HHsearch Guide

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Quick guide to HHsearch

Version 1.5.0 (November 2006) c Johannes S oding For bug reports, questions, or comments please contact johannes@soeding.com HHsearch is a software suite for detecting remote homologues of proteins and generating highquality alignments for homology modeling and function prediction. In addition to the command line package described here, there is a web server (HHpred) available at http://hhpred.tuebingen. mpg.de that runs the HHsearch software and oers various extended interactive functionality such as checking query and template alignments, histogram views of alignments, building 3D models with MODELER etc. HHsearchs performance is testied by the fact that a fully automated version HHpred2 is ranked second best automatic server in the CASP7 blind structure prediction benchmark (2006) while being about > 50 times faster than the other top 20 servers [Battey JND et al. (2007) Proteins 69, 68-82].

1 Obtaining HHsearch and the databases 2 Getting started 2.1 Overview of programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The rst step: search through a database . . . . . . 2.3 Building an HMM for your own query sequence . . . 2.4 Calibrating your query HMM . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5 Building customized databases . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6 Maximum Accuracy alignment algorithm . . . . . . 2.7 How can I verify if a database match is homologous? 2 2 2 3 3 5 5 6 7

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3 HHsearch output: hit list and pairwise alignments 8 3.1 Summary hit list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3.2 HMM-HMM pairwise alignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4 Input alignment formats 5 Summary of command-line parameters 5.1 hhmake build an HMM from an input MSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 hhsearch search a database of HMMs with a query MSA or HMM . . . . . . . . 5.3 hhalign Align a query MSA/HMM to a template MSA/HMMt . . . . . . . . . . 5.4 hhfilter lter an MSA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 reformat.pl reformat one or many alignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.6 buildali.pl build a PSI-BLAST alignment from a sequence or MSA . . . . . . 5.7 addpsipred.pl add predicted secondary structure to an MSA or HMM . . . . . 5.8 alignhits.pl extract an alignment from a BLAST/PSI-BLAST output . . . . . 5.9 hhmakemodel.pl generate MSAs or coarse 3D models from HHsearch results le 6 Changes from HHsearch 1.2.0 to 1.5.0 7 License References 1 11 14 14 15 16 18 18 19 20 21 22 22 24 26

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Obtaining HHsearch and the databases

Ginaries can be downloaded for Linux x86 (32bit), Linux AMD64, Windows x86 (now includes multi-threading support), Apple PPC OS X, and SUN Solaris can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.tuebingen.mpg.de/pub/protevo/HHsearch/ In the subdirectory databases/ many databases can be downloaded:
1* 2* 3* 4* 5* 6* 7* 8* 9 10 11 12 13 pdb70 scop70 PfamA SMART PfamB COG KOG CD/NCBI Panther TIGRFAMs PIRSF Superfamily CATH/Gene3D {c) J. S\"oding, based on PDB, updated weekly (c) J. S\"oding, based on SCOP, updated with SCOP \url{http://www.sanger.ac.uk/Software/Pfam/} \url{http://smart.embl-heidelberg.de/}, downloaded from NCBI site based on ProDom, downloaded from Pfam site \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG/new/} \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG/new} \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Structure/cdd/cdd.shtml} \url{http://www.pantherdb.org/}, from InterPro \url{http://tigrblast.tigr.org/web-hmm}/, from InterPro \url{http://pir.georgetown.edu/pirsf}/, from InterPro \url{http://supfam.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/SUPERFAMILY/}, from InterPro \url{http://cathwww.biochem.ucl.ac.uk/latest/}, from InterPro

The eight databases marked by an asterisc can be downloaded with HMMs in HHsearch format (*.hhm.tar les) and themultiple sequence alignments (MSAs) in A3M format (*.a3m.tar les). The *.hhm.tar and *.a3m.tar les untar into thousands of separate les, so before unnzipping and untarring, rst create a directory for the database. Note that you can transform all A3M les to FASTA by using the reformat.pl script supplied with HHsearch: > ./reformat.pl *.a3m .fas For the other ve databases, you can download the HMM models in HMMer format as *.hmm.tar les. The *.hmm.tar les untar into a single concatenated HMMer le. For theses databases, unfortunately no alignments are publicly available (info to the contrary is wellcome.)


Getting started
Overview of programs
Build an HMM from an input MSA in A2M, A3M, or FASTA format Search a database of HMMs with a query MSA or HMM Pairwise alignment of two HMMs/MSAs, dot plots etc. Filter MSA by maximum sequence identity, coverage, etc. Reformat one or many MSAs Build a PSI-BLAST MSA from a sequence or MSA, add sec. structure Add predicted secondary structure to an MSA or a HMMer HMM Extract an MSA from a BLAST/PSI-BLAST output Generate MSAs or coarse 3D models from HHsearch results file Perl package for local and global sequence-sequence alignment

hhmake hhsearch hhalign hhfilter reformat.pl buildali.pl addpsipred.pl alignhits.pl hhmakemodel.pl Align.pm

Call a program without arguments (or with -h) to get a more detailed description of its syntax.


The rst step: search through a database

To start using HHsearch, untar a database rst, e.g. > cd scop70_1.72pre > tar -xzvf scop70_1.72pre.hhm.tar.gz The name scop70_1.72pre stands for SCOP domain database version 1.72 (pre-SCOP) ltered to 70% maximum sequence identity. Then, to generate a database le by concatenating all *.hhm les type (under LINUX) > cat *.hhm > scop70_1.72pre.hhm Test whether hhsearch works by typing > ./hhsearch -i d1hxn__.hhm -d scop70_1.72pre.hhm You should see a dot printed for every twenty HMMs processed until at the end hhsearch prints out a list with the best hits from the database. The complete search results, including the pairwise querytemplate alignments, are written to the default output le, d1hxn__.hhr. The format (HHsearch results format, HHR) was designed to be easily parsable. Instead of using the hmm le you can also take the a3m le for the scan. It is automatically converted to an HMM by hhsearch before starting the scan: > ./hhsearch -i d1hxn__.a3m -d scop70_1.72pre.hhm


Building an HMM for your own query sequence

Now suppose you want to search with the sequence of your favorite protein. Hence you would like to create a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) complete with predicted secondary structure that you can then format into an HMM. (Predicted secondary structure is used in HHsearch as additional evidence for homology, hence it improves sensitivity to include it.) There is (a) a simple way and (b) a better way to do this. (a) The simpler way is to take the sequence of your favorite protein in FASTA and generate an MSA with PSI-BLAST for it: > blastpgp -i query.seq -d nr -j 5 -h 0.001 -o query.bla It is advisable to open the MSA with an alignment editor (try, e.g. ALNEDITOR from the MPI webpage, ftp://ftp.tuebingen.mpg.de/pub/protevo/alndeit, to see if PSI-BLAST has included non-homologous sequences or pieces of sequences into the MSA and purge the alignment if necessary.) Parse out the MSA with the provided BLAST parser alignhits.pl. For addpsipred.pl to work, you have to dene the paths to your PSIPRED and BLAST directories at the top of the script. > ./alignhits.pl query.bla query.a3m The output le will be in A3M format by default, which looks misaligned, but it is not in fact. (See explications in section 4. To reconvert to FASTA, use ./reformat.pl file.a3m file.fas). Then add the PSIPRED secondary structure prediction to your query MSA (optional) with addpsipred.pl. For addpsipred.pl to work, you have to dene the paths to your PSIPRED and BLAST directories at the top of the script. Then type 3

> ./addpsipred.pl query.a3m This includes two pseudo-sequences into your MSA, one containing the predicted secondary structure states and the other containing the condence values (0-9) for each match state. The output format is A3M. (To reconvert to FASTA, use reformat.pl file.a3m file.fas.) (b) The better way uses the script buildali.pl from the HHsearch package. It builds an A3M alignment with iterated PSI-BLAST in a much more careful way. It checks after each round for each HSP (i.e. for each PSI-BLAST matched sequence fragment) if both its ends have a suciently high score per column (e.g. 1/6 bits/column) with the query sequence, or rather with a core prole of sequences most similar to the query. It prunes the HSP ends that do not have sucient similarity, thus largely suppressing the frequent problem of prole corruption coming from the ends of domains, coiled coil regions, or low complexity regions. In a representative all-against-all benchmark on SCOP20, buildali.pl was able to reduce the number of high-scoring false-positives by a factor of approximately ve, while only slightly reducing sensitivity for very remote homologs. buildali.pl also automatically adds PSIPRED secondary structure prediction. To get buildali.plto run you have to ll in a few paths at the top of the script, for example to the BLAST directory, PSIPRED data and binaries directories etc. Some of the same paths also have to be inserted at the top of the script alignhits.pl which is called by buildali.pl. Finally, you need to have a non-redundant database like the nr from NCBI ltered to 90 and 70 percent (e.g. by using the program CD-HIT from Weizhong Lee, http://cd-hit.org/). You can call these databases nr90 and nr70, for example, and would set the $dbbase variable to some path/nr. The script then adds the 90 and 70 as needed. It will rst search the nr90 until more than 50 sequences are found, whence it will switch to the nr70. To test buildali.pl you might as well set a link from the nr to nr90 and nr70, which means buildali.pl will search the entire nr (which is slower and a little less sensitive). Then start buildali.pl with your sequence: > ./buildali.pl query.seq If everything works, you will obtain an A3M-formatted MSA in le query.a3m as a result. (Make sure all paths are correct and your active shell is bash: ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh.) Now you can generate a hidden Markov model (HMM) from this MSA: > ./hhmake -i query.a3m This will generate a le query.hhm in HHsearchs HHM format. With this you can search SCOP: > ./hhsearch -i query.hhm -d scop70_1.72pre.hhm When you have only a HMMer model but no alignment, you may still use secondary structure scoring. This will increase your sensitivity for detecting remote homologs signicantly. In order to do this, you must add predicted secondary structure to your HMMer model. This can be done with addpsipred.pl in a similar way as for MSAs: > perl addpsipred.pl model.hmm model_SS.hmm -hmm The script will add records SSPRD and SSCON into the le which can (only) be read by hhsearch.


