
Fourth step she needed was a
special antibiotic called Rifaximin
to decrease the bacterial content
in the bowel. This antibiotic is not
absorbed but instead remains
within the bowel itself. By
decreasing the bowels bacterial
content, the number of bacterial
waste products that the bacteria
produce is lowered. These bacter-
ial waste products cause the
ladys constant fatigue and
drowsiness. Over a months time
by slowly decreasing the ladys
alcohol intake and then stopping
it altogether along with the use of
medications and an appropriate
diet, she became much more alert
and able to function. Fortunately,
she gave up her alcohol habit
altogether which is very difficult
and unusual for an alcoholic to
do. After a year of demonstrated
abstinence from alcohol, she was
eligible to be placed on the liver
transplant list and very fortu-
nately obtained an uneventful
liver transplant in the recent
past. It is too soon to know how
things are going to go in the
future but she and her husband
are very happy to have the suc-
cess that they have achieved.
Liver failure doesnt only come
from alcoholic cirrhosis. There
are many diseases such as
hemochromatosis, hepatitis B,
hepatitis C, excess Tylenol, and
too many others to name.
Human beings have six major
organs that are essential for life.
These include the brain, the
heart, the lungs, the liver, the
kidney and the absorption system
of the bowel. At this time in med-
ical history, we can replace kid-
ney function with dialysis or
transplantation, liver functions
with medications and/or trans-
plantation, heart function with a
transplant and even an artificial
heart, lung function with trans-
plantation, and nutrition with
total parenteral intravenous
nutrition. Thus far, we do not
know how to replace the brain
function although it has been
brought to my attention that
there is just a whole bunch of peo-
ple that could use help in this
department, too.
The Clinical View
Dr. P.E. Hoffsten
What is liver
JH VB vs. Kadoka
Here 5:30
VB vs. Colome
Here 6:30
Murdo 669-2492
Be sure to thank the following businesses for sponsoring the Jones County School calendar.
Jones County High School
September 2013
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30
3 4 5 6 7
School Picture Day
Cross Country @ White
River 3:00
JH VB @ Kadoka 5:00
JHFB vs. Kadoka
Here 5:00
VB @ Philip 6:30 Cross Country @ Wall
FB @ Hill City 7:30
VB @ Philip
Tourney 10:00
JH FB @ White
River Jamboree
JH FB @ Kadoka
Jamboree 11:00
VB @ Kimball
Tourney 9:00
VB @ White River 6:30 Cross Country @
Chamberlain 2:30
VB @ Stanley Co 6:30
Homecoming Week Coronation 7:00 VB @ Rapid City
Christian 6:30
WGP Conference Cross
Country @ Philip 11:00
Punt Pass & Kick 6:00
@ Football Field
VB vs. Todd Co Here
Parade 1:30
FB vs. White River 7:00
JH VB vs. White River
Here 5:30
Labor Day
VB @ Wall 6:30 JH VB vs. Lyman
Here 5:30
FB vs. Wall Here 7:00 VB @ Gregory
Tourney 9:00
All times Central.
Some times or
schedules are
subject to change.
first class banking on a first name basis
first fidelity bank
If you are interested in
sponsoring the school
calendar, please call us
today - 669-2271
School Board Meeting
8:00 PM HS Library
The home of Jerry and Teresa Hatheway at 201 Lincoln Avenue in Murdo
was chosen as this weeks winner for the Murdo Area Chamber of Com-
merce Yard of the Week. They will receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.
Photo by Lonna Jackson
Yard of the Week
Maria Roghair, daughter of Brice and Anne Roghair of Isabel, S.D., and
granddaughter of Mel and Clarice Roghair of Okaton, was recently
crowned Perkins County Junior Queen at the Rodeo in Bison, South Dako-
ta. She is pictured here with her grandpa, Lee Lopez, Anne's father.
Courtesy photo
Roghair crowned
rodeo queen
School & Sports
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 5
80 l0lkl 8000l 8l8fll 8 80080flll0
l0f 00f 00ll00 8l000l l0l8 l8llII

' ,
It's AImost Back-to-CoIIege TIme .
Are you ready Ior anotber semester oI bard work and Iun?
Use tbese beIpIuI tIps to make tbe most oI tbe comIng scbooI year,
wbetber It's your IIrst or Iast!
Don'i scIcdulc classcs lacl-io-lacl. You won'i lc rusIcd, and you'll Iavc iinc aficr class io siudy.
Cci involvcd! If you didn'i lasi ycar, lay a sori, join a clul, or siari onc of your own.
Havc fun! A lalancc lciwccn worl and lay is iIc lcy io a good ycar.
Talc lrcals wIilc siudying 10 ninuics for cvcry Iour is sufficicni. Also, siudy in iIc dayiinc as
nucI as ossillc.
Malc and siicl wiiI a livallc ludgci. Don'i forgci io facior in liiilc iIings lilc CDs and Iaircuis.
Crcaic ocn connunicaiion wiiI your roonnaic(s} carly on. Cci io lnow cacI oiIcr's crsonal valucs,
Ialiis and ccciaiions.
|aattt Ktv|tw
Box ?SS - PbIIIp - (60S) SS9-2S16
taa|ataa |a. |attaat
Box 43S - WaII - (60S) 2?9-2S6S
Ka1aka ttss
Box 309 - Kadoka - S3?-22S9
|a|t| |a1tjta1tat
Box 3S - FaItb - (60S) 96?-2161
f|saa |att|tt
Box 429 - BIson - (60S) 244-?199
Mtt1a |ayatt
Box 46S - Murdo - (60S) 669-22?1
Ntw 0a1ttwaa1 ast
Box 426 - New Underwood - (60S) ?S4-6466
' ,
,, -
Education department announces guidelines for
2013-14 free or reduced school meal programs
Child and Adult Nutrition
Services in the South Dakota
Department of Education
announces the policy for free milk
or free and reduced price meals.
The policy applies to children
unable to pay the full price of
meals or milk served under the
National School Lunch, School
Breakfast, and/or Special Milk
Programs. The administrative
office of each school that partici-
pates in the Lunch, Breakfast,
and/or Milk Program has a copy
of the policy available for review.
