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DIRECTORATE OF HEALTH SERVICES 1. Opening of Health Centres/Dispensaries (Rs. 1884.

05 lakh)
This is a continuing plan scheme of 9th Five Year Plan with aim to provide primary health care at the door step of general public of National Capital Territory of Delhi through health Centres / dispensaries. These health Centres are providing, preventive, promotive & curative health services along with MCH and family welfare services. The special public health Programmes of Delhi Govt. are being implemented from these health Centres in a routine manner. As on 30.10.2004, 176 Delhi Govt. Allopathic health Centres are functioning in various parts of NCT of Delhi. Due care is being taken at the time of opening of a new health Centre so that the weaker section of the society, persons of low socio economic groups, living in resettlement colonies, JJ clusters and far flung rural areas can get medical facilities from these health centres. Agency Delhi Govt. M.C.D. N.D.M.C. Delhi Cantt. Board Total No. Of Dispensaries as on 20-10-2004 374 (Including Ayurved Homeopathic MHS & SHS) 294 45 --713

The norm for opening new health Centres as one health Centre for 50,000 block of population, in thickly populated areas and 25000 block of population in sparsely populated areas as enviged in state health policy of 2002 is approved by Delhi Govt.


Achievement during 2004-05.

During Annual plan 2004-05, there was proposal of opening 10 new Health Centres. One Health Centre each at A-11-12, Ram Dutt Enclave and at Wazirpur, Phase-III had already been opened. Another 8 Health Centres in Dwarka Sector-2, 10, 12, Visakha Enclave I.P. Extension and Gali Guliyan Jama Masjid, Tis Hazri Court, Kanganheri etc., will be opened in the newly constructed buildings & in rented buildings. Delhi Govt. had sanctioned 7 posts for each H.C in 2003-04. New H.C. building at Nangal Raya, Tilak Vihar and Khajoori Khas had been completed and the old disp. have already been shifted to new buildings. The construction of HC cum Maternity Home at Kantinagar had been completed and Health Centre running in private building will be shifted soon. Another 4 H.C. are in planning stage of construction. 1000 sq. mtr. of land at Kondli had been purchased for construction of a new H.C. Building. The land at Saket has been taken over for construction of New Health Centre. Cost of land at Janakpuri had been paid to DDA and possession is to be taken soon. Slum Wing of MCD had been asked to allot BVK for opening H.C. in Urban Slum and resettlement colonies like Bawana, Madanpur Khadar, Molarband and Holambi Kalan. 1.2. Construction / maintenance of Health Centre buildings Out of 176 Health Centres, 58 are functioning from rented premises. This Directorate is facing lot of problems in running Health Centres in rented premises. Therefore, it is our endeavor to construct our own Departmental building to run the Govt. Health Centres. Most of the rented dispensaries are located in the unauthorized regularized colonies, as well as in rural areas. In the unauthorized regularized colonies, usually, no land is made available by the land owning agency, as such this department is forced to continue in the rented premises. However, in villages, the possibilities for acquiring land through Director, Panchayat is also being explored regularly.

In case of JJ clusters & relocated places, the Slum & JJ Deptt. is providing accommodation in Basti Vikas Kendras and prefabricated structures in relocated sites. However, till date, the accommodation provided by Slum & JJ Deptt. does not have the basic amenities like water, electricity, toilets, waiting space for the patients, etc. This is a matter of concern for the patients and the staff posted in these dispensaries. Similarly, this Deptt. is facing the problem of electricity and water supply in the MPCC taken over from the Rural Development Deptt since RD Deptt. has to clear pending dues to DVB/DJB. Only thereafter new connection will be sanctioned by DVB/DJB for the dispensary purpose. 1.3. Estt. of Medicine and other Stores at District Level

At present, there is only one Central Store located at DHS (HQ) Building, Karkardooma. Since the Delhi Govt. dispensaries are spread all over NCT of Delhi, out of these some are located more than 40 kms. from the Central Store, as such to make it more convenient, this Directorate proposes to open 8 stores in eight district headquarters offices in Delhi, for which one officer/Store Keeper and one van each would be required. The various items including drugs, surgical, furniture and other related items needed for both new and existing dispensaries will be procured. Anti rabies vaccine required by institutions under Directorate of Health Services will also be procured centrally from the plan funds. Also due to up-gradation of First-Aid post at Delhi High Court in to a Modern Polyclinic various equipments & Lab. Items/Medicines would be procured. 1.4. PROVISION OF VEHICLES:-

As a process of decentralization for better delivery of health care services, the existing four zones had been converted into 8 District Health Offices with each district having one CDMO & one Addl. CDMO for which various staff had been sanctioned in Delhi Govt. It is proposed that 8 Gipsy will be purchased for 8 district health offices for 8 Addl. CDMOs to be engaged in conducting raids in public places and public transport for implementation of Anti-Smoking Act. and inspection of private nursing homes for registration. The funds will be utilized out of the budget provided under the plan

scheme, Opening of Govt. Dispensaries/Health Centres under relevant head. Similarly 8 store vans will also be purchased from the budget allotted for this scheme. 1.5. Target During 2005-06 It is proposed to open 10 Health Centres during the financial year 2005-06 out of which five will be opened under SCP Scheme in areas predominated by SC/ST population. A sum of Rs. 1884.05 lacs has been approved. Out of which Rs. 1424.05 lacs is for Revenue Head, Rs. 460.00 lacs under Capital Head during 2005-06. 2. 2.1. Mobile Van Dispensaries for JJ Clusters (Rs. 249.50 lakh) Introduction Mobile Health Scheme was started in the year 1989 to provide medical services to the residents of JJ clusters of Delhi at their doorstep through mobile dispensaries. At present Mobile Health Scheme is running 68 mobile dispensaries out of which 46 being run by DHS staff and 22 with help from various NGOs and covering only 450 JJ clusters of Delhi. One mobile dispensary team visits 2 JJ clusters per day and twice a week same clusters are covered by each mobile dispensary. Govt. had sanctioned 75 Mobile dispensaries till now which is too less to handle the on growing demands of the people of JJ Clusters. 2.2. Functioning of Mobile Health Scheme There are four zones of Mobile Health Scheme located in East, West; South and North Delhi with headquarter at Prashant Vihar, Rohini. Besides these various zones, dispensary cell and Hospitals under DHS also run mobile dispensary where zones and hospitals provide staff but vehicles and medicines are provided by Mobile Health

Scheme. Each mobile dispensary has five-member team consisting of one Medical Officer, PHN, Pharmacist, Dresser and one attendant. 2.3. Need and Justification of the scheme

There are approximately 1350 JJ clusters in Delhi. To provide medical services in all the JJ clusters and in all the unauthorized colonies, a total of 400 vehicles are required along with 400 medical teams, each comprising of five members. A study was conducted by the Planning Deptt. of Govt. of Delhi during 1997-98 and review of the scheme was done by a team of Accountant General(Audit) Delhi in the year 1998-99. 2.4. Achievement during 2004-05.

At present as on 3rd Oct. 04, 68 Mobile Health Clinics under DHS are functional out of which 46 are being run through Govt. Staff and 22 are being run in collaboration with various NGO. 2.5. Target for Annual Plan 2005-06.

The physical target is to start 60 more Mobile Dispensaries during A.P. 2005-06 apart from achieving the previous target of 75 clinics of the earlier target subject to creation of posts. 2.6. Staff position Govt. of Delhi has sanctioned the following staff till date to run the scheme. Medical Officer PHN ANM Pharmacist 35 20 15 35

Dresser Peon Total

17 34 156

No Office staff has been sanctioned till date though scheme is in operation since 1989. For this purpose, a proposal was under process with AR Deptt. for creation of 215 more posts of medical and paramedical staff. Therefore it is proposed that during 200506 all the dispensaries will be run by Govt. staff. The 8 district health offices in whole Delhi had been created by Delhi Govt. Accordingly the proposal for creation of 234 new posts of various categories will be submitted to Delhi Govt. apart from 14 administrative staff (Total 248). 2.7. Purchase of Vehicles The condemned vehicle Maruti Gypsy needs to be replaced by new one for administrative purposes during financial year 2005-06. An amount of 249.50 lacs is approved under Revenue Head for the financial year 2005-06. 3. 3.1. SCHOOL HEALTH SCHEME(RS. 100 LAKH) NOMENCLATURE OF THE SCHEME: - HEALTH CHECK UP FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN OF NCT OF DELHI OBJECTIVE OF THE SCHEME


To carry out periodical health check up among the school children in various govt. schools for identifying problems like dental caries, skin infections, heart problems, eye and hearing problems, any infectious disease, etc. and taking preventive measures in time so as to reduce morbidity and further deterioration of health in future.



School Health Scheme is being implemented in Delhi w.e.f. 1979 and total 435 schools are being covered under the scheme with 65 School Health Clinics running in various parts of Delhi. However, these clinics cannot cater to all the schools of Govt. of Delhi. Schools in North Delhi are not being covered by School Health Scheme and there is a proposal to open more School Health Clinics in North Delhi with a view to covering more schools during 9th Five Year Plan. All the posts of the existing School Health Scheme are converted into Non Plan and only Special School Health Check up programmes were undertaken from the office expenses of a plan scheme(School Health Scheme). It is observed that it is not economical by opening more school health clinics and carrying out the periodical health check up through routine govt. staff. Therefore, in 10th FYP it is decided for carrying out School Health Check up completely through NGOs and the existing staff of School Health Scheme could be readjusted in other health institutions. With minimum cost, all the school students in Delhi can be covered in a year, if the tasks are assigned to NGOs. Therefore, the school health scheme was renamed as "School Health Check up for school children of NCT of Delhi through NGOs". The system will be cost effective and more fruitful in comparison to earlier set up as in whole year all the school children in Delhi can be covered and no manpower will be required. Only supervision and technical support can be provided by officers of Directorate of Health Services to NGO for effective implementation of School health check up in various schools. 3.4 . PROGRAMME CONTENTS

The NGO will be selected on transparent basis for undertaking the assignment of school health check up in different schools of NCT of Delhi. Guidelines will be provided to each NGO for carrying out health check up in each school in coordination with the Principal of the concerned school. The rate of health check up will be decided per each student on competitive basis by inviting tender with certain terms and conditions ensuring the standard of the check up, and approved by Finance Deptt. of Govt. of Delhi. The technical support and quality of health check up will be monitored by one Programme Officer identified by Director Health Services.



1. Survey of schools for addition and deletion for taking of school health check-up had been completed. Material purchased, IEC material printed and training of health personals & teachers completed. Screenings of students are in progress. 2. The tender for inviting various NGOs for undertaking school health check-up was floated and few reputed NGOs were selected by duly constituted committee of Delhi Govt. Total 138 schools were covered by 13 NGOs for which 671 schools were allotted during 2003-04. Total 81,173 students were screened, 14529 students were referred to specialist and 7762 students were immunized various vaccines during 2003-04. For which 2004-05, the inviting of tender from reputed NGOs is in process. Till September 2004, 58 schools were covered. 57,379 students were examined. 5,797 students were referred to specialist. 3.6. PHYSICAL TARGETS PROPOSED FOR 2005-06

1. Covering an estimated 12.00 lacs school students of NCT of Delhi through NGO specially in North Zone. 2. Printing & purchase of health material, training of health personnel & teachers and newspaper advertisements for inviting tenders. 3.7. BUDGET

An amount of 100 lacs is approved for this scheme for 2005-06.




4.1 INTRODUCTION 100 bedded Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital, situated at Khichripur in Trans Yamuna area of East Delhi was commissioned in Dec. 1991 with only out patients services in all specialties including Labour Room and Maternity facilities as small peripheral Hospital during the VIIth five-year plan. Indoor services were started with 25 beds in this Hospital w.e.f. 11.10.96. This Hospital has been made fully functional w.e.f. 22.06.99. Now the bed capacity of the Hospital has been raised from 25 to 100 beds. The Hospital presently serves as full fledged 100-beded Hospital. The clinical facilities are being provided in various specialties as given below: 1. MEDICINE 2. SURGERY 3. PAEDIATRIC 4. GYNAE & OBS.*& MATERNITY 5. EYE 6. E.N.T. 7. ORHTO 8. DENTAL In addition to above the Hospital is also providing Medical facilities in Ayurvedic & Homoeopathic system of Medicine.

4.2 OBJECTIVES The main Objective of the scheme is to provide Medical facilities to poor, SocioEconomically weaker section of the society in and around resettlement Colonies at Khichripur, Trilok puri, Kalyanpuri, Kondli, Mandavali, Gazipur, Dallupura, Kalyanvaas & Mayur Vihar PH. I-II-III , adjoining areas of Uttar Pradesh. It caters to the Medical need of more than 5 lacks population of Trans Yamuna area of East Delhi. 9

4.3 ACHIEVEMENT MADE DURING ANNUAL PLAN 2004-05 1. 2. Most of the remaining work of the Annual Plan for the year 2004-05 has been completed. Some of the existing patient care services have been strengthened and rest will be strengthened shortly. The Microbiology Lab has been strengthen and it is functioning smoothly. Installation of scrubber in Incinerator and affluent treatment plant under BMW is under process. Some of posts created during the last financial year have already been filled up and letter has also been written to concerned authority to fill up the posts, which are lying vacant. An adll. Land of 8000 Sqm. had been allotted by DDA for expansion of hospital into 200-bedded hospital for which SFC approval of Delhi Govt. had been obtained. The proposal to start Blood Storage facility in the hospital has been submitted to Drug Controller of GNCTD. The matter is under process. TARGETS ANNUAL PLAN 2005-06 To take up the remaining work of the Annual plan 2004-05. To acquire land from the DDA to increase the bed capacity of the hospital from 100 to 200 beds for which 8000 Sqm. Of land had been allotted by DDA To further expand the clinical facilities by introducing more specialties. To start the Blood Bank To start I.C.U. facilities. Strengthening of all existing facilities for better patient care. Strengthening of Operation Theater services. 10

3. 4.




4.4 1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


To initiate proposal for administrative reforms were study for increasing the staff strength of different categories of functionaries required for 200 bedded hospital Extension of OPD Services by constructing one floor over the existing administrative , OPD and casualty blocks. Construction of additional staff quarters of all categories. Procurement of necessary Machines and Equipment as per need. To start T B Chest Clinic Procurement of Hearse Van. Expansion of Mortuary services to meet any disaster by providing extra space for mortuary block


10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



Since the department is proposing to further expand Hospital services from 100 to 200 beds during the Annual Plan 2005-06, in case if this target is achieved, the department will propose another A.R. work study as per staff norms to run 200 bedded Hospital smoothly. 4.6 CAPITAL/ CONSTRUCTION PROJECT.

During Xth Five Year Plan the department is proposing the following construction work of buildings and staff quarter etc., the said proposal is also being included in Annual plan 2005-06 the details of each is given as under: (I) Construction of one floor over the existing Admn./O.P.D. / Casualty Block: -

As per Hospital layout plan the space of O.P.D. Block was designed to provide O.P.D. services to 500 patients. The number of O.P.D. attendance of patients per day is increasing continuously since the commissioning of the Hospital. At present average daily O.P.D. attendance of patients is approximately 2400 patients whereas the space 11

of O.P.D. remain the same. Thus in order to accommodated increased strength of patients it is considered essential that one floor over the existing Admn. /O.P.D. / Casualty Block may be got constructed. As per E.F.C. memo there was a provision of expansion of building. The building was constructed to bear the load of two floors over the existing structure. Thus with a view to expand O.P.D. services decongest the O.P.D. and also to expand O.P.D. services by opening clinical specialties, a proposal for construction of one floor over the said Blocks is included in the Xth Five Year Plan document. II. Construction of two floors over the existing Ward Block to expand bed strength from 100 to 200 beds: -

Since, June- 1999, the Hospital has been made full-flashed 100-beded Hospital. Like O.P.D., the number of daily average attendance of Indoor patients has also increased considerably as against the strength of 100 beds, the daily average bed occupancy of Indoor patients range between 140-160 patients per day. Thus in order to cope up with the situation and to provide better patient care, the need is felt to increase the bed strength 100-200 beds. Therefore DDA was requested to allot 8000 Sqm. of Land for expansion of the hospital. Now after acquiring land from DDA construction process will be initiated. III. Construction of one floor over the existing Mortuary Block : -

During Annual Plan 2005-06 the department will also propose to expand Mortuary Services in the Hospital by constructing one floor over the existing Mortuary Block. With the construction of one floor, the Hospital will be in a position to preserve additional dead bodies in the event of natural clematis and any disaster.



Separate block for Labour Room: -

At present Labour Room is functioning along with Gynae O.T. & there are chances of infection so a separate block for Labour Room is required as the following more facilities are also required in Labour Room. Clean Labour Room Room for septic patients Eclampsia Room Ultra-Sound Room/ Doctor Room

In order to provide above facilities the department propose to construct separate block for Labour Room during 2005-06. V. Construction of additional staff quarter: -

In order to provide residential facilities to the staff in the Hospital campus, the department proposes to construct more residential flats of all categories during 2005-06. 4.7 PROCUREMENT OF VEHICLE

The department will propose the procurement of vehicles if required during the annual plan 2005-06. 4.8 OTHER ACTIVITIES

Disaster Management Plan will be routine activity of the hospital to cope with any unforeseen eventuality/natural calamities in future. Stree Shakti Camps will be organized from time to time and all the expenditure will be met out of OE sub-Head of the Budget meant for hospital. TQM training will be emparted to all staff of the hospital. 13


FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS An amount of Rs. 1089.60 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06.


5. 5.1.


Babu Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital situated in Jahangirpuri was conceived in the 8 Five Year Plan under the scheme of Establishment of small hospitals in resettlement colonies and peripheral areas in Delhi and subsequently 4.178 hectares of land for construction of the hospital was taken over by Directorate of Health Services on 12.4.85.The OPD started from august 1993, 25-bed IPD services started w.e.f. 3.9.96 and upgraded to 100 bedded hospital with 24 hrs. Emergency, labour room and maternity services on 15.11.99. At present OPD services are available in various disciplines like Medical, Surgery, Obst. & Gynae, Skin & VD, Pediatrics, Orthopedics, TB, etc.

Keeping in view to maintain the bed-population ratio of at least 2.5 beds per 1000 population in Delhi, there is a proposal to upgrade the existing 100-bedded hospital into 200-bedded hospital during 10th Five Year Plan. 5.2. Achievements during Annual Plan 2004-05.

Strengthening/Up gradation of existing services especially Lab, Pathology, Radiology, Emergency, and Family Welfare carried out. Starting of MLC. Procurement of machinery and equipment along with computerization and privatization of laundry services. Special Clinics of Cancer, ANC Chest, DOTS/TB/Leprosy/STD Clinic and Asthma Clinics organization of Stree Shakti Camps. 5.3 Targets for Annual Plan 2005-06 1. Computerization of Establishment, Accounts Br., Medical store, OPD and MRD etc.


2. 3. 4. 5.

Commencement of more dots centers and str. of chest clinics. Initiating process of up-gradation of hospital into 200 beds. Creation of new posts. Strengthening of facilities relating to RCH, Family Welfare. Augmentation of Pathology, Radiology, Emergency and MLC facilities, commissioning of office canteen, Procurement of machinery and equipment from DGS & D and other agencies. Improving quality of services by TQM, by involving all categories of hospital staff. Procurement of equipments / machineries. Strengthening of casualty, MLC facilities/Postmortem Services & Library facilities. Strengthening of Microbiology Lab. Services. Provision of 2 ICU Beds. Strengthening of Neo-natal ICU.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.


Special Target

Some specific expenditure pertaining to Stree Shakti Abhiyan and Disaster Management will be incurred from the relevant OE sub head of the budget meant for the hospital. Stree Shakti Camps will be organized as and when required. The training/orientation course for Quality Management and System Reforms of the hospital will be organized for the various staff of the hospital for providing better Health Care Services. The expenses will be made out of the expenses of the budget provided for the hospital. 5.5. Budget

Rs.596.75 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs.30 lacs under Capital Head is approved for this hospital for 2005-06.





The main objective of this hospital is to provide medical facilities including indoor facilities to the low socio-economic group of people residing in the rural belt of Najafgarh Block in the South West District of Delhi. The OPD services was started from September 1989 and 25 beds indoor services started from 1996-97. The hospital was upgraded to 100-bedded hospital with 24 hours emergency services/labour room/maternity services w.e.f. 9.12.1999. Out door services in various specialties like surgery, medicine, gynaecology, paediatrics, ophthalmology, ENT, Orthopedics, Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, radiology, etc were strengthened along with immunization and family welfare services. Homoeopathy and Ayurvedic clinics under Indian System of Medicine were made functional. 6.2. Achievement during 2004-05 1. Completed construction of Shopping Complex, staff canteen & car parking, expansion of laboratory services and doctors hostel. Initiated process for opening of blood bank. Procured under water cattery, two ambulances from cats. Installation of Oxygen Concentrator unit & underground water tank. Lying of 8 water Pipe Line from Najafgarth to RTRM Hospital, Jafferpur. Establishment of blood storage facilities, expansion of central AC to casualty and expansion of Admn. Block and OPD Block. Renovation of Gynae O.T. Expansion of MRD Department is under process.


3. 4. 5.

6. 7.



Target for 2005-06 1. Initiation of planning process for construction of additional floors over Admn. Block, OPD and Casualty. Filling up of vacant posts. Provision for library & conference room. Completion of central AC facility to casualty and other Deptt. OPD and Administration Block. Expansion departments. of Microbiology Bio-Chemistry and Histopathology

2. 3. 4.


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6.4.

Procurement of equipments and medicine. Construction Sewerage TR Plant. Expansion of Physiotherapy Department. Starting rehabilitation centre. Construction of Auditorium.

Special Target.

Some specific expenditure pertaining to Stree Shakti Abhiyan and Disaster Management will be incurred from the relevant OE Sub Head of the budget meant for the hospital. Stree Shakti Camps will be organized as and when required. The training/orientation course for Total Quality Management and System Reforms of the hospital will be organized for the various staff of the hospital for providing better Health Care Services. The expenses will be made out of the office expenses of the budget provided for the hospital. An amount of Rs. 477.30 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06.





Maharishi Balmiki Hospital at Pooth Khurd was conceived in the 8th Five Year Plan under the scheme of establishment of 100 bedded hospitals in peripheral and rural areas of Delhi and subsequently 8.10 hectares land had been taken over by Dte.of Health Services from Gram Sabha, Pooth Khurd to provide basic Medical facilities to the residents in rural areas of North Delhi Viz. Pooth Khurd, Samai Pur Badli, Darya Pur Kalan, Barwala, Prahalad Pur, Bawana and adjoining villages of Delhi Haryana border. The OPD services were started w.e.f. 29.10.98. 100 bedded hospital started functioning w.e.f.22.1.2002 with 24 hours emergency and maternity services. At present all the services in various disciplines like surgery, medicine, paed., gynae. orth., eye.,ENT etc. are available in the hospital. MLC has been started w.e.f. 23.04.03. 7.2. 1. Achievements of 2004-2005 Construction of Maharish Balmiki Hospital:- Construction of main building, Doctors Hostel, Nurses Hostel and Dharamshala has been completed by PWD and taken over by DHS for use. Filling/Creation of posts:- During the year 243 posts have been created. Maximum posts have been filled up except ministerial staff. Additional posts for 24 hrs. casualty services and indoor services has been sent AR Department for approval. OPD/IPD/CASUALTY SERVICES: Full-fledged OPD services have been started with the specialists. Haematology Laboratory /Biochemistry Laboratory established. 100 bedded indoor/24 hrs. casualty services started from 22.1.02. Radiology Department:- Radiology services has been started with 60 MA XRay Machine, Ultrasound Machine is installed in Jan.,2002.





5. 6.

Kitchen and Dietary services started. Disaster Management: The hospital is well equipped for any disaster in the area. Equipments/beds are stored for any disaster.

7. 8.

500 KV-DG set has been installed. National and State run public health programmes like Pulse Polio Immunization programmed, Stree Shakti Abhiyan, Motiabind Mukti Abhiyan, Cancer Detection Programmed, AIDS Control, Leprosy eradication and Community Health Education were under taken.


Special clinic has been started and are functioning as per scheduled ( i.e. Leprosy clinic, Cancer clinic & Chest clinic.)

10. 11.

Computerization of OPD registration is under process. Medico-legal services had been started.

7.3. 1.

Target for Annual Plan 2005-06 To take up the remaining work of the Annual plan 2004-05

2. Strengthening of existing services of the Hospital 3. To further expand the clinical facilities by introducing more specialties, like Microbiology/Hepatology Lab. provision of blood storage facilities, mortuary, Dots centre, skin and VD clinics, and FWC and up-gradation of radiology Department (CT Scan). 4. Addition /alteration/renovation of existing building. 5. Strengthening of investigative facilities OT services. 6. Filling up of vacant posts. 7. Starting of canteen, car-parking space etc. 8. Installation of Gas pipe line and purchase of high tech. equipment.



Special Target

Some specific expenditure pertaining to Stree Shakti Abhiyan & Disaster Management will be incurred from the relevant OE sub head of the budget meant for the hospital Shree Shakti Camps will be organized as and when required. The training/orientation course for Total Quality Management and System Reforms of the hospital will be organised for the various staff of the hospital for providing better Health Care Services. The expenses will be made out of the office expenses of the budget provided for the hospital. 7.5. Budget Allocation:

Rs.538.00 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs.90 lacs under Capital Head is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06.



Introduction :-





Guru Govind Singh Govt. Hospital is a 100-bedded hospital established in the resettlement colony of Raghubir Nagar, West Delhi under special component plan of Delhi Govt. with a view to provide secondary level health care to low socio economic group of people of Raghubir Nagar and adjacent areas of an approximate population of 5 lacs. The scheme was approved at an estimated cost of Rs. 16.96 crores. Construction of the hospital building began in 1993 in a plot of land measuring approximately 14 Acres. On completion of the OPD block, OPD services were commissioned on 30th December 1995.


The hospital is now fully functional with round the clock emergency/casualty, maternity/labour room, Operation theatres, 100-bedded indoors and ambulance services w.e.f. 16-02-2001. Hospital is providing multi-disciplinary services in the field of General Medicines, General Surgery, Paediatrics, Gynaeocology and Obsetetrics including antenatal and Family Welfare services, Orthopedics including Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy services, Opthalmology, ENT including Audiometry and Tympanometry services, Dental, Dermatology and Homoeopathy etc. 8.2. Achievement for the year 2004-05: Strengthening of Orthopedic services through procurement of C-Arm Image Intensifier & Ophthalmology Department by procuring Phacoemulsifier and also refraetometer.. Starting of glaucoma clinic. Stree Shakti Camps were organized and hospital staffs were trained in TQM. Provision of 500 KVADG Set for whole of the hospital. Procurement of 500 MA X-ray machine, automated hematology analyzer, automatic film processor. 8.3. Computerized ventilators for past perative management. Creation of posts for mortuary services. Construction for separated underground water tank for staff quarters. Target for 2005-06. 1ST QUARTER 01-04-05 to 30-06-05:


Provision of Minor OT in ENT OPD. Starting of Geriatrics clinic on Sundays. Up-gradation of Ultrasound Machine to perform Doppler studies. Provision of Round the Clock canteen facilities for patients.

2ND QUARTER 01-07-05 to 30-09-05: Starting of new Lecture Room on the 2nd Floor of the Indoor Block. Up-gradation of dental services with replaceable partial dentures (RPD). Installation of Automated Scrub Stations in OTs. Starting Infertility clinics.

3RD QUARTER 01-10-05 to 31-12-05: Up-gradation of Lab. Services with Histopathology. Provision of central gas pipeline for delivery of oxygen in OT and Indoor blocks.

4TH QUARTER 01-01-06 to 31-03-06: Procurement of Ultrasound B Scan for Ophthalmology. Procurement of YAG Laser for Capsulectomy for Opthalmology Department. Provision for central air-cooling plant for the Indoor and OPD Block.



Special Target

Some specific expenditure pertaining to Stree Shakti Abhiyan & Disaster Management will be incurred from the relevant OE sub head of the budget meant for the hospital Stree Shakti Camps will be organized as and when required. The training/orientation course for Total Quality Management and System Reforms of the hospital will be organised for the various staff of the hospital for providing better Health Care Services. The expenses will be made out of the office expenses of the budget provided for the hospital. 8.5. BUDGET

Rs.741.75 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs. 45 lacs under Capital Head is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06.





