Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques
Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques
Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques
Bruce Gooch University of Utah Greg Coombe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Peter Shirley University of Utah
We present a method that takes a raster image as input and produces a painting-like image composed of strokes rather than pixels. Our method works by rst segmenting the image into features, nding the approximate medial axes of these features, and using the medial axes to guide brush stroke creation. System parameters may be interactively manipulated by a user to effect image segmentation, brush stroke characteristics, stroke size, and stroke frequency. This process creates images reminiscent of those contemporary representational painters whose work has an abstract or sketchy quality. Our software is available at CR Categories: I.3.7 [Computing Methodologies ]: Computer Graphics2D Graphics Keywords: image moments, image processing, medial axis, nonphotorealistic rendering, painting
1 Introduction
The art of painting relies on representation and abstraction. In representational painting, the abstraction occurs when the detail of real images is approximated with limited spatial resolution (brush strokes) and limited chromatic resolution (palette). Economy is a quality of many paintings, and refers to the use of only those brush strokes and colors needed to convey the essence of a scene. This notion of economy has been elusive for computer-painting algorithms. We explore an automated painting algorithm that attempts to achieve economy, particularly in its use of brush strokes. There are two tasks involved in the creation of a digital painting. First is the creation of brush stroke positions, the second is the rendering of brush strokes. If the brush stroke positions are manually created by a user, then this is a classic paint program. If the brush stroke positions are computed algorithmically, then this is an automatic painting system. In either case, once the brush stroke geometry is known, the brush strokes must then be rendered, usually simulating the physical nature of paint and canvas [4, 17, 24]. We review digital painting strategies in Section 2 and give an overview of our algorithm in Section 3. The conversion from a single segment of an image to a set of planned brush strokes, which is the core of our contribution, is covered in Sections 48. We discuss possible extensions to our method in Section 9.
Figure 1: A landscape painting of Hovenweep National Monument. This painting was automatically created using the system described in this paper. The input was a scanned vacation photograph.
2 Background
Two basic approaches to digital painting are used in computer graphics. The rst simulates the characteristics of an artistic medium such as paint on canvas. The second attempts to automatically create paintings by simulating the artistic process. These approaches can be combined because they deal with different aspects, one low-level and one high-level, of painting. Work intended to simulate artistic media can be further divided into those which simulate the physics a particular medium, and those which just simulate the look. Strassmann [24] simulated the
look of traditional sumi-e painting with polylines and a raster algorithm. Pham [17] augmented this algorithm using B-splines and offset curves instead of polylines to achieve smoother brush paths. Williams [27] provides a method of merging painting and sculpting by using the raster image as a height eld. Smith [22] points out that by using a scale-invariant primitive for a brush stroke, multi-resolution paintings can be made. Berman et al. [1] showed that multi-resolution painting methods are efcient in both speed and storage. Perlin and Velho [16] used multi-resolution procedural textures to create realistic detail at any scale. Several authors have simulated the interaction of paper/canvas and a drawing/painting instrument. Cockshott [4] simulated the substrate, diffusion, and gravity in a physically-based paint system. Curtis et al. [6] modeled uid ow, absorption, and particle distribution to simulate watercolor. Sousa and Buchanan [23] simulated pencil drawing by modeling the physics and interaction of pencil lead, paper, and blending tools. While the works discussed above are concerned with the lowlevel interaction of pigment with paper or canvas, other authors aid a user in the creation of an art work, or automate the artistic process. Haeberli [8] built a paint system that re-samples a digital image based on a brush. Wong [28] built a system for charcoal drawing that prompts the user for input at critical stages of the artistic process. Gooch et al. [7] automatically generated technical illustrations from polygonal models of CAD parts. Meier [15] produced painterly animations using a particle system. Litwinowicz [14] produced impressionist-style video by re-sampling a digital
Figure 2: From left to right: An example of a segmented region. The region after the hole lling algorithm has been run. The region after being opened. The region after being opened again. The region after having been closed.
Figure 3: First an image is segmented using ood lling. Next each segment is independently decomposed into brush stroke paths. Finally brush strokes are rendered to a raster image.
image and tracking optical ow. Hertzmann [11] rened Haeberlis technique by using progressively smaller brushes to automatically create a hand-painted effect. Shiraishi et al. [21] use image moments to create digital paintings automatically. The algorithm described in this paper should be grouped with the latter set of works that simulate the high-level results of the artistic process. Our technique results in a resolution-independent list of brush strokes which can be rendered into raster images using any brush stroke rendering method.