Children from families whose
income is at or below the levels
shown are eligible for free or
reduced price meals. Children
from a household whose income is
at or below the level shown for
free meals may be eligible for free
milk if the school participates in a
federally funded Special Milk
Families may apply for free or
reduced price meals or free milk
for their children for school year
2013-14 according to guidelines
effective July 1, 2013. Applica-
tions will be provided to house-
holds by the school. Families that
are directly certified as eligible
for free meals will receive a notice
of eligibility
The school will use the prior
years eligibility status (free,
reduced price, or paid) from last
year for up to the first 30 days of
school or until a new application
is approved or direct certification
is obtained, whichever comes
Households that are currently
on Supplemental Nutrition Assis-
tance Program (SNAP) or Tempo-
rary Assistance for Needy Fami-
lies (TANF) will receive letters
from the school indicating that
their children are eligible for free
school meals. These families
should not complete an applica-
tion for free meals. If a family
becomes eligible for benefits mid-
month, the family should fill out
an application and list their case
number so they get the free bene-
fits right away. All children in a
household with any household
member receiving benefits under
TANF or SNAP are eligible for
free meals.
Families receiving commodi-
ties through the Food Distribu-
tion Program on Indian Reserva-
tions (FDPIR) can request an
Interagency Action Notice that
can be brought to the school in
place of an application to docu-
ment free meal eligibility, or they
can complete an application and
list the FDPIR case number. All
children in a household with any
household member receiving ben-
efits under FDPIR are eligible for
free meals.
If the school knows of children
who are homeless, runaway, fos-
ter, from a migrant household, or
who are enrolled in Head Start,
they will send a letter to the
household telling them the chil-
dren are eligible for free meals. If
the household does not receive a
letter or has questions, they
should contact the school. The
household must notify the school
if it chooses to decline benefits.
Foster children that are under
the legal responsibility of a foster
care agency or court are eligible
for free meals. Any foster child in
the household is eligible for free
meals regardless of income.
Households may include foster
children on the application, but
are not required to include pay-
ments received for care of the fos-
ter child as income.
To apply for free or reduced
price meals, other households
should fill out the application and
return it to the school. An applica-
tion must include the names of
children for whom benefits are
requested, all household mem-
bers and their monthly income or
designation that they do not have
any income, and be signed by an
adult household member with the
last four digits of that persons
social security number. Incom-
plete applications cannot be
approved for free or reduced price
meals. Additional copies are
available in the school office. The
information provided on the
application is confidential and
will be used for the purpose of
determining eligibility status for
school meals and Title I pro-
grams. The school will provide
additional information if it wants
to use eligibility status for other
An eligibility determination is
good for the whole year; however,
applications may be submitted at
any time during the year. Contact
the school if a household member
becomes unemployed or if the
household size changes. The chil-
dren from that household may be
eligible for free or reduced price
meals or free milk during the
time of unemployment if the
households income falls within
the income eligibility guidelines.
Information on any application
may be verified at any time dur-
ing the school year by school or
other program officials.
If a parent or guardian is dis-
satisfied with the ruling on the
application for eligibility, she/he
may contact the determining offi-
cial on an informal basis. If the
parent or guardian wishes to
make a formal appeal, an oral or
written request may be made to
the schools hearing official for a
hearing to appeal the decision.
Some schools may choose to
send a special notice about the
Children's Health Insurance Pro-
gram to households with the
application. It provides a way for
school personnel to know if fami-
lies will allow them to use stu-
dents' eligibility status for other
program benefits. The decision
whether or not a household is eli-
gible for meal benefits or not is
not affected by this form.
Non-discrimination Statement:
This explains what to do if you
believe you have been treated
unfairly. The U.S. Department of
Agriculture prohibits discrimina-
tion against its customers,
employees, and applicants for
employment on the bases of race,
color, national origin, age, disabil-
ity, sex, gender identity, religion,
reprisal, and where applicable,
political beliefs, marital status,
familial or parental status, sexu-
al orientation, or all or part of an
individuals income is derived
from any public assistance pro-
gram, or protected genetic infor-
mation in employment or in any
program or activity conducted or
funded by the Department. (Not
all bases will apply to all pro-
grams and/or employment activi-
If you wish to file a Civil Rights
program complaint of discrimina-
tion, complete the USDA Pro-
gram Discrimination Complaint
Form found online at http://www.
st.html, or at any USDA office, or
call (866) 632-9992 to request the
form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information
requested in the form. Send your
completed complaint form or let-
ter to us by mail at U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Director,
Office of Adjudication, 1400 Inde-
pendence Avenue, S.W., Washing-
ton, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202)
690-7442 or email at program. Individuals who
are deaf, hard of hearing, or have
speech disabilities may contact
USDA through the Federal Relay
Service at (800) 877-8339; or
(800) 845-6136 (Spanish).
USDA is an equal opportunity
provider and employer.
If a child needs a special diet as
prescribed by a doctor, the house-
hold should contact the schools
food service manager.
Annually Annually Monthly Monthly Weekly Weekly
Free Reduced Free Reduced Free Reduced
1 $14,937 $21,257 $1,245 $1,772 $288 $409
2 $20,163 $28,694 $1,681 $2,392 $388 $552
3 $25,389 $36,131 $2,116 $3,011 $489 $695
4 $30,615 $43,568 $2,552 $3,631 $589 $838
5 $35,841 $51,005 $2,987 $4,251 $690 $981
6 $41,067 $58,442 $3,423 $4,871 $790 $1,124
7 $46,293 $65,879 $3,858 $5,490 $890 $1,267
8 $51,519 $73,316 $4,294 $6,110 $991 $1,410
For each
$5,226 $7,437 $436 $620 $101 $144
The income scales above are used to determine an applicants eligibility
for free or reduced price meals if the household is at or below the guide-
1 2 3
Drivers must stop when bus
displays flashing red
warning lights and extends
the stop signal arm.
Drivers traveling in the
same direction as the
bus are always
required to stop.
Drivers should never pass
on the right side of the
bus. This is illegal and
can have tragic results
$2,000 Brian Meyer
Scholarship available
The South Dakota Telecommu-
nications Association (SDTA) is
now accepting applications for
the Brian Meyer Memorial Schol-
arship. One scholarship in the
amount of $2,000 will be awarded
for the 2014 spring semester.
