Hotkey List & Other Information
Hotkey List & Other Information
Hotkey List & Other Information
the game's built-in cheat codes down to a sing le hotkey instead of a long string of letters which needs to be punched in every time, kinda like a trainer (but not). To use this script simply run the enclosed .exe (or run the script file itself i f you use AutoHotKey and have it installed) and leave the script running in the background as you play the game. If you wish to edit some of the hotkeys/cheat codes you'll have to install AutoHotKey, edit the included script file and then compile the script into an .exe file again yourself. ---------------------General/Common Cheats: ---------------------LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+Numpad LAlt+= LAlt+0 LAlt+LAlt+] LAlt+[ LAlt+9 LAlt+# LAlt+. LAlt+J LAlt+P 0 - God Mode (Explosions and falls will still cause damage) 1 - Infinite Oxygen 2 - Infinite Ammo (No Reload) 3 - Full Health, Armour and $250,000 4 - Weapons Set #1: Thug's Tools 5 - Weapons Set #2: Professional Tools 6 - Weapons Set #3: Nutter Tools 7 - Never Wanted 8 - Six-star Wanted Level 9 - Increase Wanted Level by Two Stars + - Clear Wanted Level - - Commit Suicide (Requires God Mode to be off [LAlt+Numpad 0]) . - Never Hungry * - Full Weapon Aiming While Driving / - Blow up All Cars Enter - Hitman Level in All Weapons
Maximum Muscle Fat Skinny Maximum Respect Maximum Sex Appeal Maximum Stamina Mega Punch Mega Jump Have Jetpack Have Parachute
----------------Vehicle Spawning: ----------------LCtrl+Numpad LCtrl+Numpad LCtrl+Numpad LCtrl+Numpad 0 1 2 3 Spawn Spawn Spawn Spawn Rhino (Tank) Bloodring Banger Rancher Racecar #1
LCtrl+Numpad 4 - Spawn Racecar #2 LCtrl+Numpad 5 - Spawn Romero LCtrl+Numpad 6 - Spawn Stretch Limo LCtrl+Numpad 7 - Spawn Trashmaster LCtrl+Numpad 8 - Spawn Caddy LCtrl+Numpad 9 - Spawn Hydra (Fighter Jet) LCtrl+Numpad + - Spawn Vortex (Hovercraft) LCtrl+Numpad - - Spawn Hunter (Helicopter) LCtrl+Numpad . - Spawn Quad Bike LCtrl+Numpad * - Spawn Tanker Truck LCtrl+Numpad / - Spawn Bulldozer LCtrl+Numpad Enter - Spawn Stunt Plane LCtrl+M - Spawn Monster Truck
---------------------------Environment and Pedestrians: ---------------------------RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+Numpad RAlt+= RAlt+RAlt+' RAlt+0 RAlt+] RAlt+[ RAlt+# RAlt+; RAlt+/ 0 - Sunny Weather 1 - Very Sunny Weather 2 - Overcast Weather 3 - Rainy Weather 4 - Foggy Weather 5 - Thunderstorm 6 - Sandstorm 7 - Always Midnight 8 - Always 21:00 9 - Faster Clock + - Faster Gameplay - - Slower Gameplay . - Recruit Anyone (9mm) * - Recruit Anyone (Rockets) / - Gang Members Everywhere Enter - Elvis is Everywhere
Beach Party Ninja Theme Funhouse Theme Slut Magnet Pedestrians Attack Each Other A Bounty on Your Head Everyone is Armed Riot Mode Adrenaline Mode (Slow Motion & Strength)
-------------Vehicular Fun: -------------RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad RCtrl+Numpad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aggressive Traffic Pink Traffic Black Traffic Traffic is Cheap Cars Traffic is Fast Cars Traffic is Country Vehicles (Country Theme) Super Bunny Hop (Bicycles)
7 - All Cars Have Nitro 8 - Invisible Cars 9 - Perfect Handling + - All Green Lights - - Reduced Traffic . - Boats Fly * - Cars Fly / - Killer Car (Crashing into other cars will blow them up) Enter - Cars Float Away When Hit
-------Credits: -------[Created by]: Paddy McMullan [] [Created on]: 31st August 2010 [Scripting by]: AutoHotKey tutorials and forums! I don't know anything beyond w hat I've used in this script, and I've only been doing this for a few days, so i t's likely that there are problems with what I've done haha. The whole script w orks fine for me and I tested every single cheat as I added them, but if you thi nk it needs work feel free to tamper with it, I'm not bothered about receiving c redit or the like. At first I included the BlockInput on/off command for each cheat, but after losi ng control of my keyboard thanks to some sort of cock-up with a hotkey conflict I had with another program (requiring me to log off and on again) and testing th at the codes work without this command I decided to just delete it. Just make s ure you only press the required keys for each cheat and it should work fine. [Notes]: I created this script for my own use and have thus ordered the cheats/h otkeys in a manner which I found to be the most user-friendly/intuitive. You ma y have different needs and want to have certain cheats close together. Editing the script for this purpose is fairly simple; consult AutoHotKey's website for m ore information. Again, I don't care about receiving credit if you want to repa ckage the script in some way and distribute it under your own name. I only inclu ded my name/email address here in case someone wants to ask me questions about i t or spots a mistake, or wants to send me a fuckload of cash for my troubles :P My keyboard has the AltGR key in place of the standard right-Alt, and as I under stand it this means that hotkeys which use this modifier on non-AltGR keyboards won't work. You can easily replace these commands with the one you need by edit ing the script in Notepad, pressing Ctrl+H (which will open up a "Replace..." di alogue) and replace: <^>! with >! Given that this script inputs standard cheat codes native to the game's own code the following information is probably irrelevant, but here it is anyway:
Tested on San Andreas 3.0 running on Steam API v009 in Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Happy cheating! P.S. Much respect to Edison Carter for discovering most of these cheats. Check out his website: