Dde Prospectus 2012 13 220612

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"Education at Your Doorstep"

DEC Recognised Distance Learning Programmes



Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology
Hisar - 125001 (Haryana)
('A' Grade NAAC Accredited University)
Enquiry : 01662-276735, 263571


His Excellency Shri Jagannath Pahadia,

Governor, Haryana Telephones Dr. M.L. Ranga Vice-Chancellor 01662-276192, 263101 Fax : 01662-276240 e-mail : vc_gju@yahoo.co.in 01662-276025, 263104 Fax : 01662-276025 e-mail : registrar_gju@rediffmail.com 01662-263674

Prof. R.S. Jaglan Register

Prof. M.S. Turan Dean Academic Affairs Prof. Kuldip Bansal Dean Student's Welfare Prof. Rajesh Malhotra Proctor Prof. S.C. Kundu Chief Warden Prof. Dharminder Kumar Dean of Colleges Sh. R.K. Yadav Controller of Examinations Contact : Prof. M.S. Turan Director, Distance Education


01662-263563 01662-263369 01662-263111 01662-263182 01662-263588

01662-263130 e-mail : coe@gjust.org

01662-263157 Fax : 01662-263570 e-mail : dde@gjust.org 01662-263135 E-mail : dydde@gjust.org

Dr. Vinay Deputy Director (DE)


Dr. M.L. Ranga

Vice-Chancellor Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar- 125 001(Haryana)

It is my immense pleasure to write a foreword for this Prospectus which will be reaching in the hands of keen learners spread through out the country. In keeping with its mission to reach the unsearched and to provide learning facility at the doorsteps, the Directorate of Distance Education, since its inception in 1997, has made appreciable headway in terms of quality of imparting learning, student support services, number of programmes, number of students enrolled and geographic spread in the country. The programmes being offered are designed by keeping in view with the present market conditions and new job opportunities available in India and abroad. It is important to mention that the professional and academic programmes on offer support the broader mission of the university to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non conventional energy sources and management studies and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields. In order to enhance opportunities in government jobs for the distance learners, all the programmes on offer have been got recognized from the Joint committee of UGC-AICTE-DEC. Further the University has the honour to have been twice accredited as 'A' grade institution by the National Accreditation and Assessment Council (NAAC). The Directorate has the distinction of being a forerunner in maintaining the quality assurance in distance education. The system of imparting learning through distance mode has inbuilt flexibility so that the very mission of the directorate can be achieved to the best advantage of the students' community. The study centres entrusted to impart learning are required to comply with the standards and norms for starting, running, and maintaining the centres and delivering services to the students. I am happy to share the same with you that many of the alumni of the directorate are not only serving in very high positions in the public and private sectors of the country but also are working as successful entrepreneurs. I wish that out students of distance learning get special attention and cooperation from not only the staff of the Directorate but also from the other institutions on whom they need to bank upon for sorting out their problems from time to time. I wish our distance learners a bright career ahead.



Registrar Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar- 125 001(Haryana)

From the Registrar

Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology has been established with a mandate to transform and redefine the face of technical education, thereby culminating into a confluence of thought, knowledge and practice to facilitate the fullest development of the individual. The objective of University is to facilitate and promote studies in emerging areas of higher education in new frontiers of management, technology and environmental studies etc. Our aim is to produce engineers, scientists and managers who are technically sound, professionally competent and socially relevant. In order to impart education to the students residing at far off places in the country, the University established the Directorate of Distance Education in the year 1997. At present the Directorate is running 17 programmes through Distance Education mode. The objective of introducing these programmes is to reach the masses and provide them with quality education. All the 17 programmes are approved by Distance Education Council (DEC), IGNOU, New Delhi. I am confident that the students enrolled for various courses of the distance education of the University will be highly benefited in view of the requirement of the market trends. I express the hope that the Directorate of Distance Education of the University will come up to the expectations of all the students who join its various courses. I wish the students all success.




Prof. M.S. TURAN

Director, Distance Education Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar- 125 001(Haryana)

From the Director 's Desk

With the mission to reach the unreached and provide learning at the door step, the Directorate of Distance Education of this University was established in the year 1997. In order to meet the demand of job market, the Directorate has been restructuring its programmes from time to time. The Directorate is at present running 17 courses through distance mode, and 10 more such programmes are proposed to be started soon after DEC approval. The Directorate has given flexibility to take admission in any of its courses, even if a student is already pursuing studies elsewhere in a regular course. Further, the requirement of migration certificate for admission to distance learning courses is not a pre-condition to admission. Since the inception of the Directorate, a lot of head- way has been made in terms of value addition in course curriculum, students support services, number of students enrolled, quality of self instructional study material (SIM) etc. The Directorate provides the facility to the students for enrollment to various distance education programmes through the study centres as well as directly through the Directorate. The Personal Contract Programmes are organised by the Directorate for the student enrolled directly with the Directorate and the teachers hold the classes of the students and satisfy their queries. The study centres also organise stipulated number of classes by devising the schedule suiting the requirement of the students. The Directorate gets the study material prepared and vetted from the experts in the respective fields and updated the same from time to time. In order to look after the interests of the students, the Directorate has appointed senior teachers as course co-ordinators for each programme. The Directorate has designed its prospectus touching all the facets of the registration process, fee payment schedule, PCP schedule and examinations etc. in a very lucid manner. All the students are, therefore, advised to keep the prospectus in their possession till the completion of course and read it carefully. It is mandatory on the part of the study centres to provide a copy of the University prospectus to every student. The Directorate has recently launched its own website exclusively for Distance Education. I have the pleasure in welcoming the students who have opted to join the DEC recognised distance learning programmes of this 'A' Grade NAAC Accredited University. I am sure that the students taking admissions in various courses run by the Directorate will be immensely benefited in view of the ever growing job market in India and abroad.




About Guru Jambheshwar Maharaj Ji

Guru Jambheshwar Ji was a saint and great environmentalist of 15 century. Amongst all the saints of the th 15 century, Guru Jambheshwar Ji was unique in preaching about the conservation of the biodiversity to his followers. He made it a creed for them by including the same in his 29 commandments. Thus Guru Jambheshwar Ji was not only a religious guru but a great ecologist and environmentalist, many centuries ahead of the scientists. He was born in 1451 A.D. (Samvat 1508) corresponding to 8 day of dark half of the Lunar month Bhadrapad on Janamashtami, in a village Pipasar situated in the revenue jurisdiction of Nagaur, district of Rajasthan, India. He adopted the life of an ascetic teacher in 1484 AD and started living on the Samrathal Dhora, sand hill of Mukam village situated in Nokha tehsil of Bikaner district of Rajasthan. He enshrined in his followers compassion towards nature and protection of life as the supreme religious goal. He founded the Bishnoi sect in 1485 AD corresponding to the eighth day of the black fortnight of the month of Kartika of the year 1542 of the Vikrami Era at Samrathal Dhora and prescribed 29 commandments dealing with various aspects of life. He spent the remaining 51 years of his life in spreading his great vision. He expounded his religious philosophy and the essence of these principles in the forms of verses. These spiritual verses have a vigour of their own, vibrant, passionate and sincere. These are distinguished by their vivid, conversational style and moral exhortation. Among the 29 commandments laid down by Guru Jambheshwar Ji, eight commandments have been prescribed to preserve biodiversity, and encourse good animal husbandry. Seven commandments provide directions for healthy social behavior. Ten commandments are directed towards personal hygiene and maintaining good basic health. Four commandments provide guidelines for worshipping God daily and always remember that God is omnipresent. Guru Jambheshwar Ji has been occupying a unique place in the Bhakti movement. Though mainly his area of activity had been the desert land of Thar yet he had been touring other places too. Due to these extensive tours he has been spreading the message: Jeeya Nai Jugati or Mhan (Moova) nai mugati. (To live is a device and to die is salvation) within and outside the country.




Important Contact Persons

1. DIRECTOR Prof. M.S. Turan, Ph.D DEPUTY DIRECTOR Dr. Vinay, Ph.D. COURSE CO-ORDINATORS (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Prof. C.P. Kaushik, Ph.D cpkaushik@rediffmail.com Dr. (Mrs.) Alka Sharma, Ph.D alkabhardwaj@rediffmail.com Dr. (Ms.) Jyotsana, Ph.D. drjyotsana@yahoo.co.in Dr. Bandana Pandey, Ph.D drbandanapandey@rediffmail.com Dr. Sunita Rani, Ph.D. s_b_rani@rediffmail.com Sh. M.R. Patra, MMC patramranjan@gmail.com NAME OF COURSE PG Diploma in Environmental Management (PGDEM) PG Diploma in Bakery Science & Technology (PGDBST) PG Diploma in Counseling & Behaviour Modification (PGDCBM) PG Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (PGDA& PR) M.Sc. (Mathematics) M.A.( Mass Communication), B.A.(Mass Communication) M.Com., MIB PGDT, PGDISM MBA BBA PG Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) M.Sc. (Computer Sc.), Master of Computer Applications (MCA - 3 Yrs.), MCA (5 Yrs. Integrated) Management Courses 263153 263150 263168 263187 263574 263381 263316 263543 263532 263374 263157 Office Phone No. STD Code - 01662 263157 Tele Fax: 263570 E-mail : dde@gjust.org 263135 E-mail : dydde@gjust.org

2. 3.

(vii) Dr. Mahesh Garg, Ph.D. mc_garg@yahoo.com (viii) Dr. Anju Verma, Ph.D. anjugju@yahoo.com (ix) (x) (xi) Dr. Suresh Mittal, Ph.D. sureshkmittal@yahoo.co.in Dr. Rajiv Kumar, Ph.D. rajivtamak@rediffmail.com Teaching Associate

(xii) Teaching Associate 4.


Sh. Rakesh Bhukal E-mail : supdtde1@gjust.org Superintendent(DE-1), (for queries concerning admissions of PGDCA/M.Sc.(Com.Sc.)/MCA 3 yrs./MCA (5 yrs.)/BBA/M.Sc. (Maths) Sh. Rakesh Kataria E-mail : supdtde2@gjust.org
Superintendent(DE-II), (for queries concerning admissions of MBA/M.Com./MIB/M.A.(Mass-Comm.)



B.A.(Mass Comm.) PGDA & PR, PGDBST/PGDEM/PGDT/PGDISM/PGDCBM) 6. 7. 8. Deputy /Asstt. Registrar(Results)/Supdt. (Conduct), (for results, date-sheet & examination centres of Distance Education Programmes) Superintendent(Results), ( For results of all Distance Education Programmes & all re-appear cases) Enquiry

263158 263530 263131 263395

276735, 263571, 263387



Table of Contents

4-6 7-17 18-23





26-33 34 35-49





The University
1.1 The Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, was established on October 20, 1995 by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana with the objectives to facilitate and promote studies and research in emerging areas of higher education with focus on new frontiers of technology, pharmacy, environmental studies, non-conventional energy sources and management studies and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields. It was formally inaugurated on November 1, 1995. It is named after Guru Jambheshwar Ji Maharaj, a saint environmentalist of 15th century. Keeping in view the nature of courses offered at the university and the mandate for which it had been established the name of the university has been changed as Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology. The University enjoys a rare distinction of getting recognised by the University Grants Commission under Section 2(f) for recognition of degrees, on 11.1.1996 and, under section 12(B) of the UGC Act to be eligible for central assistance on 7.2.1997, i.e., within 15 months of its coming into being. The University opted for accreditation by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), an autonomous organization of the University Grants Commission, in 2001-02. As a result of the exercise, the NAAC accredited this University at A level (institutional score 85%) in 2002 and has been reaccredited as grade with CGPA 3.26 for further five years commencing from October 2007. 1.2 LOCATION The University is situated at Hisar, a rapidly growing town situated at about 166 Kms. from Delhi on Delhi-Rohtak- Hisar- Sirsa- Fazilka National Highway (NH-10) and at a distance of about 230 Kms. from Chandigarh on NH-65. It is well connected by rail and road. Hisar is one of the principal cities catering to the administrative and commercial needs of huge rural population. It is a major centre of higher education and research with two major Universities of the State, a number of research institutions, degree colleges, breeding farms and a growing industrial environment. An Army Cantonment located in Hisar enriches its cultural life. 1.3 JURISDICTION The jurisdiction of the University extends to the courses being run in the areas of science, technology, engineering, pharmacy and management as mentioned in the Act. 1.4 CAMPUS The University is situated over a sprawling area of about 372 acres. The campus is laid out with picturesque landscape, numerous buildings of various sizes and wide road network. It presents a spectacle of harmony in architecture and natural beauty. Approximately 200 acres of area has been developed with all providing modern facilities such as road networks, sewerage, pipe lines for water, electricity supply and parks have been developed at various places. The University has 7 teaching


blocks. There are 149 residential houses of different types for various categories of employees. Construction work for Staff quarters and Sewer line is under progress. Many more are planned. The University has the Branch of a nationalized bank with ATM facility and a post office in the Shopping Complex. Beautification of the campus is being attached priority to provide healthy and pollution free environment on the campus. The University is running its Cafeteria. Besides a spacious Library & Guest House / Faculty House are also located on the Campus. 1.5 HOSTELS There are Seven Hostels (Three for boys, three for girls and a working women hostel) in the University, which have capacity of about 1600 residents. The hostels are provided with Colour Televisions, ChessBoard, Carom Board, Chinese Checker Board, Badminton, Table-Tennis, Newspaper Stands etc. for recreation and entertainment of the students within the hostel premises. All the hostels have been provided with modern facilities such as Electric Geyser, Music System, Telephone Facilities, Desert Coolers, Water Coolers fitted with aqua guards, insect killers and adequate play grounds. The Girls Hostels have also been provided with physical fitness machines for jogging, cycling & abdominal exerciser. All Hostels are connected with Internet facility. 1.6 ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES The University offers a wide range of academic programmes/ courses at post-graduate and

undergraduate level. All these courses are designed by taking into consideration the special needs of the market and the Industry and the Model Curricula supplied by the UGC/AICTE. Emphasis is laid on both theoretical and practical training for exposing students to the latest developments in the various areas of science and technology. For the purpose, the University also invites academicians, professionals & researchers from various institutions and industries. Adequate training and placement facilities are available for the students. The University also arranges campus interviews. Workshops, Seminars and Symposia are conducted regularly. In plant industrial training is an essential component of most of the courses. In addition to these, the University also offers courses through Distance Mode as mentioned in the Prospectus.



