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Accepted author version posted online: 03 Oct 2011. Version of record first published: 01 Aug 2012
To cite this article: S. Khandekar, M. Ravi Sankar, V. Agnihotri & J. Ramkumar (2012): Nano-Cutting Fluid for Enhancement of Metal Cutting Performance, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27:9, 963-967 To link to this article:
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Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 27: 963967, 2012 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1042-6914 print=1532-2475 online DOI: 10.1080/10426914.2011.610078
INTRODUCTION The most desirable properties of cutting uids are cooling (superior convective and conductive heat transfer coefcient), lubrication, and evacuation of chips from machining zone. Cooling is one of the most important challenges in the machining process faced by numerous industries such as automobiles, electronics, and manufacturing [15]. New technological developments are increasing thermal loads that require faster cooling. The conventional methods of enhancing the cooling rate are already stretched to their limits [610]. Hence, there is need for new and innovative cutting uids to achieve this high performance cooling [11, 12]. Nano-cutting uid is one of the novel concepts, wherein nanoparticles are suspended in conventional cutting uid, which are being developed to meet more demanding cooling and lubricating challenges in machining. Several researchers showed that the convective heat transfer coefcient increases substantially for nanouids [1318]. The present work aims at demonstrating the possibility of enhancing the desired properties of a cutting uid by adding suitable nanoparticles and forming stable nano-cutting uids. Recent studies indicated that suspended nanoparticles can alter the thermophysical and transport properties of the conventional cutting uids. A small amount of copper nanoparticles (less than 1% vol. fraction) or carbon nanotubes dispersed in ethylene glycol can increase the poor thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol by 40% to 150%. The thermal conductivity of nanouids increases nonlinearly with temperature [19]. Kim and Bang show that addition of nanoparticles enhances the wettability of the base uids
Received March 30, 2011; Accepted July 13, 2011 Address correspondence to J. Ramkumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India; E-mail:,
[20]. Nanoparticles near the liquid-solid surface can enhance the wettability characteristics of the base uid [2123]. Thus, the introduction of nano-cutting uids has opened up the new possibility of enhancing the thermophysical properties of the base uids in a desired manner. In tune with emerging trends, the present study reports the successful application of Al2O3 based nano-cutting uids for machining operation. In the present study, a special type of nano-cutting uid is developed by mixing self-synthesized Al2O3 nano particles into the conventional cutting uid. The wettability of water, conventional cutting uid, and nanocutting uids is measured using macroscopic contact angle method. The comparative wettability study is to demonstrate the better wettability characteristics of nano-cutting uids compared to other two uids. Later, cutting performance is compared among dry machining, machining with conventional cutting uid, and nanocutting uid in terms of tool wear (crater wear and ank wear), cutting force, average surface roughness, and chip thickness. EXPERIMENTATION Materials Selection and Equipment Various equipments and materials (with their specications) that are used in the present experimental study are given in the Table 1. Selection of Input Parameters The input parameters for the present study are selected and given in the Table 2. Formulation of Nano-Cutting Fluid The nano-cutting uid is prepared by adding 1% by volume of self-synthesised Al2O3 nanoparticles to the emulsion type cutting uid (Servo-Cut-S). Later, this 963
TABLE 1. Materials and equipment Workpiece Cutting tool Machine tool Cutting uid Surf analyzer Tool wear analyzer AISI 4340 (A100 mm X 500 mm) Uncoated cemented carbide insert (TPUN 16-03-08) LB=17 Lathe (HMT, India) Servo Cut S Additives Al2O3 nanoparticles Water Surf Analyzer 5000 (Federal) Scanning electron microscope, Optical microscope
mixture is subjected to ultrasonication for about two hours. It results in a stable nano-cutting uid and no precipitation=settlement of particles is observed during entire machining process.
