Summoning The Soul
Summoning The Soul
Summoning The Soul
To the wicked humans soul that sunk the spirit beneath the providence hope the book can preserve
the spirit for sharing the wisdom of God in the path of just and palace of peace
The heart is the seat of soul and spirit, determines who you are now and who can become. Thoughts inspired by Special Forces can either perfect you or stop your spiritual development. Awarness of the devil is an important part of your journey for alignment of your personality with the Spirit of Christ. It is the longest journey from your head to your heart. We are all in this journey. When you act with an empowered heart by the spirit, you are free from compulsions, fixations, obsessions and addictions. Billions of humans live in poverty and suffer hunger, oppressions and brutality. Changing these circumstances requires the change of heart that was made ugly by religious belief over generations. Only Christ has the power to pull the bad roots out. The soul is the unhealthy part of power in our-selves, the part that blames, criticize, judge, resent, envy and hate. All that flow through us when we go through the process of emotions. The building blocks of soul must be acknowledged in order to change. The soul continually process dirty energy that flows into the top of your head, moves downward through your torso and then returns to where it came from. Each emotion is a signal from your soul. When you ignore or repress emotions you loose important information. You cannot grow spiritual without learning how to detach and understand them as by products of the soul. We have the source of wealth and curse. The energy flow from the spirit is pure and wholesome, it drives the love you need to make you happy to be able to hunt for the truth. The difference between spirit and soul is the difference between science and superstition. There is a hidden surprise in soul and spirit, you need to get either right or wrong to get them. The spirit owes the truth a reason it is time to changing.
The word soul conjures an invisible power of an energy centre associated with the phenomenon of life. It has separate existence, governing effect, mortal or immortal, invisible, displays itself only in activities. Good and evil are simply energies directed either into the right or wrong places associated with either the Spirit or the Soul. Scientists reject soul existence even when there is a strong evidence of ghosts hanging around houses causing disturbances. In the rotten part of the world, ghosts are reality, already too convincing also in Europe there is a good history of haunting. Too much of paranormal activities have been recorded to a level cannot be ignored. Dark ghostly shadows seen moving by naked eyes and digital camera in a prison castle in England. Too often at burial sites and houses where people use to live. Man cant link with the soul of ghost physically, for there is no body to touch, no physical senses to fill the need. The death is talking and we are listening. A ghost gives the dead a voice. The positive picture of a man is turned into a negative entity. People who lacked love, slayed by another damned man communicate with the living that stand there via noises, dimming or flicking light on and off or tapping windows. So when you are with ghost you feel you are not alone. Haunted castles are kings and queens honoring the places where they crowned by being the ghosts of beauty. The soul suggests supernatural strength through its mysterious power; breathe, winds are its derivatives. The words psyche, shade, image are to dedicate powers to the soul. The most important thing about the soul, it is a personification of unconscious mind contents having an earthly as well as a ghostly quality. The soul in the human head has negative properties capable for displaying different races. This drowsy mode can be understood only when we compare all races to the white race. Heart, mind, color of skin are reflections of subculture set in alliance with Satan culture, in other word, it is the principle of Satan gods having an animal origin against Christ, the true God. There is no rational soul, rationality comes from likeness to Gods Spirit. God has the spirit and Satan has soul for attaining magic and the soul owes everything to psychology, the Spirit of God has already vitalized the body. Christianity speaks of God as the Holy Spirit and urges surrender of soul to the spirit demanding that spiritual transformation is needed to put on the new man. The sword is the divider of soul and spirit. In mortality the spirit is but a toy for denouncing grace. From thy great soul they extended the lightning of thy sword. Making man slaughter the cheapest crime. Jesus proclaimed himself the true vine and warned that mankind, the separate branches, could not bear fruit unless they remained his. Unless the individual did so, he or she was withered, cut off and caste into the fire. The Jews who were Gods chosen people do not recognize Christ to be the true replica of God. The branch turned degenerate growing on a strange vine. The will and wishes of God in action while he is silent should be kept without questions. God has every right to violate his creation of a man in his own image so the concept of heaven and hells stays honest. God created slanted eyes for getting the money without working hard for it. The small round eyes for not having enough field vision to yield to the time. The mills of God grind slowly setting the to its soul hell destiny while tyranny grind exceedingly small. Sex is the silent thought in all religions excluding Christianity, installing an extraordinary ability of obstructing Gods justice system. Copy Mohammad and solidify an unknown number of wives and be a co-defender of divorce. Get in accord with Asian culture and have spatial relationship with sex. You dont need to be derailed into being a sperm donor. Polygamy, prostitution, phallic worship are one road runs together. A false friendship implacable in hate, resolved to ruin and a seducer opportunity. Sex is a degenerate anti-love law, threatens Gods dynamic. Lovemaking prevents others from doing solid things, has different psychology for blinding people. Fertility is the crankcase for turning the engine and the driving force of all religions revolution including the Mormans.
The backbone of blindness lies in the human mind of every human culture. A blind mind can be perceived by the following reason: The mind itself is a structuring mechanism, it looks through units and files them according to rules. Therefore the part of the world that we inherit is a product of our minds. The structuring pattern depends on human perception that can make reality out of many signals or units supplied. When there are too many kind of units to be perceived with too little reality; the problems have already reached the weight to pull back. A prison appears from associated implications. A faulty structure of a system direct deceiving from a negative force failed to produce a positive impact. The mind is twisted and a tricky behavior becomes a standard performance for a group of people. This means, the system has no grammar to do structuring what function, as a whole becomes a collection of various parts. A blind man battering blind men from wild inspiration and life is about lies told and virtues lost. The Bible say: if a blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch and justice is served. The bottom line: a faulty mind is poverty from stupidity, there is no life in the blind mans ditch. It is an illness; the normal mind has to help the poor who is committed to a life in a forest. We have the right to be blind but only sometimes. The problem with Satan is he cant conclude in a good note, if he did then we wouldnt have stupidity from lack of understanding. We cant take an industrial action against God. This is the new face of justice. Disease doesnt respect order; remedy requires correction of the disorder. We are genetically engineered, life is hidden in DNA but life style can meet the unknown and take away the pain of confusion. From suppressing temptation we can change disorder into a cure without medicine. Every culture has its own language, words and chemistry combined according to rules to produce a full highway for meaning. The stuff can be pretty nave when compared to the Western think big culture. The two cant have an everlasting relationship, because they are the Christ-Antichrist. A right mind has three well-equipped properties 1. Wholeness, this means that the system functions as a whole not just as a collection of independent parts. You need the whole set of objects or tools together with the rules they follow in order to make an idea decorated with shape. 2. Transformation, this means that the system of thinking is not static, but capable of change. New ideas can enter the system, but when they do they are governed by the rules of the system. The structure of input is like key and lock, can fit into an area that hasnt changed in principle to specify growth. 3. Self-regulation: this is related to the idea of transformation. You can add elements to the system, but you cant change the basic structure of the system no matter what you add to it. This will ensure the growth and development and the evolution of ideas. The validity of a design conducting and producing good information operates by a machine called the Holy Spirit. It loses its identity when the gods, the yoke of repression, spell out the organization. Jesus was eyes to the blind whereas blindness captures the Buddhist culture while maintaining meditation from a maximum evil impact. The Dali Lama tour to Australia coasted the taxpayer 3.6 million dollars for building more temples to his community, a lunatic personality who will be decomposing in the luminous hell to eternity. Immigration that is mixing wrong with right culture is a two edged sword drawn against the indigenous people. The curse of God on them together with the badness can break a godly culture into a thousand pieces, changing the root of the tree forever. Immigrants dream of taking an axe to cut the root of the tree, so morality loose its foundation on which it has been built. Myth proceeds to be recognized for what it is and the wisdom to be lost in Myth. There is no quick fix to races; the foundation is rotten. To change them you need to build a new foundation of ideas trees. Knowledge is parallel to knowing nothing. Operations against the threat of immigrants are challenged by complications, temptations and frustrations. The spin dominates for favor instead of a parliamentary debate that might reveal more about spin than about why.
The secret behind care, hope, trust, right, wrong is an intellect lighted by the Devils is stupidity, creating large grey areas for communication. He may rest but his faults lie gently on him. He was once a scholar, ripe and good unbounded to evil manners. Now he gives his honors to the world to serve his god by the same sin that fell his god. God made us in his image but Satan kills the image. Barbarous experiment makes creation goes down from man to pig, the hill that stood before, now a mountain inside every brain. Excess of stupidity lead to great deal of pains, a key factor for doing something we are ashamed of. Professional talents faces decline from mistaken signals. Everything is dark in a dark country. The sign of death multiplies. Conquer Iraq and Iraq becomes an al Qaida training ground calling Christians dogs. The country urges more violence, killing in the name of Islam. The Quran says you are right to do that. Those fellows of infinite tongue, one minute he is a popular prime minister, the other minute he is ousted by military coup seizing his corrupted assets from abused power that stands on privilege. Living with them is occupying the same cage. Iraq is the smell of death, every crook wants his piece. Religion identifies with culture, propagate with the inner of most our thinking. The question is how the Bible Beast that has anger from a crooked mind can produce followers born with his manifestation to be wise, graceful and intelligent? Basically it is Satan and you problem, but it is you that need the solution. He wants you to be in close encounter like two monsters shadowing each other. The voices from hidden demon ring slowly wanting sin, pride, creed to make sorrow live. Satan can assume the name of gentlemen while playing a chess game, exchanging pawn for gaining queen. Armed with lies that beat all the lies you can invent, he twist the truth to error us while his errors are immense. His bible book called Koran is but swinging lies sent abroad. The Saudi government discharges piped water to pilgrimage under the name of zam zam well. Mohammad is the false or the Lier Messiah in words, voice, and action. He worked hard to inflict doubt upon Christ so he can be the better Savior. The majority of the 6666 Quran writings is an attack on Jesus divinity to change the mind and to follow him who sets you right. Mohammad is the warrior messiah with the gift that Allah has given to one man alone beneath the heaven, positioned to show himself worthy of his steel. Every action out of his choice is the opposite to a suffering servant proved in crimes committed against Christians. The final battle will be fought between the true and the false messiah, the order against the chaos symbols; the Isaac descendant and the Ishmael; the good cause of Trinity against an evil trinity for bones and fire. Judgment day is inevitable. We fall victim to a great lie because the lie in the soul is pathological or true lie, but not when transferred to the spirit in the mind. This is why Arabs have imaginative minds in spinning a story. The spirit civilizes the soul expelling barbarism, by changing the alphabet thus yielding a human godly spirit with a noble mind capable of yielding truth, virtues and good principles. If the spirit is equal to soul in power and color it would have stayed as mystic as the soul. Thus without mind renewal there is no transition. God finds a way for what none foresaw. In a cat and mouse game, Satan is the mouse. The spirit is the constitutional entity; the soul but agony and that has ending. What the ancients knew about man was made of body and soul only and the soul is enough to carry the body to heaven, there is no beauteous spirit to do the job. Their world is made up of gods and demons, there is no such a thing as soulless. When the soul leaves, trance develops naturally and come back when exhausted. Animals are believed to be symbols of both physical and soul, the sign of the zodiac (as typifying cosmic energy) is an example. The soul of man is linked with everything in nature. Picture an excrement has soul and regular action for positive effect. There is no distinction between gods and demons, all animals whether predators or not are legends with power to cure and help. If an animal dies, a human will follow. Devotion to nature is a
religion, all you need a passion for feeding the imagination, you dont need science to explain things. Water, air, land are powerful being in souls, enough to be gods. In ancient Egypt crocodiles are considered gods, having power associated with internal fertilization of land. Believed man originated from them, in invariable succession to make a crocodile a symbol of ancestor. In Papua New Guinea mans skin is marked to look like crocodile skin as symbols of honor. In initiation ceremony before men are prepared for battle. Man is not a man unless he kills one crocodile. You are then called the crocodile man. If you can kill it you will be nourished by the earth, you can then walk proudly to your destiny protecting your people from the fear of any enemy. The Voodoo ritual is a power above the crocodile performed before proving the kill. In Africa if a crocodile came to the shore accepting the meat of Zebra offered to a god, the son will be a sailor. The question is how one can expect changes in social organization when cultural environment is set upon prayers between the person and a sacred force enveloped in the crocodile spirit. How can you give back legacy and will when spirituality runs on crocodile. Do you expect answers to come from the word crocodile? Only shallow people who have the choice of God or evil, chooses evil. Life is about choice. Africa could not keep life shines for others. God made little clear line demarcation in physical appearances between those lines of humans with large souls and apes, nailing down his dissatisfaction. Creation is all about the good breath guys and the bad breath guys, most uncaring to human beings. Life is about substance, beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. You are trusted with many things when you are of some substance. Character is destiny, the word of God has for its object the formation of character. Licking animal tails and worshiping taboo for help will not display cultural superiority. The emperor of China is a living symbol of twisted mind for cultural representation who used the mask of religion patriotism as an excuse for some of the most horrifying crimes in history. A proof that the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are capable of every wickedness. War is the hope of crossing cultural background for something beneficial might grow from it. Learning about what they had of weapons, also for ownership of laborers and land. A life of men punching men, the secret of being born is be killed for the country. No body knows what the emperor want from his people. Women are the silent flock, a combination of nothingness and paradise. The culture is more about men living a life of anxiety mounted by lawlessness. They relied on the mercy of other sick men having more power to take lives. If you show them the civilization of today, they resist from disbelief. It is not different than the code performed in Islamic Somalia and Talaban today. Leaders of such disorderly crowd are looking at their interest on the expense of their people. How simple it is on paper to change the word autocratic into democratic, one has wild world, desire to be a bad animal causing death in thousands. The other has peace as the final solution. Christ brought the concept of spirit through his unsearchable riches raising the dead by his spirit. We know if a man is born in God like reason he will show grace but if he became spiritless, he will be able to corrupt a saint, stir blood for delight and borrow wisdom. Remember: Dictators change things but writers cant change anything, the power of pen has no victor. For the Egyptians the concept of soul was more important than life. Pharaohs were determined to build pyramids for after life facing the sunrise. The heavenly journey is depicted in the shape of the suns daily transit from dawn to dusk. Thus the soul can rise like the sun with a body to enjoy. One million and six hundred thousand men representing the whole population rolled their sleeves, up risking their lives for building the king Dream Destination, using simple basic tools and merely muscle power. Sharp edge stone pieces for polishing, so stone stay leveled, string to check how straight, wooden rollers for rolling and copper boring tool made to spin for drilling holes. The four equal triangles with perfect angles standing on a regular square base helped defying the gravity.
Standing 200 feet above the ground, pyramids surpassed all erections of towers at that time. The tower of Babel collapsed from lack of balance. Mummies represented all the science they had, became messengers to read their hard life. For the pharaoh the pyramid is a flower born to blush the unseen flower in the desert. For god it represents but blood, toil, tears and sweat of self love that lied shining beyond the tombs, and never shall ever fade away. When collective consciousness is dead, there is no end to slavery. The spirit is Gods image more important than substance, when we are real humanbeings, we stay connected and life is about saving lives. We are created with two ears: outer ear to hear other people and inner ear to hear ourselves. You can hear what you want to hear by the outer ear but wouldnt go to the heart; you should have ear mouth heart connection. We draw what we cannot see, we speak what we cant see for everything that belongs to God. To that point I cant do the faith for you without your influence. If you disqualify you loose the title. The body is a quitter, cant help you. You cannot blast the jelly boned swine curse by doing nothing. Life has moral responsibility. You need to change the script. Money helps us to escape from Gods time. Gods place has no money, the only time God cares, about money when mobilized towards a moral duty. Battles, sex and money are the three principle outlets working together in the tenement dwellers subconscious mind to escape Gods time and misdiagnose his motives. Getting out of the deep hole, you need profound motivating convictions while holding on hope. If not you are forced to defend the indefensible. Blessing is a secret hope for higher order evolution. Experience is the stuff you need in order to destroy every crazy seed sowed in you. Being focused on the wrong side of truth is value for nothing, you have to take a choice between truth and denial. You love him because he loved you first so you can be strong when troubles arrive. You are a hero when you do something that takes you to next level. The new land is a different real estate, a land flowing with milk and honey, joy and prosperity; a holy ground for a good head not dirty feet. There is no crystal ball for tracking the serial killer 666. Satan is like the ghost, we cant hunt him but we can gain competence in tracking him in his secret world. Christ can narrow the research for love cast love not away. What threatens us is not what we see, it is what we dont see. The truth is out there but the evidence points out in different direction from many IFS. The Christian minds must unite to form a new greater power using what God gave us which makes the real difference with love; with our strength; with our passion we can heal by agreeing to the foundation of truth, uniting under the voice of God. The truth say: ten millions of circles can never make a square. The peoples voice is odd but not when there is unity in the Spirit of God. Unite for going the way of the spirit alone not the pagan stony head culture. You are the evidence. You are the ocular proof. Judgment is not complete without the evidence. The Lord will not move the earth without us having a firm place to stand. Sinners who sinned strongly bear no company to Him. They will be going to hell. A perfect union is one inseparable established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity, whose powers are derived from one conscience. Only the Word of God bound you together, when Christian families are one, the seeds coming out of them have the same blood with the Word of God acting as a bandage to commit healing for becoming the best regulated families. All happy families resemble one another, conditioning the
life to which a man cannot get accustomed. All those pains have their price. God came the same as men to go through it. Remember the candle by which you had been reading has been flared up with brighter light and the flickered dim light went out forever; the effect of the wind of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is a mine of excellent information covering all aspects of life. Today the art of living is that of wrestling. The future is bloody shaping for a nuclear war to form a head then dust to dust. The question is just when. Smuggling radioactive material has been doubled from the year before for millennium cremannium. There is no peaceful opening capable of resolving differences. A recovery from such mental illness does not happen easily, there only goal is to inflicted pain from obsession. The pursuit of barbarism in the name of Allah lives in their sacred book, for satisfying their damned ideals. I dont know where the spirit of Pope John Paul the second went. He kissed the Quran for breaking a hard and bitter peace between the Christians and Muslims. There is always Judas among us. My goal was and is to unlock the disturbing truth behind culture and religion, by giving a real debate. I am happy to have arguments with people who are wrong.
The diversity of soul helped to make religion possible. Every wind of doctrine had but a soul to prove their doctrine orthodox, compounding sins and damning those that followed them. Building a life based on the holy text of predators and swords tied down in pain-full drawbacks, a fool with judges, a noisy man judging another unfaithful man. The soul is constant but the doctrine tries to make variable out of philosophical notion, for destabilizing the dynamics of life from opinions that are all contradictory to each other. If you cant see the merit in them, you cant get settled. How can you survive together or change to better if you have a disease rowing within you; how can civil rivalry survive sectarians strike between the religious bodies of soul? Lowliness is a ladder where the climber turns his face downward. In brief the doctrine is Dr. Decrease, the dustbin of creation, live between the lines of evil. The defects are numerous by its presence and its absence. Rome perished in the blood that she has spilled. It would need volumes to elucidate the many and varied concepts of the soul or souls embodied in the tradition. A sketch of some of these beliefs is quoted. The foregoing belief of the Orok, a tugus tribe from Siberia, is that after death the human soul flies towards the Moon in the shape of a butterfly and is reincarnated on Earth in the shape of a mushroom. Siberian peoples also believed that animals as well as humans had one or several souls often assimilated to the shadows of the creatures to which they gave life. The Yukagir of Northern Siberia maintained that a hunter could not take game unless one of his dead relations had taken the creatures shadow beforehand. The soul and the little souls play a constant and mysterious part in the lives of Eskimo and in their funeral ceremonies. Yakut, Chuvach and others believe that the soul comes out of a sleepers mouth to travel. It usually takes material shape as an insect or Butterfly. In some Central European legends it takes the form of a mouse. The Buryat believe that the individual has three souls: one goes to Hell, the other remains on Earth in the shape of a mischievous spirit (bokholdoi) while the third is reborn in another person. Like so many other 'primitive' people, and especially the Indonesians, the North Asian peoples believe that man can have a three or seven soul. At death one of them remains in the grave, another descends to the realm shades, and a third ascends to the sky. The first soul resides in the bones, the second - which probably resides in the blood can leave the body and move about in the form of a wasp or a bee; the third, which resembles the man in every Particular, is a kind of ghost. At death the first soul remains in the skeleton, but spirits eats the second, and the third appears to humans in the form of a ghost. Ancient Egyptians regarded the sacred ibis as representing the principle of immortality (akh) its nature celestial, shining and powerful and apparently common to gods and mortals. The humanheaded bird corresponds to the individual's own spirit (ba), after that person's death able to haunt the scenes of his or her life. 'The ba is thus the spiritual principle which could appear independently of its physical support and act on its own account, as the representative, as it were, of its owner, the itinerant soul of a living being, capable of physical action.' In addition to these two principles, the human being comprised a number of elements, including shadow and NAME, of which the latter 'formed his very essence. Canadian Indian hunters, the Naskapi, believed that the soul was a shadow; a spark or a tiny flame comes out of the mouth. The Delaware Indians believed that it resided in the heart and it was called an image or reflection, a visual phenomenon lacking corporeal substance.
South American Indians often have only one word meaning soul, shadow and image, or else soul and heart (Carib) or soul and pulse (Witoto). The individual often has several souls (two, three, five and upwards) with different functions, all consisting of more or less subtle matter. Generally only one soul goes up to Heaven after death, the others are remaining with the body or else, since they were of animal origin, being reincarnated in animal shape. These Indians, generally speaking, believe that sleep, as well as fits and trances, is caused by a temporary loss of soul. In the province of Kasai, the Bantu of the Congo Basin also believe that the soul leaves the body during sleep and that the dreams that it brings back from its travels have been told to it by the souls of the dead with whom it has spoken. The soul also leaves the body in fits, trances or under hypnosis, but ranges even further and may chance to reach the very land of spirits, bringing back evidence of this on awaking. The Baluba and Lulua believe that three 'subtle vehicles' are associated with the human personality. The coarsest vehicle is the mujanji, identical with the ghost. It governs the animal functions and is analogous with the etheric body in occultism. The mukishi is the double, the vehicle for feelings and the lower levels of intellect, analogous with astral body in occultism. Lastly there is the m'vidi the vehicle of intuition and higher levels of intellect. Reincarnation can only take place if all three subtle vehicles are brought together. Humans alone possess these three principles, animals, with the exception of the DOG only having a munjanji (ghost). The latter also has a mukishi (double) and this explains its ritual importance. The munjanji governs corporeal existence; the mukishi escapes from the body during sleep and converses with the mukishi of the dead (dreams); while the m'vidi warns individuals of hidden dangers 'or those of which the signs of their coming are too slight for apprehension' Most Turkic and Mongol people believed in the existence of a soul outside its owner's body and generally taking the shape of an animal, insect, bird or fish. The hero of the Kirghiz epic of Er Toshtuk had an iron file for a soul because of his prodigious strength and valour. Humans could be killed by magic if the creature or object in which their soul was incarnate were destroyed. The Volga Tatars' ubyr was a very special type of soul and not all individuals necessarily possessed one. After its owner's death the ubyr survived and escaped by night 'through a little hole near the corpse's moirth to suck the blood of sleeping people', It may thus be compared with the VAMPIRE-Myth. To destroy the ubyr, the corpse was dug up and pinned to the ground by a stake driven through its chest. A living person's ubyr was just as baneful and often left its owner's body to perpetrate all sorts of evil deeds. It might be encountered in the shapes of a pig, a cat, a ball of fire or a dog. 'The ubyr loses its power when whoever sees it splits a wooden dung-fork or any forked piece of wood, Elephants, tigers, leopards, rhinoceroses, sharks and a number of other animals, especially those regarded as chthonian, have sometimes been believed to be reincarnations of dead kings or chiefs. There are many examples of this belief from Asia (Semang and Malaysia) and Black Africa (Dahomey (now Benin) and Nigeria) The Chinese believed the soul to be made from two-principle kuei and shen. Kuei was the heavier of the two, weighing down the desires of its owner. It haunted the grave and the places its owner had frequented. Shen was the genius, the spark of divine fire present in the human body. In the fourth century BC, the dualism of this folk belief became linked to the grand dualism-of an official Cosmogony based upon the oppositions of the two principles, female, earthly yin and heavenly, male yang. The Celtic world affords no exact equivalent to the legend of Cupid (Eros) and Psyche However, dictionary definitions of the word, soul in modem Celtic languages give us, in Irish Gaelic ainim, and ene and anaon in Breton for 'the souls of the dead'. This shows that in Classical antiquity, the.
Celts, too, recognized both in language and in religious and metaphysical thought the distinction between animus and anima, the soul as respectively spirit and breath, although this distinction was lost from the fourth century AD onwards in liturgical language, in which animus was replaced by spiritus. The panceltic word for 'soul', anamon also relates etymologically precisely to the word for 'harmony (anavon) and to the name of the primeval goddess, Ana (or Dana). It thus symbolizes the fullness of the individual's potential as a spiritual being. Irish and Gaulish druids taught the immortality of the soul as one of their basic doctrines. After their death, the deceased went to the Beyond where they continued in a way of life similar. to the one which they had enjoyed on Earth. Greek religion had no Ten Commandments and no sermons; the gods of myth organized various aspects of social relations and where questions of justice arose. Finally Alexander the Great had himself proclaimed as a god. Under the influence of their philosophers, the Greeks next distinguished different parts, principles, powers or faculties in the human soul. To the Pythagoreans, (the 6 th century BC Greek philosopher and mathematician) psyche corresponded to the life force; aesthesis (perception) to sense perception; noos to the intellectual faculties, the solely human principle. Then there are the Wellknown parallel that Plato draws between the Parts of the soul and the classes and duties of society. The Roman had no difficulty in absorbing Greek mythology). Believed that all people worshipped the same gods under different names. After Emperor Augustus death the worship of the emperor became a religious duty. The Hindu view of soul, the soul (atman) is a central concept in all branches of Hinduism. The earliest meaning of atman was breath and from this it derives current yogic practices that involve the control of breath seen as a central, animating life force. Early Vedic death rituals were based on belief in a Tran material person who, at the death of the physical body, would be reborn in one of the lokas or after-lifes. The Samkhya darshana also stresses it duality between matters and a non-physical soul or spirit. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the soul after death, comes re-embodied (reincarnated), and its position in the social order depend on the merits accrued in the previous life. So it might come back as a higher-status human or as a lower animal. Jewish thought provided the soul with two drives, one to higher things (heavenly) and one to lower things (earthly). Ruah is spirit or breath linked to the divine principle. It calls upon the earthly principle to transform to become a single spiritual principle. The vital element of change is externality exchange with internality. The Islamic view of soul: There are two Muslim Arabic words for soul. The word for the independent soul is nafs, which is equivalent to the Greek word psyche. It is sometimes seen to stand for the soul in an unregenerate state that requires to be altered so that it can, through conscience and amendment of life, become a soul at peace. The word for the non-independent element in the soul is ruh, the Arabic word for 'spirit' conceived in the Muslim tradition. It was sometimes contrasted with nafs, meaning 'self' or 'soul'. The inference was that ruh was the higher perfected spirit within human beings, whereas nafs was the lower passionate soul. According to Suhrawardi the spirit was the' source of good, the soul was the source of evil, and they were in conflict. For Muslims the spirit is everlasting; at death it goes to heaven for preliminary judgment before returning to the tomb -to await the final judgment. The spirits of certain notable people, such as prophets and martyrs go straight to heaven at death rather than having to await final judgment. You have to kill more and quickly than the enemy to save your spirit. Ruh in a person is', part of the essence of God; it is that faculty which makes humans higher than animals and even higher than angels. The name Ruh Allah (Spirit of God) is given to Jesus in the Quran Folk-belief In Muslim North Africa claim two souls inhabit the human body - the nefs, or vegetative soul, and the ruh, the breath or subtle soul. The vegetative soul corresponds to the
passions and emotional behavior; it is carried by the blood and resides in the liver. Breath, or the subtle soul, corresponds to the will and travels through the bones: it resides in the heart. The marriages of these two souls are symbolized by the pairing of rock and tree. One represents the female principle, the other the male. The tree gives the nefs, or vegetative soul shade and moisture, but it is predominantly the especial support of the ruh, the subtle soul that comes to perch on its branches like a bird. The nefs is there in the rock while waters springing from rocks are simply symbols of fertility welling up from the Underworld. The soul may leave the body in the shape of a bee or butterfly, but most frequently manifest itself in the shape of bird. Traditionally, in black magic a person may sell his or her soul to the Devil in return for the heart's desire. Once a person has sold his or her soul to the Devil, he or she loses his or her SHADOW. This may perhaps be an echo of belief in two souls and of the Ancient Egyptian belief in doubles, but is more likely to symbolize the fact that the party to such a bargain has destroyed his or her own existence. The shadow would thus become the symbol of the lost soul in physical terms, since the soul now belongs to the world of darkness and can no longer show itself in the light of day. Lack of shadow is a sign of lack of light and substance.
The Bambara regard the excrement of Faro, the 'regulator' who plays the same role as the Dogon's Nommo, as the Waste matter from the creation of the world and the First Cause from which all living creatures sprang. The same thought process makes many American Indian myths credit carrion and rotting corpses with being the melting-pot or womb from which life is reborn Thus the Cashinaua believe that the first human beings in the Present world came out after the Flood in the shape Of maggots which had bred in the bodies of the giants which had formed the earlier race of men. In place of the maggot, the mushroom can be a symbol of regeneration, since it, too, appears to spring from decomposing matter.
Primitive emotions include anger, anxiety, insecurity are mental reactions accompanied by bodily reaction for action which may produce either conscious or subconscious effects. Behavior is a compromise between acquired standards, values and impulses from the subconscious. The mental processes in desire and emotions are never conscious. Sin is the first requisite to soul, a decisive action to set off the spirit expressing expansion. When life cant be managed without sin, poverty bound from bitter curses. The resources of sin become fatter when there is no better way of exercising the imagination than lying down freely. Sin fulfils God worst wishes. Sin is the designer of soul. The world has divided against itself to become first and third world, one builds the spirit which is far from being comfortable, the other one build bridges to plant the nature of soul in the flesh. The sin breaks the dynamics that was decorated by God pulling the brain apart in a bang containing Satan soul to do what he does and think making Adam the not chosen one. The soul is adapted in an area of the brain that was stepped down. The spirit moves out as the false tissue grows; a process, self-contained for maintaining the road to hell gradual, gentle without signposts. We wonder at ourselves in regret like men betrayed of evil actions, from the distance that things are separated. This is the very shadow of soul. Life is no longer symmetrically arranged; a semitransparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning of consciousness to the end. Anything that lack a proof looks not geometrical and sometime an invention. Therefore we have to shake up ourselves with more facts to stop the spirit of haunting. The spirit sets the soul into harmony not friendship. The blend between soft spirit and rough soul has to be incomplete so good and evil has a place also protects us from the nature of the beast killing us instantly. God laws are for the smooth spirit taking over the rough. There is no equalizer, you strike the right balance when you refuse the demands of soul. Mother Tereza plunged her head in garbage to keep her soul in balance earning her the name the saint of the gutters. There is neither zeroing nor unity you can only push it forward or backward. Spirit and soul are energies of life and death holding intensities. We can draw the path but not emptiness. How can you draw intelligence, pride, and cruelty? Have no physical material; Gods will want us to go up to the mountain. No laser beam can distinguish soul from spirit, whatever you put in the mind of soul cant take it away. The spirit can push it away through shedding light on the zigzag streak. The spirit is mans bill of right for its unequivocal characteristics. Spirit and soul are for private reasons. Man created death from a dialogue between body and soul. When the soul is displaying its authority, the psychological part gets connected in a split second to urge for power. The machines are all powered by Satan electricity. Readiness of intellect provides the strength and motive for unity towards all actions related. Cleverness under the soul changes into a symbol of Stalinist concentration to captivate in opposition to the absolute power of the spirit. The head gradually wears the symbol of agreements to the world authority. The part of the brain blessed or cursed joins with the new authority. This way Gods honesty remains intact, if breached, it is not because God didnt help you out but because you are a folly (imagines the genius art of Hollywood was designed by God and served by the devil). They are beautiful people to look at but wearied under the seen from the grip. Initially the spirit carried out all the elementary functions of eating, reproduction and physical movement that focus on life with sincerity. The soul is vegetative, it relies on the problems generated for poor performances. We cannot accuse the soul because there is no sign of physical evidence related. Thus falling on deaf ears. The cause meet an opposition compelled from asking
further questions. The new Bioprocessing factory gradually cut down the oxygen maintaining the life (but the good news, the seal is not yet fixed). You are only called upon by the soul to surrender unconditionally. Thus the soul is about bio-control, for attaining its mystical goal. God is the creator of soul and spirit. Restructure requires display of spirit authority, distinguishing spiritual principles from the properties of the psyche. Quality of love increases its union with God. The spirit is the one which can put the man in its original orbit, the provider or opportunities and challenges that require patience to listen; optimism and purpose to lead and the reward is expect the unexpected. It moves swiftly against the speed of time from initiatives. Satan demands actions and God regulates his responses to ensure the act is safe. The purpose of dividing the mind into conscious and unconscious, without knowing has its exciting activity. The rhythm of life begins from an intellect forced to choose. The mode of experience promotes us for picking the right thoughts. Life move towards becoming a tapestry decorated with woven designs. Life is no longer standard, it can be quest fast, slow, with a flesh open to response for setting new standards. Learning gives us a spark; what was once betrayal change into common sense.
Babies start people but the problem he never grows up to be a man because he is governed by his body and by his physical senses to do what it says. A fleshy man led by the flesh, cant understand spirituality. He is a man reduced to misery, has to be fed with cold and sure hand, like a garden in which nothing grows while the sun is full of light. He is the strain of man bred out into Baboon and monkey. He knows what somebody told him without a power to keep him a father in ideas. The blocked head, ignorantly read with loads of learned Lumber in his head. Why hasnt he a microscopic eye? For this plane reason: the microbe is so very big for him. Man is not a real man, he needs to be mended by another man, just like the child who imposes on the man wanting love from the spirit of delight. He has the ID of a man but he is under age. He got it all. He is disturbed, depressed, in-adequate. He steps over the line and breaks the law but the laws say if you break up the law we are going to get you. He does a low conduct job for a lot of money, because he cant enter the cutthroat world by his credentials. He feels his future is uncertain. He dreams of waging a secret war from wanting to fight. There is a lot of boys in this world but the big toys of technology are ready to save the world. So many people in this world are crying unhappy from baby men, Pedophiles are among them. The vicious cycle begins when his fragmentary self matches the offspring. He goes onto the increase expecting stronger children than himself so can look after him down the ages. Give me this, put on me that, there is nothing remarkable left for him to do to level him with men. The world is costume made remains undiscovered from disgrace. All are commands that sleeps, feel not the toothache. There are no good actions for lighting a fire; the baby does not understand and the devil knows it. The world is but a kindergarten, trying to spell God with the wrong blocks. All is a lost generation of boys and the danger that comes from trusting solely to their intelligence. The natural man remained unaware of his sins, creating more myth out of self-instincts. Having sex is not immorality but a physiological need; busy defying the logic behind sex-sin. We know you may feel like sex but you can live without it. Food, air, water are our physiological great necessities. Sex is a selfish idol meant to take away the time of God for fornication purpose. There is no spirit awakening him. He lives in oddities; bad replaces good, warmonger replaces joy.
Deception is painless but telling the truth is hard and painful for boyish. Boys have tyrant authority for crimes. Terrorism is a culture makes you fight the good fight from skillfulness. Boys cant stop years of violence; boys love the sound of explosion specially from playing with fertilizers; boys cause going to wars reluctantly. The mind is not mature enough to favor peace, cant work hand in hand for taking their own destiny, cant work for democracy, keep fighting the freedom that sustain democracy, suppressing hope, has no view about the generation to come and time is a scattering dust. He is a maniac from ascertain nervous disease. He practices nationalism that is an infantile sickness. He is a rebel without a cause. A rebel is a man who says no. Japanese care more about good food than about destroying wild life were everything is related to everything else. Japan, slaughter 800 whales per year for liking so much the taste of whale meat, refusing to stop. Their heart is sick, they know not why, they are the ones who keep the keys of all creeds. Weakness is the motto of all quarrels. All cruelty springs from weakness. He who never apologize and never explain shows a sign of weakness from fear of being weak or of being wrong. Weakness is the permanent companion of babied man. How can you help another when you are weak, disoriented, distorted, cant see the light under the tunnel. The weak has no weapon for the errors of those who think they are strong. Aid organization comes from a better-coordinated people. A weak mind and chaos look alike. Chaos prevents people from building a better life, the enemy is the agitators, moving rapidly from side to side Boys are the rebels that have the fate of their nations in their hands, wanting the leader to fall on his sword. Reinforcement of law and order is the only solution. Security is to try different approach to stay ahead of the game. It is race against time, you do the crime you pay the time, you cant win with old boys One man that has a mind and knows it, can always beat ten men who havent and dont. The only question left to be asked now, are they just boys or a mental illness? The real problem is we lost an indispensable middle man from reading a book alone, he could not help it, standing out life time in thunder, to be struck by lightning, living nomadic in the wild woods. He cant write something, not even if it is just a suicide note. Third world culture breeds babies; tradition is the art of children sucking their thumbs. The culture of play boy wanting to know the Greys anatomy of women; he goes on bothering people from not doing anything. The emotional element is in every matter. He likes to play God by interfering in everything; civilization thrives on patience, he is impatient. All baby men are teenagers at heart; offenders stay offenders no matter what system you introduce, you can not do much when the buck stops with the law. He is easy to be a con artist, a hostage taker, worst terrorist committing atrocities, the intimidator, the subjector and the enforcer of harassment. Baby girl is the second act in human lives. The cleverest woman finds a need for foolish admirers. The average girl would rather have beauty than brain, she is the baby girl who want to be a model to get her into the front door of life. If not, her swimsuit may put her in the front; sun, sea and sand thats all what you need to turn man around. The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist the act of the flesh and your soul grows sick with longing for the things that has been forbidden. She dreams about many splendor things; she cant put away her childish things, without a man telling her to do so. For her the world has a hole that she constantly fears falling into at night.
She cant help attracting attention towards her. Cosmetics generally characterize her for falseness to be produced out of external things. Women are not meant that to be a great sculptor for an artist stripped to the naked truth about herself. Drink and dance are considered God saver for glamorous life. Money is the centerpiece prostituting her-self. She cant distinguish between what is possible and what is desirable. Though man hunt and woman nest, she still trembles in her soft nest. Abortion by pill is her way out. (America is the biggest provider of abortion pills). She claims the environment work against her justifications not her imperfections. We must not forget homosexuals who have affinities to walk and speak are more feminine than manly wise. The feminine soul from demonic struck madness stands up against everything a man wants to be. He tries to be of everything that man was meant to be but cannot doubling his wardrobe fancy clothes instead of high inventions. He is interested on how to present him-self; that is superficiality. The opposite sex is not the norm you are supposed to be the same, he is certainly different. He cant forget his body and get interested in something else to restore a cure. Sexual deviation is a mental disorder problem without pills to treat. Maturity is the capacity to endure uncertainty. Show me the man and I will show you the boy. Boys worry about the size of their penis, if the penis shrunk to its little measure then concerned about what women think. The mark of a mature man is the ability to give love and receive it joyously and without guilt. We have to act not react to uncertainty. The sign of maturity is accepting differed gratification not the ego gratification. The immature unconscious mind hops from one thing to another forcing the mature mind to follow through. If they can spot a fight, they play up that fight, if they can uncover a tragedy, they will head line that tragedy. The immature knows how to imitate the mature. The Chinese spend his time imitating a clever man for counter feinting him. I can say with certainty, the baby man mind is not maturing late but simply rotted early. Age is the high price to pay for maturity. A baby man faces job discrimination like other minorities, so when a man has fallen he considers the alternatives. Time is commodity but time is running out for baby men. To live in fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity. The mosque is an evil place that has worn out many violations. Baby man is Mohammad who thinks you are crazy to forgive someone, wanting revenge as the natural think to do. A natural man like Mohammad led by the flesh cant understand Jesus who developed in the Spirit. He is the man whom Jesus came to save, his mission was to stop praying to Jesus, it spoils the business of Allah. A spiritual man ascends above his intellect and his physical senses moving away from the animal kingdom or man versus beast. Manhood and maturity goes together when choosing the spirit instead of the flesh. We reach manhood when we come to understand the Word of God after born again which is the stage of reaching spiritual maturity. A mature man considers other people opinion about him is not as important as growing older and older in God kind of love wearing his gown tight in all sweetly and softly things. Love does not consider the injury that is done to you. You are mature when you pray to somebody who grossly offended you. You are not the baby used to be. Mohammad considered paying back injuries with prayer is cowardness. This is why I want to be right before God not before mans eye. God gave us a wife to consider her first. Her door is supposed to be opened before mans door Ladies First. She is the first, first, first for everything but because of Mohammad selfishness, the Word of God is rigged crossing out the womans right to be replaced by bigamy.
Selfishness must be destroyed in order for love, joy, and peace to be harvested (Joy and peace are the fruit of love). The law of selfishness cant conquer the law of love. In order for darkness to produce love, it has to turn on itself, for self-love does not link with social love. Sin is always found in selfishness and the pride its yield. Baby man loves money more than God; greedy, slanderous and a lover of sensual perversion. The way of a fool is right in his own eye; their own eyes are full in filthiness. Magic gives him fascination and the same sensation as in the magic of a kiss. Magic draws more crowds because of wanting to see something happen. The eye is pleased and led beastly about false miracles. He is blasphemous because he has the frame of Godliness and knows how to show it. Jim Jones was a false prophet who portrayed himself a human God founded on a dream and ambitions. He used Salvation for murder-suicide, robbing himself and followers. His field of consciousness was tiny. He accepted heaven only through a mind based on death. His spin philosophy and shamanistic healing had a lot of steaks for pulling his supporters to his side. Bad words like fuk, shit was in the art of conversation. On Nov.18 1978 Jonestown was the place for massive brainwashed zombies self-destructed. When a religious totalism cult leader dies, all the slave followers of the destructive cultism must die with him from loosing hope to live. Collective suicide, revolutionary suicide is means for giving closure to human identity in protest against the dehumanizing conditions of an inhumane world. A suicide note found by Jonestown nurse Annie Moore twenty-five years of age said: because you would not let us live. There may be a parallel between a skilled conversationalist false prophet and the laws made for nature. God deliberately introduced it to show his oneness i.e. one plan, one people, one creator. In organic chemistry, the rate-determining step is the slowest step in a chemical reaction that involves a number of other steps. The rate of this single slow step determines the overall rate of all the reaction. False prophets who are greatly qualified for being the head of a religion, slow down the overall progress of a nation, turning it up side down from closer walk with the devil. We become forced to believe in what Darwin called our ancestors the apes. Compare the civilized life after Christ to the wild, rough life before; you see the glory in sending Jesus to mankind; how the sum of matter that remained exactly the same is now sufficiently changed. Compare living through the snowy and dry places having no future walking on the wild side of life, shouting long live the weed and the animals in the wilderness. An infant crying in the night, crying for the light with no language but a cry. The heart is wild while the wheels of being are slow. In Australia the weak gets free check deposited in his bank on time from the help of capital wealth. This is the proof that Jesus came to unmask falsehood, bring truth to light, and return man to level him with Adam. The sadness is when you Westernize non-Christians, the ill bred still continue everywhere to steal the money by his whirling words before ones know, simulating the struggle expressed in the wild. In other word in order to go back to Adam, you have to be a worthy Christian well conditioned for unselfishness. The flesh sets you up into the routine of doing things; alcohol for example is like love; the first kiss is magic. One should never trust a flesh that tells you if you just take the girls clothes off, you earn more than money can buy. The devilthrow his best shot at you through the flesh. The challenge can only happen spiritually. Prayers ring the bells of heaven; opening the blind eye happens after shutting down the activity of the flesh. Kings have the sketch necessary for building their own baby character. Kings have cares that wait upon the crown. Too much care can change you into not doing anything. The darkest hour of any mans life is when he sits down to plan how to get money without earning it. There are sad stories of the death of kings, some have been deposed; some slain in war; some poisoned by their wives; some sleepingly killed; some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed. All murdered for the hollow crown from mortal souls led by extraordinary life.
The chief defect of Henry King was chewing little bits of strings. He liked the sound of broken glass and glided through unholy pleasure consequently does not need to cut all the pictures out of obscene books. The curse shows the baby as morning shows the day. King Henry takes the details of his private life to the grave. Fleas know not whether they are upon the body of a giant or upon one of ordinary size. There are no short cuts to heaven, only the ordinary way of ordinary things. Good nature and good sense must join to stop the demons from stealing our pen. The spirit gives charisma without having to give up the important things in life. Neither a borrower nor a lender is, get none for taking pain from a flesh ending sins, to have life envied by great many. There is nothing comes second to the spirit. The Western world has a record of assuming the role of the spirit maintaining the ecstasy of success. Therefore we need God relationship sinking to eliminate our weaknesses. He has what we need to make us better, shining by His light. The question comes to my mind now how John the Baptist the man from the wilderness feeding on locusts and wild honey over and over again, day after day to be of incalculable importance to the New Testament? The answer goes far enough to his pleasant spirit therefore: Armageddon has to be between the contrasts, between the spiritual self against the physical self. Satan is a child, if he were a man he would take the manhood responsibility. Maleness is manhood in Christ like, who comes from the fruit of the Spirit. Satan people are people, who havent created a present for them-selves, cannot create future, so the past assumes a great importance. Remember: When a human being gives himself over to his demons or to his genius, he will be either destroyed or super pass himself according to a mysterious law.
We need spirit to see the world in a grain of sand very strong for gaining soul blasted to eternal damnation. Spirit for a momentum towards ethical issues. Live with grace and mercy. For freedom of expression, You dare not to criticize the soul. For men to do something extraordinary. The spirit takes to the sky and travel in no time to save lives. The spirit is light, God is light. The spirit is an eye in the head to see life in reality she has the eye for detail, its virtue is not only a power to transform but an impulse looks at right. It performs things very true, very focused, very perfect, a camera-like impossible to lie. In spirit, the hand, the head and the heart of man go together. Spirit and soul have different dreams. The soul protects the whalers rather than whales in contrast with the spirit-favoring whales. The spirit, soul and body are bound in chains called heredity. When a chain links with a chain from another race is called hybridization. Each is thickened or thinned by past ups and downs (ladders and snakes). Therefore a marriage requires serious thoughts. Man must stay awake before proposing. The eyerepresent the enemy while the truth is just a friend. We must show an appreciation of Gods opinion. How bad and ugly to see Islam throwing marriage and divorce as it felt. There is a piece of divinity in every human, making him live his life before death. The soul cant stand on divinity. It stands on sex as the meaning of life. The body is obliged to do it but also purposed by right and wrong. Illusion exists from souls lack of perfection. The function of the spirit is to put death under arrest. The spirit has neither teeth nor nails to tackle something vigorously. The soul bite by the skin of ones teeth in movement of body read by soul to express its prominent teeth. Mental illness are big houses molded properly for demons to live protecting their religious element in heart and soul. They are servants challenging the better servant by doing the death of heart work for their victims. The psychiatrist eye is not shaped to see this. Only a supernatural eye can experience such a masterpiece. The Biblical Armageddon battle between powers of good and evil for making the U turn lives in our minds. They are relatively spontaneous and self-contained until the greasy monkey gets out of our mechanical parts.
The soul is he that fights from mind not ceased. Men fight growling first as straw dogs. Women contend in cat battle. Love for soul is a man standing with a sword written on it loves. The soul and Quran are united in thrusting the sword into his opponents heart silencing what needed towards God. A cutthroat like knows no season, no months, no days, no hours, for the state of widowhood. The soul divides, cant add up while the truth lies with unity in the spirit. Underneath the soul, there is no solid plan. Life remains complex full with unanswered questions. The false hides in the soul. Remember the saying: The devil lies in the details. We are grossly errored about the shape and condition of the bible creation. The shape of God in Adam today looks like a face that had worn out two bodies. The soul damned thee black. The scale of soul is savage simply because it has not received enough news from the spirit. Poverty and wealth are the price that concluded the life of the Lord on the Cross. But His body departed jointly with Him and God. The soul could not dwell or sink in Jesus mind while our body turns into a handful of dust. Fear enters from weak senses troubled by soul. The weaker you are in spirit, the greater the movement of the body into the soul. You yield to fear from intellect weakness, an echo of soul; the soul is a child in chaos. Relying on the soul is relying on his flesh to do the same job. A school for breeding fools. When you see one suffering from soul syndrome you saw all. The world would be nicer than ever if all people were good and clever. The soul lives for pride, loves color and fashion for an amazing look. It keeps you emotionally charged. Knowledge is lost from lack of great ideas, for dark and unknown destiny. The soul injects blushing according to the beating so you cant get organized for the next; the same with insane jealousy. The soul cant advance from lacking civilization. Soul for gluttony, avarice and envy, for cash row, betrayal and scandalous waste, for Banks swelling with profits from loans and services. Sin, death and dust are the result of our bitter soul. There is no cure for soul except death. I am not so much afraid of death as ashamed thereof. The soul is the very disgrace and ignominy of our nature. Angels have no soul, they fly by their spirits that knew no fear united with one great voice of God. Without the spirit, life would grow into moral jungle. A missing link is a species unknown to man, existing in soul, without spirit incapable of survival. The soul proves its doctrine by blows and knocks fight for its own selfish affairs while coward to the backbone. There is no solid plan underneath the soul. Life remains complex and full with question. The purpose of life is to maintain the body by the spirit for the supply of life. Without the spirit the body endlessly wants emotions out of unhealthy stimuli for a cheerful flow of soul. The profit of this spiritual rebirth were the flesh stays the same while repairing the spirit at the cost of soul is to be filled with inspiring forces. The spirit of revolution will have good things fighting bad things in the mind. It is not easy because we are founded upon the laws of Satan. Without the Lord, the soul will continue to harm. Our journey is to take a heart in one hand and a club in another to stop from falling, cautious of Satan who is a dancing master with the morals of a whore. Jesus came to set a good example of how to build the spirit. He was perfect and uncontaminated by soul, determined to do the work of the spirit. He is the Father who can offer more than the earthly father. Delight in Him and he will do more for you. He is the shepherd that carries His lamb on His breast. When you open the door to the spirit you are growing into a new level. The bruises in the mind that develop from the fall will be forced to leave. The Trinity unites spirit with spirit for one passage faithful to the truth.
The worlds last battlefield will be contended between the spirit and its opponent the soul without weapons. The Son of God came from Isaac descend against Mohammad the Son of Allah the beast from Ishmael. Christ and angels ceasing flesh seated with souls. A glorious divinely art for reforming life by destroying death.
A seed has many employments, in science animal and vegetable germs are used to describe ones descendants. In the Bible the Seed of Abraham was a favorite Pauline phrase for Israel. John used seed in the sense of the life of God within man as the divine vitality. God gave mankind two gifts first the seed then the authority of love in likeness to his image. If your seed is the do-good, you collect the best harvest and the authority help in planting more seeds, so what it couldnt exist can exist. The power of the do-good seed stresses the importance of the truth in everything we do including decisions. Time and seed is the greatest innovator. We are not formed as notes of music are, though genetically similar, we are dissimilar attached to a great sect called the seed of time. There is dark and light in the seed of time; impure thinking prevent us from using up the time for profound thought. Heaven lies about us in our infancy, while the shade of the prison house began to close upon the growing boy. We are growing while impulses are dwelling good or evil, impelling or intensifying the value of the spirit. Impetus in dark horse person prevents elevated thoughts that work the way it should; the branch that might have grown in full and straight curls, changing a simple life into complex. Daydreams show memorable lovemaking and serious past so the great break through is made not to break through. I believe man will not merely endure; he will prevail because he alone among creatures has an immortal spirit which grows up out of seed of workmanship in harmony that reconcile possessing a spirit capable of compassion, sacrifice and endurance. We have the power to change the history of the world from the power of Gods Word. When God raises us, we have to learn how to handle dominion for defeating the power of darkness also have to sow into the level we want to go to. God always has someone to model for because we have the desire to know the secret that the rest wouldnt know. We cannot experience what we dont know unless we go back to what we know; it is like recovering an identity that was lost. This is why without vision we perish. In order to stand in creative gap not in an empty gap, man must structure himself together with God. The reason why we need to sow many seeds because this is the only way God can get involved in our situations. No man can evade his share of seeds; you may hide but cant escape. The entire creation was based on seed, time and harvest under the law of love; the growth of seed is determined by love. When you love your enemy and do well to those hated you score an achievement for the mastery things upon the growing seed. The blood of Christ is the seed of the church; God planted his seed in Marys Virgin womb. After the birth of Christ man gained the good power to hold complete authority over the enemy. With authority and seed, man can change anything right or wrong depending whether he has conscience or has a soul to be damned. The way he chooses to operate decides the seedtime and harvest time. The bad seed goes from a frying pan out into the fire of the prison kept a live in captivity. The key for deliverance is consistency in the positive Word of God that comes from faith turning us into an ethical minefield. Consistency is a power which takes a lot of effort, it requires you to be as good today as you were a year ago, to next Gods work on the inside to force the devil out. It
is the only way to walk free in the world of God. We are expected to be cool not expected to be superficial. A human being is not an orchid, he must draw something from the soil he grows in. Man unlike other thing organic or inorganic in the universe, grows beyond his work, walks up the stairs of his concepts, emerges ahead of his accomplishments. The great thing in this world is not so much where to stand as in what direction we are moving. Mad men in authority have sown the wind, they shall reap the whirlwinds until the roof whirl around. Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell. He is swelling not growing from age consumption, only the toys stopped from being meddled. Bad seeds breaks God and mans laws for stating his rules, opinions and wishes. Laws do not appeal to the child. There is nothing wrong with making a mistake at one time only not all the time. The shake-up usually comes from the good seeds. Radical reforms have the support of good seeds for shifting the balance into positive. The seed is the evidence, if you loose the evidence you loose the seed, you have no case. Jesus gave the evidence of the Messiah seed in wonderwork for peace be still. He spoke to the sea and the seed of words made it calm; the healing of the blind; the feeding of the 5000. Lazarus was raised from the death for proving His Messiah-ship. This caused a tremendous stir among the Pharisees Jews. He was the Word and the Word was God. If the word get attached to us then we have the evidence. His story becomes our story. This is why the Muslim takes vengeance to destroy Christians nobility, from being kin to the beast. Psychiatrist put you in mental institution as the best cure from lacking the living Scripture. Prozac cant give you that kind of peace. Learning from bad and unhappy things is living Scripture. Jesus says: your payday is coming soon for you are the testimony; the marriage of your ministry to Me shall continue to build your case. Be anonymous, invisible to the enemy for saving the world. Reincarnation say: I dont need Salvation, what I need is to go into rebirth of Souls in successive bodies of animals until perfection. To pursue those things that remained un-accomplished is unimportant. Sex is the platform of reincarnation. Man wants to see women naked. The questions is do we allow the virus linger? Or we eradicate it from close contact or at least control it. You justify sex for an action you think right not wrong. Your conscience which influence decisions of right and wrong will urge you to feel guilty from doing wrong things. Treating the body as an amusement park will take care of sex only. You are asked to contribute to the investigation not the tradition. How can one reach the stage of guiltless to be an angel without doing the crystal a cryptic message? Tradition has made society think only about tradition so can justify other things. This left men with mouth of hell and brain of death. God has been building a case of circumstantial evidence in the writings of the Old Testament. The real evidence was centralized in the New Testament. A measuring rod for deriving the genuine against the false. Applying a model and standard to be joined together with Him like Adam. The Christian ideals say: I walk by sight, I live by faith, dont judge me by my bank account, judge me by my seed. Loosing the evidence is loosing the reason for the command. The Jews have no evidence to pray for. The bronze serpent was the symbol raised by Moses in the wilderness when snakes plagued
the people. It restored their faith and will to live. For many of them were probably dying of fright rather than of Venom. The bronze serpent was preserved but began to be regarded with superstitious awe and then as an idol. It was as a result, destroyed by Hezekiah (2 Kings 18,4). God says: You stand by My Spirit not by the flesh. The flesh place stains against your name. The flesh say you are hopeless you have no power it is all over. But the Spirit say: you are alive, you are the birthplace of power. God says: you are not over until I say it is over; I have the last word. You are my living proof. You can go on evangelizing my name; they cant kill you when my blood on you and thousand angels watching you. I am beginning with you while man is finishing with you. Cast not away your confidence. I am the first to give and the last to leave. The good evidence outweighs most savage controversies pounded on us. It is a capital mistake to theorize before the evidence. It biases the judgment out of believing on insufficient, evidence. Though faith is the evidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen, it is not a good test. The excellent evidence is born along with work. Without work faith is a story. The evidence of God was Mary. God knew Mary, so she was picked for the miracle. The womb has the power of turning God into Man for the rising of Christ from the tombs so the rising of the dead back to life can follow. The package of Christ is splendidly molded for galloping, a state of gathering life from the least unexpected way; not to be a master of money but a free master. Light sits in the middle of Christianity. Man shall not see his lamp going out in his lifetime. People hate the proof of God, because they want to keep you down on the floor, to see more destruction. The soul has its origin in Satan changing the personality of man from God to the devil, by exercising the devil rights. Money is haze in our brain for the sinister calling to prove the existence of desire in the soul. You cant help what you cant help. We are made of doctors and patients. We are King of the castle but not the master of the domain. Global worming is echoes of past events. A task cant have a solution, waiting for the virgin was earth to burst. A murder case towards the earth; our world is, half dead halfalive. The seed of time fosters the soul either beauty or fear. Incest, Pedophilia blocks access to the true picture of life; behind every pedophile lies a victim; sentenced to solitary confinement for life. The problem with gay marriages is adoption that is malfunction of conscience. Children come first; providing home is weaker argument than the battle that goes on in the mind from keeping the real parents secret. The brain of hijackers does not need to think too much, he just need to crash the aeroplane into a building. He is not the man of the arena, a small man cant grow large. He is a man who is determined no Christian should be alive, the flight is the means for harm strategy, from being depressed and paranoid. Mohammad took part of the Scripture and stuck it in different places bringing emotions up with his words so thinking becomes lined up with his word, then decision would also be in line. Mosques are breeding ground for terrorism and the Quran is a stepping stone for killing in the name of Islam. What kind of a soil is this? The seed delivers a language in-sighting hate and murder arousing the batteries of demanding senses so the strong dislike grows. Beelzebub is the prince of demons and the lord of lies breathing into thy tongues. For Jesus faith is a way of walking, not a way of talking. Selfishness is like temptation wants to make quick grab of the good sawing. A wicked vicious religion can insert fear out of the nonsense inserted enough to make all members that are submitted to him suffers. You are a fool out of his mad prose.
A little philosophy is the means used to obtain moregloomy, more barbarous than religion presented itself to be; these seeds of change has been already sawn so well in Iran, Iraq, India, China, Africa and so on. Only local forces can stop insurgency in Iraq, growing up is the biggest problem. It isnt the good seed that wears them out. It is the grain of sand in their souls. Being what he is, he could not have done better. He was born sentenced to hell from sex and human ill. A good seed bound to a spiritual faculty and a mental willingness to endure a perfect responsibility. When man turns his nature to animals as Mohammad did using the sex desire, he creates the taste of animal by which he is to be relished. He betrayed God, the heart that loved him. Men want but little sex and more wisdom for madness to defer. Wisdom makes you smart; desires: see you in hell. Mistaken faith gives high expectation of the wrong information. When the faith level is low you dont get healed. When faith level is high, healing is high. The Word of God not the word of idol sets the highway to the world of health, wealth and deliverance. You are historically colored but all colors disappear when the reality of born again becomes an apparent. There is no show down between a big brother and a little brother; no more cultural clash; racism change into fairness. In our lives there is a simple color which provides the meaning of life. It is the color of life. No man is an idle. God uses relationships to get you from one point to another. The greys anatomy of God is to put all the pain behind you. Every man who forms the lunatic fringe in all reform movements for having it their way are altogether bad. A good president plants seeds of freedom for equality harvest. Things do not change we change. As we know good conquers evil, therefore if you sow good to your neighbor while they sow hate seeds towards you, the harvest should be good to you. The words we speak are seeds, finances are an-out-put of words and money is outward of an inward seed planted inside us that can be corruptible or incorruptible, innocent or guilty. The incorruptible seed works good all the time through God given authority. The seed therefore is in our head and lips. Sow an act and reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a character, sow a character and reap a destiny; sow hurry and reap indigestion. There is difference between seed and wealth. The seed you sow another reaps while the wealth you accumulate another keeps. Words fly up, but thoughts remain below; words without thoughts will never to heaven go. Suit the action to the word and the word to the action. Good and evil is a competition for reducing each other in a battleground, both pray to a special God treated in black or white and sometimes kicked around. The real good manifest in products possessing upright qualities of honesty and truth to wear the crown. Evil is good for nothing. A good seed can make the difference between victory and defeat, shadows heaven and things therein. If we plough the fields and scatter the good seeds on land, life will be the goal but for a sickle seed there is a reaper his name is death. Virtues are difficult, therefore if you are original in virtues, you are a man who obtained worthy ends and expectations. Only good seeds lead the anti-whaling program for giving the world a human face. Japan is sad country for the marine mammal. Virtue is left to standalone. There is no seductive power in goodness. Greatness removes goodness. Bad seeds have power they have no control over. Bad seeds today are headline grabbing. Prisons have to put a sign house full from convicted people attracted to crimes, falling out of love from having troubled background. Only reformed justice system of law and order can restore the cycle of crimes and criminals. If we say what they say and do what they do we joined the club.
The good says to him-self why there are people looking like me but cant grow up? Good seeds are the heroes who come for rescue asking for nothing. Though growth is the evidence of life, we each day dig our graves with our teeth, from so much horse manure impossible to clean. Developing nations send the youngs to the West to be fitter from Spirit Experience, but after return they grow back forever from soul to soul. Though democracy and human right are transparent, building military power lessens the contributing factors for a rational and psychologically healthy seed. But the question behind it is obvious, strength is needy in insecure world. Drop dead flesh is the claim we should have for controlling seed events. We must give it pause. Think what woman do to her appearance for the man. The spirit of self-help is the root of all genuine growth in the individual; understanding and incredible experience is what everyone shares in growing up. False seed is fed and watered by Satans mighty hand for the gypsy to live by the speed of stealing, a waste of space. You establish belief in the heart not by the mouth. With the mouth confession is made. You get pregnant in the hearth by faith and you deliver in the mouth. If you believe it you will say it. With heart man believes in Salvation. The mouth will not cause it to happen. From the good seed in your heart the mouthspeak and will happen when you balance the mouth with your heart. When there is harmony, there is a miracle of healing. God spoke to the mountain from a heart and mouth free from evil doubt designed exactly to work together. Jesus spoke to the fig tree. In Mohammad case the mouth was conditioned to say what the heart didnt believe. His words were born from the outside. The devil wanted Him to continue speaking His Word whether He believed or not. The mouth became a speaker to line up with Satan words. A bundle of contradictions made a world of Islam that cant win. The Quran say peace but the heart says make a hell of this world, to get paradise in the next. The outside was conditioned to say what the heart didnt believe to drain salvation by its bitter prophecy. A demon is a father of a restless desire, a beggar within begging for things must have to be joyful. Finally reduces the persons state to its level. Demon power is not a gift, it has a coat of many colors except white the white lies in the bone that is leaves. Chinese considers then angels. Put your trust in God 100%. God always give you something to hold on to show he is here. Sand has the pain of growing illiterate from education out reached and human right. Sand for deforming the human race. Sand for building anthill of useless men from life multiplicity; the burning problems of sand is the good has to act to control the process. A little philosophy is a seed meant to dry whats green to gain superstition. Words have power; investigators use their power of words for challenging criminals to confess the truth. A killer is always one step ahead, speaking with jelly face enough to make you change your mind. Life is a series of decisions making based on thinking first followed by emotional activity. Decisions open the door to reality. If a decision is made out of lack of knowledge, emotions move it swiftly to a conclusion. Therefore saturation in the Word of God will impel men to behave wisely. God made us free to choose and protect our decision to move along hell or heaven. Unforgiveness sets us a good example of a mind destroyed by its seed.
The devil produces countries with people like sand, riding on a pony, building ugly houses upon sand, crying aloud, furious from not getting enough sex, calling it the great country. Though they go mad; though they sink, they still consider themselves sane. God is reminding us that if we depart from His Word representing Him, we achieve living creatures as many as the sand having a look and voice but dead in thought. It is the difference between the left and right, good seeds are men on the right and hell are men on the left. Hi-tech robots are far more needed for preserving the world than sand. Good seeds and bad seeds are mental states for either good or bad. Animals do not know the difference between what things are and what might have been. The question lies in the following: are you a seed just thrown into a soil for the sake of sex or carefully planted with substances for life to be spread around the world. Are you a deliverer of a person so he can explore the condition of the place for purification or born to put other people in bondage. If I put words in your mouth, I am sowing a seed, so be always wise speak softly while thinking. To say that a man lie is as much to say, as he is brave towards God and a coward towards men. The Word of God is like rainfalls from heaven to seed the earth with heaven miracles to establish his foundation on earth. Men are the medium for magnifying him forever. Faith in Christ is for best change to grow up if you learn how to overlook the trouble of life, you can lay down the soul of the doer open. If we believe only by ourselves, we grow more like ourselves, for the best will not come from the world. Remember: If you want children to run the future world, all you need is a religion stamp to shape the world by the devils boots. The rain does not fall all the time but the love of other will keep the water level not so low.
Human race started in the garden. The place were Jesus crucified was a garden. Springtime is a garden. Music with sudden charms links the troubled mind with a garden. A garden endures you longer and may turn into a wife. Courtship is a shadow of a garden between husband and wife conducted at long distance with care and dozens sacrifices. Courtship is a man seeking a lady and a baby seeks, a daddy, while thinking wisely. For love to be a garden, a garden needs a catalogue of flowers to choose. A catalogue of boys and girls ready when the move is ready. When you plant a garden, you leave behind not your melancholy but part of yourself in flowers so others can enter to see the best part of married life. There is no such a thing love at the first sight this is for boys not Christian Men. The proposal comes from the heart, the rhythm of life, made up of experiences and thoughts. I love you pure with all the passion I can put in. Compassion supplies breath, tears and smile. I shall love you better after-words. The soul leads the body first, then the job of marriage comes moving the marriage towards the body of Christ through training to make it more effective. The planting of a garden begins. The flowers are already chosen for next generation; the invisible forces working from within begin. That is love. The couple saved, the sea is calm. Man cant conceive the love of a woman without the love of God; the world doesnt know the true love of Jesus because the world doesnt know how to do it. It knows how not to do it. We dance round in a ring of love and suppose but the secret sits in the middle and knows. We have to work for the comfort. We cant see ourselves as others see us. No machine can identify love,
like peace indivisible. If we have been God-like in our love, we will be able to fill leisure intelligently. True love is the gift that God has given to Adam alone beneath the heaven. The Lord said to Adam: I lay your rib amongst Eve to love her and bear her to the bone as two in one. You must not think only of yourself. Happiness comes more from loving than being loved. Man is not an animal. She shall sit in an earthly crown besides the hills and valleys; dales and fields to produce the ripest fruits of all from my perfect bliss. What is yours is hers, what is hers is yours. You watch the flock as the good shepherd of what it has done to be the example. My angels shall come down for the glory of man to be shone around. Marriage is an institution for the exchange weaknesses of with strength; for people needed to be healed. I love Thee before I knew His face or hear Him in a voice. Love has the possibility of torment. When the power of love replaces the love of power, our world will know the blessing power of peace. Love has no mysteries. In soul mysteries do grow in a world made cunningly for the devil to take love away. Love does not have no decay, no tomorrow, nor yesterday; the New Golden Jerusalem has absence of time, built with stones of love. Love is not an object of worship made of every shape. Love never runs away. All other things to their destruction draw. The Gospel never speaks of sex marriage. Sex and romance are not love. Sex is a circle looks only on itself. The statue of Buddah in its beautiful golden, oily body is an example looking on itself for adoration. Sex has serious threats. What goes on behind the seen is anything but pretty. If you choose sex you pick up the toxicological list. Love is not like. Liking is an instinct we dont have a control over it. We can love them but we cant always like them. Like lies in the emotion while love in the will, therefore love owes allegiants to command for the reward, so individuals must put it above ones desire, regarding the command as an exceptional necessity. Love is the three-fourth of our conduct, its largest concern is love of others who have the dilemma factor. Love is a set of challenges based on what you intend to offer. At the governmental level, love allows politicians build schools and hospitals across cities first, balancing the need. We can never equalize but we can attempt to level. From the ideology of love, soft society and democracy rose to notice. When you are enforced by command, you put more input. All love leads to either heaven or hell. The will of both sides are committed to either good or evil. Severe sinister love can have serious effects and action. Idols of wood and stone flesh and blood whether a legendary sex symbol or the stone of Alkaaba are Satans love. All are guilty of idolatry. Addictions, attachment to sect, love of doctrine, love of power (with responsibility to kill the things we love) are love of hell. Nazism says: you are either German or virus. Love to hate is not clever, brings into being suicide terrorism. Love takes away the life of retribution (dancing at the ashes of the enemy). If you survive you are under the scrutiny of others. For Islam to kill somebody in Ramadhan is not such a good time. Love brings the bios of the inside out into to the outside. There is not too many cooks in love. You pick love and go into its direction. Love is value seek not itself to please. Love is a budget picture has no handsome profit out of human drama. Life is dressed in how it is played not how it ends. Love fires up imagination to form an image of a realistic decision bestowed by the state of good behavior. Love is about catching the good and throwing away the bad and ugly. You dont need to have too much gut or too much glory to show it. The mind reaches great heights only by love.
Love is for grown ups, the mark of a mature man is his ability to wear the mask joyously without guilt. An intellect not mature miss shapes the beauteous forms of things. Love is at its best when doing sacrifices. Each sacrificed act is debt paid. Love builds heaven in hells despair. Love for the treasure of joy that rise above time so life can be worthy living. Divorce fails to understand love from actions leading to selfish activities. Love is just a spark comes from the great gemlike flame of God that burn always to maintain the success in life. When love becomes part of the inheritance to live and abide all nos are yeses. Love is a commitment to the truth, putting a system out of control has strong No in partnership. No, lightens deep thoughts, encourage fights from lacking a lot, depression for wasting time. If you discover love you loose misery. Love meant to be the vehicle looking for the missing one. We all pass away but the glory of the garden stay in its kit pack smiling. Remember: Adam was self centered while worshiped his creator. There is nobody other than himself to consider. The purpose of marriage to Eve was to heal him from selfishness.
Water has three states of existence called phases. All exist in one formula called H 2O. The solid ice, the liquid water and the vapor steam, all three have characteristic properties in-one-water. Trinity is one God existing in Three Persons, with different roles. Each is full God, equal; not divided into three trying to entertain each other in portraying subjects. There is no commission for some special duty. Each role has a specific act for greater stability and sufficient love, in personal relationship. The three Words are equal in importance. We the people must grow to look like the portrait of Trinity, in attitude towards great qualities, if we are the admirers. The Three Persons in one being are moving constantly into our lives for shaping the Christian faith. The Holy Spirit is a power sent to the heart necessary for bringing Jesus and the embedded Father into the personal relationship. The Holy Spirit applies Salvation to non-Christian, Jews, and Muslims. So the Father and Son can live in his/her life. There is no mother and father holding a silver rod in Trinity. Trinity is the symbol of absolute unity 1.1.1. Each and all are the same. Without it there is no Salvation. Jesus is the joiner of two anointments compacted in one for maximum capacity. Clever people know how to take advantage of such a gift. Trinity is harmony in perfection. Three phases from one heart dwelling together in tranquility. Setting an example to unity of our body, soul and spirit in the spirit. Everything Jesus did was manifestation of the Father. The more you grow with Jesus the more you walk in truth and love. Like Father like Son. The Father is the author of Salvation. The Son took the burden of accomplishing the work of Salvation. Jesus on the Cross-said, it is finished, it meant the work has been accomplished.
When Jesus came out of the water baptized by John wearing animal skin Trinity went away with action wearing one name The Lord Thy God. Astounded by sound and visual effects uniting the Three In One. The sound of the Father and the Dove of the Holy Spirit, though Trinity is not clearly spelled in the Bible, we find references in the Old Testament and New Testament. God in the Genesis considered Himself more than one. They say opportunity makes a thief. The man of Johovas witness took the Trinity for playing down Jesus role. It became a religion with a kind of torment to Trinity. For a strange man born in Satan flesh and driven by soul, pure is impossible. Men cant lay down their lives for greater love when having soul to be damned and body kicked around. The puppets of this religion played the act to make a good cheer for themselves. The human truths will serve as the touchstone of our judgment. The truth is cruel to those who are wrong but it makes free those who have loved it. Therefore it is a great advantage for a system of philosophy to be substantially true. God is saying you have been reducing my greatness, I am not the God of calculation for bargains. You are swimming against my stream, facts from a subconscious that teach boys and girls nothing, plants nothing else, I have the art of perceiving how to do it, my eyes are beaming with affection and that is my true business. Prayers should be directed to Jesus, the sole representative of Salvation. The Trinity is the grammar of your faith, the more you grow in Trinity the more you understand Christianity. Remember: Mohammad told Abu Harerah; Jesus makes me breath. My last breath lies in His hand.
Difficulties, failure, mystery, day of terror, injuries, depression, pressure, queuing for rock stars, climbing to the summit peak of Everest under avalanche condition are concepts of timewasting. Hurricane, besiege of a city, rounds of boxing, fueling the cycle or revenge, waiting for good news, talking behind the back, sculpture, fame, psychics glory of winning the big match, poetry and dead-end progress strike time and make it go to the bottom. On the other hand quality of information, loyalty, growing up decreases time. The microelectronic industry in the ever-shrinking world of the chip saves time in problem solving. By using the computer chip in different miniaturized designs, different products such as communication systems, medical equipments, defense and many other applications are achieved. Peace and Joy stop time from the good things that bring and the delight. Mohammad talks about peace while his religion is dedicated to violence; therefore we need time for finding the valuable truth. It takes time to calm, to unmask falsehood and bring truth into light. It takes time to be a success; to heel all wounds and change things. We waste time and time does waste us. The time which man is always trying to kill ends in killing him; time stays we go. We have good time and bad time, moments big as year in aching time. God rejuvenates the time destroyed by the devil; the older becomes young or new again from a spirit flow. Time for sex leaves no other time, sex is the rag of time. Pedophile activity and other sex offenders expand the wasting to the growing child destroying innocence from forced sinning. Dirty sex study woman ways for snubbing a mouth kiss so the magic can start at the first date. Lies, in marriage cheaters force women to seek justice for the time wasted. Try to consider the soundness of mind after watching aliens have landed by a mission impossible beyond our grasp. You are in someone else mind without your permission bringing a new knowledge to steal common sense by preventing good judgment, changing reality into illusion. Progress would be a matter of controversy from a mixed bag of emotion. How silly it is to think the Devils number, which has been written on him, is time not figures. The 666 is not a day of a month were an asteroid out of 1200 moving around the earth orbit will slam the earth in the year 2029 on Friday 13 th creating famine and cosmic dust winter. The possibility of such strike is one in five thousands. Dancing, drinking, laughing, falling a sleep habitation are unthinking time. Time is relative; which explains why young years pass slowly, while later life flings itself faster upon its course. What actuality is an actual for one time and only for one place i.e. every time gives its law. Being on time is essential for the human race. We enter time lag when we are in between the perception that something ought to be done and a serious attempt to do it. The only true time, which a man can properly call his own, is that which he has all to himself; the rest, though in some sense he lives it but it is other peoples time not his. For God when the time has come it rises above principle. Remember time is money is time for dependency, on madness; changes social organization into a system of greed. Money is weaponless itself, but Satans best friend. Satan is the thief of time, the good evidence lies in the progress of Christians compared to the life where his people live. Attending funerals in a village in Indonesia cultivate enough social activity. Birthday is a celebration of not dying. The average life span for the enemy of Christ is 30 while in the Christian world 74, to see the 50s you are pushing the envelope. Chaos gets you in the front door of wasting time.
Jesus is the first, last, midst and without end. The created world is but small parenthesis in eternity. If the doors of senses were cleansed everything would appear, as it is infinite. The dull sight of the mind gives off brilliant glowing light that is a war against time. Think how much waiting it takes for hospital cure. Laws or kings cant cure human hearts. We need to step out of that mentality called time and kill that demon. According to physics, any event that happens in space is subject to time. Space is not a 3dimensional entity but rather 4-dimensional continuum. Space-time is a way of describing the geometry of the physical space arising from Einstein theory of relativity; space being the unbounded-bounded area above the earth past the earth atmosphere. Relativity is a theory that describes how matter, space and time are related to each other. Time is relative, only equal when the two objects move the same distance at the same velocity simultaneously but if the two objects are at different order then there is a time lapse between them. In other words, the laws of physics are the same for all people moving at constant velocity relative to each other. Science agrees with the Bible that the time has started after materials and space formed defining the universe following the big bang hypothesis. No DEBRI was ever found dating back to the big bang. We are disconnected for a purpose and this differentiates us from angles. The process that is dark has to go through different process until it sees the white. The entire sum is being provided by favor. Time heals but when you are in the circle of God, there is no time; your yesterday cant deceive you. God eternity is lighted by the cause of the circuit. It is a movement, which sees the beginning and the end. The dead doesnt die; the circle has no desire to bite, has no nightmare. Everything is in front, there is nothing behind waiting to catch up; there is nothing you need that you dont already have. If you dont feel satisfied you could turn around and get what you wanted. The circle is not a dream painted but a life illuminated in significant details, there is no tomb to leave behind. St. John was favored to enter the wheel of purity and look at all life ahead. Only through Jesus time is conquered, one impulse from God may teach you more of man, of moral evil and of good than all sages can. A false prophet steals away silently the time by his preaching so the day is not done. Magic is a waste of time waiting for the sweet cheat to happen and does not happen. The secret of success is the favor factor, growing in God favor not in the unfinished negative met by the prince of sleep. When we make priorities for carrying God principles as personal commitment, God will bridge the gap. Heaven can only be grasped by action not by contemplation. Learn how to be silent to taste the grace of God in prayers. God blesses people who are ready for that one day. Dont think about money, get off the porch and give God some action. Be like the three wise men that have followed the star and found Jesus. Remember: Time is precious, you can make more money but you cannot make more time.
Drunkenness is temporary suicide from cessation of happiness. The happiness it brings is merely negative and temporary We have guilty conscience that prepares us for acting suspiciously nervous. We are irresponsible when money is in the pocket Practicing divorce in court means hearing anything that shocks the magistrate He wants to be a perfect dad but the kids wishes him to be a normal dad A woman looks for a strong man to have We live from day to day due to uncertainty We accept any philosophy from being paralyzed by hesitation. Philosophies opposing God find comfort in the soul for changing the conscience design and providing hindrance to God The average mans opinions are much less than they would be if he thought for himself. Man though can solve different problems; he cannot solve women problems, unable to dissolve the sources of her conflict. There is no conscience when a man attack Man loves female body parts, having sex without dating is the ultimate win Superiority of the male lies in his superior muscle not in what he knows Criminals keep going to prison to avoid starvation Man is the only animal whose desires are never satisfied The opposing belief within the man is concealed in the following fact He who builds on the people builds on mud. The spirit and soul are two drivers providing two routes under contrast management with the body in the drivers seat. The soul drives into a desperate strait and cannot steer or be safe forever by the spirit. Sin gains make soul weighs heavier on the scale. The sword flourishes the soul into a thousand more from adding beauty so as murder. Heaviness of soul succeeds from wearing the crown of Satan. It cannot rise to heaven but it can rise to great places by a winding stair in earth. This is why ghosts gliding on places, communicating by their sound explosion devices from anger ruling, have rewarded the world If we are to survive we must lighten up the soul with the spirit. Our burden lies in the mystery, in which the heavy and the weary weight of all unintelligible worlds are lightened. We mourn less for what age takes away than what it leaves behind. The strongest minds are often those of whom the noisy world hears least and whose heart blessed to be the very heaven. God approves the depth of the spirit not the tumult of the soul. The best portion of a good mans life is his little, nameless, unremembered, acts of kindness and love. The soul is the light that never was. The world has nothing to show from not passing the light of its creator, for this reason has remained mystery. The world views life through emotions, laughter and tears. Hospital is a place to die in. The spirit is lighter than air, it has an extra ordinary ability for flying into a great calm. Angels fly because of spirit made in hundred percent lives, complete in pure love, joy and peace, made for the use and benefit of mankind. In brief: We have two kinds of spirits the better angel spirit and the worse colored by ill from compact of fire, it looks on heaven with a bitter look flowing with energy but cant fly.
Negativism in medical term is uncooperative or obstructive behaviour. Active negativism is negativism in which the individual does the opposite of what he or she is asked. This is usually
associated with other features of catatonia in which a person becomes mute or stuporous or adopts bizarre postures. Positive negatism is negativism in which the person falls to cooperate, occurring in schizophrenia and depression. A man does not see much of the future through a picture in which lights and shades are reserved. Negativism is a mission to war from refusing peaceable mind; the only possible manner to carry abuses. Negativism is bound to cruelty, stupidity and mismanagement, for losing a friend and gaining a foe. God erected us into a system of positivism from a path that promises to enable us to effect great good for the people. Negativism is one of the bitter curses exercising a war like interpretation instead of imagination. When the power to love is replaced by the love of power then what looks forward to the time becomes backward. Third world countries are the unfinished negatives of which poverty is the proof. The spirit of the individual is unable to meet basic human needs. You have got to accentchuate the positive by eliminating the negative so you can latch on the affirmative. Dont mess with misstep in between. God made every positive value has its counter value in negative. The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima. There is a momentary cessation of unhappiness in drunkenness and sex from the negative that it brings. There is nothing worst than being trapped out by hundred of ghosts. You are the guy they want, they will track you like dog. When life is at its lowest form you go to the extreme till everything crash down. Life is all about making choices, some are like cancer and some are psychotic, there is no turning back to a looser, you are the disease because you have the disease. To loose the life is the reason. You are the performer from being the converter. When you crack the glass it looks like spider web alive and around, cant put it back again and must take care.
No for tougher actions, violence and fighting back from bullying problems. No thinking helps targeting and possesses less quality. Yes doesnt see eye for an eye. No is a stupid idea for zero growth modeling. No has secrets that never want to be erased. No is all about me. For Hindu myth, the truth is a cow which yield skeptics; when no more milk, a myth begins to grow to milk the bull. The American Indians, truth lies in an eagle covering them with its feathers. You are either a beast or godly depending on the word you read from denying the power of yes. Read not to contradict and confute; a gentle mind is known by its gentle head. Yes is Mr. Easy. Blessed is the man who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed. Love is the yes factor. No is the art of keeping yesterday not tomorrow. Without yes you are in between caterpillar and butterfly. With yes every thing out of place is about to come into an alignment. No makes imaginary evils, when you know we have so many real ones to encounter. It is much safer to obey than to rule. Yes yield submission, modesty and forgiveness. If she rules by not accepting or submitting, pain will be at her side and migraine at her head. In order to have great marriage, learn how to say yes. Believers should hook up with believers just like God forms a company with believers. There is no meeting half way. Dont get married when young and stupid; our world is a world were people dont know what they want. Sometimes we forget because we must say yes not because we will. Yes helps you to stay peacefully at home, forgiveness identify who you are. Yes is capable of building the forgiving character of heaven. When you are undecided, the soul is in ferment, the way of life uncertain. There is always a beginning and a revelation behind you. The true index of a mans character starts with the Word of God. You must get away from those who frame your thinking. The way you think determines whether you are walking with the flesh or with the spirit. The positive word of God produces first thinking then feelings for unmistakable decision making. Then actions, then habits and finally character which will bring you to your godly destiny. You cannot go above the character. Change the Word of God and receive negative destiny, the character of hell. Faith makes us able to quench all the fiery dark of the wicked. Faith which is simply to believe shield us but also lowers us when we listen to other people and pay more importance to them. It is easy to be hurt by people. While you are in faith, you are holding the shield. You must not value the opinion of others over the values of God or what God thinks of you. Everything Jesus did was a man like not as the God. Jesus did it all by faith. The proof is when Peter walked on water like Jesus while his eyes were firmly focused on Jesus. But when peter shifted his eyes; looking at the monstrous waves instead, irrational fear moved in, he became two minded looking at wrong things; he doubted instead of staying attached to Jesus. He asked Jesus for mercy and Jesus pulled him out of sinking. The lesson to be learned: faith must not change or there is no progress to be made. Faith is I like Jesus. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. You must construct faith on ambitious plans, to give more and receive less. Christ have mercy, he knows what we known and what we dont. Christ treats the disease before it develops which is a huge progress against all un-survivable types. Diseases are the real battles, which demands the need for developing theological strategies. If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. Jesus is neither the master of illusion nor guardian of the suck up work for social approval. To be a new species of Being that has never been existed before is power from another World striking you in spirit for more prophets than play boys. No Shintu sun or Hindu cow can do it. The wicked ones touches him not. You are born again to the bone to be a flaming witness to God. Revelation is knowledge in Him and a Christian is power over sin, healing all that was oppressed by the devil with the Holy Spirit. In Hindu theology because they fear demons, they get contract to
be filled with demon spirits. To accept Satan spiritual assault is to live a life crowded with fear, shrinking the head for staying in darkness. Who can be against you when God comes and live in your mortal body, in the inside of you. A working power that talk about healing, learn what you can never know, know what you dont known and its target sending mistakes away. The Holy Spirit can go where we cant go. Allows you to slip out of yoke set by the devil to destroy the faith. God knows what you cannot do but gives you the strength to do it. Negatives stop you from getting victory; only on the Cross-we have victory. The entire world should keep staring at the Cross-now; the shadow of the apocalypse for the thousand years of peace to come. Remember: Yes and No are in you and in me, they are created in us, and their preservation is the ultimate rationale.
for talking badly against religion. Marriage has more than one answer in court. Reasons with respect differences between man and woman. A written sentence can change for different reason. Reason is also choice, the verdict is a choice forced upon us. The political parties use choice in the matter. Accepting lies, judgment can be considered right while reasons were certainly wrong. A man nearly always loves for other reasons than he thinks; example if you worship a black stone you have lost your reason to speak why. Human reason needs strong will to accept the discomfort of thought. If we are weak, reasons will be no help. When reason is not on our side, it has an ugly look. A desperate habit that is rarely cured, egotism, idolatry is stronger than reason from a weak mind does not accumulate enough force to listen without losing temper. Love has no reason because the mind would be saying yes to all reasons. Reason deserves to be called a prophet for showing the consequences and effect of our actions in the present and can tell us what the future will be. It is easy to give reason but it takes a battle to find the truth that is a sure reason. Never doubt or become disposed to abstracted meditation. The truth then floats easily down the stream avoiding collision. Truth is the eye of the spirit while imagination is the eye of the soul. If a man wants to be of a greatest possible value to his fellow-creatures, let him begin the long, solitary task of perfecting himself. Perfect ability is one of the most unequivocal characteristics of the human species; the principle that regulates the wrong in itself for human improvement. The love of the truth lies at the root of humanity. There is no reality except the one within us taken from two images outside us. The false collected from Satan by allowing the world within to assert itself. The roots of evil is revealed by God and inspired more when experiences are shared. Genetically modified food is violation of the truth; the after math is life running out of control. Trust is an important element in shaping the truth. A trust-worthy has true thoughts from being not false to others. If the truth is not told, we are in mess and embrace the mess. A shifty life gives all the false. Truth is a spiritual faculty does not explain, but simply points the way. Truth = heaven, false = hell. Truth and facts are the same or not the same; truth is met when the story is finally told. The truth when told can be controversial. The most savage controversies are those about matters as to which there is no good evidence either way. The truth about cigarette smoking is smoke and fire coming out of mouth; morals that elevate the bad to the level of the good lead to the truth. The American dream came from power of ideas originating from good forces to destroy sinister forces. Moral clarity defends the truth and shape culture. In fight between good and evil you are either with us or against us. DNA gives signature to us in four letters words A, C, G, and A. It downs some troubles but the truth floats a lot more. The eye only sees what is prepared to see. When there is no real answer to whats happen, all is speculation. The truth is embraced in peace. We read what we believe, we take blocks from one and mix it with other; we are not honest anyway to our brain. We are junkies in comparison to God. We cant reveal ego but the creator can put us totally naked. Sometime you wonder how people can be mistrustful. How can you build an absolute trust when in Indonesia meatballs are treated in formalin for guarding their business? The same chemical used in preserving human tissues. In third world culture, there is no threat of truth. The truth is 100% there is no second to it therefore it should come first. If the truth is about money then the truth has but bad clothes. This help the fortuneteller take advantage of fools whom had been often told different tale but the bold still finds delights. To bride someone, they offer palm reading. The truth is vital no matter how improbable why; to be safer, happier from upright more pure, understood and to make honesty most of all. The truth allows friendship resumes, open eyes, uncover the story about past, present and future. The truth is about gangsters, massacre who abuse power, in how and why it happened. Truth is reality, sad, sour or happy. Neither lies nor twist cultivate simplicity; only build the bridge of complexities.
Great anxieties are false fears, but when uncertainty turns certainty, anxiety disappears. Lies add uncertainties and bad reputations; we grab the truth to make our progress fast. For the anti-Christ, the truth of Christ appears as fiction. Truth is the only merit that gives dignity and worth to history. Nationalism, which is sickness of the human race change history for its own advantage to make nation, appears honorable. Truth has universal acceptability; elections are won because most people vote for somebody who give what he promised to give. The truth goes with us to the end heard as the first requirement for judgment. Life is the road to the truth, death is the unconscious path made to us for an unconditional acceptance of what it might brings. The truth begins at the beginning and goes on till it comes to an end. Lies are everything that can be invented towards the truth to make its path handicapped, from Demons at its back. In the seed of the devil, every truth easily becomes a lie. The good Lord set good and evil on mans truth in order to distinguish his stupidity from his sense of morality. God offers every mind its choice between truths arriving from spirit and false from soul dwelling in the mind of man for all thinking things. The purpose is to add either power to what he has been given or destruction from not knowing what to do. The struggle between bad and good make man nothing but less than God. If we dont have the right tool to serve God, Satan will attack us by his own tool.
One reason must be taken seriously for man-strive upon the truth, All the honest truth telling in the world is done by children. God is the absolute truth; no body can describe his truth. It has no time knock at his door to find fault with. Perfection is a byproduct of greatness from path produces goodness under the shade of greatness. The creative and the critical faculty exist together in highest perfection from a spirit complete of all perfection. The truth is unmixed with any other substance applied under from the purest mind and heart, from passion never lacking; from absolute power that produces all things to all men out of the unknown without reason. Everything made by God function to perfection is very much the evidence. Absolutism originates from feeling absolute; thinking absolutely; from liberated ideas acting without errors, from greatness and ideals intact. Greatness is a road leading towards the unknown. Man has no proof of greatness. If he claims greatness, he has penalty to put up with, to be criticized, vilified and even to be misunderstood. Some achieve greatness but, their greatness fails through craven fear of being great. Man cant see or hear God, the senses of the soul cant match with Gods exactness. As our judgments are weak from lacking ability to perceive, we must imitate him in order to better ourselves. If we give God a firm spot to stand, he will move the earth. A giver giving a need will receive mercy. There is no money in heaven, God does not use money to be the power of his favor i.e. double money for double trouble; curse just been broken because of moneyetc. When you are desperate to have your yoke destroyed, crying out of suicide spirit and willing to accept the Lord as your Savior, God moves on to destroy the empire of chaos for restoring the dieing-light. Money makes the job achieved through faith less difficult. You are working for God not for getting money. The love and money combines very well, with vinegar from the grapevines, a sad, sour, beverage, loved from being the tablet for survival, never hated and by far has the longest pleasure. It raises the question, how can a preacher be constantly in good relationship with God while money has the regular aim self-importance. You think of nothing else if you didnt have it and think of other things if you did. When the gift of money is paid back with object of excessive love, it makes God an idol. For what ever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God. Motives and purpose are in the brain and heart of man. Consequences in the world are any of various disease, cancer, and diabetes, strokes that happen by change similar to the unexpected nature of money. No one can destroy God achievements; the revolt in heaven against God was about the truth. The truth of God is one, cannot be approached by any other sects and religions, their objectives is persuasion, Psychics claim to have special knowledge of reading the mind as exactly as I was thinking. Deceit is the act or practice of misleading someone by concealing or distorting the truth while no one. They develop theory of mind then assessing the state of feelings like a card game. Remember: time is the author of authors to discover the truth. There is truth in time Time Knows Why.
power for a good character is a gift of Satan brought into being in everything that regards religion and culture, a perfect tragedy. A sort of tumor generated towards the systemic organization the mind breeding chaos for killing the order. Character is what God and his Angels know of us, reputation is what men and women think of us. Blaspheme is about a single soul brave to speak God but not so brave to do as ordered. The poets mind is seized by numberless of feelings, phrases, images that remain there until all the particles in the form of wisdom that have been lost in the poem making unite to form reality. A new window then opens into mens souls. Polygamy is an endeavor to get more out of life than there is in it. A masochistically form of sexism. Irrationality is more harmful than reasoned errors ruled by arrested development, bringing not innocence but impurity into the world, a waste of time piecing together broken ideas in the mind. Money obsession is seen as a responsibility to defend anything for concealing the truth. The truth for the moneyed man is to go laughing all the way to the bank. A man is better pleased when he has a good dinner than when he has to make good words for thoughts. Power struggle is like hair transplant; he got the hair to cure boldness but lost it at the shower. Power is the shield that bows for greed. When man gets the sexual impulse from a woman, she slices her tongue like a snake. Most unhappy marriages come from husbands having brains. False men know how to make the headlines. We have the kind of patriotism that consists in hating all other nations. Our reasons always mean what someone else has got to say. To know the secret you have to look for a good witch woman. We are not sure of ourselves. May be has more accuracy than Shall be. We do what we can, cant see everything. We dont know whether to close the chapter or close the book. We may have to rely entirely on the last throw of the dice to know if it is a fairytale for emotional consideration or true events. The twist in the tale is what one wishes to see. Life out of treason leaves us speechless. I dont know how the Buddha admits a man is completed suitable to be a god without his reunion. Such compulsion brings not innocence into the world but recreation of impurity. Now let me raise my social conscience about large-scale issues of morality defeated by mans evil act for profiting his soul. How pity to see cloned mended from one cell have everything in one. He is father, mother and child growing together. Cloning is Guinea pigs laboratory work in progress. Unknown sperm donors for IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment have had to do 270 times donation to help infertile couples. There is no tracking record for the right to know where biologically I came from. A tangled web conceived by an ill experiment. There is the true father who is the genetic one and the social father who is not the real one. Consider the impact of having marriage relationship between half brothers and sisters. There is a good marriage between the infertile couple but no delightful off springs. There has to be balance between science and ethics. Man should not be seen from an evolutionary point of view using the biological way of thought and study for maintaining his need. Ethically, man possesses a conscience that selects what is right or wrong for the individual himself. There is no relation between biology and human values. Man is not simplistic, he is not just an organism interacting with his environment, has intellect and intuition. When good conquers he is creative and constructive but his intellect needs to be guided by knowledge or by a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect. He has heart desire that threaten his physical integrity. He has chronic feelings of threat, insecurity, and intolerance to the forces operating within him and upon him to maintain the integrity of his self. Man is also a harmful force often acted as an agent of ruin. God or Satan made man either important or primitive. We have hollow men in contrast to men who displayed heroic potential in man work. God rewarded them the talent, wisdom, the feelings of hope, aspiration and accomplishments. The mortal temples supply souls that grow sick from longing to the things it has been forbidden.
There is a smile of love and a smile of deceit. Love is the humanform of divine and secrecy the human dress. Cruelty has a human heart and jealousy a human face. Without the good and evil contraries there is no progression. Attraction and repulsion, love and hate, reason and energy for power to act are necessary to human existence. All this suggests the biological way of thoughts is not the answer. The direction of life must be determined on the values by which judgments and choices are made from the options that exist. What is right belongs to the individual conscience that is in turns an expression of his inner-self that must be exposed to judgment for acceptability to others. Biology sees man as animal on the top scale of evolution, can survive only by the natural selection process. Women reproductive right is nonsense to speak. In USA when abortion was made legal 30 years ago, 44 million lives lost. Pro-abortion activists are sin addicts to the terminal point of damnation. You should pray for them to have a sound mind in a sound body. Abortion is a barbaric war against unborn babies by pro-choice. A 24 weeks fetus has a full baby look, the expulsion from the uterus usually about the 28th week. The politics of climate change with the Green House mafia. The dog is the indefatigable and unsavory engine of pollution turning Mother Nature prematurely gray. Nature lost its sense of identity. When identity disappears we are the first and the last refuge hoping to make terms with the earth. The car has become an article of dress without which we feel uncertain, unclad and incomplete in the urban compound. Climate change is equal in strength to international terrorism. The catastrophic rise of temp from the rising levels of CO 2, one degree higher than the two degrees already risen now, the earth will be trembling. The entire world has to work together to save the planet by limiting carbon mission or face hunger, draught, famine rising sea levels and loss of nature reserve. When you play with the devil you pay with your soul. Commercial whaling for food and other products by Japan at unauthorized regions must be stopped. From hells heart he stabs the whale then burst its mighty heart. Thousands of whales slaughtered almost to make an end for them, the only protection for their right came from Australia Green Peas who tried to take control. Hunters must decide whether it is ethical to kill without considering the age and gender of their prey to maintain a proper balance of wild life population. The Internet made it so easy for everybody. We must have hunters and non-hunters work together to protect wild life habitats, and put a record of their safety. Stop selling uranium to developing countries. War on terror shouldnt include nuclear missile attack. The fall-out causes thousands of cancer death and emptied places. Remember the Chernobyl syndromes; the act of transparency for revealing nuclear energy program (despite the effort to hide it) to become known. Words are half revealed and half concealed by the soul. There is no way to distinguish a civilian program from a nuclear defense. One peaceful, the other embarks on a demolition course. It is just a matter of switching centrifuges around using plumb line knowledge. Nuclear weapons are easier to make than a nuclear power. A war based on lies is dangerous. It can bring the world into the blink of nuclear war. Play it straight, do not uses twisting words and meanings as you please, or you come between the dragon and his wrath. Torture of suspected terrorists is illegal and immoral may be because there is more to be feared than to be understood. No man says yes to his gain in rising pain. If a man cant remember his worries last week, how can he remember from inflicted pain that sends him over the edge? It destroys democracy, infects society with poisons of hate. Bitterness, anger, blame are divisive and can get in to world of trouble. When tolerance the natural order of things is abandoned, fanaticism and intolerance reach their most intense forms. A little right can be shattered against giant wrong. A terror suspect changed direction into inhumane killing by police. Shooting terrorists on the spot is the start of slippery slope; love,
wisdom, friendship and peace inspire action in fairness. When we are in a complete harmonious whole, an environment against poverty and terrorism can be created. Morality is defending the rule of law not the political state of the person targeted. A Prime minister should face court action. He is supposed to be the example set. There is no immunity for anyone; morality goes on. A minister who does not know what he does should be sacked through cabinet reshuffle. You dont know what damage to posterity he brings by not talking the truth. He is waste of money. A leader should give up the office if blamed for battle scars dividing the party and treachery. Members of government should not use power to attract more party members. Government must stand for what is right, providing resources and encouraging various incentives for regenerating economic activity to give employments. Providing sums for new buildings, new machinery, start-up grants for entrepreneur to keep small business growing. Control offenders from doing violent crimes again. These are thoughts that do often lie too deep for trust. Morality is establishing consumer safety by establishing an up to date standards putting quality food, drugs and appliances on the priority list. Redundancy because that job no longer needed must have the right to receive compensation in the form of lump sum that varies according to the length service. Prices must be intervened by the government to control wages, salaries, profits, and rents. As known the level of cost push inflation and make the value of money fall. Productivity is more important than number of hours employed which comes from possessing good brains, reducing time and cost of production for a great profit. Unions have no right for unlawful industrial action, a sort of tumor that may end up killing the good ideas and values behind such a system. When the cause is just, union is perfect. The amount of security enjoyed by members should be part of economical growth. Power tends to corrupt and in this case that attitude will do more harm than good. Raising taxes to the middle class raises several objections from having less resource in dealing with difficulties while do the least harm to the rich who can afford it. Some men make cheap goods for earning more. Shoveling taxpayer system from developed countries into a corrupt system for helping poorer countries is a stupid thing to do. Corruption cant end up misery. Sucking cheap labor out of poorer country is also disastrous. Is it moral to hand down building backed by taxpayers such as schools, governmentoffices universities to a private sector? Easy hire easy firework policy is immoral unprotected, not rewarded. The good work is poisoned by mind concentrating on the day to be fired. We must beat the green envy out. Man and woman doing the same kind of work should get paid the same. To equalize is to level. Claiming incapacity benefit while you can work. The act need reforming one reform can get thousands out of the benefit trap. There is no difference in the manner of treating between a member of Royal family and an ordinary citizen. We are all the children of God, have mutual responsibility and loyalty. Cash for lordship honor turns into a moneybag; the lists of honors handed to the queen had businessmen donating money to the ruling party.
Morality is not a game, an active conscience against common error. The body of Christ works by building a quiet conscience for liberty, equality, fairness and justice. You cannot achieve brilliance without conscience; Gay and lesbian weddings to tie the knot signing the paper of Civil Partnership (equal to marriage). The mother is a father and the father is a mother destroying the ways children are born the key to a happy family. Use justice with life rather than without life (by putting to death), abominable practice. Justice should not be seen as revenge. People volunteer unfairly for a trial of a drug in human for some cash to determine its quality. The pharmaceutical company did not do enough research to show what the flesh may show. Think of how many years of punishment it takes to learn the simple truth that this drug is made for suffering. Face-lift for vanity has the evil sense of not accepting God creation of your face rolling the immoral clock forward. Vanity comes from the word vain meaning swollen-headed unsubstantial and temporary. Society must draw attention towards child cruelty, child abuse by parents unwilling to care and give prospect to them. Stop a glossy advertising campaign of products for people flocking back to buy it. Large promise is the soul of an advertisement. The message we present should be the same as the message. Conspiracy theories and cover-up to conceal the Bible truth should be forever cautious because the good news of Jesus Christ must be heard accurately or it wouldnt be good news. Preachers sow money trees that grow unfair, weak fighting in the fields of air. God want you to give your heart as the answer for somebody else. You ought to be like a great gothic cathedral created by an unknown artist conceived with passion and consumed by the image of Christ to be a worthy salt. Give a hand not a hand out for allowing the poor to overcome his poverty by his own conscience. Poverty is seed that did not produce the harvest from unbelief and ignorance of the truth. The instructions that you are supposed to obey determine the future you have. What you dont know is the way. Pensioners are the respectable generation of yesterday. Today pensioners cannot rely on the generous pension system anymore. To meet the aging population, the government wants pensioners to refund their own pension by working longer, save more or be poorer. The welfare system in USA has been transformed into brains dependant on the state of warlike mentality rather than the importance. In other word when you have got them by their wallets, their hearts and minds will follow. To increase the income is to produce more illegitimate children; a lost program empowering laziness and gluttony and concentrate on negatives, sitting to do the complaining. The moral words you need to say are I refuse to take when I can work, I am not going from pay role to welfare role to go and do nothing. We are in need of new laws to crack on illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is deceitful act for deeper problems. Afghanistan home to opium and Talaban terror try the worst scenario to enter. Asia is a factory for illegal documents. Criminals in Europe are free to settle in any country in the
European Union. If criminal records are not checked it brings along ugliness to justice. Ringleaders for drugs came to kill and cause explosion. Terrorism does not respect nationality, religion or national borders. For Jihads, passengers in an airplane are weapons of mass destruction. There are 7 million illegal immigrants in USA, half of them Mexicans and still not considered a crime. They take jobs in agriculture, janitors and low unadvertised jobs for America's future economical depression. How can intelligence system knows who is illegal when government doesnt know. The first profound effect is changing the cultural and social mix; it encourages Americans to speak gruffly from loosing the first priority and feeling second-class citizens in their own country. Must have national strategy for dealing with the problem or face anxiety and chaos; open the door of deportation. Reforms are necessary for public departments for example: it is the prison needs reformation not the prisoners. Health reform produces a healthier service and a better pill; clears deficit from over spending and improve hospital conditions. Nudity is another form of sex, has made the world ugly and bad. It is trying to awaken sex stopping a tree from growing ever too high. It encourages rape, masturbation from being despaired and jealousy of whom has the electric body. She does it because she knows it teases. It teaches nothing but animal instinct for slaving morality out of making alpine heights of sins. Australia invented the bikini early 50 S, since then Christianity earned a numbing blow name from which it never recovered. Morality is bringing the country back into its moral root. Incestuous relationship should be illegal. Born with two mothers, the egg donor and baby deliverer is immoral. A child must learn the correct language or face specific language impairment and psychological difficulty. He can end up in jail from mixing with others having the same problem. The language disorder originates from child environment and has genetic cause shown in identical twins. The key reason is having problem in memorizing the words for putting them together in one sentence. No cure but early intervention makes all the difference. Over populating a desert land without resources is like printing list of lost names. It is extremely expensive to be poor, from lacking social and economical power. Poor people are scavengers trying to survive out of crimes. A child shouldnt be put in a position to steal. Think if the cure for AIDS was a Pure Glass of Water, we can only provide it to half of Africa and Asia meaning half of others cant get the water. Do you know 90% of the infected dont know having the infection? The G8 leaders must enter the war-that-end the war of poverty, healing the scars of famine and hunger in Ethiopia; solving the disgrace in Africa. This is done when there is commitment on cause, rewarding money for the right cause, to make poverty history. For beyond belief is not beyond reach. Just think if you remove the good God from mankind, everything would be permissible, everything maintaining the life of the world dries up. The true meaning of Christianity is simply morality touched by emotion. Morality must call the tune and man must follow for improvement of human right inserting care and safety for employees. There is a Chinese saying: when mountains are high the emperors are far away relating to their immorality. In the third world, the feeling of inferiority rules the mental life and can be clearly recognized as the sense of incompleteness and un-fulfillment. This clearly led to the uninterrupted struggle of individuals and humanity. Dictators who never were elected to the office are punishment to their own people. Who will succeed him will be the same breed ready to serve his captives need.
Dictators are mystery wrapped with abiding soul. The pharaohs achieved morality only in their stone statue. God is the moral compass, he makes the rules and our duty to live by them, and therefore people matter more than anything else. We must give commitments to protect the infinite value of life. Since God created man in his own image, we should honor him to the infinite value. While barbaric culture attacks the dignity of man, we must make our heart like the heart of God. God judgment comes from conscience and for proving that man significance is insignificant he lives six days careless of his promises then Sunday has divine service. If man is clever why does he need protective helmet? This is a drop of water taken from an ocean of morality that is hoped to help others in releasing the hand from the mastermind behind it all. One of the best ways to conclude is: let the left hand knows what the right hand of God does.
He who lives without God plan is not worthy to live. The fatty tissue surrounding our organs collects pesticides. With excess stupidity, Demons reap treason against God. What you sow in your body you reap. It is like putting the cheapest kind of gas and you expect the car to run smoothly. Life is all about living food versus dead food. Unprocessed fruit, vegetable and meat are a living food. Life produces life, and death produces death. If you minimize the deadly food, the lively food becomes the torch. Eat food with joy using Gods natural herbs. Fat is not flesh; it is added to the flesh; overweight is sin, the treasure neither lie in fat nor in plastic surgery fastened firmly, plastic surgery today is not for stripper any more, common people are alike. Diabetes and cancer is by-product of ignorance. Cancer loves carbohydrate and when supplied with red meat. It creates the right acidic conditions for cancer; acidic conditions depress the immune system giving way to viruses to breed. Our flu vaccine has mercury that restrains the immune system; mercury produces cancer. Fruit and vegetables help to decrease cancer. The foolishness lies in the flesh, crying for consummation from an absence of no higher laws. If the flesh has the rule of thumb to control and direct, the act of deceit stops the mind from getting the benefit of the spirit for wisdom. Dietary laws are God health laws. His laws dont change; he is the same yesterday, today and forever. Remedies, cheap enough to do must be applied; taking advantage of the masses that laid the knowledge. Regrettably, the simple men admire them while the wise men use them. These are: 1. Drink adequate water. 2. Have enough rest; and sleep. 3. Choose your food. 4. Regular-exercise. 5. Avoid tension to keep away from rising levels of cortisol and adrenaline. 6. Fast a little on regular basis; you need to sweat to get rid of excess salt and remove heavy metals from the body including mercury. God gave us the summer as detoxification season. 7. The supplement of nutrients added for bringing nourishment. In Conclusion: The Lord taste good; the Word separate you from craving food; turn the body to the Holy Spirit to be your teacher instead of being a sugar ball. Craving food is a war between love and selfishness. The enemy uses every excuse in the natural flesh, but the body reacts to spiritual resources; the peace of God depresses the craving by balancing the rise of fright and flees hormone adrenaline and stress hormone cortisol from emotional conditions. Peace lowers the sympathetic nervous system from chronic stimulation due to fear and anger as well as, balancing the neurotransmitter hormone seratonine, dopamine that cause depression. Nature cant hear the wordless language but you can. Nature does not have spiritual principles. Tree is not God, feeling a tree for loosing your appetite will leave you to be a complete zombie. Health comes from doing it right, illness from doing it wrong, illnesses alter our equilibrium leaving chemicals active in the body, all you need is the gentle peace of God. The flesh must change with the spirit or you build your ship of death. You are Mr. Spirit not Mr. Muscle. Pray in the name of the Lord Al-mighty I am not gone put with this anymore. In the master plan you are healthy wealthy and wise. Money fail; people fail, love never fail. Remember: It was the soul that discovered alcohol is a food, well in advance of medical thoughts. It is the spirit that discovered that good food from fine words keeps us alive.
Offences are one of the deadliest tools used by the enemy. If the devil got you offended, he doesnt need to do anything else. Forgiveness is power against the offences that prevent you from moving forward. Emotion has significant part to play in the psychology of human relationship either rightly or wrongly. Can use emotion to pull a person out of faith or credit him one. God is emotional, has his anger and jealousy but infinitesimal when compared to his quality of being infinite. You can trace almost all sins to the emotion influence; this is why one good principle can put Satan hands at idle. Emotions count but loss while principles pour richest gains. You may say it is the war between the weak against the strong. A principle begins to charge emotions, which once began, will continue on. Emotions are not necessarily real; it deals with the apparent world not our interior world. Uses the power of the flesh to take us to a place we dont want to be, jealousy, envy, lust, and grudges. This is why emotions dont give superior intelligence. Man becomes man only by the intelligence while holding a human heart. When the hearts is not good enough, he will count ninety-nine hundred retreats out of thousand and call it progress. Emotions strict you from being free to be your own prisoner, it marks the end of courtesy which has a deep moral basis. You cannot live your life by how people require you to be, attacking a weak secret part of you, so they can manipulate you to go on action until you stop returning your fruit because the branch is too weak to bear it. Principles kill emotions, and vise versa and encourage an old age, compare this to a dieing young man accepting martyrdom. Emotions offer cheap solutions instead of deep ones. The calm of mind arrives after all passion spent its novel force. Passion has two meanings, one is simply feeling or emotion that is very strong and the other are suffering which is the Gospel meaning. Without passion for existence, cultures will not be prevailed. A fanatic heart is the one full of passionate intensity. Passion is a spin from false within, once it starts, like flood and streams. When emotions run high in tension and oppression, the unpleasant and unexpected happens, punching the face for relief; have you heard the saying? His passion got the best of his greed trying to keep bigotry safe. There is strength in overcoming our passion; resisting the change is sign of weakness and weak people cannot be sincere. Wrong perception change love into betrayal. Passion is a good servant but bad master Negative emotions certainly give the evidence to the negative spirit, a pillar from inside bringing depression into existence, a writer objective miss the opportunity for producing the goods. Negative emotions and reasons are like fire and water. It is only by the curse of God, negative emotion becames instincts. Arguments generally deny the right to have an opinion. The first principles of stubbornness are our refusal to admit our emotions. You want the flow of life but negative emotions cant give it to you, stopping you from moving to another level. Absence of love diminishes the candlelight, out of fear of commitment, from not having love. The grave is the final restingplace. Negative emotion permits blaspheme, for example: preaching the sacred book for ideal conduct while leaving behind, the conviction and the will of the bad stuff. For God, a fly can also do such an entertainment in building worship. Negative emotions play important role in relationship. It may not present itself to the fresh person but after proper time, the unconscious starts to create a new negative picture, a love-hate relationship pushing the other into the breaking point. The wife says no, enough to contradict and confuse the husband while the children are in mischief, trying to figure out intentions. Children are very good at listening to their elders, never failed to imitate them. The quarrel experience destroys innocence and the awful thing is the suffering of being unable to love. The
seed is put out of joint from breaking the natural order of equal parts to be easily disconnected from the Lord. Anger is one of the sinews of emotion; he that wants it has a maimed mind but man is not perfect; in those heavenly minds there is such great anger. A slow to anger is better than a mighty one, it gives pause, a period necessary to examine conscience, a period for the sense of calmness to consider whether the pain was worthwhile. Anger is never without an argument but seldom with a good one. When anger sparks caused by criticism, jealousy, a taboo topic; hatred moves the thoughts into radical ending from lack of control caused by fear of what might happen. When the guns begin shooting, you may loose your job, your marriage and may even die by heart attack as cattle. Anger has some, good parts, it raises inspiration, quickens understanding and makes temptation departs. It gives sincerity in judgment, for anger cannot be dishonest. A slow to anger comes from ruling by the spirit. Greatness of a man is reached when all manner of mischief are removed, replacing them with goodness, it is the proportion of things make the difference. The soul strikes the spirit in a blow of cold blood stopping it from being more developed. The soul prosper as the power of suppress increases for the control of mind and will; for narrowness of thought combined with energy of will. The attachment of emotions to the soul offers support to the idea of evil to be to him who is not disciplined in the Word of God. The devil moves emotion for the growth of sins. The immense statistic of negative emotions in the races that perceived evil religions and resolved to do what they are told to do in sins, mischief, crafts and assaults is a proof of compact of soul made to join together. Third world has the waste-paper basket of the emotions. The man has a body with a child emotions and the woman runs the whole contest from A to B emotions. They have rules without goals perspectives, achieved without reaching facts. It is hard for them to distinguish between good leader and bad leader. There is no silver bullet solution to the world of passion. Only the light from the Bible can take care of the id. You cannot remain a Christian without being able to work against emotions. You cannot get victory while looking for the next negative emotions. You excel when you dont have precedence. The immature mind caused by the soul hops from one thing to another. A sensual Christian has his body detached from spirituality. Seeking sensual pleasure for fighting the spirit. Fear sets the alarm when faulty evidence appears real. Fearing reality is the norm for the soul from lacking command, the hazards of thinking limited by imagination. Man among his living things needs to do anything to keep the spirit up. There is only one way to degrade mankind permanently and that is by up-grading his soul that leads to auto-destruction. The emotional soul follows fault for example: from not having an authority to control himself he tries to control someone else to gain authority, if the soul has peace and security. The real people rest in the spirit. The soul put the brain on fire when there is no spirit to wash the fire away. The spirit walks in different path from knowing enough and has every thing it needs to generate all the information free from false. The spirit is separated from the soul, there is no I tell you if you tell me otherwise the spirit will be dented. If a man is a butcher he, the spirit is the very model that changes your faults into love. From its peace it generates all the life and energy. God has no soul; he is the Lord to save our souls. Adam had no soul; everything changed after the sin. Not all emotions are bad God created emotions for a good purpose the strategy that allows us to move into God so we can feel God while he stays it act. God wants us to be developed with his love so we are free to love someone else. Spirituality is there for perfecting this world. If God cannot support us in his portion of feelings, then all the privileges God claims for us of love and hope will be put down into nothing; longing for love; searching for knowledge; feeling pity for the suffering of mankind.
Good emotions are expressing agreement, acceptance, optimistic, searching along positive proof, moralist, positive thinking. Self-control is godly force designed to direct our life; in order to prosper. Negative and positive emotions lie in the authority you have founded to obey. Authority works with thinking if you want your mind to be right follows the divine authority. We must align, mind, and will, emotion with the Word of God. If you walk with the spirit, the emotion will line up with the spirit. Captive thoughts will not be able to control you through emotions. Holy emotions are emotions lined up with God. When let the Word grows inside you, you are free to love. Spiritual maturity is possible when a believer bear to live beyond his feelings. This is the only way to produce a brilliant performance. Remember: The soul is gray and forever denies but the precious tree of life is green and can include you.
Belief can be reduced to an idea or anything committed unconditionally example: praise, passion, anger, explosion, drawing attention, arguments and so on. Belief never wavers only unstable to a double-minded man, from lacking assurances. God gives you a choice of which you serve Jesus a Savoir of your life or death. Therefore without belief we would unconvince, having no new directions for repentance. The company, which can be either for wrong, or right influences belief in our life; either messing you up from what they said to be preyed upon or a builder of qualities when rub shoulders with the right group. Negative and positive men both make the callings can either make you stand straight or lie horizontal on the floor to be the little people with little vision, stone head, hungry for money and burn in hell. There is no hope to become an evangelist to bring change or be a creative leader. In short: in order to cultivate your belief to be the cream of your life, you have to accentuate the positive, latch on the affirmative and dont mess around with mister negative. Trust and belief are alike not based on evidence but usually confidant enough to command ascension from every doubt. Trust and faith shines equal arming us against sudden danger of fear; no coward soul, no tremble. Trust cleans you from a blooming shame and the blame, opening the door for vision to make dreams your master. One impulse of trust may teach more of a man, of evil and of good than all the sages can; trust should not come from overflow of powerful feelings, it comes from lessons learned. You loose trust when loose the inner peace from not being able to have spirituality. In Iraq you require terrorism insurance from collapse of security into its lowest level. Every war is easy on paper until you meet the enemy. Iraq is a desperate country that requires countless surgery for remaking its face. Baghdad a city freely occupied with daily violence.
God insured that faith and trust are connected in all ways of life, example: when you want to cross the street; faith and trust is the answer. Choosing a job; going to a doctor; powering an engine, standing on the top of building, all are beleiving and trusting of what you choose. If you have proved faith in that person or object you have proved trust. Panic is the opposite, it is a mutual action directed towards a contrary reaction to make a man a mouse; man cannot be trusted with a life of leisure, his distrust runs high; Muslims have to distrust each other, it is their only defense against betrayal. The function of the critic is to save trust from imperfection. Trust events not words, act in the living present with God within, trust no future, let the past bury its dead. Trust no art-speech, (usually damned liar use the art to suck his words in). Trust the laws of God. Trust who would be constant in the force of his words and in wisdom. Trust disappears in false stormy, weak and weepy nature. Reasons after facts, knowledge, experience, information, morality, explanation, strengthen faith and trust. Trust when he has been faithful to thee when a wife is faithful she is in her husband trust. Liars, flatterers (practicing deceit to gain advantage), bad reasons, prejudices (an opinion formed without reason, knowledge or experience) are un-trustworthy. Trust is one step after proving, example: trust one who has tried. Intimacy does not exist without trust. The negative that it brings it takes away doubt whether it is right or wrong. Proof is where belief resides regardless of the correctness of a belief. Facts guard beliefs; qualitative and quantitative answers are important, and skepticism is the first attribute to disbelief. You are fully resistant when you have proof against evil.
Proof supports the great arguments, adds wings, make belief beautiful, prevent faith from dieing and justify the ways of God to men. Once confirmed man starts succeeding by submitting all his thoughts and actions to the laws. Proof eliminates the power of holding double contradictory thinking in one mind. Faith locked with good proof makes man evolve above all human conflict, rejecting revenge, aggression and retaliation after receiving the human Salvation. You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea, you cannot confine it inside the strongest prison cell, and it has to unite with some proof to form a new compound for respectable storing. If you theorize before you have all the evidence, then it is left to the imagination to judge. The followings are the very reasons why faith has to proceed in the way to be. Lacking a proof has the advantage of relying on logic and morality of the writing. You can then weigh and consider the exercised words for believing or not. If there is enough proof we shall not be asked of Gods Judgment. Life is no longer the great question that has ever been. No troublemakers thrown by souls for satisfying terrorism and hijacking. When the conception of God is not orthodox, speculation can be anything from supernatural noble work into an expression of a stone belief. For prayers to come true. There is no better satisfaction than finding the truth by our-selves. The truth is only that to be taken true. Separate blocked heads and fools who rush into conclusion from wise. For finding man an ape or an Adam going down. To put motives and purpose in the brain and heart of man. To be born again as little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.
In brief if you dont stand up to your belief and speak it out unashamed, you loose the power of God. Miracles do not happen in closet; you cant sow seeds in closet, you meet God in the open field. The curtain must go up for morality to arise and shine; all sinners hide; the bitterest enemy lives in the closet; religions grow in closet from a murder that was committed; a dark soul and foul thoughts hide away out of fear. Faith can never remain hidden; you cannot be a deliverer from bondage while out of sight. Remember: you are created genius with creativity and uniqueness but there is a devil waiting for you to transgress the rules so one day you may loose it all.
megalomania and an insane distrust example: The Iranian Mullahs are buying time in negotiation to have the upper hand for atomic bomb or dirty bomb for a lethal terrorist attack, moving from filthy into playing filthy. Day dreaming comes when you cant concentrate on your work dreaming about fancy or disturbing images occurring previously in the mind to renew ties with the past. Prediction is prophecy not come to life as yet with aim to have the chance of happening, It can be for the joy of what might happen example: the imminent fall of the communist system; the weather will change after experiencing severe winds; hearing voices prophesying war. You can predict things after they have happened, for instance: a vision of the world expressed by means of bad events moving forwards in frequency, the object of the prediction is to survive death. Prediction therefore is ventured when there isnt high hope for the future. Prediction by magic has one chief objective, to be bewitched forever from what you have seen not with your eyes but with vision. Every age needs men who will redeem the time by living with a vision of things that are to be. It is not the years in your life to be important but the life in your years that counts. The American Indians living in their huts had little vision placed into the mind; recording not thinking but accusations to produce little wars. Natural selection has no vision, no foresight, and no sight at all. If it can be said to play the role of watchmaker in nature, it is the blind watchmaker. Visionary is an impractical person marked by having impractical, idealistic or even mystic dreams from feelings. He proposes imaginary schemes not helpful to the nation. Altjiranga or Alcheringa is a fundamental concept held in Australian Aboriginal Religion Myth. It refers to The Dream Time before living memory when the heroic ancestors roamed the world and created it, as they now know it. These forebears shaped the landscape by giving part of themselves to it, e.g. their eyes for waterholes, their tails for trees. They also created the different types of animal and plant species and laid down laws for living. Divination is different than a dream, simply a fortuneteller, or soothsayer. Sometimes the diviner goes into a form of trance, real or pretended or claims to have mystic awareness of coming events. More often read natural processes and phenomena as signs and portends. Example: the flight of birds; the appearance of the organs of slaughtered animals and birds especially the liver; the examination of water and of objects dropped into it; casting which is one of a set of objects drawn when making a decision by chance lots; star gazing and even spiritualism. Vision quest is an institution widely spread among Native Americans with variations. Typically, it is a young mans proving experience together ready carefully by self-purification in the sweat lodge, sacred smoking, intense prayer, ordeal (severe or distressing experience), including fasting and thirst, and by arduous seclusion in mountain or forest. In return he could receive a vision of his personal guardian spirit in animal form, learn of special powers granted to him. The rules and taboos needed to keep them intact and find the nature of his personal medicine bundle, to be a new medicine man or shaman working with the supernatural. Vision quest declined with the passing of warrior culture and the breakdown of traditional life to be replaced by peyote, Mexican cactus drug that became a functional substitute. Vision is the main symbol of Christianity, special, unique and remarkable. There is no vision craving in other religions. The Bible prophets experienced visions; the dreams and visions seen were often accompanied by a word of the Lord which was heard example: Joseph and Pharaoh and Daniel and Nebuchadanezzar in the Old Testament, together with the call of prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Since the prophets were exceptional men, it could be said that the dream is
what was seen, and that the vision is the addition of significance to what is seen, therefore their visions were exceptional. This was a means of communication between God and Man conveying messages of encouragement, of warning since God is the prime cause of everything. Though dreams were reckoned to have meaning, which had to be elucidated and interpreted, the prophets were their own interpreters of the will of God often they begin Thus Saith the Lord. The O.T. say prophets felt that there is something in them derives from something greater outside themselves and there is a hand guiding them to preface their exhortations and warnings. In the Scripture there is a sense of something more than a heavy supper causing dreams or some experiences occurring during the day. The visions in the New Testament started with the Birth of Christ and followed by the significant stages of the ministry of Peter and Paul in the early church and finished with the revelation to John. According to the Scripture, God created the vision and deposited it in us, we have to trust that vision through the power of the Holy Spirit that shadow us. The Spirit we are carrying is similar in importance to Mary carrying the Messiah in preserved Virginity. When we are newly born we carry the same Word in us that can move the world into another level in power and wisdom. It is vitally important to know that Christ was born pure free from sperm and egg. Mary was the instrument chosen for receiving God and was doing everything a mother needed to do. Mary was a symbol of David human descendant; so Jesus face is a mystery; calling Christ the last Adam and James his brother is not fair. Thus Christ is born free any matter of the earth equal in every aspect to God the Father who remains invisible. The spiritual danger of accepting visions is when received from Demons, believing it is true teaching, for changing the Christian Doctrine. False prophecy evolves from a stormy vision in mad trance striking the spirit by souls knife. A false prophet is a man who proves positive towards error by his own vision. His interest undergoes temptation by seeing his prophecy as the truth. He restrains freedom of others in order to preserve his ideas. The sword is the only instrument for tutoring judgment, to make you unfit for any progress. The false prophet leaves the commonwealth of learning without master builders, whose mighty jobs, advancing the sciences. He leaves enough rubbish to lie in the way of knowledge. Generally a prophecy is developed from the severe facts of life; it has to be faced with philosophy that cannot be investigated by science. If false it can include all forms of mistakes offered free and has one thing you must never do love. The lip has more words than necessary, to say more than it knows to force the man to believe. The broader aspect that might follow is the chain-reaction like a falling domino effect. The trumpet strikes multitude of goats with unawake heart, lives or die for little him. Great characters are formed upon a great necessities call. Vision divided the world by having the white man to be the one who has vision. Without the white man vision (after getting purer than his white), the world will not have changed from its inferior life. The world became made of people who do the creative things and people who cant, borrowing his ideas and getting the credit; wearing spectacles cant help in seeing the unseen. Colored people use mouth power for progress out of will and quick emotions; which does not make the situation better. A burden or tax remains with us to carry. Christianity is the good news and the good advice, the sinner stands at the heart of the faith. Without goodness, grace and repentance, no child will have a smile. The ethical Christian does all the thinking for the country while holding his four aces. You are what you contribute to other people. A non-Christian is nothing but a sinful man, scratch these religions and you find demons spoiled, this is whats wrong with the world. We cannot live their lives for them.
