The APDU Interface of PKI Applet
The APDU Interface of PKI Applet
The APDU Interface of PKI Applet
Wojciech Mostowski Radboud University Nijmegen Department of Computing Science Nijmegen, the Netherlands e-mail: August 10, 2009
This document briey describes the features and the APDU interface of the Java Card PKI applet. The applet has been developed according to the ISO7816 specication, for information not included here please refer to [1, 2, 3], or contact the author. For this applet a certain small selection of options from the ISO standard has been implemented, as explained below. The source code of the applet and the host library is available from the SourceForge SVN repository at: The SourceForge address of the PKI project is The current code in the project has been developed mainly by Wojciech Mostowski,
Applet Specications
An ISO7816 le system for storing PKI les according to the Part 15 of the ISO7816 specication [3]: private key directory, certicate directory, CA and user certicates, etc. It is up to the personalisation software what les will be stored in the applet. The applet support hierarchical le system including relative to current le selection or selection by path. Reading of each le can be user PIN protected. PIN and PUC user authentication: a 420 characters long PIN code, and a 16 characters long PUC code. The PUC code lets the user to unblock a forgotten PIN code. The applet does not support any kind of secure messaging for APDU communication. The applet only communicates on the contact interface of the card. Three dierent cryptographic operations: signing, decryption, and authentication. Currently, the supported key type and length is RSA 1024 bit.1 The supported ciphers are the following:
The current version of the applet and the host library implements the following features:
1 This is an articial limitation. The applet could support keys as long as the underlying Java Card implementation does, but the current personalisation APDU interface limits the amount of data when loading up private keys, which in eect limits the key size to 1024 bits. This limitation will hopefully be lifted in future versions of the applet.
for signing (perform security operation command): RSA signature with PKCS 1.5 padding and SHA1 or SHA256 digests and RSA signature with PSS padding with SHA1 digest. In all the cases the hashes have to provided ready to the card and in correct format, see APDU interface below, i.e. the card does not do the hashing, as stipulated by the ISO7816-8 [2] specication.2 The result of the signing operation is the RSA signature. The corresponding Object Identiers for the supported algorithms are: OID OID OID OID OID RSA SHA1 = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 RSA SHA256 = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11 RSA PSS = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.10 SHA1 = SHA256 = 2.16.840.
The Java Card API involved is: Cipher.ALG RSA PKCS1 Cipher.ALG RSA NOPAD for decryption (perform security operation command): RSA cipher with PKCS 1.5 padding. The input for this operation is a valid (i.e. properly formatted and with matching length) encrypted RSA block. The result is the decrypted plain text. The corresponding Object Identier for this operation is: OID RSA = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 The Java Card API involved is: Cipher.ALG RSA PKCS1 for authentication (internal authenticate command): RSA cipher with PKCS 1.5 padding. The input for this operation is an arbitrary plain text with in the limits of the supported key length. The output is the encrypted RSA block. The corresponding Object Identier for this operation is: OID RSA = 1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 The Java Card API involved is: Cipher.ALG RSA PKCS1 The AID of the applet is chosen to be A000000063504B43532D3135. The applet does not support/provide any FCI information on applet/le selection. It is expected that all such information required for the proper functioning of the host side application is stored in the le system in the form of ISO7816-15 structures (EF.DIR, EF.CIAInfo, EF.OD, EF.CD, etc.). The host library and application provides an example of initialisation of such structures and uploading them to the card. It is also suggested that the PKI is made default selectable on the card. During the personalisation phase, the on-card key generation is also possible. Currently, the applet can only generate RSA 1024 bit keys.
APDU Interface
Below the APDUs that the applet supports are briey described.
2 Technical remark: because the hashes are provided ready to the card, the Java Card API Signature API could not be used. In turn, the PSS padding is done by a manually implemented method in the applet and involves the use of MessageDigest.ALG SHA.
