Flood Control
Flood Control
Flood Control
A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land. The European Union (EU) Floods Directive defines a flood as a covering by water of land not normally covered by water. In the sense of "flowing water", the word may also be applied to the inflow of the tide. Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water, such as a river or lake, which overflows or breaks levees, with the result that some of the water escapes its usual boundaries or may be due to accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground in an areal flood. Floods can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders.
Estuarine Commonly caused by a combination of sea tidal surges caused by storm-force winds and high river stages due to heavy rain. Coastal Caused by severe sea storms, or as a result of another hazard (e.g. tsunami or hurricane). A storm surge, from either a tropical cyclone or an extra tropical cyclone, falls within this category. Catastrophic Caused by a significant and unexpected event e.g. dam breakage, or as a result of another hazard (e.g. earthquake or volcanic eruption) Human-induced Accidental damage by workmen to tunnels or pipes.
Primary effects Physical damage damage to structures, including bridges, buildings, sewerage systems, roadways, and canals. Secondary effects Water supplies Contamination of water. Clean drinking water will become scarce. Diseases Unhygienic conditions. Spread of water-borne diseases. Crops and food supplies Shortage of food crops can be caused due to loss of entire harvest. However, lowlands near rivers depend upon river silt deposited by floods in order to add nutrients to the local soil. Trees Non-tolerant species can die from suffocation. Transport Transport links destroyed, so hard to get emergency aid to those who need it.
Tertiary and long-term effects Economic economic hardship due to temporary decline in tourism, rebuilding costs, food shortage leading to price increase, etc. Psychological flooding can be highly traumatic for individuals, in particular where deaths, serious injuries and loss of property occurs.
Flood Control
Flood Control is generally required for the following purposes: For the protection of the mankind residing in that particular area. For protection of particular infra structure like big towns, canal systems, roads and other installations at strategic locations. Flood control in flood plains for protection of precious agricultural lands.
Master Plan
The Master Plan explains the flood control policy, strategy, target flood magnitude and main works, etc. by river system. It is necessary to conduct wide range survey, investigation and analysis to formulate the flood control master plan. Since the implementation of each flood control project may affect other areas of the river basin, a long-term time frame for each of the projects identified in the Master Plan must be formulated to obtain optimum benefits of the projects.
5. Identify the cities and municipalities in the flood prone area. 6. Identify the important public facilities such as national road, provincial road, city hall, church and school, etc. within the flood prone area. 7. Classify the land use in flood prone area, such as commercial area, residential area, industrial area, agricultural area, etc. 8. Identify the changes in the river course and longitudinal profile.
General Information
Collect all information regarding land use, population, economic activities, future development plans, etc. within the catchment area and flood prone area. 1. Population by city / municipality 2. Increasing ratios of population by city 3. Statistics of commercial activities per year by region and city 4. Statistics of industrial product per year by region and city 5. Statistics of agricultural products per year by region and city 6. Long term and medium term development plan by region, city and municipality
Hydrological Data
Collect the following hydrologic data of the river basin: 1. Daily rainfall data of all gauging stations within and around the catchment area throughout the recording period. 2. Hourly rainfall data of all gauging stations within and around the catchment area during the duration of the flood. 3. Hyetographs of past typical floods on all synoptic rainfall gauging stations. 4. Data on the maximum water levels during peak floods at all water level gauging station. 5. Discharge measurement record for all water level gauging stations. 6. H-Q (Height-Discharge relationship) rating curve for all water levelgauging stations.
Conduct field investigation and interviews to get the following information. 1. The information/records of past floods. (Frequency, area, depth, duration of flooding) 2. Conditions of the existing river facilities. 3. History of flood control activities in the basin.
Other considerations: 1. The overflow level of both banks should be identified and indicated on cross section profile. 2. The water level during the time of the survey (if any), should be indicated in the survey. 3. The ordinary water level during the rainy season should be indicated. 4. The deepest riverbed should be identified and indicated. 5. The average riverbed should be identified and indicated. 6. The information of land use behind the bank should be noted. 7. All elevations shall be reckoned from an established benchmark.
Material Survey
The type of materials of riverbank and water area shall be surveyed and indicated in the topographic map and cross section profiles in order to: - Determine the riverbed characteristics. - Determine the quality of riverbed materials. - Determine the relationship of the diameter of riverbed materials, riverbed gradient, etc. with the velocity of flow. - Classify the river segment based on the river morphology.
