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Method for determination of Sulphur Dioxide in Air (Modified West and Gaeke Method). 2.0 PURPOSE The purpose is to lay down an uniform and reliable method for determination of sulphur dioxide (SO2) in ambient air. 3.0 PRINCIPLE Sulphur dioxide from air is absorbed in a solution of potassium tetrachloromercurate (TCM). A dichlorosulphitomercurate complex, which resists oxidation by the oxygen in the air, is formed. Once formed, this complex is stable to strong oxidants such as ozone and oxides of nitrogen and therefore, the absorber solution may be stored for some time prior to analysis. The complex is made to react with pararosaniline and formaldehyde to form the intensely colored pararosaniline methylsulphonic acid. The absorbance of the solution is measured by means of a suitable spectrophotometer. Concentration of sulphur dioxide in the range of 25-1050 g/m3 can be measured under the conditions given one can measure concentration below 25 g/m3 by sampling larger volumes of air, but only if, the absorber efficiency of the particular system is first determined and found to be satisfactory. Higher concentration can be analyzed by using smaller gas samples of a suitable aliquot of the collected sampler. Beer's law is followed through the working range from 0.03 to 1.0 absorbance unit. This corresponds to 0.8-27 g of sulfite ion in 25 ml of final solution calculated as sulphur dioxide. The lower limit of detection of sulphur dioxide in 10 ml absorbing reagent is 0.75 g based on twice the standard deviation, which represent a concentration of 25 g/m3 in an air sample of 30 litres. 4.0 SCOPE This method is applicable for the measurement of concentration of sulphur dioxide present in ambient air. 5.0 INTERFERENCES The effects of the principal known interferences have been minimized or eliminated. Interferences by oxides of nitrogen are eliminated by sulphamic acid. Ozone is made to decompose by allowing the solution to stand for some time 85

prior to analysis. The interference of trace metals may be eliminated by the addition of ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) to the absorbing solution prior to sampling. At least 60 g iron (III), 10 g manganese (II), and 10 g chromium (III) in 10 ml absorbing reagent can be tolerated in the procedure. No significant interference was found from 10 g copper (II) and 22 g vanadium (V). Ammonium, sulphide, and aldehydes do not interfere. 6.0 6.1 APPARATUS Sampling

6.1.1 Absorber - An all-glass midget impinger, as shown in Figure-1, is recommended for 30 minutes, 1 hour and 4 hours samples. For 24 hours sampling, assemble an absorber from the following parts. 6.1.2 Polypropylene Two-Port Tube Closures

6.1.3 Glass Impingers - Tubing, 6 mm OD and 15 cm long. One end is drawn to small diameter so that a No.79 jeweller's drill bit will pass through, but a No.78 jeweller's bit will not. The other end is fire polished. 6.1.4 Polypropylene Tubes - Tubes 164 by 32 mm, 'Nalgene' or equivalent. 6.1.5 Pump - Capable of maintaining an air pressure differential greater than 0.7 atm at the desired flow rate. 6.1.6 Air Flowmeter or Critical Orifice - A calibrated rotameter or critical orifice capable of measuring air flow within 2%. For 30 minutes sampling, a 22 gauge hypodermic needle 2.5 cm long may be used as a critical orifice to give a flow of about 1 litre/minute. For 1 hour sampling, a 23 gauge hypodermic needle 1.6 cm long may be used to give a flow of about 0.2 litre/minute. Use a membrane filter to protect the orifice (Figure 2). 6.2 Analysis A spectrophotometer suitable for measurement of absorbance at 560 nm with an effective spectral band width of less than 15 nm is required. Reagent blank problems may occur with spectrophotometer having greater spectral band widths.





The wavelength calibration of the instrument should be verified. If, transmittance is measured, this can be converted to absorbance by the formula : A = 2 - log 1 OT 7.0 7.1 REAGENTS Sampling

7.1.1 Water - High quality water must be used. It must be free from oxidants, particularly chlorine, which may not be removed by distillation. This criterion must be observed whether water is prepared by distilling or deionizing or by using a combination of both techniques. 7.1.2 Absorbing Reagents, 0.04 M Potassium Tetrachloro mercurate (TCM) Dissolve 10.86 g, mercuric chloride, 0.066 g EDTA, and 6.0 g potassium chloride or sodium chloride 4.68 gm in water and bring to the mark in a 1 litre volumetric flask. CAUTION : HIGHLY POISONOUS IF SPILLED ON SKIN, FLUSH OFF WITH WATER IMMEDIATELY. The pH of this reagent should be approximately 4.0 but, it has been shown that there is no appreciable difference in collection efficiency over the range of pH 5 to pH 3. The absorbing reagent is normally stable for six months. If, a precipitate forms, discard the reagent after recovering the mercury. 7.2 Analysis