The scholarship is available to
applicants who have completed at
least two semesters of course
work at an accredited post-sec-
ondary school in South Dakota
and reside in an SDTA member
company service area. The schol-
arship can be used at any post-
secondary educational institution
in South Dakota including public
and private universities as well
as technical schools.
Applicants must complete an
application, write a short outline
of their career plans following
completion of their post-second-
ary education, and submit a brief
essay on the future of small town
South Dakota and what can be
done to enhance the quality of life
in rural areas through the use of
technology. Also needed are a
copy of the applicants most
recent transcript and at least two
letters of recommendation. The
deadline to submit an application
for the Brian Meyer Memorial
Scholarship is October 31.
For more information on the
Brian Meyer Memorial Scholar-
ship, contact any post-secondary
institution financial aid office, the
South Dakota Telecommunica-
tions Association at 605-224-7629
The application is also available
online at
SDTA membership is composed
of the states member-owned
cooperatives, privately-owned,
municipal and tribal telecommu-
nications companies which collec-
tively serve almost 80 percent of
the state. Members of the South
Dakota Telecommunications
Association are: Alliance Commu-
nications (Garretson); Beresford
Municipal Telephone; Cheyenne
River Sioux Tribe Telephone
Authority (Eagle Butte); Faith
Municipal Telephone; Fort Ran-
dall Telephone (Wagner); Golden
West Telecommunications Com-
panies (Wall); Interstate Telecom-
munications (Clear Lake); James
Valley Telecommunications (Gro-
ton); Kennebec Telephone Com-
pany; Long Lines (Jefferson);
Midstate Communications (Kim-
ball); RC Communications and
Roberts County Telephone Coop
(New Effington); Santel Commu-
nications (Woonsocket); Swiftel
Communications (Brookings
Municipal); TrioTel Communica-
tions (Salem); Valley Telecommu-
nications (Herreid); Venture
Communications (Highmore);
West River Cooperative Tele-
phone (Bison); West River Tele-
com Cooperative (Hazen, N.D.),
Western Telephone (Faulkton).
The Murdo Coyote will soon be
making an
appearance on
Facebook! Watch
for our debut and
like our page!
School & Sports
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 6
Belvidere Celebration
Labor Day Weekend
Sunday, September 1
& Monday, September 2
Sunday Activities
Ribbon Cutting
at the New Belvidere Dam
Boating Facility at 7 a.m.
Hot Air Ballon Rides
early mornings (weather permitting)
Potluck Picnic & Fish Fry at Noon
Monday Activities
Hot Air Ballon Rides
early mornings (weather permitting)
Potluck Picnic & Fish Fry at Noon
All events at the
Belvidere Dam!
Enjoy free pontoon rides each day!
Bring your boats, jet ski, fishing poles and join the fun!
Local student attends engineering
camp at S.D. School of Mines
Mission High School student
Tristan Grablander got a chance
to get out of the classroom and
explore opportunities that can
come from a degree in electrical
engineering and computer sci-
Grablander attended Robotics
Camp with eleven other campers
from around the country at the
South Dakota School of Mines
and Technology July 21-26 in
Rapid City, S.D.
The campers stayed on campus
and worked directly with Brian
Fehrman, a masters degree can-
didate in Computational Science
and Robotics at the School of
Mines, as well as members of the
SDSMT Robotics Team.
Robotics is becoming more
pervasive each day in areas span-
ning from the medical field to
farming and beyond, Fehrman,
who designed the camp, said.
Robotics summer camp helps
prepare students to fill or even
create these technical jobs that
are much needed in South Dako-
The 5-day curriculum included
building, designing, coding, and
programming robots to perform a
variety of complex functions auto-
matically and with a remote con-
trol. Teamwork is a key element
of the camp; students were
required to solve problems collab-
oratively and encouraged to help
each other.
The camp was made possible
by a grant from the NASA Sum-
mer of Innovation program,
which helped hire professional
educators Diane Dittmer and
Teresa Olson.
Other sponsors include Cater-
pillar, the engineering firm Kadr-
mas, Lee & Jackson, and the
South Dakota Space Grant Con-
For more information on this
and other School of Mines camps
in 2014, interested students, par-
ents, and counselors may call
(605) 394-2693. Updated informa-
tion will be posted at as it
becomes available.
Jones County Junior High starts fall sports
The 2013 junior high football team is coached by Mike Boni. Back row from left: Morgan Feddersen, Austin
Olson, Elijah McAfee, Trey Flynn, Robert Manecke, Torry Rattling Leaf and coach Mike Boni. Front row from left:
Jake Dowling, Wylee Saunders, Preston Gyles, Jacob Birkeland, Christian Nelson, Riley Rankin and Blaise Nel-
Photos by Karlee Moore
The 2013 junior high volleyball team is coached by Teri Kinsley. Back row from left: Savannah Krogman, Molly
Dowling, Katy Manke, Mackenzie Springer and Peige Springer. Front row from left: Emily Jacobs, Lilli Moore,
Elizabeth Fullen and Sloan Benedict. Not pictured: Emily Flynn.
Junior high cross country is coached by Lori Nix. From left: Austin Olson
and Breckin Steilen. Molly Dowling is also a junior high cross country run-
ner and is pictured with the high school team in the 2013 Back to School
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 7
more years cannot be enforced by
the courts. It is best to have all
land lease contracts in writing.
Having a written lease can pre-
vent a lot of misunderstanding if
one of the parties becomes inca-
pacitated or forgets the details of
the agreement.
Producers must annually pro-
vide the quantity of all harvested
production of the crop in which
the producer held an interest
during the crop year. We will
send out the NAP Yields form
which lists your acres and a spot
for you to record your production.
The deadline for reporting this
production is November 15, 2013.
Production reporting is required
for all 2013 crops on farms with
NAP coverage.
September 1: Oral leases auto-
matically renew
September 1: CRP haying ends
September 2: Office closed for
Labor Day
September 15: CRP managed
haying/grazing reporting dead-
September 30: CRP managed
grazing ends
November 15: 2013 NAP produc-
November 15: CRP managed
haying bale removal deadline
November 15: 2014 acreage
reporting deadline on perennial
grasses and winter wheat
Feel free to call the office if you
ever have questions on any of our
programs 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.