Revelation is the very special, unique and remarkable point in Christianity. Revelation is unveiling of something concealed, Apocalypse means uncovering. Man by his best nature is a seeker after God, but there is a limit to what man can discover. The searching by man must coincide at some point with a revealing act by God. Without this it is impossible for man to come to anything like an appreciation and understanding of the nature of God. Man seeks knowledge and God leads him into knowledge by making things known that cannot possibly be discovered. Man can communicate with God by means of prayers, but God can communicate with man in various ways, the work of nature is one of them; the heavens declare the glory of God. There is also the sense of the purpose fullness of creation. Revelation could come also by dreams but these could be misleading. When Jesus disappeared after the ascension from human view, he left the conviction that the revelation continues in the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and souls of men. Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light and fountain of all knowledge communicates to mankind that portion of truth, which he has laid within the reach of the natural faculties. It is one thing to show a man that he is in error and another to put him in possession of truth. Nature never makes excellent things for man to use. When a belief is not peaceful, men can be stiff and inflexible as positive in error as in truth. There is a, plan and place God already prepared before we were born. Vision is the discovery of that place. When discovered it brings fulfillment to the place of high calling but you have to sweat for a victory and have the guts to be hated. Vision needs directions for control, management and wisdom to stay in straight line. Visions set the paste for directions. A genius after all is a mind of large general power focused to particular direction. The mad mind continuously goes in all directions; wisdom is human in its origin, the Lord set limit on mans wisdom but no limit on his stupidity. The wisdom of God helps to direct you when you dont know, the Divine directions is responsible to unfold visions. There is no way to get wisdom without God in our mind. When kings loose wisdom they pose as servants. Vision reality is vision required for discovering your destiny and Divine directions; directions are work to more harvest. Instructions and directions are closely connected. Instruction has a lot of directions in it but can be separated; it comes also from the lord. The secret of instruction is to have known all your life what you learned now, for example: we do not fight forces but use them under the instruction book that came with it. Instructions teach you how to succeed and how to help a man to get promoted. When life is viewed over a period, it seems to reveal itself as an organism existing in time having a purpose tending in a certain direction under one instruction. Remember: The whole creation moves by one God, one Divine event, one Direction.
of a president, congressman, witness, orals or written statements, confessions, declaration, offering evidence claim, denial, etc. Affidavit is a written statement on oath. He who cheats with an oath acknowledges weak mind and also thinks little of God. Money and the work of the enemy make oath falls on his back and break his nose. Break an oath and have your soul be blasted to eternal damnation, from not being part of the believers business of good. A Black Muslim US born congressman swears by the Quran not the Bible is pure stupidity. Witnessing not the grace of God to be placed on the spirit of men. His black soul like a ship is black storm. The divine order that bound with the grace of God will be busted. Congressmen are choices, have to be seen, the finest body of men that money can buy i.e. he is not massproduced. Life and eco-system need to rejuvenate in the same way as life exists for the body of Christ. There is so much in the immoral book that you will never trust, providing services to Satan. The bookmarks an activity of troubled minds, fully embedded in the faith that looks at life through death, a free gift from Satan. A black skin reminds us in power vacuum. He holds little water. He is the non-defender to free information. He is the defender of the repressive regime that is the only place to be to stay a winner. Put your life on the line and vote for them. They have certain goals in their mind waiting to be made memorable. Monitoring anxiety to cut a channel into which all other thoughts are drained. If you allow more of them to enter the house of parliament; the same bomb in Iraq for the misfortune of America is just bombing you. America has already more than its share to pay. The darksome knows not but plenty of noise. He concentrates his mind wonderfully on what would give triumph to Islam to swell his seed. A false person is a false witness like the martyr will do anything to shake off the dust of towns that did not follow his shadow of belief.
symbolizes. The eye within a triangle is a main Masonic symbol. Compare this to the Buddhist Eye of Dharma the eye of wisdom. But an eye without an open mind is nothing but multiplicity of a hundred eyes. Sign and symbols are the application of occult forces and methods to the problem of everyday life. Obsessions, haunting, occult attacks are comparatively common. You are either at a depth-hood from years of training and unreserved dedication or nothing. For Christians, if you are expecting vision to come out of symbols, your vision will turn out to be insane delusions. You are getting hold of things by the wrong end to make difficulties worse. You can concentrate your mind holding it steady as much as you want on a single image, the required capacity will not develop. Simply you are creating a strategic approach to the soul that out-maneuvers the spirit. You cant except a welcome out-comes out of subconscious gestures, a giant mechanism asking for troubles. The Masonic religion put all the books of belief and worship under its altar to draw up divine power. All books are regarded equally, stemmed out of one principal of cosmic intelligence. The secrets are to be revealed after initiation. You are an eagle if you learn how to control the art of secret, you have the crowning glory of bird symbolism. Masonists are identified by a grabbing complex handshake so you are figured out without a common language. The lodge is built from stones, without a single brick. The lodge is not like church but rather a mystifying museum. Stones hold a prominent place in tradition. There is close links between the soul and stone. Islams distinctive mark is a black stone called Yamin Allah. The faithful take an oath of fidelity by laying their right hand or even kissing it. Humans and stones dont mix. They are lifeless masses, but according to the legend of Prometheus; stones retain a human redolence; god put in stone to keep him out of sight. Humans are born of God and return to God, row stones comes down from heaven and when transmuted rises to the sky. The sacred and collective soul of the obo is inseparable from the sacred soul of the ground. It is most mistaken way of education to feel brotherhood yet imbuing their mind with secrecy to rob the power that hold men together. Our freedom is precious god is committed to the implementation of freedom negligence has serious consequences. Without freedom we are trapped animals, told to remain silent. Uniting people is seen as strong morality, without it the angry soul will go out of control. Religion is the enemy of people. Religious people lack the kingdom of God. Jesus wasnt religious man nor a corporate member. He was spiritual intuitive who does not explain but simply points the way, for his very much reason, the religious leaders arrested Him. His Kingdom came from Heaven to the dusty corner of the earth not earth to Heaven so we can be above religion expressing itself by means of system. Systems are but broken lights of Thee. A Heavenly Kingdom produces an exciting culture all in one high spirit. Culture is the passion for sweetness and light and what is more, the passion for making them prevail. We love one another from culture. We are united like organs in one body having the true apostles of equality. Religious leaders give a religion instead of the Kingdom of God. Members get less from man thinks highly of Himself. Man makes sicknesses and disease and tries to give them to you. Jesus is the King from thinking kingdom the learning came from none emotional base; the power of His Words is powerful when the mind is unemotional. It is about talking from citizenship in heaven to the boys.
According to Jesus happiness is right in front of us, in the miracle of light. We dont need to look at having things to tie things together. It is not serenity now and insanity later from suppressed emotions. The phrase God is an English Man, first may express doubt as how can a man be like God almighty. But if we state this phrase was a method earned from the culture of heaven produced in England, then become to exhibit an undisputed weight. The color of God is white; the rainbow color are his when all fall into white suggesting white skin is one of the qualification for men and women to be accepted in heavens culture and found ways to be no longer Jewish. It takes patience, extraordinary things and several decades to be a man. When we look at the world today, Europe is all of heaven we have below. Religion is satanic it keeps out Gods Kingdom which is an evasion of the real job. Masonic killing has resemblance to mafia in murdering who they will abducting him first. It is believed Jack the Ripper had Masonic connection in his secrecy perfectibility, design and instruments. Free mason is a satanic religion for devil worship.
Look at Hollywood movies, blood for money. From Bunny and Clyde the start of violent movies began; overdose on violence secure the tickets sale. Hundreds of stabbing and mutilation is delicious. Sexual genitals loose against it; this I call the power of perception, it influences bankability and control. Jews without the New Testament became the icons of money. How wrong Israel refusing to recognize the Red Cross signs? When you replace the Cross-with a diamond symbol that is not Gods arrangement of the world your everlasting peace is only a dream. The true genius appeared in your world but from being well deceived you couldnt know him by his sign. A tribute for proclaiming gold obedience, standing undelivered. The blue light of heaven is getting thinner, when living by the last throw of the dice. The Phone Company does not like the idea of people walking in the streets without using telephones. A mobile phone was the answer for the greed. Love of money cant keep hope alive. Money builds unlimited jackpots. Las Vegas Mega Casinos potential profit is 60 times the amount of money put in. the money goes just to the owner. Not different than a con-woman, seducing men to get a lot of them hooked on her for cash pay: if you meet her you end-up in date in hell. The difference is cash machines cant die from cancer. The prostitute is but do and die. In England Manchester, the treasury gives the green light for a super casino cutthroat entertainment. The family goes on war from increased debt and may be suicide, from depression. The rosy picture has been promised; the investment of profit will go for creating new jobs; you are made to be of a taxing machine. Those who set out to serve both God and Mammon soon discover that there is no God. Jesus brought the glory at the cost of nothing and for us to be his free agents. The Bible kept heaven secret in the kind of pleasure while the double-dealer preacher insists he saw eternity the other day. Tammy Faye most famous female preacher in America and along with husband Jim ran the praise the Lord Christian TV. Network launched in 1974, 24 hours a day, seven day a week, with Tammy Faye as its star attraction. Wearing her signature false eyelashes and megawatt smile, preached, sang and prayed for millions of fans daily. Through their electronic pulpit, the couple also raised millions of dollars, which they sank into the religious theme park Heritage USA and their own luxurious mansion, complete with gold fixtures and air-conditioned doghouses. However, after riding high for more than a decade, the PTL Empire came crashing down in 1987 in a fall of eerily Biblical proportions. First Tammy Faye was admitted to the Betty Ford Center to treat a drug addiction. Then husband Jim admitted to an adulterous affair with church secretary Jessica Hahn, scandalizing the church.
The final stroke came as fraud landed Jim Bakker with a 45-year jail term in 1989 (he was freed after five years). Tammy Faye then became a creature of pity and caricature, as she appeared on TV, mascara running, crying and pleading for forgiveness. Going into seclusion, Tammy Faye divorced Jim Bakker in 1992 and married business consultant Roe Messner. Their honeymoon was short-lived, however, when Messner was also imprisoned for Fraud. By the mid-90s, Tammy Faye had the battle of colon cancer and returned to TV. It is by spending nothing that pure love shows itself un-bribed. He blesses others but cant bless himself. He knows the way but he doesnt know where he is going. A wealthy preachers wife, no matter how rich; she takes the collected money to spend on the silly extravagances. It is not easy to change from a dollar thinking into being restored in God. When you are money sick, hope becomes big labor. She hears the good word but there is no will to make the difference. His job is cutting trees to sale to a German company for the preferred US$ and built a church to bless the business. Think of how many Orangutans died from habitat disappearance. You can take the man out of his religion but you cant take the culture out of man. The problem with Chinese Christian leaders, he is outstripped from the Christian culture, sitting on the magic receiver end and has the stomach to go for the money. Once you tested the big ones you want more. Neither silver coin nor wooden statues represent the will of God; they will judge you. When the winds blow through the consciousness of Chinese sensitive, he is prepared to play his culture without burial, prophesizing, a new way of making money owed by someone to be trusted. Born again becomes an article of dress. For Satan I do not mind what language an opera is sung so long it is in a language I do understand. The most important is my culture should be left unquestioned. Pushing people on the floor is putting a false face. Singing under loud music for the preacher to start shouting takes away the silent thoughts, the concrete of faith from concentrating on the composition not the Word. He loves to play God, twisting his tongue for the honest truth-telling language so the average man can see him better than what he think. The collected pool of 10% goes for either lending or making a large deposit. If you take the money out of his ministry, he will disappear. How can the spirits of Christianity move forward? Soul has no answer but freedom, which come from the spirit. Our part is to obey, stay in contact without drifting, to be delivered from the snare. Jesus is a resurrected man from a white face can no longer be more. Angels protect us free, grace is help and free, we excel in grace not in building big company.
The chief business of the church today is business, if you are not born again you are called on to repeat certain prayers and that brighten the blessings to make you one. What is the difference between this and the Shahada of Islam, which display you a Muslim upon saying it. We have already a beclouded and tempestuous existence, to have path of money is to add to our loneliness simply because of not following the conventional path of the Disciples, the body of the truth becomes a joke. Think how much money a Christian minister makes out of one hour of proclaiming the Gospel. He can gather 1000s of dollars, which beat the charges of best lawyer in a divorce case. The remedy is worse than the disease. He chooses the right divine numbers 1, 3, 7 for his business rather than let number take its choice. The strategy is collection of money diffused in a religious leadership. Church equal market, built with air to alter faith. You have the choice of gold digging or to be a child of light by digging anything can be known for the truth. Jesus: many are called but few are chosen. When people were asked, what would they like most money, wealth or health, all said health. God is the milk of human kindness and false preacher is the yoghurt, this is why he gets diabetes while he is forty. No one is above the law of God. Just because you became a deliverer of sermon, you are made in heaven and people must think of you as holy as Christ casting away demons, cleaning the construction from ghost occupancy. It is easy for an ex-Buddhist to claim Gods authority. The religion has God denial, and molded by Idols admiration. Christianity begins to be something, when it is composed of personal relationship with God. A sinful, mind stretched into a new idea, never go back to its original dimensions. Evangelism is not banking. Players and prayers dont mix. Words define us. False teachers exploit you with stories made up from the spirit of deceiver, adding to the Bible an extra Biblical revelation. It is the art of saying something that no one can disprove. It is also called the theory and practice of winning money without actually working for it, example: he went to heaven; he had a message from the Lord; to change your mind and follow Him. What was set right before, change into his way of spinning? The one foundation of Jesus Christ now has a new foundation; every truth easily becomes a lie and has in it the seed of new slavery. The Holy Spirit gives us the power of the conscience that can do more than a preacher. It keeps us barking to let others get the message. God is the indirect provider of money, based on work that contains total meaning. Money prints a big carbon foot for pollution shadowing the green. How green are we today is absolutely the question. The carbon came from behind for possession to give a clear definition of the money, being the spirit breaker, whats snow in Europe changed into rain; Antarctica is melting, not reforming; preachers put excuses to their people that the love of money not money is the route of all evil. There is no difference between money and love of money. Money is a magnet in the heart of every human put together in the poor, middle and the rich with its pleasures. Imagine having two objects, one a coin, the other rocks, which one will you throw away? Gift, the same, it reads the money put in it. Money rises above theology and reason and common sense. Discover unpardonable sins and see a man who has but so much money. Money stops you from
living for others. It has a charm different than encyclopedia. It has the spirit that divide in-order to grow mortal. You grow immortal by renouncing it. Money based on the blood of Jesus is like muck, not good except, it be spread to those unperfected to work. Money converts trusting into a lie. It takes a great deal of sacrifice to produce the distinguished things. Standing for some false is like a beautiful and ineffectual angel, beating in the void his luminous wings in vain. Why do you charge me when this is all for Jesus? Friendship with God and willing to love is all what you need. We are all equal players playing equal parts in building the temple of God. We need ministers because faith comes by hearing. You cant hear the Word of God without the preacher. The beauty of a ministry lies in feeding the poor and helping the handicaps from compassion the most powerful healer of them all, spreading the Gospel by help issues; the heavy and the weary weight of all the unintelligible world is lightened by the hour of thought. Feed a hungry man now, he will be hungry tomorrow, but helping him to learn he will have future. Money cant give good taste to life. God has made you a king and paid His subject with a royal wage called joy and nobleness for a show of saints job not saint vulgarity, and many even come into a heritage blessing. Why do you blow out this? Pouring money into it and calling it wages for work. You should seal victory against pain in-terms of work and charity was you are one of the joints in that community. You are not facing faith challenge but rather a man sitting on another mans back, choking him and making him carry his desire and yet assure the man and others that you are very sorry for him. You wish to ease his lot by all possible means except by getting off his back. Leave the pleasing tax to Mohammad. Mohammad gave the choice to Christians either convert for having land right or pay heavy tax and have people laughing at you for the acts forced on to you. All what you need is to run a church possessing a moral commitment to the state of soul, no foul play and thank you for not paying. The Lord gave you the inspiration to be positive un-mistaken but up to your conscience to be a gentleman or a rich. You cannot serve God and Mammon. John had nothing to declare except his love to God; in order to make the road short and complete. You should say: I am a man of trust and a mission. The work of the church is never complete. I dont abuse my status for financial gain.
and vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy can cause infant rickets, with subsequent osteomalacia, bone deformity and muscle weakness. Vitamin D that is a fat-soluble vitamin enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestine and promotes their deposition in the bone. Osteoporosis is a particularly silent disease, which usually causes few signs or symptoms until a fracture occurs. Even after fracture many people remain undiagnosed and untreated, and osteoporosis remains a significant cause of death and disability in our society. One-fifth of those with a hip fracture will die within six months of the fracture and most of those who recover will never regain their prefracture independence. About half will require full-time nursing home care. Women with a previous vertebral fracture are five times more likely to have another within the next 12 months than other women. Osteoporosis occurs when bone loss outstrips bone replacement. The result is that the bones become thinner and fracture more easily than normal bone even with relatively minor trauma. There are specific recognized risk factors, such as smoking, thyroid disease, corticosteroid use, premature menopause and underlying genetic risk, but the reality is that osteoporosis is primarily a disease of ageing. Women are particularly at risk because they generally begin with lighter bones than men and because lower levels of oestrogen after menopause tend to accelerate this loss about 1-3% a year, according to the Dubbo Osteoporosis Epidemiology Study. Of diagnosed osteoporosis fracture, 46% occur in the spine, 16% at the hip and 16% at the wrist. A history of one spinal fracture greatly increases the risk of subsequent fracture and women with a previous vertebral fracture are five times more likely to have another within the next 12 months than other women. The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1000mg a day for adults but for children and older adults this recommendation is increased to 1300mg. Veiling described by the term hijab is meant to be a curtain for the obscurity so the appetite cant grow. The Quran in verse 33-59 advised Mohammads wives to go veiled. The veil added the pains and penalties of idleness. Chaos is restored and universal darkness buries all. In nice balance, truth, a woman is equal to man at the service of nation. Veil does not expire immortality. Women use the veil for changing identity while stealing. The veil is a symbol of the subjugation and should be removed.
are willing. God knows who can build, who can repair, who can cook. The container then begins the sail. It happens when we open our hearts to Him. Every man and woman has a world of own-self to catch big fish. Few, save the poor, feel for the poor. Compassion wipes all thy tears and terrible things; the most powerful healer of them all, unlike painting which is a way to forget life. Of course there is no formula for it. Think how little if anything compassion is in the mind of a man mastering disgusting torture. Whatever may happen to you was prepared for you from all eternity; and the implication of causes was from eternity spinning the thread of your being. The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear from errors approaching the soul. The spirit knows what concessions to make and recognize when to make them. Fear is the stopper for all the things we want to do, shows thought born of failure. You dont need to be so sophisticated and complicated to scratch the truth. Simple people not hot headed can give us the truth. The road to Rome is the road of Peter and Paul. Divinity is walking over that rough and weary road. In this life a friend makes the part of us that we lack. Heroes will rise and legends will fall when we experience the worst at the Biblical judgment. There is no reincarnation judgment, not even for the rejected of men. A moment of darkness gives you a chance for revenge. Revenge is sweet to the soul but also an abandon of our smile when the disastrous day come. Resist it and your soul grows sick. The Arab saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend, keeps revenge prosperous. You can never be in shape for something never ending. Life finished in the hard way. Enough is not enough. Revenge is the action of hunting and who did it first. In a world ruled by revenge, a slip of a tongue can give trouble. The spits go through quicker than anything else. By a flesh for a flesh and bone for a bone, the serpent beast settles everything. The untouchable and touchable finish together. One blood of a leader such as Saddam who knows the price of revenge killed thousands innocents and economy, from error and confusion. All wars have an emotional base no matter in what era and un-winnable, the sentiment itself has no reality while war is but a vision of reality. It takes years to heal the wounds of war. Iraq problem is a White House secret. One of the secrets is revenge that has history in it. Saddam plotted an assassination plan to kill President George Bush senior but has somehow failed. You cant get up on your foot and leg and tell the US what to do. No one can stop the invasion of Iraq. The number of US military deaths in Iraq reached 3000 if not double. December 2006 has been the deadliest. The figure is significantly higher than the 9-11 victims are while there is no amendment to the program. The 2007 expected stronger number of casualties. Costs rose up to one trillion dollar. The pentagon will keep announcing death, planting crosses. The more death, the more it shadows an un-speedy conclusion. Kill Saddam and the place of his death becomes pilgrimage for insurgents. He is already considered the martyr of all martyrdom. Risen from peasant to president to the gallows. A reflection what politics can do, when it exercises the transition of power verdict? The spin cant end the crises. Oil money cant cure and Iraq cant live up to the expectation of the US. The best cure is to forget Iraq, leave death to a cigarette smoking and get interested in your
own problem not someone elses. The failure is here to stay from inability to abandon chaos. Freedom, free Iraq, and defending security were placed at the top of the table to save the face. Man cant change Iraq but God can. The war is an active political revenge. This is the most important thing a son can do to his father to prove his love. The born again president can do anything except forgiveness. Forgiveness for him is chicken soup. The unacceptable Saddam can. All bloods outstrip life to lead to funeral. For God there is no law to justify. For Satan the question has many different answers. A president who signs for an unnecessary war is equal to a tyrant. Gerald Ford unconsumed by the presidency ambition restored the honor to the White House from being a blessing after the conflict of Vietnam brought by President Nixon. He brought human values not bitter death that breaks families. You would live healthy 93 years when you are a healer president. Steve Irwin, the Australian world famous Crocodile Hunter who spent most of his life chasing crocodiles and snakes with his crickey phrase and bubbly personality died suddenly, unexpectedly. The stingray fish stabbed him in the heart by its stingy barb. He teased the odd reptile while wearing khaki uniform, pulling a snake or whatever out of its natural habitat and turned it into a life and death situation. His decision to dangle his infant son over crocs was appalling. He was what you saw on screen, what you got in real life. Though his good outweighed his bad from believing passionately in strong protected Australian environment. The world wonders why he was exposed to death at the age of just 44? The reason does not lie in Animals taken their revenge on Steve but probably God kept distance from him for the reason: Steve does not need me, he already declared himself the king of kings of those animals. Dont make a mystic album out of life; it prevents the freedom of thoughts for reconstruction. The world is a leader without skill, of tears, romance and surprises. Heaven runs in opposite direction. You cant have tears in heaven. Justify retiring far beyond the stars. We must be courageous yet caring, confidant yet considerate. It is not according to you and her it is according to God. We lack a conditioner. The enemy in insight, clarity and us blocks us from prophecy. The Cross and cash dont mix. We take the cash in hand and wave the rest for a hefty price. Show me any rivalry religions that ask you to take a man in sickness and marry him. Christianity adds a new dimension of a mans self-challenging himself. Human right is a sub-idea, treats man and woman as object; a law set on teeth for the misfortune. Man under the mercy side of a sick soul matching with the anthropology of heads. In this life we can only stay on the edge of Gods circle. The centre is the holy of holies, the secret place of God dwelling. We wait while we have pain and sorrow and always keep a hold of faith. Compassion must be distinguished from depression with which it is often confused. Both have opposite origin. Compassion is a spirit. Depression is a soul occurring at the expense of the spirit. One seek not itself, the other a prison built with stones of law to be incapacitated. How can God be an object when man is the subject of Gods action? The life that Jesus lives inevitably brings all life to judgment and yet that is not His purpose. His purpose is Salvation to be received precisely when it is shared with Him after restoration of man to wholeness.
Jesus; the is, the was, and the is to come. If the act you do by instinct is wrong then you need to do the opposite. Desire makes you loose concentration so you may have an accident out of loosing control. It strengthens the power of resistance to undo the balance. Only by keeping the mind open can come into a fruitful conclusion. The young clergyman Mqtada Alsadr has not much education behind his name but has the challenge of murdering. If the cat with golden eyes saw you, you are reported dead in some forgotten corner. What we know about Jesus Christ is far more important than what we cant figure out or cant answer. Empty seeds have big soul. Empty seeds that pollute everywhere are not different than failure of crops. The word poor has the sense of lacking the glue. A decision process to stop going in reverse is required for the frame. Be a man; get on stabbing the mysterious Lucifer, man extractor as ST. George invited to do. The turning point comes when the value of correction enters life. Buddhism religion represents the sin of pride that made Satan fall; the sense of knowing all the answer or self-sufficiency. The original sin is not sex it is pride. Satan became the sin commissioner to do what the law of God forbids. Reduce the sins that keep pride ideas and see gradual emergence of sense of purity. Sins inhale us into his sense so Satan becomes the ordinary and God the extra ordinary, this way can have what he wants from us. Claiming to have all the answers of what we want is a play of pride. Stepping into his shoes changed simple into complex, sane into blowing mind and a guilty verdict in different kind of wrongs. Pride, avarice and envy are in every home. Races develop from what human ill does, changing the face of man, in line with culture, ranking idyll in God black list. The yellow skin of Buddhists is a symbol of yellowness and paleness of fire; a Dragon religion for a perfect tragedy. The rust gains gravity, the flow of ideas replaced by the flow of money. The severe smog ousts pagodas. Thailand is the source of climate chaos to face ruins, waiting for the rising sea level to push them out of their land. The law is a Teflon picture. Intelligence comes in the shape of boot. God is not of Asian descend, waiting for a wake-up call. Japan is a heritage of evil history. Japanese are maniacs on eating tuna. Japan eats half of the world tuna. A civilized society is one that exhibits the five qualities of truth, beauty, science, art and peace. When a holy war burst out between Sheiat and Sunni, closing the mind on suicide bombers is impossible. There is enough dissolutions in the Muslim world ready to rise up from dead bones beyond the knowledge of their parents. In the Muslim world, the two divine things are; lovely women in a rural spot. Whatever is not nailed down is mine; whatever is not nailed down, I can use to pray. You are so blessed with delight if perform beheading with the blessed right hand. Obsession is the deadliest desire gathered from negative reinforcement, imagine what happens when you are at the receiving end. Be realistic: the challenge of building shopping malls depends on the wealthiest consumerists.
Be a leading edge in using earthy technology, greener than the green the real revolution for changing the world. Need the invasion of new ideas for keeping with the competitive edge meeting the standard. Declare your independence from fossil fuels. It is not healthy when cursed nation lives within a blessed nation. The nation cannot live confident of its tomorrow, if its refuges are among its citizens. There is no insurance against terrorism; contest makes the competitive juice fires for a slandering match. Everyone is looking for the big hit. Gay marriages are threats for the man and woman institution. The mind is not righteous. Where is the mother that loves you? It is dangerous to be growing in a culture distinguished for endowing sins. The University of Michigan is offering a course on how to be a gay. You dont; know how important the DNA forensic database is. The technique make man more professional, more sighted when nightmares emerge from a mystic person who is in a transition phase, focuses on killing. Need just a DNA clue from a cigarette butt or a piece of a beer bottle glass touched. It identifies but it doesnt say how it got there and where, which make you thirstier for the truth. But water washes the evidence. It tells you how sicker and much madder we are. Think of the days we didnt have technology. The appearance of the 6666 Mohammad marked by the author of this book put more pieces of jigsaw puzzle together. After putting the evidence on the table. The centimeter became meters. This happened a year before the 9 11. Today terrorism is a live theatre for civilians death; digging, bodies and seeing suffering people. Little understood about them, like a disease without symptoms that means, you can only be certain from the theory. You cant clean such dirt with vacuum cleaner. A plastic man would be far better. He would do no harm. SARS was declared after my second book; Tsunami succeeded the third book; a company in two with God, few are qualified to shine. Freedom changed the name from united colonies into the United States of America, proving it has a thousand charms. When there is a will there is a way for death or for life. There is either a new weapon of mass destruction or a new breakthrough for medical treatment. Your instinct tells you to love your children as yourself. Loving your neighbor as yourself that is as high your love can fly. An arrest is the word you need to hear for a serial killer. He is a web-site specialist, well educated and well spoken. He has also a number of other qualifications, an ex-constable, a taxi driver, well known among prostitutes from being sexually upset during marriage. He is qualified to do the job correctly. You need extra eyes and ears to be walking in red light district. This is not a super bug you can destroy by antibiotics. Satan is the chief who assumes responsibility of human hindrances. To get rid of the spirit of violence in the soul, you need a hot strategy or is a mental patient. What a piece of work is man? Have you heard the expression they will turn and bite the hand that fed them. Monkeys as soon as the peanuts run out, the bite of hand is a routine. It proves such men are more apes than Homo sapiens, made of more instincts than thoughts.
Loosing the balance of power in the Muslim world is easy. The peace deal stripes out before the ink that writes dries out. Hamas turned from Israel into own people in a gang style act, storming building for taking captives of Fatah party. Gaza city is crowded with people carrying guns. Each element in the conflict has his-own flag and money flows to buy those reflective. The mafia and Wild West are the householders. No angels to paint his wagon with good news. It is very hard to generate a good daring spirit. You cant make peace while the public confidence and freedom have been stolen by emotional responses. Multi-million dollar companies need to make so much money in order to manage survival. Guilty pleasure is the first force, to go for the rescue. Prayers change everything, change the suit you are wearing. All wishes rise to great place. To the risen Christ every prayer that has a right relationship between God and man has been answered in timeless heaven, but waiting to qualify. The signal can be seen in having inspiring prospects or given direct. Morality and prayers changes the DNA for all good reasons. Imagine the few who came to America made what America is today. Prayers went side by side with the American independence, paving the nation of the free. God holds great regards to fools freeing from the chains. If it werent for the Christian faith, there wouldnt be America today. Jesus Christ is not just a fire exit from hell. The purpose of life is to avoid hell by saving the soul; you receive Him by love so true feelings may be revealed. Dont let the past move on you to contaminate what was good. You move on the past. Clash takes away grace. Protect the perpetrator is the only protection children have in Africa. Children surrender to the injustice sworn in Africa. Hinduism, the dominant religion of India produces the most dangerous fruits on the tree of humanity. They hang upon the most slender twigs that are easily snapped off. Calcuta, the largest city is the land of missing children. About 30.000 children are abducted from their families for slave traders. There is huge demand to under aged girls. The picture of who is missing or need rescuing is concealed as well as possible. There are thousands of untold stories about women and children in India and Pakistan, forced into prostitution. The economic boom is really a consumer boom. The HIV positive is booing along the economy to an early death. Fathers are busy following the roots where their daughters disappeared. The brothel is the biggest secret. Ten of the underworld girls emerged from a tiny hole hidden together with cockroaches, lying about their age. Forced to have sex with strangers just to earn their keep. When you are close to the wild, you are under pressure of building death rather than life. India is an ocean of sex, who is a trafficked child, who is normal, remains mystifying. The tragedy occurs when 13-14 years old that sent to buy something. The kidnappers after seizing her put drugs in mango juice then rape then sold to the brothel under the danger of beating. The district assistant commissioner to police argues we need prostitution in order to have civilization. Life by only a soul is dead; the grave is its goal. An Indian promise of a job means kidnapping. Christianity put love into unloved one to become loveable. There is no more devilish than being deceived by the people you trusted. The devil cant stay in the truth because he is the father of lying. A lie put a wall between us. God hate lies while India, if you stop Indians from lying, you will be taking the basic building block unit away and India becomes a lost society. How can you trust Mr. Krishna? The ocean that made the island paradise is the same ocean that will destroy it. Rising tides for salt water to come in and spoil the fresh water coming out of wells. The only option to bring rain clouds back to a drought land is to bring plants back into the drought area. The dark side of climate change tells us dont mess out with nature.
From habit into inhabitable, who knew that London should have its tornado? A black swelling disruptive twister, 75 meter in diameter. The spin of the black looking octopus hit downward, causing terror, pieces of wood from trees goes through room windows. What help can a help line do? You can only fill hospital and cry. Who ever heard that temperature in England summer had reached 100 0C, the British cant fully comprehend wild weather. When you are obsessed, it is the beginning of all new insanity. Men love free sex. It takes the hooks from putting a lot of passion, lies and money. A red light district is not as elegant, as guilty pleasure. Sex collects everything looks strange and weird. Do it yourself erotic by seeing themselves doing it is more popular than seeing other people making love. You may cry after having sex from feeling emptiness. The expected is done; selfish affairs have temporary joy. Do we need to know more about the surface of mars or our oceans floor for penetrating into more secrets? Under the Antarctic, deep and very dark has a diversity of marine animals unknowable. We are remembered by what we failed to understand. How wrong it is when 64% of the world population thinks they will be going to heaven. Natural organic farming for organic food production reduces fertilizers and harmful chemical pesticides that affect both the land and people. Alcohol, tobacco, sex addictions are all darkness from weakness of mind; the continuum must stop. Refuse to be confused. Healing belongs to us, designed in our creation, as time ticks its cause to eternity.
When we are uncertain we dont know what is around in the next corner. We perform human right from stepping in the controversial shoes, when you cant allow the wind of change to take its weight by picking up the pieces, there is a human right agenda to deal with. Changing images is so easy to Vietnamese, they think they are protecting themselves. How much they know about you and how little you know about them. You end up trusting no one, questioning everything that goes in every case to discover the truth. If God does not protect you, you resort to sand bags for protection from not satisfying the standard of the Lord. If you just shake hand with one of them you can have disease. Mistrust breeds cut and run. Violating the truth is violating the laws of physics. Without the truth you are the king of fools, compromising security. Jesus did it all for us including fasting, you dont need any physical performance, only spiritual. By obeying Him and loving neighbouring person as yourself. This makes the spirit strong and the heart clean from lies. Without the truth it gets worst from confusion. We need to have hunger for the truth in order to rest mentally and physically. The truth is the road to justice, you are poor without it. Living in Sunni-Sheiat mixed area in Iraq you are in debate between to live or to die by sinister death. Trust no one, question everything to discover the truth or die in such pointless way. How would you like to live while your body is pricking by needles. Protection goes togather in every case of the truth. Lacking objective opinion, analysis, is lacking objectives for winning security for having better way to live. Security reduces the cost of trajedies from casualties, the smear job and fist fights that have no necessities, but security has work to do, that is negotiation to reduce mania from obsession. In a fragile culture, there is no shift to higher gears. The Indians brought to Fiji to work in sugar cane fields became the biggest problem to Fiji, by out numbering the Fijians and maintaining their own culture. The trust is not there. Coup is the way of life now, traitors instead of peacekeepers. You can win the world with an iron fist through a disturbed mind for all of hell we have. Injustices replace caring and sharing with human right issues which is lack of justice. Statues of Alkaaba, Buddah air gun deceits reading not to trust in his protection, if you would, you loose. Satan tries to pull protection out to make fear stands. For example You are lucky enough to have lived. Satan gives vision to fear because he is the spirit of death, but from walking in the light, the Lord shows you the devil tricks. If we tolerate fear, the devil will have a place. If you believe that you are going to die, the devil is more than happy to come and get you. You cannot catch the bird of paradise by fear, you end up taking a wet hen home. Ernst Hemingway (1899-1961) the influential US novelist and short story writer such as a farewell to arms and for whom the bell tolls, won the Nobel prize for literature (1954), but couldnt reborn to win life. He believed in the power of predetermined events. In other word death or destruction is a destiny predetermined. He was a manic-depressive ending his life in suicide. For God you are godless, if influenced by these ideas, you will be attacked by one. The problem of fate is you become bound to it. It narrows life, and found your-self thinking about the dishonorable grave. You are a master of fate when there are no faults. Fatalism strengthen in the cruelest and most terrible war that has ever scourged mankind, the morning if came is blessing. Bill Clinton after 5 years of his presidency is doing humanitarian work. Bill Clinton foundation is fighting the global war of AIDS to insert the phrase Dont be afraid. The cold war has no clear enemy today. The uncertainty is changed into Osama Bin Ladin. Terrorist cant experienced discovery nor liberation they experience jubilation out of thick blood from numberless people. Fear is the foundation of Islam. Converting to Islam at gunpoint is a real crime, it makes a man appear so contemptible.
Mohammad law is: The hunt for heaven is directly proportional to the number of killings made for Allah. How can man wish to stay in heaven with killers? Heaven is a place for the best of best. Only the actions of the just smell sweet and blassom. The answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything is Jesus Christ.
The writers of the books of OT have been like artists trying to paint a picture of God. The Genesis portrait is not Isaiahs portrait. Till at last in Jesus comes the portrait that remains because it cannot be improved. Every attempt to improve it results merely in one of the earlier portraits emerging. When the Christian thinks of God he thinks of his own mental and spiritual portrait of Jesus and asks for nothing more because he knows there is none better. All races have and have had ideas of the almighty spirit but was only that to satisfy Satan with the portrait it has; nearly a God for every existing thing. The Christian God is not just El-OHIM used by the Hebrews to represent all gods in the OT including Jehovah. God is the essential quality of life, the only true life, the one without whom there can be no existence at all, the only one who has existence that is self-derived. Christians sees in the heat of the day God as Jesus hanging on the Cross. Man needs a good image of God that can build good and creative society. You are not born to drip in animal sexuality, leave the body alone. You are not a divorcee to live the rest of your life alone. You care because she belongs to you. And you start the first move in conscientious way otherwise you have differentials. You can only bring justice to the system or there will be blood to be spilled. The key for Salvation is within us all. At one time it was probably believed that God had the same form as man, and that man was the proof of this, being made in the image of God. But even in later OT days and certainly in NT days it was recognized that God is a spirit, and that likeness to God consists in mans endowment of
rationalism, morality, appreciation of values, and spiritual perception. It was inevitable that this idea should be taken at the point of its highest probability in assessing the nature of Jesus the image of the invisible god (Colos, 1, 15: Heb, 1,3). Jesus believed this Himself (John 14, 9). History in all ages is a frame that has surrounded mans attempts to portray God to discover His nature and to see Him clearly. All were tentative and imperfect until Jesus appeared within the frame the perfect portrait, the speaking likeness. Without Christ the faith in the heart alone make an idol. Immanuel is the Greek form of the word meaning God with us. He foretold by Isaiah (7, 14). Before His coming terrible events were to take place (7, 16 & 17). He would be of the line of David, which alone had divine sanction to rule; He would be of Judah, and He would be the Messiah. Matthew (1, 22 & 23) claims Jesus as the fulfillment of the prophecy, satisfying all the conditions. The original prophesy in (Isa, 7, 14). Dates from c.734 BC and though Isaiah saw the coming of the Son as inevitable he did not see it as imminent. In fact God guaranteed Isaiahs word to Ahaz when disaster was threatening Judahs continued existence until Messiah should come (2 Sam 7, 11-17). The detail of the prophecy was fulfilled in the timing of Jesus birth. The New Kingdom had disappeared, and the 10 tribes were lost. Judah was still in existence, but was a vassal state and had been to one or other of the great powers since the days of Ahaz. Many believe, however, that the idea that was in Isaiahs mind was that any child born at the time of the prophecy would see the destruction of Israel and the enslavement of Judah before reaching maturity. Supporting this view is the fact that Isaiah has very little to say about Messiah in later chapters. But whatever Isaiah meant, the fact is that Jesus fulfilled the conditions. Jesus entered into Jerusalem in the Messiahs way.
and it was as a teacher that He made His first impact and impression. The heart of His teaching was, The Kingdom of God is within you. In solitude and in the crowded ways of life He had thought and better thought of God, separating the gold from the dross of Scripture and testing all ideas by His own experience, observation and assessment of His own nature. He became totally committed to God as He understood God, and His preaching was that only such total commitment could fulfill any mans life, release His powers and bring him peace of mind. The first man to whom He revealed His thoughts was Andrew, and Andrew was immediately convinced, going to his brother Peter and telling him that he had found the Lord (John 1, 37-42). Jesus made the same appeal to the rest of the 12, and His purpose in having this band was certainly that He should privately teach them more intensively so that they in turn could teach others. They were a very mixed bunch, chosen, it would appear, almost at random, and they were with Him for about 3 years. The full effect of His life and personality upon them was not evident till after the Crucifixion and the Resurrection and Pentecost, when their reaction at once became, remember how He used to It is no use pretending as some cynics do, that Jesus had nothing original to say about God, just as it is pointless to say that everything He said about God was original. But God was more real to Jesus than God has been to any man before or since. To Him, God was in and through everybody and everything, and He was constantly surprised by the inability of good people to realize this. He could not understand why they should be unable to find God when God was so easy to find; though He knew and taught that God could best be found along the road of duty and sacrifice and pain. He call only one man a fool, and that was the self-satisfied rich man who said to his soul Eat, drink and be merry. To Jesus it was clear that God has thought everything out and had created an orderly, logical world in which everything goes right so long as His will is done, but all goes wrong if His will is not done. For the world works in Gods was or not at all. Jesus does not speak of God as the creator and the Supreme Power. His emphasis is rather on Gods passionate interest in the individual human personality an idea both rich and new in a world where the poor little man was only a pawn in a game he could not control. This and the love of God for are all, the great accents of His reaching. The fatherhood of God is the only warrant for the brotherhood of men: the love of God is the warrant for the general. Love alone can make the world go round. Men must practice the presence of God till human nature becomes their second nature, and divine nature their first. This is what He means by conversion, another new element in His teaching the ability of individual human nature to change and to be changed: the rebirth. Good living, then, is living with God. Ecclesiasticism, ritual, asceticism and all superficialities have nothing whatsoever to do with it. Holiness is a natural attribute of God and of those who love God and live with Him. It implies complete trust, with no reserve and no reservation (Mark 11, 2; Matt. 10, 20). The first access to God is by way of prayer: Jesus prayed continually (Mark 1, 35; 6, 46; etc). Essential to His own prayers was: If it be Thy will. Because of that He was able to say that all faithful prayer is answered (Luke 11, 9). Prayer answered according to Gods will is still prayer answered even if those who make the prayer cannot see the answer. Prayer is communication and a communion between, man and God, and it is nobodys business but Gods and the individuals. It must never be careless, but earnest, determined, constant and even strenuous, with the seeker believing absolutely that there is nothing that God cannot do if it is His will to do it. Although He walked so closely with God, Jesus was never in the slightest out of, or above, or indifferent to, this present world. His emotions were human emotions. When He saw Jerusalem on the last journey as He turned the bend of the road He wept (Luke 19, 41). His sorrow over Jerusalem was genuine and deep (Luke 13, 34). He loved company except for the moments when He preferred solitude. He was the friend and advocate of the poor and the hungry (Luke 14, 12); of the unemployed (Matt 20, 9); of the widow and the orphan (Matt 23, 14). His sorrow for the rich, young ruler (Mark 10, 17-22) was not just because he did not realize what his money could do for other people, he could not realize what spending his money could do for himself. He included the daily bread in the prayer that He taught His disciples but He did not stop there; He knew that men needed more than bread (Luke 4, 4). They needed God and they were looking for God in the wrong place (Matt 9, 36). He wanted them to know that God was looking for them (Luke 15, 5). He did not blame people for this: He was desperately sorry for them. But He did blame those who should have known better and who should have been teaching better. He would not allow anyone to despise anyone else (Matt 5, 22; Luke 17, 2). The purpose
before His disciples, as He told them, was to bring these poor lost sheep into the fold of the Kingdom: to be fishers of men. He knew the cure for human misery: Come unto Me (Matt 11, 28) and He knew, too, that the folk most likely to come and find their satisfaction were those who had nowhere else to go. Blessed are the poor ye that hunger now ye that weep now (Luke 6, 20 & 21). There were blessed not because of their condition, which was anything but blessed, but because their condition raised to be obstacles bet. Themselves and the Kingdom: there was only one door they could tray, and it happened to be the right one. The works of healing are deal with in the article of Miracles. But it must be noted that these were never performed for any reason other than Jesus unfailing response to human need. It was in fact because there was so much need that he knew for a certainty how badly He was needed. His attitude was simply, what does God think of this? What would God do here? Actually He never had to ask Himself that question, for He already knew the answer. His attitude to women is of the first importance, for it has been largely responsible for the vast change in womens place in society. To day the Hindu and Mohammad religions have realized that unless they change their attitude to women they are going to be left far behind in the challenge for the soul and mind of humanity. Just as the Communist countries are realizing now that they must give more place to the rights of persons to be personalities. To all women, good and bad, Jesus was, in the true sense of the world, a gentleman. Jesus did not condone sin by mixing with sinner and by loving them. He was there for their good: to make them non-sinners. Jesus as teacher followed directly upon. The question is how would you help someone who cant help him-self or those who help them but get killed (example: look at what happens to Australians in East Timor helping East Timor to have their freedom). This is why the U.N have never work, united nation is a great institution but only can bring justice to the system. Another quality basic to Him and so to humanity was the ability and readiness to forgive: and again the reason was as sound as it is simple you must forgive because sooner or later you will need to be forgiven. With all His great affection for people, however, He was under no illusion about them and their faults and failings (Matt 13, 13; 15, 8; 23, 27; Mark 6, 6; 8, 21; etc). But he loved them just the same no matter how bitterly He hated what they stood for, even if characters were a bit disreputable. You cant stay all your life being a hunter and disposable. The world is full of them. It is time to say goodbye to all of them. We all know that but we dont know how to do it. Jesus admired and respected John, but He did not wholly agree with him, that to repent and hope for the best before it was too late for there was little that was new in the teaching of John. He is the last of the prophets but he is still in their line, tradition, and convention. Jesus saw that to repent in fear of judgment is only a beginning. What matters is what happens after that. The new life must be sustained; therefore it must have an active purpose, not the negative objective of avoiding punishment. Righteousness, which is for ones own sake, is not righteousness at all: at least it does not exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. Jesus saw simply two ways of living, a right way and wrong way, but to turn the feet from the wrong way to the right way was only the start of the journey. This was not a road that had no turnings. It was just as easy to go off it in the last mile as it was in the first; just as easy to wander off it as never to take it at all. The end of the road is the judgment seat of God (Matt, 25) where the keynote of reaction is amazement: of the good that they have been good and of the bad that they have been bad. There is nothing more blind than righteousness and there is nothing more calculating than goodness. To Jesus the good man was always on the edge to wrongdoing, and would fall into it unless he kept his goodness in constant repair (Luke 22, 32). Jesus believed that His purpose was to find the lost; not the deliberate sinner (though He would not turn from him) but the person who did not know where he was in this business of living; to put him on the right road and to show him how to stay there. In others words His purpose was to seek the sinner, which is easy enough and then to save him is another contract entirely. But for Jesus, sin is not a general term. There are millions of people in the mid-20th century who are pleased to call themselves sinners, and who pray and praise accordingly, while in their own heart and mind they regard themselves as being perfectly normal. They have some idea that they are supposed to be sinners because there was something or other called Original Sin, and because God wants us to call ourselves sinners. They have not the faintest idea of what Original Sin is, but they call themselves sinners because, somehow or other, everybody is a sinner. Jesus would have none of this nonsense. Sin to Jesus was real and specific and active; it was not hereditary and it was not fated. It was a matter either of ignorance or of
choice. The people who were headed for hell, in Jesus view were (1) those who were indifferent to the condition of other people (Matt 25, 31 46); (2) those who had dirty minds even if they refrained from doing dirty things (Matt 5, 21 & 22 & 27 29); (3) those who regarded religion as a performance, not as a persuasion (Matt. 23, 23 & 24); (4) those who knew fine what they ought to do but who stood things on their head to get reasons why they shouldnt do it (Luke 9, 62). The thing that is sin is the thing that God would not do. If God is understood sin is understood. How easy to be green just as simple as suppressing desire. Save water and fuel, save money and environment and color stays green. Over against all this He affirmed that there is always a way back, no matter how far the soul has strayed, no matter how deliberately and for how long a man has separated himself from God. God never close the door.
honor. It is the presence of sin that create fear that is not the fear of the Lord. In those who know that sin bears punishment and have deliberately chosen the way of sin. Salvation in the Old Testament means enlargement or broadening of horizons meaning a circumstance. In the New Testament Salvation means the work of the Savior who is of course Jesus. He is the only source of salvation affected by his work to put man in a right spiritual state before the grace of God can be applied. Jews had to rely for deliverance on what was foretold by the Old Testament prophets. The real enemy from which the individual and the nation had to be saved is the sin itself. According to Acts (4, 12) Christ is the only source of Salvation and His instrument is the Gospel (Acts 13, 26). The Ten Commandments laws of God is not enough revelation of Gods nature and His will. You need a reformer who can see forth and set forth the idea of change based not on prison but free will. Forgiveness is for ceasing his own individuality. The Kingdom of God can then take over Jerusalem Temple that was made a capitol of moneychanger; a temple of thieves; stealing from those who are hungry and those who are cold not clothed. Pay your way in coins for redemption from sin.
under the earth called sheol or hell. They were shades living in a shadow (2 Sam 22, 6). In New Testament hell is the place of fire and fifth associated with sin at a complete separation from God. The dead did nothing to be punished for; he just goes to the lowest level of the three shelves of the cosmos under the ground. It was just possible to get back to earth from it. Jesus came to make a distinction between immortality and the Christian concept of eternal life, upon which the life of man depends on. The revelation brings together the idea of immortality and the idea of Apocalypse (The Day of Jehovah), the new events happening in the world, judgment, and resurrection of the saints, war with Satan and the general resurrection of the good only. In the New Testament you have to see yourself before you pray. You may pray thousand times but will be unanswered. The purpose of Christian prayers is to give us the spirit of wisdom and the knowledge of Him. So you dont fall back again. Prayers are the fruit of the spirit, you walk into the reality before you receive Gods blessing, moving the mountain of your circumstances into the glory. Prayers are love between children to his eternal father. Praying for money is a gross error of judgment. It uproots well and sows evil. Values come before money. There is deeper need than just building bank accounts. The man who has not anything to boast of but his obsession with money, he is like a potato, the only good belonging to him is underground. Money is a moral destroyer, it has its spiral route Jesus said; as you receive without payment, give without payment. You must pray in the name of Jesus direct. The body of Christ has the authority over Satan; his truth is your freedom. According to Lev. 11:10 eating shellfish is an abomination. Instead of imitation, we can become more in the norm in the way things appear to us, changing the very idea into realism. A mere copier can never produce anything great. In Lev. 11:6-8 if you touched the skin of a dead pig makes you unclean but if you wash your hand, it is no longer dirty. If you plant two different crops in the same field you violate, according to Lev. 19-19 which also means wearing clothes made of two different kinds of fabric (cotton / polyester blend). Blasphemy was punishable by death. These are no channels for knowledge; it leaves believers in poverty from attitude. This is why Jesus came to change the attitude; to civilize a new beginning, opening a new door for faith; a car instead of horse; a world of peace instead of slaughter; a church that sing for the day to come. A reformer is a man who abandons evil practices. Our life on earth ought not to be of material and physical importance. We have to manage our materialism and carnality properly; they are entangled with the desire for devil ownership. We have commission on this earth as born again to walk in this earth with authority over demons. There is a thief and devil there but you can turn him around with the authority. Every haunt that fill the mind has its demon spirit in the soul which can change genius into stupid and finally to destroy. The difference between a church and a synagogue is the difference between a man saved and a bad man. Jesus church intended to be known for its humanitarianism and the inner quiet. The mental balance designed and retained by the spirit is enough to make you comfortable and a lover to be loved by all mankind.
Caiphas was the high Priest of the Jerusalem Temple responsible for killing Jesus. He had a cozy relationship with the Romans. Judea was a Roman governed province and was part of Syria not (to be confused with the ancient kingdom of Judah). Caiphas was the son in law to Annas Governor of Syria and held the office for 18 years. The high priest is the man who spoke for the nation of God and who reported Gods Will to the nation. He is the Holy of the Holies, wears a robe of blue without sleeves ornamented with golden pomegranates and bells. On his head he wore a kind of Turban with Triple Crown and a plate inscribed holiness to Jehovah. If the world we live today is in the hand of Jews, I doubt very much, it would develop into a civilized state. Man cannot be civilized by a policy of hatred and revenge. Beware of the man whose God is asking life for life or lives ending lives. Stoning women, burning people who sleep with their in-laws (Lev. 20:14) put you back into the Stone Age. Jesus wanted the Kingdom of God to take over Caiphas. He came to challenge the Jews authority, those who had the full account of the status and functions to charge what they like for ritual purifications performed at the Roman bath also called ceremonial bathing. In order to collect considerable money the priest had to declare thousands of rituals for purification from sin. The greatest mistake of Jews was that of looking upon the material of the world thinking that money can make the difference. Therefore they went with all the necessary courage to nail Jesus fixing Him on a piece of wood. Jesus advice was die by the laws of wisely heaven through me to grow into infinite heights. I am He if you praise me you will have His mercy flows. The world is Satan; wasting your time of spending in madness. The Jews wanted a hero who is no braver than an ordinary man to repair their awkward tasks, a shadow of Moses because life consisted of revenge. The gloves of war can protect and heroically finish life quickly. Pilate the 5th procurator of Judea, his regime was notable for oppression and corruption; allowing the Roman soldiers to abuse and torture Jesus showed his brutality. Pilate declared Jesus innocent; he washed his hand to prove it but under the strongest pressure of Jewish crowd sent to go there by Caiphas the motivator. Pilate passed the sentence of death to please. Have you ever seen a man walks on water or deathcome back to life? He has done nothing only good. He has to be demonstrating the power of God. After Jesus the Jews never defeated, they were only killed.
them a chance to judge themselves; not just the Scribes and the Pharisees, but also His own friends, His disciples who were maybe too familiar with Him to see Him as anybody but Jesus of Nazareth. He had done His job; He had taken teaching as far as teaching could possibly go; there must now be the act of faith. If it did not work, then He was wrong and had always been wrong. If it did work, He was right and always had been right. This was the great gamble, and only God who knows all, need not ever gamble. Jesus was betting His life that he was right, though He did not know the odds for or against. This was something that He had to do and there was no other way. Jesus was not half in love with easeful death. He hated the idea of this kind of death as anyone must, and even more than some because of His sensitivity; but He knew that nothing is worth living for that is not worth dying for, and that nothing is worth dying for that is not worth living for. Again Jesus is trying to show what God is like, and that there is literally. There is nothing worthy of Him-self that God will not do to win and save the poorest soul alive. Jesus was not a theologian: He did not speculate about God. God possessed him, and therefore He knew, without argument, that what He was doing was right. He was of His time and of all time: He was as far ahead of the thought of His own times as He is of the thought of our times. You cannot confuse Jesus clear ideas with Pauls theological interpretation of them. Jesus wanted people to think about God in a new way. He said to Himself, If they identify me with God, this is the way I want them to think of me and of God. And how right He was. The question now what the cross means to us? It means marching onward as to war with the cross of Jesus as Christian soldiers to prize the deed and overlook the motive and lay the soul of the doer open to God. Mohammad tumbled down the crosses for an act of war; he broke our painted glass and threw our altars to the ground. If you bear the cross gladly, it will bear you. The cross is the focus of longing and the image of fulfillment. Crossing our-selves when things are bad. Dark as the world of man, blind as our Jews, black as the nails put upon the cross. Those who walk in the black road are trying to unlock the secret of hell. The cross starts with the people and finish with the people. The motivation is: what you have lost, you will gain. Cross denial is a symbolic slap on the face of peace. Sickness and disease cannot be from heaven but the cross is the healer whether by the men of science or the faith to get a sick man well. The body abides with the cross. We go to heaven not by what we have done but because of what He has done. The cross in its sound of a man breathing heavily is a test of faith, a challenge, a stand to rebuke behavioral misconduct, a love and forgiveness willed by gentleness. The cross is my richest gain; I count no loss and pour contempt on all my pride. For the Jews I say: Discover the laws that cause salvation, the answer to the great question of the life to come. You become an absolute lawgiver to the arena of morals. This free will law is pleasanter to obey and dispenser of glory. When the word gets inside you, the intelligence of the heart start and the angels are there to carry it out, safe from sickness, poverty, danger and chaotic mind. Salvation is a ticket to heaven for a mind distinct in the word of God; a profound bonus given for living a humbly life as innocent as the Lord. If you dont know the true meaning of sin from a sense of experiencing an enhancement of money pleasure then there is continuity with sin and even historic continuity with the past sins. You need Christian improvement or die early from wrongdoing. You are like air pollution turning Mother Nature prematurely gray. A man may drink and not be drunk; a man may fight and not be slain but a man cannot be welcomed in heaven without the Lord. He is beastly cant see himself as God see him. We got to heaven not by our righteousness but because of what Jesus had done. When we believe in Him we walk in forgiveness and love. His blood and what he had done is the gift of righteousness. Because He lives, He makes the difference in our lives. The fell clutch of circumstance has no change. Liberty is do salvation or let the awkward squad fire be over you. Live by what you believe not what you ought to believe. Turn your back on deceivers. A deceiver is a man who is governed by that maxim of honesty to lies. Let the resurrection be part of your life. The salvation is there but you have to know how to carry the cross.
The cross will remain the greatest event in the world history leaving biggest smile that say: Remember me for all the good reasons; I am gone far away into my fatherland so you can create your own performance to double the value of what to be.
Jesus was a man descending from above, already divine not erected from beneath with some spinning desires. He was from the Father and to the Father. Bowing the mind into none of the nature things. He wasnt waiting for the light to be informed by an inspired divine revelation; He was the light. He had a rich storehouse of heavenly information for the glory of Mans estate. He was the truth, didnt need to go further and further to discover the truth. He begins with certainties while a man will begin with doubts until he shall end in certainties. He had the time in His hand from seeing every piece in the world not trying to escape the shipwreck of time. He wasnt told for anything to do, he can do the job and finish it without the tools. He gave us the freedom to get it right for deeper friendship after constant repair and often ends in love. The result of all this becomes the subject of presentation to God the Father. There is no left no right sides when you are moving in the right direction. One God, one face pleased by one mind, one law, onesystem to the organization of the mind to send everything under the supreme power of blessing. Oneflesh with spirit the masculine expressing the work of a genius and remaining the same in masterly activity. Onevoice that God has the last say to sow God not a human seed. If the seed starts with human, Satan will have everything spinning out of control. One Kingdom having the rules of heaven on its side. Victory only has a meaning when we have the strength of implementation, fighting for one zone, one God. The distinguished title is about a new man that his soul is not a clod that has visions. The purpose of the church is to be the light of the world from the blessing it can transmit and the church of Jesus Christ is in heaven watching us. The book of the Revelation (the book of sevens) shows how Jesus is in control of the world, in other word you win if you read the Bible. It is about time to give back what Jesus gave to us. From barbarism to the having a royal title. This what I call the face of justice. Jesus was the God we have been giving all the thanks to He saw God in all persons of whatever race or creed. He felt his oneness with every human being from thinking of others first directed by what we dont know about what divine love is. He was asking us to try and get it by becoming like Him; the initial run must come from us. This is the white God not the yellow God of Khatmandu who practice gamesmanship and how to be one-up by cheating. Jesus faced decrease so we may have increases. Who is the hell Buddha? A fool decoyed into our condition. In Jesus private heart, He believed the laws of heaven deserve to be honored on earth so life would infinitely be happier at any age. Jesus invited the man to rise above reason and common sense, above the mask of personality adopted deliberately. Lighting the fire of love to escape from moneychangers and may send a message to the dying end of living pleasure. Money is as it were, the stomach of the country, from which all the other organs take their tone. It is a mistake to cross the seed of money with the body for the appetite that may sicken to die. If the seed of money is planted in the spirit the harvest will be in the spirit, that comprise the path of peace and an infallible criterion of wisdom. You are on the giving end not the receiving end. You are also considering an agenda of not having stupidity combined with amount of pain. The physical eyesight declines as the spiritual eyesight improves. Spiritual senses simply points the way from a given power.
All the moves in the spirit are calculated. The begging goes to the wood from being fair, and definitely from money giving value; driving the dollar in the right direction. There is a gold and a glory packages but you cant feed deep upon both. Money helps you to die young. Faith is a seed in the spirit, God started it there so you may have righteousness at an angle of 90 degrees to be a seed placed in the heart. You feel good and function better from it and change the character of people around you. Though your faith is yours but you still have to have a spiritual fight with the devil as Jesus did or it will be pulled out of your heart. You fight Him in Gods word not physical. The Gospel is the path of peace not preparation for war. If you dont receive faith in the spirit you lose it. Anything given in the spirit must grow with the spirit. You must put everything in the spirit before you put in the body. Receiving things in the spirit are not meant to appear on the body. The money begins by having it in the spirit if not you will be losing the spiritual blessing. By having it in the spirit you rebuke the system at its root. We are at standoff with the devil, he wants to keep us in the dark while stealing our technology. Feeding ardent desire or any strong emotion will not make the difference in the world. The truth will be buried under successful crimes justified. There is no x-ray for life mystery. We can only be shown how to lead a healthy life. The bad apple is in everyone of us. Nowadays we need a full independent enquiry committee to reveal the truth from cover up at higher position. The final word lies in the evidence. Therefore the golden rule is every seed must start together with Christ and finish together. The Jews were people who love breaking the rules, they dont have discipline from numb senses, needing a place to hide from Romans dominion, obsessed with human addictions. Lack of control and the telling of untrue thing made Jesus system measured as low key. The Jews were sandwiched between the Roman, Tax issuers to please their pocket and Jesus the tax terminator. If the Jew was in a state of full union with Christ, his soul will be perfected by a dear school putting him in a company with heaven with visions dwelling all over the place. The high priest power was a dictatorship not applicable to the system of democracy; there is no resignation. If it hurt his business, he would simply be a destroyer. Spoiled by money, he considered Jesus rivalry to his practice but the worshipers are the perennial losers; somebody who has a dark heart, has no lively compassion for anything. Compassion separates us from savagery. The Jews thought if they killed Christ then the problem is over, not knowing they have killed God who got resurrected to heaven and His spirit is dwelling filling the world with comfort, character and charismatic gifts 2000 years after his crucifixion; proceeding from Father to Son to The Father. His plan changed into Salvation or the Savior of the ultimate zero hour. The privilege of jumping into the life to come originated from an ultimate price. Remember: Man is too easy for treason and too complicated for improvement. Without the spirit of creativity he is in down hill all the way. A good work attains destiny when rest in the Cross of Dolorosa.
Jesus goes on saying: I am the First and the Last but this right was taken when Mohammad came to ignore the command saying he was the last thus indicating the reason for the false Messiah. These evidences are solid proof not just a prediction. Mohammad showed his hostility to Christ in beheading Christians. What we know from his description that he came as a man of peace, but he destroys wonderfully under the name of peace. Mohammad Arabic greeting starts with peace be on you (Al-Salum Alaikum) and to pay a reply for may peace also be on you (wa-alaikum al-salam). Abdul-salam (peace worshipper) is a common name among Muslims. Mohammad signed peace treaty with the one contrary (Al-khawarij) to his belief and broke it as fast as the writing. Today as Israel signs peace treaty with Palestinians, the war starts between Jews and Hamas. The Bible tells us there will be no peace on earth until the prince of peace comes back. We see Passion comes easily for Jews and Arabs but patience not. The two nations are organic machines driven by Satan. Though we have the opportunity to do anything in this life, but Arabs and Jews chose blood. When Mohammad conquers a city, he strikes the phrase we entered in peace and said amen. (wa dakhalnaha bi salmin amineen). When a person like Mohammad portraying himself as a man of peace (saying Al-salamu alaikum and people replying him walaykum al-salam) which is a peace greeting and peace honoring back, a mock up of the moral standard. This proof his spirit would be the one the Bible referred to as the man of lawlessness. Multitudes will see him as their redeemer and look on Satan as their God. Revelation 13:4 reads so they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast saying, who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him? The book of revelation is the most exciting book in the Bible it tells us the false prophet came to revive the Roman Empire. The Revival of the Roman Empire history by the false prophet is based upon Mohammads conquest against the Christians freedom by condemnation justified by faith. The two ideals, Christians and Muslims are at odd values in, sins, salvation and what Gods graces stand for. Harmony is impossible because hatred operates on different gland than love. Muslims are the same stamps as the Romans, being superb horsemen. They can move swiftly to conquer in a wave of terror and destruction. Tatars seize anything in bloody way uniting Romans with Islam. The Roman Empire embodied a peace so longs you can say hail Caesar saluting him until about to die. Mohammads Islamic Empire changed this into marking Allah and his prophet. The two names are exchangeable by the work of man that acts as a semi-transparent envelope to the God. God the Father and Jesus the Son changed into Allah and Mohammad who is the instrument of the Fathers Will. The ambition of Islam is like the Roman to win the worship of Mohammad. The empire of Islam is not different than Babylonian Empire used death to capture cities to be province of the Babylonian Empire. Islam is the most radical religion and unbalanced towards Jews. The Roman army in 70 AD surrounded Jerusalem killing one million Jews. Hadrian (76-138), successor repeated the killing for the reason of wanting to build a new city at Jerusalem that sparked off a Jewish revolt. Dan 11:37 He will show no regards for the gods of his father. Mohammad formed an Islamic community based on his new faith by conquest and conversion after a long period of warfare against his tribal or families who had loyalties towards their system of gods and goddesses of worship. He won the battles of Badr (624) and Uhud (625). He finally captured Mecca and made it both the political and religious capital of Islam. Dan 11:38-39 also said he is a power-obsessed idolater. Mohammad mocked all the religions of history and boldly declared him-self to be the correct one. His primary characteristic is hate and
cruelty. But he cleverly masked his true self. He borders on insanity by actually worshipping his own war machine the sword. Power and heroism was his idol to make multitudes ready to give their unconditional allegiance to a dynamic earthly leader. He was the one who opened the door to the full outbreak of evil to cause a great deal of chaos. Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030) an Afghani devout Muslim and conqueror ruled Ghazni and Khorasan from 998. He invaded India many times destroying Hindu temples and bringing the Punjab and Kashmir into his empire for Islamic dominance. The seal 6666 was used for those who were Christians, Jews and Quraishi who do not join in this adoration to either face death by beheading or starvation. The seal takes control so that no one will be able to buy or sell unless he wears some kind of a mark indicating loyalty to Mohammad and his Quran number. The Bible said: He was given authority to continue for forty-two months. We see Mohammad had absolute ruling 3 years terminated by his death. In the age of 61 up to h is death at 63 he lived under a threshold level of pain described as half dead alive and blind. He ruled according to the work of Satan with all power, signs lying wonders with all unrighteous deception. He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies. We see this in Mohammad proclaiming himself Gods messenger to stop Christians from following Jesus and the first to make them convert. He replaced the Christians calendar by his time known as the Hegira or departure calendar. His authority was political and also based upon religious faith. Mohammad from that darksome cave had double crown resembling the Christians pope. The crown of religion to master the mind and the political power to guard decisions allowed for a barbaric seen which is the abuse of power. The blasphemy is in going forth preaching the Quran in an arrogant way and Al-Ahadeeth Al-nabawiah. He exalted himself above every god showing his true colors. When I pay a visit to the poor people in Indonesia living in squalid neighbor-hood asking who is your God? The answer is always Mohammad. The book of Revelation tells us in Rev. 17, he joined the harlot (whore) under different system. Polygamy and sexual orgy presented in many ancient religions are the same. Sex has motivation and exaltation to make man unconscious of his sin, enough for an abyss. At the end of what a religion is called to do, sex outlast love. Religion is a powerful aphrodisiac. For example: There is no difference between polygamy and geisha. The Japanese professional female entertainer is trained to be a wife for many businessmen (polyandry), at the same time she is one out of many geisha women in which a man may have. Harlot that is making a living out of sex to set an example in fertility for others to follow. The great goal is practiced in the Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and African religions. Fertility cult was set in Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece and Rome. Babylon was the great mother of harlots. It promoted the same set of gods and goddesses under different names. Sex is a desire to be enjoyed in every-worship except Biblical Christianity. The book of Revelation painted a portrait of prostitute riding on a lion cruising, promoting immorality by the art of her seduction. Sex is the machine in ancient religions carried simply as an easy way of making a living, India, Africa, Indonesia are example. Islam is a member of this oldest profession in the world, riding on the back of the beast. Since the Herodian time Satan was busy trying to destroy Jesus, here are some examples: Mohammad denied the crucifixion of Jesus. He said in ahadeeth: Isa will be back to crush all the crosses by his hand. In other word deliverance to heaven is the work of Mohammad. Satan replaced the Second Coming with Mahdi, the prophet who Sunni Muslim believe will be back to bring peace and justice i.e. the savior. The man believed to be ubayd Allah reigned (90934), founder of Egyptian Fatmid Dynasty, another candidate is Mohammad Ahmad died 1885 who raised revolt against Egyptian rule in Sudan and fought the British 1883-85.
