The Last Days Booklet D (L15)
The Last Days Booklet D (L15)
The Last Days Booklet D (L15)
Faith always exhibits itself in real and identifiable action. I will shew thee my faith by my works. James 2:18. Often the Lord has asked His people to express their faith through the performance of an action. Many of Christs miracles occurred in response to an act of faith. This principle helps us to understand the purpose of the ceremonial ordinances of the Old Testament. Performing those ceremonies did not earn salvation for the Israelites, but served as the means whereby they were to demonstrate their faith in the Saviour who was to come. Every sacrifice offered, every ordinance performed, was to be an expression of faith in Christ. By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice. Hebrews 11:4. Through faith he [Moses] kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood. Hebrews 11:28.
Every element in the Old Testament ritual system was specifically designed by Christ to illustrate His own work in the plan of salvation. Every lamb that was slain prefigured Christ, the Lamb of God, who would be offered on the cross for the sins of the world. Everything the priests did pointed to Jesus, our great High Priest in the courts above. In fact, even the way the Sanctuary and its furniture was arranged was designed to illustrate the plan of salvation.
By just contemplating the meaning of the Sanctuary, its arrangement and the ceremonies performed, an Israelite could understand the entire gospel of salvation. So the gospel of Christ is clearly illustrated in the Old Testament, and it is definitely plainly proclaimed in the New Testament. Since the plan of salvation is clearly seen connected in both the Old and the New Testaments, and since the ceremonial system centered around the sanctuary and its services, then it should not surprise us to find that every major scene in the book of Revelation is oriented with respect to the temple in heaven where Christ is ministering for us. The heavenly temple is specifically mentioned 14 times in Revelation (see 3:12; 7:15; 11:1, 2, 19; 14:15, 17; 15:5, 6, 8; 16:1, 17). Revelation is full of sanctuary terminology. Twenty-eight times in Revelation Jesus is called the Lamb. References to sanctuary furniture such as the candlesticks, the altar of incense, and the ark of the testament are found throughout the book. Other references to the temple in heaven include Psalm 11:4; 18:6; Isaiah 6:1; Habakkuk 2:20; Malachi 3:1; and Hebrews 8 and 9. The tabernacle on earth was patterned after the temple in heaven. It consisted of two apartments, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, and specific services were carried out in each of these apartments especially in regards to the Most Holy Place and the day of Atonement.
This step was symbolized in the Old Testament by the daily slaying of animals. A perfect lamb without blemish was required, and sacrificed in the courtyard. Every drop of blood that was shed in those rituals pointed to the sacrifice of Jesus for lost mankind. His death paid the full price for our redemption.
This step was symbolized by the daily duties performed by the priests in the holy place, or first apartment of the sanctuary. Incense was continually offered before God, mingled with the prayers of the saints. This represented Christs priestly intercession for His people which He began after His ascension to heaven. Through Christs first apartment ministry the sinners guilt is pardoned, and Christs righteousness is imparted to His people.
The third step was illustrated once each year in the Old Testament ceremonies. The tenth day of the seventh month was called the Day of Atonement. It was the day on which the sanctuary was cleansed. It was considered the most solemn and significant event of the year. On that day the whole congregation appeared before the Lord that they might be made at one with Him. Sins which had been brought to the sanctuary throughout the year were figuratively removed from it on that day. But those who failed to humble themselves before God were cut off from being considered the people of God. On that day the high priest alone went past the inner veil into the Most Holy Place and appeared before God. With him he took the blood of a goat and a censer of coals from the altar of incense. This represented the final phase of Christs work in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary, performed in the time of the end to atone for all confessed sins. The work of atonement is not complete until the sanctuary is thus cleansed. Scripture references to the Old Testament Day of Atonement include Leviticus 16 and Leviticus 23:27-32. Information on the end-time cleansing of the sanctuary is found in Daniel 8:14; Malachi 3:1-5; and Hebrews 8 and 9.
Jesus is now inviting all who will respond, to allow Him to cleanse them from sin. He is now pleading the merits of His own sacrifice on behalf of all who will choose it. But when His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary is finished and everyone on earth has either cooperated with or rejected His atoning work, He will then leave the sanctuary. His work of intercession ceases. Those who during the time of probation have made an entire consecration of their lives to Him are at that time sealed from the power of Satan. They will sin no more. But those who spurned Gods grace while Jesus pleaded, will find no mediator when probation ends. They had chosen to retain their sins, and their decision cannot be reversed. Revelation 15:5-8 describes the scene after Jesus leaves the temple. The sanctuary is empty; its activities have ended. The wrath of God is now poured out upon the unrepentant. The plagues which then will fall upon the world are described in Revelation 16. But those who had made the Lord their refuge will have His protection during the time of trouble (see Isaiah 4:4-6; 26:20; and 33:16). The beautiful ninety-first Psalm also describes the protection to be enjoyed by the righteous during that time. Take time to read and memorize these passages so they will be in your heart to strengthen and encourage you in the days ahead.