Comp Chart

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Retail Commission, Enroller, Level and Generation Bonuses

Mission Marketer


Vice President

Senior VP

Executive VP

Global VP

Compensation Program
You begin as an Independent Mission Marketer by purchasing a Starter Pack.

Active Purchase a Starter Pack 1,000 TTP
(Total Team Points)

Active 4,000 TTP

(Total Team Points)

+ +

Active 16,000 TTP

(Total Team Points)

+ +

Active 64,000 TTP

(Total Team Points)

+ +

Active 256,000 TTP

(Total Team Points)

+ +

You can advance in rank and become eligible to earn more by achieving specific qualifications.

Must have 2 Active Mission Marketers (separate legs)

Must have 1 VP and 2 Managers (separate legs)

Must have 1 Senior VP and 2 VPs (separate legs)

Must have 1 Executive VP and 2 Senior VPs (separate legs)

You maintain your paid as rank by achieving specific monthly maintenance qualifications You can only take 60% of the TTP from one leg for qualification and maintenance (40% for EVP & GVP).

Monthly Active
(75 Points in Auto Ship)

Monthly Active 750 TTP

(150 PPV monthly without Auto Ship)

Monthly Active 3,000 TTP

60% Rule Applies

+ +

Monthly Active 12,000 TTP

60% Rule Applies

+ +

Monthly Active 48,000 TTP

40% Rule Applies

+ +

Monthly Active 192,000 TTP

40% Rule Applies

+ +

Positions must be paid as

Must have 2 active Mission Marketers (separate legs)

Must have 1 active VP and 2 active Managers (separate legs)

Must have 1 active SVP and 2 active VPs (separate legs)

Must have 1 active EVP and 2 active SVPs (separate legs)

Earn 20% commissions on the sales of your retail customers (requires Weekly Active status, see page 2 for details).

20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7% 20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7%
with Compression Personal Generation Team Generation - 1 Team Generation - 2

20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7%

20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7%

20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7%

20% E1 - 7% E2 - 7%

Earn 7% Enroller Bonuses from volume of those you personally enroll (E1s) and their enrollees (E2s). As a manager earn a 3% Level Bonus on volume of those enrolled on your first level (Level 1), as well as those sponsored to you. Deep & Wide Rule: To get paid at the 2nd, 3rd, and/or 4th Generations you need to be as wide as you are deep. For example, if you are a Vice President and have a 2nd Generation Vice President, you need to have two Vice Presidents at the 1st Generation level. To get paid on a 3rd Generation, you must be three wide, and to get paid on a 4th Generation you must be four wide.

L1-3% 4% 5% 1%


+3% +4% +2% +1% +3% +3% +2% +1%
Team Generation - 4

+1% +1% +1% +1% +1%

revised 4/30/13

Team Generation - 3

Our Compensation Program can be extremely rewarding for those willing to put forth the time and effort to follow our Success Plan

First Order Bonus

First Order Bonus
Accumulate 2,000 PPV over any period of time

Business Builder Bonus

Qualification Business Builder Bonus

of all Direct Enrollees (an E1) first order up to 1,000 PV

Personnally purchase optional First Order(s) of 400 PV within 48 hours

Enroll a new Mission Marketer with one of the $199 EZ Start Packs.

$50 paid to the Direct Enroller (E1).

Earn a one time Special 10% First Order Bonus based on first order product purchased by your personally enrolled (E1) Mission Marketers or Preferred Customers. All orders placed within 48 hours of a Mission Marketer or Preferred Customers start date will count toward First Order Bonus qualification and payout.

Enroll a new Mission Marketer with one of the $499 Fast Start Packs.

$100 paid to the Direct Enroller (E1).

Weekly Vs. Monthly

Bonus Qualification
Weekly Active Status requires 75 PPV (Personal Point Value) in Auto Ship in the current or prior calendar month*

Enroll a new Mission Marketer with the $999 Executive Fast Start Pack.

$200 paid to the Direct Enroller (E1).

Weekly Bonuses & Commissions include: First Order Bonuses, EZ Start Bonus and Retail Commissions

150 PPV without Auto Ship in the current or prior calendar month*

Healthy Living Account

(see next page)

Monthly Bonuses include: E1 &E2 Bonuses, Level Bonuses, Generation Bonuses and Healthy Living Account Bonuses

Monthly Active Status requires 75 PPV (Personal Point Value) in Auto Ship every calendar month

150 PPV without Auto Ship every calendar month

*If a Mission Marketer failed to accumulate the qualifying PPV in the prior calendar month, the qualifying PPV for the current month must be achieved prior to the end of the weekly commission period to receive commissions for that period. You may achieve weekly or monthly active status by combining multiple orders in a single calendar month. The simplest way to remain active for both Weekly and Monthly Bonuses is to setup one auto ship order for 75 PV or more that runs each calendar month.


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