The Bridge To Freedom Foundation

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The Bridge to Freedom


The Bridge to Freedom Foundation

Master El Morya: "Shining in the pulsating aethers over The Holy Land stands The Temple of The Resurrection whose immortal Flame of Restoration and Resuscitation are guarded and protected by The Ascended Masters Jesus and His Mother Mary." "The Flame of The Resurrection is the hope of redemption of the entire Human Race, by Which the diseased, distorted, and disintegrating substance that has been generated by human thought and feeling and imposed upon the pure energy may be purified, transmuted, and restored to its natural, perfect Divine Nature." "The action of The Resurrrection Flame is the quickening of the vibratory action of The Light of Life within the cells of the body, enabling The Inner Light to throw off the appearance of limitation and stand revealed in The Glory It had with The Source before the world was. The substance of The Resurrection Flame flows through the inner bodies of those who invite It as well as through the actual flesh structure." "The purpose of This Focus is to continue to pour, into the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical consciousness of all the evolutions belonging to The Planet Earth, the reality of the actual Power of Resurrection That lies within Life Itself. As The Resurrection Flame radiates its buoyant, uplifting, life-giving, resuscitating Power through the 7 corridors, beautiful Beings in each of these amplify Its Power and direct It to all life upon the particular Ray Which they serve." "This Temple is particularly beautiful, for It is The Focus of The Directors of The Powers of Nature, and the lovely elementals representing The 4 Kingdoms -- Fire, Air, Water, and Earth -- play in The Atmosphere and Aura of This Temple at all times. The Radiation of The Resurrection Temple is like a glorious rainbow of colors, and the visitation to It by Those Divine Beings interested in developing the capacity to resurrect The Divine Plan on This Earth adds to its great beauty and Light." "The corridors of The Temple of The Resurrection Flame are peopled by Angels, the finer bodies of some unascended beings, and elementals, as well as by The Masters Who have chosen to guard and develope those who, by their very presence here, have signified interest in The Power of Resurrection and desire to have the assistance of Its Radiation." "The Spiritual Law is very exact, and a balance must be rendered for every added blessing of grace, understanding, and opportunity. Therefore, those who desire to move toward The Center of The Resurrection Temple cannot content themselves with merely enjoying the buoyancy and exhilaration which flows through them by reason of their proximity to Its Focus. Each beneficiary of The Resuscitating Power of The Resurrection Flame is carefully supervised by The Master or Angel in charge of the group in which he is fitted to dwell. Those who utilize, to the best of their present ability, the gifts, Powers, and Radiation of The Resurrection Flame for the blessing of all Life are marked, and those who merely absorb Its Essence are also marked by The Supervisor of each group of aspirants."