Weep not for Jesus but for the death of Husein the son of Ali and Fatima the daughter of Mohammad. On the 10th of Muharram he was murdered by Yazid army the son of Muawiya which became the central element on the shite-sunnite orders. Mohammad is the Messiah devil, described in a picture of man riding a red horse for covering the world with blood. The representation by the time the anti Christ finish their work. Mohammad after he died was resurrected by the devil absorbed by the second beast Allah running parallel to the co-equal Christian theology doctrine of the Father and the Son. Mohammads moral obligation was to lay the ideology of anyone who disagreed with the Quran and Shareia law would be murdered. The court can be any fool man with blood is the prerequisite. Mohammad is unconcerned about men who can make t6he difference by their quality of a relationship. The brainwashing under such unintelligent systematic indoctrination produced a fussy brain too concerned about the less important stuff. Mohammad died but we see him coming back after being declared dead. Mohammad has his satanic trinity composed of Satan, Allah and Mohammad co-host the beast Allah. But all three are finite and limited to Jesus disposal. Armageddon is the last battle between the Gods Trinity against the beasts trinity, East against West. Israel in 1948 became a nation again for the first time. The forces of global worming and tidal waves are like a bicycle progressing, the proof that Jesus is Coming soon. Iran remains defiant on its nuclear energy program. The nuclear bomb is on its agenda making within three to eight years. What we dont know is the details chronology of the war of Armageddon. We know the Anti-Christ army will be thoroughly defeated at Christs return. Revelation, Daniel and Zechariah dont put all the pieces together. We cant identify leaders from the East; we cant name the nations that make up the southern and northern alliances. The details will become clear as they are fulfilled. Jesus warned us about the false prophet when He said I have come in My Fathers name, and you do not received me, if another comes in His own name (i. e. Mohammad?), him you will receive. Thus waiting for the false prophet to appear in public while grinding our teeth and swishing our nails is foolish. The unholy trinity is imitating the relationship that exists between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit is moving forward towards destroying the roots of Christianity. Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine can destroy any Church they want for making antichrist rise to power. The world today is pointing the finger on one religious group attached to one false prophet. The Arab leaders sharing the false prophet nature are the very shadow to do the action. The 6666 the Quran total number of phrase in 114 suras or chapters. The highly charged poetic language is molded in this number for establishing the canonical text, which became the laws replacing the bible in moral behavior and social life. The devil gave him power, his thrown and great authority for receiving worship. People who followed him hated the Gospel and refer to Jesus Christ as a misguided Zealot. Mohammad had no regard for the desire of women in agreement with Dan 11:37 prophecy Marry as many openly, showing his enmity towards Jesus Christ, by being the very opposite. The number of 666 shows up from time to time on social security checks, credit cards and computer printouts. Every time it does, it excites some people. They see it as a sign that we are at the point of Christ return. Rumors have been spread that a huge computer in Brussels is being fed information on every living person, and that each of us will be given a number that will include the digits 666. This has resulted in an avalanche of protest letters to government and industry leaders. My answer: this is the number of a specific man not a huge computer. His name is Mohammad who was persistently evil, destroying Christs civilization under the Islam; false is the opposite of a profound truth. We should be very cautious about whom we follow. The world is full of deceivers today. Not everyone who claims to be a man of peace can be trusted, the president of Iran threatened to wipe out Israel from the map with USA next. One suitcase bomb can kill one million people. We must stand up now against Iran or we have a nuclear explosion. It is a total nonsense and ridicule for anyone to suggest the false prophet will be someone like Jesus, probably young Jew about 30 years of age. When he begins his rise to power, he will
proclaim a new religion and perform miracles like Jesus did. But unlike Jesus he will reach for political power and achieve it. Islam is the false Messiah religion together with his father Allah, the pioneer; the Quran is his bible book. The place of poverty from a culture extended from the heart to the brain and is hard to shift. The burden of Roman tyranny has shifted into another shoulder. The devil can cite scripture for his purpose. An evil soul, producing Holy witness, is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart. The Jews are waiting for the Messiah and the Christians for the false Messiah but both came to us. God the Father gave the Revelation to the Son who gave it to the angel who gave it to John. We have to connect all the dots. Mohammad moral obligation was to lay the ideology of anyone who disagreed with the Quran and shareia law would be murdered. The court is any fool man, for the blood to have prerequisite. Mohammad is unconcerned about men who can make the difference by their quality of a relationship. The brainwashing under such unintelligent systematic indoctrination produced a fussy brain too concerned about the less important stuff. The Jews are waiting for the Messiah and the Christian for the false messiah but both came to us. Remember: Abraham was raised by God to give us Jesus but also gave us Mohammad the descendant of Ishmael in a race called Ishmaelite.
Did you know what was the manger? A place where cattle, horses feed, urinate and pass faeces, a laboratory of all sort of disease. The INN was the part occupied by Mary and Joseph togather with the animals. The Holy Spirit and boss angels gave protection against infectious bacteria and viruses. The birth of Jesus supported by zero economy gives God not only the glory but send a multitude of messages that intellect is not governed by economic power. Jesus was a hero without possessing anything. You can have fabulous intellect, be loved and adored, simply ought to spirit approval. You can have heaven on earth without the need of money. Intelligence stems from the spirit. When love and skill work togather expect a masterpiece. Without a Merry Christmas, you are a Gorilla born with a little help from Mr. Right. Christmas is not once a year; is not about snow, or to be growing up once a year. Christmas is to be taken as a wheel turning in full circle. Think how healthy the Christmas card we send, never insulting, have all the good tunes and permanently concern about love and peace. Looking at the Christmas tree is like that looking at a tremendous Jubilant, you just feel life is worth living. At Christmas the clock stopped from ticking away, not to experience chaos and its frustration any more from loss of heart. The start of days of order, directed by sight, moving the clockwise evil into anti-clockwise. Christmas should not be taken lightly. It is the day for the truth. Man is no longer an inferior version of God. But dont call yourself a saint yet. Look at the other side of you. You can be a St. Kilda football fan but you are no saint. The spirit of Christmas in Australia has a pay back. To get over the drought and avoid shooting and burying cows, people came up with the idea of sponsoring them making the dairy farmer not to feel the pinch. The program also educates the people about drought and farming. The color of Christmas is white, even in a city like Melbourne where you get all seasons in oneday weather. It still put you in the singing carol spirit. Christmas is a time for reflection. A time to repair what was broken in order to live life at the full. We live in the midst of confrontation; in between love and fear, tears and laughter, hope and despair. If you are hostile from being unhappy with yourself, it is a time for negotiation. Christmas is for peace. We should pay for what we did. Only God does the revenge. Christmas for doing big things undestroyed by desire. Christmas to say farewell to the twists and turns. Christmas is for an objective opinion. You dont need to be ashamed for, agree to disagree. Christmas to know the dark side of fall; for raining rain of success from a multiaward winning scheme. Christmas for the devil dreams to be shattered. Christmas is for self-cleaning, for science to grow faster than empires. Christmas is for virginity from sin; for paradise of vast eternity. For the honour not to turn to dust. Christmas is a change to give the Good Will a new meaning. Jesus from being the Lord help us to be fair out of being arrogant.
Christmas is a day for the greensleeves music to be played. My lady greensleeves fills my heart with delight. We love Christmas because it is all about Jesus came for not to make another man suffers wrong and get his dignity out Christmas is not a day for making money but to present the culture of love freely for our sins to be paid by the Majesty not the money. A time to celebrate not overindulge. A snow, a star and an authority is thy most need. There is no little boxes to be opened. There is no pouch to carry things. Boxing day is not a day for animal hunting act to start in England whether foxes (to control their number) or not. Nor for bargain hunter rush tempted by big discounts spending their Christmas money. Quick sale is heaven for some but also it is hell to others. While we are paid to get hurt, the protector of light came to tell us something we dont know, so our destiny can be revealed so we dont make another man suffer wrong. Thanks to the Dutch for introducing Christmas to Indonesia. Today you pay a heavy price from Muslims putting the flash of death for celebrating Christmas. Only sick twisted mind does such a thing, in a non-confronting day, Muslims love interfering like Mohammad interfering with Christ. Example of Mohammad talking subconsciously to Jesus or Isa: you speak about your father there is no father, Allah brought you into the world so you can be a prophet. You are O.K. but not your disciples, they lied when they claimed you were Crucified. This is why I came here after you to stamp all your things with my stamp so Allah cant bind you to any false doing. Mohammad driven by demons was busy, busy and ever busy correcting Jesus for the joy of meeting his Allahs requirements. Years before you never hear there is Christmas in China, but now the cities are alive with Christmas. But China stink. It is because plenty of money to be made. Celebrating Christmas without knowing the original of Christmas. The Chinese has no respect to the dignity of poor because he has the fiber of a bean. Their life is secret and complex, from a brain made for printing money, because he knows no other way. Christmas for not to be the Godfather of Soul. To uncover the corrupt element for criminal gain, building the station of life. Allies of Satan hope for no political solution to hand so the scum can continue. Christmas to unite the ages to help building the bridges of need; family ties is weakened by the pressure of modern life. Today Bethlehem streets are blocked as a result of harsh security. When Jesus was born in very depressing, humble cave, Bethlehem was a close prison made by the Romans. Today it is an open prison. The two times are the same, with a 2000 years gap between them. Christmas will stay the day you wouldnt want to miss for years to come. The nativity is the greates story of all time. I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let us now rejoice with the purest and most thoughtful one in a Happy Birthday song: Happy birthday to you 2x Happy birthday dear Jesus Happy birthday to you
To be a good fisherman you need passion and patience caused by being bound upon the wheel of getting a Good Bite. It is a passion spent in calm mind to catch a fish where you least expect it, beside the fact that no genius could produce a shortage of fish. Imagine how hard it is for a man
staying long to catch but seaweeds. When this happens, it sends the signal though everything you thought was concrete, it can come up like weeds through cracks in faith, a binding requirement is needed or expect nothing. The sequence of actions from a social phenomena make life like a video game, each stage is different than the end. God created man with passion in him, therefore when God becomes your passion through the agency of his Word your fishing becomes better. Most professional fishermen are believers, which may mean, the soul has succeeded in fixing its intellectual eye after recollecting tranquility. When we compare what has been done to human life with that arise from fishing we see the following silvery similarities in thoughts: 1. The sea of faith lying at the full around earths shore and man standing wandering between two worlds, one at rest and the other is alive. 2. The unplumbed salt in estranging sea remind us that we are the salt of the earth without it food will rot and fish will not be pickled. Salt is the thing for which there is no substitute. We are reminded of being the pillars and the covenant of salt. From pillar to post, Hither and thither, from one predicament or resource to another. 3. We may be playing on the seashore throwing pebble or finding prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before us. 4. Fishing is nursing the unconquerable hope in non-violated shade. 5. The world is made of islands with people and the surrounding water is stuffed just like us; but the good aspects are when men have no work there is still food to eat in the sea. 6. Fish do as men do in war; the great ones will eat the little one. 7. I am suffering like a fish out of the water. 8. The arrows of man desire unfold at sea throwing all his gears into the water for the pleasure of catching most. 9. Modesty is enough for need and fishing is an example. When everybody cared enough, everybody shared enough. Wouldnt everybody have enough? There is in the world for everyones need, but not enough for everyones greed. 10. When you bring yourself down is nothing more than a fisherman pulled into the water by his catch. 11. The fury that man is forced to choose is like that of a tormented sea. When Jesus calmed the wild restless sea, he was calling us into the sea of life where the fair breeze blew and the white foam moved quickly to the shore. 12. The silent sea is peace, which the world cannot give. The New Testament is the Golden Gospel of silence. In life there is more sting than meets the ear. The weak brain of woman damaged by the course of culture and religion made her too uncertain to maintain her own existence. She spent her great time fishing for a husband, whispering to tourists to propose before she got cast away in the time of age. Her pendulum moves to and from freely without control mechanism. We must never forget what caused the major advances in our civilization today, which made the sphere of existence teeming with fish. It is the process, which wrecked the societies in which they occur. A science hesitates to forget God, the founder of all. We are Lucky to see something that our ancestors have never seen before. An example of Salvation is package for believers, transforming life forever; changing the life and death issues. This didnt come out of the blue, it is rather from self build-up for seeking the truth. Blessing empowers to do when the spirit of man
allows 90% of time to God obedience and 10% private, coming from a policy that has no secret about it, as a result the future lies in our hand. The Western race is not a species trying to survive instead it gave the world the real taste of everything. Donation is a call with aspiration; money raised for charity has two faces of the same coin for reducing the gap. Wealthy without responsibility is a heavy burden to carry on your shoulders. Move backward with money and have life made of fantasy. If we all speak the same language, the world will not be left speechless or blown away. Indias hunger for high growth is part of modern day slavery. Eleven million children are forced into a life of bondage, locked up in hidden slum places under appalling conditions. A leap in the dark is the only thing you can do within a dark world. God put you in the place of passion so you become a messenger for that passion. This is why Jesus referred to us as the fishers of men. The fisher of men can lift men up for victory after transformation; holding all rods, all reels of one Savior who answers, prayers equally. The power is not in money, greed but in your relationship with Jesus; the man who hung the moon and stars in genius places by the ruling passion of faith that conquers all reasons. Remember: If you are left in the sea long you are in serious danger of drowning in Satan word. If you are given champagne at lunch to get you into pleasure, there is a fishing possibility.
Light has more to it than what has been perfected. The earth has only three dimensions or space but in heaven there are more than six dimensions for undergoing supreme matters. Jesus miracles were an echo of dimensions performed without a plan. Light on earth draws sufficient conclusions to life proved by the followings: Light from the sun is the principle source of energy on earth being absorbed by plants in photosynthesis turning it into food and oxygen for building life. The term light is also applied to radiations of wavelengths, colorless to the eye, of high energies and low such as ultraviolet, infrared, and radio waves. Highly energetic X -ray radiation, invisible find wide use in medicine both for diagnosis and treatment. Photography involves light. Laser is a light source, employs radiation emitted from body which has become hot. Light can be converted into electricity using the photoelectric effect. Light used for illumination is the subject of the science of photometry. The development of radio from existing radio waves; the wireless telegraphy are light focusing. A telephone for transmission and reproduction of sound by means of frequency electric waves; telescope, communications satellites, optical fibers in medicine, and a substitute for telephone cables, all put us forward towards the ultimate living and destructiveness of evil. Light is like sincere love has consciousness. A black object reflects no visible light at all, appears black. If the world was all white, will never be a desperate time for desperate measures. There is no secrets, you see him all; only God can see the more. The problem is what we call a white race today is less than white, really pink-gray. Those who are pro left are a great stumbling block in the stride towards freedom, devoted to sweet disorder than justice. Markss men prefers a negative peace over a positive peace which is the presence of justice; He goes binding His Sons to exile to serve His captives need. They have the habits of looking away, this is why terrorist are unstoppable getting away with murder wanting the white to die by their bombing. The master shall be blamed when you are wounded, left on Afghanistan border and the vultures come out to cut up what remains. What I call idiot is a member of a large and powerful party whose influence in human affairs has always been dominant and controlling. Idiots want God blesses every sin because he doesnt really know God. He goes breaking God Laws then finding reasons to use the Grace of God, as the just as umbrella. The fact is he committed a death penalty, Gods Grace doesnt cancel death penalty. The white morality proved to be elusive. How premature can be when white men and women go into a biggest show strip all in the name of art without cost. What is the value? Except encouraging to go nude for going into the business of producing immoral people. If you do the crime you spend the time. The dispute between God and Satan is viewed in the chemistry of genius versus the stupid. Answers are in Gods wisdom not in who knows where kept hidden out of sight in filing cabinet. We all need to ask the Lord for wisdom to break the cycle of stress so we can raise a perfect child in a perfect life. Gods word is not just knowledge but power to forget the past for a new present taking mightiest leaps, to be a leader not a follower. Briton is a leader from conventional wisdom; the British is so precise equal to taking his word to the court. Let be your outward shows the least of you. Flesh cast down wisdom, setting lower order of men having no sense of moral.
Power of knowledge is the missing link among the idiot race knows them most. Living in the kingdom of the devil serving them with little of the zeal, naked to their enemies who think too little of them. You are an aye, a nose and a mouth, life is about sleep, memory sex and sabotaging the mind. A government of the living dead, a burden on the reeling state. The bigger the brains the harder they fall from missing no opportunity like light brightness falls from the air and walking the distance. The brain of God and Satan joins hand in hand with believers. Satan may steal the Word of God but cant steal His clever image. The stupidity lies in the man who look with such wistful eye to the sky thinking his God is worthy of the place. Man who encounter darkness as a bride and hug it in the arm shall be absolute for death. The pound of flesh demanded of Him bought dearly by devilish eyes is as sick as that with yellow cast of thought. The quality of mercy is strained. Sin never sleep; hard rain cant fall. One can say the worlds stupidity is the worlds judgement. Our judgements go side by side as our watches. The refined point of evil work out is possession after being well deceived. Satan deceived Mohamed, telling him his name is mentioned in the Bible Ahmad as the last prophet to come. Double think means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in ones mind simultaneously and accepting both of them. For example: Mohammad says: my breath lies in the hand of Jesus though he is prophet not God. Of all human follies theres non-could be greater than trying to render our fellowmen towards better while it is worst. A prophetic fool is a greater fool than an ignorant fool. How can a psychopathic serial killer and a deadly giant be right? Beware of Him He can see you and hear you first through the secret of supernatural senses. Races evolved from a land divided by ideology under the same roof, eating the same food created as a result of soul reality of being what the devil tells you. Races are two nations at war. If you see the Buddha in the street shoot him. Faith does not need science to be sustained or a proof for an evil propaganda. We need more angels to be around than the proof of faith. Getting the universe in the right order straight from the big bang without the life emerging without Gods Almighty hand is one out of an-infinite possibilities. God is not about celebrity but about professionalism and moral concept. The glamour is to make the universe with its conglomeration of starts, gas, dust and planets a shadow of Him. God is knitted in you from thy breath in the womb, and until grown gray. He claims his fatherhood by mixing you with his breath. You have to be one on one like Jesus with God to be free from sin. He knows every cell in your body and every desire in your heart. He paid the highest price so you will be free. Freedom is a speechless message to live life not condemned free from the power of sin and death. Therefore love must prove like wise. There is life beyond the grave operates by a system of how we leave the earth. If you dont know, you are missing the greatest part of your life. It is by the beautiful light of Christ who is the light snatcher and the personification of love in voluntary manner. You will be lifted from the horrible place called hell where there is but the light of fire. You yell at darkness from high living standard. What was impossible machine of fly, flown. The body lives in the world but the spirit must live in the church, enjoying peace after physical life bound upon a wheel of work. Prayers take wing the wise learn from experience but the wisest learn from the wise experiment in despair.
In the twenty seven books of the New Testament, we saw Jesus the Alpha, the lamb led to slaughter on to the Roman cross in shame bleeding with a voice filled with agony. In the book of apocrypha or the Revelation, God took the veil for revealing higher things. Jesus is the Omega controlling the future worlds events by His breath that lies in His words. The lion of the Judah tribe are coming to drive the devil out of this world. He steps on mountain olive, splitting it into halves then govern in a new earth renovated looking like the Garden of Eden. The return to the highest level of spiritual relationship with God as it was in the Garden of Eden. The word repent has the meaning of this, re for return and pent for high. Life is spiritual journey to confess sins. God has zero tolerance to sins, therefore you cant return into a relationship without confession. The Second Coming is not a hypothesis, it was there as the Everest standing for ascendancy without fearing the fall. The principle message is to have the brain size of Mars marching into Thee, sitting on His right hand, where the real and the processed meet in the secret affinity. The buck stops at the white state-man for deliverance of the poor. After all whatever a yellow man does, he does it for money. A defender of the Dragon to the death by an army of 200 millions called by Satan in the mist of Armageddon. Remember if you die without Christ, you go to hell. We die in earnest that is no Jest.
penalty by bullet headed artists. In those countries such as Iraq the river flows but there is a bed in the river fixes it from gliding along. The Muslim meditate on the phrase of inshaallah (fate is in the hand of Allah) while they get killed. The repetitive phrase of no God but Allah keeps them in neglect of who is the real God. Abortionists whose call embryo cells consider life is but a day. The mission of conversion to Christianity has its sets of challenges from religions working within the soul. There is little hope for complete change. The new China is the old China. There is no hope for complete change. Freedom for movement is controversial stories. The brain has real limits for telling the real story. The sensor is the boss. Constant fear cant swallow fear. Wounds wouldnt be healed when you are in a state of helplessness. Neither a Buddhist nor a Mohammad has the invisible means of recapturing the spirit of reborn. The Tribulation, is the world final call for fools to be buried deep in an unknown tomb. God cant look at sinners. God can only look at you covered by Jesus blood without this coat you are a sinner lost. You are either a key brother in the glory of humanity or you are gone forever. Remember: Crystallized good elevate the spirit beyond the limitation of time and is the ultimate law. It originates from a perfect act mixed with a perfect God.
It is fun to laugh, it makes you feel good, forgetting the bad portion of life, it does the body good and we learn more about each other, a cheerful heart is good medicine. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone. Show me someone who laughs and I will show you a golden sun smiling. Man is distinguished from all other creatures by the faculty of laughter. Laughter is the honesty of showing feelings in one spot. It gets people to listen and tell almost anything. Laughs cause the endorphin to explode relaxing the muscle system. Happiness is a laughing matter, we call friends just to laugh; laugh pleases everyone. Triumph has the last laugh after seeming at a disadvantage. No man who has once heartily and wholly laughed can be altogether irreclaimably bad. If we take ourselves seriously we weep but if we laugh we are no longer in funeral. For a pessimist, it requires a surgical operation to get a joke well into a laughing place. Jokes give proper perspectives to life, stops whisky foe from kissing the body. Laughter can pass insults without feeling the sting. Jewish comedians maintain success in vulgar style jokes cornering with a specific person, throwing at him a whole scheme of exaggerated facts or myth from A to B because anything awful makes us laugh. The role of a good comedian is to make the audience laugh, at a minimum time. For a man with conservative ideas a joke is a very serous thing. Man was made to be the measure of all things; jolliness is by-product of being imperfect. When a dullness feeling comes about, a joke is necessary.
The caricature put the face of a joke on the body of the truth. There are things of deadly earnest that can only be safely mentioned under cover of a joke example: Mohammad portrayed wearing turban headdress with bombs hiding underneath. Jokes join madness for providing party spirit; jokes have confession. Some jokes require forgiveness. The good laughs turn its back on bad laughs, examples: A silly laugh by a vulgar man is an expression of his passion; to a jealousy nothing is more frightful than laughter; a big laugh can shadow a triumph of deception. There is a saying, if you can make woman laugh, you can do anything with her; for a woman, laughter can be an aphrodisiac but yet she also use laughter to be a substitute for sex. Laughter is a by-product of joy. God wants us to laugh; God is the inventor of laugh, the earth laughs in flowers, laughter distinguishes love touched by the Holy Spirit from love generated out of the state of being miserable; the fruit of the spirit is love, therefore true love comes from the true Spirit. We are made in his own image therefore we possess laughs. Sadness steers low from crossing out our freedom, there is even a relationship between liberty and sadness, when liberty destroys order; the hunger for order destroys liberty. Happiness, love and innocence can all come crushing down when you are in the wrong place, at the wrong time. A specific human being gives him-self to his drug abuse and life goes out of the window; any man death is not a joke. The power is in our hand, we can enjoy the things we ought and hate the thing we ought, in hate the soul is resolved to ruin itself from not being able to balance itself, the balance beam cant resume its reign. We ought to put a positive spin on negative impulses that might contribute to some happiness and redirect hate outward. If we take God seriously not to take ourselves seriously, he will activate us,; God has smile when we smile; laughter is a sign of reaching spiritual maturity. We should look first for the Lordship then the laughter-ship. Humor is a faculty of saying or perceiving what excites amusement to put the state of mind into a better mood. Humorist is a person who makes the effort for acting, speaking, writing humorously; he will do anything to impress. Humor is also an emotional chaos remembered in tranquility, it has some value in gaining and holding attention but it has no persuasive value at all. A large lively hearted man can stop large brained woman from tears. Passing a deep sense of humor leaves happy consciousness. The best definition of humor may be explained as the kindly contemplation of the incongruities of life, and the artistic expression thereof. With humor you can hold some of your enemy in play far out of gun shot hell. Humor is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of mans superiority to all that befalls him. The sadness in humor, it reflects purely human way upon what it is to be a child. Humor is dependants on a mood or state of mind. A general height brings quality jokes to satisfy the wishes of a performer. Humor is a defense against pain, humor plays close to the big, hot fire, which is the truth and the reader feels the heat. The love of truth lies at the root of many humors. Some people think that life is a joke that has just began. This is true for a man who was made to be the measure of all things but for a man who knows how to use his power of love, is in itself a little joke.
A sense of humor takes whats wrong and whats bad lightly without placing it on himself. A wise man is determined to pack up his troubles in his old kit bag and smile. For the old fool, the teeth are smiling unbaked by is the heart? To be just smiling is like a child, trying to stop serious business. Eternal smiles are like streams run all the way without rest. How sweet it is when we give a smile with future in it. Trying not to smile send a message of criticism. A smile taken seriously increases belief and raises hope; a smile can substitute spoken words and gives a great deal of popularity, it wins enough to keep a chilly look off. A smile is a curve that can set things straight except one smile a woman gives can make a man feel his pocket. God is a comedian; laughter is the closest thing to the grace of God. God will give his last smile from heaven when he descends to the earth. The total absence of humor in the Bible is one of the most singular things in all literature. God want us from the moment of birth to be immersed in good actions so the Bible can only fitfully guide us. Mercy replaces the humor in the Bible. Comedy is walking in the flesh, when the comedy is identified with the spirit, it crystallizes into while to become clean and better. God is committed to perfect the work that man started after walking in the spirit, in his excellent wisdom, in his excellent ways. The Spirit (not the physical postures and control through practice of hartha yoga) provides you with all the tools you need to overcome the directions taken by the flesh. All waste is eliminated through the excellent wisdom of God. Wisdom is the principle thing; we have responsibility to get it from God so we can produce a truer account. In conclusion: laugh breaks barriers, reveals the truth and takes the sawdust out of the eye. Remember: we laugh at other people but not at oneself. One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself.
brother or he was responsible for someone else misfortune. Cane started slays of the innocent, the violence contained in the mind and the club of Cane. Mohammad is the modern Cane. Both are Assassins with different weapons. Mutilation of the world is Cain-Abel mutilation. We live by what we slay. Modern Cain but slays modern Abel by the gods on his side today. Pessimism starts with the worst. When evil is most potent, hope is no longer to be the preserver. Leave the world in hand of double deceiver and have powerful, emotional and un-forgetful impacts connected to an image. Wars touch more civilians than soldiers. The Korean War killed 84% people. God does not like to see helplessness brought about from hopelessness. Evil is lonely when it runs by itself. It has to have a company to run with, to make everybody worst. All roads do not lead to Rome. Faith, hope and love are the simplest and so are the greatest. Faith and hope ceases at death while love is eternal. We pray for hope, a vital part of wounded world! God said in the beginning was the word and the purpose, and intelligence. The devil said in the beginning was demons the inhabitants of the earth. Satan presented his view of the world in the following people putting his talent in them to produce a truer account: According to Confucius (551 479 BC), the power of the flesh is a prime mover. Men right is not required. Gentility is a sign of a looser. The more flesh you show, the further up the ladder you go. The flesh gives the security. Staying alive is learning how to defend your body. No God can turn any situation for you. There is no hope for living bread from heaven to eat, live and not die. Equipped with kung fu makes blood so cheap. Kung fu is for boys refuse to grow up. Confucius was not only barbaric in him-self but also the cause of barbarism in the race. Open the heart and you will see graved inside it: Genghis Khan. Japanese forced women in 2 nd WW to brothels without an apology from the primeminister. The people who have little intelligence, a great number of them have no heart. Barbarism word suggests crudeness or wildness and stresses cruelty or brutality. Derived from the barbarous practice of torturing prisoners by Barbarian tribes, which were led by Genghis Khan. The KungFu-Tzu is caught in the DNA of children and parents building cages. The truth put to the worse in falsehood products. Evil thinks success reach destination when ideas are coined to an immoral unconscious thinking. The ideology is based on a fallen angel refusing to consider the question of God. The religion therefore confirms that mental fitness arrives from physical stamina out of an intense force. The nation is bound to lose in consequence years of cruelty, stupidity and misgovernment. It will not be able to put it self in prospective by reinventing itself. The people who lives are sub-humans from low I.Qs, having a breast but not the brain with a perfect government of beasts immune from the law. Humans to be moved by muscles under a stone image idol to see whats going to happen without control. Since money is candy to China air quality flows in opposite direction so nothing good abides making pollution the last on the agenda. You can make billions of dollars if you are the largest producer of pollutants. Life is nothing, but money, the business of desire is here to stay exposing adventure for love my way. It is not about honesty, and integrity, the main challenge is getting the resources of money by integrating operations. Money has some great ideas such as kill
whales in the name of research. The lie becomes the truth and the truth becomes the lie; their goodness is their badness. If you say yes that you dont know what is the next expected move, all has the chemistry of this. God vomited them out of his mouth. Yellow and black have been invented by God to render the multitude of their crooked minds. In the province of Yunnan the backbone of the economy is tobacco plantation, a powerful cash crop, generating billions of dollars. China sales 2 trillion cigarettes annually at price of 8 cent a packet. Every year one million Chinese dies from smoking related diseases while China celebrate the profit to say tobacco is good to the health of economy, smoking related disease are nonsense. Thus moneys enters the mind in a mistaken way to teach men money produces perfection and should be the only journey of passion. Culture fuses brains through same messages to make the brain fragile; keeps changing its mind from chemicals within. The mind cant invent itself, blown with perpetual hatred. This turns into a noisy world that hears the least from lacking courage. If a man has his true spiritual surroundings, he will not be afraid of the future. The price of Kung Fu is too high, taught us how to die; there is nothing that is worth knowing can be taught. He is a man who knows the price of pain and the value of nothing. The seal for such responses is to shoot the devil. Light stops darkness and salt stops having rot or corruption. According to Mohammad, men must be ready to pull the sword for quick defense, securing himself and at the same time give honor and respect to the religion. If you fail you loose respect. The sword styles security and the truth. Thus the greater part of men lives is making their remaining years unhappy waiting to be condemned. For Mohammad human life begins on the far side of despair. The present is the funeral of the past and man is the living sepulcher of life. The perfection only achieved when destroyed. According to Freud sex drive is the cornerstone of life. Man should not strive to eliminate his complexes but to get in accord with them. What he is stay unanswered. The soul of Freud does not search for spiritual answers but exhaust the boundaries of the mentioned not at all articles of subjects for fame. For Jung it is not sex. The sole purpose of human existence is to be psychologically fit, by changing into better, so we can float through the awful unseen power of soul. For the rich man life is increasing the big money, there is only one life corner to add or subtract without impairing the harmony of the whole. Get the numbers; make the move for taking the bank account into another level, that is the comfort while he is looking at poverty. Bad money has a lot of questions unanswered and deep bumps. The great stage for change of human nature into instrumentation has been reached. In the soon future, computer chip technology will be worn for identification. You pay by touching your worn ring containing the chip on the scanner. The chip can have all what needed to know about you, through identification devices made of radio frequency. Pet animals had the chip worn on their shoulders so they cant run away. Cattle sheep can be tracked following trail until slaughter. Animals cant run away and so as we.
It is a form of protection with government blessing. Today soldiers have a post card with a computer chip, for security. The good-news about this security it leaves us satisfied when there is no medical problem or radiation coming out Cash has been the enemy for banks and governments, effective in drugs, undetectable in corruption. From those fear thoughts, the chip started. Currently our cash is history, 98% of our transactions have no coin, on the computer screen or electronic cash. In every state of change, there is always a good logical reason behind it. In this case it is for convenience and security. The question remains: is this good outweighs evil or something else? Are we walking to death willingly or will prevent the worst before it happens? Is this death and taxes; there is never any convenient time for any of them? The vices hidden behind the chip is the gift for a dumb spirit within. According to Jesus Christ, the spirit is the final line of defense. You have no idea what soul can do. The soul is a leader without skill; a world of tears, romance and surprises. Heaven runs in opposite direction. You cant have tears in heaven. The solution for soul does not lie if you control yours, I will control mine. All empty spirits tend to extreme opinion. We have ups and downs, this is normal but manic-depressive has deep downs and high ups. A doctor has to separate the emotional element from depletion in brain chemicals or the genetic factor. Man can cause this to another man in terrorism; a work full of stress and indulgence to hold your yellow leaves earlier. Spiritual consciousness comes equally to us like death. Certainly it can perfect our world to make one beaming an everywhere. The problem is physician with the same eye cant detect, diseased soul to be able to shake off. This is the difference between the reason of man and the instinct of the beast. We need spirit to make that wrong right. Pure soul is manifestation of darkness seen in prehistoric man and Asia today, a real Darwinian man separated by just a dash. The spirit changes your life by changing thinking. Jesus proved this when He cast the evil spirits, the sickness that was harvesting gone with the wind. A balance between soul and spirits is not the key. Sins must be confessed in order to receive more of the spirit, good then outweigh evil. Covering sins will not make you prosper. Sins are the greatest hindrance to healing. We are not red hot to God; we need to serve Him in the mist of sickness with cheerful heart. The unforgiving soul stops you from healing. Stops you from having confidence in the Word of God fearing instead of feeding. Abraham died at the age of 175. At that time if one lived to 80, it was by reason of strength. The course of the world and age in conjunction with the mind can meet without opposition. There is no such a thing as moral truth this is why our world is dying beyond its means. The truth is light. The spirit shapes the Christian life under one standard for perfect world. The skill loves the light while ignorance delight to hide. The soul, want to get tough, so the tough get going in a war that will put an end to mankind. The do no good is the sole of all our diversities. It is therefore better to intervene and change the soul than to face the consequences. Let us glue our commitment to make our world hope again.
A culture can presume creation as a gift to the future when it is close to perfect. Having heavens culture in its core i.e. you cant have original ability to invent without supernatural culture where every human being at one point stand against presidents or generals to say this is me. Extra ordinary success is born from culture brightly dressed. When society is so close to a jungle; the desire to be spoon-fed; to have their problem solved for them by someone else; to be given the short, snappy answer, all sink deep into their culture. Such a society is founded on trash and waste, building its house upon sand. The Bodhisattva made it clear that the Tibetans ancestor was a monkey. Africa brought magic, India introduced myth religions, and china brought the Dragon, Arabs the Black stone and Europeans, Jesus Christ. What we see is everything sit in the right place by the action of God upon each unit; the light and the heavy and weary weight of this unintelligible world. If there is criminal investigation for justice to make people aware of what serious fraud they have done, the world will not be in such a negative way. Poverty, crimes and drug problems arise from lack of education. The white gentleman from the west who is a better man than I am from the east stopped the devil whoops from achieving his clever art. Earth blindness must end from where it began. The bliss that took him uphill became the sum of earthly bliss and the very heaven. No Al-Quran Armchair stops seeing what the man will do for the occasion unbraided, untwisted. Inventions reflect the high standard of producing factual accounts. We cannot call a poem, a test of invention; it takes the reader to a fancy sail of imagination for a sweet sin. Anything, which is not true, is the invention of lies. Every invention that shows benefit is an answer to Gods love. God gave man some clear sign before the making. For God it is not too late to have loved, to think, to have done. But the difference between God invention and man is nothing lacking, no side effects and more beautiful to its goal. For this reason heaven must be thought as the brightest place for invention and we are part of the act beholding the clue. The sad thing about this civilization is it begins with faith and strictness, then the undisciplined out of impaired mind starts to pursue individual pleasure. The cry of triumph turns into a cry of fear. You can lead a man up to the university but you cant make him think; for the devil, mans idea lie in a card game and ladys idea in burglary of what her husband says to show her contribution. Compare the 20 th century invention with the invention of barbarous age. Compare the undergoing transformation to a world that had no change. Compare a nomadic, a camel rider, a stretched lip cut (for holding a plate woman) brought from their origin into Europe and see who is the master and who is the servant. Education based upon an ability of the mind to memorize can bring fallacious conclusion. Man and nations hide under the education as if they have the light. The man may have new legs, feet, hands and wrists but the mind is not a bed to be made and remade. In conclusion: intelligence appears to be the thing that enables a man to get along without education. Education appears to be the thing that enables a man to get along without the use of his intelligence.
This timeline of activities is organized, sequenced yearly for easy access, integrating many things that exist in science. From chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and medicine into physics, astronomy, engineering and exploration. The pioneers gave solid evidences for their great work that revolutionized the mind in variety way. 1400s Renaissance Movement of the arts that emerged in Italy in 1400s, based on classical style of Ancient Rome; characterized in architecture by return to austere proportions, orders, and simple line combined with many current Gothic features. Reached France and Germany in late 1500s, and later influenced English architecture (Elizabethan, Jacobean, etc). Printing press (movable type) Johannes Gutenberg (Ger.) Metal blocks bearing letters, inked and the paper pressed on it. There are printing blocks containing pictures. River Congo (mouth) discovered Diogo Cao (port.) Cape of Good Hope sailed round Bartolomeu Diez (port.) West Indies discovered Christopher Columbus (Ital. For Sp.) Newfoundland discovered John Cabot (Ital. For Eng.) India (cape route) visited Vasco da Gama (port.) South America visited Columbus Venezuela explored Alonso Oieda (Sp.) Pedro Alvares Cabral Portuguese navigator credited with the discovery of Brazil, where he landed in 1500 on a voyage from Lisbon to India. The expedition succeeded in establishing trading posts in India. Pacific Ocean discovered Vasco Nunez de Balboa (Sp.) Rio de la Plata discovered Juan de Solis (Sp.) World circumnavigated Ferdinand Magellan (Port. For Sp.) Tierra del Fuego discovered Magellan (Port. For Sp.) Rifle Joseph Kotter (Ger.) Peru explored Francisco Pizarro (Sp.) St Lawrence River explored Jacques Carter (Fr.) Mississippi River discovered Hernando de Sotto (Sp.) River Amazon explored Francisco de Orellana (Sp.) Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo Portuguese explorer in the service of Spain, best known for the discovery of California. In 1542 he explored the coastline from Lower California northwards to San Diego Bay, and may have succeed in landing on some of the islands. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543), polish astronomer belonging to a wealthy German family who displaced the earth from the centre of mans conceptual universe and made it orbit a stationary sun. the driving force for his sun-centered (Geocentris) cosmology was his dissatisfaction with Ptolemy an Alexandrian astronomer, mathematician and geographer in 2nd century ad with his theory. The earth is not moving, it sits in the center of the universe. Thomas Gresham English Financier Proposed Greshams Law : Bad Money Drives Out Good. This means that when coins of the same face-value but of different market value circulate together, the coins of higher market value will disappear from circulation to be hoarded or used as an open market commodity. Martin Frobisher English navigator and explorer. In search of a NORTHWEST PASSAGE to the Pacific, he led three expeditions to N Canada 1576-78, landing at Labrador and Frobisher Bay and at Greenland.
c.1440 c.1483 c. 1488 1492 1497 1498 1498 1499 1500 1513 1516 1519-21 1520 1520 1530-8 1534-6 1541 1541 1542
1589 1590
Knitting machine William Lee (Eng.) Fabric produced by machine instead of hand using needles to interlock thread or yarn in a series of connected loops. Willem Barents, Dutch Navigator, for whom the Barents Sea is named. He made three voyages to the Arctic in search of a NE passage to Asia. After discovering Spitsbergen on his third voyage and wintering in the Arctic, he died before reaching home. Compound microscope Zacharias Janssen (Neth.) Law of falling bodies Galileo (It.) Thermometer Galileo(It.) Spitsbergen discovered Willem Barents (Dut.) First refernce to wagonway in England, linking coal mines with River Trent; wagons drawn by pack animals. William Gilbert, doctor to Queen Elizabeth I of England, claims that the Earths core is like huge magnet Canadian interior explored Samuel de Champlain (Fr.) John Davis, England Navigator and one of the greatest early Arctic explorers. He discovered the Davis Strait between Greenland and Baffin Island as well as the Falkland Islands. He was also the author of valuable aids to navigation. Henry Hudson, English navigator and explorer who gave his name to the Hudson River. Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay. After voyages for the English Muscovy Company to find a northeast passage to China (1607 and 1608), Hudson turned to the west where, with Dutch and then once more English backing (1609 and 1610), he made his most successful voyages. He reached the river known as the Hudson in 1609 and the following year entered Hudson Strait and Hudson Bay, establishing an English claim to the area. After the bitter winter, he was set adrift by a mutinous crew and left to die. Telescope Hans Lippershey (neth.) Used to detect distant objects through series of lenses and mirrors capable of producing a magnified image. A refracting telescope made of convex refracting lens inside the tube then an eye piece made of magnifying glass to make the image much larger. Reflecting telescope forms much larger image using a larger concave mirror that gather and concentrates light ray. Today a telescope can be used as a camera by projecting the image on to photographic film. A radio telescope use radio waves instead of light waves, the mirror is a metal sheet or wire mesh very large and hollow dish which reflects the signals from space on to radio receiver producing recordings on magnetic tape or a line on a graph instead of picture. Laws of planetary motion KEPLER, Johannes (1571-1630), German astronomer who, using BRAHES superbly accurate observations of the planets advanced COPERNICUS heliocentric model of the solar system in showing that the planets followed elliptical paths. His three laws were later the template about which NEWTON formulated his theory of GRAVITATION, Kepler also did important work in optics, discovering a fair approximation for the law of REFRACTION. The three laws formulated by Johannes KEPLER to describe the motions of the planets in the solar system, are: (1) Each planets orbits the sun in an ellipse of which the sun is at one focus. (2) The line between a planet and the sun sweeps out equal areas in equal times : hence the planet moves faster when closer to the sun than it does when farther away. (3) The square of the time taken by a planet to orbit the sun is proportional to the cube of its mean distance from the sun. Hudson Bay discovered Henry Hudson (Eng.) Logarithms John Napier (Scot.). A method of computation using exponents. The power to which one number, the base, must be raised in order to obtain another number. For example since 102 = 100 log10100 = 2 Cape Horn discovered Willem Schouten (Dut.)
1616 1618
William Baffin, an English navigator and Arctic explorer. As pilot on a vessel seeking the Northwest Passage, he discovered Baffin Bay (1616) and reached 770451N setting a record that stood for more than 200 years. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) chiefly remembered for the stimulus he gave to scientific research in England. Although his name is indelibly associated with the method of induction and the rejection of a priori reasoning in science, the painstaking collection of miscellaneous facts without any recourse to prior theory. He is remembered today for allegedly prophesying many of the inventions of later centuries : aircrafts, telescopes, steam engines, microscopes. Snell, Willebrord (1591 1626) Dutch mathematician who failed in an early attempt to improve the calculation of the size of the Earth. He had success with refraction, however. Many people had failed to find how to the angle of refraction r relates to the angle of incidence i in any case of refraction. Snell found the answer: the sine of r divided by the sine of i is constant. This is Snells law. Cornelis drebbel built the first wooden submarine covered with greased leather. The first submarine used in warfare was invented by David Bushnell (1776). Called the Turtle, it was a one-man, hand-powered screw-driven vessel designed to attack mines to enemy ships in the civil war. A Dutch scientist called Jan van Helmont coins the word gas. Flemish chemist and physician, regarded as the father of biochemistry. He was first to discover that there were air like substances distinct from air, and first used the name gas for them. Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, develops scientific method science based on experiment. Micrometer William Gascoigne (Eng.) Co ordinate geometry Rene Descartes (Fr.) Italian scientist Galileo Galilei founds mechanics (the study of force and motion). He is the first person to use s telescope. Theory of numbers Pierre de Fermat (Fr.) Calculating machine Blaise Pascal the forerunner of the calculating machine was perhaps the abacus. Abacus, or counting frame, a simple calculating instrument still widely used in Asia. It comprises a wooden frame containing a series of parallel rods divided into upper and lower portions. The rods represent the powers of 10, with each of the five beads on their lower portion counting 1 and the two on their upper portion each counting 5. In the hands of a skilled operator it allows addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems to be solved with great rapidity. The first adding machine, invented by Pascal (1642), was able to add and carry. A few decades later (1671), Leibniz designed a device that multiplied by repeated addition (the device was built in 1694). The Englishman Charles Babbage built a small adding machine (1822); in 1833 he conceived his Difference Engine, a predecessor of the digital computer, but his device was never completed. Australia visited Abel Tasman (Dut.) New Zealand sighted Tasman Italian physicist Evangelists Torricelli discovers atmospheric pressure, and measures it with a mercury barometer his own invention. French philosopher Pierre Gassendi translates ancient Greek texts on the atomic theory, making the idea of the atom popular once again. German physicist Otto Von Geuricke perfects his vacuum pump. Blaise Pascal, a French scientist, develops his law of fluid pressure. Otto Von Guericke German physicist credited with inventing the vacuum pump. His best known experiment was with the Magdeburg hemispheres (1645): he evacuated a hollo sphere composed of two halves placed together, and showed that
two 8-horse teams were insufficient to separate the halves. He also credited with inventing the first electric GENERATOR. 1655 John Wallis British mathematician and cryptographer. His arithmetic of infinities laid the foundation for modern algebra. Calculus and binomial theorem were later developed from his work. 1656 Pendulum clock Christian Huygens (Neth.) he applied the pendulum principle to mechanical cloaks, later around 1675, his hair spring and balance wheel mechanism made possible the first portable clocks. The clock works as follows: inside a pendulum clock is a toothed wheel called an escape wheel. This wheel is driven round by a spring that is wound tight, or by a drum that has a cord and a weight attached to it. The weight turns the drum as it falls. The escape wheel is controlled by an anchor that rocks to and fro. The anchor is connected to a pendulum that swings at a constant rate, and the ends of the anchor allow the teeth of the escape wheel to pass as the pendulum swings. In this way, the escape wheel turns at a constant rate and the hands are connected by gears to the escape wheel. Huygens was also the first Dutch scientist to formulate a wave theory to light. He also demonstrated that reflection and refraction could be explained in terms of waves disturbance in the medium. 1658 Jan Swammerdam Dutch microscopist whose precision enabled him to make many discoveries, including red blood cells (before 1658). 1661 Irish scientist Robert Boyle realizes the nature of elements and compounds. He suggests that the existence of small particles explains chemical reactions. 1662 Relation between gas pressure and volume Robert Boyle (Eng./ Ire.) 1662 First omnibus (horse drawn) invented by Blaise Pascal (France). 1664 Thomas Sydenham, English Hippocrates, who pioneered the use of QUININE for treating MALARIA and of laudanum as an anesthetic, wrote an important treatise on GOUT, and first described Sydenhams CHOREA, the abnormal, nonvepatitive involuntary movements of the limbs, body and face. (St. Vitus Dance). 1665 English mathematician Isaac Newton formulates laws of motion and gravitation. Later discover that light is made up of a spectrum of colors. According to Newtons law of gravitation, the force of gravity between two objects such as the earth and the moon equal to the multiplication of the two masses divided by the square distance between them. The force is twice if the moon has double the mass and four times if the distance between the earth and the moon was only half. The force and Newton united in symbol N the SI unit of force, equal to the force required to impart to 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second per second. Symbol: N. 1665 75 Calculus Sir Isaac Newton (Eng.) & Gottfried Leibniz (Ger.) independently. A branch of analysis which studies the properties of functions using derivatives and integrals. Defferential calculus is used to find the rates of change of functions, maxima and minima, and the slopes of tangents to curves. 1669 Phosphorus Hennig Brand (Ger.) 1670 M. Malpighian Italian Anatomist discovered malpighian body the part of a nephron comprising the blood capillaries of the glomerulus and its surrounding Bowmans capsule. 1670 English physicist Robert Hooke develops the compound microscope. Optical microscope can make an object look as much as 2500 times bigger. Using powerful objectives lens, then the magnified image is enlarged by an eye piece magnifying glass. The electron microscope can magnify up to a million times using instead of light beam of electrons passed through the object. The lenses are powerful magnets or electrodes. Electrons have much shorter wavelength than light.
1675 1675
1676 1677
Louis Joliet, French Canadian explorer who, with father Marquette, led the first expedition down the Mississippi River In 1672 73 they reached its confluence with the Arkansas R, but turned back when they found it led not to the Pacific but into the Spanish held Gulf of Mexico. Danish astronomer Ole Romer measures the speed of light by observing Jupiters moons. Pressure cooker Denis Papin (Fr.). The reason that food cooks quickly inside a pressure cooker is that it gets very hot. When the water boils inside the cooker, the steam that is produced cannot get out. It builds up a high pressure inside the cooker. Steam that is at a high pressure is hotter than ordinary steam that comes out of a kettle. The greater the pressure, the hotter the steam and the faster the food cooks. On the lid of the cooker is a valve that lets some steam out when the pressure reaches a certain level. The valve can be set to raise or lower the steam pressure inside the cooker. In this way, the temperature can be changed. Anton Van Leeuwenhoek Dutch Microscopist was first to observe bacteria. Modern techniques of study originate from about 1870 with the use of stains and the discovery of culture methods using plates of nutrient agar media. Much pioneering work was done by Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch. He also made important observations of capillaries, red blood capsules and sperm cells. T. Sydenham English Physician discovered chorea a jerky involuntary movement affecting head, face or limbs in children typically after infection such as scarlet fever. Edmund Halley, English Astronomer, helped Newton financially to publish his work. He made the first full observation of a transit of mercury. Halleys Comet, the first periodic comet to be identified (by Halley, late 17 th century) and the brightest of all recurring comets. It has a period of about 76 years. Records of every appearance of the comet since 240 BC, except that of 163 BC, are extant; and it is featured on the Bayeux Tapestry. It reappeared in 1986. Wave theory of light Christian Huygens (Dut.) Huygens, Christiaan (1629 1695) Dutch scientist who, like Hooke and Newton in Britain, has much to do with making physics in Europe a real science at the end of the dark ages. Huygens was responsible for (a) inventing the pendulum clock; (b) developing the wave theory of light; (c) improving the telescope (and making a number of important astronomical discoveries with it); (d) producing the first accurate measure of the acceleration of free fall (gravity) Robert Hooke English experimental scientist whose proposal of an inversesquare law of gravitation attraction (1679) prompted Newton into composing the Principia. From 1655 Hooke was assistant to R. Boyle, but he entered into his most creative period in 1662 when he became the Royal Society of Londons first curator of experiments. He invented the compound Microscope, the universal joint and many other useful devices. His microscopic researches were published in the beautifully illustrated Micrographia (1665), a work which also introduced the term cell to biology. He is best remembered for his enunciation in 1678 of Hookes Law. This states that the deformation occurring in an elastic body under stress is proportional to the applied stress. N. Stensen, Danish Physician discovered Stensens duct the long secretory duct of the parotid salivary gland.
1683 1684
Roomer, Olaus (1644 1710) Danish astronomer who realized that, although light travels very fast, its speed is not infinite. He was studying how Jupiter (the largest planet) eclipses (hides) its moons as they orbit round it. He observed the patterns, and so predicted when each eclipse should take place. However, he found that the eclipses came late if Jupiter was a long way off rather than close to the earth. He was able to work out the speed of light by timing the delays; his value was about 230 000 km/s (quite close to the modern one of 300 000 km/s). French engineer John Desaguliers introduces the words conductor and insulator. Ole or Olaus Romer Danish astronomer who first showed that light has a finite velocity. He noticed that Jupiter eclipsed its moons at times differing from those predicted and correctly concluded this way due to the finite nature of lights velocity, which he calculated as 141mi/sec (a modern value is about 186,292mi/sec). Isaac Newton (1642 1726). Gravity: what goes up must come down. Gravity keeps our feet firmly on the ground. It is a force of attraction between all bodies of matter. All objects experience and exert a certain amount of gravity, depending on their mass. Most people are aware that the Earths gravity acts on us; few people realize that we pull on the Earth with the same gravitation force. C. Bartholin, Danish Anatomist discovered a pair of glands that open at the junction of the vagina and the vulva. Their secretions lubricate the value and so assist penetration by the penis during coitus. Steam pump Thomas Savery (Eng). A part in engine that slides up and down inside a cylinder like syringe or piston drawing fluid or steam up by vacuum and forcing it out. Archaeology was born, the study of the past through identification and interpretation of the material remains of human cultures. A comparatively new social science, involving many academic and scientific disciplines such as anthropology, history, palaeography and Philology, it makes use of numerous scientific techniques. Its keystone is fieldwork. Bernoulli, family of Swiss mathematicians important in establishing calculus as a mathematical tool of widespread application. Jacques (Jakob) Bernoulli (1654 1705), who applied calculus to many geometrical problems, is best remembered in the Bernoulli numbers and the Theorem of Bernoulli that appeared in a posthumous work on probability. French scientist Joseph Sauveur distinguishes between sound waves and vibrations. C. Havers, English Anatomist discovered the small canals that ramify throughout compact bone. J. C. Brunner Swiss Anatomist discovered compound glands found in the duodenum and the upper part of the Jejunum they are embedded in the submucosa and secrete mucus. English scientist Francis Hawksbee develops a friction machine to generate sparks of electricity. M. Naboth, German Anatomist discovered Nabothian Follicle. One of a number of cysts on the cervix of the uterus. The sacs, which contain mucus, form when the ducts of the glands in the cervix are blocked by a new growth of epithelium over an area damaged because of infection. A. Pacchioni, Italian Anatomist discovered Pacchionian body, a large villi found in the region of the superior sagittal sinus. Steam engine Thomas Newcomen (Eng.) G. D. Fahrenheit, German physicist founder of Fahrenheit temperature expressed on a scale in which the melting point of ice is assigned a temperature of 32 0 and the
boiling point of water a temperature of 212. The formula for converting from Fahrenheit (F) to Celsius (C) is: C = 5/9 (F 32). Mercury thermometer Gabriel Fahrenheit (Ger.). Inside a thermometer is a very narrow glass tube. At the bottom is a bulb containing a liquid. When the thermometer gets warm, the liquid expands and forces some of the liquid up the tube to a certain level. If it gets colder, the liquid contracts and falls. Stereotyping Wlliam Ged (Scot.). Tanfield Arch, in England, first railway viaduct. Vitus Jonassen Bering, Danish explorer, discovered while sailing Bering Strait Alaska. Alaska today is known as the Russian American State. John Kay British inventor of the flying shuttle (patented 1733), which greatly increased the speed of weaving while reducing the number of workers required. John Harrison English inventor who invented the first chronometer, an extremely accurate clock, used in connection with celestial navigation at sea. The power of transmission of the main spring is regulated so that it remains uniform at all times. A. Celsius, Swedish Astronomer founder of celsius or centi grade temperature in which the melting point of ice is assigned 00C and boiling point of water 1000C. For converting from celsius to Fahrenheit is F = 9/5C + 32. In fact the first Celsius scale had 100 0 for the ice temperature and 0 0 for the steam temperature. Soon after Celsius death, one of his students turned the other way up to make it what we now use. Daniel Bernoulli, Swiss Mathematician and Physicist discovered. Bernoulli principle, the principle that states that the pressure in a moving fluid becomes less as the speed rises. Thus, if you blow between pieces of paper as in opposite, they move towards each other. The effect causes the lift on an aircraft wing (aerofoil). J. N. Lieberkuhn, German anatomist discovered simple tubular glands in the mucous membrane of the intestine. They are lined with columnar epithelium in which various types of secretory cells are found. Albrecht von Haller, Swiss Biologist best known for his work on Human Anatomy and Physiology. He investigated respiration, blood circulation and nervous system. Nickel Axel Cronstedt (Sweden) American scientist Benjamin Franklin proves that lightning is electrical. Also suggested that electricity consists of two types of charge. Benjamin Franklin American was also writer, printer philosopher, scientist and statesman of the American Revolution. His famous kite experiment, he proved lightning was a form of electricity and invented the lightening conductor, he also invented Bifocal spectacles, the glass harmonica and efficient Franklin stove. He developed theories of electricity, heat absorption, meteorology and ocean currents. W. Heberden (1710 1801) British physician discovered a bony thickening arising at the terminal joint of a finger in osteoarthritis. It is often inherited. Magnesium Sir Humphry Davy (GB). Scottish chemist Joseph Black identifies carbon dioxide. Also discovers latent heat. The first propelled steam vehicles were built by the French army officer Nicholas Joseph Cugnot in the 1760s, it was not until Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler began to build gasoline-powered carriages in the mid-1880s that the day of the modern automobile dawned. The Duryea brothers built the first US automobile in 1893 and within a few years several automobile manufactures, including Henry Ford, had started into business. The Ford Motor Company itself was founded in 1903, pioneering the cheap mass-
market auto with the Model T of 1908. The Automobile Industry expanded fitfully until the 1960s, improving automobile performance, comfort and styling, but subsequently was forced by economic considerations and the activity of consumer groups (led by Ralph Nader) to pay more attention to safety and environmental factors. P. Pott, British surgeon who discovered tuberculosis of the backbone or Potts disease untreated it can lead to a hunchback deformity and death. The bacteria is not limited to lung. Think of how many South East Asians die in 2006 without knowing while the British pioneered this disease some hundreds of years back. Spinning Jenny James Hargreaves (Eng.). A machine for spinning several threads at once. Public uproar forced him to flee his native Blackburn for Nottingham (1768), where he patented the Jenny (1770). In 1777 he adopted Sir Richard Arkright the English Industrialist and investor of cotton carding and spinning machinery. The early machine had several spindles, so that more than one yarn could be spun at one time. The texture depends on various spinning wheels for flax or wool worked by a foot treadle. James Watt, a Scottish engineer, builds first efficient steam engine. The locomotive produces steam in its boiler. This steam is used to power the engine, which drives the wheels. Steam is produces by burning coal in the locomotives furnace. Hot gases from the burning coal pass along tubes in the boiler and heat the water in it, producing steam. The steam passes through the regulator valve, which is controlled from the drivers cab. It is then superheated to put it under even greater pressure. The pressurized steam enters the engines cylinders through piston valves. Inside the cylinder, the steam expands and pushes the piston to the other end of the cylinder. The movement of the pistons is transferred to the locomotives driving wheels by a series of rods. Exhaust steam escapes up the chimney and into the air. Some of the steam is taken from the boiler to operate brakes throughout the train. English chemist Henry Cavendish discovers hydrogen. Cavendish, Henry (1731 1810) British scientist, millionaire member of an aristocratic family, who devoted himself to science and has little contact with high society (or, indeed, with anyone he never married, and didnt talk even with his servants). A French scientist described him as the richest of all wise people, and probably the wisest of all rich people. Cavendish had his own superb laboratories, observatory, library and workshop: he produced many important discoveries and inventions in science and technology. Among these were: (a) Finding that hydrogen is an element, a very light gas; (b) Showing that water is a compound (people thought it was an element before); (c) Showing that the composition of air is constant, with just under one percent being an inert gas; (d) Finding the mass and density of the earth; (e) Developing a number of astronomical instruments; (f) Measuring the freezing temperature of mercury; (g) Developing important new techniques in electricity and thermal physics. After his death, his equipment went to the world-famous Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge (named after him) where it still remains. David Rittenhouse. American astronomer and mathematician, who invented the diffraction grating, built two famous orreries, discovered the atmosphere of Venus (1768) independently of Lomonosov (1761), and built what was probably the first American Telescope. Cast-iron rails begin to replace wooden rails.
1769 1770
Hydrometer invented Antoine Baume (Fr.). A device used to measure a liquids relative density to check the state of milk and other drinks. First-self-moving engine demonstrated, steam-carriage invented by Nicholas Cugnot (France.) Richard Arkwright English industrialist and inventor of cotton carding and spinning machinery. In 1769 he patented a spinning frame which was the first machine able to produce cotton thread strong enough to use in the warp. He was a pioneer of the factory system of production, building several water and later steam-powered mills. New Zealand visited by James Cook (Eng.) James Cook raised the union Jack over Zealand, the flag that hold three crosses. Joseph Priestley theologian and chemist. Encouraged and supported by Benjamin Franklin, he wrote The History and Present State of Electricity (1767). His most important discovery was Oxygen (1774 named later by Lavoisier), whose properties he investigated. However, he never abandoned the phlogiston theory of Combustion. He later discovered many other gases Ammonia, Carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide and found that green plants require sunlight and give off oxygen. He coined the name Rubber. His association in the 1780s with the Lunar Society brought him into contact with scientists such as James Watt and Erasmus Darwin. His theological writings and activity were important in leading some English Presbyterians into Unitarianism; indeed he is regarded as a principal architect of the Unitarian Church. Hostile opinion over this and his support of the French Revolution led to his emigration to the U. S. (1794). French physicist and inventor Charles Coulomb studies electrostatic forces. Nitrogen gas Daniel Rutherford (GB). Comprises 78% of the atmosphere. Antarctic circle crossed by captain James Cook and first to attempt a scientific exploration of the region but he believed that the whole area was a frozen ocean. Chlorine a greenish-yellow gas with a pungent odor, a typical member of the halogens occurring naturally as chlorides, in seawater and minerals discovered by Karl Scheele (Swe.) Antoine Lavoisier, French chemist pointed out that no mass is lost during any chemical reaction. Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent (1743 1794), French scientist who was foremost in the establishment of modern chemistry. He applied gravimetric method to the process of Combustion, showing that when substances burned, they combined with a component in the air (1772). Learning from J. Priestley of his depholgistic air (1774), he recognized that it was with this that substances combined in burning. In 1779 he renamed the gas oxygene, because he believed it was a component in all acids. Then, having discovered the nature of the components in the water, he connected his attack on the phlogiston theory, proposing a new chemical nomenclature (1787), and publishing his epoch making elementary Treatise of Chemistry (1789). In the year before his tragic death on the guillotine, he also investigated the chemistry of respiration, demonstrating its analogy with combustion. Joseph Lois Lagrange French mathematician who made important contributions to calculus differential equations and especially the application of techniques of analysis to mechanics, in particular explaining the moons libration. Joseph Banks, British botanist, foremost British man of science of his time. He accompanied cook as naturalist on his first expedition (1768 71) and was a key figure in the establishment of the Botanic Gardens at Kew, London.
French chemist Antoine Lavoisier names oxygen and shows its role in burning. Proves that air is a mixture of gases, and water a compound of oxygen and hydrogen. The French scientist also established modern chemistry by applying gravimetric methods for substance composition through combustion combining with air. Joseph Priestly coined the name Rubber. Jean Antoine Chaptal, a chemist from France, sets up a factory to produce sulphuric acid. Uranus (planet) - William Herschel (GB). Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system and the seventh from the sun. Physically very similar to Neptune but rather larger. Herschel family of British astronomers of German origin. Sir Frederick William Herschel (1738 1822) pioneered the building and use of reflection telescopes. Discovered Uranus (1781), showed the suns motion in space (1783), found that some double stars were in relative orbital motion 1793, and studied Nebulae. His sister Caroline Lucretis (1750 1848) assisted him and herself discovered eight comets. His son Sir John Frederick William Herschel, (1792 1871), with Babbage and Peacock, helped establish Leibnizian calculus notation in Britain, was the first to use sodium thiosulfate (hypo) as a photographic fixer, studied polarized light and made many contributions to astronomy, especially that of the S. Hemisphere. James Watt (GB) invents engine able to turn wheels. Steam propulsion first achieved, by Marquis Jouffroy dAbbans (France). With 180 ton paddle-steamer Pyroscaphe on the Saone near Lyon. Tungsten Fausto & Juan Jose de Elhuyar (Sp.) Tungsten (W) or Wolfram is hard silvery grey metal. A transition element, its chief ores are scheelite and wolframite. Its main uses are a tungsten steel alloys and for the filaments of incandescent lamps owed to its high temperature applications. It is relatively inert and resembles molybdenum. Cemented tangsten carbide (WC) is used in cutting tools. Parachute Louis Lenormand (Fr.). When a parachute opens, it billows out above the parachutist. The large canopy of the parachute pulls against the air and slows the fall. It has gaps that allow the air through in controlled flow. The air risistance of the canopy cancels out the weight of the parachutist. The parachutist can pull on lines attached to the canopy to try and land in a particular place. The Montgolfier Brothers (Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne). French invented the first hot air balloon and assisted the first hydrogen balloon. The first gas balloon was flown by Jacques Charles, the French physicist who discovere Charles law in physical chemistry stated an ideal gas at constant pressure, its volume is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. First successful experiment with steamboats. First men to achieve air travel; Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Marquis dArlandes (France) in 49-ft (15-m) diameter Montgolfier not-air balloon (21 Nov). 5 - mile (8.9-km) flight. First crossing English Channel: Jean Pierre Blanchard (France) and John Jeffries (US) Power Ioom Edmund Cartwright (Eng.). A mechanical loom that was the ancestor of the modern power loom. He also invented a wool combing machine around 1790. a loom is also a machine for weaving yarn into fabric. John Fitch, US inventor and engineer who built the first practical steamboat (1787), larger vessels being launched in 1788 and 1790. All were paddlepowered; his later attempt to introduce the screw propeller was a commercial failure.