The Directorate of Distance Education

The Directorate of Distance Education of this University was established in 1997 with four different programmes namely; MBA, PGDCA, BBA & CIC. Since then a lot of head-way has been made in terms of number of programmes, number of students enrolled, number of study centres, production of quality self instructional study material (SIM) etc. Not only the new courses were added, but some of the courses were replaced by the new ones so as to make them highly job-oriented and enable the students to pursue them while being in Jobs and self employment. At present 17 undergraduate and post-graduate programmes are being conducted and the learning is imparted in two modes, including directly by the directorate and through the study centres. The Directorate proposes to start some more new job oriented programmes for which the process of approval from Distance Education Council has already started. Those students who do not find it convenient to enrol themselves through the study centres for whatsoever reasons, for them the facility to get enrolled directly in the Directorate of Distance Education of this University, is also provided. For such students, the directorate organises Personal Contact Programme (PCP) during which the teachers hold classes and satisfy the queries of the students. The Study Centres also organise stipulated number of classes of the students by devising the schedule suiting the requirement of the students. The students enrolled through the study centres get the needful material and information from the university through their respective centres. The study material is got prepared by the Directorate with the association of specialists in the respective areas and the same is updated as and when the changes are brought about in the course curriculum as per need of the market. In order to have the interest of the students closely watched, the Directorate has appointed course coordinators from the respective parent teaching departments for each of the programme. Notwithstanding the moderate amount of fee charged for each course, the students have the facility to pay the same in half yearly instalments so that the students with limited means can also afford to get education. The prospectus is supplied to the SC/BC candidates of Haryana State at concessional price.



Courses Offered, Eligibility and Entrance Test

The courses offered through the Directorate of Distance Education and the eligibility conditions for admission are as follow :Course Course Name Code Duration Eligibility

POST GRADUATE COURSES 01. M.Sc. (Computer Science) (i) Two Years (ii) One Year (Under lateral entry scheme) Bachelor's degree in any discipline. PGDCA/PGDCSA/PGDCS/ Post B.A. or B.Sc. DCA/BIT or BIS (only those enrolled upto year 2000-01)/A level of DOEACC (After Graduation) Bachelor's degree in any discipline. M.Sc. (Computer Sc.)/ M.Sc. (Software)/ M.Sc. (IT) / MIT 10+2 or equivalent examination from Board of School Education, Haryana/ CBSE or any other Board recognised by Board of School Education Haryana/CBSE or 3 years Diploma from Board of Technical Education, Haryana or its equivalent from recognised board. Graduation in any stream from any recognised University. PG Diploma in Journalism/ Communication/ Mass Communication/ Advertising/Public Relations from a recognised University after graduation in any discipline from a recognised University. Any Graduate or Post-Graduate degree from a recognised University or Fellow of ICSI/ ICAI/ ICFAI/ ICWAI. Bachelors Degree with 3 years of supervisory managerial/professional experience OR Professional Degree in Engineering/ Medicine / Architecture/Law / Pharmacy OR Professional Qualifications in Accountancy/cost and Works Accountancy/Company Secretary ship, etc. OR A Masters degree in any subject OR Bachelors Degree with 50% marks in any discipline (45% marks in case of SC/ST candidates.) MBA degree from this University


Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

(i) Three years (ii) One year (under lateral entry scheme) Five Years


MCA (5 Yr. integrated course after 10+2)

04. 08.

M.A ( Mass Communication) Two Years M.A.( Mass Communication) One Year (Under IInd year lateral entry scheme)


Master of Insurance Business (MIB) Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Two years


Two Years Plus

MBA One Year with one Additional Specialization



MBA (Lateral Entry)

One Year Plus

07. 09.

Master of Commerce (M.Com) M.Sc. (Mathematics)

Two Years Two Years

M.Com/MBE/MFC/MMT/MIB/PG degree or 2 years diploma in Public Administration or Tourism Management or Hotel Management or Hospitality Management/One or two years diploma in Management or Business Administration or Personnel Management or Industrial Relations after graduation from any UGC recognized University/AICTE approved institution/1st & 2nd Semester of MBA regular (passed from HSB, GJUS&T). Any Graduate from a recognised University or Fellow of ICSI/ICAI/ICFAI/ICWAI/ Similar body. BA(Hons)/B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics or BA/B.Sc. with Mathematics as one of the subjects

P.G. DIPLOMA COURSES 26. P.G. Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA) One Year Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Any Graduate or Post Graduate degree from a recognised University or Fellow of ICSI/ICFAI/ ICWAI/ICAI Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Bachelor degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognised university. Bachelor Degree in any discipline from a recognised university.

27. 28.

P.G. Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (PGDA& PR) P.G. Diploma in Taxation (PGDT)

One Year One Year

29. 30.

31. 32.

P.G. Diploma in Environmental One Year Management (PGDEM) P.G. Diploma in Bakery One Year Science & Technology (PGDBST) P.G.Diploma in Counseling & One year Behaviour Modification (PGDCBM) P.G.Diploma in Industrial Safety One year Management (PGDISM)

UNDER GRADUATE COURSES 51. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Three Years 10+2 or equivalent examination from Board of School Education, Haryana/ CBSE or any other board recognised by Board of School Education Haryana/CBSE or 3 years Diploma from Board of Technical Education, Haryana or its equivalent from recognized board. 10+2 or equivalent examination from Board of School Education, Haryana/ CBSE or any other board recognised by Board of School Education Haryana/ CBSE or 3 years Diploma from Board of Technical Education, Haryana or its equivalent from recognised board


B.A. (Mass Comm.)

Three Years


Note: 1 In case of lateral entry admission to MBA, the degree shall be awarded on the basis of aggregate of marks obtained in 3rd and 4th semester including project based on internship and viva-voce examination. The fees will be the same as charged from MBA students of Directorate of Distance Education in their 3rd and 4th semester In case of lateral entry of MBA regular students - a) their request should be recommended and forwarded by the Director, HSB giving the certificate on the application that the student has left st the regular course of MBA; b) The students will have to submit the passing proof of their 1 and 2nd semester of regular classes of MBA up to 31 December of the relevant year as per rule; c) The students will have to deposit the fee of Distance Education afresh and their fee already deposited for regular course will not be adjusted. ENTRANCE TEST As a mandatory requirement of DEC, entrance tests will be conducted for admission to MBA, MCA (3 Yrs.) and MCA (5 Yrs. Integrated). The Entrance Test will comprise of objective type multiple choice questions on: (A) General English (B) Numerical Ability (C) Reasoning (D) General Awareness. SYLLABUS The students desirous to take admission in the MBA and MCA programmes of DE will have to appear in an entrance test and clear the same with a valid score. The Entrance Test will comprise of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) from the subjects covering English, Numerical Ability, Reasoning and General Awareness. There will be 90 questions in the entrance test with no negative marks for wrong answers. The time limit for entrance test will be 90 Minutes. The purpose of this test is to judge the mental, analytical and general ability of the students for management and computer programmes. The contents of the subjects in the entrance test are as follows: Part I: General English: Vocabulary, Synonyms, Antonyms, Odd-Man Out, Idioms and Phrases, Spotting Errors, Word Usage, English Structure etc. Part II: Numerical Ability: Numbers, Percentage, L.C.M. & G.C.F., Fractions, Simplification, Square Root and Cube Root, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Area, Time, Speed and Distance, Linear Equation and Quadratic Equation etc. Part III: Reasoning: Analogy Test, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation Test, Analytical Reasoning, Classification etc. Part IV General Awareness: Social, Political (national and international), Cultural, Sports and other general issues etc. Note: The Question Paper for MBA and MCA (3 Years) will be same and MCA (5 Years Integrated) will be different.



The Courses and Their Structure

The candidates may note that i) In all the Programmes 30% of the Maximum marks will be allocated for internal assessment in each theory paper based on two assignments (handwritten) of 15% marks each. ii) There will be one section of 7-10 short answer type questions carrying 50% weightage of the maximum marks in the question papers. Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA); M.Sc. (Computer Science) and Master of Computer Applications (MCA) This is a modular programme having three components including PGDCA, M.Sc. (Computer Science) and MCA. The students leaving the course after successful completion of first year will be awarded Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Applications, the students leaving the course after successful completion of 2nd year will be awarded degree of M.Sc. (Computer Science) and after successful completion of all the 3 years, they will be awarded the degree of MCA. COURSE STRUCTURE 26. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS(PGDCA)/ IST YEAR OF MCA (3 YEARS) I Semester Paper Code MS-01: MS-02: MS-03: MS-04: MS-05: Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks. 100 100 100 100 100 Paper Code MS-06: MS-07: MS-08: MS-09: MS-10: II Semester Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100

Introduction to IT Computer Programming and Problem Solving Digital Electronics System Analysis and Design Practical (Based on MS-01: & MS-02:) (In two sittings each of 3 hrs duration)

Data Structure and Alogorithms Computer Oraganisation and Architecture Operating System Business Data Processing Practical (Based on MS-06: & MS-09:) (In two sittings each of 3hrs duration)


MASTER OF SCIENCE (COMPUTER SCIENCE )/ 2ND YEAR OF MCA (3 years) III Semester IV Semeter 100 100 100 100 100 MS-16: MS-17: MS-18: MS-19: MS-20: Computer Networks Object Oriented Programming using 'C++' Internet and web Progamming Computer Based Optimisation Methods Practical Based on (MS-17: & MS-18:) (In two sittings each of 3 hrs duration) 100 100 100 100 100

MS-11: MS-12: MS-13: MS-14: MS-15:

RDBMS Software Engineering Computer Graphics Management Information System Practical (Based on MS-11: & MS-13:) (In two sittings each of 3 hrs duration)


02. MS-31: MS-32: MS-33: MS-34: MS-35:

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MCA) - 3RD YEAR V Semester Data Warehousing and Data Mining C Sharp (C#) Programming Advanced Computer Architecture High Speed Networks Practical Based on MS-32: (In one sitting of 3 hours duration) 100 100 100 100 100 MS-41: VI Semeter Thesis/Project* 200

Distribution of marks : Thesis/Project Evaluation: 100 Viva-Voce Examination including 100 seminar/ presentation/Demonstration

*Marks will be awarded on the basis of Viva-Voce examination conducted in the presence of examiners. If a candidate obtains less than total 80 marks out of 200 marks irrespective of marks obtained in Thesis/Project and Viva-Voce Examination, he/she will be declared fail and will be directed to work on a fresh topic. This project will be submitted not earlier than one semester duration which should be internship based. One copy of Thesis/Project Report will be submitted simple binding with chart paper in sky blue colour through study centre with proper certification by the supervisor concerned who may be a person with five years working experience and must have Master's degree in relevant field or a regular teacher working in Govt/Semi-Govt. Institution/University/Engineering College. Students are advised to come prepared for presentation/ demonstration of their Thesis/Project at the time of their final viva-voce examination. 03. MCA (FIVE YEARS INTEGRATED COURSE AFTER 10+2)

The course is designed in modular form. This course provides BCA (Bachelor of Computer Applications) degree after successful completion of first three years and MCA (Master of Computer Applications) degree after completion of the course. However, admission through lateral entry to this course at any stage is not allowed. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Nomenclature of Paper code MCA I Year MCA-101 Computer Fundamentals MCA-102 Computer Programming & Problem Solving Using C MCA-103 Mathematics-I MCA-104 Business Flow System MCA-105 Operating System-I MCA-106 Communication & Presentation Skills MCA-107 Lab-I based on MCA-101 MCA-108 Lab2 based on MCA-102 MCA III Year MCA-301 Computer Networks MCA-302 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ MCA-303 Software Engineering MCA-304 Internet Fundamentals Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100 Paper code MCA-201 MCA-202 MCA-203 MCA-204 Nomenclature of paper Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 50 100 100 100 100 100 100

MCA 2 Year Data Structure & Alogorithms Database Management System Digital Electronics Computer Oraganization and Architecture MCA-205 Mathematics-II MCA-206 Communications SkillsScientific & Technical Writing MCA-207 Lab-I based on MCA-201 MCA-208 Lab-2 based on MCA-202 MCA IV Year MCA-401 Computer Graphics & Multimedia MCA-402 Artificial Intelligence MCA-403 Analysis & Design of Computer Algorithms MCA-404 Operating System-II


Mathematics-III 100 MCA-405 Social Implication of IT 50 MCA-406 Lab-I based on MCA- 302 100 MCA-407 Minor Project 100 MCA-408 Distribution of Marks : Viva-voce 50 Evaluation 50 Viva-voce will include Presentation/Seminar/ Demonstration MCA V Year MCA-501 Principles of Programming Language MCA-502 Advanced Architecture and Parallel Processing MCA-503 Object Oriented Design and Modeling 100 100 100

MCA-305 MCA-306 MCA-307 MCA-308

Computer Networks-II Management Information System Lab-1 based on MCA- 401 Lab-2 based on MCA-402

100 50 100 100

MCA-504 System Simulation and Modeling MCA-505 Data Mining and data Warehousing MCA-506 Project (6 months internship based) Distributions of Marks : Viva-voce Evaluation Viva-voce will include Presentation/ Seminar/Demonstration

100 100 250 100 150

Note : The project should be internship based of not less than 6 months duration.

04. 08.


(Includes Journalism, Newspaper, Radio & Television, Public Relations & Advertising, Media Research, Media Law) In order to cater to the market need for trained persons in mass communication, the Directorate introduced a two years integrated course of M.A.( Mass Communication ) with the provision of lateral entry and lateral escape. Any candidate having taken admission into the two years M.A.(Mass Communication) course can leave the course after one year. If a candidate leaves this course after successful completion of first year, he/she will be awarded PG Diploma in Mass Communication(PGDMC). This programme exposes the students to very important aspects of mass communication as given in the course structure. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks

M.A.(Mass Communication) I Year/PGDMC MMC-101 MMC-102 MMC-103 MMC-104 MMC-105 MMC-106 Human Communication Mass Comunication Print Media Electronic Media Communication Advertising & Corporate Production Portfolio (MMC-1) 100 100 100 100 100 100

M.A.( Mass Communication) II Year MMC-201 MMC-202 MMC-203 MMC-204 MMC-205 MMC-206 Media Writing Media Productions Media Management Media Laws Media Research Production Portfolio (MMC-II) 100 100 100 100 100 100




Insurance is an upcoming field as far as its job potential is concerned. MIB is a 2 year master degree programme, which imparts knowledge in consonance with the requirement of various facets of insurance sector. The minimum duration of this course is two years. However, if a candidate leaves this course after successful completion of first year, he/she will be awarded PG Diploma in Insurance Business. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks

MIB I Year MIB-101 MIB-102 MIB-103 MIB-104 MIB-105 MIB-106 MIB-107 A. Conceptual Foundations of Insurance Economic Environment and Insurance Accounting and Finance Legal Aspects of Insurance Insurance Procedures and Documentation Marketing and Salesmanship Training-Cum-Project Report 100 100 B. 100 100 100 100 100 MIB-209 MIB-210 MIB-211 MIB-212 MIB-213 100 100 100 100 100 MIB-201 MIB-202 MIB-203

MIB II Year Risk Management Principles of Management Economics of Insurance stream A or B 100 100 100

Optional : Opt any three papers from any one

Life Insurance Principles and Practice of life Insurance Life Insurance Understanding Modern Application of Life Assurance Life Assurance Administration Actuarial Valuation

General Insurance Principles and Practice of General Insurance Fire Insurance Claims Motor Insurance Agriculture Insurance Marine Insurance 100 100 100 100 100

MIB-204 MIB-205 MIB-206 MIB-207 MIB-208 06.


