29 Ultra High Voltage

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Room 5.

2.9 ULTRA HIGH-VOLTAGE Wednesday, 14th September (11.00 - 12.45) Chm: Aki Ametani Rpt: Jinliang He
291 Availability of different transmission systems for long distance transmission C. Neumann, , B. Rusek, , U. Sundermann, , T. Benz, , N. Christl 292 Experimental study on corona environment effects of 1000-kV ac UHV transmission lines - J.L. He, J. Tang, B. Zhang, R. Zeng 293 Design study for 1000 kV UVH UVH-AC AC - Composite insulating string J.M. Seifert, D. Stefanini, F. Lehretz 294 Lightning strike characteristics of +/- 800-kV DC UHV transmission lines J.L. He, R. Zeng 295 Considerations for the standardization of high-speed earthing switches for secondary arc extinction on transmission lines - M. Toyoda, Y. Yamagata, LR. Jaenicke, H. Heiermeier, A. Lathouwers, K. Edwards, I.M. Kim, B. Han, G. Marquezin, M. Kosakada k d 296 Considerations and recommendations for the specification of UHV substation equipment - H. Ito, A.L.J. Janssen, D. Dufournet, Y. Yamagata, U. Riechert, P. Fernandez M. Fernandez, M Kosakada, Kosakada D. D Peelo 297 The impact of large renewable deployment on electricity high voltage systems G. Celli, S. Mocci, F. Pilo, S. Tedde, G. Fulli, A. Purvins, E. Tzimas

Availability of different long distance transmission systems

C. Neumann, B. Rusek, U. Sundermann, Amprion, Germany T. Benz, ABB, Germany N. Christl, Siemens, Germany

1 Introduction 2 Considered long distance transmission systems 3 Definitions 4 Approach to define the availability of components

Extra high voltage equipment Transformers LCC & VSC & SLC Overhead lines Cables

5 Results 6 Conclusions

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE C4 Bologna Bologna 2011 2011

In the next ten years an increase of power generation from renewables in Germany of 25 % up to 30% to be expected, the largest portion by offshore wind energy generation. Transmission of additional wind energy from northern to southern parts of Germany using existing structures is not possible Extension of the existing network needed, an overlay grid under discussion Various transmission technologies under consideration One of the main decision factors availability of the transmission system

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Considered transmission systems (500km, 3GW)

OHL +Series compensation

XLPE cables



Po Description wer









AC AC 2x3802x380- kV D with SC kV D 3600 3600

HVDC LCC AC 1x750-kV HVDC VSC 3Bx320-kV HVDC VSC 2x500- HVDC VSC 1Bx500-kV F* 2T cable kV D* 1x500-kV D* D* 4000 4000 3000 3600 2720

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011



Unavailability derived from forced energy unavailability FEU

If no exact data are available

Thereby : MDT - mean down time

MTBF Mean time between failures failure rate

5 Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Availability of EHV equipment

Reliability of the EHV equipment the worst failure rate value from the past CIGRE surveys and Amprion database. The assessment of outage time due to failure according Amprion service experience The unavailability is strongly affected by minor failures.
13% 20% 17% 33% Circuit-breaker instrumment transformer pantograph disconnector center-break disconnector earthing switch


Forced Energy Unavailability of a 380-kV-bay 1,4 hour / year

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Availability of transformers
Data source different CIGRE Surveys and Amprion experience Reliability LCC Transformers MTBF = 50 years per unit VSC (AC) Transformers MTBF = 100 years per unit Mean Down Time Time to replace a transformer = 48 hours FEU of transformer 0.48 0.96 hour / year

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Availability of VSC and LCC poles and SC

Power electronics MTBF = 5 years / pole MDT = 7 hours FEU of power electronics 1.4 hour / year

Share in unavailability for typical LCC and VSC 1-pole stations

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Availability of overhead lines

Data source FNN - German Forum for Network technology and Network operation 90% of single mode failures fault clearing with auto reclosing similar behaviour of DC systems 10% of common mode failures fault end-ups usually with an outage (except galloping conductors)

Interpretation of FNN data outages due to galloping conductors probable (included) less probable (excluded)

MTBF 3.86 years / 100 cct. km MDT 12h


FEU of OHL 3.1 hour / year

Typical towers in FNN

DC towers

Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Availability of DC cables
No data for on-land DC XLPE Use of data for AC XLPE (CIGRE, TB 379) adjustments: AC 3 phases DC 2 poles Joint every 0.8 km per cable 2.5 joints per cct. km

MTBF = 8.06 year / 100 cct. km MDT = 120 h (4 - 5 days) !!

