Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM: Service Aware Manager - Release 7.0

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Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM

S E R V I C E A W A R E M A N A G E R | R E L E A S E 7. 0

Unified element, network and service management of IP/MPLS and Carrier Ethernet networks and the next-generation services they deliver.

The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 Service Aware Manager (SAM) provides end-to-end management of IP/MPLS and Carrier Ethernet networks and the services they deliver to take service providers well beyond the traditional boundaries of element and network management systems. With unified element, network and service management, service providers can more effectively manage next-generation residential, business and mobile services as well as missioncritical enterprise networks. They benefit from: An easy-to-use GUI that accelerates configuration and provisioning tasks. Automation further accelerates tasks and minimizes the time and costs associated with the errors that commonly occur when a command line interface is used. Common provisioning for Layer 2 and Layer 3 services to reduce the cost of delivering different service types. Extensive service assurance capa bilities that let them proactively identify problems before they affect customers. Powerful troubleshooting tools that help them quickly pinpoint the root cause of problems to speed resolution.

Templates that allow them to customize 5620 SAM workflows for integration with existing processes and workflows. Open interfaces that enable inte gration with custom web portals, Operations Support Systems (OSSs) and Business Support Systems (BSSs). The 5620 SAM further extends unified IP/MPLS and Carrier Ethernet manage ment capabilities through seamless integration with: The Alcatel-Lucent 5650 Control Plane Assurance Manager (CPAM), for simplified, visual control plane management based on IP/MPLS route and path analytics. The Alcatel-Lucent 5670 Reporting and Analysis Manager (RAM), for collection, warehousing and analysis of application traffic flows for residential subscribers or business VPN sites. The Alcatel-Lucent 5750 Subscriber Services Controller (SSC), for dynamic policy provisioning and session access control based on bandwidth availability, as well as residential subscriber service selfcare portals.

Proven in more than 200 deployments, including some of the worlds largest and most advanced networks, the 5620 SAM consists of four integrated modules: The 5620 SAM Element Manager (SAM-E) module provides traditional FCAPS functionality for element management and is the platform for all 5620 SAM modules. The 5620 SAM Provisioning (SAM-P) module provides network configuration, service provisioning and customer management. The 5620 SAM Assurance (SAM-A) module provides physical, network and service topology views and OAM service-diagnostics tools. The 5620 SAM OSS Integration (SAM-O) module provides an open interface for integration with external applications and OSSs.

5620 SAM-E
The 5620 SAM-E module provides fault, configuration and security management for network elements. As the base plat form for the 5620 SAM, it also supports network and service discovery and integration of third-party Customer Premises Equipment (CPE).

User security with scope of command and span of control

The scope of command feature allows network administrators to define each operators access to operations and commands. With the span of control feature, network administrators can subdivide network resources and assign operators clear ownership based on security privileges for their geographic location, organizational group, job function, or individual responsibilities.

Key features
Scalable, secure and flexible system architecture
High availability, system redundancy and fast system failover options allow operators to implement a highly secure network and service operationsenvi ronment. The distributed architecture enables support for the largest networks and massive volumes of performance statistics and billing records.

Generic Network Element support

The Generic Network Element (GNE) feature enables integration of third-party equipment for script management and configuration topology display. It also enables alarm surveillance, including MIB-trap-toalarm mapping, and interface MIB statistics collection.

Table 1. 5620 SAM-E feature summary

Category Features

Base platform

Distributed, high-availability architecture for redundancy and fast system failover In-band and out-of-band management Subnet-based auto-discovery of network elements and their configuration Third-party network element and interface discovery Real-time synchronization with network element changes Equipment and network inventory administration, with browsing and querying capabilities Configurable MIB polling policies and schedules for OAM tests, for example Telnet, Secure Shell (SSH) and web interface session launch

Fault management

Scalable alarm and SNMP statistics collection Multiple instances of alarm windows with custom filters and direct navigation to objects with alarms Comprehensive array of physical or logical network views