Master of Business Administration programme has been designed to cater to the senior level management requirements of the industry. After successful completion of first year, the students shall be awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (PGDBA) and after successful completion of the entire course, the students shall be awarded the degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA). The diploma will, however, be awarded, in case the students do not continue their studies till the completion of their MBA degree and wish to drop out after passing all the papers of the first year.



COURSE STRUCTURE First Year Paper Nomenclature of Paper Code SEMESTER - I Management Process and Organizational Behaviour CP-102 Managerial Economics CP-103 Environment Management CP-104 Accounting for Managers CP-105 Business Communication CP-106 Computer Applications in Management Second Year CP-101 100 100 100 100 100 100 CP-201 CP-202 CP-203 CP-204 CP-205 CP-206 Max. Marks Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks

SEMESTER - II Human Resource Management Financial Management Marketing Management Productions and Operations Management Statistical Analysis Research Methodology 100 100 100 100 100 100

During Second year, in addition to compulsory papers a student will have to opt one Specialization area comprising four papers in each of the third and fourth semesters. SEMESTER - III CP-301 CP-302 Business Policy and 100 Strategic Analysis Business Legislation (Plus all the four papers from any one area of specialization) Project Report (Internship Based) 100 CP-401 SEMESTER - IV Entrepreneurship Development 100



Comprehensive Viva-Voce 100 (Including Viva-voce on Project Report)

NOTE: Project Report (Internship Based) : The students will have to undergo a six months internship in any public / private / co-operative organization or any institution where the candidate is employed. The internship training will be started just after the completion of theory exam of IV Semester. The Project Report may be submitted upto 31st of January. Period of project report writing will be considered as part of internship period. MBA with One Additional Specialization MBA with one Additional Specialization is a one year programme with maximum duration of three years consisting of two semesters i.e., 3rd and 4th Semester. LIST OF PAPERS OF VARIOUS SPECIALIZATION AREAS FINANCE III Semester FM-303 FM-304 Corporate Taxation Security Analysis and Investment Management 100 100 FM-404 FM-405 IV Semester Management of Financial Services Project Planning, Analysis and Management 100




FM-305 FM-306

Management of Financial Institutions Principles of Insurance

100 100

FM-406 FM-407

International Financial Management Financial Derivatives and Banking

100 100

MARKETING III Semester MM-307 MM-308 MM-309 MM-310 Advertising Management Sales Management Consumer Behaviour Rural Marketing 100 100 100 100 MM-408 MM-409 MM-410 MM-411 IV Semester Product and Brand Management E-Commerce International Marketing Marketing of Services

100 100 100 100

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR AND HRD III Semester OBH-311 Management of Industrial Relations OBH-312 Managing Interpersonal and Group Process OBH-313 Human Resource Planning and Development OBH-314 Orgnizational Effectivness & Change INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS III Semester IB-315 IB-316 IB-317 IB-318 International Business Environment Export Import-Procedures, Documentation and Logistics India's Foreign Trade & Policy Foreign Exchange Management 100 100 100 100 IB-416 IB-417 IB-418 IB-419 IV Semester International Financial Management International Marketing Global Human Resource Management E-Commerce 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 IV Semester OBH-412 Management Training 100 and Development OBH-413 Organizational Change & 100 Intervention Strategies OBH-414 Human Resource 100 Development : Strategies and Systems OBH-415 Cross Cultural and 100 Global Management

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY III Semester ITM-319 ITM-320 ITM-321 ITM-322 Management Support System System Analysis & Design Database Management Internet Programme for E-Commerce 100 100 100 100 ITM-423 ITM-420 ITM-421 ITM-422 IV Semester ERP RDBMS & SQL Concepts Applications Development Using Oracle E-CRM 100 100 100 100





Master of Commerce is a two years annual course and has been designed to meet the requirement of graduates aspiring to make their career in academics, research and corporate world. The course aims to strengthen the theoretical, analytical and applied knowledge base of commerce. There is ample scope of employment for a commerce post-graduate particularly in teaching, research and corporate sector. The course curriculum has been designed in accordance with the UGC's NET syllabus. Care has been taken to include all relevent and latest aspects of the discipline of commerce so that the students can make their way through UGC NET examinations and apply for teaching and research jobs in Universities, Colleges and Industries. COURSE STRUCTURE A. COMPULSORY PAPERS M.Com I Year Paper Code MC-101 MC-102 MC-103 MC-104 MC-105 MC-106 MC-107 B. Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks 100 100 MC-203 100 100 100 100 100 MC-204 MC-205 MC-206 MC-207 MC-208 Paper Code MC-201 MC-202 M.Com II Year Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour Communication and Secretarial Practice Business Environment Economic Analysis Management Accounting Business Statistics Computer Applications in Business

E-Commerce Entrepreneurship Development & Small Business Management Marketing Management Financial Management (To be opted from following optional groups) -do-doComprehensive Viva-Voce


In M.Com.-2nd year the students are required to opt any one of the optional groups for their specialisation. Each group consists of three papers of 100 marks each. Optional Group-I (Finance) MC-205F Corporate Taxation MC-206F Investment Management MC-207F Insurance and Banking Optional Group-III (International Business) MC-205 IB International Business MC-206 IB Export-Import Procedures and Documentations MC-207 IB Foreign Exchange Management 100 100 100 100 100 100 Optional Group-II (Marketing) MC-205M Consumer Behaviour MC-206M Advertising and Sales Mgt. MC-207M Marketing Research Optional Group -IV (HRM) MC-205H Human Resource Management MC-206H Industrial Relations and Labour Laws MC-207H Human Resource Planning 100 100 100 100 100 100




MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS ) I Semester II Semester Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 Paper Code MAL - 521 MAL - 522 MAL - 523 MAL - 524 MAL - 525 Nomenclature of Paper Abstract Algebra Measure & Integration Theory Methods of Applied Mathematics Ordinary Differential Equations - II Complex Analysis - II IV Semester 100 100 100 100 100 MAL -641 MAL - 642 MAL - 643 MAL - 644 MAL - 645 Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100

Paper Code MAL - 511 MAL - 512 MAL - 513 MAL - 514 MAL - 515

Nomenclature of Paper Algebra Real Analysis Mechanics Ordinary Differential Equations - I Complex Analysis - I III Semester

Functional Analysis 100 Differential Geometry 100 Mechanics of Solids - II 100 Integral Equations 100 Programming in 'C' 100 (Theory & Practical) (Th : 60, Pr : 40) Note: 20% marks are allocated to practical file prepared by each candidate for the Paper MAL-645 Programming in 'C' (Practical). The practical file will consist of at least 15 programs based on syllabus of Paper MAL-645 Programming in 'C'. 27. P.G. DIPLOMA IN ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS (PGDA & PR)

MAL - 631 MAL - 632 MAL - 633 MAL - 634 MAL - 635

Topology Partial Differential Equations Mechanics of Solids - I Fluid Mechanics Advance Discrete Mathematics

The P.G. Diploma in Advertising and Public-Relations is intended to prepare the students to work as copy writer, media planner, corporate communicator, public relations officer and field publicity officer. As is evident from the course structure, this course provides the exposure to the communication functions of advertising & Public Relations. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code PGDAPR-101 PGDAPR-102 PGDAPR-103 PGDAPR-104 PGDAPR-105 PGDAPR-106 28. Nomenclature of Paper Basic principles of Advertising & Public Relations Practice of Advertising Advertising Ethics, Codes and Laws Practice of Public Relations Basic Principles of Marketing and Management Production/ Assignments Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100


Post-Graduate Diploma in Taxation is a one year course and has been designed to cater to the middle and higher level tax management requirements of the society in general and the business & industry in particular. The course is intended to impart learning in a way that a candidate on successful completion of this course becomes competent to provide consultancy or get a suitable job in the industry. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code PGDT-101 PGDT-102

Nomenclature of Paper General Business Concepts Income Tax Law and Practice

Max. Marks 100 100


PGDT-103 PGDT-104 PGDT-105 PGDT-106 PGDT-107 PGDT-108 29.

Central Excise Tax Indian Custom Tax Central Sales Tax Tax Administration Practical Training Report Comprehensive Viva-Voce

100 100 100 100 50 50


There is a need for environmentally aware manpower in every section of the society including educational, industrial and agricultural sectors, defence services, government offices, N.G.O.s', media and judiciary. The P.G. Diploma in Environmental Management has been designed to educate people from various sections about various aspects of environmental problems and their management. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code PGDEM-01 PGDEM-02 PGDEM-03 PGDEM-04 PGDEM-05 PGDEM-06 30. Nomenclature of Paper Fundamentals of Environment Natural Resource Conservation and Management Environment Pollution Pollution Control and Management Energy and Disaster Management Environment Awareness and Legislation Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100


Milling and baking industry is encountered with several challenges, particularly arising from the quality of the products, limited variety of products produced and lack of trained people. Post Graduate Diploma Course in Bakery Science and Technology is designed by the Deptt. of Food Technology of this University to acquaint the students with important aspects of bakery machineries, production methods, management, quality control, product specifications, hygiene and sanitation. Paper Code PGDBST-01 PGDBST-02 PGDBST-03 PGDBST-04 PGDBST-05 PGDBST-06 31. Nomenclature of Paper Wheat Grain Structure, quality and mealing Functionality of wheat flour components and bakery ingredients Quality Testing of Wheat Flour and Bakery Products Rheology and Chemistry of Dough Bread Industry and Processes Soft Wheat Products and Processes Max. marks 100 100 100 100 100 100

P.G.Diploma in Counseling & Behaviour Modification (PGDCBM)

This diploma course is highly specialised, and job oriented. The course contains the theory and methods of application of Psychological Principles in counseling and behaviour modification. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code PGDCBM-01 PGDCBM-02 PGDCBM-03 PGDCBM-04 PGDCBM-05 Nomenclature of Paper Fundamentals of Psychology Personality Guidance & Counseling Psychological Testing Psychotherapy Max. marks 100 100 100 100 100




P.G.Diploma in Industrial Safety Management (PGDISM)

Safety acts as a basic ingredient upon which all further parameters could be added to improve productivity. No amount of efforts would work to enhance the productivity and quality until safety is ensured. To ensure the same, the services of qualified safety officers are necessary to assist the management. The Directorate is offering one year PG Diploma in Industrial Safety Management that aims to groom safety managers for the corporate, govt., semi-govt. & public sector companies. COURSE STRUCTURE Paper Code PGDISM-01 PGDISM-02 PGDISM-03 PGDISM-04 PGDISM-05 PGDISM-06 PGDISM-07 PGDISM-08 PGDISM-09 51. Nomenclature of Paper Principles of Industrial Safety Industrial Toxicology, Environment Pollution and Occupational Health Industrial Hazards & Accidents Safety Management & Organisation Safety Statistics & Accidents Inspection Safety Legislation Computer Applications (Theory: 50 Practical: 50) Dissertation on Field Work Comprehensive Viva-voce Max. marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100


Bachelor of Business Administration is a three year degree course and has been designed to cater to the junior level managerial requirements of the industry. The course structure is devised in a way that students are exposed to all the functional specialisations and allied areas of management. COURSE STRUCTURE BBA I Year Paper Code Nomenclature of Paper Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 BBA III Year BBA-301 BBA-302 BBA-303 BBA-304 BBA-305 BBA-306 BBA-307 Entrepreneurship Development Human Resource Management Production Management Cost and Managerial Accounting Sales Management Income Tax Law and Practice In-Company Training 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 (6 to 8 weeks) BBA II Year Paper Code BBA-201 BBA-202 BBA-203 BBA-204 BBA-205 BBA-206 BBA-207 Nomenclature of Paper Business Law Business Statistics Marketing Management Financial Accounting-II Financial Management Business Communication System Analysis and Design Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

BBA-101 Foundations in Management and Oraganisational Behaviour BBA-102 Business Environment BBA-103 Business Economics BBA-104 Financial Accounting-I BBA-105 Business Mathematics BBA-106 English Language BBA-107 Computer Awareness





This course has been devised to meet the evergrowing demand of those who wish to make a career in mass communication after successful completion of their 10+2 examination. B.A.(Mass Communication) I Year Paper Code BMC-101 BMC-102 BMC-103 BMC-104 BMC-105 Nomenclature of Paper Human Communication Hindi English Basic Writing Skills Computer Applications Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100 B.A.(Mass Communication) II Year Paper Code BMC-106 BMC-107 BMC-108 BMC-109 BMC-110 Nomenclature of Paper Social Sciences-I Social Sciences-II Mass communication News Writing Production Porfolio (I) Max. Marks 100 100 100 100 100

B.A.( Mass Communication ) III Year BMC-111 BMC-112 BMC-113 BMC-114 BMC-115 Reporting Editing Advertising and Public Relation Media Issues Production Portfolio (II) 100 100 100 100 100




Fee Structure and Dates for Remittance of Fee & Admission Form
01. MASTER OF SCIENCE (COMPUTER SCIENCE) /MCA IInd Year Semester Amount in Rupees 9250/-* 6750/Without Late fee 31.08.2012 31.01.2013 With late fee of Rs.500/30.09.2012 28.02.2013 With late fee of Rs. 1000/31.10.2012 31.03.2013

III Instalment IV Instalment 02.

MASTER OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (MCA) IIIrd Year V Instalment VI Instalment 10250/-* 7750/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.10.2012 31.03.2013


MCA (FIVE YEARS INTEGRATED COURSE AFTER 10+2) MCA - I Year I Instalment II Instalment MCA - II Year I Instalment II Instalment MCA - III Year I Instalment II Instalment MCA - IV Year I Instalment II Instalment MCA - V Year I Instalment II Instalment

8250/-* 6750/-

31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013

8250/-* 6750/-

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014

8250/-* 6750/-

31.08.2014 31.01.2015

30.09.2014 29.02.2015

31.12.2014 31.03.2015

8250/-* 6750/-

31.08.2015 31.01.2016

30.09.2015 28.02.2016

31.12.2015 31.03.2016

9250/-* 7750/-

31.08.2016 31.01.2017

30.09.2016 28.02.2017

31.12.2016 31.03.2017




M.A. ( MASS COMMUNICATION) M.A. ( Mass Communication) - I Year/PGDMC I Instalment 7800/-* 31.08.2012 II Instalment 4200/31.01.2013 M.A.( Mass Communication )- II Year I Instalment 7800/-* 31.08.2013 II Instalment 4200/31.01.2014 M.A. ( MASS COMMUNICATION) LATERAL ENTRY I Instalment II Instalment 7800/-* 4200/31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014


30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013


MASTER OF INSURANCE BUSINESS (MIB) MIB - I Year I Instalment II Instalment MIB - II Year I Instalment II Instalment

7800/-* 4200/-

31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013

7800/-* 4200/-

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014


MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) I Semester II Semester III Semester IV Semester 9250/-* 6750/9250/-* 6750/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 31.08.2013 31.01.2014 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 30.09.2013 28.02.2014 31.10.2012 31.03.2013 31.10.2013 31.03.2014


MASTER OF COMMERCE (M.COM) M. Com - I Year I Instalment II Instalment M. Com - II Year I Instalment II Instalment

7800/-* 4200/-

31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013

7800/-* 4200/-

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014


MASTER OF SCIENCE (MATHEMATICS) I Semester II Semester 9250/-* 6750/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.10.2012 31.03.2013



III Semester IV Semester 26.

