Creature Collection 2: Playable Charachters
Creature Collection 2: Playable Charachters
Creature Collection 2: Playable Charachters
Darkling Sentinel
Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Lawful) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: c /d8 +V (4 ? lip)
30 ft.
23 (+13 natural) By weapon +14/+? melee: by weapon +? ranged Weapon type +5 (greatsword 2d6+5 or throwing axe ldO+5)
Crystalline armory (Su): Darkling sentinels may form weapons from their crystalline bodies as a free action. They may form any simple or martial melee or thrown weapon. They commonly form dark crystal greatswords for melee or use crystal shards equivalent to throwing axes for ranged attacks. Supernatural Senses (Su): Sentinels can sense the presence and locat ion of anything within 60 ft. Shatter (Su): W hen struck, darkling sentinels may voluntarily shatter under the force of the blow as a free action. The sentinels body fragments into a shower of mineral shards and then reforms immedi ately afterward. The sentinel takes no damage from the blow but does suffer 1d4 damage from the shatter ing effect plus any damage from energy effects from such weapons as flame tongues. If struck by a concus sion effect spell or magical effect, even one which normally harms crystalline creatures (e.g., shatter), the sentinel may also shatter to avoid damage from the effect. Immunities (Ex): Darkling sentinels are im mune to acid, asphyxiation, hunger, thirst, poison, blindness, deafness and disease. Telepathy (Su): Sentinels have the supernatu ral ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 40 ft., so long as the creature speaks a language.
Str 20. Dex 10. Con 13, lnt 10, W is 14, Cha 1 2 Sense Motive +3 Combat Reflexes. Power Attack Any land and underground Patrol (2-5) or watch (3-18)
None, except triple gems Always lawful evil
Darkling sentinels are outsiders who make their home on the astral plane or on the Scarred Lands primary moon, unless they are drawn to the physical plane by a summoning. Wherever they are found, they are usually involved in pacts with other evil outsiders or mortal wirardstoguardstrongholdsagainst intruders. Sentinels are most often found serving in Belsatneths plane of Tarterus, at her throne on the dark side of the moon or in the towers of the death goddess more powerful wizards and sorcerers. Sages believe that dark ling sentinels belonged to some unknown race, perhaps a slave race to the Slarecians, who lived on the dark side of the moon long before Gaurak laid waste to it and before Belsameth set her throne on the moon's dark side. Their dark, crystalline bodies are alien enough, show ing no signs of sensory organs, although the sentinels detect other creatures perfectly well. Their silent, methodical approach to duty causes many to mis judge them for mindless constructs, instead of the able tacticians they truly are.
Darkling sentinels attack anyone who would unlawfully attempt to pass the sentinels designated watch but will not seek to attack anyone else. They normally patrol unarmed, forming weapons as soon as combat is engaged. The sentinel will focus its attacks on any opponent who demonstrates an ability to hurt the sentinel with attack forms that circum vent its shatter defense.
Deryth (Disjoined)
Small Aberration Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: ld 8 (4 hp)
40 ft., climb 10 ft. II (! size) Slam +0 melee Slam Id4-I + poison 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison Amorphous, melding, fortification Fort +0, Ref +0, W ill >5 Str ? , Dex 10. Con 10. Int 8 , W is 12. Cha 4 Climb +3. Hide+3. Move Silently +4, Spot+3 Iron Will Any land or underground Solitary 1/4 None Usually neutral
The deryth were the final creation of the titan Golthain before the other titans stripped him of his senses. As further punishment for his compassion to the lesser races, the titans gat hered up the deryth and
Com bat
A disjoined rarely enters combat. W hen forced to fight, a disjoineds typical tactics are to paralyze i he strongest threat, then flee. If conflict is the only option, the disjoined lashes out with a weak pseudopod that does minimal damage. A deryth (joined or disjoined) will never attack another deryth, nor al low another deryth to be harmed. Poison (Ex): A disjoined dervths poison is a contact sedative. Any creature hit must make a Fortitude save (D C 10) or be completely sedated for 2d4 minutes. A disjoined deryth that is melded with a host may inject poison in its host automatically at any time, no attack roll required. A melded disjoined will almost always attempt to sedate its host in the presence of another deryth (joined or disjoined) especially in the presence of another disjoined of a type i hat the host does not currently carry. The host may well wake up with a new disjoined inside. Amorphous (Ex): A disjoined is not subject to critical hits, and it cannot be flanked. Melding (E x ): The disjoined can meld with any motionless living creature, usually ones affected by the disjoineds sedarive poison. The disjoined melds with the creatures body, digesting away the new hosts natural tissue that matches the disjoineds type. The creature may attempt a Fortitude save (IX ' 10) to resist the invasion. A successful save destroys the disjoined. Once melded, the disjoined can be removed with a wish, limited wish, miracle or similar magic, or by
Deryth (Joined)
Medium-Size Humanoid Hit Dice: initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: 5d8+l5 (38 hp)
+ 2 (Dex)
25 ft. 1? (+2 Dex. +7 natural) 2 slams *7 melee Slam ld84 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison, spells, stunning fist, spikes Damage reduction 3/-. darkvision 100 ft. Fort +7, Ref +3, W ill + 1 Str 18. Dex 14. Con 16. Int 1 3. W is II. Cha 15 Bluff 12 , Concentration -*-4 . Sense Mo tive +2. Spellcraft +4 Combat Casting. Power Attack Any land or underground Solitary or pair 4 Standard Usually chaotic neutral
Deryths are not violent by nature, and they normally only engage in combat to protect them selves or other deryths, or to further rheir goal of rejoining more of their race. Poison (Ex): Anyone damaged by a deryths fists must make a Fortitude save (D C 15) or be paralyzed by a powerful sedative for 2d6 rounds. Spells: Deryth cast as sorcerers of level equal to half rheir H it Dice. Spikes (Ex): The deryths body is covered by small spikes that are treated as armor spikes (see corerulebook I p. 105) in grappling. Opponents damaged by t he spikes will also be subject to the deryths poison. Stunning Fist (Ex): Twice per day, the deryth may use the Stunning Fist tear in its slam attacks (see core rulebook I page 85). Fortitude save (D C 13) to resist the stun.
A fully joined deryth is n rare sight in the Scarred Lands. Although they are not prone to vio lence, they are titanspaxvn. As such, they arc nor welcome in most civilized areas. This suits the deryth line, as they arc nomads at heart, wandering the face of the Scarred Lands, searching for t he whereabouts ot more of their race. A joined deryth pri marily engages itself in collectin and reuniting more of its
Dream Folk
Medium-Size Outsider Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: 6d8-l2 (15 hp) +4 (Dex) 30 ft. 20 (+4 Dex, +6 natural) Gore +4 melee Gore 2d6-2 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Dream feasting, spell-like abilities Dreamsiglit. dreamwalk. spoken dream Fort +3. Ref ?. W ill
ing beings that are unaffected by m ental effects or beings who do not dream. Dream siglit (S u ): Dream folk have the ability to sense the presence o f any being that dreams w ith in 100 feet, and they can effec tively see the being even if' it is invisible or ethereal. D ream w alk (Sp): This quality functions like astral projection, except that the subjects directly enter the realm of dream ing w ith in the astral plane, and they may not venture from the dreaming to other parts of the astral plane. A dreamwalk can only begin if there is a dream ing being w ithin view. This person acts as a gate way to the dreaming. If the dreamer is unw illing to have the dreamwalkers invade its dream, it may attempt a W ill save (D C 17) to resist and cause the dreamwalk to fail. Dreamwalkers may not attempt to enter that same dream again. Dream folk that use this ability disappear, entering dreams directly. O ther subjects brought along leave their physical bodies in a deep sleep, while only their astral dream selves enter the dreamwalk. O nce a dreamwalk has begun, the dreamwalkers may enter other parts of the dreaming. They return to their physical bodies any time they choose, whenever their dream self is destroyed or whenever a dream they are in collapses as the dreamer awakens or has its dream self or physical body slain. Dream folk that die while dream walking are truly dead. O nce in a dream, dreamwalkers may e n counter other creatures of the dream ing there such as dreamsnakes, n igh t hags or the cre ations of the dreamer himself. They may also com m unicate w ith a dreamer as if using the dream spell. A dreamwalker may also seek out a particular dream ing character (Scry check with an extra +5 circumstance penalty to the D C ) and then lead other dreamwalkers there. Dream folk get a racial bonus of adding +10 to their Scry skill for such checks. Dream Feasting (S p ): Dream folk w ith in a particular characters dream may feast on that character. The victim must make a W ill save (D C 17) or suffer one point o f W isdom drain. Dream folk may attempt to feast once each dream. V ictim s who suffer from the dream feast will awaken afterward as if from a horrid n ig h t
1 9
Bluff+ 8 , Diplomacy+8 , Listen+4, Sense Motive 18 , Spot +8 Alertness. Dodge Any land Solitary 4 Standard Usually neutral
W hether dream folk arc horn of dreams or merely shaped by them is unknow n. Lurking in the daydreams and nightmares of mortals, dream folk come in a wide variety of shapes. Some sow discord and suffering, so that they may feast more richly on the vivid dreams thus created: others bring peace and succor to those in need. Dream folk can walk in physical form, but they require time in the astral realm of dreams to m aintain their vitality. Dream folk have different sues, varying ability scores and skills, and differ ent natural or manufactured weapons. The statistics above describe a typical dream folk. A m ong the tiranspawn, where dreams and visions are powerful magic, shamans whisper that the dreamfolk were created when the titan Mesos was slain. These shamans explain that dreamfolk work to gather the dispersed par ticles of Mesos, and many of these pieces have become lodged in the dreams of tiranspawn and divine beings alike.