Configuration management

Easy-to-use, GUI-based device and network configuration Physical resources, such as Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) and ports Logical ports, Link Aggregation Groups (LAG) and network interfaces Access port and network QoS policies and parameters Buffer, queuing and scheduling policies, including hierarchical QoS policies QoS marking and forwarding policies based on Layer 2, 3 or 4 fields Rules-based backup, restore and upgrade of device software Enforce custom naming of objects (e.g. services, tunnels, etc) and specify numeric ranges for IDs

Security management

Operator-profile management, including support of functional access domains and user roles: Scope of command: Allow/prohibit specific user functions within the scope of the network Span of control: Allow/prohibit user access to specific network elements or groups of elements Logging of user and OSS interface client activity RADIUS/TACACS+ user authentication and authorization or local password-based access SNMPv3 trap authentication Secure access to devices using SSHv1/v2 and secure file transfer using Service Control Points (SCPs)

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

5620 SAM-P
The 5620 SAM-P module accelerates configuration of the network infrastructure and services. It offers easy-to-use tools for the provisioning of network infrastructure, service and customer management elements, as well as scripting to automate parameter configuration for AlcatelLucent and third-party devices.

Key features
Flexible provisioning options
Templates and workflow wizards enable point-and-click service creation. Operators are guided step-by-step as they set up complex services for rapid provisioning and fewer errors. Templates also enable operators to customize and standardize their provisioning workflow to match internal processes. Layer 2 and 3 services are provisioned in the same way, reducing delivery costs for different service types.

Provisioning verification
Automated provisioning of equipment, routing and service tunnels significantly reduces misconfigurations so services can be delivered faster and more reliably. Additionally, newly activated services can be validated using the service test suite. Tests are automatically extended as services expand so test coverage does not drop off over time. Individual component tests for the newlypro visioned entity are automatically created and include detailed test results. This functionality requires the 5620 SAM-A module.

Table 2. 5620 SAM-P feature summary

Category Features

Rapid service creation

GUI-based provisioning with concurrent, multiple-object editing Step-by-step wizards to simplify complex tasks Rules-based bulk parameter configuration and auto-creation of objects, such as service tunnels Single-click service validation through auto-generated OAM tests (requires the 5620 SAM-A module) Script and service template management and execution, including a GUI builder for customized GUIs Third-party CPE provisioning using command line interface scripts with security and version control I ntegrated with leading OSS vendors for flow-through service activation and provisioning (SAM-0 required)

Services supported

R  outing domain management with drill-down into groups, areas, routers, adjacencies/neighbors, interfaces and other membership or associated elements Multipoint IP-VPNs through Virtual Private Routing Network (VPRN) support Internet BGP peering services Internet Enhanced Services (IES) support for extranet and differentiated Internet access Point-to-point and multipoint Ethernet services: Ethernet Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) services V  irtual Private Wire Services (VPWS) through Virtual Leased Lines (VLL) support (Ethernet, ATM, frame relay, IP pseudo-wires), including pseudo-wire switching and redundancy Virtual Private LAN Services (VPLS) Hierarchical VPLS (H-VPLS) Multicast Virtual Private LAN Services (MVPLS) Composite services Service mirroring

Dynamic subscriber and policy configuration management

Host profile configuration (bridged or routed by application type) Subscriber-identification policy configuration (to associate dynamic hosts with subscribers) Subscriber Service Level Agreement (SLA) policy configuration Managed Service Access Points (MSAPs) configuration for Enhanced Subscriber Management (ESM) I ntegrates with the 5750 SSC for dynamic subscriber policy provisioning and session access control based on bandwidth availability

Service infrastructure provisioning

Network service tunnel or Service Distribution Point (SDP) provisioning M  PLS path and LSP provisioning with automatic bidirectional, meshed SDP binding creation during service creation Mix-and-match access technologies: Frame relay, ATM, Ethernet and SONET/SDH for VPWS /VLL services

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

5620 SAM-A
The 5620 SAM-A module provides topology views, alarm management, fault correlation and OAM tests. It simplifies fault detection, cause isolation and customer impact cor relation by maintaining a real-time topology model of the network and the relationship between its various parts. OAM and Service Assurance Agent (SAA) tests help operators identify and isolate potential problems in the network before they affect customers. Network, routing and service topology views allow for real-time assurance, while compre hensive service validation capabilities provide proactive monitoring and operator alerts when specified thresholds are crossed.