Dr. N.C. Joshi Hospital especially an Orthopaedic Hospital is situated in Karol Bagh and caters to the population of about 15 lacs. The up-gradation of the hospital from the existing 30 beds into a multi disciplinary 50 beds could not be undertaken during 9 th Five Year Plan due to technical reasons. However, multi-disciplinary OPD services had already started. The construction of New OPD Block had been completed and the new OPD had started from December 2002. 9.2. 1. Achievement during 2004-05 Completion of new OPD block at the demolished site and new OPD had started w.e.f. December 2002. 24

2. Procurement of some equipments and medicine. 3. 4. 5. Posting of 8 Sr. Residents & other 18 staff including orthopedic specialist. Stree Shakti Camps were organized &Hosp. staffs were trained in TQM. Separate counters opened for Senior Citizens.

9.3. Targets for 2005-06 1. Proposal for demolition and construction of main hospital building at present OPD block. Initiation of process for construction of Multi stories building at property No. 874 & 875. Follow up of removal of encroachment of land at D.B.Gupta road for new hospital. Creation of 90 new posts & filling up vacant posts. Strengthening of OT services. Strengthening of Laboratory & indoor services. Up gradation of physiotherapy units. Training of medical & para-medical staffs. Special Target



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.4.

Some specific expenditure pertaining to Stree Shakti Abhiyan & Disaster Management will be incurred from the relevant sub head of the budget meant for the hospital Stree Shakti Camps will be organized as and when required. The training/orientation course for Total Quality Management and System Reforms of the hospital will be organised for the various staff of the hospital for


providing better Health Care Services. The expenses will be made out of the office expenses of the budget provided for the hospital. 9.5. BUDGET

Rs.136.85 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs.12.00 lacs Under Capital Head is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06.



Objective of the Scheme To set up new hospitals in peripheral parts of Delhi, so that the bed population ratio in the peripheral areas of Delhi is made adequate.


Need and Justification of the Scheme In Delhi bed population ratio is 2.4 per 1000 population while Bhore Committee has recommended 5 beds per 1000 population. Moreover, population in Delhi is increasing and lots of migratory population is being added. To increase the bed population ratio there is requirement of opening of new hospitals. During 9 th FYP 10 hospitals were planed and this scheme is being continued in 10 th FYP.


Physical Achievement for Annual Plan 2004-05 (i) OPD blocks of Pitampura and Shastri Park Hospitals started in 2 nd quarter of 2003-04. Foundation stone for ILBS Vasant Kunj and Maternity and Child Hospital at Nasirpur laid in 2nd quarter of 2003-04.




Dwarka-Preliminary Estimates submitted by PWD. SFC proposal approved and tender had been awarded to private agency for construction. Inauguration of Foundation Stone is likely to be laid by 3 rd Quarter ending December 2004. Burari-NOC for the change of land use from Agriculture to Institutional is awaited from DDA. Purchase of land for hospital at Kokiwala Bagh, Ashok Vihar subjected to removal of encroachment by DDA & allotment of land at Hastsal by DDA.





Physical target for Annual Plan 2005-06 1. Initiation of indoor services at Pitampura and Shastri Park Hospital & stg. of various services. Initiation of construction work of hospitals at Dwarka & Nasirpur. Purchase of 800 sqm. of land adjacent to Attar Sain Jain Hospital for its expansion. Possession of land for hospital at Kokiwala Bagh, Ashok Vihar subjected to removal of encroachment by DDA & allotment of land for 200-bedded hospital at Badarpur, Tuglakabad & Mahipalpur by DDA. NOC for change of land use for 100-bedded hospital at Burari from agricultural to institutional from DDA. Opening of Indoor beds in 30-bedded Maternity Hosp. at Kantinagar.

2. 3.






An amount of Rs.2015.00 lacs is proposed for the year 2005-06, under Revenue Head for meeting the salary


Expenditure of the staff/medicines etc. and Rs. 2990.25 lacs under capital head is proposed for the Annual Plan 2005-06. Under this scheme following two new hospitals are covered during 10 th Financial Year Plan. 1. 2. 10.6 200-bedded hospital at Sastri Park. 200-bedded Bhagwan Mahavir hospital at Pitampura. 200-bedded Hospital at Sastri Park: OPD of Hospital inaugurated by Honble C.M. of Delhi on 06-10-2003: 10.7 1. 2. Achievement 2004-05: Creation of 50 posts of different category. Stg. of OPD with disciplines like Medicine, Surgery, Obst. & Gyane, Dental, Opth. and ENT. Up-gradation of laboratory & Radiology Department. 75 % of completion of the Indoor Block.

3. 4.

10.8 1. 2. 3. 4.

Target during 2005-06: Completion of whole hospital building and staff quarter. Creation of various new posts for Indoor Services. Commissioning of Indoor Services. Purchase of Medicines and Equipments



200-bedded Bhagwan Mahavir Hospital at Pitampura:

The OPD of Hospital was inaugurated By Honble C.M. of Delhi on 25-09-03: 10.10 Achievement during 2004-05: 1. 2. Creation of posts. Stg. of OPD with disciplines like Medicine, Surgery, Obst. & Gyane, Dental, Opth. and ENT. 3. 4. Up-gradation of laboratory & Radiology Department. 75 % of completion of the Indoor Block.

10.11 Target during 2005-06: 1. 2. 3. 4. Completion of construction of whole hospital building and staff quarter. Creation of various new posts for Indoor Services. Commissioning of Indoor Services. Purchase of Medicines and Equipments An amount of Rs. 5058 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06. 11. DR. HEDGEWAR AROGYA SANSTHAN AT KARKARDOOMA (Rs. 1543.00 lakh) 11.1 Nomenclature of the scheme Establishment of 200 bedded Dr. Hedgewar Arogya Sansthan at Karkardooma



Objective of the Scheme:To provide comprehensive medical care facilities to the residents of East Delhi, particularly of Karkardooma, Arjun Nagar, Jagatpuri, Krishna Nagar, Radhey Puri, Vishwas Nagar etc.


Need and Justification of the Scheme:Delhi Legislative Assembly had passed a resolution in March 1994 to establish a general hospital in Karkardooma in East Delhi under the scheme of Opening of 5 peripheral hospitals in Delhi. Which shall provide indoor services to the people of seven Assembly Constituencies like Geeta Colony, Krishna Nagar,Gandhi Nagar, Seelampur, Vishwas Nagar, Shahdara and Mandawali spread over a radius of 12 Kms. Almost one third of Delhis population live in trans yamuna area and 90% of them reside in JJ Clusters, resettlement colonies and urban slums which being devoid of basic medical facilities and vulnerable to various communicable diseases like T.B., Leprosy, Malaria, Dengue and other ailments. There are very few dispensaries/health centres, which can provide specialized care during accident and emergency. The people have no access to specialized medical services in the existing two hospitals which are situated in one crowing influx of patients from the adjoining state.

11.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Achivements 2004-2005 Construction work had been completed & indoor services started on 01-09-03 Total 357 posts had been created. Total 235 posts had been filled-up by 30-09-04 Purchase of Medicine and equipments are under process. X-ray Ultrasound Machine, OT Table, OT light, Lead lining of Radiology room. Purchase of one ambulance & one staff car.


11.5 a).

Physical Targets for Annual Plan 2005-06:Creation and filling up of remaining 122 posts & creation of post of Blood Bank Medical Officer for hospital and procurement of equipment and materials for Blood Bank. Purchase of essential equipments and medicines. Purchase of one more ambulances and one field vehicle. 24 Hrs. emergency & maternity services. Estt. Of Nursery, ICU and Mortuary services and Blood Bank & construction of waiting space for patients in OPD and Dharmshala for relative of Indoor patients.

b). C). d). e)

f) Starting of Family Planning Deptt.

An amount of Rs. 1543 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06. New posts proposed to be created is given at Annexure A 11.6. POSTS PROPOSED TO BE CREATED DURING THE YEAR 2005-2006
S.No. Name of the post Pay scale Category (A,B,C,D) A A A A A A A No of posts proposed for creation during the year 2005-06 ----1 ------11 13 1 35 38 . 1 5 105 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Medical Supdt Addl. Medical Supdt. Dy. Medical Supdt. CMO M.O. Specialist Dental Surgeon Sr. Resident Jr. Resident DNS ANS Nursing Sister Staff Nurse Radiographer

18400-22400 +NPA 14300-18300 +NPA 14300-18300 +NPA 12000-16500 + NPA 8000-13500 + NPA 10000-15200 +NPA 8000-13500 10940-11650 9400+ Allowance 7500-12000 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 5000-8000



15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

Jr. Radiographer Dark Room Astt. Lab. Tech. Lab. Astt. Pharmacist O.T. Tech. O.T. Astt. Dressor E.C.G. Tech. Audiomatry Astt. Dental Hygenist Refractionist Physiotherpist Occupational Threapist Orthopist CSSD Tech. CSSD Att. MRO/SO JAO PRO Research Officer Statistical Astt. Stenographer UDC LDC Head Clerk Peon Ambulance Driver Ambulance Att. N.O. Staff Car Driver Office Supdt. Medico Social Worker Dietician Total

4500-7000 3050-4590 4000-6000 3200-4900 4500-7000 4500-7000 3050-4590 2650-4000 4500-7000 4500-7000 4500-7000 4500-7000 5500-9000 5500-9000 3050-4590 4500-7000 2650-4000 6500-10500 6500-10500 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 4000-6000 4000-6000 3050-4590 5000-8000 2550-3200 3050-4590 2650-4000 2550-3200 3050-4590 6500-10500


2 4 6 8 2 6 8 4 4 1 1 2 1 . 2 4 .. . . .. . 1 4 4 2 6 5 59 . 1 1 1 350



12.1. Introduction


The hospital was inaugurated by CM on 25-8-2003 with OPD services to provide medical care facilities to the residents of North- East Delhi, particularly of Narela and its adjoining areas like Lampur, Bhorgarh, Sanoth, Holambi Kurd, Holambi Kalan and nearby re-settlement colonies. Moreover, there is no other hospital within 10 kms. of proposed hospital. 12.2. Need and Justification of the Scheme: Keeping in view that most of the people in North Delhi area are residing in Rural Areas and urban slum and belong to low socio economic group, opening of a hospital was felt essential by the Health Administrators and by the local representatives of Delhi Govt. The Bhore Committee and Mudaliar Committee had undertaken the study of the need for the nation as a whole and had recommended provision of hospital bed and population ration of 0-2 per thousand and then 2-5 per thousand populations as to achieve the goal of 5 beds per thousand by 2000 AD. 12.3. Achievement 2004-05 1. Construction work of the hospital building has been completed. The hospital was inaugurated by CM on 25-08-2003 with OPD services in all major specialties. Diagnostic services, Pathology, Radiology, ECG & minor OT services, Supportive services in Pharmacy & Physiotherapy. Limited IPD and Emergency Services. 351 posts of various categories have been created & 114 posts had been filledup. 3. IPD/Emergency services are likely to be introduced during financial year 2004-05. Procurement of X-ray machine and ultra-sound machine through EPC, Govt. of Delhi is under process. Procurement of medicines and equipments. Purchase of one vehicle. 33



5. 6.


Computerization of OPD registration is likely to be completed.


Physical Targets for Annual Plan 2005-06: Proposal for Creation and filling up of rest the required posts. Purchase of essential equipments and medicines. Starting Diagnostic Services, viz. X-Ray, Ultra-Sound and Laboratory Services. Purchase of one ambulance and one field vehicle. Computerization of Laboratory, Estt. Branch, Account Branch & other OPDs. Privatization of laundry, Security, Housekeeping & Kitchen Services. Introduction of evening clinics like Asthma Clinic, Infertility Clinic and Diabetes Clinic

Creation of additional posts as depicted below: Specialists-2 one each in Radiology & Microbiology. Medical Officers-10 five each for CCMO & CMO duty round the clock. Sr. Residents-19, Medicine-2, Surgery-2, Ortho-2, Anaethesia-2, Paeds-2, Gynae-6 & Radiology-3. Jr. Residents-10. Radiographers-5. Lab. Technician-3. Lab. Assistant-3. OT Technician-3. IPD services are likely to be started during 2005-06. 34

Procurement Hematology analyzer, Electrolyte analyzer, out sourcing of computerized OPD and IPD registration, computerization of accounts and Estt. Branch.

12.5. Bio-Medical Waste Management: 1. 2. 3. 4. Enforcing segregation. Installation of needle destroyers. Training of staff. Transportation of Waste material to treatment site through authorized transporter.

12.6. Budget: An amount of Rs. 880.00 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs. 90.00 lacs under Capital Head is proposed for Annual Plan 2005-06.







13.1. Nomenclature of the Scheme Establishment of Attar Sain Jain Eye & General Hospital. 13.2. Objective of the Scheme: To provide comprehensive eye care and medical care to the residents of Lawrence Road, Shakur Basti, Ashok Vihar and adjoining areas. 13.3. Need and Justification of the Scheme:


A.S. Jain Hospital was donated by President of Jain Trust to Govt. of NCT of Delhi and taken over by DHS on 19.4.1999 with a view to strengthen the hospital and provide preventive, promotive and curative services in the field of ophthalmology and general medicine. It is proposed to be upgraded to 30-bedded hospital, so as to cater to the needs of thickly populated catchments areas. 13.4. Physical Achievements during 2004-05: Renovation of OT Starting of 24 hours indoor services. Strengthening of General Medical Services Commissioning of Laboratory Services Purchase of Essential equipments and Medicines. Procurement of Semi-Automatic Laboratory Analyser. Commissioning of Day Care Services. Creation of 48 posts of various categories of staff. Starting of squint clinics, retina clinics &cataract surgery with Phaco emulsification machine. Physical structure of library is ready. Procurement of Autorefractometer, Automated field analyzer & Operating Microscope had been approved TAC Committee & is in process. 13.5. Physical Targets for Annual Plan 2005-06: Filling up of sanctioned posts


Purchase of essential equipments, like phacoemulsifying machine, Ultra sound B-Scan, Automated field analyzer, autorefractometer, funds camera & medicines Purchase of one Ambulance and one field vehicle Comprehensive emergency services Acquisition of 1600 Sqm. land adjacent to present hospital from for expansion of the hospital into 50 indoor beds. Up-gradation of retina services & vitreo-retinal surgery. The objective is to make this hospital STATE-OF-THE-ART EYE CENTRE in future.

13.6. OTHER ACTIVITIES Disaster Management Plan will be routine activity of the hospital to cope with any unforeseen eventuality/natural calamities in future. Stree Shakti Camps will be organized from time to time and all the expenditure will be met out of OE sub-Head of the Budget meant for hospital. TQM training will be emparted to all staff of the hospital. 13.7. Budget 2005-06: Rs. 187.65 LACS (UNDER REVENUE HEAD) and Rs. 5.00 Lacs under Capital Head is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06. 14. UPGRADATION OF COLONY HOSPITALS (Rs. 2367.55 lakh)

14.1. Nomenclature of the Scheme including location: Up-gradation of Colony Hospitals at Malviya Nagar, Moti Nagar and Patel Nagar. 14.2. Objectives of the Scheme:


To provide comprehensive medical care facilities to the residents of the colonies at Malviya Nagar, Moti Nagar and Patel Nagar and its adjoining areas. 14.3 Need and Justification of the Schemes

The erstwhile MCD Colony Hospitals were not functioning up to the level of satisfaction as was found by the committee under Chairmanship of Sh. Rajendra Gupta, then MLA. With a view to improve the functioning of these Hospitals, they were taken by Govt. of Delhi on 1.10.1996 vide Cabinet Decision No.199 dated 7.9.1996. It was envisaged to upgrade these hospitals to 100 bedded capacity after demolition of the existing building and construction of the new building at the site. However, due to shortage of space the Patel Nagar Hospital can be upgraded with 50 beds only. 14.4 1. Physical Achievement during the Plan 2004-05 The OPD services in new building of both Patel Nagar and Moti Nagar Hospitals have been started. Progress in construction of Malviya Nagar Hospital as per schedule. 172additional posts created for Moti Nagar Hospital 16 additional posts created for Patel Nagar Hospital.

2. 3. 4.

14.5. Physical targets proposed for 2005-06 1. 2. 3. Completion of work of construction process of all the three Hospitals. Purchase of essential Equipments & Medicines. Creation of additional posts for Indoor services for Malviya Nagar, Patel Nagar and Moti Nagar Hospital.



Commissioning of Indoor services in these Hospitals if constructions are completed. No. of posts proposed to be created for hospitals during 2005- 06 Plan Medical Staff Nursing Staff Paramedical Staff Ancillary Staff TOTAL 577 142 188 83 66 98


Administrative Staff -

14.7. An amount of Rs.2367.55 lac is approved for this scheme for 2005-06 out of which Rs. 997.55 lacs under Revenue Head and Rs. 1370.00 under Capital Head. 15. HUMAN RESOURCE TRAINING CENTRE (Rs. 5.00 lakh)

15.1 INTRODUCTION: The scheme is for keeping abreast medical and paramedical personnel in the latest development in the field by conducting regular in-house training of all categories of health care personnel and by deputing them to other institutions for various specialized trainings /seminars/conferences/workshops. A proposal for setting up of Human Resource Training Centre at the Headquarters of Directorate of Health Services has already been proposed in draft plan document for the tenth five year plan. The activities for the setting up of the cell and the subsequent conduction of the in-house training programmes will be initiated subject to deployment of requisite manpower and space required for the cell. 15.2 Achievement during 2004-05


1. 2.

Fellow Training Courses/43 Doctors trained on World Health Day o 7 th April 2004. 169 Doctors trained on prevention aspect of disease workshop on Emergency Resuscitation Techniques at RTRM Hospital. 109 Pharmacist trained on Store Management in 2 batches. 70 Doctors trained on CME on Hypertension and recent advances. 100 Nursing Orderly trained on patient care. 47 Doctors trained on Hospital Acquired Infections. 51 Doctors trained on Adolescent Health. 40 Doctors trained on Health Care delivery. 48 Doctors trained on Bio-Medical Waste Management. Many Doctors/Pharmacists/Paramedical staff were deputed to many national workshop organized at Delhi and outside Delhi.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.



Training of Staff (Medical and Paramedical personnel Depute officer/officials to attend the training programmes being organized by medical institutions/research organizations under Govt. of India/Govt. of Delhi/ Local bodies/State government institutions/Non governmental bodies that provide training by charging a fixed fee for each training programme. Depute officer/officials to attend various training programmes organized by various Govt. and Private bodies without charging any fee. Trainings will be organized at the level of the directorate by inviting guest faculty (Experts on the subject and from reputed teaching institutions) subject to availability of adequate manpower.


Trainings conducted on topics of interest relevant to patient care by various administrative units under this directorate for different categories of personnel will be supported under the scheme. The trainings will be conducted either by specialists/General duty officers working in the hospitals/Zones or by inviting guest faculty from reputed teaching institutions Preparation of learning materials for trainees for training conducted by various administrative units. The available learning materials on the subject will be got compiled for distribution to the trainees. In some trainings the written contributions from the trainers/experts in the field will also be got published in the form of booklets /monographs for wider dissemination. Health education aids like LCD/OHP/Slide projector, TV, VCP will be procured for utilization in the training programmes conducted by the various admininistrative units under this directorate and for subsequent use in the Human Resource Training Center. The training programmes organized by various institutions if found suitable for medical and para medical personnel will be supported by providing grants from the scheme after approval of the competent authority. 15.4 Budget Proposal: An amount of Rs. 5.00 lacs is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06. 16. Grant in Aid to Statutory CouncilS set up by Delhi Govt. (Rs. 40 lakh)

16.1. Introduction / Need and Justification


During 9th Five Year Plan, Govt. of Delhi had constituted various statutory councils like Delhi State Medical Council, Delhi State Nursing Council, Delhi Pharmacy Council, Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy Council and grants were provided to them under plan funds. The activities of the above councils had started. However, the activities of Paramedical Council have been suspended due to technical reasons and also very minimal activities had been performed by Delhi State Nursing Council after enforcement of the relevant Act. These councils are meant for assisting Govt. in maintaining optimum standard of medical and paramedical profession and ensuring high quality of medical services in public interest. These councils are new and need to be strengthened till these bodies become self sufficient by generating own resources. 16.2. Achievements of various statutory councils. A. State Medical Council

The Delhi Medical Council Act was passed in 1997 and the council was constituted in 1999. More than 20,000 doctors had been registered till now. The council has prepared code of ethics for practicing doctors in Delhi. The Dy. Registrar had been appointed. General Election for the post of various Office Bearers had been held. Till now, the council has been provided grant of Rs. 52 lacs. The GIA for the year 2004-05 is under consideration. B. State Nursing Council

The State Nursing Council Act has been enacted in 1997 and notified in 1999. It is entrusted to register the qualified nurses, ANMs, Female Health Supervisors, Female Health Assistants and Female Health Workers in Delhi. It will accord recognition to Nursing Schools and Colleges and ANM schools in Delhi for maintaining professional standards. The corpus funds of the council is sufficient for managing the SNC by now. C. State Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Council


The relevant Act was notified on 3.10.1997. Till now, 65 physiotherapists and 66 occupational therapists had been registered. 52 physiotherapists and 8 occupational therapists are awaiting registration. D. Delhi Pharmacy Council and Paramedical Council .

The old Council of 1948 was strengthened. The council renewed registration of 8441 pharmacists till now out of total 14000 registered pharmacists. 16.3. Function of various councils during 10th Five Year Plan (Targets) The function of all the above councils will be to maintain the standard of medical and paramedical profession and ensuring quality of medical services by formulation of guidelines and registration of genuine professionals. The registration of professionals will be according to framed rule/Act. An amount of Rs. 40 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06. 17. STRENGTHENING OF STATE DRUG AUTHROITY AND PROCUREMENT AGENCY(CPA) (Rs. 60 lakh) CENTRAL

17.1. Introduction The scheme Establishment of State Drug Authority and Central Procurement Agency initially implemented under Drug Control Deptt. and now has been transferred to Directorate of Health Services w.e.f. 1.3.2000 now located at F-17, Karkardooma.

17. 2. Objectives of the scheme :


The broad objectives of the scheme was to procure drugs centrally required by the hospitals and Health centres of Govt. of Delhi and their distribution to these institutions ensuring high quality standards with comparatively low cost. 17.3. Need and Justifications of the scheme: By creating procurement agency the State will be in a position to procure drugs at competitive rates because of larger size of orders and drugs of uniform and good quality will be available in all Health Units of State. In this system of procurement pit falls of multi point procurement system will also be over come. 17.4. Programme content : The Central Procurement Agency is to implement one of the main objectives of Drug Policy of Govt. of Delhi i.e. Centralized procurement of drugs. The scheme is being implemented in different phases. 1. 2. Completion of building at Karkardooma and the office started w.e.f 07-08-2001. Finalization of rate contract for common surgical items after inviting open tender from manufactures, which has already started from the new building. Computerization of Central procurement Agency is a feasibility study has been taken by RFC a joint venture of NIC. The study report has been submitted to IT Department of Delhi Govt. In the next stage the above system will be continued and centralized procurement of drugs and distribution to various institutions will be routine activity of CPA in the long run.


17.5. Achievement for 2004-05: 1. Finalization and issue of rate contract more than 400 drugs formulations. 44

2. 3.

Opening of Price bid and approval of rates of common surgical consumables. Placement of centralized supply orders of drugs for Quarter January 2005 to March 2005 and for other three quarters up to December 2005.


Testing of 588 samples of drugs. Issue of rate contract for common surgical consumable.


Inviting tenders for drugs and surgical consumables for 2006.

17.6. Physical target for Annual Plan 2005-06 i. Implementation of 3 rd phase of central procurement of drugs i.e. drugs will be procured centrally, stored and their distributed to all hospitals/institutions of Govt. of Delhi. ii. iii. iv. v. Central procurement of common surgical items Computerization of central procurement agency. Testing of drugs by Govt. approved laboratories. Initiation of Estt. of drug testing laboratory.

17.7. BUDGET PROPOSAL: A. Plan 2005-2006, Rs. 30.00 lacs under Revenue Head. Rs. 30.00 lacs under Capital Head.

Rs. 60.00 lacs has been approved for 2005-06.




Delhi is generating approximate 6000 metric tones of waste per day out of which 60 tones are bio medical waste from various hospital, clinics, and clinical laboratories. The Govt. Hospital and some private hospitals have their own arrangement for treatment of bio medical waste. The treatment of bio medical waste and their disposal has paramount importance for prevention of environmental pollution and hazardous diseases arising out of these substances. But many small Govt. dispensaries, private nursing homes/clinics cannot make their own arrangement for treating of bio medical waste due to high cost involved in treatment facilities. Keeping in view the difficulties faced by these smaller health institutions, Govt. is taking initiative to establish Centralised Bio medical Waste treatment facilities for which 1000 sq. mtrs. of land each at Okhla and Gazipur in Delhi has been purchased from DDA. Govt. of Delhi will utilise the above two sites for such purpose as Joint Venture with the private sector/NGO to be identified and selected through a transparent process. For management and monitoring of these activities, a Bio Medical Waste Management Cell is established at DHS (HQ) 18.2. NEED AND JUSTIFICATION As per notification of Bio Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules 1998 by Ministry of Environment, Govt. of India, Lt. Governor of Delhi had constituted an Advisory Committee for proper implementation of the said rule in NCT of Delhi, whereas Delhi Pollution Control Board has been designated as prescribed authority to implement these rules for control of environmental pollution arising out of bio medical waste. 18.3. STRATEGY OF BIO MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT As a joint venture, Govt. of NCT of Delhi will provide infrastructure support to the selected party/agency by transferring these two sites with terms and condition to be approved by DDA for construction of Treatment Plant by its own resources. Neither any


additional capital expenditure nor any recurrent expenditure will be provided to the agency by Delhi Govt. The party willing to offer the services to private hospital/Nursing Homes at most reasonable and affordable cost for Bio medical waste management in the plant, will be selected for joint venture. 18.4. TRANSPORTATION Delhi Govt. hospitals and private nursing homes, which have no incinerator of their own, will be taken up for common transportation and segregation of their waste products in special van/vehicle to Hospital where such facilities are available. When the Joint Venture plant will be established, then the waste products can be transported in common vehicles and will be treated in the plant in scientific manner. 18.5. ACHIEVEMENT 2004-05 Till now, all the hospitals and 166 dispensaries under Delhi Govt. have obtained authorization from Delhi Pollution Control Board under Biomedical (Management and Handling) Rule 1998 after deposit of prescribed fees. The remaining health institutions will obtain authorization during 2005-06 failing which, penalty will be charged under the relevant Act /Rule. Delhi Govt. had hired private vehicles for transporting the bio medical waste from various private hospitals/Govt. hospitals/dispensaries after segregation to the place where treatment facilities are available. Doctors and paramedical staff had been trained and the programme has already started under the supervision of a programme officer at DHS HQ. Possession of land at Okhla had been taken from DDA for construction of BMW treatment plant. A private agency Health Care Project and Market consultancy organization had been entrusted to install incinerator and hydroclave at Okhla for disposal of biomedical waste. The same agency is providing private vehicles on hire basis for transportation of biomedical waste materials for 20 Govt. Hospitals. Synergy


waste management company/Bio Care Technological Services are transporting waste materials for private hospitals. Purchase of a Tata Sumo Vehicle for the cell. 18.6 1. 2. TARGET FOR THE YEAR 2005-06 Possession of land at Gazipur for Bio Medical Waste treatment Plant. Strengthening the cell at DHS HQ by procuring items like computers, projector etc. 2. 3. 4. Proposal for creation of required posts and follow up with Delhi Govt. Authorization of remaining Govt. dispensaries/hospitals from DPCB. There is a proposal to set up cell for occupational safety and Health concept of which BMWM will be one activity. 5. Training of more medical officers and paramedical staff for segregation and treatment of biomedical waste arising from Govt. hospitals/dispensaries. 6. IEC activities like nukkad natak / dance, placement of bus back panels, roadside railing, printing & distribution of leaflets/posters and guideline of BMW management. Preparation of banners. 7. There is a proposal to set up cell for occupation safety & Health in broader concept of which BMW Management will be one activity.

18.7. MANPOWER REQUIREMENT The following staff is immediately required to strengthen the Biomedical Waste Management Cell:
S.No. Name of Post No. of Post reqd. Pay Scale.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Statistical Assistant PA/Steno UDC LDC Driver Peon Total no. of Post required =

1 1 1 1 2 1 1 8

Rs. 14300-18300 + NPA Rs. 5000-8000 Rs. 4000-6000 Rs. 4000-6000 Rs. 3050-4590 Rs. 3050-4590 Rs. 2250-3200



For Annual Plan 2005-06 an outlay of Rs.20.00 lacs is approved. 19. ESTT.OF NURSING HOME CELL(Rs. 7 lakh)

19.1. Introduction: All the Nursing Home/Private hospitals operating in the region of NCT of Delhi are bound to be registered under the provision of Delhi Nursing Home Registration Act 1953 and subsequent amendments. The registration is given for one financial year and need to be renewed every year. The registration certificate is issued after ensuring that all these private nursing homes and hospitals comply with the standards as laid down in the Delhi Nursing Home Registration Act.