1790s 1793
1795 1795
1796 1796
Mackenzie River discovered Sir Alexander Mackenzie (Scot.). In NW Canada flowing from Great Slave Lake to the Arctic Ocean. The Mackenzie itself is 1060 mile in length. The total length of the system about 2500 mile, the second largest in North America it is named after him. He was fur trader and explorer. In 1793 he crossed the Rockies to the Pacific coast. True nature of combustion Antoine Lavoisier (Fr.) Sewing machine Thomas Saint (Eng) Joseph Louis Proust, French chemist established the law of definite propotions or prousts law. Any chemical compound its weight depends on the proportion of each element present in a chemical compound. Pure compounds have a fixed and invariable composition. Sailing ship built with iron hulls. Cotton gin Eli Whitney (US). The US inventor of the cotton gin earned him little because of the patent infringement and pioneer of mass production. In 1798 he contracted with US government to make 10.000 muskets, he took eight years to fulfil the 2-year contract but he showed that with unskilled labor muskets could be put togather using parts that were precision made and thus interchangeable, a benefit already seen using the developing world cheap labor. Invention of long brake, allowing safer descent of steep stretches by trains of wagons. J.parkinson, British physician Parkinsons disease characterized by tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and postural instability. The patient has an expressionless face, and unmodulated voice, an increasing tendency to stoop, and a shuffling walk. The disease is associated with a deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine. River Niger explored Mungo Park (Scot.) the third longest River in Africa, 2600 mile long. With its Eastern Branch, the Benue it drains in area of more than 1 million square mile. Rising in SW Guinea and Finally South towards the gulf. Of Guinea, where it forms a 14.000 square mile Delta. Inoculation for smallpox was pioneered by Edward Jenner (British). He saved thousands of live. Lithography Aloys Senefelder (Ger.). A method of printing using the antipathy of grease and water. Lithography is a print, especially a picture produced by drawing on a flat, specially prepared stone or metal surface from which ink impressions are taken. Chromium Louis Vauquelin (Fr.) Henry Cavendish, English chemist, measures the mass of the Earth with a torsion balance. Italian chemist Alessandro Volta devises his voltaic pile the worlds first battery using different metals separated by paper discs soaked in salt solution. Rosetta Stone, an inscribed Basalt Slab discovered accidentally by Napoleon Bonaparte soldier in Egypt which provided the key to the decipherment of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. About 1.2m long and 0.75m wide, it is inscribed with identical texts in Greek. Egyptian demotic and Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Decipherment was begun by Thomas Young (c1818) and completed by JeanFrancois Champollion (c1821-22). Found near Rosetta, Egypt, the stone is now in the British Museum. Alessandro Gluseppe, Antonio Volta, French physicist who invented the voltaic pile (the first battery) and thus provided science with its earliest continuous electric-current source. Voltas invention (c1800) demonstrated that animal electricity could be produced using solely inanimate materials, thus ending a long dispute with the supporters of Galvanis view that it was a special property of animal matter.
1801 1801
1803 1803
1803 1803
Andre Marie Ampere, a French physicist, explores links between electric current and voltage. Ampere or amp is the unit of electric current, symbol: A. 1 amp = 1 coloumb per second. Named after the French mathematician and physicist Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836), noted for his work on electricity and magnetism. Also for many discoveries in electrodynamics and electromagnetism, he developed oersteds experiments on the interaction between magnets and electric currents and investigated the forces set up between current-carrying conductors. Marc Isambard Brunel, French-born British engineer and inventor who built the worlds first under water tunnel, under the river of Thames and devised machines for the mass, production of pulley blocks and army boots. His son, Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), pioneered many important construction techniques designing the Cliffon suspension bridge at Bristol, England. Laying the Great Western Railway with a controversial 7ft (2.13m) gauge and building iron hulled steamships. Lathe-Henry Maudslay (Eng.) A machine for turning and shaping. First successful power-driven vessel. The Charlotte Dundas, a Clyde canal tug built by William Symington (GB). Johann Wilhelm Ritter Silesian-born German physical chemist, a pioneer of electrochemistry, who first positively identified ultraviolet radiation (1801). Ultraviolet light is electromagnetic waves. Approximately, the wavelength range is 10-10 to 10-7 meter, with a frequency range of 10 15 to 1818 Hz. Produced by white-hot objects and certain gas discharges, it causes fluorescence and photoelectric effects on certain objects. Human skin makes vitamin D with this radiation. Electrochemistry is the study of transfers between electrical and chemical potential energy. Electrolysis and production of electric output by battery or electric cells are examples. Richard Trevithick (GB) makes full-size steam-carriage. Robert Fulton (US) builds 21-ft (6.4-m) copper-covered submarine Nautilus. His submarine was launched at Rouen in France with the aim of using it against British worships but without luck. The French lost interest. His first steamship was launch on the seine (1803) and after this success he returned to the US, launching the first commercially successful steam boat, the Clermont from New York (1807). He built several other steamboats and the first steam warship launched in 1815. Nathaniel Bowditch, self-taught US mathematician and astronomer remembered for his New American Practical Navigator (1802). He was the first to describe the plane curves known as Bowditch curves, or Lissajous figures. A. Colles (1773 1843). Colles fracture, the breakage of bone complete or incomplete. Englishman John Dalton proposes modern atomic theory that elements and compounds are made up of atoms and molecules. He discovered his Law of Partial Pressures in 1801. This states that the pressure exerted by a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the components and holds only for ideal gases. (The partial pressure of a gas is the pressure it would exert if it alone filled the volume). Dalton believed that the particles or atoms of different elements were distinguished from one another by their weights, and, taking his cue from the laws of definite and multiple proportions, he compiled and published in 1803 the first table of comparative atomic weights. First public freight railway, Surrey Iron Railway, engineered by William Jessop and James Outram (GB). Thomas Robert Malthus an English clergyman best known for his Malthusian theory: population tends to-increase by geometric progression
natural, resources by (slower) arithmetic progression; thus unrestricted population growth would eventually lead to universal hardship. 1803-1829 Jons Jakob Baron Berzelius Swedish chemist who determined the atomic weights of nearly 40 elements, among them, cerium, selenium and thorium. Introduced the terms protein, isomerism, and catalysis and devised the modern method of writing empirical formulas. 1804 Thomas Young first demonstrated optical interference. Because of interference effects light cannot be explained on either ray or particle models. It is to be regarded as a wave phenomenon. Young passed light from a single pinhole source through two parallel pinholes in an opaque screen and found that interference fringes alternate bands of light and dark were formed on another screen placed beyond the slits. The bright bands resulted from the constructive interference of the two beams, the wave amplitude of each reinforcing the other, the dark bands, destructive interference, the amplitude of one wave canceling the effect of that of the other because the difference in path length was such that the peaks of one wave coincided with the troughs of the other. 1804 First steam railway locomotive developed by Richard Trevithic (GB). A reconstruction of Richard Trevithicks steam locomotive, developed in 1804. 1804 John Barrow, English traveller and chief founder of the Royal Geographic Society and patron of arctic exploration; Barrow, Point northernmost point on the North American continent (71023N) at the tip of Point Barrow Peninsula on the Arctic coast of Alaska, named for Sir John Barrow. 1804 Trevithick constructs locomotive to haul 10-ton load from Pen-y-darran to Glamorganshire Canal; successful, but Trevithicks locomotive prove too heavy for rails. The British mining engineer and inventor primarily remembered for his work improving the steam engine and for building the first railroad locomotive. 1806-1 Australia crossed (S-N) Robert Burke (Ir.) & William Wills (Eng.) 1807 First passenger trams (Oystermouth Tramboad, Swansea, Wales). 1807 First steamboat passenger ship. 1807 Robert Fulton (US) builds the Clermont, first regular passenger steamer; plies River Hudson. New York to Albany and lakes. 1808 Simon Fraser, Canadian explored the interior of British Colombia, hence the Fraser river. In 1816 he was acquitted of the massacre of the red river settlement. 1808 Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier French mathematician best known for his equations of heat propagation and for showing that all periodic oscillations can be reduced to a series of simple, regular wave motions. 1810 Introduction of wrought-iron rails. 1810 William Congreve, English was first to develop the rocket, first firework type with the guide stick along the central axes, then William eliminated it altogether, placing curved vanes in the exhaust stream, thus stabilizing the rockets motion by causing it to rotate on its axis. The 20 th century saw the introduction of new fuels and oxidants, e.g., a mixture of nitrocellulose and nitro-glycerine for solid-fuel rockets, or ethanol and liquid-fuel rocket was made by R. H. Goddard, who also invented the multistage rocket. In WWII Germany, and afterward in the US, Wernher von Braun made vast improvements in rocket design. Other propulsion methods, including the use of nuclear furnaces, electrically accelerated plasma and ion propulsion, are being developed. In addition to their chief use to power missiles, rockets are also used for supersonic and assisted-takeoff airplane propulsion and sounding rockets are used for scientific investigation of the upper atmosphere.
Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro formulates his law which states that equal volumes of different gases contain the same number of particles. Amedeo Avogadro was the first to distinguish molecules from atoms. One litre of any gas contains 25.000 million, million, million molecules at normal pressure and temperature. John Blenkinsop (GB) design rack locomotive the first to be commercially successful straight bar with teeth on its edge to work with pinion. Nicholas J. Roosevelt, US engineer who built and operated the New Orleans, the first Mississippi paddle-wheel steamer (1811). The present system of using letters to represent elements began. Benjamin Rush US physician, abolitionist and reformer. His greatest contribution to medical science was his conviction that insanity is a disease his Medical Enquires and Observations upon the Diseases of the Mind (1812) was the first US book on psychiatry. R. T. H. Laennec, French physician founder of Laennecs cirrhosis alcoholic cirrhosis; the commonest type of cirrhosis. William Hedley (GB) builds two smooth-wheeled engines, Puffing Billy and Wylam Dilly. George Stephenson (GB) builds Blutcher, first of his many engines. Stephenson is British family inventors and railroad engineers. George Stephenson (1718-1848) first worked on stationary steam engines, reconstructing and modifying one by Newcomen (c1812). His first locomotive, the Blucher took to the rails in 1814; it travelled at 4mph (about 6.5. km/h) hauling coal for the Killingworth colliery, and incorporated an important development, flanged wheels. About this time, independently of Davy, he invented a safety lamp; this earned him 1.000 which helped finance further locomotive experiments. In 1821 he was appointed to survey and engineer a line from Darlington to Stockton in 1825 his Locomotion carried 450 people along the line at a rate of 15mph (about 25 km/h), and the modern railroad was born. This was followed in 1829 by the success of the rocket, which ran the 40 mile (65km) of his new Manchester-Liverpool line at speeds up to 30 mph (about 48 km/h), the first mainline passenger rail journey. His only son Robert Stephenson (1803-1859) helped his father on both of these lines, and with the rocket, but is best known as a bridge builder, notably for the tubular bridges over the Menai Straits, North Wales (1850), and the St. Lawrence at Montreal (1859). McAdam paving for roads, developed by John L. Mc Adam (US). The road building system devised by the Scots engineer John Loudon McAdam (17561836). The soil beneath the road, rather than foundations, takes the load, the road being waterproof and well-drained to keep this soil dry. For modern highways a first layer of larger rocks is laid, then smaller rocks and gravel, the whole being bound with, usually, asphalt or tar. Miners safety lamp Sir Humphry Davy (Eng.) (1778-1829), English chemist who pioneered the study electrochemistry. Electrolytic methods yielded him the elements sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, strontium and barium (1807-08). He also recognized the elemental nature of and named chlorine (1810). His early work on nitrous oxide was done at Bristol under T. Beddoes, but most of the rest of his career centered on the Royal Institution where he was assisted by his protg, M. Faraday, from 1813. a Major practical achievement was the invention of a miners safety lamp, known as the Davy Lamp, in 1815-16. From his Bristol days, Davy was a friend of S. T. Coleridge. Bicylce Karl von Sauerbronn (Ger.) operated by foot thrust.
1819-21 1819-27
Metronome Johann Malzel (Ger.) An instrument which marks musical time by means of ticking pendulum. Kaleidoscope David Brewster (Scot.) Cadmium Friedrich Stromeyer (Ger.). Symbol Cd, a soft bluish metal belonging to group II B of the periodic table found associated with zinc, copper and lead ores. Used to make solders owing to its low melting point. In electroplating, in Ni Cd batteries, in alloys cadmium compounds are used as phosphorescent coating in TV. Gauss, Karl Friedrich (1777-1855) German mathematician who developed important new techniques in statistics, algebra, calculus and geometry. In physics he used these mathematical tools to extend our knowledge of astronomy and magnetism. Until recently, the gauss was the main unit of magnetic field strength. Antarctica circumnavigated Fabian von Bellingshausen (Russ.). Franklin, Sir John (1786-1847), British rear admiral and explorer who in expeditions during 1819-22 and 1825-27 charted much territory from Hudson Bay N to the Arctic. He set out in 1845 with two ships to find the Northwest Passage trapped in the ice, the entire expedition perished and was not traced until 1859. Antarctica sighted Nathaniel Palmer (US). Palmer, Nathaniel Brown (17991877), US mariner and explorer, the reputed discoverer of the Antarctic continent, in 1820-21 he sighted Palmer Peninsula (now the Antarctic Peninsula) and discovered the South Orkney Islands. Babbage, Charles (1792-1871) an English professor of mathematics (despite being self-taught), who carried out important work on logarithms (until the 1950s a crucial calculating aid). To help with the vast numbers of calculations needed to build logarithms tables, he designed (with considerable state support) various high power general purpose calculating machines (called difference and analytical engines). Making the parts accurately enough was, however, not possible at the time so the projects failed. All the same, most people think of Babbage as the parent of modern computing, Ada Lovelace was an important colleague, who developed with him concepts of programming and stored program control. Babbage played a major role in many aspects of nineteenth century British life; engineering, politics, code breaking, social reform, physics, and operations research. Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish physicist, discovers electromagnetism when he notices how a compass needle is deflected by a current carrying wire. A device which acts as a magnet only when there is a current in its coil. The core is usually made of iron. The strength of the effect depends on the number of turns in the coil, the nature of the core and the current. The term electromagnetism is the study of electric and magnetic fields and their interaction with electric charges and current. Jean Baptiste Say, French economist, businessman proposed the says law or the law of market; supply creates its own demand, but cannot be taken literally; there can be overproduction or underproduction. If one factor of production is increased while the others stay constant, a point is reached when the addition of one more unit of the variable quantity adds less to output than the previous unit. Productivity is produced by factors of production in given time. J. N. Marjolin, French surgeon discovered Marjolins ulcer a carcinoma that develops at the edge of a chronic ulcer of the skin, usually a venous ulcer in the ankle region.
1821 1821
C. Bell, Scotish physiologist , discovered Bells palsy: paralysis of the facial nerve causing weakness of the muscles of one side of the face and an inability to close the eye. The cause is usually a viral infection. Thomas Johann Seebeck, German physicist who discovered the Seebeck effect, the first thermocouple to be discovered. The electrical current generated from two different metals at different temperatures providing sensitive thermometer. Camera Joseph Niepce (Fr.) The light rays that come from an object infront of the camera are refracted (bent) by the lens to project an image of the object on to the film. The image is upside down and back to front, but the picture is seen the right way when a print or slide is made. When the shutter release is pressed, the shutter opens for a fraction of a second and exposes the film. The exposure is so short that moving objects appear to be still. The lens may also have an aperture that opens or closes to let more or less light through the lens. The aperture is opened if the scene being photographed is not brightly lit. A light meter contains light-sensitive cells that convert light rays into electricity. Alternatively, the cells change the strength of an electric current flowing through the cells from a small battery in the camera. Either way, a stronger electric current is produced when more light enters the meter. The current moves a needle so that you can check the brightness of the scene being photographed. From the position of the needle, you can see how to set the shutter and the aperture in order to make the correct exposure and get a good photograph. Black-and-white films contain a layer of a compound of silver. Colour films have several layers. Where light strikes the silver compound, it partly changes it to silver. When the film is developed, the parts exposed to light are completely changed to silver. The parts that were not exposed still contain silver compound, which is removed. The silver forms a thin black layer in the film, giving a negative image of the picture. In this, the light parts are dark and the dark parts are light. A print, in which the dark parts are dark and the light parts are lights, is then made from the negative. First iron-built steamship, the Aaron Manby, also first prefabricated ship. Made on Thames for service in France. Opening of Hetton Colliery Company 8-mile wagon way to River Wear, constructed by Stephenson. Digital calculating machine-Charles Babbage (Eng.). (1792-1871), English mathematician and inventor who devoted much labor and expense to an unsuccessful attempt to devise mechanical calculating engines. More significant was the part he played with J. Herschel and G. Peacock in introducing the Leibnizian d notation for calculus into British mathematical use in place of the less flexible dot notation devised by Newton. Calculating Machine is device that performs simple arithmetic operations. There are two main classes; adding machines, for addition and subtraction only; and calculators, able also to perform multiplication and division. They may be mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic. The forerunner of the calculating machine was perhaps the abacus. The first adding machine, invented by pascal (1642), was able to add and carry. A few decades later (1671) Leibniz designed a device that multiplied by repeated addition (the devices was built in 1694). The Englishman Charles Babbage built a small adding machine (1822); in 1833 he conceived his Difference Engine, a predecessor of the digital computer, but his device was never completed. Portland cement Joseph Aspdin (Eng.) cement, today is a common name for Portland cement, the most important modern construction material, notably
1825 1825
1826 1827
as a constituent of concrete. In the manufacturing process, limestone is ground into small pieces (about 2 cm). To provide the silica (25%) and alumina (10%) content required, various clays and crushed rocks are added, including iron ore (about 1%). This material is ground and finally burned in a rotary kiln at up to 15000C, thus converting the mixture into clinker pellets. About 5% gypsums is then added to slow the hardening process, and the ground mixture is added to sand (for mortar) or to sand, gravel and crushed rock (for concrete), when water is added it solidifies gradually, undergoing many complex chemical reactions. The name Portland cement arises from a resemblance to stone quarried at Portland, England. Sadi Carnot Frenh physicist who improved the efficiency of the steam engine by his inventigations of the cyclic heat engine (1824), and in 1850 Clausius stated the first two laws of the thermodynamics. Thermodynamics was further developed by J. W. Gibbs, H. L. F. Von Helmhotz, Lord Kelvin and J. C. Maxwell. The French physicist who seeking to improve the efficiency of the steam engine, devised the Carnot cycle (1824) on the basis of Lord Kelvin and R. J. E. Clausius formulated the second law of thermodynamics. The Carnot cycle, which postulates a heat engine working a maximum thermal efficiency, demonstrated that the efficiency of such an engine does not depends on its mode of operation but only the temperatures at which it accepts and discards heat energy. Silicone - Jons Berzelius (Swe.). Silicone (Si) is non-metal in Group IV A of the periodic table; the second most abundant element (after oxygen), occurring as silica and silicates. It is made by reducing silica with coke at high temperatures. Silicon forms an amorphous brown powder, or gray semi conducting crystals, metallic in appearance. It oxidizes on heating, and reacts with the halogens, hydrogen fluoride, and alkalis. It is used in alloys, and to semiconductors. Electromagnet William Sturgeon (Eng.) Opening of Stockton & Darlington Railway (27 Sept) first regularly operated steam railway in world, built by Stephenson and son Robert. Their engine Locomotion No 1 pulled first train. Line used almost exclusively for freight. Bromine Antoine Balard (Fr.).symbol Br. A toxic halogen element, red liquid volatile having red-brown vapour. It has an intermediate chemical reactivity between chlorine and iodine, obtained from brines by displacement with chloride. Used in synthesis of many bromo - compounds. Photograph (permanent) Joseph Niepce (Fr.). Joseph Nicephore (1765 1833), French inventor who in 1826 made the first successful permanent photograph. The image, recorded in asphalt on a pewter plate, required an 8hr exposure in a camera obscura. The method used derived from heliography. Niepces photoengraving process. In 1829 Niepce went into partnership with Louis Daguerre. Samuel Brown (GB) builds first true internal-combustion vehicle (gasfuelled). Aluminium Hans Christian Oersted (Dan.) Aluminum (Al) is silvery white metal in group III A of the periodic table, the most abundant metal, comprising 8% of the earths crust. It occurs naturally as bauxite, cryolite, feldspar, clay and many other minerals, and is smelted by the Hall Heroult process, chiefly in the US, USSR and Canada. It is a reactive metal, but in air is covered with a protective layer of the oxide. Aluminum is light and strong when alloyed, so that aluminum alloys are used very widely in the construction of machinery and domestic appliances. It is also a good conductor of electricity and is often used in overhead transmission cables where lightness is crucial.
1828 1828
Law of electric conduction Georg Ohm (Ger.) OHMs Law is the electric potential differences across a conductor is proportional to the current flowing through it, the constant of proportionally being known as the resistance of the conductor. It holds well for most materials and objects, including solutions, provided that the passage of the current does not heat the conductor, but electron tubes and semiconductor devices show a much more complicated behavior. Match John Walker (Eng.). Match was short splint of wood or cardboard having a head that can be ignited by friction, used to kindle fire. Early matches were complex, unreliable and somewhat dangerous (e.g. dipping a match treated with potassium chlorate and sugar into a bottle of concentrated sulphuric acid). Friction matches of the modern type were first produced in 1827, containing antimony (III) sulfide and potassium chlorate. Soon white phosporus was introduced for strike anywhere matches. This however produced the disease phossy jaw in match factory workers, and was banned from about 1900, being replaced by phosphorus sesquisulfide (P4S3) and potassium chlorate, with iron (III) oxide, ground glass and glue. The head of a safety match is composed of potassium chlorate, manganes (IV) oxide, sulfur, iron oxide, ground glass and glue. These matches ignite only when struck on the mixture on the side of the box, which consists of red phosphorus, antimony (III) sulfide and an abrasive. The matchstick is coated with paraffin wax to give a better flame. Robert Brown, Scottish botanist discovered the Brownian motion, frequent, random fluctuation of the motion of particles suspended in a fluid: after observation of a suspension of pollen grains in water. It is a result of the bombardment of the particles by the molecules of the fluid dependent on chance in which a greater number of impacts in one direction changes the direction of motion of a particle. The first theoretical analysis of Brownian motion was given by Einstein in 1905 and helped to convince the scientific world of the reality of molecules. He discovered Brownian motion in 1827 when he was working on pollen grains. The same year he became head of the British Museums botany department. Albert Einstein explained it in 1905. Australian interior explored Charles Sturt (GB). Blast furnace James Neilson (Scot.). a blast furnace is a big tower for heating. The following is an example for how steel which is most important metal is made through a blast furnace. When iron ore is heated with coke and limestone in a blast furnace, a mixture of iron and carbon called pig iron is produced. The carbon comes from the coke. The limestone takes up other materials that are not wanted. A blast of hot air is driven through the iron ore mixture as it descends in the blast furnace. Molten pig iron is formed at the base of the furnace. Hot gases from the top of the furnace heat the air that is fed to the furnace. The pig, iron has too much, carbon to make steel, so the extra carbon is burned off by blowing oxygen over it. Scrap iron may be added first. The molten steel produced is then poured into moulds to make steel blocks. Friedrich Wohler, German chemist first synthesized an organic compound from inorganic material, urea from ammonium cyanate and who with another German chemist, Baron Justus Von Liebig discovered the benzoyl group remained unchanged in chemical reaction. Quantitative organic analysis; the use of mineral fertilizers for feeding plants. E. Harrison, British physician discovered Harrisons sulcus. A depression on both sides of the chest wall of a child between the pectoral muscles and the lower margin of the ribcage. It develops in conditions in which the airways are partially obstructed or when the lungs are abnormally congested due to some congenital abnormality of the heart.
Stephensons Rocket impressively wins Rainhill Trials, near Liverpool, finally establishing superiority of steam over horse. German chemists concentrate their studies on carbon as the basic of the organic chemistry of living things. Opening Liverpool & Manchester Railway (15 Sept) first regular public passenger service. South Caroline Railroad opened, first in United States. Charles Robert Darwin, English naturalist who first formulated the theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwinism had good and bad consequences from bitter controversy of being a rebellion in thoughts against gods model of creation. Dynamo Michael Faraday (Eng.) Dynamo is a generator machine that transfers kinetic energy to give direct current DC. Alternators give alternating current AC. The simple forms of both have almost the same structure. A coil mounted on a laminated iron core rotates in magnetic field. This lead to the appearance of voltage across the coil electromotive force (EMF). Depending on the magnetic field, the number of turns or the length of wire and the relative motion between the coil and the magnetic field. A pair of carbon brushes feeds this to the outside by way of a pair of slip rings (giving AC) or a single split ring (DC) called a commutator. Large scale electricity generation in power stations depends on huge high speed alternators driven by water under high pressure (hydroelectricity) or by steam turbine. James Clark Ross British polar explorer who reached a point farther S (78010S) than any explorer until 1900. He made a number of Arctic expeditions, some with his uncle Sir John Ross, and with William Party. He located the N Magnetic Pole in 1931. In the historic 1893 43 Antarctic expedition he discovered the Ross Sea and Victoria Island. Jean Francois Champollion French linguist and historian, the father of Egyptology. Professor of history at Grenoble U 1809 16, he was the first to effectively decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics, a result of his research on the Rosetta Stone. A chair of Egyptian antiquities was created especially for him at the college of France in 1831. Scientist Michael Faraday of England and Joseph Henry of the USA independently discover how to use magnetism to create electricity. Faraday, Michael (1791 1867, English chemist and physicist, the pupil and successor of H. Davy at the Royal Institution, who discovered Benzene (1824), first demonstrated electromagnetic induction, and invented the dynamo (1831) and who, with his concept of magnetic lines of force, laid the foundations of classical field theory later built upon by L. Clerk Maxwell. In the course of many years of researches, he also discovered the laws of electrolysis which bear his name and, in showing that the plane of polarization of plane polarized light was rotated in strong magnetic fields demonstrated a connection to exist between light and magnetism. His name lives on in the Farad (F), the unit of capacitor. Joseph Reddeford Walker US trapper and guide. He explored the Rockies with Bonneville (1832) and guided expeditions to California (1845 46, 1849, 1861 62). Walker Lake and Pass are named for him. W. F. Von Ludwig, German surgeon discovered Ludwigs Angina severe inflammation caused by bacterial infection of the floor of the mouth, resulting in massive swelling of the neck. B. C. Brodie discovered a chronic absces of bone that develops from acute bacterial osteomyelitis. English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday discovers the laws of electrolysis. Faraday, Michael (1791 1867) English physicist who was pupil of Humphrey Davy and did much work of value in physics and chemistry. In
physics, the main subjects of his research were electromagnetic induction, generators, magnetic fields, electrolysis and the polarization of light. His name lives on in the Farad, F. the unit of capacitance. A conductor has a capacitance of 1 Farad if a charge of 1 coulomb changes its potential by 1 volt. C = Karl Ernst Von Baer an Estonian- Born German embryologist who discovered the mammalian egg and the notochord of the vertebrate embryo. He is considered to have been one of the founders of comparative embryology. Reaping machine Cyrus McCormic (US) J. Cheyne, Scottish physician and W. Stokes, Irish physician discovered a striking form of breathing in which there is a cyclical variation in the rate, which becomes slower until breathing stops for several seconds before speeding up to a peak and then slowing again. It occurs particularly in states of coma. English chemist John Frederic Daniell cell, the first practical and reliable source of electricity. Daniell cell a type of primary volatic cell with a copper positive and a negative electrode of a zinc amalgam placed in dilute sulphuric acid or zinc sulphate solution. The e.m.f of the cell is 1.08 volts with sulphuric acid and 1.10 volts with zinc sulphate. Revolver Samuel Colt (US). Pulling the trigger of a rifle release a spring. This makes a firing pin strike the base of cartridge. The cartridge contains explosive and a bullet. The firing pin sets off the explosive, and the gas produced by the explosion makes the bullet fly out of the rifle. In the cap of the cartridge is a primer that detonates to set off the charge of propellant in the cartridge case. Spiral grooves around the inside of the barrel cause the bullet to spin as it leaves the rifle. The spin stabilizes the flights of the bullet so that it points forward and does not tumble. Automatic rifles contain a chamber of cartridge called a magazine. The force of the explosion throws the cartridge case from the breech block. It then raises another cartridge from the magazine into the firing position and fires it. Marksmen can see a target even at night. This is because there is always a little light even if it looks totally dark. The night-sight picks up this light from the target and makes an image of it appear on a small screen. Charles Wheatstone, British physicist and inventor popularized the Wheatstone bridge for measuring voltages. Electric car powered by storage batteries was built. First sleeping car came into operation, in Pennsylvania (USA). J. F. Heller, Austrian pathologist discovered a test for the presence of protein albumin in the urine which is one of the Kidney function test. Telegraph Samuel F. B. Morse (US). Telegraph electrical apparatus for sending coded messages. The term was first applied to Claude Chappes semaphore (a system of flags or lights to represent letters and numbers). Experiments began on electric telegraphs after the discovery (1819) that a magnetic needle was deflected by a current in a nearby wire. In 1837 W. F. Cooke and Charles Wheatstone patented a system using six wires and five pointers which moved in pairs to indicate letters in a diamond-shaped array. It was used on English railroads. In the same years Samuel Morse, in partnership with Alfred Vail, and helped by Joseph Henry, patented a telegraph system using morse code in the US. The first intercity line was inaugurated in 1844. At first the receiver embossed or printed the code symbols but this way soon replaced by a sounding device. In 1858 Wheatstone invented a high speed automatic Morse telegraph, using punched paper tape in transmission. The telex system, using teletypewriters, is now most popular. In 1872 Jean-Maurice-Emile Baudot invented a multiplexing system for sharing the time on each transmission line between
1838 1838
several operators. Telegraph signals are now transmitted not only by wires and land lines but also by submarine cables and radio. Antarctica explored Charles Wikles (US). (1789 1877) is a US naval officer and explorer. In 1833, head of charts and instruments, he explored the pacific, Antarctica and the NW coast of America and was the first to designate Antarctica a separate continent. He participated the Trent affair which is the naval incident in the US civil war that nearly brought Britain to military support of the South. In Nov 1861, Charles Wilkes, commanding San Jacinto stopped the British ship Trent and seized two Southern agents to win American victory. The men were Freed in December. Charles Wheatstone invented the stereoscope and the concertina Musical instrument with Bellows (1829). R. J. Graves Irish physician discovered thyrotoxicosis or Graves disease due to excessive amount of thyroid hormones, increased apetite, loss of weight, hand tremor, rapid heart beats and anxiety. High level of free and protein bound tetra iodo hormone in the blood followed by low level of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) in the blood. T. Hodgkin, British physician discovered Hodgkins disease (Hodgkins lymphoma). A malignant disease of lymphatic tissue a form of lymphoma usually characterized by painless enlargement of one or more groups of lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin, chest or abdomen; the spleen, liver bone marrow, and bones may also be involved. Treatment may include surgery, radiotherapy, drug therapy (using drugs such as procarbazine and prednisolone, or a combination of these. British steamer Archimedes first to use screw propeller successfully. Englishman William Fox Talbot and Frenchman Louis Daguerre independently devise a practical photographic process. First pedal-driven bicycle, invented by Kirkpatrick Macmillan (GB). P. Meniere, French physician who discovered the Menieres disease. A disease of the inner ear characterized by episodes of deafness, buzzing in the ears (tinnitus), and vertigo. Symptoms last for several hours and between attacks the affected ear may return to normal. It is thought to be caused by the build up of fluid in the inner ear and is treated by drugs or surgery. Stereoscope invented, optical instrument that simulates binocular vision by presenting slightly different pictures to the two eyes so that an apparently three-dimensional image is produced. The simplest stereoscope, invented in the 1830s, used a system of mirrors and prisms (later, converging lenses) to view the pictures. In the color separation method the left image is printed or projected in red and seen through a red filter, and likewise for the right image in blue. A similar method uses images projected by polarized light and viewed through polarizing filters, the polarization axes being at right angles. The pictures are produced by a stereoscopic camera with two lenses a small distance apart. The stereoscope is useful in making relief maps by aerial photographic survey. Theodor Schwann German biologist proposed the cell to be the basic unit of animal and plant, structure, laying the foundations of histology. He also discovered the enzyme pepsin. Ozone Christian Schonbein (Ger.) Vulcanized rubber Charles Goodyear (US). Charles Barry architect who, with his assistant A. W. N. Pugin, designed the Houses of Parliament in London (1840-65), a masterpiece of the Gothic Revival, among his other buildings was the Reform Club in London (1837).
1842 1842
Lenzs law the law the states that the direction of an induced voltage tends to oppose its cause. It is one of the statements that describe electromagnetic induction. It follows from the law of constant energy. To produce induction the voltage needs energy; this must transfer from the change that causes it. Therefore the effect must resist the change. Named after Heinrich Lenz (1804 1865), German physicist who worked most of his life in Russia. He explored electrical conductivity and the heating effect of current as well as induction. Thomas Addison an English Physician first described. Addisons disease, failure of steroid production by the Adrenal Gland cortex. Its features include brownish skin pigmentation, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and malaise and faintness on standing. The stress associated with an infection of an operation can lead to sudden collapse. A. Higginson, British surgeon invented Higginsons syringe a rubber syringe with a bulb in the centre that is compressed to force liquid in one direction to irrigate a body cavity. A. Trousseau French physician who found spamodic contractions of muscles in response to nerve stimulation, by tapping. It is characteristic of low level of calcium in the blood. Safety Match Gustave Fasch (Swed.) Swedish chemist Jons Jacob Berzellius discovers allotropy. Allotropy is the existence of elements in two or more forms, example : oxygen has two forms 02 normal form and 03 ozone. Uranium Martin Klaproth (Ger.) Bain, Alexander (1810-1877) a Scottish electrical engineer who was the first person to succeed (in 1842) in scanning an image and sending the result through a telegraph, thus making the first fax system. The design of his scanner ( a set of linked electric pendulums) was too complex for success; however, within thirty years it led to popular working facsimile telegraphs. French scientist Eugene Melchor Peligot discovers uranium. Christian Johan Doppler, Austrian physicist discovered the Doppler ultrasound which became an important diagnostic test in study of blood flow in heart valves and blood vessels. Can be used to examine the structure of organs of the body like liver, kidney. Can also be used to break up stones and cataracts and in the treatment of rheumatic conditions and physiotherapy in massage. Doppler ultra sound utilizes the fact that the frequency of ultra sound waves changes when they are reflected from a moving surface. It is used to study the flow in blood vessels and the movement of such structures as heart valves. The frequency detector may be part of the ultrasound imaging probe, which displays an image of the anatomy on a TV screen. Simultaneously, the Doppler signal from a particular point on the image can be displayed next to the anatomical position using a split screen (duplex imaging). Direction and velocity of blood flow can each be allocated to different colours and displayed on a colour monitor over the anatomical image (colour flow ultrasound imaging). English scientist James Joule describes the relationship between heat, power, and work. F. Schlem, German anatomist discovered schlemms canal a channel in the eye, at the junction of the cornea and the sclera, through which the aqueous humour drains. J. P Muller, German physiologist discoveries the mullerian duct, a pair of duct in the embryo that develop into the fallopian tubes, uterus and part of the vagina.
1843 1844
1845 1845
W. F. Montgomery, Irish obsetrician discovered the sebaceous glands on the areola surrounding then nipple of a womans breast enlarged during pregnancy. Boole, George (1815-1864) English mathematician. He started work as a school teacher in Lincoln at the age of 14, and taught himself first several languages, then science, then mathematics, and was still able to find time for active work in various social reform movements. In 1844, Boole received the Royal Societys first gold medal for mathematics, and a few years later became the first professor of mathematics at University Collage, Cork, even though he had no secondary education or degree. Described by Bertrand Russell a century later as the founder of pure mathematics, Booles major work at Cork was to devise the form of mathematics called symbolic logic. His aim, as a highly religious person, was to try to express human thought in mathematical terms, and Boolean algebra is the basic for modern computer theory. Boole also developed binary arithmetic, set theory, differential equations and statistics. Boolean, adj. the logical data type (Boolean element), one with only two values (Boolean values; true or false, 1 or 0). Boolean algebra (or Boolean calculus or Boolean logic) deals with logical statements, i.e. binary ones that can be only true or false. These statements, or propositions, involve Boolean operators such as and (symbol ). not (complement, ) and or (V), and being binary, relate directly to the action of a processors arithmetic and logic unit. The Boolean operations handled by the operators are often expressed in Boolean tables. Ernst Engel, German economist discovered Engels law: the greater the income of a household, the lower the proportion spent on food. Ezra Cornel, US a pioneer in telegraphy. He created Americans first (Baltimore Washington) telegraph line (1844) with Samel Morse, and was founder and director of the Western Union Telegraph company (1855). Foucault pendulum a very long pendulum the plane of whose motion appears to change as the Earth rotates. This proves the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Named after the French physicist Jean Foucault (1819 1868) Green Thomas William Morton, US dentist who pioneered the use of diethyl ether as anaesthetic. Lovelace, Ada (Ada Augusta Byron, daughter of the poet Lord Byron, the Countess Lady Lovelace, 1815-1852) a close working colleague of, and translator for, Charles Babbage, and often called the first programmer. Part of her work with Babbage involved devising programs for his is analytical engine. The program language ADA (1979) carries her name. Rainbow (US), first true clipper ship. R. W. Thomas an English engineer invented the tire filled with compressed air using a leather tread and a rubber inner. The tire was reinvented by John Boyd Dunlop in 1888, whose outer tube was of canvas covered by vulcanized rubber. The tubless tire dates from 1950s. America developed locomotives with large numbers of driving wheels. Carl Zeiss, German founder of optical technology. Elias Howe, US inventor of the first viable sewing machine (patented 1846). The early machines were sold in Britain, as in the US there was first no interest. Later Howe fought a protracted legal battle (1849-54) to protect his patent rights from infringement in the US. F. G. Henle, German anatomist revealed the importance of the part of a kidney tubule that forms a loop extending towards the centre of the kidney. It is surrounded by blood capillaries, which absorb water and selected soluble substances back into the bloodstream.
1847 1847
Laws of thermodynamics are established by William Thomson, a British scientist. Neptune (Planet) Johann Galle (Ger.), from predictions of others. Sewing machine Elias Howe (US). Much cloth is made by weaving threads together. A loom is used for weaving. Lines of threads called warp threads move up and down in the loom. In between each movement, a shuttle pulls another thread called the weft between the warp threads. This action weaves the warp and weft threads together. The warp threads are wound on a roller called the warp beam. They then pass through holes called eyes in frames of wires called heddles. The frames move up and down as the shuttle passes to and from. In this way, the weft thread passes alternately above and below the warp threads, weaving a pattern. To get different patterns, the warp threads move up and down in different arrangements. A roller pulls the warp threads through the loom, and the cloth winds on to the roller as it turns. Power looms and hand looms work in basically the same way. Herman Ludwig Helmholtz German physiologist and physicist. In the course of his physiological studies he formulated the law of conservation of energy (1847), one of the first to do so. He was the first to measure the speed of nerve impulses, and invented the ophthalmoscope (both 1850). He also made important contributions to the study of electricity and non-Euclidean geometry. Maria Mitchell, US woman astronomer discovered a comet. Richard March Hoe, US inventor who developed many machines associated with printing and invented the first successful rotary printing press (c1847). It opened the door to a multi-cylinder system rolling electrically from the start to the finish. It can print a complete paper or a book with its cover. Young James Simpson, Scottish obstertrician who pioneered the use of chloroform as anaesthetic. French physicist Hippolyte Fizeau makes an accurate measurement of the speed of light. H. L. Roger French physician who discovered Rogers disease. A form of congenital heart disease in which there is a small ventricular septal defect. It usually causes non symptoms. R. B. Todd British physician founder of Todds paralysis (Todds palsy), transient paralysis of a part of the body that has previously been involved in a focal epileptic seizure. Safety pin Walter Hunt (US). E. H. Henoch German paediatrician and J. L. Schonlein German physician discovered a common and frequently recurrent form of purpura found especially (but not exlclusively) in young children. It is characterized by red weals and a purple rash on the buttocks and lower legs due to bleeding into the skin from inflamed capillaries, together with arthritis, gastrointestinal symptoms, and (in some cases) nephritis. Jean Bernard Leon Foucault French physicist best known for showing the rotation of earth with the Foucault pendulum for inventing the gyroscope and for the first reasonably accurate determination of the velocity of light. Gyropilot which is an automatic device for keeping a ship or airplane on a given course using signals from a gyroscope reference began known as automatic pilot. Gyroscope is a heavy spinning disk mounted so that its axis is free to adopt any orientation. Its principle depend on the conservation of angular momentum. The gyroscope also depend on the fact that it will stay upright as long as it is spinning fast enough under the property of gyroscopic inertia. A gyrocompass shows the direction of north like a magnetic compass.
But instead of using magnetism, it contains a spinning disc like a gyroscope. The axle of the disc always points north. A card marked with directions shows which way north lies. Rudolf Julius Emanel Clausius German theoretical physicist who first stated the second law of thermodynamics (1850) and proposed the term Entropy (1865). He also contributed to kinetic theory of electrolysis. W. J. Little British surgeon discovered Littles disease. A form of cerebral palsy caused by permanent damage to developing brain extending to the body and affecting the legs more severely than the arms. Claude Bernard, French physiologist regarded as the father of experimental medicine; Following the work of the American William Beaumont he opened artificial fistulas in animals to study their digestive systems. He demonstrated the role of the pancreas in digestion, discussed the presence and function of glycogen in the liver (1856) and in 1851 reported the existence of the vasomotor nerves. R. Bright British physician discovered nephritis or Brights disease, inflamation of the kidney resulting from a variety of cases. River Zambezi discovered by David Livingstone (Scot.). Zambezi River is the fourth largest river in Africa. Rising in North West Zambia formerly Northern Rhodesia. T. B. Curling Curling ulcers gastric or duodenal ulcers associated with stress from severe injury or major burns. A. Kussmaul, German physician showed the Kussmaul breathing : the slow deep respiration associated with acidosis. English chemist Edward Franklin introduces the concept of valency. F. Pacini, Italian anatomist discovered Pacinian corpuscles sensory receptors for touch in the skin, consisting of sensory nerve endings surrounded by capsules of membrane. They are especially sensitive to changes in pressure and therefore detect vibration particularly well. First flight in airship: Henri Giffard (France) in 144-ft (43.9 m) long coalgas airship from Paris. Airship or dirigible, a lighter than air self propelled aircraft whose floating power is provided by gasbags containing hydrogen or helium. The first successful airship was designed by Henri Giffard, a French engineer, he flew over Paris in 1852. H. Bence Jones, British physician founder of Bence Jones protein a protein of low molecular weight found in the urine of patients with multiple myeloma and rarely in patients with lymphoma, leukaemia, and Hodgkins disease. I. Stacke (1859 1918), German otologist designed Stackes operation. An operation in which the bone between the mastoid cells and the middle ear is removed to create a single cavity. It is performed when there is chronic infection of this area. Peter Mark Roget, English scholar and physician, remembered for his definitive Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases (1852). Sudan explored Heinrich Barth (Germ, for Eng.) First heavier-than-air flight (sustained), in glider built by Sir George Cayley (GB). (1773-1857), British inventor who pioneered the science of aerodynamics. He built the first man carrying glider (1853) and formulated the design principles latter used in airplane construction, although he recognized that in his day there was no propulsion unit which was sufficiently powerful and yet light enough to power an-airplane. M. Romberg, German neurologist who found the Rombergs sign based on examination suggesting a sensory disorder affecting those nerves that transmit information to the brain about the position of the limbs and joints and the
1855 1855
1855 1855
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tension in the muscles. The patients is unable to maintain an upright posture with the eyes closed. Passenger lift Elisha Otis (US). The car of the lift that carries people up and down hangs from one end of a cable. An electric motor turns a drive pulley that winds the cable up and down. At the other end of the cable is a big weight called a counter-weight. This is as heavy as the car and balances it. The counterweight balances the weight of the car so that the motor has to raise and lower only the weight of the people inside the lift. The car runs between guide rails up and down the shaft. Controls inside the lift car operate the motor to take the car to any floor, and other motors open and close the doors. A safety device called a governor stops a lift from falling if the cable breaks. A safety rope connected to the car turns the governor, and if it moves too quickly the governor operates a switch that makes the car grip the guide rails and stop. Even if this does not work, a buffer at the bottom of the lift shaft will break the cars fall. Escalators are the moving stairs that carry people up and down in places like big shops. They move as fast as four metres a second. The steps of the escalator are connected by an endless chain that goes round and round without stopping. At the end, the steps go underneath the escalators and back to the beginning. First military railway built, 20 miles (32 km) of double track from Balaclava to British and French front line on Crimean War led to fall of Sebastopol. Bessemer converter Henry Bessemer (Eng.) Bunsen burner Robert Bunsen (Ger.) Bunsen Burner, a laboratory gas burner having a vertical metal tube into which the gas is led with a hole in the side of the base of the tube to admit air with a sleeve around the hole to regulate the air for best blue. The top of the flame is the hottest. First nuclear powered submarine Nautilus (US). J. Paget, British surgeon discovered Pagets disease chronic disease of bones, occurring in the elderly and most frequently affecting the skull, backbone, pelvis, and long bones; affected bones become thickened. There are often no symptoms, but pain, deformity, and fracture can occur. Medical name osteitis deformans. Celluloid Alexander Parkes (Eng.) Celluloid, a transparent highly flammable substance made from cellulose nitrate with a camphor plasticizer widely used as a thermoplastic material especially for film. Victoria Falls discovered by Livingstone. Victoria Falls is one of Africas most spectacular sights on the Zambezi River in South - Central Africa between Zimbabwe and Zambia where the mile wide river plunges into a narrow fissure. Big Ben, the clock in the tower of the House of Parliament, London. It is named for Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works in 1856 when the bell was installed. The name originally referred only to the 13-ton bell. George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann German mathematician whose best known contribution to diverse fields of mathematics is the initiation of studies of non-Euclidean geometry, Elliptic geometry is often named Riemannian geometry for him. William Henry Perkin, English chemist discovered mauve, the first synthetic dye and manufactured other dyes. In 1868 he synthesized coumarin, the first synthetic perfume. First steel rails, laid at Derby. T. Brandt (1819 95), Swedish obstetrician, H. R. Andrews, British gynaecologist. Responsible for Brandt Andrews method. A technique for
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expelling the placenta from the uterus. Upward pressure is applied to the uterus through the abdominal wall while holding the umbilical cord taut. When the uterus is elevated in this way, the placenta will be in the cervix or upper vagina and is then expelled by applying pressure below the base of the uterus. C. E. Brown Sequard, French physiologist discovered Brown-Sequard syndrome the neurological condition resulting when the spinal cord has been damaged. Below the lesion there is a spastic paralysis on the same side and a loss of pain and temperature sensation on the opposite side. F. A. Von Esmarch (1823 1908), German surgeon invented Esmarchs bandage a rubber or elastic bandage that is wound tightly around a limb in order to force blood out from an area in which an operation is to be performed in a blood-free field. John Hanning Speke English explorer, the first European to reach Victoria Nyanza (Lake Victoria) in E Africa, a source of the Nile (1858). Speke and James Grant found the Nile exit (Ripon Falls) in 1862. Lake Tanganyika discovered by Richard Burton & John Speke (GB). A lake in west Tanzania and East Zaire, in the Great Rift Valley. Africas second largest lake. It has important fisheries. Refrigerator Ferdinand Carre (Fr.). In the sides of the refrigerator are pipes that contain a cold fluid. This makes the inside of the refrigerator cold. The cold fluid is pumped through the pipes to carry heat away from the food in the refrigerator and keep it cold. The fluid that circulates in the pipes of the refrigerator easily changes from a liquid to a vapour. As it enters the interior, it is liquid and is pumped through an evaporator. This lowers its pressure and it becomes vapour. The change from liquid to vapour makes the vapour cold because it takes up heat. The cold vapour then flows through pipes inside the refrigerator. After it leaves, is goes to a condenser, which increases its pressure so that it changes back into a liquid. As this happens, the fluid gives out heat. You can feel this heat coming from the warm pipes at the back of the refrigerator. In this way, heat is taken from the interior of the refrigerator to the outside, where it disperses. Either electricity or gas may be used to power refrigerators. Washing machine Hamilton Smith (US). Most washing machines have a round drum that spins to wash the clothes. The clothes tumble over each other as it turns, which helps the washing powder or liquid to clean them. The clothes are rinsed in clean water to remove the soapy water. The clothes may be washed and rinsed several times in the washing machine to get them really clean. Then they are spun very quickly to remove most of the water so that they will dry quickly. Etienne Lenoir, a Belgian engineer, invents the internal combustion engine. Engines are systems in which the chemical (potential) energy of a fuel transfers to mechanical energy. The fuel burns in oxygen to produce a large volume of hot gas. As this expands, it transfers energy to the system. Steam engines are external combustion engines the fuel burns outside the place where the energy is used. Steam reciprocating engines involve the expansion of the hot steam against a piston in a cylinder. Steam turbines have fans driven by the hot gas. Internal combustion engines also have this but the fuel burns where the energy is used in the cylinder or turbine chamber. All internal combustion engines act in four stages. (1) intake (2) compression (3) power, (4) exhaust. F. Von Leydig, German anatomist discovered the interstitial cells of the testis that secrete testosterone. First Pullman sleeping car, in Illinois (USA).
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1860-1 1860s
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H. A. Rinne German otologist who made Rinnes test a test to determine whether deafness is conductive or sensorineural. A vibrating tuning fork is held first in the air, close to the ear, and then with its base placed on the mastoid process. If the sound conducted by air is heard louder than the sound conducted by bone the test is positive and the deafness sensorineural; a negative result indicates conductive deafness. G. Ritter von Rittershain, German physician discovered Ritters disease staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Henry Victor Regnault, German born, French chemist invented an air thermometer and hygrometer. His best known work was studying the physical properties of gases and showing that Boyles law works only for ideal gases and for inventing an air thermometer and a hygrometer. A thermometer basically measures the relative degree of hotness of a substance and in this case air. Hygrometer is a device to measure humidity (the amount of water vapour the air holds). It has two thermometers mounted side by side, the wet and the dry bulb, the bulb of one covered by a damp cloth. Air is blown and evaporation of water from the cloth draws latent heat from the bulb. Comparison of the two temperatures and the use of tables gives the relative humidity. L. A. Sayre, US surgeon invented Sayres jacket a plaster of Paris cast used to support the backbone when the vertebrae have been severely damage by disease such as tuberculosis. Louis Pasteur (1822 1895). French microbiologist and chemist pioneered studies in stereochemistry by discovering optical isomerism. He also discovered fermentation, in which he demonstrated the role of microorganism. He developed pasteurization. His germ theory of diseases are spread by living germs, became the living subject that saved many lives. He disapproved the theory of spontaneous generation. He treated Anthrax in cattle and Rabies by vaccination with dead germs. His famous phrase: change favors the prepared mind. Also: blessed is he who carries within himself a god and an ideal and who obeys it and ideal of art, of science, or Gospel virtues. Therein lie the springs of great thoughts and great actions. Australia crossed (S-N) by Robert Burke (Ir.) and William Wills (Eng.) Ludwig Boltzmann developed the kinetic theory, the kinetic energy of a moving object or the energy of motion. The kinetic model of matter states that matter particles are always moving, they thus have kinetic energy. The temperature of a sample depends on the main energy of its particles the kinetic energy W = mc2, m is objects mass and c its speed. Matthias Jakob Schleiden, German Botanist first to recognize the cell as the basic unit of structure and function in living things. Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen German chemist who, after important work on organo-arsenic compounds went on (with G. R. Kirchhoff) to pioneer chemical spectroscopy, discovering the elements cesium (1860) and rubidium (1861). He also helped to popularize the gas burner known by his name. Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli Italian astronomer who discovered the asteroid Hesperia (1861) and showed that meteor showers represent the remnants of comets. He is best known for terming the surface markings of Mars canali (channels). This was wrongly translated as canals implying Martian builders the resulting controversy lasted for nearly a century. K. W. Von Kupffer (1829 1902) German anatomist discovered Kupffer cells phagocytic cells that line the sinusoids of the liver. They are particularly concerned with the formation of bile. Linoleum Frederick Walton (Eng.). A smooth strong floor covering made of canvas, coarse cloth, treated with cork, oil and colouring.
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Linus Yale US inventor of the Yale lock (1861 55) and the dial combination lock (1862). Yale Lock is a cylinder lock, the centre of the lock turns. The key raises a set of pins that normally hold the centre fixed to the rest of the lock so that it cannot move. Samuel White Baker, English explorer who discovered the sources of the Nile. Alexander Parkes, English chemist made Parkesine, the first plastic. There are two types of plastic: thermosets which do not melt and thermoplastics which melt easily. A thermoplastic material usually polythene, in granular form is melted. The component to be coated is heated to around 200 0C and is dipped into the plastic which stic to the surface, upon returning the metal to the oven for few minutes, the metal has a smooth coat of plastic. Jonas Anders Angstrom Swedish physicist who was one of the founders of spectroscopy and was the first to identify hydrogen in the solar spectrum. The Angstrom unit is named in his honor. Spectrometer is a general name of various instruments for producing a spectrum and measuring the wavelength energies. A simple type for visible radiation is a spectroscope equiped with a calibrated scale allowing wavelength to be read off or calculated. In the region of the X-ray to infrared of light, there is prism or crystal diffracting the light to focus on the individual wave for the reason of getting the spectrum. Photoelectric detector is used which transfer input radiation into electricity. The size of the effect depends on the frequency and intensity of the light fragment. The spectrum can be obtained as graphical plot which shows how the intensity of the radiation changes when pass through a chemical solution for analysis, giving its own spectrum. Spectroscopy is the study of methods for producing spectrum of sample. Electron spin resonance (ESR), mass spectrometer (MS), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) are examples. P. P. Broca discovered the area of cerebral motor cortex responsible for the initiation of speech. It is situated in the left frontal lobe in most (but not all) right-handed people. Rapid-fire gun Richard Gatling (US). First dining cars, between Baltimore and Philadelphia (USA). First underground train (London). Designed for efficient urban and suburban passenger transport. The tunnels usually follow the lines of streets by the cutand-cover method in which an arched tunnel is built in an open trench, covered with earth and the street restored. The first subway was a three-mile section, it used steam trains and was success despite fumes. The London tube was the first to use electrically powered trains. Paris metro began 1898 and New York 1900. The Moscow subway began 1931. The value of subway was apparent and many cities followed. Some introduced quiter rubber-tired trains running on concrete guide ways. Opening of worlds first underground railway, the Metropolitan, linking Paddington, Euston, St. Pancras, and Kings Cross, in London, Mainly a cutand-cover line. James Maxwell, (1831 1879) a Scottish physicist, introduces the idea of the electromagnetic field. Also identifies lights as a form of electromagnetic radiation. His work, particularly in electomagnetism, was very significant in the later development of modern physics. Maxwell was a great mathematician and experimenter. Apart from electomagnetism, his major work covered such fields as astronomy and colour blindness, thermal physics and the kinetic theory. Electromagnetic field is the region in which there is magnetic force generated from a currenct in its iron coil, the strength depends on the number of turns.
M. Raynaud, French physician discovered Raynauds disease a condition of unknown cause in which the arteries of the fingers are unduly reactive and enter spasm when the hands are cold. This produces attacks of pallor, numbness, and discomfort in the fingers. Gangrene or ulceration of the fingertips may result. Warm gloves and peripheral vasodilators may relieve the condition. Raynaud phenomenon: a similar condition resulting from atherosclerosis, ingestion of ergot derivatives, or use of vibrating tools. William Thomson Kelvin British physicist who made important contributions to many branches of physics. In attempting to reconcile Carnots theory of heat engines and Joules mechanical theory of heat he both formulated (independently of Clausius) the 2 nd Law of thermodynamics and introduced the absolute temperature scale, the unit of which is called Kelvin for him. His and Faradays work on electromagnetism gave rise to the theory of the electromagnetic field, and his papers, with those of Faraday, strongly influenced J. Clerk Maxwells work on the electromagnetic theory of light (though Kelvin himself rejected Maxwells over abstract theory). His work on wire telegraphic signalling played an essential part in the successful laying of the first Atlantic cable. C. Stellwag Von Carion Austrian ophthalmologist discovered Stellwags sign apparent widening of the distance between the upper and lower eyelids due to retraction of the upper lid and protrusion of the eyeball. It is a sign of exophthalmic goitre. If your eye protrude and your hands shake then it is important to check your thyroid function. Friedrich August Kekule, German chemist proposed the structure of Benzene in which the molecule has a hexagonal ring of carbon atoms linked by alternating double and single bonds. He is regarded as the father behind Benzene / aromatic chemistry. Organic chemistry advanced from and open chain knowledge into ring and aromatic structure. Georges Leclanche (Fr.) invented dry cell battery. A device that produces an e.m.f. as a result of chemical reactions that take place within it. These reactions occur at the surfaces of two electrodes each of which dips into an electrolyte. In Leclanche cell, a carbon rod serves the anode and a zinc rod the cathode dipping in a 10-20% ammonium chloride solution. This is the wet form of the cell, in the dry cell, the electrolytes are in the form of paste and in this case, an ammonium chloride paste and the container is the negative zinc electrode with an outer plastic wrapping, widely used in torches, radios and calculators. H. Hirschsprung Hirschsprung disease a congenital condition in which the rectum and sometimes part of the lower colon have failed to develop a normal nerve network. The affected portion does not expand or conduct the contents of the bowel, which accumulate in and distend the upper section of the colon. Jean Martin Chrcot French physician and founder of modern neurology, whose many researches advanced knowledge of hysteria, multiple sclerosis, locomotor ataxia, asthma and aging, Freud was one of his many pupils. Publication of Jules Vernes novel From the Earth to the Moon inspires serious thought about space travel. Dynamite Alfred Nobel (Swed.) Dynamite is a class of high explosives based on nitro-glycerine. The original one by Alfred Nobel was nitroglycerine absorbed in kieselguhr earth material. Modern dynamite which is used for blasting contain sodium or ammonium nitrate sensitized with nitroglycerine absorbed by wood pulp. High explosives like gelignite produce large amounts of hot gas very quickly to give a powerful instant explosion. The chemical reaction that occurs moves through the explosive at speed of up to 7.5 kilometres a second.
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High explosive are set off with detonators. These are small explosive charges that fit into the main explosive. A wire connects the detonator to a battery or other source of power. To set off the explosion, a current is sent to the detonator. It heats a wire inside the detonator and the detonator explodes, setting off the main charge. Low explosive like gunpowder do not need detonators. First elevated railway, experimental overhead track in Manhattan, New York. Typewriter Christopher Sholes (US). A typewriter has a set of keys marked with letters, numbers and signs. A system of levers and springs connects each key to its type bar. Each type bar has two letters, one capital and one small letter. When you press a key, it marks the paper held against the cylinder. The bar connected to the key strikes an inked ribbon and the ribbon marks the paper. A spring then pulls the cylinder, moving the paper along to the next position. A golf-ball typewriter does not have type bars. Instead all the letters, numbers, shaped like a golf ball. Pressing a key rotates the head to the correct position and the head strikes the ribbon. In electric typewriter, an electric motor moves the type bars and cylinder. A. Hegar German gynaecologist (1830 1914) responsible for Hegars sign indication of pregnancy detectable between the 6 th and 12th weeks; used before modern urine test for pregnancy were available. If the fingers of one hand are inserted into the vagina and those of the other are placed over the pelvic cavity, the lower part of the uterus feels very soft compared with the body of the uterus above and the cervix below. China explored Ferdinand Richthofen (Germ.). Ferdinand Julius Cohn, German botanist renowned as one of the founders of bacteriology. He showed that bacteria could be classified in fixed species and discovered that some of these formed endospores that could survive adverse physical conditions. He was also the first to recognize the value of Kochs work on the Anthrax bacillus. Helium Sir William Ramsay (GB). Symbol He, discovered by spectroscopic studies of the sun a colourless odourless gas, nonmetalic element belonging to group O of the periodic table. Can be solidified only under pressure. Chemically it is inert and has no compounds. It has a variety of uses in wielding for providing inert atmospheres, in semiconductor. It provides diluent in breathing apparatus and in filling balloons. J. Hutchinson, (1828 1913), British surgeon discovered Hutchinsons teeth narrowed and notched permanent incisor teeth: a sign of congenital syphilis. J. L. R. Down British physician who discovered, a widely known disease, Downs syndrome a condition resulting from a genetic abnormality in which an extra chromosome is present (there are three no. 21 chromosome instead of the usual two), giving a total of 47 chromosomes rather than the normal 46. The chances of having a Downs child are higher with increasing maternal age. Affected individuals share certain clinical features, including a characteristic flat facial appearance with slanting eyes ( as in the Mongolian races, which gave the former name, mongolism, to the condition), broad hands with short fingers and a single crease across the palm, malformed ears, eyes with a speckled iris (Brushfield spots), and short stature. Many individuals also have a degree of mental handicap, although the range of ability is wide and some individual are of normal intelligence. Medical name trisomy 21. Lawn mower Amariah Hills (US). The cylinder blades and fixed blade on a cylinder mower cut the grass like scissors. The cylinder is driven round by the wheels and in some machines, the wheels also act as roller that flatten the grass. A grass box may be fixed to the mower to catch the cuttings. Cylinder
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mowers can be pushed or they may be powered by small petrol engines or electricity. In very large mowers, the gardener rides on the mower. Rotary mowers have a set of horizontal blades that are driven by an electric motor or petrol engine. Some rotary machines produce a cushion of air so that they float above the grass as they cut it. A. Mooren, German ophthalmologist discovered Moorens ulcer of the cornea occurring in the elderly. Archibald Scott Couper (1831 -1892) recognized the quadrivalency of carbon and its ability to form long chains. This helped Kekule to form the structure of benzene. C. A. T. Bill Roth Austrian surgeon performed Billroths operation an operation in which the lower part of the stomach is removed and the remaining portion joined to the duodenum or the lower stomach and duodenum are removed, with attachment of the remaining stomach to the jejunum. Completion of Pacific Railroad, coast-to-coast across United States. Celebrating the completion of the first transcontinental railway across America, 10 May 1869. F. E. Weber, German otologist deviced a hearing test in which a vibrating tuning fork is placed at the mid point of the forehead. If one ear is affected by conductive deafness the sound appears louder in the affected ear. If one ear has sensorineural deafness, the sound appears louder in the unaffected ear. G. Meissner, German physiologist (1829-1905) who found the Meissners plexus a fine network or parasympathetic nerve fibres in the wall of the alimentary canal, supplying the muscles and mucous membrane. Opening of Suez Canal. Rickshaws invented in Japan (by American Baptist minister). Rickshaw is a small two-wheeled vehicle with a canopy pulled by one or more men, common in Asia today used to carry goods or passangers. The Russian schoolteacher Dmitri Mendeleyev classifies elements into groups by atomic weight, and devices the periodic table. Certain elements share similar chemical properties and atomic structures. These similarities become clear when all the known elements are set out in a chart called the periodic table. Francois Raoult, French chemist discovered Raoults law, The partial vapour pressure of solvent is proportional to its mole fraction. A solution that obyes Raoults law is said to be an ideal solution. Margarine Hippolyte Mege Mouries (Fr.). Margarine, a spread made from vegetable or animal oils to be used instead of butter and cooking. The type of oil used and the method determines the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the finished product. A good source of vitamins such as E, A, D, are added by law. Margarines may contain flavouring, colouring, emulsifiers and antioxidants. L. A. Ranvier, French pathologist discovered Node. A small swelling or knot of tissue J. F. Horner Swiss ophthalmologist discovered Horners syndrome a syndrome consisting of a constricted pupil, ptosis, and an absence of sweating over the affected side of the face. The symptoms are due to a disorder of the sympathetic nerves in the brainstem or cervical (neck) region. First around the world oceanographic survey cruise made by the steam corvette HMS challenger between 1872 and 1876 under the scientific direction of Sir Charles Wyville Thomson (1830 1882), the first and most comprehensive voyage of its type. Its result were published as the 50-volume Challenger Report (1881 95).
