Management Information System

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Scheme E

Sample Question Paper

Course Name : Diploma in Information Technology Course Code : IF Semester Subject Marks Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Illustrate your answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Assume suitable data if necessary. 5. Preferably, write the answers in sequential order. : Fourth : Management Information System : 100 Time: 3 Hrs.


Q.1a. Attempt any SIX. a) What is MIS? List two areas of application of MIS. b) State any two advantages of MIS in Marketing Management. c) Mention three functions of transaction processing. d) What is threats & Vulnerability? e) Give advantages of Firewall in an MIS. f) Define concept of Planning? g) List application of MIS in Services Sector. h) What is data in data warehousing? Q.1b Attempt any TWO. a) Identify use of Decision Making System.

12 Marks

08 Marks

b) List common threats & measures required for overcoming threats? State four benefits of good MIS? c) What is business Strategy? Explain in short the types of strategies. Q.2 Attempt Any FOUR. a) List and Explain functions of personal management b) Give importance of MIS in Banking, i.e. its different functions under Account opening utility. 16 Marks

c) Define Enterprise Management System and give two applications of it. d) How MIS is used in Production management? Justify your answer. e) Describe importance of E-Commerce. f) State components of decision support system and give significance of each? Q.3 Attempt Any FOUR. a) Describe benefits of strategic planning? b) Which are phases of Customer Relationship Management with blocks? c) Draw diagram of Expert system architecture? d) List three types of strategies in strategic planning explain any one. e) State importance of MIS in Ticket Booking in Airline Sector? f) Explain SIMON model of decision making with appropriate diagram? Q.4 Attempt Any FOUR. a) What is corporate planning in MIS? b) Explain main challenges forced by CRM? c) Draw and explain structure of E-Commerce? d) Explain given types of crimes i)Hacking ii) Computer Fraud e) Mention levels of management of decision support system and explain unstructured level. f) Explain how business planning is different than conventional IT planning? Q.5 Attempt Any FOUR. a) Enlist benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning in any organization? b) Explain the Application of MIS in Materials Management. c) What is virus? State measures required for securing system from viruses? d) What are Call Centers? Explain B2C? e) Explain concept of Data warehousing? f) Explain what is : i) Staffing ii) Coordinating Q.6 Attempt Any FOUR. a) Explain Role of MIS in Management processes? b) What are different sources of information? c) Describe data mining in beneficial for any organization? d) Explain Business-to-Business organization. e) What is role of MIS in Hotel management? 16 Marks 16 Marks 16 Marks 16 Marks

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