9250/-* 6750/-

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.10.2013 31.03.2014

POST- GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (PGDCA)/ MCA-I Year I Semester II Semester 9250/-* 6750/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.10.2012 31.03.2013


P.G. DIPLOMA IN ADVERTISING & PUBLIC RELATIONS (PGDA & PR) I Instalment II Instalment 6600/-* 3400/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.12.2012 31.03.2013


P.G. DIPLOMA IN TAXATION (PGDT) I Instalment 7800/-* 31.08.2012 30.09.2012 II Instalment 4200/31.01.2013 28.02.2013 P.G. DIPLOMA IN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (PGDEM) I Instalment 6600/-* 31.08.2012 30.09.2012 II Instalment 3400/31.01.2013 28.02.2013 P.G. DIPLOMA IN BAKERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (PGDBST) I Instalment II Instalment 6600/-* 3400/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.12.2012 31.03.2013


31.12.2012 31.03.2013


31.12.2012 31.03.2013


P.G.DIPLOMA IN COUNSELING & BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION (PGDCBM) I Instalment II Instalment 6600/-* 3400/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.12.2012 31.03.2013


P.G.DIPLOMA IN INDUSTRIAL SAFETY MANAGEMENT (PGDISM) I Instalment II Instalment 6600/-* 3400/31.08.2012 31.01.2013 30.09.2012 28.02.2013 31.12.2012 31.03.2013



8400/-* 4600/-

31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013



BBA - II Year I Instalment II Instalment BBA - III Year I Instalment II Instalment 52.

8400/-* 4600/-

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014

8400/-* 4600/-

31.08.2014 31.01.2015

30.09.2014 29.02.2015

31.12.2014 31.03.2015

B.A. ( MASS COMMUNICATION ) B.A.(Mass Communication) - I Year I Instalment 7800/-* II Instalment 4200/B.A.(Mass Communication) - II Year I Instalment 7800/-* II Instalment 4200/B.A.(Mass Communication) - III Year I Instalment 7800/-* II Instalment 4200/-

31.08.2012 31.01.2013

30.09.2012 28.02.2013

31.12.2012 31.03.2013

31.08.2013 31.01.2014

30.09.2013 28.02.2014

31.12.2013 31.03.2014

31.08.2014 31.01.2015

30.09.2014 29.02.2015

31.12.2014 31.03.2015

* Includes Rs. 500/- as University Regn. fee in case of fresh admission and as continuation fee in case of promotion to next class/ Year and Rs. 2000/- as university examination fee in the case of semester courses & Rs. 1000/- in the case of Annual Courses. Important Notes Regarding Fee ( For All Courses)

i) ii)

The first installment of fee must be sent along with the admission form without which the same shall be rejected. The fee structure given in the above chapter includes Admission fee, Registration fee, Continuation fee, Examination fee, Study material fee and fee for PCP and also share of studycentres for providing student-support services and teaching as per norms of the University. Students are advised not to make any excess payment. However, Rs. 1000/- will be charged separately as examination fee from re- appearing candidates. The students taking admission through the study centres may deposit the prescribed fee with their study centers for onward transmission to the University. The study Centres may deposit the fee in the nearest branch of PNB in account No.0203021100000023 or UBI in account No. 344302050000103 or HDFC bank in account No.01551450001129 in the name of the individual student and for that purpose individual fee deposit voucher (Annexed with the prospectus) may be used instead of depositing the fee in the name of Study centre itself. The candidates taking admission direct in the University may deposit the required fee by way of




Demand Draft in favour of the Registrar, GJUS&T, Hisar OR will deposit their fee in any CBS Branch of PNB in Account No. 0203021100000023 or UBI in account No. 344302050000103 or HDFC bank in account No.01551450001129. Fee may also be deposited by the Study Centres / direct students through demand drafts in favour of the Registrar GJUS&T, Hisar or in cash with University Accounts Branch. A copy of form (challan) for remittance of fee with the above Banks is given in the prospectus at Annexure - VII. iv) Please write your name, course, enrolment number and complete address on the backside of the demand draft failing which the Directorate will not be responsible for non-attendance of any communication or non-adjustment of fee in his/her account and consequences thereof in this regard. In case of non-receipt of any type of dues/fees or part thereof and/or for non-receipt of any document by the specified dates(s), a late fee of Rs.500/- per month subject to a maximum of Rs.2500/- will be charged. If the outstanding dues are not remitted and required documents are not submitted up to termination of theory examination, the candidature of the candidates will be treated as cancelled. The candidature can, however, be restored in genuine cases during the session on payment of balance dues and required documents as the case may be, along with late fee of Rs.500/- per month subject to a maximum of Rs.2500/- and readmission fee of Rs.1000/- with the approval of the Vice Chancellor. Thereafter, such a candidate can, however, seek admission afresh in the subsequent sessions, if otherwise eligible, to appear in the University examination. No adjustment/refund of fee paid in previous session will be admissible. In case of already admitted students, if a candidate drops for whole session(s) and fails to submit the required fee as per schedule given in the prospectus and submits the fee after a gap of session/year, he/she can be re-admitted on payment of Rs.1000/- as re-admission fee. Provided further he/she will have to deposit all dues with late fee as per the schedule/rule given in the prospectus of the year in which he/she had taken admission. In addition to the re-admission fee, Rs.500/- will be charged per month per student per installment in case of defaulter in fee. The fee for the 1st year is to be deposited at the time of admission. Fee deposit schedule for the subsequent year of the course as per chapter V. vi) The fee or any document will be deemed to have been received only when it is actually delivered in the Directorate office. For delay on the part of postal authorities or courier services, the directorate will not be responsible. All admissions/enrolments are provisional. However, the University reserves the right to cancel an admission, if any deficiency for admission to a course is found at a later stage. 50% concession in total fee will be given to GJUS&T employees and their dependents/ wards/spouse. 25% concession of total fees of distance learning programmes will be allowed to the students


vii) viii) ix)



pursuing regular courses in GJUS&T, Hisar or any other recognized University/college, who are interested to simultaneously join a distance learning programme. The candidates claiming concession will be required to produce a certificate of bonafide student from the head of the institution concerned. x) The Scheduled Caste students whose family income from all sources is up to Rs. 2.00 Lacs per annum as prescribed by the State Govt. for Post Matric Scholarship and who produces, at the time of admission, the "Caste" and "Income" certificates/affidavit issued by the competent authority may pay a sum of Rs. 1000/- as token fees. The eligible SC students will submit the Post Matric Scholarship forms at the time of admission/fee deposition. It can be obtained from the office of the concerned or may be down loaded from the University website www.gjust.ac.in. The remaining fee will be recovered from his/her scholarship amount. In case the student does not apply for scholarship or is found ineligible for award of scholarship or being eligible he/she is not awarded scholarship due to one or other reason, he/she will be liable to pay full fee along with late fee as per rules. SCHOLARSHIP TO SC STUDENTS OF HARYANA STATE The scholarship is admissible to SC students of Haryana State whose parents' income from all sources does not exceed Rs. Two Lac per annum. The candidate will apply for SC Scholarship on the prescribed application form available from the Directorate of Distance Education/ concerned study centre along with all documents, i.e., caste, income certificate issued by the competent authority after finalization of his/her admission. Value of scholarship will be as per guidelines issued by the State Govt. from time to time. The last date for receiving the applications for Scholarship will be as under : For admissions made up to 31-10-2012 For admissions made after 31-10-2012 xii) : 31-10-2012 : 31-12-2012


The fee concession on the pattern of Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology employees will also be extended to the employees of the office of the Directorate of Technical Education Haryana in the Head Office at Chandigarh and the Audit staff posted in Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar for pursuing studies in all the Courses being run by the University. However, the Audit Staff will be entitled to avail such facility upto the period till they remain posted in Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar. The students must remit the fee of subsequent semesters/ installments as per the schedule without waiting for the result so as to enable the Directorate to supply the study material in time.





Duration/Period for Passing the Course

Course Course Code 01. M.Sc. (Computer Sc.) Minimum Duration 1 Year after PGDCA Maximum Duration i) Three years for lateral entry Annual or Semeseter System Semester

ii) Four years for students admitted in PGDCA-Ist sem. 02. MCA-3rd Yr. 1 Year after M.Sc. (Computer Sc.) i) 3 Years for lateral entry to MCA ( 3rd Yr) Semester

ii) 4 Years for lateral entry to M.Sc. ( Computer Sc) (2nd Yr.) iii) 6 Years for students admitted in PGDCA- Ist Year 03. 04. 08. 05. 06. 10. 07. 09 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 51. 52. MCA(5 years integrated) M.A. (Mass Comm.) M.A. (Mass Comm.) LE MIB MBA MBA Lateral Entry M.Com. M.Sc. (Mathematics) PGDCA PGDA&PR PGDT PGDEM PGDBST PGDCBM PGDISM BBA B.A. (Mass Comm.) 5 Years 2 Years 1 Year 2 Years 2 Years Plus 1 Year Plus 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years Medium of Instruction English ---do-----do-----do--8 Years 4 Years 3 Years 4 Years 6 Years 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 3 Years 5 Years 5 Years Annual Annual Annual Annual Semester Semester Annual Semester Semester Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Medium of Exam / Assignments English English English English or Hindi or Urdu or Punjabi

MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTIONS AND EXAMINATIONS Code Course 01. 02. 03. 04. M.Sc.(Computer Science) MCA (3 years) MCA (5 years integrated) M.A.( Mass Communication)



08. 05. 06. 07. 09. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 51. 52.

M.A.( Mass Communication L.E.) MIB MBA M.Com. M.Sc.( Mathematics) PGDCA PGDA&PR PGDT PGDEM PGDBST PGDCBM PGDISM BBA BA (Mass Communication)

English ---do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do-----do--English or Hindi

English or Hindi or Urdu or Punjabi English or Hindi English English or Hindi English English English or Hindi English or Hindi English English English or Hindi English English English or Hindi

MODE OF IMPARTING LEARNING FOR ALL COURSES i) The Directorate will supply study material in the form of Self Instructional Mode (SIM) printed book/lessons. The direct students will get the same directly from the Directorate and the students enrolled through study centres will collect the material from their respective study centres. Class Room Teaching a) For students enrolled through study centres : The study centre will be responsible for imparting 25 hrs* or more teaching for each theory/practical papers in a year for annual courses and 15 hrs* or more teaching per theory / practical paper per semester for semester courses according to the need of the students. b) For students enrolled directly in the Directorate / University : The personal contact programme (PCP) of 15 days duration for annual courses and 10 days duration for semester courses will be arranged for each of the course by the course coordinators at the university campus. Theory/ Practical teaching as per requirement will be provided to the students by the subject specialists. Number of days of PCP may be appropriately reduced if the number of students present during PCP is less than 25% of direct students in the course concerned. The number of days of PCP will be reduced to three if the number of students present during PCP is less than 5 in a class/course. The number of hours, in such case will also be reduced proportionately and will not exceed 3 hours per day. The schedule of classes will be notified by each study centre for the students of each course and a copy of the schedule will be sent to the Directorate of Distance Education, GJUS&T Hisar at least one week before the commencement of classes. The PCPs will be held as per the schedule of given in the prospectus. No separate information will be sent to the directly enrolled students, however, the students are advised to report to the concerned course coordinator for PCP at the contact given thereon.





Important Notes and General Information

7.1 ABOUT THE EXAMINATION / EXAMINATION FORM There will be annual system of examination for all courses ( except MBA, PGDCA/M.Sc. (Computer Sc.)/ MCA- 3 years programmes and M.Sc. Mathematics, which will be divided into two semesters). The examination of semester courses shall be held twice in a year, i.e., in the months of Jan.& June and for annual courses once in a year in the month of May/June every year or on such dates as may be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor. The examination of re-appearing candidates of odd semesters will be held only with the odd semesters examinations and the examinations for the candidates re- appearing in even semester will be held only with even semester examinations. The examination of re-appearing candidates of annual courses will also be held with examinations of odd semester courses, in addition to their annual examinations. 7.2 LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF EXAMINATION FORMS WITH FEE of Rs. 1000 FOR REAPPEAR/IMPROVEMENT CANDIDATES (To be submitted to Assistant Registrar / Deputy Registrar (Results)) : Examination Without Late Fee Exams to be held in January 30th November With Late Fee of Rs.500/31st Dec.or 10 days before the commencement of exams. Exams to be held in May for B.A. (Mass Communication) 3rd yr., BBA 3rd yr. & MCA 3rd of MCA (5 years Intg.) Exams to be held in June 30th April 31st March 30th April or 10 days before the commencement of exams. 31st May or 10 days before the commencement of exams. 10th to 30th June 10th to 31st May Schedule of Examinations 10th to 31st January



Note :


No examination Form will be accepted after the last date with late fee of Rs.500/- except in exceptional case on valid ground which may be accepted with the approval of the Vice Chancellor with additional late fee of Rs.100/- per day . However, the candidates can submit their examination forms for re-appear/improvement within 20 days without any late fee from the date of declaration of the result. The University reserves the right to alter the schedule / provisions whenever considered necessary. The examination form and fee for re-appear, once deposited shall not be permitted to be with drawn. Such examination fee is neither refundable nor adjustable for any other course or subsequent examination. The students of those courses where there is only project in last semester may be allowed to appear in their re-appear papers of odd semester in the examination of last semester i.e. VI Semester. The re-appear examination forms along with requisite fee and required documents are to be sent directly to the Assistant Registrar / Deputy Registrar (Results)) , G.J.U.S.&T., Hisar. A candidate who gets re-appear in one or more papers shall pay a fee of Rs.1000/- for the whole examination. A specimen of examination Form for such candidates ( having re-appear) has been provided in the prospectus (Annexure II). Photocopy of the form can also be used for subsequent years/exams. A candidate who has been placed under compartment/re-appear in more than one examination is required to apply separately for re-appear (s) on separate examination form meant for re-appear/improvement alongwith requisite fee. The students are advised to use photo copy of the same for re-appear/improvement. The University will not be responsible to supply to the candidates the examination form meant for reappear(s). The candidates are eligible to do improvement after passing the course within the maximum period of a course as prescribed in Chapter-VI. Thereafter, no candidate will be eligible for improvement after expiry of prescribed period. The students are, therefore, required to be in touch with the University. The candidate who is desirous of completing degree or improving his/her division/score can avail Mercy chance by payment of Fee of Rs.5000/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs.10000/-. The examination centre will ordinarily be created at the university and other places to be decided from time to time. Change of centre of theory/practical examination can be allowed in genuine cases by the Director or the officer authorised by him upto 10 days before the commencement of the examination, on valid grounds on payment of Rs.1000/-. The direct students shall have to exercise their option for examination centre in the space provided in the admission form. However, this option will not confer any absolute right to the students for such centres. The exam centres to the students seeking admission through Study Centres shall be allotted according to the date sheet/exam centre to be created / approved by the university. The university will conduct the examination at various places outside Hisar keeping in view the strength of students in the area concerned.

ii) iii)


v) 7.3






The minimum passing marks in each paper and in aggregate shall be 35% in M.A. (Mass Communication), BBA and B.A. (Mass Communication) and 40% in M.Sc. (Mathematics), PGDEM, PGDBST, PGDA&PR, PGDCBM, PGDCA/M.Sc. (Computer Science)/MCA (3&5 yrs. Course), MBA, M.Com., MIB, PGDT & PGDISM.