Calibrating your query HMM

When you want to search a database other than SCOP, you need to calibrate your query HMM before to get meaningful E-values from your search. During the calibration hhsearch determines the score distribution of false negatives and writes the mu and lambda parameters of the EVD into the hhm le. For calibration, either SCOP or the le cal.hhm can be used. cal.hhm contains only one HMM per SCOP fold. To calibrate your HMM, type > ./hhsearch -cal -i query.hhm -d cal.hhm As an example for searching a database other then SCOP, download the Pfam database, untar and concatenate: > > > > mkdir pfamA_17.0 cd pfamA_17.0 tar -xzvf pfamA_17.0 cat *.hhm > pfamA.hhm

If you have already calibrated your query, you can now search Pfam with it: > cd .. > ./hhsearch -i query.hhm -d pfamA_17.0/pfamA.hhm Take care: if you change alignment paramters, such as chosing -global or -ssm 0 instead of the default -local and -ssm 2, you have to recalibrate your HHM le. Otherwise the mu and lambda parameters will refer to the score distribution obtained with the old parameters, hence E-values and probabilities can be completely wrong.


Building customized databases

If you want to build your own database from a set of sequences, call > buildali.pl <seqfile>

for every sequence in your database, as described in subsection 1.3. Default paramters are up to 8 search iterations at an E-value of 1E-3. These can be changed with the -n <int> and -e <float> options (Call buildali.pl without parameters for a complete list of options). Secondary structure predicted with PSIPRED (D. Jones, 1999) are automatically added. (When the sequence has a SCOP or PDB identier as rst word in its name, the script tries to add the DSSP states as well. You need to give the path to your local pdb or dssp directory for this to work.) To build HMMs from your MSAs, rst convert your alignments to A3M or FASTA format with the reformat.pl utility as described above. Then generate an hmm le for each MSA by typing > ls | grep "\.fas\$" | xargs hhmake -i if your MSAs have extension a3m. You can then concatenate your individual HMMs into your database: > cat *.hhm > yourDB.hhm

(or, if maximum buer size is exceeded, > ls | grep "\.hhm\$" | xargs -i cat {} >> yourDB.hhm). By default, the option -M rst will be used. This means that exactly those columns of the MSAs which contain a residue in the query sequence will be assigned to Match / Delete states, the others will be assigned to Insert states. (The query sequence is the rst sequence not containing secondary structure information.) Alternatively, you may want to apply the 50%-gap rule by typing -M 50, which assigns only those columns to Insert states which contain more than 50% gaps. The -M first option makes sense if your alignment can best be viewed as a seed sequence plus aligned homologs to reinforce it with evolutionary information. This is the case in the SCOP and PDB versions of our HMM databases, since here MSAs are built around a single seed sequence (the one with known structure). On the contrary, when your alignment represents an entire family of homologs and no sequence in particular, it is best to use the 50% gap rule. This is the case for Pfam or SMART MSAs, for instance. Despite its simplicity, the 50% gap rule has been shown to perform well in practice. When calling hhmake, you may also apply several lters, such as maximum pairwise sequence identity (-id <int>), minium sequence identity with query sequence (-qid <int>), or miniumum coverage with query (-cov <int>). But beware of making your MSAs too restrictive, as this will lower the sensitivity for remote homologs.


Maximum Accuracy alignment algorithm

As of version 1.5.0, HHsearch uses a better alignment algorithm than the quick and standard Viterbi method to generate the nal HMM-HMM alignments. HHsearch realigns all diplayed alignments in a second stage using the more accurate Maximum Accurracy (MAC) algorithm (Durbin, Eddy, Krough, Mitchison: Biological sequence analysis, page 95; extension to HMM-HMM: J. S oding, unpublished). As before, the Viterbi algorithm is employed for searching and ranking the matches. The realignment step is parallelized (-cpu <int>) and typically takes a few seconds only. Please note: Using dierent alignment algorithms for scoring and aligning has the disadvantage that the pairwise alignments that are displayed are not always very similar to those that are used to calculate the scores! This can lead to the confusing results where alignments of only one or a few residues length may have probabilities of 50% or more. In such cases, run the search again with the -norealign option, which will skip the MAC-realignment step. This will allow you to check if the Viterbi alignments are valid at all, which they will probably not be. The length of the MAC alignments can therefore give you additional information to decide if a match is valid. In order to avoid confusion for users of our HHpred server, the -norealign option is the default there, whereas for you pros who dare to use the command line package, realigning is done by default. The posterior probability threshold is controlled with the -mact [0,1[ option. This parameter controls the alignment algorithms greediness. More precisely, the MAC algorithm nds the alignment that maximizes the sum of posterior probabilites minus mact for each aligned pair. Global alignments are generated with -mact 0, whereas -mact 0.5 will produce quite conservative local alignments. Default value is -mact 0.35, which produces alignments of roughly the same length as the Viterbi algorithm. The -global and -local options now refer to both the Viterbi search stage as well as the MAC realignment stage. With -global (-local), the posterior probability matrix will be calculated for global (local) alignment. When -global is used in conjunction with -realign, the mact parameter is automatically set to 0 in order to produce global alignments. In other words, both following two commands will give global alignments: 6

> ./hhsearch -i <query> -d <db.hhm> -realign -mact 0 > ./hhsearch -i <query> -d <db.hhm> -realign -global The rst version uses local Viterbi to search and then uses MAC to realign the proteins globally (since mact is 0) on a local posterior probability matrix. The second version uses global Viterbi to search and then realigns globally (since mact is automatically set to 0) on a global posterior matrix. To detect and align remote homologs, for which sometimes only parts of the sequence are conserved, the rst version is clearly better. It is also more robust. If you expect to nd globally alignable sequence homologs, the second option might be preferable. In that case, it is recommended to run both versions and compare the results.


How can I verify if a database match is homologous?

Here is a list of things to check if a database match really is at least locally homologous. Check probability and E-value: HHsearch can detect homologous relationships far beyond the twilight zone, i.e. below 20% sequence identity. Sequence identity is therefore not an appropriate measure of relatedness anymore. The estimated probability of the template to be (at least partly) homologous to your query sequence is the most important criterion to decide whether a template HMM is actually homologous or just a high-scoring chance hit. When it is larger than 95%, say, the homology is nearly certain. Roughly speaking, one should give a hit serious consideration (i.e. check the other points in this list) whenever (1) the hit has > 50% probability, or (2) it has > 30% probability and is among the top three hits. The E-value is an alternative measure of statistical signicance. It tells you how many chance hits with a score better than this would be expected if the database contained only hits unrelated to the query. At E-values below one, matches start to get marginially signicant. Contrary to the probability, when calculating the E-value HHpred does not take into account the secondary structure similarity. Therefore, the probability is a more sensitive measure than the E-value. Check if homology is biologically suggestive or at least reasonable: Does the database hit have a function you would expect also for your query? Does it come from an organism that is likely to contain a homolog of your query protein? Check secondary structure similarity: If the secondary structure of query and template is very dierent or you cant see how they could t together in 3D, then this is a reason to distrust the hit. (Note however that if the query alignment contains only a single sequence, the secondary structure prediction is quite unreliable and condence values are overestimated.) Check relationship among top hits: If several of the top hits are homologous to each other, (e.g. when they are members of the same SCOP superfamily), then this will considerably reduce the chances of all of them being chance hits, especially if these related hits are themselves not very similar to each other. Searching the SCOP database is very usefull precisely for this reason, since the SCOP family identier (e.g. a.118.8.2) allows to tell immediately if two templates are likely homologs. Check for possible conserved motifs: Most homologous pairs of alignments will have at least one (semi-)conserved motif in common. You can identify such putative (semi-)conserved motifs by the agglomeration of three or more well-matching columns (marked with a sign between the aligned HMMs) occurring within a few residues, as well as by matching consensus sequences. Some false positive hits have decent scores due to a similar amino acid composition of the template. In these cases, the alignments tend to be long and to lack conserved motifs. 7