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Experimental Procedure Preliminary experimentation is carried out for dry machining and machining with conventional and nanocutting uids to nd the optimum range of various input parameters, i.e., feed rate, cutting velocity, and depth of cut (Table 2). Later, complete experiments are carried out in dry machining and machining with conventional and nano-cutting uids conditions, respectively, to nd the relative advantage of nano-cutting uid over the other two. Cutting force (FC) during the machining trials is recorded with the aid of a piezoelectric tool-post dynamometer. Surface roughness values of the machined workpiece at ve locations are recorded using a stylus type surface prolometer (Federal Surf Analyzer 5000). The average of ve surface roughness values is calculated and represented as the average surface roughness (Ra) value of the machined surface. Flank wear measurement and morphology is studied using optical microscope. Chip thickness and chip morphology is also analyzed for comparison of three machining processes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Wettability Study of Nano-Cutting Fluid The wettability characteristics of uid on a particular solid substrate can be estimated by the measurement of macroscopic contact angle between the uid droplet and the solid substrate surface. In most applications, air is always present as the third phase. Thus, the equilibrium thermodynamic contact angle is given by Youngs equation (Fig. 1) [24]: rsv rsl : 1 cos h rlv
TABLE 2. Process input parameters Cutting time (t) Feed (f) Cutting velocity (V) Depth of cut (d) Machining environments 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 (sec) 0.1 (mm=rev) 350 (m=min) 1.0 (mm) (radially) (i) dry machining (ii) Machining with conventional cutting uid (iii) Machining with nano-cutting uid
Alternatively, the macroscopic contact angle can also be viewed as the manifestation of the interaction of adhesive=cohesive forces acting on the contact line, i.e., cos h Net adhesion force Surface tension force 2
From a thermodynamic point of view, spreading of the liquid droplet ensures minimization of Helmholtz free energy, leading to the denition of equilibrium contact angle, i.e., @ FH rsl rlv rsv : @ Asl 3
The free energy of a system depends on the intermolecular force potentials of the constituent molecules= atoms (van der Waals forces, Debye forces, Keesom forces, Hydrogen bonds, Covalent bonds, etc.). These interactive forces also give rise to the phenomenon of surface tension. It is known that the net surface tension of liquids strongly depends on the Van der Walls forces. The interaction length scale of these forces is of the order of 1 nm to 100 nm, which is the size of the nanoparticles. So, it is expected that addition of nanoparticles affects the net free energy of a pure uid-solid-air interface. To check this hypothesis, macroscopic contact angles of pendant droplets of pure water, conventional cutting uid, and nano-cutting uid, respectively, are measured by a goniometer on a cutting tool insert (TPUN 16-03-08). It is clearly seen that the wettability of nanocutting uid is substantially better than that of pure water and conventional cutting uid (Fig. 2). All the measurements are performed at room temperature (27 C), and the droplet volume of 10 ml is used. Droplet sizes in all measurements are ensured by a micrometering syringe. The repeatability of the contact angle data is observed within 5%. The data clearly suggest that the nanoparticles affect the adhesive=cohesive force interactions at the contact line. Also, the wetting area per unit volume in the case of nano-cutting uid droplet increases. So, it enhances
FIGURE 2.Images of pendant droplets of (a) pure water, (b) conventional cutting uid, and (c) nano-cutting uid on carbide tool substrate.
the lubricating and heat removal properties compared to the conventional cutting uid. Tool Wear In the present study, tool wear refers to the morphology of crater and ank wears. The temperature generated in the primary and secondary shear zone affects the wear of tool materials. The existence of high cutting temperature and stress at the cutting edge, coupled with the brittleness of the tool material, accelerates the chipping, cracking, and fracture of the tool inserts. This is commonly seen in dry machining process due to the absence of cutting uid. So, crater wear is high in dry machining (Fig. 3(a)). Due to continuous rubbing of the machined work surface on the thermally softened ank face and absence of cutting uid leads to severe ank wear (Fig. 3(b)). Conventional cutting uids provide lubrication and partially reduce the generated heat in machining zone compared to dry condition. But due to dominant adhesive wear mode, crater wear is observed near the tool cutting edge. Adhesive wear mechanism depends on the adhesive afnity of tool and workpiece, the hot strength of the tool material at the adhesive junction, and the frequency of interruptions at the adhesive contact. Weak interface bonding between tool and workpiece surfaces increase the severity of adhesion wear. The adhered workpiece surface layer often remains attached to the tool edge. Thus the crater wear is observed at the seizure zone of machining (Fig. 3(c)). Continuous rubbing of workpiece with the ank face tries to chip-off tool ank surface layers. But, because of conventional cutting uid lubrication ability, the tool retains its hardness and thus ank wear partially reduces compared to dry machining process (Fig. 3(d),(e)). In case of nano-cutting uid, because of its better conduction, convection, and wettability compared to conventional cutting uid, both tool wears (crater and ank wear) reduce enormously and are just conned minimally to cutting edge region only. Due to better cooling and lubrication properties of nanocutting uid, the tool retains its original hardness for longer times (Fig. 3(f)). Thus the ank wear is minimum compared to the other two processes (Fig. 3(g)). Cutting Force As machining starts, in the initial stage the cutting forces are less as the tool is sharp and machining is
FIGURE 3.Crater and ank wear in (a-b) dry turning, (c-d) turning with conventional cutting uid, and (e-f) turning with Al2O3 based nanocutting uid (color gure available online).