"The vibratory action of The Resurrection Flame is controlled by Those Brothers and Sisters Who abide within The Resurrection Temple and direct That Flame through the emotional, mental, aetheric, and physical bodies of the neophytes in answer to their individual invocations for its tremendous Power to be loosed through them and others at their call." "The Temple of The Resurrection is circular in design. Like great cylindrical corridors, the courts circle round The Central Flame Room where The Heart of The Sacred Fire of The Resurrection is focused. This Temple is created of substance which resembles mother-of-pearl." "The degree of Mastery and Light achieved by each Brother and Sister belonging to This Temple determines how near They may draw to The Central Sanctuary, because The Power of This Flame is such that only Ascended Beings can stand in Its Presence. However, many chelas and neophytes occupy the outer chambers and gradually, through proximity and through individual application, prepare themselves to approach closer and closer to The Heart Center where The Focused Flame abides." "The Resurrection Flame was first drawn into the atmosphere of Earth by The Being Krishna Who, seeing the shadow of human thought and feeling taking form in the consciousness of Man, knew that the fruit of that seed would be disease, disintegration, and decay and knew further that some means of restoration of these fallen sons of God would have to be provided for in case they desired to return to their natural God Estate. He chose to draw, through his own Consciousness, a powerful momentum of this restorative, life-giving Flame from The Source of All Life." "The Resurrrection Flame became a necessity for Mankind and elemental life from the time when disintegration, degeneration, decay, and involuntary dissolution of form issued out of the imperfect causes set up through the consciousness of The Race." "However, when the individuals from other planets and Systems conveyed the capacity to generate seeds of decay into the consciousness of Mankind, slowly the individual consciousness lost the capacity and power to govern the vibratory action of the physical and inner bodies. The causes that bred fermentation, rust, disintegration, and decay manifested through the aetheric bodies and finally on the flesh forms of Mankind, also through the aetheric bodies and manifest forms of The Nature Kingdom and even inanimate form. Thus was born the specific requirement for an activity of quickening, bringing back to life, resuscitating The Divine Vibratory Action in The Nature Kingdom and in Man when He should desire It." "While The Angelic, Human, and Elemental Kingdoms consciously controlled the vibratory action of their vehicles, dissolution of form was a beautiful, rhythmic, and natural activity. When the form had completed the service for which it was designed, it was consciously dissolved, the component parts released to the accompaniment of music, color tone, and sweet perfume for the return to The Sun of The System (The Solar Logos) for repolarization." "Thus, during the entire time of manifestation, the vibratory action of the form was held in

the rhythm set by the consciousness. This rhythm was harmonious, beautiful, and part of The Music of The Spheres. Although some forms vibrated more slowly than others, to provide certain condensations or substance required for specific service, no form was disintegrating, decaying, or dissolving while it had a service to give." "When a Great Being applies to The Heart of Creation for the privilege and honor of ensouling some God-quality with His Individual Life Intelligence, He must vow to remain The Guardian Presence of That Flame, renouncing His Freedom and joyous release into The Higher Realms until some volunteer Spirit, from The Race He serves, chooses to relieve Him of his trust and become That Guardian Presence in his place and stead. Thus, it is not lightly that Great Beings apply for voluntary exile from The Peace of Celestial Glory to guard and sustain a Focus of Light and Power Which can be drawn upon by Mankind in their hour of need, especially when, for many centuries of time, not one applicant from The Race even applies for The Beneficent Radiation of That Flame or shows a passing interest in Its Presence and the gift which It brings to Free Life." "However, through the centuries, The Mahachohans of each age have availed Themselves of the tremendous Power of The Resurrection Flame in bringing The Kingdom of Nature to life in each Springtime, and The Builders of Form (The Devas) have utilized The Powers of The Resurrection Flame in creating new bodies for the evolving souls of Mankind." "In rare instances, those who had renounced the heritage of death and decay as the natural estate of Humankind were drawn into the vicinity of The Resurrection Temple and taught how to draw That Flame through their inner bodies and their flesh structure as well, and these elect became The Brothers and Sisters of The Resurrection. Many of These Devotees went forth and established Foci of The Resurrection Flame in remote, inaccessible places. The few seekers of The Race, with sufficient desire for redemption in their hearts, were drawn to these sanctified locations and, when they persevered in the use of This Flame, found their bodies restored, their minds illumined, and their consciousness prepared to be Light Bearers Themselves. These people were able to maintain life in the physical body for centuries, and the records of their achievements are found in many of the archives of great civilizations of the past." "Beloved Jesus and His Mother Mary applied to The Source for the privilege and opportunity of relieving the previous Guardian Spirit of The Resurrection Flame, offering to take his place and remain as Its Guardians until some other Sons and Daughters of Earth find it within their own Heart's Light to assume this wondrous service." "In order to be vested with the power and authority of guarding a Cosmic Flame, The Presence of Which is essential to the redemption and freedom of an evolution, The Spiritual Being making its application must draw That Flame, in its fullness, through his own bodies. The Master Jesus offered to render this service at the close of His Mission in Judea." "With the help of the present Mahachohan, whose Cosmic Service and Momentum are built into the full Power of The Resurrection Flame through The Kingdoms of Nature, Jesus was enabled to demonstrate The Power within That Flame in restoring the body to life and The Spirit to immortality. He showed Mankind that what Nature can do Man can also do. He