Hole Filling
3 Algorithm
Our system takes as input a digital image which is rst segmented using ood lling (Sec 4). These segments are used to compute brush stroke paths. Using image processing algorithms, the boundaries of each segmented region are smoothed and any holes in the region are lled. The system next nds a discrete approximation to the central axis of each segment called the ridge set (Sec 5). Elements of the ridge set are pieced together into tokens (Sec 6). These tokens can, at the users discretion, be spatially sorted into ordered lists. In the nal image this second sorting has the effect of painting a region with a single large stroke instead of many small strokes. Finally the brush paths are rendered as brush strokes (Sec 7). Figure 3 shows a diagram of our algorithm.
The segments produced in the previous step often have small holes due to shadows or highlights in the image. We use a standard holelling technique to remove these. Segmented regions are stored as boolean arrays with true indicating membership in the region. Each false pixel is queried to nd how many true neighbors it has. Pixels with more than ve true neighbors are changed to true. If a pixel has less than ve neighbors, but is enclosed by an all true region, then the pixel is also set to true.
Morphological Operations
Opening and closing operations are used to smooth the boundary and remove noise. The Open operation changes every pixel from false to true if any of its neighbors are true. The Close operation changes every pixel from true to false if any of its neighbors are false. In practice we have found that two Open operations followed by a Close operation produced good results. The entire smooting sequence is illustrated in Figure 2. Open and Close operations may also be applied to the approximate medial axis (described in the next section) with good results.
Figure 5: An example of a distance transform on a region from left to right. First each pixel in the region is initialized to 1 if it is in the segmented region, and to 0 if it is not. Next multiple passes are made over the region. At each pass, a pixel value is incremented if all non-zero neighbors have values less than or equal to the pixels current value. This example shows the increasing value of the pixels by changing the pixel color to a lighter gray.
Distance Transform
Figure 4: An example of varying the number of gray levels in image segmentation. Top: the segmented image using 72 gray levels. Bottom: the segmented image using 48 gray levels. Note that the clouds have faded into the sky in the 48 gray level image.
For each pixel in the region, we compute the shortest distance to the boundary [13]. On the rst pass the distance transform algorithm assigns a value of one to each pixel in the region. Subsequent passes approximate a Euclidean distance transform by nding the smallest non-zero neighbor of the current pixel. If this pixel value is larger than the value of current pixel, it is incremented by 1 ( 2 if it is a diagonal neighbor). The algorithm proceeds until no values are changed during a pass. This process is shown in Figure 5. The number of passes is proportional to the radius of the largest circle that touches both boundaries.
The next step is to extract the medial axis from the distancetransformed region. A discrete approximation to the medial axis is the ridge set, which is the set of points that are further away from the boundary of the region than any surrounding points. A pixel is part of the ridge set if its values is greater than or equal to the value of all 8 surrounding pixels [13]. This conservative denition of the ridge set may not yield a connected set of lines, which necessitates some of the later grouping algorithms. However, we found that using a less conservative test resulted in noisy line segments and nervous, uncontrolled brush strokes. This approximation avoids the problems of spurs associated with distance transforms, but produces numerous double lines. To avoid these discretization problems, we are currently exploring a Voronoi diagram method which produces a continuous medial axis. However, the amount of computation required is usually larger than for the discrete method.
To address the problem of double lines in the distance transform, we use Rosenfelds parallel thinning algorithm [18]. This algorithm removes redundant pixels from a binary image by testing small neighborhoods of pixels. Each 8-pixel neighborhood is tested for redundant pixels. We developed a fast, unique test for these pixel neighborhoods; the details are discussed in the Appendix. The thinning algorithm eliminates double-lines and other noise from the ridge set. The algorithm typically requires two to three passes over the ridge set. Another advantage of this thinning algorithm is that points in the ridge set are guaranteed to have at most three neighbors.
