Part-2 Clans of Shiskine 1936

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Compiled and read by

Mr. Charles Robertson, Burncliff, Shiskine, to the
Natives of Arran in Glasgow, March, 1936.

Printed by
THE BUTEMAN, LTD., 10 and 12 Castle Street,

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SHAWS. One of Arrans most noteworthy literary men was a member of

this clan, namely, the Rev. William Shaw, the author of the first
Gaelic Dictionary that was ever written. He was born at Clachaig in
1749, was a graduate of Glasgow University. He went to London, and
there met Dr. Johnson, the other literary lights. When he told Johnson
of his great scheme for making a collection of Gaelic words, the old
Doctor approved. Sir, said he, if you give the world a vocabulary of
that language, while this Island stands, your name will be remembered.
In 1780 his work appeared in two volumes. Owing to a great controversy
raging in the Highlands on the authenticity of Ossian's poems, the
author had to go to Ireland to finish his work. He died in England in
1831. Another of that same family and name distinguished himself while
in the Navy. For an act of gallantry while in the West Indies with his
ship, he was offered to be made a warrant officer on the spot, or get
his discharge with a pension and a home in Arran. He chose what is
known as Seafield Cottage at Blackwaterfoot, and remained there till
he died. The name of William Shaw appears in the Arran Rent Roll of
1830. My maternal grandmother's name was Janet Shaw, a sister of the
last named. There are no Shaws in Shiskine to-day. One of the Shiskine
Shaws became Piermaster at Lamlash. His son is Captain Donald Shaw,
who married a Shiskine lady. I'm very sorry that Captain and Mrs Shaw
did not call one of their sons William to perpetuate the memory of
those two men who shed luster on the clan, both in scholarship and

Time won't permit me going into details on the other families in

the district, such as the Sillars, Hamiltons, Craigs, M'Kelvies, and
those others who have died out, such as Crawfords, M'Gregors,
M'Kinnons, etc. It may interest you to know the names that were in the
village of Shedog 100 years ago-Wm. Nelson, D. Inglis, John Osborne,
John Lee, Solomon Caldwell: another unusual name in the district was
Jeremiah M'Bride. Miss M'Bride, in her address from the chair at the
Arran Re-Union several years ago, claimed that M'Brides were in Arran
since the days of Bruce.

The Church was the centre of the people's life. The distance
they walked to church on the Sabbath Day was amazing. I remember the
people coming across the moor a distance of six to eight miles. In the
summer time the young women used to come tripping through the dewy
heather, with their bare feet, putting on shoes before entering the
church. The service was conducted in Gaelic, and the singing was run-
line. This was done to allow all the people to join in, many of them
not being able to read, or not having books. At the time I am
referring to there were no seats in the churches. So the people
brought their own three-legged stools. Jenny Geddes found this type of
stool a handy missle when she threw it in St. Giles. The Session had
the status of a Civil Court, and the elders the status of Civil
Magistrates. They made many of the laws and administered the laws they
made and collected the fines. Culprits had to pay their fines
graduated according to the heinousness or frequency of the offence.
Offenders stood at the repentance stool clad in a cloak of sackcloth,
which they might be obliged to buy, or make for themselves. These poor
persons went through the ordeal of facing the congregation and
receiving rebukes from the minister, and even on Communion Day this
terrible ordeal was gone through. Frequent cases occurred when, rather
than face this trial, delinquents fled from the place. Offenders of
the moral law had to take the oath of purgation before the
congregation (when charges could not be proved). The dread of this
oath wrung confession from many when nothing else would terrify them
into truth.