Dream folk prefer to avoid combat, alt hough the darker sort enjoy provoking violence in others. Dream folks particularly fear confront
Face Stealer
Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: 3 d 8 (B h p ) +0 30 ft. II (+1natural) 2 claws +4 melee Claw Id4+1 5 ft. by ! " >ft. / 5 ft. Steal visage, improved grab None Fort + 1, Ref +3, W ill + 4 Str 12. Dex II, Con II. lnt 8. W is 12. Cha 14 Bluff 12, Disguise +5*, Listen t7 . Spot +7 Alertness Any land and underground Solitary 1 Standard
ing off friends and family undisturbed. Should the monsters crimes be revealed, it tries to return its victims face then steal another face and flee, leaving the original victim to face the criminal charges and ot her consequences of i he face stealers actions in the victims guise.
Despite its vicious appearance the face stealer is usually avoids physical conflict where possible, preferring to ambush a victim and render her helpless by removing her face. Steal Visage (Su): Ifthe face stealer succeeds at grapple check against any size Large or smaller hu manoid, its victim must make a Fortitude save (DC 12) or have its face removed. The victim is left blinded, deafened and mute. As the victim has no mouth, it will riskstarvat ion if its face is not restored. The face stealer may choose to discard the stolen face or apply it to irs own face as a standard action and thereby take on the likeness of the victim, including the victims speaking voice. The face stealer may at any time peel off a stolen face it wears and/or reapply a face (any face) ro a victim. Apart from having the face stealer reapply a victms face, ii requires a regen eration (e.g. spell regenerate or ring of regeneration) effect to restore the vict ims face, just as if it were a severed limb. Skill s: Face stealers get a +7 racial bonus to Bluff checks. *When im itating a person whose face they are face stealget a +15 circumstance bo nus to Disguise checks.
In irs natural form, the face stealer looks like a tall lanky humanoid covered in shaggy hair. Its body proportions seem slight ly distorted, with unnaturally long arms and a head that seems too small for its body resting on a long thin neck. Irs broad bearlike hands end in t wisted claws and a warped useless horn adorns irs grinning ferretlike head. The creature is seldom encountered in this form, however, as it has the ability to supernatu ral ly steal the visages of others. The creature magically peels away a victims face as though it were a mask, leaving the unfortunate soul with no facial features, just raw flesh covering his head and two nostril holes where his nose used to be. Meanwhile, the face stealer may attach the new lace and meld it to its own flesh so as to impersonate its victim. Using this ability the face stealer takes advan tage of its v ia ims wealth and preys on her friends and loved ones while keeping the victim locked away (occasionally torturing the victim for information the face stealer needs to better impersonate them). The sadistic face stealer spends weeks or even mom hs disguised as a normal person, carefully destroying t he victims life inside and out before it starts killing. It enjoys wrecking the reputation and career of its victim almost as much as it enjoys the tasteofhumanoid flesh. Eventually the temptation to kill becoi irresistible, and the creature begins killing and c < suming the victim s circle of friends, starring with causal acquaintances and gradually moving toward family mem bers and lovers. It usually takes steps not to be discovered so it can continue pick
Grotesque Parasite
Tiny Outsider (Evil, LawFul) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: 2d8 (V hp)
If caught outside the body of a host, a grotesque parasite is generally concerned only with its safety and uses whatever means at its disposal to escape. Its mindcontrol powers can he very effective in covering a retreat , even from a number of foes. II within a frame, a parasite can wade into melee where ir uses its spell-1ike powers to make its physical attacks more effective, such as commanding a victim to freeze so that he might be stntck soundly. Concentration (Ex): Since a grotesque parasite is usually within the body of another being andoften does not sustain direct damage (see below), no Concentra tion check is required to use its spell-like abilities unless ir does sustain direct damage. Parasitic Dominance (Su): After removing the head (a process which requires d6 minus the victim's size modifier in rounds) of any helpless Tiny to Large animal, beast, fey (human-shapedonly),giant, human oid or monstrous humanoid, a grotesque parasite isable to slip its extremities inside the wound and assume control of the victims body. The grotesque parasite now has the Strength and natural attacks of its prey, as well as any Special Attacks or Special Qualities, that do not depend on the head oft he victim (e.g., it does retain a grotesque's fast healing or ;i lamias wisdom drain touch, but not a medusas gaze attack or any beings spells or spell-like abilities). A parasite must wriggle into a new host body wilhin an hour after the victims death or it will not be able to animate the corpse with this power. Additionally, its difficult to harm a parasite that's inside am H1 ler body. Any attack to the head damages it, of course, but bludgeoning attacks cannot otherwise hurt the parasi teat all, and the parasite is considered to have nine-tenths cover against slashing attacks and three-quarters cover against piercing arracks. Blows that miss the parasite may still damage the host frame. A host frame is considered to have a number of hit points equal to its I ID in life, plus its former Constitu tion score, plus any natural armor rating (e.g., a gnoll host has 16 hp for 2 HD + I natural annor + 13 Con). Spell-like Abilities: A t will de tect good and detect magic; three times per day charm person, command and suggestion. These abilities are used as if cast by a 5th-level sorcerer (save IX ' 12 + spell level). Immunities (Ex): Parasit es are immune to fire and poison. R e s is ta n c e (Ex): Parasites have cold and acid resis tance 20. See In Darkness (Su): Parasites have rhe supernatural ability to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even deeper darkness spells. Telepathy (Su): Parasites have the super natural ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet so long as the creature speaks a language.
10 ft. 14 (+2 size, +2 natural) 2 Claws > 3melee; blade +3 melee Claw Id4-I, blade ldb-1 2.5 ft. by 2.5 ft./O ft. Concentration, parasitic dominance, spell-like powers Immunities, resistance, see in darkness, damage reduction 5/+1. regeneration I, SR 6 Fort +3, Ref +3, W ill +7 Str 8. Dex 10, Con II. lnt VI. Wis 15, Cha 14 Hide +8, Listen +10, Spellcraft +8, Spot
Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment:
Alertness. Great W ill Any land and underground Solitary or see Grotesque Herder 3 Standard Always lawful evil
If possible, even less is known of i lie origin of these devils than of their herder masters. Rarely found alone, grotesque parasites are encountered almost exclusively in the company of herders and the grotesque after which they are named. Presumed to be tagalongs or perhaps devils banished at the same time that the herders were, the parasites are literally such now. Grotesque parasites typicallystand shyof two feet rail. They arc spindly and physically unimpressive, except for their human-sized heads;md their wickedly fanned mouths. Parasites are very crafty and have a number of spell-like powers that make them dangerous opponents. These creatures are not usually found existing independently, however. They typically partly inhabit the bodies of other beings. The process by which they take control of another is grisly, it requires the victirns decapitation. The parasite then slithers its slender lower extremities into the frame of the host until its own head rests where the victims had. In this way, a grotesque parasite can assume virtually any form, but the creatures typically inhabit the bod ies of various grotesque within a herd. Andyer.acunningparasireor two may travel with a herd in some other guise such as that of an animal native to the area or even as some other k in g that lei I prey to the herd but was not consumed.