The sessional awards will be counted towards passing the papers of all courses of Distance Education run by this University and the candidate securing minimum pass marks in each paper. For passing an examination, a student will be required to obtain the passing marks (sessional + theory/ practical/external awards) in each paper and in aggregate.

candidate who fails or remains absent in one or more papers of any semester examination, i.e.,

odd/even of any course will be eligible to re-appear in the exams as per clause 7.1, if otherwise eligible. The result of the candidates who have passed the course shall be classified in the divisions as under on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in all the examinations and the division obtained by the candidate shall be stated in his/her degree: a)
b) c)

Those who obtain 60% or more marks Those who obtain 50% or more but less than 60% marks Those who obtain less than 50% marks


First Division Second Division Third Division


Candidates who pass all the exams in the first attempt and within the minimum duration of the course by obtaining 75% or more marks of the total aggregate shall be declared to have "Passed with Distinction"



The schedule for submitting Synopsis / Project / Training Reports / Thesis / Assignments/ Dissertation/ Production portfolio wherever applicable as per guidelines to be circulated by the Directorate is as follows:-

Course MBA

Paper Code CP-501

Title of Report Synopsis

Date of Submission Within one month from start of the Project Internship w.e.f. August just after completion of IV Sem. theory exam.


CP-501 CP-601

Project Report Internship Based Comprehensive Viva-Voce

31st Jan. of Next Year following 4th semester theory exam. The viva will normally start in batches of students in the month of March/April of the 3rd year for which separate information will be given.


BBA-307 MIB-107 PGDT-107

In-Company Training Practical Training Report

31st March 30th April

Training-cum-project Report 30th April every year






31st March every year without late fee and 15th April every year with late fee of Rs. 500/-. For supplementary examination - 31st August of every year without late fee & 30th September with late fee of Rs. 500/-.

MCA BA (M.C.) MA (M.C.) PGDA & PR MCA (5 Yrs Int)

MS-41 BMC-110/115 MMC-106/206 PGDAPR-106 MCA-308

Thesis/Project Report Production Portfolio Production Portfolio Assignment Minor Project Synopsis

30th June every year Within 30 days of completion of annual examination of the course. - do - do 31st March every year 30th November every year without late fee and 31st December every year with late fee of Rs. 500/-

MCA (5 Yrs Int) MCA-506

MCA (5 Yrs Int) MCA-506 PGDISM Note : 1. PGDISM-08

Research Project Dissertation on Field Work

30th June every year 30th April

The students of above mentioned courses are required to submit their Project Reports/Thesis/ Training Reports/Assignments/Production Portfolio duly complete in all respects upto the dates mentioned against each without late fee. Thereafter, the reports shall be accepted with late fee of Rs.1000/- upto one month by the Director. However, in exceptional cases, the Vice-Chancellor may allow a candidate to submit his project/training report/ thesis with late fee of Rs.2000/- upto next two months only. If a candidate still fails to submit the same, he/she will be treated as "absent" and/or re-appear case. He/She can apply for re-appear within the time period permissible under the rules. For supplementary examination the candidates will have to submit Project/Training Reports/Thesis/ Dissertation/Assignments/Production Portfolio (wherever applicable) upto 30th November for the examination to be held in January and 30th April for the exams to be held in June and in case of reappear within 20 days of the declaration of result, every year alongwith reappear exam form & fee. In case these are not submitted by this date, the same will be accepted with late fee of Rs.1000/- upto 31st December by the Director. However, in exceptional cases, the Vice-Chancellor may allow a candidate to submit his Project/Training Report/Thesis/Dissertation/ Assignments/Production portfolio with late fee of Rs. 2000/- upto 31st January only. If a candidate still fails to submit the same upto 31st January, he/she will be treated as "absent" and a re-appear case. He/She can apply for reappear within the time period permissible under the rules. The admission in distance education programmes will also be offered to foreign students from the current session. There will be no limit of seats for foreign students in distance education programmes. A uniform fee of US$1000/- per annum for the duration of the programme will be charged from a foreign student admitted in distance education programme.






Foreign students admitted in distance education programme will be exempted from attending the Personal Contact Programme (PCP) if at all made compulsory in any course. Their queries relating to the courses will be attended by the coordinator of the concerned programme. The examination centre for such candidates will be arranged by the Controller of Examinations at the Indian Embassies in the country concerned. Where such arrangement will not be possible for whatsoever reasons the exams will be held in India on any exam centre as chosen by the candidate. ABOUT ADMISSION FORM Incomplete admission form, in any respect and without requisite fee will be summarily rejected. The students seeking admission direct or through study centre must ensure that they are eligible for taking admission. In case of any doubt they can consult the Directorate before submission of admission form. The university does not take the responsibility for postal delay or loss of any document letter in transit No application form for admission received after the last date specified for the purpose will be entertained. However, in case the last date is holiday or that day is declared holiday by the university, the next working day will be considered as the last date for the purpose. Concession of 5 days to Study Centres at Hisar & 10 days to out station Study Centres beyond the last date will be admissible. Besides attested copies of the testimonials (evidencing date of birth, score in qualifying examination etc) the students are required to send the original certificates along with application form. In case a study centre/ student fails to submit the original documents by respective cut off dates, the original documents shall have to be submitted with a late fee of Rs. 500/- per student before the termination of theory examination failing which the provisions of clause (v) of Chapter (v) will be applicable. For safe return of original certificates after their verification by the office, the students admitted directly are advised to send along with application form a self addressed envelope of size 10" x 12" bearing postage stamps worth Rs.35/The university reserves the right to change the course curriculum whenever it will be felt that the change/modification could best serve the interest of the students and the potential employers. Suppression of any information or furnishing any false information by a candidate will lead to immediate cancellation of his/her admission at any time. In such cases fee paid shall not be refunded. For change of address the Directorate should be informed at least 4 weeks in advance to avoid any misplacement of the study material and any other correspondence. The information given, is an indication of the university's plans as on date of publication of this document. Details can be modified from time to time for academic and operational reasons. The students will be governed by latest regulations applicable to them during academic year. In the event of any inconsistency in the rules framed for admission or in the event of any clarification with respect to the above said rules/instructions, the matter shall be referred to the Vice-Chancellor for interpretation and the interpretation given by the Vice-Chancellor shall be final. The Vice-Chancellor is also competent to remove any inconsistency and decide as to which provision shall take precedence over the other. Any legal dispute relating to admission of a student will be subject to jurisdiction of the courts at Hisar only.


7.7 i)

ii) iii)


v) vi)

vii) viii)






Character certificate : Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination in 20011-12 may submit Character Certificate from the Head of the Institution last attended. Those who have passed the qualifying examination as a private candidate or earlier to 2011-12 should submit their Character Certificates duly signed by a Gazetted Officer. A candidate who is in service may submit the character certificate issued by the employer.


The eligible students who have paid first installment of fees will be informed of their enrolment numbers (which will also be mentioned on the Identity Card). This enrolment No. will continue for the entire duration of the programme. The same number will be used as examination Roll Number of the student. Duplicate enrolment card will be issued by the University Directorate only on payment of Rs 100/-. There is no bar of passing of any paper for promotion to 2nd and subsequent years in respect of MBA, M.A. (Mass Comm.), M.Com., BBA, B.A. (Mass Comm.), MIB, M.Sc. (CS), MCA (3 & 5 yrs), M.Sc. (Mathematics). However, the total duration to complete the courses will be as per Chapter VI. The admissions to M.Sc.(Computer Science)/ 2nd year of MCA(3 yrs) and 3rd year of MCA (3 yrs)& M.A.(Mass Communication) 2nd year is also allowed through lateral entry scheme subject to passing the qualifying examination from the universities as per eligiblity mentioned in chapter-III. INTER UNIVERSITY MIGERATION CERTIFICATE The students passing out various final examinations seeking inter university migration certificate may apply on the proforma provided in the prospectus (Annexure-IV). For this purpose the proforma duly filled in along with DD of Rs.1000/- in favour of Registrar, GJUS&T Hisar and attested copies of DMC of last / final exam. passed may be sent to the Directorate of Distance Education. In case original migration certificate is lost, the application for duplicate migration certificate alongwith fee & affidavit from Ist class Magistrate is required.




7.8-a CHANGE OF STUDY CENTRE A student once admitted to a study centre will not ordinarily be allowed to change the study centre. However, the change of study centre may be allowed on valid grounds in 2nd and 4th semester which will be effective from 3rd & 5th semester respectively for apportionment of fee except that a student admitted to a study centre can become direct student of the University at any stage. In the case of annual courses, the change of study centre may be allowed after payment of fee of 2nd installment of each year which will be effective from the next year of the course for apportionment of fee. For change of study centre, NOC from both the centres with a fee of Rs.1500/-should be sent to the Directorate at least 15 days before the last date of payment of fee of that semester / installment. No change of study centre is permissible at the same station except Delhi. 7.9 i) RE-EVALUATION A candidate may apply for re-evaluation on the prescribed form as given in the Prospectus (Annexure-III) alongwith the original D.M.C. and the requisite fee of Rs. 200/- per paper within 30 days of the declaration of the result or the despatch of the Detailed Marks Card to the Directorate of Distance Education (to the candidate, in case of Ex-student) as the case may be, whichever is later. Provided that the Vice-Chancellor in hard and exceptional cases, may permit, with a late fee of Rs. 500/- in case of a candidate who submits the re-evaluation form after stipulated period but not later than 90 days of the declaration of the result.




The re-evaluation forms alongwith original detailed marks card & a photocopy of the original DMC and requisite fee of Rs.200/- per paper are to be sent directly to the Assistant Registrar / Deputy Registrar (secrecy), G.J.U.S. & T., Hisar. MISCELLENOUS INFORMATION The candidates appearing in the qualifying examination and whose result has not yet been declared may apply for admission to various courses as per schedule of admissions. Such candidates will have to produce the evidence of their having cleared the qualifying examination by 31st December of every year with late fee of Rs.500/- failing which their candidature for admission will be treated as cancelled and the fee deposited will be forfeited. It will be within the discretion of Vice-Chancellor to extend this date on valid grounds, with late fee to be decided from time to time. 50% fee will be refunded in case any candidate is found ineligible for admission to the particular course applied for. However, no fee will be refunded in case a candidate discontinues studies after admission for whatsoever reasons. The candidate who have passed the qualifying examination in more than one part, say first year, second year etc. shall be required to send original certificates and attested copies of certificates/DMC/Degree of all the parts instead of only the final year of degree. An attested photocopy of the matriculation or equivalent certificates in support of certification of date of birth (not required, if already registered with this University) and also an attested copy of the certificate of all examinations passed prior to the qualifying exam. will also be submitted alongwith admission form. In case it is noticed, at any stage, that any bogus certificate/information was submitted by a candidate, his/her candidature shall stand cancelled and degree/diploma/marks sheet, if already issued will be withdrawn and the candidate will be liable to be prosecuted. The Director of Study centre will ensure the fulfilment of eligibility conditions, completion of required fee and documents after comparing the same with the original before sending the admission form to the University. In case of non-fulfilment of eligibility, the concerned study centre will be responsible for the same. The candidate will not be entitled to seek any relief or have any remedy against the university. After the declaration of the result, DMC of candidates will be sent by UPC post. If the case is RL (Result Late) or has been declared provisional or cancelled etc. for any reason, the candidates are advised to approach the University immediately with the relevant document to enable the University to take further necessary action accordingly. Examination form duly attested by the Director of study centre concerned be filled and signed at appropriate places including the Enrolment card. Attested photos be affixed on examination form and Admit Card at the space provided for the purpose. Employment certificate of GJUS&T, Directorate of Technical Education Haryana and University audit staff for claiming the fee concession be enclosed. No admission even "Provisional" shall be made on the basis of certificates issued by the principal of the college. Admissions are to be made only on the basis of certificates issued by a recognised Board/University. Candidates will have to ensure the submission of all required documents and fee in time as mentioned in the prospectus, failing which they will themselves be responsible for the consequences including withholding the enrolment-cum-Identity card for appearing in the University examinations.

7.10 (i)








(ix) (x)



(xi)(a) The candidates will have to keep sufficient spare copies of the photographs affixed on application/admission form so that the identity of the candidate could easily be verified for issuance of duplicate Identity Card, for examination forms, etc. No other photograph will be acceptable to the directorate. (xii) Fee alongwith photocopy of admission forms and re-registration form shall be submitted by the candidates separately for promotion to M.Sc., MCA (3yrs.), MCA(5 yrs Integrated), MIB, M.Com., MBA and M.A. (Mass Comm.) and M.Sc. (Mathematics). No fee shall be accepted in the form of money order or cheques. However, the candidates can deposit the fee in cash directly in the Accounts Branch of the University, Original copy of the receipt must be deposited in the Directorate of Distance Education. All correspondence relating to submission of re-appear examination form, re-evaluation form and removal of discrepancy if any, in Degree/Diploma/Certificate/DMC etc., should be addressed to the Controller of Examinations, GJUS&T, Hisar. The issue of study material, if any, subject to checking of eligibility after receipt of admission forms alongwith fees is merely a goodwill gesture and such shall not constitute the basis for claiming admission in a course, if a candidate fails to submit the proof of eligibility within the stipulated period or is found ineligible for admission at a later stage. Option of papers (wherever applicable) once exercised will not ordinarily be allowed to be changed. However, the change in option may be allowed by the Director in genuine cases upto 15 days before the commencement of examinations subject to depositing a fee of Rs. 500/-. After this a late fee of Rs.1000/- will be charged up to the declaration of result of the concerned semester/Annual Exam. The result of all the courses is uploaded on the University Website: www.ddegjust.ac.in or www.gjust.ac.in as soon as it is declared. The students are advised to visit the University Website or Contact their Study Centre for their result.