Root cause and serviceimpact analysis

Integrated fault and service man agement capabilities mean alarms generated by a network object are propagated to higher-level objects in the managed object hierarchy. This immediate correlation of network events with services lets operators quickly determine which customers are affected by a network event. A service alarm helps determine affected sites and service components. A state cause, such as a binding or MTU mismatch, helps operators quickly identify the root cause of the outage.

Test suites can also be scheduled for each service and compared to configu rable parameters, such as jitter, delay and packet-loss metrics, to proactively detect service and net work degradation. Rules-based alarm notifications, such as threshold-crossing alerts, and escalating test-failure alerts, further automate service assurance and adherence to SLAs.

Performance management
A distributed statistics-collection platform for real-time statistics collection provides the information operators need to monitor SLAs. Equipment and interface statisticsreporting system management lets operators proactively set performancemonitoring thresholds and activating counters. Historical and real-time statistics graphing help them better understand performance issues before they become a problem.

Service verification and proactive SLA testing

Comprehensive diagnostic tools let operators verify operations end-to-end and across all IP/MPLS, Ethernet and transport layers. Test suites, combined with service-aware OAM tests,simultaneously test every aspect of a group of services or network objects, such as routers, LSPs or tunnels. The 5620 SAM-A automatically creates all necessary OAM tests for each entity in the group. Tests are automatically updated when objects are added to or removed from a group.

Key features
View of all physical, routing, MPLS, service infrastructure and service layers
A variety of views and icon status indi cators help operators quickly diagnose and resolve service-affect ing problems, from simple to complex. Service, service-tunnel, LSP and physical topology maps allow operators to visualize all network resources and routes traversed by single services or composite services composed of multiple Layer 2 and 3 services.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

Table 3. 5620 SAM-A feature summary

Category Features

Topology maps

Highly scalable topology maps with support for third-party resources Physical topology, including support for 802.1ab link adjacencies LSP topology with LSP cross-connect topology Service tunnel and Service Distribution Point (SDP) topology Service topology to view status of underlying network objects involved in the delivery of a service Composite service topology combining multiple services in a single view for end-to-end assurance - VPRN (IP-VPN) to VPLS - VLAN connections to a H-VPLS - IES spoke into a VPLS - VPLS connected to two CPE Ethernet rings Advanced layout algorithms Extensive grouping and filtering capabilities D  ynamic maps display additional troubleshooting information, such as OAM test results and trace highlighting

Alarm management

Service alarms: Instant propagation of physical and logical resource alarms to affected services Direct navigation from alarms to affected and related objects Advanced alarm correlation to identify root cause Extensive alarm filtering and search capabilities Customizable alarm information fields Flexible definition of rules for fault escalation, de-escalation and severity assignment Integrated with leading OSS vendors for multivendor fault management (SAM-O required)

Service Test Manager (STM)

Verification of end-to-end services and underlying network layers Concurrent tests of groups of objects Grouping of OAM tests in an integrated test suite for concurrent execution S  cheduled OAM test suites to proactively monitor configurable metrics such as latency, delay, packet loss, and threshold crossing alerts Automatically generated OAM tests based on object or topology changes

Performance management

Distributed, load-balanced statistics-collection platform for: Performance statistics Accounting data including SAA Real-time statistics collection and graphing Historical statistics archival and graphing Definition of performance-monitoring thresholds Service accounting policies per service or per port I ntegrated with 5670 RAM, which provides application traffic flow collection, warehousing and analysis for residential subscribers and business VPN sites Integrated with leading OSS vendors for billing, performance and SLA management (SAM-O required)

Additional troubleshooting capabilities

Hierarchical navigation tree with extensive parameter filtering and searching capabilities Tracking of changes from baseline configuration to current state Auditing and reporting of network configuration deviations Network and routing policy auditing Traffic engineering tool for path optimization I ntegrated with 5650 CPAM, which provides control plane visualization for proactive detection and rapid resolution of control plane issues

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

5620 SAM-O
The 5620 SAM-O module provides full access to 5620 SAM functionality through an open OSS interface. It uses XML and Java Messaging Service (JMS) to integrate with external applications for fault management, service activation/ provisioning, performance reporting, SLA management, billing, trafficengi neering and network planning. External systems can also configure, activate and retrieve faults for third-party devices through SAM-O. This reduces costs by providing a single and stable integration point for a large number of network element types.