FEU of DC cable 14.8 hours / year


Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Forced energy unavailability comparison of different long distance transmission systems

Forced Energy Unavailability %
1,2 2,5 Transmission lines (OHL/cables) 1,0 EHV switchyard UHV switchyard Transformer 0,8 Converter stations (VSC,LCC, SLC) 88% 0,6 73% 82% 0,4 9% 0,2 27% 0,0 (AC1a) 8% 10% (AC1b) 19% 20% (AC2) 34% 48% (DC2c) 8% 52% 58% 41% 11% 12% 30% (DC2a) (DC1) 42% 28% 2.48



Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011

Comparable forced energy unavailability of AC & DC systems with overhead lines 1.7 - 3.3 days/year Availability of the transmission lines is crucial Slightly worse availability of VSC systems caused by higher number of components and some power restrictions VSC option using cables as transmission system is strongly affected by the presumed availability of the XLPE cables Since many new LCC and VSC systems are going to be installed, the service performance should thoroughly be observed


Availability of long distance transmission systems| CIGRE Bologna 2011


Dr. J. M. Seifert; Ing. D. Stefanini

Ing. Fabian Lehretz

Technology Survey



Capacity in GW

765kV 400/500kV





0.001 1 10

HVDC - Smart
100 1000 10000

Transmission Distance in km

Composite Insulator - 1100kV

Tab. 1: Insulation coordination for 1000/1200 kV

Composite Insulator - 1100kV Field Control

Tab. 2: Maximum electrical design field stresses at the composite insulator

Location Insulator shank Triple point Evaluation Criterion (EPRI) Path length on which Etg > 4.2 kV/cm shorter than 10 mm Etg < 3.5 kV/cm

Fig. 3: Tangential Field distribution along the insulator axis and field plot of HV region

HTV - Composite Insulator - Pollution Performance

1 p.u. 0,9 0,8 0,7

0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 % 100 ATH content (by weight) HTM Tracking & Erosion Resistance Outdoor performance

HTV Composite Insulator - Pollution Performance

140 120 100 80 RTV-2 60 40 20 0 0 4 8 Transfer Time 12 d 16 RTV-1 HTV-Gen III/IV HTV-Gen II HTV-Gen I LSR Generation III/IV HTVPDMS / ATH filled

Static Contact Angle

The IST sensitivity analysis in Fig. 3 for the study insulator will result in a 2%ESDD pollution performance of 0.22 mg/cm (heavy pollution). More performance can be reached if more underrib sheds will be added (up to CF of 4.0). At same length 2%-ESDD of 0.60.8 mg/cm can be achieved with silicone rubber insulators of this design.
11,0 10,5 10,0 9,5 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28
IEC 60815 Very Light Light Medium

9,0 8,5 8,0 7,5 7,0 6,5 6,0 5,5 5,0 4,5 0,001 0,01 0,1


Very Heavy

26 24 22 1

0,22 mg/cm

Pollution Severity: 2% ESDD Level (mg/cm)

Fig. 6: Insulation Length in m and USCD in mm/kV in dependence on ESDD 2% site pollution.

Unified Specific Creepage Distance (mm/kVinsulator)

Insulation Length (m)

Test Results All Tests passed!

600 / 800 kV HVDC

Required Insulation Length:
HEAVY (IEC 60815): ESDD=0.1mg/cm - NSDD=0.3mg/cm

533 kV
Glass / Porcelain Silicone Rubber Composite

600 kV 12.6m 7.3m

800 kV 15.1m 9.6m

9.8m 6.4m

2011BOLOGNASYMPOSIUM TheElectricPowerSystem y oftheFuture IntegratingSupergridsandMicrogrids 1315September2011,Bologna,Italy

LightningStrikeCharacteristicsof+/ 800kVDCUHVTransmissionlines
JinliangHe andR.Zeng

HighVoltageResearchInstitute Dept.ofElectricalEngineering TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing,China

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Morethan70%failuresoftransmissionlineswerecausedbylightningstrikes Accordingtotheoperationexperiencesof1150kVactransmissionlinesin Russia,thelightningtripoutratewas84.4%,itslengthis493.2km For500kVandabovetransmissionline:shieldingfailureisthemainreason Li ht i striking Lightning t iki h hasfollowing f ll i characteristics: h t i ti

Determinacy:oneobjectmustbestroked Randomness:Objectstrokedisrandom

EGM(Electrogeometric g Model) Geometrybased,notprocessbased Noeffectofcomplexground configuration Geometricalparametersensitive Suitablefor330kVandbelow Predictedshieldingfailurenumber muchfewerthanreality LPM(LeaderPropagation p g Model) Processbased,butalongmaxfield Groundconfigurationtoosimpletobe realistic Electricalparametersensitive Suitablefor500kVandabove Decidedbyadjustedparameters
EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



Processbased,appliedtocomplexgroundconfiguration Branchedandtortuouscharacteristicsoflightningchannel Containingsomeuncertaintyandstochasityinthemodel


Selfsimilarityandmultiscalepropertyofgasdischarges Channeldevelopingprobabilisticallydrivenbyelectricfield Onlyconsideringgroundconfigurationsasboundarycondition

Purpose u poseo ofthis ispape paper:

Applicationoffractalmodelonlightningshieldinganalysisoftransmissionline ModifytheDielectricBreakdownModel(DBM)tomakeitadaptabletotransmission li configuration line fi ti Thestatisticresults:consideringtherandomnessoflightningstrikes

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Fractal ac a dimension i e sio

( Ei ) Pi ( Ei )

[from: J. [f J Riousset Ri t and dV V. Pasko, EMR3 2006 report ]

Operatingvoltageoftransmission li ecan line a beconsidered o ide ed

CoreAlgorithm(DBM):Ateachtimestep Solve electricfieldviaPoisson Poissons sEquation Select directionforthenextdevelopment EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

LightningcurrentmagnitudeQ=f(Im), chargesareassumeduniformlydistributed inthefractalchannels

43 106 I 2/ 3

16.5106 I 2/3

without i ou with i fractal ac a channels c a es

Upwardleaderinception Localfieldcriterion Ge e algrounded General ou dedobject: obje t Ec 500kV/m 500kV/ Transmissionline:

Ec 3000m(1 0.03 / r )

Hotspotconcept Hotspotsdistributeeveryseveralmeters alongthelineedges,cornersandtips ofthetower Overoneupwardleaderscanbeincepted Upwardleadersinceptonlyathotspots

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



Calculatedbyboxcountingmethod Asacriteriontotestifysimulationresults Photographsare2Dprojectionsofactualflashes Simulatedlightningchannelsin3Dspaceshouldbe projectedtovariousverticalplanesandthen calculatethefractaldimensionsoftheprojections



Reference [25] [26] [27]

FractalDimension 1.05~1.4, 1 05 1 4 Avg:1.213 A 1 213 1.1~1.3,Avg:1.137 1.1970.03 1.1~1.4 1.1~1.3

Method Boxcounting B i Polygon Boxcounting Boxcounting

DataSource photographs h h photographs simulation photographs simulation EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Shieldingfailureofa500kVACline Illustrationofvariouslightning g gstrikep positions

Onthehorizontalground,even ifthetransmissionlinesatisfies thep perfectshielding gcondition, , shieldingfailurefaultremains possible Whentheg groundobliquity q yis relativelysmall,theresultsof fractalsimulationaremuchhigher thanEGMandclosertoreality Largerobliquitywillreplacethe randomnessoflightningbeingthe mainfactorthatdetermines occurrenceofshielding gfailure

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


lightningwithstandinglevelsof(+)and ()poleconductorsare32.9and23.3kA
F t l Model Fractal M d l
500 400 500 400 300 300 200 100 0 -100 -50 0 200 100 0 50 -10 -5 0 5 200




He eight (m)


100 10 -10 -5 0 5 10

Lateral Distance (m)

Thelightningleaderoffractalmodelhasarelativelylargespan,whilethatofLPMcanonlypropagate tothesmallareaawayfromthestartingpoint,andthatofEGMpropagatetothearearightbelowthe startingpoint

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


EGMandLPMdevelopverticallyornearvertically,thispropertyleadstothedistributionof theinitiatingpointandfallingpointoftheirleadersapproachestoastraightline line. Butthefractalmodelhasscattereddistributionoftheinitiatingpointandfallingpointofits leader.Thismeansdownwardleaderinitiatingfromfarplacecanstillhaveinfluenceonthe transmissionline

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



meansthattheprotectiveanglevariesalongtheline Ifthesagofshieldingwireislargerthanthatofpoleconductors,orequivalently theprotectiveangleinthemiddleoftheintervalincreases,thelightning protectionmaylosesomeeffectiveness Forexample,probabilityofstrikestomiddlehalfofpositiveconductorincreases from0.032(nosag)to0.049(withsag) ydistributionoflightning g gstrikep pointsoverthe Probability intervalbetweentwotowers
Strikepoints thetowers middlehalfofshieldingwires otherpartofshieldingwires middlehalfofpositiveconductor otherpartofpositiveconductor Probability(totalsimulationnumber1000) Nosag g 0.300 0.292 0.336 0.032 0.029 0.006 0.005 Considering gsag g 0.294 0.271 0.335 0.049 0.032 0.011 0.008 EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

middlehalfofnegativeconductor; other h partof fnegativeconductor d

Shieldingfailureismostprobabletooccurinmiddlepartoftransmissionline Ourstatisticalresultsleadtotheratiobetweennumbersofshielding gfailurefaults of(+)and()conductors(~8:1),veryclosetotheoperationdata(8~10:1)ofHVDC linesofChinaSouthernPowerGrid


EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China


Thefractalmethodtracksthedevelopingprocessoflightningleader,takesinto accountsomerandomfactorsandthereforeleadstoresultsthataremoreconsistent withoperatingdata, data whileEGMtendstomakeoveroptimisticevaluationsinthe lightningprotectiondesignofEHVandUHVtransmissionlines. Thedistributionoflightningstrikepointsoverarangealongthe800kVHVDC transmissionlinefromthesimulationresultsofthefractalmethod, method indicates definitelythatthepositiveconductorinthemiddleoftheintervalbetweentwo neighboringtowersistheweakpartoflightningprotection,andprovidea promising p gapproach pp fortheoptimization p oftheconfiguration g ofshielding gwiresand poleconductors.Theratiobetweenthenumbersofshieldingfailurefaultsof positiveandnegativeconductorsisabout8:1. Inactualengineering, g g wecanimprove p thelightning g gprotection p property p p yof transmissionlinesbycontrollingthesagsofshieldingwiresandphaseorpole conductors.

EMEtech, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Considerations for the Standardization of High-speed earthing switches for secondary arc extinction on transmission lines
On behalf of IEC SC17A PT48 M. TOYODA Toshiba Japan A. LATHOUWERS KEMA Netherland Y. YAMAGATA TEPCO Japan K. EDWARDS BPA U.S.A. G. MARQUEZIN Alstom Grid France L-R. JAENICKE Siemens Germany I. M. KIM Hyundai H. I. R. of Korea M. KOSAKADA Toshiba Japan H. HEIERMEIER ABB Switzerland B. HAN CEPRI China


HSES for 550kV system in BPA

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)


HSES for 800kV system in KEPCO

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

HSES(High Speed Earthing Switch) is used for secondary arc extinction. Technical study on this equipment is required for IEC standardization. This standardization activity is conducting by IEC SC17A/PT48 from 2009-1 Analysis on HSES interruption has conducted for definition of duties. Categorization is done from fault condition.