(xviii) The students can avail membership facility of the University Library for reference of books and other library resources.




Schedule of Operations
1. For Semester Scheme of Examination (i) 2. Despatch of Syllabus, and Ist instalment of study material to the candidate/ Study Centre Upto 31st October

For Annual Scheme of Examination (i) Despatch of Syllabus and Ist instalment of study material to the candidate 31st October Within 15 days of the receipt of Admission form complete in all respects. Within one months from the date of receipt of required fee.


Despatch of admission advice/enrolment card


Despatch of study material for subsequent semesters / years of the Course. Personal Contact Programme/Teaching Programmes Name of Course(s) Schedule for students directly enrolled by Directorate of Distance Education (during following dates of the concerned year) 21st Nov. to 30th Nov. Ist May to 10th May Ist May to 15th May Ist March to 15th March 13th March to 27th March 11th Feb.to 25th Feb. 11th Feb.to 25th Feb. 26th Feb.to 12th March


For students enrolled through the Study Centres to be completed by the following dates of the concerned year 30th Nov. 10th May 15th May 15th March 27th March 25th Feb. 25th Feb. 12th March

PGDCA/M.Sc. (CS)/MCA/ MBA / M.Sc. (Maths.) (Odd Sem.) PGDCA/M.Sc. (CS)/MCA./ MBA / M.Sc. (Maths.) (Even Sem.) MCA (5 yrs Integrated) M.Com. Ist & 2nd yr, MIB-Ist & 2nd yr, PGDT, PGDISM, PGDCBM M.A.(Mass Comm.)-Ist & 2nd yr, PGDA & PR, PGDEM, PGDBST BBA/B.A.(Mass Comm.) BBA/B.A.(Mass Comm.) IInd yr Note : (i)

No separate information for conduct of PCP will be sent to the students except in case of change in the above schedule. The PCP for direct students will be conducted at GJUS&T, Hisar Campus, for which the concerned Co-ordinator may be contacted.


Exact dates for PCP will be notified by the concerned Study Centres.





Sr. No.

Centre Code

Name & Address of Study Centre

Shaheed Bhagat Singh College of Management & Technology, Institutional Area, Centre Green, N.H.3, NIT, Faridabad 121 001 T.No. 0129 -2414083, 2434728, 9810294702(M) E mail ID : yadvindersandhu@yahoo.co.in Dronacharya Institute of Management & Information Technology, Plot no.76 P, Part -III, Sector -5, GURGAON T.No. 0124 -2253144, 2251602, 4087145, 09910380105 Fax No. 2251602 E-mail ID : dimit_enq@rediffmail.com Sri Guru Harkrishan Institute of Management, Sector -13 Ex., Urban Estate, KARNAL T.No. 0184 -4030493, 2202435, 93541 -20710, 98960 -81866 Fax No. 0184 2206237 E-mail ID : ghim_karnal@yahoo.com Shanti Niketan College of Management & Technology, M.C. Colony, HISAR. T.No.01662 -247880, 09896677880, 09255544340, Fax : 247880 E-mail ID : shantiniketancollege@yahoo.co.in National Computer Academy (NCA), 1499, Urban Estate, JIND 126 102 T. No. 98961 -08047, 98963 40241 E-mail ID : sonu_nca@yahoo.com Rukmani Devi Institute of Management & Technology, Sheoran Bhawan, Near Delhi Road Phatak, Gandhi Nagar, Charkhi Dadri . T.No.01250 -221389 M : 9812255088 E mail ID : rdimt.charkhidadri@gmai l.com Disha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi Road, (Near Jat College) Rohtak 124001 T.No.012 62-266548, 295549, 295583, 92156 -85228 Fax No. 01262 -295549 E-mail ID : DCMT@rediffmail.com Sanlok Institute of Management & Information Technology, 168/8, Model Town, GURGAON 122 001 T.No.0124 -2330300, 2325641, 09891936274, 09212341475 Fax No. 2330300, 2325641 E-mail ID : sanlokcomputers@gmail.com K. M. Institute of Management & Information Technology, Campus: K. M. College of Education, Hansi Gate, BHIWANI T.No.01664 -290162, 206016 Fax No : 01664 -255285 E mail ID : kmimit@gmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths) MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) , M.Sc.(Maths)









MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MIRI PIRI Academy of Man agement & Technology, # 1348, Cross Road No. 5, Sikligran, AMBALA CANTT. T.No.0171 -2630205, 2600205, 9416114448, 9215558583 Fax No. 0171 -2601205 E mail ID : sodhi_js@rediffmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths)



O.D.M. Computer & Management Education, Gali No. 8, Jawahar Nagar, Hisar T.No.01662 -238789, 310620, 9315515131 E mial ID : odmhisar@yahoo.com Global Institute of Management & Technology, Plot No. 4, TCC Complex, Sector -10, Faridabad T.No.0129 -3297523, 09312209394, Fax No: 0129 -4107523 E.mail ID : rediff.mailpro.com , director@dgbsfaridabad.com Baba Institute of Information Technology (BIIT), Near RKSD College, KAITHAL. Tel. No. 01746 -228616, 94161-07323 E mail ID : biit2004_ktl@yahoo.com Zad Computers, 181, HUDA Complex, Near New Telephone Exchange, Rohtak T.No.01262 -256437

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC) M.Sc(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), BA(MC) M.Sc.(Math) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths)



Satya Institute of IT & Mangement, HARTRON CAMPUS Behind City Plaza Complex, Old Kachehry Chowk, HISAR, T.No. 01662 -238058, 98123 -38058, 98120-86917, 92158 -38058 E mail ID : singlahisar@yahoo.com ODM Computer & Management Education, Opp. HOPs Apartment, Premdeep Building, Jhars a Road, GURGAON T.No. 0124 -4119251, 09212444007, 9315515131 (M) E mail ID : odmgurgaon@yahoo.com Aryans Institute of Management & Technology, 83, Devi Murti Colony, Tehsil Road, Sehgal Complex, Behind Civil Hospital, Panipat. T.No.0180 -4015890, 92554 82673, 98124 -29620 Institute of Media & Technology, SCO-35,36 Sector - 12-A, GURGAON Tel. No. 0124 -2302727, 09899230380 Fax No.2302727 E-mail ID : imtek3@hotmail.com National Institute of Management & Technology (NIMT), Opp. Payal Nursing Home, Mohan Nagar, Pipli Road, Kurukshetra T.No.01744 -326500, 94161 -88489 E-mail ID : Nethisa r@yahoo. SGIIT, Gali No.2, Gobind Nagar, Near Bus Stand, Hisar Sirsa Road, SIRSA 092543 -99219, 094164 -99219 E-mail ID : sgiitsirsa@yahoo.co.in



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR , BA(MC) M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)











Vivekanand Institute of Management & Information Technology, Ist Floor, Kishori Lal Sewa Sadan, Naya Bazar, Bhiwani. T.No. 94160 -58159 E-mail ID : vimitbwn@rediffmail.com The Indian Institute of Technology and Health Education (IITHE), Ram Kishan Niketan, Vikas Nagar, Near Maa Rajeshwari School, Hathwala Road, Samalkha (Panipat). T.No. 0180 -2570211, 2570212, 09466691856, Fax : 4059867 E-mail ID : iithe1@yahoo.co.in , nsnarindersingh1@gmail.co m Samarghosh Institute of IT and Management, 7, Bansal Colony, SIRSA T.No.01666 -224089, 92155-24089 Fax no. 01666 -228004, E-mail ID : thesamarghosh@rediffmail.com
International Media Institute, Surya Kiran Building, Opp. S.B.I., M.G. Road, Gur gaon T.No.0124 -4088471, 72, 73 E-mail ID: mail@imediai.org

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



Leads International Institute of Engineering & Technology, SCO -96, Mahila Ashram Shopping Complex, Behind Bus Stand, KARNAL Ph.:0184 -3204300, 93156 -43000, 92155 -70003. E mail ID : leads_educationword@rediffmail.com , Leads.educationworld@gmail.com Pankaj Garg Memorial Institute of Management & Technology, S.B. No.124, Sector -16, Panchkula T.No.0172 -5064379, 2567977, 094172 -38379 Fax No 2574270, E-mail ID: pgminst@gmail.com Shri Balaji Insti tute of Computer & Management(SBI) New Chaudhary Complex, Rally Sector 12 -A, Panchkula M : 09888112553, 9416139575 E mail ID : sbipanchkula@yahoo.co.in SRG Education, SSI Chamber, 2 nd Floor, Atlas Road, Near Subhash Chowk, Opp. Bulbul Restaurant, Sonepat T.No.0130 -3202804, 2253224, 9812006432 Fax No. 0130 -2201257 E-mail ID: ssi_mdu@yahoo.com MJP Institute of Management & Technology, Opp. Panchayat Bhawan, Behind Yadav Hospital, Mahendergarh Road, Narnaul 123001 T.No.01282 -204624, 094663 12123, 9896030556 E-mail ID : mjpinstitute@mail.com NSB School of Business, 11/2, Delhi Mathura Road, Near Badarpur Border , Faridabad 121 003 T.No.011 41676794, 95, 09250919918, Fax No. -41677052 E-mail ID : director@nsb.in



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PG DCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)








Shree Ganesh Institute of Science & Technology (SGIST) Near Shree Ganesh Tyre Service, Narnaul Road, Rewari T.No.01274 -326005, 326017, 645042, 9315458999, E -mail ID : sgist_gju@yahoo.com Sai Institute of Management & Technology, C/o Hartron Workstation, Paras Cinema Road, KURUKSHETRA T.No. 01744 -290444, 94163 -69995 E mail ID : arorakamal14@yahoo.com Institute of Technology & Management, Sector-23, GURGAON 122017 T.No.0124 3251118, 2365811, 812, 813, E mail ID : bba@itmindia.edu Pinnacle Institute of Mgt. & Tech., Near Bus Stand, New Sabji Mandi Road, , TOHANA (Distt. Fatehabad) T.No. 01692 -220311, 7357882409 E mail ID : pimtedu@gmai.com AIM College of IT & Management, SCO 36, IInd. Floor,Guru Jambheshwar Market, (Parijat Chowk), HISAR.T.No. 9 2533-50008, 94164 -43238, 90172 -52820, 94663-70638 E-mail ID: aimcollege@rediffmail.com , head_aimcollege@rediffmail.com K. D. S. Institute of IT & Management, Mori Gate, HISAR T.No. 01662 -271736 E mail ID : kdsmgt@gmail.com B. K. N. Institute of IT & Management, IInd Floor, Sheetal Complex, D -Park, ROHTAK T. No. 01262 212413, 94160 -50205, Fax No. 01262 -210144 E-mail ID : bkneduinstitute@yahoo.com ,

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.S c.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, M IB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)







MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDISM, PGDCBM, M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(C S), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, PGDA&PR, M.Sc.(CS), PGDCBM, PGDISM, M.Sc.(Maths)





BLD Institute of Management & Technology, Street No. 2, Rishi Nagar, Near local Bus Stand, HISAR T.No. 01662 -310510, 098960 -32328 E mail ID : sunil_bld@rediffmail.com Maharaja Aggarsain Computer Centre, C/o ASD Sr. Sec. School, Pull Bazar, NARNAUL 123 001 T. No. 01285 -329584 E mail ID : directormacc@gmail.com Saraswati Institute of Mgt. & Tech. (SIMT), 88 Manauli House, Opp. Reliance Fresh, Ambala City. T. No. 0171 -2550745, 94163 -70609, 9996313209 E mail ID : simt1169@gmail.com IPSE College, 1087, Neelkanth Acrade, Bishan Saroop Colony, PANIPAT Tel.No.0180 -6451245, 92155 -33045, 98123 -33045 E mail ID : ipsecollege_panipat@yahoo.com Janta Institute of Management & Technology (JIMT), KURUKSHETRA.(M): 986127197, 8950506558 E-mail ID : jimtkurukshetra@gmail.com .

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGD CA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





Shri Balaji Institute of Computer & Management, SCO-93, Prem Nagar, AMBALA CITY Tel. No. T.No. 0171 -2553237, 6533624, M : 9729035725, 9354627370 E-mail ID : sbiinstitute.ambala@gmail.com Buddha Institute of Mgt. & Tech. (BIMT), SCO No. 5, Sector 14, Opp. Civil Hospital, HISAR Mob. No. (O) : 09255192286, 9466044774, Tel No : 01662 -291677. E mail ID : manojmedal1@yahoo.in Aryans Institute of Mgt. & Tech., H. No. 989/17, G. T. Road, NH -10, Opp. Parshu Ram Gate, Gandhi Colony, HANSI 125 033. 098124 -29620, 092554 -82673, 01663 256142. E mail ID : aryanshansi@rediffmail.com Informatics Institute of Computer Education (IICE) Society, Plot No. 670/25 (Ist Floor), Vikas Nagar, HANSI Tel. No. 9215515915 E mail ID : svphansi@gmail.com Hisar Institute of Management & Technology, st nd SCO-86, 1 & 2 Floor, PLA Complex, HISAR. Tel No. 981301 6917, 92552 -89825

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR , BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



Kay-Tech IT College, Opp. Civil Hospital, Chautala Road, MANDI DABWALI (Distt. Sirsa). Tel No. 94165 -91315, 92543 -85234. E-mail ID: kay_tech2007@yahoo.com Sunrise Institute of Management & Information Technology (SIMIT), 2 nd Floor, Space Empi re, Near Welcome Palace, Barnala Road, SIRSA. Tel No. 01666 -235718, 9416035718, 9728400029 E mail ID : simitsirsa@yahoo.com Paras Institute of Management & Technology, DSS 23,24, 25 (Ist Floor),PLA Shopping Complex, Near Town Park, Hisar Tel. No. 01662 -227700, 098961 62844, 098961 -38986, 098966-85777 E-mail ID: parasinstitute@gmai l.com Indian Institute of Management & Science, 1 st Floor, Municipal Committee Market, Jind Road, Opp.General Hospital, SAFIDON (Distt. Jind). Tel No. 98962 -72502, 99960-24232 Email ID: goelnaveenbcc2007@yahoo.com
Royal Institute of Science and Management, V.Po. Wazirpur, Distt. Gurgaon. Tel No. 0124 -2276166, 098119 -34270 Fax: 2276166 E mail ID : www.rism.co.in Gautam Rishi Institute of Management & Technology, Near Laxmi Hotel, Brahmach ari Road, MOHINDER GARH 123 029. Tel No. 94165 -75606, 94667 90900, E -mail ID: grinstitute.mgarh@gmail.com