Many of the clans were Baron Lairds in Arran, the Fullartons,

Brodick, being the only family to have retained their titles. The
Cooks, M'Brides, and M'Kinnons were the others. There was a M'Kinnon
who lived at Brodick who was styled the Baron in my own day. There is
no more interesting study than the derivation of family names. I would
like to throw out a hint to some of you young men before me to take up
this as a subject for an address before the Ceilidh here at no distant
date. Surnames only come into use in the twelfth century. Had you
lived then you would perhaps be known by some physical deformity, or
other characteristic, or by the occupation you followed. One of the
early kings of Scotland was known by his big head, Callum Canmore. Had
our Saviour lived at the present day he would have been called in the
Gaelic "Mac-an-t'saoir," or in plain English, Jesus M'Intyre. In the
1719 Session records we find three of the SILLARS clan in the Session.
First we have Patrick M'Nargid, Patrick Silver, and John M'Nargenach.
Those of you who have the Gaelic will see that they all mean one and
the same thing, the worker or engraver in silver. (Now, at this stage,
I would say to you young men, if you want a most interesting subject
for the Ceilidh, take the derivation of Arran names.) The name in the
course of its evolution appears as Sellar (Marchioness of Graham), now
is a Sillars, whether the evolution has ceased is open to conjecture.
This clan was fairly numerous in 1830. We find four families of that
name in Banlikan, in Auchincar, one in Glaister, one in Tormore, and
one in Torbeg.

THOMSONS. The Thomsons came to Arran from Argyllshire, farmed in

Auchincar. There are no Thomsons in the district now. One cannot
mention clans without associating certain christian names with those
clans, for instance, you could not think of Bannatynes without
Ebenezers and Ronalds; M'Alisters without Hectors and Matthews;
M'Kenzies without Gilberts and Angus; Robertsons, Archibalds and
Charles; Sillars without Malcolms; and Curries without Johns and
Donalds, and M'Brides without Peters. I was very surprised at finding
so many Old Testament names among the christian names of the clans of
Arran. Now, just listen-Adam, Abraham, Gershom, Moses, Joseph, Samuel,
David, Solomon, Ebenezer, Ephraim, Jeremiah and Daniel. I think we
find here a solution to what happened to the lost tribes of Israel-
they may have found sanctuary in Arran.

I will now come to what to some of you at least be more

interesting-how these clans moved, lived and had their being in those
far-off days. Before doing so I would like to read to you some
extracts of the Kilmory Session records that will throw some light on
the customs and life of the people. At a meeting of Kirk Session at
Clachan, Shiskine, in 1719, the folowing gentlemen were present :--
Dougald Bannatyne, minister; Elders-Patrick M'Nargid, Auchencarr;
Patrick Silver, Sliddery; Robert Hendry, Peneoch; Patrick Hamilton of
Coutts; Andrew Wyllie, Kilpatrick; John M'Curry, Alexr. Bannatyne,
Alexr. Simm, Alexr. Grey, Ronald M'Master, Angus M'Allister, John
M'Kelvie, Donald M'Graffan, John M'Cook, Alexr. M'Gregor, John
Hamilton, Neil M'Rob, Imacher, (Ruling elder) John M. M'Nargenach, and
Ronald M'Larty. Nearly all those families are still represented in
Arran. Session touched life at all points. Here are a few entries
taken at random. The first entry is dated in 1701. A woman at
Whitefarland is inflicted with ex-communication for six fortnights.
1719-Wm. M'Rob, Torbeg (my own ancestor) , severely rebuked before the
congregation for grinding corn on the Fast Day. 1719-Donald Shaw,
Tormore, takes his wife, Janet Hamilton, before the Session for
throwing a pair of shears shears at him, and wounding him very
severely in the arm. Asked why she did so, replied that her husband
was bawling and swearing, was told she should have tried more peaceful
methods, and was severely censured by the Session, had to stand before
the congregation to be rebuked publicly as a warning to other spouses
in the district. 1715-Session pays Hector Bannatyne ?2 for teaching
poor children at Drumaghiner. Paid Wm. Russell 1/- for herding horses
at Communion time. 1724-Margaret Hamilton, Margaret and Isobel Stewart
did profane the Sabbath flyting and scolding while milking the ewes
at the Bochan-Areadh, Ballygown, Shiskine, were publicly rebuked after
confessing their sin. 1724-John Hamilton and Catherine did profane the
Sabbath one day in harvest in Upper Feorline, by flyting and scolding
about a horse being in a field of corn, and gave offence to many, were
severely rebuked. 1724-Alexr. M'Alister, Machray, lost his wife after
giving birth to twins, did inform Session that he is unable to support
same, prays the Session to allow him to "thig" the Parish. Session
views the petition with favour, allows him twelve months to thig the
Parish, gives him a line to Kilbride Session. This means going round
with a bag collecting handfuls of corn. 1724-Twelve men called before
the Session for going out to a ship in the Channel on the Sabbath Day.
Said they thought the ship was signalling for a pilot. Asked why it
needed twelve men to go out, admitted that they took brandy ashore,
confessed their fault, and sin, and were fined 5/- per man. Money to
be put in the poor box. 1710-Kilmory manse burned to the ground and
?30 poor money lost. 1712-Paid 6/6 for Sandglass (Rutherford). 1718-
All persons contemplating marriage be able to repeat the Shorter
Catechism before the Session before the banns are put up. At the same
meeting a father was fined one dollar consignation money because his
daughter resyled from marriage after the banns were put up. 1763-9/10
paid for repentance stool. 1723-Young married persons were allowed to
thig the parish for one year after marriage. The people reckon this a
great burden. The Session enacts that this custom cease, except
persons over 60 years of age. 1718-Session sitting in judgement on
each other, each member in turn goes out while the others sit in
judgement of their life and character. Minister judged in turn with
others. This happens periodically. 1764-Session instructs that only
Schoolmasters be appointed who are able to teach Latin, Gaelic,
Navigation, Mathematics, book-keeping, and Church Music. Rev. Angus
M'Millan, in his statistical account, says, "The people are generally
tall, at least they are above the middle height, athletic and very
well made. Their features are open and regular, and they look
remarkably well formed. The women are taller, handsomer, and better
looking than in most other parts of the country. The remarks apply
generally to all parts of the parish." The power of the Church was
great and its arm was long. There are instances of it reaching people
even as far as Ireland. We may, in these enlightened days, smile at
their crude methods, but I'm sure we will all agree they carried out
their duties conscientiously according to their lights. I only came
across one case of theft before the session, and that was not proven.
They dealt very severely with those who strayed from the paths of
virtue. Whether this harsh treatment had the desired effect is open to