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Basic Function of HSES Single phase interruption sequence

Transmission fault occurs
0 sec


CB HSES Primary arc

Clear the faulted phase

0.07 sec

Secondary arc

HSESs at each end close to clear the secondary arc

0.27 sec

Clear secondary arc

HSESs at each end open

0.8 sec

Circuit breakers reclose

1 sec


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Direct lightning strokes to phase lines

Direct lightning stroke to the upper phase line

Direct lightning stroke to the middle phase line and flashover


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Location and number of the lightning strokes Red underline shows the lightning strokes in 1 second.
UHV designed OH-line

11 strokes

9 strokes


Area I

Area II

Several lightning strokes can occur in a short time (less than 1 second) along the transmission lines.

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

possibility of the successive fault Evaluation from the aspect of lightning Several direct lightning strokes within 1 second may result in a multi-phase fault on UHV designed transmission lines.

The possibility of the successive fault due to a direct lightning stroke cannot be disregarded. Therefore, a successive fault as a study condition of HSESs specifications should be adopted.

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Successive fault
Definition: additional earth fault that occurs in the adjacent phase circuit during the time interval of a single-phase earth fault prior to reclosing by circuit-breakers
tim e (m s) from the First lightning stroke Fault occurs
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Circuit breaker

CB1,2 Break: at 70ms CB keeps open HSES Close: at 270ms HSES keeps close HSES Open command: at 700ms

CB 1,2 reclose: at 1000ms


HSES Closing time

Opening time Arcing time (1020ms HSES Break : around 740ms

HSES Close command: at 170ms Successive faults on the other phases/ lines Successive faults donot affect on the HSES interruption since the successive faults on the other phases/ lines will have been cleared by CBs prior to the HSES opening

HSESarcing time may be longer in some conditions of successive fault

Around 80ms Successive fault may affect on HSES interruption since it may not have been cleared yet.


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

depending on fault modes & operating sequence
Category Description This is a basic case. Only one single-line earth fault occurs within the transmission circuits. For both electromagnetic and electrostatic duties, the currents to be interrupted and recovery voltages are low. The values of category 0 are covered by those of Category 1. One single-phase earth fault plus another single-phase earth fault on different circuit without successive fault. This is the case that up to one single-phase earth fault within each circuit in a double-circuit system. This Category will be covered by class H1 in [3] This is the case that a successive single-phase earth fault occurs during HSES opening operation at the phase where the first single-phase earth fault occurs. Successive fault may occur in the same circuit or in the other circuit located in the vicinity of the circuit with a faulted line. This Category will be covered by class H2 in [3] This is the case that a single-phase earth faults with delayed current zero phenomena occurs in the presence of a successive single-phase earth fault. During the delayed current zero period HSES should be withstood against the stress caused by the arc generated between the contacts of HSES. This is the case that multi-phase faults occur within two or more phase circuits which are located in the vicinity each other. At least two different phases should be remained without fault condition.

Category 0

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Calculated values and proposed values

One set of duties will be proposed for the standard
Table 4 Calculated and proposed values
Electromagnetic coupling Comparison between calculated and proposed values Rated induced current A(rms) Rated power frequency recovery voltage kV(rms) 76 First TRV peak kV Time to first peak ms Electrostatic coupling Rated induced current A(rms) Rated induced voltage kV(rms)

Category 1(1)

744 (832)(3) 6832 6800


1.92 (1.0)(4) 0.6 0.6



Category 2(2) Duty

232 240

576 580

228 230

235 235

Note: (1) Up to 300km transmission line is considered for calculation in Category 1 (2) Up to 200km transmission line is considered for calculation in category 2. (3) Calculated value in parentheses is obtained by China tower model. (4) Calculated value in parentheses is obtained by China tower model and also duty in BPA 500kV HSES specification


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Comparison of earthing switch, fast acting earthing switch and HSES

Requirement Earthing switch (Class E0 in IEC 62271102) for maintenance Slow motion e.g. Hand operated Slow motion e.g. Hand operated None Must carry the full short circuit current none none Withstand capability against full short circuit current Fast acting earthing switch (Class E1 (& E2) in IEC 62271-102) for fault making Fast (High speed) closing operation Slow motion May be hand operated Must be able to make and to carry the full short circuit current none close 2 (or 5) closings against full short circuit current High speed earthing switch for secondary arc extinction (HSES) Fast (High speed) closing operation, controlled Fast opening, controlled Must be able to make and to carry the full shortcircuit current Must be able to interrupt induced current and to withstand a TRV Close- open 2 closings against full short circuit current

Closing Opening

Making capability

Clearing capability Operating cycle endurance


Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

Comparison between four-legged reactor and HSES

four-legged reactor Secondary arc extinction - Effective for single-phase fault that hold the majority of the faults. - Difficult to choose a reactance value of reactors that effectively reduce the secondary arc current for all fault modes. - In case a substation is constructed in the middle of a line, it might be required to substitute a reactor that has already installed. HSES

- Quick extinction for all fault modes.

Flexibility to the change of network

- Not affect on the substation equipment that has already installed.