was later vested, by Cosmic Law, with The Power and Authority, together with Beloved Mother Mary, to guard and sustain The Resurrection Flame from within This Temple where They render this service to this day." "The Resurrection Flame is also guarded by Archangel Gabriel. He and also Archii Hope (His Divine Complement) are connected with This Flame, The Resurrection Temple, and Its Brotherhood. Under the direction of Lord Gabriel, The Brothers and Sisters of The Resurrection Temple assist in directing the life-giving, renewing, resurrecting power into the lives of those who, in faith, ask for such assistance." "From The Heart of The Circular Temple, It flows in a musical rhythm through the circular corridors which surround It. In each of these corridors, Masters of The Power of Resurrection and their pupils absorb its Life-giving Essence. They radiate It outward toward the periphery of The Temple to those waiting in the outer chambers, those whose Light has not yet made them sufficiently advanced to stand within The Heart of the undimmed Splendor of The Flame." "As the pupils advance in purity and the capacity to receive, absorb, and direct The Flame, they are allowed to move inward toward The Central Temple. When They are ready for The Ascension, They rise on The Resurrection Flame into the natural Realm in Which They are destined to abide." "While they are accustoming their bodies and consciousness to The Resurrection Flame, they are also serving. The Cosmic Law does not allow the receiving of more than ordinary assistance without a balance of impersonal service. Thus, from each of these corridors, under the direction of their Master, the pupils are constantly sending forth The Flame and Ray of The Resurrection into The Kingdoms of Nature. This assistance is also sent into the hearts of those who have been pointed out by The Silent Watchers (The Planetary Logoi) as deserving of more than ordinary help in individual endeavors to resurrect The Divine from the accumulations of human living through the centuries." "From The Heart of The Temple, where The White Fire of The Resurrection Flame pulsates like a Great White Lily, The Angel Devas and Cherubic and Seraphic Hosts of The Resurrection are constantly absorbing Its Substance into Themselves and then sweeping It outward at the direction of The Masters Who are in charge of the direction of The Light Rays." "Each of the 7 circular corridors receives of The Radiation of The Flame, mercifully dimmed so that Its Light and Essence may be absorbed and digested by the beings who serve within that sphere of activity. In each such corridor, a Master of Wisdom instructs a group of chelas who are engaged in the service of learning how to draw This Flame, who then, projecting It toward a given objective, hold The Beam of their attention as the channel and guide along which The Light flows into churches, shrines, hospitals, homes, and human hearts." "One of the corridors is devoted entirely to directing The Resurrection Flame in The Aetheric Realm and through the aetheric bodies of those who have applied, through their own Heart