Check residues and role of conserved motifs: If you can identify possible conserved motifs: are the corresponding conserved template residues involved in binding or enzymatic function? Check query and template alignments!: A corrupted query or template alignment is the main source of high-scoring false positives. The two most common sources of corruption in an alignment are (1) non-homologous sequences, especially repetitive or low-complexity sequences in the alignment, and (2) non-homologous fragments at the ends of the aligned database sequences that are due to PSI-BLASTs greedyness. Check the query and template MSAs in an alignment viewer such as JalView or ALNEDIT. Realign with other parameters: change the alignment parameters. Choose global instead of local mode, for instance, if you expect your query to be globally homologous to the putative homolog. Try to improve the probability by changing the values for minimum coverage or minimum sequence identity. You can also run the query HMM against other databases. Try to use manualPSI-BLAST iterations (use FASTA in rst round if you can) to try to nd more distant homologs for your query alignment and jump-start HHsearch with the manually enriched alignment. Try out other structure prediction servers!: A list of servers can be found by Battey, J.N. et al. (2007) Automated server predictions in CASP7. Proteins 69:68-82. Verify predictions experimentally: The ultimate conrmation of a homologous relationship or structural model is, of course, the experimental verication of some of its key predictions, such as testing the binding to certain ligands by binding assays, measuring biochemical activity, or comparing the knock-out phenotype with the one obtained when the putative functional residues are mutated.


HHsearch output: hit list and pairwise alignments

Summary hit list

Do a search with the N-terminal domain of DNA polymerase beta against the SCOP domains:
> cp /data/hhpred/scop70_1.72pre/d1tv9a1.hhm . > ./hhsearch -i d1tv9a1.hhm -d /data/hhpred/scop70_1.72pre/db/scop.hhm -cpu 2 Search results will be written to d1tv9a1.hhr Query file is in HHM format Read in HMM d1tv9a1 with 87 match states and effective number of sequences = 5.6 .................................................. 1000 HMMs searched .................................................. 2000 HMMs searched .................................................. 3000 HMMs searched .................................................. 4000 HMMs searched .................................................. 5000 HMMs searched .................................................. 6000 HMMs searched .................................................. 7000 HMMs searched .................................................. 8000 HMMs searched .................................................. 9000 HMMs searched .................................................. 10000 HMMs searched .................................................. 11000 HMMs searched .................................................. 12000 HMMs searched ....... Fitting scores with EVD (first round) ... Fitting scores with EVD (second round) ... Realigning 50 query-template alignments with maximum accuracy (MAC) algorithm ... .. Query d1tv9a1 a.60.6.1 (A:5-91) DNA polymerase beta, N-terminal (8 kD)-domain {Human (Homo sapiens)} Match_columns 87 No_of_seqs 103 out of 203

Neff Searched_HMMs Date Command No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ... Hit d1tv9a1 d1jmsa1 e2bcqa1 d1mun__ d1rrqa1 d1keaa_ e2bgwa1 d2abk__ d1orna_ e1x2ia1 d1kfta_ d1vdda_ d1m3qa1 d1cuk_2 e2a1jb1 d1ixra1 d1bvsa2 d1mpga1 d1dgsa1 e2a1ja1 d1pu6a_ d1t4ga1 d1b22a_ e1wuda1 d1szpa1 d1jiha2 d1pzna1 d1ngna_ d1d8ba_ d1a77_1 d1lb2b_ d1doqa_ e2bcqa2 d1s1hm_ d1rxwa1 d1tv9a2 d1t94a2 d1im4a_ e1ul1x1

5.6 12156 Sat Nov 3 08:40:24 2007 hhsearch -i /data/hhpred/scop70_1.72pre/d1tv9a1.hhm -d /data/hhpred/scop70_1.72pre/db/scop.hhm Score 202.8 174.7 156.2 28.8 28.9 29.0 28.9 27.1 27.5 30.3 30.0 30.1 25.2 27.9 25.9 27.8 26.9 22.2 24.1 23.7 23.4 25.3 23.1 18.8 21.3 22.0 21.8 18.5 18.4 19.5 16.7 16.4 19.2 19.7 17.9 18.3 18.2 18.1 17.9 SS Cols Query HMM 9.4 87 1-87 9.7 85 1-86 6.9 76 7-83 7.3 56 17-73 6.7 57 16-73 5.6 57 17-73 5.1 26 50-75 6.3 44 31-74 5.6 44 31-74 2.8 27 50-76 2.9 26 50-75 2.5 40 45-84 5.9 51 22-73 3.2 38 34-71 5.0 58 16-75 3.1 37 35-71 3.2 37 34-70 6.2 50 23-72 3.5 27 51-77 3.7 50 25-77 3.8 23 51-73 0.6 25 50-74 2.1 24 50-73 6.0 59 8-69 2.7 24 50-73 1.9 23 55-77 2.1 24 50-73 4.4 41 31-77 4.5 59 12-73 2.3 24 56-81 4.8 25 51-75 4.9 37 37-75 1.9 34 49-86 1.0 23 53-75 2.7 25 55-81 2.0 31 51-85 2.0 18 55-72 2.0 18 55-72 2.2 13 57-69 Template HMM 1-87 (87) 11-95 (95) 1-76 (76) 72-129 (225) 69-127 (221) 75-133 (217) 42-67 (70) 85-130 (211) 86-131 (214) 39-65 (68) 31-56 (56) 3-43 (199) 61-123 (190) 18-62 (78) 15-73 (78) 20-63 (73) 18-61 (71) 71-127 (183) 137-163 (181) 9-58 (62) 118-140 (217) 29-53 (60) 40-63 (70) 3-62 (77) 33-56 (64) 302-324 (389) 31-54 (61) 76-116 (144) 6-68 (81) 20-43 (108) 36-60 (72) 18-62 (69) 4-37 (57) 16-38 (131) 18-42 (105) 5-35 (57) 277-294 (333) 185-202 (209) 2

Prob E-value P-value a.60.6.1 (A:5-91) DNA 100.0 4.6E-34 3.8E-38 a.60.6.1 (A:148-242) T 100.0 7.3E-29 6E-33 a.60.6.1 (A:252-327) D 99.9 1.9E-25 1.6E-29 a.96.1.2 (-) Catalytic 94.7 0.062 5.1E-06 a.96.1.2 (A:9-229) Cat 94.4 0.059 4.8E-06 a.96.1.2 (A:) Thymine- 93.8 0.057 4.7E-06 a.60.2.98 (A:160-229) 93.3 0.06 5E-06 a.96.1.1 (-) Endonucle 93.0 0.13 1.1E-05 a.96.1.1 (A:) Endonucl 92.7 0.11 9E-06 a.60.2.98 (A:2-69) ATP 92.5 0.033 2.7E-06 a.60.2.3 (A:) Excinucl 92.4 0.037 3E-06 e.49.1.1 (A:) Recombin 92.1 0.036 3E-06 a.96.1.3 (A:136-325) 8 90.6 0.29 2.3E-05 a.60.2.1 (65-142) DNA 90.3 0.092 7.6E-06 a.60.2.98 (B:219-296) 90.2 0.21 1.7E-05 a.60.2.1 (A:63-135) DN 90.1 0.096 7.9E-06 a.60.2.1 (A:64-134) DN 88.8 0.14 1.2E-05 a.96.1.3 (A:100-282) 3 85.8 1 8.6E-05 a.60.2.2 (A:401-581) N 83.3 0.46 3.8E-05 a.60.2.98 (A:837-898) 82.8 0.55 4.5E-05 a.96.1.5 (A:) 3-Methyl 82.0 0.63 5.2E-05 a.60.4.1 (A:5-64) DNA 76.6 0.28 2.3E-05 a.60.4.1 (A:) DNA repa 73.8 0.71 5.9E-05 a.60.8.1 (A:530-606) H 73.4 4.3 0.00036 a.60.4.1 (A:81-144) DN 68.2 1.5 0.00012 e.8.1.7 (A:1-389) DNA 67.2 1.1 9.3E-05 a.60.4.1 (A:35-95) DNA 67.0 1.2 0.0001 a.96.1.2 (A:) Mismatch 62.3 4.9 0.00041 a.60.8.1 (A:) HRDC dom 61.9 5.3 0.00043 a.60.7.1 (209-316) Fla 53.5 3.2 0.00027 a.60.3.1 (B:) C-termin 52.9 11 0.00087 a.60.3.1 (A:) C-termin 50.8 12 0.001 a.60.12.1 (A:329-385) 48.0 3.7 0.0003 i.1.1.1 (M:) 70S ribos 44.6 3 0.00025 a.60.7.1 (A:220-324) F 44.3 6.5 0.00054 a.60.12.1 (A:92-148) D 42.5 5.3 0.00044 e.8.1.7 (A:75-407) DNA 41.9 5.6 0.00046 e.8.1.7 (A:) DinB homo 41.3 5.8 0.00048 a.60.7.1 (X:218-357) F 40.7 6.4 0.00053

The summary hit list that is written to the screen shows the best hits from the database, ordered by the probability of being a true positive (column 4: Prob). The meaning of the columns is the following:

Column 1 No: Column 2 Hit: Column 3 Prob:

Index of hit First 30 characters of domain description (from nameline of query sequence) Probability of target to be a true positive For the probability of being a true positive, the secondary structure score in column 7 is taken into account, together with the raw score in column 6 (Score). True positives are dened to be either globally homologous or they are at least locally similar in structure. More precisely, the latter criterion demands that the MAXSUB score between query and hit is at least 0.1. In almost all cases the structural similarity will we be due to a global OR LOCAL homology between query and target.