smooth. As machining time increases, the cutting edge wear gradually increases (sharpness decreases) either by deformation or by chipping. Thus, the cutting force also increases with machining time. Figure 4 shows the variation of the cutting force with machining time. As the machining time increases, the cutting edge wears out gradually, irrespective of the presence or absence of the cutting uid. Due to the absence of cutting uid in dry machining, tool cutting edge wears out early because of the quick thermal softening of the cutting tool material in the machining zone. This leads to rapid increase in cutting force which is clearly seen around $120 s (Fig. 4). The presence of conventional cutting uid improves the life of cutting edge by providing cooling and lubrication (through conduction and convection process). So, tool hardness is retained for more time and rapid increase in the cutting force is observed around $210 s of machining time. But in case of the nano-cutting uid, rapid increase in cutting force is not observed because of improved cooling and lubrication. Though there is a continuous increase in the cutting force from the start of machining, while machining with nanocutting uids, cutting force magnitude is smaller as compared to other techniques (Fig. 4).
FIGURE 4.Variation of cutting force with machining time for dry machining and machining with conventional and nano-cutting uids.
FIGURE 6.Variation of average surface roughness while dry machining and machining with conventional and nano-cutting uid.
Chip Morphology and Chip Thickness In dry machining process, because of the high temperature in the shear zone, the work and tool materials get thermal softening. Since the workpiece material is much softer compared to the tool material, the continuous helical chips are generated. These chips try to weld to the top surface layers of tool rake face and take away thermally softened tool rake surface layers. Thus the chip thickness is high in dry machining process (Fig. 5). While machining with conventional cutting uid, a hydrodynamic cutting uid layer forms between chip and tool rake face. This hydrodynamic cutting uid layer tries to push the chip away from the rake face. So, chip helix angle increases and even sometimes breaks the chip after a certain length. Thus, the chips are semilong with more helix angle (Fig. 5). In machining with nano-cutting uid, due to impingement of Al2O3 nanoparticles on the chips, longer chips are forced to break, and this leads to tiny segmented chips. Nano-cutting uid provides better cooling and lubricating properties which reduce the possibility of crater wear (Fig. 3(f)) and sticking of tool material on the back side of the chip; hence, chip
thickness is less when compared to the other two machining techniques (Fig. 5). Surface Roughness In the dry machining process, because of the absence of cutting uid, the cutting edge wear occurs rapidly. So the machining process is no more smooth and the Ra generated on the workpiece surface is high (Fig. 6). When machining with conventional cutting uid, the cutting uid presence protects the cutting edge partially due to its cooling and lubrication properties. So, the machining process is partially smooth and thus the Ra generated is better compared to dry machining, (i.e., surface roughness reduces partially). But nano-cutting uid greatly improves the wetting=lubricating properties of rake and ank regions. The net effect leads to better heat dissipation, so the machining process is smoother and causes retaining of hardness of tool cutting edge. Hence the surface roughness achieved during machining with nano-cutting uid is minimum compared to other two machining conditions (Fig. 6). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In the present article, a comparative study of the performance during dry machining and machining with conventional and nano-cutting uids is reported. It also investigates the effect on wettability characteristics of base uids when nanoparticles are added. The following conclusions can be drawn based on the present work: a. It is found that adding 1% Al2O3 nanoparticles (by volume) to the conventional cutting uid greatly enhances its wettability characteristics compared to pure water and conventional cutting uid. b. The great reduction of crater and ank wear is attributed to enhanced thermal properties, improvement in wettability, and lubricating characteristics of the nano-cutting uid. c. There is a reduction of $ 50% and $30% cutting force while machining with nano-cutting uids
FIGURE 5.Effect of feed on chip thickness during dry machining and machining with conventional cutting uid as well as nano-cutting uid (color gure available online).
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compared to dry machining and machining with conventional cutting uid, respectively. d. There is 54.5% and 28.5% reduction in the Ra value of the machined surface when nano-cutting uid is used compared to dry machining and machining with conventional cutting uid, respectively. REFERENCES
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