Flame, for purification of their own aetheric records. The Brothers and Sisters, Who direct The Flame in its aetheric vibration, are instantly responsive to those calls made by conscious chelas for the dissolving and purifying of aetheric records in nations, continents, old castles, and places where great evils and injustices have been done to Life." "In another circular room, The Brothers and Sisters direct The Flame into The Astral and Psychic Realms, rendering tremendous assistance in dissolving the mass accumulations of discord which manifest as diseases of mind and body. From this room, also, are directed The Rays in answer to the calls and prayers for those who have passed on." "In another circular room, The Directors of The Light Rays pour The Flame into the vibratory action of the mental bodies of The Race and through the accumulation of thought-forms which fill the atmosphere, impinging themselves in the mental bodies of the people, thus blocking the directions from The Christ Self." "In the outermost court of The Temple are The Brothers and Sisters Who direct The Flame through the physical structure of those who desire bodies that are absolutely non-recordant to disease. From this court also, The Nature Devas and The Elemental Builders of Form, under the direction of The Mahachohan, supervise the direction of the rhythmic currents of The Resurrection Flame that provide the seasons of growth and harvest." "As The Great White Brotherhood freely partake of the gifts and blessings of The Resurrection Temple, as well as share in their distribution, and as Mankind of Earth are invited to become the guests of The Beloved Masters Who guard and sustain The Flame, there is a tremendous opportunity to those who choose to avail themselves of its restorative powers by the opening of their inner bodies, as well as their physical bodies, to the transmuting, quickening, raising power which is provided by Divine Love for those who choose to accept its blessings and incorporate its power into their individual lives and worlds." Lord Mahachohan: "As The Resurrection Temple opened its doors to Mankind, The Pure White Flame from Its Heart reached up beyond the 10,000-foot level, opening the door into The Realm of Light and connecting The Resurrection Temple on Earth with The Ruby Temple of Jesus and Mary in The 6th Sphere." Master El Morya: "It is from This Temple that The Mahachohan directs His Light Rays into The Earth to bring forth the seasons of the year, particularly The Spring and Harvest. Through The Nature Kingdom, He gives the proof of The Power of Resurrection in each recurrent Springtime." "As the spring sunshine stirs the dormant life within The Nature Kingdom, The Lord Mahachohan sends forth the pulsation of The Resurrection Flame through The Earth, and obedient life responds, literally rising from the dead in the miracle of Spring."

"The Nature Kingdom has used The Power of Resuscitation for many ages. The Beloved Being, Hope, has used It to stir hope in the hearts of Mankind in cooperation with The Lord Mahachohan and Amaryllis in the ushering in of Spring, that there is a Power of Resurrection as demonstrated in the sublimation of the hulls of last year's growth." "The Resurrection Flame is yours for the asking. It is Mine for the asking. It is for the slightest bird, the smallest violet, and crocus breaking through the snow-covered Earth, as well as for the most earnest and sincere chela in the deepest recesses of The Retreats of the world." "The Resurrection Flame is the hope of redemption for all life that has lost, even temporarily, the natural rhythm and harmony of God-expression. It is The Resurrecting Power, without Which no man can enter into his Christ Estate." "The control of the vibratory action of the energy drawn from The Supreme Source of Life is the responsibility of every self-conscious intelligence. The thoughts, feelings, and actions of the individual qualify the energy, so freely given to each lifestream, and regulate the vibratory action of that energy as well. The resulting inharmony, sickness, limitation, and various distresses which are externalized by the soul fill the aura of the individual, bog down the vibratory action of his inner and physical bodies, and plague him with shadows of various kinds. These finally lead the individual to a point where he calls for help to reorient his life, to reorganize his own spiritual and physical forces, and at last to arise again to his natural estate of harmonious mastery of energy and vibration." "The Resurrection Flame has been magnetized by Great Beings Who have seen this need for spiritual resuscitation and Who have wisely prepared the way to answer the calls when the shadows become so uncomfortable that they could not longer be endured. Thus, always through the mercy of The Cosmic Law and through the interest and cooperation of Divine Messengers, there is provided a way to return Home long before the souls of men even sense the need for help or desire to so return." "In the early eras, when each individual lived in perfect harmony with The Music of The Spheres and his own inner bodies and physical form vibrated rhythmically according to The Keynote of his own individualized I Am Presence, there was no specific requirement for a Flame of Resurrection, except insofar as It was used by The Directors of The Powers of The Elements to awaken the dormant Nature Kingdom to its rhythm of productivity after its rhythm of rest." Master Kuthumi: "That Temple of Light where burns The Resurrection Flame, Which is the hope of each returned Spring, has been accepted by Nature and by a few, so few, of Mankind." "The Great Circular Temple of The Resurrection Flame has been designed to give assistance to the graded consciousness of Mankind of Earth who are interested in learning the powers of Resurrection. As they graduate in consciousness and developement, they are drawn closer and closer, from corridor to corridor, into the closer proximity to The Power of That Mighty