Column 4 E-value:

Column 5 P-value:

Column 6 Score: Column 7 SS:

Column 8 Cols: Columns 9,10: Columns 11,12: Column 14:

Expect-value E-value and P-value are calculated without taking the secondary structure into account! The E-value gives the average number of false positives (wrong hits) with a score better than the one for the target when scanning the datbase. It is a measure of reliability: E-values near to 0 signify a very reliable hit, an E-value of 10 means about 10 wrong hits are expected to be found in the database with a score at least this good. P-value The P-value is just the E-value divided by the number of sequences in the database. It is the probability that in a PAIRWISE comparison a wrong hit will score at least this good. Raw score, does not include the secondary structure score Secondary structure score This score tells how well the PSIPREDpredicted (3-state) or actual DSSP-determined (8-state) secondary structure sequences agree with each other. PSIPRED condence values are used in the scoring, low condences getting less statistical weight. The number of aligned Match columns in the HMM-HMM alignment. Range of aligned match states from query HMM Range of aligned match states from target HMM Number of match states in target HMM


HMM-HMM pairwise alignments

The output le d1bpya1.hhr contains the same hit list plus the pairwise HMM alignments. One example is give here:
No 4 >d1mun__ a.96.1.2 (-) Catalytic domain of MutY {Escherichia coli} SCOP: d1muya_ d1kg5a_ d1kg2a_ d1kg6a_ Probab=94.69 E-value=0.062 Score=28.83 Aligned_columns=56 Identities=25% Q Q Q Q Q T T T T T ss_dssp ss_pred ss_conf d1tv9a1 Consensus Consensus d1mun__ ss_dssp ss_pred ss_conf HHHHHHHHTTCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-HCCSCCC-CHHHHHTSTTCCHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH-HCCCCCC-CHHHHHHCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH 999999863899723799999999997-2797755-75877408996767899999999 ELANFEKNVSQAIHKYNAYRKAASVIA-KYPHKIK-SGAEAKKLPGVGTKIAEKIDEFL eia~~~e~~~en~~rv~AYr~Aa~~l~-~l~~~i~-~~~~l~~lpgIG~~ia~~I~Ei~ ++..+..-.|=. .|.+...+++..|. .+...+. +.++|.+|||||+.+|..|.-+. ~l~~~i~~~G~~-~ka~~l~~~~~~i~~~~~g~ip~~~~eL~~LpGVG~kTA~~VL~~a EVLHLWTGLGYY-ARARNLHKAAQQVATLHGGKFPETFEEVAALPGVGRSTAGAILSLS HHHHHHTTSCCT-HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHSTTSCCCSHHHHHTSTTCCHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHH-HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHCCCCCCCCHHHHHHCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHH 999999863066-7788999999999987079654476999843897588999999986

17 17 72 72

73 (87) 73 (87) 129 (225) 129 (225)

This is a typical example of local homology, detectable at both the sequence and the structural level, which is embedded in globally non-homologous structures with dierent overall folds. This sequence- and structure-similar motif, called helix-hairpin-helix (HhH), makes unspecic contacts with DNA and is described in [Doherty, Serpell, Ponting, NAR 1996]. See [S oding J and Lupas AN, Bioessays 2003] for a hypothesis relating to the pervasiveness of recurring homologous peptide fragments. The pairwise alignment consists of one or more blocks with the following lines:
Q Q Q Q Q ss_dssp: ss_pred: ss_conf: scop-id: Consensus: the the the the the query secondary structure query secondary structure PSIPRED confidence values query sequence query alignment consensus as determined by DSSP (when available) as predicted by PSIPRED (when available) (0-9) (when available) sequence


The consensus sequence uses capital letters for well conserved columns and lower case for partially conserved columns. Unconserved columns are marked by a tilde . Roughly speaking, amino acids that occur with >= 60% probability (before adding pseudocounts) are written as capital letters and amino acids that have >= 40% probability are written as lower case letters, where gaps are included in the fraction counts. More precisely, when the gap-corrected amino acid fraction pi (a) Ne f f (i)/(Ne f f + 1) is above 0.6 (0.4) an upper (lower) case letter is used for amino acid a. Here, pi (a) is the emission probability for a in column i, Ne f f is the eective number of sequences in the entire multiple alignment (between 1 and 20) and Ne f f (i) is the eective number of sequences in the subalignment consisting of those sequences that do not have a gap in column i. These percentages increase approximately inversely proportionally with the fraction of gaps in the column, hence a column with only cysteins and 50% gaps gets a lower case letter. The line in the middle shows the column score between the query and target amino acid distributions. It gives a valuable indication for the alignment quality.
= . + | : : : : : column column column column column score score score score score below -1.5 between -1.5 and -0.5 between -0.5 and +0.5 between +0.5 and +1.5 above +1.5

(A unit of column score corresponds approximately to 0.6 bits.) From the column score line the excellent alignment around the highly conserved LPGIG motif in the turn between two helices is evident. The alignment around the rst helix by contrast scores only slightly better than zero per residue and is therefore not very reliable.
T T T T T Consensus: scop-id: ss_dssp: ss_pred: ss_conf: the the the the the target alignment consensus sequence target domain sequence target secondary structure as determined by DSSP (when available) target secondary structure as predicted by PSIPRED (when available) PSIPRED confidence values (0-9) (when available)

Input alignment formats

HMMs can be read by hhsearch in its own .hhm format, as well as in HMMer format (.hhm). Performance is not as good for HMMer-format as for hhm format, so please use hhsearchs hhm format if possible. HMMers hmm format can be converted to HHsearchs hhm format simply with hhmake: > ./hhmake -i test.hmm -o test.hhm This works only for a single HMM per le, not for concatenated HMMs. A safer way to eect the conversion is to call hhmake with the original alignment le. Note: you may add predicted secondary structure to the hmm le with addpsipred.pl before the conversion to hhm format. Multiple alignments can be read in A2M, A3M, or aligned FASTA format. (Check the -M option for using an input format dierent from the default A3M). You can transform MSAs from Clustal or Stockholm format to A3M or aligned FASTA with the reformat.pl utility supplied together with hhsearch. To reformat from Clustal fromat to A3M: 11

> ./reformat.pl test.aln test.a3m or explicitely, if the formats can not be recognized from the extensions: > ./reformat.pl clu a3m test.clustal test.a3m To reformat from Stockholm to aligned FASTA: > ./reformat.pl test.sto test.fas Example for aligned FASTA format:
>d1a1x__ b.63.1.1 (-) p13-MTCP1 {Human (Homo sapiens)} PPDHLWVHQEGIYRDEYQRTWVAVVEE--E--T--SF---------LR----------ARVQQIQVPLG-------DAARPSHLLTS-----QLPLMWQLYPEERYMDNNSR >gi|6678257|ref|NP_033363.1|:(7-103) T-cell lymphoma breakpoint 1 [Mus musculus] HPNRLWIWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPVVIK--S--N--EK---------FQ----------VILRQEDVTLG-------EAMSPSQLVPY-----ELPLMWQLYPKDRYRSCDSM >gi|7305557|ref|NP_038800.1|:(8-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 3 [Mus musculus] PPRFLVCTRDDIYEDENGRQWVVAKVE--T--S--RSpygsrietcIT----------VHLQHMTTIPQ-------EPTPQQPINNN-----SLPTMWRLESMNTYTGTDGT >gi|11415028|ref|NP_068801.1|:(2-106) T-cell lymphoma-1; T-cell lymphoma-1A [Homo sapiens] HPDRLWAWEKFVYLDEKQHAWLPLTIEikD--R--LQ---------LR----------VLLRREDVVLG-------RPMTPTQIGPS-----LLPIMWQLYPDGRYRSSDSS >gi|7305561|ref|NP_038804.1|:(7-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5 [Mus musculus] ----------GIYEDEHHRVWIAVNVE--T--S--HS---------SHgnrietcvt-VHLQHMTTLPQ-------EPTPQQPINNN-----SLPTMWRLESRNTYTGTDGT >gi|7305553|ref|NP_038801.1|:(5-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 1 [Mus musculus] LPVYLVSVRLGIYEDEHHRVWIVANVE--TshS--SH---------GN----------RRRTHVTVHLW-------KLIPQQVIPFNplnydFLPTTWKLESRNIYWATDGT >gi|27668591|ref|XP_234504.1|:(7-103) similar to Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Murine Tcl1 At 2.5 Resolution -PDRLWLWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPIVIK--S--N--GK---------FQ----------VIMRQKDVILG-------DSMTPSQLVPY-----ELPLMWQLYPEERYRSSNSE >gi|27668589|ref|XP_234503.1|:(9-91) similar to T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5; -PHILTLRTHGIYEDEHHRLWVVLDLQ--A--ShlSF---------SN----------RLLIYLTVYLQqgvafplESTPPSPMNLN-----GLPRRWTLRTMGTYEGTDNT >gi|7305559|ref|NP_038802.1|:(8-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 4 [Mus musculus] PPCFLVCTRDDIYEDEHGRQWVAAKVE--T--S--SH---------SPycskietcvtVHLWQMTTLFQ-------EPSPDSLKTFN-----FLPRTWRLESRNTYRGADAM >gi|7305555|ref|NP_038803.1|:(9-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 2 [Mus musculus] ---------PGFYEDEHHRLWMVAKLE--T--C--SH---------SPycnkietcvtVHLWQMTRYPQ-------EPAPYNPMNYN-----FLPMTWRLASMNTYRGTDAM