Beside registration, the Nursing Home Cell has to perform various other functions such as approval of medical reimbursement of Govt. employees of emergent nature, monitoring of free services provided by the institution that have been allotted land on concessional rates by DDA, conducting enquiries for complaints against Private Nursing Homes and hospitals in Delhi etc. There are occasions when reports/ urgent information about institution has to be furnished to higher authority/Govt. With the formation of State


Mental Health Authority, the nursing homes that maintain psychiatric beds or those nursing homes that are exclusive for psychiatric beds also have to be registered. The Director of Health through its subordinate office i.e. Nursing Home Cell had also been involved to carry out the inspections of these nursing homes being one of the similar activity. The scheme will be sustained in the 10 th Five Year Plan due to the merit of the scheme. 19.2. AIMS & Objectives: To strengthen the mechanism for and to carry out regular inspections of Nursing Home & Private Hospitals as per DNHR Act and as per requirement of State Mental Health Authority the inspections of psychiatric nursing homes and such nursing homes that have psychiatric beds. To ensure that all the registered nursing homes confirms to the standards as laid down in the Act and improve their services. To prevent those nursing homes which provide inferior health facilities to the patient from operating?

19.3. Implementation of the scheme At the central level, two Medical Superintendents will function at DHS (HQ), which will be supported by various staff. At district level, a team will be constituted, which will comprise a CMO, designated as Addl. CDMO who will be assisted by 1 UDC, 1 LDC, 1 Data Entry Operator. Each District will have computerization of data in respect of private Nursing Homes and hospitals registered and also the number of unregistered institutions, clinical establishments in private sector. Each District team will be provided with one Driver, one Peon and one Safai Karamchari.


At the HQ level, two Medical Superintendents will be provided with: Head Clerk UDC Steno DEO/SI/SA Pharmacist LDC Driver Peon 1 2 2 2 1 (for reimbursement cases) 3 3 3

Along with 2 vehicles. For supporting the Nursing Homes Cell, each Medical Superintendent will be accountable for half of districts of Delhi. On the basis of inspection certificate received from the Districts under their jurisdiction, the Registration Certificate will be issued from DHS (HQ). 19.4. Manpower requirement The following additional posts are proposed to be created:
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nomenclature of post Med. Supdt.(NH) Chief Medical Officer Head Clerk Pharmacist Stenographer U.D.C. Data Entry Operator/ Stat. Investigator L.D.C. Driver Scale (Rs.) 14300-18300 12000-16500 5000-8000 4500-7000 4000-6000 4000-6000 4000-6000 3050-4590 3050-4590 No. of posts 1 8 1 1 1 10 10 10 9 Annual financial implications 5.00 lacs 31.75 lacs 1.80 lacs 1.50 lacs 1.16 lacs 10.80 lacs 10.80 lacs 10.00 lacs 9.00 lacs Remarks For HQ For Districts For HQ For HQ For HQ For HQ & distt. For HQ & distt. For HQ & distt. For HQ & distt.


10. 11.

Peon Safai Karamchari Total

2550-3200 2550-3200 --------------

9 9 69

5.18 lacs 5.18 lacs 92.17 lacs

For HQ & distt. For HQ & distt.

Posts already sanctioned At present, seven posts as below are sanctioned: Medical Supdt., Nursing Homes Sr. Medical Officer Stenographer L.D.C. Driver Peon 19.5. Vehicles: 2 vehicles will be required for two Medical Superintendents at HQ level and one vehicle each will be required for each district team of total 8 districts. However, the work of New Delhi will be shared by other district teams in rotation, as the district comes under N.D.M.C. 1 1 1 1 1 2

19.6. Achievement during 2004-2005:

i. ii.

3 New Nursing Homes are registered 39 previously registered nursing homes are renewed, 17 nursing homes with psychiatric beds had been forwarded to SMHA for inspection. Registration of 5 Nursing Homes had been cancelled. Complaints against 145 Nursing Homes had been received, 14 finalized, rest are under process. 6 Court Cases had been


pursued. Recommendation of 11 cases for land allotment by DDA had been made. iii. Draft of amendment SNHA has been framed.

19.7. TARGETS FOR 2005-06:I Registration of Nursing Homes. All the unregistered nursing homes, whosoever applies would be processed and premises inspected and advised accordingly to improve the standards. During the current year the amendments in the Delhi Nursing Homes Act had been made and Rules and the amendments in the rule has been proposed. The registration and inspection would be done as per the amended act and rules in the year 2004-05. The State Mental Health authority would be assisted for inspections of nursing homes maintaining beds for psychiatric beds II Creation of district level teams.:A proposal for creation of posts for nine districts and distributing the work of inspection to the Chief District Medical Officers would be further worked out. III Prevention of Nursing Homes running with inferior quality and unregistered nursing homes. During the year all the unregistered nursing homes that would be detected in the survey, which is underway during the current financial year, would be further taken for appropriate action. The nursing homes found to be providing inferior quality services during inspections would be suitably advised to improve and appropriate action would be initiated as per requirement under the act. IV Complaints against Nursing Homes. The complaints against the nursing homes would be taken for holding enquiries and required action would be initiated. V Land allotment cases. 53

Although the land ownening agency DDA has stopped the allotments of land for hospitals and dispensaries on concessional rates, however still the requests keep referred to this directorate for which the applications would be processed as per need. VI Medical reimbursement. All files received from various Govt. Department for opinion are dealt and would continue to be dealt as usual. It has been proposed to formulate anew scheme for reimbursement for Delhi Govt employees / Pensioners. If approved the medical reimbursement would be carried out under the new scheme. VII Monitoring of free services:A High Power Committee under the Chairmanship of Justice A.S. Qureshi has submitted its report which is under consideration of the Govt.. The recommendations as approved by the Govt. would be carried out for implementation. VIII Control over Diagnostic Centers: The proposal for registration of diagnostic centers in Delhi is under processes during the current financial year and follow-up a bill has been submitted for vetting as further follow-up action shall be done accordingly. IX Accreditation of private Nursing Homes It has been proposed that after the nursing homes in Delhi are registered the Nursing homes providing quality services may be considered for accreditation. A council for accreditation would be suggested for the job. 19.8. Budget : An outlay of Rs. 7.00 lacs is approved for Annual Plan 2005-2006. 20. FREE MEDICAL AID TO ACCREDITED JOURNALISTS (Rs. 5 lakh) 54

20.1. Introduction The Govt. of NCT of Delhi has decided to extend free medical facility to the accredited Press Reporters/Photographers in the similar pattern as is made available to the Freedom Fighters. At present, there are 207 Press Reporters registered with Govt. of NCT of Delhi, to whom medical facilities are to be extended as per the Delhi Press Reporter Medical Aids Rules- 1985. Govt. of Delhi has already issued the notification in this regard. Accordingly the Press Reporters along with their family members can avail medical facilities from any hospital/dispensary or any other place where medicines are disbursed or patients are examined under the control of Govt. of NCT of Delhi and MCD. They are entitled to free OPD as well as indoor facilities including Nursing Homes wherever available in Govt. of NCT of Delhi hospitals. Whatever medicines are available in the Pharmacy of the hospital will be issued and those, which are not available, may be purchased locally and then be provided. In case of accredited reporters, the same system can be followed. On the basis of accreditation cards issued to Press Reporters/Photographers by the Directorate of Information and Publicity, they will avail the medical facility. Under these rules, the press reporters are entitled to be admitted or to get the treatment at par with the entitlement of Group A (Class I) Gazetted Govt. servants. All the hospitals/clinics/Health Centres/ Dispensaries have been intimated to render medical services to them as per the rules contained in the notification issued recently. Rs. 1.10 lacs had been provided financial assistance by September 2004 for 6 journalists. It is proposed that the scheme may be transferred to Department of DIP, GNCTD from the coming Financial Year. 20.2. Budget:


For Annual Plan 2005-06 an outlay of Rs.5.00 lacs is approved. 21. COMPUTERISATION OF DHS(HQ) AND ITS SUBORDINATE OFFICES (Rs. 125 lakh)

21.1. Introduction For development of a suitable Health Management Information System, the scheme was implemented in form of a plan scheme "Setting up of EDP Cell in DHS (HQ)" during 9th Five Year Plan. For developing better coordination of various health activities amongst these different agencies catering health care facilities in Delhi, many Personal Computers were procured and installed at Directorate of Health Services and subordinate offices. However, the very purpose of Wide Area Networking with linkage to other health institutions/subordinate offices and other Departments could not be undertaken due to shifting of the DHS (HQ) from Connaught Place to F-17, Karkardooma. The feasibility study has been conducted by R.C.C. regarding the computerization of DHS (HQ) with Wide Area Networking of the subordinate offices and hospitals under DHS and the same will be implemented as per their suggestions / recommendations according to our requirement. The objective of computerization is also to apply modern management techniques like Operational Research for effective analysis and remedies of various health related problems. Keeping in view the importance and advanced development of Information Technology, it is proposed to continue the scheme in 10th Five Year Plan under the head "Computerization of DHS (HQ). 21.2. Need and Justification The computerization is the backbone of a suitable Health Management Information System. The following benefits would accrue from computerization of the whole Directorate keeping in view the recent development of technology in the relevant field. Better planning and improved predictions.


Statistical reports will be generated as a by-product of the system Typing work will be reduced as most of the sections are compiling information, which now will be available on magnetic media. Monitoring of activities will be easier. The information received from different sources can be compiled and relevant reports can be generated without much effort.

Various small packages will reduce duplication of work. Paper work will be reduced to a great extent. Storage of important decisions taken in Departmental meetings will enable their fast retrieval. Computerized storage of some relevant Rules and Regulations will make them easier to retrieve for references.

Level of store items will be readily available.

21.3. Achievements during 2004-2005 Purchase of 14 Personal Computers for Hospitals under DHS, 7 Computers for DHS (HQ) and Zones had been purchased earlier and other accessory items. A feasibility study for computerization of DHS and its subordinate offices had been conducted and it was assessed that 98 Personal Computers and 56 Printers are required for this purpose.


Further, Computerization of DHS (HQ) (Non-Plan) and its subordinate offices will be completed. A tender has been called for computerization of OPD Block of six hospitals under DHS. 21.4. Target for 2005-06: Computerization of all branches/Offices under DHS (HQ) and all Hospital under DHS including OPD registration in six hospitals. 21.5. Budget Proposal-Annual Plan 2005-2006: For Annual Plan Rs. 125.00 lacs is approved. 22. 22.1 ESTABLISHMENT OF DISASTER MANAGEMENT CELL IN DHS (Rs. 50 lakh) NAME OF THE SCHEME Establishment Of Disaster Management Cell In DHS 22.2 1. 2. AIMS & OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHEME To establish Disaster Management Cell at DHS (HQ). To improve the level of Disaster Preparedness in Delhi through suitable strengthening of infrastructure at state and hospitals levels and coordinate disaster preparedness activities in Delhi To detect as early as possible, out break of any disaster in Delhi To immediately activate the disaster control measures and inform all of the relevant agencies and hospitals through modern communication methods and coordinate relief measures To immediately provide quick and efficient medical relief and in the affected areas thereby reducing morbidity and mortality 58

3. 4.



To evacuate the injured persons and shift them to nearby hospitals


Achievement during 2004-05

All Delhi Govt. hospitals are being strengthened to handle disaster including those related to chemical/biological warfare. a. b. Disaster management plans have been prepared at State and hospital levels. Civil Defence Volunteers of Home Guard Department have been trained in Delhi and other cities, in disaster management in GGSG Hospital & other institutions. Nodal Officers for disaster have been appointed in all Delhi Govt. Hospitals. Medical literature on biological/chemical disaster has been widely circulated in hospitals and dispensaries of Delhi Govt. Delhi Govt. hospitals have improved disaster preparedness through ensuring availability of drugs, equipments, and furniture etc. DHS has supplied 2400 collapsible hospital bed, 6 Mobile X-Ray machines (100 mA) and 6 ECG machines to hospitals. Gas masks and canisters have also been procured by DHS. A disaster risk management project, under the Chairmanship of Divisional Commissioner of Delhi Govt. is being operational in Delhi of which Health related disaster is one of the components. A coordination meeting under the Chairmanship of Pr. Secretary (H) was convened to chalk out the appropriate strategy to combat the health related disaster, which was attended by all health implementing agencies in Delhi. In each district, a nodal hospital was identified with CDMO of the District as the Chief Nodel Officer (Chairman) and Dy. MS of the concerned hospital to assets him (Dy. Chairman) in the same different for any unforeseen disaster. A Health Trauma Search and Risk Operation was carried out in any way is a more exercise in which all the dispensaries/health centers and in may NGOs of North-East Distt. took part. All the Nodel Officer of various districts had been asked to furnish their requirement of this Directorate for which funds will be provided from this plan scheme. 59

c. d.



Private/NGO hospitals have also been requested to extend full cooperation during calamities/disasters. The proposal for procurement of two set-up Mobile Gas Detection equipments and six portable ultrasound machines for five-disaster management centers under process. 22.4 1. 2. Target for Annual Plan 2004-05 Establishing control rooms at DHS (HQ) and at various places. Collection, compilation of analysis of relevant data for predicting epidemics and disasters of various natures as explained earlier. 3. Organization of workshops and seminar on management of Disaster for health administrators/MS of hospitals/Nursing Homes in Delhi. 4. Organization of Training Programme for MO and Paramedical staff of hospitals predicting epidemics and disasters and managing them. 5. Purchase of vehicles, ambulances, equipment for hospitals and disaster management cell. 6. IEC activities in form of newspaper advertisement, message through AIR, TV and cable TV etc. 7. 8. Printing of posters, leaflet and pamphlets for public awareness. Procurement of other items/machinery/equipment for all the districts under Disaster Risk Management Project of Delhi Govt.

22.5. MANPOWER REQUIREMENT FOR 2005-06 The following staff will be required for the cell through creation of additional posts or on contract.


S.NO . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.



NO. REQUIRED 1 1 2 1 1



14,000 18,300 4,000 6,000 3,050 4,590 2,550 3,200 4,000-6,000

SUB TOTAL (A) 22.6. EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS The following items will be required for purchase:





3. 4.

0.08 1.0






Training programmes shall be conducted within hospitals for improving awareness to disasters and management. Programmes will also be conducted for the public volunteers, residential welfare organizations, youth associations ,Printing of posters, pamphlets, booklets etc., Newspaper advertisements, other publicity methods. -Training -IEC (Printing of posters, pamphlets, booklets etc. -Newspaper advertisements & other publicity methods. --------SUBTOTAL (C) 6.D. 6.E. Rs 2 lakhs Rs 1 lakhs Rs 2 lakhs ----------------Rs 5 lakhs)

-----------------------------Purchase of two new vehicles Maruti Gypsy sub total Rs. 5.5 lakhs CONTINGENCIES & POL Vehicle (POL, maintenance etc.) Rs 1.2 lakhs Rs 1.0 lakhs -----------------------------SUBTOTAL (E) Rs 2.2 lakhs) -----------------------------An amount of Rs. 50 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06. 23. Reorganization of Directorate of Health Services (Rs. 622 lakh)

@ Rs 60,000 X2 vehicles - other contingent expenditure - purchase of cellular telephone etc.

The Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi was established in the year 1970. It is one of the Govt. Departments that not only actively participates in delivery of health care facilities but also coordinates with other Govt. and Non Government Organizations in their health related activities for the improvement of health of citizen of Delhi. Directorate of Health Services deals with both medical and public


health matters and is also instrumental for effective implementation of various public health programmes of national and state importance like Primary Health Care, Prevention, Control and Eradication of major communicable and non communicable diseases, etc. The provision of essential drugs and surgical to various health centres and hospitals for primary health care is an important responsibility of this Directorate. Therefore, the existing post of DHS is proposed to be upgraded to the rank of H.A.G. in the same cadre. It is proposed to set up the following Cell at DHS (HQ) within the existing set up after Reorganization of Directorate of Health Services. 23.1 Estt. of Public Health Unit

To monitor and implement various National Health Programmes and to create a mechanism for coordination between various public health programme implementing agencies, a unit is proposed with an Additional Director Public Health with a tiny supporting staff.
S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Post Addl. Director(SAG) Public Health Sr. P.A. L.D.C. Peon TOTAL 5500-9000 3050-4590 2550-3200 1 1 1 4 Pay Scale 18400-22400 Posts 1


Estt. of Legal Cell

This Deptt. is not having any legal cell to process the court cases regarding recruitment/promotions and service matters,etc. in CAT and High Court. At present the work has been assigned to a Chief Medical Officer in charge, Anti Quackery Cell. To streamline this technical type of work, it is proposed to create a cell with the following staff:


1. 2.

Legal Assistant L.D.C.

5000-8000 3050-4590 Total

1 1 2


Estt. of Public Relations & Grievances Cell

This Directorate is implementing a number of programmes to provide medical care to the public. Being a public dealing department, a number of enquiries/complaints/grievances are received in this Directorate from public/RWA. Many VIP references from local representatives and other VIPs are also to be dealt with. Thus it has been proposed to establish a Public Relation Unit to deal with all these matters and to prepare a Citizen Charter so that the public can be benefitted in an organised manner with the following staff: 1. 2. 3. 23.4 Public Relation Officer L.D.C. Peon 6500-10500 3050-4590 2550-3200 Total Estt. of Capital Works Branch 1 1 1 3

At present 176 dispensaries/health centres are functioning under this Directorate. Out of these 58 are functioning from the rented building and the rest are functioning from govt. buildings. In case of rented buildings this Deptt. has to process cases for fixation of rent for consideration of rent fixation committee of Delhi, whereas in case of govt. buildings, all kinds of minor repairs/addition/alterations are required which are being executed through PWD. In addition to this, sites are being taken for construction of new buildings for which SFC proposals; coordination with PWD/DDA/MCD/DVB/DJB is being done regularly. At present this work is being looked after by Planning Branch of this Directorate by derailments of staff from District Health offices. To streamline this process it is proposed to establish a Capital Work Unit with the following staff:S.No. Name of the Post Pay Scale No. of Posts


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Asstt. Director(Plg) Capital Works Stat. Asstt. Stat. Investigator Typist/Steno Peon Total

8000-13500 5000-8000 4000-6000 3050-4590 2550-3200

1 1 4 1 1 8

Thus a total of 17 posts of various categories have been proposed for creation of new cells for strengthening of Directorate of Health Services (HQ). Apart from above, various GDMOs and Public Health Specialists would be required at HQ Level with the following assignments. 23.5 State Level Programme Officers Job responsibilities of various GDMOs and Public Health Specialists at DHS (HQ) 1. Chief Medical Officer (Planning)

Formulation of Draft/Annual/5 Year/Plan, Preparation of BE, RE, Compilation of Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Progress Reports, Physical and Financial targets and achievements. All Parliament / Assembly Questions / VIP references pertaining to Planning and Implementation of programme, assisting DHS in various meetings of Chief Minister, Health Minister, Finance Minister for plan implementation. Assisting MLAs/Health Minister/Chief Minister during their round in Assembly Constituencies. Implementation of 'Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non Smokers' Health Protection Act' as additional assignment till new post is created. 2. Chief Medical Officer (Primary Health Care and Plan Schemes.)

Planning/implementation of health centres and dispensaries. Coordination with PWD, DDA and other Departments in acquisition of land / building for new dispensaries 65

and approval of building plan for new health centre buildings. Maintenance / repair of PWD constructed govt. dispensaries. Fixation of rent of private buildings. Opening of new dispensaries in coordination with 8 districts. Compilation of district health reports. 3. Chief Medical Officer (Hospital Cell)

Selection of new land for planning and construction of new hospitals and approval of building plans including expansion of existing hosptials. Coordination and monitoring of construction projects of new hospitals, assisting Medical Superintendents of hospitals in procurement of machinery / equipment and other items, compilation of hospital reports, coordination with other agencies for hospital activities, coordination with PWD for maintenance / repair of existing hospitals and complying VIP references pertaining to opening new hospitals / construction of hospitals including Assembly and Parliament Questions. Looking after Thalassemia Control Programme as additional assignment till post under the scheme is created. 4. Chief Medical Officer (HQ) and Head of Office:

Dealing with establishment and service matters of various Group-A and Group-B Officers working in various hospitals and District Health Officers under DHS. He will work as Head of Office at HQ of Directorate of Health services. 5. Chief Medical Officer(C.P.A. - I)

Implementation of drug policy of Delhi Govt. Inviting tenders and approval of rate contracts for various drugs, surgical and other consumables. Procurement of drugs and other consumables for all hospitals under DHS/Delhi Govt. 6. Chief Medical Officer (C.P.A. - II)

Monitoring procurement of drugs. Calling meetings of Special Purchase Committee, Storage and distribution and Inventory Control of drugs/surgicals, estimation and finalization of demands of drugs / surgicals/consumables. Maintenance and supervision of activities of CPA. Quality assurance by inspection and testing of


drugs. Establishment and maintenance of Drug lab. Payment for procurement of drugs, after observation of codal formalities. 7. Medical Superintendent Nursing Homes-I

Registration, renewal of Nursing Homes pertains to 4 Districts in West & North Zones of Delhi. Medical reimbursement of Delhi Govt. employees and referred cases of various Department of Delhi Govt. and accredited journalist. Grievances and reply to competent authorities including verification of complaints by field inspection. 8. Medical Superintendent Nursing Home-II

Registration, renewal of Nursing Homes pertains 4 districts in East and South Zones of Delhi on recommendation of Addl. CDMO of the districts. Framing draft rule of Nursing Home Act including its implementation. Coordination with DMA/IMA for ensuring quality of private Nursing Homes. Looking after the sponsorship of Charitable Institutions for recommendations of Delhi Govt. to DDA for allotment of land for hospitals in private sector. 9. Chief Medical Officer (Training & Delhi Govt. Health Scheme)

Service matters of Medical Officers and other officers working in Directorate of Health Services and other offices under Directorate of Health Services. Establishment matters, service matters, sanction of leave, pension, etc. including Sr. and Jr. Residents. Dealing with training of Health personnel including Continuing Medical Education. He will also look after the scheme Medical Facilities for Delhi Govt. Employees and Pensioners including Health Insurance. 10. Chief Medical Officer (S.H.I.B./Computers)

Management of health information system. Monitoring reports and returns of communicable and non-communicable diseases. Publication of quarterly and annual


Health Bulletin of Health Deptt. including telephone directory of health institutions under Delhi Govt. Publication of Assembly wise health facilities Under Delhi Govt. Computerization of offices under DHS. Preparation and submission of reply of Parliament/Assembly questions/preparation of Budget speech of Honble LG/Finance Minister of GNCTD for the beginning of the Assembly Session. 11. Chief Medical Officer (Public Grievances):

Prepares the reply of various query raised by citizens of Deli pertaining to public grievances on provision of medical facilities and public health programmes and dealing mainly on VIP references. He will also look after the grant-in-aid being provided to NGO for Delhi Govt. approved health programmes. 12. Chief Medical Officer (Store & Purchase)

Procurement of medicines/equipment/furniture of Central Store for various dispensaries under Directorate of Health Services. Coordination with proposed district health stores for distribution of medicines / furniture and 13. Chief Medical Officer (Tobacco Control Cell):

In-charge of Tobacco Control Cell for implementation of Central Tobacco Act and State Anti Smoking Act. This post has created. At present CMO (PLG) is holding additional charge. Govt. of India has suggested to Delhi Govt. for creation of AntiTobacco Cell including creation of various posts. 14. General Duty Medical Officers for Public Health Programmes

5 Medical Officers are working for the following public health programmes on detailment from other District Health Offices/School Health Schemes/World Bank Project: 68

A. B. C. D. E.

TB Control Programme Leprosy Control Programme & Bio-medical Waste Management. Cancer Control Programmed & various statutory councils set up by Delhi Govt. Blindness Control / National Disease Surveillance & coordination of centrally sponsored schemes Anti Quackery activities and legal matters on health programmes & coordination with CDMOs and Police.

Creation of posts: The above 18 GDMOs are absolutely essential in due discharge of various responsibilities at DHS (HQ). Out of these 18 posts only 9 posts are sanctioned posts. The rest are arranged by detailment from other programmes. Hence, creations of 8 GDMOs posts are required during 2005-06 (10 th FYP). 15. Public Health Specialists (DDHS)

DDHS I & II Public Health Wing and other Public Health Programmes through CDMO of 8 District Health Office. These two posts are already sanctioned. The overall public health programmes will be looked after by Additional DHS under the Administrative Control of DHS. 23.6. Estt. Of offices of Chief District Medical Officers Recently, Govt. of Delhi has set up District Development Committees under the chairmanship of local MLAs with representatives from all development oriented departments and Residents' Welfare Associations to monitor and effectively implementation of development works/schemes in the respective district. On behalf of the Health Department, CDMO/Addl. CDMO attend the meeting of above DDC every month, since this Directorate has established the offices of 8 CDMOs and their offices has been identified in the existing dispensaries to start functioning on the analogy of the 69

Revenue Districts. Eight CDMOs have already been designated for 8 districts for which sanction/approval of Delhi Govt. has been received and notified by Admn. Department. The work of New Delhi District will be managed by CDMO (Centre District) for the time being. As there is no Delhi Govt. dispensary in NDMC area, NDMC would be responsible for carrying out all the medical facilities in these areas. It was proposed to have 3 Addl. CDMOs in each district to carry out Health, Public Health and Administrative activities. However, only one CDMO for each district had been approved by Finance Department, GNCTD during 2002-03. The AR Study will be conducted by AR Department of Delhi Govt. to provide the requisite staff. The following categories of posts have been proposed to make the offices of 8 CDMOs functional. However, the existing sanctioned posts may be adjusted accordingly with retention of the technical posts as per recommendation of AR Department after conducting AR Study as suggested by Delhi Govt.
S. No. 1. 2. Estt. Unit 3. 4. 5. Category C.D.M.O. Addl. CDMO Admn. Officer Head Clerk U.D.C. Pay Scale (in Rs.) 18400-22400 14300-18300 6500-10500 5000-8000 4000-6000 No. of posts for 4 Distts. 4 (existing as CMO) 12 4 4 4


6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Dispensary 19. Inspection 20. Unit 21. 22. 23.