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), PGDISM, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





SG Matribhumi College, Opp. Mayadevi Hospital, Near Sabji Mandi, JIND 98132 -44242, 94663 -35544. E mail ID : sgmcollegejind@yahoo.com Ascent College of Information Technology, 516/8, Near I. B. College, G. T. Road, PANIPAT Tel No. 0180 -4009456, 9896264068 E-mail ID: ascentit@gmail.com M.B. College of Computer Management & Allied Studies, SCO -32, Pocket-A, Sector -14, Hisar. Fax : 01662 -276666 (M) : 9215353802, 9466659727 E mail ID : mbcollegehsr@gmail.com, rajumbe90@gmail.com Balaji Institute of Management and Technology, Koshi Mor, Opp. Old Tehsil, , Warde No. 15, JHAJJAR Tel.No : 9813393454, 9813112110 E mail ID : sushil.bimt@yahoo.com Neeraj College of Management & Technology, VPO Manesar, Distt. Gurgaon (M) : 09818239777 E.mail ID : neerajcollege@gmail.com Eklavya Institute of Technology & Management, Bassau Market, Ward No. 15, Barwala (Hisar ) - 125 121. Tel : 01693 -242163, (Mob) : 94 16594573, 9541689090 E. Mail ID : asgundli28@gmail.com Educare Institute of Management & Technology, 45, Nai Anaj Mandi, REWARI -123 401 Tel : 01274 -221409 Mob: 09416445173, 09541646901 E mail ID : eimtrewari@rediffmail.com Nav Chetna Institute of Management & Technology, 460/8, Sant Nagar, Behind SBOP Patiala Chowk, Jind. 9812875605, 9255657655 (M) Balaji College of Management & Technology, Adarsh Nagar, Malerna Road, Ballabgarh(Faridabad) Tel Nos : 0129 -2212682, 09310002234, 09873718019 Fax No. 0129 -4151969 E mail ID : info@balajicollegefaridabad.com . jagdeesh999@rediffmail.com Narain Dass Memorial Institute of Management & Technology, Punhana (Mew at). Tel. Nos : 01268 -682666, 9215404142 (M) E mail ID : ndm_puhana@yahoo,co.in Nalanda Institute of Hotel Management, SCF 5, Red Square Market, Near SBBJ Bank, Hisar. Tel : 01662 224643 (M) : 9215743643 E mail ID : nihmhisar@gmail.com Akash Manageme nt & Technology Institute, Opp. Food & Supplies Office, Rewari. Tel : 01274 -222880 M : 9416065599 E mail ID: www.vishu.yadav63@gmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA , M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDC A, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDISM, PGDEM, M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc(Math) PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MCA (3 & 5 years), BBA, MBA, MIB, PGDT, M.Com, M.Sc.(Maths) M.Sc.(CS), MCA (3 & 5 years), PGDCA, M.A. (Mass Comm.), PGDA&PR, B.A.(Mass. Comm.) MBA, .M.Com., MIB, PGDT,BBA, M.Sc.(Maths.)







MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, PGDCA, MCA( 3 & 5 yrs) , M.Sc. (Maths)





ZIMT (Zenith Institute of Management & Technology), SCF 26-27, Model Town, Near Papiha Park, Fatehabad. (M) : 9991805859, 9467955456.

MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



Vishwas Institute of IT & Management, Gurgaon Road, Pataudi, Distt. Gurgaon Fax No : 0124 -2672096 Tel.No: 0124 -2672096, 9416245251, 9812420323 E mail ID : vishwasit&mgt_rediffmail.com M.D. Institute of Education Technology & Management, Dohki, PO Bikaner, Distt. Rewari. (M) :9416213255 E mail ID : jsgokal@rediffmail.com Om College of IT & Management, MCK No.1404, 1405, Ambala Road, Kaithal. Tel No: 01746 -645092 (M ) : 9466535250 E mail ID : sudheer7884@gmail.com Haryan Institute of Technology for Excellence(HITEX), Flat No. 4 & 5 (Shankar Niwas), Jat Coll ege Road, Near Double Phatak, Hisar. Tel. No: 01662 -231122 9996923371, 9896925902 E mail ID : hitexhsr@gmail.com , Charan73@gmail.com Swach Institute of Computer Science & Management, Near Sanatan Dharam Mandir, Opp. House No. 647, Sector-16, Panchkula. Tel : 0172 -2567770 (M) : 09815909587 E mail ID : swach16@ gmail.com Pushpa Institute of Technology & Management, Jalalpur, Distt. Rewari. Tel : 01274 -269729, M : 9416739148

MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MCA(3 & 5 yrs), M.Sc. (Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDCBM, PGDISM, M.Sc(Math) MBA, M.Com.,MIB, PGDT, BBA , MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc(Math)



Brahman Public School, Brahmand Colony, Nissing (Karnal).Tel : 01745 -271912, M : 9416335237 E Mail ID : brahmand_nissing@yahoo.co.in

74. 1202 Tecnia Institute of Technology, 5 PSP, Institutional Area, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini, Delhi 110085 T.No.011 27319091-92, 098100 -99856 Fax No. 011 -27319090 E-mail ID : tias_tech1@rediffmail.com Delhi Institute of Management & Services, H.O. 1106 -1108, Akashdeep Building, Bara Khamba Road, New Delhi 1 (M) : 09350390764 Tel : 011 -23315018, 23315019 Fax No. 011 -23312187 E-mail ID : dimsinfo@gmail.com Institute of Management Development & Research, Management Hou se, Opp. B -50, South Extension -I, New Delhi 110 049 T.No.011 -24620634, 24644381, 09312266582, 09312402389 Fax No. 011 -24631126, 24648596 E -mail ID : imdrdelhi@rediffmail.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.S.c(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDISM, PGDCBM, M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDISM, PGDCBM, M.Sc.(Maths)





International Institute of Mass Media, B -50, South Extension I, New Delhi 110 049. T.No. 011 24654512, 24654514, 09818836407, 093128 -38296 Fax No. 011-24626670 E -mail ID : coordinator@iimmdelhi.com , iimm@iimmdelhi.com Central Delhi Centre, A -19, Onkar Deep Building, Middle Circle, Connaught Place, New Delhi -110001 T.No.011 -23322254, 09810033957 Fax No.23319370

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



RNIS College of Management, AISF Building,Adjacent : Lady Shri Ram College, Lajpat Nagar -IV, NEW DELHI 110024 Tel : 64523450, 26463726/27/28 E.mail ID : sujithgopin athan@rediffmail.com The Delhi School of Communication, DSC Centre, 321/2, IGNOU Road, , New Delhi -110 068 T.No. 011 -29531556, 29531559, 9971573393, 9810474269 E mail ID : info@thedelhischoolofcommunication.com Aspiring Institute of Management & Technology, E -187, Cyber House, Sec ond Floor, Behind Oxford School, Vikas Puri, New Delhi 110 018. T.No.28536597, 28536601, 098109 -81868 E mail ID : neerajsabharwal123@gmail.com Sadit Institute of Management & Technology, C -28, Acharya Niketan, Mayur Vihar, Phase I, Delhi-91. T.No.011 -22756000, 22757000,22758000, 9911344000 E mail ID : simtinstitute@yahoo.in Invotech Institute of Advance Learning, 302, Aggarwal Shopping Centre, CD Block, Pitampura, Delhi 110088. T.No.011 -27026886, 09212 040066, 09868912713 Fax No. 011 -22387654 E -mail ID : info@invotech.co.in Indraprastha Institute of Tech nology & Management, D-21, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi -58. T.No.011 -28525882 E mail ID : iitmgju@gmail.com Jagannath Institute of Management Sciences, OCF, Site No.2, Sector -C, Near Police Station, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj , New Delhi -110070. T.No.011 -26134201 -02-03 Fax No. 26137191 E-mail ID : jimsvk09@gmail.com Soft Dot Hi tech Educaitonal & Training Institute, K-16, South Extension Part -I, New Delhi 110 049 T.No.011 -24601315/16/30/47 Fax No. 24601315 E-mail ID : info@softdoteducation.com Academy of Te chnology & Management, 12, 3 rd Floor, Deep Central Market, Phase -I, Ashok Vihar, DELHI T.N : .011 -40405050, 09811181184, 09560083942 Fax No. 011 -4223016 E-mail ID : dlpimt@yahoo.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)






MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc. (CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), PGDA&PR, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)







MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT,PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDBST, M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), PGDBST, M.Sc.(Maths)







CPJ Institute of Management & Technology, 223, FIE, Patparganj, Industrial Area, Delhi. T.No.011 -22151177, 22152277, 22153377, 098180 -28877, 09811227774 Fax No. 011 -22143973, E -mail ID : mail@cpjimt.com Take One School of Mass Communication and Management, 198/26, Ramesh Market Garhi, Opp. 44/8, East of Kailash, New D elhi 65. T.No.011 -41551472 -73, 65288746-47-48, 098116 -00325 Fax No. 011 -26220233 E-mail ID : tosomc@rediffmail.com Ojas Institute of Management, B -1 Sector-16, Rohini, Delhi-110085 T.No.011 -27839310, 098687 -34445 Fax no. 27859317 E -mail ID: ojasmgt@gmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)






MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT,BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT,BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), BA(MC), M.Sc(Maths)



Global Business School, 500, Functional Industrial Estate, Patparganj, New Delhi -92, T.No.011 -43036766, 22157240, 22157198, 09891586872, Fax No. 22157824 E-mail ID : coordinator@gbs -india.org
International Institute of Management, Media & IT (IIMMI), 65, Main Ring Road, Kingsway Camp, Opp.G.T.B.Nagar, Metro Station & D.T.C. Bus S tand Delhi 110 009. T.No. 011 -65434465-66, 09212144467, Fax -27653364 E-mail ID : iimmigju1234@gmail.com Netaji Subhash Institute of Management Sciences, City Tower, Mall Road, Netaji Subhash Place, Pitampura, New Delhi. T.No.011 -47020081-82-83, 09891294520, 09971870055 , Fax no.011 -47020085 E -mail ID : principal@nimsindia.net info@nimisindia.net , ak.sinha@nimsindia.net Madhubala Institute of Communication and Electronics Media (MBICEM)(MLRC), 120 -B, Madangir, New Delhi - 110 062. T.No.011 -6462117 E-mail ID : mbicem.mlrc@gmail.com Soft Dot Hi Tech. Educational & Training Institute, 8 th Floor, Jaina Tower -II (Adjacent to Satyam Cineplex), District Centre, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058 T.No.41588840 -41-42-43 Fax No. 011 -24601315 E-mail ID : info@softdoteducation.com Soft Dot Hi Tech Educational & Training Institute, 451, 4 th Floor, Aggarwal Millenium Tower, Neta Ji Subhash Place, Opp. TV Tower, Metro S tation, Pitampura, New Delhi -34 T.No.011 -47002190 -91-92-93-94-95 Fax No.24601315 E -mail ID: info@softdoteducation.com Jagan Nath Institute of Management Sciences, Plot No.2, Community Centre, Sector -3, Rohini, Delhi 110085 T.No.27519276, 77, 78 Fax No. 27519266 E-mail ID : contact@jims.in



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M .Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)






MBA, M.Com , MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDBST, M.Sc.(Math)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDBST, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)





Jagan Nath Institute of Management Sciences, 34, Ring Road, Lajpat Nagar -IV, New Delhi -110 024. T.No. 011 -26462368, 26462385, 26237887, 098682 39473 Fax No. 011 -26220998 E-mail ID: jimskj@jims.in Times Business School, A -39, Kailash Colony, New Delhi-110048 Tel. No. 011 46574657 Fax No. 011 29239820 E-mail ID: info@times.ac.in Pragati Institute of Technology & Manageme nt, UGF, South Wing, NBCC Place, Bhishma Pitamah Marg, New Delhi 110 003. Tel No. 011 -24361514, 24366349 Fax: 24367518, 098712 33119 E-mail ID: naresh.mishra@nhindia.com Universal Network of Infotech, WZ -61A/8A, Street No 17, Vashist Park, Pankha Road, Opposite Near Janakpuri Institutional Area, NEW DELHI -110 046 . Tel 25383935, 25393661, 25397117, Cell ; 981021 2087, 9871051134, 9871051132. Fax : +91 -1125397117 Email ID : info@unidelindia.com , National Broadcasting Academy, The Development group, 6B/6, Sirifot Institutuional Areas, New Delhi-110049. Phone : 011 -65060619, 26874046, FAX : 011 -26874046, E mail ID : info@nba.edu.in , satender.bhand ari@nba.edu.in International Institute of Professional Studies, 84-A, Bharat Nagar, New Friends Colony, New Delhi -110 025. Ph : 011-26320885, 26827451, 26320887 E-mail ID : iips.delhi@yahoo.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)






MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



Step By Step Institute, 11 Hargobind Enclave, 1 st & 2 nd Floor, Vikas Marg Extn., Delhi -110 09 2. Ph : 011 -43051111, 9999317479 (M) Fax. No: 011 -43051111 E mail ID : infoeducational@yahoo.co.in Shikshapeeth College of Management and Technology, 16, Bindra market, Near Police Station, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-110 018. Tel. No :011 -49393939 (M) : 09654400104 E mail ID : shikshapeeth.help@gmail.com
Sarswati College, 81 -C, Rani Ka Bagh, Model Town, Amritsar T.No. 0183 -5199717, 098761 -64672, 098154-66886 Fax No. 0183 -2565972 E-mail ID : devganvirat@yahoo.co.in CMT Business School, College of Management & Technology, Shanti Nagar, Near Badi Nadi, Tafajalpura, Behind Urban Estate -II, Sirhan d Bye Pass, Post Office, Punjabi University, Patiala -147002 T.No.0175 -2285416, 098764-50604, Fax No. 0175 -2371181, 2372615 E-mail ID : cmptpatiala@rediffmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB , PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths

106. 1301 MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)





Regional College of Distance Education, Opp. NFL Township, Goniana Road, BATHINDA 151 001. T.No.0164 -2274896, 2270611, 2270615, 098889 -63550, 094171-30917 Fax No. 2274896 E-mail ID : mcit2001@rediffmail.com Chandigarh Computer Centre, SCF -49-A, Leela Bhawan Market, Patial a T.No.0175 -2222723, 098140 -05733, Fax No. 0175-5008723 E-mail ID : cccpunjab@yahoo.com Mehtab Co mputer, Street No.1, Near S.D. College, Barnala 148101 T.No.01679 -238417, 094172 -38417, 094177-59603, 01679 -500027 E-mail ID : calc_barnala_h@yahoo.co.in Versatile Computer Institute, SCO 25, Beant Singh Aman Nagar, Bela Road Part 2, ROPAR 140 001 Tel No. 01881 228887, 645097, 09855479097, 09216679097 E -mail ID: versatile_institute@yahoo.com Sai Education Society, 110, New Lawrene Road, Opp. BBK DAV College for Women Amritsar . Tel :0183 -2212200, 09855229999, 09876959999, 09356249592 Fax : 0183 -2210488 E mail ID : saieducationmm@gmail.com Public Institute of Computer Science (PICS), Bhagat Singh Chowk, Near Public Girls Sr. Sec. .School, Street Patran, Tehsil Patran, Distt. Patiala. Tel : 01764 -245268 (M) : 099153 40210 E mail ID : picspatran@yahoo .com Makkar Institute, 3 rd. Floor, 10 Bank Foundation Chowk, Ludhiana. Tel : 0161 -4647400, (M) : 09779590404, 9855084555, 9814732697 E mail ID : makkarinstitute@gmail.com

