TIO 40DaysofLove1 TransformingRelationships

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Sermon Discussion Guide

Transforming Your Relationships

40 Days of Love Preparation Message Rick Warren
Let love be your greatest aim. 1 Corinthians 14:1 (LB) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. And love your neighbor as yourself. There are no commands more important than these." Mark 12:30-31 (NCV) What would you say is your number one goal in your life? To be happy? To be heard? To be loved? To succeed in your career? To get married and raise a family? To be financially independent? Whatever it is for you, that is your dominant life principle. You may not even realize it, but its your number one value in life, and the one upon which you base all your key decisions. In 1 Corinthians 14:1, God tells us the correct dominant life value: Let love be your greatest aim. Why? Because God is love and he created you as an act of love. One day a man asked Jesus, What is the greatest commandment? Jesus answered, To love God, and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31, above). If we get that, we understand what God wants from us. Our world today doesnt really understand love. So often, love is seen as an uncontrollable event, like something you fall into. But love is a choice, and when you know God, He helps you make that choice. Love is the reason you are here on this planet. Life is a school of love. So with this lesson, well begin our course in Love 101.


1. WE LOVE BECAUSE GOD LOVES US. Who initiates love? See 1 John 4:19. How did Jesus Christ demonstrate his love for us? We really cant love others until we first experience Gods unconditional love. Describe a time when Gods love changed a situation, or it changed you. How does 1 John 4:7-8 describe Gods nature? In a few words, describe some of Gods characteristics. Pastor Rick said, Love is not a quiver in your liver or an ocean of emotion. What are other ways the world defines love? How does a Christian view love? According to 1 John 4:16a, what is the best way to respond to Gods love? What keeps a person from receiving Gods love? How can we overcome our reluctance or inability to trust that God loves us? Worship One of the best ways to experience Gods love on a daily basis is through developing a worship lifestyle. Share with one another worship habits that work for you. How could planning a regular time away with God help establish an attitude of worship? When will you take that personal retreat? 2. LOVE IS A CHOICE AND A COMMITMENT. Read Deuteronomy 30:20 together. What is our part in the love relationship with God? During those times when we might not feel close to God, what can we do to honor the commitment we made to love him? There are times in all relationships spouses, children, parents, and friends when we dont feel very loving towards the other individual. How can we choose to demonstrate love for that person during those seasons, in spite of how we feel? Fellowship When we receive Christ into our lives, we are making a choice to turn our lives around and go in a different

direction. How does becoming involved in a small group demonstrate that commitment to Christian growth? What can your group do to reach out to other new believers or seekers? 3. LOVE IS ACTION, NOT JUST EMOTION What should characterize our love, according to 1 John 3:18? How will others see God in us? When you dont feel loving towards someone, what can you do to show them love despite your feelings? What action do you think can help rekindle a lost love? How can we put love into action so that Christians will be known by their love in the world? Ministry We demonstrate that Gods love is working in us when we use our God-given abilities to minister to needs within the body. One of two of you share how involvement in ministry has helped you grow in Gods love. If you are not currently involved in ministry, what can you do to act out Gods love? 4. LOVE IS A SKILL I CAN LEARN. According to 1 John 4:7, what kinds of actions reveal we are getting to know God? Share several modern examples of Christians who show themselves to be loving and kind. How can a persons actions demonstrate that they are getting to know God better? What two things are we commanded to do with regard to love according to 1 Timothy 4:15? In the heat of the moment, even the most careful of us can say or do something unloving. Why is it important not to give up after a stumble when trying to learn love? Share some of the challenges of trying to learn love; then take a moment to discuss the rewards. Discipleship Loving others is Christian growth applied. You get better at it through regular practice, the same way you grow at any skill. Share with your group ways in which God has used your knowledge of God to bless someone else. 5. LOVE IS A HABIT. What direction does the author of Hebrews 13:1 offer to help us consistently demonstrate Gods work in our lives? Share with each other a time when you worked towards a positive habit and how you went about developing and establishing that habit in your daily life. What is the love challenge issued in Luke 6:32? Discuss the habits that would help us to love in a way that demonstrates Gods love for others. Its easy to get discouraged when our loving actions are rebuffed. How can the example of Jesus working in our own lives help us persist in reaching out to others? Mission One of the best ways to develop the love habit is through reaching outside yourself with Gods love message. Plan a group project to share Gods love with others. If youre searching for ideas, go to http://www.saddlebackfamily.com/missions/default.asp and look at the opportunities for local and global P.E.A.C.E. Take a moment to review any assignments/challenges made during the personal application and commitment section of your previous meeting. Seeing God at work in the lives of those who commit to Him is essential for growth. PERSONAL APPLICATION AND COMMITMENT: Everything you do must be done with love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 (NLT) One day we will all stand before God and he will ask, What did you do with your life? Did you love my Son, Jesus Christ? Did you love others? Did you do what I made you to do? When he says to do everything in love, what does that include? Writing emails? Making purchases in stores? Finding a parking spot? Relating to people who vote differently than you do?
Do something good for the church and for yourself at the same time Saddleback members just like you create these discussion guides, each working once a month in a small team after a Saturday 4:30 service. We need your help! No special skill or experience is required just an interest in the Bible and in helping small group members benefit from the weekend sermons. Well train you, but the work is relatively simple. Just send a note to pegr@saddleback.net.