Managed haying of CRP start-
ed August 2 and ends September
1. Managed grazing of CRP start-
ed August 2 and ends the earlier
of September 30 or the grazing
plan date. The regular paperwork
needs to be completed before any
CRP haying or grazing may take
place. Consult with the office to
inquire about the eligibility of
your CRP. A Haying/Grazing plan
is still needed to be signed at the
FSA office. You may sell the CRP
hay or lease the CRP ground. The
bales need to be removed from the
CRP by November 15 and all hay-
ing or grazing on CRP needs to be
reported to FSA by September 15.
Oral farm leases will renew
automatically for the next grow-
ing season on September 1 in
South Dakota, unless written
notice of intent to terminate or
modify the existing lease is given
before September 1. Any lease
that renews automatically carries
the same terms and conditions as
the existing lease. Once such
notice is given, the existing lease
still remains in effect until March
1, 2014, at which time the new
contract becomes effective. These
rules apply to both the tenant and
the landowner. The only excep-
tion is when one party fails to live
up to the terms of the original
agreement. Any lease agreement
for more than one year must be a
written lease if it is to be valid.
An oral agreement for two or
David Klingberg
The winter wheat variety test-
ing results is a document highly
anticipated by winter wheat
growers each year. The results
are certainly late in 2013, due to
much of the wheat not emerging
or even germinating until spring,
and a cool and rainy spring and
summer in many parts of the
state. Harvesting the variety
plots was delayed as was the har-
vest for many producers.
As of this writing, not all of the
results have been compiled, nor
updates to the recommended,
acceptable and promising lists. A
temporary publication including
what plots have been analyzed is
available online at: http://igrow.
trial-results/, and at the SDSU
Regional Extension Centers. The
publication also includes the
agronomic characteristics that
are so important in choosing vari-
eties to plant such as lodging
resistance, winterhardiness, test
weight, protein content and dis-
ease resistance.
As additional information
becomes available, the online
publication will be updated as
quickly as possible.
Certified Seed Grower
Another important document
for winter wheat growers is the
current Summer Edition of the
Certified Seed Grower Directory.
Paper copies have been mailed to
SDSU Regional Extension Cen-
ters, and it is typically posted on
the South Dakota Crop Improve-
ment Association and Seed Certi-
fication website at: http://www.
sdstate. edu/ ps/ sdcia/ grower-
The Certified Seed Grower
Directory includes growers who
have fields planted with Founda-
tion or Registered seed and who
have made application for certifi-
cation. All fields listed in the
directory have passed all inspec-
tions to date. In order to be final-
ly certified, all seed must pass all
laboratory analysis conducted on
representative samples of the
conditioned (cleaned) seed lot.
Challenges in Harvesting
The 2013 small grain harvest
has been challenging in many
areas of the state due to wet
weather and weeds growing in
the crop because of it. As is the
case for many situations in the
farming business, having a plan
in place should various circum-
stances occur can help make
important decisions.
Although the opportunity to
make and implement plans that
would have helped for this har-
vest is past, the 2013 harvest sea-
son was a learning experience.
When weeds begin showing up in
a crop that is mature, or nearly
so; and wet weather is delaying
harvest, a harvest aid herbicide
application may be warranted. If
weather limits the time when
conditions allow harvesting to be
accomplished, incurring the addi-
tional expense of hiring custom
operators to help, and/or harvest-
ing the crop a little wet and pay-
ing drying costs may pay in the
When one considers the lost
income due to discounts for reduc-
tions in test weight, high levels of
dockage, shattering, etc., spend-
ing additional money to get the
crop harvested and in good condi-
tion may be well justified.
Extension News
Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267
Winter wheat
variety testing
NRCS taking applications for
wildlife habitat improvement
South Dakota landowners
interested in improving wildlife
habitat on their property can
apply for the Wildlife Habitat
Improvement Program (WHIP)
announces the USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS). Jeff Vander Wilt, Assis-
tant State Conservationist for
Programs, Huron, says landown-
ers have an opportunity to
improve their land through this
program, Many practices are eli-
gible; however, there will be a
focus on cover crops, brush man-
agement (cedar, Chinese Elm, etc.
removal) and range plantings
with pollinators. Vander Wilt
points out that producers inter-
ested in cover crops could ask for
an early start waiver to start the
cover crop yet this fall.
Since this funding opportunity
has just become available and the
end of the fiscal year is at hand,
Vander Wilt encourages landown-
ers to apply at local USDA Serv-
ice Centers right away. The
WHIP has a voluntary continuous
sign-up with a batching deadline
for this funding of September 6,
S.D. grazing school to be
held September 10 - 12
SDSU Extension, South Dako-
ta Grassland Coalition and part-
ner organizations are once again
hosting the 2013 South Dakota
Grazing School September 10 to
12 in Chamberlain.
The 2013 School will be held at
the AmericInn in Chamberlain.
This hands on, interactive
class provides ranchers and
grassland managers with an
opportunity to learn basic and
advanced tools and techniques for
managing their grazing systems,
said Judge Jessop, Coordinator
for the South Dakota Grassland
Coalition. Its a school for anyone
interested in improving their
ranch or grassland management
through the use of various graz-
ing systems and monitoring
Topics covered during this
year's school will include; grass-
land health, grassland species,
stocking rates, various grazing
systems, water and rainfall man-
agement and livestock considera-
tions. Attendees will also be pro-
vided with a tool kit in order to
implement the monitoring and
management strategies theyve
learned back on their home ranch
or management area.
Attending this school is a
great learning opportunity, said
Pete Bauman, SDSU Extension
Range Field Specialist. Regard-
less of whether you are a rancher,
a grassland manager, or an
agency employee who works with
producers, you and your business
will benefit from this experience.
Registration information
Registration for the 2013 SD
Grazing School is $150 per person
with an option of $75 registration
for any additional members from
the same ranch operation.
Registration forms can be
found at; click on
the Events tab. Students can
also register by contacting Judge
Jessop at 605-280-0127 or email
Individuals are encouraged to
register early as the course fills
Statewide News
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 8
Fair season is here and its come
faster than we all imagined. Our
kids are already hauling them-
selves back to school and hitting
the books, and were all trying to
squeeze just a little bit more of
summer out of each day. Many
families across South Dakota,
including mine, are also flocking to
the local fair for a day or evening
full of rides and delicious food.