Discharge of Tributaries
The results of the discharge calculations for tributaries differ for each rainfall patterns. It should be noted that rainfall is sometimes unevenly distributed. It is therefore necessary to consider the most reasonable design discharge based on the output of calculation. However, in the absence of gauging stations, i.e., one station only is available, the same output may be used for calculating the design discharge. On the other hand, if the flood prone area affected by the tributary is very important, an individual tributary calculation should be made. The safety level of tributary is usually smaller than the main river because the catchment area of the tributary is smaller than that of the main river. The design discharge of tributary is determined in comparison to several outputs of all basin wide run off analysis and the individual calculation of tributary run off analysis.
Design Discharge
The design discharges shall be decided based on the results of evaluation of the preliminary improvement plan. If the width of river and/or the height of dike should be changed, all the plans for the river system should be reconsidered based on the effect on both upstream and downstream reaches. Finally, the design discharges on several control points, river alignment (bank alignment), longitudinal plan (design water level), cross-sectional plan, main structure shall be determined.
- Damages to river course change are assumed to be the assessed value of properties within the areas enclosed by the existing and possible river course.
3. Intangible Damages Other than the flooding and bank erosion damages, there are intangible damages which badly affect the peoples social life and economic activities such as: - damages to peoples livelihood - damages to traffic and transportation - damages to business activities - loss of lives and injuries
The freeboard of a dike is an allowance in height according to the design flood discharge. Basically, freeboard is a margin of the height that does not allow overflow against the design flood level. In general, the dike is made of earth and sand and is very weak to overflow. Therefore, it is provided with adequate freeboard in preparation for the temporary rises of the water level caused by wind and waves on the occasion of a flood, swell and hydraulic jump, etc.
By Excavation/Dredging
Excavation is one of the methods to increase river flow capacity. It involves increasing the depth of the river. This can be done by excavating or removing the bottom layer of soil. Due to this, the overall depth of river is increased which helps to increase its flow capacity. In this process, weeds and water plants that grow in water are also removed which enhances its flow.
1) Normally, the height of a dam is determined by the depth of water in the reservoir based on the design flood level plus an allowance for freeboard. 2) The required height of an earthfill dam is the distance from the foundation to the water surface in the reservoir when the spillway is discharging at design capacity, plus a freeboard allowance for windtide and wave action. 3) In fine-grained soils consolidation is less rapid, and it may be necessary to provide additional height of fill so that, after settlement, the earth embankment will be at the desired height.
Top width
1) The top width of an earthfill dam should be sufficient to keep the phreatic line, or upper surface of seepage, within the dam when the reservoir is full. 2) Top width should also be sufficient to withstand earthquake shock and wave action. 3) Top widths of low dams may be governed by secondary requirements such as minimum roadway widths. 4) A minimum width of 3 metres is usually required for maintenance.
Inland flooding could be prevented by: Lateral improvement (Ex. storm drain, drainage main, open canals, ditches, etc.) Tributary improvement (Ex. branches of main river) Pumping station
Types of Flood
By Revetment
Function of revetment is to protect the collapse of riverbank due to erosion, scouring and/or riverbed degradation.
Planning of Revetment
Main factor of bank erosion is river flow velocity. The external force of erosion depends on the velocity of river flow. Therefore the determination to provide revetment should be made depending on the river flow velocity, embankment material, topographical, morphological, and geological conditions of the riverbank and river flow direction, etc., with due consideration to the appropriate type of revetment suited to the existing site condition. On the other hand, revetment should be so design to withstand the lateral forces in case of high velocity flow, flow attack zone, weak geological condition of riverbank, and poor embankment materials.
This is because the possibility of scour is very high on these locations comparing with other parts along the river system. Although the alignment of revetment depends on the channel plan or existing alignment of bank, bank alignment should be improved with revetment as smooth as possible particularly at bend areas.
