Bentonite Clay-Acid Activation Studies: K. Suresh, R. Samant, S.K. Jatty and H. Bambhania
Bentonite Clay-Acid Activation Studies: K. Suresh, R. Samant, S.K. Jatty and H. Bambhania
Bentonite Clay-Acid Activation Studies: K. Suresh, R. Samant, S.K. Jatty and H. Bambhania
ABSTRACT: Bentonite clays have very little bleaching properties. Whereas acid activated bentonite clays
are used for bleaching edible oils, carbonless paper application and as catalyst. While acid activation inter
layer cations Na+, Ca2+ and octahedral cations Fe3+, Al3+ and Mg2+ are leached out of the bentonite structure
results in the increased surface area and its bleaching activity. Bentonites from Gujarat area were
characterized completely using powder XRD and chemical analysis and they were activated using sulfuric
acid as activating agent. Investigations revealed that degree of activation is a function acid concentration,
time and temperature of activation. Surface area increased to 136 m 2/gm & 416 m2/gm respectively for clay 1
& clay 2 respectively. Studies were also carried out to blend clay-1 to enhance the surface area to 312 m 2/gm.
Studies also correlate bleachability of the activated product with surface area and the removal of octahedral
160 400
Surface area (m /g)
Surface area(m /g)
135 300
110 200
85 100
5 15 25 35 100:0 75:25 50:50 25:75 0:100
Acid conentration (%)
Clay 1 : Clay - 2
6 hrs 9 hrs
Fig. 1: Variation of surface area a function of Fig. 4: Variation of surface area of clay blends
acid concentration & time for clay 1
Area of the peak decreases with the increase
in severity of acid activation. During activation
450 although a number of OH groups have probably
Surface area (m2/g)
% Bleachability
Fig. 5: TGA of acid activated clay-1 at different
acid concentrations
8 13 18 23
Time (min)
Clay - 1 Clay - 2
% Bleachability
30% acid-6 hrs
25% acid-6 hrs
20% acid-6 hrs
15% acid-6 hrs
10% acid-6 hrs
0.4 1 1.6
Dosage (%)
Fig. 6: DTA of acid activated clay-1 at different
Clay - 1 Clay - 2
acid concentrations
In general surface area increases with the severity Fig. 8: Bleachability as a function of dosage %
of the acid treatment and passes through a for clay-1 & clay-2 at 110°C for 20 minutes
maximum of 136 m2/g & 417 m2/g for bentonite
clay-1 & clay-2 respectively beyond which it
decreases. Initial increase in the surface area is
% Bleachability
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