Small Humanoid (Hag) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: 2d8+2 (II hp)
+ 0
20 ft., fly 35 ft. (good storm and moon haglings only), swim 30 ft. (brine hagling only) 13 (+1 size, +2 natural) Bite + 1 melee, 2 claws -4 melee Bite Id3-I. claw Id3-I 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5 ft. Spells, sneak attack, hagling powers Dark stalking, darkvision 60 ft. Fort *1. Ref +3, W ill + 1 Str 9. Dex 1 1 . Con 13. Int 10. W is 12. Cha
AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills:
1 2
Hide +5, Jump +2. Move Silently +5, Spellcraf t + 1. Swim +2. Wilderness Lore
+ 2
Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: Dodge Any Solitary, pair or brood (3-6)
Standard Usually chaotic evil
Even crones as wicked as the Scarred Lands hags can he affected by a maternal urge. Some satisfy this instinct by kidnaping children from other humanoid races and forcing the children to pretend that the crone is their mother, while feeding the children the same concoct ions that are used to transform women into hags (see Creature Collection, p. 94).Though the hag usually satisfies her brief urge lor motherhood and eats her captive children long before the concoction takes lull effect, some children do survive long enough for the brew to change them into haglings. Hags that are of a personality bent to keep meddlesome children about long enough for them to become haglings usually keep them for quite some time afterward. Some hags even collect a brood of children to attend them. Most haglings eventually get tired of theirmothers cruelty and risk her disfavor by run ning away and hoping the hag does not catch them. Such haglings wander on the edges of soci ety, stealing food and com m itting mischievous pranks of vandalism. I lowever, sometimes, their pranks turn brutally violent and murderous.
Many t imes they also have been used as spies for rheir hag mothers, bait tor woodland traps and as messen gers to those a hag wishes to terrify. All haglings appear asdirty.scrufly, little children with a gleam of malice in their eyes and fingernails that are now sharp talons. They do not seem to age physi cally or mature mentally. Their physical aspect and their minor sorcerous powers are further defined by the type of hag that transformed them into haglings: Brine hauling* have gray-green skin, matted black hair and pronounced webbing between fingers and toes. They are usually children presumed drowned but actu ally taken from fishing villages by brine hags. These haglings have a penchant for drowning small children and animals and for vandali:ing fishing boats. Cavern haglings are nearly blind but have already developed their hag mothers acute sense of smell. Their skin is crusty, as if the haglings are always covered with dirt; they have lit tie of their original hair left; and they possess sharp teeth. These haglings often come from miners' children who are lost in cave-ins actually caused by the cavern hag to cover her abduc tion. Cavern haglings are known for skinning and tanning their vict ims flesh and using it as Hide armor. Ice haglings have pale blue skin and hair as white as fresh snow. They dress is cast off pieces of animal fur that have been poorly tanned. Albadian children are warned by their parents not to wander too far from home lest an ice hag abduct them; unfortunately, the warning rings true its not a mere fairy tale used to scare children. Ice haglings are known to collect the bones of small animals and children, which they are happy to show anyone whom they wish to entice away from home to become part of the collection them selves. Moon haglings have dark skin with large, yellow eyes. These haglings are particularly rare as moon hags seldom bother with children. Moon haglings are known tor col lecting the skulls of their victims and displaying them around their mothers lair. Stonn Iwglingscan actu ally appear quite charming if they consciously hide their feral, malicious nature. Their skin is silvery, and their hair golden. Their eyes are bright like flashing lightning and theirskinnotso gaunt asother h a g lin g s .
S u c h
comefmmchil- dren stolen from theirnx)tnsonstormyniuht>when theshutterswetenotfastened tight to keep the stonn hags out. Stonn haglings themselves enjoy entering children's nxmis to torment them during severe stonns; they especially like to ret uni to their fcinner homes to plague their normal siblings. Swamp haglings are corpulent little children
Ice Haglings
Im m unitie s (Ex): Immune tocold, aralysis and sleep. Vulnerabil ity (Ex): Takes double damage from fire or heat. Icy Touch (Su): The ice haglings natu ral claw and bite attacks also deal an additional ld4 points of cold damage. Icy Breath (Su): Once a round, the ice hagling can breathe a I 5 ft. cone of cold air that deals ld3 damage unless a Fortitude save (D C 12) is made.
1(aglings do not really involve themselves in combat if they do not have to; they arc, for the most part , too weak. They prefer to harass and escape, dogging their chosen playmates until they prove too boring. If they are feeling violent, haglings will use their stealth to strike from hiding, and if they cannot kill their prey quickly, the haglings flee. Spells (Sp): All haglings are treated as 1 st-level sorcer ers with !wice the normal number of cantrips per day. Sneak Attack (Ex): Asa 1st-levelrogue, +ld6damage in"P Hagling Powers: Like their creators, haglings have additionallahil abilities based on their creator. See variants below for details. Dark Stalking (Su): This ability reflectshaglings' talent, when in theshadowsor in darkness, forappearingto come from all around a victim, giving them a +8 racial modifier when hiding in shadows and moving silently.
.Moon Haglings
Flight (Su): Ar ?5 ft. as a supernatural ability. Spell-like Ability: 3/dav disappear. These abili ties are as the spells cast by a 2nd-level sorcerer. Staggering Touch (Su): The natural claws at tacks of the moon hagling stagger an opponent for ld6 rounds (see core rulebook II, p. 85) unless they pass a Fortitude save (DC 12). Staggered victims may only take a partial action each round.
Storm Haglings
Flight (Su): A t 35 ft. as a supernatural ability. Spell-like Ability: 3/day flash; 2/day shockmg grasp. These abilities are as the spells cast by a 2nd-level sorcerer.
Brine Hagling
Water Breathing (Ex): Brine haglings can breath underwater, swim at 30 ft. and use their other powers normally underwater. Spell-likeAbility: 1/day uterbreatJungas castbya 2nd-leve; sorcerer.
Swamp Haglings
Im m u n itie s (Ex): Immune to poison and nonmagical disease. Skills: +6bonus to Animal Empathy (swamp reptiles only), I landle Animal (swamp reptiles only), Balance and Hide (when in swampy terrain). Spell-like Ability: A t will detect snares and pits; 1/day frog tongue, Sethriss potency and snare. These abilities re as the spells cast by a 2nd-level sorcerer.
Cavern Hagling
Cavern haglings often wear hide ar mor w hich gives them an additional +3 to AC. Blindsighl (Ex): Cavern haglings can de tect the presence o creatures within 60 ft. by.scent and hearing. Possesses the Blind-Fight feat. Scent (Ex): As the Track leat using its sense of smell.
PiJLfer Sprite
Tiny Fey Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Id6-I (2 hp) +? (+5 Dex. +4 Improved Initiative) 10 ft., fly 35 ft. (good) 18 (+5 Dex, +2 size, + 1 natural) 2 Claws -I melee, bite -6 melee Claw 1d2, bite Id3 2 ft. by 2 ft./O ft. Familiar possession, intellect drain, spell stealing SR 20. damage reduction 5/+I, spell like abilities, faerie glamour, detect arcane link Fo rt-I. Ref +7, W ill+2 Str 4. Dex 20, Con 8, lnt 13. W is 1 1 . Clia
features. Each has a single set of wings that produces a small glitter trail about two feet behind ir as it flies. Once a sprite is revealed, it flees wit h its familiar-host if it can, attacks with a spellcastersown magic if it has to, or abandons a familiars body altogether and retreats to find another meal.
These insidious creatures can hinder and annoy spellcasters or be a serious threat to powerful magi cians or those with unique, rare or potent familiars. Detect Arcane Link (Su): A pilfer sprite uses this capability to sense whether a creature is an arcane wizards familiar. Range is 30 feet. Faerie Glamour (Su): The dust that trails from a pilfer sprites wings acts like a powerful narcotic when directed at small animals, making them passive and agreeable. A familiar sprayed wit h faerie glamour must make a W ill save (D C 10) or become docile and easily to possess. Only one such attempt may be made each day.