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1875 1875
1876 1876
Julius von Sachs, German botanist regarded as the father of experimental plant physiology. Among his many contributions are his discovery of what are now called chloroplasts; the elucidation of the details of the germination process; and his studies of plant tropisms. Barbed wire Joseph Glidden (US). F. D. Von Reckling, German pathologist who discovered von Rocklinghausens disease. A syndrome due to hyperparathyroidism, characterized by loss of mineral from bones, which become weakened and fracture easily, and formation of kidney stones. Johannes van Der Walls, Dutch physicist discovered the weak attractive forces between molecules or Van Der Waals forces expressed in equation. These forces are much weaker than those arising from valence bonds and are inversely proportional to the seventh power of distance between atoms or molecules. J. H. Jackson, British Neurologist first to report Jacksonian Epilepsy. Sonya Kovalevski, Russian mathematician and novelist who made important contributions to the theory of differential equations. Her brother-in-law, Alexandr Onufrievich Kovalevski (1840 1901) did pioneering work in embryology. S. Ringer British physiologist who discovered Ringers solution (Ringers mixture) a clear colourless physiological solution of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, and calcium chloride prepared with recently boiled pure water. The importance of this fluid, it has the same pH as the body fluid and also isotonic which can keep human tissues alive for a few hours. Carpet sweeper Melville Bissell (US). Scottish born inventor Alexander Graham Bell makes the first telephone. When you speak to someone on the telephone, an electric signal goes from the mouthpiece. It travels along wires to the other telephone. There it works the earpiece so that the other person hears you. The other person talks back to you in the same way. The mouthpiece of a telephone contains a small microphone. The sound waves from your voice make a diaphragm vibrate and this compresses carbon granules in the microphone. An electric current flows through the microphone, and the granules vary its strength as you speak. This varying current then flows along wires to the telephone exchange, which sends it on to the other telephone. There it enters a small loudspeaker in the earpiece. This contains an electromagnet which causes a diaphragm to vibrate as the incoming current varies. This produces the sound of your voice. Heinrich Schliemann German archaeologist discovered Troy and Mycenae. Troy is city of ancient North West Asia Minor near the Dardanelles in North West Turkey separating Asia Minor from Europe. Mycenae is city of ancient Greece, 7 mile North of Argos in the Northeast Peloponnesus. W. Ebstein, German physician developed. Ebsteins anomaly a form congenital heart disease affecting the right side of the heart; the muscle is unusually thin and the heart valves are abnormal. It can cause breathlessness, failure to thrive, cyanosis, and abnormal heart rhythms. If mild, it may be asymptomatic and life expectancy is normal. If severe, corrective surgery may be necessary. J. C. Bouchard French physician detected Bouchards node a bony thickening arising at the proximal interphalangeal joint of a finger in osteoarthritis. It is often found together with Heberdens nodes. River Congo traced Sir Henry Stanley (GB). The second longest river in Africa. It was renamed the Zaire in 1971 by president Mobutu. Its source starts in Zambia to the Atlantic Ocean in West Zaire. Phonograph Thomas Edison (US).
The first sound recording was made by the American inventor Thomas Edison. His phonograph recorded sound as grooves cut into a wax-coated cylinder. Phonograph is record player, and instrument for sound recording. A record stores the sound by first recording then reproducing the sound mechanically. When you play a record, you place the needle on the pickup of the record player in the groove of the record. As the record turns, the tiny curves in the groove make the needle vibrate. This causes the pickup to produce an electric signal. The signal goes to an amplifier (which changes the input into higher amplitude) and a loudspeaker to give the music. Thomas Edison first machine had a revolving grooved cylinder covered with tinfoil. Sound waves cause a diaphragm to vibrate and a stylus on the diaphragm made indentations in the foil. These could then be made to vibrate another stylus attached to a reproducing diaphragm. Wax disks and cylinders soon replaced tinfoil. Copies where made on mass produced scale in rubber, wax or plastic. The most important thing is to have the turntable rotate the disk at constant angular velocity. There are two kinds of pickups for record players. Crystal pickups such as quartz contain a piezoelectric crystal that has a useful way of coupling electrical and mechanical effects. The crystal is connected to the needle. As the needle vibrates in the groove it continually twists the crystal, making it produce and electric signal. The second kind of pickups is magnetic contain tiny wires in form of coil that vibrate between the pole of magnets and generate a signal. J. Z. Laurence (1830 74), British ophthamologist; R. C. Moon (1844 1914), US ophthamologist; A. Bled (1869 1933) Austrian physician. Laurence Moon Bledi syndrome an autosomal recessive condition involving obesity, short stature, mental retardation, retinitis pigmentosa, and, more variably, gonad failure. Microphone David Edward Hughes (Eng. / US). Sound waves make a microphone produce and electric signal. This signal goes to an amplifier and loudspeaker. Inside the microphone, the sound waves strike a thin plate called a diaphragm. The diaphragm vibrates at the same rate as the sound waves. It is connected to a device that produce an electric signal varying in strength at the same rate as the vibrations. In a crystal microphone, a piezoelectric crystal generates the signal by responding to pressure placed on it by the diaphragm. Moving-coil microphones contain small coils of wire suspended between the poles of a magnet. The diaphragm vibrates the coils to give a signal. Ribbon microphones are similar but have a metal ribbon instead of coils. Condenser and carbon microphones are fed with an electric current, and vibration of a condenser or carbon granules varies the current to create a signal. Samuel Pierpont Langley, US astronomer, physicist, meteorologist and inventor of the bolometer to measure radiant energy (1878) and of an early heavier than air flying machine. His most important work was investigating the suns role in bringing about meteorological phenomena. American Thomas Edison and Englishman Joseph Swan independently produce the first electric light bulbs. Edisons is the more successful. When you switch on the light, electricity goes through the switch to the light bulb. In the bulb is a thin wire called a filament. When electricity reaches the filament, it makes it hot, so hot that it glows with light. The filament in a light bulb is made of tungsten. This metal has a very high melting point, so the filament does not melt when it gets white-hot. The bulb also contains a gas such as argon that does not combine with tungsten. If the bulb contained air, the oxygen would combine with the tungsten and the bulb would immediately burn out.
The filament glows because it resists the flow of electricity. The greater its resistance, the hotter it gets and the brighter it glows. A bright bulb uses more electricity than a less bright bulb. The brightness of a light bulb is measured in watts. A medium-sized room needs a 100-watt bulb. First electric railway opened , 300-yd (274-m) electric tramway, built by Werner von Siemen (Germany) for Berlin Trade Exhibition. H. Kayser, B. Fletcher German ophthamologist and physician discovered Kayser Fleischer ring. A brownish-yellow ring in the outer rim of the cornea granules and is diagnostic of Wilsons disease. K. E. K. Hering, German physiologist and J. Breuer, German physician discoverer of Hering-Breuer reflexes the reflexes that maintain the normal rhythm of inflation and deflation of the lungs. W. M. Baker, British surgeon discovered Bakerrcyst a cyst behind the knee resulting from rupture or herniation of the synovial membrane from a knee joint affected by osteoarthritis. A. G. H. Hansen, Norwegian Bacteriologist, discovered the mycobacterium Hansens Bacillus that cause leprosy and also tuberculosis. Mycobacterium is rodlike aerobic gram-positive bacteria. Several species are responsible for infections of the lung, leprosy and tuberculosis. D. M. Bourneville (1840 1909) French neurologist discovered Bournevilles disease or tuberculosis (TB) caused by the Bacillus mycobacterium tuberculosis and characterized by the formation of nodular lesions (tubercles) in the tissue. Piezoelectricity a reversible relationship between mechanical stress and electrostatic potential exhibited by certain crystals with no center of symmetry. When pressure is applied to a piezoelectric crystal, positive and negative charges appear on opposite crystal faces. Replacing the pressure by tension changes the sign of charges. Resonance occurs in the circuit when the frequency of alternative current matches the natural vibration frequency of the crystal placed in electric circuit. A French company led by de Lesseps bought a Colombian canal-building concession, but after eight years work in Panama (1881 89) labor problems and disease bankrupted the firm. The second French company bought the franchise in 1894, largely to keep it alive. The US negotiated and the ensuing Hay Bunau Varilla Treaty gave the US right in perpetuity to a 10mi-wide strip across the isthmus. The US completed the canal in 1941, due mainly to the work of the engineer G. W. Goethals and the government health officer Dr. W. C. Gorgas. Albert Abraham Michelson US physicist discovered interferometer employing interference effects for measuring the wavelengths of light. Interference is the resultant wave out of two waves of the same type passing the same point during the same length of time but different in vibration. A. G. H. Hansen, Norwegian bacteriologist discovered mycrobacterium causing leprosy. Leprosy or Hansens disease is a chronic disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, that affects the skin, mucous membranes, and nerves. It is confined mainly to the tropics and is transmitted by direct contact. Symptoms mainly involve the skin and nerves. Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross (1881) and its first president. She began a lifetime of relief work by organizing care and supplies for the wounded in the Civil War. On a trip to Europe (1869 73) she became involved in the activities of the International Red Cross and was later influential in extending the range of its relief work.
1884 1884
D. T. Gilliam US gynaecologist (1844 1923) conducted Gilliams operation an operation to correct retroversion of the uterus in which the round ligaments are shortened. First electric train (Berlin). Marie Francois Xavier Bichat French anatomist and pathologist the founder of histology. Although working without the microscope Bichat distinguished 21 types of elementary tissues from which the organs of the body are composed. German medical scientist Robert Koch regarded as the father of bacteriology isolated the bacilli responsible for tuberculosis and cholera. T. Leber, German ophthalmologist found Lebers congenital amaurosis, a hereditary disease (inherited as an autosomal recessive inherited condition) causing severe visual loss in infants. E. O. Beckmann German chemist invented Beckmann thermometer for measuring small changes of temperature. G. Gilles De La Tourette (1857 1904), French neurologist discovered Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (Tourette syndrome). A condition of severe and multiple tics, including vocal tics, grunts, and involuntary obscene speech (coprolalia). The patient may also involuntarily repeat the words or imitate the actions of others. The condition usually starts in childhood and becomes chronic; the causes are unknown. Orient Express (Paris Vienna Istanbul) comes into operation. P. Langerhans German physician and anatomist identified Langerhans cell histiocytosis, which is overgrowth of cells of the reticuleondethelial system, a disorder that include several disease. Pierre Paul Emile Roux French bacteriologist noted for his work with Pasteur toward a successful anthrax treatment, with Metchnikov on syphilis, and with Yersin on diphtheria. Using Roux and Yersins results, von Behring was able to develop the diphtheria antitoxin. The Venn diagram. Venn diagram a graphic representation of the relationship between sets (in the mathematical sense). A rectangle shows the universal set (the one that holds all members)l within that, circles of different sizes show actual sets, their intersection, complements, and so on. Some sethandling software is able to produce Venn diagrams as a form graphics. John Venn (British logician, 1834-1923) devised the approach in the 19th century. Charles Parsons, and English engineer, invents the steam turbine for generating electricity. Fountain pen Lewis Waterman (US). The kind of ink used with fountain pens is often made by mixing water with coloured pigments or dyes. It takes some time to dry because the water has to evaporate and leave the pigment or dye on the paper. The kind of ink in colouring pens and ballpoint pens contains dyes or pigments mixed with liquids that dry very quickly. The ink that is used in a ballpoint pen is special ink that dries as soon as it meets the air. This means that the writing will not smudge. In addition, the ink dries on the ball at the tip of the pen as soon as it is lifted from the paper. The dry ink seals the opening at the tip of the pen, and the ink inside cannot flow out or dry up inside. Many ballpoint pens have push-button actions that push the ink tube forward for writing and retract it when the pen is not in use. The push button operates a guide that rotates to force the tube up or down, and a spring holds it in position. Henry Augustus Rowland, US physicist and engineer who developed the concave diffraction grating, in which the lines are ruled directly onto a
1884 1884
1885 1885
concave spherical surface, thus eliminating the need for additional mirrors and lenses. Linotype Ottmar Mergenthaler (US). T.Klebs (1834 1913) and F. A. Loeffler (1852 1915), German bacteriologists discovered Klebs Loeffler bacillus a rodlike aerobic, nonmotile gram positive bacteria causative of diphtheria. An effective immunization is available. C. P. M. Boeck, Norwegian dermatologist discovered sarcoidosis or Boecks disease a chronic disorder of unknown cause in which the lymph nodes in many parts of the body are enlarged and granulomas develop in the lungs, liver, and spleen. The skin, nervous system, eyes, and salivary glands are also commonly affected, and the condition has features similar to tuberculosis. Canadian Pacific line completed. Carl Auer von Baron Welsbach Austrian chemict who invented the incandescent gas mantle (patented 1885) and the Alloy, Auer metal, used to make lighter flints. C. McBurney, US surgeon who located the McBurneys point. The point on the abdomen that overlies the anatomical position of the appendix and is the site of maximum tenderness in acute appendicitis. Electric transformer William Stanley (US). Transformer a device whose normal use is to transfer electrical energy with a change in voltage between input and output. (The full name is the voltage transformer). Input alternating current causes an alternating magnetic field in the core. (This is built of thin strips to reduce eddy currents). The changing fields induces a changing voltage between the ends of the secondary (output) coil. The ratio of the output voltage to the input equals the ratio of the numbers of turns (N) in the output and input coils: V2/V1 = N2/N1. First petrol-driven motor-car built by Karl Benz (Germany) the worlds first successful petrol-driven motorcar the Motorwagen, built in 1885. Internal combustion engine replacing steam engine for cars. First it was steam being raised in a boiler to produce power, then steam turbines both are externalcombustion engines, now internal combustion in which the fuel is burned inside the engine and the expansion of the combusted gases is used to provide the power. The source of the cars power lies in its cylinders. The pistons in the cylinders of the engine work on a four-stroke cycle. On the third stroke, known as the power stroke, a mixture of air and fuel vapour is ignited by an electric spark. The force of the explosion pushes the pistons down the cylinders. This process is happening all the time, producing an even flow of power. This in link pistons crankshaft camshaft distributor transmission system provides movement. Gears are part of the transmission system. This passes, or transmits, the power created by the engine to a cars wheels. To steer a car, you turn the steering wheel in the required direction. Good brakes are essential. The driver operated them by pushing the brake pedal down, the brake cylinder begins working, pressing a pair of metal pads against a cast-iron disc, which stops the wheel going round. G. Lassar German dermatologist produced Lassars paste an ointment containing zinc oxide, starch, and salicylic acid in a soft paraffin base, used in the treatment of eczema and similar skin disease. G. Werdnig, Austrian neurologist and J. Hoffman, German neurologist discovered Werdnig-Hoffman disease a hereditary disorder that is a severe form of spinal muscular atrophy affecting infants. It causes a symmetrical muscle weakness that eventually affects respiratory and facial muscles. Children usually die by the age of 20 months.
1885 1885
1885 1885
1885 1885
1886 1886
H. H. R. Schwartze, German otologist, devised an operation to open and drain the air cells in the mastoid in severe cases of mastoiditis. John Augustus Roebling German-born US bridge engineer who pioneered modern suspension bridge design. His most famous works are the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, and the Niagara Falls Bridge (1885), using wire rope instead of chains. Karl Benz, German Engineer who built the first commercial successful automobile (1885). His earliest autos were tricycle carriages powered by small internal combustion engine. Ludwig Boltzman, Austrian physicist who made fundamental contribution to thermodynamics, classical statistical mechanics, and kinetic theory. The Boltzman constant (K), the quotient of the universal gas constant R and the Avogadro number (N), is used in statistical mechanics. Motorcycle Edward Butler (Eng.) Vacuum flask James Dewar (Scot.) a vacuum flask is designed to prevent heat loss in several ways. The silver walls on the container inside the flask reflect heat rays back into the container. In addition, there is a vacuum between the walls of the container to stop heat flowing through the walls. The container is surrounded by an outer shell made of insulating materials that slow down the rate of heat loss. In this way, heat leaks out of the flask very slowly. A vacuum flask is not only used for keeping things hot. Because heat does not flow out of the flask quickly, it does not easily enter the flask either. For this reason, things like iced drinks or liquid air can be kept cold in a vacuum flask. W. Tay (1843 1927), British physician; B. Sachs (1858 1944), US neurologist discovered Tay Sachs disease, an inherited disorder of lipid metabolism (lipidosis) in which abnormal accumulation of lipid in the brain leads to blindness, mental retardation and death in infancy. B. M. C. L. Riedel, German surgeon who discovered Riedels struma, a rare fibrosing destructive disorder of the thyroid gland that may spread to adjacent tissue and obstruct the airway. It is sometimes associated with fibrosis in other parts of the body, such as the bile duct or retroperitoneal fibrosis. Electric fan Schuyler Wheeler (US). Electromagnetic waves Heinrich Hertz (Ger.). Fluorine Henri Moissan (Fr.) Gottlieb Daimler (Germany) builds first internal combustion motorcycle, with top speed 12 mph (19 kph). Halftone engraving Frederick Ives (US). Halftone is reproduction of a photograph containing a range of continuous tones. Hertz (Hz) the unit of frequency, one cycle per second. Named after Heinrich Hertz (1857 1894), a German physicist who studied under Helmholtz and discovered radio waves in 1886, (Maxwell had predicted these). His radio transmitter involved sparking across a narrow gap. Sparks then appeared in similar gap a few metres away at his receiver. Some people call radio waves Hertzian waves after his work. K. Friedlander German pathologist, the discoverer of Friedianders bacillus a Gram-negative rodlike bacterium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, that causes a form of pneumonia. O. G. K. Sprengel (1852 1915), German surgeon, discovered Sprengels deformity, a congenital abnormality of the scapula (the shoulder blade). Gramophone Emile Berliner (Ger. / US).
1888 1888
1889 1889
K. Friedlander German pathologist, the discovered of Friedlanders bacillus. A gram negative rodlike bacterium, klebsiella pneumoniae, that causes a form of pneumonia. Monotype Tolbert Lanston (US). Motor-car engine Gottlieb Daimler & Karl Benz (Ger.), independently. P. A. Grawitz, German pathologist founder of Grawitz tumour, malignant tomour of kidney cells or renal cell carcinoma. Alphonse Bertillon, French criminologist devised a system for identifying criminals based on anthropology measurement adopted by the French police in 1888 and used until the adoption of fingerprints as a method of identification. Croatian born physicist Nikola Tesla invents the first practical electrical induction motor. Friedrich Reinitzer, Autrian botanist discovered liquid crystal. A substance that flows like a liquid but whose molecules can be arranged in a particular way. In a liquid the particles move around at random: there is no structure; on the other hand, in a solid crystal, the particles are fixed in a very regular pattern. The particles of a liquid crystal, which is in fact a liquid, are long and thin and tend to line up one way. An outside electric field affects the way they line up and reflect light; this feature is the basis of the liquid crystal display (lcd). The substance is between two conducting glass plates; if there is a field between the plates, the particles line up one way if not, they line up a different way. These two states affect input light differently, so one gives a dark effect and the other shows bright. Greenland explored Firdtjof Nansen (Nor.). Greenland is the worlds largest true island, part of the kingdom of Denmark. It is located mainly North of the Arctic Circle, to the North East of Canada. An ice cap which may reach a depth of over one mile cover fourth fifths of the island. The only habitable areas are two small coastal strips. Vegetations is sparse, but there is a variety of arctic fauna such as musk ox and caribou. Heinrich Hertz, a German physicist, proves the existence of radio waves. K. Wernicke, German Neurologist who discovered Wernickes encephalopa. A mental confusion or delirium occurring in combination with paralysis of the eye and an unsteady gait. It is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B 1, and is most commonly seen in alcoholic and in patients with persistent vomiting or an unbalanced diet. Kodak camera George Eastman (US). Pneumatic tyre John Boyd Dunlop (Scot.) A. Jarisch (1850 1902), Austrian dermatologist; K. Herxheimer (1861 1944), German dermatologist). Jarisch Herxheimer reaction: exacerbation of the symptoms of syphilis that may occur on starting antibiotic therapy for the disease. The effect is transient and requires no treatment. A. Weil, German physician discovered Weils disease, bacterial infection transmitted from rats and dogs to humans. F. Trendelenburg German surgeon performed. Trendelenburgs operation legation of the long saphenous vein of the groin; performed to remove weakened portions of varicose veins. He also invented a special operating table posture for patients undergoing surgery of the pelvis or suffering from shock of or reduce blood loss in operations on the legs. The patient is laid on his back with the pelvis higher than the head, inclined at an angel of about 450. I. Stacke (1859-1918), German otologist designed Stackes operation in operation in which the bone between the mastoid cells and the middle ear is removed to create s single cavity. It is performed when there is chronic infection of this area.
1890 1890
1890 1891
Leo Hendrik Baekeland Belgian-born chemist who, after emigrating to the US in 1889, devised Velox photographic printing paper (selling the process to Eastman in 1899) and went on to discover Bakelite, the first modern synthetic plastic. F. E. Batten British neurologist Battens disease a rare hereditary disorder of lipid metabolism. Fatty substances accumulate in the cells of the nervous system, causing progressive dementia, epilepsy, spasticity, and visual failure. The condition starts in late infancy or childhood. F. Nissi, German neuropathologist discovered Nissi granules dark-staining material, containing RNA, seen in the cell bodies of neurones on microscopic examination. First electric tube. First tube railway, City & South London, opened. G. Huntington, US physician discovered Huntingtons disease a hereditary disease caused by a defect in a single gene that is inherited as an autosomal dominant characteristic, tending to appear in half of the children of the parents with this condition. Hermann Ebbinghaus German psychologist who developed experimental techniques for the study of route learning and memory. In later life he devised means of intelligence testing and researched into color vision. Hollerith, Hermann (1860-1929) a US engineer who in 1889 developed the concept of storing data for processing on punched cards. This was done to allow the work on the data from the 1890 census to finish before the 1900 census . Using the Hollerith code, patterns of holes punched in cards (a card for each record) coded the data. The system used cardpunch machines for the data storage, and punched card readers (called tabulators, i.e. machines for making tables) to read data and thus process (e.g. sort and search). It a punch is a device to do this. It can be a hole in a piece of paper, card or tape, known as punched media. It is the pattern of holes across the width of the card or tape that carries the actual data. It took eight years to process the 1880 census data (50 million people); and only three for the work on the 63 million records of the 1890 census. Holleriths system led to many important developments; his firm, the Computing Tabulating Recoding Company, later become IBM, the worlds largest computing firm in the early 1990s. J. M. Charlot, P. Marie French Physician and H. H. Tooth, British physician both discovered a group of inherited disease of the peripheral nerves. Now more commonly known as hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy, causing a gradually progressive weakness and wasting of the muscles of the legs and the lower part of the things. The hands and arms are eventually affected. J. Von Mikulicz Radecki, polish surgeon who discovered Mikuliczs disease swelling of the lacrimal and salivary glands as a result of infiltration with lymphoid tissue. James George Frazer Laid the foundation of cultural anthropology through study in magic and religions. Le Chatelier, Henri (1850 1936) French chemist and physicist who is now best known for the law named after him: if you try to change some aspect of a system in equilibrium (balance), the system will adapt to reduce the effect of the change. This law (which follows from the law of constant energy) appears in many areas of physics and chemistry, and also describes how simple living things react to change. Rotogravure Karl Klick (Czech.) E. L Ehlers, Danish dermatologist and H. A. Danlos, French discovered EhlersDanlos syndrome, any one of a rare group of inherited (autosomal dominant or autosomal recessive) disorders of the connective tissue involving abnormal or
deficient collagen. The skin is very elastic but also very fragile; it bruises easily and scars poorly, the scars often being paper-thin. The joints tend to be very mobile (double-jointed) and dislocate easily. In some types the uterus or bowel can rupture or the valves in the heart can be weaker than normal. G. Banti, Italian pathologist discovered Bantis syndrome a disorder in which enlargement and overactivity of the spleen occurs as a result of increased pressure within the splenic veln. The commonest cause is cirrhosis of the liver. G. Killian, German otorhinolaryngologist performed Killians operation a surgical operation in which part of the frontal bone is removed to allow drainage of the frontal sinus when this is filled with pus. Zip Fastener Whitcomb Judson (US). Zip fastener have lines of tiny teeth, while plastic zips contain small loops on each side. Beneath each tooth is a small space. The slide is narrow at the bottom so that it forces the teeth together as you pull up the zip: the teeth on one side fit between the teeth on the other side. As they come together, each tooth slots into the space under the tooth above and the zip stays closed. As the slide moves down, a driver at the top of the slid e pulls the teeth apart. A. S. G. Doderlein (1860 1941) German obstetrician and gynecologist discovered Doderleins bacillus. The bacterium lactobacillus acidophilus, occurring normally in the vagina and its secretions. Charles Edgar Duryea, US inventor built what was probably the first commercially viable gasoline-powered automobile in the US. He manufactured cars independently from 1898 to 1914. First electric traction overhead railway, along Mersey shore, Liverpool. S. S. Korsakoff, Russian neurologist discovered Korsakoffs psychosis an organic disorder affecting the brain that results in impaired memory for recent events disorientation for the time and place and confabulation. The commonest cause of the condition is alcoholism especially when this has led to deficiency of thiamine (vitamin B1). Worlds first 100 mph run, by Locomotive 999, Grimesville, NY. Argon Sir William Ramsay & Baron Rayleigh (GB). First ship driven by steam turbine. Simon Lake US naval architect and engineer who was known as the father of the modern submarine. He built the first experimental underwater boat (1894) and the first submarine to be operated successfully in open waters, the gasoline powered Argonaut (1897). Young Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi makes the first radio communication. A. Pick, Czech psychiatrist discovered Picks disease a cause of dementia. The damage is mainly in the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. E. Paschen, German Pathologist discovered Paschen bodies particles that occur in the cells of skin rashes in patients with cowpox or smallpox, they are thought to be the virus particles. First main-line electrification, in tunnel under Baltimore, USA. Henry Huttleston Rogers pioneering us oil magnate who developed refining techniques and invented oil pipeline transportation. Oil is found by seismic surveying. Scientist explodes a small charge on the surface. A shock wave travels into the ground and bounces back off the rocks. The waves that come back give the scientists a picture of the rocks beneath. Oil is often trapped under a dome of impervious rock, beneath a cap of natural gas. Oilmen then drill down to the oil, using a drilling bit that bites into the rock. They feed pipes into the hole to line it. The oil flows up the drill pipe, and into a pipeline that takes it to storage tanks. At first, the pressure of gas or water around it forces it up. Later, it may have to be pumped up. Most oil drills have a bit made of rotating teeth that chew through the rock. The bit is placed at the
end of a shaft that revolves and turns the bit. New lengths of shaft are added as the bit drills deeper. An outer steel casing is also fed into the hole as it is drilled to prevent if from collapsing. When oil is truck, the drill pipe is connected to a pipeline to take the oil to storage tanks. When oil is being drilled at sea, the oilrig may have legs that stand on the seabed. If the sea is too deep, the rig floats at-the surface and is anchored in position. When oil has been found, it may go directly from the sea floor into a pipeline or it may be taken ashore from the rig by tankers. Petrol is not the only product distilled from oil. It also produces paraffin or kerosene, and lubricating oils. These products vaporize with the petrol, but they have higher boiling points. The vapors get cooler as they rise and condense at different levels, from which they are piped off. Another refining process called cracking is carried out on the heavy oils left behind. They are heated under pressure so that they break down into petrol and gases such as ethylene that go to make plastics. However, these gases may also be converted into petrol by another process known as reforming. N. A. Gilbert (1858 1927), French physician discovered Gilberts syndrome familial unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia, a condition caused by an inherited congenital deficiency of the enzyme UDP glucuronyl transferase in the liver-cells. Patients become mildly jaundiced, especially if they fast or have some minor infection. Photoelectric cell Julius Elster & Hans Geitel (Ger.) Safety razor King C. Gillette (US). X-rays Wilhelm Roentgen (Ger.) The X-ray machine contains a filament that is heated to produce a stream of electrons. A high-voltage power supply fed to the X-ray machine accelerates the electrons in a beam towards a metal target. As the target stops the electrons, they give out X-rays. The X-ray beam leaves the machine through a window, and goes through the patients body. The rays pass through flesh more easily than teeth or bones, which cast X-ray shadows. A film pack is placed next to the part of the body to be examined, and the X-rays penetrate the wrapping and expose the film. Alternatively, the rays produce an image on a fluorescent screen that is rather like a television screen. Henry Huttleston Rogers pioneering US oil magnate who developed refining techniques and invented oil pipeline transportation. Oil is found by seismic surveying. Scientist explodes a small charge on the surface. A shock wave travels into the ground and bounces back off the rocks. The waves that come back give the scientist a picture of the rocks beneath. Oil is often trapped under a dome of impervious rock, beneath a cap of natural gas. Oilmen then drill down to the oil using drilling bit that bites into the rock. They feed pipes into the h ole to line it, the oil flows up the drill pipeline that takes it to storage tanks. At first, the pressure of gas forces it up or water ground it. Later it may have to be pumped up. Most oil drills have a bit made of rotating teeth that chew through the rock. The bit is placed at the end of a shaft that revolves and turns the bit. New lengths of shaft are added as the bit drills deeper. An outer steel casing is also feed into the hole as it is drilled to prevent is from the collapsing. Oilmen then drill down to the oil, using a drilling bit that bites into the rock. They feed pipes into the hole to line it. The oil flows up the drill pipe, and into a pipeline that takes it to storage tanks. At first, or is forced up by the pressure of gas or water around it. Later, it may have to be pumped up.
When oil has been found, it may go directly from the sea floor into a pipeline or it may be tankers. Petrol is not the only product distilled from oil. It also produces Para film or kerosene, and lubricating oils. These products vaporize with the petrol, but they have higher boiling points. The vapors get cooler as they rise and condense at different levels, from which they are piped off. When oil is struck, the drill pipe is connected to a pipeline to take the oil is being drilled at sea, the oilrig may have legs that stand on the seabed. If the sea is too deep, the rig floats at the surface and is anchored in position. Another refining process called cracking is carried out on the heavy oils left behind. They are heated under pressure so that they break down into petrol and gases such as ethylene that go to make plastics. However, these gases may also be converted into petrol by another process known as reforming. Pieter Zeeman Dutch physicist discovered the Zeeman effect, the splitting of spectral lines in magnetic field. Radioactivity discovered by French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel. Thomas Edison, US inventor also helped developing motion pictures. Using Edisons Vitascope, (1896) Edwin S. Porter exploited these in the one-reel narrative film. The Great Train Robbery. The success of this movie helped established Nickelodeons in the US. Nickelodeon is name for early motion picture theatre. The first one opened in 1905 in McKeesport, Pennsylvania and offered for five cents. The film is a long strip of still pictures in black and white. As it passes through the projector, each picture is lit up and a lens projects an image of the picture on the screen. The pictures are projected so quickly that they appear to be moving. A cinema film is projected at a rate of 24 frames (still pictures) per second. The film has a row of sprocket holes along one or both edges. Sprockets in the projector pull the film into the film gate. The film then stops for a moment and light from a lamp passes through the frame. The lens projects the picture on the screen. The sprockets then turn and advance the film to show the next frame. As the film moves, the blade of a rotating shutter passes between the lamp and the film so that the movement of the film does not show on the screen. In sound films, light from the lamp passes through the sound track and strikes a light-sensitive cell, which produces an electric signal. The signal varies in strength as the sound track passes. It goes to an amplifier and loudspeaker, which gives the sound. In some sound films, the sound is recorded on a magnetic strip along the film like a tape recording. British physicist Joseph John Thompson, discovers the electron. Charles Parsons (GB) dramatically demonstrates first turbine-driven ship. Turbinia, at Spithead in front of Queen Victoria. J. F. F. Babinski, French neurologist discovered Babinski reflex an upward movement of the big toe that is an abnormal plantar reflex indicating damage to the pyramidal system in the brain or spinal cord in those over the age of 18 months. J. M. Charlot, P. Marie French physician and H. H. Tooth, British physician discovered a group of inherited disease of the peripheral nerves, now more commonly known as hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy, causing a gradually progressive weakness and wasting of the muscles of the legs and the lower part of the thighs. The hands and arms are eventually affected. P. Ehrlich, German bacteriologist proposed Ehrlichs theory an early theory of antibody production, postulating that receptor groups with side chains were carried on cells and combined with antigens. The receptors were then thrown off the cell and became antibodies in the circulation.
Rudolf Diesel (Germany) builds first diesel engine. Diesel engines produce power by burning a mixture of compressed air and diesel oil in their cylinders. This power has to be transferred to the locomotives driving wheels. This is not done by means of gears, as happens in a road vehicle. Instead, electric transmission is used. The diesel engine drives a generator which supplies power to electric traction motors. These drive the locomotives driving wheels. The traction motors are mounted on the bogie trucks. Diesel-electrics are the commonest type of locomotive. In most areas of the world, except Southern Africa and parts of Asia, steam is scarcely used. Electric locomotives are only profitable on very heavily used lines. 1897-1904 The development of the cathode ray tube and the electron tube (1904) for the first practical television system. Selenium photoconductive properties was the key. J. L. Baird in 1926 in London used a mechanical scanning method devised by Paul Nipkow in 1884. Electronic scanning dates from 1923 when Zworykin filed a patent for his iconoscope camera tube. Television broadcasting began in London in 1936 using a 405 line standard. In the US public broadcasting began in 1941, with regular color broadcasting in 1954. US television broadcast are made in VHF (Channels 2-13) and the UHF (Channels 14-83) regions of the RF spectrum. Cathode-ray tube (CRT) a visual display device used in television, radar, cathode-ray oscilloscopes and some computer screens. In each case a fine beam of high-energy electrons leaves an electron gun and makes a spot of light produced depends on the nature of the coating of the screen. Electric and / or magnetic fields in the vacuum through which the beam passes deflect the beam and therefore the spot. 1898 A. Klumpke French neurologist, founder of Klumpkes paralysis a partial paralysis of the arm caused by injury to a babys brachial plexus during birth. It results in weakness and wasting of the muscles of the hand. 1898 E. Wertheim, Austrian gynaecologist who performed the first radical operation for cervical cancer by removing the entire uterus, the lymph nodes close to it, fallopian tubes and the upper part of vagina. 1898 H. Kehr German surgeon revealed Kehrs sign pain in the left shoulder caused by irritation of the undersurface of the diaphragm by blood leaking from a ruptured spleen. The pain impulses are referred along the phrenic nerve. 1898 J. A. Marfan, French physician discovered Marfans syndrome an inherited disorder of connective tissue characterized by excessive height, abnormally long and slender fingers and toes (arachnodactyly), heart defects, and partial dislocation of the lenses of the eyes. 1898 J. T. Bowen, US dermatologist, discoverer of Bowens disease a type of insitu carcinoma of the squamous epidermal cells of the skin that does not spread to the basal layers. 1898 Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, a Russian schoolmaster, first to suggest use of liquid fuelled rockets for interplanetary travel. Rocket motor is an engine that can be used in deep space because the fuel and oxidizer are both carried in the space ship. The exhaust, a hot high-speed jet of gas, forces the rockets the other way as it escapes. Hydrogen fuel and oxygen oxidizer feed from different pumps into a combustion chamber producing hot exhaust at the tail. 1898 Polish French chemist Marie Curie and her French husband Pierre Curie isolate radium and polonium. 1898 Submarine John P. Holland (Ire. /US). 1898 The first magnetic recording was made in Denmark. A tape recorder works by changing sound waves into magnetism. The sound is recorded as a magnetic pattern along the recording tape. When the tape is played, the
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magnetic pattern is turned back into sound. The microphone is usually connected to the tape recorder, although many cassette recorders contain their own microphone. It turns the sound into an electrical signal, which is amplified by the recorders amplifier and then fed to the record head. The head is a coil of wire wound around an iron ring with a gap in it. The signal causes the head to produce a varying magnetic field. As the tape passes the head, it is magnetized by it. To play the tape, it is moved over the head again and the passing magnetic field makes the coil give out an electrical signal. The signal then goes to an amplifier and loudspeaker connected to the head. In many recorders, the same head is used to record and to play tapes. Highquality machines have separate heads for record and playback. When a tape is being recorded, another head erases any recording that is already on the tape. It produces a magnetic field that removes any magnetism from the tape. Valdemar Poulsen (Den.). Recording tape at high speed enables copies of tapes to be made very quickly. Both the copy of the master tape and the tape used to make the cassettes are speeded up by the same amount. Then when the cassette tape is played at its normal speed, the original music will be heard. A cassette has two sides. The music of one sides is recorded along the top of the tape, and the other side is recorded along the bottom. The head of the cassette players lines up with the top of the tape. To hear the other side, the cassette is turned over. Both sides of the cassette are recorded at once. The copy of the master tape used to make cassette has both sides recorded on it one playing forwards and one playing backwards. When the cassette is turned over to play the other side, the music comes out forwards. As a cassette is put into a player, the centres of the reels fit over spindles that turn the reels. A. Alzheimer, German physician made known a progressive form of brain disease Alzheimer. The symptoms include memory loss, disorientation and other intellectual impairment. Although associated with the elderly and with senile dementia, this disorder can also afflict the middle-aged. Both cause and cure of Alzheimer disease are unknown. Devics disease, E. Devic (1869 1930), French physician optic neuritis affecting both optic nerves. Paralysis and numbness of the limbs and trunk due to a condition related to multiple sclerosis that inflamed the spinal cord. D. L. Romanowsky, Russian physician discovered Romanowsky stains a group of stains used for microscopical examination of blood cells, consisting of variable mixture of thiazine dyes with eosin. H. W. Cushing (1869 1939), US surgeon founder of Cushings syndrome. The condition resulting from excess amounts of corticosteroid hormones in the body. Symptoms include weight gain, reddening of the face and neck, excess growth of body and facial hair, raised blood pressure, loss of mineral from the bones (osteoporosis), raised blood glucose levels, and sometimes mental disturbance. V. Eisenmenger, German physician, he saved time by providing Elsenmenger reaction a condition in which pulmonary hypertension is associated with a septal defect, so that blood flows from the right to the left side of the heart or from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. Oxygen-depleted blood enters the general circulation, which results in cyanosis and polycythaemia. Arctic explored Abruzzi, Duke of the (Ital.). August Weismann, German biologist regarded the father of modern genetics, for his demolition of the theory that acquired characteristic could be inherited.
Gregor Johann Mendel and Austrian Monk laid the foundation of the science of genetics self pollinating dwarf with tall pea plants producing 3:1 ratio. Mendel was the first to associate us with heredity. Hugo de Vries discovered mutation theory. A sudden and relatively permanent change in a gene or chromosome set. K. A. L. Aschoff, German pathologist discovered Aschoff Nodules, nodules that occur in the muscular and connective tissue of the heart in rheumatic myocarditis. Max Planck(1858 1947), a German physicist proposes quantum theory that energy is made up small units called quanta. From this theory, scientists deduce that light acts both as waves and as particles. He with Einstein did much pioneering work in quantum physics. The Planck constant, h, was named after him. This appears in the formula W = hv; here W is he energy of quantum of frequency v. V. Pendred British physician discovered Pendreds syndrome goitre associated with congenital deafness due to deficiency of peroxidase, an enzyme that is essential for the utilization of iodine. Wallace Sabine, American physicist founded the science of archirectural acoustics (The note versus frequency in Hz). H. Vaquez, French and W. Osler Canadian physicians discovered polycythaemia disease, an increase in the total of blood plasma or red cells in association with various respiratory or circulatory disorders and certain tumours. Vacuum cleaner Cecil Booth (Eng.). a vacuum cleaner sucks in air at one end, and as it does so, it sucks up dust and dirt. The dust and dirt are trapped in a bag inside the cleaner. The cleaner contains and electric motor which drives fans that suck in the air. Emil Fischer, German organic chemist and pioneer of biochemistry, awarded the 1902 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on the structures of sugars and purines, simple members of both of which families he synthesized. He also synthesized peptides and studied enzyme action in the breaking down of proteins. F. B. Mallory, US pathologist discovered Mallory bodies large irregular masses located in the hepatocytes of the liver. They are found in patients with alcoholic hepatitis, Wilsons disease primary billary cirrhosis, severe obesity and hepatocellular carcinoma. Radio-telephone-Reginald Fessenden (US). Radio a region of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Approximately, the frequency range is 10 2-107 Hz, with a wavelength range of 10-106 m. Radio astronomy is very important, it gives us information about the universe by way of the radio waves we can detect coming from deep space. However, radios most important use is in telecommunications. People often include microwaves in the radio region. These too are used for telecommunication. Radio communication is aided by the ionosphere. This is the part of the upper atmosphere, from about 40 km to about 400 km above ground. Many of the air particles in the ionosphere are ionized, mainly by solar ultraviolet. The layer can thus reflect radio waves. Voice transmission was first achieved in 1900. Radio telephone (the phone is voice) is like the citizens band radio. You have a small radio set that is both a transmitter and a receiver. As you speak, the set send out radio waves over a few kilometers. Anyone receiving your transmission can listen and then reply. You then receive the radio waves that they transmit.
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Ronald Ross British physician awarded the 1902 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his investigations, prompted by Sir Patrick Manson, of the Anopheles mosquito in relation to the transmission of Malaria, in course of which he isolated malarial cysts in the mosquitos intestinal tract, later correctly identifying these with cysts he found in the bloodstreams of disease birds (1897-98). The French scientist Georges Claude (1870-1960) invented a process for liquefying air on a commercial basis. Air under pressure in a piston engine does the work and cools adiabatically. It is then fed to a counter-current heat exchanger where it reduces the temperature of the next intake of high pressure air. After several cycles eventually liquefies. Willis Haviland Carrier US industrialist and mechanical engineer pioneer designer of air-conditioning equipment. He invented an automatic humiditycontrol device first used in a New York printing plant in 1902-arguably the first commercial air-conditioning installation. A. P. Von Wassermann, German bacteriologist discovered test for the diagnosis of syphilis. A sample of the patients blood is examined for the presence of antibodies to Treponema pallidum. Airoplane Wilbur & Orville Wright (US). Airplane, a powered heavierthan-air craft which obtains lift from the aerodynamic effect of the air rushing over its wings. The typical airplane has a cigar-shaped fuselage which carries the pilot and payload; wings to provide lift; a power unit to provide forward thrust; stabilizers and a tail fin for controlling the plane in flight, and landing gear for supporting it on the ground. The plane is piloted using the throttle and the three basic control surfaces; the elevators on the stabilizers which determine pitch (whether the plane is climbing, diving or flying horizontally); the rudder on the tail fin which governs yaw (the rotation of the plane about a vertical axis), and the ailerons on the wings which control roll (the rotation of the plane about the long axis through the fuselage). In turning the plane, both the rudder and the ailerons must be used to bank the plane into the turn. The airplanes control surfaces are operated by moving a control stick or steering column (elevators and ailerons) in conjunction with a pair of foot pedals (rudder). The pilot has many instruments to guide him Chief among these are the airspeed indicator, altimeter, compass, fuel gauge and engine-monitoring instruments. Large modern aircraft also have flight directors, artificial horizons, course indicators, slip and turn indicators, instruments which interact with ground-based navigation systems and radar. In case any individual instrument fails, most are duplicated. Vertical take-off use the thrust developed by their jets to lift themselves or to land. In normal jet planes, the jet is positioned horizontally. Air is sucked in at one end and mixed with fuel in a compression. The exhaust gases stream out at the other end, thrusting the plane forwards. Vertical take off and landing plane make use of the same process, but their jets are positioned vertically. The exhaust is directed downwards and the resulting thrust is vertical compare the jet with jellyfish rings of muscle around the margin of the bell contract to expel water and propel the jellyfish forward and any direction. First bus service, inaugurated in England, between Eastbourne and Meads. First controlled and sustained flight (120 ft 36.6 m) by powered (petrolengined) aeroplane: brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright (US) in biplane Fyler at Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (17 Dec). Svante August Arrhenius, Swedish physical chemist whose theory concerning the dissociation of salts in solution earned him the 1903 Nobel Prize for chemistry and laid the foundations for the study of electrochemistry.
Diode John Fleming (Eng.) Diode permits current to flow in one direction only, can also be used to convert A. C. signals to D. C. signals i.e. a rectifier. A semi conductor diode very common in integrated circuits is a p-n junction, a scrap of silicon that is p-type on one side and n-type on the other. A lightemitting diode (LED) is a p.n. junction diode usually made from gallium arsenide phosphide. The recombination of holes and electrons release energy which appears as light. The junction is made near the surface so that the emitted light can be seen. This is used in electronic displays. H. K. Pancoast, US radiologist discovered Pancoast Syndrome pain and paralysis involving the lower branches of the brachial plexus due to infiltration by a malignant tumour of the apical region of the lung. Horners syndrome may also be present. Ivan Petrovich Russian physiologist best known for his work on the conditioned reflex. Regularly, over long periods, he rang a bell just before feeding dogs, and found that eventually they salivated on hearing the bell, even when there was no food forthcoming. He also studied the physiology of the digestive system, and for this received the 1904 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. John Fleming (Eng.) deviced Flemings three fingers right hand and left hands rules showing the direction of a current flows, magnetic field and motion along wire. John William Rayleigh, British physicist, who described the scattering of light by atmospheric particles which led to his isolation of argon gas. William Ramsay British chemist awarded the 1904 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his discovery of helium. German born physicist Albert Einstein published his Special Theory of Relativity Together with his General Theory of Relativity (1915), it revolutionizes the world of science and shows that mass can be converted to energy. Albert Einstein (1879-1955), the German- American physicist, suggested that gravity is a property of space rather than a force of attraction between bodies of matter. He argued that bodies of matter make space curve, causing other bodies to fall towards them, and even bend light as it passes around them. Relativity a theory that describes matter, space and time and how they relate to each other. The special theory (published in 1905) is that the laws of physics are the same for all people moving at constant velocity relative to each other. In particular they would all find the same value of the speed of light c (about 3 x 108 m/s). The theory predicts, among other things, that the speed of time, the mass, and the length of a moving object depend on its observed speed. Also no object can be forced to travel at or faster than c. The well-known equation W = mc2 follows too. It means, in effect, that mass and energy are equivalent. No test has given cause to doubt these concepts; indeed they are part of the daily experience in many fields of science and technology. Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Baeyer German organic chemist who proposed a strain theory to account for the relative stabilities of ring compounds. He was awarded the 1905 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his research on dyestuffs; in 1878 he had become the first to synthesize indigo. Sigmond Freud, Austrian neurologist evolved psychoanalysis methods through his belief in impulse and those associated with the libido. Sexual impulses lay at the heart of neurosis. He evolved a psychoanalytical method based on dream analysis and free association. The discovery of aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid by Bayer, German company; an analgesic drug to relief pain. It mainly impairs perception of or emotional response to pain by action on the higher brain centers. Aspirin and
paracetamol are mild but effective. Aspirin also affect blood platelets reducing thrombosis (formation of clot or thrombus). Thus aspirin is an effective drug for headache, fever, inflammation, feverish illness such as rheumatic fever, inflammatory arthritis, pain including menstruation. Aspirin may cause gastrointestinal irritation and hemorrhage and should be avoided in cases of peptic ulcer. The first motor-powered, heavier-than-air flight was made 1903 by the American brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright. It took place at Kitty Hawk, North Caroline, and covered a distance of 120 feet (37 metres). Camillo Golgi Italian who discovered Golgi bodies in the animal cell which may be involved in the synthesis of cell wall. Joseph John Thomson British physicist the discoverer of the electron. Electron is one of the basic particles of matter. Its mass is around one twothousandth that of a nucleon; it carries a negative charge. There are electrons in all normal atoms; they form a cloud around the nucleus. In a metal, electrons act rather like the particles of a gas; this electron gas gives metals their shiny surface and allows them to conduct thermal energy and current well. Electronics is the study of how metals, semiconductors, gases and vacuum conduct current. Electronic engineering deals, on the whole, with much smaller currents than electrical engineering; its circuits tend to be smaller and involve a wider range of elements with no moving parts. Its branches include audio, video and computer systems. Microelectronics concerns the design and use of integrated circuits. Triode Leo De Forest (US). Triode is a diode in group of three p n p transistor a semiconductor device whose output current depends on signals to the base. Its main uses are as a switch, as an amplifier or as an oscillator. Emil Cohl French created the first animated cartoons out of movement by projecting a series of drawings. Walt Disney then pioneered sound and color in Mickey Mouse cartoons. Louis Bleriot (France) flies first monoplane. Type VII. First Model-T Ford. Arthur John Evans English archaeologist famous for his discovery of the Minoan civilization from excavations at Knossos in Crete. Bleriot makes first aeroplane flight across English Channel. Friedrich Wilhelm Ostwald, Latvian-born German physical chemist regarded as a father of physical chemistry, awarded the 1909 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his work on catalysis. He also developed the Ostwald process for manufacturing nitric acid. Leo Henrick Baekeland, an American chemist, produces the first stable, fully synthetic plastic Bakelite. Bakelite, a trade name for certain phenol formaldehyde resins relating to his name. North Pole reached Robert Peary (US). A. A. H. Van Den Bergh Dutch physician discovered a test to determine whether jaundice in a patient is due to haemolysis or to disease of the liver or bile duct. A. C. H. Rothera, Australian biochemist discovered Rotheras test. A method of testing urine for the presence of acetone or acetoacetic acid a sign of diabetes mellitus. A. Von Willebrand, Swedish physician discovered von Willebrands disease inherited disorder of the blood characterized by episodes of spontaneous bleeding similar to haemophilia. It is due to abnormalities in the von Willebrand factor, a glycoprotein necessary for normal platelet function. Alfred Adler Austrian psychiatrist who broke away from Freud to found his own psychoanalytic school, individual psychology, which saw aggression as
the basic drive. Adler emphasized the importance of feelings of inferiority in individual maladjustments to society. Dupont, US industrial family of French origin built the first immensely powerful synthetic chemicals industry, developing rayon, cellophane, neoprene, nylon and other materials. First seaplane flight; Henri Fabre (France). H. G. Moseley (1887-1915) British physicist discovered the Mosleys Law. The frequencies of the lines in the X-ray spectra of the elements are related to the atomic numbers (which is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. When the neutron number is added to it, this gives , the nucleon number or the atomic weight. All these measures are pure numbers they have no units) of the elements. If the square roots of the frequencies of corresponding lines of a set of elements are ploited against the atomic numbers, a straight line is obtained. H. W. Scheuermann, Danish surgeon discovered Scheuermanns disease. A form of osteochondritis affecting the vertebrae. It develops in adolescents and causes spinal pain and outward curvature of the spine (kyphosis). M. Wilms, German surgeon discovered Wilms tumour or nephroblastoma. A malignant tumour arising from the embryonic kidney and found in young children (usually between the ages of three and eight). Otto Wallach Russian-born German experimental organic chemist awarded the 1910 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his analysis of the structure of the terpenes. Russell Hertzsprung diagram (star pattern) Henry Russell & Eijnar Hertzsprung (US). Sweden establishes main-line electrification. Wilhelm Wien, Prussian-born German physicist best known for his work on blackbody radiation. Work which was later to be a foundation stone for Plancks quantum theory. Cellophane Jacques Brandenberger (Switz.). Cellophane, transparent, impermeable film of cellulose used in packaging, first developed by J. E. Brandenburger (1911). Wood pulp is soaked in sodium hydroxide, shredded, aged and reacted with carbon disulfide to form a solution of viscose (sodium cellulose xanthate). This is extruded through a slit into and acid bath, where the cellulose is regenerated as a film. It is dried and given a waterproof coating. If the viscose is extruded through a minute hole, rayon is produced. Charles Thomson Rees invented the cloud chamber used to observe the paths of subatomic particles. In simplest form it comprises a chamber containing saturated vapour and some liquid, one wall of the chamber (the window) being transparent, another retractable. Sudden retraction of this wall lowers the temperature, and the gas becomes supersaturated. Passage of subatomic particles through the gas leaves charged ions that serve as seeds for condensation of the gas into droplets. These fog trails (condensation trails) may be photographed through the window. Combine harvester Benjamin Holt (US). Dutch physicist Heike Onnes discovers superconductivity in mercury at near absolute zero. Elmer Ambrose Sperry US inventor of the Gyrocompass (first installed in a ship, 1911) and of a high-intensity arc searchlight (1918). F. Griffith British bacteriologist classified streptococci bacteria into groups according or on the basis of their agglutination reactions. First use of aeroplanes in warfare: Italians in Libya. Henry Watson Fowler, the first Oxford dictionary.
1911 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1912 1913 1913 1913 1913 1913
1913 1913
Roald Amundsen, Norwegian polar explorer who was the first man to reach the S. Pole. South Pole reached Roald Amundsen (Nor.). The atomic nucleus is discovered by New Zealand born physicist Ernest Rutherford Later, he learns to convert one element into another. Rutherford identified two types of rays alpha and beta emitted by radioactive uranium while the element transforms into an atom of different type. He later showed alpha rays to be positively charged particles made of helium atoms stripped of their two electrons. He converted an atom of nitrogen into hydrogen and oxygen by artificial disintegration. William David Coolidge US chemist who developed (1911) the pliable tungsten filaments used in lightbulbs and (1913) a high-vacuum X-ray tube (the Coolidge tube) which was a major breakthrough in radiology. Alexis Carrel French surgeon who won the 1912 Nobel Prize for medicine or physiology for developing a technique for suturing (sewing together) blood vessels, thus paving the way for organ transplants and blood transfusion. Autralian born American physicist Victor Hess discovers high energy cosmic radiation during high-altitude balloon flights. Capt. Albert Berry (US) makes first parachute descent from aeroplane Over St. Louis. First ocean-going diesel-driven ships. German physicist Max von Laue discovers that X-rays are electromagnetic radiation, by studying their reflection from crystals. Jules Vedrines (France) makes first 100 mph flight. Alfred Werner, French born Swiss chemist awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his theory of coordination complexes. Bela Schick Hungarian born US pediatrician who developed the Schick test to determine immunity to diphtheria. Charles Robert Richet French physiologist awarded the 1913 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his studies of anaphylaxis,, which term he also coined. Anaphylax is an extreme allergic response to a substance. First Schneider Trophy (seaplane race). Geiger counter Hans Geiger (Eng.). Geiger-Muller tube an early sensitive radiation detector. It contains a mixture of argon or neon and methane at low pressure and acts as the cathode. There is a potential difference of 350-450 volts between the anode and cathode. Radioactive particles entering through a thin window cause ionization in the gas. A voltage pulse appears as a result of electrons build up at the anode. The methane quenches the ionization for the counter to be ready to detect further incoming particles. Background radiation is small number of counts arrives from Low-intensity radiation present in the earths surface and in the atmosphere. Radioactive matter exists in nearly all the rocks of the earths crust. As this slowly decays, it gives off radiation. Also, cosmic radiation reaches the surface from the sky. A Geiger-Muller tube gives a count of about one radiation pulse a second. People believe that this background radiation may cause thousands of cancer deaths a year. It may also play a part in genetic changes (mutations). So far the background count is not much higher, if at all, as a result of nuclear weapons and power stations. Johannes Stark, Bavarian born German physicist discovered stark effect, the splitting degenerate spectral lines through application of powerful electric field which became a triumph of quantum theory. Igor Sikorsky (Russian) flies his 92 -ft (28.2 m) Bolshoi, first four-engined plane.
1915 1915
1915 1915
1915 1916
Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist, discovers that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom in shells. Niels Bohr was a leading figure in the story of modern physics. His electron-proton picture of the atom led to the one we use today. He did much crucial work on quantum physics. During the Second World War he worked on the American atom bomb. Completion of Panama Canal. First schedule passenger service between St. Petersburg and Tampa, Florida (US). Max Theodor Felix Von Laue, German physicist proved X-ray diffraction by crystal, helped determining structure of solid from its diffraction pattern. Tank Ernest Swinton (Eng.) Theodore William Richards US chemist awarded the 1914 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his determination of the atomic weights of some 60 elements. In particular, his accurate work showed the existence of isotopes, predicted earlier by Frederick Soddy. Alfred Lothar Wegener, German meteorologist developed the theory of continental drift. C. H. Hunier, US physician founder of Huniers syndrome, a hereditary disorder caused by deficiency of an enzyme that results in the accumulation of protein carbohydrate complexes and fats in the cells of the body. Medical name: mucopolysaccharidosis type II. C. Schlatter, Swiss surgeon discovered Schlatters disease inflammation and swelling at the site of insertion of the main quadriceps tendon at the top of the tibia (the tibial tubercle), just below the knee. E. Weil, German physician and A. Felix Czech, first to discover a reaction for typhus diagnosis. A sample of the patients serum is tested for the presence of antibodies against the organism Proteus vulgaris. First all-metal aeroplane, Junkers J1 (German). First specially built aircraft carrier, HMS Ark Royal. M. B. Schmidt, German physician discovered Schmidts syndrome the autoimmune destruction of the thyroid, the adrenals, and the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans, causing type 1 diabetes mellitus. It is often associated with failure of the ovaries (causing an early menopause), parathyroids, and the parietal cells of the gastric glands (causing pernicious anaemia). Tungsten filament lamp Irving Langmuir (US) William and Lawrence Bragg, father and son British physicist, deduce atomic structure from their X-ray diffraction patterns. Diffraction is the bending of a wave round suitable objects such as crystals of an element. The effects is large only if the size of the object is roughly the same as the wavelength of the waves. X-ray crystallography a way of using X-rays to explore the structure of crystals. Wilhelm Wien, Prussian born German physicist best known for his work on blackbody radiation. It absorbs all the electromagnetic radiation falling on it. Blackbodies are ideal thermal radiators. J. G. Gerstmann (1887 1969), Austrian neurologist founder of GerstmannStraussler-Scheinker syndrome. An autosomal dominant condition that resembles Creutzfeldt Jacob disease (CJD). Patients present with ataxia and dysarthria and later develop dementia. They continue to deteriorate over several years, in contrast with patients with CJD, who deteriorate rapidly over periods of less than 12 months. Vilfredo Pareto, Italian economist and sociologist developed Paretos law: whatever the political or tax system in a country, the distribution of income is more or less the same.
1919 1919
1919 1920
1920 1920
Automatic rifle John Browning (US) Firtz Haber German chemist synthesized ammonia from the elements nitrogen and hydrogen. Australian brothers Capt. Ross Smith and Lt. Keith Smith make first Britain Australia flight (Hounslow Darwin). E. A. Cockayne, British physician investigated Cockaynes syndrome a hereditary disorder (inherited as an autosomal recessive condition) associated with trisomy of chromosome no 20. Clinical features include epidermolysis bullosa, dwarfism, mental retardation, and pigmentary degeneration, and pigmentary degeneration of the retina. First non-stop Atlantic crossing: Capt. John Alcock and Lt. Arthur Whitten Brown (GB) in Vickers Vimy, from Newfoundland to Ireland. Guillain (1876 1961) and A Barre (1880 1967), French neurologist discovered Guillain-Barre syndrome (postinfective polyneuropathy). A disease of the peripheral nerves in which there is numbness and weakness in the limbs. It usually develops 10-20 days after a respiratory or gastrointestinal infection that provokes an allergic response in the peripheral nerves. Proton Ernest Rutherford (GB). A. L. C. Calmete and C. Guerin, French bacteriologist discovered BCG (bacillus Calmete-Guerin) a strain of tubercle bacillus that has lost the power to cause tuberculosis but retains its antigenic activity: it is therefore used to prepare a vaccine against the disease. A. S. B. Bankart British orthopaedic surgeon deviced operation Bankart operation to repair a defect in the glenoid cavity in cases of recurrent dislocation of the shoulder. B. Schick US paediatrician found Schick test, a test to determine whether a person is susceptible to diphtheria. A small quantity of diphtheria toxin is injected under the skin; a patch of reddening and swelling shows that the person has no immunity. Charles Franklin Kettering US inventor of the first electric cash register and the electric self-starter, who made many significant contributions to automobile technology. Ellie Joseph Cartan French mathematician who developed methods of differential geometry that played an important role in the development of general relativity. F. Steinmann, Swiss surgeon discovered Steinmanns pin a fine metal nail inserted through a fracture bone through which extension is applied to the distal bone fragment. Henry Norris Russell, US astronomer who, independently of Hertzsprung, showed the relation between a stars brightness and color, the resulting Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is important throughout astronomy and cosmology. Walther Herman Nernst German physical chemist awarded the 1920 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his discovery of the Third Law of thermodynamics. Carl Gustav Jung founder of analytical psychology and the collective unconscious. Frederick Soddy British chemist awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize Chemistry for his work with Rutherford on radioactive decay and particularly for his formulation (1913) of the theory of isotopes. He also worked with Sir William Ramsay to discover helium. Archibal Hill British biochemist discovered Hill Reaction. Light energy get converted into chemical energy when hits the chlorophyll pigment in plants. The first reactions in photosynthesis then this chemical energy is used to reduce CO2 into compounds useful to the plant, releasing oxygen for life.
1922 1922
1922 1922
C. Sonnei Danish bacteriologist discovered Sonne dysentery bacillary dysentery caused by the species Shigella sonnei. Charles Leonard Woolley English archaeologist, best known for his excavations at UR in Mesopotamia (Iraq) 1922 34, where his most spectacular discoveries were the royal tombs. He also worked in Syria and Turkey. First jet-propelled aircraft: Heinkel He 178V1 (German). Frederick Grant Banting, Canadian physiologist who, with C. H. Best, first isolated the hormone insulin from the pancreases of dogs (1922). For this he shared the 1923 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with J.J.R. Macleod, who had provided the experimental facilities. Howard Carter English Egyptologist discovered the tomb of Tutankhamen. He and Lord Carnarvon English Egyptologist revealed toms of the 12 th and 18th dynasties. Arthur Holly Compton, US physicist discovered Compton effect for proving that X-ray act as particles. Ejnar Hertzsprung Danish astronomer who showed there was a relation between a stars brightness and color; the resulting Hertszprung Russell Diagram (named also for Henry Russell) is important throughout astronomy and cosmology. He also conceived and defined absolute magnitude; and his work on Cepheid variables has provided a way to measure intergalactic distances. First flight of rotary-wing craft: Juan de la Ciervas Autogyro, in Madrid (Spain). Fritz Pregi, Austrian chemist awarded the 1923 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his pioneering work on the microanalysis of organic compounds. Robert Andrews Millikan US physicist determined the charge of single electron. He also worked on photoelectric effect and also discovered and named cosmic rays. Oliver Heaviside, British physicist and electrical engineer best known for his work in telegraphy, in course of which the developed operational calculus, a new mathematical system for dealing with changing wave-shapes. In 1902, shortly after A. E. Kennelly, he proposed that a layer of the atmosphere was responsible for reflecting radio waves back to earth. This, the E layer of the Ionosphere, was found by E. V. Appleton and others (1924), and is often called the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer, or Heaviside Layer. Publication of Hermann Oberths The Rocket into Interplanetary Space, first serious technical study of rocket principles. Wave nature of electron Louis de Broglie (Fr.) First diesel electric locomotive tried out, in Canada. First diesel locomotive in regular service (US). Frozen food process Clarence Birdseye (US). G. N. Papanicolaou, Greek physician anatomist and cytologist who discovered the Papanicolaou test (pap test) a test to detect cancer of the cervix or lining of the uterus. H. S. Plummer, US physician discovered Plummers disease a hyperfunctioning, usually benign, adenoma of the thyroid gland, which can be palpated and appears as a hot nodule on radioactive thyroid scanning also Plummer-Vinson syndrome a disorder characterized by difficulty in swallowing associated with severe iron-deficiency anaemia. Jean Baptiste Perrin French physical chemist who studied Brownian motion in colloidal particles. The Brownian motion can be seen under a microscope. Pollen grains in water bounce randomly caused by tiny unseen water molecules that bombard the pollen grains.