Control /Protection



- Automatic sequential control such as fault detection CB open - Special control is unnecessary for HSES close HSES open CB secondary arc extinction. close is necessary in each phase, and it can be easily realized. - Four-legged shunt reactor is appropriate for transmission lines which require shunt reactors for voltage control, while HSES would be economical for the lines without shunt reactors. - Detailed analysis is necessary so as not to cause resonance between - Highly reliable control system is shunt reactor inductance and line required since a mal-function leads capacitance not only in power to a ground fault. frequency of 50/60Hz but also in P-13 the high frequency band.

Cigr International Symposium 13-15 September 2011 Bologna (Italy)

PT48 in IEC SC17A works for HSES standardization from 2009-1 Effect of system parameters to the interrupting duties is studied and categories are introduced as interrupting duties Contacting with CIGRE WG A3.22 and A3.28 Principal topics discussed in this paper are; coordination with CB re-closing systems timing coordination of HSES operation with CBs consideration for successive fault on transmission line


CIGRE SC A3 Colloquium Vienna, Austria, September 7th - 8th 2011

Thank you for your kind attention !


Considerations and Recommendations for the Specification of UHV Substation Equipment On behalf of CIGRE WG A3.22 / A3.28
Hiroki Ito, Mitsubishi Electric Anton Janssen, Liander Denis Dufournet, Alstom Grid Yoshibumi Yamagata, TEPCO Uwe Riechert, ABB Paulo Fernandez, Eletrobras Masayuki Kosakada, Toshiba David Peelo, Consultant

Scope: Review the state-of-the-art of project specific and national technical specifications for all substation equipment within the scope of CIGRE Study Committee A3 at voltages exceeding 800 kV. Recommend future specifications and standardizations of 1100 kV and 1200 kV equipment and provide technical backgrounds on the collected information to IEC TC17.

CIGRE Symposium in Bologna, 13-14 September 2011

Highest voltage of AC power transmission

Highest voltage of AC power transmission kV 1200 1100 800 550 420 300 1950
420kV (1957-,USSR) 380kV (1952-,Sweden) 787kV 735/765kV (1967-,USSR) (1965-,Canada) 1200kV (1985-91,USSR) 1100kV field tests (1996-,Japan) 1200kV (2012-,India) 1100kV (2008-,China)

800kV (USA, South Africa, Brazil, Korea, China)

25.7 20.1 4.8 1970 7.6 1980 14.0 12.1 World electricity consumption (1000TWh) year 1990 2000 2010 2020


Russian 1200kV GCB

TEPCO UHV testing station

China 1100kV substation

Insulation level: LIWV / LIPL and SIWV / SIPL

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 800 kV 1050 kV 1200 kV 1100 kV LIPL (value in kV) LIWV for transformers LIWV for other equipment

2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0

SIPL (value in kV) SIWV for transformers SIWV for other equipment

800 kV

1050 kV

1200 kV

1100 kV

Maximum SFO for different opening practices


Maximum overvoltage (p.u.)

1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1

Fault locations in the middle of the lines


Without resistor
Voltage (kV)

1.83 p.u.

With 500 ohm resistor 1.65 1.52


Time (ms)



(a) Without Resistor

(SA protection level: V20kA=1,620kV)

Voltage (kV)

1.0 Fault condition CB operation

3-phase open

3-phase open

1-phase open

1LG: Single-phase line fault to ground 3LG: Three-phase line faults to ground

1.42 p.u.

Time (ms) (b) With Resistor (500 ohm)

Slow-Front Overvoltage (SFO) level depends on the fault-type and tends to be larger in an order of 1LG < 2LG < 3LG. Even though the probability of 2LG & 3LG faults is comparatively small, in the event of a successive fault occurring in a healthy line followed by a fault clearing in another line there could be serious consequence for the system. 4

DC time constants in fault currents

Calculations predict a large DC time constants in fault current in UHV transmission systems due to usage of multi sub-conductor bundles and the existence of large capacity power transformers.
Highest voltage (kV) 800 Canada 800 USA 800 South Africa 800 Brazil 800 China 1200 Russia 1050 Italy 1100 Japan 1100 China 1200 India Conductors Size Bundle (mm2 ) DC time constants ( ms )

Tower and conductor designs

1100kV transmission lines 810mm sq. -8 conductors

800kV transmission lines 1360mm sq. -4 conductors 20.12m

428 603 400 400 520 810 500 774


35 (54.5) m 22.6 (42.1) m

686 572

4 6 6 4 6 8 8 8 8 8


89 67 88 75 91 100 150 120 100

12m 12m


800kV transmission lines 1360mm sq. -4 conductors 42.7m


120m 107.5m 90m 72.5m

40.3m 27.4m


Influences of the high DC component on test-duty T100a does not show any significant difference when the constant exceeds around 120ms. Therefore, it was recommended to use a time constant of 120 ms for rated voltages higher than 800 kV. 5

UHV TRV requirements

Voltage Uc TRV peak Uc / t2
2000 1800 1600 1400

T100, kpp=1.2, kaf=1.5, t2=3xt1 T60, kpp=1.2, kaf=1.5, t2=4.5xt1

T60, kpp=1.2, kaf=1.5, t2=3xt1

U (kV)


U1 / t1 RRRV

Uc: TRV peak = Kpp x Kaf x Ur 2/3 U1: First reference voltage = 0.75 x Kpp x Ur 2/3 U1/ t1: Rate of rise of TRV t2 : time to TRV peak
t2 = 4 x t1 for T100, t2 = 6 x t1 for T60