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA , M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)







MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGD CA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)

115. 1401 BRC Institute of Marketing & Management, 188, Sector -19-A, Chandigarh 160019 T.No.0172 -3243214, 2774390, 3202787, 2775243, 3243214, 09815307942(M) E mail ID : bosscomputers@yahoomail.com Bells Education & Research Society, SCO-2, Sector-34-C, Chandigarh 160022. T.No.0172 -2667771, 5018168 Fax No. 0172 -2667770 E mail ID : bellseducation@yahoo.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDCBM, PGDI SM, M.Sc.(Maths)



117. 1501 M.K.M. Indian Institute of Management, E -6, RIICO, Industrial Area, Seetapura, Jaipur 302 022 T.No.0141 -2770873, 2771500 MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math)



Elite College of Computer Science, 4 -E-387, J. N. Vyas Nagar, Bikaner -3 . T.No.0151 -2234216, 093 52183245 E mail ID : elitecollege@mail.com



Shekhawati College of Management & IT, Opp. Shiv Mandir Cinema, Sikar 332 001. T.No.01572 -259024, 270662, 094140 -39303, 098283 -90267 Fax No. 259024 E-mail ID : info@sgisikar.com , ranjeet3333@rediffmail.com H.K. Hitech (College of IT & Management), 199 -Mehran Tower, Ist C Road, Sardarpura, Jodhpur 342003 T.No.0291 -2640559, 2435118, 094149 -88029, 094141 95051 Fax No.2435118 E -mail ID: hkhindia@sify.com Biyani International Institute of Management & Technology, R 4, Sector 3, Vidhyadhar Nagar, JAIPUR 302 023. Tel.No. 09351127400, 0141 2338371, 2336226, Fax 2338007 E-mail ID: director@biyanicolleges.org Shri Atam Vallabh Jain Girls College, Sudama Nagar, Hanumangarh Road, Sri Ganga nagar 335 001. Tel No. 0154 2464371, 094145 37731 E-mail ID: avj12@rediffmail.com Rajasthan College of Management & Information Technology, Rajgarh Road, Pilani -333031 Distt. Jhunjhunu Tel No. 098874 -34107, 098874 -34106 E-mail ID: rcmit.info@gmail.com , rcmit.009@gmail.com Indian Institute of Management & Technology, Behind Shanti Nurshing Home, Rawat Sar Road, HANUMANGARH TOWN Tel No. 09414 0-94081, 01552 222468 E-mail ID: iimt.hmo@gmail.com Dr. Radha Krishnan Girls College, Gagan Path, Jawahar Nagar, Sri Ganganagar. Tel : 0154 -2461547, 2462547 E mail ID : rgcollege@yahoo.co.in



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), PGDCBM, M.Sc.(Maths)





MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)





MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, PGDEM, PGDISM, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)





Cambridge College of Professional Education, Behind Kisan Kanya C hhatrawas, Near Udhyan Vidya Mandir, Baldev Nagar, Barmer -344 001. Tel : 02982 -225694, FAX : 221474 (M) : 09772568515, 09784570592 Vyapar Mandal (PG) Girls College, P rofessor Colony, Hanumangarh Town, Distt. Hanumangarh . Tel : 01552 -231414 (O) 230125(R), (M) 09414875029

MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)



MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), M.Sc.(Maths)

128. 1602 Pramila Jai Singh Management Institute, Jai Singh House, J -7, Sector-11, NOIDA 201301 T.No.0120 2530007, 098100 -91234 Fax No. 0120 -2536621 E mail ID : pjsnoida@gmail.com Aligarh College of Engineering & Man agement, Kasimpur Tiraha Chherat, Anoopshahar Road, Aligarh (UP) Tel No. 0571 -3291032, 3291042, 09358251720 Fax No. 0571 -2702758 E mail ID : acem1999@gmail.com Deen Dayal Upadhyay Institute of Management and Higher Studies, 7/198, Sawroop Nagar, Kanpur T.No.0512 -2555822, 094150 -50180, Fax-2555822 E-mail ID : dduinstitutemhs@yahoo.co.in Hint Institute of Mass Communication, Hint House, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad -201002 T.No.0120 -2714038, 2710226, 09810139911 Fax No. 27102 26 E-mail ID : hintgroup2003@yahoo.co.in BLS Institute of Education, Opposite Mohan Meakin Factory, Mohan Nagar -201007 Distt. Ghaziabad T.No.0120 -2657654, 2657632, 265 8405 Fax No.2657714 E-mail ID : alay.blsim@gmail.com AIZAZ RIZVI College of Journalism & Mass Communication (ARCJMC), A -4/83, Vish al Khand, Gomti Nagar, LUCKNOW 226 010 T.No.0522 2994586, 2994636 E -mail ID: info@arcjmc.com Institute of Management Studies, Lal Quan, G. T. Road, Ghaziabad T.No.0120 -2866033, 35 & 2962204, 098101 56850 Fax No.2866034 E-mail ID : director@ims -ghaziabad.ac.in Hierank School of Management & Technology, A 42, Sector 62, Institutional Area, NOIDA 201 307. Tel No. 0120 -2400514, 2400515, 09810494477, 09211464267 E -mail : info@hierank.org Sadhana Academy of Media Studies, C 457, Sector 10, NOIDA 201 301. Tel.No 0120 -4039999, 09868200650 Fax : 2534455 Alliant College of Applied Management, Ramghat Road, Near Quarsi C hauraha, Quarsi, Aligarh. Tel No. 098377 55573, 09927109040, 09756934543, 0571-2741174 E -mail ID : acam@sify.com MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), BBA, PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), PGDEM, MIB, PGDT



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC,BA(MC)











MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)








MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)





International School of Media & Entertainment Studies, FC-23, Sector 16 -A, Filmcity, NOIDA -201301 Tel : 0120 -3911434/35,36, 0120 3911401 E mail ID : isomes@bagnetwork.in Rakesh Gaur Institute of Professional Studies (RGIPS), Gaur Plaza, B -7, Shalimar Garden Ext -2, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad Tel : 0120 -2829363, 09213975491 (M) E-mail ID : rgips1 @gmail.com Maharishi Parushram College of Management, Agra Road Chungi, Near Standard Tractor Agency, ETAH -207 001 Tel : 05742 -293028 (Mob) :09410878800 Fax :05742 -236069, 233555 E. Mail ID : mpcm.education@gmail.com Niharika Academy, R-8/60, Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad.. Tel : 0120 -282592/2822861 (M) : 09871877603 E mail ID : nagzb2@ gmail.com Times Business Studies, Shiv Sthali, Opp. I.T. College, Faizabad Road, Lucknow. Tel : 0522 -3016300-04, M : 09415177506 E mil ID : Info@timesstudies.org







MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, M.Sc.(Maths)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)

143. 1701 DRES Society, 77, Karanpur Road, Dehradun 248001 T.No.0135 -2657608 MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&P R, PGDMC, BA(MC),PGDISM, M.Sc.(Maths) MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)



Sharda College of Management & Technology, 392, Avas Vikas Ranipur More, HARIDWAR Tel No. 01334 227284, 093198 07828 E-mail ID: scmt_hdwr@rediffmail.com



City College of Management & Technology, Moh. SOT, ROORKEE (Haridwar) Tel No. 01332 -263141, 098371 04233E-mail ID : cpic@rediffmail.com

146. 1802 M.S. Panwar Institute of Communication & Management, Near Vipur Gas Godown, Shamti, Solan T.No.01792 -229297, 092188 -48838, 09805740213 Fax No.229297 E -mail ID : director_mspicm@sify.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Maths)


147. 1901 Kawa Institute of Management & Technology, N.H. Bye Pass Road, Narwal, Jammu T.No.0191 -2476817, 2476654, M) :09906902665, 09419187892 Fax No.2476817 E-mail ID : kawainstitute@rediffmail.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS) , MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math)



148. 2001 National College of Computer & Technology, 7/68, Civil Lines, Sirmour Chowk, Rewa 486 001 T.No.07662 -250487, 094251 -85278, 094251 -86337 Fax No. 07662 -404191 E-mail ID : ncctrewa@yahoo.com Chanakya Academy, Khajanchi Mohalla, Bihari Ji Road, Datia T.No.07522 -237719, 09039020 879, 09425631219 E-mail ID : bcc_dta@yahoo.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, PGDMC, BA(MC), M.Sc.Math)

150. 2101 Nobel Institute of Education , 40-11-29/A, Mangalavarapupeta, Near Training College Centre, Rajahmundri -533101 T.No.2436376 Tel : 0883 -6577794, 09440278681, FAX : 0883 -2436376 E mail ID : nobleinstitutenlr@ymail.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, P GDT, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc(CS), BA(MC), PGDBST, M.Sc.(Math)

151. 2201 Scrony Institute of Higher Education, R.V. Bldgs., Vellappally Lane, Kottayam -1, T.No.0481 -2591016, 094473-56665, Fax No. 2591016 E-mail ID : scrony_rims@yahoo.co.in Indian Computer Education Society (ICES), 2205A, Khadeeja Building, Town Railway Station Road, Ernakulam North , Cochin 18 T.No.0484-2396989, 094471 -95527, Fax No. 0484 -2391088 E-mail ID : iceskochi@rediffmail.com MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math)



MBA, M.Com, MIB, PGDT, PGDEM, BBA, MCA (3 & 5 yrs), PGDCA, M.Sc.(CS), MA(MC), PGDA&PR, BA(MC), M.Sc.(Math)




DD / UR No.
HDFC A/c. No. 01551450001129 PNB A/c. No. 0203021100000023 UBI A/c. No. 344302050000103


Dy. Director (DE)

( www.ddegjust.ac.in or www.gjust.ac.in )


State-wise List of fake Universities notified by the University Grants Commission in December, 2011 on UGC website www.ugc.ac.in
Bihar 1. Delhi 2. Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi (UP) / Jagatpuri, Delhi. 3. Commercial University Ltd., Daryaganj, Delhi. 4. United Nations University, Delhi. 5. Vocational University, Delhi. 6. ADR-Centric Juridical University, ADR House, 8J, Gopala Tower, 25 Rajendra Place, New Delhi -110 008. 7. Indian Institute of Science and Engineering, New Delhi. Karnataka 8. Kerala 9. St. John's University, Kishanattam, Kerala. 10. Keserwani Vidyapith, Jabalpur (M.P.) Maharashtra 11. Raja Arabi University, Nagpur. Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society, Gokak, Belgaum (Karnataka) Maithili University/Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga, Bihar.

Tamil Nadu 12. D.D.B. Sanskrit University, Putur, Trichi, Tamil Nadu. 13. Indian Institute of Alternative Medicine, Kolkatta. 14. Mahila Gram Vidyapith/Vishwavidyalaya, (Women's University) Prayag, Allahabad (UP). 15. Gandhi Hindi Vidyapith, Prayag, Allahabad (UP). 16. National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy, Kanpur. 17. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University (Open University), Achaltal, Aligarh (UP). 18. Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalaya, Kosi Kalan, Mathura (UP). 19. Maharana Partap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya, Pratapgarh (UP). 20. Indraprastha Shiksha Parishad, Institutional Area, Khoda, Makanpur, Noida Phase-II, (UP). 21. Gurukul Vishwavidyalaya Vrindavan, Mathura, (UP). *Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad, Lucknow, UP the matter is subjudice before the District Judge Lucknow.



Academic Programmes 2012-13

Distance Education Courses
Post Graduate COURSES Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Commerce (M.Com.) M.Sc. (Computer Science) Master of Computer Applications (MCA) MCA (5-years integrated) M.A. (Mass Communication) Master of Insurance Business (MIB) M.Sc. (Mathematics) P.G. DIPLOMA COURSES P.G. Diploma in Computer Application (PGDCA) P.G. Diploma in Environmental Management (PGDEM) P.G. Diploma in Taxation (PGDT) P.G. Diploma in Advertising & Public Relations (PGDA&PR) P.G. Diploma in Bakery Science and Technology (PGDBST) P.G. Diploma in Counseling and Behaviour Modification (PGDCBM) P.G. Diploma in Industrial Safety Management (PGDISM) Graduate COURSES Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) B.A. (Mass Communication)

Regular Courses
Post Graduate Courses M.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) M.Tech. (Environmental Science & Engineering) M.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) M.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) M.Tech. (Printing Technology) M.Tech. (Nano Science and Technology) M.Tech. (Optical Engineering) M.Tech. (Food Engineering) M.Tech. (Geo-Informatics) M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry) M.Pharm. (Pharmaceutics) M.Pharm. (Pharmacology) M.Pharm. (Pharmacognosy) Master of Physiotherapy (Musculoskeletal Disorders) Master of Physiotherapy (Sports Physiotherapy) Master of Physiotherapy (Neurological Disorders) Master of Physiotherapy (Pediatric Physiotherapy) Master of Computer Applications Master of Business Administration M.B.A. Part-time (Evening) M.Sc. (Applied Psychology) M.Com. M.Sc. (Biotechnology) M.Sc. (Microbiology) M.Sc. (Chemistry) M.Sc. (Environmental Sciences) M.Sc. (Food Technology) M.Sc. (Mass Communication) M.Sc. (Mathematics) M.Sc. (Physics) M.Sc. (Advertising Management & Public Relations) Under Graduate Courses: Bachelor of Pharmacy Bachelor of Physiotherapy B.Tech. (Biomedical Engineering) B.Tech. (Computer Science & Engineering) B.Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) B.Tech. (Information Technology) B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) B.Tech. (Printing Technology) B.Tech. (Food Engineering) B.Tech. (Printing & Packaging Technology)

Price : At Counter for General By Post for General

Rs. 400/Rs. 450/-

At Counter for SC/BC of Haryana only Rs. 100/By Post for SC/BC of Haryana only Rs. 150/-

Prospectus can be had from :

DEPUTY DIRECTOR (Distance Education) Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar-125001 (Haryana) Study Centres of GJUS&T, Hisar Download from www.ddegjust.ac.in

Ptd. : Balaji, Hisar Ph. : 236053 E-mail : balaji.hisar@gmail.com

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