Animal Empathy +10, Hide +4, Knowl edge (arcane) +4. Listen +4. Move Silently +4, Perform +10. Search +4, Spellcraft +4, Spot +4, Wilderness lore +4 Improved Initiative Any forest Solitary 1/4 (higher if using familiar possession) Double Standard Always chaotic evil
These wicked and devious little faeries are said to be the brood of the titan Mesos, who used them to steal magic from the world and make those who practiced the arcane arts miser able beyond compare. Now the sprites roam the Scarred Lands looking to consume those of arcane devotion. Pilfer sprites attack the familiars of arcane spellcasters, possessing the creatures to get to the animals mas ters. W hen a sprite encounters a familiar, it uses ils magic and perfor mance skills to lull the creature into complacency before ii spreads faerie glamour over the victim. Once en sconced, the sprite steals spells and intellect from the wizard in question, while simultaneously disrupting his spellcasting capacity. Such theft and assault is committed while a victim t ries to rest. The wizard is plagued by nightmares and does not get a good night's sleep. Pilfer sprites appear as little hu manoids with angular and devious
Ratman, Daywalker
Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 2d8+6 (15 hp)
+3 (Oex)
30 ft., climb 15 ft., burrow 10 ft. 15 (+3 Dex. +2 natural) B ite *2 melee, 2 claws -3 melee; shortspear +2 melee: javelin +5 ranged Bite Id3. claw Id4. spear Id8: javelin Idb
carcasses to cat. Now, as ratmen. Day walkers stride under the burning wasteland sun in tribute to the titan Thulkas, whom they venerate. These ratman tribes gather around the smoldering embers that were scattered when Corean forged the Fat her of Fire into an arrow before Tanil then fired the titan into the sun. Indeed, the Daywalkers believe that all deserts of the Scarred Lands were created where such sparks landed, which may be true, for these Slitheren are found in most arid lands. The transformation that created Daywalkers re sulted more from magic tban from feasting upon titan remains. They gained supernatural capabilities from the bunting embers around which their tribes emerged. To this day, each tribe feeds Thulkas fire by gather ing all wood and combust ible materials they can find in the wastes, in tribute to their master. Seasoned desert travelers who see light on the night horizon know to avoid it, for fear that the ratmen may try to use them to fuel Thulkas rage. These sun-bleached Slitheren gain their name for foregoing their nightly existence and honoring their new lord by traveling under the sun by day, so that he may see them, know they worship him and take solace in his imprisonment. Daywalking is not pleasant to these vermin, however, and they often wrap themselves in strips of cloth and gauze, even il for psychological rather than physical com fort from the burning heat.
O f all Slitheren, Daywalkers existence has perhaps changed most from their days as noc turnal vermin. They once spent their days sheltering from the desert heat, emerging only at night to fer ret out drying and decaying
Com bat
Daywalkers are skilled predators, making as tounding leaps over dunes to attack caravans, seemingly from out of nowhere. They can also burrow through the sand and spring upward from the ground. Although they attack for food, their most cherished prizes are wagons, chests and barrels materials made of wood that can burn for a long time. The ratmen typically use spears made from fire-hardened bone the remains ol travelers used to ease Thulkas suffering. Resistance to Energy (Ex): Thanks to Thulkas blessing, Daywalkers resist the first lOpoints of fire damage inflicted upon them each round. Leap Attack (Ex): Daywalkers can leap extended distances and make the equiva lent of a Spirited Charge attack with their spears (inflicting triple damage; double dam age with any other weapons) at the end ol such a maneu ver, without penalty. They have a +8 racial bonus to their Jump skill and have no maximum Jump distance (see the skill in core rulebook I).
Ratman, Stalker
Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: 2d8+6 (15 hp) +3 (Dex) 30 ft., climb 15 Ft. l6(+3 Dex. + 1natural. +2 leather armor) Bite +2 melee, 2 claws -3 melee, or Scimitar +2 melee, or hand crossbow +5 ranged Bite ld3, claw Id4. scimitar Id6. hand crossbow ld4 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Poison Darkvision 60 ft., skills Fort +3. Ref +6, W ill +3 Str 10. Dex 16. Con 16. lnt 12. W is 10. Cha 12 Animal Empathy +8, Bluff +3, Climb +5. Escape Artist +2, Handle Animal +8. Hide +4, Jump +2, Move Silently +3, Search +4. Spot +3. Wilderness Lore +4 Track and either Ambidexterity or Ex otic Weapon Proficiency Any land Solitary (plus 1-6 animals or giant ani mals) 1 Standard Usually neutral evil
ever laid eyes on a rarman. These vermin occasion ally visit establishments of ill repute in the worst sections of towns. They are almost common in the cities ruled by Virduk, as the kings bounty on Vigil medallions and his need for trackers keeps the rats profitably employed. Cloaked in the dark hoods and capes they prefer when dealing with civilization, Stalkers may be on the hunt or in search of new targets when encoun tered. Most humanoids prefer to avoid the man-sized, gray-furred killers, no matter what their agenda is. This is not due solely to the rats reputation as bounty hunters, but to Stalkers response to anyone who defeats one of their number. Soon after the kill, other Stalkers hunt the individual responsible. They are not interested in revenge they seek to prove themselves against one capable of defeating one of their own.
In combat, Stalkers are much like other Slitheren, preferring to strike from ambush. When possible, they prepare a series of traps and drive their prey into them, letting devices and snares do the fighting for them. Stalkers also use their animal packs to harass and drive prey into traps. They always carry some sort of missile or throwing weapon, almost certainly coating the pro jectile with a poison. In melee, they use any kind of weapon thatsavailable, but prefer wielding weapons in hoth hands such as two daggers, or use exotic weapons such as a net or
Unlike most Slitheren, Stalkers are loners who travel the Scarred Lands tracking and slaying prey. Some times they hunt for money, sometimes simply for the thrill of the chase. In this, they are true to their supposed heritage as the scions of Hrinruuk. These ratmenclaim ro have been created when rats feasted upon the titans headless body, as it occasionally rested during its search for its skull. This heritage woulc certainly explain the Stalkers uncanny tracking abilities and innate ability to tame ant: control wild beasts, as the I iunter could. Stalkers are the Slitheren that city dwellers are most likely to have en countered, ifsuch people have
Poisoned W eapons (E x ): Through their many employ ers, Stalkers have access to a large variety of poisons with which to coat their weapons and traps. These are applied specifically to obtain a particular result, from death to spasms to paralysis. A Forti tude save (D C 13) is generally required to resist the results, although weak or st rong poi sons apply modifiers. Skills: Stalkers have a +6 racial bonus to Animal Empathy and I landle Animal.
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid 6d8+30 (57 hp) +4 (Dex) 30 ft. 16 (+4 Dex, +2 natural) Short sword +8/+3 melee: or 2 claws +8 melee Short sword ld6+2: or claw ld6+.3 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Wound mimicry Fast healing 5, damage reduction I/-. hardened skin Fort +7, Ref +?, W ill +6 Str 15, Dex 18. Con 20. Int 16. Wis 13. Cha7 Balance+?. Climb+?. Escape artist+7, Hide +?. Listen +5, Move Silently +5. Search +7. Spot +8 Ambidexterity, Cleave. Dodge. Mobil ity. Power Attack Any coastal land Solitary
Standard Usually neutral evil
Scar twins appear as normal humans, and go out of their way to imitate humans when they can. Only when a scar twin removes its clothing is its monstrous nature revealed: W hite scar tracings of old wounds and sores cover its body, each healed but still visible against its pale skin. The torso of many scar twins is a raw mass of healed scar tissue. Scar i wins are humans who have lived their lives near the Blood Sea. For years, these unfortunates have been eating the fish ol the sea, tainting them selves with Kadums lifeblood. They have bathed repeatedly in the bloody waters churned from the depths by the titans thrashings. Some claim Kadum finally calls to the loneliest of these men and women and makes them scar twins to fulfill his vengeance. Most of the time, a scar twin is a hidden danger. Often they eke our what passes as a normal life, never bothering anyone until something angers them. Many never leave i heir ancestral homes after their turning, though they often find themselves ostracized by fam ily and friends who do not realize the depth of the change that has occurred. This isolation often makes a scar twin mentally unstable and creates a murderous rage within the creature to punish those it once embraced as neighbors. At night, the agile scar twin finds its way into neighboring homes, intent on stealing a precious object from each of the occupants. This might be a brooch from the woman of the house, a favored pipe from the man or even a stuffed teddy bear from a childs room. The scar twin then returns to the comfort of its home, where it adopts the new item as its own. Scar twins often have rooms of seemingly useless junk, most of it stolen.