1200 1000 800 600 400 200

T60, kpp=1.3, kaf=1.5, t2=6xt1 T60, kpp=1.2, kaf=1.5, t2=6xt1 T100, kpp=1.3, kaf=1.4, t2=4xt1


ITRV ti t1
First-pole-toclear factor

TRV for T100 and T60 with Ur=1100 kV

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (s) 1400 1600 1800 2000

Amplitude factor


DUTY T100 T60 T30 T10 TLF Out-of-phase

1100 kV
TRV peak (kV)

1200 kV
TRV peak (kV)

Rate of Rise of TRV RRRV (kV/s)

Time to TRV peak

Time to TRV peak

Kpp 1.2 (1.3) 1.2 (1.3) 1.2 (1.3) 1.2 (1.3) 1.2 (1.5) 2.0

Kaf 1.5 (1.4) 1.5 1.54 1.76 0.9*1.7 1.25

t2 3.0*t1 (4*t1) 4.5*t1 (6*t1)


1617 1617 1660 1897 1649 2245

1764 1764 1811 2076 1799 2450

2 3 5 7 (*)

t3 (t3) t3 (t3)

1.38*t1 (2*t1)

Values ( ) are standards for 800 kV and below. t1 and t3 are based on Kpp=1.2 0.21 shown in the ANSI C37.06.1-2000 for transformers up to 550 kV (*) : RRRV= Uc / t3 with t3 =6 * Ur / I For UHV transformers, RRRV and t3 are determined by the transformer impedance and its equivalent surge capacitance (specified as 9 nF)

Effect of MOSA on TRV waveforms

2000 1500

T60, Breaking current : 26.2kA

TRV for T60 with twice TRV peak value of existing 550kV standard Uc=1751kV (Kpp=1.3, Kaf=1.5) TRVpeak=1586kV Uc=1635kV (Kpp=1.3, Kaf=1.4)

2000 1500

T100, Breaking current : 33.8kA

TRV for T100 with twice TRV peak value of existing 550kV standards TRVpeak=1502kV Uc=1635kV (Kpp=1.3, Kaf=1.4) TRVpeak=1380kV

Voltage (kV)

1000 500 0

Voltage (kV)


1000 500 0

Without MOSA With MOSA (A type characteristic) With MOSA (B type characteristic)

Without MOSA With MOSA (A type characteristic) With MOSA (B type characteristic)

Time (ms)

Time (ms)

The clipping or suppression level of 1400 kV would lead to a specified TRV level of 1617 kV considering a certain margin between the circuit-breaker performances and the MOSA protection levels. This recommendation corresponds to the inherent peak value for T100 and close to the inherent peak value for T60. 7

HSGS/HSES requirements
Transmission fault occurs (0 sec) Clear the faulted phase (0.07 sec) HSGS at each end close to clear the secondary arc (0.27 sec) HSGS at each end open (0.8 sec) Circuit breakers reclose (1.0 sec)
close open GCB HSGS open secondary arc primary arc


HSGS open


Clear secondary arc


open close

Recommendations for HSGS requirements by IEC SC17A PT-48 (See paper A3-103)

Summary and Considerations

Insulation levels Suppressing switching overvoltage as much as possible is a predominant factor to reduce the height of transmission towers and the dimension of open-air parts in substations. Such technologies as MOSA with higher performance, CB with opening/closing resistors, DS with switching resistor can effectively suppress the switching surges less than 1.6pu for substation equipment and 1.7pu for OH-lines. Secondary arc 4-legged shunt reactor can reduce the secondary arc current by a half. Secondary arc can be extinguished less than 1 sec. if the current does not exceed 60 A. First-pole-to-clear factor (FPCF) Use of a large capacity power transformer reduces FPCF (1.1 for Japan, 1.2 for India) DC time constant / Line surge impedance Multi sub-conductors bundles with large diameter can increase the time constants (150 ms for Japan, 120 ms for China) and reduce the line surge impedance around 350 ohm. TRV MOSAs reduce the TRV peak for some terminal faults below the SIPL for in UHV systems. TRVs for TLF give severe rate-of-rise of TRV (RRRV) only in special cases.

CIGRE Symposium in Bologna, 13-14 September 2011

Publications of CIGRE WG A3.22

2007 Technical paper presented at IEC-CIGRE UHV symposium in Beijing 2-4-1 Technical requirements for UHV substation equipments 2008 First Technical Brochure published in December TB 362 Technical requirements for substation equipments exceeding 800 kV CIGRE Session paper presented at 2008 CIGRE session in Paris A3-211 Technical requirements for UHV substation equipments 2009 Technical paper presented at IEC-CIGRE UHV symposium in New Delhi 3-1 System impacts on UHV substation equipment 4-1 CIGRE state of the art & prospects for equipment 2011 Second Technical Brochure published in April TB456 Background of technical specifications of substation equipment exceeding 800 kV Technical paper presented at 2011 SC A3 colloquium in Vienna A3-101 Background information & study results for specifications of UHV substation equipment > WG A3.28 will continue the studies on UHV / EHV switching equipment 10

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

The Impact of Large Renewable Deployment on Electricity High Voltage Systems

G. CELLI, S. MOCCI, F. PILO, S. TEDDE Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Cagliari ITALY G. FULLI, A. PURVINS, E. TZIMAS European Commission, DG JRC, Institute for Energy Petten, The Netherlands