Height Basically, the height of revetment is determined by setting it at the Design Flood Level (DFL). However, the revetment height should be designed up to the top of riverbank or crest of embankment because there is a possibility of occurrence of floodwaters to exceed the DFL or top of the bank. If the height of revetment is more than 5.0 meters, berm (banquette) must be provided and is so designed in order to separate the revetment into segments, as well as in consideration of site condition (geography and geology). Berm shall be at least 1.0 meter in width for maintenance purposes, patrolling the river and stability of the revetment. For a single-berm revetment, the berm is located just above the ordinary water level whenever possible.
Depth For a narrow river (less than 50 meters in width) the minimum depth of revetment foundation should be 1.0 meter below the deepest riverbed elevation of the original riverbed or design riverbed, because riverbed materials are subjected to erosion during flood times In case of a wide river (more than 50 meters in width), more than 1.0-meter depth of revetment foundation should be considered. If there is a tendency for riverbed degradation, the foundation has to be placed deeper than 1.0 meter.
Slope The slope of revetment should be gentle as much as possible to for stability purposes. Though standard slope is 2:1 horizontal and vertical, respectively, it depends on the natural slope of the ground before construction. For concrete revetment, a maximum slope of 0.3:1 shall be observed considering stability and the resulting residual hydraulic pressure.
Thickness The thickness of revetment is generally decided based on the existing flow velocity, sediment runoff whenever the latter exists or likely to occur in the proposed improvement stretch (topography and geological conditions, scouring, degradation, etc.), soil and groundwater pressure at the back of revetment and other associated factors. Minimum overall thickness should be 300 mm for all types of revetment, except for reinforced concrete type.
Prevention of Outflow of Backfill/Behind Material One of the main causes of caving in of soil particles behind the revetment is the flowing out of fine backfill materials through the joints of revetment. This phenomenon leads to the collapse of the revetment. In order to prevent the outflow of these fine materials, filter cloth, such as geo-textile is necessary to be laid behind the revetment. However, cost of procuring filter cloth should be considered in planning and design of the revetment. As alternative, gravel may be used instead.
By Spur Dike
Basic Concept Purposes of spur dike are as follows: 1) Prevent bank scouring by reducing the river flow velocity. 2) Redirect river flow away from the riverbank.
Basically, spur dikes are grouped into permeable and impermeable/semi-permeable types, as described below: 1) Permeable Type Spur dike of this type is made of piles and frames, preferably in series. Its purpose is to reduce the river flow velocity at the immediate downstream of the spur dike and induce sedimentation. In cases where piles cannot be driven due to the presence of boulders on the riverbed, crib frame, skeleton works or concrete block type shall be used. 2) Impermeable/semi-permeable type This type of spur dike is made of wet masonry (impermeable) or concrete blocks and loose boulder (semi-permeable), preferably in series. Its purpose is to change the river flow direction away from the riverbank.
Alignment The alignment of spur dikes deflected towards the upstream, should have an angle between 10 to 15 with the line perpendicular to the riverbank at straight sections and 0 to 10 at flow attack zones. This type of alignment induces sedimentation at the foot/front of the riverbank immediately downstream that serves as protection for the toe of revetment and/or dike. The right angle spur dike is usually adopted because it gives the average effects.
Length of spur dike is generally taken as 10% of the river width or less, but not to exceed 100m. Examination of the river flow capacity should be conducted in cases where length of spur dike is more than 10% of the river width (distance of left to right bank) or the spur dike is to be constructed in a narrow river, since this could affect the opposite bank and considerably reduce the river flow capacity.
The width of the crest of spur dike ranges from 1 meter to 2 meters. In case where the design flood level has been identified, the height of spur dike shall be fixed within 10% to 40% of the distance reckoned from the average riverbed to the design flood level. Otherwise, the height shall be 0.5 meter to 1.0 meter above the ordinary water level during rainy season.
Depth of Embedment
In case of the concrete and stone masonry type spur dike, a minimum embedment depth of 0.5 m is recommended. For the permeable type (i.e., pile-type, crib-type, etc.), an embedment depth of 2/3 the pile length is recommended.