The scar twin is sated tor a day or so after its mid night thieving, but the rage returns twofold soon enough. This time, the scar twin takes out its hatred on itself. Angry ar not fitting in, at being something less than human, even at the thought of skulking around at night steal ing from friends, the scar twin tears at its skin, ripping and gouging bloody hunks from its body. But because of the nature of Kadums blood, this damage does no great harm to the scar twin. Instead, the wounds are transferred to the person whose stolen items are currently favored by the scar twin. The scar twin eventually heals; its victim is not so fortunate. Many a horrified wife has awakened to find her husband dead from slashing tears without a known cause... and few suspects for the murder save herself.
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A scar twin forced into melee attacks with a short sword or other weapon. It much prefers hiding and using its wound mimicry ability to destroy those around it. W ound Mimicry (Ex): A scar twin tears at its own skin after possessing an item stolen from some one. The person who lost the item hears the brunt of the damage the scar twin does to its own body. Wounds open across rhe victims body for as long as the scar twin possesses the victims belonging. Both the victim and rhe scar twin sustain claw damage as indicated above. Scar twins will not kill themselves this way, but they often come close. Only when the victim dies or the stolen item is recovered is the link broken. The link also can be broken if the victim moves more than 10 miles from the scar twin. Hardened Skin (Ex): A scar twin has thicker skin and a body desensitized to pain and injury from years of self-flagellation and mutilation. This providesa+2 natural armor class bonus, damage reduct ion 1/- as indicated above ami also gives the scar twin increased resistance to critical hits. Whenever an opponent threatens a critical on a scar twin, the scar twin is treated as having a +5 bonus to its A C for purposes of the second rolI to determine if the threat ened critical was indeed a critical hit.
Skeletal Host
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Medium-Size Construct 7d10 (38 hp)/+15 (skin) (53 lip)
of the lower-ranking officers among the Vigil began to suspect something was amiss. The actions of a young olficer named Katonis saved the Vigil from walking into a deathtrap.
+ 0
30 ft. 21 (+ 11 natural) Internal weapon +? (2 or 6 attacks) Internal weapon ld8+4 5 Ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Internal weapons Absorb metal, skinsteal. darkvision 60', magic immunity, construct, damage re duction I5/+I, fast healing 1(skin only) Fort +2. Ref +2, W ill +2 Str 10. Dex 10. Con . lnt 13. Wis II, Cha 12 Disable Device+6.Disguise+10 Listen +4, Open Lock +4, Spot+4 Cleave. Power Attack Any land and underground Solitary or group (2-4)
Skeletal hosts are adept at using the natural weaponry of their skin-stolen form and are proficient with simple and martial weapons when in humanoid form. If a hosts true nature becomes known, the kid gloves and the skin come off, unleashing the arsenal of natural weapons carried within. Internal Weapons (Ex): Each skeletal host has at least one sharp object concealed in each forearm or hand that springs forth at will without greatly dam aging any skin the host is wearing. If the host chooses to forgo appearances, it can unleash another four weapons that arc mounted on armlike limbs that deploy from the
Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment:
Standard Usually neutral evil
h o s t s
A skeletal host in his natural form appears as an impossible humanoid construct, a seemingly random collection of metallic bones and struts, armor plate, crystals and so on. Most skeletal hosts wear skin and clothing stolen from other creatures in order to dis guise their true nature. Only in combat will the skin rip, revealing the metal construct beneath. Skeletal hosts are the titanspawn of Golthagga, perhaps the most subtle creations he ever managed (not i hat he st rived for subt lei y very often). They are constructs, but they are not mindless, possessing a will and purpose of their own. It is rare to encounter a naked skeletal host, for they have the power to flay the skin from living creatures to wear and move among them. If a skeletal host is careful, it can remain in one disguise for years. Skeletal hosts despise shambling meat, as ihey call humanoids and animals. These hateful creatures use their influence to cause the greatest harm to the greatest number once they have reached a position ol power. Many a bandit lord in the Scarred Lands carries a metallic secret beneath their skin. Most skeletal hosts are solitary. O n rare occasions, a small group of them work to gether lor mutual benefit, such as the infamous DeelerianCrystal Affair in which several skeletal hosts infiltrated one of the Vigils ol Vesh and commandeered dozens of men for nearly six months before some
Skin Weaver
Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: 2d8+2 (II hp)
Skin weavers tend to use wave at tacks, charging their enemies with little organization. They are fanatical warriors and have never been known to retreat. A skin weavers capacity to absorb the capa bilities of its victims makes the creature unpredictable and dangerous. Absorb Capability (Su): W hen a skin weaver fashions an article of clothing or a piece of armor from a fallen fix, the creature absorbs a random power or ability from that enemy. A skin weaver can absorb and use only one borrowed capability at a time and is otherwise limited by the parameters of the absorbed power. A weaver may absorb one ability score, one class capability, one skill or one magical spell from a defeated opponent. An absorbed ability score replaces the skin weavers statistic. Thus, a skin weaver that wears the skull of an ogre can replace its 12 Strength with the ogres 21, gaining an improved attack and damage bonus. An absorbed class ability operates as if the skin weaver is 2nd level in the appropriate class. If the class ability is unavailable at level two, the skin weaver uses it as il attained at the minimum level needed to gain access to the skill. Thus, a skin weaver that slays a barbarian may use the barbarians rage special ability as if it were a 2nd-level barbarian. If it absorbsa druids wild shape ability, it operates as a 5th-level druid. A skin weaver can use an absorbed skill at its victims ranks, modified by the skin weavers own appropriate stat modifier. A skin weaver may cast an absorbed spell at the victims level. Once the spell is cast, the skin weaver may not use it again. Skin weavers may use absorbed skills or ability scores as often as they wish. Absorbed class skills are lim ited in use according to the skill description and the skin weavers effective class level. A skin weaver re tains a victimsabsorbed capability u n til it fashions a piece of armor or clothing from a new victim, at which point: it has access to an ability or power from the latest victim. The previous one is displaced. -i/ weaver with access to a highlevel spell or an extraordinarily high statistic has a C R of I or more. Immunities (Ex): Skin weavers are im mune to poison and electrical attacks. Resistance (Ex): Skin weavers have cold, fire and acid resistance 20
+ 0
30 ft. 14 (+4 leathered human skin armor) Longsword +3 melee: or javelin +2 ranged Longsword Id8+I; or javelin Id6+I 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Absorb capability, immunities, resis tance Fort + 4. Ref +3, W ill + 2 Str 12. Dex 10. Con 13. Int II. W is8 . Cha
1 2
Craft +4, Hide +4. Listen +3. Spot + .3 Power Attack Any land Gang(5-20) 1/2 or 1 +(see Combat/' below) None
The alien outsiders known as skin weavers are among the most unpredictable I oe.s travelers can en counter. Skin weavers received their name from their tradition of collecting the hones, body parts and skin of humanoid foes whom they have slain, converting the items into gruesome armor and clothing. Skin weavers originate from an undetermined plane of existence. Some sages maintain that weavers journey to the Scarred Lands as part of a sort of coming-of-age ritual. Once they collect enough trophies from fallen foes, they return home to rejoin their society. Many sea soned warriors have had the terrifying ex perience of battling a skin weaver that wears a dear friends face as a mask. Skin weavers appear as strongly built human males. Their faces are blank patches of featureless skin, yet they seem to possess all . 1 five senses and are vulnerable ro blindness and ^ other sensory at tacks. Skin weavers often wear 't\ gruesome masks, kilts and armor made from ~ human remains. Lacking mouths, skin weavers communicate with a thus-far undeciphered sign language and do not need to eat or drink to survive. Instead, skin weavers draw sustenance from the lingering life force stored within the trophies they wear. If a skin weaver goes more than a month without slaying an intelligent humanoid and wear ing its skin or bones, it grows weak and dies within the space of a day or two. Skin weavers target humanoid settlements for raids, seeking only to slay as many people as possible and leaving behind any gold, gems or magic items that might be there.
Skull King
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Medium-Size Undead 7d12 (45 hp) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 13 (+1 Dex. +2 natural) Battleaxe +4 melee Battleaxe Id8+I 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spells, multicast, command undead Undead, immunities, darkvision 60 ft. Fort +2. Ref +3. W ill +8 Str 13, Dex 12. Con . Int 16, W is 16, Cha 16 Bluff +7. Concentration +?, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +10. Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (politics) +13, Listen +14*. Search +11*. Sense Motive +10. Spellcraft +?, Spot +14* Alertness, Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Still Spell Any land and underground Solitary 3 Triple standard Always lawful evil
They essentially turn nobles and kings into their own private executioners, but rather than order individuals to the chopping block, the skull kings have monarchs command entire armies to the grave in futile battles and wars or attrition. Perhaps skull kings manipulate living leaders in revenge for the atrocities the creatures had to perform in life, or perhaps skull kings' taste for death has yet to be sated even beyond t he grave. Either way, they can sometimes be found behind puppet royalty in domains, counties or nations that make war on their neighbors relentlessly and purposelessly. A skull king looks like a headless human skeleton, dressed in regal vestments or bejeweled, ornate armor. Irs clothing and equipment are per haps overly decorated, with all sorts of embroidery, jewels and other signs of wealth and status. A l though the entity is strictly headless, two to four disembodied skulls float around its neck and shoul ders, depending on the individual. The skull king can see, hear and speak through these skulls as though each were its original head.