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Presentation Outline
Introduction The Sardinian Power System Power Generation and Load Demand in Sardinia Renewable Energy Sources integration in Sardinia Scenarios in 2020 and 2030 Results Remarks

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

The Sardinian AC Grid

380 kV AC Transmission Lines Total [km] 304,9

380 kV EHV transmission network from North to South of Sardinia connects the two areas with the biggest power plants. A shorter 380 kV EHV line connects the two HVDC stations.
220 kV AC Transmission Lines Total 150 kV AC Transmission Total [km] 1335,1 [km] 2064,6
500 kV HVDC 200 kV HVDC 220 kV AC 380 kV AC

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Sardinian DC Grid
200 kV, 300 MW HVDC (SACOI)

Currently the SA.CO.I. is under scheduling a revamp to increase reliability and power capacity 500 kV, 1000 MW HVDC (SAPEI) Connection from Sardinia to the mainland. Two HVDC converter Santo, Latina). stations (Fiume

The HVDC system is a bipole of 1.000 MW. Each pole has a capacity of 500MW at 500 kV with 1.000 A as nominal current. The DC cable is laid beneath the Tyrrhenian Sea at depths of up to 1,600 meters.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

2008 vs 2010 Power Generation Capacity

The energy production in Sardinia on 2008 was dominated by thermal plants which covers 72% of the total Sardinian electricity generation
12.11% 0.41% 0.42% 12.46% Hydro Thermoelectric Photovoltaic 74.59% Wind Biomass 71.94 % 13.99 % 2.23% 1.63% 10.21 %

The expansion of RES power plants installed in Sardinia, especially wind and PV power, has reduced the share of traditional power plants
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Renewable Power Generation in Sardinia

A fast growth of the PV Distribution of wind capacity integration in the power systems with reference to the number of power plants and power capacity In the last 5 years there has been a great increase of wind power production that will be doubled in the next ten years (1750 MW on 2020). The orography and hydrography of the Sardinian territory do not allow large hydro generation capacity.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

2008 Load Demand and Location

Agricolture Industry Zone SS Ca CI OT NU OR VS OG Tot GWh 38,6 37,4 11,7 11,4 24,6 61,7 18,8 7,2 211,2 GWh 683 2.593 3.187,9 128,9 289,1 103,4 71,6 29,6 7.086,2 Tertiary GWh 449 927 135,2 351,1 183,9 178,7 100,5 60,9 2.386,4 Residential GWh 458 775,6 172 289,4 190,2 194,4 111,1 60,5 2.251,4 Total GWh 1.629 4.333 3.506 780,7 687,7 538,2 302 158,2 11.935

One third of demand is concentrated in the south Strong increasing Load is widespread with very low density summer
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage




Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Seasonal Daily Load Profile

The 2008 peak demand in Sardinia was 1825 MW registered in August due to the high use of air conditioners
16/04/2008 2000 Daily load [MW] 1600 1200 800 400 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Hour 14 16 18 20 22 30/07/2008 15/10/2008 02/12/2008

Maximum peak load appears around 8-9 p.m. during summer Minimum valley load around 3-4 a.m. during winter Average summer peak and winter valley load data were chosen to create worst conditions for grid operation with high RES shares.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Grid Expansion in 2020

1. New 380 kV connection between Fiumesanto/Selargius EHV line and Codrongianos power station (new power station in Ittiri);

380 kV AC

2. Building and revamping of the transmission grid in the North-West 150 kV AC part of Sardinia (Gallura region); 3. Building of new 150 kV lines in the 150 kV AC Cagliari area.

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Grid Expansion in 2030

1) HVDC monopolar connection to the mainland (SA.CO.I) is put back into service with the same capacity of the existing one (300 MW); 2) Upgrades of the existing 150 kV low capacity lines in the North-West of Sardinia; 3) Refurbishment of the old 70 kV lines in the middle of the island with 150 kV new lines; 4) A possible new monopolar 500 MW/500 kV HVDC link between Algeria and Sardinia to import green energy from North Africa
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Load Forecast
- PEAK LOAD - VALLEY LOAD 2008-2020 2020-2030 2008-2020 2020-2030 + 1,5% + 1% + 0,9% + 1%

The PV generators reduce the energy demand from power supply, the overall yearly power supply and the number of possible congestions caused by excessive demand
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Generation Expansion
1% 0% 2% 4% 9%
Thermal Wind Photovoltaic CHP Hydro

4% 7% 1% 2% 8%


25% 53%


Solar thermodynamic Biomass + Urban Residual

Investments on Thermal Generation infrastructures aim at improving the efficiency of the existing generation plants. Solar Thermodynamic (CSP) and micro CHP in 2020 connection of one 20 MW CSP and 70 MW CHP; in 2030 integration of larger CSP plants and 200 MW CHP.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

The AC power flow studies have been performed using a NewtonRaphson iterative method to characterize the steady state operation. RES production has been dispatched with the highest priority The dispatching of the thermal generation units has been scaled down in accordance with their technical constraints (e.g. minimum power production). For the inflow of energy from Algeria two alternative assumptions:
The CSP power has always higher dispatch priority versus Sardinian wind production: the export capacity of the Sardinian grid is practically halved The Sardinian wind production has higher dispatch priority versus the Algerian power import. In this case, it has been assumed that the import from the Algerian CSP power plants could be curtailed in order to allow full wind production.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Results (scenario 2020)