Key features
Alcatel-Lucent OSS Connected Partner Program
The Alcatel-Lucent OSS Connected Partner Program further reduces OSS integration time and costs by certify ing integration of the 5620 SAM with applications from industry-leading independent software vendors such as CA, Cariden, Comptel (formerly Axiom), EMC (formerly Smarts), HP, IBM (formerly Micromuse and Quallaby), InfoVista, and Subex (formerly Syndesis).

Alcatel-Lucent Portal Development Service

The Alcatel-Lucent Portal Development Service (PDS) offers custom-built web portals for customer or operator use based on the 5620 SAM-O interface. The service-aware nature of the 5620 SAM and the availability of all services through the 5620 SAM-O interface provide a comprehensive, end-to-end view that is correlated with end-to-end operational status and supported by extensive testing capabilities.

Table 4. 5620 SAM-O feature summary

Category Features

BSS/OSS integration

Open, bi-directional XML and JMS interfaces F  or fault management, service activation/provisioning, performance reporting, SLA management, billing, traffic engineering and network planning applications Software development kit with sample code and developers guide Custom web portal development through the Alcatel-Lucent Portal Development Service For service provider or end-customer use A  lcatel-Lucent OSS Connected Partner Program certifies integration between the 5620 SAM and the following applications: CA eHealth Cariden MATE Comptel AXIOSS EMC InCharge HP OpenView TeMIP IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus IBM Tivoli Netcool Provisio InfoVista VistaInsight Subex NetProvision

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

Whats new in Release 7.0?

Table 5. 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 feature summary
Feature Benefits

N  ew IP/MPLS solution-specific applications for mobile backhaul, business VPNs, and residential services Graphical bulk object configuration Next-generation topology map Tool for path optimization Automated routing configuration with auditing capabilities Templates for service tunnels Client Delegate Server for third-party display tool support (e.g. Citrix) Enhanced platform scalability Troubleshooting using real-time accounting data SAA enhancements Enhanced third-party device support S  upport for new releases of previously supported equipment and new equipment (see the device support table below for full details) Integration with: 5650 CPAM, Release 3.0 5670 RAM, Release 2.0 5750 SSC, Releases 3.1 and 3.2 S  upport for new partner application releases certified through the AlcatelLucent OSS Connected Partner Program

Simplified management of Alcatel-Lucent IP/MPLS-based solutions Increased operational efficiency and operator productivity

Increased service availability through enhanced assurance capabilities Improved end-to-end management for third-party CPE Continuous access to new equipment features through the 5620 SAM Access to the latest management capabilities for control plane assurance and application-level reporting for business VPNs and subscriber policies

Extended OSS integration support

Network element support

Table 6. Supported network devices and releases for 5620 SAM, Release 7.0
Device name Releases supported

7750 Service Router (SR) 7710 Service Router (SR) 7705 Service Aggregation Router (SAR) 7450 Ethernet Service Switch (ESS) 7250 Service Access Switch (SAS) 7210 Service Access Switch SASE 7210 Service Access Switch SASM 9500 Microwave Packet Radio (MPR) OmniSwitch 6400, 6850, 6855, 9000 Telco T5C (24G, 24GT, 24T, 24F, 48T) Third-party devices

5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 5.0, 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0 2.0 and 3.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 (ETSI) and 2.0 (ANSI) 6.3.x BiNOS 6.3 N/A (integration through SNMP)

Additional devices and releases may be supported in future 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 maintenance loads. Contact your Alcatel-Lucent representative for more details.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

Technical specifications
Operating environment
The Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 operates on: Sun Solaris 10 x 86 for Sun Micro systems AMD-based platforms (Preferred platform) Sun Solaris 10 for Sun Microsystems SPARC platforms

Microsoft Windows 2000/2003/XP Professional (32-bit) Microsoft Windows Vista Business and Ultimate (32-bit editions) for 5620 SAM client only Contact your Alcatel-Lucent representative for 5620 SAM platform sizing recommendations.