Jr. Stenographer L.D.C. Driver Peon Sr. Steno / Sr. PA Asstt. Accounts Officer UDC/Cashier Peon Addl. CDMO (Public Health) Stat. Investigator Addl. CDMO(Health) Steno Research Officer Stat. Asstt. Peon Addl. CDMO(Coordn.) Steno Peon Total

4000-6000 3050-4590 3050-4590 2550-3200 5500-9000 6500-10500 4000-6000 2550-3200 14000-18300 4000-6000 14000-18300 4000-6000 5500-9000 5000-8000 2550-3200 14000-18300 4000-6000 2550-3200

8 4 4 8 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 104

Accounts Unit

Public health Unit

In addition to above posts for 4 districts, the following additional posts of medical care will also be required for the previous 4 zones (which are functioning as 4 districts) to take over the additional work of implementation of public health programmes.
Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. Category of Post C.D.M.O. Addl. CDMO Research Officer Pay Scale 18400-22400 14000-18300 5500-9000 No. of posts 4 (1 for each district) 12 (3 for each district) 4 (1 for each district)


These posts are not existing in the previous 4 zones. As such, the total requirement of posts for strengthening of DHS (HQ) and after the District pattern is summarized as below:
Sl.No. Category of Post 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CDMO/Addl. Director(Public Health) Addl. CDMO Asstt. Director(Planning) Admn. Officer/PRO/AAO Research Officer/PS Stat. Asstt./Legal Advisor/Head Clerk UDC/Stat. Investigator/Steno L.D.C. Driver Peon Total Pay Scale 18400-22400 14300-18300 8000-13500 6500-10500 5500-9000 5000-8000 4000-6000 3050-4590 3050-4590 2550-3200 No. of Posts 9 28 1 9 9 10 36 8 4 27 141

23.7. PRIVATE HOSPITALS MONITORING CELL UNDER REORGANIZATION OF DHS Background The Nursing Home Cell in the Directorate of Health Services was established to register the private nursing homes and the hospitals with a view that they maintain the standards as per the provision in the Delhi nursing home registration act 1953. The need for their registration occurred to ensure that they maintain the standards as per the said Act. The overall development and increase in the population led to increase in the demand of health care services, and so the increase in the establishment of private nursing homes/ hospitals. It was realized that the government alone cannot meet the increased demand of the health care services, , therefore the private societies/ trusts were encouraged to


establish hospitals in Delhi. They were allotted land on concessional rates. In return, the government expected that these hospitals established by the charitable societies shall provide free treatment to the poor. Before allotment of land with the other terms and conditions, the land allotting agencies imposed a condition that certain percentage of indigent category of patients in the outdoor and certain percentage of beds shall be kept free for the patients. With this understanding the societies got the land allotted and established their hospitals. Subsequently, it was observed, that these hospitals were not extending the free treatment facilities to the poor patients. Government made several efforts to ensure that they adhere to the conditions of allotment. While carrying out annual renewal of registration of the beneficiary hospitals Directorate of Health Services did look into this aspect but proper enforcement of the conditions was not possible. The role of DHS, primarily was to implement the provision of Delhi Nursing Home Registration Act under which the private hospitals are required to be registered. There is no provision under the said Act that the DHS has to monitor the free treatment facilities being provided by the private hospitals. Due to lack of infrastructure the monitoring, on the part of DHS was not possible and the extent to which the free treatment facilities were being extended by the hospitals was not known. The land allotting agencies considering it to be a health related matter also did not monitor, despite the fact that the conditions were imposed by them and any action for violation of terms and conditions, could be taken by them only. It was also suggested that land allotting agencies, and the health department could go hand in hand to implement the conditions. Delhi government constituted a committee consisting of Director of Health, Director (Institutional Land) DDA, and the Chairman of Central Drug Purchase Committee to look into the matter of provision of free treatment to the poor patients. In its interim findings, the committee suggested that there should be a monitoring cell who would be able to see that the facilities are made available to the poor patients. Various studies have also indicated the need of a proper monitoring by the Government.. By an order of Honble L G. Delhi, another High Power Committee was constituted under the Chairmanship of Justice A.S.Qureshi ( retd) , who went into the details of allotment process and made certain recommendations. One of the 73

recommendations was to establish monitoring cell that should be empowered enough through legislation to be able to take action for violation of the terms and conditions. It also suggested enacting a new legislation. While the government was considering the various recommendations, there was a PIL filed by Social Jurist Vs UOI and others in CWP no 2866/2002 on the same issues of non availability of free treatment to the poor patients. Another committee constituted by the High Court under the Chairmanship of Secretary (UD) GOI, submitted its report to the court with the observations that out of all the beneficiary hospitals, some of them were not extending the facilities as per their terms and conditions of allotment. The High Court Delhi in the said court matter ordered the formation of a monitoring cell by the government. Present Scenario With this background, it has been felt that there is need of a separate monitoring cell for which Delhi Govt has agreed in principle to create the monitoring cell. In the meantime, as an interim measure Delhi government has constituted a joint team under the chairmanship of Additional Director Of Health Services, consisting of Medical Superintendents of Nursing Homes and one representatives each from DDA as well as from L&DO , GOI, to function , till a monitoring cell is created. Need And Justification In the light of above development it is fully justified that a separate monitoring cell like Private Hospitals Monitoring Cell should be created in the Directorate of Health services consisting of a Senior Administrative Grade Officer (SAG), with two Chief Medical Officers to assist him having separate supporting staff . The cell shall also have two senior representatives from Land owning agencies i.e. DDA and L&DO as official members. It shall also consist of non official members who would be the eminent persons of the society. The scope of the cell also warrants more powers to the DHS,GNCTD for taking appropriate action against the defaulting private hospitals and to act a appropriate authority for such purpose by competent authority. The Delhi Nursing Home Act is also proposed to be amended accordingly.


The cell shall be entrusted to carry out the following functions broadly: (i) Shall supervise and coordinate with the private hospitals that they extend the free treatment facilities to the poor as per their terms and conditions of allotment. Shall coordinate with the Government Hospitals under Delhi Govt that they refer the poor eligible patients to these beneficiary hospitals, in case some facilities are not available with them at the time of referral. Shall develop a proper referral system for referring the patients by the government hospitals to the private hospitals. Shall collect the records of the patients referred to the private hospitals, records of the patients treated by the private hospitals, compile and prepare the reports for making available to the government on regular basis. Shall be carrying out inspections of the hospitals, their records at regular basis to assess that the hospitals adhere to the conditions of allotment. Shall be able to visit the residences of the patients to verify the genuineness of their belonging to indigent category. Shall be able to point out the areas where the facilities were not being made available to the poor patients and to suggest remedial actions and to suggest the action to be taken for Non adherence to the conditions of allotment.







Further detailed modalities can be worked out by the cell as and when needed. It is proposed to add the above activities in the existing plan scheme Re-organization of DHS HQ/Direction Administration under Directorate of Health Services year 2005-06 so that necessary posts may be created. Manpower Requirement It is proposed that the monitoring cell shall need the following creation of posts:-


A. (I)
S. No 1.

Official members Directorate Of Health Services

Nomenclature of Nos the Post Additional Director Health (Monitoring) 1 Pay Scale Financial Liabilities/mon th ( in rupees) App. 70000/(based on Highest Scale+ NPA+usual allowances)



Overall supervision & control, inspections coordination and to suggest remedial actions and punitive actions if required. Assisting the Additional director monitoring in various functions.


Chief Medical Officer / Joint Director (H)Monitoring Sr. PA/Sr.Steno.


App 106000/based on Highest Scale+ NPA+usual allowances)



App 16500/based on highest scale and usual allowances

For dictation by Addl. DHS of SAG rank and assisting him in official work, Maintenance of Tour Diary etc. Compilation of reports


Statistical 1 Investigator


App 14000/Based as above



Upper div. Clerk


App 28000/Based as above

To check the reports /records to produce them to the Additional director on regular basis. To assist two Chief Medical officers of NFSG rank and taking dictation of inspection report and passing orders. Collection and keeping proper records compilation of reports Compilation of reports For vehicles To assist the officers and officials and usual jobs


Stenographer Gr.III


App 28000/Based as above

Lower Div. clerks


App 31000/Based as above

8. 9. 10.

Statistical 1 Investigator Drivers Peon Total 3 4 18

4000-6000 30504590/25503200/---

App 14000/Based as above

App 47000/Based as above

App 32000/Based as above

3,72,500/- per month

(II). B

Representatives of DDA and L&DO (one from each agency) Non Official Members

Reputed and Eminent persons of the society who have the experience of carrying out charitable activities for the poor shall be nominated to contribute their experiences and to advise the monitoring cell in its various functions. They shall be provided conveyance allowances as per procedures.


Requirement Of Field Vehicles The cell shall need three vehicles for use by the officers of the monitoring cell for carrying out its various functions such as regular inspections, surprise inspections, visits to the patients for verifications and other official requirements. Budget Provisions The monitoring cell shall have gigantic work to be done, thus require the regular posts hence the provision has to be made for the following (i) (ii) (iii) Salaries Office expenses Vehicles

It is proposed that the budget provision may be kept for salaries for six months as the creation of post may take some time as per procedure and funds may be made available from the plan Scheme Re-organization of Directorate of Health Service shs HQ/Director (Admn.) as a separate component as Private Nursing Home Monitoring Cell. It is projected that besides 9 lakhs for vehicles, 5 lakhs for office expenses to meet out the expenses in the stationery, computers, accessories and consumables, POL etc. provision of Rs.58.70 lakhs may be made for salaries in the BE for the year 2005-06. In anticipation that the creation of post may take time, the funds under the salaries may be kept for six months under salaries. An amount of Rs. 622 lakh is approved for the above mentioned activities to be performed during 2005-06 under this scheme. 24. 24.1 ANTI QUACKERY CELL (Rs. 4. lakh) Introduction:

Anti quackery cell was established in Dte. of Health Services in the year 1997-98 with approved budget of Rs. 115.00 lacs during 9 th Five Year Plan.. The High Court , 78

Delhi while hearing a public interest litigation on 9.3.97 had directed Delhi Govt. to take legal action against quacks who are not qualified medical practitioners in any system of medicine, but practicing unlawfully. As per rule, all medical practitioners must register their names with Medical Council of India or Homeopathy Board or Board of Ayurveda and Unani system of Medicine in Delhi. Therefore, Anti Quackery Cell will take vigorous campaign to prohibit quackery with a view to save the precious life of Innocent people in Delhi. For quackery control State Medical Council, an autonomous body under Delhi Govt. has been established and has already started registering qualified doctors. 24.2. Need and Justification Quite often, since quacks have no knowledge about disease pattern and drugs kinetic, patients become victims of their unscientific treatment and giving rise to complication and further deterioration of health, leading sometimes even to death. Hence to provide qualitative, efficient and effective treatment in any approved system of medicine, i.e. modern system of medicine, homeopathy and ayurved, unani and siddha, debarment of quacks is essential. Anti Quackery bill is yet to be passed in Delhi Legislative Assembly, after which relevant Rule has to be framed for proper implementation of the Act. 24.3. Achievement till September 2004-05: Till now more than 1000 clinics had been raided for verification of quacks in which more than 200 persons were identified as quacks and cases registered against them. Newspaper advertisement had been made for public awareness against quacks. Special drive against quacks was organized with the help of DMA. Leaflets were distributed. 24.4. Plan of Action for 2005-06: Formation of raiding squads with the help of Police. Inspection of clinics of alleged quacks for identification and verification of their identity and residence, etc. and taken action against them as per rule.


Public awareness programme through advertisement in Newspapers and other media, so as to prevent the public to seek medical advice from the quacks. Organization of meetings for participation of registered doctors and public leaders of various areas to socially boycott the quacks. Coordination with Police personnel from time to time for proper and effective achievement of the goal. Consultation of legal experts for initiation of action/cases against the quacks who were identified during special raids. Follow up of Delhi Quackery Prohibition Act to be passed in Delhi Assembly and framing Rules under the Act thereafter. 24.5. Manpower requirement The following staff is proposed to be created during the Annual Plan 2005-2006 for the effective functioning of the Cell. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. C.M.O. (NFSG) Medical Officer Pharmacist Legal Advisor L.D.C. Computer Operator Steno Peon 1. 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 14,300-18,300 + NPA 8000-13500 + NPA 4500-7000 6500-10500 3050-4590 3050-4590 4000-6000 2550-3200


24.6. Budget : Rs. 4.00 lacs is approved for the Annual Plan 2005-06. 25. 25.1 SETTING UP OF CANCER CONTROL CELL(Rs. 46 lakh.) INTRODUCTION

Cancer control programme is one of the National programme of Govt. of India and is also being implemented by Govt. of NCT of Delhi. The plan scheme was started in the ninth five-year plan and is operational in the tenth year plan. The broad outlines of the activities being undertaken under the scheme are:

Preventive, promotive and early detection activities pertaining to commonly occurring cancer with the ultimate aim of down staging of commonly occurring cancers. Up gradation of facilities in the major treatment hospitals with the aim of providing adequate treatment facilities for cancer.

The activities under the scheme are being pursued with existing manpower of the medical branch responsible for implementation of various public health matters referred to this directorate from time to time. In spite of constrained manpower position sufficient work has been done in the field of preventive, promotive and early detection activities on cancer till date. 25.2 ACHIEVEMENTS BY 2004-05

Achievement pertained to functioning of 9 District Cancer Detection Centres in nine Revenue districts of Delhi, weekly cancer clinic like ENT, Tumour clinic, Gynae cancer clinic and Breast cancer clinic in three major hospitals functioning every Friday 2-4 p.m., Tertiary diagnostic centre functioning at Deptt. of pathology MAMC and IEC activities in various forms is being undertaken on a regular basis. Regular reporting is


being done form our Cancer detection centres and from all Hospitals under DHS. Essay writing competitions for Govt. School Students on the topic Cancer Prevention Knowledge is Wisedom with minimum 500 to maximum 1000 words was organized by Delhi Govt. A march from Rajghat to MAMC was organized on 07-11-04 under the leadership of Chief Minister of Delhi for Public Awareness for control of Cancer & allied disease. 25.3 PROPOSED TARGET DURING 2005-06

Continuation of the IEC activities utilizing all available modes of outdoor and indoor publicity mediums at all level of health care Up gradation of the early detection activities in the district hospitals, sustenance of the gains achieved so far and continuation of the activities with regular monitoring and supportive supervision. Development of a sustainable system for referral of the patients from the primary health care level to district and the peripheral hospitals. Up gradation of the Pathology center at Department of Pathology, Maulana Azad Medical College and starting similar such centers at Guru Tegh Bahadur Hospital and Deen Dayal Upadhaya Hospital Opening specialty wise cancer clinics in the tertiary hospitals Training of all categories of staff at the primary care level on the preventive, promotive and early detection of cancer in collaboration with the tertiary hospitals Involving school students in the cancer prevention activities with special emphasis on tobacco prevention, regular exercise, good effect of eating fruits and vegetables, sexuality and safe sexual practices Procurement of equipments for the district and the tertiary hospitals


Assessment of the early detection activities being pursued at the district hospitals for finding out the deficiencies and taking corrective action. Formation of State level Cancer Committee and finalizing the pending district cancer committees within GNCT Delhi for seeking grants under various components of Cancer Control Programme, Government of India. It is proposed that the following posts be created in annual plan 2005-06. CMO level Officers Pathologist Head-Clerk U.D.C. Data-Entery-Operater LDC cum Typist Driver Lab Technician ANM Peon 25.4 Budget An amount of Rs. 46.00 lacs is approved for 2005-06. 26. SETTING UP OF LEPROSY CONTROL CELL(Rs. 46 lakh) 12000-16500 10000-15000 5000-8000 4000-6000 4000-6000 3050-4590 3050-4590 4000-6000 3280-4900 2550-3200 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 18 2

26.1. Introduction Leprosy is one of the communicable diseases associated with superstition and social stigma from time immemorial. Govt. of India has laid more emphasis for Leprosy Control Programme providing central assistance to State Societies. Delhi State Leprosy


Control Society has been constituted since November 1998, which is functioning under active supervision of State Leprosy Control Cell. Govt. of India provides funds. District Leprosy Control Societies had been constituted in all the 9 Districts. Urban leprosy clinics through passive reporting and mobile leprosy treatment units through active search in JJ clusters / Slum are regularly detecting and treating leprosy cases. 26.2. Leprosy in Delhi Delhi has prevalence rate of 3.92 leprosy cases per 10,000 populations, by March 2004. Govt. of India has fixed the target reducing prevalence of less than one per 10,000 by the year 2004. To achieve this, concerted efforts are needed for case detection and their treatment, with the latest MDT drugs regimen. A Leprosy Control Cell has been established in Directorate of Health Services of Govt. of NCT of Delhi since financial year 1998 to monitor leprosy control programme in Delhi and to coordinate with various Health agencies to achieve the desired objectives. Computer and other items have been procured. However, no post had been sanctioned. The cell is monitoring the cases reported from urban leprosy centres located in various hospitals that treat leprosy patients and mobile leprosy treatment units working in slum/jj clusters. The cell is coordinating various leprosy control activities like training of Medical and paramedical staff for detection of leprosy cases, IEC activities and liaison with various agencies like local bodies, Govt. of India and NGO. Modified Leprosy Elimination Campaign is being organized in Delhi every year to achieve our objectives. Until now, five MLTU had been sanctioned by Govt. of India out of which three are in DHS and 2 are under HKNS. NGOs are supporting the programme for survey with their MLTUs. Rest of the areas in Delhi is covered by 5 International NGOs. The Leprosy Control Campaign was integrated in all the Health Institutions in Delhi like Govt. of Delhi, MCD, NDMC etc., in routine OPD hours. Special clinics are opened from 2.00 PM to 4.00 Pm in every Tuesday. 26.3. Achievement till August 2004-AP 2004-05 84


Total 2088 new Leprosy Cases were reported from various hospital and dispensaries in Delhi w.e.f. 01-04-04 to August 2004 (MB=1099) & (PB=989) were put on treatment. The numbers of patients released from treatment were 2208 (MB=1171 and PB= 1037). Nine Districts in Delhi have been allotted to various NGO for field works.

East Distt. (The Leprosy Vision) North East (MLTU-I HKNS) North (Netherlands Leprosy Relief) North West (Co-Lepra +MLTU-4 of DHS) West (MLTU-2 of HKNS) South West (Deman Foundation India Trust and Lepra India) South (Lepra India & KUEUS) N.Delhi (MLTU-3 of DHS) Central Delhi (MLTU-5 of DHS & Netherlands Leprosy Relief) A special public awareness March on Leprosy Control Programme was launched on 2 October 2004 led by Honble CM of Delhi in collaboration with NDMC, CGHS & various NGOs starting from Rajghat ending in Kamilni Auditorium followed by seminar with different professionals and intellectually.



Publicity materials like posters, pamphlets, diagnostic cards, bus panels, kiosks, handbills and banners were used for I.E.C. Rubber stamps with message "Leprosy is curable and free treatment is available in all Govt. Hospitals/Dispensaries" were put in all OPD slips on Health Institutions. Publicity was also made through cinema slides, Radio and TV channels for public awareness on Leprosy. Special stall at Perfect Health Mela w.e.f 29.10.04 to 07-11-2004, pontamine shows in JJ clusters, Nukkad Dances, Magic Shows etc. in JJ Clusters for public awareness were important events. (c) Training: 85

Training programmes were organized in 12 different hospitals in Delhi.

26.4. Targets for Annual Plan 2005-06


Detection of Leprosy cases through passive surveillance & integration of Leprosy treatment in all general health institutions. IEC Activities for public awareness like placement of roadside hoardings, Bus back Panels, Printing of Leaflets, Posters, Pamphlets decorative railings, telecasting video spots in TV/Cable TV, Nukkad dance & Magic shows etc. & campaign for early case detection and treatment through National and International NGOs. Capacity building in the form of infrastructure, Van, Vehicles, Trained and Skilled manpower. Training of health personnel through seminar, advocacy meeting etc. Organization of a National Seminar in collaboration with Indian Association of Leprologists. Organization of Health Mela, Exhibitions etc. Leprosy Tableau in Republic Day 2005. Procurement of Laptop computers, Office Photocopier machine and other items, drugs, dressing materials for leprosy patients including MCR chappals, blankets.







The following staff is immediately required to strengthen the Leprosy Control Cell.


S.No. Name of Post 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chief Medical Officer (NFSG) Statistical Assistant Pharmacist PA/Steno UDC LDC Driver Peon Total no. of Post required = 26.6. Budget: `

No. of Post reqd. 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 9

Pay Scale. Rs. 14300-18300 + NPA Rs. 5000-8000 Rs. 5000-8000 Rs. 4000-6000 Rs. 4000-6000 Rs. 3050-4590 Rs. 3050-4590 Rs. 2250-3200

For Annual Plan 2005-06 an outlay of Rs.46.00 lacs is approved. 27. CELL FOR PREVENTION OF SMOKING(Rs. 88 lakh)

27.1. INTRODUCTION About 8 lacs persons die in India every year due to their tobacco habit. These deaths are due to hazardous effects of tobacco consumption in any form like smoking beedi, cigarettes and hukka through pipe etc. leading to cancer of lungs, larynx, oropharynix, urinary bladder, kidneys, pancreas, coronary heart diseases/peripheral vascular diseases etc. The smokes exhaled by smokers are more hazardous to nonsmokers. All these deaths and huge expenditure on treatment of these diseases are preventable and can be utilized in overall socio economic development of our country.


Keeping in view of the above scenario, Delhi Govt. has enforced the Delhi Prohibition of Smoking and Non Smokers Health Protection Act in whole of Delhi w.e.f. 26.11.97 and smoking is legally banned in places of public work or use like cinema halls, restaurants, hotels, schools, colleges, other institutes and public offices, public service vehicles like DTC buses, etc. Sale of smoking substances is banned to persons below 18 years of age and also in and around 100 metres of any teaching institutions w.e.f. Ist January 2001.All group B and above officers of Delhi Govt. local bodies and autonomous bodies and officers of Central Govt. working in Delhi are authorized to act under the Act. Compounding powers have been given to some specific officers of various Departments of Delhi Govt. through gazette notification by Honble Lt. Governor of Delhi w.e.f. June 1998 to fine the violators of the Act on the spot. To effectively implement the Act and to increase public awareness for behavioural change towards smoking, and monitoring various activities under the Programme, an Anti Smoking Cell has been set up in Dte. of Health Services and an officer had been assigned the additional responsibility of State Programme Officer of this cell apart from his routine duty till new post is created for this post. Further a Central Act The Cigarettes & other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement & Regulation of Trade & Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act 2003 had been enforced w.e.f 01-05-04 under which compounding power had been given by Honble LG to many officers to act under the Act. Delhi Govt had notified section 12,13,25 and 28 of the Central Tobacco Control Act. Govt. of India had also suggested for establishing an Anti Tobacco Cell for monitoring and implementation of Central Act with in-charge of a very senior level officer. Further Section 6 of the Act had been enforced through out India w.e.f 01-12-04. It had been observed that the Smoking in Public Places and Public Service Vehicles had considerably reduced due to implementation of relevant Act and organization of various IEC activities undertaken by Delhi Govt. during last 5 years.


27.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. To ban smoking in places of public work or use and in public service vehicle and sale of smoking substances to persons below 18 years of age and 100 metre around the educational institutions /Schools/Colleges. To organize health educational activities in form of seminar/workshop/symposium/rallies and lectures, Health Exhibition /Meals etc. to increase public awareness for behavioural changes towards smoking and tobacco habit in any form and IEC activities form of display of Hoardings and Road Safety Railings in public places, video cassettes shown in JJ clusters/Urban slums and rural areas etc. To motivate the smokers to quit smoking in public places/public service vehicles for the protection of the Health of Non-Smokers. To constitute special enforcement squads and to raid the places of public work/use and public service vehicles to challan/fine the smokers. To assign the responsibility of raids / fine to Addl. CDMO of 8 newly created District Health Officers under Directorate of Health Services. To monitor the ban of advertisement of Tobacco and Tobacco products in electronic media, print media and local cable TV networks. To monitor smoking in various hotels/restaurants etc and to monitor the provisions of the Central Tobacco Control Observation of World No Tobacco Day and prize Distribution Ceremony. IEC activities in public places/various Institutions/ Hospital/JJ Clusters/Resettlement Colonies including in All India Radio, T.V. , Local Cable TV networks, Radio FM Channels









27.3. ACHIEVEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2004-2005 (By January 2005) 1. 2. Observation of World No Tobacco Day & prize distribution ceremony. Raids in public places- 1932, public service vehicles raided 45239, Total persons fined 10550. Display of Anti Smoking message on public conveyance in Connaught Place, ISBT, on Unipole in Paharganj, Badarpur Border, Ashok Vihar and IP Depot. Kiosks Placement of 54 Hoardings in 3 Rly. Stations/Hosp./Disp. Nukkad Natak (Street Play) Newspaper advertisement through DIP/DAVP approved rate Seminar & health education lecture Roadside railing Bus Queue Shelters 100 Panels in Coaches of Delhi Metro 200. - 10 months. - 63 Places - 2 Times. - 35 - 400 for 8 months - for 6 months
- 40 for 6 months


4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

27.4. TARGETS FOR 2005-2006. 1. Observation of World No Tobacco Day on 31.5.2005. Raids of public places and public service vehicles through Addl. CDMO/Special enforcement squads in each month by purchase of new vehicles or by hiring of private vehicles. Organizing about 50 Health Education Lectures in schools/colleges/Industrial areas/various Govt. offices, 1 workshop, 1 Seminars in various institutions. Organization of 1 Anti-Smoking Rally with Tableau, 1 painting competition, 1 speech competition, 10 Exhibitions and 6 Health Melas. 3. Displaying of message on Bus shelter, Kiosk, Unipoles, Hoardings, etc. 450 decorative railings for 10 months, Glow Sign Boards in Railway Stations/ Metro



Rail and other public places for public awareness. Public notice may also be displayed through various sources. 4. Preparing one U matic video films (1/2 an hour to one hour duration) for Doordarsan, 500 video-cassettes and 5 video spots for telecasting in cable T.V. Preparation of Radio Script for broadcasting in FM Channels Radio talk and T.V. Interview. Printing of 4 lacs pamphlets, leaflets 50,000 posters and 1000 banners. Organization of 100 Nukkad Natak in various public places. Purchase of 8 vehicles for 8 Addl. CDMO of 8 District Health offices / hiring of private vehicles for conducting raids. Proposal for creation of various posts. Reorganization of Health Mela, Bal Swasthya Mela in collaboration of NGO.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

27.5. STAFF REQUIREMENT The following staff have been proposed in the revised target for annual plan 2004-05 and the same has yet not created. It is proposed that the same numbers of posts be created in 2005-2006.
Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Name of the post CMO (Chief Coordinator of the state Asst. Director (Mgt.& Information System) Health Educator/Health Education Extension Officer/Publicity Officer Public Health Worker (Publicity) Pay Scale 14300-18300 8000-13500 6500-10500 DHS(HQ) level 01 01 02 District level Nil Nil Nil Total 01 01 02







5. 6.

Statistical Officer Statistical Asstt.

6500-10500 5000-8000

Nil 02

08 16 (2 each Distt. 16 (2 each Distt Nil Nil 08 08 56

08 18


Field Worker (Publicity




8. 9. 10. 11.

Steno Gr. III Photographer LDC Peon TOTAL

4000-6000 3050-4500 2550-3200

01 01 01 01 12

01 01 09 09 68

An amount of Rs. 88 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06 which includes provision for purchase of 8 Maruti Gipsy for 8 Districts Health Officers. 28. SPECIAL CELL FOR CONDUCTING VARIOUS PUBLIC HEALTH CAMPAIGN (Rs. 90 lakh)

28.1. Introduction/Need and Justification In Delhi 30% of people live in Urban slums and resettlements colonies being deprived of basic amenities like safe drinking water, proper sanitary disposal of waste products. They are exposed to environmental pollution staying in a congested, ill ventilated over crowded dwelling. Due to lack of knowledge and health education, they are vulnerable to various communicable and non-communicable diseases, which are aggravated due to poverty and ignorance about cause and consequences of health hazards. Thus Health Education is absolutely essential for the people in various ways. It has been realized that the standard of living and life style of low socioeconomic groups can be achieved by improving the literacy rate and undertaking health educational activities for these type of people. Apart from that, updation of knowledge in the field of Medical, Research and development is required for every citizen for maintaining optimum health standard. 92

Delhi Govt. organizes various state run public health programmes like Pulse Polio, Stree Shakti Abiyan, Matra Suraksha Abhiyan, Shravan Shakti Abhiyan, Motia Bind Mukti Abhiyan and other National Health Programmes. The motivation of the public is also required to participate in the above programmes including Health Melas, public meetings, public lectures etc. To achieve these objectives, Delhi Govt. proposes to organize various public health campaign in form of Munadi workshops, Seminar, Health Camps, Panel discussion, quizzes, various health awareness rallies, speech, paintings and essay competitions and exhibitions on preventive aspects of various health hazard. It is proposed that advertisement may be done for the public in form of Munadi by announcing the public, health activities/ the place and date of public lecture, health mela etc. through mobile loudspeaker etc. The same IEC activities may also be carried out through newspaper, print media and electronic media. As the Govt. is always deficient in manpwer resources, some of the reputed NGO may be entrusted to undertake these public health campaigns and financial assistance may be provided to them Directorate of Health Services proposes that these activities may be carried out through NGOs and other Deptt. like Education Deptt. Social Welfare Deptt. and other organizations like other hospitals under Delhi Govt. with financial assistance from Directorate of Health Services under the relevant Head of this plan scheme. 28.2. Target for 10 th Five Year Plan 1. Organisation special drive of Shravan Shktri Abhiyan, Stree Shakti Abhiyan and Motia Bind Mukti Abhiyan every year. Purchase of cochlear implants for hearing impariedness,



Purchase of microscopes, Diagnostic equipments like BERA and Otoacoustic Emissions Machine, Electro cochleography Machine.



Organization of workshop/seminar Exhibitions/Health Melas/Health Pannel discussion Health quizzes/public awareness rallied speech nd essay competition/Munadi for specific Health programme. Preparation of IEC material/TV interview/AIR interview placement of Hoardings etc. Organization of Stree Shakti Camps in various Hospitals/sites in 9 Districts.