The sequence name and its description must be contained in a single name line beginning with the symbol and followed directly by the sequence name. The residue data is contained in one or more lines of arbitrary length following the name line. No empty lines should be used. In aligned FASTA the gaps are written with - and the nth letter of each sequence (except newlines) is understood to build the nth column of the multiple alignment. The same alignment in A2M format looks like this:
>d1a1x__ b.63.1.1 (-) p13-MTCP1 {Human (Homo sapiens)} PPDHLWVHQEGIYRDEYQRTWVAVVEE..E..T..SF.........LR..........ARVQQIQVPLG.......DAARPSHLLTS.....QLPLMWQLYPEERYMDNNSR >gi|6678257|ref|NP_033363.1|:(7-103) T-cell lymphoma breakpoint 1 [Mus musculus] HPNRLWIWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPVVIK..S..N..EK.........FQ..........VILRQEDVTLG.......EAMSPSQLVPY.....ELPLMWQLYPKDRYRSCDSM >gi|7305557|ref|NP_038800.1|:(8-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 3 [Mus musculus] PPRFLVCTRDDIYEDENGRQWVVAKVE..T..S..RSpygsrietcIT..........VHLQHMTTIPQ.......EPTPQQPINNN.....SLPTMWRLESMNTYTGTDGT >gi|11415028|ref|NP_068801.1|:(2-106) T-cell lymphoma-1; T-cell lymphoma-1A [Homo sapiens] HPDRLWAWEKFVYLDEKQHAWLPLTIEikD..R..LQ.........LR..........VLLRREDVVLG.......RPMTPTQIGPS.....LLPIMWQLYPDGRYRSSDSS >gi|7305561|ref|NP_038804.1|:(7-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5 [Mus musculus] ----------GIYEDEHHRVWIAVNVE..T..S..HS.........SHgnrietcvt.VHLQHMTTLPQ.......EPTPQQPINNN.....SLPTMWRLESRNTYTGTDGT >gi|7305553|ref|NP_038801.1|:(5-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 1 [Mus musculus] LPVYLVSVRLGIYEDEHHRVWIVANVE..TshS..SH.........GN..........RRRTHVTVHLW.......KLIPQQVIPFNplnydFLPTTWKLESRNIYWATDGT >gi|27668591|ref|XP_234504.1|:(7-103) similar to Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Murine Tcl1 At 2.5 Resolution -PDRLWLWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPIVIK..S..N..GK.........FQ..........VIMRQKDVILG.......DSMTPSQLVPY.....ELPLMWQLYPEERYRSSNSE >gi|27668589|ref|XP_234503.1|:(9-91) similar to T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5; -PHILTLRTHGIYEDEHHRLWVVLDLQ..A..ShlSF.........SN..........RLLIYLTVYLQqgvafplESTPPSPMNLN.....GLPRRWTLRTMGTYEGTDNT >gi|7305559|ref|NP_038802.1|:(8-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 4 [Mus musculus] PPCFLVCTRDDIYEDEHGRQWVAAKVE..T..S..SH.........SPycskietcvtVHLWQMTTLFQ.......EPSPDSLKTFN.....FLPRTWRLESRNTYRGADAM >gi|7305555|ref|NP_038803.1|:(9-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 2 [Mus musculus] ---------PGFYEDEHHRLWMVAKLE..T..C..SH.........SPycnkietcvtVHLWQMTRYPQ.......EPAPYNPMNYN.....FLPMTWRLASMNTYRGTDAM


A2M format is derived from aligned FASTA format. It looks very similar, but it distinguishes between match/delete columns and insert columns. This information is important to uniquely specify how an alignment is transformed into an HMM. The match/delete columns use upper case letters for residues and the - symbol for deletions (gaps). The insert columns use lower case letters for the inserted residues. Gaps aligned to inserted residues are written as . The same alignment in A3M:
>d1a1x__ b.63.1.1 (-) p13-MTCP1 {Human (Homo sapiens)} PPDHLWVHQEGIYRDEYQRTWVAVVEEETSFLRARVQQIQVPLGDAARPSHLLTSQLPLMWQLYPEERYMDNNSR >gi|6678257|ref|NP_033363.1|:(7-103) T-cell lymphoma breakpoint 1 [Mus musculus] HPNRLWIWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPVVIKSNEKFQVILRQEDVTLGEAMSPSQLVPYELPLMWQLYPKDRYRSCDSM >gi|7305557|ref|NP_038800.1|:(8-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 3 [Mus musculus] PPRFLVCTRDDIYEDENGRQWVVAKVETSRSpygsrietcITVHLQHMTTIPQEPTPQQPINNNSLPTMWRLESMNTYTGTDGT >gi|11415028|ref|NP_068801.1|:(2-106) T-cell lymphoma-1; T-cell lymphoma-1A [Homo sapiens] HPDRLWAWEKFVYLDEKQHAWLPLTIEikDRLQLRVLLRREDVVLGRPMTPTQIGPSLLPIMWQLYPDGRYRSSDSS >gi|7305561|ref|NP_038804.1|:(7-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5 [Mus musculus] ----------GIYEDEHHRVWIAVNVETSHSSHgnrietcvtVHLQHMTTLPQEPTPQQPINNNSLPTMWRLESRNTYTGTDGT >gi|7305553|ref|NP_038801.1|:(5-103) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 1 [Mus musculus] LPVYLVSVRLGIYEDEHHRVWIVANVETshSSHGNRRRTHVTVHLWKLIPQQVIPFNplnydFLPTTWKLESRNIYWATDGT >gi|27668591|ref|XP_234504.1|:(7-103) similar to Chain A, Crystal Structure Of Murine Tcl1 At 2.5 Resolution -PDRLWLWEKHVYLDEFRRSWLPIVIKSNGKFQVIMRQKDVILGDSMTPSQLVPYELPLMWQLYPEERYRSSNSE >gi|27668589|ref|XP_234503.1|:(9-91) similar to T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 5; -PHILTLRTHGIYEDEHHRLWVVLDLQAShlSFSNRLLIYLTVYLQqgvafplESTPPSPMNLNGLPRRWTLRTMGTYEGTDNT >gi|7305559|ref|NP_038802.1|:(8-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 4 [Mus musculus] PPCFLVCTRDDIYEDEHGRQWVAAKVETSSHSPycskietcvtVHLWQMTTLFQEPSPDSLKTFNFLPRTWRLESRNTYRGADAM >gi|7305555|ref|NP_038803.1|:(9-102) T-cell leukemia/lymphoma 1B, 2 [Mus musculus] ---------PGFYEDEHHRLWMVAKLETCSHSPycnkietcvtVHLWQMTRYPQEPAPYNPMNYNFLPMTWRLASMNTYRGTDAM

The A3M format is a condensed version of A2M format. It is obtained by omitting all . symbols from A2M format. Hence residues emitted by Match states of the HMM are in upper case, residues emitted by Insert states are in lower case and deletions are written -. A3M-formatted alignments can be reformatted to other formats like FASTA or A2M with the reformat.pl utility: ./reformat.pl test.a3m test.a2m A3M is not an ocial format. Likewise the name A3M is our personal invention for this very practical and space-ecient format. Secondary structure information in A3M/A2M or FASTA MSAs for hhsearch The alignments read in by hhsearch or hhmake can also contain secondary structure information. This information can be included in sequences with special names, like in this A3M le:


The sequence with name >ss_dssp contains the 8-state DSSP-determined secondary structure. >aa_dssp and >aa_pred contain the same residues as the query sequence (>d1a1x__ in this case). They are optional and used merely to check whether the secondary structure states have correctly been assigned to the alignment. >ss_pred contains the 3-state secondary structure predicted by PSIPRED, and >ss_conf conains the corresponding condence values. The query sequence is the rst sequence that does not start with a special name. It is not marked explicitely. Name lines in alignments If you would like to create HMMs from alignments with a specied name which dier from the name of the rst sequence, you can do so by adding name lines to your FASTA, A2M, or A3M alignment:

When creating an HMM from an A3M le with hhmake, the rst word of the name line is used as the name and le name of the HMM (PF02043 in this case). The following is an optional description. The descriptions will appear in the alignment section of the search results. The name lines can be arbitrarily long and there can be any number of name/description lines included, marked by a # as the rst character in the line. Note that name lines are read by hhmake but are not a part of the standard denition of the FASTA or A2M format.

Summary of command-line parameters

This is just a brief summary of command line parameters for the various binaries and perl scripts as they are displayed by the programs when calling them without command line parameters. On the help pages of our HHpred web server http://protevo.eb.tuebingen.mpg.de/hhpred/} you can nd more detailed explanations about some of the input parameters (Paramters section) and about how to interpret the hhsearch output (Results section). The FAQ section contains valuable practical hints on topics such as how to validate marginally signicant database matches or how to avoid high-scoring false positives.


hhmake build an HMM from an input MSA

Build an HMM from an input alignment in A2M, A3M, or FASTA format. or convert between HMMER format (.hmm) and HHsearch format (.hhm). A database le is generated by simply concatenating these HMM les.
Usage: hhmake -i file [options]


-i <file>

query alignment (A2M, A3M, or FASTA), or query HMM

Output options: -o <file> HMM file to be written to (default=<infile.hhm>) -a <file> HMM file to be appended to -v <int> verbose mode: 0:no screen output 1:only warings 2: verbose -seq <int> max. number of query/template sequences displayed (def=10) Beware of overflows! All these sequences are stored in memory. -cons Insert consensus as main representative sequence of HMM -name <name> Use this name for HMM (default: use name of first sequence) Filter input alignment (options can be combined): -id [0,100] maximum pairwise sequence identity (%) (def=90) -diff [0,inf[ filter most diverse set of sequences, keeping at least this many sequences in each block of >50 columns (def=100) -cov [0,100] minimum coverage with query (%) (def=0) -qid [0,100] minimum sequence identity with query (%) (def=0) -qsc [0,100] minimum score per column with query (def=-20.0) Input alignment format: -M a2m use A2M/A3M (default): upper case = Match; lower case = Insert; - = Delete; . = gaps aligned to inserts (may be omitted) -M first use FASTA: columns with residue in 1st sequence are match states -M [0,100] use FASTA: columns with fewer than X% gaps are match states Other options: -def read default options from ./.hhdefaults or <home>/.hhdefault. Example: hhmake -i test.a3m


hhsearch search a database of HMMs with a query MSA or HMM

Usage: hhsearch -i query -d database [options] -i <file> input query alignment (A2M, A3M, FASTA) or HMM (hhm or HMMER format) -d <file> HMM database of concatenated HMMs, either generated with hhmake or with HMMERs hmmbuild. (Multiple dbs with -d <db1> <db2>...) Output options: -cal calibrate query HMM (write mu and lamda into hhm file) -o <file> write results in standard format to file (default=<infile.hhr>) -ofas <file> write pairwise alignments in FASTA (-oa2m: A2M, -oa3m: A3M) format -v <int> verbose mode: 0:no screen output 1:only warings 2: verbose -seq <int> max. number of query/template sequences displayed (def=1) -nocons dont show consensus sequence in alignments (default=show) -nopred dont show predicted 2ndary structure in alignments (default=show) -nodssp dont show DSSP 2ndary structure in alignments (default=show) -aliw <int> number of columns per line in alignment list (def=80) -p <float> minimum probability in summary and alignment list (def=20) -E <float> maximum E-value in summary and alignment list (def=1E+06) -Z <int> maximum number of lines in summary hit list (def=500) -z <int> minimum number of lines in summary hit list (def=10) -B <int> maximum number of alignments in alignment list (def=500) -b <int> minimum number of alignments in alignment list (def=10) Remark: you may use stdin and stdout instead of file names Filter input alignment (options can be combined): -id [0,100] maximum pairwise sequence identity (%) (def=90)


-diff [0,inf[ filter most diverse set of sequences, keeping at least this many sequences in each block of >50 columns (def=100) -cov [0,100] minimum coverage with query (%) (def=0) -qid [0,100] minimum sequence identity with query (%) (def=0) -qsc [0,100] minimum score per column with query (def=-20.0) Input alignment format: -M a2m use A2M/A3M (default): upper case = Match; lower case = Insert; - = Delete; . = gaps aligned to inserts (may be omitted) -M first use FASTA: columns with residue in 1st sequence are match states -M [0,100] use FASTA: columns with fewer than X% gaps are match states HMM-HMM alignment options: -realign realign displayed hits with max. accuracy (MAC) algorithm -norealign do NOT realign displayed hits with MAC algorithm (default) -mact [0,1[ posterior probability threshold for MAC re-alignment (def=0.300) Parameter controls alignment greediness: 0:global >0.1:local -glob/-loc use global/local alignment mode for searching/ranking (def=local) -alt <int> show up to this many significant alternative alignments(def=2) -excl <range> exclude query positions from the alignment, e.g. 1-33,97-168 -shift [-1,1] score offset (def=-0.01) -corr [0,1] weight of term for pair correlations (def=0.10) -ssm 0-4 0: no ss scoring 1,2: ss scoring after or during alignment [default=2] 3,4: ss scoring after or during alignment, predicted vs. predicted -ssw [0,1] weight of ss score (def=0.11) Other options: -l <string> restrict search to the list of sequence names in command line -lf <file> restrict search to the list of sequence names in file -def read default options from ./.hhdefaults or <home>/.hhdefault. Write hhsearch, hhmake and/or hhfilter etc. in one line, followed by its list of options, one per line. -cpu <int> number of CPUs to use (for shared memory SMPs) (default=1) Example: hhsearch -i a.1.1.1.a3m -d scop70_1.71.hhm


hhalign Align a query MSA/HMM to a template MSA/HMMt

Align a query alignment/HMM to a template alignment/HMM by HMM-HMM alignment. If only one alignment/HMM is given it is compared to itself and the best o-diagonal alignment plus all further non-overlapping alignments above signicance threshold are shown. The command also allows to sample alignments randomly, to generate png-les with dot plots showing alignments or to print out a list of indices of aligned residue pairs.
Usage: hhalign -i <file> -t <file> -png <file> -i query [-t template] [options] input query alignment (fasta/a2m/a3m) or HMM file (.hhm) input template alignment (fasta/a2m/a3m) or HMM file (.hhm) write dotplot into PNG-file (default=none)

Output options: -o <file> write output alignment to file -ofas <file> write alignments in FASTA, A2M (-oa2m) or A3M (-oa3m) format -a <file> write query alignment in a3m format to file (default=none) -aa <file> append query alignment in a3m format to file (default=none) -atab <file> write alignment as a table (with posteriors) to file (default=none)


-v <int> -seq [1,inf[ -nocons -nopred -nodssp -aliw int -P <float> -p <float> -E <float> -Z <int> -z <int> -B <int> -b <int> -rank int

verbose mode: 0:no screen output 1:only warings 2: verbose max. number of query/template sequences displayed (def=1) dont show consensus sequence in alignments (default=show) dont show predicted 2ndary structure in alignments (default=show) dont show DSSP 2ndary structure in alignments (default=show) number of columns per line in alignment list (def=80) for self-comparison: max p-value of alignments (def=0.001 minimum probability in summary and alignment list (def=0) maximum E-value in summary and alignment list (def=1E+06) maximum number of lines in summary hit list (def=100) minimum number of lines in summary hit list (def=1) maximum number of alignments in alignment list (def=100) minimum number of alignments in alignment list (def=1) specify rank of alignment to write with -a or -aa option (default=1)

Dotplot options: -dwin <int> average score in dotplot over window [i-W..i+W] (def=10) -dthr <float> score threshold for dotplot (default=0.50) -dsca <int> if value <= 20: size of dot plot unit box in pixels if value > 20: maximum dot plot size in pixels (default=600) -dali <list> show alignments with indices in <list> in dot plot <list> = <index1> ... <indexN> or <list> = all Filter input alignment (options can be combined): -id [0,100] maximum pairwise sequence identity (%) (def=90) -diff [0,inf[ filter most diverse set of sequences, keeping at least this many sequences in each block of >50 columns (def=100) -cov [0,100] minimum coverage with query (%) (def=0) -qid [0,100] minimum sequence identity with query (%) (def=0) -qsc [0,100] minimum score per column with query (def=-20.0) Input alignment format: -M a2m use A2M/A3M (default): upper case = Match; lower case = Insert; - = Delete; . = gaps aligned to inserts (may be omitted) -M first use FASTA: columns with residue in 1st sequence are match states -M [0,100] use FASTA: columns with fewer than X% gaps are match states HMM-HMM alignment options: -glob/-loc global or local alignment mode (def=local) -alt <int> show up to this number of alternative alignments (def=1) -vit use Viterbi algorithm for alignment instead of MAC algorithm -mac use Maximum Accuracy (MAC) alignment (default) -mact [0,1[ posterior probability threshold for MAC alignment (def=0.300) A threshold value of 0.0 yields global alignments. -sto <int> sample this many alignments stochastically The stochastically sampled alignments will be listed after the optimal and alternative alignments. Consider to use -alt 1 . -excl <range> exclude query positions from the alignment, e.g. 1-33,97-168 -shift [-1,1] score offset (def=-0.010) -corr [0,1] weight of term for pair correlations (def=0.10) -ssm 0-4 0:no ss scoring [default=2] 1:ss scoring after alignment 2:ss scoring during alignment -ssw [0,1] weight of ss score (def=0.11) -def read default options from ./.hhdefaults or <home>/.hhdefault.