7.2.1 Sulphamic Acid (0.6%) - Dissolve 0.6 g sulphamic acid in 100 ml distilled water. Prepare fresh daily. 7.2.2 Formaldehyde (0.2%) - Dilute 5 ml formaldehyde solution (36-38%) to 1 litre with distilled water. Prepare fresh daily. 7.2.3 Stock Iodine Solution (0.1 N) - Place 12.7 g iodine in a 250 ml beaker, add 40 g potassium iodide and 25 ml water. Stir until all is dissolved, then dilute to 1 litre with distilled water. 7.2.4 Iodine Solution (0.01 N) - Prepare approximately 0.01 N iodine solution by diluting 50 ml of stock solution to 500 ml with distilled water. 7.2.5 Starch Indicator Solution - Triturate 0.4 gm soluble starch and 0.002 g mercuric iodide preservative with a little water and add the paste slowly to 200 ml boiling water. Continue boiling until the solution is clear, cool, and transfer to a glassstoppered bottle. 7.2.6 Stock Sodium Thiosulfate Solution (0.1 N) - Prepare a stock solution by placing 25 g sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate in a beaker, add 0.1 g sodium carbonate and dissolve using boiled, cooled distilled water making the solution 89

up to a final volume of 1 litre. standardizing.

Allow the solution to stand one day before

To standardize, accurately weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg, 1.5 g primary standard potassium iodate dried at 180oC, dissolve, and dilute to volume in a 500 ml volumetric flask. Into a 500 ml Iodine flask, transfer 50 ml of iodate solution by pipette. Add 2 g potassium iodide and 10 ml of N hydrochloric acid and stopper the flask. After 5 min, titrate with stock thiosulfate solution to a pale yellow. Add 5 ml starch indicator solution and continue the titration until the blue color disappears. Calculate the normality of the stock solution. 7.2.7 Sodium Thiosulphate Titrant (0.01 N) - Dilute 100 ml of the stock thiosulfate solution to 1 litre with freshly boiled and cooled distilled water. 7.2.8 Standardized Sulphite Solution for Preparation of Working Sulphite-TCM Solution - Dissolve 0.30 g sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5) or 0.40 g sodium sulphite (Na2SO3) in 500 ml of recently boiled, cooled, distilled water. Sulphite solution is unstable; it is, therefore, important to use water of the highest purity to minimize this instability. This solution contains the equivalent of 320-400 g/ml of SO2. The actual concentration of the solution is determined by adding excess iodine and back-titrating with standard sodium thiosulfate solution. To backtitrate, measure, by pipette, 50 ml of the 0.01 N iodine solution into each of two 500 ml iodine flasks A and B. To flask A (blank) add 25 ml distilled water and into flask B (sample) measure 25 ml sulphite solution by pipette. Stopper the flasks and allow to react for 5 minutes. Prepare the working sulphite-TCM solution (section 7.2.9) at the same time iodine solution is added to the flasks. By means of a burette containing standardized 0.01 N thiosulfate, titrate each flask in turn to a pale yellow. Then add 5 ml starch solution and continue the titration until the blue color disappears. 7.2.9 Working Sulphite-TCM Solution - Measure 2 ml of the standard solution into a 100 ml volumetric flask by pipette and bring to mark with 0.04 M TCM. Calculate the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the working solution in micrograms of sulphur dioxide per milliliter. This solution is stable for 30 days if kept in the refrigerator at 5oC. If not kept at 5oC, prepare fresh daily. 7.2.10 Purified Pararosaniline Stock Solution (0.2% Nominal) Dye Specifications - The pararosaniline dye must meet the following specifications : (i) The dye must have a wavelength of maximum absorbance at 540 nm when assayed in a buffered solution of 0.1 M sodium acetate acetic acid.



The absorbance of the reagent blank, which is temperature sensitive to the extent of 0.015 absorbance unit/oC, should not exceed 0.170 absorbance unit at 22oC with a 1 cm optical path length, when the blank is prepared according to the prescribed analytical procedure and to the specified concentration of the dye. The calibration curve, section 8.5.2 should have a slope of 0.030 + 0.002 absorbance unit/g SO2 at this path length when the dye is pure and the sulphite solution is properly standardized.


Pararosaniline Stock Solution Dissolve 0.5 gm of specially purified Para rosaniline (PRA) in 100 ml distilled water. Keep it for 2 days and filter the solution. The solution is stable for 3 months if stored in a refrigerator. Pararosaniline Working Solution - 10 ml of stock PRA is taken in a 250 ml volumetric flask. Add 15 ml conc. HCL and make up to volume with distilled water.

8.0 8.1

PROCEDURE Sampling and Analysis

8.1.1 Sampling - Procedures are described for short-term (30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours long-term (24 hours) sampling. One can select different combinations of sampling rate and time to meet special needs. Sample volumes should be adjusted, so that linearity is maintained between absorbance and concentration over the range in question. 8.1.2 30 Minutes, 1 Hour and 4 Hours Sampling - Insert a midget impinger into the sampling system (Figure 1). Add 10 ml TCM solution to the impinger (30 ml TCM solution for 4 hours sampling). Collect sample at 1 litre/ minute for 30 minutes, 1 hour or 4 hours using either a rotameter, as shown in Figure 1, or a critical orifice, as shown in Figure 2, to control flow. Shield the absorbing reagent from direct sunlight during and after sampling by covering the impinger with aluminum foil to prevent deterioration. Determine the volume of air sampled by multiplying the flow rate by the time in minutes and record the atmospheric pressure and temperature. Remove and stopper the impinger. If, the sample must be stored for more than a day before analysis, keep it at 5oC in a refrigerator; see section 10.1 during hot weather, sampling is not recommended unless it is possible to refrigerate the samples as taken. 8.1.3 24 Hours Sampling - Place 50 ml TCM solution in a large absorber and collect the sample at 0.2 litre/minute for 24 hours. Make sure no entrainment of solution


results with the impinger. During collection and storage protect from direct sunlight. Determine the total air volume by multiplying the air flow rate by the time in minutes. The correction of 24 hours measurements for temperature and pressure may be difficult and is not ordinarily done. However, the accuracy of the measurement will be improved if meaningful corrections can be applied if storage is necessary; refrigerate at 5oC; see section 10.1. During hot weather, sampling is not recommended unless it is possible to refrigerate the samples as taken. 8.1.4 Sample Preparation - After collection, if a precipitate is observed in the sample, remove it by centrifugation. 8.1.5 30 Minutes, 1 Hour and 4 Hours Samples - Transfer the sample quantitatively to a 25 ml volumetric flask using about 5 ml distilled water for rinsing. Delay analyses for 20 minutes to allow any ozone to decompose. 8.1.6 24 Hours Sample - Make-up the entire sample to 50 ml with absorbing solution. Measure 5 ml of the sample into a 25 ml volumetric flask by pipette for chemical analysis. Bring volume to 10 ml with absorbing reagent. Delay analysis for 20 minutes to allow any ozone to decompose. 8.2 Sample Preservation After sample collection, the solutions must be stored at 5oC in a refrigerator. At 22oC losses of sulphur dioxide occur at the rate of 1% per day. When samples are stored at 5oC for 30 days, no detectable losses of sulphur dioxide occur. The presence of EDTA enhances the stability of sulphur dioxide in solution, and the rate of decay is independent of the concentration of sulphur dioxide. 8.3 Determination For each set of determinations prepare a reagent blank by adding 10 ml of unexposed TCM solution to a 25 ml volumetric flask. Prepare a control solution by measuring 2 ml of working sulphite-TCM solution and 8 ml TCM solution into a 25 ml volumetric flask by pipette. To each flask containing either sample, control solution, or reagent blank, add 1 ml 0.6% sulphamic acid and allow to react 10 minutes to destroy the nitrite resulting from oxides of nitrogen. Measure by pipette and add 2 ml of 0.2% formaldehyde solution and 2 ml pararosaniline solution. Start a laboratory timer that has been set for 30 minutes. Bring all flasks to volume with freshly boiled and cooled distilled water and mix thoroughly. After 30 minutes and before 60 minutes, determine the absorbance of the sample, A, reagent blank, Ao, and the control solution at 560 nm using cells with a 1 cm path length. Use distilled water; not the reagent blank, as the optical reference. This is important because of the color sensitivity of the reagent blank to temperature changes which may be induced in the cell compartment of a spectrophotometer. Do not allow the colored solution to stand in the absorbance cells, because a film of dye may be deposited. Clean cells with alcohol and clean 92

pipe cleaner after use. If, the temperature of the determinations does not differ by more than 2oC from the calibration temperature, the reagent blank should be within 0.03 absorbance unit of the y-intercept of the calibration curve (section 8.5.2). If, the reagent blank differs by more than 0.03 absorbance unit that found in the calibration curve, prepare a new curve. 8.4 Absorbance Range If, the absorbance of the sample solution lies between 1.0 and 2.0, the sample can be diluted 1:1 with a portion of the reagent blank and read within a few minutes. Solutions with higher absorbance can be diluted up to six fold with the reagent blank in order to obtain on-scale readings within 10% of the true absorbance value. 8.5 Calibration and Efficiencies