After a fresh applet is loaded onto the card, the suggested initialisation sequence is the following: 1. Select the applet. 2. Set the state of the applet to initial. Applet is in personalisation mode. 3. Optionally, change the historical bytes of the card through the applet. For this the applet needs to be default selectable. 4. Load up the le structure information. Note: this step does not create any les, only provides the intended le structure information. 5. Load up the RSA private keys and their identiers to the card. Three keys are expected in total: for signing, decryption, and authentication. 6. Alternatively to the last point, only the key identiers are loaded onto the card, and then the card is asked to generate the private keys. The corresponding public keys are returned in response to key generation command. 7. Create the contents of all the ISO7816-15 structures intended to be on the card (including user certicates matching the keys and CA certicate), create the corresponding les in the applet and load up the le contents to the card. 8. Upload the PUC to the card. The PUC is unchangeable. 9. Set the state of the applet to prepersonalised. 10. At this stage the personalisation should be nished by setting up the user PIN (PUC has to be provided). This will put the card into the personalised state. From this point on the personalised state of the applet is not changeable. The APDUs needed for that are described in the following. Personalisation APDUs are only available in the initial state. On error conditions the APDUs may return a variety of abnormal termination status words. On success the response APDU is always 9000 with no data, with the notable exception of the key generation command, where the public key data is returned. During the personalisation phase no status words other than 9000 should be accepted. 3.1.1 CLA 00 3.1.2 CLA 00 Select Applet INS A4 P1 04 P2 00 Lc 0B Data AID=A000000063504B43532D3135 Le Absent
Put Data Set Applet State INS DA P1 68 P2 State Lc 00 Data Absent Le Absent
The P2/state can be one of: 01 initial, 02 prepersonalised. The state is set to personalised 03 implicitly by the change reference data command when setting the user PIN. 3.1.3 CLA 00 Put Data Upload File System Structure Information INS DA P1 69 P2 00 Lc Var Data Data with le structure information Le Absent
The data eld in this APDU contains the le structure information according to the following format. It is a list of concatenated single le information byte strings. For DF le the following bytes should be present: 3
b1 80 (1)
b4 Parent index
b5 #children
b6 . . . bn children indexes
The indexes (parent and children) are relative to the beginning of the whole data eld. For EF les the format is this: b1 00 b2 FIDMSB b3 FIDLSB b4 Parent index b5 SFI
The SFI byte should be 00 if no SFI is provided for the le. And example of a valid le system structure information is this (quote from Java code): byte[] fileStructure = { -1, // DF 0x3F, 0x00, // FID, MF -1, // no parent 2, 7, 12, // two children at indexes 7 and 12 0, // EF 0x2F, 0x00, // FID, EF.DIR 0, 0x1E, // parent at index 0, SFI is 1E -1, // DF 0x50, 0x15, // FID, DF.CIA 0, // parent at index 0 9, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, // 9 children 0, // EF 0x50, 0x32, // FID, EF.CIAInfo 12, 0x12, // parent at index 12, SFI is 12 0, 0x50, 0x31, 12, 0x11, // EF.OD 0, 0x42, 0x00, 12, 0x00, // EF.AOD 0, 0x40, 0x00, 12, 0x00, // EF.PrKD 0, 0x41, 0x00, 12, 0x00, // EF.CD 0, 0x41, 0x01, 12, 0x00, // EF.CACert 0, 0x41, 0x02, 12, 0x00, // EF.UserCert1 0, 0x41, 0x03, 12, 0x00, // EF.UserCert2 0, 0x41, 0x04, 12, 0x00, // EF.UserCert3 }; 3.1.4 CLA 00 3.1.5 CLA 00 Put Data Set Historical Bytes INS DA P1 67 P2 00 Lc Var Data Historical bytes Le Absent
Put Data Setup Private Key Identier INS DA P1 61/62/63 P2 00 Lc Var Data Key identier bytes Le Absent
The P1 byte indicates correspondingly: authentication key, signing key, decryption key. The data eld contains a key identier, maximum length 16 bytes. 3.1.6 CLA 00 Put Data Upload Private Key INS DA P1 64/65/66 P2 Key part Lc Var Data Corr. key part raw data Le Absent
The P1 byte indicates correspondingly: authentication key, signing key, decryption key. The P2 byte indicates the part of the raw data of the key in CRT format in the data eld, in the following way:3 Tag 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 3.1.7 Key part public modulus public exponent prime number P prime number Q prime exponent P prime exponent Q CRT coecient Manage Security Environment Prepare Key Generation
This command is used to prepare the upcoming key generation command. CLA 00 INS 22 P1 41 P2 A4/B6/B8 Lc Var Data Key Identier DO Le Absent
The key identier object is a simple TLV structure with tag 84. The data eld of this TLV structure contains the key identier bytes. The key identiers have to be already known, see Put Data 3.1.5. 3.1.8 Generate Asymetric Key Pair
This command is used to perform the actual key generation. The private key selected with MSE will be regenerated. The corresponding public key is returned in the response APDU. CLA 00 INS 46 P1 80 P2 00 Lc Absent Data Absent Le Absent
The response APDU contains two simple TLV structures containg the RSA public key modulus and exponent, respectively: 81 82 3.1.9 CLA 00 Public modulus Public exponent Create File INS E0 P1 00 P2 00 Lc 05 Data File FID, File length, PIN Le Absent
The data eld has the following format: FID MSB FID LSB Len MSB Len LSB PIN byte
where PIN byte indicates whether the le should be PIN protected when reading, 01 means PIN protect, 00 means free read.
3 It is my intention to simplify this key loading to use just the modulus and private exponent, i.e. the non-CRT form of the key. This will not be part of the current version of the applet though.
