Mnemonic Diagrams For Thermodynamic Systems: James M. Phillips
Mnemonic Diagrams For Thermodynamic Systems: James M. Phillips
Mnemonic Diagrams For Thermodynamic Systems: James M. Phillips
where m is the number of component species of the system. The conjugate intensive parameters are given by The differential form of the fundamental equation is written
Figure 1. Athrae-dimensional mnemonic diagram for a simple thermodynamic system. The cube veniws represent the thermodynamic potentials and the adjacent cube faces the corresponding natural variables. Opposing faces are the conjugate pairs of thermodynamic variables. The octahedron edges are guides to the thermodynamic relationships(for details see ref 3. Note the top view is the traditlonel hvoUimensionai Born diagram.
Equation 3 is the sumof the possible interactions a system of interest may have with a reservoir dU=dQ-dW+dA
7 with the differrntial df, give the thermodynamic derivatives. The partial derivatives of the thermud\.namic potential with respect to the extensive variable Yi are Jfk/JYj= -Xi and correspondingly
(h + 1 5 j 5 t ) (10) JfklJXj= Y, The Maxwell relations are determined by changing the order of differentiation with respect to a pair of "natural" variables while holding all others constant. For example,
(05 i 5 k)
where dQ is the heat added to the system, d W is the work done by thesystem, and dA is the diffusive interaction (mass action). Legendre transformations of the fundamental equation result in the other thermodynamic potential of different "natural" variables
a2fk/ax,ay = a2fk/a~,axj Substitution of eqs 9 and 10 into eq 1 1gives The Jacohian -(JXilaXj) = @Yj/JYi)
i 5 h and j
is the sufficient condition for the existence of a particular tran~formation.'~~ Some of the resulting thermodynamic potentials
are more common than others and have been traditionally given names such as Gibhs, Helmholtz, enthalpy, and Grand potentials. Note, in the case k = t, fb = 0, which gives the Gibbs-Duhem equation
For systems with more than two conjugate pairs of independent thermodynamic variables, not all of the thermodynamic derivatives and Maxwell relations are represented on the same two-dimensional Born diagram. The new threedimensional mnemonic diagram (Fig. 1) extends t h e
Each transformed potential is a function of its own "natural" independent variables. Term-by-term comparisons of eq
Koenig, F. 0. J. Chem. Phys. 1935,3,29. Callen. H. 6. Thermodynamics: A n introduction to the Physical Theories of Equilibrium Thermostatics and Irreversible Thermodynamics; Wiley: New York, 1960.
Figure 2. The generalized version of the mnemonic diagram given In Figure 1. representation to three conjugate pairs. This could be all three oossihle tvnes .. of svstem-reservoir interactions shown in eq 1. Systrmi u,ith a diffusive inwraction but two conjugate pairsolwork variables uliofit thesymmetry of Figure 1. Figure 1 depicts an octahedron whose vertices are on the face cenrerb of an enclosing rube. The disaonals of the octahedron are arrows connecting conjugate pairs and indicating the signs given in eq 7. The cuhe vertices are the possible thermodynamic potentials whose "natural" variahles are the adjacent cuhe faces. Legendre transformations move the representation from the internal energy corner U(S,V,h9 to the other named potentials [(F(T,V,N), Helmholtz; G(T,P,N), Gihhs; H(S,P,N),enthalpy; and Q(T,V,p), grand. The G' vertex is, by Legendre transformation, the GibbsDuhem zero (eo 8). For Durnoses of iustifvine the related edges ot Figure i, the the;m<;dynamic'heri<ati~e.iand Maxw4l rdntions related to G' may he considered resul~s from a two-component system ( F ~ , N ~ in ) the dilute limit of the second component (N2 O).1The Jacobian for the transformation is in general non-zero. The subsequent Maxwell relations may be demonstrated from the ideal eas formulas for equation~uf stats,entrnpy, and chemical p o t h u l . Hos,ever. rautiun s h t d d be used. I n th? dilute limit of the second component, even though the relationships can be derived, they are often not very useful. For example, from the GihbsDuhem equation for the simple system the pressure may he
written as a function of p and T. The corresponding Maxwell relation reduces to zero equals zero. One of the "natural" variables, in this case pressure, has become dependent. The rules for using the three-dimensional diagram are the same as the two-dimensional one. These rules are outlined clearly by caller^.^ Notice that the top view of Figure 1is the Born diagram. Figure 2 is the generalized version of the new diagram with XIYl and XzYz as the conjugate pairs of thermodynamic variables. The entropic formulation of thermodynamics can he represented in the fashion of Figure 1 by using the U vertex as the entropy S(U,V,N) and the S face center as U. The conjugate pairs are then U l/T, V- PI T, andN- plT. The Fvertex becomes the Massieu function Y(lIT,V,N) and then Q vertex the Kramers function q(l1 T,V,pIT). The Planck formulation can also be formed by the G vertex of Figure 1becoming +(lIT,P,N) and the conjugate pairs VIT P , H 1/T, and N -p/T. To illustrate the Maxwell relations with Figure 1,consider the simple system
- -
Each opposing pairs of edges of the octahedron indicate one of the several Maxwell relations, for example the T-to-V edge and the -P-to-S edge for the familiar
For another example, consider a one-dimensional piezoelectric fiber with length L and tension J with the electric polarization P and internal electric field E. The change in the internal energy is dU=TdS+JdL+EdP In terms of the variables T,P,E the notation in Figure 2 is X1,Yl L J a n d Xz,Y2 PJ. The Xz-to-YI edge and the opposing XI-to- YZedge indicate
The figures give a t a glance the "eight" possible thermodynamic potentials, the three accompanying thermodynamic derivatives, and the three Maxwell relations for each. For those who find mnemonic devices helpful, the above figures illustrate in a very compact form a number of thermodynamic relationships. Acknowledgment I wish to thank L. W. Bruch for very informative discussions. Acknowledgment is made to the Donors of The Petroleum Research Fund, administered hy the American Chemical Society, for the support for this study.
' Courant. R.; Hilben. D . Methods of Mathematical Physics. Interscience-Wley: New York. 1962 Vol. 2. p 34.
Volume 64