28.3. Achievements during 2004-05 (Upto Sept. 04): (a) Organization of 36 Stree Shakti Camps in 9 districts at various hospitals under Delhi Govt./MOI by September 2003, more than 30,000 women were provided health check-up during these special health camps. Another camps are likely to be organized by March 2004. Procurement of medicines and equipments/machinery for Stree Shakti Abhiyan & Sharvan Shakti Abhiyan. Printing of Leaflets, Posters for IEC activities. Setting up 10 stalls on Public Health Programmes in Perfect Health Mela w.e.f. 29th Oct. to 7th November 2004. Bal Swasthya Mela in Nov. 2003 and Health Mela at Punjab Khore Village in February are likely to be organized.


(c) (d)


28.4. Target for Annual Plan 2005-06 1. Organization of special drive of Shravan Shktri Abhiyan, Stree Shakti Abhiyan and Motia Bind Mukti Abhiyan, Bal Swasthya Mela, Perfect Health Mela & other Health Mela in different part of Delhi. 2. Purchase of cochlear implants for hearing impariedness, 3. Purchase of microscopes, Diagnostic equipments like BERA and Otoacoustic Emissions Machine, Electro cochleography Machine for Shravan Shakti Abhiyan. 94

4. Organization of workshop/seminar Exhibitions/Health Melas/Health Panel discussion Health quizzes/public awareness rallied speech and essay competition/Munadi for specific Health programme. 5. Preparation of IEC material/TV interview/AIR interview placement of Hoardings etc. Delhi Govt. will organise Stree Shakti Abhiyan for Health, Nutrition and Socio Economic development related to Health including Pregnant Mothers in the form of Camp approach from time to time and also in various hospitals. The expenditure pertaining to training/workshops for doctors and paramedical staff and for procurement of non-consumable items medicnes/equipments and consumable drugs, dressing materials etc., and also for preparation of I.E.C. materials like posters, pamphlets & Hoardings will be met out of the Budget provided for Public Health Campaign apart from those for Sharvan Shakti Abhiyan.

28.5. Budget Allocation Rs. 90.00 lacs is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06. 29. STATE AWARD TO SERVICE DOCTORS WORKING IN NCT OF DELHI (Rs. 5 lakh)

29.1. INTRODUCTION/NEED AND JUSTIFICATION The Doctors working in various dispensaries/health centres/hospitals in a very risky and uncomfortable atmosphere for the distressed and ailing humanity and also involved in the implementation of various national/state health programmes. They have to tackle the emergency cases at the dead of the night and rush to the site of accidents, natural calamities like flood, famine and epidemics which cause alarming threat to lives of many victims. Though they receive the facilities like other employees in performing


their duties, one cannot but praise the honest and meritorious services rendered by these personnel at very unfavorable situations. During the year 1998, 20 doctors each were awarded Dr. B.C. Roy Memorial Award on 1.7.98 on the eve of his birth anniversary, for their service and meritorious work. Also 20 doctors were awarded on 18.9.2000 and 14-01-2002. 25 doctors ere awarded on 21-01-2003 and 19 doctors on 16-01-04. In order to give due recognition and boost to the morale of this category of personnel, Delhi Govt. Proposes various state awards to doctors working in Delhi Govt. MCD and other Govt. organizations for implementation of national and state prgoramme. Due to merit of the scheme, it is proposed to continue the scheme during 10th Five Year Plan. 29.2. OBJECTIVES To give due recognition to the honest, sincere and meritorious service rendered by Doctors of various Govt. Health Institutions in Delhi. To boost the morale of the sincere doctors with a view to encourage them for further devotion to duty and a arouse high sense of responsibility in govt. service. To set an exemplary for the other employees.

DR. B.C. ROY MEMORIAL DELHI STATE AWARD FOR DOCTROS : TOTAL 20 AWARDS This award is proposed to be given to 20 best doctors of the year in different systems of medicine by application of the individual candidate through Head of Office and will be selected by a duly constituted selection committee. The awards will be conferred to the selected candidates on an Investiture Ceremony by respectable personalities every year.


TERMS AND CONDITION OF THE AWARD The award will be governed by the rules and regulations for the State Award for Doctors, which will be framed by duly constituted Committee appointed by Govt. of Delhi/Principal Secretary (Health). INVESTITURE CEREMONY The awards, if selected will be announced by the Govt. of Delhi on the eve of Republic Day and will be presented to the deserving candidate by Lt.Governor or Chief Minister of Delhi in a special Investiture Ceremony held at Raj Bhawan/suitable auditorium on behalf of Govt. of Delhi. The function may be witnessed by Health Minister/Council of Ministers. The day may be fixed on the 1 st July, the Birth Anniversary of Dr. B.C. Roy or as fixed by Govt. of Delhi. It is proposed to award 25 doctors during 2005-06. 29.3. BUDGET : Rs. 5.00 lacs is approved for the year 2005-06. 30. 30.1 PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF MDR TB(RS. 50 LAKH) Nomenclature of the scheme including location Prevention & Control of Multi Drug Resistant TB (MDR-TB) Location: National Capital Territory of Delhi.

30.2. Objective of the scheme 1. To prevent spread of MDR TB in Delhi. 97

2. 3. 4.

To treat MDR-TB patients in Delhi. To strengthen the TB Control activities in Delhi. To control emergence of MDR -Tuberculosis in Delhi.

30.3. Need and justification More and more patients remaining sputum positive despite treatment are being reported in Delhi. Initial Drug Resistance to INH and Rifampicin is estimated to be 18.5% and 0.6% respectively in Delhi.. Where as acquired drug resistance has been estimated to be 56.7% and 33.3% for INH and Rifampicin respectively. As the TB drugs are limited and no new drug has been discovered since 1968, therefore it is very essential to prevent development of MDR-TB and control the situation, as the treatment for MDR-TB is very costly and difficult one with poor success rates. It is all the more important as MDR-TB patients continue to spread MDR-TB bacteria to new patients where TB drugs will not act. The rising HIV epidemic will worsen the situation. 30.4. 1 2 3 4 Programme Contents Prevention of MDR-TB through implementation of DOT and IEC Detection of MDR-TB cases Treatment of MDR-TB Control of MDR-TB


Physical Achievement during 2004-05

The general population is being educated about the various aspects of tuberculosis and need to have regular treatment so that MDR-TB could be prevented. A MDR-TB Treatment unit has been established at LN Hospital. The lab has also been established at Dept. of Microbiology MAMC. Total population covered is more than one


crore. IEC activities in form of display of hoardings Seminar/Workshop in various parts of Delhi were under taken. 30.6




PHYSICAL TARGET PROPOSED FOR ANNUAL PLAN 2005-06 Establishment of the Monitoring Cell Establishment of diagnostic unit Establishment of treatment unit Procurement of the logistics equipments & drugs Intensive IEC Campaign IEC activities. Detection of MDR-TB patients who are reporting as failure cases. Treatment of MDR-TB patients. Training programmed for medical and para medical staff.

30.7. No. of posts proposed to be created during Annual plan 2005- 06 The following posts are required to be created. Justification: In order to establish one treatment unit the following minimal staff will be essentially required. The existing Xray, microbiology units will be utilized optimally; therefore no staff will be required on this account. The staff is proposed to be hired on contract basis/outsourcing in order to avoid any permanent liability. SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Designation Sr. Residents Medicine/Chest & TB Jr. Residents TBHVs/Staff Nurses Lab Technicians Sr. Treatment Supervisor/PHN Sr. TB lab Supervisor LDC/Data Entry Operator Number 1 2 4 4 2 2 2 Pay Scale 10,975-13,350 8000-13,500 4000-6000 4000-6000 5000-8000 5000-8000 4000-6000


Peons/Ward Boys


30.8. BUDGET PROPOSAL 2005-06: Rs. 5.00 lacs is approved during Annual Plan 2005-06. 31. ESTABLISHMENT OF DOCUMENTATION CENTRES (Rs. 2 lakh)

31.1. Objectives of the scheme To establish documentation centers in Directorate of Health Services (HQ) with extension at all offices of the CDMOs (8 districts). 31.2. Need and Justification of the scheme In today's world, information is the key to efficient management and improvement in service delivery. Systems where information can be stored and retrieved quickly improve the efficiency of the system. A need for a documentation centre in the Deptt. has long been felt. The documentation centre will be a resource centre for various medical literature and books, journals, reports and technical papers for the Directorate. It will thus be having a full-fledged library with facilities for photocopier internal medlar search and electronic documentation storage and retrieval. The documentation should also arrange for books /literature on loan from other libraries/institutions. It is envisaged that for all documents prepared in the Directorate a copy should be made available to the documentation centre for future references also the quarterly and yearly health bulletin for publishing various achievement of the different schemes undertaken under Directorate of Health Services. Health information assembly wise medical facilities including details of registered nursing homes and citizen charters for hospitals and dispensaries will be kept in the library for the use of health staff and also for reference of the public if required. The centre will also have branched in all the districts offices. 100

31.3. Total cost of the scheme Original Ist year (2002-03) Salaries per year Equipments, computers and furniture for library Books/journal procurement Total first year Subsequent year For 10th Five Year Plan 31.4. Programme contents One documentations Centre will all modern facilities will be established at the State headquarters of the DHS with branches at each of the district CDMO offices. These centres will make available various reports, books, journals, periodicals, videos etc. to the staff. The centre will also have facility for the Internet. There will be provision for giving the books, journals on loan to the staff. Further printing Report of various schemes, which are already been completed or implemented for documentation Centre/distribution to public and other Govt. Agencies. Printing of Dietary Guidelines/Vegetarianism. 31.5. Achievement during 2004-05: a. b. c. Proposal for creation of posts is under process. Initiation of proposal for purchase of various library books/journals. Printing of paper on study of drug use by patients, Healthy City Project/Baseline Survey of Trans Yamuna Area, Flurosis Mitigation Programme for documentation Centre. 101 Rs. 15 lacs Rs. 15 lacs (one time only) Rs. 15 lacs Rs. 45 lacs Rs. 25 lacs per year Rs. 145 lacs


Procurement of bookshelves.

31.6. Physical targets for the annual plan 2005-06 1. Sanctioning of the posts for the scheme. Procurement of equipment, Book Shelves furniture at DHS (HQ) and districts of documentation centres. Procurement of various books and journals for the documentation Centre. Printing of Reports of Schemes, which have already been completed or closed for documentation Centre/distribution to other Govt. Agencies and Public.


No. of post to be created:Post CMO(NFSG) Asst. Librarian Library Attendants no. 1. 1 11 Scale 14,300-18,300 + NPA 4500-7000 3050-4590 (one each for each district branches and three for HQ centre) LDC Computer operator Peon Sweeper 1 1 1 1 3050-4590 3050-4590 2550-3200 2550-3200

31.8. Budget : An amount of Rs. 2.00 Lacs is approved for AP 2005-06.



Establishment of Integrated System for Trauma Care and Networking of Trauma Centres in the Capital City of Delhi.(Rs. 8.00 lakh)

32.1 1.

OBJECTIVES OF SCHEME To provide definitive & timely care to trauma patients in well equipped tertiary level Trauma Centre.


To provide appropriate & timely resuscitation & first aid measure to trauma victims at the site of accident.


To transport trauma patients in well equipped vehicles to nearest appropriate hospital as early as possible.


Computer linkage between trauma centres & effective communication with other hospitals for inter-hospital referrals & for proper distribution of patients in appropriate hospital in case of mass casualties.

5. 6. 7.

Education of Doctors & paramedical staff for life saving measures. Training of trauma team in Advanced Trauma Life Support system. Training of Ambulance Officers in Resuscitation & first aid measures and for safe transportation of patients.


Teaching first aid measures to Police personnel, Drivers and general public and to create awareness for helping trauma patients at the site of accident.


To review the trauma care system from time to time and as per requirement, so as to bring regular improvement in the system.


To save as many lives as possible and to reduce disabilities as far as possible in trauma patients.


Adherence to the standards of quality medical care for trauma patients & networking of trauma centres will be helpful in developing disaster plans.



A. Trauma Centre :- At present Sushrut Trauma Centre is the only specialized trauma centre in Delhi. Comprehensive trauma care service is being provided here round the clock. This trauma centre has got following Disciplines:Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic Surgery, General Surgery, Redioloy, Anaesthesia, Blood Bank and Hematology & Biochemistry. 32.3. Modes of Transport CATS :CATS has a fleet of 35 ambulances which ar deployed at strategic location all over Delhi, equipped with wireless sets & sophisticated medical equipments. Every ambulance is manned by two Assistants Junior Ambulance officer (AJAO) who are trained in first aid emergency management and resuscitation. CATS is receiving approx. 2500 calls per month (approx.80% from PCR, 16% from public & 4% from others) Approximately 60 % from these calls are for Automobile Accidents. Out of these 2500 calls, action is required to be taken in nearly 1100 calls per month. There average response time at site is 8 min. & Hospitals response time is approx. 30-35 minute. Other Modes of Transport:32.4. Communication From the site of accident, any person can cll Police Control Room (100) or CATS control room (1099) for help CATS control romm situated at Sushruta Trauma Centre has wireless communication with Police Control Room, Delhi Fire Service & Major Hospitals of Delhi, besides having 12 telephone lines. Inter Hospital communication is by telephone. 32.5 Training No regular training programme on trauma life support system under Govt. PCR Vans, Hospital Ambulance, Private vehicles.

Doctors:of Delhi.


For Ambulance officers of CATS:CATS has been organizing training course for their drivers on emergency first-aid measures & safe transportation. For Public:- CATS started emergency first - aid programme in October,2000 for public & to create awareness about CATS. 32.6 METHODOLOGY TO IMPLEMENT THE SCHEME A. DEVELOPMENT OF NEW TRAUMA CENTRES

Trauma Centre are aready in the process of development in the following hospitals:-DDU Hospital, LN Hospital, GTB Hospital, AIIMS Future Centre:-Dr. BSA Hospital, & LBS Hospital are at strategic locations & may be developed as trauma centres.

Secondary Level Hospital & Smaller Hospitals 1. The staff at these hospitals should be prepared to provide effective & adequate life saving measures & whenever required they should be able to transport the patient safely to an appropriate Trauma Centre. Causality Deptt. of all these Hospitals should have life saving equipment's & medicines. There should be uniform & effective management protocol which should be assessed periodically.


32.7. TRANSPORTATION of trauma patients from accident site to hospital or from one hospital to another appropriate hospital.


1. 2. 3.

CATS society is already doing a good job & there requirements should be reviewed from time to time. Hospital Ambulances should be well equipped for first-aid & life saving management. PCR Vans should be provided with first-aid kit & police personnel should be motivated and trained for first-aid measures & safe transportation of trauma patients.

32.8. TRAINING 1. For Trauma team consisting of Orthopaedic surgeon, Neurosurgeon, General Surgeon, Anaesthetist & Casuality Medical officers should be trained for Advanced Trauma Life Support system. Members of trauma team should be trained in basic knowledge of other specialties as well. Other Doctors should also be trained in life saving measures. CATS officers:--Their training must continued on regular basis. Police Personnel, Drivers & General Public - Would be trained for first-aid management. - For Drivers, this training could be made essential at the time of issuing a driving license. - Create awareness to help injured person on the road & how to seek help at the site of accident. They should also be motivated for blood donation. 32.9. COMPUTERIZATION OF TRAUMA CENTRES & INTER-LINKING OF CNETRES THE

2. 3. 4.

32.10. PROPER DOCUMENTATION 7 PERIODIC REVIEW of services at trauma centres & other hospitals, transportation facilities & training programmes are essential for upgrading of services & for future planning. 32.11 Achievement during 2004-05:


Purchase of computer, preparation of literature materials for workshop/seminar and training programme for doctors and police personnels. 32.12 Target during 2005-06: Organization of training programmes for doctors/paramedical personnels/CATS officers. Stg. Of trauma centers at the above proposed hospitals with well-equipped equipments/machinery. Procurement of more CATS/Ambulances for evacuation of trauma patients. Controlled room for trauma patients. Purchase of more computers with net working with other trauma centers.


A society under the name IVPSS had been constituted under Society Act of Delhi Govt. in 1999 with a view to creating a healthy working environment for the workers and preventing occupational hazards coming out of them. The occupational hazards heat, cold, stress, noise, radiation, vibration, chemicals, dust fumes, aerosols, vapors, mists, biological agents such as moulds, bacteria and viruses, ergonomic, psychological and mechanical factors have adverse impact on health. Therefore on recommendation of a committee of Delhi Govt. in 1994, a clinic of occupational and environmental medicines was set up in LNJP Hospital, New Delhi in April 1995. This clinic is a first of its kind in teaching hospitals in country and was able to work related health problems in places other than factories. 107

For its adequate development and to give a certain degree of flexibility in day-today working, and autonomous society, known as IVPSS was formed and Grant-in-aid is being provided by Delhi Govt. every year for various activities of the society. Its achievements in the field of occupational environment are manifold. 33.1 ACTION PLAN FOR 2005-06: Conducting regular clinical out patients services for referred & suspected cases of occupational and environmental illnesses every month. Conducting regular visits to various hospitals for BMW Management. Organizing training workshops on BMW Managements for health care workers of GNCTD, Central Govt., MCD & Private Hospitals. Providing consultation to the enforcement agency (DPCC) for the implementation of BMW Rules in Delhi State. Lectures and presentation as and when invited by the academic and research institutions, stake holders, Govt. bodies and others. Attending meetings of WHO, World Bank, Union Ministries and providing them with expertise as and when invited. Attending Seminars, Conferences, Symposia as and when it is felt these are beneficial. To maintain the registry of occupational illnesses. Initiating work for publishing bulletin on occupational and environmental health. Publicizing and advertising centres activities. Data collection on hazards evaluation of chemical risk in Delhi in collaboration with Labour Department.



Analysis of data collected from physicians on health risks exposure. Work towards phasing out chrysotile asbestos and evolving a strategy and strengthening occupational health and safety. Work with Ministry of Environment & Forests towards collaborating for teaching and training occupational and environmental epidemiology. Formulating new projects on critical issues. Developing liaison with Deptt. of Pathology, Microbiology and CPCB for establishing environmental pathology in the centre. Organizing a 3-day workshop on occupational safety and health management system. Efforts to set up human exposure assessment faculty. BUDGET An amount of Rs. 20.00 is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06.






Two Hectors of land had been taken over by Health Department at D-Block Basant Kunj, New Delhi from DDA with payment of Rs. 2,22,88,115/- for construction of a hospital in 2000. Rs. 14,29,650/- had been spent toward construction of boundary wall. However, keeping in view of the incidence of liver diseases and the importance of their management, Delhi Govt. had decided to establishment an Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences at the above site, for which a society has formed under Delhi Govt. The budget provision has been made under Plan Scheme GIA TO SOCIETY-INSTITUTE OF LIVER AND BILIARY SCIENCES during 2003-04. 34.1 ACHIEVEMENTS DURING 2004-05:


Approval of SFC proposal amounting Rs. 9.65 crores under Revenue Head. The construction of the building is in progress. Creation of posts like one Project Manager/OSD, One Accounts Officer and Steno Gr-II.

GIA of Rs. 1200 lacs had been provided for the institute under Revenue Head during 2003-04, which is being carried forward to 2004-05.


TARGET FOR 2005-06: Completion of the construction of the building. Proposal for creation of posts. Allotment of addl. land for the expansion of the inst. By DDA.


BUDGET PROPOSAL: An amount of Rs. 2000 lacs is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06.






35.1. Objective of the scheme 2.1. To provide support to Delhi Tapedik Unmulan Samiti a registered society under Govt. of Delhi. The Samiti is responsible for implementing TB Control Programme as per the approved guidelines of Govt. of India/ Govt. of Delhi. Strengthen the TB control activities in the National Capital Territory Region. To assist Delhis transition from the earlier to a new paradigm for TB control, which focuses on accurate and prompt detection and successful treatment of

2.2. 2.3.


sputum smear positive patients by establishing the necessary technical, managerial and organizational infrastructure that would make it sustainable in the long term. 2.4. To work within the overall framework of objectives of the TB Control Programme (RNTCP) itself with DOTS strategy. These are: (a) to cure at least 85 % of the detected new sputum smear-positive patients, followed by (b) detection of at least 70 % of the estimated number of such patients.

35.2. Need and justification for the same Tuberculosis is the major public health problem in Delhi. TB is the leading killer of adults and is a major barrier to social and economic development. The estimated numbers of TB patients in Delhi are around one lac. About 31,500 new cases are added every year. It is further estimated that about 40% of adult population in Delhi is infected with the TB bacteria and eventually 10% of them will develop the disease in their lifetime. It is also estimated that 22 people die of the disease every day in Delhi.

35.3. Programme Contents 4.1 Diagnosis and Treatment of tuberculosis by establishing one center per lac of population. Establishment of Chest Clinic per five lac of population. Case detection through self-reporting of suspected T.B. patients having cough more than 3 weeks. The detection rate should be minimum 70 % of the expected number of patients in the community. Treatment of patients by direct observations the treatment success rate shall be 85 %. Information, Education & Communication targeting the general population slum dwellers, migrant population, industrial labour, daily wage earners, women as a 111

4.2 4.3.



group, health care providers (medical as well as paramedical workers) and NGOs. 4.6 NGO & Private Medical Practitioner support encouraging NGOs, resident welfare associations, community based organizations etc. to participate in the programme as per the laid down guidelines of the Revised National TB Control Programme.

35.4. Physical achievements up to 2004-05 104 Microscopy Labs and 118 Treatment Centres established. 20 Chest Clinics established. Cure rate of new smear positive patients Success rate of new smear positive patients Sputum Conversion Rate of new smear positive patients Lives saved 80.2% 82.2% 84.3% 25.945

35.5. Achievements during 2004-05 Microscopy Centres 20 Chest Clinics established New Infections cases detected Success rate of new smear positive patients Sputum Conversion Rate of new smear positive patients Lives saved 35.6 DOTS 146 310 82% 84% 86% 8758



Physical target: 13.1. Establishment of 10 new treatment cum diagnostic centers 13.2. Establishment of 3 new Chest Clinics 13.3. Detection of 70 % of new sputum smear positive cases occurring in Delhi 13.4. Cure rate of 85% of new sputum smear positive cases detected in Delhi 13.5. Sputum conversion rate of 90% of new sputum smear positive cases put on treatment

35.7 The staff is hired on contractual basis as per the approved guidelines of Govt. of India. Therefore there is no creation of posts. 35.8. Pattern of assistance along with pattern of funding 100% deficient grant-in-aid. The grants received from GOI/any other source will be considered as income. The pattern of assistance will be approved by Govt. of Delhi. An IEC impact evaluation study has been completed as a benchmark as per GOI guidelines. The scheme has been revised in the light of findings of the study. 35.9. Budget Proposal during 2005-06: An amount of Rs. Rs. 100.00 lacs is approved for 2005-06 36. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING FOR INSTITUTE OF LIVER AND BILIARY SCIENCES: (Rs. 1000 lakh)

The building plan of the institute of Liver and Biliary Science had been approved by DDA. SFC proposal amounting Rs. 25.11 crores has been approved by Delhi Govt. for construction of the building. The Honble Chief Minister of Delhi has laid the 113

foundation stone of the building on 03-09-2003 & the construction of the building is in progress. BUDGET PROPOSAL An amount of Rs. 1000 lacs is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06 for construction of the building. 37. GIA to State Mental Health Authority (Rs. 6 lakh)

37.1. Need and Justification State Mental Health Authority was constituted on 8.2.94 as per provision of Section 4 of Mental Health Act 1987. The authority is reconstituted after every three years. The authority was reconstituted in 2002. By a Gazette Notification No.F.169/5/92/H&FW-II/1378-91 dated 12.10.1999 the authority has also been specified the Licensing Authority for psychiatric hospital/Nursing Homes in Delhi. Besides this the authority also has been entrusted to deal with court matters pertaining to Mental Health and related matters, Public Complaints related to mental health, inspection of psychiatric hospital & Nursing Homes, The authority has no plan scheme of its own, however the budget provision is required to run various activities of authority. The office of SMHA has been made as a regular cell at IHBAS, which is the premier institute as per decision of the Chairman of the authority and the Pr. Secretary (Health & FW) and also that the budget provision shall be made through Grant-In-Aid. As the activities to be carried out by this authority are regular in nature, therefore the budget provision for the authority is fully justified to run the office of authority. The constitution of this authority is as below:1.Sh.S.P.Aggarwal2.Dr.D.M.Khaneta3.Dr.R.N.Baishya4.Dr.R.C.Jiloha Principal Secretary (H&FW) Addl.Secretary(H&FW) Director,Health Services, Professor & Head, Deptt of Psychiatry Chairperson Member Member


5.Dr.Ratna Verma 6.Dr.T.B.Singh 7.Dr.R.K.Chadda 37.2

G.B.pant Hospital Professor of Social Work, University of Delhi Head,Department of Clinical Psychology,IHBAS, Delhi Professor of Psychiatry,IHBAS Member

Member Member Member Secretary

Aims and objectives

The authority is established under Sub-section (1) of Mental Health Act 1987 with the following objectives to be fulfilled. The authority shall 1) be in charge of regulation, development and co-ordination with respect to Mental Health Services under the State Government and all other matters, which under this Act, are the concern of the State Government or any officer or authority subordinate to the State Govt. supervise the psychiatric hospitals and psychiatric nursing homes and other Mental Health Service agencies (including places in which mentally ill persons may be kept or detained) under the control of the State Govt. Advice the State Govt. on all matters relating to mental health and Discharge such other functions with respect to matters relating to mental health as the State Govt. may require.


3) 4)

An amount of Rs. 6.00 lakh is approved for 2005-06 for meeting the day to day expenditure of the Mental Health Authority.


Dte. of Family Welfare

ACTION PLAN FOR CHILD HEALTH (Rs.6.00 lakh) Objective of the scheme a) b) Surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases i.e. Polio, Measles, Diphtheria, Neonatal Tetanus, Mumps, German Measles (Rubella pertusis. Control / Elimination / Eradication of diseases like Polio, Measles, Diphtheria, Neonatal Tetanus by reducing morbidity and mortality due to these diseases in children. Reduction in the infant mortality rate, child mortality rate and thereby improving the health status and survival of children below 5 years and promotion of healthy happy & small family norm to make the Family Planning Programme, successful by controlling the population growth. Reducing the workload of the curative health services, occupancies of the hospital beds and expenditure under health care delivery system as a longterm objective.



1. Need and justification for the same Vaccine preventable diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children below five years particularly in infants below one year. Life saving vaccines such as Oral Polio vaccine. D.P.T. vaccine, D.T. vaccine, Measles vaccine, MMR vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine all free of cost, infrastructure of the trained medical manpower, health care providers are easily available at more than 500 health outlets in the form of dispensaries, hospitals, maternal and child welfare centers under various programme implementing health agencies such as E.S.I., Voluntary Organizations, Railway Defense and Private Sector, MCD, NDMC, Govt. of Delhi, CGHS.


Purpose of surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases is: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) To ensure that Immunization Activities and the sources are used efficiently. Identifying the magnitude of the illness as a public health problem. Providing epidemiological data for planning programme interventions. Monitoring of the quality of services. Identifying high risk pockets for additional actions. Identifying out breaks early. Estimating the requirement of vaccines for the programme.

