Hepatitis B (Paush, 24)
Hepatitis B (Paush, 24)
Hepatitis B (Paush, 24)
Hepatitis B is an acute systemic infection of the liver caused by hepatitis B virus. It is also known as serum hepatitis and usually transmitted through parental route. Hepatitis B virus was discovered by Blemberg in 1963.
45-180 days Lower doses of the virus results often in longer incubation period. The median incubation period is said to be lower than 100 days.
HepatitisB is essentially a blood born infection. It is transmitted by infected blood and blood produced through transfusions, dialysis, contaminated syringes, needles pricks on skin, handling of infected blood, accidental inoculation of minute quantities of blood. E.g immunization circumcision, accuppunture, surgical and dental procedure etc. The infection is not usually transmitted through the umbilical vein. It is transmitted from the mother at the time of birth and during close contact afterwards. The sexually promiscuous particularly male, homosexual are at very high risk of infection with Hepatitis -B Transmission from child to child (often called horizontal transmission) Transmission by blood sucking arthropods e.g. mosquitoes, bed bugs (but there is no evidence to support this) Epidemiological settings. It can spread either from carriers or from people with no apparent infection or during the incubation period. Dialation of hepato cytes. Lymphatic infiltration. Portal tract inflammation. Chronic inflammation is seen. Chronic inflammation is characterized by massive fibrosis,necrosis,repair forming nodes and angiogenesis. If this process gets uncontrolled this leads to neoplasia or else it leads to cirrohis. Wide spread inflammation of liver tissue. Acute infection of liver damage by cytotoxic cytolcines (lysis of hepatocyte) Due to cytolcines disorder of GI system seen. Liver cell damage result in hepatic cell necrosis. There is proliferation and enlargement of the peri portal areas may interrupt bile flow. Cholestasis may occur. Liver cell can regenerate if no complication occurs, there should resume their normal appearance and function.
2: Perinatal transmission
Serum liver enzymes are elevated (SGOT, SGPT) Serum billirubin and uro billinogen are elevated. (LFT) ESR is elevated usually from inflammatory process. Patient with severe Hepatitis B , prothrombin time may be elevated. HBsAG is positive in serological test. Abdominal X-ray shows a enlarged liver. Aspartate aminot renferase (AST) Alanine aminot reanferase (ACT) History taking and physical examination. Frequent exposure to blood, blood products or other body fluids. Health care providers: haemodialysis staff, oncology and chemotherapy nurses, operative room staffs, surgeons, dentists etc. Male homosexual and bisexual activities. I/V injection drug users. Close contact carrier of HBV. Multiple sexual partners. Recent history of sexually transmitted disease. Receipt of blood or blood products.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Provide bed rest. Provide well balanced diet. Avoid alcohol and smoking Provide low fat diet. Avoid hepato toxic drug. Use standard precaution to prevent the spread to other. Provide health teaching on: Hand washing Contact precaution when exposure to faeces, blood or body secretion. Careful handling of needles. Provide vaccination Use safe sexual practices. Hepatitis B is a vaccine preventable disease. HBV vaccine is given as a series of three I/M injections (deltoid in adults and antero lateral thigh muscles in infants) with 2nd and 3rd doses given. 1 and 6 months after the 1st dose. The vaccine has shown 85-95% efficiency.