Our states fair tradition
reminds me how lucky I am to call
South Dakota home. These fairs
have become much more than a
night out with family and friends.
Kids from all around our state
showcase their talents through
cattle shows, baked goods and rop-
ing competitions. Bryon and I take
our three kids, Kassidy, Kennedy
and Booker, out to taste test, cheer
South Dakotas
fair tradition
on riders and walk through the
livestock barns. I continue to be
amazed by the hard work and ded-
ication that some of our kids put
into raising and showing their ani-
mals. It is a wonderful display of
our state culture and community.
Fairs also give us a unique
opportunity to reconnect with
South Dakotans from all walks of
life. Just the other day, I was
remembering the many nights
Bryon and I walked cattle around
the State Fairgrounds in Huron in
the middle of the night, allowing
the cattle to release some pent-up
energy from the days show. Some-
times, these moments feel like
they just happened yesterday and
they are so special to me, which is
why I will continue to bring my
family out to some of the best
gatherings our state has to offer.
I was recently in Rapid City for
the Central States Fair and had a
great day meeting and talking
with folks from all across the
state. My daughter, Kassidy, came
along with me and we enjoyed
making new friends, sampling
some good food on the midway, and
good entertainment at the rodeo
that evening.
If you havent had the opportu-
nity to make a trip to a fair this
year, I hope youll consider joining
me at the South Dakota State Fair
in Huron on Friday, August 30th.
Ill be hosting a town hall at the
Womens Building with House
Agriculture Committee Chairman
Frank Lucas at 11:00am CDT and
would love to hear whats on your
No matter which county or local
fair is in your area, all fairs pres-
ent a unique opportunity to create
lasting memories with friends,
family and the entire South Dako-
ta community. I hope to see you at
a South Dakota fair sometime
From the U.S. House
Representative Kristi Noem
From the U.S. Senate
Senator John Thune
Every year, South Dakotans of
all ages enjoy attending the fairs
across our state. Whether it is the
Turner County Fair, Central
States Fair, Brown County Fair,
Dakotafest, the State Fair, or any
event in between, these fairs mark
an annual tradition that families
look forward to all year.
I know a trip to the State Fair is
not complete for me if I dont stop
by the Pork Producers or Cattle-
mens booth for a sandwich and
learn the latest news from live-
stock producers. Fairs are also a
chance to see familiar faces and
reconnect with old friends.
Many of the fairs provide educa-
tional opportunities for young peo-
ple to meet other students who
have similar interests from around
the state. FFA and 4-H students
look forward to opportunities to
exhibit produce and craft items, or
show the animals they have care-
fully raised in the months leading
up to the fair. When they arent
competing, many of the young peo-
ple will take a ride or two, pick up
a yard stick, or play a few games.
Adults can enjoy perusing the
booths at exhibit halls, where they
can find the latest gadgets and
home products. Many enjoy listen-
ing to speakers, watching the day-
time entertainment, or taking in
an election year debate.
At night, the whole family can
round out the day with a concert
from a favorite band or attend the
rodeo for some entertainment.
These large performances always
draw a crowd and invite a larger
audience to the fair.
Time spent at the fair helps cre-
ate lasting family memories.
Hopefully everyone has had a
chance to take in at least some of
the sights, tastes, and sounds of
this great South Dakota summer
Fair season
State parks taking camping
reservations through the winter
by Karlee Moore
The Game, Fish & Parks
Department is reminding
campers that the end of the sum-
mer doesnt mean the end of
camping at South Dakota state
parks as the parks will continue
taking camping reservations
throughout the winter months.
We now take reservations for
stays year-round, said state park
director Doug Hofer. In the past,
camping was on a first-come,
first-served basis after Labor
Campsites and cabins at
Custer State Park can be
reserved up to one year in
advance, and up to 90 days prior
to arrival at all other campsites
and cabins.
Group campsites located at
Custer State Park and Lewis and
Clark Recreation Area can also be
booked one year in advance.
Group lodges that can be reserved
one year ahead of time include:
Lake Thompson Recreation
Area near Lake Preston
Mina Lake Recreation Area
near Aberdeen
Newton Hills State Park near
Oahe Downstream Recre-
ation Area near Fort Pierre
Palisades State Park near
Shadehill Recreation Area
near Lemmon
Sheps Canyon Recreation
Area on Angostura Reservoir
near Hot Springs
Camping reservations can be
made online at
or by calling 1-800-710-2267.
Average Composite ACT Scores - South Dakota vs. National
South Dakota ACT
scores above average
The states ACT scores are on
the rise, and despite one of the
highest participation rates in the
nation, South Dakota continues
to see above-average performance
by test-takers.
Nearly 80 percent of South
Dakotas 2013 graduates took the
ACT. The students earned an
average composite ACT score of
21.9, compared to a national aver-
age of 20.9. The state average has
been at 21.8 for the past three
The fact that such a high per-
centage of our students choose to
take the ACT, and perform well,
is a good indication that they are
planning on some sort of postsec-
ondary education experience,
which is a must in todays world,
said Secretary of Education Dr.
Melody Schopp.
As South Dakota transitions to
new college-ready standards in
English and math at the K-12
level, Schopp says educators and
parents should be looking more
closely at ACT benchmarks.
These benchmark scores provide
an indication of how students will
perform once they enter a post-
secondary institution. Specifical-
ly, a benchmark score indicates
that the student has a 50 percent
chance of obtaining a B or higher
or a 75 percent chance of obtain-
ing a C or higher in the corre-
sponding college course.
Of the 2013 South Dakota
graduates who took the ACT, 72
percent met the benchmark in
English, compared to 64 percent
nationally. Fifty-two percent met
the benchmark in reading, com-
pared to 44 percent nationally. In
math, 53 percent of South Dakota
graduates met the benchmark for
college readiness, compared to 44
percent nationally. And in sci-
ence, 46 percent met the ACT
benchmark, compared to 36 per-
cent nationally.
Once again, the good news is
that when you look at the bench-
marks, South Dakota is outper-
forming the rest of the nation,
Dr. Schopp said. But you can also
see that weve got plenty of oppor-
tunity to grow, and thats where
we need to focus our energies.