Action plan for child health began in the year 1997-98 and the major activity undertaken in the plan was acute flaccid paralysis surveillance (AFP )for the polio eradication in Delhi. The same activity under the plan has been continuing till the year 2003-2004. Due to successful implementation of the plan, Pulse Polio Immunization Programme since1994 every year and high routine Polio Immunization Coverage, the polio eradication efforts have achieved historical success by bringing down polio cases from 435 cases in the year 1994 to only 24 confirmed polio cases (wild polio virus positive) in the year 2002 & only 3 during current year 2003 till 18 th October. The objective of the AFP Surveillance is to fully monitor the impact of the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme, identifying high risk areas for additional mop up rounds of Pulse Polio Immunization Programme and guide further immunization activities to finally eradicate polio from the state, otherwise the huge investment in human and financial resources to conduct pulse polio immunization programme every year may be wasted. The AFP Surveillance aims to detect each and every case of AFP very promptly immediately after onset of paralysis, to investigate the case in the field and laboratory for the isolation of the wild polio virus from the stool of suspected polio case (AFP) in order to confirm whether AFP cases is polio or not. Wild Polio Viruse is excreted in the stool of the case and the case is confirmed as a polio only on detection of wild polio virus and presence of residual paralysis after 60 days of onset of Paralysis detected during the field investigation of the case. There are many causes of AFP like gullein berry syndrome, traumatic neuritis, transverse myelitis, peripheral neuritis, polio, of


which polio is a major cause. Unless and until every case of AFP is detected promptly, cases of polio can be missed from detection resulting in failure of polio eradication efforts. This can be achieved only by (1) informing, educating, communicating the community through intensive IEC (Publicity) on the need and importance of timely reporting of suspected polio cases (AFP) to nearest health facility, thereby seeking active participation and cooperation of the community in polio eradication efforts (2) collection of stool sample from the cases of the AFP in the hospital after the case examination and investigation by the doctor and then transporting two stool samples under cold chain to the polio virological lab for polio virus at Mumbai (3) field investigation of the AFP cases by the medical officer for confirmation of presence / absence of residual paralysis at 60 days of unset of paralysis (confirmative sign of polio). Support from the Govt. of India and Delhi Govt. in AFP Surveillance Programme National Polio Surveillance Project (Joint venture of Govt. of India and WHO) is supporting the AFP Surveillance Programme in Delhi since its beginning in Nov. 1997 for polio eradication in all the States. NPSP unit at Delhi which has two surveillance medical officers and secretarial staff incur financial expenditure on training activities, transportation of stool specimens from hospital to the WHO accredited laboratory at Bombay for isolation of polio virus and helps in investigation / follow up of the AFP Cases . NPSP do not carry out IEC (publicity) activities under AFP Surveillance for want of provision of funds. Therefore, the state funds need to be utilized on IEC Activity under the AFP Surveillance Programme every year since 1997 for creation of mass awareness about the AFP Surveillance and other polio eradication activities. Since polio is likely to be eradicated completely by the year 2008, the AFP Surveillance Programme need to be continued during the year 2005-06 and also till the end of the 10th Five Year Plan. Any slackening of the AFP Surveillance programme (one of the key strategies for polio eradication) during year 2005-06 (and also till the end of 10th Five Year Plan) can push back all positive achievements towards polio eradication so far.


Since due to initiation of AFP Surveillance from the year 1997 coupled with the other polio eradication activities like mass pulse polio immunization and high routine polio immunization coverage of children below five years, we have come nearer to the polio eradication by remarkable reduction in polio cases from 435 in the year 1994 to only 24 case in the year 2002 and only 7 during the current year 2004 till 14 th August, 2004 and is expected to achieve zero polio status by the year 2005 and then maintain zero polio status for at least three more years till the year 2007 and then certifying Delhi free of polio by the year 2009 by the WHO. During the year 2005-06 (and also till the end of 10th Five Year Plan) it is proposed to continue the surveillance of other vaccine preventable diseases like Measles, Diphtheria, Neonatal Tetanus, Mumps, Rubella, Hepatitis B under the action plan for child health so that these diseases can also be controlled / eliminated from Delhi by the year 2007 through strong, efficient, effective and sensitive surveillance programme for these diseases like AFP Surveillance Programme for polio eradication. This requires intensive IEC (Publicity) activities for creation of mass awareness about the need and importance of (1) prompt detection and reporting of cases of vaccine preventable diseases to the nearest health facilities by the public as well as peripheral health workers (2) prevention of complications and deaths following on-set of disease by timely referral of the cases of the diseases to the health facilities and seeking timely medical care (3 ) high coverage of children below five years with all the vaccines under the routine immunization programme of the State such as Measles, Oral Polio Vaccine, DPT, DT, MMR, Hepatitis B, Tetanus toxoid to the pregnant women at the recommended ages and in full doses so that every child up to five years of age is fully immunized at the right time and thereby fully protected against the vaccine preventable diseases. These three key strategies are essential for the control / elimination of vaccine preventable diseases in Delhi. 2. Programme contents Under the scheme, major activities proposed to be carried out are as under: (a) IEC (Publicity) activities for creation of mass awareness in the public as well as the health care provides about timely full immunization of every child with all the vaccines available under the State Routine Immunization Programme and prompt seeking of medical care to prevent complications and deaths due to vaccine preventable diseases,


through production and display of publicity materials like tin plates, posters, stickers, pamphlets, hoardings, bus queue shelters, bus panels, News Papers Advt. , at various prominent places including health facilities such as dispensaries, hospitals., Maternal and Child Health Centers, Important public visiting places like Police Stations, Govt. Offices, Post Offices, Banks, PDS Shops, Mother Dairy Booths of Milk and vegetables, DMS Milk Booths, Cinema Halls, Entertainment Centers like Appu Ghar, Market establishments, Chemist Shops, all Juhggi Jhoperi Areas, slum Areas, areas without adequate Health Facilities. Item wise details for the Annual Plan 2004- 2005 During the year 2005-06, it is proposed to continue the action plan for the child health including surveillance for other vaccine preventable diseases like Measles, Diphtheria, Neonatal Tetanus besides intensifying AFP Surveillance Programme for the eradication of polio so that the morbidity and mortality due to other vaccine preventable diseases are reduced. This requires intensive IEC (publicity) efforts for the creation of mass awareness about the need and importance about three activities : 1. Prompt detection and reporting of cases of vaccine preventable diseases to the nearest health facilities by the public as well as peripheral health workers. Prevention of complications and deaths following onset of diseases by timely referral of cases of the diseases to the health facilities and seeking timely medical care. 3.High coverage of children below 5 years with all the vaccines under the routine Immunization Programme of the state such as Measles, oral polio vaccine, DPT, MMR, Tetanus toxoid, Hepatits B and T.T to the pregnant women at the recommended ages and in full doses so that every child up to 5 years of the age is fully immunized and thereby fully protected against vaccine preventable diseases. These 3 key strategies are essential for the control of vaccine preventable disease in Delhi. IEC is proposed to be carried out through display of publicity materials like tin plates, posters, stickers, hoardings, bust panels, newspaper advertisements etc. at all the health facilities such as hospitals, dispensaries, MCW Centers and other important public visiting places. An amount of Rs. 6.00 lakh is approved for this scheme for 2005-06.


2 1.

Matri Suraksha Abhiyan (Rs.11 lakh) Nomenclature of the Scheme :

MATRI SURAKSHA ABHIYAN FOR 2005-06 2. Objective of the Scheme

The main objective is to provide comprehensive health care to all antenatal, natal & postnatal mothers for safe motherhood and to strengthen the existing infrastructure. This can be achieved through: 1. 2. Provision essential obstetric care to all mothers by observing the 5 CLEANS. Upgradation of knowledge of mothers and health providers as regard nutrition & safe delivery practices through IEC. 3. Provision of Antenatal Cards for referral and high-risk identificarion.


Need and Justification of the same

The material health programme that is a component of RCH programmes aims at reducing meternal mortality from its present level of 407 to less then 100 by 2010. It is a well known fact that poor health of mothers has a profound impact on health of their children. Emphasis has to laid on safe delivery practices, IEC & Strengthening existing infrastructure. Making such health needs available, accessible with maintained quality is part of providing essential health needs of the community. 4. Programme Contents



The major intervention for improving material care services will lie in augmenting training of Dais and provision of disposable delivery kits for safe (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Early Registration Safe Delivery Practices and 5 cleans through DDK. Recognition of Danger Signs. Importance of Early Referrals Nutrition Education.


Due to increased Requirement of Calcium during pregnancy and postnatal period, Calcium intake has to be increased substantially. It is proposed to provide Calcium tablets to all antenatal and postnatal mothers. For a strong and effective referral system it is proposed to distribute Antenatal Cards(High Risk Identification and Referral Cards) with cover and health education material for the mothers to all Delhi Administration Dispensaries and NGOs. These are bilingual and can be easily filled up by an ANM/LHV/Nurse/Doctor. IEC : Decentralized locally relevant use of multimedia communication strategies is required to ensure that the message are effectively conveyed. These need to be strengthened and their outreach widened. Printing and distribution of the prepared IEC material to different organizations and public. Since most deaths are grossly under reported due to non-registration and misclassification, special pages can be regularly devel0oped to sensitize the public to womens issues. An amount of Rs. 11.00 lakh is approved for Annual Plan 2005-06 .




Strengthening of Directorate of Family Welfare including TQM & System reforms (Rs. 7.00 lakh) Objective of the scheme:



To keep pace with Information Technology and to improve the work efficiency of Directorate of Family Welfare Head Quarters and its peripheral implementing units. ii. Need and Justification of the Scheme:

About 121 Family Welfare units belonging to Governmental and Non Governmental organizations are being coordinated by this Directorate for implementation of National Family Welfare Planning Program. It is a state Head quarters for monitoring RCH program, Pulse Polio Program ,issuing of Family Welfare articles like vaccines and other Items to all implementing units in the State of Delhi. Health & Family Welfare training centers and Mass education Media are other very important sister branches of this Directorate. Non- Governmental organization are receiving Grant in aid from Directorate under 100% Centrally sponsored scheme .For smooth and effective implementation of above scheme computerization plays a very important role. Statistics section of this Directorate sends regular feedback to Government Of India on all aspects of Family welfare. iii. Programme contents: To provide computers to all implementing units under Delhi Govt. LNJP, GTB, DDUH, AAA, GGS, SGM Hospitals. To install Geographical Intelligence System It is proposed to include Geographical Intelligence system (GIS) in the final stages of computerization .In the GIS each agency will be allocated well defined geographical area and such information will be mapped layer wise in GIS. Health and Family Welfare issues which need ecological data support can be identified and implemented through GIS. Location and slum clusters can be classified and correlated through GIS according to age, sex , Health facility , Morbidity , Mortality pattern, Health infrastructure. It can also help in building up referral system. Computer training of all the Officers and Officials of Directorate. An amount of Rs.7.00 lakh approved for this scheme for 2005-06. 4. Improving of Status of Girl Child including Implementation of PNDT & MTP Act 123

Objective of the Scheme

To provide and upgrade knowledge about PNDT and MTP Act to all Govt. & Private Health Professional, leaders of the community and opinion makers. Educate public about PNDT & MTP Act. To stop preconception Sex selection and Pre-natal Sex Determination. To abolish female feticide
To provide safe and hygienic abortions. To improve the status of the girl child and women in society. To bring about a change in mind set of public in favour of girl child.

An amount of Rs. 17.00 lakh is approved for this scheme for Annual Plan 200506 for improving the status of girl child. 5) i. Family Welfare programme ( Family Planning )Rs.8.00 lakh) Objective of the Scheme Improving the performance of the Family Welfare coverage in Delhi ii. Need and justification for the same

For years family welfare programme in India has popularized the small family norm. Small differences in the family size make big differences in the birth rate. To assist couples, the programme has made available both spacing and permanent methods of contraception Despite this, the demographic surveys have revealed a large unmet need of contraception. It is estimated that 78% of the contraception each year are unplanned and 25% are definitely unwanted. The Couple Protection Rate in the sate of Delhi is 28.7% by permanent methods and 33.6% by spacing methods. The Population Policy 2000 affirms the commitment of Govt. towards voluntary and informed 124

choice and consent of citizens while availing of Reproductive health care services, and continuation of the target free approach in administering family planning services. iii. Programme contents In the past, population programmes have tended to exclude men folk. Gender inequalities in patriarchal societies ensure that men play a critical role in decision-making. If we look at the figures of permanent sterilizations it is sad to observe that only 2% sterilizations are due to Vasectomy i.e. male sterilization. One of the goals of the National Population Policy is to promote gender equality and enable men to take responsibility for their sexual reproductive behavior and their social and family roles. The special need of men include re-popularizing vasectomies, in particular no-scalpel vasectomy, as it is the simplest advanced and safe procedure. Therefore this year the plan scheme includes NSV Camps and IEC in the state of Delhi to increase the male participation and adoption of No Scalpel Vasectomy. An amount of Rs. 8.00 lakh is approved for 2005-06 as per break-up given below:S.NO. 1 Head of Expenditure Folders on Male Participation in Planned parenthood (20,000 in no. @ Rs. 5/- in local languages, Hindi, English, Urdu & Punjabi. NSV Camps IEC-newspaper advertisements regarding Contraceptives, availability of NSV Contingency (Mobility, stationary, miscellaneous expenses.) Grand Total 6. 1. Rural Family Welfare Centers (Rs. 87 lakh) Justification for need for shifting other NSV stores other and Amount (Rs.) 1,00,000

2 3 4

2,00,000 4,50,000 50,000 8,00,000


There are only 8 Rural Family Welfare Centre at present in Delhi (list enclosed), five centres are under administrative control of MCD & 3 are under the administrative control of DGHS are getting grant-in-aid directly from Govt. of India through DGHS. The Rural Family Welfare Centre working under MCD have not applied for grant-in-aid to this Directorate so far. In order to stream line it is suggested that grant-in-aid may be given directly by State Govt. to MCD as in case of remaining three Rural Family Welfare Centres the grant is given by GOI. More over MCD has already initiated action in regards to opening of Maternal & Child Welfare Centre in rural areas Annexure enclosed A. It is also submitted that the MCD are meeting the expensed incurred by their own establishment head LA1(F/B). 2. Objective of the scheme

In order to give priority to the development of Rural Health Services, Govt. introduced the concept of Minimum Needs Programme during the 5 th Five Year Plan. The concept emerged out of the experience of previous plan that neither growth nor social consumption can be sustained much less accelerated, without being supportive. The establishment of Primary Health Centers, Sub-centers, Upgradation of Primary Health Centers, Sub-centers and stall quarters were including in the state sector Minimum Needs Programme. 3. Programme contents

To provide primary health care services including maternal care (anti natal care, natal, post natal), Child Care (Immunization, Growth Monitoring, Provision of ORS, Prevention of ARI & Diarrhoea), Provision of curative services,
Provision of Family Welfare Services (Contraception) An amount of Rs.87 lakhs is approved for this scheme for 2005-06

Post Partum Unit at Distt. Level (Rs. 180 lakh) Post Partum Unit at Sub District Level (Rs. 184 lakh)



Proposed Nomenclature of the scheme including location: The Directirate has already proposed for a new nomenclature fot he scheme yb merginh the two schemes into on in the plan proposal of 2004-05 as their objectives are the sa,e and there is no sub district pattern in the statee of Delhi. 4. Need for merger of two Plan Schemes: Post Partum Unit at District Level & Post Partum Unit at Sub-Distt. Level which were previously a Centrally Sponsored Scheme has now been transferred to State for further implementation. In accordance to D.O. No:F.17(1)/2004/coord/Plg dated 02.09.2003. In objectives of Post Partum Unit at District level & Sub-District level are same. It is therefore requested that these two schemes to be merged in to one head as Post Partum Unit at District level & Sub-district level.
Name of the Unit Present Status Type of PPU as No. of Deliveries & abortion(GOI) classified in early seventies Proposed Status as per No. of Deliverires & Abortion (GOI) No. of Deliveries & Abortion as per norms of GOI


PPU - District Level

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

LNJP Hospital G.T.B.Hospital GirdhariLal Maternity Hospital Hindu Rao Hospital Swami Dayanand Hospital Kasturba Hospital

A- Teaching
A-Non Teaching



>3000 Delivery & abortion with attached Medical Collage 3000 to delivery Abortion / Annum. 1500 & per

A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching

A-Non Teaching

A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching


7. 8. 9.

St. Stephens Hospital E.S.I.Hospital, Basai Dara Pur F.P.A.I., R.K.Puram

PPU - Sub-District Level

A-Non Teaching B-Non Teaching C-Non Teaching

A-Non Teaching A-Non Teaching Type C

Same as Sl. No.12

10. D.D.U.Hospital 11. Colony Hospital Kakaji 12. Colony Hospital, Malviya Nagar 13. Colony Hospital, Tilak Nagar
New PPU to be added

Sub Distt. Sub Distt Sub Distt. Sub Distt.

Type A
Type C

Same as Sl. No.1

Type C

Less then 1500 Delivery & Abortion cases Per Annum.

Type C

14. Lal Bhadur Shastri Hospital 15. Babu Jagjeevan Ram Hosp. 16. Sanjay Gandhi Memo. Hosp 17. Maharishi Balmiki Hospital


Type B

Type B

Hosp. With 1500 to 3000 delivery & Abortion cases per annum. Same as Sl. No.1

Type A

Type C

Less then 1500 Delivery & Abortion cases per annum --

18. Babu Jagjeewan Ram Hosp.* 19. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hosp* 20. Rao Tula Ram Hospital*


Type C

Type C


Type C


21. Moti Nagar Colony Hospital* 22. Mahavir Jain Hospital *


Type C


Type C


Objective of the scheme

The objective of the Post Partum Programme is to improve the health of the mother and the children through maternal and child health and family welfare programme which includes Anti-natal, Natal and Post natal services by providing the facility for immunization and vaccination for mothers and children and prophylaxis against anemia and night blindness.

Need and Justification of the Scheme

The Post Partum Programme is a maternity center/based approach to family welfare programme. It aims to motivate woman within the reproductive age group (1544 years) and their husbands for adoption of a small family norms through education and motivation particularly during pre-natal, natal and post natal period & to provide immunization to mother & children. Programme contents:

1. Maternal and Child Health Services2. Immunization for Mother & Child Health 3. Family Planning 4. Outreach Services 5. In-services Training 129

6. Establishing referral linkages 7. IEC 8. Monitoring & Evaluation 9. Revision of performance indicators


Centres to be upgraded to Type A as per Govt. of India norms. Annexure -II SN District Level Name of Post Partum Units ESI HOSPITAL, Basai Darapur, Delhi Present Status Propose d Status Staff Position at BType Name of the Post B- Non Teaching A- Non Teaching Medical Officer (1 Male, 1 Female) Sancti oned 2 Staff Position at A Type Name of the Post Sancti oned 1* 1* 1* 2 1 2 1 1 1* 1* 1* 1


PHN/LHV ANM FW Worker (Male) Store Keeper Cum Clerk Attendant

1 2 1 1 1

Anaesthestist (Asstt. Surg. Grade-I) Projectionist cum Mechanic Senior Medical Officer Medical Officer ( 1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV ANM FW worker(Male) Store Keepar Cum Clerk Steno / Typist LDC Driver Attendant

* Posts to be created / filled as per norms laid down by GOI.


Centre to be upgraded to Type A as per Govt. of India norms. SN District Level Name of Post Partum Units DDU Hospital, Hari Nagar, New Delhi. Presen t Status Proposed Status Staff Position at Sub-Distt. Level Name of the Post A- Non Teaching Medical Officer (1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV Sancti oned 2 Staff Position at A Type Name of the Post Sanctio ned 1*


Sub Distt. level

Anaesthestist (Asstt. Surg. Grade-I) Projectionist cum Mechanic Senior Medical Officer

1 1* 2


Medical Officer ( 1 Male, 1 Female) 1 1 1 1 PHN/LHV ANM FW Worker (Male) Store Keepar Cum Clerk Steno / Typist LDC Driver Attendant

FW worker (Male) Store Keepar Cum Clerk Operation Theatre Nurse Operation Theatre Attendent

1 2 1 1

1* 1* 1* 1

* Posts to be created / filled as per norms laid down by GOI. Centre to be upgraded to Type A Non Teaching as per Govt. of India norms.



District Level Name of Post Partum Units

Present Status

Proposed Status

Staff Position at A Type Name of the Post Sanctioned


Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital

Health Post

A- Non Teaching

Anaesthestist (Asstt. Surg. Grade-I) Projectionist cum Mechanic Senior Medical Officer Medical Officer ( 1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV ANM FW worker(Male) Store Keepar Cum Clerk Steno / Typist LDC Driver Attendant

1 1 *1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

* Posts to be created / filled as per norms laid down by GOI.


New Centres to be opened. SN District Level Name of Post Partum Units Lal Bhadur Shastri Hospital Present Status Proposed Status Staff Position at Btype Name of the Post Sanctione d 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1


New Post Partum Unit

B-Type Teaching


Babu Jagjeeva n Ram Hospital

New Post Partum Unit

B-Type Teaching


Maharishi Balmiki Hospital

New Post Partum Unit

C Type Teaching

Lecturer in Statistics and Demography /SPM Medical Officer (1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV ANM FW Worker (Male) Store Keeper Cum Clerk Lecturer in Statistics and Demography /SPM Medical Officer (1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV ANM FW Worker (Male) Store Keeper Cum Clerk Lecturer in Statistics and Demography /SPM Medical Officer (1 Male, 1 Female) PHN/LHV ANM FW Worker (Male) Store Keeper Cum Clerk

* Posts to be created / filled as per norms laid down by GOI. An amount of Rs.364 lakh (Rs.180 lakh for P.P. Hospitals Rs.184 for P.P. under at Distt. Level Hospitals) is approved for 2005-06 for the scheme.


DIRECTORATE OF INDIAN SYSTEMS OF MEDICINE & HOMOEOPATHY 1. Strengthening of Dte. of I.S.M. and H (Rs. 45.00 lakh)

Govt. of Delhi has set up a Directorate of ISM & H for the promotion and development of these systems w.e.f. 1-8-1996. This department is administering A & U Tibbia College & Hospital, NHMC & Hospital, Dr. B. R. Sur Hospital & College, 67 Homoeopathic Dispensaries, 20 Ayurvedic Dispensaries and 9 Unani Dispensaries. Four Autonomous bodies viz. Bharatiya Chikitsa Parishad, Homoeopathic Board, Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad and DRIMPA are functioning under the administrative control of this Directorate. In addition to the above, it provides I.E.C. Programmes, which play an important role in improving health of the people. Following schemes are being implemented by the Directorate. Following posts are proposed for creation during the year 2005-06. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Name of the Post Deputy Director (Unani) Additional Director (ISM) Additional Director (H) M.O. (Ay.) H. Q. M.O. (Unani) H.Q. Administrative Officer Research Officer (Plg.) Statistical Assistant U.D.C. L.D.C. Pay Scale (in Rs) 12000-375-16500 + NPA 16400-450-20000+NPA 16400-450-20000+NPA 8000-275-13500 + NPA 8000-275-13500 + NPA 6500-200-10500 5500-175-9000 5000-150-8000 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 No. of Post 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4



11 12 13 14 15

Steno Grade III Driver Peon Data Entry Operator

4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200 4000-100-6000

2 1 2 5 1 27

Store & Purchases Officer 6500-200-10500

________________________________________________________________ BUDGET An outlay of Rs. 45.00 Lacs under Revenue Head is proposed for the Annual Plan 2005 06 for creation of posts, purchase of vehicle and computerization & Office expenses etc. 2. HEALTH CARE SERVICES (Rs. 160.00 lacs) 2.1 Opening of ISM Dispensaries/Special Clinics & Yoga Centres

ISM can play an important role to combat this problem by opening dispensaries. As other systems causes side effects in the body, but Indian System of Medicine (Ayurvedic & Unani) never causes any side effect in the body. Today, the people are turning towards this system. Therefore, in view of the patients diversion 15 dispensaries for Ayurveda & 5 dispensaries in Unani, 6 specialty clinics and 5 Yoga Centres have been proposed to be opened in the every annual plan. Ayurveda and Unani dispensaries are to be opened in Govt. Allopathy dispensaries or Allopathy hospitals. There is no need to built or rent separate building for Ayurved or Unani dispensary as decided in the higher level meetings. Following posts are proposed to be created during the year 2005-06. (i) Ayurved No. of Posts Pay Scale (in Rs.) 136

S. No. Name of the Post

1. 2. 3.

Vaidya / M.O. (Ayurvedic) 15 Pharmacist (Ayurvedic) Nursing Orderly 15 15

8000-275-13500+NPA 4500-125-7000


(ii) 1. 2. 3. 2.2

Unani Hakim/M.O.(Unani) Pharmacist (Unani) Nursing Orderly Special Clinics 5 5 5 8000-275-13500+NPA 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2660-60-3200

Panchkarma is one of the unique therapeutic procedures in Ayurveda advocated for the radical elimination of diseases causing factors and to maintain the equilibrium of closhas. The five fold measures comprehended by this therapy for internal purification of body system are Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Anuvasana (Oil Enema), Asthapana (Decoction Enems) and Nasya (Nasal insufflations). The chance of recurrence of disease is very rare in patients undergone panchkarma therapy as it also promotes positive health by rejuvenating the vital body systems. It prevents aging process and improves memory and functions of sense organs. Panchkarma requires some preparatory measures i.e. Snehan and Swedan and Sansarjan Karma as post Panchkarma measures. One Panchkarma centre has been opened during the year 2001 in the LNJP Hospital. For this Panchkarma Centre post of Panchkarma Specialist -01, Pharmacist 01 & Masseur (04) has been created in the year 2001. It is proposed to open 01 more Panchkarma centre at Tahirpur in the Annual Plan 2005-2006 and strengthening of Panch karma centre, new building for panch karma centre is to be ready in 2005-06.


Ayurveda classifies fistula in ano and piles under Mahagadas (major diseases). The chronicity and recurrent nature of these diseases cause physical and psychological discomfort to the sufferer. Kshar Sutra, a para surgical procedure and a unique technique advocated by Ayurveda to successfully treat these disorders. Kshar Sutra techniques has many advantage over the modern surgical procedure as no need of anesthesia, uterus damage is less, no complication, econimic, recurrence as negligible. It is proposed to open special clinics in Kshar Sutra, Bal Avam Shishu Swasthaya, Mahila Chikitsa, Geriatric clinic during the year 2005-06 for the following posts. S.No. 1. 15200+NPA 2. 13500+NPA 3. 4. 5. 3200 2.3 Yoga Services in GNCTD Office/Hospitals Name of the Post Specialist M.O. (Ayurveda) Technician (Male+Female) Pharmacist Nursing Orderly No. of Posts 5 5 10 5 5 Pay Scale (in Rs.) 10000-3258000-2754500-125-7000 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2660-60-

Recent scientific research and experiments have proved beyond doubt the efficacy of yoga in controlling and curing many serious diseases. It is gratifying to note that the importance of Yoga is now being increasing acknowledged internationally and its popularity is increasing rapidly in many scientifically advance countries of the world. The aims and objectives of this scheme are to improve the working capacity of the officials and to provide Yoga practices as a therapy in certain diseases. It has been learnt that office workers are working with worries and mental stress and are prone to develop Diabetes, Hypertension etc. As a result the working capacity is reduced. Yoga is a science, which improves the intelligence and memory .


The following posts are proposed to be created during 2005-2006 for providing the Yoga services in five existing hospitals of the Delhi Government S. No. 1. 2. Name of the Post Yoga Instructor Attendant Pay Scale (in Rs.) No. of Posts 5500-175-9000 2550-55-2660-60-3200 5 5

An outlay of Rs.160.00 lacs is approved under revenue head in the Annual Plan 2005-06 for implementation of this scheme. 3. lakh) India has a rich heritage of well certified health care systems now referred to as Indian systems of medicines. Ayurveda has been in use for 5000 years BC and has been certified effective, almost side effective free and easily available .Prakritik Chikitsa and Yoga has also been practiced for centuries and has attended to the health needs of the people long before the advent of western medicine. The systems are used by a wide section of society because of their capability in dealing with a host of common health problems and certain chronic diseases. Equally a huge opportunity is growing world wide as complementary and alternate medicine gains economic importance in view of escalating cost of modern health care and the adverse effects of chemical drugs. Indian medicine is also embedded in the deeper belief of a wide section of society. As the population of Delhi is increasing day by day due to migration of people from other states. Health is a state subject for providing health facility to every citizen of Delhi. Therefore for development of Indian System of Medicine and minimize the pressure on Delhi Govt. Ayurvedic College and Hospital along with facility of Yoga & Prakritik Chikitsa Services has to be established at Khera Dabur near Najafgarh, New Delhi at 1st phase. Institute of MEDICAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN I.S.M (Rs. 215.00


Following posts are proposed for creation during the Annual Plan 2005-06 . S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22. 23. Name of the Post Principal Professor Associate Professor Dy. Director (Admn.) Lecturers Asstt. Director (Plg.) Accounts Officer Jr. Librarian Junior Accounts Officer Stenographer-II Office Suptd. Head Clerk Statistical Assistant Lab Technician Stenographer-III U.D.C. L.D.C. Driver Museum Man Library Attendant Helper Peon No. of Post 1 14 14 1 28 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 4 5 17 7 18 2 2 30 Pay Scale (in Rs.) 18400-500-22400 + NPA 14400-18300 + NPA 12000-375-16500 +NPA 10000-325-15200 8000-275-13500 + NPA 8000-275-13500 7450-225-11500 6500-200-10500 5500-175-9000 5500-175-9000 5000-150-8000 6500-6500-10500 5000-150-8000 5000-150-8000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 3050-75-3950-80-4590 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200

Administrative Off./Purchase Off. 1

Sanitation and Security services shall be through private agency as per the policy of the Government. 140

Hospital Staff: As per CCIM norms for establishment of 100 bedded, the following minimum staff is to be required. S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Name of The Post Pay Scale Casualty Medical Officer Vaidyas 8000-275-1350+NPA 5 3 3 2 3 No. of Post 3 2

8000-275-13500 +NPA

Pharmacists 4500-175-7000 Nurse 5000-150-8000 Dresser OPD Attendant Sweeper Radiologist Pathologist


2550-55-2660-60-3200 9

Clerk (Registration&Record) Deputy Supdt

3050-75-3950-80-4590 1

2550-55-2660-60-3200 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA 4000-100-6000

12000-375-16500+NPA 1 1 1 1

X-Ray Technician Clinic Registrar

Anaesthetist 8000-275-13500+NPA RMO 6500-200-10500 House Officer /PG Student Matron 6500-200-10500 Assistant Matron 1 5 1


5500-175-9000 10

1 10

Ayah/Mid-WIFE/Ward Boy 2550-55-2660-60-3200 Staff Nurse 5000-150-8000 Head CIEARK Kitchen Attendant Plumber Watchmen Store Keeper 3050-75-3950-80-4590 5000-150-8000 2 4 1 4 Cook 2610-60-3150-65-3540 1 1


2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200 141

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Liftmen Electrician

2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200

2 1 1 2 2 3

Dark Room Attendant Labour Room Attendant Panch karma Vaidya Panch karma Technician Panch karma Assistant Physiotheapist

2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200 10000-325-15200+NPA 2 1 4000-100-6000

OT Attendant2550-55-2660-60-3200

Panch karma Nurse 5000-150-8000

2550-55-2660-60-3200 1 1 1

10000-325-15200+NPA 4000-100-6000

Clinic Registrar or House Surgeon Ksharsutra Technician Machine Operator Clerk/ Account Labour Deputy Manager Pharmacy

10000-325-15200 1 1 1

2550-55-2660-60-3200 3050-75-3950-80-4590 4 1

2550-55-2660-60-3200 4000-100-6000 1

Pathologist/ Microbiologist 10000-325-15200 Lab Technician Lab Assistant Peon 2550-55-2660-60-3200


An amount of Rs.215 lacs is approved for this scheme for 2005-06. 4. 1. Development of Medicinal Plants (Rs.5.00 lacs) Aims & Objectives

To constitute Medicinal plants board for the proper development of medicinal plants



To develop Medicinal Gardens at Khera Dabur, Najafgarh, Tuglakabad To develop the agricultural bio technology for medicinal plants.