CASE STUDIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Peak Load-Wind 50%- SAR.CO. 50%-NO PV Peak Load-Wind 90%- SAR.CO. 50%-NO PV Peak Load-Wind 90%- SAR.CO. 100%-NO PV Peak Load-Wind 90%- SAR.CO. 100%-PV Peak Load-Wind 90%- SAR.CO. 100%-PV & CHP Valley Load-Wind 50%- SAR.CO.100%-NO PV Valley Load-Wind 90%- SAR.CO.100%-NO PV Valley Load-Wind 89%- SAR.CO.100%-NO PV & CHP Number of branches within each congestion level
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 70% 80% 90% 100%

Scenario with the greatest losses: SAR.CO. exploited up to 100% 90% wind generation No reduction given by the PV generation Scenario with the smallest losses valley load scenarios in the same conditions. The increased power production causes a greater exploitation of the 380 kV network and HVDC connections. The 150 and 220 kV network is less used with a reduction of power flows on those lines 14


Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Remarks (Scenario 2020)

The SA.PE.I HVDC link to mainland raises the export capacity of the Sardinian system and permits increasing significantly the generation level of the conventional thermoelectric technology. The wind production takes advantage from the SAPEI and no curtailment is required (in steady state conditions). Some limitations may occur with high wind production due to local network congestions The PV generation does not reduce the evening peak load of the Sardinian system, but it is able to partially reduce the active losses and the exploitation of some 150 kV lines, especially during the midday peak load. From the point of view of the Italian electricity market, the almost complete elimination of the congestions on the Sardinia mainland connection allows reducing the zonal prices of Sardinia as well as the unique national energy price.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Results (Scenario 2030)

CASE STUDIES 1 2 3 4 5 Peak Load-Wind 90% - SAR.CO.0% - NO PV-Algeria 100% Peak Load-Wind 90% - SAR.CO.0% - PV - Algeria 47% Peak Load-Wind 90% - SAR.CO.0% - PV - CHP Algeria 6.5% Peak Load-Wind 90% - SAR.CO.100% - Algeria 60% Peak Load-Wind 90% - SAR.CO.100% - CHP-Algeria 40% Number of branches within each congestion level
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 70% 80% 90% 100%

The SA.PE.I. HVDC link capacity available to export the Sardinian RES power generation has been reduced, causing the RES generation curtailment. The SA.CO.I. revamping increases the export capacity to the mainland. The scenario with the largest losses: maximum wind generation utmost import from Algeria

The balance between the power locally produced and the 0 1 2 3 4 5 local consumption allows not SCENARIOS exceeding the rated capacity of 16 the lines Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Remarks (scenario 2030)

The HVDC connection with Algeria will significantly impact the Sardinian power system with possible curtailment of the power generation:
The generation of the conventional thermoelectric power plants should be reduced to preserve the wind production at the evening peak load. Storage devices and electric vehicles are necessary to preserve adequate reserve margin and comply with technical constraints of thermal generation when PV generation is maxima. At off-peak hours, the wind production has to be limited (80%) if Algerian power gets dispatch priority. On the contrary, if the Sardinian RES generation gets highest dispatch priority, the HVDC connection with Algeria will be used at 60% of its capacity.

The 150 kV network is the most critical asset of the Sardinia transmission grid.
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Question I
According the analysis of the paper, in order not to curtail the wind production during the evening peak load, it is necessary to limit the maximum generation level of the conventional thermoelectric power plants (around 50% of the nominal installed capacity). Whats the suitable ratio between RES and thermoelectric power?

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Answer I
- The suitable ratio between RES and thermoelectric power is the one expected for 2020: 1000 / 3358 30% because a greater increase of wind generation, such as those planned for 2030, requires generation curtailment. - The dramatic increasing of PV (250 MW already installed, 400 MW expected by 2013) will probably cause wind and thermal generation curtailment in summer windy days

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Question II
The author has been demonstrated with the study that the 150 kV network is the most critical asset of the Sardinia transmission grid where the majority of wind farms are connected particularly in the north-east part of the island. Connecting the wind farms to higher voltage systems such as 220 kV or 380 kV networks can alleviate network congestions, but at very high costs for power producers and system stakeholders. Whats the best high voltage grade for the network with RES

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Answer II
Number of branches within each congestion level
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 70% 80% 90% 100%

By moving wind farms to 220 kV level: - A drastic reduction of congestions; - An improvement of active power losses (37,13 MW versus 34 MW)
150 kV Voltage Level 220 kV voltage Level

The best high voltage grade for the network with RES is 220 kV level, because: - The 380 kV network is poorly developed and the connection costs are too high; - the 220 kV level is the best compromise between cost and reliability of the connection
Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage

Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Question III
Large RES generation facilities are far from the main urban consumption areas, long distance power transmission infrastructures are required, an increase in active losses takes place and some additional difficulties in local voltage control may also arise. How do the renewable energy sources affect the structure of power transmission network? And How does the power transmission network affect the application of RES?

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011

Answer III
The structure of the transmission network of the future is affected by a high penetration level of RES and it will be necessary a re-sizing of some connections in order to export the RES energy to the north and then to the mainland. The power system affects the application of RES introducing some limits to the distributed generation connection to the grid mainly due to the fact that the grid has not been constituted to receive high level of RES

Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


Cigr International Symposium

Bologna 13-15 Sept. 2011


Bologna 14 Sept. 2011 - Session 2.9 Ultra High Voltage


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