Sand-Clay Base Course

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AC 150/5370-10E


DESCRIPTION 213-1.1 This item shall consist of a base course composed of approved selected material, constructed on a prepared underlying course in accordance with these specifications and shall conform to the dimensions and typical cross section shown on the plans. MATERIALS 213-2.1 SAND-CLAY. The materials shall be a mixture of clay and mineral aggregate. This mixture shall consist of topsoil, sand-clay, sand-clay gravel, disintegrated granite, or other approved selected aggregate, and it shall contain sufficient binder material so blended or processed as to produce a uniform mixture complying with the requirements of these specifications. The materials shall be uniform and free from excess amounts of clay or organic matter such as leaves, grass, roots, and other objectionable or foreign substances. The coarse aggregate (particles coarser than a No. 4 mesh (4.75 mm) sieve) shall consist of hard, durable pieces or fragments of stone or gravel. The gradation of the blended or processed material shall meet the requirements of one of the gradations given in the following table, when tested in accordance with ASTM C 136. Sieve designation Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves 100 85-100 45-75 30-60 10-40 2-15 100 85-100 65-100 60-100 20-70 4-25

1-1/2 inch (38.5 mm) 1 inch (25.0 mm) No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 10 (2.0 mm) No. 40 (0.42 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm)

The fraction passing the No. 40 (0.42 mm) mesh sieve shall be referred to as binder. The fraction passing the No. 200 (0.075 mm) mesh sieve shall be less than one-half the fraction passing the No. 40 (0.42 mm) mesh sieve. The material passing the No. 40 mesh sieve shall have a plasticity index not to exceed 6 and have a liquid limit of not more than 25, when tested in accordance with ASTM D 4318, for gradation A; plasticity index shall not exceed 4 and the liquid limit shall not exceed 25 for gradation B. 213-2.2 FILLER FOR BLENDING . If filler, in addition to that naturally present in the base course material, is necessary for satisfactory bonding of the material, or for changing the soil constants of the material passing the No. 40 (0.42 mm) mesh sieve, or for correcting the gradation to the limitations of the specified gradation, it shall be uniformly blended with the base course material. The material for such purpose shall be obtained from sources approved by the Engineer and, when used, shall be of a gradation necessary to accomplish the specified gradation in the finally processed material. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 213-3.1 OPERATION IN PITS. All work involved in clearing and stripping pits, including the handling of unsuitable material shall be performed by the Contractor at his/her expense. The base material shall be obtained from approved pits or other approved sources. The material in the pits shall be excavated and handled in a manner that assures a uniform and satisfactory product. 213-3.2 EQUIPMENT. All equipment necessary for the proper construction of this work shall be on the project, in first-class working condition, and approved by the Engineer before construction is permitted to start.


AC 150/5370-10E


The processing equipment shall be designed, constructed, operated, and capable of thoroughly mixing all materials and water in the directed proportions to produce a base course of the gradation and consistency required. 213-3.3 PREPARING UNDERLYING COURSE. The underlying course shall be checked and accepted by the Engineer before placing and spreading operations are started. Any ruts or soft yielding places caused by improper drainage conditions, hauling, or any other cause shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense before the base course is placed thereon. Material shall not be placed on frozen subgrade or subbase. 213-3.4 PLANT MIXING. The base material shall be uniformly blended and mixed in an approved central or travel mixing plant. The sand-clay, together with any blended material, shall be thoroughly mixed with the required amount of water. After the mixing is complete, the base material shall be transported to, and spread on, the underlying course without undue loss of the moisture content. 213-3.5 PLACING AND SPREADING. The base course material that is correctly proportioned or that has been processed in a plant shall be placed on the prepared underlying course and compacted in the thickness shown on the plans. The depositing and spreading of the material shall commence where designated and shall progress without breaks. The material shall be deposited and spread in lanes in a uniform layer and without segregation of size to such loose depth that, when compacted, the layer shall have the required thickness. The material shall be spread by spreader boxes, or other approved devices, equipped to distribute the material in a uniform layer. When approved, the material may be dumped in piles, but it shall be spread immediately. Hauling over the uncompacted base course shall not be permitted. 213-3.6 TRAVEL PLANT MIX. When the use of a travel plant is approved, sufficient quantities and proportions of all material necessary shall be used to provide a base mixture that conforms to the specified gradation, quality, and thickness. If a windrow travel plant is employed for mixing, the sand-clay shall be placed in windrows parallel to the pavement centerline. If a traveling plant is used which mixes previously spread material in-place, the sandclay shall be spread to a thickness that may be readily handled by the machine and that will develop the proper thickness for each layer. The base material shall be of a satisfactory moisture content to obtain maximum density. After mixing has been completed, the base material shall be spread to the required depth and width by a selfpowered blade grader, mechanical spreader, or other approved method. In spreading, care shall be taken to prevent cutting into the underlying layer. The material shall be bladed, disced, and dragged if necessary until a smooth, uniform surface is obtained true to line, grade, and cross section and in condition for compacting. 213-3.7 MIXED IN-PLACE. When the base materials are to be proportioned and mixed or blended in-place, the different layers shall be spread and placed in the following manner with the relative proportions of the components of the mixture designated by the Engineer. The base aggregate shall be deposited and spread evenly on the subgrade to a uniform thickness and width. Then the binder or filler shall be deposited and spread evenly over the first layer. There shall be as many layers of materials added as the Engineer may direct to obtain the required base mixture. After the required materials have been placed, they shall be thoroughly mixed and blended using approved graders, discs, harrows, rotary-tillers, supplemented by other suitable equipment if necessary. The mixing shall continue until the mixture is uniform throughout. Areas of segregated material shall be corrected by the addition of binder or filler material and then thoroughly remixed. If necessary, water in the required amount shall be uniformly applied as directed by the Engineer prior to and during the mixing operation to maintain the material at the proper moisture content. When the mixing and blending has been completed, the material shall be spread in a uniform layer which, when compacted, will meet the requirements for thickness and typical cross section. 213-3.8 GENERAL METHODS FOR PLACING . The base course shall be constructed in layers not less than 4 inches (100 mm) nor more than 6 inches (150 mm) of compacted thickness. Each layer shall be measured for depth. The material, as spread, shall be of uniform gradation with no pockets of fine or coarse materials. Unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer, the base shall not be spread more than 2,000 square yards (186 square meters)