One of the efforts currently
under way to address college
readiness is a collaborative effort
of the Department of Education
and the Board of Regents. The
two agencies have partnered to
provide online coursework for
students who need to improve
their skills in certain areas, prior
to moving on to postsecondary.
Once a student successfully com-
pletes the coursework and related
assessment, Board of Regents
institutions will accept that
coursework in lieu of a certain
ACT score. The two entities also
are developing a senior English
course and a college-prep math
course, both designed to help stu-
dents brush up on critical skills
before leaving high school.
The ACT is scored on a scale of
1 to 36, with 36 being the highest
possible score. Students are test-
ed in the areas of English, mathe-
matics, reading and science. The
test is commonly used by postsec-
ondary institutions as a bench-
mark for college entrance and
Year South Dakota National
2009 22.0 21.1
2010 21.8 21.0
2011 21.8 21.1
2012 21.8 21.1
2013 21.9 20.9
Volunteers to
prepare meals
In September, hundreds of cen-
tral South Dakota community
members will work to feed thou-
sands of starving children in the
developing world. Through a
partnership between Community
Bible Church of Pierre and global
hunger charity Feed My Starving
Children (FMSC), volunteers will
prepare 100,000 life-saving meals
at an FMSC MobilePackTM
event. The MobilePack will take
place September 7 at Community
Bible Church at 1516 N. Harrison
in Pierre.
Community members can sup-
port this MobilePack by making a
donation to cover meal costs or by
volunteering to package food at
the event. Donations may be
given immediately, and volunteer
registration is now available. To
learn more, visit www.cbcpierre.
org or
The Sheriff s report is printed as
received by Jones County Sheriff s
Office. It may or may not contain
every call received by the depart-
Sheriff and Deputy calls:
Aug. 16
Sheriff Weber responded to a
report of an unattended death
at a residence in Murdo of a res-
ident. After investigating the scene
it was concluded by the County
Coroner and the Jones Co. Sheriff s
Office that the death was due to
natural causes.
Aug. 18
Sheriff Weber confirmed a
Jones Co. warrant on a subject
that was being detained in
White River. The subject was
arrested on our warrant and taken
to the Winner Jail.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm183.
A motorcycle had a flat tire. Road
side assistance was called and tire
was fixed.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm189.
A camper had a broken spring and
had their own help coming to fix
the problem.
Aug. 19
Sheriff Weber responded to a
report of a motorist assist on I-
90, mm199. Unable to locate.
Aug. 20
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm195.
The driver was having over heat-
ing issues, but had his own help
Aug. 22
Deputy Sylva responded to a
motel in Murdo to a report of
an unattended death in one of
the motels room that was being
rented by an out of town guest.
After an investigation it was deter-
mined by the County Coroner and
the Jones Co. Sheriff's Office that
the death was due to natural caus-
Deputy Sylva responded to
and wrote a two vehicle acci-
dent report that had occurred in
the Pilot parking lot.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a suspicious subject
at the Pilot Travel Center. The
subject was not located due to the
reporting party had called after the
subject had left.
Aug. 23
Deputy Sylva responded to a
gas drive off from Murdo. The
vehicle was not located.
Aug. 24
Deputy Sylva responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm197
to a vehicle that had a flat tire.
Assistance was called to help
change the tire.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a bicyclist having
problems on I-90, mm197. The
bicycle had a flat tire. The rider
and bike was transported to Murdo
to be fixed.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm195
to a vehicle with a flat tire. Assis-
tance was called to help change the
Deputy Sylva responded to a
traffic complaint on a semi on
I-90, mm177. The driver was
located and spoken to. The driver
had swerved to miss an object on
the roadway, which prompted the
reporting party to call 911.
JC Sheriffs Report
Murdo Coyote PO Box 465 Murdo, S.D.
Public Notices
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 9
Notice of Summons
State of South Dakota
County of Jones
In Circuit Court
Sixth Judicial Circuit
ANDY GERLACH as Secretary of the
Department of Revenue for the State of
deceased; NOLA PRICE, heir-at-law of
Ingwald Iverson; NORMA IVERSON, the
heir-at-law of Dean Iverson, the heir-at-
law of Ingwald Iverson; OLINE OLSON,
deceased; JAMES MULLEN, deceased;
GENEVIEVE TORNOW; deceased; their
unknown heirs and all persons unknown
who have or claim to have any right, title,
estate, interest, lien or encumbrance
upon the premises described in the
Complaint, to wit: Northeast Quarter of
Section 11, Township 1 South, Range 27
East of the Black Hills Meridian compris-
ing 160 acres more or less, in Jones
County, South Dakota,
REQUIRED to answer the Complaint of
the Plaintiff, which was filed in the Office
of the Clerk of this Court, in Jones Coun-
ty, South Dakota, on the 19th day of July,
2013, and which prays for a judgment
quieting the title to and termination of all
adverse claims against premises
described in the Complaint, situated in
said county, to wit: The Northeast Quar-
ter of Section 11, Township 1 South,
Range 27 East of the BHM in Jones
County, South Dakota
and to serve a copy of your Answer to
said Complaint on the undersigned at
their office at P.O. Box 160, 503 South
Pierre Street, Pierre, South Dakota
57501, within thirty (30) days after the
completed service of this Summons
upon you, exclusive of the day of such
service; and if you said to answer said
Complaint within that time, Plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief demand-
ed in the Complaint.
suant to SDCL 1596 that no personal
claim is made against you in this action,
which is an action to quiet title to the real
property described above.
Dated this 22nd day of July, 2013.
Attorneys for Plaintiff
503 South Pierre Street
P.O. Box 160
Pierre, SD 57501-0160
(605) 224-8803
Published August 8, 15, 22 &29, 2013,
at the total approximate cost of $111.69.
February 2013
Jones County Clinic
Phone: 6692121
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday and Friday
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
James McNeely, III, RNCFNP
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
2 Closed
Labor Day
3 5
Dr. Meyer
18 Julia
Dr. Holland
Dr. Holland
6 Free Childhood
Immunization Day
Dr. Meyer
Address Change?
If youre moving or have
a change of address, please
let us know as soon as
possible to ensure timely
delivery of your
Murdo Coyote!