Flood Way
Floodway is a channel branching somewhere along the existing river by excavating a new manmade waterway directly discharging into the sea, lake, or another main river, in order to avoid the drastic widening of the existing river or to shorten the extension of improvement. Since floods are going to be introduced in an area which is almost free from the damage of floods from the past, then comparative design must be employed for planning under the sufficient pursuit of economic warrant and safety as to the flood flow and with comprehensive discussion made on the following points: (1) The diverted floodwater of the design flood discharge to the floodway is generally decided by assuming several separation ratios to calculate the improvement costs, and by finding the combination to minimize the total of all the improvement costs for the main river and floodway. (2) Floodway should be constructed far away from a densely populated areas and sufficient attention should be observed such as preservation of natural environment, protection of cultural properties, land use consideration, present water use and so on. (3) The floodway should be decided whether it is to be made by means of natural diversion or by any structures. These structures should also be planned whether they are to be constructed at the main river, at the floodway itself or whatever it is envisioned to be more effective. (4) The designed floodway for flood diversion is not ordinarily used for low flow diversion in order to keep the water use of the main river especially during nonflood phase, but for other cases other than flood.
By Ground Sill
Basic Concept The groundsill plan will determine the necessary location, the height and form of the structure, direction, location, etc. in order to stabilize the riverbed. Purpose of groundsill is to fix the riverbed elevation in order to prevent riverbed degradation resulting to local scours under forces of turbulent flow during floods. The groundsill is classified into two types, drop structure type and sill type. It is constructed for the following purposes to stabilize the riverbed: 1. To moderate the bed slope, decreasing the scouring force of the river water, for stabilization of the riverbed in the upper reach (generally, with head). 2. To prevent turbulent flow, fixing the flow direction (mostly, with head). 3. To prevent scouring and drop of the riverbed (generally, without head)
A Groundsill is classified into two types; Drop Structure Type (with head) and Sill Type (without head). Drop structure type is selected when there is an elevation difference between upstream and downstream. When there is small or no difference, Sill type is selected.
2) Apron Riverbed scouring protective structure, provided to prevent scouring which is caused by drop water.
3) Bed Protection a) Upstream Bed Protection Riverbed scouring protective structure, provided to prevent local scouring which is caused by increasing tractive force. At this portion, water level goes down, therefore flow velocity and tractive force increase. b)Downstream Bed Protection i. Bed protection (Hard type) : Riverbed scouring protective structure, provided from the water drop point after the point of hydraulic jump. In this section, super critical flow occurs. Usually this structure is made of concrete blocks. ii. Bed protection (Soft type) : Riverbed scouring protective structure, provided after the portion of hydraulic jump. Usually this structure is made of gabion mattress. 4) Approach Wall Slope protective structure, provided to prevent scouring just after the main structure. Usually this structure is considered from 5 m upstream side of the main structure to after the point of hydraulic jump and this structure shall be designed as retaining wall
5) Fish Way
Groundsill breaks the continuity of water flow upstream and downstream. It prevents the migration of fishes and other wildlife. When a groundsill is planned fish way shall be considered. 6) High Water Channel Protection High water channel protective structure, provided to prevent scouring caused by overflow from low water channel. This structure shall be considered in a compound cross-section river.
The groundsill is provided to stabilize the riverbed, but it creates the bigger problem as to the stability of the riverbed in the immediate lower reaches. In a river with considerable riverbed variation, the crest height must be decided in reference to the existing riverbed and future trends. In general, the crest height of a groundsill shall coincide with the design bed height, and the standard height shall be less than 2 m. Water level profile drops at the groundsill location accompanied by the sudden increase of flow velocity. This condition tends to lower the riverbed immediately upstream of the groundsill and should be considered in the determination of the crest height. Both ends of the groundsill body shall be anchored sufficiently in the dike or revetment. In the lower reach of the groundsill, an apron shall be properly provided according to necessity.
The base of groundsill shall be placed on solid foundation. There are two types of foundation: spread type and pile type. When spread type is selected, the thickness of foundation shall be larger then 3 meters.
To prevent obstruction against river flow and/or maintain/conserve the good condition of the river in order to keep the flow uninterrupted
By sabo works (for sediment control) By regular maintenance (channel excavation/dredging)
landslides and snow avalanches. SABO works also protect against many volcanic hazards, including: (1) volcanic mud flows, a type of debris flow that occurs after ash fall from volcanic eruptions (2) lava flows (3) pyroclastic flows.
Steel pipe SABO dam (open type) trapped large rocks of debris flow
Steel pipe SABO dam as downstream end structure of debris flow torrent.
Concrete slit SABO dam. Steel bars were installed at the slit after debris flow passed through the slit.