Table 7. Minimum hardware requirements for 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 running on a Sun Solaris 10 platform
Application Platform (Sun AND Opteron) Platform (UltraSPARC III, IIIi, IV, or IV+) Platform (SPARC T-series)

5620 SAM main server I t is recommended that the 5620 SAM server be installed on a workstation separate from that of the 5620 SAM database for large-scale deployments 5620 SAM database Includes Oracle 10g database S  tores network objects and configuration T  he 5620 SAM server can be installed on a workstation separate from that of the 5620 SAMdata base for large-scale deployments 5620 SAM auxiliary server For statistics collection D  edicated server only required for large-scale deployments 5620 SAM client GUI presentation front-end O  nly one client should be installed per platform 5620 SAM client delegate and third- party remote display server S  ingle client install for multiple GUIs for multiple users C  itrix is recommended third-party remote display software

2 CPUs (dual-core) 8 GB RAM 2 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each

2 CPUs, 1 GHz or higher 4 GB RAM 2 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each


2 CPUs (dual-core) 8 GB RAM 2 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each

2 CPUs, 1 GHz or higher 4 GB RAM 2 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each


2 CPUs (dual-core) 8 GB RAM 4 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each 1 CPU, 1 GHz or higher 1 GB dedicated RAM 1 GB available disk space 1280 1024 display resolution 4 CPU cores 16 GB dedicated RAM 1 GB available disk space For a maximum of 15 concurrent GUIs. Increased hardware specifications are required as number of concurrent GUIs increases.

4 CPUs, 1.5 GHz or higher 8 GB RAM 4 disk drives, minimum 73 GB each 1 CPU, 1 GHz or higher 1 GB dedicated RAM 1 GB available disk space 1280 1024 display resolution 4 CPU cores 16 GB dedicated RAM 1 GB available disk space For a maximum of 15 concurrent GUIs. Increased hardware specifications are required as number of concurrent GUIs increases.

1 CPU (4-core), 1 GHz or higher 8 GB RAM


1 CPU (4-core), 1 GHz or higher 8 GB RAM

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

Table 8. Minimum hardware requirements for 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 running on Windows platform for Lab deployments
Application Platform Sun AMD Opteron

5620 SAM main server The 5620 SAM server must be installed on a workstation separate from that of the 5620 SAM database workstation. Only for lab deployments 5620 SAM database Includes Oracle 10g database Stores network objects and configuration Only for lab deployments 5620 SAM client GUI presentation front-end Maximum of one client per PC May also be used in production deployments

Intel Pentium 4, 3 GHz or higher 2 GB RAM 15 GB disk space Intel Pentium 4, 3 GHz or higher 2 GB RAM 50 GB disk space for the database Intel Pentium 4 CPU, 2 GHz or higher 1 GB dedicated RAM 1 GB disk space 1280 1024 display resolution

Table 9. 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 scalability per 5620 SAM server cluster
Item description Release 7.0 limits

Network Elements (NEs), not including GNEs GNEs in addition to NE limit GNEs MDAs Services Service Access Points (SAPs) Concurrent 5620 SAM GUI clients Concurrent 5620 SAM OSS clients Outstanding alarm-list entries Alarm history duration (assuming outstanding alarms limit reached each day) Concurrent standard OAM tests (per 10 min. interval) Concurrent lightweight OAM tests (per 10 min. interval) Concurrent accounting-based OAM tests (per 10 min. interval) Accounting statistics (per 15 min. interval) Performance statistics (per 15 min. interval)
a b c

5,000 2,000 (a) 15,000 (a) ( b) (c) 16,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 100 10 50,000 1 month 2,000 4,000 50,000 ( b) 10,000,000 500,000

Assuming 10 interfaces per GNE. As of 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 R4 or later. Does not include new GNE support introduced in 5620 SAM, Release 7.0 R4 or later.

Contact your Alcatel-Lucent representative for complete deployment guidelines and for custom platform requirements needed to achieve scalability limits.

Alcatel-Lucent 5620 SAM | Release 7.0 | Data Sheet

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