8.5.1 Flowmeter and Hypodermic Needle - Calibrate flowmeter and hypodermic needle (9) against a calibrated wet test meter. 8.5.2 Calibration Curve - Procedure with Sulphite Solution - Measure by pipette graduated amounts of the working sulphite-TCM solution (Section 7.2.9) (such as 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 ml) into a series of 25 ml volumetric flasks. Add sufficient TCM solution to each flask to bring the volume to approximately 10 ml. Then add the remaining reagents as described in section 8.3. For maximum precision use a constant-temperature bath. The temperature of calibration must be maintained within + 1oC and within the range of 20-30oC. The temperature of calibration must be maintained within two degrees. Plot the absorbance against the total concentration in micrograms sulphur dioxide for the corresponding solution. The total micrograms sulphur dioxide in solution equals the concentration of the standard (section 7.2.9) in micrograms sulphur dioxide per milliliter times the milliliter of sulphite solution added (g SO2 = g/ml/SO2 x ml added). A linear relationship should be obtained, and the Y-intercept should be within 0.03 absorbance unit of the zero standard absorbance. For maximum precision determine the line of best fit using regression analysis by the method of least squares. Determine the slope of the line of best fit, calculate its reciprocal, and denote as B, the calibration factor. See section for specifications on the slope of the calibration curve. This calibration factor can be used for calculating results provided there are no radical changes in temperature or pH. At least one control sample containing a known concentration of SO2 for each series of determinations is recommended to ensure the reliability of this factor. 8.5.3 Sampling Efficiency - Collection efficiency is generally above 98%; efficiency may fall off, however, at concentrations below 25 g/m3.


9.0 9.1

CALCULATION Normality of Thiosulfate Solution (Section 7.2.6) The normality of this solution. N, is calculated as follows : W x 103 x 0.1 N = ----------------V x 35.67 Where : V - Volume thiosulfate used, ml W - Weight of potassium iodate, g 35.67 - Equivalent weight of potassium iodate


Concentration of Sulphite Solution The amount of sulphur dioxide per milliliter in the standard solution, is calculated as follows : (V1-V2) x N x K C = ----------------V Where : C - SO2 concentration in Pg/ml V1 - Volume of thiosulfate for blank, ml - Volume of thiosulfate for sample, ml V2 N - Normality of thiosulfate K - 32000 (Milliequivalent weight SO2/g) V - Volume of standard sulphite solution, ml


Conversion of Volume Convert the volume of air sampled to the volume at the reference conditions of 25oC and 760 mm : P 298 Vr = V x ------ x --------760 t + 273 Where : Vr V P t Volume of air at 25oC and 760 mm Hg, litres Volume of air sampled, litres Barometric pressure, mm Hg Temperature of air sampled, oC


Sulphur Dioxide Concentration at the Reference Conditions When sulphite solutions are used to prepare calibration curves, compute the concentration of sulphur dioxide, C, in micrograms per cubic metre, in the sample as follows : 94

(A - Ao) (103) (B) C = ------------------------- x D Vr Where : A Ao 103 Vr B D Sample absorbance Reagent blank absorbance Conversion of litres to cubic metres Volume of air corrected to 25oC and 760 mm Hg, litres Calibration factor, g/absorbance unit Dilution factor


The Concentration of SO2 in g/m3 in the sample is calculated as follows: C (SO2 g/m ) Where : A Ao 103 B V 3

(A - Ao) x 103 x B = -----------------------V

Sample absorbance Reagent blank absorbance Conversion litres to cubic meters Calibration factor, g/absorbance Volume of air sampled in liters


Conversion of Micrograms per Cubic Metre to Parts per Million If desired, the concentration of sulphur dioxide may be calculated as parts per million of sulphur dioxide at reference conditions as follows : ppm SO2 = g SO2/m3 x 3.82 x 10-4


Precision and Accuracy Relative standard deviation at the 95% level in 4.6% for the analytical procedure using standard samples.



1. Indian Standard IS :5182 (Part 2), 2001 Methods for Measurement of Air Pollution Part 2 Sulphur Dioxide.


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