Example: hhalign -i T0187.a3m -t d1hz4a_.hhm -png T0187pdb.png



hhfilter lter an MSA

Filter an alignment by maximum pairwise sequence identity, minimum coverage, minimum sequence identity or score per column to the rst (seed) sequence etc.
Usage: hhfilter -i infile -o outfile [options] -i <file> write to output file -o <file> write to output file -a <file> append to output file Options: -v <int> verbose mode: 0:no screen output 1:only warings 2: verbose -id [0,100] maximum pairwise sequence identity (%) (def=90) -diff [0,inf[ filter most diverse set of sequences, keeping at least this many sequences in each block of >50 columns (def=0) -cov [0,100] minimum coverage with query (%) (def=0) -qid [0,100] minimum sequence identity with query (%) (def=0) -qsc [0,100] minimum score per column with query (def=-20.0) -def read default options from ./.hhdefaults or <home>/.hhdefault. Input alignment format: -M a2m use A2M/A3M (default): upper case = Match; lower case = Insert; - = Delete; . = gaps aligned to inserts (may be omitted) -M first use FASTA: columns with residue in 1st sequence are match states -M [0,100] use FASTA: columns with fewer than X% gaps are match states Example: hhfilter -id 50 -i d1mvfd_.a2m -o d1mvfd_.fil.a2m


reformat.pl reformat one or many alignments

Read one or many multiple alignments in one format and write them in another format
Usage: reformat.pl [informat] [outformat] infile outfile [options] or reformat.pl [informat] [outformat] fileglob .ext [options] Available input formats: fas: aligned fasta; lower and upper case equivalent, . and - equivalent a2m: aligned fasta; inserts: lower case, matches: upper case, deletes: -, gaps aligned to inserts: . a3m: like a2m, but gaps aligned to inserts MAY be omitted sto: Stockholm format; sequences in several blocks with sequence name at beginning of line (hmmer output) psi: format as read by PSI-BLAST using the -B option (like sto with -M first -r) clu: Clustal format; sequences in several blocks with sequence name at beginning of line Available output formats: fas: aligned fasta; all gaps - a2m: aligned fasta; inserts: lower case, matches: upper case, deletes: -, gaps aligned to inserts: . a3m: like a2m, but gaps aligned to inserts are omitted sto: Stockholm format; sequences in just one block, one line per sequence psi: format as read by PSI-BLAST using the -B option clu: CLUSTAL format If no input or output format is given the file extension is interpreted as format specification (aln as clu)


Options: -v int -num -noss -sa -M int -M first -r -r int -g -g - -uc -lc -l -d

verbose mode (0:off, 1:on) add number prefix to sequence names: name, 1:name 2:name etc remove secondary structure sequences (beginning with >ss_) do not remove solvent accessibility sequences (beginning with >sa_) make all columns with less than X% gaps match columns (for output format a2m or a3m) make all columns with residue in first seuqence match columns (for output format a2m or a3m) remove all lower case residues (insert states) (AFTER -M option has been processed) remove all lower case columns with more than X% gaps suppress all gaps write all gaps as - write all residues in upper case (AFTER all other options have been processed) write all residues in lower case (AFTER all other options have been processed) number of residues per line (for CLUSTAL, FASTA, A2M, A3M formats) (default=$numres) maximum number of characers in nameline (default=$desclen)

Examples: reformat.pl 1hjra.a3m 1hjra.a2m (same as reformat.pl a3m a2m 1hjra.a3m 1hjra.a2m) reformat.pl test.a3m test.fas -num -r 90 reformat.pl fas sto *.fasta .stockholm


buildali.pl build a PSI-BLAST alignment from a sequence or MSA

Build alignment for query sequence (FASTA) or query alignment (A2M, A3M, or aligned FASTA): Build prole with several interations of PSI-BLAST If query alignment contains < 20 sequences and query has < 50 residues and query can be extended by more than 10% of residues then do search with extended query and merge alignments Include dssp states if available Include psipred secondary structure prediction
Usage: buildali.pl infile [outdir] [options] General options: -v <int> verbose mode (def=$v) -u update: do not overwrite *.a3m files already existing (def=off) -old [dir] if a file with same name is found in old database, jumpstart PSI-BLAST with this file -cpu <int> number of CPUs to use when calling blastpgp (default=$cpu) -cn create alignment file <basename>.<n>.a3m after each PSI-BLAST round n Options for building alignments: -extend force query extension: psiblast with original AND extended sequence and merge alignments (def=off) -n <int> maximum number of psiblast iterations (def=$maxiter) -e <float> E-value for inclusion in PSI-BLAST profile (def=$Eult) -id <int> maximum pairwise sequence identity in % (def=$id) -qid <int> minimum sequence identity with query in % (def=0)


-diff <int>

maximum number of maximally different sequences in output alignment (default=off) -cov <int> minimum coverage in % (Coverage = length of HSP / length of query) (def=$cov) -len <int> minimum number of residues in HSP (def=$min_hitlen) -b <float> minimum per-residue bit score with query at ends of HSPs -bl <float> lenient -b value used for ends of HSP where query sequence overlaps less than 50 residues (default=0) -bs <float> strict -b value used for ends of HSP where query sequence overlaps more than 50 residues (default=0.167) -p <float> only for extended search: maximum p-value of HSP IN MATCH COLUMNS for inclusion into alignment (def=$pmax) -core when input is multiple alignment: build a core alignment with BLAST (dont use the supplied input alignment as a core alignment ) -lc filter out low complexity regions in query sequence (only for PSI-BLAST search) -ihs <int> run quick intermediate HMM search (HHsenser) if less than <int> sequences found (def=off) -noss omit secondary structure (predicted or DSSP) -db <basename> basename of sequence database, e.g. /cluster/databases/nr_euk ( => nr_euk90f, nr_euk70f)

Input formats: -fas aligned FASTA input format; the first sequence (=query sequence) will define match columns -a3m A3M input format (default); the first sequence (=query sequence) will (re)define match columns -clu CLUSTAL format -sto: Stockholm format; sequences in just one block, one line per sequence Example: buildali.p test.a3m > ./builddb.log & Usage: buildali.pl infile [outdir] [options]


addpsipred.pl add predicted secondary structure to an MSA or HMM

Add PSIPRED secondary structure prediction to a multiple sequence alignment or HMMER le. Input is a multiple sequence alignment or a HMMER (multi-)model le. Allowed input formats are A2M/FASTA (default), A3M (-a3m), CLUSTAL (-clu), STOCKHOLM (-sto), HMMER (-hmm). If the input le is an alignment, the output le is in A3M with default name basename.a3m. If the input le is in HMMER format, the output is the same as the input, except that records SSPRD and SSCON are added to each model which contain predicted secondary structure and condence values. In this case the output le name is obligatory and must be dierent from the input le name. (Remark: A3M looks misaligned but it is not. To reconvert to FASTA, type reformat.pl file.a3m file.fas. For an explanation of the A3M format, see the HHsearch README le.
Usage: perl addpsipred.pl <ali file> [<outfile>] [-fas|-a3m|-clu|sto] or perl addpsipred.pl <HMM file> <outfile> -hmm


alignhits.pl extract an alignment from a BLAST/PSI-BLAST output

Extract a multiple alignment of hits from Blast or PsiBlast output (as text le, not html)


Options for thresholds -e e-value : maximum e-value (default=0.0001) -qid percent : minimum sequence identity to query in % (default=0) (seq-id = # identities in match columns / # hit residues in match columns) -cov coverage : minimum coverage in % (default=0) -emin e-value : minimum e-value (default=-1) Options for output format: -psi : PsiBlast-readable format; inserts relative to query (=first) sequence omitted, capitalization of residues same as query sequence (default) -a2m : like FASTA, but capitalization of residues same as query sequence, deletes -, gaps aligned to lower case columns . -a3m : like -a2m, but gaps aligned to inserts omitted -ufas : unaligned fasta format (without gaps) -fas : aligned fasta; all residues upper case, all gaps - Other options: -v -append -best -q file -Q -p file p-value

: : : : : : : : :