AC 150/5370-10E

in advance of the rolling. Any necessary sprinkling shall be kept within this limit. No material shall be placed in snow or on a soft, muddy, or frozen course. When more than one layer is required, the construction procedure described herein shall apply similarly to each layer. During placing and spreading operations, sufficient caution shall be exercised to prevent the incorporation of subgrade, subbase, or shoulder material into the base course mixture. 213-3.9 COMPACTION. Immediately after completion of the spreading operations, the base material shall be thoroughly compacted. The number, type, and weight of rollers shall be sufficient to compact the mixture to the required density. The field density of the compacted material shall be at least 100 percent of the maximum density of laboratory specimens prepared from samples of the base material delivered to the jobsite. The laboratory specimens shall be compacted and tested in accordance with [ ]. The in-place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556. The moisture content of the material at the start of compaction shall not be below nor more than 11/2 percentage points above the optimum moisture content. ************************************************************* The Engineer shall specify ASTM D 698 for areas designated for aircraft with gross weights of 60,000 pounds (27 200 kg) or less and ASTM D 1557 for areas designated for aircraft with gross weights greater than 60,000 pounds (27 200 kg). ************************************************************* 213-3.10 SURFACE TOLERANCE. After the course has been completely compacted, the surface shall be tested for smoothness and accuracy of grade and crown. Any portion lacking the required smoothness or failing in accuracy of grade or crown shall be scarified, reshaped, recompacted, and otherwise manipulated as the Engineer may direct until the required smoothness and accuracy are obtained. The finished surface shall not vary more than 3/8 inch (9 mm) from a 16-foot (4.8 mm) straightedge when applied to the surface parallel with, and at right angles to, the centerline. 213-3.11 THICKNESS. The thickness of the base course shall be determined by depth tests or cores taken at intervals in such manner that each test shall represent no more than 300 square yards (28 square meters). When the base deficiency is more than 1/2 inch (12 mm), the Contractor shall correct such areas by scarifying, adding satisfactory base mixture, rolling, sprinkling, reshaping, and refinishing in accordance with these specifications. The Contractor shall replace, at his/her expense, the base material where borings have been taken for test purposes. 213-3.12 PROTECTION. Work on the base course shall not be accomplished during freezing temperature nor when the subgrade is wet. When the base material contains frozen material or when the underlying course is frozen, the construction shall be stopped. Hauling equipment may be routed over completed portions of the base course, provided no damage results and provided that such equipment is routed over the full width of the base course to avoid rutting or uneven compaction. However, the Engineer in charge shall have fall and specific authority to stop all hauling over completed or partially completed base course when, in his/her opinion, such hauling is causing damage. Any damage resulting to the base course from routing equipment over the base course shall be repaired by the Contractor at his/her own expense. 213-3.13 MAINTENANCE. Following the completion of the base course, the Contractor shall perform all maintenance work necessary to keep the base course in a condition satisfactory for priming. After priming, the surface shall be kept clean and free from foreign material. The base course shall be properly drained at all times. If cleaning is necessary, or if the prime coat becomes disturbed, any work or restitution necessary shall be performed at the expense of the Contractor.


AC 150/5370-10E


METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 213-4.1 The quantity of sand-clay base course to be paid for shall be the number of cubic yards (cubic meters) of base course material placed, bonded, and accepted in the completed base course. The quantity of base course material shall be measured in final position based upon depth tests or cores taken as directed by the Engineer, at the rate of 1 depth test for each 300 square yards (28 square meters) of base course, or by means of average end areas on the complete work computed from elevations to the nearest 0.01 foot (3 mm). On individual depth measurements, thicknesses more than 1/2 inch (12 mm) in excess of that shown on the plans shall be considered as the specified thickness, plus 1/2 inch (12 mm) in computing the yardage for payment. Base materials shall not be included in any other excavation quantities. BASIS OF PAYMENT 213-5.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per cubic yard (cubic meter) for sand-clay base course. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, hauling, and placing of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item P-213-5.1 Sand-Clay Base Courseper cubic yard (cubic meter) TESTING REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 136 ASTM D 698 ASTM D 1556 ASTM D 1557 ASTM D 2167 ASTM D 4318 Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-lb (2.49-kg) Rammer and 12-in (305 mm) Drop Density of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method Test for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Rubber Ballon Method Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils END OF ITEM P-213


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