Figure 6: An example of ridge set extraction, thinning and grouping from left to right. First the ridge set is extracted from the distance transformed image. Second our thinning algorithm is applied. Third the resulting ridge set is grouped into tokens. Forth the tokens are merged into a stroke. The fth image shows a set of tokens ready to be rendered
Forming Tokens
The rst step in tokenizing the ridge set is to classify pixels based on how many neighbors they have. Pixels are classied as follows: orphan - no neighbors seed - one neighbor line - two neighbors branch - three neighbors Additional cases are not needed because the thinning algorithm guarantees at most 3 neighbors. During classication, queues for each type of point are created. The tokens are grouped by performing a greedy search starting at seed points. Token objects are initialized as a single seed pixel. If the nearest neighbor to this point is also a seed, we start a new token. If the nearest neighbor point is a line point, we add the point to the token object and nd the neighbor of the line point. If the nearest neighbor point is a branch point, we add the point to the token object, reclassify the point as a line point, and start a new token. Once the ridge set is grouped into tokens as in Figure 6, the tokens can be grouped into strokes. In order to generate the color of a token, the color of each ridge point is generated by sampling the original image. A color value for the ridge point is calculated using the color ratios suggested by Schlick [20]. The color value for the token is then computed by taking a weighted average of all of the ridge points in the token.
weights. The rst moments yield the center of mass for the token which is used as the position. The second moments allow us to construct a major and minor axis for the token which are used as the length and width of the token. We were inspired by [21]. Using this moment information, we construct a dense graph of possible merges, then reduce this graph using a variant of Prims minimum spanning tree algorithm [5]. The graph is constructed by connecting every pair of tokens that are within a distance tolerance by an edge in the graph. A cost for each edge is computed by summing the differences of the tokens position, orientation, and color. For example, tokens that are at right angles incur a high edge cost, while tokens that are aligned have a low edge cost. These edges are loaded into a priority queue, and one by one the lowest cost edge is removed from the queue. If this candidate merge is feasible, then the tokens are merged. A merge is feasible if the tokens havent already been merged with other tokens. This usually means that the tokens are independent, or are at the ends of strokes. This process is repeated by until all the tokens are merged into a single stroke, or until all possible combinations of token merges have been attempted. The merging process generates a set of strokes which cover the original set of tokens. Each token in the stroke has a width given by the minor axis of the moment of the token. The main drawback of this technique is computation time. The technique is O(N 2 ) on the number of tokens in the image and a large amount of computation is performed for each token. However, since it is a global method it tends to produce optimal strokes.
The rst method we explored for grouping tokens into strokes was to compute the image moment of the token using the width values as
We also explored a second method for grouping tokens which involves a greedy search in a conical region extending from the token. For each token, search cones are created along the major axis of the token, extending out a small distance. Then the cones of every token are tested to see if they intersect the cone of any other token. Tokens with intersecting cones are merged into strokes and the process is repeated until no further merges are possible. Unmerged tokens are made into single token strokes. Next, the algorithm attempts to merge the orphan tokens into the existing strokes by testing their positions verses the search cones. The major advantages of this method over the moment method are speed, the cone intersections can be hard coded, and merging generally takes less than O(log (N )) passes over the data were N is the number of tokens. In addition, in order to render this type of stroke the ridge set points can be used directly without the over head of computing B-spline curves. However, since this is a local method it may self-intersect and lack smoothness.
Figure 7: An example of our method for drawing strokes based on moment tokens. First, points are grouped into tokens and the moment of the group is taken. Second, points are replaced by the moment centroid and additional points are added to the beginning and end of the token list. Third, the points are used as the control polygon of a B-spline curve. Forth, offset curves are computed based upon the width values. Last, the stroke is rendered.
7 Rendering Images
Brush stroke rendering depends on the method of token grouping used in the previous phase of the algorithm. Modied versions of Strassman [24] and Phams [17] algorithms are used to render brush strokes. Strassman and Pham modeled sumi-e brushes which taper on from a point and taper off to a point during a brush stroke. We choose to model a Filbert brush used in oil painting. Filbert brushes are good all-purpose brushes combining some of the best features of at and round brushes [22]. To model a Filbert brush, the taperon is constrained to a circular curve and the taper-off constrained to a parabolic curve. Examples of this type of simulated brush stroke are shown in Figure 15.