To train students of Ayurveda in medicinal Plant identification, cultivation, collection techniques. 2. To train farmers, pharmacy students regarding advanced agro-techniques. To develop awareness in public. To maintain the museum of medicinal plants. Needs & Justification

Nature created human and animal kingdom along with Ayurveda. Ayurveda totally depend on the source provided by nature and most of them are medicinal plants. We knew only 2100 medicinal plants are available in different parts of the world. Near about 650 plants are used in ISM drugs and well known by Ayurvedic people. The supplier and collector of herbal plants are not aware of the dangers of nonsystemic collection of herbs. The non-systemic collection increases the list of rare/endangered species. If medicinal plant system is not developed now, the herbs will not be available in the near future and our children will face lots of difficulties in maintaining their health. This institute will help to achieve the goal of all round development of medicinal plants. This institute will establish a medicinal garden at Khera Dabur in Najafgarh area. As per L.Gs direction, during the year 1995 DDA had allotted a piece of land measuring 5.51 acres near Kaya Maya Ayurvedic Anusandhan Centre & Hospital, Tugalkabad on lease basis for 10 years for development of Ayurvedic Herbal Garden . Payment of the land was made to DDA @ of Rs. 1 per acre per year for 10 years in the


year 1996 (2.1.1996). DDA had handed over the land on behalf of Govt. of Delhi to A&U Tibbia College on 28.5.1997. 3. Required Staff

To start the scheme, the following minimum staff is essential: S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of the Post Pharmacognosist Agriculture Specialist LDC Mali No. of Post Scale of Pay (in Rs.) 1 1 1 15 8000-275-13500 8000-275-13500 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2650-60-3200

Agro/Botany/Pharmacognosist experts are to be appointed on contract basis for the special project. After completion of the project they may enter in new projects. The Assistants will also be appointed on project contract. The Ayurvedic expert in Dravyaguna will be in charge of projects. He will coordinate the project. The work of plantation at khera Dabur is going under Forest department, Govt. of Delhi An outlay of Rs.5.00 lacs is approved for this scheme for the Annual Plan 20052006. 5. lacs) Aims & Objectives To propagate basic Health preventive principles of ISM in general public. To develop awareness regarding the medicinal plants. 144 INFORMATION, EDUCATION & COMMUNICATION SCHEME (Rs. 5.00

To attract the children by quiz, essay writing, to give awards for best answering or writing. To prepare platform for achieving health goal through Ayurveda.

Needs & Justification I.S.M. is time trusted health care system since five thousand years. Ayurveda originated in India, developed well and had achieved its goal before Mughal period. There was setback for Ayurveda in pre independence era. Nowadays, Ayurveda is going fast to create a disease free world. USA, UK, Germany, France, Japan, Italy, Russia, Mauritius, Sri Lanka etc. are so many countries which are starting health care with the help of Ayurveda due to safety, easy availability and cost effectiveness. In todays world of IT if this system does not propagate properly it will become a part of history. Fast food, stressful life, polluted social & cultural environment all are the cause of increasing diseases. It is essential to educate the public regarding nature base health care system to prevent life style diseases It is evident that Ayurveda had a glorious past which was lost in Mughal / English period. China has achieved health goal with the help of Chinese medicine and modern scientific system of medicine. It is learnt that Bhagwan Buddha had propagated Ayurveda in China which emerged as Chinese medicine. We have more than 2000 medicinal plants out of which 650 are used frequently for the preparation of ISM drugs. We also have well established principles for prevention of diseases and to maintain health. These principles should be propagated in the public. Required Staff To start the scheme the following minimum staff is essential: -


S. No. 1. 2. 4590 Equipments

Name of the Post Data Entry Operator LDC

No. of Post 1 1

Pay Scale (in Rs.) 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-

Computers, Printers, Video Camera, Still Camera, Computer Projector etc. Physical Targets This will be a continuous scheme. The films are to be made on contract basis. Captions, video films to be aired with the help of Door Darshan, Cable T.V., Cinemas hall etc. (II) Establishment of Centralized Information and Document Library

The State Level Library is an on going scheme is converted into Centralized information and Document Library. Aims and Objectives of the Scheme: To provide reference facilities on ancient and modern research publications, journals, periodicals, texts and scripts, University thesis. Internet and Website Information: For specific information from the global market. Information and Education to Society: Teaching in schools regarding healthy principle of ISM through schooling, education for life style through seminars, slide shows, publications and media publicity.


This should be a part of information, education & communication. Post Required S. No. 1. 4590 2. 3200 3. III. Assistant Swasthya Melas 2 5000-150-8000 Peon 1 2550-55-2660-60Name of the Post L.D.C. No. of Post 1 Pay Scale (in Rs.) 3050-75-3950-80-

Aims and Objects : o To provide health care services at door step to general public through mobile health clinic. o o To create health awareness in general public. To change eating and living habits of people.

Educate both the parents to enjoy a healthy condition of body and mind so that coming child does not inherit any disease of body and mind and should be educated about the measures to be taken before conception, during conception and after conception. This scheme is also a part of I.E.C. scheme and the above said object may be achieved to involve NGO and the expenditure may be reimbursed from Govt. fund. Arogya, Perfect Health Mela and other Melas will be the part of this scheme IV. Orientation/Re-orientation Programme


This will help to aware the physician regarding latest techniques/development in the medical science as most of the institutions have poor facilities. Therefore the students passed from these institutions, lacking knowledge in Ayurvedic and Unani field. V. Scheme for International Co-ordination

Aims & Objectives To propagate the concept of Ayurveda on international level.

To organize seminars/workshops/exhibitions/trade fairs/health camps internationally. To create better understanding with concerned country which will help to create environment for signing Memorandum of Understanding. To co-ordinate for any international trade/policy/liaison on part of state from Central Authority. Needs & Justification A rich science cannot be utilized properly if its knowledge is not wide spread amongst the civilization. The superiority and exclusiveness of the indigenous system shall be promoted to the international market so that the concerned authorities/public in their respective countries understand and recognize it as an important tool in the Healthcare management. This base of acceptance of ISM medicines shall help in international exchange of Technology and ultimately help in earning foreign revenue. Today, the world is bothered much on the part of adversities/toxicity and loosing sensitivity induced by modern synthetic medicine. Hence, we have already recognized and learned Ayurveda for its synergism concept in Herbalism. Many of the institutions/faculties and business houses in the countries abroad, including United States of America, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Russia etc. have shown interest in this system of Healthcare and have adopted certain of its facts/trade in their


system. The committee for these schemes shall co-ordinate for the purpose of information, education and communication, on the official part so that proper and exact communication is conveyed to their authority. This has been felt that various private communicator modulate the information of indigenous system o unethically for their personal benefits. Financial & Physical Target A franchise or tender bid may be seek under the scheme by the foreign collaborator to promote and organize the sessions on the concept and practices of Ayurveda in the respective countries. Rs. 5.00 Lakhs is approved for the annual plan 2005-06 for this scheme. 6. GRANT-IN-AID TO NON-GOVT. ORGANISATIONS (Rs.10.00 lacs)

The basic purpose of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to Jamia Hamdard Tibbi College for uplifting the Indian System of Medicine and NGOs working for the development of Ayurveda/Unani, Yoga, Prakritik Chikitsa Therapy in Medicine and Health Education, Orientation and Re-Orientation programme, Health aware camp and Health promoting activities, Research etc. as per pattern of assistance approved by the Finance/Planning Deptt. of Govt. of Delhi. Under this Scheme Grantin-Aid was released to a NGO namely M/s Inter Ocean Foundation amounting to Rs. 1.00 lac during the year 2001-02 .No Grant in Aid was released in the 2002-03 . However the proposal for release of GIA to 4 NGOs was moved but proposal was not agreed at the level of higher authority. In the annual plan 2003-2004, proposal of release of GIA to 4 NGOs has been send to the concern department for their approval. For the Annual Plan 2005-06, an outlay of Rs.10.00 lakhs is approved under this scheme in revenue head.


7. A.

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL(Rs 5.00lacs) State Drug Testing Laboratory

Aim and Objective of the Scheme (a) To test the single drugs and compound formulations of ISM&H against the standards laid down by the pharmaceutical laboratory, Ghaziabad. (b) To analyze/test the drug samples received from Drug Control Authorities of Govt. and private pharmacies and certify the results. (c) To test and certify the genuineness of crude herbs and certify the specimens of plants for preservation in the herbarium. (d) To undertake R&D activities for the improvement of drugs and provide technical input to the pharmacies on the problems referred to the Centre. As per the advice of consultant/government analysts, the following posts are required for proper functioning of a drug testing laboratory Post Required S.No. Name of Post 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10. No. of Post Pay Scale (in Rs.) 8000-10000 8000-10000 4500-175-7000 4000-100-6000 2650-4000 5500-175-9000 4000-100-6000 2650-65-3300-70-4000 1 6500-200-9000 4000-100-6000

Ayurvedic Experts (DravyaGuna) 1 Unani Expert(Dawasazi) JSA (Chemistry) Technician Attendant Technician Attendant Technician 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SSA(Microbiology) 1

SSA (Inorganic & Org. Chemistry)


11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Attendant Store Keeper L.D.C. 1 Safaiwala

1 1

2650-65-3300-70-4000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200

Stenographer (Jr.) 1 1

The policy of Delhi is to develop the ISM&H and giving required funds for the proper development of ISM&H in the field of medical education, health care, medical research and quality control. Near about 83 pharmaceuticals are working in Delhi and are manufacturing classical and patent Ayurvedic/ Unani medicines. The Govt. Of Delhi has decided to establish a separate drug testing laboratory (ISM) to provide quality genuine medicine to the public. A Govt. analysis for the state drug testing laboratory to start activities of drug testing laboratory has already been nominated. Consultant for establishment of drug testing laboratory has been appointed. B. Establishment of Drug Control Cell

(Indian System of Medicine) Aims & Objectives of the Scheme: To maintain quality control on licensed Manufacturing unit of Indian System of Medicine. To provide new license on the basis of GMP. To provide genuine medicine to the general public. Current Status: More than 80 pharmacies are running in Delhi. The post of 1 Asstt. Drug Controller & 2 Inspector for Unani and 3 Inspector for Ayurveda have been created. The post of Assistant Drug Controller is promotional post The Ayurvedic and Unani inspectors working at present are not eligible for promotion of this post so far. Hence the post of Assistant Drug Controller is lying vacant.


Post Required S.No. 1. 16500 2. 6000 C. Hakim Ajmal Khan Unani Shodh Sansthan Data Entry Operator 2 4000-100Name of the Post Dy. Drug Controller No. of Post 1 Pay Scale 12000-375-

Aims & Objectives of the Scheme 1. To undertake pharmaco clinical evaluation of efficiency to conclusively prove the therapeutic values by undertaking, clinical trial Unani Medicine. 2. To initiate clinical pharmacology course for Unani student & Unani medicine course for graduate of other system of medicine. 3. Muslims. To popularize Health principle of Unani in general public specially among

Required Posts S.No. Post 1. +NPA 2. +NPA Including Pathologist 3. 4. Asstt. Research Officer Others supportive Staff 3 5 6500-200-10500 2650-4000 Research Officer 3 8000-275-13500 Sr Research Officer (Unani) 1 10000-375-15200 Name of the Post No. of the Pay Scale


Including Lab Attendant, & Technician 5. 3200 D. Ayurved Strengthening of Delhi Research Institute for Modernized Promotion of Peon 2 2550-55-2660-60-

This institute is running under Govt. society named Society for Modernized Promotion of Ayurveda and needs to be strengthened its full capacity with purchase of instrument/equipments/office furniture/Computer with accessories and salary of staff and other related miscellaneous expenditure and creation of all related posts. The related posts are to be submitted by Society, No post could be created during 9th Five Year Plan. These posts approved in 9th Plan may be created in 10th Five Year Plan. The grant in aid may be given to the Society. An outlay of Rs.5.00 Lacs is approved for annual plan 2005-06. 8. Strengthening of Health Care System with the help of General Practitioners of Ayurvedic & Unani (Under CMS Bhagidari Scheme) (Rs. 5.00 Lacs) Need and Justification: Govt. of Delhi is committed for the development and expansion of Indian System of Medicine and desired to provide these services to people in every constituency of Delhi. Govt. of Delhi is running 17 Ayurvedic and 8 Unani Dispensaries/Deptt. in Delhi, which are not enough to provide health facilities to every person of Delhi, as the department is finding difficulty in arranging the adequate space for dispensary. NGOs can play an important role to combat this problem. It has been seen that various NGOs are successfully providing health care services through Indian System of Medicine viz. Ayurveda and Unani. Many of these are located in religious places, offices of the resident welfare associations and private places.


Aims and Objectives: a) services. b) To involve the public in providing Ayurvedic and Unani health care To expand the network of Indian System of Medicine.

It is estimated that each dispensary shall be self-sufficient within four to five years and may not be requiring any support from the Govt. The department shall not be providing any grant towards the rent of premises. The premises with adequate space for setting up the clinic has to be provided by the NGOs. An outlay of Rs. 5.00 lacs is approved for the annual plan 2005-06. 9. Grant-in-Aid to Delhi Bharatiya Chikitsa Parishad (Rs.5.00 Lacs)

Delhi Bharatiya Chikitsa Parishad has been constituted under Delhi Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad Act, 1998. The Parishad has been notified on 1.1.2001. The Board of A&U Systems of Medicine under East Punjab A&U Practitioners Act1949 has been repealed. The Council consists of 21 members. As per the Act, assets and liabilities of the Ex-Board has been taken over by the Delhi Bhartiya Chikitsa Parishad. The main objects of the Parishad are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. the To maintain the live register and to provide for the registration of Medical Practitioners. To hear and decide appeals against any decision of the Registrar. To prescribe a code of ethics for regulating the professional conduct of the Practitioners. To reprimand a practitioner or to suspend or remove his/her name from


register or to take such other disciplinary action against him/her as may, in opinion of the Council be necessary or expedient. 5. such other functions as are laid down in the Act or may be prescribed. 6. To receive complaints from public (including patients and their relatives) against misconduct or negligence by a medical practitioners, to proceed for request, take a decision on the merits of the case and to initiative disciplinary action or award compensation and similarly to take action against frivolous complaints. 7. 8. Medicine. To provide protection to its members in discharging professional duties. To ensure that no unqualified person practices Indian Systems of To exercise such other powers, perform such other duties and discharge

The main function of the this Parishad is to register the practitioners of Ayurved and Unani system of medicine. In section 17 of the Delhi Bharatiya Chikitsa Parishad Act 1998 there is a provision of Registrar. The Registrar is responsible for performing the all act under the said Act. The post of Registrar is in Delhi Medical Council is in pay scale of Rs. 14300-18300. The post of Registrar is proposed to be created to perform the act work under Delhi Bharatiya Chikitsa Act 1998 in the pay scale of Rs. 14300-18300 . An outlay of Rs. 5.00 lakh is approved for this scheme for Annual Plan 2005-06. 10. Development/Strengthening of A & U Tibbia College, Hospital and Multi Speciality Clinics (Rs. 200.00 lakh) INTRODUCTION Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College is an oldest institution of the country, founded by Masih-ul-Mulk Hakim Ajmal Khan Saheb in the year 1916. The institution imparts education in Ayurvedic and Unani Systems of Medicine and is presently located


at Ajmal Khan Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-5, having an area of 33.3 acres. The institution was managed by a Board known as Tibbia College Board and was a 100% grantee institution of Delhi Government. For the proper development of the institution, the Govt. of Delhi taken over this institution under the Provision of Tibbia College (Take Over) Act, 1998 (w.e.f. 01.05.1998) and it is now a Government institution. The following are the developmental Schemes/projects to be undertaken during the annual plan 2005-2006. (1) Strengthening of Faculty

At present the institution has been admitting 44 students in Ayurved and 44students in Unani for imparting 5 year Degree Course leading to the award of BAMS and BUMS degrees. The institution is affiliated with the University of Delhi and it has to follow the revised norms of Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM). As per CCIM norms, 14 department in Ayurved and 14 departments in Unani have to be established. Accordingly teaching and also non-teaching posts in each department have to be provided. At present there are 75 sanctioned posts of teachers of various categories, out of which 37 posts of teachers are in Unani departments and 38 posts in Ayurvedic departments. As per revised norms of CCIM, there should be 43 teaching posts in Ayurved and 45 posts in Unani. Hence, there is a need for creation of 6 teaching posts in Ayurvedic and7 post in Unani. The proposal has been sent to the Health & Family Welfare Department for creation of 13 posts of Professor(6 Professor for Ayurveda and 7 Professor for Unani ) in the pay scale of Rs.14300-18300+NPA. Similarly for the proper functioning of 14 departments in each section of Ayurveda and Unani the CCIM has prescribed 42 posts of various categories other than faculty members i.e. Lab. Technician 7, Museum Keeper 7, Lab. Asstt. 3, Lab Attendants 3, Typist 2, Peon 10, Sweeper 9, Lifter one.


At present there are 11 sanctioned posts : Lab Technician 8, Lab. Assistant-1, Lab Attendant-2. Hence there is a need for creation of these posts other then faculty members as detailed below : S.No. Name of the Post 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Museum Keeper Peon 02 Lifter 01 LDC 02 -27If these posts are not created during the year 2004-2005 for any reason, the same are proposed to be created in 2005-2006. Efforts are being made for creation of these posts (2) Post Graduate Courses in Ayurveda and Unani. No. of Posts Pay-Scale 03 Rs. 4000-100-6000 12 Rs. 2650-65-4000

Lab. Attendant/Nursing Orderly

Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590

Since long there has been a demand for starting of Post Graduate courses in the institution. Being an oldest institution of the country, there is an urgent need to start these courses. In the year 2002-2003, P.G. course in two departments of Ayurvedic in Kayachikitsa & Kriya Sharir and in one department of Unani in Moalejat have been started and 3 students in each subject/departments have been admitted. Further proposal to start P.G. course in one more deptt. of Ayurveda and 2 departments of Unani proposed to be started during the year 2005-06. For P.G. Courses, following posts are proposed to be created during the year 2005-2006. S.No. Name of the Post 1. Professor 6 No. of Post Pay-Scale 3 for Ay. & Remarks

Rs. 14300-18300 157

+NPA 3 for Unani 2. Reader/ 6 Rs. 12000-375-16500 Associate Prof. +NPA 3 for Unani 3. 4. 5. Lab. Technician Lab. Attendant L.D.C 6 6 6 Rs. 5000-150-8000 3 for Ay. & 3 for Unani Rs. 2650-65-4000 3 for Unani Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-45903 3 for Unani Funds would be required for the above said posts. Similarly infrastructure of the six department i.e. 3 in Ayurved and 3 in Unani have to be strengthened for providing necessary instruments, equipments, machinery, audio-visuals and books etc. for which funds would be required. Besides this, a provision of funds have to be made for payment of stipend and other expenses to the P.G. Scholars at the rate of it is being paid to the P.G. Scholars in medical institutions of Delhi Govt. (3) Planning Estate Management Cell. for Ay. & 3 for Ay. & 3 for Ay. &

Proper planning is necessary for systematic and all round development of an institution . There is no planning unit as such in this institution. It is worth noting that institutions like Nehru Homeopathic Medical College & Hospital, G.B.Pant Hospital, LNJP Hospital, Guru Nanak Eye Centre etc. have planning units for preparation, implementation and monitoring of the Annual Five Year development plans of the respective institutions. The proposed Planning & Estate Management Cell is an addition to preparation and monitoring of the implementation of the Annual and Five Year Plans of the college, will also look after the 158

management of the estates affairs of the college comprising a large number of residential quarters (around 462) and huge complex of college and hospital. But it is pertinent to say here that out of 140 colleges in Ayurveda and 36 Unani Colleges in the country, the capital town with more than 1 Crore of population has only one Ayurveda and One Unani College which need to be developed with proper planning . For establishment of this unit, the following posts are proposed to be created. S.No. Name of Posts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Statistical Officer Care Taker/Head Clerk U.D.C. L.D.C. Peon Total (4) Development of Library Pay-Scale (in Rs.) 5500-175-9000 5000-150-8000 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200 No. of posts. 1 1 1 1 1 5

There are large number of age old and rare books/documents in Unani/Ayurveda written in Arabic/Persian/Urdu/Sanskrit is available in this college which are in a very bad shape. Many of these books may not be available elsewhere. These books/documents are treasure for the institute imparting education in Unani and Ayurveda. For proper maintenance and efficient functioning of the Library, there is a need for creation of various posts on the pattern laid down by the Govt. of India/Govt. of Delhi as per details given below:S.No. Name of the Post Pay-Scale 1. 2. 3. Librarian Asstt. Librarian/ Information Asstt. Library Attendant Rs. 2650-65-4000 159 3 -No. of Post Remarks ---

Rs.5500-175-9000 1

Rs. 4000-100-6000 1 (Urdu/Arabic knowing)

Funds would be required for the salary of the staff mentioned above. Besides this, there is a need to purchase of latest books/journals etc. on various subjects as well as book shelves & audio-visuals for which funds are required. (5) Strengthening of the Accounts and Administration Branches

Since the Institution has to be developed as per norms of CCIM, there is dire need to strengthen its Accounts and Administration Branches because there is more than 250 staff strength which is likely to be increased after creation of posts of Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers etc. Besides this, 80 internees are the other members/trainee doctors on its strength to cope up the work of accounts and administration, following additional staff is required :S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. (6) Name of the posts Office Superintendent J.A.O. Purchase-cum-store officer Stenographer Gr.III U.D.C. L.D.C. Peon Pay-scale (in Rs.) Rs. 5500-175-9000 Rs. 5500-175-9000 Rs. 6500-200-10500 Rs. 4000-100-6000 Rs. 4000-100-6000 Rs. 3050-75-3950-80-4590 Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 No. of Posts 1 1 1 1 2 3 3

Purchase of a bus/mini bus for the institution

The students of A & U Tibbia College have to undergo training in the Ayurvedic and Unani Hospitals. Besides doing clinical duty in the Tibbia College hospital, organizing campus in J.J. Clusters. Various educational tours as well as the seminars and conferences have to be attended most of the time. Non-availability of conveyance cases hindrance most the time. For this purpose, it is proposed to purchase a 54 seater bus or 30 seater mini-bus for which an amount of Rs. 14 lakhs for a CNG bus would be 160

required. For the operation of the bus a Driver and a Conductor/Assistant have to be appointed, hence following posts are proposed to be created. S.No. Name of the posts No. of Posts 1. 2. Driver Conductor 1 1 Pay-scale (in Rs.) Rs. 3050-753950-80-4590 Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200

(7) Establishment of Hindustani Dawakhana & Ayurvedic Rasyanshala in the Industrial Area. Hindustani Dawakhana and Ayurvedic Rasyanshala remained an allied unit of Tibbia College for providing standard Ayurvedic & Unani Medicine to the Tibbia College Hospital and various dispensaries of M.C.D., N.D.M.C. etc. This allied unit was located at Gali Qasam Jan, Balllimaran, Delhi, which is a residential area. The building of the Dawakhana was declared dangerous and unfit by the PWDand said building have been demolished by the PWD. Now at this place,PWD has been constructed a building where is a multi speciality centre is functioning. The Hindustani Dawakhana and Ayurvedic Rasyanshala have to be established in the industrial area of Delhi. A letter of DDA for providing 2.5 acres of land in the industrial area for this purpose have been written by the Secretary (Health), Govt. of NCT of Delhi. For establishment of state pharmacy in Ayurved/Unani, there is a Centrally Sponsored scheme of Govt. of India in which an assistance to the tune of Rs. 1 crore are provided. For implementing this scheme, following additional posts are proposed to be created. S.No. Name of the posts No. of Posts Pay-scale (in Rs.) 1. Lecturer Ayurvedic (I/C Ay. Unit) 1 Rs. 8000-275-13500+NPA


2. 3.

Lecturer Unani (I/C Unani Unit) Pharmacist Ay. & 1for Unani)

1 2

Rs. 8000-275-13500+NPA Rs. 4500-125-7000 (1 for

8. Delhi .

Establishment of Multi Specialty Centre at Ballimaran, Chandani Chowk,

The object of this project is to provide specialty treatment in Ayurvedic, Unani and Modern System (Allopathic) of Medicine in the locality of Ballimaran, where Hindustani Dawakhana & Ayurvedic Rasayanshala was located previously. The following facilities in this centre are proposed to be provided : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kayachikitsa (Ayurvedic Medicine) Moalijat(Unani Medicine) Modern Medicine Skin Kaumarbhritya (Ayurvedic Pediatrics) Shalakya (Ayurvedic Eye & ENT) DOTS OPD daily OPD daily OPD daily OPD daily OPD daily OPD daily OPD daily

For the above said OPDs, the following posts of Medical Specialties Gr.II (Nonteaching cadre), Paramedical & Ministerial Staff would be required : A. Medical Specialists-Gr.II (Non-Teaching cadre) S.No. Name of the posts No. of Posts Pay-scale (in Rs.)

1. 3. 4.

Kayachikitsa (Ayurvedic Medicine) Modern Medicine Skin Specialist (Ay. & Unani Medicine)

1 1 2

10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA


5. 6. 7. 8.

Kaumarbhritya (Child Specialist in Ay. Med.) Shalakya (Ayurvedic Eye & ENT) 1 Pathologist Radiologist 1 1

1 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA

On all the posts of the specialists, person having Post-Graduate qualification in specialty with at least 3 to 5 years experience in the field, would be appointed either on contact basis or through UPSC after creation of these posts. B. PARA-MEDICAL,. No. of the post 8 Pay-scale(in Rs.) 5000-150-8000 1 leave reserve) 2. 3. 4. 5. for skin/shalakya & 1 for DOTS) 6. attendant 2 for DOTS & 4 for labs). Nursing Orderly/Lab Attendant/ 12 2550-55-2660-60-3200 (1 for each OPD X-Ray X-Ray Technician Lab Technician/ECG Teach. Ayurvedic/Unani/Allopathic 3 2 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2660-60-3200 (1 Dresser 2 2 4500-125-7000 4500-125-7000 (1 for

S.No. Name of the posts 1. each OPD, Staff Nurse

Pharmacists (Compounders)



MINISTERIAL STAFF No. of post Pay scale(in Rs.) 1 1 1 1 To be posted amongst the

S,No. Name of the post 1. specialists. 2. 3. 4. Dy. Medical Superintendent UDC/Store-Keeper LDC/Typist Peon

4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200

D. Watch & ward and Sanitation works would be assigned to private agencies while Electricity & Civil works would be maintained by the PWD. E. (9) etc. A) Construction of Auditorium Medicines & Equipment . Construction, Repair & Renovation in Tibbia College Campus & Hostel

Auditorium is an essential requirement in the educational institutions providing professional training to the students. An Auditorium of 600 capacity is required for which PWD have been requested for taking necessary steps. B) Renovation of Boys Hostel :

Boys Hostel is in a very dilapidated condition which has 3 seated 80 Rooms Eastern Wing of the Hostel has already been completely renovated and a portion of Southern Wing is under process of completion. The remaining 2 wings i.e. Western & Northern Wings have also to be renovated.