-qsc value -b -bl float float

-bs -bg -P -B

float int : file file

: : : :

verbose mode (default=off) append output to file (default=overwrite) extract only the best HSP per sequence (default=off) insert a2m-formatted query sequence into output alignment; upper/lower case determines match/insert columns like -q, but all query residues will be match states (upper case) maximum p-value of HSP IN MATCH COLUMNS (with query or -P alignment) (default=1) minimum score per column in bits (with query or -P alignment) (default=-10) HSP pruning: min per-residue score in bits (with query or -B alignment) at ends of HSPs lenient HSP pruning: min per-residue score in bits (with query or -B alignment) at ends of HSPs. Used when number of endgaps at the one end < bg (see -bg) (default=-10) strict HSP pruning: like -b, but used when number of endgaps >= bg (default=-10) below this number of end gaps the lenient HSP pruning score is used, above the strict score is employed (default=30) read alignment file (in psiblast-readable format) and calculate PSSM to be used with option -p (only in conjunction with -q or -Q options) read alignment file (in psiblast-readable format) and calculate PSSM to be used with option -b (only in conjunction with -q or -Q options)

Examples: alignhits.pl 1enh.out 1enh.psi alignhits.pl 1enh.out 1enh.a3m -e 1E-4 -cov 50 -s/c 1 -a2m


hhmakemodel.pl generate MSAs or coarse 3D models from HHsearch results le

From the top hits in an hhsearch output le (hhr), you can generate a MSA (multiple sequence alignment) containing all representative template sequences from all selected alignments (options -fas, -a2m, -a3m, -pir) generate several concatenated pairwise alignments in AL format (option -al) 21

generate several concatenated coarse 3D models in PDB format (option -ts) In PIR, PDB and AL format, the pdb les are required in order to read the pdb residue numbers and ATOM records. The PIR formatted le can be used directly as input to the MODELLER homology modelling package.
Usage: hhmakemodel.pl [-i] file.hhr [options] Options: -i <file.hhr> -fas <file.fas> -a2m <file.a2m> -a3m <file.a3m> -m <int> [<int> ...] -p <probability> -e <E-value> -q <query_ali>

-N -first -v

results file from hhsearch with hit list and alignments write a FASTA-formatted multiple alignment to file.fas write an A2M-formatted multiple alignment to file.a2m write an A3M-formatted multiple alignment to file.a3m pick hits with specified indices (default=-m 1) minimum probability threshold (default=$Pthr) maximum E-value threshold (default=$Ethr) use the full-length query sequence in the alignment (not only the aligned part); the query alignment file must be in HHM, FASTA, A2M, or A3M format. use query name from hhr filename (default: use same name as in hhr file) include only first Q or T sequence of each hit in MSA verbose mode (default=$v)

Options when database matches in hhr file are PDB or SCOP sequences -pir <file.pir> write a PIR-formatted multiple alignment to file.pir -ts <file.pdb> write the PDB-formatted models based on *pairwise* alignments into file.pdb -al <file.al> write the AL-formatted *pairwise* alignments into file.al -d <pdbdirs> directories containing the pdb files (for PDB, SCOP, or DALI sequences) (default=$pdbdir) -s <int> shift the residue indices up/down by an integer (default=$shift); -CASP formatting for CASP (for -ts, -al options) (default: LIVEBENCH formatting) Options when query is compared to itself (for repeat detection) -conj include also conjugate alignments in MSA (with query and template exchanged) -conjs include conjugate alignments and sort by ascending diagonal value (i.e. i0-j0)

Changes from HHsearch 1.2.0 to 1.5.0

(For a full history, see accompanying le CHANGES.) By default, HHsearch realigns all diplayed alignments in a second stage using the more accurate Maximum Accuracy (MAC) alignment algorithm (Durbin, Eddy, Krough, Mitchison: Biological sequence analysis, page 95; HMM-HMM version: J. S oding, unpublished). As before, the Viterbi algorithm is employed for searching and ranking the matches. The realignment step is parallelized (-cpu <int>) and typically takes a few seconds only. You can switch o the MAC realignment with the -norealign option. The posterior probability threshold is controlled with the -mact [0,1[ option. This parameter controls the alignment algorithms greediness. More precisely, the MAC algorithm nds the alignment that maximizes the sum 22

of posterior probabilites minus mapt for each aligned pair. Global alignments are generated with -mact 0, whereas -mact 0.5 will produce quite conservative local alignments. Default value is -mact 0.35, which produces alignments of roughly the same length as the Viterbi algorithm. The -global and -local (default) option now refer to both the Viterbi search stage as well as the MAC realignment stage. With -global (-local), the posterior probability matrix will be calculated for global (local) alignment. Note that -local -mact 0 will produce global alignments from a local posterior probability matrix (which is not at all unreasonable). An amino acid compositional bias correction is now performed by default. This increases the sensitivity by 25% at 0.01 errors per query and by 5% at 0.1 errors per query. By recalibrating the Probabilities, the increased selectivity of this new version allows to give higher probabilities for the same P-values. Also, the score oset could be increased from -0.1 bits to 0 as a consequence. The algorithm that lters the set of the most diverse sequences (option -di) has been improved. Before, it determined the set of the N most diverse sequences. In the case of multidomain alignments, this could lead to severely underrepresented regions. E.g. when the rst domain is only covered by a few fairly similar sequences and the second by hundreds of very diverse ones, most or all of the similar ones were removed. The -di N option now lters the most diverse set of sequences, keeping at least N sequences in each block of 50 columns. This generally leads to a total number of sequences that is larger than N. Speed is similar. The default is -di 100 for hhmake and hhsearch. Speed is similar. Use -di 0 to switch this lter o. The sensitivity for the -global alignment option has been signicantly increased by a more robust statistical treatment. The sensitivity in -global mode is now only 0-10% lower than for the default -local option on a SCOP benchmark, i.e. when the query or the templates represent single structural domains. The E-values are now more realistic, although still not as reliable as for -local. The Probabilities were recalibrated. A new binary HHalign has been added. It is similar to hhsearch, but performs only pairwise comparisons. It can produce dot plots, tables of aligned residues, and it can sample alternative alignments stochastically. It uses the MAC algorithm by default. HHsearch and hhalign can generate query-template multiple alignments in FASTA, A2M, or A3M format with the -ofas, -oa2m, -oa3m options Returned error values were changed to comply with convention that 0 means no errors: 1. Finished successfully 2. Format error in input les 3. File access error 4. Out of memory 5. Syntax error on command line 6. Internal logic error (please report) 7. Internal numeric error (please report) 8. Other Added script buildali.pl <file> to automatically build PSI-BLAST mutliple sequence alignments, including predicted and DSSP secondary structure. buildali.pl prunes sequences individually from both ends to reduce corruption by non-homologous fragments (J. S oding, unpublished). 23

Added script hhmakemodel.pl <file.hhr> that parses hhsearch results les and can generate FASTA or PIR multiple alignments or build rough 3D models. Moved memory allocation from stack to heap to avoid segmentation faults under some Windows systems. Removed a bug due to which pseudocounts where added to HMMer HMMs (which already have their own pseudocounts added). This bug reduced sensitivity for HMMs read in HMMer format. Removed a bug due to which the query-template alignments where not displayed on some platforms when output was directed to stdout Removed a bug that caused occasional segfaults under SunOS when reading HMMer les Added multi-threading (-cpu <int>) for Windows x86 platform Cleaned up output formatting of summary list for Windows x86 Stopped support for the Alpha/DEC platform Is anyone still interested in Mac OSX/PPC or SunOS support?


The HHsearch software package is distributed under the terms of the Attribution-NonCommercial2.0 license from Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/). Here is a human-readable summary.

Summary of license
You are free to copy, distribute, display and perform the work to make derivative works under the following conditions: Attribution: You must give the original author credit. Noncommercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions, in particular the second condition restricting the use for commercial purposes, can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Your fair use and other rights are in no way aected by the above. For the legally binding, full text of the license, please refer to http://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by-nc/2.0/ If you would like to use this software for commercial purposes, please contact the copyright holder at johannes@soeding.com 24

[1] S oding, J. (2005) Protein homology detection by HMM-HMM comparison. Bioinformatics, 21, 951960. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bti125. http://bioinformatics.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/bti125?ijkey= 38Cp1qeK4zozg&keytype=ref S oding, J., Biegert, A., and Lupas, A.N. (2006) The HHpred interactive server for protein homology detection and structure prediction. Nucleic Acids Research, 33, W244W248 (Web Server issue). doi:10.1093/nar/gki40. http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/33/suppl 2/W244?ijkey= FuurmQ3jgumZ6AU&keytype=ref For the local HMM-HMM MAC algorithm see: [3] Biegert, A., Lupas, A.N., and S oding, J. (2008) HHrepID: de novo protein repeat identication by probabilistic consistency. Submitted.


Good luck with your work! Johannes S oding Gene Center Munich University of Munich LMU Feodor-Lynen-Strasse 25 81377 Munich soeding@lmb.uni-muenchen.de


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