Call: 605-669-2271
Fax: 605-669-2744
Warning of possible scam
targeting S.D. citizens
Chief Justice David Gilbertson
and Attorney General Marty
Jackley are warning South
Dakotans of a scam targeting
South Dakota citizens. The scam
involves callers identifying them-
selves as court employees seeking
to collect payment in order for an
individual to avoid immediate
legal action. The caller will ask
for personal identifying informa-
tion and credit card information.
They use the threat of court
action in order to convince trust-
ing individuals to provide this
information to avoid legal conse-
It is important for citizens to
remember that the court does not
use phone solicitations to seek
private information from the pub-
lic. If you have been a victim of
this scam or need any additional
information, contact South Dako-
ta Consumer Protection Division
at 1-800-300-1986 or consumer- You can also
contact your local court to verify
the existence of a legal action or
outstanding court debt.
High school BIG Idea
competition launches statewide
Youth! Cash! Scholarships!
Entrepreneurship Education!
Community Support!
These are the key ingredients
in the BIG Idea Competition
which is launching its seventh
year of competition this fall. High
school students across South
Dakota are invited to compete in
this business idea competition,
and winners will receive nearly
$5,000 in cash awards and schol-
Students may work individual-
ly or as a team and will be able to
submit their business idea appli-
cations online from September 1
until October 31, 2013. The online
application as well as various
resources and examples can be
accessed at the BIG Idea website: The writ-
ten idea entry consists of a maxi-
mum 1075-word description of
the student(s) business concept.
For the optional marketing
design competition, students will
create an ad and logo to support
their business idea.
Coordinator Kelly Weaver of
the Small Business Development
Center said, We are excited for
the 2013 BIG Idea Competition
and the learning experience it
offers to all participating stu-
dents. Based on the 2012 experi-
ence, we hope to connect students
who are seriously pursuing a
business with resources and men-
tors to further our support of
youth entrepreneurship.
All applications submitted by
the October 31, 2013 deadline
will be reviewed and ranked by
several judges across the state.
The eight top scoring idea appli-
cations will be invited to the final
competition and will make a six
minute presentation for the final
judging component. The top three
applications will receive cash
awards of $1,000, $500 and $250,
respectively. College scholarships
to both Northern State Universi-
ty and Presentation College will
be awarded as well. One winner
will be chosen from among all the
marketing design entries and be
awarded $500.
The final competition and
awards event will be held on
Thursday, December 5 at North-
ern State University in Aberdeen.
Students will participate in a
panel discussion with several
local successful entrepreneurs.
Students will hear the journey
that these entrepreneurs have
traveled and be able to ask ques-
tions of them. Prior to the awards
presentation, all finalists will
give an elevator pitch of their
business idea.
In its six years of existence, the
BIG Idea Competition has
received 865 entries involving
over 1,165 students from 46 area
schools. The competition is open
to any high school student in the
state. The winning entry in 2012
was Canning Coaches presented
by Rachel Schartz of West Cen-
tral High School. A complete list-
ing of the 2012 finalists can be
found on the BIG Idea website
along with a video of their eleva-
tor pitches.
Homegrown businesses are key
to the success of our rural com-
munities, and a major goal of the
BIG Idea competition is to
increase the spirit of entrepre-
neurship. By exposing our youth
to new ideas and innovation, they
can consider entrepreneurship as
an option for their future. Rather
than leaving the region to look for
a job, they can have the confi-
dence to create their own oppor-
tunities close to home and know
that there is support for them
should they choose to do so.
The competition is coordinated
by the Small Business Develop-
ment Center and major funder,
Absolutely!Aberdeen. Additional
support is provided by Northern
State University, Presentation
College, McQuillen Creative
Group, Aberdeen Development
Corporation, and the Tom and
Danielle Aman Foundation.
Other collaborating organizations
include: Aberdeen Area Chamber
of Commerce, Aberdeen Down-
town Association, Aberdeen
Catholic School System Roncal-
li High School, Aberdeen School
District Central High School,
and Dacotah Bank. Questions
regarding the competition can be
directed to Kelly Weaver of the
Small Business Development
Center at (605) 626-2565 or
High school sports participation
increases for 24th consecutive year
Participation in high school
sports increased for the 24th con-
secutive year in 2012-13 and
passed the 7.7 million mark for
the first time, according to the
annual High School Athletics
Participation Survey conducted
by the National Federation of
State High School Associations
Based on figures from the 51
NFHS-member state high school
associations, which includes the
District of Columbia, sports par-
ticipation for the 2012-13 school
year reached an all-time high of
7,713,577 participants an
increase of 21,057 from the previ-
ous year.
An additional 15,190 girls par-
ticipated in high school sports
last year, moving the girls all-
time record to 3,222,723 and
marking the 24th consecutive
year for an increase in the num-
ber of female participants. After
its first decrease in 20 years last
year, boys participation started
on the upswing again with an
additional 5,867 participants.
The boys total of 4,490,854 is sec-
ond all-time to the 4,494,406 in
While we recognize that many
schools are experiencing chal-
lenges with funding high school
sports programs, we are encour-
aged that schools are responding
to the challenges and that more
and more students are involved
in high school sports, said Bob
Gardner, NFHS executive direc-
tor. Playing sports within the
school setting continues to be the
desire of more than 55 percent of
students enrolled in our nations
high schools.
Eight of the top 10 girls sports
registered increases in participa-
tion in 2012-13, led by competi-
tive spirit squads (8,201), outdoor
track and field (4,172), and swim-
ming and diving (3,536).
Lacrosse, cross country, volley-
ball, soccer and tennis also had
additional female participants,
while basketball and fast-pitch
softball had minor declines.
Five of the top 10 boys sports
showed increases in participa-
tion, led by outdoor track and
field (5,044), swimming and div-
ing (4,354), and basketball
(3,387). Cross country and base-
ball also registered gains among
top 10 sports.
Eleven-player football remains
the top sport for boys with
1,086,627 participants in 2012-
13, although the number of play-
ers has decreased slightly each of
the past four years, including a
drop of 9,366 from 2011-12 to
In terms of combined participa-
tion, track and field, and swim-
ming and diving registered the
best overall gains. Track and field
had an increase of more than
9,100 participants when combin-
ing girls and boys, while swim-
ming and diving was up almost
8,000 participants.