Skull kings are believed Co be the lingering remains of court executioners and assassins who, in life, performed their duties with either extreme remorse or extreme satisfaction. The debate con tinues as to which is more likely. The former are thought to remain in this world after death be cause they lost their souls long ago, regret t ing the murders they had to perform, yet still following orders. The latter brought such enthusiasm to t he murders they committed that their fouled spirits kept their bodies animate after death. Either way, skull kings collect the skulls of their most regret ted or favorite execution victims and magically bear them on their bodies in a restless unlife. Having dedicated their lives to killing on behalf ol ot hers, skull kings dedicate their unlives to putting others at their beck and call. Specifi cally, they blackmail, extort or threaten lords or monarchs often those whom they served before - and become unseen powers behind thrones.
Skull kings disdain combat; they consider it beneath them. They let their minions, living and undead, fight for them, while they maintain a safe distance. Skull kings use their spells to best effect in keeping their most powerful opponents at bay. 1 ( they expect trouble, they come prepared, with better ar mor and a greater number of minions. Should they be forced into a fight, they prove powerful adversaries. Spells: A skull king can cast spells as though ir were a sorcerer of a level equal to its hit dice. Multicast (Ex): By chanting several spells at once with its multiple skulls, a king can cast more than one spell in a single action. All the heads may cast spells simultaneously, so long as they are all cast using the Still Spell feat:. Command Undead (Su): Skull kings can magi cally command lesser undead to do their bidding (consider skull kings to be the equivalent of mum mies). The effect works as a control undead spell cast by a 9th-level sorcerer and is usable three times per
Small Outsider (A ir) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: 1d8+1(5hp) -I (Dex) 20 ft., fly 20 ft. (at 5 HD+) 10 (+1 size. -I Dex) Punch + 1 melee Punchld4-I 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Spell-like abilities Blindsight. immunities, keen senses, S R 1 1 Fort +3, Ref *1, W ill +5 Str 8, Dex 8. Con 12. lnt 10. Wis 12. Cha 10 Climb+2.Hide+1,Listen+3,MoveSilently+2, Sense Motive + 1 . Spot +3, Tumble + 1 Alertness, Iron W ill. Whirlwind Attack Any land Solitary I Standard Usually neutral
watch each offspring intently for sign of a change. Other stormchildren can he the (irst, seemingly spontaneous mem berofa clan to be of higher bloixl. Regardlessot history, the result isa powerful force in a fragile shell, with little focus and sometimes no moral guidance. Stonnchildren are known to lash out at those who harm or oppress them, and can never find acceptance among their own people again after the change. Some are killed out of fear and jealousy by villagers and townsfolk, whoclaim tofearthehavoc thcchildrencould wreak. Clever would-be patrons make cautious efforts to reach out to these outsider youths. If such wardens succeed, they gain a powerful ally or tool. If they fail, it can mean death. Strangely, none of Ghelspads denizens tells of stonnchildren appearing as adults, as if the bovs and girls cannot mature, do not age or something inexplicable befalls them before they can grow.
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Statistics ate provided tor a human-bom stormchild, but an elf, half-elfor the raredwarf may iv possible. There areeven reportsofa fewhaltling-bomstormchildren. though suchstories go hand-in-hand with whispersof how King Vialuk has seques teredall familiessoblessedand encourageschildbirth in said families. Blindsight (Ex): ( iin seeperfectly unless in absolute light or darkness. Immunities (Su): Stonnchildren can.shrug oft the effects of weather. Their hit dice are added as a Ixinus to any saves against normal weather effects, including heat and cold. They have double spell resistance against any spell involving wind or weather. Keen Senses (Ex): Stonnchildren have darkvision up to 60 feet and may see invisible or ethereal beings up to 60 feet away. Spell-LikeAbilities: Stonnchildren g.iina varietyot spelllike abilities at different hit dice levels. A childshit dice are its effective level for spell effects. 1-4: Control winds, control weatherand fly once each per day. 5-8: The aboveeffectsmay lie used three times a day. Ltg/tm m g and fwesigfu may lx' cast once |xt day. 9+ Control winds, control weather and fly are usable at will. Lightning and foresight can lx - cast three times per day.
Stonnchildren, with their distant gaze, wispy hair and pale skin are (eared whenever they appear, for their powers emerge early in life, before the wisdom to bear them is acquired. According to legend, die titan Lethene or perhaps Gulaben would sometimes possess the body of a woman and walk the lands ot Scam. The reasons lor assuming physical form are unknown, though perhaps even a Dame ot Storms or Lady of Winds needed to know material existence from rime to time. Stories of such intervention usually led to the death ofthe titan's Ikisr, but in a tewthe possessorallowed her vessel to live and left behind some slight trace of her essence. Over the generations that followed, kx>ns appeared and reappeared in families descended from such blessed." In more recent years, tales ol stormchildren as titanspawn have been contested by the priests of Madrid. Adherents of the gixldess believe that the children are actu ally the chosen of the Redeemer, children with divine blood that makesthem neirherhuman norquite gixls. There issome hushed specula tion that Madrids followers claim the children to control their power, making the youths mere pawns, re gardless of their tnte origins. But with supjxirters of the titans out lawed in civilized nations, who can argue with Madrids priests? O f course, caught between these fact ions are the stormchildren themselves youths who manifest inexplicable powers, often suddenly and without warning. Some fami lies, secretly aware of their lineage,
Stormchildren Characters
If stonnchildren tnily can grow to adulthcxxl, they might become members of almost any class. The patron, if any, who helps them control their pow'ers typically influences their path. Those who follow Madrid often become clerics, while those who (all inanu ingthetitanspawn likely become druids. Runaway stonnchildren, without guidance, are likely tobecome rogues, rang ers or even barbarians.
Sundered Woman
Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Medium-Size Fey 6d6 (21 hp) +5 (Dex)
30 ft.
1? (+5 Dex. +4 natural) Claw +8 melee Claw Id4+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Wounding touch Spell-like abilities, monster empathy Fort +2, Ref * 1 0 , W ill +3 Str 12, Dex 20, Con 1 1 . Int 14, W is 6,Cha 15 Climb +8. Hide +13, Listen +6, Monster Empathy +10, Move Silently +13, Spot +6. Wilderness Lore +6 Dodge, Weapon Finesse (claw) Any forest Solitary 5 Standard Always Chaotic Neutral
their toys," because they dont understand the con sequences of their actions. A few appear rational and purposeful but harbor subtle forms of insanity. A d venturers are advised to avoid these creatures if possible, even if they seem to promise aid or would he better off put out of their misery. Its even possible to encounter one of these lost women outside the woodlands. This creature is the saddest of all, however, because her forest home has been completely decimated, or she has become so lost that she no longer knows where her home might be. These individuals are perhaps the most dangerous sundered women, for they have lost all bearing on the reality they once knew. Unfortunately, they might also be the only ones who could relate the fate that befell their homes, and what has become of any titanspawn responsible. Sundered women can also be vastly knowledgeable of the world around which their rrees grew and may speak of events hundreds of years past if they can be communicated with and understood.