John Logie Bairds (1888-1946) Scotish engineer demonstrated the first television system. He started research into television in 1922, with the first demonstrations in 1926 (the same year as his patents for using television waves in a radar system). The British Broadcasting Corporation started to use his 30-line in 1936, and an electronically scanned 405-line system the next year. Baird produced the first 3D and colour television systems in 1944. Television (TV) is a technique for broadcasting moving video and sound to aerials linked to special receivers (television sets) in homes and elsewhere. The principles are as follows. By a process of modulation, the combined video/audio signal from the source adds to a high frequency radio carrier. This passes to a transmit aerial for broadcast. The television aerial picks up a signal from the transmitter the signal goes to a tube in the set. Inside the tube, a beam of electrons is fired in lines across the screen. The screen lights up in lines that make up a picture. At the television studio, the cameras produce electric signals. These picture signals then go to the television transmitter near your home. The transmitter turns the signals into radio waves that spread out through the air. The aerial on your set picks up the waves, and the television set turns them back into pictures. Cable TV (cable casting) is a system for distributing broadcast and / or local radio and/or television signals through a cable network linking all, or most, places in a area: broad band techniques mean that the cable can carry signals in both directions (e.g. for interactive TV), and that telephone, video phone, data, view data and other transfer services may be on offer too. Colour TV is made up of tiny red, green and blue dots or stripes. These three colors mix togather when you look at the screen from a distance to give a full color picture. Rocket (liquid fuel) Robert H. Goddard (US). Robert H. Goddard (US) launches first (small) liquid -fuelled rocket: it travels 184 ft (56 m) in 2.5 sec. Theodor Svedberg Swedish chemist invented the ultracentrifuge, separating molecules according to their weights. Wave mechanics Erwin Schrodinger (Aus.) Capt. Charles Lindbergh (US) makes first solo non-stop Atlantic crossing in Spirit of St. Louis. Charles Thomson Rees Wilson British physicist awarded with A. H. Compton the 1927 Nobel Prize for physics for his invention of the cloud chamber (1911). Formation in Germany of VFR, society of Space Travel, for rocket research. Julius Wagner Jauregg Austrian psychologist and neurologist awarded the 1927 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his discovery that inoculation with malaria markedly improved the condition of sufferers from general paresis, hitherto fatal. Otto Heinrich Wieland German organic chemist noted for his work on steroids, especially his research on the bile acids, which brought him the 1927 Nobel Prize for chemistry. Uncertainty principle Werner Heisenberg (Ger.) Werner Karl Heisenberg, German mathematical physicist regarded the father of quantum mechanics. He used mathematical matrices to elucidate the atom in his famous uncertainty principle. Electric shaver Jacob Schick (US) F. H. Lewy, German neurologist discovered Lewy bodies, abnormal proteins found in the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex and basal ganglia in patients
1928 1928
1930 1930 1930 1930 1930 1930s 1931 1931 1931 1931
with cortical Lewy body disease, which is characterized by a combination of parkinsonism and dementia. Otto Paul Hermann Diels German organic chemist who discovered in 1906 carbon suboxide C302. He also discovered the Diels Alder reaction which made many organic compounds to be synthesized. Owen Willians Richardson, British physicist awarded the 1928 Nobel Prize for physics for his pioneering work on thermionic emission. The Richardson equation relates the rate of thermionic emission to the absolute temperature of the heated metal. Wallace Hume Carothers US chemist who developed nylon the first synthetic fiber, and neoprene, a synthetic rubber. Ernest Orlando Lawrence invented the cyclotron. A powerful apparatus which accelerates the circular movement of subatomic particles. First round-the-world airship flight, by 775-ft (236-m) long Graf Zeppelin (German). C. F. Richter devised Richter scale, for the magnitude of earthquakes in terms of the amplitude and frequency of the surface waves. Frank Whittle (GB) patents jet engine. G. Hurier, Austrian paediatrician discovered mucopolysaccharidosis type I that leads to severe mental retardation, enlargement of the liver and spleen, heart defect deformities of the bones and gargoylism or thickening of the facial feature. A hereditary disorder. J. A. Ryle, British physician, invented Ryles tube. A thin flexible tube of rubber or plastic, which is inserted into the stomach through the mouth or nose of a patient and is used for withdrawing fluid from the stomach. John Burdon Sanderson Haldane British geneticist whose work, with that of Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher and Sewall Wright, provided a basis for the mathematical study of population genetics. Karl Landsteiner Austrian-born US pathologist awarded the 1930 Nobel Prize for physiology and medicine for discovering the major blood groups and developing the ABO system of blood typing. N. Smith Petersen, US orothopaedic surgeon invented a stainless steel nail used to fix fragments bone when fractured. Pluto (planet) Clyde Tombaugh (US), from prediction by Percival Lowell (US) in 1905 Vannevar Bush, US electrical engineer who developed a differential analysis-in effect to be the first analog computer. Deuterium (heavy hydrogen) Harold Urey (US). Existence of neutrino (atomic particle) Wolfgang Pauli (Ger.) The neutron is discovered by James Chadwick, a British physicist. Wassily Leontief Russian-born US economist, who developed the techniques of input-output analysis. He came to New York in 1931 and subsequently worked at Harvard U. and New York U. in 1973 he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics. Beginning of age of diesel-electric trains. Edgar Douglas Adrian, English physiologist who shared the 1932 Nobel Prize for Physiology or medicine with Charles Sherrington for work elucidating the functioning of the neurons of the Nervous system. G. Fanconi Swiss paediatrician discovered Fanconis anaemia an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by severe aplastic anaemia and an increase predisposition to malignancy. It also causes mental retardation. German State Railways introduce Flying Hamburger, heralding age of diesel electric traction.
1933 1934
1935 1935
1935 1935
Herbert Edwin Land, US physicist and inventor of Polaroid, a cheap and adaptable means of polarizing light (1932), and the Polaroid Land Camera (1947). In 1937 he set up the Polaroid Corporation to manufacture scientific instruments and antiglare sunglasses incorporating Polaroid. Irving Langmuir US physical chemist awarded the 1932 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on thin films on solid and liquid surfaces (particularly oil on water), which gave rise the new science of surface chemistry. Positron Carl Anderson (US). An anti electron subatomic particle (e-+). T. G. Miller and W. O. Abbott, US physician invented Miller-Abbott tube a double-channel rubber tube used to relieve obstruction of the small intestine. One channel terminates in a balloon that is inflated when the tube reaches the duodenum; the other is used for suction of the obstructing material. Gilbert Newton Lewis, US chemist who suggested 1. Covalent bonding as sharing pair of valence electron between two atoms. 2. Acid is a substance that can accept twoelectrons from donating species (base). 3. Lewis was the first to prepare heavy water D2O. Gilbert Newton Lewis, US chemist who suggested that covalent bonding consisted of the sharing of valance-electrons pairs. His theory of Acids and bases involved seeing acids (Lewis acids) as substances which are able to accept electron pairs from bases which are electron-pair donating species (Lewis bases). Wiley Post (US) makes first round the world solo flight. George Hoyt Whipple, US pathologist awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his discovery that feeding raw liver to anemic dogs improved their conditions: the successful work to G. Minot and W. Murphy (who shared the award with him) in finding a treatment for pernicious anemia sprang directly from this. Harold Clayton Urey, US chemist awarded the 1934 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his discovery of deuterium an isotope of hydrogen. He was also a leading cosmologist using oxygen isotopes for Geological dating. He was leading theorist about the nature and origin of the moon. J. Kallmann (1897 1965) US geneticist discovered Kallmanns syndrome. A familial condition that is the most common form of isolated gonadotrophin deficiency; it is combined with underdevelopment of the olfactory lobes, causing anosmia (absence of the sense of smell). A. T. Beck US psychiatris designed Beck Scale for suicide ideation (BSS) an assessment tool designed to identify vulnerability to and risk of suicide in patients. Hans Spemann German embryologist awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for researches into the development of the embryo, showing that specific cells adopted specific functions not through any predetermination of form but because of the action of local chemical organizers (in fact, hormones). Irene Joliot-Curie French physicist, the daughter of Piere and Marie Curie. She and her husband Jean Frederic Joliot (1900-1958) shared the 1935 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their discovery of artificial radioactivity. Both later played a major part in the formation of the French atomic energy commission but because of their communism, were removed from positions of responsibility (Frederic 1950, Irene 1951). Like her mother, Irene died from Leukemia as a result of prolonged exposure to radioactive materials. J. S. Batchelor British orthopaedic surgeon invented Batchelor plaster a type of plaster that keeps both legs abducted and medially rotated, used to correct congenital dislocation of the hip. Parking meter Carlton Magee (US)
1936 1936
1936 1936
First successful helicopter: prototype Focke-Wulf Fw 61 V1. Harold Raistrick, British organic chemist elucidated some hundreds of fungal products produced by fermentation as end products. Lower fungi became laboratories of organic synthesis with complex structure, to be considered among mans best friend. He had the opportunity to work an penicillin isolation but declined owed to its instability. Henry Hallet Dale British biologist who discovered acetylcholine and described its properties together with those of histamine. In 1936 he shared the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with Otto Loewi, having identified the chemical that Loewi had found to be secreted by certain nerve ending as acetylcholine and demonstrated its role in transmitting nerve impulses. Peter Joseph Wilhelm Debye Dutch-born, German US physical chemist chiefly remembered for the Debye-Huckel theory of ionic solution (1923). He was awarded the 1936 Nobel Prize for chemistry. Prototype helicopter successfully tested. The helicopter engine drives the rotor. The blades of the rotor are aerofoils, and they generate lift when they rotate. When a helicopter hovers, the blades all rotate at the same pitch. The weight of the craft balances the upward pull of the rotor. To climb, the angle of attack of the blades must be increased. The angle of attack is the angle at which the leading edges of the blades meet the air. To move forwards, the blades are tilted forwards. This increases their angle of attack at the rear of the helicopter but decreases it at the front, so pushing the craft forwards. Similar adjustments can make the helicopter fly in any direction. The spinning of the rotor makes the helicopter itself rotate in the opposite direction. In most helicopters a tail rotor cancels this out. Victor Franz Hess, Austrian born US physicist discovered cosmic rays very high energy particles from space. Their actual source is not fully certain. It could be stars that erupt as Novas or explode as Supernovas. Cosmic particles are nuclei of light atoms, they reach the earth from all directions at speeds close to that of light. When such a particle collides with one in the air ionization starts. Radioactive counters always have background radiation which must be subtracted to show the real radioactivity of a sample. W. E. Dandy and A. E. Walker, US surgeons discovered Dandy-Walker syndrome. A form of cerebral palsy in which the cerebellum is usually the part of the brain affected. It leads to unsteadiness of balance and an abnormal gait and may be associated with hydrocephalus. First working jet engine is built by British engineer Frank Whittle. Anna Freud pioneered child therapy clinic. E. Letterer and S. A. Siwe, German physicians the discoverer of Letterer-Siwe disease which consist of overgrowth of cells of reticuloendothelial system or langerhans cell histocystosis. German scientist Otto Hahn and Austrian physicist Lise Meitner discover nuclear fission. Fission a form of radioactivity in which an unstable nucleus splits into two roughly equal parts. There is energy transfer to these and to the two or three neutrons that also appear. A well known case is that of 235U, the lighter common isotope of uranium. When 235U absorbs a neutron, it becomes 236U, this is very unstable and quickly236 splits. The effect is as follows 1 235 1 fission products + 30 n + energy. 92U + 0 n 92 U American chemist Linus Pauling explains the nature of chemical bonds between atoms and molecules. The energy holding two atoms together by electrons shared or donated. If energy supplied is bigger, atoms end up pulled out from each others influence forming ions.
1940 1940
1941 1941
Betatron Donald Kerst (US). Electron microscope Vladimir Zworykin and Ernst Ruska (US & Ger). Ernst Heinrich Heinkel, German aircraft designer of the first jet airplane or rocket-propelled airplanes. Hot gas leaving an airplane kicks the aircraft forward not different than a bullet fired from a gun kicks the firer backwards. F. J. Waardenburg, Dutch ophthalmologist he had his share in identifying Waardenburgs syndrome. An inherited form of deafness accompanied by a characteristic white forelock of hair and multiple colors within the irises of the eyes. It is inherited as an autosomal dominant, severity is variable. First jet aeroplane, built by Heinkel Co. of Germany. German scientist Hans Bethe explains that the sun and stars are powered by nuclear fusion. Sikorsky makes first successful flight in single-rotor helicopter. H. Goldmann, Swiss ophthalmologist invented the tonometer. An instrument for measuring pressure inside the eye. It measures the force required to flatten an area of cornea 3MM2. A greater force is required when the pressure inside the eyes increased. J. G. Asherman, Czechoslovakian gynaecologist discovered Asherman syndrome a condition in which amenorrhoea and infertility follow a major haemorrhage in pregnancy. P. Kimmelstiel, German born pathologist and C. Wilson British physician identified Kimmelstiel-Wilson disease. A disease in which diabetes mellitus is associated with the nephritic syndrome, which results from breakdown of the glomeruli of the kidneys. Plutonium-G.T. Seaborg et al. (US). Symbol Pu is dense silvery radioactive metallic transuranic element, has half life 7.6x107 years. Thirteen isotopes are known, having the same number of electrons and protons but different nuclear weight. By far the most important being plutonium 239 (half life : 2.44 x 104 years). Pu-239 undergoes nuclear fission with slow neutrons and is therefore a vital power source for nuclear weapons and some nuclear reactors. About 20 tons of plutonium are produced annually by the worlds nuclear reactors. Von Neumann, Joh(an)n (1903-1957), a Hungarian mathematician who went to the US as a professor in his late 20s. Neumanns work on the US nuclear weapons programme involved him in early computing and game theory. In particular, his was the stored program concept that made the first electronic computers possible in the 1940s. The Neumann Machine. The Neumann bottleneck is the limit on data processing speed that follows using a single bus in a processor for both instructions and other data. As it is hard to tell how these differ in many cases (e.g. they both pass between main store and processor through the storage buffer register), this is not an easy bottleneck to widen. A Neumann machine is a serial processor with store and input/output units, the store holding and handling both program and other data in the same way (this is the stored program concept mentioned above). In other words, almost all the digital computers of the early 1990s are Neumann machines. A Neumann sort is a data sorting method that involves building up strings to contain the sorted items. A. Hartmann, US physician made Hartmans solution. A solution containing sodium, potassium, and calcium chlorides and sodium lactate, administrated by infusion to treat dehydration. I. F. Stein and M. Leventhal discovered Stein-Leventhal syndrome responsible for sterility from cysts in both ovaries.
1943 1943
Enrico Fermi, USA physicist built the first nuclear reactor. The USA has the most nuclear reactors (109) in the world. The reactor produced radioisotopes from neutron bombardment with most elements. Nuclear reactor, device containing sufficient fissionable material, arranged so that a controlled chain reaction may be started up and maintained in it. Many types of reactor exist; all produce neutrons, gamma rays, radiactive fission to products and heat butnormally use in made of only one of these. Neutrons may be used in nuclear research or for producing useful radioisotopes. Gamma rays are dangerous to man and must be shielded against, but have some uses. The fragments produced by fission of a heavy nucleus have a large amount of energy, and the heat they produce may be used for carrying out a variety of high-temperature processes or for heating a working fluid (such as steam) to operate turbine and produce electricity. This is the function of most commercial reactors, although a number are used to power ships and submarines, since a small amount of nuclear fuel gives these a very long range. In an electricity-generating reactor, the fuel is normally uranium pellets surrounded by a moderator and the cooling fluid is water or liquid sodium (which in turn heats the turbine fluid). There is much insulation and radiation shielding. The fuel is expensive but produces several thousand times the heat of the same weight of coal. After some time it must be replaced (although only partly consumed) because of the build-up of neutronabsorbing fission products. This replacement, and the reprocessing of the radioactive products, need costly remote handling equipment. New fast breeder reactors with no moderator avoid this problem, since as well as producing fission of U235, they convert nonfisionable U238 to plutonium which also undergoes fission chain reactions. Research is continuing into more efficient reactors as power sources for the future. Remember: nuclear energy is an alternative to green house effect but still not an idea of perfection towards an environtmentally friendly resource. H. F. Klinefelter, US physician discovered Klinefelters syndrome. A genetic disorder in which there are three sex chromosomes, XXY, rather than the normal XX or XY. Affected individuals are apparently male, but have small testes, enlarged breasts, and absence of facial and body hair. A. Blalock, US surgeon performed Blalock-Taussig operation. An operation in which the pulmonary artery is anastomosed to the subclavian artery, performed on patients with tetralogy of Fallot. George Charles De Hevesey Hungarian born chemist discovered radioactive tracers, molecules embedded with radio active isotopes for tracing pathways in biochemistry. He also discovered hafnium element. He was awarded the 1943 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on radioactive tracers. German V-2 rocket, launched at Peenemunde, in the Baltic, travels 122 miles (196 km). Otto Stern, German born US physicist first to measure the magnetic moment of the proton using molecular beam. Automatic digital computer Howard Aiken (US) digital displaying information as numbers, able to take only a restricted number of values between the bottom and top of the permitted range (whereas as analog measure can have any value in the range). Most IT systems (including digital computers) are binary digital, with only two values allowed, called 0 and one. F. R. G. Heaf, British physician discovered Heaf test. A skin test to determine whether or not an individual is immune to tuberculosis, carried out before vaccination. A spring-loaded gun mounted with very short needles produces a circle of six punctures in the forearm through which tuberculin is
1944 1944
1944 1944
1945 1945
1945 1945
1945 1946
introduced. If the test is positive a reaction causes the skin to become red and raised, indicating that the individual is immune. First flying-bombs launched (German). G. L. Ramussen, US anatomist discovered Rasmussens encephalitis a focal encephalitis, found most commonly in children, that results in continual focal seizures. The underlying cause is unknown but it may be due to a viral infection. J. L. A Peutz, Dutch and H. J. Jeghers US physicians discovered polyp in the lining of the small intestine. John Rock US gynecologist and obstetrician who achieved the first test-tube fertilization of a human ovum. His pioneering experiments with progesterone in the 1950s led to the development of the birth-control pill by Gregory Pincus. Alexander Fleming British bacteriologist, discoverer of lysozome (1922) and penicillin (1928). Lysozome is an enzyme present in many body tissues and lethal to certain bacteria; its discovery prepared the way for that of antibiotics. His discovery of penicillin was largely accidental; and it was developed as a therapeutic later, by Harold Florey and Ernst Chain. All three received the 1945 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for their work. The good new about antibiotics, if you know the make up of the enemy, you know how to attack it. Americans establish White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico. Artturi Virtanen, Finish biochemist discovered the preservation of silage, cattle food made from grass corn, legumes under limited fermentation. Keeping the pH below 4 keeps the nutritive value, stopping it from total fermentation. First pure-jet aeroplane, Gloster Meteor (GB). Helen Brooke Taussig, US pediatrician and cardiologist who developed the blue baby operation (1945: with surgeon Alfred Blalock) which increased blood circulation to the lungs and stimulated research on the surgical correction of congenital heart defects. Julius Robert Oppenheimer, US physicist developed the atomic bomb for the peaceful use of nuclear power. He engineered the apparatus that turns the mass of uranium into energy breaking the nuclei releases the forcesthat held the tiny particles togather, giving great power of explosion and heat. The first electronic computer, ENIAC is devised in the USA. A system that links hardware and software. (control programs) in order to carry out simple repetitive tasks at great speed and with little error. A useful definition that covers the vast majority of machines from the smallest micro to the largest main frame, is: a modern, high speed, digital electronic, stored program data processor. These terms can in turn be defined as follows: a. modern: developed during the last half century: b.high speed: able to carry out hundreds of thousands, or in some cases, million of actions a second; c. digital electronic: based on the transfer, processing and storage of tiny (twostate) pulses of current or voltage (for instance); d.stored program: able to follow through a set of instructions held internally; e. data processor; a machine designed to process data (i.e. convert it to a particular form). Wolfgang Pauli Austrian born physicist discovered Pauli exclusion principle. Two electrons occupy the same orbital have opposite spin. First successful launching of German V-2s from White Sands, reaching record altitude of 114 miles (183 km).
1947 1947
James Batcheller Sumner US biochemist who shared with J. H. Northrop and W. M. Stanley the 1946 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his first crystallization of an enzyme (urease, 1926), showing it was a protein. Joseph Hermann Muller US geneticist awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his work showing that X-Rays greatly accelerat mutation processes. C. S. Beck, US surgeon set up what is called Becks triad the classical diagnostic features of cardiac tamponade; dilated neck veins, a fall in blood pressure, and muffled heart sounds. Carl Ferdinand Cori Czech-born US biochemist who shared the 1947 Nobel Prize for medicine or physiology with his wife, Gerty Theresa Radnitz Cori (1896-1957), for their joint elucidation of the processes by which glycogen is broken down and reformed in the body. Edward Victor English physicist who discovered the Appleton layer (since resolved as two layers termed F1 and F2) ionized gas molecules in the ionosphere. His work in atmospheric physics won him the 1947 Nobel Prize for physics and contributed to the development of radar. During WWII he helped develop the atomic bomb. F. Wegener, German pathologist discovered Wegeners granulomatosis, an immune disease affecting nasal passages, lungs and kidneys. It is fatal but can be controlled with steroids. H. H. Turner, US endocrinologist, discovered Turners syndrome a genetic defect in women in which there is only one X chromosome instead of the usual two. Affected women are infertile: they have female external genitalia but no ovaries. Characteristically they are short and have variable developmental defects. Polaroid camera Edwin Land (US) it produces finished print with seconds. Robert Robinson British organic chemist who revealed the structure of alkaloids and other plant made products. Supersonic flight: first pilot to exceed speed of sound in level flight is Maj. Charles Yeager (US), in the Bell XS-1, released in mid - air by a Boeing B-29, achieved 670 mph (1.078 kph). The first commercial computer developed by LEO (Lyons electronic office) started in 1947, working 1953. The owners were the British catering firm of Joe Lyons, who used the system for routine clerical work. LEO had a very large mercury delay line store and highly effective semiautonomous input/output units. Leo Computers, founded as a result in 1954, designed and made two further highly successful models of commercial computer, both as advanced for their time as LEO (I) itself. Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius Swedish chemist awarded the 1948 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his development of new techniques and equipment in order to apply electrophoresis to the study of proteins, notably those of the blood. First gas-turbine electric locomotive tested. Gerard Peter Kuiper Dutch-born US astronomer who discover carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars (1948) and satellites of Uranus and Neptune (1948-49), and contributed to the theory of planetary genesis. Long-playing record Peter Goldmark (US). M. L. Barr discovered Barr body sex chromatin found only in female cells and believed to represent a single X chromosome in a nondividing cell. It can be used to discover the sex of a baby before birth by examination of cells obtained by amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling.
1948 1948
1949 1949
1950 1950
Norbert Wiener, US mathematician created cybernetics or control and communication in the machine. P. E. Becker, German geneticist established Becker muscular dystrophy, a sex-linked (X-Linked) disorder in which affected males develop an increase in muscle size followed by weakness and wasting. It usually starts between the ages of 5 and 15, and 25 years after onset most patients are wheelchair-bound. Although most men become severely disabled, life expectancy is close to normal. Transistor John Bardeen, Walter Brattain & William Shockley (US). Transistor is a semiconductor device (a substance able to conduct electricity to some extent less than a metal but more than an insulator) to be used as an amplifier or as an oscillator, silicon is an example. Xerography Chester Carlson (US). Xerograph an electrostatic process for the printing stage of most copiers and page printers. The first stage (making an image) involves forming the image in the form of charges on a drum. The charges attract a toner (plastic dust) which in turn transfers to the paper. A hot surface bakes the toner into the surface of the paper. The word means dry writing whereas most earlier copying processes involved liquids. The Xerox company takes its name from this process. Americans establish Cape Canaveral (later Cape Kennedy) launching site in Florida. Clyde Kluckhohn, US anthropologist, best known for his studies of the Navaho Indians and work on the theory of culture and personality. A professor at Harvard (1935-60), he wrote several books including Mirror for man (1949). D. Waterston, British surgeon first performed the operation of joining the right pulmonary artery to the ascending aorta, performed to relieve tetralogy or Fallot. A congenital heart disease. Detlev Wulf Bronk, US biologist who was a pioneer in the application of physics to biological processes. First non-stop round-the-world flight: Boeing B-50 Superfortress Lucky Lady II, flown from Texas by Capt. James Gallagher (US) with crew of 18: refuelled in air four times. First pure-jet airliner: prototype De Havilland Comet (GB), flown by Gp. Capt. John Cunningham. Rudolf Walter Hess, Swiss physiologist awarded with Moniz the 1949 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his determination of the control exerted by certain parts of the brain over the functioning of internal organs. A. Lyell, British dermatologist discovered Lyells disease in young infants. The skin becomes reddened and then peels off by staphylococcal scalded skin bacteria. B. McArdle British biochemist, the founder of McArdles disease an inborn error of metabolism in which a deficiency of the enzyme myophosphorylase prevents the breakdown of glycogen to lactate in exercising muscle. This results in fatigue, pain, and cramps in exercising muscles. D. G. Gogan (1908 1993), US ophthamologist found Cogans syndrome a disorder in which keratitis and iridocystitis are associated with tinnitus, vertigo, and bilateral sensorineural deafness. Discovery of the dead sea scrolls by Shepherds. Manuscripts on papyrus and leather and even on copper discovered at khibrat Qumran on North West Shore of the dead sea. These scrolls were possibly part of the Jewish sect library from c200 BC to 68 AD. The area included eleven caves contained hundreds of manuscripts of the modern Hebrew Bible and Old Testament.
1950 1950
E. J. Gardner, US physician Gardners syndrome. A variant form of familial adenomatous polyposis in which polyps in the colon are associated with fibromas and osteomas (benign tumours), especially of the skull and jaw, and multiple sebaceous cysts. Edward Calvin Kendall US biochemist awarded with P. S. Hench and Tadeus Reichstein the 1950 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his work on the corticoids and isolation of cortisone, applied by Hench to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. K. Patau, US geneticist who found Patau Syndrome a chromosome disorder in which there are three no. 13 chromosomes (instead of the usual two), causing abnormal brain development, severe mental retardation, and defects in the heart, kidney, and scalp. Affected individuals rarely survive. Philip Showalter Hench US physician who shared with E. C. Kendall and Tadeus Reichstein the 1950 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his use of cortisone to treat rheumatic arthritis. R. F. Schilling, US physician developed Schilling test a test used to assess a patients capacity to absorb vitamin B12 from the bowel. Radioactive vitamin B12 is given by mouth and urine collected. A patient with pernicious anaemia will excrete less than 5% of the original dose over a period of 24 hours. Theodosius Dobzhansky Russian-born US biologist, famed for his study of the fruit fly, Drosophila, which demonstrated that a wide genetic range could exist in even a comparatively well-defined species. Indeed the greater the genetic load of unusual genes in a species, the better equipped it is to survive in changed circumstances. Theory of continuous creation of matter Sir Fred Hoyle (GB). A British cosmologist, formulated with T. Gold and H. Bondi the steady state theory namely evolution of stars resulting from the Big Bang theory producing the galaxies and the elements by nuclear fission in stars. Unified field theory Albert Einstein (Swi./US). Unified field theory, which tries to incorporate electromagnetic together with the strong and weak nuclear forces into the general theory of relativity. If successful, one set of equations would describe these fundamental force fields, including gravity, in terms of the geometry of space-time. Einstein made the first attempt to produce such a theory; he wanted to represent physical reality entirely in terms of fields, yet in his general theory of relativity, particles still exist as singularities regions where field equations break down. The discovery of prostaglandins by a Swedish chemist. A group of organic compounds derived from essential fatty acids and causing a range of physiological effects in animals. Prostaglandins have been detected in most body tissues. They act at very low concentrations to cause the contraction of smooth muscle; natural and synthetic prostaglandins are used to induce abortion or labor in humans and domestic animals. Two prostaglandin derivatives have antagonistic effects on blood circulation: thromboxane A 2; causes blood clotting while prostacyclin causes blood vessels to dilate. Inflammation in allergic reactions and other diseases is also thought to involve prostaglandins. Prostaglandin also used in the treatment of newborn babies with congenital heart disease, production of mucus in the stomach, treatment of pecitic ulcers. Xalatan is a wonder drug in the treatment of glaucoma, the loss of vision due to high pressure in eye fluid, resulted from blockage of the angle between the junction of the cornea and sclera and the margin of the iris where aqueous humor usually drains from the eye. Ernest Thomas Walton, Irish nuclear physicist who shared with J. D. Cockcroft the 1951 Nobel Prize for physics for their development of the first
1952 1952
1952 1952
particle accelerator, using which they initiated the first nuclear fission reaction using nonradioactive substances. Igor Vasilevich Kurchatov Russian nuclear physicist largely responsible for the development of Soviet nuclear armaments and for the first Soviet nuclear power station. The Soviets have named the transuranium element rutherfordium kurchatovium for him. Max Theiler South-African-born US microbiologist awarded the 1951 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his discovery that an attenuated strain of yellow fever could be prepared by infecting mice, so making possible the first yellow fever vaccine. A. M. di George, US paediatrician discovered catch-22 or di George syndrome. Cardiac abnormalities, abnormal feces, T-cell deficiency from absent thymus, hypocalcaemia, defect in chromosome 22 a hereditary condition resulting in an inability to fight infections i.e. immunodeficiency. Abraham Selman Waksman Russian-born US biochemist microbiologist and soil scientist. His isolation of streptomycin, the first specific antibiotic (a term he coined) against tuberculosis, won him the 1952 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. Archer Martin British chemist discovered chromatography; separation technique of organic compounds using paper, column, thin layer dipped in solvent. Separation depends on either partition or adsorption between a stationary phase (water held by paper) or solid support (adsorption) and solvent climbing up or down. Very small amount of substance can be analyzed. Donald Glaser invented bubble chamber a device to observe the paths of sub-atomic particles with energy too high for a cloud chamber to be used a liquid (e.g. liquid hydrogen or oxygen) is held under pressure just below its boiling point. Sudden reduction in pressure lowers this boiling point; boiling starts along the paths of energetic subatomic particles, whose passage creates local heating. At the instant of reduction, their paths may thus be photographed as a chain of bubbles. Edward Purcell (American) physicist discovered nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) a highly useful spectrometer for determining organic structure and MRI for exploring tissues. First commercial jet airliner. The principle of the jet engine was developed by the British engineer Frank Whittle. In a jet engine, air is sucked into the intake and compressed by a turbine. The compressed air is mixed with fuel in a combustion chamber where it is ignited. The exhaust gases produced by the combustion provide the energy, or thrust, of the jet engine. First pure-jet schedule airline service established by BOAC with Comets. R. D. K. Reye, Australian histopathologist, disvcovered Reyes syndrome a rare disorder occurring in childhood. It is characterized by the symptoms of encephalitis combined with evidence of liver failure. Treatment is aimed at controlling cerebral oedema and correcting metabolic abnormalities, but there is significant mortality and there may be residual brain damage. R. L. Kahn, US bacteriologist discovered Kahn reaction. A test for syphilis, in which antibodies specific to the disease are detected in a sample of the patients blood by means of a precipitin reaction. This test is not as reliable as some. W. Kleine, German neuropsychiatis and M. Levin, US neurologist, founders of Kleine-Levin syndrome. A rare episodic disorder characterized by periods (usually of a few days or weeks) in which sufferers eat enormously, sleep for most of the day and night, and may become more dependent or aggressive than normal.
1953 1953
1953 1953
1954 1954
1954 1954
Fritz Albert Lipmann German-born US biochemist who shared with Sir Hans Krebs the 1953 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his discovery in 1947 of coenzyme A. a coenzyme acts in conjunction with enzymes, it comprises the B vitamin panthothenic acid, adenine and a ribose phosphate. Frits Zernike Dutch physicist developed phase contrast microscopy, where by cells may be studied without prior staining. Hans Adolf Krebs German-born British biochemist awarded (with F. A. Lipmann) the 1953 Nobel Prize for physiology of medicine for his discovery of the citric acid cycle, or Krebs cycle, fundamental to the aerobic organisms i.e. animals, plants and microorganisms Krebs cycle is the central crossroads in the complex system of metabolic pathways. Hermann Staudinger German chemist awarded the 1953 Nobel Prize for chemistry for showing that the long chains of molecules known as polymers are really giant molecules held together by normal chemical bonds. Karnaugh map or veitch sketch a method of setting out in graphic form the contents of truth tables. M. Karnaugh first published the scheme in 1953, having slightly changed the ideas of E. Veitch. Properly used, Karnaugh maps make simplification of logical expressions much more straightforward than other methods. A. J. Birch an Australian organic chemist postulated the polyacetate hypotheses. He fed CH314 COOH to the fungus growing on synthetic media. He isolated the fungal phenolic product, which is then degraded it chemically followed by radioactive counting. He showed that the fungal metabolite is built in the fungus by head to tail condensation of acetic acid units in a manner similar to fatty acid synthesis involving an enzyme complex. D. P. Burkitt, Irish surgeon, the discoverer of Burkitts tumour, a malignant tumour of the lymphatic system, most commonly affecting children and largely confined to tropical Africa. It is the most rapidly growing malignancy, with a tumour doubling time of about five days. It can arise at various sites, most commonly the facial structures, such as the jaw, and the abdomen. F. C. Bartter, US physician discovered Bartter syndrome an inherited condition of the kidney, which cause abnormalities in the excretion and reabsorption of salts from the blood. This results in lowered levels of potassium and chloride and an increased level of calcium. The baby fails to grow properly and becomes progressively weaker and dehydrated. J. E. Salk US bacteriologist discovered Salk vaccine. A vaccine against poliomyelitis. It is administered by injection. He refused the money, he wanted everyone to be inoculated with it. John Franklin Enders, US microbiologist who shared the 1954 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with F. C. Robbins and T. H. Weller for their cultivation of poliomyelitis virus in non-nerve tissues, so opening the gate for the development of polio vaccines. Linus Carl Pauling, US chemist and pacifist awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on the chemical bond and the 1962 Nobel Peace Prize for his support of unilateral nuclear disarmament. Maser Charles H. Townes (US). Maser is a device used as a microwave oscillator or amplifier stimulating emission of radiation. Maser action is based on the fact that irradiation at the frequency concerned raises atoms into excited state than its lower state. The incident waves cause more emission of waves than absorption. Oscillators form the basis of extremely accurate atomic clock. The ammonia clock for inversion of ammonia molecules has the constancy of the frequencies associated with electron spin reversals.
1954 1954
Max Born German theoretical physicist provided a link between wave mechanics and the quantum theory putting Schrdinger wave equation into practice. R. C. Lancefield, US bacteriologist projected Lancefield classification. A classification of the streptococcus bacteria based on the presence or absence of antigenic carbohydrate on the cell surface. Species are classified into the groups A-S. Most species causing disease in humans belong to groups. Axel Hugo Teodor Theorell Swedish biochemist awarded the 1955 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his studies of enzyme action, specifically the roles of enzymes in biological oxidation and reduction processes. B. T. Horton US physician identified Hortons syndrome a severe headache caused by the release of histamine. Backus-Naur form (BNF), a system (metalanguage) used to describe the syntax (grammar) of a program language. Developed by John Backus of IBM (founder of Fortran), and first used to define Algol, BNF depends mainly on three symbols, used in this simple example: <vowel> ::= a | e | i | o | u We read this as the meta-variable called vowel is defined as one of the set of terminal symbols a, e, i, o, u. Thus the three main symbols are: <> a metavariable, e.g. a data type or program instruction; ::= meaning is defined as; | meaning or BNF defines a decimal number thus: <point> :: = .|. <digit> :: = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 <number> :: = <digit>|<digit><number> <decimal number> :: = <number><point><number>| <point><number> There are various ways to parse sample variables to check that they are correct in terms of BNF definitions. Emilio Segre, Italian born US nuclear physicist discovered antiproton and technetium, the first artificially produced element. Scientists have discovered more than 200 different subatomic particles. First nuclear-powered vessel, submarine Nautilus (US). Fifth state of mater. Called the superatom is found at temperatures close to absolute zero. Fortran, the first high-level program language, produced by John Backus and others in the mid-1950s, and still very common in science and engineering because of its great numerical processing power. (The name comes from formula translation). Fortrans only data structure is the array (or matrix), and the data types include double-precision and complex numbers. This structure and the data types are declared as follows at the start of a program. Fred Hoyle, British cosmologist best known for formulating with T. Gold and H. Bondi the steady state theory and for his important contributions to theories of stellar evolution, especially concerning the successive formation of the elements by nuclear fusion in stars. H. Angelman, British pediatrician discovered Angelman syndrome (Happy puppet syndrome) a disorder of development characterized by severe learning difficulties, absence of speech, seizures, jerky movements , a characteristic facial expression, and a happy social disposition, it is caused by a genetic abnormality on chromosome 15.
Max Delbruck, German born US biologist whose discovery of a method for detecting and measuring the rate of mutations in bacteria opened up the study of bacterial genetics. Northcote Parkinson, Parkinsons law: Work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Polykarp Kusch, German born US physicist who shared with W. E. Lamb the 1955 Nobel Prize for physics for showing that the electron has a magnetic moment greater than that theoretically calculated. This result inspired radical changes in nuclear theory. Worlds first 200 mph run, achieved by French locomotive 205 mph (330 kph). Pendulum suspensions allows trains like French express to travel at high speeds on existing track. First 1.000 mph flight: Peter Twiss (GB) achieves 1.132 mph (1.822 kph) in Fairey Delta 2. Werner Forssman, German surgeon a warded, with A. Cournan and D. W. Richards, the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the technique of introducing medicine directly into the heart via a catheter. Antarctic crossed Sir Vivian Fuchs (Eng.). Daniele Bovet. Swiss born Italian pharmacologist who discovered the first antihistamine and later developed curare (arrow poison used by South American Indian hunters extracted from various plants) and curare-like compounds for use as muscle-relaxants during surgery. He was awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. First artificial Earth satellite: Russians launch Sputnik 1 on 4 October heralding Space Age: weighing 184 lb (83 kg) and transmitting for 21 days, it remains in orbit until 4 January 1958. on 3 November, Russians launch Sputnik 2, containing dog Laika, first mammal in space: Laika dies long before craft is destroyed on re-entry (14.4.58). Satellite is a spacecraft in free fall in orbit round the earth (or round any other object in the solar system). To reach such an orbit, rockets give the satellite a speed relative to the earth of around 8 km/s. the craft needs to further power once at the right speed and moving in the right direction as gravity pulls it towards the surface at much the same rate as the surface falls away beneath it. However, to keep a satellite in a perfectly stable orbit, it may need an occasional pulse from its own small correcting rockets. All spacecraft use electricity. They may have batteries which are kept charged from the Suns energy. These craft always have large solar panelswhich collect the Suns heat. Electricity can also be manufactured specially. Robertus Alexander Todd British organic chemist awarded the 1957 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on the structure and synthesis of nucleotides. Frederick Sanger British biochemist awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on the proteins, particularly for first determining the complete structure of a protein, that of Bovine insulin (1955). George Wells Beadle, US Geneticist who shared part of the 1958 Nobel Prize for physiology or Medicine with E. L. Tatum (and J. Lederberg) for work showing that individual genes controlled the production of particular enzymes (1937-40). On 31 January, Americans launch their first satellite, Explorer 1, from Cape Canaveral. Radiation belts surrounding earth James Van Allen (US). The first integrated circuit consisting one piece of semiconductor is produced by US electronics engineer Jack Kilby.
1962 1962
Wernber Von Braun, German rocket engineer who designed the first selfcontained missile, the V-2, which was used against the UK in 1944. In 1945 he went to America, where he led the team that put the first US artificial satellite in orbit (1958). He later developed the Saturn rocket used in the Apollo moon-landing program, and he pioneered the concept of the space shuttle. First hovercraft. A vehicle designed to travel over water supported on a cushion of air. First nuclear powered surface ship, Russian ice-breaker Lenin. First hovercraft, SR N1 invented by Christopher Cockerell (GB). Large hovercraft skim across the sea on a cushion of air. Russians launch Lunik 1 (first probe to go near Moon), Lunik 2 (first to crashland on moon), and Lunik 3 (first photographs of hidden side of Moon). Torsten Wiesel Swedish neurobiologist who shared the 1981 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for his research on the brains processing of visual information. He taught at the Harvard Medical School from 1959. Frank Willard Libby, US chemist awarded the 1960 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for discovering the technique of radiocarbon dating (1947), the first method of radioisotope dating. George Snell, American biochemist discovered pyridoxal phosphate or vitamin B6. A coenzyme involved in amino acid metabolism. Lunik 1 becomes first artificial satellite of Sun, having missed Moon. On 1 April, US launch Tiros1, first weather satellite (clear photographs of Earths cloud cover). US satellite Discover 13 ejects capsule on 17 th orbit, first object recovered from orbit (Pacific Ocean), US launch 100-ft (30-m) diameter balloon Echo 1 into orbit (passive communications satellite), Russian dogs Belka and Strelka become first animals recovered from orbit (from returned capsule of Sputnik 5). First man in space, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin makes one orbit in Vostok 1 on 12 April. First American astronaut Alan Shepard makes suborbital flight on 5 May to height of 116 miles (187 km). On 6 August, second Russian spaceman, Gherman Titov, begins 17 orbit, 24-hour flight in Vostok 2. Glider altitude record of 46.267 ft (14,102 m), Paul Bikle Jr (US). Melvin Calvin US biologist who gained the 1961 Nobel Prize for chemistry after having led the team that unravelled the details of the chemistry of photosynthesis. F. A. Lange, German physician discovered Lange curve an obsolescent method of detecting excess globulins in the protein of the cerebrospinal fluid. It was useful in the diagnosis of neurosyphilis and multiple sclerosis but has been superseded by more specific tests. First American in orbit. John Glenn makes 3 orbits on 20 February in friendship 7 (mercury craft). On 26 April, Ranger 4 becomes first US craft to reach Moon. First commercial communications satellite, Telstar 1, launched on 10 July, begins relaying TV programmes across Atlantic Vostok 3 (launched 11 Aug) and Vostok 4 (12 Aug) come within 4 miles (6 km) of each other, piloted by Andriyan Nikolayev and Pavel Popovich, respectively Russians launch first Mars probe, but contact lost. US probe mariner 2 (launched 26 Aug) returns close-range information of Venus. First nuclear-powered merchant ship. H. J. C. Swan, US cardiologist and W. Ganz US engineer invented the Swan-Ganz catheter, a catheter with an inflatable balloon at its tip, which can be inserted into the pulmonary artery via the right chambers of the heart.
Inflation of the balloon enables measurement of pressure in the left atrium and hence pulmonary artery pressure. J. D. Watson and Francis Crick American and English biochemist proposed the double-helix model of DNA. For this, one of the most spectacular advances in 20th-century science, they shared the 1962 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with M. H. F. Wilkins, who had provided them with the X-ray data on which they had based their proposal. Cricks subsequent work has been concerned with deciphering the functions of the individual codons or vocabulary in the genetic code. Genes maping technology today helped scientists to identify resistant genes to insecticides saving crops and also new antibiotics against super bugs. John Cowdery Kendrew British biochemist awarded with M. F. Perutz the 1962 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his first determining the structure of globular protein (myoglobin) and other globular proteins. Lev Landau Russian physicist developed the theory of liquid helium and predicted its behaviour. Savannah (US) goes into service as first nuclear powered merchant ship. The supply of energy from fission reactor. The fuel for thermal energy is enriched uranium, it has a high content of the active isotope 235U. The uranium gets very hot as a result of breaking the strong forces of the nuclei giving great power. A coolant liquid gas moves through the reactor to be heated. Then the hot coolant goes to a boiler to make steam, which powers electricity generator. Sinclair, Sir Clive British inventor and entrepreneur (1940- ). He left school at 17 to work for the magazine Practical Wireless and to write books, and in 1962 started his own firm, Sinclair Radionics. For most of his career, Sinclair has introduces innovative miniaturized design cheaply, such as the smallest transistor radio and the first pocket calculator. He designed the Newbrain micro, but sold the design at a time when Chris Curry left to set up the Acorn computer firm. Sinclair first micro was the MK14 (1978), the only rival being the Commodore Kim1 (at twice the price). In 1980 followed the ZX80, the first micro below 100, with integer arithmetic, 4K basic with key words on single keys, and 1K of read and write storage. Later micros, all cheap and innovative and world best sellers, appeared in 1981 (the ZX81), 1982 (Spectrum), 1984 (QL), and 1988 (Z88 portable). Sinclair started the 1990s with a working wafer scale integrated system. Knighted in 1983, Sir Clive has been involved in many other projects and is still researching the concept of cheap electric cars. Telstar, US artificial satellite, launched July 10, 1962, the first to relay television signals across the Atlantic. It weighed 170lb. Broadcast ended (Feb. 1963) after Van Allen belt radiation damaged some of the 1.000 transistors . The US communications satellite Telstar was a communications satellite performs tasks relating to person-to-person and/or broadcast communications. Communications theory involves making mathematical models of communications systems; its two main fields are information theory (sources and channels) and coding theory. Brian Josephson, a British post-graduate student, discovered this tunneling effect in 1962, for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1973. Claims of developing the first computer using Josephson technology were made in Japan in 1990, quoting a speed of a thousand million instructions per second. The Josephson junction is a very thin oxide junction between two super-conducting films. The junction is so thin that electrons can tunnel through it. When immersed in liquid helium, a Josephson junction offers extremely high switching speeds.
1963 1963
Eugene Paul Wigner Hungarian-born US physicist who shared with J. H. D. Jensen and M. G. Mayer the 1963 Nobel Prize for physics for his work in the field of nuclear physics. First woman in space, Russian cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, on 16 June. John Carew Eccles Australian physiologist who shared the 1963 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with Alan Hodgkin and Andrew Huxley. Using their findings, he had been able to establish the chemical bases of the electrical changes during transmission of nervous impulses across the synapses. Karl Ziegler (Ger.), advanced polymer science in new catalyst making synthetic fibers possible. M. A. Kveim, Norwegian physician developed Kveim test used for the diagnosis of sarcoidosis. Tissue from a lymph node of a person suffering from the disease is injected intradermally: development of a granuloma at the injection site indicated that the subject has sarcoidosis. Quasars Thomas Matthews & Allan Sandage (US). Quasar or quasi-stellar object, a telescopically star like celestial object whose spectrum shows an abnormally large red shift. Quasars may be extremely distant objects- perhaps the inexplicably bright cores of galaxies near the limits of the known universe receding from us at high velocities. The spectra of quasars, however, do not seem to be affected by the interpolation of intergalactic gas. Quasars also show variability in light and radio emission (although the first quasars were discovered by radio astronomy, not all are radio sources). These phenomena might indicate that quasars instead are comparatively small objects less than 0.3pc across, and that they are comparatively close to us (larger-and more distant-objects being unlikely to vary in this way). There are about 200 quasars in each square degree of the sky. American physicist Murray Gell-Mann proposes the existence of quarks. Neutrons and protons contain smaller particles called quarks stuck to gather by tiny particles called gluons. There are two types, the down quarks have one third of a negative charge, and up quarks, two-thirds of a positive charge. Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin British chemist awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for chemistry for determining the structure of vitamin B12. Feodor Lynen German biochemist demonstrated the existence of multi-enzyme complexes capable of carrying series of reaction through its sub-units. Fatty Acid synthatase was the model of such enzyme. Omega particle Brookhaven Laboratory, New York (US). This is under the heading of subatomic particles or elementary particles, small packets of matter-energy which are constituent of atoms or are produced in nuclear reactions or in interactions between other subatomic particles. The first such particle to be discovered was the (negative) electron (e -), the constituent of cathode rays. Next, the nucleons were discovered; first the (positive) proton (p+); then, in 1932, the (neutral) neutron (n 0). The same year saw the discovery of the first antiparticle, the positron (or antielectron, e +), and from that time the number of known subatomic particles, found in cosmic rays or detected using particle accelerators, grew rapidly, until by the early 1980s more than 100 were known or suspected. As yet no attempt to find theoretical order in this multitude of particles, many of which are highly unstable and have very short half-lives, has proved entirely successful. A first division of the particles classifies them according to whether their spin, S, is a whole number (bosons) or a whole number plus (fermions). Another division groups them into classons, leptons and hadrons. The calssons are massless bosons which are associated with the fields known to classical physics; the familiar photon associated with electromagnetic radiation and the as yet hypothetical graviton, the particle associated with gravitation. The leptops are the electrons, the
1965 1965
1965 1965
neutrinos and the muons. These fermions interact with the classical fields and the weak force involved in beta-decay. The neutrinos of rest mass zero, are product in various decay processes. The hadrons, including the mesons, nucleons and hyperons, interact additionally with the strong force the intense force that holds the atomic nucleus together in spite of the mutual electric repulsion of its constituent protons. Boson hadrons are known as mesons, these were originally postulated as mediating the strong force in a similar way to that in which photons mediate the classical electromagnetic field. The mesons include the pions (pi mesons, and the heavier k-mesons. Fermion hadrons are known as baryons. These include the nucleons (protons and neutrons) and the heavier hyperons. The omega minus particle ( -) is a quasi-stable hyperon with a half-life of about 0.1 ns. A recent attempt to explain the multiplicity of subatomic particles has involved postulating the existence of an order of yet smaller particles, called quarks, suuposed to be constituent of all the conventional particle. Russians launch Voshkod (12 Oct) with Vladimir Komarov, Boris Yegorov, and Konstantin Feotiskov aboard, first craft with more than one spaceman (made 16 orbits). First space walk. Alexei Leonov walked for 10 min (18 March) from Voskhod 2. First manned Gemini test flight, astronauts Gus Grissom and John Young making 3 orbits in Gemini 3. Ed White makes first American space walk (3 June). From Gemini 4 First space rendezvous. Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford in Gemini 6 come within 1 ft (30 cm) of Gemini 7 on 16 December. The term space walk is not very accurate. A person can walk only if he is on the surface of a planet, where gravity pulls his feet down onto the ground. In space, an astronaut can only float alongside his spacecraft. A. Leonov remained outside for 24 minutes. Like all spacewalkers, he was tied by a sfaty line. One of the most important walks was made in 1973, when the crew of the American satellite Skylab had to repair a damaged heat shield that made the craft dangerously hot. Holograph (on idea conceived in 1947 and subsequently developed using laser) T. Gabor (B). Lucien Jacques Monod French biochemist who, with F, Jacob and A. Lwoff, received the 1965 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his work with Jacob on regulatory gene action in bacteria. This work opened the door to variety of genes, structutal genes coding for protein being associated with a controlling operator gene known as operon itself is controlled by third type of gene, the regulator gene. The genetic regulation of protein synthesis. Richard Feynman American Quantum electrodynamics. Robert Burns Woodward US chemist who synthesized quinine (1944), cholesterol (1951). LSD (1954), reserpine (1956) chlorophyll (1960) and vitamin B12 (1971). He received the 1965 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his many organic syntheses. His famous phrase: This is the hardest simplest molecule I have ever come across. Alfred Kastler French physicist his work on the structure of the atom led to the development of the laser togather with Theodore Maiman, an American physicist. Laser is a name for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. A device able to produce an intense beam of radiation, very pure and tightly parallel beam. Monochromatic and powerful, used in fiber optics communication, holography, laser printers, laser platemaker which is a type of fax machine in which a laser scanner scans a sheet, with the reflected light (picked up by a photo-cell) making an image in the form of a pulsed electric current; at the receiver, the current modulates a second laser to produce a printing plate. Laser printers are a major type of page printer (i.e. a printer
1967 1967
1967 1967
that builds up an image in its store of a whole page before printing it, in very much the same way as a photocopier). Many so-called laser printers in fact use light-emitting diodes (LEDs) rather than semiconductor lasers as the light source, but the principle is the same. The most recent advance in this field is to make images from dots of different sizes; this improves resolution without added cost or reduce speed. Francis Peyton Rous, US physician who shared (with C. B. Huggins) the 1966 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for his discovery (c1901) of a virus which causes tumors in chickens. Robert Sanderson Mulliken US chemist and physicis awarded the 1966 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work in the nature of chemical bonding and hence on the electronics structure of molecules. Russians Luna 9 makes soft landing on Moon and returns from Ocean of Storms (31 Jan). Russians probe Venera 3 (launched 16.11.65) impacts on Venus (1 March), failing to soft-land. First docking in space. Neil Armstrong and Dave Scott. In Gemini 8, dock with unmanned Agena rocket (16 March). First American soft landing on moon (30 May) by Surveyor 1 highly successful, over 11,000 pictures returned. George Wald US chemist and prominent pacifist whose work on the chemistry of vision brought him a share, with H. K. Hartline and R. A. Granit, of the 1967 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine. Hans Albrecht Bethe German-born US theoretical physicist who proposed the nuclear carbon cycle to account for the suns energy output (1938). During WWII he worked on the Manhattan project. He was awarded the 1967 Nobel physics prize for his work on the source of stellar energy. Hans Bethe, German born US theoretical physicist worked on the source of stellar energy relating to a star. Logo, a high-level, logic based, interpreted program language devised by Seymour Papert and others at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1967, and aimed at learners of programming. Logos turtle graphics aspects are best-known (those being accessible to very young learners); all the same, it has much more potential and power than for that alone, and has applications for business and science as well as for learning. M. Lesch and W. L. Nylan, US physician discovered Lesch Nylan disease. A sex-linked hereditary disease caused by an enzyme deficiency resulting in overproduction of uric acid. Affected boys are mentally retarded and suffer from spasticity and gouty arthritis. They also have a compulsion for selfmutilation. Pulsars Radio Astronomy Group University of Cambridge (GB). Pulsar, short for pulsating radio star, a celestial radio source emitting brief, extremely regular pulses of electromagnetic radiation (with one exception, entirely radiofrequency). Each pulse lasts a few hundredths of a second, and the period between pulses is of the order of one second or less. The pulse frequency varies from pulsar to pulsar. The first pulsar was discovered in 1967 by Anthony Hewish and S. J. Bell. The fastest pulsar yet observed has a period of 0.033s, emitting pulses of the same frequency in the X-ray and visible regions of the spectrum. It is likely that there are some 10.000 pulsars in the Milky Way, though less than 100 have as yet been discovered. It is believed that pulsars are the neutron star remnants of Supernovae, rapidly spinning and radiating through loss of rotational energy. First recovery of unmanned lunar probe, Russian Zond 5, from Indian Ocean on 21 September, first manned lunar flight: Apollo 8 (Frank Borman, James Lovell, William Anders) completes 10 orbits.
1968 1968
First supersonic airliner. Supersonic flights include airplanes and missiles when the relative velocity of the solid object and the air is greater than the local velocity of sound propagation. Missiles are guided by operators linked for guidance from the ground by radio. Some are able to follow a laser beam directed at the target by the operator. Some missiles have computers containing maps of the land below. First supersonic airliner. Tu 144 (USSR) makes maiden flight. J. H. Menkes, US neurologist discovered Menkes kinky-hair disease a genetic disorder characterized by severe mental retardation, seizures, poor vision, colourless fragile hair, and chubby red cheeks. Affected infants usually die before the age of three. Lars Onsager Norwegian-born US chemist awarded the 1968 Nobel Prize for chemistry for fundamental work on irreversible chemical and thermodynamic processes. Luis Alvarez US physicist discovered subatomic particles including the transient resonance particles for developing much of the hardware of nuclear physics. Marshall Warren Nirenberg US biochemist who shared with R. W. Holley and H. G. Khorana the 1968 Nobel Prize for Physiology or medicine for his major contributions toward the decipherment of the genetic code. Denton Arthur Cooley, US surgeon recognized as one of the worlds most skillful heart surgeons, he was known to perform up to 12 operations a day and was the first to implant an artificial heart in a human being (1969). First docking of two manned spacecraft (15 Jan), with exchange of cosmonauts by space walk (Soyuz 4 and 5). In March, Americans make first manned flight of lunar module. James McDivitt, David Scott, and Russell Schweickart in Apollo 9, and in May Apollo 10 (Thomas Stafford, Eugene Cernan, John Young) descends to within 6 miles (10 km) of Moons surface. Russian probes Venera 5 and 6 (launched Jan) land on Venus 16 and 17 May. Returning data. First man on Moon: on 21 July, American astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes first man to walk on Moon, Apollo 11 (launched 16 July) sends Armstrong and Edwin Buzz Aldrin in lunar module to Moon, while Michael Collins remains in orbiting command module. The astronauts stay 21 hr 36 min 21 sec on moon, collecting 48.5 lb (22 kg) of soil and rock samples and leaving experiments on Moons surface during their moonwalks: on 21 July lunar module Eagle blasts off and docks with command and service module Columbia, which makes successful splash-down (24 July) in Pacific: astronauts go into 21 day quarantine. In October, Russians make first triple launching : Soyuz 6, 7, and 8 complete rendezvous but do not dock: Valery Kubasov (in Soyuz 6) makes first welding of metals in space. Second moon landing made on 14 November: Charles Conrad, Alan Bean, and Richard Gordon in Apollo 12, module with Conrad and Bean landing in Ocean of storms; they make moonwalks. Astronauts breath and speak as follows: the Earths atmosphere contains about 78% nitrogen, a harmless gas which dilutes the oxygen. A pure oxygen atmosphere in a spacecraft can be dangerous, because a single spark could cause an explosion. This happened when three American astronauts were testing an Apollo module, and they died in the resulting fire. Soviet spacecraft use a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. Another problem is how to get rid of the waste carbon dioxide that is breathed out. This could suffocate the astronauts if it builds up. It can be ansorbed by chemicals, but on a very long flight it would be essential to extract and recycle the oxygen so thatit could be used again. Communication between astronauts and the Earth can be a complicated matter, since our spinning planet regularly carries a single receiving station out of range of the spacecraft. So it necessary to have several stations spread across the Earths
surface, so that one of them is always in confact wit the spacecraft. Communication blackouts happen when a spacecraft is entering the Earths atmosphere at high speed. The fierce heat strips the oxygen and nitrogen atoms, creating an electrical barrier. First jet aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capability, the Harrier (GB) becomes operational. First Jumbo Jet Boeing 747 (US). 195 ft (59.4 m) long, makes maiden flight: equipment to carry over 400 passengers and crew. First prototype of Anglo-French airliner Concorde (001) makes maiden flight. The Concorde is the worlds first supersonic airliner. It has greatly reduced flying time on long journeys-for those who can afford the high fares. Murray Gell-Mann, US physicist discovered K-Mesons and hyperons subatomic particle and their interactions. He proposed the quarks as a basic component of most subatomic particles. Peter Principle in an organization, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence, so that all important work is done by those who have not reached that level (L. J. Peter, in 1969). Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet Australian physician and virologist who shared the 1970 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine with P. B. Medawar for his suggestion that the ability of organisms to form antibodies in response to foreign tissues was acquired and not inborn. Medawar followed up the suggestion and performed successful skin transplants in mice. Modified Huffman (MH) is a data compression standard for fax systems. The others main one is Modified Read (MR); good systems offer both. Named after David Huffmann, the technique involves encoding long sets of black or white bits in short form. Modified NTSC video players are PAL machines that can work with NTSC tapes or discs. Niklaus Wirth of Switzerland designed the Modula language. Modula, one of a set of related program languages (the main one being Modula 2). He also designed Pascal, and there are many common features. (Indeed, some people view Modula as an extension of Pascal). Modula offers separate but linkable modules (hence the name), the ability to handle concurrent processes, lowlevel machine access, and separate compilation. It is an object-oriented system of great value in real-time work. Russians soft-land unmanned Luna 17 on Moons Sea of Rains (17 Nov) and use 8-wheeled Lunokhod 1, first propelled vehicle on Moon (operated, with 3-sec delay, from Earth), for exploration and experiments, Russian probe Venera 7 lands on Venus (15 Dec) and transmits data back. Apollo 14 (Alan Shepard, Stuart Roosa, Edgar Mitchell) launched, Shepard and Mitchell making 3rd Moon landing (Jan/Feb). Russians launch Salyut space station and three Soyuz 10 cosmonauts dock with it, but abort mission after 5 hr (24 April). Three cosmonauts (Georgi Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov, Viktor Patsayev) make longest space flight to date (23 days 17 hr 40 min), docking with Salyut space station (orbiting Earth for 23 days); crew die in Soyuz 11 on-re-entry, due to loss of pressurization. On 26 July, Apollo 15 launched, with David Scott, James Irwin, and Alfred Worden aboard, Scott and Irwin make 4th lunar landing, use first lunar rover, first live pictures of lunar module lift-off, and longest exploration (18 hr) of Moons surface. On 14 November, US probe Mariner 9 becomes first artificial satellite of Mars. On 21 November first manmade objects lands on surface of Mars, when capsule from Russian probe Mars 2 Crashes. Dennis Gabor Hungarian born UK physicist invented holography. Holography is the technology of recording a three-dimension image of an object using very pure light such as a laser. Hologram, is 3D light image
1972 1972
stored in the surface photographic film (or a metal or plastic copy). Laser light scans the scene and the film captures the pattern caused by interference between the direct waves and those reflected from the various parts of the scene. When you look at the image behind the hologram, you obtain different views from different angels. After a quarter century of research, however, there is little progress toward holographic (i.e. true 3D) television. All the same, people expect that by the early 21 st century, holography will have major uses in many IT fields, such as demultiplexing, scanning, optical computing and pattern recognition. Holographic storage of data is a system of growing importance. As a hologram stores, in effect, a large number of separate images, it has the power to store large amounts of data. Holograms, being hard to copy, are in wide use for security (on, for instance, credit cards and bank notes). There are, however, other systems that are cheaper and just as good in this context. Earl Wilbur Sutherland US physiologist awarded the 1971 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for demonstrating the role cyclic adenosine 3, 5 monophosphate in the way that hormones affect bodily organs. EMI Scanner-Godfrey Hounsfield (Eng.) (developed from his invention of computed tomography in 1967). The first microprocessor, the Intel 4004, is manufactured in the USA. Microprocessor a complex microcircuit (integrated circuit), or set of such chips, that carries out the functions of the processor of an IT system, i.e. it contains a control unit (and clock), an arithmetic and logic unit, and the necessary registers and links to main store and to peripherals. Microprocessor differ in architecture (design), instruction set, speed, and word length; the instructions may be fixed (hard wired, although no wire is now used) or supplied by microprograms (less common). The architecture determines such factors as registers available, stack processing power, addressing modes, and basic data types. These data types are bit, perhaps nibble (four bits), byte (eight bits), and internal word (the number of bits carried by the internal buses). However, practical systems commonly include slave (or co-) processors to carry some of the load and extend the features and power of the processor. The first microprocessor was a four-bit, four-chip set produced for calculators by Intel in the US in 1971. The four chips were processor, ROM, RAM, and shift register; the system had 45 instructions in its set and could address 4.5 kB of main store. Twenty years on, many microprocessors exist, most able to handle 16 or 32 bits and address half a megabyte or more. Americans launch Pioneer 10 (3 March) on 21-month mission to Jupiter: 620-million-mile (1.000-million-km) flight path passes through asteroid, belt and passes Jupiter (3 Dec), transmitting pictures and other information, schedule to cross orbits of Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, and eventually become first man-made object to escape Solar System (1986). Apollo 16 completed 5th lunar landing mission in April, Charles Duke and John Young landing and exploring Moon for 20 hr 14 min: Thomas Mattingly makes space walk of 1 hr 23 min on mission. Sixth and last Apollo mission to Moon: Apollo 17 (Eugene Cernan, Ronald Evans, Harrison Schmitt ) launched on 7 December, Cernan and Schmitt landing and making record 75 hr stay and collecting 243 lb (110 kg) of lunar samples (returned to Earth 19 Dec). Glider distance record of 907.7 miles (1,460.8 km) Hans-Werner Grosse (W. Ger.) John Bardeen, US physicist developed the theory of superconductivity. Superconductors are metals and some ceramics that become very good conductors at temperatures close to absolute zero or Kelvin Zero = -273.15 0C. a current once started in a superconducting loop will thus go round and round
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for ever as long as the low temperature remains. There is no energy needed to maintain the charge flow and no energy transfer from it. When there is no resistance, there is no loss of energy, hence the name super. John Bardeen, US physicist who shared the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics with W. B. Shockley and W. H. Brattain for their development of the transistor. In 1972 he became the first person to win the physics prize a second time, sharing the award with L. P. Cooper and J. R. Schrieffer for their development of a comprehensive theory of superconductivity. Geoffrey Wilkinson, British inorganic chemist awarded with Ernst Otto Fischer the 1973 Nobel Prize chemistry for their work on organometallic compounds. Karl von Frisch, Austrian zoologist best known for his studies of bee behaviour, perception and communication, discovering the dance of the bees. With Tinbergen and Lorenz he was awarded the 1973 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for his work. Pioneer 11 launched (6 April) towards Jupiter, scheduled to pass three times nearer than Pioneer 10, i.e. about 25.000 miles (40.000 km). On 14 May, Americans launch Skylab 1, unmanned portion of their first manned orbiting space station, including workshop and telescope mount. Skylab 2, 3, and 4 missions (launched 25 May, 28 July, 16 Nov), each with three astronauts. George Emil Palade Romanian-born US cell biologist awarded with A.Claude and C. de Duve the 1974 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for their researches into intercellular structures. Palade discovered the nature of what are now called ribosomes, the site of protein synthesis. Glider Speed of -102.74 mph (165.35 kph) over triangular 100-km course. K. Briegleb (US). Martin Ryle, UK physicist founder of radio astronomy. Radio astronomy the study of the electromagnetic radiation emitted or reflected by celestial objects in the approximate wavelength range 1mm-30m, usually by use of a radio telescope. The science was initiated accidentally in 1932 by Karl Jansky, who found an interference in a telephone system he was testing: the source proved to be the milky way. In 1937 an American, Grote Reber, built a 9.5 m radio telescope in his back yard and scanned the sky at a wavelength around 2m. After WWII the science began in earnest. Investigation of the sky revealed that clouds of hydrogen gas in the Milky way were radio sources, and mapping of these confirmed our galaxys spiral form. The sky is very different for the radio astronomer than for the astronomer. Bright stars are not radio objects (our sun is one solely because it is so close), while many radio objects are optically undetectable. Radio objects include quasars, pulsars supernova remnants (e.g. the Crab Nebula) and other galaxies. The work of Martin Ryle in the 1960s and 1970s has enabled radio galaxies that are possibly at the farthest extremities of the universe to be mapped. The universe also has an inherent radio background noise. Psi Particle discovered independently by two US laboratories. Skylab 4 returns (8 Feb) to earth after 84 days 1 hr 16 min 30 sec. Mariner 10 (launched by US 3.11.73) passes Venus (6 Feb) and then within 451 miles (720 km) of Mercury (29 March) for mans first close up look; first time gravity of one planet (Venus) used to send craft towards another: craft scheduled to take further looks at Mercury. Russians launch another Salyut space station (25 June) and follow up with two-man visit from Soyuz 14, but Soyuz 15 fails to dock and has to return, Gennady Sarafanov and Lev Demin making first night landing.