Girls sports outside the top 10
that recorded increases in partic-
ipants and could be emerging
sports for females are bowling
(25,450 participants in 2012-13),
ice hockey (9,447), wrestling
(8,727) and flag football (7,019).
A sizeable increase in adapted
sports participation also con-
tributed to the rise in 2012-13 fig-
ures. With seven states offering
these programs for students with
disabilities in 14 sports, the num-
ber of participants rose almost
3,000 to 8,747 (girls and boys
The top 10 states by partici-
pants remained in the same order
as last year, with Texas and Cali-
fornia topping the list with
798,333 and 777,545, respective-
ly. The remainder of the top 10
was New York (389,475), Illinois
(339,944), Ohio (327,919), Penn-
sylvania (315,492), Michigan
(304,438), New Jersey (270,423),
Florida (243,397) and Minnesota
(230,421). Although only one of
the top 10 states registered an
increase in participation (New
Jersey), overall, 30 states report-
ed higher figures from the previ-
ous year.
The participation survey has
been compiled since 1971 by the
NFHS through numbers it
receives from its member associa-
tions. The complete 2012-13 High
School Athletics Participation
Survey is attached in PDF format
and is available on the NFHS
Web site at
What better way is there than the newspaper to teach everyday reading to your child?
Start both of your days off right by reading the newspaper,
The Murdo

To Know
Coyote Classifieds
Murdo Coyote August 29, 2013 10
SHOP FOREMAN sought by
multi-store John Deere dealer-
ship operation. Position current-
ly open at Potter County Imple-
ment, Gettysburg, S.D.; a part of
C&B Operations, LLC. Appli-
cants should possess good organi-
zational skills and the ability to
manage farm equipment service
personnel in a growth oriented
dealership. We offer progressive
marketing plans, competitive
pay, and a full benefit package.
Please send resume to Ben
Wieseler, store manager, or Jerry
Hericks, service manager, Potter
County Implement, 30965 U.S
Highway 212, Gettysburg, S.D.
57442, or e-mail to hericksj@, or call Jerry
at 605-769-1710.
petitive wages, benefits, training,
profit sharing, opportunities for
growth, great culture and inno-
vation. $1,500 Sign on Bonus
available for Service Technicians.
To browse opportunities go to Must
apply online. EEO.
sought by multi-store John Deere
dealership operation. Position
currently open at Potter County
Implement, Gettysburg, S.D.; a
part of C&B Operations, LLC.
Applicants should possess good
knowledge of farm equipment,
computer skills, retail selling
skills, and be customer service
oriented. We will train the right
person. We offer John Deere
training, competitive pay, full
benefit package, including 401k,
health, and dental plan. Please
send resume to Naomi Hermann,
parts manager, Potter County
Implement, 30965 U.S Highway
212, Gettysburg, S.D. 57442, or
e-mail to hermannn@deerequip- or call Naomi at 605-
NICIANS sought by progressive,
multi-store South Dakota John
Deere dealership. We offer facto-
ry training, health insurance,
dental insurance, life insurance,
401k plan, paid holidays and
vacation days in our benefit
package. Applicants must be able
to work independently and want
to progress in compensation and
skill level. Enjoy low cost of liv-
ing with great hunting and fish-
ing! Our very competitive wage
depends on qualifications and
experience. Please send resume
to Jerry Hericks, service manag-
er, Potter County Implement,
30965 U.S Highway 212, Gettys-
burg, S.D. 57442, or e-mail to or
call Jerry at 605-769-1710.
Looking for an EXPERIENCED
willing to be a part of a team and
play a role in management.
Knowledge in plant nutrition,
crop protection and precision Ag
is needed. Call Colby at 605-772-
5543. Howard Farmers Coop,
Howard S.D.
S.D. We have lowered the price &
will consider contract for deed.
Call Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South &
North Dakota. Scott Connell,
605-530-2672, Craig Connell,
605-264-5650, www.goldeneagle
PERS statewide for only
Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Call: 669-2271
CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words.10 per word after
initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20
words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted
as one word.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate
which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
through the winter months.
Please contact Grant at 467-1512
or 669-2258. M34-2tp
For Sale
Call Bill Valburg 669-2637.
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume
discount available. Call 798-5413.
ING: Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland.
ATV application. Also prairie
dogs. Call Bill at 605-669-2298.
Thank You
Thanks to everyone at the
school that helped with the Back
to School issue in this weeks
Karlee & Lonna
Murdo Nutrition
Program Menu
September 2
September 3
Swiss Steak w/ Tomatoes, Celery, etc.
Wild Rice Blend
Vegetable Blend
September 4
Chicken Alfredo
Harvard Beets
Fruit Juice
Bread Sticks
Mixed Fruit
September 5
Roast Pork
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Seasoned Carrots
Dinner Roll
Baked Apple Slices
September 6
Chicken Filet on Bun w/ Lettuce
& Tomatoes
Sweet Potato Fries
Pudding w/ Fruit
LAKE area Absolute Auction
September 18. Beautiful home &
barn on 7.2 acres, perfect retreat
or horse property. See on www. Ph: 605-673-
MANAGER wanted: Good with
people and organization. Knowl-
edge in budgeting, grant applica-
tions, bookkeeping. Send resume
or write for application to: chris_ or Arrow
Transit, 111 4th St. W., Lemmon,
S. Dak.
date: 9/6/13. Call 605-234-4401
or send resume: Chamberlain
Police, 715 N Main Street, Cham-
berlain, S.D. 57325. Full benefit
package. EOE.
$150.00. Put the South Dakota
Statewide Classifieds Network to
work for you today! (25 words for
$150. Each additional word $5.)
Call this newspaper or 800-658-
3697 for details.
owner operators, freight from
Midwest up to 48 states, home
regularly, newer equipment,
Health, 401K, call Randy, A&A
Express, 800-658-3549.
Emily Wickstrom, Rural
Advocate for Missouri Shores
Domestic Violence Center,
is at the J.C. Courthouse
in the jury room
For more information call
Domestic Violence, Sexual
Assault, Dating Violence.
Emily is also available for
presentations to any group.

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