Select File
Absolute, by le identier FID (if none provided, selects MF): CLA 00 INS A4 P1 00 P2 00 Lc 02/00 Data FID MSB FID LSB or Absent Le 00
DF (P1 is 01) or EF (P1 is 02) under the currently selected le, by le identier FID : CLA 00 INS A4 P1 01/02 P2 00 Lc 02 Data FID MSB FID LSB Le 00
By path from the current DF (P1 is 09) or MF (P1 is 08): CLA 00 3.1.11 CLA 00 INS A4 P1 08/09 P2 00 Lc Var Data The le path Le 00
Write Binary INS D0 P1 O MSB or SFI P2 O LSB Lc Var Data Data to be written to the le Le Absent
The oset should to be less or equal than 7FFF (most signicant bit set to 0). If the most signicant bit of P1 is set to 1, then the remaining bits of P1 indicate SFI, in which case P2 indicates the oset. 3.1.12 CLA 00 Change Reference Data Set PUC INS 24 P1 01 P2 00 Lc 10 Data PUC data Le Absent
This form of this command is only available when the applet is in the initial state. The data eld should contain the ASCII bytes of the PUC number (i.e. from the range 30. . . 39). 3.1.13 CLA 00 Change Reference Data Set PIN INS 24 P1 00 P2 00 Lc 14. . . 24 Data PUC data, PIN data Le Absent
The data eld should contain the ASCII bytes of the PUC and PIN numbers (i.e. from the range 30. . . 39). The PUC length should be always 16, the PIN length should be between 4 and 20. If not already in the personalised state the applet state is changed to personalised by this command.
After the personalisation the following set of ISO7816 commands is available for regular applet operation. In the following, if not stated otherwise the commands return a status word (9000 on success), and no response data. 3.2.1 Select Applet
See 3.1.1.
Select File
See 3.1.13. 3.2.4 CLA 00 Read Binary INS B0 P1 O MSB or SFI P2 O LSB Lc 00 Data Absent Le Response length
The oset should to be less or equal than 7FFF (most signicant bit set to 0). If the most signicant bit of P1 is set to 1, then the remaining bits of P1 indicate SFI, in which case P2 indicates the oset. This command will return the number of bytes specied by the Le eld in the command APDU. If there is no Le bytes available in the le, the available bytes will be returned instead and the status word of the response APDU will be 6282 (End of File). 3.2.5 CLA 00 Verify PIN INS 20 P1 00 P2 00 Lc 04. . . 14 Data PIN data Le Absent
The data eld should contain the ASCII bytes of the PIN number (i.e. from the range 30. . . 39). 3.2.6 Manage Security Environment
This command is used to prepare the upcoming crypto operation (Perform Security Operation or Internal Authenticate). Just prior to the actual crypto operation PIN verication is required (every time). CLA 00 INS 22 P1 41 P2 A4/B6/B8 Lc Var Data Key Identier DO, Algorithm Identier DO Le Absent
The data objects are formed as follows. The key identier object is a simple TLV structure with tag 84. The data eld of this TLV structure contains the key identier bytes. The algorithm identier object is a simple TLV structure with tag 80. The data eld of this TLV structure contains one byte corresponding to the crypto algorithm. Usually, the information about possible values for this byte and corresponding algorithms is included in the EF.CIAInfo le on the card. 3.2.7 Internal Authenticate
This command requires prior successful Manage Security Environment and Verify PIN commands. CLA 00 INS 88 P1 00 P2 00 Lc Var Data The raw data to be signed/encrypted Le Absent
The maximum length of the command data is limited by the APDU length (255), the length of the RSA key to be used and the padding algorithm (key size in bytes minus 11). On success, the data in the response APDU is the RSA cipher block. 7
This command requires prior successful Manage Security Environment and Verify PIN commands. CLA 00 INS 2A P1 9E P2 9A Lc Var Data Hash to be signed Le Absent
Depending on the signing algorithm established by the prior MSE command, the data eld is one of the two: A matching (SHA1 or SHA256) ASN.1 wrapped hash data object for RSA PKCS 1.5 signing algorithm. Raw SHA1 hash data for RSA PSS signing algorithm. On success, the data in the response APDU is the RSA signature block. 3.2.9 Perform Security Operation Decipher
This command requires prior successful Manage Security Environment and Verify PIN commands. This is the only command that supports chaining (CLA=10). CLA 00/10 INS 2A P1 80 P2 82/84/86 Lc Var Data The cipher block to be decrypted Le Absent
The value of P2 can be any of the three, it does not inuence the operation of this command. The data eld is the (part of) cipher block to be decrypted. If the command is not last in the sequence the response APDU is simply the status word. After the last command (CLA=00), on success, the data in the response APDU is the decrypted plain text without padding. 3.2.10 CLA 00 Get Challenge INS 84 P1 00 P2 00 Lc 00 Data Absent Le Challenge length
This command returns a random challenge from the card of the required length. Currently this command has no interaction whatsoever with any other crypto commands in the applet and is implemented for possible future use.
[1] ISO/IEC. Identication cards Integrated circuit cards Part 4: Organization, security and commands for interchange. Technical report, 2005. ISO 7816-4. [2] ISO/IEC. Identication cards Integrated circuit cards Part 8: Commands for security operations. Technical report, 2004. ISO 7816-8. [3] ISO/IEC. Identication cards Integrated circuit cards Part 15: Cryptographic information application. Technical report, 2004. ISO 7816-15.