ONEGOD, Part One
ONEGOD, Part One
ONEGOD, Part One
The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, the young servant of God, something
relevant to Christians today:
The Greek word for “word” here means the revelation from God. God’s
revelations are today found in the Holy Bible. In Paul’s time the only
revelations were the Old Testament scriptures, and this is what was preached
at the time. Paul is still pointing to Timothy to accurately understand what
was preached, as well as the truths found in the Old Testament.
The King James version says, “God is not the author of confusion.”
So, looking in God’s word should lead to truth, it should not lead to
confusion. But this is one reason why there is confusion. The Bible is either
not looked at or else it is misinterpreted. Enough of this goes on today, but it
went on in Paul’s time also.
Timothy was instructed to have accuracy in God’s word. God today instructs
his servants to have accuracy also. 1 Thessalonians 5:15-23 give instruction
for staying close to the truth. But if the opposite is done Christians will drift
from the truth. Every one of the above verses will be looked at. Read 1
Thessalonians 5:15, New International Version: “Make sure that nobody
pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to
everyone else.”
This is an excellent example of how to have the right conduct towards all
people. It is not easy to be kind to those who are set on hurt or insult as their
conduct. God’s Church has gone through times such as this that have
literally ripped it apart. But it takes two to fight a war. This is how serious
being kind to each other is, especially those fellow servants. It is sad when
this Godly character is lost over wars of position, doctrine, or taking sides.
These two go hand in hand. What is there to rejoice about in our world
except God’s truth? But then how does one know what is God’s truth? The
answer in part is by praying constantly to God the Father in the name of
Jesus Christ. However, real truth is lost when over and over again it is said
that there is nothing to rejoice about. Even those who say they are Christians
lose Godly rejoicing by being to attached to this world’s way. Christians can
get too engulfed in believing limited humans have the solutions to our
problems. The fact is that in every problem God’s word has the only
1 Thessalonians 5:19 is put in many ways from “put out “ to “do not stifle.”
The Holy Spirit will become a less and a less of a guidance for conduct and
truth if it is quenched. This will certainly lead to confusion, especially when
ideas about the truth become non-biblical. Now read 1 Thessalonians 5:20-
22, NAS:
In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul talks about the gifts received from the Holy Spirit.
One gift is prophetic words. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5 not to just shrug
off those who have this gift that God does use. In 1 Corinthians 14:3 this gift
is for “edification, exhortation, and comport.” Verse 22 says prophesying is
for the believers. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 follows through from verse 20: If
there is any prophecies, look at them. See if the words do not edify, exhort,
and comport. Those that are being used by God will bear these fruits. And
this is for the good of the church.
God’s church history is riddled with lax conduct, especially involving God’s
truth. Those that step out and take action will not be confused about what is
and what is not truth.
How relevant this verse is for today! Read “the scriptures” Paul advises
Timothy and all Christians now. If God’s word is looked at carefully, and
taught what it says, there will be no confusion. Paul concludes 1 Timothy 4
with verse 16: “Watch yourself and watch your teaching. Persevere at both
tasks. By doing so you will bring to salvation yourself and all who hear you”
Much confusion comes from careless treatment of what the Holy Bible
really says. Other people’s salvation is at stake, not just the one doing the
teaching. God the Father and Jesus Christ hold all Christians responsible:
“Wherefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence
only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).
How many in God’s church are satisfied with having someone else do their
Christian duties for them? Christians can not afford to say they are confused,
but then wait for someone else to bring the answers. It is unfortunate that
God’s church has a history of doing just that.
God says there are other reasons for confusion reigning instead of truth.
Only two more will be examined to complete this part one. The first one
takes us to Acts 5. In verses 17-26 some religious authorities rose up and
persecuted the apostles, to the point that the apostles were thrown in prison.
God intervened for his servants, but once again the authorities opposed
them. Now read Acts 5:26-29: “At that, the captain went with his officers
and brought the apostles. They did not use force, because they feared that the
people would stone them. Having brought the apostles, they made them
appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. ‘We gave
you strict orders not to teach in this name,’ he said. ‘Yet you have filled
Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this
man’s blood.’ Peter and the other apostles replied: ‘We must obey God rather
than men!’” (NIV).
Obeying “God rather than men” should be just one of the Christians’ duties.
But history has shown that those truly profitable to God do this. This is not
just the case of the truth versus the religious authorities. This applies to the
truth versus what men say is the truth. There is confusion today concerning
“one God” because men are obeyed rather than God. Men and what they say
replace what the Bible clearly says on this subject.
In Acts 5:32 the apostles continued to say the Holy Spirit, which reveals
truth, is given to those who obey God. God’s church throughout the ages has
dealt with those who are set on disobeying, so the truth is suppressed. Notice
an example of disobedience found in Jude: 3-4: “Beloved, when I gave all
diligence to write to you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to
write to you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith
which was once delivered to the saints. For there are certain men crept in
unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly
men, turning the grace of God into lasciviousness, and denying the only
Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Jude went on to describe those who had found their way into God’s church.
But the most crucial point from Jude is to “earnestly contend for the
faith...once delivered....” “Earnestly” from the Greek language means, “to
struggle for,” and also “fight, labor, strive.” The Greek also implies “to
compete for a prize.” To know and to do the faith given to Christians by God
is serious business. Jude says to take the Christian walk seriously, to the
point where Christians will not be deceived.
Those who do not see their calling serious enough become happy with
letting others contend for the faith for them. But that is impossible.
Individuals will creep into God’s church and introduce what is false. But the
reason why they gain followers (2 Peter 2:2) is partly because there is no
seriousness, no zeal for the truth. Jude is saying to Christians then and to
Christians now to strive for the faith. In so doing, they will not be led astray.
Now finally, the last reason for confusion being present is found in the book
of Revelation: “And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: the Amen,
the faithful and true witness, the Beginning of creation of God, says this: ‘I
know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I would that you were
cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will
spit you out of my mouth’” (Revelation 3:14-16, New American Standard).
Jude says, “contend” for the faith--be zealous, be on fire for God’s work. It
is obvious that the Laodiceans (King James) are not on fire. But then neither
are they totally put out. God and Jesus Christ do not quibble, they want one
or the other. To be on fire for the truth means doing it. Lukewarm attitudes
lead to the truth being watered down. And this is how Christians are “cold”
but not totally put out. It is like a smoldering fire that neither flares up nor is
extinguished. But this is not acceptable to the Father and Jesus Christ.
Indifference to God’s truth will lead to confusion, but nothing is done about
Revelation 3:17-18 talk about the Laodiceans having material riches but they
are spiritually poor. Jesus Christ wants these Christians to buy eye salve so
they can see-see what is happening to them. Read what is said in verse 19,
NAS: “‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; be zealous therefore,
and repent.’”
Be zealous! Strive to know and do the faith that IS delivered to the saints. If
these things are lacking it is easy for false teachers to enter and lead God’s
flock astray. And with this come teachings that do not constitute the truth
and the faith.