Strengthening of Tibbia College Hospital.

A & U Tibbia College and Hospital is imparting education and training in BAMS & BUMS degree courses of 5 years duration including one year compulsory rotatory internship as prescribed by the CCIM and approved by the University of Delhi. The CCIM have prescribed 100 beded hospital for Ayurvedic and 100 beded for Unani. The existing approved beds strength in the hospital is 150 (75 for Ayurvedic and 75 for Unani). There is a need to add 60 more beds in the hospital (30 for Ayurvedic and 30 for Unani) for fulfilling minimum standard of CCIM. There is a need to enhanced staff for 200 beded hospital (having 150 beds at present). 60 more beds are being proposed to be added for which a separate Maternity Block is being constructed as stated above. The following staff is proposed to be added by creating following posts : S.No. Name of Post No. of Additional Posts required 1. 2. 3. 4. A. B. 5. Pathologist Radiologist Anesthetist Casualty Officer/ Medical Officer For Ayurveda For Unani Sr. Residents A. B. 6. 7. 8. For Ayurveda For Unani 4 1 1 1 1 165 8000-275-13500+NPA 8000-275-13500+NPA 5500-175-9000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 4 4 8000-275-13500+NPA 8000-275-13500+NPA 1 1 1 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NPA Pay-Scale (in Rs.)

Yoga Instructor Jr. Radiographer Panchkarma Technician

9. 10.

O.T. Technician Museum Keeper A. B. C. Anatomy Physiology Pathology

1 1 1 1 1 1 5 21 23 1 1 2

5000-150-8000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 4000-100-6000 7500-225-12500 6500-200-10500 5500-175-9000 5000-150-8000 4500-125-7000 4500-125-7000 4500-125-7000

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

E.C.G. Technician Deputy Nursing Supdt. Assistant Nursing Supdt. Nursing Sister Staff Nurse Pharmacist A. B. For Ayurveda For Unani

17. A.

Dresser Male B. Female 1 1 1 4 4 5 5 1 1 2610-60-3150-65-4000 2610-60-3150-65-4000 4500-125-7000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200 2550-55-2660-60-3200 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 3050-75-3950-80-4590 4000-100-s6000

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Photographer Ambulance Driver Ambulance Attendant U.D.C. L.D.C. Dark Room Assistant Data Entry Operator

NO/Aya (Attendant Staff) 64

Besides this, an Ambulance in the Hospital would be required for the casualty. To meet out the expenditure in implementing this entire scheme, funds worth Rs. 200.00 lakhs is approved for 2005-06. 166

HOMOEOPATHY The importance of homoeopathy in providing effective, promotive and curative health is well recognized in India. It is a one of the recognized systems of medicine, which is quite popular and is cost effective for day-to-day problems as well as for the treatment of chronic diseases. Govt. of Delhi is adapting a cafeteria approach to provide health care services incorporating Allopathic, Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy at primary health Centres to facilitate the patient to seek treatment from either system. 1. Establishment of Directorate of Homoeopathy ( Rs.1.00 lacs )

The requirements of Homoeopathic System of Medicine are quite different from the Allopathic as well as Indian Systems of Medicine (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Naturopathy) and require separate attention for its proper development. The process of manufacturing homoeopathic drugs and the methodology adopted for the diagnosis and treatment of patient is peculiar in Homoeopathy. Keeping in view these facts the Homoeopathic Advisory Committee of Govt. of Delhi had recommended a separate Directorate of Homoeopathy in Delhi. The administrative work related to homoeopathic system of medicine is being looked after by the Homoeopathic Wing of the Directorate located in the premises of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. It has been the objective of the Planning Commission, Govt. of India in the VIIIth Five Plan to strengthen the administrative set up of ISM and Homoeopathy in all the states. Several State Governments like Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal; Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc have already established separate Directorate for Homoeopathy. This scheme has already been approved by Govt. of India vide letter no R14015/36/96 _ U & H dated 9/1/97. Over the years the work of Homoeopathy in Delhi, has also increased manifolds, presently the infrastructure includes


q Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital having capacity of 50 admissions for degree course in Homoeopathy and attached 100 bedded hospital q Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Center having admission capacity of 50 seats for degree course and an attached 50 bedded hospital q 67 Homoeopathic dispensaries q Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad, an autonomous body looking after the development of research facilities in Homoeopathy. q Board of Homoeopathic System of Medicine, statutory body looking after the registration of homoeopathic doctors and other related issues. The additional posts required to be created as recommended by the Administrative Reform Department are S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Statistical Officer Pharmacist Scale of Pay (in Rs) No. of Posts 14300-400-18300 +NPA 1 1 1 6500-200-10500 1 1 1 4 2 3

Director (Homoeopathy)

Statistical Assistant 5000-150-8000 4500-125-7000 Steno Gr. II 5500-175-9000 Steno Gr. III 4000-100-6000 UDC 4000-100-6000 LDC 2 3050-75-3950-80-4590

Driver 3050-75-3950-80-4590 Peon 2550-55-2660-60-3200 Total 17

In Delhi, there are 6 manufacturing units and 185 chemist shops of Homoeopathy. These units are controlled/supervised and issues licenses by the Drug Controller Department in addition to other allopathic manufacturing units and chemist shop. There is a need to ensure the availability of good quality homoeopathy drugs in the market, which in turn required drugs testing facilities for the quality control of homoeopathic medicines being sold and manufactured in Delhi. 168

During 2003-04 the proposal for the procurement of build up space for the homoeopathic drug testing laboratory was taken up. It was decided that to start with the facilities for homoeopathic drug testing laboratory may be developed in the drug testing laboratory being established with the assistance of Govt. of India. There is a need to develop separate drug control department in Homoeopathy within the proposed Directorate Director/ Deputy Director (H) may be drug controlling and licensing authority. The following posts are proposed for this Department. S.No. Name of the post No. of post Scale of Pay (in Rs.) Rs.10,000-15200+NPA Justification To supervise

1. Assistant Drug Controller 01 and coordinate the laboratory. 2. Drug Inspectors districts of Delhi 09


One inspector for the each For the

3. Data Entry Operator 02 4000-100-6000 maintenance of the computerized records of the laboratory. 4. 5. Driver 01 Peon 02 Total 15 3050-75-3950-80-4590 2550-55-2660-60-3200

For the Deptt. For the Department

The necessary fittings, furniture, fixtures, vehicle, computers, UPS and printers shall also be procured according to the requirement. An amount of Rs.1.00 lakh is approved for 2005-06 and the total budget of homoeopathy shall be shifted under this department after the establishment of the Directorate. 2. 65 lakh) Development of Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital ( Rs.


Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital established in the year 1972, affiliated to Delhi University is imparting 51/2 years course in Homeopathy with an admission capacity of 50 students per year and has 100-bedded attached hospital. The institution is equipped with modern diagnostic laboratories and Computer aided Library. Central Council of Homoeopathy and Delhi University have been approached for the grant of permission for the introduction of the Post Graduate Courses. Post Graduate Committee, Central Council of Homoeopathy and has granted permission for post graduate courses in the subjects of Materia Medica, Repertory, Organon and Homoeopathic Philosophy, Practice of Medicine, Psychiatry and Pediatrics. The proposal of setting up the faculty of Homoeopathy was also taken up with the Delhi University, wherein the Academic Council and the Executive Committee had agreed for the creation of separate department and separate faculty of homoeopathy. The proposal for the creation of 66 posts of different category was taken up with the Health and Family Welfare Department. Development of its teaching departments The teaching departments shall be strengthened. The necessary equipments, furniture, books etc shall be procured for the departments. Computer Laboratory and Audio visual aids shall be used in each of its teaching department. Homoeopathic software, CDs Broad band connection , net working of computers laptop .etc shall also be procured. The teaching departments and laboratories shall be provided with ACs. The following additional posts shall be got created for the starting the Post Graduate Course. Creation of posts for its teaching Department . S.No. Name of the posts 1 2 3 4 Professors 6 1 1 12000-375-16500+NPA 4500-125-7000 4000-100-6000 Radiographer Photographer Data Entry Operator (One each for the six subjects) No. of posts Pay Scales in Rs.


(one for each P. G. Department) Total Labor Room and Operation Theater

4000-100-6000 13

To run the round the clock services in the Labor Room and Operation Theater, the following posts are proposed. S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 4 Assistant Professor (Gyn & Obst) Assistant Professor (Pediatrician) O. Technician O.T. Assistant Total Pay Scale (in Rs.) No. of posts 1 1 1 1 04

10000-325-15200+NPA 10000-325-15200+NP 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590

The necessary equipment, instruments etc required for the labour room shall be procured. Establishment of the Department of Physiotherapy and Yoga A physiotherapy department shall be developed and the following posts shall be created S.No. Name of the post 1. 2. 3. Physiotherapist Jr. Physiotherapist Occupational Physiotherapist Pay scale (in Rs.) No. of post 8000-275-13500 6500-200-10500 5500-175-9000 1 1 13

The adequate equipment shall also be provided for this department. The facility of yoga training shall be provided in the institution. Patient Care Services I. Out Patient Department 171

The out patient department shall be computerized. Each OPD room shall be provided with the computer, homoeopathic softwares for better case analysis. The patients record, admission management, ward management, store management etc shall be computerized. The following posts are proposed. S. No. 1. 2. Name of the Post Pay scale (In Rs.) Computer Programmer Data Entry Operator Total 8000-275-13500 4000-100-6000 No. of Post 2 2 4

The OPD shall be provided with necessary equipments, instruments etc. The OPD shall also be equipped with 125 KV Generators. The OPD rooms shall be renovated. II. Indoor Patient Department

The indoor patient services shall also be computerized and necessary infrastructure in terms of posts, equipments, consumables etc shall be provided. The operation theatre unit shall be strengthened and necessary equipments shall be procured. III. Diagnostic Facilities

The department of Pathology, Radiology, Gynecology etc shall be developed with necessary equipment, furniture etc as required. Medical Illustration Unit/Cell or Photography Audio Visual Department. There is no mechanism for proper documentation, storage / presentation of data in the workshops/seminars, publication in the magazines and to use the data for teaching and research purposes. The necessary equipment like computer, colour printers, scanner


video filming unit, cameras etc shall be procured. The post of data entry operator in the pay scale of Rs.4000-100-6000 is proposed for this unit. Development of Library The library shall be renovated and the facilities shall be strengthened by providing latest editions of books, journals etc. Development of Kitchen for Hospital The Kitchen shall be relocated on the terrace of the Hospital. The existing lift facility at third floor shall be extended to the fourth floor. The facility of the extendable lift from third floor to fourth floor shall be a carriage lift for the transfer of cooked material. The kitchen services in the hospital shall be privatized the existing staff shall be adjusted against the other posts of Class-IV. Development of Sports Complex The sports facilities in the college shall be strengthened. The facilities for the lawn tennis court shall be developed. Renovation of Auditorium Facilities The existing auditorium shall be renovated with adequate seating arrangement, lighting and sound system and shall be air-conditioned. Construction of New building for Post Graduate Courses and Hostel facility There is a shortage of space for expansion and development of college. It is proposed a proposal shall be taken up with the DDA/other agencies to purchase land for construction of new College premises and hostel. . 15% seats are reserved for outside students; therefore there is need for the additional land for the development of hostel facility for at least 75-100 students.


Generator There is frequent breakdown and power cuts, keeping in view the prevailing circumstances, the laboratory equipments, computers etc. uninterrupted power. It is proposed that a 125 KV generator may be installed in the hospital. Garage for Vehicles (Bus, staff cars and ambulance) At present there is no garage facility for the official vehicles. The facilities of garage shall be provided for the parking of official vehicles. Computerization Efforts shall be made that all the departments of the institution are computerized. Computers, UPS, Printers, Homoeopathic softwares, networking of Computers, laptop etc. shall be procured for the institution. Renovation of Pathology/Physiology The laboratories shall also be renovated. Addition/Alteration/ Renovation of the Building To accommodate new specialties, installation of new sophisticated machinery and equipment alteration and renovation in the existing structure as required shall be undertaken. Development of Faculty Block


There is feasibility for developing /construction of first floor on the administrative block and above passage connecting staff quarters and hospital. Faculty block shall be developed in this area. An amount of Rs.65 lakh is approved for 2005-06. 3. Development of Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre (Rs. 180 lakh) Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashta University is imparting 51/2 years Bachelor Homoeopathic System of Medicine (BHMS) and is running 50 bedded Indoor Patient Services.93 posts of different category were created. The services of security, catering and house keeping are being managed through Private agencies. New computers, UPS, Printer, Scanner have been procured for the institution. An ambulance has been purchased during 2004-05. As per the new notification of Central Council of Homoeopathy , the following additional posts are proposed for creation.

1. Professor 12000-375-16500+NPA


Anatomy, Physiology including Biochemistry, Organon of Medicine, Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Homoeopathic Materia Medica (2), Pathology and Microbiology, Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrician and Gynaecology, Community Medicine and Repertory. 2. Lecturer 8000-275 -13500 +NPA 10

Anatomy, Physiology including biochemistry, Pathology & Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Surgery, Obstetrician and Gynaecology, Community Medicine, Organon of Medicine, Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Practice of Medicine


3. Deputy Medical Superintendent 4. House Physician allowances 5. Museum Curator 6. Administrative Officer 7. Accounts Officer 8. Dark Room Assistant 9. Physical Education Teacher 10. X- Ray Technician 11. Laboratory Technician 12. Data Entry Operator (Gr-B) 13. Driver (for ambulance for 24 hours) 14. Laboratory Assistant 15.Physical education teacher 16.Data Entry operator 17.Programmer

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 3 1 2 1

10000-325-15200+NPA 9400 Fixed + usual

4000-100-6000 6500-200-10500 7500 -250-12500 3050-75-3950-80-4590 5500-175-9000 4500-125-7000 4500-125-7000 4000-100-6000 3050-75-3950-80-4590 3050-75-3950-80-4590

The teaching departments, OPD, IPD, diagnostic laboratories, library of the institution shall be strengthened with necessary equipments, instruments, furniture, computers, homoeopathic software, laptop, networking of computer, broad band internet connection and air-conditioners etc. The teaching laboratories, museums shall be provided with models, charts, computers, CDs, LCD projector etc. Medical Illustration Unit/Cell or Photography Audio Visual Department There is no mechanism for proper documentation, storage / presentation of data in the workshops/seminars, publication in the magazines and to use the data for teaching and research purposes. The necessary equipment like computer, colour printers, video filming unit, cameras etc shall be procured. The post of data entry operator in the pay scale of Rs.4000-100-6000 is proposed for this unit. Yoga 176

The facility of yoga training shall be provided in the institution. The necessary arrangements for this department shall be provided. PWD shall be approached for taking up the following works of institution. a) b) c) d) Construction of the new OPD block Upbringing of the herbarium garden Construction of cabins, renovation/addition/alteration/repair in the building. Provision of Electric generator and other maintenance of electrical works. the teaching

e) Air conditioning unit/air-conditioners for departments/laboratories and other departments of the institution. f) Provision of lift.

Post Graduate Courses The institution shall put in its efforts to introduce post graduate courses. The institution shall approach Central Council of Homoeopathy and Guru Gobind Singh Indraprashta University for the grant of permission for post graduate courses. The institution does not have enough built up space for the introduction of post graduate course. Therefore the institution shall acquire land from DDA/other land owing agencies for the construction of the post graduate college. Computerization Efforts shall be made to computerize the various departments of the Institution as per the feasibility Study Report. Bio-Medical Waste management


The facility of the bio medical waste management of the institution shall be strengthened. For the year 2005-06 the following provisions are being made under plan. S.No. B.E.(Rs. in lac)

1 Machine and Equipments (in this various machine& equipment for the various Departments will be procured) 22.00 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 Material and Supply 12.00 Salary 85.00 Motor Vehicle Other Charges Publication B.M.W. 2.50 1.00 1.00 0.25 10.00 2.50

Advertising and Publicity

Medical treatment

Under the capital work, porta cabin structure is coming up on the third floor. Big auditorium is also going to be completed very soon. The facility of book bank has been introduced to provide books to the needy students. The provision of Rs.180.00 lacs (Rs.130.00 lakh under Revenue head & Rs.50.00 lakh under Central Head ) is approved for the year 2005-06. 4. Opening and Strengthening of (Approved out lay Rs.82.00 lacs under Revenue) Homoeopathic Dispensaries/Units

This is an approved plan scheme of VIIIth and IXth plan and is ongoing plan scheme of tenth plan. The objective and target of the plan scheme are To start ten new homoeopathic dispensaries and three units every year by creating posts of Medical Officer (H), Pharmacist (H) and Messenger each for these new dispensary/unit. 178

To strengthen the infrastructure of the homoeopathic dispensaries by providing additional manpower and equipments like computers, homoeopathic softwares for case analysis, re-pertorisation, records keeping of dispensaries and computer based health information system The components of this scheme are as under: 13.1. Opening of New Homoeopathic Dispensaries There are 67 homoeopathic dispensaries managed by Senior Medical Officer (Homoeopathy)/Medical Officer (Homoeopathy), Pharmacist (Homoeopathy) and Messenger. The dispensaries are functioning both in the morning hours (9.00a.m to 4.45p.m) as well as in the evening hours 2.00 p.m. to 8.45 p.m. During 2002-03 homoeopathic dispensaries at Karkardooma (15/08/03) and Dr. Headgewar Arogya Sansthan (1/11/2002) were started. Evaluation Cell of Planning Department had conducted an evaluation study to assess the efficacy of the existing homoeopathic dispensaries and to evaluate the patient satisfaction/opinion and services provided by the dispensaries. The evaluation study revealed that the number of patients availing the services of the dispensaries has increased from 8 lacs patients to (44 dispensaries) in 1997 to 12,67081(56 dispensaries) in 2001. The patients were satisfied with the services provided by the dispensaries and are also cost effective from the point of view of govt. The report recommended that more dispensaries should be opened so as to cater the needs of the populace of low income groups. During 2004-05 the proposal for the creation of following posts has been taken up with the Health and Family Welfare/Administrative Reform Department for the establishment of the 13 new homoeopathic dispensaries.


S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 Medical Officer(H) Pharmacist (H) Messenger

Pay Scale (In Rs.) 8000-275-13500+NPA 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2660-60-3200

Number 16* 16* 16*

Administrative Reform Department, Govt. of Delhi shall be conducting its work study. The following places have been identified for opening the new homoeopathic dispensaries. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bhajanpura Gautampuri(Zaffarabad) IP Extension Nangal Raya Vishaka Enclave-MB Block, Pitam pura Delhi Sachivalaya Dwarka Sector-10,14,17 Tikri Kalan Jag Pravesh Chander Hospital , Shastri Park Mahavir Hospital, Pitam Pura MalviyaNagar Moti Nagar Patel Nagar

During 2005-06 the proposal for opening ten new homoeopathic dispensaries/and three units and the following posts are proposed for creation. S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 Medical Officer (H) Pharmacist (H) Messenger Pay Scale (in Rs.) 8000-275-13500+NPA 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2650-60-3200 No of post 14* 14* 14 *

* One leave reserve


The dispensaries/units shall be opened in the new and existing dispensaries and units of Directorate of Health Services, as State Health Policy envisages to provide homoeopathic treatment facilities in the new hospitals and dispensaries to be built up by the Govt. of Delhi It has also been decided to provide this facility in all the existing dispensaries and hospitals. 13.2. Strengthening of Homoeopathic Dispensaries This scheme was contemplated during the ninth plan with an objective to strengthen the homoeopathic wing, homoeopathic dispensaries and homoeopathic central drug store. Under this scheme only the physical targets were accomplished but no posts could be created. The physical targets accomplished so far are: Establishment of Homoeopathic Central Drug Store in 1994. Procurement of two Computers, two vehicles, photocopier machine, furniture, medicines and sundries and reference books. The objective is to strengthen such dispensaries/units which have an average patient turnover of 150 patients per day with additional health care infrastructure on the pattern of CGHS. The target for the 2005-06 shall be to strengthen 5 dispensaries and the following posts are proposed for creation for the tenth plan. S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 Medical Officer (H) Pharmacist (H) Messenger Pay Scale (in Rs.) 8000-275-13500+NPA 4500-125-7000 2550-55-2660-60-3200 No. of post 5 5 5

During the year 2003-04 Regional Computer Centre (RCC), a subunit of NIC has submitted the SRS report on the computerization of the homoeopathic dispensaries and have submitted a cost estimate of Rs..55.00 lac on hardware, networking, system software, software development and deployment on the computerizing the five homoeopathic dispensaries. Computerization in general is playing a vital role in the


selection and prescribing of homoeopathic medicine to the patients having chronic diseases. The selection of homoeopathic drugs can be made more accurate and effective by using computerized repertories. During the year 2004-05 the proposal to provide computers and homoeopathic in the following nine units/dispensaries and further interlink these units with internet has been taken up with the IT Department/Planning /Finance Department, Govt. of Delhi. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital Kichripur Rau TulaRam Memorial Hospital, Jafarpur Babur Jagjivan Ram Memorial Hospital , Jahangirpur Aruna Asaf Ali Hospital, Rajpur Road GuruGobind Singh Hospital Maharishi Valmiki Hospital, Poothkhurd Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkhar Hospital, Rohini Satyawadi Raja Harish Chand Hospital, Narela Hedgawar Arogya Sansthan,Karkardooma

It is proposed that during the year 2005-06 ten more dispensaries may be computerized and interlinked with the head office and already computerized homoeopathic dispensaries. The dispensaries shall also be provided with computers, UPS, Printer, homoeopathic softwares, computer furniture and broad band internet facilities. 13.3. Central Homoeopathic Store The Central Homoeopathic Drug Store was established at Himmat Puri in 1994. The work is looked after by a Senior Medical Officer (Homoeopathy), one Pharmacists (Homoeopathy) and a Messenger. The store supplies drugs, medicines and sundries to 67 homoeopathic dispensaries. It is a fact that no posts have been created for the functioning of the store. During the 2004-05 the proposal of creation of following posts for the Central Homoeopathic store has been taken with Health & Family Welfare Deptt. /Administrative Reform Deptt. Govt. of NCT of Delhi.


S.No. Name of the Post 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Pay Scale (in Rs.)

No. of Post 2 1 1 2 2 1 3 13

Chief Medical Officer (H) 12000-16500+NPA 1 Senior Medical Officer (H) 10000-15200 + NPA Medical Officer (H) JAO Pharmacist Data Entry Operator Driver Total 8000-275-13500+NPA 5500 -175 -9000 4500-125-7000 4000-100-6000 3050 -75-3950-80-4590

Peon (for loading and unloading) 2550-55-2660-60-3200

The Central Drug Store needs to be equipped with one tempo/ three-wheeler scooter for ensuring smooth and prompt supply of medicines and other items to the dispensaries. A motor cycle/scooter is also required for dak and other related work. During the year 2005-06 efforts shall be to get the proposed created and filled up for the proper and smooth functioning of the store. The store shall further be computerized to streamline for better inventory management by networking it with all the dispensaries. The store is poorly accessed. Efforts shall be to relocate the store by procuring a built up or land for the Drug Store. Sub-zonal store offices shall be developed for quick and smooth supply of the medicines. Initially these offices shall be set up in the rented buildings. Private agencies shall be engaged for the maintenance of sanitation/cleanliness and security of the store. Budget An amount of Rs.82.00 lacs is approved under revenue for the year 2005-06.



ESTT. of Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad ( Rs. 3.00 lacs )

Dilli Homoeopathic Anusandhan Parishad was established on 1st July 1998. The objective of this body is to inculcate , coordination and develop research activities in the Homoeopathic Colleges , hospitals , dispensaries of Govt. of NCT of Delhi . This is an autonomous organization receiving 100% grant- in- aid from Govt. of Delhi. The General body, Executive Committee and the Scientific Advisory Committee looks after the management. Parishad is carrying out research on Evaluation of Homoeopathic drugs in the treatment of MDRTB/TB at Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital (July 99) and Nehru Nagar TB Chest Clinic (Feb 2002). Senior Research Fellow (Homoeopathy) and Data Entry Operator have been involved in the clinical research of Tuberculosis. Parishad is coordinating research activities in Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital and Dr. B. R. Sur Homoeopathic Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre and special OPD clinics have been established in both the Institutions projects. During 2002-03 research projects on skin diseases, arthritis, respiratory diseases, female diseases, drug proving, renal/gall stone, psychiatry, old age problems, diseases of children and cardiovascular and endocrine diseases were started in Nehru Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. To propagate homoeopathy, Parishad has hosted its web site and this web site provides informative, interactive and flash news about the activities of homoeopathy under Govt. of Delhi. The site is an interactive one and give on line advice about homoeopathy and other health related issue. It is also gives homoeopathic treatment to patients on the basis of information provided by them through a prestructured proforma given on the web-site . The faculty members of the NHMC &H have been associated to answers the queries related to online consultation. During 2003-04, 1315 queries were answered of these 752 queries relates to advice and 563 queries relates to online homoeopathic treatment.


During the year 2004-05 the proposal for the creation posts was taken up with the Health and Family Welfare Department/ Administrative Reform Department for the work study for the creation of the following posts as per the decision of the General Body Meeting (20/3/2002). S.No Name of the post 1 2 3 4 5 Total Assistant Director (H) Research Officer Senior Research Fellows (H) Junior Accounts Officer Data Entry Operator Pay scale (in Rs.) 10000-325-15320+NPA 5500-175-9000 8000-275-13500+NPA 5500-175-9000 4000-100-6000 No. of post 1 1 6 1 1 10

The proposal is under consideration of the Administrative Reform Department.


During the year 2005-06 efforts shall be to strengthen the ongoing research activities and to create the following posts for creation for the smooth functioning of the Parishad. S. No 1 2 3 4 5 Total Name of the post Research Officer Senior Research Officer Administrative Officer Statistical Assistant Data Entry Operator Pay scale (in Rs.) 5500-175-9000 8000-275-13500 6500-200-10500 5000-150-8000 4000-100-6000 No. of post 2 1 1 1 1 6

An amount of Rs3.00 lacs isapproved for 2005-06 under Revenue head. 6. Bhagidari Scheme for Homoeopathic Dispensaries ( Rs 12.00 Lacs )

Homoeopathic Advisory Committee had recommended for the establishment of homoeopathic dispensaries in collaboration with the non-governmental organization. Govt. provides grant-in-aid to the NGOs for five years. The NGOs shall also have a proportionate share in the expenditure for the establishment of the dispensary apart from the grant provided by the Government. During the year 2005-06 the grant in aid shall be released to the NGOs after completing all the necessary formalities. The necessary modalities for the establishment of another four homoeopathic dispensaries in collaboration with Non- Governmental Organizations shall be initiated. An amount of Rs.12.00 lacs is approved for the year 2005-06.


7. Professional Up-gradation Programmes (Rs. 2.00 lacs)




1. In recent years Homoeopathy has emerged as an important system of medicine and a large proportion of cases coming to Homoeopathic physician are constantly faced with challenges of diagnosis and treatment. There is a need for professional up-gradation and therefore, reorientation training programmes for in service teachers, physicians, private practitioners need to be organized. The objective of Re-orientation/training program is to provide opportunity to upgrade the competence and skills in knowledge/ proper diagnosis and treatment. A two days seminar shall also be organized for the deliberations on the strength/researches being done. Private practitioners shall also be invited for sharing their experiences and making them aware of the ongoing researches/findings being done in the field of homoeopathy. The equipments viz audio-visual aids like laptop, computers, scanners, laser printer and LCD Projector, air conditioner and other equipment as required will be procured for conducting the re-orientation programme. An outlay of Rs. 2.00 lacs under revenue is approved for the year 2005-06


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