52-57 OLIVA Ing PDF
52-57 OLIVA Ing PDF
52-57 OLIVA Ing PDF
Jeet Kune Do
Jeet Kune Do, the art created by Bruce Lee, has evolved as Bruce himself would have wanted. The keys of functionality, simplicity, eliminating everything that is not necessary, have opened the doors of the effectiveness in combat to a whole new generation of masters, most of them inspired by their eternal partner and prominent student, Dan Inosanto. It is this feature which has led the way to the professional application of JKD in the framework of Police and Law E n f o r c e m e n t . H o w e v e r, t h i s t i m e Professor Oliva, known by our readers, has focused on the work of Dumog techniques for civilians. Oliva deepens once more on the concepts and applications of JKD and he does it not only by assuming the principles that created it, but also by developing and finding ways and solutions that are spectacular in its simplicity and efficiency. Head blows, knees, bites or elbows, everything is part of its arsenal if it is useful. The fair use and the proper approach will be, as always, the key to success. W ith this article, Oliva presents his new DVD on the subject. Unquestionably, it is a unique contribution to those who are interested in reality-based selfdefense in the street.
Self Defense
J.K.D. Explosive Dumog
Knowledge is not power, the ability to apply knowledge is power minimize the strength with a maximum effect. This will require first of all knowing the body's anatomy, and then being able to properly apply the specific Dumog techniques, in the event of clashes that brought us in contact with the _Body Cock Point_ or vital points of the nervous system of our adversary's body. In fact, the philosophy of Dumog will be to put this Philippine art together with the concept of _JKD Street Line Version_, when we find ourselves in uncomfortable situations, as in the three examples (medium or short distance) listed below: 1) If our adversary grabs our shirt extending his arm, we can attack him including Dumog techniques, hitting him on the inner or back side of his arm with the bottom part of ours, limiting these blows to 6 vital points, as the biceps (also called pericardium 2 or 3 or P-2 or P-3), the triceps (also called Triple heater 12 or TW-12), the forearm muscles (also called L-5), and so on, basing our blows in the _pull him_ concept, to put the aggressor off-balance, or hitting him on vital points in the muscle, making him lose control of his own body, causing rapid loss of his muscle tension, that is, the total dysfunction of the arm muscle structure. 2) In the event of suffering a grip with two arms, our possibility to fight back would double, allowing us to hit him on them, on the right or left part. 3) In a hand-to-hand clash with the enemy, you would use the Dumog to the chin, the neck, etc. Once again, the philosophy of my system is to provide defensive techniques adaptable to all people, allowing each one to use this art wisely and effectively, without having to use force. In O.P.F-System you will learn to use the Dumog through various types of punch, gun or knife attacks done by the attacker. These attacks will be controlled and completed standing or on the ground. The philosophy behind it is to be able to teach anything that will be useful f or t he p erson i n ord er t o sur vi ve, a l l owi ng t o acq ui re ver y eff ect i ve technical knowledge and lethal for the a d versary. Even i f each si t uat i on i s different, the defensive and offensive procedure is similar. What encourages the philosophy is the evolution. The latter is obtained through the research and deepening of the tactical and technical program, providing more effectiveness with less eff ort and infusing more softness and lightness to the movement.
The principle and philosophy is to train and educate our bodies and our minds, because in a conflict we must r e ac t w i th natur al an d in stin c tive movements.
Jeet Kune Do
Self Defense
forearm or on his external biceps, pressing and pushing or pulling (Pression with Push and Pull), in order to put him offbalance, then applying elements such as knee, elbow blow or chain fist. The second defense, always on a Jab, is internal. We also perform the 45 wedge to attack the internal biceps or the head (more exactly to the neck). Four types of Dumog will be performed on the neck, depending on our adversary's resistance with the neck. 2.) Faced with a hook attack, we have two possible defenses. The first one is to close the arms in a triangle, then include several Dumog techniques. The second possibility is to put our arms at 45 , making the opponent's attack disappear and entering again into our line of attack, holding his arm or neck, applying the different Dumog techniques and elements as the head blow, the chain fist or the Palm Streik on the face, always depending on our evaluation of the situation. 3.) Faced with a cross attack, the most simple and effective way is to form a triangle with our arms, entering at 45, putting pressure on the adversary's a r m s . T h e n we wi l l be abl e t o automatically control him better, either holding his back or his arm, always per for ming the Dumog technique, aiming to end the fight on the ground, controlling his body or including fatal elements, such as knee, head or elbow blow, or including just Dumog, so to
move the body from an _A_ point to a _B_ point, creating a space to escape. 4.) Faced with a chain fist attack at a long distance, there are 12 defense techniques. These 12 moves allow us to go into our line of attack and end or co ntro l . T he re a re a l so 6 d e fe nse techniques, in the event that our adversary counter-attacks. All this must be practiced in an effective way, either offensive or defensive, always fluently and explosively. In the streets, the quickest goal is simplicity, the simplicity of movements reveals the true essence of combat
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Salvatore OLIVA is Defensive Military and Police Tactics Instructor. _Professional Fighting System_ founder. He has received five _International World Martial Arts School Hall of Fame_ (ISMA) awards. He is the author of The Concept and Philosophy of JKD and he will publish soon a second book which will be published in five languages.
Jeet Kune Do
OLIVA Professional Fighting System (O.P.F.-System) It is an effective fight system, aimed at the special forces and law enforcement and also adapted for civilian use. Its techniques are based on the simplicity and logic, and result in an easy and effective defensive strategy. The _O.P.F-System_ is a professional system in constant development, focused on the pure and hard street fight. This system teaches us to lear n to manage stress, to control situations under heavy psychological pressure. It is not just another system based on tradition, but a sophisticated system to lear n in a short time, to be effective in combat. Its secrets are based specifically on the body's natural reflexes and in covering the four combat distances.