Flame." Master El Morya: "As you have all, to some degree, contributed to the lowering of the vibratory action of The Earth and its attendant evolutions, you have the obligation and responsibility of restoring the harmony, beauty, and perfection which The Earth once knew. The knowledge of the presence of The Resurrection Flame, its rhythmic manifestation through The Nature Kingdom each Springtime, and its witnessed power as utilized by The Master Jesus, give you great opportunity to make of This Flame a practical blessing to yourselves and your fellow man." "Great Teachers from The Ascended Masters' Realm often discourse with unascended beings in these corridors while the physical body sleeps, helping them to accept, in their feelings, the power and practical use of The Resurrection Flame in the hope that, when they return to the outer world, they will carry sufficient conviction of The Power of Resurrection into their own spheres of influence." "Like all talents and virtues, there can be an inversion of the use of The Power of Resurrection. Man uses It often in resurrecting memories of an unpleasant nature and experiences long since passed away, which should be completely forgiven and forgotten, thus causing distress to himself and others. In The Resurrection Temple, man is taught to use The Power of Resurrection only to bring to life The Divine Plan for himself and those whom he is privileged to influence." "May Mankind, accepting The Resurrection in Nature and rejoicing in each Springtime, take this lesson personally and apply it to The Resurrection of his own Divine Nature, thus bringing about a Resurrected Earth with all its attendant evolutions joining in The Music of The Spheres and emitting Light, Love, harmony, beauty, and praise into The Universe of Which The Earth is presently a part." Master Jesus: "It was my great opportunity to manifest The Resurrection, Which is done so easily every Spring by The Nature Kingdom. I was to come and bring The Divine Presence right into the substance of Earth, developing It into a God-man, made in the image and likeness of My Creator." Archangel Gabriel: "We are in the days of Resurrection. We are tuned to The Great Cosmic Currents to Which Nature responds obediently, expressing the beauty, the perfume, the color, the manifest harmony of continuity of its species, and Which brings glory, happiness, and joy to Life." "Beloved Serapis, The Brotherhood at Luxor, and Myself are Representatives of The Resurrected Spirit from whence will rise The Ascended One."

Lord Mahachohan: "By The Power of The Resurrection Flame, I have been privileged to send The Cosmic Currents surging through the body of Earth in rhythmic cycles, thus providing both the beauty manifest in Nature and the sustenance for the lives dependent upon this precipitation of nourishment for their very existence." "Within that glorious spectacle of Springtime, Man may see the power of precipitation in action and draw hope from the fact that some part of Life has learned how to renew itself in beauty and strength. Because the precipitation is gradual, Man has accepted it without much conscious thought and, for the most part, without understanding that what I have done, together with the powers of The Elements and The Beings of The Nature Kingdom, every man can also do in his own life experience, resurrecting the perfection of his mind, body, consciousness, and world. Feel My Presence and accept my confidence in this power to act. If I did not approach each Spring with the certainty in The Power of The Resurrection Flame, there could be no release of its action through Nature." Mother Mary: "One can use The Powers of The Resurrection Flame on every appearance of imperfection, resurrecting The Life Essence within it to its perfect estate. All human appearance, disease, and limitations are made up of intelligent life. That life, infinitesimal, tiny electrons all gathered together forming the imperfection, desires to be set free. It is the privilege of anyone to call for That Infinite Power of The Resurrection Flame to resurrect the natural life and natural buoyancy, hope, and perfection in every electron that belongs to this planet." "This would act in the invisible as well as the visible, because intelligence within imprisoned life will respond to the positive decree or fiat for The Resurrection and Life of The Full Perfection of The Divine Plan Which was created in The Beginning. Call for The Resurrection and The Life of all the good in your lifestream, all the dormant talents, gifts, and powers in your causal body."
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