Sundered women tend to avoid direct combat or even ignore the presence of others until the search for their home is interfered with, when they can lash out. Others seek to lure int ruders into traps to find out if these foreigners were the ones who destroyed rhe local forest. N o matter what, each sundered woman behaves in accordance with her own part icular form of insanity. W ounding Touch (Su): The claw attack of a sundered woman is particularly vicious. Such wounds bleed longer than normal, inflicting an extra point of damage on the following round before clotting. Dam age taken from a sundered womans claws is also resistant to magical healing, so cure spells are only half as effective as usual, and such damage is always healed last if a subject of the spell has suffered other wounds as well. The same properties apply to dam aged suffered from a sundered womans inflict minor wounds ability. For example, a character has taken 10 points of damage from an ogres club and eight points of dam age from a sundered womans claws and spells. The first cure light uouncls spell cast on him heals six points, which goes toward the damage done by the ogre. The second spell heals eight points: tour of these heal the rest of the damage from the ogre, and the remaining four points heal only two points of the damage inflicted by the sundered woman. The char acter hassix points of damage remaining, and requires 12 points of magical healing or six points of natural healing to recover fully. Spell-Like Abilities: Like dryads, sundered women can communicate with plants at will (asspeak
Some of die oldest children of the forest still suffer from the titans influence over the world, even all these years after the creators defeat. Throughout the Scarred Lands, wherever t iranspawn or the lords own hands have af flicted magical woods, dryads have suffered. Where forests have been leveled, charred or corrupted by unholy influence, the dryad kin of those lost trees have been driven to madness. Kept alive by some cruel twist of fate or unknowable will, the refugee fey have been twisted into a mockery of their former beauty. W ithout the trees to which they were bound, the wood spirits suffer a confused, wrathful and wretched existence, ostracized from their homes and forced to exist alone and afraid. From a distance, these creatures appear to be beautiful women, nymphs or hamadryads. Up close, one sees that deep wounds mar their flesh. Their injuries do not bleed, though, and their flesh rejoins and splits in new places as they move. Most sundered women seem oblivious to their grotesque appearance. They tend to wander lost in rhe forest, searching for the one tree that is their partner bur never finding it. Anyone who gets in their way or interferes with their search is subject to their wrath. Animals tend to avoid the delusional women and seek shelter in their presence, much as animals would if a violent storm suddenly arose. Sundered women vary widely in personality and purpose. Some are little more than agents of destruc tion, bent on inflicting harm on whatever they encounter. Others seem kindly, bur tend to break
Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: 2d8 (V lip) + 1 (Dex) 30 ft. 17 (> 1Dex. *2 natural. +4 scale mail) Heavy flail *3 melee: or bite +2 melee: or shortbow+3 ranged Heavy flail IdIO: bite Id4: shortbow Id6 5 ft. by 5 ft./!) ft. Fire resistance 10 Fort-t-0. Ref >4. W ill+ 3 Str 1 1 . Dex 12, Con 1 1 . Int 1 1 . Wis 10. Clia 8 Intimidate +7, Intuit Direction +3, Listen +4, Move Silently +4, Spot +4, Wilder ness Lo re+ 3 Weapon Focus (flail) Any desert Scouting party (4-10). raiding party (1040. plus one 2nd-level fighter per 10 sutak), scourge (20-100, plus one 2ndlevel fighter per 10 sutak, plus one 4th-level sorcerer per 50 sutak, plus one 5th-level fighter leader), or clan (100300 plus one 2nd-level fighter or ranger per 10 adults, one 5th-level champion per 60 adults, one 6th-level sorcerer and one 6th- to 8th-level chieftain) I Standard Usually lawful evil By character class
harsh, with an unnerving m etallic dissonance that sets a listeners teeth on edge. Thanks to their patron, the sutak are highly resistant to heat, able to withstand blazing temperatures w ithout the slightest discomfort. Sutak organise in to nom adic clans, each led by a powerful and ruthless chieftain. C lan feuds and perry rivalries are com m on among the desert dwellers, often triggered by com peti tion for the meager resources of the Ukrudan as well as by violent inter-clan politics. A lliances in the interests of a com m on goal are short liv e d , m uch to the r e lie f of the h u m a n settlements that border the edges of the desert. A lthough their patron, Thulkas, has yet to heed their prayers, the sutak continue to wor ship the Fat her of l ire. Fire-mages and sorcerers fill the cultural role of priests, and many of their leading warriors bear ceremonial tattoos that they make using m olten metal instead of ink. A m ighty sutak ch ie fta in s chest, face and arms are covered w ith savage designs of gleam ing bronze or gold that pronounce his devotion to the Iron T itan. Sutak speak C om m on anti Sutak. Their spellcasters, chieftains and other high-ranking warriors are typically well versed in the la n guage of elemental fire as well.
O ften called the plague of the Ukrudan Desert, the fierce anti cruel sutak are among the most num erous and aggressive o f the titanspawn rem aining in the Scarred Lands. The favored children of Thulkas, tlie Iron T i tan, the sutak were decimated during the final years of the Titanswar, and in the aftermath of their patrons fall, the remnants ol the race escaped the fury of the divine races by retreat ing into the fiery reaches of the U krudan. From there, the sutak prey upon merchant caravans plying the trade routes between D unahnae and the kingdoms to the east, and t hey erupt from the desert sporadically on far-ranging rampages to sate their lust for plunder and revenge. A sutak appears to be a well-muscled h u man covered in a very short coat o f rust-colored fur, w ith a horrible, emaciated head similar to a horse or donkeys. Their voices are loud and
Sutak Characters
Fighters are most com m on among the sutak, owing to their warlike nature. They also have a number of desert rangers and rogues among their number, anti wizards (typically specialist invokers who concentrate on fire spells) or sorcerers can rise to notable rank. Like other worshippers of the t itans, sutak have no clerics, ami druids are rare; wizards and sorcerors as sume the role of religious leaders in sutak society.
Com bat
The sutak are most com m only encountered in small scout ing or raiding parties, but a char ism atic leader occasionally gathers a large contingent of warriors to pursue a bloody cru sade of murder anti pillage against the civilized kingdoms beyond the desert. A sutak band com m only assigns a portion of its number to harass enemy spellcasters or archers with missile fire,
Tempus Twin
Medium-Size Shapechanger (Time) Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: 4d8 (18 hp) +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative) 30 ft. 16 (+1 Dex, +4 natural) (may also have armor or shield) Longsword +4 melee; or 2 talons +4 melee Longsword IdQ-t-l; or talons Id3+1 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Time jumping, alter self, immunity, darkvision 60 ft. Fort +4. Ref +5. W ill +4 Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10. Inf 16. W is 10, Chall Bluff+5, Climb+3. Disguise+3, Jump +3, Listen +2. Spot +3 Improved Initiative Any land or underground Solitary 2 Standard Often chaotic evil
20 seconds Kick in rime, and it apparently cannot have more than two versions of itself in the same lime frame at once. liffectively, in Kittle, an opponent of a tcmpus twin winds up facing twoopponcnls,thccurrenrtcm]\is twin, plus die same twin that h;is jumped five seconds back in time toaid its past self in combar. Beginning as sum as the tcmpus twin is no longer surprised, each round on its initiative, two versions of it will he in existence, each capable of a full round of actions. Hits against either of the tempi is twin versions inflict damage to the same [\ x> 1of hit points, since the two are the same creature. bach round on its initiative, the oldest version of the tcmpus twin disappears (as it travels Kick in lime to be the prior rounds future self), the second version of the twin that had appeared lasr round to aid itself stays in the current round, and a new future version comes Kick inr<rhe past u > appear in the current round as the current temporal twin. I his phenomenon causes a lot of contusion for the twin's opponents (ok, and rhe G M and players too, sometimes), as versions of rhe creature appear and disappear each r<mtul. W hats more, the version of the tcmpus twin that is traveling back in time may appear up to 10 fr. away from die current version of itself and usually opts to flank its opponent when it jumps backward in time. This future version is also armed with knowledge of whatever happened in the current round that is akxir to unfold and may use' this knowledge to its benefit wherever possible. The G M should have players an nounce their characters intended actions for their coming initiative so that the future version of rhe twin can react accordingly (since it will have witnessed the charactersactions already see rhe spell for details of a similar phenomenon). The apparent paradox of kiilinga tcmpus nvin vet its future version still Ixang alive to have jumped Kick toaid itselfdoes not seem to inhibit this ability, although all versions of the tempus twin arc slain and all but one disappear when it is killed. Tcmpus twins are also capable of t raveling unlimited amounts of time forward as a standard action. Many tcmpus nvins cluxvse to leap ahead in time if they are close to dying in battle rather than face their deaths. Alter Self (Su): Tempus twins are able to take the guise of any humanoid creature of Medium-size. Changing form is a standard action. Using this power gives the tcmpus twin a +10 circumstance bonus ro Disguise checks. Immunity (Ex): Tempus twins arc immune to any magic that affects time, such as stop.