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1976 1976
World rail speed record of 254.70 mph (410 kph) set up on 14 August over 6.2 miles (9.97 km) of test track in Colorado by US Federal Railroad Administrations Linear Induction Motor Research Vehicle. First joint Russian-American mission in space: Soyuz 19 (launched 15 July) and Apollo 18 (launched 7 hr later) dock while oriting Earth at about 140 miles (225 km) on 17 July. Astronauts Thomas Stafford, Donald Clayton (aged 51), and Vance Brand and cosmonauts Alexei Leonov and Valeri Kubasov carry out exchange visits and experiments. The Russian probes Venera 9 and Venera 10 soft-land on Venus (22 and 25 Oct) providing further data of importance in the study of Venusian geology. Pictures sent back suggest volcanic activity. Howard Martin Temin US virologist who shared with Renato Dulbecco and David Baltimore the 1975 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for their work on cancer-forming viruses. John Cornforth Australian chemist discovered the biosynthesis of cholesterol, rewarded 1975 Nobel Prize for chemistry. Leo James Rainwater physicist who shared the 1975 Nobel Prize for physics with Aage Bohr and Ben Mottleson for their work on the physics and structure of the atomic nucleus. Vladimir Prelog Yugoslav born Swiss chemist who shared with J. W. Cornforth the 1975 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work on enzymes. Legionnaires Disease A Mysterious pneumonia-like illness that broke out among people who attended an American legion convention in July 1976 at Philadelphias Bellevue Stratford Hotel. The number of death reached 29. DR. Josephe. McDade was first to identify the illness. An infection of the lungs caused by the bacterium cigar share legionella pneumophila. Symptoms include malaise and muscle pain, succeeded by a fever, dry cough, chest pain, and breathlessness. Erythromycin provides the most effective therapy. Aircraft speed of 2,193.167 mph (3.529.56 kph). Capt Eldon W. Joersz & Maj. George T. Morgan Jr. (USAF) Lockheed SR-71A. Calif.USA British Rail inaugurate their daily High Speed Train services between London Bristol & South Wales on 4 October. On 10 April, one HST covers 94 miles (151.2 km) between Paddington/London and Chippenham, Wilts in 50 minutes 31 seconds for a start-to-stop average of 111.64 mph (179.67 kph). The peak speed is 125 mph (201 kph). On 16 April, Helios B, a research spacecraft carrying American and German instrumentation, comes within 27 million miles (43.4 million km) of the Sun. In June, data and pictures from the US spacecraft Viking I on Mars produce a wealth of new geological information but no trace of organic compounds: yet the evidence of one of the instruments still seems to favour the existence of life and new investigations are planned to test these strange results. Viking II goes into orbit around Mars. The soviet spacecraft Luna 24 makes a soft landing on the surface of the Moon (18 Aug) near the south-east part of the Sea of Crises, to take soil samples with automatic scoop. Aircraft altitude of (MIG 25) 23.39 miles (37.67 km) Alexandr Fedotov (USSR). Chiron: distant asteroid orbiting between Saturn and Uranus Charles Kowal (USA). Ilya Prigogine, Russian born Belgian chemist who was awarded the 1977 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his contribution to nonequilibrium thermodynamic, the study of how heat is created and dissipate by the action of molecules in open or nonconfined systems. His work made thermodynamic principles applicable to such fields as sociology, city planning and ecology.
1978 1978
Roger Guillemin French Born US medical researcher who discovered and synthesized hormones produced by the hypothalamus which govern the action of the pituitary gland. For his research, which revolutionized the study of brain control over body chemistry, he shared the 1977 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow, US medical researcher who shared the 1977 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine for helping to develop the technique, called radioimmunoassay (RIA), for measuring minute amounts of hormones, vitamins or enzymes that could not be detected by other means. The Soviet craft Soyuz 24 docks successfully with orbiting Salyut 5 space laboratory one day after launch (8 Feb). The US launch two voyager spacecraft to fly to Jupiter (arriving 1979) and Saturn (arriving 1980), in order to investigate their satellites and interplanetary gas. Ballon distance and duration: Distance -3.107.61 miles (5,001.22 km). B. L. Abruzzo, M. L. Anderson, L. M. Newman (USA) Presque Isle (USA) to Miserey (France). Duration 137 hr 5 min. 50 sec., B. L. Abruzzo, M. L. Anderson, L. M. Newman (USA) as above. Peter Kapitza, Russian physicist worked on low-temperature physics regarding matter behavior or cryogenics. Robert Wilson, US physicist whose discovery of cosmic microwave radiation emanating from the universe at large provided strong evidence for the big bang theory of the origin of the universe. He shared the 1978 Nobel Prize in physics for his discovery. Two Soviet spacecraft dock with the orbiting Salyut space laboratory (11 Jan) thus achieving the first triple link-up in space. On 24 January, a Soviet surveillance satellite, Cosmos 954, disintegrates in the atmosphere and falls to earth in the New Territories of Canada. Russian cosmonauts Yuri Romanenko and George Grechko return to earth on 3 March after spending 84 days in Salyut 6. the Russians launch Suyuz 29 on 15 June carrying cosmonauts Vladimir Kovakyonok and Aleksandr Ivanchenko to the Salyut 6 space laboratory. Soyuz 30 launched on 27 June also links with Salyut 6. Kovalyonok and Ivanchenko subsequently spent more than 139 days in space, having travelled more than 56 million miles (90 million km), it is reported that they experienced some difficulties adjusting back to the earths gravity from weightlessness, and had to relearn how to walk and pick up a cup of tea. First helicopter carrying patrol vessel in operation with Danish Fisheries Protection. Pedal-powered aircraft Gossamer Albatross flew across the English Channel. Soviet spacecraft is launched on 25 February with two cosmonauts on board Valery Ryumin and Vladimir Lyakhov who go on to spend a record 175 days in space aboard the Salyut-Soyuz orbital research station, returning to Earth on 19 August. The American Skylab 1 falls to Earth on its 34.981 st orbit on 11 July, strewing pieces over the Western Australian desert and coast. The Americans proceed with their plan for a reusable space shuttle to be launched in 1980. Paul Berg. US biochemist who developed recombinant DNA technology for (gene splicing) which made it possible for scientist to manipulate and reproduce genetic material of cells from any species. He shared the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Frederick Sanger and Walter Gilbert. Western Europespacecraft Ariane rocket makes first test flight. Voyager 1 flies past Saturn, approaching to within 78.000 mi (126.000 km) of the surface. Its instruments reveal that Saturns rings are more numerous and complex than had been thought. With braids and shepherd moons within
the rings. Soviet cosmonauts Valery Ryumin and Leonid Popov extend the space endurance record to 185 days. Americas new spacecraft, the shuttle Columbia, makes first test flight of 54 -hr orbiting the earth and gliding back to a perfect landing on a desert airstrip. Astronauts John Young and Bob Crippen inaugurate a new era in manned spaceflight, with this reusable spacecraft able to return intact and land like a conventional aircraft. Columbias second flight, with astronauts Joe Engle and Richard Truly, ends early after 36 orbits following a fuel cell problem. Voyager 2 passes within 63.000 mi (101.000 km) of Saturn, before continuing on its journey across the solar system to visit Uranus (1986) and Neptune (1989). The Shuttle is launched into space attached to twobooster rockets and a huge fuel tank. As is reaches a height of about 43 kilometres, the two booster rockets parachute back to Earth. To return, the Shuttlefiresits engines to head Earthwards, andglidesdown. The space shuttle is a workhorse. Its job is to carry astronauts, or cargo, or both, into orbit around the Earth. It can carry six passengers, and has a cargo bay 18.3 metres long and 4.6 metres in diameter. James Tobin US economist; Yale professor who won the 1981 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science for his research in relating the effect of financial markets to consumption, prices, production and investment, as well as his studies of government monetary policies and budgets. Roald Hoffmann, polish born US chemist who shared the 1981 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his application of quantum mechanics to chemical reactions. With Robert B. Woodward he developed the so-called Woodward-Hoffmann rules of orbital symmetry (1965). Roger Wolcott Sperry, US psychobiologist who shared the 1981 Nobel Prize for medicine or Physiology for his brain research demonstrating that the two hemispheres had different functions and that many higher functions are centered in the right hemisphere. NASA launches space shuttle Columbia on its third, fourth successful flights. Two Russian cosmonauts spend 211 days in space. Soyuz T-6 has among its crew the first western European in space. Jean-Loup Chretien. Soyuz T-7 carries Savitskaya, the second woman in space. Henry Taube Canadian born US chemist who won the 1983 Nobel Prize for chemistry for his work in the mechanisms of electron transfer reactions, especially in metal complexes. NASA launches space shuttle Challenger on a six-day mission, the crew includes a woman, Dr. Sally Ride. William Fowler US physicist the birth and composition of stars. Bruce Merrifield, US developed new organic reaction technique called solid phase synthesis. Easy way to synthesise peptides and small proteins in automated way. Genetic fingerprinting is developed by British scientist Alec Jeffreys. Three Soviet cosmonauts return to earth after spending a record time in space of almost nine months. A Russian woman cosmonaut becomes the first woman to walk in space. The first repairs carried out in space using space shuttle Challenger to mend the Solar Max satellite. Astronauts performed the first-ever space walk untethered to spacecraft. Discovery carries Charles Walker, the first industrial astronaut. Soviet spacecraft Soyuz T-11 includes Sharma from India among crew. In April, space shuttle Discovery completes mission with U. S. senator Jake Garn on board. In June. Discovery mission includes Patrick Baudry from France and Abdul Al-Saud from Saudi Arabia. In August, Discovery flies its third mission of year-a satellite is repaired and redeployed.
1986 1988
Aircraft Voyager flew non-stop around the world without refuelling in 9 days 3 minutes 44 seconds. A British scientist put an end to gastric, and duodenal, ulcers by showing a genus of spiral and flagellated gram-negative bacteria. The species H. pylori occurs in the stomach and causes the symptoms. The ulcer can be eradicated using higher doses of antibiotics for period of time. Hamming Code, a method of coding binary numbers before transfer, to allow both error detection and error correction, devised by Richard Hamming (a US mathematician). Take the case of four-bit data words; adding a parity bit means one redundant bit for each word. That allows error detection, and the receiver must then request the sender to transmit the word again. The Hamming code involves three extra (redundant) bits; on the other hand, as it allows error correction there is no need to ask for incorrect words to be repeated. The receivers software tests each word with three parity checks, one for each Hamming bit and a set of three data bits. If the test fails, the receiver can work out which data bit is wrong, and correct (flip) it. Simple parity checking fails if two bits flip during transfer: the receiver flags no error. In the case of the Hamming code, the receiver can detect that two bits have flipped, but not which ones. In this case, it can request a repeat. Thus the Hamming system is single error correction, double error detection, whereas simple parity checking is singe error detection only.
Stem cell research employs an undifferentiated cell that is able to renew itself and produce all the specialized cells within an organ. It is an embryonic stem cell of the blastocyst from which all the different cell types of the developing embryo are produced. Haemopoietic stem cell is a cell of the bone marrow from which all blood cells are derived. Stem cells have disclosed a potential conflict between ethics, medicine and society. 1995 Fifth state of mater, called the superatom, is found at temperatures close to absolute zero. 1990-2007 Innovations: Innovation is introducing new things to a basic machine balanced by the need. In most cases, the output force is to be greater than the output-input ratio of one. In other word the outcome is greater than the effort applied. The purpose has been to meet the need. There is no limit for advanced technology in companies heading to the top inspiring new inventions from aspiration due to competitiveness reflecting the dominance of market in our lives supported by the spirit of buying. Major demand produced major problem of unemployment and depersonalizations. Information technology (IT), is the handling of information by electric and electronic (and microelectronic) means. Here, handling includes transfer, processing, storage and access; ITs special concern being the use of hardware and software for these tasks for the benefit of individual people and society as a whole. Until recently, the field described carried the name new information technology (NIT); this was to keep it distinct from library technology and such areas as filing in cabinets and boxes, the postal service, and printing. Information technology has, since the early 20th century, utilized electricity and/or magnetism and/or electromagnetism (and more recently electronics and microelectronics) for information handling. Progress in IT has allowed us to reach what many call the second industrial revolution. While the first industrial revolution was in energy processing (which made physical living
conditions better), the second has been in information processing, which improves facilities for our minds. It is common to trace the history of computing technology back to the mechanical calculating aids of the 17th century. These became more complex and cumbersome as calculating need grew, particularly with the development of ballistics, astronomy and navigation. Babbage designed the most complex pre-electricity system of all the design was good, as was the concept of programming that it involved. It was not possible, however, to machine the parts of the system with adequate precision. Programming a machine (and thus moving towards automation) was not an entirely new idea at that time. Various people devised techniques for automating textiles machines, in particular, in the 18th and 19th centuries. Josep Jacquard (French, 1752-1834) was most important in this context. His concept of punching program instructions, as holes in something like card was in very wide use in many types of machine by the middle of the 19th century. The punched card was the approach used by Herman Hollerith in his automation of the processing of the US 1890 census data. IBM can trace its history directly back to Holleriths firm. The main significance of Holleriths work was that it was the first to use electricity successfully as an integral part of the automation process. From the IT point view, the most significant aspect of the 20 th century has been the use of electronics and microelectronics to handle data (including program instructions) more effectively, and with more speed and reliability, finally giving Babbages ideas a change to become reality. By the middle of the 1930s, people in several countries were working towards electronic computers. The term generations in (IT) represents the hierarchy of (IT) in hardware design and software they can handle. There are five generations in systems compared to the previous generation: Reduced size; Increased speed; Reduced purchase cost; Reduction in power and cooling; Reduced running cost. Mechanization and automation through the use of robots to replace wholly or partly human labor by self-controlling is the second industrial revolution. Robot (from Czeh Robota, work) started as an automatic machine that simulates and replaces human activity. Robots have evolved out of simples automatic devices and many are now capable of decision making, selfprogramming and carrying out complex operations. Some have sensory devices. They are increasingly being used in industry and scientific research for tasks such as handling hot or radioactive materials. Mechanizations today require not human aid but a self-controlling robot. A robot repairman; robot for cleaning the pool and checking the pH of water is common in Florida. Using advance voice recognition technology, the robot can distinguish voices coming from different location and can identify a person in a crowd by the color of his clothes and shape of his body, even it bleeps when it loses its target, a key factor in tracking terrorists. Robots are performing different tasks around the house, can talk, dance and perform tricks even take photos and zap them to cell phone; rock drilling machines for higher building. Moles are huge drills that cut a shaft through the ground. At the head of the mole, rotating cutters dig out the rock or soil, which is carried away along a conveyor belt. Powerful jacks act like springs to force the mole forward as it removes the rock and soil ahead. Shop on line to have it at your house step; electronic pocket dictionaries and phrase books to help people in language translation. Computer aided drawing
or drafting, Computer Aided Education (CAE), instructions (CAI), learning (CAL), teaching (CAT), computer aided typesetting (CAT). A computer may be working in different modes, in batch or interactive mode (as the software dictates) with a screen display mode of color or monochrome and a given resolution. An American inventor already working on a robot car drives itself from S.F to L A., you sit behind the wheels but the stern does the driving. We now often use automatic switches, circuit breakers, rather than fuses at higher currents than 13A. The user can reset these quickly (after the fault is found). Archeology under water (maritime archeology) has been in operation for discovering lost ships and exploration, scanning the ocean bed. A searcher capsule send ultrasonic sound waves when a shipwreck is found or artifacts. The usual way of drivers have problem of visibility. The added information marks a new chapter on the under water heritage. Airless tire is a wheel without an inflated tyre invented by Michelin, a tire never goes flat. A shock absorbing rubber tread band, distribute pressure to dozens of flexible polyurethane spokes. The spokes in turn are supported by an aluminum center. A motorcycle made of aluminum; a clean machine travels at speeds of up to 80km/h on its hydrogen powered fuel-cell engine. The bike runs silently on a 140 g. canister of hydrogen that costs about $4 for 160 km; groovier gadgets such as satellite navigator in compact and portable. A tiny car can drive anywhere, easy for parking; the body is rotary for forward or backward move. It is hoped that one-liter fuel can go for thousand kilometers. Solar powered cars are closing the gap in worthiness supported by some incredible designs. A sliding car; hydrogen fuel car by exploiting green algae to produce more hydrogen; battery, to replace the internal combustion engine. Biogas offers a way out from oil addiction for less carbon emission by 3040%. Image to image communication as if you were with them using optical fibers is a solid alternative; sound choices in music downloading services; music store to connect you online with unlimited tunes, songs and videos. The future is flying supersonic (speed greater than sound), aimed at safe, comfortable, fast and cheap. Speed benefits businessmen for saving time in long distance travel but economy is far more practical than hyper speed to get you around. Clean mobility on the planet is already meeting the ready mind. An airplane without a pilot is on the playing card. The non-stop, non-refueling solo flight around the world is the last great milestone in the history of aviation. On March 1 the Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer, designed by Burt Rutan (who also designed the first civilian spacecraft, Space-Ship-One), took off from an airfield in a small town in Kansas; 67 hr. 2 min. 38 sec. and 37.000 km later, the aviation world has reached another milestone. Global-Flyer is so light (at takeoff, its weight is 83% fuel) and so
aerodynamic (with a 35-m wingspan) that it has to use drag parachutes to help it get back down to the ground. The airbus is the world biggest airline industry promised to use less fuel and carry more passengers. The most striking image of the 21 st century is the earth and mars. Space travel inspired more technology also learning how to live in space environment and how to extract resources from another nature. It is costly and not to be regarded as a good spending money. Going to the North Pole for finding what natural assets we lost from sins is more important than journey to mars sending robots or human beings. Plasma TV with screen up to 60, and sharp visual contrast combined with noise reduction for quite and vibrant picture. Uses plasma, a fourth state of mater. Plasma is the state of matter in stars and fusion reactor. At very high temperatures, the particles of a gas begin to lose electrons. The gas thus becomes a mixture of ions and electrons as in sun. An LCD or liquid crystal TV is another evolution, has superior perfection for digital picture. Real color derived from high resolution in color range and contrast also sound. The screen up to 46, slim, light with swivel stand. A printer with multi-function and high printing speed with color resolution; borderless printing is available. DVD/VCD portable with recharged battery for play back stack of movies. Digital camera, digital zoom with LCD color. Holograph is the technology of recording a three-dimensional image of an object using very pure light (such as from a laser). When developed, the film shows different views of the objects from different angles. Modern holograms can be viewed in normal light. They can also show animated 3-D images of large objects in full color. Holographic TV is currently being developed. One of the charms of state of the art computer technology is the computergenerated image for special effect technique used by Hollywood for faking. It brings natural model together with unnatural in movies like Kingkong, Moby Dick, Lord of The Ring I and II, Star Wars, James Bond. Special effects shooting helped Hollywood move up from a small film into long films. Images to identify suspects for the use of police with equipment capable to recreate crime seen in 3 dimensional ways. Under water camera with high-resolution pictures withstand poor light, water particles and quick moving subjects. The camera is waterproof down to 60meter depth. The video camcorder for making your own movies at home in sound and video quality; DVD player and projector on a wall or a large screen. A multimedia projector, having shutter projection system and 7 selectable projection modes, instant shutdown and quick power on is made. The high performance lamps small and highly efficient made of an ellipsoidal reflector with an a spherical lens and a hemispherical eliminate light leakage and minimize light diffraction. The projector weighs 2.6 Kg; screen size up to 610 cm x 480 cm.
The current family video integrates the luxury of watching video broadcasts, music videos and your favorite TV shows into the palm of your hand. Designed to store up to 150 hours of videos as well as up 15.000 songs. The NANO shrinks everything you love to watch into a super slim package. The small case notebook PC, wireless, ultra-light perfect for traveling for multimedia applications i.e. carrying your job with you. The high power media center TV combines all favorite media applications such as watching DVDS and TV surfing the net and recording live TV. Email and Internet are another connecting doors for exchange of information. Email, a common name for Electronic mail, the storing of personal messages in a central computer (host) in a wide area network (or in the central store of a local area network). Each time users log on to an email system, they can access their stored messages, acknowledge, reply to or forward them, or take other action. In early 90s there were many nation-wide and international email systems (email bureau) but as a yet few moves to link them effectively. Today far more people and firms use email because of its advantages (compared to snail mail, the post) of speedy message transfer, low cost, flexibility and (in theory) ease of use. Fax with copier function, document memory and feeder. Fax, is a system for the transfer of images of documents through the telephone network. Fax systems (cards and machines) come in four groups. Groups 1 (analog), and 2 (digital) are no longer made, while 3 (also digital, and able to communicate with group 2 systems) is the norm. at the start of the 1990s no official standard for group 4 faxing existed, but some firms have produced machines they claim will fit that standard when it becomes official. Those machines transfer data at 64000 bits per second (Group 3s limit is 9600) and cannot use standard telephone lines. Also in the fax field, there is group calling which is the use of a single key press to poll, or to broadcast to, a group of machines in sequence (the user will have entered the numbers of the other machines in the store for that key, the group code being the keys code). Despite the fast spread of this technology, there is still a place for the fax bureau, a firm that provides a faxing service for others (e.g. in a copy shop). The originals of the document may be on paper (scanned into a fax machine) or computer-generated (sent via a fax card, or fax board, in the computer). In either case they may be any mix of text and graphics. At the other enc must be a compatible fax system (machine or card) put permanently or manually on line to the telephone network. A fax machine with a large store of the received image and printout is available. A bank is a machine for every day business from ATM to electronic funds transfers at the point of sale where money would in the past have changed hands, e.g. at a checkout or sales desk. The buyer offers a debit card (stripe card or smart card) and types in the personal identity number (pin number). The cashier enters the details of the goods at the pos terminal; then, if the central computers accept the transaction, they transfer the money concerned electronically between the buyers and the traders bank accounts. There are various special forms of electronic communication between people. Email is one type of electronic messaging, others are computer conferring and view data; all in essence two-way systems. Electronics publishing, on the
other hand, is a one way system; it includes publishing material for general access (by subscribes or the public) on compact or magnetic disk or videotext. A major advantage of electronic publishing is that the information providers can continually update the material, rather than (for example) making readers wait for a new issue or edition. Touch screen is an electronic glass, a transparent conducting substance, for instance. As it is a conductor, a system based on it can detect where the users pointing finger is at any moment, and take the right action, electronic logic. Fiber optics, is the science and technology of carrying information or data on light waves, often in a highly transparent glass cable. A single light wave travels through the fiber by a series of internal reflections, the process being the same even if the fiber bends through a sharp curve. This makes it easy to transfer a signal over a long distance. By 1990, the longest system planned is to link Japan and Europe via Russia (560 million bits per second over 17.000 km). However, one special technique had achieved sending data at 2.5 thousand million bits per second over 2000-km route without amplification. The fact that a light wave has a very large bandwidth compared to, say a radio wave is just as significant as the transfer method. This means that it can carry a vast quantity of information. Modulation is the process of adding a signal bearing information (or data) to a carrier wave, there being a number of ways to do this. Moreover, by multiplexing, it is not hard to make the single carrier wave carry a number of signals at the same time: multiplexing ensures they remain distinct, so the reverse process at the end of the line can separate them again. By such means, a single light wave may carry dozens of video signals and hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of telephone conversations and fax and data transfers. It is crucial that the source of the light wave should produce a tightly parallel beam of single frequency light. The laser (including the light emitting diode, a semiconductor laser) is able to do this; such light sources are simple, reliable and inexpensive. The received signal does show some effect if the fiber suffers a distortion at some point. This effect is used in weighing machines and surveillance systems (e.g. those used for taking traffic censuses). Cell phones, satellite dishes and laptops are the beginning of the revolution. Satellite radio to take with you on the subway or plane. Hearing aids combined with cell phone to amplify the voice. Implantable devices such as a subcutaneous drug or hormone implant. A prosthesis such as an artificial hip; a prosthesis like a silicone sac filled with silicone gel to replace breast tissue that has been removed. A plastic lens placed inside the eye after cataract surgery. A rigid structure is embedded in the jawbone or under its periosteum to provide support for replacement teeth on a denture or a bridge. Artificial heart. Bionics is the science of mechanical or electronic systems that function in the same way as or have characteristics of living systems. Cybernetics is the science of communication processes and automatic control systems linking the working of the brain and nervous system with the functioning of computer and automated feedback devices. Bio bandage that helps patients recover swiftly from shoulder-joint-replacement surgery; made of standard polyester surgical thread, the device has an embroidered pattern that gives it strength and flexibility while imitating human tendons. Once implanted between muscles and bones. The device is never
removed; it becomes part of the body as cells grow over it. This technology is also being used to replace slipped disks in the neck and to aid in clavicle replacement surgery. Digital recording technology Digital signals are different than analog signals. It uses a display of the digits 0 to 9 (in decimal) to show a reading rather than an analog signals can take any value in the range. Thus, an analog watch is one with hands that sweep right round the face; a digital watch just shows separate numbers, perhaps once a second. A two value digital system is called a binary system. Digital camera weighing just 150 grams and can store up to 500 photos. The latest in mobile phone technology is a phone / walk-man light and compact features digital camera, you can make phone calls as well as play or listen to music. Mobile phones a portable (i.e. wireless) handset able to link with a public telephone network. A mobile switching center (MSC) is a station near the center of a group of cells and linked to a standard telephone exchange. A landline joins it to the base station that serves each cell in the group. A wireless phone opens like a laptop to reveal a screen and a keyboard. The solar power technology to create high energy. Nuclear fusion not fission based on splitting atomic nucleus equal to sun for producing far greater energy than by nuclear fission and less expensive. Eco-friendly items for the environmentalist, gifts that will help save the planet. Recycle detergent bottles for making clocks. Recycle glass for kitchenware. Bowls and utensils made from disposable bamboo plates. The future to become a space tourist where reality and imagination get so close. The hottest innovations went down from high-end electronics into toys. The newest game consoles come with dazzling graphics. A weather information gadget, gives you full visual weather report at a glance. And the gadget mania goes on to make life easy. In the area of scientific discoveries instruments have been employed and drugs. Effective drugs to treat AIDS making one in ten children in Africa lives. Drugs have saved hundred of millions of lives and future lives. The positron emission Tomography (PET) a cross-sectional imaging technique of nuclear medicine that enables evaluation of the metabolic activity of tissues of the brain, chest, and abdomen by measuring their uptake of injected radioisotopes (e.g Fluorodeoxyglucose, using fluorine-18 to examine glucose metabolism). As the radioisotope is metabolized, it emits positrons, which are annihilated with the production of gamma rays; there are detected by the PET scanner and used to construct images. The thallium scan is a method of studying blood flow through the heart muscle (myocardium) and diagnosing myocardial ischaemia using an injection of the radioisotope thallium-201. Defects of perfusion, such as a recent infarct, emit little or no radioactivity and are seen as cold spots when an image is formed
using a gamma camera and computer. Exercise may be used to provoke; cold spots in the diagnosis of ischaemic heart disease. Echocardiography is the use of ultrasound waves to investigate and display the action of the heart as it beats. Used in the diagnosis and assessment of congenital and acquired heart diseases, it is safe, painless, and reliable. A Doppler effect is a technique for calculating blood flow and pressure, within the heart and great vessels by observing the reflection of ultrasound from moving red blood cells. M-mode e. a technique using a single beam of ultrasound to produce a non-anatomical image that permits precise measurement of cardiac dimensions, real-time e. a technique using a pulsed array of ultrasound. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a diagnostic technique based on analysis of the absorption and transmission of high-frequency radio waves by the hydrogen in water molecules and other components of tissues placed in a strong magnetic field. Using modern high-speed computers, this analysis can be used to produce images of the tissues in most parts of the body. It enables the non-invasive diagnosis and treatment planning of a wide range of disease, including cancer, and guides interventional radiological procedures. MRI does not use potentially harmful ionizing radiation, such as X-rays, but should not be used in patients with metal clips or prostheses (e.g. pacemakers) because the magnetic field may cause damage. Fiberscope is an endoscope that uses fiber optics for the transmission of images from the interior of the body. Being flexible, fiberscope can be introduced into relatively inaccessible cavities of the body. The endoscope instrument obtains a view of the interior of the body from light internally reflected in the optical fibers. Endoscope is a long tube, one end of the tube is fed into the body. Optical fibers in the tube carry light to and from the area examined that is seen with an eyepiece lens. Most endoscope consists of a tube with a light at the end and an optical system or a miniature video camera for transmitting an image to the examiners eye. Colonoscopy is a procedure for examining the interior of the entire colon and rectum using a flexible illuminated fiber optic instrument ( colonoscope) introduced through the anus. X-ray screening is the use of an image intensifier to produce real-time imaging during an X-ray examination on a TV monitor. It is widely used in Angiography and intervention procedures. The computerized Tomography (CT) is a form of X-rays examination. The Xray source and detector (CT scanner) rotates around the object to be scanned. The information is used to produce cross-section images by computer (a CT scan); a higher radiation dose is received by the patient rather than with some conventional X-ray techniques, but the diagnostic information obtained is far greater and should outweigh the risk. CT scanning is particularly useful in the head, chest and abdomen. Continuous insulin infusion pump is a device to deliver a continuous infusion of fast-acting insulin to the body instead of using repeated injections throughout the day. It is worn under.
Bombarding elements with beams of neutrons produces artificial radioisotopes, such as iodine-131 and cobalt-60. They are widely used in medicine as tracers and as sources of radiation for the different techniques of radiotherapy. Radio-Immunoassay is the technique of using radioactive antibodies as tracers to estimate the levels of natural substances, especially hormones, in the blood, which act as antigens. The amount of radioactivity trapped is a measure of the amount of the antigen present. Radio-Immune-localization is a method of identifying the site of a tumor (e.g. colorectal cancer) that relies on its uptake of radioactive isotopes attached to an appropriate anticancer immune cell. A miniature liver in the size of a penny is grown at zero gravity from stem cells. It will take a long time to grow it in the size of human. In surgery, lasers is a device that produces a very thin beam of light in which high energies are concentrated. Can be used to operate on small areas of abnormality without damaging delicate surrounding tissue and no bandages, they are used in eye surgery for cutting tissue for photocoagulation of the retina and in operations on the cornea for correcting long or short-sightedness. Lasers are also used to unblock coronary arteries narrowed by atheroma, to remove certain types of birthmark and in the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) before cancer. In the field of bioengineering which is the application of biological and engineering principles to the development and manufacture of equipment and devices for use in biological systems. Examples of such products include orthopedic prostheses and heart pacemakers. The science of bionics gave us mechanical or electronic parts that function in the same way or have characteristics of living system example: bionic ear. Microsurgery through highly refined operating microscope using miniaturized precision instruments. The techniques enable surgery of previously inaccessible parts of the eye, inner ear, spinal cord and brain. Micromanipulation of extremely small structures under the microscope is also performed. Plastic surgery has been performed to improve or reconstruct parts of the body, deformed or damaged by burns, major accidents or cancer. It also includes the correction of congenital defects such as cleft lip, and the replacement of parts of the body that have been lost. The discovery of a retrovirus an RNA-containing virus that can convert its genetic material into DNA, which enables it to become integrated into the DNA of its hosts cells. Retroviruses include HIV and viruses implicated in the development of some cancers. The science of genetics is kicking of rapidly. Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international research project to elucidate the entire sequence of genes on all the human chromosomes. The human genome comprises some 3000-million nucleotide base pairs forming about 30.000 genes. A first draft of the sequence of these bases, along the length of each chromosome, was published in 2001. The HGP has already resulted in the identification of the genes associated with many hereditary disorders and revealed the existence of a genetic basis or component for many other diseases not previously known to have one.
Genetic screening are tests to discover individuals whose genotypes are associated with specific diseases. Such individuals may later develop the disease itself or pass it on to their children. Genetic Engineering is the technique involved in altering the characteristics of an organism by inserting genes from another organism into its DNA. This altered DNA is known as recombinant DNA. For example, the human genes for insulin, interferon, and growth hormone production have been incorporated into bacterial DNA to enable the commercial production of these substances. The CFTR gene the gene, laying on chromosome no 7, that encodes a protein, cystic fibroses Trans-membrane regulator (CFTR), enabling the transport of chloride ions across cell membranes. Patients with cystic fibrosis lack CFTR due to a mutation in this gene. Genetic counseling is the procedure by which patients and their families are given advice about the nature and consequences of inherited disorders, the possibility of becoming affected or having affected children, and the various options that are available to them for the prevention, diagnosis, and management of such condition. Gene therapy is treatment directed to curing genetic disease by introducing normal genes into patients to overcome the effects of defective genes, using techniques of genetic engineering. At present, gene therapy is most feasible for treating disorders caused by a defect in a single recessive gene, such as the gene responsible for adenosine deaminase enzyme deficiency in cystic fibrosis. Gene therapy for certain types of cancer is also undergoing clinical trials. Cloning for animals and men replacement. A clone is an organism descended from a single cell by asexual reproduction. When an organism derived from a single cell of its own and therefore genetically identical is called a clone. Many cows and pigs have been cloned by different techniques. Back in 1996 the sheep Dolly was cloned identical to the sheep mother followed by mice, rabbits, horses and most recently cats. Not from the egg and sperm of a mother and father but from a single cell taken from any organ. First donor eggs are released from ovaries of a donor animal by extraction, then the best egg cell is removed and its nucleus squeezed out through a slit made in the cells outer membrane using a delicate technique. The cell that was taken from the organ chosen from a cell culture is injected totally using the same opening created previously in the empty donor egg. An electric charge fuses the egg and its new cargo. The resulting cell is then immersed in a chemical bath and starts to divide and grow. After several days, an embryo is produced, ten or more at a time are transferred into a surrogate animal for improving the chances that one will grow to term. After a normal period of pregnancy, the clone baby is born by caesarean section. What made the world today is the cause of most good not the evil. Therefore researchers must realize their responsibility toward God. Destroying an embryo is putting an end to the words of love, it is just that simple. We are saved through faith and sin separates us from Gods perfect love. We must stay honest with God, hunt for the truth but not nightmare truth by producing a catalogue of excuses, the devil urges you to do painted with an inch thick of what he sees and love of gray coloring. These are facts not emotions. If you dont balance yourself you fail the great life.
Bypass operation for diseased heart, an operation for the diversion of a flow from its normal channels. An artificial connection between two blood vessels by shunt diverting blood from one to the other. The circulation is maintained while the heart is deliberately stopped during heart surgery. A pump carries out the function of the heart and lungs oxygenation (heart-lung machine) until the natural circulation is restored. Drugs are widely used for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease and for the relief of symptoms. Beta-Blockers, are drugs prevents stimulation of the beta adrenergic receptors at the nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system. Beta-Blockers decrease the activity of the heart and some reduce the production of aqueous humor (as in the case of glaucoma), examples: prenolol, sotalol, levobunalol and timolol. The drug digitalis from dried leaves of foxgloves that stimulate heart muscle. Digitoxin from the same plants that increases heart muscle contraction in heart failure. The synchrotron giant microscope shooting electrons on object to make it brighter than the sun. The instrument offers structural details at a micro level giving a mine of information of products including hair. What made the world today is the cause of most good not the evil. Therefore researchers must realize their responsibility toward God. Destroying an embryo is putting an end to the words of love, it is just that simple. We are saved through faith and sin separates us from Gods perfect love. We must stay honest with God, hunt for the truth but not nightmare truth by producing a catalogue of excuses, the devil urges you to do painted with an inch thick of what he sees and love of gray coloring. These are facts not emotions. If you dont balance yourself you fail the great life.
The Roman Catholic Church had worthless history of Indulgence for gaining economy. A remission of the temporal punishment (on earth or in purgatory) that remains due for sin in spite of confession, absolution and doing penance. In consideration of prayers and good works, the church may grant plenary (full) or partial indulgences by administering the merits of Christ and the saints. The Protestant reformers denounced Sale of indulgences and the Council of Trent abolished the abuse. Trent is the city in North Italy, the 19 th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic church was held in response to reformation. Pope Paul III (1534) encouraged the first major reforms of the counter-reformation arising from reactions to the Protestant Reformation. The doctrinal canon was also the basis.
Canon Law is the body of ecclesiastical laws (Canons) governing the organization, administration and disciples of church. Gratian an early 12-century Italian Monk (c1140) was the founder. It was the first attempt to resolve over 3000 conflicting texts on ecclesiastical discipline based on papal decrees and proclamations of synods. It was reinforced by further compilations under Pope Pius X in 1904 and completed under Pope Benedict XV in 1917. The truth of a religion should be based on the existence of a wise God and the conversion of soul into spirit. A religion based on mysteries cannot be accepted without reason and cannot be inspiring to let the doctrine spread. The German reformation made the first move. The Mafia Mosaic holds three colored stones: finance; power and Vatican. Religious belief should not be based on the fear of hell. The peasant has nothing while the church grows rich. Priests failed their mission because power and ambition took over righteousness. Dependant on a system of fear of hell to hold the church in control. Martin Luther (1483-1546). A German reformation leader and founder of Lutheranism, who after gaining a religious experience he became an Augustinian friar, was ordained 1507, and visited Rome (1510) where he was shocked by the worldliness of the papal court. While professor of Scripture at Wittenberg U. (from 1512) he wrestled with the problem of personal salvation, concluding that it comes from the unmerited grace of God, available through faith alone. Namely justification is given freely by God on the grounds of Christs Atonement and by imputation of his righteousness. Justification is Gods declaration that a person is righteous. The sinner is justified through believing in Jesus Christ, not by his own works. The Reformers, especially Luther emphasized the doctrine in opposition to the popular medieval Roman Catholic belief in justification by works. It is no longer controversial. When Johann Tetzel toured Saxony 1517 selling papal indulgences, Luther denounced the practice in his historic 95 Theses, for which especially JOHANN ECK fiercely attacked him; an advocate of church reform but a bitter opponent of Luther style of reformation. In 1520 Luther published To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation. It denied the popes final authority to determine the interpretation of Scripture, declaring instead the priesthood of all believers; and it rejected papal claims to political authority, arguing for national churches governed by secular rulers. Luther denied the special spiritual authority of priests, advocated clerical marriage and denied the doctrine of transubstantiation (the substance of the bread and wine is changed into that of the body and blood of Christ), adhering to consubstantiation (in the Eucharist the blood and body of Christ coexist substantially with the bread and wine of the sacrament in opposition to transubstantiation). In Dec 1520 he publicly burned a papal bulletin of condemnation and a copy of the canon law, he was excommunicated 1521. Summoned by Emperor Charles V. to renounce his heresies at the Diet of Worms (1521), he refused, traditionally with the words, Here I stand: I can do no other. He was outlawed but protected by Frederick III of Saxony, (the ruler of more territory than any of his predecessors king of the franks, abdicated in 1556) he retired to the Wartburg castle. There in six months, he translated the New Testament into German and began work on the Old. His hymns have been translated into many languages, and he wrote two catechisms (1529), the basis of Lutheranism. Against Erasmus (Dutch Roman Catholic advocate of church corruption and social reformed an opposite of Luther views) he wrote The Bondage of the Will (1525). He directed the reform movement from Wittenberg, aiming to moderate more extreme elements, and opposed the Peasants War, condoning princely repression of the revolt. In 1525 he married a former nun; they had six children.
CALVINISM Calvin, John (1509-1564), French theologian and reformer. He studied-in Paris, and was converted to Reformation doctrines c1533, becoming prominent in the reforming party. He was forced to flee to Basel, where he published his Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536). Guillaume Farel (a leader in the reformed churches of French-speaking Switzerland) persuaded him to help establish the Reformation in Geneva. They enforced subscription to a confession of faith, but were expelled from the city in 1538. Calvin joined Martin Bucer at Strasbourg. Geneva recalled him in 1541, and, despite controversy he set up a church polity which became the paradigm for Presbyterianism and the reformed churches. Despite his fragile health; Calvin worked unceasingly in preaching, lecturing and advising in the city councils, and aided foreign Protestant refugees. On his death, Theodore Beza continued his work. Calvinism, is the theological system of John Calvin. Its key principle is that God not man, is central and supreme. Hence scripture is the source of doctrine. Calvins Institutes of the Christian Religion is a systematic account of biblical teaching with much in common with early Lutheranism, including justification by faith, predestination, assurance of salvation, and denial of the free will since the fall. One distinguishing feature is the view that in Holy Communion the believer participates in Christ in heaven by faith Calvinism became the doctrine of the reformed churches, which developed Calvins theology in a scholastic fashion, elevating Presbyterianism to a major principle, and emphasizing the divine decrees and covenants. Calvinism has been influential in the Church of England. Among the puritans and nonconformists, and in the Evangelical Revival. Recently Karl Barth has popularized a modified Calvinism, initiating amovements away from theological liberalism. Peasants War was a popular revolt (1524-26) which began in SW Germany and spread to many parts of Germany and Austria. The social turmoil created by the reformation and the decay of feudalism seem to have been at the root of the discontent. The movement collapsed when Luther denounced the uprising and supported its ruthless suppressions. Thirty years war was, a series of European wars, 1618-1648. Partly a Catholic-Protestant religious conflict, they were also a political and territorial struggle by different European powers, particularly France, against its greatest rivals the Hapsburgs, rulers of the Holy Roman Empire. War began when Bohemian Protestants revolted. Tilly (1620), who went on to subjugate the Palatinate (1623), defeated them. In 1625 Denmark, fearing Hapsburg power, invaded N. Germany, but was defeated in 1629, when the emperor Ferdinand II issues the Edict of Restitution restoring lands to the Roman Catholic Church. In 1630 the Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus led the Protestant German princes against Ferdinand. He was killed at Lutzen (1632), and by 1635 the Swedes had lost support in Germany, and the German states concluded the Peace of Prague. But now France, under Richelieu, intervened. Further wars ensued, with France, Sweden and the German Protestant states fighting in the Low Countries, Scandinavia, France, Germany, Spain and Italy against the Holy Roman Empire, Spain (another Hapsburg power) and Denmark. Peace negotiations, begun in 1640, were completed with the Peace of Westphalia (1648). Christianity has no smile but tears, nobody cared, a shadow of extinction seen ominously close.
Thus an evil congregation moves upon setting things wrong for wider authority. Money is the main resources and seek people to convert to it. Selfishness at its best make the world owes all its onward impulses to ill men at ease. When you are in a tight game wrestling with a pig, all instincts come out of your heart. The prime truth of priests is: Here comes the money sound. A stigma of rape and a lie that went out of control, denouncing the rightly for the unjust act. This extreme is not different than Muslims believing Mohammad was sinless. Thank God Luther had come to set Europe aflame with his criticism of the Catholic Church. God wouldnt have planted his seed for Gutenberg to invent the printing press. Europe would be left in an Asia bubble brothel with people trying to destroy our lives. Confession is not so bad when you consider the alternatives beside what the pig likes to have. The Roman priest is not a god deputy. There is a great deal of hard things to search lying in the world among people whose characters are above suspicion. This is not Buddhism benefiting from one man worshipping another man. You cannot confess little faults to a big faulty face. The church is in you for taking the next step. Lord Jesus is the Lord of your life, ask Him for forgiveness. The priest is just a man of pleasure returning to his dark master. Confession ones sin is a self-emptying passage, will not bring us into divine fellowship drawn from believing in heart and mouth. The emptiness of life stops all progress of what have been gained in holiness from a life departing into a concentration camp. Money cannot teach knowledge may teach you more of evil than good, only good for euphoria. This is why the priest chose the money, free of irrelevancies and loose ends, the paper that wanted no explanation. Evil characters between Jews and priests no matter what religion are so relatable, confirming that Satan provides human wants and an explanation that men have right to these wants for evil triumph. Brotherly love for the love of others always comes at a price. Love is not spongy. You have to beat the clock for the pleasure of wearing the ribbon. Opportunity comes and goes, some turns out in unexpected way; some make no more out of unimaginable sources from baptism in fire. You need a breed of good Samaritan, a one on one defender of God qualities, not a population of Chinese and Indians settling in a Christian region called Australian, changing its priorities. The work of change begins standing short instead of tall. The loss of 7 and he gain of 6 for high soul. Facts and scientific principles developed in countries where the process of democracy operates. You may have a copy better than the original exciting admiration but nothing shall take away copyrights. There is no barrier between science and the Bible. The computer linked the two with the Bible code were the prophecy of human history is hidden. Higher things revealed by choosing special numbers, ceasing passages through complex calculation. The six days Arab-Israeli War; the formation of Israel, the Holocaust Jewish problem; Isaac Rabeen Assassination; Osama Bin Ladin bringing the two towers down, even the winning elections of George W. Bush.
Science is an ability given for glorifying the Lord in body and spirit, an offer of innovation and research you cant refuse. But the sad thing in-spite of technology we are not improved on the word God. We know Russian Communism is the child of German KARL MARX for destroying Democracy that became the megalomania of many poor countries. The same Germany crushed it and gave it the most terrible punishment. Germany destroyed the wall and the power of politics is given back to the Christian Democrats. Germany filled the USA to the brim with churches of what was empty in the newly discovered world assisting the right elbow with most precious treasure. Jesus payroll was to give the Germans brains the real barrier to reveal the ultimate after saving the church from total destruction. Namely the power of critical mind to live the ultimate, after breaking the prison rules. Whenever science make a discovery, the Angels encourage the debate for the best use while the devil watch to make his temptation to separate opinions. There is a lot to be said about evangelism for a life prepared to stay out of the hot bargainers and moneychangers stressing the necessity for conversion before salvation. Thank God for the driving force of Lutheranism. Evangelicalism, means pertaining to the Gospel, the name of theological movement, found in most Protestant denominations, that emphasizes the primary authority of the Bible. It stresses Christs atoning death, human sinfulness, justification by faith, the necessity of personal conversion and expository preaching, and oppose Roman and Anglo Catholicism. Evangelical United Brethren is a Protestant church, essentially Methodist, formed by the merger (1946) of the Evangelical Church and the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. In 1968 they became part of the United Methodist Church. The priest removed heaven from being received, His dress became bound to secrecy. There is no reason why non-priest cant be equal to priests. All people have total soil to be drawn to a new seed if he chose to. We are equal in accepting things that faith binds us to. There is no men specially blessed that if you stand next to Him you catch His blessing. But I can assure you there is always Judah around begging money to re-issue his blessing to make us not look right. Lighting the light that never was. Lutheranism also made Missionaries who some got eaten while serving their mission around the world telling about Jesus and sin to make reason for change. The basis of Christian mission lies in the saving action of God to all men, found in Hebrew prophetic writings and especially in the New Testament, and in Jesus commission to His Apostles to make disciples of all nations. Vigorous missionary activity, pioneered by St. Paul, spread Christianity through the Roman Empire and beyond. Today missions operate in most countries of the world, aiming to help native churches and to do medical and educational work.
Roman Catholic Church sent missionaries, especially Jesuits to the Far East and the empires of Spain., Portugal and France; such work has been administered since 1622 by the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith. Protestant missionary work began in the 17 th century among the American Indians but became a major enterprise only after the evangelical revival, when numerous missionary societies, denominational and voluntary, were formed, starting with the Baptist Missionary Society (1792). When heavenly blessing climbs to climax from being close to a job perfection, there is not only the fear to fall but also the choice between arrogance were heart fails thee and curse can be next, not in famine but in dying in two world wars. Modesty is the second choice but the German heart had a cry of absence. In arrogance the head is a bloody and unbowed. Hitler was a man who when confronted in a sinister kind of wrong, he turns deadly, he put lives at risk because simply he doesnt care Iron headed, oppressive he ended up in a loaded pistol put on his head. Winning the war was priceless for him, never afraid, totally enthusiastic for grinding crimes. The greatest service is not to give your soul to Satan but to be clear-cut serviceable to the cause of virtue. Berlin Wall the 27mi-long wall built in Aug 1961 by the East Germans to separate East and West Berlin. Made of concrete, steel and barbed wire, it is floodlit and constantly patrolled by armed guards. It was the last enemy against the church to be destroyed. In conclusion: God stresses the obedience of man personally within a context of responsibility. The process of blessing would be administered as follows: You shall be removed from the mould of mans blindness, you will have the techniques and specialized knowledge of my calling. You are now my co-worker to research under my inspiration using the special God-given gifts in you. You shall see fortune and up to you to blow your head off with a shot gun. Germany moved from the world of evangelism into the world of industrial specialization after giving a new justice to win against a local cult decaying us more and more. You need just a divine thought to break the barriers. Church growth went at its highest adding more and more numbers for Salvation with the process of mission. We can think of Christ as a missionary to man seeking his conversion. Turning to God also means turning away from idols assuring salvation.
Inventions and discoveries prove the dream of God is real when thy trust kept so pure. The truth is anything that can be known against the worlds most dangerous disease to do more to save lives of poor people. The generated knowledge helped the poor to save his life through preventable means
and vaccine that in it-self represent a different challenge to that of finding breakthrough cures and medication. The question to be asked now, what kind of a man is I if I do not help make this world better? When I compare a billionaire man Bill Gate and the billionaire lifesaver of the developing world that sacrificed his money and time to insure a better life for the powerless and the less privileged. This is not about money but about having an inspirational effect on others. There is n o greater calling than to serve humankind, no greater contribution than to help the weak. Health is a basic medical need to make a quantum difference. An environment of faith produces a clear vision for a quantum difference. These unknown heroes who gave their lives to us deserve our attention and gratitude. Jesus said you may forget me but I will not forget you. No man can pluck you out of my hand; that is how much I love you. People who help dont just stay in this world but belong to it. Scientific growth shows a great blessing to Germany and Great Britain un-faded, dissolved quietly among the leaves, flying away in viewless wings. The excess of light certainly blasted what was seen as an endless night, making the other side of the globe look like a shrimp. The message sent, justice has been served by God to serve their sentences. If you dont tell the truth you are without energy spiritually to be the seed for fractures, you dont have voice, you can be as lethal as AIDS the outside of man does not differ but thoughts differ, When religion is in rags and contempt the thoughts goes missing, similar to abduction. When man walks in gods golden slippers, he walks in the sunshine with applause. Curse is all about the shocking murder of the real God tailor made. The call gives man a chance to make the change. You are not a hunter to be hunted in Darwins world, but you can be pushing the limit waiting for Darwin to enter your world to destroy in an evil plot. His natural gift is to come up with the most convincing proof to make God untrue. A gray face is never a winner if you do more searches you make more gains than what you have. The mind of the developing world has the eye but the pen is not ready to compose. The two cultures are opposite, one has the disease, and the other has the cure. One his notion is doctrinally correct from being a pursuit of perfection, the other is a culture no better than its wood what is now proved a man is a social animal living by his five senses, the chief inlets of soul. Inventors see in one particular phase more than others. It starts first by proposing a hypothesis backed by some facts. He has to be a skeptic to deny the danger of slaying a beautiful hypothesis, staying critical until strong evidence exists. We must never underestimate the power of God. The best gift comes from Him. Inventions or innovations sustain economical future by building bridges between the world for capital gain. There is no economical success without social progress (without it you are not ready for action). The eye of the culture needs to look onto the face of the world without veil. The list of discoveries and inventions shows how to go from zero to hero by changing culture. God has put already the difference between Muslim, Buddhist Brahmans and Jesus culture. Inventions and discoveries are the paths of the truth by getting into the heart issues also gives back dignity and worthiness. The model requires the right information in order to restore a healthy product. Every result is a property of an ordered and patient mind, bearing trials calmly.
Persistence and insistence is an important doing. If the mind is at chaos, the result will be destroyed by errors and jumping into wrong conclusions. Inventions and discoveries hold no lies. There is always good news and bad news. Pollution is the backward step of life that lives forward. We are too controlled digitally to use our freedom. The Lord has healed us through His manifestation, destroying the grey power by his body so that not to be conformed to the world. After all it is the body that has damned soul get kicked around by the world. Christians no longer need to pull the sword for proving a great crusader, the data alone wins the battle. There is no limit of what we can discover so long there are proper methods. The discoverers saw nothing but sea yet the wisdom told them to wonder around for the land. Failures did not stop them from believing there are lands. One of the advantages of having a world that God invented is that one is constantly making an exciting discovery. Fear prompt discovery, for example: the fear of bird flu virus converting into totally new human virus i.e. evolving into a higher rank prompted research of culturing the harmful virus with a protection virus capable of using its genetic material for its own reproduction, thus converting harmful into harmless. Creativity is inspired by the need, it depends on brain activity that light up every second in response to the frontal cortex. Experience produces a truer account. What someone invents, the rest either enlarge or enjoy. Science and technology are Christian heritage in such away that the torch has been passed from generation to generation. A reflection of My Yoke. Is Easy; no iron bars to put minds in a cage. Minds are innocent and quiet from free soul that Angels alone enjoy such liberty. We are born either genius or fools. Today science and technology never had it so good. God sets limit by limiting access to inspiration. You are becoming like Jesus not Jesus becoming like you. Corrupting the minds of the young will never devise an invention; because God is the inventor of nature and humans. We are the brightest of heaven invention, nothing is lacking and nothing is superfluous. God invented the lion, the lovebirds and the lamb. Humans will never devise an invention simple and more beautiful than God. We are His children because we are Gods work. We are the one hungry for knowledge not God. We have a lot of grayness influencing our decisions. Sometimes we dont have a choice: we have to do what needed to be done. Invention is cultivating the garden of love. Man was born with that inconsistency, his love is shortlived, had to have some attraction and cant love the absent, cant bow down to blindness love. We are always looking for different views. We never learn until we take responsibility to our actions. A person is not just a person, he is a whole climate of opinion while God can do no wrong. A human being is sick or disabled by his body and soul, therein lies inhumanity and debasement. What we discover should be called the first truth. We all have the resources of invention but the enemy press it back to make us just statistics, a collection of people born to consume resources. Only a handful of scientists have the resources to perform through hard work as well as gift. The two are linked to give detail information. We all have opportunity to choose but unable to use the gift for other outcome. We are simply specialists
not gods to provide specific qualities. What curse means is lacking details. The normal creation was a design of a plain truth for plain people. The skin color is a necessity, makes you aware of what wrong have been accounted against you. God is painting a truly picture of you. Gods purpose is should you mind being wrong if someone can show you that you are? Think about the religion that has done you harm in the name of God. You waste time in coward fights to make the world weak. Religions focus on building a string of events that ties together with culture. It is the way of communicating with Satan who has no physical reality to blame. To lead means to direct in exact and no man dares to do either. Therefore what authority we are given now is a Trinity, the Grin and the Word of God. The spirit is placed in the body like a rough diamonds and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear. You are an ill born mob began that vain; though you are no king, you posses the crown to kill by the sword. A Darwinian man though well behaved, at best is only a shaved monkey slowly will be discovered. He uses his sense to discover the world. A power of stupidity and pain combined. The problem is you cannot shake a mind locked with its sense in thinking. The eyes invent images of what it does not see trying to rediscover what he invented consciously or unconsciously. All races are little boxes laid everywhere made out of ticky-tacky and all look just the same. Invention is a cry of triumph for one and a cry of fear for another. One is fit to invent the other fit to judge; there are two human beings born for the real or false reason. The false that live think that he had no faults at all deceiving himself and our-selves. Always feel uncomfortable with his image. He tries to push the burden by giving a confusing look. Chinese is a mere copier of what intelligent mouth produce and can never produce anything great. He has the art of reproducing what the wise has employed and has the mental pleasure of producing it by his name. Western culture improved them by supplying the knowledge for their deficiency. Chinese can light a picture with hands holding fire but the picture is a darker picture. He can bring a rabbit out of hat but cant respond on advanced knowledge. Invention is too hard when seeking not the God that stay above thy strength. You are a second by living with the enemy. The Spirit of Christ not by Buddhas self-deprive and solitude, lacking adequate food and care controls you. Jesus did everything for us so we dont need to test the validity of suffering. Life is not about whether we can torture ourselves. He gave us the signal of how to fade the grey color in order to come into a good while end. We live by Gods transforming power that comes from His Word not by Buddahs experience doing physical things cant fill the gap. Physical things manifest when you have fellowship; when you speak out of the abundance of love in your heart then the left hand knows what the right hand is doing. The angels are dispersed everywhere to make physical things manifest. The pain may go temporary with a glass of wine but you are cured permanently if you are worthy. Invention is an example of an interactive program for the chances of moving the mountain. The Word of God is the gate way to anything you travel to. There is no twist to it. A world will be a page of glory if there is no little dragons diffusing into a considerable portion. One of the bitter curses is to copy. It leaves no right to be original; poverty in the resources of civilization. The Chinese way of exercising the imagination can be seen in this example: before the girl reach her sexual maturity, her feet get wrapped tight preventing it from developing naturally because the male love small sized feet.
Iraq has a patent called the Iraq style of kidnapping and beheading. The reason why the Arab world is too often associated only with despotism, terrorism and a rejection of all Western things because their religious leaders did not allow Arabs to pursue such expression of free thought enhanced by the power of love and peace. When the mind loose its openness to ideas the intellect ferment the spirit of innovation that create wonderful things. God will not exalt those who are inspired by two sword wielding warriors holding the heads of recently dispatched enemies. How can knowledge for high degree of sophistication flow? If all the people were good and clever, the world would be nicer than ever from the state of mind powered by the spirit of infinity. Color of skin constitutes reality of what previous ancestors had done but for God nothing means anything until it is done. Therefore second class citizens by skin color and race is a warning weather they agree to continue with it no matter what or say goodbye to the path so you can rise above instead of getting lost. No longer a fallen leaf dancing round and round like a rag blown by the wind. The Bible will remain the most inspiring technological machine that man ever had, the shadow of smart. Invention is a hard subject to learn when the heart is polluted not allowing light to pass through so that objects on the other side may be seen clearly.
The soul is the core experience of powerlessness. Lack of self-worth is the fundamental source of all emotional pain and beneath emotional pain there is an ocean of fear of being alive and of being unable to survive. Without the perspective that allows the soul to be used as an instrument of spiritual growth, the vessel that is seaworthy will not learn how to sail in an ocean of pain. Spiritual tutoring gives you the energy to rewrite what myth was written to degrade mankind, aimed at truth for the beauty of the truth. This by itself put awareness of yourself in the earth school until you leave it. The journey you are on from birth to death is toward wholeness. The soul is dirty and inefficient power for causing more and more problems. We need to replace this vast mystic perception with a fuel of good value. The questions lies in the fact that! Do we want to be always under evil forces, cant save the day and in love with all human insanity! We are ordinary people but have extraordinary abilities to be discovered and God is searching it. Stress is the consequence of resistance from accepting the present circumstances without change from lack of trust in God. Relief from stress is freedom The book provided clear evidence, showed Mohammad is the right suspect for the False Messiah. The man who broke what is left in the spirit; was joined in the hip with the devil to settle the score. This is an answer for accepting Jesus Saviour-King of Jews. If you dont accept the merit, the alternative is Salvation by the Hindu-Bull. Mohammads mission accomplished with a task ahead. Compare Jesus culture of an investment in anything that needs repairing with Mohammed culture of confrontation for knives and swords to take part, a plane fear manifest for releasing sins. Selling sex (without contraceptives) cheap. Mohammed Said: money and children are the best things in life. What happened, the wealthy wanted his big slice of the cake and what little remains is not
important. The rich becames a bloodsucking mosquito carrying its disease to the mind of others. The poor who are also a mosquito got smaller and smaller until to my view became but a spot. Christ culture is a hot insurance against having great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few for the desire of pleasure and control. Christ culture is also a hot insurance to marriage which requires a life time companionship. A friend in marriage is a friend that has parallelism to compassion. The more you go into the spirit, the more you see the truth. When culture run in good moral taste, the un-trusted world can change into trusted. It is very unfortunate, that Jews were looking for a maniac not Messiah thick coated with sins. Looking after their wallets show the secret behind not going to the love Messiah. A giant of sort turned into a sort of lunatic dwarf. Jesus is waiting for them to come out of the coma. There is David but he is a man. There is Jesus but He is glory. The golden hair, blue eyes and ordinary people doing extraordinary things like tailor made arrived from the Lord of lords with love to get us over the obsessed and ugly. So if you suffer wrong from being cheated by a Jew or Chinese just play it cool, dont trust. The question is why Anglo Saxons were chosen; because they were and are real worshipper. When you see one you see them all. They knew what the King of Kings favours. Most items of the truth serve as potential. The truth is a great respecter. All of these elements of transformation turn you from a peasant into a king, from dislike into like, from war into peace. You dont play scandals anymore. You dont perform better only when you have kisses and sex. You appreciate beings without dating them. Your standard becomes outstanding from not going that road. The road is like a sticky hair from being so sweet, but if you put your finger in it, you cant get it out. Anglo Saxons dont shout to Allah to prove their worship. The fire of justice in His heart resides. When He saw the reason for Iraqs war was false, there were no weapons of mass destruction, he went to defend the dictator to save him from hanging. He sat in a court that doesnt belong to him unafraid of hostilities. When you are in His presence you are an insider, surely you dont need to act or to be an outsider. When you dont play scandals you become a mode for stability instead of reactionary. You are up to this job if you charge your batteries. Your eyes become not just blue but a calibre for an inherited character. Knowing how to chew on good things to be the heavy weight. Everyone has a chance to be in close encounter with the King of kings. If you are in His presence you will try to treat His animals well making sure they are fine and well (watch the birth of a cob and be happy with God) you would have the change to learn abut others. Because you are His friend not His rival, you would have the chance to learn about others. You have an indigenous Internet stored for affinity. Jesus makes the world go round not money. The little boy gets wiser and wiser. This book is my heart telling you how to have favour. There is no need to steal this plan, it has been known for 2000 years. Good life does not come from good mathematic. You have to put Him on the thrown first then worship Him. You cant worship Him while you have Him dethroned. Heaven is like palace, the deeper you go to, the fewer the people. We must match with the silk and gold inside by wearing the robe of righteousness. God sympathizes the man who doesnt fit the robe. How sad and bad and mad it is to see God chosen people today purchase beer more than bottles of water. In 1988 the Prozac had to be introduced. When the spirit
get drifted the body want. Happiness is building factories for condoms. In Germany it is legal to have sex while you are driving. The soul is the great competitor to the spirit. The bigger the soul, the bigger thrills, with temptation being the in-forcing factor. When the centre of culture runs by the soul, the good efforts fade away. Show me a man without morality and I will show you a mind being wrong. Become Donald Trump and spend eternity in the hottest capital of the world suffocated by heat like living in Venus. When he want Miss Universe, he shall buy her like an apple. When you have got them by their wallets, hearts and minds will follow. God gave Noah the rainbow sign not the phrase you are fired with enthusiasm. You kindle with fire from the fire that resides in your heart. The spirit is blown up to be abiding with the mystery of soul. As the world you look upon is money you look more and more for a talent to help you move into it. How confusing it gets from sitting on a desk seeing 1000s of applications. The qualifications required to have is grown up. Then you are a special to perform an extraordinary activity. One day the balance of power will shift against you and your destiny will be revealed. You have a lot of prayers to make so that something might happen to change you. Blacks when they are financially in trouble they turn into boxing or drugs to make a hit case. The soul is based on how to tease the heart. Fundamentalism, corruption, prostitution and homosexuality or butt enjoyment are important on going activity of soul. Sexual music sets your emotions for real action. Strength is a matter of how much spirit has been left in mind. The spirit of faith brings the winds from the fields of sleep to put you in the book of life. No equipment can protect you from tears, no matter how skilful not even if you were the incredible hulk. You are delivered for a sacrifice because the resistance to temptation is low. Remember: at the end, the soul is our fatal complaint of all but the spirit wouldnt see your time is over. The alarm of death has precisely stopped. Trinity has become the father of all sciences. May the presence of the Lord be on you all the way.