Responding with love to people who attack your faith? Yes to all of those, because life is all about love. They say it takes about 40 days to establish a new habit, so we hope youll plan to stick with these lessons over the whole seven-week series. Challenge yourself to stretch your heart by agreeing to study the lessons with your group, or even to start a new group so others can learn about love, Jesus-style. Here are the five key relationship principles at which well be taking a closer look: HOW TO BECOME GREAT AT RELATIONSHIPS 1. COMMIT TO GROWING 2. LEARN HOW JESUS DID IT 3. PRACTICE THE SKILLS 4. DEVELOP THE HABITS 5. TRUST GOD TO HELP This is my prayer for you: that your love will grow more and more, and that you will have knowledge and understanding with your love. Philippians 1:9 (NCV) We will take the following assessment test at the beginning and end of the series, to see how far God has brought us: 40 Days of Love Pre-Test ASSESSING YOUR RELATIONSHIPS
Parents Marriage Prospects (If youd like to marry) Spouse Relative____________________________ Coworkers__________________________ Neighbors __________________________ Different/Difficult ____________________ 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great 1---3---5---7---9 Poor Great


Do something good for the church and for yourself at the same time Saddleback members just like you create these discussion guides, each working once a month in a small team after a Saturday 4:30 service. We need your help! No special skill or experience is required just an interest in the Bible and in helping small group members benefit from the weekend sermons. Well train you, but the work is relatively simple. Just send a note to pegr@saddleback.net.

Sermon Discussion Guide Leader Notes

Goals for this Weeks Study
Share a time when you knew God loved you. Understand that the most important commandment is to love God and people. Pray that the next 40 days will bring each member of your group to a more loving lifestyle.

Preparing to Lead Your Group

PRAY for insight as you begin to prepare for leading your group. Ask for Gods wisdom, that the Holy Spirit will be the teacher and that you will be Gods instrument to lead the group to greater understanding and a willingness to commit to becoming more like God. Prayer should be your primary source of personal preparation for leading your group. PLAN where you want to take your group in the next 60-90 days. Is your group strong in some areas and weak in others? How can you challenge the members to live more balanced Christian lives? Consider Gods five purposes for the church: Fellowship, Discipleship, Ministry, Mission and Worship, and make a plan to encourage your group members to growth and commitment in their weak areas. PONDER YOUR PROGRESS after each session and at the end of a series. Reflect on what went well and what didnt. Re-evaluation is key to your growth as a leader. Consider whether your plan is being effective in moving the group to greater understanding and commitment. How are you doing with leading the discussion: is it stimulating, challenging, and meaningful? Are you able to keep the group on track? Do you need to make some changes?

Using This Sermon Discussion Guide

This Sermon Discussion Guide is only a tool to aid you in meeting the needs of your group. For most groups there are too many questions to answer in one session together. After considering the needs of your group you may choose one of the following options: One section of questions; One or two questions from each section Feel free to adapt the format to meet the needs of your group. If your group is mature and wants to dig deeper, add Scripture and ask suitable questions. Remember that this is only a guide. The questions relating to the five purposes are helpful to develop balance and spiritual maturity in our lives. You can bring your group to an awareness of their needs in these areas by using these questions as a regular part of each discussion. Personal application is key to everyones growth and should be included in every discussion. When asked how he or she intends to apply a certain principle a group member may say, I need to spend more time in the Bible and in prayer. It is important for you to help group members make applications that are more specific and commit to a specific plan of action by asking, for example, How are you going to begin? An example is to get up 30 minutes earlier each morning, spending 15 minutes reading the Bible and 10 minutes in prayer. Encourage each group member to be accountable to the group for personal progress at the next meeting. As the leader your goal is to help bring the group into a stimulating discussion that helps the members recognize their need for personal life change. Ultimately you want them to be willing to commit to change with accountability to the group. Accountability helps us to persevere in our commitments and achieve the blessings of success.

Do something good for the church and for yourself at the same time Saddleback members just like you create these discussion guides, each working once a month in a small team after a Saturday 4:30 service. We need your help! No special skill or experience is required just an interest in the Bible and in helping small group members benefit from the weekend sermons. Well train you, but the work is relatively simple. Just send a note to pegr@saddleback.net.

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