Tcmpus twins earned their m ine for their limitcvl ability to travel through time. Whcnconfrontedbya f< x .\ a tcmpus twin can jump Kick in time to aid itself in combat, leaJin to the strange phenomenon of fighting a single tcmpus twin and then suddenly dealing with an identical creature as rhe tcmpus twin jumps back in time to aid itself. Tempi istwins | \ sscss the ability to travel several seconds back in rime and can travel as far forward into the future as they wish. Fotgcd from the very essence of time by ( jolthagga, these creamres appcsir as lean, tall humanoids with bulbous, bald heads. Golthagga was briefly intrigued by the possibilities of weaving time in a manner similar to how he shaped and forged other materials. Though he died at Conran's band before he could complete his experiments, Golthagga forged enough of the tcmpus twins that their still-malleable forms sustained life and, thus, set them kxise upon the world. Tcmpus twins make deadly enemies. As beings forget! of the essence of rime, they view organic creatures as pitiable weaklings, albeit occasionally interesting ones. Tcmpus twins will use thcirshapechangingabilitytoenters<x:ietiesandarniise themselves with schemes and debaucheries with no regard for the lesser creatures around them. Tcmpus twins especially enjoy plaguing the chronomancers of rhe Phylacteric Vault in Oarakcene, those mortals wizards who attempt to master time themselves andwhoofren seek <xir tcmpus twins to hettersmdy thcirchronomantie ]\ >w ets. Some tempos twins strive to restore Golthagga, believing that, ifnstored, the titan will complete his work on forging them.
Tcmpus twins arc brilliant tacticians and rarely choose a direct assault. Time Jumping (Su): Tcmpus twins arc devastating en emies in combat due to their ability to physically travel five seconds backward in time as a free action. A twin can only use the|x>woronccatatmie,soitcaiinor consecutivelyjump 10,15,
Touch Corrupter
Medium-Size Monstrous Humanoid Hit Dice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks: Damage: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Saves: Abilities: Skills: Feats: Climate/Terrain: Organization: Challenge Rating: Treasure: Alignment: 6d8 (27 hp) +3 (Dex) 25 ft. 13 (+3 Dex) 2 claws +8 melee, bite +3 melee Claw ld6+2 and disease, bite Id6+I and disease 5 Ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Disease, putreFy Immunities Fort +2. Ref +8, W ill +6 Str 15, Dex 16. Con 10, Int 15, W is 12, Cha 6 Disguise +7, Hide +11, Listen +5, Move Silently +11. Open Lock + 1 1 Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative. Improved Unarmed Strike Any temperate and warm Solitary 3 None Usually chaotic evil
was in making them immune to all diseases, including t heir own and those of other touch corrupters. They can infect one another and putrefy their dead, but they cannot die through the diseases they spread among themselves. Many touch corrupters can still be found wan dering the Mourning Marches, especially along the borders of Vesh, although they have been discovered in many other regions as well. Canny touch corrupt ers hide in plain sight by joining roving leper bands, following the damned from city to city. If any of the lepers ever notice their numbers shrinking on their trek, most assume it to be because o( the death and disease they live with daily. The touch and bite of a touch corrupter carries disease the reason many are reluctant to fight this titanspawn. Many arc content to let them live among the lepers, finding meals among the shunned.
A touch corrupter attacks by attempting to get in close to its victim to bite and claw, spreading disease among its foes. Disease (Ex): Slimy doom claw, bite, Forti tude save (D C 14), incubation period 1 day; damage 1 d4 temporary Constitution and victim must succeed at another saving throw or I point ol temporary damage is permanently drained instead. Putrefy (Ex): A being slain by a touch corrupter begins decomposing at an accelerated rate, until nothing but a bubbling pool of putrefied muck re mains after a 2d6 minutes. A remove disease spell cast upon the corpse will halt the decomposition. Immunities (Ex): Touch corrupters are immune to disease and poison.
Touch corrupters are walking masses of decay. Oozing sores run rampant across their bodies. Blisters burst in great masses on their hands and feet, leaving a trail of disease where they walk. These bunchedover titanspawn hide their hands and badly distorted faces beneath rags and cowls. They often seek shelter and a food supply by blending in with a colony of lepers. Even then, they rarely fit in, as every inch of t heir bodies is a plague wailing to be unleashed on those they touch. Touch corrupters were created early in the Titanswar by Chern of the Last Great Sickness and Suffering to reduce the ranks of his enemies. Cherns children, as they were called, partially succeeded. Their downfall came not because of their enemies, however, but because of infighting that decimated their numbers when food supplies ran low. This turn of events was Cherns fault. He crafted his children to destroy whatever they touched by putrefying it. He also made sure that none of those killed would be raised to plague him again by giving the touch corrupters an appetite for the decayed dead. This strategy worked fine for a while, with the touch corrupters working together to overwhelm and destroy those arrayed against Chern. Unfortunately, when the enemies ran out, so did the food supply, and the ever-hungry touch corrupters fell on one another in a fight for fresh food. As a resulr, those touch corrupters that survived have learned to keep fighting until all threats to them and their meals are removed; those who survived the Titanswar learned better t han to turn their backs on enemies for a meal lest they become the meal. Many of these walking plague-carriers have come to envy the dead. Cherns final irony for his children
Leonine demons are tall and powerfully muscled, appearing much like manticora but with even grim mer, demonic features and even fuller manes of hair. Their powerful, serpentine tail is covered in sharp barbs. They are always armed with twin battleaxes in the style of their god.
Demon, Leonine
Medium-Size Outsider (Evil, Chaotic) Hit Oice: Initiative: Speed: AC: Attacks:
6d8+24 (51 hp) + 3 (+3 Dex) 35 ft. 2 1 (+ 3 Oex. + 3 natural. + 5 armor) 2 claws + 1 1 melee, bite *b melee; or tail whip+ 1 1melee; or 2 battleaxes + 1 2me lee Claw 1d6+5, bite ld4+2; or tail whip 2d6+5; or battleaxe ld8+5 5 ft. by 5 ft. / 5ft. (10 ft. tail whip) Spell-like abilities, roar Damage reduction 15/+ 1, SR 16, immu nities. resistance, telepathy, summon demon Fort +?, Ref +8. Will + 5 Str 20. Dex lb. Con 1 9. lnt 8. Wis 11,Cha 15 Balance +4, Climb + 5, Hide +6, Intimi date +7, Listen +8. Move Silently +6, Spot +6, Wilderness Lore + 5 Cleave, Power Attack, Track. Weapon Focus (battleaxe) Any land and underground Solitary, hunting party (2-5) or pride (6-10)
Leonine demons fight with fervent dedication and ferocity. They will usually roar a challenge to their foes anti then wade into battle and attack with their massive weapons and deadly tails against any foes who did not flee in terror. Spell-Like Abilities: A i will battlecry, detect good, dimensional anchor, locale object, see invisibility, and shatter as a 6th-level sorcerer. Roar (Su): As a supernatural sonic effect, a leonine demon can emit a bone-shaking roar. Treat i he roar as a cone effect 30 feet long from the demon. Anyone caught in the effect must make a Fortitude save ( I X : 17) or be deafened for 2d6 minutes and must m akeaW illsave(DC 15) or suffer the roars fear effect, becoming frightened for 2d6 minutes (see core rulebook II p. 84 for effects of being deafened and frightened). Poison (Ex): A leonine demons rail barbs are poisonous. Any opponent damaged by the tail whip must also make Fortitude save (D C 17). Initial and secondary damage 2 points each of Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution tempo rary ability damage. Im m unities (Ex): De mons arc immune to poison and electrical attacks. Resistance (Ex): I'te utons have cold, fire and acid resistance 20. Telepathy (Su): Demons have thesupernatural ability to communicate telepathically with any crea ture within 100 feet as long as the creature speaks a language. Summon Demon (Sp):Onceaday, a leonine de m on can attempt to sum m on 3d 10 dretches, ld4 leonine demons, or I hezrou with a 50% chance of success, or the I lerald of Vangal with a I0% chance of success.
Standard Always chaotic evil Alignment: Advancement Range: 7-9 HO (Medium-size): 10-12 HO (Large)
The fierce leonine demons are mighty warriors found in the service of Vangal. Scholars believe that Vangal may lvavecre / ared these demons as his personal shock troops ~ p from the dead J souls o f his
m anticora war riors. No one has been able to question the demons about their origins, but they are rarely encountered in the physical plane. When they aresummoned by Vangals priests, they ten serve as trackers for Horsemen of Vangal or guard troops for pitche against VangaFs foes.