I have gone through the Kilmory records very carefully seeking

to find some reference to the stirring events that were shaking
Scotland to its foundations. Arran seems to have been undisturbed by
several of the issues which elsewhere lead to the shedding of blood.
We have no knowledge of sufferers for the Covenant in Arran, though
there were many in the neighbouring country of Ayrshire who were
hunted like deer in the hills and moss hags of their native land. Nor
do we find any reference to the '45 which ended so disastrously at
Culloden. The Session at Kilmory seems to have been undisturbed to any
extent. They seem at the time to be busily engaged trying to solve the
fourth of Solomon's mysteries.

Now, cast back your minds and picture Shiskine four centuries
ago-no hedges, no roads, just bridal tracks, no bridges. The houses
were not on their own ground as you see them to-day. They were all
clustered into villages or townships, as they were called, something
after the style of Auchengallon. Should you with to leave the Island
you walked to Brodick, had to ford all the streams on the way across,
then cross to Saltcoats by sailing smack, and often storm and calm
delayed the vessel, sometimes all night in the Firth. We always went
from and came back by Brodick. What Joppa was so long to Jerusalem, so
Brodick has been to us. We look on Brodick as the port of Shiskine.

I have already referred to the frequent raids by the clansmen of

Kintyre. In the year 1444 to 1447, we have a melancholy record of
losses in the Island through devastation by what is termed "those
cursed raiders from Kintyre." The country at that time was in such an
unsettled state there was no force in being that could be brought into
play to prevent them taking place. Arran lay in such close proximity
to the Argyllshire coast that it was fairly easy for the M'Alisters
and M'Donalds to make frequent incursions that caused so much havoc
and loss to the people of Arran. There is a long list of abatement of
rents allowed as a result of these raids. The Arran people did not
seem to be able to repulse the invaders, nor do we know of any
reprisals taken against them. In order to protect their families and
property they built forts or Camps which were used in time of danger.

The most noteworthy of these is at Drumadoon, splendidly situated on

the cliffs some 200 feet above sea level. The cliffs from the bottom
to the top are almost perpendicular. The walls round the top were 12
feet thick, enclosing a space of several acres. Its commanding
position, and its excellent defenses rendered it almost impregnable, a
safe sheltering from the whole district. There were several of those
forts serving other districts. None of them were so impressive as the
one at Drumadoon. As late as the 15th century we read of the Arran
lairds strengthening the defenses on account of the raids of the
Kintyre clans. It is unfortunate, owing to the stormy nature of the
times and the absence of authentic records the full story cannot be

End of part 2

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