Figure 8: A region painted without a grouping algorithm. (left image: 62 strokes), and with (right image: 1 stroke)
Stroke Representation
Strokes made up of tokens that are grouped using the moment method are rendered using the positions of the moments as the control points of a B-spline curve. This list of control points is called the control polygon. Since B-spline interpolation has the side effect of shortening the stroke, we add extra points on the beginning and the end to compensate (see Figure 7). In addition to the control polygon, we compute a scalar spline curve that blends the width values. Using this width spline and the control polygon, we render the strokes by drawing parallel lines in the direction of the brush stroke. Strokes that are grouped using the search cone method are rendered using a simpler method. Normals are calculated using the nite differences of the token centers, and the widths are sampled from the nearest token. From these values a quadrilateral is generated, and lled using lines perpendicular to the normal. This method has the advantages of speed and a great deal less computational and coding complexity than the B-spline method. However, due to the absence of blending, this method can create visible artifacts when used with alpha blending. The normal directions calculated for each of the stroke points can intersect, causing what Strassmann [24] called the bow tie effect. This effect is demonstrated in Figure 9. When a low alpha values are used, causing the brush stroke to appear opaque, and the brush stroke contains these self intersections, these areas of the stroke appear darker. In practice this effect is generally not noticeable with alpha values higher than 0.75.
example is shown in Figure 8. In theory, this should smooth strokes and generate a more pleasing ow. In reality, the effect upon images varies, and may not be suitable in every case. Stroke merging can use either the moment method or the search cone method. The moment method incurs a large memory overhead due to the fact that all of the tokens and strokes from all regions need to be saved and checked. In practice this slows the system down by between one and two orders of magnitude depending on the image size and the available memory.
Grouping Strokes
In addition to grouping tokens and strokes inside a single segmented region, strokes and tokens from different regions can be merged. An
Figure 9: An example of our method for drawing strokes based on line lists. First, points are grouped into tokens. Second, tokens are grouped into a list of points. Third, for every point a normal line is found. Forth, based on the normal directions and the width at each point edge points for the stroke are computed. Last, a brush stroke is rendered.
this, the primary one being painting is an inherently 3-dimensional process. Artists have spent hundreds of years rening 3D techniques, beginning in the Renaissance []. In addition, there have been numerous computer 3D painting techniques []. We applied some of these techniques to our system as a rst step in incorporating 3D information into our 2D painting algorithm. In Section 9.1, we talk about different techniques artists have developed, and in Section 9.2 we talk about how we applied these techniques to our painting system.
Figure 10: An example of user-directed enhancement. The Feynman portrait is deemed by the user to lack detail in regions surrounding the eyes, mouth, and hand. The user selects these regions, and raises the segmentation level. New higher frequency strokes are drawn over the original strokes, hopefully improving the result.
User-Directed Enhancement
Artists create space and distance using techniques such as perspective, detail variation, color saturation, atmospheric perspective, and warm/cool fades. The perspective effect and the detail variation are in some sense already present in images, from the mechanisms inherent in photography. We were most interested in applying the warm-to-cool fade. The warm colors - red, orange, yellow - psychologically suggest emotion, energy and warmth while optically moving the subject to the foreground. [19] The cool colors - green, blue, violet appear to recede. [19]
Human artists often apply brush strokes in a manner which communicates the underlying three dimensional structure of the subject. Because we have no three dimensional information about the source image we implemented two heuristic techniques. The rst is to start brush strokes at the widest end of the stroke. The second method allows the user to select areas of interest in the image and resegment these areas with a higher number of gray levels. As discussed in Section 4, a single set of segmentation levels is chosen for the entire image. Increasing the number of gray levels in the segmentation increases the number of strokes, which changes the impression of a painting. This difference has a strong effect on the painted image as seen in Figure 14. The user can select areas of interest in the image and these areas are repainted with a higher number of strokes. This allows the user to direct the placement of high frequency information in the image, and in many cases improves the visual appearance of the painting. This is similar in spirit to the method of Hertzmann [10]. An example of this process is shown in Figure 10.
There are a number of ways to generate depth information, including depth-from-stereo, depth-from-shading, etc. [25], as well as synthetic images, where the depth is explicitly represented in a depth buffer. Any of these techniques will work for our system. Synthetic images have an advantage in that they are easy to obtain and have a regular, noise-free depth map. Depth-from-stereo produce somewhat noisy depth maps (based on image texture), can be hard to obtain, and often require some manual input to identify corresponding image features. However, these images are usually more visually interesting than synthetic images. Once the depth map has been calculated, it is fed into the painting system along with the input image. The depth is used as another information channel to the segmentation process. Objects are rst differentiated using the depth, and these objects are further decomposed using intensity variation. This technique was chosen because depth tends to be quite good at resolving object-object interactions, but poor at chosing how to lay strokes across a surface. Likewise, intensity can often fail to correctly identify seperate objects, but does well at placing strokes across a surface. The depth is used to vary the levels of segmentation in the image by segmenting at a low level for distant objects and at a high level for close objects. This tends to increase the detail in close objects while decreasing detail in distant objects.
Figure 11: An example of using depth segmentation. From left to right: the original image, the depth image, the painting without using the depth information, and the painting using depth information. No underpainting was used (for comparison)
The algorithm then uses these segments in the same way as before, and generates a set of strokes. These strokes maintain properties such as intensity and depth. The depth is then used to modulate the color of the stroke, using the warm-to-cool fade mentioned above. In the future, we intend to also implement the color saturation and atmosperic effects. These operations are shown in Figures 11 and 16.
It is clear that using depth information can increase the quality of the painting. We believe that this is because painting is an inherently 3D process, and only using image processing techniques in 2D hinders the process. However, there are several issues still to be considered. The depth information is often noisy and incomplete, particulary if the depth map is obtained using stereo cameras or other depthfrom-X techniques. This confuses the segmentation process, resulting in a noisy segmentation (and ultimately, a noisy painting). This could be handled by assigning weights to the intensity information and depth information, allowing the user (or the algorithm) to compensate for noisy or incomplete data. The technique is not applicable to portrait painting, as the depth gradient is quite small across a face. There may be other artistic techniques for portrait painting that would be more amenable to computer implementation. We intend to explore: Are there other techniques that could be applied to computer algorithms? Are the applications of these techniques used in this system correct, or do they bias the painting unneccesarily? Are there better ways of providing tools for users to experiment? Perhaps users want more control over the process of painting, instead of less control?
and memory usage. A more physically-based paint-mixing would give a look more reminiscent of oil painting. Our system might also benet from a user-assisted stage at the end to improve brush stroke ordering. An estimate of foveal attractors in the image could allow brush stroke size to be varied with probable viewer interest. Most challenging, our method could probably be extended to animated sequences, using time-continuous brush-stroke maps to ensure continuity. However, it is not clear what such animated sequences would look like, or to what extent they are useful. The most exciting future effort is to create an actual stroke-based hard copy using robotics or other technology.
11 Acknowledgments
We would like to thank Amy Gooch, Kavita Dave, Bill Martin, Mike Stark, Samir Naik, the University of Utah Graphics Group and the University of North Carolina Graphics Group for their help in this work. This work was carried out under NSF grants NSF/STC for computer graphics EIA 8920219, NSF/ACR, NSF/MRI and by the DOE AVTC/VIEWS.
Computer Graphics.
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Implementation Let the edges of G be Ei , and a graph representation of a full neighborhood be N . Then the algorithm is: for each i G { //Test for isolated pixels if ( Ei N = ) return not simple; // Else add to the total edges else edges += degree( Ei N ) ; } // Eulers Thereom. if ( edges v 1 ) return simple; else return not simple Notes We encoded the Ei and N in binary, resulting in a fast test. The only storage requirements are the eight sets Ei , which can be stored as eight integers. Most previous thinning algorithms in the computer graphics literature enumerate and store every case, resulting in a large overhead.
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Figure 13: Underpainting is a method used by artists to block in basic forms and values in a painting. We simulate underpainting by allowing the user to render strokes on top of another image. This example shows a source image. Next a painting made from this image using the source image as an underpainting. The third image is an underpainting made by changing the color gamut of the original image and then blurring the image. The nal painting was made by painting strokes, using the rst image as a source, onto the modied underpainting. This technique can be expanded to create images with multiple painted layers.
Figure 14: An example of varying the number of gray levels in the segmentation and the resulting paintings.From top to bottom the images were segmented using; 12, 48, 72, and 150 gray levels.
Figure 15: Digitally simulated brush strokes. These images demonstrate the range of brush effects.
Figure 16: An example of using depth segmentation. From left to right: the original image, the depth image, the painting without using the depth information, and the painting using depth information. No underpainting was used (for comparison)